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September 2014

Assalamu Alaykum,

In the name of Allah, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy. It is with great
humility that we present to you our professional notes for the Al-Maghrib Seminar
All Around Us: Signs of the Last Day taught by Shaykh Kamal El Mekki.
We extend our thanks to Allah first and foremost, for allowing us the
opportunity to benefit from this course. We then send our gratitude to the instructor
for taking the time to prepare the material and deliver it to us with Ihsaan,
excellence. We will also like to acknowledge the brothers and sisters from Qabeelat
Noor, the workers and students, for making this entire process possible. We would
like to send a special shout out to all the brothers and sisters who contributed to
this document by compiling and sharing their notes from the course.
We ask you to forgive us for any errors found in this publication. If you find
any benefit from it, please remember our tribe in your Dua.

- Qabeelat Noor Academics Committee


Our aim is to help our students understand, implement, memorize and teach/share
the information gained from the seminars.

Preparing for the exam is the best way to make this happen. This one month
window is the best time for revising the material, discussing it with friends, and
continuing the momentum necessary for it to positively impact your life.

Below you will find some tips to help you in this process:
! Make a schedule to study (review one chapter a week, two every other day, or
whatever works for your lifestyle).
! Gather all materials before you start to study including: student binder, copy of
mushaf or translation of the Quran, professional notes, and study buddy.
! Create review questions as you go that you can revisit later. If any questions are
unanswered, share them with so we can help you find the
! Team up with people that are also interesting in studying the likelihood of
actually following through is much higher when you have company.
! DO NOT PROCRASTINATE this is the number one reason people are unable to
achieve their goals. You are better than that!
! Make dua for Allah to help you become successful and allow your knowledge to
grow and be beneficial for you.

Chapter 1: Whats It All About? Fiqh of the Signs of the Hour

Our ultimate goal as Muslims is JANNAH!
This dunya diverts us from the straight, right path and lead us farther away
from the akhirah.
Prophet Muhammad says to Be in the world like a traveler, or like a passer
on, and reckon yourself as of the dead.
We as Muslims have to look for signs to lead us to back to Allah and Prophet
Muhammads teachings

3 main attributes of the Believer are:
Belief in the Unseen
Belief in the Last Day
Belief in the Signs of the Hour

Belief in the Unseen Attribute of the Beleiver
In Surah Baqarah, the first description of a believer is the Belief in the
We cannot see the signs Allah has placed for us, but he can see them
We do not need to see the signs on order to believe in them
If Allah wants us to see the signs, he will show them to us
Story of the Companions of the Cave
o This group of youths slept for 309 lunar years in the cave because
they were looking to seek refuge from those who did not believe in
Allah and didnt even realize that 309 years had passed. Allah made it
so they would not feel that that many years had passed
Time also does not take its toll on the Dajjal as well
o He is on Earth right now and time does not phase him
o Allah made it so he does not age and when the time is right he will
come out
Belief in the Last Day One of the six pillars of Iman
We have to be prepared for death and increase our knowledge day by day
We also have to recognize the signs as we see them in our lives and deal with
them properly
Prophet Muhammad says If the Day of Judgment erupts while you are
planting a new tree, carry on and plant it.
o This a dramatic example of the Day of Judgment and to show we are
the Ummah of action
Belief in the Signs of the Hour Part of Belief in the Last Day
The signs are from Allah and they are there to make us see that the last day is
approaching and quickly
We should not try to defeat any of the signs, such as the Dajjal
o We should not try to defeat him, we should RUN and HIDE
o Only Prophet Isa can kill him

We should not think that everyone who states that he is the Mahdi is indeed
the Mahdi
o There are many attributes to the Mahdi that we should recognize
We should be prepared to deal with the severe famine that comes before the
Dajjal comes
o To be nourished, the only way we will feel full and content is by
reciting tasbih
We have to believe before the last day comes upon us or else it will be too

Characteristics of Minor and Major signs
Minor signs will affect small/large groups, whereas major sins will affect the
whole world
Minor signs continue after the major signs
Major signs will occur quickly like beads dropping from a necklace
Minor signs will start way before the DOJ
Major signs are immediately right before the DOJ
Minor signs are not out of the ordinary
Major signs are completely out of the ordinary
No major signs have occurred yet
Minor signs have occurred and will continue to occur
o Can be repeated and occur many times over
We need these reminders to be aware and recognize
Prophet Muhammad says to be aware of evil and to avoid it
We also have to recognize the trials in our religion such as wealth, knowledge
and power
If memorize the first 10 ayahs or the last 10 ayahs of Surah Kahf, we will
be safe from the Dajjal!
Prophet Muhammad gave a speech from Fajr till Isha about the minor and
major signs that are to come
o He wanted to inform the Ummah of what is to come and how we
should be prepared to deal with these signs as they appear
o He also wanted to stress that we should believe in these signs even if
we cannot see them!
o In Surah Baqarah, the first description of a believer is the Belief
in the Unseen
o The Prophet has also told us that: "The time of my advent and the Hour
are like these two fingers." (pointing with his index and middle fingers)
o Another narration is that the Prophet said: "The Hour almost came
before me." This indicates how close we are, relatively speaking, to the
o We do not really know when the DOJ is, we just have to believe in
Allah and know that it will come
o We just have to be prepared for death and our judgment
o We know that the DOJ is on a FRIDAY

Dealing with the Signs
Believe in all of the unseen whether you understand it or not
o If we do not understand sign, we should be able to imagine these
" Example of walking through Jannah and seeing a color you
have never seen before! Can you imagine this? NO because we
Allah has not given that capability to see that particular shade.
" But we still have to believe in Jannah that there will be that
color even if we cannot imagine it now
o Everything takes place for Allah any deaths, calamities, tests are all
written for you
o We have to be thankful for everything good or bad
o We should not deny signs because we cannot comprehend it
o We should not misinterpret the signs and give logic to them
" Example comparing the Dajjal to the TV because he enters
every home, is a liar, has one eye, but does the TV have a good
eye and one hazy, cloudy eye? NO!
o We are responsible for having iman and believing

Infatuation with the Unknown
We should not deny signs because we cannot comprehend it
o To believe in all of the Unseen
o To know that everything that takes place is from the decree of Allah
o To not deny any of those signs because they are incomprehensible
o To not misinterpret those signs as a result of our own lack of
o It is not our responsibility to explain the signs or make sense of them,
we just have to have iman in them

Misinterpreting the Signs
Reasons we misinterpret the Signs
o General ignorance and lack of knowledge
o Ignorance as to how to act during times of Fitan (trials)
o Using weak narrations and Israelite traditions
o A need to help Islam
" Dajjal
" Mahdi
We misinterpret many signs such as the Illuminati the secret society that
flshed a triangle with both hands
o Some have even thought that this is the Dajjals group

We also feel like we have a need to help Islam and some end up fabricating
o People grabbing the microphone in Masjid Al Haram just to announce
that they are the Mahdi and that everyone should make Bayaah to
o First of all, one does not announce he is the Mahdi, the Mahdi has to
be forced to take the pledge

Times of Fitan & How to Live in Such Times
There are implicit and explicit trials
Signs are not halal/haram
Mere signs are not haram such as decorating masjids, building tall buildings,
and dthe decrease in scholars
There can be more than one understanding/explanation
Ibn Umar said: The Prophet (s.w.s.) mentioned: O Allah, give
us barakah in our Syria, O Allah, give us barakah in our Yemen. They
said: And in our Najd? and he said: O Allah, give us barakah in our
Syria, O Allah, give us barakah in our Yemen. They said: And in our
Najd? and I believe that he said the third time: In that place are
earthquakes, and seditions, and in that place shall rise the devils
o This hadith shows that the Najd, or elevated land will give rise to
afflictions and give rise to present day Iraq
o This shows that people will dispute and wonder where this Najd
actually is

How to live and interact with the Signs of the Hour
The signs of the Hour should increase us in knowledge and in good deeds
The general ruling is that we should stay away from trials and do not engage
with them
If we do not understand a sign, we should return it to those who do
understand it
The purpose of studying and knowing these signs is so that we can be wary of
To continue to fulfill your responsibilities
If one of the trials does afflict you, then have patience, trust in Allah and
return to Him whilst knowing that victory is for the pious

Chapter 2: Minor Signs of the Hour

A: Minor Signs Which Have Passed


1. Prophethood & Death of the Prophet
a. This was a huge calamity for the Ummah
i. Umar ibn al-Khattab denied his death when the news first
came out
ii. Abu Bakr lived for two years after his death
b. The hadith was preserved to let us know that He (saw) is not alive;
some people today believe that he is alive
2. Death of the Companions
a. Even though it does not say this is a sign of the Day of Judgment,
we know that it is because the Day of Judgment does not happen
during their time
b. As long as Umar lives among you (the companions), he will be the
door between you and the fitan (trials)
i. The door will be broken (Umar will be killed) and fitna will
1. Knowledge decreases due to the death of scholars
and companions
2. Ignorant people become the leaders
3. Killing spread
3. Emergence of the Khawarij
a. 1st bidah in Islam
b. Khawarij literally means to come out of something; to rebel; to
break away
c. They take the words of the Quran literally
d. Rebel against Ali
e. Description of the Khawarij:
i. Young in age and immature in thought
1. They have no understanding
ii. Quran will not pass beyond their throats
1. It does not go to their hearts and mind
2. They dont understand the meaning
3. They dont abide by the Quran
4. It is not accepted by Allah
iii. Pass out of the religion just as an arrows shoots out of the
1. They leave the deen in this same way
a. Its all gone, nothing stays behind



4. The Splitting of the Moon

a. The Hour has come near, and the moon has split [in two].
b. The peak of the mountain came in between the split moon
c. Prophet Muhammad (saw) recited Surat Al-Qamar in the Eid
i. Nobody rejected the splitting of the moon because they saw
it with their own eyes
d. India and China saw the moon split
i. Why didnt everybody see it?
1. They were not looking for the moon
e. There is no physical evidence of the moon splitting today because
Allah (swt) placed it back together perfectly
5. Plagues
a. Plague (Black Death) in Amwas in Syria
i. 20,000+ people died
b. In Islam, you are not allowed to leave or go to the city with the
c. like the disease of cattle
i. Scrapie disease: fatal disease in cattle, wool falls off,
extremely itchy
6. A Fire in the Hijaz Region
a. Volcanic eruption in Syria 700 years ago; lasted 67 days


7. The Battle of Siffin
a. Ones differences causes hostility
b. Fought in the day and were with each other at night
i. They would fight and sit together to eat
c. Capable of separating their differences
d. We can learn to accept others even if we disagree on 1 or 2 topics
8. Conquering of Quds
a. First conquest was during the time of Umar
i. Umar and his servant took turns riding on the donkey; at
the end of the trip, Umar went through mudreached the
city with dirty and patched clothes
1. If we seek honor in anything that Allah does not give
honor to, we will be dishonored
9. Conquering of Egypt
a. In the hadith:

i. Qirat refers to the currency of Egypt
ii. The brick is a foundation for a house
b. This happened in year 21-22 of Hijrah during the time of Umar
c. 8,000 soldiers were needed against 240,000 Romans, but only
4,004 were sent
i. 4 warriors each had the power of 1,000 men
1. Zubair ibn Awwam cut a man in two
a. Carried two swords and steered the horse
with his knees
10. Conquering of India
a. 92nd year of Hijrah
b. Umar never sent an army to India, he just sent traders
i. Through this, India converted to Islam and became a
Muslim territory
11. Fighting the Mongols
a. Mongols wanted to destroy the Abbas dynasty
b. Genghis Khan killed two Mongols
i. One Mongul messenger sent for peace was killed
1. Start of the war
c. Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: Leave the Abyssinians alone as
long as they leave you alone. Leave the Turks alone as long as they
leave you alone. [Sunan Abu Dawud]

Social Issues

12. A Slave Girl Giving Birth to Her Master
a. Slave girl gives birth to her masters son
i. Baby is free and later buys slave mother
b. Children are so disrespectful to their mother
i. Most preferable meaning
c. Surrogate mothers
13. Prevalence of Safety & Security
a. Time where there is so much security, the women have no fear

B: Minor Signs All Around Us


14. Making Lawful [halal], Silk, Alcohol and Musical Instruments
a. 3 Hadith people use to say music is halal:

i. Abu Bakr walking into house of Aisha on Eidher and 2
jariya (young girls) were playing instruments
1. Abu Bakr knew music was wrong
2. These were young girls using clean words

3. They only used the duff
ii. Prophet Muhammad (saw) came from battle; a jariya said
she vowed to beat the duff and sing songs if he (saw) came
back. He said if she didnt vow to Allah, then dont do it. If
she vowed to Allah, then do it.
1. She vowed to Allah so she played the duff. When
Umar came, she stopped and sat on top of the duff.
Prophet laughed and told Umar that the shaytan is
scared of him.
iii. Ibn Umar was walking with the Prophet (saw) and flutes
were playing. Prophet plugged his ears and told Ibn Umar
to tell him when the flute stops playing, but he didnt tell
Ibn Umar to plug his ears.
b. Some opinions say the duff is only permissible for women. Others
say its permissible for men as well.
c. Ibn Hajar said the love of music and the love of Quran cant be
combined in the same heart of a believer
d. Ibn Abbas had a young man ask him if music is haram. He
responded by asking him on the Day of Judgment, is music going to
be on the side of Quran or the side of falsehood?
e. Ask yourself, does it pull you towards Allah and his messenger or
pull you away?
i. If it pulled us towards Allah and his messenger, it would be
a part of our religion.
f. People will make zina (fornication) halal
g. Silk and gold are haram for men
15. Boasting About & Beautifying Mosques
a. The Islamic gatherings and services are important, not the
structure and building
b. It is not haram to beautify a mosque, just dont go overboard
16. Using Mosques as Pathways
a. This talks about people who dont pray any salah at the masjid and
just cut through it to get to the other side (this is common when
the masjid takes up the whole block)
b. The masjid loses its value and importance
17. False Prophets
a. Thirty false prophets will have a significant affect on people, but
there are more. First case occurred during Muhammads (saw)
time; he ruled Yemen
b. Musaylamah the Liar
i. Made his own SurahSurat al-Feel and Wabr
ii. He tried to copy Prophet Muhammad (saw)
1. Muhammad (saw) touched a boys hair and made
dua for him. When the boy grew up into old age, the
hair touched by Muhammad (saw) remained black.

Musaylamah put his hand on the mans hair and all
his hair fell off.
2. Prophet (saw) went to a dry well, took water into his
mouth, made dua, and spit it in the well. The well
rose to the top. Musaylamah did the dame and it
18. Reciting Quran for Money
a. Quran is a book of guidance and has a message in it; its not made
just to be sung like a nasheed
b. You can teach the Quran and get paid
c. You can recite at an event and get paid
d. When a persons job is to just recite Quran at events, this is haram
19. Apostasy in a Day
a. Rush to do good deeds before the fitan come
i. Imam an-Nawawi says this encourages believers in times of
ease to rush to Allah before the fitan come and make it hard
to worship
b. Its easy to leave the deen in times of tests and trials
i. Weak iman, weak knowledge, and pressure causes you to
c. Fitna: when you put something over the fire to purify it
d. The fitna shows the ummah who is pure gold and who isnt (who
are true believers and who are hypocrites)
20. Following the Ways of Those Who Preceded Us
a. Companion asked if the hadith was talking about the Jews and
Christians. Prophet (saw) replied, who else [would it be]?
b. Muslims countries follow the bad ways of the West, rather than
taking the good
i. When they fall in the hole of a lizard, we follow them
21. A Trio of Trials
a. Ahlas is the plural of hils- a cloth to put on top of a camels saddle
to make it more comfortable. This means that it is always there
i. Fitnas duration and continuity will always be there
b. People will run away from each other because of the killing,
stealing, and robbing
c. Muhammad (saw) distances himself from people who are not
righteous even if they are part of his lineage
d. like a hip bone on a rib
i. This is a visual to let us know its unstable; this mans rule
is not going to be firm
e. Hadith is wrong when it says little black trialits actually a big
severe trial that affects everyone

Knowledge and Ignorance

22. Ignorance
23. Increase of Literacy
a. Relationship between these 2 points:
i. Many people read, but they dont benefit from the language.
ii. People accept knowledge without justifying information
iii. People accept only certain things to follow, dont take
iv. Secular/public school is more important than Islamic
v. People dont pay attention to the source of the information
vi. People read Quran but dont understand, comprehend, and
take action
vii. Islamic knowledge will increase, but it wont be used
24. Seeking Knowledge from the Unqualified
a. This refers to Islamic knowledge
25. Boasting Knowledge with Little Action
a. People innovate something just to get followers and
i. They live for fame
26. The Strangeness of Islam
a. Practicing Muslims are seen as strange and will stick out
i. Wearing hijab, men shortening their garments
b. Three stages Muslims go through:
i. Strange
ii. Normal
iii. Strange
27. Dreams of the Believers Coming True
a. Dreams are 1 part of the 46 parts of Prophet-hood
b. These dreams increase at the end of time because knowledge is
taken away, a believer becomes a strangerso Allah gives them
good dreams to compensate not having a scholar to go to [Ibn
i. Believers at the time of Prophet Isa are truthful, so they
have good dreams
c. Three types of dreams:
i. Hadith an-Nafs: anything that has been occupying you a lot
ii. Ruya: not related to if you have wudu or not; dreams that
show something that will happen in the future
iii. Adghaath ul Ahlaam: dreams that are not a ruya (like the
branches of trees intertwining)
1. Example: dream transforming from one place to
another, person changes into another being


28. The Moon Expanding
a. The moon is expanding today; Google it
29. Many Earthquakes

30. Arabian Peninsula Returning to Greenery
a. Arabian Peninsula was green before
i. Elephant and hippo fossils found in the dessert
b. Rivers will flow underneath
31. Closeness of Time
a. No barakah (blessing) in time
i. During Prophets (saw) time, the companions accomplished
so much
ii. We dont accomplish much even though we have time-
saving technology
iii. Fajr time has the most barakah
b. Transportation and communication makes time closer
i. Traveling took months and now it takes hours
c. News is spread faster on social media


32. Competing in the Construction of Tall Buildings
a. The shepherds are not literally naked and barefooted; this shows
their state before the buildings [poor]
33. Wealth Becoming Plentiful
a. Two times this happened before:
i. Time of Umar ibn al-Khattab
ii. Time of Umar ibn Abdul Azeez
b. Two times this will happen in the future:
i. Time of the Mahdi
ii. Time of Prophet Isas return
34. Stinginess
a. Companions were so generous out of love for Allah, the poorest of
the poor would help those in need
35. The Earth Bringing Forth its Treasures
a. Euphrates River will dry out and uncover gold; 99/100 people will
b. People kill ties of kinship over money
c. Gold is the most valuable
i. Since the time of Prophet Adam, only 3-4 Olympic pool-size
of gold have been dug up
36. Earning a Living Through Words
a. Three explanations:
i. People who lie in their speech

ii. People who swear a false oath
iii. People who make false praises
iv. They all do it in order to gain money
37. Interconnected Markets
a. Online shopping (Amazon/Ebay) and shopping malls
b. Stock markets
c. Cross marketing (celebrities/athletes)
38. The Markets Being Controlled by a Few
a. Few people control the markets
i. Corporations have control over a certain thing/product
ii. 6 major groups of media control 90% of media
39. Not Caring About Lawful Income
a. Muslims sell alcohol
b. People think halal is just for food
40. Adornment of Houses
a. Its not haram to decorate your houseits just a sign
41. The Most Prosperous of People is Luka b. Luka
a. Luka b. Luka: lowly, son of the lowly
i. Somebody who is a nobody becomes prosperous; no origin
of this person
ii. Example: reality shows
42. Embargoes upon Iraq and Sham
a. Non-Arabs means non-Muslims
b. The Romans refers to Europeans/Westerners

Social Issues

43. Indiscriminate Killing
a. Everybody killing everybody for no reason
b. Victim will be in the Fire because he insisted on killing the other
person, but the more skilled person won
44. Distrusting the Honest and Trusting the Dishonest
a. Ministers are crooked and dishonest
45. Giving Salam to Acquaintances Alone, Plentiful Commerce & Cutting
Ties of Kinship
a. People only give salam to those they know
i. If someone says salam to an unknown person, that person
thinks they want something from them
b. There is nothing bad about a woman helping her husband in
46. More Women Than Men
a. In the beginning of the hadith, the narrator is unsure how
Muhammad (saw) started
b. Men die in the battlefield
c. Men die at the Euphrates River while collecting gold

d. Women live longer than men
e. Increase in homosexuals
47. False Testimony
a. Similar to point 44
b. People claim to be the Mahdireasons they are not:
i. Severe civil war didnt happen
ii. Mahdi doesnt claim to be the Mahdi, he is forced to accept
iii. Allah rectifies him at night/accepts tawbah
48. Inheritance not being Distributed
a. People dont know the rules of inheritance
b. Parents dont believe their kids deserve it
c. Lineage is messed up and confused
d. Legal laws over Islamic laws
e. Greediness
49. Increase in Adultery
a. Not many Muslim countries ban alcohol
50. Immodest Women
a. Women dressed and naked
i. Tight, see-through, short clothing
b. Humps of Camels
i. Hairstyle being bundled up
51. Wishing for Death
a. Trials are so many and so severe that you think its better to die
b. Not permissible to wish for death, except when it affects your deen
52. Sudden Death
a. Examples: car accident, gun shot
b. Muhammad (saw) sought protection from sudden death
c. When someone dies suddenly, it doesnt mean he is a bad person
53. People Like Strangers
a. There is so much killing when surrounded by people, so they
isolate themselves to stay away from the killing
54. Obesity
a. Obesity is looked down upon based on the culture
i. Back then, they had little food; they fasted all day and
prayed all night. If you were overweight that meant you
didnt fast during the day or pray at night.
b. One attribute doesnt make you conclude the other attributes
i. Example: ground is wet doesnt always mean it rained
55. New Modes of Transport
a. Cars, wheelchairs, motorcycles
56. Cutting of Family Ties
a. Ties of kinship cut easily
57. Congestion
a. One opinion says this hadith talks about the traffic and congestion

b. Another opinion says this is talking about zina (fornication)
people do it in the streets without shame just like animals
58. Murder of those Closest

Power & Leadership

59. Responsibility Falling to the Unworthy
a. Government, minister, mayor (least deserving)
60. Security Personnel Beating the People
a. will have whips like the tails of cows
i. Cows tails are always moving, so peoples whips are always
61. The Foolish Speaking About the Affairs of the People
a. The fool is ar-rajjul at-taffih
i. Example: athlete is asked about multiple marriages
62. Ruling with other than the Shariah
a. No countries follow the Shariah
63. Attacks on the Muslim Empire
a. Nations will call each other to attack, just like they invite people to
64. Unworthy Leaders
a. Wuul: most noble and best of people
b. Tahut: nobody knows them, under peoples shoes, nobody paid
attention to them
65. Widespread Injustice & Oppression
66. The Strong Devouring the Weak

C: Minor Signs Yet to Come

Worship & Knowledge

67. Iman becomes Rare
a. People line up for salah and fight for who will be the imam because
nobody knows how to pray
68. No More Hajj
a. Hajj will no longer be performed
69. Destruction of Kabah
a. Suwayqatayn: two skinny legs, bow-legged, black, bald, small ears,
lame/limp, thin, disfigured
b. Dhu Suwayqatayn takes the Kabah apart brick by brick
c. Allah destroyed the army of Abraha because many people will
come after to do Hajj. When Dhu Suwayqatayn destroys it, there
will be no use to it because the believers are deadits a mercy to
the believers to not see it destroyed


70. The Lifting of the Quran

a. Physically, the Quran will be lifted in a single night
b. La ilaha illAllah saves you from hellfire, even though prayer and
other obligatory acts are not done
i. This is not enough in our time because we have masajid
71. A Single Sajdah is Better than the World
72. Return to Idol Worship
a. Lat and Uzza are specific names of idols
b. Every good person dies, while mushrikun remain
i. Iblees brings back these two names for them to worship
73. No More La ilaha illAllah

74. The Removal of Mountains
a. Allah will remove these mountains
i. Natural disasters
b. Humans remove mountains
i. Reclaimed land
75. Animals & Inanimate Objects Speaking
a. A cat spoke to a man who was riding it (I wasnt created for this).
Muhammad (saw), Abu Bakr, and Umar believed the story
b. People believe a persons thigh refers to cellphones, but its
wrong because this is something out of the ordinary/supernatural
76. Lack of Blessing in Rain
a. We dont know when this will happen
77. The Euphrates Revealing a Mountain of Gold
a. It is starting to dry up
b. 99/100 people will be killed, each person will go thinking they are
the 1 person who survives
78. The Breeze Which Will Take the Soul of the Believers
a. Such a severe day that Allah doesnt want the good people to
experience it
b. We see a person with only a mustard seed of good as a bad person,
but Allah allows this person to die
c. The worst of people will remain alive

Power & Leadership

79. Madinah Expelling its Evil Residents
80. Ruin of Madinah
a. This will happen towards the end of time
b. Wolves will come and urinate on the minbar of Muhammad (saw)
81. A Ruler from the Tribe of Qahtan
a. Noble person
b. Difference of opinion on whether his stick is good or bad

i. Sword shows harshness, not a stick
ii. The people obey him, so he just needs stick
82. The Ruler Called Jahjah
a. Jahjah: someone who constantly shouts, bad character
i. Man-handles people
b. Some say the same rulers from Qahtan is Jahjah, but this is wrong
because he cant be a Qahtani and a freed slave
83. Ruin of the Army Wanting to Destroy the Kabah
a. Earth opens, swallows them, and closes again like nothing
84. Demise of the Tribe of Quraysh
a. Quraysh will be the first of the Arab tribes to go
85. Conquering of Constantinople
a. Constantinople refers to Istanbul
b. Its under Muslim rule now
c. 2nd conquering of Constantinople:
i. 1st opinion: Istanbul stopped being a Muslim country when
government changed
ii. 2nd opinion: Muslims will lose it and regain it again
d. Have you heard of a city, a part of it is towards the waters and the
other part is towards the water? (Yes, Istanbul) 70,000 of Bani
Ishaq will free and conquer Constantinople. Destroy it by saying la
ilaha illAllah, Allahu Akbar. 1st time its said, one side is destroyed.
2nd time, the other side is destroyed. 3rd time, entire city is
86. The Muslims Going to Sham
a. They will move to Sham
87. The Mahdi
a. Mahdi has to come before the end of time
b. There will be a good khalifah and strength for the Muslims before
c. Mahdi is not always righteous, Allah rectifies him in one night,
meaning he repents
d. Mahdi means one who is guided
e. He resembles Muhammad (saw) in manner, not in looks
f. This is the only authentic hadith of his description, all others are
g. Hassan gave up khilafah to unite the Muslims
i. Mahdi will come from his offspring as a reward
ii. Shia say he comes from al-Husayns lineage
h. Prophet Isa will pray behind the Mahdi
i. Shia believe Mahdi has been alive for years and that he is in a cage
j. Mahdi attempts to kill Dajjal even though he knows Prophet Isa
will kill him
k. Army of Mahdi holding black flags is a weak hadith

Extra Resources Mentioned by Shaykh Kamal El Mekki
Shaykh Waleed Basyouni ISIS and History of Sects:
ISIS Part 1:
ISIS Part 2:
History of Sects Series:

Shaykh Kamal El Mekki End of Music and Return of Jesus:
End of Music:
Return of Jesus:


Chapter 3: Major Signs

P: "The signs of the Hour are like beads on a string, once the string is cut, the
beads will fall in quick succession."
means liar, impostor
no trial or test is great than the dajjal
every Prophet has warned their people of him
Prophet (saas) was reported to have said: "I warn you of him, and there was not a
single prophet except that he too warned his people. However, I will mention
something which no prophet mentioned before to his people; he is one-eyed and
Allah is not one-eyed."
Scholars argue that Dajjal will be the first one to claim he is Allah which is why he is
not mentioned in the Quran
He is short with a wide stance, prominent head, large body, whitish in complexion,
thick curly hair, one eye (NOT CYCLOPES; two eyes with one not functional), left eye
will seem hazy with a flap of skin over it, between his eyes would be kaffir that can
be read by literate and illiterate Muslims, he will not have children, human
One eye is blind and in another hadith says that it is the right eye dangling
down his face like a grape
Prophet (saas) was reported to have said he looks like ibn Khattam (a
He is not ugly; the first thing you will look at is his eyes
Allah put this defect so it is the first thing you see
"And if any of you is confusedknow your Lord is not one eyed." - Prophet
Dajjal wasn't mentioned Quran, he will be the only one to claim he is Allah, the
Creator and because of this Allah has not mentioned him.
Before he appears:
P (saas) was reported to have said: Dajjal will not emerge until people forget his
mention and imams will not give a khutbah on him

The first three years before he appears

1st year Allah will withhold 1/3 of its rain

2nd year 2/3 of its rain

3rd year all of the rain
Every produce will wither and all animals will die as Allah wills. That is when
Prophet (saas) said people will survive through dhikr and that is how they will
receive their nutrients.
Is He Alive Today?
A companion saw him (tamim ad dhari):
Lost at sea for a month and then the waves took them (tamim ad dhari and
companion) to an island and they met a huge beast with thick hair and the beast told


them there's a man in this monastery anxious to meet you. It (the beast - al-Jassasa)
was so hairy and they thought it was the shaytan. They saw a man severely chained
up with his hands tied to his neck and they asked who he was and he said you would
soon come to know about me and proceeded to ask questions. The first question he
(Dajjal) asked was about the lake of Tabariyya. They said it was abundant with
water and Dajjal replied saying that it will soon become dry. Then he asked about
the spring of Zughar. They replied again saying that it was abundant with water.
Then he asked about the Prophet (saas). They told him that he has come from
Makkah and has settled in Yathrib (Madinah). He then asked: Do the Arabs fight
against him? They replied yes. He told them that he was the Dajjal and it would be
best if the people listened to their Prophet. And soon he will be permitted to get out
and he will travel that lands and will not spare any town 'where I would not stay for
forty nights except Makkah and Madinah as these two (places) are prohibited for
me" (muslim)
Tamim ad Dhari reported the story word to word to the Prophet (saas) and took his
He will stay on the earth for 40 days:
1 day will be like 1 year, Some scholars say yes, it will be one year , Others say it will
feel like a year.
The Prophet (saas) said to estimate your prayers during this time , 2nd day is a
month long, 3rd is a week, and the rest of the days will be as normal.
Scholars say that falsehood always decline (concerning the decline in the
Dajjal moves quickly around the earth. He is going to tell his companions about the
white palace (masjid an nabawi). The hadith indicates that the Prophet's (saas)
mosque will be renovated to a white palace-like structure.
He will come to the waste land and Madinah will shake with 3 earthquakes, the day
of riddance, riddance of believers.
Then it will rain (it is not a miracle of Dajjal but a test from Allah)
The Prophet (saas) was report to have said: "if you see him then close your eyes and
drink from the river of fire" (lava)

closing your eyes makes it easier

the fire will turn to water
A believer will go towards the army of the Dajjal and he will answer that he does not
believe in the Dajjal and the army will want to kill him but the Dajjal will cut him in
half and walk between the two halves and he will order him to stand up and the boy
will stand up and Dajjal will ask if he believes and then he will reply now i know you
are the Dajjal

- Greatest martyr
How to safeguard oneself from the Dajjal

P said if you hear of him then run away

Seek assistance from Allah

Live in Makkah and Madinah if you are living in the time of the

Learn about the Dajjal and teach about him

Learn of Allah's names and attributes


Reciting and memorizing the verses of surah al Kahf
Prophet (saas) was reported to have said: "What I fear worse from my ummah are
misguided leadersbut a group of my nation will continue to adhere to the truth
(ahlul sunnah wa jamm'ah)"

He will descend before Fajr by the white minaret in East Damascus
Ibn kathir mentions there was a minaret rebuilt with the wealth of the Christians of
Damascus with white stones. The Christians
destroyed the minaret and as a
punishment the wealth of the Christians was used to rebuild them with white
Medium height, prominent chest, reddish whitish complexion, straight long hair like
it is dripping water
The Prophet (saas) said that Urwah ibn Mas'ood looks like him ('Isa)
He will kill the pig, banish the tax, restore Islam
When Isa looks at Dajjal, Dajjal will start dissolving and then Isa will spear him and
lift the body to show the blood that this man was not God and he is dead.
Any disbeliever will die by Isa's breath
The Prophet (saas) has reported to have said: "Isa's breath will go as far as his eye
He will then rule by the shariah of the Prophet (saas)
We do not know for sure where Isa will be buried
Some scholars believe he will be buried near the Prophet (saas)
This is the time of true peace
No sooner that he ('Isa) kills Dajjal someone yells Yajuj and Majuj have escaped
Description: Wide faces, small eyes, blackish red hair, their faces are like shields,
and they will swarm from every mound
Question Amongst Scholars:

Is there an actual physical barrier?

Some say it is a figurative barrier

Who are they?

Some says they come from China and India because they have the biggest

Some say they are mongolians

Ibn Kathir - expedition sent to Yajuj

- needed 15 translators between Dhul Qarnayn and Yajuj
Prophet (saas) was reported to have said: they try to dig through the barrier and
then they will say we will dig tomorrow and the next day it will close up

one day they will say inshaAllah and then it will be left as is


Allah destroys people who think they're indestructible with small insignificant
Allah will destroy them with worm-like creature that will go into their brain

They will all die at the same time
One brave person will check for Isa if they are dead and he will see they are dead
and the earth will stink

so they make dua

the rain will cleanse the earth

brings back the original baraqa

and they live like that for 40 years
If you live to Isa's time then Prophet (saas) said give salaam for him
Khafs is not a sinkhole, the earth will open up and close again
Some scholars say it already happen when the Prophet (saas) made dua against the
Quraysh and when they looked up there was smoke in the sky
Others say it did not happen
Some say there is two smokes; one that happened during Prophet's (saas) time and
then the second on the day of Judgement
Fourth opinion is that the smoke is from Jahnam on the day of Judgement (WEAK)
The smoke will be so thick that people will not see each other
(44:10-13) When it is said to be clear, it means that it is clear that there is smoke
The believer only get a cold from it
The nonbeliever will get bloated
The ark of nuh
Some are based on weak narrations (descriptions)
We have no authentic narration that describe it
Allah says (27:82) a beast WILL come out and it will speak to people

it will emerge from underground
The beast will brand people

People will call each other by these labels

According to the hadith, not everyone will be marked but could be possible
We don't know what order the sun, beast, dajjal, and smoke will come in which
order. Even the Prophet (saas) did not know, as he did not specify.

Prophet (saas) is reported to have said: the first sign to emerge will be the
sun rising from the West and the beast emerging in the morning. Whichever of the
two occurs first, the other will succeed it quickly.
The sun makes sujood in the way that Allah knows


Prophet (saas) is reported to have said: "Hasten with good deeds before six; the sun
rising from the West, the Smoke, the Dajjal, the Beast, your own death, and the Day
of Judgement."
"last of which will be a great fire which will emanate from Yemen and usher the
people to their place of gather."
This fire is gathering the people (everyone else that is left from the smoke so the
most evil) in Sham

Most scholars say this is before the resurrection
The earth will be made again by Allah because it would be destroyed so severely

It will be flat and the sun will be a mile away with people standing 50,000


P: "The signs of the Hour are like beads on a string, once the string is cut, the
beads will fall in quick succession."
means liar, impostor
no trial or test is great than the dajjal
every Prophet has warned their people of him
Prophet (saas) was reported to have said: "I warn you of him, and there was not a
single prophet except that he too warned his people. However, I will mention
something which no prophet mentioned before to his people; he is one-eyed and
Allah is not one-eyed."
Scholars argue that Dajjal will be the first one to claim he is Allah which is why he is
not mentioned in the Quran
He is short with a wide stance, prominent head, large body, whitish in complexion,
thick curly hair, one eye (NOT CYCLOPES; two eyes with one not functional), left eye
will seem hazy with a flap of skin over it, between his eyes would be kaffir that can
be read by literate and illiterate Muslims, he will not have children, human
One eye is blind and in another hadith says that it is the right eye dangling
down his face like a grape
Prophet (saas) was reported to have said he looks like ibn Khattam (a
He is not ugly; the first thing you will look at is his eyes
Allah put this defect so it is the first thing you see
"And if any of you is confusedknow your Lord is not one eyed." - Prophet
Dajjal wasn't mentioned Quran, he will be the only one to claim he is Allah, the
Creator and because of this Allah has not mentioned him.
Before he appears:


P (saas) was reported to have said: Dajjal will not emerge until people forget his
mention and imams will not give a khutbah on him

The first three years before he appears

1st year Allah will withhold 1/3 of its rain

2nd year 2/3 of its rain

3rd year all of the rain
Every produce will wither and all animals will die as Allah wills. That is when
Prophet (saas) said people will survive through dhikr and that is how they will
receive their nutrients.
Is He Alive Today?
A companion saw him (tamim ad dhari):
Lost at sea for a month and then the waves took them (tamim ad dhari and
companion) to an island and they met a huge beast with thick hair and the beast told
them there's a man in this monastery anxious to meet you. It (the beast - al-Jassasa)
was so hairy and they thought it was the shaytan. They saw a man severely chained
up with his hands tied to his neck and they asked who he was and he said you would
soon come to know about me and proceeded to ask questions. The first question he
(Dajjal) asked was about the lake of Tabariyya. They said it was abundant with
water and Dajjal replied saying that it will soon become dry. Then he asked about
the spring of Zughar. They replied again saying that it was abundant with water.
Then he asked about the Prophet (saas). They told him that he has come from
Makkah and has settled in Yathrib (Madinah). He then asked: Do the Arabs fight
against him? They replied yes. He told them that he was the Dajjal and it would be
best if the people listened to their Prophet. And soon he will be permitted to get out
and he will travel that lands and will not spare any town 'where I would not stay for
forty nights except Makkah and Madinah as these two (places) are prohibited for
me" (muslim)
Tamim ad Dhari reported the story word to word to the Prophet (saas) and took his
He will stay on the earth for 40 days:
1 day will be like 1 year, Some scholars say yes, it will be one year , Others say it will
feel like a year.
The Prophet (saas) said to estimate your prayers during this time , 2nd day is a
month long, 3rd is a week, and the rest of the days will be as normal.
Scholars say that falsehood always decline (concerning the decline in the
Dajjal moves quickly around the earth. He is going to tell his companions about the
white palace (masjid an nabawi). The hadith indicates that the Prophet's (saas)
mosque will be renovated to a white palace-like structure.
He will come to the waste land and Madinah will shake with 3 earthquakes, the day
of riddance, riddance of believers.
Then it will rain (it is not a miracle of Dajjal but a test from Allah)
The Prophet (saas) was report to have said: "if you see him then close your eyes and
drink from the river of fire" (lava)


closing your eyes makes it easier

the fire will turn to water
A believer will go towards the army of the Dajjal and he will answer that he does not
believe in the Dajjal and the army will want to kill him but the Dajjal will cut him in
half and walk between the two halves and he will order him to stand up and the boy
will stand up and Dajjal will ask if he believes and then he will reply now i know you
are the Dajjal

- Greatest martyr
How to safeguard oneself from the Dajjal

P said if you hear of him then run away

Seek assistance from Allah

Live in Makkah and Madinah if you are living in the time of the

Learn about the Dajjal and teach about him

Learn of Allah's names and attributes

Reciting and memorizing the verses of surah al Kahf
Prophet (saas) was reported to have said: "What I fear worse from my ummah are
misguided leadersbut a group of my nation will continue to adhere to the truth
(ahlul sunnah wa jamm'ah)"

He will descend before Fajr by the white minaret in East Damascus
Ibn kathir mentions there was a minaret rebuilt with the wealth of the Christians of
Damascus with white stones. The Christians
destroyed the minaret and as a
punishment the wealth of the Christians was used to rebuild them with white
Medium height, prominent chest, reddish whitish complexion, straight long hair like
it is dripping water
The Prophet (saas) said that Urwah ibn Mas'ood looks like him ('Isa)
He will kill the pig, banish the tax, restore Islam
When Isa looks at Dajjal, Dajjal will start dissolving and then Isa will spear him and
lift the body to show the blood that this man was not God and he is dead.
Any disbeliever will die by Isa's breath
The Prophet (saas) has reported to have said: "Isa's breath will go as far as his eye
He will then rule by the shariah of the Prophet (saas)
We do not know for sure where Isa will be buried
Some scholars believe he will be buried near the Prophet (saas)
This is the time of true peace
No sooner that he ('Isa) kills Dajjal someone yells Yajuj and Majuj have escaped
Description: Wide faces, small eyes, blackish red hair, their faces are like shields,
and they will swarm from every mound
Question Amongst Scholars:


Is there an actual physical barrier?

Some say it is a figurative barrier

Who are they?

Some says they come from China and India because they have the biggest

Some say they are mongolians

Ibn Kathir - expedition sent to Yajuj

- needed 15 translators between Dhul Qarnayn and Yajuj
Prophet (saas) was reported to have said: they try to dig through the barrier and
then they will say we will dig tomorrow and the next day it will close up

one day they will say inshaAllah and then it will be left as is
Allah destroys people who think they're indestructible with small insignificant
Allah will destroy them with worm-like creature that will go into their brain

They will all die at the same time
One brave person will check for Isa if they are dead and he will see they are dead
and the earth will stink

so they make dua

the rain will cleanse the earth

brings back the original baraqa

and they live like that for 40 years
If you live to Isa's time then Prophet (saas) said give salaam for him
Khafs is not a sinkhole, the earth will open up and close again
Some scholars say it already happen when the Prophet (saas) made dua against the
Quraysh and when they looked up there was smoke in the sky
Others say it did not happen
Some say there is two smokes; one that happened during Prophet's (saas) time and
then the second on the day of Judgement
Fourth opinion is that the smoke is from Jahnam on the day of Judgement (WEAK)
The smoke will be so thick that people will not see each other
(44:10-13) When it is said to be clear, it means that it is clear that there is smoke
The believer only get a cold from it
The nonbeliever will get bloated
The ark of nuh
Some are based on weak narrations (descriptions)
We have no authentic narration that describe it
Allah says (27:82) a beast WILL come out and it will speak to people


it will emerge from underground
The beast will brand people

People will call each other by these labels

According to the hadith, not everyone will be marked but could be possible
We don't know what order the sun, beast, dajjal, and smoke will come in which
order. Even the Prophet (saas) did not know, as he did not specify.

Prophet (saas) is reported to have said: the first sign to emerge will be the
sun rising from the West and the beast emerging in the morning. Whichever of the
two occurs first, the other will succeed it quickly.
The sun makes sujood in the way that Allah knows

Prophet (saas) is reported to have said: "Hasten with good deeds before six; the sun
rising from the West, the Smoke, the Dajjal, the Beast, your own death, and the Day
of Judgement."
"last of which will be a great fire which will emanate from Yemen and usher the
people to their place of gather."
This fire is gathering the people (everyone else that is left from the smoke so the
most evil) in Sham

Most scholars say this is before the resurrection
The earth will be made again by Allah because it would be destroyed so severely

It will be flat and the sun will be a mile away with people standing 50,000

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