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svi ne sou AND MODS OF DEVELOPMENTS IN GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING VOLI7 ELASTIC ANALYSIS OF SOILFOUNDATION INTERACTION APS SELVADURAL erie Cn Enpieig = ELSEVIER SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHING COMPANY ‘Amsterdam — Oxford ~ Now York 1970 Dirt fo the Une States an Cana sony oseaisen (va 12) tsi oatesieens (Sve) ‘To the memory of my mother ar to my fate PREPACE ‘The naive f the interaction between structural foundations and sup- poring sol media of fundamental mpetance to bot suctral engin Sringnpeotecnical engineering. Reals of such analy provide Infor ‘Eaton which ean be ied in the strctural design of the foundation and in the analyse of etewes snd deformations wihin the sipporting sll edu. ‘Ths inti iteet aw pnerted a variety of ante and exponential ‘futie inthe suet of solfoundation tration, Te prlmary objective ‘Of tis book i to pement a ued exposition of the elarticly pects of SEioundution intation concentrating upon the focent advances ‘Beoreial and experinental tewarch. It atuempl to ge a syaematc ‘nponion of the baie aonpteal techies slated 40 bears ad plate Cf nti snd finite extent resting on Healy deformable este hen, ‘Chagter 1 poviee ie roview of the history te development of interaction betwen sat hodlen T alo containe an outline of te ase ‘Sumptions leading to the formulation of problems in sell~foundation IMterction, ln Chapter 2 the wuiow ideation of soll ponte ae ddacumed. The paticlar iealaations ince the Waker model, elie ‘tinuui (aotropie, anotopic and ontomogmects) motel and. the ‘onpeamoter (Vlas, Pastestal Tamer Heteng and Ker) model A be? sxpultion of eletie-plaic and Gime dependent medels of sll be ‘dour e presented foreompletenes "A generalize analy of the ifs bea reting 2 lnery defor ble lstic moda epee in Chapter 3 Infinit bears which equre ‘ther plane sin or three-dimersenal type of wnjais are also invest fed in tle chaptr. Chapter i devoted to the Intrcton analy of Fitne of finite length, The method of ital parameter and the sper ‘elo techn ae crplayet Ue xutination ffi bears resting ‘on Winkler and broparameter media. The methods of Gorbunov-Porov, enna and Onde are vase in the wnlye of faite beam 7 eat ent. Other intopal equation formulations, ind th dua integral ‘uation formation of the rgd stp testing on an slate ha plane ae resented in Chaper 4 1 tet expenition Of the vious plate theories that may be employed in sot foundation teraction studies x presented in Chapter 5. Ths copter ‘tho contains» ginemled anagss of the teraction problem tld to an intnte pate wbjeted to an suigoimeti los. The naval of finite plaee Conidered in Chapter © deals with ieusr and rectangular plats. The “rplcaion of anaytical techriguer each tw power seen approximations, ‘imo’ eth, Gorbunov Pom’ melbod, varational methods of (he Rayleighutr and Galerkin type a dal intga! equation formulations ‘sm neviowel Other numertcal techniques of slf-foundation interaction Slvr, uch st finite eifeence, rexatlon abd ite erent methods, ‘abo’ dacs "The probloms investigated inthe chepor so retietod 1 axeymmetrc and qmmetie losing of circular and rectangular plates, ‘Chapter 7 pesents a brie cutie of the more practical agpets of the soi/-foundation interetion problem. This nchides trv ofthe wethous {or obtaining the material paraneters ined to denen te alee coe seit model Result of poteclea isverigrins elated to model and ‘asp’ sele eld performance of structural foundations art aie rested, ‘A bret summary of numerical reals derved forthe vaio peblems sce in the text ls prewted st the en of Chapter 8-6 and in Be Appentices AWD. Alto, wherever peli, the conventions and notes ‘wed in the original article elted le the text have been retained for Puls ‘ows ct comparson. Appendix E contains ay approximate meted of hast of mat foundations resting onan notope etic cotinaur, his ‘ay be of practical interest to bot geotechnical and structural engineers Since the books eavage! ea reference text no eempt has bee ade to iilude extensive worked examples The analyte! sone preentd in the various chapters car, however, be farther extended fo generate ume: lel olution. Also, In cach chapter, {awe aiempled to include @ bret teview of tho site Of the art in thet paras top In goer the Dock has teen writen so tat the varius anthode of soil foundation tater, tion malls are Inledured (4 tanner uefa both to sturtral a ‘technical engineers av well ag to rexardh worker In eoginerng hate sd spp mathemati, {Tam plese to record my gratitude to many of my toner, end nd clleguts Tum grtefl to'Dr. FDC. Hey of Brighton Polytechaie for ‘tterng me the opportunity of wing chapter for forthcoming book i Foundation fngieering, which prompted me to complete this work. ‘would lke to thank my mentors, Proteor cE. Gilson of King Caley, Univesity of London and Profesor A.J. Spncer, Unienity ef Notting ‘ham, for the guidance and mcouragrinent I have ieee over the Yeas ad Tor the Inspiration hate dre from this consations to tore Sea sll mechanics and continuum mechani. I am particle gatefu fe Profesor Giison for encouraging my intrest in the mje of tol foundation Interaction, I have benefted greatly from dacusons with De Nair of Wooeward-Lundgren and Auote, Ch, US-A, Lam elo atefl te my collegues past and pres for Die advien paul Des Staraewakl, Univesity of Aiton ty Bizsngham, for tralation fasta ‘nd Proteuor Wit, Bowes, Caeton Unveaty, for his comments oe ‘Sctlon um Tito element applications, My thane ales de fo aut ‘dents RA. Kerapthome and L. Rothenburg for the comments pe taing to Chapter and Appenax C. Much of he preliminary study pertaining to thls book was completed ring the tenure of the King. George VI Memorial Fellowship awarded by the Englsh Speaking Union ofthe Cotnmonwealih am ls Battal 0 Miss Joan Stanley and hs Pegie McFarlane for typing the aan a and to Miss Pat Sage and Meas. I. Vingoe antl G, Cook forthe preparation tthe grams. naliy, is with plese dat 1 nelmowledg the efforts of my wie, Saly. Sho has done much of the editing and indexing, some ofthe typing, fed has early prepare the lt of reference Ta gel for er hop tnd encouragement throughout the repuaion of thie November 1978 APS. Sears Chapter. otrodtion to oi foundation ntemetionproems TA Idee sll behaviour A 12 Foundation bebarout mint 18 Interface behav 14 Analytic techies : 15 Scope of 2oundation interactions (Chapter 2. eae so eponte model fr the analy of 21 Hane model of col Behan 21:1 "The Winkle model 212 Baiecontinuum model | 21.3 ‘Tworgurmeter date models © | 122° tio“ nd ime dependent beevlour of col hase 22:1 Hlastio~platicbebaicure == = 22:2 Tine dependent behaviour : (Chapter 3, Planestain analysis of snipe and an intel long $1" Beruluer bean theory sls medion : ‘S41 Biles of then defoneation: ‘82 Phneatmin analy ofthe nine plato problom 5 ‘3.2.1 "invinie bear lode byw concentrated fre 82:2 Infinite bear loaed by & conentated couple 48. Reisners method of analpns ofthe infinite plate probe 534 Thneeimensonal fect inthe infinite bear problem ‘34:1 nis team of fine with reatng on 8 Winkler eda ‘842 Inne beam of fn with esting ona two-parameter cate adi 44.3. Infints beam of fn with eating oh ah ttepe atic” algae 38 Some numeri rot (Chapter 4. The analysis of beans of fino lng. 2 Pit beara om x Wise ted “41:1 ‘The method of ial paramets u 42.2 The methed of uperpostion 4 42'3 tT tan energy metnod : % ri 0 52 36 10 a 80 96 42. Finite beams ona two-pacameter este medium 102 ‘421 ‘themethod of mital panmoters. = 104 422 The method ofsuperostion a 106 29. ‘Theta enegy method ons 443" Finke beams onan sate robe medi 109 “LT "Th power te ethos Brown and Goins 43.2 Pomoc and Sinayats mood ca 423 Onde method 125 ‘C84 Riga stp probly, Dsl ing! eqution formation - 1127 “Sd Rerbener method 133 S42. Gain method ci36 45 Some numeral eults for the ite bea probs 238 “51 Fine beam resting on a Winker meds cass {52 Finite beam ons terparsmeter caste media | 2 | S142 4.83. Pinte beum resting ona homogenoous isotropic lati 446. Clmitaton of tne smi cation fo ae aifnese * “160, “162 Clifton of fine bans vesting ona Winkle medias 4.62 Gisifetion of fit teans eng on ato painetar ‘oedium invelation to Uae aoe 262 462 Glaiteation of ft beans tng om an isi td ‘oediom in elation to Caio 163 Chapter 5. Axisyrmetete three dimensional problem of a infinite ite - 168 Bi The fotucn nim ite teary et) ‘11 Boundary conditions fr thin date plates | > im S12 Bending of circular plate 115 S13. SaioVenants nape ww 152 Medication ofthe shin pate theory 19 ‘821 ‘Thick plate theores : 119 8:22 ‘Threccimeninal cic analyte of plate ass 823. ‘Thin plate ile delections nd membranes | | “192 52 Arieymmetre thyeaimensinal problem ofthe init pte 199 ‘531 Generaed analysis of te Lnte pate problem 198 832 Hol method of anys of teint plate problem << 204 83.3 Application of itapra transform tecaniques forthe ‘elution ofthe infin plate prose 207 ‘54 Some sent sults for the infinite plat problem: 210 {541 Insite pte resting ona Winkler edn 210 [S42 Infinite plate rating ons two-parameter clastic medium. «213, S43. Infinite plate restng on an teroesate wold eds 206 (Chapter 6, Analysis of Hite pats 208 1 Ausymnetc lading of cede fake 228 ‘Gi Chou poe ving ot Winkler mein a 612 Grou plate rating on a two-parameter dati edn 236 161°3 Grout ple rating onan date solid edits or 61.4 Grea ip plate esting on an last sll med. Dual intel equation formulation 10 6.4.8 Appleton of the method of superpoition aie in ‘ergy method, Cela plete ring ona Winker medi. 276 64.6. polation ofthe mmin enemy method. Cael pte ‘ating onan elastic halt apc, 202 (61.7 Some nuercalwesults forthe aisyninii oaing ot ¢ ‘cul plate onan wotoplc late bal apace 2st 62. Analy of rectangle pats 296 G21 eetangub: plates esting ona Winkle nein | | | 299 6.2.3 Rectangular plates resting ons cats wid meiuin 39 5.24 Some nimete rule for the rectangular plte problem 229) 68" Nueria analy of fnte plate etng on stil defor setae medi ere ast 63:1. Finite eifference methods a 632 Pinte element techniques 6 633 Diet dement method ao (Chapter 7. The determination of ol parser, xpeinetal Sentgations an fea eis, aor TL The measrement and interpeiatio of parame encotierst In idea oil modal in eation to witouncation behviout 407 711 The determination of constant descsbing the Winkler snd {wo-parmetr cate model of ol benoit 409) 74.2 The determination of constants haneclrtng 20 iotropseaticcontinwum moa. ao 12. Baperimental investigations sd id sie 2a “124 Contact tre roaruemonte beneath iid ooking” © | 488 122 Conta trex meaturements beneath fexible bens © 438, 1213 Contact tvs mearurerenta beneath hs ad a foundations on 124 Comments othe weit in idatzd oil model | | $35 xv Appendis A-Defwction of en ifite pat os Winkle mam. Plane ‘ain pride ° aso AppendisB. Deflection ofa infine plate on Winkler medium. "kaye poblers an Appendix C. Computer program forthe enluation of infinite nega “volving prods of Basel ficuons Append D. hose of he rg sia pate 488 Appendix B Pes vesting on an dati altspace. Approximate method otal 460 References 495 Subject Index sa STRODUCTION TO SOIL~FOUNDATION INTERACTION PROBLEMS, ‘The analy of interstion between deformable bodes ecu promt reat lace in both appled mmathenatios and entering Herta, Gute ‘hut tom ie ntle rathtratiea interes, the interaction problem i of Iportinee to many engineering situations Thos inde the study of ‘ctural foundations esting structure, lmirated of compost materi, Indentation cmck and fatigue prot, andthe wnlytcal study of ear Imes an geological strucares Although a major proportion of thse investigations primary concemed ith atic ways of the interaction Frublem, the nile matter i coninaly being extended to include other {Spee of material behavour uch ar ntti” eae, inlsic and tne ‘Gipendent str propertion A complete anajs of the interaction problem for eatle bodies generally rogue the dermination of wrewes {nt seine yitin the india) Bodie Jn conta, together with infor: Imstion mga the eistbution of dsplacments and srees at de con tect mon The alps of intercon between Geformie lst mea have veloped along thre distin Lines covering the flowing stations. (a) Interaction between elie tds In this clas of problem, defor: ste buds of iter late charcterste are peed togeer by enteral {erce,"The contact regon bebween the bodies may be amooth oF 1 my ‘Sibi feinalsharutriter, ving eo to normal a abe retin {he contact surlaee In addition, the contact regen may be adrancing, ‘ecadng or ationary. In problema Wits nonstationary coract, the extn ‘tthe contact region consis an mitonal unknown which needs tobe ‘termined ftom the complete scution of Uh iternetan problem. Co ‘erable uinplificatons in the teatnent ofthese dees contact probleme Sse when i ie astimed thatthe bodes ae fat enough inthe neighbour food at the area of contact to. permit treatment by andytel methods ‘tle for elatic alfapace eons (Interaction betceen a eastic medium and a rigid ody. er we sveiclly refer to the clan of istic interaction press in which the {ape of the contact son i known e prio and real constant or all ‘bagaituder of the foree appled to the indenting rig body. Problems Daseally belong to the fst eatgor.. e)Inercton between sowie Hodis and structural lente. ‘his dase ‘interaction probiem constitutes ¢ special eam of the gene interaction robiem between elastic body, in whic Une mechanical teaour of one tthe medi separa in tem of the bebour ofa ster element ‘ich av eam, plate or eel “The names of Hertz and Boussneuy are lowly aociiod with te ‘casa! problems in ale intention which belong tothe fst two eat. fice The problem of contact of ele bodes uer norm leading ws fis investigted by Tere in S82. He computed, and experimentally verified, the tes tstutin over the contact ste, ‘The treme inthe tlatc body woe evasted by making wae of tell potential thery or example, rts obtained by Herts or the problet of tactile contact butween two slid spree, which ae rubjeted to Ast of forces ‘hose liner of action are collinety with the cones ot the mberes ae funmarted in Fig. -L It otzerved that whe there i no eontact sees Txtween the two spheees, contact ext oly a pont, When the spheres so prose. together, there Wil bea local deformation near Uh pein of font producing contact over & small mace with t cher bound, fled the saraco of contaet The eds of thie race of contact san? Tea function ofthe pled fone, et’ solution at laa nvetgned by Morton and Close (1922) who ‘sel eonel harmonies to eaitlats the ieee ian kotrople clastic hall pace which was indented by a smooth sphere, fet of triton atthe Interface were not taken Into accountant Tandberg (1980) developed feneal theory of clase contact brtween to semvinfite chute bain ‘Tungete fore wad twisting couples a the contac repon were considered by Gstaneo (1988), Minin. (1848, 195) and loin and Dereewiee 1958). ‘These investigation late forme! th base of lyase of sanular media composed of that spores (Dereeice, 1974), Further fitesion of and modiistions to the Hertz poble have ben sport by Situerman (1949), Goodman (1962, 1974), Mouakomli (1973), tare (2968), “Goodman” and Keer (1965, 1975), wii (1908), Kalker (1072, 3975), Spence (1968, 1978) and Singh et al (1976), Reference to further works maybe found in Krolewts (1968), Riche and Kestyu (1908), ‘eachey (1967) and do Pater snd Kalter (1976), The statin fc mote fener approach tothe arly of entact between clastic bole tes Hom tho vlogat works of Dundur and Sipps (2970) wad Duturs (1976), “The problem of determining the state of sis In cmogensous, Ho tropic etic halfspace, when its rrfae ie deformed by a sooth gd body, wa fit gen by, Bousineg in his Wook Published in HS" Ain, ting the methods of potential theory, Bousnos drives slation forthe ‘akymmetic problem in which the aus ofthe indenting sd ef evolution Wr normal to tho undeformed Boundary of Ue ends half spece, Result Tor the pricar ease of «crcl rig boy with fiat bse se present 4 Pig, 12. The frm of oursines'tlution was not stevable to pretiea 1, Hata poo. Pons cot bene te pee an he center a) = th, + 38 ferent esl, ot Peon oe a Pj ot exer ity rate) mo) for 0K hae RDae(S) we were (loa he ct contd forth aap ea) ‘computations and part merical ets baad on his solutions were sb sequently derive! hy Love (1028, 1036) for the cae of fated and ‘onial gd bodies. Since the publication of Boanen' xg woltion, evel alternative techniques tave been developed by tary ates in Ing ‘Leoner (1940), Lure (1841), Harding and Sneldon (948), Gan (147) and Groen te Zora (1968). Exelon cece tha deveopment Df the work on contact prober acted with tg indenting Beles and their dtd iblogaphy have been given by Shierman (1940), ‘Muskbeiset (1903), Coedier and lodge (2088), Reroney (1960), Call (1961), Uiand (1968), Tague (1985), Spence (1975), Ralker (195) and Inthe artes ted in connection with the Fert proble. The Book is peimatly conerna! ‘nth the thitdeatgory of contact oblem which deals with the analyse of Interaction between esucurl ‘ements uch as beats and plates of Site or infinite extent cetng on ‘dalled liesly deere cate media, Probleme of thie nature re ot ‘tir importance to +6 mechanic and foundation enginereg, where fe solutions developed have pote sppintion to the salye ed ‘sgn of ructral foundations, such a ote or cotine footing, mot ‘nd aft foundations and Mexble pavement wate ce Fig 13) ‘The mechanical response of naturally occuring sls ean be infuenced by a ualely" of factor. Thee inde () the thpe, dae and mechanical ropetes of the indivival wel parce, i) the cangurton ofthe wll, Sreture, (i) the inergrnslar ste assertion end) the ‘rence of so oltre, the agro of earaton and te sol perneby ‘Thee factors query contibute a strxe-srin pheno wach diay ‘nackely noninea,ineveble snd tise dependen character, and to ‘ol! mates which hit entropic and on homogeneous material proper: tis, Thus, any attempt to solve soil~Zundation iteration peblen aks ‘ng into acount all sch material characters, i slowly an onerous tk In order to obtain maninghl and seiabe informution for practical poh lems of solfoundation interaction it bacones nena to welie the behaviour of do sl by taking into acount spe spece of be ‘The simple typo of idealized sil pons sume nes hati behavior of the supporting soll medium. Ie ir recoplud thatthe sumptions of Tincarty an reveriity of defomations impli in linea eae Bebaout sar, of coume, not always rgoroudy stiried by batualy oosring gol ‘atts, Liner alate hebtour,on the oer hand, considers reduces te analyte rigour expended in the solution of particule bouncy value pe Jem and provider eft information to many pacts! probleme of soll ‘chanics foundation engnering which woul eiherwie be intros 1 + It | Ley ——— tH wy « oH = =—— } ‘hing ou ocd) apres In the analysis of the woi-foundaton ntemeton problem 8 geneaiy estmed that the sil pedinn canbe adagutely repented by an sic ‘edlum occupying ahalfapace region. in practice of coune, the foundation ‘2 aly Toonted ot some depth below the ground surface (oe Pig. 1.8). ‘The surface of the sll tunis amume to form the sfoundation Inerface, The linear dtc ideation of te mopportrg scl medium tnualy represent bye mechareal or mathematica model which exhibit the particular chamcttaties of sot behaviour. Sever such ideliations Inve been developed. The splat model of ear slate betour of the ‘spporting sl medium general alttbuted to Winkler (1867). He assrsod that the srtace ceacement of tue ol tedium at every pelt enedy [oportional to the ese apo tot at that point and completely inde Fert of eae cr daplacrnte at cher, even inant neghbou Fe, points ofthe soilfoundation interac. Winkler’ alton ofthe so ‘mela can be physically represented ara aytem of lowly spaced sping Slemants, each of which wll be deformed by the ses applied dell to [eile the neighbouring ements roman affected. Tho characterise ‘este ofthis epresentation ofthe ol medi ists lacontinuourbehalour ofthe sitar dluplacement. Gibson's (1967) fandamental wor on incom. Prssble nonhomogeneous este mein further endorses Wither tale ypethase ‘The eat application of Winker behaviour ofthe suppertng mada Lo ‘interaction probler is ue to Heres (1864), 1 concer the pebiea ‘oatvg innit else plate subjected toa concentrated load ere obs 4 expresion for the maximum defceton and aso made the Interesting seration that It may be poste fr pate of faite een to snk wok road and to float with a concentrated lend up toa etaln int ope. ‘ng upon the cimersions and fleur characteris of the plate Extomive sliators of Winkler ammption tothe analysts of cst supported trams and plates are given in the casi tea by Zimerman 868), Schlekcher (1926) ana Helen (1946), Ancther ideation asues continuum behaviour of the sl, ad the soll medium i thus repreeniad by an caste hala, Although the entinuury behaviour isto repced a amore accrate Gestion OF sail behaviour in genta, the anajis of the sil foundation intercon problem i mathematically complex. Unlike the Winkler modal, where the fSoremingeatons are of «differential frm, peblem mocod it the ‘ste continuum medal general equte the scluton of iter ong Sitferetiat equations. The slitions tothe problem of a infite pte esting on 4 homogenous lctopic slatic Yalspace al mbjeta to 4 conceited loud. vas devsoped Independentiy by Hge (1998) and Hall (29966), Sine thee ealy vestigations, several approximate tech ‘siques have been Gevoloped, mainly the Soviet Union, forthe analga ff both frites infinite late resting om elatic continu Full accounts St thete developments together with extensive oliowapies are conned in the aticies ty Corbanov Posador (1040, 1942, Zemochkin ond Steyn (2847), Goodine and Hodge (1958), Karen (1980), Gain (1961), Hache (1867) and Popew (1971, "The two models forest wo behaviour debe above canbe regaded ‘8 the to extreme cues of tol beavour,repescted on the one hand ‘by the completly dicontinuous Winkler edit and en the other by the completely” continuous caste soi, Both experimental end thereal ‘nventitions have emphasised the need to provide «anon betwee thote two types of iealiaed til buhtvionr, For example, fin cuore ‘hat, fr sod! men, surface dilacement occur no only within the leaded ses’ but ako outde i. Theweaaplacementa, howe, doctese ere ‘ply than that pediied by the’ elastic coatlontm model The two: fenmeter models of sealed vol! behaviour dewoped oy. Planer. Borotich (1940), Heényi (1950), Pasternak (1054), Rahner (2988) mod ‘anova Leontey (1960) attest to overcome some ofthese depres, 1m one ctegory of two-parameter sll models (Poneike-Boroieh Het sed eater) mechanical Iteration te itd between the sping te he Winer ity td ec gy ta Vion and eon reins ce pons on Spe of Cae ‘ent and ss datruton wich can ec nats aap ae ‘oplcion of thas mods to sctfounaonhencton fase he aij of mach ros recat eo, or exam Hoses, 180, Ker, ines, ses Hetny 100, Fopw, Teri. the tive asc de of ool ‘etaourte fuer iced nth eat he “Te esol tour of pana beam cen mot comity cacti bythe bermoull-uer tes theory” ih Uy he es cf snenent thar deeesdon, mtr ef eee rapes Toe Sate wmumpdon ofthe dnl Cory at often Ved age Ue Seas subpcie to loon! cing ot aut change a he Berard ‘Stan Siar ‘capes can oct tn sl foutaton iron Tokens whore he sprtng cl snd et me wns n {6 pope thet Guster Wbemermcey tomy the te wth mcronng et sing e teratom ot hy ting ito sesso the ttenenca ste of Ses ‘ch mays ote site es oro eal on "he Rox boavour of rat foundations, Ree my sgl layer arent sac c. be adeqaey dra By the Pol Gro ti plate ory Hee au, be Spare othe al in Bate theory de to eat of toe late ean be acetal fo by ‘Soviet pt tony snk to a decd by Re 905 or ty tng theme dae saps cpr tte Sn Crpenest bebe of te tnnauon tet con hore coca nue ‘nthemodellgand the end eat of sfouniaon tection lp ‘Tse Uimedonenent tps a Rowen, yor tesa oo tn edt dt the ttn pate cont bse sy to aig, pr, cerain condone which Tat tothe mechanical chavo of the solt~iunation inert n consring the Walid ell ahr dd iy fe et ht the non ice enditions Becomes earingtl ony in ston involving wate cone tisuum behaviour ofthe Melzed sil mlm. Pathormore fede tects ae tobe incerporte, th Barolt ler bat thery has to Be Iolo take ito secant membrane sas ted by Econ ot the interface. Altematvly, the foundation shou be modell aan eatc lige, The dictation which follows wil diwcly relate to cnadertion of Interice conditions stole wih the lie contain behaour of the ‘sil mediom ‘rom a torial point of wew, several sumptions can be mae with gat to the interface condition beowees a foundation and tne undead ‘oll medium. The range Trem te cospletely mmoeth #0 the completly ‘alherng interfae, with etter Coulomb fiction, finite fcticn cr some "natons thereof occupying an intermediate postin, [Sever of the above iterZace conditions have dee enginering applic ction to problems in mechanical engneeing invavig interaction of tireedimensond elastic vedi och se cinders sphere alco oling fowtatwith each ther or with hlspice un Iyer toi As the the theoretical aspects of the tree imeniona interaction patie iol Ing the varios cases of Interface behaviour have tecival es dea of ‘tention, Pll’ scsounte of thee invetgtons tay be ound in Call (0961), Kalter and de Pater (1871), Devesewies (1874), Spence (1975), Goodman and Keer (1976) aod de Faer and Rather (949), The progres inthis ara of research is greatly enbanowt by the act Ui in pret, the conditions whieh exit the interface of these michareal ements ‘canbe dttted to anlfcent degre of accecy] ‘When considering the solfoundalion interaction probe an a prior ‘tsecption ofthe interface condition presents tc mote afc tak ‘ost structural foundations wil xb some ftiond harnclritie the Interface, Oving to the nite suergth of soi) mada, the felon ores, fdevdoped, wil azo have fite values,‘ presen of pre water resus can alter Whe ragutade and dtsibtion ofthe tional forces Uhrougrevt the conslidation proces In addition, factors much a he itbutien and charcterof the extern leads oh the foundation, the ‘eatve Meaty of the foundation and time-dependent elects eats higemtly influence the conden atthe oi foundation interface, From the point of view of compmenive interaction analy it would be pre Gent to esti the eects of fieton by considering the two eaten ‘hes of Intrace behaviour ranging from the cempltay xmooth te the ‘completely adhesive (or the Coulomb faction) ease, Tbe inetintion ofthe later clas ot prolem, whieh takes nto account foundation fesbty, complex mathematic! problem. The majority of Invaigations concede Spon the raid foundation probe anced wih Ihe elatic halespece (Gee, for example, Moskos, 1994; Calin, 2961; Keer, 1967: Smee, 1068, 1075: de Tater and Kalker, 1915) Fer example the axnymmt ousines; problem relating to a gd eel foundation in adhesive on ‘act with an utopias halspace as been ivetgted by Monona (1964), Keer (1967) and Spence (1968), is found tit when the Feaon's rao, 81/2, the adhesion has no infence op thereultng gelesen Ge. the rigid setlement is dential to the ftoness cas). As v0, the eetiementorerponding to the abenve contact cue i lower than 4s Gieenes counterpart (a reluction of spponimately 0%). In gees, the over sac of adheion or fition ito reduce te element expe ‘ced by the foundation (Shield and Andiwon, 1966) The dirbton of ormal contact sree ot the interface fllowe sila charges only when =r0. When the extreme fedblty ofthe foucaton stake Into com Sderation, the Intuence of retin or adhesion on te ettement become far more prominent We tay Unerefore expect sdsion effets to segue ‘euteunt impenance when ding withthe iteration of highly sine foundations retirg on compreshe yl wedi, In adeition to prsehing tinal characteristics atthe ineface, i i aso noceey to specty ondions whieh may exist with regu to separation oF delamination Fm ¢ physic point of vew i is musnable to sume hat flit Isletas are only capable of staining comprenive sures tacos (i the contact is tensions oF unstra). With mow stuctur foundations, the sltveigt involved woud be wufcent to prevent any los of contact “The aiftelty of formulating proper interface conditions with regu to 8 sellfoundation intercon aly can only be renal KY resort ‘Serato! dat. Inthe abaenoe of mich data the solution for pri ‘eifoundation Interaction anagsis developed on the bet of theft: Jes interface tsumption can only seve te 4 seul fst epprontin, Vite thee ation mind we abl, throughout thi ex eae hal the interface between the ideale a0 medium and the foundation i ‘och and capable of sustaining tena rations. {4 ANALYTICAL TROANIQUES Upon defining the deformational charcteric of the sll mdm, the ‘ext babviour of the foundation sn the condition at the interne tbe ‘sil—foundation interaction robes i basealy reduced to the deter. ‘tion ofthe contact ses deution at te nveruce. Th asunpien of fneoth contct conederably smplifes the analy of the interaction problem by retaining only the normal componen! of the contact stem Ece’the contact eames are determined, itt pone to eylate the efsatons, Nerul moments and shearing fort inthe foundation ae the Stren en dnplacements inthe ieined supporting soi! mehr. The ‘calunion ofthe contact sires ditrbution can be cared out Ming Ay ‘ofthe following methods () anaytcal methods, (1) superposition methods, UG) approximate snaytca techniques, vacua methods (sumer ‘el metnods The fst catagory reprints te soltione developed fr (2) the ‘lane ssn problem of theif plate, (b) the tre meron] probler for a inte beam of Site with, a8) the atiymmeti pole of the inflate platen each ofthese probes the solutions for the plate (ce team) deflection, leu momenta, seating fone and contact etses Cat be represented inthe fone of infinite ntoral, Por cal cus of exter loaling sociated with foundations resting on Winkler or two-parameter ‘ei, these nite intograls cathe express i ere of epi unions in rlatvly simple forms. Generased solutions, valid forall typew of ‘eid elastic sol behavior ae preset nthe wun chaps The ‘uperposion techniques make tm of Use alia elution to preside, ‘where relevant, solutions to beans ad plates of finite extent. ‘The tind {alegoy involves bons aod plats of ite extent he slow of which ppreached by sppreatmatng the contact sexe eso tte nerace tyre set of unfarm ste repons, An aeratve technique repeats the ontact srs stibtion ars power series erm ofthe spel vruble ‘The conlact sire & detomined by conserng the compattly betwee the defections of the foundation ant the mirface dplacmente of the Idealzed sou medium, togetier with the equatons of eum forthe ‘tive foundation. Vsiatonal methdstanue that the foundation deflection ‘inte repreened in ter of ntown functions of the lil vey fo bithin a et of sbitay constants The fonctions chown satiety the bound $y conditions of a prticlar problem in an spproximate or exact fashion ‘A minimisation of the total potest enemy of solfoundatien syste them gives set of equations forthe determination ofthese wtieuy som stant, Te four methods of salir cerned above ate patel wed to problens were the plan geometry of the foundation i ofa relatively simple form (og a ean; retengular, square or srl plate) and toro ‘meds which exhibit tie or no spall variations (houghowt the laa ston of the so conflguation of mata characteristics, Numeral ete ‘of anys‘ the sil—foundation interaction problei. ate ttmluae ‘eaig wth founations with «compli geometry ad eo mac wth ‘uti variations of mater response. The Rte difference methods and he ‘Seocated relation tecnigues, ong wih fte element techniques, as be muccestly employed inthe wnalyiof tls parcuae type of interaction probe A national approach to the deign of foundations resting on soi media sould take nto account both the deformations curactenie of the eo ‘medium and the foxy of the foundation The analyte treatment of ‘eh intemtion problems imariably requires @ crtaiy amount of rath ‘atic and computational efot maybe arpued thatthe effort expended ‘on sch aaa may ot be jae by the wality ofthe base saupions ‘egurding the respotse of the sol or the sccrucy with whlch the vaio ibe pramete cn be deere Inte Ubon of Toa {main es eutectic Othe ther fatter tna tppecte te fat tat the tron meade of saoundaon ineralon snl ave Ue or no seni bn Por exams the on: ction rr dogs of fotngs tarot iil Ho foundon Govour and ufone ana orptaole daraon of centact ess comity dep ihe dfcnnatonl charset ot the sl and the tera! proper ofthe foundation, tn ene, tee Gementary anaes ft Ge" tindanental pnd of tderninge stl ene ‘The da athe of wp dencend te snag capers coud bo ‘ter dseloped to roe tito ba fore desi of scr ‘dota wie compte says nt tf he eon nection poten should ao tae to seman ie intention teers te tundaian ind the suc, To set tance manor i he vet ies ane {the toundnton tas ccoousenble uence o the behour fe sal {curdaton sym, A complete ad rea dig procter sacl {oundnone tou tafe ito secant nt ony fhe mechani o he a {oundaor”acctre quem ut sw hon 0 er operons Hah IDEALIZED SOIL RESPONSE MODELS FOR THE ANALYSIS OF SO1L~FOUNDATION INTERACTION ‘The evlustion ofthe reponse of sol mada to external loads consittes a facer of fundatental importance to the nals of sol~fourdation Iursction problems, Such an wmlustion can be mate only from a know. {edge of the complee searuain chmecteraiee of te sl. Thesis ‘run elation we the tathemaicaldesepion of the mechanic po- Derite of the soll ite constitutive equations. A complete srestain Fnlionship forts wil uni at least in theory, testes and tains Ine sol medium at ty pict time under en givn lating condition, ‘Oning to the mney of set and sol ondion that can be encountered Rennering pci, it sere only th geval steer-in ‘tons wil be develope to fll the requiements of eery ype of {a beheviou, especialy in salon to the mali af intemetion between the wo ant ihe funtion, This Nnieation ceey teed by the tice that in the try of development of wll mechanic, esi, consol tition, erep and fice procter in sos have been analy by com fel separte theories of tera! behavoue. A coniderale proportion of {Ge raeaeh activity in grotcinial engineering ha heefore ben devoted {othe development of stomrvinir—time tentienships Tor sols whlch ‘Sehtit non Hear and revere proces (se, for examole, Rrvicheko he Sineyn, 1966; ary, 1972; and Gadebur et al, 1077) Although seme [ore hss been mado the aplleaon of Une gerne conaiuie Fehtonstips to the exumination of fundamental phenomena encountered Under tet condos, Uhr spplieablity to the'anlyta! or numeral Sehition of boundary talueprbiens in sol-foundaion interaction penis {omidable dicate "the inherent complexity in the bebovour of wal wos has led to the daerlopment of tomy adele! model of roll bewour especialy for the Suipe of sol-foundation interstion problems, ‘Te class theories ‘STeaticty ua platy are two such Seulaions commonly employed 1 the anayae of problems ts sll rechanics, The ead foundation ‘ode, forth mater, Use generalized sires relations fr wos, [Ee nol exact densipions of even the eos physi properties of ral voi tnedia, The bet! tha can be tid of any such model of soll response or Iota! bcaviot i att provides» waa dscpton of certain Testes ofsoke materais under nite conditions of operation, "The mstersticl tr plysia Mealzation of soll betuvour i petelary Inramenta fa rein the analy Hgour expend is the rlution Of many complex ‘Boundary value problems soi mechan, dalle soil models prove tobe parialy wef in he erage of l= founiaton laterction prubierse The tlevent cholce of a Weleed e- vou of the sll fre oifoundation interaction problem not ect ly unique it wil depend on swat of factor ingng te ype of Se ‘nd to eonations, the type of foundaion and the str of exteoa at ing. mn adation to thes, due considention thou be piven o more prates ‘Specs f the problem sucha the mathed of conaracio, the prone {a espa of he strstr and seonomialconsiertions, "thir section we present bit exposition of some ialined modes whlch, ftom the point of ew of x~foundtion interaction problema, ake {nto cecount the Ue ndependest havior of ol media, Te spose oF ‘cuncior of each Woalled model pied by the maface delection st ‘experiences under the appllation ofan externa system of free, These furace defeesons In general rprent the diplacrent Chiractertie of the upper boundary ofthe soil which ir in contact with the foundation, ‘or the sll—foundation interface, and fons a vil pat of the information ‘ecrwary in sllfoundation inieacion sage. It must be emphasiaed that, in gee, thee idealaed modes are primary intended to meds ‘the fesponse of wll media and ol the spon of elements within the ea ‘edu. They may, ofeoues in prticlaerunstancee provide a ase Atserpton of the nate of Heer and tain In eemete within the toll We shal comader here mods of tll response which exhibit purty lusticcharacterstes, From a phil polst of view, = clastic materi ‘ap sane medium wil deform under the aplialion of an enteral force rstom, Upon release of thee extemal fore the matral oF the ined regsns Is erignal configuration. IF the eure of unloading does ‘ot ince with the loading cure, the mateeal ‘or Une medium exits ‘eal properte, In such edia, energy s diipted dung» Toning ‘jee, We hal theofore rest cu altention to models of so behav {er which ‘the relationaip between the appied fone and’ the teulog a is tive by ina) = Maite eLTh-Serd (81 {ables (ee Janke and Heide, 1960) for asous vals ofa. "The mace ‘efecto a the boundary rn 24 ‘or pols located within the loaded area (7 Home =¥659) ea 2H — Foun +059) where # the Young's moduhs for the plase of kotropy an the Young's modulus for aretion perpendicuar to this pane» the Pies ‘lo which chuacteras the centmetion nthe plane of aitopy (sy lane) ‘when tension is applied in the sume plane and ee Poison dio whch ‘haracterae the contraction inthe plane of otzopy wien tein eyed inthe dition perpendicular to ths plane, G'= E72 ++) i the thet ‘adulue fo the plane of wotropy acl Oisthe sear malu which chara. {tsines the distortion ofthe ange betwee the trop pane an on ‘Tranmverely isotropic materials alauatly repent the behaviou Of noe ‘alte snl masses (Le hough there may be mare differences between {he elastic properties in the vera plane and the etic propre in the horizontal plane, no directional preference wil be cberved inthe materia properties nthe oriental pane), Consider the pane sean problem ofa travel isotopic elastic halt ‘lane which Is subjected te uniform tormal Toad of inert q and wath 2b. the ate of plane strain Is stumed to ex nthe n= plan ad he ‘teal lt tanswesely lotropie with reference to the's,y pla, The eoeal expresion forthe placement nthe #-dection ten by sailfe-te)o—[-nalnJe sen is 2) = wine i — [ttn] ho toc 49+ 21 —te—bnoniAt—9" F2) «stood sr e-em +) asm) 2a vasy (220) = a+ Ht Alley An iy simply the expremion (2.220), te surface deflection of the ball plane ea be wate in the form 0) = staf ( ta (f) +HaiKh ook, eB 30h y ia =A =O) low BIG + Bplog + oH] 228) Expresions smile to (2.22) and (2.24 have been obtained by sever invetgaton for nurtace fading cnkitons soca with perso trope halplanes and halfepces, Deals of these together wih references te Turter work se found Inthe articles by Michel (18003), Wolf (1935), Sivin (1940), Green and Taylor (1999, 1948), Koning (1987), Lele (1960), Bardon 10033), Dosey (1984), Hat (1860), Cree. a. Zeron (1968); Geman! (1968), Geren! tnt Haron (1970s, b, Poulos end Davis (974), Seeacwal and Moveats (1978), Kam an Sh (1975) and Dahan fe Zak (1977). (6) Nontomogensous elastic continuum, A mallum whose mechanical (operten at point se funetonw of the spel warble st tht ola pated 2 nonhomogeneous medium. A.nontimogaou mem ‘ay well exhibit anantropi properties at each point within the mdm ‘Sol macs can exhbir sich variations in thet tate. properties owing to efits of overburien presure of decation an Weather ofthe ral ‘ifsc, ‘The analytes Westment of & continuum which exhibits bech anbottopy and non-homogendty becomes manageable only through the Introduction ‘of simplifying feature auch a incorpresnblly [ash fo ‘vane, Gibson and Kala (1974) and Gibson and Sie 1878)) Teens, Siete eras teen red to the spate Welt Of te the ise of sn otrope eastic non-homogmneous medium, the eae panietes sty, and) are no longer conan, G. = O65.3.2) = HOR 99) 225) “he igiy of sll ames seerly nee only with dep, dn to ‘rolonpd etc o the oebutin ste, or nach nea ee = Ge, 4 = Ue) ec ‘he analysis of specific boundary value problems, asocitd with bth ‘onhomogencos cst haan and leper be aly concerned wth materials for which» constant Aihough the onion, |Snot sisted y lltypes of oll mes tape oe artic tlevant In iatanoe where the sl either saute oe compet = 0) Bounday value problems in which G, varies with dep either expotentialy

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