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India Quarterly
V O L UM E 3 7 , I S S UE 3



he events of the past few weeks remind me that whether one lived during the days of the 1st Century New Testament Church or in our present generation, that stumbling blocks, hindrances and a changing world around us are
inevitable as long as this earth stands. Let me share several hindrances that have come to light.

First, the mission team preparing to leave for India in early 2015 has for the time being been put on hold by our
Indian brethren. You probably have read in your local newspapers or heard on the national news about the recent elections in India The Congress Party which had been particularly favorable to Christianity experienced a landslide defeat as
the BJP (a radical Hindu party) won a resounding victory. Already changes are being noticed by our brethren. Add to that the June 2nd bifurcation of the Andhra
Pradesh State, where most of our work is located.
This dividing of Andhra Pradesh was set in order by
the Congress Party before their defeat. A picture (to
the left) that appeared in the Indian Deccan Chronicle
reflects the feelings of many in A.P. that their state is
being pulled apart by this decision. The divided state
was not a crowd pleasers and likely was one of the
reasons the Congress Party lost so decisively in the
elections. Now many of our works that formerly were
in the same state are divided between two states: Andhra Pradesh and Telegana. Fortunately, the central
government in Delhi has set up the State Capitals for
both in the same location for the next ten years. Nevertheless, changes are unavoidable for our gospel efforts in India. Due to all the confusion and even violence, the Indian
preachers and workers have advised our American brethren to
refrain from coming until 2016.
Additionally, as summer began I was given a final
answer for the long process I have been going through to
obtain an Indian tourist visa. Unfortunately, the result was
another VAF which stands for Visa Application Failure.
The Indian Consulate informed me that any future plans
for my visa would be denied with no appeal possible. This
is certainly disheartening to me after 23 years of traveling
to India to be denied with no hope of a visa in the future. I
am grateful all the remaining IMF Board members and a
few other of our number have valid India visas for the next
10 years. Despite my setback, the work continues.
While these other matters were occurring I received
word that Brother Devapal from Guntur was being held at
the police station. His son Sunny called me first and I
quickly got Brother Edward Rouse and Brother Paul

Ramireddythota Church Building with collapsed roof.

Prajeev involved in the matter. It appears our most

recently purchased church building in Ramireddythota
was having some roof repair done when suddenly the
thatched / asbestos roof collapsed sending four workers
to the ground. One gentleman, a 60 year old construction worker, had a heart attack following his fall and
died. The laws of India place the burden or responsibility upon the property owner in cases of death, which
was our Bread of Life Society, even though the man
was hired to repair our roof. It appears the structure
holding our roof was weak and the police were investigating a wrongful death claim. We found it in our best
interest to offer a cash settlement to the family of 1 lak
(about $1,725), along with agreeing to pay the hospital
bill (around $200), police expenses and other charges
totaling about 2 lak total ($3,500) for the entire negligence matter.
It has certainly been an odd period of time but
thinking back to some of the things the Apostle Paul,
Barnabas, Timothy and others faced in New Testament
times I supposed these experiences seem rather insignificant.
Thankfully, despite the changing circumstances
around India one of the amazing qualities is their love
and hunger for the gospel message. In April the
Kukatpally Church of Christ sponsored another
summer camp at their church building during the
school break. A few pictures from that great week
follow showing the children singing and enjoying a
marvelous time as they learned more about Jesus and
his church.
Keep all these matters in your prayers. Thanks
for being part of this great work!

Nothing stirs the heart of the children more than songs. Many of
our American kids songs have been carried over to India through
the years, plus we have learned a few songs from them that we have
brought back to our own children like, Jesus Power, Super Power.

God bless, Bill Adcox

Contact any of our Board

members directly for more
information or updates.
Donations can be sent to
either address below:
Ray White
Robert Teague

PO Box 3425

David Kelley

Fayetteville, AR 72702

Scott Gage

Voice & Fax: 479-521-6809

Dennis Gage

Bryan Christmas
Larry Cash

PO Box 726

Bill Adcox

Bethany, OK


Voice & Fax: 405-789-8843

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