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ATC Formal Script





Initial Contact for Departure
P: [Airport] Ground, [Callsign], at stand [Num] [a/c type] request clearance as filed.
C: [Callsign] [Airport] Standby
Check Flight Strips for flight plan
C: [Callsign] [Airport] I have your flightplan, ready to copy?
P: [Airport] Tower/Control, [Callsign] roger, ready to copy
C: [Callsign] [Airport] cleared to [Airport] as filed. Squawk [code]
P: [Callsign] Squawk [code]
C: [Callsign] [Airport] Readback is [correct/incorrect]
Pass to Ground if available: A: [Callsign] [Airport] Please contact ground on [Ground Freq]
G: [Callsign] [Airport] Advise when ready for pushback and start

P: [Airport Ground/Tower], [Callsign] ready for pushback and start.

G: [Callsign] [Airport] Pushback and start approved. Advise when ready for taxi

P: [Airport] Ground, [Callsign], at stand [?] [a/c type] request pushback and start
ATC for VFR:
G: [Callsign] [Airport] Pushback and start is approved. Expect your clearance at the hold. Advise
when ready to taxi

Pilot Reports Ready for Taxi

P: [Airport] Ground, [Callsign] is at stand [?] [a/c type] ready to taxi
G (IFR): [Callsign] [Airport] Active runway [Runway]. Taxi to and hold short [Holding point] via
taxiway(s) [Taxiways] Report when ready for departure
G (VFR): [Callsign] [Airport] Active runway [Runway]. Taxi to and hold short [Holding point] via
taxiway(s) [Taxiways] Report when at the hold

P (IFR): [Airport] Ground, [Callsign], is [Hold point], ready for departure

P (VFR): [Airport] Ground, [Callsign], is [Hold point]
Pass to Tower/Control] if available: A: [Callsign] [Airport] Please contact [Tower/Control] on [Freq]

C: [Callsign] [Airport] [Tower/Ground] I have your clearance, ready to copy?

P: [Airport] Ground, [Callsign], Ready to copy.

VFR Clearances:
C: (flying out of zone): [Callsign] [Airport], Cleared to leave the control zone VFR via [VRP
(Visual Reference Point)] not above altitude [altitude] Squawk 7000.
C: (Circuit): [Callsign] [Airport] Hold position. Cleared [Left/Right] hand VFR circuit. Runway
[Runway]. Not Above [altitude/flight level]. Squawk 7000
IFR and VFR (Once clearance given at the hold)
C: [Callsign] [Airport] Line Up and wait Runway [runway]
C: [Callsign] [Airport] cleared for take off Runway [runway], Wind [wind] degrees at [speed]
Be sure to pass traffic onto UNICOM or an airspace controller once it has left your airspace.

Initial Contact Inbound Traffic

P: [Airport] [callsign], [Aircraft type] Currently [miles] Miles [N/E/S/W] of [airport], at
[Altitude/Flight Level] VFR, request [type(overhead,downwind) Join/Landing]
C (Join): [Callsign] [Airport] Join [Left/Right] Circuit, Height [height] feet. Active runway
[Runway]. [Number] Aircraft in the pattern [Type and position (e.g 737 Downwind)] Report
or if airspace and runway clear and landing requested
C (Landing): [Callsign] [Airport] active runway [runway] make straight in, report when on
final. > Go To Landing
P: [Airport] [Callsign], on [leg] for [Full Stop/Touch and Go]
C: [Callsign] [Airport] You are Number [number in pattern] Follow the [Aircraft type and
circuit position] in front
C: [Callsign] [Airport] You are Number 1. Report when on Final
VFR Landing
P: [Airport] [Callsign], on final
C (Runway Occupied): [Callsign] [Airport] Continue Approach, reduce speed minimums.
Aircraft currently on runway, prepare to go around
C (Runway Unoccupied): [Callsign] [Airport] Cleared [Touch & Go/ To Land] runway [Runway]
Wind [degrees] at [speed] Knots.
P: [Airport] [Callsign], cleared to land runway [Runway]
If aircrafts are too close, you can issue instructions for them to enter a Holding pattern,
extend their leg, Orbit a 360 or go around.

P: [Airport], [Callsign], [Aircraft Type] is [miles] miles [N/E/S/W] at [altitude/Flight Level],
Descending through [FL] for [FL2] is with you [to land/request flight following]
C: [Callsign] [Airport] Standby
Find them on Radar. Double check intentions if not stated. Retrieve Flight Strip.
IFR Landing
C: [Callsign] [Airport] Radar Contact [Distance] Miles [N/E/S/W] of [Airport].
Maintain/Descend [altitude] Altimiter [Reading] Expect Vectors ILS Approach Runway
* Check Terrain *
P: [Airport], [Callsign], [Descend/Maintain] [FL] Expect Vectors ILS Runway [runway]
C: [Callsign] [Airport] Readback [correct/incorrect]

(Vectoring along your 20 mile Radar ring is a good ballpark for starters)

C: [Callsign] [Airport] Please turn [left/right] heading [vector heading]

C: [Callsign] [Airport] Descend and maintain flight level [FL]
* Check Terrain *
C: [Callsign] [Airport] Please turn [left/right] heading [Final Vector] to intercept the localizer,
report when fully established
P: [Airport], [Callsign] established on the localizer.
C: [Callsign] [Airport] Descend with the ILS runway [runway]. Altmiter [Reading], report
when on final.
P: [Airport], [Callsign] on final
C: [Callsign] [Airport] Cleared [to land/touch and go] Runway [Runway]. Wind [degrees] at
[speed] Knots
when landed
C: [Callsign] [Airport] Exit runway [left/right] next taxiway. Contact ground on [Ground
Freq]. (if available)
P: (retune) [Airport] Ground [Callsign] request taxi to [Parking/Gates/Fuel]
G: [Callsign] [Airport] Taxi to [Parking/Gates/Fuel] via taxiway(s) [X,Y,Z], [X,Y,Z], hold short runway

IFR Transitioning
C: [Callsign] [Airport] Radar Contact [Distance] Miles [N/E/S/W] [Airport Name]. Continue
navigation. Maintain [altitude], report when leaving my airspace.

This script is by no means exhaustive but it will certainly give those starting down the ATC
route a few pointers. There is a similar script on which is more detailed but I
have regurgitated it in the hope that it will be a little clearer for some. It spans only 3 pages
rather than the eight pages of the original so it would fit on your desk!
Happy ATCing!
Tim Walters
Variables used in this script:
[Callsign] The callsign of the plane you are dealing with.
The name of the airport you are controlling.
[Runway] The runway you are commanding.
[N/E/S/W] North, East, South or West.
Always in Knots.
[Altitude] The height of the aircraft or a requested required height.
A number.
A radio frequency (eg. 999.99) usually stated as 999 decimal 99
depending on device.
[Ground] Ground controller if one is available.
Compass bearings used to get an aircraft set up for an ILS approach.
[Final Vector]
The last compass bearing given to get an aircraft to intercept the

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