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eitli kaynaklardan kat, sv ve gaz halindeki kirletici maddelerin, canl hayatna ve

ekolojik dengeye zarar verecek miktar, younluk ve srede atmosfere, su ve topraa

karmasdr. Hava kirlilii, su kirlilii, toprak kirliliinin dnda, grlt kirlilii,
radyoaktif kirlilik ve teknoloji kirlilii de sz konusudur. Gndelik hayatn ayrlmaz bir
paras haline gelen bilgisayarlarn yaratt kirlilik de evre saln tehdit etmektedir.
Bu etkileri nlemek iin elektrik tketimi daha dk modelli bilgisayarlar kullanlrken,
kullanlmayan bilgisayarlar atlmamal, yazcdan alnan kt kts en aza indirilmeli,
ayrca bilgisayarlar bekleme konumunda braklmamaldr. Ulam, elence ve sosyal
donanm aralarndan evreye yaylan seslerin insan sal zerinde geici ya da srekli
olarak zarar meydana getirmesi grlt kirlilii olarak tanmlanr. Grlt insanlarn sinir
sistemlerinden, kan dolam sistemlerine ve kas gerilimlerine kadar birok zararl etkiler
oluturur. Isnmadan, motorlu tatlardan ve sanayiden kaynaklanan hava kirlilii
insanlarda solunum yolu hastalklarnn artmasna sebep olmaktadr. Hava kirleten
dumann akcierden alveollere kadar olumsuz etkisi, kkrt dioksit (SO2)in st solunum
yollarnda keskin, boucu ve tahri edici etkisi, karbon monoksit (CO)in kandaki
hemoglobin ile birleerek oksijen tanmasn engellemesi, kurunun ise kanda ve idrarda
birikmesi ayrca kan hcreleri geliimini olumsuz etkilemesi, insan salna zarar veren
balca durumlardr. Ayrca ozon, kkrt dioksitin bitkiler zerindeki olumsuz etkisi rn
kayplarna ve orman varlklarna zarar vermektedir. evre kirlilii konusunda kiilerin
yapabileceklerinin banda; toplu tama aralar tercih edilmesi, ksa mesafelere
yrmek, kurunsuz benzin tketilmesi, uzun duraklamalarda ara kontann
kapatlmas, plastik ambalaj yerine cam rnler tercih edilmesi saylabilir. nsanolu
doal su kaynaklar olan denizleri ve akarsular da kirletmektedir. Genellikle petrol ykl
tankerlerin deniz kazas sonucu ya da fabrikalarn atklarn akarsulara brakmasyla


Solid, liquid and gas contaminants from various sources and of different amounts and in
difterent periods of time are mixed up the soil, water and atmosphere and give harm to
people. This is called pollution. Apart from air pollution, waTER pollution and soil
pollution, there are noise pollution, radioactive pollution and visual pollution. Besides,
the pollution results from the computers that become a part of every day life has also
threatened our health Therefore we should not use them very often and leave them on
stand by mode. We should not print every pages or texts. The noise pollution which
results from transportation vehicles, entertainment equipments has permanent or
temporary effects on people. It has bad effect son nevre system, blood circulation and
muscle system. Air pollution which results from heating, motor vehicles and industry has
increased respiratory diseases. The air we inhale affects the lungs and alveoles, sulphur
dioxide (SO2) gives damages to the respiration system and hurts it, carbon monoxide
prevents oxygen transmission by combining the hemoglobin in the blood and lead is
accumulated in blood and urine and affects the development of blood cells. Also the
sulphur dioxide damages plants and forests. People can do something about the
pollution. They may choose public transportation, walk for short distances, use unleaded
petrol, stop the cars when they wait for a long period, preter glass materials instead of
plastic ones. People also pollute natural water sources such as seas and rivers. Tankers
full of petrol dump petrol into the sea as a result of a sea accident and factories dump
their waste into the rivers.

What is Pollution?
Pollution is causing harm to the natural environment by introducing waste products.
Water Pollution
Many things cause water pollution. Most water pollution is casued by humans, but some pollution is caused
by nature. Things that pollute our water are: sewage drainage into our water cycle, oil from vehicles, oil
spills, fertilizer from crops and garbage dumps can run into our water system when it rains, hot water
dumped from factories or nuclear plants, salt water can pollute fresh water, and dust and ash from

Land Pollution
Land pollution is caused by an excessive amount of trash going into our landfills. When too much trash is in
our landfills, it can cause water pollution over time by getting in our water cycle. Another form of land
pollution is littering.

Air Pollution
Many activities of humans pollute our air. People pollute air by allowing chemicals, poisonous gases, and
tiny particles of dirt to get into the air. Things that pollute the air are: factories and power plants that burn
coal by giving off smoke, automobile exhaust fumes, smoke from chimeneys in houses, and volcano

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
Most of our garbage we throw out was made from valuable natural resources. Through recycling we can
reduce many of these resources by turning them into new products.
Reducing our Garbage!!
Reuse means saving items that usually would be throw out and using them again.
Recycle means to make something into a new object using something old.

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