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Assignment: Briefs

Conference Briefs
Brief OneProduct/Service Market Analysis
Heres what youll do
Applying the techniques you learned in Hit-Play Module 2.0 you will:

Perform and report a market analysis (product/category).

Pick your product or services category from the Product-Service Category Brief Topics List
handout on Hit-Play.

Create a table to report your analysis.

Use good craftsmanship in your tables design and execution.

Heres what youll write

Briefly describe your product service. (one or two sentences)

Describe a target consumer for your product/service:

1. Demographic profile (three characteristics) (three bullet points)

2. Motivations to purchase (two motivations) (two bullet points)
Create your table

Three competitors plus your companys product/service. (Column A)

Three attributes to assess the competitive set. (Columns B, C & D)

You may choose any evaluative scale you want for each attribute. (Cells)

Write narrative text to explain your analysis. Discuss one or two key cells that are important,
predictive, or explanatory.

You may use any source for your data including making it up. Data must be plausible and
support your analysis.

Assignment: Briefs

Brief TwoHow to Win Friends and Influence People

Heres what youll do
Write a Brief on two techniques that you learned by reading How to Win Friends and
Influence People. For each of the two techniques or principles you select, give two examples
of how youve observed it in action in your life or in things youve read.
Reader The reader may be a family member, friend, supervisor, or colleague.

The Brief: Heres how youll be graded

Your Briefs grade is based on four criteria:
1. The scope, i.e., the number of factors cited explaining the two techniques you found useful.
2. The rigor, i.e., the depth of analysis of each factor. How well you explain the idea: how it
works and why it works.
3. Strict adherence to formatting standards including: Motivation Sentence, Subheads,
Masthead, typestyle, margins, white space, illustrations (if any), and bullets.
4. The examples utility in illustrating Carnegies principles.

Page length
Two pages Each Brief may be up to two pages long. While this Brief writing assignment is
designed to mimic business Brief writing, it has a second objective: to demonstrate the scope and
depth of the knowledge you gained in this course. Thus, this Brief exceeds the one-page business
Brief standard.

Class Three

Sample Brief Your Sample Brief will be assessed in class. Write copy for
masthead, motivation section and subheads only. Your Sample Brief will be
evaluated during class for format only. Bring two copies to class: one for
review, one to submit.

Class Four

Brief One Product/Service Category Brief due in class.

Finals Day

Brief Two Dale Carnegie delivered to Marketing Department.

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