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Black Pepper
Clary Sage
+Clove Bud
*Dragons Blood
Tea tree

Fresh Abre
Anise Star Essential Oil




































































Rose of Jericho
















Witch Hazel

Color Associations and



Color energies are useful in many

ways. One of the most basic ways
to use color symbolism in magick
is to select candles of the color
appropriate to your purpose. The
power of color may be added at
any point in rituals and spells to
enhance the symbolism, and thus
the power of the spell.

Psychic awareness, clairvoyance

Conscious mind, happiness, peace, attracts money
Peace, happiness, restful sleep, soothes stress.
Mental alertness, physical energy, protection, courage
Spirituality, self-control, healing, anti-hex
Physical energy, protection, psychic awareness, prosperity, healing
Euphoria, calming, dreams
Healing, memory, protection, courage
Conscious mind, breaking deadlocks
Easing & comforting losses, healing, blessing, consecration
Protection, purification, love
Health, healing, purification
Spirituality, meditation, astral strength
Happiness, protection, power in ritual and magick.
Magickal energy, physical energy, sex, love, money-attracting, courage
Purification, conscious mind
Love, calming, peace, spirituality, sex, sleep, psychic dreaming
Health, love, peace, relaxing
Energizing, health, healing, physical energy, purification
Psychic awareness, purification
Purification, physical energy, protection
Spirituality, healing, meditation, opening, elevating
Peace, celibacy, sleep
Psychic awareness, psychic dreams, astral projection
Prosperity, aphrodisiac
Spirituality, meditation, healing
Purification, joy, physical energy, magickal energy
Sex, money, physical energy
Conscious mind, purification
Healing, purification, protection, physical energy, money, magickal energy
Longevity, memory, love, conscious mind healing, purification
Love, peace, sex, beauty
Memory, wisdom, money, purification
Spirituality, healing, purification, meditation
Healing, protection during sleep
Well-being, wards off psychic and social vampires, adds power to mixtures
Sex, love, physical energy, magickal energy
Protection, money, unhexing
Protection of animals, good luck, money
Aphrodisiac, clairvoyance, spell-breaking, love, anything psychically related
Love, peace, sex

Abre Camino - Eupatorium villous Arguably the most widely known herb in spirituality. Sometimes in life our road gets block
not seem to move on. To remove these blocks we often need to carry out road opener work. The Abre Camino Herb has many m
use the herb/plant, as well as those in Santeria. In Palo Mayombe, the branches are used for create magical amuletes. This is a B
Prepare this spiritual bath by steeping the herbs in boiling water for 10 minutes, strain the mixture, let the liquid cool, and pour
Planet: Jupiter
History & Mythology

Native to Southeast Asia, the beautiful star shaped seeds of Star Anise have a long tradition of use in Chinese medicine, whe
meaning ''Eight-horned Fennel''. In China, it plays a pivotal role as one of the spices of the famous 5 spice mixture. The Jap
Illicium religiosa) is highly revered as a Shikimi or Buddha tree and is often planted in temple grounds and near burial sites been confused with the Chinese species, are highly poisonous. The powdered seeds and bark are an important ingredient of
Magical use:

The oil can be used in cleansing waters for ritual purification and cleansing ceremonies. As a magical perfume or anointing o
energies and to attract good spirits. Used as an offering to lend wings to prayers, it may open the doors to the heavens and
benevolence. Used in rites of passage it gives direction to the soul and helps it connect with its highest purpose.

A sweet, warm and spicy, scent, similar, but stronger than Anise, with whiffs of liquorice. Blends well with Rose, Orange, Ner
and anethol, which can adversely affect the nervous system and may irritate the skin. Use with discretion, and never undilut

In aromatherapy, the oil finds use in the treatment of muscle aches and pains, rheumatism and arthritis. It is also aids bronc
conditions such as colic, cramps, indigestion and colds.
Planet: Mars/ Scorpio
History & Mythology

Mediterranean cuisine seems unthinkable without Basil, but apparently the ancients did not share our modern passion for th
think it fit for human consumption. In Egypt the fresh leaves were scattered on fresh graves and in India some leaves are pla
key to heaven's gates. In Tudor times it served as a farewell present, small pots being presented to visitors upon departure.
washed with tears" while in Italy, it had a more lurid connotation. Here it was known as "Kiss-me Nicholas" and daring young
wafting a fragrant hint to passing Nicks. In India, the local Basil known as Tulsi, was considered a most holy plant. It is sacred
Lakshmi transformed into the holy Basil, Tulasi. Holy Basil is greatly honoured and often grown in temple gardens and near d
the roots.

Sprinkled around the temple or house, or used in cleansing rites prior to ritual it will attract good spiri
practitioner. Basil can be used in the last rite of passage to easy the journey of the soul to the Otherw
courage to the novice during initiation rites. Basil is associated with money magic. Sprinkle the place
carry some leaves in your pocket to attract money. It can also be included in love philtres and potions
that ensue may be fiery and short-lived.

In aromatherapy Basil is mainly used as an uplifting, energizing, nerve tonic that chases away dark emotional clouds and me
muscular aches and pains as well as on rheumatism and arthritis. It also aids digestive problems, especially when associated
nausea, cramps, and flatulence. It promotes menstrual flow and should be avoided during pregnancy. It acts as an insect rep
An alluring, dark, vaguely balsamic, yet fresh and spicy scent. Blends well with Clary Sage, Oakmoss and Hyssop.

Planet: Sun/Mars
History & Mythology

West Indian Bay is sometimes confused with the wholly unrelated Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis), the herb of Apollo which used
soups, or, with Bayberry, a North-American bush, also known as Wax Myrtle. West Indian Bay is a medium-sized tree with hig
As the name suggests, it is native to the West Indies and closely related to Allspice/Pimento, as both are members of the My
grown in the Dominican Republic, where it is distilled for its essential oil, which has long beenpopular in the cosmetics indust
scent'' for aftershaves and masculine colognes. About a hundred years ago, it was common practice to distill the oil in a mi
concoction that became immensely popular as a hair tonic. The Dominican Republic is still the major producer of ''Bay Rum
simply adding the essential oil to regular sugar cane rum. (Not intended for internal use
Magical use:

Bay is used for divination and prophecy. It makes the mind receptive and enables the practitioner to understand and interpre
panacea, to ward off all evil influences and protect against the evil eye or other forms of envy, jealousy and mean spirited da

A somewhat medicinal 'clean', green scent with a high top note. Blends well with the evergreens: Cypress, Pine, Juniper, Ros
Lemon Verbena, Lemongrass, Labdanum, as well as Frankincense and Clary Sage. Contains constituents that can have mind
avoid during pregnancy.

Culpeper says "The Oyl takes away marks of the Skin and Flesh by bruises and dissolveth the congealed Bloud in them: It he
Skin." The ancients swear by this scent as an effective way to ward off infectious viruses. It can also be used for aching joint
flatulence and dyspepsia and to promote menstrual flow. However, it can be dangerous during pregnancy. Use with caution.

Planet: Venus /Mercury

History & Mythology

Benzoin "oil" is actually a resinoid, derived from a tree that is native to Southeast Asia, Java and Sumatra. In Asia, the resin h
purposes for thousands of years. It is one of the most important incense ingredients and is abundantly burned in all kinds of
the Gods and invokes their benevolence. Arab trader first introduced it to the West where it was enthusiastically received thr
the Middle East and in Egypt it was immediately incorporated into exotic incense blends. In northern parts of Europe it was m
particularly its expectorant qualities, which are still utilized today in the famous Friars Balsam. As remedial incense it was tho
"cold dampness". In perfumery it is used as preservative and fixative for other oils.
Magical use:

The profuse smoke of Benzoin provides excellent 'substance' in which spirits may manifest. Its sumptuous sweet scent is sui
stimulate sensual perception and open the heart chakra. It lends itself well to use in aphrodisiac potions and incense blends.
emotions, past grievances and resentment, Benzoin may attune the heart chakra to the vibration of love as a balance betwe
shape shifting to take on the animal bodies of their spirit allies.


A sweet, balsamic, sensuous scent with notes of vanilla and cinnamon. Blends well with Ambrette Seed, Amyris, Rose, Geran

A relaxing, soothing oil that drives away depression and dreary thoughts. In fact, it can induce a sense of euphoria. The scen
release emotional blockages and fears, particularly those of a sexual nature. In aromatherapy skin care it is used for dry, infl
for products that help keep the skin elastic and young. It improves circulation and may aid gout, arthritis and rheumatism. It
respiratory system such as bronchitis, asthma, coughs and laryngitis. It is sometimes graded as toxic as some people may b
Planet: Sun
History & Mythology

Not to be confused with Bergamot, the Bee Balm herb (Monarda didyma), this Bergamot derives from a species of citrus tree
orange is a hybrid, the result of crossing bitter orange and lemon trees. Christopher Columbus originally found it growing in t
Southern Italy. Bergamot adjusted extremely well to this move - it is said that to this day Calabria produces the finest quality
in Mediterranean climate zones. To the British, Bergamot has become an indispensable part of daily life - as the special flavo
fresh, uplifting scent is also a much valued ingredient of Eau-de-Colognes. In Edwardian times it was customary to fashion ai
blend of Bergamot and other dry, lemon scented herbs. Bergamot is indeed highly effective in getting rid of stale smells such
those who want to quit the habit. Previously, when it was fashionable to flaunt sun-darkened skin, Bergamot was frequently
properties. Now we know better and only Bergapten free Bergamot oil, which is non-photosensitizing, is used for skin care pr
Magical use:

Bergamot is used to invoke the sun. It dispels the demons of despondency and depression and clears mind and spirit. Like ot
confidence. It protects against negative influences and can help connecting to the higher self and purpose.

A sunny and warm yet slightly spicy-husky scent. It blends well with citrus type oils such as Lemon, Neroli, Petitgrain, Gerani
Jasmine, Cypress, Clary Sage and Cinnamon.

An excellent oil for stress related problems, such as uptightness and tension headaches, cold sores and for cases where stres
stimulates appetite and aids digestion. Bergamot is relaxing and comforting, yet stimulating. It can help overcome depressio
care it may be used for oily skin and conditions that have a nervous or stress related component such as certain types of ecz
insect repellent and photosensitizing: only use Bergapten free oil on skin that is exposed to sunlight after use.
Planet: Mars
History and Mythology:

It is hard to imagine today how something as ordinary as Pepper could have been a highly prized commodity just a few hund
spices inspired the search for a sea route to the East, which for the participants was not just a an opportunity for adventure,
alluring promise of fantastic fortunes to be made. Not just companies, but empires were built on this insatiable appetite, war
the sake of Pepper & co.! Pepper has been a major trade item since before the time of Christ. The Visigoths once ransacked R
as a ransom. They must have liked the taste, for they returned two years later and from then on levied and annual Pepper tit
roughly to the city's annual supply. Pepper was not just tasty, but alluringly exotic and, like most exotic things, it was adverti
appetite for it was so voracious.

Magical Use:

Pepper adds a punch to any magical work or intention. It is stimulating and can be used to overcome inertia. It is a good oil t
courage, strength and inner fire. Pepper is protective and can be used to banish unwanted energies. It may also be used in s

A volatile, fresh, perky, spicy woody scent. Blends well with Frankincense, Marjoram, Cardamom, Clove, Cinnamon, Coriande

In small quantities Pepper oil can be used as a local stimulant, especially for muscular aches and rheumatic pains. It gives a
treated area. It stimulates circulation and can be used to treat chilblains. Also, nerve pain, neuralgia, sprains etc. can be trea
only in small amounts. Skin sensitization is likely.
Planet: Moon
History & Mythology

Cajeput, a cousin of the Tea tree, grows in the seasonally inundated, swampy areas of Malaysia. In allusion to the colour of it
tree. Locally it is considered a cure all a whole apothecary in a tree, especially valued by those who have limited access to ot
less overpowering than Tea tree oil, but can be used in much the same way. It is one of the chief ingredients in Oil of Olbas a

Magical uses:Cajuput is an excellent purifying oil that can get rid of all kinds of intruding energies. It can be used for clean
against negative influences. It can assist the breaking of compulsive habits by focusing mind and willpower.

Scent:A mild, camphor-like, slightly 'green' scent, not as pungent as camphor or tea tree. Blends well with Bergamot, Carda

Aromatherapy:Cajuput is particularly useful for all afflictions of the upper respiratory tract and can be employed as an inh
nasal and bronchial congestion and is useful for asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis and viral infections. It is also used to treat musc
repellent and relieves the itch of insect bites. Blended with apricot oil it soothes sunburns. It should not be used at bedtime a
Use with caution. Some people may develop skin sensitivity to this oil.

Planet: Moon
History & Mythology

True Camphor is the crystallized exudate of the Camphor tree, a relative of Cinnamon. Camphor trees have long been regard
awe inspiring. In its native Southeast Asia it was known as the 'King of Healing Plants'. In India, it was incorporated in variou
honour Shiva or Krishna. Camphor is sometimes mixed into the Betel quid for its stimulating and aphrodisiac properties. How
aphrodisiac or an anaphrodisiac seems to be a matter of dosage. Islamic sects and certain Buddhist groups use the incense
Tantric sects value it for its stimulating effect. Medicinally, Camphor has a long established history, not just in the Far East, b
used to increase prana, open the senses and to clear the mind. It is said to cool the nerves in cases of hysteria. Camphor is v
are no longer available to the trade, except in modified synthetic form. The oil is also very potent and should not be underes
aromatherapists deem Camphor oil dangerous. Epileptics should avoid this oil.
Magical use:

The magical uses of Camphor oil are complex. It lends itself well for protection and purification as it dispels all negative ener
to purify ritual tools. It is also very good for clearing energies in newly inhabited spaces or those used for ritual work. In mod
gate to the astral world. In strong concentrations it can over-stimulate the mind so that no useful magical work is possible. It

A cool, pungent campherous scent that immediately clears the sinuses. Blends well with Bergamot, Cardamom, Clove, Geran

Camphor is an excellent oil to ward off viral infections, clear nasal passages and treat sinusitis. It is also useful for sinus head
congestion. It is very effective for muscle aches, rheumatic joints and sprains. It relieves itchiness of insect bites, cools sunb
concentrations it may increase the heart rate and affect a 'rushing' sensation. Used with caution. Avoid during pregnancy. Do
should avoid this oil.
Planet: Venus/Jupiter
History & Mythology:

A classic oriental spice of the ginger family, Cardamom is valued as a carminative culinary herb that relieves griping pains, in
can be chewed to sweeten the breath. Cardamom is an essential ingredient of Chai, a spiced tea popular in India that is repu
properties. In Middle Eastern tradition too, it is associated with love potions and is frequently mentioned in the tales of the A
and her daughters are said to have used it in their charms and potions. In Greece, Turkey and many parts of the Arab world i
has also become a very important spice in Scandinavian cuisine where it is not only added to sweets, but meats as well.
Magical use:

Cardamom is used in love and sex magic. It may be used in love philtres and amulets to attract a lover. The scent is complex
base chakra. As an ingredient of incense it may bring clarity to a situation where selfishness destroys love, or the mind is co

A warm, pungent, slightly camphor-like, aromatic scent. Blends well with Orange, Cinnamon, Cloves, Caraway, Clove, Ylang Y

In aromatherapy the oil is used sparingly as it is very pungent and can easily dominate a blend. It aids problems of the diges
dyspepsia, indigestion, flatulence and heartburn. It can also be used as an invigorating oil for mental fatigue and nervous ex
special note to aphrodisiac blends. Use with caution.
Planet: Sun/Mars
Protection, healing, courage, strength
Daucus carota
History & Mythology:

The common carrot is well known as one of the most nutrient rich vegetables, rich in vitamin A and full of health promoting,
essential oil derives from the seeds of its wild ancestor, also known as Queen Anne's Lace, which grows prolifically in hedges
nutrients, but unfortunately they don't yield a lot of oil, which renders it a precious substance. Due to its wholesome effects
added to high end cosmetic products, especially for aging skin. The cosmetic industry also utilizes an infused carrot oil as a b
marked scent. A solvent extracted oleoresin is also available. Distilled carrot seed oil is pale yellow and aromatic while the in
Magical Use:

Carrots have been praised as an aphrodisiac food since ancient times. Some attribute this mostly to the suggestive shape of
more too it. All parts of the plant have been used for magical purposes. Carrot seed oil can be used in money magic and hea
letting go of 'old stuff' that is blocking his/her flow and prevents him/her from moving on. It can be regarded as a spiritual de

Carrot seed oil has an earthy, warm, slightly spicy and woodsy aroma. It blends well with Neroli, Geranium, Orange, Rosema

Carrot seed oil is mostly used in aromatherapy skin care. It is very nutritious and lends itself perfectly to all kinds of lotions a
intended for very sensitive tissue around the eyes and for mature skin. It has a revitalizing effect on tired skin and restores t
healing effect on dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis. Carrot seed oil is used to reduce oedema and can help release toxins from
supportive oil in chronic conditions such as arthritis and gout. It is also said to support liver and kidney function. It may be us

Planet: Sun
History & Mythology

The sacred Cedars of Lebanon and the Atlas Mountains became victim of their own popularity a long time ago. The decimatio
continues. At one time these grand forests of lofty Cedars must have been overwhelming in their awe-inspiring beauty. Leba
that can live up to 2000 years. But despite their sacredness they were not protected: King Solomon ordered vast tracks to be
and palace and even long before his time, the Gilgamesh epic tells the story of another misguided adventurer, who abused t
he failed on account of the glory, he managed to decimate the wonderful forests. Subsequent grazing by farm animals have
little of it remains in tact. A similar fate is in store for Atlas Cedar, which became the substitute for Lebanon Cedar and which
own habitat.
Magical use:

When using this oil be aware of its preciousness and ask yourself if another, less endangered oil may not serve the same pur
used to construct coffins. Like all conifers, Cedar is associated with eternal life and so it was hoped that a body placed in coffi
access to the Otherworld. It was also much used for incense, the scent being considered particularly purifying and sacred. It
cleanse the ceremonial grounds. It helps focusing on the magical intent and to align with one's highest purpose. It may help
glorification if we were to learn from the lessons of Gilgamesh and Solomon - the greatest spiritual glory lies not in the pursu
serving the Gods.

A warm, aromatic, woody scent. Blends well with Rose, Bergamot, Jasmine, Neroli, Juniper, Cypress, Clary Sage, Frankincens

Cedarwood Atlas can be used for respiratory problems such as bronchitis, asthma and catarrh. In aromatherapy skin care it i
dermatitis and eczema. It is also used for stress related problems, especially when these are due to a lack of self confidence
pregnancy. Do not take internally.
Planet: Sun
History & Mythology

The true identity of Virginian Cedarwood has caused much confusion, for it is not so much a Cedar, but a Juniper - Red Junipe
native to North America. Native Americans have long held it sacred in the same way as regular Juniper was in the Old World.
valued it for its purifying and protective properties. It is an indispensable ingredient of sacred smudging blends used for puri
also one of the most important incenses burned in the Peyote rituals of the Native American Church and serves as a fragrant
medicinal herbs. Western tribes carve their totem poles from its wood.
Magical use:
Cederwood Virginia can be used in all ritual work, but is particularly suitable for attuning to nature spirits. It is purifying and
cleanse. It dispels negative energies and attracts good spirits and protects the seeker on his spirit journey or vision quest. It
A somewhat balsamic, resinous, juniper like scent. Blends well with Amyris, Cardamom, Juniper, Cypress, Vetivert, Patchouli

Cedarwood Virginia repels both vermin and insects. Therapeutically it is very useful for arthritic and rheumatic conditions an
for infections of the urinary system (but not kidney infection) and to stimulate delayed or scanty periods. Its purifying, fortify
conditions. Use with caution. Avoid during pregnancy.
Planet: Sun
History & Mythology

The sunny and beautifully fragrant little Chamomile flowers spread cheer and contentment. Humble though it may be, it is a
also for other plants. Gardeners know it as 'the plant's physician'. Apparently, its presence improves the health and well bein
to find their scent offensive, though humans adore it. In fact, Chamomile was named for its scent, 'which is reminiscent of ap
('Chamai' = 'on the ground' and 'Melon' = 'apple'.) In the Middle Ages Chamomile was a popular strewing herb and at one tim
lawns. These were dearly loved, because not only did they give off a wonderfully relaxing scent, but unlike most plants they
the slightest, as the old saying testifies:
'Like a Chamomile bed, the more it is trodden the more it will spread'

Chamomile has been a favourite remedy of herbalists since time immemorial. It was always included in the sacred 9-herb bu
worthy healing herbs. At one time English (Roman) Chamomile was a very important commercial crop in England and hundre
Local schools even shut down for the harvest season so that children could help with the gathering.
Magical use:

Chamomile is an excellent oil for chakra balancing. It brings inner peace and contentment, and calms all sense of fretting or
open the heart to expressing love and compassion. It can also be used for dream work, as it protects the seeker on his astra
and nightmares. It is used to bring clarity of vision for divination and scrying, and may also be used for prophetic dreams. Ch
good fortune, especially in monetary matters.

A bright, sunny, aromatic, fruity scent. Blends well with Bergamot, Cinnamon, Clary Sage, Cypress, Frankincense, Galbanum
Rosemary, Vetiver and Ylang Ylang,

Roman Chamomile is one of the best remedies for tension and anger. It is deeply relaxing and balancing and soothes raw ne
for headaches, especially tension headaches as well as for digestive problems that are due to anxiety, fear or anger. It is also
abdominal cramps. Last but not least, Chamomile is an excellent oil for aromatherapy skin care products and lotions, adding
bacterial properties to your blends.
Planet: Venus
History & Mythology

Champaca is regarded as one of the most sacred trees of India and tropical Asia. Its flowers exude a divine fragrance that is
women. Thus it is often grown in temple gardens as well as near dwellings, so the sweet smelling flowers can bring joy to all
perfume in the world, a fragrance known as ''Joy'', which was created for the famous French fashion house Jean Patou in 1
In India, the flowers are used for decoration and their alluring scent is employed as a natural aphrodisiac perfume. All parts o
utilized in various remedies. Note: Occasionally Champaca is confused with Champaca wood oil, which does not derive from
for the South American Guaiacum tree.
Magical Use:

Champaca, like all sweetly fragrant flowers, is particularly sacred to Krishna, the God of Love and Romance. It can be used in
and romance and may also be included in love charms and amulets. It may be used to evoke unconditional, universal love an
vibration of divine love and beauty.

An intense, intoxicating, sweet, floral aroma that acts as a fragrant magnet. Blends well with Rose, Jasmine, Ylang Ylang, Ner

The most significant contribution of Jasmine to aromatherapy is its effect on mind and emotions. It eases labour pains and ha
regenerate tired tissue, help restore wrinkled skin and reduce scars and stretch-marks. It is a superb oil for treating sexual p
or anxiety and lack of trust. It is also excellent for all stress related issues: depression, nervous and mental exhaustion, burn
dispel the dark clouds of negativity and to let the sunshine in. Avoid during first 4 months of pregnancy. Do not take internall

Planet: Sun/ Mercury

History & Mythology

What would Christmas be without the sweet, warming scent of Cinnamon wafting from kitchens and sweetening the air' Cinn
its way to Europe along the old spice routes. It was once so highly prized that it was only used on special festive occasions s
kept secret and people believed that it came from Arabia, where it was thought to grow not from the earth, but in the nests o
the birds away from their nests long enough to climb up and get the precious bounty. Cinnamon was well known to the ancie
incense to purify the temples and ward off evil spirits. It was also an ingredient of the sacred embalming oil. Cinnamon was c
on special occasions was offered as a sacrifice to the Gods. Even the Bible mentions it and gives a recipe for an anointing oil
piously, it has also long been regarded as a invigorating aphrodisiac that possesses the power to arouse passion.
Magical use:

The practitioner can make ample use of Cinnamon's stimulating power. It gives an extra boost of energy to all magical work
intention. It is excellent to use for cleanses and to purify or consecrate the ceremonial or ritual space. It can open psychic ch
also often included in love philtres and potions to attract lovers. As an aphrodisiac aroma it can be used in sex magic or tant
a 'good luck' plant that may help to clear energy blockages and thus may help the practitioner to connect with the cosmic flo
and riches.

A warm, spicy, sweet and woody scent. Blends well with Clove, Orange, Ylang Ylang, Frankincense, Mandarin, Balsam of Peru

Cinnamon leaf, like the spice, possesses some 'heat' and can be used to increase blood circulation to a localized area, such a
stimulating effect is also useful in cases of mental or physical debility, fragility and stress related conditions or exhaustion. It
to fight chills at the onset of a cold. It also helps to overcome emotional coldness and frigidity. Some ascribe it aphrodisiac pr
very helpful for abdominal cramps and flatulent colic. It is also effective against lice and scabies. This is a powerful oil; it ma
with caution. Avoid during pregnancy.

Planet: Sun
History & Mythology

Citronella belongs to a family of fragrant grasses native to Sri Lanka, where it has long been cultivated. The lemony scent is
expensive oil it is often used to adulterate. Unfortunately, it does not share the same properties. In ancient Egypt, the roots o
ingredient of the famous Kyphi incense. In Chinese medicine it has long been used as a traditional remedy for rheumatism a
effective insect repellent, usually sold in the form of sprays or scented candles. It is also a common fragrance component of
Citronella provides the base material to synthesize certain other fragrances.
Magical use:

Citronella refreshes a weary mind and lifts the spirit. It can be used for ritual purification or to cleanse a new home of old, lin
thought-forms and negative energies. As an ingredient of Kyphi incense it can be used for dream and healing work.
A fresh, lemony woody scent. Blends well with Geranium, Lemon, Bergamot, Orange, Cedarwood, Pine and Eucalyptus.

Citronella oil is best known for its insect repellent properties, but it can also be used to treat excessive perspiration and swea
neuralgia as well as for rheumatism, arthritis and back pains. Its refreshing scent boosts energy, though be aware that it also
care it is used for oily skin. Citronella may cause a skin reaction in sensitive individuals. Avoid during pregnancy.
Planet: Moon
History & Mythology

Clary Sage, is closely related to common Garden Sage, but as an essential oil proves much less toxic and is thus preferred. It
name 'Clear Eye', which reveals its highly esteemed use as an eye remedy. The seeds were placed in water until they develo
they were placed in the eye in order to 'catch' any stray particles of dust and thus clear the vision. Today, sometimes an infu
seeds work better. It also had quite a reputation as a mind altering herb. In Britain in particular it was often used for brewing
apparently made it 'fit to please drunkards, who thereby, according to their several dispositions, become either dead drunke
drunken stupor was followed by a mighty hangover and headache. In Germany it was mixed with Elderflowers to adulterate
unlike Muscatel wine. The German name 'Muskateller Salbei' still serves as a reminder of this dubious use.
Magical use:

Magically, Clary Sage is associated with vision. It is used to clear not only the physical eye, but also the third eye of the clair
lifts the spirit and helps detachment from emotionally difficult or painful situations. With emotional distance one gains a bett
trance and or to induce euphoria, which is why it is also sometimes used as an aphrodisiac.

An earthy, nutty, herbaceous scent. Blends well with Cypress, Jasmin, Geranium Vetivert, Tuberose, Pine, Labdanum, Juniper

Aromatherapy:Clary Sage is a great stress reliever and helps to keep life's problems emotionally at bay. It relaxes both bo
It can even have a euphoric effect on some. Clary Sage is an excellent oil for women's problems, PMT, painful or scanty perio
may help in some cases of anorexia. It is also excellent in aromatherapy skin care preparations for improving skin tone and c
conditions or oily skin. eIn hair care blends it is used to treat dandruff and greasy hair. Use with caution. Avoid during pregna
Planet: Sun
History & Mythology

'Flower of the Gods' is what Cloves are called in Asia. At home in the Spice Islands and the Philippines, Cloves have long bee
via the old spice routes and were sold in the Arab markets until 16th century, when Portuguese explorers discovered their tru
dominion of the islands - the tropical climate produced an abundance of wonderfully exotic spices and Europeans were crazy
were among the most precious substances of commerce in those days, and a man's fortune could be made or lost depending
East. The name 'Cloves' actually derives from the Latin'clavus', meaning little nail, which survives in the Dutch name 'Kruidn
flowers are placed around children's necks for protection. It keeps evil spirits away and protects against nasty gossip. In Indo
Cloves are not so much used as a culinary spice, but as a flavouring agent for cigarettes. They are also commonly used as an
use it as a spice as an ingredient in their famous 5 spice mixture, but also as medicine. In western cuisines it is mostly assoc
and apple spice. When the plague raged through Europe, Cloves were highly valued. Their anti-septic properties probably sa
mostly known for their insect repellent properties and their usefulness as a local anaesthetic, particularly in the treatment of
Magical use:

The scent is invigorating and punchy and can be used to boost energy levels or to add extra potency to incense blends or rit
powers! It is commonly used in love philtres and potions or carried in the pocket to attract a lover. Cloves offer protection an
make a very potent ritual cleanse. Sometimes they are used for prosperity magic.
A rich, warm and spicy scent. Blends well with Orange, Bergamot, Rose, Vanilla, Clary Sage, Pimento and Ylang Ylang.

A dab of Clove oil works wonders on an aching tooth until one can get to the doctor for proper treatment. It can be used in b
aches and pains. It stimulates peristalsis and alleviates nausea. Clove oil has anti-fungal properties and can be used to treat
purify the air in a sick room and keep insects and mosquitoes away. It strengthens and stimulates the uterus and may ease t
it should only be used under proper supervision. Clove oil should be avoided entirely during the early stages of pregnancy. U
Planet: Moon
History & Mythology

Coriander, also known as Chinese Parsley, is among the oldest known spice plants. It not only has long history of flavouring o
esteemed for its medicinal and magical powers. The essential oil is distilled from the seeds. In ancient Egypt it was placed in
protect them on their last journey and ensure their rebirth in the Otherworld. An incense recipe mentioned in the tales of the
powerful aphrodisiac. As incense it also dispels evil spirits and cures the possessed, which is why it is associated with St. Ant
was a common occurrence due to the contamination of grain with a hallucinogenic fungus. However, Coriander seeds thems
doses, causing stupor and hallucinations. Apparently, wine was sometimes spiced with Coriander to make it more intoxicatin
Magical use:

Coriander can be used to dispel negative energies and to banish demons. It is used for protection and exorcism. It has also o
incense blends intended to stir the Kundalini snake from its lair. It may be included in ritual cups and cakes for a hand-fasting
beyond space and time. Coriander protects the practitioner on spirit journeys and astral travels.

A woody, spicy, warm and earthy scent. Blends well with Clary Sage, Ambrette Seed, Geranium, Bergamot, Jasmine, Frankin
Citronella, Cypress, Pine, Ginger and Cinnamon.

Coriander oil is for the digestive system. It stimulates appetite and eases queasiness, indigestion and stomach cramps. It als
related bloating and stimulates menstrual flow. It should be avoided during pregnancy. It has a gentle aroma that enlivens an
sense of being burned out. It is a good oil for convalescence and to get motivated when feeling lethargic or depressed. It ma
can aid recovery after a difficult birth. It also soothes fear, anxieties, nervousness and shock.

Planet: Mars/Jupiter
History & Mythology

A member of the carrot family, Cumin is mostly associated with the exotic cuisines of Asia and Asia Minor. In ancient Greece
by all the old herbalists. In India it is not only one of the most important ingredients of curry powder , but also finds use in Ay
little bag among the linen it keeps moths and insects out of cupboards. In ancient Greece, Cumin symbolized stinginess and
'to have eaten Cumin'. This was probably an allusion to not paying one's dues, since at that time Cumin was used as commo
earthy, slightly sweaty aroma - what some would describe as a 'male' scent. It is indeed often added to cosmetics for men, s
hint of Cumin 'sexy' and it is said to stimulate desire. Perhaps this is why Cumin is so immensely popular in Latin American c
Magical use:

Cumin can be used to attract a lover (especially for men). It stimulates the base chakra and rouses desire. It protects agains
can be used to contemplate the laws of manifestation (especially with regards to money) and to meditate on the balance of

An earthy, slightly sweaty, pheromonal male scent. Blends well with Lavender, Rosemary, Coriander, Cinnamon, Rose, Ylang
Galbanum and Cardamom.

Cumin is a good oil for the digestive system. It stimulates appetite, aids indigestion, cramps and flatulence. A tiny drop adde
perfumes lends them that certain note of 'je ne sais quoi'. Caution: Cumin is slightly photosensitizing. Do not expose areas o
Planet: Saturn, Pluto
History & Mythology

Like dark, serene guardians of the threshold, rows of pencil-straight cypresses are often planted near cemeteries to keep wa
Cypresses have always been associated with death and mourning, but also with the eternal life of the soul. Greek mythology
special friend of Apollo, who rode a beautiful sacred stag. One day he accidentally killed the animal with his own spear. Deva
be allowed to die so he could be reunited with his stag in the Otherworld. Apollo tried to console him, but in vain. Wanting to
into a cypress. And so, the cypress became the symbol of grief and mourning. Cypresses are planted on graves as a symbol
not so much gloominess, as serene composure and concentration.
Magical use:

Cypress can be used in rites of passage, funerals or ceremonies of remembrance. It is protective and dispels evil energies. It
concentration and self-discipline. It can assist spiritual understanding of the laws of existence and the cycles of time. It helps
separation and to let go of the ties that bind.

Scent:A woody, balsamic, smoky, lemony scent. Blends well with Clary Sage, Pine, Bergamot, Orange, Labdanum, and Junip

Cypress consoles and comforts those that are left behind, whether they are widowed or going through separation. Rather tha
perspective and thus the ability to let go and rise above the immediate heartache. In aromatherapy it is also used for cellulit
conditions of the upper respiratory tract. It checks excessive perspiration and sweaty feet. Cypress is excellent for PMT, prom
aid for menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes. Avoid during pregnancy.
is for wishes, divination and for calling spirits; for communication and is a welcoming herb.
Planet: Neptune/Moon
History & Mythology:

Davana, a feathery leaved, highly aromatic herb, is a native to India and related to the Artemisias, like Mugwort or Wormwoo
Sandalwood trees of Mysore. Davana is considered sacred to Shiva, Lord of the Universe. The herb is picked in the morning a
garlands and devotional offerings in pujas and processions. Davana has a fascinating personality, which interacts in the mos
it. It is like a mirror that reflects the unfathomable depth of each individual's own soul. Thus, when worn on the skin, Davana
property is highly valued in high class perfumery to create fragrances with truly individual notes.
Magical use:

Davana is dedicated to Shiva. It can be used to help the practitioner recognize his own true self, improve self-image and help
used for initiation and transformation when crossing a bridge to another chapter in life. It can aid the process of individuation
psychologically self-defeating patterns that limit a person's growth and progress and hold one back from true self-realization
and ones abilities. It is said to act strongly as an aphrodisiac.

A most alluring, sweet, balsamic, herbaceous scent with notes of honey and freshly mown hay.
Use with caution.
Planet: Saturn
History & Mythology

Gum Elemi derives from a tropical tree native to the Philippines. It belongs to the same family of trees as Frankincense and M
but rather a mixture of essential oil and resin. However, there is some confusion over this oil as there are several other spec
obtain a gum, which is also referred to as Elemi. These trees are mostly at home in the Caribbean and South American tropic
liquid, which hardens on exposure to air. In the Philippines, gum Elemi is used medicinally to treat skin conditions and promo
an ingredient of the embalming lotion, while Culpeper recommends it for a fractured skull. It also acts as an insect repellent.
manufacture of ink, cement, varnish and lacquer.

Magical use:
Magically, Gum Elemi is used for rites of passage, initiation and new beginnings. It helps the letting go of pre-conceptions an
life. It can also be used to honour the spirits of nature. It focuses the mind during meditation.

A fresh, green, herby, citrus, peppery, balsamic, spicy fragrance. Blends well with Frankincense, Myrrh, Galbanum, Labdanum

Elemi tones and rejuvenates the skin and can be used in aromatherapy skin care products for aged skin and wrinkles. It also
skin conditions. As an inhalant it can loosen an unproductive cough. Elemi can inspire hope and revitalize the spirit in times o

Planet: Moon/ Mercury, air

History & Mythology

Eucalyptus is among the best known and most commonly used oils in aromatherapy. The trees are native to Australia, where
trees grow very tall and to walk through such a forest with trees of over 100m towering above is a magical feeling. As the su
released and perfume the air with a fresh, sweet, aromatic scent. Unfortunately, it is impossible to capture this complex arom
the essential oil is rather less sensuous. There are differences though, depending on which species of Eucalyptus the oil deri
radiate, which is milder than the more commonly available, but rather harsh Eucalyptus globulus oil. Eucalyptus is powerfull
why it is included in so many cold remedies, lozenges and chest rubs. Studies have shown that diffused in a room, Eucalyptu
Staphylococci bacteria. The native people of Australia use Eucalyptus to treat wounds and to relieve fever. The European imm
natives, and today Eucalyptus reputations as a panacea has spread far beyond Australia.
Magical use:

Eucalyptus is excellent for purification of ritual tools and ceremonial spaces. It can be used in healing rituals to banish the de
It is a cooling and calming oil, which clears all negative energies and cleanses the atmosphere. Good for clearing the air afte


A fresh, camphor-like, slightly balsamic scent. Blends well with Lemon, Melissa, Pine Lavender, Juniper and Immortelle (Helic

Eucalyptus is best known for its excellent effect on conditions of the upper respiratory tract, for nasal or bronchial congestion
all symptoms associated with colds and flu. Because E. radiata is less pungent, it is better suited for long-term use to treat p
aroma for clearing the air in sick rooms as it will kill most of the bacteria in the air. It also lowers fever and in combination wi
treatment of chickenpox. It is very cooling and can be used to draw the heat from inflammations. It is also a powerful insect
Eucalyptus is also very useful for treating muscle aches and pains, rheumatoid arthritis, sprains, neuralgia and weakness. Em
useful when emotions are 'boiling over'. Do not take internally.
Planet: Moon/Mercury
History & Mythology

Lemon-scented Eucalyptus shares many of the properties of regular Eucalyptus, but it has a bonus: its delightful lemony arom
moon shaped leaves exude a divine scent. They have become popular decorative garden trees in Britain, though the sun rar
aroma. Lemon-scented Eucalyptus is particularly effective against staphylococcus aureus. It also has remarkable anti-fungal
damp places. It imparts a great aroma to the linen cupboard and is more effective as an insect repellent than regular eucalyp

Like regular Eucalyptus, Lemon-scented Eucalyptus can be used for purification and protection, to get rid of negative energie
of youthfulness and may be used when embarking on new ventures or adventure.

Scent: A fresh, lemony, camphor-like scent with balsamic undertones. Blends well with Lemon, Tea Tree, Lavender and Basil.

Lemon-scented Eucalyptus has great fungicidal properties that are effective for treating athlete's foot and other fungal infect
shingles as well as chickenpox and other infectious diseases. Like regular Eucalyptus, it is also very helpful for conditions of t
laryngitis and sore throat as well as for symptoms of colds and feverish conditions. Do not take internally.
Planet: Mercury in Virgo
History & Mythology

Who would have thought that the lowly Fennel played a pivotal role in the evolution of human consciousness' According to m
the sacred fire from Olympus back to earth, hiding the glimmering embers inside a Fennel stalk. Fennel is also associated wi
Known as 'Thyros-staff', it consisted of a Fennel stalk tipped with a pine cone, which served as a symbol of fertility at his sac
way snakes use Fennel to cure any injuries to their eyes and to help them shed their skins. Fennel was also imbued with mag
were hung over doors to protect the inhabitants against witches and demons. Fennel is considered a traditional midsummer
it. The Roman army used Fennel seeds to curb hunger on long marches and to impart courage on their men. Fennel's reputa
hunger pangs was still current in the 17th century, when William Coles wrote 'both the seeds, leaves and root of our Garden
for those that are grown fat, to abate their unwieldiness and cause them to grow more gaunt and lank.' Fennel contains anet
Large doses can be toxic to the liver.

Magically, Fennel is very versatile. It is very suitable for initiation rites as it may also help the initiate to shed his old skin and
the cosmic fire within. It also protects the novice and bestows courage. Fennel is great for students as it aids their memory. I
may be used in hand-fasting unions, not just as an aphrodisiac, but also as a reminder that a union undergoes constant rene
from time to time can grow and keep love young.

A herby, light, sweet liquorice-like aroma. Blends well with Geranium, Rose, Clary Sage, Juniper, Oakmoss, Elemi and Cypres

Fennel aids digestion and counteracts cramping and griping pains. It is used to curb appetite and is said to be effective for c
for coughs and bronchitis. Mothers use it to stimulate their milk flow and to soothe the rumbling tummies of their off-spring.
menstrual flow. Use with caution. Not recommended during first months of pregnancy. Epileptics should avoid this oil.
Planet: Venus
History & Mythology

Frangipani, also known as Plumera, is one of the most delightful members of the Apocynacea or Dogbane family. Its delicate
variation and its enchanting scent can be described as the mother of all perfumes - it is nectar for the Gods. In India, Bali an
sacred and present at every ceremony. But most of all it is sacred to Krishna. Frangipani trees are frequently planted in temp
name 'Pagoda trees'. In India, they are also often planted near graves and revered as a 'Tree of Life' that symbolizes the eter
America also hold this tree sacred. The red and white varieties represent the sun and the moon respectively. Shamans use th
to the Gods. Frangipani received its name from a perfume invented by the Marquis Frangipani, Marechal des Armees of Louis
spice known until Plumeria (Frangipani) was discovered. The scent of Frangipani was the perfect perfume, a million times be
Henceforth, the perfume was made from Frangipani and the tree was named after the Marquis. Frangipani oil should not be c
same name, which is made with almonds and honey, but has nothing to do with the essence of this tree, except that its inve
Magical use:

The essence of this fragrance epitomizes divine perfection. It can be used for meditation on perfect love and perfect trust. It
scented wings to your prayers. Its divine scent may inspire divine benevolence and mercy. Frangipani can also be used in fun
and reminds those left behind of the immortal nature of the soul and its long journey through the many cycles of life. Frangip
hand-fasting, to invoke the highest form of spiritual and sensual love.
A rich, sweet, heady, floral scent. Blends well with Vetivert, Agarwood, Ylang Ylang and Sandalwood

Frangipani is particularly valued for its emotionally uplifting properties. It soothes many emotional problems and can help th
blockages associated with love and sexual fulfilment. It can be used in aromatherapy perfumes and skin care preparations to
Planet: Sun
History & Mythology

No resin is as widely used for ceremonial and ritual purposes as Frankincense. In the ancient world it played a significant eco
of Frankincense trade, was built and significantly embellished by the profits gained from incense trade. At that time, Frankinc
According to Pliny, it took 62 days to travel the length of the Incense Route from the Dead Sea to Jerusalem, a journey fraud
adventure. Unfortunately, things that are lucrative quickly become corrupt, and thus it is the sad truth that even before the b
Frankincense with other gums and resins. Frankincense was burned in great quantities at every sacred occasion, though in R
well. Even to this day, Frankincense is the by far most widely used incense, since the Roman Catholic Church burns little else
spiritual qualities; it was also valued as a cosmetic ingredient and as medicine.
Magical use:

Frankincense opens the heart chakra and attunes the mind to the highest spiritual vibrations - it exudes sacredness. It is use
Gods. An excellent oil for meditation and contemplation of spiritual love and wisdom. Frankincense banishes negative energi
purification and protection, especially in ceremonial or ritual settings.. It aids study, particularly of spiritual or philosophical m

An uplifting, bright, clear, punchy scent with a balsamic undertone. Blends well with Chamomile, Vetivert, Bergamot, Mimosa
Cinnamon, Benzoin and Geranium.

Frankincense can be used in aromatherapy skin care preparations to tone mature skin and to smooth wrinkles. It is often use
respiratory tract. But it is most valuable as an oil for emotional wellbeing and balance. It opens the heart chakra and helps to
in times of stress for those who 'burn the candle at both ends'. It is deeply relaxing, yet lifts the spirit beyond the worries of t
to lighten the load when one feels overwhelmed with pressure.
Planet: Pluto/Saturn
History & Mythology

An enigmatic and complex aroma, Galbanum is a bit of an odd ball as far as oils go. It is derived from a resin, which is not, a
tree, but rather from an herbaceous plant of the Carrot family that is native to Iraq and Iran. The whole plant exudes a milky
air. This resin has been used as incense and medicine since biblical times. The aroma of the essential oil is somewhat more r
distilled. While Frankincense was only used for sacred occasions, Galbanum and Myrrh could be burnt for domestic purposes
at spring equinox.
Magical use:

Galbanum can be used for purification and protection. It has quite a vehement energy and may be useful for banishing nega
used for shamanic journeys to the Underworld and can be useful at times when the soul is in a process of transformation and
of the fact that every goal is a new beginning. In ancient Egypt it was used as an ingredient of embalming lotions.

A complex, multi-layered and long lasting scent, green, dark and mysterious. Blends well with Elemi, Hyacinth, Lavender, Be

In aromatherapy skin care, Galbanum is helpful for oily skin and acne and is recommended as a tonic for mature skin and sc
that may help delve into psychological sore spots in order to face old debris and clear energy blockages or traumas from the
Planet: Venus

History & Mythology

There are about 700 species of Geraniums, many of which have become very popular as decorative, scented house and gard
varieties are used for essential oil production. In Africa, Geraniums are often planted around the house for protection, particu
the prophet Muhammad imbued the Geranium Absolute with its lovely scent, when one day he passed by a humble weed on
moment to rest and hung his sweaty shirt on the herb. The Geranium held it up to the sun until it was dry, which pleased the
beautifully scented flowers. Geranium oil has become one of the most widely used oils in Aromatherapy; its overall effect is d
Magical use:

Geranium can be used for chakra balancing, to restore the equilibrium between male and female energies. It dispels the dem
overcome apprehension. It is used in dream work and astral travel. Geranium helps the mind to focus and centre at times wh
sense of 'too much on my mind'. Geranium helps switching gears so one can take a moment to appreciate and smell the flow

A spicy rose-like flowery aroma. Blends well with Lavender, Patchouli, Clove, Rose, Jasmine, Juniper, Neroli, Bergamot and Or

Geranium acts as a balancing oil and is both relaxing and stimulating. It is particularly recommended for women's problems,
can be used as an anti-depressant. It may help in cases of insecurity and gloominess. In aromatherapy skin care products it
and in cleansing lotions for congested skin conditions such as acne and dry eczema. It is said to be useful for cellulites and w
chilblains. Geranium is insect repellent and is effective against lice.
Planet: Venus
History & Mythology

There are about 700 species of Geraniums, many of which have become very popular as decorative, scented house and gard
varieties are used for essential oil production. In Africa, Geraniums are often planted around the house for protection, particu
the prophet Muhammad imbued the Geranium with its lovely scent, when one day he passed by a humble weed on his way d
to rest and hung his sweaty shirt on the herb. The Geranium held it up to the sun until it was dry, which pleased the prophet
scented flowers. Geranium oil has become one of the most widely used oils in Aromatherapy; its overall effect is described a
Magical use:

Geranium can be used for chakra balancing, to restore the equilibrium between male and female energies. It dispels the dem
overcome apprehension. It is used in dream work and astral travel. Geranium helps the mind to focus and centre at times wh
sense of 'too much on my mind'. Geranium helps switching gears so one can take a moment to appreciate and smell the flow

A spicy rose-like flowery aroma. Blends well with Lavender, Patchouli, Clove, Rose, Jasmine, Juniper, Neroli, Bergamot and Or

Geranium acts as a balancing oil and is both relaxing and stimulating. It is particularly recommended for women's problems,
can be used as an anti-depressant. It may help in cases of insecurity and gloominess. In aromatherapy skin care products it
and in cleansing lotions for congested skin conditions such as acne and dry eczema. It is said to be useful for cellulites and w
chilblains. Geranium is insect repellent and is effective against lice.

Planet: Moon/Mars
History & Mythology

Ginger has been used for food and medicine for so long that nobody knows exactly where it originally came from. The oldest
about 2000BC. In all likelihood it was there that Ginger was first cultivated. It is one of the most ubiquitous spices of Asian cu
The English name 'Ginger' seems to have derived from Sanskrit 'shringavera', which means 'antler shaped root'. Ginger is in
proved very handy as it can be transported in a dormant state, ready to be planted even in our northern climes. However, it
hint of frost. Surprisingly, Ginger was much more commonly used in Britain and Europe in the past than it is today. In fact it w
Grated Ginger was freely available in pubs to spice the ale. The idea was later marketed as a separate concoction, which bec
are said to have rubbed a smidgen of Ginger on their nags backsides to impart a little spunkiness. What is good for horses is
reputation as an aphrodisiac and is sometime used in the treatment of impotency.
Magical use:

Ginger 'energizes' all magical works and may help focussing on the intent. It is used for courage and concentration. Its aphro
use in sex magic and tantric rituals. Ginger may also be included in love philtres and potions. It sensitizes the third eye and c
spiritual healing.

A pungent, warm, fresh, sweet, spicy scent. Blends well with Vetivert, Patchuli, Frankincense, Ho-wood, Orange, Neroli and A

Ginger is very stimulating and warming. It acts as a digestive aid, warms the stomach and dispels wind. It is one of the best
It stimulates appetite and improves digestion. Its warming qualities are also used in the treatment of colds and catarrhs, cou
sore throats. It is diaphoretic and can be useful for treating feverish conditions. Ginger stimulates the circulation and can be
rubefacient oil for rheumatism, arthritis, muscle aches sprains and strains. It boosts energy levels and can be used for nervo
and fatigue.
Planet: Sun
History & Mythology

Grapefruit is a relatively modern fruit, the hybridized offspring that resulted from an illicit affair between a pumelo and an or
Hughes in 1750, who called it 'the forbidden fruit of Barbados'. Thus, it is a true New World crop. Its cultivation quickly sprea
States. The trees are semi-hardy, though they die back in severe frost, they later miraculously recovering and spring back to
trees are even capable of bearing fruit again. Claim to fame as the northernmost fruit bearing grapefruit tree goes to 'Aunt Q
survives - year round - outside, in a sheltered spot of the Chelsea Physicke's Garden in London. Grapefruit are primarily value
content and is said to have cancer protective properties. It also lowers the blood sugar and it is often promoted as a diet aid.
anti-fungal and has become the number one natural preservative. Grapefruits can have interactions with synthetic medicine
pressing of the peel. Grapefruit oil has photosensitizing properties.
Magical use:

As a 'newcomer', Grapefruit oil does not have a long established history in magical aromatherapy, which does not mean to s
Grapefruit can be used like other citrus fruit, but will provide even more 'punch'. It is energizing and purifying and can be use
awakens the senses and promotes mental clarity. It signifies inner strength and resilience in adversity and is an appropriate
the soul.

A fresh, citrus-like, slightly, bitter-aromatic and punchy scent. Blends well with Bergamot, Cypress, Geranium, Lavender, Lem


Grapefruit oil is primarily used for its effect on cellulites and water retention. It is also valued in aromatherapy skin care prod
properties, which are especially useful for oily or congested skin and acne. It is also a great oil to lift the spirit and provide su
depression and nervous exhaustion.
Planet: Sun
History & Mythology

Although Helichrysums or 'Everlasting' as they are sometimes called, have conquered a place in our gardens, these oddly dr
warmer climes. They are best adapted to the harsh arid and dry conditions of the Mediterranean hills, where they grow profu
ancients were well aware of its healing powers and both, Dioscorides and Tabernaemontanus described it in detail. Yet, mode
virtues. Aromatherapy is rediscovering it and it is now taking the lead in spreading the word regarding its numerous medicin
species in the genus and 245 of them occur in South Africa, where they are commonly used in folk medicine and magic. Sha
spirits and call upon the ancestors.
Magical use:

Helichrysum may be used in spiritualistic rituals to invoke the spirits of the departed. Its everlasting nature can teach us abo
mysteries of self-regeneration. Helichrysum may also be employed for scrying and channelling practices.

A complex, multi-layered, sweet and floral scent. Blends well with Chamomile, Clary Sage, Clove, Cypress, Geranium, Lavend
Rose, Lemon, Verbena, Grapefruit, Orange and Vetiver.

Helichrysum oil has been dubbed 'the Super Arnica of Aromatherapy' for its remarkable ability to speed the healing of wound
used for rheumatoid arthritis. Studies have shown it to be highly antimicrobial, antiviral, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. I
for wrinkles and mature skin, inflamed skin conditions, such as dermatitis or psoriasis and for reducing stretch marks and sc
'psychological' oil. It helps letting go of old pain and healing the scars from the past. It can also be used to overcome addicti
nicotine abuse.
Planet: Mars
History & Mythology

Ho-wood oil derives from the Hon Sho variety of Camphor, which occurs mainly in Japan. It is distilled from the leaves and br
much like Camphor at all. Rather, it smells a bit like Rosewood, which it substitutes in Aromatherapy use. Rosewood, a native
due to over-harvesting. Although plantations have since been planted, it takes time for the trees to mature and produce eno
non of the sustainably harvested oil has become available on the aromatherapy market. Ho leaf, distilled from the leaves of
replace Ho-wood oil in Aromatherapy, not because of the sustainability factor, but because its scent is even smoother, conta
Hon Sho is a vehemently defensive tree - the exudates from its roots (the source of camphor) kills worms and other micro-or
into the ocean can kill marine organisms, which is why some consider this oil an environmental hazard. Epileptics should avo
Magical Use:

Ho wood can be used to help break unhealthy emotional patterns that cause one to hold on to dissatisfying situations. It can
and dare leaping into the unknown. It may be used to become aware and realize the nature of a problem, the first step befor
aid overcoming inertia, the biggest stumbling block to living our dreams. It can help manifest visions into realities.

A warm, floral, spicy woody scent with a slightly camphor-like undertone. Blends well with Cedarwood, Bergamot, Lavender,

Use as a substitute for Rosewood. Ho-wood acts as a mild analgesic and muscle relaxant. It is also used in Aromatherapy ski
and as an insect repellent. It is relaxing and has mild aphrodisiac properties. Ho-wood is anti-depressant and helps facing are
Planet: Venus/Saturn

History & MythologyA tragic love story tells the fate of Hyacinthus, a beautiful youth, beloved of Phoebus. One day, the t
Phoebus threw it far and high and hit the mark. Young Hyacinth ran to pick it up - alas, too eagerly, for Zephyrus, the mischie
Hyacinthus, had been roused with jealousy, and now he blew the discus from the sand. It hit poor Hyacinthus in the face and
from his head his life lights were quickly fading. Phoebus was heartbroken, but the wound was beyond repair, even by the m
immortalize the boy's memory he turned him into flower, which immediately sprang from the ground where his blood had fa
celebrate an annual festival to keep the memory of Hyacinthus alive. The Hyacinth was also one of the flowers that witnesse
Dioscorides mentions it and reports that it was used to keep children sexually immature. The essential oil is extremely precio
single litre of the essential oil. It is mostly used in high class perfumery.
Magical use:

Hyacinth symbolizes youth at the dawn of puberty and may thus be a perfect fragrance for those who want to keep the spiri
loss of innocence, which comes with sexual maturity. It is a suitable oil for marking as an initiation the crossing of the thresh
with coming to terms with the heartaches caused by immature love and jealousy that are the hallmark of this period of life. M
broken heart, to make a new start into unknown territory and to let go of attachments. It is thus useful for initiation rites and
us understand that every new beginning is also an ending and comfort those who are grieving for a loved one. Every loss or
grieved and honoured before we can move on.

A somewhat green, sweet, floral scent which changes significantly over time and in relation to the individual pH level of the
none more so than Hyacinth. Blends well with Narcissus, Elemi, Violet, Galbanum, Ylang Ylang, Styrax, Jasmine, Orange Blos

In aromatherapy Hyacinth is rarely used, except to create individualized fragrances. However, it has potential for its psychol
depression, fatigue, apathy and stress related conditions. It can be useful at times of grieving and loss and may help to over
new chapter in life, or at the break up of a relationship.
Planet: Saturn
History & Mythology

In herbal medicine the use of hyssop has fallen out of fashion, though the ancients swore by it. Hyssop is a perennial herb of
it can be considered as an annual. In Tudor times it was fashionable to grow hyssop as a hedging plant for their knotted gard
as not just as medicine, but also for its fragrance and flavour. It became an important ingredient of Chartreuse and similar he
important ingredients of 'Eau de Cologne'. But most famously, Hyssop is one of the most frequently mentioned herbs of the
However, opinions differ as to the true identity of the biblical Hyssop, as some believe it to be based on mistranslation of the
which simply mean 'Holy Herb'. Heated theological arguments prevail. Meanwhile, other myths spring forth, and it is said tha
the vinegar soaked sponge to Christ at the crucifixion. Whatever the case may be, Hyssop is a powerful and valuable healing
indeed the biblical herb so revered by the ancients. However, epileptics should stay away from this oil and it should also be a

Magical use:

Hyssop oil can be used in cleansing waters to purify temple or ritual spaces. It is a powerful protection oil that keeps negativ
cleansing and to consecrate magical tools. It is a good oil for meditation as it is spiritually uplifting and can help to centre the

A strong herbal, minty, slightly lemony aromatic scent. Blends well with Lavender, Clary Sage, Rosemary, Ravensara, Niaoul

Hyssop is particularly recommended for treating conditions of the upper respiratory tract, to open a tight chest and make co
eczema. As a room aroma it can protect against bacteria and is thus a useful support for convalescence. It lifts the spirit and
It is also an emmenagogue, so should be avoided during pregnancy. Hyssop is highly potent and should be used sparingly. Th
pressure should avoid this oil altogether.
Planet: Venus/Moon
History & Mythology

She is an enchantress, this 'Queen of the Night', who works her magic through the nose and seduces her prey with the prom
borrowed this seductive power of flowers and doused her sails with Jasmine and Neroli oils as she went off to conquer the loi
didn't stand a chance. Despite its price tag Jasmine is among the best known and most popular essential oils. The cost howe
intensive process of production and the enormous amount of flowers required to obtain a single litre of oil: 1000kg, which eq
flowers, are required to produce just 1kg of oil. Even so, it remains the most sought after oil of perfumers around the world. I
regarded as sacred,symbolizing innocence and purity of mind. Jasmine flower garlands adorn the temples and holy effigies o
festivals the Gods themselves are thought to be present within the flowers. Jasmine flowers are never amiss at wedding cere
flowers into their hair, thus engulfing themselves with this beautiful, most sensuous of natural perfumes.
Magical Use:

Jasmine is an excellent oil to use in tantric rituals and sacred unions. Its aphrodisiac properties act more on the mind, awake
on the sexual organs. It rouses sensuality and opens the mind to the perception of divine beauty in all things. Jasmine gives
to the Gods. It helps the practitioner to connect with his purest intentions and highest aspirations.
Sweet and soft, seductive floral scent. Blends well with Neroli, Rose, Orange, Labdanum and Cadamom.

The most significant contribution of Jasmine to aromatherapy is its effect on mind and emotions. It eases labour pains and ha
regenerate tired tissue, help restore wrinkled skin and reduce scars and stretch-marks. It is a superb oil for treating sexual p
or anxiety and lack of trust. It is also excellent for all stress related issues: depression, nervous and mental exhaustion, burn
dispel the dark clouds of negativity and to let the sunshine in. Avoid during first 4 months of pregnancy. Do not take internall
Planet: Sun
History & Mythology

According to some archaeologists Juniper has been our closest magical plant ally since Neolithic times. Juniper was already m
fragrant wood, needles and berries were used as incense and medicine. Juniper is said to have the power to ward off evil. No
not even the demons of disease: fumigating a space with Juniper will kill off germs and purify the air in a sick room. When th
one of the most promising and effective of protectors. Yet, it was also considered a guardian of the threshold between this w
nurture the souls of the dead until they were ready to reincarnate. For this reason they were often planted on graves. In Egyp
the dead. Juniper berries were found in the sarcophagi and even in the hand of one of the pharaohs, as if he was going to pa
was deeply revered by the country folk that people would tip their hats in passing, as a sign of respect. All sorts of magical p
lost objects, protection against venomous beasts, and guarding against spells of dizziness and weakness, to name but a few.
based on empirical evidence. Juniper indeed repels biting bugs and its stimulating properties can 'preserve the spirit' and pre
is another kind of 'spirit preservation' Juniper is best known for: it is the unique flavour ingredient of Gin. Juniper is not freque
though previously it was a common spice, particularly for greasy meats. Juniper oil should not be used during pregnancy. Avo
Magical Use:

Juniper is a purification plant par excellence. It can be used to cleanse ritual spaces or magical tools. It is strongly protective
It is often used in healing rites and to purify the sick room. During meditation it helps focussing and concentration. It has als
divination. Juniper can be used in rites of passage and as a protector on shamanic journeys to the otherworld. It is an excelle
and spirits of nature.

A pungent, fresh, balsamic, somewhat fruity scent. Blends well with Vetivert, Cedarwood, Cypress, Elemi, Clary Sage, Pine, L
Orange and Geranium.

Juniper is particularly useful for the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism, neuralgia and muscle aches and pains. In aromat
for dermatitis and cellulites or lotions for problem skin, especially if there is an inflammatory component. It may be used to s
menstrual cramping and other PMT related symptoms. It is a specific for urinary problems, though it should be avoided in ca
very energizing and restoring and can help to cope with nervous exhaustion, mental fatigue, angst and other stressful condit
Planet: Mercury
History & Mythology

Lavender, without a doubt, is the most commonly used essential oil in aromatherapy and cosmetics. Its scent is so neat and
in short, reminiscent of grandma's linen closet. Lavender is indeed used in numerous household products, such as soaps and
placed a little sachet stuffed with Lavender flowers between her linens, which not only lent them that special scent of floral f
away. The very name 'Lavender' is descriptive of these age-old uses, which go back to Roman times. The Latin word 'lavare'
means 'to wash'. Although Lavender is a Mediterranean herb and at home in the dry, hot climate of the Provence, it has also
in Britain. In southern Europe, Lavender flowers early and provides welcome spring nectar for busy bees. The resulting honey
France the deeply violet flowered French Lavender (L stoechas) is by far the most common species encountered in the wild. I
well as in England until about the middle of the 18th century and was an important ingredient of the famous 'vinegar of the
as one of the most effective preventative remedies against the plague. Lavender also had the power to ward off other invisib
protection at the summer solstice.
Magical use:

Lavender is perhaps one of the best oils to use for purification, protection and for healing rituals. It calms and centres the mi
superior balancing qualities are ideal for chakra-balancing. It can be used to seal a platonic friendship, especially between te
Mercury, and is well suited to calm an overactive mind and to stabilize emotions. It may be used for studying, as it may deep
case of mental exhaustion (it will send you to sleep).

Lavender has a unique floral scent, sweet, yet somewhat punchy. It blends well with the citrus oils, Bergamot, Myrtle, Chamo
Labdanum, Vetivert, and Patchouli.

The favourite oil of aromatherapists, Lavender is incredibly versatile and useful.Because of its balanced nature, agrees with
care products it can be used for all skin types, but is particularly soothing for inflammatory skin conditions, acne, dermatitis,
an excellent first aid remedy for burns and prevents scarring.It is also very effective for treating insect bites. Lavender is use
tract, though Lavender Spike is better suited for this purpose. It is a well known and singularly useful remedy for light-heade
fainting or as a first aid remedy for shock. Lavender can be used for depression, tension headaches, stress and anxiety
Planet: Sun
History & Mythology

If sunshine could be captured in a fruit it would be a lemon. The zesty aroma just bursts with vibrancy, tickling the soul like a
instantly reminds us of sunny climes and spreads a little bit of Mediterranean ambiance. It is difficult to determine the exact
wanderings. It is believed to have originated in India or Southeast Asia, spreading at first to China, where it was cultivated fo
way to the Arab world, and eventually, to the Roman Empire. Northern Europeans probably first encountered them by the re
Lemons were well known even in England. Yet, their true value as a life-saving anti-scorbutic remedy was not realized until th
discovered that sailors who had access to lemons did not fall prey to scurvy. Thus, it became a standard provision to carry Le
is why British sailors became known as 'limeys'. During the renaissance, the attractive citrus trees with their sweet-scented fl
aristocracy and it became fashionable to grow them far beyond their natural range. Special conservatories had to be built ju
harsh northern European winters. Columbus introduced Lemons to the New World; he took some seeds and planted them in
best deed. Some scholars believe that Lemons might have been the 'Golden Apples of the Hesperides'. Others favour peache
to be decided. Lemons, along with Myrtle, Willow and Palm, play a role in the Jewish festivities of the Tabernacle. In Jewish tra
Magical Use:

Lemon is associated with the solar plexus chakra, the centre of the will and self-image, from which confidence and power rad
those lacking confidence, or easily get down on themselves. Lemon can be used to meditate on the sun as a source of creati
helping to clear an overburdened mind. It is also stimulating and can be used to initiate new projects. It radiates a sparkling
to hang on to the dark clouds of doom and gloom.

In a word: lemony; fresh, sunny, aromatic, warm. Blends well with Neroli, Eucalyptus, Benzoin, Bergamot, Fennel, Geranium,

Lemon oil is antibacterial and due to its fresh scent, lends itself particularly well to diffusion in sick rooms, killing germs and
spirit. Lemon oil is not only anti-depressant, but also helps concentration. Its stimulant action on the circulation is excellent f
or who work creatively. Lemon oil can be used to treat insect bites and itchy skin conditions. It tones and astringes and can b
and cellulites. In aromatherapy skin care it can be added to facial cleansing lotions and may be used to treat oily skin. It can
be used with caution; people with sensitive skin may experience skin reactions. Lemon has photosensitizing properties. Avoid
Planet: Sun
History & Mythology

Until the advent of Asian cuisines expanded our epicurean horizons Lemongrass used to be wholly unknown in the West. Now
and appreciate its delicate lemony flavour. In Asia it has long been appreciated, not just as a spice, but also as medicine, to t
bay. Lemongrass lends its scent to scores of washing up liquids and other household cleaning agents, though we are usually
from actual lemons. Our noses are fooled by the citrols, the lemony fragrance component common to both. Other parts of th
Lemongrass: in the Caribbean an aphrodisiac elixir is prepared with Lemongrass as its main component that is supposed to s
men and women. In Central Africa it is likewise used as an aphrodisiac and has also been used it in divinatory practice.
Magical use:

Lemongrass oil can be used for purification of ritual tools. It can be added to cleansing water to purify a magical or ceremoni
clears the mind, opens psychic channels and aids concentration. It can be used in divination and scrying practices. Lemongr
as a reminder to keep things in perspective and not take them too seriously. It energizes any ritual with a gentle lift rather th
with the inner child. As a stimulating aphrodisiac it can be included in love potions and philtres.

The name sums up the scent - it's a grassy lemon-type scent with hints of vanilla. Blends well with Pine, Eucalyptus, Juniper,

Lemongrass is best known for its efficiency to repel insects such as mosquitoes and fleas. However there is more to this oil t
footbath for tired feet and checks excessive perspiration. It is wonderfully cooling in feverish conditions. It awakens the sens
congestion. In Aromatherapy skin care it can be used to tone and tighten the skin, especially where open pores call for an as
sensitive skin may experience skin reactions.
Planet: Sun
History & Mythology

Lime is the leprechaun of the Lemon family, a cheeky little green fellow with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes - if limes had
distinctly tropical origin, prefer warmer climes than the leprechaun,. Though they became world famous as Key limes or Mex
archipelago from where they have migrated, taking advantage of passing Arab traders, who brought them back to the Medit
climate does not suit the lime that well and so, it never became widely cultivated there. Instead, it set its eyes on the New W
Spaniards and there, in the tropical islands of the Caribbean, it felt right at home. In Western countries they are now mostly
to Key Lime pies and to various cocktails, such as 'Margaritas', which has earned them the nickname of 'Cocktail Lime'. Craft
ingredient' in numerous dishes, adding a certain barely discernible 'twang' that excites the palate. Back in Southeast Asia, ev
spice. There, they also play an important role in folk medicine and magic. Malaysian witch doctors use limes for all manner o
demons of disease to the winds, to protect against all manner of evil devils, to protect new born babies and their mothers du
circumcision rites. Caution: like other citrus oils Lime can irritate the skin in sensitive individual and causes treated skin to be
Magical use:

According to Malay folklore evil spirits hate it, which makes it useful for all kinds of ritual cleansing and purification, and abov
protect a newly wed couple, or to avert vampires, or to guard the souls of newborn babies. It is also mentioned as being use
as an aphrodisiac as such. Lime gives zest and alertness, though it is too energizing for meditation. Rather, it strengthens sp
A zesty, fresh, fruity, green scent with an certain 'twang' note. Blends well with Neroli, Orange, Clary Sage and Mandarin.

Aromatherapy uses for Lime are similar to those for Lemon, though Lime is more refreshing and acts more noticeably on the
alertness due to its energizing effect on the circulation. It can be used to treat headaches (especially where these arise from
compress for feverish conditions. In aromatherapy skin care it can be used to treat brittle nails and in cleansing preparations
corns, warts and boils. It is very effective as a skin toning agent for treating cellulites and broken capillaries. It can be used t
mucus congestion from the upper respiratory tract. Like other Lemon scented oils Lime repels insects and soothes the itchin
skin reaction in sensitive individuals. Avoid exposing treated skin areas to the sun, as it is photosensitizing.
Planet: Venus
History & Mythology

Linden is a mother of a tree - everything about her is feminine, nurturing, loving and caring as only mothers can be. She spre
arboreal embrace. In Norse and Germanic mythology she is sacred to Freya or Frigga, Goddesses of Love and in the hearts a
most beloved of all trees. Linden trees were especially honoured in Slavic countries, but also in France and Germany, where
tree that served as the social and cultural focal point of village life. It was here that dances and festivals were celebrated, wh
undying love, and justice was spoken in open-air courts called 'tings'. No other tree features as prominently in popular poetry
outpouring of nectar from her flowers provides a feast for gazillions of bees and epitomizes her generous, providing nature. B
Mother Goddess and the honey they produce is nectar for the Gods. Linden honey is indeed among the finest tasting and mo
unfortunately almost entirely used for pharmaceutical preparations. Linden trees are very healing indeed - not just her honey
charcoal and leaves are used in folk medicine for a wide variety of conditions. Naturally, this motherly tree is also protective
Twigs were hung above doors and leaves were pinned to hats or collars to avert all evil. According to a folklore, the Linden tr
Mary, mother of Jesus. One day Jesus was wandering the earth feeling tired and ill. He lay down to rest under a Linden tree a
spread her branches over the sick man. Some time later Mary, who had followed him, came by and found her son under the
and restored. Mary, grateful to the tree for having so lovingly cared for her son, blessed it with healing and protective virtues
Magical Use:

Linden is the essence of love and compassion, the Green Tara of trees. It can be used to meditate on the Mother energy and
Goddess. It represents love in action, compassion and caring. It can be used to meditate on spiritual and transcendental love
and healing energy is well suited to any healing ritual. Linden protects against demons that torture the mind with anguish an
A sweet, floral, light, green floral aroma. Blends well with Helichrysum, Mandarin, Sandalwood and Hyacinth.

Linden Blossom is used more in perfumery than in aromatherapy, but it works very well on conditions with a prominent emo
relaxes those that feel they have too much on their chest. It can be used for migraine, stress related conditions and nervous
hysterics and stomach conditions that are due to stress.
Planet: Sun
History & Mythology

The energy of mandarin oil is like a babbling brook, sparkling, gurgling, splashing, and giggling away without a care in the w
in us and invites us to play. That is probably why it is often described as a children's oil - quintessential happiness in a bottle
have been in cultivation for thousands of years. In the past it was so highly esteemed in China that Mandarins were reserved
Later they became a gift of honour to high ranking statesmen. The Chinese still revere it, but by now ordinary folk are no lon
They regard Mandarins as 'golden apples', a symbol of good fortune and prosperity. When the Chinese celebrate their New Ye
winter solstice, Mandarins are eaten so that their 'gold and good fortune' may infuse all those who partake of it. Mandarin wa
It wasn't until the early 19th century that it arrived on the tables of northern Europe. Today it ranks among the most popular
of the world.
Magical Use:

Mandarin is one of the best oils for getting in touch with the inner child. It unlocks creative energies that may be penned up
emotions. It is an appropriate oil to use at the New Moon phase of the lunar cycle or when initiating new projects. It is excelle
'let their hair down'. It may be used in child naming celebrations and as a room aroma to welcome a new soul into the world

A gentle, fruity, fresh and sparkling scent. Blends well with Bergamot, Neroli, Rose, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang, Amyris and An

Mandarin is one of the best oils for children, whether it is to treat their indigestion or simply to calm their hyperactivity and s
For mothers to be, Mandarin's excellent stretch mark prevention effect will be particularly appreciated. It is a delightful oil to
clearing oily, congested skin and may also be used for a relaxing aroma bath. It is a great oil for nervous tension and restles
Planet: Mercury
History and Mythology

Also known as New Zealand Tea Tree or Tea Rose plant, this pretty, sweetly fragranced, flower covered shrub is in fact a toug
it grows largely on areas that early settlers had cleared by burning in the hope of establishing the land for agricultural uses.
tenacious shrub - much to the disdain of the farmers, who found it impossible to restrain it. It was as though this plant sprea
landscape, healing the fire damage and preventing the soil from further depletion. Incidentally the Maoris have long used thi
for burn damaged skin and today it is used for this purpose even by the New Zealand fire service.

Manuka received its English name 'New Zealand tea-tree' from Captain Cook, who first described it and used the name 'tea t
any plant that could be used for making tea. Manuka belongs to the Myrtle family and is very distantly related to the Austral
of its properties. However, the scent of Manuka is far milder and more agreeable than that of tea-tree oil. Walking through M
cloud, it lets the spirit soar. Yet its tangled shrubby growth that prevents intrusion defines a very clear line, lest one has wing
profusely flower covered bushes are a veritable nectar pasture. Incidentally Manuka honey is also used for healing. Modern r
remarkable antibacterial properties. The Maoris have long known about the wonderful virtues of this beautiful plant - slowly
Magical use:

Manuka can be used for protection, purification and healing rituals. The Maoris, who are a warrior culture and regard warfare
yet very light Manuka wood to fashion weapons and arrows. It can also be used in ceremonies that celebrate the Great Godd
ample nectar for her sacred bees.
A sweet, aromatic, slightly balsamic scent with a hint of Geranium. Blends well with Myrtle, Geranium, Pine, Cypress, Neroli,

Manuka is strongly antibacterial and can be used in many infectious conditions. It is effective against cold sores and makes a
Its beautiful aroma lifts the spirit and aids convalescence while killing airborne bacteria. Manuka is very helpful in many cong
such as sinusitis, colds, catarrh, bronchitis, etc. One of its greatest strength is its effectiveness for treating burns and all kind
aromatherapy skin care products it is particularly useful in preparations for oily skin, acne and other inflammatory skin cond
athlete's foot and other skin fungi. However, it has a strong drying effect on the skin and should therefore be use in conjunct
Planet: Venus
History & Mythology

Few herbs have a more sunny and cheerful disposition than the humble Marigold. Their orange yellow flowers look like little
vernacular names for Marigold is ''Maidens of the Sun''. Nor is it a surprise that Culpeper gives the astrological rulership to
an infectious ''joie de vivre'', which Culpeper praises as their ability to ''gladden the heart''. Marigold is quite a miracle h
flower it receives scant attention as a medicinal herb. Marigold is a well loved garden plant, though some people resent its te
However, as a garden plant, Marigold protects other herbs and plants against fungal infections and insect attacks. It also pro
mild climates, where it flowers almost all the year round until the frost kills it. But as soon as spring arrives it revives and its
except on rainy days when they stay closed. This is why the Romans called this herb ''Calendula'' - in their mild climate it
the calendar year.
Magical Use:

One of Marigold''s vernacular names is ''Death Flower'' and in older herbals one reads that they are often planted on gra
immortal life force, which symbolizes the undying spirit and will give cheer to the departing souls. This immortal quality is al
make love last forever - so it shall never wilt. Emotionally, Marigold can be used to lift the spirit and ''gladden the heart'' doom.
A herbaceous ''green'' scent that blends well with Hyacinth, Elemi, Galbanum and Bergamot.
Planet: Venus
History & Mythology

'Mountain Joy' is what the Latin name translates as and a joy it is indeed, when one comes across it in the mountains. Their c
playground for butterflies. Marjoram is such a common herb on every kitchen shelf, so ubiquitous to our cuisines that we tak
healing virtues. Marjoram oil is perhaps one of the original oils of aromatherapy; even the ancients were well familiar with it.
God Hymen, son of Aphrodite, a God of marital union. Wreaths of Marjoram were worn by the young couple on their wedding
celibacy and claim that it acts as an anaphrodisiac, while others say the opposite. Fact is that Marjoram relaxes, so much so
used excessively. But it also stimulates blood flow if applied topically. It may be a matter of dosage that determines its effect
and was a legal 'drug', Marjoram was one of the additive herbs that went into the mix and before hops became the main bre
brewing ale. The ladies of the day tended to appreciate it more for its scent than for its narcotic effect - or perhaps a bit of b
strewing herb and was also used in stuffed herb sachets to perfume the air.
Magical Use:

The ancients planted Marjoram on graves to give an indication of how the soul fared in the world beyond. It was also used in
Venus, her son Hymen and, even more anciently, to the Earth Goddess Ge (Gaia). The modern practitioner may use Marjoram
or to communicate with a departed loved one. It is also a suitable herb for handfasting rites. Marjoram was considered a 'luc
bringing good fortune.

A spicy, aromatic, hot, slightly musky scent. Blends well with Rosemary, Thyme, Clary Sage, Bergamot, Chamomile, Cypress


Marjoram is an excellent oil for topical treatment of tense muscles and joint pains. It relaxes and increases circulation, creati
making it useful for arthritis, rheumatism, lumbago, muscle aches, sprains and strains. It also relaxes the smooth muscles of
helpful in digestive disorders, intestinal cramps as well as for PMT related discomforts. It helps in cases of insomnia, especia
emotional upset. Marjoram helps at times of grieving and loss. Caution - Avoid during pregnancy.
Planet: Mercury
History & Mythology

Due to the appearance of its little peppercorn like seeds May Chang is also known as 'Mountain Pepper'. It is actually a relati
of the Laurel family. But unlike Cinnamon, its scent is fresh, sweet and lemony, almost like Lemon Verbena. In Chinese medic
been employed for various conditions. But using the essential oil, which is distilled form the seeds, for its medicinal purposes
use, although widespread, was limited to scenting household cleaning products, soaps and various cosmetics. In recent year
aromatherapists who like its sweet lemony fragrance, which is similar to Lemon Verbena but a little softer. It is even sometim
that name is confusing since the two plants belong to completely different families.
Magical use:

May Chang has a pubescent energy and can be used to connect with the spirit of rejuvenation. The secret of eternal youth h
- so far no certain remedy has been found. Yet, letting go of worries and fears and not taking things too seriously may be a s
May Chang can be used for spring festivals and rituals of renewal.

A fruity, intensely sweet, lemony scent. Blends well with Vetivert, Palmarosa, Orange, and other citrus oils, Neroli and Frankin

May Chang can be used to clear painful obstructions from the digestive system and ease nausea and indigestion. In aromath
inflammatory conditions such as acne. It tones the skin and helps with cellulites. It can also be used to treat lower back pain
clear dark clouds of depression, anxiety and fear.
Planet: Jupiter
History and Mythology

Sometimes the humblest of herbs bear the greatest treasures. Melissa is a common garden herb and spreads so liberally tha
showy flowers, nor pretty seeds, yet its essential oil is precious indeed. The ancients praised Melissa as 'an herb of Jupiter th
antiquity it seems, which Paracelsus thought capable of entirely restoring a man's vitality. Other writers admire its ability to s
a great oil for students as well as for old people whose memory begins to fade. It brings cheer to those who feel burdened. L
and her honey bees, in fact, the name Melissa means 'bee' in Greek, and even in English Melissa is sometimes called 'bee ba
herb to ensure that their bees will always come back. Similarly, in times gone by, Melissa was used as a strewing herb to kee
Previously, only the herb was available to herbalist, but in recent years the essential oil has appeared on the market. Melissa
considers that 7 tons are necessary to produce a single litre of oil, one begins to appreciate hits preciousness. So despite the
Magical use:

Melissa enables the student to absorb more deeply and to commit to memory what has been learnt, while freshening the mi
oil for dispelling the demons of depression and loneliness. It is excellent for meditation, to find one's centre and bring peace
balance the heart chakra. It may help to connect the practitioner with the cosmic flow of prosperity and help gain an underst
Melissa is also well known as a 'dream herb'. It may induce prophetic dreams and can be used for astral journeys.


'Lemon Balm' sums it up - a lemony, balmy scent, sweet, aromatic and joyful. Blends well with Rose, Geranium, Neroli, Laven

An excellent oil for the nervous system. It strengthens the vital spirits and eases heart and mind. It can be used for all kinds
nervous tension, mental exhaustion, anxieties, phobias and even hysterics. It helps regulate menstrual problems and is one
problems. It is also useful for the digestive system, in particular it supports the liver. It is a wonderful oil for insomnia and ide
people swear by it as a specific for herpes simplex.
Planet: Saturn

History and Mythology:Early in spring, when hardly any other plant has dared to poke a leaf out this species of Mimosa is
radiate a little bit of floral sunshine, spreading hope and glory with the promise of the coming spring. Mimosa is the herald o
blues drifts away, the bleak browns and yellows of the countryside don't seem quite so drab anymore. Acacias belong to a ve
long played interesting roles in our history and culture. This particular Mimosa is regarded as a sign of hope and in France, p
flowers as if to brush the winter's hardship away. It is mostly used for high class perfumery and added to some particularly lu
has become popular with aromatherapists, who like to include it in certain blends as a kind of aromatic treat. In Australia, wh
applications are also recorded, mostly involving the bark and gum.
Magical Use:

Mimosa can be used in celebrations of spring to welcome the return of the Goddess. It brings hope and joy and banishes the
of renewal, for turning a leaf or starting on a new endeavour. It can also be used for dream work and astral travel. It belongs
communication and exchange.

A sweet, woody, floral, powdery scent. Blends well with Bergamot, Cedarwood, Coriander, Citronella, Clary Sage, Cypress, G
Neroli, Oakmoss, Pettigrain, Rose, Sweet Marjoram, Violet and Ylang Ylang,


Mimosa oil is mostly used in special aromatherapy skin care products. If you really want to spoil your skin blend a bath, body
nourishes and softens the skin and soothes inflamed or sensitive areas. It is also a wonderful oil for lifting the spirit and lettin
Planet: Saturn
History and Mythology:

Myrrh embodies hardship and pain. Growing in the most desolate of places near the Red Sea, it bears its resinous tears from
sad story of incest and guilt. Being in love with her father, King Cynyras of Cyprus, the poor girl, seduced him while her moth
the festival of Ceres. On the third, night the king, curious who his lover was, shone a light in her face. Shocked and reviled he
ran away. Pregnant and unhappy to the core of her soul she wandered the earth for the term of her pregnancy. But before sh
her into a tree so she would neither offend the living nor the dead. Her wish was granted and she was transformed into a My
keep flowing. Despite this sad story Myrrh was highly revered as incense and medicine throughout the ancient world. It is alw
menstruation and expel old blood and the fruit of the womb, so perhaps this myth is a veiled hint regarding the use of Myrrh
Egypt, Myrrh was associated with the cult of the dead, being an important ingredient of the embalming mixture. It was also u
ancient Egypt it was included in Kyphi incense and in the embalming lotion. Both, in ancient and modern times Myrrh plays a
Magical Use:

Myrrh is traditionally considered one of the most holy plants and is used for purification and banishing of harmful, negative e
the dead on their journey to the Otherworld. Myrrh can be used for funeral rites and may help overcome grief and loss. It can
with one's inner source at times of crisis.

A spicy, dark, rich, balsamic, slightly acrid, woody scent. Blends well with Frankincense, Benzoin, Oakmoss, Galbanum, Elem
Geranium, Patchouli, Mint, Lavender, Pine, Cinnamon, Clove and Bay.

An excellent skin tonic which can be used in aromatherapy skin care lotions for mature skin, wrinkles and dermatitis. Its anti
used for ringworm and athlete's foot, or to treat sores, wounds, bleeding gums, ulcers, etc. It is a very strong uterine stimula
Use with caution.
Planet: Venus
History and Mythology:

In the shrubby macchia forest of the Mediterranean hills the sweet fragrance of Myrtle scents the air. The scent, both subtle
one spots the Myrtle tree among the evergreen oaks and heather bushes. When the tree is in flower and the delicate white b
by, it is easy enough to spot, but without the flowers only the scent reveals its presence. In mythology, Myrtle is sacred to Ap
her festival to celebrate the coming of spring, Myrtle served as her sacred herb. Myrtle wreath also adorned young brides on
known as 'Eau d'Ange', or angel water, not only cleansed their skin, but also lent them an angelic scent. This flower water lo
potion repertoire, though nowadays it has been almost completely forgotten. In ancient Egypt, Myrtle was associated with th
eternal life of the soul. Perhaps the flowers were seen as the fleeting beauty of incarnate existence, for the divine scent rests
flowers, which soon perish and give way to bitter, dark blue berries. The berries are edible, though not very palatable and ha
days of antiquity Myrtle was considered a valuable healing plant. Modern herbalists neglect this herb, but aromatherapy is b

Myrtle symbolizes purity, love and beauty, attributes of the Goddess of Love. It can be used in the rites of Aphrodite and also
the celebrations of spring and to mark the maiden phase of the Goddess on the New Moon. Myrtle's energy is transcendenta
souls of the departed or to explore previous incarnations through meditation or past life readings. It is excellent for dream wo

A clear, aromatic, herby scent with a camphor-like undertone. Blends well with Cypress, Bergamot, Laurel, Clary Sage, Clove

We should take heed and do as the ancients did: use Myrtle in aromatherapy skin care lotions. It is very cleansing and toning
oily skin and open pores. It is also used to check excessive perspiration. As an inhalant it may aid congestive conditions of th
chronic cough, tuberculosis, colds, flu and infectious illnesses. It is also indicated for urinary complaints. Myrtle is a great sou
trauma, fear, self-destructive tendencies and feelings of hopelessness.
Planet: Venus
History and Mythology:

Beautiful though this white daffodil is, there is a certain transcendental, even ghostlike quality about it. The pale white petal
the star-shaped flower is reminiscent of a disembodied eye. The story of Narcissus is sad indeed: a beautiful youth, much ad
neither eyes nor ears for any of their heartfelt pleas. He was so vain and self-absorbed that he never even noticed their pain
caught a glimpse of a beautiful youth - and hopelessly fell in love with his own image. In the end he could not bear the heart
with the watery reflection of himself. The strange white flower that sprang up where he had died was named after him. The w
'narkeo', meaning 'narcotic'. The unfortunate youth had died of intoxicating self-love that made him blind to all other love an
intoxicating and can powerfully affect the nervous system. The enchanting scent is mostly used in high class perfumery. Extr
this oil.
Magical use:

Narcissus teaches a powerful lesson: to recognize and love the self- but instead of becoming absorbed with self-love and ego
in its highest vibration 'to love thyself' is universal love of all creation. This is not an easy oil to work with, but in order to uni
the illusions of egotism and self-absorption. The reward is spiritual, love and compassion for all sentient beings.
A narcotic, heady, green, floral scent. Blends well with Clove, Jasmine, Hyacinth, Neroli, Ylang Ylang and Rose.

Aromatherapy:This oil is practically never employed in aromatherapy. It used to be used for its sedative and antispasmodi
deemed it unsuitable for modern aromatherapy applications. It still plays a role in high class perfumery Use with extreme ca
Planet: Sun
History and Mythology:

Neroli epitomizes the fragrant essence of being in love, the sweet excitement of a romantic encounter under a full moon. It i
venture out into the night, to celebrate the beauty of love and life as an act of worship in honour of the Great Goddess of Lov
flowers of the bitter orange tree, is romantic and playful, sensuous and teasing. Like a fountain of youth, it refreshes mind an
aeons these qualities have made Neroli one of the most popular aphrodisiac scents in perfumes and cosmetics. It is a key ing
dozens of high class perfumes. The scent was apparently popularized by the passion of a young princess, who loved it so mu
surroundings with this alluring fragrance. Neroli awakens sensuality and helps to untie emotional knots. In Mediterranean co
bridal wreath to prepare the bride for the wedding night.
Magical use:

Neroli is an ideal oil to use in all kinds of love potions, lotions or amulets. It opens and attunes the heart chakra to the vibrat
with one's feminine energy and sensuality. It is a wonderful oil to use in tantric rituals and all acts of pleasure to celebrate th

A sweet, enchanting, floral, scent with an alluring 'depth'. Blends well with Rose, Jasmine, Geranium, Lemon, Bergamot, Amy
Patchouli and Frankincense.


Neroli oil is mostly used as an emotional remedy to help free mind and spirit of fears, tension, uptightness, depression and la
cases of hysterics and shock. It is a wonderful women's oil that relieves symptoms of PMT and menopause. In aromatherapy
skin types, though it is particularly effective for aged and tired skin and to treat thread veins and stretch marks. Neroli is a w
the nerves and can help to get in touch with one's feminine energy.
Planet: Mercury
History and Mythology:

Niaouli is very closely related to Cajuput and Tea-tree, the source of one of the most popular oils of aromatherapy. Niaouli sh
somewhat milder in action and smell. The flowers look a bit like a bottle brush and that is also how one can imagine its effec
Polynesia, and Caledonia, where it is not only considered a panacea, but has even been adopted as the national flower. Howe
Australia. The French adopted it into their pharmacopoeia and still use it in gynaecological wards of hospitals throughout the
Magical Use:

Like Cajuput or Tea Tree, Niaouli can be used for purification of ritual spaces or objects. It is a good healing oil and can be use
clears out negative energies that 'clog up' the physical and mental bodies. It is also great for aura cleansing.
A fresh, eucalyptus-like scent. Blends well with Basil, Citrus oils, Lavender, Tea tree and Eucalyptus.

In aromatherapy Niaouli oil can be used similarly to Cajuput or Tea-tree, except that it is not quite as powerfully antimicrobia
on the skin and can even be used on mucous membranes. It is particularly indicated for conditions of the upper respiratory t
catarrh. In dilution it is excellent for treating cuts, ulcers and burns. It can be applied to pimples, psoriasis and herpes and in
and inflamed skin conditions and insect bites. It is also used for rheumatic aches and muscle pains. Niaouli and its cousins ar
burns from radiotherapy.
Planet: Jupiter

History and Mythology:Oakmoss is the 'Green Man' of essential oils, it embodies the spirit of an ancient forest. Its deep g
yet conveys the gentle side of the male aspect of nature. These ancient organisms are the guardians of the forest and very s
Oakmoss and other lichens grow prolifically one can be sure the air is clean - sadly such places are becoming rare, and so is
organisms that can only exist in symbiosis. They are like the nervous system of the forest that conveys even the subtlest cha
parts of the forest. They have no showy flowers, no yummy fruits or nourishing roots, yet they are immensely important to th
indicators of imbalance. Their growth cycle is so slow as to be almost timeless and they are among the oldest living things o
and all the life it supports will disappear as well. American Indians have long used various lichens for food, medicine and as
Oakmoss is used as a fixative.

Magical Use:Oakmoss can be used to attune to the spirit of the forest and the Gods of nature. It is grounding and sensual
sensitivity and awareness and may be used by those who wish to listen to the nature spirits and the voice of Mother Earth. T
scent, a little wild and unpredictable. It is also associated with money magic and abundance.

Musky, earthy, green like a mossy glade. Blends well with Neroli, Lavender, Geranium, Cypress, Bay, Patchouli and Citrus oils

Oakmoss is rarely used in aromatherapy except as a fragrance note or fixative. It may be used in a diffuser for various respir
may be skin sensitizing.
Planet: Sun
History and Mythology:

Oranges are the feminine counterpart to Lemons. Their sunny aroma spreads a warm glow. Orange is the most popular flavo
the most popular scents in aromatherapy. It is especially favoured among beginners, since it is uncomplicated and accessible
radiant joyfulness. It is an excellent room aroma. It spreads a scent of welcoming cheer at home, and could also do much to
work, making the work seem to flow easy and improve relations among colleagues. Children also love this happy aroma and
Especially during the grim winter months the scent of Orange oil, perhaps mixed with a spice such as Cinnamon, dispels drea
of cosy warmth. Sweet Oranges were late to arrive in Europe from China. Some sources believe that they came with Italian t
were used as food and medicine and regarded as a symbol of peace, happiness and prosperity.
Magical Use:

Orange can be used in amulets and talisman for peace and happiness. It banishes negative thought forms, jealousy and inse
harmonize relationships and may help in working through hurt feelings and lingering resentment. Orange opens the heart ch
fears and mistrust. It may stimulate the creative spirit and attract good fortune.

A fresh, warm, fruity, 'orange' scent. Blends well with Cinnamon, Clove, Allspice, Coriander, Bergamot, Mandarin, Neroli, Peti
Frankincense, Ylang, Ylang, Juniper and Cypress.

Orange is one of the best oils to dispel listlessness, fatigue, depression and dreariness. It lifts the spirit and may inspire crea
aromatherapy skin care it can be used for all skin types, though it is particularly useful for dry and sensitive skin. It may moi
and tighten aged skin. It is a good decongestant and can be used to stimulate circulation and combat cellulites. It helps to cl
as well as stuffiness in the head or blockages in the digestive system. It 'moves chi' as the Chinese would say.
Planet: Pluto
History and Mythology:

The legendary Agarwood or Aloeswood, as it is sometimes referred to, is one of the most mysterious and precious substance
biblical times it was highly sought after and had a reputation of being a supreme aphrodisiac incense ingredient. Its true orig
highly desired. The Japanese, who have a highly refined incense culture, are particularly keen on Agarwood, which forms the
known as Garu Garu and is associated with Garuda, the divine eagle who carries Lord Vishnu on his wings. In Chinese, more
incense', which refers to the fact that the resin-laden wood will sink in water rather than swim. What make this substance so
only develops as a pathological reaction to fungal infection of the heartwood. The older the tree and the more advanced the
will become. Due to the high demand, however, such wood is more and more difficult to find. As a result the price of wood ch
indiscriminate felling of even healthy trees the survival of the species has become threatened and trade has become restrict
that aim to produce Agarwood chips and Oud oil sustainably by artificially infecting planted trees with the fungus. If these pr
easily available and affordable and the wild trees may have a chance to survive.
Magical Use:

Agarwood, or Ud as it is also called, is used in all spiritual traditions to achieve the highest states of consciousness during m
as an aphrodisiac. Some sources believe that this effect is due to pheromone-type compounds present in the resin. Ud raises
transcendental meditation and high magic. It neutralizes negative energy and stabilizes mind and emotions.

A deeply balsamic, sweet, woody scent. Blends well with Sandlewood, Frankincense, Rose, Neroli, Jasmin, Frangipani, Vetiver
be a shame to blend this oil with anything else.

Due to its rarity and preciousness this oil is rarely used in aromatherapy. It can be very helpful for certain mental disturbance
used to 'stimulate chi' and to warm up the body from within. It is also used for stomach problems, bronchial asthma and rheu
Planet: Venus
History and Mythology

A close relative of Lemongrass, Palmarosa is another sweet smelling member of a family of fragrant grasses native to India.
Rose, a fact that was not lost on crafty and devious oil sellers looking for an opportunity to increase their profits. Its old name
once common, though unethical practice of cutting expensive oils (such as true Rose) with cheap ones such as Palmarosa. N
have gained an appreciation for Palmorosa's own virtues, particularly in the field of cosmetics and as a flavouring agent. It is
and is becoming more and more popular in aromatherapy as well.

Magical Use:
Palmarosa can be used in love spells and amulets. It helps in matters of the heart - to find a lover or heal the scars of hurt em
emotions and attachments that prevent one from moving on.

A sweet, fresh, rosy flowery scent reminiscent of Geranium. Blends well with Fennel, Lavender, Lemon, Orange, Bergamot, A
Rose, Geranium, Oakmoss and Mandarin.

Palmarosa is used to treat digestive troubles such as gastroenteritis, sluggish digestion and constipation. It lowers fever and
skin care it can be used for dry skin and makes an excellent additive for a night cream. It is tissue regenerative and can be a
dermatitis and acne. It is also relaxing and refreshing, qualities that are very useful in treating nervous exhaustion and stress
Planet: Saturn/Pluto
History and Mythology:

There are few essential oils that provoke more extreme reactions -people either love Patchouli, or they hate it, there is no mi
conjures up images of hippydom and 60s flair. At the time it was THE natural perfume and everything and everybody seeme
the exotic note that tele-transported them straight to India, the hippy paradise and homeland of Patchouli oil, or maybe it wa
that seemed to capture the fragrant essence of the era's sexual revolution. Or perhaps it was just particularly effective in cov
even time will tell. Apart from its hippy connotations Patchouli does have some very useful medicinal and therapeutic proper
medicine where it is said to address the imbalances of Kapha.
Magical use:

The scent of Patchouli stimulates the base chakra. It can be used in love charms and amulets to attract a lover, though presu
be used in sex magic providing both partners respond positively to it. It has an affinity with the element of earth and can be

A dark, earthy, musky-musty, almost intoxicating scent. Blends well with Geranium, Vanilla, Vetivert, Oakmoss, Geranium, C
Galbanum, Elemi, Ylang Ylang, Jasmine, Ambrette Seed, Rose, Lemon and Orange.

Patchouli oil is used in aromatherapy skin care for all kinds of problems, such as chapped skin and cracked feet, athlete's foo
hair care oil for greasy hair and dandruff. It is used as a deodorant and insect repellent. It is effective against insect bites and
aphrodisiacal, though opinions on this matter differ.
Planet: Mercury /Venus
History and Mythology:

Mints are sobering and clear headed herbs, aloof, even. In mythology they are descended from a nymph called Mentha, who
jealous wife Persephone (or according to some accounts, her mother Demeter), disgusted and enraged, stomped the poor ny
infertility. Peppermint is a hybrid between common Garden Mint and Watermint and is indeed sterile. She reproduces by mea
prolifically at that. Peppermint and has been used for food and medicine for millennia; from China to Egypt, evidence of its u
popular herbal home remedy and provides flavouring for dozens of products from chewing gum to chocolate and cigarettes,
excellent for keeping creepy crawlies in check. Mice, rats, cockroaches and ants all detest the scent. A few drops on their pat
Magical use:

Peppermint can be used to help keep one's 'cool'. It clears the mind and aids concentration for study and helps focussing on
and cleansing rituals. It clears the air of lingering emotions and cuts through irrational fears or attachments. It is a good oil f

A fresh, green, sweet, camphor-like, 'minty' scent. Blends well with - Basil, Cedar, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Marjoram, Pine, Rose
Lemon and Lemongrass.

In aromatherapy, Peppermint is mostly used as a digestive aid, to ally nausea and travel sickness, and to relieve cramps and
as bloating or abdominal pains. It is also used to decongest the upper respiratory tract and to clear stuffiness, catarrh and si
can also be used as a cooling oil for sore muscles, rheumatism, arthritis or painful joints. The cooling property is also very ple
refreshes the mind and combats exhaustion and lack of concentration. This oil needs to be very carefully dosed lest one end
recommended during first 4 months of pregnancy.
Planet: Sun
History and Mythology:

The bitter orange tree is one of the most generous plants as far as its oil yield is concerned. It provides three different types
Neroli, derives from its flowers, bitter orange oil is pressed from the peel of the fruit, and Petitgrain derives from the twigs an
included some small, unripe fruit, hence the name 'Petitgrain', which is French for 'little seed'. However, this reduced the frui
the fruit part of Petitgrain oil, but kept the name. Petitgrain oil is in fact the least fruity of the Orange scents. Its aroma is dee
ingredients of 'Eau-de-Cologne' and used to only be used for perfumery and cosmetics. Aromatherapy has popularized it and
and other skin care products for its refreshing and toning properties.

Magical use:

Petitgrain oil can be used to banish negative energies and protect against mental anguish. It helps to release anger and pani
promotes higher levels of consciousness and awareness and may be useful for meditation to calm and clear the mind.

A warm, woody, sweet, lightly fruity scent. Blends well with Ylang Ylang, Clary Sage, Orange, Neroli, Bergamot, Cinnamon, P

Petitgrain has excellent skin toning properties and can be used in aromatherapy skin care products. It is refreshing and uplift
be used as a natural deodorant. For hair care, try adding a couple of drops to your conditioner for the final rinse. It combats
with its lovely scent. Petitgrain is mildly anti-depressive and relaxing. Caution: Not recommended during first 4 months of pre
Planet: Mars
History and Mythology

Pimento berries derive from a tropical member of the myrtle family. It seems as though this tree couldn't quite make up its m
combined a bit of Clove with a bit of Cinnamon and a touch of Pepper. The combination works very well and Pimento oil sme
than either Clove or Cinnamon. In its native Caribbean and South American homelands, Pimento leaves and berries have lon
remedy. It was the first spice that was ever brought back to Europe from the New World. It soon gained popularity in the Old
the last century it was official in the European pharmacopoeias. Herbal medicine rarely uses it now, but aromatherapy is brin
Magical use:

Pimento can be used to break spells and protect against evil influences. It can help break bad habits or inertia and generally
may help clear energy blockages and can be used to potentate any work of magic. It stimulates the base chakra and can be
healing rituals and for money spells.

A warm, spicy, woody scent with a mild camphor-like note, like a combination of Cinnamon, Clove and Pepper. Blends well w
Cinnamon, Clove, Camphor, Ginger and Jasmine.

In small doses Pimento oil is excellent for stomach complaints, such as cramps and colic or sudden nausea. It is also very eff
for stiff muscles, rheumatic and arthritic pains and neuralgia. Pimento is soothing at the onset of a cold or flu and may also h
energizing qualities can be used for nervous exhaustion, lack of energy and depression. This is a powerful oil. Use with cauti
Planet: Saturn
History and Mythology:

Pines embody the essence of resilience and determination, an arboreal image of 'mind over matter'. Growing among rocks a
is almost no soil, exposed to wind and weather, they inspire us to rise above difficulties and persist against the odds. Their re
mind and makes the feet move lightly along the path. Their crowns waving gently in the sky above, they exude a lofty air of
tranquillity and calm. Those who are worn with fatigue and stress should make ample use of the refreshing and invigorating
commonly associated with the dwellings of fairies and gnomes. They symbolize humility, good fortune and prosperity, fertilit
are a certain indication of a potent life force. In the olden days, farmers sought to transfer this vital energy and protect their
above the doors to ward off witchcraft, misfortune, disease and even lightning.

Magical use:

The oil can be used for protection and purification, to dispel negative energy and to cleanse a sacred space or ritual objects.
fertility rites and for prosperity spells or amulets. It can help gain strength and courage in times of adversity and can be used
passage and to celebrate the return of the sun at the winter solstice.

A fresh, balsamic, sweet, woody scent. Blends well with Rosemary, Cypress, Cedarwood, Manuka, Myrtle, Juniper, Niaouli, an

Pine is an excellent oil for muscle aches and pains, rheumatism and arthritis, neuralgia, stiffness etc. It is also useful for resp
wonderful in a bath at the onset of a cold or flu, especially when one is feeling achy. It stimulates the circulation and is usefu
and listlessness.
Planet: Moon/Mercury
History and Mythology

'Good Leaf' is what the locals call this plant. Ravensara is a wonderful fragrant tree native to the montane rainforest of Mada
scent resembling that of Clove, Aniseed and Camphor. Local people have long appreciated its medicinal properties. Although
hundred years ago it only came to aromatherapist's attention some 25 years ago and it is still not very widespread. It seems
However, there is also a lot of confusion as there is another species which is related and has the confusingly similar name 'R
properties and a different smell as well. Such confusions can be dangerous - which is why it is so important to know that you
Magical use:

Ravensera is strongly protective and cleansing and can be used for healing work. It is great for diffusing in sick rooms to help
used to clear the mind and help focus on a magical intent. It promotes courage and helps overcome anxieties and fears.

A light, gentle, slightly sweet, camphor-like, woody scent. Blends well with Bay, Bergamot, Black Pepper, Cardamom, Clary S
Geranium, Frankincense, Ginger, Grapefruit, Lavender, Marjoram, Pine, Rosemary Sandalwood, Tea Tree, Thyme and Lemon.

Every household should have a bottle of this wonderful oil, which is one of the strongest disease fighters of all the essential o
against infectious virus diseases, such as chickenpox, shingles and herpes, virulent flus and even mononucleosis. It is expect
conditions of the upper respiratory tract as well as for cough, bronchitis and whooping cough.
Planet: Venus
History and Mythology

No other flower has inspired as much poetry, lyrics, love or longing, and no other flower expresses them better. Rose worship
much let up. Her scent is a feminine fragrance par excellence, sensual and erotic, yet assertive. If one reads the old herbals
medicine could be devised entirely based on the virtues of Roses: Rose tea, rose water, rose oil, rose wine, rose pomander, r
always been a favourite, though expensive cosmetics item, and rosewater, a by-product of essential oil production, is equally
a thing of the past, such luxurious, yet simple natural treats have sunk into oblivion, making way for the advance of chemica
industry cannot do without roses. Although chemists have tried to manufacture an 'aroma-identical' synthetic rose oil, no-on
thing. Thus huge quantities of roses are still grown solely for essential oil production, most of which is consumed by the perf
as with all expensive oils, Rose oil is frequently subject to adulteration. Cheaper essential oils or even perfume oils are often
margin. In mythology, Roses are sacred to Venus and depending on the eye of the observer, signify love, beauty, purity and
has the ability to somehow merge all these paradoxical aspects of femininity into its simple yet complex nature. Her many s
female mysteries.
Magical Use:

Rose are synonymous with love and sacred to Venus/Aphrodite. The oil can be used in all rites of love, for love spells or for a
to heal a broken heart and overcome disappointment. Venus/Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, presides over all matters of the he
acts as her messenger. Rose oil is ideal for getting in touch with the source of feminine power within and serves well at all st
It may also be used in fertility rites and to call or welcome new souls into our world. Rose may be used to study the higher le

An almost balsamic, sweet, floral, spicy and warm scent. Blends well with Jasmine, Cinnamon, Mimosa, Neroli, Geranium, Be
Benzoin, Palmarosa and Amyris

Rose is extensively used in perfumery and cosmetics. For aromatherapy skin care it is particularly helpful for dry and tired sk
making it ideal for aged skin and wrinkles. Recently Rosehip seed oil has also become popular as a healing oil. The two toget
But Rose oil does not just go skin deep, it treats the whole person. Beauty comes from within, and Rose is perhaps the best o
on a number of feminine complaints, most notably PMT symptoms, irregular menstrual cycle and infertility. Caution: Not reco

Magickal Properties - Carry on thy person to absorb negative energy!

The Rose of Jericho is said to erase negative influences, bring peace, harmony
of Jericho is a rare magickal botanical, sought after for use in voodoo and sant
money spells. One spell states that you will have all the blessings life can brin
kept in the home in a glass of water. The water is changed often and is sprinkle
cleanse it of all evil and bring peace. Use the water to cleanse thy self before r
floors, doorways and anoint candles.

About The Rose Of Jericho - The dry Rose of Jericho should not rot. Place y
bowl with water, after half an hour, it will start spread its branches wide open.
even boiling water, which would normally kill any other plant! Water it every
allow to dehydrate completely (about 2 days), the Jericho will close its branch
Then you can re-use it again and again. Many families will carefully keep the
generation to generation.

Planet: Venus
History and Mythology

Rose Otto is a virgin -collected in the early hours of the morning before the dew falls, its scent remains pure and undiluted. 'R
Roses', which simply means 'Rose oil'. The term is used to distinguish it from Rose absolute, which is solvent extracted rathe
or enfleurage. Rose Otto derives from the Damascene Rose, which was originally cultivated in Persia. Like everything about R
tale of romance. Once upon a time at the wedding feast of princess Nour-Djihan and Emperor Djihanguyr, a canal was dug ou
filled with rose petals and rosewater. When the couple set off on their scented ride they noticed an oily film of the most beau
of the midday sun had separated the oil'and the rest is history. Today, Persia no longer produces significant amounts of Ros
a small area of Bulgaria, where the growing conditions seem to be just perfect. Some Rose Otto also comes from France, tho
which derives from Rosa Centifolia. Rose Otto is extremely concentrated: it takes about 40000 flowers to make an ounce of R
Magical use:
Love, Love and Love'.Rose Otto can be use for the same magical purposes as Rose Abs.
Somewhat headier and more concentrated than Rose Abs. Blends well with Jasmine, Frankincense, Benzoin and Neroli.

Rose Otto can be used for the same purposes as Rose absolute- for luxurious skin care products, for female disorders such a
emotional imbalances or upsets. This is a truly luxurious oil to pamper oneself with or to give as a special gift - like giving a m
Caution: Not recommended during first 4 months of pregnancy.

Planet: Sun
History and Mythology

Rosemary carries the energy of a stern teacher. Although it is an herb of the sun, it is not bright and sunny, but rather, serve
consciousness and conscience. Rosemary is a herb of memory and so it has become associated with all the things and peopl
hearts. It is an herb of love, though it is anything but erotic. Rather, it is a reminder of the bond between the souls, the speci
the ups and downs of day to day life. It is also a funerary herb, thrown on the grave as a last assurance that the soul of the d
mundanely, Rosemary also helps students with their studies, or old people with their fading memories. In medieval times it w
still room and it was extensively used in dozens of cosmetic or remedial preparations. Rosemary is a Mediterranean herb tha
does not have to 'see' the sea, it never grows far from it in the wild. The leathery, scented leaves look more like evergreen n
as early as January) the shrubby bushes become laden with flowers that are very popular with bees. Although not the most l
for its therapeutic effect, particularly with regards to many of our modern 'civilization' diseases.
Magical use:

Rosemary has a long and intricate history as a magical herb. It is strongly protective and purifying, warding off evil influence
of bad energies. It has been used to burn in sick-rooms to and can be used in healing rituals to help to dispel the demons of
and all manner of evil influences. Rosemary can support the student by helping him or her memorise the teachings and to co
to keep the memory of the departed alive. At weddings it is used to remember the timeless bond of the souls and the love th
Rosemary gives vigour, strength, courage and mental clarity.
An herbaceous, slightly camphor-like, woody scent. Blends well with Cypress, Frankincense, Lavender, Citronella, Bergamot,
Elemi, Cedarwood, Petitgrain, Juniper and Peppermint.

Rosemary is stimulating and acts particularly well on the peripheral circulation and blood supply to the head. It can be used
memory and brain function. It can be helpful for headaches, especially when these are due to overwork. Rosemary is also go
rheumatic pains, gout, neuralgia and similar. It stimulates the heart and can be used as an inhalant for respiratory complaint
diseases such as 'manager disease', stress related conditions and mental or nervous exhaustion and fatigue. It can be used
and for hair care products to check dandruff and loss of hair. Caution: Not recommended during first 4 months of pregnancy
Planet: Jupiter
History and Mythology

'Sage, the saviour' has been revered since time immemorial. The Latin name 'Salvia' derives from 'salvere' - to be saved, an
homo cui Salvia crescit in horto'' 'Why should a man die whilst there is Sage growing in the garden'' The flowers are extreme
and very aromatic honey from its nectar. The soft leaves emit a pungent scent and their distinctive flavour adds a special no
considered Sage a 'cure all'. Gerard notes: 'Sage is singularly good for the head and brain, it quickeneth the senses and mem
health to those that have the palsy, and taketh away shakey trembling of the members.' In mythology ,Sage is said to have
and Jesus from Herodotus on their flight to Egypt. As a sign of gratitude Mary blessed the bush and gave it its healing power.
and for this reason it is sometimes planted on graves. Some species of sage powerfully affect the nervous system. Sage oil i
epileptics or during pregnancy.
Magical use:

Sage is powerfully protective and cleansing. It can be used to purify a magical space or tools. It is also used for aura and cry
may be used in rites of passage and ceremonies in remembrance of the dead. It can also be used for divination and for prote
helpful as an aide for spiritual studies to deepen insight and understanding into the mysteries.

A Pungent, herbaceous, camphor-type scent. It blends well with Rosemary, Lavender, Pine, Citronella, Eucalyptus, Lemon Eu
Manuka, Ravensara and Cedarwood.

In aromatherapy, Clary Sage is usually preferred for therapeutic use. Spanish Sage is useful for aromatherapy skin and hair c
dandruff and can be used for acne, dermatitis and minor cuts. Sage is also useful for checking excessive sweating, especially
menstrual flow and must not be used during pregnancy. It acts on the liver and gallbladder and can be used for congestive c
disturbances that are due to hormonal imbalances originating in liver problems. Excessive use should be avoided. Epileptics
Planet: Jupiter
History and Mythology

There are many different species of Sandalwood, which grow as partially parasitic tropical trees. The most popular and comm
Sandalwood (Santalum album). Alas - its popularity has brought its own demise: due to the high demand both inside India an
species has become threatened. It is the hardwood that produces the highly prized fragrant components, but Sandalwood is
to mature sufficiently before its hardwood has become rich in essential oils. In India, old trees have become extremely rare,
strict export quotas on the essential oil - which in turn has given rise to a flourishing black-market economy, complete with g
Indian Sandalwood trees the situation looked grim until recently, when Australia suddenly remembered that it too had a spec
had been used medicinally. In fact, it is even still ''official'' in the Australian pharmacopoeia. The reason it had been forgot
which had replaced its use in many conditions that had previously been treated with Australian Sandalwood oil. The only oth
industry, but here Indian Sandalwood ruled supreme and Australian Sandalwood proved no match. Australian Sandalwood oi
for high quality Sandalwood oil, and so has always been deemed inferior. But now things have changed. Indian Sandalwood h
even become extinct unless the voracious fragrance market is willing to seek viable alternatives. Australian Sandalwood is th
little harsher and more resinous than that of Indian Sandalwood. According to scores of doctors who used it before antibiotic
is said to be equal to Indian Sandalwood oil for therapeutic purposes. Agronomists are currently conducting research and exp
production of hardwood through selective breeding and other modern methods, which in turn would increase the yield of the
Sandalwood. In time Australian Sandalwood may not just match Indian Sandalwood in terms of therapeutic value, but may ri
looks promising for both the endangered Sandalwood trees, which thanks to Australian Sandalwood may get a chance to reg
fans around the world.
Magical Use:

Australian Sandalwood can be used like Indian Sandalwood for meditation and charka balancing, though its energy is a little
lower charkas. It can be used as an aphrodisiac and for tantra oil blends. It is protective and wards off evil influences and neg

A woody, aromatic, tenacious and somewhat resinous scent, not as sweet and refined as Indian Sandalwood. Blends well wit
Pepper, Bergamot, Geranium, Vetiver, Patchouli, Mimosa, Myrrh and Jasmine.

In aromatherapy Sandalwood is mostly used for its emotionally balancing effect. It is helpful for treating psychological proble
related issues, impotence and frigidity. As a remedy it is used for infections of the urinary tract and respiratory conditions, su
aromatherapy skincare it can be used in balancing lotions, especially night crmes that can be helpful for either dry or oily
Planet: Venus
History and Mythology

Few herbs produce as many variants as the mint family and each tastes, smells and acts a little bit different. Spearmint is de
the more commonly used Peppermint. This is due to the fact that it contains very little menthol. Spearmint has thus been mo
rather than medicinal ones. However, that does not mean to suggest that it has no therapeutic uses. The ancients valued it h
They thought a head wreath of Spearmint a fitting crown for academics and poets, to help them concentrate and keep a clea
herb to scent the air with a nice, fresh aroma. Spearmint is also much better for cosmetic use than the more pungent peppe
uplifting, for example in a bath, where Peppermint would make one feel freezing, even if the water was hot. Spearmint is not
it also suitable for use at night. In fact, it is said to bring happy dreams and a restful sleep.
Magical Use:

Spearmint can be used when studying and at times of intense mental concentration. It can be used for cleansing and protec
protects the practitioner on his astral journeys and during dream work. It enhances mental clarity, concentration and focus.
A fresh, 'minty' scent. Blends well with Lemon, Lemongrass, Eucalyptus, Myrtle, Ravensara, Lavender, Basil and Rosemary.

Spearmint is often used instead of Peppermint to treat children, though the two oils are quite different. Spearmint alleviates
as stimulating as Peppermint. It can be used for stomach problems, such as nausea and indigestion. It is also used to ease th
air passages. In aromatherapy skin care, it can clear congestion and tighten open pores. It alleviates mental fatigue, nervous
Avoid during pregnancy
Planet: Mercury/Jupiter
History and Mythology

A sacred healing herb of old - Spikenard was considered precious even in Biblical times, when Mary Magdalene used it to ano
it was precious, coming all the way from the foothills of the Himalayas, which in biblical times might as well have been some
Its Hindu name 'Jatamansi' means 'lock of hair' in allusion to the hairy rhizome, which is the source of the essential oil. Spike
in Ayurveda it is used similarly to Valerian in western herbalism. Throughout Asia, Spikenard is highly valued as an incense in
mystery and just as precious as it was in biblical times, though not on account of its distant origins. Sadly, its preciousness t
from the fact that it is being over-harvested in the wild. Luckily some cultivated sources are becoming available, so maybe th
to survive in the wild.
Magical Use:

Spikenard is a classic anointing oil. It offers protection and purification for ritual work. It is particularly useful for spirit journe
who are embarking on this last rite of passage. It may also be used for dream work and astral travel. As an amulet it can att
promises. It is very grounding.

A heavy, earthy, musky scent. Blends well with Lavender, Oakmoss, Patchouli, Pine, Vetivert, Cinnamon, Clove, Palmarosa, P
Frankincense, Lemon, Myrrh, Neroli and Rose.

In aromatherapy, this oil is mostly used for its effect on the nervous system. It calms and centres a person who has come un
conditions, migraine and insomnia. In aromatherapy skin care it is used for allergies, aged skin and wrinkles.
Planet: Moon/Mercury

History and Mythology

Tea Tree oil is relatively new to aromatherapy, but what an impact it has had since its debut. Tea tree is without a doubt one
one of the most universally useful as a first aid remedy. A member of the Myrtle family, like Niaouli and Cajuput, it grows in t
discovered by Captain Cook and his crew. However, they were not terribly specific with their name-giving and allocated the s
across on the basis that they were all palatable as tea-substitutes. Tea-tree, however, is in no way related to the plant we us
Cook and his crew soon learned the medicinal used of this tree from the Australian aborigines, yet it took several hundred ye
used in the West. This is probably because it does not have a particularly pleasant scent. It smells rather medicinal and some
a perfume oil. However, studies have shown Tea tree to be effective against a wide range of bacteria, viruses and fungal infe
aid chest in a bottle.

Magical Use:
Tea-tree oil can be used for cleansing and protection. It is particularly useful for warding off the demons of disease and can b
aroma in a sickroom. It is decongestive and may help to clear energy blockages.

A strong, pungent, medicinal, camphor-like scent. Blends well with Lavender, Clary Sage, Rosemary,Oakmoss, Pine, Geranium

Tea-tree is one of the best first aid oils of aromatherapy. It can be used to fight a variety of bacterial strains, virus infections s
disease such as candida and athlete's foot. It also stimulates the immune system and thus supports the body's own defence
preventative during the cold season and can be used as a first line of defence at the slightest sign of micro-organismic attac
Herpes and Shingles, insect bites and skin infections. It may also be used for colds and flus and any congestive conditions of
Planet: Venus
History and Mythology

The least conspicuous plants are often the most precious. Thyme creeps low across the ground, closely hugging the body of
robes. Yet, its tiny leaves are barely noticeable lest it is in flower. When Thyme springs into blossom, the countryside is trans
places that it prefers to make its home. Each year in early spring, the arid hillsides of the Mediterranean burst into a pinkish
with delirious bees that are lapping up the copious nectar.

In ancient times it was customary for Ladies to embroider scarves depicting a sprig of Thyme with a bee hovering above, wh
presumably as an alluring symbol of natural attraction. Thyme was thought a fitting scent even for the Gods. Its name derive
means 'to burn as a sacrifice', implying its use as incense. Thyme may be humble, but it is packed with power and was once
bravery. It was used as a strewing herb and as fragrant bedstraw, especially for women in childbed. Yet, it also had connotat
fairies. The 'hillside where the wild thyme blows', was thought to be the entrance to their lovely realm. Thyme was also often
lotions. Sprigs of Thyme are worn for remembrance and to alleviate grief and sorrow. Although Thyme is no longer revered a
important, not just as a culinary herb, not least as a source of Thymol, one of the best and most effective antiseptics known,
dressing and in cleansing agents.
Magical Use:

Thyme can be used for protection and cleansing and as an offering to the Gods. It imparts strength, courage and bravery an
strengthens memory and concentration and may be helpful for those engaged in studies. It can be used as a sign of rememb
Thyme has an affinity with the fairy realm and may attract these flighty beings or help finding access to their world.
A clean, herbaceous, aromatic scent. Blends well with Marjoram, Lemon, Lavender, Rosemary, Bergamot, Cypress, Pine and


Thyme's well known antiseptic properties make it very effective as a wound dressing and for treating inflamed skin condition
aromatherapy skin care, it can be very useful as a cleansing agent for congested skin conditions. It also soothes insect bites
is one of the best agents for respiratory infections such as sore throat, laryngitis and tonsillitis and is even effective for whoo
system and can be used for cystitis and urethritis. As a rubefacient it can be used as a circulatory stimulant for arthritis, rheu
detoxifies and can be helpful for water retention and cellulites. It stimulates the uterus and promotes menstrual flow. Use wit
Planet: Venus
History and Mythology

Tuberose is a seductive queen of sensual delight, who sends out her sweet enchanting scent into the night, a call for love an
native of the New World, is the most sacred flower of the Maya, who regard it as the 'mother' of their Gods and thus ultimate
often plant Tuberoses near shrines so that their alluring scent may rise to the heavens and delight the Gods during the night
be intoxicating. Its sensuality is tangible and seductive, but undiluted it is totally overwhelming. Tuberose is native to Centra
since pre-Colombian times. The Spaniards 'discovered' it and brought it back to the Old World. Today it is cultivated in France
class perfumery and for precious incense. It is one of the most valuable absolutes - a ton of flowers are required to obtain jus

Magical Use:
Tuberose can be used in all rites of the Great Goddess, who regards all acts of pleasure as her rituals. It is a sensuous aphrod
philtres and charms to attract a lover. It is a perfect key to the realm of the senses.

A heavy, heady, sweet, sensual, flowery scent. Blends well with Vertiver, Frangipani, Violet, Neroli, Ylang Ylang, Galbanum, F
and Jasmine.

Tuberose can be used in aphrodisiac blends to arouse the senses. It may be helpful in the treatment of frigidity or impotence
inhibitions and fears that block sensual enjoyment. It is widely used in high class perfumery.
Planet: Mercury
History and Mythology

Pliny aptly named this herb 'Phu', a most descriptive term to summarize its scent. However, only the dried root smells 'phu',
cats, rats and even trout apparently find it irresistible and go crazy over it. The Pied Piper probably lured the rats and mice o
Valerian as with his music. According to old anglers yarn, treating bait with Valerian will ensure a good catch.

Valerian is related to Spikenard, the legendary anointing oil. The ancients called it 'all-heal' and thought highly of its powers
ingredients of Theriak, the miracle panacea of the Middle Ages, it was used for a wide range of ills. The name 'Valerian' is de
smith-god Wieland (as in 'Wayland smithy'), who used this herb for all kinds of healing and magic. Folklore has it that if one p
kisses the girl of one's dreams, she will surely be smitten'Valerian was of course also capable of warding off witches and to
Magical use:

Valerian can be used for exorcism and counter magic. It is said to protect against lightening and the evil works of witches. Va
drink valerian infused wine from the same cup they will immediately stop arguing and fighting. Valerian can be used as an o
your feline familiar or ally. Valerian is sometimes used as an aphrodisiac, though its action is relaxing rather than stimulating

An earthy-musty, dark, balsamic bitter-sweet scent. Blends well with Patchouli, Oakmoss, Pine, Petitgrain, Lavender, Bergam

In aromatherapy, Valerian is mostly valued for its relaxing action on the nervous system. It is the perfect oil to treat 'the jitte
anxiety and even shock, as well as insomnia, tension, restlessness and nervous exhaustion. It releases tension that has beco
be used in all cases where nervous tension results in cramps and blockages. Thus, it may also be effective in aphrodisiac ble
impotence caused by fear and inhibition. Use with caution. Do not use in strong concentrations. Avoid use over long periods
Planet: Venus
History and Mythology

'Caxixanath - mysterious flower' is what the Maya call the sacred Vanilla vine. Vanilla is a climbing orchid species native to th
itself around its host tree in a hugging embrace. The flowers, which only remain open for 24 hours, are fertilized by a tiny sp
Mexican bee. The ensuing pod is not actually fragrant until it ferments, which can take up to six months after they are picked
sweetly tempting aroma as an aphrodisiac and used it as a stimulating perfume. When the Spaniards 'discovered' Vanilla the
they brought it back to the old world popularized it as a highly potent aphrodisiac. It also became a popular as a spice, but th
chefs, which it still is today. Modern technology has made it possible to synthesize Vanilla artificially, but neither its scent, no
real thing.

Magical use:
Vanilla can be used as a perfume for rites of the Great Goddess of Love and for sex magic. It may be included in love philtres
rouse passion. It also stimulates the mind and may be used to enhance creativity.

A sweet, dark, enchanting, balsamic scent. Blends well with Patchouli, Vetivert, Frankincense, Benzoin, Cinnamon, Galbanum

Vanilla is mostly used in perfumery, but can be added to aphrodisiac massage or bath oils. It stimulates the mind and enhan
care it acts gently emollient and leaves the skin feeling soft and silken, while lending a beautiful aroma to any creme or lotio
Planet: Venus/Jupiter
History and Mythology

Related to the family of fragrant grasses that also gives us Citronella and Palmarosa, Vetivert surprises with the depth and d
but others find offensive. Vetivert is interesting in that its aroma and action can vary widely depending on its concentration a
liken its scent to the smell of the first monsoon rains that rejuvenate the earth. It certainly smells earthy and acts grounding
clouds. In its native India the oil is used to perfume incense sticks used in Pujas. It aids concentration and heightens awarene
care preparations. In the West it is not employed in herbal medicine, but is widely used as a fixative in perfumery.
Magical Use:

Vetivert is an excellent grounding oil that protects those who do a lot of channelling and psychic work from loosing touch wit
Vetivert can be used to meditate on the laws of manifestation and prosperity. It can be used for meditation to increase aware

A dark, earthy, musty, musky, slightly sweet scent. Blends well with Palmarosa, Citronella, Lemongrass, Patchouli, Ylang Ylan
Star Anise, Geranium and Tuberose.

In aromatherapy it is mostly used for stress related conditions, especially for people that have lost touch with reality and are
cool', giving earthy strength to those who are in danger of nervous exhaustion or depletion. Vetivert stimulates the immune
response. It can also be used to release tension form aching muscles and helps to relaxtion. In aromatherapy skin care it is u
minor cuts.
Planet: Venus
History and Mythology

Violets are lovely harbingers of spring. Early in the season when the sun barely warms the ground they put out their lovely v
season. In mythology, Violets are linked to Jupiter and Io, one of his beloveds. Fearing the revenge of his jealous wife Jupiter
to be her fragrant food. Although these days they are not much used for food or medicine, in the past they were highly respe
flowers were eagerly anticipated as seasonal delicacies. Their healing and cosmetic virtues are equally esteemed since at lea
relatively new and very precious to aromatherapy, as previously it was only used in perfumery. Going by the traditional uses
this herb its availability to aromatherapy holds a lot of promise.
Magical use:

Violets bring peace. They may be used to dispel anger and cool heated tempers. Violets ward off evil spirits and protect agai
and symbolize abundance and fertility, yet they are also associated with death - particularly the untimely death of children. T
mysteries of life, death and rebirth and the abundance of the earth womb, where all life is created and to which it will return
A strong, herbaceous, green scent. Blends well with Clary Sage, Hyacinth, Narcissus, Rose, Immortelle and Mimosa.

Violet oil can be used to treat swellings and bruises as it is soothing and cooling. In aromatherapy skin care it makes an exce
gently tightens pores and thread veins. It is indicated for acne, eczema and dermatitis. Violet can also be used to stimulate c
Grieves reports anti-cancer and anti tumour activity of the leaves. This may prove a very interesting and promising area of re

Planet: Venus
History and Mythology

Yarrow received its Latin name from the Greek hero Achilles, son of the Sea-Goddess Thetis and the mortal king Peleus. Wan
dipped him into the river Styx when he was still a baby. Thus no arrow or sword could harm him except on a small area aroun
She also tried to make him invulnerable by fire, but Peleus disturbed her ritual. Thetis fled back to her father and Peleus gav
him. Chiron taught the young lad well, both in the use of weapons and in the use of herbs. He not only became one of the gr
also staunched and healed many of his men's wounds with the aid of Yarrow. In older books it is sometimes called 'Militaris' f
In Chinese philosophy, Yarrow is thought to denote a perfect balance between yin and yang, the male and female energies o
sacred as the tool of divination for the famous I Ching. Yarrow is a small herb of the daisy family that pretends to belong to t
actually classify it as such. It has a very aromatic, bitter scent and has been used for brewing ale.
Magical Use:

Yarrow can be used for protection and courage. It may also be used to seal the bond of friendship. It is ideal for chakra balan
also be used for love divination and to attune to the changing balance between yin and yang when working with the I Ching.
A herbaceous, aromatic, green scent. Blends well with Clary Sage, Cypress, Chamomile, Hyssop and Pine.

Yarrow is primarily known as a wound healer and can be used to dress cuts and wounds. In aromatherapy skin care it can ton
rashes, acne and eczema. It is also used for hair care preparations as it promotes hair growth and checks dandruff. It can red
the cycle and is useful during menopause. It is also helpful for cystitis and vaginitis. Yarrow may be used for varicose veins a
oil that can aid in many conditions depending on what oils it is blended with. May cause allergic reaction in some.
Planet: Venus
History and Mythology

'Flower of Flowers' is the Malay name for Ylang Ylang, a small tropical tree that is native to the Philippines. The flower's head
cultivated trees; wild ones are much less fragrant. In Asia the flowers have long been valued for their delicious, aphrodisiac p
in coconut oil. A much stronger and more concentrated oil is produced by careful steam distillation. However, there are huge
best oil is that from the first distillation. In Southeast Asia the flowers are spread on the wedding bed for extra special scentu
calms fear and anxieties. Ylang Ylang oil is often used as an ingredient for aphrodisiac incense blends. However, too much o
Excessive use of Ylang Ylang can cause headaches and nausea.
Magical Use:

Ylang Ylang is used for love charms and perfumes to attract the opposite sex (usually for women). It dispels fear and appreh
confidence. It is deeply sensual and erotic and is an ideal oil for tantric rituals and sex magic. It can also be used for dispellin
frustration, anger and insecurity that prevent one from moving on.
An intensely heady, floral, sweet, slightly balsamic scent. Blends well with Vetivert, Jasmine, Mimosa, Galbanum, Bergamot,

In aromatherapy Ylang Ylang is mostly used for its psychological effect, helping to overcome negative feelings, fears and ins
to their sexuality. It can be used for frigidity and impotence or simply as an erotic aphrodisiac massage or bath oil. It slows th
lower high blood pressure. It can help with insomnia, especially where this is due to anxiety. In aromatherapy skin care it can
irritated and oily skin. It is also used in hair care products.

is for karma, soul attunement, spiritual confidence, spiritual purpose, to spiritually understand, for telepathy and spiritual healing. Witch haze

Herbs and Their Ruling Planets (1653)

The following herbs and their ruling planets was extracted from: 'Culpeper's Complete Herb

Venus: Peppermint, Rose, Thyme, Burdock, Catnip, Colt's Foot, Lady's Mantle, Motherwort, Mugwort, Penny Royal, Ra
Tansy, Plantain.

Mars: Aloe, Basil, black Pepper, Pine, Blessed Thistle, hops, Nettle, Cayenne Pepper, Garlic, Self-Heal, Hawthorn, Bro
Sun: Chamomile, Celery, Juniper, Rosemary, Angelica, Lovage, Rue, St. johns Wort, Bay Laurel, Eyebright, Butterbur,
Moon: Clary Sage, White Willow, Chickweed, Cleavers

Jupiter: Jasmine, Lemon Balm, Sage, Borage, Chervil, Dandelion, Hyssop, Meadowsweet, Bilberry, Agrimony, Costma
Saturn: Comfrey, Dhepherd's Purse, Mullein, Hemp/Cannabis.

Mercury: Caraway, Dill, Feenel, Lavender, Marjoram, Myrtle, Oregano, Liquorice, Parsley, Valerian, Horehound, Flax, C




Signifies: Strength, health, vigor, lust, danger.

Holiday: Yule
Planet: Mars
Day: Tuesday
Astrological Sign: Scorpio

Signifies: Encouragement, adaptability, stimulation, attraction, plenty, kindness.

Holiday: Candlemas
Deities: Brigid
Planets: Sun, Mars, Mercury
Days: Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Astrological Sign: Leo, Sagittarius

Signifies: Knowledge, learning, concentration, persuasion, charm, confidence, jealousy, joy, comfort.
Planet: Mercury
Day: Wednesday
Astrological Sign: Gemini, Leo

Signifies: Finances, fertility, luck, success energy, charity, growth rejuvenation, ambition, counteract greed and jealousy, plants
Planets: Venus, Mercury
Days: Friday, Wednesday
Holidays: Spring Equinox, Beltane
Astrological Sign: Taurus

Signifies: Tranquility, understanding, patience, health, truth, devotion, sincerity, honor, loyalty, peace, wisdom, protection durin
Planets: Moon, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter

Days: Monday, Friday, Saturday, Thursday

Astrological Sign: Libra, Sagittarius

Signifies: Power, piety, sanctity, sentimentality, tension, sadness amplification of other energies, wisdom, high ideals, spiritual p
protective energy.
Planet: Jupiter
Day: Thursday
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius

Signifies: Negation without reflecting, unlocking when stuck, banishing evil or negativity.
Holiday- Samhain
Planet- Saturn
Day - Saturday
Deities- The Crone
Astrological Sign: Scorpio & Capricorn

Signifies: Purity, consecration, meditation, divination, exorcism, the full moon, healing, peace, spiritual strength.
(May be substituted for any other color.)
Planet: Moon
Day: Monday
Astrological Sign: Cancer

Signifies: Balance, neutrality, used in erasing, canceling, neutralizing, and return to the universe without repercussion destructiv
Planet: Moon
Day: Monday
Deity: Athena
Astrological Sign: Virgo

Signifies: Healing, familial or emotional love (rather than sexual), friendship, affections, unselfish emotions, spiritual healing, b
Gem: Rose quartz
Planet: Venus
Day: Friday

Signifies: The Earth, grounding, trees, concentration, telepathy, spells to locate lost objects, protection of the familiars, pets, and
Planets: Moon (tan browns), Venus (all), Saturn (dark browns)
Days: Monday, Friday, Saturday
Deity: Gaia
Astrological Sign: Capricorn
Holiday: Mabon

Signifies: Purity, the moon, treasure, values, female energy, the unconscious mind.
Day: Monday
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Deity: Artemis and other Moon Goddesses

Signifies: The sun, male energy, wealth, financial wisdom, conscious mind, attracting happiness, activity, intelligence.
Planet: Sun
Day: Sunday
Astrological Sign: Leo
Deity: Apollo and other Sun Gods



Ewe (HERBS) for

Medicinal Usage

Skullcap, Sage,
Kola Nut, Basil,
Hyssop, Blue
Vervain, White
Willow, Valerian
All Herbs

Yellow Dock,
Damiana, Anis,
Raspberry, Yarrow,
Chamomile, Lotus,
Uva-Ursi, Buchu,
Myrrh, Echinacea

Kelp, Squawvine,
Cohosh, Dandelion,
Yarrow, Aloe,
Spirulina, Mints,
Passion Plower,
Wild Yam Root

Eucalyptus, Alfalfa,
Bloodroot, Parsley,
Motherwort, Garlic

Mullein, Comfrey,
Pleurisy Root,

Plantain, Saw
Palmetto, Hibiscus,
Fo-ti, Sarsaparilla,
Nettles, Cayenne





Use in all protection

sachets and spells,
also to banish
negative energies and
spirits. Returns spells
to sender; Promotes

Burn for prosperity,

healing/health, luck,
magical power,
energy, strength


Burn for money,

riches and wisdom.
Almond wood makes
a nice magickal
wand. Sweet Almond
Oil is one of the
primary carrier oils
for ritual and
anointing blends

Anise Star Essential


Psychic awareness, clairvoyance

Clove essential oil

Clove is used in magick for

money, love, and psychic

ness, clairvoyance

Ideas for Ess

Prosperity, Money









Ideas for Essential Oils Candle Combinations:

Essential Oil

Balsam de Peru
Bay Leaf
Ylang Ylang


Ylang Ylang




Tea Tree Oil

Caraway Seeds


Ambrette Seed Absolute




Musk Ambrette stimulates the base chakra and raises the Kundalini snake. It
is used in sex magic and trantric practices. The sensuous scent is tantalizing
and arousing. It may be used to overcome inhibitions and blockages of
sexual energy.

Used in love magic to open the heart chakra and clear emotional blockages
that may prevent one from finding love. Worn as a magical perfume it may
help finding contentment and happiness. It safeguards the soul on spirit
journeys and astral travel and offers protection against nightmares. It may
be used to open the inner eye to prepare for divination rituals and psychic
channelling. Use it as a special offering if your spirit or totem animals are
dogs, or to invoke Anubis.

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