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sub·sist (s b-s st ) KEY

sub·sist·ed, sub·sist·ing, sub·sists

a. To exist; be.
b. To remain or continue in existence.
2. To maintain life; live: subsisted on one meal a day.
3. To be logically conceivable.

ex·pel ( k-sp l ) KEY

ex·pelled, ex·pel·ling, ex·pels

1. To force or drive out: expel an invader.

2. To discharge from or as if from a receptacle: expelled a sigh of relief.
3. To force to leave; deprive of membership: expelled the student from college for
cheating. See Synonyms at eject.

nov·ice (n v s) KEY

1. A person new to a field or activity; a beginner.

2. A person who has entered a religious order but has not yet taken final vows. Also
called novitiate.

me·di·an (m d - n) KEY

1. Relating to, located in, or extending toward the middle.

2. Anatomy Of, relating to, or situated in or near the plane that divides a bilaterally
symmetrical animal into right and left halves; mesial.
3. Statistics Relating to or constituting the middle value in a distribution.

mediocre definition

me·dio·cre (mē′dē ō′kər, mē′dē ō′kər)


1. neither very good nor very bad; ordinary; average

2. not good enough; inferior
chasm (k z m) KEY

1. A deep, steep-sided opening in the earth's surface; an abyss or gorge.

2. A sudden interruption of continuity; a gap.
3. A pronounced difference of opinion, interests, or loyalty.

quaint (kw nt) KEY

quaint·er, quaint·est

1. Charmingly odd, especially in an old-fashioned way: "Sarah Orne Jewett . . . was

dismissed by one critic as merely a New England old maid who wrote quaint,
plotless sketches of late 19th-century coastal Maine" (James McManus).
2. Unfamiliar or unusual in character; strange: quaint dialect words. See Synonyms
at strange.
3. Cleverly made; artful.

be·lit·tle (b -l t l) KEY
be·lit·tled, be·lit·tling, be·lit·tles

1. To represent or speak of as contemptibly small or unimportant; disparage: a

person who belittled our efforts to do the job right.
2. To cause to seem less than another or little: The size of the office tower belittles
the surrounding buildings. See Synonyms at decry.

alluded -·lud′ed, alluding -·lud′·ing

to refer in a casual or indirect way
al·lure ( -l r ) KEY
al·lured, al·lur·ing, al·lures
To attract with something desirable; entice: Promises of quick profits allure the
unwary investor.
To be highly, often subtly attractive: charms that still allure.
The power to attract; enticement.
Russian roulette

Take a breath, take it deep

Calm yourself, he says to me
If you play, you play for keeps
Take a gun, and count to three
I’m sweating now, moving slow
No time to think, my turn to go

And you can see my heart beating
You can see it through my chest
And I’m terrified but I’m not leaving
Know that I must must pass this test
So just pull the trigger

Say a prayer to yourself

He says close your eyes
Sometimes it helps
And then I get a scary thought
That he’s here means he’s never lost


As my life flashes before my eyes

I’m wondering will I ever see another sunrise?
So many won’t get the chance to say goodbye
But it’s too late too pick up the value of my life


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