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Questions 1 and 2:.

HDLs and LDLs

Question 1: Explain the difference in functions between HDLs and LDLs in the body.

HDL and LDL are involved in the transportation of cholesterol

molecules within the body.
The LDL or low density lipoproteins carry the cholesterol molecules
leading it to accumulate within the arteries of the heart. This can
eventually lead to blockage and heart attack. The HDL or the high
density lipoproteins are beneficial as they transport the cholesterol
to the liver where they are processed and eliminated from the body
without being accumulated within the heart or arteries. The LDL
carries cholesterol towards the heart while the HDL carries it away
from the heart.
The AOCS Lipid Library: Plasma Lipoproteins: Composition,
Structure and Biochemistry

Question 2: Why is one of them considered good and the other bad?

The LDL is considered bad as it leads to the formation of plaque

which causes clogging of the arteries of the heart thereby leading to
heart failure and attacks. This is also referred to as atherosclerosis
and in some cases blocking of the blood flow to the legs are
disrupted forming the peripheral artery disease.

The HDL is considered good because it is involved in the removal of

LDL from the body. They are carried to the liver and gets processed
and are effectively removed from the body.

Question 3. There are a lot of gluten-free foods appearing on the grocery shelves these days.
Isabel is a first year IUPUI student who has been experiencing weight loss and a lot of
abdominal discomfort lately, usually after she eats foods containing lots of gluten. She has gone
to her doctor, and tests are being done to see if she might have celiac disease. What kind of
disease is it (degenerative, genetic, autoimmune, or infection)? How does it cause the problems
associated with celiac disease? How do they test for it?

Celiac disease is a type of autoimmune disorder in which the gluten

molecule within the consumed food is recognized as foreign which
actually is protein found in wheat and rye. When the person with
celiac disease accidently consumes gluten the immune system
recognizes it as non-self or foreign and destroys the part of small
intestine. This region is involved in the absorption of nutrients
within the body. This leads to malabsorption as the nutrients are
not effectively absorbed within the body depriving it with essential
supply. This disease is also considered to be a genetic disorder and
there is greater chance for getting this disease f this runs in family.
The only treatment option for celiac disease is to follow a gluten free
diet. Healing of the small intestine occurs which can revert back to
healthy form. If left untreated or undiagnosed it can lead to severe

Coeliac disease; NICE Clinical Guideline (May 2009)

Question 4. Mrs. Hernandez has been experiencing periods of intense pain in her upper
abdomen lately. These wave-like attacks seem to follow family dinners at the Grease Pit, a local
restaurant that specializes in fried chicken, fried pickles, and fried onions. Since she is obese and
trying to lose weight, she usually skips the special dessert, fried Twinkies. After examining her,
Dr. House tells her she must immediately change her eating habits to a very low fat diet, and
might later require surgery. What is her problem? Explain what triggers it and why.

Mrs. Hernandez is suffering gallbladder disease. Fatty fried meats

and foods irritate the gallbladder obstructing the flow of bile which
is involved in the digestion of these consumed fats. These foods are
rich in saturated fats which cause the gallbladder to store more of
the produced bile from the liver resulting in the impairment of fat
digestion and leading to inflammation of gallbladder.

Davis, S., Foods That Irritate Gallstones, Livestrong web site,
February 22, 2010;

Question 5. Mr. Buchek has been putting off his annual colonoscopy for seven years, but
now he is on the table. During the examination the doctor notices several polyps and removes
them during the same procedure. What is a colonscopy? Why did the doctor opt to remove the
polyps immediately?

Colonoscopy is the test which detects the inner lining of the colon
and rectum and examines for presence of polyps, inflammation etc.
the colonoscope is used for this purpose and this is a thin flexible

tube which helps in detection. Polyps are the small growths that
occur within the lining of the colon. They are diagnosed based on
their appearance and number of repeats. If left untreated they may
turn out to be cancerous. Polyps are also recognized as
accumulation of genetically abnormal immature cells. Hence
removal of polyps is important as they may later develop colon

American Cancer Society. (2011). Colorectal cancer early detection.

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