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L3113 developing and Using Resources


Briefly explain the purposes of using the teaching and learning materials in the Primary ESL
(4 marks)
Materials have the purpose of presenting content.
However, for the learning part to happen in a language classroom, teachers need materials that
children can interact with and which
facilitate them interacting with others.

Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of using teaching and learning material in the classroom.
(6 marks)
Strength >

facilitate learning; different types of learners learners learn differently,

thus, certain materials will help to expedite understanding of lesson content.


Weakness >

may cause distraction to teaching and learning process; the use of ICT
can sometimes cause problems in the classroom.
You are teaching Grammar; Verb, to Year 3 pupils who have low proficiency level of English.
Choose suitable teaching and learning material to teach the topic.
Justify your choice.
(10 marks)


List and explain two factors of material selection and adaptation.

(4 marks)


- need to be considered: pupils abilities, age and interest


- cultural, knowledge, related to pupils background, help pupils easy to

understand the lesson


- need to be clear to see(visual) and hear (audio)

- font, size, pictures, sounds @ video

Accessibility - need to be well organized



- physically, easy to use/conduct, usable in the classroom situation


- can be used in more than one situation

-can be used and adapt depends on students level

Cost Effectiveness

- reasonable and affordable cost

-within budget, not too high@ it can be wasted

Durability Impact

- need to be strong enough to last the distance


- produced for some real purpose in daily life

In the majority of circumstances, teachers need to consider a lot of consequences before they can
decide on suitable materials for their learners. Analyze the factors that you have chosen in (a) in
terms of their impact on students learning.
(6 marks)

Create a simple checklist to evaluate a KSSR textbook for ESL classroom.


Items in the checklist may include the following:

Physical attributes
Availability of copies
Support materials
Activities, etc.

Write a rationale of the checklist with reference to your knowledge of framework of evaluation.
(12 marks)

The materials given are used to teach the literature component in Year 4.
Explain how you can manipulate the material in your lesson.

(10 marks)


One useful skill that a teacher can develop over time is making judgments about changing and adapting
authentic or difficult texts to suit the competence level of the class. (Pinter, 2006)
What do you understand by the above statement? Support your answer with appropriate examples.
(20 marks)


One of the objectives of educational materials and teaching aids is to ensure the development and
maintenance of functional literacy. (International Institute of Educational Planning)
Discuss how teachers can help to attain the above objective in their teaching and learning. Support your
answer with appropriate examples.

General Criteria in choosing Textbook

Author / Publisher reputations

Fit to curriculum (meet need / goal)

Physical factors (layout, organization)

Logistical factors (price, auxiliary aids, workbook)

Teach ability (usefulness of teachers edition)

(20 marks)


Discuss the factors that determine material appropriacy for young learners in an ESL classroom.
Support your answer with examples.
(20 marks)

- need to be considered: pupils abilities, age and interest


- cultural, knowledge, related to pupils background, help pupils easy to

understand the lesson


- need to be clear to see(visual) and hear (audio)

- font, size, pictures, sounds @ video

Accessibility - need to be well organized


- physically, easy to use/conduct, usable in the classroom situation


- can be used in more than one situation

-can be used and adapt depends on students level

Cost Effectiveness

- reasonable and affordable cost

-within budget, not too high@ it can be wasted

Durability Impact

- need to be strong enough to last the distance


- produced for some real purpose in daily life

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