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Dr Bootman

Dr Bootman menjabat sebagai dekan College of Pharmacy UA sejak tahun 1987. Dia
adalah profesor farmasi, obat-obatan dan kesehatan masyarakat, dan seorang anggota dari
beberapa asosiasi profesi, termasuk American Pharmacists Association, American Association
of Pharmaceutical Scientists dan American College of Apothecaries. Dia adalah pendiri dan
direktur eksekutif dari University of Arizona Center for Health Outcomes dan









dikembangkan di dunia. Dia juga merupakan direktur pendiri Kesehatan Transformasi

Institute (HTI), perusahaan pertama kali diluncurkan untuk benar-benar memajukan sistem
kesehatan negara kita dengan mengembangkan model pengiriman baru dalam meningkatkan
nilai kesehatan pasien, hasil dan layanan pasien. Salah satu pusat penelitian pertama kali
dikembangkan di dunia. Beliau juga merupakan direktur pendiri Healthcare Transformation
Institute (HTI), perusahaan pertama kali diluncurkan untuk benar-benar memajukan sistem
kesehatan negara dengan mengembangkan model pengiriman baru dalam meningkatkan nilai
kesehatan pasien, hasil dan layanan pasien.
Beliau menerima pendidikan farmasi di Universitas of Arizona dan doktor di
University of Minnesota, di mana beliau diberi Outstanding Achievement Award.beliau
menyelesaikan residensi farmasi klinis di National Institutes of Health.
Dr Bootman telah menulis lebih dari 285 artikel penelitian, buku dan monograf, dan
telah diundang sebagai pembicara di lebih dari 600 pertemuan profesional kesehatan dan
simposium. Pada tahun 1997, beliau terpilih sebagai salah satu dari 50 apoteker paling
berpengaruh di AS oleh Amerika apoteker dan telah menerima berbagai penghargaan yang
luar biasa prestasi di bidang ilmiah, terutama dari American Association of Pharmaceutical
Scientists dan the Academy of Pharmaceutical Science and Research for his research, yang
memelopori bidang pharmacoeconomics dan hasil kesehatan. Beliau telah menerbitkan








pharmacoeconomics, yang digunakan di lebih dari 40 negara dan diterjemahkan dalam tujuh

bahasa. Penelitiannya mengenai hasil morbiditas dan mortalitas terkait obat menerima
perhatian dunia dengan profesional dan media publik.
Selain itu, beliau adalah seorang anggota terpilih dari Institute of Medicine dari
Akademi Nasional, di mana beliau bertugas di Dewan Pelayanan Kesehatan selama tujuh
tahun, dan co-ketua komite IOM yang merilis laporan yang dipublikasikan "Mencegah
Kesalahan Obat. Beliau menjabat sebagai penasihat perusahaan farmasi, universitas dan
organisasi kesehatan terkemuka di seluruh dunia. Saat ini, beliau menjabat pada beberapa
lembaga bergengsi, termasuk HTI, The Critical Path Institute, Research Corporation
Technologies, CMR Institute dan Madeira Therapeutics.
Riwayat Pendidikan:

University of Arizona, College of Pharmacy, BS, 1974, Pharmacy

University of Minnesota, MS, 1976, Pharmacy Administration

University of Minnesota, PhD, 1978, Pharmacy Administration

Honors and Awards (selection):

1997 George F. Archambault Award, American Society of Consultant Pharmacists

1997 One of the 50 Most Influential Pharmacists in America, selected by the

American Druggist

1998 Elected President of the American Pharmaceutical Association

1998 The University of Minnesota Board of Regents Outstanding Achievement


1998 Elected to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies

2000 Latiolais Honor Medal, Pharmaceutical Care Management Association

2003-2006 President, Pharmacy & Therapeutics Society

2007 Hugo H. Schaefer Award, American Pharmacists Association

2008 Remington Honor Medal, American Pharmacists Association

2011 Elected President of the American Association Colleges of Pharmacy

Publikasi :
Bootman JL, Nash D. Advanced Concepts in Managed Healthcare: Role of the
Pharmaceutical Industry in Integrated Healthcare Systems. J. Pharm. Rep. 1995;
Johnson J, Bootman JL. Drug Related Morbidity and Mortality: A Cost of Illness Model.
Archives of Internal Medicine 1995; 155: Oct. 9;1949-1956.
Bootman JL. Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research. American Journal of HealthSystem Pharmacy July 15, 1995; 52 (3):6-19.
Bootman JL. Pharmacoeconomics: An Emerging Discipline for the Pharmacy Profession.
Pharmacy World and Science 1996; 18 (1):3-4.
Bootman JL. Milne R, Costs, Innovation and Efficiency in Anti-infective Therapy,
PharmacoEconomics 1996; 9(Suppl-1):31-39.
Bootman JL. The $76 Billion Wake-up Call, Journal of the American Pharmacists Association
1996; NS36(1):27-28.
Bootman JL. Pharmacoeconomics and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Marketing for Health
1996; 6(2):10-12.
Gouveia WA, Bootman JL. The Outcomes Movement of Its Influence as the Future of
Pharmacy Practice and Research. Actes DV XXXII Congress Internationale
DHistorie De La Pharmacie Proceedings, Paris, France 1996; (2):256-288.
Johnson J, Bootman JL. Drug Related Morbidity and Mortality and the Economic Impact of
Pharmaceutical Care. American Journal of Health Systems Pharmacy March 1,
1997; 54:554-558.
Bootman JL, Harrison D. Pharmacoeconomics of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. Pharmacy
World and Science 1997; 19(3):1-4.
Bootman JL, and Langley P. Pharmacoeconomics, Prescribing and Reimbursement of
Pharmaceuticals. Journal of Applied Therapeutics 1997; 1(1):275-283.
Bootman JL, Piech C. Cost Effectiveness of Two New Treatments for Onychomycosis: An
Analysis of Two Comparative Clinical Trials. Journal of the American Academy
of Dermatology 1998; 28: S69-72.
Bootman JL. The Impact of Pharmacoeconomic Data. Pharmaceutical Representative
1998; 28(12):25-27.
Grudzinski A, Hakim Z, Cox E, Bootman JL. The Economics of Multiple Sclerosis;
Distribution of Costs and Relationship to Disease Severity. Pharmacoeconomics
1999; 15(3):229-240.
Bootman JL. Coming Full Circle Bridging the Gaps to Quality Patient Care in the New
Millennium. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association 1999 July/Aug;

Grudzinski A, Hakim Z, Cox E, Bootman JL. Economic Assessment of the Relationship

Between Disease Exacerbations and the Cost of Multiple Sclerosis. Journal of
Managed Care Pharmacy 2000 January/February; 6(1):19-24.
Bootman JL. Letter From the Editors: A Singleness of Purpose-Aspectrum of Expertise and
Care-What Will the Future Bring?. Oncology Spectrums 2001; 2(1):16 (Formerly
One-Oncology Economics).
Bootman JL. Balancing Outcomes for the 21st Century. Journal of Managed Pharmaceutical
Care 2001; 1(1):19-22.
Zachry, WM, Bootman JL. The Role of the Pharmacist in Reducing Preventable Adverse
Drug Events. P&T Journal 2001; 26(8):436-440.
Bootman JL, Von Hoff DD. Letter From the Editors: T-minus 10 Years and Counting.
Oncology Spectrums 2002; 3(1):9.
Bootman JL. Drug-Related Morbidity and Mortality: An Economic and Clinical Perspective.
Managed Care 2002; 11(2):12-15.
Johnson, J, Bootman, JL, Evans WE, et al. Pharmacogenomics: A Scientific Revolution in
Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy Practice. American Journal of
Pharmaceutical Education 2002; 86(Winter Supplement):1-8.
Bootman JL, Eichler AG, Jnsonn B, Moerman DL, Poste G, Kielgast P, Hoek T, Sousa-Pinto
G. International Forum on Medicines: Presentation of the Forum and Current
Agenda Areas. Federation of International Pharmacy 2003; 1:1-30.
Eichler AG, Bootman JL, Jnsonn B, Moerman DL, Poste G. International Forum on
Medicines: The Need to Assess the Value of Medicines. Federation of
International Pharmacy 2003; 2:1-30.
Bootman JL, Eichler AG, Jnsonn B, Moerman DL, Poste G. International Forum on
Medicines: Achieving the Value of Medicines. Federation of International
Pharmacy 2003; 3:1-30.
Praznovcova L, Bootman JL. Pharmacoeconomics of Hypertension. MediNEWS 2003;
Bootman JL, Crown WH, Luskin, AT. Clinical and Economic Effects of Suboptimally
Controlled Asthma. Managed Care Interface 2004; 17(1):31-36.
Bootman JL. A Major Milestone of the Pharmacy & Therapeutics Society. Managed Care
Interface 2005; 18(10):16.
Bootman JL, McGhan WF, Townsend RJ. Pharmacoeconomics: Historical Perspective.
Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2006; 40(3).
Bootman JL. Honor Bound to Lead. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association 2008;
48 (4):464-469.
Bootman JL, Skrepnek GH. Achieving value: the role of pharmacoeconomics.
Pharmaceutical Policy and Law | IOS Press; 2012: 14(1):3-6.

Abraham I., Bootman JL. Why pharmacoeconomic policy should be transnational.

Pharmaceutical Policy and Law | IOS Press 2012: 14(1):7-16.
Bootman JL. Transforming Healthcare, American Journal for Pharmaceutical Education,
Editorial Board 2012; 76(7):122.

J. Lyle Bootman, Raymond J. Towsend dan William F. Mc Ghan, 1990, Principles of
Pharmacoeconomics, Cincinnati, OH: Harvey Whitney Books.
J. Lyle Bootman, 1996, Principles of Pharmacoeconomics(2nd Edition), Cincinnati, OH:
Harvey Whitney Books.


F. Mc
Pharmacoeconomics(3rd Edition), Cincinnati, OH: Harvey Whitney Books.


J. Lyle Bootman dan E. M. Kolassa, 2001, Prescription drug pricing: trends and issues,
Roanoke, Va: Certified Medical Representatives Institute.
J. Lyle Bootman, Raymond J Townsend, William F. Mcghan, Giuseppe Recchia dan
Gianfranco De Carli, 1993, Introduzione alla farmacoeconomia, Milano: OEMF.
Jose Luis Valverde dan J Lyle Bootman, 2012, The Value Of Pharmaceuticals, Amsterdam:
IOS press.
Kinnard, William J. J. Lyle Bootman, 1990, The American Association of Colleges of
Pharmacy academic management system, Bethesda. Md: American Association of
Colleges of Pharmacy.
Michael W. Noel dan J Lyle Bootman, 1986, Human Resorces management in pharmacy
practice, Rockville, Md : Aspen Systems Corp.


Ivo Abraham yang memiliki istri bernama Karen MacDonald adalah profesor (part
time) di Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science dan direktur Center for Health
Outcomes and PharmacoEconomic Research. Beliau juga menjabat di fakultas Case Western
Reserve University (Cleveland, Ohio), University of Virginia (Charlottesville, Va.), dan (parttime) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), dan profesor tamu di Universiteit
Maastricht (Maastricht, The Netherlands), University of Florida (Gainesville, Fla.),
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (Groningen, The Netherlands), University of Pennsylvania
(Philadelphia, Penn.), dan Chang Gung University (Kwei-Shan Tao-Yuan, Taiwan). Beliau
menjadi dosen, konsultan, dan melakukan penelitian di seluruh Amerika, Eropa, Asia-Pasifik,
dan Africa. Sebagai bagian-waktu, beliau membagi waktunya antara University of Arizona
dan Matrix45, penelitian dan konsultan perusahaan biofarmasi, di mana beliau menjabat
sebagai kepala ilmuwan.
Selama dua dekade terakhir, penelitian dan pengembangan yang dilakukan oleh Ivo
berfokus pada proses penuaan dan high-complexity patient populationsmencerminkan latar
belakang klinis sebagai perawatan. Kegiatan ini banyak dibiayai oleh National Institutes of
Health, National Institute of Mental Health, WK Kellog Foundation, Pew Charitable Trusts,
dan Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Selain itu selama dekate terakhir penelitian Dr
Abraham telah berkembang dan difokuskan terutama pada hasil klinis dan penelitian
efektivitas, khususnya bagaimana variabilitas (drug-centric) rejimen pengobatan dikaitkan
dengan variabilitas dalam hasil pasien. Baru-baru ini, banyaknya bukti terkait tetapi dokter
masih sedekit menggunakan pedoman berbasis bukti, beliau dan rekan-rekannya mulai
meneliti bagaimana berlatih sesuai dengan pedoman berbasis bukti secara langsung
berhubungan dengan hasil pasien. Dia menulis 260+ artikel dan 60 + bab, dan memiliki 29
buku, monograf, dan jurnal. Sejak 1984, penelitian telah didanai oleh badan-badan federal
dana, yayasan, dan perusahaan. Beliau menjabat sebagai petunju dan resensi ad hoc untuk

NIH, NIMH, dan AHRQ. Saat ini menjabat sebagai ahli penasihat Inovatif Obat Initiative, 2
miliar euro usaha bersama dari Uni Eropa dan industri biofarmasi untuk merangsang inovasi
dalam pengobatan manusia. Penghargaan pendidikan dan ilmiah dan penghargaan termasuk
persekutuan Invitational research fellowship dari Jepang Masyarakat untuk Promosi Sains
(2007-2008), yang dilakukan di Universitas Hyogo dan Aomori University.
Meskipun dilatih sebagai seorang dokter, Ivo juga memiliki pelatihan ekstensif dalam
metodologi empiris dan (bio) analisis statistik. Temuannya telah menjadi dasar bagi sejumlah
artikel jurnal profesional, laporan resmi (White paper), buku, dan presentasi profesional. Ivo
diakui secara nasional dan internasional sebagai dosen dan konsultan. Dia menjadi dosen di
Amerika Utara, Eropa dan Asia; dan telah melakukan penelitian di seluruh dunia. Beliau
bekerja pada berbagai komite kepemimpinan di seluruh dunia, misalnya saat ini ia sebagai
Ketua Dewan Penasehat Internasional Institute Ilmu Keperawatan di University of Basel
(Swiss). Dia adalah sekretaris pertama organisasi yang diluncurkan Health Care Industry HL7 standard untuk pertukaran data elektronik. Beliau adalah anggota Advisory Council on
Performance Measurement of the Joint Commission on Accreditation di Organisasi
Kesehatan. Beliau juga menjabat untuk dua periode pada bagian review studi di National
Institute of Health and the National Institute of Mental Health.
Ivo telah menjadi penulis utama dan memberikan kontribusi lebih dari 200 publikasi.
Beberapa karyanya telah diterbitkan dalam The Proceedings of American Association
statistik, Journa of American Geriatrics Society, Nephrology Dialisis Transplantation, Journal
of Psychology, Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, Transplantation, Journal of Heart
and Lung Transplantation, and Heart and Lung. Sebelum co-pendiri MATRIX45, beliau
meluncurkan The Epsilon Group, dan sekarang beliau sebagai dewan di organisasi penelitian.
Kehidupan lain Ivo Abraham:
Ivo adalah pendaki gunung yang berprestasi (and glacieree) dengan banyak trek dan
pendakian di Amerika Utara, Eropa dan Amerika Latin. Beliau senang bermain ski menuruni
bukit, berlayar dan berenang. Minat artistiknya meliputi seni modern (pertengahan 1800-an
hingga akhir 1900-an); arsitektur dan seni (tradisional), kontemporer Utara (contemporary
North) dan sastra Amerika Latin.


B.S., Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 1979

M.S., University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI), 1982
Ph.D., University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI), 1984
Executive Program in Pharmaceutical Medicine, University of Basel (Basel,
Switzerland), 2001-2003.

SunI, Diana and Abraham, Ivo, 2012, Cost of allogeneic blood transfusion, World J
Hematol, 2012 October 6; 1(3): 8-13.
Dodds, S.E., Hernan, P.M., Sechrest, L., Abraham, I., Longue, M.D., Grizzle, A.L., Rehfeld,
R.A., Urbine, T.J., Horwitz, R., Crocker, R.L., A, 2013, When a Whole Practice
Model Is the Intervention: Developing Fidelity Evaluation Components Using
Program Theory-Driven Science for an Integrative Medicine Primary Care Clinic,
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2013 (2013)
Rakic, J.-M., Leys, A., Bri, H., Denhaerynck, K., Pacheco, C., Vancayzeele, S.,Hermans, C.,
Abraham, I, 2013, Real-world variability in ranibizumab treatment and associated
clinical, quality of life, and safety outcomes over 24 months in patients with
neovascular age-related macular degeneration: the HELIOS study. Clinical
Ophthalmology (Auckland, N.Z.), 7, 18491858.
Abraham, Ivo, 2011, Comparative cost-efficiency across the European G5 countries of
various regimens of filgrastim, biosimilar filgrastim, and pegfilgrastim to reduce the
incidence of chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia, J Oncol Pharm Practice
18(2) 171179
Devogelaer, Jean-Pierre., Geusens, P., Daci, E., Gielen, E., Denhaerynck, K., MacDonald, K.,
Hermans, C., Vancayzeele, S., Abraham, I., and Steven Boonen., 2014, Remission
Over 3 Years in Patients with Paget Disease of Bone Treated with a Single
Intravenous Infusion of 5 mg Zoledronic Acid, Calcified Tissue International
March 2014, Volume 94, Issue 3, pp 311-318
Abraham, Ivo and MacDonald, Karen, 2012, Clinical safety of biosimilar recombinant human
erythropoietins, Center for Health Outcomes and Pharmaco-Economic Research,
University of Arizona, College of Pharmacy September 2012, Vol. 11, No. 5 , Pages
Swimbergh, S., Ghislain, P., Daci, E., Denhaerynck, K., Hermans, C., Pacheco, C.,
Vancayzeele, S., MacDonald, K., and Abraham, I., 2013, Clinical, Quality of Life,
Patient Adherence, and Safety Outcomes of Short-Course (12 Weeks) Treatment with
Cyclosporine in Patients with Severe Psoriasis (the Practice Study), Ann Dermatol
Vol. 25, No. 1, 2013
Gesualdo,L., London, G., Turner, M., Lee, C., MacDonald, K., Goldsmith, D., Covic, A.,
Zaoui, P., Combe, C., Mann, J., Dellanna, F., Muenzberg, M., Abraham, I., 2013, A
pharmacoepidemiological study of the multi-level determinants, predictors, and

clinical outcomes of biosimilar epoetin alfa for renal anaemia in haemodialysis

patients: background and methodology of the MONITOR-CKD5 study, Internal
and Emergency Medicine August 2013, Volume 8, Issue 5, pp 389-399
Herman, P., Dodds, S.E., Logue, M.D., Abraham, I., Rehfeld, R.A., Grizzle, A.J., Urbine,
T.F., Horwitz, R., Crocker, R.L., and Maizes, V.H., 2014, IMPACT - Integrative
Medicine PrimAry Care Trial: protocol for a comparative effectiveness study of the
clinical and cost outcomes of an integrative primary care clinic model, BMC
Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014, 14:132
Sun, D., Abraham, I., Slack, M., and Skrepnek, G.H., 2014, Emergency Department Visits in
the United States for Pediatric Depression: Estimates of Charges and Hospitalization,
Academic Emergency Medicine Volume 21, Issue 9, pages 10031014, September
Duane F. Pennebaker dan Ivo L. Abraham, 1994, Nursing Clinics of North America: Mental
Health Nursing/Alzheimer's Disease (Volume 29, Number 1, March 1994).
Duane F Pennebaker dan Ivo L. Abraham, 1994, Mental Health Nursing, Philadelphia: W.B.
Elizabeth A Swanson, Toni Tripp-Reimer, dan Ivo L. Abraham, 1996, Issues for the 21st
century, New york: Springer.
Ivo L. Abraham, Dawn T. Arrington, Lynn I. Wasserbauer, 2005,Using elderly volunteers to
care for the elderly: opportunities for nursing.: An article from: Nursing Economics.
Ivo L. Abraham, 1988, The Nursing Clinics of North America - Alzheimer's Disease.
Ivo Abraham, Terry Fulmer, 1998, The Nursing Clinics of North America: Advances in
Geriatric Nursing (September 1998) (Volume 33, Number 3).
Ivo Abrahamdan Melissa M. Bottrell, 2001, Pflegestandards fr die Versorgung alter
Menschen. (Lernmaterialien).
Ivo Luc Abraham and Deborah M. Nadzam, 1989, Statistics and Quantitative Methods in
Nursing: Issues and Strategies for Research and Education.
Ivo Abraham, 2006,Alzheimer's Disease, An Issue of Nursing Clinics, 1e (The Clinics:
Nursing). Philadelphia: Saunders.

Ivo L. Abraham, Terry T. Fulmer dan Koen Milisen, 1998, Geriatric nursing, Philadelphia.
Ivo Abraham, 1999, Geriatric nursing protocols for best practice, New York: Springer
Ivo L. Abraham dan Kathleen Fletcher, 1991, Community Care Of The Elderly, Frederick,
MD: Aspen.
Ivo L. Abraham dan Carol Ren Kneisl, 1992, Depresion, Mexico: Intramericana McGrawHill.
Ivo Abraham dan Melissa M. Bottrell, 2001, Pflegestandards fr die Versorgung alter
Menschen. (Lernmaterialien).
Ivo Luc Abraham and Deborah M. Nadzam, 1989, Statistics and Quantitative Methods in
Nursing: Issues and Strategies for Research and Education.
Ivo Abraham, 2006, Alzheimer's Disease, An Issue of Nursing Clinics, 1e (The Clinics:
Pennebaker, Duane F. & Abraham, Ivo L, 1994, The Nursing Clinics of North America
(Volume 29, #1) Mental Health Nursing & Alzheimer's Disease.
Sally J. Reel dan Ivo L. Abraham, 2006, Business and Legal Essentials for Nurse
Practitioners: From Negotiating Your First Job Through Owning a Practice.



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