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Choices that say a lot about you

Mglichkeiten die fr Sie sprechen

Des choix votre image

D r e a m i n g w i t h Ta r ta r u g a
We all have wishes and passions we would like to see fulfilled. Tartaruga knows that. This is why it has created a special catalogue, where
emotions play a leading role. The Tartaruga 2007 collection is dedicated to those who dream of creating their own private haven of relaxation.
M it Tartar u ga tr u m e n
Jeder mchte seine Wnsche verwirklichen und in seinen Leidenschaften aufgehen. Der Tartaruga Spezialkatalog macht gerade deshalb die
Emotionen zu seinen Protagonisten. Die neue Tartaruga Kollektion 2007 ist allen gewidmet, die ihrem Wunschtraum einer Ruheoase im Freien folgen.
R v e r av ec Ta r ta r u g a
Nous avons tous des dsirs et des passions vivre. Et Tartaruga le sait. Cest pour cette raison quon a pens un catalogue spcial, o les
motions sont protagonistes. La nouvelle collection Tartaruga 2007 est ddie tous ceux qui poursuivent le rve dune oasis de relax en plein air.

m o m e n t s o f J OY
m o m e nte d e r f r e u d e
des moments heureux
Tables, benches and chairs |
Tische, Bnke und Sthle |
Tables, bancs et chaises


Su m m e r s h a d e
Sc hat te n s p e n d e r
D e lo m b r e e n t



Pergolas | Pergolen | Tonnelles

Gazebos | Gazebos | Kiosques
Protective structures | Strukturen |
Structures de protection


A n oa s i s o f pe ac e
E i n e Oas e d e r R u h e
U n e oa s i s d e t r a n qu i l l i t
Trellis | Gitter | Treillages
Fences | Zune | Cltures

10 6



N at u r a l h a r m o n y
Har m o n i e n d e r Natu r
H a r m o n i e s n at u r e l l e s
Planters | Blumenksten | Jardinires
Accessories | Zubehr | Accessoires

14 0


C a r e fr e e h a ppi n e ss
F r h li c h u n d u n b e sc h w e rt
G a t e t i n so u c i a n c e
Play equipment | Spielgerte | Jeux de plein air

18 0


W e h av e a d r e a m
W i r hab e n e i n e n Tr au m
L a p o u r su i t e d u n r v e

19 0

a s pac e t h at r e fl ec t s yo u r wo r l d
There are places that reflect our way of life, environments that portray our personality and convey peace
and serenity. They are our outdoor oases of well-being, private spaces that reflect our world. Free your
imagination. Follow your dreams and let Tartaruga inspire you. Each one of us has a paradise to discover.
E i n F r e i r au m , d e r I h r e W e lt w i d e r s p i e g e lt
Es gibt Orte, die unser Sein darstellen, Umgebungen, die unsere Persnlichkeit beschreiben und Ruhe
und Frieden vermitteln. Es sind die Wohlfhloasen im Freien, intime Freirume, die das Spiegelbild unserer
Welt sind. Lassen Sie Ihrer Vorstellungskraft freien Lauf. Folgen Sie Ihren Trumen und lassen Sie sich von
Tartaruga inspirieren: um Ihre eigene Oase zu entdecken und zu verwirklichen.
u n e s pac e qu i r e fl t e vot r e m o n d e
Il y a des lieux qui reprsentent notre faon dtre, des espaces qui dcrivent notre personnalit et peuvent transmettre un sens de paix et de srnit. Ce sont les oasis de bien-tre en plein air, des espaces
intimes qui refltent notre monde. Librez votre imagination. Poursuivez vos rves et laissez-vous inspirer
par Tartaruga. Nous avons tous une oasis dcouvrire.

M o m e n t s o f j oy
An afternoon in a deckchair soaking up the sun, a lovely lunch with friends in the garden, with the joy of
the children chasing each other around the table. A birthday party or just a get together with friends,
enjoying a delicious meal or relaxing on the swing. A pleasant chat under the blue summer sky: unique
opportunities to discover the serenity of life in the open air.
M o m e nte d e r F r e u d e
Sich nachmittags faul in der Sonne rekeln, mit Freunden im Garten zu Mittag essen, Kinder, die frhlich
um den Tisch tollen, ein Geburtstagsfest, einfach gemtlich um den Tisch oder auf der Hollywoodschaukel
zusammensitzen, ein Plauderstndchen unter dem blauen Sommerhimmel: es gibt unzhlige, alltgliche
Gelegenheiten, um die Freude am Leben im Freien zu entdecken.
Des moments heureux
Prendre le soleil laprs-midi sur une chaise longue, un repas dans le jardin avec des amis, et le bonheur
des enfants qui courent autour de la table. Une fte danniversaire ou une simple journe la campagne
en bonne compagnie, table ou installs sur la balancelle. Bavarder sous le ciel bleu de lt : tous les
jours, une occasion de dcouvrir la srnit de la vie en plein air.

M O M ENT s o f j oy | m o m e nte d e r f r e u d e | d e s m o m e n t s h e u r e u x

SAIGON DECKCHAIR | LIEGE SAIGON | CHAISE LONGUE SAIGON (colour white | Farbe Wei | couleur blanc) art. n 631709-03
Available in impregnated wood and white and cappuccino finish
Imprgniert und in den Farben Cappuccino und Wei verfgbar
Disponible en bois imprgn et en couleur blanche et caf-crme
(colour blue | Farbe hellblau | couleur bleue) art. n 611824


Available in ecru, orange, blue and double-faced terracotta/green
In den Farben Ecru, Orange, Hellblau und Double face Terrakotta/Grn verfgbar
Disponible en cru, orange, bleu et double face terre cuite/vert

M O M ENT s o f j oy | m o m e nte d e r f r e u d e | d e s m o m e n t s h e u r e u x

ta b l e s, b e n c h e s a n d c h a i r s | t i s c h e , b n k e u n d s t h l e | ta b l e s, b a n c s e t c h a i s e s


(colour cappuccino | Farbe Cappuccino | couleur caf-crme) art. n 631709-01
(colour white | Farbe Wei | couleur blanc) art. n 631709-03
(colour cru | Farbe cru | couleur cru) art. n 611850
Available in cru, orange, blue and terracotta/green
In den Farben cru, Orange, Hellblau und Terrakotta/Grn verfgbar
Disponible en cru, orange, bleue et terre cuite/vert


M O M ENT s o f j oy | m o m e nte d e r f r e u d e | d e s m o m e n t s h e u r e u x

ta b l e s, b e n c h e s a n d c h a i r s | ti s c h e , bn ke u n d st h le | ta b l e s, b a n c s e t c h a i s e s

SAIGON DECKCHAIR | LIEGE SAIGON | CHAISE LONGUE SAIGON (colour cappuccino | Farbe Cappuccino | couleur caf-crme) art. n 631709-01
Available in impregnated wood, cappuccino and white finish | Imprgniert und in den Farben Cappuccino und Wei verfgbar | Disponible en bois imprgn et en couleur blanche et caf-crme
CUSHION FOR THE SAIGON DECKCHAIR | KISSEN FR LIEGE SAIGON | COUSSIN POUR CHAISE LONGUE SAIGON (Terracotta/green | Terrakotta/grn | terre cuite/vert) art. n 611849
Available in cru, orange, blue and double-faced terracotta/green | In den Farben cru, Orange, Hellblau und Double face Terrakotta/Grn verfgbar |
Disponible en cru, orange, bleue et double face terre cuite/vert
SAIGON DECKCHAIR SUPPORT | ARM-FUSSSTTZE FR LIEGE SAIGON | SUPPORT CHAISE LONGUE SAIGON (colour cappuccino | Farbe Cappuccino | couleur caf-crme) art. n 631719-01
Available in impregnated wood, cappuccino and white finish | Imprgniert und in den Farben Cappuccino und Wei verfgbar | Disponible en bois imprgn, caf-crme et blanc


M O M ENT s o f j oy | m o m e nte d e r f r e u d e | d e s m o m e n t s h e u r e u x

Saigon small table / bench | Flachtisch-Flachbank Saigon |

Petite table / petit banc Saigon
(colour cappuccino | Farbe Cappuccino | couleur caf-crme)
art. n 630851-01
Available in impregnated wood, cappuccino and white finish
Imprgniert und in den Farben Cappuccino und Wei verfgbar
Disponible en bois imprgn, caf-crme et blanc

Saigon satin glass | matt glas Saigon | Vitre Saigon satine, art. n 630348
Saigon cushion | Kissen Saigon | Coussin Saigon (colour cru | Farbe cru | couleur cru) art. n 611826
Available in cru, orange and blue | In den Farben cru, Orange und Hellblau verfgbar
Disponible en couleur cru, orange et bleue

ta b l e s, b e n c h e s a n d c h a i r s | ti s c h e , bn ke u n d st h le | ta b l e s, b a n c s e t c h a i s e s

Kuba square ceramic bowl set | Keramikschalen-Set Kuba | Set bacs Kuba en cramique
(colour cru - set of 4 pieces | Farbe cru - 4-teilig | couleur cru - set 4 pices) art. n 632811 - Available in cru and brown | In den Farben cru und braun verfgbar | Disponible en cru et marron
Saigon transparent glass | Transparentglas Saigon | Vitre Saigon transparente, art. n 630349


M O M ENT s o f j oy | m o m e nte d e r f r e u d e | d e s m o m e n t s h e u r e u x

Saigon small table / bench | Flachtisch-Flachbank Saigon | Petite table / petit banc Saigon
(colour cappuccino | Farbe Cappuccino | couleur caf-crme) art. n 630851-01
Available in impregnated wood, cappuccino and white finish | Imprgniert und in den Farben Cappuccino und Wei
verfgbar | Disponible en bois imprgn, caf-crme ou blanc
Saigon transparent glass | Transparentglas Saigon | Vitre Saigon transparente, art. n 630349
Saigon cushion | Kissen Saigon | Coussin Saigon (colour orange | Farbe orange | couleur orange) art. n 611827
Saigon cushion | Kissen Saigon | Coussin Saigon (colour cru | Farbe cru | couleur cru) art. n 611826
Available in cru, orange and blue | Verfgbar in cru, orange and hellblau | Disponible en cru, orange, bleue

ta b l e s, b e n c h e s a n d c h a i r s | ti s c h e , bn ke u n d st h le | ta b l e s, b a n c s e t c h a i s e s


M O M ENT s o f j oy | m o m e nte d e r f r e u d e | d e s m o m e n t s h e u r e u x

Saigon small table / bench | Flachtisch-Flachbank Saigon |

Petite table / petit banc Saigon
(colour white | Farbe Wei | couleur blanc) art. n 630851-03
Available in impregnated wood, cappuccino and white finish
Imprgniert und in den Farben Cappuccino und Wei verfgbar
Disponible en bois imprgn, caf-crme et blanc

Saigon transparent glass | Transparentglas Saigon | Vitre Saigon transparente, art. n 630349
Saigon cushion | Kissen Saigon | Coussin Saigon
(colour orange | Farbe Orange | couleur orange) art. n 611827
Available in cru, orange and blue | In den Farben cru, Orange und Hellblau verfgbar
Disponible en cru, orange, bleue

ta b l e s, b e n c h e s a n d c h a i r s | ti s c h e , bn ke u n d st h le | ta b l e s, b a n c s e t c h a i s e s

Saigon small table / bench | Flachtisch-Flachbank Saigon | Petite table / petit banc Saigon
(colour white | Farbe Wei | couleur blanc) art. n 630851-03
Available in impregnated wood, cappuccino and white finish | Imprgniert und in den Farben Cappuccino und Wei
verfgbar | Disponible en bois imprgn, caf-crme ou blanc
Saigon cushion | Kissen Saigon | Coussin Saigon (colour blue | Farbe Hellblau | couleur bleue) art. n 611828
Available in cru, orange and blue | In den Farben cru, Orange and Hellblau verfgbar
Disponible en cru, orange et bleue


M O M ENT s o f j oy | m o m e nte d e r f r e u d e | d e s m o m e n t s h e u r e u x

ELEGANCE TABLE | tisch elegance | TABLE ELEGANCE, art. n 630240

ELEGANCE small bench | kleine bank elegance | banc petit Saigon, art. n 630242
ELEGANCE BENCH | bank elegance | banc elegance, art. n 630241
Available in impregnated wood and cappuccino finish | Imprgniert und in der Farbe Cappuccino verfgbar
Disponible en bois imprgn et caf-crme

ta b l e s, b e n c h e s a n d c h a i r s | ti s c h e , bn ke u n d st h le | ta b l e s, b a n c s e t c h a i s e s


M O M ENT s o f j oy | m o m e nte d e r f r e u d e | d e s m o m e n t s h e u r e u x

SIDNEY CHAIR | STUHL SIDNEY | chaise sidney, art. n 630363


ta b l e s, b e n c h e s a n d c h a i r s | ti s c h e , bn ke u n d st h le | ta b l e s, b a n c s e t c h a i s e s


M O M ENT s o f j oy | m o m e nte d e r f r e u d e | d e s m o m e n t s h e u r e u x


MONTECARLO BENCH | bank MONTECARLO | banc MONTECARLO (without backrest | ohne Rcklehne | sans dossier) art. n 630322
MONTECARLO BENCH | bank MONTECARLO | banc MONTECARLO (with backrest | mit Rcklehne | avec dossier) art. n 630332
MONTECARLO armchair | sessel montecarlo | fauteuil montecarlo, art. n 630340

ta b l e s, b e n c h e s a n d c h a i r s | ti s c h e , bn ke u n d st h le | ta b l e s, b a n c s e t c h a i s e s


MONTECARLO BENCH | bank MONTECARLO | banc MONTECARLO (with backrest | mit Rcklehne | avec dossier) art. n 630332
MONTECARLO armchair | sessel montecarlo | fauteuil montecarlo, art. n 630340


M O M ENT s o f j oy | m o m e nte d e r f r e u d e | d e s m o m e n t s h e u r e u x

ta b l e s, b e n c h e s a n d c h a i r s | ti s c h e , bn ke u n d st h le | ta b l e s, b a n c s e t c h a i s e s

Lazise TABLE | TISCH lazise | table lazise

(colour cappuccino | Farbe Cappuccino | coluleur caf-crme) art. n 630370-01
Lazise BENCH | bank lazise | banc lazise
(colour cappuccino - with backrest | Farbe Cappuccino - mit Rcklehne | caf-crme - avec dossier)
art. n 630371-01
Lazise BENCH | bank lazise | banc lazise
(colour cappuccino - without backrest | Farbe Cappuccino - ohne Rcklehne | coluleur caf-crme sans dossier) art. n 630372-01
Lazise chair | stuhl lazise | chaise lazise
(colour cappuccino | Farbe Cappuccino | coluleur caf-crme) art. n 630373-01


M O M ENT s o f j oy | m o m e nte d e r f r e u d e | d e s m o m e n t s h e u r e u x


SIRMIONE BENCH | BANK SIRMIONE | BANC SIRMIONE | (with backrest | mit Rcklehne | avec dossier) art. n 630121
SIRMIONE BENCH | BANK SIRMIONE | BANC SIRMIONE (without backrest | ohne Rcklehne | sans dossier) art. n 630141
Available in various lengths, with stool, small bench and table extension
In verschiedenen Lngen, mit Hocker, kleiner Bank und Tischverlngerung verfgbar
Disponibles en diffrentes longueurs, avec tabouret, petit banc et rallonge pour la table

ta b l e s, b e n c h e s a n d c h a i r s | ti s c h e , bn ke u n d st h le | ta b l e s, b a n c s e t c h a i s e s


(with backrest | mit Rcklehne | avec dossier) art. n 630121
(without backrest | ohne Rcklehne | sans dossier) art. n 630141

cushion FOR BENCH | Kissen FR BANK | Coussin FOR BANC

(colour cru | Farbe cru | couleur cru) art. n 611855
cushion FOR chair | Kissen FR stuhl | Coussin FOR chaise
(colour cru | Farbe cru | couleur cru) art. n 611892
Available in cru and double-faced terracotta/green
In den Farben cru und Double face Terrakotta/Grn verfgbar
Disponible en cru et double face terre cuite/vert


M O M ENT s o f j oy | m o m e nte d e r f r e u d e | d e s m o m e n t s h e u r e u x


Available in cru and terracotta/green | In den Farben cru und Terrakotta/Grn verfgbar | Disponible en cru et terre cuite/vert

ta b l e s, b e n c h e s a n d c h a i r s | ti s c h e , bn ke u n d st h le | ta b l e s, b a n c s e t c h a i s e s

MILLEGNO DECKCHAIR | LIEGE MILLEGNO | CHAISE LONGUE MILLEGNO (colour cappuccino | Farbe Cappuccino | couleur caf-crme) art. n 631710-01
Available in impregnated wood, cappuccino and white finish | Imprgniert und in den Farben Cappuccino und Wei verfgbar
Disponible en bois imprgn, caf-crme et blanc


M O M ENT s o f j oy | m o m e nte d e r f r e u d e | d e s m o m e n t s h e u r e u x



ta b l e s, b e n c h e s a n d c h a i r s | ti s c h e , bn ke u n d st h le | ta b l e s, b a n c s e t c h a i s e s


(with PVC cover - cushions not included | mit PVC-Abdeckung - Kissenset nicht inbegriffen | avec couverture en PVC - set coussins non compris)


M O M ENT s o f j oy | m o m e nte d e r f r e u d e | d e s m o m e n t s h e u r e u x

1 Adria SET | Adria SET | GROUP Adria, art. n 630504

Also available with PVC cover | Verfgbar auch mit PVC-Abdeckung | Disponible galement avec couverture en PVC, art. n 629505

ta b l e s, b e n c h e s a n d c h a i r s | ti s c h e , bn ke u n d st h le | ta b l e s, b a n c s e t c h a i s e s

1 sosta high table | stehtisch sosta | petite table sosta, art. n 631302
1 SOSTA stool with backrest | barhocker sosta mit rcklehne
tabouret sosta avec dossier, art. n 631304
2 Box | Sitztruhe | Coffre (triple layer wood lid | Deckel aus Dreischicht-Holz
Couvercle en bois triple couche) art. n 632320
3 BUSSARD set | gruppe bussard | groupe bussard, art. n 631004


M O M ENT s o f j oy | m o m e nte d e r f r e u d e | d e s m o m e n t s h e u r e u x

sosta table | tisch sosta | table sosta, art. n 631303

Parasol not included | Sonnenschirm nicht inbegriffen | Parasol non compris

ta b l e s, b e n c h e s a n d c h a i r s | ti s c h e , bn ke u n d st h le | ta b l e s, b a n c s e t c h a i s e s

DOUBLE FACE set | gruppe double face | groupe double face, art. n 631203


M O M ENT s o f j oy | m o m e nte d e r f r e u d e | d e s m o m e n t s h e u r e u x

ta b l e s, b e n c h e s a n d c h a i r s | ti s c h e , bn ke u n d st h le | ta b l e s, b a n c s e t c h a i s e s

ADAMO bench | bank adamo | banc adamo, art. n 630939

Available in impregnated wood, cappuccino and white finish
Imprgniert und in den Farben Cappuccino und Wei verfgbar
Disponible en bois imprgn, cappuccino ou blanc


M O M ENT s o f j oy | m o m e nte d e r f r e u d e | d e s m o m e n t s h e u r e u x

ta b l e s, b e n c h e s a n d c h a i r s | ti s c h e , bn ke u n d st h le | ta b l e s, b a n c s e t c h a i s e s

ADAMO bench | bank adamo | banc adamo, art. n 630933

ADAMO bench | bank adamo | banc adamo
(Connection seat element in laminated wood | Verbindungssitz in Leimholz | Assise de jonction en bois lamell) art. n 630934
Available in impregnated wood, cappuccino and white finish | Imprgniert und in den Farben Cappuccino und Wei verfgbar
Disponible en bois imprgn, cappuccino et blanc


M O M ENT s o f j oy | m o m e nte d e r f r e u d e | d e s m o m e n t s h e u r e u x

Montecarlo Bench | Bank Montecarlo | Banc Montecarlo (With backrest | Mit Rckenlehne | Avec dossier) art. n 630332

ta b l e s, b e n c h e s a n d c h a i r s | ti s c h e , bn ke u n d st h le | ta b l e s, b a n c s e t c h a i s e s

Bench Cortina | Bank Cortina | Banc Cortina, art. n 631541


M O M ENT s o f j oy | m o m e nte d e r f r e u d e | d e s m o m e n t s h e u r e u x

1 Bench Vienna | Bank Vienna | Banc Vienna, art. n 631416

2 Bench Fano | Bank Fano | Banc Fano, art. n 631434
3 Bench Fitness | Bank Fitness | Banc Fitness, art. n 591080
4 Bench Floral | Bank Floral | Banc Floral, art. n 631414

ta b l e s, b e n c h e s a n d c h a i r s | ti s c h e , bn ke u n d st h le | ta b l e s, b a n c s e t c h a i s e s

Bench Salisburgo | Bank Salisburgo | Banc Salisburgo, art. n 631417


Su m m e r s h a d e
The happiest memories of summer are moments spent leisurely outdoors, in the cool shade of a
pergola, gazebo or wooden garden chalet in the middle of the lawn. Unforgettable afternoons spent
reading a book, observing the play of light among the leaves on the wooden beams, and seeing the
stars appearing in the sky.
Sc hat te n s p e n d e r
Die schnsten Erinnerungen an den Sommer sind mit dem Leben im Freien verbunden: Momente im khlen
Schatten einer Pergola, eines Gazebos, in einem kleinen Gartenhaus auf der Wiese. Unvergesslich sind die
Nachmittage, an denen man sich ganz in ein Buch vertiefen konnte, an denen man die Lichtspiele zwischen
den sich hochrankenden Blttern beobachten oder gegen Abend die aufgehenden Sterne genieen konnte.
D e lo m b r e e n t
Les souvenirs les plus beaux de lt sont lis aux moments passs traner en plein air, lombre dune tonnelle, dun kiosque ou dun pavillon dans un pr. Des aprs-midi inoubliables passs bouquiner, observer
la lumire qui joue au travers du feuillage qui grimpe sur les poutres en bois en attendant de voir apparatre
les toile dans le ciel.

s u m m e r s h a d e | s c hat te n s p e n d e r | d e lo m b r e e n t

pe r g o l a s | p e r g o le n | to n n e l l e s

MINIMALISMO PERGOLA | pergola minimalismo | tonnelle minimalismo, art. n 621515

Comes complete with 4 posts - flooring, furniture and railings not included
Mit 4 Stehern Boden, Ausstattung und Paneele nicht inbegriffen
Fournie avec 4 montants plancher, meubles et treillages non compris


s u m m e r s h a d e | s c hat te n s p e n d e r | d e lo m b r e e n t

MINIMALISMO PERGOLA | pergola minimalismo | tonnelle minimalismo

Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication

pe r g o l a s | p e r g o le n | to n n e l l e s

MINIMALISMO PERGOLA | pergola minimalismo | tonnelle minimalismo

Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication


s u m m e r s h a d e | s c hat te n s p e n d e r | d e lo m b r e e n t

PERGOLA with Millefiori element | PERGOLA mit element Millefiori

tonnelle ralise avec lelement Millefiori, art. n 621528
Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication

pe r g o l a s | p e r g o le n | to n n e l l e s

PERGOLA with Millefiori element | PERGOLA mit element Millefiori | tonnelle ralise avec lelement Millefiori, art. n 621525
Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication


s u m m e r s h a d e | s c hat te n s p e n d e r | d e lo m b r e e n t

PERGOLA with arch beams | PERGOLA mit kurvenfrmigen balken |

tonnelle ralise avec une poutre curviligne, art. n 655035
Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication

pe r g o l a s | p e r g o le n | to n n e l l e s

pergola with ONDA beam | pergola mit wellenfrmigen balken | tonnelle ralise avec ONDA poutre, art. n 655036
Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication


s u m m e r s h a d e | s c hat te n s p e n d e r | d e lo m b r e e n t

pe r g o l a s | p e r g o le n | to n n e l l e s


Examples | Anwendungsbeispiele | Exemples dapplication


s u m m e r s h a d e | s c hat te n s p e n d e r | d e lo m b r e e n t


Examples | Anwendungsbeispiele | Exemples dapplication

pe r g o l a s | p e r g o le n | to n n e l l e s

Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication


s u m m e r s h a d e | s c hat te n s p e n d e r | d e lo m b r e e n t


Examples | Anwendungsbeispiele | Exemples dapplication

pe r g o l a s | p e r g o le n | to n n e l l e s

traditional PERGOLA with OsolemiO shade canopy | TRADItionelle PERGOLA mit Markise OsolemiO
TONNELLE TRADItionnelle avec Toile dombrage OsolemiO
Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication


s u m m e r s h a d e | s c hat te n s p e n d e r | d e lo m b r e e n t

traditional PERGOLA with OsolemiO shade canopy | TRADItionelle PERGOLA mit Markise OsolemiO
TONNELLE TRADItionnelle avec Toile dombrage OsolemiO
Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication

pe r g o l a s | p e r g o le n | to n n e l l e s

traditional PERGOLA with OsolemiO shade canopy | TRADItionelle PERGOLA mit Markise OsolemiO | TONNELLE TRADItionnelle avec Toile dombrage OsolemiO
Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication


s u m m e r s h a d e | s c hat te n s p e n d e r | d e lo m b r e e n t

PERGOLA with OsolemiO shade canopy | PERGOLA mit Markise OsolemiO | TONNELLE avec Toile dombrage OsolemiO
Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication

pe r g o l a s | p e r g o le n | to n n e l l e s

PERGOLA with OsolemiO shade canopy | PERGOLA mit Markise OsolemiO

TONNELLE avec Toile dombrage OsolemiO
Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication


s u m m e r s h a d e | s c hat te n s p e n d e r | d e lo m b r e e n t

traditional PERGOLA | TRADItionelle PERGOLA | TONNELLE TRADItionnelle (with wooden roof | mit Holzabdeckung | avec couverture en bois)
Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication

pe r g o l a s | p e r g o le n | to n n e l l e s


s u m m e r s h a d e | s c hat te n s p e n d e r | d e lo m b r e e n t

Winter pergolas | Winterpergolen | Tonnelles dhiver

Examples | Anwendungsbeispiele | Exemples dapplication

pe r g o l a s | p e r g o le n | to n n e l l e s


s u m m e r s h a d e | s c hat te n s p e n d e r | d e lo m b r e e n t

square GAZEBO | quadratischer GAZEBO | kiosques carr

Gazebo side curtain | Seitenvorhang fr Gazebo
Rideau latral pour kiosques
Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication

g a z e b o s | ga z e b o s | k i o s q u e s


s u m m e r s h a d e | s c hat te n s p e n d e r | d e lo m b r e e n t

square GAZEBO | quadratischer GAZEBO | kiosques carr, art. n 620005

square gazebo cover | quadratische gazebo-abdeckung | couverture carr pour kiosque (colour orange | Farbe orange | couleur orange) art. n 629130
Available in green, orange, blue and yellow | In den Farben Grn, Orange, Hellblau und Gelb verfgbar | Disponible en vert, orange, bleue et jaune
Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication

g a z e b o s | ga z e b o s | k i o s q u e s

square GAZEBO | quadratischer GAZEBO | kiosques carr, art. n 620005

square gazebo cover | quadratische gazebo-abdeckung | couverture carr pour kiosque
(colour yellow | Farbe gelb | couleur jaune) art. n 629133
Available in green, orange, blue and yellow | In den Farben Grn, Orange, Hellblau und Gelb verfgbar |
Disponible en vert, orange, bleue ou jaune
Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication


s u m m e r s h a d e | s c hat te n s p e n d e r | d e lo m b r e e n t

square GAZEBO with Gazebo side curtain | quadratischer GAZEBO mit Seitenvorhang fr Gazebo | kiosques carr avec Rideau
latral pour kiosques (curtains not included | Vorhnge nicht inbegriffen | rideaux non compris) art. n 620005
square gazebo cover | quadratische gazebo-abdeckung | couverture carr pour kiosque, art. n 629005
Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication

g a z e b o s | ga z e b o s | k i o s q u e s


s u m m e r s h a d e | s c hat te n s p e n d e r | d e lo m b r e e n t

square GAZEBO | quadratischer GAZEBO | kiosques carr (Curtains not included | Vorhnge nicht inbegriffen | Rideaux non compris) art. n 620008
square gazebo cover | quadratische gazebo-abdeckung | couverture carr pour kiosque (colour ivory | Farbe Elfenbein | couleur ivoire) art. n 629009
Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication

g a z e b o s | ga z e b o s | k i o s q u e s

Tartaruga sail | Zeltplane Tartaruga | Voile Tartaruga (Ivory PVC | PVC-Tuch Farbe | En PVC couleur ivoire) art. n 620091


s u m m e r s h a d e | s c hat te n s p e n d e r | d e lo m b r e e n t

Square gazebo with Pyramidal roof | Quadratischer Gazebo mit Kragdach

Kiosque carr avec toit dbordant, art. n620002
square gazebo cover | quadratische gazebo-abdeckung | couverture carr pour kiosque
(ivory | Farbe Elfenbein | couleur ivoire) art. n629003
Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication

g a z e b o s | ga z e b o s | k i o s q u e s

Rectangular gazebo | Rechteckiger Gazebo | Kiosque rectangulaire, art. n620015

Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication


s u m m e r s h a d e | s c hat te n s p e n d e r | d e lo m b r e e n t

Hexagonal gazebo with Pyramidal roof | Sechseck-Gazebo mit Kragdach

Hexagonal gazebo with Pyramidal roof | Sechseck-Gazebo mit Kragdach

Kiosque hexagonal avec toit dbordant, art. n620024

Kiosque hexagonal avec toit dbordant, art. n620024

Hexagonal gazebo cover | Sechseck-gazebo-abdeckung | couverture

Hexagonal gazebo cover in wood | Sechseck-gazebo-abdeckung in holz

hexagonal pour kiosque (colour ivory | Farbe Elfenbein | couleur ivoire) art. n629023

couverture hexagonal pour kiosque en bois, art. n620071

Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication

Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication

g a z e b o s | ga z e b o s | k i o s q u e s

Millestelle hexagonal gazebo | Sechseck-Gazebo Millestelle | Kiosque hexagonal Millestelle, art. n620025


s u m m e r s h a d e | s c hat te n s p e n d e r | d e lo m b r e e n t

octagonal gazebo with Pyramidal roof | achteck-Gazebo mit Kragdach | Kiosque octogonal avec toit dbordant, art. n620035
octagonal gazebo cover | achteck-gazebo-abdeckung | couverture octogonal pour kiosque (colour ivory | Farbe Elfenbein | couleur ivoire) art. n629035
Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication

g a z e b o s | ga z e b o s | k i o s q u e s


s u m m e r s h a d e | s c hat te n s p e n d e r | d e lo m b r e e n t

octagonal gazebo with stall ELEMENT and wooden roof | achteck-Gazebo mit verkaufselement und holzdach
Kiosque octogonal avec lment comptoir de vente et toit de bois
Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication

pr ot e c t i v e s t r u c t u r e s | str u k tu r e n | s t r u c t u r e s d e pr ot e c t i o n

Chalet type stall | Gartenhaus mit Verkaufstheke

Kiosk | Kiosk | Kiosque de vente

Pavillon avec comptoir de vente

(Triple layer panels | Dreischicht-Paneele | Panneaux triple couche) art. n622095

(Slate sheathing included, slate tiles optional | Bitumenmantel inbegriffen, Bitumen-Dachschindeln optional | Gaine paillettes dardoise
comprise, tuiles canadiennes en option) art. n622094


s u m m e r s h a d e | s c hat te n s p e n d e r | d e lo m b r e e n t

Double door shed | Gertehaus mit Doppeltr

box attached to the Wall with single door | Wandbox mit

Pavillon double porte, art. n622304

einfacher tr | Box une porte adoss au mur, art. n622324

pr ot e c t i v e s t r u c t u r e s | str u k tu r e n | s t r u c t u r e s d e pr ot e c t i o n

Box attached to the wall with double door | Wandbox mit Doppeltr | Box double porte adoss au mur, art. n622323


s u m m e r s h a d e | s c hat te n s p e n d e r | d e lo m b r e e n t

Double door shed | Gertehaus mit Doppeltr | Pavillon double porte, art. n622310

pr ot e c t i v e s t r u c t u r e s | str u k tu r e n | s t r u c t u r e s d e pr ot e c t i o n

Garden chalet | Gertehaus | PAVILLON, art. n622312

Garden chalet | Gertehaus | PAVILLON, art. n622313


s u m m e r s h a d e | s c hat te n s p e n d e r | d e lo m b r e e n t

Lavaredo garden chalet with front porch | Gartenhaus Lavaredo mit

berdachtem Vorbau | Pavillon Lavaredo avec avant-toit frontal, art. n622305

pr ot e c t i v e s t r u c t u r e s | str u k tu r e n | s t r u c t u r e s d e pr ot e c t i o n

Universal side wing for chalets and sheds | Universal-Anbau fr Gertehuser | Hangar latral universel pour pavillons, art. n622306


s u m m e r s h a d e | s c hat te n s p e n d e r | d e lo m b r e e n t


Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication

pr ot e c t i v e s t r u c t u r e s | str u k tu r e n | s t r u c t u r e s d e pr ot e c t i o n


Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication


s u m m e r s h a d e | s c hat te n s p e n d e r | d e lo m b r e e n t


Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication

pr ot e c t i v e s t r u c t u r e s | str u k tu r e n | s t r u c t u r e s d e pr ot e c t i o n


s u m m e r s h a d e | s c hat te n s p e n d e r | d e lo m b r e e n t


Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication

pr ot e c t i v e s t r u c t u r e s | str u k tu r e n | s t r u c t u r e s d e pr ot e c t i o n


Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication


s u m m e r s h a d e | s c hat te n s p e n d e r | d e lo m b r e e n t

Carport | Carport | Abri voiture

Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication

pr ot e c t i v e s t r u c t u r e s | str u k tu r e n | s t r u c t u r e s d e pr ot e c t i o n

Carport | Carport | Abri voiture, art. n622012

It is necessary to close the sides with panels for wind bracing | Die Seiten mssen aus Grnden der Windverstrebung mit Gitterstrukturen geschlossen werden
Les cts doivent ncessairement tre ferms par des treillages, pour des raisons de contreventement


s u m m e r s h a d e | s c hat te n s p e n d e r | d e lo m b r e e n t

pr ot e c t i v e s t r u c t u r e s | str u k tu r e n | s t r u c t u r e s d e pr ot e c t i o n

1 martini bracket | sattelholz martini | console martini, art. n 622810

Available in different sizes | Verfgbar in verschiedenen Abmessungen | Disponible en diffrentes mesures
2 carmen overhang | pultdach carmen | auvent carmen, art. n 622881
3 Overhang support | Sattelholz fr Pultdach | Support pour auvent, art. n 622600
4 Overhang support with arch | Sattelholz fr Pultdach mit Bogen | Support pour auvent avec arc, art. n 622602
5 Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication


A n oa s i s o f pe ac e
Sometimes one needs a breathing space: a calm refuge away from everything and everyone else.
No noise, no one around, and especially no curious eyes. A space for oneself amidst among the colours,
scents and silence of nature, with jasmine climbing on the wooden trellis, the stream flowing beyond the
fence and wind caressing the leaves of the bamboo. Enjoying the feeling of having all the time in the
E i n e Oas e d e r R u h e
Eine Sttte der Zuflucht ist manchmal einfach ntig. Kein Lrm, keine Leute und vor allem keine neugierigen
Blicke. Ein persnlicher Freiraum inmitten der Farben, Dfte und Stille der Natur. Nur der Jasmin, der sich
auf den Holzgittern hochrankt, das Bchlein, das auf der anderen Seite des Zauns dahin fliet und
der Wind, der die Bambusbltter streichelt. Und das Gefhl, alle Zeit der Welt fr sich zu haben.
U n e oa s i s d e t r a n qu i l l i t
Nous en avons parfois besoin : un refuge loin de tout. Pas de bruit, personne dans les parages, et surtout
pas de regards indiscrets. Un espace rserv au milieu des couleurs, des parfums et du silence de la
nature, entre un jasmin qui grimpe sur les treillages en bois, le ruisseau qui coule au-del de la barrire et
le vent qui caresse les feuilles de bambou. Et la sensation davoir tout le temps devant nous.

a n oa s i s o f pe ac e | e i n e oas e d e r r u h e | u n e oa s i s d e t r a n q u i l l i t

samoa trellis | gitter samoa | grillage samoa

Available in different sizes | Verfgbar in verschiedenen Abmessungen | Disponible en diffrentes mesures

t r e l l i s | g it te r | t r e i l l ag e s

1 samoa trellis | gitter samoa | grillage samoa

Available in different sizes | Verfgbar in verschiedenen Abmessungen | Disponible en diffrentes mesures
2 maui trellis | gitter maui | grillage maui (1/2 sun | 1/2 sonne | 1/2 soleil) art. n 640931
3 maui trellis | gitter maui | grillage maui (1/4 sun | 1/4 sonne | 1/4 soleil) art. n 640932


a n oa s i s o f pe ac e | e i n e oas e d e r r u h e | u n e oa s i s d e t r a n q u i l l i t

madrid trellis | madrid samoa | madrid samoa

Available in different sizes | Verfgbar in verschiedenen Abmessungen | Disponible en diffrentes mesures

t r e l l i s | g it te r | t r e i l l ag e s

2710 villa giulia



a n oa s i s o f pe ac e | e i n e oas e d e r r u h e | u n e oa s i s d e t r a n q u i l l i t

t r e l l i s | g it te r | t r e i l l ag e s

dadoo trellis | gitter dadoo | treillage dadoo

Available in different sizes | Verfgbar in verschiedenen Abmessungen | Disponible en diffrentes mesures


a n oa s i s o f pe ac e | e i n e oas e d e r r u h e | u n e oa s i s d e t r a n q u i l l i t

barcellona trellis | gitter barcellona | treillage barcellona

Available in different sizes | Verfgbar in verschiedenen Abmessungen | Disponible en diffrentes mesures

t r e l l i s | g it te r | t r e i l l ag e s


a n oa s i s o f pe ac e | e i n e oas e d e r r u h e | u n e oa s i s d e t r a n q u i l l i t

baia trellis | gitter baia | treillages baia (with arch | mit Rundbogen | en arcade)
Available in different shapes and sizes | Verfgbar in verschiedenen Formen und Abmessungen
Disponible en formes et mesures diffrentes

t r e l l i s | g it te r | t r e i l l ag e s

baia trellis | gitter baia | treillages baia

Available in different sizes | Verfgbar in verschiedenen Abmessungen | Disponible en diffrentes mesures
1 Oval porthole for trellis | Ovaler Ausschnitt fr Gitter | Hublot ovale pour treillages, art. n 640306
2 Flower porthole for trellis | Floralausschnitt fr Gitter | Hublot fleur pour treillages, art. n 640313
3 Flower porthole embellishment | Dekorelement fr Floralausschnitt | Ornement hublot fleur, art. n 404236


a n oa s i s o f pe ac e | e i n e oas e d e r r u h e | u n e oa s i s d e t r a n q u i l l i t

rombi trellis | gitter rombi | treillage rombi

Available in different sizes | Verfgbar in verschiedenen Abmessungen | Disponible en diffrentes mesures

t r e l l i s | g it te r | t r e i l l ag e s


a n oa s i s o f pe ac e | e i n e oas e d e r r u h e | u n e oa s i s d e t r a n q u i l l i t

atene trellis | gitter atene | treillage atene

Available in different sizes | Verfgbar in verschiedenen Abmessungen | Disponible en diffrentes mesures

t r e l l i s | g it te r | t r e i l l ag e s

1+3 Lindos Windbreak | Windschutzgitter Lindos | Brise-vent Lindos (with arch | mit Rundbogen | en arcade)
Available in different shapes and sizes | Verfgbar in verschiedenen Formen und Abmessungen
Disponible en formes et mesures diffrentes

Lindos Windbreak | Windschutzgitter Lindos | Brise-vent Lindos

Available in different shapes and sizes | Verfgbar in verschiedenen Formen und Abmessungen
Disponible en formes et mesures diffrentes


a n oa s i s o f pe ac e | e i n e oas e d e r r u h e | u n e oa s i s d e t r a n q u i l l i t

arcobaleno screen | Windschutz arcobaleno | paravent arcobaleno

ARCOBALENO frame | rahmen ARCOBALENO | encadrement ARCOBALENO (cappuccino | Farbe Cappuccino | caf-crme) art. n 640251-01
Available in cappuccino and white finish | In den Farben Cappuccino und Wei verfgbar | Disponible en cappuccino et blanc
arcobaleno screen cloth | tuch fr windschutz arcobaleno | Tissu pour paravent arcobaleno
(Batyline or Canatex | Batyline oder Canatex | Batyline ou Canatex)
Available in 18 colours | Verfgbar in 18 Farben | Disponible en 18 couleurs

t r e l l i s | g it te r | t r e i l l ag e s

arcobaleno screen | Windschutz arcobaleno | paravent arcobaleno

ARCOBALENO frame | rahmen ARCOBALENO | encadrement ARCOBALENO (white | Farbe wei | blanc) art. n 640252-03
Available in cappuccino and white finish | In den Farben Cappuccino und Wei verfgbar | Disponible en cappuccino et blanc
arcobaleno screen cloth | tuch fr windschutz arcobaleno | Tissu pour paravent arcobaleno
(Batyline or Canatex | Batyline oder Canatex | Batyline ou Canatex)
Available in 18 colours | Verfgbar in 18 Farben | Disponible en 18 couleurs


a n oa s i s o f pe ac e | e i n e oas e d e r r u h e | u n e oa s i s d e t r a n q u i l l i t

Hydepark railing | Balustrade Hydepark | Balustrade Hydepark (without posts | ohne Pfosten | sans montants) art. n 644101

f e n c e s | z u n e | c lt u r e s

Manhattan railing | Balustrade Manhattan | Balustrade Manhattan (without posts | ohne Pfosten | sans montants) art. n 644102


a n oa s i s o f pe ac e | e i n e oas e d e r r u h e | u n e oa s i s d e t r a n q u i l l i t

max railing | Balustrade max | Balustrade max (without posts | ohne Pfosten | sans montants) art. n 644084

f e n c e s | z u n e | c lt u r e s

design railing | Balustrade design | Balustrade design (without posts | ohne Pfosten | sans montants) art. n 644086
Available in different sizes | Verfgbar in verschiedenen Abmessungen | Disponible en diffrentes mesures


a n oa s i s o f pe ac e | e i n e oas e d e r r u h e | u n e oa s i s d e t r a n q u i l l i t

bressanone fence | zaunelement bressanone | Cltures Bressanone (1/2 rounded stakes | Zaunlatten halbiert und abgerundet | balustres 1/2 arrondis) art. n 644074
Barcellona single gate | Einzeltor Barcellona | Portail un battant Barcellona (without posts | ohne Pfosten | sans montants) art. n 644520

f e n c e s | z u n e | c lt u r e s

Barcellona double gate | Doppeltor Barcellona | Portail double battant Barcellona

(without posts | ohne Pfosten | sans montants) art. n 644521


a n oa s i s o f pe ac e | e i n e oas e d e r r u h e | u n e oa s i s d e t r a n q u i l l i t

Palisade fence Brunico | Zaunelement Brunico | Barrire Brunico

(rounded stakes | Zaunlatten abgerundet | balustres arrondis) art. n 644617

f e n c e s | z u n e | c lt u r e s

fence with Samoa stake | zaunelement Samoa | clture avec balustre Samoa
Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication


a n oa s i s o f pe ac e | e i n e oas e d e r r u h e | u n e oa s i s d e t r a n q u i l l i t

fence with shaped board | zaun mit geschwungener zaunlatte | clture avec balustre faonn
Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication

f e n c e s | z u n e | c lt u r e s

bolzano single gate | einzeltor bolzano | portail un battant bolzano| art. n 644623
Palisade fence Bolzano | Zaunelement Bolzano | Barrire Bolzano | art. n 644603


a n oa s i s o f pe ac e | e i n e oas e d e r r u h e | u n e oa s i s d e t r a n q u i l l i t

moritz Fence | Zaunelement moritz | Clture moritz (white | Farbe wei | blanc)
moritz single gate | einzeltor moritz | portail un battant moritz | (white | Farbe wei | blanc)
Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication

f e n c e s | z u n e | c lt u r e s

moritz single gate | einzeltor moritz | portail un battant moritz (with arch | mit Rundbogen | en arcade) art. n 644630
moritz Fence | Zaunelement moritz | Clture moritz (without posts | ohne Pfosten | sans montants) art. n 644080
(with inverted arch | mit umgekehrten Bogen | ...) art. n 644081
(with arch | mit Rundbogen | en arcade) art. n 644082



a n oa s i s o f pe ac e | e i n e oas e d e r r u h e | u n e oa s i s d e t r a n q u i l l i t

Milled post | Pfosten mit Ausfrsung | Montant frais, art. n 644563

Milled post with one hole | Pfosten mit Ausfrsung und Bohrung
Montant frais avec un trou | art. n 644862

f e n c e s | z u n e | c lt u r e s

Fence Merano | Zaunelement Merano | Clture Merano, art. n 644083

Merano post with 2 holes | Pfosten Merano mit 2 Bohrungen | Montant Merano avec 2 trous, art. n 644876


a n oa s i s o f pe ac e | e i n e oas e d e r r u h e | u n e oa s i s d e t r a n q u i l l i t

Post for one round cross-beam and two planed beams | Pfosten Braies mit 2 Bohrungen
Montant pour une traverse ronde et deux rabotes, art. n 653260

f e n c e s | z u n e | c lt u r e s

1 Braies post with 2 holes | Pfosten Braies mit 2 Bohrungen | Montant Braies avec 2 trous, art. n 644875
2 Post with one hole | Pfosten mit Bohrung | Montant avec un trou, art. n 644862
3 Post with 3 holes | Pfosten mit 3 Bohrungen | Montant avec 3 trous, art. n 644877
4 Post with 2 holes | Pfosten mit 2 Bohrungen | Montant avec 2 trous, art. n 644874


N at u r a l h a r m o n y
The great variety of nature derives from the marriage of shapes and colours. The intense flowering
turns on the garden lights and the vibrant richness of the fruit dots the infinite hues of green.
Enjoy the shapes and colours of the most beautiful season: enchanting freshness in the first hours
of the morning and temperate warmth in the silence of the evening, bringing relaxing smells, a pure
sensation of harmony, plain joy.
Har m o n i e n d e r Natu r
Die groe Vielfalt der Natur entsteht aus der Begegnung von Formen und Farben.
Die leuchtenden Blten entznden die Lichter des Gartens, die Flle der Frchte bringt Abwechslung
in die unzhligen Grnnuancen. Es sind die Formen und Farben der schnsten Jahreszeit, die uns in
den frhen Morgenstunden durch ihre Frische bezaubern und uns in der duftenden Abendstille ihre
Wrme vermitteln.
H a r m o n i e s n at u r e l l e s
La rencontre des formes et des couleurs fait natre une grande varit dans la nature. Les floraisons
intenses allument lclat du jardin et lpanouissement des fruits interrompt les innombrables tonalits
de vert. Ce sont les formes et les couleurs de la saison la plus belle, qui nous enchante par sa fracheur
aux premires heures du matin, et nous rchauffe par sa tideur, dans le silence parfum du soir.

N ATURAL HARMO N Y | HARMON i e n d e r natu r | h a r m o n i e s n at u r e l l e s

pl a n t e r s | b lu m e n k ste n | ja r d i n i r e s


N ATURAL HARMO N Y | HARMON i e n d e r natu r | h a r m o n i e s n at u r e l l e s

adamo planter (square) | BLUMENKiste ADAMO (quadratisch)


jardinire ADAMO (carre) art. n 632461

jardinire EVA, art. n 632460

Available in impregnated wood, cappuccino and white finish and in different sizes

Available in impregnated wood,

Imprgniert und in den Farben Cappuccino und Wei und in verschiedenen

cappuccino and white finish

Abmessungen verfgbar | Disponible en bois imprgn, caf-crme ou blanc,

Imprgniert und in den Farben

en diffrentes mesures

Cappuccino und Wei verfgbar

Disponible en bois imprgn,
caf-crme et blanc

pl a n t e r s | b lu m e n k ste n | ja r d i n i r e s

adamo planter (square) | BLUMENKiste ADAMO (quadratisch) | jardinire ADAMO (carre) art. n 632461
Available in impregnated wood, cappuccino and white finish and in different sizes | Imprgniert und in den Farben Cappuccino und Wei und in verschiedenen
Abmessungen verfgbar | Disponible en bois imprgn, caf-crme ou blanc, en diffrentes mesures
EVA planter | BLUMENKISTE EVA | jardinire EVA, art. n 632460
Available in impregnated wood, cappuccino and white finish | Imprgniert und in den Farben Cappuccino und Wei verfgbar
Disponible en bois imprgn, caf-crme ou blanc


N ATURAL HARMO N Y | HARMON i e n d e r natu r | h a r m o n i e s n at u r e l l e s

pl a n t e r s | b lu m e n k ste n | ja r d i n i r e s

adamo planter (square) | BLUMENKISTE ADAMO (quadratisch) | jardinire ADAMO (carre) art. n 632463
Available in impregnated wood, cappuccino and white finish and in different sizes
Imprgniert und in den Farben Cappuccino und Wei und in verschiedenen Abmessungen verfgbar
Disponible en bois imprgn, caf-crme et blanc, en diffrentes mesures


N ATURAL HARMO N Y | HARMON i e n d e r natu r | h a r m o n i e s n at u r e l l e s

adamo planter (hexagonal) | BLUMENKISTE ADAMO (sechseckig) | jardinire ADAMO (hexagonale) art. n 632469

pl a n t e r s | b lu m e n k ste n | ja r d i n i r e s

Lid for box | deckel fr Truhe | Couvercle pour coffre, art. n 632600
(fits all 90 cm-long models | fr alle 90 cm-Modelle | pour tous les modles longs 90 cm)
adamo planter | BLUMENKISTE ADAMO | jardinire ADAMO, art. n 632466


N ATURAL HARMO N Y | HARMON i e n d e r natu r | h a r m o n i e s n at u r e l l e s

lill planter | BLUMENKISTE lill | jardinire lill, art. n 632078

pl a n t e r s | b lu m e n k ste n | ja r d i n i r e s

1 lill planter | BLUMENKISTE lill | jardinire lill, art. n 632073

2 lill planter | BLUMENKISTE lill | jardinire lill, art. n 632081
Available in impregnated wood and in different sizes
Imprgniert und in verschiedenen Abmessungen verfgbar
Disponible en bois imprgn et en diffrentes mesures

3 lill planter | BLUMENKISTE lill | jardinire lill, art. n 632077

Available in impregnated wood and cappuccino finish
Imprgniert und in der Farbe Cappuccino verfgbar
Disponible en bois imprgn et caf-crme


N ATURAL HARMO N Y | HARMON i e n d e r natu r | h a r m o n i e s n at u r e l l e s

lill planter | BLUMENKISTE lill | jardinire lill, art. n 632076

(for all 45x45 cm planters | fr alle 45x45 cm-Blumenkisten | pour toutes les jardinires 45x45 cm) art. n 651905

pl a n t e r s | b lu m e n k ste n | ja r d i n i r e s

NINFEA planter | BLUMENKISTE NINFEA | jardinire NINFEA, art. n 632161

Available in different shapes and sizes | Verfgbar in verschiedenen Formen und Abmessungen
Disponible en formes et mesures diffrentes


N ATURAL HARMO N Y | HARMON i e n d e r natu r | h a r m o n i e s n at u r e l l e s

NINFEA planter | BLUMENKISTE NINFEA | jardinire NINFEA, art. n 632156 - 632155

Available in impregnated wood and cappuccino finish
Imprgniert und in der Farbe Cappuccino verfgbar
Disponible en bois imprgn et caf-crme

pl a n t e r s | b lu m e n k ste n | ja r d i n i r e s


N ATURAL HARMO N Y | HARMON i e n d e r natu r | h a r m o n i e s n at u r e l l e s

girasole planter | BLUMENKISTE girasole | jardinire girasole

art. n 632822

pl a n t e r s | b lu m e n k ste n | ja r d i n i r e s

girasole planter | BLUMENKISTE girasole | jardinire girasole, art. n 632820


N ATURAL HARMO N Y | HARMON i e n d e r natu r | h a r m o n i e s n at u r e l l e s


(flat grooved boards | mit gehobelten, gerndelten Brettern | lames plates moletes) art. n 632067
Available in different sizes | Verfgbar in verschiedenen Abmessungen |
Disponible en mesures diffrentes

pl a n t e r s | b lu m e n k ste n | ja r d i n i r e s


(flat grooved boards | mit gehobelten, gerndelten Brettern | lames plates moletes) art. n 632067
ORCHIDEA planter | BLUMENKISTE ORCHIDEA | jardinire ORCHIDEA | art. n 632062
Available in different sizes | Verfgbar in verschiedenen Abmessungen |
Disponible en mesures diffrentes


N ATURAL HARMO N Y | HARMON i e n d e r natu r | h a r m o n i e s n at u r e l l e s

Non-slip board | Rutschfestes Brett | Lame antidrapante (colour cappuccino | Farbe Cappuccino | couleur caf-crme)
Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication

acc e ss o r i e s | z u b e h r | acc e ss o i r e s

Non-slip board | Rutschfestes Brett | Lame antidrapante (colour cappuccino | Farbe Cappuccino | couleur caf-crme)
Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication


N ATURAL HARMO N Y | HARMON i e n d e r natu r | h a r m o n i e s n at u r e l l e s

Non-slip board | Rutschfestes Brett | Lame antidrapante

Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication

acc e ss o r i e s | z u b e h r | acc e ss o i r e s

decking made with planed boards | plankenboden mit geHobelten brettern

revtement ralis avec les lames rebotes
Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication


N ATURAL HARMO N Y | HARMON i e n d e r natu r | h a r m o n i e s n at u r e l l e s

Non-slip decking | Rutschfeste Bodenfliesen | Revtement antidrapant (profiled | fein gerillt | rainures fines) art. n 658005

acc e ss o r i e s | z u b e h r | acc e ss o i r e s

1 Design square deck tiles | Quadratische Bodenfliesen Design | Revtement carr Design, art. n 658001
2 Square deck tiles | Quadratische Bodenfliesen | Revtement carr, art. n 658000
3 Rectangular deck tiles | Rechteckige Bodenfliesen | Revtement rectangulaire, art. n 658002


N ATURAL HARMO N Y | HARMON i e n d e r natu r | h a r m o n i e s n at u r e l l e s

LED round lamp | Runde Lampe LED | Lampe LED ronde (blue | Farbe blau | couleur bleue) art. n 658240
Available in blue, white and orange
In den Farben Blau, Wei und Orange verfgbar
Disponible en bleue, blanc et orange

acc e ss o r i e s | z u b e h r | acc e ss o i r e s


N ATURAL HARMO N Y | HARMON i e n d e r natu r | h a r m o n i e s n at u r e l l e s

palma post and terminal | sule palma und Schutzabdeckung | Colonne palma et pomme | art. n 644945 - art. n 404286
Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication

acc e ss o r i e s | z u b e h r | acc e ss o i r e s

palma post and avana | sule palma und avana

Palma cylindrical lamp | Zylindrische Lampe Palma

Tartaruga lamp | Lampe Tartaruga

Colonne palma et avana

clairage cylindrique Palma, art. n 658111

clairage Tartaruga, art. n 658124

Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication


N ATURAL HARMO N Y | HARMON i e n d e r natu r | h a r m o n i e s n at u r e l l e s

Luna infrared heating lamp | Infrarot-Heizlampe Luna | Lampe chauffage rayons infrarouges Luna, art. n 658130

acc e ss o r i e s | z u b e h r | acc e ss o i r e s

Sole infrared heating lamp | Infrarot-Heizlampe Sole

Lampe chauffage rayons infrarouges Sole
(3 lamps with post | 3 Lampen auf Pfosten | 3 lampes sur support) art. n 658129


N ATURAL HARMO N Y | HARMON i e n d e r natu r | h a r m o n i e s n at u r e l l e s

1 Ischia ceiling lamp | Hngelampe Ischia

clairage Ischia pour plafond, art. n 658108
2 ELBA ceiling lamp | Hngelampe ELBA
clairage ELBA pour plafond, art. n 658103
3 Giglio lamp | Lampe Giglio | clairage Giglio
(orientabile) art. n 658105
3 Giglio lamp | Lampe Giglio | clairage Giglio
(orientabile) art. n 658085

4 Ischia wall lamp | Wandlampe Ischia | clairage Ischia mural

art. n 658107
5 Corsica lamp | Lampe Corsica | clairage Corsica
(without post | ohne Pfosten | sans montant) art. n 658102
6 Sardegna lamp | Lampe Sardegna | clairage Sardegna
(without post | ohne Pfosten | sans montant) art. n 658101

acc e ss o r i e s | z u b e h r | acc e ss o i r e s

1 Arched lamp support | Bogenkonsole fr Lampen |

Support pour clairage en arc art. n 658096
2 Arched lamp support | Bogenkonsole fr Lampen |
Support pour clairage en arc art. n 658097
3 Spherical lamp base | Basis fr runde Lampen |
Base pour clairage rond art. n 658110
1+2+3 Spherical lamp | Runde Lampe | clairage rond
art. n 658091 - art. n 658092

Spherical lamp white | Runde Lampe weiss |

clairage rond blanc, art. n 658093 - art. n 658094

4 Decorative element in aluminium | Dekorelement in Aluminium

lment dcoratif en aluminium, art. n 404256
5 Decorative element | Dekorelement | lment dcoratif
art. n 404255
6 Decorative element | Dekorelement | lment dcoratif
art. n 404250


N ATURAL HARMO N Y | HARMON i e n d e r natu r | h a r m o n i e s n at u r e l l e s




1 Square protection cap with sphere | Schutzkappe, quadratisch mit

Kugel | Chapeau de protection carr avec boule

2 Square protection cap with sphere | Schutzkappe, quadratisch mit

gerillt | lment sphrique rainur


Kugel | Chapeau de protection carr avec boule

3 Spherical hexagonal element | Element mit Kugel, sechseckig


Chapeau de protection carr

6 Square protection cap | Schutzkappe, quadratisch
Chapeau de protection carr
7 Geometric element | Geometrisches Element | lment gomtrique

Round protection cap | Schutzkappe, rund

Chapeau de protection rond


Kugel, gerillt | lment sphrique rainur grand modle

5 Square protection cap | Schutzkappe, quadratisch

Round protection cap | Schutzkappe, rund

Chapeau de protection rond

lment sphrique hexagonal

4 Large-grooved spherical element | Element mit grosser

Grooved spherical element | Element mit Kugel,

Pine cone element | Element Pigna

lment pomme de pin


Grooved pine cone shaped element | Element

Pigna, gerillt lment | pomme de pin rainur
Available in different sizes | Verfgbar in verschiedenen
Abmessungen | Disponible en mesures diffrentes

acc e ss o r i e s | z u b e h r | acc e ss o i r e s

Roman spherical element | Element mit Kugel Romano | lment sphrique romano, art. n 658132


N ATURAL HARMO N Y | HARMON i e n d e r natu r | h a r m o n i e s n at u r e l l e s

rosenbogen (planters and trellis not included | Blumenksten und Gitter nicht im Lieferumfang | Jardinires et treillages non compris)
art. n 644096

acc e ss o r i e s | z u b e h r | acc e ss o i r e s

TARTARUGA Fountain | Brunnen tartaruga | Fontaine


tartaruga | art. n 620651

art. n 620652


N ATURAL HARMO N Y | HARMON i e n d e r natu r | h a r m o n i e s n at u r e l l e s

Cortina Information board | Panoramatafel Cortina | Tableau daffichage Cortina

Available in different sizes | Verfgbar in verschiedenen Abmessungen | Disponible en mesures diffrentes

acc e ss o r i e s | z u b e h r | acc e ss o i r e s

1 Orchidea Round wastebasket | Runder Abfallbehlter Orchidea

Corbeille ronde Orchidea, art. n 632242
2 gardenia Round wastebasket | Runder Abfallbehlter gardenia
Corbeille ronde gardenia, art. n 632243
3 saigon Round wastebasket | Runder Abfallbehlter saigon | Corbeille ronde saigon, art. n 632244
4 Cestino adamo quadrato, art. n 632246
5 adamo Round wastebasket | Runder Abfallbehlter adamo| Corbeille ronde adamo, art. n 632247
6 STAINLESS STEEL LID FOR ROUND BINS | Inox-Deckel fr runde Abfallkrbe
couvercle inox pour Corbeilles rondes (Orchidea, Gardenia, Saigon) art. n 632259


C a r e fr e e h a ppi n e ss
Running barefoot on the lawn, jumping around, spraying water on each other! Enjoying a picnic all
together on the grass, flying on the swing and playing hide-and-seek: summer afternoons are great fun!
And not only for the little ones!
F r h li c h u n d u n b e sc h w e rt
Barfu im Gras tollen, hpfen, sich mit Wasser bespritzen! Ein Picknick im Grnen, himmelhoch schaukeln
und Verstecken spielen: die Sommertage sind ein wahres Vergngen! Und nicht nur fr die Kleinsten.
G a t e t i n so u c i a n c e
Courir pieds nus dans lherbe, sauter, sclabousser! Faire tous ensemble un pique-nique sur lherbe,
senvoler sur la balanoire et jouer cache-cache : on samuse vraiment pendant les aprs-midi dt!
Et pas seule-ment les petits!

C a r e fr e e h a ppi n e ss | F r h li c h u n d u n b e sc h w e rt | G a t e t i n so u c i a n c e

BABY small table | kleiner TISCH BABY | petite table BABY, art. n 598331
BABY bench | kleine bank BABY | petit banc BABY, art. n 598332
BABY chair | stuhl baby | chaise BABY, art. n 598333
Double Face for children | DOUBLE FACE fr KINDER | Double Face pour enfants, art. n 631200

Pl ay equ i pm e n t | S p i e lg e r te | J e u x d e pl e i n a i r

Topolino playhouse | Kinderspielhaus Topolino | Maisonnette Topolino, art. n 622315


C a r e fr e e h a ppi n e ss | F r h li c h u n d u n b e sc h w e rt | G a t e t i n so u c i a n c e

1 TARTY (double figure | Doppelform | double silhouette) art. n 592202

4 MOTO, art. n 592151

2 LEO, art. n 592150

5 CAVALLINO, art. n 592171

3 PAPERA, art. n 592153

6 ROCKING (seesaw with 2 springs | Wippe mit 2 Schwingfedern |

bascule 2 ressorts) art. n 592062

Pl ay equ i pm e n t | S p i e lg e r te | J e u x d e pl e i n a i r

Seesaw | wippe | Jeu de bascule, art. n 592062

Las Vegas roundabout | Karussell Las Vegas | Tourniquet Las Vegas, art. n 592361


C a r e fr e e h a ppi n e ss | F r h li c h u n d u n b e sc h w e rt | G a t e t i n so u c i a n c e

1 Square sandbox | Quadratischer Sandkasten | Bac sable carre, art. n 590521

2 Lid | Deckel | Couvercle, art. n 590522
3 Hexagonal sandbox | Sechseckiger Sandkasten | Bac sable hexagonal, art. n 590525

Pl ay equ i pm e n t | S p i e lg e r te | J e u x d e pl e i n a i r

1 Cucciolo castle | Spielburg Cucciolo | Chteau Cucciolo (without slide

ohne Rutsche | sans toboggan) art. n 592212
2 sette nani castle | Spielburg sette nani | Chteau des Sept nains
(without slide | ohne Rutsche | sans toboggan) art. n 592209
3 biancaneve castle | Spielburg biancaneve | Chteau de Blanche-neige
(without slide | ohne Rutsche | sans toboggan) art. n 592213


C a r e fr e e h a ppi n e ss | F r h li c h u n d u n b e sc h w e rt | G a t e t i n so u c i a n c e


single swing frame | Struktur fr einzelnSchaukel

Portique balanoire individuelle, art. n 590111

Double swing frame | Struktur fr Doppelschaukel

Portique balanoire double, art. n 590122


Red seat | Roter Schaukelsitz | Sige rouge, art. n 598042

Pl ay equ i pm e n t | S p i e lg e r te | J e u x d e pl e i n a i r

3 silvy EXTENSION | Kombination Silvy | Extension silvy, art. n 590051

Example | Anwendungsbeispiel | Exemple dapplication


Our dream is to bring nature into your life. We wish to create well-being and harmony
with passion and love. If you too are following a dream, Tartaruga is with you. Lets realise
it together, with the best materials, our great experience and your unique personal taste.


Green pastures, never-ending forests and lots of oxygen. This is where we were born and where we grew
up. This is our land: Dobbiaco, Val Pusteria. A wide, sunny valley, where wood culture and woodworking
are handed down from generation to generation. A unique environment, where Nature itself teaches us to
do things well.
Our history is a long journey. From Josef Pirchers first sawmill in 1928 to todays over 20,000 products manufactured in five plants in Italy. Year after year, and success after success, the company has grown under the Pircher
Familys conscientious management, becoming a point of reference and a leader in the wood product industry.
Nature inspires confidence and harmony. It is reliable and sincere, and it keeps its promises. This is a teaching that
we have received and made our own. Thats why we seek authenticity, loyalty and integrity in every person and every
We do things well. At the heart of our philosophy is peoples passion. A united team of collaborators who share
the same vision and embrace each project with commitment and enthusiasm. We wish to promote wood culture,
enhance woods warmth and harmony, and respect its natural beauty and distinctive qualities.


Wood, a livin g material

C hoosin g wood for nature

Wood is alive, it moves and is subject to continuous transformation in the course of time. Its feel, colour and scent
provide unique sensations. However, unlike steel and
cement, wood has characteristic marks, often incorrectly
considered as defects, which interrupt the chromatic
regularity or the continuity of the surface.

Wood is a natural and versatile raw material. It is suitable for a wide range
of purposes, and its use as a building material is a practice that goes back
thousands of years.
Wood is an environmentally friendly, renewable and entirely recyclable raw material. Its natural properties, i.e. feel, scent and colour, bring serenity and harmony,
and contribute to increasing the living quality of indoor and outdoor environments.
The PEFC certification provides the assurance that the company is committed to the
sustainable management of forests. The use of timber, regulated
by international agreements, favours the reforestation and rejuvenation of our forests,
guaranteeing the production of oxygen that only young plants can supply to the
eco-system. If we compare the production of timber with that of other materials, we
can immediately see that there is minimum emission of pollutants during processing.
Furthermore, all production waste is used as fuel for our power plant, producing
energy for the company itself.
In its everyday work, our company follows Reinhard Pirchers teaching and is committed to the promotion of the culture of wood, proposing its use as a natural and traditional alternative to modern building materials.

Shrinkage splits
Split phenomena are often interpreted as signs of breaking or
yielding, while in reality they are the result of the wood drying up
with consequent loss of water in environments that are excessively
dry or exposed to direct heat sources.
Knowledge helps to understand what shrinkage splits are: these
marks, as well as knots and chromatic irregularities, are normal
signs of the vitality of wood and are part of the beauty of this
natural material.

S prin g , summer , autumn , winter , sprin g

All seasons are good for Tartaruga. Chairs, tables, benches, planters, pergolas and gazebos can stay outdoors all year round, as they can withstand sun,
rain and do not change with the passing of seasons.
The secret is wood impregnation. Pircher was the first Italian company to introduce
this kind of treatment which prevents the deterioration of wood due to rain, sun or
snow. Thanks to this process, Scotch pine trunks are very resistant and long-lasting.
Trunks are treated with non-toxic and environment friendly mineral salt in big computer-controlled autoclaves. Mineral salt deeply penetrates the sapwood, the most
external and tender part of the trunk and consequently the most exposed to deterioration. At the end of the treatment, wood is completely protected from atmospheric
agents, as well as from moulds, pests or insects.
The entire process is controlled by the DBT of Berlin. Tartaruga treated furnishings
are in compliance with the DIN 68800 testing and quality standards for treated wood
products and with RAL - GZ 427 quality standards.
The rejects of treated pinewood or treated pinewood furnishings, at the end of their
life cycle, have to be disposed according to the current regulations (waste disposal
code CER 03 01 04).

impregnation phases
1. First processing of trunks: planing, milling, drilling and smoothing. For a greater
impregnation in depth.

2. Pressure treatment in autoclaves with

non-toxic and environment-friendly mineral
salt. The quantity of salt changes according to
the kind of wood, relative humidity and final
use (in contact with the ground or not).

3. Definitive fixing of mineral salt to the

woody tissue.


Treated pinewood

Treated to last a lifetime

Natural wood has a limited existence. After the tree is cut, the white timber is
subject to attack by micro-organisms, fungi and insects that slowly lead to decay.
The best way to preserve wood, protecting its characteristics and values, is wood
impregnation. This treatment consists in impregnating the wood with mineral salts,
which fix in depth and protect wood, extending the durability of your products.

White wood

- No

+ Yes
Treated wood

White wood

+ Is weather resistant
+ Requires little or no maintenance
+ Is long-lasting, preserving the value of the

- Is not weather resistant

- Is attacked by micro-organisms, fungi
and moulds
- Follows the natural cycle to decay

Treated pinewood

impregnation secrets
Impregnation quality depends on many factors: raw wood quality and degree of
maturation at the moment of the treatment; the availability of functional technical
systems and rigorous monitoring during all impregnation phases; verifying the
correct penetration depth and impregnating agent fixing. Tartaruga only uses nordic pinewood, the most suitable for the impregnation treatment, and carries out
the treatment with full respect for the environment, in compliance with RAL quality
standards, continuously monitored by authorised personnel.

+ Yes


depth level

Pinewood used by Pircher


+ visible sapwood
+ tensile strength 800 - 850 kg/cm2
+ crushing strength 330 kg/cm2
+ high breaking load
+ more suitable for impregnation

- No

non visible sapwood

tensile strength 600 - 700 kg/cm2
crushing strength 230 kg/cm2
lower breaking load
less suitable for impregnation

T echnolo gy and tradition

After the planning and design phases of each Tartaruga item and after impregnating the pinewood in an
autoclave, comes the manufacturing phase.

The moment of truth, is when the industrial technology of automated plants, on the one hand, and South
Tyrolean handcraft tradition of wood processing, on the
other, come into play, explains Karl Hell, the manager
of the Pircher quality, safety and environment department.
Without the competence, the great knowledge of
wood processing techniques and carpentry staff professionalism, it would not be possible to obtain such perfect finishes and attention to detail.

Made in Italy
Tartaruga is an Italian adventure. This family-run company
was started by Josef Pircher in 1928 in Dobbiaco, and
in 1994 the passions and ideas of his son Reinhard gave
birth to the Tartaruga outdoor furnishings range. To this
day, all Tartaruga products continue to be designed and
manufactured in the Val Pusteria headquarters.


Continuous monitorin g
Seven certificates confirm the quality of Tartaruga and the Pircher company.
The Tartaruga pinewood processing and furnishing production, company management and the quality of products and business activities are constantly and strictly
monitored. The Companys efforts have been rewarded
with important certifications:

Certificate of conformity obtained from the

German Health and safety at work act Federation.
PEFC Certification. The PEFC provides an assurance
mechanism to purchasers of wood products that they
are promoting the sustainable management of forests.

ISO 9001 for the efficiency of the organising structure

and the quality of expertises, company resources and
production processes.
ISO 14001 for the protection of the environment.
Holzforschung Austria safety mark issued
by the Austrian Wood Research Institute for the high
quality, reliability and stability of laminated wood.
CE Marking. Pircher is one of the first manufacturers
of impregnated laminated wood products to bear the
CE Marking. Tartaruga laminated wood products are in
compliance with European Directives regarding wooden structural elements. This requirement will be mandatory from 2009.

TV-GS DIN EN 1176-1 safety mark granted by the

TV Product Service of Munich for the safety of materials, processing, assembling and the functionality of
the outdoor play equipment.

10 years g uarantee
Turning dreams into reality and making
them last a long time: this is the Tartaruga.
Is not only the design and the variety that count, essential for Tartaruga is mainly the quality of furnishing. That is
why every Tartaruga product is guaranteed for 10 years. The guarantee is a promise that the furnishings will last
for a very long time and that they can be left outdoors all year round as they can withstand all weather conditions. In this way, you can enjoy your outdoor space without any worries.
How it works
The guarantee covers all Tartaruga products against mould, fungi or insects. The guarantee applies from the
date of purchase indicated on the Guarantee Certificate.
Guarantee conditions
Tartaruga products are guaranteed on condition that:
they are used according to the class involved;
they are not placed in the vicinity of mulch;
they are not reprocessed, sawn or cut longitudinally;
the foundations for products to be set in the ground are performed according to the law, with a layer of gravel
around the product and on condition that water can drain under the product.

Guarantee certificate
The Guarantee Certificate is issued by the Tartaruga
Dealer at the moment of purchase.
It contains the product code, date of purchase and
stamp of the point of sale. It is very important to keep
the Certificate, along with the invoice or receipt. In the
event of any deterioration of the product, provide this
documentation to the Dealer from whom you purchased
the product.
After verifying the damage, the Dealer will inform Pircher
Oberland Spa of the matter.
If necessary, the product will be replaced.

The guarantee does not cover direct or indirect damage resulting from improper handling, assembly, installation,
misuse or abuse, or from adaptations or adjustments made to the relevant product without the prior written consent of Pircher SpA.




How do you recognise Tartaruga quality?
By the unmistakable signs you find on every product:

The Tartaruga Pircher medallion:

on finished products or products in kit


62 3

The Tartaruga logo:

on semi-finished laminated and solid wood products

03 4


The serial number:

year/month/batch no. impressed on semi-finished
laminated and solid wood products


Quality Assurance
The RAL staple certifies the impregnation quality and is granted by the German Quality Assurance Institute.
Pircher was the first Italian company to receive this certification for its products. You will find the RAL staple on
Tartaruga semi-finished products with a thickness of more than 4.5 cm.

How to read the RAL staple:

Class 3:
Resistant to constant exposure to atmospheric
agents, not in contact with the ground.
Class 4:
Resistant to constant exposure to atmospheric
agents, in contact with the ground.

The year of production

and of impregnation.

The impregnation The code which identifies the

class of the
producer: Pircher has no. 5.

D esi g n
Tartaruga design arises from the desire to create personal and exciting furnishings for outdoor living.
We draw inspiration from the elegance of Mediterranean terraces, seducing lines of exotic style and
modern linearity of metropolitan ambiences. Each taste finds its expression, a personal and unique style
for every outdoor space.


In addition to the natural and cappuccino finishes, the
white finish compliments the most refined settings,
terraces overlooking the sea and exclusive gardens.

Pircher is a member of the Italian

Association for Industrial Design (ADI).

The unique beauty of the Tartaruga design is further
enhanced by a series of products in which wood is combined with metal or cloth elements.


Some items in the new Tartaruga collection are available in 3 different colours: natural,
cappuccino and white.
The natural and cappuccino finishes give a warm cosy feel, and are covered by the Tartaruga guarantee. The white
finish is ideal for exclusive environments. It gives the furnishings and structures a fresh and elegant feel, and perfectly suits terraces overlooking the sea or by the pool, as well as modern, refined gardens.

The white finish is not covered by the Tartaruga 10-year guarantee.

Impregnated wood


The Tartaruga Maintenance Kit is the ideal thing to maintain the beauty of your Tartaruga furnishings. The kit,
which is available from the Dealer, contains a brush to
clean the surfaces, 1 litre of Imprex mordant and a paintbrush to apply the mordant.

Cappuccino finish

White finish

The best way to choose the structures, furnishings
and solutions for your garden and terrace is to
enter the Tartaruga world. A network of Tartaruga
Dealers is at the disposal of customers with a
showroom to help you choose natural materials
and high quality products to furnish your garden
or terrace.


Your Dealer will help you choose your furnishings, providing information on their
dimensions, features and functionality. When there is a wide choice and you have
many ideas, the right advice is just what your need to fulfil your dreams. Tartaruga
Dealers offer thorough advice, in every phase.
Well begun is half done! The Dealers survey is very important to take measurements
accurately and start working out the best solution for each customers specific needs.
Perfect in every detail.
Design - a work of precision
According to the customers requirements, the Dealer works out one or more projects,
including maximum capacity and static calculations, technical drawings and any decorative elements.
The Dealer will see to the transport and delivery of furnishings and structures directly
to your home.
The best solution for a perfect result and to avoid mistakes is to consult your Tartaruga
Dealer who will perfectly assemble your structures.
After-sales services
Upon request, the Tartaruga Dealer carries out periodic checks of the structures,
verifying their conditions, cleaning and treating the wood with specific products, performing the maintenance, fixing the fittings, repairing any small damages and, if necessary, replacing some elements.

Visit the Tartaruga showrooms and let yourself
be enchanted by the quality and elegance of
our furnishings made of impregnated pinewood.

In the Tartaruga showrooms you can see with your own eyes the quality of the products, choose colours, patterns
and fabrics, and draw inspiration to create your own oasis of well-being. Furthermore, Tartaruga Dealers offer the
best advice for any query you may have and expert support for technical issues.


Terms of sale
Pircher accepts no responsibility for the incorrect use
and/or assembling of the purchased materials. All the
urban, static and safety surveys must be performed by
a local technician and they must include:
installation site
quality of supports (walls, railings, floors, handrails)
and related anchor systems
capacity of garrets, if any
use of coverings (polycarbonate materials, wood or
cloth) according to the amount of wind or snow in the
installation area
local building permit

There are many ways to meet Tartaruga, both in Italy and abroad. For those who wish to realise their
dreams and those who are looking for inspiration. We are waiting for you!

To learn more about the Pircher brands, company
and products, please visit our website: The website contains our updated home collections, outdoor furnishings and



The Tartaruga Technical Catalogue is a complete tool,
which provides all the information and the technical
data of every Tartaruga product to help you create your
own oasis of relaxation and pleasure. Just ask for it
from your nearest Tartaruga Dealer!
You will find that it is exhaustive and easy to consult.
The Tartaruga Technical Catalogue contains the same
chapters as this volume, as well as the Semi-manufactures and Public Play Equipment sections.


Every year, Pircher and its brands play a leading
role in the most important garden furniture fairs
in Italy. Look for our brands at the fairs or visit our
website to find out where you can meet us.


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