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Dear Sir,

I have been fascinated how people think since I was in the fifth grade. Its when I firstly saw
through the eyes a whole Universe made of frustration, fear, happiness, hope. Analysing these all
psychological facts, getting into each detail to take out the importance of every little thing, the reasons
of existence and their effects seem one of the most fructuous fields. Why? Being able to describe each
thinking-reacting process leads into knowing at best what is to be done for the less destructive
consequences. For such ability, philosophy comes to help. Analysing it, we deduce processes of
thinking and knowing psychology we can understand not only how one thought about something, but
why and in what did that particular thought led into. According to these, I am willing to involve myself
into research activities, to be able to explain for everyone what it practically happens between the
effects of psychology and sociology and to apply my knowledge for a better political system. I firstly
need to explain myself.
Success comes from attempts, knowledge from assuming life. These two main ideas impelled
me to try reaching my aims and to learn from each little thing. I started by taking courses on my
hobbies, based on the belief that a true basis will improve that specific field. I took Photoshop courses
at Credis Academy, photography and painting courses, acting courses at EuroArt and I was part of a
Red Cross team, in my schools district . I took British Council courses, ending the CPE in 2012. I
won the 1st price on Bucharest at the Speak Out organised in 2009 by Educational Drama
Association in Romania.
The idea that grasping is possible with a consolidated logic and from my passion for German I
went to a mathematics-informatics-bilingual German profile. In 2013, I obtained a scholarship for
Multinationale Deutsche SchlerAkademie Waldenburg, at the course I chose film. This experience
motivated me to choose foreign studies and gave me the capability to go alone through both likely and
unlikely events it gave me strength and assurance of achievement. Moreover, I made up for my
Deutsch Sprachdiplom B2-C1, which is sustained in my school, a psychological-political project,
which is called Sind die Menschen in Rumnien durch die Medien manipuliert? (Is the Romanian
society manipulated through Mass media?), and I analysed each aspect and I informed myself for the
global condition of manipulation. More, I needed to interview people to get a lively answer, to talk
to strangers and explain exactly what I am willing to do with the information and why am I interested
in such a domain.
Searching and researching about all these, not only my hobbies, but the topics on which I
would like to dwell on, I got in touch with books about psychology, or books written by psychologists
or philosophers. An inner voice told me to start up putting my love and work for this analysis into
reality so I dedicated a lot of my time for it. I have updated two blogs, one in Romanian and one in
English (, where I use to post my poems and writings which are
connected to this research I want to go further with.
I am aware of the fact that, as the Universe is infinite, the research of the psychological
processes will have the same condition and there would be no powerful mind to confute this whole
analysis, but I am determined to work as hard as possible to achieve my purposes to bring my
contribution to innovating these fields for the improvement of the system. Starting from my
undergraduate studies with specific mixed courses, I will grow up through studies for Master and PhD
to achieve the complete combination. While I have been searching for a start I discovered your
universitys offer, where I found exactly those aspects I think appropriate to offer me the possibilities I
need, so I am willing to apply and hope getting a positive answer.
Thank you, Alexandra-Mariana BUCUR

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