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Footprints Crease the Night

I’ve dog-eared a page in a book still unread

And resisted more embrace of vast, empty bed.
Car lights flicker, clearing shadows on wall
While a drooping fan stirs air hardly at all.
Deeply past midnight, hours calling hours to go;
The clock lacks a chime, numbers change slow.
An acid taste of coffee drunk long hours before;
I keep adding footprints to the living room floor.
Maybe watch another movie or a tape in my head;
Perhaps an old memory, wishing for new instead.
I tear for a song that would caress my spirit
And the will, the strength to rise and hear it.
Tears dropping slowly; for what do I cry?
For sadness? For pain? For the time to die?

A cigarette pack lies empty on the floor.

I want another; no, no not anymore.
I need the sunrise, a better beginning;
Black swept away, a faith that I'm winning.
Sheets are rumpled, slick with my sweat;
One pillow crumpled, one unwrinkled as yet.
The quilt swoons half draping, half in a ball.
The night light glows dimly down the hall;
Empty soda cans crazily capsuling the phone;
Too late for someone; night cloaked in alone.
Lonely stereo whispers crease the still air..
Eyes open.. eyes closed, I cease to even care.
Thoughts ever like sparklers at fourth of July
Just connecting dots of when, where and why.

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