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Date/Time Rptdr Framingham Police Departaent Tacident Wor Framingham, MA 12/26/14 11:13 OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT 1408714 / Tocation Cov Area? Date/Time oF 0con ‘WILLIAM WELCH WY B 12/26/14 4as43° 12/26/14 11215 Middlesex, MA ‘Offense: PROPERTY-MALICIOUS DESTRUCT UNDER $250 DISORDERLY CONDUCT hone: Name: MCWAMARA, LINDSEY Radress Sons sees Taployer Name uployer Address? Phones wore) sabe stare ia Type of Victim] Date of Bizth | Inc Age | Sup Wge ] Height | Weight | Race | Sex | Resident cnn | 20 at | "sede" | “top | “ee |e ® ole? Phone: Name: POLICE, FRAMINGHAM viewm Radress: 1 WinhiAM WELCR RY privers Lies} "Social Bee FRAMINGHAM, MA01702 Tuployer Name: ‘maployer Radress Phone: (work Type OF ViStin] Bate of Birth | inc Age] Sup Age | Weight | Weight | Race | Sex | Reatdent oF Tag? [ er BESRROREST | SeFTAT: value? Desceiption? SHERRED RAW WEAR ON WINDOW AND COUNTERS Taeident Summaey= SRE NARRATIVE investigating OFFicer Date? SapeEVIsOr? ater 312__ormavranr, curtsropmen | 12/26/14 | 212 _SIABA, MICHAEL 32/26/14 tase SEatus! ‘approval Status? ADULT AR Approved PAGE 1 Date of Report? Franingham Police Department Tncident Nor Framingham, MA 12/26/14 11:13 OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT CONTINUATION 1408714 / Officer Narrative: OTTAVIANT, CHRISTOPHER Framingham Police Department a “ Officer Chis Ottavianj 12/26/14 : > fee ae ‘ * s0a714 arrest s Suspect: Lindsey McNamara et as a On the above date I, Officer Chris Ottaviani, was assigned to the work the front desk window at the Framingham Police Station. Around 11; 0 in the morning I observed a female, later identified as Lindsey McNamara; walk into the lobby of the police station holding a Dunkin Donuts box in her hands. bindsey approached the front desk of the Framingham Police Station as soon as she walked in, When she got to the window I asked her if I could help her. At this time Lindsey opened the Dunkin Donuts box and grabbed a handful of raw meats out of it. She then stated, " fea, I’m here to feed the pigs." Lindsey then smeared the meat all over the front window that separates the front lobby from the dispatch area. She then reached in the box again and grabbed ancther handful of raw meats and smeared them on the same window. At this time Officer Miller and I went into the lobby and told Lindsey to put her hands behind her back. Tavestigating Officer: Bate: Supervisor: Dater 312 __OTTAVIANT, CHRISTOPHER 12/26/14 212____STABA, MICHAEL, 12/26/14 ‘PAGE 2 Date of Report Framingham Police Department Taeident Wor Framinghan, MA 12/26/14 11:13 OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT CONTINUATION 1408714 / Lindsey was cooperative with police at this time. There was no struggle and she did as officer said. Lindsey was’ then escorted to the booking area of the station. T asked Lindsey why she did this, Lindsey stated, "God told me to go feed the pigs. Lindsey was then placed into cell 18. The raw meats and the Dunkin Donuts box were taken and logged ag evidence. Officers attempted to clean the front desk as best as possible. Building maintenance will be notified. Lindsey will be charged with: Ch, 266 6127- Mal/Mis/ Property under. ch. 272 853- Disorderly conduct. Norman Miller from The Metrowest Daily News was also in the front lobby of the police station and observed Lindsey's actions. PES was planning on speaking with Lindsey about this situation. Respectfully submitted, officer chris ottaviani 312 Investigating Officer: Dater BUpeevisor: Bates 312 OTTAVIANT, CHRISTOPHER 12/26/14 212___STABA, MICHAEL. 12/26/14 BAGE 3 | Date of Report: Framingham Police Department Incident No: Framingham, MA 12/26/14 SUPPLEMENT REPORT agoa7ia - Location: WILLIAM WELCH WM widdiesex, MK OEfense: PROPERTY-WALICIOUS DESTRUCT UNDER $250 DISORDERLY CONDUCT Victine: POLICE, FRAMINGHAH Recused) Officer Narrative: OTTAVIANE, CHRISTOPHER Supplement 1408714 video of suspect in front lobby added to evidence. Video recorded at 11:09 in the front lobby. Video shows suspect smearing meats on window and throwing meats at window. Tnvestigating Officer: ater Approved By; Date: 312 OPPAVIANI, CHRISTOPHER 12/26/14 Case Status: ‘Approval Statusy ADULT AR, PAGE 1 Date of Report. Franiaghan Police Department Tacident Nor Framinghan, MA 12/26/14 SUPPLEMENT REPORT agoe714 - 2 Location: WEEEIAM WELCH WHR widdlesex, HK ‘Offense: PROPERTY-WALICIOUS DESTRUCT UNDER $250 DISORDERLY CONDUCT Victims: POLICE, FRANINGHAN Recused Officer Narrative: HENDRY, L CONTINUED INVESTIGATION CASH#1408714 Disorderly Conduct - Mal Mis on Friday, December 26, 2014 at approximately 12:00pm, Detective Lawrence Hendry met with dayshift Commanding Officer Lieutenant michael Siaba regarding this investigation. Lt. Siaba advised me that an incident occurred within the Framingham Police station front lobby on thie date shortly after 11:00am in which a female entered the station lobby and threw raw bacon and sausage at the front lobby glace after entering the station. Lt, Siaba requested I pull video footage from the lobby cameras showing the incident for evidentiary purposes. I wont to the area of the police station containing the video system and captured 2 separate video surveillance footages of the police station lobby from the system. The surveillance footages of both videos were captured from 11:00am - 12:00pm on Decenber 26, 2014. The video shows a white female entering the police station at approximately 11:10am with a Dunkin Donuts box. ag she enters the station it wae observed that a news reporter from the Metrowest Daily News (identified as Norman Miller) was at the front desk main window. Mr. Miller appears to acknowledge someone entering the police station lobby and he is observed moving away and to the side of the main (center) lobby desk area window. The fenale is thon observed to go to the main desk window and then is observed to open the Dunkin Donuts | box and grab the content of the box on several occasions and throw the content against the | | front lobby windows. The video next shows officers Christian Miller and Chris ottaviani directly engaging the female in the lobby area where she is placed into custody. Zt was also observed that mr. Miller was taking pictures or video with what appeared to be a cellphone camera during the incident with the female at the front desk window. Tnveatigating Officer: Date Approved By Date 145 HENDRY, L 12/26/14 Case Status: ‘Approval Status ADULT AR, PAGE 1 Date oF Report? 12/26/14 Franingham Police Department Framingham, MA SUPPLEMENT CONTINUATION Tacident Nor agoe714 - 2 After completing the captures, officer chris ottaviani for review and placing into evidence. Lt. captures and placement of the video onto cD. Respectfully submitted, Det. Lawrence Hendry #145 they were burned to a cD and turned over to investigating Siaba was advised of the Tavestigating Officer: 145___HENDRY, D Date: 12/26/14 Rppeoved Ey [ bate: Case Status: ADULT AR, ‘Approval Statusy PAGE 2

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