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Queueing model is used to approximate a real queueing situation or system, so the queueing
behaviour can be analysed mathematically and allow a number of useful steady state
performance measures to be determined which including the average number time spent in
the queue or the system, the average time spent in the queue or system, the statistical
distribution of those numbers or times, the probability the queue is full, or empty and the
probability of finding the system in a particular state.


Figure 1 shows the elements of a single queue queuing system:

Population of Customers can be considered either limited (closed systems) or unlimited (open
systems). Unlimited population represents a theoretical model of systems with a large number
of possible customers (a bank on a busy street, a motorway petrol station). Example of a
limited population may be a number of processes to be run (served) by a computer or a
certain number of machines to be repaired by a service man. It is necessary to take the term
"customer" very generally. Customers may be people, machines of various nature, computer
processes, telephone calls, etc. Arrival defines the way customers enter the system. Mostly
the arrivals are random with random intervals between two adjacent arrivals. Typically the
arrival is described by a random distribution of intervals also called Arrival Pattern.Queue
represents a certain number of customers waiting for service (of course the queue may be
empty). Typically the customer being served is considered not to be in the queue. Sometimes

the customers form a queue literally (people waiting in a line for a bank teller). Sometimes
the queue is an abstraction (planes waiting for a runway to land). There are two important
properties of a queue: Maximum Size and Queuing Discipline. Maximum Queue Size also
called System capacity which is the maximum number of customers that may wait in the
queue (plus the one(s) being served). Queue is always limited, but some theoretical models
assume an unlimited queue length. If the queue length is limited, some customers are forced
to renounce without being served. Queuing Discipline represents the way the queue is
organised (rules of inserting and removing customers to/from the queue). The ways are FIFO
(First In First Out) also called FCFS (First Come First Serve) which orderly queue, LIFO
(Last In First Out) also called LCFS (Last Come First Serve) which is stack,SIRO (Serve In
Random Order) and lastly Priority Queue, that may be viewed as a number of queues for
various priorities. Many other more complex queuing methods that typically change the
customers position in the queue according to the time spent already in the queue, expected
service duration, and priority. These methods are typical for computer multi-access systems.
Service represents some activity that takes time and that the customers are waiting for. Again
take it very generally. It may be a real service carried on persons or machines, but it may be a
CPU time slice, connection created for a telephone call, being shot down for an enemy plane,
etc. Typically a service takes random time. Theoretical models are based on random
distribution of service duration also called Service Pattern. Another important parameter is
the number of servers. Systems with one server only are called Single Channel Systems,
systems with more servers are called Multi Channel Systems. Output represents the way
customers leave the system. Output is mostly ignored by theoretical models, but sometimes
the customers leaving the server enter the queue again time-sharing systems.
The characteristic of queuing model is Request Arrival Rate (a). Service requests arrive
according to one of four patterns: steady, irregular, regular, or random. Second characteristic
is Service Distribution Rate (s)which is mean number of requests that are processed within a
time period. Third characteristic isUtilization (u) which is intensity of the traffic that is the
request arrival rate divided by the service rate. Fourth characteristic isNumber of Servers (c)
which the number of servers that can process the request. The number of tellers on duty
affects the length of the line. A server in this case may not be the physical server, but may be
a critical subcomponent which depending on what is being modelled. Fifth characteristic is
Queue Discipline. How queued requests are processed, which affects the standard deviation

calculation.Examples are: first-in-first-out (FIFO), last-in-first-out (LIFO), and priority

ordered. This technique assumes FIFO queues in all cases.

A schematic framework of queuing system is shown in the figure:

Queuing costs and service level

A waiting line system or queuing system is defined by two elements the population source of
its customers and the process or service system itself. In this supplement examine the
elements of waiting line systems and appropriate performance measures. Performance
characteristics are calculated for different waiting line systems. It can be conclude with
descriptions of managerial decisions related to waiting line system design and performance.
Any time there is more customer demand for a service than can be provided, a waiting line
occurs. Customers can be either humans or inanimate objects. In a waiting line system,
managers must decide what level of service to offer. A low level of service may be
inexpensive, at least in the short run, but may incur high costs of customer dissatisfaction,
such as lost future business and actual processing costs of complaints. A high level of service
will cost more to provide. There is generally a trade-off between cost of providing service
and cost of waiting time. Service facilities are evaluated on their total expected cost which is
the sum of service costs and waiting costs. Organizations typically want to find the service
level that minimizes the total expected costwill result in lower dissatisfaction costs. Because
of this trade-off, managementmust consider what is the optimal level of service to provide


Benefit of queueing model is a branch of operations research because the results are often
used when making business decisions about the resources needed to provide service. It is
applicable in a wide variety of situations that may be encountered in business, commerce,
industry, healthcare, public service and engineering. Applications are frequently encountered
in customer service situations as well as transport and telecommunication. Queueingmodel is
directly applicable to intelligent transportation systems, call centers, PABXs, networks,
telecommunications, server queueing, mainframe computer of telecommunications terminals,
advanced telecommunications systems, and traffic flow.


In an MM/1 queue there is waiting line and all job receive an equal proportion of the
service capacity and helping to use to estimate desired performance measures of the system.
The MM/1 shows queuing s shows queuing simulation of a single-queue single-server system
having a single traffic source and an infinite storage capacity. M/M/1 means that the system
has a Poisson arrival process, an exponential service time distribution, and one server.
Queuing theory provides exact theoretical results for some performance measures of an
M/M/1 queuing system and this queuing simulation makes it easy to compare empirical
results with the corresponding theoretical results.

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