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Genius Hour Rubric

REFERENCE: This rubric was adapted from Balanced Ed Techs Thinking Studio Rubric





Selects a task/question/challenge/topic
that is interesting/fun but that is already
familiar to student and doesn't find
opportunities to learn/contribute

Identifies tasks/questions/challenges
that are personally meaningful, build
one's sense of self-learning, and
contribute to the learning of others
Sets concrete (doable) short term and
long term goals toward completing

Discovers a wicked problem

Goes for an "epic' challenge, one that
will be useful in other endeavors, or
that benefits others (see public
Addresses an authentic question,
challenge, or task


Lack of resources slows project

Continues working on the task even

when difficulties arise or a solution was
not immediately evident.
Sometimes distracts or gets distracted
Brings resources as needed

Works with others in class: comments

on journals or projects, offers
help/expertise to other projects
Looks for and Appreciates "Small
Achieves an "epic" goal
Brings zest to project/class
Demonstrates grit when needed and
knows when to let go
Self starter - Takes the initiative

Daily Journal or Blog Entries of Progress

Planning completed and is usually close

to what can be realistically done in a
given amount of time

Planning completed and demonstrates

understanding of what's possible in a
given amount of time

Reflection completed and shows metacognition about the project (process or

Monitors progress toward goals and

Reflection completed and shows

meta-cognition about the project
(process and product) and learning
Identifies and changes habits that are

Planning completed

Reflection completed

revises actions or goals as needed

impediments to successful learning

Biweekly Update

Teacher provides prompts to make sure

student touches on their current
project/topic, journal, portfolio, public
contribution, etc. Or, teacher needs to
prompt student to elaborate on each
discussion topic.

Student controls part of the meeting,

making sure to elaborate on their
current project/topic, journal, portfolio,
public contribution, etc. Teacher
reminds students to discuss one or two
topics OR prompts students to
elaborate on one or two topics.

Student controls the meeting, making

sure to elaborate on their current
project/topic, journal, portfolio, public
contribution, etc.

Maintains a multiyear portfolio

Regularly (weekly) posts material that

would be helpful to someone learning
about the same topic, tool, or project
Material is organized/presented in a
"reader" friendly format
Material becomes a part of a larger


Posts files/links to most projects


Posts files/links to all projects started or

Thoughtfully lists/updates projects they
want to highlight

Public Contribution

Posts material that would be helpful to

someone learning about the same topic,
tool, or project when reminded

Semi-regularly posts material that would

be helpful to someone learning about
the same topic, tool, or project
Material is organized/presented in a
"reader" friendly format

Outside Expertise

Integrates outside resources

Integration of Technology

Actively seeks outside resources from a

source or two: books, websites, forums,
online videos, MKOs (more
knowledgeable others), partners,
mentors, etc.
Seeks out conversation with the teacher
as learner to learner

Actively seeks outside resources from

a variety of sources: books, websites,
forums, online videos, MKOs (more
knowledgeable others), partners,
mentors, etc.
Becomes an active member of an
outside community

Exploring or mastering technology is the

sole focus of the project

Technology is only used for finding OR

communicating information

Technology is used for multiple uses

that could include: finding information,
processing information,
communicating information,
exploring/mastering a tool, etc.
Demonstrates "tool" flexibility


Connecting ideas - analogical thinking metaphorical thinking
Considering a new way to complete a
task, considering multiple solutions
Seeing different perspectives
Pattern recognition
Questioning assumptions
Playful with concepts/procedures/tools
Imaginary play
Flexible decision-making
Problem finding | Questioning
Redefining problems, tasks, questions

Finding a new way to complete a task,
finding multiple solutions
Adapt strategies for solving unique or
novel problems
Transfer knowledge/skills across
"Writing" exhibits voice

Asks an original question
Synthesizes (resources, tools,
Demonstrates "tool" flexibility
Flowing between creator and critic
Invent strategies for solving unique or
novel problems
Embraces constraints as avenues for
creativity (cost, time, materials, tools,
prior knowledge, etc.)

General Comments:

Do you feel you have been growing in your abilities and understanding of how you learn in some other way? Let your teacher know and you can discuss
individualizing this rubric for yourself. What else could be considered?
o Creativity
o Working outside of your comfort zone
o Inquiry
o The Disciplined Pursuit of Less - "Your focus needs more focus."
Did you notice that there are not specific grades assigned to each level? Why not?

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