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Parth Trivedi

25 November 2013

The Ultimate Defence

Its been quite long since I talked about the human nature. One of my most favourite
topics simply because it is just so inexplicable. There are few other parts of philosophy that
even come close to this form. Now if you are a biology teacher who has taught me, I have
already bugged you with this question. If you are a saint, I have already told you a million
times over that you are wrong and that if I were to agree with you we would both be wrong so
lets just skip to the end where I pose the problem statement over again for those of you who
have just joined the debate.
Take the human body for instance. We are composed of the brain and of the organs in
the rest of the body. We have voluntary and involuntary think centres that make sure we poop
alright. That being said, we comprise of the basic understanding and comprehension of our
surroundings and of the phenomena that cause it to be so.(the understanding might not be
correct but it at least has us convinced that it is). If we break down this supercomputer like
functioning down we could see that we are essentially made out of the organs and in turn
tissues. There tissues in turn by cells and cells that are controlled by the centre called the
nucleus which gets the code of what to do via a sequence of enzymes and amino acids called
the deoxyribose-nucleic acid (DNA for short). Now into this code is more than functioning.
The essence of existence and the mere tendency to live on remains within this code and more
than that multiple copies of it tend to work in tandem in order to generate the results that we
see today as a massive civilisation. A simple chain of a handful elements (no literally handful,
mainly carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen) has been capable of inducing the tendency to
keep living within the organisms and I think that it is more than conscious that drives us to be
that. Now lets just say that we as a species were driven to behave in a living tendency as such
and taking that as a null point, we are to discover what keeps us that way. Let me take you a
little deeper into this. Humans have always been developing defences for themselves. We have
always, as a species been on our toes when it came to protecting our assets and interest groups



knowing that one day, inevitably, we shall perish. What makes this more interesting is the
methods we device for the same. Now in a recent video by V-Sauce on YouTube, I saw him
mention how, what sets humans apart is something which is very fundamental. Our ability to
ask questions. Now scientists have been able to train chimps to count, to express, and even to
an extent to feel emotion and convey it in the precise manner. But the one thing that they
havent been able to do even to the species that is second most intelligent to humans, is to
induce the ability to ask questions. I have always had this theory that our will to know
everything around us is more than just a human factor and a few days ago while driving, it
struck me! It is the ultimate defence mechanism. What made humans evolve, what made
them stronger and more agile and adaptable than other species to a certain environment is
their ability to ask questions. Now I am not stating this biologically or as a theory in general to
be universalised but it is worth giving a thought.
Early on in the process of going around doing our own business, we as humans catered
to the fact that we needed a defence mechanism simply so that we can strive and be alive for
as long as we want. And what we figured more than any other organism was that we needed
information. We needed a constant flow of knowledge of things around us and things around
those things and then things around them in turn. We ended up hardwiring knowledge
gathering into our predecessors and today we see ourselves are explorers and expedition
makers and the wanderers of tomorrow. We have seen, through history that more we know
about things, the safer we are, everything else kept constant. And it perpetuates into our
Now the root of me writing this article was actually to figure out why we happen to have
a tendency to survive, and I somehow ended up thinking about all of this and then wrote that
down. And that very same thought process stands as testimony to our ultimate defence
mechanism. Our ability to ask questions. And more so, our incessant and frustrating
morbidity to answer them.



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