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Moral courage is important because it makes the world a better place.

With morale
courage, people stand up for what is right, they earn respect and true friends and lastly, it
resolves most conflicts. So, morale courage produces people with good character and peace in
the world.
Firstly, morale courage makes the world a better place because it will produce people who
stand up for what is right. People who stand up for what is right will ensure justice is done
to everyone. For example in to kill a mocking bird, Atticus Finch had morale courage to stand
up for Tom Robinson and he knew that was the right thing to do. Standing up for Tom
Robinson reduces the conflict between the blacks and the whites and this makes the world
peaceful and a better place. Also, standing up for justice will ensure no one is mistreated and
that will minimize the number of conflicts in the world. With less conflict, the world will
become a better place for us to live in as it will be peaceful and calm. *
Secondly, moral courage makes the world a better place because people with morale
courage will earn respect and true friends. People with moral courage are usually being
admired by people as they have a sense of justice. For example, Atticus was being admired
by Calpurnia, scout, jem and the family members of Tom Robinson. They were all amazed at
his moral courage and his sense of justice. This scenario makes it very clear that they all
respect Atticus and hold him in awe and he made many true friends like calpurnia. Calpurnia
was willing to work for him even though he was a white and she had been serving him for
many years already. Because of true friends, they will help in times of needs and when you
are sad, they would be willing to lend a comforting ear. Thus, this would make the world a
better place with people caring for one another. *
Thirdly, moral courage makes the world a better place because it resolves conflicts.
According to to kill a mocking bird, it shows that jem had the moral courage to own up to
what he did and to also read to Mrs Dubose after he did something wrong. By doing this, Mrs
Dubose would not feel so angry anymore and even forgive him for what he did as he realized
his mistake and was willing to repent. Because conflicts are resolved, no tensions will be
existent in this world and people will live in harmony and peace, making the world a better
place for us to live in. *
In conclusion, moral courage will ensure that conflicts are resolved, true friends are gained
and justice is being maintained in the world. All these will make the world a better place and
this is very important because people will live a more meaningful life if they live in harmony
with one another.

Critique: This thesis has enough information and the writer uses appropriate
evidence from TKAM to support the points and the link was used effectively .
Generally the thesis is quite well done but Ethan could try to elaborate more on
his evidence. Thanks. Dong De Xin

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