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Example 101

Straw the next eco-innovative pacesetter

This article presents the current status of technologies related to straw. This is one of
many innovations that shape the Blue Economy and part of a broad movement to
positively balance humankind, economy and nature.
by Markus Haastert, Anne-Kathrin Kuhlemann

Background: Biomass and natural ecosystems

The effort towards lessening the impact of negative human activities on the environment is yet to grow.
The European Union stated that eco-innovation is not always about new materials, it can also be about
finding new approaches to old materials. Imagine that straw, one of the most underutilized agricultural
residues is assuming a leading role in the eco-invention of energy mix and building construction? This
may be evidence that global greenhouse gas emission would be lessened to 80 percent by 2050 to thwart
the risks associated with environmental degradation. The trending innovative and sustainable use of straw
may just be the much-awaited environmentally solution.
The ecosystem produces plenty of natural biomass waste, such as forest, wood and agricultural products.
Composting of natural biomass waste converts such wastes into valuable soil amendments, enhancing soil
quality through a controlled process by stabilizing organic material. Composting is highly beneficial in the
farming industry, as it improves crop growth, destroying weed seeds, as well as plant and human
pathogens. Agricultural straw residue is normally used for composting. Straw is a complex carbon made of
cellulose, hemi-cellulose, and lignin; which are components that are resistant to decomposition. Such
components are common in plants, providing them with stability and strength. When erosion or grading
control permits are required as per local regulations, farmers tend to create 1 or 2 percentage of straw bay
hales, as it helps reduce erosion (Brewer et al, 2013).
Currently, a vast amount of unused agricultural straw residues exists around the world. China, India, and
the United States are ranked as the major producers of wheat and rice straw residues (Mantanis et al,
2000). China produces more than approximately 620 billion tons of straw a year, ranking as one of the
most abundant straw producers in the world. Chinas usage of straw for energetic purposes improves
environmental protection and sustainable development in a continuous growing-economical nation (Zeng
& Ma, 2005).
The production of straw is considered a risk to some farmers, as haulms may break during storms or
strong winds. Shorter stem crops have been bred in order to assist with mechanized harvesting,
significantly reducing wind damage. Long stem straws injured by hail usually break due to strong winds,
or are simultaneously damaged by diseases (Paulsen, 1997). Therefore, farmers prefer crops with shorter
stems, such as cereal crops, which are bred to grow shorter. Consequently, biomass production composed
of long-stem straws is significantly reducing, affecting negatively the environmental benefits of its usage.
We all know straw, the agricultural by-product; the dry stalks of cereals we leave in the farm after the
grain and chaff have been removed. This dry stalk makes up about half of the yield of cereals crops such as

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oats, rice, rye, barley, etc. These dry stalks are gathered and stored in a straw bale. Its surprising to know
that inasmuch as this residue is considered of less value, its uses are amazing, much more its unimaginable
emerging innovative uses in the future energy mix and construction of houses.

Innovation: from food to carbon-negative buildings

You would marvel at the historic and immediate use of straw across the globe. We are used to using straw
as animal feed roughage component of diet to feed cattle or horses. It is used in basketry for making bee
skeps and linen baskets and bedding for livestock or humans. Surprised? Straw-filled mattresses referred to
as palliasse is still in use in many part of the word not least due to the positive health effects the silica
contained in many straws, e.g. from rye and rice, reportedly have. In fact, silica converted to silicon carbide
(SiC) has dozens of industrial applications ranging from electronics to jewelry. Straw itself is used in areas
such as erosion control in construction sites, hats production, and production of cucumber houses,
cultivation of mushrooms, mulching materials, production of ropes and shoes especially in Koreas Jipsin
sandals, production of compostable food packaging materials and in paper-making.
Straw is now used to develop safe, energy-efficient and sustainable construction practices across the globe.
The materials are locally available and could easily be used to produce comfortable, safe, affordable,
durable, and aesthetic alternative to costly and environmentally-unfriendly alternatives. In Peoples
Republic of China for instance, straw-bales construction is currently in vogue to build houses and other
public buildings using waste rice straw. As at 2005, over 600 houses have been completed and the benefits
are amazing especially its eco-friendly benefits. It has significantly reduced coal consumption and CO2
emissions; lowers risks of respiratory disease and offer much resistance to earthquakes, etc.
In Lithuania, the Ecococons straw panel is another clear example of successful straw potential in building
industry. The panels are from straws tightly-packed into wooden frames which are used to build houses
built on wooden bases and mounted on a waterproof layer; once built the houses would be plastered as
traditional brickwork. The house can be long-lasting and not easily burnt, as report shows that it can be
used for decades or centuries. The construction is low-intensity with no need for concrete or high-energy
consuming equipments. In fact, at the end of the houses lifespan, the company said it can be dismantled
and the materials reused. This reduces environmental degradation associated with demolition of brickbuilt houses and thus promotes environmental health.
In the English city of Bradford, a whole business park is built with straw. The Inspire Bradford Business
Park comprise two buildings which provide 2,800 square meters of shared facilities, workshops, offices
including rooms and caf. This park is believed to be Europes largest straw constructions. Its built in
accordance with sustainable principles having met the rating for energy efficiency of the Building
Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method.
The potentials of straw seem so remarkable that the European Union supports EUROCELL project with
1,611,096 through its Competitiveness and Innovation Programme. This project is geared towards
researching the certification of straw panel building as a basis for market development and acceptance of
the approach. Its important to note that Modcell is a partner in this project. Modcell is one of the first
products to make extensive carbon-negative building a commercial real existence. It employs the
remarkable thermal insulation qualities of straw bale and hemp construction to form prefabricated panes.
This aids construction of super-insulated, high-performance, low energy buildings with renewable, carbon
sequestering, locally-sourced and sustainable building materials.

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Potential: A source of energy

Most eco-aggressive development agencies across the world are currently employing straw as option in
their possible future energy mix. In Germany, the findings of TLL (Thueringian regional institute for
agriculture), the DBFZ (German biomass research centre) and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental
Research (UFZ) showed a promising result.
The findings of this experiment which employed a total of 30 million tons of cereals straw produced
annually revealed that 8 and 13 million tons of straw could be used sustainably for energy or fuel
production. This undoubtedly highlights the potential contribution of straw to renewable sources of
energy. The finding further showed that this potential could give 1.7 to 2.8 million average households
with electricity while providing 2.8 to 4.5 million households with heating.
This is a potential energy alternative and environmental remedy to unsustainable energy production. With
the rising demand for electricity which is expected to rise to 2.7 times higher by 2025, straw may be the
pacesetter in scaling up power supply that will meet world demand of electricity without compromising
ecological health. This means that there is hope for production of over 90% of cleaner energy that must
replace coal and natural gas plant. Does this seem a daunting task?
Straw has such numerous benefits, it seems we urgently need to reverse the current trend towards shorter
haulms. The many researchers dedicated to developing different types of varieties resistant to winter
hardiness, strong winds, hail and storms (Limagrain Cereal Seeds, 2010) are hopefully also focusing on
strengthening haulms instead. For the production of wheat straws, new varieties of wheat are constantly
created, undergoing testing by the National Variety Trials Project (NVT), and the Department of
Agriculture and Food (DAFWA) in the United States (Shackley et al, 2014). The creation of long stem crops
with stronger haulms and highly resistant to hardiness are necessary. When combined with traditional
farming techniques such as hedge growing would allow for the continued production of plentiful straw.
The innovative and environmental-friendly use of straw in boosting global energy mix and in cushioning
the effect of harmful practices and environmental degradation associated with building construction is the
new phase of eco-invention. The use of straw in all its forms is reliable, sustainable, portable, affordable,
comfortable, abundant and flexible; thus, it offers a great alternative for the worlds clean energy demand.
Straw, it seems, is the leader in our future eco-inventions.

More information about the Blue Economy examples under

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Brewer, L., Andrews, N., Sullivan, D., & Gehr, W. (June 2013). Agricultural composting and
water quality (EM 9053). Oregon State University Extension Service. Retrieved from
Paulsen, G. (May1997). Growth and development. Wheat production handbook. Kansas State
University Agricultural Experimental Station and Cooperative Extension Service. Retrieved from
Mantanis, G., Nakos, P., Berns, J., & Rigal, L. (2000). Turning agricultural straw residues into
value-added composite products: a new environmentally friendly technology. Retrieved
Shackley, B., Zaicou-Kunesch,C., Dhammu, H., Shankar, M., Amjad, M., Young, K. (2014). Wheat variety
guide for WA. Grains Research & Development Corporation. Retrieved from:
Limagrain Cereal Seeds (2010). What we do. Breeders & development of varieties of wheat. Retrieved from:
Zeng, X. & Ma, Y. (2005). Utilization of straw in biomass energy in China. Thermal Energy
Research Institute, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, People's Republic of China
doi: 10.1016/j.rser.2005.10.003
Hedgegrows, ditches and open drains are designated as landscape features for the purpose of the
single payment scheme. Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (Ireland). Retrieved from:
Economics and funding SIG (June 2007). Valuing the benefits of biodiversity. Retrieved from:
Healthy Garden Workshop Series, maximizing your harvest. United States Department of Agriculture.
Retrieved from:

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The Blue Economy | Alle Rights Reserved. 2014, Blue Economy Solutions GmbH

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