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Your friend wants to start a small business. What advise can

you give?
Just Start!
1) Don't wait until everything is perfect to get started...because then you'll never start. Get going and you
can learn, make improvements along the way.
2) Be sure you love what you do, because you'll be spending a lot of time doing it.
3) Be Clear on Why You want to start a Business
4) Keep working in your day-job if you can because it might take a while to get your business going and
you don't want to feel the financial pinch.
5) Create a Simple Business Plan
7) Nail Your Target Customer
8) Failing is your greatest teacher! Don't be afraid. Embrace. Good luck!


There is a serious issue of climate change. What can you do to

reduce this?

Turn off the lights when you leave a room.

Turn off your computer and other electronic devices when you're not using them.
Drive less. Instead, walk, ride your bike, or use public transportation if you can.
Use less water.
Create less waste.
Recycle used paper, cans, bottles, and other materials.
Encourage Others to Conserve

(Is climate change the same thing as global warming?

No. Global warming refers to an increase in the average temperature near the Earth's surface.
Climate change refers to the broader set of changes that go along with global warming, including
changes in weather patterns, the oceans, ice and snow, and ecosystems. )


What are the effects of climate change that you can see

happening around you?

As the Earth has become warmer, the average sea level around the world has risen by nearly 7 inches
in the last 100 years, glaciers all over the world are shrinking, and many bird species are shifting
northward. Some of the most obvious changes are happening in the Arctic, where the amount of ice in
the ocean has decreased dramatically.


Many people nowadays are getting illnesses. What advise can

you give these people?

Go check for doctor. / Medical Check Up. / Drink more water.


What do you think about watching too much television? Talk

about the advantages and disadv.


In this busy life, television can be the easiest source of entertainment.


By watching news channel, we get updated with the things going around the world.


Channels, like Discovery, give information about Wild life.


Watching quiz shows can increase our knowledge.


By watching recipe channel, we can learn many recipes.


Various reality shows ( like singing, dancing, acting) can motivate people, who are interested
in that field

1. Watching television will have bad effect on our eyesight
2. Due to television, we don't prefer to socialize with our friends and relatives.
3. Many time children's try to imitate some act, they have seen on television, which is dangerous for
4. Children watching scary shows may affect their mental condition.
5. TV viewing takes away the time that your child needs to develop important skills like language,
creativity, motor, and social skills.


Is it better to live in a double storey house or single storey

house? Explain.

They are wonderful for people with small children, because there is no concern about stairs
causing a potential accident in the home.


Retired couples often prefer single storey homes because it means they dont have to worry
about getting up and down stairs all the time to get from one room to the other.


Single storey homes tend to be more affordable than double-storey homes because they require
lighter support than double storey homes.


With single storey homes you have the freedom to design the layout as you like it, without having
to worry about whats going upstairs and how it will all come together.


Small blocks to build on mean that double storey homes are a great option as they give you more
living space.


If there is a chance that the top level of your home will have a great view, then its a good idea to
build a double storey home.


If you build a double storey home, it means that you wont have to sacrifice as much garden
space to be able to build, so you could have a pool in your backyard or a large patio area with
alfresco dining.


With double storey homes, many people find they enjoy the added separation of the lounge and
dining areas with the bedrooms and bathroom upstairs.



In double storey homes, the staircase can become a stunning feature.

There are seven wonders of the world. One of them is the great

pyramid. What do you think about people destroying world heritages.



What are the popular games in the world. Which one is your

favourite and why?

Slot Machine : We have a huge selection of exciting high payout slot games with slot
machines that cater to all kinds of players and tastes. Play the slots knowing that youll
be able to play all the new slots and enjoy attractive payout ratios that top 97%
Super Mario, The Sim, Tetris


Are animals becoming extinct? Which animals and why? Can

you give suggestions to stop it?

Elephant, Dolphin, Crocodile, Rhinothesaurus
1. died out because of the change in the weather.
2. Or one animal might have been destroyed by another that was stronger or faster.
3. Human being because of hunting, pollution, or the destruction of the places where they live.

1. If you know people who seek pleasure through sports such as hunting, discourage them by explaining
the consequences of their actions
2. Do not buy animal products such as a tiger's claw, elephants tusk etc.Because the animals are cruelly
killed for their body parts.
3. Try to support organizations such as world wildlife fund as they too strive for the prevention of animal
extinction except on a larger scale.


What are the heritage cities in Malaysia? Why are they called

such? Should we have them?

Melaka and George Town, historic cities of the Straits of Malacca, are renowned for their
multicultural heritage. These ports were located at a strategic position for the 15th - 18th century
trade between Europe and Asia. Their culture and townscapes further evolved after being
colonized by the Portuguese, Dutch and the British.
However, the capital city, George Town, has the most number of pre-war buildings in all of South
East Asia which are still intact. That is why, the island is known as Penang Heritage City.

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