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While it has been reported that alternative health techniques have been quite effective in stress management,
the studies are yet at an experimental stage. Hence, the authors do not warrant the performance, effectiveness
or applicability of any of the techniques narrated in this e-book nor do they guarantee or represent that your
fitness or health will measurably improve as a result of practicing the ideas contained therein.
The contents presented in this book are the views and opinions of the authors, and are not prescriptions of
a medical doctor for treatment of mental or physical problems, hence, not intended to substitute for proper medical advice. The intent of the authors is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in
your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. As always, the advice of a competent medical professional
should be sought. You take complete responsibility for the results, injury or other losses arising as a result of
any such personal injury after practising the techniques suggested in this e-book and the authors are in no
way responsible for any consequences after trying out the ideas contained in the book. You also acknowledge
that you suffer from no medical ailment, mental or physical, that you might aggravate as a result of practicing
the ideas contained in the book. This e-book and program is solely for educational purposes.
Copyright by Tania A Prince and Stefan Bajic
The moral rights of the author have been asserted.
All rights in the materials created in this e-book, including but not limited to their rights as the owners of
the copyright in those materials are reserved by the Authors, worldwide. Permission is not given for any
commercial use or sale of this material. No other material anywhere on this Live Now the Journey to Bliss,
Your Journey may be copied, downloaded, stored in a retrieval system, changed in any format, transmitted,
used or further disseminated in any way for a private, public or commercial purpose, other than fair use as
brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews, under any circumstances without prior written permission
from the authors.
Thanks to Rachel Cave for Photo of Tallulah Page 15 demonstrating a blissful state (easy when your young
at heart)
Inquiries regarding Inner RePatteerning or the Journey to Bliss program join the free news letter at

Live Now the Journey to Bliss Program

In this program you should have the following eBooks and audios
The Journey the Guide to the Live Now the Journey to Bliss Program
The Quick Guide to Inner RePatterning
Transcripts Karena
Transcripts Maureen
Transcripts Anne
Live Session Karena
Live Session Maureen
Live Session Anne
Sharing Experience Feedback from the Live Sessions
Sharing Experience Karena
Sharing Experience Maureen
Sharing Experience - Anne

Live Now - the Journey to Bliss

Your Journey
The Live Now - the Journey to Bliss program is about helping you make a transition from living a stressful life
to one which can begin to incorporate bliss and joy into your daily experience. This book, Your Journey is the
guide to the program.
Creating Bliss
You may think that it is an impossible task to begin to create bliss into your life. It could be depending on
the tactics you use to achieve this. If you try to think yourself out of where you are now in your life, your
journey may well be arduous. There is however another way, one which does not involve working through your
problems. Instead it focuses on the solution. It focuses on what you would rather have in your life.

We all have the capacity to access a very different state of being. That state is called, presence, being in the now,
in the moment. When you access this state it can instantly seem as if our problems disappear. That is because
many of the issues we experience in our lives are due to the influence of events from our past and the impact
they have on our thought processes, often keeping us looked inside of our head, thinking. When you stop living
in your head and instead become present in the now, you can feel very alive and vibrant. When you are highly
present in the now, you are free in that moment from your past and future. You can experience bliss.
Inner RePatterning - A New Approach to Creating Health and Healing
This program uses at its core, a technique called Inner RePatterning. Inner RePatterning is a technique I
developed with my colleague June K Spencer to help people become more present. It also helps people release
their emotional traumas and discomfort, often in a very gentle way. Why did I develop this approach? After
having worked with thousands of people over the years it became very apparent to me that some peoples
issues were incredibly difficult to clear using conventional approaches. Also, something which was succinctly
stated by a colleague of mine is, when you look for a problem, you will always find more. Inner RePatterning
was developed to address this, to find a faster approach that did not require analysis or understanding of
the problem; instead it focuses on activating the mind/bodys natural healing mechanism. After all, does
it not make sense that with something as sophisticated as the mind/ body system there would be an inbuilt
mechanism to allow healing! We have all seen it in action. For example, when we cut ourselves, for most people
the body instantly begins a repair process. Emotional healing is no different, why should it be!

Inner RePatterning a Story of Resolution

One of the easiest ways to introduce you to the Inner RePatterning technique is to share a story, one that is
very moving. Below is the story of a mother who lost her child. For twenty five years she had buried her grief.
In her own words she talks about the experience of a one hour session using the Inner RePatterning process.
I would like to share this story of releasing trauma and cherishing the life that was.
25 years ago, the worst thing that ever can happen to a parent happened to me. I outlived one of my children.
She was a beautiful 4 month old baby that became a victim of the cot death syndrome. The pain was
excruciating. Nothing could ever prepare you for it and nothing seemed to help.
I had a 3 year old son who needed his Mum to function, so I had to drag myself through the pain of living, day
by miserable day. Over the years I became an expert at burying the pain deep down in the very core of my being.
It was 10 years before I managed to even speak about it in any detail.
But even then, when I did, I would quickly bury it again as the pain was as raw as the day I found her the day
I believed I would never be truly happy again.
But then, 25 years later, I met a lady called Tania A Prince. In 1 hour, Tania, with the use of Inner RePatterning,
took that pain and replaced it with something beautiful.
In a very peaceful and pain free experience, Tania and the Inner RePatterning took away the pain, took the
emotion out of the trauma and left me with the most wonderful memories, unspoiled with the ripping pain of
grief, guilt, sorrow and the most dreadful mourning.
In that single hour my core went from being grief-stricken to being filled with love and joy and the most
wonderful tenderness towards my beautiful daughter. I now think of the amazing memories I have of my time
with my child and sometimes laugh out loud with the pure joy of those. I now hug her in my mind and that hug
is full of love - not sorrow.
The very next day I visited the place where her ashes were scattered a place I had been unable to bring myself to
go to in those 25 years. Wow. Words can hardly explain. For the first time in 25 years I really talked to her, felt
her with me dared to feel my love for her again. There was no pain just love.
Oh yes, and the obvious regret I had not known the power out there to have helped me through those long 25
Love, hugs and inner peace to everyone xx
After further sessions of Inner RePatterning she reported:
I have had psoriasis all over my body since I was 2 years old. The change in my skin since Tania used Inner
RePatterning with my emotional issues has been incredible. My skin is calm, almost psoriasis-free and healthier
than it has ever been in the past 47 years. My gum-disease, caused through my struggling immune system,
has actually completely cleared after a 3 year struggle - my hygienist is amazed! I have also been seeing a
chiropractor due to a neck injury. This injury has been ongoing for 4 years, compounded by the stress and strains
in my neck and upper spine muscles and soft tissues. There is now no emotional stress anywhere in my body and so no more neck problems.
I shared this story to highlight Inner RePatterning is a technique that although simple can help resolve
profound issues. I do think it is important to point out, that although the initial session took only one hour,
there is no guarantee implied. People are different. This story is of one persons personal experience, however
what this does show is that even the deepest of grief can be resolved no matter how long it has been there.
This is the same with other issues and problems that we can carry with us through our life. Whether it is grief,
hurt, sadness, trauma, they can be released so that we can begin to experience life in a more blissful way. You
can then become more present in your life, fully experiencing its true richness.

Coherence - The Key to Health

The true solution to helping us resolve our problems and to feel good, isnt focussing on the problem, it is focussing on the solution and regarding anything that blocks you from that, as the problem. The solution is to
access a place of mind/ body coherence.
True resolution occurs when we access a state of coherence and balance. In this state we enter a state where
natural healing can occur. It is a state where we function at optimum levels. The heart is the key to coherence.

When the heart beats with a coherent rhythm it sends a vibration/ signal to every part of the mind/body system pulling them all into a coherent state. It pulls the mind into coherence. So you dont have to try to think
less or stop the internal chatter, when you go into coherence, the mind becomes quiet and still. You automatically think less!
Equally, when you go into coherence, signals are sent from the heart to every organ, every part of the mind/
body system, pulling them into coherence by a mechanism known as entrainment. Entrainment is a natural
phenomenon. Entrainment can be observed when you place two pendulum clocks in the same room. If initially the pendulums are swinging at different rates, it doesnt take long for them to fall into synchronisation with
each other. The heart sends out a signal that effectively retunes the body to the vibration or frequency of health.
Equally this happens in the mind/body system. The organs and brain entrain with the heart.
Understanding coherence and presence is the key to health and well-being. When we access the state of coherence and presence we trigger a natural inbuilt self-healing mechanism, one that is blocked when we are
focussed on our problems. When we focus on our problems we access to some degree the fight, flight or freeze
response. In this state the mind/ body perceives itself to be under threat. Feeling under threat is not the optimum state for releasing trauma and reprogramming your mind/ body. The state of coherence and balance
unblocks us. It unlocks the door to releasing our emotional baggage and as it releases, it opens the door to
health, both emotional and physical.
One of the beautiful things about accessing this state is that it should not require effort. The more effort you
put in, the more locked out you become. This is about allowing yourself to flow with the moment, letting go of
your resistance. The more you resist, the more your problems persist. Resistance is the fuel, the coal that keeps
the fire stoked.

How to Use this eBook

This ebook, Your Journey is the guide to the Live Now - the Journey to Bliss program. The program is set
to run over 40 days in line with many ancient traditions and practices around the world. It is important that as
you go through the program you devote time to it on a daily basis. The more time you can give to it the better.
However if your time is limited, try to set aside at least 20 minutes per day. Ideally choose a specific time of the
day to set aside to do the exercises. Some of the exercises can be incorporated into your normal daily activities.
Incorporate as many as you can. It is important that when you do this you adopt an attitude of fun rather than
seeing it as a chore, a task to be completed. You only gain the full benefit of doing the exercises if you allow
yourself to get fully into them, giving it your full attention.
The first section of the program provides you with a brief overview of why you should follow this program.
The second section, Preparing for Your Journey is for recording where you are, prior to starting the program,
how are you feeling emotionally and physically. Section 3, Your Journey Begins contains simple exercises that
you can build into your daily routine. Section 4, My Journey to Bliss Guide, guides you through your daily
Accompanying this eBook are five others. Three are transcript eBooks from the audios that are also part of
this program. The fourth eBook is the Quick Guide to Inner RePatterning. Inner RePatterning is a powerful
transformational technique. To enhance your understanding of how to do Inner RePatterning you can listen
to the three live sessions. These sessions also have follow up interviews with the volunteers. These were included
in this pack to give you insight into what changes are possible after using the technique. It is recommended that
you listen to the audios and read the transcripts and Quick Guide eBooks before you start the 40 day program.
Using the Audios on this Program
The Live Session audios serve three purposes: one, they demonstrate that it is possible to go from stress and
worry to bliss. Two, you can study them in order to master how to use Inner RePatterning. The third is that they
also can be used in a very innovative way. You can use these audios as guides to releasing your blocks to bliss.
The instructions are shared in the, Your Journey Begins section under the title, Sharing Bliss Exercise. This
is a powerful exercise for creating transformation and opening the door to your bliss.
The final eBook is called The Diary Portfolio Record. This book is set up to enable you to record your progress
through the forty day program. It contains the exercises from the Your Journey eBook and the forty day plan.

What Stops us Experiencing Bliss?

The bliss state is a natural one which we can access. William Bloom wrote the wonderful book, The Endorphin effect which shows the body chemistry behind this natural phenomena. What stops us experiencing
bliss on a day to day basis? One of the major things that impinges on our ability to access this natural state is
that many of us are locked into our thoughts. We live in our heads. Thinking rather than experiencing. What
can cause us to live in our head?
Survival at All Costs
All life comes into existence with inbuilt survival mechanisms. This includes the human species. Under
threat, the survival mechanism activates and automatically switches the mind/ body into a state of being
which maximises its potential to survive that threat.
Long Term Activation of Survival Response
The mind/body can easily deal with short term activation of the survival response. Problems occur when we,
as as humans begin to experience long term activation of the survival response.
Under the threat of survival our body switches off certain processes that are not necessary to our immediate
survival, for example, gastric juices. Whilst under threat it is not going to improve our chances of survival by digesting our food. Instead the parts of our mind/ body system that can directly influence our chances of survival
are activated. Blood is directed to the muscles so that we can run faster or fight. Our vision also changes, we go
into foveal vision. This enables us to focus on precise spots. We switch to operating from the more primitive
parts of our mind and lose access to other parts of our mind. So, under threat, it can often be difficult to access
memory or the higher centres of the mind, for example the parts you would need to access to do mathematics.
If we remain in this state long term it impacts our emotional and physical health. We go into a place that is
disorganised, lacking coherence. Incoherent signals are sent around our body and mind. This leads to the sense
of imbalance and discomfort.
Survival Mechanism and Personality
Our in built survival mechanism is highly adaptive. Once we experience what we perceive as a threat to our
survival, it adapts. In computer terms it develops a program that now serves to stop that happening again.
For example, parental criticism can be perceived as a threat by a child. The child will often then attempt to avoid
being criticised and judged. The way many do this is by attempting to be perfect, to get things right! This can
lead to the child studying and doing well. However some parents criticise and judge regardless of how well the
child does. This can lead to the formation of the belief, nothing I ever do is good enough.
Since the first seven years of life are foundational to the rest of your life, these beliefs can have a profound
effect. The adult with the belief, nothing I ever do is good enough, is likely to get disheartened easily when
doing things. They might even avoid doing things in the first place. This type of thing can be what underpins
behaviour such as procrastination.

The child who developed a need to be perfect or a dislike of making mistakes might also find themselves
procrastinating. Their need to be perfect might however come at cost causing great stress.
Although I have used the above as a typical example of the survival mechanism and its impact on the development of personality, effectively all traumas can have an impact especially if they occur in the first seven years of
your life. Traumas are not only the huge emotional events that happen to us, they can be simple things such as
criticism. In this case the criticism could be classed as a mini trauma. Mini traumas can have impact especially
if they occur repeatedly.
Repeat Patterns We Run Through Our Life
If you look at the example I gave about the child and criticism, you can see how from that simple causation the
person may have many further traumatic events happen, thus reinforcing the trauma. Now that the child is
sensitive to criticism, they may perceive many things as being criticism even if the person delivering it has no
intention of doing so.
Back to my original question, what can cause us to live in our heads rather than experiencing life? Unresolved
trauma can certainly cause this to happen. For example, someone who is labelled as anxious, typically lives
within their mind running thought processes such as, What if this happens?, what if that doesnt work or goes
wrong?. As a consequence of these thoughts they feel fearful. This behaviour is caused because at some point
they have experienced trauma and it hasnt been released from their mind/ Body system. The impact of this
is that the person becomes programmed by a past event in their life and their current actions are automated.
When the trauma is released from the mind/body system, the person comes more into the present time, into
the now. As they do that they also come more into balance and coherence.
Inner RePatterning is a technique that can help you become more present in the moment. As it does that it
helps you release the traumas and baggage from the past, often in a very gentle way.

Preparing for Your Journey

Before you start your journey to bliss lets evaluate where you are now. Knowing where you started can help you
appreciate more arriving at your destination. There is power in knowing, that you can make a difference in your
life. This will serve that purpose.
Answer the questions below; be as accurate as you can be.
Where are you currently on the bliss scale?



Evaluating Your Current Emotional State

If you are not experiencing bliss right now identify what emotionally you are experiencing right now that is
stopping you?
Is it Anger, Sadness, Frustration, Hurt Emptiness, Anxious or are you Emotionless or something else, in
which case write it down? Remember if you are viewing this on an electronic devise you can type and record
your comments in the text box.
Evaluating Your Physical State.
What is the current physical state? Use the diagrams to identify where you are holding stress and strain
in your body, also mark down any physical problems. Also indicate the intensity of the problem you are
currently experience as in the following example.


Physical Health My Assessment

You can use the diagrams to mark where you feel there is a problem

Preparing for your Journey continued

For example if you are feeling anger
In a typical day what percentage of the time are you feeling angry write
down below specific examples of when what time of day (is it a similar
time each day), what, or who is triggering your anger.

Example: being held up in traffic on the way to work

How do you feel? Very angry, just angry, irritated or frustrated.

My 10 Non Blissful moments


Your Internal Voice

Exercise - take a day out to listen to your internal world
What is the main theme of your internal dialogue? Write it down.

You can find an electronic form for Your Internal Voice on Page 23

Whatever you focus on you get more of, so look at what you have just written down, is that something you
want to have more of in your life? Of course you might choose to use Inner RePatterning to free yourself from
these thoughts. We can become addicted to our way of thinking. Inner RePatterning can free you from the
It is time to make a choice and decide whether you want to stay the same or whether you want to release

Your Journey Begins - Techniques and Exercises for Creating Bliss

Now that you have evaluated where you currently are, it is time to begin your journey to bliss. The following
section contains a series of exercises. Read through the section thoroughly.

Your Miracle
If you woke up tomorrow morning and a miracle had happened clearing out all your problems what would
you be experiencing? Write it down.
It is good to begin to focus on the things that we want in life and move beyond what we currently think is
possible. This exercise is reconnecting you to focus on what you really want in your life.
Inner RePatterning - Clearing Your Blocks to Bliss
It is time to learn how to use Inner RePatterning. Read the Quick Guide to Inner RePatterning, listen to the
Live Session Audios; check the transcripts eBooks until you feel you understand the process. When you do,
you can use the My Journey pages to record the problems you use Inner RePatterning to release and the
results you achieve.
Sharing Bliss Exercise
Another way to use Inner RePatterning is by tapping along with the audios of the, Live sessions. To do this,
get yourself into a quiet environment where you will not be disturbed. The time required is marked next to
whichever Live Session audio you choose to use for this exercise. Allow, 5 minutes extra to give yourself time
to prepare for your session and also for time to relax after it.
1. Put your attention on how you know you are not experiencing bliss right now, for example you may have
images or memories in your mind, physical feelings, thoughts, sensations etc. There is no need to go into these
things just observe or be aware of them.
2. Then ask yourself, What do I need to notice to let me know that I no longer have that problem? Write this
in the relevant section in the, My Journey section of this book.
3. Then put your problem out of your mind, start the audio and listen to the session. Tap along with the person
in the session as if you are them.
When the session is completed, go back on check on your problem does it seem the same?
Does it seem different? Look at what you needed to notice to let you know you have a result?

Fast Coherence with Inner RePatterning

This is a wonderful exercise to use if you want to release de-stress yourself from exams, interviews etc,
especially if you have a love of music.
You can play beautiful music while doing this exercise.
Go into the Inner RePatterning Safe Place, by tapping on the thymus point, using nice gentle percussion.
Breathe and access peripheral vision. Now bring your attention to your heart. As you do that, bring to
mind a time in your life where you felt good. Put your awareness on this good time experience. Be with
this experience as you have a sense of breathing it through your heart.

Creating Blissful Moments

Often we can be led to believe that major things need to happen in our lives for us to experience bliss.
This is not true. Why limit yourself to a few moments of bliss when you can choose to make it your natural
companion. Read through the following suggestions and see which of these resonate with you. Choose to
incorporate at least one of these ideas into your daily schedule. Also record which exercises you do during the
40 day program on the My Journey pages.
Nature - Creating Bliss
Although some people know the beauty of walking in the countryside, just
taking time out to be with the experience, not all of us have been brought
up this way. So, this is about reconnecting with nature and building this into
your life. Just being in nature can be incredibly healing. It is however about
taking the time out to be with the experience.

One of the easiest ways you can do this is to just take a walk
into the countryside. Notice the colors of the vegetation
around you. Notice the shapes; be present with the experience without thought, just awareness. You can often amplify
the sensory experience by reaching out and touching some of
what you see around you.
We dont all have time to go for a walk. So if you dont then you
might choose to be with nature in a different way. If you have
a garden, you can just sit there. Notice the sound of the birds;
let your awareness rest on it for a few moments. you might
just choose to get a nice soft blanket or duvet out, put it on
the ground, bring pillows and lie down and do, nothing other
than observe. You might just observe the sky. You might just
observe a flower. Keep it simple. This is about slowing down.
Learning to be in the moment. Soften the focus of your eyes
whilst you do this. You can also choose to access the Inner
RePatterning Safe Place to enhance the experience.

You might not have access to a garden or the countryside,

but you may live near water or the beach. If you do, you
could do a variety of things to reconnect you. You could
just sit and observe the flow of the water, let yourself be
with the experience without inner dialogue. Focusing
your awareness on the experience, notice the sound of
the water, the movement of the water, the smell of the
water allow yourself to just be with the experience.
You can also choose to access the Inner RePatterning Safe
Zone, by tapping gently with a slow rhythm on the chest,
thymus area, deepen your breathing, soften your eyes
and access peripheral vision. When you mind has become quieter, bring your awareness to the sounds around
you, the smells, aromas around you, whatever you can
see that pleases you around you. Be with the experience
without thought.

The next time you are outside, by yourself take a moment to put yourself into the Inner RePatterning safe
place and imagine the rays of the sun are following into you through the crown chakra and feeding your body
with energy. Clearing out any negativity and replacing it with the light. By these thoughts you are setting an
intention for this to happen, intentions do not need to be in words, they can be in thoughts and images.

If you cant see the sun in the sky it isnt a problem :-) it is there and its rays are streaming through the
clouds. So, all you have to do is imagine what is already happening so that you feel its benefits and take
conscious control of the moment. Remember every cloud has a silver lining.
People often talk about rain being a problem, bad weather, but what if it doesnt have to be! What if you can
think about it in a different? What if the next time it rains, you go out in the rain, access the Inner RePatterning Safe Place and look up allow the water droplets to touch you face. Experience the sensation of the water
as it streams down over your skin.

If you live by the sea or near a river you can get comfortable go into peripheral vision and breathe visualize
and feel the current/waves washing away negative energy and toxins. Water is a great healer. It is estimated
that we are made up of approximately 70% water; figures vary depending on what source of information you
use. Our body resonates with the sound of water.

You can find an electronic version for your records on page 24.
What is your ideal way of reconnecting with nature? Write it down.




How often can you do this? When are you going to do this? Make a commitment so that you have a plan in
place. Remember when you start your 40 day plan it is OK to mix and match your Creating Blissful moments.
Choose the moments that work for you in that moment. Vary what you do as it adds to the fun of the experience.

The Home and Creating Bliss

We spend much of our lives within our home. How can we begin to enhance this experience? There are many
things that we can do. For example we can declutter and make it more simple. Often when we clear space in
our environment it clears our mind. If you find it difficult to declutter your environment you might choose to
class this as something blocking your bliss and do Inner RePatterning on it.
Many people think there isnt enough time to create me moments, but this is an exercise you can build around
your normal daily schedule. The only difference here is that instead of rushing through the experience, you
are going to take time out to be fully in it. The exercise involves showering, an experience that many people do
daily. Before you get into the shower, access the, Inner RePatterning Safe Place; take a moment out to set the
intention so that when you step under the shower, I now intend that a deep and profound cleansing will occur,
one that is perfect for me in a safe and healthy way.
Stop tapping. Step under the shower. As you stand beneath the stream of water, tap gently on the thymus and
again breathe. Visualise the water as energy, as it touches the top of your head and body, imagine it is clearing
all the negativity and toxins away from your body.
Not everyone takes a shower; some prefer having a bath. In that case, if that is you, all you have to do is to
become fully present with the experience. Instead of rushing, take the time to experience the feel of the water
on your skin, run your hand through the water and be with the experience. Soften your eyes, tap and breathe

Creating Your Bliss Haven

Create a space, a place that you can use to bliss out. It might be that you use your bedroom, bringing into that
space whatever you need to help you feel at peace. Or you may choose to create this in your garden if you have
one. Find a place that works for you. Take time out in this place, for you.

The Bliss Challenge

This is a game you can play with yourself. How many situations, that currently you feel are stressful can you
now begin to enjoy!
Telephone Queue
You feel frustrated, you are waiting; you dont want to be waiting! See it as your
challenge, how can you make this a good experience? What thoughts do you
need to let go of, how could you be different? You could choose to soften your
eyes, go into peripheral vision, expand your awareness and bring yourself to a
place of stillness. You have a choice frustration or bliss . Choose wisely.
Other possible situation where you can begin to create a different experience:
Traffic queue
The kids crying
Other peoples kids crying
Getting the kids to school in the morning
The list is endless.
Write down Your Bliss Challenges.
You can find an electronic version for your records on page 25.

Remember to mark your successes down on the my journey pages

My Journey to Bliss Guide

Now it is time to begin your journey to bliss.

For the next 40 days, follow the instructions in the Dairy pages, these can be found in the Diary Ebook
which can be filled in using Adobe Acrobat or printad out and filled with pen and ink. These are set to guide
you through the program. Use a page for each day. Follow the exercises suggested on the page. Use the Bliss
Faces to monitor your journey.

Completing the Live Now - Your Journey to Bliss Program

Now that you have completed your 40 day, Live Now - the Journey to Bliss program it is time to evaluate
where you are now.
Where are you now on the Bliss Scale?

Evaluating Your Current Emotional State

Where are you now? Write it down.
Evaluating Your Physical State
What is the current physical state? Use the diagrams to identify where you are holding stress and strain in
your body, also mark down any physical problems. Also indicate the intensity of the problem you are currently
experience as in the following example.

Now compare your current evaluation to where you started the program.
The Journey to Bliss Continues
It is important to continue to build into your life moments that create bliss and joy. Life is for living. Although
from time to time we may have challenges, this about making your life an adventure.

Your Internal Voice

Exercise - take a day out to listen to your internal world
What is the main theme of your internal dialogue? Write it down.

Whatever you focus on you get more of, so look at what you have just written down, is that
something you want to have more of in your life? Of course you might choose to use Inner
RePatterning to free yourself from these thoughts. We can become addicted to our way of
thinking. Inner RePatterning can free you from the addiction:-)
It is time to make a choice and decide whether you want to stay the same or whether you
want to release this?

What is your ideal way of reconnecting with nature? Write it down.

How often can you do this? When are you going to do this? Make a commitment so that you have a
plan in place. Remember when you start your 40 day plan it is OK to mix and match your Creating
Blissful moments. Choose the moments that work for you in that moment. Vary what you do as it
adds to the fun of the experience.

The Bliss Challenge

Write down your bliss challenges

About The Authors

Tania A Prince is an EFT (Founding)Master one of only 29 in the world. The EFT Masters program
was set up by the founder of EFT, Gary Craig in order to discover experts and masters in the field.
Tania has a Bachelors Degree in Chemistry. She has extensive experience working as a therapist.
Her initial training was as a hypno - psychotherapist in 1992. From this she broadened her knowledge
and trained as a person centred counsellor. She then went on to become a Master Practitioner and
trainer in NLP, before training in EFT and other energy psychology techniques.
As well as having over nineteen years of experience working with clients, twelve of which with EFT,
Tania runs one of the longest established EFT Training schools in the world. As well as training
people to become an EFT Therapist, Tania is also a Trainer of Trainers in EFT.
Tanias work has been featured on both radio and TV. She is also an accomplished author having
contributed to the cutting edge book, EFT and Beyond and other books and articles.
Tania is a leading innovator in the field of energy psychology, having created the approaches, Deep
State RePatterning and Inner RePatterning. Inner RePatterning was co - developed with June K
Spencer. Tania has also presented at many EFT Conferences.
Having worked with thousands of people, many of whom have suffered from stress, Tania has
developed a passionate interest in helping people reach their full potential. She is renowned for the
humour she brings to the therapy and training process, as well as the simple and clear way she
helps people transform their lives.

Stefan Bajic
Stefan Bajic has an Bachelor of Art Degree in Visual Communication, MCSD
(Member of the Chartered Society of Designers) 1995, was course leader in multimedia production
at a number of higher education institutions for 12 years and is a creative director working in
highlighting mental health issues through video production and international video conferencing for
E-health Internationl.
He is also an EFT and Inner RePatterning practitioner. He has trained in Human Assemblage Point
Therapy and Scenar frequency applications and has extensive knowledge and experience of cutting
edge therapy approaches.

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