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End of Term Newsletter

Autumn 2014

Thank you
for continuing to support the school. Isleworth & Syon School aims to be the best local school for the education of boys.
Evidence from this summers examination results suggests that we are meeting this aim, as Isleworth & Syon boys are out-performing
boys in local mixed schools.

This Newsletter contains:

News of our outstanding GCSE science results.

Details of the forthcoming Sixth Form pre-public examinations.
News on developments at school.
Important dates for the term ahead.

School Communications
Please do get used to using our new forms of communication, listed here. They are the best way to keep up-to-date with the daily life of
the school.
Parent Portal:

020 8568 5791
020 8568 1939


Sixth Form Applications
Following our very successful Sixth Form Open Evening, applications can now be submitted for consideration. This year, for the first
time, all applications will be done electronically. Please go to the schools website for further information. The deadline for applications
is Friday 30th January 2015.
One feature of this years Open Evening was the huge rise in interest from external applications, especially from girls from local
schools. We welcome applications from internal and external applicants, and girls are most welcome to join our highly successful Sixth

Sixth Form Pre-Public Examinations Years 12 & 13

Timetables have already been issued to Sixth Form students in advance of the pre-public examinations, which take place after
Christmas. The examinations take place over two weeks, from 5th 16th January, and students should be preparing for these important
exams now and over the Christmas period. The full timetable can be accessed via the schools website or through the following link:
Students can also access revision guides and tips, as well as skeleton revision timetables and various other useful tools, by visiting the
Study and Revision Skills section of the website. Go to

I&S in the top 2% in the Country

We have just received two reports from Ofsted and the Department for Education that outline some of the outstanding performances
from last summers examination series.

Science GCSE results national success story

The GCSE report highlights the exceptional performance in Science, where an incredible 98% of the students gained a grade
between A*-C last summer, with 96% of all grades in Science examinations at a C grade or higher. When compared to all
schools in the country, this places us in the top 2% of schools nationally, a truly stunning performance for a comprehensive
school, and a mark of the talent and hard work of all the students and staff.

A-Level results

Our value-added report has just been received and our AS results are again categorised as being above national figures. Our
A2 results, which were taken by last years leavers, have been graded as being significantly above national averages, an
impressive achievement and a testament to the continued and on-going success of our Sixth Form.

School Developments

The local population has grown significantly over the past few years, and this has impacted on the provision of a number of local
amenities and services, including education. Many of Hounslows primary schools have expanded, and there will be further growth over
the next two years. By 2017, the need for more school places will start to impact at secondary level.
We have, along with all local secondary schools, considered how we can support the demand for school places. We have agreed to
expand the school by two forms of entry, a decision made not only to support the local community, but to secure the future of the
school, especially at a time when school funding is being reduced in real terms. The governors have agreed to this move, and the Local
Authority and local Headteachers have agreed that Isleworth & Syon School should be amongst the first tranche of schools to grow,
aiming to take in additional students from 2017.
The expansion will be dependent on receiving additional funding to increase the schools accommodation. Our intention is to do this
while addressing some of the condition issues associated with certain areas of the school that would benefit from further investment.
We will keep parents up-to-date with any developments, and provide the opportunity for consultation next term.

Parental Survey
Our thanks to all parents and carers who have taken the time to complete our annual survey. The Ofsted survey is used to gauge
parental feelings on a number of school issues. We consider carefully the responses received and, where appropriate, act on any
feedback. This years results are overwhelmingly positive, with over 95% of responses agreeing or strongly agreeing that the school is
doing a good job. Particularly strong responses were received regarding questions on:

the care of students, behaviour and the way the school deals with bullying (98%, 91% and 87% respectively);
the teaching across the school; the leadership and management of the school; and how the school responds to concerns.

The overall degree of happiness with the school was also an extremely positive response (97%), with 99% of parents/carers saying that
they would recommend the school to others.

Car Parking before and after school

We would be grateful if parents and carers would carefully consider whether or not their children require picking up from school each
day. The roads around school can get congested; dropping off or collecting students, at either end of the day, does add to this

It can be frustrating for our neighbours to cope with the added traffic and sometimes the way cars are parked is illegal. The zig-zag lines
outside the school gates are in place for the safety of our students, and double yellow lines also exist to ensure better traffic flow. The
Local Authority has an Enforcement Officer who attends the school to issue fixed-penalties where required, and this has our full
Walking or cycling to school is a healthier option for your children, so please make this a resolution for next term.

Appearance Policy Holiday Reminders

Please remember the requirements of the school with regards to appearance, in particular to hair. This is especially pertinent over the
holiday period, when students can be tempted to go for a style that does not conform to school requirements. Our policy is clear with
regard to hair, and all of our students are aware of the requirements through repeated reminders in assemblies and in tutor time. The
extract from our Appearance Policy is included below as a reminder.

Hair should be conventional in style and in length (above the collar and no shorter than a blade 2) and should not be artificially
coloured, spiked or contain styling products. Excessively shaven hair (below a blade 2/where skin on head is visible), shaved
eyebrows or any shaven step/lines/patterns/fashion trims are not acceptable.
Examples of inappropriate hairstyles can be seen below.

Hair is too short

Hair is too long

Two different lengths

Products in the hair

Products and patterns


If, on return after the holiday period, students are not appropriately attired for school, they will be sent home and told that they cannot
return until their appearance is appropriate.
Please also remember that the Senior Leadership Team of the school are the final arbiters of the Appearance Code.

Free School Meals

Free School Meals can be claimed at any time of the school year. As stated in the last newsletter, it actually helps the school if you take
up your childs entitlement to free meals, as this increases our funding. Online applications to the London Borough of Hounslow through
the following link:
Our administrative staff are happy to help you process your application should you require assistance.

Hounslow Music Service is on the move..

The Music Office will close on Friday 12th December at DeBrome and will reopen on Monday 5th January 2015 at its new home: 4 8
School Road, Hounslow, TW3 1QZ.
Since moving the Music Service is quite a large undertaking, Music Service staff will be unable to manage instrument hire/assisted
purchase requests during the move. In addition, there will only be very limited access to emails and telephones from12th-18th December,
although it is hoped that this service will recommence as soon as possible. Normal service will be resumed in January.

Important Dates

Friday 19

Last Day of Term (students depart - 12.30pm)


Monday 5
Mon 5 Fri 16
Tuesday 27
Thursday 12
Thursday 29


Start of Spring Term

Year 12 & 13 Pre-Public Examinations
Year 10 Inoculations
Years 7-9 Valentines Disco (7.00-9.00pm) tbc
PTA Meeting (7.15pm Library)
Year 9 Parents Evening (4.30 - 7.00pm)

Wednesday 4
Thursday 5
Wednesday 11
Thursday 12

Year 11 and Team Photographs

UKMT Intermediate Mathematics Challenge
Duke of Edinburghs Awards Presentations - Chiswick School (7.00pm)
Years 7-9 Valentines Disco (7.00-9.00pm) tbc

Mon 16 - Fri 20

Half Term


Tuesday 3
Thursday 5
Friday 6
Friday 13
Wednesday 18
Thursday 19
Tuesday 24
Wednesday 25
Friday 27

PTA Education Event Literacy & Numeracy (7.15pm)

Year 9 Key Stage 4 Courses Evening (6.00pm)
Charitable Event Red Nose Day
PTA Social Event (7.00pm) tbc
School Council Meeting (11.00am)
Year 10 Parents Evening (4.30 - 7.00pm)
PTA Meeting (7.15pm Library)
Football: Year 13 Leavers v Staff (4.00pm)
Last Day of Term (students depart - 12.30pm)

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