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Liturgy Schedule
Monday, March 30th
8:15 a.m. Spec. Int. Mary Ann
5:15 p.m. Betty Weaver
7:00 p.m. Adoration &
Tuesday, March 31st
8:15 a.m. Spec. Int. Fr. Dan
Wednesday, April 1st
8:15 a.m. Tom Greenwald
6:30 p.m. No Mass
Thursday, April 2nd
Holy Thursday
Mass of the Lords Supper
7:30 p.m. Deb Kennedy
Friday, April 3rd
Good Friday - The Passion and
Death of the Lord
12:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross
1:30 p.m. Good Friday Serv.
7:30 p.m. Tenebrae Service
Saturday, April 4th
Holy SaturdayEaster Vigil
8:00 p.m. Jama Fields
Sunday, April 5th
Easter Sunday
The Resurrection of the Lord
8:00 a.m. Mary, Jack & Diane
9:30 a.m. Michael Morrison
10:00 a.m. In the Social Hall
Parishioners of
St. Lawrence
11:15 a.m. Vera Densborn

Margaret Mitchell

From the Desk of Fr. Underwood:

Through the Eyes of Another Person: The
Examination of Conscience at our Lenten Penance
Service took on a different form than I have ever
experienced. Inspired by the Passion of Christ, we
reflected on the different people in the story. Pilate,
the bystander, Simon, the Centurion, and Mary
were some of the people who played key roles. By
looking at their approaches to Jesus, we explored
our relationship with God and our faithas the
Holy Spirit stirred our souls to be better disciples.
This type of prayerful reflection on various roles in the Passion is spiritually
fruitful. It is important that we take some time to imagine where we would
have been if we lived at that time. What would we have witnessed? How
would we have responded? What would have been our emotions, our
faith, and our actions?
Today, as we welcome Jesus into Jerusalemhis Triumphal Entry on the
road to his Passion, we must prepare our lives to fully encounter what
Jesus is trying to reveal to us. We prepare for Holy Thursday, where Jesus
instituted the Eucharist and the Priesthood. We prepare for Good Friday
where he gave his life for us. We prepare to witness his Resurrection to
new life.
I encourage you to prayerfully prepareand to join us this coming Holy
Week as we journey with Christ. Try your very best to be present as much
as possible this weekso that Christ can touch your life!
LAST CALLAre You an Adult and Not Yet Confirmed? If so,
please contact the parish office to sign-up for special Confirmation
Preparation classes. You must be 18 or older and out of high-school to
participate in this program. Confirmation is a beautiful Sacrament where
we are sealed with the Holy Spirit and given specific gifts to live our faith
in the world. Dont miss out on this special grace.
To prepare, we have synthesized the basic tenets of our Catholic faith into
4 sessions (April 8, 15, 22, 29). They will be held in the St. Francis Room
of the Parish Office from 7-8:30pm each of those nights. On May 13 at
7:00pm, there will be a Confirmation practice at St. Mary Cathedral. And,
on May 14 at 7:00pm, properly prepared adults will be Confirmed along
side our high-school Confirmation class. Sign up no later than April 7th.
PRAY, PRAY, PRAY: The RCIA team and those who will be receiving
the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil are on retreat this Palm
Sunday. They are praying and finalizing their preparation to become
Catholic. We are reminded of the importance to pray for them and all
those who are preparing for the Sacraments. God has chosen such a
personal way to save us from our sins and lead us to Heaven. We are so
blessed to have these gifts of His grace! As you pray for each of them,
remember to thank God for the Sacraments in your life!


Q: What is with the number 40 in Scripture?

Holy Week
Chrism Mass
Tuesday, March 31st
St. Mary Cathedral 7:00 pm

Holy Thursday, April 2nd

Come and join us for a simple meal April 2nd,
Holy Thursday, in the Social Hall. Serving at
6:00pm. We will have 3 kinds of soup. Table
service and drinks will be provided.
We ask that if your LAST name begins
with A thru S bring a salad; garden,
Jell-O, fruit, vegetable, etc.
If your LAST name begins withT thru Z
bring a dinner bread; rolls, muffins, etc.
After we finish our meal, we will begin the

three day celebration

of the Lords passion,
death and resurrection
with the Holy Thursday
Mass at 7:30 pm.

Good Friday, April 3rd

Stations of the Cross 12:00 Noon
Good Friday Service - 1:30 pm

Tenebrae - 7:30pm
A powerful and poignant
meditation on our Lords
suffering and death through
song and sacred Scripture.

Holy Saturday, April 4th

Easter Vigil 8:00 pm

Easter Sunday, April 5th

Masses at 8:00 am, 9:30 am,
10:00 am (In The Social Hall)
And 11:15 am

A: 40 is a number that shows up many times in

Scripture. It is a number that is associated with
testing and trials that someone has to undergo. The
Israelites spent 40 years wandering in the desert
before entering the Promised Land. Both Moses
and Elijah spent 40 days fasting. Jesus spent 40
days fasting in the desert before he started his
public ministry. During Lent we spend 40 days
preparing for Easter by prayer, fasting, and
almsgiving. St. John Cassian describes these 40
days as a tithe we give to the Lord (40 days is
roughly a tenth of the year and 10% is a good
amount to tithe). Lent is a time to follow
Jesus example and also to remind us that we are
like the Israelites, on a pilgrimage to the
Promised Land of heaven.
(email questions
Baptism Meeting - A meeting for upcoming
Baptisms will be held Tuesday, April 14 at 7:00pm in
the St. Francis Rm., St. Lawrence Parish Office
Bldg. The meeting will be informal but will include
information about the Sacrament of Baptism and
how to make this event more meaningful for you the
parents, your child and the godparents.
The godparents are also welcome to attend the
meeting if available. Please call the Parish Office at
742-2107 to register.
Protocol Meeting - A Safe Conduct Protocol
Meeting is being offered Tuesday, April 14 at
7:00pm in the Bishop Higi Rm., St. Mary Cathedral.
All adults (age 18 or older) who assist with ministries/
activities involving any children from our parish are
required to attend one of these meetings every five
years. If you are a new volunteer/employee or need to
renew your paperwork and background check, please
plan on attending. The meeting lasts approximately 90
minutes. Registration Required no later than 1 day prior to
meeting. Please call the office with any questions or
concerns (742-2107 ext. 236).

(R)eaders (C)ommunion Ministers

(S)ervers Schedule
Sign up sheets available in the priests sacristy for Holy Week.
Sacrificial Fund, March 22, 2015
Electronic Fund Transfers
Flower Collection
School Expansion Fund


29, 2015 14, 2014

A reminder that all Confirmation assignments and
forms are to be turned in after one of the Masses
this weekend. Priest interviews must also be
completed by this weekend. You may bring the
forms and assignments to the lobby of the social
hall. See the St. Lawrence website for copies of
forms, checklist and descriptions under the
Formation and Confirmation tab.
The required Confirmation Retreat is April 11th
and 12th registrations and payment are due no later
than April 1st.
I am in need of people to help with the Confirmation
Retreat on April 11th and 12th at Camp Cary in
Lafayette. Please contact Ryan Hillman at 423-2396
or at if you
would like to help in anyway. Thank you.
First Communion
The 1st Communion Day of Reflection is Saturday
April 18th at 10:00am in the Social Hall. All
children are expected to participate. If anybody
would like to help with lunch for the children at
the 1st Communion Day of Reflection please
email me at or
call 423-2396. Thank you.
Please submit your Baptismal Information Form if
you have not done so. We must have the form so
child can be able to receive 1st Communion.
During Lent, the children are asked to participate
in Operation Rice Bowl. 75% of our collection
goes to Catholic Services for their programming
around the world and 25% supports local efforts.
The class that brings in the most money per
student will receive an ice cream party.
Spring Break
There will be NO Religious Education classes for
Grades 6-8 or Childrens Liturgy of Word today
Sunday, March 29th or Sunday, April 5 (Easter).
Religious Education Board Meeting
Our next meeting of the Board is Monday,
April 6th at 7:00 pm in the Brides Room of the
Social Hall. Individuals who are interested in
being on the board are welcome to attend
the meeting.

RCIA: Period of Purification and

This final period of preparation is one of
intense, spiritual recollection that usually
coincides with Lent. It is a period of Purification and
Enlightenment. It is a time for reflection and prayer, more than
teaching. We will celebrate several rites, giving the candidates
strength and grace. March 8th we celebrated the Rite of
Sending at the 9:30am Mass and a Combined Rite of Election
and the Call to Continuing Conversion at the Cathedral. After
this Rite the Catechumens are now called The Elect. The three
purifying rituals, known as The Scrutinies, strengthen the elect
and help to complete their conversion. The Presentation of the
Creed and The Lords Prayer enlighten the minds of the elect
in the final weeks of their preparation for the Sacraments of
Initiation, which will be celebrated at the Easter Vigil. Lent
ends when the sacred Triduum begins (Holy Thursday, Good
Friday and Easter) at sunset on Thursday of Holy Week.
Please keep The Catechumens and The Candidates in your
prayers as they journey to the Easter Vigil, where they will
become members of our parish.
Inquiry is meeting the second and fourth Sunday of each
month. If you are interested in attending an inquiry session
please call the Parish Office at 742-2107 or Jim at 447-2939.
The St. Lawrence 50 Plus Club will
meet Wednesday, April 1, 2015 in the
Social Hall from 1:00-3:30pm. Short
meeting, refreshments, fun and good fellowship.
Euchre will be played and prizes awarded. For more
information call Sonja Wiegand at 490-3829.
Culver Night will be Tuesday, April 14th from
4:30-7:30pm. Come join us for great food, fun and
fellowship! Purchase Scrip at the door from
5:00-7:00pm so we can make double the profit!
Mark your calendars for the 93rd Annual

Easter Monday Card Party

This year our Card Party will be held on Monday, April 6th
at the St. Lawrence Social Hall. There will be two sessions:
in the afternoon from 2:00 to 4:00pm and in the evening
from 7:00 to 9:00pm. There will be prizes for different card
games played, door prizes, and money trees. A beautiful
hand made quilt donated by our St. Lawrence Quilters will
be raffled. Refreshments will be served. Tickets for the
annual social event will be $2.00.
Volunteers are needed to help with
card party and donations of cookies
would be appreciated. If you can help
or have any questions please contact
Kathy Walters at 430-6196.


Changing Hearts
Transforming Lives
Impacng the World

Kairos Prison Ministry International is a Christian

faith-based ministry which addresses the spiritual
needs of incarcerated men, women, youth, and
their families. By sharing the love of Jesus Christ,
Kairos hopes to change hearts, transform lives,
and impact the world. Members of St Lawrence
are supporting the team scheduled to go into
I.S.P. (Indiana State Prison) in Michigan City the
weekend of April 9-12th. If you would like to
donate cookies (only a specific recipe is allowed
for the cookies) or would like to provide a small
donation to support the weekend, please pick
up a copy of the recipe from the table in the
Social Hall or stop by the St Lawrence Parish
Office. Note: Cookies can be delivered to the
Social Hall or the Office anytime prior to April 7th
(Cookies do NOT need to be frozen).
For more information, contact Larry Dresch
at 765-418-4795.

SIX DATES for Catholic Couples continues

with Date 2 Saturday, April 18. The theme of
the date is: Marriage Is New couples are
invited to join us . Call Sue at 765-742-2107
for more information or to register.
6:00-6:30Social Hour/Optional for couples
7:00-8:30Date Time (child-care concludes)
Cost is $25 per couple for the program.
Limited Child-care provided (Suggested free will
offering $5.00 per family).
For more information or to register please contact the
St. Lawrence Parish Office at 765-742-2107.


Susan Vogt
Marriage Moments &
Parenting Pointers
March 2015
Marriage Moments Holy Week "Marriage
is a give-and-take experience, involving hurt
and forgiveness, failure and sacrifice." (Follow
the Way of Love) It's the Paschal Mystery of
death and resurrection. Avoiding decisions?
Humble yourself today.
Parenting Pointer This coming Sunday is
Palm Sunday. Before we walk into the passion
of Holy Week, perhaps you could rejoice with
your family about your accomplishments as a
family (Toilet training? A day without fighting
or complaining? An award? A healing?
We would not expect a car,
or a house heating/air conditioning
system to run for years without any
servicing, so why do we expect our
marriage relationship to keep
running smoothly without a little maintenance?
The Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Weekend gives married couples the tools to
keep their relationship in top running condition.
Please join us for a Marriage Encounter
weekend at Our Lady of Fatima Retreat
House, Indianapolis, IN from 1-3 May. Visit for further information or call
Jeff and Denise Seeger at 765-742-6088 .
Quote from a couple who made a Marriage
Encounter Weekend after 18 years of
marriage: We were blown out of the water
after our Weekend. We didnt fully appreciate
that our Sacrament was a vocation to be
cherished and nurtured.
Food Pantry Next Sunday,
April 5th is our monthly Food
Sunday to help those in need.
Please bring non-perishable
food items, toiletries and paper products.
Canned meats, cereal, dry milk, spaghetti
& sauce, pasta, rice, peanut butter,
laundry detergent and toilet paper are
needed. Your generosity is greatly
appreciated by those we help!

Director of Communication
The Director of Communication will oversee all internal
and external communication for the Church of the Blessed
Sacrament through the use of print, web, and other
media forms. The Director of Communication will be
responsible for planning, developing and measuring the
success of all communication and the implementation of
marketing/communication strategies that enhance and
promote all ministries of the parish. The Director of
Communication will be able to articulate the mission of
Blessed Sacrament.
A college degree or 2-3 years experience in a related field
is preferred; computer skills and familiarity with social
media, including Facebook and Twitter, essential. Applicant
needs to be a team player and possess outstanding
organization and communication skills. Applicant must be a
practicing Catholic in good standing with a clear understanding of the moral guidelines of the Catholic Church.
If you are interested in participating with your family at the
World Meeting of Families this September in Philadelphia,
please visit:
This link will offer you the opportunity to
register and find housing; it also provides you
with a breakdown of the events.

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