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We sent a letter lo the State regarding application processing timeliness, in April 2007.

staff indicated their concern for the declining rate and responded with actions Wisconsin was
taking to increase the number of applications processed in a timely manner. These initiatives
included the State's contract performance standards with local agencies; the inclusion of
application processing in the State's Corrective Action Plan, and the evaluation of how
interviews are conducted. An update appeared in your Corrective Action Plan (CAP) in 2008
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that addressed initiatives to improve the timeliness of application processing. There has not been
any recent updates to the CAP for application processing timeliness, therefore, w.-e are requesting
that you update your plan within 60 days to include initiatives to target this performance to bring
the State to the acceptance level of 95%.

The State has been providing information to FNS on a weekly basis wTiich provides the
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status of processing the backlog of applications at the ESC. Base'd on these data, the
State projects that the backlofi of applications \vi11 be cleared by the end of December
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2009. We appreciate continuing to receive these weekly updates.

On November 2-3, 2009. FNS staff visited the ESC. From observations and discussion
with HSC staff, it was apparent that the interviews conducted in the ESC did not
adequately discuss the details of SNAP applicant circumstances, including such basic
eligibility factors as household composition: income and expenses. FNS considers the
interview at certification and recertification to be a key•>• element in the .certification , '
process. The requirement for an interactive certification interview, whether by phone or
in person, is contained at 7 CFR 273.2(e)(1) which specifies that "the interview^ must not
simply review the information that appears on the application, but must explore and
resolve with the household unclear and incomplete information." FNS staff observed that •

the Slate was out of compliance w/ith the Federal regulations that require State merit
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to conduct thorouph
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interviews. It is critical that State
merit staff conduct meaningful interviews as a part of the determination of eligibility.
After our conversation on November 17 , State staff visited the ESC to observe the

interview process in the ESC and. subsequently, confirmed that merit interviews were not
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beinpt--^ conducted to the decree

that they
should have been based on the State's
i • The State has indicated to FNS that this was immediately-' rectified and that
the Slate will continue to ensure that proper interviews are conducted by State merit
personnel staff in the Center in compliance with Federal regulations at 272.4(a)(2),
273.2Ce)(l). and 273.14(b)(3) which lists Federal requirements for initial and
reeertification interviews. We would appreciate receiving a written confirmation that
Wisconsin has taken actions that bring the State into compliance with these regulations
and will monitor interviews to ensure this standard is maintained.

The Stale should make SNAP a priority and make a greater investment in SNAP to
ensure that the State operates at a level that inspires confidence by customer and taxpayer
alike. This includes making CARES enhancements that specifically support SNAP
administration. While we support the State's efforts to rollout an expanded Medicaid
program this year, the FoodStiare Program should not suffer diminished performance or

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