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OUM 1103




Body of academic report
1 Communication skills
2 Intrapersonal skills
3 Leadership skills
4 The analytical skills
5 Teambuilding skills
6 Technical skills
1 Government bodies
2 Education institution


The challenges faced by fresh graduates.


OUM 1103

Why is it that fresh graduates are finding it hard to find job nowadays?
Based on a research I studied, I found out that there are 2 major reasons why fresh
graduates are finding it hard to find job, first reason is fresh graduates are very choosy.
Some fresh and inexperience graduates refused to start with lower position or lower pay.
They are very choosy when it comes to work, these people always want to work at
excellent place and big companies, not only that some people unwilling to take lower
paying jobs. Next reason I would like to talk about is, some fresh graduates are unwilling
to work and they accept lower pay, they prefer administrative job because they dont have
to work hard. For an example an administrative duties are a proper documentation
arrangement, record, courier service arrangement and filling, perform office clerical
duties and so on. Are young people lazy, inactive, sluggish, not hard-working, industrious
and money-minded? I must admit that only one thing will amount to an achievement that
one thing is working hard to get things done. In my point of view, I think people are lazy
because they do not have a goal that inspires them. What are the criteria in recruiting
fresh graduates? There are five important criteria a fresh graduate should have is
academic, knowledge, skills, experience (if they have) and a good command of English.
When you apply for a job, the first thing people ask is, what do you do? in other words
they will judge you by your academic qualification. Academic qualification ensures you
have the basic in learning. Next, we need to have knowledge in order for us to sharpen
our brain and exercises our ability to think, reasoning and understanding that will help us
to communicate with others as an intellect person. The third criteria are skill. A skill is a
particular ability to do something well. To put it differently, it is an ability and capacity
acquired through deliberate, systematic and sustained effort to smoothly and adaptively
carryout complex activities or job functions involving ideas, things, people and so on. By
the way, the next criteria are experience. Experience is a knowledge or skill by doing and
seeing things. For an example, has he had much experience in work of this sort?. The last
criteria I would to talk about is a good command of English. Good command of English
is always necessary for the progression of everybodys careers in that by and large it is
the most spoken language in the world. I think it is extremely important to have a good
command English in almost all spheres of ones working life and otherwise but in your
career it gives you more confident in delivering both verbal and written correspondence.

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2.0 Body of academic report

There are so many graduates on market, employers only looking for evidence of
skills and work experience. Employers place a lot of stress on finding graduates with the
right skills and ability for their organization. They have to count on the career sector and
profession they want to choose to work in, there could be very specific skills, abilities
and knowledge needed to the job. Now, I would like to talk about the important skills that
employers are looking for in graduates. Based on my study of, I have figured out 5
different skills which graduates should have :2.1 COMMUNICATION SKILLS
The first skill is communication skills. Communication is an important facet of
life. Communication is essential in all spheres of life. Not only that, communication skills
are as important as technical qualifications for graduates who is aiming for bright future.
To success of an endeavor hinges on the ability to communicate effectively in todays fast
paced life, graduate is asked to do more with less. In such scenario effective
communication holds the key. To success every graduates needs to well equipped with the
tools to communicate effectively, whether it is on the personal front, or at work. From my
point of view, I think being a good communicator is the half the battle won. After all, if
one speaks and listens well, there is little or no extend, opportunity or range for
misunderstanding. Thus, keeping this fact in mind the primary reasons for
misunderstanding is due to in ability to speak well, or listen effectively. So, graduates my
keep this in mind. In other words, it involves the ability to convey message to another
person, while also being able to listen and take feedback. Graduates must be well versed
in communication, must be able to communicate cross-culturally, should be comfortable
speaking with different age groups, heed advice and then adapt their message
accordingly. Every graduate must improve their communication skills, whether its a
large corporation, a small company, or even a home-based business, they need good
communication skills if they want to succeed. Using the right tools to communicate the
right messages at the right time can salvage crises and motivate graduates to work
towards success.

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The second skill is intrapersonal skill. Intrapersonal skill is the necessary

foundation for leadership. Intrapersonal skills are those skills and communications that
occur within a persons own mind, and are not be confused with intrapersonal skills, mind
and are not be confused with intrapersonal skills, which refer to interactions with other
people or personalities. Graduates must have intrapersonal skills, because it increases in
self-confidence, which leads to forming friendship easier, working with people more
effectively and taking more responsibility. Besides that, It is generally an increase in
intrapersonal skills will increase productivity as they maximize working conditions and
environments to work with them not against them. I think graduates with high
intrapersonal skills initiate in new situations more quickly and with more ease. Research
is made that our success in life is attributable to about 80% interpersonal and
intrapersonal self-awareness and only about 20% to our cognitive abilities. (Managers
with highly developed skills in these areas often enjoy increased profitability, better
employee retention and engagement, less absenteeism and greater productivity.)
Next skill is leadership skills. A leadership skill is the action of leading of group
of people or an organization. The dictionary definition of leadership is the position,
power, qualities of a leader. In my own understanding leadership skill is a function of
knowing themselves, having a vision that well communicated, and building trust among
them. I think every graduate should have leadership skill in order to build their potential,
individual capability of the leader, the ability to influence other and so on. Almost half of
graduates failed to fill vacancies because many university graduates lack basic
communication and leadership skills, according to a survey of leading companies. The
educational institute must help graduates by giving them a training and instilling those
good leadership skills in them.


The forth skill is analytical skill. It means understanding the whole or something
by breaking it down its parts. By understanding its components and how they fit together
in a large whole. Besides that, it means there are dozens of different kind of thinking to

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handle them. For an example, a problem in human relationship requires different kinds of
cognition than a math problem, or a budgeting problem, or an exercise regimen problem,
or a marketing problem. states that being analytical means to be skilled
or habitually using analysis and an analysis is a philosophical method of exhibiting
complex concepts or propositions as compounds or functions or more basic ones. While states it means of or relating to analysis or analytics. I think graduates
must be expert in or using analysis, especially in thinking. They must have an analytic
mind and approach. In Wikipedia it is stated that analytical skill is the ability to visualize,
articulate and solve both complex and uncomplicated problems and concepts and make
decisions that are sensual based on available information. Such skills include
demonstration of the ability to apply logical thinking to gathering and analyzing
information, designing and testing solutions to problems and formulating plans.
The last skill is teambuilding skill. Team building skills are detracting for their
effectiveness as a manager or entrepreneur and even if they are not in management or
leadership role yet, better understanding of team work can make them more effective
employer and give them an extra edge in your corporate office. I think graduates have to
practice team building skills because a team building success is when your team can
accomplish something much bigger and work effectively than a group of the same
individuals working on their own. They must have a strong collaboration or cooperation
of individual contributions.
In addition, I would like to add another skill which I think every graduate must
have which are technical skills. Technical skills are based on knowledge and skills which
is specific to a particular occupation or group of occupations. In other words, it is the
knowledge and abilities needed to accomplish mathematical, engineering, scientific or
computer related duties, as well as other specific tasks. Those with technical skills are
referred to as technicians in their chosen field. For an example, audio technicians,
electronics technicians, engineering technicians, Microsoft Corporation even offers
accreditations as a Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician (MCDST) and so on.

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I think, strong technical skills allow graduate to leverage technology to the hilt, and that
leverage pays. The better they understand the technology they use, the more value they
can efficiently extract from it. Company will gladly pay those with in-demand technical
I would like to suggest few ways for graduates, government bodies and
educational institution on how to ensure that future graduates are equipped with the skills
that I have listed. First of all, graduate must have lots of potential, must be more
challenging than other employees. They must be smart and determine. They must likely
to be very ambitious and willing to work harder in order to prove themselves they need to
work hard and not to give up when the work is tough. They need to stick to something
until finish. In other words, they dont give up, they keep trying. Self-discipline is the
utmost importance. Self-discipline means that they think about their words and action and
make choices that are right for themselves and for others. The graduates need to respect
and other and for property will be presented in good worker. Well perseverance can be
found in good graduates. The graduates need to obey the rules and work to make
community a better place. Integrity should be in all the graduates, they need to make own
choices. Graduates need to take responsibility for reviewing or assessing their own
employability skills, addressing gaps and then pursuing appropriate ways to report or
present relevant information about their skills to employers. Responsibility is always
present in good graduates. They must be dependable and make good choices. Fairness is
another trait which must present in good graduates. They must take only their share and
play by the rules. Not only that, every graduate must be truthful and sincere. Making tons
of money for oneself and leaving the planet in deep trouble for the coming generation is
not responsible and we have seen lots of graduates doing just that in the past decades. I
think moral is a part of the essential requirement of graduates. A graduate must be a
person who strives for excellence. Not only that a graduate must be an adult in whom
human values are securely rooted: moral or ethical values, empathy for others, honesty,
general social awareness. A graduate must equipped with the ability to make reasonable
decisions at significant turning-points, both from a personal angle and regarding any

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future role he or she may undertake. They must show their capability of handling stressful
or uncertain situations, a person who does not recoil before difficulties, whatever they
might be or who regards every obstacle as a challenge and fresh opportunity. A graduate
must be a person with wide theoretical and practical experience in his or her own interestfields and those related to them.
3.1 GOVERNMENT BODIES :Next, what government bodies or employers should do is, they should know that
graduates are not a source of cheap labor. They are likely to be high maintenance in many
ways, they will expect a competitive salary, and they will want to be given a high degree
of responsibility early on. The types of graduate government bodies or employers require.
First of all this people have to think about their vacancy and decide what qualifications,
skills and experience they would like their graduate to have.
The stronger the link between universities and businesses, the greater the opportunities
will be to integrate and develop employability skills in graduates, or involving employers
and industry leaders on coordinating committees or course advisory committees.
3.2 EDUCATION INSTITUTION :Education institution plays an important role in contributing to the economic,
social and cultural development of the nation. Universities play in developing human
capital, as part of local, national and international economies. These are the skills which
all the education institution should instill in graduates, which are communication skills
that contribute to productive and harmonious relations between employees and
customers, teamwork skills that contribute to productive working relationships and
outcomes, problem solving skills that contribute to effective execution of tasks, life-long
learning skills that contribute to ongoing improvement and expansion in employee and
company operations and outcomes and initiative and enterprise skills that contribute to
innovative outcomes. All graduate educational institution must have the capacity to instill
integrity per se in its students. This is a character trait that is usually forms long before a
student enters the university. What educational institute can do, however, is to help its
students learn the principles of ethical behavior and the accepted standards of
professional conduct. They have to help their students develop strategies and techniques

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for moral reasoning with particular regard to their field of study. This knowledge and
these skills will allow the students to analyze particular situations in which they may find
themselves in order to determine what ought not to be done from an ethical standpoint.
Not only that, educational institute must make an overarching goal. Their overarching
goals must be to produce graduates who are prepared to meet the high professional and
ethical standards expected by their profession and are also able to pass these standards on
their students and protgs. They must also require a comprehensive and coherent
program of instruction and professional development in the responsible conduct of
research and general professional standards of behavior. Such program should include
centralize and formal components that expose students to the relevant ethical principles,
methods of moral reasoning, profession standards and codes of conduct and institutional
rules, regulations and policies. One can regard this formal and reasoning skill. In
addition, departmental faculty can then build upon this base in their departmental
activities, such as seminars and journal clubs, and individual faculty can further build
upon it in their mentor-mentee relationships with individual students and fellows. I think
it is possible to accomplish this in ways that are coherent, interesting and effective. I
think everyone here play a big role in education wise, not only that, they must educate
and instill good skills in graduates and future graduates in order for them to be someone
who is successful in life and their career, and lead a good life in future.

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5.0 Attachment:

Newspaper article:Top jobs only for those who know the

language well

PETALING JAYA: It does not matter if you are top of your class or have a string of degrees,
that dream job will not be yours unless you can speak and write well in English.
Feedback from local and international employers shows that verbal and written
communication skills in English remain the most sought-after attribute in prospective
According to a recent Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) survey, it is the most important
trait employers look for when recruiting graduates.
The MEF Salary Survey for Executives 2010 revealed that 68% of the companies surveyed
named communication skills as the top quality required in job applicants, followed by working
experience (67%), interpersonal skills (56.2%) and passion and commitment (55.7%).
MEF executive director Shamsuddin Bardan said globalisation had changed the nature
of jobs, making communication skills, specifically in English, a valuable asset for today's
He added that this was an essential criterion even for professions traditionally seen as
backroom staff such as engineers, technical personnel and scientists. It is especially so for
those working in multinationals and bigger firms, he said.
Today, our clients are worldwide. In factories, for instance, engineers are a different breed
from the past, said Shamsuddin.


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Now, they have to be involved in various aspects of business and interact with clients.
Shamsuddin expressed concern that many local graduates today could not speak or write
proper English, saying this was a reason why they faced difficulties getting jobs in the private
Kelly Services (M) Sdn Bhd managing director Melissa Norman concurred, noting that
six in 10 graduates who attended its interviews could not communicate effectively in English.
The company is one of the top headhunters in the country.
Norman said it was important to master English as it was widely used among the business
community, both in Malaysia and internationally.
The Kelly Global Workforce Index survey released in 2010 listed communication skills as
one of the top five most desired skills within the corporate sector.
We have encountered local graduates who are weak in spoken and written English and
have limited vocabulary, said Norman.
These candidates can only manage to secure jobs in small-medium enterprises and small
Various industry and business leaders also warned that the decline in English was affecting
Malaysia's global competitiveness.
Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers President Tan Sri Mustafa Mansur said the young
ones who could not communicate in English were unable to negotiate the best deals in
business transactions or investments.
We need to send people out to market our products, negotiate deals or get contracts signed.
If they cannot communicate well in English, we will lose out, he said.
Pemudah co-chair Tan Sri Yong Poh Kon pointed out that, contrary to popular belief, it was
important for civil servants to have a good command of English due to a growing borderless
The standard of English also affects the quality of the public sector as civil servants have to
interact with international citizens and the business world as well as articulate Malaysia's
stand on issues to the international community. These include negotiations on important
agreements such as trade agreements.


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Noting that the quality of English in the country had declined over the last two decades,
former Human Resource Minister Tan Sri Fong Chan Onn warned that the country would
lose out to its neighbours that did not teach English in schools previously.
Thailand, Indonesia and China are making efforts to improve their English through their
education system, he noted.
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