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diakses pada hari sabtu, 28 february 2015
Merawat Anjing Tua
drh. Anita Bunawan

Keistimewaan anjing sebagai hewan

kesayangan, tidak terlepas dari kesetiaan
dalam memberikan rasa cinta dan
perhatian di sepanjang hidupnya bagi
pemilik hewan. Hal ini menimbulkan rasa
keterikatan psikologis yang kuat antara
pemilik dengan hewan peliharaannya
sebagai bagian anggota keluarga. Seiring
dengan berjalannya waktu perubahan
secara psikis maupun fisik berlangsung
menurun saat hewan memasuki usia tua
dan di masa inilah pemilik perlu memberikan perhatian lebih bagi kelangsungan
hidup hewan kesayangannya.
Usia tua pada anjing bervariasi tergantung dari jenisnya, dimana anjing ras besar
umumnya menjelang umur 6 tahun sedang kan anjing ras kecil menjelang umur 7
tahun. Selain faktor jenis ras, pertahanan hidup hewan di usia tua juga sangat
ditentukan dari kondisi kesehatan dan perawatan yang baik.
Perbedaan usia anjing dengan manusia diperkirakan 7 kali lebih cepat, dan seiiring
dengan berjalannya waktu, anda perlu mengenali perubahan yang terjadi pada
anjing anda, karena kebutuhan dan penanganan terhadap anjing tua pada dasarnya
berbeda dengan anjing muda dan dewasa.
Perubahan yang umum dapat terjadi pada anjing tua diantaranya :
1. Nutrisi
Sesuai dengan perubahan metabolisme tubuh yang melambat, kebutuhan energi
anjing tua juga menurun. Dampaknya pemberian makanan perlu dikurangi karena
kelebihan energi akan dialokasikan pada cadangan lemak. Apalagi aktifitas hewan
tua cenderung menurun sehingga exercise yang kurang juga berpotensi membuat
anjing tua menjadi gemuk. Frekuensi pemberian makan 2x sehari lebih baik
daripada 1x sehari untuk mengurangi kemungkinan anjing merasa sangat lapar.
Sebagai tambahan untuk mengantisipasi rasa lapar anjing diluar jam makan, anda
dapat memberikan sayuran maupun buah-buahan segar yang baik untuk pencernaan
dan tidak berpotensi menimbulkan kegemukan pada anjing, yaitu diantaranya
ketimun, buncis, wortel dan apel.
Hewan tua memerlukan diet rendah lemak, phospor dan sodium untuk menjaga
kesehatan ginjal dan jantung namun sebaliknya membutuhkan kandungan serat
yang tinggi dan protein berkualitas tinggi yang mudah tercerna. Anjing tua juga

membutuhkan tambahan antioksidan berupa vitamin E, vitamin C serta Selenium

untuk mengurangi efek kerusakan sel akibat radikal bebas, serta asam lemak omega
yang dapat membantu fungsi mitokondria sel. Semua kebutuhan komposisi tersebut
umumnya sudah dilengkapi pada produk dog food berkualitas premium yang khusus
disesuaikan untuk anjing tua.
2. Penyakit Periodontal
Resiko pembentukan plak dan karang gigi yang disertai ginggivitis meningkat pada
anjing tua, karena produksi saliva mengalami penurunan disertai sisa makanan yang
menempel pada gigi dan bercampur akumulasi bakteri. Perlu diwaspadai bahwa
penyakit periodontal dapat menyebabkan gangguan pada organ vital tubuh seperti
ginjal, jantung dan hati. Hal ini dikarenakan infeksi pada gusi maupun pembusukan
gigi memudahkan port d entre (masuknya) bakteri migrasi dan beredar dalam
pembuluh darah.
Idealnya menjaga kesehatan gigi dan gusi dapat dilakukan dengan menyikat gigi
secara teratur menggunakan pasta gigi khusus untuk hewan yang mengandung
chlorhexidine minimal 3 kali seminggu. Dental treats dan chews juga dapat
diberikan untuk membantu mengurangi resiko pembentukan plak dan karang gigi.
Namun demikian hewan dengan kondisi plak dan karang gigi yang parah umumnya
hanya dapat diterapi dengan cara "dental scalling".
3. Behaviour
Meskipun penuaan merupakan proses yang tidak dapat dihindari, namun
pengamatan terhadap segala macam perubahan perilaku anjing anda perlu
diperhatikan, mengingat perubahan tersebut dapat merupakan salah satu tanda
adanya kelainan/gangguan kesehatan pada hewan. Secara fisiologis perubahan
perilaku pada hewan tua sendiri dapat dipengaruhi oleh adanya penurunan fungsi
organ cognitive (otak) yang pada manusia usia lanjut lebih sering dikenal dengan
dementia. Tanda-tanda yang dapat dikenali diantaranya reaksi terhadap stimulus
(rangsangan) yang menurun, daya ingat menurun, lebih lamban dalam beraktivitas,
perubahan pola waktu tidur, serta penurunan fungsi organ sensoris. Kemampuan
anjing untuk beradaptasi terhadap perubahan lingkungan di sekitarnya juga mulai
menurun pada usia tua sehingga memicu anjing menjadi lebih mudah stress.
Saat fungsi pendengaran dan penglihatan menurun, anjing tua dapat tersesat ketika
berada di lingkungan baru dan merasa asing sehingga dapat berespon agresif dan
intoleran terhadap orang. Kemampuan anjing membaui rasa juga dapat berpengaruh
terhadap penurunan nafsu makan. Selain itu anjing tua juga dapat bermasalah
dengan perubahan frekuensi defekasi seiiring dengan menurunnya fungsi kontrol
spinchter ani. Seperti halnya dengan manusia yang memerlukan perhatian, anjing
tua yang tidak terbiasa sendiri ditinggal pemilik juga dapat mengalami stress
sehingga menjadi gelisah dan vocalizing (bersuara).
4. Arthritis
Arthritis merupakan peradangan pada persendian yang ditandai dengan adanya
kekakuan dan rasa sakit pada persendian. Arthritis itu sendiri termasuk penyakit

degeneratif yang banyak menyerang anjing tua terutama ras besar sedangkan pada
anjing usia muda umumnya lebih disebabkan oleh karena faktor trauma maupun
infeksi pada persendian. Gejala yang ditimbulkan diantaranya rasa sakit saat berdiri
maupun setelah beraktifitas sehingga hewan menjadi kurang aktif, kekakuan,
bahkan agak pincang beberapa langkah saat bangun setelah tidur panjang.
Penanganan yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan pemberian obat untuk mengurangi
peradangan dan rasa sakit, yaitu yang umum dipakai adalah Rimadyl dan termasuk
NSAID (non steroidal anti inflammatory drug). Penggunaan obat ini sebaiknya tetap
memerlukan pengawasan dan petunjuk dokter hewan karena efek sampingnya yang
dapat menimbulkan ulcer gastrointestinal dan toksisitas pada hati serta ginjal.
Sedangkan suplement glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate maupun asam lemak omega
3 dan 6 yang berperan sebagai anti inflammatory alami berguna untuk membantu
memperlambat proses degenerasi dan menjaga lubrikasi persendian.
Exercise secara teratur juga tetap diperlukan untuk membantu memicu produksi
cairan lubrikasi pada persendian dan membantu agar hewan tidak malas bergerak
sehingga mencegah atrofi otot. Salah satunya yang paling mudah adalah dengan
latihan berjalan setidaknya 10-30 menit sehari di pagi maupun sore hari tergantung
dari kondisi anjing.
Karena anjing arthritis cenderung mengalami kesulitan bergerak maka perlu
diperhatikan lantai kandang sebaiknya tidak terbuat dari ubin dan kayu yang licin,
bila perlu diberi tambahan karpet untuk mencegah anjing terpeleset. Faktor
kegemukan juga dapat memperparah kondisi anjing arthritis karena tekanan beban
pada persendian. Sedangkan alas tidur yang lembut membantu anjing merasa lebih
nyaman, terutama berguna untuk anjing yang sangat kurus dimana penonjolan
tulang ekstremitas yang bergesek dengan permukaan lantai dapat menyebabkan luka
lecet. Rasa sakit karena arthritis juga membuat anjing menjadi sensitif dan kurang
toleran terhadap gangguan luar, sehingga perlu memberikan suasana tenang
sehingga anjing tetap merasa nyaman.
5. Gangguan jantung
Seperti halnya dengan manusia, anjing tua juga dapat mengalami kelainan jantung
meskipun umumnya bukan terutama disebabkan dari faktor pola diet. Kelainan yang
sering ditemui diantaranya gangguan katup jantung (valvular disease) dan
kardiomiopati. Gangguan jantung itu sendiri dapat dipicu oleh adanya tumor, parasit
jantung (Dirofilaria immitis), kegemukan maupun infeksi periodontal.
Gejala yang dapat diamati pada anjing penderita gangguan jantung diantaranya
sering batuk di malam hari, lebih cepat lelah saat beraktifitas, kesulitan bernafas
bahkan pingsan. Fungsi jantung yang mengalami gangguan umumnya mengalami
arythmia (irama tidak beraturan) yang dapat dideteksi dari adanya murmur (suara
desiran yang abnormal) . Sebagai organ vital yang memompa darah ke seluruh
tubuh, gangguan jantung dapat berdampak buruk terhadap organ tubuh lainnya
karena gangguan sirkulasi darah. Penanganan terhadap gangguan jantung itu sendiri
umumnya menggunakan obat oral diantaranya diuretikum, ACE inhibitor, beta
blocker maupun calcium channel blocker.
6. Tumor

Yang paling sering ditemui pada anjing tua adalah tumor pada kulit. Adanya
benjolan pada kulit perlu anda perhatikan letak, bentuk, ukuran dan perubahan
warna yang terjadi, untuk mengetahui sifat dari tumor tersebut apakah ganas atau
jinak. Penanganan terhadap tumor sendiri tergantung dari diagnosa dan prognosa
penyakit sehingga anda perlu segera memeriksakan hewan anda ke dokter hewan
bila menemukan kelainan tersebut pada anjing anda.
Selain perubahan tersebut diatas, anjing tua juga cenderung mengalami gangguan
fungsi organ tubuh lain diantaranya hati, ginjal serta gangguan hormonal. Meskipun
penuaan sendiri merupakan proses degenerasi yang tidak dapat dihindari namun
berbagai gangguan penyakit yang muncul perlu diantisipasi dan ditangani segera
mengingat anjing tua membutuhkan waktu yang lebih lama untuk dapat pulih
dengan kapasitas fungsi tubuh yang menurun. Deteksi dini terhadap adanya
penyakit umumnya dapat dilakukan dengan pemeriksaan darah rutin setidaknya 1-2
kali setahun untuk mendeteksi gejala awal disfungsi organ yang seringkali belum
teramati secara pemeriksaan klinis sehingga dapat dilakukan tindakan untuk
pencegahan maupun memperlambat perkembangan proses penyakit yang terjadi.
Alhasil prinsip pemeliharan yang baik, pencegahan dan penanganan yang tepat
disertai dengan pemberian nutrisi yang seimbang setidaknya dapat memberikan
kenyamanan dan memperpanjang jangka hidup anjing anda di masa tuanya.

Nutritional Needs for Senior Pets

Diakses pada hari sabtu, 28 february 2015

01.29.2010 | 12:40 pm
by Albert S. Townshend, DVM

We all know that puppies and kittens need special diets in order to develop properly. As our pets age their dietary needs can
change several times, depending on many factors including activity level, the environment, disease, sickness and many other
factors besides age. Follow these helpful tips to help your senior pet age gracefully.
1. Diets for older dogs should contain fewer calories in order to help you regulate weight. This is usually accomplished by
adding less fat to the recipe.
2. As dogs age, they tend to become less active and their metabolism slows down. As a result many are over weight.
Encouraging regular (daily) activity is critical to not only weight control but general health. Never over exercise; rather, design
a plan that fits the needs of your pet but does not over exert the body.
3. Adequate protein is needed in order to replace the cells of the body. Too little protein does not provide the building blocks for
cellular replacement. The protein must also be highly digestible in order to be utilized properly by the older animal.
4. Optimum vitamin and mineral levels are also very important to the older dog. They too must be in a form that is easily
absorbed by the body.

5. All animals should be encouraged to drink adequate water.

6. The diet should taste good so enough nutrition is consumed.
7. Try feeding twice daily rather as an alternative to feeding once a day or free choice.
8. Always be sure the teeth and gums are in good shape. Gum disease can cause discomfort and LEAD
problems as well as limit the amount of food the pet will consume.

to more serious

9. Many older pets suffer from arthritis. Maintaining a normal lean body condition provides less stress on the bones and joints.
10. Diets with glucosamine and/or chondroitin sulfate can also reduce the stress on the joints as can foods with adequate
Omega 3 fatty acids.

Holistic Select Vitalize Senior Health Recipe for Dogs

Diets such as Holistic Select Vitalize Senior Health Chicken Meal & Rice Recipeis designed with all of the special concerns that
should be addressed for an older dog. They both provide optimum nutrition so as to do all we can to ensure a long, happy and
healthy life for your older companions.

Holistic Select Radiant Feline Adult Health Anchovy, Sardine & Salmon Meal Recipe
Not a lot of research has been done on the nutritional requirements of the aging cat. As with dogs, it is likely that with age,
there is a decreased activity level, a reduction in metabolic rate and a reduction in efficiency of the digestive tract, kidneys and
other organs.
Many cats tend to gain weight as they move into maturity. One should always be aware of excess weight gain and take steps to
reduce the amount of food being fed.
1. As some cats age, their digestive tracts can become less efficient and therefore we must feed more in order to maintain
weight, or we must feed a more dense diet, containing additional calories per ounce. As with dogs, it should be highly
digestible and very palatable. Canned foods contain more calories per ounce than dry foods. Increasing the amount of canned
food in the diet is one way of increasing calories and increasing the amount of water consumed.
2. Water consumption is very important for cats. They must consume significant amounts of water in order to maintain good
kidney function and reduce the incidence of urinary tract problems such as excess crystals and blockages.

3. As with dogs, a high quality vitamin and mineral content in the diet is essential, especially if the digestive tract has become
less efficient.
4. When having your older cats annual checkup, be sure the teeth and gums are in good health as bad teeth and gum disease
can have a major impact on the health of your kitty.
5. Many older cats have problems with arthritis and there are foods such as the Holistic Select dry formulas that contain
glucosamine and can have a positive effect on the discomfort associated with arthritis. Holistic Select Recipes such as Feline
Radiant Adult Health Anchovy, Sardine & Salmon Meal Recipe contain naturally occurring Omega 3 fatty acids which also can
aid in reducing the discomfort associated with arthritis.
Considering Your Pets Specific Needs
When considering a diet specifically for an older senior dog or cat, we must still consider some of those other factors. Previous
injuries or illness that may require special consideration when it comes to diet. Time of year and location: do you live in Florida
or Alaska? Are you pets overweight or underweight? Are their dental issues? Is you pet getting enough exercise? Is there
obvious arthritis? Is there a heart problem or a kidney problem?
There may be other particular issues to consider before selecting the proper diet for your pet. Always rely on your trusted
veterinarian for advice when it comes to the specific issues relevant to your pet as he is familiar with the problems and more
expressly he should be very familiar with your pet.
If your dog or cat has a medical condition such as heart or kidney disease or diabetes, your veterinarian may recommend a
special diet that addresses these issues. The pet will also require regular monitoring by your veterinarian.
The immune system in older animals can become compromised too. Diets like Holistic Select that contain Probiotics or Direct
Fed Microbials, multiple antioxidants and Omega 3 fatty acids to aid in digestion and help maintain immune function.
Holistic Select diets, both canned and dry are ideal diets for the aging cat as they provide the ideal diet for adult as well as
older animals. We know how important your older companion is to you and we have created diets that address the specific
needs of the aging animal so as to provide not only basic nutrition but the best possible diet available.
Nutritional Needs of Older Dogs
Diakses pada hari sabtu, 28 february 2015
As our dogs age, they go through a lot of significant physical changes. Their nutritional requirements change as well. The way
the body uses energy changes, along with the amount of substance needed to produce energy. This process, known
as metabolism, tends to slow down, especially in dogs, so that the need for fat and calories decreases.

The lack of knowledge in the area of animal physiology has led many pet owners to unknowingly overfeed their aging dogs,
which has led to a growing population of overweight and obese dogs, and the illnesses that accompany these conditions.

The Health and Disease Link

Older dogs are already more at risk for developing kidney and heart disease, diabetes,arthritis, and various forms of cancer.
The immune system also weakens with age, leaving older dogs at a higher risk of infection and slowed healing. For some,
there is a genetic breed link that predisposes them to disease. To combat, or to at least mitigate the effects of these conditions,
there are diets that have been specially formulated for special needs pets.

For example, older dogs with kidney disease are fed highly digestible proteins; those with heart disease are fed diets that are
lower in sodium content. Animals that have developed problems with brain function may benefit from the addition of certain
antioxidants to their daily diets; and cancer patients often benefit from the addition of omega-3 fatty acids, along with additional
antioxidants in their diets.

Depending on your dogs health status, immediate dietary changes may be necessary to halt the progression of a disease that
has come about. Even if the disease cannot be resolved entirely, diet changes can often reduce the more severe effects of
disease. Foods that are made with highly digestible sources of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates can make a big difference, as
they are more readily absorbed, placing less stress on the digestive system and allowing for the body to balance its energy
reserves more efficiently.

Maintaining the strength of the aging immune system is also a priority, and this can be done with the addition of antioxidants
and omega-3 fatty acids in the diet -- both are known to boost immunity and improve the body's ability to heal.

Even if your dog is not suffering from a diseased condition, changes such as these are a practical disease deterrent. Consult
your veterinarian so that you are tailoring your dogs diet to his or her specific physical needs.

Checkups Are Important At All Ages

Because you want to maintain your dogs health, it is important to remember that veterinary checkups are still as important as
when your pet was a small and inexperienced risk taker. Monitoring your dog's organ function will allow your veterinarian to
determine if a special diet is necessary for your pet as s/he ages. But aside from diet, the yearly checkup can catch the first
symptoms of an impending disease before it has become apparent to you, saving MONEY

and heartache over the long


diakses pada hari sabtu, 28 february 2015

Seberapa tua-kah umur anjing/kucing kesayangan kita?

Salam Hangat...
Seiring bertambahnya usia hewan peliharaan kita, menandakan kita tidak bisa memiliki dan memelihara
mereka selama hidup kita. Namun dengan pemeliharaan yang baik tentunya hewan peliharaan tersebut
akan memiliki kualitas hidup yang baik pula.

Usia hewan tidak bisa disamakan dengan usia manusia. Hewan berusia 1 tahun tentulah berbeda dengan
manusia yang berusia 1 tahun. Berikut untuk mengetahui konversi usia hewan dan manusia coba kunjungi
link berikut

Lalu pada usia berapakah anjing/kucing dikatakan sebagai hewan senior atau berusia lanjut? Anjing
dikatakan memiliki usia lebih pendek dibandingkan kucing. Sementara anjing ras besar berumur lebih
pendek daripada anjing ras kecil. Anjing/kucing dikatakan berusia lanjut saat memasuki usia 7-8 tahun,
tetapi pada anjing ras besar pada usia 6 tahun boleh dikatakan sudah memasuki usia lanjut.
Berikut beberapa tahapan usia pada anjing dan kucing :

Tahapan Usia pada Anjing

(keterangan lebih lanjut kunjungi )

Tahapan Usia pada Kucing

(keterangan lebih lanjut kunjungi )

Dengan bertambahnya usia hewan, tentunya mempengaruhi kinerja organ tubuh mereka sehingga bisa
saja mengakibatkan gangguan kesehatan seperti penurunan kemampuan melihat dan mendengar,
mengalami gangguan pencernaan, gangguan sistem urinasi, gangguan jantung, dan gangguan syaraf. Tak
jarang hewan yang berusia lanjut juga mengalami penurunan nafsu makan yang mungkin disebabkan oleh
penumpukan karang gigi sehingga tak jarang mengalami peradangan di mulut-gusi yang mengakibatkan
bau nafas tidak sedap bahkan banyak pula gigi yang tanggal. Hewan usia lanjut juga rawan mengalami
pertumbuhan abnormal seperti tumor pada kelenjar-kelenjar tertentu, misal tumor pada mammae(kelenjar
susu) yang paling sering dijumpai. Gangguan syaraf juga bisa mengakibatkan hewan mengalami dimensia
atau pikun.

beberapa hal yang mungkin dialami oleh anjing yang sudah berusia lanjut

Penurunan aktifitas pada hewan tua tentunya akan lebih sering kita jumpai, namun jangan dikarenakan
hewan kita telah berusia lanjut lantas kita membiarkan saja ia bermalas-malasan atau tidur seharian.
Lantas apa saja yang harus kita lakukan agar anjing/kucing kita berumur panjang? Mudah saja, selalu
diskusikan kesehatan anjing/kucing kesayangan kita pada dokter hewan dan tentunya berikan mereka
perhatian serta kasih sayang agar mereka selalu nyaman dan senang hidup bersama kita.

Umur memang ada di tangan Tuhan tetapi...kita sebagai pemilik yang bertanggungjawab perlu
memperhatikan dan menjaga agar mereka tetap sehat hingga saatnya, nah.. apa saja yang harus anda
jaga dan anda lakukan demi menunjang kualitas hidup anjing/kucing kesayangan anda? Berikut yang
harus anda perhatikan dan lakukan :
Pola makan dan nutrisi. Hewan usia lanjut membutuhkan nutrisi yang berbeda dengan hewan di
masa pertumbuhan. Hewan tua akan lebih jarang makan dan makanan yang dibutuhkan adalah makanan
yang mudah dicerna baik secara mekanis maupun kimiawi dalam proses pencernaannya. Berikan juga
makanan yang memberikan efek anti-aging sehingga membantu agar organ tubuh tetap bekerja optimal.
Mengontrol berat badan dan tetap aktif bergerak. Sama halnya pada manusia, obesitas di usia
senja sangat tidak dianjurkan dikarenakan hewan akan makin mudah terserang penyakit seperti gangguan

jantung dan diabetes. Ajak hewan anda untuk berolahraga ringan dikarenakan mereka sudah memasuki
usia senja. Berjalan-jalan seputar kompleks rumah pada anjing atau pancing kucing anda untuk mengambil
makanan/mainan kesukaannya ditempat yang agak jauh dari biasanya bisa menjadi sebuah alternatif
olahraga ringan untuk anjing/kucing anda. Dengan menjadikan anjing/kucing anda tetap aktif juga
membantu ia menghadapi masalah gangguan saraf seperti dimensia(kepikunan). Tetaplah berinteraksi
dengan mereka,karena itu juga akan membantu menjaga mental(emosi) anjing/kucing anda.
Kontrol kesehatan rutin. Beberapa prosedur pemeriksaan kesehatan rutin seperti pemeriksaan
kotoran(feses), pemeriksaan kulit-bulu, pemeriksaan darah lengkap (termasuk pemeriksaan kadar enzim
dan hormon terutama hormon Tiroid), pemeriksaan urin dan pemeriksaan ridiologi(x-ray). Mengenai
hormon Tiroid ini berkaitan pada obesitas di anjing dan penurunan berat badan di kucing yang terjadi pada
anjing/kucing usia lanjut.
Perhatikan lingkungan tempat tinggal. Untuk hewan usia lanjut usahakan memberinya ruangan
tidak di ruangan sempit, tidak di bawah tangga atau diatas tangga, jangan beri mereka akses terlalu mudah
untuk keluar rumah. Perlu diingat, sistem alat gerak hewan usia lanjut juga mengalami penurunan. Tulang
mereka bisa jadi dalam kondisi rapuh sehingga dikuatirkan bila mereka beraktivitas di atas tangga, mereka
dapat jatuh dan dapat mengalami patah tulang terutama pada anjing. Sementara itu bila akses mereka
keluar rumah juga tidak dijaga, dikuatirkan mereka jatuh dan terluka dikarenakan tanah diluar rumah
memiliki kontur yang tidak rata sementara gerak hewan tua sangat terbatas atau diserang hewan yang
lebih dominan.

Veterinary & Aquatic Services Department, Drs. Foster & Smith

diakses pada hari sabtu, 28 february 2015

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Dogs are living to a much older age than they did 30 years ago. There are many factors contributing to this including better vaccines
and veterinary care, but one of the most important factors is better nutrition. The older dog is undergoing many physiologic changes,
and because of these changes, it is recommended that you feed them differently than when they were a puppy. What is the definition of
an older dog?' Generally consider a dog to be 'older' if he is in the last third of his normal life expectancy. For example, a large breed
dog such as a Great Dane that normally lives to be 9 years old, would be considered older or a "senior dog" when he reached age 6. A
Poodle that normally lives to 15 years, would be older at 10 years of age. There are many exceptions to this rule of course and if a dog
is active and in good shape, he should continue to be fed and exercised as a younger dog would. There are many 11-year-old dogs that
can continue to be fed and exercised like three-year-olds.

Changes as a result of aging

As dogs age, they will undergo several different changes. They may undergo behavioral changes associated with arthritis or old
age cognitive dysfunction. They may not be tolerant of small children and may have restless sleep, accidents in the house (urinary
incontinence). Their vision may begin to fade a little and they may have difficulty seeing in low light situations. They also may have a
loss of hearing and may be easily surprised or startled. Many senior dogs will not have the muscle strength or mass that they had as
young dogs. They are going to be less active and need a warm comfortable bed. Their teeth are going to be worn and be prone to
dental disease. In addition, they might start to develop conditions associated with old age such as kidney failure or heart disease. For
all of these reasons, special care must be given to their diet.

Tendencies to be overweight
Because of decreased activity, many older dogs will gain weight.Obesity is a common problem in the older dog, and because they do
not exercise as much, weight loss can be very difficult. It is much better to not let your dog get overweight than to try to make her lose
weight when she gets older. But if she is overweight, then work very hard to get the extra weight off. It is one of the single most
important things you can do to increase the quality and length of life for your pet.

Characteristics of 'senior' diets

Many older dogs will need a well balanced diet that is lower in
The older dog needs a well
calories, but still has adequate protein and fat, and is higher
balanced diet that is generally
infiber. For some older dogs, we can continue to feed their
lower in calories, but still has
regular food, but in a smaller quantity. Specially formulated
senior diets are lower
adequate protein and fat, and is
in calories and help to create a feeling of fullness. Lower fat
usually translates to lower
higher in fiber.
calories, so many senior diets have lower fat levels than adult
maintenance or growth diets.
Older dogs are more prone to develop constipation, so senior
diets are often higher in fiber at
around 3 to 5%. Wheat bran can be added to regular dog food to
increase the amount of fiber. If
your dog has significantly decreased kidney function, then a diet that is lower in phosphorus will lower the workload for the kidneys.

Getting older dogs to eat

Some older dogs suffer not from obesity, but from the other extreme: lack of weight gain and disinterest in food. If your dog is getting
thin and not eating well, he should have a complete veterinary exam to rule out any possible disease problems. If everything checks
out, then trying to get the dog to eat is the next challenge. If a dog normally eats dry food, he may have decreased consumption
because he has a hard time chewing the large kibble. By feeding a kibble with smaller pieces or moistening the food with water, it will
be easier to chew. Adding canned food or broth to the food will make it more appealing. Some dogs prefer cat food and will eat that
readily, but this is often quite high in protein and should be avoided, if possible. Small amounts of canned cat food may be mixed with
the dog kibble to provide more flavor.
Some dogs can tolerate a small amount of milk or eggs added to the food. Homemade diets of boiled rice, potatoes, vegetables, and
chicken or hamburger with correct vitamin and mineral supplements works well with others. Ask your veterinarian which homemade diet
recipe would be best for your dog. Do not try to formulate one yourself, as the vitamin and mineral levels are critical.

Supplements for older dogs

Aging dogs have special nutritional needs, and some of those can be supplied in the form of supplements. Feeding a daily supplement
containing glucosamine and chondroitin, may help support joints. If your dog is not eating a complete balanced diet, then a
vitamin/mineral supplement is recommended to prevent any deficiencies. Some owners like to feed extra antioxidants like our
Antioxitabs. As mentioned earlier, a fiber product such as wheat bran may help to reduce the incidence of constipation.

Older dogs are undergoing many different physiological changes. To keep up with these changes, it is recommended that a diet that is
suited for older dogs be fed. Remember to keep up with the exercise and keep the weight under control. Your older dog needs regular
veterinary checkups, and you may need to consider some of the nutritional supplements. By following
some of these basic principles, you can make these golden years some of the best years of your dog's
diakses pada hari sabu, 28 february 2015

Feeding Older Dogs

Dogs begin to show visible age-related changes at about seven to twelve years of age. There are metabolic, immunologic and
body composition changes, too. Some of these are unavoidable. Others can be managed with diet.

Since smaller dogs live longer and don't experience age-related changes as early as bigger dogs, size is used to
determine when its time to feed your canine a senior diet:
Small breeds/dogs weighing less than 20 pounds7 years of age
Medium breeds/dogs weighing 21 to 50 pounds7 years of age
Large breeds/dogs weighing 51 to 90 pounds6 years of age
Giant breeds/dogs weighing 91 pounds or more5 years of age


The main objectives in the feeding an older dog should be to maintain health and optimum body weight, slow or
prevent the development of chronic disease, and minimize or improve clinical signs of diseases that may already be present.


As a dog ages, health issues may arise, including:

deterioration of skin and coat
loss of muscle mass
more frequent intestinal problems
dental problems
decreased ability to fight off infection


Older dogs have been shown to progressively put on body fat in spite of consuming fewer calories. This change in
body composition is inevitable and may be aggravated by either reduced energy expenditure or a change in metabolic rate.
Either way, it is important to feed a diet with a lower caloric density to avoid weight gain, but with a normal protein level to
help maintain muscle mass.


Avoid "senior" diets that have reduced levels of protein. Studies have shown that the protein requirement for older
dogs does not decrease with age, and that protein levels do not contribute to the development or progression of renal failure.
It is important to feed older dogs diets that contain optimum levels of highly digestible protein to help maintain good muscle


Talk to your veterinarian about increasing your senior dogs GLA intake. Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) is an omega-6
fatty acid that plays a role in the maintenance of healthy skin and coat. Although it is normally produced in a dog's liver, GLA
levels may be diminished in older dogs. Does your older dogs diet contain GLA?


Aging can affect a dogs intestinal bacteria, which can result in symptoms of gastrointestinal disease. Senior diets for
dogs should contain FOS (fructooligosaccharides) to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria.


Antioxidants such as vitamin E and beta-carotene help eliminate free radical particles that can damage body tissues
and cause signs of aging. Senior diets for dogs should contain higher levels of these antioxidant compounds. Antioxidants can
also increase the effectiveness of the immune system in senior dogs.


Routine care for geriatric pets should involve a consistent daily routine and periodic veterinary examinations to
assess the presence or progress of chronic disease. Stressful situations and abrupt changes in daily routines should be avoided.
If a drastic change must be made to an older pet's routine, try to minimize stress and to realize the change in a gradual
diakses pada hari sabtu, 28 february 2015

4.9 / 5






Chicken, brewer's rice, corn gluten meal, poultry by-product meal (source of
glucosamine), soybean meal, whole grain corn, corn germ meal, oat meal, medium-chain
triglyceride vegetable OIL , whole grain wheat, fish meal (source of glucosamine), pea
fiber, animal digest, animal fat preserved with mixed-tocopherols, glycerin, calcium
carbonate, salt, dried egg product, calcium phosphate, caramel color, potassium
chloride, Vitamin E supplement, choline chloride, zinc sulfate, L-Lysine
monohydrochloride, L-ascorbyl-2-polyphosphate (source of Vitamin C), sulfur, ferrous
sulfate, niacin, manganese sulfate, Vitamin A supplement, calcium pantothenate,
thiamine mononitrate, copper sulfate, riboflavin supplement, Vitamin B-12 supplement,
pyridoxine hydrochloride, garlic oil, folic acid, Vitamin D-3 supplement, calcium iodate,
biotin, menadione sodium bisulfite complex (source of Vitamin K activity), sodium
selenite. D-4181
Manufactured and guaranteed by: Nestl Purina PetCare Company, St. Louis, MO 63164
Animal feeding tests using AAFCO procedures substantiate that Purina ONE SMARTBlend
Vibrant Maturity 7+ Formula provides complete and balanced nutrition for maintenance
of adult dogs.
AAFCO is a voluntary state membership association that develops standards and
regulations to ensure consumer protection and safeguard the health of animals and
Learn more about our ingredients.

Crude Protein
Crude Fat



Crude Fiber








Linoleic Acid



Calcium (Ca)



Phosphorus (P)

Zinc (Zn)



150 mg/kg


Selenium (Se)

Vitamin A


Vitamin E


Ascorbic Acid


0.35 mg/kg



460 IU/kg

70 mg/kg


400 ppm


Omega-6 Fatty Acids



* Not recognized as an essential nutrient by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles


The recommended feeding amounts indicated are based upon the average
nutritional needs of an adult dog with a normal activity level (using a standard 8
oz/250 ml measuring cup which contains approximately 96 g of Purina ONE).
Factors, such as a dog's metabolism, breed size, activity level, age and whether
the dog is spayed or neutered, will affect the amount of Purina ONE needed to
maintain an ideal body condition. The pet experts at Purina have provided the
feeding amounts indicated as a starting point. If you find that your dog is losing
weight or becomes overweight when fed these amounts, please adjust
accordingly. To help your dog maintain an ideal body condition, monitor your
dog's weight on a regular basis, making sure that his ribs are easily felt and his
waist is visible when viewed from above. Maintaining an ideal body condition can
impact your dogs lifelong health.


Purina ONE may be fed dry or mixed with water. If mixed, we suggest one part
LIQUID to four parts Purina ONE.


Although youll be anxious to see the difference Purina ONE can make in your
dog, please allow 710 days to ease the transition from his current food. Each
day, simply feed a little less of the previous food and a little more Purina ONE
until youre feeding Purina ONE exclusively. This gradual transition will help avoid
dietary upsets.

Purina ONE provides 100% complete and balanced nutrition for maintenance of
adult dogs. There is no need to add vitamins, minerals or other supplements,
unless specifically directed by a veterinarian.


Be sure to provide fresh water in a clean container for your dog daily. Proper diet,
exercise and veterinary care are the best ways to keep your dog healthy. If your
dog hasnt had a check-up in the past year, please make an appointment today.


3786 kcal/kg
363 kcal/cup
Weight (lbs./kg)



(1.45.4 kg)



(5.99.1 kg)



(9.515.9 kg)



(16.322.7 kg)

Amount to

1/3 to 1
(3296 g)

1 to 1-1/2
(96144 g)

1-1/2 to 21/4 cups


2-1/4 to 3

Weight (lbs./kg)

Amount to




(23.134.0 kg)



(34.545.4 kg)

Over 100


(Over 45.4 kg)

3 to 4 cups

4 to 5 cups

5 cups
(480 grams

* 1/4 cup (24 g) for each 10 lbx. (4.5 kg) of body weight over 100 lbs. (45.4 kg)

diakses pada hari sabtu, 28 february 2015

Effect of Nutrition on Body Condition of Senior Dogs
Gary M. Davenport, PhD
Research and Development
The Iams Company
Lewisburg, Ohio

Introduction: Aging can be described as the sum of all physiological changes

occurring in the body with the passage of time that ultimately result in functional
impairment and death. These progressive changes occur at the cellular and
subcellular levels and express themselves through altered metabolic function,
disease resistance, and body composition. Although various external factors
(disease, stress, malnutrition, physical inactivity, etc.) hasten these age-related
changes, research continues to focus on the specific role of dietary nutrients in
modulating the adverse effects of aging. The goal is to nutritionally manage these
senior pets to maintain optimal health, weight and body condition, which will
enable them to live longer, healthier and more active lives.
Body Condition: It is widely recognized that body composition changes with
advancing age in most species, including dogs. This age-induced change is
reflected in a progressive reduction in lean body mass (muscle) and a
concomitant increase in body fat. As a result, senior dogs generally have a lower
percentage of lean body mass and higher percentage of body fat compared with
younger dogs.1,2 Although many older dogs are overweight, age-related changes
in body condition may not be reflected in weight differences between old and
younger dogs. In a study involving 18 young dogs (average age 1.6 years) and
18 old dogs (average age 10.6 years), the percentages of body fat and lean mass
differed significantly between the two groups even though total body weight was
Dietary Protein: The decline in muscle mass during the aging process can be
attributed to lower rates of whole-body protein turnover in senior pets. 4,5
Providing an adequate level of protein in the diet can help reverse this decline in
protein turnover and allow for the maintenance of critical muscle protein stores.
These muscle protein stores are necessary for physical activity and to supply
extra protein when the animal is ill, injured or otherwise stressed. In addition, the
level and source of dietary protein may directly affect age-induced changes in
molecular and cellular events associated with aging canine muscle. 6
Contrary to previous beliefs, recent research has shown that dietary protein level
does not affect the development of progressive renal dysfunction in older dogs.7
In fact, restricting protein in the diet may contribute to the loss of muscle mass
associated with aging. In a recent study, increasing the level of protein in the
diets of senior dogs increased whole-body protein accretion by reducing the rate
of protein breakdown.8 These results also suggested that there may be breed-

specific differences in protein metabolism within the canine species. The effect of
dietary protein on whole-body protein metabolism and maintenance of muscle
mass was breed-specific for both young-adult and senior dogs in the study.
Increasing dietary protein level increased lean body mass in senior Labrador
Retrievers but not in senior Fox Terriers.
Calorie Restriction: An optimal approach for maintaining the body weight and
condition of senior dogs must also consider the metabolic alterations that develop
as an animal ages. These changes can affect the utilization of the nutrients
contained in the senior animals food. In many cases, providing the older pet with
a diet containing lower caloric density and fat will help prevent their tendency to
increase fat stores and body weight. Results of a clinical research study showed
that a WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM for senior dogs that included Eukanuba
Veterinary Diets Nutritional Weight Loss Formula Restricted Calorie/Canine
resulted in an 11 18% reduction in body weight over a 10 to 19-week period.
More importantly, the weight loss of these dogs was accompanied by a significant
reduction in lameness over the course of the study.9 It should be noted that some
senior pets are underweight or have reduced food intake, which would require the
feeding of a calorie-dense diet to maintain healthy body weight and condition.
Glucose metabolism: Glucose intolerance, characterized by changes in the
balance between blood insulin and glucose concentrations, has been observed in
both aging and overweight dogs. 10,11 Therefore, dietary MANAGEMENT of
glucose metabolism is important for maintaining optimal body condition of senior
dogs. Research has shown that the inclusion of digestible carbohydrate sources
in the diet, such as barley and sorghum, produce the most optimal combination of
glucose and insulin response after a meal based on lower postprandial increases
in blood glucose and insulin levels. This leveling effect reduces the glycemic
response of the diet which improves glucose tolerance and metabolism in senior
and overweight animals.12,13 The inclusion of moderately fermentable fiber
sources in the diet, such as beet pulp, gum arabic, and fructooligosaccharides,
also lowers blood glucose concentrations compared with a cellulose-containing
Chromium, Carnitine, Vitamin A: Certain unique nutrients may also help senior
pets maintain healthy body weight and lean tissue mass. Chromium
supplementation has been shown to improve the control of blood glucose in dogs
by increasing glucose clearance from the blood and glucose tolerance. 15 This
improvement is associated with an increased loss of body fat and improved or
maintained lean tissue mass. Feeding a low-fat diet containing L-carnitine also
allows obese dogs to lose more body fat and weight than obese dogs fed the
same diet without L-carnitine.16 These dogs also retained more lean body mass
when fed L-carnitine. l-Carnitine improves body condition by increasing the
transport of fatty acids into the mitochondria for breakdown and conversion into
energy. Finally, research has shown that dogs fed high-fat diets with extra vitamin
A gained less weight than animals fed the same diet without additional vitamin
Summary: Research continues to show that the nutritional requirements of
senior pets are uniquely different than their younger counterparts. As a result,

senior pets should be fed a diet that has been specifically formulated for their
unique nutritional needs. The inclusion of these various ingredients and concepts
in senior formulas can help to maintain healthy body weight and body condition of
senior dogs without the need to severely restrict their caloric intake. This
nutritional MANAGEMENT approach will enable our senior pets to live longer,
healthier and more active lives.

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