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MINERAL (4th row, Halogen)

Everyone is out to get me

Great suspicion * Great paranoia
Fear of being hurt, invaded * Everyone is out to get me * People close to me
Paranoid delusions, someone stealing from them, breaking in to their house, taking money and
important things
Guilt * As if you have committed a crime and have betrayed God
Delusion; they have done something bad, are criminals, but has no basis on reality
Dreams of committing crimes and being apprehended * Extreme guilt
Vengeance from God * Persecuted
Paranoid * Feel as if you are being watched to be caught and punished
Busy fingers, wringing hands
Inner restlessness * Turned inward on themselves
Usually result of traumatic childhood situation, Abuse, neglect
Hard and Swollen, Neck
Breathing, Smoke and Dust
Left-sided, go left to right, left-sided headaches, left-sided sore throats
Aggravated by heat, complaints in summer
Swelling and hardness of glands, affinity esp. to lymphatic
Neck: parotid, submaxillary, cervical, goiter, tonsillitis (mumps)
Hardening or even tumors of the left testicle or ovary
Glands swell first on left then move to right
Throat: Trachea & Larynx
Hoarseness or tickling cough from being overheated
Larynx: inflammation, coldness, constriction
Acutes:Tonsillitis, strep throat, in summer time, when glands get swollen & hard
Chronic, obstinate coryza, nasal obstruction worse from sneezing
Allergy to dust
Pneumonia with bloody nose
Croup, asthma, bronchitis
Rawness and mucous through the airways
Cough worse swallowing, dust, smoke, exertion
Ameliorated by the sea (Asthma in sailors), They escaped these paranoid feeling at sea
Flatus from vagina
Fear of the dark, fear of betrayal, paranoia
Accused her case manager of going into house to steal things
Driving down road, going 20 mph in 25 mph zone, Br person will think policeman is out to get them
Bromine only has their close family around them



MINERAL (4th row, Halogen)

The mind blank is bromine

Bromines are grunts do grunt work
has no confidence
Talks so much because of anxiety and gets hoarse
Coffee and smoke sensitivity
Constantly clearing her throat
Diphtheria, throat closing, covering over

Completely alone to face danger and attack
Attack is very violent
Being pursued, being hit, being punished
Attacked with desire to harm (Mur feels disappointed my
trust was broken)
Attack and danger
Much deeper than in Mur
Great restlessness
Dreams of coffins
Low spirited, inconsolable
Swelling and induration of glands, with stoney hardness
A general aggravation from heat
Complaints come in summer (summer colds)
General amel. By the sea
Primarily left-sided, or go from left ot right
Strong with glands, especially lymphatic
Strong with respiratory tract
Left-sided headaches
Chronic, obstinate coryza, nasal obstruction worse from sneezing
Allergy to dust
Left parotid gland swelling and inflammation
Large, stoney hard glands submaxillary, cervical, goiter
Left-sided tonsillitis or pharyngitis, may originate in the larynx
Hoarseness or tickling cough from being over-heated
Inflammation, coldness, constriction of the larynx, laryngospasm
Rawness and mucous throughout the airways
Cough worse swallowing, worst dust smoke, worse exertion
Pneumonia accompanied by epistaxis
Asthma, bronchitis



MINERAL (4th row, Halogen)

Asthma in sailors which is aggravated on leaving the sea

Hardening or even tumors of the left testicle or ovary
Flatus form vagina

Below from Val

Paranoid delusions, someone stealing from them, breaking in
to their house, taking money and important things, writings and
Feeling of being invaded
Betrayed by people close to them
Delusion; they have done something bad, are criminals, but
has no basis on reality
Dreams of committing crimes and being apprehended
Extreme guilt
In extreme, its a skitzoid remedy
Easy swelling and hardening of glands
Worse from heat
Symptoms come on in summer, hot times
Better at sea
Acutes: Acute tonsillitis, strep throat, in summer time, when glands get swollen and hard
Headaches, left-sided
Glands swell first on left then move to right
Glands get really hard and large, all glands in head and neck (might think of in mumps epidemic)
Left-sided sore throats
Tendancy toward hard cycts and tumors, left ovary, left testicle
A lot of chest symptoms, pneumonia, bronchitis, croup, dry hard coughs
Laryngitis, dry tickling coughs after infections
All symptoms better at sea, worse on land (wont see this not a lot of Bromine in MN)
Acute: Croup (children) dry hard cough, esp if glands are swollen and hard at same time

Bromine Mental State

as if youve committed a crime

As if youve almost betrayed god


Within his home he was accused of

betrayal, he was accused of betrayal
and horrible things and threat of punishment comes
And punishment is as if youve committed a crime
Bromine: very busy fingers, as if
youve committed a crime,
wringing your hands very busy

A compulsion

For Kali-Br, movie like Fatal Attraction, Im with my husband, Im a

homemaker, completely dependant on
him, I have an affair, Im completely
guilt wracked
Calc-Br: being accused (caught, guilty,
punished) within my area of security

Thats the energy that has gone into

this compulsion
Has turned this on himself
The finger movement is important

Sensation of being watched

Bromine: halogen, people are out there
getting me

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