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"The 5%: Nation or Universal?

" by Prince Allah Cuba from The Universal Truth

Who are the 5%? The key portion of the answer to that question is those that teac
h that the living God is the Sun of Man, the Supreme Being, the Black Man of Asi
a; and teach Freedom, Justice, and Equality to all the human family of the plane
t Earth.
These teachings are not restricted to a particular group or nation. These all wi
se teachers make this Knowledge born to all the human family on the planet Earth
, everyone.
Those teachings are Universal. Universal means: of, for, done by, or affecting al
l; the Universe. These are teachings of the Gods of the Universe, and they are Un
iversal teachings.
A key element of those teachings are Freedom, Justice, and Equality. Acknowledgi
ng ones godhood is a basic and a minimal accomplishment; it requires no difficul
t course of study, discipline, or actual practice; the Black man through the pro
cess of birth is God. Who is the original man but God of the Universe?
The fact that eighty-five percent are unconscious of their godhood does not mean
that they are not God; they just dont know.
We are all God, the Supreme Being, the Black Man of Asia; but we are not all the
5%. Unless you teach Freedom, Justice, and Equality to all the planet Earth, yo
u are not 5%.
Are you all wise and righteous? Can you define those terms? A term is a word havin
g a definite or precise meaning. The metaphysicians and priests have not taught
Freedom, Justice, or Equality. They have obfuscated and confused the terms. They
have clouded the atmosphere with symbols and allegories to disguise actual fact
s. Freedom, Justice, and Equality are states of material reality, not some abstr
act or mystical doctrines.
You have not been taught rightly by a group of people who would keep you deaf, d
umb, and blind to the truth to avoid the political implications of teaching Free
dom, Justice, and Equality. Why do they fear the devil now that they are grown m
en? They dont want to risk prison, exile, or death from the devil for teaching Fr
eedom, Justice, and Equality. Freedom does not mean free the dome. What absolute n
Freedom of thought, mental freedom is basic. You can be physically and materiall
y enslaved sitting in a prison cell awaiting execution and be mentally free. The
5% dont teach that kind of Freedom. Freedom is the state of being materially and
physically free of restraint; at liberty; not imprisoned or enslaved; not under
any obligation, or any oppression. That is Freedom; that is what we teach.
Justice is fairness, equality, and correct treatment. You cannot have Justice wi
thout Freedom or Equality. The three go together. Equality means to be equal in
everything. To be equal means to be same, alike, in status, ability, or value. To
withhold equality from the Black woman and to say she is not equal to the Black m
an, she is necessary, but secondary is not to teach Equality. Equality means to b
e equal in everything. (Naturally these folks changed the crescent of the origin
al Universal flag to reflect this view; its called tampering.)
National and nationality are derived from the term nation, already defined. Jama
icans, Panamanians, Puerto Ricans, Haitians, have nationalities. Nationalities a
re not determined by views, beliefs, political or religious, ideologies. Only th
e mentally dead graft these things onto fictionalized nations. How can someone cla
im to have Knowledge of self and not even know what a nation is, or their own nati
onality? They are not qualified to teach.
The greatest case of identity theft and mentacide has occurred and its victims are n
ot even cognizant of the crime against them. To be in a state of denial means to
lie to yourself. I have personally observed distortions, changes, and outright
tampering of the teachings designed to bring into being Freedom, Justice, and Eq
uality. Instead of instructing newborns of the absolute necessity of getting out
of the slave masters names, so-called elders have instead substituted the words hon
orable or government name; they are neither. They are not honorable names, and they
are not issued by the government. They are slave names. Get out of them; do not
answer to them.
A nation has a national flag, not a Universal flag. A nation is an exclusive ent

ity; a Universe is inclusive. The terms nation, country, government are used int
erchangeably by both the ignorant and those who would deceive you. There are tho
se who claim the title of the 5% that do not teach Freedom, Justice, or Equality
to anyone. They refer to themselves as a nation, and represent themselves with a
tampered version of the Universal flag. Thats their misunderstanding.
The Universal Truth was ordained in 1986 as the Supreme Wisdom of the Universal
5%. The Universal Truth does not represent a nation or national body, but all th
e human family; it is truly universal.
We use a Universal flag in its original untampered design because we are not a n
ation or a national body. (We know these concepts are too abstract for those men
tally asleep and lacking Knowledge of self). The Universal Truth is designed for
the Universal 5%, not the 10% or the 85% brought into the other cipher.
In its 20 years of existence no one has challenged its Divine Knowledge, Supreme
Wisdom, or Universal Under-standing. The 10%, COINTELPRO agents, and an assorte
d variety of charlatans have misrepresented T.U.T., but only the 85% (their chos
en audience) accept such claims on face value. As a result, we have grown strong
er in showing and proving ourselves.

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