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Why Does Ataxia Occurs

Hello friends, do you know ataxia? Well, Ataxia is a lack

of muscle coordination which may affect speech, eye
movements, the ability to swallow, walking, picking up
objects and other voluntary movements. A person with
persistent ataxia may have damage in the part of the brain that
controls muscle coordination - the cerebellum. Ataxia may
have several causes, includingmultiple sclerosis, a head
injury, alcohol abuse, stroke,cerebral palsy, a faulty gene, or
a tumor. Ataxia may also be a symptom of incoordination
linked to infections.
Ataxia can be a symptom of another health condition, it can
also be inherited or non-inherited, and also causes by loss of
Sequenced Explanation 1

Sequenced Explanation 2

Inherited ataxia
This means the ataxia is caused by a genetic fault
inherited either from the mother or father, or both. A faulty
gene that is passed down through generations can cause
cerebellar ataxia - in some cases its severity worsens from
one generation to the next and the age of onset gets younger.
This type of worsening inherited ataxia is known
as anticipation.
The chances of inheriting ataxia from a parent depends
on the type of ataxia that parent has. For a person to develop
Friedreich's ataxia the faulty gene would need to be carried
by both the mother and the father (recessive inheritance).
Spinocerebellar ataxia, on the other hand, only requires one
parent to carry the defective gene (dominant inheritance),
and each of his/her offspring would have a 50% risk of
developing the condition.

Non-inherited ataxia
Even without a family history of ataxia some people
may still develop the condition. In some cases, experts
never find out what the cause was. The following
procedures and circumstances can cause ataxia: Brain
surgery, head injury, alcohol abuse, drug abuse. Infections,
such as chicken pox (usually goes away after infection has
gone), a brain tumor. Exposure to toxic chemicals.Multiple
sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and some other neurological
conditions.Malformation of the cerebellum while the baby is
still in the womb.

Sequenced Explanation 3


The Cerebellum of the brain is normally responsible

for maintaining balance and co-ordination. Ataxia occurs
when there is damage to the cerebellum. It may also result
from damage to other parts of the nervous system.
Ataxia is commonly caused by loss of function in the
cerebellum. The cerebellum is located toward the back and
lower part of the brain.The central part of the cerebellum
can control complex movements of walking, eye
movements and stability of the head and trunk.
Other parts of the cerebellum help to coordinate
smaller movements such as speech, eyes and swallowing.
Ataxia results when there is dysfunction in the pathways
leading into and out of the cerebellum

Finally, Ataxia is a form of movement disorder. There

is loss of balance and physical co-ordination leading to
difficulty in walking normally. Do you understand so far?
You can read more abiut ataxia in the book store. I think
that's all, thank you for your attention.

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