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Edward- pianoplyr

Bella- bellaisooberawesome

Renesmee- hybrid4eva


Jasper- confederatesrule!




Esme- OCDvampire


Caius- muahahahaha!

Marcus- idonotspeak

Werewolves- Jacob-formerbeta



Seth- wisewolf

Leah- shutup


Emily- wolfgirl

People- Charlie-supercop


-rulerofdaworld has entered chat

-muahahahaha! has entered chat

-idonotspeak has entered chat

rulerofdaworld - Hi people!

muahahahaha! - Hello Aro.

idonotspeak- ……………
rulerofdaworld- Aw! come on Marcus. you have 2 talk sometime.

muahahahaha!- technically this isnt talking this is typing

rulerofdaworld- he has a point ya know

idonotspeak- (sigh) fine

-Dr.C has entered chat

-OCDvampire has entered chat

Dr.C - Hello Aro, Marcus, Caius

rulerofdaworld- Hello Carlisle, Esme

OCDvampire- (looks up at previous conversation) OMG! It talked! It talked!

Dr.C- OMG! You’re right! Marcus talked!

OCDvampire- I never knew it could talk.

Dr.C- Aro, did your therapy do this?

rulerofdaworld- no, i never even counseled… actually, yes. I did do this.

OCDvampire- Oh my! U R a genius!

idonotspeak- Hey! I never went to ther…

rulerofdaworld- shhhhh!

OCDvampire- (gasp) it talked again!

idonotspeak- my name is Marcus. MAR-CUS! Got it?

OCDvampire- this is amazing! It keeps talking!

idonotspeak- MY NAME IS MARCUS! Whatever! I’m outta here!

-idonotspeak has left chat and threatens never to talk again if they keep calling
him “it”

OCDvampire- wait! come back! I never learned your name!

Dr.C- I believe it’s Marcus, dear.

OCDvampire- his name is Marcus? Well why didn’t he just say so?

Dr.C- I don‘t know.

rulerofdaworld- well, Caius and I have 2 go. Thing 2 do, places 2 see, people 2 eat

Dr.C- well it was nice talking 2 U

rulerofdaworld- okay! Bye

-rulerofdaworld has left chat

-muahahahaha! has left chat

-Dr.C has left chat

-OCDvampire has left chat

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