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Tackling problems of unemployment in Bosnia and

To be able even to start to think about solving unemployment problems in Bosnia
and Herzegovina, it has to be tried first to identify the reason for these problems.
Unemployment was already a problem in 1980s in Bosnia and Herzegovina which
escalated after the war which ended 1995. Bosnia and Herz. was for the first
time, after more than 530 years, independent country and had to quickly
"learn" subject of capitalism and it's opportunities. In this first part, I will
elaborate first problem , which in my opinion has to be fixed in order to try to
solve unemployment more efficiently.

1. Education

Education is the first mayor problem because our government doesn't deal with it
as real problem. In fact, to create a successful and good-working capitalistic
(ambient) you need to educate young students and young adults about
capitalism. The problem our society is faced with, is the fact that many
teachers , are not enough educated about capitalism, so they are not capable to
teach students much about it. So , to try to help young students to overcome
obstacles that capitalism brings (it's a very complicated system just like any
other one, and students have to be educated about it's functionality) is by
organizing non-school related activities in schools , universities and etc. We need
to show young people and students how capitalism in order to familiarize them
with challenges characteristic for capitalism so that they can contribute to
society in the right way. Many older people still think that capitalism is very
similar to socialism and that there are very few differences between two systems.
Because of that young people don't get the proper picture of capitalistic system.

2. How others solved this problem?

Of course, governments in the countries over the world are always dealing with
the unemployment problems but to a smaller proportion than our country. Why is
that? Let's look how Germany deals successfully with unemployment. The secret
to Germany's better outcomes is that the country has an explicit policy of
pushing employers toward shortening work hours rather than laying-off workers.
A key part of this picture is the short work programme which is an alternative to
unemployment insurance. With traditional unemployment insurance, when a

worker gets laid off the government pays roughly half of the worker's wages. In
addition to its formal short-work programme, Germany also has a system of hour
banks where workers put in extra hours during good times. During a downturn
they can draw on these hours to maintain their pay even if they are putting in
fewer hours. Taking these few smart solutions Bosnia and Herz. could easily
decrease unemployment rate by roughly 20% to 24% which is roughly half of
total 44.6 % of unemployment rate now.

3. Remedy for Unemployment

In this section , I will do my best to try and give some tips for solving
unemployment problems in Bosnia & Herz. I did some research on economics and
I have found some universal remedies for solving this huge problem. Reducing
unemployment is a key target for all governments. High unemployment is
enormously expensive for individuals, businesses, the government and the
economy of the whole country. The way of solving unemployment will depend
upon its cause. Some of these methods include that our government supports
struggling industries in order to try to save jobs (e.g. Energoinvest d.o.o), instead
of provide more training and education to the unemployed, like improving
computer and communication skills . This way unemployed become more
confident and employable. It has to be more information available in job centres,
news papers, media, Facebook, TV and every possible social media. In this way
try to bring the country out of a recession and to decrease unemployment. The
government needs to try to create demand in the economy. It could give grants
to businesses to produce goods and such, but the best method that I think that
would help our fallen and unstable economy is a "new deal". New deal should be
that one individual can claim unemployment benefit for 6 months and after 6
months they can choose whether or not will they get a new job. However, if a
person decides to not to take a job then he or she must confront with loss of a
benefit or they can choose to do extra education or training. Also , unregistered
work must be sanctioned.

4. Conclusion

In this essay with all the researches I did , I offered some answers and solutions
to help to improve the future of country, which I believe could be successful for
us young students as well as for future generations. These answers are not best
solutions that currently exist, probably, but I am sure they could be some
starting points for the future. Maybe by just doing these first steps it could be

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