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Fete 2 oo uae ont P= = «eo ao] : | tt a =t é SS se |e — ns [gate == oes (pte = a =e wt [= - oe —=— SS ora SS == tn l= tha 1? a . —— a tt ee i Z 7a @ 4 + 4 i F fi # [ eS He 2 t WW. = z Be | Pers i fit 2222 Eg 2 ¢ 72 2 ? LE TTda er _ = = hay a —= = f ¥ e_ = = Hop === ————— a ey) th SSS5 é eee = a? # 4 [ — ers i aa == i == [pa A} Seelam Youre 9 NIGHT AND DAY VOCAL FEATURE - Low Key (Female) Vocal S0L0 Words by Music by COLE PORTER Mooeeare SWING (d= 192) ® Arranged by DAVE WOLPE t Night and day —___________“__ you are the er one. On - y be - neath the moon — and un - der the —— Wheth - er near to = me or fan its no mat - ter, dar - ing, © where you are— ' think = of you-———————_ night and day— Day— end night, —___ why is it so,— cy cs that this “long - ing for you fol - lows wher-ev-er | 6 go? In the “roar ing traf - fic’s boom,—— in the a 8 w si - lence of my lone - ly room— think of you, © 1952 (Renewed) WE MUSIC CORP. Purchase Talent This arrangement © 2008 WS MUSIC CORP, feformencs recog! e907 All Rights Hacenved moluding Publ Partarmeance alfred. com/downloads Voc. ot Nigit ANO Ory 0 ot night and day, Night and day,— ———EEEe un-der the hide#® = of: me, 9 a There’s an oh, such a hun - gry yearn - ing burning in = side of | me,—____"_ And— its tor-ment won't be gO 8 # through til you let_ «= me spend. «= my_—iife mak - ing love to you, To Coon 9 s day and night, ight and day.” cy ee we 0.6. 8 aL Cton 4 Ca 2 Night and day. Night and day— 6 S0L0 Tenoe SAX -t- Nigar ANO On 0.5. # AL CooK oy Ti ee cs NIGHT AND DAY VOCAL FEATURE - Low Key (Female) S0L0 8) TeNoe SAXOPHONE Words by Music by COLE PORTER (Sussrirure Foe Vocal) Arranged by DAVE WOLPE Mooeeate SWING id = 182) 53 Performance recording) The aneeangement © S007 WS Mi so007 Al Bighes Haserved inchidiva Pubhe Jet ALTO SAY. -t- Nigit ANO Oay a ry a8 ay « NIGHT AND DAY VOCAL FEATURE - Low Key (Female) Lot €) ALTO SAXOPHONE Words by Music by COLE PORTER Arranged by DAVE WOLPE Mooeeute SWING (d = 182) AA > é —_—_== 4. Ad NIGHT AND DAY VOCAL FEATURE - Low Key (Female) ‘UNO Eb ALTO SAXOPHONE Words by Music by COLE PORTER Moogenre Suing id = 180) Arranged by DAVE WOLPE AA mes (ori 882 Renewed) WE MUSIC CORE. Purchase TflLengch = fengemene © 2007 WS MUSIC CORP. erformance recording! Bée07 Al'Mights Hossrvad inclodire Babhe Performance NO ALTO SAX. - Nigar ANO Ony g To Coon o , sino7 NIGHT AND DAY VOCAL FEATURE - Low Key (Female) Lot Bb TEND? SAKOPHONE Words by Music by COLE PORTER Moogeare Swing, d= 18) Arranged by DAVE WOLPE AA >A : ‘ id FE D seven. cue ©1932 (Renewed WE MUSIC CORI Puachase Sf fength 5 Tmievarrangemant © 2007 WA MUSIC CORP. performance recording! Bao? All Rights Hesences including Puble Performance dst Teno Sax -t- Nigar ANO Oay Ee — — © ~$ ToCoon o 5 cy wa ov cy aeeo7 NIGHT AND DAY VOCAL FEATURE - Low Key (Female) LNO Bb TeNoe SAXOPHONE Words by Music by COLE PORTER Mooeeare Swing d = Jb) Arranged by DAVE WOLPE A ey 2.1808 enowed We MUSIC COR Pacha faengh This arrangement © 2007 WS MUSIC CORP. performace record! ean7 allights Rosorved ncluding Pubic Performance INO TeNoe SAX -b- Nigit ANO Oa user NIGHT AND DAY VOCAL FEATURE - Low Key (Female) €) BACITONE SAXOPHONE Words by Music by COLE PORTER Moneeate SWING ¢¢ = 182) Arranged by DAVE WOLPE AA © 1932 (Renewed) WE MUSIC CORP. archaeal tng “This Atrengament © 2007 WS MUSIC CORR perormance record! Peaa7 Al Rights Hsserved nsiuding Mable Pectormance BARITONE SAX. -t- Nig ANO Oty —— = Mae é ® Ash TOM. ue por a © fe - _ Puay! Si “et fo Ath TON, Cue —=—— 3 NIGHT AND DAY VOCAL FEATURE - Low Key (Female) det 8) Teumper Words by Music by COLE PORTER Arranged by DAVE WOLPE Moogeate SWING @ = 132) aa sd soe iv 5 ‘TO HACHON 6 1930 (Renewad) WB MUSIC CORP. Purchase fallen “The Arsuneemene © 2007 WS MUSIC CORR, performance recon All Mghts Baservad mousing Puble Periormance Ast Teumrer -t- Nigar ANO One Te Coon 9 NIGHT AND DAY VOGAL FEATURE - Low Key (Female) ‘INO 8) Teumper Words by Music by COLE Posen Arre > by DA' Mooeeate SWING = 182) onsen ey ae A > To HAgMON we t i ts es 222 (Renewed) WE MUSIC CORP. Purchase @Fa-teneh “This Atrengement © 2007 WS MUSIC CORP. performance coring! ‘e807 All Bights Resanced inciading Puble Pertormance, alfred com/downloads ‘tno Teumeer -t- Nigut ANS Ony To Coon @ ; —— NIGHT AND DAY VOCAL FEATURE - Low Key (Female) $20 8b Teumper Words by Music by COLE PORTER Arranged by DAVE WOLPE Moogeae SWING @ = 182) Ae > 5 To HAeMON S32 Renewed) WE MUSIC CORP. Purchase FF ength Thie Arrangement @ 2007 Wa MUSIE CORP. performance record! alfredcom/downloads we8807 All Rights Bosenved including Pubhe Pastowmance ‘420 Teumrer -t- Nigut ANC Ony To CooA 0 =29807 NIGHT AND DAY VOCAL FEATURE - Low Key (Female) 4H 8) Teumper Words by Music by COLE PORTER Arranged by DAVE WOLPE Moogeate SWING @ = 182) ALA > A ‘To HACMON a6 ite ~s—— 88 ©1932 (Renewed) WB MUSIC CORP, Purchase 3llengtk +, nie arrangement © 2007 WE MUSIC CORP. performance recorsing Beeo7 [Al Fights Flosenved Including Punta Pesfermonce alfred com/downloads 4rd Teomper -t- Nig ANO On To Coon 0 Bee07 NIGHT AND DAY VOCAL FEATURE - Low Key (Female) Jet TROMBONE Words by Music by COLE PORTER Mooeente SWING (= 182) Arranged by DAVE WOLPE z she eet «a ae: ees © 1032 Renewed) WS MLISIC CORP, Purchase Fltength a The arrangement © 2007 WE MUSIC CORP. perfomance recorses! Bor All Bight Resend mousing Puble Performance So Teomsone -t- Nigar AN Cay @. _ 10 Cook gy, : NIGHT AND DAY VOCAL FEATURE - Low Key (Female) No Teonsene Words by Music by COLE PORTER Moogeare SWING co = S80) Arranged by DAVE WOLPE A AZ we ey ee © :_—* 7 z—?#* 8 safe 222 Renee We MUSIC CONE esha eh Bee07 All Rights Masenved inclucina Publis Performance INo TeoMBONe -t- Nigar ANO Oay ee . (05.8 coor NIGHT AND DAY VOCAL FEATURE - Low Key (Female) 420 TOMBONE Words by Music by COLE PORTER Mooeeare ‘SWING, (de 180) Arranged by DAVE WOLPE A Az e see TE t ‘ é @ ,- __: ‘ % 7 — . ~—= 7 © 1932 (Renewed) WE MUSIC CORP. Pushose Filtngeh Te Arrangement 6 2007 WE MUSIC CORP. performance records! 2ee07 all Rinhts Reserved including ube Pevtarmance Seo TROMBONE -t- Nigar ANO Cay NIGHT AND DAY VOCAL FEATURE - Low Key (Female) Bass TROMBONE Words by Music by COLE PORTER Mooeeare SWING (4 = S82) Arranged by DAVE WOLPE A A 2 2 comp. PuachaseFllngth Ta ateangement 6 2007 We MUSIG CORP. perfermance recording? “pono? All Rights Ressrved neuking Pubie Partarmance 6.1992 Renewach WE MUS Sass TROMBONE -t- Nigit ANO Ony @, 7 {0 Cook gy . sn ‘Pe807 NIGHT AND DAY VOCAL FEATURE - Low Key (Female) PlANO Words by Music by COLE PORTER Moneeare Swing (4 = 182) Arranged by DAVE WOLPE 705) thar in fat 4 éu7 eb? ebui7eb? $ igen ¢-Bear af ces Purchase Tl-tength performance recording! alfred com/downloads This arrangement © 28807 all Rights Aoserved Load] “te igi AND Day oui? Oujy gt of uss? thus? oui? omd oh tun? tui use? Qui? Abas” ou? 7 ta Puno

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