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The Problem…


2.1 Rationale of the Study

Science education is conceived as the need of the hour,

which has been reflected in the report of most of educational
commissions right from 1952-53 to 1986 the NPE. Such
exigencies are due to the technological revolution as observed
and experienced in the present century. Further exponential
growth of knowledge and revolution in the field of information
technology has also substantiated such a need. The individuals
of present century need to possess a scientific out-look in their
day to day thinking style, as well as activities, simply for their
effective adjustment. In his context various state governments
with collaborations of NGOs’ are trying to popularize the study of
science especially at the senior secondary stage.

In view of the importance of science education in the life of

an individual; the investigator has thought to focus his attention
on Mandi District of Himachal Pradesh. It has been decided to
study the attitude of students to opt for science as a subject at
the senior secondary level.

The Problem…

2.2 Statement of Problem

In view of above considerations the study has been entitled

as, “An attitude study of students of 10th class of Mandi
District towards opting science as a subject at senior
secondary level.”

2.3 Operational Definitions

Operational definitions simply highlight the functional

meaning of the different terminologies as used in the statement
of problem as well as in the research process. As such, the
various terms utilized in the study have been defined
operationally in the following:-


An attitude is defined as a tendency to react in certain way

towards a designated class of stimuli or an object. An attitude is
a variable which is directly observed, but it is informed from
behaviour, both verbal and non-verbal. An attitude as a
psychological construct refers to the degree of favourable or
unfavourable reaction of the individuals towards any
phenomenon and consideration. In the present study the
attitude i.e. interest or inclination of the learners towards opting
science as a subject will be assessed.

10th Class:-

10th class in the present study refers to the 10th class

under the recognition of H.P.B.S.E. and C.B.S.E.


‘Students’ in the present study refers to the children study

in class 10th.

The Problem…

Senior Secondary Level :-

‘Senior Secondary Level’ refers to +1 and +2 education

under the pattern of 10+2+3 system.

2.4 Objectives

The study as conducted by the investigator was carried out

on the guide posts of following objectives:

1. To study the attitude of 10th grade students towards opting

science as an optional subject at senior secondary level.

2. To study the different attitude of Govt. and Pvt. Students

towards opting science at senior secondary level.

3. To compare the attitude of Boys and Girls towards opting

science at senior secondary level.

4. To compare the attitude towards opting science at senior

secondary level between rural and urban students.

2.5 Hypothesis

After selection and definition of problem, derivation of

hypothesis is the most important step in the research process.
Etymologically ‘hypothesis’ means less than or less certain than a
thesis. Hypotheses are formulated only as the suggested solution
to the problem. Keeping in view the objectives formulated the
following null hypothesis were stated:

H0 The attitude of the Government school students and

Private school students do not differ significantly.

H0 The attitude of boys and girls do not differ significantly.


H0 The attitude of the Urban students and Rural students do

not differ significantly.

H0 The attitude of the Private school boys and Private school

girls do not differ significantly.

The Problem…

H0 The attitude of the Private-Urban students and Private-


Rural students do not differ significantly.

H0 The attitude of the Government-school-Boys and

Government-school-Girls do not differ significantly.

H The attitude of students of the Urban-Government school

and Rural-Government school do not differ significantly.

H The attitude of the Urban-Boys and Rural-Boys do not

differ significantly.

H The attitude of the Urban-Girls and Rural-Girls do not

differ significantly.

H The attitude of the Private school boys and Government

school boys do not differ significantly.

H The attitude of the Private school girls and Government

school girls do not differ significantly.

H0 The attitude of the Urban Private students and Urban


Government students do not differ significantly.

H The attitude of the Urban-Girls and Urban-Boys do not

differ significantly.

H The attitude of the Private-Rural students and

Government-Rural students do not differ significantly.

H The attitude of the Rural-Boys and Rural-Girls do not differ


H0 The attitude of the CBSE students and HPBSE students do

not differ significantly.

2.6 Scope and Limitations of Study

Every study has some peripheral circumvents which define

the coverage area of its piece of work. The present study deals
with Mandi district only out of 12 districts of Himachal Pradesh.

The Problem…

Due to the time and material restrictions, the sample

included only one school each from the four categories viz.
Government-Urban, Government-Rural, Private-Urban and Private-
Rural. The study could have included more districts and school
samples from each category of school. The total sample of the
study is 200, comprising of 25 boys and 25 girls from each
category of school.

The attitude scale developed by the investigator could have

been standardized and the dimensions upon which the items of
the scale are framed could have been increased. More statistical
techniques giving more clear and extensive results could also
have been used.


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