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Universitatea Tehnica Gh.

Asachi Iasi
Facultatatea Constructii de Masini
Catedra Tehnologia Constructiilor de Masini
Laboratorul proiectarea Tehnologiilor pe Sisteme Flexibile

Raport Lucrare de Laborator nr. 2

Obiectiv document: Prezentare activitate si rezultate obtinute in cadrul lucrarii de Laborator Nr.

Lista de distributie
Nume si prenume
Prof.Dr.Ing. Petru Dusa

Titular Disciplina MRU

Intocmire si aprobare document

Petru Dusa



Petru Dusa



Macovei Dionisie

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Macovei Dionisie
IDC Intocmit 15/12/2014
Pagina 1 din 21

Universitatea Tehnica Gh. Asachi Iasi

Facultatatea Constructii de Masini
Catedra Tehnologia Constructiilor de Masini
Laboratorul proiectarea Tehnologiilor pe Sisteme Flexibile

Lucrare Lab nr.

- 16/10/2014-

Intocmit de:

Macovei Dionisie

1 Subiect/Obiective.........................................................................................................................2
2 Iesiri/Rezultate.............................................................................................................................2
3 Concluzii......................................................................................................................................2
4 Probleme deschise.......................................................................................................................2
5 Materiale support pentru desfasurarea lucrarii.........................................................................3
6 Anexe............................................................................................................................................3

1 Subiect/Obiective
- Familiarizarea cursantului privind structura unui repertoriu de competene ;;
- Familiarizarea cursantului asupra modului n care se desfoar o sesiune de evaluare ;
- Obinerea Fisei de evaluare i a planului de dezvoltare proprie.

2 Iesiri/Rezultate
Performance Review
Employee Name:
Macovei Daniel
Job Title:
Inginer Proiectant
Review Period Start: 01.07.2014
Review Period End: 31.12.2014
Last Review Date: 30.06.2014
Reviewer Name:
Dusa Petru
Reviewer Title:

Macovei Dionisie
IDC Intocmit 15/12/2014
Pagina 2 din 21

Universitatea Tehnica Gh. Asachi Iasi

Facultatatea Constructii de Masini
Catedra Tehnologia Constructiilor de Masini
Laboratorul proiectarea Tehnologiilor pe Sisteme Flexibile

Needs improvement
Macovei regularly produces a normal amount of work. He completes his work in a timely
manner and meets most deadlines. He works at the pace expected for the position. However,
Macovei could do more to demonstrate his commitment to increasing productivity. Further, he
does not always achieve his established goals.
Meets job requirements
Macovei works hard to improve quality in his own work and promotes quality awareness
throughout the organization. The work he produces meets standards for accuracy and
completeness. He regularly displays his commitment to excellence and he applies the feedback
he receives to improve his performance. However, there are some quality problems because he
does not adequately monitor his work.
Job Knowledge
Meets job requirements
Macovei learns and applies new skills quickly. He is knowledgeable about current developments
in his field. He works within the normal scope of supervision and he displays a good
understanding of how his job relates to other jobs. However, improvement is needed in certain
skills and job knowledge. Further, Macovei has some difficulty in effectively using the resources
available to him.
Problem Solving
Meets job requirements
In group situations, Macovei contributes actively to help solve problems. He identifies most
problem situations within appropriate time frames. Most of the time, he develops several
alternative solutions to problems. However, his information gathering and analysis are not
always thorough enough for his position. Further, Macovei could do more to anticipate and
resolve problems before they grow into larger issues.
Meets job requirements
Macovei exhibits good listening skills and comprehends complex matters well. He displays
effective verbal communications skills and his written communications skills meet the
requirements of his position. Macovei keeps others adequately informed and he selects
appropriate methods of communication.
Meets job requirements
Macovei usually establishes and maintains good working relationships. His outlook is generally
positive and his manner is pleasant. He assists and supports his co-workers. He works
cooperatively in group situations and he takes responsibility to help resolve conflicts. However,
there have been a number of occasions when Macovei exhibited a lack of tact or consideration
for others.
Needs improvement
Macovei makes confident decisions in most areas of his job. In most matters, he includes the
appropriate people in the decision-making process. However, he has too often made decisions
Macovei Dionisie
IDC Intocmit 15/12/2014
Pagina 3 din 21

Universitatea Tehnica Gh. Asachi Iasi

Facultatatea Constructii de Masini
Catedra Tehnologia Constructiilor de Masini
Laboratorul proiectarea Tehnologiilor pe Sisteme Flexibile

that subsequently resulted in problems because they were not well thought out. Macovei
sometimes has difficulty supporting and explaining his decisions. Additionally, he takes longer
than acceptable to reach a decision.
Meets job requirements
Macovei accepts criticism and feedback well. He usually adapts well to changes in his job or his
work environment. He normally is able to manage competing demands on his time. Macovei can
adjust his approach or method to fit different situations.
Safety & Security
Meets job requirements
Macovei is careful about observing safety and security procedures. He is quick to observe and
report potentially unsafe conditions. When faced with situations not covered by normal
guidelines, he usually arrives at an appropriate action. However, there have been times when
Macovei had to be warned about the improper use of equipment and materials.
Attendance & Punctuality
Meets job requirements
Macovei rarely begins work late and his attendance record is very good. He is prompt for
meetings and appointments. Before Macovei takes time off, he gives advance notice whenever
possible. When late or absent, he generally makes sure that his responsibilities are covered.

Employee Acknowledgment
I have reviewed this document and discussed the contents with my manager. My
signature means that I have been advised of my performance status and does not necessarily
imply that I agree with the evaluation.
Employee Signature/Date


3 Concluzii
Dupa evaluarea fiecarora dintre cei doi studenti prezenti la angajare am constatat ca din
punctde vedere al cantitatii ambi demonstreaza un angajament la cresterea productivitatii.
Din punct de vedere al calitatii, Teodorescu isi afiseaza in mod regulat angajamentul de a
excela si a satisface standardele de calitate, iar Macovei cauta noi modalitati de a o imbunatati.
Macovei Dionisie
IDC Intocmit 15/12/2014
Pagina 4 din 21

Universitatea Tehnica Gh. Asachi Iasi

Facultatatea Constructii de Masini
Catedra Tehnologia Constructiilor de Masini
Laboratorul proiectarea Tehnologiilor pe Sisteme Flexibile

Cunostintele fiecaruia la locul de munca sunt si ele importante,iar Teodorescu lucreaza in

sfera deaplicare a supravegherii,dar necesita imbunatatiri in anumite cunostinte ale locului demunca.
Macovei afiseaza o mai buna intelegere datorita resurselor disponibile.
Macovei minimizeaza majoritatea problemelor inainte ca acestea sa creasca in probleme mai
mari,iar Macovei identifica tarziu anumite p robleme care intervin la locul de munca.
Abilitatile de comunicare ale lui Teodorescu sunt foarte bune,iar Macovei selecteaza metodel
eadecvate de comunicare.
Teodorescu are un rol activ in rezolvarea conflictelor inainte ca acestea sa scape de
subncontrol.Macovei nu isi asuma respon sabilitatea suficien t pentru a ajuta la rezolvarea conflictelor.
Teodorescu ia decizii increzatoare in majoritatea domeniilor din slujb a ei,iar deciziile sunt
luate intr-un timp util.In cele mai multe probleme, Macovei include persoane potrivite in procesul de
luare a deciziilor.
Teodorescu se adapteaza d iferitelor situatii,iar Macovei accepta des critica si feetback-ul.
Desi Teodorescu
a fost instruita corespunzator a creat situatii nesigure privind fo losirea
echipamentelor. Macovei raporteaza imediat situatiile nesigure.
Teodorescu intarzie la in talniri, iar Macovei e mereu punctuala.

6 Anexe
Performance Review
Employee Name:
Macovei Daniel
Job Title:
Inginer Proiectant
Review Period Start: 01.07.2014
Review Period End: 31.12.2014
Last Review Date: 30.06.2014
Reviewer Name:
Dusa Petru
Reviewer Title:


Needs improvement
Macovei Dionisie
IDC Intocmit 15/12/2014
Pagina 5 din 21

Universitatea Tehnica Gh. Asachi Iasi

Facultatatea Constructii de Masini
Catedra Tehnologia Constructiilor de Masini
Laboratorul proiectarea Tehnologiilor pe Sisteme Flexibile

Macovei regularly produces a normal amount of work. He completes his work in a timely
manner and meets most deadlines. He works at the pace expected for the position. However,
Macovei could do more to demonstrate his commitment to increasing productivity. Further, he
does not always achieve his established goals.
Meets job requirements
Macovei works hard to improve quality in his own work and promotes quality awareness
throughout the organization. The work he produces meets standards for accuracy and
completeness. He regularly displays his commitment to excellence and he applies the feedback
he receives to improve his performance. However, there are some quality problems because he
does not adequately monitor his work.
Job Knowledge
Meets job requirements
Macovei learns and applies new skills quickly. He is knowledgeable about current developments
in his field. He works within the normal scope of supervision and he displays a good
understanding of how his job relates to other jobs. However, improvement is needed in certain
skills and job knowledge. Further, Macovei has some difficulty in effectively using the resources
available to him.
Problem Solving
Meets job requirements
In group situations, Macovei contributes actively to help solve problems. He identifies most
problem situations within appropriate time frames. Most of the time, he develops several
alternative solutions to problems. However, his information gathering and analysis are not
always thorough enough for his position. Further, Macovei could do more to anticipate and
resolve problems before they grow into larger issues.
Meets job requirements
Macovei exhibits good listening skills and comprehends complex matters well. He displays
effective verbal communications skills and his written communications skills meet the
requirements of his position. Macovei keeps others adequately informed and he selects
appropriate methods of communication.
Meets job requirements
Macovei usually establishes and maintains good working relationships. His outlook is generally
positive and his manner is pleasant. He assists and supports his co-workers. He works
cooperatively in group situations and he takes responsibility to help resolve conflicts. However,
there have been a number of occasions when Macovei exhibited a lack of tact or consideration
for others.
Needs improvement
Macovei makes confident decisions in most areas of his job. In most matters, he includes the
appropriate people in the decision-making process. However, he has too often made decisions
that subsequently resulted in problems because they were not well thought out. Macovei
Macovei Dionisie
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Pagina 6 din 21

Universitatea Tehnica Gh. Asachi Iasi

Facultatatea Constructii de Masini
Catedra Tehnologia Constructiilor de Masini
Laboratorul proiectarea Tehnologiilor pe Sisteme Flexibile

sometimes has difficulty supporting and explaining his decisions. Additionally, he takes longer
than acceptable to reach a decision.
Meets job requirements
Macovei accepts criticism and feedback well. He usually adapts well to changes in his job or his
work environment. He normally is able to manage competing demands on his time. Macovei can
adjust his approach or method to fit different situations.
Safety & Security
Meets job requirements
Macovei is careful about observing safety and security procedures. He is quick to observe and
report potentially unsafe conditions. When faced with situations not covered by normal
guidelines, he usually arrives at an appropriate action. However, there have been times when
Macovei had to be warned about the improper use of equipment and materials.
Attendance & Punctuality
Meets job requirements
Macovei rarely begins work late and his attendance record is very good. He is prompt for
meetings and appointments. Before Macovei takes time off, he gives advance notice whenever
possible. When late or absent, he generally makes sure that his responsibilities are covered.

Ask for help in removing obstacles to increasing quantity.
Be sure you understand the results expected of you.
Break your work tasks and assignments into manageable pieces.
Bring in outside auditors to help identify barriers to increasing quantity.
Come in to work earlier or stay later.
Compete against others to be recognized as a top performer in your department.
Compete against yourself to continually improve your performance.
Assume that crises will occur and plan ahead for them.
Avoid delaying things until the last minute.
Be at work 5 minutes early rather than arriving just at starting time.
Be on time and prepared for meetings.
Macovei Dionisie
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Pagina 7 din 21

Universitatea Tehnica Gh. Asachi Iasi

Facultatatea Constructii de Masini
Catedra Tehnologia Constructiilor de Masini
Laboratorul proiectarea Tehnologiilor pe Sisteme Flexibile

Before you leave work, make your daily to-do list for tomorrow.
Confront work issues directly, rather than taking time off to avoid the situation.
Consider that poor attendance impacts your work image and how others see you.
Consider the effect of delays, which often creates extra work for co-workers.
Consider the effect that less service, quality, and timeliness has on customers.
Get adequate sleep so that you are rested and ready for work.
Leave home earlier when weather or traffic is bad to ensure arriving on time.
Make sure your outside personal habits don't impact your work attendance.
Prepare for the next day before you go to bed.
Reserve sick days only for actual sickness, not for personal reasons.
Resolve your own personal time conflicts.
Respect your co-workers by being on time and present for arranged meetings.
Reward yourself in some personal way for not giving in to temptations.
Schedule regular personal appointments far ahead of time.
Talk over your problems and concerns with your manager.
Ask questions when in doubt about the safety of any substance.
Avoid any horseplay that could lead to needless accidents.
Avoid distracting or startling co-workers while they are concentrating on work.
Avoid unnecessary talking, shouting, or other loud noises.
Be aware of actions that could cause problems.
Become familiar with the proper use of materials and equipment.
Dispose of confidential materials in the proscribed manner.
Follow all safety warnings and instructions that you have been given.
Macovei Dionisie
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Universitatea Tehnica Gh. Asachi Iasi

Facultatatea Constructii de Masini
Catedra Tehnologia Constructiilor de Masini
Laboratorul proiectarea Tehnologiilor pe Sisteme Flexibile

Keep cabinets and files secure, and the doors to buildings locked.
Learn all safety and security procedures.
Learn emergency procedures and be prepared to use them when needed.
Look out for and report potentially unsafe working conditions.
Offer corrective action suggestions for unsafe working conditions.
Read and follow instructions on labels.
Read and follow instructions on Material Data Safety Sheets.
Report all accidents, injuries, and illnesses in the workplace promptly.
Report all possible workplace security breaches promptly.
Report all unsafe working conditions promptly.
Study the safety manual and ask questions about any section that you don't understand.
Wear proper and well-adjusted safety equipment and clothing.
Ask for help if competing demands become too overwhelming.
Ask questions to better understand changes.
Assume that changes will happen and be prepared for them.
Be more comfortable with and accepting of change.
Break major change into more manageable pieces.
Challenge yourself to adapt to change rather than resist it.
Develop more than one alternative solution.
Explore your concerns privately with someone else you trust.
Have a vision and then figure out what it takes to get there.
Learn techniques to expand your ability to adapt to change.
Live for the future, not in the past.
Macovei Dionisie
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Pagina 9 din 21

Universitatea Tehnica Gh. Asachi Iasi

Facultatatea Constructii de Masini
Catedra Tehnologia Constructiilor de Masini
Laboratorul proiectarea Tehnologiilor pe Sisteme Flexibile

Look for opportunities for improvement rather than focusing on obstacles to change.
Manage change rather than letting it manage you.
Prioritize demands on your time and take them one at a time.
Read articles and books, listen to tapes, or view videos on managing change.
Reduce your tendency to take change personally.
Resist taking criticism and feedback personally.
See change as an opportunity to show how well you can learn from it.
Seek to understand before you judge.
Use criticism and feedback as an opportunity to improve yourself.
Be knowledgeable about various decision making techniques.
Be open to considering alternatives and changing your decision.
Be open to suggestions and different points of view from others.
Be prepared to present your reasoning and the backup data to support your decisions.
Consider several alternative solutions to a problem.
Eliminate implausible solutions early without spending unnecessary time on them.
Implement preventative problem solving.
Increase your tolerance for taking risks in your decision making.
Involve others and their input in the decision making process.
Know the scope and limitations of your decision making responsibilities.
Know who is responsible for making the final decision.
Learn to apply risk analysis methods to your decision making process.
Make your decisions objectively.
Make your decisions win-win situations whenever possible.
Macovei Dionisie
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Universitatea Tehnica Gh. Asachi Iasi

Facultatatea Constructii de Masini
Catedra Tehnologia Constructiilor de Masini
Laboratorul proiectarea Tehnologiilor pe Sisteme Flexibile

Practice more independent decision making.

Practice presenting your ideas and recommendations.
Reduce your tendency to make assumptions before gathering and evaluating all the data.
Sample, test, and use other analytical methods to improve your decision making process.
Set and meet deadlines for making decisions.
Solicit and use the input you receive from others.
Stand up for and offer support for your ideas and decisions.
Take responsibility for your own decisions.
Weigh the cost and benefit of every decision.
Accept personal responsibility for your actions.
Admit the mistakes you have made rather than making excuses for them.
Apologize when it is appropriate for problems you created or to which you contributed.
Ask co-workers what you can do to help make their jobs easier.
Ask yourself what you are doing that might contribute to a problem.
Avoid making assumptions by asking for and gathering more information.
Be consistent in your dealings with others.
Be friendly and open to others.
Be honest with yourself as well as with others.
Be more approachable and accessible.
Be sensitive to others' feelings and how they react to situations.
Be willing to do the necessary work that you may consider beneath your skill level.
Brainstorm with co-workers to solve joint problems.
Check in regularly with co-workers about your relationships.
Macovei Dionisie
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Pagina 11 din 21

Universitatea Tehnica Gh. Asachi Iasi

Facultatatea Constructii de Masini
Catedra Tehnologia Constructiilor de Masini
Laboratorul proiectarea Tehnologiilor pe Sisteme Flexibile

Confront issues immediately and directly before they can escalate into bigger problems.
Create win-win situations.
Develop consensus-building skills.
Develop negotiation skills.
Develop problem resolution skills.
Eliminate using offensive or inappropriate language in the workplace.
Focus on resolving the problem, not changing the person.
Give negative feedback privately rather than publicly.
Give positive as well as negative feedback.
Help others to resolve the work problems facing them.
Keep all of the commitments you have made.
Keep an open mind to the ideas and points of view of others.
Keep confidences with which you have been trusted.
Keep in touch with your important contacts even when you don't need something.
Learn how to suppress and control your anger in volatile situations.
Learn more about others' jobs and how they interact with your own.
Let bygones be bygones.
Listen more than you talk by not dominating discussions or conversations.
Make yourself available to others by practicing an open door policy.
Present ideas in the positive rather than the negative.
Resist interrupting and finishing others' sentences.
See people as individuals, not as stereotypes.
Show empathy and interest in the problems co-workers are facing.
Macovei Dionisie
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Pagina 12 din 21

Universitatea Tehnica Gh. Asachi Iasi

Facultatatea Constructii de Masini
Catedra Tehnologia Constructiilor de Masini
Laboratorul proiectarea Tehnologiilor pe Sisteme Flexibile

Show respect for your co-workers.

Speak positively about others when it is appropriate without jeopardizing its effectiveness.
Suggest ways to improve problems or situations rather than offering criticism.
Think of how the other person will react before you speak.
Treat others fairly and consistently.
Try to see problems from others' viewpoints.
Understand and accept different personalities and work styles.
Volunteer assistance without being asked.
Volunteer to work longer hours when help is needed.
Analyze who might need to be kept informed about your work or a particular project.
Anticipate what questions might be asked about your work ahead of time and formulate
Ask for assistance from others rather than making demands of them.
Ask for feedback from others about your communication skills and how they could be
Ask someone else to proofread all important written materials.
Avoid becoming defensive or argumentative when discussing a problem or situation.
Avoid inappropriate body language and gestures such as rolling your eyes, shrugging, or
Avoid interrupting conversations or finishing others' sentences.
Avoid jumping to conclusions until you have heard all the facts and all sides of a situation.
Avoid using technical terms or company jargon inappropriately.
Be concise and succinct both in your speaking and writing.
Be less formal and more conversational in your writing when it is appropriate.
Be more formal and business-like if the audience calls for that approach.
Macovei Dionisie
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Pagina 13 din 21

Universitatea Tehnica Gh. Asachi Iasi

Facultatatea Constructii de Masini
Catedra Tehnologia Constructiilor de Masini
Laboratorul proiectarea Tehnologiilor pe Sisteme Flexibile

Be precise when giving timeframes.

Break up large documents into readable sections and attachments that can be easily scanned.
Break up long paragraphs into more readable smaller sections.
Check in often to confirm listeners are comprehending what you are saying.
Clarify the next steps or actions required of you.
Communicate effectively in all directions, downward to subordinates, laterally to peers, and
upward to management.
Concentrate on what the other person is saying before formulating your thoughts and
Date all written materials.
Expand your vocabulary by referring to a dictionary, thesaurus, and reading more.
Guard against responding emotionally to a volatile situation.
Hold standing meetings to ensure regular communications.
Improve grammar skills by reading books, taking classes, and attending seminars.
Improve transitions when moving from one thought to another.
Improve your active listening skills by concentrating and not dominating the conversation.
Improve your presentation skills by practicing and volunteering for speaking assignments.
Improve your telephone technique to be more courteous and succinct.
Incorporate visual aids into your writing with charts, graphs, numbered and bulleted lists.
Keep others better and more frequently informed.
Keep paragraphs short and stick to one thought in your writing.
Learn how to use e-mail more efficiently.
Learn to probe for more information in your investigations and discussions.
Learn to read non-verbal signals and adjust your communication style.
Macovei Dionisie
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Pagina 14 din 21

Universitatea Tehnica Gh. Asachi Iasi

Facultatatea Constructii de Masini
Catedra Tehnologia Constructiilor de Masini
Laboratorul proiectarea Tehnologiilor pe Sisteme Flexibile

Listen more than you talk.

Make eye contact and look directly others when communicating with them.
Master the use of your telephone system features.
Participate and contribute more at meetings.
Present your ideas firmly and confidently.
Proofread important documents out loud with two people.
Proofread your own work by reading it aloud.
Put a smile in your voice and project enthusiasm for what you are saying.
Resist dominating and taking charge of meetings.
Summarize and clarify often to be better understood.
Summarize reports at the beginning rather than the end.
Take notes for later clarification rather than interrupting to ask questions.
Think of how you are being perceived.
Think of what you are going to say before you say it.
Use active tense rather than passive tense in your writing.
Use colorful and stimulating language and phrases to make your writing more interesting.
Use examples to explain complex ideas or give instructions.
Use open-ended questions to avoid yes or no answers and elicit more information.
Use outlines both to organize and present data.
Use visual aids to reinforce presentations.
Use your word processor's spelling and grammar checkers.
Vary style and language depending on your audience and the content of your writing or
Macovei Dionisie
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Universitatea Tehnica Gh. Asachi Iasi

Facultatatea Constructii de Masini
Catedra Tehnologia Constructiilor de Masini
Laboratorul proiectarea Tehnologiilor pe Sisteme Flexibile

Write with a specific audience in mind.

Analyze situations and problems objectively rather than subjectively.
Avoid drawing conclusions too early before you have gathered and evaluated all the data.
Avoid making assumptions until you have heard all sides of a situation or problem.
Balance your approach to problem solving between intuition and facts.
Be open to new ideas and different approaches to solving problems.
Be understanding and sensitive to problem trends and relationships.
Consider problems as challenges that create opportunities to improve situations.
Consider the recommendation rather than the source.
Define the problem before you start solving it.
Develop your use of creativity in problem solving and look for new ways to find solutions.
Eliminate implausible solutions early without spending unnecessary time on them.
Expand the resources and methods available to you in problem solving.
Improve and expand your data gathering methods.
Keep files of ideas for future reference and possible implementation.
Learn to analyze and design workflows and procedures.
Learn to identify data relationships and dependencies.
Learn to use brainstorming techniques to solve problems.
Look at the long term impact of short term solutions.
Make thorough data gathering and analysis your normal procedure.
Merge assumptions, intuition, and facts into your overall approach to solving problems.
Separate complex issues into more manageable components for analysis and evaluation.
Take time to allow sufficient and thorough analysis.
Macovei Dionisie
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Pagina 16 din 21

Universitatea Tehnica Gh. Asachi Iasi

Facultatatea Constructii de Masini
Catedra Tehnologia Constructiilor de Masini
Laboratorul proiectarea Tehnologiilor pe Sisteme Flexibile

Use available technology to better aid you in analyzing data.

Use charts to spot significant trends and relationships more easily.
Use spreadsheets and graphs to thoroughly examine and evaluate data.
Use testing and focus groups to gather information for analysis.
Use weighting to analyze various options and solutions.
Analyze situations and problems objectively rather than subjectively.
Avoid drawing conclusions too early before you have gathered and evaluated all the data.
Avoid making assumptions until you have heard all sides of a situation or problem.
Balance your approach to problem solving between intuition and facts.
Be open to new ideas and different approaches to solving problems.
Be understanding and sensitive to problem trends and relationships.
Consider problems as challenges that create opportunities to improve situations.
Consider the recommendation rather than the source.
Define the problem before you start solving it.
Develop your use of creativity in problem solving and look for new ways to find solutions.
Eliminate implausible solutions early without spending unnecessary time on them.
Expand the resources and methods available to you in problem solving.
Improve and expand your data gathering methods.
Keep files of ideas for future reference and possible implementation.
Learn to analyze and design workflows and procedures.
Learn to identify data relationships and dependencies.
Learn to use brainstorming techniques to solve problems.
Look at the long term impact of short term solutions.
Macovei Dionisie
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Pagina 17 din 21

Universitatea Tehnica Gh. Asachi Iasi

Facultatatea Constructii de Masini
Catedra Tehnologia Constructiilor de Masini
Laboratorul proiectarea Tehnologiilor pe Sisteme Flexibile

Make thorough data gathering and analysis your normal procedure.

Merge assumptions, intuition, and facts into your overall approach to solving problems.
Separate complex issues into more manageable components for analysis and evaluation.
Take time to allow sufficient and thorough analysis.
Use available technology to better aid you in analyzing data.
Use charts to spot significant trends and relationships more easily.
Use spreadsheets and graphs to thoroughly examine and evaluate data.
Use testing and focus groups to gather information for analysis.
Use weighting to analyze various options and solutions.
Accept new assignments willingly to increase your knowledge and broaden your experience.
Ask a more experienced and knowledgeable employee to be your mentor.
Balance technical and business approaches to accomplishing tasks and solving problems.
Be a mentor to another employee to challenge and expand your own job knowledge.
Be prepared to train others how to do your job.
Broaden your job responsibilities by volunteering for special projects and new assignments.
Build a network of peers with whom you can discuss work ideas and projects.
Consider how your decisions and actions will impact the organization's bottom line.
Define the competencies needed to perform your job.
Flow chart your work and how it interrelates to others.
Identify and seek to establish a working relationship with the experts in your field.
Identify the necessary skills to perform at a higher level.
Join professional and industrial associations.
Know and understand your organization's products and services.
Macovei Dionisie
IDC Intocmit 15/12/2014
Pagina 18 din 21

Universitatea Tehnica Gh. Asachi Iasi

Facultatatea Constructii de Masini
Catedra Tehnologia Constructiilor de Masini
Laboratorul proiectarea Tehnologiilor pe Sisteme Flexibile

Learn more about the industry in which your organization operates.

Learn new skills to increase your potential for more responsibilities.
Learn to better use technology to accomplish your tasks faster and more efficiently.
Learn to explain your work in non-technical language.
Listen to improvement tapes and watch training videos.
Make presentations and write articles about your field of work.
Measure and validate your work against department/organizational goals.
Prepare regular status reports on your work accomplishments.
Read magazines and books about the organization's industry and your particular field of work.
Set goals and objectives, monitoring your progress.
Strive to be the expert in a specific job or task.
Take business courses and attend outside seminars to expand your knowledge.
Take in-house training classes.
Understand the jobs of others with whom you interact.
Understand the role of other employees in your organization.
Use cost/benefit analyses to justify proposals.
Write your own job description.
Ask for assistance in removing obstacles to achieving quality.
Brainstorm with your peers and co-workers for quality improvement ideas.
Bring in outside auditors to help identify barriers to achieving quality.
Concentrate on solving one quality issue at a time.
Establish self-monitoring systems to improve the quality of your work.
Have confidence that you can improve the quality of your work.
Macovei Dionisie
IDC Intocmit 15/12/2014
Pagina 19 din 21

Universitatea Tehnica Gh. Asachi Iasi

Facultatatea Constructii de Masini
Catedra Tehnologia Constructiilor de Masini
Laboratorul proiectarea Tehnologiilor pe Sisteme Flexibile

Hold contests to collect suggestions for improving quality on the job.

Identify obstacles impacting better quality.
Keep records of quality as well as quantity.
Learn to better use technology to achieve productivity enhancements.
Organize quality improvement teams.
Organize quality teams among your co-workers.
Promote quality programs across the organization.
Proofread important materials aloud with someone else to improve quality.
Proofread your writing aloud as an editing technique to improve quality.
Read and learn about total quality management concepts.
Set your own quality standards higher than those required of you.
Solicit feedback from others on how you can improve quality.
Spend more time at specific work that needs improvement.
Understand the impact of poor quality on others' work and the organization's bottom line.
Work consistently at improving your work quality and overall performance.
Ask for help in removing obstacles to increasing quantity.
Be sure you understand the results expected of you.
Break your work tasks and assignments into manageable pieces.
Bring in outside auditors to help identify barriers to increasing quantity.
Come in to work earlier or stay later.
Compete against others to be recognized as a top performer in your department.
Compete against yourself to continually improve your performance.
Eliminate low priority tasks whenever possible.
Macovei Dionisie
IDC Intocmit 15/12/2014
Pagina 20 din 21

Universitatea Tehnica Gh. Asachi Iasi

Facultatatea Constructii de Masini
Catedra Tehnologia Constructiilor de Masini
Laboratorul proiectarea Tehnologiilor pe Sisteme Flexibile

Improve planning and organizing skills to help increase work quantity.

Improve your job knowledge and skills to achieve greater results.
Learn to use technology to accomplish your tasks faster and more efficiently.
Maintain daily to-do lists and records.
Record work progress and report it regularly to your manager.
Reprioritize your tasks and to-do lists on a daily basis.
Resist handling too many tasks simultaneously.
Set realistic goals and objectives for yourself.
Solicit feedback from others on how you can increase quantity and improve your
Strive to increase quantity beyond the required standards.
Track precisely how you spend your time to assess and improve efficiency.
Track production and results visually as well as numerically.

Employee Acknowledgment
I have reviewed this document and discussed the contents with my manager. My
signature means that I have been advised of my performance status and does not necessarily
imply that I agree with the evaluation.
Employee Signature/Date


Macovei Dionisie
IDC Intocmit 15/12/2014
Pagina 21 din 21

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