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Weekly Activities

Launch of Self Denial Appeal

Sunday 8th February 10:30am
A chance for us to consider over the coming weeks
our giving to the work of the Salvation Army in other
Lt. Sian Radford
14th - 21st February
Lt. Sian will be away on holiday for this period.
Morning Worship
Sunday 15th February 10.30am
Major Sue Collins will be leading worship.
Self Denial Altar Service
Sunday 8th March 10.30am
Opportunity will be given during our Sunday worship
to give towards the work of the Salvation Army around
the world.
Mothering Sunday
Sunday 15th March 10.30am
An opportunity to give thanks for our mothers and all
females who have had a special influence on us.

Family all-age worship
(followed by Tea/Coffee/Biscuits and fellowship)
10:00am - 2:00pm

Silver Tones Choir Practice


Songster & Band Practice


Bible Fellowship
Mens Fellowship

10:00am - 2:00pm

The Seasider
Newsletter of the
Rhyl Corps of
The Salvation Army
25th January 2015

Friends and Heroes
childrens club

Charity Shop (Telephone 01745 331646)

9:30am - 4:00pm
Monday to Thursday
9:00am - 1:00pm

To find out more contact us at..

The Salvation Army Halls
Windsor St.
Rhyl, Denbighshire
LL18 1BW
Telephone: 01745 334313

Rhyl Corps Mission Statement

We will help people to know Jesus as a friend
and Saviour; reaching out to meet their
spiritual and practical needs

Gods Great Mission

by Lieutenant Sian Radford
I wonder, do you ever talk to yourself? I know I do
sometimes, and then I answer my own questions too
(sometimes that can be the best way cant it?!) At the end
of last year as a Corps we came together to ask ourselves
some questions about our mission, what we do, and
where God is leading us as we seek to be effective both in
our own discipleship and growth as Christians, but also in
reaching out to others too. You may remember we had
several meetings to ask ourselves some questions about
who we are, where we are now in terms of our growth,
development and effectiveness as a church in many
areas, and where we see God taking us, His vision if you
like for our future. And in examining some of these
questions, we came to discover something not only of
where God is leading us, but also who we are as a
church, and as individual Christians and who we better
want to be.

Its important to mention also I think, that we dont profess to be

the finished article, after all, there is no perfect person or perfect
church, but our vision is that we would seek to continue to grow
into these values more and more that we may be effective
Kingdom builders for God. In my head I have an image of a
child wearing their parents shoesdid you ever do that as a
child? I know I did (maybe it was a girl thing!) and I would often
trip up as I tried to walk! But children do that in an attempt to
pretend they are more grown up than they actually are, and
perhaps even strive to be like their parent! When our shoes
dont fit us properly they can be uncomfortable for us to wear,
but as Christians I pray our spiritual shoes will always be a little
too big for then there is always room for us to grow! And as we
grow God will continue to provide, resource and equip as for
what He has in store!

In Christ we have
A love that can never be fathomed
A life that can never die
A righteousness that can never be tarnished
A peace that can never be understood
A rest that can be disturbed
A joy that can never be diminished
A hope that can never be disappointed
A glory that can never be clouded
A light that can never be darkened
A purity that can never be defiled
A beauty that an never be marred
A wisdom that can never be baffled
Resources that can never be exhausted.

If we dont live by priorities, we will live by pressures!

We came up with 5 values on which we believe and also

strive for our church to be built upon.
They were these:
To seek to

Be Christ-centred
Cherish each individual
Deepen our Commitment to Christ
Love and serve our Community
Have a heart of Compassion

We know that in all things it is important that we keep

Jesus at the centre; our focus must be on Him for where it
is not we soon stumble.
We know too that each and every person is significant and
valued in the eyes of God and as Christian people we
would seek to see each human being as God sees them,
with eyes of love.
Our commitment to Christ and our continued growth as
His disciples is vital; as we commit ourselves to Him and
keep seeking after His will for our lives, He will continue to
empower us to serve others in our community as He leads
And we do all of these things out of love, with a heart of
compassion for others; with an eagerness to share the
love of God which has transformed and continues to
transform our lives in such a way that people will see that
Jesus is real, that He is alive, and wants for them to know
Him too.

If theres anything at all that you

would like to contribute to the pages
of The Seasider just pass it on to me
and Ill happily include it in a future
issue! Alternatively you can email me

I pray that as we seek to continue to grow as disciples, both

individually and as a Corps, we will seek to continue to fix our
eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews
12:2) and that as we continue to make Him known, many
people will be impacted in a positive way by our efforts and
come to know Jesus for themselves.

Flower List
25th January
1st February
8th February
15th February

Marion Angel
Margaret Maunton
Alan & Val Hurd
Grace & Fred Williams

Date of the next Seasider is:

15th February

Rita and Jim Dinsdale-Potter

Margaret Maunton
Mavis Edwin
Marion and Alan Angel
Guidance and direction as we seek to
implement aspects of our Corps Mission
through our values.
Our childrens work

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