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Copyright 2012 www.ebookwritingmastery.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,






otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

All the material contained in this book is provided for educational and
informational purposes only. No responsibility can be taken for any
results or outcomes resulting from the use of this material.
While every attempt has been made to provide information that is both
accurate and effective, the author does not assume any responsibility
for the accuracy or use/misuse of this information.


This book could not have been written without the help of a number of
In particular I thank my parents and teachers who helped instill in me a
love of writing and learning.
Thank you to Brendon Burchard who inspired me to realize that my
greatest life lessons should be shared with others.
Most of all my thanks go to my partner, Malene Holm. She takes care
of so many of the administrative and technical aspects of our
businesses, allowing me more time to do what I enjoy writing.


If you're interested in creating long term passive income, one of the
best ways is to write your own ebook. Tens of millions of people search
the internet daily for information, and if you can provide quality answers
to questions they have, they will be happy to pay you for it.
I've written this book because there are so many people who want to
write an ebook (and the world would benefit from their knowledge) but
they never actually get around to doing it! I hope that by reading this
you'll realize that creating your own ebook really isn't that difficult if you
apply a few basic principles.
This book is about you writing your own ebook. It is not about
outsourcing, 'cutting and pasting', or using any other shortcuts that I
believe simply reduce the quality of what you put into the marketplace.
And besides, using the techniques in this book, you'll find you can write
a book in less time than it would take you to get someone else to do it
I should clarify that I am showing you a system of writing non-fiction
ebooks. Many of the tools could also be used to write fiction books, but
that is not the primary focus here.
I have also deliberately not gone into the technical aspects of
producing an ebook. This is because the biggest stumbling block for
most people is getting the book actually written; once that is done
the rest is pretty straightforward.
If you have an ebook (or three) inside you and haven't managed to get
it out, this is the book for you. Use the information to get your book


done and out there.

What you have to say to the world is too important to leave inside you.
I wish you every success.
Liam Naden

Note: An ebook is simply a book produced in electronic format, as a file

that lives on your (or someone else's) computer. Throughout this book,
I use the words 'book' and 'ebook' interchangeably.

Table of Contents
The Ebook Phenomenon....................................................................... 1
How to Use This Book..........................................................................10
Ebook Creation: Planning and Preparation.......................................... 11
Choose Your Topic............................................................................11
Define Your Book's Purpose.............................................................13
Think About the Marketing................................................................14
Establish Price and Length of Your Ebook.......................................15
Do You Use Your Real Name or a Pen Name?................................16
Define Your Core Message.............................................................. 17
Creating the title............................................................................... 18
Ebook Writing: Setting Yourself Up For Success ................................19
Grammar and Punctuation Skills......................................................20
Typing Skills..................................................................................... 22
Where To Write.................................................................................23
What You Need to Start....................................................................24
Writing to Music................................................................................ 24
Staying in a Peak Mental State........................................................ 25
Writing Time Management...............................................................26
Mastering Your Inner Game................................................................. 27
Creating the Writer's Mindset........................................................... 32
Overcoming Procrastination and Getting Started.............................33
Give Yourself a Deadline and Commit to It......................................33
How to Get Started...........................................................................34
In Zone Writing: How to Build Momentum and Keep Going.............36
Overcoming Distractions.................................................................. 37
Ebook Creation: Putting it All Together.................................................40
The Ebook Master Template............................................................42


Section 1: The Vision or Desired Outcome..................................42

Section 2: The Problem and the Solution.....................................42
Section 3: Introduction to Your Solution.......................................44
Section 4: The Solution................................................................ 44
Section 5: Conclusion...................................................................45
Section 6: Call to Action...............................................................45
Other Ebook Components................................................................45
Copyright Notice........................................................................... 46
Acknowledgements...................................................................... 46
Preface......................................................................................... 46
Table of Contents......................................................................... 47
Resources (optional).................................................................... 47
Ebook Design and Production..............................................................47
The Ebook Master Template................................................................ 52


The Ebook Phenomenon

Never before in history has there been so much opportunity with writing
books. Now, virtually anyone can write a book for literally no cost and
sell it around the world. This has all been made possible by technology
and the internet, and there is in fact a new name for this type of book
the ebook (short for 'electronic book').
With no costs of production, producing your own ebook requires no
startup capital, no publisher or agent and very little marketing. And
there are no distribution issues; by downloading an ebook directly onto
their computer, a reader can be reading your book instantly, at any time
of the day or night from anywhere in the world and with the payment
for it showing up immediately in your bank account.
As a result, there are literally thousands of people around the world
making incomes, small and large, from writing ebooks. It really isn't that
difficult, and I'm about to show you how you can easily create a quality
ebook from your ideas and have it available for sale online in as little as
three days or less.
Imagine sitting at home (or on your yacht!), with your computer on your
lap, and firing out an ebook on a topic that you enjoy in just a couple of
days. Once finished, you put it online for sale and it starts to generate
income for you, income that continues for years to come.
This is not only possible, it's reality for many people. There are
thousands of ebooks on the internet making their authors income,
sometimes large income.
The good news is that the market for ebooks is increasing at a very
rapid rate. Amazon already sells more ebooks now than it does hard

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copy books! That, in my mind, is an astounding fact, and it represents a

huge shift in the marketplace compared to even just a year ago. And
the trends show that the market for paper books is only going to get
smaller, while the ebook market is going to get much, much bigger.
There has never been a better time to become an ebook writer!
However, as I see it, there are two fundamental problems in the current
ebook market.
The first problem is that there is an awful lot of rubbish out there. A
large percentage of the ebooks on the internet are simply 'cut and
paste' cobbled-together rehashes of other ideas, thrown together by
internet marketers who've found a profitable niche that they think they
can make money from. These books often come with plenty of hype
and slick marketing but are usually very thin on useful and/or original
information. It has created a lot of clutter, but the good news is that
these types of book are on the way OUT. People are becoming
increasingly jaded by marketing hype and they're quick to hit the
'Refund Request' button if the book they buy doesn't meet up to their
It's also good news for YOU because if you can offer something of
genuine quality and value, not only will you stand out in your market,
but your customers will come back to you for more.
The second problem is the one that YOU and many others like you
personally have. You have something very worthwhile to say. You have
QUALITY information that can really help others and make a positive
difference to their lives. Maybe you've gathered the information from
your life experience. You might even have a business built around your
knowledge and are already sharing it with your clients, but you know

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you could make a much bigger impact.

Yes, the world would benefit hugely from what you have to say. But the
problem YOU have is that you just can't seem to get your book
written and out there! Whether you've made a start on it or not it
just never gets DONE (meaning COMPLETED).
This is such a big problem that it's actually quite astounding......
How many people do you know (maybe even you) who say they are
writing a book?
I'm currently writing a book, they (or you) say.
Everywhere you look there are wonderful people with great vision,
incredibly valuable knowledge and information, huge intentions, so
much energy.......
... but they never ACTUALLY get their information finally out there
and into the marketplace.
And there really is only one game in town: RESULTS
There are some people who go down the path of using a ghost-writer
or someone else to write a book for them (using such services as or Now I'm sure that there are examples of very
good and successful books written this way, but not many. There are
significant downsides to producing a book by outsourcing the writing,
although you won't hear them mentioned by any of the internet
marketing experts who promise you that you can make a fortune on the

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internet by doing virtually no work.

The first drawback of having someone else write a book for you is that
they won't have the knowledge and passion for your subject that
you do. And it's your knowledge and passion that will distinguish your
book from anyone else's. It will set yours apart as a book of quality and
have your readers responding to you in greater numbers and in a far
better way.
The second problem is that the process of using someone else to write
a book for you is usually nowhere near as straightforward as it's made
out to be. You have to find and select a suitable person, produce and
give them your brief and at least some content to work with, you have
to edit and possibly revise what they write, tidy it up a bit..... All this will
probably end up more time consuming than if you had just sat down
and written the thing yourself (particularly if you use some of the timesaving techniques in this book)!
Furthermore, the feeling of pride and satisfaction that you will get from
writing your own book is something you can only know once you've
actually done it. And you will be pleasantly surprised at how good it will
make you feel.
So without wishing to get into a debate over this, suffice to say I'm
much more in favor of writing your own book, simply because it's
usually easier and gets you better results.
So why is it then that the vast majority of well-intentioned people never
complete (or even start) the book they dearly want to write? There are
three main reasons and I'm going to deal with each of them in this

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They are:
1) They never make writing the book a priority;
2) They haven't found a way to write quickly and easily they find
writing a grind and a chore; and
3) They don't know how to put an ebook together in a simple and
ordered way.
To write great quality ebooks quickly and easily you need to remove all
these roadblocks.
1) You need to make completing your book a priority;
2) You have to be able to write quickly and easily and enjoy doing
it; and
3) You need to have a simple and clear structure to follow
The information I'm going to present in this book will probably be quite
different to anything else you have read on the subject of putting
together an ebook. It's certainly different to most of what else I have
seen. That's essentially because what I have discovered and which
has transformed my writing life and productivity is that writing is
basically an inner game.
It's all about what's going on in your head!
Once I got that and we'll be going into a lot more detail in a later
chapter my productivity soared, and I started having a ball with
I have always done a lot of writing. I was editor of my class magazine
when I was eight years old. I became a wine writer for a number of

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magazines when I was in the wine industry. Writing has become an

increasing part of my life and in addition to writing ebooks I run three
businesses where writing is a major component.
However, what I found as I began to write more and more was that I
was struggling with my productivity. There was so much I wanted to
write (and needed to) but I was finding it a grind, a struggle, and only
getting done what I had to through sheer willpower.
Certainly, there were times when the words flowed better, but these
times were unpredictable. In general, the more writing I wanted and
needed to do, the less enjoyable it became. In fact, I realized that while
I liked to see the finished product, I wasn't enjoying doing the work of
actually producing the product very much at all. As a result, it was a
struggle, I procrastinated a lot, and spent a lot MORE time creating a
lot LESS than I could have.
One day I decided I was fed up with this and I asked myself the
How can I write a lot more with a lot less effort and love doing it?
I studied some courses, but most of all I began to observe closely what
it was that I was ACTUALLY doing when things WERE working for me
the times when I was loving writing and high quality material was
literally flying out of my head and onto the page.From that I created a
system which allows me now - at will - to produce quality content, in
large volume, VERY rapidly and with absolute ease. And instead of
writing being a constant struggle I love it!
And that is the system that I'm going to show you here.
Before we get started with the system, let's look at some of the beliefs

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you may have that may be holding you back from ebook writing
success. As you will see, these are all total myths. We will go into these
in more detail in a later chapter, but they're worth touching on here.
Myth #1: There's a lot of competition in my market.
I've already mentioned that only a tiny percentage of people who
intend to write a book ever actually get it finished. Of those who do, a
further tiny percentage of them ever get it produced and into the
marketplace for distribution.
So once you really start looking, you'll discover that for your exact
topic there really aren't that many other books out there at all!
However there's something else about 'the competition' you need to
know: most of what is out there on ANY topic is simply not very
good. If you do a bit of research, you'll be astounded to discover how
true this is! This may sound unkind or even arrogant, but frankly, most
books (and we're of course talking about non-fiction books here) are
quite superficial. To prove this to yourself, browse through your local
bookstore in the area of your topic. Have a look at what else has been
published. How interesting and informative are the books in the
marketplace? I mean really interesting and informative.
If you do this you'll be surprised how often you will say to yourself, I
could write a better book than this!
Yet that book actually got published and on the shelf of a bookstore for
people to buy it.
Why is that? Why is their book for sale and yours isn't, when you have
something better to offer?

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Could it be anything to do with the fact that the author actually took
the time to write their book and you haven't?
So your field really is wide open for you! The world wants and needs
your information. A trip to the bookstore and some basic research will
show you clearly that the world really isn't getting it from anywhere
Myth #2: You have to be a great writer to write an ebook.
Have you been able to follow and understand this book so far? Good
you are therefore qualified to be able to write a quality ebook!
Seriously, so many people get hung up on the idea that they have to be
a 'great' writer before they can publish anything.
The truth is that you are almost certainly a better writer than you think
you are. We always are harsher critics of ourselves than anyone else
But the other thing is that writing an ebook is quite different to writing a
traditional book or even to writing a magazine article. In an ebook
people are looking for solutions to problems (this is a very important
point which we will cover in more detail later). They are NOT looking for
great literary style, and in fact writing in too fancy a language can
actually put off your readers.
People may read a book or magazine for entertainment and enjoyment,
but usually (and certainly in the type of ebook you most likely want to
write) what they're looking for in an ebook is information. What you
say is far more important than how you say it.
Myth #3: Writing is too difficult and time consuming.

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It may be for most people, but it certainly won't be for YOU after you
have read this book!
Are you starting to feel better already? Good, let's get started.......

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How to Use This Book

In this book I'm going to ask you to do something that has become
somewhat unfashionable in our society of instant fixes and solutions
I'm going to ask you to do some thinking! As I've already said, ebook
writing success is largely a mental game, so there are a couple of
exercises here that will require you to examine your thoughts and
These are short exercises to do, but please make sure you actually
complete them. Don't just skip over them and tell yourself you'll do
them another time. These exercises are amongst the most important
parts of this book. I can't emphasize this enough. You'll need to write a
few things down, too, so have a pen and paper handy.
Also, please try the ideas presented here, particularly those around
your Inner Game. You might think some of these ideas are a bit odd!
Suspend your judgement and try them out a couple of times.
Remember, everything here has been tested and proven to work.
Something may seem strange to you at first, but after trying it a couple
of times you'll have a different impression; that's when you'll begin to
see some changes - in your thoughts, feelings and results.
Once you've finished the book, make the commitment to yourself that
you'll take some immediate action. You've made an investment here, in
both your time and money. It's quite shocking to think that there will be
many people who have purchased this book and who won't have even
read this far! The fact that you're still here shows you're an action
taker. You deserve to be a highly successful quality ebook writer and
you can be! Don't let yourself down just before the finish line by not
following through with some immediate action.

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Ebook Creation: Planning and Preparation

Before you actually start writing your ebook you are going to need to
spend some time in planning and preparation. How well you know your
subject will determine how much time this will take. But make sure you
do this. The thoroughness with which you prepare you book will have a
direct bearing on your success. It will also significantly increase your
productivity. In fact, the right preparation is a key factor in being able to
write a high quality ebook quickly and easily. It's rather like painting a
house: the right preparation makes the job a whole lot easier.
Here are the steps to follow:

Choose Your Topic

You probably already have an idea for your topic, but there are a
couple of things you should consider:

Choose a topic that has a market of a reasonable size.

If you are wanting to make money from your ebook you need to sell it.
And to be able to sell it, you need to have people who want to buy it.
And for people to want to buy it (apart from your mother) they need to
have an interest in what you're writing about and furthermore they have
to want to know what you're telling them.
This might seem obvious but there are so many ebooks out there that
are on topics that very few people are interested in. So consider your
topic carefully.

Write on a topic you are knowledgeable about.

Again, this may seem obvious, but you only want to write on a topic of

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which you have a very good knowledge. I know this goes against the
message of some internet marketing gurus who suggest you can just
'cut and paste' information from the internet on any topic and turn it into
a best-selling book. However, I've yet to be convinced this really works.
If you want to produce a quality book, write on something you know
about. Come from a place where you want to share your knowledge
and help people rather than just to make some 'easy' money (if such a
thing exists). If you want to write on a topic and you don't know much
about it get knowledgeable first!

Research the market.

Find out what other ebooks have been written on your topic and that
are selling in the marketplace. Search your topic on Google. Make sure
you sign up for any newsletters or free information that other authors in
your field are offering on their websites.
Another thing you should do is go to Amazon and see what books are
available there. Search for a main keyword for your topic and sort the
results by Most Popular. Have a look at the titles (it may even give you
some ideas for your own title).
Amazon also provides an amazing research tool that will allow you to
look closely at virtually any non-fiction book. Look on the sales page of
a book you are interested in. Just above the image of the Cover you
will see the words, Peek Inside. Click on that and you will be able to
read the Table of Contents and often a sample chapter from the book.
This will give you a very good idea of what information is contained in
that book.
Get very familiar with what other ebooks are available on your topic.
But here's the thing you are not doing this to check out the

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'competition', to help you find a different angle, to tell you how you
should price your book or to give you any ideas. No, you are doing this
for one reason and one reason alone (and you won't find this in any
marketing textbooks):
You are researching the market because it will bring you to the
earth-shattering conclusion that MOST OF WHAT IS WRITTEN
This may be a controversial statement, but I challenge you to research
your subject and tell me if it isn't true.
Believe me, that is the conclusion you WILL come to! And when you do,
you'll know without a shadow of a doubt that YOU CAN and MUST get
your OWN information out there.
You'll start to think, How did this book I'm looking at manage to get
published, when the information really isn't that great?
And of course the answer to that question is:
The author of the book actually sat down at some stage and wrote
it!!! They got it done!!!
Realizing how much better your book will be than most of what you see
is not being arrogant. It will encourage and inspire you to believe in
yourself and what you have to offer.

Define Your Book's Purpose.

What is the purpose of the book you are planning to write? There are a
variety of reasons why people write books, but you need to get clear on
your reasons. The reasons you have will be important in determining

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the type of book you create.

Is the purpose of your book:

to be given away for free to potential clients and customers? Will

you use it to build a mailing list, to establish credibility and/or to
sell higher ticket products to your prospects?

for a launch or one/off promotion?

to create long-term passive income?

for any another purpose - such as to offer as a bonus for

someone else's product, etc?

Knowing the purpose for which your book will be used will help you
decide what to include in it, how long to make it, and the style you write
it in.

Think About the Marketing

How you intend to market it will also have a bearing on the type of book
you write. How are you going to promote and/or sell it?
Will you:

create your own sales page website?

offer it through your existing website (if you have one)?

offer it as a bonus as part of someone else's product?

sell it on Amazon Kindle or other online marketplace?

distribute it in any other way?

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Establish Price and Length of Your Ebook

There are no rules about how long or short an ebook should be.
Because it is not a physical product, it's not going to look a bit 'thin' on
the shelf alongside other books if it is quite short. In general, ebooks
have fewer pages than standard books. There is a slight correlation
between the length of your book and what you sell it for. However, as
long as it is not painfully short (say less that fifteen pages) then the
value of your content is a more important factor in the price you charge
than the number of pages. For the same price, most readers would
rather have a shorter book which gives the information they seek than
a longer book filled with fluff.
If you're asking yourself, How long should my ebook be? there really
is only one answer:
As long as it needs to be to convey the information I want to convey.
Remember, in an ebook a reader is primarily looking for specific
information, or the solution to a problem. If you provide them with what
they are looking for then you have achieved their (and your) goal with
the book.
Approximately how many pages do you think your book will be?
How much are you intending selling it for?
How many copies do you aim to sell per month and per year?
Knowing your sell price and how many copies you aim to sell tells you
what you can hope to earn from your book.

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Do You Use Your Real Name or a Pen Name?

I mention this because it an issue for many writers: should I use my
own name or a fictitious name (otherwise known as a pen name)?
This is a complex issue and there are no strict rules. I use both,
depending on the book I am writing. Here are some guidelines that
might help you to decide:
Use your real name if:

your topic is not too controversial;

you personally feel very attached to/passionate about your topic;

you wish to promote your own name in the topic's field (perhaps
as part of a business or reputation you are already building

Use a pen name if:

the topic is a bit controversial or risque (something to do with

politics or sex for instance)

you feel you might be writing a number of ebooks in different

areas and aren't really concerned about developing a personal
reputation or following in this field.

I repeat, this really is a grey area and whatever you decide will be fine.
Above all, don't get hung up on this. At the end of the day, whether you
use your own name or a pen name probably won't make any difference
to your sales (unless you're a celebrity). It jut comes down to how it
makes you feel.

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Define Your Core Message

Although you might have selected a general topic to write on, you want
to be much more specific when it comes to actually writing your book.
To provide your book with focus you need to have a central message.
The most successful ebooks are usually on a very specific issue.
Above all, they usually provide a solution to a specific problem.
Think about your topic and your audience. What is a problem that they
have that you could solve for them? The bigger and more widespread
the problem the more successful your ebook will be. Remember, you're
not writing a literary masterpiece or an encyclopedia. There is nothing
wrong with either of those types of books but it is not what people are
looking for when they buy an ebook online. They are usually looking for
a solution to a problem they have.
To define your core message, ask yourself the following:
What is my topic?
What specific problems do people interested in this topic have?
(List them here in order of how big a problem you think they are for the
Which one of these problems could I solve really well?
From this you can create a statement which becomes the core
message of your ebook. I call it the Core Message Statement. It is:
This ebook shows ____________________(audience)
how to ___________________________ (the result they get)

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by ______ ________________________(the actions or process

they use to get the result).
You can see how I have used this to create this book. I identified a topic
(writing ebooks) and a problem within that (how do I write quality books
quickly and easily?), so my Core Message Statement for this book is:
Ebook Writing Mastery shows people who want to write an ebook
for profit and fun how to create long-term passive income by
writing best-selling ebooks quickly and easily.
When you create a Core Message Statement you develop a laser-like
focus for your ebook which will be a big help in making it more
successful. The more you can tell people what you will do for them
and how you will help them solve a particular problem they have the
more responsive they will be.

Creating the title

Actually, there's another benefit in creating your Core Message
Statement it very often helps you come up with a winning title for your
ebook. By identifying a specific problem and solution in your ebook title,
it conveys very clearly to the prospective reader what your book is
about and how reading it will benefit them.
For this reason titles beginning with How To..... can be very effective.
You can see how I've applied this principle in creating the title for this
Ebook Writing Mastery: How to Write Your Own Best-Selling
Ebooks Quickly and Easily.

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You'll notice how closely modelled on the Core Message Statement this
title is.
Whatever title you create, make sure it contains the benefit the reader
will get from reading it, and the solution to the problem that the
prospective reader has.
Also, make sure you avoid vague, gimmicky or 'clever' titles. These
tend to have little meaning to anyone other than yourself.
I've heard it said that 50% of the success of any book is based on the
effectiveness of the title and I think this is true. Spend some time
creating a good title; it will be time well spent.

Ebook Writing: Setting Yourself Up For Success

In this section we'll cover the practicalities of successful writing. Where
and how you do your writing can make a big difference to your mindset,
and therefore to your productivity. However, a word of warning here:
Don't get hung up on anything in this chapter to the point that it
stops you from actually starting to write.
Keep things in perspective. The only thing that matters in this life is
to put your fingers on the keyboard and start typing.
Have you ever seen the Mr Bean sketch where he was in an exam
room preparing to take a test? He gets everything ready piles of
pens, pencils, rulers, erasers, a small clock, tissues even some
Watching it is excruciating. He's spending so much time on things that
are of no consequence whatsoever time that could be spent

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actually working on the exam questions!

So many people are like that when it comes to writing. They try to get
everything perfect before they start, and as a result never get started at
all (or only occasionally). Even if they do get started, they waste so
much time. Don't do this! Get things as good as you can, but realize:

your writing environment will never be perfect;

there will always be distractions;

you probably won't feel in the right mood......

Promise yourself that you will never again use any of the above as
excuses not to write. Just do your best and get going!
Your goal is to minimize your distractions but not get fixated on doing
so. After all, trying to eliminate all distractions is a distraction in itself.
That said, here are some things that will help you make your
environment more conducive to productive writing before you start.

Grammar and Punctuation Skills

I only want to mention this briefly, but it is possible you may feel your
grammar is not up to standard. As I've touched on earlier, if you can
string together reasonable sentences then your level of grammar will
probably be fine to write a quality ebook (remember, in an ebook it's
what you say that is more important than how you say it).
However, if you really feel your English is poor (perhaps it is not your
native language) then it might be worth spending a bit of time improving
your grammar skills. The two best ways to do this are:

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Read. Yes, simply reading as much as you can is by far the best

way I know of to improve your writing skills! I don't just mean the
newspaper (although that's a start). Read anything you wish, although
quality fiction is probably the best for improving your own writing.
Spend half an hour a day in quality reading and you will be amazed
how quickly your writing will improve.
You can get books from the library although for a very small cost many
of the great classics of English literature are available online from the
Kindle bookstore at Amazon; there you can download them directly to
your computer. They are usually very inexpensive and of course you
can start reading immediately. Kindle also have an online library where
you can 'borrow' many great books for free.
One author I highly recommend is Charles Dickens; although his
writing is rather old fashioned and a bit 'flowery', his novels have a
wonderful grammatical style. They're fun to read as well.

Take a grammar and/or writing course. There are plenty of

these available for free on the internet. I honestly do not think you need
this unless your English is absolutely terrible but if you are concerned
here are a couple you could look at:
There are also more resources here: resources-thatwill-improve-your-writing-skills/
Obviously the word processing software you use will have a spell

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checker. If you want to be really pedantic you could also use a

grammar checker such as this one:
It is always helpful to have a friend look over your work for errors too,
and I ALWAYS read over my material at least twice; it's amazing what
you can miss.
But like everything else in this chapter, don't get too hung up on
producing the world's greatest literature. Apart from anything else, the
more you write (and read) the better you will get naturally.

Typing Skills
Some of the world's best books have been written by typing with two
fingers. However, in this age of sensitive computer keyboards there
really isn't any reason why you shouldn't be able to become a
moderately fast typist.
Personally I recommend you just get cracking with writing and also
spend a few minutes a day practicing on the side with an online typing
course. My favorite one (free) is:
Again, don't get distracted by this. Whatever level of typing you're at
now will be perfectly fine to get writing your ebook. And the more you
type, the faster you get.
I personally don't know a lot about voice recognition software. It may
be worth a look, but, again, you don't want to be spending weeks,
months, all that time, learning something without having anything to

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show for it in the way of writing. You will lose motivation and urgency
two key factors in being a producer of quality written material.

Where To Write
Forget thinking about having to have a special place where you go to
write. If you really want to be productive, you need to be able to write
anywhere. Certainly, you might have a preferred place to write, but
think about what are the elements that make it most comfortable and
productive for you. You should be able to replicate those elements
I prefer to write with my laptop on my lap rather than at a desk. I just
find the angle better and more comfortable. Find what feels best for
you, although if you find you can write with ease from your lap that is
very useful - it means you really can write anywhere.
I suggest you use a laptop for writing (if you don't have one already)
rather than a desktop computer and I also strongly suggest you use an
Apple Mac. I'm a recent convert to the Mac but as far as being a
productive writer goes it leaves a PC for dead. The main reasons are:

battery life: a Mac battery lasts for hours without needing to be


quiet: a Mac is silent, without that annoying (= distracting)

whirring sound from the fan that a PC laptop produces;

startup speed: a Mac starts up in seconds, whereas a PC takes

ages. When you're mentally fired up to start writing the last thing
you want is to have to wait for your computer to start up;

portability: I use a Macbook Pro and it is very light and portable.

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If you haven't got a Mac, don't worry about it for now buy one from
the proceeds of your first best-selling ebook which you're going to start
writing as soon as you've finished reading this!

What You Need to Start

You want to be as flexible as possible so that you can write anywhere,
anytime. This means having an absolute minimum of things needed to
allow you to write productively. Fortunately, it's very easy. You only
need two things:
1) your laptop
2) water (preferably in a bottle rather than a glass so that you can drink
more frequently without having to go and refill it as often)
In fact, if you're really committed, you probably won't need the water,
although it is highly recommended.

Writing to Music
There has been a lot of research done on the power of music to
enhance creativity. I personally find all music distracting, so I don't
listen to it when I am writing. However if you feel that music might help,
choose something like Baroque music or Mozart. Whatever you do
don't listen to any headbanging stuff, the radio or anything that might
distract you (that includes your favorite songs, which you might actually
start listening to!).
And be honest with yourself Is the music helping you to write better
and faster? If the answer really is no, then switch it off.

Page 24

Staying in a Peak Mental State

It is vital that you stay in a state of high energy - both physical and
mental - for writing. Once your energy starts to falter so will your
motivation and productivity. Here are some physical things that will help
you keep your energy up.
1) Get 7-8 hours sleep per night. If you're tempted to think that 'burning
the midnight oil' is going to help your writing, forget it. Not getting
enough sleep is simply going to drain your energy and creativity. Go to
bed at a reasonable hour and get up early, giving yourself a full night's
rest. Your writing will flow so much better.
2) Drink lots of water. It is vital to stay hydrated. If you are feeling tired
and/or have a headache it is very likely that you are not getting enough
water. Keep a water bottle with you at all times and sip on it constantly.
Sure you're going to go to the bathroom a lot, but you will be amazed
how much lighter and more energized you will feel on a steady 'stream'
of water. You can also add a slice of lemon to your water; this increases
the alkalinity and is very beneficial for your energy and overall health (it
has a nice taste too, and many people find it easier to drink than plain
You could also sip a herbal (caffeine free) hot tea. Avoid coffee and
other caffeinated drinks though; they may help you stay awake but they
will dehydrate you which will drain your energy further.
3) Take regular, light meals rather than big heavy ones. Healthy snacks
are fine during the day too.
4) Foods to favor: salads and vegetables.
5) Foods to avoid: processed foods, junk food, fried food, meat, dairy,

Page 25

alcohol these all drain your energy.

Writing Time Management

The next thing you want to master is your use of writing time. Most of
us don't have the luxury of too much time on our hands, so how we use
the time we do have to write is vital. Here are some key tips:
1) Organize your writing time into blocks. Virtually every superproductive person I have heard of has said this is one of the keys to
their success: Set aside blocks of time during which you are NOT
interrupted for anything and in which you focus EXCLUSIVELY on the
task at hand (in this case writing your ebook).
For you to write your ebook quickly and easily, you will definitely have
to set aside some time blocks (Block Time). To be most effective with
Block Time you should do the following:
a) Set aside reasonable amounts of time preferably between two and
four hours at a stretch. This means you can get a lot done but it is not
too long that your energy will be drained.
b) Have a break every 45 minutes. Set a timer so that EXACTLY every
45 minutes you get up, stretch, have at least half a glass of water and
do some quick body-shaking movements to get the blood circulating
again. Then sit down again straight away and start writing again! Your
break shouldn't be for more than a minute.
c) At the end of each block time period have a quick scan over what
you have written. Congratulate yourself on what you have achieved. It
will help your motivation when you see that you are making progress.
2) Don't look for the Your Best Time to Write. Waiting until you feel

Page 26

'in the mood' for writing (or for anything else for that matter) is one of
the big killers of productivity. The best way to get in the mood is to just
make a start. Some people suggest there is a particular time of day
when we each are at our most alert and productive, and that we should
reserve our writing for then. Again, it is easy to make that an excuse to
not write.
We'll talk more about overcoming procrastination a bit later, but for now
realize that there is only one best time to write and that's right NOW. If
you don't feel like it, remember the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson:
Do the thing and you'll get the energy to do the thing.
3) Write outside of Block Time too. If you have only a few minutes to
spare, you can still write very effectively. Don't think you have to wait
until you have a free hour or two. Even a few sentences jotted here and
there can add up over time.

Mastering Your Inner Game

Without doubt this is the most important section in this entire book.
Tony Robbins says that success in life is 80% psychology and 20%
strategy. This is just as true of successful writing. It may sound a bit 'out
there', but how you manage your mind is the key to your writing
I haven't found this sort of information in any other books on writing,
which really surprises me. However, if you can apply just some of the
information in this chapter I am sure you will see not only your
productivity soar, but your actual enjoyment of writing itself will increase
as well.

Page 27

Here is a Secret to writing a great quality ebook in less than 3 days:

Believe that you can do it and that what you produce will be so
good that thousands of people will want to get their hands on it.
Quite simply,
If you are struggling to produce enough (or any) quality content,
it's because of your internal beliefs.
By the time you have finished this chapter, you'll not only know that this
statement is true but you will be well on your way to eliminating some
of these internal blockages that are holding you back as well.
Let's start with a very important exercise.
Think about your goal of writing an ebook very quickly and easily. Now
answer the following questions (write your answers down):
1. On a scale of 1 to 10 how good a writer do you think you are? (1
being terrible and 10 being a genius)
2. On a scale of 1 to 10 how difficult do you find writing? (1 being
very difficult and 10 being effortless)
3. How popular do you think an ebook written by you would be? (1
being a total bomb and 10 being a best seller)
4. How motivated are you to write an ebook? (1 being not at all and
10 being you that don't want to do anything else until it's written)
5. What thoughts and feelings come to you when you think about
writing an ebook?
6. How would you describe your feelings about writing in general

Page 28

and about your own writing ability in particular?

Look carefully at everything you've written.
What are you telling yourself?
Now look at the following two lists of beliefs and tick the ones which
equate approximately to how you feel:
List 1

I find writing difficult

I don't particularly like writing

I don't have the time to write

There are more important things that have to get done before I
can really do any writing

I find it hard to get started with writing

I don't know what to write next

I'm not a very good writer

Whatever I write probably won't be very good

What I write won't sell

Writing isn't really part of my business or profession; it's just a

sideline for me

List 2

Writing is easy the words just flow out of me

Page 29

I love writing

There's always time to write

Writing is one of my top priorities

Whenever I start writing the words just come effortlessly

I'm an excellent writer

What I write is brilliant: people love it and they find it interesting

and valuable. With what I write, I change peoples' lives!

When this ebook is written it will make great money for me for
years to come

Writing is a significant part of my income

Thousands of people are going to love what I produce in my


So which list did you have the most ticks by?

If you're not already a highly productive writer I'd be willing to bet that
many if not most of List 1 applies to you. If this is the case, you are not
writing effortlessly and super productively because you associate
more pain than pleasure with the process of actually writing.
If you were a highly productive quality writer, you are going to have
ticks alongside most if not all of the thoughts in List 2. You would be
associating more pleasure than pain with writing so you would be
doing everything you could to do more of it.
Can you see here that whichever is the list of thoughts going around in
your head is going to be what determines what you do? And that if you

Page 30

were to simply change your thoughts from List 1 thoughts to list 2

thoughts you're going to do a lot more writing and get an entirely
different outcome?
With List 2 thoughts you will get high quality ebooks written in a very
short space of time and love doing it!
Why make something hard to do when you could make it easy? Just
think pleasurable thoughts about doing it!
Now, I know that you're almost certainly thinking that this isn't as easy
as it sounds. You are correct! However, don't despair! I'll be showing
you some tools that will show you how to make this 'mind switch' a lot
A word of reassurance here if you're saying to yourself something such
as, Hey, but I don't want to be brainwashed into becoming a writer. I'm
NOT a writer, I just want to write a best-selling book or two and make
some money.
I'm not suggesting you have to be 'brainwashed' into thinking you're a
writer and nothing else. But if you do want to make writing effortless
and productive you have to adopt the thoughts, beliefs and mindset
beliefs of a writer. You have to make being a writer a part of your
So you could think:
I do a lot of things. One if them is that I am a great writer of highly
successful ebooks. It's not all of who I am but it is a part of who I am,
and it's not only fun but it helps create a great income and lifestyle for
me and my family.

Page 31

When and only when - you start to take on the identity and beliefs of
a successful and productive writer, that is what you will become.

Creating the Writer's Mindset

From now on, whenever you think about writing and you catch yourself
thinking List 1 thoughts, simply SWITCH them to List 2 thoughts.
This involves starting to become very aware of what you are thinking as
you write (or think about writing). You need to start to become
conscious and apply some control to your thinking.
One of the most powerful tools for switching your thoughts is to create
a Writer's Mantra for yourself. This is a statement which combines
powerful List 2 beliefs in one or two sentences, and which you can
repeat to yourself over and over whenever you think about writing.
This is my Writer's Mantra:
I love writing and what I write is brilliant! It will never be
100% perfect but it will be perfect enough to make a
positive impact on many people.
You can use this one, or you can create one for yourself. What you
want to do is produce a statement which reinforces a positive identity
for you as a writer.
So go ahead and combine some List 2 beliefs into your own Writer's
Mantra. Spend some time on this and when you have created
something that resonates with you, write it down.
From now on, whenever you think about writing, repeat your Writer's
Mantra to yourself. Put some positive energy into it. You can say it

Page 32

aloud or silently. Write it on a post-it note and attach it to the top corner
of your computer screen.
Congratulations you are now a highly successful producer of high
quality ebooks! It is in your mind and it won't be long before it is your
physical reality as well.

Overcoming Procrastination and Getting Started

As we've briefly discussed, procrastination is the biggest killer of your
productivity as a writer and therefore of your results and of the quality
of your life! And there really is only one game in town:
The most difficult thing in anything is to get started. Here are some
things that will really help you to take the first crucial steps.

Give Yourself a Deadline and Commit to It.

A deadline a time by which you MUST have the project done is a
very powerful way to create momentum. That's one of the reasons I've
made this book about writing an ebook in 3 days; if you give yourself
only three days to complete your ebook and no longer then you
have a much greater chance of actually starting it in the first place.
Tony Robbins also says that to create a dramatic change in your results
you have to make your shoulds your musts. So instead of saying to
yourself I really should write an ebook sometime switch the message
in your head to be I must write this ebook, I must start writing it now,
and I must get it done in no more than x days. (specify a short time

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This will help you to create the sense of URGENCY that you need to
push your project through to completion.
So think about when you can set aside some reasonable blocks of time
over a few days and commit to it. And make it soon!

How to Get Started

The biggest journey starts with the first step.
Go as far as you can see. When you get there you'll see how to go
We've all heard the same message so many times and in so many
ways: the key to success in anything is just to make a start - NOW.
It is so simple yet it is not so easy. In fact, most people find it
extremely difficult to get started, and it's why people don't achieve the
success they're really capable of.
Why is it so hard to get going? I think there are two underlying reasons:
1) We don't believe that the project will be a success and give us
what we really want; and
2) We feel overwhelmed by the size of the project.
We've already dealt with uncovering the beliefs that are holding you
back and how to change them. Now, if you feel a sense of overwhelm
(and we all do at times), here's how to deal with it:
1. State your Writer's Mantra to yourself. Here's mine again:
I love writing and what I write is brilliant! It will never be 100%
perfect but it will be perfect enough to make a positive impact

Page 34

on many people.
2. Say to yourself: What's the very next really small thing I could
do right now?
a) I can open my computer so do that. What's the next thing?
b) I can turn the computer on so do that. What's the next
c) I can open the writing file so do that. What's the next
d) I could repeat my Writer's Mantra a couple of times while the
file is opening so do that. What's the next thing?
e) I can write one sentence so do that. What's the next
f) I could write another sentence so do that. What's the next
g) ...and so on. Do you get the idea? Just keep taking the next
tiny step! Before you know it, things will be starting to flow. In
fact, you'll be amazed at how much you get done. And if you
start to falter, think about your Mantra again and the next tiny
step you could take.
Really, this is so simple, isn't it?
When you think about it, any project is just a whole sequence of very
small steps. If you can break it down into small enough steps each of
which you know you can very easily achieve then you will be sending
a completely different message to your brain and you will avoid feeling

Page 35

overwhelmed. After all, it's easy just to take one small step.
So just keep taking the next tiny step!

In Zone Writing: How to Build Momentum and Keep Going

Once you've made a start, you obviously need to keep going! To do this
it is essential to manage your mental state (your thoughts). With the
right mental state, you will keep things moving and at times enter what I
call In Zone Writing. This is where the words literally fly onto the
page and you feel like you're not putting in any effort at all. It is the
frame of mind which causes you to look later at what you have written
and think, Did I really write that? Where did THAT come from?
This Zone is also called the Creative State. Many of the great artists,
composers and writers have described how their art simply 'came out
of them' from a place other than their conscious, thinking mind. They
got their negative thoughts and distractions out of the way and simply
'allowed' the creativity to come through.
Entering the In Zone Writing space is all about managing your inner
state and thoughts. Here's what to do. Start writing and while you are
1) Relax your physical body. Make sure you are sitting comfortably.
Look for any tension in your body especially in your face, jaw,
neck and shoulders and release it. Check that you are
breathing properly; take a couple of deeper breaths than usual.
2) Become aware of your thoughts. If you feel negative thoughts
creeping back in, remind yourself of your Writer's Mantra (glance
at the post-it note on your screen if you have it there).

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3) Keep moving your fingers! Keep typing.

Believe me, you will get to the stage where much of your writing is
almost subconscious. It's almost as if that by focussing on your
physical and mental state - and not worrying about what comes out in
your writing - you are simply allowing the ideas and words to come
forth from your subconscious. Strange but true!
As you practice this, your experiences of In Zone Writing will become
more frequent. You'll also begin to trust yourself more and it will set up
a cycle of more and better writing. Try it!

Overcoming Distractions
Distractions will inevitably come your way so it's not a question of
eliminating them, but rather of how you manage and deal with them.
There are two types of distractions:
1) External Distractions
These are other people, the phone, email, etc all of the things
OUTSIDE of yourself. You want to minimize or eliminate these before
you start writing in your Block Times.
a) Make sure everyone else in your life who is going to be affected
by you taking the time to write knows that you are not to be
interrupted, except in a real emergency (such as the house
catching on fire......). These people include your spouse/partner,
children, friends, neighbors and co-workers (if applicable). Tell
them nicely and gently that's it important you are able to focus
without distraction, and you'll happily talk to them....when you've

Page 37

b) Switch off the phone. If the phone needs to stay on (if you have a
business, for example), assign someone else to answer it. Just
make sure you are out of earshot.
c) Shut down your email program and the web browser on your
computer. Better still, turn off your computer's internet connection
as well.
2) Internal Distractions
These are all the thoughts that are inevitably going to start
creeping into your head, often on an almost constant basis. In
addition to negative thoughts about your writing (the List 1 beliefs
from page 29) there are going to be many other thoughts that
could sneak in and try to sabotage your productivity. These might
a) other 'urgent' things you remember you need to do;
b) other things you'd 'rather be doing' (such as surfing the internet
or checking your email....!);
c) feelings that you are getting tired, physically and/or mentally;
d) other uncomfortable physical sensations such as feeling that
you're getting too cold/too hot/hungry/thirsty, etc;
e) thinking you're not in the right 'mood' for writing right now.
Believe me, these thoughts and others can become a barrage at times,
and the temptation to stop what you are doing can become almost
See these all as temptations of the Devil! They are there to rob you of

Page 38

your goal and your life.

When not if - distracting thoughts come along:
1) bring your awareness back to your physical body. Take a few
deep breaths; become aware of any tensions and release them;
2) Briefly think about how great it will be when this book is DONE;
3) Repeat your Writer's Mantra;
4) Keep writing without stopping to think about what you are
Realize that the battle with distractions is a constant one for every
great creator (and you are one!) so just be aware of them, deal with
them and keep going.
You will be pleased you did! And you will find that over time those
niggly voices of distraction in your mind will fade, although never
Here's one final way to stay focussed which I find very helpful. If you
find yourself starting to falter, say to yourself,
I'll just write one more sentence.
This is very similar to what we talked about with taking the next small in
getting started. Your brain can cope with the thought of just doing one
more tiny thing. So don't think about completing the whole chapter of
your book. That will probably be too overwhelming. Just think about
writing another sentence in other words, doing just a little bit more.
This is often enough in itself to 'kick start' your flow again.

Page 39

Ebook Creation: Putting it All Together

With your preparation and planning done, and having prepared your
mental game, you are now ready to start writing your ebook! In fact, if
you have done this correctly your project of quickly creating a high
quality ebook (one which thousands of people will eagerly want to buy
and benefit from) is virtually done!
However, there is one final thing you need to make the job easy, and
that is a structure for your book and your writing.
The right structure will help you tremendously in two ways:
1. It will present your ideas in such a way as to make it easiest for
your readers to absorb the information you are giving them.
2. It will provide you with a framework so that you write your ebook
in the quickest and most efficient amount of time.
Think about an architect's plans for a house. With the plans all laid out,
the construction team only need to gather the raw materials and focus
on building the house. They don't need to stop all the time and waste a
huge amount of time and energy trying to figure out the next step. With
a clear plan to follow, and a picture of the end result before they start,
it's just a question of 'building out' the plan.
It's very much the same with a book. With your plan laid out, all you
need to do is to gather your 'raw materials' (your thoughts and ideas)
and put them in the right places. The clearer your plan, the easier it will
Most people, when writing an ebook, have only a vague idea of the
structure. They might have created a list of chapter names but that's

Page 40

about it. You need to go much deeper than that; you want to know in
advance exactly what information you are going to put in each chapter
or section. Then when you come to the actual writing, it's just a case of
filling in the details.
What I'll present you with here is an ebook structure that I use. It will
not only help you to create ebooks quickly, but it is also extremely
powerful in helping you to organize your material into a format that is of
greatest benefit to the reader.
This structure arranges your ideas into a logical sequence. I would
strongly recommend you keep to this sequence as I've found it
provides a logical and coherent flow. Before you start writing your book,
spend some time working through this process to create your book's
structure. This planning will not only save you a lot of time overall, but it
will give you a much better result.
Each of the sections in the sequence become the sections of your
book, but they don't necessarily all need to be individual chapters; in
fact some sections can be as short as a paragraph. The key is to cover
all of the areas at some point in your book. You can include as much or
as little information as you want (and have) or feel in necessary.
Also, you might find that there is a crossover of the same information in
different sections. It's fine to do that, as long as you don't repeat
yourself, either word for word or by making exactly the same point. You
will probably find that your book's most important points will be
reinforced by explaining them in different ways in different sections.
Included as a bonus with this book is a blank template that you can
use. I suggest that before you start actually writing your book that you
spend one or two hours putting ALL of your thoughts and ideas into the

Page 41

relevant section of the template. Your writing of the book will then
become so much easier.

The Ebook Master Template

Here is an outline of the template. Use the blank template attached to
fill in your own ideas. There is also a Template Summary at the end of
this book which you can refer to.

Section 1: The Vision or Desired Outcome

Here you want to show the reader the end result that they will achieve
by reading your book. You don't need to go into too much detail, but
you do need to create a clear picture of what 'success' looks like when
their problem is solved. It will start your book on a positive, uplifting
note and encourage the reader to continue. It will also help them feel
they have made the right decision by purchasing your book.

Section 2: The Problem and the Solution

2A. Define the problem what problems does the reader face when
they try to achieve the desired outcome (stated above)?
What are the roadblocks and obstacles to success? Why does this
problem exist in the first place?
2B. Define your solution: what is the solution this book offers?
How and why is your different to any others the reader may have
already encountered or even tried?
2C. Explain how you came up with your solution: what was the process
you used to create your unique solution to the problem?

Page 42

Here you want to include a story of your own personal journey that led
to your discovery of the information you're sharing. If you haven't
actually suffered from the problem yourself, you can always tell the
story of someone else you have known, but the key here is to be as
personal as you can. By making the reader feel that you really
understand what they're going through, you create rapport and
authority. You're sending them the message:
I've been where you are right now. I know how painful it is, but I
solved the problem for myself when I discovered this information. I'm
going to share it with you so that you can achieve the success too.
Do this in 3 parts:
2C.1 Describe when and how you had the specific problem yourself.
Build a picture of your life situation then and how it affected your life.
2C.2. Describe all the things you did to try to find the answer to the
problem (your struggle for the solution)
2C.3. Describe how you finally found the solution to the problem and
the impact that had on your life.
2D. Dispel some common myths that most people have about the
problem. What are some things that are generally believed to be true
about this particular problem that you can show are not correct?
This is about reinforcing that your solution is different from everything
else out there. It helps your credibility and your rapport with the reader.
After all, they've probably already tried a few other things before
coming to your book and been disappointed with the results. They want
to know they've finally come to the right place.

Page 43

It will also provide an encouragement to your reader to actually try your

solution for themselves. After you, you are motivated (or should be) by
making a difference to their life, not just taking their money. And the
only way that can happen is if they do something with the information
you give them.
The way to dispel the common myths about the problem your ebook
addresses is to say things along the lines of:
Everything else I've seen out there says........
Most people with this problem think that......
2E Dispel myths that they the reader might personally think are true.
What might the reader believe about the problem and the solution that I
can show are not correct?
Use phrases such as:
You probably have thought until now that.....
You may have experienced.....

Section 3: Introduction to Your Solution

Provide tips and advice on how to use the book. How should the reader
use this book to get the result they want? What tips and ideas can you
provide that will help speed up the process and make things easier for
them to achieve their desired outcome?

Section 4: The Solution

What are the steps or actions (in sequence) that the reader will take to
solve this problem?

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This section is where you go through each step or action in detail and it
will make up the bulk of your book (it should be at least 70%). If
necessary or appropriate, each step could be its own chapter or

Section 5: Conclusion
Remind the reader of the vision/desired outcome and the results they
will get if they follow the steps in your book.

Section 6: Call to Action

Now that the reader has gone through all your steps, they may be
feeling overwhelmed. They might be wondering what to do with your
information. They may be feeling inspired and hopeful at the answers
to their problem which you have provided, but don't know quite where
to begin. So it is important to help them maintain their momentum by
giving them a place to start. Say something such as, The very first
thing to do now is........ Then tell them the very first thing they should
do to start the process.
Also provide encouragement remind the reader that they really can
get the result they want by using the information in your book.

Other Ebook Components

If you follow the above plan, and organize your information by using
that structure, you can produce a very effective ebook in the shortest
time possible. Once you have the book written, however, there are a
few other things you can put in for the sake of completeness. All of
these should be quite brief.

Page 45

I recommend you always write these after you have completed the rest
of your book. They should take you very little time.

In my honest opinion (and it is only my opinion) you don't really need to
get any professional advice for this. Simply modify one from an existing
ebook; make sure you don't copy it exactly, however, as you don't want
to infringe any copyrights. Alternatively you can search for a free one
If you do feel your topic may contain information which is controversial
or in some way related to work someone else is doing in your field, you
may wish to consult a lawyer, perhaps even before you begin writing
the book at all.

Copyright Notice
Ditto as for the Disclaimer.

Include here the names of any people you might want to acknowledge
who helped you get this book written. They may be your friends, family
members or associates who supported you in the project. You could
also mention teachers and people who have inspired you, but who you
might not actually know personally.

Include here (briefly)

the core message of the book;

Page 46

why you have written it;

your desire that it will help the reader achieve the results they
are wanting to achieve.

Table of Contents
Make sure that before you publish your book you check the page
numbers to see that they are correct.

Resources (optional)
Other books, courses and material that the reader might find helpful
and that you would recommend. (Hint: if the products you mention have
an affiliate program, you could consider signing up for it and including
your affiliate code as a link in the product title. Not only can the reader
click on the title to go straight to the product, but if they buy, you will
receive an affiliate commission as well.)
If you wish, look back through this ebook and you will notice that this is
the same template I have used to create it. And yes I did write this
book in three days!

Ebook Design and Production

If you have done everything outlined in this book so far yo have actually
done 99% of what it takes to complete an ebook. Congratulations!
You're now in the 1% of ebook 'writers' you've actually written one!
We live in a wonderful age. With an ebook you no longer have to worry
about all of the things that can be a nightmare for any book writer
printing, graphic design, publishing, distribution, physical handling and
postage. Not only are all of these things time consuming, but they are

Page 47

also expensive. Now, thanks to the electronic means of production and

distribution, you don't have to worry about any of this (apart from
perhaps a small amount of graphic design, but even this can be
obtained for next to nothing.).
So all you need to do is focus on your writing which of course has
been the focus of this book.
In this chapter we're going to discuss the graphical aspects of turning
your words into an actual book. This includes creating all of the things
that make your book look like a, er, book! They include a cover and a
proper layout for the pages, and perhaps the addition of some other
However, I have some good news for you. Attached as a bonus to this
book is a Master Template. This already has everything you need
formatted into it the sections (as discussed in the previous chapter)
and chapters, all with standard fonts and page size that will make for a
well presented ebook.
Note: The Master Template is created using a software package called
Open Office. This is similar to Microsoft Office, except that it is free to
download and use. I really like Open Office and I strongly recommend
you download it and use it for your ebook creation. It is very easy to
use, and powerful too.
You can download it free at
When you open the Master Template you will see it is very simple. All
you need to do is enter your written material into the relevant section
and replace any text as necessary. You will find it all very self
explanatory, but here are a few additional guidelines:
1) The Book Cover. You will need and want to find your own design

Page 48

for your book cover. There are many places you can get this
done for you at a very low price. One of the best is to go to one
of the micro job sites and have someone create it for you for as
little as $5 or $6. Two of the best sites are:
Jobs for Six: This is a great site that offers some excellent people
doing great work.
Fiverr: One of the best known sites.
You can also create your own ebook covers very inexpensively at:
Just remember that your cover graphic does not need to be fancy or
elaborate. Unlike a 'normal' book, you are not using your cover as the
primary means for getting a prospective purchaser to pick up your book
by catching their eye. Just ensure that the cover is attractive and shows
the title of the book clearly.
2) The Table of Contents. In the Master Template do not modify this
to start with. After you have entered all your text you will find the
Table of Contents will be populated automatically with all of your
3) Entering the text. Replace the headings in the Master Template
with your own headings. If you wish to add some sub headings,
do so by using the Heading Tool in your word processing
software toolbar. The Master Template has been create using
OpenOffice; your own software may handle this process in a
slightly different way.
4) Footer: Replace the footer text with the domain name of your
own website. To do this, double click on 'yourdomainhere'. It will
highlight the text. Then just type in your domain name and it will

Page 49

replace it. Note: You only need to do this to the first footer and it
will automatically replace the text throughout the rest of the
5) Updating the Table of Contents. When you have inserted all your
text, go back to the Table of Contents. Right click anywhere
within it and click on 'Update Index/Table'. It will then synchronize
all of your sections in the Table of Contents.
6) Convert your document to a PDF. In Open Office you can do this
directly. For others you may have to use separate software.

Well there you have it everything you need to write your own highquality ebooks quickly and easily. Some of these steps may be new to
you. All of them are simple and straightforward. They are everything
that you need.
Once you have got the process working for you, you can use it over
and over again to create as many ebooks as you like. You first book
may not be perfect, or even great, but it will be a start. And here's
another secret nugget for success:
You get good at something by doing it. You get great at it by
doing it often enough. No one starts out good or great at
So if there is just one thing I would like you take from reading this book
it is this: Just make a start and keep going.
Honestly, it really is as simple as that.
With just a few good ebooks out there (or maybe even just one) you

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can have a very healthy stream of income coming to you automatically

for years to come.
An additional, and largely hidden, benefit of writing your own ebook is
the personal satisfaction. Actually having written an ebook and having it
out there in the marketplace will give you a real sense of pride it is
truly a great achievement that very few people can lay claim to. There's
also something quite thrilling about when that first sale comes through.
Personally I also get a lot of encouragement from the thought that
people might benefit from what I have to offer.
Think of a book that you have read which made a positive difference to
your life. Aren't you glad that someone wrote it and that you were able
to benefit from their knowledge? Imagine if they had never gotten
around to writing it, and instead of sharing what they knew they had
kept the information to themselves?
Now imagine who might be out there that needs YOUR help. Think of
someone reading what you've written and saying, That's really good.
I'm so glad that person wrote that book. It's really helped me. I'm
grateful to them for taking the time and effort to write it.
Someone out there does need your help and would be grateful for you
for sharing your knowledge. Passing on what you have learned to
others who would benefit is not just an opportunity perhaps it's also
your duty.
So start right now. Use the tools in this book to break through what has
stopped you until now and get your book DONE!
You and the world - will be so glad you did.

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The Ebook Master Template

Section 1: The Vision or Desired Outcome

Section 2: The Problem and the Solution

Section 3: Introduction to Your Solution

Section 4: The Solution

Section 5: Conclusion

Section 6: Call to Action

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