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Ctrl + Y
Most of you may know that Ctrl + Z is used to undo the immediate previous action p
erformed by the user. This is really helpful at times, but do you actually know
that there is a shortcut called Ctrl + Y which will redo anything that is undone?
This will be a life saver at times, so don t ever forget this shortcut.
2. Win + Pause/Break

can easily open the System details window in your Windows machine directly f
the Control Panel. In Windows 8, it is even easier: just press Win + X and sel
the option System. But to make it even easier, just press Win + Pause/Break on y
keyboard and the System details window will pop-up.

3. Alt + Print Screen

The Print Screen (Prt Scr) key on your keyboard is often used to take snapshots
of the current screen. But if you want to quickly take a screenshot of just the
active window, then press Alt + Print Screen. This eliminates any need for editing
the screenshot to just the active window.
4. Win + E
Windows Explorer is one of the most used programs on almost any
Generally, you can either open Windows Explorer right from the
the taskbar or by double clicking on the My Computer icon on
e quickest way to open Windows Explorer is by pressing Win + E
his is a handy little shortcut that is ignored by most of us.

Windows machine.
start menu, from
your desktop. But th
on your keyboard. T

5. Ctrl + Shift + N
The most common way to create a new folder in Windows Explorer is to right-click
and select the option New > Folder. An easier way is to press Ctrl + Shift +N,
you will have your new folder waiting to be renamed. This shortcut is better tha
n stretching out your hand for the mouse.


6. Win + Right Arrow + Enter

There are quite a few ways to shutdown a Windows PC, and one of them is to press
the Win button, then the Right Arrow and then the Enter button. This action will exec
ute the first option in the Shutdown button.
Of course, this shortcut may not work on Windows 8 or 8.1 but may, hopefully, wo
rk on Windows 10. Alternatively, you can use Alt + F4.
7. Win + Arrow Keys
If you have a large computer screen, then why not snap your active programs to e
ither side of the screen so that you don t have to move back and forth between win
dows? Generally you can use your mouse to snap windows, but the keyboard shortcu
t Win + Arrow Keys will work as well. Depending on the arrow key, the windows will
snap to the respective side.
8. Win + Tab
Alt + Tab is used to quickly switch between programs or windows. If you want a pre
tty version of the same functionality, press Win + Tab on your keyboard.
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