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Whem t* Uoe a #had

B*fere wa g*t inte tfie nute and hcdt* *:lf effoctlw* chart *rm*titln, ist's t;rlk mhout whmt
rnekes a chart u.*efu! in tfi* first place. As the vrvlw* Snto*fisn #n** smid, "T*:mre is a time
f*r" ewerything,* snd thie $nctude.* a:sirq chmrts.

Chart are rmost r*s*fiel fCIn pa*kaging mveruvt'relming infmnt.lati** is:tc m wr;'a'rp:l* r*nrJ easy
to us* f*rntsf for eonrparfr**s"rs msM for r,{iscernlng trcnde tn a dmt*smt.

FemtLsres o$ a ehart

-A chart can take a ixng* variety cf fenns; hqrrxmv*r tfuere ar* fi*#lrnon featffir*"* fhat
pr*vld* the elrart with its ability to extraut mea*in6 fmnr da a"

- 'Yypicmtly a chsrt is graphiical, esntm**ing v*ry {;ttte text, since *suni*ne are generally
ahk to infer rneaning fror* pict*,rres q*icker th*n fr*r* t*xt. {3me *f the rflfrr* in'rportant
ulses of text im a praph is i* the title. A graph'* titie usumlly ap.p*ars ah*ve the n:min
graphi* and pr*vides a succinct deseription of wfiat the data $n the gmxgah refem to.

- Withinth* gr*ph a grid *f llnec i?isy e$fi)pear t* *i* i* the visual alignn:ent uf dat*i. '[hm
grid can be enhanced by visually ernphasizi*g the tin*s at regulxr or sipnifi*ant
gr*duation*. Ttte emphms*aed liflea *rs tfren cai$*d rnajur gni<! {inem sr"rd thm rest ed tfle
6r'id lines are mirux"gnid lines.

- The data of a ehart oan epp*ar i* mtl rfianfl*r mf formats, with or wit$'l*ut individua*
{ahel*- lt may eppeer as dotri mr shape*, conn*eted or unconne*ted, arrd in *ny
*ombimation of u*lpra and pat*erms. lnferenc*s or points erf lsttmr*st *a* be ovmrplaymd
*lrecfly on tho 6raph tp firrtfser a*d informatian extracti*rt.

Types of charB

b, #ommon chalts
lp Less-rcrnrnon eharts
),, Field-s.peeific charts


*tiss {i*x,stSahda



The tenn -bootsuirunil" is used in twc $gn$es.

1. to'any typs of inssct which infe*ts books
2. to a pe{ssn who enjoys bosk.

The U*age sfi be*krrorm

" The first usage of bookunorm c&n get rather vaGue.

r The semnd usage of Bnokworrn aetu*trfy pedates the first.

Different people have different standards about bookworms, oten

determined by their own reading hablta Tful tenn is often applied to
chtldren, especiatly shy children who ;.*rch of their spane time
reedi*g. ,4du4ts, tlryMewr, csn sertein$y be boott:ry*rrn e *e[!, especially
when they have a great daal af $pare time on their hands. lf you cannot
leeve the house without a bouk, you might be a bookworm. This especially
true if you pop the h*okw opffin mt every opportulnity, or if you heve been
known b read wl'rile down the streel, cooking, w perfurming sirnilar ta*ks.

1. *nthusiastic reader: somobody who loves reading (informa$

2. ins*ct eating hooks; an insecf whose larvae eat the Faper or h*nding paste in

fiuqpi*, jexi;$er,4.

| ,,*,.... _.. .- .4(

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