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Did you know that there are two types of salvation?

Hebrews 9:28 says: “Christ was offered once… and he will appear a second time with no
relationship to sin, to save those that await him.”

What type of salvation is referred to here? Religion currently is still trying to save what Christ
already saved (the spirit) by performing massive evangelisms. But only Growing in Grace is NOT
trying to save the spirit, but we are SAVING people daily from themselves (the flesh).

Christ already OFFERED HIMSELF to take the sin away from “many”; and he came a second
time, NOT TO “once again remove sin”, because He was offered ONCE for this, not twice.
Growing in Grace performs evangelisms JUDGING believers so that they can receive the FOLLY
of the preaching (the grace). We must be saved from the “flesh devil” (which are deceitful lusts),
because the devil itself was destroyed (Hebrews 2:14). We understand we have a body full of
vices and full of bad thoughts (Ephesians 4:22-23), that’s why we must renew our minds.

This is the salvation we proclaim in grace, to save believers by renovating their sprit of the mind,
putting on the new man (verse 24) with the knowledge of grace. And that can only be done by the
Man Christ Jesus, Dr. Jose Luis De Jesus, nobody else can. He proclaims that sin was taken
away forever (Hebrews 9:29). When religions still now and days give their delegation a
consecrated wafer, or they offer the holy supper, or perform a mass, that completely invalidates
the blood of Christ (Matthew 26:28-29), that’s the reason He died two thousand years ago, to
“save” believers, not the non-believers.

That salvation presents us perfect, according to Hebrews 10:14. After the cross, babies are born
without sin. That’s why before the cross (in the Old Testament), David said: “My mother
conceived in sin.” But after the cross, a baby is born righteous and perfect. In grace our children
are called the Super Race because they have their minds renovated.

Today we can identify the guilty party for all the sufferings and chaos in the world and that is
religion, by NOT TELLING THE TRUTH, because if we know the truth (the grace) this will set us
free. Only in grace we present every man PERFECT (Colossians 1:28 & Hebrews 10:14). The
Jewish apostles, just like the religious people of today, DID NOT understand this and they
presented every man as sinners. We were mistreated, they are criminals of grace, they deceive
and speak vanities (Titus 1:10-11). They are those that belong to the circumcision, the gospel
given to Peter (Galatians 2:7).

We declare your eyes of understanding are enlightened so that you know that under grace
nobody will say: “Do you know the Lord?” (Hebrews 8:11). Now we know that the chosen ones,
the many, already know the Lord, they are believers.

Dear Reader: Only the Man Christ Jesus teaches what true evangelism is, presenting every man
perfect. Blessed!

God is on Earth. Investigate:

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