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--- Grid Cartographer 2

--- Readme File

Change History
--- v2.1.0
* PRO: 70 pixel grid mode for image export. Compatible with Roll20 virtual table
top (
* PRO: Export map data as XML. Intended for use in game development, etc.
* ADDED: New option "Add Adjacent Elevators and Two Way Ladders" (options > inte
rface > 'brushing' section). Automatically draw two way ladders and elevators on
the floor above and below.
* ADDED: Switch for padding to the next major grid line or cropping to the drawn
area when exporting images.
* ADDED: Export image with a transparent background instead of the theme colour.
* ADDED: Grid intensity slider for image export.
* CHANGED: Editing an existing label is now started by clicking on any tile that
it overlaps, not just it's origin.
* CHANGED: Default image export filename now includes the region name.
* CHANGED: Grid intensity slider is disabled if all of the elements are turned o
* CHANGED: Removed useless map origin override from image export options.
* FIXED: Labels could be cropped during export.
* FIXED: Labels were always center aligned in exported images.
* FIXED: Grid options 'start from one' and 'label major tiles only' could potent
ially be used incorrectly during image export.
* FIXED: Possible error when repositioning the only label on a floor.
* FIXED: Issues with label and note undo not working correctly.
--- v2.0.9
* PRO: Moved the color palette onto the brush panel. Toggle on and off in Option
s > Interface
* PRO: New 'Ore Pile' marker in the Features section. Helpful for games like Elm
inage Gothic.
* PRO: Moved the note tool onto the main 'G' toolbar. The old note toolbar is ex
clusively for labels now.
* ADDED: Additional smaller zoom level at 50% (16px).
* ADDED: Grid intensity slider in the Setup > Grid screen.
* CHANGED: Mono tile import, when given a 4 channel PNG, now uses the green chan
nel for input (matching existing 3 channel behaviour). Black or Alpha=0 pixels a
re invisible.
* CHANGED: Text edit boxes now support CTRL+A to select all text.
* FIXED: Marker layer visibility toggle no longer affects block doors and walls.
* FIXED: Status bar cursor position not appearing during keyboard mode while mou
se pointer was outside of window.
* FIXED: Status bar cursor Y axis value ignoring 'Repeating Values' setting.

* FIXED: Possible crash when importing paletted PNG images.

* FIXED: 'Swap custom tiles layer' tool is no longer enabled when there are no c
ustom tiles loaded.
* FIXED: Bug where adjusting the grid X axis tile limit setting might be ignored
* FIXED: Some incorrect text labels after unlocking Pro edition before restartin
* FIXED: Deleting or renaming a region now marks the document as dirty.
* FIXED: Region bar wasn't disabled during note editing / pasting modes.
* ADDED: Update checking functionality. Required adding 'internet access' permis
sion to manifest.
* CHANGED: Note system is more fluid and will auto-cancel when you change tab, e
* FIXED: Image export colour issues.
* FIXED: Crash bug when cancelling the Pro unlock popup.
* FIXED: Missing divider on G toolbar when colour palette is disabled.
* FIXED: Removed some references to keyboard shortcuts on tooltips.
* ADDED: Update checking functionality.
* ADDED: Update checking functionality.

--- v2.0.8
* ADDED: Support for importing .PNG files that use an indexed colour palette (in
stead of RGB or RGBA)
* ADDED: Double click support for text entry (notes, labels, region names) to se
lect words.
* FIXED: Potential for mouse clicks to leak through message boxes, cause undesir
ed editing actions.
* FIXED: Crash when pasting text into a new note after copying an old one.
* CHANGED: Underlying engine no longer interacts with the XInput API.

--- v2.0.7
Pro Edition
* ADDED: 'Trapped' door style. (Shortcut '9')
* ADDED: Split chests into open and closed variants, to better record progress.
* ADDED: Markers for 'Trapped' and 'Locked' chests. For clearer representations
of problem treasure.
* ADDED: Swap layers command on the custom tiles toolbar. Works on the current s
elected area, or the whole floor if nothing is selected.

* CHANGED: Raised note length limit to 500 characters.

* ADDED: Duplicate the current region with the 'Setup > Region > Duplicate' butt
* ADDED: Buttons to move the region up and down the list on the region setup pag
* ADDED: Display internal build number, in addition to the current version, on f
ile menu.
* CHANGED: Rewritten underlying file system code on all platforms to support uni
code characters.
* CHANGED: The closed chest is now available in the free edition. Basic treasure
marking for all!
* CHANGED: The layout of the regions setup page to group actions relating to the
current region.
* FIXED: Crash when running from an installation folder containing unicode chara
* FIXED: Edit > Stroke command wasn't updating colours if a wall was already pre
sent on a tile edge.
* FIXED: Grid limit checkbox could get out of sync. with the actual setting.
* FIXED: Region rename popup opening without clearing previous text selection.
* CHANGED: Texture format used by fonts (D3DFMT_L8), reducing VRAM usage by 75%.

ADDED: Clipboard support for text boxes / notes. Use the standard CMD + [x] [c
[v] for cut, copy and paste
FIXED: Potential crash bug in "Yosemite" update related to using file selector

* ADDED: Clipboard support for text boxes / notes. Use the standard CTRL + [x] [
c] [v] for cut, copy and paste
* CHANGED: Mouse is now polled each frame (rather than using GTK events) for inc
reased accuracy.
* FIXED: Numpad minus not working (zoom out)
* FIXED: File selectors had incorrect parent window permitting them to order beh
ind the main app window.

--- v2.0.6
* ATTENTION!! Maps saved by this version will not open in older versions. All yo
ur old maps should work correctly.

ADDED: Localised keyboard input for note entry and keyboard shortcuts
ADDED: 'CJK' glyphs added to fonts for creating notes in Asian languages.
ADDED: Show the current region name on the floor changing HUD.
ADDED: Region tab buttons and a [+] button to quickly add more.
ADDED: Region management menu on the Setup tab. Add, remove and rename regions
here. Number next to region is the total floor count.
* ADDED: Ctrl+TAB / Ctrl+Shift+TAB (TAB / Shift+TAB on Mac OSX) to cycle to the

next / previous region respectively.

* ADDED: Option to select note newline method. Either <Return> or Ctrl+<Return>.
See Options > Input menu.
* ADDED: Per-region camera position and zoom.
* CHANGED: Undo system optimised to improve brushing performance on larger maps.
* CHANGED: Moved the 'Label Major Tiles Only' option in with the other axis valu
es settings.
* CHANGED: Adding/editing a note or label automatically re-enables display of no
te marks or labels respectively.
* CHANGED: Improved visibility of floor changing HUD slightly.
* CHANGED: Raised maximum undo capacity from 16 to 64 Mb
* CHANGED: Tweaked the appearance of the cursor display in the bottom-right.
* CHANGED: File > Revert now switches back to the 'G' tab if we're on the File p
* CHANGED: Grid setup hides the axis values section if the main toggle is disabl
* FIXED: Deleting basements causing unexpected floor movement. Lower floors are
now pulled up towards ground level.
* FIXED: An internal issue when restoring notes with redo.
* FIXED: Changing floor creating unnecessary undo states.
* FIXED: Tooltips for Event and Message now show ALT+1 / ALT+2 respectively.
* FIXED: Possibility of grid tile settings to be reset after an undo.
* FIXED: Issue where drawing, undoing, drawing again and then quickly redoing wo
uld give an incorrect result
* FIXED: Pressing CTRL+letter keys adding characters to notes
* ADDED: Automatic update checking. Configure it in the Options > Updates menu p
* FIXED: Possibility of additional duplicate file selectors opening.
* FIXED: Removed display of non-functioning ALT based keyboard shortcuts.
* FIXED: Some keyboard issues.

ADDED: Processor delay while the application has lost focus, reduces CPU usage
CHANGED: Switched back to GTK3.
FIXED: Window resizing now stops at a sensible minimum.
FIXED: File selectors can no longer move behind the application window.
FIXED: Previous window size is now restored on startup.

Known Issues
* MACOSX: Using CMD+TAB to cycle applications around without actually changing t
o another application will cause the CMD key to stick. Solution: Press CMD once
to clear the held state.

--- v2.0.5b
* FIXED: Label entry not working (v2.0.5b).
* ADDED: Custom major grid sizes from 2 to 64 with support for asymmetric config

* ADDED: 5x5 major grid preset for convenient Etrian Odyssey mapping. Also a 10x
10 preset to round it out.
* ADDED: Option to show the Y axis as letters too.
* ADDED: Press CTRL+Enter (CMD+Enter on Mac OSX) as a shortcut for the note addi
ng 'tick' button.
* CHANGED: Menu pages now support shorter screens as low as 360px tall. If you h
ave a 720px tall screen on your phone, and are running in pixel doubled mode, yo
u should now be able to access the Pro Edition unlock button.
* CHANGED: Minimum window height is now 360px
* CHANGED: Minimum window height is now 360px

--- v2.0.4c
* ATTENTION!: Maps saved by this version will not open in older versions. All yo
ur old maps should work correctly.
* FIXED: Explicitly check for an issue found in earlier v2.0.4 versions, when wr
iting map files, which would lead to corrupted map data that would not load afte
rwards. It could also cause crashes when performing a 'redo' action.
* ADDED: Multi-line notes. Click the tick on the toolbar to add the note.
* ADDED: Grid options are now stored in the map file (.GCT) for convenience when
swapping between games / projects. When loading maps from v2.0.3 or earlier def
ault settings will be used.
* ADDED: New 'Setup' tab for map setup screens such as the grid.
* ADDED: Block and simple block tiles can be coloured.
* ADDED: In the note or label editing text box, using ctrl + left/right (cmd + l
eft/right on Mac) steps between words. Use shift to expand/contract selection.
* CHANGED: Raised the maximum single note/label length from 100 to 250 character
* CHANGED: Notes are now stored as UTF-16 allowing for a greater support of char
* CHANGED: Note text is now exported at UTF-8.
* FIXED: Info text wasn't saying "Ready." at startup, when it should have.
* FIXED: Overwriting a mono custom tile with a different color - on the terrain
layer - now correctly updates the color (instead of toggling).
* FIXED: Noise data in _currently unused_ map bits when loading maps saved by v1
. This is a preventative fix which could have affected future use of these bits.
* FIXED: If the space bar is configured to pan the view this will be disabled du
ring note editing.
* FIXED: Protect against pasting unsupported characters into the note/label edit
* FIXED: File selector issues on Windows in classic mode.
* FIXED: Missing or corrupt extension filters on file selectors.
* CHANGED: Tabs pasted into the node edit box are automatically expanded into 4

--- v2.0.3
* ADDED: 'Center floor in view' button on view toolbar. Shortcut key CTRL+F ( CM
D+F on Mac OSX ).
* FIXED: Missing extended tooltips on door, wall and ground tools on G toolbar
* CHANGED: Made the custom tile update icon more distinct.
* FIXED: Export of monochrome custom tiles.
* CHANGED: Importing 4 channel monochrome custom tiles (such as those saved by A
dobe Photoshop) now treats opaque black pixels as transparent. For consistent re
sults in any package draw white on a solid black background.
* FIXED: File selector now waits a frame before blocking the app window, so any
prior message boxes, etc. can close.
* FIXED: Issues with Windows XP screen redraw.
* FIXED: Issues with Windows XP opening multiple file selectors.
* FIXED: Instances of CTRL in tooltips / status text changed to CMD.
* FIXED: Issues loading maps with existing custom tiles.
* ADDED: Option to manually control pixel doubling for use on smaller tablets. U
se Options > Interface > "High Density Pixel Mode" to toggle.
* FIXED: Issues loading maps with existing custom tiles.

--- v2.0.2
* CHANGED: The three View toolbar panel toggles are now right aligned.
* ADDED: Undo/redo commands on the Edit toolbar if navigation toolbar disabled.
* ADDED: Hand, zoom in/out commands on the View toolbar if navigation toolbar di
* ADDED: Navigate up/down commands on the Floor toolbar if navigation toolbar di
* FIXED: Import of 3 color channel custom tiles is no longer getting channels mi
xed up.
* ADDED: Ask permission to remove a recent file that wasn't found.
* FIXED: Potentially inadequate message box height.
* FIXED: Overwriting a mono custom tile with a different color now correctly upd
ates the color (instead of toggling).
* CHANGED: Restyled the brush overlay close button and tooltip bar.
* CHANGED: Removed some unused font files.
* ADDED: Button to toggle the brush overlay on the G toolbar.


FIXED: Issues caused when trying to close the application window when a messag
box or file selector was active.
FIXED: Click through of message boxes erroneously onto the main interface / ma

* ADDED: Support for automatic pixel doubling on high density displays.
* CHANGED: Clearer explanation of License Key entry (you must include dashes) on
edit text box.

--- v2.0.1
* ADDED: New application drawn message boxes in consistent style across platform
* CHANGED: Use common neutral font for notes and labels.
* FIXED: Disallow layer visibility changes during note/label editing.
* FIXED: Improved some status messages.
* FIXED: Flicker of an incorrectly narrow red box when creating a new label.
* FIXED: Potential pause / lockup on startup
* FIXED: Outlying note marks now extend the exported area (when visible) and are
no longer cropped.
* FIXED: Update zlib to v1.2.8
* CHANGED: Application window code rewritten and simplified. Potentially fixes s
ticky window resizing issue.
* FIXED: Update libpng to v1.6.10
* FIXED: Changed application window from GTK3 to X11. Fixes 'GLEW: Missing GL Ve
rsion' errors with some graphics drivers.
* CHANGED: Disabled window size saving / restoration (due to X11 change).
* FIXED: Scroll wheel not working
* FIXED: Update libpng to v1.6.10

Thanks for trying Grid Cartographer 2!
David Walters

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