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Daily Herald the Brown

vol. cxlv, no. 5 | Tuesday, February 2, 2010 | Serving the community daily since 1891

R.I. Haitians Haitian

help, pray, librarian
wait for news joins JCB
By Caitlin Trujillo By Alex Bell
Senior Staff Writer Senior Staf f Writer

Pictures and fliers line the walls of the Patrick Tardieu, the chief conserva-
hallway at Elmwood Avenue Church tor at Haiti’s oldest library — the
of God in Providence. There are pho- Bibliotheque Haitienne des Peres
tos of the congregation as they sing, du Saint-Esprit in Port-au-Prince —
pray and participate in other church is the John Carter Brown Library’s
and community events. newest visiting scholar. Tardieu ar-
rived in Providence Monday morn-
METRO ing after a two-week stay with family
in Montreal, where he sought refuge
Among these photographs and after the earthquake in Haiti.
posters, though, one letter stands But Tardieu’s responsibilities
out. It relays the news of the death of and status at the librar y remain
Elysee Joseph in the earthquake that unclear after the rush to get him
devastated Haiti last month. Joseph Courtesy of Jeopardy! Productions
had been the coordinator of poverty Rebecca Maxfield ’13 competed in “Jeopardy!”’s college championship tournament, which will air Feb. 3. Tardieu managed to escape Haiti
relief efforts in Haiti for the Church to Montreal on Jan. 15 on a Cana-
of God, a Christian denomination to
which Elmwood belongs. In his life,
Joseph had visited the church —
Freshman’s ‘Jeopardy!’ bid airs Wed. dian relief plane’s return trip, he
said. A colleague of John Carter
Brown Librar y Director Edward
which serves 400 members of the By Ashley Aydin “Jeopardy!”’s latest college cham- game, and finally, last semester, Widmer put him in touch with Tar-
Haitian diaspora in Rhode Island — on Contributing Writer pionship tournament, which in- was flown to the taping in Cali- dieu, Widmer said.
multiple occasions. cluded participants from many fornia. “He’s not a refugee if he has a
As the largest Haitian congrega- Rebecca Maxfield ’13 has always universities around the nation. “I hadn’t been expecting it one home,” said Widmer, motioning to
tion in the state reels with the rest of been a fan of “Jeopardy!,” but she To get on the show, Maxfield way or another. I kind of forgot the library. “A network of people is
Rhode Island’s Haitian community at never thought she would actually said she first had to complete an about it actually, but it was really coming together now that has never
the unfolding crisis, many are find- compete on the show. She finally online test. After scoring high exciting when I found out,” Max- even existed.”
ing ways to move forward with relief got her chance in a show taped enough, Maxfield advanced to field said. Tardieu is living in housing pro-
efforts for their home country. Yet this winter and airing Wednesday an audition in Boston, where she The college championship vided by the library for its visiting
even as the Elmwood Church takes night at 7:30. had to complete another test. Soon
in donations of food and clothes for Maxfield competed in after, she practiced how to play the continued on page 2 continued on page 3
the survivors in Haiti, Rhode Island’s
Haitian diaspora must deal both with

Prof ’s book tells the story

the relief efforts for those overseas as
well as their own private feelings. S l immin g d own
The Rev. Gerard Rhau, a preacher
with the Church, was in Haiti when
the earthquake struck, according of a cat’s eerie sixth sense
to his nephew John Wagnac. While
there, Rhau filmed everything he
could capture on his video camera. By Lindor Qunaj ticle about him in the New England
Rhau is staying in Haiti to help with Contributing Writer Journal of Medicine in 2007. Oscar
relief efforts, but upon his return to has since appeared in a wide range
the United States he intends to edit When Oscar the cat first came to of publications and television broad-
the footage into a DVD for the congre- Steere House Nursing and Rehabili- casts. And now, Dosa is set to release
gation to watch, Wagnac said. tation Center in the summer of 2005, a new book entitled “Making Rounds
For Wagnac, who says he “can- he wasn’t particularly friendly. He with Oscar: The Extraordinary Gift
not count how many” aunts, uncles lived on the third floor unit, where of an Ordinary Cat” Tuesday.
and cousins he has in Haiti, getting the vast majority of patients are criti- The book’s title alludes to Oscar’s
in touch with Rhau and his friends cally ill, often in advanced stages of ability to detect when patients are
and family members who live there dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. nearing death. Oscar keeps these
— including an aunt who was visit- He did his own thing — hiding patients companyin their rooms for
ing for her daughter’s engagement behind medicine cabinets, sitting their final hours. While Dosa said
party — proved to be a frustrating on windowsills and just generally he was somewhat skeptical when
and frightening challenge. keeping to himself. According to he first heard about Oscar, it soon
“The worst thing is I couldn’t get Executive Director and Adminis- became clear to him and to the staff
them on the phone,” Wagnac said, trator Julie Richard, he was not the at the nursing center that Oscar was
adding that he had no calling card and “type of cat you curl up with as you unique.
had to make the international phone read a book.” Richard further explained that
calls with his cell phone. But a couple of months later, the situation became apparent soon
Wagnac, who has been with the when Jack McCullough came to visit after the stray cat was brought in
Elmwood Church since he moved to his gravely ill elderly mother, Oscar from a local animal shelter.
the United States in 1993 and serves was sitting there, right by her side, “Once in a great while, Oscar
as its sound engineer, said if he was just a few hours before she passed would basically position himself
unable to contact anyone at all, he away. nearby or at someone’s feet,” she
was going to book a flight to Haiti, The cat made national headlines said. “We knew it was more than Nick Sinnott-Armstrong / Herald
after Assistant Professor of Medi- As promised, pedestrians can now walk through a narrower
continued on page 5 cine David Dosa published an ar- continued on page 2 passageway under Faunce Arch.

News, 2 Metro, 5 Opinions, 7 The blog today
Editorial..6 WBRU spun the tracks, R.I. domestic partners can Yue Wang ’12 doesn’t want Pop culture ruins yet
Opinion...7 listeners gave the cash now make the necessary to pay RI sales tax on her another American
Today........8 arrangements online textbooks institution 195 Angell Street, Providence, Rhode Island

Page 2 THE BROWN DAILY HERALD Tuesday, February 2, 2010

C ampus N EWS “I’ve always been a huge nerd.”

— “Jeopardy!” contestant Rebecca Maxfield ’13

Providence’s Oscar the

cat comforts the dying
continued from page 1 School. “So when something as
gentle as a kitty cat comes over, you
just typical catlike observation. It go ahead and accept it.”
was an uncanny ability to be around And even though the patients
at the right time ... and we noticed may not be able to verbalize their
that at those times, the patients were thoughts, McCullough said that his
always at the end of life.” mother — along with other patients
Though fascinated by the story — loved Oscar and the other cats
from the start, Dosa said that writ- that call Steere House home.
ing about his experiences with Richard stressed that the cat’s
Oscar was “a spur-of-the-moment ability is not strange. “Oscar is not
decision.” After initially writing the a harbinger of death and it is not
shorter article in 2007, Dosa began some bizarre mythical-like ability,”
receiving calls about Oscar from all she said. “That is totally false.”
over the world. Aside from the great amount of
He was “originally reluctant,” but comfort Oscar brings to patients and
Dosa ultimately decided to write the their families, both Dosa and Rich-
book. “One striking thing about all ard said there is other significance in
the publicity was that there was this Oscar’s story and the book that has
sense that Oscar was really unusual now been published to recount it. Courtesy of Quyen Ngo
Gospel DJs with the 360 Degree Experience in Sound spin their records during a fundraiser at WBRU Jan. 24.
(and) I thought it would be a nice “Twenty years ago, no one would
idea,” he said. “It was worth writ- ever have an animal companion in
ing about it amidst all of the sound
Patients’ families have had a
largely positive opinion of Oscar’s
a nursing home,” Dosa said. “We’ve
come to grips with the notion that
animals are important and lots of
study on animals in health care in-
Show raises funds for Haiti
presence, Dosa said. Though many stitutions has been done.” By Anita Mathews to advertise,” said Urban Promo- ganization we were funding,” Ngo
of the 41 patients at the home have Richard added that the book and Contributing Writer tions Director Peter Drinan ’11. He said.
lost the ability to communicate and the story it tells will get people “to added that 360 was worried that Providence-Haiti Outreach re-
express their opinions about the cat, talk about an aspect of care in this As most Brown students were just people would already have donated builds schools in Haiti and helps
their families enjoy the company country that many people don’t want returning to campus for a new se- as much as they were willing to displaced children, which Ngo said
Oscar provides. to talk about.” She explained that in- mester, the 360 Degree Experience the “Hope for Haiti Now” telethon, she thought encouraged listeners
“My fear initially was that there stitutions like Steere House are “not in Sound on 95.5 WBRU hosted which involved dozens of celebri- to pledge.
would be a mass exodus, but the about a procedure or some fancy a pay-by-play fundraiser for Haiti ties and non-profit organizations “That’s the good thing about
converse is actually true,” said Dosa. clinical intervention but rather about Jan. 24. All donations went to the and aired just two days before. having a local organization be the
“People find his presence impor- good, old-fashioned care.” church-based organization Provi- But their concerns quickly dis- focus,” she said. “Our station caters
tant.” But for McCullough, the book dence-Haiti Outreach. solved as WBRU’s listeners exhibit- to the huge community connec-
Oscar was present during the means something different. “Read- The event — which began at ed a generosity that impressed the tion.”
final days of both McCullough’s ing the chapter about my mother 6 a.m. and lasted for 20 hours — staff and volunteers. One listener As the 360 staff works on trans-
mother and aunt. and aunt became a catharsis for me. raised over $5,000, with the ma- called repeatedly to make $50 do- ferring the clothing donations to
“When you’re going through the It helped me to heal.” jority of callers pledging between nations before making a final $500 Providence-Haiti Outreach, they
grieving process, it’s interesting how If the book helps another reader $10 and $20, said Programming contribution, Kerins said. will continue to update listeners
you’ll accept anything that gives you find hope, “then I know I did the Director Quyen Ngo ’12. Listeners “The response was inspiration- on the ways in which their dona-
comfort,” said McCullough, who right thing by telling my story,” he also donated clothes and shoes, al,” said Drinan. tions are helping the earthquake
used to work at Alpert Medical added. including “a lot of Nikes,” said 360 Over the course of the broad- sur vivors, Ngo said.
staff member Henr y Kerins ’11. cast, listeners heard from Francis “Our station’s efforts for Haiti
Toward the end of the fundraiser, Guidice, executive director of Prov- reflects some of the changes in
sudoku shortly after one DJ made a remark idence-Haiti Outreach, and others terms of (the media’s ability to)
about a need for tents in Haiti, one involved with the organization who mobilize people,” said Ngo. “Our
caller donated a 4-room, 10-person had been in Haiti recently. duty is to use the apparatus that
tent. “We didn’t want to have a radio- we have to help in whatever way
“We didn’t have a lot of time a-thon without a voice for the or- possible.”

Student competes for $100,000 prize

continued from page 1 “I’ve always been a huge nerd,” get to hang out with Alex Trebek.
she said. “He’s strange off-camera. While
tournament, created in 1989, is Bella Maxfield P’13, Rebecca’s they were filming for the commer-
part of “Jeopardy!”’s new initiative to mother, was present in the crowd cial breaks, he would just talk to the
open their contestant search process while Rebecca played. She said that audience,” she said.
to a wider range of people. “Since Rebecca was always interested in Bella, who received the phone
online testing began in 2006, more trivia throughout middle school call before Rebecca did, informed
than half a million people have taken and high school. She added that her daughter that she was going to
the test online, and helped expand Rebecca had experiences partici- be on “Jeopardy!.”

Daily Herald
“Jeopardy!”’s contestant pool to in- pating in trivia competitions such as “I thought it was incredible,” she
the Brown
clude more women, minorities and aired Quizbowl challenges against said.
students,” wrote Jeff Ritter, senior other academic teams in high school Bella said she was very excited
Editorial Phone: 401.351.3372 | Business Phone: 401.351.3260 publicist of “Jeopardy!,” in an e-mail and the New York state geography to be in the audience.
George Miller, President Katie Koh, Treasurer to The Herald. championship, in which she earned “You’re at the edge of the seat
Claire Kiely, Vice President Chaz Kelsh, Secretary The tournament included 15 stu- 11th place. the whole time because it’s not re-
The Brown Daily Herald (USPS 067.740) is an independent newspaper serv- dents from universities including “She loves that stuff,” Bella ally like any one person dominates
ing the Brown University community daily since 1891. It is published Monday Penn, Yale, Columbia, the Univer- said. for the whole. It was lots of fun,”
through Friday during the academic year, excluding vacations, once during sity of California at Los Angeles and Maxfield said she didn’t study she said.
Commencement, once during Orientation and once in July by The Brown Daily
Herald, Inc. Single copy free for each members of the community.
other prestigious schools competing intensely for the competition. The tournament’s quarterfinals
POSTMASTER please send corrections to P.O. Box 2538, Providence, RI for a $100,000 cash prize. “I’m always on, a will air from February 1 to 5 at 7:30
02906. Periodicals postage paid at Providence, R.I. Offices are located at 195 Maxfield said her experience trivia quiz site — which is what I’m pm on CBS WPRI-TV. Maxfield will
Angell St., Providence, R.I. E-mail wasn’t intimidating at all because on right now actually,” said Max- be on the February 3 show at 7:30
World Wide Web:
Subscription prices: $319 one year daily, $139 one semester daily.
she had competed in Quizbowl in field. p.m. The tournament will run until
Copyright 2010 by The Brown Daily Herald, Inc. All rights reserved. high school and still participates in She said she has always been a February 12 when a winner will be
Quizbowl at Brown. fan of “Jeopardy!,” but she did not announced.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010 THE BROWN DAILY HERALD Page 3

C ampus N EWS “I was thinking about preserving the memories.”

— Haitian library conservator Patrick Tardieu

higher ed roundup
by heeyoung min
Haitian library creates link with JCB
senior staff writer
continued from page 1

Obama proposes Pell grant boost scholars, he said.

Widmer said Tardieu will likely
during overall spending freeze receive a modest living stipend,
President Barack Obama’s $3.8 trillion budget blueprint though Tardieu has not asked for
for 2011, released Monday, proposes a $17 billion increase such an allowance.
to the Pell Grant program, the main federal program to aid “He’s not in any sort of known
low-income students, which would expand the program’s category of visiting scholar here,”
rolls by a million students. Widmer said.
The budget also proposes to increase the maximum Tardieu said he hopes to study
annual grant from $5,350 to $5,710. The higher grants the collection of Haitian history at
and expanded eligibility would almost double the overall the librar y and at other libraries
spending on grants from $18.2 billion in the 2008 fiscal in New England, which he said
year to $34.8 billion, according to Inside Higher Ed. tend to be rich in Haitian docu-
The administration also proposes to make Pell grants ments because of the strength of
an entitlement, making the program’s funding mandatory the abolitionist movement in the
so that every qualifying student is guaranteed a grant region during the colonial period.
every year, according to the budget. Tardieu also said he wants to help
The budget includes a three-year spending freeze raise money for relief in Haiti, es-
on non-security discretionary spending, and identifies pecially among scholars who have
126 duplicative, ineffective or outdated programs to an interest in the area.
terminate or reduce — but proposes to increase overall Widmer recently established a
education spending by $2.9 billion or 6.2 percent, Office fund called Saving Haiti’s Libraries,
of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag said in he said.
a White House press release. The connection between the
two libraries, Tardieu said, seemed
Burglary at Columbia compromises almost too perfect. Tardieu has
1,400 Social Security numbers been working to digitize his own
library’s collection, just as the John
An office break-in at Columbia resulted in the release Carter Brown Library is beginning
of the Social Security numbers of about 1,400 people, its own project to digitize Haitian
the Columbia Daily Spectator reported Friday. documents.
Three password-protected laptops that held the Tardieu, operating without high-
Social Security numbers of more than 1,000 current quality scanners and software,
and prospective students, past and current employees taught himself to become proficient
and alumni were stolen, Columbia spokesperson Robert in rotating, cropping and adjusting
Hornsby wrote in an e-mail to The Herald. scans of texts on the computer to
Affected individuals were notified of the incident by make them as readable as he could Alex Bell / Herald
Haitian library conservator Patrick Tardieu leaves the John Carter Brown
e-mail and regular mail, and have been offered identity given financial constraints. With
Library Monday.
theft protection services, Hornsby wrote. documents that are more legible,
The New York City Police Department and Columbia he said he uses optical character ing about preser ving the memo- sized that now is not the time to
Public Safety are conducting an investigation of the crime, recognition software, which cre- ries.” focus on a long-term solution for
he wrote. ates computer-readable text from But Tardieu said he is now more his library.
images of the documents. immediately concerned with people “The moment now is to give
NYU bans smoking within 15 feet of Tardieu said the damage to his than with books. Though he will food, to care for the person in the
all entrances librar y is extensive. Though the return to Port-au-Prince this week hospital,” Tardieu said. “What will
library is still standing, he is con- to examine potential options for be the message to save books when
New York University will prohibit smoking around cerned the coming rainy season will relocating his librar y, he empha- we could save people?”
university building entrances and ventilators beginning next bring strong winds and rain, which
fall, NYU spokesperson John Beckman wrote in an e-mail can damage the books.
to The Herald. Widmer said librarians around
The amendment to the current smoking policy — which the world had been waiting on edge
bans smoking in all university buildings — was adopted after to hear scattered reports after the
the Office of Compliance received about 2,000 responses to earthquake on the condition of the
an e-mail describing the proposal last October, Beckman “very well-regarded” collection Tar-
wrote. About 80 percent of the e-mails were “supportive,” dieu manages, which focuses on
and “some people asked us to go farther,” he wrote. colonial slavery, Widmer said.
The proposal came about after a lit cigarette butt In the days after the earthquake,
started a fire in a library stairway, Beckman wrote. It was Tardieu said he lived and slept out-
also prompted by faculty and student complaints about side of his house in a group of 30
cigarette smoke that traveled into office and dormitory people, including neighbors and
spaces, sometimes through outside air vents, he added. newborns.
Though NYU public safety officers will remind smokers “In the moment, it was like no-
of the stricter restriction, enforcement will depend largely body felt emotion,” Tardieu said.
on compliance from smokers, Beckman wrote. Tardieu said that he was dis-
“Once the (no smoking) signs are up, I suspect there turbed by how numbed he felt by
are members of the NYU community who may take it upon the over whelming presence of
themselves to remind smokers of the policy,” he wrote. death, which led him to focus on
Smoking is banned in Brown residential and dining the fate of his library’s collection in
facilities, according to the smoking guidelines for Brown the days after the earthquake.
facilities. “I wasn’t thinking about the
deaths,” Tardieu said. “I was think-
World & Nation
The Brown Daily Herald

Tuesday, February 2, 2010 | Page 4

China surges in dino research

By Eric Adler The second finding, published the United States reigned supreme as
McClatchy Newspapers last week in the Proceedings of the the site of new dinosaur discoveries.
National Academy of Sciences is sure But in the past five years, China has
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Lost in time, to reignite the ongoing fight over the usurped North America in a dino-race
hidden beneath the earth for millions origin of flight. that, to the extent it exists, is as col-
of years, dinosaurs aren’t creatures that Paleontologists David Burnham legial as it is competitive.
reveal their secrets quickly. and Larry Martin and animal flight In paleontology — whether the
Yet two new and surprising dino- expert David Alexander — all with KU focus is dinosaurs, prehistoric mam-
discoveries recently have come out of — worked with Chinese scientists to mals, 500-million-year-old sea crea-
the University of Kansas. Not surpris- create a model using bones cast from a tures or even early humans — China is
ing, both have emerged from fossils 125-million-year-old, four-winged glid- now ranked first among fossil-hunting
found in a nation that in the past de- ing dinosaur named microraptor to sites.
cade has risen to utterly transform the show that the pheasant-sized critter “It’s not just dinosaurs, but fossil
study of the prehistoric past. probably did not run on the ground, mammals, too,” said famed dinosaur
More than ever, this is the age of as many scientists contend. hunter Bob Bakker, curator of the
the Chinasaurs. The scientists instead present Houston Museum of Natural Sci-
“Whether you are looking for ma- evidence suggesting that the sharp- ence. “They have great stuff: complete
rine reptiles or birds or dinosaurs, or toothed carnivore, an ancestor of mod- saber-tooth cat skeletons, three-toed
whatever, China is developing so fast ern birds, always lived in the trees, horses. The Chinese have magnificent
right now it is staggering.” said Philip spreading its wings and coasting from fossil rhinos.”
Currie, professor of dinosaur paleo- branch to branch. As far as dinosaurs go, University
biology at the University of Alberta The paper is a direct challenge to of Pennsylvania paleontologist Peter
and vice president of the Society of the “ground up” notion of flight, the Dodson keeps a running tally of the
Vertebrate Paleontology. “I’d say that theory that modern birds evolved number discovered in different coun-
right now it is number one in the world from feathered dinosaurs that first tries.
for most major fossil finds.” ran on the ground before evolving the “I knew China had been close to
The first KU discovery, announced ability to take wing. the United States,” he said. “I discov-
in December, looks at fossilized teeth of “With 7-inch flight feathers on its ered to my surprise, chagrin, amaze-
a nasty turkey-sized dinosaur to show feet, it was implausible that it would ment that as of last summer, China not
that some meat-eating dinosaurs not even walk,” Burnham said. only had already surpassed the United
only clawed or chomped their victims, To be sure, for nearly 130 years States, but shot past it. I honestly didn’t
but also oozed venom from glands in — ever since the late 1870s, when think we would ever relinquish our
their mouths like cobras or Komodo great long-necked dinosaurs were position, but things have happened
dragons to poison their prey. discovered in the American West — so fast in China.”
The Brown Daily Herald
“It was a disaster before the disaster.”
— Marie Gabriel, of the Haiti Charity Hope Foundation, on Haiti

Tuesday, February 2, 2010 | Page 5

Domestic partners gain funeral rights Assembly thwarts

27 Carcieri vetoes
By Rebecca Ballhaus who, after his partner of 17 years Following criticism of last No-
Contributing Writer committed suicide, spent over a vember’s veto, Carcieri indicated his
month trying to recover the body openness to reciprocal rights legisla-
The Rhode Island General Assembly and bury it. “He called me personally tion that would extend benefits not
voted last month to override the veto to let me know all the problems he only to gay and lesbian couples, but
by Gov. Donald Carcieri ’65 of a bill was having with the Department of other types of committed relation- BY Claire Peracchio incorporating voter registration
that will allow domestic partners to Health and the coroner’s office and ships as well. Kempe cited elderly Senior Staff Writer into civics classrooms in Rhode
make arrangements for each other’s the funeral home and the crematory, individuals “living together and shar- Island public schools offers an
funerals. The bill defines domestic so I became very acutely aware of ing resources for financial reasons” Rhode Island’s General Assembly opportunity to further swell the
partners as those in an “exclusive, in- his problem,” Perry said. as another group that would benefit began its 2010 session last month ranks of participating young peo-
timate and committed relationship,” Of the legislature’s override, from such legislation. by overriding vetoes of two impor- ple, Savitzky said.
in which the couple lives together Perry said, “It’s hard to be elated “It’s as simple as filling out the tant electoral reform bills — one Savitzky credited the bills with
and is financially interdependent. over a right that is almost a civil right form which is available on the De- allowing 16 and 17-year-olds to having “broad bipartisan support,”
Sen. Rhoda Perry P’91, D-Dist. as far as I’m concerned — being partment of Health’s Web site. It pre-register to vote and the other and he cited the help of the Brown
3, whose district includes College able to bury the man or woman you doesn’t require special legislation mandating special elections to fill Republicans during his own time at
Hill, said the bill makes it “crystal love without having the bureaucratic for a group of individuals,” Kempe U.S. Senate vacancies. Brown in advocating for the voting
clear” that domestic partners are on nonsense.” said. The state’s legislators have reform bill that allows preregis-
“the same tier” as spouses when it The House voted again to ap- “This bill is important — if it overturned several of the 27 vetoes tered teenagers to automatically
comes to funeral arrangements for prove the bill, 67-3, and the Senate weren’t, the governor would not issued by outgoing Gov. Donald be eligible to vote once they turn
loved ones. did so, 29-3, easily providing the have made the decision to veto it,” Carcieri ’65 at the close of the 2009 18.
“I wish it hadn’t been necessary,” two-thirds vote necessary to over- said Linda Zang ’10, the advocacy legislative session. The veto over- Sen. Rhoda Perry, D-Dist. 3,
Perry said. “I am glad that we had ride the veto issued by Carcieri last chair for the Brown Queer Alliance. rides represent the convergence of whose district includes College
at least one bill last year that helped November. She called his veto “unconscionable” Democratic political clout in the Hill, also supported both bills.
a struggling community, a commu- Carcieri’s press secretary Amy and an “attack on the human dignity General Assembly and of the im- “I think it is always a good idea
nity that has to fight for all of its Kempe indicated the bill was super- of gays and lesbians and Rhode Is- minent departure of a Republican to have people in an electoral dis-
civil rights. From that standpoint, fluous, citing an “existing process landers in general.” governor, said Wendy Schiller, trict choose (their representatives)
it’s good policy.” prescribed by law to allow two in- Zang called the override a “great associate professor of political rather than having the governor
As one of the two sponsors of the dividuals or an individual to name victory.” “It shows just how tough science. appoint someone,” she said of the
bill, Perry said she was inspired by another individual to oversee funeral the struggle for equality is,” she “Because Rhode Island is an Senate vacancies bill.
the tragic story of Mark Goldberg, arrangements.” said. overwhelmingly Democratic state, Perry attributed the overrides
the legislature will almost always largely to the Democratic majority
win,” she said. of supporters in the legislature,

R.I. Haitians offer hope, help for home Schiller attributed the “cycle
of veto and overturn” to the re-
but she stopped short of defining
the pre-registration bill in strictly
lationship between Carcieri, who political terms.
continued from page 1 needed help,” Wagnac said. But there is hope for Haiti, Wag- is prohibited by term limits from “I look at it not as a partisan
Gabriel expressed a similar senti- nac and Gabriel said, to come out of seeking reelection, and a Demo- issue but as an education issue,”
which he has not visited since 2002. ment. “It was a disaster before the the devastation of the earthquake cratic legislature emboldened by she said.
He has his own family here, but his disaster,” she said. stronger than before. Wagnac hopes the governor’s lame duck status. Rep. David Segal, D-Dist. 2,
aunts and uncles in Haiti were the Wagnac expressed concern that international help will spur the institu- Democratic support for the pre- lauded the changes for “encourag-
ones who took care of him when his although the aid that is now pouring tion of better building codes, marked registration bill was strengthened ing people to engage in the political
parents moved to the United States in in is welcome, it is not getting to the streets, and improved phone service by new evidence linking youth mo- process throughout their lives,”
the 1980s and he stayed in Haiti until people of Haiti. He recalls being con- on the island. Wagnac said with im- bilization to votes for Democrats, though he recused himself from
they could send for him. founded by an incident reported on proved regulations and more con- Schiller said. voting on the reform bills due to
Fortunately for Wagnac, his visit- CNN in which the medicine at a Hai- struction hopefully will come more Also a factor for the support for his prior work on behalf of FairVote
ing aunt was able to call the church tian airport sat around without being jobs to stimulate the economy. It will the Senate vacancies legislation at the national level.
and let them know she was fine. Other distributed to the sick. Gabriel feels take time, both said, but they remain was a rumor that when Department The pre-registration act had
friends and family members in the the international aid efforts could be adamant that the people of Haiti have of Defense Secretary Robert Gates passed in the General Assembly
United States told Wagnac that they better organized, including the differ- the resolve. resigns, Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I., multiple times in past years, but
had made contact with his loved ones ent local groups that are trying to help “It could take us a long time, will be a favorite to take his place, until recently, had always been
in Haiti, though he has not been able but should, in her opinion, collaborate but we will get out of it because we according to Schiller. Rhode Is- killed by a veto, Segal said.
to talk to them himself so far. instead of working alone. are strong,” Gabriel said. “We have land legislators would like to avoid Opponents of the legislation
But even knowing friends and fam- “It’s wonderful to see how many faith.” the messy and protracted Senate were concerned that allowing
ily are alive, the situation for Rhode countries are willing to help Haiti,” Wagnac and Gabriel say they are vacancy struggles like those that pre-registration would add a new
Island’s Haitians remains distressing. said Gabriel, “but we don’t know driven by faith and religious deter- took place recently in Illinois and category of voters that could be
Marie Gabriel, the founder and presi- who’s in charge.” mination, even when faced with the New York, she said. manipulated for the purpose of
dent of the Rhode Island-based Haiti Still, Gabriel emphasizes that the denouncement of fellow Christians. Ari Savitzky ’06 — the chair- fraud, according to Segal. But the
Charity Hope Foundation, said she aid is “a blessing,” and Wagnac said Neither of them heard Pat Robert- man of FairVote Rhode Island, an positive results of similar legis-
has siblings in Haiti now sleeping in he is pleased to see so many parties son’s remarks that Haiti was suffering organization that supported both lation in states such as Florida,
the streets. The house her sister lived working together. Their own groups as a result of long ago signing a “pact electoral reform bills — hails their North Carolina and Hawaii have
in was damaged in the earthquake. — the Elmwood Church and Gabriel’s with the Devil” directly, though they recent passage as “a great thing for largely assuaged those fears, he
Although it has not collapsed, Gabriel foundation — are putting together have heard the general idea. Wagnac Rhode Island’s democracy.” said.
said her sister feared it was not safe. efforts to aid Haiti. Wagnac spent last said he found the remarks tasteless. Being registered to vote is “On the whole, the reforms
A school next to the site where some Saturday morning and afternoon col- “I’m not saying he’s lying about one of the most important deter- should encourage people’s faith in
of her family members live did col- lecting all of the donations that have it, I’m not saying he’s making it up,” minants of electoral participation, governance structures and encour-
lapse in the earthquake, leaving all poured in from other churches and Wagnac said, “but this is not the right especially for young people, and age participation,” Segal said.
of the children buried inside. Gabriel organizations, who have dropped off time to say those things while people
said reports from Haiti indicated that food and clothing with the Elmwood are hurting, and it might prevent cer-
rescue workers had yet to search the Church. However, he still needs an- tain people from helping out.”
rubble. other container for storing all of the Wagnac does, though, maintain
The Haitian government, Wagnac donations that have poured in, and that God works in “mysterious ways”
and Gabriel both said, is corrupt and someone to handle the items’ ship- and should be a source of comfort for
has failed its citizens by not creating ping. those grieving.
the infrastructure needed to deal with Gabriel, for her part, is concerned “We have no right to question
a disaster of this caliber. that the necessary resources are not him,” he said. “By praising and wor-
Haiti had been struggling with available to continue building — or to shipping him, we find joy even with
poverty and corruption before the
destruction wrought by the earth-
reconstruct — the foundation’s proj-
ects in Haiti, including an orphanage
this disaster. That’s what God’s there
for — to give you joy.”
quake. Though Wagnac and Gabriel for children. She and the foundation Gabriel said they must learn to
both praise the international relief are organizing fundraising events forgive Robertson for his “ignorant”
efforts, both expressed their belief — including one with the Elmwood remarks, saying they were inappropri-
that Haiti’s inability to cope with the Church over a week ago — and she is ate coming from a fellow Christian.
disaster is a consequence of the coun- working to put together a plan to visit “Why don’t you go give people the
try’s preexisting circumstances. Haiti in late February, with at least two gospel?” she said. “We need support.
“Way before that earthquake, we mission trips planned thereafter. We need prayer.”
Editorial & Letters
The Brown Daily Herald

Page 6 | Tuesday, February 2, 2010

l e t t e r to t h e e d i to r

Bookstore not to blame for

textbook prices
To the Editor: Amazon can often offer lower
prices because it doesn’t provide
Though textbook costs are ab- the convenience of a store where
surdly high, Mike Johnson mis- we can browse textbooks and easily
places blame (“Can’t buy me...text,” return the ones we decide against.
Jan. 27). A Herald article from 2006 I don’t blame anyone for checking
(“Publishers source of rising text- book prices with online retailers. But
book costs,” Dec. 7) says the Brown when the price difference between
Bookstore usually has a profit mar- the bookstore and Amazon is 10-15
gin of around one percent, which percent or smaller — as it is much of
I can’t imagine this economy has the time — I am inclined to support
improved since then. Most of the one of the last independent univer-
fault — and your money — accrue sity bookstores.
to publishers, which the article says
have been raising book prices at Nick Hagerty ’10
more than four times the inflation Jan. 28

In a column in Thursday’s Herald (“In defense of Ruth,” Jan. 28), an incorrect
value was given for the losses to the Brown endowment over the course of
the current financial crisis. In fact, the endowment lost $740 million over e d i to r i a l
the 12 months ending June 30.

An article in Monday’s Herald (“Open mic raises thousands for Haiti,”

Feb. 1) incorrectly stated that “kembe firme” means “stay strong.” In
Syllabus day
fact, it is “kenbe fem.”
The last time the Brown community broached the dissatisfied or more uncertain than when they came
A Web version of an article in Monday’s Herald (“In troubled economy, subject of holidays, the University eliminated Colum- in. Furthermore, the large crowds of students attend-
students turn to unpaid internships,” Feb. 1) incorrectly identified Willy bus Day amidst fierce debate and controversy. We ing some classes are often forced to stand or sit on
Franzen as Willy Frenzen. are certain, though, that Columbus Day enthusiasts stairs in auditorium halls, creating discomfort and
and detractors alike will appreciate our new recom- even fire hazards.
The Herald regrets the errors. mended tradition. Making syllabi available online ahead of time can
We propose that Aug. 27, 2010 — five days before alleviate many of these problems. If the University
the beginning of shopping period for the Fall 2010 adopts our proposed suggestion, then next fall stu-
Letters, please! semester — be declared Syllabus Day. To honor dents will be expected to have read syllabi prior to the
Syllabus Day, the administration should mandate first class meeting. This measure will make students’ that all professors upload their course syllabi to the shopping decisions more informed and allow profes-
Web by this date. This simple measure will directly sors to change the usual first day routine. We hope
benefit both faculty and students. professors will take advantage of this opportunity
Professors are currently encouraged to upload to commence teaching — or at least previewing in
t h e b r o w n d a i ly h e r a l d their syllabi to, the University’s detail — course content right away. Since the first
Senior Editors
Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Deputy Managing Editors online course database. We applaud recent efforts day’s attendance will more accurately reflect the likely
Chaz Kelsh Sophia Li Ellen Cushing
George Miller
Seth Motel undertaken by the Provost, the Dean of the College class size, professors will also be able to make more
Emmy Liss
Joanna Wohlmuth and the Undergraduate Council of Students to increase informed judgments about rooms, sections and TAs.
Business faculty participation. However, The Herald reported And instead of listening to logistical information they
General Managers Office Manager
Anne Speyer Arts & Culture Editor Claire Kiely Shawn Reilly
last week that just over one-third of the courses offered could have easily read on their own, students will be
Suzannah Weiss Arts & Culture Editor Katie Koh this semester had syllabi on their Course Preview able to focus on the material and determine whether
Brian Mastroianni Features Editor
Hannah Moser Features Editor Directors Pages at the beginning of shopping period. the professor’s teaching style appeals to them.
Kelly Wess Sales
Brigitta Greene Metro Editor
Matthew Burrows Finance A new, University-wide mandate would be no more As the online system develops, we hope the Course
Ben Schreckinger Metro Editor
Margaret Watson Client Relations than a minor inconvenience to professors. Syllabi are Preview Pages can also become an extensive database
Sydney Ember News Editor
Christiana Stephenson Alumni Relations
Nicole Friedman News Editor likely completed a week prior to the beginning of the of syllabi from past semesters. For students decid-
Dan Alexander Sports Editor Managers semester, and many are recycled from year to year. ing whether to take semesters off, study abroad or
Andrew Braca Asst. Sports Editor Arjun Vaidya Local Sales
Han Cui Asst. Sports Editor Uploading these syllabi electronically should take no just planning in advance for concentration require-
Marco deLeon National Sales
Graphics & Photos Aditi Bhatia University Sales more than a few minutes. ments, perusing syllabi from previous years can be
Stephen Lichenstein Graphics Editor Jared Davis University Sales As students and professors have noticed once tremendously useful. Access to old syllabi will also aid
Alex Yuly Graphics Editor Trenten Nelson-Rivers Recruiter Sales
Nick Sinnott-Armstrong Photo Editor Alexander Carrere Special Projects again, the first week of classes is often wasteful. Over- students embarking on independent research.
Max Monn Asst. Photo Editor Kathy Bui Staff stressed students rush to classes without knowing We don’t expect that Syllabus Day will elicit the
Jonathan Bateman Sports Photo Editor
Opinions what will be covered. Professors, perhaps frustrated same kind of camaraderie as other days Brown stu-
production Opinions Editor
Michael Fitzpatrick because they are not able to begin teaching imme- dents are fond of celebrating (like Spring Weekend
Kelly Mallahan Copy Desk Chief Alyssa Ratledge Opinions Editor
Jordan Mainzer Asst. Copy Desk Chief diately, frequently focus the most of the first class and April 20). But we do think that a few minutes of
Marlee Bruning Design Editor Editorial Page Board meeting on the content of the syllabus. professors’ time can go a long way in making a notice-
Anna Migliaccio Asst. Design Editor Matt Aks Editorial Page Editor
Julien Ouellet Asst. Design Editor Debbie Lehmann Board member
Because the first meeting of class tends to be able, positive difference in academic life at Brown.
Neal Poole Web Editor William Martin Board member simply an exercise in syllabus distribution, students
Melissa Shube Board member are forced to delay their final registration and attend Editorials are written by The Herald’s editorial page
Post- magazine Gaurie Tilak Board member
Marshall Katheder Editor-in-Chief Jonathan Topaz Board member another class to get a feel for the professor’s teach- board. Send comments to editorials@browndailyherald.
ing style. As a result, students often leave classes com.
Anna Migliaccio, Designer
Claire Gianotti, Alexandra Macfarlane, Jordan Mainzer, Copy Editors
Nicole Friedman, Talia Kagan, Ben Schreckinger, Caitlin Trujillo, Night Editors
C O R R E C T I O N S P olicy
Senior Staff Writers Ana Alvarez, Alexander Bell, Alicia Chen, Max Godnick, Talia Kagan,
Sarah Mancone, Heeyoung Min, Kate Monks, Claire Peracchio, Jenna Steckel, Goda The Brown Daily Herald is committed to providing the Brown University community with the most accurate information possible. Correc-
Thangada, Caitlin Trujillo tions may be submitted up to seven calendar days after publication.
Staff Writers Shara Azad, Nicole Boucher, Kristina Fazzalaro, Anish Gonchigar, Sarah C ommentary P O L I C Y
Julian, Matthew Klebanoff, Kevin Pratt, Luisa Robledo, Emily Rosen, Anne Simons, Sara The editorial is the majority opinion of the editorial page board of The Brown Daily Herald. The editorial viewpoint does not necessarily
Sunshine, Dana Teppert, Monique Vernon, Connie Zheng reflect the views of The Brown Daily Herald, Inc. Columns, letters and comics reflect the opinions of their authors only.
Senior Sales Staff Katie Galvin, Liana Nisimova, Isha Gulati, Alex Neff, Michael Ejike, L etters to the E ditor P olicy
Samantha Wong
Send letters to Include a telephone number with all letters. The Herald reserves the right to edit all letters for
Design Staff Caleigh Forbes, Jessica Kirschner, Gili Kliger, Leor Shtull-Leber, Katie Wilson
Web Staff Andrew Chen, Warren Jin, Claire Kwong, Phil Park, Ethan Richman length and clarity and cannot assure the publication of any letter. Please limit letters to 250 words. Under special circumstances writers may
Photo Staff Qidong Chen, Janine Cheng, Alex DePaoli, Frederic Lu, Quinn Savit request anonymity, but no letter will be printed if the author’s identity is unknown to the editors. Announcements of events will not be printed.
Copy Editors Nicole Boucher, Sarah Forman, Claire Gianotti, Christine Joyce, Sara advertising P olicy
Luxenberg, Alexandra Macfarlane, Joe Milner, Lindor Qunaj, Carmen Shulman The Brown Daily Herald, Inc. reserves the right to accept or decline any advertisement at its discretion.
The Brown Daily Herald

Tuesday, February 2, 2010| Page 7

Our say in academics

should be paid to ensure that more opportuni- clare ourselves as a liberal higher education of the independent study opportunities? Who
ties in these areas exist. institution, the highest achievement of stu- is someone we perceive to have power, and at
SARAH YU Also, for the purposes of students coming dents’ initiatives. the same time, with whom we can feel comfort-
Opinions Columnist from international backgrounds, the Univer- Yet the idealism doesn’t seem to cut it — able enough to discuss these questions?
sity’s keeping a diversity of regional academic there is still a nagging feeling in me that these It is no doubt fantastic that students can
foci in mind allows better facilitation of advis- concerns cannot possibly be so easily solved. take a class for course credit on virtually any-
ing honors programs, student projects and Very few of us have attempted to undertake thing we want, and that we are encouraged to
During a reception for international students initiatives, and rapport between faculty and the task of setting up a formal academic pro- develop our own independent curricula. But
at the Faculty Club last month, Vice President students. gram before, and those of us who have tried these opportunities can by no means make
for International Affairs, Matthew Gutmann, Gutmann replied ver y simply to this to fill the gaps between what we have been up for students’ suggestions that Brown can
was questioned by concerned students about student’s query: the lack of these specific learning and what we would like to learn have do more administratively. Without the initial
why the Watson Institute has not yet taken to programs can be attributed to the fact that most probably been redirected to the path of steps and guidance that will lead students on a
starting programs on contemporary China transparent and supported path to attempt to
and Southeast Asia. deal with such administrative questions, our
I had to agree with the need for such a Without the initial steps and guidance that will liberal dreams cannot be realized.
question — after a browse of the “People” Perhaps the solution can be to develop a
page on the Watson Institute for International lead students on a transparent and supported more established system of communication
Studies website, I found that out of all the about academic programs between students
distinguished scholars and faculty members,
path to attempt to deal with such administrative and faculty — a process of academic advising
there is only one professor each to list as a questions, our liberal dreams cannot be realized. for faculty and administrators from students.
part of his or her “Areas of interest” China Students can address deficiencies and suggest
and Asia-Pacific. In fact, in my six semesters academic programs we would find beneficial
at Brown, I remember only one course with students, even if interested, had never devel- proposing an Independent Study Project of to Brown and its community. An organized
Southeast Asia in its title or description ever oped this interest to actively make them be a some kind. body could provide the messenger channel
being offered, and a quick search of Mocha reality at Brown. He implies, I assume, that The first subsequent question that should to those who make decisions and provide
now shows that even this course is not in the if one or more enthusiastic students decided pop into a Brown student’s head when facing the necessary information and resources to
curriculum at all this academic year. to devote time in presenting their ideas for a this important task should be the question of students wanting to effect more meaningful
I use the examples of contemporary China brilliant plan to increase Watson’s Asia capa- who to talk to for such a project. Who do we change. Who knows, this might be the next
and Southeast Asia on the basis that these bilities, then the realization of desired East and talk to, if we believe that Brown should hire revolutionary step to reaching our ultimate
regions seem to be increasingly important in Southeast Asia foci at Watson would become a new faculty member who specializes in an open curriculum.
both a global academic perspective, and in that a priority for the faculty. area not already represented, or if we have
increasing numbers of Brown students have Gutmann’s words should have left us with a suggestion to improve Brown’s image and
personal ties to them. With this background a sense of idealistic hope, a real liberal atti- standing as a cosmopolitan research institu- Sarah Yu ’11 is an international relations
explaining the areas’ growing significance to tude towards how we, as students, can cause tion? Which administrator, dean or advisor and history concentrator from Sydney,
the Brown community and to academia, it is change in our own academic administration. should we approach if we want to get further Australia. She can be reached at xia_yu@
logical that subsequent increasing attention This idea is possibly the best true way to de- than just being encouraged to take advantage

Repeal Rhode Island’s Amazon tax

with the nation’s fourth-smallest state econo- operational scale. While not charging sales to create jobs by building a more favorable cli-
my, could not really use Amazon’s local affiliate tax affords Amazon a small boost, in the final mate for businesses to come and stay instead
YUE WANG program as leverage to pressure Amazon. As a analysis the economy of size is its decisive of chasing elusive tax revenues.
Opinions Columnist matter of fact, when Amazon promptly cut off advantage. Separately, those local companies Ultimately, the Internet economy, rapidly
all of its marketing affiliates in Rhode Island that were previously Amazon affiliates would growing in size and diversity, probably re-
last summer to avoid charging Rhode Island find it harder to survive after suddenly losing quires us to think of new ways of coping with
Between the two sure things in life — death sales tax, it had little to lose. Consequently, what they used to rely on. Companies will col- it. Whereas began selling CDs
and taxes — seems determined the new law failed to bring any relief to Rhode lapse and jobs will vanish. The consequence and books, its future growth may well depend
to eschew at least the latter in many places in Island’s strapped finance. of the new law would substantially hurt the on sales of digital materials like MP3 music
this country. Collecting sales tax on Amazon. From the beginning the most vocal pro- already feeble local businesses and terrible downloads or electronic books delivered di-
com was a largely ignored issue because, ponents of the new state law have been local economic performance of the state. rectly to Kindles. Economic transactions that
in most states, the online store has no legal retailers who demand a level playing field for Notwithstanding the long odds small states take place on the World Wide Web may prove
obligation to collect taxes if it does not have big, national e-retailers and honest, tax-paying face in battling big corporations, can the Ama- ever more elusive to local authorities’ intent
a physical presence or “nexus” in one state. Rhode Island businesses. So the Amazon tax zon tax be justified on the moral ground that on taxing those economic activities. The way
This issue gained public attention, however, the Internet economy can enlarge the trea-
when a new law in North Carolina started sury of Rhode Island may thus be an indirect
to require online stores like to For states like Rhode Island, whose one: by encouraging local businesses to work
charge sales tax this year. Amid the public- with it. The fiscal health of the state may be
ity and controversy this move engendered unemployment rate tops 12 percent, the most restored if the local businesses can enrich
it is time for Rhode Islanders to ponder the urgent need is to create jobs by building a more themselves through it. On the contrary, the
consequences of a similar law that came into fiscal health of the state may deteriorate if it
effect here a few months ago. favorable climate for businesses to come and chooses to shield local businesses from the
Sour at the huge pricing advantage local virtual economy.
companies lose to online retailers and allured stay instead of chasing elusive tax revenues. Therefore, we should repeal our Amazon
by the prospect of a new source of state rev- tax in Rhode Island. The state government’s
enue in these difficult fiscal years, Rhode was supposed to help their situation because it restores some measure of tax equitability proclaimed principle of equitable taxation is
Island passed a law a few months ago to force the tax could make the Amazon price less between customers with different shopping at the very least misleading when the new law
e-retailers that have local business affiliates competitive and help the local businesses in habits? It is certainly true that fairness and is doing nothing to address the most serious
to assess sales tax on goods sold to Rhode the process. equality are indispensable virtues in levying problem of the state’s economy. At the same
Island residents. Fair as it may sound to Rhode Has that happened? Suspending the Ama- taxes. But taxation is also a powerful tool that time, the state government misdiagnosed
Island businesses, I would clap my hands on zon affiliate program in Rhode Island has serves other purposes such as redistributing the real situation and put local businesses
this action of state government if it were re- hardly hurt Amazon’s allure to Rhode Island wealth, discouraging unwholesome consump- at stake by shortsightedly attempting to in-
ally helping local businesses and increasing consumers, to whom Amazon continues to tion or spurring innovation and production. Be- crease tax revenue on the very business it
government’s revenue. But the new law has offer the most competitive price. Had Amazon cause of this, states are usually discriminating should keep.
so far achieved little of its aim and even hurt chosen to keep the affiliate program in place, in creating and eliminating taxes. Therefore,
Rhode Island business. however, small Rhode Island businesses would states may choose to provide tax incentives to
Rhode Island was bound to lose her battle continue to face fierce competition from online businesses to attract investments and stimu- Yue Wang ’12 is a political science and
with Amazon over taxation from the very be- retailers. Even if Amazon ended up paying late the local economy. Prudent use of taxation German studies concentrator from
ginning. Unlike big states such as New York taxes in Rhode Island, it still possesses a huge is vital to the health of the whole economy. For Shanghai. She can be contacted at yue_
where marketing affiliates play a vital role of advantage over small local businesses simply states like Rhode Island, whose unemployment
Amazon’s sales performance, Rhode Island, due to its overwhelming company size and rate tops 12 percent, the most urgent need is
Today 3
to day to m o r r o w
NYU bans smoking near entrances
The Brown Daily Herald

Assembly overrides governor’s vetoes

7 35 / 21
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
36 / 21
Page 8

t h e n e w s i n i m ag e s

1 3 2
c a l e n da r comics
Today, February 2, 2010 tomorrow, February 3, 2010 Dot Comic | Eshan Mitra and Brendan Hainline

6:00 P.M. — Zugunruhe Lecture Series: 4:30 P.M. — Effective Interviewing

The Trouble with Nature, List 120 with Professor Barbara Tannenbaum,
MacMillan 117
7:00 P.M. — RI Philatelic Society
125th Anniversary Celebration, John 7:00 P.M. — “BLAST! The Movie,”
Hay Library Barus & Holley 168

Sharpe Refectory Verney-Woolley Dining Hall
Cabernet Voltaire | Abe Pressman
Lunch — Chourico with Potatoes Lunch — Tomato Quiche, Italian
and Onions, Linguini with Tomato and Vegetable Saute, Coconut Crescent
Basil, Chocolate Oatmeal Squares Cookies

Dinner — Carne Gizado, Vegetable Dinner — Chicken Pot Pie, Rice

Frittata, Honey Batter Bread and Orzo Pilaf, Chocolate Oatmeal


Excelsior | Kevin Grubb

Hippomaniac | Mat Becker

STW | Jingtao Huang

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