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Mechanical Engineering

Duration: 1 hours


What are the heat transfer mechanism involved during heat transfer from the hot fluid to the cold fluid
a) Conduction
b) Convection
c) Radiation
e) All of the above


In a shell and tube heat exchanger which of the following statements is true
a) Heat transferred to the cold fluid is more than the heat transferred from the hot fluid.
b) Heat transferred to the cold fluid is less than the heat transferred from the hot fluid.
c) Heat transferred to the cold fluid is equal to the heat transferred from the hot fluid.
d) None of above


Which of the following is the correct expression of heat absorbed by the cold fluid?
a) Q={m.Cp.(Tf-Ti)}2
b) Q=m.Cp.(Tf-Ti)
c) Q=m.Cp.(Tf-Ti)2
d) None of the above


Which of the following is the correct expression of heat transfer from hot fluid to the cold fluid?
b) Q=LMTD/UA c) Q=U.A2.LMTD d) None of these


The dimension of heat transfer co-efficient is:

a) Watt / Meter2/ Kelvin
b) Watt /meter/Kelvin
c) Kelvin/meter/Watt
d) None of these


The dimension of LMTD is same as that of:

a) Temperature/Temperature b) Temperature

c) Temperature2

d) dimensionless


In a shell and tube heat exchanger the flow rate of shell side liquid inlet at steady state is?
a) more than the shell side liquid outlet
b) less than the shell side liquid outlet
c) equal to the shell side liquid outlet.
d) It can be any of these


In the above question the correct reason for the right answer is?
a) Law of conservation of Energy
b) Law of conservation of Mass
c) Newtons 1st law of motion
d) A known phenomenon


In a shell and tube heat exchanger the diameter of shell is?

a) larger than tube
b) smaller than tube
c) equal to tube
d) It may be any of these

10. What do you mean by steady state in this experiment?

a) The Temperature of both shell and tube are not varying along the length
b) The Temperature of both shell and tube are not varying with time.
c) Both
d) None of the above options
11. The hot fluid must be necessarily passed through?
a) the shell
b) the tube
c) Any of these
12. The baffles are used on which side of the heat exchanger?
a) Shell Side
b) Tube Side
c) Both

d) None of the above options is correct


It can be any one shell side or tube side

13. The main purpose of using baffles in heat exchanger is?

a) To decrease the flow rate in shell
b) To increase the heat transfer coefficient (U)
c) To increase the LMTD value
d) To decrease the LMTD value.
14. Which of the following represents the correct expression for calculating LMTD?
a) LMTD= (T2- T1)/log(T2/ T1)
b) LMTD= log(T2/ T1)/ (T2- T1)
c) LMTD=log((T2- T1)/ (T2/ vT1))
d) LMTD=log((T2- T1)/ (T2/ T1))-1
15. On one side of a heat exchanger, air enters at 72.82C and leaves at 90C. On the other side of the heat
exchanger is condensing steam at one atmosphere.The value for LMTD is
a) 10 K
b) 17.18 K
c) 27C
d) 100C
16. Shell and Tube heat exchanger is which type of heat exchanger?
a) Direct Contact
b) Indirect Contact
c) Both
d) None
17. Which of the following does not belong to the category of heat exchanger?
a) Automobile radiators
b) Refrigerators
c) Stoves used in households
d) None of the above
18. Which of the following does not belong to the category of flows in a heat exchanger?
a) Cross Flow
b) Co Current
c) Counter Current
d) Over Flow
19. The following are the types of indirect contact heat exchangers?
a) Regenerators
b) Recuperators
c) Both
d) None
20. In which of the following types of heat exchangers the hot and cold fluids pass alternately through a space
containing solid particles providing a source and a sink for heat exchange?
a) Regenerators
b) Recuperators
c) Both
d) None
21. Automobile Radiators belong to which of the following category?
a) Direct Contact Heat exchanger
b) Regenerator
c) Recuperator
d) All of above
22. What will happen if the flow rate of shell side liquid is made very high?
a) more heat transfer will take place
b) less heat transfer will take place


heat transfer will not depend on the flow rate

none of the above

23. Which of the following expressions represents the Heat energy balance which is used to derive the variation
of temperature of both tube and shell with time and distance along the heat exchanger?
a) Inlet = outlet + Accumulation
b) Outlet = Inlet +Accumulation
c) Inlet + outlet + Accumulation =0
d) None of these
24. The differential equation governing the temperature of shell and tube is of order m in time(t) and of order n
with respect to length along the heat exchanger(x), where
a) m=1, n=2
b) m=2, n=1
c) m=1, n=1
d) m=2, n=2
25. Which of the following parameters has no effect on the temperature profiles of shell and tube liquid?
a) The diameter of the tube
b) The diameter of the shell
c) The density of the shell fluid
d) The density of the tube fluid
26. In figure-1, the variation of temperature of both hot and cold fluids along the length of the heat exchanger is
given. The graph represents a) Co-Current flow
b) Counter Current flow
c) Cross Current Flow
d) None of these
27. In figure-2, the variation of temperature of both hot and cold fluids along the length of the heat exchanger is
given. The graph represents
a) Co-Current flow
b) Counter Current flow
c) Cross Current Flow
d) None of these
28. In figure -1 and figure-2, assuming that the temperature of shell and tube side liquids at both the ends of a
heat exchanger is same, then which of the options is correct?
a) LMTD in case of figure -1 is higher than in figure-2
b) LMTD in case of figure -2 is higher than in figure-1
c) LMTD in case of figure -1 is equal to that in figure-2
d) Cannot Say
29. The correct variation of Area(A) required for heat transfer versus the LMTD value is?
b) A LMTD2
c) A 1/ LMTD
d) A is independent of LMTD
30. In figure -1 and figure-2, assuming that the temperature of shell and tube side liquids at both the ends of a
heat exchanger is same, then which of the options is correct?
a) Area required in case of figure -1 is higher than in figure-2
b) Area required in case of figure -2 is higher than in figure-1.
c) Area required in case of figure -1 is equal to that in figure-2.
d) Cannot Say
31. If the length of the heat exchanger is infinitely large then which of the following options is most appropriate?
a) The temperature of cold fluid will exceed the temperature of hot fluid.
b) The hot and cold lines in the above graphs will cross each other at least once.
c) The temperature of the hot and cold fluids will become constant after a certain distance along the length of
the heat exchanger.
d) None of above options.
32. For the heat exchange between hot and cold fluid, which of the following options is correct?
a) The flow rate of tube side should be higher than shell side
b) The flow rate of tube side should be lesser than shell side
c) The flow rate of tube side should be equal to that of the shell side
d) It doesnt matter which flow rate is higher.
33. Time Constant is the time when a% of the final value is achieved, where a is?



b) 63.2%

c) 99%

d) 100%

34. As soon as the user makes a perturbation in the tube side inlet temperaturea) The tube side outlet will immediately change from its steady state value
b) It will take some time to change from its previous value
c) It will not change at all
d) None of these

35. The main reason for the above questions answer is:
a) The thermometer will take some time to respond to the perturbation.
b) the tube inlet fluid will take some time to reach the other end.
c) both of the above
d) None of the above options
36. Baffle spacing
a) Should be less than one fifth diameter of shell.
b) Should be less than inside diameter of shell
c) Should be less than one fifth diameter of tube
d) None of these
37. Correction is applied to LMTD for flow
a) Parallel
b) Cross
c) Counter
d) None of these
38. A 2-4 heat exchanger involves
a) Only counter flow of fluids
b) Only parallel flow of fluids
c) Both counter and parallel flow of fluids.
d) None of these.
39. Double pipe heat exchanger are preferably useful, when
a) A non corrosive liquid is to be heated
b) A high viscous liquid is to be heated
c) Requirement of heat transfer area is low
d) Overall heat transfer is low
40. Fouling factor
a) Is a dimensionless quantity.
b) Accounts for additional resistance to heat flow
c) Does not provide a safety factor for design
d) None of these.

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