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R3 MFM I (11-20)

11. What is the goal of antepartum fetal surveilance?

a. Prevent fetal death
b. Prevent early deliveres
c. Increase fees for obstretician
d. Delayed delivery until lung maturity achieved
12. Using maternal perception to quanti fetal movement the thresold for fetal wellbeing at
. Is which of the following:
a. 10 movement in 1 hour
b. 30 movement in 2 hour
c. 100 movement in 1 day
d. none of the above
13. What is the ACOG definition of reactive NST
a. 1 acceleration in 20 min
b. 2 acceleration in 20 min
c. 8 acceleration in 20 min
d. 15 acceleration in 20 min
14. Fetal death within 7 days of normal NST occur most commonly with which
indication for testing
a. Posterm pregnancy
b. Gestational diabetes
c. Gestational hipertensi
d. Fetal growth restriction
15. Whisch of the following result describes abnormal umbilical artery velocimetry
a. Absent end diastolic arterial flow
b. Reverses end diastolic arterial flow
c. Sistolic/diastolic ratio greater than 95th% EA
d. All of the above
16. What control fetal heart rate acceleration in a CST, all of the following may be source
of contraction except
a. Autonomic function at brainstem level
b. Aortic baroreceptor reflex
c. Carotic baroreceptor reflex
d. Humeral factor such as natri uretic peptide
R3 MFM I (1-10)
1. Penyebab kematian pada PE
e. Cerebral
2. Severely PE par..have a decrease in
a. Response to .
b. Prolong ..
c. Fatal body .
d. Uric acid
e. Serum liver function
3. Charatheristic MgSO4

a. Excreted via ..
b. Smooth muscle contractor
c. Narrow margin safety
d. CNS stimulant
e. Does not cross the plasenta
4. Treatment PE
a. MgSO4
b. Delivery
c. AH drug
d. Renal dialisis
e. Bed rest
5. Toxo transmitted to infant
a. Ascendent passage of virus
b. Delivery through the infected tissue
c. Transplasental passage of the protozoa
d. Sexual with cause by mother .
e. Hematogenesis spread of the back
6. The most reportable bacterial STD in women
a. GO
b. Siphylis
c. Chlamidia
d. Herpes
e. Chancroid
7. The major complication of maternal GO TM III
a. GO Ophtalmia of newborn
b. GO .
c. Miscarriage in subsequent pregnancy
d. Infection of the patien sexual partner
e. TOA
8. Most critical strusture malformation
a. Prefertilization
b. Zygot
c. Embrio
d. Fetal
9. To Establish teratogenicity
d. All of the above
10. Folic acid cause birth defec except
a. Heart
b. Neural tube
c. Lip & Palate
d. Reproduction
R3 MFM I (21-30)
21. During standard USG exam wich of cranial structure is not routine evaluated:
Cisterna magna, pituitary gland, plexus choroideus, lateral ventrikel
22. Determining gestational age between 14-26:


23. Describe elongation and down ward displacement of cerebellum: lemon sign, pickle
sign, melon sign, banana sign
24. umbilical doppler velosimetri recommended for: Macrosomia, growth restriction,
suspected syanotic heart lession, suspected pulmonary hypoplasia
25. Peak velocities of blood flow through MCA increased fetal complication:
Anemia, cerebral palsy, fetal alcohol syndrome, congenital HIV infection
26. Increasing gestational age, fetal heart rate increases, remain unchange, variability
change become more closely tied to activity changes, decreases.
27. Physiological changes in FHR baseline seen with increasing gestational age maturing
28. Fetal tachicardia > 160
29. Common cause fetal takikardia: maternal fever
R3 ER I (esai)
1. How should disfungsional uterine bleeding be investigated and treated?
2. Explain the basic investigation of infertility.
R3 ER I (21-30)
21. The following statement regarding lactation are true, except
a. Estrogen stimulates mammary ductal proloferation
b. Progesteron stimulates mammaryalveolus development
c. High circulatory sex steroid during pregnancy inhibit lactation
d. The gestational mammary gland produces transudates containing calcium and alpha
22. Management of anovulatory bleeding (dysfungsional uterine bleeding) depend on the
following condition, except
a. Age of the patient
b. Desire for fertility
c. Size of the cervical os
d. Amount of bleeding
e. Cause of bleeding
23.Adenomyosis is defined as
a. Low progesterone
b. High estrogen, falling estrogen
c. Change in estrogen : Progesteron ratio
d. aldosterone
e. no one of the above
24. Regarding the normal menstrual cycle
25. Regarding the normal menstrual cycle
26. Which of following may cause premenstrual syndrome, except
30. Wich of the following are due to estrogen production except
a. Fat deposition

b. Breast
c. Genital
d. Deepening of the muscle
e. no one of the above
R3 ER I (41-50)
41. Cause of DUB include of the following
a. Von willebrand disease
b. Uremia
c. Adenomiosis
d. Excess protrombin
e. ITP
42. Wich of the following chromosome containing the gene that encodes for
a. Chromosome 4
b. Chromosome 6
c. Chromosome 8
d. Chromosome 10
e. Chromosome 12
43. Which of the following is the best method to confirm the diagnose PMS
a. Determination of
b. Formal phsychology testing
c. Daily. Symptom
d. EEC
e. Gynekology Examination
44. This statement about oral contraseptives are true except
a. OC regulate menses in an ovulation woman
b. OC decrease dysmenorhae
c. OC decrease the risk of benign breast
d. OC decrease the risk of hepatic adenoma
e. Improve hirsutisme from PCOS
45. A procedural that visualized pelvic endometriosis
46. In Turner syndrome
a. Low level of growth
b. Congenital absence of Oocytes
c. Low ability
d. High level (IGFI)
e. High insiden of osteoporosis
47. During the menstrual cycle
a. Menstrual blood loss 23 predominantely artery
48. LH
b. Secretion is stimulated by rising of estrogen
49. SHBG
a. Androstenedion
50. FSH
c. Has alpha subunit

R3 ER I (1-10)
1. Pertumbuhan first half menstrual cycle and second half, pengaruh apa?
2. Correct layer sourround amnion follicle dari luar:
e. Zona pellucida, theca interna,
3. Sebagian embrio untuk implantasi
d. Blastocys
4. Stimulasi GnRH Norephinefrin
5. Prolactinoma Yang harus di evaluasi hormon
e. TRH
6. GnRH-stimulated LH secretion is accurate statement
7. Principal estrogen potency
b. Estradiol, estrone, estriol
8. Role of FSH in menstruation
e. FSH induced granulosa G cell LH receptor
9. Menopause hormon aromatisasi estrogen berasal dari
c. Androsteredione to estrone by adiposa tissue
10. An infertile defect fase luteal periksa apa?
a. Serum LH
b. Diagnosis laparoscopy
c. Estradiol
d. FSH
e. Prolactin

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