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Booo000000 04 SCIENCE TEST 35 Minutes—40 Questions DIRECTIONS: Thore are several passages in this test. Each passage is followed by several questions. After reading a passage, choose the bast answer to each question and fill in the corresponding oval on your answer document. You may refer to the passages as often as necessary. You are NOT permitted to use a calculator on this test. Passage | Researchers studied how diet and the ability to smell food can affect the life span of normal fruit ies (Strain Nj land fruit Mies unable to detect many odors (Strain X) Study 1 ‘Three tubes (Tubes 1-3), cach with 15% sugar yeast (SY) medinor (a diet with 13% sugar and 15% killed yeast, wre prepared. Then, 200 singin Female Stain N Frat ies Jess than 24 hr old were added to each tube, No additional substance was added to Tube 1, Additional adors from five yeest were added to Tube 2, and live yeast was added (© Aube 3. The percent of cuit flies alive was determined every 5 days for 75 days (see Figure 1D. 2 "Three tubes (Tubes 4-6), each with 5 SY medium (a dict with 5% sugar and 5% killed yeast), were prepared, Then, 200 virgin female Strain N trait flies less than 24 hr fold were added to each tube. No additional substance was added to Tube 4, Additional odors from live yeast were Added to Tube 5, and live yeast was added to ‘Tube 6. The percent of fruit fies alive was determined every 5 days for 75 days (see Figure 2). Seu Key e+ 15% SY medium . “a= 15% S¥ mediums + additional odors front live yeast +15 SY medium + live yeast Key -e- 9% S¥ medium “e- 5¢@ SY medium + additional odors from live yeast a 5% SY medium + live yeast 100: 90 80 10. 0: 50 40 30 20. 10, perwont alive 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75, days Figure 1 100 90 percent alive 80. 10 60. 50; 40: 20 20. 40) D 5 10 150 25 3035 40.48 3085 60 65 7075 days Figure 2 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. Aooooa0ca 004 Smidy 3 Strain N fruit Mies were modified to produce Strain X froit flies. Strain X fruit flies lack Or83b (a protein required to detect a wide range of odors); thorefore, they cannot detect many odors. The average life span was deer mined for vicgin female Strain N and virgin female Strain X fruit flies fed with various SY media (see Table 1). Table 1 SY medivin Average % killed | life span Strain | 9 supar | “yeast | Caays) 3 3 50.1 5 5 50.1 Swain | 7.5 is | a9 19 0 448 15 15 46 3 3 61.6 5 5 625 suinx] 75 | 25 | 389 0 10 386 15 iS 55.6 Table and figures adapted from Sergiy Libert et al, “Regulaion of Dresophla Life Span by lection end Focd:-Oarived Odors" 22007 by the American Assacialion fer the Advancement af Science. 4, In which of Studies { and 2 did some of the fruil flies live for more than 75 days, and what diet were those fruit flies fed? A. Sudy 1; 5% SY medium B. Study 1; 15% SY medium C, Study 2: 39% SY medium D. Study 2; 15% SY medium 2 Doring Studies 1 and 2, why did the size of te fruit fly population in cach tube decrease rather than increase? K, The birthrate was 0, because the initia! popalation contained only males, G. ‘The birthrate was 0, because the initial popalution contained oniy virgin females. H. The death rate was 0, because the initial popwla- ton contained only males. 5. The death rate was 0, because the initial popolae tion contained only virgin females. 3. Suppose that an additional trial in Study 3 had been performed using a 12% SY medium (a diet 12% sugar and 12% Killed yeast). The average life span of the Strain X fruit flies in this trial would most likely have been: As less than 55.6 days. BL between 55.6 days and $8.6 days. C. between 58.6 days and 61.6 days. D. greater than 61.6 days. 4. The researchers had predicted that decrossing a fruit fly's ability to detect odors would increase its life span, Are the cesulis of Study 3 consistent with éhis prediction?’ No; for each SY medium tested, the average life span of Strain X fruit flies was longer than the average life span of Strain N fruit fies. G. No; for each SY medium tested, the average life span of Strain N fruit flies was longer than the average life span of Strain X fruit Mies. H. Yes; for each SY medium tested, the average life span of Strain X fruit flies was longer than the average life span of Strain N fruit Mies. J. Yes; for each SY medium tested, the average life span of Strain N fruit flies was longer than the average life span of Sirain X fruit lies. 5. Suppose the vesearchers wanted to determine whether a Gefect in the ability to detect odors would change the life span of fruit flies fed 15% S¥ medivm when tive yeast is added to the dict or when additioual odors from live yeast are added to the diet. Which of the Fol- lowing experiments should be performed? ‘A. Repeat Study | except with Strain X fruit flies B. Repeat Study ! excopt with Strain N fruit flies CL Repeat Study 2 except with Strain X fruit fies D. Repeat Study 2 except with Stain N fruit flies 6, ‘The results for which 2 tubes should be compared to determine how a reduced calorie diet nffecis Hife span in the absence of live yeast and additional odors from live yeast? F, Tube | and Tube 4 G, Tube | ond Tube 2 H. Tube 2 and Tube 5 Je Tube 5 and Tube 6 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. Accoc00000 04 Passage It In the fall, monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) in eastern North America migrate to Mexico, where they overwinter in high-altitude forests of oyamel fir (an ever~ green conifer), The butterflies store (accuniulate) body Fipids to use as a source of energy at a later lime, Consider tiie following 3 hypotheses perlaining to when the butter flies store lipids and when the energy from the stored lipids is used, with respect to mnigration and overwintering, Hypothesis ! Monarch butterfties require cnergy from stored lipids for migration and during the overwintering period. The bbuuterflies first store lipids before they begin their migra- tion, During migration, as stored lipids are converted to energy, lipid mass continuously decreases. When ihe but- terflies reach the overwintering sites, ending their migra tion, they must store lipids again before beginaing the overwintering period, Hypothesis 2 Monarch butterflies require energy from stored fipids for migration but not during the overwintering period. The butterflies store lipids before they begin their migration During migration, as stored lipids are converted to encney, lipid mass continuously decreases. Because enerky from stored lipids is not required during the overwintering period, the butterflies donot store lipids while at the over- wintering ates. Hypothesis 3 ‘Monarch butterflies require energy from stored lipids during the overwintering period but not for migration. The butterflies do not store lipids before they begin their miure tion, Instead, lipids are stored during migration; therefore, Hipid mass contintousiy inerenses ‘tom tho beginning of migration until the end of migration. The butterflies arrive ‘at the averwintering sites with enough lipids to provide themselves with energy during the overwintering period, so they do not store lipids while at the overwintering sites. 7. Which hypothesis, if any, asserts that monarch butter- fics store lipids during 2 distinct periods? ‘A, Hypothesis 1 B. Hypothesis 2 C. Hypothesis 3 BD. None of the hypotheses 8 Which hypothesis, if ony, asserts that monarch butter- flies requice energy from stored lipids neither for migention nor during the overwintering period” FE, ypothesis | G. Hypothesis 2 H. Uypothesis 3 J. None of the hypotheses 9, Based on Hypothesis 3, which of the following Rgwres best depicts the change in the lipid mass of x monarch, bullerfly from the beginning of migration to the end of migration? (Note: In euch figure, B represents the beginni ‘migration and E represents the end of raigration, A of c g 4 : i ql 5 5 : 8 = time ume Bg D. 2 2 E a z z SOE 3 b time tine “0 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. Acooooc ooo og 10, Assume that changes in the body mass of a monarch butterfly are caused only by changes in the mass of the butlerily’s stored lipids, The statement “The percent of a monarch bulterly’s body mass that is made up of lipids ig greater at the beginning of migration than at the end Of migration” is supported by which of the hypotheses? F. Hypothesis | only G. Hypothesis 2 only HL Hypotheses | and 2 only J. Hypotheses £2, and 3 1. To store lipids, monarch butterflies convert sugar from nectar they have consumed into lipids. A supporter of which hypothesis, if any, would be Tikely to elsim that to ensure the bullerlies can store lipids for the over- Wintering period, nectar must be present at the butter- Hes’ overwintering sites? A. Hypothesis 1 B. Hypothsis 2 C. Hypothesis 3 1D. None of the hypotheses perree 4 12, Which of the following statements ebout lipids in monarch batterilis is cansisient with all 3 hypotheses? F. The butterflies’ lipid masses do not change ducing the overwintering period The buttertlies’ lipid masses change during migration. HH. The butterflies use energy from stored lipids during the overwintering period. J. The batterflies use energy from stored lipids for migration, 13, When the monarch butterflies use theic stored lipids, the lipids must be brokea down to produce energy-rich molecules that can be readily used by cells. Which of the following molecules is produced as « direct result ‘of the breakdown of the lipids? A. ATP. Bo Starch Cc. DNA D. Amino acids GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, Aooo0o0000 04 Passage Ill Greenhouse gases such as methane (CH,) warm Earth's climate. Figure I shows the concentration of CH {in Earth's aimospliere and the solar radiation intensity at Earth's surface for tropical Europe and Asia over the past 250,000 years. As the figure shows, the CH, concentration and’ the solar radiation intensity have increased and decreased at the same times over most of this period, Figure 2 shows the same types of data for the same tegion aver the past 11,000 years. Tais fignre is consistent With the hypothesis that the greenhouse gases from human activities may have bogun Warming Barth's climate thow- sands of years earlier than once thought. seat eegee g + 150 thousands of years ago ppb = parts per billion Figure 1 42 & solar aditsion Git concenttion 200 28 to BE 100 § § oo 58 soo 32 400 £8 300 B 200 EE 10030 ° (present GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. bA00 00000004 16. Suppose that whenever the CH, conceatration 1 Key ~ solar eadiation — CH, concentration tensity {watts/en?) concentration of CH, in Enrth’s atmosphere (ppb) solar radiation housands of years ago Figure 2 Figures adepted from William Ruddiman, Plows, Plaguos & Petro. four. ©2003 by Princeton University Press. 14. According to Figure 2, the solar radiation intensity 8,000 years ago was closest to which of the following? F490 watts/m? G. 495 watts/m? HL 500 watts/m? J. 505 watts 15. According to Figure 2, if the trend in the CH, concen- tration had continued to match the trend in the solar radiation intensity, the CH, concentration at present ‘would most likely be: A. less than 530 ppb. Between 550 ppb and 600 ppb. between 600 ppb and 650 ppd. D._ greater than 650 ppb. wore 43 1" 18, Increases, a corresponding, immediate increase in average global temperature occurs, and that whenever the CH, concentration decreases, a corresponding, immediate decrease in average global temperature vecurs. Based on Figure 2, which of the following {graphs best represents a plot of average global temper- ature over the past £1,000 years?” Rg uae 33 UN a8 uF eh i Bo 3 thousands of thousands of vanano manne G. Lg Un yal ME u BE 5 dL o i 0 houses thoosandsof ‘yeurs AGO ‘years go ‘Based on Fighre 1, the average solar radiation intensity over the past 250,000 years was closest to Which of the following? A. 400 waus/m? B40 watts/m? C480 wats? D520 watts/n? One solar radiation cvele is the time between & ma ‘mum in the solar radiation intensity and the next rnaxi mum in the solar radiation intensity. According to Figure L, the average length of a solar radiation cycle duting the past 250,000 years was: less than 15,000 years, G. between 15,000 years ind 35,000 years. HE. between 35,000 years nnd 55,000 years Je greater than $5,000 years GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. Aoooo000a0 04 Passage iV ‘An ideal gas is « hypothetical gas that behaves exact! as predicted by the ideal gas law, Depending on the condi- tions, an ideai gas may or may not be a good mode! for a real gas. The compressibifity factor (2) is 8 value that quan- tifies the deviation of ¢ gas from ideal behavior. Figure | shows, for at ideal gas anc for 5 real pases, how z varies with pressure (in atmospheres, atm) al 0°C, Table 1 shows how the volume of 1 miofe (6 x 10 stoms or molecuies) of gas varies with pressure for an ideal gos, for 3 of those S real gases. and for ait, 106-7 Low 1.02-| 100-4 0984} 3 096-4 3 ase on 0.904 ose} 086 619-2 30 40 SD 6D pressure (ato) Figure [ Table 1 hn ‘Volume (in mL) of gas at 0°C. (atm) fideal gas] He [ oN, | cH, | air lo | 2.280 2219 [2,180 | 2,216 20 | 1,121 To9s } 1061 | 1.096 30. | 7872 723.4] “686.0 } 723.4 40 | 5004 5395 | 4992 | 536.8 Figure ang table adapted from E. D. Eastman and G. , Relistaan, Phystoal Chemistry, 1st ed, 21947 by McGraw-Hill Book Co. 19. Based on Table 1, ai 0°C and 15 atm. the volume of L inole of air will most likely be closest to which of the following? AL 600 mb, B. 900. mL. C. 1,500 mb BD. 2500 mL. 20, According to Figure }, as pressure increases from ‘aint 10 50 attn a 0°C, the compressibility factor of an ideal ga F,_increases only. G. decrewses only. HH increases, theo decreases. J. remains constant 21. A chemist claimed that CH, will deviate more from deal behavior than will Hy, Does Figure 1 support this lain? A. Yes, because the magnitude of the slope of the line For CH, is less than itis for He B. Yes, because the mnagettude of the slope of the line for CH, is greater than itis for Hy. C. No, because the mugaitude of the slope of the line for CH, is less than itis for Ht. No, liecause the magnitude of the slope of the line for CHy is greater than itis for Hy. e 22, Based on Figure | and Table 1, at O°C and 30 atm, the ‘volume of } mole of O; will most likely be: Fleas than 686 mi. G, between 686 mE and 725 mb. H botween 725 mL aud 764 mL. greater than 76¢ mL. 23. Based on Table 1, at 40 atm, the volume of | mole of CH, ava temperature of 30°C will most likely be: AL less than 500 mb. B. berween $00 ml and 1,000 mL. €. between 1,000 mL. and 2,000 mt. D._ greater than 2,000 mL. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. Aoooo0o000 o4 Passage V In 2 experiments, a student pulled cuch of 3 blocks in a straight line across a fiat, horizontal surface. In Experiment 1, the student measured the pulling force (the force required to move each bjock at a constant ‘speed) and plotted the pulling foree, in newtons (N, versus block mass, in kilograms (ig). The results are shown in Figure 1, 25.00. 20.0 15.00 4m fomponen ba 10.00 ¢ Boe ponent 5.004» Tone tee bee pulling foros (ND 00. SPLISH PPS block mass (ke) Figure 1 In Experiment 2, the student measured the speed versus time of a 2.06 kg block, a 2.50 ke block, and a 300 ky block as cach block wus'pulled across the surface with @ constant 30 N-fores, The results are shown in Figure 2. 35.00. 30.0. penne 25.00 + + 20.00 == 15.00. 10.005 L 5.00 Tne 0.00 000 100-200 3.00, 4.00 sie (see) speed (nsec) Figure 2 24, Based on Figure 2, what is the onder of the 3 blocks, from the block thai required the shortest time to teach 15 in/sec to the block that required the longest time to reach 15 misec ? F, 2.00 g block, 2.56 kg block, 3.00 kg block G. 2.00 kg block. 3.00 kg btock, 2.50 kp block HL. 3.00 ka block, 2.00 kg block, 2.50 kg block J. 300 ke bivck, 2:50 kg block, 2.00 kg block 25, Based on Figure 2, what was the approximate value of the necelration of te 3.00 Kp ioc? A. 0.0 m/sec? BL S.0 mses! ©. 15:0 msec! BL 20.0 msec? 26. Bused on Figaro 1, the results of Experiment 1 ave best modeled by whic of the foliowing equations? E.Block speed (m/sec) = 9.2 % time (see) G, Black speed (m/sec) = 5.0 x time (see) FT, Palling force (N) = 0.2» block mass (kg) J Pulling force (N) = 5.0 « block mass (kx) 27. AL each of the times plotted in Pigure 2 (except 0.00 see), as block mass increased, biock speed: A. increased only. B. docreased caly. C. varied, but with no general tread, D. remained the same 28, Basod om Figure 1, an applied force of 30.00 N would ost likely have been reyiired to mainiain the constant speed of a Block having a mass of: EF 400ks G. 5.00kg H. 6.00 ke. J 700 ke GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. Aoooo0o00 004 Passage V! A typical acid-base indicator is « compound shat will bbe one color over & certain lower pH range but will be a different color over a certain higher pH range. Ia the small range belween these pH ranges—the transition range—the indiestor’s color will be an intermediate of its other 2eole:s. Students studied 5 acid-base indicators using colostess aqueous solutions of different oF and a well plate (a plate containing a matrix of round depressions—wells—that can bold small volumes of liquid). Experiment 1 ‘The stadents added a pH =0 solution to $ wells in the first column of the well plave, then added a pH = 1 solution to the 5 wells in the next coluinn, and so on, up to pH = 7. Next, they added @ drop of a given indicator (in solution) 20 cach of the welis in a row, and then repeated this process, adding 2 different indicator to each row. The color of the resulting solution in each well was then recorded in Table | (B= blue, = green, O= oraige, P= purple, R= red, rellow). Experiment 2 Experiment { was repeated with solutions that had a pil of 8 or grenter {see Table 2) Table 2 Color in solution with « pHi of: Indicator a [9[iojufi|is| 4 Metanil yeiow [¥]yly|{yly)y)y¥ Resorcin blue | | B| B) B| Bi B|B|B Cureumin o/R| rR] R|R|RIR Hessian bordeaux |B} R}|R]|R|R|R|R indigo carmine [B|B|B|B|G]Y|Y Experiment 3 Students were given 4 solutions (Solutions I-IV) of unknown pH. The well plats was used to test samples of ‘each solution with 4 of the 5 indicators (see Table 3). Table 3 ‘Table | Color in solution with a pH of 1J2[3]4|s]6 indicator Metanil yellow Resorcin blue Curcumin Hessian bordeaux, Indigo earmine wanee| = waned | w wexnn |S won waaRO wa

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