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Posted December 20th, 2010 at 3:36 AM

Distant Light
Trusted Member
Join Date: 08/22/2006 | Posts: 2390

One of the biggest flaws in self-improvement is the actual understanding of personal growth. When I finished reading "My Big Toe"
by Thomas Campbell I was in a situation where I was given all these tools but zero direction. Few years before discovering MBT I
remember on an astral projector's blog he posted a saying where basically the student asked his teacher what direction to go, the
teacher said "Turn around, count to 10, stop and whatever direction your facing is the right direction". I never truly understood that
nor did I know what to do after finishing MBT, until many months later...
In this community you always see things such as...
- "Does xyz work better than xyz?"
- "What's the difference between xyz and xyz?"
- "xyz sucks!! This shit right here is the truth..."
- "Yo, who's legit?"
- "Yo, why did xyz say this and xyz say that, I'm confused?"
- "You need to rewatch xyz product they said this?"
The thing is GROWTH is 100% personal, no one can help you. There is no guru, audio, video, journal, person, etc that can help you
beyond an intellectual level. Hanging around some guru for months an months won't do anything for you because growth is 100%
personal. This whole thing really hit home when I noticed LOTS of concepts, analogies, tools, etc that makes up my model of reality
is PERSONAL, meaning I created it based on first hand experience and to actually get the FULL idea of my personal reality you'd
actually have to BE me. Now the "Any direction" eastern concept made sense and the fact that MBT book leaves you with tools and
ZERO direction.
NOTE: This stuff was all talked about indepth in MBT, an yes I've applied these concepts on itself just to prove it for myself.
Knowledge & Truth
This is 100% based on perspective because the actual knowledge/truth is ONLY as good as it's application. Are these thoughts,
concepts, analogies, tools, etc producing profitable results towards your goals? This is why many of the community "back and forth"
is irrelevant because all your getting is fragment of truths based on a viewpoint. One man might tell a chick she's cute while the
other dude would just ask her what kind of drink she has in her hand. Regardless the ACTION of his intent, they both are still
talking to the chick.
There is no such thing as absolutes given all the dynamics an uncertainty that goes on BUT knowledge/truth always has a
consistency that if tested will CONSISTENTLY produce an objective measurable result. (Telling chicks their cute consistently starts a


For Newbs & Vets: Exploration Guide | RSD Nation


conversation and so does asking the chick what kind of drink she has)
Experience Is Key!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is what most lack, an like most human's who want to race to conclusions (by creating beliefs) and end up falling into belief
traps. The reason EXPERIENCE is the holy grail of self-improvement is because IF YOU HAVE FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE BELIEF
IS NOT REQUIRED. Reread what I just wrote. Imagine you're a basketball player who discovered when you flicked your wrist after
each jump shot it was more probable to go in and the whole league said "No that's a scam". Would you jump ship??? These "nay
sayers" probably have a different form (Different applications, processes awill be more profitable for THEM) or never even played
basketball (Don't even have fucking experience just using their faith), YOU know the flick of the wrist is profitable because you have
LOADS of first hand experience, there is no need for any faith or belief to back it up. You have PERSONAL EXPERIENCE to back it
Which brings me to the fact that lessons are learned when you have enough experience to backup the knowledge. Time is a
construct that is important to help you actually be aware of GROWTH because it happens in the small increments. The accumulation
of small steps over time will lead to growth. (When you measure the before and after states) So the main focus should be on
taking 1 small step at a time in the general direction an no matter what understand that you'll reach where you need to be so longs
your always taking a step forward in the general direction. (MBT, only talked about trying out meditation for 6 months)
This is why 30 day challenges are productive since it's a TOOL or PROCESS that basically forces a person to gain experience
because he has to go out 30 days in a row. That means the person is gain tons of experiences at a faster rate, learning more
lessons (lots of experience to back things up) and overall change much faster due the internal shifts he's made and all the new
concepts, analogies, processes, etc that he's created to explain the model of his reality. (The knowledge/truths he has based on the
experiences he's gained)
Ego Free Environment
People have a misconception of ego/fears because that is the shit that causes this whole addiction to "Feeling Good". The whole
thing is safe, secure, comfortable and actually can retard your growth. Living on the edge by constantly growing is where actual
stability lies. If you were actually exploring HONESTLY while checking the proof of your knowledge/truths you'd never bother to hide
behind your ego/fears. Why?
ALL RESULTS COME TO YOU, if you explored honestly in an ego-free manner you'd make the correct (profitable) internal changes
which would produce the proper feedback within your reality. You'd lose the idea of needing, wanting or desiring anything because
you understand you can manifest those things by making those internal changes. (aka growing up)
When you tamper with the process of exploration by letting your fears, beliefs, (no experience, lives through the faith you have in
that belief thought) wants, desires, needs, etc influence you then you risk causing yourself to fall into a belief trap. No matter how
important the area of exploration is you MUST let it play out in whatever manner it plays out and be honest about your experience.
If the thoughts provide any profitable states towards where your headed then it's not knowledge/truth for YOU.
The Cure
Understand your knowledge is limited, so explore with an open mind and remain skeptical. Only ponder the possibilites an explore
those possibilities to see if those potential possibilities were right or wrong. Proving a potential possibility wrong is profitable since it
causes you not to fall into belief traps. However, jumping to conclusions creating all these concepts, tools, analogies, processes, etc
that PRODUCES ZERO PROFITABILITY can stop your whole growth because your caught up in a belief trap.
So go gain experience that will help lead to the formulation of your conclusions...
The Big Picture...
I'm a rather spiritual dude but more an more as I grow up, I'm becoming one of those "Grow Or Die" types instead of a "new agey
feel good" type. One of the hardest lessons I learned in MBT is his mention about evolution weeping no tears an having no
compassion for those who refuse to play the evolution game. If you don't grow, you will have to deal with the logical consequences
which is basically THE SAME REALITY YOU LIVE IN (Which will get worst an worst as you just park in the comfy zone of "Least
So you want to get good with women BUT you don't even go out. That's cool, no one is keeping score or telling you what to do.
Heck, for some people messing around with women isn't of any value in their reality, that unattractive dull chick in his hometown
will do because all he cares about is coaching his high school football team. However, if your on this site then you'd like women in
your reality so you can't use that as a justification...
So, when a year goes by an you "Check The Pudding" (by looking back on the past year "before" & "after" states) an notice the
consistency of your reality shows that you still SUCK with women. Heck, you might actually be even worst because you let your
ego/fear hold you back instead of living on the edge an actually GROWING UP.
When people always ask questions an have certain debates with the intention of "Trying to find out who's right or wrong" they don't
realize if they were focused on growth they'd answer their own question. They would go outside, an play around with different
ways of being, intentions and processes to gain experience an come up with the conclusions that are profitable to them. (It's
possible that the knowledge/truth they find might not even be well known)


For Newbs & Vets: Exploration Guide | RSD Nation


...Strong Reality!?!?
Dudes go into a venue living in such a small reality because they're reality is in CHAOS, there is no structure or organization
internally because they don't even have experience to backup their model of reality. Basically they're like a low-level bandit who can
only rob villages far from the castle because they lack PERSONAL POWER to actually influence the external shared space we live in.
What I mean is, dudes have all these beliefs that they read, watched or heard from someone an just assume it's right and now
they are riding on FAITH. (A paradox wouldn't confuse you if the contradicting concepts made sense within YOUR PERSONAL
understanding of how it's applicable and profitable to you)
Whereas a man living on the edge who only cares about growth an knows on the path of growth and exploration he will have all
the shit that is probable to be on this path. (This case all sorts of things dealing with women) He goes out just experiencing the
process, not worried about the end result because he knows all this experience will help him piece together all the profitable
aspects that forms his reality
He isn't FEARFUL of any rejection or what people thinks because he knows they it'll just slow down his growth process. He tries
things not for validation but for the sake of growing an as a result he experiences, learns and grows. Eventually he pieces together
many processes, concepts that are backed by lots of first hand experience. They produce consistent objective mearsurable
So when he "Taste The Pudding" all the processes working together unfolds in a way where consistently he is messing around with
women and having sex. Did he grow or improve? If you measure his state of reality a year ago (Before) compare it to NOW (After)
it's obvious that when he rolls up on a chick they GENERALLY perk up an listen. In the past year he's been getting more an more
physical with women, an he managed to have 2 fuck buddies for about 3 weeks.
He could jump back in the frying pan along with his awards OR he can continue to GROW an face new challenges and obstacles
that brings beyond his current capability. Who knows, 10 years from now his journey could take him to a headspace where his
INTENT is to help as many women as possible experience a new level of sexual pleasure. This won't be influenced by FEAR or EGO
because he's been taking 1 small step at a time for a year, anyone who see's him NOW only see's the current packaging.
(However, ask his high school friend how he was BEFORE an have him explain him NOW)
P.S...I felt this needed to be said because in all fields they're is an actual lack of exploration and only a focus on getting some form
of end result for an ego-based purpose. A man who is just a person who's focused on exploration and growth doesn't care about
the results because the experiences are given. If your exploring the realms of social dynamics it's a given that sex will be part of
the experience, there isn't really a need to WANT or DESIRE it because as you grow more and more it'll eventually COME TO YOU.
A man who just enjoys going out an escalating on women will PROBABLY end up having sex with a woman. Even if he doesn't want
or care about such things, the mere fact is that he will experience such things because on a BEING level he is the way he is an it
produces that type of experiences in his reality just for the fact that it is him.
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Posted December 20th, 2010 at 3:55 AM


Join Date: 08/01/2010 | Posts: 81

Great post brah. Really Hammers down the fact that Experience is that is really needed and the "I am enough" concept (all
answers can be found from yourself). Thanx

Secret to life is INTENT + FREEDOM FROM OUTCOME- Tyler

[='Times New Roman']

Whether it be physically, verbally, sexually,

emotionally, the root cause is alw ays the same.
This happens in the bedroom too . [/]You have to LEAD the woman. Always be leading - [='Comic Sans
I can boil almost any sticking point dow n to a failure to lead .


When you lead, you are interacting with her like a man interacts with a woman. Not a friend
to friend- Tyler Abbreviated
Masculine Polarity= Be a Fucking man, Talk to her like a man talks to a woman, and treat her like a man treats a woman. Men act,
women react.
I don't give a fuck= I'm INDIFFERENT to your little bitch antics
Be Positive, Be a man of action, and Be Present- Alex
I am Enough- Alex
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Posted December 20th, 2010 at 9:57 AM


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Posted December 20th, 2010 at 9:57 AM


Respected Member
Join Date: 10/27/2009 | Posts: 778

fucking tight shit. epic post.

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Posted December 20th, 2010 at 9:04 PM


Respected Member
Join Date: 10/27/2009 | Posts: 778

Made me think the last days. Lol maybe one of the best most helpful posts on the whole forum, of course Alex stuff too. I gotta say
thanks to you I read about 60% of MBT already. Ill tell you as soon as Im finished on some thoughts of mine, I just have
school/pickup atm and didnt find to much time about reading.
I don't have to much personal evidence for the conscioussness and "big system" stuff yet and honestly I don't believe in it really, but
the structures he uses for the world are fucking tight shit. I love this model of subsets of all kinds of systems or the belief-thing.
Just lately realised HOW MUCH, just HOW FUCKING MUCH you believe shit. And believing means you have no fucking evidence. its
just ego and fear which keeps you from exploring truth and beliefs are feel good-avoidance. you close your eyes in front of your
fears and it seems to work out, so you keep them closed. why bother opening them, when youre safe? Hihi but on the other hand
youll never know if there wasn't all you ever wanted right in front of you, when you kept your eyes closed your whole lifetime ;)
I have little to no evidence of the astral stuff too, but I mean theres people who seem accountable who claim of having seen those
things, so I guess it should be worth being a hypothesis one could explore. and it sounds damn interesting :) I love dreaming, if it
would be going in this direction, it would be awesome.
Dude Astral Light,
I'm not sure if I get the uncertainty principle and intent totally yet. There happened a damn funny thing doing pickup: I choded
pretty much all night, but there was one girl I thought was totally fucking hot, so I wanted to get myself together and do this
serious. I got blown out the first time, but her friends liked me and somehow the girl realised I had a lot of intent, so after her still
keeping her eyes at me, I knew I could go in again and did.
Now heres the wierd thing; I asked for her name, like the first time, she didn't tell me. Now this time I knew I was in though and I
was more in beastmode. When a girl doesn't give me her name, I just use to be like, oh your name is"insertrandomname", nice to
meet you "randomname" plowplowplow. I did this too instinctively in here.
I say, whats your name?. She shakes her head. I say, Oh your name is Sabine, nice to meet you Sabine. She looks at her friend,
then at me: thats really my name. Im say: hahha alright now youre fucking with me. She says: nono it really is.
So yea i guessed right like out of 1-10000 names. that scared me a little too. funnily enough with a girl I really wanted.
So does this fit anyhow into an uncertainty-intent-model? Im talking about the manipulating outcome with psy-stuff. Im going to
read it anyways again, but will be interesting to hear from you ;)

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Cheers Skyy
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Posted December 20th, 2010 at 9:23 PM


Trusted Member
Join Date: 02/26/2008 | Posts: 3632

Dude this is awesome. You put a lot of thought and effort into the post and it shines through!
Glad to see great threads like this!!
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Posted December 22nd, 2010 at 1:04 PM


Distant Light
Trusted Member
Join Date: 08/22/2006 | Posts: 2390


For Newbs & Vets: Exploration Guide | RSD Nation


(Sorry about delayed response, I checked message right before I was going out and forgot about the thread)
I agree, the way he structures his book is amazing an after awhile you'll start to notice how much work/effort he actually put into
that book when you start trying to explain "Your" TOE. It's all those processes, concepts, analogies, tools, etc that makes
everyone's "Theory Of Everything" different but all leading to the same essential place.
The no evidence aspect (which is what I mentioned alot about in this thread) is something that really hit home for me because back
in high school I thought I was GROWING due to having abit more intellectual knowledge from reading. At the sametime I never fully
realized how much time is spent on playing "Hide N Go Seek" with our fears/ego. For example...
I remember back in summer of 08 when I was just a straight up approach machine, I joked with a friend saying "Yo, I just realized
something, many guy's who come out to meet me is always telling me I should approach xyz girl. I just realized they're actually
saying that because THEY would love to talk to her." Time after time, I'd be out with guy's an I'd be telling them "The beauty of
going into an interaction is the fact that you have no clue what will happen" while nonchalantly approaching anywhere, anytime,
regardless of the situation. That FEAR still constrained them in a way that wasn't profitable at all, all it was doing was prolonging
the inevitable confrontation of his demons.
The NPMR stuff is just icing on the case (Although required to understand alot of dynamics) which doesn't need to be explored that
deeply since for most, here and now is the most important thing at this moment. While applying lots of stuff here (PMR) exploring,
breaking down and playing with "this" reality seems fascinating. NPMR experiences is just a total mindfuck with things that can't be
described well. Which is why I can't even imagine what it is the author experienced in his 30 to 40 years of exploration...
For me it was a huge mindfuck because I did astral projection and lucid dreaming before, an his model of reality basically implied
that all those techniques (tools) weren't really neccessary to do such things, that those paranormal things were normal and actually
simple once you understood the dynamics. I spent a whole year using zero techniques an eventually learned what he was saying
was legit. Exploring that area made me realize that coming from a "School Of Thought" actually limits you and puts you in a box
since you become a slave to the technique. The first time he mentioned OBEs being such a small aspect of what's out there, mind
my was in a state of...
"This guy has to be fucking kidding me, lucid dreaming, remote viewing, out of body experiences, akashic records, etc. That's
already more than enough areas of life that almost no one on earth speaks of."
Your experience is a good example of "uncertainty" principle. Since reality isn't absolute an just probability distributions the
"Uncertainty" principle can come up randomly to create an interesting dynamic/situation without breaking the rule-set. When you
focus intent you're basically manipulating the bits (Probability Distribution) in a bias manner and the "Uncertainty" principle can help
integrate things to make it seem normal. With that said though, it's that same principle that makes it impossible for absolutes since
this principle allows for things to potentially be added without the actual red flag of breaking the rule-set. This is why you'll notice in
the book he always mentions testing your knowledge/truth by looking at the consistency that it produces.
From an MBT perspective pickup is all about becoming a guy who's probable to get laid. If you checked his future probabilities you'd
see alot of woman related experiences with certain things being more probable than others. As he gains experience an become
more organized/structured, accumulating all the profitable states he knows of up to that point he'd have a good idea of what is
most likely to happen due to past experiences.
As for intent, I noticed why "Point Of Consciousness" is so solid and why everyone always talks about being present or in the now.
Basically, the noise level is lowered so the output of your intent is much more effective. People with a strong reality that sometimes
are mistaken for delusional actually are just using there intent an influencing their reality. (This is all personal power which gets
stronger the more you grow) If you watch certain instructor videos you can see certain aspects of focused intent. (Look at the
"Beasting" journal by bonobotimes to get a perfect example)
I want to go further but I don't want to cause other's to think "WTF" is he talking about and I don't want to push you along through
certain things that you'll get an idea of from MBT. However, I'm not sure if it will hit you on the first read since I overlooked it BUT a
certain aspect explaining about us being a process within a process is mindblowing.
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Posted December 23rd, 2010 at 3:50 AM


Join Date: 11/13/2009 | Posts: 50

Distant light bro, first i wanna say that your my number one poster on the forums and probably atm the biggest influence on me in
terms of i guess life and development. I seriously cant get enough of anything you write, this is the perspective ive been waitng for,
for a very long time now and it feels like the more i read your shit the more it gradually sinks in. Ok enuff of that before i creep u
out. :P
I also started reading MBT when you posted it on your 1000th post and got upto about pg 560. I must say on some level its mostly
stuff i already know, and when i say know i mean found out as my personal truth. Unfortunatly i had never taken this sorta
perspective towards spirituality before. Back when i was 14 i got to a fucked up point where i quite honestly wanted to kill myself.


For Newbs & Vets: Exploration Guide | RSD Nation


Luckily someone handed a copy of new earth. I read that up and it was like BOOOOMMM solid 180 turn. I now became a super
happy smiling all the time idiot. I would as ecky did sit on a park bench for upto 10 hours just fucking smiling to myself in complete
bliss. I kinda realised there was mroe to life than this, so i went outa my way to try and "achieve material and spiritual excellence".
This didnt rly turn out very well as everytime i would try and take action i would end up losing the peace and reverting back to how
i used to be. Then i would have to read ecky again to get back it back. Fast forward a few years later and im 18, and read up david
deida, osho all other teachers, found out about game etc.... Now ive come to realise there are other states that can be explored
besides the vegetative ecky state as i like to call it and my sense of peace and whatnot is no longer dependent on books or external
sources. One thing that helped me massivly was what tyler said about being and not doing. I realised before i was being in one
state, vegetative peace, and trying to do somthing else incongruent with that creating some form of conflict. Now i can for the most
part enter these states all on my own and develope them slightly. However theres still somthing missing. It still seems to be a fluke
occurence and the more i try to get into it and achieve some form of consistency, the more it would elude me. Even sometimes
when i focus and become present i couldnt understand "why im not feeling the bliss i used to feel or going into some peak
performance ultiamte state?"
Mover forward to now. Im 19 and found your journal on RSD. Im like holy fuck i didnt think there was anyone like this on here. I
start reading MBT and develope a scientific approach towards spirituality. Ive now started to develope a logical system ,based on
empiracle evidence, on how to develope spiritually, how to know if your presence (among other things) is real and not imagined,
how to release negative emotions, burn past karma, cultivate energy and enter all these states at will. I can honestly say in the past
month ive made more spiritual progress than i have in 5 years of fucked up struggle. Im spitting new insane insights everyday and
its somthing that progresses straight forward and always has a practical impact on my life. Ive become fucking deadly efficient as a
result of lowerd entropy and feel almost as an expanded entity with many other aspects to myself. In the clubs ive becoem fuckign
deadly and have consistent insane state no matter what. Ive also written down pages and pages of notes and started making a
proper step by step guide for myself. Havent had any NPMR experiances yet, exept for this one thing where i feel as if im fading
into a black sort of sea.
All in all i cant thank you enuff dude. To be honest ive found your writing more powerfull and thought provoking than the book itself,
probably because its a bit slow, not that it isnt rediculously profound.
I wanted to request though if you could send me all your notes and if u want to check out my notes to see what you think/give
some advice.
Again cant thank you enuff.
Pain is innevitable.....Suffering is optional.
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Posted December 23rd, 2010 at 10:52 AM


Senior Member
Join Date: 07/11/2008 | Posts: 141

Thanks for posting. definitely gave me some new perspectives to try out.
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Posted December 23rd, 2010 at 12:41 PM


Respected Member
Join Date: 07/25/2008 | Posts: 577

Good post man, thanks.

I have been looking at some Jed Mckenna stuff recently....he mentions being comfortable V's being uncomfortable. If you get too basically lose any motivation to grow. When your uncomfortable, you have no choice but to move along. So you
need to stay on the edge of your comfort zone and keep pushing forward IF you want to grow. Comfort = stagnant.
Also on beliefs...having ANY belief system will hold you back...even a spiritual one. You need to be open minded and you cannot
'know' anything for certain. If you have a belief basically have an attachment that is holding you back from growth. If
you are will notice that if you look back over your life, you beliefs constantly change and you have seen your reality
through different perspective's. It's when you have a perspective that does not change over time, that is an indication of an area
where you are not growing.
One thing I have heard many times before form spiritual teachers......but have only actually become 'aware' of recently, is....when
two people have a disagreement and neither person is willing to back down or see thing's form the other's perspective. They are


For Newbs & Vets: Exploration Guide | RSD Nation


not 'trying' to prove the other person wrong...they are simply trying to 'strengthen' their own belief/view as they fear that a collapse
of that structure will harm 'them' in some way. It's kind of funny...the futility of it both beliefs hold true to each person and
their own current, no body is actually 'wrong'.
Anyway's, some ramblings from my current headspace.
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle
"That which is done out of love is always beyond good and evil" - Nietzsche
"It is better to do one's own duty, however defective it may be, than to follow the duty of another, however well one may perform
it. He who does his duty as his own nature reveals it, never sins." - Lao Tzu
"Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play." - Kant
Quoting Philosophisistis in my signature makes me look clever, yay!
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Posted December 23rd, 2010 at 8:53 PM


Trusted Member
Join Date: 12/23/2006 | Posts: 3211

Dude this post sucks, worst post of the year.

Also, you suck.
What if you could get any job, in any field, without a degree OR great connections?
Pro Tip: You Can.
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Posted December 23rd, 2010 at 9:29 PM


Distant Light
Trusted Member
Join Date: 08/22/2006 | Posts: 2390

Aim High: Interesting way to look at it, also I agree "ANY belief system will hold you back" because beliefs are just assumptions
that rely on faith in the assumption and has no actual experience to back it up. However, actual knowledge/truth based on their
perspective is highly profitable or else their wouldn't be no organization/structure causing all processes to be random and chaotic.
With that said though you are always open minded, skeptical an testing your knowledge/truth as new data comes in. (Because if
you do change you might find profitable states that make other processes unprofitable) Like you stated, nothing is certain (absolute)
it's only probabilities which is why experience will help you find the consistency within your experiences to help you find the
profitability. So when it all plays out it's basically tons of highly profitable processes working together, which produces a wide range
of probable experiences. You are your processes, it is a reflection of you and your internal state.
Berzinji: I'm glad you've made to choice to explore all this. (I'm actually abit hyped up haha) We seem to have had similar
experiences growing up in terms of having an idea about this an the paradigm shift of "Fucked Up to Cliche Happy Man". I too
became similar to that "Vegetative Ecky State" since I'd use astral projection and lucid dreaming as an escapre from my
boring/negative life. At certain low points, for about a week I spent 16 hours a day just doing all sorts of AP technique based things.
MBT saved my life in the sense of smacking me in the face saying "Wake Up, this physical life is actually important" and now I've
reached a point where I refuse to waste my life potential. (Now I rather die than make all these potential possibilities go to waste) I
like what you stated about entering different states as you grew more and more because this is true. (Also makes what he says
about being versatile understandable)
It's interesting that you mention about being alluded when trying to acheive some form of consistency. Recently, I was suppose to
participate in an advanced Q&A with the author of MBT, one chick basically asked "Why is she being one way, then all of a sudden
being another". The thing is our entropy is nowhere as low as we think it is an so different aspects of use come out because we
don't have a full understanding of that aspect yet. I guess you can say a strong frame/reality comes from tons of knowledge/truths
working together to produce a laser shape clarity of focused intent. So the processes that made you feel bliss on one aspect and
these NEW aspects haven't merged yet in a profitable way. I say this because NOW I've finally reached a point socially where I feel
like this very DEEP SOCIAL dude who feels bliss just providing memorable experiences. When I interact with people, have fun and
just flirt with women I genuinely enjoy giving those opportunites and it feels exactly how I'd feel when meditating.
MBT is a mindblowing book due to it's scientific approach. When it's from that perspective you are forced to sit an look at your ego
and most wouldn't like this. Just wait until you finish the book, you'll be sitting around for fun just applying all sorts of random shit
through the reality framework of MBT. I'm cracking up just reading your post because we've had such a similar experience due to
reading the book. (I too agree it's abit slow BUT I realize it's needed if some highly religious person was to even think about looking
at that book)


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As for my notes, you'll have to give me lots of time to look for them an basically piece them together. For the most part though I
have notes on MBT the book, My own TOE, (Neverending work in process) and on a actual physical level processes revolving
around socializing, nightlife, hospitality, sex, lifestye, etc. The socializing aspect you've basically seen, nightlife/hospitality/lifestyle
aspect I don't mention about since it actually revolves around how I want to make a living, and fragments of MBT book and My own
TOE is in generally all my posts. Someday I'll get to piecing things together because my biggest project is to eventually put all the
things I learned due to MBT in book form just to see how far I've come.
P.S...Everything is all scattered around on my phone, e-mail, computer files, etc. I'm still scrambling to actually start working in
2011 an get my physical life going again.
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