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Operating Systems

1. _______ runs on computer hardware and serve as platform for other softwares to run on
a. Operating system*
b. application software
c. System software d. All
2. ____ is the layer of a computer system between the hardware and the use program
a. Operating environment b. Operating system*
c. system environment d. None

The primary purpose of an operating system is

To make the most efficient use of the computer hardware*
To allow people to use the computer
To keep systems programmers employed
d. To make computers easier to use

4. _____ transforms one interface into another interface

a. Program
b. Software*
c. Data

d. None

5. ______ system is built directly on the hardware

a. Environment
b. system
c. Operating*

d. None

6. Multi programming systems

a. Are easier to develop than single programming systems b. Execute each job faster
c. Execute more jobs in the same time period*
d. Are used only one large mainframe
7. _____ is the first program run on a computer when the computer boots up
a. System software
b. Operating system*
c. System operations

d. None

8. ______ interface consists of things like program counter, registers, interrupts and terminals
a. Hardware*
b. Software
c. Data
d. None
9. _____ shares characteristics with both hardware and software
a. Operating system*
b. Software
c. Data

d. None

10. _____ is used in operating system to separate mechanism from policy

a. Single level implementation
b. Two level implementation
c. Multi level implementation*
d. None
11. ______ is a set of basic facilities that can be used in many different ways
a. Plan
b. Strategy
c. Mechanism*
d. None
12. Memory management is
a. Not used in modern operating systems b. Replaced with virtual memory on current systems*
c. Not used on multiprogramming systems d. Critical for even the simplest operating systems.
13. ______ is the use of a mechanism for a particular purpose
a. Principle
b. Plan
c. Policy*

d. None

14. In resource management ____ means creating illusion of several resources from one resource
a. Multiplexing*
b. Frame relay
c. Duplexing
d. None
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Operating Systems
15. Operating systems _____ physical resources into virtual resources to avoid the difficulties
associated with using hardware resources
a. Transform*
b. Conversion
c. Translate
d. None
16. ______ provides the essential functionality of the hardware resource, but is easier to use
a. Virtual device
b. Virtual disk
c. Virtual resource* d. None
17. The sharing of physical resources is called ______
a. Simplexing
b. Duplexing
c. Multiplexing*
18. Spool stands for ______
a. Simultaneous peripheral operations online*
c. Specific operations online

d. None

b. Special operations online

d. None

19. In ______, there resource is used for different virtual computers at different times
a. Four division
b. Space division
c. Time-division multiplexing*
d. None
20. Time-division multiplexing is also referred as ______
a. Time-sharing*
b. Resource sharing
c. Space sharing

d. None

21. ___ multiplexing is useful when the resource cannot be divided into smaller versions of itself
a. Frequency division
b. Time-division*
c. Frame division
d. None
22. In _____, the resource is divided into smaller versions of itself and each virtual computer is
given a part of the resource
a. Space-division multiplexing*
b. Frequency division
c. Time-division
d. All
23. _____ is used in multiplexing primary and secondary storage
a. Frame division
b. Time-division
c. Space-division multiplexing *

d. None

24. _____ multiplexes, transforms and allocates hardware resources

a. Application system
b. Software system c. Operating system*

d. None

25. _____ creates software copies of processor and memory

a. Application system
b. Software system c. Operating system*

d. None

26. The operating system creates _____ from the physical computer
a. Virtual space
b. Virtual computers*
c. Virtual device

d. None

27. Every _____ resource is a transformed and multiplexed version of the physical resource
a. Virtual*
b. Real
c. False
d. None
28. The two processor modes are _____ and ______ mode
a. System, user*
b. Direct, Indirect
c. Dynamic, Static

d. None

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Operating Systems
29. In _____ mode the instructions that control the physical resources of the computer are not
a. User*
b. System
c. Static
d. None
30. _____ computer cannot control hardware resources
a. Static
b. Virtual*
c. Real

d. None

31. Device independence

a. Allows the computer to run without I/O devices
b. Allows programs to be written much more easily*
c. Makes all devices look the same to the operating system
d. Allow tape drives to be substituted for disk drives
32. CPU provides ____ number of general purpose registers
a. 30
b. 33
c. 31

d. 32*

33. _____ register is used to store the return values from procedures
a. r2
b. r1*
c. r3
d. r4
34. Opening a file creates an operating system object called _______
a. Open file*
b. Process
c. Thread
d. None
35. The operating system managers
a. Memory
b. Processor

c. Disk and I/O devices

d. All the above*

36. The process of transferring data intended for a peripheral device into a disk (or intermediate
store) so that it can be transferred to peripheral at a more convenient time or in bulk, is
known as
a. Multiprogramming
b. Spooling* c. Caching
d. Virtual programming
37. ______ is a dynamic object that can provide bytes from the file or accept bytes to be stored in
the file
a. Create*
b. Write
c. File create
d. None
38. Trap is a ______ interrupt
a. Synchronous*
b. Asynchronous

c. Hardware

39. _____ is a collection of information on disk

a. Directives
b. Files
c. Device independent*

d. Operating systems
d. Entities

40. _____ provide a basic communication capability between two processes

a. Messages*
b. Stack
c. Map
d. Tree
41. Context switching is
a. Part of spooling
b. Part of polling

c. Part of handling*

d. Part of interrupt servicing

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Operating Systems
42. The fork of _____ process returns the process identifier of the child process
a. Messages*
b. Signals
c. Both a & b
d. None
43. The main advantage of interrupt concept is elimination of
a. Spooling b. Polling*
c. Job scheduling
d. Blocking the currently running process
44. The Register-to Register (RS) instructions
a. Have both their operands in the main store
b. Which perform an operation on a register operand and an operand which is located in the
main store, generally leaving the result in the register, expect in the case of store operation
when it is also written into the specified storage location.*
c. Which perform indicated operations on two fast registers of the machine and have the result
in one of the registers.
d. All the above
45. The macro process must perform
a. Recognize macro definitions and macro cells
c. Expand macro calls and substitute arguments

b. Save the macro definitions

d. All the above*

46. In which ways a macro processor for assembly language can be implemented
a. Independent two-pass processor
b. Independent one-pass processor
c. Processor incorporated into pass 1 of a standard two-pass assembler d. All the above*
47. A hardware device that is capable of executing a sequence of instructions, is known as
a. CPU
b. ALU
c. CU
d. Processor*
48. What is the name of the system which deals with the running of the actual computer and not
with the programming problems?
a. Operating system
b. System program* c. Object program
d. Source program
49. Two basic types of operating systems are
a. Sequential and direct
c. Sequential and realtime

b. Batch and timesharing

d. Batch and interactive*

50. Remote computing services involve the use of timesharing and

a. Multi processing
b. Interactive processing
c. Batch processing*
d. Real time processing
51. In which addressing mode the contents of a register specified in the instruction are first
decremented, and then these contents are used as the effective address of the operands
a. Index addressing
b. Indirect addressing
c. Auto addressing
d. Auto decrement*
52. An algorithm is best described as
a. A computer language
c. A branch of mathematics

b. A step by step procedure for solving a problem*

d. All the above

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Operating Systems
53. Information in a memory that is no longer valid or wanted is known as
a. None of the above-volatile
b. Volatile
c. Surplus
d. Garbage*
54. The FIFO algorithm
a. Executes first the job that last entered the queue
b. Executes first the job that first entered the queue*
c. Executes first the job that has been in the
d. Executes first the job with the least processor needs
55. Device independence
a. Allows the compute to run without I/O devices
b. Makes all devices look the same to the operating systems
c. Allows programs to be written more easily*
d. Allows tape drives to be substituted for disk drives
56. Four necessary conditions for deadlock that exist are: mutual exclusion, non-preemption,
circular wait and
a. Hold and wait* b. Deadlock avoidance
c. Race around condition
d. Buffer overflow
57. All the time a computer is switched on, its operating system software has to stay in
a. Main storage
b. Primary storage*
c. Floppy disk
d. Disk drive
58. The primary job of the operating system of a compute is to
a. Command resources
b. Manage resources* c. Provide utilities

d. Be user friendly

59. The operating system of a computer serve as a software interface between the user and
a. Hardware*
b. Peripheral
c. Memory
d. Screen
60. The term operating system means
a. A set of programs which controls computer working*
b. The way a computer operator works
c. Conversion of high level language into machine code
d. The way a floppy disk drive operates
61. Which of the following is not applications software?
a. Word processing
b. Spreadsheet
c. UNIX*

d. Desktop publishing

62. The kernel of the operating system remains in primary memory (and other part of the
operating system remains in secondary storage ) because
a. It is mostly called (used)*
b. It manages all interrupt calls
c. It controls all operation in a process
d. It is low level
63. Systems software is a program that directs the overall operation of the computer facilities its
use and interacts with the users. What are the different types of these softwares?
a. Operating system
b. Languages
c. Utilities
d. All the above*
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Operating Systems
64. In which addressing mode, the effective address of the operand is generated by adding a
constant value to the contents of register?
a. Absolute mode b. Indirect mode
c. Immediate mode d. Index mode*
65. Which of the following program is not a utility?
a. Debugger
b. Editor
c. Spooler*

d. All the above

66. Which of the following describes the term software?

a. Systems program only
b. Application programs only*

c. Both a & b

67. The operating system manages

a. Memory
b. Process

c. Disks and I/O devices

d. All

d. All the above*

68. What is the name given to the organized collection of software that controls he overall
operation of a computer?
a. Working system
b. Peripheral system
c. Operating system* d. Controlling system
69. Which of the following software types is used to simplify using systems software?
a. Spreadsheet
b. Operating environment
c. Time sharing*
d. Multitasking
70. Operating system is
a. A collection of hardware components
c. A collection of software routines*

b. a collection of input-output devices

d. All of the above

71. The primary purpose of an operating system is to

a. Make computer easier to use*
b. Keep system programmers employed
c. Make the most efficient use of the hardware
d. Allow people to sure the computers
72. Operating system
a. Links a programs with the subroutines it references
b. Provides a layered, user-friendly interface*
c. enables the programmer to draw a flowchart

d. All the above

73. a compute cannot boot if it does no have the

a. Compiler
b. Loader
c. Operating system*

d. Assembler

74. In which of the following addressing modes, the address of the location of the operand is
given explicitly as a part of the instruction?
a. Absolute mode*
b. Immediate mode c. Index mode
d. Modules mode
75. System mask indicates whether the CPU wishes to
a. Accept interrupts from a specific channel *
b. Reject all interrupts
c. Reject some of interrupts
d. Reject all interrupts from selected channels
76. A program
a. Is a device that performs a sequence of operations specified by instructions in memory
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Operating Systems
b. Is the device where information is stored
c. Is a sequence of instructions*
d. Is typically characterized by interactive processing and time of the CPUs time to allow quick
response to each user
77. Virtual device is
a. Dedicated for one purpose
b. A dedicated device converted into a shared device
c. A shared device converted into a dedicated device*
d. None
78. A Processor
a. Is a device that performs a sequence of operations specified by instructions in memory*
b. Is the device where information is stored
c. Is a sequence of instructions
d. Is typically characterized by interactive processing and time of the CPUs time to allow quick
response to each user
79. When an interrupt occurs, an operating system
a. Ignores the interrupt
b. Always changes state of interrupted process after processing the interrupt
c. Always resumes execution of interrupted process after processing the interrupt
d. May change sate of interrupted process to blocked and schedule another process*
80. Scheduling is
a. Allowing job to use the processor*
b. Unrelated to performance, considerations
c. Quite simple to implement, even on large mainframes
d/ The same regardless of the purpose of the system
81. Multiprocessing
a. Makes the operating system simpler
b. Allows multiple processes to run simultaneously
c. Is completely understood by all major compute vendors.
d. Allows the same computer to have multiple processors*.
82. A form of code that uses more than one process and processor, possibly of different type, and
that may on occasions have more than one process or processor active at the same time, is
known as
a. Multiprogramming
b. Multithreading*
c. Broadcasting
d. Time sharing
83. The technique, for sharing the time of a compute among several jobs, which switches jobs so
rapidly such that each job appears to have the computer to itself
a. Time sharing*
b. Time out
c. Time domain
d. Multitasking
84. Only one of the following is initiated by the user program, all others are initiated by external
a. Transition from ready state to running state
b. Transition from running state to ready state
c. Transition from running state blocked state* d. Transition from blocked state to ready state
85. FIFO scheduling is
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Operating Systems
a. Preemptive scheduling
c. Deadline scheduling

b. Non preemptive scheduling*

d. Fair-share scheduling

86. A semaphore count of negative n means (s = -n) that the queue contains --- waiting processes
a. n + 1
b. n*
c. n 1
d. 0
87. A null process has process identifier.
a. -1
b. 0*
c. 1


88. Race around condition occurs when

a. Two processes unknowingly wait for resources that are held by each other
b. Two processes wait for the same resource*
c. All the above resources are shared
d. Two processes share the same shared resource
89. A monitor program is a program that
a. Interrupts the interrupt calls
b. Restores the status of the CPU after a function call
c. Interprets the input from a keyboard and equivalent *

d. Checks the status of the I/O

90. The process scheduler in the processor management unit

a. Gives all submitted jobs to the job scheduler
b Selects job to run
c. Selects a process to run*
d. Co-ordinates the process synchronization
91. Round robin is a
a. Kind of magnetic drum
c. Process synchronization policy

b. Process scheduling policy*

d. Memory allocation policy

92. Which is the correct definition of a valid process transition in an operating system?
a. Wakeup: ready running
b. Dispatch: ready running*
c. Block: ready running
d. Timer runout ready blocked
93. A critical section is a program segment
a. which should run in a certain specified amount of time
b. Which avoids deadlocks
c. Where shared resources are accessed*
d. Which must be enclosed by a pair of semaphore operations, P and V
94. Correct the match for the following pairs is
w. Disk scheduling
1. Round robin
x. Batch processing
y. Time sharing
z. Interrupt processing
a. w 3, x 4, y 2 & z 1
c. w 2, x 3, y 1 & z 1*

b. w 4, x 3, y 2 & z 1
d. w 3, x 4, y 1 & z 2

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Operating Systems
95. An operating system containing 3 user process each requiring 2 units of resource R. The
number of units of R such that no deadlocks will ever arises is
a. 3
b. 5
c. 4*
d. 6
96. Each process Pi, I = 1 9 is coded as follow repeat
{critical section}
The code for P10 is identical except that is uses v(mutex) in place of p(mutex). What is the
largest number of process that can be inside the critical section at any moment.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. None of the above*
97. When the result of a computation depends on the sped of the processes involved there is said
to be
a. Cycle stating
b. Race condition* c. A time lock
d. A deadlock
98. A counting semaphore was initialized to 10. Then 6p (wait) operations and 4v (signal)
operations were completed on this semaphore. The resulting value of the semaphore is
a. 0
b. 8*
c. 10
d. 12
99. A compute has size tape drives within processes competing for them. Each process may need
two drives. What is the maximum value of n for the system to be deadlock free?
a. 6
b. 4*
c. 5
d. 3
100.The dispatcher
a. Actually schedules the tasks into the processor* b. Is always very small and simple
c. Puts tasks in I/O wait
d. Never changes task priorities
101. The most complex dispatcher
a. Should always be used
c. Is never use don a larger computers

b. should never be used

d. Should be used only on large computers*

102. Round- robin scheduling

a. Is quite complex to implement
b. Allows interactive tasks quicker access to the processor
c. allows processor-bound tasks more time in the processor
d. Gives each task the same chance at the processor*
103. Processor-bound tasks
a. Use the processor more often
c. Use less processor time
104. Feedback quotes
a. Are very simple to implement
c. Are used to favor real-time tasks

b. Use more processor time*

d. Always take longer to execute
b. Dispatch tasks according to execution characteristics*
d. Require manual intervention to implement properly

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Operating Systems
105. Complex scheduling algorithms
a. Use more resources than they gain
c. Always use many resources

b. Recover more resources than they use

d. Are most appropriate for very large computers*

106. The FIFO algorithm

a. Executes first the job that last entered the queue
b. Executes first the job that first entered the queue*
c. Executes first the job with the least processor needs
d. Executes first the job that has been in the queue the longest
107. The portion of the process scheduler in an operating system that dispatches processes is
concerned with
a. Activating suspended I/O bound processes
b. Temporarily suspending processes when CPU load is too great
c. Assigning ready processes to the CPU*
d. All the above
108. The only state transition initiated by the user process itself in an operating system is:
a. Block*
b. dispatch
c. Timer runout
d. Wake up
109. A task is
a. The smallest discrete step in a job*
110. A process is another name for
a. A job
b. A task*
111. Fork is
a. The creation of a new job
c. Increasing the priority of task

b. A piece of work c. Part of I/O d. A collection of jobs

c. Paging

d. The operating system dispatcher

b. The dispatching of a task

d. The creation of new process*

112. A task in blocked state

a. Is executable
b. Must still be placed in the run queues
c. Is waiting for some temporarily unavailable resource*
d. Is running
113. Semaphores
a. Are used to do I/O
b. Synchronize critical resources to prevent contention
c. Synchronize critical resources to deadlock*
d. allow processes to communicate with one another
114. Priorities
a. Are used to schedule processes*
b. Increase as a process remains in the processor
c. Are attached to each page in the system d. Are assigned by the user
115. Resource locking
a. Allow multiple tasks to simultaneously use resources
b. Forces only one task to use any resource at any time*
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Operating Systems
c. Can easily cause a deadlock condition
116. Inter process communication
a. Is never necessary
c. Is required for all processes

d. Is not used for disk drives

b. Allows processes to synchronize activity*

d. Is usually done via disk drives

117. Spinning
a. Requires several processes
b. Uses very little processor time
c. Requires the processor to keep trying until successful* d. should be used for all rescues
118. Global locks
a. Are used to avoid local locks
c. Synchronize access to local resources

b. Synchronize access to global resources*

d. Prevent access to global resources.

119. In which of the following four necessary conditions for deadlocks, processes claim
exclusive control of the resources they require?
a. No preemption b. Mutual exclusion* c. Circular wait
d. Hold and wait
120. The no preemption condition for deadlock exist when
a. Each resources is either currently assigned to exactly one process or is available
b. Process currently holding resources granted earlier can request new resources
c. Resources previously granted cannot be forcibly taken away from a process*
d. There must be a circular chain of two or more processes each of which of waiting for a
resource held by the next member of a chain.
121. Which of the following resources can cause deadlocks?
a. Read only files
b. Shared programs
c. Printers*

d. All the above

122. A set of resource allocations such that the system can allocate resources to each process in
some order, and still avoids a deadlock is called
a. Unsafe state
b. Safe state*
c. Starvation
d. Greedy allocation
123. If you want to execute more than one program at a time, the system software you are using
must be capable of:
a. word processing
b. Virtual memory
c. Compiling
d. Multitasking*
124. Producer consumer problem can be solved using
a. Semaphores
b. Event counters
c. Monitors

d. All the above*

125. Situations where two or more processes are reading or writing some shared data and the
final result depends on who runs precisely final result depends on who runs precisely and
when, are called
a. Race conditions*
b. Critical sections
c. Mutual exclusions
d. Message paging
126. A relationship between processes such that each has some part (critical section) which must
not be executed while the critical section of another is being executed, is known as
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Operating Systems
a. Semaphore

b. Mutual exclusion*

c. Multiprogramming


127. Job Control Language (JCL) statements are used to

a. Read the input from the slow-speed card reader to the high-speed magnetic disk
b. Specify, to the operating system, the beginning and end of a job in a batch*
c. Allocate the CPU to a job
d. All the above the
128. Which of the following checks cannot be carried out on the input data to a system?
a. Consistency check
b. Syntax check*
c. Range check
d. All the above
129. If special forms are needed for printing the output, the programmer specifies these forms
a. JCL*
b. IPL
c. Utility programs
d. Load modules
130. Software that measures, monitors, analyzes, and controls real-world events is called
a. System software
b. Real-time software*
c. Scientific software
d. Business software
131. Which of the following can be accesses by transfer vector approach of linking?
a. External data segments
b. External subroutines*
c. Data located in other procedures
d. All the above
132. Which of the following capabilities is required for a system program to execute more than
one program to execute more than one program at a time?
a. Word processing
b. Compiling*
c. Virtual memory
d. Multitasking
133. The strategy of allowing processes that are logically runnable to be temporarily suspended
is called
a. Preemptive scheduling*
b. Non preemptive scheduling
c. shortest job first
d. First come first served.
134. The technique for sharing the time of a computer among several jobs, which switches jobs
so rapidly, so that each job appears to have the computer to itself is
a. Time sharing*
b. Timeout
c. Time domain
135. The dispatcher
a. Actually schedules that tasks into the processor*
c. Is always small and simple

b. Puts tasks in I/O wait

d. Never changes task priorities.

136. Which of the following is true about pseudocode?

a. A machine language
b. An assembly language
c. A high-level language
d. None*
137. Which of the following statements is not true?
a. Time sharing is an example of multitasking
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Operating Systems
b. JCL is used only to communicate between systems programmers
c. A batch file contains a series of operating system commands*
d. The primary function of operating systems is to make the computer hardware easily usable.
138. The Process Manager (or Processor Manager) has to keep track of
a. The status of each program
b. The priority of each program
c. The information management support to a programmer using the system
d. Both a & b.*
139. In order to allow only one process to enter its critical section, binary semaphore are
initialized to
a. 0
b 1*
c. 2
d. 3
140. Which of the following statements is false?
a. A process of scheduling algorithm is preemptive if the CPU can be forcibly removed from a
b. Time sharing systems generally use preemptive CPU scheduling
c. Response time are more predictable in preemptive systems than in one preemptive systems.
d. Real time systems generally use nonpreemptive CPU scheduling*
141. None of the above modifiable procedures are called
a. Serially usable procedures
b. Concurrent procedures
c. Reentrant procedures*
d. Topdown procedures.
142. Semaphores
a. Synchronize critical resources to prevent deadlock *
b. Synchronize critical resources to prevent contention
c. Are used to do I/O
d. Are used for memory management
143. A system program that sets up an executable program in main memory ready for execution
a. Assembler
b. Linker
c. Loader*
d. Compiler
144. A term polling in a computer means a process by which a computer system
a. Detects/corrects errors b. Multiplexes the inputs and updates the memory accordingly*
c. Decides correct alternative by analyzing several ones
d. Inquires to see if a terminal has any transaction to send
145. Process is
a. Program in High level language kept on disk
c. A program in execution*

b. Contents of main memory

d. A job in secondary memory

146. The state transition initiated by the user process itself in an operating system is
a. Block*
b. Dispatch
c. Wake up
d. Timer run out
147. Interprocess communication
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Operating Systems
a. Is required for all processes
c. Is never necessary

b. Is usually done via disk drives

d. Allow processes to synchronize activity*

148. Scheduling is
a. Allowing jobs to use the processor*
c. Not required in unprocessed systems

b. Unrelated to performance consideration

d. The same regard-less of the purpose of the system

149. A file sometimes called a

a. Collection of input data
b. Data set* c. Temporary place to store data

d. Program

150. A process is said to be in ______ state if it is waiting for an event that will never occur
a. Safe
b. Unsafe
c. Starvation
d. Deadlock*
151. Virtual memory is
a. Simple to implement
c. Less efficient in utilization of memory

b. Used on all major commercial operating system*

d. Useful when fast I/O devices are not available

152. The different types of relocation in linking process after compilation are
a. Dynamic
b. Static
c. In-line, Out-line
d. Both a & b*
153. The different types of data encountered during compilation process are
a. Initialized
b. Unintialized
c. Both a & b*
d. Dynamic, static
154. In memory management, fragmentation problem is caused by creation of
a. Large number of process
b. Large number of small free holes
c. Large number of free holes*
d. Large number of waiting processes
155. _____ consists of adding the actual starting address of the object module in the load module
to each of these locations
a. Relocation *
b. Linking
c. Compilation
d. None
156. Find odd man out.
a. Execute
b. Task manager

c. Kernel

d. Spooler*

157. A 1000k byte memory is managed using variable partitions but no compaction. It currently
has two partitions of sized 200k bytes and 260k bytes respectively. The smallest allocation
request in Kbytes that could be denied is for
a. 151
b. 181*
c. 231
s. 541
158. A solution to the Dining Philosophers Problem which avoids deadlock is
a. Ensure that all philosophers pick up the left fork before the right fork
b. Ensure that all philosophers pick up the left fork before the left fork
c. Ensure that one particular philosopher picks up the left fork before right fork, and that all
other philosopher pickup the right fork before the left fork*
d. None of the above
Bhargavi Institute of Management and Technology, KPHB, Ph:-040-23068451

Operating Systems
159. ______ is the modification of addresses where one object module refers to a location in
another object module
a. Relocation
b. Linking*
c. Compilation
d. None
160. Locality of reference implies that the page reference being made by a process
a. Will always be to the page used in the previous page reference
b. Is likely to be to one of the pages used in the last few page references*
c. Will always be to one of the pages existing in memory
d. Will always lead to a page fault.
161. Thrashing
a. Reduces page I/O
c. Implies excessive page I/O*

b. Decrease the degree of multiprogramming

d. Improve the system performance

162. In ______ a linker is linking from a library that has been designated as a loadtime dynamic
link library
a. Relocation
b. Dynamic linking c. Load time Dynamic Linking*
d. All
163. Dirty bit for a page in a page table
a. Helps avoid unnecessary writes on a paging device*
c. Allows only read on a page

b. Helps maintain LRU information

d. None of the above

164. If an instruction takes I microsecond and a page fault takes an additional j microseconds, the
effective instruction time if on the average a page fault occurs every k instructions is
a. I + (j / k)*
b. I + (j * k)
c. (I + j) / k
d. (I + j ) * k
165. Relocatable programs
a. Cannot be used with fixed partitions
c. Do not need a linker

b. Can be loaded almost any where in memory*

d. Can be loaded only at one specific location

166. In a _____ linker is linking to a dynamic link library only when a module is actually needed
until then the linking is delayed
a. Dynamic linking b. Run time Dynamic Linking*
c. Load-time Dynamic Linking d. All
the above
167. Fixed partitions
a. Are very common in current operating system b. Are very efficient in memory utilization
c. Are very inefficient in memory utilization*
d. Are most used on large mainframe operating system
168. Of all memory requests are for same size of memory block then memory allocation is _____
a. Single*
b. Complex
c. Compounded
d. All the above
169. A linker
a. Is not necessary with variable partitions
c. Create a load module*

b. Must be run after the loader

d. Is not needed with a good compiler

Bhargavi Institute of Management and Technology, KPHB, Ph:-040-23068451

Operating Systems

170. In order to provide user with contiguous logical memory using single memory mapping
with _____ and _____ registers
a. Base
b. Bound
c. Both a & b*
d. None
171. The garbage collector
a. Is critical for efficient virtual memory systems b. Prevents fragmentation form occurring
c. Is mostly used with fixed partitions
d. Collects fragmented areas of memory*
172. The first fit algorithm
a. Places a program in the first possible partition*
b. Places a program in the best possible partition
c. Waits for the correct partition to become available
d. Places the first program in the best partition
173. ______ is a part of the operating system that manages memory
a. Memory manager*
b. Memory module c. Memory scheduler d. Memory monitor
174. The worst-fit algorithm
a. Is used only when nothing better is available
b. Places a program in largest available partition*
c. Should never be used
d. Places a program in the smallest possible partition
175. A process logical memory may be divided into
a. Code, static data, dynamic data b. Unused address space, stack
176. _____ is inavailable in dynamically allocated memory
a. Compaction
b. Fragmentation*
c. Both a & b
177. Boundary registers
a. Are used for temporary program variable storage
b. Are only necessary with fixed partitions
c Track the beginning and ending of programs*

180. The root segment

a. Is the bottommost partition in the system


d. None

d. Track page boundaries

178. A segment register contains a _____ & _____

a. Base register, length register*
b. Base register, address register
179. Over laying
a. Requires use of a loader
b Allows larger programs, but requires more effort*
c. Is most used on large computers

c. Both a & b*

c. Both at & b

d. None

d. Is transparent to the user

b. Is where the operating system is loaded

Bhargavi Institute of Management and Technology, KPHB, Ph:-040-23068451

Operating Systems
c. Is the part of an overlay that is always in memory* d. Is the part of an overlay that is repeated
181. A ______ contains both a base register and length register
a. Segment register
b. Offset register
c. Instruction address register*

d. All

182. Swapping
a. Works best with many small partitions
b. Allows many programs to use memory simultaneously
c. Does not work with overlaying*
d. Allows each program in turn to use the memory
183. A page has fixed length so it requires only
a. Base register*
b. Length register

c. Address register

d. All

184. A page has fixed length so it does not require

a. Base register
b. Length register* c. Address register

d. All

185. The memory allocation scheme subject to external fragmentation is

a. Multiple contiguous fixed partitions b. Swapping c. Pure demand paging d. Segmentation*
186. Dynamic address Translation
a. Is part of the operating system paging algorithm b. Is useless when swapping is used
c. Is the hardware necessary to implement paging* d. Stores pages at a specific location on disk
187. The map table
a. Should be as large as possible
b. Should be completely in the fastest hardware possible
c. Is not necessary in the latest operating system
d. Allows pages to be located when referenced*
188. A page fault
a. Occurs when a program accesses a page of memory
c. Is an access to a page not currently in memory*
d. Is a reference to a page belonging to another program

b. Is an error in as specific page

189. Demand paging

a. Fetches a page only when needed*
b. Fetches pages that are likely to be demanded
c. Pages out pages when that page frame is needed
d. Pages out pages in large groups
190. The LRU algorithm
a. Pages out pages that have not been used recently
b. Pages out pages that have been recently
c. Pages out pages that have been least used recently*
d. Pages out the first page in a give area
191. The reference e bit
a. Is set when the page is pages out

b. Is reset when the page is accessed by a program

Bhargavi Institute of Management and Technology, KPHB, Ph:-040-23068451

Operating Systems

Is set when the pager is accessed by a program*

d. Is never rest

192. Thrashing
a. Always occurs on large computers
b. Is a natural consequence of virtual memory systems
c. Can always be avoided by swapping * d. Can be caused by poor paging algorithms
193. The working set
a. Contains all pages referenced
b. Contains all pages referenced that should be kept in memory
c. Is that group of pages being used by all programs

d. Is always resident in*

194. Page stealing

a. Is a sign of an efficient system b. Is taking larger disk spaces for pages paged out
c. Is taking page frames from other working sets*
d. should be the tuning goal
195. Virtual system swapping
a. Allocates all of memory to one program b. Pages working set pages in and out as a group
c. Is never as efficient as normal paging
d. Is used only on systems that are thrashing*
196. The term aging refers to
a. Boosting up the priority of a process in multilevel of queues without feed back
b. Gradually increasing the priority of jobs that wait in the system for a long time to remedy
infinite blocking*
c. Keeping track of the time a page has been in memory for the purpose of LRU replacement
d. Letting job reside in memory for a certain amount of time so, that the number of pages
required can be estimated accurately
197. With a segmentation, if there are 64 segements, and the maximum segment size is 512
words, the length of the logical address in bits is
a. 12
b. 14
c. 15*
d. 16
198. The reference bit is used for the purpose of
a. Implementing NRU (Nor Recently Used ) algorithm*
b. Implementing LRU page replacement algorithm
c. Checking if the pages table entry is in each memory
d. Checking to see if parameters are processed to a procedure by value or by address
199. The principle of locality of reference justify of reference justify the use of
a. DMA
b. Polling
c. Cache memory*
d. Virtual memory
200. The working set set theory of programming behavior of process running within an
operating system involves
a. Assigning I/O resources to processes
b. Assigning the CPU to process
c. Disk scheduling mechanism
d. The collection of pages a process accesses*
Bhargavi Institute of Management and Technology, KPHB, Ph:-040-23068451

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