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Michelini Volumes 3-4

Mons. Ottavio

Mons. Ottavio Michelini, was born to Aiming it, in

province of Modena. After to have served in the diocese of
Carpi was withdrawn and of it dedicated to make the chaplain in
’ an association of disabili to Modena. In years ’ 70
it entered to make part of the Sacerdotal Movement Mariano
when l work of Don still Hunchback era to the beginnings. To
to leave from 1975, and for all last the four years of life,
it received messages (that it wrote under dictation) and
visions of Jesus and the Madonna. The messages came then

Mons. Ottavio published in a series of six entitled small volumes


“Confidence of Jesus to a clergyman”.

In the Jesus messages with heated words denunciation the gravity of

spiritual and moral situation in which it pours the world today, the confusion and
the inner rebellion all ’ of the Church, brings to light the deficiencies of
pastoral puts into effect them, explains that many of these problems are the directed one
consequence of the deep crisis of faith that pervade today the Church.
Moreover the Gentleman announced to Mons. Michelini a future “purification” to
which it will follow “a new spring of peace and justice, for l ’ humanity and for
the Church ", “’ a radiant dawn, never known before d ’ now”.

Mons. Ottavio Michelini died 15 October 1979

“In the regarding cases private detections it is better to believe that not to believe.
In fact, if you creeds, and é own true one, are happy for having believed, since
our Saint has asked Madre it. If, on the contrary, you will have believed and will be tried
false, you will receive all thanks as if it had been true, because you have believed being
true " (Pope Urban VIII)

VOLUMES 3° -4°


Liberation from the evil one

This third book, that You follow “you know that I I love you”, and to the “Boys mine,
courage! “, it is an other small beam that it leave from the good Heart of Jesus it helps
and us to to pick of desires and to complete of the will.

They are pages that, read with calm and humility, they make to reflect. They shake also,
but without to discourage.

In order better to comprise them it would be well to hold present these premises:

- of persons of good will in the world, the Church, between the Bishops, Clergymen and
faithful, always us have been some and us of they are pure, little perhaps hidden but not
less valid and operose, also to our days.
- Eventual admonishments from Jesus go therefore to those people (little or many them
it knows and it judges alone the Gentleman) that between we they have been cooled off in
the faith spirit.
- L ’ nearly heavy insistence on the gravity and intensity of the disintegrating action of
Satan on the spirits and the bodies, the family and the Church, is insistence
purposely intentional. It is not that for the Gentleman and we other problems do not exist
in the Church. It wants to only recall us to a reading and unification of the several ones
problems in faith key that us bringings back to the essential thing: to love more always
Gentleman and the next one and to remove to us from the sin and our seduttore more and
- There are pages, species in last part of the book, that they seem between detached they
and of private character for the tone and the arguments. They have but a precise scope: it
makes us to experimenter like the world of the invisibly persons (God, the Madonna, the
Angels, Saints, the Spirits of the Purgatory, etc) or and anything but far away indifferent
in comparisons of the visible truths.
- The Communion of the Saints would have to be recuperate like the authentic
atmosphere, it heals, and necessary to the development of every Christian life.

- Of how much Jesus (as we have confidence and reasons for criteria) we come to us
proposing, it is necessary to make treasure with love and wisdom. Therefore not fears and
alarmism that would hit against our faith in the Providence and nothing
pessimisms and reckless judgments on our next one that, made from we, are illegitimate
and against the charity.
All it goes applied to own in reality daily personal and translate situation
with force and equilibrium. The good goes all intentional, but only completed in the
measure that us it is rendered in concrete terms possible.

The instrument of which the Gentleman it has intentional to use also for this volume.

Why God has chosen me?

Who am I? They are less than a speck than powder of forehead to the universe, they are
less of a invisible gocciolina of forehead to the ocean, they are less than a ripugnante
vermiciattolo that strip in the mud from the earth. They are a poor priest, between the
many, less picked, less the scholar, the most unprovided, a poor rich priest only of
innumerous miseries of every nature.

Why God has chosen me? Because it is understood that I am not other that a poor one
instrument in its hands, because from all it is understood that they are not other that one
wretch dulled pen, my same handwriting is symbol of mine
immeasurable poverty and invalidity.

Why God has chosen me? In order to confuse the arrogant ones, swell of pride for theirs
to know, that of errors, of heresies they have filled up the Church, having poisoned the

Yes, stupidities, errors, heresies, on God, the Church, the Vergine, on
Detection; God is infinitely simple and simple and humble we want.

“In truth I say to you that if you will not become simple like these little ones, you will not
enter in the reign of skies ".

Enough to transform the simple things, in the more complex things, enough to coin new
words, new words, in order to show their knowledge and to attract in such a way on
oneself the other people's attention.

This short useful introduction the reputo, if not necessary, because it is settled down,
me, instrument, and the readers to which this book is addressed, both been involved in
design of love of the Divine Providence, a spiritual contact that it facilitates
the performance of the divine will.

d. OR. M.

24 May 1976


There is a war that will not finish if not at the end of the times.

The greatest battle than apocalyptic proportions was fought in Sky between
Faithful angels to God and the rebellious Angels to God, capeggiati first from the Saint
Michele, the second ones from Lucifero, the terrible one dragone of the Apocalypse.

“A war in Sky Happened then. Michele and its Angels fought against
the Dragone that was hasty “. The ancient Snake is Satan that laid a trap the Progenitors
pushing them to the disobedience for pride.

This is the terrible truth that the world stupidly irride, while it endures some
the deleterious action, made of tyranny, dusk and suffering. The reign of Satan is the
of the darkness, it is the reign of the evil, of all the evils, because the evils of any nature
they gush from he, like from source of every iniquità.

The battle fought in Sky to the presence of immane God was battle of
Intelligences, that it determined for the eternity the future destiny of the angels and the
It was an historical fact of primary importance that it would have been involved sky and

The history of the humanity is tied and conditioned to this event, checché of
they say and of they think the men!

The Saint Writings, the affirmations of the Fathers and the Doctors of the Church make
clear testimony.

Skeptics and increduli

The details moments that you live and the immediate future that attends you will make
to believe to the participation of the celestial military services, or for a detail presence of
Divine providence that the world governs, or for the gravity of the events
marked from the presence of the disturber of the order established from God, like
Pope Paul YOU with courage has said to you: “the rationalism before, the materialismo
they have made of all, in order to put I discredit on the important fact more of the sky and
of earth, without of which no explanation is reasonable “.

The presence not only Mine but also of Satan in the history and the Church, with the facts
they prove that it, hits terribly against the puerile attempt of the enemies of It of
to diminish or quite to deny the most limpid truth.

With sadness and pain it must today be stated that not only the traditional enemies
mine and of my Church denies the presence beside the men of nature beings
various from that human, but even Christian and ministers of God they are skeptical and
increduli, with serious they personal damage and most serious social damage.

The Enemy of the man is successful to narcotize many spirits and many hearts, thus are
contrasted its range. Unfortunately in the Church also those who
they assert to believe lack more the elementary coherence with the Faith then that
they assert to possess.

Guilty indifference

It can be remained liabilities, or nearly, of forehead to the action of a furiously active

that it does not lack neither intelligence neither power in order to fight the spirits that hate
it wants to sweep up and to lose?

It would be said reasonably not. Unfortunately the truth is very various: indifference and
skepticism is even found in those who, for reason of their state, the aim
head physician of their vocation and for coherence to the faith, must not only support it
but to defend it and to diffuse it, and instead remain inert.

They have been atrophied in actions secondary and sure not apt to circumscribe and
to limit the tremendous devastatrice work of Satan and its Church.

How are explained sure gaps, that they have opened frightening rubble to the enemy?
Cosí, to
example, without warning cancels every average day million exorcisms, than
a great Pontefice had intentional, with intuito profetico, for this your century, for
to fight Satan and its formations…

I refer to the oration to the Mother mine and yours and to Saint Michele, than it was
recited to
fine of the Messa Saint.

With what it is thought to replace such most important provision, taken give
a my Vicario and confirmed from many its Successory saints? With no

It is wisdom to destroy this that had been constructed with wisdom and intelletto,
then to supply to replace? This is an example: but how many others of could
to carry!
It is not the case to reflect, making a serious examination of conscience?

Benedico you, son mine.

25 May 1976


The atheist Communism and the transformation of the society, by means of the industrial
in existence, in the civilization of the consumption, they have been optimal crews in the
hands of the Enemy
of the man in order to materialize and to ateizzare the entire humanity; they have been
optimal means for
to remove the man from God.

The Enemy, than from the creation of the null man has omitted in order to tear it to God
to direct it on the way of the perdition, has orchestrated, with its advanced intelligence to
that human, a war that leads with tenacity and perfidy.

It is right to say that they are not lacked the attempts reaction. He is incredible but that,
as the pervertitrice action of the Enemy grew, it was weakened in mine
Church the counter-offensive with adequate means. You it has been yes in the Church a
enough lively external (catholic Movement between Laborers, Students, Graduated…),
on the contrary the inner action of resistance and offense has been gone affievolendo.

You callback once again, and not to case, Lion XIII, than intravvide this large one
danger and did not lack to compose an Exorcism that could be completed gives
all, Clergymen and simple faithfuls, in order to stop the enemy been left over one. They
were least
those who from there drew profit; more they did not understand.

The Enemy, from skillful strategist, not only attacked the Church from the outside
French revolution, Positivismo, Masonry, Socialism, Marxismo etc), but
it worked skillfully inside of It.

Inner chipping

Last the Papi - IX, Lion XIII, Devout X, Devout XII remembered as an example Devout -
has been
great lottatori against the several movements of offense that, like columns that the Enemy
it made to be left over in several directions, aimed at the Church waves to denigrate it and
sfaldar it.
Satan tried to destroy it, and the subdola action he compiva it inside
same of the Church, (you see the Modernismo, I'Orizzontalismo, the Permissivismo).
the external siege always made more strait, he tried to strike of the structures
valid of resistance.

The confraternite ones fell thus, fell other devout unions and associations, been born and
for feeding the life of Faith and the life of Grace.

The Shepherds of spirits did not perceive the imbalance that in the Church came taking
place itself.
The exceptions were not striven, always blank, to make up for more with other means
consoni to evolving itself of the times. My Church remained like a sguarnita fortress and

The outcry of alarm launch from the Papi did not find always that ready and diligent one
correspondence that would have slowed down and also stopped the action of the enemy.

To run to the shelters

You would not have arrived to the state puts into effect them; I would not have today
Christian that they do not know
not even of being enlisted in a great army, whose task is of sbaragliare
frightening enemy of your spirits, than null also omits of dirottarvi on the way of
eternal perdition.

You, your sons, your families, your society have found yourselves to being
prisoners, without not to render of account you, you have found yourselves transformed
in enemies of
same you and of Sommo Well, from which and for which you have been created. This is
great drama of the Church!

In order to free the Church mine and my sons from more the always brazen tyranny of
enemy is necessary to rebel and to run to the shelters without indugio! In order to
alleviate the many
suffering, caused from the dominion of Satan on the spirits, are necessary to organize
themselves without
to lose time, to act with humility and tenacious faith. I, Jesus, will give the indications
to follow!
While, in order to find same, smarriti and lost you today in the imperante anarchy, used
the indications that the Vergine, Mother mine and yours, to Lourdes, Fatima and in others
places have given to you: Prayer and Penance! It is necessary more prayer and aware

Organizzatevi for this fine very precise: because my merciful Heart and
Immaculate heart of the Mother mine and yours hurry the final triumph in this
immane fight, in this gigantic battle in which Life and dead women, Light and darkness,
Truth and error are of forehead in a decisive comparison.

Benedico you. son mine.

25 May 1976


When I have instituted the sacramenti, I knew the need that of they the Christians
they would have had.

This need has not come never less, indeed it can be said that today for you it is increased
in proportion to the fast transformation of the patriarcale society, agricultural or
breeding, in industrial society.

Industrialization has carried greater wealth to polulates and the families. I have said
greater wealth, not greater well-being; greater comforts have carried you

materials, but not greater happiness.

It has carried greater and sbalorditivi mass media, but not greater unit of
hearts; indeed, through these means badly used, an impressive contagion of evils
spiritual and moral plagues the modern humanity.

You, been born and grown in this society in continuous evolution, are swept up from its
inexorable, often cruel rhythm. You are contaminated from its fevers sometimes thus
burning to produce a such spiritual malaise from farvi losing sight which
you must always have present in the alive way in your mind: the scope
main of fugace your life terrena. Thus distracted and attracted
at the same time from the fruits of the consumistica civilization, the Enemy enters in you,
with its art he circuisce the spirits, darkening them, weakening them, depriving them of
necessary nutriment.

Tragic china
The modern life does not have time for the inner, weakening and thickest life
killing the germ of the Grace and at the same time dazzle the spirits with
sfolgorante fascination that exercises on the hearts the products of it puts into effect them

The deceit and the lie concur to materialize the life, to farvi forgetting that
pilgrimage land does not go considered fine to if same, but only in order
to the eternity for which you are created

With this terrible game, prepared and put into effect with fine astuteness, the Enemy of
God and
of the man it is successful to divert the society towards a tragic china, distogliendo
entire from the way of the good and being involved in this game the same Church.

The Cresima Saint

In Me, Eternal Verbo of God, not is neither past, neither future. I am the Moment in
all it is present.

I have given to the men all being necessary means in order to save themselves and to
defend themselves from all the evils,
that they have like Satan origin, the Prince of the darkness that all he wants to darken.

The Sacramenti, yields precious of the mystery of my Redenzione I have, them

intentional and legacies to
mystery of the Church for your salvation.

Between this Sacramenti, saint I have it to the Cresima intentional, in order to make of
every a person who has been baptized a christian one
true soldier, with adapted crews, an indestructible uniform called character.
This uniform characterizes the cresimato one as soldier and distinguish it from who this
Sacramento has not received.

Now the faith crisis, descent on the Church for work of the Malignant one, has
exterminated army of my soldiers.

Considered, sons, the consequences that derive in an army that it does not believe more in
its officials and commanders, than do not believe more to the reasons for which have
been mobilized,
that he does not believe more to the effectiveness of the crews of which is equipped…

Imagined the state of mind of the truppa: advanced inferiors and that neglect theirs
duties; officials who do not punish the disciplines because also they doubt of theirs
reason to be.

Measured which powerful erosive force disintegrates this army and still considered
self-confidence of the enemy who knows the situation of its adversaries very well who
at this point it feels of having in fist.

The Church, today

This is the situation of the Church today. All can state the tremendous truth.
To Me the today's evils are not imputable, as from the Enemy it would be wanted to be
made to believe,
but to those who I had prechosen with love action in order to guide and to graze mine

Useless, as they had made the progenitors and as it stretches to make every man guilty,
to try to shake itself of I lean own colpe.

You are responsible of this lacked shrewdness, this lacked efficiency

of the army of the cresimati ones, between which many they do not remember to be such.

Humility wants, in order to know to us to recognize own inadempienze and


Benedico you, son.

26 May 1976


You write, son mine.

I, Jesus, are born to Betlemme in a stable.

For Me not there is place in the hotel where others find hospitality. The hospitality was
denied to Giuseppe and Maria only for by now next maternity in She, but for one
unconscious hostility been born in the heart of the innkeeper for those young thus various
from the others. Satan can have made of the innkeeper an unaware of and docile
instrument for
to hinder that brace, than it fears and hates for the opposite resistance to every its
it lays a trap.
The hostility of Satan will be made more and more hard. It cannot graze the spirits of
Giuseppe and
of Maria: every its attempt is rejected with a decision terrifies that it. For this
it goes around the situation acting on the persons who can nuocere to Me, Gesú, and to
Mother. She ignores but that, while completes this work saturates of hatred, she serves
wonderfully the plan of the Iddio Gentleman for the increase of merits of the two
young Spouses, so that all this that of they was written from the Prophets finds the full

Good land will find Satan in the corrupted mind of Erodes. This man, worn away
from the concupiscenza of the spirit and the meat, he will docilely answer to all the
of Satan and he will order the massacre of the innocents. Omnipotent God will save and
from the claws of Satan and the accomplice Me, its divine Son, with the Mother mine and
Putativo father.

Cosí will be for all the other direct and indirect attempts, completed against my saint

Nothing, absolutely null, could the Demon, not only on Me, true true God and
Man, but not even on Mine and your Mother and Giuseppe.

Direct crash

The sfrontatezza without containment of Satan will succeed in to face to me in the desert.
Directly, without intermediaries, it wants to sincerarsi on my identity. And here the attack
facade to Me that all I know, to which all it is present, and that in the prayer and in
mortificazione I wanted myself to be prepared for dargli the deserved answer.

During my public life the tenacious efforts of Satan in order to annoy to me are obvious
all the ways. using above all of the Apostle infedele. Also Giuda, as Erodes,
it was riarso from the concupiscenze of the spirit and the meat, from the superbia and
sexiness and was reason of much suffering for Me.

I, that I perfectly knew the demolitrice work of Satan in Giuda, opposed to

it prayer and penance, even if did not find in he not even a minimum of
The shepherds of spirits oppose prayer and penance for the entrusted Clergymen to theirs
cures, needy to redeem itself from the yoke of the Malignant one?

And of Giuda Satan not only used, but also of the other Apostles, than they were not
immune from jealousy, envy, presumption temptations. Serví of the Clergymen of
Tempio, that they succeeded in to hate Me till ordire against of Me, many times over,
conspiracies. One used of the scribi, of the farisei. To all I resisted, defeating them with
prayer and the penance, the crews essential in order to gain the forces of the evil. But
today ricusa to use these crews, and to the existence of the Demon irride, it touches to

to endure its pitiless action, origin not only of moral and spiritual suffering, but
also physical.

Absurd Insensibilità

The percentage of those who they suffer, today, in the Church and the world for the
sfrontato one
to be able of Satan is cosí high that would have farvi impression truly.

Of forehead to this problem not found the insensibilità absurd and even the incredulità
not little Bishops?

He little demonstrates the fact that he gives himself to make to us for other secondary
things, but for this

or nothing is made.
Sometimes it is succeeded in to hinder those who, with genuine intuito sacerdotal, they
tried to make some thing in order to shrink the maleficent action of Satan and its

This is the tragic truth, dinnanzi to which not little, for sparsity of faith and of
humilities, will rebel. They will criticize who such affirmation has dared to make,
that costui he is not a man, but I am Gesú, than of the man, poor and
unprovided Clergyman, they are served to me.

You benedico son; he prays and he repairs. Voglimi well.

26 May 1976

You write, son.

I, Jesus, Eternal Verbo of God, a time quickly have the action malvagia of Satan, saturate
of hatred and envy, through Giuda, entire dominated from my irreducible one
Enemy; I endure today it through the much Giuda that celebrates the Sacrifice of the
Putting in mortal sin them and sin trains my Sacramenti.

Satan therefore acts beside Me, and nobody is astonished if I allow that this
it completes.

The reasons are several. I want not to coartare its freedom; Satan has chosen
liberations the evil, in the evil is frozen. I have intentional thus to remove to he the reason
it would sure have used in order to justify its final defeat in the day
of the Extreme Judgment.

What today one completes in the mind of many my Clergymen for istigazione and
the tradimento of Giuda lays a trap of the Demon is serious how much sacrilego. Indeed,
it is one

continuous and cynical tradimento.

The action supersacrilega of Satan is not believed, and it is not estimated in its ominous

It is not believed to he who is cause before your most serious evils, is not believed to
Satan whose to dare it is without measure. I, Eternal Verbo of made God meat, to the
action of
Satan I answer with a humility action, before washing the feet of my Apostles and then
instituting the Sacramento of the Eucaristia.

To the overed-measure one superbia of Satan I have given to an answer of infinite

humility and the dò still
to new the Giuda that is ollowed in the centuries.

Supervised and prayed

I gave to my Apostles an other precious instruction in order not to fall under the claws
of Satan: “Orate ET ut not intretis in tentationem Supervised”.
With its communion sacrilega Giuda it realized the words in itself: “Who eats
my Meat and drinks them dishonourably my Blood, eats and drinks its sentence “.
Tremendous words that have their fulfillment in the spirit of those Clergymen who
they badly conclude their test on the earth.

Satan tried the Apostles, than also they were near Me. it folded and them to its wish
they did not make treasure of my words. “Orate ET Supervised”, that I turned they for
premunirli against the temptation of the Enemy. As they can be saved from the ruin
spiritual those Clergymen who thus little pray and those then that they never do not pray?
How much truth in the words of Sant'Alfonso: “Who prays saves itself, who does not
he damns “!

The demon had good game on the Apostles that in the Gethzemani vile escaped;
between Twelve one he betrayed, an other rinnegò swearing to me not to have to me
never known.

Satan had good game on Hebrew, hypocritical, egoist and impure the Clergymen. Not
they prayed if not in public. Not for conviction, but for affectation: theirs not
it was true only outer faith but, formalism.

This genius of Clergymen has not been extinguished, but it continues to pullulare in my
My Church will be cleaned up this to vipere that intossicano with their poison those
that they approach.

Satan agí with succeeding on Pilato, the soldiers of the tempio and the soldiers roman,
some exception.

Satan tried to act on the two robbers who were with Me crocifissi: but it knew

to believe, implorò and was except; the other did not believe and morí swearing to me.

It does not save nobody

Satan did not save nobody, not even the Mother mine, whose mind laid a trap with
doubt on my Risurrezione. The immaculate spirit of Maria could not but scalfire,
Dazzling Tempio of the Saint Spirit.

Little are those which, also tried, go immune of the corrosive action of the Demon.

Remembered: also the good disciples of Emmaus and many other friends mine were not
saved from the temptation, and they will yield to the scoraggiamento.

The ominous work of Satan, from the fall of the man, does not endure rallentamenti and
not of it
it will have till the consumazione of the times, when it also is judged for the second one
time with all its formations.

Then it will have disperatamente to admit to have lost the war from provoked he and
from fought he, in spite of the action freedom that the era be granted.

In that tremendous day, in which sfolgorerà the divine Justice, will come to it to lack
the possibility to still nuocere. Then it will have vergognosamente to admit that He,
Lucifero, the beautifulr creature of the universe, the intelligent and powerful creature
more, is
state defeated from a esile human creature, much inferior to he by nature, but
immensely advanced to he for Grace.

This will be humiliating its torment for all the eternity. Not smaller torment
they will endure the damned spirits, particularly the traitor Consecrated ones, for which
invitation to pray and to offer, because they are converted and they lived.

With You, son, benedico all my Clergymen.

27 May 1976


Son you write:

How many are the books, the reviews that deal the problems of the Church? They are
many that they give
to number them would turn out an interminable directory.

But how many are the books that have centered the true problem of the Church? Not of
they exist! This affirmation will be able to seem presuntuosa and arbitrary, but the truth
it does not have to be never worried of the judgments of the men, neither of the
consequences that these
judgments produce.

In the precedence messages it is said clearly: the history of the Church and the humanity
essentially constituted from the creation and fall of the Angels, from the creation and
fall of the humanity all in Adam and Eva, from the Mystery of the Redenzione and from
Mystery of the Church exited from the open Heart of Me, Eternal Verbo.

If you want to represent the humanity like a great tree in which the stalk and the branches
main they are formed from the described facts over, the rametti and the leaves are
events of polulate, ages and civilizations that are ollowed in the time, like
natural buds of this gigantic tree.

The tree of the life, that it has its roots in God, has been poisoned from Satan.

God is single the great, omnipotent Truth that dominates the life, the dead women, the
time and
space, the sky and the earth.

Satan, also being distanced from God from a incolmabile abyss, for which nothing never
it will be able against God, it vents its power, great but also limited and permeated of
against the entire humanity of which in Adam and Eva it succeeded to get hold and that I
ristrappai since the primordi with the announcement to the progenitors, after their
confession, of
Mystery of my Incarnation.

Truth forgotten

These truths the men have forgotten to them. In my Church they are not seen
with that necessary clarity for the formulation on immense bases of a Church
operating for the benefit of the spirits.

Those Bishops and Clergymen work to empty all who do not have clear ideas and
solid convictions on this truth about which the Sacred Writings, ancient and new, they
in continuation. Not to believe firmly this wants to say to divert treasures
irrecuperabili of time, hards work, energies, studies, supernatural on one
ground infecondo where all imputridisce.

Imagined, sons, the consequences deriving from the diversion of a river, its
natural river bed, on a land formed from heights and depressions: ponds are formed
where the waters marciscono, become sature of miasmi, carriers of infections and of

Now thus it is the Church. This crisis of faith, that it has to the roots the superbia and
presumption, has darkened the great truths, clear source waters, making to divert
the river of light and truth of the Writings and the Tradition from the natural river bed in
rivoli of waters putride.

Like it has been arrived to this, that it is not plus ultra of the absurdity, is complex to
but certainly it is also work of perfida the will of Satan, impotent enemy of God, but

ultra-powerful enemy of the man.

Subdolo, insidioso, tenacious in the evil, have a good game on the debilitated human
It succeeds easy to operate on an inferior nature to its and for reached already from he
mortally hurt.

God is operating well, of light, truth, justice and peace. Satan is operating of
badly. Here the source of the history that is involved sky and earth, that it is involved
the humanity.

That the shepherds of spirits think some?

If cancelled this truth from the mind and the hearts of the men, than he is some of

He can himself be thought to cancel these truths without to contradict and to minare to
the base
the essence of the human history?

The shepherds of spirits think and meditate seriously, because he is from here, are from
the root that
he must cure the evil.

Benedico you, son; voglimi well.

27 May 1976


You write, son:

As Satan has tortured my physical Body, in the way that is very famous, with sevizie
atrocious, thus now it turns its furious onslaughts against mine, Mystical Body, the

As been worth of Giuda for giving Me, Christ Jesus, in the hands of my enemies, cosí
it takes advantage now and one will use tomorrow of the same clergymen in order to
deliver the Church in
hands of its enemies.
To means of the cross the Life re-entered in the world. For means of the cross it will be
my Church.

Or very famous to that other intermediate ways do not exist. Satan is defeated
opposing the opposite actions to those which it completes.

For superbia it detached if same and innumerevoli legions of Angels, than divennero its
it follows to us, from God. With infinite humility, I tore to he innumerevoli legions of

Satan is present in the Church with the superbia. This is the tremendous passion that,
like malignant cancer, divora spirits that occupy places key (p.33) in the Body
mystic, and knows that superbia “east radix the omnium malorum”.

Satan maneuvered so as to provoke, through the clergymen of the tempio, the scribi and
farisei, my sentence to death. Today the strategy with which it operates is the same one:
it prepares in the shadow conspiracies and conspiracies that will carry to strazio the my
mystic as it happened of my physical Body. There will be of new a spilling of

Satan, also being creature of the great natural intelligence and high power, is also
always limited. The art its will not be able to change, for which it will be still that used
principle. For this it is not difficult, for who it has faith and spirit of observation,
to recognize its makes up, its menzogne, its ways circuire the spirits.

In the millenia of its dissolvitrice, null activity substantially it has changed and null
it will be able to change.

Superbia and dusk

Being thus the things it would have to be easy to characterize its work of erosion of
Mystical body.

How never instead they do not see that little to it, while many do not believe to you?

The faith crisis produces dusk, and in the dusk the objects are not looked at that
they encircle the life. The faith crisis is tutt'una with the lack of inner life. Without
inner life not is ability to act. Lack of inner life is life lack
of grace: who does not live, nothing can make.

If the faith is tenuous, the inner life becomes a larva. A larva of life it does not give off
neither light in order to see, neither force in order to act: here the true causes of the
sacerdotal crisis.

Imagined the sad show of a great modern clinic where lack medical and
nurses or, if a medical one were, imagine it to you not to the height of its task.
Well, the Church is like a great clinic in which too many it makes ill do not find
the attendance due for their diseases and, if a minimum of attendance is, always remains
inadequate to the necessities.

Made Vien to ask: but therefore it is believed or it is not believed to the words of the
Master? He believes himself to its Divinity?

He believes himself or one does not believe to its words that, own because its, cannot
for which they are valid today as yesterday?

Signs of the faith

You rileggete my Gospel, according to Mark:

“Gesú appeared to the eleven and said they: “Gone all over the world and preached
Gospel to every creature. Who will believe and will be christened will be except, but who
he will believe will be condemned.

And these will be the signs that they will accompany those which they believe: in my
they will drive away the demons, they will speak new languages, they will take in hand
the snakes and, if
they will drink some poison, will not bring they damage, will impose the hands to the
sick ones and
these will recover ".

The Gentleman Jesus, after to have spoken with they, was assumed in Sky and seated to
the right
of God. Then they left and preached everywhere, while the Gentleman operated
with they and it confirmed the word with the squanderers accompanied who it “.

Why the Shepherds of spirits do not operate in compliance with this Word? Perhaps they
that the virtue of this Word, after many centuries, has become parched? Or they believe
they Church action do not have need of being confirmed from the Sky? Or
they think that the miracles on the sick ones, the dead men, the ossessi etc have been one
luxury of
time of my life terrena, and that the world puts into effect does not have them more need
of authentic
squanderers whom its night illuminates shake and it from its torpore?

Every prodigio, son mine, like the liberation of a possessed person, not coast to
onnipotenza of your God but to the weakness of your faith!

Benedico you, son, voglimi well.

28 May 1976


Meditated, sons mine, the Gospel di San Giovanni:

“It reran a festivity of the Giudei and Jesus salí to Gerusalemme. Near the door of
sheep are a swimming pool, call in Betesda Hebrew, that it has five you carry to us.
Under those
you carry to us lay a crowd of makes ill, blind people, cripples, paraliti to us in attended
that the water

An Angel of the Gentleman, from time to time, came down in the swimming pool and of
it he churned waters; who
it entered to you for ri mo came recovered.

There was there a man I make ill from thirty-eight years. Gesú seeing it extended in its
and knowing that from very thirty-eight years it waited for, it said to it: “You want to
recover? ”. It answered
the paralytic: “Gentleman, I do not have nobody, when the water comes mental patient,
than it decreases to me

in the swimming pool. While I start to me, an other comes down to you before “. Jesus
said: ” Raised,
you take yours lettuccio and walks ".

And the paralytic cosí made, with great scandal of the Giudei.

I offer this episode to you for many considerations.

In the paralytic you see represented many and many make ill for physical or spiritual
They are years that suffer, are years that attend that pietose hands are put down on they
in order to recover them. They are years that Pastori and Ministers di God pass near they,
to notice of their spiritual and also often physical illness. Naturally, not
noticing of nothing, nothing makes in order to help them.

For being preciser I will say, also knowing that the affirmation will make to twist the
nose to
someone, than between very many they is those which suffers for guilt of the Demon,
and they not only suffer spiritually but also physically.

Once again it will be well to remember that Satan has superiority on the human nature;
for singular and grandissima the power of which it arranges, a lot can on this poor one

You would have to remember the numerous cases of ossessi freed from Me here, you
would still have
to remember the most numerous guarigioni operated from Me in person and for means of
Apostles to which I had conferred the power to recover and to free the tormented persons
from the demons.

The esorcistato one

You read the Gospel well and leggetelo! The steps are meditated that deal this delicate
matter. Of my Gospel little do not discard this that ago they comfortable not to believe.

The Clergymen would not have to ignore that with an order detail, so-called minor,
they had the power to exorcise and to bless.

The Hebrew Clergymen for the guarigione operated from Gesú in day be shockedded
themselves of
saturday; but many of my clergymen today are be shockedded also only in feeling to
of exorcisms. They say that he is what of other times, oggidì if not classified to the
Certainly, in order to complete them in public and with solennità, the exorcising
Clergyman must be
authorized from its Bishop. But, in private, who can forbid to it to take advantage itself of
to be able that it has been regularly conferred?

Satan, rabidly active, uses its maleficent influence in order to make to suffer spirits and
bodies without to find the minimal resistance. The just vision lacks therefore one
problem of primary importance.

It is exercise of the true Church and sacerdotal paternity blessing and to exorcise who
of it has need. It is primary it must of the Clergyman contain and contrast the ominous
action of the demon, in any way and by all means of which it can decide.

But they know my Clergymen to it of which great powers have been invested? They
know who
they are? They know that the Angels, advanced to they by nature, are inferior to the
for power?

But that he is worth your power, if not used it for the purpose for which you it has been

Any machine, any motor, also having the ability potentially to

to give off a great energy, to null serves if it is not put in motion.

You clergymen are motor fermi, not given off no energy, left free
Enemy to make comfortable its. In the vine of the Gentleman not cured that in minim
part to refrain its cursed action.

Enough for the time being, son mine.

Benedico you and voglimi well.

29 May 1976


Always blank the debite exceptions, put into effect it them formulation of the Church
action are not
that intentional one from Me.

They Puts into effect Church terribly is contaminated from serious evils, of which one
she is
professionismo. It comes considered to stregua of any the other profession

It could not be otherwise, because the Faith is devoid, that it gives the print to the action.
The Faith is to the action like the motor of the automobile is to the auto body. There are
motors of various power and auto bodies of various capacity. If the motor is inefficient,
the auto body is useless and remains firm.
It watches them the Clergymen to you of this generation, watches them to you in their
attitudes! That
difference noticed between their Foggia to dress, the way to behave themselves and to
speak and
the common lifestyle of the people?

How many extinguished motors, supernatural speaking! We could say them motor
indeed injurious for the Mystical Body of which they are thus important part.

There is a difference between the professionismo of the not Saint Clergyman and the
professionismo of the laici: that one of the Clergyman ammanta of hypocrisy, what that
generally it does not happen in the professionismo of the laici.

Faith, hope and love, the three instilled virtues, in the clergymen would have to shine of
fulgore all detail, being thus intimately joined to form a tutt'uno,
what life of Grace is called. Instead…

Consequently, if the Clergyman lacks faith, it lacks also hope, that is of

motivating force essential in order to make to exceed the innumerevoli difficulties that
the Church life
it involves, for which fallen here, scandals and miseries, moral and spiritual depression
to the apostasy.

How many have apostatato! How many that, also not having apostatato, sventuratamente
they are remained like branches contagious buckets in the Mystical Body, tumors for
many spirits,
perdition but salvation cause not!

Which terrible chains hold legacies these sventurati clergymen to the enemy of

Without love

Cold Professionismo, infecondo and hypocritical that one of the clergyman without faith,
hope and without love.

Dinnanzi to the suffering of those spirits, of which he is father, does not have that empty
words of
convenience and lacking in any effectiveness, words without spirit.
The outgoing words from the clergyman in communion with the Eternal Clergyman, are
words of
life. Permeated of that unzione and effectiveness that have the words of the Saint
they become able balsam of lenire the suffering of many persons.

The Clergyman professional is not in a position to making a diagnosis of the suffering

for guilt of the Malignant one, to which between the other he does not believe. Its mind is
barren, and the dryness is
impotent for the evils of the spirit, when this is guilty, as in many clergymen
of this generation incredula.

Which it is the attitude to keep itself with these clergymen?

They are the more sventurati between the men and, although all the contrary appearances,
they deserve of being helped or with the prayer and the offer to God of own
suffering, or with rispettoso and prudent, sincere and realistic language.

It must make to feel, to make to reach their heart feelings of true friendship and fraternità.

They do not know more, never have perhaps not known it, of being human and divine
entirety, facts (p.43) participates of the Life, the Sacerdozio, of the power mine, Christ

They do not know of being the Man of God, from prechosen God for the eternal salvation
spirits that redente with the sacrifice of the Unigenito has Son.

They do not know of being the Man of which han need the spirits for being washed,
santificate in My Blood.

They do not know of being the object conteso from infinite Love and from sconfinato

Son prays, repairs and benedici, in order to help them to break the chains that legacies
hold them
in more the orribile slavery.

Benedico you; voglimi well.

4 june 1976


You write, son mine.

Not to have fear: I am, Gesú, than I speak to you, I am that I have to you chosen for being

Not to fear: I had preperceived to you clearly as you would have been judged.

This, son, for you must be comfort reason, also in the suffering. This
it would have to be reason of reflection for your judges. But they do not know
to distinguish, because they do not see according to God this that it is right and this that is

You see: they tacciono, and who tace thick times confirmation. Tacciono, or little or
nothing dares
to say the Marxist and heretical priests, than they are not little. For they they have smiles
and blandizie.
Nevertheless they would have to know which enormous badly or to scatter zizzania in the
middle of the good ones

How many grain winnowers of zizzania are today in the Church, and own between those
they would have to cultivate and to carry to maturation, with their diligent hard work, the
Instead they put themselves in full contrast with the directives of Peter, continue to (p.45)
to scatter zizzania, that is confusion and disorientation in the spirits.

What makes those people to which it has been entrusted the vine? Nothing, or, as if
nearly null was.
The courage is not had to recall the heretical ones, does not have the courage to put to
ban the products of the heresy: reviews, newspapers, books…

How many Bishops have had the courage to condemn reviews explicitly and
pseudocatholic newspapers that diffuse errors against the directives of Peter? Not many,
son mine.


The courage has been had but to relegate a poor priest in a dispersed parish of
mountain because it believed in the existence of the demon, source of spiritual suffering
physical, and in the effectiveness of the blessings with which it raised these sufferers,
more and more
numerous in the Church of your time.

How many examples I could cite, son mine! It is not proceeded against diffusing itself
of the error adducing the reason of the precaution. The precaution, great virtue, risks to
to be tramutata in the most serious guilt.

The heretical ones, the grain winnowers of zizzania go unmasked and their doctrines go
pointed out to the faithfuls like a danger for their spirits. But it is not dared (p.46) to make
it underneath
pseudo the excuse of the precaution. But the Shepherds very know that the true reason is
an other: it is a reason of comfortable!

You will notice instead that the precaution, cosí often called in cause, tramuta in
zeal when draft to hit itself written or words that null they in itself have of dangerous, but
that on the contrary they have like only scope the affirmation of the truth.

The truth often burns and the burns make badly. Thus it is, son mine: the voice is made
large where better addirebbe Hush, and is tace where better it would be to raise
tone of the voice like sign of alarm.

Loyal paternity

Many Bishops will have to also convince that their Church is not always that of
Gospel. They will open the eyes when it is too much late.

It needs to pray and to make to pray because the inimicus hominis it is within the vine
indisturbato, indeed from much coadiuvato, completes its ominous work.

Enough with instrumentalizing also the name of the virtues for own personal

It is time of reflection, is time of meditation!

It is time to go back the way of the centuries in order to arrive to sources and to make a
with my sincere language, open, loyal, the solo that is suited to a loyal one

It is time to exit from the misunderstanding. Politics of the astuteness do not have nothing
to that to make with
the semplicità of the dove and with the cleverness of the snake. Cleverness does not want
to say
doppiezza or menzogna. I have said many times that my ways are not the ways of

The Shepherds of spirits, my clergymen, must know my ways and for they they must
to walk, not for those of the world.

Son, not to fear, prays and repairs. You are how much better you can make. Benedico

5 june 1976


You write, son mine:

On the earth, in the human society sussistono defects and passions, difficulty and
of every kind. Omissions of every species are found.

Sussistono also the virtú, that they come practiced with various degrees of intensity.
these are the justice.

The justice is a virtú of which all they speak, of which all make propugnatori, that all
they assert to sponsor. The truth, son, are an other, very various from that
clamorously proclamata.

I say to you, son mine: if there is a virtue that is bistrattata and conculcata is own
virtue of the justice. This happens also in my Church and they do not only give part of i
faithfuls, but often from my clergymen and not very rarely from the Shepherds.

Strange fact: the world has a its detail estimates of this virtue, it smashes but it and
it treads on at any moment. But this was only of the world, of which she is prince
Malignant: unfortunately also in the Church, my mystical Body, this virtú come offense.

How never? Because, in order to practice it, often essential need of others is had virtú:
humility and love. Without these two virtue cannot sussistere in the human mind
justice. When, and this happens with frequency, sees the justice seriously hurt
and the ingiustizia to prevail, you can think that the cause before is the lack of humility
and of
Custom of life

In “You know that I I love you” have said that in the Church, my mystical Body, the
virtue of
justice is wound, sometimes seriously, not only to the base but also to the apex.

How many are the spirits that suffer for this malanno from my Church! Citations of
facts, of cases details? Not, son, because they are cosí frequent who could
reasonably to say: the infraction of the justice has become life custom.

But there is a ingiustizia that grida vendetta in the presence of God: it is the tradimento
perpetuated in continuation from the incoherence of those who they have responsibility
fundamental and personal in the Church.

They will not be able but to sottrarsi to the detail and staff judgment of God. Not varrà to

to justify own acts saying of to have followed more. In this century they have
tramutato in life custom ambitions, presumptions and errors of every kind. Not
they are shrewed of being on a false road.

In the first volume “You know that I I love you” clearly am said that from a comparison
between my life theirs would turn out an unmistakable contrast.

This comparison from the more is not dared to make it. Is had fear? But if it is not made
now, of
your initiative, this I compare will be made in the judgment when it will not be granted
no possibility of recovery! …


I, Gesú, have said that me the hats are famous that you have overhead; I have said that I
will reward
also a single glass of water given to poor for love mine, but I have said also
that I will ask reason also for a single idle word.

To Me all it is famous, to null Me escapes. I would not be misericordia infinite and

infinite if thus it were not.

But who thinks, son mine, to this?

The saints, solo the saints! Who is not Saint does not have time to think next to the
fundamental things
of the life. Who does not stretch to the holiness is like he who constructs own house on

He who tries the holiness hurries instead constructing the building of own
santificazione on the solid cliff.

Son, I do not have therefore reason to insist because you pray and you repair? How many
of prayer and repair not there are in my Church!

Benedico you. I know the bitterness of which your mind is filling; a day this
bitterness will be tramutata in joy; you now must be underground marcire. You are not
understanding, boy? Was perhaps I, your Jesus?

Benedico you.

6 june 1976


You write, son mine.

Not to worry to you if still you do not have the minimal idea of what I am for dirti: this

it demonstrates that you are not that tasks and meditate, but that I am that I speak to you.

In precedence messages I have spoken to you diffusely about the contradictions of the
modern. These contradictions are thus obvious not to escape to nobody, also
to the less sensitive spirits to the problems of Christian life.

But no shepherds has the courage to smash this barrier of fear, of respect
human? Fear, human respect, vain fears joined entirety form a wall nearly

For being able to scale this wall it would have, in unit of spirit and ardor of faith,
to meditate the Gospel, to assimilate of the content and effectively to wish some
the application first of all in your personal interiorità.

The spontaneous will of an outer application would derive some consequently to

Mystical body. Not taking place the inner assimilation it cannot, consequently,
to take place that outer one.

For analogy this would happen in the spirit that normally happens in the body: for one
real and also always mysterious process of the digestion, the ingested food comes before
transformed and assimilated, then these substances come distributed to all the others
limbs of the body.

Against the justice

All sin against the justice those who have left to contaminate of errors and of
heresies their flock, than have not had the courage to take firm position
against the lupi that in the ovile they have made scempio of spirits, especially in the
seminaries and
in the schools.

They sin against the justice, Shepherds and Clergymen who allow spreading of
materialismo in born atmospheres in order to cheer the mind, in a climate of serene joy,
transformed instead sometimes in places of spiritual contagion.

Those Shepherds and those Clergymen sin against the justice who, for having the mind
darkened from the presumption, they are not nearly never objective in their judgments.
Of forehead to
thirds party, take positions wrong do not inquire directly and to bottom, (p.54)
believing to possess in exclusive right the attendance of the Saint Spirit. With one
sbalorditiva emergency, commits errors whose consequences are tears and
suffering for who of are the victim.

A father does not want the suffering of the son, of he wants the correction and therefore
he knows to join
correction, if it is necessary, to the love and not alloy never its acts to the judgment
outer of the others.

Conflicting Church

To you, son mine, seems hard to assert this truth, because you do not see this that I
I see. I scrutinize the human hearts in their depths, unfathomable for you, but not for
God has created that them.

Like explaining the behavior of some Shepherds, Advanced religious and Ministers mine
rigid and inflessibili towards clergymen animated from good spirit and for good

You will see on the contrary them sorridere to those who they dare to rebel themselves
and to make uproar, even if
they know that fan much evil to the flock they entrusted.

A conflicting Church could not never be fecund. They do not notice that
they are seeding in a pebbly desert, where the seed dies as soon as thrown and
not even ago in time to sprout.

Not to want to deepen the search of the evils of which it suffers the Church today, it is
pure one

It will be made excuses to us saying that this is not true, because of studies many have
been made some. Yes,
end too many, but always in surface, never in depth. The cause before is always
remained in the bottom of a sea tremendously mental patient, preannouncing storm.

The cause before, the large one badly that it plagues the Church today, is the ambition
superbia, up and low. The dusk is exceeded alone with humility. We return thus to
comparison that some Shepherds and Clergymen ricusano to make between theirs and my
life, whose
tracing always is marked from humility, the poverty and obedience.

Who does not have the courage to rifare the way of own sacerdotal life gives
Betlemme to the Calvary becomes corresponsabile of this for which the today Church
suffers and,
more still, corresponsabile than that storm that is approached frightening and that
it will together sweep up Agnelli, sheep and shepherds, not only in the blood but, many,
in the eternal perdition.

I am not died on the cross for whim: they are died on the cross for ristrappare
spirits to Satan and its formations. I cannot tolerate that the spirits get lost for
the inefficiency of those who, on my example, they would have daily with Me
to go back the Calvary in humility, the poverty and the ubbidienza.

Son, does not believe, does not want to believe. For this you insist in the offer and in

Benedico you.

7 june 1976


You write son mine.

Reading the Messages that you have collected in the first one and in according to volume,
it can are given
that someone is astonished that the dealt arguments are, more or less, nearly always

It is not spoken about the structures of the Church life or, if of it is spoken sometimes, it
is in order to put
in prominence defects and gaps.

The Church life, as it has come delineating itself through the centuries, is complex,
complex would have to be the speech regards that it.

The Church life is now complex because such you have rendered it, but in reality to the
of the Church it remains the Mystery of the Incarnation, of the Passion and Died mine,
of made God meat. This is the true fact with which God the liberation has operated from
yoke of Satan.


The focal point is this. I, Gesú, have freed yes the man from the yoke of Satan and with
overabundant grace of the Redenzione, I have given to the man all means for
to maintain itself free from the onslaughts of the Malignant one; but I have not exempted
the man the duty of
to give its contribution to its liberation, with believing and hoping, loving,
to suffer and offering.

In other words, not except the man without the collaboration of the man, for which
problem centers them is: God saves the man, but it wants its collaboration in the fight
against the forces of the evil. They exist in you for the sin originate them, caused from
demon, which rages itself against every man and the Christian in measure

Satan, in this fight against the humanity, for has also allied the world that to he
it belongs.

The picture of the Church is this; all the rest and frame. Now the evil today is of debit
prominence to the frame and little prominence to the framed picture from the same one.

Return therefore to invitarvi recommencing of new (and this will make it the Church
purified) to instillare in the mind of the catechesi children adapting to care of Me
that except and redimo, but not without the collaboration of every a person who has been
baptized a christian in the fight
against the forces of the evil.
All the rest will come adapted to this truth from which the salvation depends. Therefore
it prints, cinema and all the means of the pedagogy will have to center this idea, that it is
dottrinale pillar of the Bible.

Fundamental pillar

Today the catholics are infarciti of materialismo. The failure of the catholics today is for
to have created structures of a Church detached from the pillar they centers.

As an example: to that it serves a parochial cinema where casts films antichristian?

To that they serve schools and meetings where, for fear of hitting the antireligious
it gives a religious education to the water of roses?

To that they serve thousand other initiatives, if they do not have a solid coupling to the
they of the Church centers: Christ Redentore, Liberatore and Salvatore, that he conditions
but Its divine action to the collaboration of the man, put into effect through the Church?

But Satan today is in the Church and intensely operates till to push the structures of
It far away gives the fundamental pillar.

If today some Bishops and Clergymen do not succeed to perceive this situation, are one
other terrible sign of as the things go.

This sees very it instead my Vicario! Encicliche and you recall, signallings and
alarms are not never lacked, but too many times are remained letter dead woman and the
it is ingigantito.

Here, son, because the hour of the purification will come, than from the blind people will
be deplored like
the hour of the divine Justice. They will not know to see in it the Misericordia first of all,
never disgiunta from the Justice, because God wants the salvation of the spirits and not

7 june 1976


You write son mine: he is Devout Father whom it wants to speak to you.
I had said to you that you would have suffered to me, and eccomi faithful. Boy, you do
not have
avvilirti neither to arrest the rhythm of your inner life. There is who makes of all in order
your will, but remembered that there is a virtú important: the perseveranza in the good.

Troubles to place hand to the plow and then to turn itself behind! It must walk, even if
to walk sometimes makes and door fatigue heavy. This to discourage is the art of

he who is always in ambush in order to discover the opportune moment for its action

I, Devout Father, have perseverato for all the life and I have not never yielded neither to
the blandizie,
neither to the insidie, neither to its threats. And threats, but true suffering were not alone
that the Malignant one has procured to me in the years of my life and that they have
become arm
formidable in order to capture spirits, for strappargli spirits and to give again them to
Christ. (p.63)

The spiritual director

Son mine, you carefully rileggi the messages that I have given to you. The dogma of the
of the Saints it is a truth! You it has been said many times over to live and to make to live
wonderful dogma to the spirits of your world.

Facts champion of this wonderful spiritual truth that many times has been
forgotten: they are little those which believe to you and they live that it.

You feel, son, an other thing of extreme importance.

In the messages, than you they have been given from me and from others, you will find
communications that you
they regard directly: these communications are all valid ones.

Here, in Paradise, we live of the divine Life in a perfect, various way from the way
with which you live the life of the Grace, than also it is already divine Life. Not they can
therefore to say lies, things not answering to the true one cannot be said, for nobody
reason to the world. Therefore all the one which you has been said it answers to truth.

It is right but that you adhere yourself, in all and for all, to the directives of the Director
“Father, as I make to distinguish if this that comes to me said is from you, or gives
that one of the Fire, or is fruit of my fantasy? “

Tests, son mine, are not lacked to you, signs you have had and others you will have some.
But for you it must
to be enough the verdict of the Spiritual Director.

We will still feel and I confirm to you that also we will see again ourselves: have
confidence and watches with
more attention the Messages precedence.

Benedico you: they are Devout Father.

8 june 1976


You write, son mine:

There are not essential structures, is dispersion of stolen wealth to the poor ones. This
cause the paralysis that immobilizes a colossal one with of works that does not serve
at least cosí as today they are structured.

Son, not to have fear. I have always said you that the truth makes part essential of
charity and is not for the taste to put in evidence miseries of every kind that I say to you
reason of the failure of the structures of the today's Church.

In all this it is unknown to see the double quantity game of Satan, than incontrastato work
from the outside and the inside of the Church.

- Dall'esterno: who does not see its instruments is blind: The communism, incarnation of
Satan, and massonico Capitalism. In fact also the bourgeoisie and frightfully
cracked from the radicalisms massonico, strong for its international ties. They are crews
with which Satan without it pauses tries to crumble the Church, and cannot be denied
through such apparatus, partially us it is successful.
- Dall'interno: Satan is provoking a tremendous one and never cosí universalizzata crisis
faith in the clergy. The consequences are most obvious. Servants of the progress, of
modern technology, all or nearly to the service of Satan, the world its allying and of
your passions. The concupiscenza of the spirit, that is the superbia, most serious sin
of the Church of your time, and the concupiscenza of the meat has extirpated from the
of Christ many destined limbs to the service of the common good, Clergymen and spirits
These maneuvers are worthy of who were more beautiful and the more powerful of all,
after God, and
that powerful it is still. It demonstrates the gigantic size badly that it operates within
Church and to the entire human community.

Sin of accidia

Of forehead to this formidable enemy I, your God, for liberarvi from he, with
infinite humility is made me man immolating same Me on the Cross. Now but
I condition your salvation to your adhesion and cooperation to the Mystery of

I want a free and active participation from all a person who has been baptized a
christians, not one
passive consent as instead today erroneously the Christianity is conceived gives

part of many Christians. Here there is empty a frightful one, given from the abulia anemic
of many
Christians, thus seriously become ill to make to fear of their guarigione.

This lack of appetite of the divine things, this atrophy of the life supernatural is
sin of accidia. The Christians, that they would have to be vibrating of light life, thirsty
of truth, they have reduced themselves in such state to be similar rantolanti smarriti
beings. They are
without force and energy or for guilt they, or for guilt of others.

The prince of the darkness, while the Church has intossicato, undressing it in many its
members of supernatural vitality, its, supplies maintain very live the forces of
such hatred that, when it explodes, will never look at known things for the humanity for
gravity and by extension.

They sciupano time

To who it goes chargeed such state of things? To those who they have opened wide the
doors to
enemy, to those who to the enemy they do not believe, to those who has allowed it
a wearing away infiltration: it goes chargeed to those who still today they sciupano time
other people's self-energies and that will not be able to never improve a situation that
to have the courage to denounce like most serious.

This situation goes at last chargeed to those who, in spite of the bureaucratic apparatus
all the harnesses, still do not find the way, the single one via in order giving again oxygen
just to
my Church that is dying.

Yes, son mine, to admit this agony indurrebbe, to make a backward motion thus
energetic to impress anyone healthy.

Here as they have allowed the forces of the evil to reduce my Mystical Body!

The Church will not perish

My Church would have to be formed from an immense army of valorosi sons of

God, from dared and brave my soldiers, supervising and active. All cargos of enthusiasm,
all and not only a small élite, armed spiritually and battleships would be
invincible, because I, so that they are such, have given they all the necessary one.

My Church will not perish! Will regenerate I it in the pain, like in the pain,
in the umiliazione and the blood I have operated the Mystery of the salvation.

My Mystical Body will scatter its blood, I Head of it, I have scattered mine, and
Church, after the two thousand, regenerated and made new, will go back the way, Mother
and not
stepmother of polulates.

She prays, son mine, and not curarti of the judgment negative that will gush from the

Such judgment will last how much brands of soap.

Benedico you, son.

8 june 1976


You write, son.

It is my intention to face the problematic one of the present Church putting some
before in evidence the gaps.

To who obbietta that it is not positive to make this, you answer that he is not sage not
to search the causes that place gives to the diseases of the body; a careful diagnosis
it remains always the first task of an aware doctor.

It is wisdom, for analogy, than shepherds and clergymen, giacché to they are entrusted
the cure
of my Church, they make a obbiettiva and brave diagnosis of the evils from which he is
plagued my Mystical Body. If he is not worth this reason to convince them, no other
he is worth.

Why many evils are accumulated in my Church?

The reasons are several, and of it we will see others later on, but it remains the reason of
center, the taken lacked one position against Satan, as I have already said in others
messages. It is the cause before the evil, is the limaccioso river of all the corruption
that, from the fall of the man, one flows on the humanity.

This throbbing affirmation I want that you still repeat it because the sordi
finally they understand they will want to understand if it. Therefore it is not accidental
repetition, but
intentional repetition.

In my Gospel it is said that the sons of the darkness much more are noticed of the sons
of the light. All the Gospel is truth.

It watches like the sons of the darkness immedesimano with their tenebrous problems!
day and night live. Their purposes hold badly them occupied without interruption
of time; for these problems they live, operate, in these hope.

You see with that courage acts: they do not have fear or shame of nothing: they face
also uneasiness and sacrifices, insomma do not suffer from that anemia from which they
are plagued
too many Christians.

They are a single thing with their programs, thesis certainly not to the conquest of the
true one,
of the freedom and the justice, even if there is between they who in to good believes it

Illogical consequences
The difference with those who Christians think themselves is grandissima. These last
ones much
often scindono their life from social the religious problems and also that the existence
human involves. I see my Christians that, set up their life on wrong
convictions (not always for guilt they, sovente for formation defect are
ecclesiale relative that) set offs on the most illogical and serious consequences.

“The religion is a thing, the transactions an other”. Based on this wrong principle, the
and the swindle becomes life custom, for which it is not made scrupolo to steal us in
continuation, to trick and to take advantage of the next one in any case. The illicit ones
gain is not confessed, because such conception has succeeded in to dim
also the spirits of clergymen who do not place similar “scrupoli”.

You do not know, son mine, consecrated how many will have to pay beyond the life
terrena, or with
hell or with a time tremendously along of Purgatorio, sins of undue
appropriation for lacked or unjust retribuzione to dependent, for true swindle and
own, and for other frequent things more than those that is believed in my Church.

Scindere the religious and social problems and duties from other personal duties i
simply absurd. Thus the saying is absurd “is lived once single”, meant in
way to render to the lawful occasion the illicit one.

The sons of the darkness are not thus illogical: the sons of the light yes.

To make the choice

Thus the spirits are extirpated from God, incalliscono in an amoral moral, become
like of the crustaceans, difficult to be converted.

As the error can here () to expect to form of the collaborators with of corpses,

or with of anemic chronic, the so serious ones from not being able itself to move in no
It must be made to since understand to a person who has been baptized a christians the
first infancy who not are others
alternatives, as I have clearly said in my Gospel. It cannot be served
at the same time to two masters who have opposite interests and obbiettivi.

Or God, or Satan! The human mind, I do not say every day, but every moment, is in
condition for making its choice. Or it is believed to a good thing, or it is believed to one
bad one. Or a good action is completed, or a bad action is completed.

The problem of the Church is bottom problem, before that of structure: or God or
Satan, or the good or the evil.
Benedico you, son mine.

9 june 1976


Son, I consider Church the action of my stiff Church towards the men all,
because all can join spontaneously and solid to the Christian principles.

To promote and to guide quest ’ action are own of the Hierarchy, also not excluding
just and right collaboration of good laici, “vocati ad hoc”.

I have I date the indications for the effectiveness of the Church action, therefore I have
said: you will be
light of the world, you will be knows them of the earth. I have said also: risplendano your
good and glorifichino the Father who is in skies. I have said: you will be I leaven that
the paste.

A light clergyman, if not risplende supernatural, if the light of the grace not
he renders its spirit transparent so that all can clearly see to us within,
(and this imports loyalty, semplicità and doppiezza) will not notice that its action is

I, the Christ, potentially have gained the world. To Me all it has been given, for me all is
made state; but my Victoria total will come true itself to the consumazione of the times,
final judgment. I, the Christ, will manifest dinnanzi to all, dinnanzi to the Sky and the
my complete Victoria. I, made God man, have realized and will realize my Body
Mystic, that is my Church, with which I am a single thing.

This is the true reason of the delayed total my triumph: I have intentional partecipe of this
triumph my Mystical Body.

Head and body are a tutt'uno. Those who is astonished because my triumph total
it has not been taken place with my Risurrezione and Ascensione to the Sky little has
comprised of the Mystery of the Incarnation.

Sul Calvary

I, Gesú, intimately are joined I to the human nature for whose liberation and
Victoria is immolated to me. I have associated the human nature to all the divine
vicissitudes and
human of my temporal and eternal life, therefore the Church, my true Body, if also
mystic, will have to follow Me on the Calvary in order then to follow to me in the Gloria.

“Who wants to come behind of Me, takes its cross and she follows to me! ” Where, with
the cross,
if not on the Calvary?

The great battle, than I have opened with the Mystery of my Incarnation, Passion and
Dead women, continue and will continue till the end of the times with intensity and

various. There will be moments of such inaudita violence not to believe, like will happen
in the next enemy offensive, of the rest already started.

This realistic vision of a Church in perennial fight has been date to a person who has been
baptized a christians
against its trained enemies: Satan, the world and the passions?

The Church must carry the spirits to join to the Christian principles, to accept
spontaneously God, its law, its truth, its mysteries.

The Church made with the sun structures not servants to nothing, if the foundations lack
fundamental. They are demonstrating it to the facts.

Fight and pilgrimage

Your oratories are desert, yours know them cinematographic are poison instruments,
in your meetings not very rarely blasphemy and speaks a language that is not

Many institutions are collapsed; the so-called institutional Church is in a state

bankrupt. It is useless to want itself to deceive, the materialistiche conceptions of the life
they can that to put solid roots in deeply sick Christians of anemia

Groups promiscui of young people and girls, than for excessive freedom, the fashion
indecente and for the deleterious infuences of readings and films erotici cannot resist,
of Christianity they have only the label, but substantially they are pagani.

These are defects of an institutional Church that cannot resist because devoid
of the fundamental vision of the life.
The Christian life must be conceived like military service, that is like incessant fight
against Satan and its allies; he must be conceived like pilgrimage.

The institutions for a efficient Church were valid when the Christians were good,
but today that they are pagani, the traditional institutions sovente are occasion of

Benedico you, son mine.

10 june 1976


You write, son, and not to fear of nothing. A day you will understand because now I want
from you this
hard experience, and still I say to you not preoccuparti of the incredulità of who, more of
you and

like you, it would have to believe, but it does not believe. When they want to believe not
they will have some
time. Hard words these; but my words you know that they are true and that they do not

Now I want more to still deepen how much in precedence Messages I have already
exposed to you.

Who is Satan, to which many they do not believe and others confusedly or vaguely

After God she was the beautifulr creature, richest than gifts and of power.

She is spiritual person, he lives, real and powerful, tramutata from Angel in the monster
orribile for bruttezza and perfidy, its silks inestinguibile badly and of hatred. It is
the Evil, because with the evil it is identified. It has refused God for superbia, for being
dominating and gentleman of the Reign of the darkness.

Satan is he who has determined, with an action of its will, the eternal perdition
its staff and of the formations that they have in believed he and it have followed. He
he also determined with the astuteness and menzogna the perdition of humanity, laying a
trap i
progenitors, inducing them with the deceit to the rebellion to God, to repeat its sin.
In its sin it is confirmed, therefore it knows that you cannot be neither now, neither never
possibility to change its risen ones of deprived of hope hatred.

Satan is the Evil in continuous movement, without pauses not even for a moment; Satan
menzogna, it is dusk; Satan, for how much it can be a small creature to
comparison with the Infinite, is the opposite one of God.

God is Light, Love, Justice and Truth; Satan is the opposite one of all this. Satan is
sworne enemy of God, in particular of the made Verbo Meat and Its Church,
of One and the Other it wants the destruction. It is frozen in these crowds and malvagio
purpose, for which a not desiste single moment pursuing it with its forces.

This acquaintance of the Malignant one, son, is presupposed substantial of any


An effective Church without a vision is not absolutely conceivable alive and

it specifies of this truth of base.

Implacable enemy

Satan is pure the Enemy for excellence of the Saintest Vergine.

That Church they can make the many Clergymen that they do not have a strong one and
devozione to the Mother mine and they, or that these truths do not believe, or believe to
in confused way?

Every Church action of any nature is infeconda if it does not rest on the solid ones
foundations of the Faith in God, Creator, Salvatore and Redentore, and in the existence
of the implacable and irreducible enemy of the good, Satan. To this faith it goes joined
it stops conviction that with Christ needs to go up the Calvary: “Who wants to come
of Me, he takes its cross “.

The theological disquisitions are useless if this truth does not have as base.
Currently it is constructed on the arena.

The crisis of Faith has diverted the Church action in many tortuosi rivoli that do not carry
the spirits to God. Also here, son, I must complain loss of time in too many
conventions. Of for oneself they would be many profits, if in these encounter it were
courage to go to the roots, that is to face the problem in its crucial point.
This is consequence of the crisis of Faith that Satan with perseverante tenacity is
successful to
to carry in the Church and the world.

Serious meditation

Oh! son mine, how much us is itself removed from the way master, straight and sure! If
he read the Gospel, or better still if the Gospel were object of serious meditation
and imitation, would find the light to you necessary in order to bring back my Bishops,
Clergymen on the Way in which one does not get lost to us.

Parabolas, facts and instructions on this point a lot important are cosí numerous
for which the doubt it would not have to graze the mind of nobody; instead you to it see
as the things go.

Son, prays and repairs. Not vergognarti of elemosinare from good spirits prayers and

It leaves to say them; they do not see, do not understand! The love that you carry to me or
so large
for which every other thing or judgment in your cares must be dissolved in the nothing.

You see the human judgments like soap bubbles. What can make you brands of soap? and
they can make the judgments you of those who they do not believe?

Benedico you, son.

11 june 1976


You write, son, without no fear. Dillo that Gesú is not content! I cannot be
content dinnanzi to the rough blindness of the Shepherds and the Clergymen for whom
it regards the substantial problem of the Church.

I have already said something to you of Satan and its formations; I have not said to you
all of he, only
those a lot of which you must have acquaintance. It can more on the human nature much
what the man can on the animal nature, and you you see how much the man can on
animal nature.
It knows indurvi to a radical change of the lifestyle.

The man can dominate an animal, but Satan can dominate to a man a lot more,
a lot more.

I have spoken to you poc'anzi about rough blindness. Yes, son, and here the
consequences of
guilty inactivity of many Shepherds and Clergymen of febrile forehead to, the incessant
demolitrice action of the Enemy.

I Gesú, during my public life, am not limited to me to announce the truth;

I have recovered it makes ill, it has freed ossessi and it thought also this an essential part
of my Church. Today it is not made (because the shepherds do not want to engage
personally, and only some rare one turns delegates it to others) this part of

I have delegated it to my Apostles because the Apostles and their successory compissero
If I have made it, Gesú, also the Shepherds today would have to bless and to exorcise.

They are not less today those who suffers for guilt of Satan, indeed are more than one

Inner do-nothing policy

The attitude held today from the Bishops, except always the debite exceptions, is not
sure that one from Me wished, is not what I would want.

That the father is not present, being able it, where they are the sons who suffer are truly
against the nature of the things. Nevertheless this is this that happens habitually. That one
father delegates an other to represent it near the suffering son, is not less bitter
than said over.

That then a father does not believe not even to the suffering of many its sons, than also
evidently they suffer, would be said impossible. Nevertheless he is this that habitually
it happens.

But there is more, son mine; not to fear and you write: that then a father succeeds in to
those who for a feeling of right mercy (I have said mercy and not justice)
they take cure of its suffering figliuoli, this is quite outside of every logic and
against every feeling of paternal love.
Son, dillo hard, this in continuation verification in my Church. They move
these Shepherds to the periphery of their mind and their heart, but are immovable to

What I want to say with these words? Externally they are most active, sometimes end too
they remain immovable, or nearly, inner.

Many of they are victims of the frenzy of the action. Much best if they were victims
mine! My victims, on the contrary, are nearly immovable externally, mobile and
active inner. They are that the spirits save! They are the voluntary victims
that they have up to now refrained the divine justice. They are my victims the true one I
ferment of the Church. To they null I can deny, not to the outer activism of
many Shepherds.

The Church langue

Given the necessity that Bishops and Clergymen take the problem of many under
suffering spirits, forms in every diocese, at least initially, a committee of
fervent clergymen and laici that give place to a chain of spirits disposed to offer
daily, with their suffering, at least an hour or a half hour of prayers
for those who they suffer for guilt of the malignant Spirits and that they can bless i
sufferers in determined days, a determined Church.

No reason withholds Shepherds of spirits and volonterosi Clergymen completing

this must: it is a present time problem.

Not there are shrewed of nothing? Not there are shrewed that the Church langue and is
dying for
guilt of the Malignant one? You do not notice that some thing of tremendous is maturing?
What makes, that they think certuni? They are undressed of that presumption that
removes they it
grace and the comfort of the light.

Benedico you. Voglimi well.

12 june 1976


You write son:

Callback once again the words of my Vicario in earth: “The smoke of hell is
entered in the Church “. Nobody or nearly has given to the due importance to this
expression of the Pope.

Little have known to give to these words a practical sense. The smoke, we have said,
it dyes and dark. Satan has darkened the mind of that they were at the head of the

that they would have to serve to a Church of salvation.

Religious congregations, orders, seminaries, convents, colleges, schools, canonical,

churches… the smoke of Hell has entered wherever! Of the rest the smoke and like the
you see to arrive and even you do not know from where. It is insinuated, it penetrated, it
dyed, without to give some to you
the impression. This has been and this is the action of Satan.

Diffuse infection

To already I have spoken you about rough blindness: now I confirm to you that this
expression answers
to a painful truth.

Son, I do not come down to the details because the details do not exist more. One draft
badly social in the Church, frightening diffused.

Seminaries infect? how many! Religious orders infect? how many! It is the smoke of the
Hell that
it is insinuated everywhere, not saving not even the Vatican.

And parishes infette? how many! They today succeed in my Church things that not
they can humanly explain, without a personal participation of the Demon.

Unpleasant details you always have been some. They began in the College
Apostolic with the tradimento of Giuda and the escape of the Apostles. Then the heresies
scandals have been ollowed in the centuries.

Where enemy its is the man is pure there acerrimo, Satan, than null it saves for
to induce the man to the evil.

For this I have taught to you to daily ask the liberation from the Malignant one.
The Saint Padre what has intentional to say with the words: “They happen today in the
things that can be only explained with the personal participation of the Demon “?

My Vicario, first of all, has intentional to reaffirm a faith truth because it

it turns out clearly and repeatedly from the Detection. Secondarily it has intentional
to reaffirm that Satan is real person alive and, frightening actively and feraciously
malvagia, in perennial movement in order to diffuse more very dangerous spiritual poison
of the most powerful material poison.

They are the things that it completes to damage of the Church, to which alludes the Pope
it points out today to its personal participation in the Church.

Its action is universal and the criminal facts, than in the shadow of congreghe and seven
it ordisce, is innumerevoli.

My Vicario, for the pre-eminent position that it occupies in the Church and the world

and for the grace of its state, very it knows the evils that Satan completes in the Church.

My Vicario knows the evils that Satan completes in the Church making use of traitor,
of corrupts of every ream, of clergymen rinnegati apostates and of which you must want
to ask the salvation.

Prayer and fast

But I must here remember my words said to the apostles: that there are demons who not
all can drive away. In order to hunt them much prayer and much penance are necessary.

It will be looked at to which tremendous excesses will arrive the action of the Malignant
one; many of those who
today they do not see, or they see confusedly, ricrederanno of it will have the time.

In my rinata Church the great topic will be this on which it will impernierà the catechesi:
to form the true and aware Christians which combatant ones against the forces of the evil.
Enemy not desiste from its attacks, the combatants do not have to get tired themselves in

Son, benedico you and with benedico you those who will want truly to strive yourself, in
all the ways and by all means, for the defense of the spirits from the forces of the Evil.
13 june 1976


You write, son mine.

Now I say this to you that the demons can make with average innumerevoli. But, first of
why they can make a lot?

It is because have created I them free and I have not removed they the natural gifts. They
operate without pauses,
from the fall of the man, inducing it with the deceit to disubbidire to Me, inculcando
in the man same they tremendous defect: the superbia. Operating against the man, theirs
falsità and malvagità are melted with in a spiritual mixture that burns and explodes.

No means come neglected: flatteries, seduzioni, sexiness, immodesta fashion,

pornography, swindle, theft, violence, terror and quant'altro its acute intelligence
it allows to invent.

Its large and crowds dream are to emulate God; as God wants to possess a reign!
It lays a trap with it stiff to the progenitors, succeeds to you in sure which way. With the
fall of Adam
and Eva, the humanity belongs to it; it would be its in the time and the eternity if I were
taken part.

The river with impure waters of all the evils has been born thus; the suffering has been
born, has been born

shame, has been born the concupiscenza, is bloomed all the passions. For that sin it is
entered the dead women in the world, the sudato job has entered: it is the evil that has
been born from Satan and
that one flows on the humanity.

Not judged

The challenge has been launch, but the launch challenge to God it will cost beloved, in
the time and
in the eternity. The men who have not accepted the sovereignty of this tyrant
terrible, those which truly they believe in God, they wonder sbigottiti: But because
still can a lot? Because God, that it is infinitely larger and more powerful, not
it prevents to act? Why it does not lock up it in its Hell?
To this question already it has been answered: it is not up to you to judge the acts of God.
are you in order to presume of being able to make it?

However same I have illuminated to you, and you sapete at least main reasons. God
it never does not deprive its creatures of gifts free of charge given. They are the creatures
they can lose them, like a gift of the Grace, destroyed or in the angels or in
men, not from God, but for free chosen of the angels and the men.

The natural gifts remain also with the sin. God but, for a mysterious design of
its Providence, folds the evil to the good. Also Satan a day will have to recognize of
to have always served God.

The temptations that the Demon exercises on the man often serve to render the man more
prudent, more assiduous to the prayer, they that is serve to push it towards God.

The temptation not rejected, but received and consumed in the sin, serves but to
to humiliate the man and to punish it for its presumption. It is difficult for you to
penetrate in i
mysterious designs of God, all of love, misericordia and justice.

On this last word I still want fermarvi the attention. God gives to all the grace
sufficient in order to save itself. It refuses it to who commits a ingiustizia in the
relationships with God.
The divine justice res-establish the broken equilibrium for guilt of the ungrateful creature
rebel to gifts of God.

Perfect justice

For Christian you it would be enough to know that God is infinite love. Therefore this
would have
to be enough for affidarvi to He blind without the presumption of wanting to sindacare its

However Satan, the maleficent genius of the evil, incapable well, in the day of the end
judgment, with deprived of hope shame, will have to admit to have given a grandissimo
contribution to the santificazione and therefore glorificazione of a multitude of saints, of

martyrdoms, of vergini, comprensori blessed souls of the Paradise.

Wonderful, merciful design, mysterious design of the onniscienza and

divine onnipotenza! Great confusion that day of I plant and bitterness, but
also day of perfect justice.

I, the Verbo of made God meat, to the cospetto of the Sky and the earth, of all living of
invisibile and visible world, in the fulgore of my Gloria and divine maestà, I will show
infinite the my power.

I, the Risurrezione and the Life, will pronounce the sentence without appeal on who the
divine and human he has suffocated in the dead women. Those who they will have
believed in Me they will live
in eternal. Those who in Me they will not have believed will have dead women eternal, in
that place
of torment without end and hope.

Son mine, just must be foolish and blind in order not to see!

He prays and he repairs. Not stancarti, you offer your suffering to me. They me are of joy
with they you can carry spirits to me.

Benedico you.

13 june 1976


You confirm, or son, this truth: from all the Detection and especially from the Gospel
it clearly turns out the existence of Satan and its formations. She is therefore truth of

Denying this truth is heretical attitude, refusing to teach this truth is

parimenti heretical. Heretical therefore they are those who in malafede denies this truth.

To deny the existence of the Demon also means to deny the fall of the man; it is to deny
sin originates them and therefore the Redenzione and therefore the Church.

To deny the existence of the Demon wants to say to demolish the Christianity, denying
the origin and the purpose.

To deny the existence of the Demon is to deny not only a revealed truth, but it wants to
to deny the evidence since no acceptable explanation would be for those things
succeeded, that they succeed and that they will succeed and that not they can humanly
to explain without the direct participation of Satan.
It is conceivable that a clergyman can arrive to much incredulità, without the maleficent
infuence of Satan? Satan in these orribili sins of empietà is not never stranger.

The monkey of God

Someone, son, will obbietterà to you that, with how much and be written in these
Satan if glorificato has not been but raised in its prestige of prince of this

Certainly it cannot be denied that Satan is in degree, for the superiority of nature, being
to have the better one, with a sure facility, on your persons, the families and all
religious and civil, economic and political structures.

It, not conditioned neither from the time neither from the space, can act anywhere. He,
monkey of God, in opposite way strains itself to act like God. This naturally is
crowds superbia, because between he and God there is an infinite distance.

From its action they do not exit that rancors, envies and jealousies, arguments and
swindles, thefts and
blasphemies, obscenity and violences: it is the cloaca of all the evils.

Colossal error of the modern Church is own not to have centered the problem
of the Church, the Christian life: God I add Well - to the opposite one: Satan, the
Malignant one.
Between the two, the man is the object of the fight permanently in action

God, infinite Love, unigenito for the salvation immolates the Son incessantly its
of the man. God proteso towards the man for fornirgli necessary means of defense and
protection from the work of perdition of the Malignant one. It, the Malignant one, is
proteso towards
the man for ristrapparlo from the Love of Christ and diverting it on the way of the eternal

Al center of this duel, the man, free and intelligent, can say of yes Its
Salvatore as it can say also and not protendere its mind towards the Seduttore,
towards its eternal eternal damnation.

Dramatic alternative

Tragic and dramatic responsibility of this man who, during its

pilgrimage land, is always found in the alternative to choose! This is
your test!

The inner fight that you must necessarily support is the reason of yours
presence on the earth. On the origins, the causes, the purposes of this dramatic fight, you
Christians you have not been that superficialally formed and instructd. Hence my
and my pain.

The Father mine has a lot loved the men to give its Unigenito to Me Son for theirs
salvation, and gi men, also for insufficient acquaintance of the truly great solo
problem of their life, and for the maleficent influence of Satan, goes today in large
number lost.

How can the true fathers of the spirits give peace? As they can sleep sleeps
calm? As a my Clergyman can not suffer from the terrible truth of which he is

Son, would not have arrived the things to this point if more Faith us had been. And us
it would have been more Faith if this unparalleled gift me had been demanded with
perseveranza, if it had been diffidato more than if same and mainly confidato in
Misericordia and Provvidenza di God.

Son, courage, even if the consequences will be most serious. The purification
it will make up for to the guilty responsibility of many in my Church.

Benedico you, and with benedico you those who puts yourself on hand of mine
Providence that stretches to alleviate the many suffering that are for guilt of

13 june 1967


Son mine, you write this that L. is for dirti

- Don Or., I waited for this moment. Memories this that I said nell ’ last mine to you
message? I said that in Paradise no thing can makes us… to anger.
The vision of God, the active participation to Its life is so large what that
he is not esprimibile in human terms. It congratulates here it is full and perfect; nothing
to change it, for this not is place for how much you would call rages.

But I repeat to you, Don Or., if place had been, the reasons in order to anger to us would
not be
lacked these supplied reasons they are own from you.

All this that has been said, before, during and after the travel, is not gone to
a lot.

You continue to live yours tran-tran of life, without no effort in order to penetrate
contained of the messages.

Nothing is goes the warnings for mettervi in guard from who, anywhere seguendovi,
it turned aside your various attention towards interests and obbiettivi from those fixed
ones from

It is successful, for that lack of secure necessary, to discover this that it would not have
never had to know from part yours. Thus it has been easy to sviare your plans,
to confuse your ideas, ingendering doubts and arresting every activity turns to
to realize the plan of the Gentleman.

Only a veil

Don Or., how many unpleasant things have happened!

Still you do not have clear the conviction of being be prechosen in order to be
of the divine Will.

You it has not been continuity neither of faith, neither of correspondence to the designs of

- L., than it will be some now?

- God is large and infinitely good, it is humbly up to you to recognize gaps
of your faith.
Don Or., also being we still many neighbors, you still are not convinced any. Still
once I repeat to you that only a mysterious veil divides to us. The life ours is much
various one
from yours, but she is much neighbor.

You are in you mix, we you are in the infinite peace of God, than null he can upset or
to alter.

Don Or., I repeat to you: you are prompter for the things of the Sky that not for those of
earth. What is worth the things of the earth? Nothing! Nothing! Nothing! Of they not
even the memory
it will remain!
If this sollecitudine of the things of God us had been, they would not have been taken
deficiencies and escapes.

Spiritually prepared

Don Or., attention not to frustrate the plans of the Gentleman and ours burning desire of

You have confidence in we, than you we follow step, step!

Like you, we also knew doubts, hesitations, we intrigue provoked from the municipality

Don Or., you will say to the mother mine that them is not lacked all my protection and
daughter love, love that the dead women physical recide but it does not perfect.

It will not lack to them not even in future, when of it has greater necessity. You will say
mother mine that is in my heart also the sister P., the grandaughters and the others that
they were and me they are equally beloveds.

For all I pray, intercedo and I supervise.

You will still say to the mother mine that is necessary to be spiritually prefortified and
to the dusk that goes inexorably getting thicker itself.

14 june 1976


You write, son mine:

Satan hates such the human nature as, for this hates all the men, in
detail way the Christians.

Before its rebellion, the capolavoro of the Creation it was. After null God you
he was of more large, more perfect, more dazzling.
This its largeness made to think it of being similar to God,

- hence the refusal to recognize the Iddio Gentleman, Alpha and Omega of all and all
- hence its outcry of rebellion “Not serviam tibi”
- hence the challenge of Saint Michele that was put at the head of the faithful formations
to the outcry: “Who is
similar to God? “
There was cosí in Sky the most terrible battle that the history of the Creation memories.
angelic formations were divided and for the rebellious ones there was Hell.

Satan has a second reason to hate the human nature. From the human nature it dulled
the Bud of Jesse.

For the human nature the Verbo made Meat, associating to Its divine nature that
human, in the person of Christ.

The human nature mortally wound, fall under the tyranny of Satan, was freed and
sublimate. The primitiva dignity was given back, treaded on and brutally destroyed with
the deceit: “If you will eat of this fruit, you will become similar to God”.

The beautifulst flower

But Satan still has an other reason to hate the human nature, a reason of
it envies and jealousy.

From the human nature a creature, the beautifulst flower of the Sky and the earth would
be risen,
“Humble and high more that creature”. No being will be able to equal more It. Object

of the divine compiacenze, It did not know never, not even for a single moment,
schiavitú of Satan.

Satan cannot guardarLa, cannot pensarLa without essene disperatamente upset,

without to suffer of as to nobody of you it is given of being able to understand.

Satan hates MARIA, the Daughter of God, the Mother of God, the Spouse of God, the
of the divine compiacenze, the beautifulst flower of the sky and the earth, the Capolavoro
power, of the omniscienza, the divine onnipresenza.

Of these alive divine gifts the “flood of Grace”, a perfect communion with the Father
its Creator, with the Son its Redentore, the Spouse its Santificatore.
Inchinano Dinnanzi to She the angelic formations, all the Saints of the Paradise.

Maria puts in escape the tenebrous powers and with its foot she crushes, ogniqualvolta
it wants, the head of the velenoso snake, Satan.

Deprived of hope illusion

For Maria, Satan has been detronizzato, for She has lost in departure its obstinate one
war against the humanity.

The dusk now prevents to it to know all the truth. He, of Lucifero name,
light emanator that is, now is darkness and generates dusk. It does not know, if not in way
confused, the Mystery of the Incarnation of the Verbo, for which nutre and it cultivates in
itself same
deprived of hope illusion of being able to win it, destroying with He the Church, exited
from its
Wounded heart.

Satan hates without border Christ, the Mother Its Church in the illusion of being able
to destroy who prevents to he the dominion on the humanity that it still thinks its

The crowds illusion are originated from its overed-measure pride, since the superbia it is,
of for
if same, spiritual dusk. The arrogant one will not be able to never possess limpid the
truth, than
she is daughter of humility.

Here, son mine, in synthesis, how much needs to know to who in the world must fight for
to catch up the great goal of the salvation of the spirit.

Now, son, you see to proceed with sollecitudine because origin to a small volume is
of messages to make to reach to spirits that of it they have need and that they are in wait.

Benedico you, son. I extend my blessing to those who with you they collaborate
for the performance of my plan of love.

It prays well and voglimi.

14 june 1976


You write son mine.

How many are the spirits of the evil? A great number! Billions are and pullulano
anywhere. All are frozen in the will badly. All are not equally
guilty and therefore equally are not punished, but all live in the terror. Incutono
fear, but lives anch'essi in the fear that will not never have term.

Their head, that he can trigger personal and social disorders, familiar, national and
world-wide, that he can provoke monster of tyranny and ferocity and knows to incutere
terror on entire
nations, it also, Satan, live in the fear. He lives in the terror of a Woman whom he has
destroyed its dream of infernal supremacy on the humanity.

Here because the spirits, than truly live of faith, do not fear it, they can indeed it
to dispel, they want if it.

After the fall, God spoke to the progenitors, imposed they penance and promised they to
redenzione. Addressing then to the author much evil it cursed, it and it promised to it
hard defeat: “A Woman will crush you the head”.

These words of God were for Satan, and it they will be in eternal, the punishment more
large. The shadow of Vergine chases the Saintest it anywhere; it is for deprived of hope
terror; for he not is rest, burnt and riarso from the will badly, nevertheless
aware that the Victoria final will be of the Woman and the Son of She.

Eternal suffering

Sconfinata the catastrophe from coldly intentional and operated he, but without
also the inflicted pain to he.

The human spirit is incapable to embrace, in all its drammaticità, the immane
tragedy provoked from the Malignant one. Its follow are like as many principles of
darkness and is operating badly, as I have said to you over, in measure of theirs
responsibility. As it will be for the men, from swept up they in the eternal perdition but
in various degrees, thus it is the eternal suffering of the demons. This tenebrous and
invisibile one
world, from the men and also from the Christians cosí little and badly known, hung
on the humanity like a cappa of lead.

Indifference of the shepherds of spirits for this problem is incomprensibile nearly that
it touches them thus give near. Indifference of the Christians for this is incomprensibile
mysterious but real world of the Afterlife, to which also your existence is tied
terrena and perhaps your happiness or eternal infelicità.

Because you men, able with natural gifts of intelligence and will to penetrate and
to understand the things, not strained then to use these gifts for the more important
of your life: your eternal salvation?

It does not sleep

It is time to remove the sails with which Satan the truth has dimmed in you. You must
to admit it: you have left to he the faculty of ottenebrare your minds and of
to narcotize your will. It needs risvegliarvi!

The enemy does not sleep. It follows to you anywhere, but null it will be able against of
you, if
you remain joined Me, Gesú. With the divine grace you must be aware
convinced that you will be able to always strike Satan.

God, that it is Love, is your aid, your salvation. In the name of God David with
a sling defeated the Golia giant, you also, in the name of God and of the Mother Its
Saintest, every qualvolta you of will be need, will be able to defeat the Giant of
reign of the darkness.

15 june 1976


Son, is not a superfluous, but coherent question with all the precedence messages.

The answer to this question mark is never sad how much.

I do not mean to slowly level all on the same one, is right indeed to exclude those who,
animated from fervent faith, they operate in conformity against the forces of the evil, to
relief and
comfort of many suffering spirits.

I must but think deplorable the attitude not little Shepherds and of very many
clergymen who, for a lacked acquaintance the problem, maintain themselves indifferent,
as if this did not regard them.

They are strangers as if it were a transaction of others and not they, remain insensitive for
neppur they wonder because from the spirits they would have to suffer for guilt of
Many do not believe, or believe in a confused and thus ambiguous way, for which
they maintain outside every concrete interest.


The attitude of indifference of the clergymen is antiChurch. It is own

the absurd attitude of those who voluntarily they take a road opposite
to the goal that ripromettono to catch up itself.

Impressive currently existing contradiction in the Church is an other.

Chip ax the sacerdozio, chip ax to become itself corredentori with Gesú for the salvation
of the spirits, and then one refuses to us to follow Jesus in the fight that It has completed
and that
it continues to complete in order to tear the spirits to Satan and Hell.

Why never I have introduced myself like He who I oppose myself to Satan? The Mystery
of the Incarnation it is first of all a Mystery of infinite humility, like the sin of Satan is
sconfinata mystery of superbia.

Fairies the parallel. Satan, infinitely inferior to Its Creator, dreams of equipararsi
to God. God instead makes man, lowering If same till makes Meat in the grembo of

Satan dreams a throne and wants a reign. I Verbo of made God Meat, am born in one
stable, poor between all the poor ones.

Satan ricusa obedience and I, Gesú, that are the Creator God and Gentleman of every
I wash the feet to my Apostles.

Satan sweeps up the humanity in the dead women, the chaos, the disorder of every
species. I die
on the cross. On the cross he has beginning my Victoria and my triumph, “Cum exaltatus
fuero etc… “.

I come to the world, alive, operate and die in antite to Satan.

The illuminated clergyman, than alive of faith, cannot choose that the struck road gives
Me, indicated like the single one to follow itself. I am the way, I I am the life.

Satan has carried the dead women in the world, I has carried the life. “Ego sum
resurrectio ET
life “.

How many of it I have recovered?

I have before begun to make, then to teach. If you take in hand the Gospel
you will be able states them as I have really made. But my main occupation and
worry has been that to know and to approach the sufferers, to alleviate some
pains, to recover of the illness, to pardon they the sins and to free the ossessi from the
of the evil.

How many I have recovered some!

What makes to think Bishops and Clergymen do not have to imitate to me in this

important work of apostolate? Means in order to arrive to the spirits are not this and
to approach them God? It is not, this, good and effective Church? Perhaps it is doubted
to be able to make it? Then I, Divine Master, would have given to my apostles an order
ineseguibile: which Master I would have been?

Why the Saints with much benedicevano effectiveness and reorganized? Also in these
Saint Bishops and Cardinals, how many have made it times! Nevertheless they have been
Shepherds of
this century, of this generation.

The cause of inefficiency of many shepherds, does not have rather to be searched in
penance and faith lack?

Two points make my Bishops a conscience examination on these and will see
reasons for which us it is removed from a solid Church.

It is useless to escape the issue, tacciando of madness who proposes to you.

Ricordatevi, Shepherds of spirits, than who these propose you urgent question marks are
a poor Clergyman, but I, Jesus are.

Son, benedico you. Voglimi well and not preoccuparti of the human judgments.

15 june 1976


Son you write:

Now you know because Satan and its formations hate Me, hate the Mother mine and
yours and
the entire humanity hates.

Now you know son mine that this hatred is realized in an incessant action, without never
a moment of only rests.

All their activity is terribly organized, all protesa to the material ruin and
spiritual of the men, towards the crowds design of being able to fight God from par to
Of this the Demons are convinced.

After that Saint Michele is rebelled to the outcry “Who is similar to God? ”, you know
that Satan and
its formations are remained frozen in these crowds conviction, for which not
they abandon the hope of being able to exit some vincitori.

For this, son mine, will not want to leave what they think theirs preda without
most violent reactions, that they will be cause of much suffering and that I, God like
Father and the Saint Spirit, I will fold to the purification of my Church.

Now you know the state of mind of the Christians, clergymen, and shepherds. Now you
know that the Church is
come to find itself in conditions of inferiority of forehead to its irreducible enemies, not
for guilt of God, not because the means lack them defense, but because it has not reacted
to the onslaughts, to the insidie, to the temptations with which it has been assaulted.

Now, son, you have a precise picture of a situation for great guilty part, whose
responsibilities flow on the Bishops, the clergymen and the faithfuls, naturally in
various measures.

To acquaintance of all

This picture has been given you, but you are the prechosen instrument in order to carry it
acquaintance of all. Not to forget it. You already see how much this design dispiaccia to
forces of Hell, already you see how much they have made you to suffer, but not to fear.

Lasciarti neither not to trick, neither to scare from stolte the aggressions with which you
they annoy.
All know, shepherds and clergymen, than the hour of the review it is scoccata.

They must see again all their currently set up Church action on false lines.
If they will not make it, then will be forced to make it.

Nothing is not renewed, nothing is regenerated if not leaving from the foundations that
clearly I have exposed to you. They take in hand the Gospel, meditate my action
Church. That other I can say, which other precise indications more I could give?

Son, you see not to lose time! The many sins of the men, the many sacrilegi of i
Consecrated, nauseante indifference of the Christians, is not more tolerable.

Son, courage! They want to scare to you, but I am in you, I with the Father and with
Saint spirit.

Then that they will be able to make you? Nothing, son mine, more than what I allow for
santificarti and arricchirti. Benedico you.

15 june 1976


You write, son mine:

I have said to you that the rebellious formations are composed from a number
grandissimo of Devils.
They are an exterminated multitude; you could not embrace with your mind
the extension of they.

All do not operate with equal perfidy; this wants to say that the gravity of their sin
it differentiates.

But all, not excluding, operate for the evil. They were rebelled to God and now they
the most feracious tyranny of their head, Satan, and of its General Staff. They belong,
also in Hell, to various hierarchies.

All hate the Saintest Vergine, all hate the humanity, all cultivate, together
to hatred, a deep jealousy for elect and a tremendous envy for viandanti you
on the earth, in the fear that also you have to salvarvi.

In they no feeling of mercy: - of they are incapable - but only sadismo. You not
you know and you cannot imagine the atrociousnesses to them with which they vent
theirs perfidi
feelings on the victims who fall under their claws.

Draft of those persons who have been able to tie they, than they have made themselves
instruments, than have donated spirit and body to the Demons. You believe that they are
not little, and
several also of your generation of it make staff experience.

What still waits for?

Now, son, ago well attention. A formidable army for number imagines of
guerrieri, for power of crews and equipped well, that it has taken position with one
slowly cleverly prepared and predisposed also in the tiniest details.

This colossal army, more powerful by nature and for organization, moves
to the attack against a Church and a human Society that, also having a considerable one
number of soldiers, officials and of generates them, not knowing or not remembering
themselves of possession
a trained and full enemy of hatred, at all does not think to defend itself.

Irride indeed to the little that of it speak and that they would want to organize a defense.
they come tacciati of religious madness or manìa.

While the enemy, with art trying to hide own forces, being useful
of the credulity of the adversary, he insinuates themselves anywhere, one gets hold of the
key and puts its agents everywhere and thus it comes to get hold of the adversaries.
There are here and here resistance nuclei, but the self-confident enemy of its successes,
pain is given some.

To this point, convinced of having the Victoria in fist, to every serious attempt
of the adversary, it will react with such ferocity to astound. Son beloved, you very know,
personal experience, as the enemy does not tolerate no defensive movement, like
circles indeed to prevent every movement against of he.

In these surfs, the Bishops whom they still wait for to come down from their thrones, to
from their palaces, to take in hand the redini of commando and to instruct and to guide
soldiers, the Christians, to the counterattack?
They know or they do not know that does not have importance the single superiority
appearing of the enemy,
since if, followed from their clergymen immune from the heresies of the day and the
anemia that
he has weakened and contaminated many, they will make this, happened they are assured
and they
he will be given the Victoria?

Via the presumption!

Son, how many times I must say it, that I have gained the world with humility, the
poverty and
the ubbidienza? It is with these virtues, it is with its sí that the Mother mine and yours has
possible the Redenzione!

How many times I must dirvi that the love is more hard of hatred?

Bishops and clergymen convince themselves to put into effect those reforms that have
proclamato with
concilio and that, for the interferences and the action of the lnferno, they have been thus

If they will decide a good time to feed the just way, and are I it sure Way,
then I will be with they and the ringiovanirà Church and soon will know a splendor
up to now never seen.

What still expects? Via the prejudgments, the presumption!

They pray because the light illuminates the way of covering and ahead!

Son, me is famous your state of mind. Because I have made to see you, you now suffer
you would want that also the others saw.

Benedico you. Voglimi well.

16 june 1976


Son mine, you write.

You have never considered the circumstances in which mine happened the temptations
Malignant, especially those of the desert?

These circumstances of time and place go carefully considered I since,

Eternal verbo of God, nothing I have made and null I have said that it was not inspired
from a aim
highest. And if I have allowed Satan to approach itself Me in order to try to me I have
made, it

because you, next to which I thought, that I saw, I learned as he must be faced
Malignant and its perfide formations.

The temptation has come at the end of my stay in the desert, has come at the end of
my fast.

I, Uomo and God, have been able and intentional to make this, in order to indicate to you
a formulation
of fight. I have intentional to say you: prayer and penance, much prayer and a lot
penance! Only in this way it can be hoped to exit from the combat victorious.

Today the forces of Hell run about for the world, spadroneggiano, sghignazzando
for the credulity of those who they would have, very battleships, to proceed in before row
against the enemy forces.


Today hell does not fear neither Bishops, neither Clergymen, if not made the debite

because they do not have the vision minimally, and therefore the conviction, than the
fundamental of the Church it is the salvation of your spirits in the fight from condursi
against those who of they want the perdition. They react negatively indeed dinnanzi
to these spiritual truths, dinnanzi to these my callbacks.

This means that the spirits they do not try, but if same in their thin one and vellutata

They negatively react dinnanzi to these my callbacks and confirm in such a way
their incurable blindness, the incoherence in a mission that was wished not for
well of the spirits, but for interests own, that it wants to say of own superbia.

Siccome you have taken root yourselves to a antiChurch attitude, now is necessary one
attitude of the great humility in order to outside exit some. An action of good will you
it will bring back on the just plan.
To extreme evils, you, ends say remedies! Well, I say to you: it is sure one
extreme remedy, is sure a thing difficult for a Bishop to take
decision to convene its clergymen around oneself in order to say they:

“Sons mine, we have been a little all tricked, have let to mislead from the limbs
of our irreducible spiritual enemies. They are resolutions to distogliere our cures and
our attentions from a vital problem of the Church, which that one to set up
all our action in a more just, more realistic vision and more answering to i
needs and to the interests of the spirits. I shepherds of spirits, will be more near those
they suffer for guilt of the dark forces of hell, and I will be more alert in the protect

my flock from theirs movements, using the means that It, the divine Master has to me
indicated with the example and the words “.

Humble courage

Son mine, I know well which fight would have to support Shepherds of spirits in order to
this gesture of humility, but this gesture of humility would render dinnanzi God large
and large dinnanzi to the Church.

They are covered sometimes of the great humility in their speeches, in their omelie, but if
someone dared to say to they the things that of if same say some would see a reaction
immediate and a tenacious hostility, because they do not forget, as they would forget i
true fathers.

Test, son, to compare untuosa humility that emerges from sure public
confessions of their miseries, their limitations with true humility of Saint
Francisco who said to its confratello of travel (was directed to a convent): “
Brother mine, if when we arrive, closed us the door in face, if then
still they insulted to us and they beat to us, and cosí they threw more still in a sorry state
us for
earth in the snow, this would be true joy, true joy “.

It has not been in Me pseudo-humility, but true humility to receive the kiss of given love
from the traitor Apostle. Part has not been art mine forgetting the offense, also thus
atrocious, of Peter who me rinnegò three times.

If they seriously meditated these episodes of my life, how many things would change!

Benedico you, son mine. Benedico you, son mine.

7 July 1976


You write son:

they are L., than it does not return to you after along Hush, but they are L. that it follows
to you
always. Like the mother waking the needy son, thus I you am near and am awake on
of you.

Son, from our last talk is taken part many things for you, also a lot
suffering. This suffering but, like fresh dew, renders more yours vigorous
spiritual life and renders it fecund of that good that you desires.

I know what tasks, but courage, son! The needy spirits are many, the spirits in
danger is tantissime. Troubles if they lacked ready generous spirits to stretch them
arms in order to withhold them from the precipice!

Son, not to fear! You it has been said to put to the ban scrupoli ingiustificati, doubts and

That sense of emergency will be given to you that up to now you did not have and one
will be granted to you
greater energy against the forces of the Evil. You see as they are angry in yours
cares and this are good sign.

You have suffered a lot for the plan from X.

It is calm! You have merit in order to have obeyed to your Spiritual Director.

Not to worry you of that to C. it is believed and it is said of you: words to the wind. You
were already
state from foreshadowed He. It remembers the words of Jesus: “Made happy those who
will suffer for
love of the justice and the truth “.

Gone straight

Son, the third book is of great importance.

Every thing that regards God and the spirits and of great importance, but this third book
it wants to bring back to overturns the fundamental problem of the Church: to orient the
towards God, starting them and guiding them to the love of God and at the same time
to the aversion to Satan, than it is identified with the evil because it is the Malignant one
and it wants
portarvi to the sin.

That other has made Jesus, with the words and the example, if not this?

Once again or said the clergymen that not there is time to lose, that it urges one
review In order not to continue sciupare time and supernatural in useless activities.

It is time to put to the ban the become formalism sterile. It is necessary to come down
with i
feet to earth, to watch in face the truth for which Gesú it has come to the sent world
from the Love Infinitely of the Father. Jesus has come for ristrappare the spirits to Satan
with one
price infinitely of suffering and umiliazioni, thus winning enemy its malvagio.

But Christ is the Head of the Church and you of the Church are the limbs. As such you
this same vocation because God calls all and wants that all, in itself same,
they complete the work and the action of the Head.

Via the fronzoli, the cimeli useless!

Gone straight to the scope of the Redenzione: love to God and hatred to the sin.

Why, son, has arrived itself to this point?

The causes are many and the responsibilities are not all of this generation.

Ahead, son mine! You are not alone.

Also we, than also are in the Gloria, are not neither strangers, neither indifferent to the
in order to give again to the Church the role that is up to them in the world.

The battle will be hard and sour, but more splendid she will be the Victoria whom it will
Queen of the victories on Malignant and its perfide formations. Jesus, Light of the world,
he will shine of a fulgore never seen!

For you and you I pray and intercedo. You benedico.


12 July 1976


Don Or., is the sister of M.

Little we have known ourselves in earth, as soon as we have caught a glimpse ourselves.
But this does not have
importance, since we are sons of the same Father, belong to the same family
of the sons of God, they in the Gloria are, like I are, are still on the earth, like
now you are.

The divine truth of the Communion of the Saints, joins to us in the love of Christ.

Don Or. my life on the earth humble and was hidden. I have never dreammed this that
many spirits
dazzle wish: pleasures, honors and wealth, health and things of the sort. Poor
deceived spirits! If not there will be who, with the prayer and with the suffering, they
open it
eyes, will go lost for all the eternity.

It is necessary to meditate

I am happy, swim in the joy, the light, the love of God. I will never mourn
my life terrena, source of my eternal happiness.

Don Or., ago to reach this message my beloveds on the earth; they know anch'essi that
the dead women not recide the life.

The life, purified from the powder of the earth, is perfected and integrated in
Divine beatitude, because in Paradise it is lived in God and of God, but in various way
from the spirits in Grace, than still they are in way towards the Sky.

Don Or. I cannot make less than to deplore the fatuity of those who, not
reflecting with much facility they let to trick from the Malignant one.

It is the lupo disguised from lamb.

It hates all without stopping the men whom, in its crowds desperation, he wants
to sweep up in the evil and then to carry to Hell.
If the men stopped, for a tantino of time, their activities, solo in order to meditate on
these two words: “Hell and Eternity” the world quickly would change. But He,
the Malignant one, ago of all because this does not happen.

Benedico you.

They are the sister of M.

12 July 1976


Son mine, you write, are your mother.

You understand how much you are sensitive the heart of a mother for all this that regards
the life
of its sons.

Now, and with reason, you it has been many times over said that the life does not come
interrupted from
died. I mean to speak about the spirit, reason and cause of the life of the body.

The spirit of a mother is purified and perfected, in its ultramundane existence,

also in its sensibility towards those who while still alive it generated.

Son mine, you can comprise that living we of God, in its infinite light
we see you and your daily experiences, suffering and difficulty, but of all
this we cannot suffer.

Our confidence without borders in He and the Love that God has for you render us

Son, courage! You creeds in the Communion of the Saints, and know that this is not truth
separated: it is a sublime truth for which God he joins to us. Since we live in the love of
necessarily also we are joined in the love with you.

I repeat to you: courage!

The life in the time is less than a moment, and the poor earth is less than a invisibile point
in the space.

The mother yours.

13 July 1976


You write, son mine.

Repeatedly of it I have spoken, now I wish ricapitolare the several ones points out made,
conclusion of the third book destined to bring back to overturns of my Church the solo
truly important problem of the Church.

All the other problems must become part in this fundamental scope of every activity

Many, son mine, in my Church before do not have the clear ideas on the reason

of their vocation. This is truly paradoxical.

I, Jesus, want that Bishops, clergymen and faithfuls are my corredentori. In measure
various, but I want them to all corredentori, must that is with Me continue the Mystery
of the Redenzione. But that it wants to say to redimere if not to free the spirits from
sopraffazione of Satan, more orribile and the more injurious?

Who is Satan? Who is the submitted formations to He?

Satan is creature of God, to rebelled God.

Satan, after God, in the invisibile and visible World was the more powerful creature,
large, wonderful in its goodness and holiness.

It was this its sconfinata power and beauty that the lost ones, because it was some thus
tremendously proud to reputarsi similar to God.

From its refusal to submit itself here to God, from here its eternal perdition, here
its implacable hatred towards God, towards the Vergine that of fact is subentrata to he, to
first place in the creation. The Vergine is not Only the reason of its defeat,
having possible It rendered for its humility the Redenzione, but now is She it before,
after God, of the invisibile and visible World and no creature it will be able to never
equal it.

Tremendous truth

Satan is true person, lives and real, powerful and malvagia, corrupt, able only badly,
indeed of all the evil entered in the world for guilt of he.
Satan is a tremendous truth with which wanting or nolenti we must make the accounts.

Satan is the sadist for excellence: not conditioned from the time and the space it can
to operate at the same time in various places.

From its rebellion to God it has not never stopped for a moment of ordire conspiracies,
crimes, nefandezze of every species.

Satan is always in ambush, ready to stretch laces to the incautious and imprudent spirits
in order to make them its victims

There are on the earth not migliaia, but million persons who suffer physically,
morally and spiritually for guilt of He. There are some persons in the lunatics asylum
not for true disease but for guilt of he, that it has known to disguise its presence in
way to carry to the disheartenment and the desperation.

It holds the world under its hateful tyranny and the world stupidly does not believe to it.

What it has been said of Satan, is said for the innumerevoli formations of its follows to
an impressive number.

Fight to the sin

Redimere wants to say to repurchase from the slavery, that is to free the spirits from this
hateful one
and perversa tyranny.

I, Gesú, are made Meat me for this, this renew the Mystery of the Cross
in the Mystery of the Messa saint; perpetual my presence in the world, the Saints
Tabernacoli, mystery of infinite humility.

Satan is sconfinata superbia.

I, Gesú, are infinite humility.

Now that Bishops, clergymen and faithfuls do not understand that the fundamental scope
they vocation are to free the spirits from the onslaughts of the powers of Hell, that is of i
demons, are truly paradoxical.

That they have disguised their Church of thousand activities and initiatives that but not
they land to the scope, is so obvious that not to admit it is complete blindness.
But Bishops and clergymen see or they do not see their failure? They do not feel
need to search the causes of their bankrupt Church?

The scope of the Redenzione does not emerge clearest from the Detection, that it is fight
Satan and to the sin?

But they do not see Bishops and clergymen that every activity, if is not inserted in this

it is sterile as useless they become the branches that more they are not inserted in the log?

To watch Jesus

I have said already clearly the risen ones of an army whose heads, officials and gregari
they believe the enemy, to its power, its astuteness.

This is the situation of the Church today.

It will not be never succeeded in to see, to admit the tragic situation of the Church if not
one will watch Me, Son of God and to the Mother the my Saintest one.
With humility, the poverty and the prayer we have faced the Enemy.

Now it is the hour of my Mystical Body: or the single just road is feed - and I am
Via! - or the avalanche will disperse to you!

Benedico you, son, and not to fear. The nothing truth must fear.

16 July 1976


They are Devout Father.

Son, me is famous your alive desire of a more intense communion and with all
Mystical body.
You will arrive to you practically putting your purpose to renounce to the elemosina of
Messa saint. Thus you will be able to complete the Sacrificio Saint immune from any
material. You will be free to apply not forced from the demands for the others, than not
I shave tie to the Sacrificio Saint very poor and very far intentions from the reasons for
which continuous Gesú to immolate itself.

You will apply the Messa Saint for the conversion of the sinners, for the spirits of
Purgatorio, or for other similari intentions that are always a love action towards God
and towards the next one.

Not to worry to you for nothing of the material issue.

It will repay to you abundantly in the way that It will want.

Spiritual ferment

Son, also with this means you will deepen the communion with He, Gesú and

- with the Church Laxative (and the reason he is obvious),

- with the Triumphant Church, that it will see in you a purer love, a generosity and one
faith nearer that perfection to she beloved.
- You will have intense a more intimate communion and more with all the Militant
In particular, more you will be joined with the spirits victims. They renounce in the life
a lot, a lot more than to the equivalent of a elemosina for a Messa Saint, and
they immolate for those sinners for which sure clergymen do not pray if not behind

Son, your purpose, if put into effect with ready firmness, will be reason of a ferment
spiritual in all the Mystical Body. You will have great aid from the Saints of the Paradise.
Not you
I say this that they will make for you the spirits of the Purgatorio. You will be in a
communion more
perfect with the spirits victims.

The Sacrificio Saint, immune from part yours from every human interest, will salt the
Father more
appreciate. The Messa Saint will be moreover tie of a your greater union with Gesú
in the offer of Oneself and also of you to the Father.

Courage, son! It will be for you a vast improvement.

Brave correspondence

Son, I do not hide to you then, as previously I said to you, that, in your travel to… and
after, they are not lacked the shadows and the incorrispondenze from all.

In the spiritual life a detail has great importance sensibility in order to pick up
impulses of the Grace, than it never does not have to leave to fall in the empty pain a
dangerous. A light fall also can have series consequences for the body not
less than for the spirit.

It continues to ask God, with opportune and also inopportune insistence, the gift of
sensitive, immediate, generous, brave a correspondence.

Ahead in the heroic rise towards the top! If the cross is heavy, watches to Jesus whom
it precedes.

It watches it, son well…

You see it incoronato of thorns, torn, dissanguato, exhausted.

It falls one, two, three times; the powder and blood sweat intriso covers it the face in
an expression of infinite suffering. Not to forget its words, from many

known but not comprised: “If you want to come behind of Me, you take your cross and
you follow to me “.

Son beloved, I am content to have followed it on the Calvary for all the life.

How much to suffer, but also how much gioire with He!

It knows to render cake also the cross.

You of it you will not repent for all the eternity effectively to have received the invitation
of He, give
very many refused.

Son, soon.

Devout father

16 July 1976
Festivity of the Madonna of the Carmine


Many are the Christians and the clergymen who, rather than to reach directly from mine
Gospel and dissetarsi to pure and limpid waters of my Word - mine is Word of
life, is eternal Word like eternal is I, is Word that not dumb because true and
truth is immutable as immutable I am - they prefer to reach to rivoli
polluted. Thus making, it gives place in the intimate one of their mind to an erosion that
door far from the faith, towards the sfacelo inner of their heart.

The faithfuls are responsible, but consecrated it they are not only personally, but also
for all those spirits from they contaminated and that, in the plan of the Providence, they
they had to guide towards the Christian perfection.

These vocati do not have intentional to convince that a treasure of inestimabile value
spiritual era to they disposition, a inequiparabile treasure of divine power: mine

Why this?

They have yielded to the temptation of the Malignant one, the repeated onslaughts of the
ancient Snake, and
they are left to take to the lace from which very rarely then they succeed in svincolarsi.

Draft of spirits

It is one of the many aspects negatives of the modern Church: the infestazione of books,
dying newspapers, reviews poison from their pages. Many clergymen have absorbed

the polluted food that now ammanniscono to the spirits.

The responsibility is most serious. The evil is becoming chronic and already a lot
advanced; it is a diffuse and contagious leprosy.

These Christians, these my ministers ignore that the forces of hell, like waves of
a sea always in storm, is not never lost heart; they go and they return like the waves
what breaks up against reefs?

These my clergymen ignore the nobility of their vocation, pledge of love and of
predilezione? They ignore the responsibility connected with their vocation?
Draft of spirits! It is in game or their eternal salvation or their perdition

Issue of justice

You tasks, son mine, than they will think intransigente to me.

Dillo to my clergymen that is not thus.

Not draft of intransigence mine but of existing anarchy in my Church. This

that to you ordinarily it would be right to complete with love, in times of crisis
inner it comes considered intolerable weight.

Of the rest, son mine, if my ministers meditated the Gospel, would have learned
an important parabola, that of the talents.

Who receives five, must answer giving back ten; who receives two, must
to answer giving back four. Troubles to those who they do not make to yield the talents

But which it will be the risen ones of those who they have used of the had talents in order
not to cultivate
the vine, but in order to have it with huge damages, much advanced to happens received

Not intransigence therefore, but issue of justice. And I, God, are right, are
Perfect justice.

My clergymen to the brought not valued evil to the spirits do not think many in
very bad administration of my Sacramenti, in the given velenosi instructions
in the schools, the bad examples given to every piè pushed out?

He is terrible! They do not reflect, do not meditate my Word, that it is Word of Life. Son
mine, which aberrant dusk, and which colpevolezza!

Benedico you, son. He prays and he repairs.

17 July 1976


Brother, is the Archangel Gabriel.

Already you are to acquaintance of what I am for you for divine Will, but also for
free will mine, because not there is neither you could be never contrast in the Native land

They are content, brother, than you have wished to me and called.

They are content for this our encounter that I attended.

You, militant on the earth, have consecrated this month of July to the cult of
most precious Blood, effuso from the made Verbo Meat for the remission of yours
sins, for your reconciliation with God and between you.

But the Malignant one has wrapped the humanity of great darkness for which more is not
looked at.

Brother, in order to rip the darkness optimal what and your purpose to renounce to every
remunerazione for the celebration of the Messa Saint and not to celebrate the Saint
Putting if not for the reasons for which Jesus, the Redentore, has effuso Its Blood!

In this way you will conform yourself better to the intentions than Gesú in the offer that
ago of If
same to the Father.

It will open the eyes

You understand, brother, that it wants to say this?

It wants to say to testify Jesus to have understood because of the continuous effusion of
Its most precious Blood.

It wants to say to add a reason, sure not secondary, in order to render more grip,
deeper, more effective the union with He. It will be one of those reasons that give to the
union you
they will carry to the true Communion with the Immaculate and Saint Victim.

You will see, brother, how much fecund one will be this well your purpose! You will free
the Saint
Putting from one of those threads that the spirit withholds balancing, empty of human
towards the Creator, the Redentore and Santificatore.

The road that you are in order to undertake will be richest of fruits. Not to yield to
seduzione: God is infinitely rich!

Between your daily vicissitudini, a gold beam is come down over of you; not to allow
that it is dissolved in the nothing.

I, Gabriel, you are near. For you intercedo, on you I supervise, with you I pray. Yes,
you it will be of comfort and aid the knowledge that Gabriel, the Archangel that was
person in charge of
to complete the Great Embassy, prays God and a Trino and the Mother for you. It
brother, our prayers more will be joined and therefore mainly appreciate.

Brother, all this that, in the present message, I have confidato to you has triggered the
of the reign of the darkness. It could not be otherwise; because it will have to mark not
little defeats.

Convinciti that your purpose is large what.

If then your Spiritual Director will want to insert in the third book this my message,
then it will be the beginning of a slow but important reform that he will open many eyes,
sluices, to the light.

To suffer to us, brother soon.

They are the Archangel Gabriel.

19 July 1976


We are spirits of the Church laxative, waiting for our encounter with the eternal one divin

We are spirits that do not have other interests, to outside of the solo great interest:
to see He, a Trino.

We are spirits that we attend the comfort of the aid fraterno that it hurries ours

We think superfluous to try of farvi comprising our pain.

If an image can serve to give of an idea to you, then we say to you: tried to
to imagine a man that it burns between flames and the desire that it has to exit for
to dip itself in fresh and limpid waters.
And scialba an idea that can farvi understand burning desire of por fine to the tormented
attended it prevents that us to join us to the solo, only Good for which we have been

On the earth, distracted as you are continually from thousand interests, influenced from
the senses and
distolti from many requirements of the material life, you cannot understand we, spirits
laxatives. We are burnt from the single necessity, the single aspiration, the only one and

immutable desire: to rejoin to us with He who is Cause and Fine of ours

existence. You cannot understand we, because we see in various way from you.

Brother clergyman, Don Or., you know that null we can make for same we; you know
well but
that we can for you, still militant on the earth, to pray and to obtain.

This happens for an admirable design of the Providence that it has intentional circulating
in all the Church, which Mystical Body, the love elapsing between Gesú and the limbs
between they.

The alive flame

Now it considers, than if you will engage yourself to celebrate the Sacrificio Saint for the
fine solo

for which It, the made Verbo Meat, has completed it on the Calvary and the continuous
one, for
half yours, on the altars and that is for the remission of the sins and the pains due for i
sins, brother ours, you can understand which ferments of riconoscenza and gratefulness
you will raise in we.

We will feel ourselves obliged in your cares, intercederemo without we rest; we will offer
continuous our suffering (we could say it martyrdom) for you and your necessities
spiritual, for esserti to flank in the hard fight against the forces of Hell.

It will be, brother, as if the fiammella that currently he burns in you and in we
without warning tramutasse in great and alive flame.

It will be an increase of heat, pain and love that will join He and between we.
“Caritas Christi urget nos”.
Brother clergyman and minister of God, because never, we do not render these mysteries
of grace and love, latent in we and you? Because we do not make to release the
motivating force gives
both the parts in order to shorten in we the pain due to ours colpe and in you to make
to gush a source of many unsuspected but real thanks?

Don brother Or., we wait for to you with anxiety that, exhausted your engagements, yours
purpose becomes concrete truth for all the Mystical Body.

We ringraziamo you for the attended daily memory in that more effective relationships
between we and you
they have to render the Dogma of the Communion of the Saints fecund.

Brother, the experience will confirm you the truth of this message and would want that
many clergymen came some to acquaintance.

We are Spirits laxatives.

20 July 1976


Don Or., is Z.

How many things I would want to say! After our last encounter dinnanzi to He, in
Parochial of C., little days of stay in hospital to the hospital, then quickly the Paradise.

I have not known the terrible one attended of the Purgatorio. Now they are happy in order
always; they are
eternally God grate for the gift of the life, those tribolazioni that
they accompanied my existence, measure of my love for He.

Don Or. is between those spirits that pray here for she, and is many.


For still militant she on the earth, when the suffering chases, the time seems
slow, much slow one as if it had been stopped. Here instead, outside of the time, we see
as the time runs fast, putting quickly fine to every thing.

If you could see this that we see, certainly of atheists they would not exist any more, but
in this case the test of the faith would stop, rendering sterile all your actions.
God, infinitely Sage, has done good all the things and all arrange to them and direct to
own fine.

It must debit

Don Or., she that it was my confessore occupies a place detail in my mind.
I know grace gifts of to which it has enriched it Jesus.

I allow myself to say but that it must be most sensitive in intuire that the aforesaid ones
gifts are first of all to majorem Of the gloriam; secondarily that, like
clergyman does not belong to if same but to the Church, thus also the gifts from He
they are not to personam but propter comunitatem.

Therefore, Don Or., when the use of these gifts comes demanded for the Gloria of God
well of the spirits, it must give, give till the annihilation.

The Father has given the Christ, Its unigenito Son, for the humanity and Jesus will
consume if
same in holocaust for the Gloria of the Father and the salvation of the spirits.

Don Or., all this that it has had like man and as clergyman must offer,
on the luminous example of the divine Master, in holocaust for the Gloria of God and for
salvation of many spirits.

It, Don Or., daily ask spirits. She comes from Gesú these silks burning and

It is from He the way, truly prodigioso, in order to save spirits.

For she what remains?

A thing remains: the correspondence to all this that the vien asked. It is the key of
santificazione and of the enrichment of its mind.

Ahead, and to suffer to us still soon.

21 July 1976


They are Father R.

A single time we have met ourselves in the life.

The dead women whom end to the life carried terrena have dischiuso to my spirit the true
life of
which It, and a Trino, make participate us in the measure with which in we have believed
it to earth,
hoped, loved and served.

Don Or., I know that others have said the impossibility to you for you to understand this
that it is
Paradise: she is the truth, therefore I will not try the impossible one

You pack-saddles the knowledge that also the most fertile imagination will not be able to
be never represented
also in approximate way the truth that exceeds every your abilities to mean.

Rather, Don Or., return on a more accessible argument in theory, more difficult give
to live practically: the Dogma of the Communion of the Saints.

The Increata Wisdom has supplied to remember to us, inserting it in Credo, this
great Dogma cosí incompreso with great damage of the militants on the earth and i
sufferers in Purgatorio.

This Dogma enough in fact not to accept it theoretically. Only if it is translate in

practical daily of your life, has possibility to increase not only yours
personal life, but all the communitarian life of the Church.

Thoughts that your contribution of daily paper suffragio tramuta in a rain of

thanks and tighten love relationships, therefore of greater union, between you and the
spirits of

Thoughts to that we can that we live in God and of God, if you resort to we,
putting to us in the condition of potervi helping.

The Dogma of the Communion of the Saints is comparable to a great inestimabile

to which only least they reach. The more they do not go beyond to a municipality and
scialbo action of

Fecund apostolate
Don Or., is convinced that propagandare the necessity to know and to live more
deeply the Dogma of the Communion of the Saints is equivalent to an optimal one and
fecund apostolate. Only if the sons of God, the three Churches triumphant, militant and
laxative lives in a common will to know itself, to love itself and to help itself, they can
to render more fort the compages of the Mystical Body, in particular against the forces of

Don Or., the evil spreads, the spiritual anemia is sharpened.

Satan has found in ordire conspiracies friendly and collaborating, in preparing its
deprived of hope onslaught against the Church. Now it is minando with the dynamite of
hatred Italy and

To pray, to repair, to make penance, are the sun things that truly serve to
to discourage the Enemy.

If the invitations of the Saintest Vergine, several times made for rendervi edotti of the
serious one
impending danger on the humanity and the Church, had been faithfully received,
all it would have been avoided.

Not to fear and not curarti of the other people's judgments: it speaks clearly, recalls the
spirits to
lost truth of sight.

The men have lost the senno. If they will not listen to you, will be worse for they.

He is true this that says Jesus, that a day will come that the inhabitants of Ninive will
raise themselves
in judgment in order to accuse this generation, incredula, pagana and unfortunately he
fills up “.

Benedico you, Don Or.

Father R.

23 July 1976


You write, son mine.

The Faith must be translate in the daily life.

There are many that they believe abstractly, but do not operate in compliance with theirs
daily life.

The Faith must permeate your action, all your actions: then it becomes practical.

The Faith without the works is vain and the works without the Faith are not worth.

Without the Faith they are not worth not only the works, but also the words that in
continuation pronounced.
Son, you want to be a valid instrument in my hands?

I want that you are an instrument in my hands, therefore such I must myself be felt and
such you must operate and speak.

You must believe that they are in you; they are in not passive you but much assets.

The Faith becomes limpid and crystalline, if you are coherent always.

- Jesus, but not is danger that I mistake?

-, If you firmly believe that I in you am to live and to think, not to speak and
to operate, to love and to hope .....
Benedico you, son mine.
3 september 1976


Don Or., is Don To,

they are the clergyman, than also being able to live wealthily, without economic
problems for
the assets of which the my family it arranged, I preferred the simple and poor life on
imitation of the divine Master. I have followed its words of life, its examples
luminous of poverty, humility, obedience.

I loved “to to ropes” Sommo Clergyman and loved the Sacerdozio. I prayed and I
suffered for
sacerdotal vocations, zelai the salvation of the spirits, I founded the Work R. that for the
it was a failure, for them Sky was a triumph. This says to you, Don Or., like the judgment
of the men very rarely combacia with the judgment of God.

They answer with faith?

Don Or., how many are the clergymen who, animated of Saint ardor and coherent to the
receipt, answers with faith to the strong callbacks of the divine Master and the Mother
municipality, of the Mother of the Church?

Don Or., which vision has the majority of the clergymen, of Christ Son of God,
present in the Mystery of the Love and the Faith in a prodigio infinitely of humility?

Don Or., does not notice that they walk on the hem of a frightful precipice, with
to flank the Malignant one that, sly and insidioso follows, them in order to lose them

Don Or., as much dusk in the same Shepherds of the Church is possible, many of i
which have like problem of their Church the safeguard of their prestige

staff? And as it is possible that they do not perceive sterility of their acts, terrible
confirmation of a failure whose evidence cannot escape to nobody?

As it is possible to persist in a presuntuoso attitude that offends God, it dims

the Church and of crippled the appearance impressa in she from its divine Founder? It
still the Iddio Gentleman to allow a lot abominio that he disheartens and deturpa the
escape from its merciful Heart?

Don Or., the Church does not have need of given a degree to us sly, the Church does not
have need of
proud governors, the Church has need of Saint Shepherds who to the paternity
they know to join tests firmness, waves to put end to the state of anarchy that
still it disheartens the Church.

They do not have to ignore that Satan, the prince of the darkness, the fomentatore of
of heresies and scismi it is not never arrested. Satan has allied powerful forts and in the
massoniche, in the parties atheists and also not atheists.

They know the Shepherds of spirits that, while trastullano with gelosi fronzoli of theirs
prestige, Satan uproots, devasta and destroys the vine of the Gentleman, throws down
to Hell and it laughs of the insipienza of its enemies, because null they make of effective
to contrast it.
They duty

The divine Master, Founder and Head of the Church, recovered make ill, hunted i to it

What is that ago to ignore to the bishops this they duty?

It induces them to what to ignore the divine words on this delicate matter?

The what dark to such point their mind and their eyes not to see the number
enormous of spirits but also of bodies not only invaded, soggiogati from Satan? How

persons, of every sex age and social condition, are from he influenced and tormented
in the spirit and the body!

Who authorizes the Bishops, not to not only exercise this fundamental Ministry, but
to even forbid it to the clergymen to which they have conferred the Order of the

The Bishops answer to these question marks!

They do not see the Bishops the plagues of which suffer the Mystical Body from the

Because their do-nothing policy on many problems that demand energetic solutions,
urgent, improrogabili?
They do not perceive preannouncements of the tremendous hour that is approached,
ignore the callbacks

wounded deeply of the Mother…

Don Or., courage! The road you is famous.
Do not make fear the suffering you, do not scare you the demons.

Benedico you.
Don To.
8 september 1976


You write, son:

They are the Mother of Jesus and the Mother yours.

They are the Given pain one, not never as well as Given pain like in this most serious
hour for
Church, literally taken of onslaught from its invisibili enemies, the demons and from
allied made most numerous.

In the shadow conspiracy against my Son and its Vicario in earth, the Pope.

The enemies of the Son mine and its Church are themselves uniforms well the tasks. With
strategy operates in various places and the established times, in order to deliver what they
theirs second estimate the last decisive attack perfidi plans and their hopes.

I have spoken now most serious for the Church and the humanity, and such it is.
Son, I have said that they are the Given pain one and like I could not be it?

My participations in order to blanket the plans of the powers of hell have been very
Many the apparitions mine to spirits prechoices in every Christian nation, many mine
messages transmitted to polulate by means of spirits prepared for this duty.

The correspondence to these maternal callbacks has not been that wished. Unfortunately
men have hardened their heart to the things of God, the love of God and thus many
spirits forgiveness.

Son, the Mother of Jesus and Madre Yours cannot remain insensitive to
desolation of the Church; I would not be Mother if you were insensitive.

Son, to you has been granted to catch a glimpse the blindness not little Shepherds and
You know thus how much is tremendous, for who sees, to state the blindness of who does
not see. Not
they see because incautious they have let fascinate from the astuteness and dark wefts
of hell.
Son, you has been said that the landslide is in action

The beautifulst hour

It is sad and terrible truth that many refuse to believe. This does not remove that the
of this landslide, than inexorably it continues its erosion, it approaches frightening
the hour of the purification. In that hour nobody will be able to say that the Mother has
not made
all the one which to She, Queen of the Sky and the earth, has been given to make.

The intentional hour from Satan and the men of bad will be terrible, son. But
Infinite Misericordia of the Son mine of it will make also the hour beautifulst because it
will mark
the advent of the reign of God on the earth.

The defeat of Satan and its legions will mark the end of the madnesses of the pride
human. The atheism, formidable arm of Satan, will be cancelled from the face of the
If very many they will perish materially and spiritually, it will be only they will have
because it

Son: Rosary, Rosary, Rosary!

I, Queen of the Victories, will protect all those who, sensitive to my callbacks, me
they will have invocata with the prayer to Me beloved in the intimità of the domestic
hearth, and
that they will have in any disclosed way the devozione, the love to the Rosary.

I will protect also those who not vergogneranno to recite it in public,

giving to lukewarm and to the weak people an example of brave Christian mercy.

I will supervise, in the moment of the test, on the families and the persons who me are
remained faithful.


Son, to propagandare the Rosary wants to say to zelare the Gloria di God burning and
salvation of the spirits.

You will see a day the power and the effectiveness of this prayer, of it you will see the
wonderful in the House of the Father.
Son, benedico you and to this I want it blessing extended to all my devout people and all
those who zelano the Rosario saint

9 september 1976


You write:

They are Don S.,

Anch'io is yearning to join me to the chorus of your friends in Sky that to already they
have you
spoken and about others that will speak to you.

You, pilgrims on the earth, been living a serious hour and are to the eve not less
serious determining events the future of the humanity. But, as same you can
to state, they are least that they become reason of the serious crisis from which suffers
the humanity of this miscredente century.

This atheism, this materialistica conception of the life has cracked the relationships
Sky and earth.

The entire humanity soggiogata and is tormented from its worse Enemy: from Satan and
from its formations.

What it aggravates the situation tremendously is that the humanity, closing the eyes
to the Eternal light of the Truth, refusing God and Its Law, one is decidedly
schierata from the part of the enemies of God and the enemies its. This is overwhelms of
fatuity and of the human insipienza!

The humanity would have to fight the enemies its under the guide of the Church and the
of the spirits; but the same Shepherds generally do not have conscience of the situation
he grips them he paralyzes and them, for which they do not react energetically and with
the prontezza

Don Or., lasciarti not to intimorire, listens to the Voice of He; Gesú has to you chosen for
great mission. It Ringrazia!

The Enemy makes of all for avvilirti, stancarti and abbatterti. Not to yield!
Its roar can farti sussultare, but you use abundantly and well the means that
Jesus has placed to you in the hands.

You will have to suffer yes, but your suffering is leavens for you, many spirits and many

Mystery of love

Left docilely to lead; at the just moment It will know to supply.

Don Or., where is Jesus, the Enemy of He and yours it cannot starci. And in you it is
Gesú. Its
action of disturbance therefore, is clear, you comes solo from the outside.

Jesus does not prevent this action, he knows because it to transform in life ferments.

You servant still the analogy between how much happens in the world of the matter and
that one
of the spirit.

From a body in putrefazione germs of life for a providential one can exit
nature law.

From the action of Satan and its satellites, creatures in perennial spiritual putrefazione,
wonderful germs of life exit, in virtue of the Wisdom and Divine Power.

This continuous miracle the Divine Providence the work when it finds spirits very
decided to collaborate for the salvation other people's own and.

Don Or., tries to deepen this mystery of love of God, and a Trino, for its
sons, for its redenti, the coherent ones to their sacerdotal dignity, that they operate
really for the performance of the Divine Will.

Don Or., the insistence with which we, friends yours, come to you for diradare the fog
that it encircles to you, for aiutarvi in virtue of the Communion of the Saints, must be
understanding. It is the love ours that it better spurs to us to farvi comprising the great
of Love that is God.

Nothing is comprehensible without of He sum and eternal Truth.

In a recent message you it has been said not to have fear of having to suffer for love
of the justice and the truth.

When then for Divine wish you it has been communicated like the light comes made to
flow to
many spirits through you “small dulled pen”, instrument in the hands of God of
salvation and of corredenzione of spirits, you not only must trarne joy reason but also
of gratefulness: “Made happy those who will suffer for love”. (...)

Benedico you, and for you I will continue to intercedere near whom all it can.
Don S.


Not I, boys mine, have intentional this hour


Why God has chosen me?

Who am I? They are less than a speck than powder of forehead to the universe, they are
of a invisibile gocciolina of forehead to the ocean, they are less than a ripugnante
vermiciattolo that strip in the mud from the earth. they are a poor priest, between the
less picked, less the scholar, the most unprovided, a poor rich priest only of
innumerevoli miseries of every nature.

Why God has chosen me? Because it is understood that I am not other that a poor one
instrument in its hands, because from all it is understood that they are not other that one
wretch dulled pen, my same handwriting is symbol of mine
immeasurable poverty and invalidity.

Why God has chosen me? In order to confuse the arrogant ones, swell of pride for theirs
to know, that of errors, of heresies they have filled up the Church, having poisoned the

Yes, stupidities, errors, heresies, on God, the Church, the Vergine, on
Detection; God is infinitely simple and simple and humble we want.

“In truth I say to you that if you will not become simple like these little ones, you will not
in the reign of skies “.

Enough to transform the simple things, in the more complex things, enough to coin new
words, new words, in order to show their knowledge and to attract in such a way on
the other people's attention.

This short useful introduction the reputo, if not necessary, because it is settled down,
me, instrument, and the readers to which this book is addressed, both been involved in
design of love of the Divine Providence, a spiritual contact that it facilitates
the performance of the divine will.

d. OR. M.

8 October 1976

It is the DAWN

You write, son mine,

I am, Jesus, than I want to speak to you. Now you know with clarity the several reasons
for which you
I have lead up here, and I say to you that the Community of which I have spoken to you I
want, it thus:

1° - It will have to be open to all. I have said to all, provided that those who will ask for
to make some it leave, demonstrate without misunderstandings, of having a complete
acquaintance of
purpose that the Community wants to catch up, of the bases on which I found myself and
of the spirit of
which it must be permeated and compenetrata.

2° - the Community also being ONE, and having to remain, will be articulated in two

The first branch will be composed from those who they will want to live with, forming
ordered, exemplary family, will be a single body - and permeated a single spirit from
same faith, from the same love, the same purposes.

Other thing will predominate God on every, therefore the mercy will predominate that
raises the spirit to
God and joins God. Ciaschedun member will be dedicated to the job according to its
attitudes and to second will come to it asked from who will have the responsibility to
Community - all for one, one for all. - Everyone will have to be considered to the direct
of own siblings.

According to branch it will be composed instead from those who also wishing the life in
municipality, situations details will not allow they to realize this desire.
But also those of according to branch, that we could call exteriors, will be
conditioned in all and for all to the duties to complete itself from those of the first branch.

It is obvious that all the assets will have to be places in municipality.

The administration of the assets will have to be operated from the Managing Council, for
of the delegated person or economo, that it will make part of the Council.

Fine of this Community it will be to form a vigorous one virgulto of the regenerated
Church of true, sincere, loyal sons of God, that they will have to give again to God the
place to He
had as Alpha and Omega of all and all.

The two maximum comandamenti of the love that enclose all in itself the law and i
prophets will be the spirit of the Community. This that God has given era and is perfect,
new things are necessary therefore; I want, in this regenerated spirit, my Body
Mystic, thus martoriato from human the infernal malvagità and, now.

Alive truths, palpitante of the two maximum comandamenti of the Love, will be humility,
obedience, the life understanding like a service that we must to God and to the siblings,
on the example mine, than they have not come makes me to serve, but…

I want My revolution

Son mine, the world wants its revolution he wants, it he will have and it; but I want Mine,
that it is the negation and the solemn sentence of that of the world. The revolution that
world has intentional and wants is permeated of hatred, vendetta, divisions, violences, of
crimes and of every other scelleratezza.

Mine will be all permeated from the love and snoderà in the order, the justice, in
peace and in the respect of the natural right of people.

But troubles to those who they will not know to receive He who pass! Son mine, if
men will not want to understand and they will not want to recognize He who passes, then
mine they will see the ira terrible of God.

The cataclysm that will be pulled down on the humanity will be such to change the
topography of
earth and the humanity will be reorganized and will stop the torbid tyranny of Satan that,
vanquished from the Mother My, with its formations I will lock up in cursed its

You benedico son and I say to you: Made happy those who they will believe.

1° November 1976


Son mine, we resume the speech on the Community that I want and I have said to you
I want; it must be open to all, to those which they will have flood conscience of this
that they ask, that they will demonstrate to know of the aims, the structure, the bases on
I found and the spirit of which he must be permeated.

Son, I want this Community still more perfect than those formed from first
Christians; he will be founded on the two first and fundamental pillars of the Love of God
and of
next. You will be guided step step, from the Saint Spirit and the Mother My
I, Jesus will be, to call those who of it will make part. Not preoccuparti of nothing,
since he will lack you to nothing the necessary one.

Son mine, ago well attention to what I say to you, I repeat to you: not preoccupatevi of
as you will make to live; I Jesus know well of that one of which you have need.

A single great worry must find place in your mind: “To try
Reign of God “. Quaerite primum Regnum Of…

They are little those who they see

Son, little are those which pray and those little generally do not know that
to ask, always and only they ask; this is index of the dryness that the egoismo has
carried in the spirits.

I want that my Gospel lives again in its vivificatrice power in all the Community;
son, if you are faithful, integrally faithful to My Word, it, from small seed,
it will become gigantic tree in my Church regenerated, made new.

Today the humanity is dipped in the buio more intense, not excluded my Church at least
great part, is little in my Church those who they see, those who they do not have
refused the light. Today this cannot be understood that I am preparing for regeneration
of my Church; but the spirits that I always have prechosen will understand, o h yes, they
they will understand.

This son mine, not to forget it, is a precise indication that he will avoid to you
dangerous errors. The Saint Spirit and advised with your Spiritual Director prays.
Son you memory once again that you are a simple instrument of mine

Son benedico you. Voglimi well, prays and repairs. The level of the evil is growing and
the humanity is on the abyss.

3 November 1976


You write son.

I wish that you have clear and precise ideas on the Community for which I, Jesus, have to
prechosen like instrument. I have already said to you on which bases I wish constructed
community; I have already spoken to you about its purposes.

I want like ring of conjunction between the today tortured Church from the numerous
of which it is slices, and the rinata Church, regenerated under the influence of the Saint
Spirit and
by means of the vigorous action of the Vergine understanding to defeat Satan and

Son, I have still said that not draft to you of new what, in the sense that you give to
this word, a thing that it begins to being in a determined moment of the time,
nothing of all this; I confirm the concept that I have already manifested to you; draft of
to form a community of persons whom firmly and decidedly they want riscoprire
the genuine and authentic spirit of My Gospel, the values infinites of mine
Redenzione, the real effectiveness of the Sacramenti.
All it has been buried under the formalism, religious indifference, buried under one
custom pays of life, under the atheism, hatred and the aversion against of Me and
of My Church.

You will see between not a lot till that point will arrive the man under the influence of the
of hell.

Alert community and tests

The Vesuvio eruttò over Ercolano and Pompei its washes incandescent and of it cancelled
sight and even the memory; thus Satan vomita from always its incandescent hatred on
this poor humanity from trasfigurarla monstrous; it has killed the love in the hearts,
extinguished the faith and the hope in the minds; it has made to burn in same the My
Church the two
concupiscenze and of the Spirit and the matter (meat); the dusk is descent on Mine
Church, exited from My ripped Heart.

I want, son mine, a Community of persons to cement thus between they from a love
intense that makes of they a single thing, a single body, like I with the Father and with
Saint spirit we are three in a solo.

I want son mine, a Community of persons, totally aware spirits of

they Divine and human dignity, decidedly risolute till the effusion of the blood, to
to defend this supernatural dignity to they communicated with the values infinites of

I want, son mine, an alert community and tests at any moment, ready to the extreme
fight against Malignant and its folte formations, for the triumph of the truth, the justice
and of the peace, it yields infinitely precious of the Love of God.

For this evening enough. You benedico son, voglimi well.

You offer same you to me thus as you are, with what you have. With you son, benedico
those who
they will be from Me Prescelti for the performance of My plan of Love.

4 November 1976


D.O are P. Benedict.

I have haste of dirti all my sconfinata inesprimibile happiness, are in Paradise;
I will not try of dirti what am the Paradise, would be vain and useless; it is what that
our human nature extends more than the sky extends the earth.
The life on the earth, even if irradiated from the faith, always is wrapped from the dusk,
I speak about the dusk of hell, tenebrous dusk, but of the dusk that it wraps

same faith. We in fact see, as Paul says S., in enigmate.

From those who you has preceded me in the Gloria repeatedly has been spoken about
Communion of the Saints. Null I have to add on this concept, the Communion of i
Saints are the Love in action.

This motive power of the Love, this mysterious power of the Love, that it wins
every thing, is a truth that we can more or less intensely or blandamente
to live, or also not to live; it depends nearly totally from our free will, more or
less illuminated, permeated than faith.

Chiamateci and we will come; you have confidence and we will not disappoint to you;
you ask and we you
we will help to obtain; importunate to us and you will make it appeal to us. D.O.,
coherent to how much I have to you
saying, I assure to you that our pact will conserve all its freschezza. It must
to insist, because the wonderful dogma, one of the many splendid capolavori of
wisdom and Divine power, or made to live, to live really in its wonderful one
beauty and effectiveness. Poor spirits, poor spirits, which source of great wealth

He is large what for the regenerated Church

D.O I add to my voice to that of the Archangel Gabriel, Devout P. and other spirits
that they have spoken to you with respect to your will to uncouple Put S. from every
material tie; he is large what for the regenerated Church; lasciarti not sedurre from
insidiose limbs of the Malignant one that it will make of all in order having your
I assure you to P. B that you I will be to the flank in this battle, than I am not I happen at
for the time being.

D.O the Linen, Devout P. and stuolo of other elect spirits me have come encounter and
they have accompanied and introduced the Eternal Judge, infinitely Good.
Your pact with the Lui sa and me is more and more that never valid.

4 November 1976

D.O are L. that it speaks to you;

You memories when in a precedence message I said to you that in sky to not it can us
to anger and cannot be suffered for the errors completed in earth, or for lack of
faith or for an inner one refined egoismo that it knows to hide itself in the meandri more
inner of

human heart, in order is not made to discover from those who of they are victims?
Because egoismo
it wants to say Demon.

The plan of S. Giovanni is failed for human calculation, rather than the faith the
calculation, that is
in our case the egoismo has prevailed. But the misericordia of He it is truly infinite,
it knows the human embrittlement and the human weakness and it places you remedy in
the way that you
you see.

Other defections will be! The man is son of the guilt, is the thing in which succeeds
because to help it in this action malvagia of defection and rebellion to God there is
always near he a spirit of the evil.

Here, D.O because it needs to give an adequate importance to the way of being able
to face humbly, but bravely, perfide the powers of the evil, than in this
last end of century has been get loosed for the terrible crash that it will have
soon its culminating phase.

Intimate union with God

First condition for being able to controbattere the powers of the evil is the intimate union
He who has vanquished Satan, with the immolazione of if same. Who humbly is joined
to He in carrying the Cross, becomes invulnerabile.

Put S., S. Rosary, the several blessings then, is also average useful bonds and
in order to make forehead the enemy and to throw out of the window* it from the spirits
and our houses.

The Saint things go always Saint used and dealt: also the blessings are
Saint sacramentali, things therefore to use itself with faith, the inner predispositions
due. D.O the task that attends to you will be anger object; it is careful and supervising,
but with He you will not have reason to fear.

Not to never diffidare, six on the rubble, courage; faith, faith, faith and you know that
with the faith
it is the hope and the love. D.O confidence and abandonment; you are instrument in Its
hands, not
to prevent He to use of you in the way that It will believe.

Courage, we wait for to you

Courage, we wait for to you; never not forgotten that we are members of the same one
family. If you have some relative in America or Japan, not for this (p. 18)
you would think less relative for the distance that separates to you from he; we are
immensely more neighbors to you of the America or Japan, not to forget it.

I point out of P. B on the Communion of the Saints is beautifulst, must make to live in
its sublime truth this dogma. Of it you will not repent to you, you insist; the drop that
falls in


continuation on the granito one ends with digging the granito one, is issue of time and of

Courage, we are beside you, also being in the Gloria; now you cannot mean,
but a day you will understand.

5 November 1976


You write figliolino, are the Luigina.

It does not have importance to be in a place or in an other, for you it will be able to seem
important, but in reality it is not. It, the Love, we are important instead to inhabit where
he wants. For you D.O is important here trovarti, only because coming you have favoured
the always predisposed Divine plan from for the unfathomable designs of Its Will.

The esserti transferred to V. it is the principle of this design that you already know for
heads. Imperscrutabili is the thoughts of the infinite Gentleman and Its Misericordia for
in He confida.
Now coherence, fidelity, correspondence to the impulses of Its Grace are asked you,
humility and knowledge of being only a most fragile instrument of its love and
of its will. You must protect same you with a deep mercy, precaution and
discretion. Not preoccuparti for nothing, be docile and ready in its calls, you persist
in your purposes well, lasciarti not sedurre now from the Malignant insidie of that you
it circuisce, now it tries of spaventarti or avvilirti.

All the noises and the dins of the world, all the dull speeches of many persons not
they are worth an hour of Hush and gathering beside He. I cannot that
confermarti this of which you are to the current with respect to the next events. Know
all it is under control of the Highest one, therefore you proceed with absolute confidence

Immense rendered treasures infruttiferi

I have already said you that many are the friends who you have in Sky, others you have
inculca always the necessity to carry on a more practical plan and more concrete
wonderful dogma of the Communion of the Saints. There are immense treasures of
spiritual forgotten and rendered infruttiferi.

The Church of Jesus, that ours is also Church, would not be found in much desolation
if those who would have due, they had formed and educated and illuminated the faithfuls
on the prodigio of the communion de Saint.

You will not insist never enough. In the rinata Church, the dogma of the Communion of i
Saints will be one of the carrying pillars. Certainly that in order to understand this dogma,
like also
for the others, one demands humility, faith, hope and love.

D.O perfect a human body in its external form and inner structure, without
circulation of the blood, would not be that a corpse… The Mystical Body, without
prodigio of its circulation, the Communion of the Saints, what are? You see,
materialismo has extinguished also this precious inestimabile flame.
Son courage, not to fear; it considers for which mysterious ways has lead to you
up to now and then dimmi if you it will be possible to doubt.

Benedico you.

The Luigina
10 November 1976


D.O are I, the Marisa.

I waited for that you had asked to me for parlarti; they are content that you give some to
possibility. Already a lot you has been said on the Communion of the Saints, but still a lot
it remains to say.

I and with me all the comprensori blessed souls of the Paradise wish to communicate
with you; he is
this Saint thing, fruit of the infinite Goodness of God, that it answers to a good
of the entire Mystical Body of which all we are limbs, but in particular to a good
yours that you are in way and of this way felt the uneasiness, the difficulties,
fears, the fears, the uncertainties, the fatigue and the suffering.

We for aiutarvi exceeding and alleviating yours pains can a lot and can
in the measure with which you believe and hoped in our aid you ask and it. This
Communion of viandanti you and we blessed souls, must be aware and intentional; now
from part
ours this it is always, from part yours nearly never for more, it is only for little

This Communion must be a product of the faith and the love from part yours,
because for we the faith does not exist more; we do not believe, we see, do not believe
therefore because we see. D.O the materialismo, dense fog, has dimmed the light of
Detection and very little is remained of a great and thus precious patrimony in the heart
this pagana generation.

This hour intentional or is not provoked from God

I have intentional to return on this dogma, on this wonderful and wonderful truth of
Mystical body in a crucial moment of the life of the Church, in which many Christians
it seems have smarrito the sense and the value of the life. That larva of remained faith
in the hearts thickest it is subordinated to the human interests, the egoismo, the pride,
(sins of Satan) own in a crucial moment of the life of the Church that is for
to enter in a frontal crash with all the dark forces of the evil and hell.

Blood, mournings, hunger and silks, epidemics and other sventure attend to you… and
then it is not
this prealarm a love action, is not fraterno a callback to watch towards
those who can, that they want aiutarvi?

Not waited for to try to us in the moment of the desperation!

It is known from that the terrible hour of the purification is not intentional or provoked
they give
God, but from your sins and the powers of the evil.

D.O not to fear of nothing! You creeds and your faith will not remain sterile, but she will
give its
it yields.

13 November 1976


Brother, I would have to clear several ideas on the way to communicate with we. It is not
difficult as to you and others it can seem; you see that a your desire is sufficient and
a simple question and we enter to communicate with you… rather we are
necessary details and essential things inner conditions of faith, humility, confidence and
before every other thing of grace.

It is obvious that who automatically with the sin has estraniato itself from the
Communion of i
Saints cannot communicate with the same ones. Brother mine, for our part, seeing in you
the necessary dispositions, no sussiste difficulty.

Anch'io I waited for, I wished confermarti how much you has been communicated with
respect to i
next events of Been born them and Passover.

Convinciti brother that is He, the Love, than guides and sees to you with how much
it makes. Satan you is to the calcagna, Satan you inculca fears, fears and diffidenze that
are in
clearly contrast with the faith, the confidence, the abandonment that It wants from you.

It has chosen its instrument to you; Satan makes of all because you are an instrument

The sourness of the fight is large, but the Victoria is sure

You see brother, Satan is the head and the master of all the saboteurs; you must fight but
sfiduciarti; You have He with you and with you we are all. The sourness of the fight is
the mail is greater anchor.

In an other message I have said to you that I continue to fight from the moment of before
rebellion. You must prepararti to hard days, to deprivations, sacrifices; at the same time
you know with certainty that Who all can provvederà for all and for everyone.

Brother, nothing diffidenze, nothing fears and ingiustificate fears; they are these things
many sticks you mail between the wheels in order to slow down, to refrain or to prevent
the plan of God.

This place will be defended and protect, of nothing you must fear.

Brother, six chosen state for a thing much large one: to carry on the carpet of the Church
more important problem, that one of the Redenzione.

Ahead therefore in He, with He and for He; the way that you must cover is still
along and scattered from difficulty, but all will be faced and all will be exceeded.

S. Michele Archangel
15 November 1976


D. Or. is don Enrico,

I do not want ridirti what repeatedly already you it has been said, I estimate better
ricordarti our first encounter in the Nail head of F. of G.

They made impression my dilapidated physical health you, my disabled body, mine
spirit imprisoned in a nearly entire inefficient physicist to provoke
pity in those who they approached to me, because in the greater number of the cases
these persons did not see that the side outer of my life. They were incapable of
to penetrate and therefore to understand the prodigiosa metamorphosis that she operated
herself in my mind
by means of the physical or moral suffering or, suffering that, for grace of God, never
I refused.

Same I was not always in a position to estimating the enormous value and the enormous
of this spiritual digestion, and not there is from being astonished as the man not even
account of the importance becomes that has its corporal digestion for means of
which it transforms the food that has eaten in meat of its meat and boneses of its

Poor human creature, also having the intelletto in order to penetrate the value of the
debilitated and darkened as it is from the sin, little account becomes than it happens in he
and around he. This wonderful metamorphosis of the spirit, if escapes to the men,
it does not escape to He, God, which of is the author.

To know same himself better

D.O if the Christians rather than to let to sweep up and to overwhelm from the futili
things of the life
outer they were engaged a little more in order to know better same himself and this that
in itself
same it happens, not certainly for personal merit and abilities, but for work of God,
of the human nature, the God scaling by far would be facilitated.
Only with my encounter with He, my Salvatore and Redentore, I saw in a flash
the indescrivibile effect, the wonderful consequences of the metamorphosis of mine
physical and moral suffering.

Here they are forced to dirti, like others have previously said, that no to you
militant on the earth It will be able to never comprise the happiness that reserves to its
elect ones,
no dead woman them it could support the vision of a spirit in Gloria.

Sconfinata insipienza of the men

D.O hence looks at as in no other place is possible to see the sconfinata one
insipienza of the men on the earth; hence it is looked at like the man on the earth (p. 28)
it not only leaves to trick, but to turlupinare from the Malignant one.
I have spoken about insipienza of the men and in truth it is own thus, would only be
faculties received from God, a alive desire than truth, in order to feed the just way.
But he is never conceivable that the man, created from God, redento from God, given
back to
primiera divine and human dignity from God, God refusals, its I add well?

He is never conceivable that the man created to image of God, son of God, straightens
its arrogant forehead against God and allied to Satan the outcries its rebellion?

It seems to you natural, comprehensible, than a child, whose existence is conditioned to

life of its parents, to the love, the cures that the parents have for he, rebellious and them
refusals screaming in face to they: “I do not recognize to you, I do not love to you and to
not I want you? ”

He is not the man creature of God, son of God, conditioned in its life terrena and
eternal to God? It is not created in order to know, to love and to serve God?

If the Clergymen reflected…

In the clergymen the conscience lacks, the conviction of tragic and perversa the action of
Malignant in the spirits, created for the light, the love, the happiness, while Satan

it pursues with the deceit the annihilation of the aim of the Creation and the aim of
Redenzione for the hatred that nutre towards God and the men.

If the clergymen reflected, seriously meditated the value infinitely of a single spirit
for which the Father has sacrificed Its Unigenito Son, what would not have to make
in order to avoid to the spirits of falling between the grinfie of Satan?

Oh, if the clergymen reflected and meditated seriously, the customs of sacerdotal life
they would come radically modified…

I have spoken to you about the prodigiosa metamorphosis that It operates in the spirits by
means of
suffering is physical that moral; but not to forget that Malignant, the untiring one
scimmiottatore of God, operates also he it its metamorphosis in the spirits by means of
sin, whose consequences you are very notes.

D.O must introduce the value of the life, must introduce the wonderful one,
wonderful metamorphosis of the pain and the suffering to which to unconsciously it is
rebelled us
and from which it is escaped again.
If the ministers of God it escape they it suffering, as they will be able, the masters and
corredentori, inculcarla in the others?

Don Enrico

19 November 1976


I answer to your desire, son mine.

I know that it covets to have greater clarifications with respect to the purpose that
lodevolmente you are
putting into effect to abolish, for how much it regards to you, the so-called elemosina tied
to S.

How much Gabriel has said S to you., Devout P., the Luigina and others are clear and
from those who they have their mind opened to the light, that is to the Wisdom of
Saint spirit, unfortunately instead the other sluices to the light will not understand never
all to it
of the Saint Spirit.

Fatuity and madness to think it

Now son mine, is your Jesus who turns you the question:

Creeds you that if someone to the eve of my Passion and Dead women, me were
introduced innanzi saying to me: “Here these money, I give them to you because you
sacrifice to you in

Cross for the remission of my sins ““creeds you son mine that I would have accepted
a similar proposal? “

It would be fatuity and madness the solo to think it! This that has carried to me on the
Cross and that me
door to renew the Sacrifice of the Cross in Put S., has been, it is, and it will be always one
single what: the LOVE! Son mine, fa' well attention, than difference it makes today if
persons introduce to you offrendoti some currency for the celebration of S.

Son, your intention, like my minister, participant of my eternal one

Sacerdozio, can differ my purest intention?

And dimmi still, it is or it is not Put S., the same Sacrifice of the Cross?

Recidere any venale tie

You in Put S. do not have yourself to be joined to Me in the offer the Father of your will,
effective offer that involves the annihilation of yours I, and with same the purest one
intention with which I, Jesus, and the Mother My Maria SS., always present like
Corredentrice, we offer ourselves to the Father?

You do good son, you do good not to dishearten the greater action that is completed on
the earth,
recidi and it separates from this action any venale tie.
It is never possible to condition your participation, the participation generally of
celebrating clergyman, to a pair of thousands of Liras?

I have said son to you, to condition, I do not say of all the clergymen, but of many,
offer, nothing Put S. Here which point can carry the absence of the love and of

For the many that celebrate Put S. in sin that never can import the purity of
intention or the corredentrice action? These clergymen, because scissi from Me, nothing
they add or they can add S. Put of which protagonists are single
materials, not joined Me, but to the one who for which I immolate myself, that is are
joined to Satan
neither more neither less like Giuda.

Persevera, will be important reform

Son you has been said of perseverare in your purpose, not to yield to the repeated ones
attacks of the Malignant one. Well I repeat to you anch'Io, Jesus; you insist, persevera
will be this
a precious pearl, an important reform of my regenerated Church.

They are not worth the excuses, the reasonings, in order to justify an attesting action
spiritual poverty of these times of absurdity and crisis of faith; I am not Jesus,

Made verbo Meat, therefore true God and true Man, the Protagonist of S. Sacrifice?

And like never, I God, Gentleman of all the things, could ignore the just needs of those
that beside Me, they offer themselves disinterestedly with Me to the Father for the alive
siblings or
defunct with a great action of love?

Am not I it Unigenito of the Father and all the things have not been made for Me? I do
not have
sufficient data tests of my generosity? Perhaps single they are once left me
to win from you in generosity? Son mine, also in this me you are instrument for mine
slowly of love.

Benedico you and with benedico you all the clergymen who will follow humbly you for
road and I promise to all thanks and gifts details.
23 November 1976


Son mine, you write:

I am the Perfection and I am the solo to being the infinite perfection. This mine
perfection is reflected in all the created universe, the invisibile world and the world
visible, originating in all the single things and all the things totally taken,
a worthy wonderful harmony of its Creator, in an order not less wonderful and not
less admirable where every thing stretched to pursue own fine in the praise to

Then the creation of able free intelligent beings came to operate the good, and able of
to operate the evil, but the natural gifts also of which they were covered were such for
which all
it concurred in they to orient them and to push them towards the good.

In this condition they had to be for the time determined from the Father, Creator and
Gentleman of every thing, and finished this time of wait, innanzi to they would be itself
opened wide the doors of the Paradise for being admitted to participate to the Gloria and
happiness without borders of the Father. But beautifulst, most powerful than these
creatures after
God, inorgoglita of its power and its splendor made, it to sin and wanting
to be similar to God, I rebel to God thus giving beginning in the world universe to one
rebellion whose consequences were, are and will be of a gravity that nobody
human mind is able to embrace.

Turbamento of the order - the sin

The harmony of the created one has been so upsotten to radically change the established
all the universe suffers of this turbamento and the same nature geme under the weight of

To the rebellion of the invisibile world it followed the rebellion of the humanity in Adam
and Eva,
increasing the turbamento of the preconstituted order and giving origin to the evil in
world, catastrophe without precedence, and to part the suffering, the wars, the diseases,
hatreds, the crimes, the dead women, the violences, the crimes, I pay to Satan of every
Pack-saddles remembering, son mine, the damned spirits or that they go damned; the
perdition of
a single spirit is what more serious than all the wars, epidemics, revolutions and sventure
all the times. This it you cannot easy understand because you are not able to understand
what wants to say an eternity of torments.

Ristabilimento of the order: Church and Sacerdozio

Son, I, the Love, could not allow such scempio of the human nature; here
then the Incarnation and the Redenzione operated from the Verbo, the whose scope (p.
36) are
to re-establish the destroyed order and to give again possibility of salvation for all the
spirits of good

With the Redenzione the Church, the sacramento of salvation, and in the Church the
in order to form with it my corredentori, that is my collaborators who costituissero
dorsal thorn of my Mystical Body.

Clergymen only become themselves for Vocation

Son mine, as the men generally choose they their collaborators, thus I,
Verbo of made God Meat, I choose my collaborators, therefore troubles to the intruders,
to not the calls, troubles to those who like Giuda, for human reasons and calculations of
human interests, intrufolano between my vocati ones… Clergymen only become
themselves for
vocation; every other road would be not only peccaminosa, but sacrilega.

Here, son mine, the problem of the sacerdotal vocations.

Like the Father Mine, in the plan of the Providence he puts in the heart of the men
various attitudes and tendencies so that in the great human family the men
they complete and they are integrated in the prestabilito harmonious order; thus I in my
jet in the heart of prechosen the precious and sublime germ of the vocation, germ
precious that goes collected and guarded, protect and developed and from the prechosen
one and from
persons tied to the vocato one, like parents, tutors etc….

Of many bankrupt vocations for guilt of who she had the duty to protect will have them
to answer the responsibles. It is well-known that scristianizzati pagani and Christian
often they oppose and they contrast, with most serious damage brought to the Church,
vocations from Me dates to many spirits. Tremendous responsibility!
Now enough son; we will resume the speech before how much. Benedico you; it prays
and you offer
your suffering because many are the laborers of My vine.

26 November 1976


You write son mine:

my courage has been said in a message contained in the book “Boys to you” that
the order established from God in the universe demands that all the creatures must
the place for which they have been created.

The Creator Father and Gentleman of all and all, direct with wisdom, goodness and love
infinitely all and all to the fine attainment of own in the harmony of the universe.

Also in my Church, been born and exited from my opened Heart, human and divine
terrena and celestial, in harmony and uniformità with the Father, the spirits come calls to
to make some it leave, because all and ognuna can catch up fine theirs, theirs
santificazione in earth and their glorificazione in Sky in the place they assigned.

In every society all do not make or can make the same things, but everyone following
own attitude, would be more exact and in compliance with the truth to say following own
vocation, completes that action, that intentional and predisposed duty from the Supreme
Ordinatore for the good of all; and thus that the creatures, even if are not any always
and all awares, are integrated and they are completed with an action of mutual love that is
to the root of the human heart, the human society, in an exchange and donation
mutual, essential to the cohabitation and survival of the human nature, in an action
of natural and rudimentale love that forms the concrete of the union in order to form of
a single family, a single society, in which the several limbs, they are not and they do not
to consider in order to personal, but corporate property well the solo they of all.

Thus the Father has ordered and orders the human society.

Mission of My Church

Who rebels to the designs of the Creator Father and Gentleman, supreme ordinatore of all
things and creatures, smash the divine and natural right, and defect seriously against God
against the siblings, that is against the society, giving origin to a series of disorders
personal, before social then, of an immense and sconfinata gravity.

For this it puts into effect it them social ordering of polulates capitalists and Communists,
and the same one
ordering of My Church, sound and grida vendetta in the presence of God. The men
and the Christians have smashed the prestabilito order conculcando the right and the
justice; (p.
40) God more can not them beyond tolerating and will be crushed in the impact with
Liberatore and Redentore.

Premised this son, we return to the problem of the vocations that is a problem


My Church stands fundamentalally on the principles generates them on which it must

to resist the great human family, but my Church distinguishes from all the others
human societies for its ordering like perfect society, in which the human and the divine
they are met, are interlaced and they are melted, for which it diversifies itself, emerges
it raises on the families of polulates, on the other human societies, own for this its
mysterious nature that it has like its fine to guide and to orient with the light of its
truth, of which it is depositaria and caretaker, to guide polulates on the way of the

Nobody other society, to outside of my Church, has an equal mission, therefore one
equal dignity and salvation; but or very clearly that the largeness of my Church is not
originated from the pomp, the wealth, the pump, from the esteriorità, but always and only
from the mystery of its nature, divine human and, from its mission in the world to guide
the men and polulate to the celestial Native land of the Paradise.

In the Church the Sacerdozio has a place of primary importance.

In the Church the Sacerdozio has a place of primary importance

The noblest and arduous, but feasible task. The mystery of the Church effonde also
on the Sacerdozio, than, for its hierarchical institution, it occupies a place of primary
From my Sacerdozio the royalty leaves; I am the King I add and eternal. For Me all
things have been made and all belong to me, and of this my eternal regale and
sacerdozio I make some I participate those who ab aeterno has been prechosen from the
my celestial.

The prechosen one, human creature, come invested of my the Divine and regale dignity
sacerdotal, with the task in my Church, to become of Me direct collaborator and
corredentore, for the performance of the mystery in existence of the salvation.

Son mine, spiegarti with human terms the human and divine largeness of the nature, of
to be able, of the sacerdotal dignity, is not possible, because your words, yours
words cannot explain the divine one, the supernatural, the eternal one, infinite… but one
careful reflection from my clergymen of the Mystery of which they are part, can
to serve in order to render same the more responsibles, more attention to their duties.

Sheet mine, in order today enough; we will resume our talk, because it is anything but

Benedico you and with benedico you all those who you are particularly beloveds.

and you offer to me to your suffering for the conversion of many my clergymen well.

30 November 1976


Son mine you write.

Who is the spirits victims? Which the aim of the spirits victims?

Why the spirits victims are not known that least other spirits? Because
the spirits victims often incur in the aversion or incomprehension or persecution of
who, to ragion of logic, would have to comprise and to place side by side in any case?

Who is?

The spirits victims are elect spirits, prechoices from the Sky, the Divine Trinità, of which
they become daughters and spouses; they are the loved spirits more from the Father, more
intimately joined to
Son and to the Saint Spirit.

They are the spirits that generous, often heroically, make gift of their life
human to God, conditioning all their life to the divine Will, not wanting if not
what God wants from they, not wishing that God, true, only, great good, alpha
and Omega of all and all, offering and immolating if same for love to God, Supreme
Well, reason and end of our life, in order to repair the offenses other people's own and.

What makes? They go up with Christ on the Cross

The spirits victims are privileged spirits that they not only ask of being able to follow
Christ in compliance with Its word: “who wants to come behind of Me rinneghi same
and he takes its cross and he follows to me “, not only please themselves to follow Christ
on the way
of the Calvary, but they go up with Christ in Cross.

They are brave, heroic and generous spirits; they are the spirits that feel
deeply the socialità of the Church, above all of the debilitated Church, and for
this is offered.

The spirits victims are the illuminated spirits that have meant that you it cannot be
love to God and love to the siblings without the suffering; they are most faithful and more
authentic interpreters and executrixs of the two comandamenti of the Love.

The spirits victims are the spirits that rising itself to of over of the dense dusk that
it wraps the humanity, they want to be risen, and of fact they are risen, on up, to of over
of the polluted atmosphere and corrupt of this materialistica humanity, and, also
walking on the earth, their spirits and their thoughts they are on up, in sky, revolts
to God, in God and with God.

The spirits victims are the lightning rods of the humanity; troubles to the men, troubles to
the earth if
not there were the spirits victims! The divine Justice would have already persecuted
the inexorable course, all and all incenerendo.

Why thus they are little known?

Because, son mine, the true good, the true virtue, is schiva from the publicity, from the
noises of
world, from the thoughts of the world, the lifestyles of the world; for this they love
to live in the withdrawal, the nascondimento, Hush, for being always ready to pick up
the voice and the lumi that they come from above, in order to conform to the Divine Will
it wants yes in the world, but hidden to the eyes of those who they do not know to them
and not
they can comprise, because they sweethearts of God, could not carry out theirs
talk with God if not in their humble one riserbo.

Little they are still known son mine, because the men, not comprising them, to
eyes they appear like stolte and foolish; the world thus does not love to them, often
it despises, the deride and it avoids to them, but in reality it fears them and often adverse
because theirs
heroic abnegation strict sound monito just sentence and that the tarate consciences
they do not tolerate.

Nos foolish… credebamus…

The men a day will have to rectify their thought and their judgments on the spirits
victims whom intentionally they have ignored and despised. Men one (p. 46) day
they will see, as the rich Epulone has seen the poor Lazzaro negletto in the breast of

The men a day will address to the spirits victims exclaiming: “Nos foolish,
ergo erravimus to via veritatis. Nos credebamus… “.

Son mine, I have said other times to you that my ways are various from your ways; who
it believes in Me will not get lost for the dark mazes of a world dominated from the
Malignant one,
but who believes in Me, will follow to me on the paths that I have traced for all with my
on the earth.

You benedico son mine and voglimi well. You come, son behind of Me; you come and
you follow to me and
of it you will not repent to you!

30 November 1976


You write son mine,

I have intentional darti an explanation on the spirits victims before dirti that every

clergyman must be a spirit victim.

This affirmation will provoke in much surprise, other astonishment, other incredulità,
that is this truth will have various reactions, answering to the various states of mind of
those people
that they will read these messages.
Nevertheless I confirm with firmness that every clergyman must be a victim.

In fact, son mine, am I be yes or not the victim for excellence? Dimmi, son mine,
I am not perhaps it pure, Saint and immaculate victim who I have placato the ira divine,
satisfied the divine Justice? And who is the clergyman if not “alter Christus”? Who is
the clergymen if not my natural corredentori, and which corredenzione would be never
possible if not making victims as I victim have made myself for yours

I have not been, I add Clergyman, and, at the same time, Victim, that I have
immolated same Me for the life of the world?

Son in a precedence message is explained clearly which part must have

clergyman in the celebration of Put S., and I have said to you: troubles to the clergymen
who one
day they will discover of being be in Put S. of the incoscienti protagonists, liabilities and
only materially present, rather than to be aware present, consenzienti
and actively compartecipanti with Me.

Present they were under the Cross and with Me present they are in every S. Put the
Mother Mine
and S. Giovanni!

To melt itself with the Divine Victim

If a clergyman is not present in S. Sacrifice with the firm and effective will of
to offer same himself, united to Me, the Celestial Father for the remission of the sins,
reason of the offered sacrifice, the clergyman practically empties its sacerdozio of
its essence, snaturando and deforming the nature of the sacerdotal character, mutilando
its sacerdozio of its fine; insomma this clergyman makes scempio of its regale
sacerdozio, from Me to compartecipato he. An assassin imagines ago that scempio of
its victim straziandone the body.

Son, but that they have made Shepherds and educators if they have not been able, if does
not have
known, to insert in the mind of “vocati” the acquaintance of the nature, the essence, of
fine of the sacerdotal character?

Two spouses who approach the wedding without to know of the nature and the scope, not
are perhaps two sventurati? A chierico that approaches the sacerdozio without to know
some to
bottom the essence, the nature and the scope is a lot more than sventurato, since not only
it puts in danger its spirit, but a great number of spirits tied to its
sacerdozio in the plan of the Divine economy.

The clergyman not only must be victim, but victim becomes by nature of its
sacerdozio; if then its state of victim refuses this, becomes traitor of the Mystery
of the Redenzione, like Giuda.

Clergyman victim by nature of its same one sacerdozio

Happy he who is the aware of huge and sublime vocation and mission
sacerdotal and docilely one surrenders to the love infinitely of God that has deigned of
to raise it from the dung and the powder of the earth in order to erect it to largest and
sublime dignity to which creature it can aspire.

Happy he who, aware of being be made election vase, is strained, with

Christ, to follow it on the Calvary, in order to fuse its suffering with those of the Victim
Divine, for being then, with the Victim three times Saint, liberatore of many and many
from the yoke and the brutal tyranny of Satan.

Happy that clergyman who not chip ax of pacts neither compromises with the enemies of
God, i
enemies of the Church and with the enemies of its spirit and its conscience.

Happy that clergyman who refuses every its collaboration with the dark forces
of hell and he walks on the way of the perfection and the holiness according to the
garnishment “
Sancti estote “; that if such garnishment of holiness is for all, is obvious and clear that in
way most particular it is for my ministers, than Saint they must be for
to santificare.

That to say of the formation given in the today's seminaries?

Son mine, which frightening distortion in the name of a progress and of a subversive one
evolution clearly contrasting with my examples and instructions!

Shepherds, that you have passively assisted and you assist much spiritual pervertimento,
you do not believe to escape to your most serious responsibilities; your sofismi not
they serve in order to close the eyes of God.

Soon you will see with your eyes and soon you will pay of your pocket for all the evil
you have not known or intentional to prevent, for all the good that you have not

You benedico son mine.

1° December 1976


Son mine, I, Jesus are, write and not to fear.

Yesterday I have said to you that every clergyman must be a victim whom he offers
together oneself same
to Me to the Father, for the remission of the sins and the liberation of the spirits from
tyranny of the Malignant one, now creeds you that this fundamental truth comes inculcata
in i

Creeds you that the Shepherds of spirits assess themselves, supervise because the
aspirants to the sacerdozio
they are illuminated, begun and awakened on the responsibility, than human, more
of their being tomorrow clergymen, ministers Mine and administrators of the fruits of
Blood and of My Passion?

Not, son mine; this cannot be given or never be communicated to others that is not had.
The guideline, the formation given to the aspirants to the Sacerdozio is anything but of
that gives
Me demand, indeed quite is opposite. If the Shepherds and the educators are not they
same of the spirits victims, they will not be able to form of the generous and Saint spirits;
reason I have anticipated to you.

Febrile dynamism = heresy of the action

I ask. - But Jesus mine, is Shepherds and the most zealous clergymen and are not little!

Answer. - Not, son mine; I confirm you that there are Saint Shepherds and clergymen, but
I reconfirm also that they are least!

There are Shepherds and clergymen animated from a febrile dynamism, are contaminated
from the heresy of the action; I do not judge from the appearances, but I judge a truth
objective to Me famous solo.

The spirits victims love to hide themselves, the spirits victims love to withhold
themselves with Me in one
uninterrupted prayer, the spirits victims are distinguished well from the others that such
they are. Today, son mine, in the Seminaries, in the religious Congregations, little is
remained of
positive; they have abolished the old orderings they have replaced and them with new,
nearly all
informed from wrong, not consistent principles to my wish, my Gospel.

Freedom does not want to say licence neither anarchy!

Son I will try better of farti meaning is confused the concept of freedom with that one
of anarchy… what is the freedom for many educators, for many clergymen and many
Shepherds? They have exchanged it to the freedom and confused with the licence; from
the laxism he is here
entered in the Seminaries, for which the aspirants to the sacerdozio null, or nearly, they
have of

various of many other young people, more or less materialisti, than null deny to the
voluttà of i

Pornographic film visions, rape, however immorali and all impregnated of

materialismo, sexual experiences of every type…; it is necessary to know the life,
it says, for being able to be in condition for making own choice. The life, is said, been
movement, not is life without movement and also the life of the man, creature made to
image and likeness of God, are movement.

The man is free to move towards the good and also towards the evil; but only when
he moves towards the good realizes the aim of its life, of its vocation, its
reason of being, because for the good it has been created; it disheartens instead its
freedom and of
consequence its dignity when the man turns itself to the evil. Freedom does not want to
licence, neither anarchy!

This son mine, to how much seems, is not comprised who instead would have to teach
these things.

Frightful moral and spiritual sovvertimento

From the moment, son mine, than God he throws Its seed in the spirit of he who has been
aeterno prechosen, the seed goes guarded, protect and defended from who the seed it
receives, but
also from those who for wanting of the Providence, they have the obligation to realize
vocation acquitting with faith and love theirs must of educators.

Son I reconfirm to you and I am, Jesus, to darti this reaffirmation, I renounce to dirti till
which point of moral and spiritual sovvertimento seminaries, true are sure joints
seedbeds of heresies and corruption; they are forced to clear a land I infect and
frightening contaminated from many evils.

You have done good, son mine, to advice against religious seminaries and institutes to
those who
they are revolts to you, because doubtful and uncertain anch'essi, did not know to resolve
personal problem of their religious vocation.

Only for viltà, for fear, for human respect, in order to avoid troubles it has not been
provided to
to reorganize the most painful situations from those who they had the duty to make it
of nothing to worry itself.

Who believes firmly alloy its not to operate to judgments of the world, but only to
judgment of God.

Benedico you, son mine, voglimi well.

1° December 1976


The supernatural vocation to the sacerdozio is a mysterious germ of life from God
left to fall in the spirit of the prechosen one, because these, under the guide of the parents
or of
persons from God deputies to this delicate work of gestation, make to mature the seed
until she has not caught up its complete development.

The spirit that door in itself the seed much precious one that no pearl to can it to the
uguagliare, must be edotta of the preziosità of the gift, must be encouraged to
prayer, must be oriented in its devozioni Jesus, really present in
mystery of infinite humility, wisdom and power of the Eucaristico Mystery, must be
decidedly oriented to the love, the prayer to the Saint Spirit and the Queen of
Apostles, because it, the Vergine is She to lead to term the maturation
of the vocation.
In the period of the gestation of the vocation, the elect spirit will have to be edotta also
of the mystery of the Church of which it is and it will be part and alive member with vital

The educators are collaborating of God

God acts generally for means of the second causes. Here then the seminaries,
orders and the religious congregations, with the specific task to enter in action on i
“vocati” because by means of the sacred and profane instruction, which instruments of
collaborators of God, predisposed in the plan of the divine economy to complete
formation and maturation of the vocation, carry the vocati ones to the ordinazione

It has been said already previously that to nobody it is lawful to upset the order and the
preordered from God in the nature and the Grace; making already has been said it that it
most serious rebellion to the Father, rebellion that cannot go impunity, constituting
it serious guilt of superbia and pride; from here the serious responsibility of
educators, of all the educators but in most particular way of those educators
calls to the more delicate task in my Church.

For they one demands hard holiness and perfection of life, and is obvious and logical that
holiness and perfection you are not any, cannot any be communicated to the others; never
it can to you
to be the case to give this that is not had.

This holiness and perfection of life contain in itself: ortodossia indiscussa, fidelity
absolute to Sommo Pontefice and the wealth of many other Christian virtues. The
they must be persons above suspicion, estimated for their rettitudine of
life, in a word must be models of true Christian life.

Tremendous responsibility for the educators demolishers of the faith

The Shepherds of spirits have a serious responsibility in the choice for their seminaries of
educators. Better a seminary closed that entrusted to the demolishers of the faith, of
Christian virtues, as unfortunately it is of many seminaries of our days.

Troubles to those who the tremendous responsibility of mistaken choices has been
accomplices are made, for inability or weakness, viltà or fear of the work
demolitrice of Satan for the ruin of the spirits.

Bishops and educators will have to render most rigorous account to the Divine Justice of
all the evil of which they have become responsible… and do not think to find
having to same himself and their personal prestige sacrificed the supreme good of
spirits; they will be the mistaken clergymen, will be the spirits from ruined they that
they will raise like witnesses to the Court who does not admit appeal.

son mine, does not astonish to you this time also, if I repeat you things to which I have
already pointed out
previously, but, son mine, is necessary that all this that I say to you, or written
and disclosed; he demands the good of my Church.

They answer with glacial diplomatic coldness

How many have deplored the tragic situation of seminaries and infested religious orders
of heresies! … how many spirits victims have been offered and immolated because it was
remedy to much ruin, a lot strazio! … But their sacrifice has not been worth to move
glacial the diplomatic coldness of those who they would have had for thousand reasons
to be ultrasensitive for this problem, the more important for the vital function of

The clergymen of the regenerated church will have a very various vision of the nature,
function and end of theirs sacerdozio, they will have to be, as in reality they will be, of i
true corredentori, that is constructors of the reign mine in the spirits.

Now you benedico son; not to fear you write all. Ban to the apprehensions, I you will be
always close.

1° December 1976


You write son mine.

What teaches in the seminaries or the religious institutes? It is taught can of all,
but distinction between sacred and the profane one is not made; I say indeed you more,
this that would have
to have a top priority not very rarely it passes to the last place; enough this for

to understand how much the evil, the materialismo, has sviato the responsibles, the
educators, from
fine to which the consecrated ones would have to give life, energies and all their hards

Yesterday I have said to you that the clergymen are by nature of the victims, because
complete Victim
he is the Divine Master, which with infinite action of love and misericordia, wants
to participate to the predelights, Its regale sacerdotal potestà. Because it wants that those
that It has prechosen, they are similar to He in the love and therefore in the sacrifice
before, in
Gloria then.

The sacerdozio she imports a such sum of powers to sbigottire the same hierarchies
angelic. The Archangel Gabriel, that it is dinnanzi to the Highest one, was felt highly
honored of being be elect celestial Ambassador near Vergine SS. for
to announce the sublime Mystery of the Incarnation from God and a Trino. (p. 61)

Sure that from completed He, has been largest and ambita embassy
completed in the universe visible and invisibile world.

They do not live supernatural, therefore…

But when it is believed next to the powers give, to the dignity conferred from the made
Verbo Meat to i
its clergymen, the same Angels are admired some, astonished, and same Satan and its
cursed formations disperatamente angry and are upset; they cannot
to comprise as men a lot to inferior they are elevated to thus high dignity and

All this is truth, son mine, but truth does not happen, not accepted, not felt, for
which the demons of the blindness and human fatuity laugh.

Why this deplorable state of things?

As a chierico can live its vocation in this vision, if those who is

around he like complementary caretakers, tutors, craftsmen, delegates to the begun work
from the Divin Grain winnower, they are incapable to live their vocation supernatural?
How they can inculcare this to which they do not believe, they do not feel, and they do
not live?

Delicate Pianticella is the vocation, but if around she there are spiny bushes,
they suffocate they make and it to die… Other that spiny bushes are today not little
educators in the seminaries.

The vocation is delicate plant that must receive light and heat; but light and heat
they remove the heretical, Marxist, materialisti educators!
The vocation must mature in an oasis

It is not in the bustle of the modern, woven life of traumi, noises, laxism, of

anarchy, of dispute, than can be matured a vocation… The vocation imports

a conception and vision of the very various life from that of the world pay modern.

The vocation must grow, to mature in an oasis, and the oases are encircled from the
and they are in the desert!

Son mine, how many lost vocations and how many responsibilities from those who
they have been calls to the first apostolate; as they can, son mine, to lead step
step “vocati” for paths and pastures disowned?

In the regenerated Church the things will change; I want aware and aware clergymen
of their largeness and sacerdotal dignity; I want clergymen humble and very disposed to
to follow to me on the way of the Cross and not on the ways of the world!

They must know that the world is of the Malignant one and that the Malignant one is not
gained if not
with humility of the Cross: I have gained thus it and my clergymen will gain only thus it!

Benedico you, son mine, voglimi and he prays well.

Offriti because the Grace penetrates in the minds and the hearts of many clergymen who
are in
procinto to get lost eternally.

1° December 1976


In sure seminaries the instruction of the religion is considered like matter

secondary; the prominence is given, classified under consideration of other profane
psycology and pedagogy; completely mistaken.

The religious instruction must and will have to be considered the fulcrum, the center, of
the instruction given to the aspirants clergymen. Little it imports Jesus, Divine
Master, to Maria Queen of the Apostles, than the ministers of God they are of the
scholars in
profane science, but imports instead a lot that the ministers of God are scholars in
science of God, without of which not there is spiritual fecundity, without however
to neglect the acquaintance of whom it can complete the formation of the future

In the seminaries the first indispensable school, irreplaceable essential thing and, must be
that of advanced and teaching integerrimi, advanced not disposed to no kind
of compromise, neither with same himself, neither with the world.

Advanced and teaching saints need, in the true sense of the word; in fact nobody
holiness school is possible without the presence of Saint men which masters.

Now, son mine, for nothing I have not spoken to you about situation turnover. Not of

I shave are advanced and heretical educators, and the heresy blooms and prospers in the
and the superbia it is concupiscenza of the spirit and sooner or later it goes to lead in
concupiscenza of the meat.

To nothing they are worth natural gifts if…

Of Me it has been with justice written “coepit to facere ET to docere”. Thus it must be
able to say of
all the educators.

Cure of the Shepherds of spirits must be that of giving to the seminaristi a direction
spiritual unexceptionable in every respect.

Main task of the Spiritual Director will be to make to understand that every clergyman
to be victim; that every clergyman has a super mission in the Church of God,
to immolate same himself, with the first annihilation of own I, in contrast with
instructions of the world, than cannot never go in agreement with those of God,
with the immolazione therefore it completes of same himself on the example of the
Divine Master, of i
Saints and of the Martyrdoms; to these models and prototypes it must that the vocati ones
are inspired and been

It will be task of the Spiritual Director to make to take to conscience to the aspirants
that null they are worth natural gifts if they are not places humbly to (p. 66) service of
God, for Its Gloria, to I torture of own santificazione and the salvation of i
It will be cure of the Spiritual Director to persuade the prechosen ones who no outer
taken in itself and for himself, servants to santificare and saving spirits. Who saves is
always and only God,
which does not need of nothing and them nobody.

If it has to us chosen as its corredentori is solo which had to its infinite goodness, to Its
infinitely Love, but we could not never be with He Redentore salvation instruments,
if we are not with He on the Cross; not there are alternatives for giving fecundity to
our Church: or with He in Cross and He victims for the remission of the sins
of the world and the spirits that we wish and we want to save, or mistificatori and
traitor of the received mandate and the powers conferred to us.

Crisis of identity of the clergyman ..... unforgivable gap

It is necessary that the prechosen ones compenetrati and are perrmeati of the Divine life
Grace, is permeated and compenetrati of the acquaintance of the largeness, dignity and
sacerdotal power.

Today the clergymen for an unforgivable gap and deficiency of formation, do not know
they are, they do not know which force can decide for the benefit of the tormented spirits

martoriate from the malvagità of the demons.

It is necessary that the prechosen ones deeply are convinced of their character
sacerdotal that of ago of the fathers, the masters, the condottieri of the great army of
Christ Redentore.

It is necessary anchor that the clergymen are permeated and compenetrati from a faith
deep, inconcussa, solid like the cliff, in the real presence of Christ in the mystery
unfathomable of its eucaristica presence in the middle of we.

Troubles to those prechosen ones that let to pollute, to poison from the rationalism and
positivismo; their faith could not more pure and limpid being. Polluted the faith
illanguidiscono hope and love, are the dead women of the Divine Life of the Grace
in the mind I infect, is the tremendous crisis that upsets the Church, that it has lost
thousands of clergymen, religious and religious; it is the greatest tragedy that he has hurt
mortally the Church today.
To God a single thing is impossible, the evil, all He can make, less the evil that not
it can want.

The real, personal and physical presence of Jesus in the eucaristico mystery is truth
indiscussa, it is mystery of infinite humility, infinite love, infinite power and
divine wisdom; if a clergyman does not believe to this personal presence of Christ
in its Church, he could not never be corredentore.

You benedico son and voglimi well.

2 Decembers 1976


Son mine, you write:

not enough the faith in my eucaristica presence in the middle of you, not, son mine, not
all the clergymen who celebrate in sin, therefore sacrilegamente, are without faith, i
more they have the faith, faded, they have but it, nevertheless they are very bad
clergymen; they believe in
Me, but they feel an aversion for originated Me from the state of guilt in which they find

When a clergyman is in sin, preclude voluntarily its spirit to the action

of thanks he puts into effect them, that is to those impulses of Grace that infinitely good
he lavishes to the spirits in measure and proportion of their recettibilità and, while
practically one closes God, opens the Demon, that he can without difficulty to influence
the spirits of the guilty till to render them its slaves.

If a clergyman does not feel itself magnetized towards the Tabernacolo it is a virgulto

root, is a branch scisso from the stalk.

A clergyman who does not feel no attraction for the Tabernacolo where resides
the Love, cannot that to have a become parched mind and infecondo.

Son mine, how many are today the clergymen in this state of guilty dryness and of
spiritual infecondità? Many that you could not count them!

We have of the allies

Son, you I want to explain the doubt penetrated in your mind in this moment; you have
thought: if a clergyman is in guilt and has broken every relation with God, nothing can
and nothing can receive from God; for more it enters in the orbit of Satan, and then, for

or for these, not there is more hope than salvation, it is not thus?
Answer: he is not thus son, you do not have to never forget the great fight between the
powers about
badly and the powers of the good, the action of the Angel Caretaker, the protecting Saint
the action of the Comprensori blessed souls of the Paradise, this fight is in course and it
will not have term
that with the end of the times.

Also the spirits in Grace would not have more falling, but the action of the dark forces
of hell it is not arrested that with the dead women.

Enough not to believe in the Eucarestia, ineffabile mystery, of which the clergyman it is
also craftsman, but must the clergyman, aware being of the part that in this
great God mystery has to it classified.

In S. Put the clergyman with Jesus and the Mother she is protagonist of the mystery of
Cross, partecipe of the sacerdozio regale and eternal of Jesus, not never lives like this
its sacerdozio with Christ and the Mother, offering itself like Christ and the Mother to
Father for the remission of the sins, and this offer thus neglected, thus negletta, thus
incompresa it is the true and effective source of the salvation and for same himself for the

I repeat that if a clergyman is not convinced of this supernatural truth he is like

he who throws the precious stone of inestimabile value not knowing any, and
therefore not appreciating of, neither the beauty neither the price.

This offer that the clergyman must renew with Jesus, with the Mother, every qualvolta
it celebrates, it is as well as important because it must be effective, that is, like in Jesus
Vergine Maria, must operate the annihilation of own I, that it wants to say
the moral and spiritual immolazione of same himself; it has not been said from Jesus:
“Not mine
but Your will is completed? “

For being “magnet”

It is this that renders saint the clergyman, is this who renders the clergyman fecund, is
the source of I leaven fermentatore of Grace for the spirits and all the action
Church that the clergyman must carry out.

The today's clergymen, except the exceptions for the little truly fortunate, are barren,
sterile, infecondi essiccati, good branches to only burn, in spite of the acute fever that
it churns them it moves and them to operate too much also actively.

Put, celebrated S. in perfect communion with Christ, Vergine SS., for

same purposes for which continuous Christ to immolate and the Vergine to offer itself,
will be
for the true and Saint clergyman, terror of the demons whom they will see to tear
themselves from they
innumerevoli spirits.

The Saint clergyman who celebrates its Putting in union with Me and the Mother, is
of the Love of God and at the same time he magnetizes powerful for all the spirits
needy of aid and spiritual comfort.

They will feel in he these spirits the scent of Christ, will see in he an other Christ,
the good smell of Christ will emanate from he; he is thus that the clergyman, in
compliance with Mine
Heart, becomes with corredentore Me.

Only thus he will be the clergyman without sails, cioé without fiction; its limpid spirit
and pure it will be the mirror of many and many other spirits.

The truly Saint clergyman is and will be convinced not to be only responsible he
of the spirits, of its activity, its apostolate, but it knows well and, with conviction
he thinks, that the Protagonist of the Redenzione is Jesus; it knows of being a collaborator
prechosen, very believing to the words “you do not have chosen Me, but I have chosen

Benedico you, son mine, he prays well and voglimi.

3 Decembers 1976


Son mine, you write.

I, Jesus, are God, are infinitely simple, love the semplicità, want
semplicità in the single spirits, I want the semplicità also in My Church and in
structures of My Church, many of which will be reorganized.

Son mine, for the local Churches or Diocese three structures will be essential.

Indispensable structures that Shepherds Saint must be procured for its church

1 - A seminary where the prechosen ones to the sacerdozio will be collected.

It will be a place in which they will be received “vocati” from Saint clergymen; they will
be started
to the deep mercy and under consideration, naturally in a climate of great faith, without
no materialistica conception, without laxism, anarchy.

2 - It will be necessary for the Shepherds that has to cure the salvation of the flock to
entrusted he,
a stuolo of clergymen who will be trained to free the spirits taken from the powers
of the evil according to the garnishment given from Me to my Apostles: “Gone, preached
Gospel and huntings the Demons “.

The Shepherds of spirits rifaring itself to the Gospel, will have for first blessing
possessed people; the deputies to this office will preside stuolo of the clergymen. I
prechosen clergymen for this office will have to be the best ones, animated from spirit of
faith, of mercy, mortificazione.

To this activity it will be able to be added to the religious instruction and the direction of
school all special one for Spiritual Directors.

3 - Necessary structure will be pure a commission which the task will be remitted
of the attendance; the members of such commission will be good and Saint laici.

Such commission will be presided from the Bishop directly or for means of person
from the delegated Bishop and no member it will misuse the confidence datagli; it will be
in training the assets of the poor ones, because defrauding the poor one is sin a lot
serious that will be from punished Me also in this life terrena.

Every structure is worth if they are worth the persons of which it is composed; if a house
is constructed
with inadequate material or devoid concrete concrete, the house collapses.

Before great worry for Shepherds of spirits therefore will be that to construct
its Church on solid foundations and with resistant and good material, that is of
to surround itself of Saint clergymen; it will form thus a center of able lievitazione of
to move and to raise all the mass.
This must make a Bishop if it wants to be coherent to its great mandate.

The frumento speck is underground and must marcire

What have made I, Jesus, at the beginning of my public life?

Me my Apostles are chosen and not sure random have I them chosen; God not
it never acts random, God always acts for a very precise aim, not never moved give

you often calculate meschini like fairies men, and this lack of straight intention
door Shepherds and clergymen outside binary.

Oh! son mine, many will be be shockedded and they will not want to believe that in
Shepherds and
clergymen defects the straight intention… but how many acrobatics in order to scale the
power, how many
skillful climbers who do not think that sooner or later they would be hasty in the empty

Son mine, if the situation of my Church has caught up a thus great crisis, not
it must believe that the responsibility is from chargeing to sun determined categories; in
measure and various proportion simple faithfuls, clergymen and Bishops, have their part
of responsibility.

Son mine is reached the hour; the frumento speck is underground and must marcire; it
will exit some
the weakest one stelo, with the time will be made strong and sturdy and will carry to
maturation in
abundance the grain.

Dillo pure, son mine, than the hour it is near. Repeatedly I have said to you that nobody
to be cultured of surprise. Repeatedly I to you have said that wanting all blank ones, all
they must know and all must prepare with the penance and the prayer, because
if you will not be converted and you do not make penance, I say to you that all you will

Son mine voglimi more and more well. You offer same you to me with what you have,
with that one
that you are.

Benedico you and with benedico you all those who to sincerely they love Me.
6 Decembers 1976


Son mine, you write:

of what responsible many have become my Bishops and tantissimi my clergymen?

1° - They are guilty of the heresy of the action, that is of pseudo zeal under which he
hides himself

2° - They are guilty to be left to absorb from the outer activity until sometimes to
to get exhausted itself; this does not answer to a design of the Divine Will, but to a thin
pride and to a insidiosa maneuver of the Malignant one.

3° - This exasperated activity has not had and it does not have a correspondent activity
inner, for which the conviction of being of the pillars has been radicato in their mind
carrying, without of which all and destined to collapse; in simpler words, esteem
exaggerated for same himself with a consequent lessening of the confidence and
of the abandonment in God.

4° - Refusal to reform themselves and to effectively reform seriously and their Churches
inspiring itself to the evangelici principles; this is most serious guilt, because they are not
for they you recall from above, moniti, supernatural facts and events.

5° - Comfortable precaution in virtue of which they have prevented an immense good for
spirits, committing they same innumerevoli recklessness.

6° - little are not my Bishops imbevuti of rationalism and even of marxismo.

7° - serious Imputation I make they, in order to have always tried and only the
in order to avoid troubles to the apex and for fear of blame from the base; but
compromise is not of God; it has not been neither it will be never of its saints, because in
with my Gospel.

8° - They are still responsible of the imperante anarchy in the Church.

9° - Moreover they are responsible of the pollution in dottrinale field and not little times
moral, of many seminaries and therefore of the spread of errors and heresies, thus making
of the Church a frightening Babylon for which one does not agree to us more than little
and badly.

10° - To who the multiple contradictions of the modern Church must be chargeed
if not to the Shepherds and the clergymen, for the insipiente use of their authority?

With justice it has been said that the authority principle goes defended and safeguarded
from the spreading anarchy, but it has been said also that the exercise of the authority
to change and that the paternity and the firmness can much good be conciliated in one
father Shepherds of spirits.

11° - It is then the most serious guilt for many to be left Bishops and clergymen
to influence from the diabolic modern life, in many cases approving of it and
they, prechosen for a completely contrary action, they, prechosen in order to arrest
dark forces of the evil and in order to contrast them in the demolitrice action in my
Church, they,
the lamps ignited in the world, have let to overwhelm and to extinguish from the dusk
of hell, they, the life ferment and I leaven for the people of God, they, knows them of
earth, has let to become parched and to paralyze from the aggressiveness of the Demons.

12° - They are guilty moreover to emulate large and the powerful ones of the earth in the
art of
to govern; they are fairs of their diplomacy, forgetting that I, eternal Verbo of
God, Redentore of the humanity, I add and Maximum Ambassador of God near the entire
humanity, I have had a single diplomacy, that of the Truth; they instead competing
with the graduates us of the world they have become expert and not very rarely masters
of menzogne;
the diplomacy of the world in fact is the art of lying, and also this is tremendous

The Father of the figliol prodigal has used the diplomacy of the love.

I, Jesus, have not been a governor in the three years of my public life, do not have
never tried human honors, approvals or consents, but I, the Good Shepherds, the Father
of the figliol prodigal, I have always had and only a desire: the Will of the Father and
liberation of the spirits from the terrible yoke of Satan to which today more it is not

13° - For last I must still charge to Shepherds and clergymen, like serious guilt, one
insensibilità for the sufferers, the sick men, of mind and body, for guilt of
dark forces of hell.
Incredible, inconceivable Insensibilità, insensibilità in grinding contrast with
evangelici instructions, with the examples of Me, True God and Vero Man, that powers
that I have I date to my Apostles and to their successory ones to recover makes ill to it
and to hunt
the demons.

Here the mistificazione is capacity to the extreme limits!

But that Bishops and clergymen think that I, true God, has said useless things and goes
That they think that I Jesus, true God has pronounced given words and
not useful and not necessary instructions in all the times?

I am God, not conditioned neither from the time neither from the space, my instructions I
valid for all the generations; but that type of faith has Bishops and clergymen of
this generation atheist, perversa and incredula?

But that they still think my Bishops who the times put into effect them are various from
the times mine
when umanato I lived on the earth?

They are not themselves therefore shrewed that all the modern progress, I mean to speak
about this
manipulated material progress from Satan is served to the same Satan like instrument
of social and world-wide disorders, pervertimenti?

My Bishops and clergymen are not themselves shrewed who the aim of the man is not
technology or the material well-being scisso from the supreme spiritual interest of the
entire one

Therefore they have not understood Bishops and clergymen or has made they
comfortable not to want
to understand in order not to hit itself against the dark and mysterious forces of the evil,
with which,
rather than to use the arm of the truth, they have preferred to use the diabolic arm of

That they have made some of the tremendous impending responsibility on theirs
sacerdozio, they
that, which natural masters, were and are single having it obligation to put in guard
spirits from the danger, the insidie inborn in the material progress and the civilization of
Not, son mine, not preoccuparti of the truth; made happy those who the truth they will
to receive with humility for the personal and social good of my Church.

Unfortunately inascoltati they are remained my reiterati invitations in order to invite them
to scrutinize and
to interrogate their consciences, all have fallen in the empty one!

Son mine, tremendous is to resist to the Divine Goodness that knocks to the door of the
that he wants to save; they predecessore, Giuda, have resistito, but its resistance is
be its perdition.

Benedico you, son, it prays, it repairs well and voglimi.

7 Decembers 1976


You write son mine,

I, the Mother am, Immaculate Vergine, am the Mother of the Unigenito Son, give
always generated from the Father, in the fullness of the times made Meat in my breast
purest; they are the preprefer Daughter of the Father, on Me puts down Its look
merciful; they are the Spouse of the Saint Spirit irradiates who me of Its Love
infinitely; they are, son, the Immaculate Conception, Mother of mine and your Jesus,
Salvatore and Redentore, are the Mother yours.

I have generated to you in the love and the pain; in the love and the continuous pain to
I love Jesus, the love for He is not esprimibile in human terms, you can not it
to comprise until you are on the earth, He is true Son of God as he is true son mine,
to love It true God and true Man is for me nature law, is for Me necessity
absolute, more than what or for you to breathe in order to live, I cannot not love
God in its nature, essence and will, also in the Trinità of the Three Persons.

But, son mine, is also Mother yours and like such I love to you with the same intensity
with which I love God; but while the love to God generates in Me a happiness, also this
inesprimibile in human terms, because in Me the love for the Divine Trinità is perfect and
I live in the Trinità, alive of the same Divine Life, partecipe of the divine perfection and
of the same onnipotenza, onnipresenza and divine onniscienza for grace, the love
that nutro for You it is not thus, because the love mine for you is legacy to a suffering
that for you also this succeeds incomprensibile, as you men are incapable
to live your life of test in the full fidelity as you would have, because you men
you offend seriously Mine thus and your God, my Love!

I am the Immaculate Vergine, Mother of my God and a Trino and Madre yours, but
between you and Me it is the sin yours, are the sins of the humanity.

With my Jesus I have freed to you from the claws of the powers of the evil; you
ungrateful men
you do not want to believe, and, in the sconfinata one malizia, continued to offend Jesus,
trafiggendo in continuation my Heart of Mother.

The continuous Calvary and I, with inexpressibile pain, must continuously repeat to
Father: “Father mine pardons they because they do not know what they make”.

The offense made to the Son mine is sword that penetrates in my Heart.

The blood tears are not been worth to shake the hardness of the human heart.

Tomorrow 8 Decembers are the festivity of your Celestial Mother and the good sons
joyfully their Mother in the recurrences that to She regard. Sons mine,
celebrated the Immaculate one, you place to its feet your joys, your pains and
your prayers; It is to the feet of the Cross; to you it watches and benedice you.

It Prays to you and to its feet you place your purposes well; ditele that you want to be
with She while still alive and died; sons mine, you are blessed, you are perseveranti.

The hour is not far; preparatevi with confidence, I, the Immaculate one, will not abandon
it makes us wild of the powers of the evil and I will save who will have honored to me
with the faith,
fidelity and with the prayer of S. Rosary.

He recites it every day to you with perseveranza and I, the Mother yours, will save to

Son, benedico you; you know that with my Giuseppe Spouse you we are next; the sons
they fear, but they love the Mother.

8 Decembers 1976


You write, son mine,

how many times have not been said, or better repeated, the words of the Pope: “The
of hell it has entered in my Church “.

My Vicario, Paul, have pronounced these truest words to YOU, terribly true,
but they have fallen in the empty one; from above it had to be begun to consider and
to meditate these words; from the Bishops it had to be begun because they of the Church
a fundamental column, of it forms the dorsal thorn therefore was second logic
of the reason and the faith that were they to collect the words of S. Father and to make
meditation, reflection object, in order to pass to a practical and realistic action;
to interrogate if that is same, own conscience, to scrutinize it completely in order to
assess if
the words of S. Father had not constituted a serious callback, brave monito
and strict for they.

Son once again I say to you to scanso of misunderstandings, than between my Bishops
they lack, even if they are not many, the saints, but the majority or they do not listen
words of the Pontefice, or if has listened to them have received they like things that not
they regarded.

Son mine, but what has intentional to say the Pontefice with those words?

They have eyes but they do not see

You I explain, Jesus. You see, son, according to your human judgment little colpe
the gravity of the guilt of a meretrice can uguagliare; I do not mean to justify
no sin, because every sin is always the most serious one badly, but also in the evil
there is a gradualità.

You feel, son, memories the episode adulterates of it in the Gospel that were in order to
stone to death?
Most serious sin the adulterio, but I say, son to you, that the sin that was in the heart
of he adulterates those who it had condemned to the lapidazione, it was a lot, much more
serious of that one he adulterates of it, because sin of superbia and pride, and the superbia
the pride is the sin of Satan.

That they want therefore to say the words of S. Father: “The smoke of hell has entered in
Church? “The smoke door dusk, the smoke dyes, the smoke prevents to see because in
half to the smoke the eyes burn and need to close them also against will.
superbia it is the smoke entered in my Church, for which many Shepherds of spirits and
they do not see, they do not understand the sea of confusion and contradictions in which
they live.
This wanted Satan, this has made its action malvagia; they did not understand if same i
judges adulterate of it, they do not understand if same many Bishops and clergymen
because not
they see the abyss that it is in order to open itself under their feet.

Who will believe will be except

I am not to parlarti of this about which already diffusely I have spoken to you in other
contradictions of the modern Church are such and many for which very many Christians
they see and they deplore, but they do not see fallen clergymen and Bishops because in
complicated net that Satan has known to stretch they.

Son mine, this that he gives pain is their stubbornness.

I have invited them many times over to consider well their life to the light of the Gospel,
of which
they accept this that ago they comfortable and ignore what they return scomodo; not
they see the smoke of the hell wraps that them; they have not grazed their mind
words of S. Father that first of all was turned they, Bishops and clergymen, and then to
all the other faithfuls.

Son mine, still is forced to dirti and ripeterti that not I want the hour of

purification, to which much anchor they refuse to believe ignoring Lourdes, Fatima and
other most numerous participations mine and of the Mother mine; if they will not be
decided to one
conversion today, tomorrow could be too much late.

Son mine, you see desolation large that it is in my Church; it prays and fa' to pray.
Offriti, confida and hopes in the Misericordia mine and of the Mother and you will not
remain single.

Those who humbly they will have believed, they will be saved. Voglimi well.

9 Decembers 1976


Son mine, you write:

The Bishops with the Pope are the caretakers of the inestimabili values of the truth, that is
of those
patrimony formed from my doctrine and my word.

The Bishops with the Pope are the natural caretakers of the moral and spiritual values
free of charge
data to my Church.

The Bishops with the Pope are the caretakers of the inestimabili values of the faith, of my
and of the divine and eternal word alive because that not dumb with changing of the
times like
little do not think in my Church, heretical, yes, heretical which the teologi, because
and presuntuosi; the Bishops with the Pope are the natural caretakers of the spiritual
values of
Redenzione, of my Law that not dumb and cannot never change also eternal it and
divine and that therefore nobody on the earth, not even my Vicario, has the power of
to manipulate it and to enslave it to the pride and the human egoismo.

The Bishops with the Pope had, they have and they will have the sacred one it must of
oculata and
perseverante vigilance, because these spiritual treasures are from God free of charge
to the humanity because the humanity can itself be emancipare from the tyranny of the
prince of
darkness and thus to get rid of the evil and to rise themselves in order to combine to God
and a Trino, Alpha
and Omega, Creator and Gentleman of every thing.

Era and is task of the Bishops protect the faith from the attacks of the dark forces of
badly that scimmiottando God, uses for their demolitrice action own of
those who they give God prechosen would have to be sons zealous devout people,
faithfuls, lovings and
of Its Gloria and the good of the spirits; but unfortunately not little consecrated, darkened
from the superbia, terrible and deep plague of My Mystical Body, has not become
account of the satanica work of sfacelo and ruin from my enemies, that they are i
your enemies, and enemies of My Church, and when also they have perceived the danger
they have not reacted with that energy and forces due, because they had fear to lose
their prestige, had and has fear to lose their dignity.

And if a blind person makes guide…

How he explains himself, son mine, spreading of the error, the immorality?

Like explaining pullulare of the heresy, like even explaining the apology of laws
against nature, like the abortion, the right to the prostituzione, the apology of the crime?

It is true, are not lacked voices protest from the little bonds, but it is also true
that it is lacked that mobilitation in mass in my Church using all the means
lawful concurred, or spiritual, or material, for the defense of the divine rights of the truth
of the good of the spirits. Most serious guilt for Bishops and clergymen whom they do
not have
reacted as they would have due, but many times, for reasons that is better tacere,
they indirectly rendered accomplices and instruments are same badly.

You see, son mine, the real contradictions and evident of the modern Church, a lot is true
that for this insipienza, the structures of the Church are all in via of elimination, or
at least in crisis, while the structures of Satan work to swollen sails, that is
of the ateizzata and materialized society from Satan for the spreading of all the evils
dottrinali, moral and often also physicists.

Oh how much blindness and weakness in my Church! The Saints and the Martyrdoms
were not, not
they are still, never will be some of the pavidi!

The enemies of God and my Church have joined for the evil; if it they were in par
measure united for the good my Bishops and my clergymen, the face of my Church
it would not be which it is today!

Tremendous responsibility for the most serious omissions!

Certainly the justification and the affirmation made to Me, Eternal Judge not varrà, than i
means of the modern progress, in particular the mass media are i
responsibles of the existing evils within my Church… They are God and very I know all
the roots of the present crisis; very I know the several origins, for this I say that
little adduced justifications serve to my divine justice.

The same means and the same technology could serve to the good and could serve to
to check the alive evil if a faith, empty from razionalistiche or Marxist infatuations,
if an operating and pure faith had been opposite to the forces of the evil.

I in my judgment will be to estimate the degree of collective and personal responsibility

of i
my clergymen and of my Bishops!

Every escape will be useless, from the judgment of God nobody can neither will be able
to never escape.
On the conscience of many Shepherds and clergymen they are tremendous
responsibilities; callback
the most serious omissions that you have been in order to check the forces of the evil,
than not only

they went checked, but counterattacked by all means that I Jesus and the Mother mine,
with the example, with humility, the prayer, with the penance, we have to you
insistently taught.

I repeat once again that they have svisato substantially the rule of Christian life;
the life is test; the life is fight against the dark forces of the hell lay a trap that it;
to svisare this is to svisare the Christianity; it is to svisare the Redenzione, is to make a
dent it in
its essence.

Not, son mine, better would be and more sage not to rebel themselves, but humbly to
of the completed errors.

Benedico you and voglimi well.

9 Decembers 1976


Son mine, you write,

I Jesus, Son of the living God must take part once again in order to remember to i
Christians, to my clergymen, the successory ones of my Apostles, than other they are not
that one
putredine ash fist intriso.

To how much this seems to greet truth is not more object neither than meditation, neither
preech; nevertheless Spirit has the Saint it registered letter containing it much force
of conviction and persuasion, because not abstract truth, but realizes, of which every
man wanting, can have some to greet experience.

Son, the subdola and insidiosa operates of the Malignant one seems to have atrophied the
rendering them incapable to drink itself to pure sources of the detection; they do not
know i
Christians, tantissimi my clergymen and not little Shepherds, what in reality they are?
Blinded they are to such point not to understand the tremendous truth that without God
they are not
nothing, nothing is worth and nothing can?

They do not know that they cannot extend their life of a single minute in more than that
that ab aeterno it has been decreed?

They do not know that it can rapire them constantly to the dead women?

Vanity of the vanity

The Wisdom, son, are a gift great and wonderful that never do not age and who
it possesses remains eternally young in its spirit and its mind. Shepherds, ministers and
faithfuls, would have to ask it can it to who, the Saint Spirit.

The Wisdom is able light to dispel the dusk that gushes from the superbia and from
vanity of the man, but of this does not become us account. The contagious fever that
this traviata generation and iniqua for its incredulità, has made to forget
supernatural requirements of the life, the Life of the Grace, the requirements of the Spirit,
like that of the wisdom.

Poor Christians, poor clergymen, poor Bishops! You feel, son mine, if you made you
to see the rooms of job and rest of many my ministers, you would find mountains to you
books, newspapers, reviews of every nature and kind, and would be the case here to
remember, to say
this that and be said of the Hebrew clergymen: fairies the one which says, but not fairies
that one
that they make, but books of hard mercy of it you would find very little. The wisdom,
wonderful gift
of the Saint Spirit, it is vanished because it cannot be neither can lodge in the spirits in
faith crisis.

Son, all is from rifaring from the foundations, this is this that has said a great Pope,
Devout XII; if a great Pope, a Pontefice saint, has said that all he is from rifaring, he
wants to say
that the breakdown is generalized or to the base that to the apex. They do not want to
admit it
many, because to admit it would want to say partially of being corresponsabili of this
disastrous situation, and because in order to admit would want it to us a such dose of
humility that
not there is, because if there were this virtue with which I have gained Satan and its
they also would gain the forces of the evil.

It is not wanted to be believed

Not, son, God is longanime, is good, merciful patient and, while the men
ingrates do not make other that to misuse this infinite goodness, but the men today in
nanny of Satan is walking towards the abyss will swallow that them.

They have refused and they refuse the truth and the light, but who walks in the darkness
he notices of the abyss will swallow that it.

This perversion is a frightfully tragic side in all, a side whose

iniquità is sanza borders, the whose perfidy is maintained hidden diabolically more,
to the victims of the demon, the hatred sconfinato with which the forces of hell
tiranneggiano this poor humanity, not excluded my Church, not (p. 97) want
to see this tragic side, is not wanted to be believed; and the malvagie are endured some

I ask: Jesus mine, then hatred takes the windward on the love?

Then the light would not have the windward on the darkness?

The error would have the windward on the truth?

Answer: Not, son mine. They will be the same men to provoke the imminent conflict,
and I will be to fold the forces of the evil to the good, and I will be the Mother,
Maria to
to crush the head to the snake thus giving beginning to a new era of peace.

It will be the advent of the reign mine on the earth, will be the return of the Saint Spirit
for one
new Pentacost, will be the merciful Love my to defeat hatred of Satan.
They will be the truth and the justice to prevail on the heresies and the ingiustizie. It will
be the light
to dispel the darkness of hell.

Benedico you, son mine; voglimi well.

10 Decembers 1976


Son mine, you write,

If God could change its instructions it would not be more God; the Word of God not
dumb, it does not change neither will never change; eternal it and like God. Now God has
given to
men a life norm, the comandamento of the love, but also has said that
the love to God must be united to the Fear of God.

As the love is a gift that must ask without interruption, thus he is a large one
gift the fear of God. Topics the Gentleman who passes! But the men of this
generation truly perversa has svisato all and all they try to demolish.

About the fear of God today of it he does not speak himself more, speaks itself about the
love of God, but about the fear
not, because they say thus that the fear is not conciliated neither can be conciliated with
the love,
as they find inconciliabili in their fatuity Misericordia and Giustizia,
inconciliabili find the Love and Fear of God. Insomma today the things are accepted of
comfortable and they are repudiated those which are scomode.

This is the absurd attitude that shepherds, clergymen and Christians have adopted in i
comparisons of God and in this absurd attitude are obvious (p. 99 lay a trap) it of
enemy who ripromette to demolish God in the mind of the men using of
fatuity of the same ones, to demolish the building of the Church, crumbling stone on
stone; who
it speaks more about the Fear than God? Who speaks more about the divine Justice? Who
speaks more about
presence of Satan in the world that with its rebellious formations guides the fight against
God and
against the men, unfortunately finding in these last collaborators even in
consecrated spirits, not excluded the Bishops?

Troubles to those who they defy the ira of God

God is terrible in its ira, troubles to those who defy the ira of God lying down itself on
comfortable conception that in God is alone love and misericordia.

Many damned would want to be able to return behind in order to reform their conceptions
that they clearly see and they understand the sly deceit of Satan and its feracious one

There is a permissive will that very well explains the disdain of the Gentleman for its
people infedele: wars, revolutions, epidemics, earthquakes and other innumerevoli
they come from the demon, but from allowed God for Its providential and wisest ones

The seventy years of Babylonian slavery were allowed for the disdain that the many
sins of the Hebrew people had provoked; the destruction of Sodoma and Gomorra
it was not from God, no evil never comes from God, but always and only from hell with
complicity and the human dissolutezza; Sodoma and Gomorra and other innumerevoli
were punishments not promoted but allowed for the ravvedimento of the men.
same universal deluge was provoked from hell with the complicity of the men

The love cannot allow the sfacelo of the humanity

The men say not to fear God; this is terrible swears whose terrible
consequences are discounted and in this earth and beyond the life terrena like in the times

Times of blindness, times of darkening, because times of superbia. This man, men
that worm crawling in the mud and the powder of the earth, that it has the duration of one
day, dares to defy inorgoglito of its science and its technology the Creator and
Gentleman of the universe. Till when son mine?

I am the Love. The love cannot allow the sfacelo of the intentional humanity gives
Satan. I am Eternal and immutable the Love, for which I cannot want the ruin
eternal of the spirits.

Hell will be vanquished; my Church will be regenerated; my reign that is reign of

love, of justice and peace, will give to peace and justice to this humanity soggiogata from
powers of the hell that the Mother mine will defeat.

The most luminous sun risplenderà on a better humanity; courage therefore, and not
to fear of nothing.

It prays, it repairs, you offer same you well to me and voglimi. Benedico you.

2 January 1977


You write, son,

To discover the truth is much more than to discover grandissimo a treasure; the man in its
insipienza generated from its superbia, ignores all this, therefore it does not try it with
that humility of indispensable spirit and not trying it, cannot find it.

There are men try who it but not with the spirit of essential humility,
irreplaceable, without of which every effort in merit returns vain and useless.

Son, once again I must repeat to you that own those people from me destined ones to
the light of the world, knows them of the earth, leavens that Fermenta, because devoid of
humility spirit, frightfully is ottenebrati, for which they do not only see, but
still they do not understand those spiritual truth and truths who would have with clarity
to see and with intensity of faith and burning love and zeal to live and to transmit to
I refer to the many Bishops and to the very many clergymen of my Church.

For this guilty insipienza and dusk of é come in my Church a crisis

tremendous of faith and moral for which errors spread and heresies in such number that
it finds reply in the past; but this that is more paradoxical and absurd is that they go
outside trying the causes of this naturally without succeeding crisis. They do not see
the evil plagues that them and of which they are affections; if they were to acquaintance
of whom to theirs
eyes are hidden, naturally from their pride, would be astonished in the duty
to state that the humblest, simple and hidden spirits, than have not received gifts
inherent to S. Episcopal or presbiterale Ordinazione, lacking in had gifts therefore they
all the Bishops and clergymen, see with revealed clarity the truth, or of intuiscono
value, and suffers these spirits, for the sfacelo that pride and ambitions have
acts and operate in my Mystical Body.

Presumption and pride roots of the faith crisis

Son, I want to be clearer. They believe or they do not believe not little Bishops and
very many clergymen to the truth of the fight in existence from the rebellion of Satan and
of its

They believe to you naturally but not supernatural, that is know this that Bible,
Gospel and tradition say in merit, but this acquaintance is orbata of its
spirit, that is of that light that gushes from the Wisdom, gift of the Saint Spirit,
had with the Ordinazione, but suffocated and destroyed with the presumption and the

Here therefore confirmed said how much: They try outside if same smaniandosi in
thousand ways, initiatives, encounter useless and infecondi; Satan has demolished tows
they them for

which they are churned but they cannot take the flight towards the spiritual conquests for
they were insigniti calls and of great dignity and unsurpassable power.

Poor sventurati! They do not see, they do not understand, brancolano in the buio more
driven in,
inoffensive against the real, dark and mysterious powers of the evil, they are the cause if
only, sure most serious of the many evils of my Mystical Body.

It laughs, it prevails the enemy, he Satan with its legions has used the deadlier arm,
Its superbia, of which it has contaminated the world and in the world the Church.

Bishops and clergymen who know naturally, but I confirm not

supernatural Bible, Gospel and tradition, have become of the injurious beings
for the Church, because the poison diabolically ammantato from dresses of a pseudo
humility produces its demolishing effect.

Son, now you will be able better to understand the root of the many evils that carry the
spirits to

To who to charge the by now near hour of the purification?

The Bishops and the very many clergymen answer:

1) As they believe to the words of the Bible on the great battle fought between Angels
faithfuls and between the rebellious demons?

2) As they believe to my mandate given to the Apostles to go for the world to carry
my word of life in order to recover makes ill to it and to hunt the demons?

3) As they believe to the tremendous fights fought from all the Saints in the course of the

4) As they believe not little Bishops and very many clergymen to the many physical evils,
moral and spiritual, that they plague the humanity and they explain as them to their
crudes oil?

5) they do not know that every evil is an imperfection and therefore like such it cannot be

Only and always, son mine, if they believe to you and when they believe to you believes,
naturally for human science, not for divine wisdom; for this they do not have
known to organize the fight against the hell that today is nearly landladies incontrastato
of the humanity and my Church.

The hour of the purification is approached! To who it must be chargeed?

Son, for this evening enough. Benedico you and voglimi well.

3 January 1977


We continue, son mine, the precedence message:

Because, son mine not little Bishops and very many clergymen, indeed nearly the totality

Because their faith is simply human, like their virtues are only human; of
consequence their blessings, admitted that they made them, would be actions
simply human, you deprive consequently therefore of their true spirit of faith and
sterile and ineffective.

I have repeatedly said in precedence messages to you that it is reached the hour to place
the dark ones
to the roots, but for being able to complete this action of inner reclamation, it is necessary
to know the roots to recidere. Here because yesterday I have explained to you with
greater clarity
the enemy to pull down without stopping and without hesitations; without fears or fears,

Satan, the superbia personified, and its diabolic legions, of this orribile badly
it has contaminated the world, the entire humanity and my Church. All badly the
physicist, moral and
spiritual, he has an only root: Satan.

Satan, the evil, with its formations of advanced nature to the human nature, with
the deceit, lays a trap with it, circuiscono the spirits of the men dedicating detail
attention and cure to the spirits of the consecrated ones, the Bishops, of the clergymen,
religious and
religious, in order to thus seed greater ruin in the Church and to lose the greater number
of spirits.

In fact the pervertimento is acute in polulates Christians who in those not Christian.

They seem alive but alive they are not

Unsurpassable masters are these luridi demons for their superiority of nature, for
they maestria in lying; it is relatively easy to sviare Christian, clergymen and also
Bishops from the straight one via in the name of the dignity, the personality, and not very
in the name of the compenetrano duty, them of pseudo zeal, a burning desire to make,
for which they neglect the mercy, the inner life, and the activity is emphasized more and
outer, ending pian slowly to forget about God that I replace with theirs.

Externally they appear to you you live like sure mockups exposed in the display
windows, but in reality
you live are not; they even appear to you good and even Saint, but they are not neither
good, neither
saints; they replace Me, Eternal Verbo of God, than to me they see vanished in
background of the times, but does not feel to me alive, true, real, present in the person of

Vicario that little they love, than very rarely listens and of which nearly never they
transmit to i
they clergymen and faithfuls its sages words.

In precedence messages I have I dictate to you that in order to ask for a thus large one
badly I have
tracing with my life terrena, my words, my examples a road
surest of humility, poverty, obedience, of prayer, mortificazione; they not
they have intentional to enter this road and they have been smarriti in the frightening
mazes of
superbia and of the ambition.

Only for this, son, is remained sordi to my callbacks, for this has resistito
and moniti resist me i, to my invitations to the conversion.

Like being converted they, the masters!

Nevertheless I have indicated the remedy to their most serious one badly, the superbia
that it can be
only won from the opposite virtue, that is from humility.

Exemplum dedi vobis

I Jesus, true God and true Man, have preceded to you with the example, I I am a mystery
infinite present humility in the Eucaristia.

Bishops and clergymen ignore this?

If yes, it is the confirmation of the buio in which they are dipped, otherwise like
explaining their absurdity
and paradoxical behavior in grinding contrast with Me Verbo of God, Salvatore and
Redentore of the humanity?

Son, as to explain the fall of all the spiritual fortresses scattered in all
my Church, Seminaries, Orders, religious Congregations, convents, monasteri?

As to explain the professionismo of which elsewhere I have made signal you, like
they diplomacy emulate of that mondana that can be defined the art of lying and of
hypocrisy, a lot that says that good a diplomats must convince its
interlocutors of the contrary of what it says?

Son mine, we are to the opposite side of what I have taught; my diplomacy is
be that of the truth, also when the truth has carried to me to the Cross.

But own has forgotten this that it is said in my Gospel, if yes is yes, otherwise is not;
this is my diplomacy.

I repeat, is the diplomacy of the empty truth of any personal interest and that ago
part of the true and not fictitious love, of the genuine love that stretches to the other
people's good and not
to the safeguard of the prestige and personal dignity.

Son mine, as he has been able himself to reach much ammantato pervertimento of zeal
and of

The answer I have already anticipated many times to you: superbia and the declared or
worse refusal
still you taci it of God, this is largest between all the sins.
Benedico you, son mine, it repairs well and voglimi.

5 January 1977


You write, son mine.

I, Don Calabria, a your brother in the sacerdozio are, and want ringraziarti because you
memories of me daily and for that love joins that us to the Love, and dirti that I
they are not remained inert, but that for you a lot I have made and I will continue to
near the Mother ours because It that all she can near God, and a Trino, obtains to you
the aid and the comfort waves you can continue with perseveranza, wish and put into
over every thing the Divine Will.

You must, D.O., to pursue the design that ab aeterno God has prepared for you. I know
difficulties that procure you the powers of the evil, but that they can make these beings
immondi if you will remain tenaciously joined He?

They want to scare to you as they have made with me in the course of my life terrena;
how many nights insonni, how many harassments, how many annoyances me procured
year! But every they
effort has fallen in the empty one and they, the arrogant ones, the vile presuntuosi have
had to number
defeats on defeats.

D.O., Shepherds of spirits and tantissimi clergymen who would have to be as many
and strategists in this battle, have disertato the field betraying their mandate
larger and noblest, they do not believe and they do not see, therefore it must pray and
to pray for they, because it needs to continue in the fight against the incredulità, must
to perseverare in the fight against the powers of the evil with the means that you have to
disposition most valid and effective.

The enemy who thinks arrogant and stoltamente to hold in fist the Victoria on
Divin Salvatore and on the Church, doubly crowds for the obtained happened one on i
consecrated, you to us instigate its immondi you follow against all that decidedly
you fight and the hindered ones.

Sent also the blessings to the bonds and saints clergymen with the Crocifisso, he knows
this marks the beginning of a new Church all centralized in the same reason of
Incarnation, Passion and Died of true Jesus God and true Man.

Not arrestatevi for the immancabili difficulties that you will meet; you are in the true one,
just, therefore you proceed with order and firmness. You say the clergymen that
and also to the laici saints who wish to take live part to this crossed saint, that it is
necessary to procure aid and support asking to the best prayers and suffering
in support of those who fights the Saintest between all wars.

D.O if adhesions in earth will lack you, you is of comfort the knowledge who you have
Sky with you.
Don Calabria

10 January 1977


You write, son mine,

I wish ricapitolare how much in precedence messages I have already said to you
approximately the creation
of the Angels.

I, God, are the infinite Love, the Love that for its nature has need of an action of
love; for this I have created a number unnumbered of the beautifulst creatures,
spiritual, on which to pour my love.

Before but to admit them in the eternal participation of my Reign I have asked also
they a test that unfortunately a huge number does not have intentional to exceed like to
contrary two thirds party approximately intentional and have known to exceed; at the
head of the rebellious ones it has been placed
Satan with a discreet number of Angels, at the head of the faithful Angels has been
placed Saint

A great battle was in sky, battles of intelligence and will; it is somewhat

difficult for you to make of an idea you. The defeats were tramutati in demons orrendi
hasty to hell divorati from the concupiscenza of the spirit, permeated and
compenetrati from an implacable and inestinguibile, generating hatred of the all most vile
passions in which they are frozen, without more hope than repentance, and have given
life to the evil, is all the evil with which they are identified.
Not being able to pour their hatred on God, they vomitano their hatred continually
on the humanity.

The fall and the promise

After the creation of Adam and Eva they dared the great attack in order to get hold in i
primogenitori of the entire humanity; the crowds dream of Satan, the conquest of a large
and exterminated reign on which to exercise the sovereignty emulating God. The ferocity
of i

demons are pitiless and without he rests. It lays a trap stiff to the progenitors was not
without outcome
positive, you would call it coup d'3etat, but to smash its crowds ambition
God with the promise to the progenitors of the Redenzione took part, and thus it had
mystery of the salvation with its promises that S. Bible tells.

In the fullness of the times, I, Eternal Verbo of God, from always generated from the
Father, me
they are made Meat in the purest breast of the Vergine Maria; Satan had fear,
intravvide that its dominion was in order to be mined, it sharpened its hatred against the
veiled one
enemy of which it did not have complete acquaintance. Its desperation and its hatred
they caught up the apex against of Me Christ and my Church, from the moment in which
greater clarity came some to acquaintance.

Not less large its hatred and less feracious and not deprived of hope against the Vergine

1) because It is subentrata to he in the first place occupied from he in the invisibile world
and visible, like before all the creatures, after God and a Creator Trino.

2) Because its “Fiat” has rendered the Redenzione possible that it has inferto the hardest
blow to its dominion established on the humanity with the deceit lays a trap and it stiff to

3) Other reason of its implacable hatred towards the Vergine is originated from the
that the humiliating defeat it has been date from a fragile creature of woman, a lot
inferior to he by nature; this has been, is and will be in eternal a advanced such torment
to all the torments of the earth, for you men incomprensibile, and such torment
any human creature would kill if she had to endure also for a single moment.

The demons, tremendously to perversi, frightfully sly

Satan and its follows to us in various measure is only badly, is incapable well, of
any good. The demons not only hate God, Christ, the Church and the humanity all, but
they hate themselves from each other; they are tiranneggiati from feracious and
implacable heads; only point of
convergence between all they it hatred to God, the Vergine, the Church, the men.

They are beings viscidi and immondi, incapable of truth; they always lie, excite the man
to the evil, speeding up the sadismo, the passions, the concupiscenza of the spirit and of

Not all equally powerful, are but all tremendously to perversi,

frightfully sly. This astuteness is generated from their intelligence corrupt; for
the superiority of their nature is resolutions with perfida tenacity to destroy
in the mind of the man every notion or nearly of their existence, for which the men
in nearly the totality, not believing more to their existence, they have stopped the fight for
I, Verbo of God, fact Meat, are died on the Cross.

This is the true cause of the sfacelo of the Church of the serious crisis of faith that
Bishops, Clergymen and faithfuls.

The demons fear only God, the Vergine, the Saints (those who live and
they want to live in grace of God), all the others of infischiano.

They large happening are that one of to have pushed the humanity or to have created in
the humanity
entire a materialistica, ateizzandola, temporary civilization succeeding since to large
steps the hour of the purification is approached.

The men who go to hell become also they demons: as the demons are
frozen in eternal in the evil, hatred and every other passion.

Benedico you and voglimi well.

12 January 1977


You write, brother mine, are Don Orione.

Could lack my voice to the chorus the others mine confratelli that they have spoken to
Naturally not! Here because anch'io I wish esprimerti some ideas that they will be able to
be useful for the implementation of yours it must, in particular in this moment
indeed crucial that militant you on the earth been living.

Already others have preceded to me in indicarti the remote and next causes of the crisis
faith that plagues the Church today; the evil is thus large that deserves an acute diagnosis
it specifies, a diagnosis verace.

It is true, today the Church suffers in its nature of Mystical Body of Christ, Head of
this Mystical Body of Christ and same Christ, real, present head personally
with Its Divinity and Its humanity; like founding Head, Christ, than cannot
after its Risurrezione more to suffer physically, suffers instead spiritually,
morally, for guilt of the men who repudiate its Redenzione, its Love
infinitely; this is paradoxical, absurd, crazy, but true.

Jesus, Eternal Verbo of made God Man, is not a mistificatore, He is the truth, all
truth. Well how many times have not operated extraordinary participations in order to
make to understand to
distracted, indifferent men, apati to us, not very rarely bad and to perversi, saturate of
against of He, the Love!

They have fear to believe

How many times are not complained with spirits to He beloveds; innumerevoli
apparitions to
Saints to which it has confidato its infinite sadness and suffering for the ingratitudine

Christian human for the ingratitudine of the consecrated ones, clergymen, religious and

To S. Daisy said: “Here that Heart (showing its encircled Heart gives
thorns) that it has a lot loved the men and from which does not receive that offenses,
ingratitudini and
depreciation etc. “Has not been manifested grondante blood?

You also with others of six witness. To how many others it has made to see its Heart
encircled of thorns; and that he wanted to say with those thorns?

They do not count these attesting manifestations Its pain, Its infinite sadness,
especially in these times of dusk! In spite of everything these skeptics, apati to us,
insofferenti, even remain consecrated the Bishops.

They do not believe (faith crisis), do not believe and they do not want to believe, have
fear of
to believe; the unavoidable consequences do not want to admit the supernatural for all
that it involves; here I allude to the consecrated ones, own to those who more they would
to love it and to testify it of forehead to the atheist world. The consecrated ones are own
those which
mainly they rattristano and they disappoint the Merciful Heart of Jesus.

If lack of appetite, indifference, tiepidezza, incredulità of the consecrated ones you add
the avalanche
uninterrupted that flows on He like in the Getsemani of sins, nefandezze, of
crimes, of crimes of every nature and species that are completed from Christians and men
all the world! its suffering can be understood immense, infinite!

For who it loves the spirits infinitely, for which infinitely it has suffered and it suffers,
there is and you it cannot be greater pain that to see the spirits to march most numerous
towards the eternal perdition.

The Pope under the cross

Brother, as the invisibile Head suffers inexpressibilly from the Church, in various
but incredibly large, the visible Head from the Church, the Pontefice Roman suffers.
It is to the apex and from its apex he sees, as no dead woman them he sees, its Church.

Of it he sees the superbia of which he is permeated, of it sees the dusk that he wraps it all,
sees some
the lacerations that divide and the straziano to it, of it see the errors and the heresies with
teologi they tear to pieces presuntuosi it, of it sees spiritual and moral the laxism, the
anarchy in
which it is debated, of it knows the scandals, it knows hatred and the conspiracies warps
in the shadow
from its enemies; its heart like is crushed some; only the detail grace and
divine attendance has up to now prevented he soccombere.
If to all this you add to the insincerità of those who are and that they would have to be
neighbors, then are understood as the measure of its suffering has caught up overwhelms.

Many Bishops and nearly the totality of the clergymen ignore the immense suffering of

Invisibile head and of the visible Head of the Church.

If the reasons of suffering for the visible head of the Church are many and thus serious,
brother, considers how much is infinitely more serious those of the invisibile Head,
because It sees not only them thus altogether as he sees the head to them visible, but
It badly sees the personal one of every member of Its Mystical Body and of all
the humanity.

This that escapes to the acute eye human also, does not escape to Its divine eye.

Tremendous spiritual anemia

It suffers, brother mine, the Church in its Saints and its just ones; they suffer in the
that they love, they suffer because they for the tremendous one perceive the serious
procured uneasiness
spiritual anemia of which are affections Bishops and clergymen and consecrated spirits

The Saints and the just ones suffer because against of they the efforts of the powers are
of the hell sometimes subjects that them to a true martyrdom. Brother, I have not said to
all, he would be too much along, but I want ricordarti that not light suffering is
subordinates the healthy members, the faithful municipalities, that they perceive anch'essi
a moral uneasiness and
spiritual for the lukewarm and often not good conduct of many clergymen.

In spite of everything I say to you lasciarti not to dishearten to influence or to intimorire

from who every
effort makes for riuscirvi; not curarti of the human insipienza. null I would have made
my life terrena if you had lend ear to the voices of the men; it must stretch
the ear to the voices that come from above: to these I have always obeyed and was thus
divenni instrument in the plan of the Providence for the santificazione my staff and
of most numerous other spirits.
Courage, brother, the way is short land, eternal instead is the prize that you
it waits for.

You are not alone; with you and your friends We are that we have preceded to you in
House of the Common Father.

Don Orione

20 February 1977


You write, son mine,

God reflects in the universe Its onnipresenza, onniscienza, onnipotenza. The men
storditi from the Malignant one, or better still the human nature, hit with the origin sin
like from a gigantic hard sandstone, it is like he who ridesta from a collapse cardio

circolatorio, flat plan confusedly takes conscience of the things, the voices and i
faces that are around he.

The tragedy provoked from the first guilt has been of a such gravity stordire for
millenia the entire humanity, depriving it of the divine light, rendering it incapable of
to perceive the great spiritual truths, reason and cause of its same existence. Alone
the humanity never would have arrived to a precise and sure acquaintance of God, if God
same it had not been manifested; the origin sin has projected the humanity in
denser darkness.

To diradare these darkness, in the fullness of the times the Son of God came, Light of
world, fact Meat in the breast of the Vergine, divine creature than more human in
sense that emerges from the Onnipotenza, Onniscienza, and divine Love, like the flower
beautiful of the universe dulled in the time, but intentional, conceived in the divine Mind
eternity. Maria is of God Mother, Daughter, Spouse

Maria places itself in the just place beside God, because true Mother of the Unigenito
Son of God, true God therefore and true Man, therefore It is true Mother of God.

For this she raises herself to of over of the angelic, second nature only to God of which
she is
Mother, is Daughter, is Spouse; It participates in an only way and not more ripetibile,
therefore she is
large and powerful of the same largeness and divine power.

Because, son mine, also avendoti said these things in precedence talks, I have intentional
to repeat them today to you?

Null God makes uselessly and I, God, have intentional to recall to your attention the
sconfinata of the Mother mine, because you know that She, for the perfect
to thanks of the divine Trinità, he was and it is an exception without more reply in the
past and
in the future, an exception in the eternity; no communion with God has been thus large
and perfect like that of the Mother mine.

It did not have the single mission of being with Me Corredentrice, contributing to
to bring back in the universe the equilibrium thus terribly shaken and upsotten from the
of Satan and its it follows to us, but Its qualification of Corredentrice made it also Mother
of the Church that it generated with Me, in the pain and the love and the yields also
partecipe in
overabundant measure to my the eternal and regale Sacerdozio; for this dinnanzi to She
prostrano the Angels of the Sky, the men of the earth and shake terrorizzati and
the demons of hell escape.

Mother of the Church and debellatrice of the demons

You, clergymen to you of the regenerated Church remember it, than in the name Mine
and the name of

It, will have ricacciare the spirits cursed in their hell and you will make it this without
curarvi of stolta the human incredulità and without curarvi of not less stolta
immobilities of those who they had, must and will have guide the Church in
way towards the goal of the salvation.

The Vergine, Mother of the Church, Queen of the apostles and Queen of the
it will be to defeat still thus repairing inertia of my ministers and Pastori,
crushing for the second one it turns the head of the velenoso snake.

With the Cross and on the Calvary, I and the Mother Mine have prevailed on the dark
of the Evil, giving beginning to the liberation of the spirits of good will. With the Cross
in its Calvary the Church will go back the path of the salvation exiting from the smoke
dark it poisons and it.

Benedico you, son, and voglimi well.

14 March 1977


You write, son mine,

Dillo to that not there are Christian of various series, of series To or of series B, or
of series C; all must know, in particular Shepherds and clergymen. All the Christians in
virtue of the mystery of my Incarnation, my Passion and Dead women, all equally
they have been regenerated to the divine life, for which all they have been and they are
elevated to
ineffabile dignity of true Sons of God, but, son mine, how many are the Christians whom
they have
conscience of this regale divine magnanimity in their cares and that they are strained of
esservi coherent?

Son, if you could see the meager number of the operating saints in comparison well to
colossal number of the operating ones of iniquità, once again you would be destroyed

You me are in heart yours obbiettando, like never a similar fact? Like never you, God
Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Onnisciente, lasci to overwhelm to you from the dark powers
Badly? What is in comparison to You?

Nothing is; less, much less than a speck than powder in comparison of the entire one
universe, and nothing can in my cares.

But not I, son, are overwhelmed, but the men, the Christians, the Church is overwhelmed;
Christians frightening are tiranneggiati, and this must same to the My Church, and
when I say My Church I mean all the teaching and discente Church, but the church
teacher, that is the hierarchy is mainly responsible and the reasons of this

responsibilities have been clearly manifested in precedence messages to you, in

detail in the book “Liberaci from the malignant one”.
If my shepherds and if my clergymen were humbler, anch'essi would be some
convinced, but they in majority do not see; the blind people, son, do not see, and they
they are sventurati between all the blind people and of their blindness they are

If he returned himself to the origins

Son, Put S. is not perhaps the more effective exorcism? S. Rosary not and perhaps
after Put S., the deadlier arm in order to vanquish and to throw out of the window* the
enemies mine, i
enemies of the Church and the enemies yours?

Always the sure remedy against all the evils of the spirit has not been the Rosary and of
body, of the personal and social evils? Mine does not have all this confirmed the Mother
course of the centuries with incontestable facts that have confused the human fatuity and
turned over the course of the history and the destiny of it polulates and the nations?

All this could not, did not have, to be ignored and it cannot be ignored from i
my Shepherds and from my ministers who had and have the duty to remember it to i

Nevertheless in spite of this positive experience of my Church, many clergymen and

also Shepherds, are blind to such point not to believe more not even to the evidence of i
facts and to rinnegare a past that the history will not be able to never cancel.

But if the Shepherds and the clergymen in humilities of spirit, with faith alive, in union
with Me
they offered if same in holocaust, with Me I add and Eternal Clergyman, and in union
to the Mother My, Queen of the Apostles, Mother of the Church, Queen of S.
Rosary, they could give off a such power to dispel and only to neutralize
dark powers of the evil.

If Shepherds and clergymen really collected themselves with faith alive around Me and
physically present in the Mystery of faith and infinite humility, in the Eucaristico
around Me true God and true Man, vibrating of infinite love and infinite power,
they would see to extinguish the ominous activities of the cursed spirits.

If then still love, zeal and faith in my ministers were true leaven and ferment of
life supernatural to make to rifiorire in the parochial communities the true Christian life,
my Church would be witness of the greatest turnover of its history.

Radix omnium malorum

Son, I have been perhaps miser of thanks, aids, callbacks and participations to favor
of my teaching Church?

Not, son mine, I have sovrabbondato in misericordia and they have answered in the
greater one
number of the cases with overabundant presumption and ingratitudine. I have to you
already more and more
times said that the true root of the many evils of the humanity and my Church, is
superbia of which it has been said from the Wisdom, it is: “radix omnium malorum”.

In the regenerated Church the dark forces of the nearly null evil will be able, because you
they will be Saint, aware clergymen of the holiness and divine largeness of theirs
sacerdozio, because with Me, with to Me, and to our common Mother,
concelebreranno, offering victims, with Me Saint and immaculate pure Victim, in
holocaust to the Father for the remission of the sins and will be thus that they will be
and struck the dark and ominous powers of the evil.

They will be these true Saint clergymen, the genuine ones, authentic corredentori that
with the Mother
Mine, true Sacerdotessa and Corredentrice will save my Church. Not more orrendi
sacrilegi, not more ripugnanti profanazioni, for these misericordia and justice
they will reign in the middle of the men who will watch increduli to this generation
perversa and atheist and will say: “He has been worse of the generation than Sodoma and
refusing the invitation to the repentance and the return to the house of the Father, and for
this she has been
destroyed and dispersed “.

She prays, she prays, son mine and she repairs.

25 March 1977


You write, son mine,

They are the Queen of goes them, they are the Madonna di Male, they are the Mother of
mine and yours
Jesus; I want you of new speaking, son; large it is the today's solennità, from intentional
in order to remember to the generations in way on the earth the mystery of the
Incarnation of
Eternal verbo of God in the my purest breast, intentional and preordered Mystery ab
from the divine Trinità in order to give again the lost and extirpated man from God from
the perfidy of Satan,
to God its Creator and Gentleman.

Son, many times over you has been said that in the Mystery of the Incarnation it is the
fulcrum of
true human history; but this little Bishops and clergymen do not seem to also ignore it
having had sacerdozio and sent and thus adapted powers to guide and to lead
the human family towards the luminous pastures of the eternal justice and the truth.

With the great embassy of Gabriel it has been smashed the crowds design of Satan and of
all dark and the malvagie powers of the evil to replace itself to God in order to dominate
the human
family with the evil and to drag it to the eternal perdition. Overed-measure hatred that the
spirit and
madness moves prevents to the men to see its perfida, hands on today more than

conspiracies orrende, crimes, violences, rebellions, never instigating all to all the evils
it is the evil.

Great bank against the forces of the evil

Sons mine, timorati you of God who you possess faith and wisdom, supervised, guarded
inestimabili treasures of grace that you have in your hearts, to no human wealth
they can be equiparati; you can see this that many invested of the sacerdozio and of
great powers do not see; presumption and has blinded superbia them.

For this, sons mine, I have calls here to you, here around Me, for dirvi that I want to you
joined in the faith and the love like granitico block, able bank to contain
the forces and the powers of the evil in order to block the been left over one of the enemy

Sons, need to react, to pass to the counterattack with Me, near Me; I will be to
guidarvi in the folto of he mixes, because in the assigned hour I it Queen of Go them but
also the Queen of the Victories I will crush, it of new the head I will ricaccerò and it with
its innumerevoli legions in created hell for they from the divine justice.

The Rosary, lucerna in the darkness

Sons mine, neighbors to me and with me we will hurry on the earth the advent of the
reign of mine and
your Jesus for a regenerated Church to new life: you, sons will be mine, you leaven
and ferment of a new life, you near Me that to the world will be you have given the Light,
lucerne that they shine in the darkness.

Here, sons mine, I have calls to you, I have to you here intentional because like Gabriel,
celestial it made Me the great embassy that riconciliò sky and earth, thus you
ambassadors of God and the Mother Its, with Me you will riconcilierete the extirpated
spirits from God
and from the Mother Its with the prayer and the offer to God and Me Mother of God.

Rugge the thunder, storm omen, but you do not fear, neighbors to Me, of nothing you
to fear. Precaution, sons, but not fear.

To you a formidable arm has been date; if in my Church this arm were used,
every danger would disappear; I have registered letter to Lourdes, Fatima and in many
places, mark it you of today new: Rosary, Rosary, Rosary!

You benedico, the most beloved sons, and with you benedico your families, your sons, i
your beloveds. They are with you in the time and the eternity.

3 you open them 1977


You write, son mine,

In the precedence messages I have spoken to you about the dark forces of hell; I have
said to you that
they number your mind cannot embrace it; I have said to you of their nature
spiritual, they are pure spirits, various from you, that you are spirit and matter; I have
spoken to you
of the superiority of their nature on your nature; I have spoken to you about their power
on the matter, they are several those who this have intuito, but for the fear and
shame of being considered retrograde speaks about parapsicologia, invented word
in order to justify made or that they do not comprise, or, if sometimes of intuiscono the
origin and
causes, for human respect the tacciono.

Son, I have spoken to you about the life of these beings immondi, all imperniata in the
evil; they
they are the evil and of every evil of they are origin and cause.
They hate God which is the Good, and hate all those who complete the good; here
the bonds are subject to much contrarietà that the bad ones do not know.

This that for many is a mystery, is what simple to comprise itself; they hate the light and
the truth, they are darkness and error and in the dusk and the error is frozen.

They are escapes from hell and they cover the earth and on the earth they are hidden
anywhere; they
supreme aspiration: to enter in the mind and the Body of the man in order to darken it,
traviarlo and to dominate it and at last to drag it to the eternal perdition. They do not have
other sights
outside this because it is only thus that they put into effect in suit their hatred to God and
to the humanity. If the men, and in particular the Christians, do not have clear conscience
this tremendous truth, of the great danger that these malvagie powers
they constitute for they, risk the eternal eternal damnation.

Lookouts advanced against the enemy

Qual'è, son, the scope of all the pastorali activities if not the salvation of the spirits?

Here because the Church must be see again and rifared on the evangelici principles and
on the ideas of presuntuosi and arrogant men!

Son mine, you many times over have wondered and you have asked to me because I
never have
intentional from you a bitter experience mettendoti to acquaintance, more than with the
words, i
facts, allowing the impact directly with the dark world of ignored hell,
cause the faith crisis, some Bishops and very many clergymen affections even gives
rationalism and materialismo, for which they expect to explain all in key rations them or
material. This dark world ignored from more, than also of it endures the tyranny, is
very famous to the spirits privileged in express way on the way of the perfection.

Question: “Because Jesus mine, only to these spirits privileged? ”

Answer: Because to they I have entrusted and entrust a special mission, that of being

in my Church and the army that I have in my Church constituted with

Sacramento of the Cresima advanced lookouts, in the great fight in existence against
enemy, of being the pioneers of the regenerated new Church, reconstructing this that
hell and the human fatuity and superbia have destroyed. The army of which today I have
to you
spoken it is in sfacelo; in fact that soldier never can be he who does not know of being
soldier and that therefore not cure of the indispensable crews of defense and offense?

Learned from Me that they are mild and humble dl heart

Son, repeatedly I have said to you of as it would have to be fought from the Christians
this fight that I for first have fought; bishops and Clergymen remember, this
it is essential: they will not be able to never gain this great battle if not tracing
my tracks, my examples.

Infinite humility is the mystery of my Incarnation; obedience, poverty and love are
be all my life terrena; many times over I have said: “Learned from me. Who wants to
behind of me he follows to me “. I have traced the way.

That scope would always in existence have and has the sacrifice of the Cross on the earth
in S.
Putting if not the triumph of the love, the truth, the justice, the peace, on all
badly that hell vomita in continuation on the entire humanity and the single spirits?

It does not seem to you, son mine, than all or clearly? This instead that it remains absurd
paradoxical it is the insensibilità of those who covered of mine sacerdozio, than made
compartecipi of my divine powers, they are not any to acquaintance; they have been
smarriti in
dark mazes of the vanity, in the paths of the heresy and the error.

Son, the hour is serious, swells and saturates of all the passions, the hour many times
and many times delayed for the tears and the participation of the Mother mine and yours
that are
be esaudita because the love of the primogenita Daughter, the Mother and the Spouse of
God, is the Love of God, which is infinitely merciful and infinitely right;
it is near for which if not there will be true repentance, sincere and universal in my
the course of the divine justice will not be able more prevented being.

Son, not allarmarti, not intimorirti, not to hesitate in your faith; you have
experimented, you have still seen and see but you know because I you have said to you
and confirmed,
nobody will be able farti of the evil.

Ahead, son, not curarti of stolto the judgment, the incredulità of those who also
they would have to believe, but they do not see and they do not believe because guilty
they have
renounced in the light of God for the dusk of own I.

Benedico you, son, and with benedico you all those which in spirit humility they believe
my words that are life words, immutable and eternal; the generations will pass
but my words.

12 you open them 1977


You write, son mine, is your Angel, the archangel S. Gabriel who wishes parlarti.

I know the suffering, the torment of your spirit in these days; your mind you must
protect and to defend from all the aggressions and interferences that come to you
from the outside, as a garden closed very cintato in which nobody serpe it must enter for
portarvi poison, intossica poison that the spirit, doubts and perplexity, facts and visions of
beings immondi, pass in your mind; all this cannot constitute element of
uncertainty giacché all has been counterbalanced with as many facts and experiences
which nature is clearly positive.

If then it considers how much you has been said with respect to the fight that it is fought
in the time
between the powers of the evil and God, if it considers that the object of this fight you are
men, in way on the earth, if then he considers still that between the men those
mainly taken of sight are those who they want to serve God with fidelity and
love, then every your doubt must be dissolved in the nothing.

Brother, who is not trained well and who does not grab hold of with all its forces to
Salvatore and Redentore, who does not try shelter and protection under them tows of the
Mother its
and ours, Queen of the Victories. she cannot exit undamaged and winning from this battle
of which today, made exception of little spirits, from more the minimal idea is not had,
not only
the real vision is not had any, but no credit is not granted to you, because not you
it believes, and it is here, brother mine, where the tremendous one must be characterized
serious and
responsibility of the ecclesiale Hierarchy.

It is the hour of Confusion

You today see the chaos not only in your small world, but in all the universal Church.
You see this chaos to it because It thus wants; the cristianità lives again the hour of

Bishops against Bishops, carismati to us against carismati to us, Bishops and Cardinals
dissenzienti from the directives of S. Father; lacerations anywhere in the Mystical Body
Gentleman; clergymen increduli, clergymen sacrileghi, spirits consecrated without spirit,
that is
without the Saint Spirit, spirit of the Church and spirit of the spirits; cold spirits, spirits
lukewarm, spirits immobilized and atrophied from the malignant one; blocked spirits in
this chaos
frightful and in this impressive chaos the bonds, the joined Saint spirits move
to God that they form with God, with Jesus Son of God, its alive and suffering Body, and
these spirits proceed and go up their daily calvary with the cargo of theirs

Against of these spirits the myriads of demons are hurled who to you, brother mine, for
design detail of the divine Providence is granted to not only see with

eyes of the faith, but also with the eyes of the body, little pleasant experience, but for
you not only useful, but necessary because ago part of the task that you has been

You see in how many you are, a number unnumbered, you see that not there is place not
object in which they are not; they are in the air, the air is infested some and ripiena, they
are in
earth that stampings, in the things that they encircle to you, in the foods that eat, in drinks
which you disseti; the earth is invaded some, the Church of is ripiena and from the same
Church these
beings immondi have had opened wide the doors and they tighten now it in a vice
velenosa and died them.

It will be vincitrice, terrible it like schierato army to battle

Brother mine, so that you do not have to doubt of same you, of your faculties, He, Jesus,
it has prechosen two spirits, the two young people that you are next, to which it is given
to see
what you see; you cannot thus doubt, but you know that you are not only to
to see and to state de visu this truth that the ecclesiale world is obstinate itself to ignore
and worse not very rarely to deny, for cause of that crisis of faith that it wraps today
that intentional Church for being light in the darkness but that same it has become
nearly to become darkness.

Brother, I know your question I prevent and it: till when this lasts

You reflect, brother, if this situation is painful for you, thinks and sees to understand, for
how much will be possible to understand to you, how much more painful, infinitely
painful one is for He,
Jesus, Saint and immaculate Wafer that is offered in continuation for its Bishops, for i
its clergymen and for all the Christians, many of which ricusano to believe it, to hope it,
to love it; many of which they continue to tear it and straziarlo, not less than what
they have torn and tortured sinagoga and the Roman.

Brother, till when you ask to me; you carefully rileggi the messages that you have been
transmitted and you will find the answer there.

The landslide is in existence, not to forget it, like the human fatuity forgets.

Brother, lasciarti not to impress for that today you see, and you are not you the solo to
to see, walks straight dinanzi to the Gentleman, you are instrument in its hands and who
something against of He?

I, Gabriel, you are near; the madness and the human fatuity are own without border, but
it will be exceeded and gained from that for grace all it can; it will be large it
protagonist of the not farther Victoria.

It, surrounded from the stuolo of its clergymen predelights and from the spirits victims,
she will be
terror of its enemies, the enemies of its Son and the Church.

It like schierato army to battle to dispel and to crush the head will be terrible to
Satan and to its formations.

Ahead, brother, you benedica Iddio and the Mother Its; ahead with your eye
always fixed to the House of the common Father.


16 you open them 1977


You write, son mine:

I want to give some norms to you that you already would have to know, and to which you
would have

1) Because the blessings of frequent do not produce the effect that they in root have
the power to produce? Which the reasons?

It is clear and obvious that he who gives the blessing must be in grace of
God, must be person of great faith and solid Christian mercy, but also he who
he asks, or who for he asks, must be in grace of God.

2) Necessita to isolate the person to bless, from all the other persons who
presumablly they are not of famous Christian mercy, to isolate it from the onlookers or
however they give
all those who do not participate to the exorcism glue prayer or coll'offerta of
own suffering.

3) arrogant, presuntuose, present the persons, not only not giovano to the work of
benedictory, they hinder but it, reinforcing a lot the presence and the power of

4) He who benedice, must be beyond that prudent, much shrewed one: the adversary
of all in order distracting the benedictory one, in order tiring it, in order to empty it and to
exhaust it; moreover
it does not have to forget that it is the superbia, hatred and the division therefore if he
finds of
forehead to himself humility, love é compostezza, loses heart and motivating force

5) He who benedice, must prepare first glue prayer and be bought up in

antecedence the prayers of good and devout persons.

6) he is not prudent from the benedictory one to accept the dialogue, if not in rare and
determined cases.

7) Not all those who are taken from the malignant spirits, it are in equal measure; you
they are various spirits for will, intelligence degree by force, for power of

8) there are sure demons, than they cannot be vanquished and hunted via if they do not
Saint, Saint, truly Saint exorcists.

9) It is always norm, not only of wisdom, but of precaution, to immunize itself before
to give to beginning to the blessing, making like minimum three signs of cross, facts on
same, or better still completing an exorcism on if same.

10) If all the Church action must stretch to ristrappare the spirits to Satan and
to hell in order to bring back them and to give again them to God, being been only this
the aim for which the Father
Celestial it has sent on the earth Its Only Son to sacrifice itself on the cross, is clear
and obvious that he who exorcises, it more completes the directed action of the Church,
the dark forces of the evil, he who benedice or exorcise are from comparing themselves
to the soldier
that it is not limited to make defense work, but that bravely it goes to hit
enemy blocked in its fortress. He who exorcises is the strong soldier and
brave that faces the enemy with a body to body; it completes a duel that
it exposes to the ire of the enemy, and to it sold of the enemy, and as all the actions
brave and heroic, always they are tied to the risk.

11) Troubles to the presuntuoso and superficial exorcist, that it comes spiritually picked
impreparato; it comes to find itself in the conditions of a impreparato combatant,
disarmed, of forehead to an enemy more hard than it, more trained and more prepared, is
clearly thus the risen ones of the unfortunate comparison. The exorcist test, is not never
about itself to
to face its enemy, if he does not have sure conscience to find itself in good conditions

12) Very rarely the exorcist also knowing to find itself more of forehead to an enemy
trained, more powerful fort and by nature, of it know the rank and it knows some
personal prerogatives.

13) the invaded one, the soggiogato one, the possessed one (is some in degree) must
contribute to the action
of the benedictory one, with sincere actions of humility, repentance, trying with these
actions of
to cancel those things or actions that have facilitated the dominion on he, of the enemy.

14) I repeat to You, son, that it is norm tests, to isolate exorcising, for controbattere
diabolic it lays a trap of the dark powers of the evil that try always friendly and
collaborators, and such are for they, all those who are in mortal sin them, than
they form barrier around the sufferer, than fortemente he hinders and sometimes he
the action of the exorcist, above all if the exorcist does not have or she is not in the ideal
for a good combat. Therefore frequent verification of that own those who
they ask the work for the exorcist for a person that they want to help, are then they
same to intralciare, or also to cancel, the work of the benedictory one.

15) All this that you laici clergymen and bonds, fairies in the good, these beings make in


16) Because son mine I have intentional dirti these things? Because I have intentional
darti these
norms? Because a preciser idea of the fight is had in existence, because clergymen and
benedictory laici, more and more are prepared and more ready for this Church activity
to whose comparison every other asset assumes marginal aspect.

17) Would be optimal what that D.P and friends in the reprint of the booklet of the
these norms inserissero that in the regenerated church will have to be known give

18) You benedico son and with me benedice you the Mother my and with you
all the Saint clergymen who live in harmony and coherence to my Gospel, and all the
laici that are struck valorosamente in union with these Saint clergymen for the triumph
of the reign mine in the spirits.

5 May 1977 the DECISIVE HOUR Is not FAR

You write, son mine:

I, your Jesus am, than I speak to you. Already something I have said to you of the
regenerated Church, but
not all, now it listens: All currently perceive that the situation puts into effect them of
and of my church it is saturates of contradictions, and impregnated of a dangerous one
electricity; all can see and state that dark clouds are gotten thicker threatening
in sky; all for strange and mysterious and a providential one intuito expect
events of a such gravity to change the course of the history. In this climate of
tension, between the flares of the fires that explode here and here, the men move
of government, the men of politics, the culture. Between it intrigues and conspiracies, are
with large of the world the not little men of church, all impotent ones of forehead to the
evils of
which partially they are responsible.

Son mine, I God do not want no evil, neither spiritual, moral or physical, the evil is
an imperfection, and cannot be from God.

The evil always comes from the enemy of God and its visible and invisibili accomplices.
Jesus, true God and true man I could prevent, it, and I prevent not very rarely it, but
I often allow for fine some of which they are famous to you, and the fine others, currently
ignored you, will know them a day in the house of the Father mine. Now he is not up to
to know the secrets of the Father mine, but the decisive hour for the world and the Church
it is far.

The measure is full

The world and same the my church have caught up a such level of pervertimento
moral and spiritual not more tolerable from the divine Justice. This divine justice

(already in course) it will be manifested more and more, leaving in nanny of if same,
world and
church, to which coming to lack the divine attendance, they will be mainly
tiranneggiati from orde dark and the malvagie of hell, than not finding obstacles
from the divine Onnipotenza, they will vent their cruel sadismo perfido and on all and on
all; the attacks to the churches, the profanazioni of persons will be multiplied and things
sacred, it will slide blood, blood, blood. Here son mine because already today you assist
serious facts, cruel, thus thus thus wild, for which sovente asked as it is
possible to arrive to these excesses.

Last this hour that, as in other messages it has been said, will not find reply for
its tremendous dusk in the history of the past, the regenerated Church, currently it
in formation, also tempered in the faith, the hope, the love, that is in mine
grace, purified from the suffering, animated from the divine Word, illuminated,
santificata and fortified from the Saint Spirit, it will be truly a single body, whose Head,
recognized, accepted and loved I, the Eternal Verbo of made God will be Meat with
Father and with the Saint Spirit, Salvatore, I add and eternal Clergyman and universal
I will reign on the earth for giving peace and serenity to polulates and my Church that
purification will occupy in the world the place that them competes of mother and master
of i
it polulates.

The Church will not perish

Son, son mine, the Father has made good all the things, and the men in theirs
perversità has made of all, less than than God, God. The man of this generation
he fills up and atheist repudiating God, Alpha and Omega of all and all, he has lost the
of if same, poor creature, smarrita, rambles in the buio, ignoring its human dignity
and Christian of son of God.

God has loved a lot the humanity to give for it its Unigenito Son, maximum,
sum, infinite expression of love. But that of it has made the world of the Son of God?
But that of it has made the Church of Its visible Invisibile Head and? But that they have
made the Shepherds, the clergymen, the Christians? But they believe just the men of
being able itself
stoltamente to deceive of God? Till when?

New church wants to say church regenerated from the action of the Saint Spirit, wants to
church freed from intrigues, the ambitions, the egoismi, the divisions, than
they tear to pieces, and that the damage in meal, nanny of its visible and invisibili

Rinata church, regenerated wants to say joined Church, wants to say Saint shepherds,
saints, Saint Christians, joined from each other from the first and maximum
comandamento of the love
of God and the next one. Regenerated church wants to say granitico block that no force
adverse it will be able to scalfire, to whose apex I will be, eternal Verbo of God, true true
God and
Man, present until to the consumazione of the times. Not, son, the Church with its
Invisibile and visible head the Pontefice Roman, will not perish.

My word that is life and truth word, of from testimony, the Church is mine
Body Mystical, but real, and as your body is renewed expelling from himself the cells
died and inactive, thus my social Body will expel from himself all the cells dead women
how many are) in order to leave place to new and vital cells. This regeneration, or
son, is in existence, but he will explode under the prodigiosa action of the vivificatore
Spirit, in
fixed moment in the eternal ones you decree of God.

Son, not to fear, voglimi well, prays, repairs and offriti. Benedico you, son.

9 May 1977


You write, son mine:

Creeds you that I, Jesus, Eternal Verbo of made God Meat, are really present in
state of victim here in front of you in the tabernacolo?

- Yes, Jesus mine, believe I it firmly.

- Creeds you in the Mystery of my Incarnation, Passion and Dead women, creeds in mine
Risurrezione and Ascensione to the sky?
- Yes, believe I it.
- Creeds you, son mine, than the Church and mystery in which the human and the divine
s'incontrano and
they are melted, as my Divinity and my s'incontrano Humanity and are melted in
my divine Person?
- Certainly, Gentleman, believe I it I want to believe and it.
- Creeds you still that the Church, my Mystical Body, has exited from my open Heart?
- Yes, Jesus mine. I believe
- Creeds you that the Church from intentional me is sacramento of salvation?
- The creed.
- Creeds you, son mine, than I Jesus am really present in my Church,
personally present in the Sacramento Eucaristico, with my Word, I (pag. 158)
they are the Verbo of God, are present anchor in my Vicario.
- Yes that the creed.
- Fortunate and lucky you, son, than creeds. Lucky you, son who the faith in you lives,
makes you

to see, this that many do not see; seeing they do not love, loving are not in
dead women, you can be in the world greater sventura of this?

- Not, Gentleman.
- Creeds you, son mine, in the Mission that the celestial Father my has entrusted to me?
- Yes, the creed.
The more amazing paradox
- They have come in the world in order to fulfill the will of the Father the my celestial
and will
of the Father mine it was that I offered to me and offers to me in holocaust in order to tear
the spirits to
Satan and to its infernal legions. But, son mine, if Satan with the orde infernal not
he exists, if Satan is only a taboo, invented from the Church, false is the mission
entrusted to me
from the Father, false the mystery of my Incarnation, my Passion and died in
cross, not truth the Church, invention the mystery of my Risurrezione and Ascensione
to the Sky, pure invention the Bible, invention my Gospels not true the storicità
of the fulcrum of all the human history, that is the mystery of the Redenzione, not true
instructions of the Fathers and the Doctors of the Church, a mistificazione the life of the
a mistificazione the sublime sacrifice of the martyrdoms, all colossal and a gigantic one
lie to which they have believed the generations and polulates of all the earth.
The tradition of the history of the humanity would not be that a great deceit completed to
it gives of the same humanity. This the stupid attempt of acerrimo more enemy
of the humanity that own thanks to the sin originates them it has been able piombare the
mortally hurt in the deeper dusk.

Son mine, than Satan which is dusk it is successful to trick polulates and nations are
sad and painful but that Satan is successful to infiltrate its poison in many Bishops
and ministers mine, this is the more amazing paradox that could be verified.

The purification; now of great justice but also of infinite misericordia

Son mine, can tolerate beyond the celestial Father my whom infinitely he loves to me but
with equal love he loves the humanity for whose salvation has not hesitated to send Me,
Unigenito son to die on the cross?

Son mine, can the Celestial Father my still over a long time span tolerate the turpe
connubio of
shepherds and ministers mine, of spirits consecrated, of religious communities, with the
dark and malvagie of hell?

They have refused the come true light in this world, in order to let to oppress and
to suffocate from the sadistic forces of the evil.
Son mine, to you has been granted to see the abyss in which he polulates and Church
they are in order to fall. The Purification, moreover in existence, will be now of great
but also of infinite misericordia, since it will open to the humanity horizons before hour

You benedico son, voglimi, prays and repairs well, and offers your suffering so that
time is abbreviated. They will be the spirits victims with theirs to suffer to shorten the
dark of the purification.

9 May 1977


You write, son, D. Orione speaks to you:

The water drop that constant falls on the granito one succeeds to dig it, nevertheless what
never a invisibile small gocciolina of water? Which force can have, in order to complete
an action that demands great force and power? But the water drop for being able to dig
granito it has need of allying, the time. D.O., He has called to you: to a invisibile
gocciolina of water, fortemente magnetized towards the low “and also has said to you
of a such definition, now I Don Orione, repeat to you: like the water drop for
to dig the granito one has need of the allied time, thus you has need of the ally

It is necessary to perseverare in the good, the human creature smashed the natural
equilibrium in which
it had been created, with the sin it originates them is subject to continuous jolts of humor
and to
continuous variations of temperament, are changing as the wind, than now it comes give
east, now from the West, if one does not become part in this human nature, thus fragile,
changing, a stabilizing element of the just equilibrium, cannot produce nothing of
bond; it cannot give that it yields bitters and wild us. This advanced element,
horizontal stabilizer, is the Divine Grace, and in this Grace it is also the thus important
of the perseveranza, essential gift, without of which the salvation is compromised

To know the good, to want to make it, to wish it, not enough, needs to perseverare in the
How many after before the steps on the road of the perfection have been stopped, how
many others
they have run aground to half way, other anchor have been stopped near the goal,
compromising renunciations, sacrifices, suffering; all they have lost in order not

Infernal game

Why D.O this speech on the perseveranza? Because if you observe this that is
happening in the Church today, you will not make hard work to accorgerti how much of
it you is
need, because the incostanza and the volubilità of this generation are thus large that

it does not have precedence today not living the men, made exception of a meager
in Grace of God, they remain in nanny of own weakness, and the overwhelming
demonic infuence for which the dark forces of the evil, they play with the spirits with
same cynical sadismo with which the cat it plays with the topolino captured with the
root cause of the incostanza is sure the absence in the human mind of
Divine grace, of inner life, the absence in the Christian life of the prayer. The crisis
of faith and the pagana conception of the life.

The new Church will have to reform the concept centers them of the Christian formation
revaluing the inner life, the austerity of the familiar life, and consequently of the life

The new communities will have to give great prominence to the mortificazione spirit
inner and outer, this will serve to temper spirits and consciences, to forge true
soldiers of Christ, very tempered in the fights against the enemies of God, the Church and
spirits: demons, passions and the world.

Jesus has given to its Church the Sacramento of the Cresima in order to transform every
a person who has been baptized a christian in a strong soldier, clearly aware of its role of
in the great army of the Church. The life of the soldier is life of renunciations, is life of
discipline, is life of sacrifices, is life of fights; it is perhaps this the vision and conviction
of i
cresimati of our time? Not they have been, not there are, and never there will be in
Church of God Saint men who have not informed their life to a strict one
austerity of customs.
Or with He or against of He

In the new Church, many things will have to change, and will change. They will have to
puttinges to the ban make prophets pseudo the masters, the stupidities of many
It is only the universal true master, than with the mystery of Its Incarnation and
Passion and died has traced the road master, than shepherds clergymen and faithfuls
they will have to cover completely if they will not want to strive hard; against of He!

In the new Church no more it will dare to fold Christ and Its Church and its
Gospel, moral its to the false progress of the modern technology that it has not known
to give, neither justice, neither peace, neither love, to the men who of these things have
need and
they are made thirsty some, it has been expected and it is arrogant expected to cancel God
from the heart and
from the mind of the man, in order to put in the place of God the technology being
asserted that
this enough to the man and its happiness. They are the men who must fold themselves to
Creator and Gentleman of the universe, to God Redentore and Salvatore, santificatore

Most serious and tremendous responsibility of the Hierarchy that, made exception of little
Saint Bishops, for human calculations, infatuation of pseudo a material progress
so-called technological, it has made to revert the true civilization, than more than to the

he belongs to the spirit, for the true civilization better some machine than less and some
just and honest in more.

D.O. New church wants to say purity diamantina of doctrine and customs.
Purification will sweep via all the product of the pride and the superbia that all it has
You benedica God and a Trino, pray brother and offer to your tribolazioni because the
serene one
returns on the church and the humanity.

Don Orione

11 May 1977


You write son:

I, D. Giovanni Calabria, our acquaintance been born on the continuous earth are in
sky, in sky has been transformed in saint, fraterna union in virtue of the great dogma
of the Communion of the Saints. I want to you well, D.O., as you want me well, I want to
well because in Sky this that informs our spirit, our spirit is the love
infinitely of God. We cannot that to love, living in He and of He, we love all and
all, a single thing we oppose, the evil, because It is the love that he joins, the evil is
product of the rebellion that divides.

The Love that it joins

D.O anch'io preventing your desire to know from me that they are in the light, and
that the light I received and I loved while still alive, and that ago part of the love from
which it gushes, you
desires to know from me that they are outside of the time and the space, some thing of
purification, but in special way of the post-purification. He, the invisibile Head of
Church is always present in the Church. and nothing to He is stranger of all this that
it completes in the Church, that is in its Mystical Body. All it knows, all knows, all
because It is not only the Omnipotent and the Onnisciente, and the Omnipresent one.
Already you know that
in He not neither he is passed neither future. It is the eternal moment, than he never does
not escape.
When I as you were in way on the earth, He introduced me and clearly
to intravvedere the hour of the purification, for this I of it spoke in mine written, therefore
this hour not only will be, but it is already in existence in growing progressive. You will
disorders, violences, crimes, conspiracies and profanazioni, will have its terrible epilogue
blood, blood, pains and suffering not easy esprimibili.

Pure and beautiful like the Spouse of the Cantici

You, D.O., desires to more know something of the after-purification. Well in

precedence messages already you has been said that many structures will fall put into
effect them of mine
church: religious congregations, religious orders, communities that do not answer more
to the spirit for which they were instituted, but others will be born some more consone to
the needs
of the renewed Church; this new church will not enclose seeds more in itself than
scandals, of pervertimenti, germs of divisions, silks of honors and wealth. Pure and
beautiful, as the spouse of the Cantici will be pietosa mother, she will be strict master
sage and for
to safeguard the precious treasure from the sky had in guard. The treasure of the Word
divine, truth word whom not dumb, neither can change to every to die of wind. It will
to safeguard not only the inestimabile patrimony of the detection, but the patrimony
of the law, of the evangelica moral, than never it could be folded to the times that
they change and they change, never will have to be folded to the several civilizations that
change with
to ollow itself of the generations. They are the times and they are the generations on the
contrary that
they will have to be folded to the doctrine and the moral one that is from God.

The blameworthy compliance of the bishops in matter has been the consequence
of the anarchy, the disorder, the laxism: the most serious evils of the church that is dying.
It will disappear in the new church the tremendous plague of the compromise, diabolic
reason and cause of innumerevoli malanni; only and always the truth, solo the doctrine
moral Christian, precious gifts of God to the humanity and the Church in particular; they
to reorganize the nations and the Church that are sanabili and can therefore be
New church will be which has founded It and which wants It. It will be the able star of
to guide polulates unified to the common goal to the single ones and the nations.

It will be truly the sacramento of salvation, generator of justice, peace and love.
The regenerated Church, will be the aware, aware Church of the great divine powers
that them they have been conferred. It will be the compenetrata Church of its great
divine, it will be the Church that will fight courageous for means of its Bishops and
clergymen, all compenetrati from the knowledge of the largeness, dignity and power
sacerdotal that will face the dark powers of hell, having freed and reorganizing
spirits and bodies of many, tantissime creatures tiranneggiate from the demons, in whose
existence and malvagità all will believe.

With the Christ Redentore

The new Church will be the conscious Church that every Church activity will be valid
effective only if it will be identified with the same human and divine activity of the Christ
it continues renewing themselves and enduring in the mystery of the Eucaristia, which is
mystery of the Cross and the human and divine activity of the Christ was, is and will be
always that of
to redimere, to free the spirits from the slavery of Satan; this is and will be always the
of the Redenzione that continues.

It will be therefore the Church that will seriously take the great instruction of the Cross,
will be
the Church that will follow Christ on the road from traced He, with humility, the poverty

The new Church will be the Church that It will recognize, to Christ, every honor and
Gloria, and
it will give the place that competes to it in the mind and the heart of its members, in
families, in the school, the society, the governments and anywhere because It is the Alpha
the Omega of all and of all.

D.O the dead women does not have uniforms, you to us is near, you is near. Omnipotent
God and
Eternal, and a Trino benedica you, protect to you from every evil and from every it lays a
trap of
enemy, now and always.
D. Giovanni Calabria
13 May 1977


You write son:

he is my putativo father whom it wants to speak to you. They are boy, the putativo father
of the Unigenito Son of God, God like the Father, and God like the Saint Spirit. I
poor carpenter of Nazaret I was prechosen for the great and only duty; I was,
Giuseppe, prechosen for an other highest task, being the Spouse of the Mother of
God. Of the Prototype of the second spiritual creation, with to the Son its and
Son of God. True God and true man. She it Spouse mine, the second Eva, He the Son
its, according to Adam. Adam and Eva with their guilt have destroyed the capolavoro
of the creation, Jesus and Maria have rifared the work of the Father, beautifulr because
for they
and with they God has manifested its Love infinitely for the humanity. Thus God has
the men etc

I Giuseppe was called beside the Unigenito Son of God in order to exercise mine
not sexual but real paternity, because this gift was conferred to me from same God, I was
and I felt Father, truly great mystery truly, exercised to be able and authority on
true Son of God which to me was submitted and obeyed, Son, today not wants more
to obey; an other aspect is this of the impressive moral pervertimento that
new aganism has operated in the world.

Great, but pure love, elapsed between me and my true spouse, Maria, our love
it was never contaminated from sexual feelings, we loved ourselves like the angels, than
body not
they have, are loved. Never I poor carpenter, never could have acquitted the mission
I repeat only in the of the sort human history, than it was entrusted to me, if you had not
had with
me Jesus and Maria.

The mystery of the continuous Redenzione

Son mine, I S. Giuseppe with the Saint Vergine and Jesus son ours, formed
Saintest than all the human families. Never more you of he will be an other similar one.
saint, intentional and predisposed as the single chair to which parents and sons they must
to inspire itself. Figliuolo, as I was joined in earth to Jesus and Maria, thus is to they
joined in
sky. To Jesus for Its divine nature, every power in sky is conferred the Father and in
earth, to Maria for grace is conferred the same power, and for glare also to me
Giuseppe. Who, figliuolo, will be able to never narrate the wonders of God? The men not
they deepen these sublime mysteries.

Figliuolo, the mystery of the continuous Redenzione; this seems to have forgotten it
shepherds and clergymen and the multitude of the Christians which live of the memory
(pag. 172)
of the mystery of the Cross like a fact far away in the time and not like truth in existence;
they give
here the crisis of faith has dipped that them in the buio and in the spiritual dryness.

Jesus in continuity offers in holocaust Saint, pure victim, immaculate same himself to
Father for the remission of the sins.

If in the Church this were believed and lived from all, not there would be need and
necessity of the purification. But unfortunately the purification figliuolo, is already in
as repeatedly you it has been said, and it will have its course. The anger of null hell
being able against God one flows on you, but it does not prevail. Courage, therefore, not
perdetevi of mind. We are in the middle of you, near you; it must perseverare, in
faith; it must suffer and offer, unendovi to the Saint Victim; it is thus that you will be able
to shorten the dark hour that more and more is approached.
Jesus Benedict, with the Father and the Saint Spirit, you benedica and protect gives to
all the astuteness and insidie of the enemy.

S. Giuseppe
18 May 1977


You write son. Father L. wishes parlarti.

Yes, brother, anch'io I wish parlarti.

All the good that a spirit in grace completes, like all the evil that a sinner makes, is
matter of the judgment detail and the universal judgment. If then the sinner
sincerely he is converted, just God judge will burn in its infinite one misericordia
badly completed before its conversion.


Brother mine, Don Or. these things already you knew them and logically me then
you will ask because I now am saying to you.

If I say to you he is because they like are premised to the message that I am for darti.

He who loves God with humility of spirit and sincerity of faith, with the will always
better to know it and to serve it, are made object of all the stra
li of the dark powers
of hell.

The men of this materialista century, the pagani of this generation, do not have
neither they can have the minimal idea of that he passes and he carries out himself
decidedly between the spirit
faithful to God and the dark powers of hell. The world, that is those who of the world
they are and not of God, they do not believe and they cannot never believe to mysterious
but how much
real duel, always in existence between the Saint spirits and hell.

The bonds are tried in proportion to their goodness

The world is of Satan, which is dusk and it cannot that produce dusk in the spirits
that they stretch to he the ear.
The animal, that it belongs to an inferior reign to that one of the man, is in the dusk of
all the problems that churn the mind and the heart of the man. The man to which Satan he
destroyed the life supernatural in its heart, he belongs to an inferior reign to
that one to which a man in Grace of God belongs, for which the man whom he does not
have in itself
Reign of God that is the Grace, sees the things, but only in natural key - also this you
already it has been said in a precedence message - a mysterious veil wraps the spirit of
those who is not in Grace of God, here because many Consecrated that they are or
to the base that to the apex, does not see the veil that it wraps their mind, nearly always it
superbia “radix the omnium malorum”.

The hostilities of the forces of the evil, are in measure of the advance that the spirit
in the perfection and the holiness. The good spirits are tried in proportion of
they goodness, while the indifferent ones are left without disturbance and the bad ones
are favorite
in their material things from the same demons.

For this it does not want to say that the forces of the evil want the reprobates well - they
incapable of love, also of the most tenuous action than love - they hate all fierce
the spirits because they hate the human nature that has rendered the Immaculate Vergine
Christ Signore and Redentore and the Church, that they form the epicenter of all their

Because, Don Or., the demons, also hating indifferently all the men, favor
in their human aspirations perversi, for a requirement of their strategy and plan of
eternal perdition of the spirits, they are not patients, but they know malignantly
to wait for.

That it imports to hide for some year same himself and their hatred, also to tear
spirits to God, Jesus Redentore and the Vergine Corredentrice, in order to fall
in hell the Their fruits of intense, incessant activity all time for this purpose?

Brother mine, D.O also essendoti been said many things on these immondi beings, I
I have thought opportune to add to some new notion on their strategy or tactics
used in theirs perfida activity.

Jesus operates in the light and coll'amore, the demons operate in the always animated
darkness and
from hatred. Light and darkness are of forehead, life and died in a prodigioso duel they
are themselves
faced and face themselves because the Redenzione is in action

The refusal of God

In the new Church a lot will have to be spoken than I have said to you, date the
incredulità of
this century, returned pays - than as with justice you it has been said: “of all it has
God fact, men that of God “.

This orribile sin of the refusal of God, than does not have, for its extension and gravity,
precedence, will be cancelled from the face of the earth with a such rigor anch'esso
precedence in the of the sort human history.

Don Or. I have spoken to you about comparison and sour conflict; this could portarti
nearly to a parity of the two parts, it is not thus; nobody is tried to put on
same slowly the two opposite parts. God is infinitely larger of its and ours
adversary. God could destroy its adversary, making use of Its
onnipotenza as of Its onnipotenza one has made use for its creation.

Why it does not make it then?

Because this does not enter in the plan of its Divine Providence. Ab aeterno knew
that creating the Angels and creating the humanity us it would have been the great
challenge and
the incredible rebellion of one and the other nature. God never does not remove this that
It gives.
To the angelic nature and the human nature it has given, with other gifts, the gift of the
freedom responsabilizzando
thus one and the other nature - in other null God words it has removed or to
angelic nature that to the human nature.

And lavished the extranatural and supernatural gifts to the human nature?

Brother, was not removed from God, but they were destroyed from the sin.

It does good attention, brother; before still that our progenitors were calls give
God in order to render reason of their disobedience, noticed of being knots, that is
they noticed of being knots hardly a moment after their sin, and when God them
it called, had shame; they noticed of to have destroyed their dresses wedding,
candid, immaculate, not ritolta from God but burnt from the concupiscenza of the spirit
and of the meat. And this is the history that repeats in every spirit every qualvolta defect
mortally. It is the sin that operates our ruin, and only and always the sin
deliberately intentional and aware consumed.

To the angelic nature, because more perfect and more powerful of the human nature, it
was not given
the repentance possibility and therefore to regenerate itself.

Limbs and various strategies of the demons

The Redenzione is for all the men, made exception for those which deliberately
they reject.

The dark powers of the evil - invidiose and gelose and full of anger - in order not
had this that instead has been granted to the men of good will - they use of gifts of
which they are equipped, of intelligence and will, in order sedurre the man and in order to
sweep up it in
same risen they deprived of hope.

In this they nefarious activity use various art and strategies, to second of

Here because with the elect spirits, all protese towards God, use the frontal crash and
uncovered. All the Saints know and have known this tremendous fight; they never give
single they could have exited some vincitori, without a detail aid from above. With
good spirits are limited to actions of disturbance, of violent temptations also, with i
to perversi the tactics to then favor them in all their human aspirations, reserving itself of
to vent their sadistic hatred at the moment in which they are sure that those spirits
they always belong in order to they.

Don brother Or., courage. It never does not abandon who in He hopes, believes and

God you benedica hour and always.

21 May 1977


Son mine,

The Luigina wants to speak to you.

D.O., cannot be expected to live on the earth without to breathe the air, even if
polluted, it cannot be expected to exceed the test (and the human life is a test)


without to endure of the unavoidable consequences, therefore not to astonish to you if not
good persons
they have opened against of you the hostilities.

The messages, figliuolino mine, are giving their fruits. Many cold spirits and
indifferent, in the messages they have found again their fervor; many other spirits have
strengthened their will well, other consecrated spirits of that they had been smarrite in i
dark and tortuosi mazes of the sin, have by means of the messages found again the way of
return and is re-entries in the house of the Father.

The reaction in existence from the enemies of God, the Church and your spirit son,
it was unavoidable; however you it had been without sails manifested.

You it is famous that Satan is the monkey of God; here that it also has to its disposition i
its giuda, chosen between the consecrated ones; why own between the consecrated ones?
But because i
messages have been given own mainly for the consecrated ones, son, are not this
the history of the Mystery of the Redenzione? and the continuous history and the mystery
Continuous Redenzione in the Church, the single spirits. Perhaps some Giuda lacks
beside Its Vicario? Who can today measure the amplitude and the depth of the pain
of the Pope, own for the infidelity of which she is victim? Because, figliuolo, I carry to
you with yours
spirit, with your heart beside Jesus betrayed own from a its apostle, rinnegato gives
an other apostle and abandoned from all the others? He is simple, because you seeing and
meditating it does not have to farti illusions.

Who wants to come behind of me takes its cross and she follows to me

Want you to love? If yes, son, as in reality he is yes, then you must be disposed to
to continue on the way of the cross, and not to forget that on this way It precedes to you:
Who wants to come behind of me takes its cross and she follows to me. It cannot more
physically to suffer, but morally and spiritually suffers; and who can say its
suffering? To believe it insensitive to the blindness of that in the Church they would have
excellence to be lucerne irradiating the light of the divine Word and the heat of the love,
to believe it insensitive to sacrilegi of many its clergymen, and many its sons, to believe it
insensitive to the profanazioni to He in the Sacramento of the faith, to the blasphemies, to
insults, than are renewed and they repeat themselves without rests, wants to say not to
know it

It is absurd, figliuolino mine, but true: least they are understand those which it or
better than they strain themselves than to understand it. You with insistence ask for being
between these But
to understand it, as it can be possible to human mind, and the refusal to follow it, would
what still more serious of the guilt of those who they ignore intentionally it and they live
outside of those Christian truths in which they are dipped. Be often near He
crocifisso, it watches it and it observes it in every Its word, in every Its expression, this
it must always be made, but especially when the test is made hard and sour. When
it is calls to being to He more neighbors.

The friend is not never as well as friendly like when he divides the risen ones of the
friend. He,

figliuolino mine, it has friendly calls, and you to us sometimes v'illudete to be it, but you
are then
decided to divide of the risen ones? You are disposed to go up with He the Calvary? For
words ours to nothing are worth if they are not accompanied from the facts. Son, this that
I am
saying to you sound scandal to the ears of many consecrated that they do not have many
reply points with S. Giovanni or S. Peter. Leopoldo father in its message
he has given to you more than exhausting explanation.

Redime in the measure that with He is suffered

You were to carry the cross and you were yours the crosses seen in the goblet, but He in
order very three
times have fallen under the weight of the cross, like were crushed some, but your crosses
they can and they could never be like Its Cross. Figliuolino mine, redime with He
in the measure that with He is suffered. Then it observes and it scrutinizes with your eyes
the fiumana of
spirits in way towards hell, as a branco exterminated of sheep skidded and
betrayed, are diverted and from their insipienza and the insipienza of those who
they guide towards the eternal perdition. Vergine SS has not asserted to it. to Lourdes and
Fatima and in many other places? They were not fruit of fiction or deceits the tears
poured from Vergine SS. in these last decades, nevertheless null one has let
of intentato also to suffocate in the oblivion the strong callbacks come from the sky.
D.O your suffering will not be therefore neither vain, neither useless; you are the small
speck of
frumento thrown in the humid one buio of the earth because it marcisca and you carry
fruit then.
Figliolino, in these reflections you will find the force of adeguarti to Its divine one
Always you they are near; the promises made in earth when they are good and Saint not
they never come cancelled in Paradise.

You benedica God and a Trino and always protect to you, but especially in the moments
crucial, in which the spirit it is called to pause beside He Crocifisso, in order to divide
He it sadness, nausea, te di o and the dark dusk of the Getsemani.

the Luigina

7 November 1977


Center and fulcrum of the history of the humanity

Son mine, you write,

They are the Unigenito Son of the Father, in the fullness of the times made Meat in the
breast of
The one who that, blessed between all the women, with Me Redentore divenne
Corredentrice of
entire humanity freeing it thus from the tyranny of hell and Satan that had it to its

made with the deceit and the menzogna in the terrestrial paradise, undressing it of the life
supernatural of the Grace, wonderful, free and unparalleled gift of God.

In the terrestrial paradise from the progenitors, with the complicity of Satan, it came
divine life of the Grace; on the top of the present and compartecipante Calvary the
Mine, I laborers prevail of the life on the dead women, thus putting into effect the design
of the Father who
he wanted to make of Me, Its made Verbo Meat, in intimate union with the Mother Mine,
the Heart
propeller of all the creation, the cosmic Christ, epicenter of the entire universe.
Satan, in its invincible hatred, tries in Adam and Eva its revenge on the entire one
humanity, subjecting it to himself with the sin originates them; on the Calvary, I Christ,
novello Adam in mysterious union with the Vergine Mother mine and yours, with
my sacrifice I operate the Redenzione; with the new creation I riconcilio in Me the
with the Father, giving back it to He Alpha and Omega of all.

Because son mine, I return with great insistence on a argument of which a lot I have to
already said and of which a lot has been written?

Because it must be very clear and from all comprised that the mystery of the Redenzione
Me acts, I repeat with the mysterious participation of the Mother mine, this mystery,
center and fulcrum of all the of the sort human history, today is put in doubt in its
nature, consequently in its effects from many clergymen, Bishops and teologi.

Son, denying the demonic truth denies the sin originates denies them the Redenzione
in its nature and its supernatural effects.

Son, denying this denies the centralità of the Mystery of the Cross like fulcrum of
human history and like exaltation and same glorificazione of the lost humanity and

With the Redenzione a new light is diffused on the humanity.

I am the Light come in this world, but this Light today wants extinguished, and this
that it is truly monstrous is that the dark powers of hell have found
allied and zealous collaborators in Shepherds, clergymen and many presuntuosi teologi
in their demolitrice work; till when, son mine, I can tolerate a such one

They know shepherds, ministers and teologi of the new Church that no man must
to ignore (because ignoring the doctrine compromises its eternal salvation) from which
for which the divine garnishments they sink their roots.

It will be fundamental and essential activity for the Church of the regenerated Church
to teach how much has been revealed approximately the creation, temptation and fall of i
progenitors with consequent Redenzione.

No healthy moral is possible without the acquaintance of the truth in which the moral it
its roots. The Church generally, except little exceptions, is currently like axis
moved from its center, it aimed at the marginal things leaving in the dusk the part
they centers; for this reason the spirits are confuseed with grandissimo give and
danger to get lost.

Its scope: to ristrappare the spirits to Satan

Scope of the Redenzione was, is and will be to ristrappare the spirits to Satan omicida in
order to give again them
to Creator God, Salvatore and Santificatore. The reason for which today (also in the
febrile of the heresy of the action) it has been come less with this end in view main of
Church, is in the superbia, always and single root of all the evils.

The superbia it generates in the man the misfortune, nausea of the things of God, the
and in particular it paralyzes every development of the inner life of the Grace, dark
mind, affievolisce the will thus facilitating the loss of the spirit that little to
little it sinks in growing and a rovinoso separation from God with simultaneous
attachment to the assets of the world and the pleasures of the meat, and at last eccola
wrapped like
in a tremendous vice in the prettamente materialistica conception of the life.

Son, the purification in existence will make public square clean of this materialismo of
which mine
Church and the entire world thus is orrendamente contaminated.

In my regenerated Church present will have itself to be held who the known and loved
he orients the spirit to incamminandola humility to the landing place of the eternal

The Bishops will have to consider the catechistico instruction like a fundamental one
they must for which they will cure the opening of schools for catechisti entrusted to
experts and
Saint clergymen who will have to reach to limpid sources of the Detection,
remembering itself that always a solo is the eternal and infallible Master whose
they do not change neither will never change Because divine.

The Church gushed from My opened Heart, master of depositaria truth because and
caretaker of the patrimony of the detection, will take its place of guide of polulates,
hard of my divine mandate.

The eternal ignorance of the truth, the manipulation and negation of the history of the
of the salvation it has been and it is the formidable arm with which the enemy it has
carried chaos and
anarchy in the Church and the world.

But it will not prevail!

Already the buds of the foreshadowed spring anywhere emerge and the advent of mine
reign and the Victoria of the Immaculate Heart of the Mother Mine is to the doors.

Benedico you. Voglimi well.

10 November 1977


Son mine, you write: They are Jesus.

I, son mine, have called to you and you on my word have believed; I called also Peter,
Giacomo, Giovanni and the others and they will believe. Son, if when you and they heard
my call you had not answered, that it would have been of you and they?

When in the heart of the night in order very three times I called: “Samuele, Samuele! ”
very three times answered: “Eccomi, Gentleman”; exquisite sensibility is necessary in
answering to
God that calls.

Now, I, Jesus, say to you, consider all the good lacked because not completed from part
of those who they did not answer to my call, to my repeated invitations; you, son mine,
you will not be able to never calculate the empty one opened from those who sordi they
always remained to mine

My Church is all intersected from these empty ones, from these abysses.

Now, son, considers and meditates the serious responsibility of those who sordi to mine
invitations, sin of omission creating empty frightful; the omission sin is not
sin never isolated to if being; every sin ripercuote on all the Mystical Body,
procuring to the same Mystical Body great malaise and uneasiness; propter sinned
veniunt adversa.

It tries to imagine my Church without the Apostles, the Saints. Of these

omission sins my Church now of is full to such point to traboccare.
Question: “Because, Jesus mine, much obstinate deafness? Because much icy one Hush
to the Love that calls? Why this stubbornness in refusing Yours invites? “

Answer: Son mine, watched around and you will understand; in my Gospel then you will
find not one
but more answers; you cannot give you listen to more persons who call to you
simultaneously, and in fact when this happened to you, you said: “Please, please,
speeches one to the time “. And he is just and natural that is thus.

Now, son, fa' attention, how many times by day do not have called I to you and of night?
the inimicus hominis always in ambush, to my voice it made to follow its;
answering of yes to Me, you know this that it happened, as also you know this that it
happened when,
not answering to Me, you lend the ear to he.

Son, I very know the sad inheritance of the sin I originate them that ago to hang the man
towards the depositor of the sin, of the evil, but I know also much good this that I,
Eternal verbo of made God Man, I have given to you for farvi folding towards the
depositor of
well; I have given my Redenzione to you with its plentiful fruits.

, Son mine, is not conceivable that Shepherds of spirits, clergymen and faithfuls from Me
much love sped up and with much patient longanimità invited to open itself to the light
to the love, they have then to consume tradimenti on tradimenti, or in my cares, or
in the cares of my Church. It is not conceivable that they have to offenderMi, to
venderMi Giuda novels, to my enemies, allied with the dark powers of hell.

The hour is marked

Son, you very little know, very little you know of the shameful wefts, the dark ones
conspiracies that are operated in my Church; to already I said you and still I repeat to you
that if you were
granted to see all the evil that there is and it completes behind the facade of the Church,
you could not survive not even for a moment only.

Son, in spite of the abyss that frappone between Me Redentore and the spirits dipped in
sin, I, Jesus continue to knock to the door of their spirits, of the spirits of many
the my Bishops, of very many my clergymen and faithfuls, because for all I have
Cross, because all I want blank, but they unfortunately is hardened in the sin and blinded
from superbia and the number of these sventurati he is truly large.

Not to think but that My irreducible enemy with all its legions is
imbattibile, and unstoppable the tremendous hemorrhage of spirits that go to hell…

The hour is marked from their same embezzlement.

With a precedence message I had to dirti: It will be now tremendous, without precedence,
will be
now of justice and misericordia; day will come in which all this that I have said to you,
from all
it will be comprised; but today many do not believe and they do not understand.

Son, I have not listed all the reasons to you for which shepherds, clergymen and faithfuls
it does not give
I listen to my voice and permangono insensitive to the impulses of my Grace, but
I will make in future.

Son, prays and repairs for your siblings that walk on the hem of the abyss from whose
bottom more not laughed them. You offer to me to all your inner and outer suffering;
well and amami like I I love you.

Benedico you, and with benedico you all the consecrated ones of good will.

15 November 1977



Lights and darkness are material truths in which we live, in which us muoviamo, than us
they wrap and us compenetrano and in which all move and live the creatures of this
universe world; they are material truths (that they fall under our senses) and that we not
we can make less than to consider them true and authentic.

Well equally true truths are the divine lights that come to us from God, like
deep darkness that comes to us from Satan.

Satan, from light (generating of light) is transformed in darkness; as this happened

metamorphosis? The superbia of it was only the cause; the superbia it is dusk that it
dusk, thus has been for Satan and follows to us, thus for innumerevoli others.
The Saint Vergine on the contrary, for its great humility, was rendered so luminous and
dazzling to rapire God and a lot piacque for this its humility to God and a Trino that
It wanted besides Daughter, Mother and divine Spouse.

Son, the truth who I have exposed to you in simple and clear way has been deturpate
from the error, from the human heresy and the superbia and infernal.

Son, a great and Saint Pontefice preannounced << a novel spring >>; in
spring from the peasants is proceeded to the pruning of the lives; it is time by now of
beginning to this job, needs to sfrondare and to clean up the theology from the leaves and
the branches
buckets, because the lives become rich of new and turgid gems, ripiene and swollen of
vital humors and not died them.

For approximating itself of the new spring my Church is all a ferment, is all
ribollire of swollen spirits ripiene and of vital humors, but, son, the spring follows
to the winter and the winter it is time of cold, of ices and disturbing storms.

The theology, divine, poisoned and deturpata science from many heresies, attends its
indispensable pruning in order to buy back its natural splendor that it will make beautiful,
and saint my Church.

It will be precious gem that in its essential semplicità will be like water source
pure, she lives, that she will be able to dissetare the spirits, vivificarle and to orient them
in their way
on the earth.

Troubles, troubles to those who roses from the superbia, movements from amor own
rather than
from the love of God that and truth, they will dare to pollute of new the source of the

she lives intentional in order to save and in order not to lose the spirits.

Troubles, troubles to those who in order to put in evidence if same have not hesitated of
to drag in the eternal one ruins many and many spirits; better never they had not been

Benedico you, son mine, it prays and it repairs; you see that strazio and which ruins are in
in my Church!
29 November 1977


You write, son mine, are Jesus.

I wish that it takes action of like or the large one the fatuity of the men which
they refuse of giving I listen to God, to God that which Father calls them to loving with
in order to bring back them on the rectum way, to God that forced their deafness must
to the severità for risvegliarli from their sleep of dead women.

Here the multiple alluvioni, the earthquakes, here many other calamities, fruit of
human insipienza, than to nothing has been worth.

You will have to take action still that improbable the ignominie appear, but are real,
in which Satan pushes out those who resists to God and once again to state
convulsa and the assets power of the enemy Mine, yours and of my Church.

Son, thinks, meditates on the incoscienza of the men and many Mine consecrated
prechosen for being truth masters, lucerne ignited for diradare the darkness, and to
contrary darkness they have become same, for which they have eyes and they do not see,
ears and do not hear the monstrous things that are said and they are completed, than
to explain itself without the direct and personal participation of Satan and its malvagie

Master and supporter of all orrende the wefts and conspiracies that are ollowed, than
they interlace today in growing frightening under its infernal, single push blind people
they do not see, wrapped as they are from the darkness, this that the Church tears to
pieces and with
Church polulates of the earth.

The feracious tyranny of Satan is catching up the maximum level beyond which not
it will be able more to go.

I have always I dictate, son mine, than I do not want the evil because they are God,
because they are
the Love; they are God, infinite perfection and the evil is always imperfection.

But I allow it to the evil in order to fold it and to leaven it to the good.
Necessary purification in My Mystical Body

Satan, knowing it, also not desiste from its exasperated and perfida activity, because in
badly it was and it is frozen. Son, is catching up the last phase of these immane
conflict, phase in which you will be witness of the most absurd tradimenti, of more
sacrilegi against God and my Church, consumed own from those who of they had
to be the courageous defenders.

Son, polulates and the nations are sanabili, but which price? A careful one would be
reading of the Bible in order to make of an idea. You will see the hour to it of (pag. 198)
purification; remembered then of these my confidenze in order to remain firm and solid
in the faith.

I prevent, son, your question: You could not that you are the Son of the Living God
to neutralize all the ominous activity of the demons relegating them in hell, they place
natural of pain?

Yes, son mine, I can all because they are God and if I do not make it is because I have
reasons in order not to make it.

Some of these reasons to already I have manifested in precedence messages you; it is

that the hour of the purification is completed in My Mystical Body like a day
it fulfilled in My Physical Body.

The Misericordia and the Justice must have their complement.

Nothing has been worth my callbacks, my reiterati callbacks; nothing has been worth
divine promises; nothing Mine has been worth the participations on the earth; nearly null
they have
been worth the most numerous participations on the earth of the Mother Mine and Mother
yours; nothing
they have been worth My warnings; they have received least them; nevertheless they
were callbacks,
coming warnings from My Merciful Heart, Me Unigenito Son of
Father, God like the Father and the Saint Spirit; they have laughed of Me, have mocked
insulted in any case with theirs stolta incredulità; but they will see how much is
tremendous the ira of God.

Have they it intentional have provoked, it; stolti, Mine and they have been based to
catering with
enemies; from they they have been tricked and sedotti; he has chained them to himself
Satan with more
turpi passions, sweeping up them in the eternal eternal damnation.

All this and orribile truth to which it had and it must react. But it has
found My Church sguarnita of those defense that I had to them I date.

Indifferent mine consecrated and even my Bishops, is passed to the enemy and now
they collaborate with it favouring it in its abominable clearance Of these successes
the extremely proud and geloso enemy and.

They will be these successes they will allow that it to vent its hatred against of Me and of
rinfacciarMi i! failure and the uselessness of the Cross; poor deceived and stolto, it will
still see
once the divine Onnipotenza to manifest itself to the Sky and the earth in its infinite one
extension, but of it will not convince totally if not at the end of the times, when
I will return on will hold in great maestà and Gloria in order to judge alive and the dead

Who believes in Me not morirà in eternal

This will see Satan once again that the Love and the divine Justice can; one
Church as never it was not, dazzling, fact show to the sky and the earth, and he
irreducible enemy, will have to admit unwillingly to have had important part
in the total renewal of My Church, in the moments in which, with its perversa
activity riprometteva to destroy it.

The hour has come, son mine, in which the bonds, all the good ones must take clear
conscience and clear vision of the times and the events in course that they are involved
with My Church the entire humanity.

To believe, firmly to believe, to hope, to love He who mind and does not disappoint.

Who believes in Me not morirà in eternal. I am only the Risurrezione and the Life. I
I will save from ira of its enemies who in Me believes and who Me loves.

I will not forget myself about he in the hour of the test.

Benedico you, son, not to fear; voglimi well, like I Jesus, Eternal Verbo of God, of
I want you.

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