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The Anti-Communist Movement

By Amanda Spikol (

The ACM, the Anti-Communist Movement, was founded in 1912 by Ivan Kemtrov [Perhaps with Czarist support, since the
Socialists didn't cement their power until 1918. -BJZ]. It responded to the poor treatment of the Russian people, and later, the
mass executions carried out by Stalin and the secret police. Though small for the first ten years of existence, the organization
grew steadily and encompassed a great deal of willing fighters of communism. In the present day, the ACM no longer fights
simply Communism; many of its causes are against other forces, and although the Stalinist brand of Communism has not
remained a direct threat to freedom, those who planned and enforced it, have.
By 1925, the ACM was large enough to begin opposing the Communist infiltration of China with small acts of terrorism and
espionage. However, the stock-market crash in 1929 hit Europe hard, as well as causing the breeding ground for such dictators
as Hitler, Mussolini, and the future Mao Tse-Tung. When war broke out in 1939, the ACM was then active in measure to oppose
and fight against the Nazis. Unfortunately, shortly after the war, Eastern Europe and China were lost to the Communists.
During the first years of the Cold War, the ACM gained the covert backing of several governments, as well as funding from many
large corporations through dummy-companies, and a great deal of private donations. Though not affiliated with the UN or NATO,
the Anti-Communist Movement had vast influence and power. As time passed, it grew, and its ranks swelled.
At the upper-levels of command exists Midnight Crimson, the members of the ACM who are supernatural in nature. These
include Kindred, Mages, and Garou who work to prevent the spread of Communism and the inhumanity of those who grow rich
off the blood of the common man. The head of the ACM and his inner circle are the only mortals who know of the identities and
natures of creatures involved with Midnight Crimson.
Unfortunately, a former branch of the early Soviet secret police, the International Communist Organization, or ICO, had been
growing along with the ACM, and had begun to amass tremendous power as well. The two combat each other on every
conceivable level of existence; from product marketing to defense contracting, to global weapons systems (their struggle much
like a mortal Jyhad). At this point, the ACM has the upper hand, but ICO is far from being destroyed.
At all opportunities, the ACM opposes and fights Pentex Inc., knowing what its true purpose is, and knowing that it works with
ICO when their agendas are similar. Thus far, the ACM has not developed a comprehensive strategy that has been successful in
thwarting Pentex each time.

The Head of the ACM

Charles Darren: A mortal, age 54, not much is known about his present appearance, for he has not been seen outside HQ for
more than fifteen years. United States military records state that a son was born to a Sgt. William Darren and his wife Eileen on
January 20, 1944 at Reagent Air Base in Arizona. The Sgt. was shipped abroad a week later and died of an infected gunshot
wound a few days before the surrender of Germany the following year. The young Charles received his high school education at
McGuffy Senior High in Nevada; the 1962 yearbook shows a picture of a teen listed as Charles Darren, as well as a photo of the
same boy with his date at the fall Homecoming dance, though no one has yet been able to identify the pictures as the real
Charles Darren.
Attending West Point the next year, the young man's name ceased to appear on any roll or record, and he appeared to have
vanished. Only after the death of Ivan Kemtrov by heart attack in 1976, was the name Charles Darren heard again. The aging
Kemtrov had left command of the ACM to his young protege, who happened to be the same age, 32, as Charles Darren would
have been in 1976. All reports show that the ACM has prospered under his leadership, even if the man is not who he is rumored
to be.

The Capitol City Streets

By Tod T. Fox (

General Notes
The Capitol City Streets is a mortal, homeless-run newspaper in Austin, Texas. It has existed for several years in the World of
Darkness and has garnered a lot of respect in town, and some small amount of renown in the homeless newspaper scene. They
fight valiantly for both the rights and the well-being of the poor and homeless within their city.
The newspaper comes out weekly, though sometimes irregularly so. It is sold almost exclusively by homeless people on the
street, who make most of the money for what they sell (although stealing is dealt with harshly). Through reporting, editing,
distributing, and even assisting with printing, the homeless, street, and poor communities are involved in every possible aspect.
When they aren't directly earning money, they are helped by job networking and that kind of thing.
Recent Headlines in the Capitol City Streets:

"Capitol City's Mental Hospitals -- Killing Our Friends?"

"Environmental Meltdown may be Imminent at Waste Treatment Center"
"How to Get into the Computer Industry"
"Cheap Deals & Sweet Buys" (a regular column)
"New Laws you need to Know"

The Homeless Scene

Because of its warm weather and generally nice, if unusual people, Austin draws a large homeless community. A lot have been
turned out from local mental institutions, though sanity is always a relative issue, especially in the World of Darkness. Most
homeless people don't go by their usual names, but create or are given a nickname or the like, such as the people above.
Resources, such as shelters, are unfortunately thin, but available. Medical care can be had if your income is very low.

Members of the Capitol City Streets

The Streets is a large organization, from the editor at the top down to the many people selling the papers on the streets (referred
to colloquially as 'paper people' at the meetings), everyone has a sense of belonging. The following are simply a few of the major

Timothy Thomas Turnblat

Known as just 'T' for short, Timothy is the editor-in-chief of the Capitol City Streets. He was homeless for many years, and was
homeless when he organized the funding for the newspaper. He has since found steady employment at a community shelter, but
still garners a lot of respect on the street. Despite his employment, he spends nearly all his free time working on the paper.

Known as Pink, just that. An African-American woman and crack reporter for the paper. Homeless, and has been most of her
life. She's known for getting into places other reporters, even from mainstream papers, couldn't dream of reaching. Her name
comes from the Pink triangle she always wears, except when she needs to take it off in order to wine & dine her way to some
juicy information.

Well, he just looks like one. Big, and broad, and hairy. He's another reporter, moves around a good deal on different stories.
Lately, he's been focusing on environmental issues, and has created quite a stir. Luckily, threats of lawsuits don't much phaze T.
T, also, knows to give him a more or less free reign -- if anyone could win a homeless paper a Pulitzer, it's Walrus.
Beyond his above-average reporting abilities, those with extra-sensory abilities may notice something unusual about Walrus -the man has a Destiny, and good or bad, it's powerful.

Joe Lipschitz
The Austin City Streets' cartoonist, a University of Texas student who makes biting, no-holds-barred political cartoons. His
series of cartoons on the proposed nuclear dumping ground are still being talked up about town. Tall and skinny, with greasy
long blond hair and a pair of smudged glasses, usually. He breezes in and out of staff meetings, and rarely speaks.

Statistics Information
Of the above mentioned members, all are completely human. Storytellers should feel free to draw up character sheets, but
otherwise assume they have normal, average abilities based on their backgrounds and jobs. Most homeless will have dots of
scrounging, survival, and similar skills. Pink, Walrus, and the others should have 1-4 dots of Journalism. Walrus is the only one
with any remotely supernatural skill, as he should have 3-4 dots of the Mage background Destiny. Since mortals do not spend
Willpower in the same way as Awakened beings, this is mostly for story purposes.
The Streets is a mortal organization, and all or nearly all of its members should be mortal, although it is possible that a
changeling, vampire, or mage is already hiding out among them. The exception to this rule, of course, could be PCs in whatever
chronicle this group is used.

Story Ideas for the Capitol City Streets

While set in Austin, this group could easily be moved to any major city, with a name change as needed for anything that isn't a
'Capitol City.'
A group of Garou are investigating the Waste Treatment facility for Wyrm influence, only to discover Walrus snooping
around as well.
Pink begins investigating a cult run by the Sabbat, and turns to a PC for help.
A group of mages are drawn to the newspaper by sensing Walrus' Destiny, and must uncover his Fate.
A vampiric PC feeds on and kills one of the 'paper people,' only to find himself hounded at every turn by the paper's
reporters and allies.

By Matthew Morris (

Long before the inquisition, long before the Akratai, Judges, and perhaps even before the Watchers, stood the Cathari. The
Cathari were Hunters from the Mythic age, and like much of the mythic age, their history has been obscured by both time and the
Technocracy. They were defenders of the weak, protecting humans from the creatures that hunted the night, working in and with
the Byzantine Empire. They claimed swaths of land as their dominion, much of what is now today Southeastern Europe.
To combat the monsters that roamed the lands an order of warriors were formed, the Nightstalkers. Equipped by their mages
with weapons of magical strength, the Nightstalkers rode forth, to take back the night from the supernatural creatures that
claimed it.
Unfortunately the Cathari were doomed to defeat, both from within and without. When the Arabs first expanded north and the
Bulgars expanded west, some of the Cathar lords, seeing their power base threatened, sent their Nightstalkers to fight against
the invaders. The leaders did not notice their loss of Numina, and the mages that supported them backed their leaders with Mind
magic, through their talismans and foci. The Cathar were slowly, but inexorable driven back, until at last a peace was signed.
The Nightstalkers were betrayed, left to die by their corrupt leaders, and the Annex in Constantinople was allowed to survive,
under the careful monitoring of the conquers.
Many of the Nightstalkers were killed by their former leaders, and many others by the Vampires and Garou they had hunted, but
a few found refuge in the new Arab rulers and their tolerance. This tolerance was shattered in 1074 by the rise of the Seljuk
Turks, in part influenced by the actions of Setite Vampires, reversed the liberal policy of the Arabs. The Last known Cathar
priests and few Nightstalkers still in the city were killed trying to defend their Annex. The Annex was seriously damaged and left
for destroyed by the attackers. Many of the Mages had escaped, again abandoning their faithful and leaving them to perish.
Some of these mages later went on to fill out the ranks of the Verbena, Celestial Chorus, Order of Hermes, and the fledgling
Technocracy. This left defense of the Annex to the warriors and Hedge Wizards, who were unable to complete their tasks and as
a result took what they could into hiding.
The true end for the Cathari came at the hands of the Church. Empowered by the Crusades, and gearing up for the inquisition,
the Crusaders sacked Constantinople, and razed the Annex to the ground. They believed the Cathari destroyed and began
including their name with heretical sects such as the Bogomils, Novatians, and Albanese.
Unknown to the members of the inquisition, some of the final defenders of the Cathari survived, and escaped with their artifacts
north, to the city of Kiev where they helped form the Akratai. Even this flight was short lived as the last of these were killed in
1240, and the Akratai was forced to retreat to Moscow.

The Cathari today

As far as is known the Cathari no longer exist. Though there might be some who remember it (Immortals, Vampires, Oracles,
possibly some Gargoyles) it is generally assumed that there are no surviving annexes, or practicing members.

Awakened in the Cathari

Like the Church itself the Cathari did have a few Awakened members. Most were mages, members of what later would become
New World Order and Iteration X, but some Orphans as well. A legend persists that one or two Vampires were members, and
maybe even revered figures in the lore. Another Legend persists that a Ronin Werewolf was also a member of the Cathari, but
this is again, speculation.

Chimney Sweeps of London

By The Geek in the Hat (

"Up where the smoke is all billered and curled, 'tween pavement and stars is the chimney-sweep world. Where there's 'ardly
no day, nor 'ardly no night, there's things 'alf in shadow, and 'alfway in light. ... on the rooftops of London. Coo, what a sight!"
-- Bert
The sun stands just on the horizon, and thick clouds of soot hang in the air. Stretching out for as far as can be seen is the
cityscape, the crowded tops of buildings and houses forming a new sort of ground unlike anything ever seen before. Chimneys
and smokestacks stick up in various places, and from the tops of them, in near unison, brushes and brooms are thrown out the
top. Just behind the tools come the soot-covered and ash-encrusted figures, leaping to the roof. . . wonderful melodies can be
heard as they musically leap and dance across the urban playground that they have all to themselves.
The Chimney Sweeps are an ecclectic group of London residents who employ themselves in a way similar to what their name
would imply: they sweep chimneys. One might think that this would be hard, tedious, dirty work, but they seem to enjoy it for
reasons that no one can really fathom. What they spend a good deal of their time doing, though, is playing around on people's
roofs, singing and dancing. The Sweeps share a telepathic musical link which is used when a member spontaneously
composes a song so that all of the others can appropriately sing along, play any "instruments" that might be found (trash can
lids, old pots and pans, laundry lines, tin roofs, etc.) and dance.
The Sweeps are actually an Awakened group. Many of their members (such as the legendary "Bert" and "Mary Poppins") are
powerful magicians of some sort. They don't make much of a distinction between true Magi and static mages, but all of them
know at least a little bit about magic and the different supernatural groups in the world. (Treat this as having Occult and various
Lores of at least 1.) They've all got at least one numina (many have more than one), which is the Good Luck power. Basically,
they've got really good luck and in a way-statistically-improbable number of situations "random" events go their way. (This, of
course, should be handled with storytelling and storyteller discretion.) In addition, their luck extends for about 24 hours to anyone
who shakes hands with a sweep (or blow one a kiss, that's lucky too.)
There are many assosciates, consorts, and even members of this group who are not exactly human. They've got strong ties with
the Bone Gnawers (most of them are kinfolk) and Fianna (they are Brits, after all), and often work alongside the Glass Walkers.
In addition, the sluagh and pooka faeries often can be found among the Sweeps. Sluagh just like the dark confines of chimneys,
but are no help with the singing; pooka, especially urban-type pooka (raccoon, crow, dog, cat, etc.) tend to enjoy the merriment
end of the Chimney Sweep lifestyle more. I suspect that "Andrew" wasn't really a dog at all, but a pooka. Chimney Sweeps have
ridiculously low banality (approximately 3 or 4) and generally see into the Dreaming. They also don't suffer from the Delerium, as
werewolves just seem to be another wonder of the city to them.
On the flip side, the Sweeps aren't without their enemies. They're opposed to the Technocracy (and vampires, too), whom they
know to be working against their ideals of wonder, creativity, and general youthful fun. Every once in a while they encounter
Technocratic agents, but the Mirrorshades don't have much information about these people. On rare occasions, the Sweeps will
actually get together and attack a Technocratic board meeting or laboratory, though this is often done with the help of some local
Garou. Their first priority in these raids is liberating "neat stuff" (Devices) which can be given to more deserving hands, such as
fun mys-tech mages (Sons of Ether and, more rarely, Virtual Adepts) or Glass Walkers. Any vampires found by the Sweeps has
more than a little bit of trouble, as Sweeps know that the vampires are what corrupt a city. In defense of the city, a group of
Chimney Sweeps will often attack vampires (which they can often pick out) on sight.
As far as organization is concerned, the roof-walkers are rather individualistic and laid back. Most Sweeps do whatever they
feel like (sometimes switching professions daily as they see fit) and if any problems arise, which they rarely do, since most are
kind, considerate fellows, they mostly work it out like "civilized people" and on their own. Chimney Sweeps have concern for
others high on their list of things to think about, and are remarkably nice chaps. Under dire circumstances, the older (sometimes
settled down) Sweeps are consulted. These people often appear as old eccentric (or seemingly psychopathic) people who
sometimes continually laugh for days on end and float into the air of their houses. Younger Sweeps sometimes have to make
house calls to bring down the elders who get stuck in a hilarious fit of buoyancy. Oddly enough, this phenomenon seems to have
something to do with Faerie magic, although it could very well be the talents of the laugher himself.
Sweeps are much better combatants than one would imagine. They have developed a unique (and effective) fighting style that
involves acrobatic kicks, quick maneuvering, and impressive use of broom handles as polearms. Many of the Sweeps also carry
around concealed blades (Klaives, sometimes) of various descriptions. In addition, don't forget the supernatural nature of these
people. This style also involves a bit of Kailindo-ish shapeshifting for the Garou involved. Forces blasts, weird Correspondence
effects, numerous numina, and about anything else you could imagine come into play when Chimney Sweeps rumble.

Character Creation
For creation of a chimney Sweep character, use the normal rules for the sort of character that you're going to create. (example:
Ya wanna play as a Fianna Chimney Sweep, so you use the normal Werewolf: the Apocalypse rules. Makes sense, eh?) If you

want to play as a more "normal person" sort of Sweep, then you could use the rules for "mortals" in the Vampire player's guide,
or maybe the Kinfolk rules from Kinfolk: Unsung heroes. Abilities that you'll probably want would be: Stealth, Occult, Lore, Broom
Do (which is a Skill, the chimney Sweep fighting style), Steetwise, and whatever else you could think of. For the static magic that
some sweeps employ, you could look at WOD: Sorcerer.

If ya want to get some insight into running a chronicle about chimney Sweeps, then you should watch the Disney movie Marry
Poppins or read the book of the same name. Even better, do both. Have fun! :)

By Jamie Seidel

Sword and the Word

The learjet banked, jolting Brother Reuben out of his meditative contemplation. Opening his eyes, he allowed himself a few
moments of idle observation before making his preparations for arrival.
This learjet did not have the plush and luxurious outfitting of many of its business-class compatriots. Rather, its spartan
interior spoke of the basic but functional efficiency the Militant Orders demanded of all equipment.
One of Reuben's companions sat opposite, across the narrow aisle, absently -- but efficiently -- stripping down and cleaning
the weapon in his lap. Two other knights sat further apart, silently preparing themselves for the mission ahead.
Reuben was the only Hospitaller among the small band of knights: opposite was a Teutone and the other two belonged to the
Order of the Temple. Holding the rank of Knight Lieutenant, Reuben would normally be in command of a combat team such
as this. But this was no ordinary mission.
As his mind wandered, his body remembered a tenet of the Rule that had governed his life since becoming a knight so many
years before: If you have no other task, see to your weapons. Almost instinctively, Reuben reached to the box at his feet -lifting out the first item encountered. Automatically he began to disassemble the pistol, polishing each part before placing
them separately on his lap.
Reuben turned his head to study the prayerful profile of his Templar commander: Knight Captain Thomas Threaston. The
grey haired, grizzled captain was something of a legend among the Orders, being a member of the first small band of knights
that had successfully hunted down and captured a vampire -- presenting it as irrefutable evidence to the Synod of Malta. His
presence spoke of the seriousness of the mission, though details were still thin.
Reuben's hands had completed the task of breaking his weapon down, and now automatically reached for a phial of lubricant.
The small city below had not been expected to produce severe trouble. Numbering only one million, only 10 vampires were
expected to be counted among its populace.
But something had to have caused the complete loss of communication with the combat team sent there a month earlier.
Reuben remembered the joyful face of a young Hospitaller sergeant who had been dispatched on this, his first mission. He
was almost certainly dead.
The jet banked again, this time bringing the city into view through the portholes behind the Teutonic sergeant. Reuben's first
glimpse of the city was a web of glittering lights, bordered on one side by the ocean and the other by a low mountain range -the golden glow of dawn gently adorning the peaks. It was a shame that something so beautiful could hide something as evil
and vile as a vampire. Assembling the gun once again, Reuben paused to look at its battered handle. While the Glock 18
was a relatively new gun, it had been used hard since being placed within Reuben's care. Like all Reuben's possessions, it
did not belong to him.
With only minutes left before landing, Reuben lifted his sword from its secure packaging under a Vatican Diplomatic Seal.
This seal, and that of his own Order, was central in getting the Militant Order's equipment past custom's scrutiny all over the
world. This was his second sword: the first having been shattered in the grip of a vengeful vampire. Only the quick actions of
his companions had saved his life that day. It was a personal tragedy, losing one's first sword. He could still remember the
day when it was given to him: "Take this sword; its brightness stands for faith, its point for hope and the guard for charity. Use
it well . . . ".
The new blade was in all ways the same as the first -- and yet it was not the same.
Testing its edge with his thumb, Reuben was satisfied with the clean part in his skin that had not drawn blood. Reuben re
sheathed the sword as the learjet made its final descent. Looking up, he saw the anticipation in the eyes of his colleagues
and prayed silently for a successful outcome.
Reuben's heart lifted when he saw the chapel. The drive from the airport under dawn's early rays had not impressed him. The
rust-stained hulks of abandoned warehouses and factories were the first shapes to welcome him to this new country. The
imposing and blocky skyscrapers of the inner-city did little more to impress.
But the old stone chapel somehow stood in a pool of morning light. The besieging gloom of long shadows seemed incapable

of storming the hallowed walls. It was not a large building, in the sense of the enormous Gothic Cathedrals, but its perfectly
proportioned and suitably adorned facade spoke volumes about the faith of its constructors.
Alongside were the church's offices, guest rooms and the cloister of a convent -- all built of the same pale blue sandstone.
The knights had not said much to one another since their arrival. Each was engaged in his own private contemplation of this
new and dangerous environment. None could shake the thought that these dark, towering glass walls somewhere contained
the secrets of their missing comrades.
As the cars pulled up in front of the chapel, and the knights emerged, a sombre chime began to ring from the stunted
belltower. Locals turned their heads toward the sound as they walked past. It was not often nowadays that they felt its
reassuring caress.
Standing at the head of the stairs was the local Bishop -- resplendent in all his official finery. Signalling to a nearby attendant,
the bishop gave instructions for the knights to be taken away. They were expected to attend chapel within half an hour, in full
Militant regalia.
Few places enforced this ancient but traditional ritual of greeting. Reuben felt oddly reassured that the ceremony was taking
place here.
Brother Thomas led the small parade down the aisle. Reuben followed, with the Teutone and the remaining Templar behind.
It was a private ceremony, attended only by the church's officers and the nuns of the convent. As the four knights walked down
the aisle to their appointed places, veiled heads turned and hushed whispers danced around the hall. Few of the sisters
realised what the strange, cross-adorned mantles and surcoats represented. Some identified the black habit and white
Maltese cross of Reuben's ceremonial robes, but few could place the white mantles of the Templars and the Teutone with
their red and black crosses respectively.
The startled murmurs fell away quickly as the Bishop turned from the altar. With the knights standing -- not kneeling -- he
lifted his arms and gave blessing.
"Brothers, welcome to our humble city. I regret not having received your predecessors in a similar manner, and now it seems
too late. Troubled times have befallen our people, but it is comforting to know the swords of the Militant Order's stand beside
At this, excited murmurs sprung once again from the hall -- quickly silenced by the doleful glare of the mother superior.
Turning toward the altar, the Bishop raised his arms once again. "Let us give thanks to the Lord for He is truly good . . . "
Reuben waited impatiently outside the doctor's consulting rooms. Three weeks of intense investigation had revealed much
about the city's accursed occupants. They appeared little worried about concealing their presence -- only their identities.
Teutonic knight Karl Orselensen had quickly identified the rise of a satanic cult among the street urchins, revolving around
moon and blood worship. This had provoked Reuben's greatest fears; this was no ordinary band of vampires: it was the
Sabbat. Little progress had been made as to the fate of the knights. It had become quickly obvious that the local bishop had
"disapproved" of the team as its commander, a Teutonic Knight Lieutenant, had been a woman.
Reuben's own investigations had located an unwitting victim of one of these blood ceremonies. Now, his international
standing as a blood-disorder research scientist had gained him access to the delirious young girl, who doctors said bore
unusual puncture wounds on her throat.
Her psychiatric doctor had described her as a "paranoid schizophrenic", deluded by fears of devils tracking her down for her
blood. The fact that her friends had disappeared under strange circumstances had little impact on the professional's
diagnosis. The psychiatric hospital in which he sat more resembled a hotel -- such was the attitude towards treating mentally
disturbed "guests." Reuben approved. The door swung silently open. A casually dressed nurse moved into the room, her
haggard eyes betraying the difficulties of her profession.
"Dr Reuben, Sara is ready to see you now."
Reuben got up from his chair quickly, the familiar bulk of his shoulder holster brushing against his chest. He always carried it
there, just in case. . . Stepping into the room, Reuben saw a pathetic sight before him. A young woman, little more than 16years of age, sat uncomfortably in a corner. Dressed in a white smock, her pale features and limp posture betrayed her heavy
"You have 10 minutes. I'll be outside if you need anything." The nurse closed the door behind her.
Reuben glanced about the room, quickly taking in the comfortable but functional surroundings. Moved again by the destitute
sight, Reuben muttered a short prayer beneath his breath -- calling upon God to restore strength to her spirit. A familiar,
gentle tingle washed through his body. Reuben knew his prayer had been answered, even before the girl lifted her head and
smiled -- the barest hint of life sparkling again in her eyes.
"Hello . . . Sara isn't it?" Reuben barely heard the meek, breathed reply.

"Well, Sara, I'm not like the other doctors you've seen. I know what happened to you was real, and I'm here to do something
about it."
Surprise lifted her head higher, though her insidious fear soon clouded her features once again.
"There's no point. They'll get you too, just like the others." Reuben's heart bounded. "The others?"
"Yes. You're one of them, aren't you? One of the knights?" Reuben forced down his surprise, breathing carefully before
replying. "Yes I am. I am of the Order of St John, the Hospitallers. But I'd rather you not tell anyone that."
Sara looked up again, a slight hint of a smile curling her lips. "Yes. There was one of you with the others. He was nice." She
looked away, her face saddened. "He's dead now, though."
A surge of sorrow welled up inside Reuben. The young knight had shown promise. "I'm sorry to hear that. He was my friend."
Reuben turned, giving her a moment for her thoughts. Pulling up a chair, he sat before her, waiting for her attention to return.
"Tell me Sara . . . tell me about the knights. What happened to them?"
She shifted uneasily on her seat. Reuben noticed the limpness had almost gone from her young body and color was
returning to her face. He smiled inside, rejoicing in the power of his Lord. "They found us . . . mucking around in an old
warehouse. We had drawn pentagrams on the floor. We'd been drinking . . . I'd thought it was nothing but a game."
As Sara hesitated, Reuben felt anger at how easily his enemy preyed upon the adventurous and naive nature of youth. He
had heard this story, oh so many times . . .
"Then suddenly Brother Anthony was there. We all stopped. I . . . I was embarrassed . . . We had no clothes on. He simply
walked over, put out the burners and erased the pentagram with his heel. He didn't shout or anything. We were all so shocked
that we did nothing to stop him."
Reuben felt an up welling of pride for the dead knight. He had conducted himself perfectly in a situation that could easily
have provoked outrage. Reuben breathed a short prayer, commending Anthony's soul to heaven.
Then, with a sob, the whole story bubbled forth. She told of how Anthony had won their support, helping them to deceive their
coven as to their loyalty and compliance. Once the group of friends were invited to attend a "blood initiation rite" in an
abandoned country town, the knights had prepared an ambush. It had gone horribly wrong. Sara's boyfriend had betrayed
them all. She had escaped into the shadows only through a desperate diversion created by Anthony. She did not know what
happened to him -- or the others -- only that no-one returned from the ghost town that night.
Reuben led the sobbing girl from the room, giving her arm to the beleaguered nurse. He was without doubt that Sara would
soon recover fully from her affliction, though the scars of memory would pain her for the rest of her life.
The cold night air chilled Reuben as he slung his sword over his shoulder, tightening the belt at his chest. The sun had just
set, and the full moon had already begun its march across the heavens.
A little more than five minutes ago he had made the rendezvous with his companions at the lonely hillside road-stop. The
four cars were parked in a protective circle, the knights donning their combat equipment quickly and efficiently.
His hands automatically began a re-check of his gear: spare magazine on the left forearm and right thigh -- check; bayonet
on left calf -- check; stun grenades right hip -- check; magazine pouch on rear belt -- check . . .
His dark grey fire retardant suit hid the moulded ballistic plastic armor plates attached to his body. With armor and sword, he
was as ready for battle as his brethren had been in the deserts of old Outremer.
Glancing around, Reuben saw the other knights had also finished gearing up. Brother Orselensen, who would act as
supportman, hefted his HK-G11 assault rifle. The burly but quiet Austrian brother's role called for strong firepower in order to
support other engaged knights. Knight Captain Threaston stood over the bonnet of his car, going over a map of the
abandoned town one last time. The Templar Knight Sergeant, Ian Dulette, was on point. He cradled the standard MP2000 in
his arms, but his webbing was laden with extra items such as bolt cutters and plastic explosives.
Brother Dulette was the one who had discovered the Coven was planning another ceremony at the town to mark their victory
over the previous combat team. He and Captain Threaston had encountered a ghoul trying to procure young victims at a
parkside debutante ball. Fearing both for his life and his soul, the pitiful creature told the knights all he knew. He now rested
securely under the care of a local Dominican monastery.
It would be a tough fight. It was a full moon. Somehow the Sabbat drew strength from this.
Reuben pulled on his respirator. Though cumbersome and bulky, it served the double purpose of protecting against any
disruptive gases and concealing his identity. He had worn the mask so often now during training he hardly noticed its
presence. Reuben's role was that of defenseman and medic. His haversack contained most of the combat team's explosives
and medical supplies. In action, it was his specific task to protect the pointsman and act as second in command.
"Alright, brothers. This is it. May the Lord look with favor upon our purpose."

Reuben slipped a magazine into the breach of his MP2000 as Captain Threaston ordered the small company into action.
It was the early hours of the morning when Reuben belly crawled into the small depression on the side of town that
represented the knights' command post. Sliding alongside Captain Threaston, Reuben made his gruesome report.
He had found the remains of Brother Anthony before the altar of a ruined church. The knight sergeant had perished from
grenades tossed into the roofless building after slaying a vampire that had braved the holy ground. The fact that his body had
not yet been removed indicated the grounds still protected him from evil, making it difficult for any Kindred to approach.
Reuben placed the fused plastic form of Anthony's automatic pistol in Threaston's hands. The blessed weapon had
obviously melted itself in the hands of a vampire, preventing its use for wrongdoing.
Captain Threaston took the weapon reverently, placing it in his backpack. "He fought bravely and well. Martyrdom is his -- we
should all be thankful."
Threaston lifted his image-enhancing field glasses to his eyes. "We have not found the others. There are bullet holes and
blast marks aplenty, though. It was obviously a fierce fight."
Twisting onto one elbow, Threaston handed Reuben the glasses. "We've found the Sabbat. There's a group of twenty people
sitting silently in the darkness on the east end of town. They started a chant about 10 minutes ago and lit their little incense
burners. Give them another five minutes and they'll all be as high as clouds."
Reuben peered through the glasses. The stark black and white image jumping into his awareness.
"Ian and Karl are in the trees, waiting for instructions. We'll move once the blood-suckers arrive."
The town was hardly that. The small cluster of about 10 houses focused on what was the regional church and school grounds.
That was obviously a long time ago.
As Reuben lifted his glasses to the wood, his eye caught movement among the foliage about the reveller's small clearing.
Six shadowy figures surrounded the glen before waiting motionless. The ritual was not yet complete. Silently imploring God to
reveal the forms' nature, Reuben's senses perceived a pale nimbus emanating from the shapes. "Captain, I think they've just
With silent speed only brought about by intense training, both knights rapidly closed the ground between them and the
Upon ducking into the cover of the trees, Captain Threaston thumbed the small button controlling his respirator mask's small
radio unit. He spoke in Latin. "We go in once they approach their herd."
That was all that needed to be said. With the help of his training, Reuben knew exactly where to expect his companions to
emerge. Lifting his submachinegun, he centred the infra-red sights on the cold torso of a vampire standing within his
designated field of fire.
The noise from the coven increased. The chant was becoming desperate, the participants enthralled by drug induced
ecstasy -- flinging their now naked bodies about in a primitive dance. Swiftly but silently, the vampires moved forward -toward their prey.
Simultaneously, Captain Threaston's weapon spat softly -- three rounds leapt from the silenced and flash-suppressed
weapon. Instantly the other knights followed suit. Reuben tightened the grip on his own trigger, sending two accurately
controlled bursts at the two vampires within his zone. Both shapes jerked with the impact of a possible 15 9mm shells each.
Both went down to the ground.
Quickly glancing around, he saw three of the other vampires were also down. The sixth had dashed into the middle of the now
screaming mass of unclad bodies, grabbing two and holding them against him.
Automatically, Reuben leapt up -- shouldering his gun and drawing his sword. At the edge of his perception he saw his
comrades following suit.
Rushing forward, Reuben's blade flashed dimly in the moonlight. The closest of his vampires had struggled to its knees, its
wounds already mostly healed. Quickly, Reuben swung his sword. The decapitated creature's head barely had time to touch
the ground before it dissolved.
Dust, smoke and screams filled the night air. But the sight before Reuben stood out clearly. The second vampire, it's teeth
bared and claws extended was advancing rapidly. A wave of fear passed quickly -- Reuben knew what it was he faced, and
had long since given his life to the Lord's service. Death would only bring him closer to God. Quickly reaching for his thighholstered pistol, Reuben hesitated. Many worshippers had begun running frantically towards the town and were passing
behind his quarry.
His hesitation cost him.

The vampire leapt forward at superhuman speed, its claws raking deep scores across his fireproof suit. A brief moment of
surprise flashed across the creature's face as its talons encountered the armor.
Before Reuben could react, the vampire flung a punch at Reuben's head -- sending him to the ground, mind reeling.
Struggling to free his bayonet, a piercing cry cut through the clearing.
"Desparte Ferre."

The vampire, now stooping, ready to tear out his throat, recoiled in fear. Then its body was rent with the impact of dozens of
fletchette rounds. Brother Karl had a good eye. . .
The vampire turned as if to run, but stumbled into the path of Captain Threaston instead. With the flash of a blade, another
vampire returned to whence it should have been -- dust.
Reuben struggled to his feet, taking in the scene rapidly. On the far side of the fire was the sixth vampire, still clutching close
the painted body of a woman. Karl stood at stand-off, his assault rifle shouldered.
Brother Dulette was slumped against a tree, blood welling up from under his armor. His face was blank under the painreducing meditation all knights were taught as a novice. Captain Threaston was scanning the tree line, seeking a vampire
that had escaped.
Reuben scrambled over to the wounded Brother and quickly examined the wound. A piece of his own armor had gouged into
the flesh under his left rib-cage. Dulette's life-blood was ebbing away.
Imploring mercy, Reuben prayed in all earnestness for Dulette's life. Placing his hands above the wound, the holy tingle
surged through his body and the blood flow slowed. Seeing his chance, Reuben quickly grabbed a medical kit and rapidly
applied dressings and sedatives.
All this time he could hear and feel the supernatural standoff occurring behind him. But he knew his brothers could handle it,
and concentrated on his task.
Finished, Reuben felt drained -- his spiritual Grace was obviously wearing thin. He stood and turned to the drama unfolding
behind him. Four powdery patches defiled the ground, each marking the final death of one of the Corrupt.
The vampire was in the form of a young man, decked out in all the black leather trappings of a motorcycle gang member.
The form of a young woman hung limp in the vampire's grip -- mercifully unconscious.
Captain Threaston made a slow display of sheathing his sword. Gradually stretching his arms out in front of his body, he
spoke in a soothing tone.
"Come now. You are obviously young in the blood. There is still a chance to reconcile your soul with the Lord. Let the girl go."
"Don't give me that bullshit," came the rasping reply as it wrenched the girl's head higher. "What about the others -- you didn't
give them a chance to play 'confession' time!"
Threaston took a small step closer. "You were all warned by the knights who arrived two months ago."
"Yeah! We kicked their butts real fine" the creature spat. "I'll have your blood nicely chilled in a champagne bottle before this
is all over."
Threaston took another soft step forward.
"Don't come any closer, man, or this girl's a rag doll."
Reuben slowly retrieved his sword -- his MP2000 was too far away.
The vampire saw him. Without hesitation, it moved to wrench the girl's neck.
Before it's arm had gained sufficient leverage, a hail of fletchette's ripped through the creature's face -- tearing off part of its
skull. The vampire went down, dropping the unconscious girl into the fire as it collapsed.
"No!" bellowed Karl, dropping his gun and sprinting to the fire. Threaston was closer. He dived into the flames, lifting the now

screaming girl out of the heat as he rolled. He jumped up, brushing the clinging cinders from his fire retardant suit. Reuben
immediately ran to the girl's side, rolling her onto her unharmed front. Large charred welts extended from her thigh to her
Karl did not hesitate. He kept running, pulling the safety cap off a flare as he ran. The vampire was almost on its feet again,
its shattered skull miraculously whole. Karl leapt at the creature, thrusting the spark-spitting torch at its face. It reeled back in
horror, but retained enough presence of mind to lash out with a desperate kick.
It struck Karl on the hip with a sickening crunch of bone. The sergeant stumbled, but to the creature's surprise remained

Karl reached for his pistol: the vampire turned and ran. Lifting the pistol to a firing pose, the Teutone let go a full 18 round clip
of 9mm shells. He saw some impact, but the creature sill kept going.
Threaston charged past, his own pistol in hand. With the vampire out of sight, Karl sprawled on the ground -- a moan of pain
escaping from his lips.
Reuben, seeing the girl was out of any immediate danger, went to his brother knight's side.
"I'm sorry brother, but I'm all used up." He hesitated. "I've only got enough Graal water for the other two, I'm sorry." Reuben
removed a pain-killing needle from his pouch, injecting it into the crumpled hip.
Karl chuckled: "Our Hospitaller has all his ward's full. Don't worry. Leave me some time to meditate and I'll make a start on it
myself." More seriously: "Bring me my gun, they may return yet."
Reuben complied before removing his rucksack and pulling out a small metal phial. Pouring some over the sobbing girl's
wounds, he looked on with wonderment as the blisters receded and the welts closed. God's power never ceased to amaze
After muttering a few words of encouragement, he moved to Dulette's side, lifting the phial to his lips. The Teutone coughed
and spluttered, then fell into a deep sleep.
Threaston came jogging back into the clearing, his movement tracked all the way into the light by Karl's assault rifle. "They
both got away."
"Sire, I have come before God, before you and the brothers and sisters of this Order, and I beg and require you in the name
of God and of Our Lady to accord to me your company and the benefits of the house, as one who will henceforth always be its
servant and slave."
Reuben allowed himself a smile as the familiar words echoed around the old stone chamber. His stark black robes stood out
among the white-clad company he was in. This was a chapter meeting of the Teutonic Knights. While not unprecedented, it
was rare for a member of one Order to attend a Chapter of another.
But then, these were rare circumstances.
The supplicant before the altar had been sponsored by Reuben as a novice for his own Order. However, her skills and
ambition soon proved beyond what the Hospitallers were prepared to grant women.
Her solution was simple: petition the Teutonic Knights for a "transfer." Such a move had caused quite a stir among the
Orders, but Reuben -- as her guarantor -- had supported her every move.
It was five years after finding the emotionally bruised but determined young Sara sleeping on the steps of a foreign chapel -awaiting the return of his combat team from confronting the creatures that had done her harm.
Now, Reuben watched as they grey novitiate cloak was taken from her shoulders, and the Knight-Preceptor stepped forward
with a white mantle with the Teutone's black "iron" cross. "Good sister, you are asking a great thing, for you see only the outer
shell of our religion. . . "
Reuben had seen her rarely in the intervening years, though reports from her superiors demonstrated the promise of her
abilities and the strength of her faith. Five years was a short time in which to complete a novitiate and gain all the skills
necessary to become a knight. Reuben hoped she had learnt well, as her life and those of others depended upon it.
"Take this sword, its brightness stands for faith, its point for . . . "
A twinge of sadness intruded upon Reuben's thoughts. The blade she was about to receive had belonged to Brother Anthony
who sacrificed his life in order to save hers. Reuben prayed she would do honor to its previous owner.
The ceremony drew near its close: the atmosphere charged with emotion and worship.
Sara stood before the chapter, presenting herself to her comrades. The Knight-Preceptor turned from the altar:
"Now go, may God make you worthy men."
Sara smiled.

"If you believe in the light, it's because of obscurity; if you believe in joy, it's because of sin; if you believe in God, then you
have to believe in the Devil."
-- Father X, Exorcist, Church of Notre Dame.

Humble initiates, we welcome you among the warriors of Christ. We who compiled this work hope and pray that you will honour
and serve the Word within, dedicate yourself to restoring purity to this sick and corrupt world, strive to nurture the sick, toil to
shield the defenseless, and educate the unlearned in the Will and Mercy of our Lord and God. To have come so far to be able to
hold this tome in your hands you must already have received the blessing of pure faith through the Holy Trinity. By now, you have
taken Holy vows dedicating your life and your strength to the fight against evil.
We, the Militant Orders, exist as God's sword arm. As the Church is known as the Cloth, being as they are, like a secure blanket
against the cold breath of Sin, so are the Knights of Christ called the Sword -- the tool used by the hand of God to administer his
Righteous wrath.
My Brother, it is a great burden that we bear -- a Holy responsibility.
But the foundation of this great purpose is a complex one. Buried deep in the history of our respective Orders are the seeds of
our divine purpose.
Do not search for enlightenment within these pages -- that is in the domain of your own heart and the grace of the Holy Spirit. But
the doctrine and histories contained herein will serve you well in your fight against the Kindred.

Warrior Monks
Our brotherhood evolved out of the knights and churchmen who fought in the Holy Land during the First Crusade. Then, as now,
their lives were dedicated to poverty, chastity and obedience.
This devotion in the Lord separated them from the money and land hungry secular knights of the 12th century. While the Militant
Orders were quickly endowed with the riches of the land, as individuals they were forbidden the more frivolous and unclean
aspects of life. While this removed our brothers from the mainstream of medieval knighthood, it developed their military skills to
a degree higher than any other army of that time. God's Sword was blessed in the standards of their training and discipline, the
construction and defence of castles, and the tactics of warfare. Our Lord saw fit to see that the idea of a military monk was
embraced with great enthusiasm throughout Christendom. Gifts poured in -- especially of land and money -- enabling His Orders
to expand in the Holy Land. By the middle of the 12th century, there was a Templar or Hospitaller preceptory in every province
and in most major towns and cities. Christ's knights were blessed with a high degree of independence from the Church. After
Pope Innocent II issued the bull Omne datum optimum (every great gift) about 1130AD, the Templars were exempted from all
earthly authority -- except that of Christ's Vicar, the Pope. To our shame, the relationship between the different Orders
(especially the Templars and Hospitallers) was rarely warm. By the 1240s, knights from each Order were fighting openly in the
streets of Acre -- most likely due to professional jealousy and rivalry. This sin of pride permeated the Orders until well into the
13th century. Only the revelation of Satan's control over God's people was strong enough to bring his knights together. The
Militant Orders were left to themselves to defend the Holy Land -- the desire to reap the rewards of pillage proving too much for
most Crusaders. Our brother's invested huge sums in the construction a chain of castles, some of which never fell to the enemy.
Their fighting reputation was such that, in 1187AD, after the Battle of Hattin, when the Infidel commander Saladin captured about
200 Templars and Hospitallers, all Church knights were summarily executed on the grounds that they were "the firebrands of the
Because both the Hospitallers and Templars had to live in the Holy Land and their monastic vows deplored unnecessary
violence, they entered into almost continuous negotiations with local Muslim leaders. This often resulted in differing perspectives
from that of the Cloth and other crusaders, sometimes resulting in open dispute.
In order to finance our massive commitment of resources to the Holy Land, the Hospitallers and Templars both became heavily
involved in banking and diplomacy. By the mid 13th century, the Militant Orders were lending large sums of money to kings and
Eventually, the Templars were destroyed by the corrupted King Philip IV of France. While influenced by the blood of Cain, he
also owed large sums to the Order and had been refused initiation.
The Hospitallers evaded Philip's might through the purity of their reputation and lived on, defending Rhodes first, then Malta,
against incursions from the Infidel. The Teutones conducted their own crusades into the Slavic nations east of Germany,
destroying many enclaves of Kindred before their powers waned.

The Vampiric Histories

"Assyria knew the vampire long ago, and he lurked amid the primeval forests of Mexico before Cortes came. He is feared by
the Chinese, by the Indian and the Malay alike; whilst Arabian story tells us again and again of the ghouls who haunt illomened sepulchres and lonely cross-ways to attack and devour the unhappy traveller."
-- The Vampyre, His Kith and Kin, Montague Summers, 1928.

The Awakening
It was only shortly after the Militant Orders were established in 1116AD when our brothers first made contact with the Cainites.

The nursing monks of the Knights Hospitaller noted strange injuries and tales among pilgrims who had been accosted while
travelling through the Holy Lands, especially Syria. The knights Templar, sworn to protect the pilgrim routes from robbers and
Muslim raids, heard similar tales and lost several brothers under strange circumstances.

Shortly after the death of the Order's founding father, Brother Gerard, the new Master Raymond du Puy began receiving
disturbing reports from outlying hospices. Strange incidents of bloodless death, often combined with great violence, were
occurring among small bands of wandering pilgrims. Concerned with the matter, du Puy ordered several of his most
knowledgeable monks to look into the matter. After some time, these investigators chanced upon a severely ill and delirious
pilgrim -- ranting about how his soul was possessed by the devil, forcing him to drink blood and commit heinous acts. The
pilgrim died before the Brothers could get him to the Jerusalem hospital, but reports of his words hung heavy upon du Puy's
Stories of similar acts of "Satan" continued arriving in a steady stream. The Order became so concerned that it began hiring a
new group of pious warriors -- the Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Jerusalem -- to escort the Order's members about
the Holy Land. Raymond du Puy also convinced King Baldwin to allow a detail of 20 armed Hospitaller monks to guard the tomb
of Christ, lest it be defiled by powerful demons. These "Canons of the Holy Sepulchre" were the foundations of the Orders
militant arm. Du Puy appealed to the Pope to allow the Order to develop its own militant Rule (the Templars had by now become
an independent Order) which was to be fully established by the end of the 1130s.

In the early years of the 12th century, a troop of Templars travelling at night came upon a scene of carnage. Their commander,
Brother Adrien de Riviere, reported seeing several bloodless bodies lying strewn among their belongings in a narrow pass. With
the signs of struggle still fresh and the reek of corruption on the air, Brother Adrien lead his eight knights in a search of the
nearby hills. When challenging a lone wanderer, the stranger recoiled from the sight of the Cross emblazoned upon the knights
shields and began running faster than any of God's children. Several knights, those mounted upon the fastest horses, overhauled
the running devil after a long chase. In the battle that ensued, all three fully armed knights were killed while combating an
apparently unarmed man. The remaining knights arrived on the scene and overpowered the weakening creature. For the
remainder of the night, the Knights of Christ tortured their victim for information. The young vampire became panic stricken
before dawn, revealing much in an effort to be let free. The knights tarried too long, and as the dawn broke, the creature
dissolved in agony.
Upon learning this, the Templar Grand Master Robert de Craon met with the Grand Master Ramond du Puy of the Hospitallers.
Together, they formulated a campaign to learn about these creatures and eradicate them. Vampires were one of the few
subjects that drew the Hospital and the Temple together in cooperation.
Since that time, the Orders have gathered one of the largest repositories of knowledge on vampires and vampire lore. The
existence of Werewolves and other creatures of ill-aspect were also discovered, but none were considered as abhorrent as the

When the Teutones were formed in 1190, both the Hospitallers and Templars warned them about the great evil loose in the Holy
Land. The Teutones did not believe it. It was only when they were campaigning in Transylvania for the king of Hungary that their
ignorance was revealed. At the centre of one group of pagan dissenters was a blood cult. Here, adolescents were sacrificed
during carnal festivals in order to sate the hunger of their god's mortal manifestation in return for protection and favour. And
protect her people it did. The female creature was very old and very powerful. Several companies of Teutonic Knights were
wiped out during assaults upon the tribe's mountain strongholds. Survivors told of a beautiful warrior-goddess who descended
into their ranks with lightning speed, tearing fully-armoured men apart with her bare hands.
Legends about the vampire and her kind sparked the memories of Hochmeister Salza, who swallowed his pride and
approached the Hospitallers for assistance. Several experienced Hospitaller officers were sent to the region to instruct the
Teutones in suitable vampire combat techniques.
The vampiress was eventually overcome -- though at great expense in men. Two Hospitaller Knight Captains died while trying to
contain her powers, and a Hospitaller Knight Lieutenant was maimed for life. Almost three dozen Teutones died in combat
against her ghouls and herd. This was a shocking blow to the young Order, for it had lost a sizeable proportion of its combatant
knights. Humbled that such a small group could do so much damage, the Teutones never again became complacent about the
powers and Corruption of the undead. The Teutones went on to create a comprehensive treatise on the vampires of
Transylvania and the Balkans. Somewhere among these records is likely to be mention of the progenitor of Count Dracula

The Century of the Stake

Throughout the 13th century, brothers of all Orders sought out and confronted vampires across Europe and the Holy Land. None
were more dedicated than the Templars who did little to hide the purpose of their quest. The Hospitallers and the Teutones took

a more circumspect approach, taking care to conceal the nature of their hunts. The Templars were affronted that Satan would
dare influence God's creation so directly. Ruthless in their commitment, the knights of the Temple of Solomon earned a
reputation among the Kindred only to be surpassed in later centuries by the Inquisition. Bands of white-clad warriors, their only
device being a red cross, scoured the lands between Marash in Edessa down to Daron on the Egyptian border. Other
companies roved as far as Ethiopia and India in their hunt. Between those of the Hospital and of the Temple, almost all vampires
living in Outremer and Assyria met their end by either wood or fire. Not even those hiding in the guise of Churchmen survived.
The Teutones, while maintaining a presence in the Holy Land, centered their attention on the Balkan tribes, hunting down the
Damned and openly confronting heathens on the battlefield.

In 1094 the religious control of Egypt was thrown into civil war as two sons fought over the succession from their dead father. The
Hashshashin (assassins) were partisan supporters of the eldest son, Nizar, who seized and fortified a string of mountain
strongholds in northern Persia These included Alamut in the Elburz Mountains, and Syria. >From these fortresses they waged a
campaign of terror against both orthodox Muslims and the Christian Crusaders. They often murdered prominent individuals -resulting in the word "assassin" coming to mean a politically motivated murderer in the English language. Some of the Templars
and Hospitallers most formidable castles were built near the Hashshashin's Syrian domain, including Krak des Chevaliers and
Saone -- arguably the most defensible castles in the world. The presence of such a sizeable and elite military force compelled
the Assassins to pay a tribute of gold -- a tribute that allowed them to keep their mountaintop realm independent of Christian
control for almost a century. Among the Hashshashin was a vampire bloodline -- the Assamites. After initially fearing the
appearance of God's warriors, they sought to turn their presence to an advantage. Tentative negotiations took place for several
years, eventually convincing the knights that the Assamites would be useful in their crusade against the blood of Cain. The
Assamites, for their own reasons, also sought the death and destruction of kindred -- thus a tenuous treaty was formed. If the
Assamites assisted the knights, their realm would be inviolate -- never to be attacked by the Church. While cooperation was
limited, both sides benefited from information supplied by the other. A powerful vampire masquerading as the Patriarch of
Jerusalem was, in 1214, killed by the Hashshashin Assamites -- hired by the Hospitallers to make it look like a Muslim action.
The Hashshashin made a critical mistake in the murder of Genghis Khan's son, Jagati, who ruled part of Persia. Jagati had
offended the Ismali's and Hashshashin by forbidding certain rituals involved in prayer and slaughter of food animals. In 1256, the
Mongols took their revenge. Most of the Hashshashin were killed and their mountaintop fortresses destroyed. The Church
Knights, already weakened by Mongol incursions and civil war, did not send assistance. The Hashshashin leader, Rukn ad-Din
Khurshah, sought to negotiate with Mongu Khan. He failed to obtain an audience, and he and his party were murdered while
returning home. Later, his family was captured and subject to long and tortured deaths. The relationship between the Militant
Orders and the Hashshashin was always a shaky one. By the fall of the Holy Land in the late 13th century, the alliance had been
forgotten. The Hashshashin and Assamites -- though greatly reduced by the Mongol Horde -- were subjugated by the
Mamelukes in 1273 and fought by their side as the Christians were gradually repulsed from the Holy Land.

When the Holy Land fell to the Muslims late in the 13th century, the Templars of the Holy Land turned their attention to Europe.
The Hospitallers were greatly weakened by their losses, and set about re-establishing themselves upon the island of Rhodes.
The Teutones were occupied carving out their own principality in the Slavic States.
When the Holy Land Templars returned to Europe, they set about cleansing the heart of Christendom of the Corrupt. It was the
Templars activity against vampires in Europe that eventually brought about the Order's downfall. Their Grand Master was
appalled when he discovered even high-ranking members of the Church -- and even their own Order -- were Cainites or Cainitebound. While the Knights of True Faith had fought valiantly in the Holy Land against the enemies of God, corruption had begun to
eat away the Order in Europe. Knights motivated by greed and power forgot the strictures of the Rule, modifying it to suit their
own purposes. The Kindred, seeking a means to destroy such a dangerous and powerful group, infiltrated the Orders ranks
through their relationship with the Cathars.
When Pope Innocent III proclaimed a Crusade against a band of heretics known as the Cathars in 1213AD, the Templars did
not respond to his call. Their reluctance to fight this group, who believed the material world was evil (and openly criticised the
Church's extravagance) and that the spiritual world was all important, drew the anger of the Pope and senior Church clerics.
However, they underestimated the extent of Kindred power and influence. The Cathars, who the Templars refused to fight and
whom they had fought to save, were to become the source of their downfall.
Many of the Cathars were vampires, and some of them were welcomed into the French Preceptories with open arms. The
Templars held a particular sympathy for the Cathars, largely because of similarities in their doctrine and beliefs.
Slowly, but surely, carefully avoiding those with the True Faith, these Cainite infiltrators began planting false evidence in AD1305
to bring the Order down. Pope Clement, initially supportive of the Templars, was embraced by the vampire King Philip IV "the
fair" of France. Under this cunning vampire's control, the Pope was unable to exert his influence to stop the calamitous
allegations being laid against the Order -- though his conscience was enough to prevent his open support. Other Templars,
either dominated by the will of strong Vampires or blood-bound, were used to plant false evidence against their comrades.
While such testimony was rarely believed, it provided enough confusion to ruin the credibility of the Templars legal defence.
Even though the Order was brought down, its surviving members retained massive public support. Within months of the death of
the Grand Master at the stake, our brothers and their friends had worked their revenge with the deaths of both Philip and

Upon the dissolution of the Templars in 1316, the Children of Cain rejoiced. The vampires involved in the plot were rewarded
with prestige and powers -- and changed their name to that of their vanquished foes.
Throughout Europe, small bands of disenfranchised Templars milled about in confusion. While their Order was disbanded, their
vows were still valid. Most who had not protested their innocence and were thus burned at the stake were given a healthy
pension. Many tried to continue living under the Rule, with one group in Germany having to be removed from their lands by
military force.
The Templars' elite band of vampire hunter's were also widely dispersed and disorganised. Some actually joined the same
Inquisition that destroyed their Order, while others banded together to create the nucleus that was later to become the Arcanum.
Some fled, seeking refuge among those who were once their enemies. Becoming mages of power, they retained their Templar
name, though their Rule was heavily corrupted over the centuries.
One small group remained true to their traditions. In the heartlands of Scotland, a country excommunicated by the Church, the
Templars remained living under the Rule, respected and with local support.
Over time, the Scottish Templars links with the Masons grew stronger, and the need for secrecy changed the way in which they
operated. For some time the Scots Guard in France maintained the Templars fighting tradition, though the Order's strong
traditions eventually waned even here. The scattered remnants of the Poor Knights of Christ were gathered together in the mid
1980s -- reformed for a new Crusade. Some groups were left alone, for they no longer represented the ideals under which the
Order was established. Others were not interested in re-establishing links with the Church. However, enough was recovered to
return the Order to its previous glory.

The toppling of the Templars proved to be a hollow victory. Within a century the same Inquisition that was the instrument of King
Philip's cause had tracked down and killed many Cainites in the greatest campaign against evil the world has ever known.
Thousands of innocents died as the Inquisitors became victim to their own power, but in the process a significant proportion of
true vampires, witches, Magi and lupines were rounded up.
The Hospitallers and Teutones contributed enormously to the eradication of Corruption. While refusing to assist the Inquisition
directly, the Church Knights used their knowledge and powers to covertly track down and destroy true evil. Very few innocents
died at the hands of the Church Knights.
This disastrous age, which saw the rise of the Camarilla's power in 1435, resulted in a desperate ploy to avert the attention of
the Inquisition: the Masquerade. As more and more vampires came under the yolk of the Camarilla, the harder it became for
Inquisitors and Church Knights alike to find Cain's children.
Taking this to mean success, both religious organisations turned their attention elsewhere. The Church Knights believed the hold
of the Kindred to be broken: that any further encounters would only be with young vampires, alone and unlearned in ancient lore.

Those Who Remained

It was the Hospitallers' and Teutones' clandestine hunting techniques that saved them the fate of the Templars. While not as
effective, the Hospitallers and Teutones still accounted for many more vampires through the ages -- especially those attaining
high public status.
Both Orders were distracted by other matters, and the Cainite Masquerade had its desired effect. The Teutones were
increasingly put under pressure to maintain their Reich in the Baltic nations. The Hospitallers found more and more of their
resources dedicated to keeping the Mediterranean free from the Infidels.
Neither forgot the power of the undead. Regular sweeps were made of their lands and members to detect and eradicate any
Kindred corruption. Eventually, such precautions became a matter of course -- with little real effort put into them. The Kindred
appeared to be vanquished.
Though the Teutones eventually lost their fight against time, our brothers the Hospitallers remain active to the present day.
An elaborate international espionage network was established in the 15th century, among its primary tasks was to monitor the
strength and extent of Kindred influence. This network is maintained by our brothers even today.

The Cleansing Crusade

"And in those days men will seek death and will not find it;
they will long to die, and death will fly from them."

-- Revelations 9:6

Storm Warning
During the early 1980s our brethren in Malta uncovered several documents about the same time as a rapid increase in reported
vampiric activity. The various Church denominations became increasingly aware that the Cainites were not, in fact, gone from
God's creation. In 1982, the Hospitallers gained evidence of a massive vampire plague in various African Horn nations. Alarmed
by the power the Cainites possessed, the Knights of St John called a general Synod of all Church leaders. Somewhat surprised
at the positive response returned from all the Catholic, Protestant and Reformist Churches, the Hospitallers convened the secret
meeting in their ancient headquarters at Valletta, Malta. Every Church had a story of undead activity, painting a picture of almost
worldwide infestation The Synod's resolution was to re-form the Militant Orders. All contributed funds, property and members
toward establishing what was meant to be a new, combined denomination Order. However, negotiations broke down about the
nature of the new Order's Rule -- each Church refusing to compromise its doctrine.
The result was an international search to uncover the fragmented remains of the Templars and Teutonic knights. Through
organisations such as the Freemasons, who were later to join the Synod, and the remaining Teutonic nursing charities and
secret military organisations, the Militant Orders were re-established.
Each Order received the backing of the denominations most suited to it -- the Teutones gained the Reformation Churches the
Hospitallers the traditional churches such as the Catholics, the Templars a mix including the Anglicans and Freemasons.
Members of each Order do not have to belong to any particular denomination, though each Order's differing philosophy attract
different members.
The Orders, while independent, agreed to put aside their theological differences and unite their skills in the battle against the
undead. This cooperation, while sometimes shaky, has so far been effective.

Here and Now

Through the bulk of the 80s, the Orders fought and trained in the African Horn countries of Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya. No
doubt, you have yourselves undergone your advanced combat training in one of these preceptories. Gradually the Knights of
Christ have gained in numbers and strength, and in April, 1993, the decision was made to intervene in established Western
Now brothers, we are taking the battle into the streets and fields of the developed world. Our quest to destroy corruption in its
heartland is at its peak. Young knights like yourselves face the greatest challenge since our forbears recaptured the Holy Land
almost a millennium ago.
The lessons of the past have been well learned. No-one can become a brother of the Militant Orders unless they can
demonstrate the high levels of Faith you have. Only those blessed with the powers of the Holy Spirit can become a knight.
To maintain this integrity, the strict Rule of the ancient Orders has been revived and must be observed. The vows of poverty,
chastity and obedience do much to nourish our Faith, as well as focus determination and dedication. Supplementary members
of the Orders are being kept to a minimum to prevent a repeat of the infiltration under Philip IV. Remember, brothers, ware the
evil within.
Each Order maintains an independent headquarters, guarded by their most powerful knights and warded by our combined
Faith. The active knights are dispersed around the world, their locations by necessity kept secret even from each other.
Once a breach in the Masquerade is discovered, teams of knights such as yourselves will be dispatched to destroy the Cainite's
organisation and power -- without compromising either their or our identity to the public.
Low-level cooperation is established with the Arcanum, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Special Squad, the Centre for
Disease Control, the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA), the Special Intelligence Service (SIS) and MI5. None of these
organisations know the extent or power of the Militant Orders, but believe them to be a militant arm of the Inquisition.
Remember brother, only use these organisations in times of dire need. Their integrity is suspect, their motives unknown. Beware
most of the Society of Leopold. This name disguises the Inquisition. Their misguided beliefs and corrupted powers are an
offence in the eyes of God. Do not trust them, and report their presence whenever encountered.

Knight Politics
"O outcast of all outcasts most abandoned! to the earth art thou not for ever dead? To its honours, to its flowers, to its golden
aspirations? -- and a cloud, dense, dismal, and limitless, does it not hang eternally between thy hopes and heaven?"
-- Edgar Allan Poe, William Wilson.

The Church

The bride of Christ (The Church) is a unruly partner: given to jealous fits of self interest and power. The history of the Church has
not been left untainted by greed or corruption -- many of its activities have proven regretful and narrow-minded. Schisms within
the ranks have left a widely divided Church spread over a broad spectrum of theology, some bordering on the extreme. Some
churches are even controlled by organisations such as the Mafia, others by the Kindred themselves. These groups will try to
impede the Knights mission at every turn -- but they are also among the highest priority targets of the Knights themselves.
Interference of Militant Order business is one of the best leads in tracing influential vampires.
But the Church remains the House of God and the channel for his Word. Because of this, all Churches are respected and Holy
institution to all Knights. While each Militant Order is completely separate of any particular denomination, all have recognised the
importance of inter-denominational cooperation. While the Order's are all independent of direct Church control, the relationship
remains close with continuous dialogue between senior representatives. However, the purity of the Church is itself largely
suspect. Only those the Knights recognise as having True Faith are truly trusted. Other members of the Churches are only
allowed to know a knight's corresponding rank within the clergy.
Vampires and those they control can even be found within Church hierarchies. These Corrupt will do all they can to discredit the
Orders and revoke the support of their denomination. However, there is a strong ground-swell of support among the pastors and
priests in the field, those who actually have to deal with the discarded residue of kindred activity. The internal wrangling is
continuous, with the pendulum swaying from one side to the other continually. The outcome cannot be predicted. Nevertheless,
the sanctuary of the Church can be sought world-wide. Assistance in almost any form can be obtained from individual
congregations -- if the right people are approached. This help is often vital during the first and final stages of any campaign
against the Kindred.

Other Religions
The Church Knights are no longer on a religious crusade. Their new role is to rid the world of Satan's presence in the form of
Vampires and Lupines. Religious tolerance is required at the present -- the order of the Synod of Malta being to leave preaching
of The Word to the Church. All Orders accept this, recognising their method of worship differs from the traditional sense.
Cooperation with "heathens" is not unheard of. Knights cannot deny that American Indians can possess almost Holy blessings -as can Muslims and Buddhists. While the theological implications of this is wide-reaching, it is not the place of the Sword to
wonder why. It is a matter for the Cloth.

The blood of Cain is among the most ancient, and most vile, of mankind's sins. Cain, and his progeny, have been cursed for all
time. That it remains on this Earth is an affront to all that is Holy. By its very nature, a vampire mocks the image of God -- the
form in which all men were created. It is God's work tainted -- fouled by the blood of ancient betrayal and murder. The origin of
the kind is derived from the very essence of the Fall of Man. While the tainted blood of Cain remains, mankind will continue to be
one-step further away from God. A vampire is no longer human. Is a devil incarnate. But the creatures origins must not be
forgotten. The belief that the original tormented soul is trapped deep within a vampire's being is a strongly debated point
between the Orders. Those of the Hospital believe the lost soul may re-assert itself, and can be saved if given the chance to
stand before God in judgement. Thus, repentant vampires must be given a chance to prove their repentance -- and save their
soul from damnation. No vampire clan is considered better or worse than any other. Wheresoever such disciplined organisation
exists between the Kindred, it must be broken down. For too long the Cainites have exerted their influence over the destiny of
God's children.
The yolk of their kind must be removed forever.

The philosophy "any enemy of mine enemy is my friend" does not apply to the shapechangers. Though shapechangers -witches, sorcerers and the like -- have traditionally been the domain of the Inquisition, the Militant Orders often find themselves
trying to prevent some destructive Garou scheme. The Garou are not on the top of the list of enemies -- vampires hold that
honour. Groups such as the Black Spiral Dancers are considered especially dangerous and must be eliminated as soon as is
practical. Normal shapechanger tribes should assessed, catalogued and then left alone. They are the problem of another day.

These magicians of great power follow ancient traditions -- most based on pagan religions and rituals. While the powers they
use are not inherently evil, the purpose for which they are used often is. Most seek arcane lore in order to give themselves power
over others. It is this thirst for power which is considered evil in the eye of God. Magi are not high on the list of Church Knight
enemies, though information on those discovered is usually passed on to other hunters.

Ghosts are pitiable creatures. They are lost souls, trapped through some extreme event or emotion on this plane until relieved of
their bind. Ghosts, whether placate or poltergeist, must not be judged by the knights. Exorcism is their only change of judgement

their bind. Ghosts, whether placate or poltergeist, must not be judged by the knights. Exorcism is their only change of judgement
before God -- lest they be trapped between heaven and hell forever.
Releasing these spirits from their agony can involve a variety of methods. Quests may be necessary to right ancient wrongs,
ensure the safety of their progeny -- or even righteous revenge. Others may simply require the appropriate ritual to satisfy their
"souls". The process is not always approved of by the Ghost. Some may not realise the knights good intention, others may not
want to change their existence or face their own judgement day. Strong resistance can make an exorcism extremely difficult.

World Governments
Essentially, avoid at all costs. While most of the lower-ranked public servants and decision makers may be completely innocent
and of good intentions, the higher echelons of power are almost certainly Corrupt. It is this degree of vampiric influence that
caused the Church Knights to be reformed. Destroying the vampires which use governments as puppets is a primary goal of the
Militant Orders. The task of ridding the world of evil is made extremely difficult while Kindred have such positions of influence
within their grasp. Once this organised protection is removed, the scattered remains can be "picked-off" at leisure.
Contacts must be chosen with care. Public servants can be motivated by honour and concern just as easily as they can be by
corruption and vice. Some are even prepared to put their job on the line for "the better good of the community." Journalists are
often in this category, though the media proprietors may not. The journalistic principles of freedom of information and community
protection (plus the enjoyment they find while "hounding" prominent and powerful people) can often be useful to employ.

Contemporary Hunters
"They who should have used their strength against Christ's enemies fight now in their cups and drunkenness, waste time in
sloth, moulder in debauchery, and dishonour the name and office of knighthood by their degenerate lives."
-- Peter of Blos, 1170, in Knights, Andrea Hopkins.

Brothers in Arms
In your quest to combat Cain's blood, you will find several groups who claim to share your task. Brother, beware. Many have a
chequered past, and others exist only to serve their own needs. Some, such as the Inquisition, may even seek our own
destruction. But among this collection of thorns there is the potential to find a petal -- a budding rose of Faith that may be brought
within the nursery of the Church. The following is a synopses of available reports. Heed the information well, for it may be vital
during your Crusade.

The Inquisition
The Spanish Inquisition began as a project organised by the 15th Century papacy and the leaders of Castile and Aragon in
Spain. The aim was to eradicate the Moors, Jews and unbelievers who were complicating the goal of a unified Spain. Spain's
first Grand Inquisitor, a Dominican Monk Tomas de Torquemada, presided over the burning at the stake of 2000 heretics. The
last official "auto-da-fe" -- denunciation of a heretic, occurred in Mexico only 100 years ago.
It is generally acknowledge that the Roman Catholic Church learned of the Kindred during the Inquisition. Instituted in 1229, the
Inquisition concerned itself with the suppression of various heresies spreading through Europe. Partially in response to the rise
of the Catharist heresy in the south of France and northern Italy, Pope Innocent IV approved the use of torture in 1252.
As instigators of the destruction of the Templars and because of their "less than caring" attitude toward "collateral damage", the
modern Inquisition is considered a bunch of renegades by the Militant Orders. Their assistance is not sought after. Assistance is
also rarely given. It is believed the Inquisition perceives the Militant Orders as a major threat to their existence and is seeking
ways to discredit them.
The Militant Orders refused to take part in the Crusades against the Cathars, and were aware of the Kindred at least 20 years
earlier than the Church. There are tales that Catharist beliefs were supported by many Kindred in the south of France. The
knights Templar also supported the Cathars both overtly and covertly. Later, Cathars became an important part of the Templars
French preceptories. The Inquisition continues still -- though the Militant Orders have as little to do with this organisation as
possible. Today the Inquisition is an organisation of scholars and researchers of the occult, as well as a gathering place for
many of the greatest vampire hunters. Many freebooting hunters have been trained or equipped under the Inquisitors instruction,
and many more are being brought into the fold each year.
Though no longer officially supported or sanctioned by the Church, most of its members are Catholic. Under their new name, the
Society of Leopold, they claim to be scholars interested only in research. They are well aware of the best ways to immobilise
and kill vampires, and have access to the Vatican's massive library of occult records. Among the most influential members of the
Society are the Dominicans, who can trace their involvement back to the first Inquisition, which they partially oversaw. The exact
interest and concerns of the Dominicans remain unclear today.
The Jesuits, linked to a group called the Assassins of Christ, are currently in dispute with the Holy Office. Rumours persist that
they are taking vampire slaying to an extreme, even killing innocent and implicated Church members in the process.

The Arcanum
The Arcanum has existed for less than 300 years, though some trace its origins back to a group of white-clad monks during the
period of the Inquisition. The core of the Arcanum is a group still known as The White Monks. Speculation is rife among the
Templars that these may have been Brothers that survived the tragedy of their Order's excommunication and continued the fight
against the Kindred. However, they maintain no formal link with either the Inquisition or the Militant Orders, and do not engage in
Witch Hunts. The word that the Arcanum studies, but does not destroy, has been around for a long time. While on the whole true,
the Arcanum does not tolerate interference from Kindred who are concerned about the masses of data collected on their kind.
The Arcanum has three known Foundation houses -- one in Boston, one in Paris, and the third in Vienna. Other Chapters can be
found all over the world. Its members, recruited from the cream of intellectual society, are devoted to the gathering and studying
of occult-related information, and are focused primarily on the past rather than the modern world. There are some members who
show interest in the here and now, but it is understood many in the Arcanum believed the Kindred to be a long weakened, dying
power. However, this has not stopped the Arcanum from initiating routine blood tests for its members in an attempt to weed out
any who threaten their work. The Arcanum has evidence of the Kindred, werewolves, fairies and the spirits of the ethereal plains.
More is being gathered through archaeological digs and searches of old libraries. There is no overall head of the Arcanum.
Each nation has its own head and matters of international policy are resolved through mutual consent.

The Freemasons
The Freemasons are the latest incarnation of a secret society which dates back thousands of years. Based among the
architects and stonemasons of antiquity, the Freemasons have taken several mystic organisations under their wing during the
centuries. This included a group of Templars that survived the Inquisition by fleeing to Scotland. The Templar traditions, records
and treasures were preserved. When the world's Churches approached the Freemasons for help, everything was ready and in
place. Many ancient books and artefacts were preserved in secret vaults under Rosslyn Chapel, deep in the Scottish Templar
heartland. The massive worldwide organisation and wealth of the secret society has been placed at the feet of the knights of the
Temple. All Lodges have been warned to assist members of the Order in all ways possible, without question. So far, this
assistance has been prompt and forthcoming.
The resources of the Freemasons are staggering. Almost every city and major town in the Western world has a Masonic Lodge,
with members drawn from the intellectual and business elite. These people are in positions of influence, often using contacts
through their organisation to serve their own needs The public have a strong interest in Freemasons and the secretive
organisation has undergone much scrutiny during the past decade. A flood of books have been published, each claiming to be
the final revelation on the Freemason's "true purpose". Mounting pressure has forced the organisation to become more public
than ever before in its history, but its innermost ceremonies and traditions are still a jealously guarded secret. While assisting in
the re-establishment of the Order, the Freemasons are themselves concerned with Kindred activity. Moves have been taken to
analyse its own membership for corruption. Any Freemason discovered to be undead, or implicated thus, can be assured a swift
death. But the Freemasons are an extremely large organisation, and it is unlikely this purge will have any lasting effect. The
society's ancient traditions and records are being scrutinised for all things Kindred related.

(Part One)
By Jamie Seidel

Modern Disposition
"A knight must be merciful without wickedness, affable without treachery, compassionate towards the suffering, and open
handed. He must be ready to help the needy and to confound robbers and murderers, a just judge without favour or hate. He
must prefer death to dishonour. He must protect the Holy Church for she cannot defend herself."
-- Lancelot, Vulgate Cycle, Chretien.

The nature of the Militant Orders have changed little during the centuries, though they have by no means lost touch with the times.
Military doctrine has adapted to modern weapons and fighting techniques, as have training and behavioural codes.
The knights are still required to be monks -- as it is only through the sacrifice of their freedom that they gain the blessing of their
powers through God. The strict nature of The Rule has been relaxed slightly, allowing knights to talk at meals, to wear a variety of
clothes, gain wide ranging information about their Order and retain ties with their family.
A much less rigorous form of The Rule applies to Novices who are often drawn from the diverse general community. Known as
The Code, It allows them to maintain a normal life outside of the Order, but ensures they lead pious enough a life to retain some
measure of True Faith.

Since the re-establishment of the Orders in the 1980s, each has established headquarters associated with their history. This link
with the past is a sign that these properties have become Holy Ground, inherently blessed by the Church Knights' presence. This
power now serves to protect the senior members of the Orders, their traditions, secrets and supplies.
While each Order has its headquarters, the combatant knights are rarely found there. It would be too easy to place such
prominent places under intensive surveillance. Once the knights are off the Holy Ground, they are vulnerable to the powers of the
Knights rely upon the masses for their security. Once an individual knight has mingled with a community and has a secure
alternate identity, it is extremely difficult to track him down. A knight is at most danger when actively tracking down vampiric
activity or engaging them in combat -- but the danger of discovery is always there.
However, each headquarters is an important place of respite and security. Knights must gather at the centre of their respective
Orders to elect a new Grand Master. Vital assemblies cannot be trusted to any other place.

The militant arm of the Knights Hospitaller has been granted their old castle on Valletta Harbour, Malta. The charitable arm of the
Order retain their presence at the Vatican, Bonn, The Hague and London -- though all support their militant brothers as of old.

The Templars would love to return to the place from which they derived their name -- The Temple of the Mount -- but continued
conflict between Israel, the Arab nations and Christian denominations makes this unlikely. As a result, the remote Scottish
Rosslyn Castle is the apparently unlikely base of the ancient Order. However, the history of the survival of the Knights Templar
after the Inquisition is strongly linked with this region -- a fact commemorated by their continued association.

The charitable nursing Teutonic Order can still be found in two European cities: Vienna and Amsterdam. The militant arm has

regained its castle at Marienburg -- once the heart of their vanquished Prussian empire.

Each Order would only have about 100 combatant knights -- making them a stretched and valuable resource. Novices number
about three per knight, give or take a few. Not all are combatants, though. Some serve in scientific and support roles, others can
be found in almost all walks of life.
Knights are sent to "hot spots" on need, using the sovereign diplomatic status of their respective Orders to gain entry to a
country or the less noticeable international espionage network established for the purpose over the centuries by the Hospitallers.
Once in a "combat zone", often a city where vampires have been detected, the knights "disappear" into the general populace,
using their Order's contacts among the Masons, the Church, paramedic organisations etc for support. Active knights must
disperse among the population seeking safety in separation. If one knight is tracked down, he will be the only one in direct
danger. Dead-letter boxes, ambiguous pager calls and secure mobile phones or radios are the main means of communication
between a dispersed combat team. The knights only gather for major briefings or combat.

Militant Organisation
"Every brother who is professed in the Holy service should, through fear of the flames of Hell, give total obedience to the
Master; for nothing is dearer to Jesus Christ than obedience, and if anything be commanded by the Master or by one to
whom he has given his power, it should be done without demur as if it were a command from God . . . for you must give up
your own free will."
-- The Rule of the Templars, as recorded by scribe John Michael at the Council of Troyes, 1128.
The Militant Orders have significant differences in their religious and combat doctrines. To understand the nature of this
difference, simply look at the relationship between the Catholic and Anglican Churches. Essentially, they agree to disagree -from major aspects of doctrine through to minor elements of Church decor. The same is true of the knights. The Teutonic knights
converted to Lutheranism during the Reformation -- something for which the Papacy has never forgiven them. The Templars
conducted extensive research into the origins of the Church and came up with a different ideology from that of mainstream
Catholicism -- something the Papacy has never forgiven them for.
The Hospitallers remain basically Catholic, though they tend to be a little more broad-minded than most. Because of their first
hand experience with medicine, the Hospitallers have always been a strong advocate of science -- something for which the
Papacy has never forgiven them.
Internally, the structure of the Militant Orders are the same. The Hospitaller's military system was copied from the Templars, and
the Teutonic knights were basically "little Templars" from the start. This similarity in organisation has been a major factor in the
cooperation between the Orders during the Cleansing Crusade. The individual differences between the Militant Orders are
described later in the text.
Highest among the Militant Orders is the Grand Master. The lowest is that of novice. Ranks correspond to the amount of
experience and Faith individual knights attain.

Associate: A member of the public with a Faith rating of at least one. Usually involved in the service industries, such as a
mechanic, technician, accountant, etc. These members of the Orders do the general run-of-the mill work which could
compromise a knight.

Novice: Very few people have True Faith -- even fewer attain the higher levels. The Novice is basically an initiate of the
Militant Orders with low levels of True Faith -- though not yet a knight or a monk. Novices must have a Faith rating of at
least 1, progressing past level 4 before undergoing the knighthood initiation ceremony. While they benefit from intense
training in their fields of speciality, as well as combat, they are not taught the specific Ways applicable to each Order. Only
fully initiated knights may be taught their Order's secret powers. Most novices never attain this honour, but serve their
Orders through their professions -- such as doctor, accountant, merchant, soldier, hacker etc. Novices are the single
largest group within the Orders. They are called upon when needed, operating under the supervision of a fully ranked

Knight Sergeant: The first true knight holds the rank of Sergeant. They are the lowest ranked initiated knight, with Faith
ratings that must be five or greater. Their Faith gives them some important powers to help nullify the supernatural
advantages of their enemy, and their training is comprehensive.
There are generally three Sergeants per knight Lieutenant -- the basic cell of the Militant Orders.

Knight Lieutenant: These are Brothers of the Orders who have attained the respect of their colleagues and have had
some experience fighting the Kindred. The Lieutenants have a close relationship with their men, somewhat akin to that of a
corporal in the standard military. Their powers increase with their Faith, and to take full advantage of this their training is
considerably more intense. A Lieutenant has under his command three Sergeants and a Page. In a campaign, only the
knight Lieutenant knows the means of contacting all his men, and the identity of his immediate commander. This is follows
the "pyramid" security system which reduces the impact of an exposed Brother.

Knight Captain: Directly under a Captain's control are between two to four knight Lieutenants. Strategic command for
particular regions rest in the hands of Captains, as does command of actions involving more than one Brotherhood cell.

Knight Preceptor: In their territories, the Preceptors are of equal authority to that of the Master, and only relinquish it if the
Master himself is with them. In matters of policy, they are led by the Master, but are directly responsible for the men under
their command.

Knight Draper: The Draper's duties are not military. He is responsible for everything concerning the brothers' clothing and
bedding, personal equipment and lodgings. The accounting and maintenance of the Orders is a massive task, and the
Draper has a large personal staff.

Knight Commander: He is responsible for the health and well-being of the brothers, organising the protection of the
wider community and the safeguarding of Holy Relics. The Commander also oversees any research into physiological
aspects of the Kindred.

Knight Marshal: Not only is the Marshal third in command, but he is also the supreme military commander controlling the
allocation of arms and equipment, deciding on tactics and strategy, and leading major battles against the enemy.

Seneschal: This is the second-in-command to the Grand Master. He is the guardian of the Standard, and acts for the
Master in his absence. Generally, he acts as consultant and as an "authority figure" where needed. If a Grand Master is
killed, the Seneschal acts in his place until a Chapter of senior knights is held at the first available opportunity.

Grand Master: While the most powerful of all the knights, he is not a dictator. For while every brother is responsible to
him, he in turn is responsible to the Order as a whole. His position, directly comparable to that of an Abbot, gives him
powers and privileges, but both are limited. In important decisions he is obliged to consult a Chapter of knights; and
though his voice is influential, he has only one vote. In matters of war, he has to consult with the knight Marshal, in matters
of health and morale -- the knight Commander, in matters of accounting and general policies -- the Seneschal, and with
equipment and procurement -- the Draper.

Forming a Chapter
A Chapter of 12 members is necessary to decide any major issues affecting an Order, to elect a new officer or to invest a new
member. The seniority of knights present should reflect the seriousness of the issue: for example, the 12 should be senior
officers and preceptors when electing a new Grand Master -- while the Chapter can simply be an assembly of 12 knights from a
particular preceptory when judging an applicant for novitiate status. The process is formal, rooted deep in the histories of the
Orders. The most senior knight is allowed to choose one other to help him select a further two members. The assembled four
then must select another four. The assembled eight must then choose four novices. The assembled 12 must then choose
another -- usually a member of the clergy (the Orders do have their own) -- to act as Chaplain (essentially a chairman who also
leads the prayers). The full chapter must consist of eight knights and four novices. These represent the 12 Apostles, and the
Chaplain the guidance of Jesus Christ.

"Once you know that the Church is being continually worn down by such a succession of disasters and by so many deaths of
the sons of God as a result of the oppression of the pagans, we believe that not one of you will lie low. We urge you . . to do
your utmost to defend your brothers and to liberate the Churches."
-- Pope Calixtus II, 1123.
Becoming a novice is no small honour. It is a sign that a person has True Faith and a high degree of intelligence and skill -- each
rare enough possessions in these troubled times. The Initiation Ceremony is designed to bring the applicant under God's
scrutiny. As a novice or knight, the measure of one's Pious behaviour is reflected in the Blessings available to them. Essentially
they are placed under God's judgement -- effective immediately, not only on Judgement Day. Apart from True Faith, there is little
or no restrictions on who can become a novice. However, gaining entry to the Militant Orders requires a high degree of
dedication, devotion and commitment -- something which many people are unable to give.
Becoming a novice involves putting one's own life -- and those of their families -- at risk. For fighting the Kindred is a bloody
business. It is a case of find or be found. Kill or be killed. This risk cannot be over-emphasised. This is not a monastic Order
where monks can lock themselves away from reality in a safe and controlled artificial environment. Church Knights are at the
forefront of the fight against evil. As a result, they are frequently exposed to the "underside" of humanity -- a compassionless
world of crime, corruption, greed, lust and debauchery.

Often trustworthy people may not want to commit themselves to the strict and demanding life of the Church Knights, but still
desire to provide assistance where possible. These people can be recognised as associates, linked to an Order through prayer
and irregular contact. Associates can be called upon for non-combat related tasks at any time -- though they do not have to
respond. Essentially, they provide a place of respite, care and support in times of need. Often, they will be asked to use their
skills or community influence to prepare the way for the arrival of fully fledged knights and novices. No secrets of great import are

trusted to these people -- mostly for their own protection. If an associate feels in any way threatened, the Order to which he is
linked must respond to protect him and his family.

Becoming a Novice
There is no rigid method of becoming a novice of any Order. Usually, first contact is made through recommendation and
necessity. For example, active knights in a region may urgently require medical assistance. A trusted (and vetted) priest may
recommend a doctor in his congregation as being a pious and good man who would treat the wounds without question. Thus,
the doctor becomes an Associate -- a trusted and valued "friend" of the Orders.
The experience the knights have with this doctor and their observations of his behaviour may prompt the senior officer to invite
him into service. If the response is positive, the good doctor must open up his past to scrutiny and repeatedly demonstrate the
degrees of willingness and resilience necessary for acceptance.
Once the senior knight (usually a Knight Captain) is satisfied, the applicant can then be taken to the nearest Preceptory for
further questioning and analysis. The Knight Captain must recommend the applicant's service and take on all responsibility for
his behaviour and safety.
People who have actively sought out the Militant Orders to become a knight or novice are looked upon with suspicion. Usually
this means they have an alternate motive -- personal revenge or aggrandisement being the most common. Occasionally such
people are plants, put there to try and infiltrate the Orders.

To accept a new novice into the ranks of the Church Knights, a special gathering of the local Chapter must be convened. The
local knights can meet at any church, or even their local preceptory if convenient. In the presence of the knights and a member of
the clergy, the new novice must declare his desire to join their ranks and commit his life to God. The novice must vow to uphold
the tenets of The Code -- though the Rule of Poverty does not yet apply. The applicant novice can then choose the Order he is to
become a member of and declare the means by which he can serve best.
All novices and knights of the Order he has chosen have the right to question the applicant -- and even demand demonstrations
of skill and knowledge. The most senior knight of his chosen Order will then administer a portion of the Investiture ceremony
used for a full knight:
"You seek what is a great thing, but you do not know the strong precepts of the Order; for you see us from the outside, well
dressed, well mounted, and well equipped, but you cannot know the austerities of the Order. Can you bear these things for the
honour of God and the safety of your soul?"
The novice must reply in the affirmative, stating he will bear all things in the service of God.
The ceremony concludes with the senior knight stating: "Go, may God make you worthy men."
The equipment that belongs to his position among the knights will then be presented to him: his novitiate robes, a bayonet,
handgun and communications gear.
Once a Novice is accepted and has undergone their essential military and occult training it is likely they will return the
community, not to be called upon for several years for anything other than refresher courses. Others may be forced to discard
their previous lives altogether -- so vital is their contribution to the Order.

If a Novice proves suitable, he/she will be taught the skills found in Fighting Techniques over two years -- often involving
excursions to the African Horn for extensive field training. All novices are then taken away for intensive paramilitary and occult
Training includes:
Firearms/sword handling
Personal security
Vampire/Mage/Lupine/Faerie Lore
with compulsory specialisations in one of (detailed in Character Creation):
Once the basic course is completed, the Novice may then choose a field of speciality. This can range from brain surgery to
bomb disposal -- so long as his new Order will benefit. Only full knights of higher True Faith levels are taught the advanced

Rituals and Prayers which serve to negate many powers of more senior vampires.

"It was not pedantry, . . . observance of the Rule, but custom, and faith, and obedience to their monastic vows, all joined
together with their duty as warriors of Christ to make their Order, and without which the Order would not be."
-- The Last of the Templars, William Watson.
This dramatic and emotion-charged investiture ceremony is designed to ensure the applicant has a True Faith rating of at least
five and is absolutely committed to a life of complete devotion to the Militant Order. When the Rule of the Templars (later to be
adopted by the Militant arms of the Teutones and Hospitallers) was created at the Council of Troyes in 1128, so was the basis
for what was later to become known as the Investiture. While the ceremony grew and evolved throughout the decades, its
present form is based upon that used about 1290 and recorded by a young knight called Gerard de Caux. According to de
Caux, the ceremony begins with the presentation of the postulant before an assembled chapter of knights led by at least one
Knight Preceptor. The most senior officer among the chapter of knights makes the following speech:
"Good brother knights, you see well that most of you have agreed to make (this man) a brother; if there is any one of you who
knows any reason why he should not, in law, become a brother, let him say it now, for it is better that such a thing should be said
before rather than after this man has come among us."
If there are no objections, the postulant is then taken to an adjoining room and questioned by the eldest and most senior knights
of the Order. He is asked formally if he wishes to join the brotherhood of warrior-monks, and, if he replies in the affirmative, then
shown "the charitable commandments and the great hardness of the house (The Rule)."
The postulant must be made to understand clearly that upon entering the Order he would "willingly undergo everything for God
and would be the servant and slave of the house for ever, for all the days of your life."
Then the postulant is asked about his marital status, any binding vows or commitments, unpaid debts, the state of his health and
whether he was bound legally to any organisation or man. If any of the replies are not according to The Rule, the postulant must
be barred from entry. Once the elders are satisfied with the answers, they return to the chapter without the postulant to
recommend him to their service. The postulant's replies are repeated to the gathering so that no subversive rumour may disturb
his welcome to the ranks. The Master, or the officer in charge, then asks the chapter if they wish "in the name of God" that the
man should join. The reply from the chapter should be:
"In the name of God, let him do so."
Only then is the postulant again allowed into the chapterhouse. Kneeling in the pose of prayer, he must make this formal request:
"Sire, I have come before God, before you and the brothers, and I beg and require you in the name of God and of Our Lady to
accord to me your company and the benefits of the house, as one who will henceforth always be its servant and slave."
The Master then replies:
"Good brother, you are asking a great thing, for you see only the outer shell of our religion; you see that we have good horses,
good harnesses, good food and drink and clothes, and it may seem to you that you will be at ease here. But you do not know the
strong commandments which are within; for it is a difficult thing that you, who are lord of yourself, should make yourself the
servant of another. You will hardly do anything that wish: if you want to be in Europe, you may be sent beyond the seas; if you
wish to be in Acre, you may be sent to Tripoli, or Antioch, or Armenia. If you wish to sleep, you may be awakened, and if you are
wakeful you may be ordered to lie down. Good brother, can you suffer well all these hardships?" The postulant should answer:
"Yes, I will suffer all that is pleasing to God."
The Master responds:
"Good Brother, in our company you must not seek lordship or riches, nor honour, nor bodily ease. You must seek three things: to
renounce and reject the sins of this world; to do the service of Our Lord; and to be poor and penitent. Will you promise to God
and Our Lady that hence-forth, all the days of your life, you will obey the Master of the Temple and any commander placed above
you? That you will live in chastity, without personal property? That you will uphold the good customs of this house? That you will
help, in so far as you are able, to conquer the Holy Land? That you will never leave the Order, neither through strength nor
weakness, neither in worse times nor better?"
If the postulant is still determined to join, and if the chapter still agrees, then the Master must pronounce the words of
"In the name of God, of Our Lady, of St Peter (or the Order's particular patron saint) and of our father the pope, we accord to you,
to your father, your mother and all those of your lineage whom you wish, the benefits of this house, as they have been from its
beginning and will be until its end. And you, you accord to us all the benefits which you have and will have; and we promise you
bread and water, and hardship, and work, and the poor robe of the house." As the master speaks, members of the chapter bring
the new knight the robes of the Order and place it over his shoulders. After this, a sword belonging to the Order is handed to the
knight which he must unsheathe and hold before him hilt-up -- forming the sign of the Holy Cross. "Take this sword; its brightness
stands for faith, its point for hope, its guard for charity. Use it well."

The Rule of the Order is read aloud as the new knight kneels before the altar. Once completed, the most senior knight concludes
with: "Go, may God make you worthy men."

The Code
"I tell you, the Lord has not done this for any other generation before, nor has he lavished on our fathers a gift of grace so
copious. Look at the skill he is using to save you. Consider the depth of his love and be astonished, sinners. . . He comes
from heaven to help you in your necessity. This is a plan not made by man, but proceeding from the heart of divine love."
-- St Bernard of Clairvaux, 1147, De laude novae militiae

The Modern Rule

The strict monastic code of the 12th century no longer applies to all members of the Militant Orders. Novices and associates are
bound by a separate, though similar, doctrine known as The Code. This Code reflects the strictures of the Ten Commandments,
Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Virtues. These can be found in the Character Creation section in the chapter on Piety.
Modern knights, however, must live a monastic life of self sacrifice based upon The Rule, without the era-specific regulations
(this will be explained at the end of the chapter The Rule ).
The Code provides a philosophy more in keeping and sympathetic to modern ideology while still promoting the essential
Christian tenets of Faith. However, the sacrifices detailed under The Rule are a vital component of gaining Holy favour and the
blessings of miraculous powers. Once a novice understands the meaning of, and is prepared to accept, the full Rule as his
means of worship -- only then is he eligible to gain full knight status.

The Code Of Service

New initiates vow to become a servant and slave of the Order for ever. The essential promises are to renounce and reject the
sins of this world, to do the service of the Lord, and to be poor and penitent. Loyalty and obedience is the core of everyday life.
The Militant Orders were among the first to introduce the concept of instant obedience to military service. Novices are taught that
obedience could make the difference between victory and defeat in an ever-changing battlefield environment. Many battles were
lost during the Middle Ages because secular knights led their own charge against the enemy, ignoring the orders of their battle
commander. Often, the only difference in the quality of the Warrior Monks and normal knights was their fighting discipline -- not
individual skills.

Holy Violence
This concept was developed during the 4th and 5th centuries, and was widely touted during the time of the Crusades. Its basis
was that violence was not evil, but was morally neutral. Moral colouring was drawn from the intention of the perpetrator, which
could be loving -- or hatred. Perpetrators of Christian violence had to have the right intentions. They also needed a just cause,
because violence could only be resorted to in response to previous injury in the form of aggression, menaces, tyranny or
invasion. Acts of violence had to be authorised by a legitimate authority, who could be a minister of God or a king. Fortunately
for the knights, most preceptors also held the rank of minister -- so they could order their own violence. However, Christ's
intentions for mankind are believed to be at risk if violence is overused. Essentially, violence against the pagans was
considered an act of Christian charity and loving concern.

The Code Of Parley

The code of parley is designed to avoid unnecessary conflict. Essentially, the code calls for Novices to hold discussions with the
enemy before combat becomes inevitable.
Militant Order members and their enemies meet under a flag of truce to discuss their differences, often in the presence of an
independent intermediary. In the Cleansing Crusade, this involves an initial declaration to a domain that the knights are present - ready to accept any vampire's repentance, or to kill them. The code does not end there. During the course of conflict, Parley
can also be called for extraordinary matters, issues of honour or surrender terms. Knights and Novices are compelled to answer
such a call -- under truce -- but not to answer all questions or agree to all demands.

The Code Of Courage

Courage is possibly the single most important tenet applicable to any knightly Order. Courage in the face of the enemy is what
makes a knight different from the footslogger or mercenary, and is a compelling tradition moulded by the blood of knights over
countless generations. About 2000 knights Hospitaller successfully defended Malta against 40,000 Turks in 1565. At the end of
the battle, 600 Hospitallers remained -- but only 10,000 Turks left the island alive. In another battle, 200 Templars valiantly stood
against a massive invading army. Only two lived to tell of the defeat. Such traditions are compelling, and many a Novice's honour
is based on the concept.

The Code Of Fighting Proficiency

Honing skills with the sword, lance and bow occupied most of a knights spare time during the Crusades. Similar principles apply
today. Skill with the blade, guns and martial arts are a constant arena of competition among the warrior monks. Much honour
and status is gained through proficient skills, but honour is also gained through innovative ways of avoiding their use. A Novice
or Knight who cannot demonstrate high standards of combat skills is retired from active service into administration.

The Code Of Piety

This is the dutiful devotion to God and observance of religious principles. Aside from being warriors, Templars, Hospitallers and
Teutones are primarily monks. All are required to take an oath, including monastic principles such as chastity and perpetual
worship. Prayers had to be offered to God at regular times each day -- though knights in action or on a mission were permitted
to offer silent homage. Novices, while not full monks, are still Churchmen of rank and status. They are permitted to be married -though this does make life difficult, like any soldier. Personal possessions are also permitted.

The Code Of Honour

The concept of personal integrity, allegiance to moral principles. It includes strict observance of all other tenets of chivalry.
Personal honour is not the issue -- but the honour of the Order is everything. An Order's prestige is enhanced through acts of
social service, courtesy and tolerance. Novices must never do anything to bring the honour of his Order into disrepute.

The Code Of Generosity

A willingness to give away one's money and time freely, without expectation of reward or favour. Generosity toward the poor,
infirm and generally needy is a vital part of a Novice's honour and oath. Ensuring the physical and spiritual safety of the innocent
populace is a prime concern, and is the underlying cause of the knight's existence.

The Rule
"Have I not been obedient to the Rule? The Rule is the bones of my body, it runs from my feet to my head, and it is in my
arms; these fingers. . . The Rule is my marrow. Am I not also garbed in the Rule, for it tells me what I wear/ The Rule is within
me and about me. It is my hand when I fight and tells me what my weapons are. Within and Without."
-- The Last of the Templars, William Watson.
The Rule is the tortuously detailed document stipulating every element of a Church Knight's life. When compiled in 1127, during
the formal recognition of the Order of the Temple by the Pope, it was made as comprehensive as possible. The original 72
articles of its original Latin version covered everything the councillors could think of, from general religious procedure to the
knight's daily diet. Its religious aspects were similar to those of any monastery, and were generally Benedictine in tone: The
brothers were to pray together at appointed times each day, or, if they were absent from the Preceptory, to recite various
numbers of paternosters. Meals were held in silence, and silence was maintained at night. The brothers were instructed to care
for any sick or elderly members of the Order, and to have mass said for the souls of their dead; and after the death of a brother,
they were to feed a pauper for 40 days. They were forbidden to hunt any animal except the Lion and other dangerous beasts that
have threatened a community. Hunting was considered too close to the life of an ordinary knight, and threatened to awaken sinful
pleasures within the knights of Christ.
The Rule stated: "The company of women is a perilous thing, for through them the ancient demon denied us the right to live in
Paradise; and therefore women may not be received as sisters into the Order. . . and we believe it is dangerous for any religious
man to look too much at women's faces. And so none of you should presume to kiss a woman, neither widow, nor maiden, nor
mother, nor sister, nor aunt, or any other woman; therefore knights of Christ must flee from women's kisses."
The Brothers were forbidden to act as godparents; the councillors fear was that a longing for normal family life would be stirred
in the knights by the relationship. Partly for the same reason, children were forbidden from entering the Order. This portion of the
Rule does not apply to modern knights.
The Templars were from the beginning determined only to accept mature men who came forward on their own wish and
Their clothing was regulated, according to the Order's particular uniform. Brothers could not have any personal property;
everything was held in common. A gift to any one brother was a gift to all; not even a personal letter could be read privately.
Personal pride was seen as one of the root causes of jealousy and strife, and sought to prevent its appearance anywhere within
the Order. No pennants on lances, no jewels on armour, no pointed shoes, no excessive talking or laughter. Instead, poverty,
chastity and humility were demanded. But even above these three qualities was obedience.
A system of practical punishments was included, ranging from small penances through to humiliating acts such as eating one's
food off the floor. Some were expelled from the Order, others were starved to death in cells. Everything in the Rule was intended
to bring about, if necessary to enforce, a communal way of life -- an abrogation of the individual in favour of the corporate Order.

The most honoured Churchman of the Crusades, St Bernard, summed up the philosophy of the Militant Orders in an open letter
calling for recruits.
"The warriors are gentler than lambs and fiercer than lions, wedding the mildness of the monk with the valour of the knight, so
that it is difficult to decide which to call them: men who adorn the Temple of Solomon with weapons instead of gems, with shields
instead of crowns of gold, with saddles and bridles instead of candelabra: eager for victory -- not fame; for battle not for pomp;
who abhor wasteful speech, unnecessary action, unmeasured laughter, gossip and chatter, as they despise all vain things: who,
in spite of their being many, live in one house according to one rule, with one soul and one heart."
The Rule of the Templars was based on the Rule of St Benedict of Nursia (Benedictine Monks) and the Cistercian Monks, of
which St Bernard of Clairvaux was a member. Its initial form was created by St Bernard and Hugh de Payns at the Council of
Troyes, about AD1128.
The original Rule was essentially the following:
To become a knight an applicant must have been of legal adult age, a volunteer, and debt-free.
Applicants must serve at least one full year as a Novice before attempting to become a Knight.
A knight required at least two horses, one a war-horse and the other a lighter breed for travelling. Each knight needed at
least one squire to help him into his equipment and carry extra weapons and his heavy shield (which was worn hung
around the neck during battle), one hand used on the reigns and the other on his weapon. The squire (or during the earlier
years, sergeant at arms) required his own horse and basic weaponry.
A Templar could have no personal possessions other than those provided by the Order (such as his armour). This was
defined as three horses, clothing, two towels, a hat, two shirts, a long-sleeved tunic, a white robe, a white robe lined with
wool for winter, chain mail, white surcoat with Rose Crosse, a helmet, and horse tackle, with the sword, shield, lance, knife,
axe and mace of his trade. Other personal gear allocated to each knight (basically the first "kit-bag" since Roman times)
included a bedding, a swag and eating utensils. The modern equivalent of this equipment list is defined in the chapter
Uniform and Equipment.
No clothing was allowed to have any form of decoration -- the emphasis on quality other than gaudiness. This uniformity
provided a strong esprit de corps -- which essentially means the opposite to humility.
Knights were permitted to eat meat and were forbidden to fast.
The major prayers for the day were conducted during the morning, leaving the afternoon free for training and maintenance
of their craft.
Knights keeping watch, or travelling, were given exemptions from attending chapel for prayers -- though suitable number of
paternosters (essentially prayer-formulas) had to be spoken or thought of at the appropriate times.
Designated chores had to be completed in the morning and afternoon, which involved cleaning and maintaining their gear,
inspecting their horses and weapons proficiency. Any knight who failed in these duties or was found with poorly
maintained equipment was disciplined.
The concept of full and immediate obedience enforced among the Knights of Christ was a unique concept of the time.
Most secular knights simply obeyed a command when it suited them. Many battles were lost because of impetuous
charges at the wrong time by small groups of knights, causing confusion among the main body.
A Knight was denied maintaining associations with his family.
A knight was forbidden to act as a godfather as it may invoke feelings of family outside the Order.
Knights were not allowed to kiss or embrace any woman (including mothers and sisters), and they were not permitted in
any house where a woman was giving birth.
Homosexuality was considered a serious offense.
St Bernard stipulated that white lambskin girdles were to be worn by the knights at all times as a reminder of their vows of
chastity -- even when going to bed.
No-one was allowed to see a Knight's naked body.
Knights were not allowed to bathe -- this being considered an "effeminate" affliction.
The dormitory had to have a lamp burning all night.
Knights had to cut their hair short -- but Templars also had to wear a beard. Beards were considered signs of virility and
masculinity in the Middle East, helping promote a respectful image among their enemies.
Pope Innocent II issued the bull Omne datum optimum which essentially made the Templars inviolate from any earthly
authority other than his own. No king or priest had any legal power over a Templar -- something that caused a great deal of
jealousy and conflict later in the Order's career.

No one could ask a Knight to swear an oath.

They could appoint their own priests.
The Orders were exempt from paying local taxes and tithes.
Any gift given to an individual Knight belonged to the Order as a whole.
Debts among individual knights were not permitted.
The Rule also demanded knights immediately attack any enemy they sighted. This was usually over-ridden by another
tenet of the Rule: that of obeying orders and not acting outside one's authority. However, this rule did cause problems at
Knights had regular training -- with specific fields and trial courses established at each base. Parading and synchronised
movements were also practiced. Most movements centred around their order's particular battle standard.
Militant Order funds were prohibited for use in ransoming. (It still happened, on occasion -- with the excuse that the money
was not that of the Order's!).
Fighting to the bitter end was expected -- and happened if the commander did not give the order to regroup. Retreat could
only be ordered if the knights were outnumbered by more than 3 to 1.
Strict punishment was invoked if a knight discussed the Order's business with outsiders. He was not allowed to question
his Order's authority.
Knights were not allowed frivolous talk, and speech was prohibited at meal times.

"All the commandments which are said and written above are at the discretion and judgement of the Master."
-- The Rule of the Templars, as recorded by scribe John Michael at the Council of Troyes, 1128.
The Modern Rule
Essentially the Modern Rule is the same as the above, with only era-specific or overly harsh requirements removed.
The tenets of Omne datum optimum no longer apply because the Pope's worldly authority has diminished greatly since
the 13 century.
Short hair and long beard are not required as they represent nothing. Many knights choose to follow this tradition, anyway.
The benefits of bathing have long been established and the attitude "cleanliness is next to holiness" has taken root.
The specified equipment has been changed to suit modern needs.
Knights do not have to wear a lamb-skin girdle to demonstrate their chastity. Their Faith and Piety is before God -- any
breach in this trust is reflected in their loss of status.
The Malta Synod removed the Church Knights' right to appoint their own priests. This remains the domain of the Cloth.
Not being in a house where there is a woman giving birth may actually conflict with other tenets of Pious behaviour. This
restriction has been dropped, though other rules concerning women still apply.
Knights may maintain associations with their family -- but they must recognise this can put them at risk. Such contact must
be discreet and appropriate.

Ministering to Vampires
"To break the heathen and uphold the Christ; To ride abroad addressing human wrongs; To speak no slander, no, nor listen
to it; To honour his own word as if his God's; To lead sweet lives in purest chastity. . . Not only to keep down the base in man;
But teach high thought, and amiable words. . "
-- Idylls of the King, Tennyson
It is a common misconception that the Church Knights are nothing more than a highly trained, heavily equipped band of vampire
assassins. Wherever the warrior monks declare their presence, rumours spread thick and fast among vampires about their
efficient hunting and killing techniques.
This self-perpetuating fear is encouraged by the knights as frightened Kindred sometimes become desperate -- and make
mistakes. Conversely, it can also be a hindrance -- enforcing Kindred adherence to the principle of the Masquerade.
But the religious component of the Church Knights must not be forgotten.
The belief that a vampire has lost its soul, and is doomed to eternal damnation, is only partially correct. It is hard for a knight to

consider a vampire evil if it conducts itself in as civil and humane manner as possible. Having to kill such Kindred can cause a
crisis of faith. For this reason, ministration is considered a viable alternative.

Because of their True Faith, a knights blessing is not simply a collection of empty words. A blessing of good health and
happiness can result in just that -- a heightened sense of serenity and peace. The example provided by someone with True Faith
can act as an inspiration and encouragement to others. A knight's own joy in life can help lift others out of the depths of despair.
The whole purpose of a knight's presence is to make the world a safe place for normal people to live and worship. Encouraging
the general populace must never be neglected -- or else the fight against Corruption may end up for nought.

The Militant Orders -- Hospitallers in particular -- believe that a repentant vampire can, with a knight's blessing, have its soul
freed to be judged like any other mortal. The knight cannot convey judgement or forgiveness. But he can provide a chance for
The fact that this option requires the death of a vampire limits its popularity, but any Kindred burdened with guilt and horror at
what it is should see this as a viable alternative.

Vampires actively seeking Golconda (vampire-heaven) are encouraged -- to an extent. While still essentially corrupt, such a
quest involves renouncing much of a vampire's evil nature. This reduces the need for the knights to "cleanse" the world of that
particular vampire.
The Church Knights have their own definition of Golconda -- that of pious worship, repentance and service. Vampires may find
solace and security within the Church, though they must devote themselves to a monastic life and cease feeding on human
Such Vampires can serve as consultants and instructors for the Militant Orders, but they cannot join in on any mission. The risk
of wanting to re-join their kind is considered too great.

Red Mass
In its lesser forms, the Mass involves the breaking and forgiveness of Vampiric domination. Ghouls can have their blood-bond
removed and, if repentant, forgiven for their actions while under Kindred influence. In such situations, the knight is simply the
vessel for God's will. The outcome can never be guaranteed.
In its highest form, the Grand Masters of each order can meet and conduct a ceremony to restore mortality to a deserving
vampire. The blood of Cain can be removed, restoring the creature to the same mortal state as when embraced. Once again,
the knights are only a vessel for God's will.
When the Grand Master of each Militant Order believes a supplicant vampire has proven beyond earthly doubt that it desires
repentance, the ritual known as Red Mass can be performed.
The vampire is taken to one of the different Order's most Holy places and asked to bow before the altar before a full chapter of
knights and each of the three Grand Masters. During the course of the ceremony, the vampire is required to place some of its
own blood in a crystal chalice. As the assembled knights and the vampire prey, the Grand Masters observe the chalice for any
If the blood remains unchanged, then the vampire has not yet fully atoned for its sin or demonstrated genuine faith. It has
not yet earned God's attention.
If the blood turns to wine, his repentance is accepted and his earnest desire to cease being a vampire granted. At the
same time the blood in the chalice changes to wine, the vampire will "die" peacefully, and his soul raised to heaven for
If the blood in the chalice turns to water, the vampires blood will be purged of its taint and returned to normal. The now
mortal, ex-vampire, will be weak and is unlikely to be capable of standing. He must be given medical attention to ensure
his blood and body chemistry levels are restored fully. The state of aging picks up from the time of embrace -- not counting
the years as an undead creature. The restored mortal is then allowed to choose its own destiny, free to be judged upon his
death like any other person.

Investigation Techniques

"You could not afford to allow someone like Lord Ruthven to survive. He might, after all, eventually persuade too many
people that being a vampire was just fine."
-- Vampire, a Complete Guide to the Undead, Manuela Dunn Mascetti, 1992.
Tracking down the Kindred is a complex and arduous task. Only a coordinated, multi-disciplinary approach can bear fruit. While
all knights and novices are thoroughly trained and equipped for combat, they are also versed in investigative techniques. No one
method is enough on its own. Just as a combat team must contain a mix of heavy weapons, explosive, security and
communications skills -- so to must it have a variety of hunting skills.
Specific skills are broken down into the following categories: Research, Forensic, Contacts, Interrogation, Occult Knowledge
and Tracking.
Each skill is specific and complex -- taking years of study to obtain the highest standards. Holding multiple skills is possible, just
as it is possible to have more than one university degree. However, specialisation is more likely. Once a combat team has been
placed in a new city, each knight branches off to investigate his own area of expertise. Once a week, knights will meet at a prearranged safe-haven to discuss their findings, and compare notes. Utmost security is paramount. No knight must know another's
movements or lodgings. If one is discovered, this reduces the chances of the whole group's integrity being destroyed.
Regular contact must be maintained, however, often through the use of mobile phones, pagers, dead letter boxes and prearranged signs. Telemetric units are only operational during combat operations, but may be switched on by individual knights
during moments of crises -- to transmit the circumstances for later analysis.

Physical collection of all available data is a complex and time-consuming process. Knights skilled in this process would analyse
the content of local newspapers, church newsletters, police and court records dating back several years. Use of computer
databases is a vital component -- especially as most newspapers now record all articles on such systems for reference.
Hospital and police demographic records can also be helpful, revealing concentrations of particular types of crime or medical
conditions (such as low-blood levels). Each lead, as it is uncovered, must be exhaustively followed up. It is possible for a paper
trail to lead directly to a suspect.
However, more often research is a means of proving or fleshing out existing suspicions. Public records such as businesses'
annual reports, land registry documents, births, deaths and marriage files can provide vital clues and leads. School records are
a valuable source of an individual's history, especially year-books. Once the paper trail has been exhausted, the process of
interviewing sources and monitoring suspects begins.

Interrogation does not necessarily mean the red-hot coal and poker approach. In a watered-down form it is known as an
interview. Knights skilled in extracting information from other people would be used to discuss events with witnesses, draw
useful information out of uncooperative suspects -- as well as interrogating captured minions and Ghouls.
Reports found in newspapers and other documents may be spartan, biased or simply inaccurate. Contacting the source direct
can remove this form of filtration and reveal more information of use to a knights investigations.

Each militant order has support from different parts of society. Overall, the various church denominations are generally eager to
help. Church knights hold senior ranks within their associated denominations -- and are well within their rights to act as envoys
from the Vatican etc. Most churches, when faced with such a senior visitor, would usually open their books (and hearts) willingly.
Other sources of support are available on an international scale. The Templars have had a long association with the
Freemasons, and may hold corresponding ranks within the secret society. Hospitallers are associated with the Order of St John
-- found in most Commonwealth countries as ambulance and paramedical associations. Teutonic links are much more general - usually relying upon the common bond found between soldiers and police the world over These institutional contacts can be
among the most valuable sources of information. Masons may provide financial and legal support, along with access to
otherwise secret information. St Johns can offer practical medical assistance, as well as the experiences and services of its
members. Police and military contacts, once again can offer behind-the-scenes information and cooperation -- such as access
to their own investigation records.
As experts in their own fields, Knights can win the support of other professionals. For example, a Hospitaller may be a highly
trained surgeon. Other surgeons would feel comfortable discussing any "strange" afflictions they have discovered.
However, knights must constantly be aware that all these organisations are open to Kindred infiltration. As a result, their true
identity must remain concealed. Each knight must only act in the capacity of member or affiliate of these organisations. Only the
most senior officer of each group -- if he is trusted -- is allowed to know the full truth. Other organisations may also be sources of
information. The Salvation Army (another Militant Order), the Red Cross: just about any humanitarian organisation concerned
with public welfare.

This scientific approach is much more limited in its application than the above, though more likely to produce positive results.
The areas of knowledge that come under the term forensic-science practices include pathology, toxicology, anthropology,
odontology, psychology, and criminalistics.
A forensic pathologist will conduct an autopsy on a victim to locate any signs of injury or disease. Toxicology is linked to
pathology but specifically concerned with the presence of poisons or drugs. Even vampires can bleed (though only a little). Blood
and skin samples may prove or disprove a suspect's vampiric nature.
Criminalistics applies to the use of physical and natural sciences -- such as analysing objects found at the scene of a crime. This
evidence includes a variety of materials -- drugs, hair, fibres, soil, blood, paint chips, firearms, fingerprints, documents, bullet
distortions, type of wounds -- all can reveal a great deal of information. Identification of bones and skeletal remains is the
responsibility of forensic anthropology, which uses comparative body and bone measurements -- along with morphology.
Odontology uses dental evidence to identify remains and can be helpful in summarising bite-mark impressions. Forensic
psychiatrists analyse human behaviour and personality in connection with crime. Psychiatric examinations may serve to
determine whether the state of mind of an individual may have been affected by or contributed to the incident -- deliberately or
Knights trained in Forensics have a good understanding of all these areas. They are trained to recognise and draw conclusions
where they can and use their limited resources to the full. Anything beyond their capabilities can be forwarded to their
Headquarters for greater analysis. This includes DNA "fingerprinting" of semen or blood stains. No field packs are yet available
to 'tag' particular strains or types -- they are still under development. So far only the Brujah, Gangrel, Malkavian, Nosferatu,
Toreador, Tremere and Ventrue blood types can be recognised in the underground labs of the Hospitallers in Valletta, Malta.
The Militant Orders are also researching what exactly it is in vampire blood that makes them what they are. Other areas of
research include vampire repellents, sources of aggravated damage and how to nullify their supernatural powers. Every piece of
information helps.

While all of the above help identify individual vampires, reveal their abodes and their habits -- actually finding the creature is
another matter altogether. Tracking is usually associated with hunting in the wild, identifying and following the spoor of specific
creatures. This also applies to hunting vampires and lupines -- though involving different techniques in a metropolitan
environment. Vampires can leave traces of their presence. The mind's and aura's of passers-by may still show the effects of
Dominate and Obfuscate. Vampires using physical powers will leave marks different to humans such as shoe scuff marks,
deeper-than-usual imprints, oil-less fingerprints and no residual body heat (just sit on a leather couch that a vampire has vacated
-- you'll see what I mean).
Other giveaways are:
Lack of insect activity about the person (especially in tropical regions).
Insect bites do not swell (the old "fake wasp on your shoulder trick" should apply here).
Behaviour of nearby animals.
Effect upon trodden grass, plants etc.
Lack of breath vapour on a cold night.
Fingerprints taken from the scene of known vampire activity may help narrow the field of suspects and scuff-marks on the floors
or ground may prove whether Celerity has been used. The full range of traditional tracking techniques also apply such as
identifying particular sets of shoe or tire prints, walking styles and other tell-tale signs. Dogs: The canine's extraordinary ability to
sense kindred, lupines and spirits has been well documented throughout history. Dogs appear to go into a frenzy whenever such
evil is nearby. The Church Knights have learned to control and train this sense, using suitable dogs to follow the spoor of
vampires for great distances. Like police tracker dogs, these animals can sense the smell and corruption of a vampire for up to
four hours. After that time, the dogs would have to rely upon sensing objects strongly associated with the prey -- such as a
discarded shoe or item of clothing, a trail of blood or a place where they have spent enough time to leave a heavy scent. A
knight who knows his dog well would be able to sense or notice the effects of the vampiric discipline Animalism.

Kindred Lore
This is direct knowledge of vampire habits, customs and internal politics. By knowing such factors, the behaviour and activities
of a group of vampires can be anticipated and predicted. If you're lucky. It is an imprecise science as not all vampire Clans are
known or understood. Inter-clan politics is also a murky business and can often confound carefully laid traps.
Much knowledge has been gleaned from repentant vampires. However, these vampires are usually young and know only about
their own bloodline. Not all Clans are likely to produce vampires with high humanity and faith -- reducing the sources of
information considerably. These gaps are constantly being researched and new information often comes to light. Inter-clan

politics is a fluid thing, however, and what was once an enmity may become an alliance.

(Part Two)
By Jamie Seidel

Uniform and Equipment

"The Templars are ready and armed at whatever time of the day or night they may be called, either to fight or to accompany
travellers; and when they pursue the enemy, they do not ask 'how many are they?', but only, 'where are they?'."
-- Jacques de Vittry, 12th century.

Ceremonial Dress
Formality, ceremony and ritual is much a part of a knight's and novice's daily life. An integral part of such formality is dress -- a
means of proclaiming identity, philosophy and status while generating a strong sense of esprit-de-corps. Clothing can also
reinforce in the wearer's mind a sense of purpose and mood: thus the designation of ceremonial and combat uniforms. Monastic
habit for all Orders is simple but of good quality. The spartan robes merely reflect the Order to which they belong -- signs of rank
being considered unnecessary. Once Outremer fell about 1300, a crusading treatise established by the Church recommended
all three Militant Orders be combined. A similar move was made during the Malta Synod of the 1980s. Both proposals saw the
new order wearing black robes with a red cross. Neither move was successful, however, and the Orders remain independent.

The monastic habit of the Templars is basically a white woollen tunic, white mantle and a skull-cap. This uniform was granted to
the Order upon their papal recognition in 1128. In 1146, the Templars were given the right to wear a red cross on their left breast
or shoulder. Initially a simple intersection of lines, the cross later developed to become what is known as the "crosse formee."
Sergeants (now novices) wore a similar habit, though it was colored brown.

Monastic dress is a black hooded mantle known as the cappa clausa. The white eight-pointed Maltese cross is sewn on either
the left breast or across the whole chest. Officers of the Order have the right to wear red in place of black, though the cross
remains the same. Sergeants (now novices) wore the same black garb as the knights.

The white habit of the Teutones was very similar to that of the Templars (much to the latter's disgust). This right was granted
them by the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II. Their black cross (sometimes with yellow border) was similar in shape to that of
the Cross of Jerusalem (four T's radiating from a centre-point). In the late-13th century they were also granted the right to place
the German Royal Eagle at the heart of the cross -- though this practice has since been discontinued. Teutone sergeants
(equivalent to modern novices) wore a Tau cross (looking like a single capital T). This cross was also known as a crux

Standards of the Orders

As all Militant Orders are derived from cavalry fighting units, each has its own battle standard which acted as a rallying point after
the charge. The standards still exist, though are used only for ceremonial purposes such as "showing the flag."

The Templars held particular reverence for their battle standard, otherwise known as Bauseant. It was in use from at least 1128.
The standard is a simple one -- a white field with the upper quarter filled in black. It was the responsibility of the Gonfanonier

knight who was supported and protected by the squires. In battle the standard was often protected by up to 10 knights and its
loss by a brother would result in his expulsion from the Order. Secondary commanders and preceptories used a flag of a red
cross on a white field. Both designs were used on individual knight's shields.

The standard of the Knights Hospitaller was a white "splayed" cross on a red field -- or the reverse. The most common example
is set rigid between two light poles with five red tails hanging from the trailing edge. The standard, first seen in 1182, was the
responsibility of the Order's Gonfanonier, but generally carried by a squire. The colour of the knight's shield depended upon the
colour of his surcoat. Originally, the eight-pointed cross was only worn by non-combatants.

In the early days of the Order the Teutones' battle standard was simply a black cross on a white field. But as they successfully
established a principality in the Baltic States, the cross was dressed up. By 1330 the Order had adopted the yellow cross of
Jerusalem bordered in black for their standard, with the German royal eagle at its heart. This was placed on a white field.
Shields mostly held a simple black cross on white.

Modern Combat Equipment

Knights require proper clothing and equipment for a successful conclusion in a "cleansing" operation. All weapons, clothing and
equipment are supplied by the knights' Order -- and remain the property of the Order. For fully-ranked knights, personal
possessions are forbidden. Novices may use privately owned equipment -- if they have demonstrated both proficiency and
The troops wear a dark grey one-piece suit, made from fire-retardant material, together with heavy combat boots. A bullet-proof,
sleeveless jacket is still often worn, comprising a casing into which ceramic kevlar armoured plates are inserted front and rear.
Similar to flak-jackets in basic design, they are tailored to meet individual requirements. This includes pockets for to contain
ancillary equipment such as radios and grenades. This body armour is being replaced by a new, individually moulded armour
which also covers the arms and legs while allowing full freedom of movement. Gloves are worn to ensure a good grip on
weapons and other items of equipment. In addition, a belt rig, usually made of ballistic nylon or tough hide is worn around the
waist and comprises a personal selection of pouches -- usually for St George's oil dischargers, air-dart flingers, sun-torches etc.
The ballistic-belt also has clips to allow a sword scabbard to be attached, though most knights prefer to have their sacred
weapons slung on their back over the right shoulder. A drop holster for the Glock 18a rides low on the right leg, with spare
magazine pouches worn on the other leg. In addition, a spare magazine is often worn on the left wrist for a rapid magazine
change. Strap-on seat-type harnesses are often worn in case abseiling is necessary. Used in conjunction with stabilised
descenders, quick-release fittings and a rope bag on the leg (to prevent those below seeing the rope), it is worn only when its
use is likely. Other items of equipment placed on the body and webbing include spare magazines for the SMGs, bolt-cutters,
hand hammers, axes and glass cutters.
Sewn-on patches for bayonet scabbards complete the rigs and are attached either to the upper arm or thigh, upper chest or
body armour waistcoat. Specialised equipment such as flares, flash darts etc are stored in a similar manner. Experience has
taught that only materials of the highest quality are suitable for anti-vampire operations. Knights are often fighting in situations
where they are physically inferior to their quarry. Only the best quality equipment can reduce this deficit.

Basic Issue Equipment

The following is a list of basic equipment, issued as standard to all knights. Further weapons and items are available from each
Order's stores upon request, and are outlined in Apendice 1.

MPK2000 -- submachinegun
Glock18a -- automatic pistol
Dart Knife
Small wooden stakes
Bodymould armour
Night vision goggles/scopes
Telemetry unit
Flashdart pack (6x2)
Flare pack (6x2)
Stun Grenade (x2)
Grenade (x2)
Combat coveralls
Belt rig / webbing
First Aid Kit

Monastic habit and dress

Each knight is responsible for his personal kit, while the commander is responsible for checking each man's individual
equipment and dividing the specific-to-task kit throughout the patrol -- ensuring each man knows what the others are carrying.
Individual check lists would include personal weapons, ruck-sack and belt kit and spare ammunition for their personal weapon
(normally carried in pouches in belt kit or in webbing). Other equipment such as "bang" darts and stick flares are usually
attached to various parts of the arms and legs. Each man's personal belt kit would also contain additional survival and medical
gear, stun grenades, water bottles and emergency rations. Passive night vision goggles are strapped here when not in use. The
ruck-sack carries everything else: radios, batteries, ammunition, explosives, rations, water, sleeping bags and clothing.
The knight-lieutenant and the second-in-command would usually carry items specific to their roles, like command and
navigational equipment. Detailed maps, night vision binoculars and a hand-held thermal imaging device or sunlamp/camcorder
The point man carries more night vision aids than the standard low-light goggles, wire cutters and an electronics kit to defeat
high-tech security devices. He may also have a grenade launcher attached to his weapon to put down suppressive fire in the
event of a contact. When contact is made, the other knights must get into position as quickly as possible -- ensuring their point
man is not left alone.

Fighting Techniques
"At the will and command of their leader, they proceed to battle, not in an impetuous or disorderly fashion, but prudently and
with all caution, being the first to go forward and the last to retreat -- which is why they became so dreaded by the enemies of
the faith of Christ."
-- Jacques de Vitry, Bishop of Acre, 1227
The four-man team has historically been the basic fighting unit of the Church Knights. The unit of four originated during the
Crusades when it was stipulated that each knight must equip from his own estate three armed sergeants. These sergeants were
given basic weaponry and protection, as well as one or two horses each. While rarely fighting alongside their knight on the field,
a knight and his sergeants usually formed a patrol.
In large-scale combat, the sergeants fought as heavy troops and commanders among the mercenaries, while the knights
grouped together and fought as heavy cavalry. It was quickly found that the small, self-contained nature of the four-man team was
the most efficient and practical fighting unit -- allowing high mobility, speed, surprise and hitting power. Less than this number is
obviously too few, restricting what can be carried and limited in the amount of firepower brought to bear. Four warriors are
capable of defending themselves if ambushed, as well as continuing the mission if one of their members is killed or wounded.
More than four becomes unwieldy, harder to coordinate and conceal from the enemy.
The unit is also an ideal size for large scale operations, with each group of four being the basic components of highly flexible
larger forces. Most major assaults are actually conducted by four or five such units working in concert to a thoroughly preplanned operation.
The modern four-man team is made up of a leader, a pointsman, a defenseman and someone responsible for watching the rear.
The leader is responsible for the team's assault, and also liaises with other combat units and officers. The pointsman leads the
team during the approach and lays entry charges if necessary. The supportman does just that: back up one of the others as they
carry out their task. The defenseman provides security for the pointsman and serves as second-in-command while carrying any
additional equipment -- typically explosives or high-calibre weapons.

Unit Combat Skills

The four-man unit is designed to operate primarily on its own, often in remote areas and frequently on hostile ground. In addition
to general reconnaissance and investigation, it can perform sabotage and ambush missions. While the four-man unit is not
exactly an aggressive fighting unit, large scale ambushes can be conducted with eight or 16 man combined teams. Every unit
member has his own speciality -- such as signals, demolitions, medicine or languages.
Communications is one of the most important skills among the Church Knights, acting as an efficient force-multiplier for their
limited numbers. Every knight must have skills including high-standard field communications, code and ciphers. Despite this
general knowledge, each unit has a specialist signaller responsible for calling in aerial support, casualty evacuation, patrol
coordination and regular contact. Morse is the basic method of communications, allowing quick messages under difficult
transmission circumstances. The Orders have adopted Latin as the standard language of communication as a simple measure
of security. When combined with Morse, messages would be beyond the scope of most untrained cryptologists.
Demolition skills are also an important part of the four-man unit. Explosives are useful in opening up secure entrances,
sabotaging transport or supplies, as well as causing general confusion.

The last of the four main skills is medicine. A unit's medic can perform surgery and cure common diseases, as well as helping
win the "hearts and minds" of primitive societies. There are two basic medical kits carried while on operations: individual
medical packs and patrol medical packs. The individual kit is usually a part of a knights webbing, containing essentials for first
aid and mild drugs. Patrol medical kits are far more comprehensive and carry a wide selection of drugs, dressings and surgical
packs. All members of the Church Knight units must have more than just one patrol skill. Therefore, a knight may be trained as
an investigations specialist, but also have the ability to competently handle explosives. A communications officer may also be
trained as a medic, supplementing or replacing the units official medico when necessary.
Essentially, each unit member receives cross-training in each other's individual specialisations. Tertiary skills such as sniping,
hacking, shadow driving etc are trained according to the individual abilities of each knight.

Close Combat
Individual knights are taught to take no chances. Given a clear shot at a vampire he will often empty an entire magazine into the
target. There is good reason for this: the vampire can heal itself, given time. The more damage, the more time it takes to heal. If
a knight is given enough time, he can reach a position to decapitate the creature. A double tap (two quick shots) on its own is
often insufficient to stop even a mortal from detonating hidden explosives or pulling a weapon. Sustained and accurate firepower
keeps the vampire or ghoul's hands away from his body, making it impossible to reach a gun or button. Knights employ bodyline shooting in close combat situations, not head or heart shots. Where possible, shots are aimed at the trunk of the body
(Vampires have no vital organs anyway). Head shots usually require only one bullet to kill a mortal or do severe damage to a
vampire, but the target area is smaller. In a darkened, smoky room full of people the chances of shooting accurately are greatly
reduced. However, knights are trained to shoot accurately at heads and hearts in ambush situations, and if such is the only
target presented to them.

Building Combat
Once the pointsman has defeated the building's security or blown open an entrance, the assault team will quickly and
systematically begin to clear the rooms, hallways and stairs of enemy. Preferably, snipers from a second "perimeter' combat
team will provide covering fire and prevent anyone escaping the building. The assault team will also be carrying stun/flash
grenades to disorient vampires, making them incapable of effective concerted action. Room clearance drill is simple. Each
knight has his own arc of fire. He must be adept at calculating his arc of fire to encompass any area in which he is operating in.
For example, in a corridor the field of vision is limited and consequently arcs of fire are reduced, but there are doors on each
side -- each a possible threat. Each room must be approached and cleared, under cover of a comrade. If any doors are locked,
then one of the four-man team will blow off the door hinges using a shotgun; the door will be kicked in and shock grenades
tossed in. A two-man team will immediately follow, killing any hostiles with almost full-magazine bursts. The initial action should
be over within four seconds, with the two knights following up their action by decapitating all present vampires, ghouls and allied
mortals. The team will then immediately move on to any other rooms, repeating the process. If in a large building, different teams
will have specified areas to clear -- assigned before the action. When attacking an aircraft or railway carriage, all entrances are
attacked at the same time.

Weapons Abilities
A high standard of shooting skills is required from all knights, and all are expected to be marksmen with any weapon they may
have to carry. They must be excellent shots from the prone position, and also capable of sustained and accurate fire at close
quarters. Ambush fire control procedures, contact drills, fire and movement routines and night firing must all be second nature.
Specialist weapons skills are easily researched, but one is included here as an example of the careful integration of such
training in a combat team. The sniper, operating either alone or with a partner, can pin down a large enemy force by killing its
leaders and communications specialists. In a vampire "cleansing" action, snipers and support crew are often placed in buildings
around the targets location. Snipers add to the confusion by firing through the windows as the assault team bursts in. Once the
assault team is inside, snipers do not fire into the building. However, they are ideally placed to supply fire support under direct
instruction of the assault team, and pick off any enemy trying to escape the building. They also provide a perimeter defense,
warning the assault team of new arrivals.
Marksmanship is not enough alone; a high level of camouflage and concealment skills, plus advanced field craft, are vital to a
sniper if they are to be effective. Snipers must be able to move across open terrain without being spotted, select concealed
firing positions and have an avenue of escape once the action is completed.

Religious Powers
In return for the sacrifices made through taking their monastic vows, and their high faith, the knights have been blessed with
"supernatural" powers. These powers are a vital component in the war against Corruption, as vampires outmatch even the best
trained mortal. However, these powers do not belong to the knight -- but to God. The blessing of supernatural powers must only
be used under the guidelines of the Rule -- a knight cannot use them for selfish or vain purposes such as in revenge, laziness or
personal profit. While some specific abilities are granted for specific purposes, they may not necessarily be carried out the
same way every time. Miracles are a prime example of this. A desperate knight may beg for a miraculous obstacle to appear
between him and an advancing vampire. This "barrier" could, by God's will, be anything from a wall of fire, a collapsing tree, a
swarm of bees or the souls of the vampire's victims. The powers embodied in Faith, The Gifts, Prayers and Rituals all assist in

all aspects in the battle against the Cainites. Investigation of, protection from and combating vampires all benefit in different

The Holy City

"Whatever the Church is doing wrong, it's done it for 2000 years."
-- Roman saying.

The Papacy
A controversial figure in Christendom, only Catholics believe in his "divine" right to "rule" the church. Nevertheless, he is the
single-most highly recognised Christian church leader in the world. No other has his international political or public profile. No
other Western position of public office has lasted as long as the Pope. He is a living symbol of the power of the Church. The
succession from St Peter to John Paul II as head of the Catholic church is said to be unbroken -- emphasising the strength and
duration of the Church. The passageway leading from the Basilica to the sacristy bears the name of all 142 popes -- including St
Peter himself. The idea of a Pope as a purely spiritual figure wielding power through his moral presence is only a modern
development. For hundreds of years, Popes had been barely different from other feudal European princes and kings.
Before 1870, the Papal states measured 16,000 square miles in central Italy, and the Pope presided over these lands like any
other feudal Lord. The modern Vatican State has only existed since 1929, upon the conclusion of a treaty with Italy.
The status and standing of the Popes change considerably with time. Recent Popes have sought to "humanise" the position,
removing it from the "earthy" prince component and reducing the almost supernatural status exhorted during the Middle Ages.
The role of Pope is not an easy one. Pope Pius VII was captured by Napoleon in 1809 and held prisoner for five years. He
returned in triumph to Italy, drawing admiring throngs along the way. Throughout the past 2000 years, Popes have been called
upon -- with varying degrees of success -- to act as mediators between feuding kingdoms, motivators of holy crusades, and
tools of personal power struggles. Now he is considered Christ's vicar on earth: a personal representative of God. He is the
most senior of the council of cardinals -- the highest rank within the church.
The Pope is addressed as Santissimo Padre -- Holy Father -- or in more formal situations as Sua Santita -- Your Holiness. His
official title occupies nine lines of type, starting with: Bishop of Rome, vicar of Jesus Christ, and ending with: Servant of the
Servants of God. However, within the State of the Vatican he is usually referred to as: this Pope -- reflecting the awareness that
others have preceded him and others will succeed him.
The Pope is the only religious figure that holds power over the Militant Orders. All Orders are independent from the churches and
denominations that support them -- a necessity in combating infiltration. Traditionally, the Orders have held the Pope as their
supreme commander.
Now, this is not necessarily the case. The Templars are suspicious of the Holy See -- after all, it was Pope Clement IV who
helped destroy their order in the early 14th century. The relationship between the Templars and the modern Popes is cordial,
though no longer subservient. Requests from the Vatican are always considered by the Grand Chapter before any decision is
The Hospitallers still hold their traditional ties with the Pope, and the highest members of the Order often come from or move onto the highest ranks of the Catholic Church -- the cardinals. Independent from all other bishops, cardinals and officers of the
Church, the Hospitallers listen carefully to the wishes and orders of their Pope.
Like the other Orders, the Teutone's history places no-one above them but a Pope. However, the Teutones have often put their
nation ahead of a Pope's wishes throughout history. With the arrival of Lutheranism, the Order was disbanded after many of its
members converted. Now the Teutones are ideologically opposed to the "God-given" authority of the Popes. However, he is still
recognised as one of the world's most powerful religious leaders.

Vatican City
"A costly religious Disneyland, saddled with an overly complex and secretive bureaucracy."
-- National Geographic, December 1985
The Vatican City is the world's smallest State. Its national boundaries encompass 108.7 acres -- dating from 1929. This is when
the Laterian Treaty between Mussolini's Government and the Holy See resolved a long dispute by recognising the Vatican's
sovereignty. The next largest state -- Liechtenstein -- is almost 360 times larger. The Vatican retains all the signs of nationhood:
its own postage stamps, its own diplomatic corps, its own flag, its own army, and the right to have a navy.
The city's total population -- including the transient workforce -- numbers 2000. More than 90 per cent of these are normal
Romans who cross the national borders every day.
Only 400 people possess Vatican citizenship, two thirds of whom are Swiss Guard or members of the diplomatic corp. About
300 people sleep within the Vatican's walls -- 100 Swiss Guards along with a mix of cardinals, altar boys, members of religious
orders, students at the Ethiopian and Teutonic Colleges, a few families of servants, and the Pope himself. Vatican Radio is one

of the largest employers. Run by the Jesuit Order, it employs almost 400. Maintenance of the city is an honoured position, with
the sampietrini (men of St Peters) probably the most revered janitors and cleaners in the world.
The Vatican's table of organisation and roster of leaders takes up 2000 pages of the Annuario Pontificio -- a book of rank. At
the top of the ladder are the cardinals, bishops and monsignors of the Curia Romana (Vatican Bureaucracy). The most
important body of the Curia is the Secretariat of State, responsible for coordinating the actions of the entire bureaucracy and
foreign affairs. It is led by the cardinal equivalent of a secretary of state.
The workforce of the curia is the clerical and lay employees, segregated by the Annuario into "major officials of the second
class", "minor officials of the first degree," etc.
Dozens of priests also reside in the city, serving the Basilica. They hear confessions in booths bearing placards announcing the
languages they speak. They also conduct baptisms, celebrate Mass and participate in ceremonies -- such as the installation of
a cardinal. Monks and nuns wander the corridors, with tasks ranging from librarians to restorers of old tapestries. The most
numerous religious figures are the students, selected by bishops around the world for the right to study in Rome. There are five
pontifical universities -- two of which can be found inside the Vatican itself: the Teutonic College and the Ethiopian College. The
others are located in the hills around the ancient city.
Many people are surprised the Ethiopians have such a prominent position within the Vatican, especially the jealous Americans.
For nearly 600 years Ethiopians had been undertaking pilgrimages to the Holy City. In the 1500s, their numbers grew so much
that the impressed Pope Sixtus IV provided them a special house within Vatican grounds, and gave them St Stephens Church -a 5th Century building behind the Basilica itself.
Altar boys rustle about the city in their red cassocks and white surplices, bearing chalices and swinging censers. Their
residence -- or preseminario -- is hidden behind one of the Vatican's office buildings. It has airy classrooms and dormitories
surrounding a terrace -- which has the unusual resident of an old land turtle lumbering about. Other pets include birds and cats.
Most boys serve three years, drawn into the Vatican's fold when they are only 11 or 12. Their daily routine starts at 6:30 every
morning to assist with services in the Basilica, and then back to the classroom at 9:30. The evening calls for further services in
the holy places.
The oldest Christian church is not St Peters. Rather, it is St John Lateran -- on the other side of Rome. This is near where the
original Popes (not given that status until long after their lifetimes) resided and worshipped for almost a thousand years. It is still
the Pope's official seat as Bishop of Rome. Rome has almost always been considered the seat of Catholic authority -- except at
the start when Rome's Bishop (now called a Pope) had to contend with the authority of Antioch, Alexandria, Constantinople and
elsewhere. Also, Avignon in France served as the seat of the Pope for a time in the 14th century -- about the time as the
dissolution of the Templars.
The whole of the Vatican City is Holy Ground. As the seat of Christendom's power for more than a 1000 years, its ground has
been trod by many of the most faithful men on earth. Faith levels differ from sight to sight: being the highest in St Peters Basilica
(10) and lowest among the service rooms of the sampietrini servants (2).

The Basilica and Piazza of St Peter.

Tradition has it that the worlds largest church was built upon the last resting place of what Catholics consider to the paramount
saint -- St Peter. In the early 1500s, Pope Julius II -- the warrior Pope -- deemed the original Basilica to be showing severe signs
of structural decay. Designed and built by the best of Italy's Renaissance and baroque artists, St Peter's Basilica was
consecrated in 1626 after more than a century of building and planning. Among those who worked on the edifice were
Michelangelo, Bramante, Raphael, Bernini and many others. The modern structure replaced an ageing building which was
raised by Emperor Constantine in the early fourth century. The modern Basilica is almost 700ft long and 450ft wide. The
travertine stone church can contain almost 50,000 worshippers. On Holy Days, almost 250,000 people can mass in the church
and in the enormous piazza outside -- designed in the mid-17th century. A lantern tower crowns Michelangelo's amazing dome -standing more than 400ft high above St Peter's Throne. It also stands above the subterranean shrine of St Peter's grave. Bernini
created a towering bronze baldachin -- a four-posted canopy above the high altar and St Peter's throne. He is also responsible
for the grand colonnade, formed of two semicircular arms capped by heroic statues, which makes St Peter's Square one of the
most imposing outdoor spaces in the world. A Christian cross stands triumphant upon an 82ft high Egyptian obelisk moved to
the Piazza in 1586 from the site of the Roman circus where St Peter was believed crucified.
The whole of Michelangelo's Basilica is blessed with a Faith rating of 10. Only one other site in Christendom has the same
figure: the tomb of Christ in the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.

St Peter's Grave
The Basilica began in the fourth century AD, when Emperor Constantine built the first church on Vatican Hill. Why it was built on
that hill has been a source of much debate. The main Catholic argument is that the hill was a burial ground above a Roman
circus. Building on the circus would have been smarter -- a flat, stable area. But tradition and the illogical position of the building
indicate another reason: that it was built over the tomb of St Peter. The effort was enormous: one million cubic feet of earth had
to be moved to create a level building surface. Tradition has it that the Saint was crucified upside-down at the nearby circus
about 65AD by Emperor Nero, and buried on the Vatican Hill cemetery. Some evidence emerged in 1939 to support this. Pope
Pius XII approved a renovation of the grottoes beneath the Basilica where many Popes had been interred. But as soon as the
workers began digging, they broke through to an ancient room.

Eventually, Pius XII ordered a thorough excavation of the area under the High Altar to determine whether there was any evidence
of Peter's grave. For 10 years, in the utmost secrecy -- even during the war years -- a painstaking investigation was undertaken.
Excavators uncovered the foundations of Constantine's original church -- eight or nine feet thick and still supporting the weight of
the current Basilica. It was obvious the architects of the modern structure had based their plans about the position of the original
nave and altar. Twisting stone passages led to an ancient Roman necropolis with highly preserved masonry. Chambers of 10ft
to 15ft wide with frescoes and mosaics were uncovered. One of these -- the Christ Helios -- is the earliest depiction of Jesus, in
a pose very similar to that of the Roman god Apollo. Other rooms still contain funeral urns or marble sarcophagi. Further stonesided passages twist toward the site directly under the altar of Constantine's Basilica. Here is a modest shrine, marking the site
as a Holy place -- but not extravagant. Ancient graffiti contains writing of Christian themes, and an old piece of plaster holds the
text Petros eni -- Peter is within.
A cache of bones was found beneath the Red Wall of the shrine -- only to be assessed as the bones of goats, cows, horses,
sheep and several different humans. Another group of bones was discovered in the 1960s in a repository near the Red Wall.
These bones came from one individual: a man of robust build who had died aged 60 or 70. The description matched that of St
Peter. There were also only fragments of a skull, matching the tradition that his scull had been preserved in St John Lateran
The bones were reinterred in 1968 -- along with those of a mouse which had at some time in the past 1800 years found its way
into the repository and perished there.

Sistine Chapel
Considered Michelangelo's finest work, the Sistine chapel was completed in 1512. Since then it has become grimy and marred
by attempts at preservation. In recent years it has undergone a scientific study and cleaning, revealing once again the original
bright colours and brush strokes that made the massive painted room such a masterpiece. The Sistine Chapel has a Faith
rating of 8.

Vatican Library
The popes had always had a library, but in the middle of the fifteenth century they began to collect books in a new way. Nicholas
V decided to create a public library for "the court of Rome" -- the whole world of clerics and laymen, cardinals and scholars who
inhabited the papal palace and its environs. He and Sixtus IV provided the library with a suite of rooms. These were splendidly
frescoed, lighted by large windows, and furnished with elaborate wooden benches to which most books were chained. And,
unlike some modern patrons, the popes of the Renaissance cared about the books as well as about the buildings that housed
them. They bought, borrowed, and even stole the beautiful handwritten books of the time. The papal library soon became as
spectacular a work of art, in its own way, as the Sistine Chapel or Saint Peter's. It grew rapidly; by 1455 it had 1200 books, 400
of them Greek; by 1481, a handwritten catalogue by the librarian, Platina, showed 3500 entries -- by far the largest collection of
books in the Western world. And it never stopped growing, thanks to bequests, purchases, and even, sometimes, military
From the start, the library had a special character. It included Bibles and works of theology and canon law, but it specialised in
secular works: above all, the Greek and Latin classics, in the purest texts that the popes and their agents could find, for the
popes and their servants saw these as the most powerful sources of knowledge and counsel that the world possessed. The
Vatican Library, in fact, became a centre of the revival of classical culture known as the Renaissance. Its librarians were often
distinguished scholars. Historians and philosophers, clerics and magicians visited the collections and borrowed books from
them. By 1581, when the French writer Michel de Montaigne visited Rome, the treasures of the Vatican had become a
mandatory stop on any well-informed traveller's Roman itinerary. To his delight, Montaigne was shown ancient Roman and
ancient Chinese manuscripts, the love letters of Henry VIII, and the classics of history and philosophy (many of which can be
seen in this exhibition). Then, as now, the Vatican Library was one of the greatest in the Western world. The manuscripts and
printed books that came to rest in the Vatican Library tell many stories. They help to explain the development of Renaissance
thought and art, scholarship and science, in Rome and elsewhere. They shed light on the history of the universal Roman church
and on the city where it flourished, on the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Counter-Reformation -- even on the history of
Western efforts to understand and convert the peoples of the non-Western world. They describe the new education, art, and
music of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries; they show how the curia reached beyond the bounds of Europe, to the Islamic
world and even to China; and they reveal some of the conflicts that flared up when the accomplishment of church policy and the
pursuit of new knowledge could not both be carried out.
Deep under the more public libraries is a place known as the Secret Library. Here are held in the highest of security the oldest
and most comprehensive books of occult, ancient lore, history and knowledge known to man. Members of all Orders -- monastic
and militant -- are always to be found in these rooms, seeking new and better ways to defeat their ancient foes. The Libraries
have a Faith Rating of 6. The evil powers of some ancient documents still cry out to their makers: reducing -- though not sapping
-- the strength of the Holy Ground containing them.

Vatican Museums
The main Vatican museums are not as secret as has been made out. Almost two million academics visit the libraries and
display rooms each year -- and many efforts are underway to reproduce and preserve their items. Most Museums were never
intended to be so: they are apartments or residences that have been converted to that use. As a result, visitors have to wind their
way through blind passages full of dead-ends. The arrangement appears almost random: grand pieces of art can be found

tucked away in minor corners, while otherwise ordinary works appear to take pride of place. Almost every room and corridor is
covered with frescoes and artwork -- often by the famous Raphael. The Pontifical Academy of Sciences is housed in a beautiful
building called the Casina Pio IV, nestled in the gardens behind the museums. It is a truly world-wide academy, counting Jews,
Catholics, other Christian denominations, Muslims, Hindous -- and many others -- among its members. About 22 of the 70
current members have won Nobel Prizes -- essentially their only common trait. Research includes astrophysics, evolution,
physics and chemistry. A branch is devoted to practical solutions for problems endemic in third-world countries, such as
parasitic diseases, water purity and food production. The confusing twists and turns of the Vatican Museums serve another
purpose: concealing the way to the Demonic Collection. Here ancient artefacts, often relics of evil gods and power, are
contained within powerful wards. The powers of these objects are studied to better understand them -- and to limit their abilities.
But the most important of all research within the Vatican City is probably that conducted under the guise of the Pontifical
Academy of Sciences. Here, the world's best scientists study samples -- and sometimes even living specimens -- of all demonkind. Know thine enemy is the Academy's motto. The essence of Vitae has been extracted from the vampiric kind, as has the
rogue gene that makes shape changers what they are. The scientists have now embarked on desperate research to find ways
to counter and destroy these building blocks of corruption. Similar wards to those in the Vatican Library exist in this area, both to
keep in the objects of their research in and out those who wish to destroy what they learn.
These rooms have Faith Ratings of 6.

Vatican Radio
This institution first broadcast in 1931 the words of Pope Pius XI. Now it broadcasts in 35 languages across the world. Its towers
sprout from several positions in the Vatican gardens, but its main broadcast centre is 15 miles outside of Rome at Santa Maria
di Galeria. Of course, Vatican Radio is not all it seems. It is also one of the world's most powerful electronic surveillance centres.
From rooms deep under the complex, Vatican Intelligence monitors the activities of major governments and corporations, along
with individuals suspected of demonic affiliations. Exactly what can be done here remains a secret even from the Militant
Orders. Only the Hospitallers, through the activities of their own intelligence service, have officers working here.
The Faith Rating of these offices is about 4.

Castel Sant'Angelo
This is a fortress very close to the walled city of the Vatican. Secret and heavily defended tunnels link it to various places within
the city, some of which have already saved a Pope's life. It is the final line of defense for the Church hierarchy -- and has acted
so several times. The circular fortress has been added to and strengthened over the centuries, though its basic form remains the
same. Called the castle of angels, this ancient fortress is much stronger than mere stone and mortar. Among the oldest and
strongest wards protect its occupants from all levels of the supernatural.. Faith 8.

Tour de St John
This tower stands among the gardens near the Vatican heliport, at the junction of several paths. One of the more isolated
corners of the city, this tower has recently been given over to the Miltant Orders as their Vatican headquarters. There is more to
the structure than appears above ground. Subterranean chambers house armories, chapter halls and chambers for visiting
officers. One knight from each of the Orders is at -- or near -- the Pope's side 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A full chapter
of 12 knights (four from each Order) is therefore housed within the tower. Most hold rank greater than Knight Captain. The tower
has a Faith rating of 7.

The Swiss Guard

The Swiss as mercenary troops first rose to prominence in 1494, as part of the army of Charles VIII of France during the
invasion of the Italian peninsula. Their discipline, tactics, grim demeanour and habit of not granting quarter in battle were
something of a revelation to post-Renaissance Italy; the effect was something like the onset of the Wehrmacht at the opening of
World War II. The French conquered the region with notable ease, and for the next fifty years Swiss mercenaries could be found
on most battlefields in Italy. On the 22nd of January 1506, the warrior-Pope Julius II formed the corps of Swiss Guard (or Cohors
Helvetica, to give them their Latin title) and used them as papal mercenaries against the French. Their primary weapons were
the halberd (pole-axe and spike) and the sword. On the 6th of May 1527, the newly formed corps had its sternest test to date.
The Holy Roman Emperor Charles V (who was like most of the Holy Roman Emperors neither Roman, nor particularly holy) had
decided to oust the then Pope, Clement VII, and replace him with a pontiff more in accord with Charles' views. His army stormed
the walls of Rome and the Vatican, and sacked both cities, but Clement escaped by a passageway (which still exists today)
leading from the Vatican to the Castel Sant'Angelo. The Swiss Guard, then numbering about eight hundred, died almost to a
man buying the Pope time to get away.
In about 1548 the Guards adopted a new uniform, basically of striped blue, red and yellow with a red-plumed helmet; this uniform
remains essentially unchanged to this day, although there is an undress blue uniform worn in less public places.
Today, the Swiss Guard consists of some one hundred to one hundred and twenty men; this includes four officers, five senior
and eighteen junior NCOs. Each year about 12 young men are accepted into the ranks, so long as they have completed the

mandatory Swiss four-month military training. All recruits must be Swiss citizens, unmarried, and at least 5' 8 1/2" tall; they must
also be good Catholics (with a letter from their local bishop to prove it) and be between the ages of 19 and 25. After completing
basic military training at the recruiting school, the prospective Guardsman can apply for membership in the Cohors Helvetica.
The investiture of new members of the Guard takes place every 6th of May, the anniversary of their massacre in 1527, in the
Cortile San Damaso. Flanked by members of the papal household and the Secretariat of State, the recruit grasps the standard
with his left hand and raises the right with thumb and two fingers outstretched, signifying the Holy Trinity. He then swears to serve
the reigning Pope and his rightful successors in true and upright manner, risking, if necessary, life and limb to defend them. This
ceremony is the one occasion the Guard wear breastplates and helmets that have been handed down from guard to guard for
generations, along with military standards and decorations bearing the unit's insignia which often bear the likeness of a Pope or
the Virgin Mary. The training that follows is rigorous and includes firearms, and unarmed combat (specifically Judo and Karate),
as well as the more esoteric techniques of modern body guarding and public relations (they have a ceremonial role to perform in
addition to the practical). They also receive 15 days instruction in the use of the halberd (which I would guess to be very useful for
crowd control.)
Terms of service range from a minimum of 2 years up to perhaps 25, with officers and senior sergeants permitted to marry. On
guard, the primary weapons remain the halberd and the sword; however, firearms (typically Berretta Model 12 submachine
guns), tear gas, and anti-personnel grenades are usually close to hand for more 20th century threats. Heavier weapons are kept
in the Guard's modest barracks and arsenal by St Anne's Gate, near the Sistine Chapel. Off duty, Guardsmen are permitted to
come and go as they please, with the proviso of modest discretion; their social lives are said to be quite active, as the young
ladies of Rome consider them quite a catch. With nearly five hundred years of service, the Swiss Guards are one of the longestserving regiments in the Western world. The tradition seems unlikely to be broken as long as Switzerland and the Catholic
Church endure. The families of the Swiss Guard live in the Vatican city itself. Many visitors have arrived to official functions, only
to be surprised at children crawling over ancient statues in the "private" gardens.
The Swiss Guard are not a Militant Order. The warriors are not required to take any monastic vows. However, their vow to
defend the Vatican and the Pope is particularly binding, giving them the merit Code of Honour. Character creation of Swiss
Guard members should follow normal mortal procedures -- though using a slightly higher number of Freebie Points (27) to allow
for their specific firearms and melee training. Faith is a requirement, but only level one is necessary. They do not receive any
Gifts, Prayers or Rituals. The Guard have an unusually high number of Holy Items that have served in the defence of Christendom
for centuries. These include breastplates, helms, old halberds and swords. These items are worn at ceremonial occasions.

By Jamie Seidel

Knights Templar are members of the oldest and most powerful of the three Militant Orders. Because their headquarters were
near the site of Solomon's Temple they were named Templars. By 1118AD the Order had been officially sanctioned by the
Roman Catholic Church and attracted many members, growing greatly in wealth. They were a very well organised Order, with
wide ranging contacts -- such as the Saracen Hashshashin assassins. The Templars fought bravely for Christianity during the
2nd Crusade, but after Jerusalem was recaptured by the Turks, the Templars retreated to Cyprus. Once removed from
Outremer, the Templars had no purpose for their existence -- and the vultures closed in. The Templar inventions of banks,
cheques and other methods of credit -- designed to help finance their activities in the Holy Land -- were used to hasten their
demise. The Templars were not the first Militant Order to encounter the vampires, but they were the first to actively hunt them
down on an organised basis. Their ruthless pursuit of the Kindred and their surprising success eventually prompted the children
of Cain to organise themselves and plot to overthrow the Order. King Philip IV (a vampire puppet) tortured and killed many
Templars and seized their properties and the dominated pope, Clement, disbanded the Order. But they were only fragmented,
surviving through widely dispersed secret societies who have Lodges through the world.

Full Name
Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon

The Templars are intellectuals and business people with very high dress codes. Business tycoons and spies are counted
among their ranks. Their combat equipment is the same as that of all knights -- and no identifying marks are allowed. Their
monastic and ceremonial robes are distinctive, with a red splayed cross (the Croix Patte) set on a white background. The
Order's banner is a black sky on a white field -- called Bauseant.

The Templars have been a fragmented force for more than 600 years, surviving as a fugitive and underground organisation. The
revived Order's headquarters is in Scotland, at a mysterious castle and cathedral both known as Rosslyn. Situated in the
Scottish heartland, this mystical place is rumored to have contained many of the Templars secrets for centuries

Templars are a suspicious and overly cautious group -- reflecting the bitter experience of the early 14th century. Much
importance is placed upon investigation and research techniques. The philosophy of "knowing one's enemy" succeeded in
pulling-off the unconceivable in 1316 -- disbanding a Militant Order subject to no earthly authority other than the pope's. The
Templars have learned their lesson well. Women are allowed to serve in non-combatant roles, after adopting the Nun's habit.
Pressure for full acceptance of women within the Order is intense.

Character Creation
Templars are almost obsessed about understanding their enemy, so the Knowledge attributes are primary as are research
skills. They usually have professional and highly educated concepts. Their demeanours tends to be intellectual, with good
bureaucratic, investigative, linguistic, law and financial skills. For background traits they usually have strong Contacts, Influence
and Resources.

Their quest for information on the blood of Cain often takes precedence over actually "removing" them. This often causes conflict
with the Teutones who believe it is a Church Knight's primary responsibility to get rid of Kindred Corruption for humankind's
greater good. The Templar's history also makes them overly cautious when it comes to dealings with the open public. Generally,
the Templars believe that if the Militant Orders cannot do something themselves, then it should not be done at all.

Formed as a nursing Order after the First Crusade, the Hospitallers were originally totally devoted to providing healing and
respite to weary pilgrims. Raiding Infidels and contact with the Kindred soon changed that. The Hospitallers followed the
Templars lead, and soon became devoted to the Militant defense of Christendom. However, the knights Hospitaller never forgot
their origins and always maintained a hospital to care for the sick and destitute. The knights of St. John have a philosophy of
healing, and all are trained in medicine. Succouring God's people is seen by the knights as their primary purpose for existence - and the only reason for their Militant Arm is to combat the Kindred "disease" at its source.
The Hospitallers were the only Order to survive the changing centuries intact, and thus enjoys the status of most senior Militant
Order. They adapted their role from guardians of the Holy Land to that of forward raiders from Rhodes and bastion of the
Mediterranean from Malta. During the past few centuries, they have often acted in concert with the Vatican's espionage arm.
Most people see them as wholly dedicated to charitable work, especially in world-wide ambulance and disaster relief services.

Full Name
The Knights Hospitaller of St John, Jerusalem, Rhodes and Malta

The members of this Order are well dressed in public. Like most doctors, they believe in high standards of cleanliness and
hygiene. The ceremonial uniform of the Hospitallers is a black robe emblazoned with an eight-pointed cross of white (the
Maltese Cross). Occasionally, the most senior warrior-monks wear red robes with the white Maltese Cross.

Since being forcibly removed from their island home of Malta in the 1700s by Napoleon, the Hospitallers have had to be content
with a small property near the Vatican in Rome. However, the knights have recently been allowed to return to their Valletta castle
in strength -- though the Maltese no longer accept them as rulers.

Members of this Order are generally chosen from medical, science and priesthood backgrounds. An arm of the Hospitallers has
been heavily involved in espionage for centuries, so experienced spies are also available.
This is the most traditional Order, placing great emphasis on religion and ceremony. As a result, women are only allowed to
serve within the Order in a non-combatant manner.

Character Creation
Hospitallers are mainly from medical backgrounds. Social Attributes are generally primary, as are Knowledge Abilities. Normal
background traits include Resources and Status. The Order is a very humane one, this Virtues such as conscience and humanity
are usually high.

The Hospitallers have a strong sense of justice. They will not have any dealings with people or creatures whom they think are
evil. This often puts them at odds with the Templars and Teutones. Their concern for the general populace often over-rides their
immediate pursuit of the Kindred. If there is an accident or disaster involving many mortals, they will abandon a hunt to lend

The Order of Teutonic knights was founded in 1190 by German Crusaders in Palestine and were recognised by the Pope in
1199. Modelled after the knights Templars and the knights Hospitaller but restricted in membership to the German nobility, the
new Order grew to become a major principality.
It is largely because the Teutones initially ignored warnings about the Kindred that they are so determined to wipe them out.
Their ignorance cost the lives of many Teutonic Knights, and the Order is embarrassed it had to call for Hospitaller assistance
during their Hungary campaigns against tribes lead by ancient Kindred.
In 1229 the Teutonic knights began a crusade to convert and pacify the pagan Slavs in Prussia. They crushed the native Slavs,
who were often lead by vampires who had adopted for themselves demi-god status. Their merciless treatment of such evil

earned them a reputation as vicious warriors.

The Teutonic Knights have become cynics, and believe direct conflict with the Kindred is the only means of eradicating evil
quickly and efficiently. To this end, military training is paramount.

Full Name
The Sacred Order of the Teutonic Knights

The members of this Order are usually muscular, reflecting their military mien. Battle dress is the same as all knights, though a
Teutone may have a few more optional extras tacked on. Ceremonial dress is similar to that of the Templars, though their white
robes are adorned with a simple black cross.

For several centuries, the most pure fragment of the Teutones have been serving in Vienna as a charity nursing Order. However,
now that the Militant nature of the knights has been restored, they have managed to reacquire their ancient headquarters,
Marienburg Castle.

It has an appearance to normal people as a semiclerical Order, devoted to charity work. But who ever heard of nurses who had
the strength to bend iron bars? The Teutonic knights pick their members carefully from special police and military forces units
from around the world. The knights are very secretive, rarely revealing their identity in public. This is the only Order to continue
enforcing the ancient Rule of not maintaining family contacts. Their backgrounds are almost impossible to trace, their personal
details well protected (even from fellow Teutones) and their fighting skills carefully honed.

Character Creation
Most knights Teutone come from military or police force backgrounds. Physical attributes are primary, as are fighting abilities.
Their disposition is often one of short temper, eager to get into the fight. This is often misinterpreted by the Hospitallers and
Templars as pure bloodymindedness. The other Orders do not appreciate the hatred and concern with which the Teutones
consider the Kindred. Delays are frustrating to the Teutones, as are strategic long-term considerations. They've spend most of
their lives training to fight, and they want to put that training to use.

Teutones are not well known for their restraint or subtlety. They tend to be hard to get along with socially as they are often
engrossed with their missions. They dislike trickery or subtle tactics, believing front-on confrontation to be the best approach.
This will often lead them into dispute with the Hospitallers and Templars, and sometimes Teutones may ignore instructions from
officers outside their own Order if they believe it is inappropriate or indirect.

An Historical Perspective
"Go forward in safety, knights, and with undaunted souls drive off the enemies of the cross of Christ, certain that neither death
nor life can separate you from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus, repeating to yourselves in every peril : Whether we
live or whether we die we are the Lord's"
-- Bernard of Clairvaux, De laude novae militiae

Knights Templar
The Knight's Templar had their origins in a small band of crusader knights who took upon themselves the task of keeping the
Holy Land's roads safe and secure. Formed about 1115 by Hugh de Payens or Burgundy and eight other knights, the small band
quickly won the favour of King Baldwin II of Jerusalem. After being granted the right to use part of the old Temple of Solomon as
their headquarters, the Poor Knights of Christ began to be called Templars.
In 1118, the small band swore before the Patriarch of Jerusalem that they would uphold the monastic vows of poverty, obedience
and chastity while protecting pilgrims en-route between Jerusalem, Jericho and the Jordan. The number of knights grew rapidly;
the concept of a devout group of warriors doing God's work in the Holy Land proving popular. With this increase in size, Hugh
acted to have his knights recognised as an official monastic order with special rules for their combat role.
In 1124 Hugh travelled to Europe to muster support for his new band of warrior-monks. The Council of the Catholic Church at

Troyes, and personal relative St Bernard of Clairvaux, approved the idea and compiled what was to become known as The
Rule. The Pope's and Bernard's approval resulted in a flood of new entrants. When Hugh returned in 1130, 300 new members
travelled with him. The new Order was led by a Grand Master, Seneschal, Marshal, Commander and Preceptors (masters of
provinces). Each province was divided into several preceptories, each with its own knight captain and a lieutenant. The
Templars allowed subordinate members into the Order as sergeants, as well as "confrere knights" -- knights who only served for
a short term, were permitted to marry but had to bequeath half their estate to the Order upon their deaths.
Gifts of land and money also poured in. At the height of the Order's power it owned more than 9000 titles and manors throughout
Europe and the Holy Land. It was this vast wealth that eventually led to the Order's downfall. The skills needed to keep track of
such vast amounts of money tuned the Templars into the world's first international bank. It also attracted a lot of resentment.
By 1147, the Templars and the Hospitallers fielded about half of the total available forces in Outremer. In 1177, about 80
Templars, leading 300 other knights, lead a cavalry charge that smashed through Saladin's much larger army. The Moslems
were routed, greatly enhancing the Order's prestige.
Their victories were tainted by several stupid defeats. In 1187, Grand Master Gerard de Ridefort led a force of 90 Templars and
40 others to charge 7000 Moslem cavalry. Only he and two other Templars escaped with their lives. But they regularly
demonstrated their willingness to fight unto the bitter end. In 1243, at the loss of Jerusalem to the Moslems, only 36 Templars out
of 300 survived. In 1250, 200 Templars died in the streets of Mansurah after their Grand Master had warned others of an
impending ambush -- but had been overruled.
At Christendom's final defeat in the Holy Land -- the fall of Acre -- the knights were forced to take refuge in their chapterhouse
after the walls were breached. While negotiating a surrender treaty, the Moslems began slaughtering civilians sheltering within
the Order's boundaries. True to their vows, the remaining Templars jumped to their defense. Later their surviving officer, the
Knight Marshal, was treacherously beheaded while negotiating. After another week of fighting, the Templar remnants died along
with 2000 Moslem attackers when their building collapsed upon them all.
By the time the Order was expelled from Outremer in 1291, the Templars were too deeply involved in banking to afford a new
crusade. Despite a few unsuccessful raids, the Order had been reduced to a group of bankers and money-lenders. King Philip
VI "The Fair" organised the downfall of the Order by planting infiltrators among the ranks -- with a carefully organised plan for
trumped-up charges of heresy. When one of these plants, renegade Templar Esquiu de Floyrian laid charges against the Order
in 1305, it was the beginning of the end. Similar attacks were mounted in England and Spain, but the charges were thrown out
as ridiculous.
Several years of legal wrangling followed, during which the Grand Master Jacques de Molay placed his faith in the Order's
supposed invulnerability from all earthy authority and relied upon papal protection. Eventually charges were laid against all
individual members of the Order -- not the Order itself. Against this, the imprisoned and tortured Templars had no defense. In
1312, the Order was dissolved.

Knights Hospitaller
The knights Hospitaller are an Order whose role and power are much more thoroughly documented -- and tangible -- than the
Templars. This Militant Order is the Templar's traditional rival. The knights Hospitaller of Saint John had a structure based on
that of the Templars but had a greater focus on medical health. The Order of Saint John originated with a hospital dedicated to
Saint John in Jerusalem about 1070, -- 30 years before the First Crusade -- by a group of Italian merchants wanting to look after
pilgrims. It appears to have been constituted as an Order about 1100, just after the First Crusade, when it took on its first Grand
Master. The Hospitallers thus pre-dated the Templars, but they were solely dedicated toward medical work.
By 1126, however, about eight years after the Templars appeared publicly, the knights of Saint John had begun to assume an
increasingly military character which would soon become more prominent than their hospital service. Interestingly, the
Hospitallers may have had to adopt a militant arm because the Templars were not doing the job given to them -- they were
running around the Holy Land searching for Holy relics instead of protecting pilgrims. The Hospitallers, along with the Templars
and Teutones, became the major military and financial power in the Holy Land. This power spread throughout the
Mediterranean. Like the Templars, they became immensely wealthy. The Order developed into a vast military, ecclesiastic and
administrative organisation with hundreds of knights, a standing army, numerous secondary services, a network of fortresses
and enormous holdings of land across the Christian world. The Order remained true to its origins, maintaining hospitals staffed
by its own surgeons. In 1307, when the Templars had been charged with a catalogue of offences against Catholic orthodoxy, the
Hospitallers managed to stay clean of any stigma. They retained the favour of the papacy. In England and elsewhere, exTemplar holdings were handed over to them -- boosting their wealth.
After the fall of the Holy Land in 1291, the knights of Saint John retired to Cyprus. Then in 1309 they proceeded to establish their
headquarters on the island of Rhodes, which they governed as their private principality. They remained there for two centuries,
withstanding two major sieges by the Turks. In 1522, a third siege forced them to abandon the island and in 1530 they reestablished themselves on Malta. In 1565, Malta was besieged by the Turks in an ambitious attempt to conquer the
Mediterranean. In an epic defense, 541 knights Hospitaller and sergeants along with 1500 standing soldiers and mercenaries
repelled the repeated assaults of a historically verified 30,000 attackers. The historic defeat inflicted upon the Turks destroyed
their invasion plans.
Six years later, in 1571, the Order's Fleet, together with warships from Austria, Italy and Spain, won a decisive victory at the
naval battle of Lepanto, shattering Turkish maritime power. The Hospitaller fleet was awarded disproportionate credit for

In the late 16th century they were still one of the supreme military and naval powers in the Christian world, with strength and
financial resources comparable to most nations. But the Protestant reformation had begun to shatter the strength of Catholic
Europe, and the Order itself was split by changing beliefs. Chivalric behaviour had become "quaint" and out dated, and Europe
moved on to a new age of religious tolerance and mercantilism. The knights were still on Malta in 1798, though only a shadow of
what they were. Freemasonry had eroded their Catholic allegiances, and when Napoleon invaded the island on the way to
Egypt, the knights offered no resistance. When Horatio Nelson recaptured the islands, the knights were able to re-establish an
unofficial presence on their island again. In 1834, an official base was established in Rome. Once again devoted to hospital and
health work, the knights maintain their fortress in Malta but have no magisterial powers. Interestingly enough, it was seriously
considered to hand Israel over to the knights after World War II. In international law, the knights of Malta have status as an
independent sovereign principality, with the option of a seat in the United Nations (which they have never enacted). Embassies
can be found in African and Latin American countries with full diplomatic privileges.

Knights Teutone
The Teutonic knights are a German military and religious Order based on the Hospitallers and Templars. The youngest of the
three militant Orders, the Teutonic knights were founded as a nursing unit in 1190 by German Merchants who were concerned
about their disease-ridden compatriots among the Christian army camped outside Acre. After being granted land to build a
hospital, and being granted Monastic status, the Teutones were somewhat surprised to be instructed by Pope Innocent III to
become a Militant Order.
The militant arm was closely modelled on the knights Templar, and the hospital arm based on that of the knights of St John.
Membership of the Teutones was not restricted to members of the German nobility. The only limits were to be a freeman and not
to be in wedlock. The Order generally wore a white habit with a black cross. Each Chapterhouse of the Order numbered 12,
after the number of disciples. Their leader was known as a Komtur -- meaning bailiff. When a Grand Master died, all Komturs
were gathered to elect 13 members, who, in turn, would elect a new Master. Other officers of the Grosskomtur (command) were
the Ordensmarshall, the Tressler (treasurer), the Spittler (hospitaller) and the Trapier (quartermaster). The Order never
distinguished itself in the Holy Land. It fought no famous battles, nor did it initially enjoy the wealth of support given to the other
Orders. It is partially because of this lack of support that it remained a purely Germanic movement-- a fact that soon saw its
interests turn closer to the Fatherland. In 1216AD the order lost most of its knights and its Grand Master in action defending the
Holy Land. While continuing their presence in Acre until the kingdom fell in the late 13th century, the Teutones increasingly
focused their strength on the Balkans. First, the Order assisted King Andrew of Hungary in the 1210s to evict the Kumans who
were raiding Transylvania. However, the king reneged on rewarding the Teutones with their own principality in the district of
Burzenland. Fortunately, the Polish Duke Conrad of Masovia asked the Order for protection from the pagans on the borders of
his country. By 1229AD, Pope Gregory IX instructed the Teutones to "convert" the Prusiskai -- with any conquered land
becoming their own with only nominal Church interference. The Order was ruthless in its fight against the heathen tribes, with
even small numbers of heavy cavalry being virtually invincible in the face of any enemy. Any captured knights were tortured to
death under pagan rites. But the Teutones were no more merciful. Every conquered man, woman and child was faced with
conversion or death. The natives became the Order's serfs, controlled from a series of powerful fortresses. Eventually, their
domain extended through the Balkans from Poland to Sweden. In the following 100 years they extended their domain, which was
held as a Papal fief, along the Baltic from the Gulf of Finland to the Pomeranian borders. The Teutones colonised the land with
Germans and established a strong central government with a headquarters at Marienburg, Prussia. Rebellions in the 1260s
stretched the Order to the limit. After several Balkan castles and Acre fell in the late 13th century, the knights moved their
headquarters to Venice. The lost ground in the Balkans was soon recaptured. The Teutonic Knights governed their new land
efficiently. Most colonists found it strange to have to answer in financial matters to monks who were not allowed to own anything,
but this limited corruption and allowed business to operate effectively. During the early 1300s Inquisition, which saw the fall of the
Templars, the Teutones were periodically subject to charges of cruelty and witchcraft -- though their primary theatre of operations
(Prussia and the Baltic Coast) placed them safely beyond the reach of any authority wanting to act against them. The rule of the
Teutones was not an easy one. The 14th century was a series of continuous battles against the Lithuanians -- up to 80
expeditions in all with up to seven in one year. The Teutones reached their peak of power and reputation during this period -budding some of the best military minds of the era.
Defeated by the Poles and Lithuanians at the Battle of Tannenberg in 1410, the Teutonic knights were forced in 1466 to cede
West Prussia and Pomerelia to Poland and to move their headquarters to Konigsberg in East Prussia. In 1525 their grand
master, Albert of Brandenburg, converted to Lutheranism and made East Prussia a secular Polish fief. The Order's remaining
possessions in France and Germany were secularised by 1805. The Teutonic image, as well as part of the Order itself, was
hijacked by the Nazi party in World War II. The Order's Slavic Crusade was held up as an example of German superiority and
used as an excuse for another attack on Russia. Many members of the SS styled themselves as Teutonic Knights.
The Order of Teutonic knights still exists in Austria as an organisation devoted to charity work.

Holy Places (from version 3)

". . . it came into Sir William Sinclair's mind to build a house for God's service, of most curious worke, the which, that it might
be done with greater glory and splendor, he caused artificers to be brought from other regions and forraigne kingdomes. . . "
-- Father Hay, On William St Clair and Rosslyn Chapel, 1722.

Valleta, Malta

Among its original features were a series of auberges (inns), each representing areas of Europe from which conscripts were
drawn such as Aragon, France, Germany, Provence, Castile, Italy and England.
On the northern coast of the island is the bay where St Paul was shipwrecked on his way to trial in Rome. The presence of the
knights remains, with several structures and fortifications commemorating the areas religious significance.
But most prominent are the sea castle of Sant'Angelo, the fort of St Elmo and the walled suburb of Vittoriosa, embracing two
prominentories which provided an easily defended natural harbor. All were part of what was to become the city of Valleta. The
city was named after Grand Master Jean de la Valette, veteran of the siege of Rhodes and successful defender of Malta against
the Ottoman Turks.
In the centre of the fortifications built to defend Grand Harbor is St Johns Cathedral, built by the Knights Hospitaller as the centre
of their worship in 1578. The exterior of the Cathedral is austere, but inside is it is surprisingly extravagant. On the floors of one
room are 375 marble tablets, each highly decorated and recording the deeds of the Order. This room is known as the
mausoleum of chivalry.
The Great Hospital -- containing one of the largest rooms in all Europe -- is the highpoint of Hospitaller medical construction. The
main ward is 185ft long by 35ft wide with ceilings of 31ft. Built in the 1570s, it still stands today. Strict standards of cleanliness
and hygiene were enforced, long before this was generally accepted. Knights themselves tended the patients, using implements
of silver to ensure hygiene, and the Order's surgeons were the best trained in all Europe.
The city was taken by Napoleon Bonaparte n 1798 without a fight. Reduced to a few scattered land holdings and a building in
Rome, the Hospitallers sought solace in the origins of their Order, returning to the strictures of their Rule. In time, with the reemergence of their power and prestige, their property within Valleta has been returned.

Marienburg Castle, Poland

The headquarters of the Teutonic Knights in East Prussia (now Poland), Marienburg castle was originally built in 1276 under
Grand Master Winrich von Kniprode as a functional fortress, its strategic importance leading it to become the headquarters of
the Teutones by 1309. As the knights extended their territories and brought peace to the area, the castle "sprawled" to became
a magnificent hotel for visiting noblemen and knights who wanted to take part in the Order's campaigns.
Restored to full height during the 19th century, Allied bombing reduced it to ruins during World War II. The Polish Government
has returned the castle to the Teutones as a means of restoring and maintaining the historic site.

Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland

Three miles south of Edinburgh and seven miles from the old Templar headquarters in Scotland, Balantrodoch, stands the
village called Rosslyn.
Perched on the edge of a gorge above the town is Rosslyn Chapel -- so heavily dripping with Gothic, Nordic and Celtic carvings
that it appears to be part of something greater. That was the intention. Rosslyn Chapel was originally intended to be the Lady
Chapel, part of a much larger structure intended to be the greatest Cathedral in Europe. A lack of funds and a need of attention
elsewhere prevented the massive work from being completed.
The interior of the chapel, which had its foundations laid in 1446, is a riot of carved images and geometric patterns. Symbols
which later found popularity among the Freemasons abound. It is a chapel full of Christian -- and pagan -- motifs. There are
dozens of carvings showing the Green Man of Celtic mythology, his wild head poking through a wide variety of foliage. On some
columns, North American aloe cactus is represented -- even though the Chapel was built 40 years before Columbus (in a
mission sponsored by the Knights of Christ -- a Templar remnant) "discovered" America. Other profuse images include those of
the Temple of Solomon and the Holy Grail.
The original, incomplete design is said to represent the highest achievement of Sacred Geometry -- the domain of a secret
society known as the Masons. The Apprentice Pillar, an ornate column in a wing of the chapel, is a central piece of Masonic
myth. The apprentice that built the masterwork is said to have been killed by his Master -- a recurring theme in Masonic theology.
Above the west door of the chapel is a carved head of a young man -- his head gashed on the right temple. Legend has it that
this is the image of the slain apprentice.
The vaults of the cathedral contain the graves of each Baron of Rosslyn, all said to have been buried in their armor rather than a
Rosslyn Castle was destroyed in 1650 by General Monks. Only ruins now remain. Rosslyn Chapel was spared -- and still stands
as a monument to the philosophy of Gothic architecture.

New Temple Church, London

The first Temple Church in London was built about 1128. It had a house, a garden, an orchard, a cemetery and a round church of
Caen stone. It was protected by a ditch and mound of earth. By 1161 it had become too small and was replaced by a larger site
on the north bank of the River Themes. This site, to become known simply as "New Temple" was consecrated in 1185 by

Heraclius, the patriarch of Jerusalem.

The distinctive, circular design building is now hidden among the structures of two Inns of Court and currently serves as the
lawyer's chapel. Once again in the possession of the Templars, the traditional "crossing to the bar" by London's "barristers" is
still permitted.
The Temple Church contains a choir 65ft by 100ft long. At its western end is the impressive circular structure, 65ft in diameter.
This is the original 12th century portion of the building.
From the buildings about the Church, the knights administered an international financial and military network -- the likes of which
was not to be seen again until centuries later. The Church contains effigies of knights, though they are not all Templars. At best,
they were affiliates of the Order.
Round churches are very rare: only 10 are believed to have been built in England. The shape is based on that of the Church of
the Holy Schepulchre -- the Templar's mother-house in Jerusalem.

Chatres Cathedral, France

Widely considered the architectural masterpiece of its time, Chatres Cathedral is also linked to another outstanding figure -- that
of St Bernard of Clairvaux. St Bernard had played a formative role in the evolution and dissemination of the Gothic architectural
formula in his early days (it had been at the height of his powers in 1134 that the soaring tower of Chatres cathedral had been
It was he who constantly stressed the principle of Sacred Geometry which had been put into practice in the tower and throughout
the wonderful building.
Bernard said "there must be no decoration, only proportion." But his eloquent sermons inspired artists to create new heights of
leadlight ornamentation! It was this philosophy of harmony, proportion and balance that was the main influence on the
Cathedral's architecture.
St Bernard said: "What is God. . . He is length, width, height and depth." Apparently St Bernard had a strong relationship with the
Bishop of Chatres, Geoffrey, -- "inspiring him with and uncommon enthusiasm for the Gothic formula and holding almost daily
negotiations with the builders themselves."
Chatres had been an important Christian site since the sixth century and the central point for the cult of Madonna after being
given responsibility for a veil said to have been worn by Mary when she gave birth to Jesus. In the 11th century the original
church was burnt down -- and its Romanesque replacement also severely damaged by fire. This shell was renewed as the first
example of the ornate, upward striving style to become known as Gothic.
The north tower was completed by 1134, the south during the next two decades. The Cathedral is a vast construction, with so
much sculpture on its external walls as to be confusing. Many say the sculptures contain many secrets -- waiting to be decoded
by those who understand "sacred geometry".
Remarkable stained glass windows, each depicting a biblical story, flood the enigmatic inner labyrinths with strange patterns of
light. The tall flying buttresses which support the ceilings, pointed arches and columns all combine in an overwhelming sense of
proportion and harmony.
The whole structure has been specifically designed to express religious messages -- acting as a mystical "book of stone."

Troyes, Champagne
The region of Troyes, Champagne, France is of great significance to Church Knight tradition and history. The first King of
Jerusalem came from here, as did most of the original nine Templars. St Bernard de Clairvaux was probably its most famous
resident. The Templars were officially recognised at the Council of Troyes, and St Bernard began his campaign for the Second
Crusade there. The Grail Legends originated from here in 1180 (Chretien de Troyes, Le Conte del Grall). The region is also
strongly associated with the Celestial Chorus.
Just how all these places, people and events are linked is unknown -- though highly suspicious. (It is the subject of the first
campaign I am designing -- JS)

Important Personages (from version 3)

"Their praiseworthy state and their memorable holiness of life attract us; they suffer heavy and unbearable labors and
expenses for the extension of the faith, and have made themselves into an unbreakable wall to defend the faith against
pestilential enemies of Christ"
-- Chronicler Froissart, 1328, in Knights, Andrea Hopkins.

Order of the Temple

St. Bernard of Clairvaux
The most influential spiritual leader of the early 1100s was a humble monk, living in a rugged monastery of his own creation near
the town of Clairvaux in southern France. Bernard of Clairvaux also happened to the be nephew of Andre de Montbard, one of
the founding members of the Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Jerusalem (Templars). Bernard was a slightly built man
with a short brown beard. In 1126, then aged 36, Bernard appeared as frail as that of an old man. He had a chronic gastric
disorder that kept him perpetually weak. Yet through this physical frailty shone a spiritual strength that caused even Popes and
Kings to seek his advice.
Legend has it that before his birth, his mother dreamed that she bore a barking dog within her. A monk interpreted the dream as
meaning her child would be a healer and watch-dog of the Church.
By the age of 21, Bernard had joined the monastery of Citeaux -- persuading 29 others to take the vow with him and four of his
five brothers. His youngest brother joined him later.
By the time Bernard was 35, the austere Citeaux monastery had grown to include three daughter-houses. Bernard was abbot of
a monastery he had built-up from nothing, in an isolated valley called Absinth.
His faith was simple, direct and uncompromising. Many of his letters survive, giving a clear picture of a man totally devoted to his
faith, but with love and compassion. His letters and sermons saw his reputation as a visionary spread quickly and far. Even
before 10 years as abbot had passed, Bernard had been called upon to resolve international disputes, chastise kings, advise
those who asked and inspire the population to piety. Bernard slept little, and ate minimally because of his condition. Anything
less than complete worship was, to him, a waste of time. He feared no man's anger and was eminently practical in his decisions.
King Baldwin sent Montbard and Gondemare of the Templars to petition St Bernard's support for a new Militant Order. Bernard
leapt upon the idea, convincing the Pope and the Holy Council of the Church Knights' merit. On January 13, 1128, St Bernard
addressed the assembly at Troyes cathedral -- presenting the Rule of the Knights Templar which was to defend the Holy Land
for almost 200 years.
St Bernard was forced by Pope Eugenius III to throw much of his reputation and status into raising the disastrous Second
Crusade. He did this, despite failing health and great reluctance. After Christendom's defeat, he returned to his monastery
where he composed a series of sermons which have since become literary classics.
He died at Clairvaux in 1153. By the time of his death, his monastery at Clairvaux had grown to include more than 160 affiliated

Hugh de Payens of Burgundy

On the death of King Baldwin in 1118, a small group of knights -- veterans of the First Crusade -- banded together to defend
travellers and pilgrims on the roads to Jerusalem. Among the nine knights were Hugh de Payns (their leader from the lower
nobility of Champagne), Geoffre de St Omer, Payen de Montdidier, Archambaud de St-Agnan, Andre de Montbard, Geoffrey
Bisol, Rossal and Gondemare. The ninth member's identity is unknown. These knights had spent nearly half their lives in the east
and were dedicated to securing it for Christendom.
Under the new king, Baldwin II, Hugh de Payns obtained for his new Poor knights of Christ accommodation near the Dome of
the Rock -- the supposed site of the Temple of Solomon. But before long they obtained a new name -- the Knights of the Temple
of Solomon, or simply: the Knights Templar.
In 1125, the knights received official recognition from Baldwin II who granted his new friend Hugh de Payns the title Master and
Count of the Temple. By now the knights' resources were increasing -- no small part the cause of Hugh's negotiations with the
landed gentry. In 1127 Hugh travelled from Syria to Europe (including England) in a surprisingly successful quest for funds and
Hugh also convinced Baldwin to write a letter of commendation to St Bernard of Clairvaux, exhorting the knights abilities and
cause. The letter also called for papal recognition as an independent monastic Order -- Hugh de Payns' ultimate dream. Hugh
was St Bernard's cousin, and seems to have shared his vision for a greater Christendom founded in practicality. When Hugh de
Payns attended the papal court for the proclamation of the Knights monastic status, he found his cousin to be a enthusiastic
supporter of his cause with a wealth of ideas for its foundation.
The idea of uniting the callings of worship and warrior turned out to be master-stroke of medieval-world public relations. In short
time the knights were a recognised religious Order with gifts of land, money and service flooding in. Christendom saw the
Templars as the vessel through which the boundaries of the Church could be strengthened and extended -- and controlling the
fighting spirit of the growing knightly class. Hugh died in 1136 -- aged about 66 -- two years before his Order received the
highest status on earth -- being removed from the yolk of all authority other than the pope himself. Hugh had a dream -- and lived
to see it fulfilled.

Jacques de Molay

On the banks of the river Doubs, near one of the Templars' oldest commanderies -- Temple-les-Dole, is the small hamlet of
Molay. Here, about 1244, Jacques de Molay -- who was to become the last Grand Master of the Order -- was born.
De Molay was elected 23rd and final Grand Master in a heated contest immediately after the Order was thrown out of the Holy
Land. The political division evident in the elections probably contributed toward the Order's eventual downfall.
With the morale of the Order at an all-time low, its resources stretched and ranks thinned by battle, Jacques travelled to France
for negotiations with Philip IV. Originally lead to expect support, this move led the Order into a carefully laid trap -- contrived to
remove its international power and gain its wealth for the French crown.
The degree of Jacques competence is difficult to understand. Generally he is recognised as not being an especially intelligent
man -- but rather as narrow minded, critical, intolerant and conservative minded.
Upon returning the European commanderies of the Order, he strictly enforced The Rule which had become lax in these peaceful
One major mistake was to deny King Philip IV honorary membership of the Order -- yet another factor the King would hold in
grudge. Perhaps worse, de Molay requested the French Crown repay its already overdue debt.
But the apparent surprise with which arrests were made on members of the Order may not have actually been the case. De
Molay apparently had sufficient warning to remove much of the Templar's treasury from Paris and send it with the Order's entire
fleet to an unknown destination. Only 500 members of the Order were arrested in all France, suggesting many others may have
escaped. Many tomes of Templar records also disappeared. Jacques de Molay and the senior commanders of the Order were
arrested. After 12 days of torture, he and his officers made a full confession to the Paris university.
Later, de Molay is said to have been "astounded" when his confession was read back to him. When a cardinal envoy from pope
Clement IV arrived, he and his officers revoked their confession -- sparking six years of violent debate.
During this time de Molay proved to be a poor leader. He refused to answer questions of the French Inquisition -- insisting the
Templars were only responsible to the pope and that no earthly king held power over him.
His illiteracy and lack of legal knowledge forced him to rely upon member knights to pose a defence. One by one, these "learned
knights" disappeared -- killed or removed by Philip's followers. After the Order had been dissolved, Jacques de Molay and his
officers were given one more chance to confess their heresy -- and to serve their lives in a penitent monastery. Several knights
took up the option, but de Molay and Geoffrey de Charney asserted their innocence and that of the Order.
They were dragged in chains to slow and agonising deaths, burnt at the stake. It is said that, from the flames of his pyre, de
Molay cursed pope Clement and Philip to eternal damnation -- beseeching Christ himself to prove the Orders innocence.
Clement died 40 days later. Philip died within six months. The Capetian dynasty, which had ruled France for more than three
centuries, endured only 14 more years.

Order of the Hospital

Brother Gerard of Amalfi
Even before the First Crusade, Christian pilgrims were regular visitors of the Holy places in Jerusalem. About 1080 a small
hospice was built and run by a group of Benedictine monks to provide a place of rest and succour for the steady stream of
devoted travellers.
The hospital was established by a small group of merchants from an Italian shipping city known as Amalfi. Brother Gerard was
also from this city, and it was he who dedicated the hospice to St John.
During the siege of Jerusalem, Brother Gerard was one of a very few Christians who were not expelled from the city. Rather, he
stayed in the city to treat the civilian wounded -- and covertly supplied the Crusading army with bread.
Whatever the true form of his assistance was, Brother Gerard became highly regarded by the Christian leaders -- in particular
Godfrey of Bouillon who became the first ruler of Jerusalem. Godfrey gifted the hospice some land for revenue, and his example
was soon taken up by other supporters.
There is no doubt Brother Gerard was a good and noble man -- but he was also eminently practical and a good organiser. In
1113 Gerard rejected the Benedictine for that of St Augustine. Seven years before his death, the Papacy granted the hospice
status as a fully independent monastic Order. By this time, the Hospitallers held large properties in France, Spain and Italy -each country benefiting from the Order's medical knowledge. By the time he died in 1120, Gerard had laid the firm foundations
of the Hospitallers that was to survive 800 years. His epitaph says: "Here lies Gerard, the most humble man in the East and
servant of the poor. He was hospitable to all strangers, a gentle man with a courageous heart. One can judge within these walls
just how good he was. Provident and active in every way, he stretched out his arms to many lands in order to obtain whatever
was needed to feed his people."

Dieudonne de Gozon

In 1311, two years after the Hospitallers successfully occupied Rhodes, trouble emerged in a valley below Mt St Stephen. In the
only recorded incidence of its kind, a "dragon" was preying upon the local peasantry -- particularly young maidens -- and
wreaking havoc among livestock.
Several knights at one time or another had given battle to the "dragon," but all had lost their lives. Grand Master Fulk de Villaret
gave the order that the creature was to be left alone, not wanting to lose any more promising young warriors.
However, a young knight from Provence called Dieudonne de Gozon was determined to rid Rhodes of the menace. He had a
model of the creature made from the descriptions of peasants and trained his dogs to attack it. Once ready, Dieudonne rode to
the valley alone and without permission. While the "dragon" was being attacked on all sides by the dogs, Dieudonne
approached the creature and slew it.
He was dismissed from the Order for direct disobedience of a Grand Master's. However, great public outcry forced the Grand
Master to reinstate him. From then on, Hospitaller records referred to him as "The Dragon Slayer."
Assisted by his popular acclaim among both the Rhodes population and the knights themselves, Dieudonne de Gozon was
elected Grand Master in 1346.

Order of the Teutones

Herman von Salza
The Teutones did not remain a nursing order for long. Within nine years of their establishment in 1190, Pope Innocent had
granted the new organisation full recognition as a Militant Order. The first Grand Master was Herman von Salza, elected to the
position in 1210. By this time he had already risen to positions of prominence, most notably as ministeriale at the court of
Emperor Henry Vi and his son, Frederick II.
Contemporary sources attribute him with unflinching loyalty, stable judgement and political good sense. He became a close
personal friend of Frederick II and was often forced to act as a mediary between the Holy Roman Emperor and the Papacy -which he managed to do without loosing the respect of either. The Order flourished under his leadership. In 1220 the Teutones
boasted 12 houses in Palestine, Greece, Italy and Germany and could field some 600 military brethren. By the 1270s there were
some 2000 members of the Order. He won the support of the Cistercian monks, and together both Orders represented the
pillars of missionary work in the north-east. Von Salza survived a disastrous defeat in 1216 in which the second-in-command
and most of the Order's militant monks were killed.
As Grand Master, Von Salza did not see the Order's main role as being in the Holy Land -- though the mother-house remained in
Acre until it fell to the Mameluks. Rather, much of the Order's resources were committed to fighting pagans in Hungary and
Bitterly disappointed when King Andrew of Hungary reneged his promise of granting the Teutones land, Van Salza ambitiously
decided to carve out the Order's own principality from among the pagan Prussians.
Van Salza was not willing to undertake such a campaign without the support of the papacy and guarantees that they would retain
any land they captured. Once this support was provided, the Teutone's own great Crusade began.
In 1226 the Emperor Frederick II honored the Order by making the Hochmeister (Grand Master) and all his successors princes
of the German Empire -- with the right to display the Imperial Eagle on their arms. When Frederick was crowned king of
Jerusalem in 1229, it was the Teutones which provided the guard of honor in the Holy Sepulchre.
The Teutones cleared the Baltic coast, driving their enemies into the wilderness, destroying heathen shrines, subduing and
converting the natives at the point of their swords. It was at the height of this action, in 1239, that Von Salza died.

Others of Influence
King Philip IV -- "The Fair"
Philip IV was a king who believed his own propaganda. He was convinced his word was the word of God -- that he was the
absolute authority both in spiritual and earthly matters. But he was a very private and aloof man. He never revealed his inner
thoughts or desires to anyone. Such was his wall of silence that one contemporary wrote of him: "He is neither a man nor a
beast: he is a statue."
What is known is that he was a very handsome man of high intelligence. His apparent lack of humanity may also have been a
deliberate ploy to emphasise his "divine" nature. He demonstrated repeatedly that he understood the basics of human
psychology and motivation.
His advisers were among the most cunning and devious men in France -- men whom Philip recognised would get the job done
for their own motives, as well as his own.
Philip's need for cash prompted him to tax the Church -- a move that was strongly resisted by Pope Boniface VIII. After nine

years of diplomatic conflict, Boniface attempted to excommunicate Philip. The king replied by accusing the Pope of sodomy,
sorcery, heresy, simony and blasphemy -- and had him kidnapped, fighting the small Hospitaller and Templar bodyguard.
The people of Anagni prevented French success, freeing the Pope and offering him protection. But the 86-year-old Pope died a
month later.
Benedict XI, Boniface's successor, was equally as stern against Philip. He died shortly after his ascension -- a surprising and
sudden onset of agonising internal pains.
In 1305, Philip applied to become a member of the Knights Templar upon the death of wife. But the Templars refused him -- the
secrecy of the Chapter not revealing the reason, even to Philip. About this time Philip suddenly began to support the merger of
the Hospitallers and Templars into a single Order, presided over by a new position -- "Bellator Rex," or warrior king. The idea
was never accepted.
In November 1305, Philip gave Clement IV support in his election for the papacy. Continued economic strife within France
prompted Philip to grab money from the Jews. In a carefully pre-planned surprise action, every Jew in France was arrested, their
money and property confiscated for the crown.
About the same time, Philip had twelve of his men accepted into the Order -- one for each of the Templars' 12 French
preceptories. Clement called the Hospitaller and Templar Grand Masters to France to discuss a new crusade. The Hospitaller
Grand Master declined, but Jacques de Molay responded. The trap was set, ready to be sprung at Philip's command.
Philip's masquerade continued right to the end. The morning after giving de Molay and some senior knights the honor of acting
as pall-bearers at the funeral of his sister-in-law, Philip had them all arrested -- denouncing them as heretics, blasphemers,
usurers, traitors, sodomites and idolaters.

Pope Clement IV
The ascension of Clement IV (Bertrand de Got) to the papacy was an ill-omened one. After his coronation, He rode in
procession through Lyons, with King Philip IV of France, the king's brother and another duke. As they rode, King Philip noticed a
wall collapsing and reined in his horse. The wall collapsed upon the procession, narrowly missing the king. Clement was thrown
from his horse, though unharmed. The duke was not so lucky, he received mortal injuries. Philip's brother, Prince Charles of
Valois was also seriously injured. That Philip played a major role in Clement's election is not doubted. The extent of his influence
is not known -- though Clement certainly owed him "favors."
Clement, as bishop of Bordeaux, was known as a weak and greedy man, honor-bound and averse to responsibility. He hid
behind his comprehensive training in Roman and Canon law. It is recorded that Clement caved in on several of Philip's
demands -- appointing numerous French cardinals, revoking Philip's crusader vow and rescinding the move to place France
under Church edict. He resisted Philip's desire for the absolution of an excommunicated friend and the posthumous trial of
When Philip told Clement of his plans to accuse the Templars, the pope was apparently astonished and incredulous. Clement's
order for a full papal investigation may have been intended to prove such accusations ridiculous -- only to be hijacked by Philip's
puppet cardinals that Clement had himself appointed. Clement's confusion and uncertainty was probably the single greatest
cause of the success of Philip's accusations. While initially publicly declaring his support for the Templars, he failed to act.
Frightened to resist openly (remembering previously poisoned and kidnapped popes), he took a path of resistance -- causing
delaying and legal hurdles, but nothing definite. Finally, he was left with no choice but to dissolve the Order, or loose all
Clement died one month after Jacques de Molay and Geoffrey de Charney were burnt at the stake. Both he and Philip had been
cursed from the flames -- a curse that proved lethal.

By Jamie Seidel

Character Concepts
"The vampyre is a master of psychological manipulation. He plays upon the lust of the wretched by giving them more, so that
they end up beyond redemption from vice, and in his intimate relationship with women he has the power to transform even
the most virtuous into a shamelessness. But who could resist his power?"
-- Vampire, a Complete Guide to the Undead, Manuela Dunn Mascetti, 1991.

Game Play
The presence of the knights is a sign that the long suffering world is fighting back. Evil is counterbalanced by good: But it is not a
simple equation.
The warrior monks are restrained by the law and their religion. Vampires, whose only restrictions are the masquerade and the
control of their princes, have the freedom of the lawless.
Murder, destruction, illegal activities -- often involving the death of innocents -- are irrelevant to the minds of Cainites. Knights,
however, cannot destroy or damage what they are sworn to protect. There is no such thing as "collateral damage" in a knights
dictionary -- therefore harming innocents must be avoided at all cost.
The fight against the Corrupt is not an easy one. While vampire hunters have existed throughout history, they have rarely attained
a high degree of organisation or continuity. The knights have the advantage of over a 700 years of written history -- but many
vampires have lived longer. Knights are mortal, vampires immortal.
This is not as big a problem as it may appear. The knights are fighting a holy war -- a cause in which they wholly believe.
Through their faith they no longer fear death as they believe it simply brings them closer to their God. High standards of training
and tradition ensure that knowledge is passed through the generations.
The primary quarry of the knights are vampires. While the Magi, witches and werewolves are recognised and regarded as evil,
their destruction is secondary to that of a vampire. But finding a vampire is not easy. A basic purpose of the Masquerade was
established to avoid the Inquisition -- and the knights.
The bulk of a knight's work throughout the ages has been investigation. Tracking down tales and signs of a vampire occupies a
significant amount of time. The "cleansing operation" is but the culmination of a long process. Killing a vampire is not a simple
task either. Not only must the Cainites' supernatural abilities be taken into account, the action must be of minimal risk to the
innocent populace. Each "cleansing operation" must be carefully planned and professionally executed. This is the cause of the
high degree of military training each knight must undergo. There are only a limited number of knights. Each Order would be hard
pressed to muster more than 100 fully trained and combat capable knights at any one time. Each Order would also have about
300 Novices.
As a result, the warrior-monks will almost always be out-numbered and in a hostile environment. Knights are themselves high on
the hit list. Their extensive training and holy powers are their only protection.
The knights maintain the Masquerade as it serves their own purposes. A populace living in open fear, hostile to all strangers and
unusual behaviour would be close to hell on earth. Publicly exposing the vampires would also reveal the existence of the Militant
Orders. Any organisation with the influence and power of the Knights would attract jealousy and fear -- and the tragedy of 1316
France would almost inevitably repeat itself.

"Beowulf spoke: 'Let your sorrow end! It is better for us all to avenge our friends, not mourn them forever. I promise you -- she
shall have no shelter, no hole to hide, no towering tree, no deep bottom of a lake where her sins may hide.'"
-- Beowulf

Scientific Method (Templar)

The knights of the Temple take a scientific approach, believing that technology and theories of science will ultimately lead to the
defeat of vampires. This particular approach is based in the Militant Order's long history of scientific knowledge -- even when

many of the key theories were considered heresy by the Church. The knights of the Temple believe God prefers mankind to use
its own resources to resolve its own affairs, and created a self-contained universe. Any direct intervention on His behalf is purely
a bonus. Much of the Templars resources, gathered through their contacts, the Masons, is spent on scientific research into
vampire physiology and psychology. Such research has resulted in the invention of technology capable of assisting knights in the
hunt: sun torches, air-compressed dart guns, weapons of aggravated damage, vampire poisons, and repellents. While this
approach is largely strategic, it is considered vital in the long term war against vampires. In the field, while actually fighting
against vampires, Templars adopt the Detective method -- supplemented by the fruits of the Scientific approach.

Detective Method (Hospitaller)

The Hospitallers have been involved in the espionage world for a long time there status as a Sovereign nation making them
particularly attractive to organisations such as the CIA, MI5, KGB etc. A derivative from this experience is their preference for the
Detective method of investigation. Using deductive reasoning and investigation, the knights of St. John follow their suspicions
until they are satisfied one way or another. Careful investigation of suspects include tailing and direct observation, record
searches and talking to associates. Scientific and Medical elements are often utilised in the Detective approach, but generally
the Hospitallers believe in getting out there and doing the job with whatever is available. Stealth and Tracking skills (with
specialities in Shadowing) are a must for trailing a vampire back to its lair. Security is useful for breaking into it. Brawling and
Melee skills are useful if you meet anything "nasty".

Heavy Firepower Method (Teutone)

The Teutonic knights are rather old-fashioned in their approach, and their history is a particularly ruthless one. Scientific and
Detective methods are too subtle, though sometimes useful. But to the Teutones, such scheming, behind the scenes methods
are unchivalrous -- they would rather take the battle straight to the Kindred, and fight out in the open. The general tactic is to hit a
Kindred hard, then kill it with a stake or sword before it heals itself with blood. Such tactics work with a lot of training, and luck.
One item of preference in the Teutone arsenal is the Dragonsbreath round -- a shotgun cartridge that sends a jet of flame about
20 feet from the barrel (has a 6 difficulty roll to resist, affects one part of body per shot). Another item just coming into common
use is an incendiary bullet. Here, the bullet itself has a magnesium base that ignites as it leaves the gun -- similar to tracer.
Teutones usually have little patience. They will not wait around for slower methods to work if they can be killing vampires now.

Character Creation
The Templar whom God to a strange folk should send as head; Must ban all world or question of his country or home or race;
If his subjects want their rights from him and would in his sight find grace; They must not ask his origin, for he must leave
them straight away.
-- Parzifal, Chretien de Troyes
Before anything is put to paper, the gamer and the Storyteller must determine what type of character is being played. Is it a fully
fledged Knight an experienced Novice or a new Associate of the Militant Orders? It also involves choosing which is the most
appropriate Order for a character to be a member of. Is he a Templar a Teutone or a Hospitaller? Choosing between these will
provide the groundwork for a gamer's character. Becoming an Associate Teutone would indicate he has no powers beyond the
Faith rules described in Vampire: The Masquerade but has a police or military background. A Hospitaller Novice would allow
the character to obtain Piety Points and therefore use the Blessings as outlined under the Gifts -- but not the Prayers or Rituals.
Being a Hospitaller usually indicates a background in the clergy or medical professions. A Knight Templar is a fully Initiated
warrior-monk, blessed with high True Faith and the Holy Powers of the Blessings as granted to mankind under the Gifts, Prayers
and Rituals. The character's background is likely to be in science or business.

Base Statistics
Associate: Attributes 6/4/3, Abilities 11/7/4, Backgrounds 5, Freebie 21, Virtues 7.
Novice: Attributes 6/4/3, Abilities 13/9/7, Background 6, Faith 1*, Freebie 24, Virtues 7.
Knight: Attributes 7/5/4, Abilities 19/15/11, Background 7, Faith 5*, Freebie 27, Virtues 9.
* minimum base figure -- provided at no cost.

Naturally statistics vary according to experience and time within the Order. Knights holding a higher rank, such as Knight
Lieutenant, Knight Captain, Preceptor or Knight Marshall often need to be portrayed with a character sheet. While each knight
varies, use the following as a general guideline to the extra strength of more senior members of the Orders. Knight Lieutenants
will usually have an additional three freebie points on their sheets; Knight Captains gain an extra six, Preceptors get a further 12
and senior officers get 18. Grand Masters and Seneschals will get 24 extra freebie points.

Character Class

Associates enter the Orders with what they have learned from the outside world. Essentially, they are established via the Mortal
character creation method as outlined in Hunters Hunted. These people are usually invited into the protection of an Order -though are not exactly members themselves. Vouched for by individual Knights, they usually provide specialised skills such as
forensic science, medical research and technical sciences.

A novice is an initiated member of a Militant Order -- though not a full monk. Following a code of honour, though not the monastic
Rule, these people are essentially knights-in training. Their skills, faith and abilities will vary according to their backgrounds and
experience within their Order. In recognition of their devout service they receive supernatural gifts, aiding them in their crusade
against evil.

This is the highest attainable status within the Orders. These members have attained high levels of both faith and training in their
chosen fields. As a knight under monastic vows, they have been rewarded with additional miraculous powers conveyed through
prayers and rituals.

The Order
Choosing the character's Order is somewhat like choosing a vampire's clan. Each Order attracts particular types of characters
(as outlined in the Order's Fact Sheets earlier in this volume). The Order determines the policies a character can follow and
provides specialist Blessings known only to members of that particular Order.
Associates do not have to immediately link themselves to any particular Order, though subtle pressure to do so should be
applied. By the time of the Novitiate Initiation ceremony, a character must have well and truly chosen. After all, it takes the
recommendation of his peers to qualify as a Novice.

Nature And Demeanour

These are simply words to help in the description of the character. Natures and Demeanours are limited to those acceptable to
monastic standards (no chance, Madonna!). Nature is the most dominant part of a character's personality, though not the only
factor that applies. It should describe the character's innermost being, feelings and beliefs. Demeanour is what characteristics a
character presents to the open world. Often it is different from true Nature and is a facade to hide insecurities or imperfections.

These represent the Physical, Social and Mental components which make up a character. The method of choosing these for a
member of a Militant Order is exactly the same as that under Vampires.
Novices and Knights all receive one free dot in each attribute, following the example set in The Inquisition by White Wolf. Knights
are highly trained in the physical attributes, and their minds are always being tested under conditions of combat, their areas of
speciality and theological thought. As a result, the statistics for a knight are usually higher than most humans. Give them 7/5/4 on
top of their free dot in each category. Novices are on the same path but have not reached the same level of excellence and
devotion. Give them 6/4/3. Associates, however, are created using the old Hunters Hunted method, without free dots. Give them

This measures what a character has learned during the course of his life, including Talents, Skills and Knowledge. Membership
of the Militant Orders can have a significant influence on Abilities. High standards of training, education and performance are
demanded if one is to succeed (and stay alive).
The measure of abilities under Abilities should reflect the specialist training that particular Novice/Knight has undergone (see
chapter Combat Techniques). The statistics 19/15/11 for knights and 13/9/7 for novices reflect this intense training -- but should
only be interpreted as ball-park figures. As outlined below, points must be spent in specific areas of training for them to qualify
as members of the Militant Orders.
Talents represent the innate skills that a person posses, and these can be refined once identified.
All Knights must have a minimum of three dots in either Brawl and Melee. With Melee four, special offensive/defensive
manoeuvres become available for swordplay and melee (See Apendice 3 & 4).

Skills are the primary areas considered for qualification as a Church Knight. The Militant Orders have the basic requirement of
giving their members the skills necessary for a chance of survival in the fight against evil. A good standard of combat training is
vital. Both Novices and Knights must have completed several basic elements of training. All Knights must have a minimum of
three dots in Firearms, and can choose to specialise in particular weapons (See Appendice 1).
Knowledge is the most valuable weapon in the Cleansing Crusade. With it, no vampire is safe from exposure. Upon becoming a
Novice or Knight, the Militant Orders will offer training courses in areas of the characters interest or their Order's need. Activities,
such as lectures, will take place in order to increase the characters experience points -- though they are "targeted" experience
points which cannot be used anywhere else. This system is largely up to the Storyteller's discretion -- he may consider six
months of full-time study necessary for Computers Three, but only a weekend session with a friend for Computers One. It is often
best to build upon the Knowledges characters bring with them to the Order. Several knowledges are considered vital, and
therefore all members must receive training.

The importance of getting the job done quickly, efficiently and with the minimum of fuss is vital. Too many botches can ruin the
Church Knight's own masquerade, destroying any progress they have made in a particular region. Church Knights represent the
Special Forces of vampire hunters, and thus must have very high standards of training in at least one major combat-related field.
This is expressed through the compulsory competency in one of the following areas: Signals, Munitions, Medical and





Medicine Investigation
Science Occult
Empathy Law
Chemistry Interrogation
Cryptography Artillery
Forensics Criminology
Electronics Heavy Weapons Biology
Vampire/Lupine etc Lore
Psychology Research
Research Linguistics
To gain competency, a Knight must be trained in a Knowledge/Skill to the level of five dots, or trained. All Knights must also be
fluent in Latin, therefore Linguistics one is also compulsory.

These work in exactly the same way as under Vampire: the Masquerade. However, the wide ranging support and resources of
the Militant Orders must be taken into account. All systems operate as per Vampire: The Masquerade.

Order Background: This is a reflection of both the time you have spent in an Order, and how much you have experience within
You know the people you have met in the training regimen.
** You associate with your chapter and have knowledge of others.
*** Thorough knowledge of your chapter's activities and history.
**** A wide ranging knowledge of your preceptory's history and activities.
***** In-depth understanding of your Order's actions and secrets, as well as a few of those belonging to other Orders.

Allies: Friends and associates who can be counted on in times of difficulty. They do not have to know of the character's status.
Contacts: The number of readily available sources of information the character has.
Fame: How widely the character is known in the world. This can be area specific (such as medical science or investigative

Influence: The Novice/Knight's social status or political influence.

Mentor: A more experienced person who acts as the character's personal adviser and, where possible, does what he can to


These components of a character are an important measure of a Knight's understanding of his vows and a measure of his moral
fibre. Because of his life under The Rule, and the requirements upon a character to be able to live a monastic life with True Faith,
give all novices and knights one automatic free dot in each of Courage, Self Control and Conscience.

For Militant Characters, Willpower is equal to their Courage (like in Vampires). It can also be modified through freebie points.
True Faith can be "burned" in the place of Willpower, once all willpower has been expended. This is an expensive recourse, but
in some situations they may have to lose a point of Faith because they did not burn a point of Faith to avoid an action they were
being forced into. Interesting double-bind (or catch-22) that makes roleplaying all the more fun.

Like vampires, this is determined through Conscience + Self Control. This represents a character's individual moral code -essentially his inherent nature. To become a member of an Order, Humanity must be at 5 to become a Novice of any Order as it
represents the long-term nature and personality of the individual.

True Faith
The intricacies of this power are described in the following chapters, particularly Holy Powers. However, the following synopsis
is for character creation purposes. One level of Faith is the equivalent of Seven Freebie Points. Novices start out with one free
Faith point on their character sheet. Knights start out with five free Faith points on their character sheet. Novices and knights can
buy as many extra Faith Points as they can afford with their Freebie Points. Associates -- who start out with no free Faith -- are
only allowed to buy their first level of Faith (Faith 1) with their freebie points, see Hunters Hunted. To gain Faith Levels during
game-play, it will costs the Novice/Knight his current rating x3 in experience points up to level 5. ( For example, a novice of Faith
3 wishes to advance to Faith 4. This will cost him Faith 3 multiplied by 3 [= 9] experience points). For Associates, the cost will be
current rating x5 in experience points thereafter (above Faith 5). Members of the Orders only have to increase the equation to
Current Rating x 4 (above Faith 5) in experience points because of the support found within their Order and as a reward for living
under vows.

Freebie Points
These can be spent in exactly the same way as Vampire, though they cannot affect the Piety Pool or Grace Point Pool directly.
Piety is the sum of Faith and Conscience, while Grace Points are the sum of Piety and True Faith. Associates (mortals) can only
use Freebie Points to buy one Faith Level (cost 7). Knights and Novices can buy as many as they can afford. Attributes cost
5pts, Abilities 2pts, Backgrounds 1pts, Virtues 2pts, Faith 7pts, Willpower 2pts. Gifts, Prayers and Rituals cannot be bought by
Freebie Points as they are assigned or chosen under the supervision of the Orders.

Skills, Traits & Secondary Abilities

Usually specialities are only available for Attributes and Abilities of level Four or higher. This is not always the case among the
Militant Orders. Some special abilities are considered vital for combat. Hospitaller Novices usually have a speciality in a
humanity skill such as First Aid, Templars in the Investigation fields and Teutones in combat or hunting related areas. As
members of combat teams, Knights have particularly specialised roles and abilities. See the chapter Combat Techniques.

Compulsory Additions
Some of these have already been mentioned, but it is wise to repeat them again.
Novices have 1 point of True Faith at no cost. Knights have 5 points of True Faith at no cost. Further levels of Faith may be
purchased at 7 freebie points each.
Associates have to buy True Faith with freebie points, and are limited to buying only one level. Novices and Knights get an
automatic dot in their Attributes tables. Associates do not.
Novices and Knights get an automatic dot in their Virtues table. Associates do not. Code of Honour (Hunters Hunted and
Players Guide) is a merit given to all Novices and Knights, though not Associates. As an Associate is a normal mortal,
they may purchase this ability through experience or freebee points -- but not granted through a Militant Order. Roleplaying
is required for an Associate to be given a Militant Order's Code of Honor -- involving the full initiation outlined earlier in this
book. Code of Honour represents the effect the Rule has on a Novices or Knights daily lives -- representing the acceptable
parameters of warrior-monk behaviour. As such, it is a free addition to their character sheets.

Piety Pool

All Novices and Knights start out with a level of Piety Points, granted during their Initiation and Investiture Ceremonies. This is
equal to the sum of their Faith and Conscience -- with a maximum of 10. Piety represents the degree to which the character is
pleasing God. A sin or thoughtless act can cause Negative Piety Checks, and a loss of Piety Points. Serious offences cause an
automatic loss of Piety Points to a value proportionate to the crime -- or even a level of Faith. A particularly good deed can
cause Positive Piety Checks and the gain of Piety Points. This system is detailed in Pious Behaviour.

Grace Point Pool

Grace Points determine how much Grace Energy the Novice or Knight is allowed to expend upon his Holy Powers. His Grace
Level is directly linked to his performance under Faith and Piety. Grace Pool = Faith Level + Piety Level. See The Measure of

Gifts, Prayers and Rituals

These are the benefits given to members of the Militant Orders as a reward for sacrifices demanded under the Rule. Gifts are
awarded to novices and knights, generally representing powers that can be called upon instantly. Prayers only become available
to those who have been initiated as a Knight, and will often require a little time to enact or "recite". Rituals are reserved for the
officers of the Orders, and generally require the presence of several knights.
The Gifts, Prayers and Rituals of the Church Knights are not easy to come by. Rather, characters must demonstrate to their
Order that they are worthy of being taught how to use such precious Blessings.

Upon the initiation of a Novice, the Storyteller may choose to train him in a number of Gifts equal to his Faith rating (thus a novice
of Faith 4 may learn 4 Gifts). Any Gifts over and above this must be earned through roleplay and at the discretion of the
Storyteller. Individual Gifts not have different "Costs", but must be chosen to suit the character concept, abilities, skills etc.

One Prayer or two Gifts may be chosen for each level of Faith that a knight has. For example, a Knight of Faith 6 may chose to
be taught 8 Gifts (equivalent to 4 Faith) and 2 prayers (equivalent to 2 Faith). Specific powers should be assigned at the
Storytellers discretion. Order-specific Gifts and Prayers apply only to the appropriate Order.
To gain one or more Rituals, a senior Knight must have demonstrated his worthiness before undergoing personal training.
Usually those with rank of Knight-Captain may hold the authority to conduct a Ritual, and Preceptors two.

Associates can spend money and own personal items. The strictures of the Code and The Rule do not affect their daily lives.
Militant Orders can give them items to assist with their activities, though this is usually in the form of a loan. Novices have the
right to own personal property -- supplemented with Militant Order issue items. Knights are bound by The Rule not to have any
personal belongings whatsoever. Issue equipment is in the chapters The Rule, Combat Techniques and Uniform and

Quirks, Merits and Flaws

Idiosyncrasies of character can add a lot of interest to a character. But they can also be a major liability. Some Flaws may have
severe effects on a Knight or Novices Piety and Faith ratings -- and heavy implications on role-playing. If this is the case, the
character may be required to leave the Order (an interesting role-playing scenario!). Other Merits may actually assist in a
character's Pious and proper behaviour. The essence is appropriateness -- a knight is unlikely to have the Trait Vengeance, as
his motives are personal and not of Worship. If he does, it will conflict with his Piety -- resulting in numerous Piety checks. If Piety
falls below 5 he looses the benefits of the Gifts and Prayers, If it falls below 1, he is banished.

Religious Powers
"We fight for the honour of the most glorious Virgin, the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, for the honour and defense of the
Holy Church and for all the Christian faith and for the expulsion of the enemies of the Cross."
-- The Trial of the Templars, Malcolm Barber

Religious Powers
In return for the sacrifices made through taking their monastic vows, and their high faith, the knights have been blessed with
"Divine Gifts." These powers are vital in the war against Corruption, as vampires are generally beyond the ability of even the
best trained mortal to defeat. However, these powers do not belong to the knight -- but to God. The blessing of supernatural
powers must only be used under the guidelines of the Rule -- a knight cannot use them for selfish or vain purposes such as in
revenge, laziness or profit.
While some specific abilities are granted for specific purposes, they may not necessarily be carried out the same way every
time. Miracles are a prime example of this. A desperate knight may beg for a miraculous obstacle to appear between him and
an advancing vampire. This "barrier" could, by God's will, be anything from a wall of fire, a collapsing tree, a swarm of bees or
the souls of the vampire's victims. The powers embodied in Faith assist in all aspects in the battle against the Cainites.
Investigation of, protection from and combating vampires all benefit in different ways. The devoutness of the followers of God is
a coinage measured in Faith. The higher one's Faith the closer he stands to God. The Warriors of Christ wage a bitter war with
the Damned, their most valuable weapon and their most effective shield is their Faith in their Lord. The Holiness that they
receive from their beliefs grants them ever increasing Blessings that give them the ability to directly oppose the centuries old
creatures that they hunt. These powers do not belong to the knight -- but to God. The Blessings must only be used under the
guidelines of the Rule -- a knight cannot use them for selfish or vain purposes such as in revenge, laziness or personal profit. The
term "Blessings" applies to three distinctly different types of Holy Powers which are bestowed upon the Church Knights. These
are, the Gifts, the Prayers, and the Rites. Each is a grouping of abilities with different properties.

For the members of Militant Orders, Faith is not a Merit -- but a blessing and attribute. You simply cannot become a Knight
without a Faith rating of Five or more. Novices must have a Faith of at least One. When a hunter is in dire straits, and has no
more Willpower, then he can call upon the strength of his Faith. Faith points can be used as a substitute for Willpower points.
When he is out of Faith, he is out of luck -- except for the intervention of a miracle. Willpower can be regained within oneself, but
Faith must be regenerated through the dictates of one's religion, such as charity, compassion or penance. Always give players
an idea of the enormity of their Faith. It represents something greater than them. They may direct and focus it, but its power
comes from Beyond. They are its servants.

Faith Versus The Supernatural

Any Faith roll ignores re-rolls on 10s - but 1s still botch. Faith is almost always a supplement to anything involving willpower.

Kindred in the presence of a Knight in prayer or focusing on his Faith have to make a Willpower Check v. Faith. The number of
successes equals the number of steps he can move forward. The number of failures represents the steps backwards he takes, a
botch results in Rotschreck.

The strength of character associated with Faith helps anchor the believer's sense of reality -- thus acting as a potent form of
Counter Magick. Each point of Faith gives the character one die of Counter Magick. Rolls have a Difficulty of 7.

Count the number of successes of a Faith roll against the creature's Rage rating as the Difficulty. The successes must then be
added to the were-creature's Difficulty to Rage. A successful Faith roll can also calm a frenzied werewolf. Use Faith versus
Rage Rating as Difficulty along with the spending of a willpower point.

A wraith must attempt to overcome a mortal's Willpower when attempting a possession. Faith must be added to the Willpower
rating when this is attempted, increasing the wraith's difficulty. Exorcism involves a Faith + Occult (min 3) roll versus the wraith's
willpower. This will dissolve any Consort link generated by the wraith, who must start the process over again if she wishes to
interact with the physical world.


These can be repelled in the same manner as vampires, and exorcised the same way as wraiths.

The Beatified
Many consider those with high faith (Faith 6+) to be particularly close to God. Some give them the title of Saint, though the
recipients of this title are the first to deny it. They are undeniably living rays of hope in a dark world -- living vessels of Numina.
The Beatific (as they are otherwise known) automatically gain the merit Holy Aura. Their Aura burns brightly -- even those who
cannot see auras know there is something special about these people. The very presence of the Beatific disrupts supernatural
On a Faith Roll, the Beatific can automatically sense the presence of the supernatural. By spending a Willpower Point, he
can determine the source, though not exact nature.
The Beatific can see through all Levels of Kindred Obfuscate, Chimerstry and other related Disciplines or Gifts with a
Perception + Alertness roll (difficulty being the opposing powers Level +3).
Supernatural beings cannot approach any closer than one foot per level of Faith the Beatific posesses, without making a
Willpower roll and expending a willpower point. If a Beatific approaches, then the supernatural must step back. This effect
can be cancelled out by invitation.

Inherent Faith Abilities

Faith Ratings
1- Novices are initiate knights, with normal human abilities. They have not reached a level of Faith high enough for extra power,
4 or initiation in the Orders. The basic application of Faith at this level is increasing the difficulty of a Vampire's approach to
the character. One of the Faithful concentrating on his Faith (by raising a cross, for example, and telling the creature to "be
gone") can force the approaching Vampire to make a Willpower Check v. Faith Level. The number of failures represents the
number of steps backward a Vampire must make. The number of successes equals the number of steps forward achieved.
A botch results in Rotschreck. Novices are often at differing levels of experience and training. It is possible for a Novice to
have a Faith of 9 -- but has not completed enough training to become a Knight. Invested Novices are granted use of the
5 A Faith rating of greater than five indicates a true intimate connection with the supernatural. This level of Faith is the
minimum acceptable for Knights. It allows Invested Knights to learn and use the Prayers and the Rituals, and also allows
sensing of True Faith in other people (Perception + Faith, Difficulty 8).
6 Abilities associated with Beatification come into effect (see earlier). Cleanse the taint of evil from an area (nullify Flaw Taint
of Corruption). Cause the difficulty of all reaction rolls in the area to be reduced by 1 (aura of tranquillity). Get a sign from
God which inspires you (an extra point of Willpower for the remainder of the scene on a successful roll of Faith v Difficulty 8).
7 Cause a vampire or psycho killer to feel guilt (A roll of Faith v Difficulty 8 will decrease the vampire's dice pool by the number
of successes). Add three dice to any reaction rolls made toward you, even with animals. Know the correct answer to all
moral, ethical questions. Get a sign from heaven which inspires the entire unit you command, resulting in an extra point of
Willpower for you and your companions for the rest of the scene (achieved with a Faith v Difficulty 8 roll).
8 Change the nature of a person for a temporary or permanent period, depending on how well you roll your Charisma +
Empathy against the targets Wits + Self Control. However, Church Knights have a problem with this: as it breaches the
freedom of the individual protected by the tenets of the Rule. Reduce the level of a vampiric discipline by one for every
success you roll on a Faith roll with a Difficulty of 8. Determine discipline randomly per point.
9 Exorcise demons and evil spirits (Faith dice versus the demon's willpower. Successes must be greater than the demon's
willpower). Can also lay a ghost to rest (resisted Faith roll against the Wraith's Fetter + 4, Difficulty 6. The character with the
most successes triumphs). Those with this Faith rating can leave an aura of tranquillity in an area, such as a violent slum.
The residents of the area will be more moral and cooperative, old feuds will fall by the wayside, crime will drop etc. Those
with this level of Faith can permanently touch the world with their Faith. Complete protection against supernatural evil is
another ability, as long as you do nothing but concentrate and stand still or slowly leave with no aggressive action. Can
protect others in immediate vicinity also (5 metre radius). A powerful ability is that of causing an evil being, if truly deserving
of death, to realise this; it takes at least five successes of your Faith against the targets Willpower. The target must have a
Humanity of 2 or below, and must have committed truly horrible atrocities. If successful, the creature will submit to the stake
(or silver) etc.
10 Ignore a source of damage (up to 10 dice per round) if at least five rounds are spent in preparation for the feat and a
difficulty roll is made against a 9; each success removes two dice of damage. Can also cleanse someone of the Embrace
(difficulty 10, only in dramatic circumstances and the target must want to be saved). Call the minions of the Divine (usually in
mortal form) to aid you in a dark hour.

Crises of Faith
Sometimes a person can lose his Faith. Doubts arise about the truth of his calling, and he begins to wonder whether religion is
just a sham. Every time a hunter tries to use his Faith and comes up with two or more botches, he loses a point of Faith. For the

Church Knights, it is for three or more botches -- due to the close support of the Militant Order environment. This can be
regained only through the strong support of his fellows, or through further successful actions. If a Knight's Faith falls below level
five, he must subject himself to a great deal of soul-searching. Usually, the Knight will remove himself to the nearest monastery
where the abbot would hear his confession, provide instruction and support in the Faith and the serene company of monks
devout in their worship. Once the knight has restored his Faith to his previously highest attained level, he may leave.

Gaining Faith
It costs 7 freebie points to buy a level of Faith. It costs the Hunter's current Faith rating x3 to raise Faith with experience points up
to level 5, and the current rating x5 thereafter. Members of the Orders, living as they do in under a monastic Rule, remain at
current rating x 3 because their vows and sacrifices make it easier.

Praying for a miracle takes one round. Roll a percentile dice. The chance of success is 1 percent per Faith level, plus any
modifiers the Storyteller decides are warranted. Success means the miracle has been granted and the event takes place.
Failure means the request has not been granted. At the Storyteller's discretion, positive or negative modifiers may be added.
For example, if the miracle is desperately needed and of great importance to the Church, a +5 percent or +10 percent modifier
may be appropriate. On the other hand, if the request is simply for convenience or frivolous reasons, a -5 percent or -10 percent
modifier may apply. If a particularly spectacular or rare miracle is granted -- the knight may be on the path to Sainthood
(indicated by a Storyteller defined increase in Faith Points). An increase in Faith must be granted for every three successive
successful miracles achieved by a Knight -- once again upon the Storyteller's discretion.
This also applies to the reverse: three successive failures to achieve a miracle causes a loss of Faith. Praying for a miracle with
a relic or on Holy Ground may help the situation.

Holy Ground
The power of Holy Ground can be tapped by the knight if called upon. The base Faith rate of the site is added to the Knight's
when used to resist the Willpower of a vampire attempting to go where it is not allowed. Most importantly, the Holy Ground's
supernatural strength can supplement a knight's own Holy Powers: the Holy Ground is revolted by the presence of evil, and
seeks whatever means available to get rid of it. A Knight is a convenient channel for this desire. Holy Ground will add to his
basic Faith scores if engaged in combat. It has no effect on Piety Checks or the inherent Holy Powers directly linked to a
knight's individual Faith Level (as outlined under Hunters Hunted) -- it only supplements the value of Faith used within the Gifts,
Prayers and Rituals.
The Faith component of a roll under such circumstances will use the Knight's Faith + Holy Ground. The moral of the story is to
never attack a Church Knight on his own ground. The only places with a Faith rating of 10 points are the Vatican in Rome, the
Masjid al-Haram in Mecca etc (essentially the centre of each major religion). Sites of particular relevance to Church Knights are:
The Vatican:
The Holy Sepulchre:
St Johns Cathedral, Malta:
New Temple Church, England: 6
Marienburg Castle, Poland: 6
Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland:
Chatres Cathedral, France: 4
Average district cathedral:
Average suburban church:
Holy Ground is naturally repulsive to the codes opposite to the religion (Christianity v evil, Satanism v Christianity etc). Anything
opposing the ground's creed, such as a vampire, must make a Willpower v Holy Ground check. Invitation nullifies the repulsion.

Holy relics, icons and sacred items are focuses of Faith. While most items serve only as conduits of the subject's own Faith,
others are actual sources of power. A relic is not a blessed object -- it is an ancient and sacred item -- often associated with a
prophet or a disciple (such as bones, possessions, hair). Relics can protect against natural or supernatural powers, human or
demonic afflictions and cure disease. The presence of a Holy relic can add to the strength of Holy Ground or the Knight/Novice
holding it. Once a genuine relic has been found, it must be guarded and respected. A Relic does not have to be authentic -people only have to believe it is. It is not the relic that generates the power, it is the belief the Faithful have in it. For example,
legend has it that the Knights Templar had under their protection one of the greatest Relics of all time -- the Turin Shroud. In fact,
it is possible distorted rumours of this holy item helped lead to their downfall. Relics force the same Willpower Checks as True
Faith and Holy Ground. Outcomes are the same.

Fragment of the True Cross: 9

Turin Shroud:
Lock of Mary's hair:
St Peter's Skull:
Spear of Lujinius:
St George's fingerbone:

Holy Days
The Christian calendar is full of Holy Days, Fasts and Feasts. On these days, the expression of Faith is generally more common
than other times. This open expression of Faith and piousness helps those doing God's work. On Easter Friday, a Christian's
difficulty level on any Faith Roll is reduced by 2. Other significant Holy Days reduce difficulty by 1. This includes rolls using Faith
under the Gifts, Prayers and Rituals.

Pious Behaviour
"It is . . incumbent upon all of us to consider and to choose to amend our sins by voluntary chastisement and to turn to the
Lord our God with penance and works of piety; and we should first amend in ourselves what we have done wrong and then turn
our attention to the treachery and malice of the enemy."
-- Pope Gregory VIII, launching the Third Crusade. In The Atlas of the Crusades, Jonathan Riley-Smith

The Council at Troyes foresaw that not all Knights were to be Saints, and that Grand Masters would need a method of enforcing
the Rule. Practical punishments ranging from small penances, humiliating acts such as eating off the floor, expulsion from the
Order and perpetual imprisonment were laid down to be administered by the Order's hierarchy. At least one knight was starved
to death for disobedience in the London Temple. Another was imprisoned in the Jerusalem mother-house for leading an
unauthorised raid against the Saracens, and losing the lives of several knights in his troupe.
The modern application of the Rule is no different. However, the composition of the Orders is. Members must have a measure of
True Faith, making serious crimes unlikely. Most offenses are expected to be simply the domain of human failure -- such as
pride, ignorance and stupidity. Knights or novices who abuse the powers given to them, fail to adhere to the Code or break the
Rule of their monastic life may lose God's favour and the ability to use some of their Holy Powers. Loss of specific abilities are
at the Storyteller's discretion -- but should suit the nature of the crime. Punishment does not mean loss of all powers. For
example, preventing use of a particular Blessed item, Prayer or Ritual can be devastating enough. Total loss of powers should
result only from serious or repeated sins. Definitions of codes of conduct affecting knights can be found in the chapters The Rule
and The Code earlier in this volume. Other binding disciplines follow in The Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Virtues.

Piety Points
Piety Points are a measure of a knight's performance against the Seven Deadly Sin and Seven Virtue tables. It represents the
strict code of conduct knights and members of any monastic organisation have to follow. Piety Points are also a method of
enforcing appropriate role-play and knightly behaviour -- and only applies to characters who have undergone the Novitiate
Initiation ceremony or the Knight Investiture. Failure to behave Piously results in a loss of available Grace Points and, at the
Storyteller's discretion, a character's ability to use particular supernatural powers. The whole idea is supposed to be that the
gifted powers demand sacrifice through maintaining strict vows. Measured from one to ten, a knight starts with the maximum
Piety Level of Ten. Good behaviour and works warrant a Positive Piety Check (Piety dice rolled, requiring a target roll equal to
that of the knights Faith rating level). If the roll of Piety dice is successful (with the number of successes set by the storyteller to
reflect the nature of the event -- base 3), a gain in Piety Points is rewarded. (Piety Points equate available Piety Dice).
A Negative Piety Check is made when a knight commits a sin. It follows the same system as a Positive Piety Check, although
the number of successes needed is increased to 4 -- as doing good things are really expected of you anyway. An offense may
attract more than one Piety Check. If the Storyteller feels the wayward knight deserves to lose more than one Piety Point, he may
demand multiple rolls -- specifying the breach which that each Check. Otherwise, major crimes will cost the same as a minor act
of thoughtlessness.
An apparent problem occurs when a knight's Piety Level falls below that of his Faith. This is deliberate. As Faith Levels
increase, so does the difficulty of maintaining the strict self-discipline (Piety Points) that Faith Levels demand. If you have the
Faith of a saint, you must behave like a saint (The Faith rating of Nine demands a Piety Rating of Nine -- allowing virtually no
room for sin). When a knight's Piety Level falls below the value of his Faith, the knight would be wracked with self-disgust, guilt
and self-abasement. His powers may be reduced, and regeneration of used Grace Points suspended. The only solution is to
remove himself to a place of worship, serving penance until the Storyteller determines his Piety Level has been restored to that
of his Faith Level.
A Piety Level less than Faith will not allow a knight to roll Positive/Negative Piety Checks. Any Negative Piety Check his

behaviour incurs will automatically fail, and he loses a further Piety Point. Any Positive Piety Check his behaviour causes cannot
be rolled as it will not measure up to his Faith -- therefore he loses the ability to restore Piety Points through his own actions.
Only Penance can restore Piety Points to the level demanded by Faith. Penance can provide one point per day of total worship.
Any interruptions automatically removes that day's benefit. The Storyteller can also add specific tasks needing completion
before his Piety is restored to a level no greater than his Faith. Further good works are needed before it grows higher than Faith.
(Example at the end of this chapter).
If Piety falls below zero, one point of Humanity must be deducted. All powers are lost until the character returns his piety level to
that of his Faith. Falling below zero represents continuous failure to live according to the vows, so suitable punishment must also
originate from within the Order. This usually involves removal from combat status, an interview by a superior of at least Knight
Preceptor rank and severe penance.
If Piety reaches 10, extra benefits can be added toward the Grace Point pool -- such as a top-up of 2 Grace Points per success
(but no more than the maximum the Knight is allowed). However, if Piety remains at 10 for a considerable time, the Storyteller
may reward this excellent behaviour with an extra Humanity point or Faith point.
Piety may also be "burned" to replace Grace in an emergency. If Grace levels have fallen too low to enact a Gift, Prayer or
Ritual, that power may be initiated at the expense of a Piety Point. These "burned" Piety Points can only be regained through

Humanity points and checks are conducted in the same manner as Vampires. The main difference between Piety and Humanity
is that Piety reflects the performance of the Knight against the stipulated standards of The Rule. Humanity is a personal measure
of behaviour: what the character feels is appropriate.
When a check calls for a loss in Humanity Points, a corresponding loss of two Piety Points occurs. With any increase in
Humanity, Piety is not necessarily increased -- though this is up to the storyteller. If a novice or knight has a humanity of less than
five, trial for inappropriate behaviour is likely, followed by expulsion from their Order.

Definitions of Conduct
Each of the following outline the rules of conduct knights and novices must adhere to. The Ten Commandments affect Humanity
Checks and Faith, while the Seven Virtues and Seven Deadly Sins affect Piety Checks.

Ten Commandments
First and foremost, a knight must uphold God's commandments as given to Moses at Mount Sinai. These stand above The Rule,
The Code and the Seven Deadly Sins -- even though they were themselves derived from the Commandments.
Any breach of the following must be dealt with the complete removal of Grace points and Piety Points. The offending knight must
be banished to a remote monastery, where he must demonstrate an extraordinary degree of penance if the favour of God is to
be restored to him. Many offenders end up serving Penance for life.
1) Thou shalt not have any other Gods.
2) Thou shalt not worship any idol.
3) Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
4) Remember the Sabbath, to keep it holy.
5) Honour your father and your mother.
6) Thou shalt not kill.
7) Thou shalt not commit adultery.
8) Thou shalt not steal.
9) Thou shalt not bear false witness.
10) Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife.

The Seven Deadly Sins

A knight's Piety can be measured against the Seven Deadly Sins. Offenses in any of these categories will cause a Negative
Piety Check, with failure resulting in a drop in Piety status and incurring the penalties inherent in such a loss. Punishment can be
dealt out in several forms. Most often the offence can simply be punished through a Piety Check, with a Difficulty Level
determined by the Storyteller. Serious offenses can result in several Piety Checks (the number determined by the Storyteller) -and thus the potential to lose a number of valuable Piety Points. In other cases, a knight may lose specific Gifts, Prayers or
Rituals until the knight recognises the sin he committed, apologises -- and then serves an equal amount of time in penance. The
appropriateness of a punishment should be determined by the nature of the sin.

Pride: One of the most common offenses. Becoming too enamoured with one's own powers and abilities is punishable by loss
of those same blessings. Knights must remember that their powers are not their own: rather, they are blessed as being a vessel
for God's will. Their success is not due to their own actions -- but to God's. Too frequently calling upon divine aid when simple

diligence and courage would suffice is taking God's favour for granted. This is a serious form of pride -- as the power's divine
source has been forgotten. In every-day life, knights may also demonstrate pride through behaviour including haughtiness,
excessive self-satisfaction, conceit, arrogance and egoism. Apart from losing Piety Points, suitable punishment usually includes
the removal of the object of pride or setting the character's ego in its place -- all of which can be determined by the storyteller.

Covetousness: Coveting what is not a rightful possession is a typical human failing. Covetousness is usually related to
emotional matters, such as wistfully desiring something out of immediate reach (such as a Faith level of 7, instead of 5). More
insidious behaviour such as selfishness and avarice come under this category. Trying to use Holy Powers for one's own
purposes demonstrates a severe breach of the tenets of The Rule and Faith.

Lust: This has obvious connotation for Monks. Having to suppress passion is an important component of a knight's sacrifice to
gain favour in the eyes of God and is a vital component of reaching the status of knight, as determined by the Rule. Failing to do
so results in a loss of this favour. Apart from lechery, lust includes the excess of almost any passion. Knights must demonstrate
self-restraint, though there are times in which suitable demonstrations of loss, remorse, compassion etc are appropriate. In
some ways lust overlaps with Covetousness and Gluttony, as all reflect unwholesome desires and urges.

Anger: Vengeful violence when patience, charity, mercy and forgiveness are called for demonstrates a failure under the terms of
the Rule and the Code. There is no place for unfettered rage in the Militant Orders, nor for subliminal hostility or continuous
provocation. Animosity and ire also fall under this category. Demonstrations of great self control and restraint are to be
encouraged. The severity of their rage or animosity must be reflected in the Difficulty Level of any Piety Point Check -- as well as
the consequences of their actions.

Gluttony: As a warrior-monk, self sacrifice is a basic requirement. Waste, greed and longing goes against this rule of
behaviour. Over consumption of an item, be it food or ammunition, is a wanton display of wastefulness. Gluttony is usually linked
to acquiring material possessions and any longing desire to obtain an object. An example may be an excessive desire to own a
particular weapon. Covetousness relates to matters emotional and religious.

Envy: Undue jealousy over a companion knight's rewards, powers or status is an insidious sin that would affect most knights at
one stage or another. Such a failing can be demonstrated through spiteful behaviour, rivalry and begrudging respect. Knights
should be made to understand that God's favour is demonstrated to different people differently. Humility is a key virtue if a
warrior-monk is to remain pious. Piety check's should be accompanied with a role-play rebuttal or other suitable punishment.

Sloth: Avoiding the instructions and duties of one's Order is a serious offense. Any body of knights is only as strong as its
weakest link. If a knight avoids his designated chores, punishment can be doled out by his comrades according to the Rule.
Carelessness, Apathy, passivity, lethargy, failure to take appropriate action -- all are sins under the banner of Sloth. Avoiding
serious events -- such as battle -- will result in loss of all Piety Points and trial before a Chapter of Knights.

The Seven Virtues
While Piety can be lost, so can it be gained. Knights striving to increase their favour in the eyes of God can, through the following
Virtues, gain status -- and therefore power. A good demonstration of any Virtue will call for a Positive Piety Check. If the roll
succeeds, an extra piety point is gained. However, if a knight's Piety Level is below that of his Faith Level, only Penance can
restore lost Piety Points.

Faith: A knight must demonstrate faith (as reflected in the Faith points system) that his God will look over his actions and protect
his soul. If a knight hesitates overmuch when planning to use a Holy Power because he fears a major botch, then he is
demonstrating a lack of assurance in God's word. However, when succeeding in a roll which has a high probability of failure,
rewarding his faith with a Piety Point would be appropriate.
The knight must demonstrate a sureness in his belief in his everyday behaviour, a certainty that the Divinity does exist and an
unshakeable belief in God's favour, under whatever circumstances.

Hope: An inherent optimism about the fate of God's children on earth needs to be demonstrated. Allowing oneself to become
despondent and fall into despair over the power of evil shows a lack of hope. A knight lives in expectancy of revelations of God's
will and favour -- this is why the success of miracles result in an immediate boosts to the Faith level. Through hope, attributes
such as trust and confidence are spawned. Continuous examples of a hopeful attitude (though not over-optimism) should be
rewarded with Piety Points, though despair has an opposite effect.

Charity: As reflected in The Rule and The Code, a generosity of spirit is required to make a knight's worship complete. Along
with the more obvious "giving" aspect of charity, behaviour such as benevolence, compassion and tolerance are vital elements
of this most wide-reaching virtue. On-going displays of such behaviour should be rewarded through Piety Points.
Thoughtlessness or deliberate acts of nastiness ought to be punished.

Justice: Justice is the demonstration of fairness and equity in the judgements made in everyday life. But for a knight it goes
beyond this narrow definition. Natural justice can also be affected by a knight's own integrity and uprightness. If a knight lies or
conceals the truth, he is committing an injustice. This can pose interesting dilemmas -- sometimes the truth is not the best thing
to say!

Fortitude: This relates to a knight's steadfast resolve to see God's will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Despite the hurdles
encountered, a knight must demonstrate tenacity and determination to get the job done. Such perseverance should be
rewarded: giving up to easy, punished.

Prudence: Demonstrating a high degree of common-sense and forethought can save a knight from a lot of trouble -- even if
things go wrong. Cautious calculation shows a knight is taking everything he can into account before an action is taken or a
decision is made. If a decision turns out to be wrong, and the knight has acted prudently, then he should not be punished for the
event. If it goes wrong because of a lack of consideration -- a Negative Piety Check must be made.

Temperance: Knights must be humble, seeking Holy Powers only when necessary and to serve the needs of the Order and the
Church. By sincerely striving to avoid using their Holy Powers, knights can gain favour in the eyes of the Lord. This demonstrates
a strong respect for his religion and a regard for his God's desire to limit intervention upon this earth. But Temperance goes
beyond use of powers. A knight must demonstrate the virtues of humility, self control, abstinence and modesty in all their
behaviour. Clear-cut examples of such behaviour, or merely a string of good performance, can be rewarded by the Storyteller
through granting a Positive Piety Check.

Sacred Violence
The theory of holy Christian violence was worked out by Christian thinkers of the 4th and 5th centuries and was available in the
central Middle Ages in anthologies of theological texts. Its starting point was that violence was not evil but was morally neutral
and drew moral colouring from the intention of the perpetrator, which could be loving. For instance, the surgeon who strapped a
man to a table against the patient's will -- an act of violence which may cause death -- had the intention of healing a man who
would otherwise have certainly died.
Like the surgeon, any perpetrator of Christian violence had to have the right intention. He also needed a just cause, because
violence could only be resorted to in response to previous injury in the forms, for instance, of aggression, menaces, tyranny, or
the invasion and occupation of land that rightly belonged to an earlier possessor. Moreover, since no Christian had any right
even to defend himself as an individual against assault, acts of violence had to be authorised by a legitimate authority, who
could be a minister of God such as the pope or the emperor, but could also be God himself. Christian sacred violence, whether
medieval or modern, posits a "political" God or Christ whose intentions for mankind are believed to be reflected in some
existing political structure or course of political events. If this structure or course of events comes under threat, Christ's intentions
for mankind are believed to be at risk and his support for military countermeasures is assumed.
-- Atlas of the Crusades, Jonathan Riley-Smith

Knights who lose the benefits of their Faith or Piety may make a penance to regain them. The remorseful knight must seek
solitude, such as a church or monastery, and devote himself to meditation, study and private prayer -- begging forgiveness with
a humble heart.

Setting Things Right

Correcting one's actions can be an important prelude to Penance -- though not always necessary. If a knight sins by punching a
hole in the wall in frustration after a vampire escapes, the Storyteller may require the knight pays for and organises the repair.
(To make this even more demanding, the Storyteller does not have to tell the knight what it is he has to do before his Penance
takes effect -- let him figure it out for himself. Never forget, True Faith makes harsh demands upon its subjects.)

Regaining Piety
Piety can be gained or restored through a Piety Check when a knight displays an act of one of the Seven Virtues. A Positive
Piety Check (Piety Points rolled with a Difficulty Level of Faith with the number of successes determined by the Storyteller) can
reward the knight with an extra Piety Point. If the Positive Piety Check fails, he simply gains no benefit. However, if Piety Points
have fallen below the total number of Faith Points the benefits of the Virtues cannot be gained. In this situation, only Penance can
restore lost Piety. Penance will restore one Piety Point per day -- only if it is under conditions of true repentance in uninterrupted
prayer, usually conducted in a monastery or another private place of worship. Interruptions automatically removes the Piety Point
that day's worship was intended to restore -- so it is best to leave a penitent knight alone. Serious or repeated offences may
extend the period of penance and can result in loss of Faith. The Storyteller may also give a knight a particular quest to complete
before penance is granted such as a worthy act of charity or an apology.

Regaining Faith
Loss of Faith is more severe than a loss of Piety. It represents a measured loss of belief, trust and adoration of God. Therefore,
restoring a lost Faith Point is a much more difficult task. However, restoring a lost level is not as hard as gaining new Faith
Points. Thus a knight can undergo penance to restore the lost Faith -- and not wait until he has sufficient Experience Points to repurchase a level. Penance of Faith will require Faith x 2 weeks of prayer and charity. The Storyteller may, however, require a
clear act of belief and faith in one's God before returning his Faith Level's Holy Powers. These restored Faith cannot surpass the

highest Faith Levels previously obtained.

A Templar Knight Captain is running through a garden party in hot pursuit of his quarry. Instead of dodging past a group of young
ladies, he decides to charge on through. This action causes one of the young debutantes to fall in a pond, ruining the dress she
could not really afford and severely embarrassing her in front of her male friends. This action -- Sloth -- warrants a Negative Piety
Check: he could easily have attempted a dodge. (If he had bothered to do the right thing, I would have automatically negated the
need for a Negative Piety Check -- even if he failed the dodge -- as the accident was no longer a case of Sloth.) The Knight
Captain has a Faith Rating of Five and a Piety Rating of Five. The Storyteller gauges the severity of the offence at a value of
three successes needed. Therefore, the Knight Captain must roll three Successes greater or equal to Five (The Captain's Faith
Rating) with his Piety Dice (in this case, Piety Points Five) in order to avoid losing a Piety Point. The Knight Captain fails the
check, and must loose a Piety Point -- reducing him to Piety Four. This new Piety Level is one point below that acceptable to his
Faith Level of Five. His guilt and self-admonishment would prevent him from receiving the benefits of any Positive Piety Check
and automatically cause him to fail any further Piety Checks. The Templar removes himself to a chapel for a day of prayer and
repentance. However, at the end of that day he still feels remorseful (his Piety has not been restored -- as it should). He realises
the only way to satisfy his guilt is to find the debutante, apologise to her and pay her the cost of the spoiled dress. After two days
of searching and obtaining a blushing acceptance of his apology, the Templar once again feels the comfort and security of
God's favour return (thus, Piety Points are restored to the Level of his Faith). Now, he can once again serve as an effective
member of the Militant Orders.

The Measure of Grace

"Non nobis Dominie, non nobis, sed nomine tuo, da gloriam.
Not unto us, Lord, not unto us, but to thy name give glory."
-- Templar motto, recorded at the Council of Troyes, 1128
The measure of Grace is the yard-stick against which a knight's Holy Powers can be measured. Grace is the sum of Faith +
Piety. Both Faith and Piety are fluid ratings which can be affected by performance and behaviour. Thus, a knight's actions can
influence his spiritual strength. A knight who breaks The Rule or one of the Seven Deadly Sins must undergo a Piety Check. If
the check fails, and he looses one Piety, he also looses a point of Grace.
For example: A Teutone sergeant with a Faith rating of six and a Piety level of seven has a Grace rating of 13. During the course
of his investigations, the knight is curt and rude to a drunken hermit begging for money. This is an un-charitous act and calls for a
single Piety Check (against a storyteller defined number of successes, with a difficulty level equal to his Faith). Upon failing the
Piety check, he looses one Piety Point. This reduces the sum of Faith and Piety by one -- thus reducing his amount of available
Grace Points. This loss of Grace Points will affect the total amount he can expend upon the Gifts, Prayers and Rituals. A loss of
Piety to below one calls for serious disciplining. The aberrant knight must be banished to a monastery and stripped of his rank
until he proves he has atoned for his sins.
A loss of Faith points has a similar effect. A knight who botches a major prayer twice or more in succession must loose a point
of Faith. This, of course, also reduces the number of Grace points available. But more importantly, it also reduces the number of
Gifts, Prayers and Rituals the knight can select from (Holy Powers can be tied to Faith Levels). A knight whose Faith falls below
Five must seek instruction from an Abbot and seclude himself in a monastery until his Faith returns. His ability to use Prayers
and Rituals is also stripped away, though the Gifts remain until he has no more Faith.

Grace points are the measure of the blessings conferred upon a knight, translating to game players as how many points are
available to be expended as Prayers, Gifts and Rituals. As the sum of Faith and Piety, the pool of available Grace points is
strongly linked to a knight's behaviour and belief. This way, his powers and behaviour cannot be taken for granted. A knight must
remember always that he is not only a warrior -- but also a monk. The "*" rating before a Gift, Prayer or Ritual designates the
number of Faith Levels required before that Holy Power becomes available. The numerical rating (x) specifies what number of
Grace Points must be expended to initiate the Holy Power. Thus a *** Prayer (5) would reduce the total immediately available
Grace Points from 13 to 8 (However, he must have a Faith Rating of at least 3 before he can attempt the action). Using a Holy
Power does not affect the Faith or Piety scores. Grace points can be expended until there are none, and the knight must retire
for private prayer to allow regeneration of his Grace points. If a knight is low on Grace points, is in a desperate situation and
needs to call upon a Prayer with a higher requirement of Grace than he currently has -- he may "burn" a Piety Point for each
Gift/Prayer/Ritual he enacts. These Piety Levels must be regained through special acts of penance.
For example: A Hospitaller Knight Sergeant is all that remains of an ambushed combat team sent into what appeared to be an
abandoned country town. Fleeing for his life, he seeks refuge in the ruins of a church. This had been a very pious community
before degraded land had made living in the area untenable. As a result, the ruined church has a Holy Place rating of Three. The
Knight Sergeant, his own Faith rating being Five and his Piety Six, can add the Holy Ground rating of Three to his Faith-based
rolls. Thus the knight is given greater strength with which to defend himself. However, the knight's excessive fear warrants a
Negative Piety Check. The Faith Level of the Holy Ground has no effect on the knight's personal relationship with God, therefore
it must be Six Piety Dice rolled against a Target of Faith, with a Storyteller determined number of successes. The young knight
succeeds the Check. Seeing a vampire approaching and successfully struggling against the effects of Holy Ground, the Knight

Sergeant jumps up -- determined to sell his life dearly. He yells his war cry "Christi Imperat" (using the Word of Power Gift which
costs 3 Grace Points). This reduces his available Grace Point pool from 11 (Faith Five + Piety Six) to 8. The Word of Power
requires a Charisma + Faith versus the vampires Humanity as the target roll. The Holy Ground's Faith Rating must be added to
the Knight's Faith Level for this action (Charisma Three, Faith Level Five, Holy Ground Three versus vampire Humanity Target
Six). His cry succeeds in frightening the vampire, causing the creature to make a Rotschreck Check. The Check must use the
knight's Faith plus the Holy Ground's rating as the level of difficulty (thus, Eight) under the p199 Vampires Rotschreck difficulty
table. In this case, the effect on the vampire is similar to that of being exposed to direct sunlight. The vampire flees in a raging
state of panic. Round one to the Knight Sergeant.

Grace Points return to the Faith + Prayer sum total at the rate of one Grace Point per hour of worship or meditation. Thus, a
knight with Faith Five and Piety Eight would need 13 hours of quiet meditation if all 13 Grace Points were expended. If only one
or two points have been used, these can be restored during the normal morning and evening prayers. If the knight is resting on
Holy Ground, the location's Faith Rating acts as an automatic boost -- giving him an initial surge of Grace Points equal to the
site's Faith Level.

Emergency Regeneration
In the event of an emergency, a Knight may pray for additional strength through Grace. For the cost of one Piety Point, he may
regain the number of Grace Points equal to his Faith rating. This lost Piety point must be regained through special acts of

By Jamie Seidel

Granting the Blessings

"Ere the moon has climbed the mountain,
ere the rocks are ribbed with light,
When the downward-dipping tails are dank and drear.
Comes a breathing hard behind thee,
snuffle-snuffle through the night,
It is Fear, O Little Hunter, it is Fear!"
-- The Song of the Little Hunter, Kipling
The ability to use the Blessings is directly tied to one's Faith, as shown through the links with Piety and Grace Points. Many
powers also only come available once a Knight has gained a particular level of Faith -- demonstrating the necessary degree of
understanding and acceptance of God's will. But these Blessings are not granted without effort upon the Novice/Knights behalf.
Novices, during the lead-up to their Initiation, are taught the Gifts by their superiors. Which of the Gifts these are is determined by
the Chapter, based on what will serve the Order the most and what Faith Level the Novice has (see Gifts, Prayers and Rituals
under Character Creation). Once the Novice has been Initiated, he is then taken away and taught in secret a selection of the
Order's own Gifts. Knights, during their Investiture Ceremony, receive instruction on further Blessings. These are once again
chosen by the Chapter, and can be a mix of both Gifts and Prayers -- limited only by the Knights own Faith Level. Once a Knight
or Novice earns a Faith Level in game-play, he becomes eligible to learn more of the Gifts or Prayers. The supplicant must
approach the leader of his Chapter, usually a Knight Preceptor, petitioning him for the honour of further theological training in the
nature of the Blessings. If granted, the Novice or Knight is usually sent to an out-of-the-way monastery to study the ancient
Canons of the Order. Whether the supplicant learns the new powers or not is determined by a dice roll.
Take the Faith Level of the Blessing and use this to represent the number of months necessary to learn the ability. The character
must then make an Intelligence + Theology roll v. the Blessings Faith Level. The number of successes represents how many
weeks may be taken off the time needed.

The Gifts
"Instinctively I moved forward with a protective impulse, holding the Crucifix and Wafer in my left hand. I felt a mighty power fly
along my arm, and it was without surprise that I saw the monster cower back. . . "
-- Bram Stoker, Dracula.
These are abilities that Knights are able to call upon at any time, instantaneously. They are generally boons that allow the Knight
to be aware of and deal with the supernatural forces of Darkness. Gifts apply to all members of the Militant Orders at all times.
Any member, be he novice or knight, is given these abilities as a sign of God's favour. The strength of many abilities do vary with
Faith, and others may only be granted with particular Faith ratings. But they are still Gifts. Expenditure of Grace Points is often
required -- though not always. Sometimes the warrior's Faith is all that he needs to empower his Will or Word with an ability.
These are the only supernatural powers that a Novice has access to. Only Investiture as a Knight gives a character the status to
learn the Prayers and Rituals. All of the powers outlined under White Wolf's Faith Table system are regarded as Gifts. Gifts are
used at will, and only one Gifts can be used per turn.
The "*" rating before a Gift, Prayer or Ritual designates the number of Faith Levels required before that Holy Power becomes
available. The numerical rating (say, 7) specifies what number of Grace Points must be expended to initiate the Power.

Bless: (3pts Grace + 1pt per Willpower used)
A knight may use this power to strengthen another mortal's will or body. It cannot be used upon himself. With the expenditure of
Willpower the knight can ask for the following blessings. It must not be forgotten that a knight's blessing is but a channel of God's
will. If the prayer is made in frivolous or unnecessary circumstances, it will not be granted. Willpower and Grace point
expenditure still occurs.
* At the cost of one Willpower the knight may grant one Willpower for an hour.

*** At the cost of one Willpower the knight may grant one Willpower for a day.
***** At the cost of one Willpower the knight may grant one Willpower permanently.
****** At the cost of three Willpower the knight may raise one attribute by one dot for one hour (this can raise an attribute over
******* At the cost of three Willpower the knight may raise one attribute by one dot for one day.
******** At the cost of three Willpower the knight may raise one attributes by one dot for one month.
********** At the cost of five Willpower the knight may raise a mortal's attributes by any amount with an effect for up to one day.

* Wakefulness: (2 Grace)
You can remain awake without penalty for extended periods of time. To remain awake an additional 24 hours you must make a
Willpower roll with a difficulty level of 6. Each additional day awake requires another Willpower roll, with the difficulty level
increased by two each day. It is impossible to stay awake more than 3 additional days with this ability. If this roll is failed you
must sleep within an hour, if you botch you must sleep within 1 turn.

** Battle-Cry:< (3 Grace)
By reciting a word of particular significance (such as a battle cry), a supernatural can be forced to make a Rotschreck check.
For Templars, this word is likely to be "Bauseant!" (For Glory), the Teutones "Desperta ferre!" (Iron Awake) and the Hospitallers
"Christi Imperat" (Christ Rules!). When using this power the knight is required to roll Charisma + Faith versus the supernatural's
Humanity as the target roll. A success causes a vampire to make a Rotschreck check (using the Courage Roll Chart with a
difficulty equal to the knight's Faith Level, p 199 Vampire). Others will make a Courage roll in place of the Rotschreck check.

** Hide Mind (4 Grace)

Your mind has been finely tuned through your religious instruction. Your perception of the spiritual plane allows you to hide your
mind from probing. A successful roll of Wits+Subterfuge will hide your mind from all forms of magical, psychic, and supernatural
probing. This ability may be used at will and at the first inkling that probing may be going on. If the block is successful, anyone
who knows of your location (such as someone who can see you) will notice a blank where your mind should be. A determined
effort to probe further they must succeed in a roll of Perception+Subterfuge vs your Wits+Subterfuge. This is a resisted roll.

** Resist Magic (3 Grace)

If you spend one Willpower point and make a Stamina+Occult roll with a level of difficulty equal to the level of the spell, ritual or
Thaumaturgical Path + 2. You may instantly cancel the effect of any magic directed against you or anyone or anything you are
physically in touch with.

*** Heightened Senses (3 Grace)

Equivalent to the Vampiric Discipline Auspex Level One, except that this Power does not allow you to see through vampiric
Obfuscate (Vampire page 93). This Power is useable at will but does not include the Auspex danger sense ability.

*** Sense the Curse (4 Grace)

This Gift allows the Knight to sense when a Wyrm-tainted creature is near. It will not pinpoint the location of the creature, but will
let the character know one is around. System: Perception + Occult with a Difficulty of 6. Instantaneous.

*** Resolution (4 Grace)

The Knight's mind becomes shut off from the effects of Domination and Presence. Any attempt to control a Knight's mind has its
number of successes decreased by the number of the Knights successes in a Perception + Self Control roll, with Difficulty 8.

*** Holy Armour (3 Grace)

By concentrating for a round, a Novice is able to charge her armour with her faith. This effectively adds 2 automatic successes to
the character's soak, and permits Aggravated damage to be soaked. Note. The user must be wearing armour as a focus for this
power to work. It lasts for one "scene."

**** Ignore Wounds (1 Grace per level)

You can overcome pain through force of will. You may ignore the die penalties to actions from taking damage above and
including Mauled. Wound levels greater than this cannot be affected as it represents loss of bodily capacity due to injury.
Whatever the case, the damage is still there -- only the effects are temporarily removed. Roll Faith for the duration in turns the
effects are suspended. Knights over Faith 5 can ignore aggravated damage.

**** Sword of Light (6 Grace)

The Novice/Knight channels his power into his sword causing it to glow with an eerie cold flame. This flame causes aggravated
wounds to enemies of the wielder. The user must have the sword in hand and be in a combat situation to use this power. It lasts
for one "scene" of combat.

**** Truth Sense (4 Grace)

By rolling Wits + Empathy versus Manipulation + Subterfuge, the Knight can tell if the Target is lying or not.

**** Call Confession (5 Grace)

This gift can cause the subject to feel enough guilt if he lies to confess and tell the truth. The Knight must roll Charisma +
Intimidate versus the Target's Willpower. Success results in the addition of the number of successes to the subject's Self
Conscience pool. A botch results in a lie, but the Knight is unaware. The situation must be similar to a confession: a quiet room
with just the character and subject present.

Order Specific
* Flashbulb Memory (1 Grace)
(Equivalent to the 2 point Merit, The Werewolf Players Guide, page 19). This power is only activated when the Knight specifies
he wish to do so.

* Scriptus (1 Grace)
This conveys the ability to read at an increased rate due to specifically heightened abilities. The rate at which printed matter can
be read is 25 pages per turn. This rate cannot be increased.

** Memorise (4 Grace)
The ability to memorise text to the point of recitation can be extremely valuable for covert operations and special missions. It
costs one point of Willpower to invoke this power and is limited to the supernatural memorisation of only one piece of work at a
time. Success is based on a Will+Int roll:
1 success: 15 pages of text
2 successes: 50 pages of text
3 successes: 100 pages of text
4 successes: 500 pages of text
5 successes: 1000 pages of text

** Visions (3 Grace)
A character can see flashes of events around him while he is asleep or deep relaxation -- such as prayer. These perceptions are
in the form of visions, full of images of events and things that may affect the knight. However, they are often hard to interpret. The
knight may dream about any event that may have a serious impact on his existence -- at the storyteller's discretion. Roll Faith
with a difficulty of 7. Each success represents one specific fact he can glean from the vision.

*** Sign of Power (2 Grace)

By making a specific and complex sign with your hands you can cause any opponent to be stunned for the next full turn. You roll
Manipulation + Intimidation with a level of difficulty equal to your target's Willpower. If you succeed your target is stunned, if you
fail he is unaffected. Using this ability costs one Willpower point per target you are attempting to affect with a single action. It can

only be used successfully once a scene on each target.

It can only be used if the target is within 5 yards, is looking at you, and can see your hands. Non-targeted observers are
unaffected. However, the Sign's effects are very subtle, and if your target or any observers fail a Perception+Alertness roll
(Storyteller difficulty) they will be unaware that you did anything and are unaffected by the sign. If he succeeds the Perception +
Alertness roll, he is stunned.

*** Hounding (4 Grace)
If you are following a target (which must be an individual), you can make a Perception+Alertness roll with a difficulty level equal to
8; each success allows you know in what direction the target is, and (very) roughly how far away for 6 hours, even if you cannot
perceive the target at the time. Once this ability has worn off to use it again you must again have the target in sight. This ability
only works on beings who are human, part human (like Garou), or once were human (like Vampires).

**** Comfort (4 Grace)

With this ability, the Knight can calm someone, make him feel safe, warm and otherwise taken care of -- even under the most
dramatic of circumstances. In an adversarial position, it will calm him down to a reasonable level again. In a combat situation, it
will not prevent the opponent from attacking you. However, it does produce a lack of resolve -- preventing him from spending
Willpower to ensure a success. System: Roll Charisma + Empathy against the subject's Willpower if unwilling, otherwise 4.

* Scriptus (1 Grace)
This conveys the ability to read at an increased rate due to specifically heightened abilities. The rate at which printed matter can
be read is 25 pages per turn. This rate cannot be increased.

** Memorise (4 Grace)
The ability to memorise text to the point of recitation can be extremely valuable for covert operations and special missions. It
costs one point of Willpower to invoke this power and is limited to the supernatural memorisation of only one piece of work at a
time. Success is based on a Will+Int roll:
1 success: 15 pages of text
2 successes: 50 pages of text
3 successes: 100 pages of text
4 successes: 500 pages of text
5 successes: 1000 pages of text

*** Intervene (3 Grace)

The character has the ability to intervene in an aspect of a subject's life. A wayward son who is drinking too much can be spoken
to -- and he will listen! The final act of will remains the subject's. System: Roll Manipulation + Empathy against the target's

** Glow of the Kindred (3 Grace)

All Kindred within the character's line of sight glow with a pale light. System: Upon concentration, Roll Perception + Empathy
against a difficulty of 7. Compare the number of successes to any level of Obfuscate present to determine if it is penetrated -- ie
3 successes on the roll allows the character to see through Obfuscate 3.

The Prayers
For we brethren of the Rosie Crosse,
We have the Mason word, and second sight,
Things for to come we can foretell aright . . .
-- The Muses Threnodie, Henry Adomsan, 1638.

Sacred formalised beseechments of God's intervention on this earth, each of these Holy Prayers calls for a specific power. If the
supplicant has a great enough Faith, sufficient Grace Points and their need is just and true, then the Prayer will be answered and
the Blessing granted. Only one Prayer can be used per turn, with no Gifts (even with God's Speed). Prayers are only available to
Invested knights of the Orders. Novices are restricted to the Gifts.

Exorcism (4 Grace)
By Simon Miles
This prayer allows a knight to break a Wraith's Fetters, dispelling them from the physical plane. This is done by Faith v Wraith's
Willpower. Each success reduces the Wraith's Fetters by one. This is not an extended action.

***** Self-Healing (6 Grace)

You must Meditate quietly for at least 15 minutes, and then may make a Stamina+Medicine or First Aid roll, with a level of
difficulty equal to the number of body levels you have lost+2. Each success achieved on this roll restores one health level. These
levels return at a rate of one per turn after the meditation is over. This applies to all forms of wounds, and the character must rest
one turn per wound level.

***** Shatter Bonds (4 Grace)

Surgically obliterates any bonds the Knight desires to remove. Emotional ties, Dominate, Presence, etc. This effect is
permanent. A Blood Bond could be weakened by this effect, but only temporarily (any number of successes will only cause the
loss of 1 blood bond). System: Roll Manipulation + Leadership against the target's Willpower. Each success removes one
emotional tie, mystical control or other item of emotional attachment.

***** Summon God's Creatures (5 Grace)

By rolling Manipulation + Animalism on a difficulty of 6, a Knight may summon a flock of birds or small animals (such as rabbits,
foxes etc). They begin to arrive immediately, depending on the likelihood of proximity. All those that are going to arrive will arrive
within 5 minutes. If these creatures are used as a diversion, the Knight must roll Dex + Subterfuge with a difficulty of 7,
supplemented by extra dice equal to the number of successes made during the summons roll. If the creatures are used in a
harrying attack, a Manipulation + Leadership roll must be made, with the amount of damage inflicted equal to the successes of
the summons roll. This roll can also be used for using the creatures in a search -- the number of successes x 5 is the time the
animals will search.

***** Hear Confession (4 Grace)

This ability must be used within a week of the loss of a humanity point. The recipient must be mortal, willing and have confessed
the nature of his sin. Conscience and Empathy are rolled by the Knight with a difficulty equal to the level of Humanity being
The number of successes is the number of Humanity points returned. No more Humanity points than those that were lost can be
granted. If the roll is botched, the Knight looses a piety point and must serve penance.

***** Ward against Embrace (6 Grace)

Here a Knight may protect a mortal from the powers of an Embrace. If the mortal is bitten by a vampire who then attempts to turn
him into a Kindred, the attempt is ineffective. This is not obvious until the mortal awakes from the first sleep. The mortal will,
however, be considered a Ghoul.
The Knight must roll Empathy + Occult with a difficulty of 6. The number of successes equals the number of weeks the prayer is

****** Aura Enhancement (4 Grace)

The grace of God allows the astral auras of other being to be perceived, indicating their moods, identities and levels of hostility.
This power also allows the recognition of people with True Faith, vampires and lupines. Experienced uses of aura can even
recognise mortals such as the Magi and witches through the patterns of their aura.
Like the vampire Auspex Aura Perception, a knight must make a Perception + Empathy roll (difficulty 8). The Storyteller may do
the roll openly or concealed. Each success indicates how much of an aura is seen and understood.

A botch produces false information.

1 success Can only distinguish the shade.
2 successes Can distinguish colour
3 successes Patterns can be recognised
4 successes Subtle shifts can be detected
5 successes Can interpret all auras.
Use the Vampire Aura Colours chart (p159).

****** Forgive Ghoul (8 Grace)

At this level of absolution, a knight may break the hold of a vampire's blood over ghoul whether they desire it or not. Use a
resisted action roll of Faith v Willpower. The first to reach a total of 10 successes wins. A mortal, once free of the powers of
vampiric blood, may make up his own mind as to his future. If the ex-ghoul deliberately seeks out its previous master, it is
damned. If the ghoul is older than its natural life-span, it will turn to dust.

****** God's Speed (4 Grace)

The old blessing "God Speed" given to departing friends has meaning to knights. This blessing is specifically to counter the
celerity of vampires -- a power which gives them great advantage over most mortals. Like celerity, a knight may perform extra
actions in a turn without penalty. One extra action is allowed, and the entire dice pool can be used for each action. Unlike
vampires, a knight must spend 15 minutes in prayer before using heightened speed. After the prayer, a knight can wait up to six
hours before God's Speed expires. The duration of active God's Speed is the equivalent of the knight's Faith rating in turns.
Thus a knight with faith 7 can use it for 7 turns. The knights inherent level of Faith remains -- but Grace Points have been

****** No Past (no cost)

By Deird'Re Brooks
The character leaves no traces for Psychometry to read. The only information available is that the item was held by a mortal. This
ability extends to other means of viewing past events, such as higher Auspex levels or magic or other similar means. This prayer
prevents any trace of psyche being left behind -- ie preventing Auspex 3 and similar abilities from working. A session of prayer
activates the ability for 24 hours.

****** Tongues (7 Grace)

This ritual allows the Knight to be able to speak and understand any single language for the duration of the prayer. The duration
of the ability is about 15 minutes. It takes 30 seconds to prepare, and uses one Willpower point.

******* Tranquillity (7 Grace)

This power bestows an un-natural calm upon the Target. All difficulties to frenzy are reduced by 2. Any violent action by the
Target requires the spending of one Willpower point. System: Roll Wits + Empathy against 10 minus Humanity for the Target.

******* Higher Purpose (10 Grace)

The use of this prayer imposes upon the Target a higher purpose of the Knight's choosing -- though it cannot conflict with that
person's personal creed. The recipient will strive for this goal, almost to the exclusion of all else. He gains 2 extra dice on all rolls
that have anything to do with the higher purpose. To succeed in imposing a higher nature, the Knight must roll Intelligence +
Leadership against the Target's Humanity which has been subtracted from 10.

******** Defense of the Faith (12 Grace)

This prayer summons to the assistance of a Knight all nearby mortals who have some measure of Christian indoctrination and/or
belief. These people will be prepared to fight for the Knight's security and safety -- and will go out of their way to render
assistance. Remember: this may have ramifications. System: A Knight must roll Charisma + Leadership against a difficulty of
six. The duration of the guaranteed success of this prayer is equal to the number of successes. After the prayer's effect has
dissipated, the supporters are likely to linger -- though less willing to risk life and limb for the knights benefit.

Order Specific

Psychometry (Cost = Faith equivalent in Grace)
Through touching an object a knight may sense information regarding a person, place or event -- as long as that object bears
some importance to the subject. Perception + Empathy can be rolled with a difficulty of 8. A botch indicates a false reading,
although the character believes it was correct.
***** You get a vague impression of recent activities involving strong emotions involving the object or occurring in its immediate
****** In addition to the above, a snapshot quality image of the subject can be seen in the mind's eye.
******* You can understand what the event was about and the number of people involved. If concentrating on the object's owner,
information about the subject (such as age, emotional state, personality etc) can be gleaned.
******** You can clearly visualise the event or the actions of the individual for the past 24 hours.
********* You can understand the context and unspoken goings-on at the event and gain a clear insight into motives and plans of
an individual the last time he was near the object. Also get a reflection of the individuals current location.

****** Inspire Obedience (4 Grace)

While holding eye-contact, a knight may clearly instruct a subject on a task. Complicated suggestions can be made, with either
an event or a word acting as a trigger to spur action. Careful wording is vital, as the character will try to distort the spirit of the
command if possible. For example, a knight may "suggest" an aggravated boyfriend should leave the room for half an hour. The
suggestion cannot force a subject to do something against his innate nature. Only one suggestion can be made at a time. A
knight must roll Manipulation + Leadership (difficulty is Willpower of target). The number of successes determines how well the
suggestion is implanted. Less than three successes would prevent a strange-seeming command being carried out. Less than
five successes results in a successful suggestion, unless it would harm the subject. At five successes, almost any command
would be obeyed.

***** God's Strength (5 Grace)
This blessing has only been granted to the Teutonic Order. It allows superior strength and physical coordination. It allows knights
to oppose vampires with potence in physical combat on equal terms. Strength and ability in weight lifting, running, jumping and
force are enhanced. System: The character rolls Faith with a difficulty of 6. The amount of successes adds to automatic
successes on any Strength roll, with a duration of a scene.

****** Spiritual Saviour (10 Grace)

Here a knight can potentially save a repentant vampire's soul, but not its body. Many vampires with high humanities would
willingly die to escape what they have become. This drive is the basis for the search for Golconda, but the knights offer an
alternative. The vampire will be dealt with humanely, killed in a method as painless as possible with great respect. Upon death,
only the vampire's mortal life will be considered upon judgement day.

******** Heroic Action (12 Grace)

This ability allows you to raise any single relevant attribute to superhuman levels (equivalent to an attribute of 8 as defined in A
World of Darkness: Mummy, pages 27-29) for the purpose of accomplishing a specific extended action.
Examples of actions are: "rescue the people from this burning building", "fast-talking the suicidal maniac out of setting off a
nuclear weapon", "convince this crowd to take action," "find any computer record of this woman," etc. You can perform no other
action until your Heroic Action is complete (if forced to interrupt a Heroic Action, the attribute enhancement does not apply to the
performance of any other actions). This ability can only be used when the desired action can be attempted immediately. To
perform a Heroic Action, you must spend all Willpower points but one. The enhancement lasts as long as is necessary to
complete the action, but for no longer than one scene. When the action is complete, you roll your one remaining Willpower die
(difficulty level of 8) to remain conscious.

Healing Hands (see details).

This is an extremely important blessing, considering knights and novices are mortals. While the blessings of God's Gifts and
Prayers assist in humanity's combat against the Kindred, it does not remove their mortality. With the expenditure of One
Willpower a knight may heal health levels of suitable mortals. Those with low humanities, who have been excommunicated or are
otherwise condemned by god will receive no benefit from the act -- though the knight will still lose the appointed number of Grace
Points. Healing Hands cannot be used more than once per day, per wound.
***** Raise the health level of a mortal by one level per 2 Grace Points expended. One Willpower point must be expended per
******* Raise the health level of a mortal by one level per 1 Grace Point expended; restore one level of aggravated wounds per 2
Grace Points. One Willpower point must be expended per use.

****** Forge Bonds (7 Grace)

Strengthens existing positive bonds (love, friendship) and causes those who are neutral to be better disposed to those around
them. System: The roll is made using Charisma + Empathy. The number of successes indicate how long the effect lasts. It will
make enemies neutral and open to diplomacy.

******* Harrowing Conscience (5 Grace)

By the use of this prayer a Knight may raise a subject's Humanity by forcing him to confront his sins. The target of the prayer is
put into a stupor, his mind wandering in a dreamscape. The target's sins personify themselves as demons in this dream world,
attacking and tormenting him -- exposing the horror of his past actions. If the target is able to emerge victorious from this dream
conflict, one point of Humanity can be restored. If the Target fails, a further point is lost.
System: The Knight must touch the target, using his Humanity + Faith versus his target's Willpower. The number of successes
equals the number of "humanity checks" the target must make. Upon the action, the target enters a dream state and must endure
a heightened conscience. To determine the effects of his dream conscience, the target must make a Perception + Conscience
roll against a difficulty of his Humanity subtracted from 10. The number of Perception + Conscience rolls made is determined by
the number of successes the Knight made. Each "successful" role on behalf of the target increases his Humanity by 1.

The Rituals
"Templars are supposed to have been learned magicians, rich and powerful not so much because they were well endowed
with Church estates as because they enjoyed a hidden knowledge and hidden practices"
-- Murdered Magicians, Templars and their Myths
Includes items such as Holy Water (aggravated damage, Faith roll made from the Faith of the user, not the consecrator, with the
number of successes being the amount of health loss to the target).
A normal item, such as a sword, can be blessed and given particular abilities and powers permanently. Rituals can also prepare
a knight for battle, can excommunicate a being from receiving the benefits of God's grace, and give the rites of Holy Absolution
to a repentant vampire. Rituals only need to be understood by one member of the group conducting it. The initiator of the Ritual
must contribute the highest number of Grace Points toward enacting that ritual.
The right to learn a Ritual can only be earned through game play, or be awarded to ranking knights at the discretion of the

Calling the Restless Spirit (12 Faith Levels present, 15 Grace Points spent)
With this ritual, the supplicant may speak with someone who has died. Roll Intelligence + Occult (diff. is targets willpower) -- the
caster needs 2 successes for the prayer to work. The ritual must be held within 10 ft. of the corpse. If trying to contact a wraith,
the caster must be in that wraith's haunt -- the body is irrelevant. However, the spirit must also be willing and attached to a Fetter.
If the spirit is not trapped, it has already ascended (or gone to the other place).

Ward (15 Faith Levels present, 21 Grace Points spent)

The presence of at least 15 Faith Levels is needed in a half-hour ritual to create a warding against evil. Thus, knights would be
able to establish a room-sized ward to protect themselves from the umbral planes and repulse anything with evil intent -including Ghouls, Vampires, Lupines, Wraiths and Mages.
This ward will remain in place for as long as at least one of the casting knights is there -- with no maintenance. Once the knights
leave, the ward will dissipate within half an hour. This ward encompasses a sphere of 10m radius. Its effect is as a malleable

barrier: anything attempting to penetrate it must make a Willpower roll with a difficulty of 9.

Restoration (32 Faith Levels present, 40 Grace Points spent)

This ritual restores lost Faith to a willing individual's soul. The recipient must be willing and requires the expenditure of one
Willpower point from each of the ritual's participants. When the ritual is completed, the recipient will gain one point of Faith. This
is limited to restoring lost Faith, and cannot be used to grant new levels.

Defender of the Faith (Four Knights present, all available Grace )

This Ritual must only be used in the most dire of situations, with clear benefits to the church. Through the Ritual, a volunteer
Knight may be "charged" with the Health and Grace of his colleagues. This Ritual works on the combat team level -- though its
initiator must be a Preceptor in rank or higher.
The team must gather in a place -- usually Holy ground -- and join in prayer for six hours. At the completion of this time, the
volunteer is "charged" with the combined value of available Grace Points for the group. The volunteer will also benefit from the
merit Luck. In this primed state, a volunteer may "buy" Attributes with the excess Grace at a cost of 2pts Grace per "dot." Extra
Health boxes may also be purchased at a cost of 4 Grace per box. The remaining Grace -- or all of it if desired -- can be used to
ensure plenty of Gifts and Prayers are at hand.
Such "priming" is more than a mortal's mind or body can handle. Thus, the condition can only be maintained for as long as the
colleague members of the ritual are able to remain in constant prayer -- sacrificing their strength to contain their abilities within
one mortal body. The transference of power will remain only for as long all contributing knights remain in prayer, equal to the
lowest Stamina of the group converted to days.
One point of Willpower must be spent for each day of the Ritual also. If any of the contributing knights are killed or interrupted, the
transference is broken. Once the transference is ended -- for any reason -- the volunteer must make a Stamina roll versus a
difficulty of 10. If he fails, he will fall into a coma -- such has been the strain of the supernatural priming. If observed with Auspex
or Psychometry, the volunteer radiates a blinding white light. At the termination of the Ritual, all knights will be drained entirely of
Grace, and lose three health levels.

Red Mass (90 Faith Levels present, 120 Grace Points )

A truly repentant vampire can be saved from its fate, and be returned to a normal life. This is the dream of many vampires, as
they realise physical immortality is true hell. But, like Golconda, it is incredibly difficult to obtain. As described in the chapter
Ministering to Vampires, the repentant vampire must be presented to a full Chapter of knights with the Grand Masters in
attendance. The vampire may ether be restored to mortality or it can remain as it is. If mortality is restored, the ceremony must
not be interpreted as a forgiveness of sins. The newly restored mortal's soul is yet to be judged -- it has simply been given
another chance at life. The effect is to remove all Vitae related supernatural powers and limit stats to the mortal maximum five.

Excommunication (90 Faith Levels present, 120 Grace Points spent)

A full Chapter of senior Knights may bring down the curse of excommunication upon any mortal, Kindred or other. Many of the
curses within excommunication already apply to vampires, but would be new to mortals. Holy Ground resists their presence,
plants wilt at their touch. The ecclesiastic blessings have no effect, nor do the benefits of Holy Powers such as Bless and
Comfort. Whenever the excommunicated one is near one of Faith, he is beset with guilt and loses a point of Willpower for the
duration of the scene. Holy Ground will reject him -- in the same way it does Vampires. When dealing with God's children, the
excommunicate has the effects of their Charisma and Manipulation reduced to only one. Only true repentance and sorrow can
convince the Chapter to revoke the curse, which must use the same level of Faith Points and Grace Points as the initial

Bless Item (X Faith present, X x 2 = Grace Points spent)

A Chapter of Knights can band together to bless an Item with True Faith. The rating of the object will be equivalent to the total
Faith Level of the attending Knights divided by 10. Therefore, 12 Knights amassing 80 Faith Levels can grant an object with 8
Faith Levels. The purpose must be real and necessary. Remember, God does not look kindly upon wasting his Blessings if
other means suffice. This power includes the production of Holy Water, St George's Oil, etc.

Graal Water (15 Faith Levels present, 30 Grace Points spent)

By Chris Plaice
The Knights invoke this power by pouring water into a chalice or goblet. They then recite a prayer in unison over the water for
about 15 minutes. Anyone drinking from the chalice is healed of normal damage or aggravated damage. The chalice provides
enough healing fluid to heal Faith + Medicine (difficulty 6 against normal wounds, difficulty 9 against aggravated damage) levels
of damage. This Graal water may be decanted into small airtight glass phials and issued among the knights as part of their
medical kit. One chalice may fill 4 phials.

By Jamie Seidel

Appendix 1: Issue Weapons

"How does one kill fear, I wonder? How do you shoot a spectre through the heart, slash off its spectral head, take it by its
spectral throat? It is an enterprise you rush into while you dream, and are glad to make your escape with wet hair and every
limb shaking. The bullet is not run, the blade not forged, the man not born; even the winged words of truth drop at your feet
like lumps of lead. You require for such a desperate encounter an enchanted and poised shaft dipped in a lie too subtle to be
found on earth. An enterprise for a dream, my masters!"
-- the Marsden Archive

Firearms And Weapons

A selection of weapons has been made for Militant Order armouries based on the effectiveness, reliability and availability of the
item. Quality is a major consideration -- so is the ready availability of ammunition through the general populous. Listed below are
the standard issue items. Individual choices of weapons other than those listed here are permitted only if they can be clearly
justified to the local Preceptor. The game-play statistics for the following items are included on a table at the end of this chapter.

Thermal Detector
A small cylindrical unit that instantly measures skin temperature and silently reports the data to the user. It can be installed in the
tip of a cane so as to call little attention to itself as it is quietly pressed against a suspected Kindred. This is one of the most
effective ways of telling who is, and isn't, a vampire. Kindred with the virtue "baby-face" and those who have just fed are not
detectable by this method.

Telemetry Relay
Knights have built into their black stalker uniforms a data collection and relay unit, offering 180 degree coverage from their left
shoulder epaulets. Along with miniature video-camera's and microphones, all movements are recorded via satellite navigation
and monitored by a microwave receiver unit up to 4km if in a normal building. Personal body signs are also transmitted in
tandem with sound and temperature data.

Personal Sensors
Helmets and monocles can be obtained (mainly by Teutones) providing heads-up displays of information (such as
superimposed Infra Red, Ultra Violet and Low-light imaging, as well as audio amplification). When combined with a telemetary
unit, video data can be relayed. This device aids the hunters by letting them make Alertness rolls as if they had one dot of
Auspex, as well as Heightened Senses.

Thermal Imager
This scope is an extraordinary device, derived from modern infra-red science. It is now possible to "see" slightly heated objects
through obstructions such as brick veneer, timber, plaster or curtain glass walls. Solid stone and double brick are too thick for
current versions of this technology. The way the sensor works is to focus upon heat emanating from a particular distance. For
example, the range can be set at 50m. If there is a wall 30m away, it will be as though the wall was not there.
Nervous systems are bright sources of energy, while decomposition of blood within vampires gives a dull defining glow to their
shape -- especially if they have fed recently. Range 300m.

Heckler & Koch MP2000

Designed to US Navy SEALS and British SAS anti-terrorist team specifications, the MP2000 is an attempt to integrate the best
features of all the different variants of the MP5 in one handy package. The retractable stock lies flush with the stock when folded
to eliminate any projections. When broken down, the MP2000 is as small as the MP5K, and can be concealed in the same
suitcase manner. The new vertical forward grip makes for easier point-and-shoot ability with the stock collapsed -- as well as a
stable fully-automatic firing platform. The suppressor is removable, unlike the SD variants of the MP5. Sights can be switched

from standard to silenced modes to allow for the differing ballistic properties. These guns can be fitted with LS45 laser aiming
devices, which have a range of 450m at night and 50m in broad daylight. A high-intensity spotlight can also be attached to the
side of the barrel. Cartridge 9x19mm, 40rpm/120/875, 30/60 round removable box magazines, Weight 3.9kg as 60round mag,
Length 55/65cm, 14.9 barrel length.

This is one of the few guns built from the start as a sniper rifle -- not as a modified service weapon. The compact bullpup layout
rifle is extremely accurate. The barrel is buried in the heart of the gun, everything around it acting as a support. The barrel is
fluted, to cut down vibration and add strength. The calibre of the weapon is easily changed by removing the barrel. A thumbhole
grip allows it to be used by either left or right handed operators. A muzzle brake cuts down recoil without affecting accuracy. A
folding bipod is unusual in that it can travel along the rail above the barrel to adjust a given situation. The gun can accommodate
a wide variety of sights. Even the magazine is specially designed with two sets of formed guide rails to align the round with the
chamber, protecting the projectile from damage. Rate of fire 18rpm, cartridge 7.62x66mm, velocity 980ms, 6rnd magazine,
weight 8.3kg, length 90.5cm.

Glock 18a
A new lightweight plastic pistol with a very high rate of fire. The plastics are not impervious to X-Ray detection, but are not
magnetic. What makes this handgun so special is its ability to fire at a fully automatic rate. The 18a variant provides a selector
switch, allowing single, three round and fully automatic modes. The standard magazine contains 17 rounds, and a slightly large
magazine holds 19. Notably, there is a large 33 round magazine also available - making the pistol something of a support
weapon. This extended magazine is specially designed to act as a second handgrip - giving the gun an outstanding reputation
for ease of control when firing fully automatic. When firing the gun in full automatic with both hands bracing the weapon, reduce
the full-auto penalty from +3 to +2. This modern weapon is becoming a favourite among the worlds special forces, replacing
such guns as the High Power in the SAS. Calibre 9mm, Magazine 17/19/33.

Heckler & Koch G11

Caseless ammunition, where the propellant acts as the binder for the bullet and primer, is the main innovation in this remarkable
weapon. Eliminating the casing saves the weight of the extraction and ejection system, as well as the reduced weight of
ammunition. The development of a solid heat resistant propellant made this weapon possible. The firing mechanism is centred
around a cylindrical breech block that rotates to align the round with the barrel. The cross-section allows the rounds to be closely
packed with no wasted space into the 50 round in-line magazine, set along the barrel in line with the barrel making a streamlined
weapon. The new design allows a firing rate of 2000rpm, with a three round controlled burst fired with the last round leaving the
barrel before the firer can react to the recoil. This allows a high accuracy rate. When full-automatic mode is selected, this
represents a firing rate of 600rpm. Its bullpup layout allows greater accuracy under full automatic firing. Magazine 50round,
weight 4.2kg, length 75cm, 40rpm/200rpm/600rpm. Fletchette 30/0.41.

M3-A2 Jackhammer
This is an automatic-fire shotgun, allowing bursts of 20rpm, 40rpm or 240rpm. A 10 round removable drum magazine cassette
is available, but a 20 round custom modification is becoming available to the knights. The gun weighs 4.7kg fully loaded, with a
length of 78.7cm. The round is a 42g shell containing 12x3.6 shot. Designed to take standard or modified shotgun shells, the
jackhammer has a bullpup design for ease of use. A gas-firing and dispersal system prevents the gun from overheating as in
other automatic shotguns. The inline design and bullpup operating system for the jackhammer give it good control on full
automatic fire.

Slinger AC2M Dart Air Gun

The Militant Order's own technicians developed this weapon, filling a need for a timber-dart projectile weapon that is handy,
easy to use and accurate. The dart pistol fills the gap between a manual crossbow and a pistol. This weapon has a canister
behind the pistol grip that contains high-pressure air, used to sling small wooden darts up to 50m range. The air canister
contains enough charge for 4 full-strength shots, with 2 half-range shots after that. It can be recharged by detaching the hand-grip
on the barrel, and using it as a pump. Pumping for 2 minutes replenishes the full charge (30sec pumping for 1 full-charge shot).

Dart Knife T186

Developed by the Church Knights' armourers, this is a wooden-spike throwing knife based on the unconventional Chinese T86
pistol-knife. The single-edged blade has four deep grooves, two on either side, to allow passage of the wooden spikes fired
from a mechanism in the weapons grip. to fire the weapon the knurled hinge at the front of the grip is rotated to the left, which
can be done with the thumb in firming hand, uncovering a red dot and unlocking the trigger. The trigger extends below the
weapon and is pulled by the normal finger with the thumb of the firing hand braced against the upper pivot of the trigger. With the
arm extended and rotated with the wrist up, the sights on the grip can be used but the weapon is intended for very close range.
The end cap of the grip contains the firing mechanism and is unscrewed for reloading. The blade is itself coated in hardened
silver, giving it the dual-purpose of aggravated injury against werewolves. This dart-knife is a standard piece of equipment, to be

worn at all times -- even in civilian clothing -- in case of an emergency. Cartridge-dart. 6.7mmx 17mmR, 4rnds in 3 seconds,
weight loaded 0.46kg, length 26.2 overall, blade 14cm. Faith points can be assigned as in an inverted form it appears as a
Christian cross.

Armbrust Anti-Armour Weapon

This 67mm calibre HEAT weapon has reflex optical sights with a range of up to 500m. Shoulder fired, the 6.3kg recoilless rifle
can penetrate 30cm steel, with a 5m blast radius. Each shell weights 1kg, and can be fired at ranges up to 1500m. Penetrative
range is 300m. Overall, the weapon is about 85cm long. The Armbrust is the only anti-armour weapon that can be fired in a
confined space. Its sound signature is that of a pistol, and its flash is negligible. Most other weapons sound like a cannon and
produce a flash like a small sun!

Crusader Sword
Cutting off a vampire's head is one of the few sure ways of killing such a creature. A sharp blade, such as a sword, is standard
equipment on all knights. The most desirable blade is a Crusader sword. This ancient weapon generally has a true saint's relic
(often a bone of some kind) embedded in the hilt. Others are weapons borne by saints themselves, or other holy warriors of
significance. Its reversed hilt and crosspiece counts as a consecrated holy symbol serving as a channel for the Faith miracle
which ignites the holy blade when used against vampires and other unholy creatures. Wounds caused by the blade, when held
by one of the Faith Numina, will be aggravated. While wearing the blade, the knight receives the Virtue Iron Will. When the
Faithful prays for a miracle, add one extra Faith die to the roll if the sword is held, cross up, during the prayer. It is a Medieval
Broadsword as per the Players Guide rule: three foot long with a nine-inch hilt, requiring a strength of 2 to carry, 3 or better to
wield. Difficulty for this particular weapon is 7, though it does Strength + 5 damage (aggravated). The weapon radiates an aura
of Faith that is quite discernible to all Kindred through Auspex (it appears as golden fire) and at close range (5 feet) it causes
Kindred to sweat blood.
As many such swords are old, Kindred seizing the blade would take damage from it as normal, but would shatter the blade with
three successes on a difficulty of 7, if they used Potence, difficulty of 8 if not. Any major blows to the sword itself (strikes against
it versus difficulty of 7) will shatter the sword (treated as if it had three health levels). Such swords are large and ungainly, and is
impossible to completely conceal unless one wears a large trench coat. Many of these swords seem to have a mind or their
own, wanting to bite Kindred flesh as they did in the middle and dark ages.
For the Church Knights, these swords are often weapons handed down within their families. Swords that have outlived their
families are maintained by the Orders, and awarded to others of notable abilities. Few of these swords need Holy relics
attached to them -- their extended service in the hands of the Faithful against vampires and evil being enough to make them Holy
items within themselves.

Oil of St George
This oil causes fire which will not burn the Faithful. Fires spread by the oil will burn structures and mortals without Faith.
Vampires subtract 2 dice from their resistance roll against this flame. The oil is especially blessed, and is costly for mercenary
vampire hunters.
The knights carry the Oil in small pressure canisters that can fire spurts of the Oil up to 5m. An igniter can either fire the oil as it
exits the jetgun, or afterwards. It is about 15cm long and can be inconspicuously attached to a utility belt.

Fire Suit
Closely weaved composite materials form the basis for these coveralls that provide a good measure of protection against fire,
but also other chemical agents. A hood, when combined with a gas mask, allows the suit to act as an NBC suit in a chemical
warfare environment. The dark grey material and gas mask are a virtual "calling card" of the Knights, being standard equipment
in most raids. A variety of webbing can be attached to the suits, and it also contains several pockets and clasps. Most webbing
is worn around the waist to reduce the chance of an enemy bullet striking something volatile. Bodymould armour is usually worn
under the suit, while more traditional flack jackets are draped over it.

Weapons Table
JackaL 100555,3700

Dif = Difficulty
Cal = Calibre
Dam = Damage
Rn = Range
Rt = Rate
Cp = Clip size

Con = Concealability
3/F = 3 round burst / Full auto selectable
3)F = 3 round burst or Full auto configurations
Cs = Cost (an educated guess, in US dollars)
* = built-in or standard supply of scope
= will harm only those without True Faith.
Beretta M92
Browning HP-35
Calico 950
Ceska CZ-52
Colt 2000
Colt 1911
Colt Delta Elite
Colt Commander
Desert Eagle
Desert Eagle
Desert Eagle
Glock 17
Glock 19
Glock 20
Glock 21
Glock 22
Glock 23
H&K P7M10
H&K P7M13
Llama M87
PM Makarov
Sig P220
Sig P226
S&W 1006
S&W 4006
S&W 4506
S&W 5906
Uzi Pistol
Walther PPK
Colt Anaconda
Colt King Cobra
Colt Python
Ruger Redhawk
S&W M29
S&W M640
S&W M686
Voss BC
AMD 65
Beretta M12
Beretta M93
Calico 960
Colt 9mm
Colt M177
Colt Scamp
Glock 18

Dif Cal



Rt Cp

Con 3/F Cs


7.62 T








.38 spl
.22 M







7 7.62 S
7 5.45
7 7.62 S
7 9mm
7/8 9mm
7 9mm
7 9mm
7 5.56
6/7 .22
7/8 9mm








H&K MP-5
H&K MP-5 K
H&K MP-5 / 40
H&K MP-5 / 10
H&K MP53
Ingram MAC 10
Ingram MAC 10
Ingram MAC 11
Ingram MAC 11
L2A3 Stirling
Micro Uzi
Mini Uzi
Sten Mk 2
Steyr AUG 9mm
TEC 22
Thompson M1928
Druganov SVD
H&H .600 Nitro
H&K G3 SG/1
M1 Carbine
M2 Carbine
Remington M700
Steyr AMR
Walther WA2000*
Weatherby Mk V
AUG Carbine
H&K G3
H&K G11*
H&K G41
L-85 (SA-80)
L-86 (SA-80)
M-16 A1
M-16 A2
Minimi (SAW)
Minimi Para
Sig 540
Sig 550
Steyr AUG
Binelli M-3 s90
Fianchi Law 12
Ithaca MAG 10
Ithaca M37








3/F 750
3/F 2500
3/F 3800
3/F 1200
3/F 1200
3/F 2900
F 500
F 500
F 550
F 550
F 1260
F 800
F 1160
F 1200
F 1780
F 200
3)F 1550
F 500
F 700
F 650
F 1280








F 3000
F 1200


5mm 7
7.62 8
5.45 7
7.62 8
5.56 7
5.56 7
5.56 7
7.62 8
4.7mm 6
5.56 7
5.56 7
5.56 7
5.56 7
5.56 7
5.56 7
5.56 7
5.56 7
5.56 7
5.56 7





3/F 2700
F 500
F 750
F 500
3)F 1450
3)F 1450
F 1400
F 1120
3/F 4400
3/F 2100
F 1650
F 2400
F 700
3/F 940
F 3100
F 3100
3/F 1200
3/F 1350
3)F 1450







F 1900
F 820
F 1200


Mossberg M500
6 12ga 8
20 1 5
Remington 870
6 12ga 8
20 1 8
Remington 1100
6 12ga 8
20 3 8
6 12ga 8
20 3 8
6 12ga 8
20 3 6
7 12ga 8
20 6 20 N
7 18
500 1 1
Barrett Lt Fifty*
8 .50in 9
1800 1 6
Bren (L2A4)
6 7.62 8
350 17 30 N
H&K 21
6 7.62 8
350 23 50 N
H&K 23
6 5.56 7
300 25 50 N
7 LAW 12
200 1 1
6 7.62 8
325 30 100 N
7 .50
600 15 200 N
6 5.56 7
250 100 1000 N
6 7.62 8
300 21 100 N
6 7.62 8
350 20 50 N
6 58.3 13
300 1 1
6 7.62 8
200 15 40 N
RPK 74
6 5.45 7
225 20 40 N
7 missile 16
2m 1 1
Slinger Dart Gun 7 4
15 4 6
Dart Knife
7 .22
4 4
St George Oil
6 napalm
2 3
Graal Water
Heals levels of damage equivalent to successes on a Faith roll

F 800



Sys Damage
Fragmentation Throw 12 dice, -1 for every yard radius. 0.6lb, 6in x 4in
Concussion Throw 8 dice, -1 for every yard radius. 0.5lb, 6in x 4in
Throw 2 dice, smoke will fill a 10ft x 10ft room in 1 minute, lasts 10 min. 0.6lb, 7in x 5in
Phosphorus Throw 12, -1 for every two yards. 0.6lb, 7in x 3in

Protection Table
Soak Penalty Description
Armoured T-Shirt
Bullet-proof Vest
Flack Jacket
Battle Armor
Armored Body
Fire Suit
NBC Suit






Firearms Specialization
By Nat Penhall

This is very expensive and specialised for individuals. Others wearing it have Penalties of 3.
Can be worn under business suits.

Also individualised, this full body armour cannot be concealed.

Soak only applies to flame. If injured, roll D10 with a difficulty of 10 minus damage level to
determine if suit is seriously breached.
This renders the wearer impervious to all chemical weapons. Breach as Fire Suit.

Taking this Firearms Skill costs normal experience to advance, but now you can specialise in particular weapons. For the cost
of raising an ability you can become more proficient in the weapon of your choice. When you specialise in a particular weapon,
the lack of familiarity with an unspecialised weapon will be reflected by having one less dice pool in the Firearms Skill. You must
purchase the Firearms Skill as per normal as a pre requisite.

Choose a particular type of weapon to specialise on: handguns, shotguns, rifles, SMGs, assault rifles, heavy weapons etc.
This will give you one extra pip to hit with.
** Choose the action of the weapon: semi automatic, revolver, pump-action, breech load, bolt action, automatic etc. This will
give you a minus one to hit.
*** Choose the type of firearm that you wish to specialise in: Glock, Colt, Luger, Winchester, Remington, Uzi, Heckler & Koch
**** Choose the particular model you wish to specialise in: Glock 18, Colt 45, M16 etc. This level of specialty will give the user
minus one to difficulty plus an extra 10m of extended range.
***** You can specialise in your own particular gun (for example, James Bond always preferred his own Walther PPK - not any
other copy). This level of specialty will give the user plus one to hit, and an extra dice for the damage roll.

Melee Weapons
St+6 Heavy sword of about 6ft long, difficult to use even with two hands
Cavalry sabre 6
St+4 One-handed slightly curved blade
St+5 Slightly curved one-edge blade using one or two hands
Short sword
St+3 2ft long blade designed for quick thrusts
St+4 Narrow blade of 3-4ft length for piercing only
St+4 2ft long, slightly curved blade used in conjunction with a Katana
Long sword
St+4 Double edged blade of about 4ft in length, uses one or two hands.
St+1 Between 1 and 2ft in length, used in melee
Throw daggers 5
Can be thrown up to 20ft, double edged
Can be thrown up to 20ft
St+3 2-3ft long flat bladed knife
St+5 Large sword with a long, straight blade, that usually needs two hands
Butterfly sword 5
St+2 Thick short blades of 1-2ft in length
St+4 Angled blade, very difficult to use
St+7 8ft long , curved single edge blade with a 3ft long handle
Kris knife
St+2 Wavy blade about 1-2 ft long
St+3 1-2ft long Katana style blade, with a very strong and sharp blade
St+5 Large extremely curved blade of 3-4ft long.
St+7 Unwieldy weapon needing two hands. If botches made, damage to self.
Straight razor 5
St+1 Generally can only draw blood.
3 damage or more will knock out a mortal for 5 turns minus soak
St+1 Piece of wood or metal, also known as a tonfa
St+3 Narrow blade of 3-4 ft, used for piercing only
St+5 Woodsman axe used for chopping can be devastating if used well
St+2 Must do 3 successes after dodge then 3 successes after soak
St+1-3 6-8ft long piece of wood
Baseball bat 4
St+1-2 Made of wood or aluminium
St+1 Can be used to parry swords or other weapons
Manriki gusari 8
St+1 8ft long piece of chain swung over the head to entangle an enemy
1-2ft long spike with two smaller spikes on either side
St+3 30-40ft range 8ft long shaft
Small bow
2+Succ 60 yards, strength 2 to pull it
Large bow
3+Succ 90 yards range, strength 3 to pull it
Compound bow 8
3+Succ 180 yards range, strength 3 to pull it
3+Succ 100 yards range, 15 second reload time
St+5 Axe-head and spike on the end of an 4m long pole
St+6 Mouri spear about 2m long, butt one end and a double edge on the other
Flamethrower 7
1/Hit Holds 20 turns of fuel. If fuel-tank hit, it has a 20pc chance of exploding

Melee Special Manoeuvres

Swordplay Special Skill: With Melee, you automatically receive the following manoeuvres: Normal & Catch. Once you have
reached Melee 3, others can be purchased at a cost of 1 freebie point each. The following is a summary of the manoeuvres
found in the Appendix: Sword Combat.


Normal Attack D+me

Feint Attack M+me
Disarm Attack D+me



weapon normal


straightforward swing
Cannot be parried, only dodged
Opponent rolls D+me. If initiator rolls 3 successes over opponent this is a N
success. Botch results in weapon dropped.
Initiative next round increased to 5, +2 to defence difficulties

Great Attack D+me +2

Target Attack P+me opp
Can aim to do damage at specific spots
D+do success
Aimed Attack D+me hand+3 Wounded = broken, crippled = cut off
Attack D+me arms+2 ""
Attack D+me legs+1 ""
Attack D+me chest+1 ""
Behead Attack P+me D+me(o)D+do(o)death
Riposte DefenseSt+me weapon weapon Hit with no power, no dodge, only parried.
Catch DefenseSt+me(o)D+me Success if more than 3 successes over opponent, Init 5 next
Parry DefenseD+me -1/succ Deflects weapon with own, less damage
Dodge DefenseD+do 6
Successes subract from successed to hit.


D = Dexterity, P= Perception, St= Strength, M=Manipulation, me=melee, opp=opponent, do=dodge. If you do not Specialised in
the manoeuvre, difficulty for attempting it is +2.

Appendix 2: Killing A Vampire

"A vampire who has only been half-killed because the killer has run away in panic is a thousand-fold more dangerous than
an ordinary vampire."
-- Vampire, a Guide to the Undead, Manuela Mascetti, 1991.

Final Death
Though vampires are no longer mortal, they still face the possibility of final death and damnation. Inflicting aggravated wounds on
a severely injured vampire is the most common way in which he can be extinguished. If a vampire has no Blood Pool or Health
Levels left, and sustains an aggravated wound, he is utterly destroyed. Sometimes Final Death results in the complete and rapid
disintegration of the body, and within minutes all that is left is a pile of ashes. Weapons that cause aggravated damage,
explosions, fire, certain vampiric diseases and decapitations are other ways vampires can be extinguished.

Wooden Stakes
A stake is a broad definition, encompassing crude pieces of wood with sharpened points, timber-tipped spears, crossbow
bolts, arrows and bokens (Japanese practice swords) with sharpened tips. Anything made of wood that can penetrate a
vampire's heart with enough force (5 successes) can immobilise one of the undead. Crossbow bolts, carefully aimed, can be
most effective, as the hunter doesn't have to get close to the prey.

Fire can come from many sources, such as spray cans, matches, cigarette lighters and flamethrowers. Fire does aggravated
damage to vampires. Dragonbreath shotgun shells and tracer rounds have been developed for firearms to produce aggravated

Roll Dexterity + Archery with a difficulty of 8. The maximum range of a bow is the minimum Strength for the bow multiplied by 30.
Arrows can cut many styles of bullet-proof armour - like kevlar.

Small Bow: 30lb. Minimum Strength 2, Range 60 yards, Damage 2 (-1 die per five yards), Weight 10lb
Large Bow: 60lb, Minimum Strength 3, Range 90 yards, Damage 3 (-1 per five yards), Weight 15lb
Compound Bow: Minimum Strength 3, Range 180 yards, Damage 3 (-1 per five yards), Weight 15lbs

Extras: Bow sights decrease difficulty by one for aimed shots. Silencers eliminate the twang, difficulty 10. Releases, lets arrow
fly cleaner, increase skill by one and increase difficulty of hearing the twang by one.

Fragmentation: A fragmentation grenade has a damage pool of 12 dice if it goes off in your hand. For every yard between the
grenade explosion and the character, reduce the damage pool by one die. Weight 0.6lb, size 6in x 4in cylinder

Concussion: Has a dice pool of 8 if in direct contact. Reduced by one die per yard distance. Has a debilitating effect on
Vampires with heightened hearing. Weight 0.5lb, size 6in x 4in cylinder.

Smoke: Emit a dense cloud of white or colored smoke. There is no blast. The cloud will fill a 10 by 10 yard room in one minute
and will last 10 minutes in still air. Weight 0.6lb, size 7in x 5in cylinder.

White Phosphorus: Generate a temperature of 2700F when they explode. Has a 12 dice pool for direct contact, reduced one
every two yards. This is aggravated damage because of the flame. Sets most flammable material alight. Weight 0.6lb, size 7in x
3in cylinder.

High explosives are regulated by state and federal permits and licenses, although anyone can buy the basic ingredients. Every
point of an explosive's blast power is worth 1 die per lb of explosive. Each explosive also has a specific type of detonator.

Dynamite: Also called TNT, it is nitroglycerine stabilised in charcoal. Dynamite deteriorates over time. Blast Power 3, Detonate
by fulminating primer, Can burn as an emergency flare.

Plastique: Plastic explosive is manufactured in various strengths. It is similar to modelling clay in consistency and is extremely
stable. Most military explosives are plastique. Blast power 1-20, Detonate by primer only. Safe enough to cook on.

Primacord: Also called instant fuse. Primacord is an explosive manufactured in string form. It is used to detonate widely
separated explosives at the same time. It can also be wrapped around an item as a main charge. Blast power 5, Detonate
primer only, Will not burn.

Napalm: When it burns, it clings to whatever it is burning. The only way to remove it is to scrape it off. Roll one die to determine
how much of the body is covered by napalm. Roll that many dice in the damage pool every turn for 10turns. Contained in
canisters with a small charge to spread it out (6-10 blast power). Blast none, Burns like crazy.

Support Weapons
Provide heavy or sustained firepower and require a separate skill of either Heavy Weapons or Artillery to use. Machine guns are
the only exception, requiring the Firearms skill. Holding and firing any weapon listed as normally requiring a tripod requires a
minimum Strength + Potence of 6.

LAW: Light Anti-tank Weapon, a disposable, one-shot rocket and launcher. The launcher is a tube of about 2.5ft and about 4in in
diameter. The rocket is about 14in long. Difficulty 7, Damage 12, Range 200 yards, Weight 5lbs.

Stinger: A shoulder fired anti-aircraft missile with a heat-seeking guidance system. This is a fire and forget weapon. This
weapon (and the LAW) produce back blast, with a 2 yard danger zone directly behind the user. Damage of the back blast is four
dice of aggravated damage. Difficulty 7, Damage 14, Range 2miles, Weight 25lb

Grenade Launchers: The M79 grenade launcher looks and operates like a stubby shotgun with a 2in diameter barrel. The
grenade explodes on impact. There is no magazine and this weapon fires one shot, then must be reloaded. Difficulty 6, Damage
grenade, Range 400 yards, Weight 6lb

Flame Thrower: A backpack carries tanks of napalm and a hose connects to a rifle-like launcher. The old version weighs 50lbs
with three tanks. Each tank allows five minutes of constant spraying. More modern versions of the weapon used by the Church
Knights have a canister directly under the barrel, removing the need for hoses. The Church Knight's weapon only has the
equivalent of half a tank. Difficulty 6, Damage as napalm, Range 60 yards.

Appendix 3: Sword Combat

Reproduced with permission from Highlander: The Gathering by Hank Driskill and John Gavigan.
". . . such are they whom God chooses for himself and gathers from the furthest ends of the earth, servants from among the
bravest in Israel to guard watchfully and faithfully his Sepulchre and the Temple of Solomon, sword in hand, ready for battle."
-- St Bernard of Clairvaux

Swordplay Special Skill: With Melee, you automatically receive the following manoeuvres: Normal and Catch. Once you have
reached Melee 3, others can be purchased at a cost of 1 freebie point each.
Until relatively recently, the sword was the main personal weapon. It's only within the last few hundred years that we have begun
using guns, and you can't chop a vampire's head off with a gun. In fact, not counting the battle axe, there still is no practical
weapon which can decapitate someone in a duel. To a Knight, a sword is more than just a piece of steel. It becomes an
extension of his body -- he keeps it with him most of the time, and it becomes an old friend. There are no hard and fast rules for
weapons as regards weapons difficulties and damage, etc. A rough guide is that the bigger and heavier sword is, the harder it
is to use, but the more damage is inflicts. The Katanas are all Difficulty 6, Damage: Strength + 5. But the two-handed sword is
Difficulty 7, Damage: Strength + 6, being, as it is, both heavier and more difficult to use. A Sabre is Difficulty 6 and Damage:
Strength + 4, reflecting that it is normally used with only one hand.
Knights may choose between the type of blade, but the weapon itself must by standard Order issue. No elaborate or
"fashionable" weapon would be allowed under The Rule. The weapons are obviously finest quality steel or alloy, perfectly
balanced and crafted -- without decoration or identification.

Stage One: Initiative

In normal combat, the combatants will try to be the first to attack, in the hope of inflicting damage first. However, in sword
combat, things work a little differently. Sometimes, one combatant may elect to try and surprise the other, by ambushing him and
attacking him before he has a chance to draw his weapon. In such cases, use the normal rules for Initiative and Surprise.
With sword-duels, the round takes on a new meaning -- basically, a sword combat round is the length of time it takes for one
person to attack the other. This system splits sword combat up into a series of bouts. A bout is a series of rounds, during which
there is no pause in combat. At the start of a round, both players roll for Initiative. Then they announce what their actions are
going to be. Because sword combat is reactive -- ie. you don't know what you're going to do until your opponent has done
something -- the player with the higher Initiative must announce what they intend to do first.
Normally, the player with the higher Initiative will decide to attack, and, if so, his opponent must either defend or dodge.
Alternatively, the character with the higher Initiative may decide to either do some other kind of action, such as leaping onto a
table, or he may decide to wait and see what his opponent is going to do. If he does either of these things, combat has basically
stopped, and he must begin another bout.
A bout begins with both combatants facing each other, weapons at the ready. It is up to the players themselves who actually
moves first and initiates combat. Once one of the combatants announces that he are attacking, both players make a standard
Initiative roll -- Wits + Alertness, against a target number of four. However, instead of deciding who acts first (as this has already
been decided), the difference between the two combatant's number of successes achieved is added to the dice pool of the
player with the higher Initiative.
Example: Connor and the Kurgan are facing off. They circle each other for a few minutes, before Connor makes an attack. He
rolls Wits (3) + Alertness (4), and gets 6 successes. The Kurgan rolls Wits (4) + Alertness (3), getting four successes. Thus,
Connor gets an extra two dice to add to his Attack roll.
After this initial round, Initiative is rolled as normal, but, its role during the bout is slightly different than the one it has in normal
combat. The character with the higher Initiative gets to act first, presumably attacking, and the other person must defend. Both
players make their respective attack and defense rolls and that combat round ends, and the combatants roll their Initiative for the
next round. The following modifiers apply:
The use of God's Speed confers an extra Initiative dice upon the Knight using it.
The person who Attacked during the last combat round gains an extra die to add to his Initiative roll for this round.
If a combatant successfully repelled an attack by his opponent in the last round (ie. by getting an equal or greater amount
of successes on his defense roll than his opponent got on his attack roll), then he also gets an extra Initiative die.
For every three successes by which a combatant's attack/defense roll exceeds his opponents roll, he gain an extra
Initiative die.
These rules may seem very complicated right now, but will become clearer later on.

Stage Two: Attack

To reflect the complexity of sword combat, and the fact that it's not just a case of hacking at the other person until one of you
dies, I have adopted the following list of standard sword-fighting manoeuvres from the rules for Klaive-duelling in the Werewolf
Players Guide. They are split up into two types -- Attack manoeuvres and Defence manoeuvres.
Normally, the attacker will choose an Attacking manoeuvre, and his opponent will choose a Defense manoeuvre, in an attempt to
counter it, but in some cases, the nature of the Attack manoeuvre will only allow the defender one option. For example, if an
attacker decides to try and disarm his opponent, his opponent must decide to try to hang on to his weapon. He has no other
choice. One dot in the Swordsmanship Skill represents one attack and one defensive skill learned. They must be specified.

Normal Attack

The attacker attempts to wound his/her opponent, rolling Dexterity + Melee, with the Difficulty specified by the weapon used.

Type: Attack
Difficulty: Weapon Difficulty
Image: The warrior simply tries to wound his opponent by dint of speed and skill.

The attacker rolls Manipulation + Melee for his attack roll, with a difficulty modifier of +3. This attack may not be parried -- it may
only be dodged.

Type: Attack
Difficulty: Weapon Difficulty + 3
Image: With a lightning-quick motion, the swordsman attacks first high, then low, slipping around his opponent's guard, and
moving to hit a vulnerable spot.

The attacker rolls Dexterity + Melee, resisted by Dexterity + Melee from his opponent, both rolls difficulty six. If either combatant
rolls three successes or more above his opponent's successes, he disarms his opponent, and his weapon falls to the ground. If
you botch this roll, you automatically drop your own weapon!

Type: Attack
Difficulty: 6
Image: With a quick movement, you catch your opponent's sword and it drops out of his nerveless hand, onto the ground.

Great Blow
The attacker commits himself completely to a devastating blow (but not a blow to decapitate his opponent). He rolls a normal
attack roll, with a +2 to difficulty. Although a Great Blow cannot be parried, it can be dodged. If the attack succeeds, the attack
dice are doubled. However, the attacker's difficulty for his Initiative the next round is 5, not 4, and he has a +2 to all Defense
difficulties during the next round also.

Type: Attack
Difficulty: Weapon Difficulty +2
Image: You bring your sword back and fall forward, lunging at your opponent. Heedless of the danger, you throw your body
forward, your sword serving as the tip of a monstrous battering ram -- you.

Target Blow
Roll Perception + Melee, the difficulty number is your opponent's Dex + Dodge. If successful, the number of successes adds to
the number of damage dice done by your weapon. Optionally, you may elect to target a specific area -- See the table below for
details of Difficulties and effects. This blow can be parried or dodged as normal.

Type: Attack
Difficulty: Opp. Dex + Dodge
Image: You try to hit a specific part of your opponent's body. You hold your blade up, and strike, attempting to bypass your
opponent's defense to strike your target.

The combatant must roll Dexterity + Melee against his weapon's normal difficulty. Each success on this roll subtracts from one
attack success made against the parrying warrior.

Type: Defense
Difficulty: Weapon Difficulty
Image: The swordsman brings his weapon to bear, holding it steady and catches the force of his opponent's sword with his own.

This manoeuvre may only be used after the one who wishes to use it has successfully parried a blow. This manoeuvre is a
Strength + Melee roll, the weapon's difficulty serves as an attack roll. This sort of attack may not be dodged, though it may be
parried, and if successfully parried, this attack may also be riposted.

Type: Attack
Difficulty: Weapon Difficulty
Image: You parry your opponent's strike. Klang! With catlike speed and grace, you bring your sword around his arm, hoping to
catch him off guard.

Caught Steel
Roll Strength + Melee versus a difficulty of your opponent's Dexterity + Melee. If successful, you lock swords with him for a short
interval, during which you struggle with him before your blade and his can be freed (he can do no damage this attack). If you
receive more than three successes on your roll, you manage to put him off-balance for the following round, adding one to the
difficulty of his Initiative roll.

Type: Defense
Difficulty: Opp. Dex + Melee
Image: You lock steel with your opponent. "So, Highlander, we meet again!" You struggle for a moment, then the fight sparks

This is an Aimed Attack at the neck, utilising all your skill to hit a small moving target. It requires a Perception + Melee versus a
difficulty of your opponent's Dex + Dodge (+2 if mobile, no extra difficulty if the opponent is immobilised).

Type: Attack
Difficulty: Opp. Dex + Dodge
Image: With fluid-like agility, you swing your sword around, and, before your opponent can block you, your blade slices through
his neck, and his head falls to the ground.

Aimed Attack
Hands/Arms -- Difficulty +3/+2, Damage: A Wounded result means the hand/arm is broken and any weapons in that hand cannot
be used; if the hand is holding a sword, it is dropped. A Crippled result means that the limb is sheared off.
Legs -- Difficulty +1, Damage: A Wounded result means that the limb is broken; the penalties to the Dice Pool apply to any
activities requiring running. An Incapacitated result with a sharp weapon means the limb is cut off.
Chest/Torso -- Difficulty +1, Damage: The character will have the air knocked out of his lungs on a Wounded result (stunned for
the turn), and his ribs broken on a Mauled result (must make a Willpower roll, difficulty 8, each turn to keep acting). If the Knight is
attacked from behind, and the result is one more than needed to Incapacitate, then the spine is broken, and his lower body is

On some occasions, it may be necessary to dodge a blow rather than parry it. On these occasions, the target rolls his Dexterity
+Dodge against a target number of six. The successes on this roll are subtracted from the successes of the Attacker. If the
attacker's successes are eliminated, the target manages to dodge the blow.

Stage Three: Resolution

Damage is resolved as normal -- The attacker rolls the Damage dice pool for that weapon, against a target number of six, each
success causing the target to lose a health level. The target makes a Soak roll, rolling his Stamina (difficulty 6) and subtracting
his successes from his opponent's.

Appendix 4: Martial Arts and Physical Combat

"If you leave them alone much longer, they will further grind under their heels the faithful of God."
-- Pope Urban II, Council of Clermont, 1095.

By Nat Penhall
When learning a martial art one must choose and focus on a particular skill. These skills can be defined as: Throws and Locks,
Punches, Kicks and finally Integrated Skills. The following is presented as an alternative or supplement to the Martial Arts skills
found in the Anarch Cookbook.

Throws and Locks

Damage is equal to Dexterity plus Skill rating.
* You can twist your way out of a grab.
** You have spent some time in a dojo (Aikido or Judo, perhaps).
*** You feel you can beat the average street thug. -- speciality = Footsweep.
**** You were Wally Jay's protegee -- gain 1 die to grapple.
***** You can beat anyone with both hands tied behind your back. -- gain 2 dice to grapple.

Footsweep: This can only be used in a grappling situation, or if the attacker is within 1 foot of the player. When the player calls
out this manoeuvre, he gains one die to the roll. If successful, it causes the victim to fall on his back and lose his action on the
next turn. On the following turn the attacker is lying on his back, on the ground, in front of the character. If the player fails the roll,
nothing happens during that action phase. If the player botches the roll, then his character ends up on the ground in his
opponent's place -- but he does not lose his action during the next turn.

Damage equal to Strength plus Skill. Experience costs are two times current rating. (All advancements need to be justified by
finding a teacher. It's not a skill that can be learned by simple experience, it has to be taught).
* You can shadow box, just like Rocky.
**You could hold your own in a boxing match.
*** You could beat-up a good street fighter.
**** You are a great fighter, a professional. -- gain one extra die to melee.
***** You could beat Mike Tyson and Rocky at the same time -- gain two dice to Melee.

Damage is equal to Dexterity plus Skill. Experience costs two-times the current rating. All advancements must be taught by a
mentor or contact.
* You could kick someone in the chest.
** You've taken a few lessons at a Martial Arts school.
*** You are a local club champion.
**** You compete in world-championship traditional kick-boxing. -- speciality = Jump/Spin head kick.
***** You are the greatest kick-boxer ever, you can kick anything thrown at you out of the air. -- gain one dice to Melee

Jump/Spin Head Kick: This has a plus 1 modifier and can only be used when the opponent is Mauled or worse in the Health
scale. If the roll is successful, then treat the victim as having suffered a broken neck --- instantly incapacitated. If failed, nothing is
achieved for that turn. If botched, the player ends up flat on his back.

Damage is equal to Strength plus Skill. Experience cost is equal to current rating multiplied by three. All advancements need a

* You have watched too many Martial Arts movies and can mimic the moves.
** You took a few lessons at a dojo (Goshin, Jutsu or Jujutsu maybe)
*** You regularly won at local Karate tournaments. -- speciality = pressure point attacks.
**** You could do acts of skill (breaking three concrete blocks) -- gain one die to grapple
***** You could have taught Bruce Lee everything he knew -- gain one dice to Melee.

Pressure Point Attack: These can be used in any combat situation except ranged combat. The player has a plus 1 modifier to
the attack. If the attack is successful, then the defender has to roll a Stamina + Dodge with a target number of the player's
(Dexterity 2) + skill + number of successes. If the defender succeeds in the roll but does not have as many successes as the
attacker, then the defender loses the next initiative. If the defender does not succeed in the defense roll, then he loses all actions
for the next number of turns equal to the player's number of successes.

By Jamie Seidel

Appendix 5: Myths and Legends of the Orders (from version

"Kings, emperors and nobles used to rule the world; today I see sovereignty held by the clergy by means of robbery,
treachery, hypocrisy, violence and preaching. . . They are anxious to make the world theirs. . . "
-- Peire Cardenal of Le Puy, 1229, in Atlas of the Crusades, Jonathan Riley-Smith
Each of the three Militant Orders, knights Templar, knights Teutone and knights Hospitaller, have an air of mystery surrounding
their traditions, purpose and history. None more so than the Templars.
The Knights Templar have been a favored subject of "History Sleuths" throughout the 1980s. The best seller lists have features
books such as Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, The Temple and The Lodge, The Sword and the Rose etc. All have put forward
interesting postulations about the Militant Orders true role, often delving into Arthurian and Grail legends.
Some of these theories refuse to go away, and more pieces seem to fall into place all the time. These may have potential for a

Knights Templar
The Sonja Letter (Internet, Aug 6, 1993) briefly outlines one of the more interesting theories associated with the Knights
Templar -- that of an extended bloodline of Jesus Christ.
The storyline is basically this. Mary Magdalene and her child (Jesus' progeny) flee Israel because the political situation for Jesus'
immediate family was too hot. Jesus' brother (Judas Thomas) was leading the war against the Romans. Because the concept
that several of Jesus' disciples were Zealot resistance fighters (indicating he was possibly one of them himself) did not go down
with the passive message trying to be pushed by the early Christian Church, Judas Thomas' (Jesus' twin brother, a Zealot
warrior priest) identity was split and most references to the Zealoti removed. This included the watering down of the importance
of Simon and James -- also prominent Zealots. The gospels written by Judas Thomas and James were deliberately destroyed
or drastically edited by the Church before the 8th Century.
There was apparently a dispute among the disciples, the mystics under Paul and the Nazarean Party under James. Some
evidence exists that Paul was outcast by the other disciples because he was trying to attach messianic qualities to Jesus, who
the rest of the disciples "knew" was simply the "Messiah" -- King-Priest of Israel.
The upshot of the situation was that Israel was "destroyed" in the AD 70s. Before this time many Jews left the country for safer
parts, including Alexandria in Egypt, Greece, Rome and southern France. Allegedly, Mary Magdalene (possibly Jesus' wife)
ended up in southern France with Jesus' son, along with Cathar Jews who believed Jesus to be a prophet-king.
The Templars, upon the capture of Jerusalem in the 1100s, apparently discovered some remaining copies of the "heretic"
gospels, and traced the movements of Magdalene. The knights apparently took the family's bloodline (or grail) into their own
protection. Known as the Merovingian's, the family had spawned a line of French Kings often associated with mystical
happenings and arcane power. Some say the Templars, now known as the Prieure de Sion (Rock of Sion -- the Temple), still
guard Jesus' descendants -- and working hard towards the unification of Europe!
It is because of the Templars' association with the Cathars (the descendants of the group which included Magdalene) that the
Order fell out with the Pope.
There is strong speculation that many of the authors of various Grail and Arthurian sagas were either strongly associated with
the Templars, or were Templars themselves. Some say the legends were a secret way of perpetuating the "true" story of Christ.
The Church had been suspicious the Templar "heresy" for some time, but the jealous French King Philip IV used it as an excuse
to try and grab their property. While the Order was disbanded, no convictions of heresy were ever made. (Both the Pope and
Phillip IV died within a two months of the death of the Grand Master's execution. Historical legend claims the Grand Master
"cursed" them both, but it is also possible Templar contacts within each household poisoned them.)
There is plenty of evidence to suggest that the Temple did not dissolve after 1314. While hundreds of Templars were captured
and put before the Inquisition, only a few were full knights. The ratio was something of 1 knight per 5 Templars, the bulk being
Sergeants and support staff. Only 1 in 20 of those facing the Inquisition in France was a knight -- and in the UK, none were
knights. The whole treasury department disappeared, along with the entire Templar fleet. Nevertheless, the Order obviously

broke up over the years because it was hard to manage such a huge organisation secretly. While many Orders such as the
Spanish knights of Christ were formed by the Templar remnants, evidence suggests the "pure" core survived in Scotland -- a
country not inclined to pay any attention to the Pope.

Take any Arthurian or Grail legend, shake it, and out will fall a pile of Templar propaganda. While often apparently purely fanciful,
they may conceal grains of truth relating to particular issues or philosophies.
1. One legend that has been researched (The Sign and the Seal) relates to one of the Templar's greatest dreams -- finding
the Ark of the Covenant. The first thing the Templars ever did was to excavate the site of the Temple of Jerusalem, and
many other areas. While they never said what they were after, the Ark is a good guess. It appears the Templars followed
the trail of the Ark into Ethiopia, where a small group of dedicated (and unforthcoming) monks even today jealously guard
what is possibly the Ark of the Covenant. The Templars, possibly unable (or unwilling) to gain the powerful and destructive
icon for themselves, established a chapterhouse in Ethiopia to keep an eye on it.
2. Another refers to a little half-completed chapel in middle-of-nowhere France. Known as Rennes le Chateau, it is believed
this little place was where much of the treasure of the Temple of Jerusalem was hidden by the Templars. Maybe it was
even their own treasury -- or it had some other significance. Whatever the case, one of the Chateau's priests was very
interested in solving several mysteries about the Templars. After researching designs on various cathedral walls and
windows, unusual historical paintings and some hidden parchments in the Rennes le Chateau church, he suddenly
became very rich.
Complicating the story is the fact that Rennes le Chateau is in the dead centre of an ancient grid of "power lines". Multiple
geometric designs (ranging from a near-perfect pentagon formed by natural? mountain peaks to clusters of towns and
even standing stones) use the area as its focus. It obviously had strong pre-Christian, pre-Roman significance -- similar to
the Nazca lines of America.
3. The mystery of Rennes le Chateau may be linked to the theory that the Templars were guardians of the Sacred Geometry.
Mathematical and engineering abilities were looked upon as miraculous in the ancient world, even in Medieval Europe
until the Renaissance. Mathematicians, architects and engineers were regarded as wizards etc, a fact perpetuated by
their secrecy about their valuable art. People like the architects of the great pyramids and the Temple of Solomon were
given god or prophet-like status. The modern day Freemasons trace their ancestry back to the architect of the Temple,
who was murdered by jealous co-workers. This "society" of architects was either strongly associated with, or part of, the
Templars. Legends of ancient power abound -- some hinting at the strange geometry of the standing stones throughout
Europe, others of an almost "Atlantean" technology.
4. Another legend refers to the disappearance of the Templar Fleet. One book, The Sword and the Grail, claims that the
Templars actually colonised the New England area of the United States 180 years before Columbus. This was done by the
Scottish Templars and Prince Henry St Clair -- the Navigator. Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland, built more than a century before
Columbus, clearly shows ears of corn and aloe cactus -- items unique to the Americas. Mayan legends in Central America
talk of a pre-Spanish Conquests visit by a group of friendly white men, who gave them several technologies similar to
European techniques of that time. Unfortunately most of the Aztec documentary evidence of this "visit" was destroyed by
the Spanish Inquisition.
5. One persistent rumor is that the Knights Templar were the custodians of the Shroud of Turin. Scientific and historical
evidence places the shroud's origins in the east of Turkey, just above Lebanon.This area was at one stage under the
influence of the Templars who built several fortresses there. It appears the Byzantium Church revered a cloth with Christ's
head upon it -- the only part of the shroud visible when folded. What happened to it is uncertain. Either it was taken to
Constantinople for protection (and stolen when that city was looted by Crusaders) or it was lost before then. When the
shroud was revealed once again in late medieval times, it was by the de Charney family -- a member of which was
Geoffrey de Charney, the senior officer who was burnt at the stake alongside Jacques de Molay. Some say it was placed
in his family's protection the night the French king arrested the Templars. Speculation also attempts to explain the charges
laid against the Templars by the Inquisition. One of the main charges was worshiping the image of a head -- Baphomet.
Maybe the Templars secrecy to protect the holy relic backfired, and the rumors arose from their own ranks!

Knights Hospitaller
Because the knights Hospitaller have been in continuous existence, the opportunities for legend have not arisen -- either
because members have remained secretive because of the Order's survival, or because the Order has been able to stamp out
any fanciful (or true) mysteries before they have taken hold. However, there are rumors based on their unique position within the
World's diplomatic society.
The worldwide network of medical care units, ambulance services and disaster relief teams -- combined with the diplomatic
status offered to the Order (who still insist that Senior knights must be able to show a coat of arms dating back 300 years
proving direct male lineage) -- make them an ideal network for intelligence work. The hospital and medical services are often
placed strategically in areas of crisis (such as Northern Ireland). Membership extends from medical staff and ambulance drivers
to important political and financial officials. Rumors have it that the Hospitallers are closely linked to the Vatican Intelligence
Service -- a role similar to that of the Crusades. Other rumors have it that the knights are used as a link between the Vatican and
the CIA. The knights actually have a world-wide award for counter-intelligence work. Those who have received this award include

the head of the West German Secret Service and several high-ranked CIA operatives. Most of the CIA directors since the
1940s have become knights of Malta, as have many American diplomats. The extent of their actions is not know, but much of the
credit for peace efforts in Central America has been quietly given to Hospitaller operatives.

Knights Teutone
The Teutonic knights fell into disfavour after the Order was used for propaganda purposes by the SS during World War II. As a
result, not a lot of modern popular literature has delved into the background of this Militant Order. What little there is of it is mostly
focused on the modern Nazi era and a brief, skeletal description of the Order's role during the early Crusades. Accurate analysis
appears confined to academic literature.
1. Heinrich Himmler conceived the SS as the reconstituted Teutonic knights: Deutschritter -- modern equivalent of the whitemantled knights with black crosses who had spearheaded the earlier Germanic drive into Russia. The original, pre-war,
SS was a strictly recruited, organised and ritualised unit. The elaborate and mystical induction ceremony was obviously
reminiscent of the Teutone's chivalric investure. Candidates had to show a pure Aryan family tree dating back at least 250
years for general recruits, 300 years for officers. Each candidate had to undergo a religious-style novitiate before he was
accepted into the Order. Much of the SS insignia and runic inscriptions were based on masonic and Teutone patterns. SS
itself was meant to be based on the Sig rune, the rune of power used to denote the lightning-bolt of the storm gods.
The true Order at this time was obviously driven underground. Apart from genocidal racist behavior, the SS's rituals
included conceiving children on the gravestone of prominent historical figures, marriages which were little more than Aryan
orgies, and other mystical ceremonies. Himmler instigated an Order of the Round Table with 13 knight officers. Its
headquarters was in Wewelsburg, near Paderborn, in West Germany. Although never completed, this town (centred on a
modern castle) was supposed to become the SS capital. The town and castle's architecture was based on the numbers 3
and 12, the significance of which is not known. Himmler often spoke of Sacred Geometry, "earth magic."
Interesting links have been drawn with the "old school" army officers who were involved with the plot to assassinate Hitler.
Apparently, the leaders were members of noble families with histories of association with the Teutones. This may have
been a desperate attempt by the remnants of the Order to cut the Fuhrer's career short.
The link with the SS provides scope for many of the mysterious activities of WWII to be utilised, ie the collection of mystical
books and artifacts, as could the disappearance of many of these valuable historical objects after the war.
2. The Jesuits, the largest Clerical Order of the Catholic Church, are believed to have either styled themselves upon, or
branched from, the Teutonic knights. This could have occurred with members of the Teutonic Order forming a new group
once its leaders converted to Lutheranism. The extent of the association is unknown, but may provide another opening.

Appendix 6: The Temple and the Occult (from version 3)

"Since the occult world is a continuum which in many ways defies time and space, the Templars are not in this view mere
carrion for university professors to feed on, but a living tradition of hidden knowledge which may be shared by the elect"
-- Murdered Magicians, the Templars and their Myths.

From the start, the Templars had a strong relationship with the Cathars. Many members of this "heretic" religion had donated
broad reaches of lands to the knights, and it is possible one of the 9 founders may have been a Cathar.
The fourth Grand Master was undoubtedly Cathar and many recruits came from the southern regions of France where the
religion was strongest.
The Templars remained neutral during the Albigensian Crusade, an attempt to exterminate Catharism because of its direct
conflict with Catholicism. Cities were razed and thousands massacred. Rumors emerged that the Templars had actually helped
hide Cathar treasures, as well as protect many prominent families. It was during this time that the first allegations against the
order was made. Pope Innocent III, upset that the knights had refused his order to join the attack on the Cathars, berated them
for un-Christian behavior and accused them of necromancy.
The Albigensian Crusade (the Templars refused to refer to it as a crusade, they repeatedly insisted the only true crusade was to
invade Israel) actually increased the numbers of Cathars among their ranks. In some preceptories, more officers were Cathar
than Catholic.
Through their contact with Islamic and Judaic cultures, the Templars had absorbed many ideas and ideals alien to the orthodox
Roman Christianity of the time. Templars often employed Arabs accountants and secretaries, they learned to speak and write
the languages and financial exchanges were commonplace.
Philip IV of France hated the knights' independence and wealth (he had also been rejected by the order as a recruit -- and he
owed it money). He may have used this tolerance for other schools of thought as an excuse to bring about the Order's
destruction. Undoubtedly, the almost open links with the Eastern cultures exposed Templars to occult thinking. It would have
been in the knights' interests to at least find out about such rites, rituals and beliefs in an effort to "understand one's enemy". How

much of this secular information was gathered -- and even adopted -- is pure speculation. All the Order's books were burned at
the instruction of the Grand Master shortly before Philip IV moved to have all the knights in France arrested.
Links have also been made to the Johannite (or Mandaean) heresy, which denounced Jesus as a false prophet and
acknowledged John as the true Messiah. The Templars undoubtedly came in contact with this sect.

Masonic Rituals
By the eighteenth century, many Masons were claiming their rituals and beliefs were descendants of the rites performed by the
knights Templar. Many of these claims are preposterous, but an equal amount may actually have been maintained through the
Order's survival in Scotland -- one of the most Masonic places on earth.
By 1798, the era of romance, many legends were attributed the knights with mythical powers. They were supermen with
awesome arsenals of arcane powers and knowledge. They were called occult adepts, illumined alchemists, magi and sages,
master masons and high initiates.
The Masonic link may have significant relevance. Much of the suspicion against the knights was brought about by their superior
technical skill. While the knights themselves were generally uneducated, those within the Order who were specialists (such as
architects) had much more advanced knowledge than their civilian counterparts. Much of the learning of the Greek and Roman
philosophers, mathematicians etc had been lost in Europe during the dark ages. But the Arabs were not so stupid. Some of this
information was captured with the Spanish Crusades after the fall of the Templars. But, much information suggests the Templars
had gained much of this knowledge through their interaction with the Arabs -- and then kept it for themselves.
The greatest engineering feats of their time, the first Gothic Cathedrals, can be directly attributed to Templar involvement. The
ignorance of the general populace (and even nobility) often attributed such works of engineering to magic.

Occult Allegations
Rumors that circulated Europe after the sudden arrest of Templars and the suspension of the Order included the supposed
worship of a devil called Baphomet. The rumors said Templars prostrated themselves before a bearded male head, which
spoke to them and invested them with occult powers. (However, the rumor said that witnesses of these ceremonies were never
seen again) Other vague charges were layed against the Order, including teaching women how to abort, obscene kisses at the
induction of new recruits and homosexuality. Even during the actual Inquisition, none of these allegations were substantiated.
The most serious allegation was that the knights ritually denied Christ. The ceremony is said to have involved, trampling, spitting
on and defecating on the cross.
Even before the Inquisition, some said the knights were sorcerers and magicians, secret adepts and alchemists. Some of their
contemporary monastic Orders shunned them, believing them to be in league with arcane powers. Much of this can be attributed
to the knights greater understanding of medicine, architecture and basic chemistry and physics -- all learned from the Arabs and
Jews. It is interesting to note that among all monastic Orders, only the Templars were given permission in their charter to
associate with, and make deals with heathens.
Many members of the Order were burned, imprisoned or tortured. It is interesting to note that the few "confessions" that were
made were only extracted under torture -- and the knights almost always repudiated their confession afterward. Extremely few
"clear convictions" were made by the Inquisitors, but then, Inquisitors didn't need to justify their actions.
After the Order's extinction, rumors of the Occult escalated. The Grand Master and the preceptor of Normandy are said to have
cursed the king and the pope as they were being burnt alive. Within months of the knights execution, both Pope Clement and
King Philip were dead.

Baphomet Derivation of Muhammad
Baphomet Bifihimat, "Father/Source of Wisdom and Understanding"
Baphomet Gonfalon Bauceant, the battle standard of the Templars and battle cry. Bauseant, meaning "of comely appearance",
or "piebald" or "standard", but likely to mean "for glory"
When subject to the torture of the Inquisition, many knights referred to something called Baphomet. There is little indication on
who or what Baphomet was, what it represented or even if it was significant. It appears that it was regarded with reverence -perhaps idolatry. Sometimes the name was associated with a demonic sculpture found in some preceptories, other times with a
bearded head.
The link between Baphomet and the concept of a bearded head remains obscure. One strong possibility is that the head may
be that of the Turin Shroud -- a revered artifact believed to be in the possession of the Templars between 1204 and 1307. The
way it was folded (it was almost never unravelled) placed the head in the most visible position. In fact, the surviving images of the
Templar "head" bear a striking resemblance to the Shroud.

According to Inquisition records, a reliquary in the shape of a woman's head was confiscated from the Paris preceptory. It was
hinged on top, and contained a relic of some kind. The report said "a great head of gilded silver, most beautiful, and constituting
the image of a woman. Inside were two head-bones, wrapped in a cloth of white linen, with another red cloth around it. A label
was attached, one which was written the legend CAPTU LVIIIm (Head 58m). The bones inside were that of a rather small
woman." The "m" may have actually been a misreading of the sign of Virgo. Some speculation has been made -- on minimal
evidence -- that the head may be that of Mary Magdalene, an artifact rescued from the Cathars.
Myths involving sacred heads include that of Isis, Tammuz or Adonis whose head was flung into the sea, and of Orpheus, whose
head was flung into the river of the Milky Way. Bran the Blessed in Celtic mythology also had his head severed, but it was kept
alive in a magical cauldron.
According to Inquisition records, the charges against the Templars included:
Item, in each province they had idols, namely heads.
Item, that they adored these idols
Item, that they said that the head could save them.
Item, that it could make riches
Item, that it made the trees flower
Item, that it made the land germinate
Item, that they surrounded or touched each head of the aforesaid idols with small cords, which they wore around themselves next
to the shirt or the flesh.
These properties were extraordinarily similar to that attributed to the Holy Grail. Cathars wore sacred cords.
It is likely that many Templars did not believe in Christ, as many knights gave testimony that they only believed in God in heaven,
not in Jesus. Such charges were consistent, and lend credence to the idea. But it may also simply have been a well organised
conspiracy on behalf of the Inquisitors. It may also have been an internal faction split. However, the strongest argument revolves
around the Shroud of Turin. The Templars were very secretive about their posessions, wealth and relics -- and any information
about such an item would have been distorted "through the telling."

Occult Knowledge
There is little doubt that much which is now considered occult would have at least been studied by the Templars. In their
militaristic way, the Templars studied their enemies closely -- their customs, traditions and beliefs. Some sources claim the
Templars had a large library of old documents -- including the suppressed books of the Bible, old Jewish texts, Islamic doctrine,
Cathar beliefs, Celtic rituals etc. This library disappeared with the Templars treasury, probably with their fleet, shortly before the
Inquisition's axe fell. No inventory of these texts has ever been found, but is said to include many occult authors.

Appendix 7: Other Militant Orders (from version 3)

Better far be cowardly and alive,
Than dead, the most famous of them all.
The Order of the Templars, I know well,
Is beautiful and excellent and sure But keeping healthy keeps me from war.
-- Guiot de Provins, 1316
This work only covers the three most popular and powerful Militant Orders:the Knights Templar, Hospitaller and Teutone.
However, these were not the only ones.
Many Orders were spawned by the crusades, some lasting only months while others endured for centuries. If you wish to
supplement the Church Knights sourcebook with re-interpretations of these other Orders I suggest you research the following:

Holy Land Orders

The Knights of St Lazarus
The Hospitallers of St Thomas of Canterbury

Germanic Orders
The Bretheren of the Sword

Spanish Orders
The Knights of Caltrava
The Knights of Santiago
The Order of Evora and Aviz
The Knights of St Julian and Alcantara
The Knights of Our Lady of Montjoie
The Order of Mercedarians
The Knights of St George of Alfama
The Knights of Christ
The Knights of Our Lady of Montessa

Italian Orders
The Order of St James of Altopascio
The Knights of San Stefano of Tuscany


By Jamie Seidel
"The nosferatu do not die like the bee when he stings once. His is only stronger; and being stronger, have yet more power to work
evil. This vampire which is amongst us is of himself so strong in person as twenty men; he is of cunning more than mortal, for his
cunning be the growth of ages; . . . he can direct the elements, the storm, the fog, the thunder; he can command all meaner things;
the rat, and the wolf; he can grow and become small; and he can at times vanish and come unknown. How then are we to begin our
strike against him?"
--- from Bram Stoker's, Dracula.

Militiae Christi
Church Knight
Spirits that minish heaven and earth,
That minish the land,
Spirits that minish the land,
Of giant strength,
Of giant strength and giant tread,
Demons like raging bulls, great ghosts,
Seven are they!
Knowing no care,
They grind the land like corn;
Knowing no mercy.
They rage against mankind:
They spill their blood like rain,
Devouring their flesh and sucking their veins.
Where the images of the gods are, there they quake
In the Temple of Nabu, who fertilises the shoots of wheat.
They are demons full of violence
Ceaselessly devouring blood.
Invoke the ban against them,
That they no more return to this neighbourhood.
By heaven be ye exorcised! By earth be ye exorcised!"
-- ancient Assyrian incantation.

Written and compiled by Jamie Seidel

4th Edition Revision assisted by Nat Penhall
With contributions from:
Craig Baker
Jason Haitana
Joshua Seidel
John Langtry
Michael Lavrencic
Simon Miles

Original game testing by:

Joshua Seidel -- "Humanity Check" Hospitaller
Kylie Ellis -- "Faith+2" Teutone
Nathaniel Penhall -- "Divine" storyteller
Troy Thornton -- "Miracle-Maker" Templar

Based on the Vampires concept created by White Wolf

Australian interim copyright applies to original concepts and texts.
All pictures have been reproduced without permission and are included for concept purposes only.
Jamie Seidel
December 1995
50 Anthony Rd,
Modbury North, 5092
South Australia

"To avoid confusing our warriors with that soldiery which belongs to the Devil rather than God we will now speak briefly of the
life these Knights of Christ lead on campaign or in the Convent, what it is they prize, and why soldiers of God are so different
of those of the world."
-- St Bernard of Clairvaux, De Laude Novae Militiae
All hope appears lost -- with evil rampant in the Gothic-Punk world. The control of the vampires is almost complete, with
governments, churches, charities -- all under their domination.
But even in such a despairing and apathetic world there must be light: light enough to counter-balance the darkness. This light
can be found in True Faith.
Among the most devoted to restoring humanity's control over their destiny are the Church Knights. These mortal warriors of the
Sword and the Word are blessed with Holy powers to give them a chance to change the world.
But in game-play terms the Knights present an alternative and a tool. People uncomfortable with the role of Vampire may prefer
that of righteous warrior. Vampires that have become too enamoured with their own power may become exposed to an
opponent worthy of their fear.
Nothing enforces the Masquerade more effectively than the threat of a Holy sword hanging above one's neck. Much emphasis is
placed on the historical character of the Militant Orders. This is to facilitate game play in Medieval Times, when the Church
Knights did not have to operate underground and enjoyed wide public and political support. Historical scenarios can be rich in
mood and meaning -- and serve to set the groundwork for contemporary scenarios. Most Vampire settings are in current times.
Thus, a modern version of the Warriors of Christ is also presented. In both worlds, the Church Knights struggle to free the
oppressed from the Cainite yoke. It is a daunting task, but those of the Sword have placed their fate in the hands of their God.

Table of Contents
Book One: The Genesis

Book Two: The Knights of Christ (part one)

Book Two: The Knights of Christ (part two)

Book Three: The Orders

Book Four: Revelations (part one)

Book Four: Revelations (part two)

Book Five: Appendices (part one)

Book Five: Appendices (part two)

Cult of Roses
By Jason Darrah (

"Down in the park
where the chant is "Death, death"
until the sun cries morning
Down in the park with friends of mine...."
-- Marilyn Manson, Down in the Park
What is the life of a real vampire? No mortal could possibly grasp the extent of the feelings involved faced in the unlife. To do so
could cause insanity in even the most stable of minds. Ghouls are technically still mortal, and without the emotion-dulling
experience of the embrace, most of them live their newfound lives in a twisted, distorted hell, controlled by either their Domitor,
or their own fears.
But what if there were mortals who craved the vampiric existence to the extent that they actually gained, lesser versions of
course, of some Kindred traits? Such mortals exist. They are known to their fellow brothers and sisters as the Cult of Roses.

The Cult
"What do you see in my eyes?"
-- Daughter of Dracula
Very few outsiders know of the Cult of Roses' existence. To them, the Cult is just a bunch of goths/punks/freaks/whatever with
too much time on their hands, living in their own delusional world after reading one too many Anne Rice novels. That is where the
outsiders are wrong. They do have Vampiric abilities, and weaknesses. Although they are less potent versions of the strengths
and weaknesses, they are still dangerous when provoked.

The Power
"Absolute power corrupts absolutely . . . absolutely corrupt power is even worse."
These cult members are the next thing to vampires. They must drink blood, not to survive, but if they get no blood, after a while
they will become weak and sluggish (lower all dice pools by one for every week that no blood is ingested). They do not actually
take damage from the sun's rays, but their eyes do become very light sensitive (lower all dice pools by one in bright light), and
they will be almost blinded without at least a pair of sunglasses. They take damage the same as a normal human. They are, after
all, just . . . human (or are they?). Although the Cultists cannot gain disciplines as well as Vampires can (they cannot go above a
rating of 2) they can use them by using blood as a vampire would, but taking damage as a human would from using that much
blood. Blood points are regenerated just like humans regenerate blood. In order to learn any disciplines, an aspiring Cultist must
first find a willing teacher, which would probably be another, very experienced, Cultist, or a willing Ghoul. Good luck trying to find
a Vampire to teach you, it won't happen.

The Becoming
"I'm stuck in a dream.
It's changing me.
I am becoming..."
-- Nine Inch Nails, The Becoming
You must be asking yourself by now: "How would someone become one of these creatures?" Or "Why on earth would someone
want to play someone with weak powers and weaknesses on top of that?" I don't think that anyone fully knows the answer . . . .
You must understand that it is not easy to become a Cultist. They are extremely rare. What is even more rare is a Cultist with any
grasp of Humanity. They come from only the most twisted, demented, obsessed minds in the world (and usually have some sort
of Derangement). These people are absolutely obsessed with the idea of vampirism and death that they actually live out the role:
sleeping in cemeteries, stalking around during the night, and, of course, drinking blood. So, naturally, many Cultists are, or were
at one time, Blood-Dolls. They can almost be considered more vile creatures than even Vampires themselves (many do not
have a Humanity higher than 5) for they wanted, desired, and brought on the change willingly. They did not have their change
brought on by the damned blood of Caine's Childer.

They damned themselves.

The System
Cultists, for the most part, can only be made during Character Creation. To become one, you must purchase the 7pt merit/7pt
flaw: Cultist of the Rose. If this is chosen as a merit (And should only be chosen as a merit with the Storyteller's permission, as
"good" Cultists are nearly nonexistent), you gain the following abilities:
Disciplines up to level 2
Free level of Auspex
Also, you gain the following weaknesses:
Lower Dice Pools by one per week without ingesting blood.
Lower Dice Pools by one in bright light.
Take damage as Humans for each blood point burned.
If you had chosen this as a merit, you were one of the more human, sane, Cultists. Most, however, or not. If this is chosen as a
Flaw, you gain all of the abilities and weaknesses mentioned above, as well as these flaws:
Incurable Derangement at character creation.
Humanity cannot be above 5.
Lower Dice Pools by 2 in bright light.
If you think that that is too many weaknesses, you should realize that it is a 7 point flaw. Also, these are extremely evil, corrupt

Cyber Ninja
By Nicole A. (

Cyber Ninja began has normal humans. The Ninja clans were formed during Japan's distant past. Each clan sold their services
to the rulers for a price. And each clan fought over who would get the best missions. These clan wars served too weed out the
weakest members of the clans.
As time and technology progressed, so did the clans. Through the years the clans spread to other countries and as they spread
their power increased. Today the clans can be found in every country. Using the technology provided by various sources, the
clans have enhanced their members to make them stronger, faster, and better then average humans.
Cyber Ninja was inspired by Grey Fox, the Ninja from Metal Gear Solid and by a Cyber Wolf my cousin played in a game I was
running. If you have any questions or comments about this creation just e-mail me with them.

Each Cyber Ninja may have one enhancement for every point they have in Stamina. Enhancements may be bought with Freebie
points and experience points.
A Cyber Ninja starts with 10 points with which too buy her starting enhancements.

Cyber Arm
Level Cost Adjustment Difficulty
Str +1
Str +2
*** 6
Str +3

Cyber Leg
Level Cost Adjustment Difficulty
Dex +1
Dex +2
*** 6
Dex +3

O2 Tanks
Level Cost Adjustment
Sta +1
Sta +2
*** 6
Sta +3

Allows the character to glide.
Level Cost Difficulty
*** 6

Jet Pack
Allows the character to fly straight up or down, and back and forth.
Level Cost Difficulty




Cyber Eye
Level Cost Adjustment Difficulty
Per +1
Per +2
*** 6
Per +3

Subdermal Armor
Level Cost Adjustment
+1 soak
+3 soak
*** 6
+5 soak

Cyber Heart
Level Cost Adjustment Difficulty
Sta +2
Sta +3
*** 6
Sta +5

Body Barbs
Level Cost Adjustment Difficulty
+2 damage 7
+4 damage 6
*** 6
+6 damage 5

Stealth Cammo
The character is completely invisible. Those not looking for the character cannot see him. Those who are looking for the
character have increased difficulties finding him.
Level Cost Adjustment
+1 difficulty
+3 difficulty
*** 10 +5 difficulty

Reasonable backgrounds may be chosen from any White Wolf book. Backgrounds that are specific to a certain game may not
be chosen.

Skills, Talents, Knowledges

Skills, Talents, and Knowledge's may be chose from any White Wolf Book as a long as they are not specific to a certain game
or tradition, such as the skill "Do" found in Mage.

New Backgrounds

The power held by the Ninja's clan be very useful when the Ninja needs help completing a mission or if she gets into trouble. The
more powerful the Ninja's clan is, the more help given.
Your Clan is very weak, consisting of five or less members. Your clan only has influence over very small towns and villages.
** Your Clan has some power, consisting of one hundred members of less. Your Clan holds sway over some large cities.
*** Your Clan is moderately powerful, consisting of nine hundred or less members. Your Clan holds power in the three top
**** Your Clan is quite powerful, consisting of thousands of members. Your Clan holds power in several major countries.
***** Your Clan is very powerful, consisting of several million of members. Your Clan holds power in all major countries.

The Essence rating determines how many dice the player gets too roll when she uses an enhancement. A Cyber Ninja starts
with 1 Essence and the player may buy a higher Essence rating with Freebie or Experience points.

The Player may spend Willpower points to lower the difficulty when using an Enhancement. A Cyber Ninja starts with 5 dots of
Willpower. Willpower will recharge when the Cyber Ninja rests in a territory held by her clan. The Cyber Ninja will regain 1 dot for
every hour of rest.

Freebie Points
Points per Dot
Backgrounds 1
Enhancements 4
Experience point costs are the same as Freebie point costs.

A sect of Hunters dedicated to the elimination of the Camarilla
By Mitchell Kelly (
"Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't someone out to get you..."

The Camarilla has been involved, either directly but in the background, or else on the periphery, of most of the major events of
world history for the last few hundred years, and the Second World War was no exception. Initially, there was little interest in the
runty Austrian politician and war veteran who campaigned in Germany's elections, but the Toreador saw his potential and
supported him, thus aiding him to rise and control Germany. The Tremere had strongly controlled politics in central Europe since
the sixteenth century, to the detriment of the Toreador. The Tremere had been the power behind many of the thrones in that
region since the Tzimices had been so weakened during the Anarch Wars. Even the division of the Hapsburg Empire had not
limited the Tremere, since their agents simply infiltrated the various successor states. The Ventrue directed many of the large
scale businesses in Western Europe, and had done so since the birth of Britain as a great trading nation. The Ventrue had built
their powerbase in Britain, and used the British Empire to impose their trading conditions on the world. The Toreador had long
been left on the sidelines by the inability of their French puppets to oppose Germany, Austria or Britain. Now the Toreador
hoped that a strong Germany would push the Ventrue off balance, and that another strong power in central Europe would allow
them to gain ground at a cost to the Tremere. The Brujah, who had been similarly excluded from the affairs of Europe outside the
Mediterranean, soon joined the Toreador. Several high ranking vampires became staunch Nazis, providing tacit support to the
Party. One of these was a Toreador called Heinrich Pfaltz. Pfaltz originally organised a small unit of Vampires that later operated
on the Eastern Front, after it had made its mark all over Europe, recruiting many well known people. The other clans took a dim
view of this direct involvement, but since they all played at politics, none could really argue that the Toreador had broken any
rules. Especially since the Masquerade had been maintained.
This situation continued throughout the early 1930's, with the gradual strengthening of Germany, but all changed when Hitler
began to attack the Jews. The Ventrue had long used the Jews in western Europe as a source of retainers, contacts, allies and
herd, and had tried for centuries to protect them with varying degrees of success. Since the Jews largely controlled gold and
diamond dealing, as well as banking and finance all over continental western Europe, the Ventrue used the Jews to control these
markets the way they wanted. The Ventrue protested strongly over the treatment of their human pawns, but the Toreador pointed
out that it was up to the Ventrue to use their own powers to protect the Jews. If it couldn't, then it was bad luck. The other clans
remained silent at this point, although some Gangrel began to harbour a suspicion that their own chosen people, the Gypsies,
were not altogether safe.
Hitler's obsession with the supernatural is well known, but what is less well known was how this brought him into direct conflict
with the Tremere. He probably learned of them from the Toreador Pflatz, but regardless of the means, early in 1938 after the
Anschluss with Austria, Hitler began to hunt down the Tremere for their magical relics. The Tremere replied hiding ever more
deeply, and by killing off some agents that came too close. The Tremere approached the Ventrue, who were willing in principle
to offer some help, but events overtook the two clans. By this time, war had broken out, and the Nosferatu had already become
involved, helping the Polish Secret Service to smuggle the secrets of the ENIGMA device out of Poland. The Gangrel, as they
had feared, found themselves forced to defend the Gypsies all over the continent. By the time a Conclave was called in 1940,
the already incensed Ventrue had witnessed Hitler's attacks on the financial centres of Europe (Brussels, Antwerp, Amsterdam,
etc), and saw the end of any stability in commerce in Europe for years. The pace of the anti-Semitic and anti-gypsy campaigns
had picked up, and the Tremere were under great pressure. All the clans demanded action against Hitler, before an event that
rent the Masquerade occurred, and while it was still possible to stop him. Many of the Kindred began to see that if Hitler were
able to seriously penetrate the Masquerade, he would be the greatest threat to them since the founding of the Inquisition.
Initially, the Toreador stalled, but the assault on Paris enraged them, and the whole Camarilla, except a few isolated Toreador,
Brujah and Malkavians, swung into line to end the menace of Nazism. However, it was soon seen that the Camarilla was too late
in responding to the threat: the Ventrue and the Gangrel were unable to save the huge numbers of Jews and Gypsies murdered
by Hitler's legions and the Tremere watched as Hitler plundered the spiritual sites throughout the continent. The other clans
acknowledged that they had been wrong not to support the Ventrue and Tremere at the start. The Toreador quickly purged most
of their remaining members from the Reich, except the few who fought on the Eastern Front, since they were acting chiefly as
spies on the Brujah Council. However, the damage had been done, and it took the allies, secretly supported by the Camarilla,
until 1945 to defeat Hitler. It should be stressed that whilst many Kindred acted out of a genuine wish to see Hitler defeated, the
Kindred as a whole only acted decisively and together because of the perceived threat to all of them. An altruistic Vampire is a
very rare thing...
Once the Kindred took stock of their position and began to act it was obvious that there was a serious leak somewhere, that
threatened the Masquerade in its entirety. It took until 1944 to find, when a Toreador named Schimdt established not only that
Heinrich Pfaltz was the traitor, but also his whereabouts. Pfaltz was killed late in 1944, staked down in a burning house in Berlin
during one of the great allied fire raids. The leak had been plugged, but his legacy of treason lived on. Before the end of the war,
Hitler was able to gather many potent magical items, and also to form a super-elite force, called the Drorenkinder, or Thor's
Children. This force was virtually unknown outside of Hitler and a very few close advisors. It was drawn from staunch Aryans who
were ultra-loyal Party members, physical giants and spiritually iron willed. Able to call upon the resources of the Gestapo and the
Sicherheitdienst to aid in its searches, it tracked and killed many Vampires. This was largely a result of the actions of Pfaltz, who

rent the Masquerade for his own unguessable purposes, telling the Drorenkinder many Camarilla secrets. Only the Third Reich's
passion for secrecy prevented this information becoming publicly known, thus threatening all vampires. The Camarilla had
placed agents inside the Reich, and at the end of the war, most of the papers that contained evidence of the Awakened were
quietly removed by these agents. A large body of other works simply disappeared, removed by the Drorenkinder. Its personnel,
already shadowy, were either dead or well-hidden, and Hitler's obsession with the supernatural became one more strange,
interesting but useless piece of information for historians to ponder.
The rest of the apparatus of the Third Reich was dismantled, but the Drorenkinder did not cease to exist. Its leaders had seen
the end coming and had reasoned the Camarilla's part in their defeat. After an initial, totally unsuccessful attempt to kill off the
Camarilla's agents in the Reich, the organisation dropped out of sight and made plans for revenge. Huge quantities of gold were
shipped out of Germany and deposited in Spain, Egypt and Switzerland to finance the plan, and while most of the rank and file
membership died in the desperate battles at the end of the war, the leadership of the Drorenkinder took themselves away into
hiding. After the war, these men quietly invested the money they had taken and built up a huge financial empire, along with
several highly reputable companies world wide to act a screen for their activities. More insidiously, they started to try to suborn
ordinary people to their fight.
In 1957, the Drorenkinder began to recruit people into an organisation called the Sonnenfaust, or Sun Hand. Ostensibly, this
organisation went back to the time of the Crusades, and had been lay brethren associated with the Teutonic Knights. Its
supposed aim had been the preservation of the Christian west against the hordes from the east and the powers of darkness.
This message struck a chord with the post-war Allies, anxious to keep the Germans as a friendly buffer against the threat from
Russia. The Allies vetted the organisation, found nothing untoward, then allowed it to flourish. The Sonnenfaust in fact dates back
only to 1953, but its carefully designed, elaborate and secret rituals seem much older. Records showing the history of the
Sonnenfaust were created and displayed in great secrecy. Organised much like the Freemasons, with chapter houses and
masters, it provides a focus for ritual, a feeling of comradeship (it encourages its members to refer to each other as "Brother",
like the Confrere brethren of the military orders of the crusading era.) and a sense of history. Members swear oaths to uphold the
order, and pledge themselves to die upholding its tenets, as well as passing on one twentieth of their wages. The members are
encouraged to feel that they, like the knights of old are in the forefront of defending Christendom, and should both discourage
and report to the house master any anti Christian or pro communist activity, whether at home or in the work place. The high
ranking officers of the organisation are all Drorenkinder members, and pass on this information to the intelligence section of the
organisation. The rank and file members of the Sonnenfaust have no inkling that this occurs, and must pass up through five
levels of membership, from Initiate through Acolyte, Sergeant and Ritter to Master, before the Drorenkinder is mentioned. Even
then it is only as an "inner order" of the Sonnenfaust.

The leadership of the organisation falls to one man and a group of deputies. The current leader is Rudolph Foss, the only
surviving member of the original wartime Drorenkinder. Foss was only 22 when the war ended, but had served in the Waffen SS
for four years, seeing much service before the Drorenkinder recruited him in 1944. A winner of the Knight's Cross for single
handedly driving off a Russian tank company, Foss reached the rank of Sturmbannfuhrer by his personal courage and success
as an active vampire hunter. Foss is the fifth leader since the end of the war, and sees that the next leader must be a younger
man, able to lead for some time to maintain some continuity during the time of action that is now starting. Foss is now an old
man but is still very sharp and rules with an iron fist.
Foss's three deputies are:
Manfred Kohl, a former director of Kessel A.G. and a financial wizard. Kohl is thought to be dead by the authorities, as a result of
a clever Einsatzabteilung operation which whisked him away, leaving the body of a vagrant who had been surgically altered to
resemble Kohl in the burning car. Kohl acts as a policy advisor on the financial side, as well as being the purveyor of the "official
line" on politics within the organisation. He is also the actual leader of the Sonnenfaust, in spite of public appearances by others
who claim to be.
Heinrich Embert, again, officially dead, but a former high ranking member of the East German defence ministry, sentenced to
death in absentia in 1979 for crimes against the state. He too was rescued and hidden by Einsatzabteilung. The destruction of
his house by Stasi agents after his disappearance was also arranged by the Drorenkinder. Embert is a political animal, and has
an excellent sense for trouble within the world. He takes an active interest in the information gathering operation, and generally
manages overseas contacts, through a pervasive net of informers all over the world. It was his actions in passing information to
the Drorenkinder that lead to his downfall, although the East German government believed he was working for the Americans.
Willi Ordenhad is the only non-German in the leadership. Ordenhad is a fanatical right-wing Afrikaner responsible for numerous
terrorist atrocities against blacks in Southern Africa. He joined the Drorenkinder in the 1970's after covering up one of their
operations in what was then Rhodesia. Ordenhad understands terrorist operations from the inside, and is a great asset in
planning operations. His normal tasks are maintaining the support of various right wing terror groups throughout the world, whom
the Drorenkinder use as pawns in the bigger game.
Below the deputies come the heads of the four branches. These eight men form the "inner cabinet" of the Drorenkinder, and
make all the vital decisions. On day to day basis, the branch heads have considerable autonomy, and usually use their discretion
on ongoing work. Behind the facade of the companies that form the Drorenkinder screen, the organisation has four branches.
These are:
Administration: (Vervaltungsabteilung) Dealing with membership, basic training, concealment of the organisation, finance, fiscal
affairs, operating the cover companies and day to day business. Some people within the shell companies are employed by this

section without even knowing it. Administration also covers the purchase and supply of the equipment used by all the
Research: (Untersuchungabteilung) The smallest department, it concerns itself with discovering new ways to identify vampires
and mages, and in developing weapons and defences against these adversaries. It has been particularly successful with
weapons, especially the UV flash bombs that act like short-term sunlight. (see below).
Information: (Nachrichtabteilung) This department deals with the data sent in by field agents of the action branch, what it learns
from scanning all news networks and from the Sonnenfaust. Information branch operates a super computer to correlate and
store its information, and has a truly impressive occult library. Its analytical capabilities are as good as anything available to the
KGB or CIA for instance, although away from its primary field, its information net and interpretative skills are much weaker.
Action: (Einsatzabteilung) Action branch operates information gathering agents all over the world, constantly monitoring all
supernatural activity and reporting it to information branch. Action branch is also responsible for the security of the organisation,
which it takes very seriously, and for providing the personnel who carry out overt and covert attacks on supernatural targets.
These people are trained to the standards of any special forces/intelligence service (indeed, ex GSG-9, BNS, East German
Special Forces and STASI members form the backbone of the branch.) One section deals specifically with preventing
penetration of the Sonnenfaust and especially the Drorenkinder by any dangerous elements.

The organisation has huge financial resources, based on three separate sources of income: the interest from the original Nazi
gold, the profits from their huge business network, and the subscriptions of Sonnenfaust members. This gives them a financial
base equal to a large government department or multinational company. Their legitimate operations in many fields allow them to
buy almost anything they wish legally on the open market, and their brilliant legal and accounting department can conceal any
irregularities so that no one has yet found any untoward facts about any of their companies.

The doctrine of the Drorenkinder is based on the premise that supernatural enemies helped to destroy the Thousand Year
Reich, and therefore vengeance must be taken on all such entities. This means the destruction of the Camarilla by any and all
means, and the killing of any other supernatural being who does not share their vision of the future. While this is referred to as
"The Prime Purpose", the organisation is as violently anti-Semitic as the Third Reich, and still regards the Final Solution,
including the destruction of Israel, as its Secondary Purpose. Its Third Purpose is to prepare the way for the founding of the
Fourth Reich, although it has no plans to undertake the establishment itself: instead, the Drorenkinder regard themselves as the
executive arm of a government in exile, with a mission to conduct, but not makers of policy. Importantly, the organisation
maintains a Masquerade as tight as the Camarilla. This, called the Shield, places limits on the type of operations that the
Einsatzabteilung will undertake normally. Any normal surveillance operations must be agreed only by the head of Action Branch,
but any assaults must also be sanctioned by the leader and his immediate deputies. However, one principle of the Shield is to
use maximum force to prevent anyone living to tell the story of the Drorenkinder's existence, and that principle is extended to the
idea that when secrecy fails, all out war is acceptable.

As has been stated, many of the people in the Drorenkinder are ex members of various security organisations. They are
recruited carefully by members of the administration branch, who keep a lookout in likely places for recruits. All are right wing
sympathisers, for various reasons, and are susceptible to the promise of white supremacy and Germany as a major power. The
Drorenkinder gained a huge extra pool of potential recruits when the Iron Curtain was removed. The former East German
security organisations provided a pool of skilled agents, while the ordinary workers were no more immune to the lure of the
Sonnenfaust that their western relatives had been. After initial recruitment, a place is found for them within one of the shell
companies. At this point, they are watched intently. If there is any doubt over the suitability or loyalty of a prospective member,
they go no further, and are usually shuffled out to another unconnected company. If there is serious doubt over a person, they will
be kept on, but given such stultifying work that any intelligence agent would doubt that the company even makes money, let alone
plans world domination. Persons who pass this point are the brought into the organisation. At this point, a program of intense
indoctrination starts. This strengthens the person's willpower, as well as building the near-religious faith in the organisation that
the members have. Any potential breach of security is treated ruthlessly, immediately. Refresher training in combat or stealth
techniques is given, and all members are educated in the strengths, weaknesses and foibles of vampires. Persons joining the
technology or information branches may gain training in any latent psychic powers that they have, and all potential applicants are
screened for such things. It should be borne in mind that the personnel of the Drorenkinder are veterans of the security or
intelligence services, and as such are tougher, cleverer and better trained than most people. Thus, they have higher Attributes,
Abilities and Virtues that are given to normal characters. When new members join, only those with strong wills are accepted.
Typically, willpower is nine at least, and the merit "Iron Will" is common. Thus, Dominating Drorenkinder is not easy. Also, all
members are rigidly indoctrinated into the Nazi philosophy of the organisation. This gives them something close to True Faith,
although it is really nothing of the sort. What it does allow is for them to use one extra point of willpower, although their willpower
does not rise any further. Treat this as if they have the one point level of willpower twice.

Vampires: The organisation's knowledge is considerable: it is aware of the Camarilla, and has a sketchy understanding of it
history, structure and workings. It knows of the seven major clans, and some of their special powers and weaknesses. This is
especially true of the Tremere, Ventrue and Toreador. It is aware in general of vampiric powers, and many, if not all the ways to
spot and kill a vampire. It is vaguely aware of the Sabbat, and sees them as a means of playing vampires off each other. The
have no conception of the danger involved in dealing with the Sabbat. The other independent clans are outside its knowledge,
although it is possible that some contact with the Giovanni has occurred. All this means that the Drorenkinder are not only
planning to take on the Camarilla, but are armed with enough knowledge to do significant damage, and certainly to destroy the

Werewolves: Werewolves have come to the attention of the organisation a number of times, and are a source of great interest.
However, they actually know very little about them, although an ongoing research programme was sanctioned. So far, most of
the contact has been of a negative nature, with threats to the Drorenkinder from Glass Walkers and Shadow Lords. One rather
worrying proposition is contact between the Drorenkinder and the Get of Fenris. Both sides are likely to find more to agree
about than argue over, and an alliance against the common enemy is a strong possibility.

Mages: The Drorenkinder have yet to gain any true understanding of Mages. Although there are some formidable Hedge
Wizards among their ranks, the Drorenkinder have not realised the difference between such abilities and True Magick. Thus,
they tend to underestimate the threat Mages could cause to their organisation

Others: It is unlikely that the Drorenkinder even realise that Mummies exist, although this situation may not be mutual. The same
is true of the Immortals. Quite how much the Drorenkinder know about the Gypsies is open to debate: some have suggested that
the Nazi persecution of the Rom was due to the supernatural threat they posed. The Drorenkinder have had little contact with The
Shadowlands, although the Nazi's role in the previous great Maelstrom, and the huge numbers of innocents that they killed have
ensured that there are many Wraiths with a grudge to bear against the Drorenkinder-and plenty of time to wait until they have
their revenge.

The Drorenkinder are heavily equipped for their task. All field agents have means of secure communication, based on a
computer and a mobile telephone. The mobile 'phone ensures that no one without satellite monitoring gear (i.e a government)
can intercept the signal, and the computerised "one time pad" system ensures that even if the communication is monitored, it
cannot be interpreted.
Weapons obviously form a significant part of the equipment used. All field agents carry pistols, usually SIG Saurers or Walthers.
All cars are equipped with either a submachinegun (usually a H&K MP5) or an automatic shotgun, and sometimes both. For
more serious operations, assault rifles (G3, AK47 or AK74) and light machine guns (MG3) are available. For taking out vehicles
and buildings, in addition to a wide variety of grenades, the organisation has supplies of RPG16 and M72 LAW available, as
well as Soviet RPO flame rocket launchers. It is these latter weapons that are most favoured for destroying Vampire Havens.
Powerful crossbows, spring guns or even converted shotguns are used to fire wooden projectiles to stake Kindred. These are
preferred when capture of a vampire is required. In addition, the Drorenkinder have access to and the ability to use various
explosive devices: from Semtex to Claymore mines, via anti tank mines and radio detonated car bombs, these are highly
regarded methods. Among specialised weapons and devices used are silencers (for both pistols and SMGs), passive night
vision goggles and sights, and most fiendish, the ultra violet flash bomb. Developed specifically to affect vampires, this emits, in
addition to a blast wave and deafening bang, broad-spectrum Ultra Violet light of the same type as the sun. Any Kindred caught
in the blast cannot soak the damage except by Fortitude, as per sunlight. Fortunately, the damage is non-aggravated. The
Drorenkinder also use sensitive infra red sensing devices, that can be held in the palm of the hand, to find vampires: any person
who is at ambient temperature is probably Undead... Armoured vests are standard issue, with heavier body armour available if a
stiff firefight is expected. In addition, many cars owned by the organisation have bullet-proof glass, runflat tyres and sufficient
steel and kevlar armour over the engine, fuel tank and passenger cabin to defeat most small arms except at point blank range.

The Drorenkinder have their main base in Switzerland, just outside Zurich, in a huge building officially housing the offices of
Heinrich Kellet A.G., an international finance and banking concern. Indeed, Heinrich Kellet A.G. does operate from the building,
but fully one third of the floor space, and all five floors of the secret basement contain the Drorenkinder headquarters. This
building houses the some of the research laboratories (others are in the research departments of the shell companies), the
intelligence group's offices, library and computer core and a firing range for the security personnel to keep current on. In
addition, the main offices of one of the shell companies devotes a floor to the organisation's operations in Germany, Austria,
France and Czechoslovakia. Most other countries have at least an office in one of the companies' buildings, usually where the
intelligence officer works. Obviously, formal combat training cannot be carried out in such places, and since 1969 the
Drorenkinder have owned a thirty square kilometre area of forest in Austria, where such training takes place. This area has hills,
woods and a small town, and because of its tight security (it is officially a hunting retreat), live firing exercises can be carried out
safely. Also in this area are the test ranges where the Research Branch test new weapons before issuing them. All armed
personnel are expected to attend the training area at least four times a year to re qualify with their weapons.

The interest in occult items that started under Hitler is maintained, and the Drorenkinder have a powerful arsenal of magical
relics. Some are useful as weapons, other as protection or as information gathering devices. Only on very special occasions,
against very important enemies are such devices employed. For the most part, they remain in the hands of the researchers of
the technology branch, who attempt to quantify and duplicate their effects. The Drorenkinder have had patchy success in their
attempts to develop magic to use against their enemies. They have produced no real Mages, but have had some notable coups
in the field of Hedge magic. A small group in the information branch skilled in telepathy and ESP act to attempt to find Vampires
by these means, while the technology branch has reported some success in an attempt to limit the power of Auspex to detect the
Drorenkinder. In addition, the Drorenkinder have developed a special ritual that can temporarily prevent a Kindred from using
Vitae. This ritual is complex, time consuming and challenging. Also it tends to go wrong or cease to function at the most
inopportune of moments. Nonetheless, the Drorenkinder have high hopes for its use in the future.

There are three main types of operations: intelligence gathering, material acquisition and "executive action."
Intelligence gathering has to be conducted in a slightly different manner to that employed by most intelligence agencies. Since
vampires can Dominate or Blood Bond human spies, there is no way that an intelligence officer can run an "agent in place," as
they might against a government. Rather, such operations are carried out by single officers, or pairs, placed in cover in a city as
operatives of one of the shell companies. Thus, all observation and infiltration must be carried out by the agents themselves,
making intelligence gathering both time consuming and extremely dangerous. Some agents use contacts in the police or on the
streets to inform them of strange happenings: blood drained corpses, the disappearance of street dwellers, unusual corporate
take-overs etc, but this is generally the limit of the usefulness of such people. All the real close up investigation must be handled
direct by the Drorenkinder operatives themselves. In spite of all the problems, the Nachrichtungabteilung has had some
significant successes in its operations. More significantly, it has never lost an agent who could betray the Drorenkinder. All
agents who have come to the attention of the Camarilla have managed to destroy their coding machines and notes and either
escape alive or commit suicide before capture. Thus, the existence of the intelligence gathering network is unknown to the
Material Acquisition follows a different route. Intelligence regarding the whereabouts of magical items occasionally comes from
the field agents, but more commonly comes from the hunches of naturally sensitive persons in the headquarters, who spend their
time using Psychometry and ESP to locate both people and things. Next, a team of field agents investigates the site, assessing
the potential risks and difficulties of the operation. If a go ahead is given then another team of field agents will make the attempt
at removal. Very few such operations ever take place: there is very little intelligence on magical items, and fewer still are safely
recoverable. On one occasion, the tight security around the operations has backfired when the team attempting the snatch was
involved in a firefight with the investigation team. A few people have been killed during snatches, but the tactics of the teams
make it seem that the motives are purely mercenary: gold, money and objet d'art are always removed at the same time. The
secrecy of the Camarilla has aided these teams: no vampire likes to declare what occult resources he or she has, or likes to
admit to having been robbed, and thus the possibility of an organised campaign to steal magical items has never been
Direct Action is slightly more common than material acquisition, and is becoming more so. The Drorenkinder have always been
alert for Kindred who have come too close for comfort, and taken action to dispose of them. This has usually involved causing
explosions in their havens, or else simple "drive-by" shootings followed by staking and exposure in some convenient spot where
the death will be unnoticed. This has been undertaken by small teams, usually three strong, on the specific information of an
intelligence gathering agent. Very rarely the same technique has been used on vampires who appear to be over confident,
simply to keep the Camarilla off balance. In the last two years, the Drorenkinder have moved on to bigger things, specifically the
destruction of all Kindred in a particular city. So far this has been limited to small cities, where communications between the
Prince and others are poor, and where the Camarilla's communication network is not fully developed. Thus, several small cities
in eastern and southern Europe simply ceased to communicate some time ago. These missions achieved a variable degree of
success. Some went smoothly, with few or no casualties, while others were bitterly fought and costly. In one case, in a small city
in Greece, it was pure luck only that prevented a Gangrel from escaping to pass on the information that a systematic attack had
occurred. These incidents have however only served to improve the tactics that the Drorenkinder use. Their standard approach
now is to investigate over a long period, and find out two things: first, the location of the Tremere chantry, and secondly, the
Ventrue board's headquarters. Once these pieces of information are found, the attack team moves in. This normally consists of
enough people to be easily concealed, but balances Kindred numbers with the above mentioned equipment. After a few days to
plan attacks on specific objectives, the first stage of the plan is undertaken. This usually involves a drive-by shooting of one or
two vampires. They are normally Brujah, Gangrel or Toreador, and if one member each of a couple of clans can be attacked, so
much the better. The purpose of this is to put the Camarilla off balance: the attacks break the Traditions, and are potential
breaks in the Masquerade. It also helps to reduce trust, a rare commodity at best. Thus, most of the clans will be busy trying to
find out who did the killing, or attempting to pin the blame on another clan, when the second stage occurs. This is a massive, full
scale, unsurvivable assault on the Tremere Chantry and Ventrue board. The Drorenkinder know that the Tremere always hold
meetings n Tuesdays and will time their attack during one. The rationale for this is as follows: although the Drorenkinder do not
know the full extent of the Tremere's powers, they realise that their grasp of magic makes them most likely to be able to figure
out what is going on, and to react to it. They have discovered that the Nosferatu can be beaten at their own game, simply by
good technique in counter surveillance. Thus the Tremere represent the greatest danger of discovery and are destroyed first.

The Drorenkinder have also learned that in a real emergency most of the Kindred will follow the Ventrue if the Prince is killed,
and that the Ventrue skill in planning makes them most capable of providing real leadership in a crisis. The third stage of the
plan involves watching who comes to the wreckage of the Chantry and Board, deciding which are vampires, following them and
killing them and all found with them. This is accompanied by total secrecy and generally no contact. Sometimes a member of a
clan is snatched to provide information for more structured attacks. It is no pure coincidence that this is the same technique used
by the Sabbat. It works, and at the end of the day, that is the important thing. Indeed, it is possible that veterans of combat with
the Sabbat will notice this similarity, thus adding to the chaos.

Character Generation
Concept: Usually soldier, spy, researcher, vampire hunter etc
Nature and Demeanour: The former is usually and active one: Bravo, Survivor, Judge, Architect or Visionary are common.
Demeanours are variable, but usually have at least a touch of Conformist or Traditionalist about them.

Attributes: 7,5,3
Abilities: 15,9,5 For Einsatzabteilung, Skills generally predominates, for Untersuchungsabteilung, Knowledges are primary. For
the other Branches, choice is free.

Freebie Points: 15
Backgrounds: 3 (Generally Contacts or Resources, sometimes Allies)
Willpower: Base is four, and it costs one Freebie point per dot to buy.
Merits and Flaws: Aptitudes are common, and among the other popular ones are: Driving Goal/Higher Purpose, Code of
Honour, Self-Confident, Overconfident, Dare Devil, Iron Will, Magic Sensitivity and Clear-Sighted. Most of the non-supernatural
Merits and Flaws from "Halls of the Arcanum" or "Ascension's Right Hand" are usable.

Using The Drorenkinder In A Chronicle

I do not personally advocate allowing players to have Drorenkinder characters: to my mind, the threat of a group like this is just a
little too real. The Drorenkinder make good enemies, a good Deus Ex Machina for a Storyteller to use against Characters who
try to shoot their way out of any problem. The Drorenkinder can be better trained, better equipped and better organised that any
group of Kindred when it comes to a firefight. Having half a Coterie cut to pieces by rapid-fire weapons is a good way of making
the survivors reconsider their tactics. Another use of the Drorenkinder is as a subtle threat, behind the scenes. A small act by
this group every story gradually adds a sense of unease to the Chronicle, ensuring that the players start to get paranoid. Make
them invisible, undetectable, and see how the players wrack their brains to work out who is behind all of these incidents. The
Drorenkinder work best in a European Chronicle, simply because of their historical context. However it isn't difficult to make
them a world-wide group, or adapt them, using different historical backgrounds, to

Cuacuahtzin: The Eagle Knights

By Alejandro Melchor
"What is this, tenochcans? What do you do? How can cowardice exist in the people of Huitzilopochtli? Wait, ponder a while, let us all
together seek for a means for our defense and honor and let us not deliver ourselves shamefuly into the hands of our enemies. Where
will you go? This is our center. This is the place where the eagle spreads its wings and destroys the snake. This is our Kingdom. Who
will not defend it? Who will lay his shield to rest? Let the rattles sound amidst the dust of battle, announcing our voices to the world!"
- Tlacaelel. "Tlacaelel", Antonio Velasco Pi&ntildea
Come here, young one, join your brothers in arms".
"You can call me Cuauhtecuhtli; the Lord of Eagles; I have come to take you to your rightful place at the center of the Four Ways, for
your bravery and honor has earned you entrance into the Cuacuahtzin; the Eagle Knights".
"Yes; many think us dead, but our Order was preserved from the powers of the Spaniards when they invaded our beloved land; the
Order fought valiantly, but we had been betrayed from the beginning".
"Huitzilopochtli? Speak that name carefuly. You are right, the Cuacuahtzin once fought in the name of the Left-Handed Hummingbird;
we were his chosen. But the Conquest shed a light that since the founding of the Order had not shone; we served a Vampire; a
creature of darkness".
"Yes, child; Vampires exist, and it is our sacred duty to protect our kind from their depredations, for we must never forget where we
come from; we are human".
"Don't be mistaken; our humanity doesn't limit us; on the contrary, it gives us power and understanding of the Four Ways".
"The Four Ways were shown to us by the true Gods when we were at the brink of joining the Sun in his daily journey; for the
Cuacuahtzin have ceased to be the simple warriors that the Vampires desired as servants; now the Way of the Warrior, shown to us
by the true Huitzilopochtli, is not the only one we follow; Tezcatlipoca, the Night Lord, taught us the Way of the Sorcerer; Quetzalcoatl,
Prince of Knowledge, gave us the Way of the Leader, and Xipe Totec, the Skinned, pointed the Way of the Worker. In all Ways lies
honor, so never scorn any".
"The Ways are part of the Fifth Sun; surely you know the legend; Five Suns have been created, Four have been destroyed. We live the
Fifth Sun; Ollin Tonatiuh, the Sun of Movement, and Ollin is what gives us power; the eternal movement, the eternal change until the
end of this age".
"Our war is neverending; we fight against those who would make humans their slaves or who would destroy them; our enemies are
many: the Vampires of the Sabbat and the Mictlan and those of the Camarilla, who want nothing but to feed on men; some Tribes of
werewolves who would gladly see us all dead; the Tradition Mages who disdain us as inferiors; the Technocracy, who desire to rule a
sea of sleeping minds; the Nephandi and the Wyrm, who would see all of existence destroyed".
"Do not be dismayed, young one; our war is not futile for every victory is cause of rejoice; every life you save from the fangs of a
vampire or from the magick of a mage is a battle won".
"We are human, child; but we must be more than human; never forget that".

The origin of the Eagle Knights is open to much debate; some place it early in history, when the Mexica were still a nomadic tribe and
Tenochtitlan was but a dream in the horizon. It is said that the priest Aacatl separated a group of Mexica and gave them weapons and
made them warriors; this might be true, but it doesn's mean that they were Eagle Knights.
At the beginnings of the 15th century, when Europe was barely rising from the muck of the Middle Ages (according to the
Technocracy, of course), in the land of Anahuac the Triple Alliance was being formed between the city states of Texcoco, Tenochtitlan
and Tlacopan or Tacuba. This Alliance would serve as a joint army to overthrow the tirany of the Tecpanec rule of Azcapotzalco;
Prince Nezahualcoyotl of Texcoco sealed the pact with emperor Izcoatl of Tenochtitlan. The Alliance would serve many interests;
Nezahualcoyotl, a Galliard of the Ehecatl Tribe would free his people and allow more werewolves to reach his domains unmolested;
Izcoatl, a human, would gain great political advantages, but Izcoatl was not the mastermind behind the Alliance; it was rather Tlacaelel,
an Archpriest who later became the ghoul of Huitzilopochtli, an insane vampire that had erected himself as god of the Aztecs and
demanded blood to "keep the Sun going".
Tlacaelel did great things for the Empire, and between those things was the revival of the old toltecan Orders of Knighthood. The fact
that the Eagle Knight should rise from the ranks of the Jaguar Knights was a move by the priests of Tezcatlipoca, for the main body of
the Jaguar Knights were Nahual, a dark tribe of werejaguars, and their kinfolk.
The Cuacuahtzin were elite warriors. For the people, the Cuacuahtzin were heroes, almost demigods for when they died in battle they
became Cuauhtecatl, spirits that joined the Sun in his eternal fight against darkness.
Yet for the High Priests, they were cattle.

Huitzilopochtli once in a while decided to Embrace; the choice was a priest most of the times, but Huitzilopochtli would hear about the
deeds of one of his chosen, and would make him a vampire through one of the priests at the sacrificial stone, at a private ceremony in
the Knights' chapterhouse, which was located right next to the Templo Mayor. The Knight, sure that he was dead, truly believed that he
had become a Cuauhtecatl upon embrace, and obeyed the priests blindly. The inability to stand the light of day was explained as the
warrior being condemned to night so as to fight it.
In fact, the Knights were partially Awakened; they could not command the awesome Disciplines of Clan Huitzilopochtli, nor had the
Gifts of the Jaguar Knights, but had the uncanny abilitly to sense the unnatural and improve their bodies and minds.

The Conquest
Tlacaelel, close to his death and dismayed by the fact that Huitzilopochtli had no intentions of Embracing him, performed a ritual that
enabled him to contact the European Kindred, inviting them to come to the New World.
And they did come, and their efforts brought along with them the might of the Celestial Chorus and the rising Technocracy, both intent
on destroying the magickal paradigm of Anahuac.
The Eagle Knights fought valiantly the army of Hernan Cortes, but the Spaniards were equipped with superior magicks, courtesy of the
Technocracy and, in 1521, the Aztecs surrendered their city. The Knights protested this decision, but Cuauhtemoc, the last emperor,
urged them to lay down their arms. Cuauhtemoc, whose name was "Eagle that falls", knew very well who was behind many of the
politics at his palace, the ghoul Tlacaelel, a man that should have died half a century before. While a prisoner of the Spaniards,
Cuauhtemoc discovered the full truth about Huitzilopochtli and managed to warn one of the Knights before the European Kindred,
counseled by Tlacaelel, killed him.
The Knights were dismayed; they were about to launch a counterstrike when they learned the news: a creature of darkness had been
ruling them, and their founder had summoned more monsters from the east and was even now a part of them.
Their hesitation allowed Tlacaelel to attack them and almost wipe them out, but many did survive and fled to the countryside, where
they had to hide their nature, for many were the people that hated them because of Aztec expansionism.
Leaderless and disorganized, the Knights thought they had seen the end of all they had held dear.

The Discovery of the Four Ways

In desperation, a young Knight, whose name is lost in history, sought out the help of the Dreamspeakers and Verbena, and was
greeted with a message from the Gods: they must not give up the fight, for they were now the land's only protectors.
With the Dreamspeakers' aid, this Knight traveled to the Realms of the Gods: North, where Tezcatlipoca lived; East, where
Quetzalcoatl had his home; South, where the true Huitzilopochtli awaited his Knights, and West, where Xipe Totec built his dwelling.
And so goes the litany of the Four Ways, chanted whenever a new Cuacuahtzin joins the ranks:
"Travel then where the gods call.
In the cold of the North awaits Tezcatlipoca,
Smoking Mirror, Wind of Night.
Black is his simbol, for he is the Night.
Learn from Him the Way of the Sorcerer.
In the unknown East awaits Quetzalcoatl,
Precious Serpent, Feathered Serpent.
White is his simbol, for his is the Wisdom.
Learn from Him the Way of the Leader.
In the warmth of the South awaits Huitzilopochtli,
Left-Handed Hummingbird, our true father.
Blue is his simbol, for he rules the Sky.
Learn from Him the Way of the Warrior.
In the lands of the West awaits Xipe Totec,
He Without Skin, spiritual master.
Red is his simbol, for his is the growth of the soul.
Learn from Him the Way of the Worker.
Back from the Ways, stare in the center,
see the force of the Sun, of Nahui Ollin.
Feel the Movement and the strength,
Feel your Awakening to yourself.
Welcome then, from the call of the Gods".

Ollin: Eternal Movement

The Toltec legend marks the beginning of the Fifth Sun when the Gods gathered in Teotihuacan; the world was in darkness and they
decided to make the Sun; for this, they prepared a huge bonfire and asked for a volunteer to jump into it; Tecciztecatl, a richly dressed
god, offered himself but, when he had to jump, he stopped in fear. Tecciztecatl tried two more times, but fear gripped him and he didn't
It was then that Nanahuatzin, a poor and warted god, offered himself in Tecciztecatl's place; he prepared himself and sank fearlessly
into the fire. Tecciztecatl, ashamed, jumped afterwards.
In the horizon, two suns appeared and the gods, angered at Tecciztecatl's cowardice and dishonor, threw a rabbit at the second sun
and turned it into the moon.
The sky now had light, but something was wrong: the Sun was not moving. It was then that the assembled gods made an offering of
blood, which started the Fifth Sun's movement in the sky; forever chasing the moon and keeping the night at bay.
This was then Ollin Tonatiuh, the Movement Sun, a neverending cycle that the Eagle Knights embraced and found within themselves;
the energy of change, of a circle of life that will end in a series of great earthquakes; the Sun of Movement ending in a Great
When Tlacaelel burned the records of Azcapotzalco, he equaled his Sire, the vampire Huitzilopochtli, with the Sun of Movement, a Sun
that demanded blood in order to keep moving, usurping both the names and functions of two Celestines: Huitzilopochtli the Warrior
and Tonatiuh, the Nahui Ollin.
But the gods reached the disheartened Cuacuahtzin and told them the truth and pointed them to a new path.
The embracing of Ollin changed the Knight's view of the world; they now saw the world as a neverending cycle, a constant, ordered
change and evolution. This view has put them in good terms with many Garou as well as with the Verbena, Dreamspeakers and the
ocassional Euthanatos (Death is also part of the Ollin).
In this way, they deny stagnation and are almost always at the vanguard of human evolution; they fight the forces of the mad Weaver
and the Technocracy, whose wish is to stagnate reality; they also counter the traditionalist views of certain Garou Tribes and of
Traditions like the Order of Hermes who can't see past their laws and customs into the necessary change.

The foreigners
For the three centuries after the Conquest the Knights launched a guerrilla war against the Spaniard government, but their exploits
never made it into the history thanks to the growing power and influence of the Technocracy; only they remember their past adventures.
Decades of war against the invaders led the Knights to reconsider their position on the whole foreign issue; they were the first to
aknowledge the intercultural richness and mixed ancestry of Mexico, and began accepting mexicans of whiter skin into the Order,
since for the first hundred years of the new Cuacuahtzin they only accepted indians.

Women in the Knighthood

"We women will know how to defend our gods, our homes and our crops, let us take the weapons from the hands of those who have
not known how to use them and let us go with Moctezuma, to organize at once the defense of our city".
-Citlalmina. "Tlacaelel", Antonio Velasco Pia
The philosophy behind the Ollin allowed the admission of women in the Order centuries before the first feminist consciousness and
movemements; their beliefs said that a host of women warriors accompained the Sun in the second half of its journey through the sky,
so it was only natural to accept women into the new Order, putting the Knights at ease with the Black Furies; women can achieve the
same rank and the same power as any Knight and it's frowned upon that any male Cuacuahtzin discriminates any of his female

Sacred Mission
From the day the Four Ways were accepted, the Knights devoted themselves to the protection of humans, specially against the
supernatural. They hold a special jyhad against vampires, all vampires. The Cuacuahtzin abhor Kindred politics, although they keep
tabs on them. Many times they have completely undone Camarilla and Sabbat plots; in their role as hunters, the vampires have tried to
manipulate them to attack political opponents, only to find their own havens burned and Childer staked.
But the protection goes beyond killing the predators; the Cuacuahtzin patrol the country as the European errant knights, looking for
ways to help the people, assisting when natural catastrophes strike, such as the 1985 earthquake in Mexico City or the Paricutin
eruption, many of them hold jobs that strive to help their communities.

Code of Honor
Despite the change of the Ollin, the Knights cling to a strict Code of Honor, similar in many ways to that of Garou.
When going to war or to knowledge, you must be wide awake, be fearful, be respectful and have absolute confidence, any other
way of going to war and to knowledge is a mistake.(1)
Be at the same time pondering and rash; ponder your next action, and then abandon yourself on your decision.
Talk to Death. Death awaits us and to aknowledge it helps you to see your own insignificance.
Never burden others with your presence.

Obey your superiors and respect your subordinates.

Protect humans against the supernatural; even if the creature is your friend.
Vampires are a blight to the world; they must be destroyed.
If your life is worth another life, give it freely.
Never alter your consciousness by artificial means; it's disrespect for the gods and dangerous in battle.

Coatlicue: "Skirt of Snakes", the Mother Godess; Gaia.
Xiuhcoatl: "Fire Snake", the weapon of Huitzilopochtli, the rays of the Sun. The vampiric Discipline of Xiuhcoatl is considered a

Cuauhtecatl: "Eagle Companion"; when the Cuacuahtzin die, they go to the the Realm of Helios; sometimes they go to the Aetherial
Realm to join the court of Hyperion.

Cuauhtlehuamitl: "Darts of the Eagle"; a magic-charged missile.

Ollin: Movement; the backing philosophy of the Cuacuahtzin.
Ollin Tonatiuh: "Sun of Movement", the Fifth Sun of the legend, the current era.
Cuauhtecuhtli: "Lord of Eagles", the leader of the Eagle Knights.
Mictlan: "Realm of the Dead"; the name for a Far Shore in the Underworld, sometimes used to describe Erebus. Also an organization
of Mexican vampires similar to the Sabbat and the Camarilla.

A council of Masters (Rank 5) chooses a Cuauhtecuhtli; the Lord of Eagles, to be the Leader of the Order; he is advised by the Four
Masters of the Ways, who are also Rank 5 and have achieved the Fifth Level in their Way of Journey. The five Masters compose the
leading organ of the Order.

The Knighthood divides itself in four groups corresponding to the Ways: Leaders, Sorcerers, Warriors and Workers. Each Journey is
semi-independent of each other and has it's own hierarchy. The Journey a Knight chooses affects his training and his view of the

Way of the Leader: Knights who choose this Journey are often the leaders of their Company, but they are also mediators and scouts;
they believe in the power of organized groups and strive to unite the efforts of their fellow humans. As their patron is Quetzalcoatl, they
hold knowledgeable and kind people in respect.

Way of the Sorcerer: Regarded with suspicion, the Sorcerers see the world as a place where magic is power, and the only way to get
things done is by learning the secrets of the occult and bend them to their wills. Their patron, Tezcatlipoca, makes them a little
untrustworthy, though their loyalty to the Order is unquestionable.

Way of the Warrior: Rash with pride, many Warriors see themselves as the original Eagle Knights. Conflict is what moves the world
for them, and they intend to win the upper hand. They tend to be strongly individualistic and self reliant. Their patron Huitzilopochtli
demands from them great deeds of battle.

Way of the Worker: The Workers are a simple lot, or so many believe; they think that anything is possible if one just works hard
enough for it. They see the world as a workshop and circumstances as tools to make one's own destiny. Xipe Totec is a complex god;
he represents the growth of the spirit by the shedding of the material.



New Ability
Current rating
Current rating x 2
Current rating x 4
Current rating x 4
Way of Journey Level of the Way x 3
Other Way
Level of the Way x 4

Rank and Renown

Way of the Leader

Glory Honor Wisdom

0:Novice 0
1:Initiate 1
2:Knight 1
3:Captain 3
4:Elder 4
5:Master 6



Way of the Sorcerer.

Glory Honor Wisdom
0:Novice 0
1:Initiate 1
2:Knight 2
3:Captain 3
4:Elder 4
5:Master 7

Way of the Warrior.

Glory Honor Wisdom
0:Novice 0
0 0
1:Initiate 2
2:Knight 3
3:Captain 5
4:Elder 7
5:Master 9

Way of the Worker.

Glory Honor Wisdom
0:Novice 0
1:Initiate 0
2:Knight 1
3:Captain 3
4:Elder 6
5:Master 9

The Movement is the Eagle Knight's connection to existence as well as their understanding and control of this force of change; in
game terms it might be a mix between a Garou's Gnosis and a Mage's Arete.
It is composed of permanent and temporary dots. The permanent points indicate the understanding of the Movement and how it
affects all things and beings. Permanent Ollin is used to roll for the effects of the four Ways in the same way as a Mage's Arete, with
the difference that the effects need not be coincidential and they don't cause Paradox. Ollin is rolled against a difficulty of the effect's
Level+3 in all Ways but the one corresponding to the Knight's Journey, in wich case it is the Level+2 instead.
Temporary Ollin is stored Quintessence and can be stolen by a mage with the Prime Sphere. For vampires, the Blood of a Knight is
richer the more Ollin it had stored; for every temporary Ollin more than 5, a Blood Point is worth an extra point. Temporary Ollin cannot
excede the number of permanent Ollin, as the Knight can't store more than he can understand and control.
Each time a Way is used succesfully, a temporary Ollin point is substracted from the total, except all effects in the Way of the Knight's
Journey, which are free.
Temporary Ollin can be easily recovered by a succesful Perception+Meditation roll against the difficulty of the Gauntlet. The Knights
believe the Earth to be an enormous Node. The number of successes mean the number of Ollin points recovered up to the character's

The Four Ways

The Four Ways are very different from Magickal effects; They don't cause Paradox as they are more akin to Garou Gifts, for the gods
provided them, save for the fact that they are fueled by the Knight's own understanding of the Movement.

The Way of the Leader

* Empathy: The Knight is able to sense the feelings of those around him; it may be as little as one person or as many as an
army; the scope of the sensing must be determined before rolling for success. The number of successes determines the
accuracy and clarity of the reading.

** Eyes of the Eagle: The Knight gets a mental image of the terrain in which she stands; this is called 'bird's eye view' by the
younger Knights, as it provides the user with vital information such as ambushes, obstacles, hiding places, persons (the identity
is provided only if the Knight knows the individual in person), etc. The more successes, the larger the area covered.

*** Call to Battle: The Knight can call all his allies or persons that have the same goal as the Knight that are in the vicinity, and
can give them an immediate awareness of the situation at hand and the actions needed, thus winning initiative for them. Note
that not only battles can be confronted with this effect, but also other kinds of crises such as natural disasters, accidents, rescue
missions, etc.

**** Inspiration: Similar in some way to the Ahroun Gift, this effect causes that all of the Knight's allies gain an automatic
success in whatever they are doing at the same moment. This requires the expenditure of 1 temporary Ollin point per turn in
addition to the one needed to fuel the effect.

***** Link of Battle: This makes the Knight and allies present to act as one; this creates a dice pool equal to the sum of the
Willpowers of everyone linked. Any participant in the link can draw from this pool to add to any kind of roll until the pool exhausts,
at which point the effect ends.

The Way of the Sorcerer

* Sense Magic: The use of this effect causes the Knight to sense anything magical in the immediate surroundings this includes
fetishes, talismans, Magick, Thaumaturgy, Garou Gifts, Rites, Rituals, Hedge Magic, Arcanos that affect the living world, etc. If
three or more successes are achieved, the Knight can determine exactly what kind of magic is being used; five successes allow
for the pinpointing of the effect.

** Astral Quest/The Sight: By sinking in deep meditation, the Knight can separate her spirit body from the physical, traveling in
the Umbra as if she was a spirit. She can achieve great speeds in this way, but cannot affect anything in the physical world.
Consider the spirit form as having 10 Power for each permanent Ollin point.
The Sight is the name of the ability of any Sorcerer to see the spirits around her, including those of the dead; it's automatic upon
reaching this Level in the Way of the Sorcerer. A roll must be made in order to interact with the spirits.

*** Step Sideways: As the name implies, the Knights can, by using this effect, travel to the Umbra carrying along their physical
bodies, as the Garou do. The Knights, however, don't need a mirror. The difficulty can be raised by the Gauntlet, but it will never
be less than 6.

**** Eagle's Wings: This effects works in two ways: in the Umbra and in the physical world. In the Umbra, the Knight assumes
the form of a gigantic eagle, roughly the size of a human. The eagle form has double the number of Health levels and the
following adjustments: Strength +3, Dexterity +1, Stamina +2; Charisma -1, Manipulation 0, Appearance -3; Perception +3,
Intelligence -1, Wits +1. This lasts as long as the Knight desires.
In the physical world, the Knight turns into a royal eagle slightly larger than the normal animal; the attribute modifiers are Strength
-2, Dexterity +2, Stamina +1; Charisma -3, Manipulation -3, Appeareance -2; Perception +3, Intelligence -2, Wits +2. This effect
lasts as per the following chart.
The Knight loses three Ollin points and is stunned for the following three turns.
The Knight loses the Ollin spent.
5 turns
10 turns
1 hour
6 hours
A day
A week
The Knight can transform back and forth as many times as he wishes for the entire Story.
The Knight can transform back into human form at any moment, but needs to roll again to change into eagle form.

Attacks in Eagle Form




Thrown back
SPECIAL NOTE: Sorcerers with a nahual can choose to shapechange into their nahual instead of into an eagle; in the Umbra
they inhabit their nahual.

***** Rituals: Upon achieving Level 5, the Sorcerer can learn and enact any kind of ritual; including Garou, Kindred and Hedge;
at the Storyteller's discretion, they may also begin to learn Garou Gifts, Thaumaturgical Paths and Hedge Magic; to activate
them, the Knight must roll for this effect (Ollin vs 8) regardless of the Gift's or Path's Level and ignoring any other required rolls.

The Way of the Warrior

* Sense of Battle: The Knight studies her enemy's movements with lightning-fast speed and reacts accordingly. She can add a

number of dice equal to the successes achieved in the Ollin roll in whatever actions she intends to do next.

** The Sun's Rage: This works exactly as a Garou's Rage; success grants extra actions to the Knight and enables him to
ignore the effects of wounds but also risks Frenzy. If the Knight rolls a number of successes higher than his current temporary
Willpower, he goes into a Berserk Frenzy, avoidable with the expenditure of a Willpower point.

*** Eagle's Talons: The Knight can grow black talons from her fingers, adding three dice to any Brawl and Damage roll. The
damage done is aggravated. The talons lasts a turn per success.

**** Cuauhtlehuamitl: Any missile can be imbued with the Sun's Power with this effect. The missiles can range from a rock to a
bullet and the damage they cause is turned into aggravated. The number of successes indicates the number of missiles
empowered in this manner. The visual effect is quite spectacular, as the missile trails fire in it's path; this fire can ignite anything
it touches (including the target!) if the item, animal or person fails to soak at least three damage levels.

***** Inner Burst: The Knight can awaken the power of the Fifth Sun in any object and being in this world, causing the target to
burn from the inside out. This causes a base damage equal to the target's total Health, effectively reducing it to cinders. If the
target is sentient, it can resist this effect with a Willpower roll against the Knight's Ollin, reducing the damage by a Health level
per success. Even if the target resists successfully, it is considered Incapacitated and in need of urgent medical care. The sight
can send any vampire into Rotschreck. If the Knight chooses to awaken the Sun inside herself, she burts in a fiery explosion,
burning in a ball of fire of 6 feet in diameter. This is extremely dangerous, and is only used in desperate situations. In this fiery
state, the damage dealt by any of the Knight's attacks is considered aggravated and is also augmented by 5 automatic
successes; anything she touches begins to burn, even if the material is non-flammable. This effect lasts as many turns as the
Knight's Ollin and in each turn, the Knight must roll Willpower against her own Ollin to avoid burning to death. Each turn the
Knight suffers three levels of damage, which must be soaked with the Willpower roll; if any roll botches, or Health is reduced
below Incapacitated, the Knight dies. When the effect ends and if the Knight is still alive, she is reduced to Incapacitated status.
If the Knight wants to sacrifice herself, the burst can be worth 10 health levels per Ollin point plus 10 more per success achieved
in the Ollin roll. This is a mighty explosion that effectively kills the Knight, sending her spirit to Helios.

The Way of the Worker

The most misunderstood Way is one of the most powerful; the Patterns it works are actually the Patterns of Life, Matter and Forces as
understood by the Magi. Thus, a Worker effect deals with the fabric of reality. Worker effects take precedence to Disciplines and Gifts,
but give way to Sphere Magick; thus, a Tremere lifting a table with Thaumaturgy can be stopped easily by a Knight strengthening the
Pattern of gravity; but the Knight can also easily be stopped by a Mage with the Forces Sphere.

* See the Patterns: The Knight can perceive the Patterns that conform a being, an object or a phenomenon; so the Worker can
give a diagnosis of a sick person by looking at the Patterns of Life, find the weakest spot in a structure by studying the Patterns
of Matter, or detect Obfuscated vampires with the Patterns of Forces. If the Knight is looking for specific information, the
Storyteller can ask for a special roll to understand the Patterns (eg., Perception+Medicine in case of a detailed diagnosis).

** Strengthen the Patterns: Ollin can be used to strengthen Patterns in a variety of ways limited by the player's creativity. The
base mechanic should be based on the successes achieved in the activation of this effect. A Knight can harden her skin with the
Life Pattern (create a Stamina modifier equal to the successes), make an object unbreakable (likewise), make a light brighter or
a fire hotter, etc.

*** Repair Patterns: Used mainly for healing and mending; successes restore levels of damage to persons or objects, by
realigning their Patterns. Other uses can be found, though.

**** Crafting: The Knight uses this effect to create special objects by tying patterns together; electrical swords (tie the sword
Pattern to a Forces Pattern), medicines (tie the medicine's material with a Life Pattern), etc. There must always be a material
component, and the successes required depend on the complexity of the task (Storyteller's discretion). Some items take much
time to complete. It is rumored that the Knights are beating the Technocracy in the implementation of cybernetic parts by the use
of this effect.

***** Pattern Weave: Knights who journey the Way of the Sorcerer have discovered the advantages of the Way of the Worker,
as the Pattern Weave allow for the creation of facsimile magick in the Spheres of Life, Matter and Forces (up to level three).
These effects can be dismantled automatically by a Mage with at least a dot in the appropriate Sphere. Some Workers have
experimented with Weaving the Pattern Web, which opens a universe of possibilities: the Gauntlet can be weakened or
strenghtened, reality can be calcified or decalcified, Weaver Spirits can be dominated, etc. Effects with the Pattern Web should
require a huge number of accumulated successes, making it mandatory for several Workers to work in unison in order to
complete an effect. Messing with the Web instantly attracts the attention of Pattern Spiders.

These rituals are human ritual; hedge magic that has been preserved over the centuries by the faithful Cuacuahtzin; anyone can
participate, but the enacter must know how to perform the rituals, be it Hedge Magician, Thaumaturgist, Garou or walker of the Way of
the Sorcerer (a simple Willpower roll against a difficulty of 3+level; it's not necessary to have achieved level 5, but dufficulties rise by 1.

Ollam (Level 5)
This is the traditional ball game where two teams of players strive to push a ball through a wall hole by using only the head, elbows and
hips. The two captains must know the ritual. One team represents Day; the other, Night. both the outcome and the play itself are

omens. In the times of the Aztec, the winners were sacrificed; the Cuacuahtzin no longer practice this.
Both captains make the Willpower roll; they average their successes and compare the final outcome on the chart; the Storyteller must
award the enacters with an omen: a clue to the question they wanted an answer to when enacting the Ollam.
Successes Result
A very vague clue in the form of a riddle
A cryptic answer
A clear clue for the knowledgeable
The signs couldn't be more straightforward
Exact visions from the future and the possibilities therein

Chart the Tonalamatl (Level 3)

At the moment of a child's birth, the Cuacuahtzin make a horoscope which foretells the fortune of the child. This reveals if the child is
marked by a Destiny or a Dark Fate, for example, or if his Avatar is strong enough to Awaken later in life; if the child will become a
hero or lead a normal life. Use the chart for Ollam for determining results.

Journey into Mictlan (Level 4)

All the Mexican supernaturals are intrigued by death; the Knights are no exception. This rite can only be enacted by a Sorcerer able to
Step Sideways. After the ritual is finished, the Knight can Step into the Shadowlands of the Wraiths instead of the living Umbra. For
each success, the Knight can remain in the lands of the dead for a day. At the end of the duration, she is pushed out, emerging in the
spot corresponding in the physical world.

The World of Darkness

Vampires: The Kindred occupy one of the driving pilars of the Order: they must be destroyed. The Cuacuahtzin hold a special grudge
against them, for it was they who exploited them before and destroyed all they held dear after the Conquest.
The Eagle Knights are not blinded by hatred; they know the battle is hard and most of all in a country dominated by the Sabbat; they
keep a Masquerade of their own even more strict than the vampires', lest they be discovered by their enemies. The Cuacuahtzin
tactics are akin to the guerrilla fighters: small companies striking fast and hard, suicide is the only option to capture.
They also keep tabs on the local vampire scene; tracking the kindred to their havens; they possess a large amount of data of their
foes' political and economic influences, and they pull their own resources to counter the vampires'. Many a Knight has been put in a
moral dilemma when a vampire's plan actually benefits the mortal community while furthering the undead's goals.

Werewolves: The Knights prefer to avoid the Garou; they feel the sharing of goals on battling corruption and the defense of the
country, but it's in the matter of methods that violent disputes have been known to arise.
The Garous' feelings are alike; they respect the honorable Knights, but they are still homids.
So far, there haven't been declarations of war thanks to the efforts of both the Garou and the Cuacuahtzin elders, but the younger
members clash constantly more than cooperate.
A lever some of the Garou try to use is that the Cuacuahtzin hold a number of caerns that they want to claim. The Eagle Knights are not
willing to surrender their sacred grounds without a fight, so tensions are high.

Mages: No quandaries exist with the mages save with the Order of Hermes, which was partly responsible for the destruction of the
ancient temples.
The Ascension War has the sympathy and wholehearted support of the Cuacuahtzin, and they will help mages in their plans against
the Technocracy. The Knights' chapterhouses have given refuge to a great number of fleeing mages, and some of the Sorcerers and
Workers have cooperated to ease mages out of Quiet.
There have been occasional conflicts with some mages stealing Quintessence from the Cuacuahtzin, but they are the exception to the

Wraiths: If there's a group of supernaturals completely at ease with the Knights, it's the Wraiths. The lone spirits are considered to be
still within the Knights' responsiblity, more so as the Knights honor their ancestors, and do all within their power to help wraiths reach
Few Cuacuahtzin become wraiths; their spirits go to the Sun as Cuauhtecatl (some Restless believe this to be instant Trascendence).
Only those who died ignominously and still have scores to settle remain in the Shadowlands, but their high spirituality allows them to
Trascend upon resolution of their Passions and Fetters.
On November 2nd, the Day of the Dead, the Eagle Knights welcome all ghosts and honor them with altars filled with fruit, bread and
wine; ritualy prepared so as to have existence in the Shadowlands. As they are partly Awakened and hold no fear of death, the mere
presence of a Cuacuahtzin is enough to drop the Shroud a little.

Changelings: Arcadia had little presence in the affair of ancient Mexico, save for a few scattered legends, most of them in the Mayan
regions (where the Faerie are known as Aluxes). This partial absence has prevented the Knights from acquiring complete knowledge

regions (where the Faerie are known as Aluxes). This partial absence has prevented the Knights from acquiring complete knowledge
of the inhabitants of Arcadia and the ones left behind, so a Changeling will be judged on an individual basis upon contact: if she is
potentially harmful, she is captured and delivered to the Garou.

The Wyrm: All manifestations of the Wyrm are anathema to the Knights; they recognize It's existence and influence. Pentex, Black
Spiral Dancers, Sabbat, Nephandi and Spectres: they are all enemies of the Knights as they all seek to harm humankind, and they are
battled on all levels.

Governments: The Eagle Knights try to avoid interfering with politics, but recent events have made them push their influences to the
defense of their beloved land; it's unknown what part they play in the Chiapas uprising, but that they are there is a fact.
On more local matters, some officers within the police are Initiates, and the Knights have influence in the Army (they don't belong to it,
it would interfere with their prime mission) and with some minor government agents; they are beginning to infiltrate the U.S.
government thanks to the chicano population; their final goal is to ease the rather edgy relationship between the two countries, by the
propagation of true information so as to destroy stereotypes on both sides of the border.

The Inquisition: Despite the common goal of exterminating vampires, the Knights abhor the Inquisition and it's Hunters; all sects and
orders branching from it are considered untrustworthy and unreliable; no Knight will help a member of the Inquisition; if innocent lives
are at stake, the Knights will put aside any qualms of fighting humans and attack the Inquisitioners with vicious ferocity.
This hate is reciprocated by the Inquisition; those who know of the Cuacuahtzin consider them devil-worshippers and figure in their hit
list just below the supernaturals.

The Arcanum: The Knights know of the Arcanum, they have even asked them for help when trying to document supernatural activity;
they exchange information and sometimes perform as active members in information gahtering missions.

FREAK: The Scene

By Marc17 (, with additional material by Drew Edwards (

This book is about those people who wear weird clothes, don't wake up till dark and lurk on dark streets. This is about the
people in black who play vampire having never played a role-playing game before. They are the children of the night of the real
world. Skins. Punks. Goths. Cybers. The entire bunch which set the scene in the world of dark. They inhabit the bars, prey upon
mortals on the streets, and are the blood dolls in the clubs.
Note: The views within are my own and probobly reflect my own viewpoint in my city more than reality. Deal with it. Everybody is
stereotyped and nobody's perfect. If you don't like they way I decribed one of the Cliques or have a better idea, send it to me.
Also, I need information on Rockabillies. If you can fill out the info on them and send it to me, I'd be grateful. I see them around at
all the shows and everything, but don't know any. It's also one of the few Cliques I havn't belonged to in my life.

Character Creation
1. Pick a Clique.
2. Create a Mortal character from pg. 31 of The Vampire Player's Guide
3. You get two dots in your Clique's Special Ability and one dot in any other Special Ability. Take your Weakness. You may
take another dot in a special ability for each additional Weakness you take.
4. Select Merits and Flaws. Pretty much pick any you want so long as it doesn't specifically pertain to being a supernatural
creature to have it.
5. Special Abilities cost the same as Attributes when dealing with experience.
6. If a character becomes a mage, vampire, wraith, etc. they may either drop the weaknesses as well as all their Special
Abilities ('Ya, I used to be into that stuff.'), or keep them all in addition to any other abilities and weaknesses their new form

Racist Skin
Assholes, Fascists, Boneheads, Nazi Skins

Like all skins, they wear Doctor Martin Boots, flight jackets, and braces. They often embellish their appearance with white
pride/power slogans or symbols such as the confederate flag or swastika on their flight jackets or tattooed arms.

Some house out in the middle of no where where they can sit and drink beer without anybody finding out where they live. When in
town they hang out at some bar or just simply roam the streets in a large group looking people to harass.

Most racist skins were either raised by racist parents who encourage their behavior, or by uncaring parents who kicked them
out/let them run away where they were picked up by other Nazi skins who offered them a place to stay and beer to drink. They
were then indoctrinated into the group once they had begun to rely upon the skins.

Character Creation
Most racist skins have Bravo for Demeanor or Nature and is often complemented by other aggressive types of Archetypes.
Physical is almost always the primary stat and mental almost always the tertiary. Most Nazi skins have the Short Fuse flaw.

Special Ability
Single mindedness


Favorite Movies
Romper Stomper, Skinheads

Favorite Bands
Screwdriver, Mid-Town Boot Boys, NON, other skin bands while claiming they used to be racist

Most Racist skins belong to some sort of loose organization which borders on the verge of becoming a gang. They usually have
some patch or insignia to adorn their flight jackets or tattoos to identify each other.

Traditional Skins: Some of these guys are ok, but they refuse to see the truths that we see. They consort with mongrel breeds
and other race traitors.

SHARP Skins: Race traitor faggots who all need to die.

Old School Punks: Some of these guys are ok, but most of them are race traitors or faggots who need to be put in the hospital.
Crustie Punks: Queer bums who should be squashed like roaches.
Goths: Wimpy little kids who are fun to beat up.
Industrial: If they would take care of the way they look and get jobs they might be ok if they would just believe like we do. Until
then they better stay out of our way.

Cyber: Even worse than the Goths.

Drag Queen: Always be sure to wear gloves when beating the shit out of these just to be sure you don't catch their AIDS.
Rough Trader: These queers need to die most of all (even if we are afraid we'd lose the fight and they'd rape us.)
True Freak: Weirdo

Traditional Skin
Oi Skin

Boots, Braces and Flight. Sometimes dressed in shark skin suits.

The local bar and their house.

These are the truest to what skins started out to be, a working class reaction to the hippies in England. They believe in being
working class, listening to ska music, and drinking a lot.

Character Creation
Usually primary in physical stats, secondary in Mental stats (so they can get a high Wits for combat) and then Social. Natures
and Demeanors vary from Bravo to Caretaker, just so long as it goes with their Code of Honor.

Special Ability

Code of Honor

Favorite Movies
Romper Stomper, Rude Boy

Favorite Bands
Symarap, Agnostic Front, all Ska and Oi bands

Besides a very strong feeling of fraternity between Traditional skins, they are rarely organized besides loyalties to favorite
football teams in England.

Racist Skins: Most of them are ok guys who just need to get off their racist kick.
SHARP Skins: Most of them are ok guys who just need to get off their anti-racist kick.
Old School Punks: They look funny and deserve a good thrashing now and then, but most of them have jobs and are straight
up with you when they talk.

Crustie Punks: Lazy bums need to take a bath and get a job.
Goths: The girls are cute, but otherwise they're worthless.
Industrial: They seem like the hard working type.
Cyber: Aren't they just more Goths?
Drag Queen: Worthless disease ridden fags.
Rough Trader: Scary disease ridden fags.
True Freak: Probably queer.

Anti-racist Skin, Bonehead


Boots, braces, and flight jackets. Multiple anti-racist tattoos.

Bars and each other's houses.

Once racist skinheads formed out of the Traditional skins, it was only a matter of time before an opposite and equal reaction
created anti-racist skins.

Character Creation
SHARP skins usually have either Physical or Mental attributes as Primary being either a Bravo or a Architect respectfully. They
often have Fanatic as a Nature or Demeanor. Most SHARP skins with Bravo as a Nature or Demeanor have the Hypocritical

Special Ability


Favorite Movies
Romper Stomper, Rude Boy, and Skinheads

Favorite Bands
Agnostic Front, Yuppicide, and non-racist ska and oi bands

Anti-racist skins have a loose brotherhood held together by skin honor and a common cause. There is an actual SHARP (Skin
Heads Against Racial Prejudice) that has members, collects dues, networks, distributes flyers and newsletters, host
conventions, etc. They are mostly intellectual anti-racist skins however.

Racist Skins: They should all be put in the hospital till they leave town.
Traditional Skins: Good skinheads, even if they won't wake up and see the troubles the world faces with racism.
Old School Punks: These guys just don't care enough and sometimes hangout with the Nazis. They're no better than them if
they won't help us fight.

Crustie Punks: Worthless creeps may have their beliefs straight, but they still need to bathe and get jobs.
Goths: Pathetic wimps.
Industrial: Okay guys, I guess.
Drag Queen: Okay so long as they don't hit on me.
Rough Trader: Okay, so long as they don't rape me.
Cyber: Weird pathetic wimps.
True Freak: Just plain weird.

Old School Punk


Old school punks come in two varieties. Hardcores wear army boots, plain leather jackets and band t-shirts with their hair cut
short. Post card punks have Mad Max boots, leather jackets covered with band names and spikes, and band t-shirts with their
hair colored some bright color sticking straight up into a three foot mohawk.

Dance Club parking lots, the garage where everybodies friends bands practice, Concerts

Punks are what society has made them, and they hate them for it. Nothing seems to matter except the present. There's no future.
Life's just a game and they don't want to play. They're a bad seed. There's no way back. Only death will heal them.

Character Creation
Any Nature and Demeanor may be chosen. Character concepts are street types. Social attributes are usually tertiary.

Special Ability


Favorite Movies
Jubilee, Repo Man, Suburbia, and Another State of Mind

Favorite Bands
Black Flag, Dead Kennedies, Circle Jerks, DOA, Misfits, DI, Flipper, and the Sex Pistols

Old school punks have no organization besides a strong sense of unity. They will almost always side with each other, fight
together against enemies, and trust each other. They can tell each other by appearance and will aid a fellow punk rocker by
whatever means possible.

Racist Skins: Racist, neo-facist assholes.
Traditional Skins: Ok guys to drink with if you can stand their self righteousness.
SHARP Skins: PC, neo-fascist assholes.
Crustie Punks: Good guys, but I can't get into their music. It sounds too much like metal.
Goths: Gossiping assholes who talk behind everybody's backs.
Industrial: Cool guys to hang around with. They know what they want and strive to get it.
Cyber: A Goth by any other name is still a Goth.
Drag Queen: Funny to watch as they parade doing their stuff.
Rough Trader: These guys have some really neat leather outfits. I wish I could afford some of them, but then again, they look so


True Freak: Who's not a freak around here?

Crustie Punk
Gutter Punk, Crusties

Crustie Punks are dressed in patched up jeans and jackets. The patches which are usually homemade and from various bands
across the country are sometimes the only thing that hold their clothes together. Their clothes are also unwashed and glisten with
a sheen of body oils, dirt and spilt beer. There hair is dredded or put up in spikes. Unlike Old school punks it is rarely colored.
They also refrain from wearing leather or fur, dressing only in fiber or manmade clothes. Tennis shoes or Israeli army boots are
the staple foot wear among crustie punks. Their teeth are green and there is almost always one missing from rot or fights.
Tattoos are popular and range from band logos to tribal art work.

Crustie punks have at least one house in any city that they exist in which is the local flop house for anybody who cares to stay
there. Most of the time it's a squat or a house which the rent will be paid for once or twice and then they will live there for the
additional month or two it takes to evict them. When not at whatever house they live in, they hang around clubs, the rack,
convenience stores, or anywhere else they can panhandle change, food, or beer from other people.

Anarchy and peace. After many years, the punk rock movement developed ideals and something to strive for. It's the same old
line the hippies had before just Crusties don't sit down and take it. A free society with no government, no war, no money, and
organic food are the goals for the crustie punks. The only real difference between crusties and hippies is that crusties like the
city and listen to music that's a cross between punk and speed metal.

Character Creation
Pick either Physical or Social attributes as Primary, being either a street tough kid or a schmoozer who gets others to provide
their way.

Special Ability


Favorite Movies
Whatever's in the VCR.

Favorite Bands
Filth, Blatch, Extreme Noise Terror, and Nausea

None, but crustie punks have a similar sense of camaraderie as Old School Punks as well as a friendship with them. Whatever
house they are staying at will acquire some name which all the crusties living there will be known under.


Racist Skins: Fascist assholes who need to be killed.

Traditional Skins: Fascist assholes who need to be killed.
SHARP Skins: Fascist assholes who need to be killed, but at least have their hearts in the right place.
Old School Punks: Old School, even if they do dress like punk rockers off postcards.
Goths: Namby pamby anorexic, vampire wannabes.
Industrial: Goths with balls.
Cyber: Goths who are Trekkie nerds.
Drag Queen: Why would anybody dress up like that and act that way.
Rough Trader: Scary guys who are best left alone.
True Freak: Good people to go bum a beer off of.

Straight Edge Punks

By Drew Edwards
Edgers, X-Men, Hardliners, sXe Punks

They can look like any type of punk rocker with the exception of a Crustie. Hardliners avoid wearing leathers and dress more
skater, they might have non- or fake leather boots or bondage gear. Straight edgers will have X's on their hands at all times and
will tend to have them on the clothing too. Also straight edge sayings like" never give up" or "pure till death" will be on t-shirts.

Punk Clubs, Skate parks, Vegan Food Places, Comic Book Stores, Malls, (sit and laugh at the shoppers)

Straight Edge Punks follow a code that goes a bit like this:
Don't Drink
Don't Smoke
Don't Do Drugs
Don't have sex unless in a relationship and then stay true to that person.
Many of these punks are into herbal medicine and avoid caffeine as well. In recent years a new breed of sXe punks have
appeared; they abstain from meat and adopt a vegan lifestyle. These are called hardliners. They take their beliefs very seriously,
some to the point of beating up people in leather and calling non hardline edgers posers. Straight edge is moral center of punk
movement. Edgers fight for animal and eco rights. They try to stay aware of what's happening in politics.

Character Creation
Think of why this person became straight edge. What events lead him down this path. is he a self-righteous blow hard or a neopaladin with a mohawk. Is this person hardline and if so is he rude about it. Pick and choose among traits.

Special Ability

Code of Honor

Favorite Movies
Repo-Man, Trainspotting, Gleaming the Cube, Pump Up the Volume, Punk Rock Movie, Suburbia, Straight to Hell, Errgh: A
Music War.

Favorite Bands
Minor Threat, Earth Crisis, CIV, Gorilla Biscuits, Rancid

The more political may start animal rights groups or other such things. They fight for each other if one sXe kid is being beat up,
another edger will jump in and bail him out.

Racist Skins: I'd like to take them and show them what its like to be bashed. If you see one, kick his ass. They all have it
coming. They talk about being "pure" and think the color of their skin makes them that way. Give me a baseball bat and I'll beat a
new lesson into their heads.

Traditional Skins:Working class rights is a good thing and most are good guys, but they drink too much.
SHARP Skins: Very good cause, but they drink too much. Other than that they are good guys.
Old School Punks: Good people, good music. But they have too much smack in their veins.
Crustie Punks: Take a bath, got off the weed, and get a fucking job. Fucking morons think they are punk with that cock rock
they listen too.

Mini-Punx: Most of them will be alright when they get out of Jr. High.
Splatter Punks: Yeah, I know this Splatter Punk transvestite that runs the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" down in the arts district.
He's a good guy, but a bit self destructive. He -- or she -- seems to think it's funny. Ghoulrockers need to learn to treat
themselves better. The Misfits rule though.

Goths: Wimps who think with their hormones. Need I say more?
Industrial: I can't get into the music, I don't think they have a message. Someone please tell me what this is about?
Cyber: Good guys, I had one make me an edge site. You have to get out the house sometimes though.
Drag Queens: Don't make them mad. These guys who want to be girls can slice and dice anyone with their tongues. If you need
to diss someone call a drag queen.

Rough Trader: Too hung up on sex.

Metalheads: *does heavy metal devil hand* Um yeah. No politics, they drink to much, and don't seem to think. I really don't
waste much time with this type. When Rancid got popular a bunch of them went to the show. Morons.

Biker: Friendly as friendly can be.

Rockabilly: Cool guys, great tunes, cool cars, cute girls. They party too hard though.
True Freak: Huh?

By Drew Edwards
Skate-punks, Alterna-teen, Mallpunx, Post-grunge Nirvanabes

Baggy paints, baggy shirts, baggy everything. They always have a skater cut and a wallet chain and a band t-shirt. The guys tend
to dress like the pop band "Hanson" and the girls like Gwen Stefani from the punk-wannabe band "No Doubt."

Skate parks, punk rock clubs (gee this fake ID is cool) comic book stores, pizza places, malls (gee this Blockbuster Music is
cool) and their mom's house.

Mini-punx are the younger friends or siblings of any kind of older punk rocker or grunge left over. They really want to be part of
the counter-culture but just haven't made it yet. Most are still in junior high, and really don't know much about the world. While
most view them as the bane of any scene they seem to have a strange insight onto the things their older counterparts miss. Most
people start out as mini-punx and won't admit to it when they get older.

Character Creation
They are all young and naive so pick their traits accordingly. They will be full of questions, but at the same time will not warm up
to any over 30.

Special Ability


Favorite Movies
The Crow, Clueless, Natural Born Killers, The Muppet Movie, and anything mixing the psychotic and the cute. They seem to think
that's amusing for some reason.

Favorite Bands
Greenday, NoFx, Pansy Division (that doesn't make me gay does it?) Rage Against the Machine, Nirvana (Kurt's not dead) and
anything their older brother listened in high school.

If you see one mini-punk you see all the mini-punx. They really don't think of themselves as a group of anything other than a group
of young punk rockers. The name mini-punx was given to them by their older friends or siblings. You see mini-punx everywhere,
skating, groping their underage boy or girlfriend, plotting what to do tonight or just hanging around for days on end.

Racist Skins: Yikes.
Traditional Skins: Once I get a job I think I would make a good Skinhead. Mom won't let me shave my head though so I'm going
to wait.

SHARP Skins: Yeah I think I'd make a good SHARP once I move out of the house. Mom won't let me shave my head though.
Old School Punks: Wow, a real live punk. I want a mohawk as soon as I move out of the house, just like the one my older
brothers had.

Crustie Punks: My older brother used to squat, he tells me cool stories about it. I'm going to squat when I move out. My mom
won't let me have dreadlocks though.

Straight Edge Punks: My mom says all the X's on the hands are ugly.
Splatter Punks: Yikes, that guy looks like the Incredible Hulk's, paler, creepier, zombiefied twin brother. He just grinned at me
and said something about how "I looked good enough to eat."

Goths: They look just like punks to me?

Industrial: I like Nine Inch Nails.

Cyber: Computers are for geeks -- but one of these guys sent me some porn once.
Drag Queen: Wow she's hot -- she's a what?! That doesn't make me gay does it?
Rough Trader: What's a Rough Trader?
Metalhead: Metallica rules!! Oh wait I didn't say that. That would make me a poser. Oh well, [very quiet] Metallica rules.
Biker: Old people suck.
Rockabilly: My girlfriend started to dress kinda Rockabilly. I don't know; it seems like old music to me. I like punk by the way!
True Freak: That kid in science class? I'm going to kick his ass after school.

Splatter Punks
By Drew Edwards
Hardgore, Horror Punks, Ghoul Rockers, Zombiepunx, Freak-rockers, Headstone-punks

Anything they want as long as its gloomy. Most of them men are fairly built with devil-locks and punk rock attire. Skull crotch
plates are not unknown. The women (or the transvestites) tend to keep with a campy-goth mix mirroring things like the Addams
Family or Vampira. Ghostly chains are a very common theme on the women, the men and those in between. Where goths whine
and cry splatter-punks laugh.

Graveyards, video stores, morgues, clubs, gyms, beaches after dark, and places so gloomy no one wants to go to them.

Life is funny, but death is even funnier. Could have gone goth, but saw that as too flimsy and fake. They know they are campy
and even a bit silly, but they enjoy the game. The average splatter-punk could eat the spookiest goth alive. Splatter-punk is the
mosh pit to the Goth's slow waltz. They enjoy watching slasher movies and old horror films. The bloodier the better. Violence is to
be enjoyed, even laughed at. Life is a gloomy pitch black joke, and splatter-punks view themselves as the monsters with the
punch-line. They got their name from a horror book of several short stories. Most of them are violent, but tend to brood a bit (only
for affect.) As stated before, were Goths cry, Ghoul rockers laugh.

Character Creation
Jester tends to be what they lean to as far as Archetype (gallows humor). Any other would follow depending on the character.
Strength is important to the men (gotta look like Glen Danzig) and the women can go almost anywhere.

Special Ability


Favorie Movies
Ed Wood, Re-animator, Night of the Living Dead, Dead-Alive, Horror of Dracula, Halloween, Hellraiser, Godzilla 1985, Carnival
of Souls, 2,000 Maniacs, and the Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Favorite Bands
The Misfits, Groovie Ghoulies, The Cramps, The Damned, T.S.O.L, Rocket From the Crypt, Samhain, White Zombie, Alien Sex

Fiend and Danny Elfman.

They don't like themselves, much less other people. Splatter-punks don't have much a group, and really don't think of themselves
as one. They would hang around Goths except, as a rule, they all hate Goths. For them, most "cliques" take themselves too
seriously or are made up of a bunch of posers. Mostly you will see one or two Zombie punks together within a group of other
people. Larger groups almost always have "token" splatter-punks. If they see a goth however, a thrash, either with the fist or the
tongue, with most certainly happen. They really, really hate Goths.

Racist Skins: I do not like them Sam I am. I'd much rather eat greens and ham.
Traditional Skins:I guess it's a good message but these guys takes themselves waaaaay seriously!
SHARP Skins: What can I say. I'm not a racist but even that can fun if done that right way. Everything can be funny if done the
right way!

Old School Punks: You know I really like these guys. They don't take crap off people but they are so full of themselves! I wonder
what would happen if I hit them with an acid cream pie?

Crustie Punks: I kind of admire how gross they are, but they really need to take a bath.
Straight Edge Punks: Lighten up, fellas. Killing yourself slowly isn't so bad.
Mini-punx: A bunch of little posers, but they sometimes hit the absurdities of things on the mark. Cute kids.
Goths: Where are they? Let me at them! I'll show them what the true dark side is!
Industrial: Cool music, but they are still stuck on themselves. Perhaps a few razor blades and a rubber chicken would help?
Cyber: *hums Star Trek theme* Captain's log star date . . .
Drag Queen: Ed Wood was a transvestite. These people don't take anything seriously. And what a bunch of bitches. I love drag

Rough Trader: Think they are so tough, I'd like to get them under the lash and see how long they last.
Metalheads: Dude!
Biker: Say what? And get my ass kicked? There's something the dead that still live are afraid of.
Rockabilly: Great cars, nice hair, they know how to have fun.
True freak: Everyone's a freak, everyone's a loon. Big deal.

Death Rocker, D-Rocker

Black and gothic. Black leather on top of black velvet clothes with black lace trim. Black hair covering white makeup.

Dance Clubs, Cemeteries, Denny's

Goths believe they are born different. They have always enjoyed the dark and black clothes. Night time and death are their
friends; daylight and life are the enemies which torment them constantly. Romanticism and sex are the only things which inspire
them to drudge though the world in a continued existence and eventually these things are left uninspiring and by then it's too late

to get up the will to change.

Character Creation
Social attributes are almost always Primary since social interaction is the mainstay of Goth life. Mental follow while Physical is
almost always Tertiary as Goths abhor physical activity for anything other than sex. Pick any Nature or Demeanor which would
aid the Goth in acting superior to everyone else. Get some resources so they can buy the clothes and records or give them the
skill to make their own.

Special Ability


Favorite Movies
Interview with a Vampire, Gothic

Favorite Bands
Christian Death, Bauhaus, Nosferatu, Death in June, Sisters of Mercy

None beside the fact that they always gossip amongst themselves and know who everybody is.

Racist Skins: Good people to stay away from.
Traditional Skins: Ok, so long as you don't get their attention.
SHARP Skins: More people to stay a good distance away from.
Old School Punks: Loud, obnoxious assholes who can't stop talking about themselves.
Crustie Punks: Really gross kids who need to deal with reality.
Industrial: Cool guys. I like alot of their music. I just can't stand to listen to it for long.
Cyber: People who finally understand us and are properly up to fashion and etiquette.
Drag Queen: They dress horribly.
Rough Trader: I'm not afraid of them. (Said in a whispered voice from the other side of the room).
True Freak: Who cares about them?


Dressed in black and army green, the Industrial choose clothes that have the qualities they enjoy, rough and durable: t-shirts
covered with army jackets, industrial strength work boots covered with friction tape. Heavy Materials and leather are what the
Industrials prefer for utility and fashion.

Junk yards, abandoned factories, home.

Industrials were born different. They preferred the radio static to the music that played. Loud noises, explosions, crashing bangs,
and the sound of destruction were better than any music made. Out of this destruction came new things, things which nobody
else could see the beauty in. There is no destruction, only change and change is good.

Character Creation
Mental is the best for Primary attributes while knowledges and Skills are the best for Primary Abilities. Natures and Demeanors
are something which allows them to be self reliant and separate from others. Most industrials have some Skill or Knowledge
which they 'hack' and are very proficient in (4 or 5 dots).

Special Ability


Favorite Movies
Testuo-Iron Man, snow on some random channel

Favorite Bands
Eistruzende Neubauten, NON, Throbbing Gristle, radio static

Every man is an island.

Racist Skins: Racist bullies.
Traditional Skins: Bullies.
SHARP Skins: PC bullies.
Old School Punks: Ok guys if you can stand to hear them talk all the time. They at least respect music other than their own.
Crustie Punks: Metalheads who try to claim punk roots.
Goths: Why anybody would want to be a vampire is beyond me.
Cyber: Ok people but their music has too much structure to it. Things need to be destroyed in order to be built.
Drag Queen: Everybody's got their twist.
Rough Trader: If that's what they wnat to do, more power to them.
True Freak: Surely they must understand what we're going through.

Cybergoth, Industrial

Similar to a goth but more latex and leather. Everything needs to be sleek and smooth. Ruffles and lace lack the statement of
buckles and straps. Wires wrapped around the wrist are better than a silver bracelet, and electrical tape looks better than
broach or pin.

Dance clubs, concerts, and the local on-line coffee shop.

Flesh is weak, machines are strong. Computers move faster than any brain and feel less emotions. If they could become
machines with computer brains, they would. They understand machines and their world. Nothing to worry about but the flow of
information and the execution of a job. All life's little trouble are just features of the flesh which they neither care for or want.

Character Creation
Mental Attributes are Primary while Skills or Knowledges are the Primary Abilities. Computer is almost always a given and a
great many have Computer Aptitude. Pick some futuristic character concept such as a net runner, cyborg, or alien species.
Whether or not you are actually what your concept is, you want to be that and almost believe that you are. Act accordingly.

Special Ability

Techno Fetish

Favorite Movies
Akira, Tetsuo-Iron man, and any Star Trek episode with the Borg

Favorite Bands
Front 242, Skinny Puppy, Ministry, Leather Strip, Psychic TV, RevCo

Cybers keep in contact through magazines or web pages as to what's the hottest and newest thing going. They really don't go
out of their way to form groups solely of Cybers unless similar interests are involved, such as computer hacking or music.

Racist Skins: The reason I drive and not walk.
Traditional Skins: The reason I carry a shock gun.
SHARP Skins: The reason I carry pepper spray.
Old School Punks: Old guys who time is past. Beware guitar music, electronic is here.
Crustie Punks: Old School Punk wannabes.
Goths: They'd be better if they weren't so depressed all the time.
Industrial: They think like we do but their music is in a more experimental stage.
Drag Queen: More normal people revealing their inner desires for a night on the town.
Rough Trader: I could do so much with all the leather these guys were.
True Freak: We're all one of these.

Drag Queen
Fag, Queer, Queen, etc.

A badly exaggerated version of the opposite sex in really bad clothes.

Clubs, gay bars.

They are not gay; they have just been born into the wrong bodies. Ever since they were old enough to dress themselves they
have wanted to wear women's clothing. They tried on their mothers' and sisters' clothes when they were away from home and
later when they moved away for college they met others like themselves and clubs to go to. Now they never go back of give up
their lifestyle. Any second of hteir lives that they can get away with dressing as their true sex they will. If they can actually pass fo
rthe opposite sex at work or play, they will.

Character Creation
I only have three things to say: social attributes, social attributes and social attributes. PIck up some social merits if possible and
damn the rest of life.

Special Ability


Favorite Movies
Anything with Divine in it or Andy Warhol.

Favorite Bands
Whatever's hot on the club charts.

Every week or every year, depending on the city and clubs, they all get together to have a beauty contest to see who'll be on top
of the social register.

Racist Skins: Simply horrible beasts.
Traditional Skins: Prejudices, ignorant fools.
SHARP Skins: Who are they?
Old School Punks: A very crass breed of people, but sometimes they can be fun.
Crustie Punks: Ewww. The stench!
Goths: Such pretty little children, if only...

Industrial: They don't talk much do they?

Cyber: Just as pretty as the Goths, but always talking about electronic thingies.
Rough Traders: Oh, they seem so masculine and scary, but they are really teddy bears on the inside.
True Freak: There are some really weird people in the world.

Rough Trader
Leather Man

Leather and denim. Blue jeans with leather pants, leather jacket with a leather harness underneat and a leather motorcycle cap.

Gay bars, private clubs known as dungeons.

Not only have they never liked girls, they also enjoy pain. Nothing is as romantic to them as the sharp kiss of the whip from a
strong, muscular hand. It's all just one big loving family. Nobody's really out to do anybody any real harm, just searching for the
sensations that come with a little rough sex.

Character Creation
Put primary attributes into Physical stats with a balance in the others. Get some manyl skills and a manly job, like a construction
worker, a motorcycle cop or an Indian.

Special Ability
Ignore Pain

Top or Bottom

Favorite Movies
Homemade videos.

Favorite Bands
Whatever their lover likes.

Every major city has its own little clubs and dungeons which are kept semi-legal and are only known to those in the clique. They
are kept in contact by newsletters, magazines and word of mouth.

Racist Skins: I'd like to see one under the lash to see how tough they really are.
Traditional Skins: I'd like to see one under the lash to see how tough they reall are.
SHARP Skins: I'd like to see one under the lash to see how toh they really are.

Old School Punks: I'd like to see one under the lash to see how tough they really are.
Crustie Punks: I'd like to see one under the lash , but they not using mine on his filthy body.
Goths: Wimps
Industrial: They seem stoic enough.
Cyber: Wimps with a gimmick.
Drag Queen: Part of the family.
True Freak: Sometimes these like to play.

By Drew Edwards
Headbanger, Duderocker, Hair Helmet

Long hair and torn up jeans are the preferred style of the headbanger. Black boots and leathers are not un-common. Many try to
promote the image that they are Satanic worshippers.

Anywhere but home.

Basically a metalhead is a guy who wants to rebel against society, but doesn't really have any political beliefs. They want to be
dark, but don't really know how. They want to free their minds, but tend to close them even more because of things that don't
seem "tough." In short, they are rebels without a clue. Metal is based around a lot of hero worship and the average metalhead
has little hope of starting his own band because few are talented enough to play the very complex tunes that they admire. Most
people tend to think of metalheads as dumb. While this is not far off, many just didn't have a chance for much of an education.
Therefore they really aren't very open-minded. They tend to drift from party to party, getting smashed and trashing the place Axle
Rose style. Like Goths they tend to think sex will get them by. The more talented ones start bands, and the smarter ones get
jobs. Like punks they really don't seem to give a damn.

Character Creation
Think of the type of place they grew up in, what alienates them from others, and what made them so bitter. A metalhead shuts
himself off and simply begins to go through the motions. Ask why then make your character.

Special Ability


Favorite Movies
Beavis and Butthead do America, KISS vs. the Circus Phantom, Heavy Metal, Wayne's World, Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey, the
Crow, Hard Rock Zombies

Favorite Bands
KISS, Metallica, Korn, Queen, Ozzy Osbourne, Slayer, Alice Cooper, Pantera, Guns 'N' Roses, any hard rock/metal act.

They drift from drink to drink, fuck to fuck, and party to party. Getting organized would be a waste of time.

Racist Skins: Some of that Nazi shit is cool but they are fucking mouthy.
Traditional Skins: Those pricks stole our beer.
SHARP Skin: I'll his kick shorthaired ass if he comes near me again.
Old School Punks: All their music sounds alike dude.
Crustie Punks: Their music rules but God the smell.
Straight Edge Punks: Give up drinking? Are you serious?
Mini-punx: It's okay little dude, take a drag off of my cig.
Splatter Punk: These dudes come in 3 flavors. One is a freaky giant dude that looks like Glenn Danzig who'd sooner kill you
than look at you. Two is a freaky Elvira looking chick who'd sooner kill you than look at you. Three is a freaky vampiress looking
transvestite who'd sooner kill you than look at you. They are all crazy; don't mess with them.

Goths: These people are easy to get in the sack, but their music is wimpy.
Industrial: These people are wimpy, but their music is cool.
Cyber: Computers are for geeks.
Drag Queen: Fag
Rough Trader: Fag
Biker: What? No I didn't say that man. I'm okay you're okay dude.
Rockabilly: These people listen to sucky country and western music. It sucks. There aren't any of them around me are there?
True Freak: Fag with beer.

By Drew Edwards
Gearhead, Road Warrior, Hell's Angel

Leathers of all shapes and sizes, Harley t-shirts, and long ZZ top style beards are what most of the men wear. Women dress in
skimpy leathers or stuff close to what the men wear.

Biker bars, Country Western Places, Clubs, The Open Road

They've seen it all and done it all. As long as there have motorcycles there have been bikers. These knights of the road are
common in most places. Despite their rough appearance bikers tend to the most friendly of all people although a tad on the
jaded side.

Character Creation

Bikers are old (albeit wild) souls even when they are young. So think of a tough, done it all, kind of person.

Special Ability

Code of Honor

Favorite Movies
Beyond the Law, Easy Rider, From Dusk Till Dawn, The Wild One, Werewolves on Wheels, Woodstock: the Movie

Favorite Bands
AC/DC, Ramones, Pink Floyd, Hank Williams Jr., Merrel Haggard, Van Halen, Aerosmith, Alice in Chains, ZZ Top, The Clash,
Garth Brooks and The Rolling Stones.

What can I say. They share everything.

Racist Skins: If only they weren't so close-minded, they'd be okay
Traditional Skins: They're guys, good to drink with.
SHARP Skins: If only they weren't so close-minded, they'd be okay.
Old School Punks: Good music and cool leather jackets. Don't like the hair though and they are fucking rude. They're okay.
Crustie Punks: They smell bad but they're okay. They know how to survive.
Straight Edge Punks: I had to sick one of the girls in my gang on one of these guys once -- to loosen him up. Once he got laid,
and believe me he didn't have a choice, he was cool. Never got him to drink though. They don't know how to party but they're

Mini-Punx: They're okay but I'm not a babysitter. They ask too many questions. I like NOFX.
Splatter Punks: Freaky but they're okay.
Goths: Cute outfits -- no really. I think they are a bit hung up on themselves but mostly they're okay.
Industrial: I like NIN but these people need to get over it. They're okay.
Cyber: Don't own a computer but if I did these guys would be the first people I'd call. They're okay for pencilnecks.
Metalheads: Really not very bright but they're okay.
Drag Queen: I had this drag queen friend once. She was one funny bitch. Good lookin' too. Looked just like the real thing. I had
all these friends who worked the oil fields. I'd take her picture out to them and tell them she was the "real thing." That was a hoot.
Drag queens are bitchy faggots for the most part, but you know, they're okay.

Rough Traders: These guys need to stop pretending to be something they aren't. They're okay though. Nice leathers.
True Freak: In my time I'd done everything, seen everything and pissed on things that they don't have names for. You mean to
tell me you're a True Freak? Ha, that's really sweet sonny.

By Drew Edwards

Punk-o-billy, Psychobilly, Cowpunks, Greasers, hillbilly

For guys, its the Fonz, meets Elvis, meets Hank Williams Sr., meets Johnny Rotten. For girls its a perfect copy of a 1950s pin-up
girl. You get the idea, its the 50s all over again, perfect greaser girls and guys. Leather jackets, cool hair, rolled up jeans and
dark shades.

Auto-shops, malt-shops, burger joints, garages, drive-in movies, clubs, and any other "cool" place.

These people want to live the 50s all over again, and live life the redneck way. They think that rock 'n roll is best in its pure,
country meets blues format. Sure, a little punk has been tossed in over the years, but who is counting. As far as they are
concerned the good times are still rolling.

Character Creation
The major traits of a Rockabilly character is Bravo. These people like to show off as well and are out to have a good time. You
should pick traits accordingly.

Special Ability


Favorite Movies
Grease, Beach Blanket Bingo, Return of the Living Dead, American Graffiti, Rebel Without a Cause, any Elvis or Marilyn
Monroe film.

Fav Bands
Elvis, Roy Oberson, The Cramps, The Stray Cats, Southern Culture on the Skids, Rev. Horton Heat, Old 97s, Buddy Holly, Patsy
Cline, The B-52s, Chuck Berry, Killbilly, and Dick Dale.

Rockabillies will hang with each other or anyone who is a "real cool cat or kitten." Basically, they do what they think is fun. This
normally involves eating burgers, watching "flicks" or fixing their cars. A Rockabilly's car is one of the most important things in his
life. They spend hours making them look just right and purr like a kitten. They also like to fight and really don't need a reason for
it. If someone jumps one of them they jump in. Another thing important to Rockabillies is their hair, which they also spend hours

Racist Skins: Whoa man, Chuck Berry was a black cat. Those Nazi dudes, they ain't cool. And man, how could they do that to
their hair.

Skins: I can dig that working class rights jive, but man, how could they do that to their hair?
SHARP Skins: Chuck Berry was a black cat. Those SHARP dudes are cool. But man, how could they do that to their hair? Old
School Punks: All I've got to say is the Clash were really cool cats.
Crustie Punk: Whoa mama, these dudes are dirty. How could they do that to their hair?
Mini-punx: Whoa little dude, stop asking all those questions. Everything's cool, just shut up.
Splatter Punks: Freaky man, just freaky. I mean really Spookys-ville USA.

Goths: Most of the guys look like drag queens, but as for the girls -- hey their pretty mama.
Industrial: I like to keep my tools for my car and my music for my music.
Cyber: man, I just can't dig it.
Drag Queen: Whoa man, she is hot. She's a what? Aw man.
Rough Trader: Whoa man, that guy is cool. He's a what? Aw man.
Biker: Whoa man, these guys are cool as ice.
Metalhead: Yeah man, pretty stupid.
True Freak: Don't look at me man.

True Freak
Freak, Person in Black

However they felt like dressing today, but usually in all black without any of the accessories that go with one of the other Cliques.
They may also look like any of the other Cliques.

Wherever they feel like going when they decide to leave the hole they call home.

Some people never really fit into another Clique, are too much of a mixture of two or more Cliques, or are just too weird to ever
be like anybody else. These are the True Freaks, people who are truly unique.

Character Creation
Either by environment or birth, these people are just plain, outright bizarre. I mean really out there. Any combination of stats or
skills are possible. No talent can be overdone, no skill too obscure, no knowledge too weird, these people aren't by any means
normal and shouldn't be treated as such. Pick lots of merits and flaws. True freaks may suffer from several major setbacks in life,
but they excel in just as many advantages.

Special Ability
Three dots in any other special ability


Favorite Movies
Who can tell?

Favorite Bands
Who knows?

No organization, but by some strange chance, they all seem to know each other even though they have none of the same


Differs from person to person.

Special Abilities
People with Apathy don't care what other people think. They don't care how other people act. They don't care what they want.
People with apathy can still be driven and very strong willed. They just aren't influenced by the desires and norms of other people
and society as much.

System: Anybody attempting to make any sort of contested roll against a person with Apathy suffers a dice pool penalty of the
target's Apathy rating if the roll uses Empathy, Intimidation, Leadership, or Etiquette.

Characters with Drinking are so used to drinking and getting drunk that being inebriated doesn't effect them as much as others.

System: Characters with the Drinking special ability may reduce any dice pool penalties from being drunk by an amount equal
to their Drinking ability.

Characters with Gossip are especially adept at gossiping either due to their mind set or the amount they do it.

System: Characters with Gossip may add their Gossip ability rating to any gossip roll they make.

Ignore Pain
Characters with the Ignore Pain special ability have developed an immunity toain; indeed they may have even begun to enjoy it.
This could be from constant exposure, a sense of masochism or just what some people consider a fucked up head.

System: For every dot in Ignore Pain that a character has, he may ignore one die of penalty caused by wounds, also allowing
them to act unhindered while suffering from wounds. Those who would use any sort of physical torture on those with Ignore Pain
also suffer a dice pool penalty equal to the level of Ignore Pain the victim has.

Characters with invention have an understanding of how things work as well as a desire to build new things out of them. Although
it is similar to the Repair skill, it goes beyond just repairing already existing equipment and into creation of new equipment out of
old. By tearing apart bits and pieces of equipment and the use of tools, the character with Invention may attempt to build new

System: Characters with Invention may reduce any Repair difficulty roll by their ability rating and may use their Invention ability
as an Ability rating required to construct any new piece of equipment if they have the proper tools and materials to work with.
(Masers out of microwaves may be a little extreme, but building remote controlled robots with flame throwers after a trip to the
junk yard is completely feasible as well as the role model for this Clique.)

Single mindedness
Characters with this special ability are singularly stubborn and strong willed about anything they have set their mind to.

System: Once a character states, 'I'm going to (fill in the blank)', they may subtract her Single-Mindedness rating from any
Manipulation, Intimidation, Leadership, Empathy, or Etiquette roll dice pool used to get them to stop or alter her decision. This

bonus last only for as long as the character is actively striving to complete the goal. As soon as she does something other than
this (stopping to get something to eat, going to sleep, talking to somebody, going to the bathroom) the bonus is lost.

Characters with Transvestite are skilled in dressing and appears as the opposite sex. They know what clothes to wear, how to
do the makeup right and all the tricks to get the body language right, sometimes better than the real thing.

System: When dressed up, by spending half an hour per dot used, people using the Transvestite special ability cannot be told
from the real thing by people whose perception is lower than the level of transvestite ability used.

Urban Survival
Characters with Urban Survival can do just that, survive in the urban setting. If dropped off in the middle of an unknown city they
will thrive and prosper. They will always know ways to get food, money, or shelter, but they might not be willing to do what it takes
to get it.

System: This Ability may be used instead of or in addition to any Streetwise or Survival roll made which deals with an urban
setting. It may also be used as the Common Sense merit while in an Urban setting but a Storyteller may only advise a character
a number of times equal to his Urban Survival rating per Story.

Characters with the Technology special Ability understand technology and how to get it to work.

System: At the Storyteller's discretion, this ability may be used instead of or in addition to any roll dealing with technological
items when trying to understand what they do or how to get them to work. (This includes but is not limited to computers, kitchen
appliances, large stereo systems, and Technocracy fetishes.)

Characters with the Anti-social weakness either don't like other people or don't relate very well. They suffer plus one difficulty to
any roll using a Social Skill.

Characters with the Bottom weakness must be subserviant to other characters. They suffer from a two die pool penalty on any
Social roll which the ST decides is not done in a subserviant manner. The ST must allow the character a choice to change his
action to one that will not invoke the penalty before the roll is made.

Code of Honor
Skins have a close set of rules which they follow. They must be working class (must have a job), must be honorable (fight any
fight which is offered to you), and punish any who wrong you or your freinds (fight them).

Characters with this Weakness are exactly what it says, filthy. Their hair is matted, their clothes and bodies haven't been washed
in weeks, and their teeth are green. Suffer plus one difficulty to any roll involving other people when they're down wind.


A character with Hatred of another Clique or type of person must make a Macho Posturing Bullshit Test whenever they
encounter that sort of person. Nazi skins hate minorities and SHARP skins while SHARP skins hate Nazi skins and other
racists. Other characters who take this weakness, may pick another Clique or type of person with approval of Storyteller.

You're so flaming that people across the room can tell you are gay, even if you are not. Not only can you not hide it, you don't
want to. YOu play it up and enjoy the acting job you put in.

System: When dealing with anybody in normal society or a Fascist or Traditional skin, yhou suffer a two die penalty to all social

Characters with Obnoxious are either loud and annoying or simply are too blunt with what they consider to be the truth. Either
way, the thin veneer of social etiquette is lacking in these characters. Subtract two dice from any social rolls involving other
characters with Empathy, Leadership, Etiquette, or the Smug weakness of any rating.

Scene status is everything to the character with the Smug weakness. Characters interacting socially with a character with the
Smug weakness may add two dice to their pool on any roll if they have a scene status, while characters with a lower scene
status must subtract two dice from any pools. In addition, characters with Smug subtract two dice from any dice pool involving
another with the Apathy ability or a higher scene status than theirs.

Techno Fetish
The character with Techno Fetish has just that. Everything must be the newest thing and at the forefront of technology. If the
music requires guitars, make the sounds with a synthesizer. Use e-mail not snail mail. Play digital tapes, not analog. Get a
computer. This further exhibits itself as an inability to function outside of the city. Whenever not standing in or around a steel,
concrete and glass jungle, Cybers suffer two dice pool penalty to any roll they make.

Characters who are tops are demanding and commanding. They suffer from a two die pool penalty in any Social roll the
Storyteller decides is not demanding or commanding enough. The Storyteller must inform the character of this before hand and
offer to let the character change it tooa more proper response to avoid the penalty.

Although most people have their little quirks, a character with Twisted has at least one that make other people's mouths,
including other freaks, drop. It is either obvious to others who get to know the character or they feel free to tell acquaintances as
they see nothing wrong with whatever it is that merits this Twisted weakness. Be it necrophilia, a dead animal collection,
extreme fetishes, being unable to sleep in anything but a coffin, or an emotional fondness for small mammals, the character sees
this as a perfectly acceptable and desirable way of life.

Merits and Flaws

'Zine Editor (1 pt Merit)
You put together a small fanzine of some sort, either printed or xeroxed. Right now its just a hobby and takes up more money
than it brings in. However you get to write about the things that you want to and get into all the shows and clubs for free. You also
get tons of free records to review. Besides this, subtract one from the difficulty from any gossip roll.

Magazine Editor (2 pt Merit)

Instead of a 'zine, you put together and distribute a full blown magazine which now pulls in more money than it cost you. You get
even more privileges than for running a 'zine as well as $500/month income. It also reduces the difficulty of any gossip roll by two.

Old School (2 pt Merit)

You've been around since anyone else in the scene can remember. When they were still sneaking out of their parents houses in
the clothes their mother bought them, you were there, hanging out in the middle of the scene. Everybody knows you and your
name. Subtract one from the difficulty of any Social roll you make. Also, anyone trying to spread gossip about you gets to add
one to their difficulty. You're just too well known for gossip to be too effective.

Queer (2 pt Flaw)
Although lifestyle and sexual preference is not in itself a Flow nor is it required if it suits your character, normal society generally
considers being a fag bad. You like only people of the same sex for sexual or emotional attachments. Characters with this Flaw
are easily told by everybody else for what they are or are simply very open about it. When dealing with normal people (ST's
discretion) or skinheads, add one to any Social roll you make. This penalty can be avoided with people who don't know yet by
making a successful acting roll vs. a difficulty of six.

Slut (2 pt Flaw)
You either put out for almost anybody or sleep with anything who will have you in bed with them. Sure, your Social role dice pools
are raised by two when trying to pick up somebody, but otherwise they're lowered by two simply because people in the scene
lack respect for you.

Getting Drunk
When a character drinks alcohol, she suffers a one dice pool penalty every time the number of beers (cans or drafts), glasses of
wine or shots of alcohol equals her stamina rating. Thus a character with a stamina of 3 will suffer a one die pool penatly after
three beers, two dice after six beers, three dice after nine beers, etc. till she can do no mroe than lay in a pool of her own vomit.
Each time she reaches a new penalty, she must make a Stamina check with a difficulty of 3 plus the die pool penalty (thus 5 for
the Stamina 3 character after six beers) to keep from vomiting. This die pool penalty goes away four hours after it was gained
(do each different die penalty separately, thus it's possible to drink constantly for a long time and never occur a huge penalty).
Walking is a Dexterity + Athletics action (Difficulty 3; walking a straight line is Difficulty 6)

Scene Status
Scene status is a description of how well people in the scene know you and like you. The higher the scene status the more likely
you'll know about parties, concerts, and recent gossip. The top people in the scene are the movers and shakers of everything.
Not only do they know what's going on first, but they're the ones behind getting it to happen.

People spread gossip to hurt enemies and help friends as well as to find out what's going on in the scene.
In order to hurt or help somebody, the gossiper must know the person's name and spend the time to spread the dirt on him
around. A Manipulation + Subterfuge (or Charisma + Leadership if the character has a Scene Status of 4 or higher or the merit
Old School) roll is made with a base difficulty of 7. If successful, the person being gossiped about will suffer a dice pool penalty
or bonus equal to the number of successes made by the gossiper depending if they were spreading good dirt about them or
bad. this will last for an amount of time equal to the amount of time the gossiper spent spreading the dirt. This could mean hours,
days, weeks, or even months depending on how long they want to keep it up. If more than one person is spreading dirt about a
person, then the highest bonus, plus one die for each additional successful gossiper, is added to the highest penalty, plus one
die for each additional gossiper, for a net result. Characters with apathy may ignore a number of dice to the pool modifier when
interacting with the person being gossiped about should they choose. The maximum penalty or bonus possible is five.
In order to find out information, such as who is spreading gossip about you, an amount of time determined by the Storyteller must
be spent and a Perception + Subterfuge (or Intelligence + investigation) roll must be made. The difficulty and amount of

successes needed are determined by the Storyteller according to the type of information trying to be found out.

Macho Posturing Bullshit Test

Whenever meeting a hated group the character must make a Macho Posturing Bullshit Test. This is a self control roll with a
difficulty of 7. If successful, the character may act however he wishes. If he fails, the character must approach the hated person or
persons and begin Macho Posturing Bullshit or leave the local. If a botch occurs, the character must either begin combat or flee.
If the character decides to flee, he may not return to that local for the rest of the scene and if he does, they must suffer the next
MPBT at a difficulty of +1 to whatever the last Test he made was that night. If he begins MPB or combat he may take time to say
hello to friends, get help, acquire weapons, etc. but he may not avoid such confrontation for more rounds as he has Self Control.

Macho Posturing Bullshit

Macho Posturing Bullshit consists of stepping up to another character or group of characters and verbally abusing them while
playing yourself up. This may be name calling, description of their sexual practices (real or not), quoting of recent rumors, telling
them how badly they're going to get beat up, etc. The verbally assaulted party must then make a MPBT as above. If the second
party makes the test and ignores the first party, the MPB is over and the first party makes a Fight Test as below. If the second
character fails the MPB or decided to participate anyway, then a MPB Roll is made. This is contested Wits + Intimidation roll
with a difficulty equal of 10 minus the roller's Manipulation. The winner gets a point of willpower. If the winner is maxed out on
Willpower, the rating can exceed the permanent maximum for the rest of the scene. If the second party botches then either
combat occurs without the MPB or he leaves. If the second party leaves the local due to losing or botching the MPBT, then the
first character automatically wins the MPB Roll. If MPB a MPB Roll occurs, check for a Fight Test as below.

Fight Test
A Fight Test is similar to a vampire's frenzy roll. In certain situations, people freak and attack another without really putting
thought into the action. The Fight Test Roll is a Self Control check with a difficulty as listed below due to situation.
Win MPB Roll
Ignored during MPB
Lose MPB Roll
Botch the MPB Roll
Encounter someone you know is spreading bad gossip about you 5
Insulted by Hated Group
Insulted by Yuppie
Threatened or Bullied
Some Cliques are more prone to violence than others. The following Difficulty modifiers to Fight Tests apply.
Character is a skinhead or Old School Punk +1
Character is a Goth or Cyber
Comments and suggestions welcome. I think I could use a better gossip system. Coming soon: Hippies, Drag Queens, and
Rough Traders

The Frontier Alliance

By Corey Alambar (

The Bay Area is one of the greatest centers of learning and technological advancement in the United States, or even in the
world. With Stanford, Silicon Valley, Berkeley, the biotech firms of San Mateo, ILM, and more, they are on the cutting edge of
everything technologic. Needless to say, it takes more than supernatural beings to make such an engine of creation work as
potently as it has.
There exists a small but growing non-profit organization, the Frontier Alliance, that analyzes new technologies, new lines of
scientific inquiry, and tries to extrapolate what the future will hold for humanity -- and how to shape the most optimal future from
current advances. The Frontier Alliance has identified some of the most potent trends, years in advance of their introduction, and
extrapolated some stunning models of the future based upon what information they have today.

Vanguards of the Future Mind

The Frontier Alliance has existed since the 1940s, an outgrowth of a council created by the military to study emerging
technologies from World War II Germany. They successfully predicted the bomb three years before it was successfully fired, and
quickly found themselves in high demand by the policymakers of the time.
The end of the war brought many of them out of military and into the private sector, but they continued to stay in contact with their
colleagues. The letters that went back and forth became voluminous, eventually collecting into a journal, Outpost on the Scientific
Frontier, with each member contributing a single article in each monthly edition.
Soon, bright young students were encouraged to join in, and this process of passing information back and forth led to some
amazing insights, including the prediction of room temperature superconductors and manned space colonies years before such
things were considered feasible.
More importantly, however, the group discusses society and social structures that would be caused by these technologies. Their
image has evolved over the course of decades, into a form of technolibertarianism, coupled with an economic ideology based
firmly on the works of Ayn Rand. Many of them are social Darwinists and strong believers in pure libertarianism.
Attempts to convert these mundane scientists to either the Traditions or the Technocracy has met with mostly dismal failure.
Their methods are intensely rigorous, with a firm grounding in modern scientific theory, yet they do not believe that technology
will be an oppressive force, and fight surveillance technologies, etc., by discussing and in some cases even building jamming
devices and similar technologies.

The Post-Modern Alliance

Today, the Frontier Alliance consists of many different thinkers, including brilliant economists, sociologists, psychiatrists, and
even religious leaders, as well as the traditional representatives of the hard sciences. Anyone is encouraged to join in the
discussion, which takes place via a modified site on the WWW, but anyone who does not show knowledge of her subject, and a
scientific rigor in her logic, will be quickly overwhelmed, or at worst ignored, by the rest of the members.
Oftentimes the members of the Alliance will get together at impromptu meetings, coffee house gatherings they only somewhat
jokingly refer to as Symposia. Here they get into discussions (sometimes heated) about the nature of technology, the evolution of
society, and the direction in which advancements will take place over the next fifteen to fifty years. Each Symposium has a
theme to it, often something generic such as Life Extension, but the discussion is often freeform and very wild and insightful.
Some members have gotten in the habit of recording these sessions and tracking down references and information to prove or
disprove a certain point.

Brilliance Is As Brilliance Does

This group has had an incredible impact on scientific advancement and public policy, as many of the members are research
scientists for some of the major corporations and universities. Using these massive resources available they engage in a sort of
cooperative race to develop the next breakthrough technology, the next little bauble that could change the nature of humanity as
a whole.
They have attracted a few, mostly silent, members of Iteration X, the Virtual Adepts, the New World Order, and the Sons of Ether,
who watch carefully for signs of Awakenable talent or just brilliant insight. Many of the members of this group have been
groomed at one time or another by at least one of the major factions, and some have gone on to become full-fledged magi in

their own rights, though many of them continue their researches in a mundane fashion, prefering to use the established tools
rather than paradigm engineering to accomplish their goals.
Sometimes the outside world hears of one of their discussions, or a paper is jointly submitted to an outside journal and the
Outpost. In cases such as these, there is often a major uproar, since it seems to the rest of the world to be a quantum leap in
theory, with earthshattering consequences. Sometimes these leaks are planned, but often are totally accidental.

Areas of Inquiry
The Frontier Alliance has sponsored entire conventions to discuss the technologies, and more importantly the impact, behind
several areas of scientific inquiry. As such, they have several "Working Groups" that focus tightly on certain areas of scientific
Hot issues, such as Life Extension, Artificial Intelligences and Cognitive Science, Space Exploration and Colonization,
Nanotechnology, Very Large Scale and Megascale Engineering, and Electronic Currency, have drawn some of the most heated
debates, as well as the most intense scrutiny from the Traditions and the Technocracy. Many of their ideas have been achieved
in secret SoE and IX laboratories, but many others have actually spawned Awakened inquiry along those theoretical lines.

A Future Out of Control

This group holds a secret hope for the Tradition magi that know of its existence, because they see many of the ideas held by the
Virtual Adepts and the Sons of Ether bearing fruit in the minds of some of the most brilliant mundane researchers. Coupled with
their very anti-authoritarian point of view and the pursuit of infinite personal empowerment, this makes them very attractive to
many of the members of the Traditions.
Conversely, many members of the Technocracy view these humans as the biggest threat since Quantum Mechanics. They
eschew many of the social ideas of the New World Order, and they often ride roughshod over any kind of control, even the most
modest form of direction. Some members of the Technocracy, however, are pleased to see their ideas pushed forward so far
without their intervention, and believe they see true Mass Ascension on the horizon.
Meanwhile, the members of the Frontier Alliance still write about a future they see, or at least that they would like to see. Any
mention of magic is scoffed at almost from the start, though discussion of anomalous quantum events and loopsed wormholes
and nanomachines taking apart and reassembling entire planets are discussed almost without a second thought.

By and

Thick, the sweltering air off the Mediterranean, the tang of salt upon his lips as he turned from the dice table to look off at the
basilica rising over the square. The summer nights were hot in this land by the southern sea; humidity curled the bristly mustache
and goatee upon his dusky skin, droplets of perspiration beading his face like teardrops. A disarming smile lit the chiseled
features with the steadiness of the lapping waves upon the shore, and he offered a mocking bow to his companions. The chime
of motley bracelets and earrings harmonized with the soft scrape of his boots upon the sandy pavement as he moved toward the
square, muttering an incantation under his breath. The dice would not serve his fellows as it had served him, that much he could
be certain of.
In the moonlit shadow of the broad stone edifice was gathered a flock of tourists, their hands clutching self-consciously at their
belongings as they watched his approach. Doffing the worn fedora to them, he grinned, gold teeth flashing along with those that
could still claim ivory as their color. In the midst of this gathering of sneakers and Bermuda shorts, a song rose from the
flagstones, the beat of drums hammering beneath the shake of tambourines and the quick strum of guitars. Bare feet capered
over the sand-sprinkled golden stone, the clapping of hands accompanying the strut and flashing eyes of the dancers. They were
gitans, bohemien, the gypsies of this province; whatever term one might pin upon them, they sang with a shadowed life depicted
everywhere from whispered legends and warnings to tourists, to the silhouette of a gitane painted on the surface of a cigarette
box. They were his people.
The flare of brightly-colored skirts swirled in a living kaleidoscope as the girls spun in their dance, tambourines snapping smartly
over the jingling of the bells and bracelets that adorned their wrists and ankles. Their voices swelled together in an untamed mix
of alto and soprano, supported by the low melody of the men, and the shade of a genuine smile turned his lips as he took up a
stance at the edge of the circle, watching. Francs were falling in silver and gold to the upturned hats placed upon the ground, the
visiting foreigners enraptured in the bright entertainment that unfolded before them. The stereotype supported by the dancers
made it all the easier for the children to strip their unwitting prey. Cash, credit cards, clothing, cameras, food: all fell victim to
small and agile hands, tiny forms with twinkling eyes and tattered bluejeans working to divest the ignorant travelers of their
possessions as the performance of their elders held them enthralled. He could see the dimpled cheeks of young Davet as the
child winked at him from behind a fat woman in a polo shirt, her chubby hands toying with the sweat-damp collar as her eyes
remained glued to the song of nighttime rainbows unfolding in the exhibition before her.
"Brigliadoro!" Spinning to a halt amidst the whirlpool of vivid fabrics and glittering jewelry, the young man extended a hand to the
tall figure who stood a bit apart from the tourists, his gold-ringed fingers splayed wide as he bowed low in a mocking tribute to
the older man. Curious and wary eyes turned to the colorful figure, and he inclined his head briefly, a bold grin seeming to put
them to the ease they had already reached, but did not yet realize it. "Le dauphin des gitans, mesdames et messieurs! A prince
among men!" Scattered applause tittered through the small crowd as the indicated gypsy prince moved in a charming little jig,
then straightened from the expected bow with a flourish of flared sleeves.
The young man at the center of the circle polished a lazy grin as his eyes met Brigliadoro's. The arrival of the prince des gitans
meant the game was over for the night. The anti-gypsy warnings printed in tourist guides had harvested this flock of sheep for
them to feast upon, and the table was set. Concluding the song and dance, the small group took their bows and curtsies,
gathering up hats and instruments as they dashed away from the tourists, turning with cheery waves and blown kisses. A
multicolored stream of tanned skins tied with bright silks and cottons drifted onto the beach, chatting amongst themselves as
they cavorted laughingly through the midnight surf. The winking eyes of distant campfires could be seen down the shore, the
shadows of their flames stretching to paint the sides of the gathered vardos. The lean, sturdy forms of the Camargue horses
drifted like pale spectres over the sands as they browsed the shore grasses, their uniform white coats cooled by the breeze off
the ocean.
Falling into step beside the gypsy prince, he slowed a bit to match the older man's pace, two pairs of bare feet sauntering
familiarly over the wet sand. The warm air off the Mediterranean trembled through the ragged threads fringing the bottoms of
their pantlegs, both similarly dressed in patched pairs of black cotton drawstrings that fell to mid-calf. Brigliadoro's voice was
soft, the significance of his simple words carrying beneath the rush of waves. "Esperanza is going to die. She wishes to have
her ashes scattered with the Sainte Sara. Once that is done, we move on. We have been too long in this place as it is." His dark
eyes moved to the young man, piercing pools of deepest night, sinking blacker than the bottom of the sea. "When we go to the
road again, you will be our prince, Gan. You know what is expected of you."
The young man shoved his hands reflexively to the pockets of the straight-legged pants as they approached the circle of their
dwelling place. Moonlight sparkled on the two days' growth of beard that shadowed his handsome features -- finer, more refined
than those of the uncle who walked beside him. The long illness of the gypsy queen had cast sadness like a pall upon their little
band, for Esperanza had endured as their leader for decades, emerging alive from the death camps whose brand was still
tattooed in the wrinkled flesh of her arm. Her children had not been so lucky, falling victim to the shady commerce and often
violent dealings that were a part of their lives. Brigliadoro was the youngest of her offspring, the only one still to live as his mother
lay upon her deathbed.
No more words passed between the two men as they entered the gathering at this quiet bend in the beach. The young man

paused to stroke the thick forelock of one of the ponies, smiling into the mare's dark eyes, she was just one of the hardy white
horses of the Camargue, paired ever with their gitan families. Around one of the fires, two of the adult bohemiennes appraised
the treasures the children had thieved from the tourists, laughing softly amongst themselves in a tongue which mingled the
accents of southern France with the language of their more Eastern ancestors. The younger generation dispersed to their
individual vargos, moving to shed the garish skirts and silks whose purpose was to delight the imaginations of the tourists. The
colorful patches and motley attire would be shed for more practical cutoffs and tee-shirts, dusky flesh exposed to the heat of the
night on the Mediterranean.
The young man flanked Brigliadoro as the gitan prince approached the door of his mother's makeshift dwelling. Whispered
words from the older woman at the entrance indicated the police had visited the encampment again, capitalizing upon the
French laws that denied the roaming people the right to establish campsites. Brigliadoro's sharp, hewn features hardened to
stone as he moved into the interior of the vardo. The air within was heavy with incense and scented candles, their flickering lights
casting jittering shadows along the draped walls. Candleflames sparked in the man's dark eyes and clung to the gold loops
adorning his ears as he stooped a bit in the cramped space, crossing the wooden floor to crouch beside the bed.
The gypsy queen had been a tall, robust woman, but the withered form lying so still beneath the airy quilts showed almost nothing
of the physical presence she once had. Eyes as dark as her son's sharpened with an intelligence undiminished by her long
illness, glinting as black pearls behind the steel-gray tousle of wiry curls. None of her reason had left her, but the pain of dying
clouded that cutting gaze as Brigliadoro took one of her shriveled hands in his own. Her eyes moved though her head could not,
touching once upon the young man at the foot of the bed before they darted to fix upon her son, the gitan prince shifting in his
position so that his mother might see him more easily. At the opposite bedside, the girl attending upon Esperanza took a step
back, lowering her eyes immediately after looking once to the prince-to-be at the scarred footboard.
The cracked lips parted almost imperceptibly as the voice of the queen wheezed forth, breath rattling laboriously in her lungs.
" son." The broad shoulders slumped a bit beneath their rough azure covering as the devastation of his mother's
coming death settled again as sackcloth upon his indomitable presence. "You know my wishes...take my people from this place
where we are persecuted. Far from here, child, where the little ones can run free." The gitan's strong jaw seemed to tighten a bit
as he bowed his head to the deteriorated hand, his forehead nearly touching its papery flesh. The dying creature who had once
been Esperanza -- queen of her family, renowned over Europe and beyond for her beauty and beguiling charms, respected for
her power -- turned her murky eyes upon the young man who tarried at the foot of her bed. "Ganelon...hope of my old heart.
Preserve the ways; pass them to your children. Stand always by your uncle's side . . . and remember me." It was as if a light went
out behind those eyes, then, and the final sigh drifting from her lips was as a death toll that stretched across the sea.
The young man was unable to raise his eyes as he sensed the dark aura of mournful anger and pained fury emanating in a
tangible chill from the man who had just this moment become king of the gypsies. The shiver of loss skittered coldly over his
bones as he began to turn and exit the vardo, neither he nor the attending girl needing any prompting to heed the grieved words
grating from between Brigliadoro's teeth. "Leave us."
Outside, he offered his arm to the slender young woman who followed him. She was his cousin Maurelle, and they looked upon
the gathering of the camp at the foot of the queen's vardo, the shimmer of unshed tears upon their own eyes mirrored in the
uncomprehending sorrow that marked the faces of even the smallest of children in the group. Beside him, Maurelle lifted her chin
as a single tear tracked a path over her sun-bronzed skin, her bejeweled fingers a gentle but insistent pressure at the small of
his back. The salty warmth of the breeze off the ocean seemed to whisper as an intangible weeping, stirring through their hair as
the gitan prince swallowed the saddened lump in his throat and addressed his caravan, the bold southern French rolling as a
honey sweeter than any of the flowered words the old nobility had ever composed. "La riene est morte." The queen is dead. The
solemn voice of a violin lifted, then, singing alone for just a few bars before the song rises in so many harmonies from the throats
of the gitans.
Stepping down from the queen's vardo, he disentangled his arm from his cousin's and crossed over the rich white sand to the
water's edge, hands curling slowly into fists at his sides. Maurelle followed behind with deliberate slowness, touching a delicate
hand to the neck of the horses who stirred nervously at the cold aura issuing forth from the young man who passed them. Black
fire flashed a reflection in the moonlight-dappled waters as the gitan prince lifted his chin to the Mediterranean in challenge, the
angry ebon light seeping from his clenched fists to swallow his figure with a shade darker than the night around them. They were
to leave this accursed country, move on to another place, and woe unto any who tried again to step on them.
The sea would take the ashes of the queen.
The world would never take the spirit of the gitan.

The Masteries
(Virtues shared by all the gypsy breed)


Gypsies may always purchase Lore at 1/2 generation cost. Gypsy's may also teach any Lore to any one person to level 3 for one
night at the cost of 1 Soul.

Gypsy Chill
(0 points / 0 Soul point)

System: No dice roll, roleplay effect only. The Gypsy may summon an icy wind which whispers sounds of the dead (curses,
threats and such), and in which the shapes of ghosts can be seen.

Protective Dominion
(0 points / 1 Soul point)

System: 2d6+Will = TN or better. This allows the Gypsy to place the skull of a dead breed anointed with its blood and wards off
all like-breeds from entering the Gypsy's home or coming within 1/2 mile for 1 24-hour period.

Les Mains des Voleurs (Thieves' Hands)

(0 points / 1 Soul point)

System: 2d6+Quickness = TN or better.

Failure, the attempt is unsuccessful and the gypy is caught.
Success levels:
TN+2 Thievery is unsuccessful, but the victim does not realize they were nearly robbed.
TN+4 Thievery is successful, but the gypsy will be recognized as the thief after they have committed the act.
TN+6 The victim does not realize something has been stolen from them for some time, and has no idea who did it when they do
realize this.
Great skill at the fine art of stealing makes it possible for gypsies to thieve an item from a person, usually without their immediate
notice -- the ring off a finger, a wallet or a purse, a gun from a holster, or simply hot-wiring a car and driving it right from the lot.

(Must be purchased)

Fighting Mastery: La Dance des Poignards (the Dance of Daggers)

Effect: +2 small blade skill, +3 evasion skill
A streetfighting style for the gypsy breed, emphasizing the swiftness with blades and their natural agility.

Aura of Death
* The Radiance of Death
(5 points / 1 Soul point)
System: The Gypsy gains +2 to initiatives.
The Gypsy can evoke a strange aura around himself. It is barely noticeable to the eye, but is faintly dark and quite cold. Anyone
who is near the Gypsy will feel the chill and an eerie sense of foreboding, as though someone had stepped on his grave.

* The Glory of Death

(10 points / 1 Soul points)
System: 2d6 + Will = TN or better. If successful, No attacks will be allowed against the Gypsy for the duration.
This aura blazes with cold black light and is quite visible. It grants the Gypsy the ability to cast an illusion of death or the "undead"
upon itself for any that may glimpse its nature. Those near will assume the Gypsy is dead, giving up further attacks.

The Honored

* Honored Mark
(5 points / 1 Soul point)
System: 2d6 + Will = TN or better.
The Gypsy can set a mystical mark on a being whom she wishes to keep track of. As long as the mark is in place, the Gypsy will
always have a sense of how far away the Honored One is and in what direction. If she concentrates she can easily track the
Honored One to its location. The Honored may only be used on one being at a time, but the Gypsy may leave the mark in place
for as long as she likes, and can remove it at will. The mark is invisible to the eye. They do not need to see the Honored One to
remove the mark. There is no known way to remove the mark without the assistance of the Gypsy who set it, but at the
Storyteller's discretion certain rituals or magicks might do it.

** Honored Multitude
(10 points / 1 Soul point)
System: 2d6 + Will = TN or better.
This power allows the Gypsy to Honor more than one person at a time. In all other respects it is the same as The Honored. The
Gypsy can never mark more individuals than 1/2 her Soul rating, however.

Kali's Servants
* Eyes of Kali
(5 points / 1 Soul point)
System: 2d6+Gypsy's Mind vs 2d6+Target's Body. This causes the victim to be somewhat stunned. Targets Mind at -2, for the
With but a look, the Gypsy can wrack his victim with phantasms of her own demise. The Gypsy must look into his victim's eyes.
The victim will undergo nightmare-like scenes of her own death. This is a very frightening experience.

** Kali's Blessing
(10 points/ 1 Soul point)
System: 2d6+Will vs 2d6+Will. Success, Target's Quickness at -4 for the duration.
The Gypsy can tell her victim about death with such eloquence that the victim will resign himself to it, and even yearn for it. The
victim is plunged into a haze of sorrow, and melancholy, a resignation to and acceptance of his own death. In fact, the victim
becomes passively suicidal and finds it difficult to take any action to prolong his life.

*** The Glory of Kali

(15 points / 1 Soul point)
System: 2d6+Will = TN or better. The Gypsy's Body increases +2, Mind +1. Any Soul lost will be regained for the duration of this
With this power the Gypsy can assume the form of the Black Mother: a seven-foot-tall, black-skinned demoness with four arms
ending in clawed hands, three eyes, and terrible strength.
This form is the very image of Kali Ma in Indian art, and some Gypsy keep necklaces of skulls around to wear in this form on
special occasions. The Kali-form is distinctly female; interestingly enough, male Gypsies who use the Glory of Kali still take on
the female form.

**** Kali's Gift

(No cost, must have the levels above / Death of the Gypsy)
System: No roll required. The Gypsy makes the greatest sacrifice to Kali, that being her own life in order to restore the life of a
chosen one (must be Marked as Honored).
At this level the Gypsy becomes capable of saving lives or ending them with only a thought. Those with Kali's Gift can, if they
choose, save the life of a creature who is about to die by "borrowing" the death; that is to say, literally taking the death away from
the creature, thus giving it another chance at survival. Conversely, the Gypsy can use this power to slay instantly, by bestowing
the "borrowed" death upon a chosen victim. The death can take many forms, but all of them are shockingly swift; depending on
circumstances they can range from sudden heart failure, to spontaneous human combustion to getting shot.
A "borrowed" death may be kept for as long as the Gypsy wishes; some have been known to carry a death around for decades,
searching for just the right victim to give it to. However, only one death may be retained at a time.

Dancing the Paths of the Dead

(10 points / 1 Soul point)

System: 2d6+Quickness = TN or better. Corpse must be present and/or near.

The Gypsy can walk into one corpse and exit another up to a mile away.
This power acts as a rather gruesome form of teleportation. The Gypsy may Dance the Paths of the Dead to bypass walls and
other obstacles, make quick get-aways, and even to travel. He may also try to pull others through a corpse to him, by reaching
into the corpse, grabbing the victim, and pulling her through the Paths to his own location. Appearances will be as if the Gypsy or
victim have simply vanished.

The Exalted
(15 points / 1 Soul)

System: 2d6+Will vs Targets 2d6+Will. Success, -1 body lost each night for 7 nights to the target. Effects caused by subtle
forms shown in the description, or other manners of choice by the target.
The Gypsy can be amazingly subtle killers when the situation warrants. With this, a Gypsy can make the Exalted One's life into a
thoroughly dangerous hell of accidents, chance occurrences, and freak coincidences. Cars swerve to hit him, his tuna salad is
contaminated with botulism, the tasty-looking Vessel turns out to be a Lupine, the fugu chef is hungover, the disgruntled
employee starts shooting while he's in the office; he gets the wrong address and walks into a Blood Feast, and so on. There is a
pretty good chance that he will die as a result of one (or more) of these accidents. The Exalted is especially deadly if used in
conjunction with Kali's Blessing.

(5 points / 1 Soul point)

System: 2d6+Will vs 2d6+Will. Success, Target will immediately do the opposite of what he had intended with minimal coaxing
from the Gypsy.
The Gypsy can make a target do/say/think something opposite of what was actually intended ("yes" instead of "no", etc.).

(10 points / 1 Soul point)

System: 2d6+Will vs 2d6+Will. Target's Will is reduced by 1/2 for the duration. The Gypsy can inflict a Delirium on someone,
causing her to lose half her normal modifier to Masteries affecting the Mind.

(10 points / 1 Soul point)

System: 2d6+Gypsy's Mind vs 2d6+Target's Soul. Success, Target will feel compelled to do immediately what the Gypsy
tempts her to do.
By describing her victim's weaknesses to her, the Gypsy may encourage a victim to behave in a corrupt and decadent fashion.

(10 points / 1 Soul point)

System: 2d6+Will vs 2d6+Will. Success, lie is believed without question.

Allows the implantation of a lie, no matter how outrageous, and to make the target believe it. The lie cannot be more than two
sentences long, and must be based on some facet of the truth. Whatever the case, when the Deceiver dies, the lie dies with her.
Here comes the fun part.
A misinformative lie may be used as the "truth" of another lie. This is the great power of the Gypsy. They lie, and they lie well.

(10 points / 1 Soul point.)

System: 2d6+Will vs 2d6+Will. Success, statement is implanted.

Allows the Gypsy to implant a statement into the subconscious of the target. The target will never remember that she heard it, but
in her subconscious, she will remember it perfectly, and follow through with what it says. There is no way to get it out, and the
target may well be under a life influence.

Devil's Touch
(10 points / 1 Soul point)

System: 2d6+Will = TN or better. All those in the presence of the target will feel an intense unexplainable hatred toward him.
This curse must be cast in the presence of its victim; the Gypsy can make all others react to a victim with hostility.

Gypsy Curse of Truth

(10 points / 1 Soul point)
System: 2d6+Will = TN or better.
Each time the target intends to lie, it forces his to tell the truth for the duration and must answer without hesitation (not attempting
to be silent and avoid since the target will not realize his words are the truths as opposed to the lies, until after they are already

Gypsy Thirst
(5 points / 1 Soul point)

System: 2d6+Will = TN or better. Success, thirst lasting the duration.

The Gypsy may curse a victim with an unquenchable thirst, the target must do nothing but drink.

Gypsy Wolf
(10 points / 1 Soul point)

System: 2d6+Will = TN or better. Success, the Gypsy using a werewolf cloak, may turn into a wolf and use the werewolf's
mastery of Dispas, blending into its surroundings unseen for the duration.

Gypsy Laughter
(10 points / 1 Soul point)

System: 2d6+Will = TN or better. Success, the Target's Soul is reduced -3 for the duration.
A coy and easygoing people, the gitans can be deadly when threatened or provoked; their derisive laughter combined with a
sharp eye contact can strike unnerving fear into the heart of a victim, that stare and dark laughter startling the opponent while the
gitan moves against her.


"With Orion's sword
The Hunter arose
And conquered the World
With Fury and grace.
In Him was I born
In Him shall I die
In Him shall I lose
Name, station and face.
Death over weakness
Death over despair
Death over personal gain.
Death over dishonor
Death over undeath
Death over fire with no flame.
All this I pledge thee
O Grendel, great Khan
To serve and protect
Over death's endless tide,
With your word in my heart
Your eyes in my face
And your tooth in my hand
By my side."
Oath of The Order of Grendel Grendel Tales, I:2:6

The Order of Grendel

For Werewolf the Apocalypse
By Jason R. Cubas
NOTE: The idea and basis for this supplement comes from the Grendel series of comic books by Matt Wagner. Certain elements
were taken verbatim from the Grendel Tales and Grendel: War Child sub-series'. Copyrights remain with Mr. Wagner. This file is freely
distributed, but please keep my name on it. Thanx.
The Order of Grendel is an order of knights similar to the Knights Templar. The catch is that all its members are kinfolk of the garou. It
was established in Renaissance times as a means of assisting the garou taking the battle against the Wyrm into the cities. Grendels
are trained to combat the evils of the Wyrm, and to protect the young of the tribe. They stress competency in melee weapons (their
own teeth and claws) though in modern times they have begun to use firearms. There are of course different sects which associate
with the different tribes. They will generally infiltrate human society and provide backup, and support roles for any packs operating in
the area. Unlike their associate tribes, the sects generally agree not to argue with each other on important matters, and this helps to
keep the lines of communication open. They have an extensive underground information network with world wide access. More later
as I work it out.

Attributes: 7/5/3
Abilities: 13/9/5/5*
Willpower: 5
Gnosis: 1
Backgrounds: 5
Freebie: 15
* the extra 5 points for abilities must be put either in Brawling, Melee or Firearms (any combination).

Special Powers/Abilities: Still working on these.

The Guilds of New Orleans

By Mitch Kelly ( and Al Stuart (

"Thieves and Assassins always at my service, as I reaped the benefits of both."
--Candra, Gambit LS#3, "The Benefactress"
The World of Darkness, Vampire, Werewolf, Mage, Wraith etc. is copyright of the White Wolf Game Studio, the X-Men, Gambit,
Candra, and other X-related stuff is copyright of Marvel Entertainment Group Inc.
Alternate New Orleans by Night is copyright of Paul Strack and Stacey Lawless.
No infringement of anyone's copyright is intended. We did this for fun. Enjoy it!

Inspiration, sources and intent

This is intended to add a little more to the already excellent Alternate New Orleans by Night, by Paul Strack and Stacey Lawless.
New Orleans is, or seems to be, a fascinating place, and Paul and Stacey have inspired me to run Chronicles in the city, and
add another group. Just for a little more mystery...
I have always thought that with a little work, Marvel's Uncanny X-Men would fit neatly in with the World of Darkness. One of my
favourite characters in the X-Men is the Cajun thief, Gambit. Way back, Marvel did a limited series featuring Gambit, who had to
return to his home town of New Orleans, to deal with problems between the Guilds, to one of which he had formerly belonged.
None of this is intended to be a precise reflection of the events in the Gambit LS. It merely uses them as an inspiration

"If you are to survive in a civilised country, you'd best know something to the detriment of your fellows"
-- Joseph Porta, "Monte Cassino"
The Guilds have been in New Orleans as long as there has been a New Orleans. When the city was first founded by the French,
before the Spaniards took it over, or the clearances in Canada drove the Arcadian refugees into the swamps of Louisiana, the
Guilds were there.
According to their own stories, they had existed in the Old World, and like a great many of the people who went to America, they
left because of persecution. The Guilds had served the noble houses of Europe for many centuries by this stage. The Guilds'
own sources suggest they had been doing so since the beginning of the Christian period. Whilst they had primarily been used by
the Kings of what is now France, they had acted for the rulers of England, Burgundy, Flanders, the Kingdoms in what is now
Spain and the nobles of the Holy Roman Empire.
Of course, this includes the period of the Crusades, the Inquisition, and the Vampiric Anarch Revolt. The Guilds served all the
factions of the time with equal enthusiasm, and as a result, over this time they had made many enemies. After centuries of being
beholden to the Guilds to keep their secrets and solve their problems, those enemies banded together in significant numbers to
actually destroy the Guilds. The Guilds got wind of the plan, and left for the New World precipitously. They left behind most of
their accumulated wealth, and much of their huge archive of information on the Nobles they had served.
The remnants of this archive fell into the hands of the Guilds' pursuers. The information therein kept those pursuers busy killing
each other for decades, by which time the Guilds had vanished and no one cared to go looking for them again.

Current Status and Activities

"Not all t'ings are as dey seem, bra."
Henri LeBeau, Gambit LS #1, "Tithing"
The Guilds are old; that much can be taken as read, but who are they, what are they?
Many people mistake them for being simply another offshoot of the Mafia or the Corsican Union, or perhaps another organised
crime group with its roots buried in the middle ages. Many people are wrong.

The Guilds of New Orleans are one of the more dangerous "Semiawakened" groups in the world. Comprising two groups of
families, who marry among themselves and into the community outside. Many Guild members marry other Guild members, but
many marry outside, bringing new blood into the families and preventing inbreeding and stagnation. Marriages are often
arranged to ensure that the blood of the families remains strong, but has a regular inflow of new genes.
Admission into the Guilds is more about ability and drive that who one's grandfather was, and although all the initiated members
of the Guilds are members of the main families, the blood runs thicker in some than in others. All members of the families who
show promise in the arts that the Guilds use are trained from childhood. Many learn little, and remain no more than normal
people. These people are the family members that Guild initiates rely upon for support, succour and aid. The remainder, those
who show a greater aptitude or enthusiasm, continue their education. Formal teaching is continued, especially in technology,
linguistics and the arts, but the special skills of the Guilds are taught in abundance. Finally, as an aspirant, one petitions for
initiation. Initiation into the Guilds is simple: a family member, usually one who is closely related and of good standing,
recommends to the Guild that the aspirant is allowed entry. A ceremony is held, at which a number of aspirants are usually
inducted together.
During this ceremony, The Benefactress appears and oaths are sworn. This is the first time that an aspirant will have met the
mysterious Benefactress, the spiritual "mother" of the Guilds, and the being to which the aspirant will devote her life. Then, the
aspirants are sent on a mission, on their own. If the aspirants succeed, they are initiated, and gain their first rank in the Benefit of
the Guild, as well as their Tithe Box with its lifetime obligation of service to the Benefactress. If the aspirant fails, it means that
she has died.
The Guilds will hire out to those who know about them, and can pay. Payment, to the Guilds, comes in many forms, and money is
only one, and perhaps the least one, of all of them. Although the Guilds are fabulously rich, and many members are millionaires,
they tend to live in tumble-down old houses, furnished in outdated styles. The only trappings of wealth are the clothes, which even
when tattered are of exquisite quality, and the ornamentation in the houses: beautiful jewellery, old master paintings, classical
statues and antiques, any of which could grace a national art museum.
The Guilds often take payment in other forms. Influence, control of territory, power in business and politics, all are regarded as
fair exchange. As is information. The Guilds have huge records on both the mundane and the supernatural. Indeed, their occult
library is one of the most extensive anywhere, and they are not shy about teaching their members what is inside it, or using that
knowledge. They have discovered a great deal about Vampires, Garou, Mages, Wraiths and Changelings. Certainly enough to
make them a serious threat if such a group were to become a major hazard or inconvenience to the Guilds. Fortunately, at
present the Guilds see the Supernatural as a prime source of work, and husband it, rather than threaten it.
The Guilds are a major power in the southern United States. As well as New Orleans, their influence has spread to other cities in
Louisiana, and in Texas and Florida. Their power can be felt in the state governments, as well as those of the cities. Beyond this
area, the Guilds have agents all along the Eastern seaboard of the United States, and in Western Europe, particularly France,
Spain and Italy.
But it is in New Orleans that the Guilds have their great powerbase, and their home. They control three huge areas of the city. In
these areas, the Camarilla does not hunt, by mutual agreement, and the Sabbat does not go there. They have lost too many
newly embraced Licks to make it worth while.
Contacting the Guilds is simple on the face of it: many small churches in New Orleans are points where messages can be
dropped. Later, a Guild member will collect the message, then meet the originator. The Guild will ask what is needed and offer
its terms. No negotiation, no haggling. The price is either accepted, or the job does not get done.
The Guilds have had to modify their activities many times over the centuries. There is no longer sufficient work for the Guilds in
killing and stealing alone, and so the Guilds have added other fields of expertise to their operations.
The Thieves' Guild will now also undertake security consultancy, counter surveillance, investigation, and research into unusual,
occult or simply dangerous matters.
The Assassins' Guild will also perform bodyguarding, couriering, intimidation and investigation work.
The organisation of the Guilds is relatively simple. The Thieves have ten families in their Guild; the Assassins have nine. The
heads of each of these families together form the inner council of each of the Guilds. This inner council decides the strategy of
the Guilds, what they will do, who will be initiated, who will live and who will die. One family dominates each Guild, and the head
of that family is the leader of the Guild or Guildmaster. The current leaders of the Guilds are Jean-Luc LeBeau, of the Thieves,
and Marius Boudreaux, of the Assassins. Although both the current leaders are men, there have been numerous female
Guildmasters. The position generally passes to the eldest child of the previous Guildmaster, but it is dependent on ability as well
as pedigree, and other family members have been elevated to the position before now.

Codes and Business

"Assassins always play for Keeps. But fortunately, so do Thieves!"
--Gambit, Gambit LS#2, "Honor Among Thieves"
The Guilds can, and will, provided the price is right, undertake to steal almost anything from anyone, and to kill anyone,
anywhere. Almost. The Guilds have rules, a set of strict moral principles that they will abide by, and do not break for anyone, or
any price.

They will not steal from the poor, or the weak. They will not steal from the starving, or the homeless. If such a person has what the
Guilds are asked to recover, they will buy it from the owner.
They will not kill the helpless, or those who cannot defend themselves. Requests to kill people in these positions are met with
scorn, and repeated requests have been met with violence.
No member of the Guilds will ever knowingly harm a child. In the past, people have thought to use this rule to keep the Guilds at
arm's length. The Guilds have always found a way to overcome this barrier, and they usually extend their contract to take their
vengeance against someone who will use a child in such a way.
Thefts, or "Pinches" are performed using skill, daring and guile, not violence and dynamite.
Assassinations, or "Strokes" are performed up close, face to face, where the victim has a chance to fight back. Bodyguards
may be eliminated from a distance, but the target is always killed hand to hand, not shot, poisoned or blown up.
The Thieves' Guild is more than capable of blasting open a bank vault, or using the latest in computer chicanery to get what it
wants, and the Assassins are experts with guided weapons and poisons, but for a real Pinch or Stroke, it comes down to the
skill and daring of the individual Guild members. The Guilds only use these more modern abilities when they hunt for revenge. At
that point, beware!
The only other rules the Guilds have are to keep their word. The word of a Thief or Assassin is as good as truth. They will do
what they say or die trying, whether it is to complete the task appointed to them, or revenging themselves on those who do not
To an outsider, this seems to be the most important part of Guild life, but again, appearances are deceptive. The most important
thing to the Guilds is their relationship with the Benefactress, their mysterious leader, guide, spiritual head and power source.
The Guilds tell the story that Candra, the Benefactress, is the Mother of the Guilds. She, so the story goes, created the Guilds,
and imbued them with their powers, raising them above the level of the "Gens," and allowing them to make their own way in the
world. The Benefactress, in return for the granting of the Benefits, the powers of the Guilds that allow them to compete even with
the Awakened, requires two things. First, obedience to her requests. Any mission the Benefactress requires is undertaken
immediately, without question or hesitation. To question or hesitate is to be deemed a traitor, and the fate of traitors is harsh.
The other requirement is to carry the Tithe Box, and present it to the Tithe Collector once every seven years.
The Guilds are uncertain as to what Candra really is. She keeps her distance from her "Children," cloaking herself in legend and
mystery. Those who have investigated her closely have usually met bad ends, but the general consensus among the Guilds is
that Candra is a Spirit being of the more powerful sort. The Guilds believe that their powers devolve directly from her, and so do
not look too closely into matters Candra has told them to ignore.
The next most important thing is "Family Business", the ongoing feud between the Guilds. The Thieves' and Assassins' hate one
another passionately, like two branches of an ancient family locked in a blood feud, the original cause of which is forgotten. The
Guilds steal from each other, undermine one another's power and influence, and frequently kill each other. They target one
another's houses, assets friends and relatives. Nothing except one's children are safe. Children, in the eyes of the Guilds, are
above the dangers of "Family Business" and two Guild members, who abhor each other on sight and would normally cheerfully
strangle each other will become not merely polite, but caring if one of the two has his or her children with them.
The Guilds fight each other anywhere in the city. "Family Business" rarely spreads outside New Orleans, since the Guild
members outside the city are generally few and occupied with missions. The only place that is safe is the Church of the Lost
Heart. The Church of the Lost Heart, an old wooden church close to the Mississippi, is the Guilds' spiritual home. It is here that
both Guilds perform their initiation ceremonies, and it is here that the Tithing takes place. Neither side would attack the other
here, for fear of arousing the anger of the Benefactress. The church survives because both sides want it to. It allows them a
neutral meeting place, and if one knows about it, it is the perfect place to make contact. Others outside the Guilds have tried to
destroy the church. Some, like the city environmental department, have simply been bought off or ordered to ignore the structure.
Those whose motives are more sinister have a place reserved for them in the crypts: the bleached skulls of the Guilds' worst
enemies are displayed on racks, as both a victory monument and a warning. The skulls of traitors to the Guilds rest here also, a
reminder to those that would consider betraying their families or their "Mother."
The "Family Business" is another aspect of Candra's power over the Guilds. These rivalries were set up by Candra, and over
the centuries she has fanned their flames again and again. She uses the constant feuding to keep her Guilds in good shape,
tough and well-practised. Candra also finds the battles exciting, and so continues them for that reason. Her strongest reason for
continuing to stir up hatred between her Guilds is to ensure that the Guilds do not have too much time to think about her. Candra
knows that if she allows them to, the Guilds might start to investigate her, and she will not allow her "Children" to find out the truth
about her.
With all of these contradictions and the ongoing battles, it would appear to an outsider that the Guilds are a ramshackle
operation, ripe for destruction. The Guilds take any external threat very seriously indeed, and in the event of such a thing
happening, they suspend all "Family Business" until such a time that the threat has receded or been dealt with.

"Father! We will have words..."

-- Gambit, Gambit LS#2, "Honor Among Thieves"

A brief guide to Guild Terms

None of the words in this guide are intended to reflect the speech of New Orleans. They are terms used by the Guilds only, and
the Guilds "ain't like normal folks."

Benefactress: The granter of the Guilds powers, and their ultimate Mistress.
Benefits: The powers of the Guilds, granted by the Benefactress.
Brethren: see Family
Conjourman/woman: A Mage.
Cottonmouth: A Setite.
Family: The Guilds.
Family Business: The ongoing feuds between the Guilds.
Gris-gris: Magic, or Magick. Anything odd, inexplicable or to do with the powers of the Awakened or Semiawakened.
Gaunt: A Wraith.
Gens: The common people, Sleepers. (from the French.)
Connies: The Awakened, those who know what is going on. (from the French Connaitre, to know)
Loopie (or Loupe): A Garou. (from the French, Loupe-Garou) Nightfiend: A Kindred.
Pinch: A theft.
Portunes: Faeries or Changelings
Slasher: Derogatory term used by Thieves of Assassins.
Sneak: Derogatory term used by Assassins of Thieves.
Stroke: An assassination.
Tithing: The act of carrying the Tithe Box, which is passed to the Benefactress, in return for the Benefits.

Character Creation
"We all have our secrets"
--Gambit, Gambit LS#1, "Tithing"
In general, Thieves have Mental attributes and Talents as primary, whilst Assassins have Physical attributes and Skills as
primary. This is far from universal.

Common Natures
For Thieves, Bon Vivant, Conniver, Gallant, Jester or Architect are the commonest. Judge or Caregiver occasionally.
For Assassins, Bravo, Gallant, Fanatic or Director are commonest. Visionary or Judge occasionally.
The Natures Curmudgeon, Loner and Survivor are common in both of the Guilds.
Demeanours are extremely variable, and usually change to suit the circumstances.



Freebie Points

Required Abilities
Thieves: Subterfuge, Streetwise or Stealth 3 (at least one), Security or Repair 3 (at least one).
Other common abilities: Acting, Empathy, disguise, Investigation, Finance, Law, Melee, Firearms, Brawl.
Assassins: Brawl, Melee or Firearms 3 (at least one), Intimidation or Leadership 3 (at least one).
Other common abilities: Demolitions, Repair, Investigation, Acting, Medicine.
Both: Alertness 2, Occult 1.


The following Backgrounds are available, unchanged:
Allies, Alternate Identity, Arcane (no character can start with more than 2 dots in Arcane), Contacts, Fame (although it is strongly
discouraged), Influence, Resources.

New or Modified Backgrounds

(Now scaled to the Guilds). Remember, a Mentor usually wants a favour in return for a favour...
Mentor is a low-ranking member, and is of limited help.
** Mentor is of low rank, but well-respected. Can help in certain circumstances.
*** Mentor is of moderate rank, and is well-respected. He or she can be of great help.
**** Mentor is a high ranking guild member, and can provide most of the help a member could want.
***** Mentor is one of the Leaders of the Guilds, and can provide virtually any help -- at a price.

Family describes the number of blood relatives that you know of that you can trust and call upon in emergencies. They can feed,
shelter, support and may even protect you in times of trouble, but they are not bodyguards, cannon fodder or super technoassistants.

1 Family member
3 Family members
7 Family members
11 Family Members

***** 15 Family members

In addition to their specific Benefits, Life and Power, the members of the Guilds gain additional advantages. These advantages
are granted to the Aspirant when the Benefactress sends him or her off on their first Pinch or Stroke. These advantages are in
probability blood-related and somehow associated directly with the families in the Guilds. It is simply that the rest of the family
members do not develop them.

Life 1. In addition, Thieves gain Heightened Senses (as per the Merit) and the ability to move without being seen. Provided the
Thief makes the effort to remain stealthy, and does nothing to draw attention, no-one will notice her. People simply ignore her
presence. To notice a Thief, one must first suspect there is someone there, then beat the Thief's successes on a roll of Wits +
Stealth (D5) on a roll of Per + Alertness (D7). If the Thief is actively hiding, the difficulties are 4 and 8 respectively, and if the
Thief does something violent or obvious, the difficulty for each character's roll changes to 6. This power initially does nothing to
conceal the Thief from surveillance equipment. Note that this power is not Vampiric Obfuscation. It is not automatically defeated
by Auspex. Auspex gives additional dice on the rolls to see the Thief, no more.

Power 1. Assassins also get Heightened Senses, an additional strength dot (even if it takes them over 5 dots) and the ability to
implant commands or suggestions in the minds of others. The Assassin must roll Wits + Intimidation, versus the target's
Willpower. A command of up to three words can be used, such as "Drop the gun!" or "Outta my way!", and the target will obey.
This power will work on the Awakened, but the difficulty rises by one, and a Willpower point must be spent.

Other Abilities
The Guilds have always had among them many members with "Semiawakened" powers. Many of these people are Guild
members, but others are "Helpers," outsiders who are in effect Guild members, bound by the rules and protected by the Guilds,
but not members of the families. Many of the Guilds' Healers, and their Voodoo practitioners, fall into this group.
The most common of these powers are:

Hedge Magick (especially Spirit Thaumaturgy and Path of Voodoo)

Precognition / Fortune Telling

Normal people subconsciously recognise the Guilds for what they are: hunters, creatures that prey upon normal men and
women. This recognition leads to unease when people deal with the Guilds: all Social rolls made by a Guild member when
dealing with a normal person (a "Gen") are at +1 difficulty, except for Subterfuge and Intimidation rolls. Some other rolls may not
be affected, but this is at the Storyteller's discretion.

Freebie Point Costs

Backgrounds: 2

Experience Costs
4 x current rating
2 x current rating, 3 per new ability
2 x current rating
Guild Benefits: 9 x current rating*
*A service must be performed for the Benefactress (of her choosing, and usually both challenging and extremely dangerous) in

order to be allowed to raise a Benefit.

Merits and Flaws

The list of Merits and Flaws available to mortal characters found in "Ascension's Right Hand" is a good, comprehensive one.
The Guilds forbid certain Merits and Flaws to their members: Ghoul, Vampiric companion and Werewolf Companion are all
forbidden Merits. Child is a forbidden Flaw.

New Merits and Flaws

Skilled Gambler (M2): You are a skilled player of games of chance, even by the standards of the Guilds, who are known to
stake entire city blocks on the turn of a card or the roll of a die. You gain a -1 difficulty to any game of chance you play.

Glib (M3): You are silver-tongued in the extreme, and very few people can see through your veneer of charm. All rolls involving
Subterfuge or Seduction are at -1 difficulty.

Master of Disguise (M3): You find taking on the roles of other simple: all attempts at disguise or acting are at -1 difficulty.
Taint of the Hunter (F2): Even by Guild standards, you are predatory. People are uneasy around you, sensing that you see
them as prey, something to be exploited. All Social rolls except Intimidation and Subterfuge gain an additional -1 penalty.

Unlucky In Love (F3): You are unlucky in love. Even if you find it easy to begin a relationship, you find it almost impossible to
continue one. You seem doomed to a life of one-night stands. Even if you find a real love, who is not driven away by your Guild
weakness, you will find the world conspires to separate you. Your true love may be kidnapped, used against you, or even killed,
with a terrible effect upon your psyche.

The Guilds of course have access to weapons of many different sorts, and usually pick the ones best suited to the task in hand.
However, each Guild has its own trademark melee weapon. The Thieves' Guild use an iron-cored bamboo Bo staff, around 1.82m long. It is difficulty 5 to use, and does STR + 3 damage. The Assassins favour retractable wrist-mounted blades. These are a
little longer than the user's hand, extending past the fingertips. Two blades are worn on each wrist, and generally an Assassin
wears a set on each wrist. Most Assassins are skilled in their use in a "double strike". The blades are difficulty 4 for an Assassin
to use, and do STR + 2 damage. To a non-Assassin, the difficulty is 8.
The Guilds' members Arcane ratings help to make such objects less obvious to the general populace.

The Benefits
"We get the Power, the Thieves get the...Life,"
-- Marius Boudreaux, Gambit LS# 2 "Honor Among Thieves"
The Guilds never, ever, mention the Benefits to outsiders. Indeed, they rarely mention them among themselves, thinking it a
matter of pride not to mention such things, which are seen as being a deeply personal experience. This secrecy is so profound
that many of the younger, less experienced members of each of the Guilds have little idea what the higher powers of their own
Benefit can accomplish, much less what powers the other Guild has.


Life is what the Thieves' Guild get from their duties to the Benefactress. It grants long life, increased abilities, and certain unusual

50 Years of Life, +1 Arcane, +1 Awareness

100 Years of Life, +5 Freebie Points, +1 Arcane. The Thief can now see Auras, on a roll of Per + Occult, D9.
200 Years of Life, +5 Freebie Points, +1 Occult, +1 Awareness
300 Years of Life, +7 Freebie Points, +1 Awareness. The Thief extends the power of invisibility to cover surveillance
***** 500 Years of Life, +9 Freebie Points, +1 Arcane. The Thief can determine the origin, history, ownership and value of an
object at a touch. (Per + Empathy, D9). It can also be used to detect "bad gris-gris" from an object.
The Freebie Points gained can be spent on anything that could be bought at character creation, including Numina and
Backgrounds, but excluding Merits and Flaws.

Power makes the Assassins killers even the Kindred fear. Each dot above the first also gives an extra action per round. This
ability can be used for a number of rounds per day equal to the rating in Power.

At the cost of 1 WP, all Physical attributes can be increased by one point for one scene, even if this increases them above
** By preparing for a round, the Assassin can focus a blow, reducing the difficulty for either the attack or the damage, by 2.
*** Arcane +1, Intimidation +1. The Assassin can now become invisible like a Thief, provided he does not move.
**** Arcane +1, Awareness +1. The Assassin can now hide just like a Thief. However, surveillance equipment can still detect
the Assassin.
***** Black Palm. By spending 1 WP and simply touching a target, the user can cause aggravated damage to the target. The
amount of damage caused is the result of a Dex + Occult roll, difficulty 6.

The Tithing
"Woe to any who interfere with the Tithing."
-- Gambit LS#1, "Tithing"
Every seven years, the Tithe Collector comes up out of the swamps around New Orleans, and calls upon the Guilds. Each
member of each Guild is required to meet the Tithe Collector, and pass to him the Tithe Box that each Guild member received at
the last Tithing. Failure to do so will result in two things: the last dot in the Benefit the Guild member has will be lost, and more
seriously, the Guilds will declare the defaulter a Traitor to the Guilds, and hunt him or her down without mercy. This is one of the
few times when the Guilds actively help one another. The number who have escaped such a hunt is too small to note. In the event
that a Tithe Box is stolen, there are mechanisms to recover it. The Tithe Collector will be unhappy, but at least the Guild member
will be alive.
The Guilds have vague ideas about what the Tithing actually involves, but are unsure. It is best, they say, not to enquire too
deeply of the Tithe Collector.

Relations with Others

"Some folks are wise, and some are otherwise"
--Tobias Smollet, "Roderick Random"

Candra The Benefactress

The Guilds believe that Candra is a powerful spirit, what might be termed and "Angel" almost. However, they do not believe that
this was her original nature, and think that she "evolved" into this state from something different. Exactly what she was is not
discussed, but the more hard-headed Guild members consider that "Candra create the Guilds, and in return, the Guilds created
Candra," in effect sustaining her through their own belief.

The Thieves on the Assassins

Thieves reckon that Assassins are dumb, crass, overbearing, unimaginative and needlessly destructive. No doubt in some

Thieves reckon that Assassins are dumb, crass, overbearing, unimaginative and needlessly destructive. No doubt in some
cases this is true, but the Thieves are hardly perfect themselves. The Thieves feel the Assassins are dangerously uncontrollable,
even by their Guildmasters, but are reasonably sure that if an open war broke out, they would win. However, they are not anxious
to find out if they are right or not. They regard the Assassins as a sophisticated city person regards a country yokel.

The Assassins on the Thieves

Assassins consider Thieves to be underhanded, affected, cowardly and weak. The Assassins feel that the Thieves lack their
strong leadership, and will eventually split into small groups that they can mop up one by one. This ignores the fact that both
Guilds have existed as long as the other, and seem likely to continue to do so. The Assassins tend to regard the Thieves in
much the same way an athlete regards a couch potato.

In general, the Guilds hold the Nightfiends in thinly-veiled contempt. They are useful sources of work, revenue and knowledge, but
their pretence of being great noble hunters or thieves in the night is simply that, as far as the Guilds are concerned: a pretence.
Unless contracted to do so, the Guilds do not usually actively seek to harm or antagonise Vampires, but they strike unmercifully if
Vampires come after them. Within New Orleans, the Guilds interact regularly with the Kindred mainly to let the Kindred know that
the Guilds can find them, any time.

The Camarilla
The Camarilla are equivocal about the Guilds. They see them as useful contacts, capable of doing things that they themselves
cannot, but they fear the hold the Guilds might gain over them by continued contact.

The Sabbat
The Sabbat are wary of the Guilds. Most meetings have resulted in the Sabbat coming off worse, since they have involved
newly-created Licks. They regard the Guilds as a real threat, and look forward to the night when they can destroy them at their

The Setites
The only exception to the rule of not directly antagonising Vampires is the Setites, whom the Guilds seem to take a perverse
pleasure in victimising.

The Garou
The Guilds find the Garou profoundly disturbing. It may be something from their ancient past, or merely prudence on their part,
but they avoid dealing with any Garou except the Bone Gnawers and Glass Walkers. These two groups use them occasionally,
when no one else will help.
Note that the Guilds are less affected by the Delirium that normal people: treat a Guild member as if her Willpower were two dots
higher that it is for the purposes of the Delirium.

Of all the Awakened, the Guilds have the greatest respect for Mages. Respect, coupled with a strong distrust. The fact that
Mages have control over reality strikes the Guilds as distinctly odd, even by normal supernatural standards. Few among the
Guilds have real friends among the Mage community. However, the Guilds sometimes work for the Celestial Chorus, through
their offices in the Catholic Church (most Guild members are Catholic, at least on paper), and the voodoo practitioners of the
Dreamspeakers. The Guilds are unfriendly toward the Technocracy, which they see as a threat to their freedom and existence,
and are more than happy to undertake jobs against them.


Deep sadness describes the Guilds' views on the Restless. They have determined that there is some connection between the
Benefactress and the Restless, but are uncertain of its true nature. The Guilds treat Wraiths with respect and kindness, and do
what they can to help. Unfortunately, what they think may help is not always as helpful as they hope.
The Fog affects the Guilds just as the Delirium does (see above).

Changelings and Faeries are referred to as Portunes by the Guilds. The groups have few dealings with one another, and the
Guilds have an old-world, romanticised view of the Fae.

These rare Awakened are something of a mystery to the Guilds. There have been numerous incidents over the centuries, but
neither side has spent much time investigating them. Most Immortals have little use for the services the Guilds can provide, so
seldom seek them out. What little both sides know has come to them second hand, or via exceptionally curious members of both

Demon Knights
The Demon Knights intrigue the Guilds. They know they are powerful, but do not know why. They want to know more, but fear
what they will learn. In the past, the Demon Knights have occasionally asked the Guilds for help, or used them to assist in the
recovery of certain items. The Guilds have also been contracted by others to hunt down Demon Knights. The Guilds sense that
there is something big behind all of this. They are just not sure if they want to know what it is.

The Highest Society

The Guilds have a "history" with the Highest Society. The Society, which was active in the different European courts the Guilds
served, was among the groups that tried to hunt down and destroy the Guilds. The evidence left behind when the Guilds escaped
badly undermined the Highest Society's position and strength. The Highest Society has lost more and more power over the
centuries, and is no longer in a position to threaten the Guilds, but the memory of what was done is still extant. The Highest
Society will leap at any chance to revenge itself on the Guilds.

Other Changers
The Guilds have little to do with the other Changing Breeds, but they are rumoured to have connections with the Mokole of the
Florida and Louisiana swamps.

The Gypsies hold the Guilds in contempt. The Guilds merely smile. The Gypsies owe the Guilds a favour. A big-time favour, and
the Guilds are keen that the Gypsies squirm as much as possible before they are allowed to pay it off. And they will: the Guilds
are not the ignorant gorgoi the Gypsies would like to think they are.

The Arcanum
This group has missed the point entirely. They have used the services of the Guilds more than most people, and have paid highly
in information for the work they have had done. In return, however, they have learned nothing of the Guilds. The Guilds like this
situation, and play the Arcanum for all they are worth, thinking the whole thing quite hysterical.

The Benefactress
"My Guilds. I set them up, centuries ago."
--Candra, Gambit LS#3, "The Benefactress"
Candra the Benefactress is best described the way Winston Churchill described Russia: A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside

an enigma. She is only seen by the gathered Guilds at the ceremonies of initiation, or at the Tithing ceremony. Otherwise, she is
seen only by individual Guild members, when they approach her to ask her what she requires in return for the Benefits.
Candra appears as a beautiful woman, in her middle thirties, with waist length blonde hair, a slim figure and a face as hard as
And well she might. Candra is a Deathlord, an immensely powerful Wraith who has as her major Fetters the two Guilds.
Long, long ago, Candra was a Mage. Back in the earliest nights of the Roman republic, Candra played politics in the Italian
peninsula. She was an immensely powerful being, unhampered by Paradox in the way that modern Mages are, and she
competed with the Garou and with the Kindred unceasingly. She always envied these two groups their semiawakened servitors:
the Kinfolk of the Garou and the Kindred's Ghouls. Candra wanted her own servitors, so over a century, she worked and
researched, until she found two families of crime lords. She used her powers to create a spell that would permanently affect the
blood of the two families, granting them unusual traits, and allowing these traits to be passed on to their descendants. The exact
nature of this spell is unknown, but a Life 5, Time 5, Prime 3, Forces 3, Spirit 3 might come close. Whatever it was, it worked,
and Candra created her servitors. They worshipped her like a mother goddess, and went out into the days and nights to do her
bidding. Then, at the beginning of the Christian epoch, someone killed Candra. The Guilds went into hiding, going back to being
no more than crime families, some members of which had exceptional powers. No one bothered to pursue them. Over time,
Candra became a figure of legend, and fewer and fewer Guild members developed the Benefits. It became the story that only
the Benefactress could grant them.
A being like Candra is not easily held, even by death, and after a few centuries, she found her way back to her "children".
Candra told them that she had returned, and that in return for the return of the Benefits they had once enjoyed, they must serve
her. This state has continued ever since.
The Guilds believe that Candra grants them their Benefits. This belief is so strong that the Benefits are not manifested until an
Aspirant succeeds in his first mission, and the last dot in a benefit is lost if the Tithing is not completed. This belief is untrue. The
Guilds can develop the Benefits without Candra's help, it is now a right of their blood. What is required is mostly Willpower and a
belief that one can develop the Benefits.
Early in her death, Candra discovered a way of collecting Pathos from the members of the Guilds, as they went about their
emotionally-charged business. This Pathos was trapped it in tiny boxes, from which Candra could recover it at her leisure.
Through this action, which became known as the Tithing, Candra has access to an almost unlimited supply of Pathos, and the
ability to use her Arcanos almost without thought. Even so, she carefully husbands the supply from the Tithe Boxes over the
seven years, using it only when she has to or cannot obtain Pathos elsewhere.

The Tithe Collector

"Creole mothers in the French Quarter tell the story of a strange dark man who rolls in with the fog off the Mississippi once
every seven years"
--- Gambit LS, #1 "Tithing"
The Tithe Collector is Candra's chief servant. There has been a Tithe Collector as long as there has been a Tithing, and all the
Tithe Collectors look the same. Their appearance has always brought fear to the Guilds, who know that both the Collector and
Candra are wilful, capricious beings, and that even full obedience does not guarantee safety.

Candra the Benefactress

Type: Wraith







Talents: Alertness 4, Awareness 4, Intimidation 5, Expression 4, Brawl 3

Skills: Ettiquette 3, Melee 4, Leadership 3, Performance 3
Knowledges: Cosmology 5, Culture 4, Enigmas 4, Investigation 4, Linguistics 4, Occult 5, Politics 5
Arcanos: Argos 2, Castigate 1, Embody 5, Keening 4, Lifeweb 3, Moliate 3, Outrage 5, Pandemonium 5, Puppetry 5, Usury 5
Pathos: 5
Corpus: 10
Willpower: 9

Passions: Control the Guilds (lordship) 5, Gain Temporal Power (greed) 5, Fight the Awakened (control) 5
Fetters: The Guilds (5), the Church of the Lost Heart (4)
Backgrounds: Contacts 3, Eidolon 3, Haunt 5, Memoriam 4, Status 5, Wealth 5 (and then some)
Appearance: A beautiful woman with waist length blonde hair and a skin like alabaster. Candra is breathtakingly lovely, and she
knows it. She is also totally without compassion, remorse or pity.

Type: Abuser
Dark Passions: Fight the Awakened (hatred) 4, Encourage "Family Business" (spite) 4
Thorns: Dark Allies, Shadow Call
Angst: 7/3
Willpower: 6

The Tithe Collector

Type: Mage (Orphan)









Talents: Alertness 4, Awareness 4, Intimidation 5, Expression 4, Brawl 3

Skills: Melee 4, Leadership 3
Knowledges: Cosmology 4, Culture 4, Occult 5
Arete: 5
Willpower: 9
Spheres: Correspondence 5, Forces 3, Life 3, Mind 3, Prime 3, Spirit 3
Quintessence: 9
Paradox: 4
Appearance: An old, dark man, with grey hair, and a face like Death. He is tall, thin and seemingly weak, but close inspection or
(God help you) combat, reveals that he seems made of steel and wires. His tread is firm and steady, and his gaze is always
hard and cold. His face never changes its expression, one of brooding menace. Any Guild member automatically recognises the
Tithe Collector.

Paradox Flaws: A permanent fog surrounds the Tithe Collector, and his footsteps echo eerily wherever he goes.

Gypsies Minds Eye Theatre Rules

By Thomas De Vore (

Character Creation Summary

Step One: Inspiration -- Who are you?
Choose your character concept
Choose your Family
Choose Element (optional)
Choose Nature and demeanor

Step Two: Attributes -- What are you like?

Prioritize Categories (Physical, Social, Mental)
Select Attribute traits: 6/4/3

Step Three: Advantages - What do you know?

Choose three Abilities
Choose Background and Influence Traits: 5
Choose Blood Affinities: 3

Step Four: Assets - What makes you different?

Choose four Humanity Traits
Assign Blood Purity and Willpower
Choose Negative Traits, if any
Purchase Merits and Flaws, if any
Spend freebie points: 5

Step Five: Spark of Life

Step One -- Inspiration

The Families
The Lupines: The Lupine family is made up almost exclusively of Gypsies who are kin to werewolves of the Silent Strider Tribe.
The Phuri Dae: This Family boasts the most adept fortune-tellers and spiritualists of all the families. It is the Phuri Dae who are
the true carriers of the Gypsy heritage.

The Ravnos: This family is related to certain Shilmulo, or vampires; some members are themselves shilmulo. Individual Ravnos
vampires tend to watch over their family line for those worthy of the Embrace.

The Tsurara: This extremely tight-knit family is one of the smallest of all the families. Unlike other families, the Tsurara are
almost unrelentingly committed to the destruction of all vampires.

The Urmen: This family has maintained a relationship with those most elusive beings: the Faeries. It is rumored that the family
has had faerie blood mixed with the blood of their Romany heritage.

The character may only have one Element.

Earth: Earth-touched receive an additional point from Instinct or Draba affinities. Also they can spend 1 Willpower to heal 1 level
of damage.

Air: Air-touched receive an additional point in Luck or Truth of the Rom Affinities. Also they may spend a mental trait once per
session and call "Fair Escape".

Fire: Fire-seared receive an additional Point in the Dance of Swords Affinity, and they can also can spend a mental trait and
ignore 1 wound penalty for a scene. (This may be used over and over)

Water: Water-claimed receive an additional point in Truth of the Rom. They also can spend a Willpower and make a mental
challenge with anyone listening or watching them to make them forget what they have seen.

Spirit: Spirit-kissed receive an additional point in any of the four Magics. They also can increase one of these magics for a
scene by spending a Willpower.

Nature and Demeanor

Caregiver Conniver
Crackerjack Critic
Curmudgeon Daredevil
Sensualist Supplicant

Step Two -- Attributes

Physical Traits
Athletic, Brawny, Brutal, Dexterous, Enduring, Energetic, Ferocious, Graceful, Lithe, Nimble, Quick, Resilient, Robust, Rugged,
Stalwart, Steady, Tenacious, Tireless, Tough, Vigorous, Wiry

Social Traits
Alluring, Beguiling, Charismatic, Charming, Commanding, Compassionate, Dignified, Diplomatic, Elegant, Eloquent, Empathic,
Expressive, Friendly, Genial, Gorgeous, Ingratiating, Intimidating, Magnetic, Persuasion, Seductive, Witty

Mental Traits
Alert, Attentive, Calm, Clever, Creative, Cunning, Dedicated, Determined, Discerning, Disciplined, Insightful, Intuitive,
Knowledgeable, Observant, Patient, Rational, Reflective, Shrewd, Vigilant, Wily, Wise

Negative Physical Traits

Clumsy, Cowardly, Decrepit, Delicate, Docile, Flabby, Lame, Lethargic, Puny, Sickly

Negative Social Traits

Bestial, Callous, Condescending, Dull, Inarticulate, Naive, Obnoxious, Repugnant, Shy, Tactless, untrustworthy

Negative Mental Traits

Forgetful, Gullible, Ignorant, Impatient, Oblivious, Predictable, Shortsighted,Violent, Witless

Step Three -- Advantages

Animal Ken Awareness
Computer Crafts
Firearms Investigation Linguistics
Psychology Science
Sleight of hand Subterfuge

New Abilities
Bujo: You have learned the true art of the well-planned swindle.
Diversion: You can direct the attention of other where you wish it to be.
Storytelling: You are able to weave a web of language that can keep your audience for hours on end.
Romany Lore: You are knowledgeable in the lore of your people, the Rom.

New Background
Talismans: You possess one or more magical talismans, precious pieces of draba created by a skilled drabarne.
Blood Affinities
Dance of Knives
This is the Gypsy equivalent to Celerity.

Basic: You may once per night call "Fair Escape." This must be done at the beginning of the entanglement.
Intermediate: You may now choose to attack first before the Celerity round because of your Instincts.
Advanced: Once per Story you may spend a Willpower and cancel out a scene.
This affinity is simular to the Merit by the same name. Each level allows you a single retest per night for any challenge. There is 1
basic, 2 Intermediate and 1 Advanced levels.

Truth of the Rom

This affinity gives you extra Social traits for the Purpose of outright lying. With a successful challenge you are able to convince
others of just about anything. (Aura Reading and other power will not pick up the lies).

Basic: 2 traits
Intermediate: 4 Traits

Intermediate: 6 Traits
Advanced: 8 Traits
Evil Eye: This is the equivalent to Cursing (Laws of the Hunt Players Guide).
Sight: This is the equivalent to Divination (Laws of the Hunt Players Guide).
Mediumship: This is the equivalent of Ephemera (Laws of the Hunt).
Draba: This is the equivalent to Enchantment Laws of the Hunt Players Guide).
Family Affinities
The Lupines -- Spirit of the Wolf
Basic: The Rom may lift the veil from as many targets as he wishes to spend mental traits for.
Basic: By spending a mental trait the Rom may grow wolf claws that will do Aggravated Damage.
Intermediate: The Rom may use any Basic or Intermediate Silent Strider or Homid Gift as if he were a Garou. Advanced: By
spending a Willpower and making a social mob challenge the Rom may unleash a Scream that works like dread gaze to all
those that are close enough to here.

The Urmen -- Faerie Threads

Basic: the Urmen can recognize changelings and other disguised faeries when they meet them.
Basic: The Urmen can recognize if a faerie has been in a certain location recently or if an item is of faerie craftsmanship.
Intermediate: At this level the Urmen may cause some minor bit of Chaos to happen to a single target by spending a Willpower.
Advanced: Now the Rom's power over chaos has grown and he may cause greater and more major chaos to a target by
spending a Willpower and a permanent mental trait.

The Phuri Dae -- Pattern

Basic: When the Rom is confronted with a problem that she can't solve she may spend a mental trait to receive a hint from a

Intermediate: This level allows a Rom to Inspire others by telling a story. By spending a social trait per person to be inspired the
Rom can grant them the traits Enduring, Tireless and Dedicated.

Advanced: By risking a permanent mental trait or ability the Rom my try to gain some bit of knowledge. If the Rom succeeds
she gets the information she need, she ties she just loses the challenge and if she flat out loses the challenge she loses the trait
bid permanently.

Advanced: By spending a Willpower the Rom may now step onto the Shadowed Path which lies between the true spirit realm
and the material world. The Rom can perceive both realms but can only interact with those on the path with them.

The Tsurara -- The Blood Sense

Basic: This allows the Rom to sense if there are any supernatural creatures around. And with a Static mental challenge the Rom
can sense if a specific someone is supernatural.

Basic: By spending a Willpower the Rom may see through Obfuscate for one scene.
Intermediate: Once the Rom has picked up on a supernatural creature, he may track that creature if it is anywhere within a 1
mile radius.

Advanced: The Slayer may now track the supernatural creature if it is within 3 miles off the Rom, and the Rom may make a
static Mental challenge to know what state the creature is in.

Step Four -- Assets

Humanity Traits
Benevolent, Charitable, Chivalrous, Fair, Giving, Gracious, Helpful, Honorable, Humane, Innocent, Kind, Liberal, Merciful, Moral,

Nave, Pious, Sympathetic, Warm.

Blood Purity
Blood Purity Starting Willpower Max. Willpower Max. Traits Different Affinity

Free Trait Costs

Blood Affinities 3 Basic, 6 Intermediate, 9 Advanced
Backgrounds 1/Trait
Blood Purity 3/Trait

New Attribute
New Ability
New Blood Affinities 3 Basic, 6 Intermediate, 9 Advanced
New Backgrounds 1/Trait
New Influences

New Weapon
Talith: The Talith is a heavy scarf or diklo, with a length of 5-6'. The end is weighted with heavy hooks and barbs along each
end. You can use the talith to disarm an opponent or slash them with the hooks.
Bonus Traits: 2
Negative Trait: Clumsy

Part One: The Origin of Hedge Magick

By Timothy Toner
Disclosure of terms: Throughout this text, the term "Magick" w ill come to mean the superior form of reality alteration practiced by the
Traditions. Those who practice Magick will be called Mages. Hedge magick, a system of magick which relies on an energy source
which does not directly alter reality, will be referred to as "magick," or "magic." Those who practice Hedge magick will be called magi,
or wizards, interchangeably.

The Basis of Magick

Mage: the Ascension, does a tremendous job, delineating the reality shaping forces of Magick. The Spheric Magick which the
Traditions use derives its power from separating the totality of reality into Nine Spheres, or systems of organization. Quintessence, the
raw material of reality, flows into each, and by flowing, creates reality as we perceive it. By changing one or more of these spheres,
reality itself is changed in a new and exciting way. The Mages directly manipulate the flow of Quintessence through an item, altering its
properties. The field of Prime handles this directly, but each use it in part to establish their effects. In short, a Mage wonders "What are
the chances that "X" will happen," and then shifts reality so that X will seem more likely.
The odds can be greatly increased by using Raw Quintessence, or Tass. The best description for tass is a "pocketful of possibilities."
It is reality in an untapped form. By tapping into it, a Mage gains substantial control over local reality, transforming Possibility into
Probability, and then into Actuality.
Mages have two ways to affect reality: Vulgar and Coincidental Magick. One mage likened the two to the stages of Tass. Vulgar
Magick exists as Possibility. All things are possible, but the road from Possibility to Probability is a hard one. Coincidental Magick
involves more Probability than possibility. It is thus easier to transform into Actuality.
There is a force that resists the shift from Possibility to Probability to Actuality. It is called Paradox, and is created, not by
Quintessence, but rather the unconscious minds of every person on the planet. The human mind generates certain law which it will
accept, and anything that conflicts creates the phenomena called Paradox. Paradox acts to snap reality back to its original position,
but the purpose of Magick is to bend reality, and make it stick. Thus, the stress of shifting reality in the new position is taken on by the
Mage, lest it shift back on its own.

Concept of Hedge Magick

Hedge Magick is any kind of magick that does not feed off of Quintessence directly. It does not permanently alter reality, as Pattern, or
Spheric Matter does, but rather pushes it, and sets up temporary braces to hold it into position. The stress of the magick is left in the
system, and when the force becomes too great, it will snap back readily. The unconscious minds may at first disbelieve what they see,
which creates the stress. When it gives, and "resets" local reality, the minds realize it was all a hallucination, and continue disbelieving.
Thus, Hedge Wizards do not suffer from Paradox like Mages do.
The majority of Hedge magick revolves around power derived from a place called the Shadow Empyrean, a place where the run-off
Quintessence goes after it has flowed through reality. It is still tass, but has been subtly molded by whatever it flowed through, so that
much of its Possibility has been removed, leaving strong Probabilities.
The Shadow Quintessence, or vis, acts to cement a wizard's concept into current reality, and hold it in place long enough for the
desired effect to occur. After that point, reality can snap back, or if enough people believe in the change, it will remain in its current
position. Whereas Mages rip reality, and reattach as they please, Hedge wizards are content to sculpt reality along certain Probable
There are three major Schools of Hedge Magick Theory:

Symbolic magick: This magick derives from the Traditions, in t hat it organizes reality into subsections, which the wizard has greater
control over. Thus, one section would be called "animals," and would allow the mage control over all types of animals. The problem
with the school of Symbolic Magick is that the world has become far too complex to organize into neat bundles, as before. Once it was
thought all physical Matter could be created from combinations of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Quintessence (literally, the Fifth
Essence). Now physical matter can be broken up into 4 states of matter, or 107 kinds of elements, or 3 kinds of atomic particles, or
over 10 kinds of subatomic particles. In some ways, ignorance of the Physical world is bliss.
The Hermetic Order, a society of Hedge Wizards backed by a few powerful Traditions, created a potent system of classification which
is still the system of choice amongst many Symbolic Wizards. However, alternative systems have been created, and only a handful are
as accepted as the Hermetic Paradigm.

Reflexive Magick: Perhaps the most puzzling of Hedge magickal systems, Reflexive magick takes a mind's eye view of reality. Zen
Buddhism teaches that we exist in our minds. All information about the reality around us is contained within. By interacting with matter
and the material world, we unlock the doors. Each Reflexive act is an external effect of an internal characteristic. The Reflexive Mage
merely extends his consciousness into an object, and gains a certain control over that object. Each of these are based on the Nine
characteristics of the body.

Path Magick, or Thaumaturgy: Perhaps the weakest of the Hedge magicks, Path Magick is the discipline of following preascribed
methodologies to gain magickal powers. A practitioner of Path Magicks finds himself at the beginning of a long road. Each step along

the way teaches him a new ability, a new way of understanding that road. Alas, the road is often too short, and the student cannot
venture off the path. Still, so tightly structured is Path Magick that it can be learned in a fraction of the time. Also, these Spells have
been tested, and are nearly infallible, unlike the other forms of Magick. Further, the action of pushing aside reality temporarily takes its
toll on practitioners of Symbolic and Reflexive Magick. Most of the bugs have been worked out of Path Magick, allowing a user to use
the spells again and again with little fear of stressing out.

The Limits of Hedge Magick

Now that the Kinds of Hedge Magick have been explained, it is neccessary to show what Hedge magick cannot do. First, it cannot
create permanent effects, unless the effects are reasonable in the mind's eye of the people who dwell in a region. Thus, rain can fall as
long as clouds are in the sky, but making it rain without a single vapor in the air stretches credulity. A fireball can be created, and
thrown at a foe, but the foe cannot be set to burn forever. Eventually reality will take over, and the fire will dwindle and die.
Hedge Magick is limited to the immediate area it effects. Often, magick will be a clash between the Paradigms of one mind versus
another. Although a hedge mage has the upper hand in his knowledge that reality is mutable, the Sleeper target also has power in
knowing that it can't be moved. Often Magickal effects can only affect a single person, since the clash of internal paradigms is too
much for a mage to handle. Hedge Magick is further limited by distance. Reality is a pretty big place, and magick often finds it difficult
to displace that much disbelief. Particularly, magickal effects die soon after leaving the mind's eye of the mage who created it.
Finally, Hedge Magick is limited in precisely how much it can do. Basically, a mage is caught in the question of "How much will they
believe?" How much will reality resist, before he can push it no farther?
Another factor is timing. Some Hedge magicks are handicapped by making them into rituals. The longer the ritual takes, the more
potent it is. The opposite effect can be made to happen. If a mage is faced with a powerful ritual that takes a long time, he can cut the
time, but in doing so, he must also cut the effectiveness. This sacrifice is sometimes neccessary however.
Each of the above problems can be overcome by adjusting the force of magick in an area. This is accomplished through five
Modifiers, which allow magick to be subtly adjusted, making it more or less potent. The Five modifiers, and their levels of
effectiveness, are seen below:
Effect Level Duration
1 turn
2 turns
1 scene
1 hour

1 day

5 feet
10 feet
20 feet
Line of
1 mile

Area of Effect
1 target
2 targets
4 targets
8 targets


1 turn
2 turns
1 scene
1 hour

16 targets

1 day

Hedge Magick is gradiated into effect levels. With the standard "background vis" level, the amount of vis which trickles throu gh the
Gauntlet from the Shadow Empyrean, the Maximum standard effect level is 5. Each effect level is a step up in power that is not often
perfectly correlated. Thus, the jump between an effect created by Creo Ignem 3 to Creo Ignem 4 can be greater or lesser than the
effect created by Path of Healing 3 to Path of Healing 4. If you wanted exactness, stick to science.
As a general rule, Level 1 powers are usually fairly minor Magicks, usually divination in the immediate area, or the creation of minor
mgickal effects that have no real impact on game play.
Level two powers are a tad serious. It is here that the Wizard can subtly begin to affect the outside world. This can come in the form of
a minor attack (never more than 1-2 health levels), a line of sight divination, or some other effect which begins to change reality around
the user.
Level Three is a boost from there. A more serious attack can be launched, (2-3 Health Levels) and the Mage can make his minor
effects have true impact on the game. A fire once used for light can now be used to set things aflame, while still cradled in the hand of
the Wizard. Also, with Level three, divination is no longer limited to what the five senses say should be there.
Level four allows a much more powerful attack (4-5 Health Levels, or 1-2 Aggravated). Effects can have immediate and vital impact on
the game. For instance, the fire which once was used to illuminate and can set things aflame also can now be shaped into objects by
the Mage. Spontaneous creation of items also begins here, although they are very temporary in their effect and duration.
Level 5, the most potent of the normal bounds of Hedge wizardry, allows for deadly attacks (5-6 Health levels, 2-3 Aggravated). Effects
are completely under the control of the Wizard in question. The flame first created for light by level 1, which was allowed to stick to the
Mage's hand by level 2, then was allowed to burn other things by level 3, and could be shaped into a sword by Level 4, will now travel
out from the user with level 5. Items created will have a much longer duration (a scene or more). If items that are used commonly are
created and used, and reality will accept their use, the effect is permanent. Thus, with level 5, a meal can be made to form. At the end
of the scene, the scraps will disappear, but not from the bellies of the eaters (unless this was the intention of the mage).
As it was seen, often, a simple effect is augmented by the five modifiers. Taking the Creo Ignem example used, a mage created a
flame which would do 1 Health/round at most. By willing it not to burn him (effectively providing no fuel) it became a level 2 effect. By
making an exception, and granting it Power to burn others (One more dice of power, making it 2-3 Health levels), it became level 3.
Gaining tangible control over it became level 4, and increasing the distance became level 5. Each step took a common effect, and
augmented it with the Five modifiers. This is a handy guide for creating and adjucating effects.
As another example, a character wishes to create food for his troupe, using Reflexive Magick. He wants it to taste good enough to
stomach (App 1), provide sustenance (Endurance 2), and affect the 4 people in his troupe (Area of Effect 3). The combined effect is 6.

Because of the absolute limit of Five, he must decide whether to feed less, make it unpalatable, or make it less wholesome. As it is,
the magick is not long lasting, since no extra Duration was added. If the Mage uses ritual, he can decrease the absolute effect level.
Thus, by making it a level 3 Ritual, taking one scene to cast, it suddenly becomes equivalent to a 6-3= Level 3 effect. The Caster can
increase duration by Two, making it last for a scene.
Ultimately, Modifiers come into greatest play when Spells are involved. Spells, or Rotes, are pre-arranged Magickal effects that are
tried and true. Little flexibility is involved, but at the same time, some bargains may be bought through the Magick. Thus, a spell that
purports to have an Effect level of 4, when broken down logically, could cost 6. This is the advantage of spells and Paths: the shortcuts
are incredible. However, Modifiers can be used to affect Spells on the fly, making them last longer, shorter, or affect more people.
Every spell has an unspoken rating in each of these. For instance, Bob's Irresistable Waltz compels 1 target (AoE 1) to dance (Effect
1) against his will (Effect 2) for a scene (Duration 3). The Person needs to be in line of sight. In all, this was a Effect 6 power. The Path
lists it at 5. Bob really knew what he was doing. If, on the fly, you needed it to affect more people (4 in all), the AoE needs to be
increased from 1 to 3, a difference of 2. Taking the Listed Effect of the spell (5), the Modified Effect becomes 7, too much for Hedge
Magick. Something else has to come down.
Well, say that the Wizard doesn't want it to come down. How can he surpass the Effect 5 limit, and produce some truly spectacular
effects? Vis. Vis, when used to augment spells, does one of two things. The most important for Hedge Magick is that it can up the
Effect level, on a one for one ratio. A mage has Creo of 4 and Ignem of 5, and wants to really torch some leechies (Damage effect of
3, AoE 2, Distance 3, Power 1 (to add one more die to damage). He has successfully expressed his Effect 9 power (3+2+3+1=9),
within his skill, but must overcome the natural limitations in a magically starved environment. By using vis, he can open up channels to
the power, allowing more spectacular effects to be gnerated. To generate the 4 extra levels, he needs to consume 4 pawns of vis.
Boom. The effect goes off. All four in a 10 ft. Radius takes 2-3 + 1 Health levels.
The other thing vis is good for is to augment power. Any kind of vis can open channels to the power, but, as stated before, vis is
tainted by filtering through reality. When it is found and harvested, it has a "taste" to it. The particular taste depends on the Paradigm
of the holder. A coke suffused with power can be a terram (earth) pawn, or a Strength pawn, or conform to one of the paths of a holder.
If any of these are true, the vis can be translated directly into power. For instance, a mage has Creo 2 Ignem 2, and really wants to
generate a Level 5 effect. By using a pawn of either Creo or Ignem, the power is augmented, and the effect goes off. If she wanted to
create a level 6, she would first open a channel to a greater power with 1 pawn of any kind, then pump two pawns of Creo or Ignem, to
compensate for her shortcomings.
Finally, items and abilities can naturally up the background vis. Mages with faerie blood are known to have partial gateways to the
Shadow Empyrean, making max effect 6 or seven. Items also create gateways to the Shadow Empyrean. These are rated 1-5, for
each level they can boost the wielder to. Finally, using Prime Ram, the wizard in question creates a hole in the wall between him and
the Shadow Empyrean, upping background vis levels to 10.
Is it that simple? Realize your limitations, and make an effect, no problemo? Not quite. After the final effect is ammassed, a roll must
be made to make sure it went off correctly. The Difficulty is Final Effect + 3. As in Mage, any ol' vis can lower the difficulty of this roll by
one. Depending on how wigged the effect is from reality, a ST can augment the amount of successes needed. For instance, a one
shot gout of flames while holding a can of gasoline, then reality resets would require at most 1 success. However, nailing someone
with an eternal flame while having no firemaking (symbolic) supplies, or making it rain in a cloudless desert would result in higher and
higher successes needed. He can spend willpower to exert his will on reality, and make the effect happen.
A mage who doesn't reach his number of successes finds himself strained by the force of moving that magick. He can either will the
effect to fail, and take the difference off with Willpower, with 1 success needed equal to two willpower spent, or take health levels, one
per success needed, healing at a rate of one per day, or a combination of either. Or, there is a third, more dangerous option. The
mage, realizing his Hedge construct wasn't properly established, and being dangerously low on willpower and Health, can voluntarily
take Paradox into his body. This is no mere 1 point of paradox per success needed. It is equivantent in the mage game to six points
of paradox. During the time in which the Paradox is in effect, the Paradox total is added to all Effect levels. Thus, to create a simple
light (level 1) would be a Level 3 effect. Further, the Paradox plays with the Unawakened Avatar of the Sleeper, giving it flashes of the
totality of the universe. Too often, a wizard will lapse into twilight momentarily, and then pop out of it a second later. The only way the
Paradox can be vanquished is by downtime, a period of giving into the Paradox. This usually lasts for a month per point of Paradox.
However, it must be consecutive. If a wizard has 3 "points" of Paradox, he must take three months of zero spellcasting, and zero
studying off. If he uses it for any reason, he gains all three back.
Paradox is dangerous in a hedge wizard, who is unprepared for the complexities of reality. Even a single point, left in for too long, will
have permanent effects on the sanity of the wielder. For every month a point of Paradox is kept in a mage, a Current Willpower roll is
made, diff 8. Failure or Botch indicates a derangement has been permanently been picked up. During times of extreme stress (fear,
anger, anxiety), a similar roll must be made, or the wizard temporarily fades into la la land.

The Permanence of Hedge Magick

One of the themes very lightly touched on so far is the idea that Magick is far from a permanent effect. Normally limited by the Duration
modifier, it is difficult to make a spell last longer than a few turns. However, reality gives a bit of a helping hand sometimes. If an effect
would actually tend to increase Paradox by removing the "magickal" aspect, it remains permanent. This tends to be a bit arbitrary, but
as a rule of thumb, damage spells are permanent, as are short term healing spells (stop a heart attack, reattach a severed limb, given
that you have the other, feeding someone). Most created items will disappear when the spell ends, but any effects those items had will
remain. Thus, the same principle that keeps a would hurting long after the bullet which spawned it disappeared will keep a Wizard up
on a ledge after conjuring a ladder to take him there.

Part Two: Properties and Nature of Vis

By Timothy Toner
One of the major distinctions between Wizards and true Mages is their ability to channel, harness, and store Quintessence. Mages do
it as an afterthought, absorbing it into their Awakened Avatar, and manipulating it to store more with Prime. Wizards, being wholly
Unawakened, have no such luck. The ebb and flow of Quintessence through them is no greater than any other Sleeper. As is the case
with enlightenment, a Wizard could know that Quintessence can be stored in an "Avatar," but questions such as how and why still
elude the Hedge Mage.
Instead of all-potent Tass, Hedge Wizards have to be content with vis, the name given to the energy which trickles from the Shadow
Empyrean. There are two kinds of vis, and to truly understand how and why they work, it is first neccesary to take a step back, and see
precisely where vis comes from.
When the Sphere of Prime shines on the Tellurian, and sends Tass surging through the system, much of the Quintessence is burned
out, making reality happen. A small amount is harvested by Awakened Avatars, and still more is herded into Nodes and Caerns.
However, the walls of Gaia are spun so tightly, because of the Gauntlet, that pure Quintessence seldom escapes the Earth. To fit in the
cracks of reality, and slip beyond, the Tass must first squeeze through a flaw. Normal Tass is too full of energy, too full of potential, to
simply get out. It must first lose a great deal of potential before it can slide through a crack. What emerges on the other side is not as
powerful as Tass, and indeed is "shaped" by whatever it passed through. Thus, the Shadow Empyrean is not a homogenous mix of
energy; it consists of billions and trillions of different units of energy, swirling and cohesing within the broth. Like seeks out like; if a
piece of vis passed out of Earth's reality while fueling a fire, it would seek out vis created in a flame, from a match to a pig iron
The vis, as it flows and seeks, sometimes rubs against the wall the wrong way, and re-enters reality. However, it is no longer running
through the channels of Quintessence anymore. Instead, vis is thrust into reality, where it sits, invisible and undetectable to the naked
eye, waiting for enough pressure to build on this side to force it back, and that will be a long time in coming.
Occasionally, enough vis of similar origin collects in a single spot. This is usually around a tear in reality, similar to the one they first
entered. When a critical mass of vis is collected, it condenses and collapses, falling back through to Earth, except this time in a solid
"Solid form" is a tad of a misnomer. What happens is that the vis seeks to manifest into an object which it represents. Vis that was
once of learning might coalesce into a book. Vis that was once of disease might coalesce into a decaying rat. In any event, the naked
eye cannot discriminate between a normal object, and one soaked with vis, except that it is wholly extraordinary in some
unexplainable way. When an egg soaked with vis is placed in a carton with twelve others, similar in texture, taste, and appearance,
anyone desiring an egg will first pick the one soaked with vis.
For an object to absorb vis, it must first exist. Objects containing vis simply don't spontaneously generate. After the vis is consumed,
the object usually crumbles, but will sometimes remain. However, the object will have lost all of its uniqueness, its distinctive quality. If it
is a book, no one can read it without losing interest. If it is a dead rat, no one will bother even looking at it, and it will cause no
Second, as alluded before, the object cannot actively translate Quintessence. In short, it cannot be "alive", or a Magickal item which
runs off of Quintessence. It must be only a passenger in the Stream of Probability. Thus, a living creature cannot actively store vis
within itself.
Physical destruction of the item, or "pawn," as it has come to be known, will completely release all vis. Often, it is absorbed into reality,
making the act of destruction seem more genuine, more "real." Sometimes, it will escape into a nearby item, with a fraction of the
previous total. On a rare occasion, it will fuel the subconscious desires of someone in a 20' radius, if those pawns align with those
thoughts. Thus, pawns of destruction, when released from a stick of dynamite ripped apart, will not respond to the man looking
amorously at a passing woman, but will make a man wishing ill on his ex-wife decide to make the dream a reality.
Pawns, as noted, can come in any shape or size. Certain disciplines allow pawns to stand out, making searching a bit easier.
However, a Wizard can go months without noticing there is a pawn right under his nose. More than one Hedge Wizard has survived a
gruesome encounter, with the sudden realization that the rabbit's foot in his pocket has transformed itself into three pawns of Luck.
Spurred on by this belief, many Hedge Mages are ecletic packrats, keeping any ol' doo-dad, hoping that a random manifestation of
vis will soak an item.
Also, the more sturdy an item, the greater amount of vis it can hold. The theory is that sturdier items need more Quintessence to keep
sturdy. This "structural Tass" acts as a rider, creating "cups" in reality into which the vis settles. As a general rule, something
disposable, like blank paper, seldom carries more than 1 unit. On the other hand, a car could contain perhaps 10 units, locked away
somewhere. Further, the uniqueness of an item also has something to do with the amount of vis it can store. It would seem that an
object which already stands out in a crowd tends to attract vis more effectively. Scribbling on a page won't do it; it must be special,
unique, like a love letter, handwritten. A 1990 Porsche won't do it, but a 1990 Porsche with lime green exterior might just attract some
Tacky vis.
For those who do not want to deal with carrying around a fire hydrant which just happens to be worth 8 pawns of vis, there is an option:
Condensation. The science of condensation attempts to drive all the vis out of an object, and put it into a physical form. This usually
manifests into a brilliantly faceted gem, small as a diamond ring for 1 unit of vis, or as large as a basketball for 10 points. The gem is

usually very opaque, but can range in color from glowing scarlet red to deep sky blue. Some colors glow suspiciously, while others
seem odd in their utter normalcy. Once all vis manifested thusly; now only the completion of certain rituals will allow pure vis to remain
Condensation is an excruciatingly slow process that sometimes wastes more vis than it's worth. A wizard must first possess the
Knowledge vis theory (a specialization of occult), which is also a non-Magickal way of detecting vis levels in an object. Some
apparatus, much like an alchemical retort, or a modern crystal growing set, must be carefully assembled next. The object to be drained
is attached to the apparatus, and the siphoning process is begun. The Wizard rolls Int+Vis Theory (Diff 7). The number of success
determines the quality of translation:
1 Success



lost from pawn,
Condensed, none
Condensed, " "
Condensed, "
Condensed, "
Condensed, Pawn

none condensed.
remains in pawn
" "
" "
becomes Receptacle

A Receptacle refers to any Pawn specially attuned to attract vis. Whereas most pawns either are destroyed or soon degrade after
being drained of vis, Receptacles actively absorb ambient vis, and recharge vis levels at a rate of one unit per week. This unit must
then be drained using Condensation, where it will always yield 100% vis translation with but one success. However, it can also be
used like a normal Pawn. If the Pawn is drained in this fashion, the Receptacle is forever destroyed. Further, only one receptacle may
be in use in a 100' radius. For each extra Receptacle in that area, the vis level drops 1. Although it seems a detriment, this is a good
way for a Mage to proof his abode from Hedge Magick. For those who would think of creating many Receptacles, keep in mind that a
Receptacle is a Pawn, and as such, it stands out. Anyone, from a common thief to a Mage, will spot the Pawn as something truly
extraordinary, and seek to obtain it.
The Apparatus necessary for vis Condensation must be a paragon of its science. If alchemical, it must be built from the finest
products, with a Intelligence+Appropriate Science (Diff 5) roll. Five successes must be obtained in an attempt to build; any less, and
there is a flaw which prevents its proper function. For each success less than five, a success is removed from the Condensation roll.
Working on it for a full week will add an automatic success. Thus, working on it for five weeks, with the proper theory being applied, will
yield assured results.
The Appropriate science varies from Wizard to Wizard. It can be simply the generic Science skill, or can be Alchemy, with its retorts
and elixers, Chemistry, with its burners and beakers, Electronics, with silicon and diode gates, Metallurgy, with spectroscopy and
refining, or Crystalmancy, with circles and incense. Keep in mind, though, that if a secondary skill is selected, the difficulty of the
construction roll drops by two. The science must be able to explain how it derives the unmeasurable energy and structure of the vis out
of the pawn, and fixes it into a crystalline nodule.

Vis is Condensed slowly, at a rate of 1 unit per day. This unit can be snapped off prematurely, yielding smaller vis, rather than one big
chunk at the end of the cycle.

Harvesting Vis
The vis level of Earth cannot support anything but the most simple of magicks. Obtaining Pawns, then, is key for the survival of a
Hedge Wizard. He cannot survive long without something to augment his feeble powers.
The Vis Harvest, then, becomes the focus of much of the Wizard's "up time." Always searching for that extraordinary Pawn, whole
Chronicles can be set around acquiring enough vis to create a truly spectacular effect, or even the business of survival in a Pawn rich
environment which carries as a penalty hazards such as Wyrm-spawn, vampires, Garou, and, of course, True Mages.
How plentiful are Pawns? In the Dark Ages, when vis levels climbed as high as 10 or 12, all things were suffused with the substance.
However, the Technomancer Gauntlet had not yet fixed things so rigidly, that holes would form where vis would trap. Instead, areas
exceptionally strong in vis concentrations were known to spontaneously generate pure vis crystals. The average Hermetic Wizard was
led to believe that vis only appeared in this form, and thus when vis levels dropped, and pure vis became an impossibility.
When the Gauntlet tightened, objects became more rigidly real. Rather than allowing the vis to flow through unchecked, complex
objects tended to form nooks and crannies in their Pattern where vis could catch and fix, as it tried to reform with reality, locking onto a
"like" object. (Thus, when vis is consumed, it does not merely vanish. It instead adds to the reality, the Pattern of the Pawn, making it
"less" complex, filling in the holes it once occupied. When a spent Pawn completely degrades, it is actually becoming so real, so in
tuned with the Gauntlet, that the entirety of its Pattern becomes one with the Gauntlet, sacrificing its individual Pattern to form part of
the greater pattern of the Gauntlet). Between the Fall of Hermetic Magick and the Rise of Hedge Magick (with the Order of Tremere),
much time has passed, and a great deal of objects have caught enough vis to barely make them Pawns.
So Pawns are more plentiful in the World of Darkness than in the World of Myth? Like all things, Pawns survive best when they hide
from snooping eyes. Precisely how plentiful they are truly depends on the ST's concept for a campaign. Ultimately finding Pawns
involves entering the subjective reality of the Hedge Wizard. Where does he expect to find them? What is he looking for? With what
sort of a mind set does he try to find them with? Each of these questions play a major role in determining the effect of vis harvesting.
First, as stated before, the assault of the Wyrm on Earth has led to gaping crags in the Gauntlet of Earth. Thus, an ideal place to seek
out Pawns is in places ravaged by the Wyrm: toxic waste dumps, areas heavily polluted, big city courtrooms; wherever the Wyrm
physically, mentally, spiritually corrupted reality. However, the Pawns a Wizard finds there will reflect the environment, and those things

found therein. They will be of Chaos, Destruction, Despair, Pain, Suffering. A judge's gavel could soak with the anguish of the
innocents he sentences, a dirty cop's badge could corrupt with the greed he now stands for.
Other places to look for Pawns are in pristine environments, where the Gauntlet is weak, and the vis flows sweetly through poorly
woven walls. Pawns found here will be representative of all things not of Man or Science, the mortar which builds the Gauntlet. They will
be in the plants, the trees, the stones.
Finally, the science of the Technmancers is inimical to the formation of Pawns. However, even in these most desolate areas, an
exceptionally rare or complex item will soak enough vis to make it worth stealing. But remember: anything worth stealing is worth
getting back, sometimes by any means necessary.
In the World of Myth, all vis was divided into 15 types, representative of the 15 forms and techniques they used in their Hermetic
Magick. It was believed that all vis had to be of one of these categories. With the fall of Hermetic Magick, Wizards came to understand
that the Hermetic Categories were irrelevant. People found what they sought. If a unit of vis was spawned in a campfire, a Hermetic
Mage might find a point of Ignem vis, or Perdo vis, or something similar. If a modern Hedge Wizard approached the same fire, he
could find Thermal vis, Heat vis, Light vis, Ash vis, Energy vis, Forces vis, or even nothing at all. The vis would be there, but rather
than conforming to a specific type, it conformed to a specific environment or situation, and was locked into a new form by how the
Hedge Wizard interpreted the environment. If he knew a lot about Fire magick, and sought Pawns in a fire, avaliable vis would
conform to Fire. However, if the Wizard knew nothing about Fire magick, not even tangentially, the vis would remain hidden. It would
be very much like an expert in Russian determining different dialects of Sanskrit.
To find vis mundanely, without using magick, takes a Perception+Appropriate Skill roll (diff vars.). The appropriate skill is either Occult
or Vis Theory, which subtracts two from the roll difficulty. The difficulty starts at 10, and decreases for every 2 points of vis, rounded
down, out there. Each success determines how many units were discovered. Thus, if the Storyteller decides 5 are out there, the
difficulty for a Per+Occ roll would be 8, while a Per+Vis Theory would be 6. Of course, one cannot find more vis than were originally in
the area. A mundane search usually takes about an hour. The search may be repeated, with the new difficulty (with the above example,
3 out of the 5 were discovered. To search again takes a difficulty of 9 and 7, respectively). It is considered bad luck to take all vis out
of an area, and many mages will leave a pawn behind, as "seed" for future harvests.
Of course, this only finds you a hunk (or hunks) of vis, contained in some material shell (or shells). The kind of vis varies greatly. To
determine the type, the ST has to do a little bit of work beforehand. She determines how much vis would be out there, given
environment (discussed below), and then asks the player what kind of vis his character is looking for. This can be general (any vis),
which would locate any vis he could use, but with less chance of discovery, or it can be specific (one of my techniques), or it can be
multiple specific (this technique, and that form, and this other form).
Once this information is disclosed, the ST looks at the vis amount, and breaks it down into percentages, relative to the location. This is
the maximum vis the character can locate and readily use. He may come across a Pawn (if he's doing a general search, or if the ST is
feeling generous) of a type of vis which the character cannot use. This is usually saved, since some lab work will reveal its true nature.
The unusable Pawn can still be used for any application which requires general vis (increasing effect level beyond 5), or is usually
saved, to be bartered at a later date to another Hedge Wizard.
As stated above, location plays a huge role in determining vis concentrations, as well as the type of vis found. No matter how hard a
Hedge Wizard will try, he will not find much Water vis in the middle of a desert. Areas where the Gauntlet tears often, or is corrupted by
the Wyrm, will have a great deal of vis "lying around" in Pawns. These places are, by their nature, very dangerous. The greater the
corruption, the greater the danger, and strangely, the greater amount of Pawns in the area. The ST should not feel compelled in any
way to stick the Pawns in easily portable items. Often, a great deal of vis will stick in a statue, or a street lamp, making drawing power,
even for Condensation, tricky at best. Caerns, places where Garou can rupture the Gauntlet easily, tend to have a great deal of
Pawns. However, obtaining this vis is sometimes more tricky than wading through toxic sludge.
When deciding what vis is available in an area, a ST should hold a picture of the location in his mind. As a general rule, vis pools at a
rate of twice vis in a square kilometer area. Thus, the average square kilometer will have 10 units, contained in pawns. Vis
replenishes itself at a rate of vis level per week. In this area, a ST must look over items and objects that stand out. An average pop
can will usually hold nothing, but a crumpled one (vastly different from the thousands of uncrumpled, or crushed) might hold promise. A
single tree, or a lone piece of quartz in a rock garden also might be likely candidates.
Next, to discover how much vis a pawn can contain, the ST looks at the uniqueness and size of the object. Think of how the object is
represented pattern-wise. Is it incredibly complex, masterfully detailed (usually by hand), or huge enough to allow that many nooks and
crannies? Something mass produced by a machine, or something smaller than a fist, will only allow 1 unit of vis. Something produced
by a machine, and then deformed by man a little, or a larger object, will allow two or more depending on the degree. Generally, if an
item holds more than 5 vis, it will be large to the degree of immovability, complex enough so as to be missed if stolen, or wholly
fashioned by hand, which also could be missed.
Finally, the Pawns must represent the vis they contain. A rock probably wouldn't have much Light vis in it. Pawns will never contain
more than one type of vis. Like clings to like. The ST must now determine, given what the character is searching for, and what the
character would know, precisely how the vis is split up. If one were to hunt a house beneath which an Indian burial ground lies, Pawns
will be selected based on 1) what can be found in the house, and 2) how it ties in with the environment (why vis is seeping in there at
that point). Although the house has an antique stove, commonly used, it probably won't contain Fire vis. Spiritual items would become
infused with vis, becoming Pawns. Thus Bibles, having nothing to do with those buried in the graveyard, still exist as a spiritual focus,
and would collect Spirit vis. The Spirits who are causing the weakening of the Gauntlet might have used Kachina dolls. Modern day
equivalents could thus collect vis. Finally, a fire was set to burning whenever a new body was interred. An antique stove might collect
Fire vis, because the Umbra remembers the connection, but if 10 vis are to be found in the house, no more than 2 will be given over to

something so inconsequential to the "theme" of the environment.

Manufacturing Vis
For those with access to Quintessence, the problem of acquiring vis becomes fairly academic. The Order of Tremere, understanding
the mechanics of vis-formation, have devised a way to filter pure Tass through an item, and infuse it with the desired vis. Thus, if they
need Weapon vis, they can take Tass, drive it through the pattern of the gun, while subtly altering the pattern, to make a "leak." The vis
confronts the pressure of the Shadow Empyrean, and trickles back out. Since the Mage is still pushing (but with a fraction of the force
of the Shadow Empyrean), the vis gets caught somewhere in between, and fuses into the item. A Pawn is thus created.
The act of creating Vis is nowhere near as simple as the theory, however. First is the question of time. Most Wizards are wholly
unaware of how long it takes to produce vis in nature. Tass translates into vis at the rate of (roughly) 1 point of Tass equalling 2 points
of vis. This transformation, if left to run automatically (a Prime 3 rote), will take a week, during which time the item that is becoming a
Pawn cannot be moved in any way. A Mage can supervise the transformation, but it still takes 6 hours to accomplish, during which
time the mage can do nothing strenuous whatsoever. A Mage who uses Hedge Magick will often set several to run by themself.
The second problem is a question of value. The 1:2 ratio is true only for solid, free Tass. Using internal Quintessnence requires the
personal touch of the Mage (the 6 hour wait), as well as a less efficient 2:3 ratio. To some Mages, it's not worth it. It's easier to find it
lying around, or to take it from less powerful Hedge Wizards. Vis can be turned back into Quintessence, but at horrendous cost. For
every 3 units of general vis spent, only 1 Tass is recovered. However, whereas Prime will detect Tass in a pocket, it will not detect a
Pawn containing 3 units of vis. It is this very reason that some Mages carry vis around, just in case. Still, a mage starts with 2 internal
Quintessence points. He spends six hours, and yields three quintessence. After he sneaks past security, he retransforms the vis back,
yielding only one for his troubles.
Third is storage size. Most Pawns, as explained above, can only hold up to 5 units total, unless it is immobile, unique, or very
expensive. Given that Pawns often disintegrate after use, it is an unwise Mage who fuses an heirloom with vis. Still, using this method,
a Pawn with only one point of vis can be recharged, thus keeping an object around for longer.
Condensation can also occur as part of the manufacturing process, turning a hunk of Tass into a hunk of vis. The object to be Pawned
must be set up in the apparatus, but in the same amount of time a transformation took (a week or six hours), pure vis can be obtained.
However, Receptacles are never fashioned as a result.

Part Three: Symbolic Magick

By Timothy Toner
Perhaps the first act of rational humanity was to try to assign meaning to the universe. The best means was to separate things into
categories, to establish connections, and to emphasize differences. The first thoughts entering a newborn's mind involve the
differentiation between self and other, showing that even from this earliest time, we endeavor to divide the world into neat little rows
and columns, to understand it more completely. All these things stress the symbolic nature of thought.
From this Symbolic paradigm arises the concept of Symbolic Magick. This Art involves dividing the world up into categories, and then
diving into a single category, to better understand it, to gain mastery over it. It is a physical, mental, and spiritual study. When a student
is finished, she knows everything about that categorgy, to a sufficient degree that a metaphysical control over that category was
At first it was believed that all things, all actions had a Name. Practictioners of Symbolic Magick dove so intensly into the field of study
of an action or object, that they learned its Name. By subtly altering the Name, new effects were created on the most basic level of
existence. Anyone could lift a rock, but if you knew the rock's name, you could rewrite it slightly so that it lifted by itself.
Modern Mages scoff at Symbolic Magick as petty snowballing. Their control over the absolute categories of reality give them a sort of
bird's eye view of the mystical world, and how it is constructed. Still, a few admirers of Hedge Arts find something particularly gratifying
about a system that kills two birds with one stone. First, it allows the user to access reality on a metaphysical level, without the arrogant
power of True Magick. Second, it allows the Wizard to create a paradigm that he can believe in, and is empowered by. The primitive
man of thousands of years ago would have dreamed of such luxuries.
Hedge Wizards, for their part, mock the Modern Mages. First, they quickly point out that the Spheric Magick the "big boys" swing
around is merely a more potent form of the Symbolic Magick they themselves use. Secondly, the Madern Mage is pathetically trapped
in the paradigm that has empowers him, the paradigm the Technocracy invented. It would seem the lowly Wizard, with his ability to
redefine the variables of reality, has something over the mighty Mages.
From this simple concept, the breakdown of reality into several palatable, easily understood chunks, flows the infinite possiblities of
Symbolic Magick. It is said no two Symbolic Mages practice the same Art. Each decides which aspect of reality should be focused on
more intensly, and it is this bias which tends to mirror the psyche of the user.
The bare bones of Symbolic Magick flows around the Noun - Verb construct, collectively referred to as Expressions. The reality of the
Wizard must be split into categories: the act, or Verb, and the acted upon, or Noun. The subject is always the mage who cast the
effect. If a Wizard could find a way to deconstruct reality in his own mind, allowing for all things, and all actions, while still keeping it as
simple as possible, then he would have something tremendously powerful.
In many ways, Symbolic Magick is a language, a series of words and commands which reality understands and will respond to.
Although the words might be in English, or Latin, or Burundi, the underlying ideas still remain linked, genuine.
The primary problem with Symbolic Magick lies with the effect the Technomancers had on earth. The first wave taught man to doubt all
things, to search deeply for the hidden complexities inherent in all things. This was intended by the Technomancers to scatter any
paradigm except for the one they chose to the winds of Paradox.
For those systems that survived, none could seem to adequately explain the universe as it once had. The first sign of this problem
came as a result of early Technomancer interference in the Hedge cults which worshipped the Roman Pantheon. These cults derived
power by invoking gods and goddesses upon the head of a victim. Each god had his or her seperate portfolio. If a priest wanted rain,
he would invoke the god in charge of Rain, Jupiter.
The Technomancers, or so the story goes, decided to overcomplicate matters. They pointed out that more than one god held
overlapping spheres of influence. Who ought to get what powers, what prayers? The Romans were urged to create gods for all
occasions, eventually settling on wise choices such as the God in charge of the red moss that grows on rocks. The distrust, the
overspecialization, led to a shattering of the system, and the world paid for it.
Even today, the much touted Hermetic system suffers from fatal shortsightedness. A pundit will be quick to point out that steam, a
critical commodity in the modern production of electricity, is both Fire and water. Where does the simple Form + Technique fit in
here? Many aspects of the Technomancer's reality seem specifically designed to undermine the Hermetics at every turn, reducing
their grand endeavor to a laughable mass of gobbledygook. There are those who breathe heavy sighs, and realize no single system
will encompass this brave new reality. Something always has to be left out, something always has to be understated, and then BAM,
it's back in your face, twice as ugly as before.
This despondency has created two schools of thought in the Symbolic Art. The first is the Ontologists, who believe in basing Hedge
Theory on a complete system of reality, and following it to wherever it may lead, no matter how difficult it is to master, or how
understated it is to know. The Neo-Hermetics, the Sci-boys, the Wannabes, and the Hangers are all members of this school.
The second school, known properly as the Utilitarians, but derisively called Patchwork Wizards by members of the Ontology, realize
that trying to cover all the bases of reality is a terribly foolish endeavor, and liable to get you killed quickly. Instead, they feel it is best
for a Symbolic Wizard to apply himself to only those forms and techniques he requires, and to specialize in certain areas, rather than
the normally broad ranges espoused by the Ontology. Gun Nuts, Psykers, and Scavengers are the best known of the Utilitarian

Above all, the Symbolic Art stresses discipline above all. Bonisagus' words must have burned deeply, for even the most irreverant
Scav will mind his studies, and accept the long and arduous climb to greater mystical power. If one is afraid of doing a lot of studying,
the Symbolic Arts is not the correct path to learn.

The Ontologists
Designing an all encompassing version of reality is no mean feat. Bonisagus spent decades studying old texts, and even then, he
could not be prepared for anything. The Diabolic still slithered in through the cracks. The Spirit World still seemed out of focus. The
Hermetic System stressed control of the Physical World, and when the non-Physical World grew dominant, the proud system seemed
shallow and incomplete.
During the Dead Ages, the time when the wall between the Shadow Empyrean and Earth remained intact, much thought was given to
modifying the Hermetic Code to better emulate what they saw out there, in the real world. Nothing really managed to cover all the
bases, but a few came close. The Order of Tremere preserved these, and the majority of the students taught by them pick one of these

Hangers (slang for Hanger-ons) are those mages who thought Bonisagus was 100% right. The Hermetic Code was limited for a
reason, they claim, and who are they to question the wisdom of Bonisagus? In almost every way, their form and technique perfectly
emulate the old Hermetic Code, seen below:


However, whereas in the past, a great deal of fudging was allowed (Ignem was all things hot or bright), the fundamentalist attitude of
the Hangers repress most truly creative applications as "going beyond the bounds." Their magick seems very primitive, very
medieval. When Creo Terram is cast, earth in all its pristine glory spews forth. When Muto Aquam is cast, it can only transform water,
and not other liquids. The Hangers accept such limitations out of hand. If one is to preserve the old ways, one cannot start doubting
their effectiveness.
(Player must declare he wants to be a Hanger. All listed Forms and Techniques are bought at 5 pts. each, and are increased by
current level x 3. All non-Hanger Expressions (another term for Forms and Techniques) are bought at 7 pts. each, and are increased
by current level x 5).

So close to the Hangers, the Neos often seem to walk in the shadow of their Brethren. The only difference is that they realize
Bonisagus was not omniscient. He could not have known of the threats a Mage faces today, and they have altered the Hermetic Code
to emulate this. Almost 75% of the Order of Tremere choose this Discipline.

Earth (Includes all things once of the Earth)
Gases (Includes all things like the Air)
Thermal (Includes all things that burn, have been burned, and will burn, regardless of source)
Liquid (Includes most liquids, specifically those that contain, in part, water)
Human (A study of the human form, and its strengths and weaknesses)
Animal (A study of the animal form, and its strengths and weaknesses)
Plants (A study of the vegetable form)
Mind (A study of the human mind)
Illusions (A study of the Art of Illusion)
Magic (A study of the raw flow of vis in the world today)

The Neo-Hermetics currently enjoy the relative freedom the Hangers once possessed. Each Expression is a blanket form, which often
covers some creaven exceptios which might pop up, if the Wizard is quick enough to respond. Over the years, a few rogue
expressions have crept into the vernacular. Amongst these are:
Shadow (A powerful form which affect supernatural creatures) (7, x6)
(A variant on Fire which allows light to be generated. This can be as weak as a light bulb, or as powerful as a laser) (5, x3)
Machine (A useful form in the modern day that tends to cross a lot of the other Forms) (6, x4)
(A powerful Technique which allows one Form to be spliced into another. Thus, sentience could be bestowed to a plant with
Mind+Breed+Plant) (7, x6)
(A player must declare that he is going to be a Neo-Hermetic. Above Expressions are bought at 5 pts. each, with x4 to increase level.
Non-Hermetic expressions are bought at 7 pts. each, with x5 to increase)

These are Hedge Wizards who have read too deeply the sacred texts of the Traditions, and yet resist Awakening. They model their
reality on the system employed by their "heroes." Most of the other Schools shake their heads sadly at these little men lost.


Sense (Allows Wizard to quantify amounts) 3 pts.
Wield (Allows Wizard to use Form in Combat, to damage) 4 pts.
Stop/Go (Allows Wizard to arrest or create Form, with time Dependant on Modifier) 5 pts.
Control (Allows Wizard finite Control over Form) 6 pts.
Many Hedge Wizards like these guys to hang around, to scare the tar out of any and all Traditionalist and Technomancers who should
stumble across them. Although very short in duration, their effects are seemingly vulgar, without accumulating Paradox. Note that these
poor souls are trying to build nuclear power plants with coconuts. It is incredibly difficult to master the Spheric Expressions, as they are
To use the Spheric Expressions, one needs no correlary Technique. Two or more spheres can be combined to produce a desired
effect. Unlike Spheric Magick, each level does not mean anything. Having a Time 4 in Hedge Magick does not allow a special effect,
as a Time 4 in Spheric Magick would. Instead, it merely implies a slightly greater understanding of how time works, allowing a higher
effect when using the Time Expression. Thus, whereas Time 4 in Spheric might allow you to arrest time in a pocket, Time 4 in Hedge
could create a similar effect, as long as the Effect level, determined by the Modifiers, is no greater than the 4 that Time 4 buys.
Many Wannabes have developed "crutches," bizarre pseudo- techniques which, they feel, aloows them to better control their powers.
Each counts toward two effect levels , but once they are bought into, you cannot go back (once Sense is bought for 4 points, a Wizard
must buy into the paradigm, gaining Wield, Stop/Go, Control, and Destroy, to use any Spheric Expression in this manner). They're
cheap, but once you get one, you have to get them all. Also, crutches can only be combined with one other Sphere.
Cost is beastily, but many pay it just for the sense of power flowing through their veins. Note that all expressions are directly limited to
the Limits of modifiers. Correspondence may be neat, but it is strictly limited to line of sight, in most applications. Time+Control might
get you extra actions, but it provides no protection from the effects of "living" that fast, and no other bodily improvements. When a
wizard is finished, she will be tired, as if she had participated in those many actions, and will require food from the exertion.
In no way does the Wannabe power even come close to the Spheric ideal. THe maximum effect of a Level 5 is usually around a level
3-4 in the Sphere.
(Cost is 7 per Expression, x5 for current. No outside Expressions may be taken)

This is a deprecating name invented by the Neo-Hermetics to describe this School. Basically, its adherents have accepted the fact
that the Technocracy has taken over, and it's best to fight fire with fire. They have sculpted their reality around this paradigm, with
surprising results.
5 Matter
4 Elements -- Exotics
3 Metals - Non-Metals - Radioactives - Noble Plastics -- Alloys -- Ceramics
5 Life
4 Vertebrate -- Invertebrate
3 Humans-Mammals-Reptiles-Fish Plants-Fungus- Microbes-Insects
5 Forces
4 Electromagnetic -- Universal
3 Magnetic - Light - Thermal - Infra - Ultra Gravity - Kinetics - Bonds - Magic
2 Kinds Increase / Decrease
5 Mind
4 Human -- Non-Human
3 Id - Ego - SuperEgo Animal - Plant - Computer
2 -- Emotions and Impulses --

Explanation of Terms: Each Expression can be split off into ot her Expressions, as a sort of specialty in the separate Fields. As you
can see, the different Primary Fields studies by the Sci-boys follow a Sphere within the Technomancer Paradigm. Sometimes the split
between things are fairly arbitrary (a human is a mammal), but remember that the magickal tomes the Sci-boys pore over are
scientific tracts and research notes. Divisions do not exist through sheer weight of numbers, but rather how much information humanity
has amassed about that division. Thus, while studying a specialty of Kind of Mammal, one can concentrate on Dogs, or Horses, etc.,
Specialty in Human will delve into anatomical constraints (Muscles, Bones, Nerves, etc.)

Matter: The creation and transformation of matter is a complex thing. The Sci-Boy must always observe the Laws of Thermodynamics
and Matter (Energy and Matter cannot be created from Nothingness, nor destroyed into Nothingness). Thus, when matter is created, a
like amount of atoms, (usually taken from air), must be destroyed. Moving up in the periodic table requires more energy, which means
an area will get cold as all the heat and light are siphoned into creation. The dissolution of matter will have a like effect, with flashes of
heat and light, as well as the creation of either Oxygen or Hydrogen. To create something like water from Element is a three step
process. First, the hydrogen must be created, then the oxygen. The final spell combines the two into one. Most chemical formulas are
relatively simple, allowing matter to be created in no more than 5 steps.
However, complex materials found everyday is a different matter (no pun intended) altogether. The creation of various plastics involves
carbon in a thousand different configurations. It would take at least ten steps to create the repeating units of some macromolecules, so
the exotic Matter step arose. Exotics are an Matter that can be produced in bulk. Purity of form, critical in creation of elements, is not a
concern of the Exotics Wizard. Plastics will allow any synthetic material, from Teflon to kevlar to polyester to be created. Ceramics
allow not only cements, but also superconductors. Alloys speak to the exotic metals, many that might exist only in fantasy, or are
safeguarded by the technomancers (it is believed the "transparent aluminum" is once such phenomena).

Life: As stated before, the splits come not from sheer numbers of species, but from how much man knows about the species.
Knowing most about itself, Man has its own species category.

Forces: Forces are rudely divided up into Electromagnetic and Universal, bent primarily around how much control we have over each.
Electromagnetic is easy to pigeonhole, since so much can fit under its banner. Universal forces cover a vast, eclectic spectrum. With
them, Physical matter can be toyed with in a new way. Gravity will allow flight, or will slow an opponent (Power Mods will rate how many
dice are subtracted from actions when Gravity is turned up), Bonds will allow Matter to be passed through, or strengthened (Power
Mods will rate how many dice are added or subtracted to armor when attempting to penetrate), Kinetics will increase or Decrease
motions (Power Mods affect dice on damage and distance only) However, the Laws of Thermodynamics must be obeyed. The Wizard
better have a source of energy on hand, or else the magick will steal the needed energy from the closest source (the Wizard) anyway it
Magic is a strange force that all sci-boys will admit exists, but have no real control over. They study this as a force in order to gain
understanding of vis, and its Condensation. But this is mostly theoretical discourse, with little power to back up strong assertions. Still,
it counts as Vis, just as the Neo-Hermetics did.

Mind: A tricky Field, Mind deals with intellignece and sentience. Few get past Human sentience to bother with exploring what lies in
the minds of animals and plants. The Id, Ego, and SuperEgo divisions are strong Expressions relating to how the human mind works.
The Id is the unrestrained Urge, the desire to do things for no rational reason. The Ego is the center, which controls the Id. The
SuperEgo is all the baggage that life dumps on the Id and Ego from external sources. Much of the secret pains of a target can be
found in the exploration of the Superego.
All mind is divided into Emotions and Impulses. By tapping into the psyche of the target, a Wizard can manipulate the Emotions,
creating subconscious links between objects, or Impulses, conscious overrides that last for a short period of time. Long term mind
effects are difficult to obtain. However, enough Emotions and enough Impulses, and the target might get conditioned to respond.

Overall, a concentrating mind will resist Impulses, which affect the Conscious mind, while Emotions are seldom resisted, but who
knows what really lies in the subconscious, and who knows what will happen when the emotion finally rises to the surface?

Techniques (6, x4):

Scan allows careful searches. Replicate allows creation of a Form, as long as a sample of the target form (small sample for matter,
Life, Force) is on hand. Dissemble allows a Form to be temporarily destroyed. Given its complexity, it might return out of sheer
stubborness. Transmute allows a Form to be altered into another form in the same field. The opposing form must be known. Thus, if
one has Electromagnetic 3, and wants to turn heat into Kinetic energy, he must have either Universal 3, or Kinetic 3. If he has only
Kinetic or Universal 2, only Electromagnetic 2 can be converted. Harness allows control over the various Forms.
(Costs: Varies to what Tier bought, as seen on the sidebar. To buy into any costs Tier Level+2 pts. Level increase for Forces would be
x5, while Electromagnetism would be x4, while Magnetic would be x3, while a Kind of Magnetism (Magnetic Media, for instance),
would only be x2. No external Expressions allowed).

The amount of Wizards who have given up on Paradigms is steadily increasing with each passing year. For the part time Hedge
Wizard, it is far easier to excel in one thing, and one thing very well. The disadvantage is that without subscribing to a paradigm,
creating an effective system of magic that one can really believe in is difficult. Levels take longer to master, and true mastery is long in
coming. Still, they press on, convinced that a little bit of magic is enough.
Each group of Patchwork Wizards ascribes to a concept more than an established paradigm. Thus, they are more interested in the
cascades, and what they hold for them, as seen below.

Gun Nuts are Utilitarians fascinated with personal enhancement of weaponry through magick. Not limited to projectiles, Gun Nuts find
one class of weapons they like, and stick to them strongly. Often a Gun Nut will spontaneously develop power, and will reflexively be
creating effects all over the place. They make excellent hunters.

Psykers are Utilitarians who are fascinated with the mind and what they can do with it. Unlike most Symbolic effects, their powers are
all but invisible in cause, but hardly so in effect. Basically, they pick up a Form or Technique, and ascribe it to some mental power.

Scavengers are often true mages who have had their Avatars stripped away. They collect Pawns and magickal items, and go on
hunts and quests just for the glory of hoarding. They will build up enough vis to make an effect permanent (or last long enough to make
it effectively permanent) and then integrate it into an item. Their choice of forms and techniques are always eclectic, and often

The Cascade: This is the Patchwork name for the Escalating Expression Chart. It starts out with very general subjects, which are
difficult to master, and then splits off, tier after tier, narrowing in focus, from x7 to x2.


Elements Compounds
Kinetic Electromagnetic

[Non-Metal] Metallic Noble Unstable
[Solids] Liquids Gases
Motion Sound [Heat]
Magnetic [Light] Radiation

[Oxygen - Other Non-metals]
[Solids that exist naturally - Man-made Solids]
[Thermal - Non-radiant Heat]
[Red - Other Spectral Colors]

[Gaseous Oxygen - Free Radical Oxygen]

[Generic Natural Solid (Rock, etc)]

The system is really broke, and I really don't want to waste the time to develop it completely. Basically, a Patchwork Wizard sits down
with pen and paper, and picks the object or effect he wants to create/control/whatever with his power, and takes that INCREDIBLY
SPECIFIC object or effect, and sticks it at x2. He then increases it, making it more and more general, a little bit at the time, until he
reaches x7, which should be all encompassing (Matter, Force, or other Spheric absolutes). Using the charts he just created, he picks
at what level he wants his powers to run. A x2 effect would be making a make of gun (without bullets), or a part of a car, something he
could hold in his/her hands. x3 is slightly more complex, a whole car, or a class of guns (pistols). x4 would be further general (any kind
of car, or light projectile weapon). x5 would be even greater in generality (transportation, or any projectile weapon) x6 would be where
they meet (man-made). x7 would be Matter, an all encompassing Expression. All cascades are subject to the approval of the ST.
The advantage of Patchwork magick is that no technique is required to work the magick, but is encouraged, at the cost of 6 init., x4 for
any hermetic expression. Also, a player should keep cascades, because Hermetics like to learn one or two patchwork effects, at a
cost of 6 init, x(normal cascade level +2)

Spells are simply an expression for a tried and true effect. In the Hermetic days, the above types of magick were called spontaneous,
and the mettle of a mage would be tested in his repertoire of spells at hand.
In the present day, spells are looked down upon as too restrictive, too tight. Still, they have their purpose, which will be explained here.
Basically, with the exception of the Patchwork Wizards, all magickal effects are obvious. The Wizard must chant, wave his hands, or
have materials on hand. Most of these would seem somewhat normal (a hermetic mage could disguise his Change Earth effect he's
using to sharpen his blade as a whistling while he's polishing its edge. Spells require no such actions. They are simply cast, with no
noticable cause. The other, more powerful reason to have spells is that they are forged by better minds than the Hedge novice, after
months of careful testing. Magickal force is truly conserved, and thus spells usually have an effect bonus tied in.
To create a spell requires a lab and possession of Occult or Spell Theory Knowledges. The Wizard sits down, and details the effect he
wants to create. The player in question sits at the side, and tries to determine what the modifiers are for the spell he wants to create.
These will stay with the spell for the rest of its days, so it should be chosen carefully.
Next, the player must decide whether or not the character could cast the spell right now, as is. Using an example from above, a NeoHermetic wants to create a spell which makes an arrow in his hand fly out and hit any target in 20 ft. The modifiers are Dur 0 Dist 3
AoE 1 Pow 2 Rit 0. The character wants it to strike for 2-3 Health Levels, (Power 2). Total effect is 7 (1 to even make it
move+0+3+1+2+0). The ST surmises that this is Create Gases (a powerful wind blows it toward the target. Although it is relatively
small in effect, the projectile wind has all the special effects of a gust of wind (ie it won't work in a vaccuum)). The Character has a
Create rank of 2, and a Gases rank of 1. THe maximum effect he could create would be 3, without Vis. He is -4 dice to all creation
rolls. He can lessen the effect by making it shorter in distance, or making it part of a normal bowshot (thus, damage is STR, and not
Power). He chooses not to.
Next the character rolls to see if he managed to make the spell. He rolls Int+Occult (or Spell Theory, garnering that -2 to difficulties),
Diff is the effect level of the Spell + 2. Quintessence (not vis) must be used to bring the difficulty to 10, but it can go no farther.
Depending on the number of successes, the following chart is consulted:

Something nasty happens (Explosion, hair turns green)
All time and resources lost
Spell Created
Spell Created, -1 to effect level (Min 1)
Spell Created, -2 to effect level
Spell Created, -3 to effect level

The Character rolls, and luckily gets 6 successes. However, four of these are burned out because of his lack of knowledge with the
Forms and Techniques. He only scored 2 successes. The spell, Jimmy's Arrow Jump, is listed as follows (Dur. 0, Dist, 3, AoE 1, Pow
2, Rit 0), Effect level 6 . Ironically, Jimmy the character can't even cast the spell yet without copious amounts of Control vis or Gases
vis. A Wizard who knows Jimmy's Arrow Jump can use Modifier scores to change them around. Say he has Pow 3, and wants to
make it really dangerous. He needs to bring down the effect level, so he uses his Ritual 4 score, to negate the power 3 add-on. The
final Modifier total is -1 (Pow 3 - Rit 4 = -1). This total is subtracted from the Spell Effect (6) and not the true effect (7). The new effect
level of the spell is 5. However, the Wizard must do some handwaving to conjure the extra effect.
When using spontaneous magick, modifier levels are automatic. Every Wizard is assumed to have 10's in all Modifiers. But when
modifying Formulaic Magick (spells) like in the above example, the Wizard must purchase a rank for the modifier, and have sufficient
rating to make the change. Thus, to change a spell, a Wizard needs to have a score in one of the five modifiers. Modifiers are bought
at the rate of 5 pts. to start, and x4 per current level.
Note that to permanently modify a spell requires no ranking. The mage still has to go through the business of spell creation (seen
above), though, but the advantage is that time is greatly reduced.
With the diffusion of Paradigms, there no longer is a single standard for spell type. A Creo Herbam spell from the 13th century might
just as well work for a guy with Create Matter, properly applied. It's a brave, new complex world. Be loose.

The final reason to buy spells is that they're incredibly cheap (Effect Level + 2) However, the purchaser must be within Effect + 2 in
combined Expressions.
To create a true Grimoire, a list of possibilities for starting players, will take a lot of retrofitting. Your best guide would be to grab Ars
Magica, take spell level, divide by 5, and that's the effect level. Quickly and arbitrarily attach modifiers. Some spells will be real
bargains, but remember that they sure knew how to make them in those days.

The greatest foe of a Hedge Wizard is time. Studying takes time, spell research takes time, vis creation takes time, everything takes
time. To attain a new level in a form, technique, or whatever, requires (new rank) weeks. Thus, to go from Fire 1 to Fire 2 takes 2
weeks of uninterrupted studying. No strenuous exercise, no "adventuring." Any interruption, and a week is automatically lost.
Spell research takes even longer. Each effect level takes a month to complete, which allows enough time to go on one strenuous
activity a week, and to go vis hunting as needed. Any further interruptions, and the month is lost. Note that when permanently modifying
a spell, the time spent is only the difference in effect levels in months. Thus, Art wants to improve the range on a spell by two effect
levels. It would take 2 months to effect the change.
To learn a spell, once one is found, is also tedious. A spell must be studied for effect number of days to permanently know it. Even
then, if spells are employed by a Wizard, time must be spent each day in study and memorization, to make sure everything is down
pat. This is reccomended, not required. However, if the Wizard is particularly lax, start assigning random penalties to casting (never
more than three, if they've been very naughty).
The life of a Symbolic Mage is not an easy one. So much time is lost in studying, that it is often difficult to deal with people who are not
likewise gifted. When others are out watching movies, you're hunting for Pawns in an alley. When others are getting married, you're
haggling over a Receptacle you found in a pawn shop. Unless you want to keep your Magick to bare bones, you must devote your life
to your Art. Not much has changed from the Hermetic days.
Symbolic Hunter: +10 Freebies (Has an Ace up his sleeve. ONE)
Symbolic Novice +15 Freebies (Knows a few Words) -1 to Background
Symbolic Adept +20 Freebies (Is fairly well rounded in his Paradigm) -1 To Social, -1 to Background
Symbolic Master +25 Freebies (Is extremely well rounded) -1 to Social, Background, Physical
Symbolic Wizard +30 Freebies (The true mages who have devoted their lives to the Dangerous Game. Order of Tremere fit in this
category) -2 to Background, -1 to Social, Physical.

Part Four: Reflexive Magick

Less well known than the other two, Reflexive Magick is nevertheless a very potent form. Its basic doctrine stipulates that the human
psyche is a powerful engine for change. We change reality with our hands, forging an image in our mind's eye, and transforming it with
the tools of the body. Reflexive magick merely eliminates the middle man, allowing the psyche to craft reality directly, shaping it as if
there was virtual tools created by the mind.
Of course, all magick works on similar principles, but to the reflexive mage, there is a profound sense of Self, of active manipulation of
the object that is to be controlled. Many feel that is not a form of the Art which changes reality, but rather an extension of their interior
Although reflexive magick is a category, having many practitioners who each have their own style of using magick, there is a general
theme of the Animus Ipse, or the Spirit Itself which performs the magick. Put simply, the reflexive wizard projects a part of herself into
the object, compelling a change. Variations on this theme range from those who say their soul has entered the object, causing a
change, to others whose soul talks to the spirit of an object, making the object respond accordingly. Each kind has its own benefits
and drawbacks, which will be shown later.
Rather than the division of reality seen in Symbolic magick, reflexive magick instead divides the self, in what the body is trained to do
in this extended fashion. The catergories are, simply enough: Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance,
Perception, Intuition, and Wits. A reflexive mage recognizes how he can use each of these categories to affect things himself, as part
of everyday life, and once that comparison is made, anything he can do himself can be duplicated with the reflexive power.
e.g.: Bruno wants a cup to lift in the air. He can do it with Strength. He has a 2 rating in Reflexive Stength. The maximum effect he can
generate is 2. The ST rules that a 0 strength will lift the cup, so Bruno can make the effect last longer with Duration, same as all
Hermetic Magicks. Note that if he wanted to throw it at someone, with any chance of hitting, he would need to use Dexterity as well,
which is a whole different case.
A drawback to reflexive magick is that often the animus of the caster, having a physical effect on the outside world, will take on a
physical form. This usually appears as a ethereal force, surrounding the object to be affected. Spending an effect level allows the
mage to shape this force, with a level of detail relative to precisely how much power is in it. A force made up of Reflexive Strength 1
will seem a little glowing cloud, while one, boosted with vis, and manifesting Str 3, Per 2, and Dex 1, can be molded to look like
anything. The one thing the mage cannot control is the color, which remains constant throughout the mage's career. This color is
initially chosen by the mage, corresponding to whatever color her aura is, and is the color that her Liber Animus takes (see below).
Once it is chosen, it cannot change.
As you can see, Reflexive magick can be blended, with the rating in each attribute substituting for increased power in the normal spell
formula. However, keep in mind that constraints of power, number of objects affected, etc. all must be calculated.
Casting Reflexive Magick is precisely like casting Symbolic Maigck, except that there are no formulaic spells. All are spontaneous
effects, needing only one success on a Wits+(apporpriate skill, either Occult, or Spellcasting at -2) (diff 6).

Each Reflexive mage must learn one of the five styles to manipulate Reflexive Magick. The ability, Reflexive Magick, measured on a
scale of 1-5, describes how much the wizard understands the different levels. Each new level of Reflexive magick allows a new Style
to be learned.

Imbue Self
The simplest application of the power, and often the most dramatic. Those who use their body to its utmost abilities sometimes
activate this power subconsciously. It is merely bringing the magick within, which acts to augment what the body can do. For instance,
a mother in need triggers her reactive impulses, channeling her latent reflexive powers, and uses her animus to grant her the reflexive
strength necessary to lift the car from her child. It is not unheard of for people under great stress to trigger their reserves of reflexive
strength, Manipulation, Perception, etc., lifting, conning, and noticing things that by all rights they are incapable of accomplishing.
There is no absolute limit to how much a stat can be boosted, given augmentation by vis. Note, however, that to sustain the power
beyond one action, effect levels must be spent to make the power last.
e.g.: Karol, a Reflexive mage who is masquerading as a part-time psychic, needs to sneak into a warehouse, and take out a guard.
Her natural Per and Dex are 3. She uses reflexive magic to augment her Per by 2, and Dex by 3 (maximum effect level is still 5). Every
round, she needs to be concentrating on making this power work. When she uses the power, each round she concentrates, her Per is
5, and her Dex is 6. This is only worthwhile when she is out of combat, however.
Generally, the stress of combat, carrying on a complex conversation (more than 1 person, or talking quickly), or other non-simple
operations neccessitates that the duration of the imbue be extended so that concentration is no longer an issue.
e.g.: Karol reaches the guard, and wants to augment her Str, Dex, and Sta, with reflexive totals of 1, 3, and 2, respectively. Since she
has no vis to boost Effect level, it is at 5. To engage in combat, she must make the duration longer than Instantaneous (Dur 0). She
opts for 2, which will make the spell last 2 rounds. This steals 2 from the 5 maximum, so she can only boost her stats by three. For the
next two rounds, her Dex will be (3+1=4), her Str will be (2+1=3), and her Sta will be (2+1=3).

Further augmentation can never exceed the Reflexive rating a character possesses.
e.g.: Karol wants to play it safe with this guard bozo. Hiding behind a crate, she works spells that will make the augmentation last a
scene (Dur 3). With only 2 effect levels left, augmentation will be slow in coming. The first round, she boosts Str by 1, and Dex by 1.
The next, she boosts Dex and Sta by 1. Her current totals are Str (2+1=3), Dex (3+1+1=5), and Sta (2+1=3). Since she only had
Reflexive Str 1, she cannot augment Str any further until that Str is freed up. She can still boost her Sta and Dex by one more.
Note that, as always, the power of vis can increase the potency of what is already there. Each point can be used to gain 1 level of
Reflexive abilities in a single spell.
e.g.: Karol forgot the piece of vis she stashed in her shoe. She activates it, boosts reflexive Str to 2 maximum, and next round
increases her Str to (2+1+2=4). Once the spell is over, her reflexive Str drops back to 1.
Martial artists of legend were able to channel huge reserves of power through their body. Many occultists believe that they were merely
imbuing themselves with the reflexive magick neccessary to shatter walls, move like lightning, or withstand any attack.
The animus of a Reflexive wizard is all but invisible with the invocation of internal power. However, boosting a stat by more that 3
creates a halo around the part of the body that is affected. Thus, delivering a punch with Reflexive 4 strength will cause a slight halo to
manifest around the fist, while someone manipulating with Reflexive 5 Man will make the words seem almost visible. Simply spending
an effect level will make the animus invisible.

Imbue object
Perhaps the most overlooked application of Reflexive magick, imbuing an object gives an item, living or not, increased attributes.
Thus, a sword can be imbued with Reflexive Strength, making it strike harder, or Reflexive Dex, making it strike more accurately. A
gun imbued with Manipulation makes it seem more menacing, while a pair of glasses with Perception grants the user keener senses.
To imbue an object, the minimum Range effect is 1, touch. Unless the wizard wants to concentrate each round, a Duration greater than
0 is a must as well. Otherwise, virtually any object can be toughened, enhanced, or modified to work better. The only penalty is that the
augmentation has to make sense. For instance, a Reflexive mage wants to imbue a gun with Str to make it more deadly, and Dex, to
make it more accurate. When the gun is aimed, the gunman gets a bonus to Dex. However, it is the bullets that are causing the
damage, and not the gun. For the Reflexive Str to reach the target, it has to be the bullets that are affected, and not the gun. Note that a
gun Imbued with Str would be excellent as a club.
Thus, items that have Per augmentation have to be used in the act of perceiving (glasses, hearing aids, etc.) Items like pocket
calculators and almanacs are excellent for Int augmentation. A bulletproof vest could be imbued with Sta, as could a pen, both making
them stronger, but unless the wielder can get the pen in front of the bullet, the Sta will do very little to stop a sniper.
Living creatures can be augmented (they must do so voluntarily; spending a WP will negate the effect totally), and can use the imbued
Stats normally. However, the advantage of imbuing an object is that the item can be passed around, and used by anyone, until the
duration of the spell expires. For the price of an effect level, a command word can be added, meaning the item will not work until it is
spoken, thought, etc (whatever the specific circumstances were). Command words also work on people, locking the power away until
a signal is given.
The only other penalty to imbuing objects is once again the finite nature of reflexive stats. Until the power is freed up, it cannot be used
in other spells. A wizard who uncautiously imbues a sword with all his power is dooming himself to helplessness until the duration
ends, or he can touch the object, and return the power to himself.
The item that is imbued freely gives off a visible halo when the power is more than 2. Spending an effect level makes this invisible.

Negate power
The power to create is the power to destroy. The wizard with this level of reflexive power can use his power to fight the power of the
target, essentially neutralizing stats for the duration of the spell.
The range of this power is most apparent in a living creature with stats. Merely subtract the Reflexive stats from the creature's total,
and roleplay from there. Note that if a creature is taken to 0 in an attribute, it is not dead, or really very helpless. It is weakened, but can
still function to some degree. Taking the attribute to -1 will eliminate that attribute altogether, often to the detriment of the target.
Strength 0: The target is a standard 98 lbs. weakling. He can still push buttons, pull triggers (though not while supporting a gun), walk,
and perform actions a one- year old could do.
Str -1: The target falls to the floor, unable to support her own weight, no matter how much or how little that is.
Dex 0: The target can still move and perform actions, albeit clumsily.
Dex -1: Every action is a chore, as the body careens around drunkenly.
Sta 0: The target can still function, although he bruises easily, and seems to get sicker by the moment.
Sta -1: The target no longer wishes to move, as the weight of her body causes excruciating pain. The target seems to get sicklier by
the moment.
Cha 0: All viewers have a uniform distate for the target, as every word comes out wrong, no longer colored by charm. Cha -1:

Communication is almost impossible, as words slur and listeners become frustrated with the amount of effort it takes to make whole
Man 0: Target seems weak and unthreatening, even with a grenade in her hand.
Man -1: Target collapses, unable to deal with the hostility of the world.
App 0: See Nosferatu. People avert their gaze.
App -1: People become ill at the sight of target. Human interaction is impossible.
Per 0: Simple things escape your sight. Words jumble on a page. Only intense effort on the part of the target will gain any results.
Per -1: The target is essentially insensate (blind, deaf, etc.), including mystical senses.
Int 0: It becomes hard for the target to think. Any dialogue more than simple noun-verb exchanges is too much.
Int -1: IQ drops to around 20.
Wits 0: Thinking too fast gives the target a profound headache.
Wits -1: Target all but shuts down.
As a general rule of thumb, dropping an attribute to 0 makes it neccessary to roll for even the simplest of actions involving the attribute.
Dropping the attribute to -1 effectively shuts down the target altogether. Prolonged exposure to -1 stats can either kill (Physical) or
Derange (Mental and Social).
As seen before, Range must always be greater than one. In addition, a personal item from the victim acts as a point of free vis,
allowing greater effect. Note that the object has to deal with the attribute to be drained (glasses for perception, etc.) A piece of organic
material taken from the target will affect any stat, as well as eliminate the ability of the target to resist.
Resistance is determined by using the Willpower stat. Each time the spell is cast, the target rolls Current WP (diff 5). Each success
negates a level of the spell. However, the act of resistance consumes a WP. Since the spell can be retried once an hour, the wizard
can whittle down a target with minor spells, then cripple with a major one.
e.g.: Karol wishes to take out the guard by using her animus to interfere with his animus. She wants to drain 3 Str and 1 Dex. The
guard has Str 2 Dex 2. She casts the spell, and he resists. He has a current WP of 6. Rolling the 6 dice, diff 5, he scores 4 successes.
Her spell is almost repelled, one level getting through (the ST picks). The guard then subtracts a WP from his current total. He now has
Str 1, Dex 2, and WP 5.
Although eventually learned by all Reflexive Mages, this style is considered a Dark Art, and universally shunned. Interfering with the
animus of another is an action most mages consider evil, though often neccessary to take out a foe quickly.
The animus during negation is often visible as a flash of power coursing thorugh the target's body which fades quickly. Although the
target doesn't seem to get ugly, or weak, the overall impression lingers in the mind of all who view it. The wizard who negates is often
surrounded by a faint halo of darkness. The target's initial halo can be made invisible at the expense of an effect level, and the
personal aura can be made invisible at the cost of 2 effect levels.

Liber Animus
Called the "Free Spirit," many Reflexive Mages consider this the ultimate extent of their power. It involves the creation of a second self,
a being ethereal and yet physical, capable of performing all the actions a mage could perform, without concerns of danger to life or
This second self freely manifests as a ghostly image, relative to what it was imbued with. Thus, a Liber Animus given Reflexive Str 2
and Per 3 will seem to be a pair of glowing eyes, and perhaps a hand or hands. Generally, each attribute is embodied in the following
Strength Manifests as a pair of glowing hands. These can be used to lift anything, much like standard telekinesis. However, the
amount lifted is equivalent to the Str attribute. Note that this does not allow fine control of the object, more than simple pulling or
pushing. If opted to be invisible, objects lift themselves, as a poltergeist.
Dexterity manifests as a pair of legs, which move in the direction that you want something to be carefully moved. Without strength, the
weight of the object limits how much it can be moved to around the size of a chess-piece. However, typing on a keyboard is about at
the same rate as normal. If invisible, those watching cannot understand how a key got turned, etc.
Stamina manifests as a disembodied torso that can get in the way of people, swords, bullets, etc. It works to resist actions. Thus, a
gun fired at a torso will have either speed or accuracy drained by the force of the torso. Roll the Ref Sta (diff 6) invested in the animus,
and subtract these successes from either the accuracy of the weapon or the damage it did. Note that it can only really get in the way. If
invisible, those affected cannot understand what stopped them.
Charisma manifests as a disembodied face, which seems soothing. It can control the emotions of a group of people, only as far as it
augments what is already there. If they are afraid, the face can terrify them. If they are happy, the face can make them laugh. If invisible,
the effect is lessened (due to the paranoia about what could make them act that way).

Manipulation acts to control people, appearing as a mouth which delivers commands. It works precisely like intimidation, goading
people into doing something that they would probably do. If invisible, it will only affect one person at a time. It also allows the Animus to
Appearance is perhaps the most important aspect of the Liber Animus. Invoking it allows the visible Animus to change form to
virtually anything. Thus, a ghostly cat can be seen prowling, tripping people (Sta) and seeing things (Per). The higher the App score,
the more recognizable the shape.
Perception manifests as a pair of glowing eyes, which act as clairvoyance, seeing, hearing, and sensing at a distance. Each effect
spent allows a new sense. Thus, spending Ref Per 3 allows the wizard to see, hear, and feel at a distance. Making the eyes invisible
costs an effect level.
Intelligence manifests as a glowing head. Without Cha or Per, the head appears featureless. With it, the wizard's animus can "walk"
into the head of a target, and read surface thoughts. Only one can be done at a time, and the wizard must be concentrating to effect
the link. If he cannot, then the animus must actually go back to the caster and convey the information. Note that this is not sending
telepathy, only receiving. Making the head invisible costs 2 effect levels, but the target will not sense the intrusion, unless they have
Without some intelligence, the animus is an automaton, strictly following your orders. If you stop to fight, it will wait for you to finish.
With 1 Int, it will carry through with your last order, and then stop. With 2 Int, it will act defensively, and with 3 Int, it will act with your own
best interests. With 4 Int, it, in effect, becomes you, a separate character under the control of the ST. With 5, you control it directly.
Wits, like appearance, doesn't have a specific representation, but instead brings a sharpness and clarity to the image. With wits, fine
details can be expressed in the Animus. Pictures can be formed, including whole words. The Wits aspect of the animus processes
information at an amazing rate, making it possible to sense emotions in an area, including signs of danger. Note that unless this is
coupled with perception, the danger will be sensed, but not seen. Making Wits invisible removes its usefulness, except as a danger
As you can see, an Animus is a walking bundle of attributes. These, couples with abilities, allow the animus to do anything you could
do. To perform an action, the necessary dice (Animus' att + your abilities) are rolled at difficulty 6, with the amount of successes
determining how well it went off.
e.g.: Karol creates her Animus with Per 1, so that she can see outside of line of sight, Dex 1, to open doors, and Sta 1, to run
resistance. She sends it off, looking for a way out. It comes across a guard, who tries to shoot at it. Karol is fairly certain that the guard
has no idea what it is, so rather than tell too much, she orders the animus to get out of the way. It uses its 1 Dex to roll Dex+Dodge,
getting a success. This is compared to the number of successes of the guard firing the gun. Since he only got one, he misses the
Animus. To seem like it has form, she uses Sta as the animus crashes into a table. She fails, and the animus passes right through.
Spooked, the guard runs off to get help.
The disadvantage of the Animus is that it can never surpass your own natural rating in an attribute. Thus, although you have a Ref Dex
of 5, the Animus can never have more than Dex 3, what you have. This is all part of the primary belief of the reflexive mage, an act
similar to Ascension, where the reflexive self is honed to such a degree that the Liber Animus becomes a second you in every way.
Supposedly, at this point, a fully formed Liber Animus (which, by the way, would take a HUGE expenditure of vis to create an effect
level that high) becomes independent, but still tied to the wizard. It can appear as whatever age the creator wanted it to look like,
relative to the App trait.
Normally, the range of the Liber Animus would have to be great to make it useful, which would severely limit the amount one could put
in the Animus. However, part of the nature of the magick allows it to be formed anywhere, and then MOVE to wherever it needs to go.
Thus, the mage need spend nothing on Dist, since, in the round of creation, it is within himself. How quickly it moves also depends on
how much Dex, and Str were put into it. Second, Duration only applies to how quickly the animus goes away once the mage stops
concentrating. If the mage manages to regain concentration within the time limit, the Animus is reactivated, with the time limit reset.
Keep in mind, however, that once the Animus is formed, it cannot be changed without first dispelling it, and then recreating it with a
new set of Reflexive attributes. If you forgot to add something that would allow it to affect the physical world, then nothing can be
touched or affected.

Breath of Life
Often, primitive cultures speak of all things having anima, a spirit which can collect memories, and can interact with the anima of more
sentient beings. This reflexive power works directly with that principle. The Reflexive mage can "add" attributes to items that would not
have them, giving them the ability to act freely.
To do this, part of the wizard's own animus is inserted into an object. First and foremost, this is intelligence, which allows the object to
have a mental connection with the mage. Realize that unlike the Animus Liber, it is NOT an automaton, and will often object to doing
things it's not supposed to. Every person touching an object leaves an imprint on the anima of the object which will color its
personality. Investing Int in the gun used by a gang will reflect that young, arrogant attitude. Of course, the more Int is added, the more
perceptive it becomes about its environment.
During the course of casting the spell, and instilling the necessary attributes, the wizard is constantly interacting with the object,
animus to anima. He will promise it power (attributes) in exchange for service (using those attributes to do something). Unless the
favor asked is violently antithetical (kill your owner), the object will agree. If the owner was devious, the object might be devious, lying,
and perhaps turning on the wizard.

Granting it physical stats allows it to run itself. If a machine, it can make any part of itself move itself. If Social, it can pass on feelings
(charisma) or commands (Manipulation) to those who hold it, directly relative to how much was invested. Appearance will simply make
it more noticeable, and thus more likely to be picked up/used.
The mental traits are a very special case. Often objects can only respond to simple temperature change or tactile sensations. With
perception, an object can "learn" to express what it sensed in terms of sight, sound, smell, etc. Each perception invested wakes up a
new sense. As stated before, the more intelligence added, the more the object can break its training, realizing it is its own being. Wits
is a dangerous trait to imbue, for it is the combination of Int and Wits that leads to sentience, including turning on the Wizard. However,
without Wits, the item will be unable to react to new situations.
Dist of Breath of Life is always touch, and the casting is almost always visible. The wizard touches/breathes on the object to be affect,
and the contact sets up a dim glow that fades within the object.
Each of the above styles are one rung on the ladder of magickal power. Each step gives you one of the styles, your choice, and costs
(10 for first, current levelx7 for the rest) to gain all the permutations of the power. It is by no means an easy Art to master, and since you
cannot color the sky, or turn puppies into dragons, many do not consider it magick, but it is magick in its own right.
Each of the Reflexive catergories costs 5 points, freebie or xp to buy, and 4xCurrent to raise. It is often good to either excel in one
group, or smatter it out, and look for vis to open your potential.

Practitioners of Reflexive Magick

Below are just a smattering of those who use Reflexive Magick, perhaps the most widespread, and yet least understood of the arts.

Psychics: The true cause of psychic powers is still unknown, but it is apparent that a single biological cause cannot explain all the
phenomena out there. About 20% of all psychics are really reflexive wizards, who have learned to tap their personal animus to bend
spoons, and see far off places. Many occultists argue that because they are limited by the effect level of the mana field, then they are
not truly psychics and are only deluding themselves.

Shamans: Speaking to and with the spirit world is best left to Thaumaturgy, and other Symbolic Arts. However, a choice few shamans
with power have learned to tap into the mana field, using their own power to grant Sta to the sick, and talk to crops diseased by
pesticides with the Breath of Life, to discover what they need.

Martial Artists/Athletes: The destructive touch of a martial artist is legendary, and even the Akashic Brotherhood are amazed when
they hear tales of a 100 year old man striking a car in a few places, only to have it fall apart. Other athletes, like gymnasts, basketball
players, and long distance runners always seem to be stronger, faster, and more capable than their bodies ought to be.

Performers: Tales of actors and artists, singers and writers giving superhuman performances make many hunters pull out their
notebooks, checking for possible vampiric activity, only to find normal humans responsible. These performers maximize their Social
attributes with internal reserves, becoming more beautiful than mere physicality.

Idiot Savants: Illiterate farmhands capable of expressing pi to the 100th decimal place. Autistic rarities who step out of their world to
tell us that January 4, 2198 will be a Tuesday. Both are examples of those who do not have the mental faculties to process that much
raw data, and yet they do. Obviously, they have powerful Mental animus.

Zen priests: The Zen priest is the ultimate reflexive wizard, and in many ways, is its antithesis. The Reflexive mage believes that the
internal world can directly influence the external world. The practitioners of zazen feel precisely the opposite: by performing a mundane
task in the outside world, such as sweeping a path, or polishing a mirror, the inner world is reflected. The inner self is swept away,
revealing the enlightened self. It is not so odd to see this position reversed by the Enlightened. After all, the point of zazen is to
eliminate boundaries, to the point where a change on the inside happens on the outside, and visa versa.

New stuff
Use of vis in Reflexive Magick: It is easy to look at a pop can, and, in symbolic magick, proclaim it Steel, or Earth, or Forged. How
does one describe an object that wholly lacks physical characteristics relative to a human being?
You don't. All Reflexive vis is generic. The penalty to this is that it takes 2 points of specialized vis to make one point of reflexive vis.

The Plunder: Often, when a Reflexive Mage is desperate, he can invoke his own life force to fuel his magick. This is very dangerous,
as the point of Reflexive magick is to create another self, divorced from the frail limitations of the body.
To Plunder, the Reflexive mage merely transfers Natural attributes to Reflexive attributes. To transfer the same stat (Str to Ref Str), the
ratio is 1:1. T transfer stats in the same category (Physical), the ratio is 2:1. To transfer unrelated stats, the ratio is 3:1.
Every time the Plunder happens, the Reflexive Mage takes 1 aggravated wound for each group (Physical, Social, Mental) involved
(thus always one, but up to three if he cannibalized some from each). This can only be healed after the Plunder is completed. The
mage seems feeble within the group that was plundered, opening attacks in that field. In truth, in addition to the penalty due to lost
stats, all difficulties in groups that were plundered are at (+2). If a transfer between Str and Sta is made, even Dex will recieve a +2

Merits and Flaws of Reflexive Magick

Vis Sensitive (3 pt): The wizard innately senses vis useful to her, and can easily locate it. Retrieving it is another matter entirely.
Vis Forge (5 pt.): The wizard has stumbled across an ability or item which transforms symbolic vis into the generic vis she uses,
allowing a 1:1 ratio, given a day to perform the proceedure.

Controllable Animus (2 pt.): The wizard no longer has to spend an effect level to shape her vis.
Invisible Animus (2 pt.): The wizard's Animus is always invisible, which has a good and bad side.

Visible Animus (3 pt.): The wizard cannot make his Animus invisible.
Uncontrollable Animus (3 pt): The wizard cannot shape his Animus at all.
Wild Animus (4 pt.): The wizard cannot shape or make his animus invisible.
Animus Fugitatis (6 pts.): The wizard's Animus is completely out of control, stepping out and taking powers as it needs them. There
is always a Willpower struggle going on between the two.

Part Five: Thaumaturgy, or Path Magick

By Timothy Toner
"There was a time, a time before now, when dragons took to the skies, and the fae gamboled in the fields. There was a time when
magick was about creativity, bringing whimsy to life. That time is dead. Now magick is about one thing: survival. And the only way to
survive is Path Magick." -Gnaeus the Sanguine, Tremere
Of the three major Arts, the most readily practiced, and yet most despised is Path Magick, or Thaumaturgy. The reason for the venom
leveled at Thaumaturgy is simple: it is a painful reminder of what magick has become, a sterile, climical solution to a problem the
hedge mage has no control over.
To begin our study of this elusively powerful Art, we must first define our concepts. Calling Path Magick Thaumaturgy is a misnomer.
Thaumaturgy is but one part of the infinite branches of the tree known as Path Magick. Thaumaturgy is the study of harnessing internal
power, to make up for the failings of the Earth's mana field. Its most common form manifests as the dreaded Blood Thaumaturgy, or
Blood Magick of the Vampiric Tremere. These creatures have found a way to channel the Shadow Empyrean, source of all their
power, into themselves, transforming normal blood into potent vis, and then using this vis to cast spells. Although we will discuss the
Tremere later, it is interesting to note that they are the greatest victims of Path Magick. So many Generations of Tremere have come
and gone, without learning the nature of Path Theory, that they have succumbed to the magickal stagnation and death they feared
There is a living, humane form of Thaumaturgy, which works on a similar principle, albeit slower and more methodical. The mortal
wizard attunes his body to become a filter for Quintessence, allowing the vis to naturally bleed into his system. This supercharges his
blood, in much the same way the Tremere are able to do it. Eventually, the Mage can become a walking battery of vis. The process is
incredibly slow, however, taking a full day to create a single pawn of internal vis.
More generally, Thaumturgy speaks only to the source of power, and is not terribly descriptive about what Path Magick is. To
understand Path Magick,we need to delve into the death of the World of Myth, and the birth of the World of Darkness.
Perhaps we overtaxed the mana field. Perhaps the Technomancers created the Gauntlet, cutting us off. Cause is unimportant now; it
is the effect that destroyed us. We soon learned that Magick was still possible, but at an awesome price: Paradox.
And so as the mana field waned, and the reserves of raw vis dwindled, we hedge mages were left with a difficult decision. Either we
could exploit new resources, as the Tremere did, or we could change how we consumed magick. If there was a more efficient was to
do it, then perhaps we would not need to fear Paradox.
The brightest minds pored over the old spell formulae of the great Hermetics, seeking solutions, keys to efficiencies. The best
examples that could be studied were grimoires called "didactic Paths." Intended to teach an apprentice elementary spell theory, by
showing how spells of increasing complexity are created, it was once as critical to magickal theory as the dissertation today. If you
had something new to say about the nature of Magick, the idea was to start small, and then permutate the theory, making it more
potent and complex. It was an excellent learning tool, and it was here, in these areas of pure research, that the failed Hermetics fled.
And, to a large extent, it worked. It was supposed to be a step toward the solution, and suddenly, it became the solution. Here was
spell efficiency on a level they never dreamed. Literally thousands of Didactic Paths had been created over Hermetic history. Most
were simply copied, one from another, such as understanding how fire could be created in greater and greater intensity (Lure of
Flames, for instance, was once a didactic path written by the founder of House Flambeau himself, emulating Creo Ignem at various
stages). Others were brilliant theses revolving around a single form or technique (the Path of Creation). The most advanced were
those that centered around an ethereal concept not related to magick, but still had a unity of magick theory (Elemental Mastery).
It was possible with Symbolic Magick to supercharge a Rote, or formulaic spell, making it hyper-efficient, generating an Effect level of
8 with a Effect level of 5 expenditure. Such rotes took years to develop. Didactic spells were all about conservation of power,
maximizing result, while minimizing energy. To an initiate, they were everything magick should be: simple, easy to construct, and a
snap to learn. In a sense, when one looked at a Path, it all made sense. Cause and effect flowed.
However, no one intended Path Magick to take off as it did. Gone was the fluidity that made the Ars Magica so desireable. Gone also
were the years of devotion it would take to learn the other Hedge Magicks. Sure, the Magick was limited, but at least it was something.
And Path Magick carried hedge magick through the dark ages of the fall of the Hermetics, and birth of the Technomancers. In many
ways, the ordered structure of Path Magick, with so few variables, put it beneath the note of the Technocracy. With such limited
possibilities, compared to other kinds of magick, it just wasn't a threat.
But like all good magi, the Path Wizards never stopped experimenting, tweaking and twisting certain variables, seeing what could be
changed in the static matrix of the didactic spell, and what just wouldn't change. And indeed, a few became very good at it indeed.
Part of the advantage of most Path Magicks rising from hermetic theory is that factors such as Duration and Area of Effect had a
similar structure in every spell. If factor Aleph was tweaked in Lure of Flames 1 to extend Distance, tweaking factor Aleph in Path of
Nature 3 would also extend distance. If one could master all the factors, then perhaps Path Magick wouldn't be so limited.
So the modern Path Wizard concerns himself not only with the learning of Didactic Paths and the Harvesting of Vis, but also dabbles
in the spell theory of the Symbolic Wizards, his brother in Ars. Rather than becoming a specialist in a Form or Technique, he
Specializes in the mechanisms of spells, tweaking them to his advantage, often producing unpredictable results.

Mastering Factors
The five factors which compose spells must be learned if a Path Wizard strives to be anything more than a minor mage. The Tremere
vampires keep the secret of Factors away from their charges because it indeed allows certain freedoms the Tremere consider
irrelevant and perhaps dangerous.
Each is learned as if it was a skill, with a range of 1 to 5. The Different factors, with their Hermetic code names, follow:
Area of Effect


The reason for the Hermetic signature was simple: a spell already possessed these factors, known in the native tongue of a wizard.
Often, it was necessary to distinguish between the factors inherent in a spell, and the ability a Path Wizard had to alter that spell,
particularly when this informations was inscibed in the margins of a Grimoire. Each is a corruption of the first five letters of the Greek
alphabet, and as such is very easy to learn.
A rating in a Factor allowed the Path wizard to change that factor of a spell. For instance, if a Path wizard wanted to change Lure of
Flames 1, a Dis 4, Dur 0, AoE 1, Pow 1, Rit 0 spell, and the wizard had Detla 2 and Aleph 2, the Wizard could change Distance by a
factor of 2, and Power by a factor of 2. In this instance, the wizard's foe is right before him. He can use his Detla 2 to make the spell's
Power, currently 1, now 3, which will now do three dice of damage.
However, each expansion beyond the spell's parameters takes energy. In the above example, the Effect Level of Lure of Flames 1 is
1. Using the Detla 2 makes the Effect level 3. This is all well and good, but if the spell was Lure of Flames 4, the wizard would need
Vis to make the spell possible.
An option is to manipulate the pattern of the spell, removing power from certain Factors, and adding them to others. To do this type of
switching, however, a Wizard needs the appropriate rating in Factors. Looking at the above example, the Wizard wants to generate
Lure of Flames 4, (Dis 4, Dur 0, AoE 1, Pow 4, Rit 0). He wants to increase the Power from 4 to 6 with Detla. The effect of the spell is
now 6, and the Wizard doesn't want to spend any Vis. He can use his Aleph rating to bring the distance down 1 (up to 2 if he wants to),
so that the effect is now 5. He must have the Factor to "unwork" that aspect of the spell. Without this knowledge, the spell will fall apart.

Path Magick and Vis

The subject of vis is a rather touchy one amongst Path Wizards. Indeed, since most spells are calibrated to exist in the Mana 5 limit,
Path Wizards shouldn't need to use vis to cast their spells. In effect, the magick formulae should be so perfected that extra input should
be unnecessary. After all, each step in a didactic path was a look at how magick expanded with increasing quanta. All one had to do
was trim at the fifth level, and a Path was ready for use in the modern world.
However, part of that fine tuning of a spell sometimes involved finding the perfect source of vis that complemented the spell. A spell
that would require 3 pawns of Vis could be instead fueled with a tooth of a cat, or a handful of dust from the target's home, as befits
sympathetic magick. These specialty vis, sometimes called foci, often cannot be used to fuel other spells, and thus act as white
elephants, that must be carried around and used when the spell is activated. Often the focus is consumed in the casting, making some
one-shot paths expensive.
There are ways around such one-shot applications. Vis can often be used to supplement foci. Generally, one pawn is needed for a
common, non-specific foci, such as a match for certain rare forms of Lure of Flame. Difficult to get foci can take up to three pawns,
and personal effects, such as locks of hair of the intended target will be as high as four. If the item is consumed in casting, the number
of pawns automatically increases by 1. You can, however often meet the magick half-way. If a lock of hair from the female target is
needed, a lock of female human hair and a pawn of vis will often do the trick. This doesn't always work, so it is best to try such magick
out beforehand in the laboratory.
The true advantage of Path Magick and vis is that although the Lure of Flames can be described as Creo Ignem, Create Fire,
Pyrokinesis, each technically requiring specialized vis, in Thaumaturgy, any type of vis will work. Thus, a point of vis is a point of vis is
a point of vis, with the rare exception of a spell that, like the above examples show, requires a foci that happens to be a pawn.
Note that a pawn is indeed a pawn. Any Mage, Tremere or otherwise, can use fresh blood as pawns to fuel spells. This is the heart of
blood Thaumaturgy, and is readily frowned upon by Path Wizards. One option in last ditch efforts is to use the Wizard's own blood as
pawns. This extremely dangerous act removes a point of blood (adult humans have 10, and gain 2 back a week) and inflicts a wound
level. Pity the foe of a suicidal mage.

Picking Paths
This is perhaps the easiest choice a Path Wizard can make. Finding the right path for you, however, is a chore. For instance, every
Hermetic had a variation on Creo Ignem written up as a didactic path. The vanilla path should be easy to find. Poking around rare
book rooms and old book stores is a start. To find the true gems, however, takes perseverence, good contact, and a generous
For instance, let's look at Movement of the Mind. The vanilla path requires a point of vis to be expended each round regardless of

Effect level. The Tremere burn blood to accomplish this. Those who cannot siphon blood off easily cannot get away with this so readily.
Perhaps a Path exists which merely requires a specialty focus, like a prepared cape. The particulars of the Path ought to be well
balanced, with every advantage coupled with a related disadvantage. If your path worked at a greater distance than the normal Path,
maybe it was less powerful, or took longer to cast. For more information on this, see Making a Path, below.
Once the right Paths are picked, even a Thaumaturgist with a fraction of the flexibility of a Symbolic Wizard can get quite colorful...and
quite unpredictable. It is to the advantage of the Path Wizard to seek out these rarer paths, since oftentimes their use is completely
misinterpreted by those who are used to vanilla Thaumaturgy, and its limitations.

Finding a Path
The greatest collection of Didactic Paths can be found in the libraries of Vienna, where the Tremere guard them jealously. Others can
be found in obscure little libraries and bookshops around the world. Often, their owners have no idea about the true nature of these
guides. After all, they seem little more than fanciful speculations on the part of crackpot alchemists.
A Path Wizard should choose his initial Paths carefully, since they will be the only "free" ones he will ever obtain. Whether it be money,
other paths, or favors, or even risking the wrath of wizards and vampires by stealing these paths, the Hedge Wizard will pay.
How much should he pay is a more difficult question. Often, money means very little to those who control the primal forces of the
universe, but sometimes the rent has to be paid. Those ignorant shop owners know an old book when they see it, and you're going to
have to pay through the nose for it (a wizard's salivations at the sight of it doesn't help, either). And there's the simple cost of paying off
contacts, getting to Berlin, and searching through 20 book stores to find the right text. Here is a hard and fast system for determining
the monetary cost of a path:
Each level found
Each deviation from standard
Each city passed through
Each contact used
Multiple use of the same contact
Each favor promised
Exchange of books
Having it retrieved for you

Cost (in US )
x2 current
Relative to the
value of the book
Twice final value

Thus, we see that a Gift of Morpheus with all 5 levels found intact would cost $5000. Travelling first to Vienna and Rome would make it
$7000. The rarity of finding a copy that has added range would either up the price (for those sellers who know its value) or make it that
much more difficult to find, making the final price $8000.
Why spend the money on a contact? Well, first, you're not only buying their expertise in finding such texts, and their network of
contacts, you're also buying their silence. A Storyteller with a character who wants to find an obscure tome should compile a list of
cities. For each contact spent, one of the incorrect cities is removed. A player may use up to his backgrounds in contacts per month.
Any more uses costs the player twice the current rate. Thus, a player with Contacts 2 needs to check out 4 cities. He spends $500
each for the first two cities, and must now spend $1000 MORE to search the next two. If he needed one more city searched, it would
cost a grand total of $5000 (2x500 + 2x1000 + 2000)! Second, that Contact absorbs a great deal of risk on the part of the player.
Maybe some people don't want that tome found.
Favors rank from small, "I'll be a one time contact," to swearing an oath of undying fealty. The price listed is for an average arcane
favor, such as a True Name or an Arcane Connection, though some momumental ones will be worth much more.
Finding such texts can be the source of many plot threads, and Storytellers are encouraged to make these grimoires as rare as
possible. Only then will players learn to value their books above all.

Initial and Learning Paths

Although one can go through a lengthy apprenticeship session, I find that it's much more satisfying to assume a character knows
something about magick, and dive right into the adventure. It should become readily apparent that the quest for arcane knowledge will
more than likely consume the life of the wizard. When selecting those initial spells, keep in mind that the Wizard would pick those that
are best compatible with who he is. Thus, the initial paths help define who the Wizard is.
The cost of initial paths are 7 for the first rank, and five for additional ranks in the path. However, the spells must be initially arranged in
a hierarchy, with no two paths sharing the same level of understanding. Thus, a beginning player could have MotM 5, LoF 4, PoConj 3,
PoCorr 2, and GoM 1. The maximum amount of initial Paths, then, is 5. After play begins, a player can increase any and all levels as
much as he desires, to the maximum of 5.
Likewise, a mage will research and quest for spells that best personify who he wants to be. Storytellers should key in these passions,
since they will set the tone for the player. Just how far is he willing to go in the name of his Art, anyway?
There are two methods of learning. The first is the acquisition of a new didactic Path. The mage must dive into the particulars of the
theory, and develops tunnel vision, ignoring all but the magicks. A mage pays for the first level of a path with 7 experience points. The
mastery of this magick comes slowly, as every additional path builds on this initial one. Thus, it cannot be taken lightly. The time it
takes usually equals a month, but certain circumstances, such as actively studying other magicks, or mastery of a related path, will
make this time more or less, depending.

The other method of Learning involves climbing the rungs of a path. This costs Current level x 4 in experience, and takes an amount of
time equal to a week x the level desired. Thus, if a wizard with Neptune's Might 2 wanted to learn Neptune's Might 3, it would cost 8
x.p.s and take 3 weeks. If he performed strenuous work, the time could increase. It takes an increasingly large period of time to master
each level because the differences in structure are very subtle indeed. Without careful study, a mage may leave out what seems to be
an extraneous component, only to find his spell unravelling.

Casting Path Magicks

Once a level of a Path is learned, it is ready to cast. Simply prepare the spell, readying any foci, modifying any Factors, and spend the
appropriate Vis. The player then antes up 1 WP, and rolls Current WP against a difficulty of spell's rank + 3. Casting Movement of the
Mind 4, then, would take a WP roll, with a difficulty of 7. Any modifications to the spell, even if balanced, will increase the difficulty by
one. If the roll fails, the anted WP is not lost. If, however, the roll is botched, the 1 WP is lost.
Oftentimes, however, Path Magicks only invest a power that must be further used by the Wizard. For instance, it is one thing to gain
power over the wind (Weather Summoning). It is quite another to use it to knock a cup off a ledge. Thus, even if the spell goes off, it
becomes necessary to find out how well it went off. This usually entails an Attribute+Ability roll.

Making Path Magicks

This is perhaps the most difficult section, as most of the work to-date by the majority of Thaumaturgists has been to reclaim that which
has been lost. It is possible, however, to create new magicks, but the time it takes usually prevents all but the undying from attempting
First, the mage must be versed in what is known as Spell Theory, a Knowledge trait. All Path Wizards know a bit about theory, but just
as anyone can learn to play an instrument without reading sheet music, almost anyone can learn hedge magick without studying Spell
Second, the player sits down, presumably with the Storyteller, and maps out what he wants the path to do. Keep in mind that each rung
is a step in understanding. Thus, all levels are somehow related to each other, with simpler applications below, and more complex
applications above.
The simplest way to do this is to state an end goal: I want to be able to turn into a chicken. From here, we break down into four steps
that will add up to the final product. The senses of a chicken is one (or perhaps 2 if the chicken has supernatural senses). Entering the
mind of the chicken is another, so either control over chickens, or the ability to communicate with fowl is important. Finally, certain
body parts can be crafted into those of a chicken, such as claws or a razor sharp beak.
Once we've hammered out vague levels, start building each with the five different factors. How long will it last? Can I do it to other
people? Based on these figures, arrange the steps into increasing levels of power. Here is your 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. If one seems too
powerful, we can augment it by requiring a foci or increasing the difficulty of all rolls using that power.
Finally, we see if any need an Attribute+Ability roll to better define the range of a power. It's one thing to possess the ability to mind
control chickens, but how swayed are they? How many are really affected, and how many managed to resist? Pick a logical attribute
and a logical ability, but be creative. Should you use Animal Ken, or Leadership to make this roll? Since you're entering the minds of
the chicken, maybe you understand their concepts of leadership, and leadership can then work.
This is the number one spot for abuse, and most of it unwitting. Don't let your players "stack" attributes or abilities if you can help it. For
instance, a player in the above example could claim that Animal Ken would work for all levels. Wouldn't you know it? He has Animal
Ken 5! Try to find more specific Abilities that add color to knowledge of the spell.
Once a plan is delineated, however, it isn't created. The hedge wizard needs to see if the spell works as she intended it to. This is a
time consuming excercise, to say the least. Each level takes 1 month x Target Level to perfect. Thus, a complete Path will take 15
months of nothing but non-stop research, enough to make the average hedge wizard throw in the towel.
At the end of the time period (1 month in the case of Level 1), the Wizard rolls Intelligence+Spell Theory, Difficulty 6. Before she can
move on to the next level, she must amass 5 successes. If she did not, she must wait another time period (1 month / level), and roll
again, with successes being cumulative. This simulates that the Path has not only been created, but fully understood by the Wizard. He
must overcome the inertia to move beyond his current research.
A botch on this roll indicates that the concept is lost, and the Wizard must try a new approach. There are several Paths that only reach
Level 3 or 4, remnants of burned out wizards and dashed dreams.

(Note: The following Paths are Copyright White Wolf Game Studios. They are listed here only as an aid in showing how to translate to
the Hedge Magick system I propose. The use of said Paths are in no way a challenge to the copyrights).
The following is a brief summary of the Thaumaturgical Paths found in the various White Wolf products, with notes on how to convert
them to my system. In cases with random results, determined by a Attr+Ability check, the spell is listed as if minimal successes were
gained. You want more successes? Buy this option with 2 power. Also, any listing under Power lists the minimal dice that can be
rolled for a spell. If a mage must roll Cha+Falconry, which totals 2 dice, he can instead roll his Power rating, 6.

Path Name
Dist Dur AoE Pow Rit
Path of Blood
Taste for Blood
Blood Rage
Blood of Potency 0
Theft of Vitae
Cauldron of Blood 0
Lure of Flame
Var. Var. Var. 0
Movement ot Mind 0
Var. 0
Weather Control
Var. 0
Path of Conjuring
S the S F
Magic of the Smith 0
Reverse Conjuration 4
Power over Life
Neptune's Might
Eyes of the Sea
Jail of Water
Flowing Wall
Blood to Water
Spirit Thaumaturgy
Evil Eye
Spirit Eyes
Spirit Slave
Elemental Mastery
Elemental Strength 0
Wooden Tongues
Anim. t. Unmoving 4
Elemental Form
Summon Elemental 3
Change Mind
Corrupt Soul
Perception Spells
Scent of the Vamp 0
Esc. Und. Eyes
Voices of t Dead 1
Cloak of Shadows 0
True Sight
Intelligence Spells
Gift of Psyche
Return of Light
Grasp of the Mind 0
Heart of Evil
Wits Spells
Bring To Body
Light ot True Sp. 1
Soul of the Tree 0
Shield ot Thinker 1
Gift of Morpheus
Cause Sleep
Mass Slumber
Enchanted Slumber 3
Master of Dreams 1
Dark Thaumaturgy (Note: To gain these powers,
accept as a foci: Soul Contract)
Chains of Pleasure
Wave of Pleasure 3
Var. 2
Writhing Delights 0
Glow 1000 Embr.
Hands of Dest.
Gnarl Wood
Acidic Touch
Turn to Dust
Fires of Inferno 2
Var. Var. Var. 0
Path of Pestilence
Vampire Sickness 0
The Swarming
Diseased Breath
Cause Plague
Path of Phobos




a player must

Induce Fear
Fear Immersion
Leech of Fear
Path of Secret Knowledge
Secrets ithe Dark 1
The Hidden
Dark Prophecy
Unlock the Heart
of Mystery 5
Path of Torture
Pangs of Hell













Often a very powerful spell will survive, or the fragment of a potent path, lost to time. These Rotes are exceedingly powerful, some so
powerful that the cost in vis to cast them normally prevents their use.

Character Generation
Factors are treated as abilities for purposes of buying.

Path Hunter: +10 Freebies (Has an Ace up his sleeve. ONE)

Path Novice: +15 Freebies (Knows a few Words) -1 to Background
Path Adept: +20 Freebies (Is fairly well rounded in his Paradigm) -1 To Social, -1 to Background
Path Master: +25 Freebies (Is extremely well rounded) -1 to Social, Background, Physical
Path Wizard: +30 Freebies (The true mages who have devoted their lives to the Dangerous Game. Order of Tremere fit in this
category) -2 to Background, -1 to Social, Physical.

The Highest Society

By Mitch Kelly ( and Al Stuart (

The World of Darkness is copyrighted by White Wolf Game Studios.
Vampire, Werewolf, Mage, Wraith and Changeling, their associated logos and terms are Trademarks of WWGS. No
infringement of any Copyright or Trademark is intended.

The Beginning
It began in ancient times: times that should have been a time of Man's innocence, but were not. Few remember those times now:
humanity has itself forgotten them, having made a huge effort to forget. And of the others who remember, each has placed a
different view on it, so the truth is hard to know. The Kindred, the Changers, the Mages, the Restless, the Fae, each tell their own
story. All that can be said with any certainty is that Man's innocence was sacrificed upon the altar of the Garou's pride. It was the
time of the Impergium.
Ten thousand years ago the Garou hunted humans, placed quotas on villages, killing one human for each one that was born. The
Garou had many names for it. They called it responsibility, called it protection for Gaia, called it their right. The Garou were
neither the first nor last to gild the name of murderer.
And humanity cried out under their yoke. Humans gained an inherited terror of the Garou, so that they became a memory of
death and horror, and in these last days, when the Garou need the help and understanding of humanity in their last fight, the
Garou fight alone.
Few defended the humans. The Kindred, in some cases, drove back the Garou, either out of hatred of these enemies of theirs
or out of a wish to defend 'their' humans, whom they valued as a man values horses or cattle. A few defended humans from
altruistic feelings, but they were few indeed. The Mages, especially those who later became the Dreamspeakers, Celestial
Chorus and Verbena, defended humans. Those villages containing a true Mage were avoided by the Garou, who hate Mages
even to this day, for challenging their 'right' to slaughter and kill. And yet the Mages often demanded a high price in return for
their protection. The Restless? Their wrath is terrible, yet who among humans is at ease with the souls of the dead around them?
Their protection is a dear thing indeed. The Fae defended those who they regarded as their own: a Gift for a Gift, in obedience
of Faerie law. But they too called for a gift in return for their protection, and these gifts often made the protection of the Fae
dearly bought.
Yet did not mankind defend themselves? How could they, say the Awakened. They had not the power or the knowledge. But they
did. Some few did defend their people from the teeth and claws of the Garou.
They had stood against the Garou. Their desperate courage and willpower let them stand against the power of raw nature. Most
of them died. Most, but not all. Those that lived passed on their resistance to the terror of the Crinos form to their children, and
their fight with it.
The humans watched, experimented and learned. They observed; they struggled, and they performed favours best forgotten for
creatures best not mentioned in return for knowledge. They learned how to harness fire against the Garou. They learned how to
distill poisons from certain plants that would affect them, killing them or shearing them of their powers. They learned how to make
clubs, spears and arrow heads from certain rocks, that would injure the Garou when flint blades, sharper than steel, rebounded
from their hides. They learned to kill.
With this killing came respect, admiration, and a little fear. The other people of their villages elevated those who could kill the
Garou. They did not need to toil in the fields, for their work was done at night. They did not need to hunt, for their hunting was to
the benefit of all. They did not need to build, for their actions built a safer world for all. Those who hunted the Garou gained pride.
They hunted not merely the Garou, but the Vampire, who stalked in the night, taking tolls in blood and freedom. They hunted the
Mages who gave their aid, but at a price beyond measure. The hunted the Restless, to grant their own people rest. They hunted
the Fae, not wanting their gifts.
Over time they came to rule much of what is now Europe, those families. With each succeeding invasion, they absorbed the
invaders' cultures, took their names, maintained their blood, and ruled on. But each time, their reach was shortened, their
territory reduced, until only the British Isles remained. Here, they could not retreat, and here they have survived.
They call themselves The Highest Society. They still exist. They still defend the Sleepers for the terror and enslavement of the
Awakened. They continue the Long War...


The Highest Society has existed for over ten millennia, making it the longest constituted group in Human history. It arose first in
the Fertile Crescent, when village life and agriculture were making mankind a civilisation for the first time rather than a group of
animals who happened to walk upright. The Garou were killing as they saw fit, slaying indiscriminately in the name of 'balance'.
The humans could not at first fight back. They tried to, but a flint sickle or even a heavy bow and arrows cannot defeat a Garou.
Most of those who fought were destroyed. The Garou even hunted them down, as a 'threat' to their position. Those few humans
that survived this continued the struggle. At this time of course, they had few weapons that they could use. A few were
forthcoming from the Fae, who would provide Glamourous spears and axes, but usually at a price that involved first-born
children. Mages proved more helpful, the proto-Verbena telling the humans how to gather aconite to prepare Wolfsbane, a
poison of Gaia herself that will to this day affect the Garou. The Kindred, through their own fear of fire, told the humans that it was
worth trying on a Garou, and several Garou were burned alive in huts, lingering too long and becoming trapped, so that even with
their strength did not save them.
The greatest weapon came last of all. The Society themselves do not recall exactly who they were contacted by, but this
individual showed them how to make arrowpoints from certain bright and shiny stones, and how to use related stones to make
clubs that would smash a Garou skull. They discovered silver. They also learned how to leach the silver from the rocks to make
poisonous liquids. The Highest Society took the fight back to the Garou, killing all they could find. At the same time, this
mysterious benefactor gave each of the families of the Highest Society a special power, and persuaded them that they were
indeed superior and destined to rule humanity. The Garou, characteristically, took to the fight with glee.
Of course this degenerated into a war. Indeed, in the parlance of the Highest Society, it has become known as the Long War.
The War that will not end until the Awakened are exterminated and humanity acknowledges its true position, as servants and
chattels of the Highest Society. Finally, with the end of the Impergium, the Garou stopped their general killing. The war with the
Highest Society continued and has never ended. When the Garou began to spread across the Eurasian landmass, the Society
went with them. In fact, the Highest Society travelled north into central Asia, where they came among the proto-Celtic and Gothic
tribes, who later swept across Europe in great waves over the millennia. Ironically, the Highest Society began to make its great
powerbase among the same peoples that furnished the culture and Kinfolk of such Garou tribes as the Fianna, Get of Fenris,
Shadow Lords, even the Silver Fangs. This ongoing war contributed to the constant, ongoing factional strife among these
The Highest Society continued their war against the other Awakened groups during this time. With the help of their mysterious
benefactor, the Society had learned how to fight and destroy all Awakened beings. They killed Vampire, Werewolf, Mage and
Fae alike. The Wraiths they found easier to dissipate and ward against than to destroy, and the Mages they usually left alone.
The Highest Society became the protectors and frequently the leaders of the people. In time, they became in effect kings. This
situation continued until the rise of the great civilisations.
At this point the Kindred, with their powers of mass control, were able to assert themselves as they had not before, and the
power of the Highest Society, that had been based, as had the Garou's, on individual heroes and champions, withered in the
face of organised armies. The political power playing of the Awakened had started, and the Highest Society took a long time to
adjust to it, and react. In fact, by the time they had, their powerbase, which had reached from the steppes of central Asia to
Ireland, had been reduced to western Europe.
The Highest Society never really recovered. Much of their best blood was spent in petty wars between the emerging kingdoms
of early medieval Europe, when the Society often found itself caught between different Awakened factions. Although the society
never abandoned its principles, and never abandoned its Long War, it was slowly, slowly driven back.
Its own elitism conspired against it: as the Society became ever more concerned with the 'purity' of its own blood, fewer and
fewer children were born, and gradually, at first slowly, then more rapidly, the many families of the Highest Society started to die
By the time the Society had noticed this and taken steps to counter this thinning of their ranks, their domain had shrunk to only
the British Isles. They now knew what they must do. The Highest Society faded into the background. They did not abandon their
mission, but merely decided to strike from the shadows, and to fight on in a secret, rather than overt, war. They also did not
abandon their centrally held belief that they, and they alone, are the true rulers of humankind.
The families of the Highest Society in the British Isles were the most pragmatic and foresighted of the families, if not the most
powerful. They married into each successive wave of invaders: first Romans, then Saxons, then Normans. They reinvented
themselves during the Reformation and the Commonwealth, and again in the Age of Empire. Family names changed from
Vertrex to Aurelius, to Wulfhaer to DeVere, to FitzStephen, depending on what they needed to do to survive.
The Highest Society is now a secretive organisation dedicating itself to the overthrow of the Awakened, and the freeing of the
sleepers from the shackles of the Awakened's control. Implicit in this is the Highest Society's rule of the sleepers.

Character Creation
Attributes: 6/5/3
Abilities: 12/8/5
Willpower: 3
Backgrounds: 5. Allowed Backgrounds are: Allies, Arcane (2 Dots Maximum), Contacts, Destiny (2 Dots Maximum), Fame,

Influence, Mentor, Resources, Secret Identity, Status.

Freebies: 21
Freebie Point Costs: Attributes: 4, Abilities 2, Willpower 2, Backgrounds 1 (except Arcane and Destiny, 3 points per dot).
Experience Costs: Attributes 4 times current rating, Abilities 2 times current rating, New Ability 3 points, Willpower current

Merits and Flaws: All Physical, Mental, Social, Aptitude and Society Merits and Flaws from "Ascension's Right Hand" are
permitted. Many of the Occult-based Merits and Flaws are recosted or forbidden.

Forbidden Merits and Flaws: Clear-Sighted, Ghoul, Kinfolk, Kinain.

Recosted Merits and Flaws: Vampire, Faerie or Werewolf Companion costs 7 points, Spirit Mentor, Iron Will or Blase costs 5
points. Haunted is a two-point Flaw.

Common Merits and flaws include: Hatreds, Intolerances, Haunted, Hunted, Primal Marks (physical stigmata are more
pronounced), Occult Library.

Beasts: Garou
Dear Departed: Extinct families of the Society. Slightly risque term used by younger members.
First Fifteen: Slightly joking title sometimes used by younger Society members to refer to the Highest Society. Derived from
rugby team parlance.

Foxes: Rogue members of the Society.

Fox Hunting: The suppression and recovery of Rogue members.
Knitting Circle: Derogatory term for the Arcanum
Long War: The Society's endless battle with the Awakened.
Lower Orders: General human populace.
Plebes, peasants, oiks, serfs: See Lower Orders. Derogatory term used by younger members.
Side: A group of Highest Society members working together on a mission. Some sides are virtually permanent teams, other are
ad-hoc groups formed to do a specific job.

Family Descriptions
There are five families left in the Highest Society now. One other died out this century, and one in the last century. Those left are:
The MacDonalds, The FitzStephens, The Ansons, The Trelawnys, and The Warwicks.
The families have two classes of members: true blood members, who always manifest the talents and disadvantages that the
family has, and 'grass-children.' The former are born of the union of two members of the extended families, either the same one,
or one of the others. Over the millennia, as the families have become fewer in number; this has lead to problems with
interbreeding and loss of genetic diversity. Thus, occasional 'grass marriages' are arranged, with non-family members, generally
carefully selected normal people. The offspring of these are closely monitored, and if the family talent develops they are used as
breeding vessels. If the talents do not develop, these children become the close servants and aides of the families.

Family Advantages and Weaknesses

Each family is immune to the Delirium. This was the first gift given to the highest Society long ago by the spirit that empowered
them. In addition, each family has at least one other supernatural power or merit, as well as a physical stigmata or psychological

The MacDonalds
Advantages: The MacDonalds possess the Merits Iron Will and Blas, rendering them immune to Vampiric Domination and

Presence, as well as several other magickal mind attacks. The hard-headed, hard-boiled nature of the MacDonalds makes
Magick and Glamour go awry around them: the difficulty to use them on a MacDonald goes up by 1.

Weaknesses: The MacDonalds are manic-depressives. At any particularly stressful time, the Storyteller should call for a
Willpower roll, difficulty 6, to avoid swapping between the two states. In manic mode, a MacDonald will pursue his goals to the
exclusion of anything else: to stop an attack, or change the direction of an investigation, requires a willpower roll, diff 7. In the
depressive phase, a MacDonald must make a willpower roll, diff 7 to be bothered to do anything, except to save his own life.
Every MacDonald has eyes of startlingly different colour, like palest blue and darkest brown, or green and violet. This is
noticeable on a roll of Per+Alertness, diff 6.

The FitzStephens
Advantages: The FitzStephens are immune to Faerie Glamour. They are also unaffected by the Fog, and many Arcanoi are at
+1 difficulty to affect them.

Weaknesses: Each of the FitzStephens has multiple personalities. These should be developed at character creation. Each will
have a different nature, demeanour, willpower etc., but the attributes, abilities and backgrounds are fairly common to all the
personalities. In a stressful situation, another personality may come to the fore (if a Willpower roll, Diff 6 is not made). The once
dormant personality will have no idea what is going on around it, and is at -2 for several minutes until it can assimilate the events
around it.
The FitzStephens suffer a minor physical stigmata: all members of the family are painfully thin, as if they are malnourished.

The Ansons
Advantages: The Ansons start with the Numina Telepathy at 2 dots, and Telekinesis at 1 dot. Many also develop Psychometry.
Weaknesses: Cannot spend more than 2 dots on physical attributes during character creation, and can never raise any
physical attribute above 2 with experience. Also, all of the Ansons suffer from short tempers and lack of patience (in game
terms, they have the Flaw "Intolerance" at least twice).

The Trelawnys
Advantages: Each Trelawny starts with an extra strength dot, and can raise all physical attributes to 6 through experience. No
physical stat can start above five, however. Also, the Trelawny have an extra health level (Bruised) and ignore all wound
penalties except incapacitated. They are either fully active or unconscious.

Weaknesses: The Trelawnys are frightening. All possess the Flaw Eerie Presence. Their physical appearance, with hair
growing down their foreheads, thick arms and deep set eyes make them easily recognisable, if one knows what to look for. A
Trelawny cannot have an Appearance or Charisma higher than 2.

The Warwicks
Advantages: The Warwicks are empaths, and can perceive or project emotion. To perceive emotions, they must make a
resisted roll of Perception + Empathy versus the Target's Manipulation + Subterfuge. To project an emotion, a Warwick must
Roll Charisma + Leadership, difficulty the target's willpower, modified as follows.
Emotion conflicts with target's Nature
Emotion is contrary to target's current feelings
Emotion is in harmony with target's current feelings -1
Target is relaxed/focused
Target is confused

Weaknesses: The Warwicks suffer from acute paranoia regarding what the rest of the Highest Society, and particularly the rest
of the Warwicks, are planning. This means that the Warwicks spend a great deal of their time worrying about internal threats
rather than pursuing the Society's external goals. This is identical to the Elder Flaw, Acute Paranoia.
The Warwickss all have brilliant white hair, regardless of their age.

Lifestyle of The Families

When a true blood child is born, her life is pretty well mapped out. After education at the best schools in Britain (Eton and
Gordonstoun for the boys, Rodean for the girls) followed by a university career at Oxford, Cambridge or St Andrews, the male
members enter either the military (usually the Guards) or the Foreign Service. This is followed by a short stint in the general Civil
Service, then whatever the family requires. Female members are required to marry and raise children, although an increasing
number work on the intelligence side of the families' operations.
This dichotomy between the sexes is a reflection of the Highest Society's feudal ideals: the males are the leaders of the houses,
the decision makers and the movers and shakers. The women, whilst respected, are very definitely second-class citizens. This
still puts them vastly above the rest of the human race, whom the Highest Society see as destined to be their servants, thralls
and serfs, gratefully tugging their forelocks in thanks for being saved from the Awakened in order to serve their true masters.

Current Activities
Although the Highest Society has the avowed aim of eradicating the Awakened, rebuilding the British Empire and reinstating a
feudal system with itself at the top, the various parts of the Society have their own plans, agendas and current problems. A
selection of these are detailed here.

The MacDonalds: Countless centuries in possession of the powers they have altered the MacDonald's perspective. Many of
their members are unwilling to believe they actually possess the powers they have. In a sense, they become overly rational,
considering themselves to be "debunkers" of occult ideas, rather than warriors against the Awakened. Many members need
considerable persuasion in their early years working for the Society to believe that Garou, Vampires and so forth are real, not
simply the product of overactive imaginations or disturbed psyches. This does not make them any less dangerous, especially to
Mages and Changelings who find the calcified reality around them extremely hazardous. When dealing with Vampires, many
attribute the failure of Vampiric mind control to the Vampire rather than their own power. The MacDonald family controls large
estates in Scotland, which are frequently used for the training of the society's combat troops.
The FitzStephens, who own vast tracts of Ulster, are the Society's prime weapon against the Fae. They are also considered to
be borderline loose cannons. Their multiple personalities leave them open to sudden lapses in control and to leaving other
Society members in grave danger. Further, they often end up in psychiatric hospitals as additional personalities manifest
There is some evidence that the Benefactor offered the FitzStephens a second gift: the ability to understand perfectly the
mindsets of their enemies. Those few who undertook this became quite mad, totally unable to deal with what they had learned.
Even eight generations on, the branch of the family that received this gift is considered odd still. There are rumours that a few of
these have overcome their madness, and have evolved into a next stage of human development. These are said to be able to
understand, instinctively, the motives, fears and aspirations of any sentient being. Rather than making these family members
keener hunters of the Awakened, it has made them reconsider. Understanding the enemy has made them more willing to
compromise. The family are thought to be hunting down these members, or "traitors." The FitzStephens are the family most likely
to become rogues.
The Ansons act as the glue which binds the Society together. Many of the families, who are at loggerheads, are kept from open
conflict by the actions of the Ansons.
In spite of their physical weakness, the Ansons are revered by the other families. They train hard, and become conversant in
many armed and unarmed combat techniques, as if to assert that their physical limitations do not make them weak. The Ansons
are odd even by the Society's standards. There are rumours that the family possesses at least a kind of collective
consciousness, or is at most a huge "living computer." The result of this is that research is carried out on any subject from
several places simultaneously, and on several levels of consciousness. The Ansons were the originators of the Society's now
huge computer and information network, which they share primarily with the Trelawnys.
The Trelawnys have been warriors in wars all across the world for centuries, as it was the custom for the younger men to go off
for a few years to fight in any war they could find to harden them up. They seem to know when to fight, and when to run. They are
a highly disciplined group, the only family that holds regular meetings. The Trelawny family has a defined hierarchy and rank
structure through which members progress.
The Trelawnys have suffered a number of internal feuds which have spilled out into the public view and been barely covered up
by the Society as a whole. The Trelawnys of course provide the combat arm of the Society, as well as bodyguards. They are
also the most active in co-opting suitable non-family members into the organisation.

Warwicks: The Warwicks are politicians as skilled as any Kindred. All they lack is time. They are natural empaths, able to
perceive and project emotion. Their weakness is their division and suspicion. Their line is in jeopardy since they have a burning
hatred for each other which produces few children. This has been exacerbated by their ongoing feud with the Kindred Prince of
London, who has played a masterful game of misdirection. The Warwicks occupy numerous seats in the Houses of Parliament,
but are so riven with internal splits that they do not use this power to its best advantage. The Warwick MPs are of several
different political parties, and frequently allow party lines to come before the work of the Society. The other families are
distancing themselves, and have only not severed their links completely for fear of losing the family and its powers entirely. It is
rumoured that the Trelawnys wish to marry off the younger female members of the Warwicks, producing a related line that will be
more compliant. The other families are resisting this, not wishing to see the Trelawnys gain ever more power.
The Warwicks long ago learned that their lifespans are a weakness in fighting the political intrigues of the Kindred. After all, to

the Kindred, the "short term" is at best measured in decades, at worst meaningless. The Warwicks learned to swallow their
pride and adopt an attitude best described as "not in my lifetime." They fully expect to succeed, just not in an individual's lifetime.
They often pass on unfinished political tasks to their children, and from an early age learn to look out for "little victories": small
chances to advance their cause. Each generation pursues the broad objectives of the last, but usually updates them to take
account of the changes that have occurred. This actually gives the Warwicks a small edge over the Kindred, who tend to
become set in their ways over time. This advantage is neatly cancelled by the fact that the Warwick mistrust is at its worst
between fathers and sons.

Contacts, Allies and Resources

As well as being fabulously rich and having large areas of land to work in, the Society has other assets it can use as well.
The Highest Society has contacts with a number of British Supremacist / White Power political organisations. From these it can
draw low-level support in the form of thugs, watchers or bodies on the streets.
The Highest Society has also made tentative links to the German Drorenkinder Vampire hunters. This has allowed the society to
spread its influence onto the continent for the first time in several centuries.
The Society has virtually unlimited access to Parliament and Parliamentary papers. Their political ties also allow them space to
train without interference, freedom from police interference, access to military technology and the ability to use the law and
Parliament to keep information secret, or even to keep people incommunicado.

Rogues are those members of the different families of the Society who for different reasons leave the fold of the Society and
strike out on their own. There are broadly three types of Rogue members in the Society:
i) Women, who are sick of the restrictions placed upon them by the Society and wish to take a more active role. These members
go Rogue to make better use of their powers, but are generally sympathetic to, and usually aligned with, the aims of the society
in general.
ii) Those who reconsider their role in the Long War and either decide to have no further part in the Long War, or else change
sides. The reasons for this change of heart are manifold, but environmental considerations, the realisation that not all Awakened
are inimical to Sleepers, or simple conscience are all common. Most of these Rogues simply withdraw from the Society and
strike out on their own. The FitzStephens are most likely to be in this category, followed by the MacDonalds.
iii) A few members of the Society, either for reasons listed in ii) above, or for others, sometimes not of their own choosing,
change sides in the Long War, and actively fight with the Awakened and hunt their own former allies.
The Society hates Rogues, and goes to extraordinary lengths to recapture them. Those Rogues in categories i) and ii) are
extensively "re-educated," then expected to serve faithfully in the future. Those who have served or aided the Awakened are
killed horribly. Those who go Rogue again after re-education are treated similarly.
The Highest Society spends an inordinate amount of effort on the suppression of Rogues, in spite of their extreme rarity (fewer
than three members of the Society go Rogue in an average year). The effort to recapture rogues takes precedence over
everything and is one of the greatest hindrances to success in the Long War.

Extinct Families
One family of the Highest Society is known to have died out in 1920. This family, the DeMartins, possessed a limited power of
precognition, and were one of the Society's most powerful weapons, sometimes allowing the society to preempt its enemies.
The DeMartins were physically and mentally very frail, even by the standards of the Society, and it has been speculated that this,
and the very poor genetic diversity the family had, made it impossible for them to survive the great influenza epidemics that
swept the world after the Great War. Others whisper more quietly that one of the Society's Awakened enemies attacked the
Society at its weakest point, and so exterminated one of the families.
The other family that died out recently (in 1842) was the Richardsons. The Richardsons possessed Clear Sight and had been
tireless Vampire hunters. The whole family was affected by profound obsessions, which did not make them the easiest people
to get on with, and were all lame. There is some confusion over the demise of this family. The Richardsons were close to the
FitzStephens, and it is rumoured that when the FitzStephens began to "evolve" and reconsider their part in the Long War against
the Awakened, the Richardsons re-evaluated their own position. The rumour is that the Ansons and Trelawnys massacred the
Richardsons to prevent them leaving the fold of the Highest Society. There are stories that some of the Richardsons were taken
alive for a captive breeding programme, which failed, thus leaving the Society without the power of Clear Sight, and that some of
the family survived, and now act as semi-Awakened mercenaries, aiding any Awakened faction who will pay them against their
former allies, and serving as an escape line for rogue members of the Society who wish to leave the Long War forever.
In the past, one family died out in the Society roughly every three hundred years. This has accelerated in the past few centuries

to one every hundred and fifty years, and now to roughly one every seventy or so years. The Society can see that without some
profound change, they will be extinct within three hundred years.

Relations with Others

Kindred: The Kindred are a major cause celebre for the Highest Society. The Kindred think that in general, they rule mortal
society, with their plots, plans, machinations and schemes. The Highest Society believe it is their right to rule over humanity, and
as such, the Kindred are a major target. The Society have a considerable amount of information about the Kindred in general
available to them, and a good deal of data about specific vampires. The Society is however, rather more naive regarding
Kindred politics, and makes no distinction between Camarilla, Sabbat or Inconnu. This has lead them into a few rather nasty
scrapes, and has prevented them realising that they could play some factions off, one against the other. For the most part, the
Kindred who know of them regard the Highest Society with the sort of quaint amusement foreign visitors have for red coated
Foot Guards, little realising how dangerous they could be, if they were let loose.
The great exception to this is the situation in London. Richard Llywellyn, Prince of London is fully aware of the Highest Society,
and has conducted a brilliant campaign to weaken the Warwick's control over Parliament. The Society knows he has done this,
and even knows who Llywellyn is, but hesitate to act against him. The Society realises that Llywellyn is enormously powerful,
even by Kindred standards, and that any mistake on their part whilst attacking him would result in Llywellyn destroying the
Society. Llywellyn for his own part uses the Society: he has passed information on Kindred he does not care for to the Society,
which has extinguished several such unfortunates, and Llywellyn is not above "toughening" his guards and footsoldiers by
arranging for them to meet Society assault teams.

Garou: The Garou were the original reason for the Society's existence, and have been their bitterest foes. The same arguments
regarding ruling humanity that were made above apply to the Garou and the Society. Much of the best blood on both sides has
been spilt in this endless war. The Society has a better idea of how to defeat the Garou, and has (inadvertently) strengthened the
Kindred by their policies of wilderness clearance, which have helped to all but break the Garou.

Mages: People who are able to alter reality to suit their own wants are deeply unpopular with the Society. Reality should be
fixed, they say. Indeed, this firm belief in the calcified nature of reality makes the Society highly dangerous to Mages. Mages, for
their part, are too preoccupied with the Ascension War to be bothered by the Society, and very few among them realise the
danger that the Society poses. Most Mages who encounter them think they are some kind of Technomancer construct (if they
are Tradition Mages) or some kind of anachronism serving the Order or the Chorus (if they are Technomancers). Only the Order
and the Verbena have any real memory of the times when the Society hunted Mages with the blessing of Church and Noble
alike, and few even among these Traditions believe it could happen again.
The Society spends most of its efforts against Mages on the Technomancy, seeing their love of learning as a threat to the
"blessed ignorance" of the Sleepers, and also as a prime source of equipment in the Long War. The society has scored several
significant victories over the Technomancy.

Wraiths: Most Wraiths have few dealings with the mortal world. The Highest Society like it that way, but would prefer it if Wraiths
had no contact with mortal society. The Dead, they believe, should depart willingly to whatever rest, punishment or oblivion
awaits them, and be satisfied. The Society has certain abilities and powers that it is more than willing to use on those who do
not. On the other hand, there are some wraiths, those with great power and passion, who are willing to make a stand against the
society, and fight back, spreading terror and havoc as they go.

Fae: The Society knows that the Fae are best avoided. This is one of the few pieces of genuinely good advice the Society
peddles. The Fae, with their immutable law of "A-Gift-For-A-Gift," tend to be nothing but trouble to humans in general. The
rectitude of the advice does not, however, make the attraction of the Fae any less, and often, the Fae will attract mortals in the
service of the Society simply out of spite. Both sides are well aware of each other's weaknesses, but at the moment, both sides
are too preoccupied to take a major offensive against one another.

Other Changers: The Society has little to do with these groups. The Lutran have managed to avoid them, and are mighty glad
to have done so, but the Corax are more willing to get involved. The Corax know the Society has a huge database on the
Awakened. The Corax, of course, believe that any such information is theirs by right, and are making plans to perform some sort
of "sting" to get it. If they do, the wrath of the Society will be something to behold.

Immortals: Immortals are beyond the pale as far as the Highest Society is concerned. If God, or anyone else, had intended
people to live forever, it would have been the Highest Society, not some group of honour-bound head choppers. The Highest
Society only have a limited corpus of knowledge regarding Immortals, but have added them to their list of groups to be settled
with "in the future."

The Guilds: The Society hates the Guilds. The Guilds feel much the same. However, both groups are more or less convinced
the objects of their hatred died out long ago. The Guilds spent a great deal of time killing high-ranking members of the Society,
and stealing from the Society. Indeed, a fair portion of the Guilds' libraries originally came from what they stole from the Society.
The Society, being rigid and hierarchical, disapproves of anyone who steals or kills, except in their service, and as for those who
kill members of the Society, they are totally beyond the pale. As it is, with the Guilds based in New Orleans, and the Highest
Society barely holding onto its niche in the British Isles, there is little likelihood of the two groups becoming seriously involved
any time soon. however, if the opportunity arises, both groups are likely to be able to find some resources to pursue an age-old
dislike. In a Dark Ages Chronicle, this hatred and rivalry would of course be much stronger.

Gypsies: The Highest Society hate the Gypsies for no other reason that the fact that Gypsies are the antithesis of everything the
Society is: free, unfettered, relaxed and totally out of control. Add to this the fact that Gypsies have powers that the Society envy,
and it is little wonder that the Trelawnys go out of their way to break up Gypsy camps, and the Warwicks devote considerable
political time to passing laws eroding the Romany way of life.

Demon Knights: The Society has a chequered history in connection with the Knights, not least because two keys fell into the
Demons' possession due to the Society's misguided actions. The official line is that Demon Knights are as bad as any of the
other groups and, if anything, slightly worse due to the fact that they are "traitors" to the Sleepers. Unofficially, many Society
groups when they encounter Demon Knights help them "on the quiet." More than once Duffy has found Vessels around him
being taken down by an unseen sniper. At the moment Duffy believes this is due to his inherent luck but sooner or later he will
discover the truth and then the Society will have to bring its unofficial policy into line with their official policy.

Arcanum: If the Camarilla regard the Highest Society as "Quaint" the Society regards the Arcanum as laughable. The two
groups are so similar that many believe that they were once linked, the Arcanum being the rumoured "Eighth Family." However,
the veracity of this story is highly doubtful. In truth, the situation between the Society is akin to that between them and the Demon
Knights. The Society holds the Arcanum in the utmost contempt due to their continuing inaction whilst the Arcanum view the
Society as little more than football hooligans with latent magical abilities and firearms.
In reality, the Society both acquires and asks for information from the Arcanum whilst some of the more militant Arcanum groups
have been known to ask the Society for the occasional 'favour.' Basically, their relationship is like that between Detective and
Barrister, they can barely deal with being in the same room but realise that their relationship is occasionally beneficial.

Motifs for a Highest Society Chronicle

The whole Highest Society is full of the image of decaying petty nobility, hanging on to lost causes lost after their value or original
reason has been lost. The atmosphere is fin-de-siecle, unsure of whether to sneak off the world stage quietly to enter a new era
with a roar and a bang. The Society has a black and white worldview, as if it is blind to the obvious shades of grey around it.

Story Hooks
Fox Hunt: The Side is called in to hunt down a rogue. During the Hunt, the Side's world view and motivation may be called into

Fox Hunted: The Side is declared Rogue, either by unfriendly elements within the Society, or else by an Awakened group, who
have set the Side up.

Sleeping with the Enemy: A member of the Side falls in love with an awakened creature.
Questions of Doubt: The Side is sent to eliminate an Awakened being. This being is loved by many people around it, for a
good reason. Perhaps it runs a children's home, or feeds the starving and destitute. The Side may find its convictions tested.

Appendix: The Spirit

Long ago, a benefactor came to the families of the Highest Society with an offer: the knowledge and power to match the Garou,
in return for service through eternity.
The families accepted, and so the Highest Society was born.
But what was the benefactor? There have been many suggestions, ranging from the collective unconsciousness of humanity, to
a Vampiric ancient, to a conglomerate of angry ghosts. The truth is...stranger.
The story of the benefactor begins in the future. In a very different future, where the Garou have at last managed to prevent
humanity and the agents of the Wyrm from corrupting and destroying Gaia. The Garou achieved this by enslaving all Humankind.
Well, almost all.
Small enclaves survive, where Mages, Kindred and Fae, all hunted by the Garou, hide and hope. The Garou have built
extermination camps, where humans are systematically destroyed in blood baths designed to toughen and "improve" young
Garou. In other places, Theurges experiment on human kinfolk and other Awakened beings, searching for their limits, and trying
to "Build the perfect beast."
The last straw in this future came on the night when a collection of powerful Theurges attempted to perform a particular ritual on a
Totem spirit. They had tried this before, summoning a Totem spirit and binding it to the body and mind of a mighty Garou, so that
the Garou did not merely gain the totem's gifts, but its powers. They had done so with Fenris, with Uktena, and latest with
Grandfather Thunder. This time, the Theurges wished to try something new: the Garou had over time become estranged from
many Totem spirits. Those Totems had fallen from favour, become ignored, or simply dwindled. The Garou wished to awaken
one of these Totems, hoping that it would be more compliant. They chose the Totem of Justice known only as Balance.

The ceremony went well, and Screams-his-Rage, the Ahroun designated as the vessel seemed to survive, and then awaken.
Suddenly, Screams-his-Rage changed. His features altered, and his voice became like the breath of winter. The Theurges sat
around fascinated: had they succeeded in this case?
They had not. The Totem spoke:
"I see what the Garou will become. In their lust for power they will abandon justice, truth and honour. You will pay. There will be
justice." Only one Theurge survived the resulting blast and she lived only long enough to report the words that Balance had
Balance went back through time, to the time of the Impergium, when the Garou were first gaining their arrogance over humanity.
Balance gifted the families of the Highest Society. And so it began...
Balance is a Totem of Justice. It, for it is sexless, can no longer be bought by Garou packs, but it is still amenable to dealing with
Lutran and Gurahl.
Balance cares only for justice: it is unconcerned with philosophy, repentance or mercy. It deals only in vengeance, equilibrium
and retribution. It is entirely possible that dealing with the timestream as it has unbalanced its mind, but it now hunts those who
oppress. Although Balance acted through the Highest Society, currently it does not, as the Society's plan for dominating the rest
of Humanity is not compatible with Balance's view.
Balance has supported groups (generally unawakened) against the dominance of the Awakened for millennia. It has also helped
Awakened groups to strive against their oppressors.
Provided the cause is strong enough, and the threat to Justice great enough, Balance may appear to help.
You have been warned...

Hospitaller: Knights of St. John (Part 1)

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to
stand against the wiles of the Devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against
the rulers of the darkness of this world, against supernatural wickedness in high places."
-- Ephesians 6: 10-12

A supplement for For Church Knight: the Cainite Crusade otherwise known as Militia Christi
Written and compiled by Jamie Seidel ( October 1996

Chapter One: Introduction

But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day
of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh
upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day
should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of
darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.
-- Thessalonians 5: 1-6
What are the Hospitallers? The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta is the
oldest Order of Chivalry in existence. It is also the third oldest surviving Religious Order in Christendom.
But the Hospitallers are made up of monks with a difference. They have not abandoned the world; nor are they priests. They
wear no distinguishing costume other than the cross. The Knights of St. John are free to move about the world, but at the same
time are expected to respect their vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. It is a strange and difficult vocation.
They are men of the sword whose job is fighting, protecting and serving. But they are also men of charity, aiding the sick and in
distress whenever encountered.

The knights carry the eight-pointed white cross emblazoned upon their chest: the four arms signifying their Christian virtues of
prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance; the eight points representing the beatitudes these virtues bestowed; and in its
colour the incandescent whiteness of knightly purity. These are ideals that often seem to have no place in the society of the
World of Darkness.
But the struggle to preserve and promote the inherent goodness of mankind is one that cannot be abandoned. The Militant
Orders know that Armageddon will come once humanity reaches its lowest ebb.
The Knights of Christ must delay this. While Judgement Day is inevitable, every single human soul is incredibly valuable. Each
and every one must be given the chance to redeem itself.
For this to happen, mankind must be kept free of the soulless -- the vampires, the shapechangers and all other Hellspawn.
When the Final Day dawns upon mankind, the Knights Hospitaller picture themselves fighting a desperate but valiant rear-guard
action -- beating off the minions of evil from the last free souls as they flee toward the comfort and protection of their Lord.

In the duties of a Knight Hospitaller, the term Noblesse Oblige (noble obligation) found positive meaning -- they really are
defenders of the faithful, the weak, the pious, the humble, the good, servants of the sick, the maimed and the diseased.
Righteousness is the core of the Knight of St. John.
They see their service not as a tedious responsibility, but as a vitally necessary contribution to the well-being of mankind.
Humility and devotion is a way of life. Even though death and despair forever surrounds them.
The historical Hospitaller was more than just a knight like any other. Even more so than the Templars and Teutones, the knights
of St. John took their monastic role very seriously -- particularly their vow to serve the poor and the sick.
It was this vow that led the Order of St. John into conflict with vampires and other supernatural creatures. Vampires held
particular repugnance as they fed on those least capable of defending themselves -- the poor -- and inflicted great suffering and
pain upon their victims.

Nothing spurs on the righteous indignation of a knight of St. John more than the sight of a sick and weakened blood-doll.
Mankind has been marked by God to be more than just a food animal. Any demon that seeks to corrupt the proper order of
things deserves eternal expulsion from God's creation.
This concern for the welfare of the general populace earned the knights of St. John great respect.
This devotion and sense of honour still holds true today. The old ways are the best ways for they are unspoiled by "modern"
philosophies and beliefs. Tradition is strong, pure and reliable.
Ever vigilant and always prepared, the Hospitallers refuse to submit to the "ways of the world." The Knights of St. John consider
themselves a fortress of the Faith: with the despairing hordes Satan's servants crashing against the walls of belief and devotion.
But it must be remembered the fortress exists only to provide sanctuary to the weak and helpless: not as an icon to the Order's
own piety.
In these days of atheism and apathy, fewer and fewer seek this refuge. Despair and unbelief has a choke-hold upon society.
But the Knights must hold the gate against the Apocalypse until the last free soul is safely through.

The Ancient Order

No religious vocation was needed to enter the ranks of the Hospitallers, no aptitude for hospital work, for fighting, for
administration, for holiness. The intrinsic nobility of the candidate, revealed by an unsullied pedigree, was, in the glorious legend
of Medieval Europe, sufficient to ensure a noble's capacity for all these things.
The knights of Malta were privileged beings, subject to discipline according to the statutes of the Order and not the laws of the
land. While immune from the attentions of local police, it did not mean he was free to do whatever he liked. If he broke the rules,
he could be arrested -- but only at the direct command of the Pilier (commander) of his particular Tongue (division). He would
stand trial before his equals, and, if convicted, could only be jailed in the towers of St. Angelo and St. Elmo in Valetta, Malta.
The supreme penalty was dismissal from the Order, but life imprisonment was more common.
But the international flavour of the Hospitallers wilted under the nationalism of the monarchs of Europe: only in Malta were
national differences ignored, for they were Knight Hospitallers first and foremost on an island where all Christian monarchs were
equally honoured. But even this became an anachronism by 1798, with the wars of Europe reflected in the internal relations of
members of the Order.
By the end of the 18th century, there were too few good men in the Order to keep it effective and useful. The really good men
made careers for themselves in the service of their own monarchs, while the mediocre stood out for their rights and lived correct,
dutiful but unrewarding lives. The lazy ones, greedy ones, the rebellious ones quarrelled among themselves, and, with little else
to do, tore the fabric of the Order, thread by threat, to tatters.

The Modern Order

Though the Militant Religious Orders no longer wage open war, most of them survive in some form. The Hospitallers have
proved the best at weathering the cruel storms of time -- not least because of their strict tradition of charity. While losing most of
its power with the fall of Malta, the Order still remained active.
The Order's professed knights still live a monastic life, while those not under vows contribute greatly to hospitaller activities
ranging from Peru to Pakistan, from California to the Caucasus -- funding and administering hospitals, ambulance brigades and
medical relief efforts. Often before them are the active Knights of St. John: sent in to "clear the way" of potential harm -particularly supernatural.
The Militant Knights of St. John live a life parallel to that of the charitable Order. Their ranks overlap, but the true nature of an
active knight is concealed by the Order's overt humanitarian activities.
Knights seek to keep their activities secret, but are permitted to use any of the Order of St. John's resources in their pursuit of
supernatural foe.
When not fighting Satan's servants, the knights serve the sick and needy like all other brethren.
Membership of the Order imposes the solemn duty, at all times and in all circumstances, of defending the Faith as enshrined in
the teachings, doctrines and traditions of the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church. Personal loyalty to His Holiness the
Pope as Christ's Vicar on Earth is a duty that takes precedence over every other obligation. If the knights remain steadfast in
their duty of serving the Church and their Rule, they will enter a second millennium of service to Our Lords the Sick -- and will
survive for centuries to come.

The Ancient Enemy

It took more than a century for the new unity experienced in the defeat of the Templars to embody itself in a common vampiric
It was 1435 which saw the formal unification of the established Clans under the Camarilla. The most senior vampires of each
Clan held a seat on its high council, with their most trusted servants helping to form and enact its policy.
The first move of this council was to establish a new law of Masquerade. As many as possible Cainites were contacted and
informed of ways and means to conceal their presence from the authorities and the Church.
This was to take several centuries to fully enact, but time is something vampires have plenty of.
But all through this time the Hospitallers were a thorn in the Camarilla's side. These knights roamed Europe, free of all secular
It did not matter if a local prince was under a vampire's prey: his word had no hold over a Knight of St. John. Open conflict would
have only brought down the anger of the Church -- with the ensuing Edict attracting Inquisitors and witch-hunters of all kinds and
The first organised action against the Hospitallers was to have the Clans based in the Eastern Mediterranean manipulate their
subjects to invade Rhodes in 1444. This invasion was repulsed.
In fact, the Order of the Hospital seemed almost impervious to direct assault. Even when expelled from Rhodes, it found for itself
a new impregnable fortress on Malta. The Camarilla searched in vain for a "hook" on which to lay charges similar to those used
to bring down the Templars. But the Hospitallers were too popular for their charitous work. By occupying a strategic island in the
middle of the Mediterranean, turning a European monarch against the Order would not work either -- any assault would
precipitate a continent-wide war.
In the 18th century the Camarilla decided to adopt a new approach: destroy the Order from within. It was much too difficult to
insert "plants" within the Order. But the youthful and high-spirited novices were prone to the same weaknesses of all their age,
pParticularly beautiful women.
Some of the more obscure bloodlines associated with the Camarilla were called into action. Their combined talents as the
Amazons gradually weakened the moral strength upon which the Order was based. Inevitably, the Order fell.
Now, the Amazons remain a threat -- holding status within the Camarilla as knight-hunters.

Chapter Two: Knights of the Cross

Armoured Monks of Charity
They were religious, obliged to take monastic vows; they were soldiers obliged to have both the physique and the means for
their profession. In the service of God all men are equal, but in the service of the Hospitallers, tradition, inheritance and skill
with the sword and lance were pre-eminent qualities.
-- Roderick Cavaliero, The Last of the Crusaders
What was to become the largest and most influential of all the Militant Orders had its origins in 1048 as a hospital for pilgrims
set up in the heart of Jerusalem by Benedictine monks.
These pious monks came from the Italian merchant town of Amalfi, and were sponsored by merchants who wanted to ensure
Europe's pilgrims would live long enough to pay their fare for the trip "home."
It was immediately recognised by both Christian and Moslem alike for its generous and devoted charity work: though their
techniques were "primitive."
By the time of the First Crusade in the late 1090s, the struggling band of medical monks was led by Brother Gerard de Amalfi.
Legend has it that Brother Gerard was not expelled from Jerusalem like other Christians when the Crusaders laid siege to it in
1099. He was allowed to stay to provide medical assistance for the city's residence. But he did not only help the sick, hungry and
wounded of the city. The Order's traditions tell of him providing bread to the Crusaders by having loaves thrown over the walls
during the night. The legend says:
". . . it was said that, together with the other inhabitants, he was ordered to help defend Jerusalem. He knew that the crusaders
outside the walls were hungry, and so each day took small loaves up on to the parapet and hurled these at the Franks instead of
stones. He was seen by the Arab guards who arrested him and took him before the governor. But when the loaves were
produced in evidence of his crime, they had turned into stones and he was released."
Whatever role Brother Gerard played in the siege, he was certainly held in high regard by the Crusaders and the fortunes of his
hospital improved dramatically after the city fell.

Many dying men made lavish gifts to the small band of monks that tried to comfort them in their last hours and many who
recovered felt compelled to shower the monks in money and land.
The sainthood of Brother Gerard has been stressed by the Order ever since and there is little doubt he was a good and pious
man. He was also a good organiser and very practical. Before he died in 1120 he had firmly laid the foundations of an Order that
was to endure into the 20th century. Daughter houses began to appear in Europe along the pilgrim routes -- especially at the
major Mediterranean ports.
His epitaph reads: "Here lies Gerard, the most humble man in the East and the servant of the poor." This became the unofficial
motto of the Hospitallers for 800 years. His successor, Raymond du Puy, built upon the foundations so well laid by his
predecessor. Under his guidance the Hospitallers took on prevention, instead of cure. Like the emerging Templars, the
Hospitallers began recruiting knights who had stayed after the first crusade to live in the Holy Land. As these recruits did not
make useful nurses or terribly pious monks, the role of guardian to travelling pilgrim seemed highly appropriate.
The first firm step toward becoming a Militant Order occurred in 1136 when the border castle of Bethgeblin in southern Palestine
was bequeathed to the Order, who, in turn, had to provide for its defence.
By 1178 the militant arm of the monastic order had grown to its full potential. It is recorded as sending 500 fully armed and
mounted knights together with about 1000 supporting troops on a crusade into Egypt.

Guardians of Outremer
Every crusade since the Order was established contained a core contingent of Hospitallers, often numbering about 300 knights.
Along with the Templars, these knights acted as the disciplined officers of the visiting armies brought from Europe. They were
also the most feared for their organised tactics, obedient discipline and fanatical dedication.
Not all of the Order's campaigns were defensive. The Master of the Hospitallers, like his Templar counterpart, was removed
enough from the murk of politics to objectively analyse threats to Christendom's tenuous hold on the Holy Land. Several times
the Hospitallers and Templars banded together to launch "interdictory" raids and campaigns in order to prevent neighbouring
Moslem nations from becoming "too strong." The aim was to disrupt the assembly of armies that would be much too large for the
kingdom of Jerusalem to meet head-on at a later date.
By the end of the 12th century the Hospitallers were rivalled only by the Templars in terms of wealth and power. Even in
Jerusalem, a large military barracks was positioned alongside their famous hospital.
During the Order's 200 years defending the Holy Land it acquired and built a strong "curtain" of castles extending from north to
south, guarding important passes and crossroads. The most famous of these, Crak de Chevallier, is recognised as the
strongest concentric castle ever built.
But all the strongest castles in the world could not hold Outremer. There simply were never enough knights to garrison them all
and provide a standing army to intercept any invader.
With Outremer engaged in a long civil war for the last 50 years of its existence, defeat eventually became simply a matter of
time. The Orders pursued their own policies while princes and barons fought over the right to rule. Cooperation came too late.

The Order in the Middle Ages

The name of the Order, until the 18th century, was "Holy Order (or Religion) of [the Hospital of] Saint-John of Jerusalem,"
modified in the late 15th C by the addition of "and of the Sepulchre of Christ" to reflect the incorporation in 1489 of the Order of
the Canons of the Holy Sepulchre (distinct from the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre). The Grand-Master was made Prince of the
Holy German Empire in 1607, a title which carried with it the rank of Serene Highness; in 1630, the Pope granted the GrandMaster the rank of Eminence, similar to that of the cardinals. In 1741, the Grand-Master combined the two into Most Eminent
Highness, a style which is still used today. In 1301, the Order had organized itself in seven Langues: Provence, Auvergne,
France, Spain, Italy, England and Germany, with a Pilier at the head of each, holding one of the top six offices of the order:
Grand Commander, Marshal, Hospitaller, Drapier, Admiral, Turcopolier (Germany did not have an office; the Treasurer was
never ascribed to a Langue).
The Langues corresponded to regional groupings of priories, the priories themselves groupings of commanderies. The
commanderies could simply be estates, or houses where lay people were allowed to live and share some of the spiritual life of
the Order (the corrodaries), or men and women who did not meet the nobiliary requirements (the confratres or donats), or where
novitiates prepared for their vows. Some houses were convents of monks and nuns. The Langues were expected to send a set
number of Knights to the main Convent.
The requirements to be a knight were initially to be of knightly family, but over time they became more stringent: in the 1350s
nobility of both parents, in 1428 nobility of four generations on the father's side, in 1550 nobility of four quarters (all
grandparents). The Langues each had their own requirements which could be stiffer: the French called for 8 quarters, the Italians
200 years in all four lines, the Germans 16 quarters, etc. In the 17th century nobility of robe or office was excluded.
Knights entered the novitiate, took simple vows after 1 year and solemn vows after the age of 21. Professed members (be they

knights, chaplains or sergeants) were called "of Justice." The sergeants wore the "half-cross." Individuals who did not meet the
nobiliary requirements but had otherwise distinguished themselves could be made Knights of Grace (the painter Caravaggio in
1608), while Knights of Justice who had to renounce their vows and marry for family obligations could become Knights of
Devotion. The Donats were also entitled to the half-cross. In the 1630s there were about 1700 knights in the Order.

The Rule and Customs

It was party chance, partly a robust constitution that kept the Knights of St. John going for so long.
-- Roderick Cavaliero, The Last of the Crusaders
The early statutes of the Order demanded exceptional qualities from its members. They were religious, obliged to take monastic
vows; they were soldiers obliged to have both the physique and means for their profession. In the service of God all men are
equal, but in the service of the Hospitallers, inheritance and skill with the sword and lance were pre-eminent qualities. The Order
of St. John was a democracy, but the membership of this democracy was open only to the well-born. To become a Knight of the
Order one had to prove an unblemished, noble and Catholic parentage. Maltese nobles were not allowed to become Knights,
though any Maltese could join the order as a Man-at-Arm, retainer or cleric.

Conduct and Vows

The Knights had to take the following vows:
Secondary, though equally enforced, to these vital words were the following clauses:
Never to wage war against any other Christian.
Never to gamble and incur debts.
Never to shrink from battle.
Never to lower the Order's flag.
Never retreat
Never to surrender
Never to ask for quarter.
Never to ignore the sick or unfortunate.
The Order took these vows very seriously, as this incident illustrates: In july 1570, while cruising in the vicinity of Malta, heedless
of the warning of the Turkish fleet lying nearby, Chevalier Jean Francois de St. Clement was surprised by an overwhelming force
led by Lucciali, a Turkish general. Clement fled ignominiously after losing three ships -- the Capitana, the San Giovanni and the
Sant'Anna -- only the Santa Maria della Vittoria escaped capture. In the disaster that followed, eight knights and large number of
Maltese soldiers and sailors, perished.
A general outburst of indignation ensued on the island, and on his return to Malta, St. Clement barely escaped being lynched. He
was tried, found guilty, and was stripped of his habit. Condemned to death, he was strangled in prison, and, his body, enclosed
in a sack filled with stones, was thrown into the sea a few miles outside Grand Harbour.

The Rule
The Rule of the Hospital of St. John was revised in 1130 by Pope Innocent II, the same that granted the Order its banner of a
white cross on a red background. This rule divided the Order into three distinct categories, Knights of Justice, Conventual
Chaplains and Serving Brothers.
The Hospitaller Rule was very different from that of the Templars -- from which it drew no inspiration. Knights did not have to
wear short hair and long beards. But their garb was uniform and unadorned.
Rules relating to women and contact with those outside the Order were strict, but not to the extent of secrecy applied by the
Templars. In fact, most individual knights were given much greater personal responsibility than many other Orders. Even
Sergeants (serving brothers) could command an Estate in Europe.

Uniform and Dress

The garb of the Knights Hospitaller changed significantly during the centuries. For the first 100 years of its existence, knights
wore simple black surcoats and great-cloaks with a white Latin Cross on the chest and left shoulder.
In the 13th century the black uniform changed to red, with the white cross adopting its recognisable eight-pointed form. Many

variations of this uniform were developed according to changes in armour types and needs.
By the 16th century, knights outside of Rhodes or Malta were allowed to wear the secular dress of their kingdom or province. But
they were required to wear about their neck a black collar with the Maltese Cross as a symbol of their status. The knights
stationed in the convents of Malta faced stricter standards of dress. The Rule stipulated no brocade or cloth of gold or silver, no
lace fringes or trimmings, no gold or silver buttons, nor knots of bow or thread were permitted. The penalty for breaching this rule
was three-years confinement in St. Elmo and the awarding of the offending garment to the person who informed. Needless to
say, the Rule was effective in abolishing fashion competition among the knights of varying nations.
On ceremonial occasions in the presence of kings, queens and Cardinals, knights wore their full formal dress: captains of the
galleys appeared in red surcoats and gold braid, the officers wore tricornes and white stockings, all with a red silk soubrevest
blazoned with the white cross of St. John.
In the convents they were expected to wear their standard habit, a black cloak with a white cross embroidered over their left
shoulder, black vest, breeches and hose. They could carry a sword, though it was attached to a stole that hung from the neck
down the left side, embroidered with the symbols of the passion. This costume was worn on formal, though not ceremonial,
Clothes worn while travelling could be modestly cut in the fashion of the day, with the Order's cross about their neck.

Freedom to Act
The privileges enjoyed by Hospitallers for more than 500 years provided a unique opportunity to track-down and eliminate
supernatural abominations among the varied communities of Europe.
Knights of the Order were above the law. They were answerable only to their Pilier, Grand Master and ultimately the Pope.
No constable, duke, king or emperor could legally lay their hands on a Knight of Malta for any reason. They could only make
formal complaints to the superior officers of the Order.
This freedom gave the knights great flexibility in openly defying the schemes and machinations of their supernatural opponents:
whether they were economic, social or physical actions.
Knights could, and would, go where they liked when they liked. They were not subject to tolls on bridges or ferries. They did not
have to pay for transportation by river barge, unless travelling in large groups.
Even towns under Church Edict -- religious banishment and siege -- were open to the attention of an inquiring knight.
Excommunicated men and women, strictly shunned under Church law, could be spoken to and assisted. The Templars were
even allowed to recruit from among their ranks.
All this has changed with the nationalisation of Europe and the decline of the power of the Church. Now the Knights of Malta
have to rely upon other sources of strength and support. Instead of immunity from the law, knights now have to rely upon
diplomatic immunity to get themselves out of difficult situations. Travel across national borders in Europe has recently been
made easier with the Union, but the Order's own passports are respected enough to allow access without question into most
countries. Commoners no longer fear the horse-mounted knights of the Church, but the international network of relief and
ambulance agencies ensure support is always near to hand. The world has changed, and the Order with it.

The Rule of the Order of St. John

This is the constitution ordained by Blessed Raymond Du Puy 1120-60:
In the name of God, I Raymond Servant of Christ's poor and Warden of the Hospital of Jerusalem, with the counsel of all the
Chapter, both clerical and lay brethren, have established these commandments in the House of the Hospital of Jerusalem..
1. How the brethren should make their profession: Firstly, I ordain that all the brethren, engaging in the service of the poor, should
keep the three things with the aid of God which they have promised to God, that is to say, chastity and obedience, which means
whatever thing is commanded them by their masters, and to live without property of their own: because God will require these
three things of them at the Last Judgement....
2. What the brethren should claim as their due: And let them not claim more as their due than bread and water and raiment,
which things are promised to them. And their clothing should be humble, because Our Lord's poor, whose servants we confess
ourselves to be, go naked. And it is a thing wrong and improper for the servant that he should be proud, and his Lord should be
3. Concerning the conduct of the brethren and the reception of the sick: Moreover this is decreed that their conduct should be
decorous in church, and that their conversation should be appropriate; that is to say, that the clerics, deacons and sub-deacons,
should serve the priest at the alter in white raiment, and if the thing shall be necessary another cleric should render the service,
and there should be a light every day in the church, both by day and by night, and the priest should go in white raiment to visit the
sick, bearing reverently the Body of Our Lord, and the deacon and the sub-deacon, or at least an acolyte should go before,
bearing a lantern with a candle burning, and the sponge with the holy water....

4. How the brethren should go abroad and behave: Moreover, when the brethren shall go to the cities and castles, let them not
go alone but two or three together, and they shall not go there with those whom they would, but with those whom their Master
shall order, and when they shall become there where they would go, let them remain together as united in their conduct as in their
dress. And let nothing be done in their movements which might offend the eyes of anyone, but only that which reveals their
holiness. Moreover, when they shall be in a church or in a house or in any other place where there are women, let them keep
guard over their modesty, and let no women wash their heads or their feet, or make their beds. May Our Lord, who dwells among
his saints, keep guard over them in this matter....
5. How alms should be sought: Also let religious persons, both clerical and lay brethren, go forth to seek alms for the holy poor;
also when they shall seek for a lodging (hostel), let them go to the church or to some suitable person and let them ask of him
their food for charity sake, and let them buy nothing else. But if they should not find anyone who will give them the necessaries,
let them buy by measure one meal only, on which they shall live....
6. Concerning the alms obtained and concerning the produce of the houses: Also let them take neither land nor security from the
alms collected, but let them deliver them up to the Master with an account in writing, and let the Master deliver them up with his
own account in writing to the poor in the hospital; and let the Master receive from all the Obediences the third part of the bread
and wine and of all food, and that which shall be surplus should be added to the alms, and let him hand it over in Jerusalem to
the poor with his own account in writing....
7. Who and in what manner they should go abroad to preach: And let not any of the brethren, of whatever Obedience they may
be, go to preach or to make collections, except only those whom the Chapter and the Master of the Church shall send. And let
those same brethren, who shall go to make collections, be received in whatever Obedience they shall come, and let them
receive such food as the brethren have ordained among themselves, and let them demand no other thing. Also let them carry
with them a light, and in whatever house they shall be lodged (herbergie), let them cause the light to burn before them....
8. Concerning the clothing and food of the brethren: Furthermore also we forbid the brethren to wear at any time brightly coloured
cloth (dras ysambruns ne galembruns) or furs of animals (pennes sauvages) or fustian. Also let them not eat more than twice in
the day, and let them eat no meat on Wednesdays or .Saturdays, or from Septuagesima until Easter, except those who are sick
or feeble; and let them never lie down naked, but clothed in shirts or linen or wool, or in other similar garments....
9. Concerning fornication: But if any of the brethren, and may such a thing never happen, through sinful passion shall fall into
fornication, if he shall sin in secret, let him do his penance in secret, and let him impose upon himself suitable penance; and if it
shall be well known and proved absolutely for certain, then in that town in which he shall have committed the sin, on the Sunday
after Mass, when the people shall have left the church, let him be severely beaten and flogged with hard rods (verges) or leather
thongs (corroies) in the sight of all by his Master or by other brethren commanded by the Master, and let him be expelled out of
all our company: and after wards if Our Lord shall enlighten the heart of that man, and he shall return to the House of the Poor,
and shall confess himself to be guilty and a sinner and the transgressor against the law of God, and shall promise amendment,
he should be received and for a whole year should be treated as a stranger, and the brethren should observe during this period
of time whether he be satisfactory, and afterwards let them do as shall seem good to them..
10. Concerning brethren quarrelling and striking one another: Also if any brother dispute with another brother, and the Procurator
of the House shall have heard the complaint, the penance should be as follows: he shall fast for seven days, the Wednesday and
the Friday on bread and water, and he shall eat seated on the ground without table and without napkin (toaille). And if the brother
shall strike another brother he shall fast for forty days. And if he shall depart from the House, or the Master under whose authority
he shall be, wilfully an without the leave of his Master, and afterwards he shall return, he shall eat for forty days seated on the
ground, and shall fast on Wednesdays and Fridays on bread and water; and for as long a time as he has been absent, let him
be treated as a stranger, unless by chance the time should have been so long that the Chapter should think proper to modify it....
11. Concerning silence of the brethren: Also at table, as the Apostle says, let each one eat his bread in silence, and let him not
drink after Compline. Also let the brethren keep silence in their beds.
12. Concerning brethren misbehaving: And if any brother shall not conduct himself well, and shall be admonished and corrected
by his Master or by other brethren twice or three times, and if, at the instigation of the Devil, he will not amend his ways not obey,
he should be sent to us on foot with a written report of his sin; and always a small allowance (procuration) should be given to him
sufficient to enable him to come to us, and we will correct him; and also no brother should strike the sergeants subject to him for
any fault or sin they may commit, but let the Master of the House and the brethren exact vengeance in the presence of all; but
always let the sentence (justice) of the House be maintained completely.
13. Concerning brethren found with private property: And if any of the brethren have made a disposition of private property at his
death, he shall have concealed it from his Master, and afterwards it shall be found upon him, let that money be tied round his
neck, and let him be led naked through the Hospital of Jerusalem, or through the other houses where he dwells, and let him be
beaten severely by another brother and do penance for forty days, and he shall fast on Wednesdays and Fridays on bread and
14. What office should be celebrated for the deceased brethren: Moreover we command that this statue should be made, which
is most necessary for us all, and we ordain it in commanding that for all the brethren who die in your Obedience thirty Masses
should be chanted for the soul of each; and at the first Mass each of the brethren, who shall be present, shall offer one candle
with one Denier. Which Deniers, as many as there shall be, should be given to the poor for God's sake; and the priest who shall
chant the Masses, if he be not of the House, should have provision in the Obedience on those days; and on completion of the
office, the Master should render charity to the said priest, and let all the garments of the deceased brother be given to the poor;
also let the brother priests, who shall sing the Masses, pray for his soul to Our Lord Jesus Christ, and let each of the clerics chant
the Psalter, and each of the lay brothers 150 paternosters. And also concerning all other sins and matters and complaints let

them judge and decide in Chapter with righteous judgement...

15. How the things here detailed are to be firmly maintained: All these things we command and ordain in the Name of Almighty
God, and of the Blessed Mary, and of the Blessed St. John, and of the poor, that these same things should be kept with the
utmost strictness...
16. How our lords the sick should be received and served: And in that Obedience in which the Master and the Chapter of the
Hospital shall permit, when the sick man shall come there, let him be received thus, let him partake of the Holy Sacrament, first
having confessed his sins to the priest, and afterwards let him be carried to bed, and there as if he were a Lord, each day
before the brethren to eat, let him be refreshed with food charitably according to the ability of the House; also on every Sunday
let the Epistle and the Gospel be chanted in that House, and let the House be sprinkled with holy water at the procession. Also if
any of the brethren, who hold Obedience in different lands, coming to any secular person offering allegiance and giving him the
money of the poor, in order that those persons should cause the said brethren to prevail by force against the Master, let such
brethren be cast out of all the company..
17. How brethren may correct brethren: Also if two or more brethren shall be together, and one of them shall conduct himself
outrageously be evil living, the other of the brethren should not denounce him to the people nor to the Prior, but first let him
chastise him by himself, and if he would not be chastised, let him join with himself two or three brethren to chastise him. And if he
should amend his ways, they should rejoice at it; but if he be not willing to amend his ways, then let him write down the guilt of the
brother, and let him send it to the Master privately, and according at the Master and the Chapter shall order let it be done
concerning him...
18. Concerning accusations: Let no brother accuse another brother unless he be well able to prove it; and if he shall accuse him
and be unable to prove it, he is no true brother...
19. That the brethren bear on their breasts the sign of the cross: Also let all the brethren of all the Obediences, who now and
henceforward shall offer themselves to God and to the Holy Hospital of Jerusalem, bear on their breasts the cross, on their
cassocks (chapes) and on their mantles, to the honour of God and the Holy Cross that God by that banner (gonfanon), and
through faith and works and obedienc, may guard and defend us in soul and in body, with all our Christian benefactors from the
power of the Devil in this world and the next. Amen..

The Customs of the Order

By the chapter -- General of 1177 In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.. These are the
customs which should be observed in the House of the Hospital of Jerusalem..
1. The first morning Mass should not be begun before it is day, nor should the Commander of any house order the priest to chant
mass. And no priest should chant mass twice in a day, unless by chance the body of the dead person be there, and then in this
manner, first should be chanted the mass for the day, if it be a Sunday or a day of Festival, and afterwards should be chanted
that for the dead, if a body be present there. And everywhere where a deceased (brother) of the hospital shall be buried, the day
of his death should be written in the calendar. And for thirty days masses should be chanted for his soul. And when the Trental
shall be completed, the day the anniversary should always be celebrated for his soul, and when the church where the Trental
shall be celebrated has three priests, one should celebrate the Trental, and the other two chant the masses for the day.
And if two priests only be there where the Trental should be celebrated, the service should be shared between them, and the
gratuity. And when there shall be there no more than one priest, they shall obtain another a stranger to celebrate the service of
the Trental.
2. And when it shall be celebrated, one besant and a new shirt and breeches, according to the custom of the House, should be
given to him. And if it be impossible to find a stranger priest and the priest of the house be without the company of another
priest, the Trental should be celebrated in this manner, that is to say that every day he should chant for the dead except on
Sundays and days of solemn festival; and then afterwards he should make the commemoration and remembrance for the
brother that is departed. But when the thirty days shall be passed, and after the number of days on which commemoration should
be made only for the soul of the brother shall be fulfilled by the Trental, and there should be given to the priest the charity
aforesaid. And if by chance these thing should happen in Lent in the houses where there shall be no more than one priest, let it
be postponed until after Easter, and then let celebration be made for the soul of the brother without delay.
3. And let the brethren always take care to have a light in the church, and let the chalice for administration be of silver, and the
censor of silver.
4. And it is commanded that the bodies of pilgrims or of other Christians, who shall die after the Hour of Vespers, should be left
until the next day; and in the Hospital, where they shall have died, let them not lie upon their biers without a light. And the next day
before Prime they should be carried to the church, and after Mass should be buried; the biers of the dead should be like those
that are in Jerusalem.
5. The bodies of the brethren should be watched in the church, and the clerics should be around them chanting their psalms, and
the tapers should be lighted. Of the charity that is given to the priests for the Trental the house should retain nothing; but for the
Trentals of strangers the brethren should retain the half. 6. For the public and private masses the priests should have nothing for
themselves, except so much as the brethren should wish to give them of their own free will.
7. Of the payments from confessions the sixth part should be given to the priests and the clerics, not by contract but of grace; but

in casales where there shall be no burgesses, and no one except one priest, the arrangements aforesaid shall be at the
discretion of the Commander of the house, and the gratuity of the clerics he shall give as shall seem good to him.
8. Of the wills and legacies, which shall be made to vicars up to one besant, the half should be given to them; but the legacies
and wills, which shall be left to the Hospital , when they shall be paid over, the brethren should receive them without deduction.

The Eight-Pointed Cross

An eight-pointed white enamelled cross is the badge of the Order, with the extremity of each arm indented by two points. The
arms are narrow where they meet and gradually expand. The four arms represent the four cardinal Virtues:
The eight points of the Maltese cross symbolise the eight Beatitudes:
Blessed are the poor in spirit. . .
Blessed are they that mourn. . .
Blessed are the meek. . .
Blessed are the righteous. . .
Blessed are the merciful. . .
Blessed are the pure in heart. . .
Blessed are the peacemakers. . .
Blessed are the persecuted. . .
And also the eight Tongues (divisions, language districts) of the Order: Aragon, Castile, England, France, Germany, Italy,
Province, Spain. It is a white cross reminiscent of knightly purity.
Solemn vows were made before the cross, and to the person it symbolised, Jesu Christo.
The eight-pointed cross, now commonly known as the Maltese Cross, owes its origin to the Maritime Republic of Amalfi, Italy.
This region the birthplace of some pious merchants who founded the first hospice in Jerusalem in 1048 -- particularly the
founding father of the Hospitallers Brother Gerard du Amalfi.
It has ever since been an emblem of the Knights Hospitaller.
The eight-pointed cross has generally been associated with the Order's monastic work. Knights in combat for much of their
history wore a plain white Latin cross -- initially upon a black background and then on red.
It was not until the 15th and 16th Centuries that the eight-pointed cross came to be emblazoned upon a knight's armour and

High spirits and horse-play were not confined to novices, and one of the major problems of life in Malta for a young Knight
was finding something to do. . . It would be too much to expect five hundred Sir Galahads to survive the temptations of a freeand-easy world.
-- Roderick Cavaliero, The Last of the Crusaders
Novices were usually drawn from the minor nobility of virtually all European nations. However, the only significant requirements
upon application was a lack of Moslem or Jewish background.
For the first 150 years of the Order's existence, the background of members was deemed irrelevant. Nobility was considered a
merit of the spirit, not of birth. Knights, novices and sergeants all wore the same black robes. While the title knight was still
granted only to those of knightly heritage, the sergeants held equal rights in terms of rank, powers and privileges. It was not until
the late 13th century that the Order began to adopt the strong pressures and limitations of nobility -- as the Templars had done
right from the very beginning.
A youth who wished to become a Knight of Justice usually had to enroll in the Order when he was at least 16, but he had to start
his novitiate before his 20th birthday.
From the late 13th century the Hospitallers required proof of nobility: "Four quarters" of high blood was often the standard set.
This meant the noble birth of both the paternal and maternal grandparents. The application of this rule varied with the Tongue
involved. In all cases, each candidate's application was closely scrutinised. The local priory established a committee of four
knights and sergeants to examine the documents, call witnesses and to visit the candidate's family, friends and associates. The
"proofs" were then sent to Malta, and re-examined by the head of each "Tongue" followed by a recruitment council.
It was finally submitted before the Venerable Council of the Order for final approval. Copies of the acceptance document were
forwarded to the Holy See for papal consideration.

Only the Pope could grant special dispensation for applicants found to be of insufficiently noble blood for the status of
knighthood. While not a rare occurrence, this was uncommon enough for it not to be seen as an easy option.
A novitiate was usually spent in a communal house in Jerusalem, Rhodes or Malta. Novices were under the command of the
Master of Novices, always a Knight Grand Cross, and two other knights.
Exercise at swordsmanship, sabering and musketry were required three days a week. Riding and sailing were frequent
additions to the course.
The rest of a novice's time was spent studying the Rule and the Gospels, assigned to assist knights and squires, or observing
the procedures of the Grand Council or other governing bodies.
Once possessing suitable skills, the novice would be assigned to a "caravan" (tour of duty) with the Order's navy. This would
often take two years, interspaced with duty in the Order's hospital.
Once the novitiate was over, the applicant would be assigned to his Tongue of origin and returned -- or assigned -- to a Priory.
After a further six months, if all reports were favourable, the local Knight Commander or Grand Prior would accept the novice's
vows. This ancient ceremony was usually carried out in the Priory church in front of a gathering of all local knights and sergeants.
Novices were generally treated well within the Order. It was recognised that these were the children and grand children of the
Order's patrons. Food was good. Lodgings were good. Even holidays and free time were allowed. As many noble sons often
failed to achieve knighthood, or were simply there to receive one of the best educations in Europe, looking back upon a novitiate
with nostalgic enjoyment was beneficial to the Order on many levels.
Eventually the increasing freedoms conferred upon the novices would contribute toward the downfall of the Order. They were
youthful, energetic and susceptible to the temptations of the world. The Camarilla knew this, and sent the Amazons to exploit this
one unavoidable weakness
A limited number of boys, generally a hundred, were allowed to enter the Order at birth. These could be the children of nobles, or
foundlings left at the doorsteps of any Hospital of St. John.
These children were "fostered" to relatives of the Order's officers during their youngest years, and were given an allowance to
pay for access to exclusive public schools. They were raised as nobles, being taught all the intricacies of courtesy, politics and
church doctrine before being sent on to Malta at age twelve
The best performing of these boys -- and those from the poorest families -- would be chosen to become one of the Grand
Master's 12 pages. These pages waited upon the Master at meals and acted as messengers and "gofers" during the
afternoons. All continued their formal education, at the Grand Master's expense, from senior knights and private tutors. At 15 the
page was allowed to return to his family or foster family for up to a year. During this time he was expected to "digest" his
experiences and training, and expected to make the decision about becoming a committed knight. Those who rejected the
calling could not get away that easily: they were required to become affiliates of the Order until they had paid-back their
education expenses.
Once these boys turned 16, they immediately became Knights of the Order. Initially they were given the probationary term of one
year, acting in the capacity of Squires. Later, they were required to wait until their 18th birthday before becoming fully professed
All pages, squires and novices were billeted in their own separate communal house, presided over by a Knight Grand Cross
and two other senior knights. Their time was passed, or should have been passed, in religious services and communal prayers.
They were exercised three days a week at swordsmanship, sabering and musketry. Regular boating sessions were also held,
teaching vital skills of rope-handling and rudimentary navigation.

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For
all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
1 John 2:15-17
The candidate presents himself in smart formal dress to the gathered Chapter of knights and sergeants. A conventional church
service is conducted where the applicant is absolved of his sins by a knight assigned to receive him.
The candidate would carry a lighted candle to represent Charity. This would be held throughout mass, at the end of which he
would receive communion.
Once mass was given, the candle was taken away and the candidate and his knight-sponsor would approach the altar where the
priest would sprinkle the sword to be awarded to the new knight with holy water.
Once the sword had been blessed the priest would turn and hand the sword to the candidate with the words:
"Receive this sword; its brightness stands for faith, its point for hope, its guard for charity. Use it well.

Take the sword in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, and use it to defend yourself and the Holy Church of God
and to confound the enemies of the Cross of Christ and of the Christian Faith, and never to hurt anyone unjustly with it."
The knight sponsoring would take the sword from the priest and turn to the candidate, reminding him of the seriousness of his
vows before asking four questions with theological implications far beyond their words:
Are you already a member of any religious order?
Are you married?
Do you owe money? Are you an unredeemed slave?
The answers were solemn undertakings to defend the Church even at the risk of his own life and to help and defend at all times
widows, children, orphans and all people in distress.
The candidate then made the following promise:
"I vow to God, to Saint Mary, to St. John the Baptist, to render henceforth, and for ever, by the grace of God, a true obedience to
the Superior which it pleases Him to give me and who will be the choice of our Religion, to live without property and to guard my
The candidate was handed the unsheathed sword by the knight-sponsor as a symbol of fulfiling these undertakings. The sword
was sheathed as the sponsor girded the candidate with the sword's belt as a reminder of the vow of chastity.
Kneeling in front of the sponsor, the candidate would unsheathe his sword and return it to the knight. The sword was used to
touch the novice's shoulders three times while he was exhorted to fulfil his promises. The newly dubbed knight then waved the
sword aloft three times as a challenge to the enemies of the Church.
The sword's blade was then wiped on the candidate's left sleeve as a sign that he carried a clean sword (and conscience). Thus
the candidate was consecrated to the defence of the Church. The receiving knight then exhorts the applicant to flee from all vices
and the exercise the four cardinal virtues. Prudence, Justice, Fortitude and Temperance.
Two fellow knights would then approach with golden spurs, which they place upon the heels of their new companion. He was
reminded these spurs were meant to stimulate him in the exercise of Christian virtues, to honour God by his actions, and to show
the world that he spurned all worldly things. This is why golden items were placed at his feet. The sponsor then took up a black
mantle with the eight-pointed cross held outward: "Do you believe that this is the Holy Cross upon which Jesus Christ was
secured and died for the redemption of our sins? This is the sign of our Order which we command you always to wear.
The black gown reminds us of our vow of obedience, while the white cross signifies our lifelong duty to carrying the cross of our
Lord on our heart, so that by our right hand we may defend the holy emblem and all it stood for: eight beatitudes symbolised by
the eight points of the cross, the four cardinal virtues, and the death and resurrection of our Lord."
The new knight kissed the cross and the knightly mantle was then place across his shoulders, the cross covering his heart. He
was then warned:
"If ever in fighting for Jesus Christ against the enemies of the Faith he should turn his back and abandon the standard of the
cross to take flight in a war so just, he will be despoiled of the Holy Sign as a prevaricator and cut off from the Order like a rotten
and gangrenous limb."
The mantle was then secured around his neck.
"Receive the yoke of the Lord because it is sweet and light, under which you will find repose for your soul. We promise you only
bread and water, and no delicacies, and a modest habit of no price."
Finally a long stole with various symbols of Christ's passion was handed to the knight with the advice that it should act as a
reminder of Christ's suffering.
"This is a sign of the yoke that you must bear in patience and charity as benefits a worth member of our Order. Such a yoke
should be a sweet burden, rewarding you with grace in this world and eternal glory in the one to come."
Finally the knight-commander would lead the new brother-knight to the steps of the alter where the priest would read Psalms 47
and 132, ending the ceremony with a blessing of all those present.
This simple ceremony was a final commitment. It could only be dissolved by death, papal dispensation or disgrace.

Saints Among Us
"A servant of the gentlemen that are poor or sick and a person devoted to the defence of the Catholic faith."
-- Hospitaller rite of passage
The Hospitallers took great pride in considering the founder of their Order, Hugh de Amalfi, as a Saint.
St. Hugh of Genoa was the epitome of what a good knight of the Hospital was supposed to be. He was a mystic noted for his

sense of asceticism. He always slept at the hospital near the sick, performing the humblest duties such as washing patients or
laying out corpses. However, to have attained the rank of Commander of Genoa, Fra Hugh must have seen plenty of fighting.
Saint Gerland de Pologne proved that a brother knight's good qualities were not confined to nursing. The diplomat and
Commander of Calatagirona had the unenviable task of representing the Master of St. John at the excommunicated Emperor
Frederick's court. St. Gerland quickly developed a legendary reputation as "father to the Sicilian poor" and was famed for his
gifted ability of mending broken friendships.
Another saint to emerge from the Order of the Hospital was Fra Gerard Mercati, who died in 1241. His took his position as a
serving brother -- or chaplain -- of the Order to great lengths. Many sick and poor considered him to be their "guardian angel",
always there to lend whatever support was needed.
Even the sisters of the Order produced a Saint. Her name was Ubaldesca, and like St. Gerland, was best noted for her ability to
make friends out of anyone and mediate any crisis.

The Order was governed by old men. That was, as well as being a weakness, also a strength, for despite its exclusive caste
there were men of devotion and capacity who graduated to positions of trust through service at war and ten years statutory
residence in Malta.
-- Roderick Cavaliero, The Last of the Crusaders
Membership of the Order was divided into three main grades namely: Knights of Justice who were aristocrats from all over
Europe. They wore the eight pointed white cross on a black background (now know as the Maltese Cross) on their chest. The
second grade was that of the Conventual Chaplains who, although not necessarily of noble lineage, had still to be of
"respectable origins." They worked in the hospitals, the churches, in the galleys and as clerks.
The third grade was that of Sergeants at Arms. They served as soldiers and nurses and were recruited from the common
people. While not noble, a Sergeant held the right to wear the distinctive eight-pointed cross, enjoyed a vote in the Councils and
was eligible for promotion to very senior rank.
The Knights were further grouped into langues or "tongues" -- loosely defined regions based on language rather than geopolitical boundaries. These were Provence, Auvergne, France, Aragon, Castile, Italy, Germany and England. During the 16th C
after the Reformation, the English arm ceased to exist as an effective force, as only a few Knights stayed on, disobeying their
Protestant King. However a joint tongue of England and Bavaria was instituted in 1784.
The Order was governed by a Grand Master who was elected by a council for life. All the members of the Order owed allegiance
only to him, and he in turn owed allegiance only to the Pope. He also had absolute authority -- though tempered by a series of
committees and councils.
Sergeant-at-arms could be considered as squires to the knights in their duties and functions, or as almost-knights who fought on
foot rather than horseback. They shared most of the privileges of a knight and wore a very similar uniform. The only difference
was in the embellishments on the collar holding the white cross about their necks. Sergeants could earn the spurs of a full knight
through valourous deeds and personal merits. Even as a sergeant they could end up commanding large estates and bodies of
men. They had the right to vote in the councils of their Tongue, and to a more limited extent the higher councils and election of a
Grand Master.
A Knight of Justice was the title awarded to a fully initiated member of the Order of St. John. It represented the individuals total
commitment to the Order, through undertaking the vows of Poverty, Obedience and Chastity. These were the true Knights of
Christ. Other knightly ranks were conferred by the Order, such as Knights of Grace, but these were mostly honourary titles.
The "Grand Cross" was a mark of a knight's seniority, mainly gained through years of service. However, outstanding feats of
valour or other noteworthy performance was often rewarded with the granting of this desirable status. It was an honourific that
gave the bearer the right to attend, or be selected for, most of the higher bodies of power that executed the Order's law and
The Bailiffs (Knights Captain) were the highest dignitaries of the Order. Originally the Bailiffs were the heads of the priories of
the Holy Land, with Grand Priors being the heads of the European estates. After the fall of Outremer, the title was maintained for
those belonging to the Order's highest ranks. In all there were 22 Bailiffs, and 22 Grand Priors. All Bailiffs (who held the Grand
Cross) could sit on the Sacred Council. But the most important Bailiffs were the heads of the eight Tongues. They were given the
additional title of Pilier.
The Pilier (Preceptor) was always a Bailiff Grand Cross. Each was the head of their particular Tongue, and there were always
eight of them. They were usually old men by the time they were appointed through seniority to this position but they were
allocated a younger Lieutenant to assist with the workload. Each of the eight positions of Pilier had a specific role associated
with it: The Pilier of Italy was the Grand Admiral. The Pilier of France was the Grand Hospitaller. The Pilier of Provence was the
Grand Commander and President of the Treasury. The Pilier of Auvergne was the Grand Marshal, the senior military
commander of the Order. The Pilier of Castile was the Grand Chancellor, responsible for documentation and the seals. The
Pilier of Aragon was the Grand Conservator, responsible for charities and daily expenditure. The Pilier of Germany was the
Grand Bailiff, in charge of the fortresses and lookouts. The Pilier of England was the Grand Turcopilier, in charge of all
mercenaries and affiliates of the Order.

The Grand Master held power in two capacities: Firstly as head of a religious order and as prince of a papal state -- Malta.
Secondly, he was a feudal prince of a sovereign nation, equal to the princes of any European kingdom.
However, the pope held absolute spiritual dominion over the Order and had to approve every decision that affected it.
Grand Masters held office for life, and when one died another had to be elected within three days.
This limit restricted selection of a replacement to those knights on the island: a deliberate ploy to ensure a committed knight
would gain the position instead of political intriguists sitting pretty in their European commanderies. But political intrigue could
not be avoided: the "death watch" often dragged on for years, with hopefuls checking daily on the Grand Master's health.
Every voter in the election of a new Grand Master had to be at least 18 years old and have had completed three caravans (tours
of duty).
A Grand Lieutenant was elected by the Sacred Council once the Grand Master became unable to continue his duties. This
lieutenant could not take part in the election of a new Grand Master.
Each of the eight Tongues elected three Knights Grand Cross by secret ballot to represent their concerns on the elective body.
The 24 representatives then nominated a President of the Election who presided over the election process -- but was put out of
the running himself. At this point the Grand Lieutenant was required to stand down.
A triumvirate of one knight, one sergeant and one chaplain was then elected. This group of three chose a fourth member, and
the quadrumvirate then selected a fifth . . . and so on until there were eight members of this committee -- one from each Tongue.
This committee of eight then chose another eight, this time from the ranks of sergeants and knights not of Grand-Cross rank.
The final body comprised 11 knights, two chaplains and three sergeants. The President of the Election chaired their meetings
and held the casting vote.
This body had to choose a new Grand Master before the end of the third day. This complicated process proved virtually immune
to bribery, corruption and vote-rigging.
The Grand Master was the single-most powerful man within the Order but he was not a dictator. His activities were limited to the
powers granted to him by the Rule and the various governing councils of the day. His word was final, unless in the case of a
dispute between him and one of his Piliers or Bailiffs. In this case a special session of the eight Piliers -- called the Sguardio -was summoned to determine who was in the right.
The Grand Master was addressed as Serene Highness and Eminence as he enjoyed a rank within the Church equal o that of a
cardinal deacon. He was given the title Prince of the Empire by the Holy Roman Emperor in 1607. These were not empty
honours: the Order recognised their value in maintaining a prominent standing among the increasingly nationalistic courts of
Europe. Among his other titles were Father of the Poor, and Protector of the Gates of Malta.
The Grand master was given a modest-size palace in the heart of Valetta. He had an entourage of 12 pages to run his errands,
and received a significant allowance to "keep up appearances."
A personal bodyguard of 150 hand-picked knights and sergeants were stationed in and around the palace. His personal staff
included four secretaries, a master of pages, an almoner, four chaplains and an accountant. A Maltese official was also on his
staff, relating news and issues affecting the island's populace. Any number of knights could be seconded to the Grand Masters
The Grand Master wore on ceremonial occasions a long black mantle, full like a cardinals, with an ermine-lined soutane of black
silk emblazoned with the eight-pointed cross. he was girt with a silk cord and a small crip that denoted him the Father of the
Poor, and on his head was placed the fluted, flat-topped biretta that was his distinctive headgear.
The Sguardio was the council of the eight Piliers called to arbitrate and judge in any dispute involving the Grand Master and a
senior officer of the Order.
The Venerable Council was the work-house of the Order's policy and decision-making actions. It was a committee of 16 made
up of a Pilier and one knight from each Tongue: each with a specific role to represent such as treasurer, admiral, surgeon etc.
The Complete Council was made up of the above members of the Venerable Council, along with a further two representatives
from every Tongue and a selection of knights holding the rank Grand Cross. This acted as the highest criminal court before
which all offenders were tried. It could also be called upon to ratify the decisions of the Sacred Council.
The Sacred Council, comprised of every knight with the rank of Grand Cross, was responsible for policy decisions on the
questions of statecraft. It was an unwieldy body, as no member could legally be excluded from any meeting. But this ensured all
issues were fully and fairly discussed before a democratic decision was made.
The Chapter General was the supreme legislative authority in the Order of St. John. It was required to be held every five years,
and all professed knights and sergeants that were able to attend had to do so. This was the only body that was able to amend
the constitution and Rule of the Order. But the day-to-day administration of the Order was conducted by councils: leading these
was the Venerable Council, made up of the Order's most senior knights. Other committees included the Congregation of War (a
war planning council), along with many others.

Women in the Order

Unlike the other Militant Orders, women have always been a part of the Hospitallers. Serving sisters have consistently been
tending the sick from before the time the Order became militant until the present. The presence of women, often associated with
charity work, was a major contributor towards the Order's long-term survival.
Initially present only in the hospital of St. John in Jerusalem, their popularity grew with the fortunes of their Order. The first nursing
sisters in Europe were attached to Hospitaller commanderies, along with the knights and sergeants. Later they were given their
own commanderies where they were cloistered together like other female religious houses.
The first such convent was at Sigena in Aragon, established in 1188. Their most famous was an English convent at Buckland in
Somerset. It was founded by the summoning of all the nursing sisters in England and was also a headquarters of the chaplain
brethren. Such commanderies were given the same status and power as those inhabited and led by knights. They also had the
same responsibilities -- namely forwarding revenues to the Grand Master.
They led a contemplative life, praying for the brethren who fought the infidel. But they also served their local communities, moving
among the poor and providing charity services similar to that offered by the modern Salvation Army. If the Order maintained a
hospital nearby, it was the sisters who provided a continuous presence and experienced support for the visiting doctors.
Initially their habit was red and they wore the white-crossed black robe. Their habit later changed to a rich purple.
Just as the Order's relative acceptance of women in its early history served as an unexpected boon, its modern reluctance to
accept women as equals is becoming a hindrance.
No active Knight, Chaplain or Serving Brother is permitted to be female. However, honourary titles and recognition of
association with the Order are still conveyed through ranks such as the Knights and Dames of Magisterial Grace.
The Order's convents are still in existence, though shrinking just like all other Catholic nunneries. Many of the Order's female
associates have been lost to the Templars, and, increasingly, the Teutones, as the Hospital will not allow them an active role in
the fight against Satan's minions.
While the women associated with the Order cry out against this injustice, the hierarchy appears to be set firm in its position.
The Knights of St. John are not likely to capitulate on the issue until the Pope himself issues the instruction.

Our Lords, The Sick

"For the knight the poor are nothing less than Christ, incarnate in their suffering and in them he takes care of Christ."
-- a chaplain of the Order
Assisting the sick was the raison d'etre of the Order of St. John. It was for this purpose that the monastic order was originally
formed in about 1080, serving in this capacity even before the First Crusade and the capture of Jerusalem by Christian forces in
1099. The knights of St. John were always famous for their hospitals. During the 12th century, the hospital of Jerusalem was
world famous for its size and facilities -- attracting much debate over the validity of some of its medical practices. It was here the
knights learnt from the "heathen" saracens about the basic concepts of hygiene, infection control and contagious disease.
When the knights captured Rhodes in 1309 their first task was to build a new hospital -- even before attending to the walls and
defenses of the city
Similar importance was placed in the hospital of Malta -- considered unmatched in size or facilities in Europe right up until the
early 20th century. It offered 370 partitioned beds and 365 open beds. The average number of patients was usually about 400. In
one year the Order's records show a total number of 153,333 patients being treated. "Tis so broade that twelve en may with
ease walke abreast up the midst of it; and the bedds are on each syd, standing on four yron pillars, with white curtens and
vallands and covering, extremely neate, and kept cleane and sweete."
It was a significant cost to tend all these people for free, but the Order's estate's provided sufficiently. But the value of the service
went beyond treating the sick: the European noble families and general population saw the Hospital as a truly charitous
organisation, willing to go to great expense in order to assist those in need. This probably saved the Hospitallers during the
purges of the early 14th century. The Templars drew no such positive perceptions from their banking enterprises.
Knights and novices of the Order were expected to help as nursesin the hospitals maintained throughout Europe. Each Tongue
had its rotational roster of duty. Even the Grand Master was expected to don the humble costume of a Hospitaller nurse and wait
upon the poorest of the sick.
The Knights Hospitaller were obliged to provide for the sick and wounded of all races, creeds and colours, free of charge. No
sick man was denied treatment, though if he was not of the Catholic faith he was confined to a separate ward. Slaves were
admitted, as were Moslems -- both treated in the same manner as any sick European noble. Sick knights were initially
considered the same as other inpatients, but by the 18th century they were given private rooms separate from the main wards.
The only mark of distinction was the allocation of two sheets to a knight, instead of the usual one. All patients were served with
silver plates and goblets. This served a double purpose: reinforcing the Order's commitment to their "lords the sick", as well as
the way such items showed up any dirty marks -- ensuring a higher degree of hygiene than would be expected from normal clay

The Order's modern-day disaster relief and first-aid work is no new phenomenon. In 1783 the Servants of the Poor lived up to
their reputation when a sudden and cataclysmic earthquake destroyed Messina and Reggio in Calabria. The Grand Master at
once ordered the galleys to sea with the doctors from the hospital, twenty chests of medical supplies and 200 beds and tents.
The knights had to navigate the still-turbulent waters to land on the shattered district of Reggio, but the local bishop, who had
heard the disaster was worse across the straight, sent them on to Messina. There the hillsides were covered with frightened and
homeless people. However, upon hearing of the knight's arrival, the local sheriff curtly refused all offers of help on the grounds
that the King of Naples had amply provided for the sufferers. He received the Hospitaller deputation in a barn with a sumptuous
meal on rich furniture salvaged from the wreck of the town. Outside the famished and half-naked Sicilians crowded around the
door, begging for food. Bailiff de Freson, Knight-General of the Hospitallers, was a bluff Frenchman and he unashamedly bullied
the sheriff for permission to land his surgeons and set up a food kitchen. Once this was achieved, the knights had to drive off a
frenzied crowd of starving men, women and children with the flats of their swords to prevent the whole operation being thrown
into the sea.
The food assistance was quickly consumed, but the tents and medical attendance were greatly appreciated. De Freson sent
word back to Malta for a rushed shipment of grain and biscuits.
The King of Naples, none too favourably disposed towards the Order at that time, was nudged into reluctant gratitude.
A First Hand Account: A most valuable contribution to the research of the early history of the Order of St. John was made by

Berthold Count of Waldstein-Wartenberg's book "Die Vasallen Christi" in 1988. He discovered a report of an unknown
German monk, who he thinks might be identical with John of Wrzburg or Theodericus, in the Bavarian State Library, Munich
(Germany). The author reports, that he had been inside the walls of Jerusalem before the conquest of the Crusaders and that
he himself had been admitted to the Hospital. The charity work which he experienced there was quite a contrast to the worldly
life in the city itself. This encouraged him to write a tract on charity, which contains an elaborate description of the nursing
care of the Order of St. John. He did not want to bother the doctors and nurses with the many questions a reporter usually
asks. Therefore he just wrote down what he observed, which makes his report even more valuable. The reporter is obviously
not able to distinguish between knights and serving brothers and he also mixes up their titles. He probably has not known the
statutes either, although his report is in going with the prescriptions of the hospital regulations, which just reveals, that the
brethren of the Order observed their Rule.
According to him the hospital admitted sick people of all nations, ranks and classes, men and women, Christians and NonChristians. Every sick person, no matter what sex or religion he or she belonged to, was considered a neighbour of Christ,
who had to be admitted and nursed. The Hospital is called the "Palace of the Sick" and consequently belongs to them. For
the sick the best was just good enough. Therefore the hospital may also have employed oriental doctors, which encouraged
the local people even more to come to the Hospital for treatment.
If sick people could not come to the hospital by their own means, the serving brothers of the hospital went to their home and
transported them carefully to the hospital. There was even a kind of ambulance service, which accompanied the crusaders
on their way. Even full time employed surgeons belonged to that service, who erected tents or canopies on the battle fields,
where the casualties were brought to and even their mounts, which were then used to transport the wounded to the hospital. If
those were not sufficient the brethren had to put their own pack animals to the patients' disposal, thus showing that they only
had lent those from their Lords, the sick, anyway.
As soon as the sick had arrived in the hospital the porter had to receive and treat them like Lords. They were first brought to a
priest, where they could confess their sins and receive as the first food, the "remedy of heavenly medicine", i.e. Holy
Communion. (This practise the Order had adopted from the Medical School of Salerno). Thereafter the sick were brought to
the ward.
The Hospital was divided into eleven wards, which were obviously segregated according to the kind of sickness or injury of
the patients. One ward had between 90 and 180 beds. Every ward was catered for by a special nursing team consisting of
twelve nurses who were subject to a master. The women's ward, mainly serving as a maternity ward, was situated in a
separate building. Waldstein-Wartenberg (Vasallen Christi) assumes it may have been situated in the western wing of the
hospital adjacent to the Maria Latina Maior Convent. The nurses there may originally have belonged to St. Magdalene's
Convent and later have become nuns of the Order of St. John.
The beds were big and covered with a bedspread and a linen sheet and feather cushions, so that the sick did neither "have to
suffer from the roughness of the shaggy blankets nor through the hardness of the bed". The private clothing of the sick was
secured in sealed bags and they were provided with coats, furs and shoes, so that they neither had to suffer from the
coldness of the marble floor nor that they would make themselves dirty.
The nurses had to prepare the beds, to straighten the blankets and to loosen the cushions. They had to be of assistance to
the sick in every respect, to cover them, to set them up and to support them in walking. Their hands were washed and dried
with a towel as often as necessary. When it was time for meals a "tablecloth" was put on top of their beds. Bread was
distributed in special baskets. Every sick person got his own loaf of bread, to avoid giving an unequal share. To intensify the
appetite of the sick, even the sort of bread was changed frequently, so that no aversion would develop. The food for the sick
was usually prepared in the monastery kitchen, where they cooked beef and mutton on Tuesdays and Thursdays, whereas
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays flummery was cooked. The members of the Order, knights, serving brothers
and sisters served the food to the sick and got afterwards exactly the same food. The nurses had to watch that the food was
well prepared and of good quality. When the quality of the food was poor or the sick did not have a good appetite, the nurses

had to make a note of that fact and they had to see to it that the patients got supplementary food like chicken, doves,
partridges, lamb, bucks, at times also eggs or fish. The nursing staff had to buy regularly pomegranates, pears, plums,
chestnuts, almonds, grapes, dried figs and vegetables like lettuce, chicory, turnips, parsley, celery, cucumber, pumpkin,
sweet melons etc. The treasury of the Order provided every ward with a budget of 20 to 30 Solidi per week for such additional
food. The doctors of the hospital prescribed which patients had to get a special diet. Generally forbidden for all patients were
beans, lintels, sea-onions, moray eels, meat from mother pigs, every smoked meat, biltong or fat meat or innards.
Certain Brethren had the special task to wash the head and trim the beard of every patient. They had to wash the feet and
clean the soles with a pumice stone every Monday and Thursday. They had to go through all the wards during food
distribution and sprinkle everybody with water and apply incense. This was done by burning Thyrus wood, the so-called
oriental tree of life. This general oriental custom was supposed to disinfect, but chased away the insects in any case.
"Because doctors have learnt a lot and have practical knowledge," our reporter concludes, "the community of the Order
entrusts the practical healing to the experience of science, that the sick might not be deprived from what is possible to man."
The number and knowledge of learned European doctors was not very considerable. Therefore Jews, Arabs, Armenians and
Syrians were recruited as doctors. The doctors visited the wards every morning and evening. They were accompanied by two
nurses. One of them had to get the medicines, the other one had to hold the urinal (urine analysis played a central role in
medical examination in those days) and write down the prescriptions.
The hospital employed also barbers (village quacks), which were recommended by the doctors. It was their task to bleed the
patients according to the prescriptions of the doctors. {The medieval conception of patho-physiology ascribed many sickness
to an imbalance of what they considered the four body liquids, blood (Latin: sanguis), phlegm (Greek: flegma [phlegma]), bile
(Greek: [chole] means also anger and rage) and black bile (Greek: melaina chole [melaina chole]), which had its effect even
in the mood of a person. If there was too much blood, the person is sanguine; too much phlegm makes him phlegmatic; too
much bile causes one to be choleric and too much black bile makes a melancholic. To interfere with such an imbalance, e.g.
through bleeding somebody was considered a necessary medical treatment.}.
To the very surprise of the contemporary witness, terminally ill patients were nursed with the same care as those who had a
good prognosis.
At dusk the day shift ended and two brothers per ward took over night shift. The brothers had to light three to four lamps in the
ward "in order to prevent the sick from illusions, errors and dubiousness." One of the brothers had to go round with a candle in
the left and a wine jar in the right hand and call out dearly to them: "You Lords, wine from God." Whoever wanted to drink had
to be served. The other brother did the same with a jug of water calling out: "You Lords, water from God." When all had
quenched their thirst, both came with a copper full of warm water calling: "Warm water, in God's name." It was their task to
wash the sick and they used to do it "without force, but mild persuasion". Afterwards they just had to walk around in the ward
continuously to watch even those sick who were asleep. Those who were uncovered had to be covered, who was lying
uncomfortably, had to be repositioned. In case of necessity the priest had to be called and the deceased had to be removed.
Our reporter does not mention that the priests had to pray daily after dark with the patients. In a prayer text from the 12 century
the "Lords Sick" were asked to pray for peace, the fruits of the earth, the pope, the cardinals, the patriarch of Jerusalem, the
delegates, archbishops and bishops, for the Master of the Order and the Holy Land, the brothers of the Order, the kings of
England etc., for all pilgrims, benefactors, the prisoners of war in the hands of the Saracens, for the Sick, the donates and the
Sisters, who work in the hospital, for the spiritual and financial supporters, and finally for their own parents. It seems strange,
that the sick were asked to pray, but they were believed to be closer to Christ and therefore their prayers were considered
more effective. After the brothers had prayed the nocturne, all brothers on night duty met to form a procession by candlelight.
Together they proceeded through all wards and could notice "if one of the wardens was careless or disorderly or even
antagonistic to this task." Afterwards they elected a brother from among themselves, who had to supervise them. This brother
continuously walked through all wards and kept an eye on the guards, that nobody fell asleep, was careless or even behaved
improperly when nursing the sick. If he discovered any mistake in the care, he amended this mistake immediately, but he
was entitled to sentence the careless guard with flagellation, which was executed on the following day. Such severe
punishment was imposed on those who maltreated the sick in words and deeds. Who did so repeatedly was immediately
suspended from service and replaced by another brother. The evildoer was sentenced by the Hospitaller or his deputy, who
had jurisdiction over all nursing and medical staff, to imprisonment of 40 days at water and bread.
Our reporter also mentions a hospital for women, which is situated in a separate building. His description is quite short,
presumably he had no access to the department. He calls the nurses "Mothers of St. John" and nuns. They are most
probably Nuns of the Order of St. John evolving from St. Magdalene's Convent. The female hospital was mainly a maternity
ward. The delivering mothers got warm baths and all what they needed for their body hygiene. The commissioner of the
hospital provides napkins for the newly born children which were laid into a cradle next to their mother. There was only an
exception made, if the mother was poor, very ill or negligent with the infant because of her "stepmotherly harshness." In such
cases the child was passed on to a wet nurse. As soon as the mother's condition had improved, the child was returned not
later than a fortnight after birth. If the mother was not in a position to raise her child because of poverty, the master of the
hospital visited her and arranged the transfer of the child to a foster mother. That happened quite often, as our reporter writes,
with about up to one thousand children who had to be supported by the hospital at the yearly cost of twelve talents each.

The Inquisition

The fate of the Templars was the single greatest victory ever for the enemies of Christendom. Its significance is largely through
the manner in which this victory was achieved -- by turning the Church upon itself.
In what appeared to be one deft stroke, the Inquisition fell upon the Templars like starving dogs -- ripping its pious respectability
to shreds.
The Hospitallers themselves fell victim to this insidious campaign to destroy the Templars. The demonic whispers that had set
the two Orders against each other so often in the Holy Land bore rich fruit once King Philip The Fair brought allegations against
the Templars in 1307. The Hospitallers became suspicious that such events were pending, but did nothing to warn their Templar
Instead, the Knights of St. John immediately set about convincing pope Clement V that they were the most worthy recipient of the
Templar's lands and riches -- even before the guilty verdict was reached.
Many have considered the true motivations behind this move. Was the Order corrupted by greed? Had its key posts been
infiltrated so as to prevent any serious move to aid the Templars? Or was it simply a recognition that the Hospital was equally
vulnerable to political attack and that it needed to keep its head down until a new base could be established on Rhodes?
Despite later attempts to attack the reputation of the Hospitallers in a similar manner to that of the Templars, the Order stood
safe and firm. For the Hospitallers had always been much closer to the community than other Militant Orders. Its hospitals still
treated the sick, with its knights serving in the wards. The Order did not seem as aloof as the Templars because it was less strict
about noble entry at this time. It also held a strong reputation among the women of Europe because of its nursing sisters.
This relative humility saved the Order from destruction for another 400 years. But the lessons of the Templars were quickly
forgotten. Eventually the Hospitallers fell afoul of the same pride and avarice. The demonic vices of greed, lechery and
arrogance took their toll. By the time Napoleon arrived in 1798 the Order had no discipline left to mount an effective resistance.
The Knights of St. John had been destroyed from within long before the first shots were fired.

Hospitaller: Knights of St. John (Part 2)

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to
stand against the wiles of the Devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against
the rulers of the darkness of this world, against supernatural wickedness in high places."
-- Ephesians 6: 10-12

A supplement for For Church Knight: the Cainite Crusade otherwise known as Militia Christi
Written and compiled by Jamie Seidel October 1996

Chapter Three: Modern Knights of St. John

The Orders of St. John The Knights Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem survive to this day; their only rivals, the Order of
Teutonic Knights, had succumbed to enforced inanition long before the Hospitallers ceased to be a force in European
-- Roderick Cavaliero, The Last of the Crusaders
The the major Orders based in Outremer were the Order of the Hospital of St. John (the Hospitallers), the Order of the Temple of
Solomon (the Templars), and the Teutonic Knights. Of these three, only the Hospitallers have survived relatively intact to the
present day.
But even this Order was fractured and changed by the numerous wars that spread across Europe and the division of the
There are five modern Orders which are recognised as being direct successors to the medieval Hospitallers.
It was largely the Order's unique internal structure that permitted this survival. Each knight was assigned to a Tongue with its own
commander known as a Pilier. These Tongues were just that: groups of knights speaking the same language.
With the turmoil of the Reformation gripping Europe, many Tongues fractured from the Catholic core in Rome to adopt new
forms of Christianity. Among other places, this happened in England under the Anglican Church, and Germany under the
Lutheran Church.
While the Sovereign Military Order originally did not recognise the validity of these break-away Tongues (or Langues), the past
century has seen increasing conciliation between the "loose fragments" of the Order that has led to an of informal unity. The five
Orders recognised as having valid connections to the original Knights of St. John are:
The Sovereign Military Order of Malta
The Most Venerable Order of St. John
The Johanniter Order (Bailiwick of Brandenburg)
The Johanniter Order (Netherlands)
The Johanniter Order (Sweden)
The last four of these are collectively known as the Alliance Orders. There are also about twenty very small Orders of St. John,
most of which claim descent from the former Russian Orthodox Grand Priory. These are bogus or 'self-styled' orders and are not
recognised by the five orders listed above nor by the International Commission on Orders and Decorations.

The Modern Militant Order

All five Orders contribute members towards those knights initiated in the ways of fighting the enemies of mankind. While the
thrust of each religion may vary, all militant knights must follow the same Rule and vow. The differences in belief often associated
with the various Orders are permitted for worship. But the Militant Order's methods and operations are not open to dispute. Thus
while the Most Venerable Order is prepared to admit women to its highest ranks, it cannot yet force the Militant Order to accept
women as active knights.
These conditions have largely been accepted, with very few knights leaving because of conflicts of faith.
The Militant Order's senior hierarchy must also come from the Sovereign Military Order, though representatives of each Order
are allowed positions of power on the Militant body's councils.
However, a topic of currently heated discussion is the establishment of a completely independent Militant arm, dominated by no

individual Order.

The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta
Monks booted and spurred, carrying swords. Diplomats and doctors wearing black cowls with large eight-pointed white crosses
on their chest and shoulder. Much about the Order of St. John seems strange and out-of-place. This Order alone preserves the
mystique of rank and birth in a world which finds aristocracy not merely alien, but incomprehensible. It is not merely an imitation
of the emergency service the Red Cross. It is an ancient and religious gathering of noblemen committed to doing God's work on
The Revived Order The French Revolution marked the beginning of a new era for the Order. In 1792 the estates of the Order
within France were confiscated. This confiscation was extended to their estates in other parts of Europe as French conquests
advanced. In 1798, Bonaparte captured Malta with outrageous ease and expelled the Order. Some knights who had found
refuge in St. Petersburg proclaimed the married, non-Catholic and non-knight Czar Paul I as their Grand-Master, and most
surviving priories (except in Spain) acknowledged the election (1798) against the Pope's wishes. The Czar even created an
Orthodox priory in 1799, and bestowed membership most liberally. He died assassinated in 1801. His successor Alexander I
declined to assume the grand-mastership and instead turned to the Pope to name a new grand-master. Pius VII appointed
Giovanni Tommasi in 1803, and the Grand-Master reformed the Convent (the heart of the order) in Messina. On his death in
1805, a new Grand Master was elected but the Pope refused to recognize him, and the Mastership fell into a 70-year hiatus, the
Order being governed instead by elected lieutenants. In the next years, various attempts at reestablishing territorial sovereignty
failed. In 1814, contrary to expectations, Malta remained in British hands and the Order settled in Catania. Various plans to
settle in Elba or Greece floundered. Relations between the Lieutenancy in Messina (and from 1826 in Ferrara) and the knights in
France and Spain were severed. Remnants of the Order were finally offered a home by the Pope in the old Maltese embassy at
Rome in 1831. Starting in the 1860s a number of national associations sprang up in various European countries, replacing the
old system of Langues, and in 1879 the Pope appointed the existing Lieutenant as Grand Master. Good relations were
maintained with the Italian government which accorded extra-territoriality to the Palazzo Malta, and finally signed a treaty
modelled on the Lateran Treaty in 1930. It was in the period between 1798 and 1961 that the Order thus acquired its present
character. In particular, forms of membership which did not require solemn vows or even proofs of nobility were created or vastly
extended: knights of honor and devotion, conventual chaplains ad honorem, knights of magistral grace and donats. Among
professed knights, a series of three ranks was created: knight, commander, and bailli-grand-cross. In the category of knights of
honor and devotion, a rank of honorary bailli-grand-cross was created, as well as a rank of grand-cross among the knights of
magistral grace. Membership grew as follows:
1880 1900 1921 1932 1949
-ProfessedKnights of Justice
99 84 55 65 63
Conventual Chaplains
18 13 7
Chaplains of Obedience 43 138 37 15 6
Donats of Justice
11 16 9
-Non ProfessedKnights of Honor
969 1078 1175 1563 1883
Dames of Honor
119 111 155 196 272
Knights of Magistral Grace. 23 37 95 444 1500
78 111 294 308 1090
Honorary chaplains
16 58 150
1363 1597 1843 2658 4979
The growth in Knights of Magistral Grace and Donats (the ranks which do not require nobility) is particularly striking. As a result,
in 1961 the total membership stood at 7557, of which less than 1% were professed. The present status and organization of the
order dates from 1961.
Among its other activities, the headquarters in Rome runs the AIOM, an international campaign against hunger, misery, sickness
and ignorance. This organisation regularly sends medical stores to many Third World countries as well as provides special help
to Portugal and Poland.
The Order is also in the forefront of the struggle against leprosy, with an emphasis on rehabilitation. Other missions include
pilgrimages to Lourdes; an institute of hospital study and research; and a School of Paediatrics.
Each of the national associations of the Order organises charitable activities within its region. The work of these associations,
including those in Germany (where the Malteser-Hilfsdienst has over 66,000 active workers), Austria, Brazil, Great Britain,
France, Switzerland, Ireland, Italy and the east coast of the United States, is focussed on first aid, medical facilities, and the fight
against poverty.
Most sponsor modern hospitals and all provide retirement and nursing homes for the ill and aged.
The Sovereign Order is currently expanding and widening its influence. While essentially suffering an "aimless" existence since
Malta was taken by Napoleon in 1798, the Order is re-emerging in places such as the United Kingdom and Poland. Led for the
first time in its history by an English Grand Master (equivalent to Cardinal), his grasp of modern diplomacy and a willingness to

form consensus with other organisations and institutions have given the Order renewed international standing. The numbers of
Knights, both professed and lay, are on the increase once again. It has taken almost two centuries before this recovery begun,
but it has begun. The Sovereign Militant Order now numbers almost 10,000 members in five Grand Priories, three Bailiwicks
and 37 National Associations in Europe and the Americas. When combined with the affiliated Orders of St. John, membership
approaches 100,000.
Because it is a Sovereign entity, the Order of St. John is subject to international law and is governed in accordance to its own
code of laws.
The Order has been an internationally recognized sovereign entity since the Verona Convention of 1820, although without
territorial basis. Three of its possessions, the Palazzo Malta (The Order's Headquarters in Rome), via Condotti (Rome) and the
Villa Malta, also in Rome, enjoy extra-territorial status in Italy since 1869. It also owns The fortress Sant'Angelo in Malta since
1991. It mints coins, which do not circulate, but it also prints stamps accepted by 45 national post offices. The Order enjoys
recognition from, and diplomatic relations with, 67 countries (including Spain, Italy, Russia, Austria, Egypt, Brazil), has legations
in 6 countries (including France, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland), and is an observer at the UN since 1994.
But it is sovereignty that allows the Order to pursue its religious and charitable missions on a world-wide scale. The dedication
to aiding the sick, leprous, emigrants, refugees and exiles, abandoned children and the destitute, those stricken by natural
disasters and war casualties allows members of the Order to enter almost any nation unquestioned.
The Sovereign Militant Order exchanges ambassadors with more than 40 countries, issues its own passports and has
internationally recognised laws.
Traditionally the Sovereign Order has been based on knightly nobility, with one of the conditions of entry being proof of up to 16
quarterings (a traceable noble heritage on both sides of the family of 400 to 600 years).
Today its membership is open to all devout Catholics of proven commitment and worth through the introduction of several new
classes of knight.
The members of the Order are divided into various classes. The brothers of the first class are professed religious, in terms of
canon law, as members of a monastic Order of the Church.
The vast majority of the members (about 10,000) are in the second and third classes. These are laymen who in other orders
would be called confratres or tertiaries. They are grouped in six grand priories, three sub-priories, and thirty-six national
The Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order, whose present constitution dates from June 24, 1961, consists of three distinct
entities or categories. The knightly classes are:
1. A Religious Order: its members, Knights of Justice and Conventual Chaplains, once they have made solemn vows, are
called professed. They are headed by an elected Grand Master and the Sovereign Council. There are currently 38 Knights
of Justice, with 16 quarters of nobility, recruited from the Knights of Obedience and the Knights of Honour and Devotion.
Among the Knights of Justice one finds Knights Commanders and Knights Grand Cross. The heads of the Langues were
called Baillis.
2. A Religious Institute of Laymen: its members, the Knights of Obedience and Donats of Justice, have promised obedience
to their superiors, and submit to religious exercises prescribed by them. This category was created in 1960, and
membership is limited to 500. Some members are in the Sovereign Council.
3. An International Order of Chivalry: the Grand Master confers knighthoods to mostly Catholic men and women around the
world. There are over 10,000 knights and dames, grouped in 39 national associations. There are three categories, each
with ranks of knights, commanders, grand-cross and bailli. They are, in decreasing order of nobiliary requirement:
1. Honour and Devotion
2. Grace and Devotion (created in 1959)
3. Magistral Grace, non-nobles; comprises 60% of the total membership of 11,500 in the order.
There are also similar ranks for chaplains:
1. Conventual Chaplains ad honorem
2. Magistral Chaplains (or of Magistral Obedience, or Grace)
3. Donats of Devotion (3 classes)
First Class:
Knights of Justice Professed (have taken full vows): Knights completely devoted to monastic life within the Order.
Professed Conventual Chaplains: Priests from the gentry that have taken full vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.
Ad Honorum (lay brothers): Brothers who have taken monastic vows to serve the Order. At one time this included those
considered to be Sergeants -- non-noble knights.
Second Class:
Knights of Obedience: Bound to the Order through vows of Obedience to their superior officers and the hierarchy of the
Order. Their vows are temporary as they can be lifted by the Order. Open to married men.

Order. Their vows are temporary as they can be lifted by the Order. Open to married men.
Donats of Justice: Secular nobility and Knights who serve the Order and have vowed to obey its officers. They have no
rights, but their knightly privileges are recognised. Entitled to wear a half-cross. Are allowed to marry.
Third Class:
Knights and Dames of Honour and Devotion: Catholic members of noble families that are avowed members of the Order,
without vows of Poverty or Chastity.
Knights and Dames of Grace and Devotion: Catholic members of the Order who are nominated by the Pope or other high
ranking church officials who must take vows of Obedience.
Knights and Dames of Magistral Grace: Members without proof of nobility . They have vowed to serve the Order and
receive some of its privileges.
Donats of Devotion: Unavowed associates and employees of the Order that help conduct its business. Can wear a halfcross.

Rank Structure
Knights Grand Cross:
Grand Master
Knights Pilier:
Grand Chancellor
Grand Conservator
Grand Commander
Grand Admiral
Grand Bailiff
Grand Priors (provincial commander)
Capitular Bailiffs (provincial representatives)
Knights Small Cross
Knight Commander (estate commander)
Knight Commissioners
Knight Castellan
Knight Captains (naval)
Knight Lieutenant

Awards of Chivalry
There are also Orders of Merit, with both military and civilian application, which recognise affiliates with the Sovereign Order.
They do not imply a profession of faith or membership of the Order.
The Cross of Malta pro merito melitensi for services to the Order's charitable works. This decoration has three ranks: Collar (for
heads of state), Cross (including Grand-Cross, Grand-Officer, Commander, Office and Cross of Merit), and Cross pro piis
meritis for members of the clergy (including Grand-Cross and Cross). The insignia of the decoration is a white cross moline with
a red roundle in its center bearing a white Maltese cross.
The Collar (for heads of state)
The Cross (with swords for military awards)
Grand Cross of Merit
Grand Officer
Cross of Merit
The Grand Cross (for clergy)
The Cross of Pious Merit
The "Metal" Cross (conduct awards)
The Gold Cross
The Silver Cross
The Bronze Cross

Hierarchy of the Order

The Grand Master and the bailiffs who govern the 10,000 knights, dames and chaplains are mostly knights of Justice -noblemen who take vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience.
These knights of Justice continue to be the core of the Order. They number about 40 and follow their profession in Rome and

Valetta. Some of these Knights form part of the "Invisible Order", which consists of about 100 knights actively pursuing the
Cainite Crusade.
The Order is governed by the Grand-Master and the Sovereign Council, which includes members ex officio and elected
members. The Order's four oficers are the Grand-Commander, the Grand-Chancellor, the Hospitaller and the Receiver of the
Common Treasury.
The 78th Grand Master of the Order of St. John is the first Englishman to hold this rank in 7 centuries. Elected in 1988, he is a
descendant of Sir Edward Bellingham, Knight of Malta and last Commander of Dinmore in Herefordshire from 1530 to 1540.
His election received great attention in Italy, and he earned the popular title of "papa crociato" -- the Crusade Pope. In 1993 the
Grand Priory of England was restored and shares its headquarters in St. John Gate, Clerkenwell, with the Most Venerable Order
of St. John. This indicates the growing numbers of full knights in the Order: a good sign for the future.

Badge and Arms of Office

The badge of the Order consists of a white-enamelled eight-pointed cross quartered by the fleur-de-lys and surmounted by a
crown. It is suspended from a shield bearing a Latin cross at its centre.
The star (large medallion on the lower left chest) is a white enamelled eight-pointed cross suspended by a ribbon of black silk.
The badge and star vary for the Orders of Merit to signify their loose association with the Sovereign Order, mainly through the
use of a large white Latin Cross as backdrop to the Maltese cross, crimson silk and bordering white stripes.
A military trophy of flags and arms are reserved for knights of Justice and knights of Honour and Devotion. Knights of Grace
replace this with a gold bow.

Heraldry of the Order

The arms of the Order are Gules a cross argent. The full arms show the shield surrounded by a chaplet and placed over a cross
of Malta, all within a mantle and surmounted by a closed crown. In 1776, when the (religious) order of Saint-Antoine in France
was united with Malta, a double-headed eagle displayed holding in each beak a Tau was added behind the shield; the eagle
had been granted to Saint-Antoine by Maximilian I. The eagle appears on 18th century coins from Malta, but disappeared in the
19th century. The Grand-Master (a title which replaced Master in the late 15th century) adopted a ducal coronet in 1581. In 1741,
the Grand-Master for the first time used a closed crown over his arms. Grand-Masters quarter their arms with those of the order
(Gules a cross argent) since the 14th century. They have added a ducal coronet to their arms in 1581, and a closed crown in
1741. Since the 18th century, they have also added a princely mantle behind their arms. Two Grand Masters who were made
cardinals, Pierre d'Aubusson and Hughes Loubens de Verdalle, also displayed the cardinal's hat over their arms.
The insignia comes in four varieties:
1. A white Maltese cross surmounted by a closed crown and above it by a trophy of armour and flags with an escutcheon of
the Order in the center; for Knights of Justice, Obedience and Honour and Devotion
2. A white Maltese cross surmounted by a closed crown and above it an escutcheon of the Order with an antique helmet and
two swords per saltire above it; for Knights of Grace and Devotion
3. A white Maltese cross surmounted by a closed crown and above it a golden tie with an escutcheon of the Order in the
middle: for Knights of Magistral Grace, Donats of Justice, Chaplains ad honorem, Donats of Devotion 1st class
4. A white Maltese cross surmounted by a closed crown: for Chaplains of Magistral Grace, Donats of Devotion 2d and 3d
Only the professed members (and perhaps the Knights and Chaplains of Obedience as well) are entitled to place a cross of
Malta behind their arms. Knights Commanders also surround their shield with the chaplet from which hangs their insignia. Baillis
quarter their arms with those of the order. Professed Chaplains surround their shield with a chaplet from which hangs their
insignia. Professed knights have the full cross hanging from a black ribbon. The non-professed categories of knights have their
insignia hanging from a black ribbon (with no cross behind the shield), but Knights Grand-Cross or Bailiffs within each class
edge the ribbon with gold and add a chief with the arms of the Order (chef de la religion) to their coat.

The uniform of a modern knight of Magistral Grace comprises a military-style jacket of red cloth with cuffs, lapels and a collar of
black velvet. It is closed in front by 12 buttons embossed with the cross of the Order. The trousers are black and long with golden
braid and red stripes on the sides. The belt is embroidered with gold lace. The shoulder lapels are fringed. A cocked hat and
spurs complete the uniform. The cowl is a light woollen tunic with white silk cuffs and the Cross of the Order embroidered in front.
A Knight Grand Cross of Magistral Grace is defined by gold embroidered cuffs, lapels and collar.
Knights of Honour and Devotion have the same uniform and gold variations as a Grand Cross, though they have different
patterns embroidered on the facings of the cuffs, lapels and collar. The mantle for all knights is a long black cloak reaching
below the knee, with silk lapels, velvet collar and a gold chain fastening in the middle. The Cross of the Order is embroidered in
red and white yarn on the left side.
Knights of Justice wear the same uniform, though with white trim and facings to represent the purity of their vows.

First Class members can wear their red uniform and a black choir mantel with a solid white cross on the shoulder. Those not in
vows wear black habits with a white cross in outline on their breast.

The Most Venerable Order of St. John

The Grand Priory in the British Realm of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem (generally known as
The Order of St. John) came into existence in 1831 as a result of initiatives taken by some French Knights of Malta, who
intended to set up a non-Catholic priory in England, along the lines of the Bailiwick of Brandenburg and of a short-lived Russian
Orthodox Grand Priory. The French knights' activities were disowned by the Grand Magistery in Rome, but the English priory
remained in being and attracted the support of the royal family. Its headquarters are in London, and its Sovereign Head is HM
Queen Elizabeth II. It has six priories, two commanderies, and forty St. John Councils throughout the English-speaking world;
there is also a St. John Society in the United States of America. It manages two foundations: the St. John Ophthalmic Hospital in
Jerusalem, and St. John Ambulance Service in about fifty countries throughout the Commonwealth. The latter provides
ambulance units -- there are about 60,000 members of the Ambulance Brigade in England alone -- and training in first aid.
Through a joint committee with the Red Cross it is active on behalf of disabled servicemen.
The Membership The six classes of the Order are:

Bailiff Grand Cross, Dame Grand Cross

Knight of Justice, Knight of Grace, Dame of Justice, Dame of Grace, Sub-Prelate, Chaplain
Commander Brother, Commander Sister
Officer Brother, Officer Sister, Sub-Chaplain
Serving Brother, Serving Sister
Esquire, Donat

The "proof" for the rank of Justice within the Second Class is either paternal nobility or the right to bear a properly recorded
coat-of-arms. The only practical difference between the two ranks is that a Knight or Dame of Justice can nominate two personal
esquires whereas the Knights or Dames of Grace can only nominate one such esquire. Bailiffs and Knights of Justice and
Grace receive the accolade but membership of the Order does not confer any rank, title or precedence. Post-nominal letters
signifying membership should only be used for correspondence within the Order.
The Most Venerable Order is the only one of the Orders of St. John which does not have a sectarian restriction on membership;
it is open to any suitable candidate professing one of the major Christian denominations. British subjects, Dominion subjects,
citizens of the Republics of Ireland and South Africa who are Christians become full members of the Order, non-Christians
admitted to the Order and all other non-British or non-Dominion subjects are admitted as Associates. These were the same
decorations as full members although until recently their ribbon was differenced by a central white stripe. Promotions in the
Order are made primarily on the basis of service, with the vast majority of the membership (other than in the United States)
being admitted as serving-brother or sister. If a member has distinguished himself or herself towards the Order, promotion to the
rank of officer brother or sister may follow after one year or to a higher rank when the nominee is appointed to an important
executive responsibility, although in most cases it takes four to ten years. Promotion to the rank of commander may follow for an
average of one third of the officers, and takes from four to ten years -- recently the time between promotions has been extended.
Particularly distinguished and prominent members, and those who have served the Order outstandingly for many years, may be
promoted to knight or dame; however this honour is given to only five percent of the membership (twenty percent in the United
States). Occasionally members are admitted in the higher grades, particularly following appointment to a high office from the
Crown, such as Lords Lieutenant who become County Presidents and Lieutenant-Governors in Canada; however senior
members of the armed forces and other public officials are normally admitted in a serving grade.

The Government of the Order

The Order is governed by the Grand Prior, who is appointed by the Sovereign Head after consultation with the Grand Prior's
Advisory Council and holds office during the Sovereign's pleasure or until his resignation. Under the Grand Prior are the Great
Officers (the Lord Prior, the Bailiff of Egle, the Chancellor and the Prelate), the Council and the Chapter General. The principal
Officers of the Order are: Grand Prior, Lord Prior, Chancellor, Bailiff of Egle, Prelate, Hospitaller, Secretary-General, ReceiverGeneral, Chief Commander (St. John Ambulance), Almoner, Prior of Scotland, Prior of Wales, Commander of Ards.
The Headquarters of the Order are situated at St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, London.

St. John Ambulance

St. John Ambulance is an amalgamation of the St. John Ambulance Association and the St. John Ambulance Brigade. The
Association was formed in 1877 to provide training in first aid and home nursing not only to members of the Brigade but also the
police, fire service, railways, industry and schools. In 1989, for example, 185,000 people were taught basic or advance first aid
in Britain and hundreds of thousands more overseas, while 54,000 British school children earned certificates in basic first aid.
The formal foundation of the St. John Ambulance Brigade dates from 1887. It grew from an earlier voluntary ambulance service
provided in the mining and pottery districts of Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Staffordshire. Today there are approximately
300,000 members world-wide, serving as volunteers and providing medical and emergency services at public occasions,
sporting events and natural disasters and accidents. The recently formed junior cadet organisation (the Badgers) is the fastest
growing youth group in Great Britain. The Brigade is the largest volunteer ambulance organisation in the world and, although it
does receive government subsidies in some countries (Canada, for example, where it provides a nationwide ambulance

service), it is still largely supported by private donations.

St. John Ophthalmic Hospital in Jerusalem

The Ophthalmic Hospital was founded in 1882 on a site provided by grant of the Turkish Sultan and within a decade it had
become so well-established that patients came from across the Middle East. With the outbreak of the First World War the
Turkish authorities closed the Hospital, confiscating all its equipment and supplies and then, in 1917, destroying it with
explosives shortly before General Allenby captured the city. The Hospital moved twice over the following half-century, its present
building being opened in 1960 thanks to the generosity of members of the Order and some of the leading oil companies.
The Hospital mainly serves the Palestinians living in the territories illegally occupied by Israeli forces and who are not entitled to
receive Israeli free medical or hospital aid. With eighty beds it performs more than 50,000 out-patient procedures and nearly
6,000 major operations per annum (excluding much of the eye-lid surgery), as well as sending regular mobile clinics into the
West Bank and Gaza Strip and engaging in important research work into diabetes related blindness. While the majority of
operations are for trachoma and its side-effects, recently a substantial number have been related to injuries incurred during the
Intifada, often to small children and the elderly. The annual expenditure (1989) to run the Hospital comes to almost $3,500,000 (a
fraction of what it would cost to run a comparable hospital in Britain or the US) and support of the Hospital is the principal
charitable object of the American Society; however subsidies from the Jordanian Government and the United Nations agency for
Palestinian refugees (UNWRA) are essential. Although the staff of the Hospital in Jerusalem are paid, it could not function
without the dedication of both doctors and nurses. The Hospitaller, who is responsible for its administration and well-being, is
one of the most important of the executive officers of the Order. The commitments of the Hospital in Jerusalem are increasing
annually, mainly due to greater demands on its services made by the unfortunate Palestinians. The difficulties which the staff of
the Hospital encounter in carrying out their humanitarian responsibilities cannot be underestimated. The government of Israel
has chosen to impose many bureaucratic regulations and financial charges and has imposed an import tax in excess of 100%
on donated eyes for corneal grafts as well as other medical supplies, ambulances and motor vehicles (although these are all
gifts to the Hospital). Despite the impediments imposed by the Israelis and the atmosphere of hatred which still pervades much
of the area in which the Hospital operates, the Order is determined to maintain this essential service to the poor and sick of
every religious denomination in the holiest city of Christendom.

The American Society of St. John

At the end of 1990 the American Society had over 600 members, of whom 66 were knights (4 of Justice) and 56 were dames.
The grade of serving brother and serving sister has not been introduced in the United States. The membership of the Order
extends across the country and in informally divided into two groups, one based in New York and the other in San Francisco.
Most of the members have some British connection and the vast majority are Episcopalians, although there are both Roman
Catholic and Presbyterian members among the other Christian denominations represented. No direct activities have yet been
organised by the Society, whose principal object is to raise funds for the Ophthalmic Hospital in Jerusalem. Membership is not
merely a passive honour, however, but involves a direct personal commitment to the ideals represented by nine centuries of the
Order's history and an obligation to support the Society's charitable endeavours. The Society is registered as a non-profit
organisation for Federal tax purposes.
The administrative offices of the Society are maintained at the Diocesan House of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine.
In 1995 it was announced that HM The Queen, as Sovereign Head of the Order of St. John, had given her approval for the
American Society of St. John to be elevated to the status of a Priory. This is the first time that a Priory has been created in a
non-Commonwealth country and reflects the importance of the American members to the overall work of the Order.

The Order of St. John in Canada

The Ambulance Brigade of the Order is of great importance in Canada. There are more than 11,000 uniformed Brigade
volunteers and, in the Association, 12,000 non-uniformed volunteers and over 9,000 nationally certified instructors with almost
300 permanently salaried staff members. The Saint John Ambulance Association has been most effective, providing first aid
and cardiopulmonary resuscitation training to more than 460,000 Canadians in one recent year alone.
The Commandery of Canada was established in 1934 and raised to a Priory in 1946; the Governor-General of Canada has
always been the Prior of Canada (although this was not a statutory requirement). Once nomination to membership has been
approved by Chapter-General and the Grand Prior, they receive the royal approval through the Governor-General acting in the
name of the Queen of Canada; the Governor-General then informs Her Majesty that he has performed this act in her name.
Announcements of admissions and promotions are made in the official government publication, the Canadian Gazette.
Executive responsibility for the conduct of affairs of the Priory is delegated by the Prior to the Chancellor, or, on certain
occasions, to one of the executive officers. The Priory has Councils in each of the Provinces, the Northwest Territories and the
National Capital Region.

The Order of St. John in Australia

St. John Ambulance in Australia has a large public following of volunteers, both as paramedic ambulance officers and
attendance staff. Every State has its own branch, and the Order's arms are even incorporated into Government-run ambulance
services. The Order has strong organisational relationships with government medical services. However, there are relatively few
knights of the Order. Most are high-ranking members of St. John Ambulance

The Johanniter Order (Bailiwick of Brandenburg)

The Bailiwick of Brandenburg was originally a province of the medieval Order of St. John, but at the time of the Reformation it
broke away and adopted Protestantism. Die Bailey Brandenburg des Ritterlichen Ordens Sankt Johannis vom Spital zu
Jerusalem was recognised by the crown of Prussia in 1852, and since the fall of the German monarchy it has been recognised
by the Federal German Republic.
Besides seventeen associations in Germany, the Order has four outside (the Finnish, French and Swiss, which are officially
recognised in their respective countries, and the Hungarian in exile). Its headquarters are in Bonn; its head, styled Der
Herrenmeister, is His Royal Highness Prince Wilhelm Karl of Prussia.
The Order runs thirteen hospitals with 3,200 beds in the Federal Republic, together with fourteen old peoples' homes with 1,500
places. It manages the Johanniter-Unfal-Hilfsgemeinschaft with 1,650 participants. It co-operates with the German associations
of the Order of Malta, and it engages in work in Africa as well as in Germany.

Hungarian Knights Hospitaller of the Order of St. John (Johanniter)

The Hungarian Knights' of Jerusalem almshouse was founded in 1135 and their first hospital in Hungary was opened in 1147.
Two hundred years later, at the fatal battle of Muhi in 1241 when Hungary was unable to stop the assault of Djenghiz Khan's
Mongols, the Knights of the Hungarian Tongue saved their king and escorted him to safety on the Adriatic coast.
With the collapse of the Crusader Kingdoms in the early 14th century the Tongue was driven out of the Holy Land.
It established its seat successively on the islands of Cyprus, Rhodes, and finally Malta, and with its fleet became a military power
to be reckoned with. (the island was lost to Napoleon Bonaparte, when the Knights, faithful to their vows not to fight Christian
powers, surrendered to the attacking French in 1798.)
From the parent stem of what is today the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, headquartered in Rome, the Hungarian Order
branched off in the mid-sixteenth century through those Knights who accepted the Reformation of the Church. They grouped
themselves around the historically independent-minded Bailiwick of Brandenburg. The present Order of St. John of the Hospital
at Jerusalem (Johannniter) today has "commanderies" or Associations in Germany, Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, France and
The Order is a relatively small group of 3,000 Knights. (The Hungarian Association numbers a little over 100). Members join it
only by invitation. They must have a firm Christian commitment.
After a period of probation and a formal investiture, they follow a strict discipline of service. The Order in turn sponsors and
directs service organisations which enlist thousands of other people who are also inspired by the ideals of the Order. Allied
"Johanniterorder" are active in Holland and in Sweden. In England, the Grand Priory of the Order of St. John in the British realm
eventually evolved into the Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem, with an Association in the United States. Close links
are maintained with the Roman Catholic branch, the Sovereign Military Order of the Knights of Malta.
Irrespective of their confessions, the orders -- linked in an "Alliance" -- carry forward the same traditions and profess the same
principles, the foremost being "to serve our lords, the sick and the poor."
After World War II, with Hungary in the Soviet orbit, the Hungarian Association of the Order became an "Association in Exile,"
with members settling in all countries of the world, held together by their shared commitment.
It was repatriated to a changed Hungary in 1992. It found the health care system, previously on a par with Western Europe,
reduced to the level of Soviet standards. With limited manpower and means, caring for results rather than recognition, it is
resuming its traditional activities.
Its current objectives are to seek out and sponsor eventually-self-supporting pilot projects directed toward the handicapped and
the infirm, initiate training programs, and provide ongoing support to health-care delivery projects in under-served communities.

The Johanniter Order (Netherlands)

Johanniter Order in Nederland, originally subject to the Bailiwick of Brandenburg, was founded as an independent Order in
Its headquarters are in The Hague, and its head is HRH Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands.
Its foundations include a hospital and homes for elderly disabled people and spastic children. It co-operates with the Dutch
association of the Order of Malta and with the Commandery of Utrecht of the Teutonic Order.

The Johanniter Order (Sweden)

Johanniterorden I Sverige, also once part of the Bailiwick of Brandenburg, was embodied by Royal Charter in 1946. Its
headquarters are in Stockholm , and the High Patron is HM King Carl XVI Gustaf. It supports many Swedish Christian charitable
organisations, particularly those in cities involved in the care of the old and the sick.

Hospitaller: Knights of St. John (Part 3)

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to
stand against the wiles of the Devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against
the rulers of the darkness of this world, against supernatural wickedness in high places."
-- Ephesians 6: 10-12

A supplement for For Church Knight: the Cainite Crusade otherwise known as Militia Christi
Written and compiled by Jamie Seidel October 1996

Chapter Four: The Order through the Ages

Bastion of the Faith
"Perhaps the best preserved and most wholly admirable castle in the world."
-- T. E. Lawrence
In 1142 Count Raymond II of Tripoli donated the great fortress of Qalat al-Hosen to the new Knights of St. John. The Order,
rapidly gaining wealth, spend an enormous sum rebuilding the castle which they renamed Krak des-Chevaliers.
It became known as "the supreme achievement of medieval military architecture" for its massive curtain-walls and bastions. It
contains a cloister, a chapter house, and a magnificent chamber -- possibly the castellan's apartment -- whose delicate ribvaulting recalls the monestaries of high France. The strictly regular design was a wonderment to all nobles and knightly pilgrims:
and they took the idea of regular and concentric plans back to Europe as the prototype for a further 300 years of castle building.
At the centre was a whole castle in itself, with corner towers and a small central courtyard: a plan based on Roman times. The
novelty consisted in surrounding this central bastion with a second line of walls which were a wider and lower replica of the first.
These walls stand on the verge of a precipis that falls on all sides into the Valley of Boquee. Its hilltop position provides a broad
view of all who approach -- giving up to a day warning. The strongest defences were placed on the southern side, as a second
and higher hill faced that direction.
A moat between 25 and 50 feet wide filled the space between the inner and outer walls. While defensive in nature, it was also a
valuable water supply for both the inhabitants and livestock during any siege. Wells in the central courtyard provided most
drinking water, while huge hall-sized ovens were used to bake bread.
What appears to be an insignificant gateway is a lethal ruse. Behind it is Krak's most elaborate defence: an enclosed ramp that
climbs past two hairpin bends to the inner walls. At successive stages were arrow slits, portcullises and rock-fall traps. Intended
to house a fighting force of up to 2000 men, it rarely held more than 300. At full strength, the castle contained about 60 knights, a
similar number of sergeants, and a troop of mercenaries.
In 1271, this great Hospitaller castle -- sadly undergarrisoned -- capitulated due to a ruse by the Mameluk leader Baybars. False
letters and Moslems disguised as envoys convinced the castellan to open the gates. The invaders rushed through. The knights,
on realising their error, retreated to a northern tower where they held out for some considerable time. But Baybars had catapults
set up in the courtyard, and the tower fell into the valley.
This defeat marked the death-knell of the Order in the Holy Land, where it never recovered its strength.

Rhodes: Island Paradise

In 1308 The Hospitallers moved to Rhodes, which they conquered from the Byzantines. There they stayed for 214 years, a
thorn in the Ottoman flank, building themselves a huge, gaunt, fortress-like city, and taking to sea in galleys to become
pirates in Christ and a force of terror and destruction in the Levant.
-- The Last of the Crusaders, Roderick Cavaliero
Rhodes is one of the most beautiful islands in the Mediterranean sea. Sitting only 10 miles south of Turkey, the channel between
the island and Cape Alypo carried a large part of the regions merchant shipping.
Rhodes was well suited for the new tasks of the Knights of St. John. Since being expelled a few years earlier from the Holy Land,
the Order needed a new base from which further Crusades could be launched and raiding missions conducted.
If the knights could no longer meet their foe on the land, they would fight them on the sea. Rhodes was to become the Order's
home for 200 years. The islanders knew the sea as well as their own land, toiling on its waters from the age they were able to
walk. Thus, the inhabitants were among the best sailors of the known world.

The island was about 45 miles long and about 20 miles wide at is widest point. It was rich with olive and carob trees, not to
mention its bountiful vines. The island was covered with fertile plains supporting herds of sheep and cattle. The hills were
covered in pine forests, and the climate was comfortable.
The island's highest point, Mt. Anavaro, was at its heart. From here, Crete could be seen on a clear day and movements on the
Asia Minor mainland observed.
While there were numerous hamlets about the island, there was only one city: Rhodes, at the eastern end. Once one of the seven
wonders of the ancient world had stood above its natural harbour -- a massive bronze figure of the Sun-God Helios.
The Knights of St. John were to fortify the city substantially, using the skills of stonework and masonry acquired and developed in
the Holy Land.
The main harbour was completely enclosed by stone walls and chain barriers, protecting ships from all forms of attack. A natural
rise was the perfect site for a citadel to overlook and defend the surrounding lands.
Grand Master Fulk de Villaret led the Order on its attack on the island. The first landings were made in the summer of 1307. But
by the end of the year only a small portion of the east coast had fallen to them.
By November the fortress of Mount Phileremos had fallen. Legend claims the knights used the same ruse as Ulysses -- hiding
among a flock of sheep wearing sheepskins. It took a further two years for the city of Rhodes to fall -- placing a great drain on the
Order's already weakened resources. In the end, the Order had to mortgage all of the revenues of its European estates for 20
years to raise funds for the invasion.
The resistance proved the city was eminently defensible. Even before it fell, the knights were planning improvements to its walls.
Eventually the island fell through the grace of God, not through the Order's military actions.
A ship of Rhodian reinforcements had been blown off course and captured by Cypriot knights. With their reinforcements gone
and supplies dwindling, the Rhodians accepted the Orders conditions of surrender and opened the gates.
The Rhodians, although defeated, were not hostile. The three years of invasion had caused little bloodshed, and the knights
gave them a great deal of autonomy. The Order had other business to conduct.
Although heavily in debt, Grand Master de Villaret was happy. For the first time since they had been expelled from the Holy Land,
the Order was in possession of a permanent home -- and a pretty and prosperous one at that.
Pope Clement IV confirmed the Order's possession of the island, giving them Sovereign ownership of the land and government.
The Order's first project was the construction of a new hospital in the heart of the city of Rhodes.

Rhodes was surrounded by islets, many upon which the knights built keeps and lookout towers. Rhodes was like an inner
citadel, surrounded by outer bastions and moats. A fortress was also established on the coast of the Turkish mainland as a
means of forward defence and early warning.
The Hospitallers underwent a reorganisation -- though based on its original form. The knights and sergeants were split into
different divisions (Tongues) according to the language they spoke and the regions of Europe from which they came. The head
of these Tongues was known as a Pilier. Together with the Bishop of the Order, the Prior of the Conventual Church, the Bailiffs of
the Convents and the senior Knights Grand Cross, they formed the council to the Grand Master. From among the Piliers were
chosen an Admiral, Hospitaller, Grand Commander and Turcopilier, among other positions.
Novices had to serve a two year probationary period, a year of which must be spent at sea. Upon completion of their
"apprenticeship" they could be sent anywhere in Europe, to one of the many commanderies, or asked to stay on Rhodes.
Each Tongue built its own fortified hostel, or auberges. Common sleeping quarters were only used by knights of low rank or
novices. Most senior knights had their own apartments.
With the abundance of the island's food, the Order's austerity was quickly relaxed. Meat, fish, eggs, cheese, wine and white
bread were part of their staple diet.
The ancient Byzantine fortifications were strengthened and extended. Stocks and provisions taken in, catapults and ballista
prepared. After all, they were a militant order.

About 1342, a battle took place that was to pass into folk legend. It was not a fight against a Moslem enemy.
Instead, a knight from Provence, Dieudonne de Gozon, slew a dragon . . .
A dragon had established its lair in a valley south of the city of Rhodes. In the manner of its kind, it was given to preying upon the
local peasantry -- particularly fair maidens. A number of knights ventured out from time to time to confront this beast, but all had

lost their lives.

The Grand Master ordered that the beast be left alone and that nearby residents should be evacuated.
But de Gozon was determined to free Rhodes of this menace.
He built a model of the creature according to the descriptions of those who had seen it. He then trained his dogs to attack it.
When he felt he knew enough about this creature and that his dogs were suitably trained, Dieudonne ventured forth unto the
He found the dragon in its lair. As the creature fought off the attacking dogs, de Gozon approached and hacked it to death with
his sword.
For his disobedience, de Gozon was expelled from the Order. However, the citizens of Rhodes were outraged that such a
valiant service would be rewarded with punishment. The Grand Master was forced to reinstate him. Ever afterward, de Gozon
was referred to in the Order's records as "the Dragonslayer." He went on to become Grand Master in 1346.
Later historians of the Order determined the dragon to be a were-crocodile from the Nile River. A decade earlier a large number
of Egyptians had died in a flood -- filling the river with their bodies. Crocodiles do not know how to stop eating, and thus can
become bloated far beyond their normal size.
This creature, grown fat on the easy pickings, had begun to wander the Mediterranean to find a source of food rich enough to
sustain it. The sheep of Rhodes would have been the nearest easily available source.

A Most Defendable Fortress

Rhodes was always ready for an attack. A guardship plowed its waters ceaselessly; there was a tall watchtower on Mt. Simi,
and Rhodian merchants knew every rumour circulating in the eastern Mediterranean.
The brethren's seamanship often enabled them to outsail and outfight far larger forces. In 1440 a sultan of Egypt sent a fleet after
the "thieving hounds" of Rhodes. After destroying several villages on outlying islands, the 18 Egyptian galleys attacked the
convent city itself.
As soon as the attacking fleet was sighted, the Marshal of the Order Fra Louis de Saint Sebastien led out the entire Hospitaller
battle-squadron of eight galleys and four armed cargo vessels. Firing his guns and playing martial music, the unexpectedly
aggressive sight so unnerved the Mameluk Egyptians that they ran in close to the shore and tied their boats together. Here they
held-off the brethren until nightfall, when they sought to slip out of the Rhodes archipelago. Fra Louis sailed hard throughout the
night, using the Order's skilled seamanship and local knowledge to intercept the Mameluks.
Again the Egyptians sought the shelter of shore and a shallow cove. Fra Lous had his men-at-arms gathered aboard the lighter
galleys and launched an attack. In the battle that ensued, 700 Mameluks died in exchange for 60 Rhodians.

The Spirit Never Dies

The legend of Rhodes' defiance against the otherwise unstoppable Turkish advance was fed by many examples of heroism and
In 1503 a Turkish corsair called Jamali raided the Island. But strategic outposts of mounted knights forced him to turn his
attention to the outlying island of Leros. This islet-rock only had two knights in its tiny keep -- an elderly, bed-ridden commander
and an 18-year-old probationary brother called Paolo Simeoni. The young knight led a force of five servants in manning the
defences. But the keep's walls began to collapse by nightfall of the first day of the attack.
Next morning, when the infidel awoke, they were astonished to see a large contingent of brethren ready and waiting for them in
the breach. The corsairs hastily set sail.
Fra Paolo had gathered the entire islet's population and dressed them in the red surcoats of the Order stored within the keep's
During the final assaults on Rhodes after the failure of the first truce, the death and despair among the rubble gave rise to
another story of extraordinary defiance. The Order tells the story of an English brother's Greek mistress. The knight had crawled
to her half-destroyed hut to die after receiving mortal wounds at the rubble the knights called a wall. Upon her lover's death, the
woman cut their two children's throats to prevent them from a fate of rape and slavery at the hands of the Turks. She next donned
his armour, took his sword and shield, and went to the walls. It is said she fought valiantly alongside the remaining knights
holding the breach, where she stood against another assault and was killed.
In the summer of 1444 an Egyptian armada landed 18,000 men on Rhodes. They devastated the island before investing the city
and its convent. Fortunately for the Order, a group of reinforcements had just arrived from Burgundy. After six weeks the
Mameluk guns breached the massive curtain-walls and the grand Master, Jean Bonpars de Lastic, realised a general assault
was imminent.

Before dawn on August 24, he assembled his troops silently in the darkness outside the ramparts. The brethren, wearing their
leather coats with metal studs (brigandines) and steel hats and wielding their swords, gathered with their pike-toting Rhodian
sailors and arbalestier-bearing sergeants and mercenaries.
With trumpets braying, kettledrums and cymbals clashing, the formidable little army crashed headlong into the sleeping Mameluk
Despite being vastly outnumbered, it was over quickly. Hundreds were cut-down by the exulting brethren who captured all the
invading force's supplies and siege equipment. The first great siege had ended as a farce.
By 1479 the Turks were so annoyed by the constant harassment of their shipping and coastal towns that Sultan Mehmet II was
determined to settle his accounts.
He had a worthy opponent in Grand Master Pierre d'Aubusson. Remarkable as a soldier, administrator and as a diplomat,
d"Aubusson's greatest gifts were realism and leadership. He combined magnetic appeal with a magnificent appearance. Many
said he was the perfect embodiment of health and chivalry.
As the storm-clouds of preparing Turks gathered on the horizon, Aubusson was only able to muster about 600 brethren with a
further 1500 mercenaries and militia. Civilians were put to work deepening ditches, demolishing buildings close to the city walls,
installing new artillery and laying up stocks of food and ammunition. But the Turks considered the garrison hopelessly
In April, 1480, lookouts on Rhodes sighted the enemy warships. By May 23, about 70,000 men had been landed on the island -supported by 50 galleys.
After pitching camp on the highest point overlooking the city of Rhodes, Mehmet determined the Fort of St. Nicholas on the
promontory flanking the outer harbour was the key to the siege. Once this tower had fallen, the city could not receive any resupply
or reinforcements from the sea.
Three brass "basilisks" -- the period's most modern and powerful artillery -- were positioned opposite the tower to lob it with
marble balls of more than a half-metre diameter.
Shortly after the siege began, the Turk's master-gunner -- a german by the name of Meister Georg -- appeared before the walls
of Rhodes begging for sanctuary and forgiveness. But he was a double agent, sent to determine where the guns would do the
most damage and to spread fear through boasts of the Turkish army's size and power. But Grand Master d'Aubusson had him
Eventually, he was caught attempting to fire messages over the walls attached to arrows. Tried and convicted before the senior
officers of the Order, he was hung for treason. After the Turkish guns had battered a wide breach in the fort's walls, the Turkish
commander, Viser Misac, ordered the first assault.
Turkish galleys sailed in to the port to land troops on both sides of the prominentory. Wading ashore, their feet were impaled on
ships' nails and old knives set in timber and laid on the sea bed by the knight's and Rhodians. Halting in pain and confusion, they
became easy targets for the hand-gunners and arbalestiers on the walls. Others in the breach were decimates by a preprepared cross-fire of batteries before having to face a counter-attack led by the Grand Master. His helmet knocked off by a
cannon ball, Fra Pierre d'Aubusson joked about the improved prospects of promotion for the Order's senior knights before
returning to the fight.
Eventually, the Turkish ships fled before a flotilla of fire-ships sent out by the Order and the thoroughly demoralised assailants of
the wall were called back from the slaughter-house that had been thought to be a breach.
The Turks next tried to build a pontoon between the shore and the Tower of St. Nicholas. But an English sailor for the Order
dived into the sea one night and removed the pontoon's anchor. The Turks awoke to see the pontoon being smashed against
the rocks by the morning tide.
On June 18 an all-out night assault was tried. The Turks attacked all along the mole in a swarm of light craft and a towed
pontoon, supported by galleys which provided naval bombardment. The darkness was lit by a weird glow of naphtha and molten
lead, flickering gunfire and the flames of incendiary ships. Several enemy galleys were set alight and the city's artillery sank at
least four.
The battle raged from midnight until 10am the next morning. It was reported that the Turks lost 2500 men, including the son-inlaw of the Sultan who had led the attack on the fort.
Viser Misac was so depressed by the failed attack that he sat brooding in his tent for three days straight.
The siege was a vicious one. The Grand Master's palace had been demolished by the bombardment -- and the destruction of
the Order's wine cellar upset many knights. The relentless bombardment and the undermining of the wall's foundation by sappers
eventually had the desired effect. The walls began to crumble.
Grand Master d'Aubusson had a ditch dug behind the main wall, and a second wall hastily erected behind it -- made from
demolished dwellings and inns, as well as from timbers of damaged boats. Knight, chaplain and civilian took part in the
desperate work -- led by their Grand Master.
A rain of incendiary arrows and grenades set the city alight. But women and children were organised into rapid-response fire-

brigade teams and were able to keep the flames from spreading.
Old-fashioned catapults were built to supplement the surviving artillery. These catapults, considered museum pieces at the time,
devastated the timber and earth bunkers protecting the Turkish artillery and engineers.
Some Italian Knights despaired at Rhodes prospects. They approached d'Aubusson, begging him to negotiate with the enemy.
The Grand Master offered them a galley to run the blockade if they wished. With a mix of bullying and coaxing, he restored the
Italians' spirit and sent them back to the walls.
Two Turkish "deserters" claimed Mehmet himself was on the way with 100,000 troops. But d'Aubusson did not believe it. The
deserters then tried in turn convince the Italian knight Filelfo to murder the Grand Master. The knight immediately reported the
incident and the garrison lynched the spies before d'Aubusson could have them hauled off to prison.
After six weeks of bombardment the south-east wall was little more than rubble. An envoy was sent to the Hospitallers
congratulating them on a good defence, offering generous terms for surrender. Misac offered the knights their freedom, but as
allies of the Turks. Further resistance would result in their complete annihilation, he said. Grand Master d'Aubusson sent the
envoy back with the answer that attackers could only expect the same reception they had received at the Fort of St. Nicholas,
and that the sultan had an odd way of making friends and allies. Anyway, the brethren were ready for his assault, he claimed.
Misac had the city bombarded non-stop for an entire day and night. A hour before dawn on July 28, scaling parties crept forward
The exhausted garrison was asleep. The guards were easily rushed. The breach and a suburb was easily captured.
But Fra Pierre d'Aubusson's personal example and determination caused the defenders to rally. Despite taking severe wounds,
he led his knights in a successful push to expel the invaders.
Vizer Misac, his standard captured, took little comfort from the news that half the garrison's defenders had died in the attack. He
had lost 3500 killed and 30,000 wounded. News that the Grand Master's own wounds were not fatal proved to be the final straw.
In despair, he gave up and abandoned the island.

A Glorious Defense
The walls of Rhodes lay in ruins, and the Turks held its ramparts. But Grand Master Fra Pierre d'Aubusson was there
Gripping a half-pike, shouting to his brethren that they must save Rhodes or be buried in its ruins, he led an impromptu counterattack.
First on the ladder climbing the now captured wall, he was knocked down by bullet and blade twice. But he climbed back up.
Soon knights and Turks were at each others throats all along the shattered rampart. But the knights were virtually dropping from
Elbowing his way forward in his gilt armour (still preserved by the Order as a relic), followed by three standard bearers and a
handful of brethren, the Grand Master used himself as a human barrier to stem the advancing Turks and as a living banner to
rally the knights behind him.
Misac was so frustrated that he ordered an entire company of his best troops to stop at nothing but to kill d'Aubusson.
The Grand Master went down, wounded in three places. But all the brethren, mercenaries and civilian militia that were left
standing abandoned their posts to rescue him. Before they could reach him, d'Aubusson was down again -- this time with two
terrible wounds including a punctured lung.
The desperate brethren hurled themselves upon the startled Turks. The Turkish soldiers were convinced the glinting armour
reflecting the blood-red rays of the setting sun was a host of vengeful angels sent to administer divine punishment. They broke
and ran. The knights followed -- shouting their old battle-cry St. Jean! St. Jean! -- storming the Vizer's camp and capturing his
The breach was left behind them, unguarded, but quiet -- peaceful.

"Nothing in the world was so well lost as Rhodes"

-- Holy Roman Emperor Charles V
Fra Philippe Villiers de l'Isle Adam, Grand Master of the Hospitallers, learnt in 1521 that the Turks were building a massive
invasion fleet in preparation of invading Rhodes. Villiers immediately set about strengthening his own defenses and calling in the
brethren from all over Europe.
Among those recruited to help defend Rhodes was Gabriele Tadini de Martinengo, the greatest military engineer of his day.
Despite frenzied attempts by Turkish agents to prevent him from arriving, he was so impressed by the Order that he asked to
become a member. He was accepted. Martinengo immediately set about strengthening the defenses -- including many
ingenious devices that could help fill a breach or strengthen a weakened wall.

ingenious devices that could help fill a breach or strengthen a weakened wall.
Despite this preparation, Villiers' forces were only slightly larger than those of d'Aubusson's in the siege 40 years earlier. Villiers
had mustered 500 brethren, 1000 men-at-arms and a small force of local militia. However, the city's fortifications were now much
stronger and its firepower immeasurably superior.
On June 26, 1522, two days after the feast of St. John, the Turkish armada of some 600 vessels was seen approaching the
After leading the citizens of Rhodes in sermon, Villiers rode through the streets in his gilt armour -- inspecting the brethren
standing at attention before their posts. The people of Rhodes were encouraged to see that, once again, the Order's Grand
Master was going to lead the defence from the front.
Contemporaries believed the Turks had amassed a force of 140,000 men and 60,000 labourers. It was led by Suleiman's
brother-in-law, Mustafa Pasha. But the Grand Vizer himself arrived on July 28 to personally oversee the defeat of this ancient
thorn in his empire's side.
The Turks settled down to a steady bombardment of the wall of Aragon on the sea's edge. Engineers swiftly began to dig under
the wall's foundations. But Fra Martinengo had set up drums with little bells and carefully placed bowls of water to detect any
subterranean activity. Once located, he would set the Order's own engineers to dig counter-tunnels to stop the Turkish sappers.
However, one Turkish mine succeeded. A huge explosive charge was set off under the bastion of England and a large portion of
the wall came crashing down -- filling the moat. The Turks immediately attacked and soon captured the breach. By chance
Grand Master Villiers had been leading a service in a nearby church. Seizing his half-pike like d'Aubusson had done almost halfa-century before, he rushed out to see seven horsetail Turkish standards waving from the ruined wall.
Fortunately for Rhodes, the English brothers were valiantly holding an inner barricade established only days earlier by Fra
Brethren came rushing from nearby bastions and followed Villiers and his standard bearer in a crushing counter-attack.
The Turks abandoned their standards and the breach, fleeing before the on-rushing knights. Frustrated, Mustafa Pasha slashed
at his fleeing soldiers with his own sword. The knights mourned the death by mortal wounds of the magisterial standard bearer,
though his precious standard had not been lost. The Turks had lost many men, including 5 sanjak beys (horse-tail banners).
Twice more Mustapha led his men on the badly damaged bastion of England. Thousands of troops swarmed over the
barricades, but the Turcopolier Fra John Buck counter-charged from the rubble. The Turks gave ground, but Mustapha rallied
them about his standard. The Order too received help, this time from the nearby German bastion led by Fra von Waldner.
The Pasha fought like a lion until his own men dragged him away. The Turks losses were high, but so were the garrison's -including Buck and von Waldner.
On September 24 Mustapha decided to risk everything and ordered an all-out assault as the Sultan Suleiman looked on from
the hills. Artillery pounded the walls mercilessly, then from out of the smoke rushed thousands of troops.
But Grand Master Villiers came up to the walls with 200 fresh troops -- hurling back the assault. Suleiman himself was forced to
order the retreat. More than 2000 Turkish corpses were left behind.
Burning with shame, Suleiman ordered his entire army into parade formation to have his brother-in-law Mustapha Pasha shot to
death with arrows. Only after his most senior general begged for Pasha's life did he relent.
After appointing a new general, Ahmed Pasha, Suleiman ordered the siege to continue. Turkish slaves, led by a young slave
girl, revolted and attempted to set fire to the city. But they were caught and executed by the knights.
But most seriously, the servant of the Order's Grand Chancellor was captured trying to shoot messages over the wall to the
Turks. Fra Andrea d'Amaral, who had lost the election to Grand Mastership to Villiers and held a personal grudge against him,
was found guilty of treason. He was formally stripped of his habit, degraded from his vows and then publicly beheaded.
Another disaster occurred when the invaluable Gabriele Martinengo was shot through the eye while attempting to shore-up the
bastion of Aragon during a general assault. Severely wounded, he was out of action for weeks.
The Grand Master moved his headquarters into the crumbling tower and stayed there for five weeks, sleeping on a straw mat
among the rubble.
Reinforcements of 12 knights and 100 men-at-arms ran the blockade to offer some relief.
Once Martinengo was back on his feet, he and the Grand Master appeared everywhere -- urging on their exhausted troops.
For a time it seemed to the knights that their prayers had been answered. Rain had turned the Turkish camp into a sea of mud
and the city was spared attack for several days. Suleiman despaired. He had lost thousands of men to the brethren, and many
more to plague and the cold weather.
A Turkish officer was sent to the walls to offer good terms for surrender, telling the garrison it was doomed. A knight-commander
shouted back: "The brethren of St. John only do business with their swords".

". . . most of our men were slain, we had no powther nor . . . manner of munycone nor vitalles, but all on by brede and water;

we wer as men desperat determyned to dye upon them in the felde rather than be put upon the stakes, for we doubted he
would give us our lyves considering ther wer slain so many of his men . . . "
-- English brother Nicholas Roberts.
After an approach by the civilian mayor of Rhodes and Sulieman's offer for peace, Grand Master Villiers summoned his senior
Though determined to die fighting, Villiers was prepared to accept the majority decision of this council of representative. As
each Bailiff made their report of disastrous losses, it became clear the garrison could not hold out much longer.
"Having seen and considered the great pounding the town has suffered, having seen how large the breach is and how the
enemy's trenches are inside the town to a depth of 100 feet with a breadth of more than 70 feet, having also seen thy have
broken through the wall in two other places, that the greater part of our men-at-arms -- both knights and all others -- are dead or
wounded and supplies exhausted, that mere workmen are taking their place, it is impossible to resist any longer unless some
relief force comes to make the Turk strike camp". Thus stated Fra Gabriel Martinengo who had become the popular de-facto
Grand Marshal of the defence.
The excited debate that followed centred upon the theme "die to the last man or save the people of Rhodes."
Suddenly, the Greek bishop and a delegation of weeping citizens appeared at the doors of the council chambers, begging the
brethren to capitulate.
"Fra Philippe fell downe and allmost ded" recorded Fra Jacques, Bastard of Bourbon. After Villiers recovered, he and the
Bailiffs finally agreed "it would be a thing more agreeable to God to sue for peace and protect the lives of simple people, of
women and children.
A truce was established, but within a week it was broken by the Turks. On December 16 Fra Nicholas Fairfax ran the blockade
with a cargo of wine and 100 Cretian men-at-arms. It was all he could find.
By now the walls and buildings were all rubble, the brethren were living in muddy holes where they attempted to find shelter from
the snow and sleet.
On December 17, the Turks launched another general assault.
Again, the knights somehow managed to hurl them back.
On December 20, Grand Master Villiers asked for a new truce. Suleiman's terms were generous: in return for Rhodes, the
brethren were free to leave with all their goods. The Turks even offered ships.
After Villiers was entertained by Suleiman in his grand pavilion, the Grand Master offered the Sultan the hospitality of the city.
Disdaining an escort, Suleiman accompanied Villiers on a tour of the city and observed the pathetic barricades that had held out
against his troops for so long.
Suleiman was so moved by Villier's courage and ability that he offered him command of the Turkish armies. "A great prince
would be dishonoured by employing such a renegade," Villiers is said to have replied.
On the night of January 1, 1523, a single trumpet sounded the retreat from the highest standing point in the city. To the
amazement of the Turks, the brethren marched out in parade order with burnished armour, banners flying and drums beating.
The knights abandoned their city and their Hospital with the honours of war. Oxen dragged the cart-loads of archives, carularies,
deeds and benefactions to their waiting ships. The Grand Master stepped off Rhodes in full view of the respectful Turks in the
middle of a snowstorm.
Later, Suleiman remarked how sorry he was to make "that fine old man" leave his home.

Malta: Island Fortress

". . under the discipline of the Order that island emerged into fame and opulence; the noble and warlike monks were
renowned by land an sea; and the bulwark of Christendom provoked and repelled the arms of the Turks and Saracens."
-- Edward Gibbon.
Strategically situated at the centre of the Mediterranean, Malta has always attracted the attention of maritime powers. At the
cross-roads of the Mediterranean, the small Maltese archipelago commands the trade routes, not only between east and west,
but between north and south.
Its Grand Harbour and other ancillary harbours and anchorages the finest fleet base in the central Mediterranean -- making it
even more strategically important.
It possesses as a result a wealth of history out of all proportion to its small size.
In A.D. 60, the Apostle Paul was shipwrecked off Malta and the Islands were gradually converted to Christianity. Held by the
Cartheginians, Phonecians, Romans and European monarchs, no power influenced the Maltese as much as the Knights of St.

Cartheginians, Phonecians, Romans and European monarchs, no power influenced the Maltese as much as the Knights of St.
John of Jerusalem.
It was the Knights whom in effect put Malta on the map. It was the knights whom have left, not only their physical marks on Malta,
but their psychological mark on the Maltese.
It was the knights who brought the "Golden Age" upon Malta, and it was the with the Knights that the Maltese were able to throw
back the armies of the Ottoman empire in 1565.
The heroic resistance of the Islands during the Turkish attack of brought the island great fame -- and a reputation that it upheld
during the desperate days of World War II.

The Arrival of the Knights

"Malta is a rock; it is no good for us; it is wholly barren and unfortified." reported the returning scout.
"Don't you see" Valette responded, "The whole island is a natural fortress! We can only improve upon it." At first, the unfertile,
unpromising island at the centre of the Mediterranean was looked upon with disdain by the Knights of St. John. How could it
compare with the lush paradise of their lost island??
It was a small island of 95 square miles with a few pine trees and some fresh water springs. It was unable to feed itself, and it
was far from the homelands of the enemies of Christendom. But it offered a deep water anchorage -- a perfect natural harbour.
The terrain was ideal to defend the waterways from both sea and from land. Fortification was to prove well sighted and effective.
Charles V's offer was the knights only hope. Virtually given the island for the nominal tithe of one Maltese falcon per year, it
provided an opportunity to continue the fight against the Ottomans.

The Great Siege

While the royalty of Europe did not recognise Malta's strategic importance in 1565, Suleiman of the Ottoman Empire did.
Between May and September he spent an estimated 30,000 lives in an attempt to take the island from the recently arrived
Knights of St. John. The Siege was one of the most fierce of history.
The very barrenness that the knights had initially looked upon with such disdain assisted them. The invaders had no shelter and
little clean water. Its isolation also helped -- being far from any source of resupply.
At the beginning of the siege the Order had about 540 knights and sergeants dispersed through its three main fortifications -- St.
Angelo, St. Michaels and Fort St. Elmo. There were also 1000 Spanish foot soldiers and about 3000 Maltese militia.
The army of the ageing Suleiman is estimated as between 30,000 and 40,000 men strong. A further 4000 Iayalars -- Moslem
religious fanatics -- were used as suicide shock-troops. The force was transported to Malta in over 250 ships.
On May 18, 1565, the fleet of the Grande Turke was sighted by watchmen in Fort St. Elmo. A small message boat was
immediately dispatched to Sicily, announcing "The siege has begun. The Turkish fleet numbers 200 vessels. We await your
Within days mounted scouting parties of the Order were establishing the size and nature of the army. No attempt was made to
stop the establishment of a beachhead.
Small forts of St. John closed their gates all around the island. The main harbour -- later to be called Valetta -- was at this time
really only a cluster of forts and fortified peninsulas.
This chain of forts always enabled the Knights to maintain contact with each other and foreign governments. Not all could be
besieged at the same time.
A captured knight of St. John, Adrien de la Riviere, was tortured to reveal the weakest point of the island's defence. Under the
hot iron, he told the Grande Turke to attack the bastion of Castile first -- as it was the most exposed of the defenses.
The Sultan's army attacked -- and hundreds died in a humiliating defeat. The bastion was the most heavily defended because of
its exposed position, and Riviere knew this. The Turkish commanders had him beaten to death.
This embarrassment sowed seeds of discontent between two of the Sultan's principal commanders. Their inability to reach
consent led to poor planning and conduct of attacks. The Fort of St. Elmo, at the head of one of the peninsulas forming Grand
Harbour, was chosen as the main focus of the attack. This left smaller forces to assault the main body of the Knight's in their
fortified towns on the other side of the harbour.
St. Elmo was not expected to hold out for long against the massed firepower of the Turkish cannons. But it did. It lasted 33 days.
In the process, it bought the remaining knights much valuable time.
After St. Elmo fell, the main bulk of the Sultan's army was brought against the Birgu peninsula and the Fort of St. Angelo it
The defence was led by Grand Master La Valette. The Turkish fleet now freely sailed Grand Harbour, harried only by St.
Angelo's guns. The Order's own navy was safely tied up under its walls.

On July 15 an all-out assault was launched on the position, by land and sea. The Turkish boats were snarled and impaled upon
half-sunken snares and stakes. Gunners and arquebusiers opened up a withering fire as the boats approached. Maltese
swimmers upturned boats and fought hand-to-hand at the base of the walls. The attack was routed. A few days later, a force of
Turks attempted to sail under St. Angelo to land troops on the unexposed and weakly defended side of the peninsula. A hidden
battery had been prepared for just such a move and 800 of the Sultan's crack troops were massacred on the water. At dawn on
August 20, Turkish guns opened up on the fortifications for most of the day. When the guns fell silent, the Turks attacked en
masse. For six hours the battle raged and some Turks even managed to establish themselves in a breach of the walls. But a
rallying charge of knights expelled them from their hard-won position.
A second attack swarmed onto the Order's tiring defenders. The outer walls fell, but the advancing Turks found themselves under
a murderous crossfire from well-placed secondary walls and revertments.
The Turkish victory seemed to hang suspended in the air. La Valette had committed all his resources, and had nothing left in
reserve. As the knights slowly gave ground and more Turks massed through the breached walls, a trumpet call rang out. The
Turkish began to retreat!
To the amazement of the defenders who felt sure their last hour had come, the whole Turkish army was seen in full-scale retreat - running toward their base camp. They could thank their brother knights of a small cavalry fort at Mdina. The local Knight
Captain, hearing the massive cannonade in the morning, realised a major assault was in progress. In an attempt to create a
diversion, he led his small band of mounted knights to attack the Turkish base camp. Finding it undefended, they killed most of
the camp's inhabitants (cooks, prostitutes, guards and skilled workmen), set fire to the tents and supply dumps, hamstrung the
horses and burst water barrels. By the time the retreating army arrived, the knights had disappeared back to Mdina.
The Turkish cannon assault soon continued. La Valette had the bridges between the bastions blown up. He knew the next
assault would be the last.
On August 18 a mine exploded underneath the main bastion of the defensive wall - opening a breach through which the Turks
were already pouring.
The Grand Master himself led a countercharge into the breach. The 70 year-old man wore only a light helmet and no breastplate.
Knights, Maltese militia and townspeople rallied to his side -- and approached the breach at a run. Wounded in the leg by a
grenade burst, La Valette stayed to spur the defenders on.
Urged by his officers to retreat, La Valette pointed his sword to some Turkish standards and said: "Never will I withdraw so long
as those banners wave in the wind."
The fight continued well on into the night. The town resembled a scene from Dante's Inferno. But the conditions were similar for
the Turks. During the long hours the knights managed to regain their lost ground, pushing the Turks back outside the walls. On
September 6, 1565, the shattered Turkish army was seen to withdraw. Their army was tired, sick and poorly provisioned. Their
support and comforts had been destroyed. So had their spirit.
When the sails of a fleet appeared upon the horizon, raised by European monarchs who finally agreed that the island could not
be allowed to fall, the Ottomans were already leaving.
September 8 marked the lifting of the siege.
The victory of Grand Master Jean de la Valette made the Knights of Rhodes into the Knights of Malta and established them once
again as a formidable Mediterranean power. Suleiman determined that an attack would be successful only in his own hands. But
he died before the invasion could be launched.
The results of the siege were to last a further 135 years, and the glory of the victory was maintained by the Order until they were
expelled from the island in 1798.

Saint Elmo's Fire

The small "star" fort of four main salients broken into bastion form was an old design against which the Sultan's army had had
much experience. Hasty earthworks had been thrown up around the fort to make approach more difficult, including ditches
spanned by drawbridges.
Difficulties were encountered by the Turks from the start. The rugged peninsula had very little earth that could be formed into
embankments to protect the artillery being massed against the small fort. This left them exposed to cannon from St. Elmo itself.
As the Turks prepared their position, so did the small contingent of knights and Maltese. Night and day was spent reinforcing the
ramparts, producing gunpowder and positioning cannon.
The Hospitaller Grand Master La Valette knew the fort could not hold out for long. But he also knew the longer it held out, the
more chance the island had to survive. By late May the little fort was under constant bombardment: the flares and explosions in
full sight of the main body of knights on the other side of the harbour. Within days parts of St. Elmo's walls were starting to
La Valette received a delegation of knights from St. Elmo who had secretly slipped across the harbour to tell him that the fort
was untenable. La Valette bent icy scorn upon the knights, who, in their shame, begged to be allowed to return to their bastion.

After they left, La Valette told the council he knew full well that the fort was doomed, but stated no ground should be given up
without the maximum cost to the enemy. Fresh troops were ferried across the harbour every night in small boats and the
wounded evacuated. This nightly transfusion helped the fort hold on.
Smoking under the hot midday sun and ringed with fire at night, St. Elmo looked like a volcano rising out of the dry limestone
To the Turks it seemed incredible that such a small fort could hold out for so long. But their best engineers were then brought into
the fray.
Early in June the defensive pit and outer counterscarp were in turkish hands. The main defences of the fort were being
continually probed. The nightly resupply was cut-off by Turkish patrol boats.
On June 21 the Knights of St. John dressed in their formal robes and celebrated the Feast of Corpus Christi as they had always
done. Knights around the island prayed for their brothers in St. Elmo not to perish utterly under the merciless sword of the Infidel.
The following day saw a massive assault launched against the fort -- led by the fanatical Layalars. St. Elmo disappeared under a
swirling cloud of dust and smoke. Yet to the astonishment of the watching knights and to the Turks, the fort emerged with the
Cross of St. John still flying above its crumbling ruins.
La Valette was so astonished at the fort's endurance that he endeavoured to send relief across the harbour under cover of
darkness. But the fort was totally surrounded. On June 23, a large force of Turkish ships massed about the base of St. Elmo's
peninsula. They opened fire on the fort at the same time as the main land battery. This last, fatal, cannonade went on for hours. In
the awesome silence that followed, La Valette could hear the cry's of the Turkish Imams calling upon the faithful to conquer or die
in the name of Islam.
By now there were no more than 100 defenders left alive in the fort, nearly all of them wounded.
Two of the crippled knights, De Guaras and Miranda, had themselves carried in chairs into the breach so that they could confront
the enemy to the last.
Wave after wave of the finest troops in the Sultan's army hurled themselves against the "small and weak star fort."
To the astonishment of the Turkish commanders, it took a further hour for St. Elmo to die.
When all was over, the last standing knight lit the coloured signal beacon that told La Valette that the Turks were within St.
Elmo's walls.
Despite orders that all of the defenders were to be put to death, a few were captured and sent into slavery. Some of these were
later rescued or escaped, and told the story of the fort's last hours.
The Turkish commanders had the bodies of the knights decapitated and then nailed to wooden crosses in mockery of the
crucifiction. These were set adrift in the harbour. Four of these bodies were washed up at the foot of St. Angelo: two of them
recognised by their own brothers.
La Valette responded to the intimidation: "You see, there can be no turning back. We either survive in Malta or we all perish to a
But it was a poor victory. The commander of the Turkish assault, the famous Dragut, had been struck on the head by a splinter of
rock thrown up from a counter-battery from St. Angelo. He is said to have survived until word reached him of St. Elmo's fall when
he "raised his eyes to heaven as if in thankfulness and immediately expired."
The siege had bought valuable time. On the very night St. Elmo fell, a relief force of 1000 knights, mercenaries, and most
importantly, skilled gunners, covertly landed on the island.
Thousands of Turkish soldiers had died in the attack, including many irreplaceable commanders. The master gunner of the army
had fallen to St. Elmo's cannon, as had the leader of the Iayalars.
While the Turks had bought passage to one of the best sheltered docks on the island, the price had been too high. St. Elmo had
proven the key point in the defence. During the 33 days that the small fortress had held out, the Turks had incurred immense
losses -- and it was now high summer.
The army was thirsty, and the limestone terrain of Malta was blindingly bright and hot. Morale plummeted as the army had to
move a large and difficult distance to attack the main bastions of the knights on the other side of the harbour.
The surviving commander of the Turkish invasion and veteran of Rhodes, Mustapha Pasha, is said to have looked out from the
ruins of St. Elmo, across the harbour toward the thundering guns of fort St. Angelo and said: "Allah! If so small a son has cost so
dear, what price shall we have to pay for so large a father?"

Corsairs of the Mediterranean

At Malta the Order's already sizeable navy grew further in importance. The galleys of St. John soon became the fear of the
Eastern Mediterranean once again. The Hospitallers lived and fought hard, operating a navy of a standard second to none. No
ship ever struck her colours and surrendered to the enemy. Death was preferred to defeat. In one instance a large galley of the
Order was surprised and captured, its knight's locked below. Instead of submitting to defeat, the knights knocked out the

planking of the bottom hull -- killing themselves and hundreds of Turkish warriors on the decks.
Commanding one of the Order's warships became a symbol of great status throughout Europe. All knights had to serve a
"caravan" as part of their novitiate, consisting of a six month cruise raiding the Islamic coast and suppressing the pirate nations.
It was this naval role that ensured the Order's survival. First, the knights did a valuable job in keeping the waters clear. Secondly,
the navy of the Order provided a first-rate training ground for a number of potential officers in the navies of the Christian powers.
Thirdly, and probably most important, Malta's strategic value meant that if she were held by any other non-neutral nation, war
would result.

The Fall of Malta

The last years in Malta . . . reveal a gradual and steady decline, a story of spoiled hopes and blind fears, of bursts of vigour
and long periods of listlessness and dispute. It is a sad story of a worthy machine running down.
-- Roderick Cavaliero, The Last of the Crusaders
The Knight's of St. John had spent 130 years turning Malta into an almost impregnable fortress of stone, sea and barren terrain - creating a reputation for invulnerability from foreign invasion.
But the defeat of the Hospitallers came from within.
The Order had not been tested seriously for almost a hundred years. The pirates had been silenced and the Islamic nations of
Palestine and North Africa were signatories of peace with much of Europe.
But Malta's strategic importance shifted -- it was now seen as a balance of power between the Imperial ambitions of France and
The middle years of the 18th century were marked by mismanagement, internal dissent and the virtual abandonment of the vows
of Poverty and Chastity.
Grand Masters and the Pilier's of the different Tongues frivolously spent the Order's money on festivals, feasts, and non-stop
partying. Rich ornamentation and displays of over-generosity were rife.
With the French Revolution of 1780, much of the Order's income dried up. But the spending went on.
Defenses were neglected, canons were left to rust, military exercises were abandoned and Knight Commanders spent so much
time away from their units that little or no discipline was present.
The last Grand Master of Malta and only German to ever attain that rank, Ferdinand von Hompesch, 54, was a popularist -making decisions that pleased people in the short term.
Despite his previous disputes with the Order's hierarchy, von Hompesch was still an honourable man. While he did little in his
short reign to reimpose the Rule upon his knights, he realised the moral rot had destroyed any chance of putting up a fight.
Instead he placed his faith in his God and in his diplomatic ministers -- seeking treaties and support from other nations. His call
for financial and military support from the remaining European Hospitaller commanderies went unheeded.
Von Hompesch was overwhelmed in the face of treachery, disobedience and disloyalty. He offered little leadership in the face of
increasing uncertainty and defections among the knights. A strong 5th column among French knights actively sought to
destabilise the Maltese population.
However, it is doubtful the Hospitallers would have resisted firmly even if they could. The very core of the Order's existence was
to fight the enemies of Christendom. This was also the core of von Hompesch's problem: France and England were Christian
nations. By the time Bonaparte's vast fleet arrived off the shores of Valetta, demanding provisions and water, von Hompesch
had lost all ability to lead. He sat in his chambers, listening to all appeals, but saying little. The French attacked and met minimal
The 1798 capitulation to Napoleon Bonaparte, and the subsequent French occupation, was brief.
The Maltese rose in rebellion and with British naval help defeated the French garrison. Despite desperate attempts to regain the
island for the Order, the British and the Maltese refused. The Knights had become an anachronism.

The Islands remained a British colony between 1800 and 1964. The epic defence of the Islands during World War II is well
remembered. The Islands achieved independence in 1964 and in 1974 they became a republic within the Commonwealth.
During the 1970s and 1980s the Maltese Government returned several properties to the Sovereign Militant Order of St. John,
including their famous church and mausoleum. The Order was also given back Fort St. Angelo as an official residence on the
Island with access to the Chapel of St. John.

Hospitaller: Knights of St. John (Part 4)

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to
stand against the wiles of the Devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against
the rulers of the darkness of this world, against supernatural wickedness in high places."
-- Ephesians 6: 10-12

A supplement for For Church Knight: the Cainite Crusade otherwise known as Militia Christi
Written and compiled by Jamie Seidel October 1996

Chapter Five: Defenders of the Faith

The Modern Order

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was
given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the
-- Revelations 6:8
When Napoleon swept through the Mediterranean, the Knights who had withstood the Turks two and a quarter centuries before
were unable to offer resistance. They were summarily expelled by Napoleon, who claimed Malta for France, only to lose it again
to the British fleet under Horatio Nelson.
A period of confusion ensued. For the Order of St. John. After being expelled from Malta in 1798 the Knights of St. John were
homeless for the third time in their history. It was not until 1834 that the Knights were able to establish for themselves a new base
in Rome.
Despite the loss of their island, the knights adopted the additional title Order of Malta to differentiate themselves from the
"breakaway" Protestant Orders of St. John being formed in Britain and Germany. With their last military stronghold now in British
hands, they devoted themselves once again to hospital work. During the century that followed, this work earned them
considerable prestige as they were the only organised medical-based relief force available in the world.
With the Order removed from its seat of power, the shadowy forces behind the governments of all Europe acted with resolve to
finally rid themselves of this thorn of faith in their side. The Templars had been overthrown in 1307 and the Teutones were
already in deep decline. Now the opportunity to prevent the Knights of Malta from re-establishing themselves beckoned.
Although the weak Grand Master Fra Ferdinand von Hompesch zu Bolheim never abdicated his position after the fall of Malta, a
group of disillusioned knights illegally elected the Emperor of Russia as Grand Master in 1799. When this bizarre episode
ended with Emperor Paul's death in 1801, the future began to look brighter. The British had recaptured Malta. However, the
powerful nation refused to return it to the Knights.
Now all the influence of Ventrue and Toreador political intrigues was brought to bear against the Order. The French priories had
already been confiscated after the French Revolution as the Order had been found guilty of attempting to help King Louis XVI
escape. When Napoleon conquerored Italy, he saw that the Order's property there was also confiscated. In 1802 the government
of Spain confiscated the Orders property in that country. This was followed by Germany, Venice and Lombardy in 1806. In 1810
the priory of Russia was confiscated, with the handful of knight-commanders retreating to their grand priory in Sicily. However,
even this was taken from them in 1826, followed by the priory of Portugal in 1834.
With only the grand priory of Bohemia and some Austrian commanderies left in the Orders possession, it began to look as
though the there was very little future left for the Knights of Malta.
Nevertheless, the Sovereign Military Order of Malta refused to despair. It was resolved to prepare the Order for an existence of
exile -- a life made possible because of its diverse membership from among the nobles of Catholic Christendom. Despite the
rantings of politicians, the general public still held sympathy for the Knights of Malta. Authors and political commentators stoically
defended the Order against the constant barrage of political attack and character assassination.
This resolved paid off, first with the re-establishment of the Grand Priory of Rome in 1816.
The Ventrue and Toreador had over-played their hand. The influence of the Vatican began to bite back, with new governments
and royal families restoring confiscated properties to the Order. The Grand Priories of Naples, Sicily, Lombardo and Venice
were restored in 1839 -- three years after a new headquarters was established in the former Embassy of St. John at the Palazzo
Malta, Rome. Austria, Italy, Germany and Finland followed suit.
But the Order itself was in disarray. It had not been able to organise a Grand Chapter for the legal election of a Grand Master. A

papally appointed Lieutenant Master was to lead the Order until the early 20th century when a gathering of Knights of Justice
was once again possible. By 1921 the Order's strength had recovered, with 1800 members of all grades -- among them 40
Knights of Justice and 250 Knights of Honour and Devotion.
In the 1930s the League of Nations talked about returning Rhodes to the Order, as part of Turkey's reparations for World War I.
This idea was raised again after World War II, though it came to nothing. Fortunately the Maltese look back on the days the
knights ruled over them with a sense of nostalgic pride. The fortress and chapel of St. Angelo was returned to the Order in the
1950s -- much to the consternation of Ventrue involved with Napoleon's successful invasion.
The prestige of the Order was such that, after World War II, the fledgling United Nations even considered handing over
Jerusalem to the Order to hold as an open city for Jew, Palestinian, Moslem and Christian alike. However, non-Christian nations
wouldn't have a bar of it.
In 1979 the Sovereign Militant Order numbered 9562 full knights, a thousand of whom were American and more than three
thousand of which were Italian. In 1992, the Order had grown to more than 12,000 full knights with most of that growth coming
from the United States. The number of Knights of Justice remains steady, with about 50 having taken the full vows of Poverty,
Chastity and Obedience just as their brother-knights did 700 years ago.

The Cleansing Crusade

The Hospitallers were among the first to perceive the existence of vampires and their slaves within the Holy Land. Wounded
pilgrims brought to its Jerusalem hospital often bore marks stranger than any sword blow. The Hospitallers, remarkably
advanced in medical knowledge for their era, rapidly recognised one of these ailments as blood loss.
Other deluded pilgrims told tales of demons of the night that lurked the crossroads between Jerusalem and the sea. Until now,
no-one paid much attention to these obviously sun-struck individuals. But a spate of blood-loss victims caused the Hospitallers,
at this time non-militant, to ask the Templars to extend their patrols into the evenings.
The results were instantaneous. The first patrol disturbed a feeding vampire. It cost the lives of several knights before the
creature was detained and questioned -- only to smoulder into ashes as the morning sun rose.
This event, more than any other, propelled the Hospitallers into adopting the sword of knighthood. This was a new and serious
threat. Simple men-at-arms were not sufficient to combat the supernatural enemies of the Church. Only a knight strong in both
the sword and the Word could face a demon without peril to his own soul.
The Holy Land was in turmoil. It was a lonely outpost in a pagan world. Enemies surrounded it on all sides, except from the sea.
The Hospitallers massed their knights and sergeants against the armies of man. But several bands of knights roamed the
country side and towns at night -- looking for an enemy of a far more threatening kind.
The black-clad knights became greately feared by all creatures of the night. Only their expulsion from this ancient land would
ensure the bite of their sword would no longer be felt. Many dark plots were hatched to this end.

Renewed Strength
Today, from their headquarters at Palazzo Malta in Rome overlooking the Vatican, the Order is once again emerging as a a
strong military force: though this time covert.
There is an emergency aid section to provide help in case of natural disaster. There are hospitals and leper camps run by the
Order in many countries. And, like their brother Protestant Orders of St. John in Britain, Germany, Holland and Sweden, the
Knights of Malta has its own ambulance service. In Northern Ireland, ambulances of the English order of St. John and of the
Sovereign Militant Order are on the streets simultaneously, ministering to the needs of their respective denominations and
Under international law, the current status of the Knights of Malta is still that of an independent sovereign principality. The Grand
Master is recognised as a head of state, with a secular rank equivalent to a prince and an ecclesiastical rank equivalent to a
cardinal. The Order maintains formal diplomatic relations with more than 40 countries, especially in Africa and in Latin America,
and in those countries its envoys enjoy standard diplomatic privileges.

Renewed Purpose
Unlike purely charitable institutions, the members of the Order of Malta have a very special and particular responsibility to "lead
an exemplary Catholic life, and to follow the magisterium of the Church" (Grand Master Bertie, 21 April 1989). This duty and both
the honor and obligations of membership require the Order, its knights, dames and donats, to provide an example of leadership.
The eight-pointed white Cross is a badge of religion, distinguishing those who bear it as members of a religious Order of the
Roman Catholic Church and, as such, confers a direct, personal responsibility. Recent events in Eastern Europe have left a
moral vacuum and a potential breakdown of society which the Order of Malta is well-placed to counter. The Order, unlike many of
the leaders of the Church, never compromised with the communist regimes and, with its long-standing historic connections in the
countries concerned, is now in a position to embark upon a new mission, restoring civilized Christian values to these severely
disrupted societies.
A deep religious commitment and extensive hospitaller and humanitarian activities, however, cannot be considered the only

obligations of knights of Malta. The Order has always included the word "Military" in its title, and with good reason; in the words
of a senior member of the British Association it is necessary "not only to support good works but to fight evil" and the Order is
well placed to play an active role not only on a local, national level but in the international sphere.

Eternal Warfare
"From my Saviour's Cross I draw my noble blood -- from it, as page and as soldier I was a monk. I accounted it all my joy and
all my riches. By it I overcame the Grand turk in battle."
-- fra Gabriel

Knights of Charity and Justice

With the Order's re-awakening to the Cainite threat, it has exploited its international recruiting network to establish a core of
knights devoted to hunting down and removing their corrupt influence from humanity. But their original vocation is still impressed
upon them -- that it is the sick and poor who gave the orders, and it is the duty of the brethren to obey them.
This places a much greater level of demand upon a Knight of St. John than his Templar or Teutonic brethren. Singleness of
purpose is not a luxury a Hospitaller can enjoy.
But the Order of Malta's position is also highly advantageous. The international reach of its diplomatic and relief agencies
provides a vital supportive base to almost all covert operations. While the reach of this influence is not as widespread as that of
the Templars association with Freemasonry, it is much more valid and legally recognisable. It is also less subject to the internal
power-plays and hidden agendas so rife among the brother masons.

The 21st Century Order of Malta is, needless to say, ideally placed for intelligence work. Its network of membership is
international and at the same time well organised. Its hospital and medical services often place it strategically at points of crisis - as in Northern Ireland and the former Yugoslavia. Its membership extends from medical staff and ambulance drivers to
important figures in politics, business, diplomacy and finance who have access to spheres that ordinary priests would not.
Much of this intelligence gathering activity is not traditional espionage and counter-espionage work. The Order's very structure
functions as an ideal conduit for intelligence gathering procedures. A great deal of it simply comes from "informal" chats
between members. Thus, for example, a cardinal and a high-ranking intelligence officer, both of whom happen to be knights,
may come together at one or another of the Order's social functions. Each may introduce the other to an influential banker or a
prominent politician. In this way a project may be implemented and coordinated without any official directives or vulnerable
reports and assessment files. The lack of such tell-tale paperwork trails is incredibly valuable in maintaining secrecy about
exactly what the Order knows and is up to. The freedom of the Order to manoeuvre in such ways is facilitated by its diplomatic
prestige, its relatively low profile, its international networks and the respect attached to its humanitarian endeavours.
In consequence, the Knights of Malta are closely associated with the Vatican's own Intelligence Department.
The Order has become a primary channel of communication between the Vatican and the CIA, and it is a relationship the
knights do not attempt to hide. In 1946 the CIA's station chief in Rome received a decoration from the Order for his counterintelligence work. Another CIA operative, Dr Luigi Gedda, also received this award. In 1948 the Knights awarded their highest
decoration, the Grand Cross of Merit, to General Reinhard Gehlen, head of the West German Secret Service -- at the time little
more than a branch of the CIA. Gehlen had previously been in charge of Hitler's spy network in Russia. Cardinal Francis
Spellman in New York -- a CIA operative when in Guatemala -- became "Spiritual Adviser" to the American Knights of Malta in
the 1950s. This was an unfortunate association for the Order, and Spellman joined with another American cardinal in an attempt
to take-over the Order for their own political purposes. It is also not uncommon for Directors of the CIA to be members of the
Order. In the early 1980s director William Casey was a knight, as was his predecessor John McCone. Many existing members
hold positions such as deputy chief of counter intelligence, internal affairs director and coordinator of threat assessment. Many
US diplomats also hold membership of the Order -- making many US embassies "friendly" toward the knight's activities in
remote regions of the world. Other knights include the former chief of French Intelligence, former chiefs of the Italian Secret
Service and chiefs of the Spanish Military Intelligence.
Originally only a channel for the Vatican, the Order formally organised its own Intelligence wing during the 1960s. While supplying
the Vatican with diplomatic and political information, it also serves to provide the Order with much detail on supernatural
influences in a wide variety of areas. While the number of operatives is small, they are often ideally placed to relay information
gathered by other intelligence services. Like most secret service operatives, their links to the Order are deeply hidden and only
revealed under the most extreme circumstances.

Political Shadow-Play
The Order of St. John has long since realised that it will encounter a Cainite's political machinations long before any tangible link
is drawn to an individual. To this end the Order's own political strength must be brought to play.

It was the Templars failure to recognise this appreciably that contributed toward their spectacular demise. The Hospitallers
themselves were almost brought down at a time when its popularity and diplomatic support was at a low ebb.
Political intrigue is a delicate balance of reputation, honour, public perceptions and personal alliances. It is just such a game that
the Order's diplomatic corp plays with high stakes.
In many ways the efforts of the Order's diplomats, intelligence operatives and political associates are far more significant than
the role of knight-combatants. For it is from the halls of power, and the shadowy rooms behind them, that comes the greatest
threat of the supernatural. Despots such as Hitler and Pol Pot are the tools through which evil advances its cause. The Order
must find ways to destroy the schemes of Corruption before they bare their bloody fruit. Often this means abandoning a covert
hunt for those directly involved and exposing the Order's hand by directly blocking dangerous power plays.
It is rare for such shadowy manipulators of politics and power to reveal themselves in such a way as to allow combatant Knights
to slip behind their guard.

The modern knights on the cutting-edge of the fight against evil come from all social castes, classes and backgrounds. What is
common between them are their devotion to a cause: the eradication of the cainite curse upon mankind.
This core group of combatant knights is carefully hidden within the existing structure of the Sovereign Militant Order. While they
answer to their own Knight Marshal, they are dispersed throughout the Order's other humanitarian operations. When not wearing
their intimidating combat uniform of fire retardant suit, mask, helmet and body armour, these knights can be found at the
surgeon's table conducing eye-operations for the destitute and homeless. Others can be found at diplomatic gatherings in the
ballrooms of the world, or distributing food-aid to the hungry victims of natural and man-made disasters. But all are ready at a
moments notice to don their fighting gear and help rid the world of another corrupt spirit.
While the "above the law" status they once enjoyed and the freedom of movement it conveyed is long gone, the reach and
reputation of the Order's humanitarian mission has restored a high degree of mobility to operations. Diplomatic immunity, direct
influence with the world's leading bureaucrats and governments -- and a certain tolerance allowed because of its indispensable
charity work -- allows knights to move about with little impediment. Only the most overt breach of secrecy and security cannot be
"covered up." In such cases, knights realise that they must be left to their own resources in order to protect the Knights of Malta
from any damaging public exposure.

New Novitiate
No religious vocation, no aptitude for hospital work, for fighting or for administration is needed to enter the ranks of the
Hospitallers. Nor is nobility a necessary pre-requisite. But they are all highly advantageous traits -- especially in a Knight of
Justice. What is required is an inherent holiness, a strong and true desire to assist those in need and to maintain God's law.
Once in the Order, however, the applicant's skills and talents are assessed so that they can be trained to reach their maximum
The upper grades of the Order are still fastidiously aristocratic. The most senior knights must display a coat of arms dating back
at least 300 years in unbroken succession from father to son. But in the New Worlds of America and Australia, the knights
consist almost entirely of Knights of Magistral Grace who are not asked for proofs of nobility.

Membership of most Militant Orders is by invitation only. However, the Hospitallers are too large and well-known an organisation
for this to be realistic.
The Order has many segments, including disaster relief, hospital service, medical research and diplomatic attachments, around
the world.
It is impossible to extend in-depth background checks to every member.
Also, the militant monks of the Hospitallers are much more visible than those of the Templars and Teutones. They have an
undeniable public profile, especially among the public of Rome and the nobility of Italy, England, Germany and Hungary in
As a result, they have many more applicants for the "quaint" role of monastic knight. While the vast majority of these are little
more than dreamers, extremists and pranksters, the Hospitallers also attract the attention of disaffected Inquisitors, concerned
priests and motivated members of diverse congregations.
Some of the Order's best operatives have simply "stepped in off the street."
Each candidate's application is closely scrutinised. A commission of four members of the Order is set up to examine each case.
It calls witnesses and visits the candidate's family, workplace, congregation and friends.
Special dispensations can be granted by the papacy to compensate for a lack of nobility, a previous divorce or other similar

barriers for the rank of Knight of Justice. If dispensations cannot or will not be granted, it is still possible for the applicant to
become a lay-brother who has taken the same stringent vows as the Knights, but only earns the title of sergeant. Lay brothers
still possess votes in the councils, are allowed high-ranking positions and are held in great respect. In fact, a Sergeant First
Class actually out-ranks a Knight of Grace and Devotion.
It is also still theoretically possible for a sergeant to be elected as Grand Master.

The Sovereign Militant Order still requires proof of nobility for its Knights of Justice and Knights of Obedience. Knights of Grace
and Devotion, however, need only to subject themselves for an analysis of their genetic history to determine any Lycanthrope
extraction or tainted Ghoul heritage.

Novices are usually assigned to a chapter house close to their place of origin. The local Knight Commander would begin
instruction in the traditions and requirements of the Order while encouraging the novice to determine his fields of expertise.
Once the Commander feels the novice is ready (usually after six months), he is sent to Rome where an individualised training
course is devised. The novice may spend the next three to four years in study, attending secular and church universities. Three
days a week are set aside for combat training. The novice must stay in a common house if aspiring to be a Knight of Justice,
while other applicants may receive dispensation to stay with friends or family.
Novices rarely get a chance to choose their own field or career. Their talents and abilities are assessed before being directed
toward the fields of medical relief, research, diplomacy, espionage or combat. Each field has specific areas of training, all
provided for (overtly or covertly) through the Vatican's own resources and training facilities.

The Fully Fledged Knight

The organisation and structure of the Order has changed little over the centuries. The political structures and ranks are the same.
Grand Masters hold their same status, as do Knights Grand Cross, Piliers and Commanders. The only difference is that the
formal side of the Order is smaller than the numbers of honourary members, associates and charitious works staff. A knight is
more likely to end up commanding a hospital than an estate, and leading a troop of ambulance officers than mercenaries.

Class Structure
The Order of St. John is still a hereditary-based organisation. To represent this noble class structure in the modern world, three
separate classes of knight have been created -- with sub-categories representing the type of vow undertaken. These classes
First Class: (allowed Gifts, Prayers and Rituals) Knights of Justice Professed, Conventual Chaplains, Ad Honorum (lay brothers)
Second Class: (allowed Gifts and Prayers) Knights of Obedience, Donats of Justice
Third Class: (allowed Gifts) Knights and Dames of Honour and Devotion, Knights and Dames of Grace and Devotion, Knights
and Dames of Magistral Grace, Donats of Devotion

Rank Structure
Each class of knight is divided into a common rank structure. This rank structure has three Tiers based on seniority, or length of
service. These are Knights Grand Cross, Small Cross and Knights. Within these Tiers are specific titles, such as Grand Master,
Commander etc. Only the ranks of Grand Master and Seneschenal are restricted to any one Class -- Knights of Justice These
ranks are, in order of seniority:
Knights Grand Cross:
Grand Master
Knights Pilier:
Grand Chancellor
Grand Conservator
Grand Commander
Grand Admiral
Grand Pilier
Grand Priors (provincial commander)
Capitular Piliers (provincial legates)

Knights Small Cross

Knight Commander (estate commander)
Knight Commissioners
Knight Castellan
Knight Captains (naval)
Knight Lieutenant

Personal Equipment
Hospitallers, by nature, tend toward lighter and more traditional weaponry in their crusade against Corruption. As such, the
sword and bow are often items of choice to the exclusion of all other. This is not merely an anachronistic affectation: it fits well
with with both the demands of their "underground" conflict and the strong code of conduct and responsibility Hospitallers subject
themselves to.

The Sword
The sword remains the most efficient method of dealing final death against a vampire. It is also an incredibly precise weapon -with little or no chance of "collateral damage." Swords also tend to be much less of a threat in untrained hands than a gun. One
subtle advantage is that swords are regarded as an item of curiosity: not lethality. It is much easier to get a gleaming longsword
through customs than a fully optioned automatic shotgun.

The Bow
Archery is a world recognised sport -- as is competition shooting. However, the bow has less of a lethal "reputation" than guns: a
curiosity, less a concern. Bows require careful aim and action. While regarded as a drawback by the Teutones, the Hospitallers
are attracted to the consideration and careful thought needed before a shaft is let fly. While providing a reduced chance of
harming unlucky innocents through ricochet and unspent bullets, a shaft has a more than powerful enough effect on the enemy.

The Shield
A small "forearm shield" is an important recent addition to the knight's personal equipment. Reaching from the hand to the
elbow, the oval-shaped titanium and kevlar sheet offers protection against both bladed and ballistic weapons. It's collapsible
design allows it to fold in half for discrete storage with the sword and bow.

The Bag
A shoulder bag based on a design used by archers has been developed to "openly conceal" the knights "tools." With pouches
for all necessary extras (such as gaffa tape), the bag is highly portable and convenient. The fact that everything is neatly packed
"in the open" helps convince any inquiring minds that the items are for "recreational" use only.

Hospitaller Creed
Do not hurt
where holding is enough;
do not wound
where hurting is enough;
do not maim
where wounding is enough;
and kill not
where maiming is enough;
the true knight of Christ is one
who does not need to kill.
The Order of St. John's humanitarian background has had a strong influence on the modern character of its knights.
Only two hundred years ago, Hospitallers joyfully went into battle wielding blunderbuss, rapier and pistol in order to kill in the
name of their God.
Now their attitude has changed.
Killing is seen as an act of last resort. Nurture and redemption is the true reason for the existence of the Order. Ghouls and other
slaves of the enemy are to be pitied and protected as they have often succumbed only to human weakness -- not evil.

While the true servants of Satan can only be expelled by the sword, even some vampires and lycantropes have demonstrated
true repentance and a desire to be saved from what they have become. All things deserve the best chance for life.

Espionage Operations
The single largest area of intelligence gathering for the Order is simply the debriefing of its members. Many diplomatic attache'
serve only to move among members of the Order of Malta that hold positions high in intelligence, military fields, politics and
finance. These attache' are ideally placed to link obscure pieces of information gleaned through "informal" chats with these
sympathetic "ears." If a lead is considered important, the "old-mates" network is exploited to arrange interviews or "social chats"
with other powerful figures in whatever field is involved. This form of intelligence gathering is among the most rewarding and
dangerous. The information trails are often difficult to unravel, but it is a process that is hard to trace -- if the operative is discrete
in his line of questioning. If a subject becomes suspicious, however, the attache' situation may deteriorate dramatically.
However, old-style field-work is still a vital component. A fireside chat over a glass of red wine may reveal without a doubt an
intrigue to damage the Order's interests, but the paperwork and physical evidence is necessary before any substantial action to
block the move can be made.
Such operatives are scattered throughout the world, living normal lives as "sleepers" until the Order calls their services. Only then
are their finely tuned skills called into play -- often involving evidence gathering in the time-honoured James Bond style.
Also helping in the information gathering task are groups of telephone and fax interceptors -- including the ubiquitous white-vans
full of delicate detection devices.
Recently added to this scene has been a handful of highly skilled computer hackers. These unconventional individuals are given
much leeway within the Order, operating in the glow of their computer screens in darkened rooms to penetrate the computer
networks of major banks, political parties, interest groups and individuals to unravel the trails of intrigue that are invariably stretch
across international boundaries.
But most important among all intelligence operatives is the counter-espionage unit. Comprising a small group of the most
trusted knights, this unit seeks to expose the plants, sleepers and spies within the Order itself. The diversity, size and dispersion
of its relief agencies leave the Order of St. John open to such penetration. While the dictates of true faith protects the core, it is
not impossible for a false member to cause the knights great harm and scandal through their behaviour, intelligence gathering or
incitement. The Knights of St. John are well aware of the dangers of rot within their own organisation. The loss of Malta stands
as mute testimony toward letting one's own guard down.

Research Operations
With a wealth of medical expertise at its fingertips, it is hardly surprising the Militant Order has chosen its best biologists, DNA
analysts and researchers to undertake a detailed study of what makes supernatural creatures "tick."
These experts have combined with similar Vatican research teams and share facilities in underground vaults below the holy city
itself. The strictest security is imposed upon this site. Knights from all three Orders guard the only entrance. Most Vatican
residents believe this is the Militant Order's armoury. High-tech sensors and screening devices monitor every inch of the threestorey premises and regular random checks are conducted on all rooms and records.
Along with vaults containing evil relics -- such as human-skin books of demon lore -- are repositories for tissue, blood and hair
samples taken from encounter scenes. Several complete Kindred and Lycanthrope corpses are also held.
In depth analysis of these specimens are starting to bear results. A chemical compound has been synthesised that is believed to
be capable of forcing a were creature to undergo its change. Similar substances are under development to congeal blood
infected with the essence of vampirism -- now understood to be a powerful gene-altering virus. Among the doctors and research
scientists are some of the Church's top Theologians: hoping to formulate new prayers based upon their greater understanding.
In recent years the wards surrounding the facility have been frequently "tested," raising fears of an impending assault.

Inter-Order Cooperation
The three international Militant Orders have shared a long and turbulent history. While established to serve a common purpose,
their individual goals have often caused clashes of pride. Under the spirit of renewed purpose that currently prevails, the Orders
are cooperating at a level never seen before. It is hoped relationships stay that way as the Orders expand and mature once

The Hospitallers and Knights Templar have had a difficult past -- a fact unfortunately reflected in modern operations. A suspicion
still lingers among the Knights of the Temple that the Hospital was more than a little involved in the conspiracy to overthrow the
Order in the early 14th century. The fact that no similar charges were laid against the Hospitallers and that most Templar

property was quickly handed over to it is still a cause of resentment. This, combined with the traditional sense of competition
between the two oldest and largest Militant Orders, still "colours" their relationship. In modern times this division is embodied in
the differing senses of religion: the Hospitallers maintain a strict observance of traditional ways while the Temple follows an
almost heretical approach of tolerance and individual determination. The Templar lifestyle, while devout, is by no means
monastic. In times of weakness, Knights of St. John have been known to heap scorn on their "lax" counterparts. The Sovereign
Militant Order feels the Grand Master of the Temple is less than fully forthcoming about his true intentions, knowledge and
strength. But no request for assistance or support has yet been turned down.

Teutonic Knights
Little rivalry mars the history of the Hospital and the Teutonic Knights. Each Order had its own separate arena of operations:
mainly Rhodes and Poland, preventing their purposes from clashing. In fact, these two Orders possibly have the strongest
relationship of the three. The Teutonic Knights are still largely adherent to their traditional ways, though reform processes are
under way. The cooperation between the Deutchritter and the Hospitaller Bailiwick of Brandenburg during World War II has left a
deep respect between many senior knights -- as well as the common sense of loss for those executed under Adolf Hitler. The
Hospitallers often rely upon Teutonic combat teams to supplement their own forces in more hostile regions.

Order Personalities
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
-- Edmund Burke, 1729-97.

Grand Master Fra Andrew Bertie

Fra Andrew was elected as the first English Grand Master of the Order for seven centuries in 1988. One of seven British Knights
of Justice, Fra Andrew has gained much popularity among the Italian and English publics as the "crusader pope." Among his
achievements has been the consolidation of the Order's renewed militant activities and the expansion of scientific research into
the nature of its supernatural enemies. But most of the Grand Master's time is necessarily taken up with the more public face of
the Order of St. John -- such as matters of state, diplomatic negotiations for its charity services and coordination of relief efforts.
His presence is also often required in Rome as a papal advisor and delegate to cardinal committees.
His reign has been one of firm conservatism, adhering to the tried and true ways of the Rule and Customs -- but understanding
enough to accept the necessary changes within the Order that reflect the world about it.

Grand Marshal Juan Cerda

Formerly the deputy director of French Military Counter-Intelligence, Juan Cerda has held a long career in the Order's own
espionage service. This background has had a heavy influence on the Order's militant activities. Most surgical strikes and
cleansing actions have been closely tied to espionage related missions. Fra Cerda is fully aware that simply hacking off a
vampire's head is not a total solution. First, the creature's far reaching power structure must be dismantled and its evil influence
lanced from society before it is itself destroyed. Otherwise, the reins are simply left behind for another to pick up. The Grand
Marshal has created a small but highly efficient core of knights-combatant. The only major criticism raised against his style is
that of over-reliance upon the Order's affiliate members. Concern is often raised that these people, including pilots, diplomats
and bankers, are not reliable enough to entrust with the fate of a knight-combatant. But Fra Cerda remains unconcerned -maintaining faith in the abilities of the Order's counter-intelligence operatives to expose any such bad seeds.

Grand Commander Martin Kalvern

One of the first Americans to gain a significant rank within the Sovereign Militant Order, Fra Kalvern has brought the radical and
direct approach of his countrymen to the position of Grand Commander. Fra Kalvern knows what he is talking about, and doesn't
attempt to hide it. When it comes to matters of medical policy, emergency relief requirements and operation of the Order's
hospitals, his actions are fast and to the point. While his techniques often upset the sentiments of staid European conservatives
who believe in a more subtle approache to such issues, he is recognised as at least being efficient. However, his direct manner
has often brought him in conflict with Fra Cerda. Fra Kalvern does not like the idea of medicos and relief teams "piggy-backing"
knights. His outspoken belief is that such actions endanger the Order's reputation. The situation has degenerated into a powerplay between the two men, with one citing military imperatives and the other medical privilege. While the Order's operations
have not yet been severely affected by this conflict, many fear the argument will soon get out of hand.

Dame Duanne Vilelle

The prioress of the Order's nuns and decorated Dame of Devotion, Mother Vilelle is a stoic believer in the clear definitions
between male and female responsibilities within the Catholic Church. No sister dares whisper of inequality and unfairness under
her stern leadership.

Femmes Fatale
"Guard yourself at night time, against the evil women, who, completely enveloped in their mantles and filling all the streets,
pursue their abominable trade of allurement, importuning the passers-by while seeking to cloak their sins under pretext of
begging alms."
-- Knight of Justice Camillo Spreti to a nephew who had just become a novice in Malta.
Celibacy is not an easy vow to uphold. It goes against all earthy desires. But a knight becomes wedded to the Church when he
takes his monastic vows. Celibacy is a mark of commitment -- a sacrifice made to demonstrate a knight's devotion to their
Among knights it has an added advantage: no mourning widows upon their deaths. Such a lack of emotional ties also promotes
courage and boldness among the brethren.
But celibacy is a weak link in the chain of a knight's vows. The vow of obedience can be upheld, even grudgingly. The vow of
poverty is acceptable as all the knight's basic material needs are met by the order. But maintaining chastity is reliant purely upon
the individual's willpower and devotion.
The Amazons were deliberately brought in by the Camarilla to exploit this weakness. Young novices, generally in their late teens,
naturally found conventual life difficult. With the hormones of puberty still boiling in their veins, the attraction of a beautiful woman
was almost magnetic. However, as all knights and novices took on their vows voluntarily, such temptation was more of a torment
than a failing.
Unless it was encouraged.
The finely honed arts of allurement and arousal were brought to bear upon the knights of Malta with devastating effect. The
powers of Ekstasis and Succubae provoked many a jealous duel to the death, encouraged broken vows and even dealt in death
themselves when the opportunity arose. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!

Chapter Six: Hospitaller Characterisation

Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand,
Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the
foundation of the world:
For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat:
I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink:
I was a stranger, and ye took me in:
Naked, and ye clothed me:
I was sick, and ye visited me:
I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
Then shall the righteous answer him, saying,
Lord, when saw we thee hungered, and fed thee?
or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in?
or naked, and clothed thee?
Or when saw we thee sick,
or in prison, and came unto thee?
And the King shall answer and say unto them,
Verily I say unto you,
Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these,
my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
-- Matthew 25: 34-40

The knights of the Hospital were a strange hybrid of warrior, medic and monk -- unique within Christendom. The original knightly
members that joined after the First Crusade were probably attracted to the idea of serving the innocent and unwell in God's own
land. Treating the sick as though they were Christ was considered as holy an act as tending Christ himself. It was a sure path to
salvation. But the younger sons of Dukes and Barons spent all their lives learning about the noble art of war. It was difficult to put
aside their knightly profession completely. This restless few soon discovered a new way to serve their God. Surely, preventing
the poor from harm was equally as pious as tending them afterwards? By guarding the pilgrims, were knights not guarding God
The Hospitallers took this logic one step further than the Templars. Fighting for the innocent was not an end unto itself. Great

works of charity were to set the Hospitallers apart, and helped attract those of a more pious nature.
Perhaps this is why the Hospitallers was the only Order to have any of its members achieve Sainthood.

The fundamental changes within society that mark the 20th and 21st centuries has also had an impact upon the make-up of the
Order of St. John. Nobility is no longer considered a major definition within society. But certain classes of the Order remain
eligible only to those with such a heritage. Nor are there younger sons of Dukes and Barons unlikely to inherit the land necessary
for them to continue their knightly profession.
Instead, the modern recruits of the Hospitallers are drawn from a diverse range of civilian backgrounds. Be they common or
noble, many have experience first hand the power of evil that infests this world. Many priests who become convinced that the
threat of vampirism must be dealt with join the Order instead of the Inquisition because of its more humanitarian stance. Many
doctors and social workers have found their way into the ranks of the militant monks -- often due to their experiences as part of
St. John relief efforts in lands such as Somalia, the Middle East, Central America and Eastern Europe.
These new knights have strong personal motivations to serve God and mankind -- so much so that they are prepared to learn the
art of war to prolong the survival of God's peace.
Putting aside the scalpel for the sword is not an easy task. Learning combat skills and attaining the degrees of fitness necessary
takes time. As a result, the members of the Hospitallers tend to be older than the other Orders, but tend to hold more formal
training and degrees from their civilian lives.
Like the knights of old, the Hospitallers emphasis on charity and humanitarian motives tends to attract a much more orthodox
and caring class of recruit than the other Orders.
The perspective of these knights of St. John is also different. The emphasis is not upon ridding the world of the supernatural, but
of protecting the innocent. Often this can result in the appearance that the Hospitallers are not as committed to the Cainite
Crusade as the Templars and Teutones. But these perceptions are wrong.
Caring for the sick, providing for the destitute and comforting those in despair is what makes God's word worthwhile.
Abandoning these crowning ideals for the sake of pursuing spawn of the devil is considered repugnant.
People come first.
Demons come last.

Character Class
Because the Sovereign Order of Malta is both a humanitarian agency and a Militant Order, the rank structure is somewhat
complicated. It is possible to be a devoted Knight of Justice, without any militant role. It is also possible to be a simple Donat of
Devotion, wielding a sword in the Cainite Crusade.

Knights of Grace and Devotion hold an honourary office, with little other than a vow to respect the Order and its policies. Other
associates include noble Donats of Justice and commoners with the title Donats of Devotion. Attributes 6/4/3, Abilities 11/7/4,
Backgrounds 5, Freebie 21, Virtues 7.

The term Novice is a broad one for the Order of St. John. It includes several classes of member, both militant and charitous. It
includes Knights of Grace and Devotion and Knights of Honour and Devotion Attributes 6/4/3, Abilities 13/9/7, Background 6,
Faith 1*, Freebie 24, Virtues 7.

The base rank of knight covers several classes of militant and humanitarian members within the Sovereign Order. These include
the Knights of Justice, Knights of Obedience and the Ad Honorum (sergeants). Attributes 7/5/4, Abilities 19/15/11, Background
7, Faith 5*, Freebie 27, Virtues 9.

Hospitallers generally enter the Order after achieving well respected positions within civilian life. This means many members are
well versed in medicine, bureaucracy, theology, politics and/or science. The Order seeks to capitalise upon existing knowledge

and skills through providing further training in related areas. Almost all new novices must be introduced into the world of
supernatural warfare. The Order has several training facilities in its palace outside of Rome and under the headquarters in
However, most advanced training is done under the auspices of their Teutonic brothers at Marienburg castle -- an aptly remote
and excellently equipped training ground.
To gain competency, a Knight must be trained in either a Major Knowledge/Skill to the level of five dots, or trained in two minor
Special Skills to a level of four each.
All Knights must also be fluent in Latin and have demonstrated a clear devotion to their Code of Honour.

Religious Powers
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord,
and in the power of his might.
Put on the whole armour of God,
that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places.
-- Ephesians 6: 10-12

The Powers of Faith

Faith has a multitude of effects, even at the lowest levels. At its minimum it can be added to a character's Willpower and Virtue
Rolls. In times of great need, if a character is entirely without Willpower points, then Faith points may be substituted.
Faith points that are lost in this manner are regained by simple acts of devotion. If the use of Faith as Willpower was successful,
then lost Faith should be returned as easily as Willpower. If the use of Faith was a failure, then it should require more acts of
devotion on the part of the character to regain it.

These acts of devotion are examples of what can be done to restore an individuals Faith. Always guided by the tenets of one
religion, the common theme is one of self-sacrifice and contemplation.
Novenna: Utterance of a series of prayers for nine days in a row.
Meditation: Reading a chapter from the Gospels and meditating on its meaning and importance for an afternoon.
Almsgiving: Donating personal monies, time or skills to a charitous service.
Eucharist: Daily attendance in the Divine Liturgy for a week.
Confessional: Taking the time to consider and repent one's sins in a procedure accepted by their religious beliefs.
Flagellation: Generally only applicable for Medieval times, though some modern strict-observance monks continue the practice.

Hospitaller Hierarchy of Sins

Storytellers may ask for a conscience roll based upon actions performed by a character during an encounter. Determine a
difficulty rating based on the situation. But the standard is usually a 6. The following modifiers apply.
-2 An innocent is endangered as a result.
-1 Foe attacks without provocation
-1 Foe displays inhuman powers
-1 Foe is proven to be immoral
+1 Foe engages in kind-hearted activities
+2 Foe does not act at all in self defence
Conscience rolls should become a common event in Church Knight games. Was a little bit of sadistic pleasure involved? Was
revenge too strong a motive? Was there really a better way out of the situation?

Pooling Faith

Chaplains can be the recipients of the combined Faith of those joining with him/her in a prayer or ritual. Some GM's may also
allow those of Preceptor rank or higher to focus such a pool.
If the Faithful do choose to act in concert, all participants must be of the same religious tradition. This includes all those who call
their religion Christian. But a Jew and a Christian cannot pool. Those who pool their Faith operate under the Faith rating of the
member with the highest Faith rating, plus one level of Faith per participant.
This means that a band of knights with one chaplain (Faith 6) and three knight-sergeants (Faith 5) do not add up to a total of 21
Faith. The correct "pooled" Faith is 9. The roll is conducted by each player (the Chaplain rolls 6 die, each knight-sergeant 1).
This "pooled" Faith can be used for basic Faith actions, Beatific related powers and miracles. It cannot be used for Gifts or
Prayers. Militant Order Rituals involve a different form of pooling Faith. Some Storytellers may wish to limit pooled Faith.
Particularly for Militiae Christi, where there should be plenty of Faith present anyway.
One option is to simply limit pooled Faith to the action of requesting a miracle. Otherwise, a cap on the total amount of Faith that
can be pooled can be put in place. Since Faith 10 is the highest attainable, perhaps no pool should exceed this.

Holy Ground
A mortal with Faith on Holy Ground can add the site's Faith rating to their own. This adds to all basic, Beatific and Miracle rolls. It
also adds to the Faith component of Gift, Prayer and Ritual Rolls. But it has no effect upon piety checks, either positive or
negative. Holy Ground Faith levels do not allow a knight to attain the powers associated with higher levels of Faith.
Holy Ground also has effects upon supernaturals.

Vampires: Holy Ground is inherently repulsive to a vampire. It can resist a vampire's presence on its own merit, or supplement
the powers of any of the Faithful attempting to defend the site. This works the same way as outlined earlier under the Faith
section. Vampires who fail on their Courage roll to counter the repelling influence of Holy Ground must attempt to get out of its
radius as quickly as possible. A botch on the Courage roll results in a derangement. If a vampire has True Faith, he can enter the
site without a problem. But only a non-supernatural will still benefit from the power of Holy Ground if the vampire is exposed.
Werewolves: One major complication is caused by Holy Ground for shapechangers. When attempting to Rage, their difficulty is
increased by the Holy Ground's Faith Rating. Umbral difficulties also increase according to the Faith level.
Mages: Holy Ground does not cause any particular direct difficulty for mages. However, Holy Ground does have its own
countermagick dice pool equal to that of the Faith Level. This can also be added to the countermagick ability of a Knight or
Wraiths: Wraiths which are skinriding a mortal will have to make a Willpower roll, or expend a Willpower point, for every turn
(difficulty the Holy Grounds Faith rating) on that site. It is also easier to ward Holy Ground than most other sites. Add the Faith of
the site to the Knights Faith and Willpower ratings when establishing such a Ward.
Demons: Holy Ground is most inhospitable to demons and other infernal creatures. Any such creature wishing to enter Holy
Ground must make a Willpower roll (Difficulty of 6 + the site's rating: maximum 9) each turn it is there. Even if successful, the
Holy Ground's Faith rating must be subtracted from every dice action used by the demon.

Re-Consecrating Desecrated Ground

Holy Ground can become "spoiled" through blasphemy and violence. This can vary from simple graffiti through to rape and
occult rituals. While the ground is still considered Holy, it has most certainly been desecrated -- reducing any benefit the ground
may have offered the Faithful. The loss in rank of the Holy Ground should be proportionate to the act committed. The Storyteller
can roll the site's Faith with the following difficulties:
6 Minor blasphemy (graffiti)
7 Major blasphemy (serious damage)
8 Rape or Murder
9 Demonic summoning
If the roll is a success then no Faith is lost. If the roll is a failure, subtract one Faith for minor blasphemy, 2 for major blasphemy, 3
for rape or murder and four for demonic summoning. Exceeding the site's Faith rating does not produce evil ground. A botch
causes total loss of the site's Faith rating.
Reconsecration involves a Chaplain conducting purification prayers and rituals on the Holy Ground. This spurrs the Ground to reroll its remaining Faith, with the number of successes restoring lost levels. For sites that have lost all Faith, the rituals must
involve one week of prayers and rituals, with the Chaplain rolling their own Faith to restore the ground's lost levels.

Conventual Chaplains
One often forgotten component of the Militant Orders is the role of Chaplain. Each Order has been granted the extraordinary
right to have their own priests -- chaplains initiated into the secrets of their particular Rule.

These chaplains serve an important purpose: ensuring the spiritual well-being of the Knights and Novices as they fight eternal
evil. They understand the pressures and trials that Knights of Christ must face. Thus, in the confessional and on the pulpit, they
know what solice the soul of their unique congregation requires.

Dominus Vobiscum: Chaplains, as with most priests, are permitted to pass blessings upon another character -- even if that
character does not have Faith. Hospitaller priests, following the Catholic Tradition, will usually consist of a sign of the cross
being gestured above the person as a short prayer is uttered.
System: Roll Faith (Difficulty 8)
Successes Result
The character feels better, but nothing else happens.
A temporary Willpower point is gained.
A temporary Willpower point is granted, as is one additional die on any one Ability roll made.
A temporary Willpower point is granted along with two additional dice on any one Dodge or Soak that must be
A temporary Willpower point is granted, plus three additional dice on one upcoming Dodge or Soak.

Via Medicameni
This ritual is one commonly found among the Conventual Chaplains of the Hospitallers. Known as "The Way of Remedy," this
ritual combines with medical knowledge to knit bones, stop bleeding and actually reverse serious wounds. However,
supernatural causes of aggravated wounds cannot be healed in this fashion.
While the knights of many Orders have means to heal themselves under extreme circumstances, this is a much gentler and less
demanding method.
System: Roll Manipulation + Intuition.
Cost: One willpower point per ailment.
You can soothe minor pains.
** Sprains and minor infections heal quickly. Those Bruised, Hurt or Injured heal twice as quickly.
*** All injuries up to Crippled heal twice as fast. You can temporarily lessen the dice penalties by one level for damage through
to Crippled. Incapacitated characters can get to their feet and move. The wounds still require treatment, though.
**** You can heal chronic diseases such as arthritis, but it takes time and effort. Even Incapacitated characters will heal twice
as fast as normal, and you touch banishes all but the worst pain.
***** You can heal even deadly conditions such as spinal cancer, but it takes a lot out of you and requires weeks of treatment.
Broken bones and major trauma can be healed within one week.

Holy Water
Holy water is simply relatively clean water, usually from a spring or well. This water is usually placed in a holy reliquary next to a
baptismal font. Historically, this holy water was freely available for any members of a parish to use. In modern times, it is not as
freely available.
Water blessed by any priest -- even without True Faith -- will have a Faith rating of 1. If blessed by a bishop, or blessed on a
major holy site, the water will have Faith of 2.
Water blessed by a priest with True Faith will gain a Faith rating equal to that of 1 point for every 2 the priest possesses. Holy
water does not act like a holy relic: its Faith rating does not supplement that of its bearer.
Holy water remains "fresh" for about a month on holy ground and deteriorates faster elsewhere (2 weeks in normal terrain, days
on "tainted" ground).
Faith Effect
Causes discomfort to supernaturals, noticed by a mortal making a Perception + Empathy roll, difficulty of target's
** Can inflict aggravated damage equal to the water's Faith rating.
*** An unbroken line of holy water of this value can form a barrier against all manner of dark creatures. Opponents must make
a Stamina roll (difficulty 10) to step over this barrier.
**** The presence of this water will affect ghouls and even humans of low humanity.
***** When sprinkled about, the holy water forms a "safe zone" from supernatural powers (immune to Presence, Dominate,
Obfuscate etc). However, creatures can use powers that affect themselves (Fortitude, Potence etc). The effect is only for
one day and one night.

Graal Water
This is a form of holy water that has its powers specifically focussed on healing. While inherently holy, the water does not have
the same properties as holy water. It's healing properties are dramatically effective, however.
Use the wielder's Faith + Medicine (difficulty 6 for normal damage, 9 for aggravated). Successes equal levels healed.
The Faith rating of Graal water is affected in the same manner as holy water (graal water Faith = Faith of maker etc). It also
deteriorates, though at half the rate of holy water. Its properties also vary with Faith rating:
Faith Properties
Standard roll.
***** -1 for normal difficulty.
****** -1 for aggravated difficulty.
******* -2 for normal difficulty.
******** -2 for both normal and aggravated.
Graal water has an opposite effect upon the supernatural "enemies" of the Church. Instead of raising Health Levels, it will lower

Almost 2000 years of history has caused the Church to amass a vast array of relics associated with its greatest and finest
members. It is not the relic itself that generates its power: but the Faith of those who believe in its association with the powers of
good. Some of these relics are particularly useful in the Order's pursuit of the Cainite Crusade.
Relics were particularly important during the Middle Ages. To have something associated with the Saints was to ease one's own
path to heaven. Almost every noble spent great portions of their treasuries attaining such dubious relics upon the conquest of the
Holy Land. Whether or not it is truly associated with what it is said to be, it is the belief of the masses that counts. For example,
scientists have produced some questionable evidence that the Shroud of Turin is a Middle Ages forgery. Whether it is genuine
or fake makes no difference. Because people have and still do believe in it, its Faith rating remains at 6. Unfortunately, the same
applies to pagan idols. Statues of Baal -- dormant for centuries -- can still contain the Faith of their worshippers.

The Relic: Most relics are associated with the Saints. Only the most holy of relics are associated with Christ himself. These
often take the form of a mummified portion of the Saint's body, such as a fingerbone (or hand, in the case of St. John). Others
are pieces of personal property owned by a Saint, such as his sword, robes, cross or rings. The most holy of relics are those
associated with the One True Cross.

The Reliquary: Holy objects such as bones or fragments are used to contain and protect the relic. It is often a simple box, or
equally as often an ornate and bejeweled container. Many reliquaries are unportable because of their size and weight. Others
are simply too fragile, risking damage to the relic inside. Some, such as Crusader Swords, are designed to carry the relic safely
into battle.

The Power of Relics: Relics have a permanent Faith Rating, much like Holy Ground. It supplements the Faith of a Knight or
Chaplain, with the added benefit of allowing these faithful the use of abilities associated with that higher ranking. Most relics with
a militant history, such as a dagger or sword, can inflict aggravated damage. Other relics have strange an inexplicable powers,
often mimicking those associated with its original owner. Supernaturals directly touching a relic must soak aggravated damage
(on the relic's Faith roll). Only a Strength roll (diff 8) with 5 successes can destroy a relic.

Holy Relics
St. John the Baptist was adopted as the patron of the Order of the Hospital, and his feast-day became the most solemn festival
in their calendar. The Hospitallers even went to the extent of purchasing his mummified arm from the Ottoman Emperor Bajazet
to become their most treasured relic. It survives even today.
Shortly after the Knights of St. John were repulsed from the Holy Land, Dieudonne de Gozon slew an incarnation of Satan
himself: a dragon. Combining his faith with his intelligence and creativity, he succeeded where many other knights had failed.
His sword is preserved as an icon to the deed that earned him the title Dragonslayer.
The seemingly miraculous successful defence of Rhodes in 1479 by Grand Master d'Aubusson gave rise to another notable
relic for the Order. The battered armour he wore during his inspired last stand -- and during which angels are said to have come
out of the setting sun to repulse the Turks from the breached walls -- is a treasured icon to this glorious time.
When the Hospitallers were forced out of Rhodes they safely took with them their precious icon of Our Lady of Phlermo and the
hand of St. John the baptist. The symbolic key to the gates of Rhodes was also taken -- a final act of defiance in the face of the
victorious Suleiman. This icon was taken to Russia after the fall of Malta, and then to Yugoslavia after the 1917 revolution. It is
now lost and the subject of several search teams.
Reverence is also placed in the formal armour of Grand Master La Valette who led the vastly outnumbered knights in a victorious

defence of their newly established base on Malta. This armour has been worn by succeeding Grand Masters in times of great
need in an attempt to become associated with his military genius.

Hospitaller Gifts & Prayers

Take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand
therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the
preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts
of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
-- Ephesians 6: 13-17

These are abilities that Knights are able to call upon at any time, instantaneously. They are generally boons which allow the
Knight to be aware of and deal with the supernatural forces of Darkness. Gifts apply to all members of the Militant Orders at all
times. Any member, be he novice or knight, is given these abilities as a sign of Gods favour. The strength of many abilities do
vary with Faith, and others may only be granted with particular Faith ratings. But they are still Gifts. Expenditure of Grace Points
is often required -- though not always. Sometimes the warrior's Faith is all that he needs to empower his Will or Word with an
ability. These are the only supernatural powers that a Novice has access to. Only Investiture as a Knight gives a character the
status to learn the Prayers and Rituals. All of the powers outlined under White Wolf's Faith Table system are regarded as Gifts.
Gifts are used at will, and only one Gifts can be used per turn.
The * rating before a Gift, Prayer or Ritual designates the number of Faith Levels required before that Holy Power becomes
available. The numerical rating (say, 7) specifies what number of Grace Points must be expended to initiate the Power.

Panacea: The knight with this training can heal and help others with their powers. Many knights believe the healing properties of
Panacea are in a sense "forgiveness" to the body for its wrongs, allowing it to heal, but all know how useful it is. Each level of
Faith increases the strength of Panacea, thus gives the knight a new healing ability:
*** Sense Health: The knight can, by rolling Perception + Empathy, sense the condition of anyone they wish. This gives the
character a sense of their current health level, any diseases, poisons or taint at work, etc. Additionally, the knights can sense
supernaturals with this ability -- they can sense the thundering vitality of a garou, the near-death of a Life-Stealer, the void of a
Ghost, etc.
**** Give Strength: By laying on hands, the knight is able to impart his strength to others, allowing a weakened warrior to fight on.
The knight can give any of their Grace or Willpower points to another, no more than his Faith each turn. Note that the other still
rolls against the same permanent Grace and Willpower scores he always had, they simply have more points to spend. *****
Absorb Wounds: The knight is able to absorb the wounds of another into himself. He rolls Panacea + Empathy, and each
success draws one damage level into his own body. The knight can say ahead of time that he will limit how much he will absorb,
but he will always absorb aggravated levels first.

* Scriptus: (1 Grace) This conveys the ability to read at an increased rate due to specifically heightened abilities. The rate at
which printed matter can be read is 25 pages per turn. This rate cannot be increased.

** Memorise: (4 Grace) The ability to memorise text to the point of recitation can be extremely valuable for covert operations
and special missions. It costs one point of Willpower to invoke this power and is limited to the supernatural memorisation of only
one piece of work at a time. Success is based on a Will+Int roll:
1 success: 15 pages of text
2 successes: 50 pages of text
3 successes: 100 pages of text
4 successes: 500 pages of text
5 successes: 1000 pages of text

*** Intervene: (3 Grace) The character has the ability to intervene in an aspect of a subjects life. A wayward son who is drinking
too much can be spoken to -- and he will listen! The final act of will remains the subjects.
System: Roll Manipulation + Empathy against the target's Willpower.

** Glow of the Kindred: (3 Grace) All Kindred within the character's line of sight glow with a pale light.
System: Upon concentration, Roll Perception + Empathy against a difficulty of 7. Compare the number of successes to any level
of Obfuscate present to determine if it is penetrated -- ie 3 successes on the roll allows the character to see through Obfuscate

**** Fear of God: (5 Grace) This power allows the Knight to paralyse a single target with overwhelming fear. The force of the
Knight's Faith projects a pervading and crippling sense of nameless dread upon the target.
System: By spending 6 Grace Points, the user can paralyse another by rolling Charisma + Intimidation against a Difficulty of the

target's current Willpower. The number of successes attained on this roll determines the number of turns that the target is
immobilised. The target is allowed to spend a temporary Willpower point to gain a Courage roll to throw off the fear (Difficulty 6),
with each success shortening the duration of the paralysis by one turn. Of course, breaking free of this effect in this way, even if
attempted immediately will cause the target to expend his action. By raising the Difficulty to the Willpower of the strongest-willed
victim +1 per additional target, the Knight can attempt to affect multiple targets with this power, although the successes must be
divided amongst those affected (in any way the Kindred sees fit). With the increased difficulty reducing the number of successes
overall and the dividing of successes, this option is not particularly common.

***** Voice of Command: (6 Grace) By making a Willpower roll, difficulty of the opponent's Willpower, the knight can command
a target to perform one non-violent action. This command must be simple, clear, and direct, and it must be an action that the
target is capable of performing (you can't command a Garou to fly if he has no wings, for instance). The victim must also be able
to hear and understand the command. Once the action is performed, the victim is free. Commands which would require more
than one action, like, "Pull out your klaive and attack your friend," would fail -- the victim would pull his klaive, but then be free to
use it on whomever he pleased (the knight, for instance). The number of successes determines exactly what the knight can
command. This Gift can only be used once on each opponent per scene, and its exact effects are up to the Storyteller.

Sacred formalised beseechments of God's intervention on this earth. Each of these Holy Prayers call for a specific power. If the
supplicant has a great enough Faith, sufficient Grace Points and their need is just and true, then the Prayer will be answered and
the Blessing granted. Only one Prayer can be used per turn, with no Gifts (even with God's Speed). Prayers are only available to
Invested knights of the Orders. Novices are restricted to the Gifts.

Healing Hands: (see details). This is an extremely important blessing, considering knights and novices are mortals. While the
blessings of God's Gifts and Prayers assist in humanity's combat against the Kindred, it does not remove their mortality. With
the expenditure of One Willpower a knight may heal health levels of suitable mortals. Those with low humanities, who have been
excommunicated or are otherwise condemned by god will receive no benefit from the act -- though the knight will still lose the
appointed number of Grace Points. Healing Hands cannot be used more than once per day, per wound.
*****: Raise the health level of a mortal by one level per 2 Grace Points expended. One Willpower point must be expended per
*******: Raise the health level of a mortal by one level per 1 Grace Point expended, restore one level of aggravated wounds per 2
Grace Points. One Willpower point must be expended per use.

***** Contemplation: (1 Grace) The knight's training has progressed so far as to be able to harness the hidden depths of his
soul, as well as speed up its recovery after exertion. The knight must succeed in making a Wits + Self Control roll in order to
enter the contemplative state. Once there, the knight can recover spent Willpower. The knight must make a Wits + Theology roll,
against a difficulty of 7 (+/- for the location: ie +2 for alongside a highway, while -2 if alone in a cathedral), with each success
indicating a recovered Willpower. The Willpower is recovered at the rate of one point per fifteen minutes. If not enough time is
spent in contemplation, or the knight is interrupted, the remaining successes are lost. The knight can never exceed his Willpower
rating by use of this Prayer.

***** Sense The Sin: (3 Grace) By means of this power, the knight can learn about the targets personal failings and
weaknesses, if any. Such things as derangements, low Willpower, Virtues or Humanity, addictions or compulsions are revealed
by this power. Note that this power cannot reveal any knowledge the target may have, such as a crime committed, unless it is
connected to a consistent flaw, such as kleptomania.
System: The knight makes a Perception + Empathy roll, difficulty of the target's Humanity/Path. The number of successes
determines how much information is gained, and how accurate it is.

****** Forge Bonds: (7 Grace) Strengthens existing positive bonds (love, friendship) and causes those who are neutral to be
better disposed to those around them.
System: The roll is made using Charisma + Empathy. The number of successes indicate how long the effect lasts. It will make
enemies neutral and open to diplomacy.

****** Touch of God: (4 Grace) Touching a target and spending a Willpower point duplicates the effects of staking. The target
has one chance to resist by rolling Fortitude at a difficulty of the Knight's Willpower; failure or botch indicates that the target is
immobilised as if staked. In order to maintain this state the Knight must remain in contact and spend one Willpower point per

******* Harrowing Conscience: (5 Grace) By the use of this prayer a Knight may raise a subject's Humanity by forcing them to
confront their sins. The Target of the prayer is put into a stupor, him mind wandering in a dreamscape. The Target's sins
personify themselves as demons in this dream world, attacking and tormenting him -- exposing the horror of his past actions. If
the Target is able to emerge victorious from this dream conflict, one point of Humanity can be restored. If the Target fails, a
further point is lost.
System: The Knight must touch the Target, using his Humanity + Faith versus their Target's Willpower. The number of successes
equals the number of "humanity checks" the Target must make. Upon the action, the Target enters a dream state and must
endure a heightened conscience. To determine the effects of his dream conscience, the Target must make a Perception +
Conscience roll against a difficulty of his Humanity subtracted from 10. The number of Perception + Conscience rolls made is

determined by the number of successes the Knight made. Each "successful" role on behalf of the Target increases his Humanity
by 1.

******* Know Thine Enemy: (7 Grace) This allows the Knight to know merits and flaws, clan, generation, approximate skills
talents, disciplines, approximate bloodpool, etc of an opponent. Roll Perception+Occult, target 7. The number of successes
indicated amount and specificity of information. Opponents' Obfuscate ratings adds to the difficulty.

******** Curse of Michael: (Piety Point) By touching a single target and spending a Piety and a Willpower point, the Knight may
dampen the use of a specified Discipline. For the remainder of the night, the target may not use one Discipline of the Knight's
choosing. Note that this power does not grant knowledge beforehand of which, if any, Disciplines the target possesses.

Illuminati: The Conspiracy

By Stephen Esdale
With a plethoria of information and assistance
and information provided by Anders Sandberg

Chapter 1: Introduction
We are prisoners in our own World.
Since the dawn of time we sleepers...mortals...humans have been the pawns of greater powers. To them we were nothing; used as
tools and exploited for their enjoyment.
The first to become our "masters" were those horrible creatures society would label Werewolves. These things that call themselves
Garou subjected us to the harsh tyranny called the Impergium. For millennia they culled our numbers, stopped us from growing, and
stole our world from us. We all have a legacy from it. For to look upon one of the beasts still causes madness and overriding fear; a
racial memory of undying intensity.
No one remembers those dark one but us.
Vampires sought to continue the cycle of dominance. These creatures exist in a limbo between life and death. They have great mystic
power and have the will to use it. Many of our most talented, famous, and infamous people have been taken over to their side. Our
greatest resources have been stolen from us, the collected treasures of humanity have been raped by abominations! They walk
among us, unseen by most. They control mortals from the darkness, unknown by most. They are a danger to all of us,
incomprehensible by most.
We are not like most people. We see, know, and comprehend.
Magic exists all around us. Those of us have master magic in some form are called Hedge Wizards. This moniker was bestowed by
those of Supernatural origin; our magic cannot compare to that of the Vampire's Thaumaturgy and those of the immortal Mummy.
Mummies, like their magic, are potent but not a threat. They seek the destruction of Vampires, and that could be the key to bringing
them over to our side.
There is another magic so potent in this world, that its source defies logic. Only these people deserve to be called Magi. Once they
were like us and are still very much mortal. I have been told they have seen the true nature of reality, and are bestowed with the power
to shape it to their will. I have also been informed by those of their kind that they have only limited control, lest powers beyond their
scope crush them underfoot. We would have called these Magi brothers, but they have continually attempted to control humanity. They
have herded them into an alien philosophy they call Ascension.
Of all of these, those who call themselves the Technomancers are the worst. Bastions of technology, they have enslaved humanity
under a dogma of science and logic. We allowed them to start the Age of Reason, for it subverted the other supernaturals and forced
them into hiding. Their technological advancements have given us new weapons against our age-old enemies. Yet the time for
allowing the Technomages free reign has long passed. Their Empire will be crushed in The Conspiracy.
Ah yes, The Conspiracy. That is the name for the plans we have created to finally free Humanity from the yoke of Supernatural
influence. Yet its more than that, for we want humanity under our guidance. For too long have they wandered like sheep, allowing the
Vampire, Magi, and Werewolf to control them. They need a Shepherd; a leader to show them the way to world dominance. We, the
Illuminati, are that force.
The Secret Societies that we call the Illuminati are a diverse lot. Some of us have existed since before the Egyptians, some only very
recently. Some, like my Society, want political power; others wish to control the flow of information or money. Others just want power of
a different kind, like magic or knowledge! Our secrecy has been guaranteed by our unorthodox methods. A web of intrigue, control
and influence make it nearly impossible for those seeking the truth to find it. And if they do get close? We drop the name Illuminati in
the laps. Those Vampire fools of Clan Tremere call their information network by the same name we do. The odds are in our favour that
those seeking us out will attribute our...deeds to the Tremere. No wonder those undead Warlocks are so mistrusted!
No. We should have never given our name to the Sheep, nor to the Supernatural forces that control them. Because of it, our secrecy
could be threatened. A Tremere Warlock called Corvus Beltane has learned some of our secrets and has taken his knowledge
underground. Though our forces have waged a successful campaign of disinformation, our fear is that others will listen to his words
and actually believe him. That Vampire and his "Shamans of Beltane" must die!
The Courts will send their Cadres, independent troubleshooters charged with protecting the phantom veneer we hide behind. There
are many powers in the world which are beyond even our ability to fathom. We must be diligent, or they will crush us like the ants we
truly are.
Now that you heard this, you have no other option but to become a member of our side. You will now swear your loyalty to the Society
of the Global Elite. If the lie detector detects deception, you will be filled with enough volts light up a small town. Now repeat after me...

Welcome to my pet project, something I have always wanted to add in the World of Darkness. However, before you read any further I
want to lay out what this supplement is all about. For one thing, Illuminati: The Conspiracy is not meant to redefine anything in the
World of Darkness. Everything you have heard in the other Storyteller games in not changed by this supplement. What I have done is
added a hidden element into the Goth-Punk world, along with enough rumours and ideas to allow the Storyteller to pick-and-choose
what elements are suitable for his or her own campaign. In the end, this supplement is an aid for Storytellers to spice up their
campaign world. No one should tell you how to run Illuminati; not even its writer.
This is a supplement of mundane secret societies, run by extraordinary but still mundane humans. For those who want nifty new
supernatural creatures with wondrous powers and vicious natural weapons, you will be sadly disappointed. Its strictly a roleplaying
tool. Though they Societies have nifty gadgets at their disposal, Mages and other supernatural creatures would eat a conventional
Knight (an Illuminati Agent) for breakfast. Only by careful planning and scheming can these forces remain undetected in this dark and
strange land.
Illuminati is a work filled with mystery, suspense, and irony. Irony? Yes, for the World of Darkness is filled with dramatic irony. The
Vampire Sabbat, though the Arch-enemy of the Camarilla, may be the Kindred's only hope against the Antediluvians. Werewolves, by
their Impergium, may have driven humanity into the Weaver's influence to escape Garou tyranny. Finally, Mage's, by their actions in the
Mythic Age, may have contributed to the rise of the Technocracy (though, in the case of the latter, we give an alternate theory).
In Illuminati: The Conspiracy it is very ironic that this influential and powerful organization isn't controlled by supernatural monstrosities
or powerful wizard's chantry. It is mundane humans, though some blessed with extraordinary Numina, that are the self-appointed
puppet-masters of Humanity. It is also very Paradoxical that though the Secret Societies are against Supernatural Influence in the
world, their great power comes from the Vampire, Werewolf, and Mage pawns at their disposal. Though they want a world free from
arcane authority, they need them to maintain their grip on humanity.
Another element that is very important is paranoia. Plots behind plots, ulterior motives, and secret agendas are everywhere. Working
for an mysterious organization, often facing an enemy that a total unknown. Your never sure whether your teammates are trusted
friends, or spies. You could be the spy! The only person you cannot distrust is your boss and he's brainwashed you.
As you are reading this, you will immediately draw comparisons between this and Steve Jackson's Illuminati (both the GURPS
supplement and the card game). I must admit that the game was the catalyst for writing this supplement, as well as inspiration for the
major societies in the game (Gnomes of Zurich = Shadow Bank, Bavarian Illuminati = Global Elite). Yet the bulk of the work remains
generally my own (along with more than generous help from Anders Sandberg and a non-listmember, Carl Gutbrod).
I have undoubtedly used a lot of copyrights and trademarks here, and did so without permission. I am getting no revenue from this and
have very little money myself. Don't sue me; you can't squeeze blood from a turnip.

Chapter Two : Setting

The World of Darkness has already been adequately handled in the other White Wolf games. This work does not change the scope of
that work. What this does is add a new force into that bleak landscape. A force which doesn't have claws or fangs, cannot dominate or
toss fireballs. This force has existed for centuries, though none of its members are immortal. They rarely confront their enemy directly;
never allow themselves to be discovered. They are the Secret Societies of Humanity, collectively known as the Illuminati.

Collective History of the Illuminati.

Though it has faded into the racial memory of Humanity, the real beginning of the Illuminati can be traced to the Impergium, the empire
of Werewolves that culled mankind's growth. Sometime near the end of the Impergium, village elders started groups to maintain a
history of their people and also to chronicle the terrible things the Werewolves had done. This was, of course, an oral history and was
passed down from generation to generation. These small groups would later fade in the background of society as the Garou ended
their reign of terror and allowed the unchecked expansion of humanity.
The oral history would continue to be spread until the rise of the Egyptians. Up to (and including) this time, these people had been long
considered Sages and men of wisdom. Their knowledge was desperately sought, and was a valuable commodity. A small group of
these oral historians, to preserve their legacy for future generations, wrote down their millennia-long legacy on papyrus sheets. They
then took the many books and hid them away in a false tomb for safe keeping, to prevent the unworthy from gleaning its secrets. This
tomb was the first Basilica, the storehouse of the first Secret Society which would be later called the Blood Covenant.
The secret societies sprung up over the millennia, growing from areas seeded from the Blood Covenant. These Secret Societies saw
the atrocities committed by the supernatural world, terrible things that brought back memories of the Impergium. The Battle between
Set and Osiris, and the Mythic Age of Magedom were only two of the horrible things which scarred humankind. The societies had
once thought only about advancing mankind, the power gained being fringe benefits. Now they realized that humanity was not capable
of handling its own affairs unguided. Now they would control mankind for its betterment, subverting the supernatural influence and
eventually utterly destroying those abominations.
Thus The Conspiracy was formed, the plan for the saving of mankind. They would control society from the shadows, never taking a
direct hand in anything. Instead they would let the humans serve as pawns, with them not even knowing that they were being controlled.
From their secret positions they would lead humanity against the supernatural, erasing their power and privilege from the mundane
world. The abominations would not be able to strike back effectively, for they would be unable to find the true source of the enemy.
Around the 15th century, when the great age of expansion was taking place, the Secret Societies (now calling themselves the
Illuminati) were beginning to clash on a regular basis. When countries and people had little contact with each other, the Illuminati could
easily work in their respected circles without difficulty. Each society had its own goals, which rarely involved another society's
"holdings". Now the world was getting smaller, travel between locations would soon be much easier and less risky. Already some
Illuminati were threatening their cover by hiring thugs to attack another's holdings. It seemed as if the Illuminati would go to war if
something wasn't done. Thousands of years of work could be undone in but a few short years.
In the year 1492, just as Columbus was reaching the shores of the New World, the Four Major Secret Societies of the Illuminati (Global
Elite, Blood Covenant, The Pantheon, and The Keepers of Secrets) met to avert major disaster. A treaty of peace, called the Pax
Concordat was drawn up between the powers. This document laid out a framework in which the Secret Societies could function
without risking the Conspiracy. A non-violent means of acquisition and take-over of another Society's holdings was implemented, as
well a strict code of conduct for those engaged in those activities. Basilica were updated to guarantee that all Societies knew the
reason for their actions and what their goals were . Finally, the Pax Concordat set up a united front against the Supernatural. No
Illuminati would be alone against the Abominations.
The Illuminati have expanded steadily over the last half millennia. Two new Societies have been introduced into the Pax Concordat,
the Shadow Bank and the Enigmatic Stratagem (though it's in doubt whether the latter actually follows its precepts). Since ancient
times, they have remained largely unnoticed by the general populace. No one has even suspected they may exist...until recently.
It is fashionable in these days to believe in conspiracies (more so in the World of Darkness). Since Kennedy's assassination, there
have been those who theorized there is a phantom government in the United States (and elsewhere). This paranoia has only
intensified with the apparent coverup of UFO abductions and sightings. However, the views of these people are not seriously shared
by the general populace and are not considered a threat by the Illuminati. The real threat is the Supernatural themselves, specifically
the two great powers in the world: The Vampire Elders and the Technocracy. If anyone can find what is going on, these two groups
The Technocracy has been generally oblivious to Illuminati activity, generally attributing any strange activity to the Traditions, Garou, or
Kindred. They, in their arrogance, could never believe a human could ever reach their power. It's this "mage supremacist" attitude that
has hindered their investigation into Illuminati-sponsered activity.
Vampires are the supreme manipulators, or so they thought. Princes have become increasingly worried by the strange increase of
Hunter activity and the manipulation of Kindred-held organizations. Like the Technocracy, the Elders of the Clans have been looking to
their enemies the Garou (especially the Glass Walkers) for these attacks on Vampire power. They certainly don't believe that Warlock
Beltane and his mistaken beliefs about "powerful human secret societies..."
Illuminati have always been in a delicate position. The Societies must remain active to prevent the further domination of mankind by
the Supernatural (as well as cement their own brand of control on the populace) but must be very careful to maintain the veil of secrecy
which ensures their existence. Unless the Cadres of the Court maintains its level of vigilance, the Societies existence could eventually

be threatened.

Common Parlance
Acquisition: The taking over of an Supernatural or Mundane-Influenced holding by one of the Secret Societies.
Basilica: The Headquarters and storehouse of knowledge of a Particular Illuminati Society. It is also the teaching ground for new
Agents (Knights) and helps enforce the single-minded purpose of the Conspiracy.

Bishop: The Teacher of New Recruits and Keeper of the knowledge contained within the Basilica.
Cadres: Groups of Knights and Pawns, under control of the Court, who seek out potential breeches of the Pax Concordat and "fix"

Challenge of Dominion: The formal name for the process of taking over another Society's Holding through non-violent means.
Cliques: Similar to a Cadre, but composed of Knights and Pawns loyal to only one Society.
Conclave: A lesser council made up of Bishops and Rooks which reports to the Court. They handle matters to menial or unimportant
to call a full meeting of the Court.

Conspiracy, The: Plan of action in which the Societies of the Pax Concordat subvert Supernatural influence on Humanity while
increasing their grip on mortal society.

Court: The council which is made up of the Queens of all the major Illuminati of the Pax Concordat (except the Enigmatic Stratagem).
They judge infractions of the Concordat and interpret its laws.

Creed: Inter-Society groups who share common view on the Conspriacy and the goals of the Illuminati in general. They are often at
cross purposes with the Court and the Societies.

Holding: The Name for any organization or business under the control of a Secret Society.
Hostile Takeover: An illegal practise in which a Society wrests control from a rival Illuminati (or seize control of a Supernatural or
Mundane Holding) by violent means.

Illuminati: The Collective name of all Secret Societies

Initiation: The creation of a new member of the Societies by brainwashing or other coercion.
Junctions: Small Societies which serve as intermediaries and buffers between two different Holdings.
King: The head of a particular Society.
Knight: Semi-visible Agents of the Societies. Made up by Mortals gifted with special abilities (Numina).
Mundane: Polite term for Humans. The same as Sleeper/Mortal terms used by Mages and Vampires.
Pawn: Lowest rank of the Illuminati. The only rank in which Supernatural are allowed. Considered nothing but tools.
Pax Concordat: The Concord of Peace. A peace treaty signed by the major societies of the Illuminati. Contains the rules by which
the Societies operate.

Phantom Veneer: Interchangeable with Masquerade/Veil/etc. Its a term (some say cliche), denoting the secrecy practiced by the

Prime Holding: The most important Holding in a Society with direct links to the Basilica. All other Holdings stem from this one source.
Queen: Members of the Illuminati that have separated themselves from the affairs of the Societies to become representatives to the

Righteous Fury: The equivalent of Society Genocide. The destruction of an entire Society or Throng by the whole of the Pax
Concordat. Called many times on Throngs but never on Societies, its the only time Hostile Takeovers are sanctioned.

Rook: Controllers of Holdings, they enforce the Illuminati's will on a dominated business. Rarely seen except when dealing with its

Shepherd: Codeword used to denote an Illuminati agent, typically a Knight.

Societies: The term for each of the major Illuminati groups involved in the Pax Concordat.
Throng: Small Societies, not part of the Pax Concordat but forced to follow its precepts. They hold no influence in Court (but are

influenced by that body). Its status compares to what Bloodlines are to Vampire Clans.

Old Form
Fabula: The bishop's art of interpreting the texts of Basilica.
Latebra: All Supernaturals who hide from public view.
Lingua: The Knights language of verbal communication.
Quaesitor: Term borrowed from the Order of Hermes (House Quaesitoris). Term once used for a Society's Queen.

Vulgar Argot
Abominations: Any Supernatural who has his origins as a human being (Mage, Vampire, Werewolf, Wraith, etc...).
Carnac: A traitor, scum, worthless
Dead Poets Society: The Camarilla (often specifically targeted at the Toreador)
Parasites: Vampires
Warlocks: Mages
Sheep: Mundane humans
Spectres: Wraiths

Organization in the Illuminati

While there are still many differences between Illuminati, the signing of the Pax Concordat created many standard institutions common
to all the Societies. The following is an overview of these common organizations in general.

The Pax Concordat

To understand the Illuminati Society, you must first understand the Pax Concordat. It is Illuminati Society. It is the guide to which all
agents follow, the cornerstone on which the Conspiracy is now resting. Everyone in the Society believes that the Pax Concordat is the
only reason why the Illuminati have kept their secrecy for all these years. The Pax Concordat is contained in a large leather-bound
tome in each of the Society's Basilica. It is a work that is encoded and filled with misleading passages that only a trained Bishop can
understand. Though the work has long and specific rules, the Illuminati hasn't the time needed to contact the Bishop every time they
wish to initiate an acquisition. So the Societies have condensed the Pax Concordat into several common sense rules that listed

I) Secretum: No Illuminati agent, no matter what his station, can reveal the existence of the Secret Societies to an outside member.
This rule is the most steadfast law. Like the Vampires and Werewolves, the Illuminati are very strict in upholding this edict, for a breech
in Secretum could be the end of the Illuminati's existence. The penalty for breeching this law is a lengthy, painful death (which could be
dragged out for months). Many of the Societies have invented terrible fates for traitors, generally ensuring that secrecy will be ensured.

II) Principalis: The first priority is the Conspiracy. All other duties, whether personal or the work of the Societies is secondary.
This rule basically states that if there is a choice between furthering the Conspiracy and other possible goals, that the Conspiracy
comes first. In practise, the Societies rarely let anything get away from their own plans and ambitions, even the Conspiracy.

III) Dominus: If an Illuminati has influence over the decisions of a Holding, it is theirs. No other Illuminati can exert influence over it
unless it is a Challenge of Dominion.
If a Society controls enough of a Holding (say by controlling the President/Chairman or a majority of stockholders) to make decisions
unimpeded, then the whole Holding is theirs. No sabotage can be made by rival Societies, unless they formally declare a Challenge of
Dominion. Again, in practise the Illuminati rarely let another's conquest run smoothly, though they make sure the problems cannot be
directly traced back to them.

IV) Gravitus: When undergoing an Acquisition or a Challenge of Dominion, violence is expressly forbidden. Influence and all other
non-violent means are the tools you must use.
Violence garners too much attention, opening the Illuminati to possible scrutiny by the outside world. Therefore influence through
bribes, brainwashing, blackmail, etc. are the only means to get Holdings. Of course, violence is used in illegal "Hostile Takeovers".
Societies are not quick to accuse another of such tactics, however, due to the fact that some past sin (such as a previous Hostile
Takeover) might be dredged up by those blamed.

V) Solus: Against the Supernatural hordes, the Illuminati will be as one force. No Society may deal with the Latebra, to attack a rival
Society or to further their own goals.

Another steadfast rule of the Illuminati. Breaking this rule has similar consequences as rule I. Against their mortal enemies, the
Societies must work together as a team, using their special talents to their best advantage. Not to do so could be catastrophic.

VI) Prudentia: The Court has supreme authority in all matters brought before it. To ignore or defy its rulings bring misfortune on the
If a breach of the Pax Concordat, or at the very least a matter of interpreting its rules, is brought before the Court, then its ruling is
made law. If it is openly defied or questioned, the perpetrator will be punished. This includes censure and lost of rank, to torture and
possible death. The Court will not be questioned, though many Illuminati only give lip-service to this law. In recent history, the Court has
lost much of its power to control its members. However, the recent problems with Beltane and his followers have given the Court new
resolve and power. This power has been transferred onto their Cadres.

The Conspiracy
The Conspiracy, as stated numerous times before, is a scheme that involves all the Societies. Though the current method of influence
and control of society from the shadows is thought to stem from the Conspiracy, it really has more to do with the Pax Concordat than
anything else. Remember, the Conspiracy outdates the Pax Concordat by centuries.
This Conspiracy is not as much a plan as it is a list of goals. The Court believes these goals are to be met at any cost, the Illuminati
are merely at tool to that end. The Societies, on the other hand use the Conspiracy as a tool for their own plans. This often creates a
rift in the Society hierarchy as the Queens of the Court and the Kings of the Illuminati clash over courses of action.
In short, the Conspiracy has three broadly-worded precepts, each interpreted by the Societies to fit their own goals:
1) The end of Supernatural dominance over humankind.
2) Completely influence the course of the mundane world
3) Raise humanity to an intellectual and enlightened state
These lofty goals sound very noble, but it must be stressed that while the Court wishes to see all three precepts followed, many of the
Illuminati only care about number two: Dominance of the humankind. The Creeds (see Chapter 4) within a Society often debate what
Conspiracy precepts are important or redundant, often leading to heated arguments and even outbreaks of violence.

The Court
The Court is the supreme tribunal of the Illuminati. It is composed up of five Queens, one from each of the Societies of the Pax
Concordat except the Enigmatic Stratagem. Its not even known wether the Stratagem even has a Queen, or follows any of the trapping
of Illuminati Society.
Every year is a meeting in some neutral place, chosen randomly from a list of hundreds of locations. These locations are owned by the
Court and are sometimes used as safe-houses for agents in danger. Meetings are also held every time a breech of the Pax
Concordat is brought forth, or when a rule must be interpreted. At attendance in the Court are all the Queens of the Societies, the
Archbishops of each Basilica, and possibly some high-ranking Rooks (acting as personal representatives of the King).
To best describe the court is to think of it has a debating club. When a matter is brought forth, the evidence is presented, people give
testimony (if you are subpoenaed, you had better show up!), and then the topic is thoroughly debated. Finally, a vote is taken an the
result is recorded by the resident Bishops for their respective Basilica. The matter is then closed. Their rule is final and there is no
recourse for appeal. To defy them is a dangerous game, though it is one that all the Illuminati have learned to play very well.
While the Court handles all important matters in the Illuminati, it takes too much organization to organize a meeting for every seemingly
important occurrence. Therefore, the Court has smaller "Conclaves", made up of Bishops and Rooks, which handle lesser matters.
Conclaves are made up of ten members, one Bishop and Rook from all recognized Illuminati (except, of course, the Enigmatic
Stratagem). The Conclave makes a detailed report to the Court every year and has a right to convene a Court session if the need
arises (though they better have a good reason!). They also have lesser Court powers and any decisions rendered are only cancelled a
Queen. There is at least one Conclave for each of the five Societies which sit on the Court, plus at least a dozen Conclaves which
handle threats to the Illuminati has a whole (a quarter of which are devoted to keeping tabs on the Enigmatic Stratagem).

Originally a small underground tomb or hidden structure, the modern day Basilica are huge complexes underneath the ground. They
are multi-story structures, crammed with natural and man-made obstacles to intrusion. Mundane forces will meet (if they ever found the
Basilica, unlikely as it may be) a horde of fanatical, heavily-armed Knights, remote machine guns and flamethrowers, and tripwire
grenades and claymores. Supernaturals could find their Umbral passage blocked by a Garou or Dreamspeaker Pawns, and
Correspondence will often be blocked by interesting Technomancer constructs. While successfully invading a Basilica is possible, its
almost always a suicide mission.
Most of the Basilica is dedicated to the vast library, composed of stone tablets, papyrus, leather-bound tomes, and even computer
programs. Connected to the Library is an extensive complex of sleeping quarters, recreation and entertainment complexes for the
Bishops. There are also dark areas for Initiation and torture, as well as extravagant floors dedicated solely for King and Queen use.
Note that player characters, unless working for the Illuminati (and brainwashed into loyalty), will likely never find a Basilica, let alone
successfully penetrate it.

Society Hierarchy
At one time each society had its own ranking system, each corresponding to their unique world view. The Pax Concordat set up a
standard system of Society status to be followed by all Illuminati in emergency situations. During those important occasions, when they
were fighting against supernatural forces, it's important to know everyone's place in their own Society. There is enough rivalry between
the Illuminati already without adding the arguments over leadership. Over the years this ranking system has been integrated into the
Society's power structure. Though they may be referred to by different names and have slightly different arrangements, most societies
now follow the standard Concordat ranks.
The current hierarchy was based on the game of chess. This was how most of the Society leaders thought of the Conspiracy at that
time. The King was the leader of the Society, given authority questionable only by the Court. The Queen (also called a Quaesitor) was
given a seat on the Court and no longer concerns themselves with Society affairs. Rooks control the holdings of the Society, while
Knights act as its enforcers. Bishops are the true "sages" of the Illuminati and are the keepers of the Society's Basilica. Finally the
term Pawn was given to all those who are under the control of the Society, whether directly or indirectly. More on the hierarchy in
Chapter Three.

The Cadre are the elite troubleshooters of the Court, created to help solve the growing problems facing the Societies. Each Society
represented in the Court must donate a number of promising Knights and Pawns to form Cadres. This multi-society band of agents,
numbering anywhere from four to more than a dozen, must swear their allegiance to the Court and them alone. Failing to do so results
in the Court's own brand of Initiation (involving very unpleasant Brainwashing techniques).
The Cadre's responsibility is to fix any problem the Court thinks is a possible threat to Illuminati security. This includes potential rogue
agents (rare as they may be), lost texts from a Basilica, and possible uncovering of Society activities by supernatural or mundane
sources. The Cadres are spies, assassins, interrogators, commandos, and terrorists all at the same time. Though their importance is
great, Cadres know almost nothing about the Societies they work for. They are gathered together secretly and told their mission via
tape recorder or video tape (watch Mission: Impossible for ideas). They may know their objectives, but will never know the reasons
behind them.
With the success of the Cadres, it wasn't long until the individual Societies began fielding similar groups as the Cadres filled with only
their own faithful agents. Called Cliques, these groups fill similar roles as the Cadres, though may also be called on in Acquisitions,
Challenges of Dominion, and Hostile Takeovers.

Chapter Three: Character

While Illuminati was originally conceived as an omnipresent enemy for characters to face, it is conceivable that people would actually
like to play characters involved in the great Conspiracy. Though compared to the Supernaturals in the World of Darkness, agents of
the Societies are often pretty weak in comparison. However, they do have a very powerful organization, rich in resources and talent,
actively backing them up on missions. Against the Abominations, a character Knight cannot hold his own in a direct fight. Yet the
Illuminati have more tools at their disposal than mere guns or explosives. There are more subtle ways to harm your enemies.

Creating a Character
I. Concept
Any concept is possible with Illuminati characters, the more unorthodox the better. Anything from Archbishops to Zookeepers are
acceptable and encouraged. Stereotypical agents are not a good idea!

II. Nature and Demeanor

The character's Demeanour is the facade he puts up around him. Therefore the player is free to choose any Demeanour that fits his
character concept.
Nature is another matter. Those illuminati of ranks Rook, Bishop, Queen or King; as well as those Pawns or Knights who were not
brainwashed may choose freely. However, those characters who have been put through mind control techniques have Natures set by
their captors. This is often Conformer, Fanatic, Conniver, and Loner; though it could be others too. Natures of Brainwashed victims are
usually chosen by the Storyteller.

III. Rank
As far as characters are concerned there are only two ranks which will suit adventuring characters, that of Knight and Pawn. Rooks
may be allowed as player characters, depending upon the particular Chronicle and Storyteller. Each Rank's duties will list special
Character Generation rules and required skills/backgrounds. See part b) for more information on the ranking system of the Societies.

IV. Society
This author recommends that your Storyteller choose which Society you belong to, this especially if you a Pawn or Brainwashed
Knight. Its almost never a matter of individual choice.
Societies will also recommend Backgrounds and Skills that would be of use to them (and why, perhaps, you were chosen by them).

V. Attributes and Abilities

Attributes: 7/5/3
Abilities: 13/9/5
Backgrounds: 7
Virtues: 9 (a personal house rule for all mortals; use 7 if you wish)
Freebie Points: Variable (Dependant on Rank)

VI Money and Equipment

Besides personal goods, most equipment and weapons needed for your missions will be provided to you by the Societies
themselves. While individualism is tolerated (and sometimes encouraged), the Illuminati frown on equipment and clothing which draw
attention to the agent (or his employers; ie. no heavy weaponry, explosives, tactical nuclear weapons, etc.)
Some unique gear is listed below.

Society Ranks
At the lowest end of the hierarchy is the Pawn. Pawns are the workhorse of any Illuminati Society, a network of contacts and slaves
that are given the most unimportant tasks. They are recruited from ordinary citizens, chosen specifically for their ability to integrate into
society and their usefulness to the Illuminati. There are many types of pawns: Unwitting helpers, dupes, hired experts and consultants,
members of front organizations.
The methods of Initiation vary among this rank, but Brainwashing is rarely done. Its not necessary for them, for they hold no information,
nor are they a serious threat to security. Societies tend to follow the acronym M.I.C.E: Money, Ideology, Coercion, Ego. Blackmail,
Bribes, and Persuasion using both beliefs and narcissism are (and have always been) quick and easy ways to ensure loyalty and
obedience. Pawns are often controlled through a Society's holding (often a Holding they employed with). They are often totally
unaware they are working for a secret society, let alone one as powerful as an Illuminati.

At best, a Pawn can be considered a "Sleeper" agent (not to be confused with the Mage term for unawakened humans). Continuing
their lives unimpeded, they are only used when circumstances warrant it. Rarely are they used in sensitive operations (unless they
have been Brainwashed) and are never combat trained. Typical missions for a Pawn are information gathering, shadowing/tailing
suspects, research, and petty crimes.
Supernaturals are also recruited as Pawns (it's the only rank that allows them as members). However, they are chosen for their unique
talents rather than their ability to fit in. They serve as defensive measures against magically endowed individuals or those creatures
that can easily bypass the mundane security devices the Illuminati deploy. Other than the fact that Supernatural Pawns are always
Brainwashed, they are quite similar to their mundane brothers.

Character Generation: No special skills required. Create a Mortal/Vampire/Werewolf/Mage/Mummy character as normal.

Freebie Points: Based on your breed (15 normally for Vampires, Mages, and Werewolves, 21 for Mortals, 30 for Mummies)

Knights are the elite shocktroops of the Societies, expendable agents with specialities in espionage and covert operations. Just
above Pawns in the hierarchy of the Illuminati, these fanatical warriors are recruited from ex-service personnel, former agents and
police officers, and anyone who shows who shows paranormal abilities (Numina).
Brainwashing is the normal procedure for Knights. Only rarely does someone show the devotion and self-sacrifice needed to be a
Knight. Absolute loyalty is engrained in them throughout their year-long training in secluded camps throughout the world. The Knight is
best suited for the tactical elimination of enemies. This elimination is ideally (according to the Pax Concordat) non-violent, but deadly
force is also used.
Knights are experts in surveillance and entrapment, getting evidence which can be used to persuade or ruin an individual. The also
have knowledge in commando and other special forces operations. Standard operating procedure is to make all covert operations
look like routine terrorist actions. Sabotage is made to look like corporate espionage or "Eco-Terrorism"; Assassinations and
Bombings are carefully staged to appear the work of extreme factions of such groups as the IRA.
The amount of information a knight knows is totally dependant on the skills and natural abilities he or she possesses. Those with
Merits of Iron Will, or have extensive Numina abilities are often allowed more knowledge about the Illuminati than the mundane agents
with no supernatural abilities. Normal agents may know they are working for the a secret society (and may even given a pseudonym to
identify it), but has no knowledge of its personnel or practices. Knights endowed with the necessary special gifts may know a bit more,
such as their immediate superiors and the influence the Society has over the local area he is assigned to . Though the exact number
of Knights with Numina is great (around 75-80%), less than one in ten have the Merits or Transcendental powers to warrant even
nominal insight into the Illuminati.

Character Generation: Knights have primaries in Physical Traits and Skills. They generally should have a good selection of
espionage and military skills such as Firearms, Subterfuge, Survival, and Alertness. The also must take the Lingua skill, the spoken
version of the Rook's Fabula. Background of use to the Knights are Contacts and Arcane (you ever notice on the X-Files that the
enemy agents always disappear after rounding a corner and never seem to appear on cameras?) Numina is also very common with
Knights but preferred supernatural abilities vary with Society.

Freebie Points: Standard 21

Rooks are the cornerstone of any Society, these "enforce" the Illuminati's will in their respective holdings. After a successful
Acquisition or Challenge of Dominion, the Rook enters the scene and maintains order. Rooks are generally trusted Illuminati
individuals (often born into the Society through hereditary lines) who were employed by the future Holding months or years before the
Illuminati arrived.
The masters of subterfuge, manipulation and brainwashing, a Rook ensures that the Holding is completely "loyal" to the powers that
be. Rooks are often given a Clique (Society version of a Cadre) of Knights to help in the pacification of the Holding. Often the Rook
has an entourage of Brainwashing experts (themselves being brainwashed pawns) or Knights that have likewise have the required
Intelligence background.
Using their special abilities, key personnel are Initiated as Pawns into the Illuminati. Rooks then stay in the Holding in small,
unimportant positions, watching for insurrection or outside influence.
Of all agents in exposed or semi-exposed positions, the Rooks possess the most knowledge of their Society. They know they work for
the Illuminati, its name, and their immediate superior (usually another Knight, but rarely a Bishop). They generally have no idea about
the scope of the Illuminati but are still well protected (just in case...).

Character Generation: Social Traits are Primary, but may choose whether Skills or Knowledges are dominant. All Rooks must take
the knowledge of Brainwashing, and most have the Allies, Contacts, or Resources. Some Rooks have the Merit Iron Will...

Freebie Points: 21


Keepers of Society dogma, masters of information, historians without equal. Bishops are generally not available to Player Characters
because of their isolated existence. Bishops are the masters of the Basilica and has such have historical records dating back for into
what the mundane world calls prehistory. Some of the older records include the written versions of the original human oral-histories,
many of which date back to the latter end of the Impergium. Each individual Basilica has different records, depending on its age and
original geographic location. Besides history, the Basilica holds the records of all Illuminati members, past and present, and details
Society business and progress form the earliest times.
There are about a dozen Bishops in each Basilica, lead by one of their number (called an Archbishop). Bishops are chosen from the
brightest of the mundanes in the general area of the Basilica. They are snatched from elite schools and from families who have shown
a history of high intelligence. Many of the unsolved child abductions are not the work of child molesters or serial killers, but are in fact
the latest inductees into the Illuminati. The children are taught from their earliest moments in the Society that they are the most
important force in their organization and without it, humanity is lost. Loyalty and Sacrifice are engrained in their minds, and they are
given the greatest secrets that the Societies have to offer.
For they learn Fabula, the ancient art of translating Basilica text. It is in a long-forgotten dialect, written in an ancient alphabet, and
intricately encoded. Filled with false passages, and special paragraphs to mislead the uninitiated, it takes very intelligent and
dedicated individuals to interpret and copy the text. In fact, Bishops are the only ones allowed to take the Fabula skill; it is taught to no
other, under penalty of death. This system is so complex, that it took Corvus Beltane (see "Shamans of Beltane" in Chapter 5) over
350 years to decipher the code and translate the language and dialect. Even then, he did not manage to separate the true passages
from the false. It's only by these special measures taken to protect the Society's knowledge that the Illuminati have survived for these
Bishops, due to their wide-spread knowledge of the Illuminati, are sequestered in their hidden Basilica, protected by some of the best
Knights available. Mage, Vampire, and Garou Pawns are often used to prevent Supernaturals from finding the Basilica and
penetrating it via mystical or spiritual means. So important are the Bishops to the Illuminati, they often never see the light of day.

Character Generation: Mental Attributes and Knowledges are Primary. Other than taking the Fabula skill, there are no prerequisites
to being a Bishop.

Freebie Points: 21

Queens are the judges of the Illuminati. Sitting on the great and powerful Court, the Queen makes sure the rules of the Pax Concordat
are followed to the letter and interpret the rules are they apply to new situations. [Author note: The "rules interpretations" are important
generally if player characters pursue or inquire about an unorthodox method which may or may not break the Pax Concordat at (such
as, say framing the target with murder, which might be considered a Hostile Takeover since violence has been used to gain a
Holding). Remember, the Court's rule is law! No appeals. Players who ignore Court rulings better pray they don't get caught...]
Chosen from the ranks of the Illuminati (normally, an experienced Archbishop or trusted Rook), the Queen is inaugurated into the Court
in a secret ceremony in one of the Courts meeting places. The Queen (or Quaesitor, using the archaic term) then looses any influence
upon the Society they represent. Though they become the greatest power in the Illuminati, they only have nominal power in their old
power structure. This discrepancy means that though the Court, as a whole, can reprimand Societies, individual Queens have no
power to enforce the Concordat on their own (and often do not report observed internal breeches of the Concordat, due to loyalty to
that Society).
Queens, though they must move to many secret locations, are almost never caught in the open. All Quaesitors have personal Virtual
Adepts, other Correspondence Mages, or equivalent Garou/Vampires to "teleport" them from place to place. They are also
accompanied by at least one Court-appointed Cadre for personal protection. If they must move in the open, they are given protection
unequaled by even heads of state. Only Kings warrant greater protection, though they rarely leave their fortified offices.

Character Generation: They are picked from the ranks of Bishops, Rooks, or very rarely Knights. Create a character from those
ranks, then give them an extra 30 freebie points.

Freebie Points: See Above

Legendary controllers of the Societies, they are the most mysterious of any of the ranks. They are the supreme rulers of their own
Illuminati, with personal goals that can only be guessed at. Because of the secrecy and isolation involved with the King, the identity (or
even gender) of the Society monarch has become a lasting secret. A strict hereditary system, Kings choose their favourite (and/or
most gifted) children for their replacement. The succession is never announced to the crew and only the Queen and a special Rook
(his "mouthpiece") know when the change occurs (and the Kings real identity, for that matter).
Cloistered in a special floor, exclusively tailored for the expensive tastes of the King, the Society's leader is never seen outside his
domain. The floor is impregnable with massive technological, mystical, and spiritual barriers. In the history of the Illuminati, no King has
been assassinated, attacked, or even approached without prior authorization. Then again, if a King had been killed, its doubtful they
Society would advertize the fact...

Character Generation: They need no special skills besides being born into the "Royal" family. Anyway, player characters are not
going to meet a King in their life time, are they?

Freebie Points: As much as they want...

Society Rank Variations

As stated before, the Pax Concordat set a standard ranking system in times of emergency. Over time it has been integrated into the
societies. However, the Societies are loathe to give up their traditions and even those Creeds who are supported by the Court are
often resentful of the compromises placed upon them by the Pax Concordat. [Author note: Remember, though the Societies and
Creeds believe the Court is a necessary evil, very few are staunch supporters. Unlike Vampire society, there are very few "Ancillae",
save perhaps for the members of the Shadow Bank (whom few people trust anyway)]
Therefore, the Societies tend to have varied hierarchies which though superficially different, generally follow standard Concordat
hiearchy. They are listed below:

The Blood Covenant has seven grades, linked to the planets and their symbols. Initiation into each grade is surrounded by complex
mystical rituals and binding oaths (often variations of the Blood Covenant; the ancient ritual which gives the Society its name).
There are three grades of Pawns used by the Blood Covenant. Mundane people and those mundanes who are actively being
manipulated by the Society are sometimes viewed as belonging to the grade of Earth. Two grades control the Pawns and are under
the control of the Rook (Jupiter grade) they themselves are brainwashed pawns:
Moon: The Huntress, Queen of spirits, madness and nature. Mind control, hedge magic and occult matters.
Venus: The Seductress, manipulation and espionage.
Bishops are part of the grade of Mercury: Great Hermes, the God of magic and communication.
Knights are of Mars: The God of War, military power.
Rooks belong to grade Jupiter: The Lord of the world (Rex Mundi), worldly power (due to their direct influence of the mundane world).
Queens, because of their visible rulership as a member of the Court holds the rank of the Sun: The Glorious ruler.
Finally the King is called Saturn: The Hidden One, the dark unknown ruler.
Within the Society, characters are address using lastname and their rank. Nicholas Caliburn, a Knight, would be addressed as
Caliburn of Mars. If he was a Queen, he would be called Caliburn of the Sun.

Enigmatic Stratagem. As will be said later in this supplement, not very much is known about the "official" hierarchy of the Stratagem.
Pawns, in general, are identical to standard Concordat precepts (or so it seems). Knights, however seem to be divided into two
distinct groups. One group dresses and acts very similar to the New World Order's Men in Black (Dark suits, mirrorshades, and black
Cadillacs). They generally operate like any other Knight. The other group of Knights are actual Technomancer constructs (like real
Men in Black and Hit Marks). They seem to be totally loyal to the Society and are most common when dealing directly with
Supernaturals (in an obvious ploy to redirect blame to the Technocracy). Nonetheless, these "Techno-Knights" (as they have come to
be called) make a lot of Illuminati very nervous.
Though no one knows about the higher ranks of the Stratagem, there is no reason to believe that they are any different than the
Society norm.

The Global Elite only gives higher ranks titles, fitting with their aristocratic attitudes. Pawns are not worth of any moniker (and as such
are often considered very expendable; Global Elite pawns are the worst treated of any of the Societies). Each of the higher ranks are
considered separate institutions and as such are somewhat autonomous from each other (this is in contrast to the familiar "ladder"
organization which is consistent with the other Illuminati). Knights are part of the "BlackStorm Brigades", the paramilitary assassins so
feared by the Societies.
Rooks are divided up by the organizations they represent. Those part of the Political arena are part of the "Imperialists", while those
involved in Corporate or Lobbyist activity are known as the Capitalists and the Arbitrators respectively. Each Rook division has its
own areas of influence and a multitude of pawns.
Bishops, known as Coordinators, not only are information gatherers but act as intermediaries between the BlackStorm Brigades and
the various Rook institutions. They are very influential in the Global Elite's affairs.
Queens are not well liked by this Illuminati. They are often quarrelsome members of the Society which have been granted this position
to get them out of their hair. When referring to a Queen, they Global Elite simply refer to them as their "Representative".
The King (or "President") is no different from that of any other Society, though the Global Elite propaganda may say differently.

Keepers of Secrets. Rooks and Bishops are the most prominent in the Keepers of Secrets. Like the Global Elite, the Rooks
("Compilers") are separated in several divisions. However, they are not autonomous by any means; merely sub-divisions of the
Rook/Compiler organization. Each Compiler division concentrates on a certain area: Some scan the printed media, broadcasts, and
the more interesting areas of the Internet, while still others listen to phone lines and street "gossip". The Bishops (or Archivists) store
the information gained for future "reference".
Pawns are unchanged from Concordat norm and are known in KoS circles as Allies and Contacts.
The Representative to the Court (the Queen) is known only as the Oracle. There is no known King, which leads to much speculation on

who exactly rules the Keepers of Secrets. Some have even gone so far as to allude that the King the Oracle. If so, this would make this
Society the only one which had an visible leader. Then again, why would a King leave himself open to attack? As with most of the
Illuminati, the Lurkers have no plans to reveal any their mysterious.

Pantheon, not surprisingly generally uses religious monikers for their ranks. Most pawns are referred to as "The Faithful", detonating
their loyalty to the Society. Knights are often called the "Knights Templar" or just Templars to confuse them with the Throng of the same
name (such as is listed in Nephilim: Occult RPG) and with the those of the Sabbat. Rooks are referred to as Archbishops and Bishops
as Cardinals (again to confuse matters). Queens are referred to as a Hierophant, and the King is referred to as the Vicar.
The Vicar has often been linked to the true Pope of the Catholic church, but its unlikely they are one and the same. In fact, though the
Pantheon has great influence in Catholic (and Protestant, Jewish, Islam etc), they keep themselves somewhat separate from religious
hierarchies and positions.

Shadow Bank Hierarchy is very Corporate in nature. Pawns are the Employees, dutifully "working" this Illuminati. Knights belong to
Society "Security", while Rooks are part of "Public Relations". Bishops are called Executives and the Queen is given the title of Press
Secretary. There is no single Shadow Bank King. It is in fact made up of a council known as the Board. The CEO, the head member of
the Board fulfils any duties of the King, while another member of that same Board represents the King at Court meetings (Note: This
representation is separate from the Queen and other Societies send trusted Bishops and Rooks to act as the King's "observers"
during Court proceedings).

Societies of the Pax Concordat

Blood Covenant
Nickname: Cultists
The oldest Society, the Blood Covenant used to be the greatest Illuminati on the planet. However, time has not been kind to the Blood
Covenant and much of its former glory and power has been diminished. The first sign of decline came when long before the Pax
Concordat, when many of its "colonial" Societies, seeded to provide new areas for Covenant control, became independent and
formed their own Societies. As time went on, these new Societies would steal valuable holdings from their former masters.
The most debilitating force came from Christianity, nominally controlled by the Celestial Chorus and secretly influenced by the
Pantheon. Placing all faith in priests and popes, not mystics and shamans, the growing power of Christians ravaged Covenant control
while boosting the Pantheon's influence.
Over the years, the Blood Covenant has tried to regain some of its former distinction, supporting the Barbarians against Rome,
sponsoring the Viking Wars, and even going so far as to back the Order of Hermes during the Mythic Age. Yet the Vikings were
eventually lost in a Challenge of Dominion to the Pantheon, and the Order of Hermes eventually collapsed.
When the Court voted to ignore the Techomancer's manipulation of reality, the Covenant was furious. It had totally been against the
idea, the only dissenter in the Pax Concordat. They were sure it was some plot by the other Societies to steal their holdings and
power. They even wondered if the Technocrats (and the fabled "Architects of Reason") hadn't subverted the Court and its members.
The relationship between the Blood Covenant and the other societies is strained even to this day. They also share an arch-rivalry with
the Pantheon, whom they blame for the Christian destruction of Paganism.
With the Age of Reason, it seemed that the Blood Covenant would be swallowed by the other Societies, but that was not the case.
Instead of destroying mysticism, it just forced it underground. Blood Covenant gained control by bringing powerful individuals into
secret Occult circles, both hidden and overt. This ensured that even though Mysticism was not widely accepted, the Covenant still had
influence over the mundane world. Every once and a while these groups would attempt to gain acceptance in the open, sparking
organisations as the Rosicrucians, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and individuals such as Aleister Crowley. The success of
such incursions varied widely, though they are gaining more recognition as the hold that the Church has had on society has weakened.
The Blood Covenant is not only involved in "curses" and spells. Since they control Psychics from around the world, they can convince a
superstitious populace of anything (through tarot readings, etc).
The emergence of older religions, particularly those called "Neo-Pagan", have given the Covenant reason to believe a new age of
power and control might be at hand. The most prominent of these new (or perhaps really old) religions, that of Wicca, has become a
prime target for the Blood Covenant...and a great source of consternation. Without any rigid hierarchy, such as is found with the
Catholic Church, the Covenant finds it very difficult to gain widespread control. Also, the Wika (a Verbena sub-tradition linked closely
to Wicca) have thwarted the Illuminati at every turn. Though their cover is secure for the time being, the Blood Covenant must be
careful lest the Wika stumble on dangerous information. Many other Societies have remarked that the Society is desperate enough to
risk anything for power, even break the unbreakable rules of the Pax Corcordat. Already some have accused this Society of
consorting with Infernal powers, some going so far as to say have totally fallen under demonic influence. Whatever the case, they are
being watched closely.
The term Blood Covenant refers not to their mystical rituals, but the blood oath that each new member swears to the Society. This rite
is practised in every Society in one form or another, but none has the history and meaning as that of the Blood Covenant.

Goal: Mystical forces have created the Supernatural that threatens us now. Therefore it will only be by unearthing the greatest Arcane
secrets, that will give us the key to our salvation. The control and influence of all Occult, Psychic, Pagan, and Neo-Pagan organizations
and societies are important to reaching our goals, though me must make them more acceptable if we are to use them to influence the
mundane world.

Basilica: A tomb located near the Giza Pyramids, Egypt.

Suspected Holdings: Warlock Covens, Order of the Golden Dawn, the Rosicrucians (elements in both the Sleeper and Mage sects),
the Arcanum, Psychic hot-lines, various Paranormal research institutions, Masons and the Royal Family of England, possible
involvement with Infernal groups (including the Wyrm, Nephandi, and Demons of the Inferno).

Preferred Backgrounds and Skills: Occult is the only skill that is required of Blood Covenant members, though Investigation is also
highly prized. Covenant Knights, if they have Numina, generally choose Hedge Magic.

Enigmatic Stratagem: Mysterious and arcane, they could be our brothers, if we could ever contact them.
Global Elite: Politics and diplomacy is not the answer. Their bureaucracy slows the pace of the Conspiracy, while the actions of the
Black Storm threaten to breech our veil of secrecy.
Keepers of Secrets: Though they conspired against us with the other Societies, we have no quarrel with them. They seek knowledge,
like us, but not in the right places.
Pantheon: Foul butchers, these Illuminati have purposely sought to destroy our power. Their religion has done much harm to us, but its
time is now past. We will see how they like being persecuted.
Shadow Bank: Money, stocks and bonds will not answer the questions needed to overpower the Abominations. You are wasted
assets, ones that are best liquidated.

Enigmatic Stratagem
Nickname: Aliens
Of this Illuminati, there is almost nothing known. It doesn't even have an official name. The current moniker used to identify this
reclusive group was first coined by the Global Elite's Queen, saying "Of them we no nothing; neither their name or anything about their
enigmatic stratagem". The name somehow stuck. Though officially part of the Pax Concordat, it does not sit on the Court. It has only
met with the Court once, when its Queen (?) arrived unannounced and told the council "[They] would abide by [the Illuminati's] laws".
The Court voted the Stratagem into the Concord of Peace only because its power now rivalled theirs. There still are many who are
sure that one day the Court will have to call Righteous Fury upon the Stratagem, once their real aims are revealed.
The group now called the Enigmatic Stratagem first appeared around the mid to late 1800's. It came without warning, from no
apparent source. The other Illuminati suddenly began to lose holdings in rapid succession. Not a general takeover, but singular
specific organizations. Zoological societies and other groups involved in biological research were targeted first. The Stratagem's
other targets, reclusive scientists and theorists, seemed to defy explanation. It would be until the two world wars that the its goals were
beginning to come to light. From its early, unimportant acquisitions, the Enigmatic Stratagem had a firm foothold in the advanced
technology and biological research market. It had predicted the great rise of technical achievement of the world wars almost a century
previous. It would also be evident later on that the Stratagem had already prophesied the biological and genetic revolutions of recent
years. Some have wondered whether the Stratagem had inside information on the aims of the Technocracy. Perhaps the Enigmatic
Stratagem has influence over the Technocracy, or is under its influence...
What bothers the Court is that Stratagem has taken upon itself to further its biological knowledge through very strange and dangerous
means. The rash of "Alien Abductions" over the years is not wholly the work of Technocrats or Umbral spirits. Some are the
experiments of the Enigmatic Stratagem, accomplished through the mysterious creatures some mundanes call the "Greys". These
drab, frail-bodied creatures have extended craniums and large eyes. They have been present in a number of abduction cases in North
America in the last few decades. Though they are not a proven reality, the Societies are certain they are the first fruits of the
Stratagems decade long technological and biological research scheme. These "Greys" seem to be endowed with great psychic
ability and heightened intelligence. Are these things real? If so, how much of their creation lies in mundane knowledge and how much
lies with the sphere of life, used by the Technomancer Progenitor Pawns.
In addition, the Enigmatic Stratagem has some very advanced aircraft, possibly incorporating Technomancer technology, or
technology melded with the mind powers of the Greys. Despite what the tabloids print, there is evidence that only a dozen "saucers"
that are operated the Stratagem. Other craft stem from the Void Engineers and possibly creatures from beyond the Gauntlet. Many
other sightings are complete hoaxes. The hoaxes keep the mundanes from acknowledging the presence of aliens on the planet,
though the number of believers are growing. This increasing belief in alien abduction and the presence of the supernatural has only
been stemmed by the Stratagem's influence in strategic government agencies. Yet the other Societies are watching them closely just
in case government leverage is not enough. There are at least half a dozen Cadres permanently assigned to protect the Stratagem
(whether the like it or not) from the peering eyes of the mundane and supernatural world. If there is going to be a serious breech of the
Concordat, the odds are good that the Stratagem will cause it.
This Society also has a unique and baffling hierarchy, nothing like the others in the Pax Concordat. It is clear that the Stratagem has
leader(s), so they will have some sort of King. They also seem to have a Queen, though its uncertain whether it is a full time position or
one of convenience. Rooks are definitely in use by the Society, filling duties that emulate their society brethren. If anything, the Rooks
are the only thing common the Stratagem has in common with the Illuminati, besides the Pawns. What position the Greys fit in the
Society is anyone's guess, though it is possible they are Bishops or Knights. It is also known that the Society operates converted "Men
in Black", specially ordered to discourage investigations into the supernatural. Whether the MiB are Pawns or Knights is also

Goal: Unknown. Generally seems to involve radical biological research, genetic engineering, and advanced technological testing. The
reason for this, their plans, or even the accordance to the Pax Corcordat is a complete mystery.

Basilica: Believed to be somewhere under Area 51, also known as Dreamland, an semi-secret air base located on Groom Lake,

Suspected Holdings: Bio-technical and Technological firms around the world, US Air Force.
Preferred Backgrounds and Skills: Again, unknown. Is not even understood if they have requirements or preferences. Human
Knights (?) which have been encountered have extensive psychic powers.

All Societies: We acknowledge you. Do not get in our way.

Global Elite
Nickname: Plutocrats
The Global Elite came from the same Seeded Society as the Pantheon. From influential members within Roman society, the group
split up at the height of the Roman Empire. The factions disagreed on which organizations in Rome were the best platforms for world
dominance. The faction which would later become the Global Elite thought that one should control the Senate and the powerful
Families which influenced Imperial politics. The group which would form the Pantheon wanted command of the powerful priesthood of
the Roman gods. They parted on good terms and retain amicable relations (along with a friendly rivalry). The Global Elite have
remained dynamic throughout the past 2000 years, and now are the most powerful Illuminati in the World. The Elite is the most direct
of all Societies when it comes to the Conspiracy. "If you must control something", these Illuminati say, "go straight to the top". They
control the most powerful people in society: Politicians, Heads of State, and the those with the most political influence . From Capitol
hill to the heads of government lobby groups, if supernaturals involve themselves in the affairs of government, they inevitably lock horns
with agents of the Global Elite.
When trouble brews, the Global Elite deals with the threat in a forward manner. Of any in the Pax Concordat, the Elite is the most guilty
of Hostile Takeovers and blatant assassinations. Their hit squad cliques (the infamous "Black Storm" brigades; so-called because of
their Nazi-style black uniforms, complete with jackboots) and widely known and feared in the Pax Concordat. They are the first troops
to be sent in when a Righteous Fury is called down upon a Throng.
Though they are guilty of breeches of the Concordat due to their violent methods, no Society would dare accuse them of such
wrongdoing. Being the most powerful Society in the world, the Elite could cripple any Throng and give any Society much grief.
Accusers often meet terrible ends (often involving very regrettable "accidents"). Strength has its privileges...

Goal: To sweep away those of paranormal existence requires firm leadership. We must first control the decision makers, the
respected and admired people of this world. Once we have controlled the planet through them, we can then unshackle the world from
the supernatural powers.

Basilica: Somewhere near the United Nations Building, New York State
Suspected Holdings: Government offices in many countries, the political lobby, defense contractors.
Preferred Backgrounds and Skills: To succeed in the Global Elite, most characters should have some skills in Bureaucracy and
Politics. Knights of the Global Elite are the only enforcers of the Societies in which Numina is not encouraged. Instead, Knights are
trained in mind and body strengthening techniques (Merits such as Iron Will and Hand of God).

Blood Covenant: Occult rituals and mystical incantations may give you solutions to our current problems, yet you will never be able to
implement those solutions without our help.
Enigmatic Stratagem: They meddle in our affairs at every turn! If we could find out the sources of control, we would deal out personal
Righteous Fury on them!
Keepers of Secrets: Information is the future. If we do not stem the control of these Illuminati, our rightful place in the Pax Concordat
could be usurped.
Pantheon: We are from a common past, though not common ideals. Religion is not a reliable means of control. Though they alone rival
our power, we hold no grudges against them.
Shadow Bank: They are the cornerstone of all our power, even if they do not act upon it. Be warned bankers, if you attempt to use your
sphere of influence for leverage, you will soon enter personal bankruptcy.

Keepers of Secrets
Nickname: Lurkers
The Keepers are perhaps the only Society actively helping enlighten mankind. Once lowly throngs, the Keepers of Secrets were a

The Keepers are perhaps the only Society actively helping enlighten mankind. Once lowly throngs, the Keepers of Secrets were a
confederation of small societies from around the globe. They were keepers of libraries and caretakers of the centres of world
knowledge. From the ancient library of Alexandria to the lands of the far east, the Keepers sought out the mundane secrets of the
In the 15th century, as the Pax Concordat was being negotiated, the Throngs gathered together and formed the Keepers of Secrets. It
was a defense measure against the encroaching Illuminati as well as move to enter the arena of the greater societies. Both moves
were successful and the Keepers of Secrets became the second-last Society to sit on the Court.
Besides controlling libraries, universities, and other organizations devoted to knowledge; they also invested time and effort to
influence communication technology. Over time, the Keepers gained considerable power in mundane society as contact over long
distances became easier and less costly. The Keeper of Secrets encouraged all forms of telecommunication and free transmission of
thought, from the pony express, telegraph and telephone, to the modem, Internet and the ever-expanding information super-highway.
Currently, the Keepers are a rising power in the Illuminati. The Global Elite is trying desperately to stem the Keeper's power, trying to
discourage free speech across the Internet and police the telecommunication networks. However, such policies are not as successful
as the Elite would like, causing many to see a shift of power from the Global Elite to Keepers in the next few years.
The Keepers never use Hostile Takeovers and shy away from any direct approaches to problems. By utilizing their libraries,
databases, and telecommunication taps, they have collected much damaging material on both the supernatural and mundane world.
They use these "skeletons in the closet" to blackmail potential holdings or discourage any adversaries. They could easily destroy a
person, business, or multinational if they so planned. Of any of the Illuminati, they have had the most success in stemming the
Technocracy. Many Progenitor, Iteration X, and Syndicate business have had damaging information leaked when they investigated
Illuminati affairs. The loss of reputation, company holdings, and billions of dollars have so far persuaded the Technocrats to abandon
active inquiry of the Lurkers.

Goal: Every question has an answer, every person a hidden secret. The supernaturals are not an exception. All that is necessary is to
find those secrets and use them to their best advantage.

Basilica: Somewhere near the ruins of the Library of Alexandria, Egypt.

Suspected Holdings: Information Gathering sources (TV/radio stations, newspapers, Internet sites, post offices, phone companies,
government think-tanks, etc)

Preferred Backgrounds and Skills: Contacts and Allies are prized by the Lurkers, for a personal information network can augment
the Keepers gathering sources. Additionally, Knowledges of all types (except for skills such as Occult) are helpful.

Blood Covenant: No mystical secret will cure our ills. The mundane information of this world will be the tool that controls the
Enigmatic Stratagem: This Illuminati seem to have information beyond even our great scope. They deserve more investigation. We
will learn what they know.
Global Elite: Brutal Pencil-pushers! The world under their control has done little to throw off yoke of supernatural oppression. Their
reign is at an end.
Pantheon: They have long suppressed information, for they know its power. Ignorance and superstition are their tools, but only we
know the light of truth. They never got out of the Dark Ages.
Shadow Bank: Money and Stocks? If only the others knew the truth. We know much more about you than you suspect. Watch your
step, bankers, or your little secret might slip out.

The Pantheon
Nickname: Preachers
Splitting from the Global Elite during their schism, the Pantheon concentrated its control of the huge Imperial Priesthood of the Roman
Pantheon. They infiltrated every temple with their influence, matching their sister Society, the Global Elite, holding for holding. As
provinces were being added into the Empire, the Pantheon would attempt to convert them to the Roman gods or infiltrate their
religious ranks.
When Emperor Constintine made Rome a Christian nation, the Pantheon quickly shifted its attention from propagating the Roman
gods to the God of the Judeo-Christians. They were responsible for the transformation from the Christian church from the nonaggressive collection of believers to the expansionist, intolerant, megalithic Catholic Church that exists even to this day. The original
goal of the Pantheon was to unite the world under one religion, that of Christianity. Though the Society soon became the most
influential force in Europe, they had very limited success in other parts of the world.
The Crusades to take the Holy Land was the most ambitious of Pantheon plots. Its purpose, to begin to convert the world to
Christianity and uniting it under the Pantheon-controlled Papacy. It had early success but in the end failed badly. They couldn't convert
the Islamic nations to Christ, nor did they have any success with the invading Mongol hordes. They did, however, destroy the Celtic
civilization and eventually convert the Vikings; harming the Blood Covenant greatly by doing so. The separation of the Eastern
Orthodox church, the Protestant movement of Martin Luther, and the Age of Reason all harmed the Catholic Church greatly and
devastated the Pantheon.

The Pantheon had supported the Age of Reason grudgingly, for they knew that by doing would only hurt the mages (specifically, their
nemesis, the Celestial Chorus). The Chorus had always been a thorn in the side of the Pantheon, always interfering with their holdings.
Several times the Chorus came very close to uncovering their Society. The Age of Reason permanently debilitated the Chorus control
in the church and allowed the Pantheon to strengthen its grip on the populace.
Currently, the Pantheon still seeks a one world church, but it's not an immediate goal. Instead, it's infiltrated each of the Western and
Near Eastern religions, including Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and some Televangelists. The Pantheon now seeks to unify
each nation under a particular religion. When this is done, they will then attempt create political religious blocks (such as the an Islamic
Federation in the Middle-East). From there, its believed the pantheon will attempt to create an World Ecumenical Council from which
will spring forth a single World Religion.
However, Eastern religions such as Buddhism and Shintoism have given the Pantheon great agitation. Perhaps it's from the nonconfrontation attitudes expressed by the Buddhist Priest. More likely, its from the Akashic Brotherhood, who is always vigilant of
outside interference in its affairs. In the past they have attempted to convert them to other religions, with little success. Now, for the
time being, the Pantheon has focused west, perhaps building up for an eventual religious Jihad.

Goal: A Supreme Being. Whether we believe in it is not important, for it's his power over the minds and hearts of the populace is all
that's matter. Whether following God, Jehovah, Allah, or Buddha; they will all flock under our Earthly banner. Then, perhaps, we can
wage Holy War on the Abominations that walk the Earth.

Basilica: Jerusalem. The Centre of three of the world's great faiths: Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.
Suspected Holdings: Religious men in most Western (and Near Eastern) religions, the Society of Leopold (?), the Knightly Orders
(see the net supplement Church Knight).

Preferred Backgrounds and Skills: Besides Theology (Vampire Players Guide Pg.67), character's should appear to be upstanding
and pious men in their respective communities. For the Pantheon, appearances are everything. Knights generally have True Faith as
their Numina.

Blood Covenant: Magic is a tool for imbeciles. The masses need firm leadership, not obscure guidance. You are an aging dinosaur,
soon to fall into extinction. Even the Neo-Pagans can't help you now.
Enigmatic Stratagem: Aliens have no place in our world. They undermine our great plan. Cease now or suffer our wrath.
Global Elite: Though they are more powerful than us, a time will come when we will outshine even them. They will then be our enforcers,
loyal Crusaders in the impending holy war.
Keepers of Secrets: They know much, but are unwilling to share that knowledge. Nevertheless, they are a rapidly rising star. Care
must be taken, lest they overpower us.
Shadow Bank: Money breeds greed. Greed diminishes faith. Faith is the root of our control. Yet, we have no quarrel with them. We will
not harm them, unless the get in our way.

Shadow Bank
Nickname: Gnomes
Though the Global Elite, Keepers of Secrets, and the Pantheon dominate the world of the Illuminati, the Shadow Bank would appear to
hold the strings. The masters of money, they have the power to cripple the other Illuminati's holdings with ease. However, they
seemingly have no interest in attacking their fellow Society members. If anything, they are the most stalwart supporters of the Court.
This in itself has eased the fears of the other Illuminati, but has made them wonder...
Though the Shadow Bank only began to rise to Society status during the Industrial Revolution, it existed as a Throng since the early
middle ages. The first holding of the Bank was the Knights Templar, stealing them from under the nose of the Pantheon. Under their
influence, the Knights became very rich and powerful. Its even rumoured that the Knights found the Ark of the Covenant in Ethiopia, an
artifact which the Shadow Bank is believed still to hold. Eventually, the Knights were destroyed, lost in a Hostile Takeover by the
Pantheon. The fragments of the Templars not reeducated or killed by the Pantheon were saved by the Shadow Bank. They would later
set the foundation for the sprawling Monetary Empire of modern day. Currently, they hold banks, stock markets, and fiscal agencies
such as the IRS and Merril Lynch.
In recent years, it has been alluded to that the Shadow Bank and the Syndicate of the Technocracy may know of each other, perhaps
even sharing relations and resources. Some have gone so far as saying that the Shadow Bank is the Syndicate, and that the two are
following some unfathomable plan at present. With the recent rumours of the Architects (see Architects of Reason, below), some
believe that the Lucidites remained in control of the Syndicate and have used that dominance to reinitialize links to their old Society
friends. While this is not been proved, it has given the other Illuminati a lot to think about.

Goal: The Golden Rule: He who has the gold, makes the rules. Money does make the world go round, and its influence extends even
into the supernatural world. Once we master currency, the world will soon bow before our might.

Basilica: Geneva, Switzerland

Suspected Holdings: Various banks, stock brokers, stock exchanges, and commodity exchanges.
Preferred Backgrounds and Skills: Finance and Resources are very important to both the Society and its followers. It's become a
necessity (or at a very least a rite of passage) to get at least one dot in each. Knights who are part of the Shadow Bank have a mix of
all Numina, but rely on their Financial Skills (all Shadow Bank Knights must have at least two dots in Finance) to fulfil their objectives.

Blood Covenant: They spent too much time using the tools of our enemies. Like the psychic hot-line idea, though...
Enigmatic Stratagem: Hmmm, they always seem to have enough money their ventures, yet we have no records of transactions. I
wonder if they've filed a tax return...
Global Elite: The rich and powerful they may be, but we hold the purse strings.
Keepers of Secrets: Information is nothing. Records are only important in transactions and contracts. Their methods are useless.
Pantheon: Their idea of religion involves only two things: Control and money. They are very much like us, whether they believe it or not.

Architects of Reason (Defunct)

Nickname: Lucidites
It's not clear whether the Architects were a real Society, or a concoction of the Court to reinforce their dogma. Basilica documents do
speak of another Society which existed before the Pax Concordat, but that society was never officially named. According to the official
line, the Architects were a throng that wished to remove Supernatural influence once and for all. Thought to have begun in the late 12th
century, it grew by recruiting members of the "mundane" Order of Hermes, especially those who were against the so-called Mythic
age. However, instead of pawns, they were inducted as full members, filling the ranks of Knights, Pawns, and Rooks. It only took a few
years, but the Architects power-base blossomed. They soon rose above the status of Throng, and caught the eye of most of the Great
Their own Conspiracy, based on reason over mysticism was beneficial to all the Societies in the World and greatly hampered the
supernaturals. They rapidly rose in power, their influence growing until they were large enough that it was destined to join the ranks of
the Greater Societies of the Illuminati. However, by the 15th Century, the Architects had all but disappeared. In its place, was the
society of static mages known as the Technocracy.
The Court says that the Technocracy and the Architects are one and the same. The mages overcame the mundane Illuminati and took
control of the Society, transforming it into the Technocracy. This party line has been used by the Court to strengthen their view that
Supernaturals must always be dupes and pawns. To work with Supernaturals or allow them into the Pax Corcordat would be suicide.
While this is the official account of the fate of the Lucidites, there are other theories. Some say the Architects were not overthrown, but
merely split up. The mages left to become the Technocracy, while the humans left for who-knows-where. Perhaps they were
reabsorbed into the other Societies or formed their own. A radical theory states that the Enigmatic Stratagem are the remains of the
Architects of Reason, still following their radical programs under a new guise. Some have even gone so far as to say that the
Architects of Reason are still controlling the Technocracy, but in the shadows. Often those who theorize this also believe that the
Syndicate has joined/subverted/merged with the Shadow Bank. They also state evidence that the Architects (or whatever they were
really called) were seeded by the Shadow Bank (as a Throng) while it controlled the Knights Templar.
Is any of this true? One could say many things about the Architects, but there is little proof to back up their claims. Perhaps the
Architects don't exist, or maybe they were just the Shadow Bank in a different aspect. Unless they can find the Lucidite's elusive
Basilica, then the truth may never be known [Author's Note: This has been left vague intentionally. Storytellers are chose the origins
and fate of the Architects.]

Goal: They are believed to share the views of the Technocracy. By creating static reality, you hamper the supernaturals ability to effect
reality and humanity. It is much easier to kill a scorpion that has lost its sting.

Basilica: Unknown. If it exists, it could be a treasure trove of information. It is believed to exist somewhere in Europe, presumably in
some areas with a long history of technical/scientific achievement.

Suspected Holdings: ????????????

Preferred Backgrounds and Skills: They no longer exist (if they ever existed...). Their preferred abilities and advantages are lost in
myth and fable. Technical skills were probably important.

Their views are a complete mystery...

The Throngs
The Throngs are small up-and-coming Societies which are have not gained enough power to seek acceptance in the Court. However,
the Court and members of the Illuminati force these smaller groups to abide by the Pax Concordat. Penalty for these Throngs ignoring
the Concord of Peace is hostile dissolution of their assets.

Some Throngs ally with those Societies which closest match their ideologies, while others remain totally neutral. There are still others
rumoured to fight against the unknown power of the Illuminati and risk total destruction at the Society's hands. In any case, there is
much resentment in the ranks of the Throngs. Many believe that the Illuminati fear their power and use the Pax Concordat to prevent
them from reaching full Society status. This is not entirely true, for the Societies fear that the ambition of the Throngs might cause them
to breech the long-standing veil of secrecy. Still, when Society and Throng elements meet, there is plenty of tension but rarely any
This is the opportunity for the Storyteller to customize his particular campaign by adding his own secret organizations into the World of
Darkness. These Throngs can be existing WoD organizations or you may make up your own devilish creations. There is no limit to the
number oforganizations available to you, only your imagination.
[Author's Note: There are plenty of Secret Societies in many RPG's that you could adapt/borrow/steal to use as Throngs. I especially
suggest Nephilim for their secret societies and the Illuminati (GURPS, game, card game) from Steve Jackson Games] Here are a few
societies (one of many ideas and information donated by Anders Sandberg) to give you ideas:

The Synarcy: Originally called the Bavarian Illuminati. They seek to destroy the current political structures and unite the world into a
meritocratic one-world government. They supported socialism and fascism, but has lost a lot of power since its golden days. Right
now they are close to the Global Elite and enemies of the Pantheon (who claims they are secretly working for or with the New World
The Society of Light: A small society devoted to spiritual and technological growth of mankind, but also the removal of all secret
control over mankind. They try to fight the societies, the Technocracy and everybody else. Not very strong, but irritating.

Special Equipment
Note: All equipment is not available to anyone but authorized Society personnel. Other characters will never get to buy these gadgets
(and couldn't afford them if they could). The only exception is the Executioner, which could by custom made. However, the cost for the
weapon, factoring in the costs of some of the more expensive and illegal components could be well over $20,000 (a conservative

992-717 Unit
Also called an Anomalous Paradigmal Perturbation Detector. This little device is of technocratic origin, and detects the stress on
reality caused by magick. It can detect coincidental magick if it is done within a few meters of the unit, and vulgar magick several
hundred meters away.

Corpse Choker (Blood Covenant)

A magic item used heavily by the Blood Covenant for special Pawns, the Corpse Choker appears like a regular gold chain wrapped
tightly around the neck. This choker is sensitive to magics which directly affect the body or the necklace. Magics which include some
Disciplines, Gifts, and Spheres. If such is used, the incantation on the necklace activates. It turns white hot and contracts to a tenth of
its circumference. This instantly decapitates the user, killing a Vampire, Werewolf, or Mage. Unfortunately it's a one-shot device,
rendered totally useless after "activation"

Collar Bomb
A non-magical version of the Corpse Choker for use on Mundanes. Inside is a small amount of plastique, just enough to blow
someone's head off (no Damage roll necessary. It goes die. Vampires are decapitated and Werewolves are incapacitated
and receive a battle scar). It combines an extremely difficult locking mechanism (DIFF 10 to open, detonates on a botch), with a radiocontrolled detonator. A common Illuminati tool on temporary Pawns.

Executioner Assault Carbine (Global Elite)

Standard Issue Black Storm weapon, the Executioner is based off of a standard M16A2 Assault Rifle. It has integral Sound
Suppressor and "brass catcher" (to collect spent shells). Also standard issue is an integral thermal imaging and laser scope, along
with a 40mm grenade launcher under-barrel. A wide variety of 5.56mm ammo is available, including Incendiary (aggravated vs.
Vampires) and silver (aggravated vs. Werewolves) bullets. Difficulty includes laser sight (usable only with Rifle; not with the GL).

Difficulty: 6
Damage: 7
Rate: 20
Clip: 20/30
Conceal: N
Range: 200
(40mm GL) Difficulty: 6
Damage: Grenade
Rate: 1
Capacity: 1
Range: 400 yards Weight (Rifle/GL): 12lb

Low-frequency Field Generators (Enigmatic Stratagem and Global Elite)

This type of devices sends out low-frequency electromagnetic waves, which interfere with the nervous systems of humans. The result
can range from headaches and irritability to epileptic seizures and hallucinations, depending on signal strength and frequency. This

makes the generators an excellent interrogation or brainwashing tool, or a discreet method of sabotaging enemy assets. By constantly
making people nervous and somewhat ill at ease, they become more malleable for Illuminati influence. The units range from portable
units disguised as cellular phones to huge underground installations. Some variants use directed antennas (the "Mind Control
Lasers"), while other bathe whole areas in discomfort (often hidden as normal radio-antennas or linked to the wiring of a building).

"Loyalty Reminder" Pain Implant

A small electric generator is implanted in the skull, powered by a high density "watch battery". This is wired to the area of the brain
which registers pain. Designed for long term control of Mundanes by the Societies, activating this device sends shots of terrible pain
throughout the body. The damage is one level of damage per round, healing at a rate equivalent to a Taser (see Vampire Players
Guide). Often combined with the subdermal microphone to determine when "loyal reminding" is necessary.
Another more insidious variant is one which is attached to the pleasure centre of the brain. Always on, the character gets used to the
pleasure he feels. If he disobeys, the implant is turned off. Often, the character will not even consciously know why he now feels so
rotten (except that he wants to get it back and will do anything to achieve that end). With a little "training" a person can be coaxed into
preset responses (just like a lab rat, guinea pig, or hamster...

Palm Needler
A small single-shot weapon which can be hidden in a person's sleeve or hand. Powered by compressed CO2, it can fire a short range
dart filled with drugs or poison (see Vampire Players Guide pg. 184 for examples or make up your own).
(Rifle) Difficulty: 6 Damage: nil (only from poisons/drugs)
Rate: 1
Capacity: 1
Conceal: P Range: 5 ft max.

Spy Spider
A small metal spider (around 5 cm across), which is equipped with a radio link to a control unit. The user can steer the spider around,
pick up small things with it or use its cameras to photograph objects. Some versions are used for assassinations, and have a poison

A small listening device is implanted into the ear and throat of the victim, allowing the Society to hear everything that person says and
listens to. A receiver then beams the information to a nearby recording device. The transmission range of the receiver is less than
1000m requiring a surveillance team to keep relatively close.

Tarot Master (Blood Covenant)

Using sympathic magic, the Blood Covenant can control the results of a tarot spread. The user spreads the master deck in a desired
way, and then meditates on it, directing it towards another tarot deck. If somebody consults it while it is influenced, the result will be a
similar tarot spread. Extremely useful to manipulate superstitious people.

Telephone Prefix Code (Keeper of Secrets)

An ultra-secure system for Keepers to call home base (the Basilica) or others without fear of discovery or interception. For some
reason, after the prefix-code is entered, the phone call is diverted and encrypted several times. It cannot be listened into (except
possibly near its source) or traced. Phone companies will have no record of the call, no matter how long the Keeper has on line. Of
course, most people who use the call, make sure they are not been eavesdroped upon just to be sure...

Truth Drugs
Normal "truth drugs" are really not very effective, since the victim will usually be in a rather incoherent state. However, the Illuminati has
access to the real, suppressed drugs. These drugs make the victim drowsy and fills him with feelings of friendship to everyone while
numbing his sense for consequences and long-range-thinking abilities. While he still can try to hold back secrets, he is quite easy to
trick. Internet Address (Keepers of Secrets)

(This is for those who want to know the REAL reason that the old Steve Jackson internet site closed down.)
This site is normally a disused site, generally overlooked by most Internet users. When a Keeper agent uses a special USER code
(and the 6 other auxiliary codes after the first successful password), he is open to the main database of the Keeper of Secrets. Here,
you can find out information on anyone important in the world. From their public records to their most private secrets, the Vault is a
very powerful tool in the Keeper of Secrets arsenal. In game terms, this database gives the user remote access to everything in their
Basilica. However, it's encoded in standard Knight lingua, requiring that skill to decipher.

World Express Bank Card (Shadow Bank)

For the Shadow Bank operative in the need of some ready cash, the W.E.B. card gives the user the equivalent of Resources 5. Just
insert it into a instant-teller machine and punch in the code (normally, the code changes every six hours in case of theft). There is no
limit on daily or weekly withdrawals. Or, more importantly, any incriminating records. The money taken will have shown to have been
removed in small amounts from a dozen banks and credit unions, all under different names and PIN numbers.

Mundane Equipment
This Equipment is available in the open market, though getting such equipment may require large sums of money, good contacts, and
a very generous Storyteller... The costs listed are its whole sale price to authorized buyers.

Cellular Interceptor
An interesting gadget, it locks onto a cellular phone call and allows the user to listen in on it. Additionally, it can read the phones
"Cellular authorization codes" that it sends before a phone call to the phone company to permit the call to take place. This allows the
person to "program" a cell phone with that code and gain free phone calls (or perhaps make phony calls in the victim's name!).

Cost: $600+

Broad-band Frequency Scanner

A hand held device designed to detect transmission sources, like signals used by bugs. When brought near a transmission source,
the there is a audible howl caused by feedback. While this device is rather crude compared to other bug locators, it small, portable,
and cheap.

Cost: $425

Fiver-optic Camera
A small camera with C-cell battery-sized recorder connected to a fiber-optic lens array. With a camera head small enough to hide in a
button, this is a perfect device to "procure information" about a potential ally, Pawn, or victim. A small internal video-tape records only
for ten minutes, but for its size its unbeatable. Optionally, it can be set to broadcast to a remote station, but that is more likely to be
picked up.

Cost: $3200

Laser Microphone
Pistol-sized, the laser microphone sends a fine beam of light unto a window pane. Sound caused by talking, echoes throughout the
room, causing minute vibrations in all surfaces they touch. A laser mike measures such "trembling" on the window and converts it into
speech. An easy alternative to other listening devices which place agents in danger.

Cost: $2500+

Listening Devise ("The Bug")

Conventional listening device. The size varies with technology and cost, but all do generally the same thing. They transmit whatever
sound they pick up to a nearby transmitter or other recording device. Common espionage tool for over forty years.

Cost: $565 (police quality with receiver)

Similar in design to a listening device, the tracker is designed to send out a signal rather than pick one up. Along with a receiver, this
allows the user to track a victim for up to 2 miles away. Again, technology, signal encryption, and range will vary with design,
manufacturer, and price of unit.

Cost: $70 (with receiver)

Window Trembler
The only way to stop a laser microphone from picking up conversations. A thumb-sized vibration device is placed on the window,
effectively masking all sound waves coming from inside the room. Each pane of glass will require a trembler to be 100% effective.

Cost: $35

Special Secondary Abilities

Brainwashing (Knowledge)
The skill of metal manipulation and control, it is the Societies most valuable skill. By using brainwashing techniques, the user can

mould his victim to a particular ideology.

Skill use: User rolls Manipulation + Brainwashing (TN 10) vs. a Victims roll of Willpower (TN 6). Brainwashing difficulty can be
reduced by one for each different technique used by the brainwasher. These include sleep deprivation, malnutrition, repetition of
phrases, drugs, psychology, mechanical tools (low frequency generator), and physical abuse (the latter is not that effective against
The roll is made every day. If the Brainwasher's success exceed the victim's willpower roll, the victim looses 1 willpower point (2 if the
user of the skill exceeds the victim by 3 or more successes). If the user botches, the victim actually gains back a point of willpower
(can't exceed his original maximum). If the victim botches, he gains a derangement and loses double the number of willpower (up to 4
Willpower points!).
When the victim reaches 0 Willpower, the Brainwasher can then "mould" him/her at his whim. Their beliefs, religion, name, and
background can all be altered, as well as their Nature and Demeanour. This is generally permanent, though intensive deprogramming
(actually another minor type of Brainwashing) can bring them back. After brainwashing Willpower is regained at a rate one a week (up
to his pre-brainwash maximum).

Fabula (Knowledge)
Restricted to Bishops, this skill is important for writing and reading Illuminati texts. The written word of the Societies, Fabula is an
intricately designed language that has its origins millennia ago. It's base tongue is ancient Sanskrit, encrypted with a system that
would make the CIA proud. The language, in itself, is difficult to decipher, but the Societies have also had the foresight of adding other
features in their texts. Each paragraph has hidden code words in the initial sentence or two. This tells the rightful reader of the text,
whether it's true, false, or texts that involve the "Great Secrets of the Illuminati". The false paragraphs are the most common and give
misleading information about the Illuminati. The true paragraphs are wedged in between the pages of disinformation, often specifically
written to appear false ("The illuminati ranking system is based on chess? Yeah, right. It says here on the fifteen paragraph that the
Illuminati are really the Tremere information network. Chess indeed!").
Finally, the "Great Secrets of the Illuminati" is an alarm system built into all the Societies texts. It reveals great sources of treasure and
terrible magic and weapons of destruction. They're all to be found in certain "highly secret locations" which the Text just happen to
reveal. Exploiting the greed and lust for power that most people have, they lead enemy interlopers into dangerous traps ambushes.
These serve to not only identify those who have stolen Society text, but to retrieve that text and eliminate the perpetrator.
Each Society has their own Fabula "dialect", though all stem from a common source (that of the original Fabula used by the ancient
Blood Covenant society)

Specialization: Reading Texts, Writing Texts, Translating other Fabula dialects.

Lingua (Knowledge)
Like the skill Fabula, Lingua is the Knights' way of encrypting their conversations. Simpler than Fabula, this spoken tongue is also
based on ancient Sanskrit. The language tends to be encrypted as well, but most often simple codeword and innuendos conceal
important information. This is a tongue of communication and orders, not generally used to give away dangerous secrets (though, in
the past, it has been done so.). As with Fabula, each Society has their own dialect of Lingua. Specializations: Orders, Explanations,
Warnings, Small-Talk, Deciphering "foreign" Lingua.

Society Lore (Knowledge; optional)

The knowledge of a particular society, this skill should be restricted to the those of Knight or higher status. You know the origins,
history, and goals of this Society, as well as some of its hierarchy.

Specializations: Origins, History, Hierarchy, Goals

* You know for sure that they exist (Knights)
** You have an idea about the Societies sphere of influence (Rooks only)
*** You know the Society Hierarchy (Bishops only)
**** Know the exact location of the Society's Basilica (Queen only)
***** Their very secrets are yours (Kings only)

Illuminati Lore (Knowledge; optional)

Generally reserved for the most trusted of the Illuminati, this is the knowledge that a person has of the Illuminati as a whole. This
includes their number, influence, and their objectives. Generally, unless the Phantom Veneer has been broken, no one outside the
higher echelons of the Illuminati should get this skill (Corvus Beltane, a Tremere, has Illuminati Lore 2, and Society Lore 2 [Blood
Covenant]. He is an exception.)

Specializations: Societies, Influence, Objectives

* There are more than one Illuminati [Knights Only]

** You have learned several of the Societies Names
*** The Societies and their general goals are known [Bishops Only]
**** You have a good grasp on the makeup of the entire Pax Concordat, including the Conspiracy.
***** You Know as much as the Court [Queens/Kings only]

Chapter Four: Rules of the Trade

A Guide to the Society Web
The Societies must be very careful when dealing with the World of Darkness. There are many forces which, due to their fantastic
powers, are more likely than mundanes to find out about the Illuminati. Therefore, the Societies have developed several techniques to
safeguard their secrecy.
Note: Take these suggestions as a general guideposts. Use, modify, or ignore them at your leisure.

The Web
To first understand the Society influence structure, you must understand the Web. The Society is like a spider, its trail of money and
influence like its web. The Societies go from organization to organization, using influence and other means to convert them into their
holdings. Each holding is a spring-board to acquire several other organizations. Those organizations would each take control of a
couple of holdings, and so on. Covert and visible influence, compounded with false trails, shell corporations and ligitimate revenue
make tracing an Illuminati to its source a long, arduous process. That is, if they even have the Contacts and Resources to undertake
such large-scale investigation.
At the centre of the web is the prime holding of the Society, probably some multinational or other powerful organization. This
organization has a few, easily-broken links connecting itself to the Basilica. If, by some means, the Society is tracked to that
organization, the Basilica breaks the links and that organization takes the blame. Like the spider, the Illuminati control the web, but are
not part of it. Storytellers should pick a Prime Holding that has some prior history of criminal or espionage activity. It should be easier
for players (and their characters to blame the organization than a hidden conspiracy.
For example: Say your studious players track the Keepers of Secrets to its Prime Holding. Have that holding be something like the
CIA or NSA. Who wouldn't suspect the CIA of being behind the infiltration? Who would suspect a human conspiracy behind it? If
anything, the players will be blame the Vampires or the Technocracy (excellent scapegoats). Of course, the Keepers are more than
happy to leave evidence to prove the character's hypothesis...

To operate effectively, the Societies need to support their troops with money. Orders can be given easily, but cash often presents a
problem. The major weakness of the Web is that it has the potential of leaving a paper trail right to the Society's Prime Holding. To
fight this, the Conspiracies practise "shuffling". That is, the use of small diverse holdings called Junctions to transfer the money
between holdings. Junctions may cross the spheres of control that each other has set up. A Keeper of Secrets might use an
insignificant Televangelist, something that you would think only the Pantheon would bother with, as a Junction. Since Junctions
generally have no major influence in the world, they are not considered valuable property and are basically fair game. There may be as
many as a half-dozen Junctions, or more between Holdings. As the money flows through the Junction it is lost in a maze of
transactions which make a paper trail literally a nightmare to follow. Though wasteful money-wise (each Junction takes a small cut to
keep going), it further prevents the likelihood of curious individuals for following the trail of money right to its source.

How to Betray Friends and Influence People (The Storyteller's Guide to

Though this has come to mean any takeover of an organization, its original meaning was the appropriation of an unheld organization
or one held by those not of the Illuminati (mainly the Supernaturals). Because the risks or discovery are greater than normal, all
Acquisitions must by handled as a Challenge of Dominion (see below). Though Hostile Acquisitions (Takeovers) have been done, the
Court rarely lets the perpetrators go unpunished.

The Challenge of Dominion

The Challenge is the official name for the taking over of another's Society's Holding. Unlike what it may infer, there is no official
declaration of the Society's intent. What it does mean is that the Challenge is a test of the cunning and power between the two
Illuminati. However, there are some strict rules of conduct in a standard Challenge. These are outlined in the Pax Concordat section of
Chapter Two: No Violence is allowed and when one Society conclusively controls the decision making of the Holding (say by
controlling the majority of stocks or brainwashing the President), then the Society takes control of that property.
Non-Violent means that only persuasive methods may be used. The most common avenues is Brainwashing, Blackmail (a good short
term measure), or subversion (say by taking over the Vice-President and then orchestrating his rise to the Presidency). After the
Challenge has been one, the Rook assigned to that Holding then goes to work. He then brainwashes key personnel to make sure
most of the leadership's support is also loyal to the society. These support people are often the first "casualties" of any takeover
attempt (often literally if a Hostile Takeover is initiated).
Challenges of Dominions can be a great source of roleplaying potential for Illuminati Players. Knights and Pawns would have to
actually think and role-play instead of shoot, maim and kill. A well-thought out plan of action, along with some quick-thinking (and blind

luck) will be required to outsmart the enemy Clique.

Hostile Takeovers
When a Challenge of Dominion gets violent, then it's called a Hostile Takeover. Gangland-style executions and daring raids that would
make Sly Stallone proud are common elements in these takeover attempts. While this sort of acquisition may satisfy the "Brujah-style"
players in your group, it is very unwise to allow this sort of action continue without consequences. Though one such action by a
Clique/Cadre doesn't concern the Court, multiple instances will only tempt their wrath. Warnings are rare with the Court, and giving one
to the players should be conveyed with as much venom and anger as possible. The next violation will surely get one of the players an example. Don't be afraid to terminate a Knight or Pawn because of his actions. Your player's should actually fear the
Court, as much or more than a Vampire would fear a Prince or Justicar. The Court is the Society's law. Not only will he enforce the
boundaries of your campaign but when they have to go against the Court, it will make the adventure all the more terrifying, exciting and
satisfying ("We cheated the almighty Court! Yes!!!!!!").

Phantom Veneer
(And How To Repair The Damage When They Break It) As I have stressed throughout this supplement, secrecy is the only advantage
the Illuminati have. All Supernaturals have some information on each other. The Vampires know about the Lupines, Mages, Wraiths,
etc. However, no one knows about the Societies, at least nothing that counts has hard fact. Anxious Illuminati Players, with their
zealous dreams of world domination are sometime prone to do open and spectacular things. Open warfare, assassinations, and
heavy-handed tactics might well suit a Werewolf campaign, but are extremely dangerous in Illuminati: The Conspiracy. Yes, some
groups do use Hostile Takeovers more than not (the Global Elite is notorious for this), even they pick and choose targets are predisposed to violence. For example: The city's largest elicit drug manufacture centre was wiped out by a Black Storm brigade. The
police believe it was the work of a rival drug manufacturer, due to evidence "found" on the scene. Every Storyteller who runs an
Illuminati campaign will one day have to repair the damage from the players. Here are a few suggestions:

The Scapegoat
Blame someone else; someone believable. In the mundane world, it's best to blame those who are already suspected of meddling in
society. The CIA, FBI, and NSA are perfect American examples of potential scapegoats (In Canada, CSIS has bungled so many
covert operations, they'd be perfect targets). Among the Supernaturals, place the onus on natural enemies or those under suspicion. If
the operation was against the Werewolves, blame Pentex, DNA, Vampires, or the Shadow Lords. When against the Vampires it's
best to leave evidence accusing the Lupines, the Sabbat, or the Tremere. The Technocracy-Tradition feud is perfect cover for
Illuminati activities as well. Note that the arrogance of the Supernaturals toward the mundanes predisposes them to blame the nearest
paranormal source for the trouble. Except for the Arcanum, most Supernaturals to not consider normal humans that great a threat.

p> So they're sure its some sort of secret society. Fine. Give them a secret society, but make sure it has nothing to do with the real
Illuminati. The Enigmatic Stratagem have this down to a science. Everyone is convinced that the American government is in league
with Aliens and that they are using alien technology. With the Stratagem's strange equipment and the presence of the "Greys" have
done much to perpetuate this falsehood (as has the activities of the Technocrats and certain Umbral beings). While everyone is
concerned with the "Alien Conspiracy" no one suspects mundane humans plotting the overthrow of mankind. It's also noteworthy that
there so many sceptics about Alien involvement, that most people are convinced there is no Conspiracy at all.
The main purpose of Disinformation is to mix as much falsehood in with the facts to lead any researchers on a wild goose chase. The
more convinced they are in the fabrication, the more embarrassed they will be when they are proven wrong. This tends to lower the
credibility of the researchers (very important if they eventually find out something about the True Illuminati). Think about it. Just look at
how Steve Jackson games are selling lots of things named Illuminati, and how the concept of Illuminati have spread far and wide
thanks to R.A.Wilson... the real Illuminati are hard to find among the wannabees and enthusiasts.

A favourite of the all the Illuminati, the main goal of Discouragement is to make the investigation more trouble than it's worth.
Corporations who involve themselves in Illuminati affairs see their stocks fluctuate wildly or become the objects of government
investigations. At first the "problems" are just bad enough to serve as warnings. If things persists, however, they can become crippling.
While this method has the potential of encouraging investigation, often the individual organization's instinct for self-preservation will
convince them otherwise. Discouragement tactics range depending on the Society. Global Elite rely on "physical" means (beatings,
bombings, and assassinations; often disguised as terrorist acts) or political pressure, Shadow Bank using monetary means, the
Pantheon resorting to slander campaigns from the pulpit (Interesting Plot Hook: Exactly why is the Pantheon so anti-RPG? Maybe the
Blood Covenant is behind TSR?), and the Blood Covenant involved in curses and other mystical incantations.

"The best way to avoid a conspiracy is to start it yourself". So the Illuminati creates groups apparently opposing them, to lure in
anybody trying to find them or their holdings. The Enigmatic Stratagem probably manipulates the UFOlogists trying to make the
government release secret documents, and the Blood Covenant runs debunkers and sceptic organizations which are used to strike at
their competitors in the occult world. Additionally, the Global Elite probably controls anarchists. For every attack on a holding owned by
their Society, there are a half dozen levied on Enemies (both in the mundane and Supernatural world).

Societies within Societies (The Creeds)

So, you thought the Societies were a homogenous mix of infiltrators, blackmailers, and spies? Wrong. The Conspiracy and its three
main tenants (Control the World, Fight the Supernatural, Enlighten Humanity) have sparked much debate among the higher echelons
of the Illuminati. What's the most important tenant? What should the Societies' main purpose be? There are many who choose one of
the three tenants as their life's goal (their "Creed") while still others have developed their own ideas about the Conspiracy and the
direction the Illuminati must follow.
Creeds go beyond Society limitations. In many ways, it's the only thing the Illuminati have in common. Though Societies may fight their
own petty battles, many times their Creeds still have relations (though strained they may be).

The Collusionists
"Conspiracy for Conspiracy's sake".
These people have told so many lies, weaved so many intricate plots, that they have become mentally and emotionally dependant on
the Conspiracy. The are deathly afraid that if the machinations ever ended, that their life would be shallow and worthless. The
Collusionists have no other goals but to keep the lie alive; to do nothing but forge endless (and often meaningless) plots and schemes.
Followers of the status-quo, they actively fight any attempt by a Society or Creed to hinder or abet the Conspiracy (because it could
eventually cause its end). They are a small faction, but present in all Societies, most notably the Global Elite (and some say the
Enigmatic Stratagem).

The Enlightened
"The Conspiracy is not to enslave, but inform".
This Creed seeks a return to the origins of the Illuminati, when the role of the Societies was to educate and assist humans throughout
the world. Though they have no love for the Supernaturals, they see no reason to wipe them out. Likewise, world domination is a trivial
and useless endeavour. Only by enlightening mankind to the possibilities the world has to offer, can freedom from all forms of
oppression be guaranteed. Many of the Enlightened have adopted Ascension-like beliefs, making many wonder if those of this creed
are not being influenced by Harmonist elements. They are very common in the Blood Covenant and are the most common Creedmembers in the Keepers of Secrets. Also suspected of having members in the Enigmatic Stratagem, though they may have been
distorted by the Aliens' twisted philosophies (whatever they may be).

The Harmonists
"The Conspiracy is for everyone, both mundane and supernatural".
A throw-back to the Architects of Reason, the Harmonists believe that the Supernaturals should not be enslaved, imprisoned, or
destroyed. Instead, they should be part of the Illuminati; using their powers to the benefit of humanity rather than its exploitation. A very
small and silent Creed, the Illuminati regard Harmonists with the same hatred and fear that the Sabbat have for the Path of Evil
Revelations. Harmonists must remain secretive, lest they be hunted down and eradicated. Nonetheless, there is believed to be quite a
few Harmonists in the Enigmatic Stratagem and the Shadow Bank.

The Ideologists
"Only our Conspiracy is the true Conspiracy"
Loyalty to one's Society is the most important to members of this Creed. Only the Society has the correct path to victory of the
supernatural. Only they are worthy of becoming Illuminati. The other Societies are only pretenders to their throne, anti-popes to their
divine right of leadership. In short, all other Illuminati are inferior and should bow their will. These groups clash on a regular basis with
the Court, and despise their rule. They appear in sizable numbers in most of the Conspiracies.

The Nihilists
"The Battle is lost. Humanity is doomed"
Gloomy, depressed, and perhaps unbalanced, these society members are convinced that the war with the supernatural has been lost
before it started. The only recourse is to go out with a bang, taking as many as the abominations with them as they can. There are
stories of Nihilists going into Vampire clubs with a backpack full of thermite or napalm, destroying dozens of vampires in the process.
Most of these have been dismissed by Vampires as suicidal Hunters, but the Illuminati is deathly afraid of the publicity these actions
cause. Because of this, this society has been officially banned by the Court. In many ways, the hatred of the Nihilists equal the
Camarilla's hatred for the Sabbat, or the Sabbat's hatred of the Path of Evil Revelations. However, these believers still exist in small
numbers; more rise up everyday, despite the many who die.

The Overseers
"There is only one path for Humanity. The path that we, the Illuminati, forge."
This is, by far the largest Creed, not only in power but in influence. The Kings have actively supported the Overseers in their Societies,
for it has given them an excuse to grab power wherever they find it. The main goal of the creed is simply the complete domination of

mankind. Once they have the mundanes in check, they can use its great resources to curb the Supernaturals. Many within the Creed
believe that what they are doing is for the benefit of mankind, but there are just as many greedy cutthroats who do it for the personal
influence it gives. The Court has long tried to inhibit the Overseers, but it hasn't the will (or the power) to ban such a large group of
individuals (especially since some Queens have fallen under their control). As stated above, the Creed exists in all Societies; the
Global Elite is securely under their control.

The Paranoids
"There is only one way... inwards"
This creed (which is related to the Collusionists) is unofficial but quite prevalent in many societies. The paranoids have seen too many
friends turn out to be traitors, heard too many awful secrets and know far too much. They cannot leave, they cannot relax and the only
way to survive is to fit in while trying to understand what is really going on. They hide their fears under a veneer of loyalty, and often do
their outmost to serve the Conspiracy while constantly watching for trouble. Most of them simply try to avoid it, always keeping to the
safe side or hiding behind the party-line.

The Purifiers
"What you call genocide, I call a day's work."
While other Creeds only condone the hinderance of the supernatural, the Purifiers believe in their total destruction. The exact reasons
for their hatred is varied; xenophobia, a religious hatred of "evil," human supremacy and purity of the race (of any race or gender).
Supernaturals are seen as unnatural and polluted strains of humanity; many feel they its their duty of eliminate aberrations for the good
of Homo Sapiens everywhere. The Purifiers dream is to set up Auschwitz-style extermination camps where Vampires, Werewolves,
Mages, etc. would be exterminated. While no one will admit to being a Purifier (most masquerade as other Creeds), their presence is
felt throughout the Illuminati.

The Scholars
"Knowledge is Power."
This creed is common among some Bishops, who have spent all their time studying in the libraries of their Basilicas. They no longer
care for the eventual defeat of the supernatural or the eventual fate of humanity. Instead they have become obsessed with the wast
amounts of knowledge their society has gathered, and want to get more, to use the Conspiracy to learn all secrets (this creed is quite
common among the Keepers of Secrets). They do their best to gather as much information as possible about the supernatural, their
enemies or the world in general. They are not very powerful, but very tenacious when they want to learn something.

The Supplanters
"To control the beast, you must remove its claws, pull its teeth, pluck out its eyes, and cut out its ears. After that it's rather harmless".
The Supplanters are the second-largest Creed, just behind the Overseers in overall support. They have the direct backing of the Court
(who seek to control the Overseers and Purifiers advocacy and growth). The Supplanters see only the curbing of influence the
Supernaturals as a worthwhile goal. Those such as Vampires require pawns to safeguard their existence and control mankind. By
removing those pawns, ideally without them knowing, the Illuminati take control of what the supernatural sees and hears. As the
Supernaturals have become dependant on their holdings and mortal pawns, so they have given the Illuminati a potent tool in which to
misdirect or even destroy them. Ironically, if knowledge of the Illuminati were to become widespread, their dependence on holdings
would be their demise. Though they haven't dominance in any society, their presence has at least restrained the influence of the
Overseers in most of the societies (excluding the Global Elite, which is firmly under Overseer control).

The Unionists
"There are no Societies. There is only the Conspiracy."
Seeing themselves as visionaries, the Unionists yearn for a day when the Societies can put aside their differences and join as a
single unit. Only then, they reason, can the Conspiracy be brought to fruition. They have sought to build relations between friendly
Illuminati (such as the Global Elite and the Pantheon), as well as bring peace to feuding Societies (Pantheon and the Blood
Covenant). Receiving nominal support from the Court, the Unionists have managed to be a thorn in the side of the other Creeds. They
are powerful enough to resist absorption from the other creeds, not threatening enough to risk a ban, and have enough support to
cause many to wonder whether separate societies are a good idea. They exist in all Societies (save, perhaps, the Enigmatic
Stratagem; they seem to want to keep as far away from the other Societies as possible).

Chapter Five: The World of Darkness

The following is a brief guide on the relationship between the Illuminati and the other denizens of the World of Darkness. Note that
these relationships are based my personal concept of the Illuminati and WoD in general. You should feel free to alter or scrap any or
all of this information if it doesn't fit with your campaign.

Vampire: The Masquerade

The Camarilla
"The Illuminati and the Tremere are one and the same. It is an obvious ploy to divert the blame incurred by their scheming actions. This
mythical group does not exist. " -Victor, Ventrue ex-prince of Peterborough, Ontario.
The Vampires suffer from the elitist philosophy which tends to relegate mortals to the roles of food and petty annoyances. Except for
the Arcanum and some Hunters, the Camaralla doesn't see humans as a serious threat. Of all the Kindred, the Tremere have been the
most victimized by the Societies. Whether by design or just chance, the Tremere have named their information network "The Illuminati"
(See the Vampire Players Guide). This offered the True Illuminati an opportunity to pass of some of the blame to the Tremere. While
the Tremere are not innocent by any means, they've been blamed for many conspiracies that they have had no part in.
The Elder Vampires of the Camarilla are not likely to have any idea about the Illuminati. The Societies have laboured hard to taint any
truths they may hold with fraudulent information. Still, its more than likely that there are some Elder Vampires (Especially Methululahs
and those of low Generation) would know something about the Illuminati.

The Sabbat (and the False Hand)

"While I have never heard of them, I have noticed strange things in the city. This requires more investigation" -Piper, Nosferatu Bishop
of Peterborough, Ontario
Sabbat cities offer the opportunity for the Illuminati to take control of mundane institutions. Because the Sabbat sever all ties to the
mortals, there is often a control vacuum in the city. While the Lupines, Mages, and Technocracy have tried to fill this void; the Illuminati
usually find the most success (generally due to its ability to "blend" in with the rest of humanity). The Sabbat generally don't have the
contacts with the mundanes to have any chance of discovering the presence of the Illuminati (and the Illuminati generally doesn't tackle
with them directly, preferring to use some militant holdings to deal with them). The Societies feel that the Sabbat are the worst threat
the Vampires pose to Humanity and that they should be eliminated at all costs. Even the normally passive Harmonist Creed have no
love for the Sabbat.
Note that since both the Sabbat and the Illuminati use the term "Bishop" as status rank, the Societies members can be confused with
the Sabbat in case of a breech. This of course, only benefits the Illuminati.

The True Hand

"Illuminati? No Comment." -, Member of the True Hand
The relationship between the True Hand and the Illuminati is a reverse to the normal link between the Societies and the Supernatural.
Of the True Hand, the Illuminati know almost nothing. They know they exist, but know little more than they are the "Secret Masters" of
Ventrue fame. However, it's very likely that the True Hand knows much about the Illuminati and its purposes. While both the Hand and
the Illuminati both are protecting mankind, the Societies do so at the expense of the Supernaturals. The Pacifier Creed has the Hand
especially nervous, for they advocate the genocide of those of Supernatural origin. But to actually crush the Illuminati would by very
hard and damaging to the Hand. For one thing, the Illuminati (in one form or another) vastly predates the True Hand. As such, they
have a lot more experience in fighting phantom wars. To actually crush the Societies, while possible, would greatly tax the Hand's
resources and undoubtedly reveal their existence for all the world to see. So, the True Hand wait in secret, erecting invisible walls to
hem in the growth of the Illuminati. They hope these barriers will be enough, for they dread the day the will have to deal the Societies of
the Pax Concordat.
[Author Note: Depending on your own campaign, the True Hand could be a complete mystery to the Societies, or both will have
complete knowledge of each other (and fight an invisible cold war). You may also have the True Hand influence or even control the
Illuminati, but I personally discourage that (especially the control part). That would make the Illuminati redundant; we already have
enough supernatural conspiracies.]

The Shamans of Beltane

"Fantasy is the truth no one wants to hear." -Corvus Beltane, 8th Generation Tremere.
Jacques DeCarnac is believed to be the only Bishop to have successfully rebelled from the Illuminati. A member of the Blood
Covenant, he managed to smuggle one of the Basilica's texts to a certain Tremere called Corvus Beltane (obviously a pseudonym;
real name unknown). Corvus, a former Verbena embraced by a jealous Tremere, had promised Carnac the very secrets of Vampire
Thaumaturgy. However, the traitor was killed by the Court's Cadre before he could collect. From that day in 1634, Corvus spent his
waking hours in hiding, attempting to crack Fabula's multi-level encryption sequences. When Corvus cracked the codes, he thought he
had discovered the source of much of the Tremere's bad image; a human organization that has pull the strings of many occult
organizations. However, the false paragraphs in the book led him to many erroneous conclusions. For instance, he believes the Blood

Covenant to be much more powerful than it really is, controlling the other thirty Societies with an iron fist. He also falsely affirms that the
Blood Covenant is behind the Path of Evil Revelations and the Sabbat. Beltane was quick to tell the others in the Camarilla about his
findings but mistrust for the Tremere (and a healthy dose of Illuminati Disinformation and Scapegoating) convinced all concerned it
was nothing but an ill-conceived scheme to redeem his clan. Especially since no one but Beltane could understand the book's
Beltane would later lose his evidence while using the book to find "the Mystical secrets of the Blood Covenant". A Clique, hiding in
wait at this chosen site, attacked the Warlock and forced him to flee in panic. Unfortunately, he dropped the book in the early moments
of the attack and lost his only evidence of the Illuminati. Beltane has since gone underground with his information, along with a few
Tremere and Ventrue. Corvus has now devoted his unlife to routing out the Illuminati and destroying it. Calling themselves the
"Shamans of Beltane" they spent some time in Peterborough, Ontario; once the last bastion of Camarilla rule in Central Ontario.
Staying there until the Sabbat takeover, the group went on to Ottawa and then moved into an undisclosed location in the states. The
current whereabouts of the Shamans of Beltane are unknown, but the Illuminati are dying to have a talk with them...
[Author: Peterborough is near my home-town of Havelock and the location of our Vampire LARP. I actually played Corvus, who was an
8th Generation Tremere. Also played Piper, the 9th Gen. Nosferatu who would eventually cause the city's fall to the Sabbat...hehehe]

Werewolf: The Apocalypse

The Tribes of Garou (including all were-creatures)
"Mortals are slaves to superior powers, whether it be us or the Vampire pawns of the Wyrm. To suggest they are capable of this level
of manipulation is laughable." -Krieg Iron-Hand, Shadow Lord
The Werewolves and other Were-creatures are the hated enemy of the Illuminati. It was the Garou Impergium which sparked the
Growth of the Blood Covenant and indirectly the other Societies. However, while their hate of the Garou is strong, the Illuminati has
done very little harm them. That occurs because the agents of the Wrym have done such a good job of depleting the Werewolves
numbers that they haven't nearly been the threat to humanity they once were. Still, those Garou like the Glass Walkers and the Shadow
Lords have made forays into the cities to make pawns of mankind. It is then when the Illuminati have cracked down upon them. The
Garou rarely have the resources in the human world to even hint at the presence of the Illuminati. The Glass Walkers may have their
suspicions, but generally the Garou are the least informed about the Illuminati. Not due to any deficiency in skill or power; more likely
due to their single-minded battle against the Wyrm and its servants.

The Wyrm (including Pentex)

"Yes, we have had contact with a few of them, more of which I will not say. Draw your own conclusions if you wish. You know the way
out." -Unnamed Pentex Board Member.
Wyrm minions and those of the great multinational corporation Pentex have clashed with the Illuminati on occasion. However, due to
the great power the Wyrm has on the planet, the Societies have had only partial success in stemming their domination of humanity.
With the legions of Fomori and other creatures at Pentex's disposal, any Acquisition generally leads into a hostile takeover
(something the Courts want to use sparingly). As such, the Illuminati pick and choose their targets carefully, making sure they have
some scapegoats that their enemy will actually believe in (generally the Garou). Pentex and the Wrym-agents do know of the
Illuminati's existence and may (depending on your campaign) have subverted the Blood Covenant. Otherwise, they don't see the
Societies of much of a threat. This is not a foolish attitude because its quite possible that Pentex could easily overcome any Society's
attempt at subversion and control. Whether they could match the Illuminati in a head-on battle is unknown, but it is a possibility.

Mage: The Ascension

"Oh yes, I've heard all sorts of stories about conspiracies, alien viruses from deep space, honest politicians. Won't believe it, though,
'till I see it." -Platon, Virtual Adept.
As stated in the introduction, the Illuminati have very little hatred for the Mages of the world. They fear the Mages for their ability to warp
reality and for the strange insanity and occurrences (Quiet and Paradox Flaws) which happen around them. This, along with the
practise of recruiting Acolytes had convinced the Illuminati that it's in humanity's best interest to subvert the Mages as well. Ascension,
in all its forms, is an alien concept to most members of the Pax Concordat. Most believe if anyone has the right to enlighten mankind,
its going to be the Illuminati and other mundanes.
As with the Werewolves, the Societies will not bother with Mages unless the involve themselves in activities that will control or harm

The Technocracy
"The whole concept is fascinating but pointless. If sleepers were capable of such things, the Technocracy would never have been
needed. As you see, we are still here. We are still needed." -Dr. Francis Cavalier, Iteration X
Years ago, the Illuminati voted to allow the Technocracy freedom to create the Age of Reason. It is generally believed that this was
done to further subvert the Supernaturals (specifically Mages and other Umbral beings) as well as provide more weapons to use
against their enemies. However, now it's generally seen as a catastrophic mistake. The Technocracy now rivals the Illuminati is total

size and has a stranglehold on the minds of the entire world. If the Illuminati could unite, they may be able to wipe them out. However,
with all the infighting (and the questionable loyalties of the Shadow Bank and the Enigmatic Stratagem), its unlikely they would have
the strength to accomplish this goal.
The New World Order has long suspected a shadow government paralleling their's. The Enigmatic Stratagem (along with the Cadres
of the Court) have been very efficient in hiding their existence, but the NWO probing continues. However, the NWO has no idea that
the Illuminati exist (at least not that they are not Supernatural-controlled) and can be easily convinced that the Vampires, and especially
the Traditions (like the Virtual Adepts) are involved. While it's only a matter of time until the Technos find out about the Societies, there
have been rumours that someone is preventing the NWO from discovering the Illuminati. This supposition has been forwarded by the
same people that believe the Shadow Bank and Syndicate are one in the same. However, it is possible that some remnant of the
Architects of Reason could be subtly manipulating the NWO (as well as the rest of the Technocracy) away from the Illuminati. This
makes many wonder how true these rumours really are.

The Nephandi and the Marauders

"So, you want to know about the Illuminati... Are you willing to pay...the price?" -Redden Malthus, Nephandi
These fugitives from beyond the Gauntlet may or may not know about the Illuminati. Even if these two powers learned of its existence,
it will not easily share this information. Not many people believe the ranting of the Marauders and the Nephandi would tend to exact
a...heavy price for such information. As for the Illuminati, they consider both these Mages more threatening to the welfare of humanity
than the Technocracy. It partially vindicates their decision to let the Technocracy set up the Age of Reason (though still considered a
grave mistake on many more grounds). The Illuminati will terminate any Marauder on sight and will consider the same fate for any

Wraith: The Oblivion

"I care not for the Quick. We are the dead and we have a more important problems that require our attention." -Elias, Hierarchy
Since Wraiths generally do not involve themselves in the lands of the Quick (except to protect their fetters and nurture their Passions),
they are not a threat to the Illuminati. In fact, some within the Blood Covenant have good relationships with these denizens of the
Shadowlands. Obviously, unless the Wraith has spend much time in the real world, they are not going to know about the Illuminati. So
generally both sides leave each other alone.
Of course, its been said that there are a lot of former Society members in the Shadowlands as Wraiths. Some say these Wraiths even
formed their own Society called "The Silhouette". Again, wether The Silhouette exists and its relationship with the other Illuminati is up
to the Storyteller.

The Other Beings

"Don't take the Illuminati so lightly. Mortals are capable of much more than we could ever dream of; I know for a fact that all those who
call themselves Illuminati are not all Tremere." -Amonhotep, Mummy
Mummies, the undying remnants of the Egyptian way of life, know well the existence of the Illuminati. They may have well been part of
the early Blood Covenant before the battle between Set and Osiris forced them to be part of the Spell of Life. For the most part,
Mummies are more concerned with the eternal cycle of their lives and joining Horus' battle with the Followers of Set, to be worried
about the Illuminati and humans in general. There is one mummy who has been "inducted" into the Illuminati (The Blood Covenant, of
course), but it's unknown whether he did so of free will and whether they Society can control him throughout his many lifetimes. It is
clear that though they may have been part of the Societies at one time, Mummies are now considered no better than the rest of the
Supernaturals: Pawns and potential enemies.
The Illuminati cares very little about the Mummies. They have done very little harm to humanity and have not sought to dominate them.
Even if they did impose their will on a number of humans, it is impossible to kill a Mummy permanently. So the Societies tend only to
control/subvert these types of Mummies while they're in the land of the living. This includes the evil Bane Mummies of the Vampire Set.

Immortals (Highlander: The Quickening Net Supplement)

"There can be only one? I wonder what will happen when the last Immortal gets The Prize and finds out what's really going on in the
world. The suspense is killing me!" -Nicholas "The Razor" Caliburn, Immortal
Immortals, like Mummies, may know about the Illuminati. It depends on how old the Immortal is and where they lived. Luckily, the
Immortals are often more concerned with "The Game" and winning "The Prize" to be worried about mortal secret societies. However,
there are those Immortals who have carved their own Empires on the backs of mundanes and have sought out groups like the
Societies. It's these Immortals that mostly concern the Illuminati.
The Illuminati have take great pains to make sure that the Immortals do not discover their existence. The Watchers, the organization
that conducts surveillance on Immortals, could be such a defense measure the Societies (most likely the Keepers of Secrets) have

erected. The Hunters would be a suitable assassination tool for those Immortals who did get too close. Again, this is up to Storyteller
approval (but it explains a great many things).

Epilogue: A Parting Word

"This game is not are" -introduction from Nephilim: RPG
Since you are reading this (and assuming you're not one of those people who reads the last page of Mystery novels) I guess you've at
least skimmed through my work. For this I'm very grateful. Its been a few months since I started this supplement and I'm more than
happy with the result. It's not the typical Secret Society dissertation I had originally had planned, but I feel that it has blossomed into
something more original. I hope you like what you've read, or at least have something that you can use.
Again, I'd like the thank Anders Sandberg for all his ideas and information, Carl Gutbrod for his support, and all the members of wod-l
for their suggestions and ideas that have floated about since its inception.

Suggested Material
The following are excellent sources of Illuminati and Secret Society information in general.

X-Files (Fox TV-Show) Excellent example of the Enigmatic Stratagem at work

Mission: Impossible (Both Syndicated TV-Shows) Excellent guide to Cadre/Clique operations
Nephilim: Occult Roleplaying (Chaosium) Has great secret societies (perfect for Throngs)
Call of Cthulhu (Chaosium) Great source of secret cults and things "man was never meant to know".
Illuminati Card Game/GURPS Supplement (S. Jackson Games) Original motivation for this supplement, this was my first foray into
the world of the secret societies.

GURPS Voodoo: The Shadow War (Steve Jackson Games) More nifty secret societies (on the supernatural side) as well as a
fascinating GothPunk-style setting.

GURPS Cthulhupunk (Steve Jackson Games) -Cyberpunk meets Cthulhu. 'Nuff said.
In the Country of the Blind (Michael Flynn). Very relevant to this game! It is about conspiracies using mathematical models to predict
the probable future; the conspiracies wage a shadow war against each other, both trying to hide and trying to wipe each other out. Has
several neat descriptions of a Basilica, Pawns, Rooks, Knights, Bishops and a Queen.

Focault's Pendulum (Umberto Eco). Lots of material about conspiracies, especially the Templars.
Society (Mark Carlson, found in in /pub/RPG/Misc) Though low on facts, this gives you great ideas on the
structures of fictional secret societies and the sub-societies below them. Scary thing is, his ranking system for agents is very close to
mine (and I down-loaded it two months after deciding on the Ranks in this supplement...). Based on Call of Cthulhu and Comic
sources, as well as real conspiracies.
This work probably has infringed on many registered trademarks and copyrights. I am neither making money of this supplement, nor
am I challenging any of the copyrights/trademarks involved. This supplement may be reproduced freely as long as no profit is made of
this supplement and my name is listed as its author.

Jedi Knights
By Sara Lanford (

The Jedi Knights are a secret society of warriors, made up of the descendants of an earlier civilization. They are charged with
the task of using their mental and fighting abilities to protect humanity. They believe in the Force, a mystical power that guides
and empowers them.

Character Creation
Jedi are created as normal humans and start with a 5 Willpower. They must take three dots in the background Mentor and take
the level three Talisman, Lightsaber. The Lightsaber does Strength + 5 damage (difficulty 6). Powered by the Force, it never
needs recharging. To use Force powers, they learn Numina, notably Telekinesis and Telepathy.


A New Organization for Vampire and Werewolf
By John Snead and Sarah Link (October 1993)
Hi all, well, today seems to be the day for posting new stuff, so I'll have my turn. Yes, this is a version of the Knights Templar, I've been
working on this since well before I was on the list, and was most surprised to find someone else working on them also. Mine are not
Kindred, but an independent human organization loosely allied with some mages. I sent this one to White Wolf, but they have yet other
ideas about the Templars (Sigh) so I'm giving them to you.

Origin of the Order

The Military Order of the Knights of the Temple of Solomon was a medieval military-religious organization whose members were
considered both knights and monks. It was founded in 1119 in France, and its original purpose was to protect pilgrims traveling to the
Holy Land in the days of the Crusades. The Order amassed vast wealth and power, both in Palestine and Europe. Legends began to
grow up around the mysterious knights who fought for no lord and bowed to no priest, strange legends of foreign customs and occult
powers. In 1307, the pope and the king of France joined forces to destroy the Order, arresting the knights and seizing their riches.
Though it is said that the pope and king were motivated by greed, the Templars were tried for heresy by the Inquisition. In 1312 the
Order was suppressed by the pope, and The Grand Master of the Order was burned at the stake. The Order's treasure went into the
king's coffers, its temples were destroyed, its knights scattered, tortured, or burned. So ends the official history of the Order.
Unknown to official history, however, the Order survived. Legends of the knights' special powers were sometimes based in truth.
Some knights escaped the king's bailiffs or remained in the Holy Land. Treasure, knowledge, and the secret documents of the Order
were smuggled out of France by surviving knights, to a place known only as Outremer (French for overseas, literally, across the water).
Whether Outremer is a Templar outpost somewhere in the Holy Land, or a hidden site somewhere else is not known. It became the
Order's new center, from which, slowly and quietly, the organization was rebuilt. New knights, no longer bound to the nation or the
church that had betrayed them, slipped back into Europe, the Middle East, and eventually the United States. The location of the
Order's stronghold is now a secret known only to a few of the highest-ranking knights. Unknown to most people, present-day Knights
Templars operate throughout the modern world.

The Modern Order

Many things have changed for the Order since the days of the Crusades. Betrayed by king and pope, and unnerved by an attempt to
link the Order with German nationalism in Hitler's time, the Templars no longer tolerate either religious or political affiliation, and
maintain a very low profile. The Order has built up great resources of both money and information. It is most active in the United
States, Western Europe, the Middle East, and Latin America. Though all knights receive paramilitary training, they come from all
walks of life, and the Order has come far from its days as a guild of soldiers. Membership is open to anyone who can discover the
Order, pass the tests of entrance, and who will swear to give allegiance to the Order above all considerations, follow its rules of
conduct, and maintain silence concerning the Order's private business. The basic mission of the Templars has not changed, however.
They still exist to protect travelers, though now travelers of all faiths, on all roads, in all places.
The Order has two grades of knights. Undedicated knights form the majority of the membership. They may resign from the Order if
they wish, as long as they swear to keep their activities for the Order secret and to not discuss the Order with members of the media.
Those who break this oath may be subject to retribution. Undedicated knights do not know many of the Order's secrets. An
undedicated knight who violates the rules of the Order may be warned by a tribunal or expelled from the Order. Dedicated knights
have sworn an oath of lifelong service to the Order. They may be party to its secrets, and are more knowledgeable about its structure.
They receive special training. Dedicated knights have a year's probation before they are confirmed. Undedicated Templars must
place their allegiance and obedience to the Templars above that to any other organization they belong. This includes the laws of any
nation they are a citizen of and the rules of any church they belong to. Dedicated Templars may not belong to any other organization,
which bars them from everything from joining any church or fraternal organization to being a citizen of any nation. Dedicated Templars
must remove themselves from all such organizations at the close of their year's probation; to remove citizenship they may either fake
their deaths or use computer hackers to remove all evidence of their existence from non-Templar records. Dedicated Templars
cannot resign.
The Knights Templars operate in pairs (their symbol is two knights on a single horse, or behind a single shield). Both members are
either dedicated or undedicated. In other ways, differing people are usually paired: male and female, native-born and foreign-born,
black and white, blind and sighted, a magician or information specialist or healer with a cynic or thief or warrior. Each pair of knights is
aware of the identities and locations of another pair of knights of their own grade and another pair of knights senior to themselves. The
senior knights know another pair still more senior, and so on. Dedicated knights may know the identities of a number of other pairs. In
this way information is passed from the least experienced knights to the most experienced, and advice and missions are relayed
down. Knights of all grades may not know each other by their real names or addresses; nommes de guerre and regular meeting
places are common. Power in the Order is based on seniority, with the most experienced undedicated knights junior to the least
experienced dedicated ones.
Knights may suggest their own missions. These must be approved by a council of the most senior dedicated knights in the area of
operation of the planned mission. Missions may also be assigned by a council of senior dedicated knights. When on a mission,
knights may choose to act incognito. To identify themselves as knights of the Order, Templars wear a white shirt, jacket, dress, or coat
with the Order's heraldry: a red circle quartered by a cross, representing the pathways of the world. Around the border of the circle is

with the Order's heraldry: a red circle quartered by a cross, representing the pathways of the world. Around the border of the circle is
written the word Outremer. Every knight has the right to refuse any assigned mission. If a knight is accused of violating the rules of the
Order, they are tried by council. Dedicated knights are tried by a council of other dedicated knights. Undedicated knights are tried by
two smaller councils, one of dedicated knights and one of knights of their own grade. Judgements vary from verbal warnings, to
probation, to disciplinary action, to expulsion from the Order or death. If the two councils do not agree to expel an undedicated knight,
lesser action must be taken. A sentence of death must be agreed to by a full council of 72 dedicated knights. The Order has no right to
pass sentence on anyone who is not a member or a former member.

Activities of the Order

Templars are engaged in both natural and supernatural missions throughout the world. The most common missions for knights have
always been of two types: guarding a pathway, or guarding a group of people or objects on a journey. In zones of war or civil unrest,
knights may be found escorting caravans of food, relief supplies, or medical personnel into dangerous areas, or escorting groups of
refugees out. Templars do not escort active military personnel or supplies. In areas of political tension, Templars are often asked
through informal channels to provide safe escort to diplomats and political leaders. The organization may elect to undertake such
missions, but support is not partisan; knights will, for instance, bring all negotiating parties to neutral ground. Protection is not offered
only to the rich and powerful; in the days before the Civil War, Templars were actively involved both in bringing runaway slaves to free
states and in preventing the murder of the pattersols who pursued them.
The guarding of pathways is another common duty, and the definition of pathway to the Order is very broad. "Armchair" Templars may
be found arguing legal cases for the rights of refugees to leave a country or of immigrants to come to one, or for the proper disposition
of stolen art and artifacts. More active guardianship of pathways may be anything from assisting in the construction of safe road
crossings for animals in wilderness areas to the patrolling of roads, rail lines, and airports to prevent intentional or accidental damage
that would injure travellers. Routes between the mortal world and the Umbra are considered pathways, as is the use of magic,
particularly magic which summons people or creatures.
Templars may be found in situations which also involve vampires, werewolves, or magi. Routes in and out of war-torn or otherwise
violent areas are often known to vampires, who may hunt habitually there for the wounded, forgotten, or exhausted humans who make
easy prey. Such roads are as likely to run through Watts as through Beirut. Though the Templar's primary concern is for human beings,
their definition of travelers is not limited to humans. Knights have been known to guard archaeological artifacts, fine art, or bodies of
the dead which are being transported. Protection of wildlife corridors may lead to positive interactions with the Garou, just as the
protection of human roads may lead to negative ones. Neonate vampires fleeing their Sire are considered travelers until they have
settled into their new life, as are vampires searching for Golconda. Summoned beings, fairies in the mortal world, and ghosts are
travelers by definition, and Templars will strenuously avoid destroying them in favor of helping them to a final destination. Magi who
habitually bring beings from other places into the mortal world against their will may find themselves at odds with knights of the Order.
Those with the power to travel between worlds may be sought out by Templars trying to bring stray beings back to their proper homes.

Relations with other organizations and beings.

The Knights are a fully independent order. They are forbidden from swearing allegiance to, or making a permanent alliance with, any
other organization. This rule means that the Knights tend to deal with individuals, rather than with groups However, the Knights have a
number of de facto policies regarding other groups.

The Kindred: Vampires are undead corpses who exist by drinking human blood. This fact alone is enough to make the Knights, both
individually and as an order, regard vampires with suspicion and distrust. In general Knights do not like vampires, and will not work
with vampires. However, the behavior of an individual vampire is still the most important factor. Vampires who casually kill their
victims, or who engage in torture or other anti-human acts will be destroyed by the order if they are encountered. In contrast, a vampire
who feeds exclusively from blood banks or willing sources will usually simply be avoided by Knights, unless this vampire either offers
to help the order, or has access to something of use to the order. In these cases Knights may agree to work with a vampire. The only
exception to the order's dislike of vampires is when Knights come across newly embraced kindred, especially kindred who were
embraced involuntarily, or without full knowledge. In such cases individual Knights may offer to help the vampire(s) to learn to deal with
their Beast, and to, if necessary, free themselves from their Sire. Opinion among the Templars is divided as to whether the best
response to vampires is to eliminate them, ignore them unless they prey on the innocent, or turn them from their path of destruction
one neonate at a time. However, two rules are generally observed: Templars should not become too personally involved with
vampires, and vampires who have accepted help from a Knight are considered travellers on the road to Golconda, under the Order's
protection unless they take a human life. Vampires who agree to work with the order, and to learn to control their Beast will have
powerful allies, vampires who turn down this aid will be watched, and destroyed if they become a menace. A Knight who aids a
vampire that later "goes bad" is considered personally responsible for that vampire's destruction. The Order will never involved itself in
Vampire politics. The Sabbat and the Camarilla are the same to the Order; all that matters is the behavior of the individual vampire.

The Garou: The Order and the Garou have many common goals, and many differences. As a rule Garou who see all humans as a
blight on the landscape are enemies of the Order, while Garou who believe in helping and protecting humanity from the depredations
of the Wyrm are often friends of the Order. A number of Children of Gaia, Silent Striders, Stargazers, and some Uketena are friends of
the Order. The Order rarely interacts positively with Black Furies, Get of Fenris, or Red Talons. However, once again the behavior of
individual shapeshifters is more important than their clan or any other allegiances they hold. The Order is well aware of the actions of
the Wyrm, and of the danger these actions pose to all life on the Earth. Some Knights interact with the Garou on a regular basis, and
work with them to defeat the Wyrm. It is known that the Order has a particular interest in the Umbra, and that keeping pathways
between the Mortal World and the Umbra accessible and safe is considered a part of the Order's mission. Senior Knights who are
asked about this preoccupation with the Umbra's contacts to the Mortal World will often respond with the same phrase: "To keep the
Pilgrim one must also keep the Road". In some way, the Knights seem to connect the relations between humans and Garou to this
mission. They will often aid human friends or allies of Garou, for instance, or mixed groups of humans and Garou. A curious but

persistent rumor has it that Outremer is located in the Umbra, and that some dedicated Knights know at least as much about the
Umbra as the Garou. They are said to work closely with some Umbra dwellers and visitors, including Garou, on important and secret

Mages: The Knights have no formal treaties with any Mage organization or group, but experienced Knights, especially magically
gifted Knights, and Mages are often known to each other. Some mages resent the Order's policy of taking magically gifted members,
since this lessens the number of potential apprentices. In most cases, however, Mages and Knights get along reasonably well. If the
goals of an individual mage coincides with those of a Knight they will work together, if not, usually they will ignore each other. However,
some Knights have become close friends with Mages, and since both dedicated Knights and Mages can live uncommonly long lives
these friendships can last a very, very long time. Those who have become close to Knights who wield magic know that the Order
teaches a philosophy of magic, as well as the use of it. The balance of forces, and the idea that all power comes from somewhere, is
central to their teaching. Therefore, Knight magi argue that the source of a power must be considered at least as well as its strength
and convenience, and that any power loosed without balance is a danger in the world. If Magi are more closely scrutinized by the
Order than most human beings, it is because they have a more immediate power than most to affect the balance of things.
The Order interacts most often with those who are not yet magi; initiates, like neonate Vampires, are considered travelers until they
have settled into a particular path of life. For magi, experience with the Order most often takes the form of mysterious figures who
intervened to save them from the Pogrom when they were young and untrained. The Order's commitment to protect magi and their
responsibility for them ends when the initiate is chosen by and accepts a Mentor. Therefore, most magi never see their mysterious
defenders again once their training has begun, and may never learn of the Order at all. Mages who belong to one of the Traditions
may join the Order if they wish, but they must make sure that their loyalty to their Tradition does not interfere with their duty to the Order.
No Mage trained in one of the Traditions may ever become a dedicated Knight unless they both forswear all ties to their Tradition, and
fake their death, so that all except the Order, including all Mages who know them, believe them to be dead. In this way, dedicated
Mages cannot bring their previous conflicts and alliances into the Order with them. Euthanatos Mages may never become dedicated
Knights. Mages of the Traditions may not learn the Mind and Body powers of the Order; they are already dedicated to a philosophy, a
discipline, and a way of life different from that taught by the Order. Orphan Mages may join the Order without restriction, and may learn
the Powers of the Order, this is discussed in the section on character creation.

The Technocracy: The Technocracy exits to place barriers between humans and the supernatural, including the Umbra. The Order
exists to aid travelers and to preserve and protect paths of travel. These two goals are often in opposition to one another. However,
the technomancers believe the Order died out in the middle ages, and the Order wishes this belief to continue. The Order does not
attack technomancers directly unless they attempt to shut down a gateway to the Umbra, or similarly seek to prohibit travel between
realms. If the Order does intervene, the Knights involved will make sure that the secrecy of the Order is preserved if at all possible. In
general, a natural antipathy exists between the two groups, and while they rarely fight directly, individuals from the Technocracy and the
Order almost never help each other.
However, the Order is very interested in the doings of the Void Engineers, since this group is the most involved with ideas of travel. To
the Order, the Void Engineers present a tricky problem; if they are allowed to excel at their work, the Technocracy may be allowed
entry into the Deep Umbra, and more pathways will be closed to travel. On the other hand, Void Engineers are the group of
Technocrats most open to change, and may be a key to the peaceful end of the Pogrom against magi and the building of walls
between the realms. As with Vampires, opinion about the Void Engineers is divided, but all agree that they bear watching.

Faeries and Ghosts: As both Faeries and Ghosts who are in this world are travelers far from home (Faeries are journeying between
Arcadia and the mortal world, and Ghosts between life and death) the Order takes an interest in such beings. Faeries or ghosts who
need help in either dealing with this world, or in reaching their own realm will be aided by Knights as readily as Knights would aid
ordinary mortals. Faeries or ghosts whose presence is disturbing to this world and its inhabitants will be escorted home. If necessary,
Knights will enlist the aid of other beings to help in showing a particularly hostile faerie or ghost the way out of the mortal world. People
who have been abducted by Fairies and are attempting to escape are considered by the Order to be another class of travellers, and
will frequently be helped, even if helping risks the anger of the Fairies.

Governments: The Order makes no formal allegiances with any government or official body. In general, requests or offers from
governments and their agents are regarded with suspicion. The Knights have no quarrel with governments, but they will not allow
themselves to act or to be seen as acting as political agents. They are perfectly happy to assist official bodies in furthering the goals of
the Order, where interests coincide, but they will not allow themselves to be seen. The Order is glad to make use of information it can
obtain from government sources, but Knights will never directly aid governments or government agents who are engaged in official
investigations. Indirect aid may be provided if the cause is important to the Order and the stakes are high, but the Order and its
Knights are working for a cause, not a country. Most importantly of all, Knights will never involve themselves in politics or political
struggles. Any Knights who choose sides in such a struggle, and become directly involved with politics will, at minimum, be warned by
the Order to cease such activity.

The Inquisition: These are the people who almost destroyed the Order in the 13th century, and who today see their mission, as the
Society of Leopold, as ridding the world of all that is supernatural, a goal the Order strongly disagrees with. No member of the Order
will ever aid the Inquisition in any way. Even if a a pair of Knights and a Witch-hunter are both working toward the same goal, say
destroying an insane vampire, they will not assist the Witch-hunter, and may interfere as long as this does not keep the Knights from
their goal.

Knights Templars Character Creation

Knights Templars Characters are generated just like ordinary Vampire and Garou characters, with 7/5/3 dots for statistics, and 13/9/5
dots for skills, and 4 background points (which may be used to purchase Allies, Contacts, Fame, Influence, Mentor, or Resources).
Templar characters have a Base Willpower of 5, but can buy more with freebee points. Templar characters have 21 freebie points.

The Knights Templars are very selective in the kind of people they admit to their ranks. No one under 18 can become a Knight, neither
can anyone with any mental or psychological flaws worth more than one point. However, characters who have physical or sensory
disabilities may become Knights. In addition, all prospective Knights must possess the merit Iron Will (see page 35, Vampire Players
Guide). The Templars are a human organization; they do not accept Vampires, Ghouls, Garou, or other non-humans as members.
The Knights Templars teach their students a variety of skills and also a few extraordinary physical and mental techniques, many of
these were developed early in the history of the order, and enter the realm of the supernatural.
All Knights have the following skills in addition to the skills picked up in the basic generation of the character: 4 points from Firearms,
Melee, Brawl or Dodge, Meditation 2, First aid 2, Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Survival 2, Occult 1, Stealth 1, Leadership 1, Diplomacy 1,
and History 1. In addition, Knights receive training in the extraordinary powers of the Order. These powers fall into two categories,
Body and Mind: Body powers allow Knights to overcome the limits of ordinary mortal bodies. Mind powers allow Knights to enhance
their senses, and to sense and respond to supernatural events. A beginning Knight has 4 points to spend on these powers, and must
begin with a minimum score of one in Body powers. A Knight who has reached a given level of mastery in one of the categories is
able to learn all powers in the category which are at that level. Each dot in either Mind or Body allows the Knight one free ability at that
level, plus the option of learning more powers at that level. Each additional ability of a given level costs the Knight 3 freebie or 2 x level
experience points. Achieving a new level of mastery with an ability costs 7 freebie points, or Current rating x 7 in experience points.
Undedicated Knights may only learn powers up to level three. Only dedicated Knights who have proved themselves worthy may learn
the powerful level four and five powers. Some of these powers duplicate the effects of Vampire Disciplines or Garou Gifts. If these
Disciplines or Gifts normally call for the expenditure of either a blood or a Gnosis point, Knights use the same ability by expending an
equal number of Willpower points.

Orphan Mages: Orphan Mages may join the Order, they receive much the same training as do other Knights, except that they are
also allowed sufficient time to develop their magick. An Orphan Mages who is also a Knight is generated just like any other Mage,
except that they may spend their points in spheres on the Powers of the Order instead. All Orphan Mages who join the Order must
spend at least one of the these points to get one level of Body, and may spend up to of these three points on Powers of the Order. In
addition, while their study of Magick does detract from their mundane studies, they still receive 1 point in leadership, 1 point in history,
and 1 point in diplomacy from their studies with the Order.

Level One Powers
Catlike Balance: (Equivalent to the 1 point Merit, The Players Guide to the Sabbat, page 127, except that whenever you fall, if you
can make a Dexterity+Athlethics roll (difficulty 6) you land on your feet, and take half damage (after soak) from the fall).

Ambidextrous: (Equivalent to the 1 point Merit, The Werewolf Players Guide, page 20).
Silence: (Equivalent to the 1 point Merit, The Players Guide to the Sabbat, page 125).
Pain Block: You can overcome pain through force of will. You may ignore the -1 die penalties to actions from taking damage to the
Hurt or Injured wound level. The damage from wounds greater than this is unaffected as it represents loss of bodily capacity due to

Level Two Powers

Enhance Attribute: You may increase any single physical attribute by one at the cost of one Willpower point per scene, by spending
two Willpower points per scene you may increase all three of your physical attributes by one.

Mimicry: You may mimic any voice or sound you have heard, the level of this mimicry is such that it is capable of fooling electronic
voice analysis, and similar sophistical electronic techniques, as well as the enhanced hearing of Vampires or Garou. Roll
Per+Ventriloquism to fool such techniques, the level of difficulty is usually 6-8 for electronic techniques, and Per+3 for Supernatural

Death Trance: At the cost of 1 Willpower point you can put yourself in a trance which allows you to seem dead. You roll
Stamina+Meditation vs any doctor's Perception+Medicine to seem dead. While in this state you do not need to eat or drink, and your
need for air is reduced by a factor of 10. In addition you may remain in this trance for up to a month, coming out of it either at a preset
time, or when external circumstances indicate. You cannot see, but you have a limited sense of touch, smell and hearing. While in this
state wounds you have received do not heal or deteriorate, so if you are incapacitated you may enter this state until you can be given
medical attention.

Pain Immunity: You can be fully immune to all negative effects from wounds of any level short of death, to do this you must spend one
Willpower point a turn. Once you cease doing this if your wound level is Wounded or greater you must make a Willpower roll with a
difficulty equal to the number of body levels lost+2. If you fail you lose consciousness.

Level Three Powers

Speed of Will: You can take one extra action a round without penalty by taking a turn to stand still to focus your mind, and spending 2
points of Willpower. This effect lasts for the entire scene.

Disease and Poison Immunity: You are immune to all ordinary diseases, and by making a successful Stamina+Meditation roll you
can cleanse your body of poisons and drugs. The difficulty level ranges from 5 for alcohol to 9 for cyanide and each success subtracts
1 from the damage and or die penalties due to the poison or drugs.

Aggravated Damage: You can channel your force of will into your hands or any melee weapon you are using. You must chose a focus
for this power: your hands, your family sword, etc... When using your focus you may do aggravated damage at will. When using a
weapon other than your focus you must first take a full turn to concentrate and spend one Willpower point, then you can do Aggravated
damage to Vampires, Garou, or any other supernatural being for the entire scene.

Stunning Touch: You are taught special pressure points and methods of non-lethal combat. If you can either strike a hand to hand
blow which does damage before soak is rolled, or touch your target on the skin, you may make a Perception+ Medicine roll vs their
Stamina+Dodge. One or two successes when touching a limb will paralyze the limb you touch for the rest of the scene, three or more
successes touching the target anywhere allows you to totally paralyze your target for the entire scene. Using this ability costs one
Willpower point.

Level 4 Powers
Self-Healing: This ability may be used once a day. You must Meditate quietly for at least 15 minutes, and then may make a
Stamina+Medicine or First Aid roll, with a level of difficulty equal to the number of body levels you have lost+2. Each success achieved
on this roll restores one health level. These levels return at a rate of one per turn after the meditation is over.

Alter Appearance: You can change your appearance. These changes are accomplished by using muscular effort to reshape your
face, and to alter your height, stance, and vocal capacity. To do this you must make a Percetion+disguise roll with a variable level of
difficulty. To simply make yourself look unrecognizable the level of difficulty is 6. One success allows you to be unrecognizable to
anyone who only knows you casually, while 2 or more successes will fool even your close friends and family. To add one, or to subtract
one or two from your appearance the level of difficulty is an 8. This ability allows only physical disguise; Acting skill is useful for
prolonged imitation. It is only possible to disguise yourself as another person using this ability if the target's height, weight, skin color,
and other physical characteristics are roughly similar to your own. However, dye, padding, false hair, etc. may be used to supplement
a disguise; each success on the alter appearance roll adds successes to any ordinary disguise rolls you make. To use this ability you
must spend one Will power point per scene

Extraordinary Attributes: This ability works just the same as the level two ability Enhance Attribute, except that the Willpower cost is
doubled, and the Attributes are increased by two instead of one.

Level 5 Powers
Extend life-span: This ability allows you to prolong your life. You must roll Willpower, with a difficulty of 8. Each success on this roll
allows you to ignore aging for one year. However, you age a minimum of one year between rolls. For example, if you roll 3 successes
4 years pass and you only age one. At the end of this time you may roll again. Failure means you age normally for the next year, with
no repeats until that year is up, and a botch means that you age two years in the space of one.

Heroic Action: This ability allows you to raise any relevant attribute to superhuman levels (equivalent to an attribute of 8 as defined in
A World of Darkness: Mummy, pages 27-29) for the purpose of accomplishing a single stated action. Examples of actions are:
"rescue the people from this burning building", "destroy the opponent I am now fighting", "convince this crowd to take action (whatever
action you persuade them to take)", "find any computer record of this woman". You can perform no other action until your Heroic
Action is complete (if forced to interrupt a Heroic Action, the attribute enhancement does not apply to the performance of any other
actions). This ability can only be used when the desired action can be attempted immediately. To perform a Heroic Action, you must
spend all Will power points but one. The enhancement lasts as long as is necessary to complete the action, but for no longer than one
scene. When the action is complete, you must roll your one remaining Will power die against a difficulty level of 8 to remain conscious.

Level One Powers
Immunity to Delirium: You are now immune to the Garou power of Delirium.
Bond of the Order: You can call on the bond which all Knights share. On a Successful roll of Willpower+meditation (difficulty 9) you
may alert any other Knight you know to your basic emotional and physical state and approximate location, regardless of their distance
from you. Each attempt costs one point of Willpower, and takes 15 minutes.

Magic Sensitivity: (Equivalent to the 1 point Merit, The Players Guide to the Sabbat, page 125).
Danger Sense: (Equivalent to the 3 point Merit, The Werewolf Players Guide, page 22)
Eidetic Memory: (Equivalent to the 2 point Merit, The Werewolf Players Guide, page 19).
Wakefulness: You can remain awake without penalty for extended periods of time. To remain awake an additional 24 hours you must
make a Willpower roll with a difficulty level of 6. Each additional day awake requires another Willpower roll, with the difficulty level
increased by two each day. It is impossible to stay awake more than 3 additional days with this ability. If this roll is failed you must
sleep within an hour, if you botch you must sleep within 1 turn.

Level Two Powers

Sign of Power: By making a specific and complex sign with your hands you can cause any opponent to be stunned for the next full
turn. You roll Manipulation+Sign Language with a level of difficulty equal to your target's Willpower. If you succeed your target is
stunned, if you fail they are unaffected. Using this ability costs one Willpower point per target you are attempting to affect with a single

action, and it can only be used successfully once a scene on a given target. It can only be used if your target is within 5 yards, is
looking at you, and can see your hands. Non-targeted observers are unaffected. However, the Sign's effects are very subtle, and if
your target or any observers fail a Perception+Alertness roll (difficulty 8) they will be unaware that you did anything (even if they are
affected by the Sign).

Heightened Senses: Equivalent to the Vampiric Discipline Auspex Level One, except that this Power does not allow you to see
through vampiric Obfuscate (Vampire page 93). This Power is usable at will.

Aura Perception: (Equivalent to the Vampiric Discipline Auspex level two (Vampire page 94), except that this ability does not allow
you to negate the Vampiric Discipline Obfuscate, but still allows vampires to be distinguished from mortals by their aura.

The Sight: You can see, hear and talk to spirits, including Ghosts and all natives of the Umbra.
Clear Sighted: (Equivalent to the 3 point merit, The Hunters Hunted, page 61).
Emotional Control: At the cost of one Willpower point you may gain total control over your emotions and body language for an entire
scene. This allows you to lie nearly undetectibly and to fool all manner of technological and magical methods of lie detection if you
succeed in a Manipulation+Meditation roll (with a difficulty of 6 to fool people or devices, and 7 to fool magic) for each lie you tell. In
addition you may add 2 dice to any speech or other emotional appeal , for pleading for your life, to attempted seduction, because you
are so convincing.

Level Three Powers

Hide Mind: You have learned to hide your mind from probing. IF you make a successful roll of Wits+Subtrefuge you may hide your
mind form all forms of magical, psychic, and supernatural probing and contact. This ability may be used at will, but if it is successful
anyone who knows of your presence (such as someone who can see you) will notice that there is a very obvious blank where your
mind should be. If they wish to probe further they must succeed in a roll of Perception+Subtrefuge vs your Wits+Subtrefuge.

Hounding: If you are following a target (which can be either an individual or an object and) can make a Perception+ Alertness roll with
a difficulty level equal to 8 each success allows you know in what direction the target is, an (very) roughly how far away for 6 hours,
even if you cannot perceive the target at the time. Once this ability has worn off to use it again you must again have the target in sight.
This ability only works on beings who are human, part human (like Garou), or once were human (like Vampires).

Resist Magic: If you spend one Willpower point, and make a Stamina+Occult roll with a level of difficulty equal to the level of the spell,
ritual or Thaumaturgical path+2 You may instantly cancel the effect of any magic directed against you or anyone or anything you are
directly touching.

Level Four Powers

Mental Protection: At the cost of one Willpower point per scene you may make yourself, and anyone else you wish who is within 3
yards of you, immune to the effects of all forms of mental and magical control or influence. To be effective this protection must be
established before the influence it is protecting against begins. You may walk, drive, or perform other ordinary actions while using this
ability, but you cannot fight or perform other stressful and strenuous activity and maintain it.

Neutral Guard: (Equivalent to the Level Three Salubri Discipline of Obeah, The Players Guide to Vampire, page 133). Note that the
Neutral Guard is not an "invisible wall" which prevents attacks from reaching you, but an aura of power which prevents hostile people
from choosing to attack or approach.

Walk Between Worlds: This ability allows you to "step sideways" just like a Garou, the only differences being that you roll
Perception+Occult, and not Gnosis vs the Gauntlet, and you must walk along a road or path rather than step through a reflective
surface to reach the Umbra.

Level Five Powers

Journey Between Worlds: You must first have the ability Walk Between Worlds to use this ability. This ability allows you to take
others with you on journeys to and from the Umbra. Each success you make on your Perception+Occult roll may be used to either
reduce the time needed to enter the Umbra, or to bring one additional person with you into the Umbra. If it is necessary to bring more
people with you than you have successes, you may spend one Willpower point per person to bring additional people along. No
additional Willpower need be spent to help them leave the Umbra, but any people whom you bring into the Umbra can only leave if you
or some other being capable of "stepping sideways" helps them do so. All people who you bring to and from the Umbra must be
holding hands or otherwise touching when both entering and leaving the Umbra.

Hidden Journey: You and those companions you designate (up to 10 people) are invisible and undetectable to everyone including
humans, animals, Vampires, Garou, Ghosts, and all similar beings. This ability costs one point of Willpower an hour to use, and to use
it you must make a Manipulation+ Stealth with a difficulty of 7. One success means that any being must make a Perception+ Alertness
roll vs a difficulty of 6 to notice you are there. Each additional success raises this level of difficulty by one. Beings may only attempt this
roll if they have some reason to suspect there is someone unseen or hiding in their vicinity. When using this ability everyone must
move and speak in a quiet, careful, and stealthy manner, any attempt to attack or otherwise use violent and obvious action on the part
of anyone protected by this ability immediately negates the ability for everyone. To use this ability everyone involved must first remain
quiet and stationary for 3 turns while you activate it.
In addition to Body and Mind powers, Knights who have the potential may also learn magic. The Knights Templars teach a form of
magic similar to the Hedge Thaumaturgy described in The Hunters Hunted pp 63-64. In addition to buying Body and Mind powers,

Knights may use any or all of their 3 Gift points to buy levels in Thaumaturgy. Each level gives you one level each in Casting, Duration,
Extend, Ritual, and Path. (Path is an ability taught by the Knights, similar to the Vampiric Thamaturgical Paths, except that each Knight
may choose only one path) Available Paths are: Movement of Mind, Weather Control, Conjuring, Spirit Thaumaturgy, Elemental
Mastery, and Morpheus. No other magical ability may exceed you level of Casting. The Knights have an extensive library of Spells and
Rituals. Additional levels may be bought using freebie points or experience, with each ability bought as an ordinary skill. The Knights
can not teach Psychic abilities or True Faith, but are more than happy to recruit members who already possess them. Sample

Additional Templar Rituals

Communicate (Level 1): After a 30 minute ritual the caster may send a brief message to any individual they have both seen and
talked to. The caster will then be able to receive a brief reply. However, subjects who are asleep, or unfamiliar with magic will usually
assume the message is a dream or daydream.

Tongues (Level 2): This ritual allows the Knight to be able to speak any single language for the duration of the spell. The duration of
the spell as rolled for the duration ability. It takes 10 minutes to cast, and costs one Willpower point. Aid Healing: This ritual costs one
Willpower point, and takes an hour to cast. Once cast the target (which may be the caster will experience the equivalent of a week of
restful, complication free healing from wounds or disease during a full nights sleep. If the subject is woken during the night the ritual is
negated. This spell may be used on successive nights. The ritual only works on living targets.

Slumber (Level 3): This ritual will make any single target who is not actively engaged in any activity fall asleep until they are either
woken up, or wake naturally from a long nap (usually around an hour). You must roll Manipulation+Empathy vs Wits+Alertness. If you
fail your target notices the approaching sleepinesses, and becomes temporarily too alert to be subject to this ritual for at least 10
minutes. This ritual takes but 4 turns to perform, but requires that you can either see or hear your target.

Maniacs: The Urge

By Michael Bauer (

Here are now some new game terms I'm introducing:

Urge: Every Maniac character is sometimes forced by a potent urge to go mad and do something he probably wouldn't do

Release: Every time the Urge drives the Maniac to go mad the soul is released from a great tension. Imagine a heavy
stone lying on your soul is taken away; this is called the Release.

Insanity: The Insanity trait measures how insane the Maniac is and how powerful he is when under the influence of the

Quest: If the Maniac willingly goes out to Release his soul and give in to his Urge, this is called a Quest.
Forced Urge: The Maniac forces his Urge to manifest so he can access his special powers.

Chapter 1: What is Maniacs: The Urge

The History
The exact historical background is unknown. Some believe those called Maniacs today are descendants of a Malkavian
revenant family called the Urtans. However, there have always been some people who had very dominant Urges and who were
able to access superhuman powers. In the early times of civilization they were said to be possessed by demons or the Devil, by
ghosts or other supernatural beings. It's possible that both types of Maniacs exist: some who derive their insanity from Malkavian
blood and mastership and some who were just born as Maniacs.

The Urge
The Urge is the special derangement of every Maniac character. The Urge is like the Beast in Vampire: it is always in the
Maniac's mind, but it only manifests at certain times or circumstances. The Maniac can try to fight the Urge, but by suppressing
it, he risks that it will break out some other time. The thing all Maniacs have to handle is a balance between Insanity and
Humanity. They sometimes have to go insane just to make sure they can be "normal people" other times.
The Urge doesn't manifest suddenly; you can't say the Urge Awakens (in the sense of Mage). Maniacs are usually born with
some tendency towards their Urge or "normal" hyper-activity. When growing up the Urge becomes more dominant and after a
maximum of 20 years after birth its at its peak.
Sometimes "normal" people get an Urge, but it's not very likely. Most will get a "normal" derangement, but some witnessing a
great mental pressure can possibly get an Urge. This Urge functions normally and in some cases may be healed just like a

Developing Powers
A Maniac isn't born with an Urge and powers. The Urge may be present, but the powers have to develop slowly, and after a few
years (usually in the teens, when the Urge manifests the first times) all powers can be accessed. And then these powers can
grow even stronger, as the character gets more experience.

The Maniac in Society

As said above, all Maniacs have a special Urge that tries to get out and break free, so the soul doesn't have to fight it until the
Urge is again so potent that it has to be Released. During this time of "peace", a Maniac can be any sort of human. Perhaps
one guy works in an office all week and Sunday, when the Urge has become very strong, he goes out on the streets and looks
for someone he could hunt down to Release his soul. On Monday he will be tired a bit, but he can be human for another week or
something. Some Maniac could be a Goth girl and always walk around wearing leather and with a white-painted face. No one

would think she's insane (not "insane" in the sense of being a Maniac at least), but every 3 days or so she just has to have sex.
She doesn't perhaps need to enjoy, but just have sex. That's her Urge. In some cases many Maniacs gather and live separated
to society in nature either to be no threat to others or to hide (especially the Hive Drone Maniacs; see below).

Welcome to an Insane World

As every supernatural being in the WoD, the Maniacs aren't the majority of all people on earth. Perhaps one in a thousand
humans are Maniacs, and most of them try to suppress their Urge whenever possible. But there are those who don't care what
others do and join gangs of Maniacs or something and use their powers to threaten mundane people, but that's rather unusual.

Chapter 2: Description and Powers of the Different Maniacs

Every Maniac gets some special powers when giving in to the Urge. Some powers, like Numina or a Ghoul's Potence, can be
acquired later. A Religious Maniac could also probably get True Faith, but that's unlikely to happen. However, most Maniacs will
rely on their "innate" powers.

The Hive Drone

These Maniacs are a special case because they tend to live in their own society as a Hive, just like insects. The head of the Hive
is called the Queen, but that doesn't mean that there are only female Hive Queens (though this is most often). There are 40
known Hives in the US with a population ranging from 200 to 10000 and more! Most Hive Drones live entirely in the underground
tunnels of the Hive and just leave it to hunt or to go to the cities to buy equipment for the Hive. The Hive Queen is a special
Maniac (not recommended as a player character) with great power over the Hive Drones. The Drones are loyal to their Queen
and will protect her with their lives. The Queen emits a feeling of love to the Drones and they see the Queen as a kind of mother
and serve her with passion, not because they're forced to (you recognize the similarity to Alien?). The motives of the Hives are
different, depending on the goals of the individual Queen. Most player character Hive Drones will be scouts of the Hive; they live
in the cities and explore ways to serve their Queen, to get money for the Hive and such things. They're usually given a free reign.
Important to know is that all Drones are telepathically linked with their Queen and if the Hive is attacked, then all Drones are
linked together with the Queen as a nexus point. The individual telepathic link to the Queen can be canceled by every Drone, but
the Queen usually sees this as a threat and most such Drones will soon be killed by assassin Drones. If the Queen is sure about
the Drone's loyalty to her, she might allow the Drone to cancel the link, but that's unusual. Most Hives live in hostility to each other
and know instinctively if there's a Drone nearby and if it's from the own Hive or from another. If 2 scout Drones from different
Hives meet in a city, they will attack each other in most cases. All Hive Drones have a great ability to navigate in tunnels and see
in complete darkness.

Powers: The Hive Drone can instinctively navigate its position when in an underground Hive or subway tunnel. They have to roll
Perception + Navigation (see below) (difficulty 6, or higher if decided by the ST.). One success is usually needed to successfully
find the right way. The Drone Maniac can see in total darkness at +2 difficulty (+0 if protecting the Hive from an attack). Every
physical attribute can be boosted by two at a cost of one IP per point and attribute (as in V:tM you can boost attributes with
Blood points). All Hive members are telepathically connected to the Queen and can contact other special Drones if
concentrating. This takes one action and a successful Willpower roll at difficulty 7. One success is needed. The contacted Drone
can resist with its own Willpower; the Drone with net successes wins. The telepathic link functions over a distance of 5000 miles.

Drawbacks: If the Hive is threatened the Hive Drone must immediately help to protect it as fast and as best as he can (and he
would die for his Queen). If encountering a Drone of another Hive he will try to kill this Drone if this doesn't threaten his identity as
a scout or other bad conditions (the ST may allow the Drone to flee if the enemy is equipped with a flame thrower while the
Drone has just his bare hands.). If called by the Queen the Drone has to react and to serve his Queen.

The Greedy
The Greedy Maniac has a problem I guess everyone knows somehow: you see something and you have to get it. This can be
anything from a cool sports car to the beautiful girl in your school to an amulet you saw in town. The difference with the Greedy
Maniac is that he will do everything to get this thing and as soon as possible. This can be very easy (perhaps the girl also likes
you?) or very very hard work ("I want this cool tank I saw on the military parade! I want it!"). In some very special cases this kind
of Maniac could watch a surgery on TV and have the feeling he should get a heart. He will try to look for someone with a heart
(not much time needed usually) and, well, get it. I won't explain the cruel details.... If they get the desired object they don't really
need it for longer than perhaps four days to a week. Then they can keep it or throw it away. Usually the object that evokes the
Urge is something material (in my example with the girl the Maniac doesn't want her love, he wants her body). A need for
feelings would be the Urge of the Obsessed (see below).

Powers: The Greedy Maniac can boost two attributes and four skills as described in the Hive Drone power section. These
Maniacs also get the power Celerity (works as the Vampire discipline; the Greedy spends one Insanity point).

Drawbacks: Any object at any time could evoke the Greed Urge. This can be resisted as always, but if those guys don't get
what they desire within 2 days they will either fall into a rage and destroy something at all cost or become very depressed and all
skills will be at half for one day (roll D10: 1-6: rage; 7-0: sadness).

The Obsessed
This group of Maniacs have a strong need for a special object or feeling (women, gold, pain, love etc.). Either they want to feel it
on their own (go to some leather wearing woman and suffer) or want to see others witnessing this feeling (torture them or give
them the feeling that they're loved by someone, for example). Most Obsessed will be egoistic and want the good feelings (love,
for example) for themselves. Those obsessed with pain usually want to inflict pain on others (of course, some enjoy to suffer on
their own). The main difference from the Greedy is, that it's always the same object or feeling which evokes the Urge. Player
characters wanting some challenge should choose an obsession Urge too difficult to Release (for example an obsession with
gold; it's hard to find but also hard to get). There is no need to see the desired object. Sometimes the Obsessed will just feel a
strong need for it and then has to go on a Quest or wait until the Urge drives him to Release.

Powers: The Obsessed Maniac has the same powers as the Greedy.
Drawbacks: The Urge could activate at any time. If the Maniac sees for example his desired object the Urge is evoked. But the
Urge could also activate at any other time and the Maniac has to find the object of his obsession. If this group of Maniacs don't
get what they want they either fall in a rage or become depressed (like the Greedy).

The Poltergeist
The Poltergeist is a Maniac with some power over chaos. He can't control chaos, but he can cause chaos to manifest, as a
Poltergeist that throws little objects or turns off the light and such things you perhaps know from several movies. The Urge of the
Poltergeist Maniacs drives them to deny and hate order. They feel imprisoned if forced to order things in a row or something like
that. Instead they want to destroy those orders and their powers deny every law of nature and they even spit on the order of time.
Their powers and their nature aren't truly harmful, it's rather the consequences of their powers that are able to harm (especially
the mind of) their victims. The pressure under which they suffer every day (almost everything is somehow orderly today; the bus
and train arrivals, the order of the queue in a supermarket, that you drive right, the others left and so on) channels into their
power. When the Urge manifests the Maniac will use the gained power to destroy as much order as possible. Usually they tend
to move quite often because always the same home would be too much order. Their homes are full of everything, the TV could
stand on the bed today, when you look tomorrow it stands in the bathroom. Clothes lie everywhere, the floor is dirty and so on.

Powers: These Maniacs can boost their Wits by 1 for every IP spent (Maximum is +3). They gain a power very similar to
Wraith's Pandemonium (if you own this book you can also use it if you prefer, but it is a little weaker) called Evoke Chaos. Here
are the stats:


Weirdness: The Maniac can cause strange things to happen to someone. The victim feels a hot flash, his hair rises, he
smells rotting flesh etc. This power only affects one person at a time and cannot used to create effects of greater power
than those listed (it isn't "weird" to someone when he explodes). Alternatively, the Maniac can confuse his victim to lose
orientation and forget what he's doing or where he is.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Evoke Chaos (difficulty 6; or 8 if trying to confuse) and spends one IP.
Dark Ether: The Maniac can influence weather and environmental conditions like air temperature or light condition. He can
dry a surface or the air in a small area and produce mists and fogs. He can evoke lightnings to dance in a room and so on.

System: The player rolls Intelligence+Evoke Chaos (difficulty 7). The number of successes indicate the size of the affected
area, the variance in conditions and the duration (number of successes in turns usually). When five successes are rolled,
the intensity of the effect is big enough to inflict one level damage upon beings in the affected area. This power costs 1 IP
to evoke and 1IP to maintain.
*** Poltergeist: With this power the Maniac can lift things through his pure will and throw them around. This is also a way to
inflict damage on others. The objects affected by this power can't exceed 1x1 meter in size and 5 kg in weight.
System: The player rolls Intelligence + Evoke Chaos (difficulty 7; modified by sight, range etc.). Every success rolled can
either be used to lift an object or to cause damage (1 point damage per success). When lifting several objects the
successes can be divided to inflict different damage. This art costs 1 IP per success used for lifting or damaging.
**** Foul Humour: With this power the Maniac may cause foul vermin and substances to manifest in a small area. He can
evoke a plague of locusts, a rain of frogs, a pack of rats etc. He also can evoke blood, gore, slime, flesh etc.
System: The player rolls Intelligence + Evoke Chaos (difficulty depends on the wished effect and is up to the ST, but usually
is 6, 7 or 8.). The number of successes determine the extent of the manifestation, as well as the duration. At the end of the
duration the manifestation usually vanishes in max. 3 turns, but traces may remain especially if rolled 5 or more successes.
If using this power to harm someone, the effect does 1 damage for every 2 successes scored. This power costs 3 IP and
one Willpower for every 2 successes.
***** Tempus Fugit: With this power the Maniac may alter the speed with which time passes or distort the distance of an area.
He can make time pass very slowly or accelerate it; he may make a distance across a foyer seem like a mile or the
distance across a tennis court like one step. Note that with this power one cannot reverse time.
System: The player rolls Intelligence + Evoke Chaos (difficulty 7). The number of successes indicates the Maniac's
influence on time. Each success lets time pass 1 turn faster or slower (example: the Maniac scores 3 successes and
wants to slow down his victim, an action requiring one turn normally would require 3 turns. If speeding up time anything
requiring 3 turns could be done in one turn (this doesn't add to the number of actions the target gets from Celerity, Rage,
Time Spheres etc. It can, however, prevent them). This power can be used once per scene and costs 4 IP. The duration

equals the number of successes in turns. If focusing the effects on him alone, the Maniac gains one additional action per
success scored in a Dexterity + Evoke Chaos (difficulty 7) roll. Used that way the power lasts for one scene and costs 2 IP.

Drawbacks: Because they tend to think that they alone possess power over chaos and illusions they're easily irritated. All
attempts to confuse, irritate, mislead (also mundane irritation) or use illusionary magic are at -2 difficulty if used against a
Poltergeist. Illusionary magic that would help the Maniac (perhaps the illusion of wings that enables other characters to fly) are,
however, useless. These spells just don't work. Because to their acquaintance with chaos, chaos often "seeks" Poltergeist
Maniacs and so many curious things could happen while walking over a street. Perhaps he meets a friend he didn't see for 20
years or two cars could crash with the Maniac in between, but that's rather unusual. Most often it will be an indirect harm, like the
Maniac recognizes his car has no more fuel when he returns from a bank robbery and wants to flee. Note that the Maniac isn't
the only target for those things. In most cases it will be a complete stranger, just walking by, that will perhaps be beaten up by a
gang of Vampires around the corner or something. Perhaps he just loses his backpack, perhaps he loses his life. A Wraith
using Pandemonium's ability Sense Chaos will be able to recognize a Poltergeist Maniac. Some of those Wraiths could also be
friends of Poltergeist Maniacs.

The Predator
The Predator can be said to be the darkest Maniac on earth. His Urge drives him to hunt and kill and usually his prey is human.
The Urge is usually evoked at night. These Maniacs wake up during the night and have the need to hunt someone. They take a
knife or a gun (though it is usually a melee weapon or just their hands and claws because this is a better Release; it's more
"original"). When going on a hunt the Maniac grow claws at his hands and his mouth grows bigger. Sharp pointed teeth grow out
of the jaws. When a victim is dead (and this can take some time, for most Predators don't kill their prey fast but enjoy hunting it)
they often bite into it to taste the warm blood and flesh of their prey. Many Predators who have little Humanity live alone in an
abandoned house or in the slums where a hunt isn't that dangerous to them. The worst thing to encounter would probably be a
Predator who has completely given in to the Urge and just lives for hunting and killing.
Very very few of them use their hunting abilities for others benefits. Some of those might use the power of the Urge to hunt
Vampires or Garou, while some others could be Ghouls of a Vampire and use their powers to hunt for their master in exchange
for some of his blood.

Powers: The Predator Maniac can boost his physical attributes, his Wits and Stealth skill by +1 for every IP spent; he must
boost each trait separately and the maximum rating is double the normal rating. The Claws do Strength +2 damage, the Bite
does Strength +3. You also get the power Obfuscate (see V: tM).

Drawbacks: If threatened the Predator's Urge is immediately evoked. The claws and the mouth grow within one turn.
Sometimes (usually at night) the Predator will need to hunt. When this occurs is up to the ST. Sometimes a Predator meets a
person and "marks" it as prey. He will go on a hunt the next night and kill this person. If encountering such a poor soul at night the
Predator will hunt right after marking it. If the hunt isn't successful the Predator will search something else to destroy and to let out
his anger and hate. The Predator is always at +1 difficulty to resist his Urge due to his aggressive nature, and even at +2 if
taking two or more points of damage. When using the Forced Urge (see below) the action of forcing the Urge and growing claws
and teeth take a complete turn together.

The Pyro
The Maniacs called Pyros have the Urge to be in presence of fire or great heat. That would be okay, but they also are Urged to
burn things down to get Release. They can be very dangerous; if one of them goes out with you to a nice candlelight dinner, don't
be too surprised when he starts to fuel the candles and burn down the whole restaurant. Don't go camping with them and make a
camp fire or something, they will burn down the woods. Most of them are driven to destructive actions by their Urge, while some
might have some self-control and "just" have to smoke 15 cigarettes at once. These guys are fascinated by fire and often run
into a burning house to be near to it. Luckily, they're immune to fire when the Urge breaks out. This ability can also be used to
help; a Pyro Maniac could work with firemen and run into burning houses to rescue trapped people (but be sure he's away when
you start to extinguish the flames!).

Powers: The Pyro is immune to the damaging effects of fire and heat; magic fire inflicts half the normal damage. This immunity
also includes his clothes and things inside the clothes (a credit card in your pocket for example), while a package of dynamite
held in the hand would be no good idea (yeah, it would explode). The Pyro gets the power Flame Rage, which is exactly the
thaumaturgic Lure of Flame, described in V: tM.

Drawbacks: Whenever encountering fire the Pyro's Urge will try to break free. This can be resisted as described now: roll
Willpower, for difficulty consult the following table, 1 success is needed:
candle, cigarette, lighter 4
camp fire
flame thrower
burning house, inferno 9
great wood fire

When the Urge is dominant the Pyro is vulnerable to cold (double damage).

The Religious
Also a known phenomenon, a guy who believes he's serving some kind of god or Satan or demon or whatever. His believe in
this supernatural force and his believe that this force grants him special powers is so strong that he really gets these powers. It
might be that there's some kind of god that gives him these powers, but I don't think so (it's up to your ST). The power derives
from the Maniac's believe in his god (or Satan or demon). Most of the Religious Maniacs will get very upset if one talks bad
about their gods, and some even attack to revenge that "blasphemy". They can be potent enemies if they serve a god of war or
death or something! Their mentality is as different as their gods, so you might find a Christian Religious Maniac who will beat
you up if you wear a pentagram amulet just as you could meet one that is up to shoot you because you're violent. Many religions
are quite inconsistent. They might cherish peace, but they can be very cruel to keep that peace. And with their gods they differ in
powers. One might beat up a Garou, the next can control hellfire itself and so on. The Urge manifests as a need to tell all others
how great your god is and to punish all who break his laws.

Powers: The Religious Maniacs differ much in powers. The only thing they share is one additional Willpower point at start
(maximum is 10). All attempts to control these Maniacs to do something that would break their ethical code or religion are at +2
difficulty. The other powers depend on their gods or masters. A Christian Religious Maniac could have Presence or Auspex. A
very bad satanic Maniac could have Daimoinon or Serpentis. A Maniac worshipping a war god could be granted Potence or
Fortitude. A death god could "grant" Mortis or Necromancy and so on. As always your ST has to allow the individual power to be
chosen. I recommend each Maniac just to have one power, because otherwise he could get too strong. Of course you can also
create own powers that fit better to your god, but your ST has the last word about this.

Drawbacks: If encountering someone who really breaks the Maniac's ethic or moral code he will have to punish this "bad guy"
for that. This can be resisted as always, but the difficulty is at +2 if the "bad boy" is an enemy to your religion (In my example: If
the Vampire kills an innocent child -- definitely a break of the 10 commandments -- the Christian Maniac would be at +2 difficulty
to resist his Urge and destroy the Vampire on the spot). These Maniacs are vulnerable to their ethical opposites. To explain: If
you're Christian the satanic powers of your enemy Vampire would be at -1 difficulty.

Chapter 3: Game systems

The Insanity trait has a score ranging from 0 to 10. The higher this trait, the more insane the Maniac character is. But as Insanity
is the source of power to the Maniac he needs a high Insanity rating to better perform his powers gained through giving in to the
Urge and Releasing his tortured soul. Every 8 hours the Maniac functions "normally" (as a non-insane human) he gets one
temporary Insanity point (IP). Once his temporary Insanity points (IP) reach an amount equal to his permanent Insanity points
(PIP) he gets one new permanent Insanity point (PIP) and loses 1 point from his Humanity points (HP). That's okay as long as
the Humanity is higher than the PIP. But once the PIP is higher than the HP the Urge is ever present and other people will
recognize that something's going wrong with the Maniac. Every 5 hours spent in this state he must roll Willpower (difficulty is the
PIP). One success is needed to resist the Urge. The difficulty raises by one every roll after the first. Once the difficulty is at 10,
add one to the successes needed to resist every next roll. This means even if you're lucky to the point of cheating after some
time the Urge is so irresistible that it comes out in the most destructive manner: the Maniac must give in to the Urge and uses his
so gained powers to destroy as much as possible. This rage continues until the Maniac dies or 10 hours have passed. You see
it's very dangerous to suppress the Urge too long! The Maniac is then physically completely down (all physical attributes and
abilities at half) and must rest at least 12 hours due to physical and mental exhaustion. His IP (not PIP!) are then down at 0 and
he gets a derangement. He also loses one point Humanity. The Maniac cannot and should not try to escape the Urge. If he tries
too hard he will instead break and become a destructive savage slave to his Urge. This happens when Humanity (HP) drops to
0. As with a Vampire with Humanity 0 the Maniac will now be played by the ST. Every time a Maniac uses one of his Urge
powers he reduces his IP by one (or more, when using a Vampire discipline that requires more than one Blood point. The Blood
point cost is 1:1 the IP cost.). Even if the IP is at 0 the Maniac will continue his action either unti the Quest is over or he has
Released his soul. The only exception to this is the Forced Urge (see below). If not all IPs were spent during the Release the
Maniac will though lose them when he's safe again (at home or at his haven). The Urge is gone, for a while.

Resisting the Urge

To resist the Urge a Maniac player rolls Willpower (difficulty is PIP):
Successes Effect
The Maniac immediately gives in to the Urge and tries to Release his soul.
The Maniac is controlled by the Urge for 3 turns.
The Maniac fights his Urge successfully. This is visible to all outsiders.
The Maniac successfully fights the Urge. Others can recognize that as described below.
The Maniac completely fights the Urge and no one will recognize.

Recognizing Someone Fighting the Urge

When a Maniac tries to resist the Urge other people might recognize that. Roll Perception + Alertness (difficulty 7). One success
is needed to see that something's wrong with the Maniac. Other persons react differently to that. Some might want to help the
Maniac because they think he's ill or something, while others don't react or try to avoid the Maniac due to fear of this "strange
guy." The exception could be the Predator as sometimes his mouth, teeth and claws start to grow a bit while fighting the Urge.
Most people will avoid the Predator if they recognize that (two successes in the Perception + Alertness roll are needed to
recognize that).

The Forced Urge: A Source of Power

Now it wouldn't be that funny to play a guy that could go mad anytime without having any advantages. Right. But Maniacs can
somehow force their Urge to emerge and to take control of their minds. The effects are: they're granted all powers listed in the
individual descriptions and can spend IPs. However, if they don't Release their souls from the pressure of the Urge within one
day, they get back double the IPs spent! That's the price. To force one's Urges powers to manifest the Maniac player rolls PIP
against Humanity (HP) as difficulty. One success is needed to successfully let out the Urge. It takes one action to evoke the

Losing Permanent Insanity Points (PIP)

Keeping your mind clean. When the Urge is evoked the Maniac doesn't have to spend Willpower points (WP) to resist
possession or such things nor does he spend Willpower to get an automatic success. Every time a non-Maniac would spend
Willpower the Maniac instead spends permanent Insanity points (PIP) because his true resistance comes from the Urge. A
player can also choose to spend Willpower, but since the Maniac's will isn't dominant that time he has to spend two Willpower to
get the benefit of one PIP (=one WP normal). This helps to keep a balance between Humanity and Insanity and also makes sure
the Insanity doesn't just grow while Humanity declines. If PIP is at 1, you can no longer spend PIP, because the PIP can never be
below one.

Chapter 4: Character creation

Maniacs are quite -- lets call it normal -- even if they somehow are far from normal humans. But they are created almost as
human characters. Ah, well, look at this short steps and I don't waste much words:

Attributes: 6/4/3
Abilities: 11/7/4
Backgrounds: 5
Virtues: 7 (Conscience, Self-control, Courage)
Powers: All disciplines, paths and similar powers start at 1 (the Hive Drone hasn't got a power measured in dots)
Insanity (PIP): Starts at 1/2 Willpower rating
Freebies: 12
New Merits and Flaws
Ever present Urge
(3 point Flaw)
You always seem to be quite nervous or appear to fight the Urge. The best result on the Urge resistance table is 2 successes.
All your social actions are at +2 because you always seem nervous what could frighten others or make them mistrust you.

Strong Urge
(1-5 point Flaw)
Your Urge is very strong. For every point in this Flaw subtract one hour from the time passing till you get a new IP.

(4 point Merit)
You're very good in fighting your Urge (-2 difficulty). The difficulty for others to recognize your inner battle is at +2.

Weak Urge
(2-5 point Merit)

Your Urge is weaker than normal. For every point in this Merit beyond the first (so it starts at two) add one hour to the time
passing till you get another IP.

Crossover characters
Vampire: If a Maniac is Embraced he will become a Vampire like any other human, but things concerning his (now gone) Urge
make the player roll Self-control (difficulty 6). If the player succeeds, the Vampire resists frenzy. If no success is rolled, the
Vampire follows the normal frenzy rules. Most Maniacs Embraced will be Malkavians or Sabbat members.

Garou/all other shapeshifters: No shapeshifter will have an Urge. Their Rage is enough anger, isn't it?
Changeling: No way. The Fae aren't interested in Maniacs; they usually avoid them.
Wraith: A Maniac can become a Wraith like anyone else, but the likelihood is a bit bigger. The Urge could remain a strong
passionate link to life. The chance of becoming a Wraith rises with the Insanity (PIP) trait.

Mummy: Hm. I can't imagine anyone who wants to mummify a Maniac, but if this occurs the Maniac is entirely Released from his
Urge and now faces another task: a life of eternity; he becomes a normal Mummy.

Mage: No Maniac has ever Awakened and no one coming is supposed to do so. I suggest you to ask your ST, but a 14 years
old school girl could really get (especially psychological) problems when realizing a manifesting Urge AND a manifesting
magical power. This could lead to some derangements....

Others: This includes Gypsies, Hunters, Highlanders, Fallen Angels, Therianthropes, Demons, Angels, Aliens, Predators,
Scanners, Succubi, Arthurian Knights, Avatars, Students of Hate, gods, dogs, cats, rats, birds...popes. I don't know of all existing
add-ons to the WoD and if you want to have an insane Predator (this guy from the movies) ask your ST. I won't give you rules for
every single kind of crossover character, because I don't think this would make sense.

Ghoul: All Maniacs can be ghouled and they get all powers Ghouls can access. I think this (and the Wraith) crossover is the best
and I used them already (imagine a bad Tremere on the Road of the Devil with four Predator Maniacs by his side, all slaves to
their diabolic master and to their Urge).

Vampires: I don't like them. They don't care if they suck normal or Maniac blood. They see us as prey.
Garou: Unfortunately they fight us wherever possible. They see us as servants of the Wyrm.
Changelings: They avoid us and I avoid them.
Mages: They aren't interested in us as long as they don't need a powerful ally. Then they know us. Well, why not, if they pay well.
Mummies: I haven't ever seen (at least recognized) one and I don't know where to look for them...except in Egypt.
Wraiths: Poor guys. But what should I do? I avoid them, they can be very dangerous.
Gypsies: Some are quite nice, especially the young girls -- ehm, well, they don't seek our company and so do we.
Others: Never heard of Therianthropes, Succubi etc. But Aliens exist! they're among us! The truth is out there!

Mentalist: The Whisper

By Matt Robarge ( or

Who knows how long they've exsisted or how they've come to be. Whatever the case, in this World of Darkness, there exists
creatures of great mental capacity. The abilities of these few gifted (or cursed, from some perspectives) individuals range from
senses extending far beyond normal expectations, to manipulating others' thoughts. Below is but an example of these
extraordinary abilities. Perhaps there are more facets of the human mind yet to be discovered. Maybe there are more eyes
watching from the shadows....

Power Source
To avoid the use of a "power pool," the usage of these mental abilities could be based on spending Willpower, simulating the
"weakened state" associated with prolonged psychic activity.

The ability to perceive events at great distances and/or in the past or possible future.

Note: The future is not written!! What you see ain't always what you get....

Vision hazy. You're dependent upon a reflective surface to focus your concentration (i.e., a crystal ball or mirror). You
only envision those close you.
Vision clearer. Still dependent upon surfaces. You can now envision distant relatives, old friends, etc.
Images and even sounds without the need for reflective surfaces. You still see "bits and pieces," but at least the
reception's better :)
Images and sounds of an entire conversation or event unfold before you.
All senses are involved in your visions, now. It's almost as if you're standing in the event, but you remain motionless.
(You can only see from certain perspectives.)
You are now able to change your perspective at will. The events can be easier to interpret. (As an option for the
Storyteller, you may even be able to perceive empathically, though only vague surface emotions.)
******* Your abilities have increased so far that you now have either Precognition (future) or Postcognition (past.) With a
Perception + Alertness roll, difficulty 7, you are able to tell to what portion of time this vision belongs.
******** You may now envision anyone with whom you've come in contact in your life. Perception + Alertness (diff 6) still
required for determination.
********* You now have both Pre- and Postcognition. Perception + Alertness (diff 6) for determination.
********** You no longer need a roll for determination. You are at the pinnacle of your Clairsentience ability . . . or are you?

This is, of course, the ability to control the mind of whomever you wish. Refer to V:tM Discipline: Dominate for specifics with one
minor change: Control is not limited to the human mind, only, but to the animal world, as well. Consider ratings 1-5 to be 2, 4, 6,
8, and 10. Ratings 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 will be the same abilities, but for animals. As in V:tM, you cannot Control someone whose
Control/Dominate is as or more powerful than your own.

At the Storyteller's discretion, this ability could be used as a "soak roll" for psychic attacks, or a Difficulty increase. The latter
would act as a modifier, equal to one half (1/2) of the Defense rating (rounded down), to psychic attacks. Each Willpower point
you spend adds +1 Defense.

Example: Ching Ky has a Defense rating of 5. Psyphon must normally roll a difficulty of 6 to attack. With Ching Ky's mental
prowess, this would be a difficulty of 8, instead.


This allows you to project any image, real or unreal, into the mind of your target. A roll of Manipulation + Illusion is required, with
the difficulty being the target's Willpower. The following chart determines the outcome of the roll:
In addition, each Willpower point you spend adds +1 dice to your roll.
# Successes Effect
Minor distraction, loss of initiative.
Cosmetic changes to setting.
Major changes to setting.
Completely alters setting.
Character no longer interacts with real environment.
Character takes damage from illusionary attacks.
7 (optional) Character receives Derangement for remainder of game.
8 (optional) Character receives permanent Derangement.

Note: For the illusion to be maintained, you must reroll each turn (diff. target's Willpower). No more successes are needed than
initial successes. Consequently, no further effect can be produced than the initial effect.

This ability enables you to "read" thoughts, perception, even detect the physical/mental well-being of the last possessor of a
particular object. You must roll Perception + Psychometry (diff 8) to determine the extent of the reading. Refer to V:tM Player's
Guide, p.32, with one minor change. Substitute # of successes for dot rating.

This allows you to maintain a psychic connection with a willing person or persons. Connection with certain WoD creatures may
vary from time to time due to such elements as Frenzy, Rage, Paradox, Quickening, Penance, etc. if the Storyteller wishes.

Link with one receptive mind. Concentrated communication, only in close proximity (line-of-sight).
Link may now include obvious surface emotions.
Includes subtle surface emotions, and obvious deeper-rooted emotions. Line-of-sight no longer required, but still
requires general proximity ("shouting distance").
Link permanent with one receptive mind, and includes visual images through their eyes.
Link with a specified group of minds, all receptive. Concentrated communication, only in line-of-sight proximity. By
rolling Manipulation + PsyLink (diff Your Willpower - 2), you can determine by # of successes how many minds you can
Link may now include obvious surface emotions, though only you may sense them (otherwise things can get
confusing...) Still line-of-sight proximity.
******* Includes subtle surface emotions and obvious deeper-rooted emotions. "Shouting distance" proximity still required.
******** Link so strong with single receptive mind, no proximity of any sort required.
********* Link with any one receptive mind. Treat as a rating 4 link (but not permanent).
********** Link with any group of minds, all receptive. Treat as a rating 6 link. Manipulation + PsyLink roll still required to
determine # of minds successfully linked.

With this ability, you can locate a particular mind over certain distances. Requires Perception + PsyScan roll (diff Target's
In the room.
On your floor.
The nearest three (3) floors.
In the building.
On the block.
Across town.
******* Neighboring city.
******** Next county.
********* Next state.
********** Coast-to-Coast.


This is a Mentalist's primary weapon. You may form a weapon, Melee or Ranged, of your choosing from pure psychic energy.
This could include a simple energy blast, a "psychic blade," an animal form, a psychic fist or any other solid object. These
weapons will only do psychic damage no matter what form it takes. If a Melee form is chosen, roll Dex + PsyStrike (diff 7). For
Ranged forms, roll Wits + PsyStrike (diff 8), the # of rounds equals your Willpower. Your PsyStrike rating equals your damage
dice In either case.

Note: Once you choose the form of weapon your PsyStrike will take, it is your "signature." It cannot be changed for the life of
your character.

TK - Fetch
This aspect of Telekinesis enables you to lift certain objects.
Lift up to 10 lbs.
Up to 30 lbs.
Up to 60 lbs.
Up to 120 lbs.
Up to 240 lbs.
Up to 480 lbs.
******* Up to 960 lbs.
******** Up to 1 ton (2,000 lbs.).
********* Up to 2 tons (4,000 lbs.).
********** Up to 2 3/4 tons (5,500 lbs.)

TK - Flight
A Mentalist's conversion of the V:tM Discipline: Ascension, this is the ability to use your TK unconventionally, giving you the
capabilities of hovering and/or full flight. While in the air, use the following with your TK Flight rating to determine maneuverability
and such.
Sharp maneuver
Dexterity + TK Flight
Dodge while in the air
Dodge + TK Flight
Remain aloft for extended flights
Stamina + TK Flight
Attacks, such as diving thrusts or flying kicks Brawl/Melee +TK Flight
Your TK Flight ratings also entitles you to automatic successes when resisting damage from falls. You receive one success per
level of TK Flight.


Surface: The body cancels out gravity to an extent, allowing you to walk no more than an inch or two off a surface
(water, ice, across walls and/or ceilings, etc). A surface of some sort, even sheer surfaces, in required. Note that
without proper concentration, this would also mean that you could be knocked back (punched, kicked, lifted or
pushed) effortlessly. Paying attention to your surroundings will be a necessity moreso than usual.
Surface Plus 1: Others may join you at an inch or two off the ground, although this will hinder your reaction time. Each
rating hereafter is another person that may join you (+1 to difficulties per person).


Hover: You can now rise above the ground at your height's equivalent or Dexterity in feet per turn (Storyteller's
discretion). Even slow movement is possible, although no more than your Dexterity +12 in yards per turn. Jumping
distances are doubled.
Hover Plus 1: Every rating hereafter allows you one more person to levitate. +1 to difficulties per person.


Glide: You can now glide at a rate of (Dexterity + TK Flight) x 2 miles per hour, using the chart above for dodging,
maneuvers, etc. Altitude capability = (Stamina + TK Flight) x 10
Glide Plus 1: Same as other "Plus 1" ratings.

Flight: Your speed can increase to (Dexterity + TK Flight) x 5 miles per hour, using the chart above for dodging,
maneuvers, etc. Altitude capability = (Stamina + TK Flight) x 20
Flight Plus 1: Same as other "Plus 1" ratings.
Eagle's Flight: Your speed can increase to (Dexterity + TK Flight) x 10 miles per hour, using the chart above for
dodging, maneuvers, etc. Altitude capability = (Stamina + TK Flight) x 50
******* None.
******** Wind's Flight: Your speed can increase to (Dexterity + TK Flight) x 20 miles per hour, using the chart above for
dodging, maneuvers, etc. Altitude capability = (Stamina + TK Flight) x 100
********* None.

********** Thought's Flight: Your speed can increase to (Dexterity + TK Flight) x 50 miles per hour, using the chart above for
dodging, maneuvers, etc. Altitude capability = (Stamina + TK Flight) x 200

TK - Forcefield
This use of your psychic powers creates a forcefield to be used as "soak dice" for any physical attacks. For each rating above
4, you can extend your TK Forcefield to one other character. This however, makes it an "either/or" decision between power and

Example: Ching Ky uses her TK Forcefield of 8 on herself and three innocent bystanders that has come between her and
Psyphon. This reduces her normal 8 dice to 5 because of the three additional people to cover.
Another drawback to this otherwise handy defense is +1 to difficulties per person if you're extending your TK Forcefield
coverage. You can, however, spend Willpower points to negate it.

TP (Telepathy)
Unlike PsyLink, this allows you to connect with an unwilling person or persons. Connection with certain WoD creatures may still
vary from time to time due to such elements as Frenzy, Rage, Paradox, Quickening, Penance, etc. If the Storyteller wishes,
connection can be made but at a price. The Mentalist may have to roll his Willpower to avoid suffering the physical effects of the
element in question (difficulty 8).
To attempt with an unwilling mind, the Mentalist must roll Manipulation + TP, difficulty target's Willpower. If the target is aware of
the attempt, a Willpower roll may be used in self-defense to cancel the Mentalist's successes. Three (3) successes are needed
for a successful link. They must reroll each turn until the link is severed by either individual.

Link with one mind. Concentrated communication, only in close proximity (line-of-sight).
Link may now include obvious surface emotions.
Includes subtle surface emotions, and obvious deeper-rooted emotions. Line-of-sight no longer required, but still
requires general proximity ("shouting distance").
Link now includes audio/visual.
Link with a specified group of minds. Concentrated communication, only in line-of-sight proximity.
Link may now include obvious surface emotions, though only you may sense them (otherwise things can get
confusing...) Still line-of-sight proximity.
******* Includes subtle surface emotions and obvious deeper-rooted emotions. "Shouting distance" proximity still required.
******** Link so strong with single mind, no proximity of any sort required.
********* Link with any one mind. Treat as a rating 4 link (but not permanent).
********** Link with any group of minds. Treat as a rating 6 link.

With this ability, you can transport yourself instantly over certain distances.
In the room.
On your floor.
The nearest three (3) floors.
In the building.
On the block.
Across town.
******* Neighboring city.
******** Next county.
********* Next state.
********** Coast-to-Coast.
This requires Stamina + Teleport roll, base Difficulty of 7. Refer to difficulty chart below for whatever modifiers apply when
teleporting. Willpower points can be spent to negate modifiers. Four successes are required to accomplish a teleport.
Familiar w/ location (Been there personally, a PsyLinked mind sent you an image of the location, etc.) 0
Each Health Level lost
+10 lbs. cargo
Each passenger
Never been there

If you are attempting to Teleport to an unfamiliar location, you may want to spend one Willpower point for "insurance." This will
allow you to return to your point of origin if you botch.


By Derek Crews (

The meeting room went silent as did all others around the globe; only under dire circumstance had Zed ever called a world
wide meeting of all agents.
"I've called this meeting to bring you up to date on some new information that is of great importance to the survival of the
human race. Since the birth of this organization we have protected this planet from the dangers of all alien activity. Well boys,
we've been had. As of 1800 I have learned of what would be called the World of Darkness; for practical purposes to us it will
be known as the WOD."
"What do you mean," asked Q? "I mean Vampires, werwolves and any other thing that shouldn't exist. We have been blind to
our own problems right hear on earth. The creatures that I'm speaking of have already taken a substantial hold on this planet.
Therefore, I have no other choice then to place supernatural life forms on the top of our list also. We will begin monitring and
identifying any and all supernaturals that we can. I want tabs on every last one of them. I even want tabs on the ones that we
can't confirm or deny; this is too important to fumble so check into everything!"
"We barely have enough people to keep up with what we have now how are we going to handel this," asked R?
"I have already started seeking out recruits for a new branch of the MIB. The WOD branch will be in charge of the
supernatural section of the MIB. I will be issuing new temporary assignments to present agents in the field. Those of you that
receive the new assignment will be in charge of training the new people in MIB ethics. The other thing I want completely
understood is that this is not a witch hunt. There is good and evil among them just like everybody else. Dismissed."
We are the best kept secret in the universe. Our mission: monitor extraterrestial activity on the earth . We are your best, last and
only line of defense. We work in secret. We exist in shadow. We are THE MEN IN BLACK.

Character Creation
In Storyteller system terms, The MIB are all mortal humans at least to start.

Attributes: 7/5/3
Abilities: 13/9/5
Backgrounds: 7
Willpower: 3
If you role up an older more experienced agent like K (10+ years) raise all abilities starting points by 3 and backgrounds by 2.

MIB Position (Background)

* Not well-known; recent recruit.
** 3 year veteran; you know the ropes.
*** You have some influence in your region.
**** MIB recruits study your exploits in the training annual; you're a legend.

Notoriety (Background)
You will be watched.
** Accomplished agent.
*** You are on the edge.
**** You are feared among certain alien groups.
***** You are the Judge Dredd of the MIB.

Regeneration (10 point merit)

Due to some extremely dangerous missions that we have had to send agents on, a choice few have been injected with what we
call nanites (thanks to friends from out of town). The nanites reconstruct damage done to the body and effect repairs as needed
at a rate one health level per turn. It is believed that given time they can effectively regenerate the human body even if 60 percent
is destroyed. Luckily we haven't had to find out yet. The distribution of this tech has been extremely limited among agents but, in
light of these new development that may change.
These nanites could be a mechanical way to immortality, unless some alien totally disintegrates you. You may also suffer

psychotic fits; having a limb disintegrated tends to do that and unless you're brain dead, you feel all the pain of regeneration.

Cyber Tech (10 point merit)

Due to some accident in the field you may have lost something (e.g. eye, hand, leg). thanks to our friends you can now have it
back. Of course there could be a draw back. Your body may not fully accept the new part. This will cause it to act funny or just not
work (50/50 chance). Have your ST roll to see everytime something new is added. If you get one that doesn't always work, every
time you use it strenuously the ST should roll to see what it does. The base is 6 points but can be raised depending on what is
replaced (ST call).

Enemy (1-10 point flaw)

You have made an enemy of a very dangerous alien/aliens. With one point, it will get to you when it can while with 10 points it will
find what you care about most and kill it (dog, cat, person -- they're all targets).

Disease (10 point flaw)

You have contracted an alien disease that will kill you in 1-2 years unless there is a cure is found. The nanites will work but they
will not be able to carry out their main function. They will be to busy repairing the damage done by the disease; if a cure can be
found the nanites can then go back to work on other things.

Equipment of The MIB

The J2: This is the standard side arm presented to all MiB agents and is the first weapon new agents are permitted to carry.
Like all MiB weapons, the J2 is powered by a removeable energy cell which fits into its handle like a normal ammo clip. The J2
emits a single energy blast with each firing, yet has the ability to fire hundreds of times from a single energy cell. Dam. 8 / Rate 4
/ Clip 300 / Conceal J / Diff. 5

The Noisy Cricket: Being roughly the size of a Derringer, the Cricket is extremely versatile. Different settings produce energy
blasts ranging in intensity from the blast of a J2 to the destructive potential of a Carbonizer. Agents should use the energy
settings cautiously since higher settings use subtantially more power in the energy cell. Difficulty 6
J2: Dam. 8 / Rate 3 / Clip 100 / Conceal J
DeAtomizer: Dam. 6 per burst / Rate 2 shots-3 burst per shot / Clip 100 / Conceal T (Dif. 6}
Pulsar Blaster: Dam. 15 / Rate 1 / Clip 15 / Conceal N (Diff. 6)
Carbonizer: Dam. 20 / Rate 1 / Clip 10 /Conceal T (Diff. 7)
They can be unreliable; some have become sentient and turned against their owners. The newer batch seems to be better but
who knows for sure. STs should check if a player is using one.
Due to time I won't go into detail of the DeAtomizer, Pulsar Blaster and Carbonizer. You can just use the write ups above.

The Arquillan Arm Cannon: This three-barreled member of the pulse family is the most destructive infantry weapon ever to
find its way to Earth. Only the most experienced MIB weapon handlers are permitted to carry or operate the Arm Cannon. Dam.
30 / Rate 1 / Clip 5 / Conceal N (Diff. 7) / Range high orbit. It is believed that an errant blast brought down Skylab.

Neuralizers: Neuralizers are used by MIB agents to erase the memories of human citizens who have witnessed illicit alien
activity. Neuralizers block memory impulses in the human brain, rendering human subjects motionless and confused for several
moments. It will work on most supernatural with the exception of high power vampires and those that were never human to begin
with. The ST has final decision. Diff. 2 / Settings are days, months, years. Will not work on non-Terran species. Magic can
restore lost memories.

Utility knife: Never dulls; single edge alien alloy will cut steel cable; nearly unbreakable.
Spectral Analyzer: Used to scan samples and determine alien life forms. Needs to be updated from time to time as needed.
MIB-LTD: The Ford LTD with slight modifications. The MIB-LTD is capable of traveling safely at speeds in excess of 514 mph.
(at sea level). Faster speeds have been clocked, but are discouraged due to possible damage to the fragile skeletal structure of
humans. Agents are required to wear seatbelts at all times.

MIB-CUV: Containment Utility Vehicle. While not as sleek as the MIB-LTD, the MIB-CUV can comfortably seat up to 9 agents
with a full complement of MIB equipment.

Magna Train: This I saw on the MIB cartoon. I can't remember what it was called so I'll call it the Magna Train. This is the train
that the MIB use to transport dangerous aliens or dignitaries across country. The train is 5 cars long not counting the engine and
is capable of speeds around the sound barrier. The train travels in a straight line through the middle of The United States starting
in LA and ending in New York. There are various places to stop in between, ST choice.

Munchkin: The Nagging

By Peloquin (
"Out of the living rooms we came.
Moving silently through the games.
Everyone has known that we are
among you. Especially now."
-- Pteppic, a 1st Generation Munchkin.

"Aww, come on, you're ruining the game!" "Look, you can't give him Celerity 10, he's a freaking Mage!" or "No, Faeries don't
have Garou Gifts..."

Munchkins can look any way they want to, but they are always the coolest in the chronicle. "Okay, like, I'm gonna be a dragon,
only I can change shape, and, like, switch between human, Troll, Garou Crinos and Vicissitude Horrid Form! And Banality don't
work on me, coz I'm not actually a faery!" Need I say more?

See above.

Something cool. "Vigilante/Hitman/Rockstar/Knight" is the most common one.

All of them. Disciplines, Rage, Gnosis, Glamour, Spheres; you name it and they'll want to give it to their characters.

Real Roleplayers: Boooring!
"Get that bum out of our chronicle!"
Storytellers: Rules, rules,, you sound like my school teacher...
"No, you can't have a Discipline that makes you Caine in the first dot..."
NPC's: Why couldn't I Diablerize the Primogen's chairman without getting a Blood Hunt for my head? I mean, noone saw me do
it! Just some Mortals! You never let me do anything!


None. Unless they make him look cool.


All of them.

"Why can't I give my Sidhe a Garou Crinos form?"

A Most Elusive Specimen

By Mike Darling

Author's Notes
Having long been a fan of White Wolf's Storyteller system, I thought that the time had come for me to do as so many others have
done, and offer up my own creations to the general public. This first installation details the most rare of all creatures in the World
of Darkness, though I can only claim credit for the actual text, not the idea itself. At first, this character will seem shocking in the
extreme, but please bear with me; it is well worth the read to find out how this most rare of specimens operates. I'm sure it will
become an interesting and off-beat part of your chronicle, if only for the sheer novelty value. So, without further ado, I give you...

HOMO SAPIENS (The Regular Guys)

Homo sapiens, or "Normal Man" first appeared in the World of Darkness in the small sliver of time after Caine slew his brother,
but before Gaia drew Her chosen warriors. There is much speculation as to the origin of this strange animal, but most hold that it
was created when a breed of ape-like creatures began to use tools and walk upright. There are many factions in the GothicPunk world that would like to get their hands (paws, essences...) on it. The most remarkable thing about these creatures is that
they are totally mundane -- they have not been Embraced, are not Kinfolk, are not Awakened, nor even are they ghouls,
revenants, enchanted, or gifted with Numina. They show no talent for magick at all, and rumours persist that when they die, they
simply stop existing. Unbelievable, but there are those out there who have claimed to have met one. Rare in the extreme, Homo
sapiens lives in total obscurity its entire life, never aware that all around it are powerful supernatural forces. While related to
Kinfolk, ghouls, etc., it must be made perfectly clear that these poor beings share none of the special abilities of their cousins.
Most go through their lives in straightforward, ordinary jobs, without being recruited for special government taskforces, or even
approached by Pentex. Needless to say, they are on the verge of extinction as the world embraces more and more
supernaturals. As a whole, Homo sapiens are difficult in the extreme to find. There is currently only one living member of this
group in North America, and he lives surrounded on all sides by secrets and cover-ups. Another "Normal Man" was said to live
in central Canada, but closer investigation found that he was in reality an Awakened Gypsy Kinfolk, who was later recruited to
serve as a Fomorach in a Pentex battle against a Mummy. Plans are currently underway to find more Homo sapiens, preferably
female, so that some sort of breeding program can be set up. If successful, such a program could ensure a race of menial
labourers for whoever wins the Ascending-Gehenna-Apocalypse.

Character Creation
To create one of these strange creatures, use the stats listed in the Vampire Player's Guide for Mortals (remembering, of
course, that Mortals and humans are not the same), but you must make sure that humans do not take any Supernatural Merits or
Flaws, are in no way related to Vampires, Werewolves, Mages, or Changelings, do not possess Numina, and are not employed
by government-types in a global takeover scheme. Also, they must never be subjected to Wyrm-toxins, Glamour, the Embrace,
spiritual persuasion, psychic probing, magical rituals, Pranks, or accidental falls into Vhujunka-infested Black Spiral Hives, lest
they cease being mundane humans. So there you have it -- the most elusive being in the entire World of Darkness. Hope you
enjoyed it. Now I can get on with creating my Ananasi-Mokole hybrid, the Draconids.

About the Author

Mike Darling currently lives in Ontario, with much too much free time on his hands. He is an Enchanted Fianna-Silent Strider
Metis Abomination, who is Truly Faithful that we are all figments of Malkav's imagination.

Natural Animals in the World of Darkness

By Alexander Marzec (

I was looking through some white wolf books for creatures a while ago, and I got rather annoyed at what I found. There was no
shortage of mystical opponents, such as werewolves, fomori, and umbral spirits, but cna you find a bear's statistics when you
need one? No! And therefore I am now writing the statistics for two regular creatures that live in the wild.

Grizzly Bear
Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4, Perception 3, Intelligence 1, Wits 2
Disciplines (equivalents): Fortitude 1
Health Levels: OK, OK, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -5, -5, Incapacitated.
Attacks: Claw/8 dice
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 1, Brawl 4, Climb 3, Intimidation 3, Smell 3, Survival 4 (specialty in Tracking)
Notes: Bears are tough and difficult to kill. Only with a high caliber shotgun will normal humans have even a chance of killing one,
and even then, their firearms skill had better be good. Bears often split their dice pools to make two claw attacks for 8 dice
each. When dealing with spirited resistance, such as a Brujah Kindred with Celerity and Potence, bears employ another method
of attack, and grapple with their intended meals. Victims caught by this grappling attack automatically take three levels of
damage every turn, though this is soakable as normal. Furthermore, they can only attack with a bite. People caught in the bear
hug may make a strength + potence roll (difficulty 9) to break free.

Panther/Mountain Lion
Attributes: Strength 3, Dex 4, Stamina 2, Perception 3, Intelligence 1, Wits 3
Disciplines (equivalents): Fortitude 1, Celerity 1 (see notes below)
Health Levels: OK, -1, -2, -3, -5, Incapacitated.
Attacks: Claw/4 dice; Bite/3 dice
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 4, Brawl 3, Climb 4, Dodge 1, Intimidation 2, Smell 3, Stealth 3, Survival 4 (specialty in Hunting)
Notes: Mountain lions always attack savagely on the first turn and usually surprise their prey, hoping to down it with a turn of
frenzied attacks before it can retaliate. This is represented by the Celerity 1 discipline which these great cats possess. Unlike
the vampiric discipline it does not burn blood, but may only be used on the first turn. These animals never attack groups of three
people or more, and usually attempt to surprise their opponents using their stealth skills, thus either getting a turn of free attacks,
or automatically seizing the initiative.

Attributes: Strength 7, Dexterity 1, Stamina 5, Perception 2, Intelligence 1, Wits 2.
Disciplines (equivalents): Fortitude 1
Health Levels: OK, OK, OK, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -3, -3, -5, Incapacitated.
Attacks: Trunk/8 dice (attack difficulty is 5)
Talents: Alertness 2, Brawl 3, Intimidation 4, Smell 3, Survival 3.
Notes: A blow from an elephant's massive trunk may knock its opponent to the ground. For each success that the elephant
obtains on the damage roll, the victim must get a success on a dexterity + athletics roll (difficulty 7) or be knocked prone. A
prone victim may do virtually nothing on the ground, and must spend an action to get back to their feet.
In addition, elephants may trample those unfortunates it has knocked to the ground. This requires a Dex + Brawl roll (difficulty 7).

In addition, elephants may trample those unfortunates it has knocked to the ground. This requires a Dex + Brawl roll (difficulty 7).
It does a base damage of 15 dice; each success on the attack roll adds one to this base.

Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4, Perception 2, Intelligence 1, Wits 3.
Disciplines: (equivalents): Fortitude 1
Health Levels: OK, OK, OK, -1, -1, -2, -2, -3, -5, -5, Incapacitated.
Attacks: Horn/7 dice
Talents: Alertness 2, Brawl 4, Intimidation 3, Smell 2, Survival 3. Notes: A rhinoceros may not split its attack dice pool.
Rhinoceri attack by charging short distances and butting their opponents. They rarely attack crippled or incapacitated foes,
unless these foes threatened their young. Because a rhinocerus needs to get up a certain degree of speed in a particular
direction to hit, it may not attack an opponent that it has successfully hit last turn (its forward momentum towards that opponent
has been lost).
If a rhinoceros is very angry or panicked, it may charge at its opponent at full tilt. This requires a Dexterity + Brawl roll (difficulty
7). The charge does base damage of 11 dice; each success on the attack roll adds one die to this base.

New Ager
The Second Dawn
Written By: Rasmus Hansson (
The Storyteller System was created by: Mark Rein*Hagen
Dedication: This game is dedicated to all those who will not conform just to fit in. Good for you, guys and girls!
Inspirational note: This game was inspired by the music by Med Goodall, Mike Oldfield, Deep Forest, and NorthSound. Thanks for
hours of great listening!

The Dawn of the Second Age

The Awakening
When the Great Loss fell on the earth in the early 13th century, the magic was lost. Now, the dormant magic of the world and the things
around us are returning; The Awakening is coming. This means a lot of changes are about to take place. First of all, the balance of
power is going to be shifted in favor of those who know how to harness this power, and work for them. Second of all, those who know
these things will, at first, look very strange in the eyes of the public, and they will be hated and feared. So has it always been. The
mortals have always killed and destroyed that which they have not understood, and feared. So also with those with the newly
Awakened power of Magic.
There are several different types of people who use this new power. The first that comes to mind is of course the Mage, the magician
of the new order, the user of these powers. Others of these lines are the Vampire, who hold the powers and curses of Blood within
their human appearance, the Werewolf, who fight in the light of a dying world, and the Immortals, who simply are, nothing else. In light
of this, you can easily see that all of these are figures of shadow and fiction, people and beings none of us will ever see, hopefully. But
there are others.
Now, when the Awakening is here, there is a new order of people rising. They are called the Children on the New Age, the Age of
Magic, the Second Dawn. They are among us, and you can see them from time to time, looking rather strange in their clothes and
jewelry, discussing poetry, philosophy or astrology on a level none us can understand. They are really a community within the
community, and this is their tale.

The Mundane World

The first thing we need to define in order to understand the New Agers is the world in which we live. This, the physical universe, is
called "The Mundane World", and it is not all that which it seems to be. It conceals a multitude of worlds within worlds, and is just one of
many different ways of looking at this thing we call "Reality". In this world lives a people, a race of mortals who do not understand that
reality is but an illusion, a shell, and that there is much more to this world than they can see, or touch, or measure. These are called

The Conclave
Then there is the Conclave. This is truly a council of mortals who are not Sleepers, people like you and me, who see the world for what
it is, not this shell; "Reality ." This council holds powers that a Sleeper would consider magical or incredible, but they are merely ways
to handle the powers of the world, and circumvent "reality". The apprentices of this council, and it's supporters, are called New Agers.
The conclave holds special meetings. Normally one per quarter of a year. These meetings are like the meetings of any society, and
are not secret in any way. The Conclave is not worried about the secrets of their powers to get out to the Sleepers, as no one would be
believed if they saw, and told. The Conclave holds it's meetings publicly, and without fear. The only thing they fear is really the Other;
those in this world who are not Sleepers, those who understand. They can feel threatened, and this is not what the Conclave wants.
The Conclave's motive is explained below.

There is a potential magical property within each and every one of us, -- we mortals, that is. The Egyptians called it Sekhem, the
Andean Indians Llapa, the Japanese Ki, and the New Agers call it Mana. This is the pool of power that is really a manifestation of will,
emotions, and desires within a human. If you are in tune with this power-pool of your, you can use your Mana to accomplish great
things. The New Agers have one thing in common; they all understand the nature of the Mana, and how to use it. Mana is not
something you can tap on a bottle, or store through a spell. It is simply the emotions, the concentration, and the will of the carrier. This
is the nature of this power, and if you can sense it within, you can soon learn to master it. There are several ways to use Mana, and
New Agers are often trained in at least one of these Ways of Power. It can be Healing, remembering past lives, or unlocking the
potential of you own mind, and use it for telepathy, and so on.

There are several things that are alive, more or less, in this world. One of these are the spirits, and they are attracted by the New
Agers through the harmony and peace they radiate. The spirits are all around us, all the time, but they can not interact with the
Mundane World. Some can, but they simply don't want to. New Agers can tap this wonderful source of power and wisdom to become
even more aware of the world they live in.

The Sleepers
There are many mortals who can not see anything but reality in the Mundane World. These are called Sleepers, for they have not yet
been awakened to this new power. Actually, most people on the face of the world are sleepers, and only a fraction are not. Just
because they do not understand or see doesn't mean that they are worth anything less than one who is awakened. This is a great
wisdom of the New Agers, one that separates them from many other Awakened people. Now, you can't just draw the line that there are
Sleepers and Awakened, there are differences within groups, as well.

These Sleepers have understood that crucial fact that they do not understand, and need to know more. They are called Seekers, and
they often travel far and wide to find this wisdom they are looking for. They are really Awakened, on a lower level of consciousness, but
their conscious mind haven't really understood, yet. All New Agers are to help these people, as they themselves were Seekers once,
before they were Awakened and accepted into the Conclave.

The Crowd
Then there is the Crowd. This is the gray mass of people who just rush through life and never stop to wonder about its beauties. They
are numb to change that is not within "Reality", and they think that magic is either tricks, strings and mirror, or can otherwise be
explained rationally. The truth of the matter is that magic can not be explained, not even by one who knows it. It's nature is just that,
magical. Rationality is the chain that binds the Crowd in the illusion of "reality."

The Nation
This particular group of Sleepers are very well aware of the Awakening and the people and creatures who live in this age. They are the
beggars and the bums on our streets, and some are truly potent magicians. Why they don't rule the world? Because they are blinded
by apathy and are just not capable of caring enough to make a difference for themselves or the Sleepers around them. They are wise,
though, and band together for a common cause that are strong. The Conclave recommends it's members to ask the Nation for advice,
when needed, but beware; the Shroud of Apathy is a slow death, and a New Ager an easily fall under it's spell.

Now, as mentioned before, mortals (Sleepers) have always killed and destroyed that which they fear. This is the job of the Authorities.
They are glad to hunt down, question, and later dispose of people who are Awakened, just because they pose a threat to the security
the Sleepers have built up within "reality ." New Agers have a good cover, though. They are thought upon as simple misfits, and
sometimes as troublemakers, and not as a real threat. They are just "hibernated hippies", and are not of a real care for the Authorities.

Witch Hunters
Then there are those who understand that nature of the Awakening, and fear it. These will go out on crusades against what they think is
"evil ," and try to kill any Awakened person they can find. These are the Witch Hunters, and all New Agers are to be aware of this
threat. If the Witch Hunters can't kill you, they will either put you in hospital for a long time, possibly for all time, or in an asylum.
Lobotomy is a good way to prevent New Agers from making any trouble, they think, and sometimes people disappear, sometimes to
return as vegetables. Beware!

The Others
Then there are those who are Awakened, and their powers are great. They are either not aware of the existence, or power, of the New
Agers, or they are aware of it. Some may fear it, and some may ignore it. Below is a list of the Awakened, and what they think about
the New Agers. What the New Agers think of them is also displayed.

The Mage
The magicians of the modern world are well aware of the existence of the New Agers, but think of them simply as low-power Orphan
Mages, and in need of training. The New Agers are not in need of training from the Mages, as they use Vulgar Magic, a path of power
that means disrupting the peace and harmony of all things, shifting the balance in favor of the Mage, and this is not what the New
Agers are. They are harmony, and this way of magic is very alien, and basically, it is the Mages who need training. The Mages do not
consider the New Agers a threat, however, and will normally not interfere in their business.

The Kindred
There are also ancient beings of this world: the vampires. These are only partially aware of the New Agers, but think of them as

Mages, and therefore a threat. But, speaking in favor of the New Agers, it is easy to bluff a vampire into believing that you are not an
Awakened, and not a Mage, and this is a strength of the New Agers. The vampires use another sort of magic; Thaumaturgy, and this
discipline of magic drains the power of the body and the mind in order to gain power. To abuse the body or the mind in such a way is
not acceptable, and the New Agers tend to look down at the users of Blood Magic. It is powerful, though, and you can not sneer at it,
you need to watch your back at all times. The magic has been the topic of research for many centuries, and it's powers are great. The
New Agers know of the vampires' existence, but not of their organization. They try to avoid contact with them, as you might be waking
into a certain death.

Camarilla: "Yes, we have heard about these people but frankly, I can't see any point in wasting resources and time investigating them
further. Clearly they are no threat to us." Chameron McPace, 8th generation Ventrue, Primogen of London

Sabbat: "Nah, them hippies aren't what we are to worry about. See, they can't do shit to harm us anyway. That are just chickens, all of
'em." Dinger, 10th generation Brujah Antitribu, New York

Inconnu: "The powers of these individuals are great. They are at peace and may prove to become powerful allies in the future. We
must keep an eye on them." Sebastian, 5th generation Toreador

Anarchs: "Hippies just run. Never seen one worth the trouble to kill." Hatemonger, 13th generation Brujah, Los Angeles

The Lupines
The Werewolves are a dying breed, and they are in tune with something they call "Mother Nature", or "Gaia". This is but a part of the
illusion of the World. But, it is not a part of the Mundane World, and they realize that there is more to this world than "reality".
Sometimes, they come to the New Agers to ask for help, especially when they are wounded, and the New Agers, being good souls,
generally help them. There is no official hostility between the Lupines and the New Agers, except of course for the Red Talons, who
see the New Agers simply as Homids, and therefore wants them dead.

The Immortals
There are several types of Immortals. The New Agers have a common principle when it comes to deal with them; "Treat them as they
treat you. If they invite you; oblige. If they fight you; run. If they kill you; take revenge on them." The New Agers are not totally aware of all
the different types of Immortals there are, but will gladly help anyone, or ally with them, if their cause is good.

Dragons: "I have seen these mortals. They are but unaware Mages. They are willing to cooperate, and that is good. There is no need
to destroy them. At least, not yet." Rathcaar, of the Pride Sinye

Shadow War: "We do not need them, as little as they need us. They should be left alone to conduct their business, and they should
also leave us in peace." Alar Kibble, Celestial Game

Mummy: "Indeed an interesting development. I have watched them grow for a few decades now, and their powers are amazing. An
alliance would suit me fine, and I will extend my hand to them in their time of need." Caiban Er-ke-takk, Egyptian Priestess of Thoth

Sleepwalker: "No, they are mortals. We do not need them. They can be of great help, at times. To that I will admit, but it is not worth
the risk. They are humans, they are food." Admeir, wandered

The Spirits
The spirits are the allies of the New Agers. They are drawn to the New Agers, and they are powerful. They are to be treated with
respect and dignity, and in return, the spirits will provide with safety and services if needed. In all of the World, the only Other a New
Ager can trust is his/her fellow spirits.

There are different kinds of spirits. There are for example spirits of air and winds, called elementals, and of the waves and tides,
called water-elementals, and so on. There are spirits of dead people who still roam this world, and there are spirits from those who are
not dead, but never born; the unborn. There are also spirits that manifest a principle or idea, and these are normally very powerful.
Every tree, brook, and boulder has a spirit, like all other living things. Some of these spirits are without purpose; lost in the Mundane
World. These spirits may bind themselves to a New Ager, and become his/her Companion. A Companion is a servant, guard, spy,
messenger, magician, or any number of other things. They are very loyal, but their attitude towards the New Ager may still be frosty.
They may obey commands and render services, but demand repayment in form of offerings or other services, after some time. Some
spirits are committed to helping the New Ager, and will not demand such things. Then there is the fact that the Companion is a spirit,
and the New Ager is a human. This means that, normally, the spirit can't be by he New Ager's side all the time, but in the spirit-world.
This means that it may take some time for the spirit to respond to requests posted by the New Ager. All this is regulated by the amount
of time and effort the New Ager has spent on becoming in tune with his/her Companion. In short; the Companion is a powerful ally, and
used wisely, it can accomplish miracles.

The motive of the New Agers and the Conclave is simple yet dual. The main goal is consciousness, and the duality is that the New
Agers and the Conclave do not only wish this consciousness to be for them, but for all the Sleepers. The Sleepers must be aware of
the magical powers around them. For themselves, they wish more knowledge, and more wisdom as to use their powers to do good.

There are no New Agers that are part of the Conclave that use their powers to make money, or gain power, as money an power is only
of the Mundane World, and not considered as very valuable.

How to wake the Sleepers, then? It is indeed a difficult task, and the New Agers haven't yet found any single method to do this. There
are several possibilities. One is to help as many of the Sleepers as possible, interest them in the Awakening, and let them find their
own way. Another is to find Seekers, and help them in their quest for enlightenment. The third way it to get the Sleepers attention,
without being caught by the Authorities, and make them see that there is more to the World than "reality". This is difficult, as most
Sleepers will see nay display of power as a trick, and will not understand. To gradually make them understand is far better than to
chock them into their senses.

Below is a short list of things that are important to the New Agers in their cultural expression. Some of these points are not visible in all
New Agers, and one who displays all is definitely considered "weird" by the Crowd. Clothing
New Agers do not wear clothes like other people would wear. Of course they can, technically, but they are rarely comfortable in them.
Jeans are very uncommon, and the dress-suit with neck-tie is very rare indeed. They wear second-hand rags, modified by their own
hands, and full of fringes, symbols, and beads. They often wear pouches containing a lot of different things, and backpacks are more
common than any other form of bag. Indeed, they look a lot like clean hippies, but they, unlike the hippies, seldom have beards.

Another central pert of the appearance of a New Ager is the jewelry. A New Ager wears jewelry to express his/her mood and who
he/she is. Some of the jewelry can also be protective, as there are forces that can influence you that are not good for you. Therefore,
New Agers may wear intricate symbols in forms of jewelry or sawn into the clothing. Another form of protection is that in form of
crystals. A lot of the crystals found in nature are either like sponges or hard shields; absorbing or reflecting all evil directed towards the
wearer. Besides, they are beautiful as far as jewelry goes.

Besides the meetings the Conclave hold, there are meetings between New Ager all the time. At these meetings there are normally a
lot of discussion. Topics discussed are; the Awakening, the Conclave, the Sleepers, the Others, Mana, the usage of Mana, the spirits,
and the other worlds beyond this one. Meeting are normally very informal, and follow no strict protocol. A few New Agers might come
together under a tree in a park, on in the backroom of a bookstore, and sit for a few hours, and plan and discuss. This is a great
opportunity for those with little knowledge about the New Agers to catch on, as all New Agers like to share their knowledge and
wisdom with all others, Sleepers or Other.

New Agers sometimes write poetry. Sometimes in a vain attempt to describe how they feel or something they have experienced. A lot
of wonderful poetry is written, but it can never truly capture the experiences or emotions they are trying to convey. If an uninitiated
reader was to read any of these poems, they would most certainly find it to be a sad or powerful love-poem when indeed they are not
about either sadness or love. They are about the World. The same goes for the songs the New Agers write and sing. They are also on
a very high abstraction-level, and contain very many, and complex metaphors. They are interesting to listen to, though, if you can
understand the language. Sometimes, poems and songs are written in some obscure language, in an attempt to use that language's
vocabulary and grammar to more properly channel the emotions. Languages can be Latin, an Indian language, Celtic, or a small
language spoken by some remote island tribe in the south sea.

The New Age-movement is very young, but has it's roots more in the spirit-world than in the physical world, and can therefore tap into a
shared history of the Great Loss and the Awakening. All New Agers learn this history at an early stage, to understand the bond that
holds them together, and motivates them in there purpose. There is a mythology and legends being told that is not like any other.
These are stories spirits have told New Agers, and stories that New Agers have found in other worlds. They are like any other legends;
powerful, exaggerating, and with a moral or emotional point to them. They have a purpose, whether this is to teach, frighten, or explain.

A very central part of the New Age culture is the depression. It is like this; the New Agers are a unique people, and they are very alone
in their quest. Sometimes this is hopeless, or at least feel hopeless. This will depress the New Ager, and therefore, depression will
always be with them in their cultural heritage. They are not overcome by this depression, however, they fight on, because they know
that what they are doing is right, and has to be done.

The system of schools and other educational facilities are often despised by the New Agers, as they teach "Sleeper-known", and
nothing of any real value. New Agers train themselves, alone or in groups of a few individuals. They write things down as memorynotes, but these notes are often unreadable by anyone who does not know what it is. Complex metaphors and subjective

interpretations of meanings and causes are common, making the text very dense and difficult to get through.

This is a great concern for the New Agers. They realize, like the Lupines, that the Sleepers are destroying the world and that there will
be nothing left to live on. A common phrase among New Agers concerning the environment is an old Cree Indian prophecy; "Only after
the Last Tree has been cut down, only after the Last River has been poisoned, only after the Last Fish has been caught, only then will
you find that money can not be eaten." The New Agers are very correct in their approach to the environment and the use of resources.
Recycling and re-using is standard, and a lot of the New Agers are part of environmental organizations, like Greenpeace or similar
outfits, to try to help as best they can. They also try to make the Sleepers aware of the catastrophe they are heading for, and that they
have to take action now, before it is too late.

The human use of technology is very alien to the New Agers. Why would anyone want all those things when they are presented
naturally, in the spirit-world and on a dozen other places. The latest addition to all of this is the use of computers linked together in
great webs. In these webs people can communicate and share their ideas with each other. They can also get hold of information from
other parts of the world. The New Agers find this very exclusive. Libraries, letters, and normal conversations are just as good as these
nets of computers. Some say that these nets are made to make things go faster, and the New Agers response "Why? Are you in a
hurry? You will still die, nothing can change that, you know." This normally leaves people speechless, and thinking that the New Ager is
weird, but there is a point to is, and the New Ager is right.

The Body
Then, there is the body, the house of the soul, the bulk in which we live and die. New Agers look on the body as good and pure, and as
a vessel for the mind and souls. It is not a shell you can neglect or mistreat, but something you need to take good care of, as you only
have one of them.

Health: Staying in good shape and good health is an important point of the New Ager's life. Exercise and eating correctly is a very
primal thing in their way of life. You can not neglect the body and expect it to carry you to glory, it is said, a by this the New Agers live.

Food and drink: Surprisingly many of the New Agers are vegetarians. This is not only because it is environmentally sane, but also
because that the food is better for you health, if you eat right.

Washing: To keep clean is another important thing for the New Agers. Personal hygiene is very basic If you wish not get ill or looked
upon as "human garbage."

Drugs: "Drugs are poison. They are slow death." This is the phrase you would encounter is you talk to a New Ager about the use, and
misuse if drugs. New Agers do not take drugs. Some won't drink alcohol, and some may even refuse medication that is not of a
completely natural origin.

Suicide: Despite the fact that the New Agers look at the body as something very important and powerful, they are not opposed to
suicide. It happens sometimes that a person loses the will to live. If so, the person is better off dead than walking around wishing
he/she was. Suicide is not common among the New Agers themselves, as they understand that there is no point to it, but they have a
unique understanding for those who wish to kill themselves. There is, however, one thing a person has to do before he/she can commit
suicide. The person must make sure that he/she does not have any unfinished business in this world, and that all that would miss
him/her is made aware that the suicide is coming, and why it is happening. Only once this is done can a person die in peace by
his/her own hand.

As the New Agers are humans, they are emotional beings, and they tend to bind in couples, like any other mortals. They also tend to
stick together, as brothers or sisters, as family, even though they are not. If a New Ager binds with another New Ager, it is the merger
of souls and wisdoms. They share that which they hold, and try together to find that which they do not have.
A New Ager can also bind with a Sleeper, in an effort to wake them, and make them see what is beyond "reality." This can be very
hard, and the Sleeper may even think that it is a joke, or prank, looking for the hidden camera, and always, always feel like a fool
when/if they realize that their way of looking at the world was wrong.A New Ager can also bind with a being that is Awakened. This
Other may share his/her/it's wisdom, power, and knowledge, or may seek the New Ager to do just that. More than one vampire,
especially the Salubri and the Children of Osiris has sought out New Agers to learn their ways, especially the healing ways.

New Agers detest violence. They do not find it a proper way to solve conflicts, and they do not use it, unless there is no alternative. If
they are forced to take action through physical violence, they often use clever plans and traps to ensure victory. If they are attacked
without the possibility to prepare themselves, they will more likely flee, and fight another day, as they know that they are not a match for
a vampire, a Mage, a Lupine, or a Dragon, if faced by one. The also use the magical powers of their Companions to fight their battles
for them. (Magic suitable for this is Egyptian Mummy-magic Hekau, and all the Ignem-spells of Ars Magica). They do not like fighting,
and will rarely be one to pick a fight.

Role-playing and imagining

It can be quite a challenge to play a New Ager. Unless you are one, or know a lot about them, I suggest you try to find out as much as
possible about their culture, and read this and the following text closely. If there is anything you do not understand; ask your Storyteller
for the making of a house-ruling about the interpretation of these rules. Better that then endless discussions about rule-interpretations. I
hope you enjoy playing one of the Second Dawn.

Character Creation
1. Choose Concept
A character is not only numbers on a sheet, it is a person. To determine this you select a concept; a simple guide to who you are. It is,
simply, you, in a nutshell. The next step is to determine not who you are, but how you are it. You select Nature, your true nature, and
Demeanor, how you act it. Don't forget to note your character's name, your name, and the chronicle you start playing.

2. Choose Attributes
You prioritize Physical, Social, and Mental Traits. It is as simple as that. A normal New Ager may have any attribute-group as primary,
although physical is more rare than Mental or Social. Mental is most common. A New Ager, being a human, allocates 6/ 4/ 3 points.

3. Choose Abilities
You also have to prioritize Talents, Skills, and Knowledge abilities. This is what you know. You mustn't forget Talents such as
Awareness, Dreaming, Empathy, and Intuition, Skills as Crafts, Herbalism, Hypnotism, Meditation, Storytelling, and finally Knowledges
as Astrology, Culture, Enigmas, Occult, and any Lore skill. Also look at the new Knowledge described below; Realm Lore. You have
11/ 7 /4 points to allocate on the three categories, and Knowledge are normally primary, but it varies.

4. Choose Advantages
A New Ager has five points to allocate on Backgrounds. They can select the following backgrounds from other parts of the Storytellersystem: Allies, Contacts, Fame, Influence, Mentor, Resources, Retainers, and Supernatural (from WoD; Mummy) There are also three
new background-traits to choose from.

This is how far apart the New Ager and the rest of the mundane world. New Agers tend to drift away from the "normal" world and often
described as "weird" or "strange". This may not seem attractive at all, but this trait is also how other New Agers think of the character;
the higher the value in Severance, the better opinion others have for him/her. You can never have more than (5 - Severance) in
Influence or Fame, as they are in conflict.

- The New Ager is a full part of the mundane world, and his name is not known among other New Agers.
* You are beginning to drift apart from the mundane world, and your name has been heard among others of the Conclave.
** You are now starting to wear strange pieces of jewelry, and scare or confuse "normal" people". You are mentioned at meetings
between New Agers.

*** Your clothing now distinguishes you from the crowd. "Normal" people either look down on you or fear you, although they would
never admit it. You are making a name for yourself in the Conclave.

**** Your physical appearance is now so utterly out of the normal that you can not move unnoticed through a crowd of "normal" people.
You are now respected among other New Agers in your town or province/state.

***** You now truly distinguish yourself in every way from "normal" people. You look, move, talk and behave nothing like a person in a
crowd. You are respected among other New Agers, looked upon as a ideal, and role-model.

This is your spirit-guide, guardian angel, or shadow. The more points you invest in this trait, the more powerful and friendly you
Companion is. You spend points on this trait in two ways. First, you spend points on the power of the spirit. This is the true trait noted
on the character-sheet. Then you spend more points, if you want, for the attitude and nature of the spirit. This is noted on the special
lines for Companion, on the character-sheet. You also note the name of your Companion on the top of your character-sheet.

- You have no Companion

* Your Companion is astral, non-corporeal, and has no magical skills

** Your Companion is astral, non-corporeal, and has limited magical skills

*** Your Companion can manifest for short times in the physical world, and has limited magical skills
**** Your Companion can manifest for short times in the physical world, and has notable magical skills
***** You companion can manifest for longer periods of time in the physical world, and has great magical skills
This is how well versed you are with the secrets of the world, and what controls it. With this background, you gain a very special, and
sometimes very different point of view on most issues. - You are a Sleeper

* You know that there are realms of power unseen by mortals, and you may start to obtain Realm Lore
** You know that there are powers beyond those which we elect and criticize. You are beginning to become intone with yourself
*** You are now fully aware of your own status in the mundane world, and the arriving Awakening.
**** You have gained insight in some secrets, and can distinguish one power's work from another. The petty illusions of Gaia, Wyrm,
and Wyld are no longer interesting.

***** You know much of the world you live in, and also know that there is much more to learn. Your quest is that of wisdom, and you
sneer at "fake" healers, astrologers, and other charlatans.

A New Ager is still a human, and as such, it has drives and consciousness. A New Ager spends 7 points for the three Virtues
Conscience, Self-control, and Courage. Self-control is often very high, as is Courage. Conscience may take a back-seat at times,
because you can not gain greater wisdom and power if you expect not to hurt anyone.

These are the magical skills of the New Agers. They are subtle and not as visual as the Vulgar magic, and therefore do not
accumulate Paradox. It is easier to learn, but harder to understand than Thaumaturgy, Ancient Magic, or the Old magic of the Hermes
order (Creo Ignem, and all that). A New Ager gets 4 points to allocate on whatever powers he/she wants. The powers are described a
bit later.

5. Last Touches
The last thing you need to do is calculate your Willpower, from your Courage-Virtue, your Humanity from your Conscience and Selfcontrol-Virtue, and your Mana from your Stamina, Charisma and Intelligence-attribute. Note all these on your character-sheet. You also
need a physical appearance, complete with clothing, jewelry, other accessories, and other traits, such as tattoos, rings (piercing),
scars and other things like that. Finally, you get to spend your 21 Freebie-points. Here are the different costs:
Mana-usage: 7 points per dot
Attribute: 5 points per dot
Abilities: 2 points per dot Virtues: 2 points per dot
Willpower: 2 points per dot
Mana: 2 points per dot
Humanity: 1 point per dot
Backgrounds: 1 point per dot

You can increase your powers through Experience. If you wish to gain a new power in Mana-usage, this costs 10 points. To increase
your already present powers in Mana-usage, the cost is the current amount of dots times 5. Mana is increased by paining the current
raiting times two. You can also increase your Insight and Companion, and in rare cases Severance, to a cost of current rating times

The Powers
Here are descriptions of the various powers of the New Agers:

Realm Lore
This Knowledge is the sense about how the world is constructed, and how it is run. You may never possess more dots in Realm Lore
than you have in The Background Insight.

* Student: You know the basic structure of the Tellurian, and the planes beyond.
** College: You have now begun to study the relationship between world and power, and the position of mankind, and the Sleepers, in
all of this.

*** Masters: You now know a lot about the world in which you live, and why it is the way it is.
**** Doctorate: You know much about mankind, the Sleepers, and the Others, which live in this world. You have begun to understand
the connections between Fate, and Chance.

***** Scholar: You now know a lot about the world, its inhabitants, and who controls what. You can easily determine what force has
done what at a specific time or place. You know the name of several powers and spirits.

Possessed by: New Agers, Mages, Immortals, Pilgrims

Specialities: Sleepers, The Others, Spirits, The Mundane World.

This is the true power of the New Agers. The use of Mana can take form in a lot of different ways, and the most common type is
healing, but there are many others. Some might think that the use of Mana is either just psychological suggestion or ESP, but it is
separate form of magic that is not "related" to any other kind of magic, except perhaps the magic of the Dragons. The use of Mana
works like this; a player nominates the level of the Power he/she wishes to use (obviously not above the level he/she has) and then
rolls the dice according to the power. All the dice that are over the difficulty are added together, and if this total is greater than (the
powers difficulty x the power's level) the power is in effect, if the user spends as many Mana-points as the power he/she used has in
level. If the total is lower, there are two options for the character.
1. He/She can let it be, and fail.
2. He/She can spend Mana from his/her Mana-pool to reach the total needed. Say for example that Clarissa Moonrider tries for a level
three healing, Soothing the Aching Soul. This has a difficulty of 6. She rolls her Perception + Empathy (3 dice) and gets 7,7,1. The one
takes out one of the sevens, leaving only one seven. Clarissa has to reach a level of 18 (diff 6 x level 3) and must therefore spend 11
points (18 - 7 ) in order for the power to work. If she chooses to do so, she must pay another 3 (power level) Mana for the power to
take effect. Clarissa chooses not to, and will try again, later.
Mana is regained at a speed of 10% per hours sleep, or 20% per hour of Meditation. If you Meditate, you will not regain Mana for the
hours you "slept" according to Meditation (see this Skill). If you have 0 Mana, you are powerless, and only have your Insight and
awareness to guide you. You can get more Mana by experience, and temporarily through special rituals, sessions of Yoga, or other

Ways to Power, Paths of Mana-usage

This power gives the user the opportunity to heal and strengthen the bodies and minds of those around him/her. The power can only
be used for the purpose of good. If, by chance or accident, the power of healing should be used in a way that is not good, then the user
may lose both Humanity, rating in Healing, and Mana as this power is for the use of good only.

* Healing the Broken: With this power, the character can speed up the healing-process, physically, for a person he or she is
touching. This power can not be used on one self.
System: Roll Wits + Medicine/Empathy against a difficulty of 6. Once the power succeeds, each three Mana-points spent will heal one
wound-level. This will work on aggravated wounds for Lupines and Sleepwalkers, but will not work at all on Kindred, as they are not

** Curing the Sick: This power lets the character cure diseases and detoxify. It even lets the character remove radioactivity from a
person's body. The healer must touch the ill person.
System: Roll Stamina + Medicine against a difficulty depending on the severity of the illness or poison. A mild cold will have the
difficulty of 3, while tuberculosis will have 7, and cancer 9. Alcohol will be dealt with a difficulty of 4, arsenic with difficulty 7, and nervegas or organic acids with a difficulty of 9 or 10.

*** Soothing the Aching Soul: Now, the healer can not only heal the body, but also the mind of a sick person. The soul can be filled
with power and energy again, and life may be blown back into the lifeless shell depression creates. In order for this power to work, the
healer must talk to the person, in peace, for a few minutes.
System: Roll Charisma + Empathy against a difficulty of 6. You can then either treat mental disorders such as phobia, neurosis,
trauma and so on just by succeeding. You may also give the treated one point of Willpower or Mana for each Mana you spend. (Ba,
and Sleepwalkers Life may also be given like this, for four Mana/ point)

**** Mend the Broken: With this power, the healer can reset badly healed bones, treat genetic faults, birth-defections and deformities
that are permanent. For this to work, the healer must touch the target with both hands or with his/her forehead, and must talk or sing to

the treated for a few minutes up to several days, depending on the severity of the defect being corrected.
System: Roll Charisma + Medicine/Empathy against a difficulty depending on the severity of the defect being mended. A badly healed
bone will have the difficulty of 4, deformities from birth or accident/violence will have a difficulty of 6, while a genetic defect, such as
Down's syndrome or hydrocephalus will have a difficulty of 9. At this level, the character can also use Healing the Broken on him/,
herself, as if it was a level two power.

***** Return the Wind: With this close to divine power, the healer may give back life to a recently dead. If a person has been dead
less than (healer's Stamina) hours, the body may be resurrected. The body may be in any shape, the same as when it was killed,
unless further damage has occurred after the moment of death.
System: Roll Stamina + Medicine/Thanatology against a difficulty of 6 plus the number of hours the body has been dead. The body is
resurrected with a health-status of Crippled. This power will not work on Vampires, Sleepwalkers, Mummies, Immortals of the Shadow
War, or Dragons. Lupines and Mortals only.

Spirit Call
This power is the one over spirits. At first, this power may seem to be rather useless, but as you advance in your understanding of the
world, and the spirit's place in it, you see how powerful spirits are. And the one who can control and command such a power is also

* Calling the Spirit: This power calls a spirit from the spirit-world into the mundane world, either by name or by type. The attitude of
the spirit varies from spirit to spirit, and when you call it. If you call a wind-elemental into a storm, it will be happy, but if you call up a
fire-elemental in a lake, or a dead spirit in a hospital, it will be rather upset.
System: Roll Manipulation + Spirit Lore against a difficulty of 6. If this succeeds, the spirits arrives in ( 20 - the user's Willpower + any
extra Mana used ) minutes.

** Song of Broken Hearts: With this song, sung for a spirit, dead or alive, the user can tell of his/her sorrows and troubles, and ask
the spirit for help. The effects may vary wildly depending on the type, mood, and nature of the spirit.
System: Roll Manipulation + Poetic Expression/Singing/Storytelling against a difficulty depending on the type of job you wish the spirit
to do, and the nature of the spirit. Modify this difficulty by the mood of the spirit. For example; asking a fire-elemental to light a candle
has a difficulty of 3, while asking it to put out a fire has a difficulty of 8 or 9.

*** Song of Clouded Eyes: This simple song tells the spirit to make a "hole" in reality in which the user can hide. This means that the
user becomes invisible to any and all of the mundane world. Spirits like doing this, no matter what kind of spirit they are, as it cheats
"reality" and proves the power of the spirit-world over the mundane world.
System: Roll Manipulation + Subterfuge/Singing/Storytelling against a difficulty of 4. The user becomes invisible to the naked eye and
all optical equipment. Auspex with a level of 4 or more may detect the character's presence, and Awareness may tingle, but since the
character no longer is in the mundane world, nothing can be done to it. The power lasts (users willpower + extra Mana used) minutes.
While in this "hole", the character can observe the mundane world around him/her, not the spirit world, and may not interact with either
world. The user can exit the "hole" at any time during the duration.

**** Song of Command: This high-pitched song compels a spirit to perform an action according to the user's will. This normally
makes spirits very angry. Hey, who wants to be ordered around?
System: Roll Willpower against a difficulty equal to the spirits Willpower -2. If successful, the character can make the spirit preform a
simple action, for example "Open that door", "Get the mail", "Shine my shoes" and so on. This normally makes spirits very angry,
especially the spirits of dead mortals and others.

***** Song of Control: The most hideous act you can perform on a free spirit if the Song of Control. It puts you in direct and utter
control of the spirit's actions. All spirits fear and hate this power, and normally takes out revenge on the users of this power, but none
the less, it is very potent, and could be very useful.
System: Roll your Willpower against a difficulty of the spirit's Willpower. If successful, the user is in control for a time equal to (20 (spirits Willpower - user's Willpower + any extra Mana used)) minutes. The revenge of the controlled spirit, once free, is normally not
immediate, but elaborate, and involves the control of the user of this power. Humiliation and degradation are keywords for this

Astral Transcendence
This power lets the user leave the mundane world and enter the spirit worlds; the near and deep Umbra, the heavens, hell, and any
number of worlds in-between.

* Shadows of Reality: This power, used successfully, lets the user see beyond the normal "reality", and partially into the spirit-worlds.
The user can see several different worlds "inside" the mundane world, worlds that do not interact, and are not aware of each other.
The spirits look like shadows of the mundane world, and no interaction may take place with the use of this power, only observation.
System: Roll Perception + Occult/Realm Lore against a difficulty of 6. With this power, the user can detect people using Song of the
Clouded Eyes as dark shadows. Spirits and other things of the spirit-world are visualized as shadows or forms in dark mist.

**Light of the Heavens With this power, the user can pick one specific spirit-world and see it with perfect clarity. The world must be
picked by name, and then this world is visualized for the user as if it was "inside" the mundane world. All shapes are clear, and all
contours precise. No interaction between the user and the observed world may take place.
System: Roll Perception + Occult/Realm Lore against a difficulty of 7. With this power, you can not detect people using the Song of the
Clouded Eyes.

*** Enter the Rift: The user phases, with the use of this power, out of this part of reality and into another, named as destination, and
specified by name. The user stays in this other part of reality for as long as he/she pleases, but ages/gets hungry and so on according
to the pace of time in that reality, not the mundane world's pace.
System: Roll Strength + Athletics/Occult/Realm Lore against a difficulty of 6. If successful, the character may enter any part of reality;
the Umbra, the heavens or beyond, just as long as he/she can name the destination-plane with its exact name. "Heaven" will not do,
but "The Second Sphere of Celestial power" will.

**** Guide of the Planes: This power taps into the Storm of Worlds, the thing that connects all the things within the Tellurian. If
successful, this power will provide with name of specific planes, the status of worlds, and so on.
System: Roll Intelligence + Realm Lore against a difficulty of 6. If successful, the user can spend one Mana to ask a question to the
Storm of Worlds. The question can for example be "What is the exact name of the heavens-plane?", "What reaction will I meet in
Arcadia?" and so on. Each new question costs one Mana, and the questions has to be answered with one sentence.

***** Open the Great Rift: Among the powers of the New Agers, this is the most powerful. With it, a user can open a gateway to
another plane of existence, and keep it open indefinitely. The destination of the Gateway must be named with a specific name.
System: Roll Manipulation + Dancing against a difficulty of 8. If successful, the gateway opens and may be used by anyone who can
get through it. The gateway manifests itself in the mundane world as a shadow on the wall, a peaceful pond, or a door. The Gateway
remains open for as long as the user wants it to, and is two-way. It costs one Mana per day to keep it open. The Gateway can not be
"locked" so that no one would use it while the user isn't controlling it. Remember, the Gateway may be different in the destinationworld, and creatures may try to use if from that end.

This power uses the skill of Meditation to unlock the potential of the character. Each of us carry more powers than we can imagine,
and this power lets us get in touch with it, and lets us use it. While using this power, the user must be still, meditating for an amount of
hour equal to the level of the power he/she is attempting to use. During this meditation, no Mana is regained.

* The Lost Memory: With this power, the user can find lost memories inside his/her mind. If the power is successful, the user can
make use of any knowledge or mental power he or she does not have.
System: Roll Stamina + Meditation against a difficulty depending on the task at hand. Getting a new Knowledge has a difficulty of 6,
while a mental trait has the difficulty of 8. Each Mana-point spent after the power succeeds will give the character a +1 rating in any
Knowledge except Linguistics, or every four Mana spent will give the character a +1 rating in a Mental Attribute. The change lasts for
one day, and one hour of meditation is required for every change. For example; if Clarissa wishes to increase her Wits with two, and
her Law with one, she needs to meditate at least three hours, one per change of rating, if she succeeds every time, that is.

** The Lost Object: This power lets the user find an item he or she needs that is misplaced or never owned. The object just seems to
appear when needed. The power includes complex materials and objects, such as computers with standard software and weapons,
but not specific items, such as notes with phone-numbers on them, or photographs. The items are, after use, just lost, and can not be
found again, unless you use this power. System: Roll Perception + Meditation against a difficulty depending on the complexity and
rarity of the object you wish to find. A simple nail would have a difficulty of 3, a bike would have 5, a computer 7, and the painting Mona
Lisa would have 10 or more. The object is lost after use, and if it is not used within (users Willpower) hours, it is lost anyway.

*** The Lost Friend: This power works like the Lost Object above, but this power lets the user find a person. Not a specific person,
mind you, such as the Pope, or Rein Mark*Hagen, but a professional, such as a locksmith, taxi-driver, or such. The "found" person
must be a Sleeper. The "found" person feels he/she must help the character with the use of his/her specific trade, and will offer his/her
services if the user and the "found" were old friends. He/She then walks off.
System: Roll Charisma + Meditation against a difficulty of 7. If this succeeds, the person you were looking for will simple appear,
walking through the door, or calling you on the phone, offer his/her services. This service must be used immediately, and the "found"
will then leave, and will not remember a thing.

**** The Lost Tongue: This power works like the Lost Memory above, but will let you gain access to forgotten mediation-talents, and
other things.
System: Roll Stamina + Meditation against a difficulty of 6 if you wish to gain rating in a Skill or the knowledge Linguistics, or 8, if you
wish to increase the Charisma- or Manipulation-attribute. See The Lost Memory for more information on duration and cost.

***** The Lost Strength: This power, like The Lost Memory, and The Lost Tongue, will let you get in touch with lost strength, although
this time, it is about physical strength, and motorical skills. System: Roll Stamina + Meditation against a difficulty of 6 if you wish to
increase the rating of a skill, and 8 if you wish to increase the rating of a physical attribute. See The Lost Memory for more information
on duration and costs.

This power lets the character get in touch with its past life/lives. It allows the character to tap into the wisdom of the older soul and
mind, perhaps even body, and become one with the one that was before. This power is used through meditation, and one hour of
meditation is required per level of power used. No Mana is regained for this meditation.

* Remember the Movement: This power lets a character regain some of the motor skills and traits of the past life.
System: Roll Stamina + Meditation against a difficulty of 8 if you wish to increase a physical attribute, 6 if you wish to increase a Talent
other than Streetwise, and 6 if you wish to increase one of the Skills Acrobatics, Climbing, Firearms, Melee, or Skiing. If the power is
used successfully, the character may increase the trait by expenditure of Mana. The cost is four Mana per +1 in a physical attribute,
two for +1 in a Talent and three for +1 in a Skill. The change lasts for (users Willpower) hours, and it takes one hour of meditation per
+1 modification. Example: Clarissa wishes to increase her Stamina with 1 and her Melee with 3. She then needs to meditate 4 hours
and roll two separate rolls; one for the attribute and one for the Skill. She also needs to spend 13 points of Mana after the power

** Remember the Trade: With this power, the character can remember things that had with the past life's professional trade to do.
System: Roll Stamina + Meditation against a difficulty of 8 for Charisma and Manipulation, 6 for the Talent Streetwise, 6 for a Skill, and
6 for the Knowledge Linguistics. The cost for increased ratings are four points per +1 in attribute, two points for +1 in Streetwise, three
for +1 in a Skill other than those covered by Remember the Movement above, and three points per dot in Linguistics. See Remember
the Movement above for duration and time of meditation.

*** Remember the Wisdom: Now, the character can get in touch with the hidden knowledge of the past life, granting greater wisdom.
System: Roll Stamina + Meditation against a difficulty of 8 for a Mental attribute, 8 for a magical skill of any sort, or 6 for a Knowledge
other than Linguistics. The cost is four points per +1 in an attribute, four points per dot in a magical skill, and three points for a
Knowledge. See Remember the Movement for duration and time of meditation.

**** Remember the Heritage: At this level, the character can remember lost property, hidden treasures and friends, relatives and
other connections of the past life.
System: Roll Intelligence + Meditation against a difficulty of 7. If the power succeeds, the character can spend one Mana for each
piece of equipment, friend, or other thing, that he/she wishes to find. If the Storyteller deems it probable (a medieval knight would not
have any friends alive today, and would not have a car stashed somewhere, for example), the character knows where to find what
he/she is looking for, and what to do with it/him/her once found. One hour of meditation must be performed after the first five hours for
each thing actually found.

***** Remember the Event: With the full insight of the past life, the character can now trace the exact steps of the past life, reliving it,
or letting it lead. The past life's combined wisdom and personality can guide a character like a person in the passenger-seat of a car.
System: Roll Perception + Meditation against a difficulty of 6. If this succeeds, the user may ask the past life questions, and may have
the past life guide the character onward.

This path of power explores the limitless powers of the human mind, using resources that the character didn't know he/she had.

* Tele-empathy: With this power, the user can feel and understand a target's emotions on a level of deep, unconscious
communication. The target will not be aware that someone is using this power, and the user can not change anything in the target's
soul, only read it.
System: Roll Perception + Empathy against a difficulty of 6 for an unprepared target, and 8 for a target actively resisting the scan. The
target must be within line of sight, with no visual enhancements such as glasses, binoculars or satellite-based cameras as media.

** Pyrokinesis: This power gives the character the ability to set fire to an object within sight. Flames burst out of the object and, if it is
naturally flammable, it catches fire. Otherwise, the fire trickles away. One can set fire to a living person, but this is very hard.
System: Roll Manipulation + Occult against a difficulty of 7 to set fire to an inanimate object, and 9 for a living target. The user must
also spend as many Mana as the target's current Willpower if the living target is to burn.

*** Levitation: This simple power lets the character lift from the ground and fly away. Not quick, should be added, but for long periods
of time.
System: Roll Stamina + Occult against a difficulty of 4. If successful, the character takes off and may stay airborne for (5 + user's
Stamina) minutes per spent Mana-point. The speed is normal walking-speed, and it takes one full round of uninterrupted concentration
to lift off. Once in the air, the character may preform other actions then just flying, such as engaging in combat, read poetry, or imitate a

**** Psychokinesis: With this power, the user can move objects by sheer will. The speed and the weight of objects that can be moved
all depend on the strength of the user's will.
System: Roll Manipulation + Occult with a difficulty of 6 +1 for each additional object being moved. The base total weight of objects

moved is 1 kilogram, and this base-weight is increased by 100% for each Mana-point the character spends. The base-speed is ten
meters per turn, and this also is increased by 100% per Mana-point spent. You can also spend Willpower, and one Willpower-point
counts as three Mana-points in this case.

***** Telepathy: This power lets the user communicate with others through thought. Emotions, speech, other sounds, and images may
be communicated to the other, who can not respond unless that person too can use Telepathy. Only willing targets can be affected.
System: Roll Charisma + Empathy/Storytelling against a difficulty of 6 for a target within sight, 8 for one outside sight but within 40
kilometers, and 10 for a target beyond that range. It costs one Mana-point per minute of communication beyond the first.

This path of power extends that user's senses to a new level, and lets the user see and sense things normally undetectable by humans.

* Crystal senses: This basic powers increase the user's senses to an abnormal high, making them very acute, and very powerful. A
drawback is that powerful light and loud noise may knock the user off balance due to the sensitivity of his/her senses.
System: Roll Stamina + Meditation against a difficulty of 5. The power takes one full round of uninterrupted concentration to start, and
to stop. The power lasts for one hour, and for each hour beyond the first, the user must spend a Mana-point.

** Aura-sight: With this power, the user can see auras around living beings and determine their mood, and who/what they are.
System: Roll Perception + Empathy against a difficulty equal to the target's Willpower -2. For each Mana spent after the success,
different degrees of information may become available.


Your Companion is the spirit of a dead mortal. It has no extraordinary powers

You Companion is a small elemental (e.g.: An air elemental can control and create small winds.)
Your Companion is the spirit of a dead mortal of great magical skill. Many of these skills are still usable by the spirit in the
current form.
The Companion is the magical spirit of an ideal, an opinion, or a great will. The spirit has the Gift of Wills
The Companion is the spirit of a tree or a boulder. It has the Gift of Nature
Your Companion is the spirit of a magical power or a principle. It has the Gift of Power
Your Companion is neutral in its attitude to you
Your Companion is friendly towards you, and will grant favors if repaid in offerings or services
Your Companion is trustworthy, and will grant small favors without the need for repayment
You Companion is loyal, and will defend you, if repaid.
Your Companion is attentive and kind, and will give great sacrifices to please you
Your Companion is ready to die in your place, and will grant any request, no matter the size, without asking for anything in
Your Companion is slow, and will respond in (20- its Willpower) minutes to your request
Your Companion is still slow, and will respond in (15 - its Willpower) minutes
Your Companion is quicker now, and will respond in (10 - its Willpower (minimum of 1 full minute)) minutes to your request
Your Companion is quick to respond. The time is (5 - its Willpower (minimum of 1 full minute)) minutes
Your Companion is swift and will respond in (20 - its Willpower) rounds
Your Companion is always with you, and the response to your request is always immediate
1 ManaCan distinguish pale from bright
2 ManaCan see color
3 ManaCan see patterns (identity)
4 ManaCan see shifts in color or patterns (detailed information)
ManaCan see mixtures of patterns and colors (near- complete information)

*** Spirit-sight: Now, the user may see spirits that have entered the mundane world, but that are invisible to the human eye.
System: Roll Perception + Occult/Spirit Lore against a difficulty of 6. Once successful, this power last for (user's Willpower) minutes,
and for each additional minute, the user must spend one Mana-point

**** Remote Eye: This is the true power of Clairvoyance. It lets the user see a place where he/she is not present. The picture may be
improved according to the user's wishes.
System: Roll Perception + Spirit Lore/Realm Lore against a difficulty depending on the distance to the intended target; room, person
or what may.
Within 100 meters, but beyond obstacle
Within 1 kilometer, beyond obstacle
Within 10 kilometers
Within 100 kilometers
Within 1000 kilometers
Anywhere in the mundane reality
The picture is in black/white, and has no sounds. It lasts for (user's Willpower) minutes. Color or sound to the picture as well as every

additional minute costs 1 Mana each.

***** Time's Eye: This power lets the user look at a place where he/she is not, but at a time in the past.
System: As Remote Eye above, but the user can see (Willpower) days into the past, or (Courage) minutes into the future of a place
where he/she is not. The difficulty, roll and Mana-costs are the same as per Remote Eye.

This power lets the user examine the trace of time through an object, a place, or a person. The power requires meditation with the
object/person you wish to examine, or within the place you wish to know more about. The user must meditate the same amount of
hours as the power he/she attempts to use has level. During this meditation, no Mana is regained.

* Smell the Fear: With this relatively simple power, the user can sense powerful emotions and the use of magic within an object, a
person, or a place.
System: Roll Perception + Meditation against a difficulty of 6. The information can only date back (user's Willpower x 2) days and is
very general, non-detailed.

** See the Reaper: Now, the user can see powerful events in the past; death, birth, serious damage, and so on.
System: Roll Perception + Meditation against a difficulty of 6. The information may only date back (user's Willpower x 3) days and only
contains events, no emotions, no identities, and so on.

*** See the Person: At this stage, the user can examine an event or an emotion in the past of the place, person, or object and obtain
a name.
System: Roll Perception + Meditation against a difficulty of 7. The name given is not the true name (see WoD: Mummy) but the name
to which the person is known to the place, object, or person.

**** Sense the Time: Now, the user can extend any of the above powers to a longer period of time into the past, or a short period into
the future.
System: No roll. Any power (Smell the Fear, See the Reaper, See the Person, or See the Face) may be extended to (user's willpower
x 10) days into the past or one day into the future, but only if a specific question needs answering. For example: You can ask a room
"Will Clarissa return?" and get a no, meaning that either she will never return at all, or she will return in more than one day. There is not
way to see the difference with this power.

***** See the Face: Now, the user can examine an event or an emotion so deeply that the identity of a person may be known, if known
to the place, object, or person.
System: Roll Perception + Meditation against a difficulty of 6. If the power succeeds, the user is made aware of the identity of a person
in an event or an emotion in the past (or future, see Sense the Time above). If known, there will be a full appearance, full name, history,
and possibly also the true name.

This is another of the advantages of the New Agers. The Companion is a linked spirit, linked to a specific person, or task. Every New
Ager has the opportunity to get a spirit companion, and this is done through the Background-trait Companion explained above. The
Companion is an intelligent, emotional comrade, with a mind of its own. Below are presented the powers of the Companion.

Some Companions have magical skills. It depends a little on what kind of spirit they are, but if you decide that they are normal mortals,
they could have access to the New Ager-powers Spirit Call, Astral Transcendence, Clairvoyance and Psychometry. If they are the
spirit of an older magician, you can use the powers of the Egyptian Mummies (see WoD: Mummy), the Andean Mummies (see
"Andean Mummies" by Evan Richard Franke), Thaumaturgy (see Vampire - The Masquerade), Hermetic Magic (see Ars Magica), or
Vulgar Magic (see Mage - The Ascendance). A Companion with Limited magic skills can have four dots to place at the Storyteller's
discretion. A Companion with Notable magical skills can have 7 dots, and one with Great magical skills can have a total of 10 dots.
These power may vary wildly, as you can see, but the goal of the spirit is the same; to help the character, and therefore the nature of
the magic is not really that important.

The Gift of Wills

This power is the power of spirits that draw their powers from an opinion or an ideal. It lets the spirit overrun the will of another being,
and control it for short periods of time. The spirit with this gift rolls it's Willpower against a difficulty of the targets Wits + 2. If the roll is
successful, the spirit is in partial control for (10 - the target's Willpower (minimum of one full minute)) minutes. Partial control means
that the target will not act in such a manner that is obviously suicidal, or will cause great physical harm to the body. If two or three
successes are rolled, the spirit is in near-total control for (15 - target's Willpower) minutes. This means that the controlled person will
undertake any action but such that is clearly and obviously suicidal. If four or more successes are rolled, the spirit is either in partial
control for (50 - target's Willpower) minutes, or total control for (10 - target's Willpower (minimum of one full minute)) minutes. Total
control means that the spirit controls and commands all actions of the controlled. The spirit can even control such actions that normally

is not controlled by the target, such as breathing, heartbeat, and so on. It takes one full round for the spirit to try to gain control over a
target and it must be in the vicinity of the target.

The Gift of Nature

This gift is that of spirits of nature. I allows communication, command over, and control over plant-life and all animals, except
mammals. Mammals can only be communicated with. The spirit can control a creature or plant for an indefinite time, and the target
can take actions normally not possible, such as stop breathing, grow at abnormal rates, and so on. Commands will be planted
subconsciously, and may be triggered at any time, by a set condition; stimuli, a specific time has passed, or such. Communication is
subvocal, and can be maintained over great distances, and over prolonged periods of time. Animals, especially non-mammals, are
not very smart, and can normally only count to "1 and more". Plants are even more stupid, and slow in their thinking.

The Gift of Power

With this gift, the spirit can share or endow powers. The spirit can endow magical skills for a time of (target's Stamina +1) days. This
gift may not be endowed. The spirit can also endow knowledge with the same duration. It may also "donate" Mana or Willpower for a
period of (10 - target's Wits) minutes. This Mana or Willpower has to be regained for the spirit in a normal way. For any of this to take
place, both the spirit and the target must concentrate for one full round at the task.

A Companion has the same amount of Willpower as the amount of points the character has "invested" in it, plus two. If you have
Companion 3, 1 for it's nature, 1 for it's attitude, and 2 for it's speed, the Spirit has (3+1+1++2+2) 9 points of Willpower.

The Companion has the same amount of Mana as the amount of points your character "invested" in it, plus one, times two. The
Companion in the example above should then have ((3+1+1+2+1)x2) 16 points of Mana.

The spirit of a dead mortal has 9 dots to place on Knowledge, while a spirit of Nature only has Survival (skill) 5, and 3 dots to place on
Knowledge. Survival is, in this particular case, considered a Knowledge- ability. Any other spirit has 5 dots to place for Knowledge,
but this should be restricted as per the nature of the spirit. For example; if a spirit is that of the Ideal "Neatness" (what a nightmare to
have as a Companion, huh?) Medicine and Science could be natural, but Occult, Realm Lore, or Computers are very unlikely.


By Tim Coram (

Author's Note
My major complaint with WoD: Sorcerer is that it is trite. Most annoying (and overused) of all are the intolerant, psychotic,
Inquisition wanna-bes. My desire, therefore, is to create a group of mages that represents those people of true undersanding
and faith (who, IMHO, are far more likely too develop the world view necessary to perform magic than those with such limited
points of view.)

The Order was founded by several Christian scholars and was based largely on the works of Saint Teresa of Avala and Saint
John of the Cross. Though originally limited to the Carmelite Orders, the Order has spread to encompass Christians of every
stripe as well as several Muslims and Jews. So far, no others have applied and the group is still almost entirely Christian, though
others would most likely be welcome; Wiccans and Buddhists are both on the list of those likely to receive an invitation to join.
The tenets espoused by the Order are charity, mercy, modesty, and hope. They work in the World of Darkness in opposition to
the Inquisition and its fanatical drive to kill. They are diametrically opposed, and are forbidden to take a life, even in self-defense
(though non-lethal protection is allowed). Some will fight in the defense of others, but violence is always a last resort. They have,
on occassion, actually taken in and protected Lost Cub Garou and Caitiff, as well as Chrysalids (newly awakened Fae). They
work against the Inquisition by attempting to convince them of their errors, and have taken several of their most powerful
sorcerers from their ranks, via conversion. Despite this, the Inquisition has never formally hunted them, though many were
destroyed in the Middle Ages along with the other "undesireables," something which has endeared them to the Verbena.
All members of the Order take the "flaw": Pacifism, automatically. Despite their unwillingness to kill, their magics can serve to
heal and protect and many serve as custos and acolytes to Celestial Choristers. A few have given their services to the Cultist of
Ecstasy or the Verbena, but they are far rarer. Virtually all members have True Faith.
Their current goals are to continue to spread their message of mercy. They have met with some trouble though. They have made
some in roads into Ireland. Unfortunately, the Astaru Futhark have decided they make easy prey and several members have
been attacked, though so far none have lost their lives. The have made common cause with the Fenian in the area, however they
are still gaining ground very slowly. The Inquisition is considering a strike against them, but currently it is considered impossible
for them to justify. Their opinion is changing as their willingness to protect the "monsters" becomes apparent however. They are
also preparing to make a move into Asia, where, as of yet, they have met no resistance.
Though as a group they are not strongly opposed, the individuals involved have often become targets of such groups as Pentex
and the Nephandi. Most have refused to back down, however. Indeed, several of the groups newest members are Fomori (and
ex-Fomori, there have been several miraculous healings), formerly in the service of either group who have sought to escape their

Internal Organization
The Order's members keep in contact via a system of correspondences and, locally, meetings in each others homes. Their are
almost 500 members, though only 100 are thought to possess magic, and only a handful True Magick. Others may possess such
traits as fae blood and the like, but none are particularly common. The teacher-student relationship is highly-valued and
apprentices are treated with care and respect, assuming they are willing to show the necessary devotion.

Character Creation
(For hedge mages, though some are mundane mortals or True Mages) Attributes: 6/4/3. Mental or Social are usually primary

Abilities: 11/7/4. Theology is common, as is Mage Lore

Advantages: For those with Vampire the Masquerade, use the rules for Humanity. Otherwise merely use Willpower with a base
rating of three.

Backgrounds: 2 in Allies, 2 in Library and 3 to place as desired

Preferred Paths: Their skills are diverse though Healing and Banishing are desired, a large amount of personal
experimentation is encouraged as well. Divination is rarely practiced, however.

Freebies: They have 24 freebie points to spend (the based 21 +3 for Pacifism)

The Traditions: Generally good people. I hope their unity is retained after their common foe is no longer a threat.
The Technocracy: Their magick is cruel and dehumanizing. They must be made to see this if they are to be stopped.
Nephandi: The Fallen are a tragic lot. They have such potential that is wasted in the darkness.
The Marauders: What can anyone say of the Marauders?
The Inquisition: Our shadows. They must be made to see the sinfulness of their actions before it is to late for them.

By Timothy Toner (

"Gather round, students, and learn the secret history. Learn your hidden past, learn the glorious truth of your people; the Order of
"It began with Bonisagus, the first to notice the phenomena. No, not quite the first to notice it. Perhaps the first to care about it.
He noted that Magick, as it was practiced by the Traditions, took a terrible toll on the fabric of Reality, and on the minds of the
Mages who utilized it. He reported his discoveries to the powers that be, but whether through negligence or indifference, they
wholly ignored the warnings.
"Undaunted, Bonisagus continued his research, looking for a solution that would please all parties. In many ways, he emulated
the Sons of Ether of today, for he knew that somewhere out there, the solution was waiting for him to find it.
"Then, one evening, while studying the habits of a pack of curious Garou, he stumbled upon a pocket of energy, deep within the
Umbra. Make no mistake; it was not Prime. Its precise nature eluded him. It seemed to be a form of "shadow" quintessence, a
realm formed as a sort of shadow when the power of Prime and quintessence bathed the Earth. Into this void fell all the free
quintessence that dripped off earth. Here, it pooled and stored, waiting to be tapped. It was quintessence, but it was
quintessence tainted by Pattern.
"Because of the Taint, it was not able to bend reality. Instead, it could be used to coax reality along gentle paths, not ripped and
eviscerated like "true" Magick. It seemed to be the boon Bonisagus sought, and he raced to write up the report.
"Needless to say, they were not interested. Magick flowed freely and easily. Why should they waste their time limiting the
freedom their powers allowed? Bonisagus was given a warm pat on the back, and sent packing.
"Undaunted, he devoted his existence to understanding this rare energy source. Research showed that minor mages had
already been tapping this power source, but in random, erratic, and short term ways. It was a part of reality, as much as he, or
the plants and the air. It could be controlled more readily than Magick, but that would take a great deal of discipline, but as he
saw it, a little enforced discipline was a good thing. He struck upon a manner of defining what he saw, and separating it into the
system of forms and techniques we know today.
"About ten years into the program, he was ready to start training a group of apprentices to control this new form of power, which
he dubbed "Ars Magica." He sent a copy of his proposal to the Order of Hermes, and they replied promptly, demanding his
presence before the Conclave.
"This part of history has long been hidden behind the closed doors of that enclave. Some say that it was the first incursion with
the Maurauders, others say it was a run in with the Nephandi. Still more claimed it was the first Paradox backlash. The cause
was hidden, but the effect was obvious. A group of young, inexperienced mages had probed too far, and unleashed something
dreadful. The Order was trapped in a dilemma. It needed to train more magi to defend against further assaults, and yet it dared
not expose any more Neonates to the reality ripping power, lest more holes open up, and let more creatures spill forth.
Bonisagus heard all this and smiled. He knew what they were going to ask, and he was supremely pleased with himself.
"Indeed, they asked for him to present the formulae for his work. He knew that had he been allowed to create his mages a year
before, under the auspices of the Order, compromises would have been made. Now that they needed him, he could exert as
much control upon the workings of the new Order as he deemed necessary. Above all the cardinal rule was 'DISCIPLINE.'
Without it, the magic would not flow, and all was lost.
"He created a system containing structure, yet free enough to allow for spontaneous events, which would please those once
enamored with Magick. The power derived not from the raping of reality, but rather the subtle harvesting of the power from this
other place, this 'Shadow Empyrean,' as it came to be known.
"Several other traditions joined in to assist the experiment. If an adequate system could be established, then those true Mages
relegated to guard duty might very well be freed up to pursue the True Arts. Not all Traditions agreed with Bonisagus, however.
The Chorus, with its control over Prime, was undisputed master of True reality, or the True Empyrean. Any threat, they thought,
could be repulsed with but a gesture from them. Since True Magick could vaporize any Shadow effect, the Order of Hermes was
not considered much of a threat.
"As the histories tell us, Bonisagus' plan worked well...too well. The more the power from this "Shadow Empyrean" was utilized,
the more peculiar effects began to manifest. Some mages, too addicted by the power, slipped into a state very similar to the
Quiet, enemy of all true mages. This state came to be known as Twilight, and it was to be feared above all.
"Then the power began to wane, and the World of Myth began to die. The whys have been bandied about the debate hall until
the very subject burns with hateful rhetoric. Chapter Three of your texts more than adequately goes over the four basic theories.
We will briefly cover each.
"The reason accepted at that time was the closing of the Arcadia Gateway, the Path into Faerie. Mages of other Traditions

claimed that the Shadow Empyrean was the Faerie's personal power source, and that by draining it, we gave them no choice
but to shut the entire system down. Recent conversations with the Fey have shown us this belief is false. The Closing of the
Gateway was as much an effect as our loss of magic. The effect lay elsewhere.
"The second theory propounds that the Technomancers created the Umbral Gauntlet, not only shielding us from invaders, but
also calcifying reality until it has reached its current state. This theory has become the most popular, simply because it blames a
common enemy of the Debaters, the Hateful Technocracy. We of open minds must not allow our quest for understanding of
Magickal Theory to be clouded by politics and prejudice. To be truly open minded, and not like the Technocracy, we must accept
all possibilities.
"Magister, did not the brave Tremere discover the Technomancer threat?"
"Ah, who is that? Yes, Brown. Smart boy. You've been dipping into the Prohiberam Lectare, eh? Such intelligence will get you
thirty whacks after class.
"Where was I? Yes. The third theory.
"The third theory was put forth in the final days of the Order of Hermes. After the Treachery of the Technomancers was
discovered, many sought to justify why the Technomancers had turned on them. Now the majority were very pompous magi, who
could not accept that a bunch of smelly Germans had pulled the wool over their eyes. But a few had clear minds, and from them
we can see that the Technomancers were intensely interested in the drop in the vis levels. Many detractors claimed that they
were merely looking to see how effective a job they were doing.
"Others pointed to some disturbing observations made by magi travelling in the Deep Umbra at the time. I will read one such
passage, from Ektota, a Dreamspeaker:
"I had begun my journey of purification with a happy heart, but it is torn apart by the sight before me. The Umbra casts a dark
pallor across the spectral landscape, and yet something deeper, darker, and more sinister has infected the land. Jagglings lay
dying, ectoplasmic pus oozing from invisible wounds. This whole place, one natural, once alive, is dead. All I can blame are
these black veins which course through the land, like a deep infection in the Umbra.
"One such area particularly drew my attention. There, many veins of the blackness flowed together into a giant pustulant sphere,
a malignancy that seemed to absorb all. Where has it come from? What is it doing? I wish I knew. This is my fourth time to this
place. I will not return here again.
"Dreamspeakers are not well known for their eloquence or rhetorical skill, or even for writing down memories. Thus, this one
draws particular attention. In his opinion, a sickness was engulfing the Umbra, absorbing power. Perhaps this was the source of
the drain. Did the Technomancers create the Gauntlet to protect the earth from an even greater threat? Only careful studying will
"The final theory is a vicious bit of rumor, which I nevertheless must bring forth. There are those who claim that the Celestial
Chorus are responsible for the death of the Order. The Chorus never quite believed that we weren't deriving our power from the
Devil Himself. Some say they choked the Shadow Empyrean to put a stop to it once and for all. Other members of the Order
claim that the Chorus were jealous that they no longer held the monopoly on Magick. So jealous were they, that they levelled the
full brunt of Prime on our heads. Now I am all for maintaining a good relationship between the Traditions but the Chorus does
have a long history of doing incredibly stupid things for the wrong reasons. The very fact that they lost control of a Sphere as
powerful as Prime so easily suggests that they were somehow culpable in the rise of the Technocracy to power.
"Whatever the case, the following truth is known: your forefathers, the Tremere, were the most brilliant House in the Order. Never
shirking from duty, they accepted the role of researchers, explorers, warriors, and martyrs. Whenever a problem arose, the
Tremere were there to deal with the threat. They were masters of Certamen and spellcraft, and their very name described them
well: "To tremble." Those who saw a Tremere performing the Ars trembled before the power.
"Such brilliance carried a heavy price. When the magic began to die, several Traditions raided the Houses, seeking those who
would make excellent True Mages. The Tremere knew their duty, and not a one deserted their honored position. They studied
the problem on every level. Whereas the scholar mage was content to study vis concentrations around faerie rings, the Tremere
studied the politicks amongst the houses, and amongst the Traditions. Many thought that the Tremere were benefitting from such
activities, but nothing could be farther from the truth.
"Then two decades before the rise of Copernicus, with his official declaration of the Magickal supremacy of the Technocracy,
one member of House Tremere, whose name is lost except for in the warmest reaches of our hearts, discovered the truth.
Reading the original notes of Bonisagus, he noted that access to the Shadow Empyrean waxed and waned in a cycle similar to
the Garou's natural ability to enter the Umbra. The two were somehow linked. Questioning a few curious Garou, the mage
discovered that as the vis waned, the difficulty to enter the umbra increased. The Tremere surmised that a physical barrier was
being created between Earth and the Shadow Empyrean.
"By the time he reached his colleagues with the bitter information, it was too late. The Technocracy had fashioned the whole of
reality into a fantastical machine, and it was only a matter of time before it crushed all Magick within its gears. However, an
Enclave of seven Tremere, including the Honored one, clustered together to compare notes on what they had learned about their
new foes.
"It would seem that the Technomancers had convinced the vampiric population, once victims of witch hunts, to hide in the
shadows, and actively seek to erase their existence from the minds of man. Many wondered at this. With a few careful spells, the
Technocracy could do the same. Why make the vampires do it on their own?

"The Honored One realized that the vampires played a much greater role in all this than anyone imagined, perhaps even
themselves. The Technocracy was using them, using the effort the Kindred exerted in hiding themselves, to turn the wheels of a
reality where such Supernatural creatures did not exist.
"It was inherently obvious to them that the only way to defeat the Technomancers was to emulate the vampires (and not a few of
the Traditions) and hide in plain sight. However, the Seven represented the most visible of the Tremere, the most visible House
in the Order. Further, with their vis fading fast, and with the realization that their plan to foil the Technocracy would take years, a
new, more dangerous course would have to be selected. If they envisioned a plan to bell the cat, then they would have to be the
ones to do it.
"Time was running out. The Seven realized that they would have to move swiftly and ruthlessly, as they had seen the vampires
act in the past. The Honored one was chosen to be the first, to find a powerful vampire, and learn his secrets. This he did.
"It is with a heavy heart that I now tell you, mea discipuli, that in order to sequester the power, the Honored One had to seek out
the most vulnerable, most trusting of the Kindred. A noble soul died that day, but for the greater good of all. With his power firmly
entrenched, the Honored One, now known only as Tremere, turned the rest of the Seven into vampires."
The master sighed, paused but a moment, and mopped his neck with a cloth. Clearing his throat, he continued. "Now we enter
perhaps the least understood time in the History of our Forefathers. The Seven went to the leaders of the surviving Houses, and
told them the plan. As a one, they refused to have anything to do with something so macabre, so evil. They could not see the truth
until it destroyed them.
"The seven realized that they were unquestionably in a state of distress. With no backing from the other Houses, no one in the
Traditions speaking to them, and the entire Kindred population wondering from the shadows where a powerful member had
gone to, the Seven were compelled into action. They spread their belief throughout their House, and most joined in readily. A few
had to be convinced through unpleasant means. In a short amount of time, it was done. House Tremere was dead. Clan Tremere
was born. And the Technocracy would pay bitterly for the sacrifices that were made.
"Understanding the nature of Kindred society was easy. There existed a powerful thing called a 'Blood Bond,' which could
compel brother to fight brother. To prevent any involuntary blood bonding, all would be bonded for mutual protection. This was
readily agreed to. Once this was done, the Clan could more readily drop the "us vs. them" facade.
"And so they continue to this day, further gaining ground, further cutting into the power of the Technocracy, using magic which
does not accumulate Paradox. They are bringing a blood magick back to the earth a thousand times more potent than anything
the Verbena could cook up. You see, my students, they have discovered a gateway to the Shadow Empyrean. It lies within
The students glanced at each other incredulously. "Of course!" a few called out, astonished.
The master waved his hand, and the talking died. "So where does that leave us?"
"Good question, eh, Gunter? Gunter. Yes. There was another group of Tremere, other than the Seven, who discovered
something incredible. The Shadow Empyrean was still accessible, still there. Many had thought it dried up, but in fact, the
Technomancers had only built up a wall. If a means could be discovered to punch a hole in the Gauntlet, then the Ars Magica
would flow freely.
"These Tremere presented their theory too late. By the time they came out of their labs, over half the House had been turned. It
would be many years before anything conclusive could be discovered, and they thought it best to drop from view for a time.
"To answer your unspoken question, yes, they did run. But they ran for the right reasons. They ran not out of fear, but out of
necessity. The Ars Magica was still alive. They only needed to keep the spirit going, until they devised a means of linking it to its
"They kept their magick alive--barely--by convincing Dreamspeakers and Garou to intentionally chew holes in the Gauntlet
around the Shadow Empyrean, and just enough leaked out to make their magick seem more than pretty words and gestures.
After the Houses fell, they took those the Traditions thought they could not train in Magick, and housed them, needing their
assistance to keep the dream alive.
"Raids by the Technocracy and vampires--either Tremere who thought they spotted a few renegade hold backs, or other
vampires who thought that they were assaulting a Clan Tremere chantry, convinced them to spread out, and live normal lives, all
the while conducting their research.
"I was trained in that time, and it was indeed hard. The gestures we did held no true power. The only effect we could muster was
a slight glowing, grim proof that something was happening. If only we knew what.
"But those days are gone. In 1863, amid the revolutions that swept Europe, a member of our Order, dubbed the Order of
Tremere, since we held no allegiance to the Order of Hermes, the House Tremere, or Clan Tremere, discovered the Prime Ram.
Herrick and his experiments are discussed in depth in Chapter 22 of the text. I will give a brief overview for those who haven't
done the reading.
"Herrick knew the problem did not lay within the grasp of the Traditions. They had repudiated the existence of the Shadow
Empyrean from the start. However, he convinced a friend of his in the Order to take him into the Umbra. At first, she was
hesitant, but he informed her that it was critical to his research. Relenting, she took him on his quest.

"He was amazed by the visual beauty of the Umbra. Everything seemed alive to him. The magick he had only read about, and
felt dribbling off his fingers was here! He asked his friend to make for a huge morass of white webs, an enormous calcified
sphere almost as big as he imagined the Earth to be.
"Puzzled, his friend told Herrick that she saw no such place. Intrigued, he asked his friend to indulge him. Knowing the basics of
pattern theory, he commanded his friend to fire a Prime charge into the pattern of the Web. Once again, she claimed to see
nothing. He pleaded her to just extend her hand, and let loose a bolt. Desiring to get this over with, she agreed, and fired the bolt.
"Invisible to her, the bolt ruptured a hole in the webbing. Herrick, knowing his friend would soon insist upon returning, lept
forward...and vanished.
"When he retured, he did so under his own power. The Ars Magica was borne again, and now the Order of Tremere controlled it.
"Years of persecution and hiding reinforced the beliefs of Bonisagus: DISCIPLINE, above all. Just because our magick does not
create paradox, does not mean we should squander it. You who sit before me will, by the end of the week, pay your first visit to
the Shadow Realm, the source of our power. Within a month, those of you who survive unscathed will become full Magi in our
"You descend from a proud, noble heritage. Your ancestors were Bonisagus, who anticipated the current crisis we now face, the
Honored One, who sacrificed all so that the Technomancers would not triumph, and Herrick, who rediscovered the power within.
Take each name to heart, mea discipuli, and bring them with you as you endure the Shadow Empyrean. They will guide you in
your darkest hour.
"Any questions?"
"Yes, Magister."
The young man stood. "Magister, why did Bonisagus create the Ars Magica in the first place?"
"Good. Excellent question. The book goes over it quickly, because this aspect of his reseach does not survive to this day.
Several revisionist theorists think that he perceived a tearing in the reality around earth. In very many ways, it is like a forest,
planted with a variety of trees. A few are excellent in absorbing, storing, and using water to grow. The rest are standard trees.
When water, or in our case, quintessence, flows into the Pattern of Earth, those who can use it absorb it better than those who
"If Quintessence was not essential for survival, then this would be no problem. If Quintessence was infinite, then this would not
have mattered. But Quintessence is a vital energy, necessary for life, for freedom, and most important, for change. Without the
free flow of Quintessence, reality becomes stagnant. People lose their ability to think for themselves, to choose, to be
individuals. The Machinations of the Technocracy seek to drain all avaliable Quintessence into their machines. However, any
that remain are currently being devoured by the Traditions.
"This is how it was before the Rise of the Technocracy. A few select Mages, Masters and Oracles, controlled the available tass
in a region. They were unaware that although life was going on, no babies were born tasting Quintessence, and thus able to use
magick. They were starving their people, and frankly they did not care.
"Bonisagus sensed this. He knew that the hoarding of Tass had to stop, and so he envisioned a power source which would not
restrict the free flow of Tass through the world pattern.
"There is more. Bonisagus was not content that Arete held the answers the the question of comprehending reality and its
varitations. It made a good theory, but there was something missing, something he saw in the eyes of those lost to Quiet. The
reality warping of Magick has a terrible, detrimental effect on the mind of the Mage. Put simply, man was not, and is not, ready
for the level of control that Magick allows him. Ars Magica, with its inherent limitations, prevents this from happening. Nothing can
be made permanent without Quintessence. There is the Lunar Limit, to prevent us from using Conjunctional Magick, and the
Pandora's Box contained therein. In short, Ars Magica is all the power you, or I, should ever need.
"Any more questions? Good. Tomorrow is your final exam on forms and techniques. I have asked that each of you provide me
with a list of the ones you have chosen, and why. You will be drilled on them, until we are content that you will never use them in
folly. The day after, you will all fashion your first Prime Rams, and by the end of the week, the Walkers will take you to the
Shadow Realm, for the final ceremony. Until then, good luck.
"Oh, and Brown? I believe you, I and my adamantine paddle should have a conference at this time."

The Order of Tremere came into its present form during the 1600s, when the remaining Houses, existing largely in name only,
and bitterly fishing over the remaining supplies of vis, decided to band together for mutual protection. Bitterly hateful for being
abandoned by the Order of Hermes, to be fed to the "justice" of the Technocracy, they decided to preserve the highest ideals of

It was at this time that a sympathetic voice in the Order of Hermes made the personal journals available to the Remnants (as
they were called by the Order of Hermes). They poured over the notes, and after doing a little bit of espionage on their own,
discovered the "truth," long suppressed by a disbelieving Order.
This knowledge helped bolster them in their cause. The Shadow Empyrean was a place, and not just a force, as originally
believed. This revelation made them dig deeper into the hidden records of the Houses.
A group of Mages, the surviving members of House Tremere, then led a new crusade. They opened the secret records of the
"betrayal," the transformation of the House into the Clan. So moved were they by the record of sacrifice, they renamed their
Order, and refocused their mission: to regain the Shadow Empyrean, and return free magick to the world.
Some dissonant voices within the Order claim that the survivors of House Tremere faked the documents to make themselves
seem less cowards, running from demons, and more crusaders, fighting the good fight. However, one such detractor
approached a member of the Tremere Inner Circle, to learn the truth. The Tremere merely smiled and nodded, before embracing
the curious mage.
Whatever the case, the powerful rhetoric, espoused above in the final speech before the Awakening, keeps many of the critics in
line. They realize theirs is a secretive order, nowhere near as powerful as the potent Traditions, and yet omnipotent in their own
In this day, the Order of Tremere is spreading across the world, finding those who can be Awakened, and yet are passed over
by both the Traditions and the Technocracy for not possessing the proper philosophy. Many would accuse the Order of
brainwashing, but the mindless devotion only pertains to the way they react to the other Magick-using groups. They wish that all
humanity could wield magic, but know, like any good parent, that unless discipline is enforced, it will all be lost.
Often members of the Traditions will use the Tremere as go betweens when they have to deal with the other denizens of the
WoD. Many see the Hermes Experiment as a blot in the History of Magick, and will do anything to alleviate the suffering of the
victims. To them, the Tremere are victims, to be pitied. As can be imagined, this makes the average Tremere livid. When one
can wield the force of arcane fire, one should not be patted on the head.
The Tremere are truly not seen as a threat, since their magick can be easily dispelled with the slightest application of Prime
(Prime 2). However, this is a dangerous myth. The Tremere, wise to the ways of the World of Darkness, merely allow the
Traditions to think them weak, without protection. In truth, many are Adepts of Prime right out of training.
The other members of the world of Darkness, perhaps a bit scared that true Magi can control such awesome power, prefer to
see the Tremere as the representatives of Magick in the world. If a vampire or Garou wishes to consult on a matter of arcane
principle, chances are that the forces of the universe will direct them to a Tremere, who would be content to answer the question,
for the usual fee.
When the Tremere deal with vampires, they never use the name of the order. Often, they will harken back to simpler days, calling
themselves Hermetic Mages, and smiling broadly at those vampires old enough to remember what that meant. Such beings are
an endless source of knowledge believed lost, and subsequently, many mages keep in the good graces of a city's Kindred
The Garou, too, choose to deal with mages when they come across magickal problems that they cannot comprehend. Often, the
Tremere will direct them to a local Dreamspeaker, though it is rumored that the Shadow Lords and the Tremere have a global
pact of mutual protection and non-interference.
The final goal of the Order is to shatter the Gauntlet between the Shadow Empyrean and Earth. Once this is done, all people will
be able to wield safe magick, and a new Mythic Age will sweep the world. In order to accomplish this goal, the Technocracy
must be defeated. However, the Order of Tremere trusts not the other Traditions. They are convinced that the second the war
ends, a new one will begin, a nine-way tug of war, with reality as the rope. This new situation is even worse than the current one.
Subsequently, the Tremere are making allies within the other occult forces. Several Anarchs, who long to end the Masquerade,
agree with them and their plan. A schism in the Children of Gaia manifested, when one Child discovered a Gift that allowed the
Veil to be dropped indefinitely. Each group seeks to restore a sense of wonder back into the world, so that the Technomancer's
chains will be voluntarily thrown off.
Now the Order are not fools. They know that if the Technomancers become aware that a group of mages exist whose magick
incurs no paradox, then the full force of the Pogrom will return to them, a fate none want to experience again. Subsequently, they
exploit the temporary nature of their powers as much as possible. Still, the sight of a Tremere going full out, casting Vulgar acts
right and left, is a truly awe inspiring scene, and has been known to Awaken a few sleepers spontaneously. Sadly, most of these
are picked up by the Technomancers, or the Order of Hermes, before the Tremere can reach them.

The Tremere honestly believe that Magick in its applications is destroying the Universe, causing it to split at the seams. They
believe that powers such as Magick allows are too much in the hands of mere mortals, and reality is too grand a device for
Mages to tinker. They believe that there was always paradox, but now that reality is being stretched to the limits, the Universe is
striking back any way it can. They point to the Marauders, as examples of those twisted too far by Magick. The Order wages a
constant war of recruitment, Awakening those students who are passed over or forgotten by all sides, but only after years of

proper training. However, when an exceptional student comes along, they will often monitor their progress closely, and grab
them long before the Traditions and the Technomancers detect their presence.

The Order of Tremere is based on a simple system of seniority. Those who are older are deferred to according to the year they
Graduated (Awoke), when determining offices held, perks, and other hierarchical structures. Those of the same Class (Awoke in
the same year) wage Certamen to determine the better qualified mage. Upstarts (those Tremere who feel a "don" has grown
senile, or is no longer fit to hold the title) may challenge Magi of an Older class to a Certamen duel, but the Upstart is severely
handicapped, to make the duel truly gruelling. Few Upstarts ever get to actual Certamen, preferring to debate their opponent

Meetings are held every three weeks, on a day of the week that varies from Chantry to Chantry. The meetings are run like any
corporation, with a Secretary gathering the Minutes, and a President controlling the flow of the meeting.

The most rigorous of any Tradition, the Initiates of the Order are screened for two years, as they are slowly spoonfed the History
of their Order. One who learns too fast may not necessarily be a good mage, however. Few are allowed to accelerate through
this period, since it is patience which makes a good Tremere. From there, the Initiate is entered into a period of training not
more than five years, and no fewer than a year. During that time, the student is allocated one parcel of Tass a week, to confirm
his effects. In short, only after he is positive he has mouthed the words correctly, is he allowed to turn them into effect. Those who
do well are allowed to accelerate faster than those for whom magick is a chore. However, some of the greatest scholars in the
World of Darkness today were or are Tremere who spent the five years studying. For those who wait, the time is usually well
After the Initiate is prepared, she is given her final exam, and once that is passed, is asked to record a casting name and the
form and technique she will employ. Then, in a solemn ceremony, a group of Tremere known as Walkers (Masters of Spirit)
escort the Initiates into the Umbra, and bathe them in the Shadow Empyrean, so that forevermore they can taste its essence,
and know it for what it is, and where it hides. It is then that the Tremere awakens, and gains her Avatar.
After this point, a short time is spent at the Chantry (seldom more than a month), learning the Prime Ram rote, as well as
becoming reacquainted with the world outside. The Acolyte is then asked where she wants to live, and is reestablished there,
with a list of three contacts in the area (just names; no addresses or promises of Favors is given). A few choose to remain and
teach. Regardless of where they go, a Tremere is expected to make their way to the closest Chantry for the meetings.

The Tremere prefer to make their Chantries in grand homes, built before the Turn of the Century. They invest a great deal of
effort into making elaborate underground chambers, and secret passageways connect the entirety of the house. Many still
remember a time when they were left to die, to be put to the torch, and those that are not so old have it drilled into them by those
that do.
There is a world Chantry of the Order of Tremere, a sort of home office. It is found deep in the mountains of Switzerland, near the
Gornergratt. Many Mages believe that the Tremere were responsible for many acts of braver during the war, helping refugees
escape into Switzerland, and most importantly, keeping the Nazis out. For their actions, the Swiss government protects the
location of the Chantry, and anyone seeking it out must first deal with the Swiss government, a very unpleasant experience,
regardless of power level).

Occultists, students, charlatans, descendants of powerful Magi unaware of their potential.

The Order despise Magick and its raping of Reality. They learn but two Spheres: Prime, to create the Prime Ram, that rips a
hole in the Gauntlet which surrounds the Shadow Empyrean, and Spirit, to sense where to aim the Ram. However, unbeknownst
to any of their Magickal "Allies," each Tremere is asked, at time of Awakening, to choose a third Sphere to be a Master of. This

is known as the Retributive Sphere, and is used only when defeat seems imminent, to call down the most nasty effect upon your
enemies, to leave ashes in their mouths.

Prime/Spirit: Staff (non-unique). Retributive (varies)

Scholar, Philosopher, Radical

"We who were left to die, now rise from the ashes. There can be no profit gained from the raping of reality, whether by the
Technomancer's steel claw, or the Tradition's Vulgar talon. You have become so addicted to the opiate of Magick, that you
cannot see the toll it is taking on our world, on your minds. Remember then, as the Paradox fires into your soul, and sucks out all
hope, that there was another way. Our way. A way you still refuse.

Akashic Brotherhood: What are you brother? You seek to know the mysteries of the Tao and the Te, to understand the effect a
single butterfly has on the hurricane, and yet you cannot see the effect your "studies" have on your soul? Search deeper within.
Leave reality alone.

Celestial Chorus: Hateful bastards! They know all too well their role in the Surrendering of Reality to the Technocracy, and in
the pogroms that nearly wiped us out. If only we could return the favor somehow. (Don't worry, we will).

Cult of Ecstacy: Get off the acid. Reality isn't a toy, to be screwed, smoked, and shat out when it no longer amuses you. You
who possess no discipline would learn well the Story of the Ants and the Grasshopper, and prepare for the storm.

Discordians: Order within Chaos? Chaos within Order? Please. They are wholly untrustworthy, tools of the Marauders. Trust
them not.

Dreamspeakers: Kindred spirits, we understand the essential nature of the Umbra, to be savored and not captured, to be used,
not exploited. If only the other Traditions were so open- minded.

Euthanatos: Their fixation on a single event makes them far too narrow-minded. Reality is much more than decay, and
promoting its death is criminal.

Hollow Ones: We could teach them a thing or two. You would be surprised how quickly a student learns when he is chained to
his desk. Discipline, Discipline, Discipline!

Necromancers: Ugh! These grim ones should have been the reason why the Witch Hunts were called. As victims and survivors,
if it managed to take out this group, then it would have been all worthwhile.

Order of Hermes: Our respected masters, our benevolent protectors, our trusted patrons. You left us to die, you expected us to
die. But we didn't. No. We took the bitter pill you fed us, and made something to be proud of, something beautiful, wondrous, and
free, as alien a concept as anyone of you morally bankrupt bastards could comprehend. I do hope you all rot.

Runecasters: A puzzling group, and one which we would like to learn more. Too bad they are more interested in their secrecy,
than sharing their wisdom.

Sons of Jupiter: Who are you, sirs? Your power, your wisdom is legendary, and yet you do nothing with it. Learn our ways, and
fight our wars.

Sons of Ether: Their musings on objective reality have tainted our magick. We can tie the first case of twilight due to exposure
to the Shadow Empyrean to one of their "forefathers," commenting that his (flawed) research showed that Quiet should) affect
us! And lo, it did. Keep your musings to yourself!

Technolibertarians: They and the Technocracy are but two sides of the same coin. One day, they will realize that, and all who
trusted in them will perish.

Trenchcoaters: There is no reason why we our two groups should not get along, but they accuse us of being flashy and
manipulative, and will have nothing to do with us. It matters not to us.

Virtual Adept: Those who try to fight fire with fire will only get burned in the end. Their spreading of destabilizing magick into the
stable reality of the Technocracy will doom us all!

Wikkans: A brave and noble group, they understand the old ways better than any.

Prime Ram (Prime 2-5, Spirit 1): With this Rote, the Mage gains the ability to detect an astral object, and use prime to overload
the pattern. This does not create a physical breach, as much as a pattern breach. Prime 2 creates a very weak hole, by
reinforcing the Pattern of the wall, except in the center. The force of whatever is at the other end will follow the path of least
resistance, creating a hole in the pattern which Quintessence can trickle out of. Prime 3 allows a "straw" to be inserted through
the wall. Prime 4 weakens the wall in an area by depriving it of raw quintessence. Finally, Prime 5 not only rips a hole in the wall,
it also strengthens the wall around the hole, keeping it open for a longer period of time.
Each level does a different thing to produce the same effect: opening a non-physical gateway into the Shadow Empyrean, a
huge reserve of "tainted" Quintessence. This quintessence is unusable by true Magi, since it most closely resembles Raw
Quintessence, locked into a certain reality paradigm. To the Tremere, though, this is the Lifesblood of their power. They allow
the shadow tass to flow through their pattern, where it conforms to the established forms and techniques which they practice.
Since the Shadow Tass has already soaked through the Technomancer reality, it can no longer create Paradox, since it is (or
was) an essential part of that reality. However, the energy burns out quickly, making dramatic effects that are short term in
duration, unless tass is used to power it further.
The duration of the breach depends on how many successes were garnered on the initial roll:
1 12 Hours
2 1 Day
3 2 Days
4 4 Days
5 A Week
To dispel a Shadow magick effect, the Mage must shut down the Tremere's connection to the Shadow Empyrean. Most of the
time, a Tremere will simply drop the effect, to perpetuate the myth that the Shadow Empyrean is NOTHING compared to the True
Empyrean. In fact, a Magick- CounterMagick situation is set up. Difficulty is the Rank of the Prime used in the initial Prime Ram
+ 3. Each success brings the time limit down one level. With enough successes, the conduit is completely shattered, and the
effect dies. Each success also decreases the power of the spell (seen later) being cast at that time. Note that using the
CounterMagick is considered Vulgar.

Special Bonuses and Hindrances

Performing a Prime Ram is always considered a Vulgar act, and thus will always generate at least 1 point of Paradox. Since so
much time is spent in Magickal theory, and not practice, a Tremere will lose 1 point of Paradox for each month spent studying,
with NO spellcasting of any sort. Thus, a Mage who picks up a great deal of Paradox will often simply take some time off, and let
it trickle out of his system.
However, the Paradox generated from the first Paradox Ram never goes away. It fashions itself into a permanent 1 point
Paradox Flaw, which hinders the mage for the rest of her life. Such is the price of the power they wield.

New Backgrounds
Mystical Contact: Like the souped-up version of the Allies Background in Mage, this one best expresses their connection to
the seamier side of the WoD. It costs twice the amount of the Standard Contact, and will yield 1 Supernatural Contact per level.
This can be anything from other Mages, to Vampires, to Garou, to Spirits and Faeries. All this consists of is a slip of paper with
a name and perhaps a phone number. The Contact must be compensated for "services."

Psychic: The Power


"Hello. Listen kid, we gotta talk. About what? Well, about you, and the things you do. Why are you looking so surprised? You
thought you were the only one who could to this? And this? How about this? I see. Well, your not. Far from it; there is a whole
society of us. We are the next to inherit the Earth, psychics, evolved we are. We are the next step in human evolution, Homo
Sapiens Sapiens Sapiens. Wise, Wise, Wise man. Don't ask who came up with that, or what they were smoking, cuz I dunno. If
you meet any of those stuffy guys who are ultra PC, they call themselves Astrals. Well, actually, they refer to the whole psychic
community as Astrals. That's our proper name. How did we find you? Simple. Every Astral gives off resonance, a feeling that any
psychic can sense. In fact, in one that's pretty new to being an Astral, it's realatively easy to find you without even trying. Most
undergo their transistion at about your age, their early teens, maybe a little later. We have no fancy name for induction into our
society. I told you, we're relatively new to this world. How come you can't move stuff around with your mind you ask? Good
question. From the looks of you, you look like a Telepath. You specialize in Telepathy; you're better at working someone's mind
than physical matter. I'm a Telepath as well, that's how I was able to find you so easily.
Anyhoo, we got power. A lot of it in fact. We have so much that our bodies have to struggle to contain it all. Each Psychic has two
conflicting sides to him: Control, that's how much control you have over your power, and Power, how much control your power
has over you. It's never a good idea to be short of one. But, this is tough. Whenever someone's power increases, his control over
his power slips. Whenever someone gets firm control over his power, he barely has any to speak of.
Psychic society is split up into five Collectives. They all have a different view of what we should do. More on those guys later.
There's also some bad guys. Doesn't there always have to be? Mostly they come in the form of Psilias. These guys have lost all
control of their power forever. Their will is no longer their own. They just go on giant rampages, or the smarter ones will be
seeped in evil, manipulating stuff. Either ones are incredibly dangerous, and they love to make others lose control.
I'm gonna teach you the Ways. This is so you don't end up dead. Then, maybe I'll introduce you to my collective; you'll have new
contacts. Trust me kid, this is all for the best."

Astrals can be anyone, any sort of concept. Many of them are either softspoken and quiet or loud and ecstatic. They almost
never have a middle ground, and those who do are greatly prized as leaders.
Your character must first decide what kind of psychic they are. The kinds are as follows:

Telepaths: Specializing in all forms of telapathy, they are often the leaders of Psychic society. Many walk softly and carry really,
really big sticks.

Telekinetics: Specializing in telekinesis, they can move stuff around and are often the movers and shakers of Psychic society.
They're the true partiers.

Pyros: They specialize in Pyrokinesis, the art of controlling fire, heat, and the lack thereof (ice and cold). Some are dangerously
unstable; almost all look over their shoulders every five seconds, but many are original and artistic. They are often the ones who
ferret out traitors and Psilias from the ranks of psychic society.

Introvertives: They specialize in Introveresis, the art of healing, enhancing one's self, and using one's self as a destructive
weapon. Most keep to themselves, and are quiet, but if anything should threaten what they care about thheir rage knows no
bounds. They are primarily the healers, caregivers and expert mediators of Psychic society.

Next, the player must choose a Collective:

Embracers of Madness
Now, there's a funny Collective. Actually, a better word would be psychotic. They believe that the only way to actually get any
results with their power is to not hold back and throw Control in the wastebasket. Some are dangerously insane and all are

terminally quirky, like a fasciniation with left ears, or something like that. They often use their power in flagrent and showy ways
and have little control over it. Some go mad entirely and go on giant psychotic killing sprees before they are stopped by the other

Organization: Embracers have almost no organization or so they enjoy having other Collectives believe. They seem
disorganized and rag-tag, but are really quite a force when pushed. They usually meet in large nightclubs to discuss matters of
grave concern for the Collective. The only thing is that it's not what it looks like. It looks more like good natured partying and
drinking than anything else (a drunk Embracer: "I'd like to discuss the... Recent rise in Psilias.....). they often make their meetings
in places where nobody would notice them: In open sight. They often shout across the room, and nobody quite understands what
they are talking about, or to whom. This makes secrecy abound.

Crystal Gazers
Whether they are that new-agey friend you've always had or that creepy fortune teller down the street, Crystal Gazers shroud
themselves in secrecey. They are often fortune tellers and Psychic healers. Many are manipulative and seductive while they tell
all too true prophesies for about $50.00. They believe they should use their power to turn a profit and to reinforce belief of their
power. This flagrent use of their power with no secrecy has caused many other Collectives to not trust them. Crystal Glazers are
often Telepaths.

Organization: Crystal Gazers are not as scattered as many would think. Their base of operations are in fact a dense network
where all can know what's going on. They often don't meet in large numbers, but small groups will get together to discuss matters
of concern. If something dire happens, a psychic wave is sent to All Crystal Gazers where they know something is amiss and
they often receive instructiuons on where to meet.

Hedonistic Order
These guys are those people who say "If I had psychic powers, I would have a great time." They use their power for all sorts of
fun, which include parties, trips, and other favorable expenses. They spend much of their time having fun, using the good old
tenets of "Sex, Drugs, and Rock 'n Roll!" Many sponsor musicians, or are musicians themselves. They host great parties,
rivaling the greatest of supernaturals in complication. This reputation however has led to a negative reputation of irresponsibility
and hedonism. The fact that these assumptions are usually quite accurate don't help matters either. Hedonistics are usually

Organization: Hedonistics never elect leaders, nor do they have mass meetings. If something absolutely requires their
attention, they often break off into smaller meetings, composing of no more than nine people and vote and discuss matters as
quickly (but effeciently) as possible. Once matters are decided on, each committee compares votes and suggestions and soon
the entire Collective knows what to do.

The Secret Order

Shrouded in mystery, very little is known about the Secret Order to outsiders. What is known is that it is defenitely the oldest of
the Collectives and the most respected. They are the unofficial leaders of the Psychic community. Bizarre practices and
incredibly powerful Astrals are both the norm in this Collective. Like steel, they are unwavering in their goals, impossible to break
through and impossible to see through. Also like steel, they are rigid, inflexible, and archaic. Time has started to catch up with
this Collective however as younger members' demands for change grow more and more insistent, while older members like the
things just the way things are. The fact that nobody trusts them either helps nothing. The Secret order are often Telepaths.

Organization: The Secret Order is extremely organized and tightly hierarchical. There is a small council of three Order
members preceding over each city, one order member preceding over a single country and 12 order members preceding over
the world in their base in Paris.

The Tortured Souls

The Souls are like the Embracers of Madness in many ways. They both have very little control over their power, some are truly
insane, and they all are loosely organized. However, unlike the Embracers, the Souls hate being psychic. They can't control what
they do and often hurt people accidentally. They have little control over their power. To them, the world is a dark, depressing
place. Every day, they go through a tortuous spiral downword for which there is no escape. It is true that some are crazey, but
unlike the Embracer's manic insanity, the Souls go through torturous, depressing mad fits. They often get headaches, are
sluggish and are reluctant to use their powers. They try to retain control of their power, but many simply fail and turn into Psilias
and many more just kill themselves. Tortured Souls are often Introvertives.

Organization: The Souls have almost no organization. They meet when they can, go their separate ways when they can't. They
often frequent large places like coffie houses, poetry readings, ect. Many of them congregate there at once, and a request from
another Soul is almost never turned down. If pressed, they can be quite a force, but their generally too apathetic

Character Creation
After a collective and a Type is chosen, you create your character in the standard 7/5/3 and 13/9/5 format in WoD games. They
receive 7 points of backgrounds.

New Backgrounds
Whenever the Astral is about to lose control of his power, he can roll his sanity against Diff. 6. If sucessful, he gets to keep
control. This will only work if your temporary control is 0. This trait comes with a +1 cumulative Diff. Modifier until the character
loeses control again.
After choosing that, they must decide what powers they possess. They get Five points to spread around. In the initial stage, they
cannot buy Dots in anything but the type of Psychic ability they chose.

All Telepathy roll difficulties are the subject's Willpower.

Mind allows you to read and communicate among minds.

* Emotional Scan: This allows a Psychic to transmit emotions to another person. These must be rather weak emotions (ie
Boredom, Apathy). This also allows a Psychic to read someone else's emotions.

** Back Eyes: This allows a Psychic to immediately sense the space around him for sentient mind patterns. He can scan to see
if anyone's there, he can get a vague sense of who it is he would be seeing or talking to if contact is made and he can sense the
general nature of the person.

*** Collage: This allows a Psychic to read a person's mind directly, but the mind will be a confusing set of images that don't
make sense (unless a Perception+Enigmas roll is made [diff. 6]).

**** Psychic Walkie-Talkie: This allows two-way communiaction between two persons. No words have to be spoken, only

***** Open Book: This allows a psychic to invade a person's mind and to discover anything which that person can remember.
He can find aything in his head.

Attack allows the psychic to hostilly attack a person's mind.

* NEE!: This lets the psychic allow the target to be "convinced" to go away through sheer force of will. He will step back three
feet for every success. Five success will cause the victim to run away screaming.

** Psi-Blast: This lets a psychic deal one Auric level of damage per success.
*** Drain Will: This lets a psychic to destroy a person's Willpower. Each success takes away one Willpower. If the psychic
manages to completely drain away Willpower, the victim is in a coma-like state for a scene and wakes up with one less
permanent Willpower.

**** Lose Control: This allows a psychic to cause another psychic to lose temporary control points. Subtract one per success.
This causes a psychic to lose one extra temporary control point.

***** Stupidify: This lets a psychic leave the victim a hollow shell of a man. Each success takes away one Willpower. Once all
Willpower is drained, the psychic must spend one point of Permanent Willpower to complete the effect. This leaves the victim a
dolt, an utter moron, capable of doing nothing but breathing, eating, sleeping and drinking.


Control is the skill of controling a person's actions.

* Head-Hop: This allows a psychic to enter another person's head, see through her eyes and hear through her ears. While headhopping is in effect. the psychic may say things to that person, and they will manifest as thoughts. A Manipulation+Telepathy roll
is required to make the person seriously consider what that person is saying. While head-hopping, the body of the psychic is on
auto-pilot, and may walk into the street or something.

** Freudian Slide: This allows a psychic to implant a thought or suggestion into a victim's mind. The victim is not inclined or
compelled to follow this command, but on a successful manpulation+telepathy roll, the victim will take the suggestion seriously.
This can also be used to place emotions in a person's mind or make them think about things she'd rather not.

*** Pavlov's Chant: This allows a psychic to convey simple one-word commands. Examples: Sit, stay, heel, up, fall, vomit.
**** Puppet Show: This allows a psychic to control a person's body, but not their mind. With enough successes, the psychic can
make a person do almost anything, but these movements will be stiff and marionet-like. The person is fully aware of what is
happening, but his body just won't listen to his mind.

***** Command: This allows a psychic to convey complex commands to a subject. Stuff like "Climb that ladder" or "Pretend your
a dog" or to make them believe certain things like "You never saw me, you don't know me, you're an alien" or make them behave
a certain way like "You love me, you hate that guy." With enough successes, you can make a subject do anything.

Shield allows a psychic to protect himself from other psychic attacks. For every point of shield the psychic has, the difficulty for
telepthic attacks is +1. For everry 2 points the psychic has, the difficulty for telekinetic attacks is +1. For every three dots the
psychic has,the difficulty for pyrokinetic attacks is +2.

All telekinesis rolls have a difficulty of 9-telekinesis.

Moving is moving objects with your mind.

* Small Stuff: The psychic can manipulate objects up to the size of a roll of quarters rather clumsily.
** Kinda small stuff: The psychic can manipulate objects up to the size of a cat rather clumsily. He can manipulate things of
Small Stuff pretty well on a good day.

*** Medium stuff: The psychic can manipulate objects up to the size of a TV rather clumsily. Kinda Small Stuff he can
manipulate pretty well on a good day, small stuff pretty good most of the time.

**** Big stuff: This psychic can manipulate objects up to the size of an average person. Medium Stuff he can manipulate pretty
well on a good day. Kinda small stuff he can manipulate well most of the time. Small stuff, manipulation is almost masterful.

***** Jumbo Size: This lets a psychic manipulate objects up to the size of a Ford Explorer. Big stuff can be manipulated pretty
well on a good day. Medium stuff can be manipulated well most of the time. Kinda big stuff can be manipulated almost
masterfully. Small stuff, there is no limit to what you can do.

Blast allows a psychic to fire bolts of psychic energy and hurt things.

* Ouch!: 1 Health level of damage every 3 successes. Can destroy things like hollow chocolate bunnies.
** OOF!!: 1 Health level of damage every 2 successes. Can destroy things like glass bottles.
*** Ow!!: 1 Health level of damage every success. Can destroy things like six-inch thick 2x4s.
**** AUUGG!!: 2 health levels of damage every success. Can destroy things like steel drums.
***** He's dead, Jim: 3 Health levels of damage every success. Can destroy things like compact cars.
Field allows a psychic to create force fields and manipulate them.

* Flimsy Shield: Can absorb 1 Potential level of damage. Covers a 4x6 area.
** Balloon Animals: Can rearrange shield matter into nearly any shape possible. The more complicated things are, the more
successes it takes.

*** Big Shield: Can absorb 3 potential health levels of damage. Covers entire front of psychic.
**** Really big shield: Can absorb 4 potential health levels of damage. Covers entire psychic and anyone who wants to be in
the shield as well.

***** Ultra Shield: Can absorb 5 potential health levels of damage. Covers up to one city block (if it covers this must be
prepared to need tons of successes.

All Pyrokinesis rolls have difficulty 9-pyrokinesis.

Heat allows a psychic to generate heat.

* Hot flash: This allows a psychic to create small amounts of heat. This can warm up a room by about thirty degrees. This does
no real damage except perhaps by dehydration. Each success lasts for three rounds.

** Sizzle: This allows a psychic to create a burst of intense heat concentrated in one very small area. It feels like burning your
hand on the stove. Skin contact is mandatory. Does one health level of damage for every three successes.

*** Fireman Bob: This allows a psychic to put out any fire by absorbing it into his being. If the roll succeeds, he takes one health
level (or more depending on the size of the fire) of damage. A botch could be deadly.

**** Spontaneous Combustion: This allows a psychic to make a certain object just catch on fire for no reason. Organic matter
cannot be affected (but clothes could). If the victim is wet, this automatically raises the difficulty to nine (unless he's wet with oil or

***** Firestorm: This makes multiple objects in a room spontaneously combust. The objects that catch on fire are totally random
and more than one Pyro has met death by accidentally having his clothes catch on fire. One object combusts for each success.

Cool allows control over the lack of heat.

* Cold flash: This allows a psychic to make the temperature in the room drop up to thirty degrees.
** Feet of Ice: This allows the psychic to simply touch someone and make that area extremely cold. This causes one health level
every three successes. If done via touching their feet to someone in bed, the difficulty is -1.

*** Frostbite: This allows a psychic to cause direct harm with cold. Touch is necessary to use this effect. This does one health
level of damage for every round contact is sustained.

**** Freezing Blast: This allows a psychic to drain heat from any source and cause it to become extremely cold. Metal will
become brittle and break and one health level is taken away for every success.

***** Global Cooling: This allows a psychic to drain heat anywhere in his immediate area. With enough successes, he can
make everything frost over with ice and turn it into a miniature ice-skating rink. The more successes, the more the room is
affected. The cold originates from the user and radiates outward. Every success extends the area of effect by two meters.
Affected people lose one health level per success. From the intense cold, the user loses one health level as well.

All difficulties for introveresis is 8-Introveresis.

Bio-Feedback is the art of healing manipulating a person's own defense and healing systems in order to speed recovery.

* Staunch Blood: This stimulates platelet cells in the blood to prevent blood from flowing from a wound. This effect lasts for one
round per success. The flow cannot be stopped forever unless the wound is bound.

** Clean Wound: This allows white blood cells to be on ultra high strung mode. This often reduces the chance for infection. For
every success, the difficulty for infection is +1 (this includes Magickal diseases and the Leper Bloodline's Pestilence discilpine).

*** Heal Self: This allows a psychic to heal himself from almost any wound. Minor things like closing cuts, mending bones
require about two successes while things like internal hemorrhaging, punctured lungs, severe burns, etc. require at least five.

**** Heal Others: This allows the psychic to heal others like he can heal himself.
***** Un-do healing: This allows a psychic to turn a person's own body against him. He can stimulate his defense systems to
attack his body and otherwise harm him in a very direct way. This damage is not aggravated. It deals one health level for every
two successes.

Enhancement allows a psychic to stimulate his own bodily systems to perform different tasks. For each point possessed, he has
that many extra points to spread around for his physical attributs. He may use these points on a successful Introveresis roll.
These changes last for one round per success.

Senschal is enhancing one's own senses beyond what a person normally has.

* General Stuff: This gives a psychic one extra dice in sensory rolls (perception, alertness, ect) for every point in senschal.
** Voicing: This allows the psychic to hear better than most people can. He can hear better to whatever he wants to hear in his
general viscinity.

*** Olfactory: This lets the psychic have an extremely acute sense of smell. He can pick up a trail like a bloodhound, smell a
sweater and know who it belongs to, etc.

**** True Sight: This lets the psychic see almost anything, even if blind. He can see in the dark (In green night-vision) see
invisible/obfuscated things and can usually find Waldo in less than five seconds.

***** Everything Else: This lets the psychic to use any of the below effects simultaneously. However, at the risk of sensory
overload, the psychic must make a control roll every 5-anmount of effects active rounds. If he fails, he cannot act for the scene,
trying to collect himself.

Fort is the ability to lock out other psychics who enjoy tailgating in their heads.

* Sense Possession: This allows the psychic to instinctively know when someone's in her head. Nothing may be done about it
at this level.

** Stun: This allows the psychic to prevent the invading mind from doing anything. This lasts one round per success.
*** Get Out!!: This allows the psychic to kick out the invading psychic. To prevent this from happening, the invading psychic must
make a Willpower roll (diff. 6) and score more successes than the host did.

**** Prisons: This lets the psychic trap another's mind within his head. The psychic that is trapped may not escape and all
difficulties for affecting the host are automatically 9.

***** Feedback: This lets the psychic not only kick another out of his head, but harm her severely in the process. This effect will
deal an Auric level of damage per success and then kick the psychic out.

New Advantages
Players divide 10 points between Power and Control. The sum of your Power and Control can never exceed 10.

This is the measure of how much control the psychic has over his power. Those with little control may start using their power with
no control over it and may very well accidentally hurt somebody. Control is rated 1-10. A player may spend a point of control for a
point of power.


This is the measure of how powerful the psychic really is. Those with little power may realize they cannot work psychic effects
very well and may become prey for other World of Darkness denezians. Power is rated 1-10. A player may roll his control score
against difficulty: Current Power Rating to try to get rid of a point in Power and gain a point of Control. The most important
aspect of Power is that Power is your dice pool for all psychic rolls.

Auric Levels
These are a second set of Health Levels. This represents your psyche, your Aura. Different ways to attack the Aura will drain it. If
a character ever runs out of Aura, he will become a Dolt, a babbling vegetable who, unless on life support, will die. Follow the
dice restrictions on the health level chart. The dice are restrictions on psychic abilities. Characters recover 3 Aura levels a
scene. You can spend an Aura point to gain an automatic success in a psychic roll.

Power and Control

Psychics must walk a tightrope every day of their lives. They can choose either a life of tight control over power but have little
power to speak of and be shredded by other supernaturals. Or they can choose a life of little control and awesome power. But
soon they find out they are no longer in control of themselves and the Power has become their master. Or they can find the
tenuous middle ground. But this is the hardest to maintain. Power and Control can never have a sum or more than 10 and can
never be less than 10.

Loss of Control
When a psychic loses all Control, the psychic just loses it. He goes on a rampage, destroying things, using his power wantonly.
He is no longer in the driver's seat. The psychic may roll Willpower (difficulty 6) and receives dice equal to his successes to roll
in order to regain some control (since the control is 10, it is difficulty 10).
When no Willpower points are left, then it is assumed the psychic has Lost It for good and is considered a Psilia. Make a new
character. Don't screw up this time.

Loss of Power
When a psychic loses all Power to control, he loses all psychic ability. He cannot work psychic ability even if he tried. There is
almost no way to regain power. If the psychic wishes to regain his power, he may try meditating, getting in touch with his inner
psyche and give a part of his own being for it back. In game terms, he must spend x temporary Willpower and receive x dice to
roll against difficulty 8. If success is scored, he must spend a permanent point of Willpower and he is psychic again.
If he chooses not to become psychic again or has no more Willpower to spend, he is normal and an NPC. Make a new
character. Don't screw up this time.

The Tragic Line

Whether or not psychics want to lose control, many times it is inevitable. Whenever a psychic performs an effect, he rolls his
Control against the difficulty of the level of the effect +4. If the roll fails, he loses a point of control and gains a point of Power.

Psychics and the World of Darkness

Vampires: Vampires really don't like Psychics as all. They hunt them down whenever they can and attempt to kill them. They see
them as a threat to their structure and don't like the fact at all that their prey is evolving to better defend against them. Psychics
don't like vampires as well. They're always killing innocent psychics and this is inexcusable.

Werewolves and other bete: They generally don't trust each other. However, after paranoia is lifted, they have much in
common and can become great allies.

Mages: Mages and Psychics generally get along. In fact, they're more willing to work with a mage than any other supernatual.
Psychics however can provide up to ten Tass and this makes psychics a little bit wary around mages. Mages see them as an
oddity in human nature and are fascinated by them, escpeially the Sons of Ether. The Technocracy hates them, as any evolving
the human race does they want to be in charge of it, not random like it's been.

Wraiths: Wraiths and psychics generally don't know much about each other. They keep away when they can and run away when
they can't.

Changelings: Psychics are confused by Changelings. They cannot usually find them and never can understand this thing about
Glamour. Changelings see Psychics as uproariously funny and are amused by their attempts to put together their shattered
psyches. Psychics generally have Banality of about 7, give or take a few points.

Immortals: Psychics rarely ever meet immortals, but if they do sparks fly as either one or the other start saying "What the hell
are you!!??" After the first bout, they are generally more flexible and many immortal-psychic teams have been formed.

Scanners: Psychics and Scanners have a tenuous truce. Each one can pass for the other, but they generally believe the other
one to be copycats with no life. It is uncertain just who exactly is the next step on human evolution, but some have suggested that
eventually they'll merge into one super-race. These people often get laughed out of the bar by drunks or are drunk themselves.
Demons: Demons and Psychics rarely know about each other. When they do meet, you'll find one of two things: A psychic's
entrails or a tiny little charcoal mark on the ground where a Demon used to be.

By Christopher L Schneider ( (15 Sep 1992)
Here is my preliminary workings for psychics (HONK if you have read the Necroscope books by Brian Lumley :-) )

Attributes: 7/5/3
Abilities: 15/9/3
Background: 7
Willpower: 6

Mental Powers
Level 1: Character can perform simple actions such as flipping a switch or knocking over a bottle.
Level 2: Character can perform more complex actions such as picking a lock or juggling.
Level 3: Character no longer requires an object to strike. The sheer force of the character's mind can punch or squeeze an individual.
Level 4: Character has honed herself to the point of causing lesser physical trauma such as locking joints or causing partial paralysis.
Level 5: Character now can cause major physical trauma to the point of heart attacks, strokes, or complete paralysis.

Level 1: Character can listen in on the thoughts of others.
Level 2: Character can now see through the eyes of others.
Level 3: Character now can forge a mind link with another person, thus knowing what that she is seeing or thinking automatically.
Level 4: Character can now send messages directly into the target's mind.
Level 5: Character can now with difficulty take control of the target's mind and override their bodies. (i.e. the target's mind is still
conscious, but cannot do anything to stop himself)

Level 1: Character can create a small flame within 10 feet of herself.
Level 2: Character can control a small fire within 25 feet of herself.
Level 3: Character can create a large flame within 75 feet of herself.
Level 4: Character can control a large fire within her line of sight.
Level 5: Character can encompass her body in fire while causing no damage to herself in the process.

Requires a token from the target

Level 1: Can locate the person within 50 miles of the character.

Level 2: Can locate the person within 100 miles of the character.
Level 3: Can locate the person within 1000 miles of the character.
Level 4: Can locate the person anywhere on Earth.
Level 5: Can locate the person anywhere including the Umbra.

Friendly interaction with dead.

Level 1: Can hear/understand deadspeak.

Level 2: Can converse with the dead.
Level 3: Can be possessed by the dead. (gaining skills temporarily)
Level 4: Can serve as a link for the dead to voluntarily raise their bodies and animate them.
Level 5: Can rebuke the dead raised by another Necropath or Necromancer.

Unfriendly interaction with dead.

Level 1: Can feel the dying emotions of a corpse.

Level 2: Can extract the dying thoughts of a corpse.
Level 3: Can extract any thought of a corpse.
Level 4: Can re-animate a corpse and compell the spirit to again animate the corpse.
Level 5: Can rebuke the dead raised by another Necromancer or Necropath.

Guardian Angel
Level 1: Character can sense danger in the area.
Level 2: Character can dodge non-missile attacks by an opponent.
Level 3: Character can dodge non-missile attacks by multiple opponents.
Level 4: Character can dance through a minefield and survive.
Level 5: Character can dodge bullets. (Spiderman eat your heart out!)

Closed Mind
Level 1: Can conceal conscious thoughts from psychic attacks/probes.
Level 2: Can conceal subconscious thoughts.
Level 3: Can conceal autonomous functions. (see Telepathy & Telekinesis)
Level 4: Can falsify information for psychic probes.
Level 5: Can backlash psychic attacks. (see Telepathy & Telekinesis)

Level 1: Can read the lifelines of individuals (length of life, general path)
Level 2: Can foretell who will come in contact with an individual
Level 3: Can foretell major events
Level 4: Can foretell general details of major events
Level 5: Can foretell exact details.

Channel Hackers
"The Remote Controls"
By Eric VanDycke (

The location: A scummy little apartment on the "Poor" side of the city.
The time: Mid Morning
The who: Mr. Jimmy Bob Smith who is just sitting down to watch his favorite show; The Price is RightTM.
"Caroline Diaz, come on down! You're the next contestant on the Price is RightTM!"
Jimmy sits there in his ragged underwear eating coca-puffsTM> straight from the box, half of the crunchy delicious cereal strewn
across his official SpamTM tee-shirt. Staring mindlessly into the T.V. (which stands for Total Viewer-control, BTW) in a state of
bliss that can be tapped into with the flip of a switch. Not blinking and certainly not thinking Jimmy starts to drool.
"Tell her what she has won Rod!" says Bob with a wide grin.
"She has won . . . an all expense's paid trip to Bermuda! That's right, 2 round trip tickets to the lovely island of Bermuda, You and
your guest will stay in the lovely --"

The infuriating sound of static

"Shit! The cable must be out -- again. What the hell is going on here. Why can't the Television just work right once in a while?"
sputters Jimmy, "Why --"
Suddenly as though a wish had come true for him, the resolution snaps back to the clarity that it once was. A shabby looking
man in his 40's stares out from the set. Jimmy begins to feel a pain in his temples -- headache -- and a bad one at that. 'What is
happening' thought Jimmy as he began to make out the words that the man was speaking as they came through the static.
"Do not turn this off. We are broadcasting over the station's signal to inform you of matters that are affecting you at this very
moment. You are being duped, the victims in a larger plot to control reality as we know it. The Powers That Be are using these
devices, your Television, your V.C.R, and your radio to keep your minds lulled almost asleep. Free thought and creativity are at
an all time low within our species. People are turning to barbarism; children raised in front of these things rampage through the
streets raping a killing to the point that would put Atilla the Hun to shame. Turn off your sets, get out of your houses; always
remember that the government is in on this. They are watching, listening, and controlling everything that happens in this nation --"
Suddenly the T.V. crashed into static once more, which was then replaced by the stations identification symbol above a series of
Somewhere out there, lurking in the darker corners of the city are the Remote Controls, Information Hackers, and masters of
Underground Communications Technology.

Television is good clean entertainment, right? Wrong! welcome to the World of Darkness baby! In every home in every First
World nation there is a television, a V.C.R. or a radio. They have become a very prominent part of the American landscape. We
live by the television, baby sit with the television, use it as an escape from the rigors of the modern world, etc. It is our friend that
is always there for us. At least this is the way that the Technocracy has made it. The New World Order uses it to disseminate the
reality that they want us to perceive, and the $yndicate uses it to drive the masses and make them more susceptible to their own
manipulations of our greed, pride, and envy. With each show that a person watches he is being manipulated. Endless strings of
talk-shows with a nearly bottomless pool of clean-cut All-American hosts that show the 'dregs' of society and what evil and
repulsive people that they are. Cop Drama's that make the average American trust the officers of order and peace even more.
Cartoons that make children more violent or on the other hand kiddie shows that force huge stupid looking pink and purple
dinosaurs idols into the minds of their audience, brainwashing them with subliminal messages. Commercials that drive our base
emotions of anger and greed. Sit-coms that show perfect families that are far from the reality that is at hand. You soon get the
picture so to speak. The masses are being lulled into a state that the Technocracy can manipulate and control easily. And for the
most part the traditions have over-looked this wide-spread manipulation. So who is fighting for the side of the free and clear
mind? It is not the Virtual Adepts as you might guess, but a group of crafty and creative Sleepers that have learned first hand of
what is going on. They are 'The Remote Controls,' Channel Hackers Extraordinaire.

No one knows who these people are. They seem to be an underground group of Hackers and rogue acolytes of the Technocracy
that know their former employers methods and technology. They move from place to place, interrupting television broadcasts,
and spreading their information to the masses, trying to free them from the mental strangle hold that the Technocracy has them
in. They have no records (as if anyone knew their names) and they have never been seen (except for their spokesman Dr.
Venger, who is like the rest of the group, an enigma).
They are believed to have 5-8 main members that do all of the intel work and the tech work. They also have several hundred
others that are sympathetic to their cause. History is up to you to do with as you see fit. The individual members are also up to
you to do what as you need or want to use. In my chronicle they are anonymous and very secretive, an enigma in the widest
sense. They come and go with little trace like some sort of techno-communications ninja.
Their methods include:
When a news show is on, they will interrupt the video feeds to the show, and substitute their own tapes of what really
happened. (Used when they know that the Techno's are spreading false info)
They will infiltrate television studios and replace all of their back-up tapes with their own copies of broadcasts (which melt
after one playing so that they cannot be examined)
They raid uplink stations of cable companies and place equipment that makes the signal tampering all the harder.
They begin grass-roots anti-television movements around the nation.
They hack signals to broadcast their own short broadcasts telling the masses the truth.
They help those that are also on the run from the Technocracy, always looking for others that are into the cause.
They assassinate known technomancers when and if they get the chance. They have killed 4 to this date; this is a harsh
method, but realize that they are fighting a war, a war that if they don't win, will result in the brain-washing of the entire
They seem to have spies in all major television networks that get them info and video clips and such.
They hack into The networks' computer systems and do damage as well as planting their own information. This can be
anything from re-arranging television shows, to cutting off the last 10 minutes of a much-awaited television show. They can
hack into the computers that are connected to the tele-type machines during a live broadcast and get their info out that
way, etc.

Story Ideas
The Remote Controls can be in with anyone that you wish them to be with. They could be pawns of the Virtual Adepts, or they
could be Sleepers that have indeed begun to fight back. The call is up to you; make them in with the Marauders for all I care.
Here are some ways that you can use the R.C.'s

Background Color: Whenever the players pass by a television, have the R.C.'s bust in and begin to spout their talk. Or from
time to time have the players witness a raid on some warehouse or other building that they overhear was for the sole purpose of
finding the 'damn T.V. Hackers'. Make sure to have a few MIB's there just to get the point across.

Adventure Hook: The RC's interrupt a news broadcast's video feed with a video clip of one of the Player's loved ones or
Acolytes being captured by the NWO. Or they can get in contact with the players and offer to work with them on a case by case

NPC's (Friendly): They can work with the players, be acolytes, etc, or they can be contacts, or a "Weapon" that the players
have access to.

NPC's (Enemy): Perhaps they are against all mages, not just the Technocracy. Have a player that is a little too violent with their
magick? Have his face show up on the local news as wanted by the police for questioning, or have him show up on COP's or
even America's Most Wanted. I mean: "Whatcha' gonna do when they come for you? huh mage boy?"

Random Element: Use them to throw the players off guard, just as another weird element of street culture or weirdness in the
life of a will-worker.

Movies, Books and Idea Sources

They Live (Great film, major influence, just substitute the technocracy for the aliens, and you have one messed up chronicle!)
Snow Crash (Great Book)
Postman's Technopoly (Read it!)

Johnny Mnemonic (The T.V. hacker parts)

STFX: The Encounter

By Jeremy Streeter (

Part One: NATO and the Special Task Force X Briefing

The Special Task Forces originated out of NATO joint forces after a series of terrorist attacks in Europe, circa 1974. The
Special Task Forces were initiated by the UN and NATO forces through a special recruiting program which developed a
categorization system for area specialists. Any person vying to apply to the Special Task Forces was to endure a lengthy
application process as well as an intense background screening and psychological evaluation.
In 1981, the Special task Forces divided into 9 regional branches to serve as anti-terrorist task forces. Each team was assigned
a continent or country, varying by size and population. The Special Task Force Teams are assigned as follows:
STF-1 United States
STF-2 Canada
STF-3 Central America
STF-4 South America
STF-5 Africa
STF-6 Europe
STF-7 Russia and Former United Soviet Socialist Republics
STF-8 China and East Asia
STF-9 Australia and Polynesia
In 1985, the level of terrorism grew several times due to the increased tension in Central and Eastern Europe, and the
impending fall of the U.S.S.R. and East German block. The Cold War ended in 1988, causing a dramatic rise in smaller,
undeclared terrorist organizations. The UN privately discussed forming another Special Task Force team to counteract the now
increasing threats, but majority weighed against it due to the estimated cost of development to a new team. The proposal was
for a mobile support team which was to provide direction and intervention where the stationary teams were unable to maneuver
local nations and politics. The team was never officially initiated, and remained a subject into the last 20th Century, named
appropriately Special Task Force "X".
In 1995, STF-X was officially declared a closed case as the UN council came to a decision. The actual decision was to form the
last 10th Special Task Force team beneath the view of the public. It was named Special Project Pyramid by NATO recruiting
offices and the STF-X was quickly and quietly formed. Today, STF-X carries a Level 5 Sensitivity Classification boasting the
largest team of all the Special Task Forces. As well, STF-X is headed by the original Special Task Force creator, the man
whom started the whole idea, Director Van Delany. Very little is known of the activities of Special Project Pyramid or the STF-X,
but competition is harsh and entry into the program is incredibly difficult. STF-X trains at a specially designed and secluded
mountain base somewhere in North America, Canada, or Switzerland.
Entry level requires specialization in the following areas of warfare and anti-terrorism:
Tactics & Combat, GS-Z4
Surveillance & Espionage, GS-Z9
Games & Theory, GS-ZX
Demolitions & Sabotage, GS-Z1
Survival & Transportation, GS-K2
Communications & Security, GS-V6
Advancement & Research, GS-M1
Once a person has completed the application process and has been accepted for the screening process, he or she will be flown
to the STF headquarters where full investigation is conducted. After the investigation and clearance has been issued, the
applying individual is put into the first phase of training for STF-X.
Entrance into STF-X goes through 7 Phases as per the following:
Phase 1 Survival & Transportation
Phase 2 Surveillance & Espionage
Phase 3 Tactics & Combat
Phase 4 Communications & Security
Phase 5 Demolitions & Sabotage
Phase 6 Advancement & Research
Phase 7 Games & Theory
The farthest phase that an individual reaches is where that individual is placed for specialization. If at any time a person decides
to reject further training, he or she will be placed back into Phase 1. Another Investigation will be held regarding the rejecting

individual and then the person is released to NATO again if found ineligible for the Special Task Forces.
The current Special Task Force investigation team is headed by STF-1 and STF-2 in Buffalo, NY, USA. The current NATO
Special Project Pyramid is operated by the following individuals:
Director of NATO SPP: Van Delany
Intelligence & Security: Dot Cambridge
Operations & Activities: Kevin Wright
Recruiting: Brother Miles
For entrance into NATO SPP STF-X, contact Brother Miles at the following:
Send: SASE to 1500 Green St., Marlboro, VT 07701, USA. Or call 1-800-999-1134, ext. 500.

Part Two: STFX Entrance Form










Part Three: STFX & The World of Darkness

Where the Special Task Force, the UN, and NATO is concerned, the World of Darkness is their world to defend and protect.
Whether or not they know about the things they're fighting against is a moot point as they'll learn soon enough if they don't
already know. For the most part, most of the STFX Teams have not encountered a great deal of supernaturals (e.g., Vampires,
Mummies, Changelings, Mages, Wraiths, Werewolves, Wyrm Archons, etc.). It is easiest to surmise that somewhere somebody

does know something, and has taken a standpoint in the picture, taken sides, and uses the Special Task Force X Teams as a
bunch of chess pieces in a larger scale war of sorts, similar to the Jyhad. As the reality of the existence of supernaturals begins
to dawn on the STF-X teams, more and more of the teams have begun to disappear. A rumor exists about a rogue
disconnected Special Task Force X Team from NATO, said to be the oldest formed, having realized their position in the
scheme of things. The current situation for the majority of the STF-X Teams is that of seclusion, as most of them have been in
training and secluded from the rest of the world. They rely on their "superiors" for any information regarding news and so on,
which easily could be controlled by those people for whom the Team work.

Part Four: STFX Character Creation

Step One: Character Concept & Archetypes
The STF-X Team members include the following Concepts:
Tactics & Combat Specialist
Surveillance & Espionage Specialist
Games & Theory Specialist
Demolitions & Sabotage Specialist
Survival & Transportation Specialist
Communications & Security Specialist
Advancement & Research Specialist
The Character Archetypes are as listed, but not limited to the list below:
Architect: You work to build a better future.
Autocrat: Control freak.
Bon Vivant: Life's a ball.
Bravo: Vigilance is the key.
Caregiver: You want to help everybody.
Celebrant: Do it with heat and passion, or don't do it.
Child: You need help with everything you do.
Competitor: Fight with the best, die like the rest.
Conformist: Lemming.
Conniver: Selfish? Who me?
Curmudgeon: Bleak isn't it?
Deviant: Existence is here and now.
Director: You really enjoy watching, but you enjoy controlling it more.
Fanatic: Who needs a cause?
Gallant: Tadaa!
Judge: All that matters is the truth.
Loner: Your way is the highway.
Martyr: Mmm. Suffering.
Masochist: To the edge.
Monster: Super freak.
Pedagogue: knowledge is the key.
Penitent: You have something to be sorry for.
Perfectionist: Anal. Clean cut. Perfect.
Rebel: Rules? Rules suck.
Rogue: I know I can. I know you can't.
Survivor: I will survive!
Thrill-Seeker: Beyond the edge.
Traditionalist: It is the way.
Trickster: Smiling is the cure for everything.
Visionary: In the end, there is more.

Step Two: Select Attributes

Prioritize your categories: Physical, Social, & Mental.
Due to the different concept types inside of STFX, separate beginning Attribute scores are available in this manner:
( 6 / 4 / 3 ) - Tactics & Combat Specialist
( 6 / 4 / 3 ) - Surveillance & Espionage Specialist
( 4 / 4 / 3 ) - Games & Theory Specialist
( 4 / 4 / 3 ) - Demolitions & Sabotage Specialist
( 6 / 4 / 3 ) - Survival & Transportation Specialist
( 6 / 4 / 3 ) - Communications & Security Specialist
( 6 / 4 / 3 ) - Advancement & Research Specialist

Step Three: Select Abilities

Prioritize the categories: Talents, Skills & Knowledge
Due to the different concept types inside of STFX, separate beginning Ability scores are available in this manner: (All STFX
Team Members are restricted from taking the Occult, Knowledge Ability unless they take the Merit Occult Knowledge listed in
the Merits & Flaws Section).
( 13 / 9 / 5 ) - Tactics & Combat Specialist
( 13 / 9 / 5 ) - Surveillance & Espionage Specialist
( 19 / 11 / 8 ) - Games & Theory Specialist
( 19 / 11 / 8 ) - Demolitions & Sabotage Specialist
( 13 / 9 / 5 ) - Survival & Transportation Specialist
( 13 / 9 / 5 ) - Communications & Security Specialist
( 13 / 9 / 5 ) - Advancement & Research Specialist

Step Four: Select Advantages

Choose Backgrounds:
Due to the different concept types inside of STFX, separate beginning Background scores are available in this manner:
(5) Tactics & Combat Specialist
(5) Surveillance & Espionage Specialist
(8) Games & Theory Specialist
(8) Demolitions & Sabotage Specialist
(5) Survival & Transportation Specialist
(5) Communications & Security Specialist
(5) Advancement & Research Specialist
The following Backgrounds may be chosen by STFX Team members: Allies: Most often your local team in STFX, very rarely will
there be people you align yourself with outside of it.
Contacts: People you met from before joining STFX, you know you could still get information out of them if you needed to do it.
Equipment: The level of access and clearance that a team member has to STFX and NATO resources and technology.
Favors: Similar to the Contacts background, these Favors are with people you met prior to joining STFX.
Ghost: You've submitted to the telepath-induced drug tests and have been labeled by NATO and the Special Task Forces as a
Ghost. You're closely watched and monitored in everything you do; you're an investment now and they can't afford to lose you.
Instructor: The leading person who has been the only point of contact with you, your team, and the world, as well as the person
that has trained you in everything you know.
Resources: Your individual Resources, outside of the scope of the military world; your family might have some money that you
can still get to when in need.

Step Five: Finishing Touches

Record the Balance: (5)
Record Willpower (3)
Spend "Freebie Points" (30) (Characters may purchase Numina, Merits and Flaws with "Freebie Points")

Freebie Points
"Freebie Points" may be used to purchase Numina, Dominus, Merits & Flaws, as well as any of those things listed in the
following Chart:
First Numina
Second Numina
First Dominus

5 per dot
2 per dot
1 per dot
7 per dot
14 per dot
1 per dot
6 per dot

Second Dominus 12 per dot

New Abilities
Black Marketeering
You have found your niche in the world of smuggling and trading of contraband and illegal things. Furthermore, you can get these
things at reduced prices and know how to navigate the Black Market like a pro.

Customer: You can find and buy illegal things most of the time, but the prices can be a little high.
Middle Man: You help others buy mass quantities and take a little off the top for the work. The prices are better but not what
you consider a deal.
*** Smuggler: You can move large quantities of illegal weapons at a profit between 3rd World Countries.
**** Arms Dealer: You can move illegal stuff just about anywhere but 1st World Countries.
***** Cartel: You control a hemisphere of illegal smuggling. Nothing moves without you knowing first.

Underworld Lore
You prefer to watch from the outside of the shadow world of cloak and dagger, but you watch carefully and wait for the moment
when you can make a move for power. Knowledge is after all power.
Hobbyist: You collect articles and study on the intelligence community, and can name the major organizations at any time.
** Fanatic: You record everything you can about everything, and you know enough to be paranoid.
*** Underworld Scholar: You've studied enough, maybe more than you wished you had, but you know some things about it all,
and you have trouble sleeping at night because of it.
**** Underworld Expert: Your name is passed around the intelligence community. Of course, you made sure it wasn't your real
name, but you're still sure you're being watched.
***** Underworld Tunnel Rat: You can dig up dirt from the deepest bowels of the Underworld Culture.

New Background
You've submitted to the experimental genetic drugs, known as Terafzinelodoxide, and have taken on the effects whether
beneficial or not and have since developed some telepathic ability of some kind. The number of doses you have taken
determines the severity of the effect of the drug.
1 dose of Terafinelodoxide
** 2 doses of Terafinelodoxide
*** 5 doses of Terafinelodoxide
**** 9 doses of Terafinelodoxide
***** 14 dose (maximum) of Terafinelodoxide
These are effects per dose of Terafinelodoxide:
Rules: For each dose of Terafinelodoxide, roll 1D10 and determine the effects based on the chart below. Tens may be re-rolled
and accumulated.
Level one of a Class One telepathic ability
One derangement, Level two of a Class One telepathic ability
Level two of a Class One telepathic ability
20-29 Two derangements, Level two of a Class One telepathic ability
30-34 Two derangements, Level one of a Class Two telepathic ability
35-50 Level two of a Class Two telepathic ability
51-56 Level three of a Class One telepathic ability
57-66 Three derangements, Level two of a Class Two telepathic ability
67-68 Level four of a Class One telepathic ability
69-74 Three derangements, Level three of a Class Two telepathic ability
75-79 Level five of a Class One telepathic ability
80-82 Level one of a Class Three telepathic ability
83-88 Level three of a Class Two telepathic ability
89-95 Four derangements, Level one of a Class Three telepathic ability
96-99 Level two of a Class Three telepathic ability
100-105 Level four of a Class Two telepathic ability

106-111 Four derangements, Level four of a Class Two telepathic ability

112-119 Level three of a Class Three telepathic ability
120-121 Level five of a Class Two telepathic ability
122-129 Five derangements, Level three of a Class three telepathic ability
130-132 Level four of a Class Three telepathic ability
133-137 Five derangements, Level five of a Class Two telepathic ability
138-140 Level five of a Class Three telepathic ability
Class One Telepathic Abilities: Animal Psi, Clairvoyance, Precognition, Telepathy, Psychometry
Class Two Telepathic Abilities: Anti-Psi, Telekinesis
Class Three Telepathic Abilities: Pyrokinesis, Entrokinesis, Electrokinesis, Physio-nesis
Note: Rules for Animal Psi, Clairvoyance, Precognition, Telepathy, Psychometry, Anti-Psi, Telekinesis, & Pyrokinesis can all be
found in the various "Year of the Hunter" Sourcebooks for the White Wolf's's World of Darkness series.

New Numinas
Electrokinesis allows a Telepath to manipulate static and kinetic energy and focus it into small areas resulting in localized
phenomenon of lightning. The number of successes determines the strength of the energy release in the localized area. The
maximum range for the effect of Electrokinesis is about 5 yards per success. The lightning phenomenon caused by
Electrokinesis can cause flammable objects to catch on fire as well as heat up or magnetize nearby metallic objects. It costs one
Willpower point to use this ability.
Spark (No Damage)
** Arc (1 die of aggravated damage, 1 die of electromagnetic damage)
*** Burst (2 die of aggravated damage, 1 die of electromagnetic damage)
**** Strike (4 die of aggravated damage, 3 die of electromagnetic damage)
***** Tempest (5 die of aggravated damage, 5 die of electromagnetic damage)

The ability to literally control the dispersion of molecules in a given area in a way that a disintegration can result. This can be
used to tear about molecules at extremes, and at lower levels of ability drop the absolute temperature of a target. Entrokinesis is
neo-psychic ability having been spawned by the experimental drug Terafinelodoxide. At first a target begins to chill, then freeze,
and then disintegrate into base molecular levels. The maximum range for the effect of Entrokinesis is about 10 yards per
success. When this ability is stopped the target will slowly return to its original state if no permanent damage was done. The
ability cannot have gone past level 3 Entrokinesis. It costs one Willpower point to use this ability per turn.
Chill (0 Degrees C, No Damage)
** Freeze (-30 Degrees C, 2 die of non-aggravated damage)
*** Solidify (-70 Degrees C, 5 die of non-aggravated damage)
**** Disintegrate (-140 Degrees C, 7 die of aggravated damage)
***** Dispersion (0 Degrees Kelvin, 10 die of aggravated damage)

Physio-nesis is the most unique and highly advanced of the neo-psychic abilities that developed from Terafinelodoxide testing.
Physio-nesis consists of the simple ideal, mind over matter, allowing a Telepath to use Physio-nesis to manipulate form and
substance. For all intensive purposes this ability is treated in similar respects to Vampiric Discipline of Vicissitude. The number
of successes determine the sharpness of form change as well as the recomposition of the substance. At higher aptitudes of
Physio-nesis, a Telepath may manipulate other's physiologies at 10 yards per success. It costs one Willpower point to use this

Exothermic (Manipulation of the flesh, muscles, cartilage, and hair)

Endothermic (Additional Manipulation of the Bones, Organs, and bodily fluids)
Remote Control (Manipulation of the flesh, muscles, cartilage, and hair from a distance)
Improved Remote Control (Additional Manipulation of the Bones, Organs, and bodily fluids from a distance)

***** Clone (Perfection between the physiological manipulation between two subjects can result in perfectly cloned targets)

Dominus are special powers, if you call them that, derived from cybernetic and bionic technologies heightened to a inhuman
capacity, giving a person the ability to do things beyond normal human capabilities both physically, socially, and mentally. A
single individual can only have two Dominus installed into her mind via cybernetics and bionic technology.
None of the Dominus cost any special points; the only detrimental effect of using any Dominus is the fact that it makes an
individual incredibly tired, especially at more powerful levels of proficiency. An individual can never exceed her level in Stamina
in Dominus. Every time Dominus is used, Stamina must be rolled. If a single success at difficulty 7 is achieved the individual can
continue. If no successes are achieved then the person must rest for Sta+10 minutes where she stands. If the roll is botched the
person collapses in her place.

Displacensy (Time)

Shimmer: Through using Shimmer, a person can gleam slightly into the future or the past with all regards to her dimension
and next several actions.
** Axis: Through using Axis, a person is able to fold a moment in time and space and essentially cross a great distance
without actually moving. 1D10 is rolled for a number of kilometers moved at maximum. Sometimes the exact range is not
always achieved.
*** Chron: Through using Chron, a person can temporarily stop time and step out of it and move freely for roughly what would
seem 10 seconds.
**** Temporest: Through using Temporest, a person can force a rupture in space-time directly where she wants it. This causes
20 levels of aggravated damage at that point; a Perception + Awareness roll must be made to figure out if the rupture was
correctly focused on a particular point.
***** Oracle: Through using Oracle, an individual is able to slow and speed time at will. A negative effect of this level of power is
that all time pieces in the general vicinity of the person no matter using the power or not, are always distorted.

Mneumononcy (Mind)

Quasi: Through using Quasi, a person can interpret surface thoughts and emotions from those around her and turn them
against them if needed.
** Prism: Through using Prism, a person can focus on free standing thoughts and take them in, as if a vacuum for free
thought. The person will get any thoughts in the last 1D10 months from the general area.
*** Monomi: Through using Monomi, a person can now read and send thoughts as if speaking them naturally. However it must
be concentrated upon each time and quickly can tire the individual.
**** Polyth: Through using Polyth, a person can reach inside the subconscious of one person and gather any information
***** Agamemnon: Through using Agamemnon, a person can now hear thoughts without trying, as if everybody were whispering
to her. It takes concentration to shut out voices to hear one.

Transmography (Matter)

Foil: Through using Foil, a person can change the color and texture of her clothes and skin and hair to anything she wishes
for a period of 1D10 minutes (transparency is possible).
** Bridge: Through using Bridge, a person takes half damage from any physical damage, including falling, being shot, etc. As
well, the person is able to now avoid bullets by making a Dexterity+Dodge roll, difficulty 9.
*** Chasm: Through using Chasm, a person can reshape any part of her body into an abstract form, nothing particularly
attractive. In addition the person can change to a liquid like gel that moves at 1/3 her normal movement rate.
**** Masks: Through using Masks, a person can reshape her body into that of an identical replica of another person. The
closeness of the clone is found by rolling Perception+Awareness, difficulty 8. No voice change occurs.
***** Chameleon: Through using Chameleon, a person can shift from gaseous, to liquid, to solid form, as well as take on any
number of shapes and sizes, all of these being incredibly dangerous however in the event that the individual loses control
of the form.

Transmonity (Motion)

Clarity: Through using Clarity, a person is able to catch things thrown at her or block them with perfection, as well as throw
and fire things at targets with almost perfect accuracy. This makes all difficulties for rolls concerning projectiles difficulty 3,
with the exception of bullets being fired at the person.
** Box: Through using Box, a person can "feel" her surroundings well enough that inside a room or house, the slightest
movement of air alerts her to movement in the structure.
*** Helix: Through using Helix, a person can move objects of relatively moderate to small size, as well as flip levers and press
buttons at a good distance.
**** Norax: Through using Norax, a person moves at speeds beyond the human senses, and the person receives 1D10 extra
actions for a turn of movement.

***** Golem: Through using Golem, a person can move an object of any size a great distance, as well as herself at will; a
dangerous but incredibly powerful ability.

Vortensity (Mass/Size)

Syncho: Through using Syncho, a person can increase her mass enough such that she may not be lifted by any normal
** Thread: Through using Thread, a person can now control her mass and weight to the distinct point to virtually walk up walls
or on ceilings.
*** Hammer: Through using Hammer, a person can double her size and mass enabling her to feats of strength and mass
**** Unity: Through using Unity, a person can focus on a point in space and cause it to become a temporary Unity, a black hole.
This causes 40 levels of aggravated damage to the target, and anything within 50 meters receives 20 levels of normal
***** Berzerk: Through using Berzerk, a person can grow up to 10 times her normal size and mass, growing into a colossal
humanoid of immense destruction power.

Plauzincey (Entropy)

Sap: Through using Sap, a person can remove electricity from any battery, or short circuit any electrical switch or wire. As
well, a person can cause 4 levels of aggravated damage to a target object or person, the target must physically touched.
** Well: Through using Well, a person can not only remove energy from things around her, but can channel it and hold it inside
of a well of sorts allowing her to let it all out at once. A person may hold up to 10 levels of aggravated damage of energy at
any one time, should an individual cross over this 10th level, she has no control over the energy any longer and it disperses
wildly around her.
*** Matrix: Through using Matrix, a person can weave a field of entropy around her, causing anything in a small distance
around her to take damage or disperse at the molecular level.
**** Jet: Through using Jet, a person can eject a stream of dark matter and absence of energy, virtually disintegrating anything
in its path. Its range varies and is unpredictable.
***** Helios: Through using Helios, can literally blast away at space time with a focus of entropic beams on a single target doing
50 levels of aggravated damage. The difficulty to resist collapsing after using this power is 4 successes at difficulty 10.

Girulency (Energy)

Remi: Through using Remi, a person can energize an object or cause electrical damage to a target at 3 levels of
aggravated damage.
** Chrome: Through using Chrome, a person can float on a disc of energy and actually fly if she concentrates hard enough.
*** Orb: Through using Orb, a person creates a force field of energy around her that will protect her and do 10 levels of normal
damage to anything touches it.
**** Accel: Through using Accel, a person can cause particles of energy to accelerate towards a target causing 6D10 levels of
damage. These are not aggravated.
***** Phission: Through using Phission, a person can cause a target to suffer 75 levels of aggravated damage, no questions
asked. This one will destroy just about anything at the atomic level.

New Merits & Flaws

Delirium Resistance: (3 pt Merit) The Character may resist the effects of Delirium caused by things such as the Crinos form of
the Garou by spending a Willpower point each turn.

Delirium Immunity: (7 pt Merit) The Character is completely immune to the effects of Delirium and can stand her ground
against it with no challenge at all, this doesn't guarantee the character still won't be scared though if a Garou changes to Crinos
in her face.

Combat Specialist: (4 pt Merit) In every aspect of personal warfare the Character is a natural, when rolling any personal
combat rolls, firearms, melee, brawl, etc, the difficulty is 4 less.

Occult Knowledge: (7 pt Merit) For some reason, you did some research, and you don't just believe in supernaturals, you know
they're out there too. You may take the Occult Ability regularly after choosing this ability.

Mule: (7 pt Merit) For every two days that everybody else loses two points in the Balance, you only lose one. What's more, you
only need to rest for 6 hours instead of 8 to gain a point of Balance back again. You're a mule.

Intelligence Connoisseur: (3 pt Merit) You have full knowledge on your mission, and while you were at it, you peaked at the
task force mission goals too. You love getting the dirt to save your hide.

Mutant (3-5 pt Flaw) You have taken on some strange deformity that has made your life far more difficult than you had ever
expected it could be. Perhaps you have extra eyes, though they don't work, or maybe you have you have one webbed hand. The
possibilities are endless and grotesque.

Beneficial Mutation: (7 pt Merit) You have developed a mutation that is both functional and incredibly helpful in your line of
work, maybe an extra opposable thumb on each hand, maybe the ability to slightly change the pigmentation of your skin through
different hues.

Lucky Dose: (7 pt Merit) You were given a dose of that green stuff to get psychic abilities, lo and behold you were lucky with it
and got something fairly good out of it. So many people end up as vegetables when they take the green serum, but you didn't.
With this Merit, you are able to move up or down one set of points to a beneficial result on the results table from taking the Ghost

Bad Shot: (2 pt Flaw) You suck at shooting any weapon, and because of this you receive a penalty of 3 to the difficulty of any
firing weapon.

Experience Points Chart

Attributes CRx4
Abilities CRx2
Willpower CRx8
Numina CRx8
Dominus CRx8, Equipment 3, Stamina Must be Higher

Part Five: New Rules & Systems

The Balance
This is the supplement for Humanity. In STFX, humanity is not something that comes directly into play with the characters, so
thusly, the balance is its replacement. The Balance is literally a balance. It measures the character's level of stability; if the
Balance faults too far in one direction or another the character can fall unconscious or die. The balance is merely to measure
character fatigue and character stamina. This is the basic premise for game mastering the Balance:
1 eight hour rest period increases the Balance by one dot. If the rest period is longer, the increase to the Balance is still one dot.
For every day a character is awake without at least 4 hours of rest, a dot is lost from the Balance. Thus, if character A begins
with 5 dots in Balance, during the first the character travels 3 days straight without rest and then finally rests for 12 hours, the
character ends the session with a 3 in her Balance.

Nothing new for Willpower with the exception of, have as high of a Willpower as possible. It's highly recommended by me, as
much of what the characters encounter will require spending of and rolling of their Willpower. It just happens a lot when you mix
mortals and supernaturals.

Students of Hate
By Adam Scott (

Students of Hate are, for the most part, normal human beings. What makes a Student different from the rest of us is his pain.
Some time in the Student's past, he has lost something, or otherwise been hurt in such a way as to scar his mind, a trauma that
can't be healed. Most importantly, some one or some thing caused this pain.
In most human beings, there are two common responses to a percieved threat: fear and hate. If somebody murders your wife,
chances are that you will develop a deep hatred for that person. This is the kind of thing that makes a Student of Hate. First, a
great pain must leave a great scar, and I'm not talking about anything so wimpy as a broken leg. I'm talking about seeing your
entire family killed right before your eyes or being forced to watch as the person you thought was your best friend rapes and
mutilates your wife. Lets not rule out the possibility that your pain was the result of random chance: your wife was killed by a drive
by meant for somebody else. The pain needn't be the result of any violence: by digging up a piece of dirt in your past, a detective
has just ruined any chance you may have of attaining your life's dream of becoming a doctor. All of these and more are
In addition, in order to become a Student of Hate, you must steadfastly refuse to let go of your pain. You must hold on to that
pain. Every day, you must consider how you were hurt, why you were hurt, and how you will take revenge upon those who hurt
you. In addition to that, any pleasure, such as friendship, love, or pride, is a luxury that you cannot afford.
Finally, you must have a teacher, someone who will teach you how to focus all that pain and hatred into a force to be feared.

Primary Hatred
Every Student of Hate must have a Primary Hatred. This is the person or creature that first caused your pain. It could be the
Hitman that killed your son or it could be the drug dealer that ordered the hit. Either way, it is one person that caused your pain
and embodies what it is that you hate. When having direct contact with the Primary Hatred, the Rage pool is automatically raised
to its maximum, like Garou with its auspice moon.

Secondary Hatred
It isn't necessary that a Student of Hate have a secondary Hatred. The Secondary Hatred is a person or creature that you
associate with your Primary Hatred, one of his friends that watched or just a lacky that assisted him in causing your pain by
following his orders. Having direct contact with a Secondary Hatred means rolling your Hate score at difficulty six and raising
your rage by 1 per success.

Tertiary Hatred
Every Student of Hate must have a Tertiary Hatred. This isn't a specific person or thing, but rather the type of person or thing that
caused your pain. If your Primary Hatred was a KKK member that bombed your students for being too active in the equal rights
effort, your Tertiary Hatred would be racism. With a success on the Hate roll, diff 6, having direct contact with those who exhibit
your Tertiary Hatred will give you one Rage.

Hate is the stat that puts a number to how far a Student of Hate has refined and focused the emotion of hatred into a functional
Willpower. Every Student starts out with 1 level of Hate. Those who become Students of Hate during the course of play spend 20
xp for the first level of Hate. After that, each new level will cost 10 X current to advance.

Advantages of Hate
First, it should be noted that Hate, itself, is not supernatural. It is a focus of your abilities that allows you to do what most people
don't think they have the ability to do. And, Hate is not an external thing coming into you, such as vampiric blood. Hate is the
expression of your own hatred, as such, it comes purely from within.

Ignoring pain: For each level of Hate a character posseses, the character can ignore one die of damage penalty. By the time a
student reaches level 5 the focus of Hatred is so powerful that the character can walk on a broken leg without wincing.

By level 7 the student will not let anything but death stop him.
At level 8, the student actually ignores wounds that would kill other mortals (it takes 2 past incapacitated to kill the student).
At 9, it takes 3 past incapacitated to kill the student.
At 10 levels of pure Hate, the Student of Hate literally ignores death. Nothing can stop the Student of Hate, that has achieved this
level, from destroying his Primary Hatred. At this level, the end of the student's enemy is the end of the student as it is only
focused hatred that is keeping him alive.

Rage: For each level of Hate a Student of Hate has, he has one point of rage, more aptly named "temporary Hate." Spending
one will allow for extra actions, ignoring a stun, or ignoring wound penalties for one turn. Students of Hate can spend Rage for
automatic successes on Strength rolls, particularly for damage. A Student is limited by Dexterity to how much rage he/she can
spend in a turn of combat.
On the occasion that some form of supernatural mind control is used against hte Student, a point of Rage may be used in place
of a point of WP. However, the mind control must be of a nature to become a barrier in between the Student's goal and the
Student. Spending a point of Rage must be followed up with violent action on the part of the Student, most likely directed at the
one controlling.

Awakening Supernatural Talent: This happens when a "normal" Student of Hate reaches 6th level and beyond (which is rare
in and of itself). Each time a Student focuses his Hate by one more level, he has a chance of forcing his supernatural abilities
into power.
Allegedly normal human beings might warp reality by the incredible power of their focused Hate. Kinfolk might, through focusing
their Hate, awaken the shifting gene. In any such case, the awakened student is unlikely to know anything about what they have
become and won't learn additional Gifts, Spheres, Disciplines, or whatever type of power he awoke.
A Student of Hate that awakens himself into a Mage will not realize that there are specific powers. Unless a mage finds him and
educates him, the Student's power will be a wild talent, activating in occasions when the Student activates his focus.
One that awakens the shifting gene will have the advantages of a Crinos form, when the focus is used, but will not be able to
force the shift under calmer situations, unless he/she is taught the truth of the matter by an appropriate shifter. The student will not
have any gifts. If he is inducted into a werewolf tribe (not a very probable occurance) he will effectively be without an auspice, so
all Auspice gifts will be of the non-Auspice cost.

Raised Physical Maximum: For every level past 5, the Student raises the trait maximum for Strength and Stamina. So, a level
7 Student of Hate could achieve a Strength or Stamina of 7, but not any other stat.

Disadvantages of Hate
Wyrm: With the first level of Hate, the Student takes on a Wyrm taint. While there are moments when hate can be useful, hatred
of injustice for example, devoting yourself to it is an act of destruction that is more than likely to mark you with the Wyrm, even if
you are a Garou who's Prime Hatred is the Wyrm.
When one gets into the top 5 levels, the taint of evil becomes increasingly noticable by Bete who don't have the gift Sense Wyrm
or a similar gift. So, the chances of a Student of Hate having an ally of a were-creature that doesn't serve the Wyrm are slim to

Banality: This, for a Student of Hate, is very much a problem. By they're nature, they aren't going to make any fae friends. Even
the Unseelie know that evil is bad. And, whether the Student of Hate has what can be considered an evil goal or not, he is tainted
by something that no fae would enjoy.

Charisma: Charisma + Hate can never equal more than 5. By focusing your Hate to just 1 point, you take on an aura of "threat".
By your attitude and the feel people have about the Student, his ability to win friends and influence people is going to drop. But,
that doesn't really matter, friends are a luxury. The pain is the only thing I need to finish my work before I die.

Humanity: Humanity + Hate can never exceed 10. Humanity is compassion and love. For hatred to be at its most effective, it
must crowd out compassion and love.

Patience: There will be times when the opportunity presents itself to make an attempt upon the life of your Primary or Secondary
Hatred, or just to hurt somebody who exhibits your Tertiary, but doing so would be disadvantageous. Sometimes plans need
patience. But, hatred is not patient. When the opportunity arises and the character does not wish to, he must make a WP roll to
the difficulty of his Hate score. +2 for Secondary Hatred. +4 for Primary. Success means that the Student effectively resists the

Recovering from the Pain

It is a rare occasion, but it does happen that some Students of Hate will feel that they have fulfilled their goal or that they have
gone too far for too little. This Student of Hate may decide to reclaim his/her humanity and attempt to recover from the years of

focusing entirely upon hatred. This is a slow process with many setbacks.
To recover from the Pain, a student must try to redeem himself. He must try to make himself humane again. After years or even
decades of thinking about nothing but pain and revenge, this is a difficult process. The character must resist the urge to violence.
Every time a recovering Student of Hate resorts to violence (even if it is the absolutely last resort), a Fall Check (explained
below) must be rolled.
In game terms, this means that the character will have to buy back humanity. When this doesn't clash with the Hate stat (such as
Hate level 5 and Humanity being raised to 4), it is at normal cost Current x2. If the humanity increase does clash with the Hate
stat (such as a Hate level of 6 and humanity being raised to 5), the cost is Current x4.
Note, after first focusing your destructive negative emotions into Hate, you can never reach a full 10 Humanity again. That one
point of Hate will always be there to remind you of what you were and to provide a door way so that you can Fall back into your
old ways.
When Humanity clashes with Hate, the clashed Hate point becomes a Shadow Hate Point. This means that the point of hate
produces none of the benefits or pitfalls of Hate, but is there for the character to Fall back into. For example, a recovering
Student of Hate has a Hate level of 7 and a Humanity of 5. Being that 7+5=12, there's a problem. So, two points of Hate become
Shadow Hate points.

The Fall: The Fall is what keeps any Recovering Student from completely recovering. Every time the Recovering Student resorts
to violence (for any reason), comes accross any of his Hatreds, a Fall check must be made. To make a Fall Check, roll your
complete Hate level (including the Shadow Hate Points) against the difficulty of your Humanity. For every success your Hate has,
you fall one point back into your old ways. In game terms, that means that for every Hate success, one Shadow Hate Point
becomes activated and you lose one point of Humanity, to be regained by buying it as if you never had it in the first place.

This isn't a supernatural organization by any means. In fact, the majority of Students are quite mortal and quite without
supernatural ability. The abilities that come from focusing one's Hate are purely a result of the focus on emotion of destruction.
While supernatural creatures can become Students of Hate, the power remains completely within the mundane.
I am considering writing up rules for two other such organizations. While the Students of Hate would correspond to destruction
and the Wyrm, I may write up students for other emotions to correspond to Creation and the Wyld or preservation and the
Weaver. If you have any ideas, I would love to hear them.

Students of Love
By Adam Scott (

Despite being students of vastly opposing emotions, the Students of Hate and the Students of Love share two very important
qualities in common. One, for the most part, they are both human. Supernatural entities can learn from and enjoy the benefits and
pitfalls of both, but most of the Students of each are human.
The other is that the powers, while allowing for seemingly supernatural abilities, are purely mundane. This is not to say that either
is common by any stretch of the imagination, but it is to say that the abilities coming from either is a result of focusing the will
everybody has, not using a power that only a few have.
The nature of the discipline, despite the fact that it is essentially another way of reaching the same untapped will, is different in its
very nature. Students of Love take their power from that which gives them joy. And, this isn't a reference to such small joys as
sex, food, or play can provide. This is a reference to the joys that can only come by finding a true love, a soul mate. So, the first
thing a person needs to become a Student of Love is a true love (in more detail below).
Next, a potential Student of Love must be willing to focus all of his/her energy on that true love. This kind of focus into love, for
most, can be a very scary endeavor. In fact, it requires an almost total obsession. Focusing on love to such a degree can be
almost as dangerous for the loved as focusing on hate to such a degree would be for the hated.
Finally, of course, there must be a teacher, somebody who will teach you to use that love to focus your will into a formidable
power. But, Students of Love don't teach just anybody with a true love to be Students of Love. There must be a necessity of the
teaching, as this kind of focus on love can be truly dangerous. The necessity of learning usually comes in the form of some threat
to the true love, in which the focus of Love can assist one in protecting the true love or a separation from the love, in which it
would take the assistance of the focus of Love to be with the true love again.

True Love
All Students of Love must have a true love. Contrary to popular opinion, the true love isn't necessarily the one destined to be your
spouse or partner in romantic love. For a parent, the true love could be his or her child. One's soul mate could be a best friend,
with a love that is purely platonic. There are thousands of ways to love, and a true love needn't be picked solely from the romantic
Passions can be reclaimed completely by having direct contact with the true love, such as garou rage and the auspice moon.

Peripheral Love
Just as the Students of Hate feel their rage burn at the expression of a hated quality, the Students of Love find that they have a
quality that will remind them of their true love and their passions will, too, be billowed. If your true love had a strong nurturing
capacity, nurturers may be your peripheral love.
With a success on a Love roll, difficulty 6, the character can regain one point of passions by having contact with the peripheral

Love is the stat that puts a number to how far the Student of Love has refined her Love into a functional willpower. Every Student
of Love starts out with one point in Love. Those who learn the discipline in the course of a game will spend 20 xp for the first dot.
After that 10 xp is all that is necessary.

Advantages of Love
(Again, it should be noted and stressed that, as with Hate, Love is not a supernatural power in any way, shape, or form. It is a
focus of your will that allows you to do what most people think you shouldn't be able to do. In addition, Love does not come to you
from an outside, such as the gifts for the garou or vampiric blood, it is purely from within.)

Ignoring Pain: The Student of Love can ignore one die of damage penalty per point of Love. By the time the Student reaches
level 5, the goal of finding or protecting the true love can enable him or her to walk on broken legs without problem.

By level 7, the only damage that can become a barrier between a Student of Love and his or her true love is death.
By level 8, the Student of Love will ignore damage that kills others (two past incapacitated to kill the Student.)
By level 9, 3 past incapacitated will be necessary to kill the Student.
By level 10, not even death can make an effective barrier between the Student and the true love. However, at this point, the
Student has taken himself so far into Love that any form of permanent loss of his true love will kill the Student, as it is his love that
is keeping him alive.

Passion: While Passion works the same as Rage does for Students of Hate and Garou, the name "rage" does not fit the
expression of Love. So, temporary Love will be called Passion. For every point of Love a Student has, he or she has one point
of Passion. Passion can be spent for extra actions, ignoring stun, or ignoring all wound penalties for a round. Students of Love
can spend Passion on automatic successes Dexterity checks, particularly when protecting a True love.
On the occasion of supernatural mind control of some sort, a point of Passion can be spent to automatically resist. However, this
supernatural mind control must be of the nature to pose a threat to the true love or a barrier between the Student and the True

Awakening a Supernatural Talent: Once an allegedly normal Student of Love reaches a Love rating of 6 or more, a truly rare
thing, in and of itself, the Student has a chance of awakening a hidden supernatural talent as the will of Love forces them out into
the open.
Allegedly normal human beings could awaken into being magi of a sort. The idea of spheres, Arete, or Paradox will be
unknowns to them unless an educated mage comes along and teaches the student about such things. Unless such a thing
happens, the Student's power will be as a wild talent that activates in times when the focus is activated.
Those that awaken the shifting gene will gain the advantage of a Glabro form, in times when strength is needed. However, the
Student will lack any gifts and be unable to force the change consciously. This will change if the Student is found and taught by
one of his or her changing breed. As the Student will not have been originally intended for being one of the shifting breed, the
Student will be effectively without auspice and any auspice gifts will be of increased cost.

Increased Trait Maximum: For each level of Love past 5, the Student's trait maximum for Perception and Dexterity are raised
by one. So, a Student of Love with a Love stat of 7 can have a Perception and a Dexterity of seven, but all others are at the
normal maximum stat.

Disadvantages of Love
Violence: Love is not a violent emotion. It can stir such emotions as fear and hate, which can be quite violent, but love itself is
not violent. As such, Students of Love find it more and more difficult to resort to violence when necessary. In game terms, once
the Student reaches a level of 4 or more, the ST may want to have the player roll Willpower to the difficulty of the Love rating to
resort to violence, even if no other option seems available.

Manipulation: While love may sometimes feed off of one lying to oneself, it abhors lying to others. As a result, Manipulation +
Love can never exceed 5.

Patience: At times, love requires delayed gratification, even delayed love. There will be times in almost every Student's life at
which the Student will have the urge to grab for the true love and run or to just hold the true love once, but to do so would be to
give up on the possibility for a long while, while resisting the urge may allow one to be with the true love forever. In these cases, a
Willpower check to the difficulty of the Love rating must be made in order to resist the urge.

Unrequited Love
Imagine, if you will, that there is one person -- be it friend, lover, parent or child -- who makes you happy. Simply being around
this person would be a great joy. Next, imagine, that this person feels the opposite for you. Imagine that your great love does not
return your affection. Imagine the pain. Now, imagine that you've focused your life around this love.
When a Student of Love has nightmares, this is what those nightmares are about. Unrequited love will have some great effects
on a Student of Love. The first comes in the pain. The pain of unrequited love is one that almost all of us are accustomed to. But,
to focus your life on love forces you to rely upon it for sanity and, in extreme conditions, even for physical health.
If a Student in the first three levels feels the scorch of unrequited love, depression results. Many people experience depression in
many ways. So, this can have any number of varied affects, but it is almost assured that the character will engage in some selfdestructive acts. And, if it is true that, as Freud said, depression is anger turned inwards, such a person may be dangerous
If the Student is in levels 4 or 5, the depression will be so great as to spur on violent acts of destruction. Homicidal rages aren't
out of the reach of probability. Such a person would also be a prime candidate for learning of Hate, which can be very
dangerous indeed, as Love would be quickly transferred to Hate without cost.

If a Student beyond level 5 feels the scorch of unrequited love, the pain will physically damage the student, even to the level of
killing him or her if level 10 has been achieved. The healing of wounds caused in such a manner will be slow and arduous, and
the wounds will leave deep scars.
In any case, the Student has a very good chance of being left unable to love after feeling unrequited love in such a manner.

Side Note: As with the Students of Hate, it should be noted and stressed that the Students of Love are a purely mundane
people. Yes, the supernatural can learn the discipline and use the focus, but the power and the teaching of Love is a very natural

By Lars Strbk (

Despite the Shroud and the Dictum Mortuum, wraiths have always meddled with the lands of the living, at least in part due to
their still mortal Fetters. Though rarely malevolent, the fear they put into the hearts of men cannot be measured. Several groups
exist in the Skinlands that are dedicated to oppose the Restless Dead and their interfering in mortal affairs. Outstanding among
them are the Sons of Tertullian.
The Sons are a subgroup of the Society of Leopold, the holy Inquisition whose mission it is to cleanse the earth of the minions of
Satan, namely the demons, witches and vampires that lurk among humanity. The Society's standpoint is that the supernatural
entities of the World of Darkness have, through their actions and nature, proven themselves to be the servants of the Antichrist
and sworn enemies of humanity.
The level of orthodoxy within the Society varies greatly. Where the Sanbenito, ex-inquisitors believing in mercy rather than
hatred, are one extreme, the Sons of Tertullian are the other. The common opinion among the Sons is that all that stand in the
way of their holy mission must be possessed or otherwise manipulated by the Devil, and that the cause is all that matters. This
zealousness have driven many Tertullians to cruel and inhuman acts, such as the use of torture on the possessed and other
Where most Inquisitors see vampires as humanity's foremost enemy, the Sons of Tertullian see the insidious and subtle spirits
of the dead as being equally, if not more dangerous than their material counterparts. Although several opinions can be heard
within the Society about the Restless Dead, the view of the Tertullians is the one most often referred to. They claim that the
beings known as ghosts are truly the spirits of the deceased. But instead of going to Heaven or Hell, these twisted souls have
been deemed vile enough by Lucifer Himself to serve Him by terrorizing and possessing innocent mortal bodies and doing the
Devil's work. The Sons combat these evil spirits mainly by exorcising the possessed, and, on rare occasions, by venturing into
the Underworld to pursue a particularly diabolical soul. The latter is usually the province of the elusive Sect of St. James.
Despite their expertise on exorcisms, the Sons of Tertullian have very little information about the Underworld and its inhabitants.
They consider all the Restless they encounter to be "evil spirits", and make little attempt to identify the nature of the souls with
whom they deal. That the dead have a society of their own is incomprehensible to most Sons. The Tertullians themselves,
however, have a detailed ranking system ranging from the First to the Seventh Rank. Advancement is regulated through
practical knowledge, so monitoring a certain number of exorcisms could be the requirement for a rise in rank, for instance.

The Sect of St. James

This subgroup within a subgroup is one of the strangest within the Society. Despite the Sons' conservative religious standpoint,
the St. James believe in suicide as a means of entering Heaven. Their rationale is that the greatest sacrifice you can offer the
Lord is your own life, and that this act of devotion proves their honest love of God. Many also believe that their deaths will
absolve the Inquisition's sins and strengthen the cause of Christianity, mimicking the act of our Lord Jesus Christ. They see the
Restless Dead as an affront to their zeal, believing them unwilling to embrace the grace of our Lord and find peace in Heaven.
To this end they constantly seek out wraithly manifestations, trying to convince them to accept the glory of an ascent into Heaven,
and failing that, to banish them to the pits of Hell.
The famed Swords of St. James are unique to the Sect, being potent religious artifacts without actually being relics. Each
member forges his own Sword, using secret rites known only to the St. James, but he is usually assisted by a senior member of
the Sect. The favored method of suicide is by one's own Sword -- after the member feels he has fulfilled his duty to the Sect and
has deserved Paradise -- but hanging or exposure are considered equally appropriate methods of sacrifice. The Swords of St.
James are widely feared by wraiths, as are their wielders, for they are able to do great damage to the corpora of the Restless
Unbeknownst to the Sect, their high-raving ideals have the unintentional effect of feeding Oblivion. If a member's suicide does
not hurl him into Void, but turns him into a wraith instead, then his Shadow in almost all cases takes advantage of the despair he
experiences from not having reached Heaven, but the twilight existence he spent his life combating instead. Even in life,
members of the Sect are brimming with angst and despair, combined with an unwavering faith, and are an exceptionally grim
faction of an already desperate Society.
Other sects within the Sons of Tertullian exist, but they are little known. The Sect of Mary is the small female counterpart to the
Sect of St. James, while the Children of Solomon preach knowledge before action.

Character Creation
The creation of a Sons of Tertullian character does not differ from that explained in The Inquisition, but some extra

considerations should be made. The special involvement of the Sons means that they rarely participate in regular autos-da-fe,
but concentrate on the grueling exorcisms of unwilling wraiths from their consorts (The art of exorcism is covered by the Warding
rules in the Wraith rulebook). Willpower is the most important trait for an aspiring Tertullian, as it is vital for a successful Warding.
Social or Mental attributes are often primary, especially Manipulation, Perception and Wits, and Stamina is vital for physical as
well as spiritual endurance. Knowledges are nearly always the primary choice of Abilities, with emphasis on Occult, Medicine,
Rites and Scripture, though Intimidation, Interrogation and Torture are also favored.
The question of True Faith is very relevant in the case of the Sons. On one hand, Faith in the merits of your actions is the basis of
exorcism, and helps considerably during the act itself. On the other, with the widespread use of torture on victims of possession,
it is nearly impossible to maintain high levels of Humanity. Basically, generalization is not applicable, and those Sons that do not
practice torture are as likely to have True Faith as those that do are to have high Willpower. The St. James, however, frequently
do possess Faith scores of 2 or more, as they often have very high Conscience scores and would never engage in torture.
The Sect of St. James, exclusively male, is more martially inclined than the rest of the Sons of Tertullian. They see a powerful
body as a worthier sacrifice than a weak one, as well as the advantages of physical fitness when it comes to confronting the
Restless on their home turf. The members of the Sect relish their role as martyrs, and their altruistic fervor often leads them to
flagellation and overexertion. High Strength and especially Stamina scores are paramount for the austere Sect members.
An Inquisitor of the Sect of St. James can, if he possesses four dots in the Relic Background, choose to begin play with his own
Sword of St. James. This artifact usually takes the form of a cavalry saber or similar blade, and does Strength + 3 lethal damage
against physical beings. Against wraiths, spectres and other souls, however, this damage is aggravated. The sword can be
used both against materialized or possessing wraiths, but will also be carried across the Shroud if its owner does.

The Rituals used by the Sons of Tertullian are purely Christian ones that allow the Lord's will to be focused into certain actions. In
order to learn a particular ritual, the student has to possess a number of dots in the Rituals knowledge equal to the level of the
Ritual, indicating how complex and extensive the procedure is.

The Kiss of Heaven

Level 2
A special type of exorcism practiced only by the Sons of Tertullian, it focuses the exorcist's anger in order to scare away the
possessing spirit. The process differs little from a normal Forbiddance, but the exorcist must choose to "set aside" a number of
dice from the Willpower roll. These dice are not used in the roll. Instead, if the Willpower roll is successful, the exorcised spirit
takes a number of Corpus levels of damage, soakable by Stamina, equal to the number of dice set aside.
Remembering that your True Faith rating is added to all Willpower rolls, and the effects of The Healing Touch, this ritual is the
reason the Sons are considered masters in the field of exorcism.

The Healing Touch

Level 3
This Ritual is described in The Quick and the Dead, but is used here with the following correction: The initial roll to cut off the skin
from the scalp should be Dexterity + Torture, not Manipulation + Intimidation.

The Descent into Hell

Level 3
This Ritual is also described, in great detail, in the Quick and the Dead.

The Martyr's Quest

Level 4
In order to affect wraiths that are not possessing human bodies, the Sons of Tertullian have devised a Ritual that allows one of
their number to temporarily cross the Shroud. About a dozen Inquisitors are normally present, chanting, but the Ritual itself must
be performed by a nominated Liturgian. The subject of the Ritual, he who is to actually make the cross, has to bring himself into
a trance; this requires a Willpower roll (difficulty 10 minus the character's Meditation score). Then the Liturgian recites the
appropriate litanies, which takes about an hour, after which he makes a True Faith roll (difficulty 7) and dabs the subject's
eyelids with Holy Water. If the roll fails, the subject falls out of the trance, and another attempt cannot be made until the next day. If
the roll is a success, the subject can attempt to force himself across the Shroud with a Willpower roll, difficulty of the local
Shroud. If successful he fades away from the Skinlands and into the Shadowlands, bringing with him only his Sword of St.
James, provided he has one and was touching it while in the trance. The subject can stay in the Underworld for a number of
hours equal to the number of successes gained on the Liturgian's final roll. If he is not in the Shadowlands when time runs out, his

spirit is lost in the Tempest or wherever he is at the time. If the Willpower roll fails, his body does not make the cross but his soul
does. This can be quite disturbing for the unprepared Inquisitor. His consciousness fades into the Shadowlands, leaving his
comatose body behind. In this state he appears in the Shadowlands as a thin, ethereal shape, and his Manipulation score takes
the place of Strength, his Wits replaces Dexterity, and his Intelligence becomes Stamina. The duration is the same as above. If
the Willpower roll botches, he is rebuffed with such power that he is knocked unconscious or some similar effect, and loses a
point of permanent Willpower.
This Ritual requires the same three days of praying and fasting as the Descent into Hell, and the two Rituals are usually
performed simultaneously on the subject, but normally only special days when the Shroud is known to be weak. The only
Inquisitors strong enough to undertake the journey across the Shroud are generally the Sect of St. James, but it is not unheard of
for other Tertullians to try.

Deutschritter: Teutonic Knight (Part 1)

We fight for the honour of the most glorious Virgin,
the mother of out Lord Jesus Christ,
for the honour and defence of the Holy Church
and for all the Christian faith
and for the expulsion of the enemies of the Cross
-- Teutonic initiation vow

Gott mit uns!

"God is with us"

A supplement for Church Knight: The Cainite Crusade

Written and compiled by Jamie Seidel (

Prelude: Stranger in a Strange Land

A kaleidoscope of dazzling greens threatened to hypnotise brother Jeskin von Tuchlin as he rode his warhorse hard through the
primeval forest, ducking the ghostly fronds reaching out to pull him from the saddle. The eerie glow of filtered summer sunlight
had turned the sacred white of the Teutonic Order mantle he wore to a pagan green -- almost as though the spirit of the forest
itself was seeking to smother his faith.
The horse snorted, twisting its head to contest Jeskin's reins as he forced it to jump a fallen log. The fiercely sweating beast still
shook from the horror they had stumbled upon almost 15 minutes earlier.
For ten minutes he had done little more than cling to the horse's neck as it stampeded through the undergrowth, bit between its
teeth. It took long minutes before the warhorse responded to Jeskin's rein commands. Now, the animal tottered unsteadily to a
halt on its weakened limbs. The exertion of its sprint having drained all reserves of energy. Jeskin slid of the stallion's back. His
kit roll had long since been claimed by the forest's clutching branches.
Brother Jeskin was relatively new to the Order, having taken his vows in the Teutonic capital of Marienberg only two years ago. It
was troubled times within the Order. Only three years earlier the Templars had been convicted of heresy by the Inquisition. Now,
this fanatical body had attempted to press charges against the Teutones in their own homeland! Fighting pagans on the eastern
frontier had seemed a more comfortable option.
He had been so wrong.
Looking around him, Jeskin realised he had no idea where he was. The forest's speckled glow was consistent: the canopy too
thick to give any indication of the sun's position. Lifting a chain-mailed coif over his head, Brother Jeskin prepared himself as
best he could for the inevitable assault that would come from the trees.
Having become separated from his patrol when his horse had snared its tackle in a tree, Brother Jeskin had attempted to find
his way out of the pagan infested forest by following a stream. He had lead his horse by hand all night to reduce his profile and,
hopefully, noise. It was a futile attempt - his woodcraft was limited, to say the least.
Shortly before dawn, the stallion had become fretful: shying away from the downstream direction it was being led. Certain he
was nearing the forest's boundary, the Teutonic Knight pressed on -- soothing the distressed beast with kind words and gentle
He had stumbled into the clearing without warning. Before him was a shocking sight. One of the stolen cattle his patrol had been
searching for lay thrashing weakly on its side as its lifeblood drained away. The heiffer's throat had been neatly cut, with its legs
tied so it could not twist off an ancient, rune engraved alter. The blood trickled slowly down the sides of the alter to four bowlshaped protrusions. The hideously deformed creatures that crouched, lapping up the blood from these containers were unlike
anything Jeskin had seen in his worst nightmares. The demon facing Jeskin from the opposite side of the alter stood silently blood red eyes glowing fiercely. The other three hesitated, looking around before following suit. The stallion reared violently,
thrashing its forelegs in the air and almost throwing Jeskin from his feet. The shocked Brother managed to throw himself on the
panicking animal's back as it twisted away from the horrific scene.
Brother Jeskin stumbled through the waist-high water of a stream, waving his sword before him for balance. The glittering green
shadows had taken on an ominous dark tone, and Jeskin knew sunset was imminent. He had been pursued for most of the day
by the strangely tattooed men of the forest, catching brief glimpses of them between the trees as he fled on foot. The stallion was
long dead. Exhausted, it had not seen the dead branch among the ferns that had torn out its stomach.

Jeskin had been thrown from the horse, but had fortunately landed in a thick tuft of moss. He had used his sword to dispatch the
pitifully screaming animal -- sobbing words of thanks for its swift escape.
Now Jeskin was alone.
The watchers had arrived shortly after the warhorse's death, and had remained ever since. The knight had heard how the
accursed vampires could hold the souls of mortals in their grasp. These pagans were obviously damned! As the green light
receded, Jeskin knew his time had come. Tonight, he would fight -- and die -- in the name of his Order, the Teutonic Knights.
Straightening the now tattered mantle on his shoulders, Jeskin placed his back against the eroded banks of the stream - both
hands clasping the sword which rested with its point among the pebbles. Bowing his head, Jeskin prayed for the strength
necessary to sell his life dearly to the devils that controlled the night.

Book One: Knights of the Cross

"The brothers of a military order have been assigned the task of defending the church of Christ with the material sword,
especially against those who are not Christians, namely the Saracens in Syria, the Moors in Spain and the pagans in
Prussia, Livonia and Cumania, but also at the command of their superior against schismatics in Greece and against heretics
wherever they exist in the universal church. . . "
-- James de Vittry
Never has humanity's struggle to assert self-control over its destiny been as clearly defined as the Teutonic Knight's struggle to
establish their own Christian empire: an empire free from the depredations of corruption. For more than 300 years this dream
was carved out on the battlefields of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Russia. The white surcoats of the Knights of the Cross where
bright examples of what could be achieved through faith and determination. No other religious Order -- be it Militant, Monastic or
the Inquisition -- achieved as much as the Deutschritter. Their oligarchic empire was a massive incorporation, run by a "board of
directors" (Grosscomtur) with its statutes and laws upheld by knights of justice, honour and service.
The Teutonic Knights, at the height of their strength, were more than just a thorn in the side of Europe's "forces of darkness".
They were a scythe that reaped a rich crop of Kindred and Lycanthrope heads. It used centuries of dominance to establish a
deep understanding of its opponents. But these men are more than humans with useful information: they are warriors of God
wielding the powers of Heaven, here, on Earth.

The theme of Deutschritter is one of "the cleaner". The Knights of the Cross are dedicated to the eradication of all vampires and
lupines from God's earth. It is an on-going Crusade that has become all the more desperate in recent centuries after the
supernaturals almost gained the upper-hand. The Teutonic State was destroyed and the Order itself almost vanquished.
It is not a lonely struggle: the Templars and Hospitallers share this quest. But none are have their goal as clearly in focus as the
Teutones. The Hospitallers appear easily distracted by "side issues" and humanitarian concerns. The Templars can be accused
of paranoia and uncertainty -- suspecting every shadow, investigating every lead in painful detail: and then failing to act. Some
factions of the Inquisition share the Teutone's urgency in eradicating the foes of the Church -- though their complete disregard for
innocent life makes them almost as bad as the forces they are supposed to oppose. The Teutones, like all warrior-monks, are
removed from the society they are vowed to protect. Their very knowledge of the dark-side of the world is dangerous. Mixing with
family and old friends serves only to expose them to danger. Every knight is hunted: just as they are themselves hunters.
It is a long war, this struggle.
Centuries are but battles, millennia but a campaign in an eternal war. Now, the tide of blood is turning once again. The Teutones
are experiencing a resurgence. Almost destroyed during the 1920s, the Order's numbers are growing. The faithful of Eastern
Europe and the theological outcasts of the rest of the world are flocking to its ranks.
The time of reckoning is at hand.
When it comes, the Teutones will be ready.

The mood of Deutschritter is one almost of an underground resistance. The Order is seeking the liberation of humanity from
oppressive supernatural overlords -- just as the French resistance fought against the Nazi's during World War II. It is an apt
analogy: One has the muscle, the numbers and the overwhelming strength of fear on its side. The other relies upon
determination, belief, ingenuity and even desperation against overwhelming odds.

It is a violent battle. All opposition must be dealt with quickly and efficiently. Delay only serves to strengthen the opponent. Every
opportunity must be seized, every method exploited. But the Knights of the Cross are shackled in a way their enemy is not. They
must follow their Christian creed and the governance of their Rule. The fight against the Dark is also a battle of morals. The
knights must resist the temptation to adopt the brutal but effective methods of their enemy, lest the knights themselves become
what they most despise.

What are the Teutonic Knights?

The Teutonic Order was founded in 1190 in Palestine during the Third Crusade and the siege of Acre. Named "The Order of the
Teutonic Hospitalier Brothers of the Holy Virgin in Jerusalem," it was established by the burghers of Bremen and Lubeck for the
care of wounded and sick pilgrims. It was transformed only eight years later into a knightly Order modelled on the older Orders of
St. John and Knights Templar. The Teutonic Order, formed almost a century after the Hospitallers and 60 years after the
Templars, can attribute its success to the strong sense of nationality among the German speaking peoples. Its very name
reflected this nationalism: Deutschritter (German Knights). The Teutones' major efforts were spent extending Germanic control
along the pagan Baltic coast, though it was awarded the status of an International Order because of its activities and property
ownership in the Holy Land. The Teutones were periodically subject to charges of cruelty and witchcraft during the early 1300s
Inquisition -- a time which saw the fall of the Templars. But the Teutone's primary theatre of operations (Prussia and the Baltic
Coast) placed them safely beyond the reach of any authority wanting to act against them.
The life of a Teutonic Knight was not an easy one. The 14th century was a series of continuous battles against the Lithuanians -up to 80 expeditions in all with up to seven in one year. The Order reached its peak of power and reputation during this period -budding some of the era's best military minds.
After more than 200 years of expansion, the tide of history turned against the Knights of the Cross. A defeat at the hands of the
Poles and Lithuanians at the Battle of Tannenberg in 1410 represented the beginning of the end. In 1466 the Order was forced
to cede West Prussia and Pomerelia to Poland and moved their headquarters to Konigsberg. In 1525 the Grand Master
converted to Lutheranism.
The Teutonic image was hijacked by the Nazi party in World War II. The Order's Slavic Crusade was held up as an example of
German superiority and used as an excuse for another attack on Russia. Many members of the SS styled themselves as knights
of the Militant Order.
After being stripped of its Militant Chivalric status in the 1920s the Teutonic Order has emerged once again from the turmoil of
eastern Europe as a vital and growing organisation committed to the eradication of all ungodly creatures. The character of the
Order is changing from an institution of the German nobility to that of a contemporary fighting force with a young and culturally
diverse makeup. Considered the most radical of the three Militant Orders, its large Lutheran contingent is becoming displaced
by Eastern Orthodox and congregations popular among contemporary Christian youth.

Historical Character
Right from the very beginning the Teutonic Knights was a German Order. Established by German merchants to look after
German pilgrims, the original hospital was staffed by German nurses under a German hierarchy. Once it evolved into a Militant
organisation it took on German knights and fighting men. For a time its scope grew, taking on an international flavour because of
its European estates and the diverse range of pilgrims to the Holy Lands.
While it is not unusual to hear of a French or Italian brother during the 12th century, these knights were most certainly in the
minority. But in Eastern Europe the Order's primary goal was to eradicate the pagans on the German frontier, replacing them
with German settlers. Once this empire was established, the Order became a rest home and proving ground for the German
nobility. By the 15th century, foreigners were being expelled simply because of their nationality. The Germanic peoples have
always been proud of their culture and heritage -- from the time when Caesar attempted to conquer their lands to the present
where their engineers and manufacturing firms dominate world industry. This pride is invested in the nation's nobility and is the
reason for the creation of the Teutonic Knights in the first place. German knights did not rest comfortably with the French and
English dominated Hospitaller and Templar Orders.
For much of the Order's early history the other Militant Orders scarcely recognised their existence. They were considered
insignificant as they held only those few castles they had been able to purchase in and around Acre. A great deal of tension
existed between the Teutones and Templars. This was largely based on the fact that the Teutones adopted a white habit -- a
Templar "trademark." Relations between the Teutones and Hospitallers were more cordial, based on their common provision of
medical services to pilgrims. Even though the Teutone's successes in the Baltics finally earned official recognition from the other
Orders, it was always "looked down upon" throughout its history -- causing much resentment.
However, at the height of their Empire the Teutonic Knights were the police, magistrates, governors and administrators of a
large and independent nation. They carried themselves with justifiable pride, administering God's law upon pagan and subject
alike. But they were also a worldly Order -- having been exposed to a strong pagan religion that had the strength to stand and
fight against Christianity.

Modern Character
The turmoil the Teutonic Order underwent during the early and mid 20th century eventually proved to be the crucible that gave
rise to great faith and renewed purpose. The Order's traditions and Rule had been maintained by a small group of German
nobility -- both Catholics and Lutherans.
With the imposition of the Iron Curtain after World War II, the German Order re-established itself in occupied Europe to protect
faithful Germanic speaking peoples from the persecution of the Soviets. But this role soon grew. Eastern Orthodox and other
Christian congregations begged for support -- contributing recruits and material to make the underground Order strong.
With the collapse of the Soviet Union the Order arose from the ashes of Eastern Europe like a phoenix -- riding the flames of
renewed religious freedom. In many ways the new Order is unrecognisable to that which virtually disappeared only decades
earlier. It is not staunchly Catholic or Lutheran. Instead, its attitudes tend to be more contemporary and less traditional in form.
This is largely due to the large number of young Eastern European recruits who are determined to enjoy their new-found access
to modern Western culture.
This open-minded and modern attitude has also proved popular among the congregations of more modern Western Christian
congregations -- causing an influx of members from all over the world. This "carefree" non-traditional character has drawn
particular ire from the Hospitallers who staunchly believe the old ways should be followed. The Templars look upon the Order
with some amusement, considering them idealistic "innocents."

Book Two: Rise and Fall

The Cleansing Crusade
"When war is waged against evil or demons by spiritual strength, I would not say that this is extraordinary, although
praiseworthy, since the world is seen to be full of monks. But when a monk is powerfully girded with both swords and marked
out nobly by the belt of each, who would not think this worthy of all admiration, though it is certainly unusual?"
-- St Bernard de Clairvaux, De Laude Novae Militia.

1199: Creation of the Order

Founded as a nursing order with little else other than a tent made of sailcloth on the beach of Acre as a headquarters, the
Teutonic Knight's destiny was not to be the Holy Land. Instead, it was to be the Pagan Baltic. Using the title of St Mary's Hospital
in Jerusalem as an allusion to the Germanic hospital in Jerusalem that had been lost to Saladin three years earlier, the nurses
were given land in Acre by German merchant princes to continue their work, and were given resources to recruit a small police
force of about a dozen knights.
Acre itself was besieged in the 1190s for eight months. During this time, the hospital had formed itself into a permanent
institution. By 1196, the Teutonic nurses had several hospitals spread throughout Christian lands and was granted recognition
as an independent Order.
The early chronicle of the Teutonic Order, Die Statuten des Deutschen Ordens, described the formation of the Order:
"To many of the German princes it seemed useful and noble to bestow on the hospital the Rule of the Templars. For this purpose
the German prelates, princes and nobles assembled in the house of the Templars in Acre and invited to such a salutary
gathering some of the available prelates and barons of the Holy land. One and all decided unanimously that the hospital should
follow in regard to the poor and the sick the Rule of the Hospital of St. John in Jerusalem as it had done until now; whereas in
regard to clergy, knights and other brothers, it should follow henceforth the Rule of the Templars. After this decision was taken
the prelates and the masters of the Templars presented the new house with the Rule of the Temple and then they elected there a
brother of the house. Henry surnamed Walpoto, as master. The master of the Temple handed to him the written Rule of the
Knights of the Temple which henceforth had to be followed."
By 1199, Pope Innocent had granted the Order official recognition. The Order stagnated at first and could not summon more
than ten knights with their retinues. There were probably no more than 20 knight-brothers until after 1210, when the Order
recorded 12 houses in Palestine, Greece, Italy and Germany. By 1230 the Order was capable of fielding about 600 military
brethren in the Holy Land, but this was to be its limit. The other Militant Orders were too well established, and the Teutonic
Knights had to buy their land and castles -- instead of receiving bequeaths like the Templars and Hospitallers.
Its true position in the world was recognised by its fourth Grand Master, Herman von Salza, a native of Thuringia. He realised
that a German order could not accomplish much in Palestine, which was within the sphere of influence of the Mediterranean
nations. It could, however, find more rewarding opportunities in regions closer to Germany.

1215: Emergence
What was essentially a small band of policemen supporting an overworked first-aid post grew into an international militant order

because it was able to capture the imagination of a few key political figures. The first of these was Holy Roman Emperor Henry
VI who won for the fledgling Order a charter of incorporation from Pope Innocent III and permission to adopt the Rule of the
Temple. But Henry's death in 1197 stopped the early expansion of the Order in its tracks.
When Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II "took the cross" (crusader vows) in 1215, he obtained further privileges for the Order
and promoted its master Hermann von Salza to Prince of the Empire. The Teutonic Knights formed the guard of honour when
Frederick II was crowned King of Jerusalem.
Donations of land were made in Italy, Greece, Germany and Palestine -- 18 such landholdings being placed under their control
between 1190 and 1210, with 61 handed over between 1211 and 1230.
By the end of this period the Teutonic Order was a thriving miniature of the Templars and Hospitallers. But the Knights
Hospitaller and Templars only recognised the Teutonic Order as an equal in 1258. Palestine was not the Teutonic Knight's only
battlefront against the Muslims. They also possessed vast tracts of lands in Armenia and this remained a powerful provinces
until the late 14th century.

1212: First Contact

King Andrew of Hungary called upon the new Order's assistance when his lands became the subject of marauding attacks from
barbaric bands of Kumans. These tribes were ravaging Transylvania, looting and killing indiscriminantly. King Andrew offered
estates in the district of Burzenland in return for the Order's help. Faced with such a profitable offer, the Teutonic Knights
financed their own "crusade" against the Kumans.
The Knights of St. John sent representatives to the Teutonic Knights -- warning them of the rare but extremely powerful demons
known as vampires roaming pagan lands. But the Knights of the Cross ignored these claims and accused the Hospitallers of
spreading fairy tales.
It was not until The Knights of the Cross encountered the Kumans that they came to believe their may be some truth in these
stories. Small bands of Kumans were able to resist far beyond expectation, demonstrating amazing speed and agility. Rumours
spread throughout the ranks of knights of supernatural happenings. Knights were being defeated on the field by unarmored
opponents. Hill forts were being successfully defended by mere women . . .
One such hill fort held out despite the knights advances around it. Fearing the women and children it contained to be the demons
the Hospitallers had referred to, the Teutonic Grand Master called for support. A small band of the Knights of St. John arrived
claiming to be specially trained in combating such demons. The Teutonic Knights gathered their forces and assaulted the hill fort
-- with the Hospitallers in the van. But the specific prayers the Knights of St. John claimed to have been so successful in the Holy
Land had no effect. The inhabitants fought long and hard, in no way weakened by the Hospitaller's presence. The Teutonic
Knights prevailed after a long and bloody battle through strength of arms only.
By 1212 the province had been pacified and the Order began bringing in German colonists to its Burzenland estates. King
Andrew became alarmed at the prospect of such a powerful and independent neighbour and ordered their eviction. The Order
was not powerful enough to fight against the Hungarian King and were forced to withdraw. But the campaign had one positive
outcome: the Teutones realised there were barbarian lands in need of Crusade upon the borders of their own nations.

1228: The Conquest of Prussia

Crusader activity in the Baltic and Polish states had begun before the Teutonic Knights emerged as a force in the region. These
"fringe" lands had long been a source of concern for Christian missionaries who were constantly frustrated in their attempts to
convert the local citizenry. Major setbacks included the almost unbearable "reversion" of many of the converted, including some
missionaries themselves!
The Teutonic Knights first established themselves in a castle at Vogelsang on the Elbe in 1228. In 1230 a small force of 20
knights and 200 sergeants under the command of Frater Hermann Balke began to "pacify" the Kulm province. The crusade was
vicious and merciless. Battles were fought in the impenetrable wilderness of the Baltic Coast, among the sand dunes, lakes,
rivers, bogs and dark forests. This gloomy and mysterious world was full of danger: heathen tribes conducted regular ambushes
and prisoners were subjected to tortuous pagan rites. The Teutonic Knights systematically reduced all organised resistance,
building fortresses and burning every village that opposed them. Every man, woman and child who would not accept Christianity
was exterminated. Women and children were not treated mercifully as they had proven to be as skilled in arms as the menfolk.
The few "learned" supernaturals of the region had been desperately seeking ways of keeping the cancerous growth of
Christianity out of their lands. Though largely dominated by Garou and Gangrel, the tribal Polish and Baltic States had been
living in a comfortable balance for centuries. The shady figures behind this structure did not want any change.
One ambitious plan was to appear to be doing the job of "cleaning up" the pagans themselves. This was achieved through
manipulating a few key public figures. Conrad of Masovia had built a small castle for some knights on the west bank of the
Vistula in which they placed a modest garrison. In 1228 attempts were made to organise a local Polish knightly order for
defence against the growing ambition of the Prussians -- including the Teutonic Knights. It was called 'the Dorbrzyn Brothers'
and was under the auspices of the abbey of Szepatow (near Wloclawek) and led by Bishop Christian. This new order was
granted the lands between the Vistula and the rivers Skrwa and Drweca. The Knights received from Conrad estates at Chelmno,
but only as a vassal of the prince. The order started "operations" by moving down the Vistula in a carefully orchestrated parody
of crusading action. They crossed it in the following year and built a small fort which had a guardhouse in the branches of a giant

oak tree.
One of the first victims was a man by the name of Pipin, who owned the small castle of Piegza. The armed monks captured him
and accused him for reverting to paganism after having been baptised earlier. They cut open his abdomen, nailed one end of
his entrails to a tree and chased him around it until his intestines were wrapped round the trunk. But the integrity of the Dorbrzyn
knights and the fractured governments of the region had long been suspect to the Teutonic Knights. In 1234 Bishop Christian
was captured by the Prussians. The Knights used the opportunity to release the Bishop from the hold ungodly demons had
established upon his reasoning. Greatful for their service, the Bishop submitted to the Pope a document by which Conrad of
Masovia was supposed to have granted the Teutones in perpetuity the region of Chelmno and all of Prussia. The Pope declared
that region 'the property of Saint Peter' and granted it to the Knights. A few years later he recognised Prussia as his fief, thus
giving legal standing to the State of the Teutonic Knights.

1239: Northern Crusade

Ordensmarshall Hermann Balke was ordered to gather a band of 60 knights and expand the foothold of Christianity already
established by the Sword Brothers further up the Baltic coast in Livonia. Using the Order's navy, the knights soon advanced into
Estonia. Here they found a third force of supernatural opponents. Seemingly at home in the cold, icy elements that restricted the
knights campaigning activities, no prayers that had been developed for the vampires or shapechangers appeared to have
effect. What these new opponents were has not been established. They would fight with devastating effect, though, as the
peoples of the land became Christianised, they appeared to weaken and leave.

1240: Empire
The Order encouraged many German peasants and traders to establish settlements under the knight's jurisdiction and
protection as it gradually cleared the Baltic coast forests of pagans. These settlements proved successful though the
relationship between the populace and their governing warrior-monks proved as erratic as that of any government. However, the
arrangement survived three hundred years and the Empire thrived under the Teutones.

Teutonic Post: The size of the Teutonic Knight's bureaucracy spawned the creation of a uniquely effective and fast postal
system. It allowed officers to conduct their business in far regions without being physically present. Records show the precise
movements of couriers -- the Teutones were keen clock watchers. Postal codes were invented and often letters would travel the
length of the State within two days.

Hospital Function: The task of running the Teutonic Order's parishes and hospitals was left to the priest-brothers, half-brothers
and sisters of the Order. These classes did not have to engage in combat, though they were entitled to receive the protection
and benefits of being members of the Order. By about 1400 the Teutones owned about 60 hospitals and leper houses where
brother-priests and half-brothers attended to -- not treated -- the sick and infirm. This meant providing alms, asylum and masses
instead of medicine. Doctors from the general community came and left as they wished.

Structure Of The Empire: As the Teutonic empire grew it was divided into three main provinces: The German lands (mainly the
south and south-western areas including Alsace and Burgundy); the Prussian Lands (newly conquered territory governed from
Marienburg); and the northern province of Livonia. Each province was governed by a Landmeister (Preceptor), while the
Hochmeister (Grand Master) ruled from headquarters in the Holy Land. The provinces were themselves divided into
commandery houses (komturies), each with 12 brother knights commanded by a komtur (commander). Smaller estates were
governed by Vogts (caretakers). Both had had magisterial powers over the general populace.

1242: Uprising
The early successes of the Teutonic Knights in subjugating the pagan east was a cause for great concern among both Garou
and vampiric circles. In what must have been one of the first instances of lycanthrope and Kindred cooperation, a council of
elders was established to expand upon the subversive resistance begun in 1228. It was a unity brought about by necessity. For
centuries Kindred and Lupines had walked among their peoples as gods -- venerated and all powerful. The affairs of Europe
were of little concern -- as were clan or tribal politics. Each had been a law unto itself. In an unprecedented act, a few key
Gangrel combined with far-sighted leaders of the tribes Black Furies and Children of Gaia. They became known as the War
Council. The success of this unity is largely attributed to a pair of refugees of clan Gangrel in France. Driven out in the early 13th
century by the Templars, the couple had retreated to the Polish states to find peace and solace from over-zealous Christian
monks and agitated clan elders. With their peace being disturbed for a second time, the pair worked hard to organise a subtle
but strong resistance. It was not to be so. The constant need for compromise between the factions of the War Council often
produced disastrous results.
The first of the Polish princes to fall under the sway of the War Council was Swietopelk of Gdansk in 1242. The Knights wanted
to take from him both banks of the Nogat branch of the River Vistula -- a region of strong association with pagan lore.
Swietopelk closed the Vistula to the Teutones and attacked them, calling for a revolution in Prussia which soon broke out. The
War Council had been stirring the pot of discontent among the not-so willing converts for years and called upon generations of
loyalty enforced through local traditions. But the influence of the War Council was not as great as it had expected. Decades of
laxity had weakened the ancient bonds the supernaturals had held over the peasants of their lands. The religion of their enemies
was strong while their own strength was on the wane.
More and more natives were submitting to the new religion. Many, as subjects of the Order, fought in the bitter war against tribes
who had previously been friendly rivals. The uprising was initially successful in pushing the Teutonic Knights back over land that

had taken 12 years to gain, as well as causing the loss of several smaller castles. It took another seven years for the Order to
recapture these lands. But the Council had been in too much haste. It had not garnered enough support from surrounding tribes
and nations. Swietopelk had against him the Teutonic Order, Conrad of Masovia, Boleslaw the Pious (prince of Wielkopolska),
two of his own brothers and the Pope who had proclaimed a crusade against Prussia. In the end it became a war of attrition that
Swietopelk could not win. A peace treaty was signed in 1248 and Swietopelk had to yield the territories on the banks of the

1242: Alexander Nevsky

By 1242, the shadowy forces behind lands north of Lithuania had also organised an effective resistance. The Livonian brethren
made the mistake of attempting to enlarge their realm by moving into districts claimed by another Christian nation -- the
Russians of the Eastern Church. An expeditionary force of knights crossed the River Narva and headed towards Novgorod. It
was met by a Russian army led by Prince Alexander Nevsky. Engaged on the frozen lake Peipus, the weight of the fully armed
heavy cavalry of the Teutonic Knights proved too much for the ice which broke under their hooves. Many knights drowned while
many more fell to the hands of the lighter Russian cavalry.

1260: Unified Empire

The push by the Livonian and Prussian brethren to conquer the coastal lands dividing them proved successful in 1260. The
entire region of Samland had fallen to their organised advances. This had taken a grand crusade called throughout Europe in
1253 and resulted in the founding of Konigsberg. But in this same year native tribesmen scored a series of successes. Many
knights died defending Durben from revolt, prompting many Lithuanians to revoke their alliance with the weakened Order. The
Prussian tribes rebelled again and more than 20 years worth of crusades was unravelled overnight.
The War Council was elated: here was proof that their combined strength was unbeatable. But it was a victory that would ensure
their defeat. The Gangrel and Lupine tribes began to squabble once again, reducing the War Council to a forum of abuse,
insults and agitation. It was only the vows put in place upon the establishment of the council that prevented bloodshed among its
Only massive assistance from outside the Order was able to reverse this disturbing setback. The Church issued 22 bulls
(notices) calling for a crusade against the Prussians between 1261 and 1264. These pleas saved the Order through the (free)
vigor and religious zeal of crusading conscripts and knights seeking adventure in far-off places. The Order's strength regrew and
by 1272 it was once again able to advance. By the late 1270s the Order boasted 2000 military brethren in a well-disciplined and
provisioned force. By 1290 the rebellion had been crushed. The War Council, humbled by defeat, once again put aside their
differences and sought a new answer to the advancing Knights of the Cross.

1291: Fall of the Holy Land

The Teutonic Knights' main stronghold in the Holy Land, Starkenberg (Montfort), had fallen in 1271 to a seemingly unstoppable
tide of muslim invaders. By 1291, Acre -- the last bastion of Christianity on the Holy Land -- was itself besieged and captured.
The surviving contingent of 15 Teutonic Knights was all but destroyed -- fighting to the last man with suicidal abandon. Only
Hochmeister Konrad von Feuchtwangen survived the ordeal having been ordered by a Chapter held prior to the siege to escape
by ship to Venice if the city fell.
As the sole surviving officer of the Order, von Feuchtwangen established himself immediately in Venice. New senior staff were
elected among the Order's Baltic provinces and sent to Venice to form a new council. With the enemies of the Orders exploiting
their weakness to the full, the Teutonic Knights managed to avoid similar allegations to those levelled against the Templars by
ignoring them and concentrating their efforts in their own Prussian lands. In September 1309 Hochmeister Siegfried von
Feuchtwangen abandoned hope of reclaiming the Holy Land and moved his headquarters to Marienburg castle: the chief
fortification in Poland.
The Knights of the Cross had work to do.

1308: The Massacre of Gdansk

In 1304 the War Council pooled their strength for another push toward expelling the disorganised Teutonic Knights. The Council
saw it as a time of opportunity: news had reached them of a plot by the vampiric elders of France against the Knights Templar.
An attack upon the Teutones at this time would exploit the fact its compatriot Militant Orders would not be able to assist. The
War Council arranged an intrigue. Wladyslaw Lokietek of the noble family of Piasts was recalled from exile with a desire to
restore the Polish monarchy -- to reunite the fragments of the state dissolved by the death of its last king in 1138.
The Teutonic hierarchy had been distracted by the startling news from Paris. That a Pope could be so easily manipulated by
King Philip IV shocked and frightened the Order. It worked desperately hard to fend off similar accusations aimed against itself.
The puppet Wladyslaw was recognised in 1306 as heir to the lost throne while the Order's back was turned. His popularity
among the peasants saw him quickly depose the hierarchy of Pomerania, establishing a power-base for his triumphant
reunification of Poland. For the sake of the strength of a united nation, the Lupines allowed Great Poland to fall to him in 1314
and in 1320 he was crowned king in Cracow.
The conflicts of Poland drew little attention from the Teutonic Knights who left the issue to sort itself out: confident of the strength

The conflicts of Poland drew little attention from the Teutonic Knights who left the issue to sort itself out: confident of the strength
of the German rulers and settlers who were now well established. In 1308 Pomerania's former rulers appealed to the
neighbouring German margraves of Brandenburg for aid against King Wladyslaw who had deposed them. The troops of
Margrave Waldemar invaded Pomerania and occupied it all -- except for the Gangrel fortress of Gdansk which was defended by
"Judge" Bogusz. Flushed with success, another German army from Brandenburg army was sent against Wladyslaw's only ally in
the north, Boguslaw I, prince of Szcecin and a leader of the Children of Gaia. They attacked his duchy and burnt down the city of
Kamien. Boguslaw IV was thus neutralised and the Margrave Waldemar continued his futile assault against Gdansk.
The War Council was shocked: they had no idea that their intrigue for power would unleash a rampaging army of land-hungry
Prussian nobles. What made it worse was the Teutones had not even been harmed. Now several jewels of their empire lay
exposed to destruction. Some even suspected it to be a clear act of aggression instigated by the German Ventrue. Confused
and in disarray, the fractured Council abandoned King Wladyslaw who suddenly found himself lacking the "inspiration" that had
come to him so easily before.
Judge Bogusz stubbornly defended besieged Gdansk but his position was hopeless. The King, in his confusion, advised him to
call on the help of the Teutonic Knights as a last resort. The abbot of the Dominicans of Gdansk endorsed that advice and
Bogusz, with no other alternative in sight, appealed to the Grand Master Herman von Ploetzke. The fortified castle of Gdansk
was situated in the fork of the Radun and Motlawa branches of the Vistula delta. The 'relief force' led by the komtur (governor) of
Chelmno, Gunter von Schartzburg, advanced from the sea, across the coastal wetlands. The Brandenburg forces retreated to
the west, holding only Slawno and Slupsk.
The Teutonic Knights arrived at Gdansk thinking they would find a Christian city in need of protection. Instead, they found a
pagan outpost at the height of its corrupt power. The Knights first secured their hold on a portion of the castle and then displaced
the Poles from the rest. Delaying action in the form of demands for "payment" allowed the knights to discover the extent of occult
influence on the people. Komtur Schartzburg, appalled by what he saw, decided not to wait for orders from Marienburg. On
November 14th, 1308, the komtur ordered an attack on the city, slaughtering its civilian inhabitants and burning their houses. The
abbot of Oliwa, who tried to comfort the dying, was permitted to hear confessions only 'when conditions allowed it.'

Aftermath: The War Council eventually regained control of itself after a few "compulsory" retirements of members. A new
approach was obviously needed. Observing the success of the legal war raged against the Templars by their cousins in France,
the Council determined similar tactics needed to be used against the Teutonic Knights. The events of November 14th, 1308
were later the subject of protracted litigation in papal courts. The Poles charged the Knights with the murder of ten thousand
people. The Knights denied the charge, claiming that they only executed sixteen criminals handed over to them by the burghers
and then left peacefully, while the citizens of Gdansk set their own houses on fire and moved elsewhere of their own volition. The
legal bickering had no end.
In 1309 the Knights took Tczew and expelled its residents. They besieged Swiec which resisted firmly. A Polish relief force was
repulsed as was another rescue attempt by the princes of Masovia. The Knights of the Cross finally secured the city by
subterfuge when a man hired by them surreptitiously cut the ropes of the crossbows and catapults. Bogumil, the commander of
the defence, held to the last even though the pious friars threatened him with hanging if he did not surrender. Finally he was
overcome by superior forces. But things did not all go the Teutonic Knights' way: On January 20th, 1320, Wladyslaw Lokietek
married Jadwiga, a Christian princess of Wielkopolska, and were crowned king and queen in the Cracow cathedral on Wawel
The War Council plot to form a unified and strong opponent to the Teutones had succeeded by default. Encouraged, the Council
set about re-establishing their intrigue with a ready ear to the long-term plans of the exiled Gangrel among them. In April of 1320,
an ecclesiastical court in Inowroclaw took under advisement Poland's lawsuit for the return of Pomerania by the Knights of the
Cross. The court, appointed by the pope, heard twenty-five witnesses. In the final stage of the proceedings it was presided over
by Archbishop Janislaw. The verdict, given in February of 1321, ordered the Knights of the Cross to return Pomerania to Poland
and to pay damages of thirty thousand thalers. The Order ignored the verdict. But the War Council had success in its grasp. New
schemes were put into place along with a seemingly never ending series of skirmishes along the Lithuanian borders.

1310: Northern Difficulties

After decades of relative peace, the northern Livonian states once again stirred with the rumblings of revolution. A new sense of
nationality was inspired by a leader called Gedymin who revived the rule of the Lithuanian kings. Being the last heathens in the
region -- as well as having expansionist plans -- the Livonian lands became the renewed focus of the Deutschritter's attention. In
the first 25 years of the 14th century the Teutonic Knights launched more than 80 expeditions against the Lithuanians -sometimes conducting as many as eight campaigns in one year. The battles were fought in terrain of swamp, dense forest, sand
dunes, rivers, lakes, snow and ice. The knights were often unable to fight as cavalry because of the terrain and the lessons learnt
at the hand of Alexander Nevsky. The knights marched on foot through the gloomy forests using boats and rafts to carry them
across lakes and misty swamps. It was the toughest fighting the knights had ever experienced. Much of their advantage had
been lost with their mounted cavalry. But still they persisted. Many of the finest knights of the age rode with the Teutonic Knights:
Jean Boucicaut, Henry Bolingbroke (later Henry IV of England), King Louis of Hungary and King John of Bohemia.

1380: A New Threat

The War Council, effectively defeated on the field, turned in desperation to those responsible for the destruction of the Templars
60 years earlier. The Hospitallers had been unable to greatly curtail the rise of supernaturals within the nobles of Europe largely
because of the strengthening vampiric organisation known as the Camarilla and its policy of "masquerade."
Rising determination among the Kindred to suppress and avoid the Inquisition spilled over into opposing the Militant Orders.

Strategically placed vampires within national governments began to exploit jealous attitudes toward the Teutonic Knights among
the Catholic monarchies of Europe. Poland and Hungary joined forces in political arenas to curtail the powers of the Order. Their
senior churchmen whispered "poison" in to the ears of the Cardinals and the Pope, as well as diplomats engaged in intrigues
with Lithuania. All had little apparent effect and the Teutonic Hochmiesters paid little attention to its "Christian allies."
But the Camarilla had plotted well. Each intrigue edged toward a final combined goal. Then, in 1380, the Camarilla's
machinations were complete. The Grand Duke of Lithuania married the queen regent of Poland. In one stroke, Poland had
achieved what 75 years of campaigning by the Teutonic Knights had not. The terms of the marriage settlement included
acceptance by the Lithuanian nation of Christianity as its religion. The War Council was outraged. They had no idea that blunting
the Teutonic Knights sword would involve their own capitulation to Christianity. But the various tribes were greatly weakened
from their centuries of fighting. The act was ungraciously acknowledged as a means to an end. Now, the War Council set about
the struggle to retain its influence as missionaries began to wander the lands of Livonia freely.

1525: Prussian Province Downfall

The War Council had become increasingly redundant as the Camarilla took control. But the facade of the combined
Lupine/Kindred organisation was maintained to keep the tribes on-side. A highlight of the Camarilla's ambitious scheme was
victory by the Poles and Lithuanians at the Battle of Tannenberg in 1410 where the vastly outnumbered Teutonic knights were
massacred in the wooded, rolling hills of Grunwald.
All of the enemies of the Order combined to fight in the campaign: Jagiello (Ladislos II) of Lithuania mobilised an army of 10,000
men conscripted from among the Poles, Lithuanians, Russians, Bohemians (under their ruler Ziska), Hungarians, Tartars and
Cossacks. The Hochmeister had decided not to wait for reinforcements from the Livonian province and attempted to engage the
enemy immediately. But the wooded terrain prevented the Deutschritter from its one chance to defeat the massive army: a
mounted charge of its knights. The Teutones fought well, collapsing the Lithuanian wing. But Russian cavalry and the Polish
reserve simply overwhelmed the knights. The Hochmeister and the other leading officers of the Order were surrounded and
The remainder struggled bitterly to escape, leaving 200 knights dead on the field. Many more were captured, tortured and then
beheaded. The Knights of the Cross were never to recover fully from the disaster. The Camarilla and War Council exerted its
control over the Wyladsaw dynasty again in the 1450s and exploited unrest among a gentry unable to rid themselves of the strict
and fair rulings of the Teutonic Order's magistrates. In 1466 the Teutones were forced to cede West Prussia and Pomerelia to
Poland. The Order's greatest humiliation occurred when they had to sell their seat of government -- Marienburg Castle -- to raise
funds to pay disgruntled Polish mercenaries.
But the Teutonic Knights grimly held on. It took another 100 years and the spread of the Reformation to completely destroy their
empire. Though their State was fractured, the concept of crusader outmoded and the code of chivalry considered an
anachronism, the Order held on. But another crushing victory was handed to the Camarilla in 1525 when Grand Master Albert of
Brandenburg signed the Treaty of Cracow, converted to Lutheranism and made East Prussia a duchy. This effectively put an
end to the Polish province.

1559: Livonian Province Downfall

The Order's Livonian province remained able to field an army of 2000 men after the Tannenberg disaster. But its strength was
undermined by a War Council instigated uprising of the Estonian peasantry as an invading Russian army approached. In 1542,
at Weissenstein, the 2000 brethren and mercenaries managed to defeat the Russian army of 30,000 men. But the victory
concealed the Order's weakness. The Ordensland was falling apart. The Swedes occupied northern Estonia: the Danes seized
the offshore islands and the Landmeister was forced to cede all of the Order's remaining land in Poland. The Landmeister of
Livonia remained independent until 1559 when the Camarilla used a sledge hammer to crack the Teutonic Knight walnut. Ivan
the Terrible was sent to invade the weakened province with an army of 130,000 men. Eventually, the Landmeister, based in
Riga, gave up his vows and became a secular duke.

German Province Survival

As the Ordensland crumbled, the Teutonic Knights grimly held on in Germany and Austria under a new master now called the
Hochund-Deutschmeister. The Order remained active, frantically seeking supernaturals now protected by the veil of the
In 1683 the Order once again served its original purpose, contributing a regiment toward the defence of Vienna against the
Ottoman expansion. The success of this regiment, which served as the mainstay in the defence, spurred the Order on in the
European fight against the invading Turks. The Teutonic Knight's last significant battle was at Zenta in 1697 when a Turkish
invasion of Hungary was annihilated.
The German and Austrian branches of the Order gradually contracted as the purpose for their existence vanished. The Hochund-Deutschmeister regiment eventually degraded to little more than a unit for pretentious noble families. After 1697 the Order
was limited to a group of 20 German Army officers -- their sovereignty gradually being diminished. The Order's remaining lands
were secularised by 1805.
Officers of note to emerge from these ranks included Archduke Karl, Napoleon's greatest adversary; Count Maximilian von

Merveldt, a renowned officer of the Napoleonic Wars; and Master Archduke Eugen who fought with distinction at Caporetto in
1917. The 20 officers and the regiment fought in both World Wars for the German side -- an act that greatly weakened its
international standing. However, the knights eventually played a central role in the resistance against Hitler.

Insert: Pagan Rites

Nothing the Teutonic Knights had experienced in Outremer (the Holy Land) prepared them for what they would encounter in
north-eastern Europe. The Balts worshiped idols in sacred groves and fields, attributing divine powers to the entire creatureworld -- including their own domestic animals. They practiced human sacrafice by burning or beheading and buried animals
alive at funerals. Dead warriors were cremated astride their horses while widows were often made to hang themselves. The
stockades of towns and temples were adorned with the skulls of animals to ward off the evil eye, their grim shrines served by
wholly-dedicated priests and soothsayers. The old, the sick and the lame were invariably executed. Drunkenness from mead
and fermented mares' milk was an important passtime, and tribesmen often drank the living blood of their horses veins to
"capture their swift spirit."
The first two knights sent to establish a foothold fortress on the borders of civilisation were soon cut down by the pagans. But a
year later, in 1230, Landpfleger Hermann Balke with 20 Knights and 200 sergeants attacked the offending fortress-temple,
hanging the pagan chief from his own sacred oak tree. Those who did not embrace Christianity were killed. The Prussian's
treatment of captives did not endear them to the Teutonic Knights. It was considered a usual practice for Prussian tribesmen to
"roast" a captured knight alive in his armour, like chestnuts, before the shrine of their local god.The official History of the Teutonic
Knights tells the story of two knights. One was placed in a cleft tree-trunk held apart by ropes which were then released, crushing
the wretched brother. The tree was then set alight. The other knight was lashed to his horse and both were then hauled to the top
of an oak tree and a major bonfire started below.
No quarter was given.
No quarter was returned.

Insert: Knight-Monk Vs Pagan Warrior

Many original exploratory raids by the Teutonic Knights into the Pagan Baltic lands, like one in 1237, were disasters. In the worst
instance, Wolquin Schenk and 50 bretheren were "cut down like women amid the marshes." But the knights learnt quickly how to
best exploit their strong points, and avoid exposing their weaknesses.
The disorganised Prussian tribes at first scorned the small bands of Teutones raiding their outer villages, but soon came to
dread them. White robed horsemen attacked them even in the snow, their great cloaks serving for camouflage as they rode over
frozen rivers or charged out of blizzards. The knights quickly adopted and modified the guerrilla tactics of their foes, sending
raiding parties deep into the sacred forests.
The tribesmen who also fought on horseback, but with short-sword and battleaxe instead of longsword and lance, found the
strange white knight's charges unstopable. Instead, the pagans retreated into their simple timber forts which were often quickly
reduced by ballistae, their defenders picked-off by crossbows. The wilderness of Lithuania was even harsher: primeval forest,
heath and scrubland with innumerable lakes and marshes. The knights adapted by using barges that could carry up to 500
troops. Otherwise, the woodcraft-trained Teutones would raid through the dense woods and fens. Knights carried their armor on
pack-horses, putting it on only when preparing for an attack -- even when under the threat of ambush. Many knights got lost under
the pine trees which hid the sun and stars, dying of starvation or accident. Some bretheren succumbed to "cafard" or forest
madness. It was a strange war -- like most religious conflicts. Some Lithuanians chose death over defeat: burning all their goods
in a great funeral pyre, killing their women and children before beheading each other. In one recorded case, an old priestess
decapitated more then 100 warriors with an axe before splitting her own head as the knights broke through the final inner

Deutschritter: Teutonic Knight (Part 2)

A supplement for Church Knight: The Cainite Crusade
Written and compiled by Jamie Seidel (

Book Three: Peoples of the North

Pagan Profile
"The Lithuanians are stalwart men, strong werriors and fers. The glebe of the cuntrey . . . bereth wel corne and fuyte and is ful
of mores and marys in many places, with ful many woodes, ryvers and waters and wylde beestes and tame; and is
strengthede with doodes, mores and marys, and hath litel other strength but woodes, mores and marys. Therefore unneth that
londe maye be assailed in sumer, but on wynter, when waters and ryvers ben yfrore"
-- Bartholomew, English crusader of the 1230s.

The peasants of the southern and eastern Baltic Coasts lived in small rural communities raising grain crops of barley, flax and
wheat, oats and rye, keeping cattle, swine, poultry and ponies. A village's resources were shared and all had collective
responsibility for maintenance and animal husbandry. Others were "fringemen" who lived off the forests, coasts and mountains
by fishing, trapping, hunting, bee-keeping and mining. Finally there were the burghers -- artisans, tradesmen and innkeepers
who settled in larger towns and ports.
The peoples of these lands were considered "fair," being tall and healthy -- though "somewhat uncouth and boozy" as
contemporary commentators put it. They had their hair cropped and had a characteristic shriek and jeer when preparing to fight.
While it sounds like an idyllic atmosphere the villagers were living close to starvation. They suffered from common menaces: bad
weather, too many children, greedy landlords and a lack of freedom. Slavery and service bonds were rife. Further inland there
were communities of free peasants who both ploughed for themselves and carried their own swords and spears for defence.
Christianity had not touched these people. They were still dominated by fighters brought up to kill or be killed, whether they lived
as princes, landowners or swordsmen. Between the fighting classes and the rest was a barrier of breeding and attitude
reinforced by tradition and law. They were experienced cavalrymen, wheeling and charging unexpectedly on small horses the
size of modern ponies. While not heavily armoured, they relied on speed and surprise rather than sword or spear play in close
combat. Raiding, ambushing and pillaging was their forte. Sustained battle was not. The soldiers of the warbands were clothed
in linen or wool, protected by shields and helmets. The leaders wore more elaborate equipment -- though offering only the same
degree of protection. The wealth of a dead man was competed for by horse races -- the winner taking a specific prize.

The society of the Baltic peoples was intensely militarised. It had evolved through the centuries between the hammer of the
Germanic tribes and the anvil of the Vikings. For long periods these communities had to pay tribute to Danish kings and
German lords. The communities were often clustered around prosperous "magnates" who lived in forest strongholds with their
retainers or communities of warriors and burghers. These earth-walled, stockaded and moated forts were usually controlled by a
"governor" or voivot. Each was the heart of a small territory, encompassing several rural communities.
By the eleventh century a line of these communities lurked crab-like a few miles up every estuary from Denmark to the Vistula.
The strongest of these had at their highest point a barracks, fort and residence (collectively called a grod or palatium), usually
reinforced with a moat, earth wall and wooden towers. Below it was the urbs (town), originally intended as a refuge for civilians
from the district in time of trouble. Later, these spaces became crammed with the artisans and merchants -- except for one or
more patches of holy ground which held small timber temples. Outside this stockade were further groups of dwellings, each
dedicated to fishermen, small traders, peasants and maybe a market. None of these towns were built directly on the coast. They
were always on inlets, rivers and lagoons -- on top of cliffs or behind dense stands of ancient trees.
Military service was extracted from the warrior classes and taxes of material were taken from the peasants. The voivot provided
hospitality to the district's prince (known as a knes) when he came on visits -- often involving prolonged feasting and shows of
force. The prince (knes) was always a great landowner in the countryside, the lord of the largest retinue of mounted warriors in
the region. He received taxes and commanded abject reverence with kneeling acclamation and foot-kissing. His blood was
sacrosanct and was often inherited from long dynasties. His rule was mostly in name and by his presence. Each town had its
own assembly which settled its own affairs. Comprised of magistrates, these leaders often led warbands to raid other tribes. But
the common factor between coast and country, freemen and fringemen, swordsman and serfs, was an allegiance or respect to
the mystical class of judges, warriors and bards which roamed their lands. These strange people were the stuff of legends -possessing great strength and speed. While each community was essentially self governing all decisions were deferred when
one of the "great ones" or "heroes" arrived.

The Wends considered their whole country to be studded with holy places -- groves, oaks, springs and rocks -- where the
peasants made offerings and held rites. They saw the world as peopled by large pantheon of gods -- subordinate to a divine
patriarchal spirit in the sky. These shrines managed to co-exist for centuries alongside Christian churches -- a scandal for
conscientious clerics but too deep rooted to eradicate completely.
The Wendish priesthood was able to exert great influence over their people, intensifying the worship of their gods by
constructing images, cult objects and temples. Master cults were developed in the cities where special skills in augury and
rituals made priests the leaders of their community. The priests became rich with luxurious temples dedicated to their gods. Out
in the woods they lived more spartan and holy lives. One priest is reported to have lived solely off the fruit of a single sacred nut
The arrival of Christianity drew a mixed response. Some princes received in readily while others opposed it violently. No city
abandoned its gods easily -- whether the prince willed it or not. Some considered Christianity to represent the gods of the
Germans -- an old foe for centuries. Others saw advantage in allying with the powerful new men moving into their districts.
The East Baltic tribes also followed cults of holy places, plants and animals. The cult of the dead (veles) and the cult of gods
were the essential guarantees of health, security, success and identity to every family and village. Wise men and women who
understood the rites were treated with the utmost respect. Priests and priesteses wandered the lands or devoted their lives to
the tending of the sacred groves and holy places.
Festivals of fertility and funerals often involved sacrifices of horses and humans. These were considered the high-points of the
religious year. Alone among the ancient religions of Europe, the Baltic religions would provide a strong and direct opposition to
the challenge of medieval Catholicism. The religion was a wealthy mix of ancient Celtic lore and gods, Nordic and Germanic
deities and goddesses drawn from vastly ancient Indian subcontinent origins. Women held a particular reverence among the
priesthood and were given varying degrees of freedom in the villages.
As the terrain became colder and more marginalised to the north, society became less feudal and more religious. Above
Estonia the word of the old men was law and the Shamans consulted with the spirits of the forests, seeking permission to forage
for food. Sacrifice was the only assured means of obtaining health and success.

Lower Baltic
The peoples of the Baltic coast and Poland were collectively known to the Germans as the Wends. However, as the Teutonic
Knights moved to conquer these lands, the complexity of the pagan society emerged. The Slavonic tribes occupied the
coastlands and hinterland from the bay of Kiel to the Vistula, including the islands of Fhmarn, Poel, Rugen, Usedom and Wollin.
They were divided into a number of nations.
The Wagrians were settled on the Danish frontiers to the Trave and the Abotrites lived between the Trave to the Warnow. These
two kindred peoples were loosely united with the Polabians of the Elbe basin under one dominant dynasty.
An unamalgamated group of tribes occupied the area from the Warnow to the Rugen, round the Oder mouths and up the Peene.
These were given the collective name of the Liutuzians or Wilzians -- "terrible" or "wolf" people. The northernmost group of tribes
were the Rugians or Rani, on the coast about the river Rugen.
The Pomeranians -- "dwellers on the shore" -- dwelled between the Oder to the Vistula, sharing the lands with Cassubian
"shaggy-coat men" tribes.
The following is a catalogue of the most important Wendish cities, organised into the tribes which managed them. While they
were not cities by the standards of the Germans or Europeans, they stood out from among the thinly settled Baltic region as they
held a special influence on the communities in and around them.
Wagarians: Coastal district tribe which had several key towns, among them Stargard (Oldenberg to the Germans) which had
been the beachhead from which a Saxon bishop had attempted to convert the community in the 10th century. The people had
rejected his faith and the church was a ruin.
Abotrites: The great city of this clan was Mecklenburg (Veligrad), five miles upstream from Wismar Bay. This position
dominated a wide network of lakes and rivulets. On the next inlet to the east was a community that would grow into the future city
of Rostock -- then only a temple, anchorage and a merchant settlement seven miles upriver.
Rugians: lived among marshy and forested domains with few communities larger than villages and forts. But their island
stronghold of Rugen held two remarkable townships: Arkona on the north-eastern tip and Karenz (now called Garz) on the lake's
edge on the southern point of the island. Arkona stood upon cliffs on the sea's edge which were too steep for any raid. It needed
no citadel due to the shape of the headland upon which it stood. The headland was cut off from the rest of the island by an earth
and timber wall which rose about 100 feet. A curved sector of housing was held within this wall, then an open space. At the point
of the headland was a temple of the four-headed god Svantovit -- a centre of pilgrimage and public worship. The harvest festival

brought representatives from all over the Rugian nation, sacrificing cattle and responding to the high priest's calls for war or
peace. The high priest had his own warband of 300 warriors and personal estates. Arkona was as close to a national capital
that the region had: here Rugian warriors met in council and took orders from the high-priest and his miraculous horse upon
which no man was allowed to ride. Karenz, in the south, was defended by lake, river and marshland, reinforced by a conventional
ring-wall. It was developing from a refuge fort into a prosperous settlement by 1168. It was full of tightly packed housing, with
three small spaces left clear for the temples on the higher portion of the town.
Polabains: The lake settlement of Ratzeburg was their chief city, connected to the Baltic sea by a tributary of the River Trave.
This town -- no more than a fort , an anchorage and some huts -- was later to become the city of Lubeck.
Liutizians: this tribe which settled along the river Peene had several well-protected towns. The most important was the furthest
upriver: Demmin (the smoke place). This was where three rivers met, a key stronghold of whoever conquered the region. It was
a cult centre of the Redarri, the home of the god Radigost. The city consisted of a large citadel, earthen and timber walls and a
prominent temple.
Pommeraneans: Szczecin (pronounced Shchetsin) was the "mother of the cities of the Pommeraneans." Its walls enclosed three
temple-crowned hills and had a reputation for impregnability. It held a community of 900 families. The voivot of this city had a
household of 500 family, servants and warriors. He had a fleet of six ships which frequently plied the rivers between the sister
towns of Wolgast (Vologost), Usedom (Uznam), Lebbin (Liubin), Wollin (Wolin) and Cammin (Kamien). These towns lay on the
reedy channels branching from between the Peene and Oder rivers and the Gulf of Stettin. All were defensible places with
markets and forts, trading with others and defending themselves with fleets and armies.
Kolberg (Kolobrzeg) was a town of a particularly important status as it contained a salt works. The prince (knes) of the
Pommeranians held residence in Belgard (Bialogard). To the south of this city the lands were mostly empty, with a single track
leading to the port of Danzig (Gdanzk) which consisted mostly of a grod and urb.

Eastern Baltic
East of the Vistula was a dense deciduous forest which stretched most of the way from the Baltic to the to the west Russian
uplands. It was difficult terrain, often impassable. Layers of dead wood, luxuriant undergrowth, lakes, bogs and hills confined
human settlement to the coastal strip and the valleys of the Vistula, Niemen and Dvina. Among the oaks, ash, elms, linden trees
and maples that hemmed in the cleared grounds of the communities lived the aurochs, the bison, the bear and the elk. Reaching
400 miles north/south and 300 miles east/west, it was inhabited by a small group of people known in modern times as the Balts.
They were of Indo-European origin.
These "nations" were associations of smaller tribes, unified under an effective political system of blood relationship. Each tribe
was capable of mobilising a warband (karya to the Prussians, karias to the Lithuanians) and had an assembly called a wayde.
Each tribe was responsible for its own forts and maintaining its own folklore.
These tribes never acted as one nation before the 12th century. While groups of one or two would fight together, the nation of
Prussia for example never fought as one until the Crusades. What gave these "nations" their identity were their common
language, the districts in which they lived and common religious cults.
The peasants of these nations were mostly occupied with clearing away the restricting forests by burn-beating and tree-cutting.
They harvested with the sickle and the scythe, raised cattle and horses, grew flax and wove linen. They cropped wheat and
sometimes barley and oats. Much food was gathered from the forests and coast. Honey, wax and furs were sought in the forests,
while amber -- petrified tree-sap from ancient forests -- was washed up on the coast. Amber was a precious substance, coveted
by artisans and princes.
North of the Dvina pine became the predominant tree, supplanting the oak and the elm. The land was very moist, with Estonia
being noted for its bogs and rocky coasts. East of Lake Chud (Peipus Peipsi) lay a great coniferous forest, drained by wide
rivers and threaded by a complicated pattern of bogs, lakes and streams. North of Estonia the land became less habitable.
Many Estonian and Finnish tribes came and went -- the true natives living hand-to mouth, struggling against land too cold to till
and forests only sparsely populated by elk.
Prussians: These people lived between the Lower Vistula, the Narew, the Niemen and the Baltic coast. Among its tribes were
the Galindians, Sudovians, Pomesanians, Pogesanians. A church was established in the land of the Prussians in 997, though St
Adalbert of Prague was martyred.
Lithuanians: A people that lived north and east of the Niemen, within the watershed of its tributaries the Nivezis and the Viliya.
Some of the tribe names were Zemaiciai, Aukstaiciai.
Latvian States: This loose association of tribes consisted of the Lettgallians north of the lower River Dvina and the Semigallans
and Selonians (also called Letts) who lived to the south. Towns protected by large earthworks were established at Lielupe,
Tervette, Daugmale and Jersika.
Curonians: Called Kurir by the Scandinavians, these people lived on the peninsula between the Baltic and the Gulf of Riga. One
of their chief settlements was at Impiltis, where the defensive earthworks enclosed an area of 12.5 acres. Another large city was
Fennic: A group of tribes to the far north-east of the Baltic Sea. Included the tribes called the Ves, Eastern Chud, Pechera,
Perm, Cheremis, Merya, Mordva and others. All lived on the tributaries of the Novgorod, along with the Vods, Estonians and
Karelians in the west. These peoples worshiped the trees, ancestors and an army of spirits which peopled the woods. Their only

government was the wise-man of each extended family and the shamans which held the gates of the invisible world.

Overcoming the Pagans

The Teutonic Knights had the advantage of several innovations over the pagan tribes. They utilised the German merchant
classes which had been trading with the tribes for almost a century. These merchants introduced the Teutones to the great-ship
or "cog" as it was known. This type of ship could carry 237 tons as opposed to the tribal long-boats that could only carry 20. A
cog could carry 500 passengers or a town's supplies for a whole winter. It was the perfect transport for reinforcements and the
"castles" on its bow and stern were more than a match for any pirates. With this sort of mobile warehouse supported by smaller
craft, the Teutones were able to move deep into the pagan lands -- following the rivers and waterways during summer and
marching over the ice during winter.
Another advantage and innovation was the stone tower. The Teutonic Knights learned the art of stone masonry in Palestine.
While stone was hard to come by, the knights initially had to makedto with wooden blockhouses ringed by palisades. As the
Teutones became more established in an area, resources were put into finding stone or manufacturing bricks to build towers of
a strength previously unseen in the Baltic lands. The importance of these structures was vital: they were able to keep small
garrisons alive when they would otherwise have been overwhelmed. They were also virtually impervious to their pagan enemy's
favourite weapon -- fire.
One of the most important advantages was artillery -- particularly the crossbow. It was not a knightly instrument and it was not the
Teutones that used it. But the Germanic settlers used the weapon to great effect. Its accuracy and penetrating power shortened
the odds in the battle between many and few. Larger ballista or catapults and mounted on towers became weapons that could
fell large sections of a warbands in a single round.
The advantage of heavy cavalry was rarely realised in the Baltic lands. The numerous bogs, springs, streams, forests and sanddunes made charges impossible to mount. Heavy armour slowed knights down, making them more vulnerable to the ambush -a favourite form of attack among the tribes. But it was the Teutone's staying power that surprised the tribes -- never before had
an invader resolutely held onto land through cold winters and survived.

North-Eastern Europe
Black Furies: The only all female tribe, the black furies could be seen as feminist fatales. Being female does not mean this tribe
is ladylike. In fact, it is much the opposite -- being one of the major proponents of violence against the Order. This tribe is
particularly attached to nature and untouched wilderness, emerging to strike at those who threaten their sacred groves. They
gather in these groves for their religious moots, using the enchanting setting of dark glades with pools shining silver under the
moonlight to inspire the words of their priest-leaders. Often a "sacred hunt" is launched at such a gathering.

Children of Gaia: These are the peaceful of the Lycanthropes. The others see them as tree hugging peacenicks. It was the
Children of Gaia's support for less violent means to turning the Teutonic Crusade that helped tip the scale of the Wolf Council to
intrigue. But like all lycanthropes, they can be demonic fighters when pushed too far. More modern offspring of this tribe are
becoming increasingly radical, more and more prepared to fight rather than out-wit their opponents. They also gather in sacred
groves, often focusing on a single sacred tree. Their worship varies from quiet contemplation to frantic orgies.

Gangrel: This nomadic tribe appears to have had a long association with the Baltic wilderness, drawn by its isolation and
natural beauty. Ties between the Gangrel and the Shapechangers are much more cordial than that of other vampiric clans -explaining much about their presence in this were-creature dominated land. Throughout history the Gangrel have been relatively
well informed as to the happenings of the world, with news of far-off places often being brought by their friends and associates
among the Gypsies.

Ventrue: The growth of Germany as an Imperial and an Industrial power saw the arrival of clan Ventrue in the region. This
scheming clan has long sought to exert its dominance over the region -- a mission which at times matched that of the Teutonic
Knights. Their power has been increasing recently, with the unification of the two Germany's and the loosening grip of Russia
upon the Baltic and Polish states. Always city dwellers, they are rarely found outside the safe confines of concrete and glass.

Tzimisce: The Baltic states have long been the "heartland" of clan Tzimisce. Maintaining its strongholds against all comers -including the Roman Empire -- this fearsome clan has been in the forefront of the struggle against the Teutonic Knights. Their
altered ghouls serve as the vanguard of many an uprising -- either as horribly deformed creatures or as fearsome examples of
the best pagan hero-warriors. Tzimisce has puppet leaders in Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Wallachia, Bavaria, Austria, Serbia
and Kievan Russia. They are particularly strong in Lithuania where they maintain the worship of the old Slavic gods. The clan has
also had some success in infiltrating the Russian Orthodox church. But their power is waning. Many of their subjects actually
welcome the advance of the Teutonic Knights, and the war with the Tremere is absorbing more and more resources.

The Holy Land

Silent Striders: Driven out of Egypt by vampires long ago, the Silent Striders wander all about the world -- though they often
gravitate to the lands surrounding their ancient home. They lead a nomadic existence, at home in the forest or city. More often

than not they can be found among the ranks of the gypsies, circus troops or even merchant groups. Despite this, they are a wellinformed tribe and always seem to know what's happening. As a nomadic tribe they have few set meeting places and only
gather rarely.

Star Gazers: Enraptured by Eastern Mysticism and the occult, this tribe holds the Middle East as the heart of its activities.
Generally treated with disdain as "wise-guys" by shapechanger society. They wander most of the world, helping to protect lands
sacred to the lycanthrope. Members of this tribe rarely gather together. When they do, it appears more to be a friendly exchange
of news and information.

Setite: Though the Teutonic Knights never made it into Egypt, roving bands of these vampires (often associated with invading
armies) frequently made their way into the Holy Land. Their support has dwindled with the death of their ancient religions, but
their corrupting influence does much to destabilise many governments and organisations. It was this clan's spread through
Europe that helped prompt the excesses of the Inquisition. Now, Setites manipulate society through the depravity of the drug
trade instead of their pagan religion. With the lifting of the military state that was the USSR, members of this clan are already
moving in to establish their "dominion" over the Baltic states.

Assamite: Doubly the enemy of the Teutonic Knights because of its Vampiric and Saracen background, the Assamites are
among the most fearful of foes. Their perfection of the art of assassination has caused the loss of several key Teutonic
personnel over the centuries and in recent times. It is also rumoured that the clan is not popular among Vampiric organisations,
with allegations that several later Crusades were sparked simply to cover a blood-hunt against the Assamites. However, this
clan unknowingly helps the Militant Order's cause. Assassins single-mindedly hunt down other vampires as tools of political

Insert: The Passing of a People

During the late 14th century under Hochmeister Luther, a talented musician, the castle of Marienburg became a centre for the
performing arts. The surrounding districts had long since been tamed and Christianity was well and truly established. There were
frequent song-contests and concerts in the castle's great halls, attracting the best performers from all over Europe. One one
occassion it is recorded that a pathetic old man -- a figure from the past -- walked up to the step and requested admittance to
the competition. The Prussian harpist proceeded to sing, in his almost forgotten tongue, some of the great ballads of his now
dead people. Jeering, the knights awarded the "rediculous ghost" of a dead pagan society a sack of rotten walnuts before
ordering him back to the forests and his sacred oak trees.
Not all knights missed the significance of this act. It was a brave defiance of the all-conquering Christian culture. It was also a
requiem to the harper's dead tribe. But it was to be 600 years before the lessons of this occurance was to be learned by the
Order as a whole -- and even then only after it was rubbed in its nose. The very aristocratic pride in which the Order vested so
much importance was wrong. The Nazi embodiment of Teutonic beliefs and attitudes through the Waffen SS brought this
message home. Arrogance, blind obedience, excessive pride and inflated self-importance had diverted the Teutonic Knights
hand from doing good to doing harm. Pride and prejudice have no place within the Christian ethos of Faith, Hope and Charity.

Book Four: Inside the Order

Initiation to the Order
"I, Cuno von Hattenstein, do profess and promise chastity, renunciation of property, and obedience, to God and to the
Blessed Virgin Mary, and to you, Brother Anno, Master of the Teutonic Order, and to your successors, according to the Rules
and Institutions of the Order, and I will be obedient to you, and to your successors, even unto death."
-- The Northern Crusades, by Eric Christiansen.

Many Teutonic brothers came from the lower echelons of nobility. They would enter the Order to free themselves from economic
dependence to secular lords and to enjoy the status and power associated with joining a religious corporation governing a large
territorial State. While the Grand Chapter did their utmost to maintain the nobility of the Order, Provincial Commanders were not
adverse to recruiting from among the peasant and merchant classes. Able bodied townsfolk and "generous" businessmen found
their way into the brotherhood despite many "crackdowns" over the centuries.
A postulant was normally received into the Order in one of the houses in the twelve bailiwicks in the Empire. While the Grand
Master and General Chapter reserved the right to receive postulants, this was usually carried out by the Provincial
Commanders. The social and moral status of the postulant were exhaustively examined. A postulant had to submit a letter from a
patron who would vouch for his ancestry and moral worth. Postulants also had to bring three horses, armour, weaponry and the
fare for their trip to Prussia. Candidates of illegitimate birth could only be accepted into the Order through direct intervention
from the Grand Master.

The Modern Novitiate

Modern Novices of any Militant Order are not untrained and inexperienced acolytes. In many ways they parallel the role of
Sergeant many centuries ago: they are active warriors of lower status -- be it birth (historically) or personal commitment. A
novitiate is still part of the process of becoming a knight: at least five years must be spent in the training halls and support units,
gaining the necessary experience and maturity to become a fully fledged knight.
Novices are still required to take the vow of Obedience though those of Poverty and Chastity are not required. Many novices
have attained Faith and training above that required to become a knight -- though choose to remain a novice because of a wife
or business responsibilities. Rank within a novitiate is not by title. It is by seniority. A novice of one year is at the bottom of the
ladder (5th class). A novice in his fifth year (1st class) is close to being a knight. Any holding status of more than 5 years, and is
not a knight, is called a Sergeant (without the knight prefix).

Once a postulant has presented all his credentials to a Commander, his background has been fully investigated and a sponsor
knight found, a simple ceremony is conducted at the next convenient Chapter meeting. This Chapter must be presided over by a
Landkomtur (Preceptor) who will conduct the brief ceremony. Upon investiture, postulants are required by the Rule to answer a
barrage of questions: Do you belong to another Order? Are you married? Have you any hidden physical infirmity? Are you in
Debt? Are you a serf? After the five negatives, the postulant had to give five positives. Are you prepared to fight in Palestine? Or
elsewhere? To care for the sick? To practice any craft you know as ordered? To obey the Rule? They were then expected to
"I, (postulant's name), do profess and promise chastity, renunciation of property, and obedience, to God and to the Blessed
Virgin Mary, and to you, Brother (Grand Master) and your successors, according to the Rule and Institutions of the Order, and I
will be obedient to you, and to your successors, even unto death."

The Teutonic Rule

"The German princes and magnates were in full agreement that the aforesaid house should have the regulations of the
Hospital of St. John concerning the sick and the poor, as in the past, but for the rest should have the Rule of the Militia of the
Temple with regards to clerics, knights and other brothers."
-- Narracio de primordiis ordinis Teutonici, 1198
A Teutonic Knight dedicated himself to a monastic way of life that revolved around the three fundamental vows of poverty,
chastity and obedience. These vows, and the tenets of the Teutonic Rule, were designed to suppress individuality and promote
a collective lifestyle. The Rule stated: "brethren should be humbly obedient and should in all things break their own wills." The
Rule of the Teutonic Knights was approved by Cardinal William of Sabina before 1245.
Also governing the life of a knight was the Consuetudines maires (constitutional rules) which was inspired by the Rules of the
Templars and Hospitallers (one stipulating the monastic life expected of a brother-knight, emphasising the tenets of chastity,
obedience and poverty, while the other bound a knight to a life of service and charity), the Dominican Order and the Order of the
Holy Spirit. Further ordinances were added by Grand Masters, such that the entire collection formed a large book -- copies of
which had to be kept in every commandery, read out in full tree times and year and in sections on every sunday.
A full calendar of religious observances were insisted upon. A knight was expected to recite the offices (specified prayers)
throughout the day, both inside the convent and on active duty. The first mass was conducted just before dawn while on
campaign because the days were short in northern winters and the knights needed to be on the move at dawn to make the most
of the light. The hallowing of the sacrament was timed to coincide with the first emerging rays of the sun. On campaign the
master's or the marshal's tent became the army's church. A portable field-altar was its centrepiece. Teutones had to receive the
holy sacrament (communion) seven times a year: a process which involved a fast -- unlike the Templars.
Military and monastic discipline went together. Knights were expected to perform their duties and were allowed few privileges.
Their equipment and armour were uniform and each man was issued with a pair of shirts, a pair of breeches, two pairs of boots,
one surcoat, one sleeping bag, one blanket and one knife. He was allowed to wear fur, because of the cold temperatures, but it
could only be goatskin or sheepskin. He could be assigned two or four mounts but they belonged to the convent. A knight had to
sleep in his clothes and boots and had to remain silent at meals and while in the dormitory, on the march or in the latrine. He
could not display his own coat of arms -- the Teutonic cross being good enough for all. He was not allowed to joust or join in on
the hunt, though he could kill wolves and bears with the stipulated assistance of hounds. He was allowed to wear a beard though
his hair must be kept short.
The whole objective of the Rule was military efficiency. Mobilisation, parades, route-marches, pitching camp, guard-duty and
conduct in the field were all regulated by an undeviating routine and carried out in silence. But there were some benefits in being
a Teutone. While a knight could not own his own horse or sword, he was allowed to trade for the profit of his house and
commandery -- a provision that helped the establishment of the empire.

Components of the Rule

The Rule of the Templars is outlined in detail in Militiae Christi and is a good example of all the various Rules. The following is a

sample of what was expected of a Teutonic Knight.

The brethren had to dress in a uniform way -- white clothing marked with black crosses.
Nothing could be "too long, short, tight or wide."
Shoes had to be plain with buckles.
Hair and beards had to be worn so that "the wearer should be immediately recognisable as a brother of the Order."
Meals were to be eaten noiselessly.
Sleeping quarters were general dormitories.
Knights had to sleep in their undergarments.
No trappings of class or status were to be worn.
Saddles and shields were not to be painted in markings other than those belonging to the Order.
Tournaments, weddings, christenings and birthdays were to be avoided.
Kissing was prohibited -- including close relatives "less it lead to unchastity."
Privacy was not allowed and personal letters had to be scrutinised by a superior.
A particularly severe form of punishment for breaching the Rule was the Iarbusse: a year's hard labour, eating meals off the floor
without cutlery, dietary restrictions, removal of the cross from the habit and corporal punishment on Sundays.

Teutonic Structure
"When war is waged against evil or demons by spiritual strength, I would not say that this is extraordinary, although
praiseworthy, since the world is seen to be full of monks. But when a monk is powerfully girded with both swords and marked
out nobly by the belt of each, who would not think this worthy of admiration, even though it is certainly unusual?"
-- St Bernard de Clairvaux, De Laude Novae Militia

General Chapter
The highest position among the Teutonic Knights was that of Grand Master. He was elected upon the summoning of the General
Chapter of the Order which represented all Teutonic Provinces. Before a Grand Master's death he was required to appoint a
Deputy to oversee the gathering of officers from Germany, Prussia, Livonia, Austria, Rumania and the Holy Land. This General
Chapter elected a foreman (commendator electionis) who then nominated a second member of the Electoral Chapter. Then, in
a system based closely upon that of the Templars, these two Knights chose a third member. These three selected a fourth . . .
and so on until the 13 representatives had been chosen. The Teutonic Rule stipulated there must be at least eight knightbrothers, one priest-brother and four sergeants. They were not allowed to be from the same province or of the same family. A
simple majority determined the election. If one of the Electoral Chapter was nominated as Grand Master he was asked to
withdraw so that his character could be freely discussed. If he remained in contention his position was taken by another brother.
Upon the election of the new Grand Master, the successful knight was escorted to the alter by the Deputy Master and invested
with a ring and circular seal depicting the Virgin Mary enthroned and holding the Christ-child and sceptre.

Grand Master (Hochmeister)

The Teutonic Rule contained only general statements about the Grand Master's role: "he should punish the disobedient and
show concern for the sick." This was a deliberate lack of definition. As the Teutonic Order was, essentially, a corporation, the
Grand Master was required to consult the General Chapter in all important matters -- such as buying and selling property. In
lesser decisions he only had to consult members of the Chapter. In practice it proved impractical to summon a General Chapter
except to discuss crucial matters such as law making, senior appointments or changes in international affairs. The corporate
nature of the Order constantly placed checks and balances against the Grand Master's powers. The Grand Master lived in one
of the most magnificent buildings in Europe -- Marienburg Castle -- the headquarters of the Order from 1309. Great emphasis
was placed on the Grand Master's generosity and records exist for hundreds of marks being distributed to the poor and needy
every time he took an excursion.

Governing Council (Gebistigerrat)

Day-to-day government of the Order was through a council of five officers collectively known as the Grossgebietiger who formed
part of a Chapter known as the Gebistigerrat. They comprised: The Grosskomtur (Seneshenal), Marshal, Oberste Trapier
(Master Draper), Oberste Spittler (Hospitaller) and Tressler (Treasurer). The Provincial Commanders could also attend or serve
on this council to representing their provinces when needed. This council was the governing body of the Order, making most of
the decisions and setting most policies.
The Grosskomtur (Great Commander) was given his own suite of offices in Marienburg Castle equal in opulence and size to the
Grand Master. As second in command of the Order, his role was often that of foreign minister. He also acted on the Grand
Master's behalf during his absence and led the Marienberg Commandery continents during war.
Before the fall of the Holy Land, the Marshal (Ordensmarschall) had sole responsibility for military operations against the Infidel.
Later, as Marienberg eventually receded into the safe heart of the Teutonic State, the Marshal was generally assigned the task
of military overseer of the frontier provinces.

The position of Oberste Spittler (Hospitaller) was initially quite important as the Order maintained a hospital in Acre. Later, the
title became honourific as the Order conducted few nursing missions in Europe. The same applies to the position of Oberste
Trapier (Draper). While there was a centralised system for the distribution of clothing and equipment in Palestine, this
responsibility was later taken over by Provincial Commanders. The role became that of an advisor and ranking officer.
The Tressler administered the revenues contributed by the provinces and at times conducted audits on those provinces
suspected of holding back their contributions. He managed the expenses for the Grand Master's court and official activities as
well as major expenditures such as fortifications.

Knight Organisation
The positions of Grosschaffer in Marienburg and Konigsberg were essentially trade ministers overseeing exports and imports.
Both had large personal staffs and had to report to the Tressler. Most trade was conducted in grain, furs, amber and copper.
Provincial Commanders (Landkomtur) were responsible for law and order within their designated areas. Under them were the
Hauskomtur (Preceptor). Each Hauskomtur was responsible for a Komtur (chapter) of 12 knights and their associated
sergeants. Civilians could approach the Commander to act as judge for murder and other major cases. Individual knights were
allowed to administer justice on minor matters -- so long as they submitted a full report to their House Commander afterwards.
Teutonic Knights acted as a police force in the traditional meaning of the word -- deterring criminals, serving summonses and
conducting arrests. Beneath the House Commanders were Vogts, associate-members of the Order who acted as caretakers of
a farm or an estate. Commanders led the knights from their Chapter during battle and were responsible for the security of their
estates. Internal matters were conducted at the discretion of the Provincial Commander, with assistance available from senior
officers if the need arose.

The Teutonic Insignia and Habit

Uniform: The white habit of the Teutones was very similar to that of the Templars (much to the latter's disgust). This right was
granted them by the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II. Their black cross (sometimes superimposed with a yellow highlight) was
similar in shape to that of the Cross of Jerusalem (four T's radiating from a centre-point). In the late-13th century they were also
granted the right to place the German Royal Eagle at the heart of the cross -- though this practice has since been discontinued
to recognise the new diversity of the Order's members. Teutone sergeants (equivalent to modern novices) wore a Tau cross
(looking like a single capital T). Later, the cross took on more gentle curves -- eventually evolving into the distinctive Iron Cross
that featured prominently in World War I and World War II insignia.

Standard: In the early days of the Order the Teutones battle standard was simply a black cross on a white field. But, as they
successfully established a principality in the Baltic States, the cross was dressed up. By 1330 the Order had adopted the yellow
cross of Jerusalem bordered in black for their standard, with the German royal eagle at its heart. This was placed on a white
field. Shields mostly held a simple black cross on white though officers would adorn it with yellow inside the black cross and the
Imperial eagle at the junction.

The Modern Order

"The Church and God have, unfortunately, little to do with vampirism in truth, excepting perhaps that some prayers might
help the dead from returning and suitable formulas are recited at the funeral to help the soul find solace. There is no more
effective method to ban vampirism than killing."
-- Vampire, a Complete Guide to the Undead, Manuela Dunn Mascetti, 1991
Only a few isolated outposts of the Teutonic Order survived the collapse of their once great empire. A chapter in Vienna and the
Bailiwick of Utrecht in Amsterdam remain mainly through concentrating on the roles of nursing and charity work. Other chapters
were forced to operate "underground" -- first to avoid the Reformationists and then to hide from the Communists. Ironically, it
was the supernatural forces behind the emergence of Stalinist Russia that finally saw the destruction of the Wolf Council. With
the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Gangrel, Children of Gaia and Black Furies have returned to fill the vacuum left by their
vanished oppressors. Now, it appears it is their turn to be dispossessed.
The Order reached its low-point in 1923 when its Grand Master resigned after the fall of the Austrian Empire -- the last bastion of
support for the dwindling Order. The next blow came in 1929 when Pope Pius XI ratified a new constitution -- stripping the Order
of its Chivalric status. The surviving chapterhouses -- including the Sisters of the German Hospital of St. Mary in Jerusalem -reverted to a normal monastic order under the control of Sacred Congregation for the Religious in Rome. Only a few ranks
referred to the Order's Militant past.
The new Brotherhood of the German Hospital in Jerusalem suffered badly under the Third Reich -- the persecution of the
Teutonic Order coinciding with the glorification of the ancient Knights of Prussia which was used as a propaganda tool shortly
before Hitler came to power. The Nazis established an order of Merit called the "Teutonic Order" which still causes detrimental
associations even today. A new mythology involving the old Order was fabricated, claiming the "glorious" knights to be the
forerunners of the Third Reich. Even after the war, once the Order had its lands restored by a new Austrian government, the
effects of Nazi propaganda still hinder the Teutones charitable work -- despite the fact it was among the first religious
organisations suppressed by Hitler.
But the Teutonic Order was deeply shocked by the reflection held up to its face in the form of the Waffen SS. The SS were a

band of devoted "knights," fighting furiously to perpetuate what they believed. Many older knights recognised this as the fatal
flaw within the Order itself -- arrogant pride and uncompromising belief in itself. Since then the most senior of the Order's knights
have striven for greater humility -- and their on-going reforms reflect this.
The Teutonic Order was able to save much face in Eastern Europe through the hardships and deprivations imposed by
Communist Russia. Remnants and descendants of the Order established a secret Christian network to avoid the suppressions
and discrimination of Stalinist USSR. Though limited in numbers, the Order also continued its work of harassing known
The monastic German Brothers managed to grow after the war in parish work, hospitals, old-people's homes, schools and
training colleges. The organisation remains as a public front to the Order -- comprising 30 Clerical and 10 lay Brothers, 500
religious Sisters and 350 Familiars -- 12 of which are ranked as Knights of Honour.
The new Knights of the Cross emerged from this cauldron of fire during the early 1990s as a well forged alloy. The tearing down
of the Berlin Wall marked the return to freedom for the knights and the Christian community, but the tyranny of Communism had
served only to strengthen the faith of many and break down the barriers between Catholic and Reformationist. The make-up of
the modern Order reflects this. Many of its knights were Lutherans, others were Russian Orthodox. The new knighthood
represents the full spectrum of Christian denominations. Once again recognised by the Papacy and international community, the
Teutonic Knights are gaining public support through charitable works mainly focussed on reuniting east and west Germany.
Much is also being done in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia where many now view the Teutonic knights as being a firm but
fair portion of their history. This work includes using influence among major German corporations to set up manufacturing and
distribution facilities in these areas, the building of hospitals and community facilities, repairing public utilities -- and the more
covert "cleansing" of supernatural influences.
Although the Teutonic Knights were not present at the Malta Synod of the mid 1980s, the re-established and strengthened
Templar and Hospitallers were surprisingly willing to welcome them back into the fold of Militant Orders. Still subject to the status
of "junior" order, the Teutones are proving their maturity in charitable and cleansing work.
Russia has become a major concern to the Teutonic Knights. Something "big" is happening there. A purge on the scale of the
Inquisition is happening among the supernaturals of Russia -- but the Inquisition claims to know nothing about it. Several knights
have discovered a vampire's lair, only to find someone had beaten them to it. Werewolf caerns have been left untended and the
nodes of mages are left unexploited. Several knights sent deep into Russia in search of clues to this mystery have simply
vanished. One thing is certain: "The enemy of mine enemy is no friend of mine."

"Kings, emperors and nobles used to rule the world, today I see sovereignty held by the clergy by means of robbery,
treachery, hypocrisy, violence and preaching. . . They are anxious to make the world theirs. . . "
-- Pierre Cardenal of Le Puy, 1229
The single greatest contributor toward the demise of the Teutonic Knights was the break-up of the Catholic Church. The
reformation sparked by the teachings of Martin Luther had a profound effect on German society, eventually spreading like
wildfire throughout Europe. Many knights, disillusioned with the corruption of the established church, gave up their oaths and
became Lutheran. Even high-ranking officers announced their dissent and left their posts. Combined with the increasing
"christianisation" of the surrounding nations to which the Teutones had been opposed to so long, the Order lost its sense of
purpose and the all-important concept of religious unity. With the re-establishment of the Order in the 1990s, the Gebistigerrat
(governing council) has attempted to remove this source of dissent. Instead, they hope theological diversity can be turned into a
The senior knights have taken a valiant stand, declaring that all christians are equal. Faith is what is important. The "fiddly bits"
can be worried about later. This stance has not gone down well with the "old guard" Teutones. Especially in light of the more
specific reforms that have followed -- such as allowing women to hold militant and priest status. The outcome has not yet
become what the Gebistigerrat had hoped. The Order is becoming factionalised, with interest groups forming around conflicting
ideals and interpretations. Only the Hochmeister's strength of character has prevented this from developing into a schism far
worse than that experienced several centuries ago. In time the Hochmeister hopes these factions will learn to tolerate and
accommodate each other in a spirit of compromise. This, he believes, is the only way the Order -- and the Church at large -- has
any chance of surviving through the next millennia.

The Reformed Rule

The vow of Chastity is no longer applied to Novices. Married novices are allowed entrance to the Order and their families
receive similar support to that of military personnel all around the world. The goal is to become more attractive to the diverse
Christian reformationist churches that have appeared all around the world. However, Knights are still expected to make this
sacrifice to disencumber their devotion to God's will.
Poverty is also no longer enforced among Novices. The rank, instead of relating to experience, has taken on an association with
a degree of commitment to the Order. Again, knights are required to take this extra step toward total commitment.
Obedience is the one element of the Rule that has in no way been diminished. In fact, it is only through the Rule that the above
reformations will have any chance of being accepted by the rank and file.

New Purpose
The goal of the Teutonic Order is no longer to carve out an Empire based on strict Christian principles. Instead, it is one of
contributing military expertise toward combating mankind's greatest threat -- the corrupting influence of supernatural beings. The
Order's commitment to its craft is absolute. The Church exists to teach and console an ignorant and increasingly frightened
populace. The Sword exists to cut-down any powerful pagan heretic that gets in the Cloth's way. The Teutones know that they
are that sword. Across the factions is one powerful common driving force: eradication of the enemy. This strength of purpose
often embodies itself in almost single-minded behaviour. Scheming Templars and soft-hearted Hospitallers are often shocked
by the resolution shown by Teutones in their hatred of all things evil. Great resources are poured into finding new and effective
weaponry against the variety of foes the Church Knights face. The Teutones are not jealous of these advances and willingly
share them with their comrades in arms.

Women in the Order

The Historical Order
Throughout its history the Order has adopted the approach espoused by the Catholic Church: that women have rights to
property, freedom and expression -- but are to be excluded from fighting and positions of power within the Church itself. Women
were allowed to worship in the same devoted manner as men -- with convents being among the oldest institutions dedicated to
living in the name of Christ. But nuns were to be segregated from monks and men as much as possible: thus the high walls
surrounding most convents. Few women ever held positions of power higher than abbotess -- administrating the affairs of other
women. Life was not so strict in secular medieval society, with queens and princesses often holding considerable power -- and
even the crown -- within their countries. As a monastic organisation, the Teutonic Knights were no different. Women were
allowed to be members of the Order, as nursing nuns and as supportive affiliates. But none held positions of power or combat,
and all were rigorously kept away from the brother-knights. This situation remained static since the Order was formed in the 12th
Century. Only in the past decade has the winds of change been felt.

The Modern Order

The Teutonic Order's Gebistigerrat (governing council) has in recent years taken several brave moves in the field of women's
rights and privileges. Like many reformationist churches, the Teutone hierarchy has begun to question the old traditions
regarding women and the modern relevance of the often-quoted passages in the Bible. The Gebistigerrat has ruled that women
are equal to men in God's eyes -- and have allowed them to become priests and knights in God's service. The result was
essentially shock. All protests were heard, and dismissed, through the appeals council. Now the way is legally open for a woman
to even hold the post of Hochmeister. But the response has been slow. There is no glass ceiling in the Order. Things are not yet
that good.
Instead, many groups -- particularly among the old German nobility and Catholic members -- firmly believe that women are
unsuited, both physically and morally, to God's work. These knights comply with the letter of the Gebistigerrat rulings, but not the
spirit. Some nuns have applied for, and been granted, militant status. Surprisingly, numerous new female recruits have been
gained through the more lenient congregations associated with the Order. These women often have a purpose: they have
experienced Corruption's influence on this world and want to contribute toward a better future. Not even the most hard-line antiassimilation Teutones can criticise the devotion and commitment demonstrated by these recruits. Careful training programs are
even reducing physical strength differences, and in the firing ranges their averages are no different to that of male novices.
But prejudice blinds even the best minds.
Most female knights know they have to perform twice as well to be considered half as effective as their male counterparts. But it
is a challenge that has daunted few, to this point. The Order places great faith in any novice or knights commitment to their vows
and allows men and women to work side-by-side. But the female knights are billeted separately from the males, though they are
given similar spartan conditions. Few women have risen to high positions of rank at this point. The most senior is an ex-nun who
holds the rank of Hauskomtur (Captain) -- representing female considerations on general councils and chapter meetings.
Several other women have recently completed their command courses, technically allowing them to be given the rank of
Captain. Their promotion is currently dependent upon gaining sufficient active service experience -- something many
commanders are unwilling to commit the women to.

Marienburg Castle
"(It had) arms and provisions to maintain a garrison of a thousand persons for ten years, of ten thousand for one year."
-- Sire de Lannoy, 14th Century
This was the most elaborate of the Teutonic Knight's strongholds which ranged from timber blockhouses, fortified towers to full
castles. Marienburg served as a palace, a monastery, a parliament-house, a government office, an arsenal and a holy city. This
all-purpose structure was an elaboration of a design and purpose found all over Prussia and Livonia on a much smaller scale --

generally a tower and a fortified quadrangle. Marienburg castle was originally constructed in 1276 under Grand Master Winrich
von Kniprode as frontier fortress. As the empire grew, it central position increased its strategic importance. By 1309 it became
the headquarters of the Teutones.
Marienburg was intended to stun the senses and awe the mind. Four convents of knights and priest-brothers sang continual
masses in each of the four chapels, while the grand master conducted the duties of prince of an empire and the grandcommander and treasurer conducted the business of the Order in their own suites. The innter citadel (the Mittel) and the Chapter
house (Hochschloss) covered five acres of land by 1400, and at either end lay an outer castle and a sizeable town.
From the outside the people saw only the plainest brick structures -- smooth cliffs of brick, soaring up from the leveled terraces
to the battlements. Towers surrounded the gateways, defying entry. Fortified latrines (dansker) projected from the top of the walls
The immense vaulted chambers of the major buildings suggested rooms fit for giants, and the complexity of the roofline
suggested a city built on a hill. While the Teutones used architecture to intimidate, they used interior design to please
themselves and their guests. Elaborate painting, carving and tile-work were added to the rooms, while renovations often
involved the addition of carved panels, images, friezes and ornamented column capitals. But the artwork was honest and earthy,
with little of the fanciful filigree found in the castles of France and Italy. It was a pious reflection of glory and power -- defensible
but homely and approachable. The centrepiece of this decoration was an eight-foot tall outdoor mosaic on the apse (arched
recess) of the Hochschloss chapel, watching over the countryside. This was destroyed by bombs in 1945.
Restored to the height of its grandeur during the 19th century, Allied bombing reduced it to ruins in the last year of World War II
as it had been used by the German Army as a command post.
A massive sell-off of castles after the collapse of the Iron Curtain saw the Polish Government return the partially repaired castle
to the Teutones as a means of restoring and maintaining the historic site.
As the Teutonic Knights influence over a region grew, so did their forts. The need to preserve their wealth and authority led to
much rebuilding -- diversifying the parts by raising towers and roofs, duplicating quadrangles and adding fine residences. The
forts along the frontier were much simpler in plan: brick keeps in Prussia and stone towers in Livonia. The square keep, or
Stock, contained the bare essentials of militaristic and monastic life: a chapel, a refectory (Remter), a dormitory and the
commander's chamber. The central quadrangle was a fortified yard containing a kitchen, workshop, stables, and sometimes a
parish church. Brick and stone craftsmanship was a major advantage for the Teutonic Knights: the pagans of the forests were
used to earthen mounds, timber stockades and the protection of waterways. The knight's forts were impervious to their major
assault tactic: fire. The stone and brick walls of a commandery was often what kept its knights alive until relief arrived.

Middle Castle
Then, as now, this portion of the castle was the administrative heart of the Order. Apart from containing the offices of many minor
administrative posts, this imposing edifice also contains the Great Refectory (eating hall), Grand Master's chambers, and guest

Masters Chambers: This large suite occupies several floors above the Summer Refectory, and spills over into part of the
nearby Chapter House. The private chambers are large and well equipped, and suitably decorated for the private entertainment
of a visiting Papal legate or government official. The suite includes a private library, study, sitting room, a personal kitchenette,
and conference room. A doorway leads into a nearby structure which is part of the Chapter House, opposite the halls of the
Tressler and Great Commander. This is a long hall divided into various offices and apartments for the Master's personal
assistants and secretaries.

Great Refectory and Summer Refectory: These are the communal dining rooms for the warrior-monks. The Great Refectory
is where all gather and eat, while the Summer Refectory is reserved as a formal dining room for entertainment of guests.

Infirmary: This huge vaulted hall -- once where nursing brothers tended to the sick, is now a modern hospital with three
complete surgical theatres and a burns unit. Upper floors are recovery wards, and the Infirmary tower contains the doctors

Guest Rooms: While Marienburg Castle once served as a virtual hotel for visiting nobles and knights; this is no longer the case.
Instead, these extensive suites have been turned into a large and modern library. Computerised systems keep track of the
movement and availability of books, as well as the humidity and temperature of areas containing the oldest works. The Teutonic
Knights contain the largest known library relating to Lycanthrope Lore anywhere in the world.

The Reliquary: The Reliquary contains many precious objects brought back from the Holy Lands during the Crusades, and
numerous items drawn from the Order's long history. The most precious artifact is a lock of hair said to belong to Mary -- Christ's
mother. Pagan artifacts are also kept here on display, along with weapons and armour.

Chapter House (Hochschloss)

Chapter Hall: At the centre of this towering brick structure is a tall enclosed atrium. This is the meeting chamber of the knights -used for local Chapter affairs and Grand Chapter meetings. Grand Masters have been elected here for centuries.

Priests tower: This is where the priests assigned to the Order reside and study. It includes the local parish priest for the town

Tressler & Commander Offices: This large hall is even larger than that devoted to the Grand Master. Here work the staff of the
Treasurer and Grand Commander of the Order. Each end of the hall contains residential apartments for these officers, who are
rarely far removed from their staff.

Church: This long room is astoundingly tall -- held up by huge sweeping arches that impose a feeling of smallness upon those
below. Knights and novices, even now, constantly sing from the choirs -- the sound of their worship echoing through the halls.

Dormitories: This series of plain open rooms provide sleeping accommodation for knights and novices. Alongside is a hall with
several stories of classrooms above it, devoted to the training and indoctrination of novices of the Order.

Garderobe Tower: This is, in essence, the "war room" of the Order. Behind its thick stone walls is a high tech communications
and operations centre which enables senior officers to obtain immediate "big pictures" from large multi-functional screens of
where the Order's knights are dispersed, down to relayed individual telemetry information from a specific raid. Much of the
world's media is monitored here, and the movements of suspects tracked around the globe. All computer systems here are
completely self contained, unattached to the outside world in any way.

Courtyard Baily
This large courtyard has been extensively built up over the centuries as the major service centre for both the castle itself and the
surrounding district. A self-contained defensive enclosure; it is one of many walled "islands" that make up Marienburg.

Foundry: This is now the armoury of the Order, holding a wide variety of personal heavy weapons, assault rifles, grenades,
explosives, ammunition etc. There is enough equipment in and underneath this structure to frighten the Polish government.

Brewery, Bakery and Maltings: These are service rooms for the storage and preparation of food, linen and equipment.
Octagonal Tower: This is a jail devised to the best of the Order's ability to hold any supernatural which may be captured. It is
air-tight with recirculating, oxygen recharged, atmosphere. There are no reflective surfaces and is surrounded by a strong
containment ward. It has held several captured Lycanthropes in the past, and has yet to be subject to a successful escape

Saddlery: Converted into a modern garage.

St Lawrence Tower: This is the site of the Teutonic Order's forensic and general research facilities. A medical lab, biological
sciences lab and forensic analysis wing are seeking new understanding of supernatural abilities and traits in order to devise
new ways to oppose them.

Lower Castle
This is the outlying ring of defensive revertments and walls surrounding the older and more developed Middle Castle and
Courtyard Bailey. Much of the Lower Castle enclosures consist of open parks, gardens and lakes. It can only be entered through
St Nicholas' Gate, the Town Gate and The New Gate. Only two gates lead to the inner defensive works -- both of them to the
Courtyard Bailey. A drawbridge and tower guard the only entrance to the Middle Castle.

The Long Granary: Originally a sprawling series of interlocking warehouses, this structure has been extensively upgraded in
recent times into a false streetscape representing different style residences, offices and workshops. Similar in concept to the
"killing house" of SAS training programmes, the Cleansing Row is a complete streetscape full of booby traps, targets and
scoring equipment. The interior of many buildings are advanced projection theatres -- displaying realistic images of various
types of known supernatural creatures under various conditions. Others use surprisingly realistic robotics to emulate attackers
with skills such as celerity etc. The overall effect is to be as realistic as possible in a training environment, while ensuring the
safety of all participants. At worst, novices and knights would come out of a training run with a few bruises from tennis-ball guns.
Training tasks include: entry, scaling, surveillance, hostage rescue, sniping and building assault.

Order Personalities
Rejoice, brave warrior,
if you live and conquer in the Lord
but rejoice still more and give thanks
if you die and go to join the Lord.
This life can be fruitful and victory is glorious
yet a holy death for righteousness is worth more.
Certainly "blessed are they who die in the Lord"
but how much more so are those who die for Him?
-- St Bernard of Clairvaux
The following is a brief introduction to the Order's current senior officers and most noted personalities.

Conrad Kitzinger (Hochmeister)

Conrad Kitzinger was born in Germany of Polish Parents in 1930. He was only nine when his parents were taken by the
Gestapo. Fostered to a "good" Aryan family for Nazification, his first experience with the supernatural was when he secretly
observed a "manipulation" of his Waffen-SS foster father. After the war he joined a seminary, and rapidly proved his knowledge
and faith. Sent to Rome on a scholarship, he excelled in philosophy and theology and was highly praised for his intellect and
dedication. After a long career in the Vatican where he served as an theological advisor and as a lecturer. His non-militant
background was considered an advantage when nominated for the Grand Mastership. Since taking the helm at the reconstitition
of the Teutonic Order in 1991, Kitzinger has been a powerful advocate for the Order among Europe's established clergy of all
denominations, as well as a successful diplomat. He has also proven able to mediate between the humanist and traditionalist
factions within his own Order. Whatever his personal preferences and biases may be, Kitzinger has demonstrated a remarkable
ability to distance himself from the emotion of a situation and strip it down to basic issues. His logical and comprehensive
arguments brook little criticism.

Dieter von Hechler (Grosskomtur)

Hechler was 12 when Russian troops marched into Konigzburg. He had loved the stories his grandfather told him -- stories of a
time when white-clad knights ruled all the land about him. Dieter's family had once been noble: the castle of his forefathers still
stood on the coast of the Baltic. These stories filled the young Dieter with pride and eager anticipation for the advancing
German armies. Reality struck home hard. His father was one of those executed in retaliation for the Hitler bomb plot. The initial
relief of Russian occupation soon turned to terror as socialism was imposed. Hechler was "rescued" from "relocation" by some
friends of his now dead grandfather. These defenders of the Christian community had especially wanted to protect the grandson
of their ex-Hochmeister. They called themselves the Teutonic Knights. Dieter joined the underground Order young. To Dieter
faith is something to be treasured, something personal. A gift, not a right. For most of his life worship was a personal affair,
carried out in secret among small gatherings. As such, the trappings and traditional baggage religion has gathered over the
centuries has little meaning to him. This viewpoint has caused Hechler become the closest thing the Order's younger "humanist"
faction has as to an advocate among the Gebistigerrat.

Albrecht von Schwarzburg (Ordensmarschall)

Albrecht von Schwarzburg was born into Allied occupied Germany shortly after World War II. His noble parents benefited from
Germany's reconstruction process -- investing heavily in new industrial and commercial ventures. Serving in the German police
force for his entire career, Schwarzburg ended up commanding the anti-terrorist group GSG-9 before retiring to take up the
reins as the Teutonic Knight's Knight Marshal. His experience in counter-terrorist tactics and training has had a heavy influence
on both the Order's procedures and policies. Schwarzburg is a traditionalist -- believing strongly that the Order exists for German
Catholic men of noble extraction. He is concerned about the Order's current direction and is vying for the next Grand Mastership.

Deutschritter: Teutonic Knight (Part 3)

A supplement for Church Knight: The Cainite Crusade
Written and compiled by Jamie Seidel (

Special Supplement: The Hitler Bomb Plot

Near the Rhine from the Norican mountains will be born a great man of the people, come too late.
He will fight in Poland and Hungary,
and they will never know what became of him.
Beasts wild with hunger will cross the rivers,
the greater part of the battlefield will be against Hitler.
He will drag the leader in a cage of iron,
when the child of Germany observes no law.
-- Nostradamus, Quatrain 58 and 24, Century II

False Prophet
How could a cultured people -- a people who gave the world Goethe and Beethoven, Bach and Heine -- follow so perverse a
prophet and plunge headlong into a demonic orgy of destruction?
Through they mystic attractions of the occult.
Germany of the 1930s had become a perfect breeding ground for dissent, national pride and heretical belief. World War I, the
Great Depression, its status as the "outcast" of Europe and a sense of lost greatness combined to make ordinary Germans feel
hard done by. Nazism cleverly crossed all these concerns. It had a political element, economic element -- and a mystic attraction
that activated religious impulses from the German people, uniting hearts and minds under a common goal. It was the occult
element of Nazism that inspired the hysterical fanaticism, the demonic energy and ferocity that outshone other totalitarian
governments in Italy and Spain.
This did not accidentally "happen." It was a carefully contrived and meticulously orchestrated plan -- enacted by Adolf Hitler with
the aid of Heinrich Himmler, Rudolf Hess and other committed Nazi party members. The Nazi party embodied many of religion's
most ancient and successful techniques -- elaborate ceremonies, chanting, rhythmic repetition, incantatory speeches, colour,
contrast and light. The Nuremberg rallies were cunningly stage-managed theatre -- full of colours, uniforms, flags, spotlights,
night and precise timing. People intoxicated themselves, chanting themselves into a state of rapture with the mantra "Sig Heil!".
Impose upon this Hitler's venomous energy, a rhythmic pulse as hypnotic as a drumbeat. With the pressure of thousands of
people packed together in a confined area, each and every one of them were open to the wildest and most outrageous
It was not long before the people elevated their "Fuhrer" to an occult status: here was their messiah, sent to bring their oncegreat nation out of the wilderness.
An associate of the Teutonic Knights, Herman Rauschining, was one of the Nazi party's first supporters. But Rauschining saw
the world through open eyes, and rapidly recognised what Hitler was up to. By 1935 he was severely alarmed by the power this
little man wielded. Fleeing to the United States, he published two books before the outbreak of World War II recounting his
conversations with Hitler. In them he related how Hitler was fully aware of the techniques necessary to fire up a crowd with
religious furvor. He revealed how Hitler was deliberately putting himself in a messianic position to exploit the devotion and
fervour often associated with religion.
This effort to warn the world fell on deaf ears.

The New Germanic Order

"Their hierararchical organisation and the initiation through symbolic rites, that is to say without bothering the brains but by
working on the imagination through magic and the symbols of a cult -- all this is the dangerous element and the element I
have taken over. Don't you see that our party must be of this character? . . An Order, that is what it has to be -- and Order, the
hierarchical Order of a secular priesthood."
-- Adolf Hitler, Mien Kampf
The new Germanic religion became on based on sacred blood -- German blood. This was expressed through the belief in the
purity of the Aryan bloodline and the "worship" of the first Nazi flag -- Blutfahne -- stained with the blood of the first Nazi martyrs.

Part of the creed of the Nazi party reads: "To German Faith the blood is holy, in the course of the centuries, to creative sacred of
inherited blood gives itself the form of the race." Christian festivals such as those of Easter and Christmas were rejected and
given other meaning -- often similar to the old Sol Invictus sun cult. This new philosophy was particularly strong among the SS
boy's training camps.

The SS
Hitler saw the SS as a reconstituted Deutschritter -- a modern equivalent of the white-mantled knights with black crosses who,
seven hundred years before, had spearheaded an earlier Germanic "drive into the East". The pre-war SS was strictly recruited,
organised and ritualised in order to establish this parallel. The elaborate and mystical induction ceremony was obviously
reminiscent of the Teutones chivalric investiture. Candidates had to show a pure Aryan family tree dating back at least 250
years for general recruits, 300 years for officers. Each candidate had to undergo a religious-style novitiate before he was
accepted into the Order. Much of the SS insignia and runic inscriptions were based on masonic and Teutone patterns. SS itself
was meant to be based on the Sig rune, the rune of power used to denote the lightning-bolt of the storm gods. Apart from
genocidal racist behaviour, the SS's ritual so included conceiving children on the gravestones of prominent historical figures,
marriages which were little more than Aryan orgies, and other mystical ceremonies. These were supposed to ensure the spirit of
significant people of Germany's past would be reborn into the new Reich.
Himmler instigated an Order of the Round Table with 12 knight officers -- SS Obergruppenfuhrer (lieutenant generals). This
group of quasi-mystical "knights" was deliberately reminiscent of the 12 Apostles with Jesus at their head. Its headquarters was
in Wewelsburg, near Paderborn, in West Germany. Although never completed, this town (centred on a modern castle) was
supposed to become the SS capital.
The town and castle's architecture was based on the numbers 3 and 12, the significance of which is not known. Its street plan
was an unusual two-thirds circle, with a "spear-shaped" main road and central castle complex piercing to its centre. Himmler
often spoke of Sacred Geometry, "earth magic" -- and there is no doubt these philosophies were applied to Wewelsburg's
design. Symbolism was crucial: around the castle, and centred on a secret crypt, the planned town and streetscape was to
radiate outward in meticulously plotted concentric circles. At the centre of this geometric arrangement was the bastion or castle.
In the centre of this castle was a large half-globe shaped crypt, with 13 suites branching from it. Here were the quarters of the
"Round Table," the globe-room being the "centre of the universe" where they would meet in conference. At its precise centre
was an eternal flame, reached by three steps, and about the room's walls were 12 columns -- all with lost significance.
The project was never completed.

Assassination Attempt*
"The assasination must be attempted, at any cost. Even should that fail, the attempt to seize power in the capital must be
undertaken. We must prove to the world and to future generations that the men of the German resistance movement dared to
take the decisive step to hazard their lives upon it. Compared with this, nothing else matters."
-- Henning von Tresckow, June 10, 1944
*Adapted from The World At War, volume 12

The Setting
By 1944 the scattered groups of anti-Nazi's within Hitler's Germany had lost hope in their efforts to bring about the Fuhrer's
downfall. The last hope of the resistance lay within the Wehrmacht: German army officers with noble family backgrounds and
ideals of freedom and democracy. Though the Teutonic Order had all but been shattered in the 16th century, strong traditions
remained within the German aristocracy -- Particularly those that lived on the borders of Poland and the Danzig corridor.
The Teutonic Knights still existed as a small group of 24 knights and sergeants who met secretly to conduct their traditional
services and ceremonies. These knights, and their families, held strong military positions within the German Army. Proud and
protective of their heritage, these officers grew concerned with the Waffen SS' claim to be the successor of the ancient Militant
Order's. During the 1930s, the SS stylised itself as the new Deutschritter -- twisting perceptions of the Teutonic Knights
achievements into propaganda. However, the Teutonic families supported Hitler's quest to restore the northern provinces of
Poland to the Germanic empire -- these lands had previously been their own. Danzig and Konigzberg were two major cities that
owed their foundation to the Order.
Hitler's ambitions soon proved to be more than recovering lost Germanic lands. The tactics used to bring Czechoslovakia and
Austria under the Third Reich's yoke were brutal. The Fuhrer's dictatorial traits were coming to the fore. His unhealthy obsession
with the occult also became a cause for concern. The Fuhrer was quite open about finding "any means" to help establish his
1000 year Reich. The Order tried in vain to keep his SS and special agents from seeking out supernaturals. Some suspect he
had actually already found them.
The army officers who planned the so-called "General's Plot" of July 1944 counted members of the Teutonic Knights among their
ranks. Others had Teutonic family backgrounds. This common history, and the common-held beliefs related to the Order, drew
the Generals together in one last bid to free Germany from tyranny. The Teutonic nursing orders in Amsterdam and Vienna (both

subject to the Third Reich) contributed their support -- mostly in intelligence gathering and financial aid.
Hitler proved hard to get.
Not only did he drive around in armoured cars; he became increasingly difficult to locate and made fewer and fewer public
appearances. He spent much of his time in his Chancellery in Berlin or in his Berchtesgaden mountain retreat. His war
headquarters was constantly changing, but always encircled by camps of SS or loyal army troops. In 1944 his headquarters
were at the Wolfsschanze "Wolf's Lair," deep in the forests of Rastenburg, East Prussia. The men and women in daily contact
with the Fuhrer were all unhesitatingly loyal. All had to be weaponless in his presence.

The Plotters
Many thousands of German citizens opposed Hitler -- facing torture, imprisonment and death. They were members of the
churches, trade union movements and surviving opposition political parties. Resistance was almost entirely a matter of
individual protests at terrible personal cost -- organised militant resistance was simply impossible within the Fatherland. The
decision to assassinate Hitler was not a light one. All recruits to the armed forces had to swear an oath of personal allegiance to
the "Leader." This oath was a serious matter and made it difficult for many dissatisfied -- but honourable -- officers to take the
final step.
The following were the principal men behind the bomb plot. Each one was a devout Christian (both Catholic and Protestant).
While most of this small group knew each other or had close mutual friends who kept the grapevine going, they tended to
operate in semi-independent groups or individually.

Ludwig Beck
A former general, nominated to be Head of State on Hitler's downfall. Age 64. In 1938 Beck had tried to force the High
Command to arrest Hitler on counts of treason. He was a "great gentleman" of refined nature, a military historian and scholar
whom everyone respected. He was in a poor state of health when the time of the bomb plot came, but his association gave the
conspirators a good reputation. Few people -- even among the knights -- knew that he was the Teutonic Knight's

Wilhelm Canaris
An admiral but now head of Military Intelligence (Abwehr) and a secret supporter of the conspiracy. Aged 57.

Hans Oster
Major General and deputy to Canaris. An active organiser of the plot. Age 49.

Helmuth Count von Moltke

Legal advisor to Canaris and the leader of the so called "Kreisau circle" which advocated a non-violent overthrow of Hitler. Aged
37. Only Moltke, an aristocrat (of Teutonic background) and land owner of idealistic views, kept himself aloof from any violence.
He, and most of his friends, expressed their opposition in soley moral terms. But when they were caught up in the arrests after
the coup attempt, they faced their trials with dignity and courage.

Heinrich von Stulpnagel

General and Military Governor of France. Leader of the coup d'etat in Paris. Aged 58. A man of distinction and sensitivity, but
also capable of great resolution.

Carl Gordeler
Former mayor of Leipzig and Price Control Commissioner in Hitler's government. Aged 60. Gordeler, a tough man of tireless
energy, expressed his mind in a ceaseless round of secret meetings and memoranda. He was a prominent civilian, and made
himself the conspirators "travelling advocate." His conversations became more and more indiscreet and open association with
him became dangerous. The Gestapo most certainly had him under surveillance.

Friedrich Olbricht
Colonel General, head of the Supply Section of the Reserve Army and principal administrator of the attempt. Aged 58.

Henning von Tresckow

Major General and Chief-of-Staff for the Central Army Group on the Eastern Front. Aged 43. Tresckow was a knight-captain of
the Teutonic Knights.

Count Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg

Colonel and Chief-of-Staff, Reserve Army. This is who took the bomb to Rastenburg on July 20. Aged 37. A brilliant, handsome
and carefree man full of quick, nervous energy and with a mischievous sense of humour. He was a Catholic of excellent family
and a knight lieutenant in the Hospitaller Order. He was highly educated and a fluent speaker of English. By training he was a
career officer, and had served in the Polish campaign, Western European and African fronts. He never concealed his contempt
for Hitler, constantly embarrassing his fellow officers. In April 1943, he received serious injuries from a strafing aircraft. He lost
his right hand and forearm and all but three fingers on his left hand. His right eye was shot away and his left eye damaged. He is
reported to have told his wife as he lay recuperating in hospital :"I feel I must do something now to save Germany. We General
Staff officers must all accept our share of responsibility." After the failure of the bomb plot, Hitler ordered the revenge killing of a
further 12 knights from the Hospitaller Bailiwick of Brandenburg.

The SS and Gestapo

The Gestapo were well aware that a state of conspiracy against the regime was likely to exist. They therefore kept continuous
watch upon suspects of every kind. But this did not mean that all those under suspicion were arrested. The Gestapo's attitude
towards German conspirators was to leave them at large where they may expose further members of their plot. Action was only
taken once the conspirators actually came up with a workable plan.
Heinrich Himmler, head of the Waffen SS, took a central role in uncovering the bomb plot. While personally concerned about
Hitler's deteriorating mental and physical health, Himmler remained fanatically loyal. He was generally considered second in
succession to the Fuhrer. Civilian conspirators Johannes Popitz and Carl Langbehn had appealed to Himmler to take action to
save Germany from impending defeat and the lunacy of Hitler's command. They were arrested for their efforts.

The core of the actual plot to bomb Hitler was within the Abwehr -- Admiral Canaris' department. But by the time of the coup
many conspirators had been arrested -- including key civilian members needed to ensure its success. These included Dohnanyi
(legal mind behind the coup), famous pastor Dietrich Bonhoffer, and Catholic lawyer Joseph Muller (who had been trying to get
the Vatican to negotiate peace between the allies and Germany). Major General Oster was kept inactive by surveillance.
Even Gordeler, tireless in his efforts, was becoming a danger to the plot through growing Gestapo suspicions about his
activities. Canaris's Abwher department was broken up by Heinrich Himmler in February 1944, its operations integrated into the
SS intelligence service. This action was taken to destroy what had become a hotbed for dissent against the Fuhrer -- without
having to make mass arrests. The plot appeared to be failing. Bonhoffer, Dohnanyi and Muller were arrested in April 1943.
Johannes Popitz and Carl Langbehn (a civilian who worked for Himmler) was arrested in September, Moltke in January 1944.
Himmler, in a conversation with Canaris, mentioned that Beck and Gordeler were being watched by the Gestapo. With all
civilians out of the picture, the job was left on the shoulders of the army.

Unsuccessful Attempts
On March 13, 1943, Baron Henning von Tresckow, a staff officer serving on the Eastern Front and Dr Fabian von
Schlabrendorff, a recruited lawyer, determined to take matters into their own hands. Their commanding general Kluge,
sympathetic to the resistance, refused Treschow's urges to arrest Hitler at an upcoming inspection. Gordeler also approached
the general (a testimony to this civilian's ability to move about freely), also to no effect. Tresckow, acting in communication with
Beck in Berlin, sent a delayed action bomb disguised as a package containing brandy bottles to a friend at Hitler's Rastenburg
headquarters. Schlabrendorf armed the fuse just before giving the bomb to one of Hitler's aides as he boarded the Fuhrer's
plane for the flight back to East Prussia. The bomb failed to explode. Schlabrendorff had to fly to Rastenburg in a frantic (but
successful) attempt to intercept the package before it was opened.
Later, two young soldiers volunteered to sacrifice their lives in a bomb attempt. The opportunity presented itself in a personal
demonstration to the Fuhrer of a newly designed great coat for use on the Eastern Front. The Abwher supplied the explosives,
taken from captured British stocks. The demonstration was delayed, then cancelled. The conspirators then realised the only way
to ensure success was to personally detonate a bomb in Hitler's presence -- at a staff meeting.

Code name Valkyrie

Stauffenberg took over responsibility for the attempt at this stage. He was the kind of man who would undertake such a mission
with no more than a laugh, yet with careful calculation of movements. He had succeeded in his determination to overcome his
disabilities -- even to the extent of being able to knot a bow tie with only three fingers.

Once released from hospital, he was appointed (by the conspirators) as Chief of Staff to Olbricht, Head of Supply Section of the
Reserve Army. This was based in the War Office in Berlin.
Stauffenberg was promoted again in June 1944 to the office of full Colonel and appointed as Reserve Army's Chief of Staff. It
was now necessary for him to attend staff conferences at Hitlers Headquarters. He met him on June 7, 1944 -- the day after DDay. He looked the Fuhrer in the eye -- and discovered he did not fear him.
D-Day had come too early. The chance to administer a political coup had been shattered. But Tresckow sent him a message
from the eastern front to continue with the plot. In coordination with Beck in Berlin and with Stieff and Fellgiebel -- the Army Chief
of Signals at Rastenburg, Stauffenberg took action. Stauffenberg's injuries drew sympathy and respect among the Fuhrer's staff
and bodyguards and his high True Faith protected him from vampiric analysis of his intentions. No one ever checked him for
arms -- he was considered above suspicion because of the sacrifices he had already made.
An attempt on July 15 was aborted because Goering and Himmler were not present. Facing exposure of the mission, the
decision was made to set off the device at the next staff meeting -- one o'clock, July 20 -- regardless of Goering's and Himmler's
presence. Stauffenberg joked with his secretary about the strange package in his briefcase. On his way home on the eve of the
attack, he asked his staff driver to stop at a Catholic church in Dahlem so he could go in and pray. The staff meeting was rescheduled to 12.30pm as Mussolini was expected to visit that afternoon. The conference was to take place in a long wooden hut
-- temporary accommodation while work was taken place within the complex. Setting the detonator as he walked toward the hall,
Stauffenberg followed Keitel into the room where Hitler was already receiving a staff report. He realised that the blast would not
kill Hitler if placed too far away -- the windows and doors were open because of a hot day. Goering and Himmler were not there.
The briefcase was slipped to the floor alongside Hitler -- with Stauffenberg murmuring an apology about having to take a phone
call from Berlin and leaving the room. He walked to his staff car and was opening the door as the blast went off. The car was
able to get past the two check-points only through Stauffenberg's ability to bluff an emergency mission and his previous
reputation. At the scene of the explosion, men were injured and dazed. Four men were dead -- but Hitler was not among them.
He had been protected by the thick oak table as he leant forward to examine a chart. An officer had moved the bomb aside, out
of Hitler's foot reach as a courtesy. This officer saved the Fuhrer's life -- but not his own.

In the chaos that followed, the conspirators attempted their political coup.
It failed.
Hitler -- was still alive.
Stauffenberg, Olbricht, Haften (Stauffenberg's driver) and Mertz von Quirnheim (the officer responsible for the conspiracy's
communications) were sentenced to immediate death by shooting before a firing squad. Carl Gordeler was executed in
February 1945. Pastor Dietrich Bonhoffer was executed in April 1945. Ulrich von Halssell was executed in February 1945.
General Beck committed suicide on July 20, 1944. Major General von Tresckow committed suicide on July 21, 1944. Admiral
Canaris, executed April 1945. Count Helmutch von Moltke, executed January 1945. Retaliations for the bombing was
widespread. Among the victims were 12 Knights Hospitaller of the German Langue and many members of their family. Many
known members of the Deutschritter were either executed, imprisoned or closely watched.

Insert: Who was Responsible?

The pressing question to come out of World War II was: who caused it, and why? The Teutonic Order has given the mission to
find out these details the highest priority. These shadowy puppetmasters have struck once. They will undoubtedly strike again.
Many supernatural and pagan organisations have claimed affiliation with the Nazi party and its key leaders -- mostly through
embracing people such as Heinrich Himmler and Joseph Gobells after they had established their power. But none claim
responsibility for originating the concept.
The Tremere associated with the Sabbat claim Himmler to be one of their own. The Camarilla's Malkavians claim Goering. A
smattering of other, less significant, names have appeared among the ranks of many Clans. All of these claims have been
rigorously investigated during the past 50 years -- with little success. Most mysterious is the nature, and identity, of those pulling
Adolf Hitler's strings. However, the plot may not be as simple as it appears on the surface. The murky tangle of powerplays
between the Camarilla, the Sabbat, Shapechanger interests and associations of Mages hints heavily toward another
explanation: perhaps they are themselves dancing to someone else's tune.
Knights investigating the forces behind the Nazi party are no longer concentrating on vampires, ghouls or were creatures.
Instead, they are attempting to trace the subtle threads that may point to Demonic influences. Demonic activity would go a long
way to explain how so many people could be affected in such a way for so long. Mere vampiric disciplines such as Presence
and Dominate cannot accommodate the "hijacking" of an entire nations spirit. The Darkness is still there: and it is growing.

Insert: An Order's Shame

"The service of Germany appears to us to be genuine and sincere service of God; the banner of the Third Reich appears to

us to be His banner; and the Fuhrer of the people is the saviour whom He sent to rescue us"
-- Hitler Youth Leader

"The fuhrer is not only a secular Kaiser, who carries out in the state the task of government; he is at the same time the
Messiah who is able to announce a millennial kingdom."
-- Swiss Evangelical Press Service

"The totalitarian National Socialist Weltanschauung is a pagan faith that cannot but regard Christianity as alien and
-- Catholic Press, 1939
The creation of a tyrannical secret society of thugs in the image of the Deutschritter -- the SS -- was the source of great shame to
the Order after the war. The pride in which the SS presented themselves as superior beings, granted the Divine right to do as
they please was held up to the Teutonic Order as a mirror: there were few crimes the Waffen-SS had committed that the
Teutones had not. The Teutones remembered their heavy-handed tactics of the Baltic Crusade: slaughtering whole villages
because they refused to convert instantly to Christianity, destroying cultures merely because they were different -- not because
they were evil. The Order had served the purposes of land-hungry German nobles and not the higher purpose of their Lord.
The scattered remnants of the once-great Deutschritter gathered in secret a few years after the war, collectively agreeing that
the Order's downfall had been its own pride and arrogance. If the Order was to rise again, these sins had to be stamped out.
Just before the gathering had finished, the then Hochmeister Karl Weber paused and asked the assembled knights if they could
hear an old man singing in a strange tongue . . .

Insert: the Nazi Legacy

The voice of Adolf Hitler has carried its message of hate and depravity over the intervening decades, casting its corruptive
influence over successive generations of youth. Many groups of anarchists, racists and reactionaries have rallied to the Nazi
banner as a means of expressing their hate. In recent years, Germany has seen a resurgence of popularity of National Socialism
among its youth -- extending as far as thinly disguised Nazi's being elected into parliament. Murders of foreigners -- especially
African and Asia-Minor peoples -- is a frequent occurrence. German special forces and special investigative teams appear on
the surface to be attempting to stamp out this behaviour. But this often appears merely to be assisting one group to gain
ascendancy over another. The integrity of many public officials is increasingly suspect. More and more are associating
themselves with the angry youth on the streets. Reunification of East and West Germany has not been as smooth as initially
promised. The Eastern provinces have yet to see great benefit from the West's much touted rich industries. As unemployment
rises and the Government finds itself increasingly hard pressed to fund public welfare and housing, more and more people are
looking back upon the unity Germany once had under Hitler. This is an ideal setting for rival supernatural groups to exert their
control. The Ventrue are hard pressed to maintain their sense of law and order. Anarch groups -- Brujah and even the Sabbat -are making great inroads into areas once thought to be impenetrable Camarilla strongholds.

Book Six: Monastic War Machine

So they are seen to be a strange and bewildering breed, meeker than lambs, fiercer than lions. I do not know whether to call
them monks or knights because though both names are correct one lacks a monk's gentleness and the other a knight's
-- St Bernard of Clairvaux, De Laude Novae Militiae
In many ways the Teutonic Knights are considered the "shock troops" of the Militant Orders. East Germany, Poland, Austria and
the Latvian States were all subject to compulsory conscription during the years of Soviet rule. Almost all males underwent
compulsory military training and a high percentage went on to serve second terms if they displayed signs of being mildly
competent. As a result most of the members of the Order drawn from these East European States are already militarily
competent. They have had, in effect, a head start in their training. Much of the Order's combat doctrine is drawn from GSG-9 and
Spetnatz procedures as a number of their best knights served in the universally feared units before passing their training on to
their brother monks.
The Teutones often supply the firepower in combined operations between the Orders. Not only in the form of warrior-monks, but
also in the form of equipment. The Order holds a substantial stake in Heckler & Koch, one of the world's finest firearm
engineering firms. It also obtained a controlling interest in a German facility that developed individually moulded body armour for
specialist police.
The sterotype of trigger-happy gunheads is an unfortunate one. Like any other Order, the Teutonic Order is a balanced institution
comprising investigation, research and support arms. It just happens to be very good at "cleansing" operations.

Counter Terrorism

The world is not a peaceful place. International police reports indicate there are at least 1200 active terrorist organisations
around the world. Some groups struggle for political power: others attest to more ideological goals such as the destruction of
capitalism or eliminating the "great Satan" -- otherwise known as the United States. Whatever their stated purpose, there is
almost always one or more of the Kindred or Garou behind such a group -- manipulating them to their own purposes. These
terrorist organisations come in all shapes and sizes: some are small "green" extremist squads seeking the elimination of
capitalist industrialist pigs. Others are international organisations on the scale of Islamic Jyhad, seeking to impose upon an
unwilling world the strictures of their religion. This diversity makes them particularly difficult to penetrate. Unravelling the many
layers of command and control to expose the Kindred influence behind them is a time and resource consuming task. Generally,
this is a task mostly undertaken by Templars and Hospitallers. The Teutonic Knights consider themselves the ones who go in
and clean the mess up once it has been uncovered. Unfortunately for the Orders, matters are rarely this simple. The Militant
Organisations, irrespective of religious backgrounds, need to cooperate with each other -- sharing intelligence, expertise and
technology. This is being achieved.

Urban Combat
The vast majority of modern Militant Order combat is in an urban environment. Vampires prefer towns and cities because they
provide a ready supply of blood and the size of such places help conceal their activities. These same conditions make it very
difficult for the Militant Orders to conduct cleansing operations. Innocent civilians almost always stand in the way of a "clean"
raid. Prolific gunfire will cause casualties among people simply "passing by" -- even at ranges of more than a kilometre! The
only way to counter-act this is through well-disciplined knights engaging in well-planned actions with as many contingencies
allowed for as possible. Any raid must, by definition, be short, sharp and effective. At the first sign of major trouble, the team will
usually pull out in order to avoid complications.

Fighting in Built-up Areas

One 12-man chapter of Knights of the Teutonic Order is on constant stand-by in Marienburg Castle, ready to respond instantly to
incidents anywhere in the world. But this team is only considered to be a backup: the knights on the scene are expected to
handle most situations themselves. Successful cleansing operations are quick, violent and devastating. With the highly trained
knights at Marienburg at a local commander's disposal after only the briefest of delays, even the hardest of supernatural "nests"
can be breached. Numerous drills ensure all specialist equipment and weapons of all knights are always prepared and ready to

Assessment and Analysis

Once a supernatural has been exposed, a combat team will be deployed to the scene as quickly as possible. The combat team
commander will conduct an immediate assessment of the situation in conjunction with the investigative team responsible for the
discovery. A command "cell" is usually established within a kilometre of the scene: often in a hotel room or even a large van. The
commander of the combat team controls the forces on the ground though the Order's Marshal and the local Preceptory must
make the final decision upon whether to "engage" the creature or not. Such approval is not always possible. In these situations,
discretion is left to the scene comander. There are many considerations that need to be taken into account, not least among
them the chance of "collateral damage." If the investigative team believes the creature to be a sufficiently strong lead to more
senior members of its kind, the operation will also be called off. An extensive checklist has been compiled that commanders
must go through before deciding upon action. It includes how many innocent people are in the vicinity and in close contact with
the creature; what type of creature is involved and how many; what sort of building is it; what style of air-conditioning does it
have. . . All this information is necessary for an accurate assessment of the chances of success and what forces will be needed
to conduct the operation.

The Assault Plan

Once the necessary approval has been gained, the commander must set about planning the actions of his knights. The
investigative team at this point takes on the role of intelligence analysts, gathering and processing information for the
commander. Detailed intelligence is assessed to reveal the options open to the pagan creatures within the building. This will
often include photos taken by the investigative team and detailed descriptions, right down to the style of clothing they are
currently wearing. Psychological profiles are distributed and analysed as are physiological details and speculative supernatural
attributes. Simple information like this can reduce a knight's response times by vital fractions of a second. Details of the
weapons likely to be encountered are distributed among the combat team and analysis of the haven's defenses -- often involving
poison gases, grenades or demolition charges -- is of great importance.
During all this time the scene will be under surveillance from several sniping positions. The observations of these knights are a
vital component of the commanders available intelligence pool. All is collated by the investigative team into an overall picture of
the situation. Investigative team knights will attempt to get close to the target and make first-hand observations of the likely entry
points and the position of any sentries. Eavesdropping equipment (possibly previously deployed by the investigative team) and
equipment such as infrared and image intensifying scopes can be used to clarify the picture of the immediate situation -- such
as where the targets are at any particular moment. Computerised models of the scene will be drawn, if possible, to "test" any
assault plan for omissions and errors. These models are also used to show members of the combat team what to expect once
inside the building -- giving them a degree of much needed familiarity. Local novices are also likely to be called in and given the
task of surveying and staking-out the surrounding streets to catch or trail any suspicious escapees.

When the commander is ready, he will notify the Knight Marshal of the preparations to move against the targets. A second
approval is needed before the assault is actually launched. The commander will give the order to attack once the combined
forces of the investigative and combat team knights are in position.

Storming a Building
The most common techniques for entering a building involves grappling hooks or ropes to enter higher windows. Drain pipes,
ledges and fire-escapes are also convenient means of access to the roof. Attacking from a "high" position is a well established
advantage in combat -- allowing grenades and explosives to be easily tossed down to clear lower rooms. With this method, a
building can be cleared room by room, from the top down. However, this can often be too slow, noisy and dangerous. In a
penetration of a vampire's haven, the bulk of the work needs to be done quickly, quietly and without the vampire's knowledge.
Sewers, air-conditioning ducts, service shafts, neighbouring rooftops -- all are convenient highways for an approach. Blowing a
hole in a wall may seem less subtle but it achieves the main goal: quick access to the main or desired location. Once the dust
has cleared, its generally too late for the vampire to react.
The good thing about combat in urban environments is that it is relatively easy to approach the site covertly. Combat teams can
move through the sewers -- though this can be as dangerous as attacking the building itself -- and streets into positions close-by
but still out of sight. High-tension wires can be slung between the rooftops of buildings allowing knights to cross over to the top of
the target site. Knights can abseil off the tops of these buildings, smashing through windows to gain entry to the target areas.
Doors can be taken down by a minimum of three men: one with a personal battering ram, another protecting him with a shield
and the third armed and ready. Another more dramatic means of entry is blowing a hole through walls. A distraction will be
organised if possible to draw the target's attention away from the immediate vicinity of the initial break-in. This may involve a
false attack, a staged car accident, a small fire etc.
Entry techniques are many and varied, depending specifically upon the location involved. Doors can be blown in through the use
of small lumps of plastic explosives known as frame charges. At other times, shotguns using powdered shot can blast out door
hinges or locks. Windows can be blown out in similar ways. Demolition charges are rarely used because of the injuries they are
likely to cause to nearby people. But when they are used, it often involves carefully judged portions of plastic explosives placed
against walls. More covert means of entry can also be used, such as taking out the screws from doors and windows so they can
be simply pushed in. Moments before the knights burst into a building, stun grenades are tossed in to disorient any opposition.
These grenades are used frequently. While upsetting, they do little harm to unfortunate bystanders. Tear gas and other non-lethal
grenades will also be used, depending on likely opposition.
The knights, dressed in their black fire-resistant suits, balaclavas, body armour and combined
respirator/helmet/communications systems, storm into the building protected by the pre-arranged confusion. Their first objective
is to reach the target as quickly as possible so as to limit the chances of hostage taking and escape. Knights will usually work in
pairs ehen clearing a building, each pair assigned a specific area to cover and clear. The knights enter a room simultaneously
and should identify and neutralise any hostiles within two seconds. When the threat has been removed the senior knight will
radio that the room is clear -- their progress recorded on the commanders computerised representation of the building.
Fighting in built-up area (FIBA) doctrine involves throwing grenades into rooms before spraying them with submachine gun fire.
However, this is not appropriate in areas with many innocent civilians nearby. Instead, a knight's reflexes are carefully trained to
identify threats and supernaturals and his weapons skills highly trained so that he/she can instantly pump the target full of bullets.
Room clearing requirements should be achieved in under four seconds. Once all opposition has been suppressed, a methodical
sweep of the building is conducted to ensure no supernaturals are missed.

Blocking Escape Routes

Teutonic doctrine calls for all supernaturals to be shot unless they surrender unconditionally. First and foremost upon a knights
mind must be minimisation of risk: if in doubt shoot it out is an unofficial motto of most combat teams. When a commander
believes the building is clear, he/she will move in with the command team to help clear out any bodies or other useful evidence.
Any knights with medical training that can be spared are assigned to finding and assisting any civilians.
Knights are in great danger as long as they remain at the scene of the ordeal. Delayed action explosives, fires and the local
authorities are all likely to complicate matters. In this confusion it is possible for a supernatural may try to escape by hiding
among innocent civilians attempting to escape the scene. At this point the snipers, who have been watching the building and
responding to requested fire-support from the attacking knights, take over. All people leaving the building in the open are
scrutinised through their scopes and special training. Any "leakers" will be tackled by back-up forces if available, trailed by
supporting novices, or assigned to combat team knights still in the building. If necessary, the sniper will attempt to "slow down"
the supernatural with a few well-aimed shots. The final act of the commander is to declare all knights and targets accounted for.

Arms and Equipment

"There are secular soldiers and there are soldiers of Christ; but secular soldiers bear feeble and perilous arms, while those of
the soldiers of Christ are most powerful and excellent."
-- Smaragdus, abbot of Saint-Mihiel, 890s
Keeping one step ahead of supernatural tactics and techniques is a constant struggle. Knights must be armed and equipped
with the best that is available. This can include assault ladders, harnesses, rope, specialised explosives and ammunition,

refined firesuits and armour, reliable weapons and effective technology. To maintain this high standard of technical ability, the
Teutonic Knights have become closely associated with several leading German companies.
At the top of the list is small arms manufacturer Heckler & Koch. Long recognised as one of the world's best handgun and
submachinegun manufacturers, the influence of the Teutonic Order ensures weapons suited to the rigors of their specialised
form of combat are produced. Also under the influence of the Teutones is the firm Armorfit which produces the worlds lightest but
strongest body-armour. The radical process of producing this armour involves making a plastic mould of an individual knight,
from which articulated armour plates are then pressed. This allows the armour to fit comfortably on the body, reducing its effects
on movement and profile.
More detailed descriptions of the companies and their products follow:

Heckler & Koch

While not owned by the Teutonic Knights, several senior executives and engineers are either associates or Novices within the
Order. When funding for a particular development project falls in doubt, the Deutschritter has been known to contribute towards
the cost if the weapon is considered useful. Several plants are scattered about Germany, though its main offices and plant are at

Special Operations Handgun Program

In August 1991, Heckler & Koch, Inc. and Colt's Manufacturing Company were awarded contracts with the US Special
Operations Command for the development of an Offensive Handgun Weapon System (OHWS). USSOCOM directs the
activities of some of America's most elite military units, including the Navy SEALs, Air Force Special Operations Wing, and the
Army Green Berets, Rangers, and Special Operations Aviation. The "OHWS" consists of three components: a .45 caliber pistol,
a laser aiming module (LAM), and a sound and flash suppressor. Testing was completed in March 1993 and two companies
submitted final technical and cost proposals. In January 1994, the HK system was selected and a contract was awarded.
Heckler & Koch GmbH developed the pistol and suppressor components and Insight Technology, Inc. (ITI) of Londonberry, NH
developed the laser module, a combination flashlight and visible and invisible laser sight. Heckler & Koch continued the
development of the pistol and Knight's Armament Company of Vero Beach, Florida, a world leader in suppressor technology,
joined the project to design and develop the suppressor component. In November 1994, 30 pre-production pistols and
suppressors were delivered to the US Navy for final developmental and operational testing. At the same time several examples
were handed over the the Teutonic Knights. Testing was complete in April 1995 and a production contract was exercised in July
1995. The Special Operations Forces (SOF) Offensive Handgun (as it is now termed) will meet some of the most stringent
operational requirements ever demanded of a combat handgun -- with Olympic match grade accuracy (2.5 inch maximum
extreme spread in a 5-round shot group at 25 meters) in all operational environments and endurance and reliability providing a
service life of over 30,000 rounds of +P ammunition. Beginning around August 1996, the SOF pistol will be made available for
civilian and law enforcement purchase. This will include the threaded barrel, but will not include the laser sighting system or
suppressor. Prices are projected to be around $US2000 for civilians and $US1600 for law enforcement.

.45 ACP
Action type
2.30 lbs
9.6 inches
Length (w/suppressor) 16.65 inches
1.50 inches
Trigger pull (D/A)
~4.50 lbs
Trigger pull (S/A)
~11 lbs

Heckler & Koch MP5 Variants

The Heckler and Koch MP5 Submachine gun is a lightweight, air-cooled, magazine-fed, delayed blowback operated, select-fire
weapon that can be shouldered or hand fired. The H&K MP5 submachine gun is chambered for various pistol cartridges to
include 9x19mm Luger, .40 S&W, and 10mm Auto. It fires from a closed-bolt position in semi-automatic, 2 or 3-round burst, and
sustained fire modes. The weapon utilises the unique H&K roller-locked bolt system used commonly throughout the H&K family
of small arms. The unique features of the H&K MP5 submachine gun include a free floating cold hammer-forged barrel, stamped
sheet steel receiver, fluted chamber, straight-line stock and a pistol grip with an ambidextrous safety/selector lever. The modular
design of the weapon consists of six assembly groups, not including the carry sling. This design provides an unmatched degree
of flexibility as these groups can be manipulated to create various styles of weapons for numerous operational requirements -thus the high number of variant designations. This design also allows assemblies to be repaired separately from the weapon
which can be fitted with a new component and immediately returned to service. The bare metal surfaces of the MP5 are
phosphated and coated with a black lacquer paint. This dry lacquer coating is applied with a magnetic charge and then baked
onto the metal in an oven. The resulting finish is highly resistant to salt water corrosion and surface wear. The H&K MP5 was first
produced in the mid 1960s as the HK54. H&K's internal Protocol Department established the acronym for its first 9mm
submachine gun based on the following code:

First Character Type of Weapon

Box-fed light machine gun
Belt-fed machine gun
Select-fire assault rifle
Paramilitary rifle (German)
Submachine gun
Grenade launcher, complete
Grenade launcher, add-on
(not used)
Semi-automatic rifle
Second Character Caliber
7.62 x 51 mm
7.62 x 39 mm
5.56 x 45 mm
9 x 19 mm
(not used)
4.6 x 36 mm
(not used)
(not used)
40 mm
The H&K HK54 received it's current acronym "MP5" when it was officially adopted by the West German government for use by
its Police and Border Guard as the "Machine Pistol 5", or MP5. The first MP5s were imported into the U.S. in the very early
1970s. All 23 or more of the officially recognised variants of the MP5 submachine gun have been imported into the U.S. The
MP5 is used in the U.S. exclusively for law enforcement and military sale.
The standard 4x24 Heckler & Koch detachable scope fits the MP5 including the MP5/10 as do the company's "1003 Aiming
Projector" which creates a narrow beam of intense light along the line of fire from the gun. The 55-watt Halogen lamp is
energised by a 12-volt battery coupled to a button, permitting locating and identifying targets; the manufacturer claims that an
experienced shooter using the spot for aiming can hit targets of about four inches in diameter at distances of 75 meters. The
bright light can also be employed to dazzle targets by switching the light on for a short period during which several single shots
or bursts are fired. The light is then switched off briefly, after which the procedure is repeated, the dazzling effect giving
advantage to the user.
In the early 1990s, Heckler & Koch introduced a small laser sight for its MP5s. Designated the "HK 100 Laser Aimer," this sight
mounts in the front of the charging lever tube, just below the front sight. A momentary switch is placed on the handguard,
permitting switching the laser on briefly to acquire a target. For those using night vision goggles, the company's "INKAS"
infrared laser sight might also be employed on the MP5. Adapter mounts to place military night vision scopes are also available
for use with the MP5 submachine guns.
Rate of Fire: 900rpm -- 375m/s 800rpm -- 285m/s
15 or 30 round
15 or 30 round

Heckler & Koch MP5/10

In 1991, Heckler & Koch introduced MP5A4 and MP5A5 submachine guns chambered for the 10mm Auto cartridge.
Designated the MP5/10, this gun is nearly identical to the other MP5 variants of Heckler & Kochs submachine guns except for
its chambering and a very slight increase in weight. Nevertheless the gun is readily recognisable by its straight, transparent 30round plastic magazine. One other departure from the standard MP5 design is a bolt catch located on the left side of the
receiver above and to the front of the selector.
The MP5/10 is normally seen with the H&K "4-Position Group" with single, semiauto, three-round burst, and auto positions. Like
many other burst mechanisms, the three-round burst in the 4-Position Group sometimes fires only one or two shots if the trigger
is pulled and quickly released before the cycle is completed. Unlike many other modern submachine guns that operate with
blow-back action and fire from an open bolt, the MP5/10 fires from a closed bolt in the same manner that its G3 rifle counterpart
does. The bolt also uses the locking rollers of the rifle for delayed blow-back, permitting a much lighter rifle. Firing from a closed
bolt does increase the chance of cookoffs during long strings of automatic fire; but many special force units prefer the MP5
because of the inherent accuracy firing from a closed bolt offers. This greater accuracy is possible due to less movement of the
firearm. When the first shot is fired, only the hammer travels forward when the trigger is pulled, rather than a heavy bolt slamming
forward as is the case with guns firing from an open bolt. The delayed recoil roller blocks incorporated into the MP5/10 does

away with the need for a heavy bolt as well as a gas system. This arrangement also permits guns to have their barrels cut down
to extremely short lengths while still operating reliably. Because the roller system doesn't turn or otherwise loosen the cartridge
before it is extracted (unlike most gas-operated firearms), fluted cuts run inside of the barrel's chamber. During the moment of
firing, a small amount of gas travels alongside the cartridge thereby "floating" it on a cushion of hot vapour for easy extraction.
The MP5/10 also has the newer-styled handguard which is smooth and tapers to the front of the gun rather than the older, nontapering handguard.

Heckler & Koch 53

This gun is classified as a light machinegun even though it fires the more lethal 5.56mm round -- effectively making it a subassault rifle. Based on the MP5 in almost every way, the gun is larger and heavier than its 9mm cousin.
563mm (butt retracted)
Rate of Fire: 700rpm -- 750m/sec
25 round box magazine

Heckler and Koch's Sniper and Target Rifles

The task of a military sniper is to combat and neutralise highly important specific pinpoint targets. Sniping, however, does no
longer mean sniping merely at picked out living targets. The sniper's task includes more and more the combating of very
important technical facilities such as generators, radar directing centres, radio direction-finding stations, electronic installations
and other similar objects. Such technical facilities are rated more and more important under tactical aspects. The sniper being
in action depends completely on himself, and therefore he must be flexible in any situation. So he needs a special weapon which
has a high accuracy and does not affect his mobility (a weapon as light as possible.) The military sniper needs a semi-automatic
rifle of high fire power which enables the user to defend himself if he has been located by enemy shooters. These and some
other perceptions and experience gained from the development and production of the PSG1 high performance marksman's rifle
served as the basis for the development of the MSG3 and the MSG90 military sniper rifles.

MSG 90
Caliber: 7.62mm x 51
Semi-automatic rifle for single fire
Recoil-operated delayed blowback bolt system, firing from closed bolt position
Cold-forged, quenched and tempered barrel, 600mm long
Standard trigger with a constant trigger pull, approx 15 N
Vertically adjustable trigger shoe for widening the trigger
Butt stock with lengthwise adjustable butt cap and vertically adjustable cheek-piece
Telescopic sight mount for different types of daylight and night sight featuring STANAG fitting dimensions
5-round or 20-round magazines at option
Handguard with T-way for fixing a firing sling or mounting the bipod G3 SG/1
Caliber: 7.62mm x 51
Trigger pull with set trigger varies between 12N and 15N
Set trigger operation doesn't affect trigger functions, including sustained fire
Special aiming system with ranging reticle to ascertain distance when knowing target size

HK 33 SG/1
Caliber: 5.56mm x 45

Caliber: 7.62mm x 51
The PSG-1 high precision marksman's rifle is developed specifically for police and military sniping -- unlike most other
adaptations. The PSG-1 disproved the impressively widespread prejudice according to which an optimal firing accuracy can
only be achieved with single loaders. The PSG-1 fires exactly those dispersion diameters which are warranted in the
acceptance specifications of highly reputed ammunition manufacturers. Hence this is a weapon which equals at least with the
accuracy of single loaders, and also features the advantages of a self-loading firearm.

Heckler & Koch G11 Assault Rifle

This remarkable weapon was developed during the late 1980s as the new standard-issue assault rifle for the West German
Army. However, the unexpected collapse of the Soviet Union brought new demands upon the unified German Army: a new
surplus of assault weapons (brought about by left-over Russian stock in the East German divisions) and a desperate need for
funds elsewhere saw the G11 project cancelled. However, several hundred examples of the gun were covertly produced for use
by the Teutonic Knights. The main drawback of the weapon is actually its greatest asset: caseless ammunition. This ammunition,

where the propellant acts as the binder for the bullet and primer, is produced nowhere else other than in the Teutones own
armouries at Marienburg Castle. Thus, the ammunition a knight takes with him will be the only ammunition he will be able to use.
But the remarkable abilities of this gun are currently believed to outweigh this disadvantage. The gun has a maximum firing rate
of 2000rpm, with a three round controlled burst leaving the gun so fast that the last round has left the barrel before the recoil jolts
the firer. This produces an unprecedented high accuracy rate -- the same for a 3 round burst as if it was a single shot. When fullautomatic mode is selected, the gun spits out its rounds at a of 600rpm. Eliminating the casing about the ammunition eliminates
the need for a weighty extraction and ejection system, as well as the reduced weight of ammunition itself. The firing mechanism
is centred around a cylindrical breech block that rotates to align the round with the barrel. The cross-section allows the rounds to
be closely packed with no wasted space into the 50 round in-line magazine, set along the top of the gun in line with the barrel. A
grip is positioned under the barrel for a bayonet and a multi-mode scope and nightsight is fitted as standard.
Calibre: 4.7mm
Magazine: 50 round
Weight: 4.2kg
Length: 75cm
3 round burst, 40rpm, 200rpm, 600rpm

Heckler & Koch G3

This rifle has been standard issue within the German army for the past 30 years largely because of its reliability in bad
400m -- 800m/sec
Rate of fire: 500/600rpm
20 round

Heckler & Koch G8

This rifle has been given a three-round burst ability as well as a semi-automatic mode. It can fire from either a belt or magazine
feed and has a telescopic sight as standard. The rifle was designed for counter-insurgency work.
800m -- 800m/sec
Rate of fire: 800rpm
20 round, 50 round, belt

Heckler & Koch G41

This gun is a version of the G3 that fires a 5.56mm shell -- a lighter and more lethal round. It has low noise, is reliable in all
conditions and can be fitted with various butts.
Range:800m / 800m/sec
Rate of fire:800rpm
Feed:20 round, 50 round, belt

This weapon is more than simply a shotgun. It is a Close Assault Weapon System -- a designation ideal for Church Knight
operations in close and built-up areas. Looking similar in arrangement to the G11, the CAWS is equally as advanced as its
assault-rifle cousin. It's bullpup layout gives it a short, maneuverable size while providing decent barrel length for high-velocity
shells. The weapon's firing system has been designed to be dirt-resistant, increasing its reliability tenfold. The 10-round
magazine is behind the pistol grip, and a selector switch for single, three round and full automatic is within reach of the firing
hand's thumb. The gun is semi-automatic in its primary configuration, though full-automatic is available. A specialised 12 gauge
brass shell has been developed for the gun, allowing greater range and velocity (150m for buckshot). It also fires solid shot and
freely available ammunition.

This company was originally established by the German Government to produce body armour for the nation's police force and
counter terrorism unit. Privatised late in the 1980s, key personnel hold allegiance with the Teutonic order and ensure a ready
supply of high quality material. Some technology has even been transferred to Marienburg castle which will begin production of
Bodymould armour within the next two years.

Armourshield GPV25
This armoured vest was built manufactured under license from Armourshield by Armorfit is currently the most wide-spread
armour in use within the Militant Orders. However, Bodymould is becoming increasingly common among the Teutonic Knights as
more vats and moulds are produced. The GPV25 provides multiple layers of protection. It is 18mm thick in total. A strong
ballistic cloth provides wrap-around protection and ease of fitting through velcro straps. Shaped plates lie underneath, providing
protection from both high velocity shells and blunt trauma. While armour may stop a bullet, it can still cause a deep depression in
the armour and therefore transfer a large amount of shock into the body. Thus the need for rigid plates: these disperse the shock
over a wider area -- reducing injury considerably. The hard armour plates are made of ceramic -- effective against most high
velocity rounds, but heavy. Some of the plates can weigh up to 4kg each. Newer plates of ceramic with a laminate covering and
rubberised foam backing weigh 3kg each. These can also defeat high velocity rounds. The vest also has high underarm covers
to provide protection while the wearer is shooting back.

Flash hoods -- commonly worn by knights -- offer protection from heat, dust and smoke, but are useless against bullets and
fragments. Bullet stopping headgear is therefore essential. But normal helmets are not suitable -- they are too large and
cumbersome. New helmets were designed specifically for counter terrorism and hostage rescue operations. These were made
of plastic and could be worn by a user also using a gas mask and personal communications equipment. The AC100/1 is made
of layers of ballistic resistant composite materials, protecting the wearer from small arms ammunition. An integral high impact
trauma absorber is built into the helmet's inner lining to dissipate the energy of any blow. Wearers are not likely to be rendered

While Bodymould armour is a highly effective and concealable form of protection, and Armorshield offers strong protection and
portability, the Teutones also make use of a bulkier armoured suit. Called BattleArmour, this highly effective armour covers
virtually the whole body with a series of interlocking, rigid, composite material plates held together with fire and ballistic resistant
cloth. It offers much greater protection than the other available forms of armour, though it is extremely difficult to conceal during
transport and impossible to do so while wearing. Very similar in concept to full plate metal armour of old, it is almost as difficult
to wear. While it conforms with body shape and movement to a much greater degree, both the armour slabs and heavy ballistic
cloth weigh down a knight considerably. But in certain combat situations -- usually against Lycanthropes in remote and wild
terrain -- this bulky armour is a virtual necessity.

Personal Sensors and Telemetry Relay

Knights have built into the shoulder-plates of their body armour a data collection and relay unit. In its most basic form it produces
irregular burst-transmissions of the Knight's key physical signs and precise location determined by a built-in GPS sensor. When
combined with a personal sensor head unit, with miniature video-camera's and microphones, all visual and sound data is
relayed to a microwave receiver unit up to 4km away if in a normal building. The sensor unit's monocle can provide heads-up
displays of superimposed Infra Red, Ultra Violet and Low-light imaging. Conformal battery packs allows operation of a
combined Telemetry and Sensor system for two hours. The basic Telemetry unit can operate for up to 48 hours. This device aids
the hunters by letting them make Alertness rolls as if they had one dot of Auspex, as well as Heightened Senses.

Weapon Accessories
Standard Torch: A simple, heavy duty flashlight is a highly effective means of illuminating dark areas quickly and efficiently.
While carrying a torch in one hand reduces the effectiveness of aiming and firing a weapon -- especially larger weapons -integrating the two is an effective alternative. This can be achieved by bracing the torch via a sight mount on top of the gun.
Though reliable and simple, these torches are bulky and heavy -- unsettling delicately balanced weapons.

High-Intensity Lights: Modern versions of the flashlight are much more effective. The Sure-Fire tactical lights produced by
Laser Products are a variety of small, powerful torches designed to fit under the barrel of various types of weapon. More
powerful than conventional torches, they can be fitted to shotguns, handguns, submachineguns and rifles. They have a lithium
battery providing an advertised life of up to five hours, but under real conditions this tends to be only three hours. These highintensity lights have very flat and unobtrusive wiring that can stick to the stock or structure of a gun, leading to a switch on or near
the stock or trigger.

Mounted Laser Sights: The red-dot aiming system is a very popular means of getting an indication of where a bullet will end its
flight. The laser does not illuminate the target, merely mark it. Such systems help greatly for rapid-response firing, or shooting

accurately from the hip -- a great boon for close-environment combat. The LEI-100 is one of the most powerful red-dot systems
available, and is often mounted on the MP5. It has a range of 600m. The projector is large, but its aluminium construction makes
it light. A smaller red-dot system is the EPC. It can be fitted to almost anly weapon because of their small size (similar to that of a
.357 magnum cartridge). It is usually positioned under the barrel. It has a range of about 80m. Such laser aiming modules
(LAMs) are now commercially available, with many large pistol owners opting to buy them because of their affordability and
effectiveness. The down-side of these sights is that they can also be visible to the target, allowing them to react. New modules
on the market contain both a high intensity light and a laser-dot aimer.

Infrared Sights: These sights work from radiation in the infrared wavelength. A common misconception is that a target has to
be exuding heat itself. While this does apply, another powerful source of infrared radiation can "illuminate" an area -- such as a
fire or infrared spotlight. The latest thermal imaging sights are generally passive (without an infrared illuminator), but their ability
to discern differences in infrared radiation is much greater. These sights tend to be bulky and used only on sniper rifles, and
occassionally assault rifles.

Image Intensifying Sights: These sights are much more complicated than simple "magnifiers" of available light. In fact, many
need virtually no light at all to be effective. Their technical complexity makes them both very expensive, and of questionable
reliability. The Orion 80 passive sight can be fitted to the MP5, providing a 4x magnification.

Specialised Ammunition
Arcane: This is a solid copper bullet with a pointed cone. It is usually paired with a high-velocity charge to make it more effective
in pistols and revolvers. It can penetrate significant armor without deformation of the bullet itself. This actually reduces the
amount of damage it inflicts on the target.
Calibre Dam Armor Range
9mm -2 -3

KTW: This brand of bullet has one purpose only: armor penetration. It is a lump of brass coated in a green colored teflon
aerodynamic skin. This ammunition is not greatly effective against modern body armor.
Calibre Dam Armor Range
9mm -1 -2

THV: This is an expensive shaped composite bullet providing both high armor penetration and greater soft tissue damage. It is
very rare, requiring high tech construction equipment, and carefully issued.
Calibre Dam Armor Range
9mm +3 -3

9mm Action Safety Bullet: This is a bullet with a hole in its core filled with a plastic plug. This plug prevents jams, but is "blown"
out of the bullet, allowing the mushroom effect.
Calibre Dam Armor Range
9mm +2 +2
The following bullets have a high failure rate if used in rugged conditions, have travelled a lot or been bashed about. Very high
failure rate if home-made.

Hydra-Shok: Lead bullet with a recess in its centre to allow the shell to flatten when it strikes an object. This mushrooming effect
produces a hydraulic compression "shockwave" of body fluids from the point of impact to damage surrounding tissue.
Calibre Dam Armor Range
9mm +1 +2

HSA: This is an open-nosed bullet with fletchettes contained within. They stay together in flight, breaking open only on impact.
Calibre Dam Armor Range
9mm +3 +1

Glaser Safety Slug: This is a bullet that has a thin aerodynamic jacket, looking much like a normal bullet head. It is filled with a
moderately compressed birdshot. This compression and the jacket allow the bullet to penetrate light armor or material before
breaking up on impact with soft tissue. The slugs fragment outward, transferring Hydrostatic shock into the target.
Calibre Dam Armor Range
9mm +2 -1

CBX: Especially designed for hostage rescue, these bullets are intended to do the maximum possible damage through their
flat-faced projectile.

Calibre Dam Armor Range

9mm +3 +3

WoD Weapon Statistics



DamRn RtCp Con3/F Cs


H&K P7M10
H&K P7M13





LAM & suppressor


9mm 4
9mm 4
9mm 4
9mm 4
.40 5
10mm 5
5.56 7


2130 T
2330 T
2030 N
1930 T
1830 T
1725 T



275 1 2
300 1025
300 1020
800 6 20
10004 20


F 3000
F 3000


7.62 8
7.62 8
5.56 7






7 12ga 8*

60* 7 10


6 7.62 8
6 5.56 7

350 2350
300 2550








H&K MP-5
H&K MP-5 K
H&K MP2000
H&K MP-5 / 40
H&K MP-5 / 10
H&K MP53



Built-in silencer
Optional suppressor
L/FAM module

H&H .600 Nitro
H&K 33 SG/1
H&K G3 SG/1


Assault Rifles
H&K G3
H&K G8
H&K G11*
H&K G41

3rnd as 1 shot


Heavy Weapons
H&K 21
H&K 23

*Various ammo

Deutschritter: Teutonic Knight (Part 4)

A supplement for Church Knight: The Cainite Crusade
Written and compiled by Jamie Seidel (

Book Seven: The Teutonic Character

Character Considerations
"It is their duty to obey their lords, not to covet booty, not to spare their own lives in protecting those of their lords, to fight to
death for the welfare of their State, to make war on schismatic and heretics, to defend the poor, widows and orphans, not to
violate their sworn fidelity and in no way to forswear their lords."
-- Gregorian theorist, Bonizo of Sutri

Historical: The Crusades against the East European pagans earned the Teutonic Knights a ferocious reputation. But it is
debatable whether this reputation is deserved. They fought in difficult circumstances: swamps, forests, snow -- all impediments
to their traditional mounted cavalry charge. Fighting was often in close contact between heavily armed and armoured knights
and the nimble but viscous pagan tribespeople. The Teutones were often far from home, in mystical surrounds, and in constant
fear of ambush. The nearest parallel to this is the pressure put upon allied soldiers in Vietnam during the 1960s and 70s. But the
Teutones proved to be more determined, more in focus with their purpose: carving out themselves and empire and converting
the heathens. The knights were almost in constant combat, as a brief study of their history reveals. They could not help but to
have fighting skills of the highest standard.
This close contact with the enemy caused the Teutones to become greatly interested in the quality and efficiency of their
weapons and training. This carried over into the present. The Teutones are renowned for their broad range of modern weaponry
-- and their willingness to use it. Likewise, their training procedures are renowned for their difficulty and intensity.
But the Teutones spared enough energy to create an efficient empire. The knights acted as a police force and judiciary,
maintaining peace and order within their subjugated lands. Their empire became prosperous under their strict but efficient rule,
with innovations such as possibly the world's first overnight postal system.
Teutonic Knights eventually became almost exclusively of Germanic background. But this was not always so. During the first
century of its existence, it was a German sponsored international order with members from Italy, France and Spain. With the fall
of the Holy Land and the new focus upon the Prussian and Livonian coast, the Teutonic rule came to reflect Germanic

Modern: In modern times the source of The Order's members are much more diverse. Russian Orthodox, Lutheran, Baptist and
Catholic denominations are considered equal within the Order's ranks. Causing much contention to some members is the equal
status of women. The Order, based on its experience fighting pagan women of the Baltic tribes, has an official policy of
integration and non-discrimination towards women. However, their numbers are still few -- even fewer making it to the ranks of
fully qualified knights. Their attitude towards worship is equally open minded -- making the Order highly attractive to younger
Christians who prefer a more "pop" viewpoint of their religion. However, the traditions of the Order are deep in-grained. The
knights are still more than willing to "take the fight" to the enemy. They give no quarter as they expect none themselves.
Vampires, shapechangers, witches and mages are the devil's corruption of Creation. It is up to the Knights to lance these boils - painful though it may be.

Character Class
Among the Teutones associates usually belong to the ranks of investigative police, local priests and engineers within various
important firms. These members provide the knights with information and equipment to carry out their necessary work. Attributes
6/4/3, Abilities 11/7/4, Backgrounds 5, Freebie 21, Virtues 7.

Novice Associates that demonstrate a high degree of competence and devotion toward ridding the world of the supernatural
are invited into the Order. Those with military or special police backgrounds are most welcome, as are members of the ancient
families that have long been associated with the Knights of the Cross.
Attributes 6/4/3, Abilities 13/9/7, Background 6, Faith 1*, Freebie 24, Virtues 7.

Only those demonstrating the greatest faith and combat competence are accepted into the ranks of combatant knights. There
are numerous ranks of non-militant "knights," but these are often only honourary in nature. True knights know the worthlessness
of the trappings and vestments of their status: instead, represents a high responsibility and commitment to God's work.
Attributes 7/5/4, Abilities 19/15/11, Background 7, Faith 5*, Freebie 27, Virtues 9.

To gain competency, a Knight must be trained in either a Major Knowledge/Skill to the level of five dots, or trained in two Minor
Special Skills to a level of four each. All Knights must also be fluent in Latin. Reading the book Monastic War Machine will give
you an idea of the kinds of training knights undergo.

Insert: Faith Versus the Werewolf

Faith -- in the context of a Christian Knight -- is an opponent to all things "demonic." In the eyes of the faithful, there is little real
difference between a vampire, lycanthrope, witch or demon -- all are Satan's minions in one form or another. Similarly, the power
of Faith is equally applied among all supernaturals (where possible). But different supernaturals have different and specific
abilities. The effect of Faith on these needs to be expanded upon. Faith's universal effect of repelling "evil" applies to
werewolves like any other. Each turn in the presence of an opposing Faith will require a Willpower roll and the expendature of a
Willpower point. But Faith also affects the workings of other were-creature related abilities.

God Vs Gaia: True Faith and the shapechanger's Gaia ratings are very similar in concept. Both are a measure of how close the
character is to their God. However, the two are not terribly compatible. Some GM's may chose to use Faith and Gaia as direct
opposites: as though the two characters both had True Faith, or both had Gaia ratings. But the comparative costs per point, the
comparative powers and their comparative uses do not match well. This one simply has to be up to the GM at the time . . .

Rage: The presence of Faith has a notable influence upon a Lycanthrope's Rage. As outlined in the Holy Powers section, the
number of successes of a Faith-roll against the creature's Rage rating as the Difficult will add to the were-creatures Difficulty to
Rage. Faith versus Rage Rating as Difficulty along with the spending of a willpower point can calm a frenzied werecreature.

Umbra: Creatures attempting to step into/out of the Umbra while on Holy Ground will find their Difficulties increased by one point
for every two levels of Faith the location has. If in the presence of Church Knights, the additional difficulty is one point for every
four points of Faith present. If attempting to approach old Holy Ground through the Umbra, the location will appear as a fortress
of the Faith -- barred against all things "evil."

Gifts and Prayers

The new knighthood fought two manifestations at once: the Satan in themselves, represented by the imperfections in their
bodies and minds, which were repressed by vows of chastity, poverty and obedience; and the outward Satan, manifested in
the troops of Islam whom they encountered in battle.
-- The Northern Crusades, Eric Christiansen

** Brightness (4)
The knight's golden aura is caused to "flare up", blinding the opponent's visual and supernatural perceptions. The target may yet
flinch, shutting its eyes or senses -- but it depends upon its reaction time. Roll Manipulation + Faith, Diff. 6. If successful, target
creature becomes blind for a turn. Each success = 1 turn opponent is blind. The target may resist through Wits + Dodge, with
successes cancelling out those of the knight.

** Inhibit Shift (3)

By Simon Miles
The difficulty of a were-creature's ability to shape shift (Stamina + Primal Urge, difficulty usually 6) is increased by the intrusion of
the Knight's faith. This inhibition remains until the subject successfully makes a transformation. Rage can still be spent to
transform instantly, but at 1point extra cost.

*** The Beast's Touch (2)

This Gift allows a knight to sense shapechangers in their "natural" form, and potentially what that creature can turn into. The Gift
requires physical contact (flesh to flesh). The knight rolls Perception + Animal Ken (difficulty 8). The knight feels as if he is
touching the "natural form" on one success. On three or more successes the knight will feel as though he is touching the
"creature form".

*** Hounding: (5)

By John Snead and Sarah Link
If you are following a target (which can be either an individual or an object and) can make a Perception+ Alertness roll with a
difficulty level equal to 8 each success allows you know in what direction the target is, an (very) roughly how far away for 6 hours,
even if you cannot perceive the target at the time. Once this ability has worn off to use it again you must again have the target in
sight. This ability only works on beings who are human, part human (like Garou), or once were human (like Vampires).

*** Spiritual Anchor (see text)

By Simon Miles
This gift can prevent a spirit from leaving the knight's presence. A garou's passage through the Gauntlet (stepping sideways), a
mage's use of correspondence and/ or spirit travel is obstructed. This Gift will only work if the knight has a Faith equal to, or
greater than, the Sphere/Gift/Discipline etc used in the transportation. The system uses the number of successes (or half the
spirit power points) used by the opponent in its attempt to "step sideways" as a necessary number of Grace points to be spent
to halt the action. The Gift interrupts the attempt to "shift" once. A second attempt one turn later must be opposed again.

**** Berserk (3)

By Simon Miles
This Gift allows a knight to enter a "berserk" state in which pain is ignored and all physical attributes are raised by one (even to
levels beyond 5). This state, however, can only be gained in a situation that requires direct intervention to protect defenceless
innocents. For example, it will allow a knight to ignore his wounds and leap out to grab a child from in front of an escaping
Porsche, but won't help him in an attempt to shoot an opponent before it attacks another knight. Due to the strain it places on the
body, this Gift causes one level of aggravated damage at the end of the Berserker empowerment. The Berserker "rage" occurs
upon a Faith roll (difficulty 8 or storytellers discretion, for a duration equal to the number of successes)

**** Stunning Touch: (7)

You are taught special pressure points and methods of non-lethal combat. If you can either strike a hand to hand blow which
does damage before soak is rolled, or touch your target on the skin, you may make a Perception+ Medicine roll vs their
Stamina+Dodge. One or two successes when touching a limb will paralyse the limb you touch for the rest of the scene; three or
more successes touching the target anywhere allows you to totally paralyse your target for the entire scene. Using this ability
costs one Willpower point.

***** Scope (5)
The simplest of powers, it is also one of the more useful. The ability allows Teutones to pick out fine details from a distance and
account for certain interference in their vision. It can effect the to-hit die roll, depending on the Storyteller's discretion.
System: Perception + Scan against a difficulty level chosen by the Storyteller.
1 success: Target is magnified by a factor of two. In no other way, however, is it modified.
Target is magnified by a factor of five and your visual acuity accounts for minor bad weather conditions (light fog or
successes: snow), allowing for a clearer picture.
Target is magnified by a factor of no greater than ten (player's choice) and your visual acuity accounts for major bad
successes: weather conditions such as heavy fog or blizzard-like conditions.
Target is magnified by a factor of no greater than twenty (player's choice), visual acuity accounts for major bad
successes: weather conditions, and basic audio input is attained.
Five or greater successes have no further effects.

***** God's Strength (5)

This blessing has only been granted to the Teutonic Order. It allows superior strength and physical coordination. It allows knights
to oppose supernaturals in physical combat on equal terms. Strength and ability in weight lifting, running, jumping and force are
enhanced. A knight's rating in God's Strength provides automatic successes on nearly any Strength Roll. In melee and brawling
combat, the automatic successes count on the damage roll. The Prayers lasts for the scene, or 15 minutes.

Rip a silk shirt

Winch a Crossbow
Bend a Longsword
Throw a barrel of wine
Break down a stout oak door
Rip chainmail


7 Bend a 1inch thick metal bar 900lbs

8 Throw a riding horse
9 Punch through a metal plate 1200lbs
10 Lift an iron portcullis
11 Throw a war-horse
12 Break a small tree
13 Throw a stone sarcophagus lid 4000lbs
14 Punch through a stone wall
15 Throw a catapult

***** Resume Breed Form (Grace equal to subjects primal urge)

By Simon Miles.
This prayer asks God to revert the creature facing a knight to its original breed form. While not necessarily always a benefit, it
has the advantage of surprising the opponent and imposing useful limitations under certain circumstances. The prayer works
through rolling Manipulation + Occult. This is resisted by the shapechanger's Stamina + Primal Urge.

***** Intimidation (5)

The Teutone spends a Willpower point and rolls Manipulation + Intimidation, difficulty of the target's Willpower. From then on the
individual Teutone is a source of fear toward the target, with a difficulty number equal to the number of successes rolled plus
four. The target must make Courage rolls as usual to avoid frenzy -- both in the first instance and at immediately following
encounters. The effects last one scene, though a high number of successes may cause a permanent derangement.

****** Curse of Uriel (8)

The Teutone touches a target vampire and spends eight Grace and one Willpower point. One success is required as a minimum
to activate the power. A simple contest results: the Teutone's Faith versus the target's Humanity. If the knight succeeds, the
Beast takes control of the target. Subsequently, the target will go completely insane and attempt to destroy and diablerize any
nearby Kindred for a duration of one minute per success rolled by the knight. Failing that, any living thing (other than the source
of the curse) will do. After the frenzy ends, the target loses one Humanity point automatically (if applicable) and must roll
Conscience (difficulty 7) to avoid losing another. A botch indicates a derangement. Any "collateral" damage is the responsibility
of the knight.

******* Scent of the Pack (see text)

By Simon Miles
The knight who uses this prayer will be perceived as a desired (and stated) supernatural creature. For the duration, the knight
will seem to be like the particular creature of his choice to all forms of investigation. He gains no powers, vulnerabilities or
instincts. The effect is on the opponent's perception -- not reality. Roll Subterfuge + Faith to determine how many hours the effect
will last. The number of hours duration is equal to the amount of Grace expended.

******* Cleanse Corruption (5)

This prayer has the effect of removing the very stuff that puts the "super" into supernatural. The Teutone must make a successful
attack roll to touch the target. If he misses, the Grace is expended fruitlessly. Upon physical contact, the knight rolls Manipulation
+ Occult, difficulty of the target's Fortitude (a zero or one Fortitude indicates Man + Occ automatic successes, i.e. no need to
roll). The number of successes is the number of Blood or Gnosis Points destroyed. If used on a ghoul, this power makes him/her
mortal again (possibly killing him/her as a result of aging).

******** Heroic Action: (15)

This ability allows you to raise any relevant attribute to superhuman levels (equivalent to an attribute of 8 as defined in A World of
Darkness: Mummy, pages 27-29) for the purpose of accomplishing a specific extended action. Examples of actions are:
"rescue the people from this burning building," "destroy the opponent I am now fighting," "convince this crowd to take action
(whatever action you persuade them to take)," "find any computer record of this woman". You can perform no other action until
your Heroic Action is complete (if forced to interrupt a Heroic Action, the attribute enhancement does not apply to the
performance of any other actions). This ability can only be used when the desired action can be attempted immediately. To
perform a Heroic Action, you must spend all Will power points but one. The enhancement lasts as long as is necessary to
complete the action, but for no longer than one scene. When the action is complete, you must roll your one remaining Will power
die against a difficulty level of 8 to remain conscious.

Sight Through All (22 Faith present, 16 Grace spent)
With this ability the Ritual leader can see through into the Umbra: either the Near Umbra, or into the Shadowlands. Each knight
spends four Grace Points and the leader a point of Willpower before rolling Perception+Occult, difficulty seven. Failure throws
the leader back, causing two points of unsoakable damage, while botching traps the leader between the world and the Umbra

until someone or something pulls her out. The leader can see what passes in the Umbra or the Shadowlands, observe what
spirits or Wraiths do at a particular site, or watch over a certain area. The leader can be seen by occupants of the Umbra or
Shadowlands: the point that the watcher looks through is noticeably different to the surrounding area, and curious -- or unfriendly
Umbral dwellers may be drawn to the site, and even try to break through...

By Strutinan Cereberus (

Author's Notes
Note to the exceptionally closed-minded: I am a follower of the Craft of the Wise and some of that comes across in this work. If
you are so pig-headed that you cannot accept that some people are simply different than you, then please read no further. If you
just don't care or you want a good World of Darkness resource, then read on and enjoy!
All the major supernatural factions consider mortals to be little more then tools. Even if a mortal is a Hedge Wizard, or
possesses either Psychic gifts or True Faith. It's just that then they are considered a more valuable tool.
What if these most valuable tools had something extra? What if their powers received a boost, putting them on par with the
others they share this world with? What would that be? What would the possesors be known as? What would they do with it???
These exceptional mortals are called Wizards, both by themselves and those who believe in them. They pursue the wants and
desires of all people everywhere: Money, Power, Love, Hate, Freedom, etc. This extra "kick" is a new type of Numina called
Exercises of Power.

Wizard Character Creation

All wizards use the procedures for mortal characters found in Halls Of the Arcanum and Ascension's Right Hand.

Attributes: 6/4/3 (Mental must be Primary or Secondary)

Abilities: 11/7/3 (At least two dots in Occult and Meditation)
Backgrounds: 5
Willpower: starts at three
Freebie Points: 15 (5 Att/2 Abl/2 Wil/1 Bac)
All Wizards get three dots to distribute among Hedge Magic paths, Psychic gifts and True Faith. If the Wizard has more than one
Orientation he must spend the usual 7 freebie points per additional Orientation.
All Wizards start with one dot in the Exercises of Power Numina which does not count towards any particular Orientation.
Wizards can purchase the Merit-Like abilities listed in Ascension's Right Hand whith their starting freebie points, and for three
times the listed cost in experience points after character creation.

Exercises of Power
Exercises of Power is a new type of Numina available only to those mortals who have enough Numina dots (Three) to Awaken.
Additional levels of Excercises of Power can only be purchased when the Wizard gains another three Numina dots. It costs 15
experience points for the first level, and Current Level x 10 experience points per each level after the first. This Numina opens
the user's Avatar to the reception and holding of Quintessential energy (see Mage: The Ascencion for detail), creating a "Power
Pool" that serves a function similar to a Vampire's Blood Pool. The size of this Power Pool is equal to the Wizard's Excercises
of Power rating plus their maximum Willpower. Each level of Exercises of Power also allows the user to develop special Abilities
called Channels, covered below.

The Power Pool

The Wizards Power Pool contains Power. Power is the motive energy of the Universe, each point being equivalent to a point of
Kindred Vitae, Lupine Gnosis, Magi's Quintessence, etc. The Wizard can spend one point of Power in a turn for every dot of
Exercises of Power they possess. A point of Power can be used to replace the Willpower expenditure requirement of Numina,
can lower the Target Number of any Numina roll the Wizard makes (-1 per point of Power to a maximum of -3), can activate a
Channel (covered below) or can create a kind of mystical static field around the Wizard. This Field lasts for one scene and
lowers the amount of successes anyone gets when using a supernatural power on the Wizard by the amount of Power points he
expended on the field in one turn.
A Power Pool is not necessarily a good thing. It strengthens the Wizard's aura so that anyone can tell that he is carrying more

"punch" than a normal mortal. This magnifies the reactions others have towards him, the more Power points in the pool the more
intense the reactions become. Dislike turns into burning hatred, kindness becomes instant friendship. This effect can be
masked by the Arcane background and by Hedge Magic rituals as the Storyteller sees fit, and supernatural creatures do not
react in this subconscious manner. Also the Power can be transferred by the Kiss of a Kindred, each Blood Point drained from
the Wizard counts as two Blood Points and also drains a point from the Power pool. At the moment of the Wizard's death his
stored Power is released in one intense burst (ever see an episode of Highlander or one of the movies? It's just like that).
The Power pool can be refreshed by making a successful Stamina + Meditation 8+ roll at certain times of power. Each success
equates to a point added to the Power Pool, but the amount of power a Wizard can draw during that time is dependent upon the
mystical intensity of that time. Wizards can also gain Power points in this method at any time while within a Werewolves' Caern,
a Magi's Node, etc. The maximum amount of Power they may draw from these areas is equal to the area's Rating*10 every
Time of Day or Year
Amount of Power Available
Winter Solstice (December 20-23 (varies))
Candlemas (February 2)
Spring Equinox (March 20-23 (varies))
May Eve (May 1)
Summer Solstice (June 20-23 (varies))
Lughnasad (August 1)
Fall Equinox (September 20-23 (varies))
Halloween (October 31)

A Channel is a special type of Ability, one that can only be bought with freebie points or experience points. Channels must
normally be learned from someone who already has it or from a book written by someone who already has it. In either case the
highest the learner's Channel rating can be is equal to the instructor's rating or the rating contained in the text. A Wizard can
develop a Channel on his own, but it costs twice the normal amount of experience points. There has to be a couple things noted
before we continue: only a Wizard (someone with at least one dot in Exercises of Power) can learn Channels and no Wizard can
have a Channel level higher than his Occult level.
Each channel can only do one thing, and this is written on the Wizard's character sheet as "Channel:(What it does)". No Channel
can have a specialty, and Channels are not active until charged with a point from the Wizard's Power Pool. Activated Channels
last for one turn, one scene, or instantly as noted in their descriptions. The differnt types of Channels, and their abilities, are
listed below.

Ability-Enhancement Channels
A Channel can be taken to enhance the user's dice pools with some physical ability (Example "Channel: Enhance Dodge"). The
ability must be primarily physical in nature, i.e. usually paired with a Physical attribute. When activated these channels add their
rating to all that ability's dice pools for one scene.

Aggravated Damage Channels

These Channels allow the Wizard to deal aggravated damage with one type of attack. These Channels are Aggravated Brawl
and Aggravated Melee. The maximum amount of damage dice pools these Channels can make aggravated is equal to the
Wizard's Channel+Willpower. If a source of damage is even one die larger, then forget it! These Channels must be activated in
the moment before the attack roll is made, but do not adversely affect the roll. This Channel lasts for one turn when activated.

Channel: Soak Damage

This Channel adds its rating to the Wizard's Soak dice when activated. It lasts for a variable amount of time after activation,
degrading by one point whenever the WIzard makes a Soak roll. This degradation is temporary, lasting until the Channel is
reactivated, and not degrading past the Channel's own rating.

Channel: Resist Influence

This Chanel adds to the Wizard's Resistance rolls against his mind or spirit being influenced/read/detected/etc. when activated.
It lasts for one scene when activated.

Channel: Regenerate Damage

When activated this Channel lets the Wizard roll his Stamina+Channel rating against a Target Number of 6. For every success
the Wizard heals one level of his own damage, but only non-aggravated damage. This dice pool is modified by the Wizard's
physical condition. This Channel lasts only for the second it takes to regenerate the damage.

Accursed: The Emptiness

By Kris Newton (

"I do not know why I am before you, Prince: I want only information before I leave this town. Perhaps you do not understand who I
am? I am no one: I do not belong in this world and I do not want to belong. Like you and your kind, I have lived for times unheard
of by mortals, but I am still one of them. A Curse on my life keeps me from leaving this mortal coil, and tortures my every moment:
I think you may be able to grant me my wish, that I may die.
"You have heard of my kind? I assure you, we are not all alike. I am a Seeker, believing that somewhere, in the minds of the
Garou, the Kindred, the Fey, somewhere, there is a Cure. I hate the warlike Hunters, who seek to destroy others that they might
destroy themselves, and the Tainted, who were paid for their misery by the forces of evil.
"Is it payment that concerns you? I believe we can arrange something. I have many unique skills, a hodgepodge of pursuits
gleaned from centuries of experience. If you seek something more exotic, my special talents may be of service. My Curse is a
burden to me, but it grants me powers that are unique to my kind.
"So you know nothing. I expected as much. I am sorry to have disturbed you. But . . . Perhaps one of your associates can help
me . . . ."

Before the age of reason and its strict limit on magi, only a fool or a desperate man would slight or harm a mage. There were
always fools and desperate men, however, and they paid their price. Most magi had no interest in punishing their attackers: they
were too busy furthering their knowledge of their esoteric art. But a few vindictive magi were known to make examples of those
who harassed them with cruel curses. The cruelest curses came with a diabolical gift: Immortality.
Curses so powerful are no longer possible, but their effects remain. Those who are so cursed still exist today under the power of
"the Curse." The Accursed, as they are commonly known by their supernatural kin, are some of the most hopeless and
depressed of all creatures; however, they have achieved wisdom that few others can match. Even this wisdom barely holds in
check their insanity, the result of being torn from the human race and living an existence without any companionship for centuries
at a time. Indeed, the Accursed are dangerous even to their own kind, unlike the Garou or Kindred.
Ask any of the Accursed what the worst part of their Curse is, and they will describe the Emptiness. This is the flat, bland history
of each Accursed: the endless cycle of kingdoms and rebellions that have lost meaning for the character. The Emptiness is a
void during which the Accursed struggles to keep sanity. It is occasionally broken by a time of meaning and activity, much prized
but feared for its ability to snap the weakened minds of the Accursed with sudden stress.
The closest thing to a society that the Accursed have is school: There are four primary schools of thought that are used to define
and separate the Accursed. While the Accursed are highly individual, perhaps more so than any other creature, they have
developed a bad reputation among all that know of them. They are all people who have done something annoying enough to a
mage to warrant the Curse. This makes it all the more difficult for the Accursed the find the Cure.
The first person to be cursed, a mythical figure among the Accursed, carved instructions for the Cure into stone tablets. Only a
few of the tablets have been recovered, but they are enough to cause a great debate among the Accursed. The tablets say
nothing explicit: they only insure the reader that "the hidden people of this earth, the brothers of magic and the bizarre, hold the
secret of my Cure."
Most of the Accursed will be found searching for the Cure. Only the very lucky or very dedicated have found any hint about where
the Cure truly is. Obviously, no cure for the Curse is currently known.

Character Generation
"My body is shaped by my curse My mind shaped by my peers. But my soul is my own."
-- Jean Laczon of the Seekers
The usual rules for Attributes apply. However, two points are added to the character's Mental Attributes. This reflects the
Accursed's greater experience with life. Charisma is limited to two dots for starting characters. This reflects the generally
detached mood of the Accursed. No attribute may ever exceed five dots.
Decide on character age when the character is created. Each 50 years of life beyond 100 years results in an extra three points
to primary, two points to secondary, and one point to tertiary abilities. However, each 50 years beyond 100 years adds one point
permanent Insanity and permanent Wisdom. No ability may ever exceed five dots unless the character has a curse that says

otherwise. The character starts with normal freebie points (15).

New Abilities
The Accursed have certain abilities that are difficult or impossible for mortals to attain. These are listed below:

Culture: The ability to adapt quickly and efficiently to new cultures. This skill can be used in any new society, from foreign
countries to the Camarilla.
You can figure out which spoon to use. The fork, on the other hand....
** You can pick up the common niceties.
*** You can go through the motions and sometimes understand a little.
**** You can convince people that you're a native (a stupid native, but a native.)
***** You can impress natives with your mastery of culture.

Ancient Weapons: An affinity with long forgotten weapons. This skill should be used whenever very ancient weapons (ballistas,
nunchaku, bokkens, etc.) come in to play. Swords and other weapons that are still used occasionally do not require a roll on this
You can define Daisho on a good day.
** You learned a thing or two about "farming" from the Okinawans.
*** You would be a competent mentor in ancient weapons.
**** You've had a chance to wield a Malaysian weapon on occasion.
***** If any punk with a gun makes fun of you, he'll be sorry.

Creature Lore: The Character has learned a lot about mystic creatures and society. Roll on this skill to determine exactly how
much the character knows about any given aspect of the supernatural realm. When it is established that the character knows
nothing about a supernatural people, the character should not roll on this skill to adapt: that's what the Culture talent is for.
Remember that unlike other races, the Accursed is not necessarily thrust into the supernatural world when he is cursed: in fact,
many Accursed are just as secluded from the supernatural as they are from the mundane.
"All vampires are descended from one man... I think his name was Abel or something."
** "The werewolves believe in the Weaver and the Wyrm. The Weaver's the good guy, the Wyrm's the bad guy."
*** "Don't bother bringing that crucifix; it won't help."
**** "Lunch? I'd love to, but I have to be in the Shadowlands this afternoon."
***** "You think the prince of New Jersey is a jerk now, you should have seen him when he was a neonate."

Nomad: As one of the Accursed, the character is virtually forced to avoid human connections. Almost all of the curses can be
detrimental to mortals who get too close. The Nomad skill is the ability to eke out an existence in a given environment without
attracting attention or establishing relationships.
You could change apartments and your boss would never be the wiser.
** You could live in the dump or the sewers and your friends wouldn't know.
*** You can live in a town without making more than a couple acquaintances.
**** You could switch countries without any of that customs crap.
***** You could live in an apartment building without informing the landlord.

Cure Myth: The character knows many of the cure myths and may have even read a little of the Tablets at one point. This does
not reflect what the character has learned about the veracity of the cure myths, merely what he has been taught.

You have heard that a vampire's fangs can ward off the Curse.
You know a few basic myths (the blood of Caine, the skin of a White Howler, etc.)
You've heard most of the common myths and have a recipe for a Gypsy potion stored away somewhere.
You've talked with some seekers and heard a few of their unique theories (mix a vampire in mist form with a priest's blood,
for example.)
***** You are thoroughly interested in the field, and have started a myth or two yourself.

Insanity and Wisdom

Insanity and Wisdom are two of the most important ratings for the Accursed: Together, they represent the mental pain and
anguish of the character from his curse and the unique wisdom the Accursed has gained from looking at humanity objectively.
When a character does anything that distances him from humanity (such as conferring with animals, spending time in
environments uncomfortable to humans, etc.) the Accursed gains a temporary insanity point. An hour of action in mortal
populated areas or a fifteen-minute meeting with a personally known mortal drains all temporary insanity points. When the
character has accumulated ten temporary insanity points, he or she gains one permanent insanity point. This point may not be
eliminated by the usual means.
One temporary wisdom point is gained per adventure that the character interacts somewhat with humanity. One temporary
wisdom point is lost whenever the Accursed goes for an entire adventure without interacting significantly with humans. When the
Accursed amasses ten temporary wisdom points, one permanent wisdom point is gained.
Every day that permanent insanity exceeds permanent wisdom, roll against insanity (difficulty 4.) A failure means that the
character is not affected. A success results in temporary withdrawal. The character will hide away to sulk in whatever
environment is most comfortable. Until permanent wisdom exceeds permanent insanity, the character remains insane.
When the character reaches ten points of permanent insanity, he or she faces permanent withdrawal. Make a Willpower roll
(difficulty 9) to determine if the character goes permanently insane. If the roll fails, the character withdraws from society forever. If
not, permanent insanity is reduced to 9.

Merits and Flaws

Many of the merits and flaws from other White Wolf games are applicable to the Accursed. It is up to the Storyteller to decide
which merits and flaws can be selected. Merit and flaw maximums and freebie point rules are unchanged.
There are certain merits and flaws that are available only or mostly to the Accursed. They are listed below.

Ancient Weapon (+2): The character possesses a high-quality weapon from some ancient source. The weapon must be at
least one hundred years old and does the normal damage of a weapon of its type plus three. In addition, all damage from the
weapon is aggravated.

Blackmail (+2-5 Storyteller discretion): The character knows something damaging about a powerful figure. A plus two Blackmail
merit applies to a relatively small indiscretion from a sheriff or mayor, while a plus five merit indicates knowledge of a major
crime on the part of a vampire prince or major mortal figure (major politician, CEO of large company, etc.) At the Storyteller's
discretion, this merit may be raised to plus six or even seven for truly extraordinary knowledge (saw the president of the United
States with a mobster and has pictures, spotted Bill Gates with his horns out, etc.)

Treasure (+3): The Accursed has accumulated great wealth over his long life. This is different from normal wealth in that the
assets are not fluid; they are in the form of relics or old currency. While the wealth garnered from such items can be impressive,
it is always necessary to find a buyer. Also, the player should remember that the character is not necessarily itching to go out
and blow his fortune on nifty weapons and armor. It is entirely possible that the character may wish to save his treasure, either for
his own enjoyment or to wait for it to gain greater value. The actual value of the treasure always depends on the buyer and the
seller, but hovers somewhere around $100,000.

Blessing (+4): The Accursed has tried several times to cure his Curse through mystical means. Though these attempts have
failed, they have left the character with some mystic advantages. The advantage is equivalent to a mystic effect or rote. The
effect is constantly engaged, and is equal in power to a rote of no more than seven dots of spheres total. Only magic that affects
the state of the character is possible: No fireball blessings unless the character is going to be in a state of constantly shooting

Intimidated (-6): The character is thoroughly intimidated by mundane society. He or she can deal perfectly well with the
supernatural, but the rigors of mortal life is just too difficult to cope with. This is usually a result of a horrific curse that makes the
character ashamed or an unstable personality that makes the character more comfortable with animals or in confinement than
with mortal peers. The character can never roll more than one die on social rolls involving normal mortals or human society.

Attachment (-2): The Accursed has, over the course of his long life, formed an intense attachment to some object or person.
This object or person must be at least fifty years old and it is suggested that the object of the attachment be able to survive along
with the character. If the object is destroyed or taken from the character, all rolls are minus one for a month.

Old Ways (-2): The Accursed is very resistant to change, especially in the fields of technology and medicine. The character will
use old ways (which can vary depending on age) whenever possible, cannot start with over one dot in any ability involving
modern technology, and rolls one less die on rolls involving modern technology.

Curse List
"These unholy rites, My all seeing eyes, these are but diseases. Truly Cursed is he who faces loneliness and despair such
as I do."
-- Leonardo DaVinci of the Skeptics (lost in the Deep Umbra)
Each Accursed must choose at least two curses and automatically receives the curse "Curse of the Immortal Flesh." No
character may start with a permanent insanity greater than six.

Curse of the Immortal Flesh

The Accursed is incapable of death. Attacks do normal damage and the character has no special regenerative powers, but
aging ceases at whatever age the curse was set. In addition, if the character ever dies, he or she becomes a wraith for a
number of days equal to the levels of aggravated damage inflicted on the body. The wraith is incapable of penetrating the
Horizon or the shroud, but can travel normally in the tempest, shadowlands, and near umbra. After this time, the wraith reinhabits
the body. The character gains one additional permanent insanity point.

Insanity: 0
Wisdom: 0
Curse of the Fiery Flesh
The Accursed is invulnerable to fire and heat, and in fact gains one health level per turn submerged in flame. He can also control
(though not create) existing fires. However, all humans who touch the Accursed (either skin to skin or through clothing)
immediately begin burning (ten levels aggravated damage per turn.)

Insanity: 4
Wisdom: 1
Curse of the True Sight
The Accursed sees things as they truly are from all subjective realities (this often means several superimposed images, as the
truth is somewhat subjective.) When the Accursed sees something, he automatically sees its appearance in the Skinlands,
Shadowlands, the Umbra, its impression of its own true form, and any faerie seemings. The character is unable to function
around insane people without a Willpower roll (difficulty 8.) If the character is blind, this Curse is unavailable.

Insanity: 2
Wisdom: 4
Curse of the Forbidden Art
The Accursed has one phenomenal talent, skill, or knowledge (7 dots!) However, the Accursed has a sensory flaw that prevents
him or her from enjoying the product of his/her work. If the talent is art, the flaw is blindness. If the skill is music, the flaw is
deafness. Only skills that apply may be chosen (no melee fighting or driving.) Your talent is such that it soothes those who
observe it (Willpower test difficulty of seven to avoid becoming peaceful and contemplative) and actually addicts people over
time (after ten exposures, observers will become fascinated with the talent's product and will seek to be around it at least once a
week. Inability to do so will results in poor temper and insomnia for 1D10 days.)

Insanity: 1
Wisdom: 0
Curse of the Mortal Love
All whom you like or love will die within a month of recognizing you. No disguise will aid in this situation, so even if the person
who sees you does not know your identity, the effect will still take place. This effect will not harm any supernatural creature
besides ghouls. Any person whom you truly love, upon a successful Willpower roll (difficulty 9), can break the curse. In this event,
subtract two insanity points from your total.

Insanity: 4
Wisdom: 2

Curse of the Sea's Allure

The Accursed has a deep desire to spend time in the ocean. He/She must make a Willpower roll (difficulty six) every hour that
he/she is not in the ocean. A failure means that the Accursed must return to the ocean as quickly as possible. The character will
spend all or most free time in the ocean, contemplating the sea. He/She is an excellent swimmer (five dots) and is capable of
speaking to sea creatures.

Insanity: 2
Wisdom: 1
Curse of Fickle Fate
The Accursed is very lucky at some times, but very unlucky when it is important. Any unsuccessful roll in relaxed or unimportant
situations is made a success by adding as many successes as is necessary. The Storyteller keeps track of these successes,
however. In any stressful or important situation, the Storyteller finds the highest addition used in the story so far and subtracts it
from all rolls. The character will be invaluable to the group, but nearly powerless in critical situations. Note that important can
mean important to the character, and the Storyteller may call for rolls that would not normally be made (don't offend your
girlfriend, don't blow the interview) when the character cares about the situation.

Insanity: 3
Wisdom: 1
Curse of the Diseased Body
The Accursed has a variety of debilitating diseases. These diseases are highly contagious to everyone around, though they do
not affect non-humans (including animals, but not ghouls.) The diseases are permanent to the character, but those who catch the
disease are affected for 2D10 days. The penalties are:
All physical attributes are one third of normal.
Appearance and Charisma are down by one point (one point minimum.)
Perception and Wits are down one point due to confusion (one point minimum.)
Exertion for more than five minutes reduces all physical attributes to one until at least a twenty minute rest is taken.
All health levels of damage count as two and all damage is aggravated.
All who are around the Accursed must make a stamina roll (difficulty six) each time they encounter him/her. A failed roll
means the disease is caught. It is entirely possible to catch the disease more than once. The character is invulnerable to
all diseases besides his own and adds three points to his Medicine knowledge (he has learned a great deal about treating

Insanity: 3
Wisdom: 2
Curse of the Impotent Machine
The Accursed is totally non-technological. This means that he or she is incapable of using any device more complicated than a
simple machine (level, inclined plane, etc.) In addition, any such device that attempts to affect the character or record his or her
presence will malfunction in such a way that the effect will not take place or the data is lost. This is not a radius effect: a gun will
not work on the character, but is perfectly capable of hurting any of his allies. If the Accursed jumps in front of a bullet, it will hit
him because the bullet itself is not a machine. On the other hand, any kind of laser would stop when he walked in its path
because the machine would cease to function. As a rule, think about whether a machine failure would affect the outcome of an
event to determine if it affects the Accursed.

Insanity: 1
Wisdom: 2
Curse of the Torturing Foresight
The Accursed occasionally sees into negative future possibilities. Whenever the Storyteller chooses to do so, he or she may
give the character a vision of a terrible possible future. This vision often provides some clue about how to avoid that possible
future, but is also terrifying. Negatively adjust all rolls by two points for an hour after the vision and during any critical point in
deciding if the vision will take place. The Accursed will tend to be nervous and somewhat moody due to years of these visions.

Insanity: 2
Wisdom: 3
Curse of the Sympathetic Body
The Accursed is magically connected to some sort of immortal being (a vampire, mummy, immortal, fellow Accursed, etc.) The
Accursed takes health levels equal to the connected character, shows the symptoms of any diseases the connected character

has, and feels any unusual pain the connected character feels. The connected character is usually the Accursed's enemy in
some way, but this is not always the case.

Insanity: 1
Wisdom: 0
Curse of the Changed Species
The Accursed is not accepted by humans as a human. It will never occur to any human to treat the Accursed any different from an
animal, and no human will ever have a greater attachment to the character than one might have to a pet. However, the Accursed
is fully accepted by an animal species that treats him or her as one of its own. The Accursed is capable of speaking with that
type of animal and tends to be more comfortable around those animals than around humans.

Insanity: 4
Wisdom: 2
Curse of the Revolting Form
The Accursed does not look like a normal human. He or she instead looks like a bizarre monster. Claws add two levels of
damage to punches, while teeth can be used for a Strength+3 level attack. Appearance is zero. Mortals require a Willpower roll
(difficulty 7) to avoid fleeing at the sight of the Accursed.

Insanity: 3
Wisdom: 1
Curse of the Stinging Empathy
The Accursed feels the emotions of all those around him or her. The Accursed will instantly notice any ill intent from anyone
around, but must make a Willpower roll (Difficulty six) to avoid becoming overwrought with intense hate, love, worry, or peace
when it is present in someone nearby. All emotional or physical pain is also felt: All health levels inflicted upon any person nearby
is results in -1 to all rolls for the rest of the scene for the Accursed. It is simple for the Accursed to sense the emotions of anyone
whom he or she sees (automatic success.)

Insanity: 2
Wisdom: 4
Curse of the Hungry Blade
The Accursed is a master of bladed or projectile weapons (six dots in either guns or melee weapons.) However, the Accursed
must kill at least one person each week with the weapon. When this time limit is exceeded, the character begins to hunt for prey
in his sleep, pursuing the nearest target while in a trance. The character has intense insomnia and hallucinations when he is not
able to access his weapon easily. If the character sleep-hunts and cannot attain his weapon, he will kill with his bare hands. If
locked away, the character will harm himself as best he can.

Insanity: 3
Wisdom: 2
Curse of the Unearthly Chains
The Accursed has a pair of shackles on both his wrists and ankles. These shackles (which have no chains attached) are
impossible to remove. Chains instantly appear and tie the character to the spot when the character attempts to move beyond the
bounds of a specific city. The chains are unbreakable. The chains also prevent the character from being affected by any
unnatural transportation (this makes the character immune to any magic that would move him, even within his home city.) Add
one die to all die rolls within the area that the character is allowed to use. This reflects the Accursed's experience with this area.
The Accursed does not become a wraith when he loses all health levels, but remains in stasis in his body. The Curse travels with
the mind of the Accursed, like all curses.

Insanity: 2
Wisdom: 3
Curse of the Blood Rites
The Accursed is tied very loosely to reality, and therefore drifts to different realities unless he makes a specific effort to stay in
one. Anytime the character is hurt, scared, botches, or has magic cast upon him, roll against Willpower (difficulty 4.) A failure
means that the character is transported to the next lowest reality to the one he is in (refer to the list below):

Near Umbra
Deep Umbra
The character can sink no deeper than the Deep Umbra and no higher than the Skinlands. To advance into higher realities
requires a secret ritual. The ritual is always something distasteful (animal or human sacrifice is popular, hence the name of this
curse.) The Accursed's body always remains in the Skinlands: when the Accursed advances beyond the Skinlands, the body
drops unconscious and is treated as being dead. The character is treated as a normal wraith when he is in any reality beside the
Skinlands. All curses travel with the character.

Insanity: 4
Wisdom: 3
Curse of the Acid Flesh
The Accursed emits a small amount of acid at all times. This acid is ineffective against organic materials (no damage to
characters, only uncomfortable irritation) but is very potent against wood, cloth, and metal. Any cloth or metal item that contacts
the characters skin and has some pressure behind it will slowly burn away. Holes will open in it and steam will rise from it. It
takes only seconds for holes to open up in clothing or metal armor, about a week for them to be reduced to nothing. Smaller
items (ones that you can hold in your hand) will be burned in two turns. This does not affect one's hair, plastic, or acid-resistant
materials. Neither does it affect vampires or any being who has shifted into the form of a non-living thing.

Insanity: 3
Wisdom: 1

The Cure
"Though we are separate, we are not without hope. The ancient heard our plight and wrote an answer. The first of the
Accursed found the Cure. He wrote that it was held by one of the races that stalks the earth Vampire, Mage, Shapeshifter,
Wraith, or Immortal It remains hidden from us, but there are myths And the Cure cannot stay hidden forever...."
-- Kaltom of the Seekers to his first Student
Long ago, the first man to be afflicted with the Curse discovered the Cure. The Seekers have found only a precious few of his
writings, and they suggest that one of the supernatural races holds the key to the Cure. All of the Accursed have long debated
about what the Cure could be, and many brave Accursed have tried to discover the Cure by trial and error, as they believe the
first Accursed must have. Some of the more popular myths are listed below. Whether they are fact or fiction is not known, and is
ultimately up to the Storyteller.
A potion made of the flesh and blood of Caine can cure the Curse.
Any Accursed who wears the skin of a White Howler under a lunar eclipse will be Cured.
He who is properly mummified by a mage of the Order of Hermes will not arise again.
The Accursed who penetrates into the deep Umbra will be freed of the earthly sway of the Curse.
An ancient potion of the gypsies is the true Cure.
Decapitating the last Immortal will release the Cure.

"Do not delude yourself that I seek life without the Curse. Nothing less than sweet death will placate the Accursed."
-- Malone of the Skeptics to a critic

"Death is not my goal. You say that I forfeit my soul To save my life. I say that only eternal life can save my soul From the
darkness of the grave."
-- Oberi of the Tainted to an angel
Though the Accursed are not nearly as organized and well regulated as the vampires or as neatly divided as the Garou, there
are four prevalent schools of thought in their loosely bound society. These schools are not so much defined groups as common
stereotypes that the Accursed share about their own kind. Each school is based on the most important factor in the life of an
Accursed, the mythical Cure. Few of the Accursed exactly fit any stereotype, but most hold an association with one group.

The Seekers
The Seekers believe that the Tablets refer to some mythical cure involving the knowledge or power of some supernatural race.
This wide definition of the Tablets causes them to search the world over for the most exotic and knowledgeable of the races to
help them. The Seekers are usually desperate Accursed who have searched for years. Though very jaded and somewhat
cynical, these are usually the most pleasant of the Accursed (especially to supernatural creatures: Why let poor manners or

revulsion get in the way of the Cure?)

Bonus: +1 Wisdom, add a total of three dots to Skills of your choice.

Role Playing Ideas: The Seekers are typically the most open-minded, optimistic, and easiest Accursed to play. Remember
that the Seekers are just that: Seekers of the Cure, not passive observers of other character's lives. If a Seeker is involved in a
chronicle, it is because he or she believes that it will ultimately lead to the Cure. Play Seekers as very motivated, proactive
people who take every opportunity to learn. Many of the Seekers were cursed because they were invading the secrets of magi.

The Hunters
The Hunters interpret the Tablet of the Accursed to mean that the specific form of some species or sub-species holds the cure.
Thus, the Hunters are constantly seeking to kill and use the form of unique creatures. This hones the Hunters' combat skill over
time (and gives them some impressive trophies) but leaves them very hardened to killing and hated by many a supernatural
creature. The Hunters do not kill all supernatural creatures on sight, and may in fact befriend creatures who allow themselves to
be used. However, all non-humans would be wise to watch their backs around a Hunter: Who knows when a new Cure myth will
start, and who will die for its sake . . . .

Bonus: Add three dots to both Melee Weapons and Guns (this may raise the ability to up to six dots.
Role Playing Ideas: The Hunters can be difficult to play simply because the other characters will probably not trust them (and
rightly so.) Expect a Hunter character to be on the outside of many situations, especially those involving fey or vampires in large
numbers. Remember that though the Hunters are very hardened individuals, they have a human side: use this to establish a
good reason why your character has no interest in experimenting upon the other PCs. An old debt, a renewed relationship, or
pangs of remorse all work well. Hunters work best in chronicles with magi (who are more valuable alive) and wraiths (who open
up the Umbra to the character.)

The Skeptics
The Skeptics totally dismiss the Tablet of the Accursed as superstitious nonsense. They adamantly believe that modern science
is capable of producing the Cure, though most keep their condition a secret simply out of shame or protection of others. The
Skeptics are almost entirely Accursed who were cursed sometime after the Renaissance. Most are on the cutting edge of
technology and keep very close track of all new medical techniques. They are sometimes inventors or doctors themselves. The
Skeptics are less friendly to supernatural creatures than most of the Accursed, but they also tend to be the closest to human

Bonus: +2 to Wisdom
Role Playing Ideas: The Skeptics are perhaps the most difficult of the Accursed to play. Their very nature precludes their
having a great deal of interest in the lives of other PCs. It is best to team the character with characters who can debate with him
or her and serve as a counterpoint to the science conquers all mentality. Magi work well here, as do Gypsies and other
Accursed (especially Seekers.) On the other hand, an entire team of technology oriented characters can be interesting, and the
Skeptic fits in perfectly (Virtual Adepts can round out the party.)

The Tainted
The Tainted are the only Accursed who had some part in their Curse: They took the Curse along with immortality from some
supernatural source (often the Wyrm.) A few of the Tainted are happy with their trade, but most are miserable due to both the
Curse and their required service to whatever power gave them the Curse. The Tainted will often be the first to strike out at evil
supernatural creatures, but most of the Accursed (and practically everyone else) steers clear of them. After all, they did sell their
lives, if not their souls, to something evil, and no one knows if those who are Tainted ever really change.

Bonuses: At the cost of service to some Supernatural evil (this can vary from occasional assignments to a lifestyle of
destruction) the character can remove one curse (besides immortality.) Characters can have less than three curses total using
this bonus. Those who have abandoned their Cursers have the normal number of curses.

Role Playing Ideas: The Tainted are all evil characters, which can pose a problem: What is it that has changed the character,
and if nothing has changed the character, why are the other PCs hanging around with him? Of course, centuries of living can
change the perspectives of a character, and so the Tainted are not universally evil and malicious. In fact, most are merely greedy
and unwisely bold. Remember that some evil force has a hold on the Tainted, even if he has tried to leave it behind. The Tainted
can be played as a sympathetic character or even as a hero, but there will always be something not quite right about him.

Relationships to the World of Darkness

Vampires: Vampires are most likely of all supernatural creatures to have heard of the Accursed. Many a vampire has been
approached for the Cure, and not a few have been killed by Hunters attempting to use vampire fangs, blood, or flesh to mix a
Cure. In general, vampires who know about the Accursed are very distrustful of them, especially Hunters. Vampires who care a
great deal for tradition (especially elder vampires) will tend to hate all of the Accursed because of the widely held myth that the

blood and flesh of Caine will Cure the Curse. Younger vampires and those who are less concerned about tradition can often find
companionship with the Accursed, who are incapable of hurting the vampires with their Curse and who are among the few who
live as long as the vampires. About half of all vampires are aware of the Accursed's existence. A fourth know about the four
schools and the specific traits of the Accursed. Note that vampires who try to feed on the Accursed are in for a surprise: It
carries no life force. The character is kept alive by magic, which makes his blood useless to vampires for anything, including
survival. It does, however, fill up the vampire's blood pool. Because the character does not derive life from his or her blood,
being Embraced has no effect.

Werewolves: Werewolves are mostly ignorant of the Accursed unless one approaches them personally. The exception are the
Tainted, who are a part of the werewolves' mythology. Few realize the true nature of the Tainted, but they believe in their
existence and hate them for their Wyrm-given powers. Only a fifth of werewolves know of the existence of the Accursed beside
the Tainted. Only a handful are aware of the schools and traits of the Accursed.

Magi: Magi are aware of several legends about unbreakable curses and mortals who gained immortality from the Wyrm, but few
if any know how to cast such curses and more often than not do not believe they are possible. There are those in the Order of
Hermes who have studied Egyptian mummification as a favor for personal friends, but they are few and far between.
Mummification is very hard and even its most diligent students have attained nothing more than mediocre proficiency at it. Many
of the original casters of the Curse were of the Euthanatos, and many of the Accursed harbor a hate toward that house. Some of
the Accursed are distrustful of magi (for obvious reasons) and deal with them as little as possible. About a third of the magi
(mostly from the Order of Hermes and the Euthanatos) know about the Accursed, and they know about the schools and traits as
well as the Cure myths.

Wraiths: Wraiths are typically not interested in the Accursed, but Seekers often try to contact wraiths to learn the secrets of the
Umbra and perhaps find the Cure there. Wraiths will sometimes become interested in the temporary wraiths of the Accursed.
Moral wraiths sometimes inhabit the bodies of the Accursed during the Accursed's temporary death. The body is invulnerable to
permanent harm beyond dismemberment and will not be missed by its owner, who is absent anyway. In fact, a few of the Tainted
who have not learned their lessons make agreements with wraiths to leave their bodies for a time in exchange for favors in the
Deep Umbra. Only a few wraiths are aware of the existence of the Accursed.

Fey: The fey do not usually care about the Accursed, except for those who can see the Dreaming. These are prized allies and
victims for pranks. Because the fey have a great deal of variety and are somewhat easy to trap (especially before being
awakened) the fey are very suspicious and hateful of the Hunters. Muses have helped a few brilliant Seekers to make advances
in the magical field, but the fey usually stay away from Skeptics, whom they find unbearably banal.

Immortals: The Accursed are often very jealous of Immortals, who have the power to commit suicide if they do not want
immortality. The Tainted are jealous of the Immortals because they have free immortality without any cost to them, and special
abilities to boot. The Accursed and Immortals are often ancient rivals, and seldom get along because the desire of most of the
Accursed is to die, while that of most Immortals is to survive at all costs. The Hunters who seek and destroy Immortals are a
totally different group from the Accursed school of Hunters, though many Accursed Hunters have joined the group to obtain an
Immortal corpse. Only two or three Immortals know of the Accursed, but Immortals are a favorite topic of debate among the

Angels/Demons: Angels and demons take equal interest in the Accursed as they do in mortals. However, some of the Tainted
have a strange tie to demons. Demons can possess them at any time, and angels do not try to save them. All Angels and
Demons are aware of the existence of the Accursed.

The Rapture
(Part 1)
| Part One | Part Two | Part Three |

By Christopher Blankley
First Revision by Damien Hunt and Justin Killam
Second Revision by Darcy Martin

Christopher Blankley
Welcome to Angel/Demon: The Rapture. A public domain supplement to the Storyteller system. After being inspired by the
professional quality of the public domain supplement `Highlander' for the same system, I decided to modify a game I had
developed for my own Reflex system `Angel/Demon' to the Storyteller format. Thus we have Angel/Demon: The Rapture. I hope
in doing this I have make a useful addition to the World of Darkness, that can be enjoyed by all role-players. For I believe this
game will add a new dimension to any World of Darkness game that you might be playing. Be it Vampire, Werewolf, Mage, etc.
What exactly is Angel/Demon: The Rapture, and how does it interface with the rest of the World of Darkness? Well,
Angel/Demon chronicles the battle that exists between the first born of god, Angels, and the minions of Lucifer, Demons. Or as
they know themselves: The Cherubim and the Belial. The mythology surrounding these beings is probably known to most of you,
being of Judo-Christian backgrounds, and no matter what your feelings about their true existence we must all understand that in
the World of Darkness they are very, very real.

Justin Killam & Damien Hunt

Hello Internet World! How the hell are ya? My name is Damien Hunt and I am writing for myself and my friend Justin Killam, who
is too busy sleeping in class at the moment. This is our first big project (I know some of you are going to laugh at that), revising
an already good game and fucking it up totally. Well I can say that we are very proud with the results. But, we didn't do this
because Christopher's game was bad, we did it because we thought we could add a little more Darkness to the game, and help
clear up some of the rules a little bit. And I know that a lot of you are going to hate the revised edition, but quite frankly we
couldn't give a care. Me and Justin did this mostly for ourselves, but in any case i hope you all enjoy. If you would like to flame us
(PLEASE DON'T) or tell us how awesome this edition is e-mail us.

Darcy Martin
This is a working out of the flaws that I have discovered in the Angel/Demon system, let it be known that I have loved the
Angel/Demon idea and took the liberty of revamping it. This should prove more accomodating to the White Wolf game system.
As you can see, I knocked down some of the raw power that angels and demons wield, and added a few rules to clarify some of
the more questionable rules. If you have any ideas as to how to improve this, then please email me at
Thank you for your understanding. And as a final note, to Christopher, whom I have never met, you sir are a visionary, and it has
been a pleasure expanding on the ideas that you have generated. I thank you.

Don't be afraid child. Nothing is wrong.
My name is Simon, and I am from a realm far beyond the one you can understand. I mean you no harm. I have been sent here to
help you. You see child, there are many things in this universe that you are not yet able to understand. From the Vampires to the
Werewolves. From the Mages to the Fairies. But do not fear that which you do not understand in this realm. For if you fear it, you
can never understand it. There are beings that walk among your kind, but they are not of your world. They are not of flesh and
blood, though they inhabit it like leeches. These creatures have come to Eden in search of your destruction. They would drag you
down into the bottomless void and feast apon your soul. These creatures are not of your universe, and you can never understand

them. These creatures are only to be feared.

Know them as Belial. Though no name can deliver the true depth of their evil. Know that they have no body of their own, and must
work from within your kind. Know that I come here to combat them, and that I am their brother in form. Know me as the Cherubim,
and know that I am your only defence against this invasion. For only I can understand them, only I can perceive their evil.
Understand also that I love you, and he who has sent me loves you greater. Our blades are sharpened, and our eyes turned
towards the horizon. We are ready to do battle, and no price is to great for victory. For we will never let you go without a fight.

Chapter One: Introduction

These are the final days. The end of the world is near, and soon all of virtue will be taken up in the Rapture. But Satan's power
has grown strong, and his minions, the Belial, move upon the surface of Eden. Corrupting, twisting, defiling. But lacking physical
forms of their own, these beasts must take bodies of humans if they are to continue their evil works. Possessing the body,
suppressing the mind, corrupting all those around it. Leaping from body to body they continue their destruction, bring more and
more mortals one step closer to eternal damnation. But this evil does not go unchecked, for god also has his agents working
amongst his children. These creatures, the Cherubim, move through humanity by the same method as their enemy: from body to
body, person to person. Their mission, though, is not the anti-thesis of the Belial. They are not sent to earth to save humanity, that
is not within their power. They are upon the surface of Eden in a desperate holding action against the Belial. They are buying
time until the Judgement day, facing and defeating the Belial where ever they encounter them. It is to this desperate battle for
time that the two sides raise their forces. Will the Cherubim drive back the Belial and allow the final days to come, or will the
Belial swallow up the souls of all mortals and leave no one to be taken up in the Rapture? Only the players of Angel/Demon: the
Rapture will know for sure.

Chapter Two: Setting

As mentioned above, these are the final days. The devil has the world by the throat, and his fingers ever tightening. His powers
have grown strong and if his actions were to go unchecked the world would fall into the pit within a year. We sit at the edge of
oblivion, and all that is required is one strong push. You are the Cherubim, Angels, older than time itself, created before there
was even a world to be defended. It is your brothers, the Belial, the fallen angels, who you battle. And the greatest among their
kind: Lucifer.
You are without a physical form on Eden, your only means of entering into the mortal domain is through the body of a mortal. With
the Belial it is known as possession, with the Cherubim it is known as entrance. Even though these two powers achieve the
same purpose, it is done in a very different manner. With the Cherubim, Entrance is a meeting of minds, a profound experience
with beautiful implications. With the Belial, Possession is mental vivisection. The subject of Possession is subjugated to his own
miniature hell for the length of the encounter, and is usually left a blathering mass of evil.
Within the Mortal domain both the Cherubim and the Belial are granted the three powers of their sphere, plus they may gain
proficiency in a number of other powers. One should not confuse these powers with the actual power of the angels. The domain
of man is very far from their own domains, and to maintain the connection to their realms requires most of their energy and
Though the Cherubim are divided into different Choirs, each is granted with a different duty in Heaven, Angel/Demon just deals
with the Choirs of angels that directly interfaces with the mortal realm (Guardian Angels also deal with humanity though to a much
lesser extent. They will be discussed in another supplement). Each Choir is divided into six or seven realms relating to their
closeness to God. As a Cherub raises through these spheres he increases in power but his link to Eden weakens, effectively
making it harder for him to Enter and Depart mortals. Hell is arranged in the same fashion as Heaven, except in the negative. Of
Hell there are six levels, and the distance from Eden effects the Belial as is does the Cherubim.

The Realms of Angels and of Demons

7. Saturn
6. Jupiter
5. Mars
4. Sol
3. Mercury
2. Venus
1. Luna
The Deep Umbra
The Near Umbra
The Penumbra
The Shadowlands
1. Purgatory
2. Styx

3. Erebus
4. Tartarus
5. Hades
6. Sheol
What lies beyond the seventh sphere of Heaven, and what lies below the sixth level of Hell is beyond the perceptions of the
Cherubim and the Belial.

Chapter Three: Character Creation

Note: This discussion assumes that the players will be playing Cherubim characters. While this is suggested quite strongly,
there is nothing in the rules that stops a player from playing a Belial character. It is up to the Storyteller if he really wants
characters like that running around in his game.
Playing Angel/Demon characters will present itself as a new challenge to even the most experienced role-player. Unlike the
other World of Darkness games the players are not playing characters brought up in human society. Vampires, Werewolves,
Mummies, Immortals, and Mages, although supernatural, are basically human. The Cherubim were born before the birth of time,
their intellect and wisdom exceeds far beyond even a mortal's wildest dreams. They are, in short, perfect beings. Luckily this is
not the character that the player must play. Like the powers of the Cherubim, much of their intellect is taken up in maintaining the
link to Heaven. When in Eden they are bounded by the physical and mental limitations of humanity. They are not the superbeings that they are in Heaven, and they are prone to human mistakes and error.
Pursuant to this, Angel/Demon players do have to make a character just like everyone else. This does not represent the true
abilities of the character however, it represents the aspect of the character that can materialize itself into reality. A Cherub in his
own realm is a force that humanity cannot comprehend. Even with this though, an Angel/Demon character is still mentally
superior to mortals while on earth. Only compared to his true form is he a babbling fool.

Character Concept
The first thing a player should do is come up with a good concept for his or her character. This will make character creation a lot
easier. Then you must choose the Choir you come from. The most common choir is the Cherubim, the common angels. But
there are a few others. There are the Belial, the Demons from hell, the Uriel, the angels of death, the Fallen, angels that have
sinned and are teetering on the edge of oblivion and the Sundered, demons that have escaped hell but can't gain entrance to
Angel/Demon characters have a nature like any mortal character. This can be anything virtuous of selfish. This may seem a little
unusual that a Cherub can be selfish, or a Demon could be virtuous, but you must keep in mind angels, just like humans, have the
power of free will. This was responsible for Satan's fall, and it may serve the characters in a very similar manner. Remember, not
even the Cherubim are beyond the grasp of Lucifer. Angel/Demon characters very seldom have a Demeanor different than their
Nature. They are socially rather simple creatures, saying what they think, and feeling what they feel. Players start characters in
the Luna Realm, the lowest one, they must work their way up with good deeds if they wish to get more powerful.

Angels are not men or women. They are not tall or short, good looking or ugly, fat or thin. You do not determine any physical
characteristics for an Angel/Demon character, though you will have to do twice as much work on his mental ones. There are only
five of the nine attributes that an Angel/Demon character can allocate points to: Charisma, Manipulation, Perception,
Intelligence, and Wits. Beings without bodies have little need for Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, and Appearance. These four
attributes will change every time the character enters a new host, and will be determined by the Storyteller every time the
character switches bodies. In the five characteristics that the character will create, the character starts with a base of two dots in
each. She then has nine attribute points to allocate into these attributes, and yes an attribute can be raised above five. As was
previously said, Angels are still mentally superior to mortals.

Abilities, on the other hand, are done in exactly the same fashion as in the other World of Darkness games. Why are beings of
such power not as advanced in abilities as they are in attributes? Two reasons. One, abilities are not something that is used
outside of Eden, so everything that angels have learned they have learned while on earth. Two, angels don't spend very much
time in any one body so they don't spend much time learning one skill. Even though they are very old, they are not really in any
position to learn a single skill very well. Hench normal abilities.


The only traits that angels have are Willpower and True faith, and Willpower they use to a great extent. Apart from being able to
do what every other character can do with Willpower, an Angel/Demon character can use it to fuel his powers. All characters
start with a five in Willpower, and this can be increased with the use of freebie points. All angels and demons have True Faith, it
is a measure of their grace in the eyes of God and Lucifer that they have. Angels may use True Faith the same way that mortals
can, as countermagick, to keep vampires and demons at bay, and various other possiblities. The beginning rate a character has
in True Faith is one. This may be increased with freebie points, and the maximum rating is limited to the realm the angel or
demon belongs to.

Not as many backgrounds apply to angels as they do to mortals, the angel cannot spend points on resources, sanctuary (of any
sort), influence, fame, artifacts, relics, etc. Backgrounds that do apply to Angels/Demons are:

Arcane: Their holy/unholy natures generate little attention in the realm of Eden
Mortal Affinity: This is the ability of an Angel to more readily enter and exit a mortal body.
Rating Difficulty Bonus Botches Negated
**** -2
***** -2

Destiny: See Mage: the Sorcerers Crusade.

Status: Status applies to angels and demons as well. However, when an angel or demon purchases this background, it
represents its status among the heirarchy of angels or demons. Characters should specify this on their character sheet.

Influence: The same applies for influence as above.

Any other background will be gained when the angel inhabits a host, thus gaining, at least temporarily the backgrounds of the

The sphere powers of the angels are given according to their choir, but their power in each is determined by their sphere. There
are also a number of extra powers that they might learn as gifts from their hosts. The number of points that each character gets
in these extra powers depends on the choir.

Finishing Touches
Angel/Demon characters have 15 freebie points to spend. This is identical to Vampire/Werewolf/Mage except refer to the points
chart below.
Point Cost
Retained Power 10
True Faith
*Vampiric disciplines, Hedge Magic, Psychic Phenomenon, Quickening power, Sphere, etc.

This is basically all there is to creating an Angel/Demon character. You may want to determine what your character's motives
and methods are, and how they differ from the usual motives and methods of the Cherubim/Belial. Feel free to push the
boundaries of the game and what you believe an Angel to be. Remember, even Heaven has its mavericks.

The Character Creation Process

Step one: Choose or invent concept, and pick a nature
Step two: Spend 9 points among Charisma, Manipulation, Intelligence, Perception, and Wits. Each of these scores starts at
two dots. Spend no points on Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, and Appearance. These will be filled in by the Storyteller depending
on the mortal host.

Step Three: Prioritize Abilities and spend points (13/9/5)

Step Four: Recored Willpower and True Faith. Willpower 5, True Faith 1. Spend Background points: 7
Step Five: Spend Freebie Points: 15
| Part One | Part Two | Part Three |

The Rapture
(Part 2)
| Part One | Part Two | Part Three |

By Christopher Blankley
First Revision by Damien Hunt and Justin Killam
Second Revision by Darcy Martin

Chapter Four: Traits

In this chapter we will discuss the two points where Angels/Demons differ from the normal Storyteller systems. If something is not
covered here refer to the other sourcebooks for answers.

Though there are many others that we will not discuss, this game covers the following five choirs: the Cherubim, the Belial, the
Uriel, the Fallen, and the Sundered.

The Cherubim
The Cherubim are the most common angels, and will be the most common characters. They are sent to Eden to battle the
corrupting forces of Lucifer. The Cherubim are given free will to work within the realm of mankind; they are restricted by only one
rule: Do not let the fate of a mortal change because of your presence there. This rule is rather loose and has been a great source
of debate. Only one implication of it seems to be clear. Don't end the life of any mortal, no matter what the reason. This rule is
followed by all the Cherubim to the letter; violation of it brings swift retribution.

Realm: Luna
Realm Powers: Entrance, Departure, Purse of Heaven
The Belial
The Belial are the eternal enemies of the Angels, and of all humanity. Their only purpose is to corrupt, twist and defile the souls of
humanity and then send them down to Hell. They have no rules or guidelines, and find happiness in chaos.

Realm: Purgatory
Realm Powers: Possession, Release, Purse of Hell
The Uriel
The Uriel are an elite choir of angels; they follow the same rules as angels, but there purpose in Eden is different. They are
coming to Eden not to battle the Demons, but to battle the rest of the Supernatural menace that continues to hunt, kill, and corrupt
the mortal population. Most recently, the Uriel have found out about the Shadowlands, and are trying to find ways to enter it, and
save the souls of those lost within.

Realm: Luna
Realm Powers: Entrance, Departure, Purse of Heaven
The Fallen
The Fallen is a pseudo-choir; it is a general name given to those angels that have killed a mortal and fallen from the grace of
Heaven. These angels have killed only by accident (those that murder fall to Hell, where they become demons). The Fallen find
themselves stranded in "the between". A pseudo-sphere that falls into place between Heaven and Hell. This is the realm that the
Demons and Angels use to go between the Spheres and to Eden. The Fallen have lost the favor of Heaven yet they haven't yet
plunged into Hell. Most Fallen are dark and sorrowful, immersed in depression by the guilt of their deeds. Although they try to

gain Forgiveness, most succumb to their urges and fall completely into Hell.

Realm: The Deep Umbra

Realm Powers: Entrance*, Departure*, Home
*These may be substituted for the sphere powers of the demons if they can find a demon to teach them. This will only quicken the

Fallen Angel's descent to the nether regions, however.

The Sundered
The Sundered are Demons that have escaped from the realms of Hell. These demons may want to become forgiven, or just
don't like being influenced by the generals of the infernal. Either way they now reside within The Between. Their demeanor is
varied, being demons, as is their reasons for being sundered. If they go back to Hell (or they are captured by demons) they
become pathetic slave souls of the generals of Hell. If they ever gain forgiveness for their crimes (unlikely) then they gain
entrance to Heaven where they become Angels.

Note: These characters are a possiblity like no other, the Demons trying to redeem themselves for eons of corruption. The roleplaying possibilities are almost limitless.

Realm: The Deep Umbra

Realm Powers: Possession*, Release, Home*
*These powers may be substituted for the sphere powers of the angels, if they can find an angel to teach them.

Willpower is used in Angel/Demon not only for the standard purposes detailed in the normal storytelling systems but also as the
source of the Angel's powers. Angels do not channel and use Quintessence as mages do; they are of a realm outside the
Tellurian and their patterns are not formed from it. The Cherubim and the Belial manifest their powers through sheer force of will.
They are not mages or technomancers, and use none of their knowledges or skills. Angels can use their Willpower to produce
the powers detailed below.
An angel gains back his Willpower at a much accelerated rate compared to mortals: one dot for every hour of rest/sleep. They
also gain back all their Willpower every time they return to their realms. Their Willpower will never be raised above their base
value by either method. Anytime an Angel drops to zero Willpower he no longer has enough power to maintain his link to his
host. He will exit immediately, returning to his realm until he totally recuperates. This is considered an automatic Departure (see
below) and there is no chance of botching.

Realm Powers
The Power of Entrance
This, with the Power of Departure, is the most used of all the powers of the Cherubim. It is the power of Angels to enter into a
body of a mortal, and join minds with the person living there. This is not a power that should be used lightly by a Cherub, for
failure can leave possible hosts injured, or even worse. When a player wishes to enter into a body at a particular location, he
must find a suitable host. The restrictions on a Cherub are listed below by realm.
Realm Difficulty Entrance Requirements
Luna 4
Entrance can only be to a mortal of honor and virtue (Humanity 8).
Venus 5
Entrance to mortals not of evil intent (Humanity 6).
Mercury 6
Entrance to mortals not truly evil (Humanity 4).
Entrance can be to any mortal.
Mars 8
May enter Eden without a mortal host for 1d10 hours, but is ghost like and ethereal.
Jupiter 9
May enter Eden without a mortal host at will, solid in form.
Saturn 10
May enter Eden without a mortal host at will, completely alive.

Note: If a character of a high realm enters a host that fits the description of a lower sphere he does not get to roll against the
lower difficulty. Entrance becomes harder as you raise through the realms. The Storyteller will inform the player how many hosts
there are at that particular location that he may enter. The player then chooses the one he wishes to enter, rolls a number of dice
equal to his present Willpower against the difficulty listed above. After determining the number of successes refer to the chart
Successes Result



Attempt has resulted in a mortal fusion and target suffers damage from the experience, equal to the
number of botches scored
Attempt has failed, target feels that he has had a bad dream
Attempt successful but the target's personality is totally suppressed
Attempt successful, minor integration of personality. You will recognize family.
Attempt successful, integration of most important memories and major skills
Attempt successful, complete intergration of all memories and skills. Host is partially aware and
responsive. The angel will have accesses to any abilities that the host has at two dots or higher
Attempt successful, target is fully aware. No Willpower lost. The Angel will have access to all skills the
host has that the angel does not. (e.g., the host has empathy 1, but the angel does not, while in this host
the angel will have access and be able to use empathy 1 as long as they are in this host. Also, if the host
has any special abilities, the angel may attempt to learn them with this level of intergration


If the attempt has failed the character may not retry to enter that individual for at least a day, if at all. If the attempt was successful,
contact has been made. The Storyteller will determine what the Strength, Stamina, Dexterity, and Appearance is for this
particular host. He will also tell the player what abilities and advantages intergrated (if any, must have gotten 7 plus successes to
intergrate abilities)
What is it like for two personalities to merge? That's a tough question to answer, and I'm sure every Storyteller will have his own
interpretation on this. The major advantage to the character is that he will have the memories of the host, and he will not have to
frantically scramble around trying to find out who and what he is. You should keep in mind, however, that the Angel is still in
control of the situation. The Storyteller should not pull such dirty tricks as: "Well, the host doesn't want to go do that." or "Just at
the critical moment, your host decides to pull the trigger." The host is simply along for the ride.

Power of Departure
You will see that the Power of Departure is just as important as the power of Entrance. It is just as hard to break the link forged
between a Cherub and his host as it is to make one. When a character decides that he wishes to leave his present host he must
roll a number of dice equal to his present Willpower, difficulty is the same as the difficulty of Entrance. After determining the
number of successes refer to the chart below.
Successes Result

The attempt failed; the angel is sent back to its realm along with much of host's personality. The character All*
gains the Demeanor of the mortal for a number of days equal to the number of botches scored
The attempt is successful but the host is left feeling dizzy and sick and has no memory of the incident
The attempt is successful and the host has some fragmented memories of the whole incident
The attempt is successful and the host has some memory of the encounter
The attempt is successful and the host has some concept of what was going on
The attempt was successful and the host feels that he has had a spiritual experience
The attempt is successful and the host is so profoundly affected by the experience that he feels he must 0
tell the world

*Must also spend a number of days equal to half the character's Willpower recovering.

Once the Cherub is detached he is free to enter into another host or return to his realm as he wishes. If the Cherub is lowered to
zero Willpower he must return to his realm. Again, he must be careful. The Departure power should not be used lightly; failure
can be very dangerous to the mortal.

Power of Possession
For game purposes, this power is almost identical to the Cherubim power of Entrance. To the host though, the differences are
like night and day. While the Cherubim Entrance is a melding of minds and a spiritual uplifting, the Belial Possession is an all out
assault and rape. It tears free the mortal's mind from his body and insert its own. If the mortal is lucky, the Belial isn't powerful
enough to torture him, and must suppress him completely. If the mortal is unlucky, his mind will meld with that of the Belial, and he
will be forced to watch helplessly as the Belial goes about his bitter business. Refer to the Entrance chart for the Cherubim
power of Entrance to determine the result of the number of successes rolled. Refer to the chart below to see how the power
increases through the realms.
Realm Difficulty Entrance Requirements
Purgatory 4
Entrance to mortals who are evil and corrupted (Humanity 4)
Entrance to mortals not of good intent (Humanity 6)
Erebus 6
Entrance to any mortal not of Honor and Virtue (Humanity 8)
Tartarus 7
Entrance to any mortal
Hades 8
Enter Eden without a host for 1d10 hours, but is ghostlike and ethereal


Enter Eden without a host at will, solid in form

In all other respects the power is exactly the same as the Cherubim power of Entrance.

Power of Release
In all respects this power is the same as the Cherubim power of Departure. The exit chart must be modified a little to reflect the
evil effect of the Belial.
Successes Result

The attempt has failed and the Belial is sent to his realm with a large portion of the host's personality. The All*
character gains the Demeanor of the mortal for a number of days equal to the number of botches scored
The attempt is successful, but the host is left feeling dizzy and sick, having no memory of the experience 3
The attempt is successful and the host is left in a hazy daze, with fragmented memories of the incident 2
The attempt is successful, and the host is left with some memory of the encounter
The attempt is successful. The host has some concept of what was going on and will be tortured by the 1
experience for the rest of his life
The attempt is successful. The host is left with full recognition of the encounter and is a drooling madman 1
The attempt is successful and the host is so remorseful he commits suicide

*Must also spend a number of days equal to half the character's Willpower recoverying.

Power of Home
This power allowe the pusedo-choirs to create a pocket realm within the Deep Umbra. To do this a number of Fallen or
Sundered must combine their powers. It requires a total of one hundred Willpower points to create a pocket realm.

Purse of Heaven
This power is the Cherubim's only real weapon in their fight against the Belial. It is neither offensive or defensive, but a weapon
all the same. The Belial have the power of Purse of Hell, it is best to describe the Purse of Heaven in reference to that. With the
power of Purse of Hell the Belial can "buy" the soul of a mortal. This is to say, at the day of Judgement Satan would get first
refusal on this particular soul (and it is widely known that Lucifer refuses no one). The Purse of Heaven is pretty much the same
power for the Cherubim. The major difference is that a soul "bought" with the Purse of Heaven is not guaranteed entrance; it
simply gives God first refusal. Of course, all of this is unimportant in the actual workings of the game. The major effect the Purse
of Heaven will have on actual play is that once a mortal has taken a coin from one of the sides, the other side can never get his
soul. The effect of this power is permanent and can never be rescinded. With the expenditure of a Willpower point the Cherubim
can create a Coin of Heaven. This materializes into reality in the shape of a real coin. Once it is taken by a mortal it disappears
in a flash of light. A Coin of Heaven must be taken willingly by a mortal; it cannot be forced apon her. A word of warning. Passing
these coins out like candy is a bad idea. Even though there are no restrictions on who can be given a coin, the act of giving a
mortal a coin means the Cherubim will be a "character witness" for the mortal creating a lot of trouble for yourself later. This
power does not change as a Cherub raises through the realms.

Purse of Hell
This is the power that the Belial use to "buy" the souls of mortals. Refer to the Cherubim power of Purse of Heaven for the
discussion of how this power works. In the past the Belial have been known to develop very intricate plans and schemes to trick
mortals into taking their coins. Virtually anything goes in this effect; the only rule is that the mortal must take the coin willingly. The
coin loses its effectiveness if it is forced upon its intended reciever. Most Belial fall back on to the most tried and true method for
distributing these coins. The classic "Sell your soul to the Devil" ploy. In return for fulfilling some wish the mortal has, the mortal
agrees to sell his soul to the devil. The Belial almost always fulfill their half of the bargain, but almost always make sure that the
mortal takes the coin first. Remember, once the coin has been taken the deal cannot be broken, not by anyone in Heaven or
earth. If the mortal has taken a Coin of Heaven before his encounter with the Belial, then the coin given by the demon will be
completely useless. A smart mortal maybe able to use this fact to his advantage, but that would be bad form. This power does
not change as the Belial raises through the realms.

The Choir Powers

The Angel/Demon will get four dots to spend on Choir Powers; these may be increased using freebie points if the character
wishes. The Power maximum rating is limited by realm. Consult the chart below:
Angel Realm Demon Realm Choir Power Limit




Curse of the Damned

This power is used to affect the body of a mortal. Curse of the Damned is restricted to one use per individual per day. And
requires a True Faith roll vs a difficulty equal to the targets Willpower. To activate this power requires the expenditure of
Willpower equal to the level of power activated (one for level one, three for level three, etc). The duration is for one scene unless
otherwise noted. Characters cursed with permanent attribute loss can only be affected once, thus if the demon causes a mortal
to lose one dot permanently she cannot lose any more, as the scourge of Lucifer can only take once apon a victim.
Level Points Lost
One point from an attribute
Two points from an attribute
*** Three total points from attributes (e.g., 2 from Str, 1 from Dex) for one scene
**** Four total points from attributes or one attribute lowered to one
***** Five total points from attributes as above or lose one point in an attribute permanently
****** Six total points from attributes as above or has one attribute reduced to one permanently

Bless of the Heavenly Father

This power is used to affect the body of a mortal. Cherubim may use this power to strengthen a mortal's body, not limited to the
host body. These powers can affect one person once per day, the same as Curse of the Damned. The Angel must roll dice
equal to his faith rating with a difficulty of the target's Willpower. To activate the power, the angel must spend a number of
Willpower equal to the level of power being used (one for level one, three for level three, etc). The duration is one scene.
Level Points Gained
One dot in one attribute
Two dots in one attribute
Three dots in one attribute
**** Four dots in one attribute
***** Four dots to split among multiple attributes (e.g., 1 in Strength, 2 in Dexterity, and 1 in Stamina)
****** Five dots to split among multiple attributes
******* Six dots to split among multiple attributes

Eyes of the Prophet

This power allows the Angel to glean the truth from a mortal, even if he wishes to lie. To activate the power the angel must spend
one Willpower and make a roll with dice equal to her True Faith rating, versus a difficulty equal to the target's Willpower.
The angel can recognize any falsehoods uttered by the mortal.
The angel can cause the mortal to speak the truth for one time.
The angel can cause the mortal to speak the truth for up to five times.
**** The angel can cause the mortal to speak the truth for up to ten times.
***** The angel can cause the mortal to speak the truth for the scene.
****** The angel can read the surface thoughts of the target mortal.
******* The angel can tell the Mortal's real intentions without the mortal speaking.
The power only works for the caster. A target may not be able to lie to the Angel, but he could still lie to anyone else who asks
him a question.

Giving of Pain
With this power the Belial can inflict pain upon a target. With the expenditure of a Willpower point and a successful attack, the
Demon can inflict penalties as shown below on the chart.
Level Penalty

*** -3
**** -4
***** -5
****** *
*The target fall unconscious from pain.

This power envelopes the angel's host with an aura of holy might. This aura will protect the host from attacks by absorbing the
damage. The angel spends one Willpower point per activation; the duration is one scene.
Level Soak Die Soak Die
(Normal) (Aggravated)
**** 3
***** 4
****** 4
******* 5

This creates a blast of hellfire. Although it will cause pain, it doesn't do any damage. Its purpose is to drain the Humanity from
mummies and vampires, the Sanity from immortals, the Rage from werewolves and the Willpower from Mages, Sorcerers and
Mortals. The flame is thrown by rolling Dexterity + Firearms, difficulty of 7.
Level Points Drained Dice Penalty Area of Effect
Target only
Target only
*** 3
Target only
**** 3
10' diameter
***** 3
20' diameter
****** 4
30' diameter

Laying of Hands
This is the power to heal the injured, pure and simple. The characters will get a lot of use out of this power if they get a little over
zealous in their mission. With the expenditure of Willpower, the angel may heal health levels in any mortal, including her present
Level Levels Healed Levels Healed
**** 4
***** 5
****** 6
******* 7
Multiple Willpower may be spent for multiple healings. Rumors persist about the healing powers of angels able to cure the curse
of Caine, but yet, they still are rumors.

Manifest the Spirit

This is the ability of angels and demons to manifest their true form on Eden. This grants attribute bonuses, but carries with it very
real disadvantages, chief among them is the inability to interact with mortal society. Treat this as the Delirium effect that
werewolves suffer from while in Crinos form. Those Awakened or supernatural creatures immune to the Delirium are immune to
the awe of the manifested form as well. To activate the Manifest form, an angel or demon must spend three Willpower and roll a
number of dice equal to his Faith score, vs a difficulty of 7. The change takes six minus successes in turns. If an angel or demon

spends six Willpower, he will change without a roll, and it will take only one turn, but this will tend to leave him with very little
Willpower to work with afterward. While this power is in effect, the character's Appearance will drop to zero.

This power will last for one scene per activation.

With this power, a demon is able to enslave a mortal to his bidding. The Demon must roll his Faith score in dice vs the
mortal's Willpower as a difficulty. The Demon must roll at least a number of successes equal to the power level being used
in order to be successful.
+1 Str, Sta, and Dex +2 Str, Sta, and -1 Dex
+1 Str
+1 Str
+1 Sta
+1 Sta
**** +1 Dex
+1 Str
***** +1 Sta
+1 Sta
****** +1 Str
+1 Str
******* +1 Dex
+1 Sta
Level Willpower Required Effect
Force compliance to one command per success.
Take control of a mortal for a scene.
*** 1
Take control of a mortal for a day.
**** 3
For one scene control one mortal per success rolled.
***** 3
For one day, control one mortal per success rolled.
****** 3
For one month, control one mortal per success rolled.

Sword of Michael
This power creates a flaming sword of holy energy. Although it will cause pain, it doesn't cause any damage. It's purpose is to
drain the Willpower from Demons, Mortals, Mages, and Sorcerers, Rage from Werewolves, and Humanity from Vampires and
Mummies. The sword lasts for one scene per Willpower point invested. Attacks are made using Dexterity + Melee (difficulty of
Level Traits Lost Dice Penalties (Pain)
Str +1
**** Str +2
***** Str +3
****** Str +4
******* Str +5

Trumpet of Gabriel
With this power, an Angel is able to command a mortal for a short period of time. To activate this power, the angel must spend
one Willpower and make a roll of dice equal to her True Faith score vs a difficulty equal to the mortal's Willpower.

Make a mortal do one action.
Make a mortal do a few simple actions.
Make a mortal take a series of actions.
Make a mortal take a series of actions requiring imagination or interpretation. The character may implant a post hypnotic
suggestion instead if she desires.
***** Make a mortal engage in virtually any action no matter how complex.
****** Make up to 10 mortals take a series of actions.
******* Give up to 10 mortals a post hypnotic suggestion.

Wings of the Holy

With this power, the angel is able to make his host body fly. To activate the power, the angel must roll a True Faith roll vs a
difficulty of 7, and spend one Willpower. The duration is ten game minutes per success rolled.
Level Speed (mph) Speeds (yards/turn)
**** 80
***** 100
****** 120
******* 140
| Part One | Part Two | Part Three |

The Rapture
(Part 3)
| Part One | Part Two | Part Three |

By Christopher Blankley
First Revision by Damien Hunt and Justin Killam
Second Revision by Darcy Martin

Chapter Five: Systems

Cherubim/Belial Interactions
When and angel and demon come into contact with each other there is an electric arching that can be seen by all around them.
This is the two wills touching. At this time the two beings can try to force the other out of its host. This can be done a number of
Using Hellfire or the Sword of Michael and draining the will of the other being causes it to lose it connection to Eden, which
forces it back to its home sphere.
If the two are touching, and uttering a Challenge, the Angel or Demon may drag the other into the Deep Umbra to battle for

Deep Umbra
The Deep Umbra is the paths from the angel's home realm to Eden. They travel through it at supernatural speeds arriving in
Eden almost instantly. Other than this, the only use for the Deep Umbra is for Angels and Demons to do Battle. The Angel or
Demon must challenge another Demon or Angel.

The Challenge
This is accomplished by the Angel touching the Demon and Calling a Challenge to Heaven, or the Demon touching the Angel
and calling a Challenge to Hell. Once the Challenge has been given, the Angel or Demon may resist by making a Willpower roll
vs difficulty of 8, gaining a number of successes equal to the others Willpower. If accepted both the angel and demon travel to
the Deep Umbra to battle each other in an attempt to banish the other. As you can see, it is quite difficult to resist a challenge,
and once accepted it is a binding contract on both the angel and the demon. If defeated the Angel or Demon is subject to the
Banishing. (see below)

Battle in the Deep Umbra

Event System
Initiative Wits vs difficulty of 4
Attack Willpower vs difficulty of 6
Defend Willpower vs difficulty of 7
Damage Successes on an attack not cancelled by the defence drains Willpower.
Victory Once one combatant has been reduced to zero Willpower that combatant is banished.

The Banishing
The Banishing is the result of losing a challenge, and forces an Angel or Demon to remain in his home realm for a period of time
longer than normal. This is a variable length of time; Angels are usually banished for a number of days equal to their Willpower,
taking longer to recuperate due to the banishment. Demons are usually banished for good, or for years equal to his Willpower as
punishment for his failures on Eden. When banished, the Angel or Demon is forcibly returned to its home realm.

The Fallen and the Sundered are not real Choirs, but they are groups nevertheless. They have no sphere, but exist in the Deep
Umbra. Here they converge in groups to create pocket realms in which to live in. Although these pocket realms are based in the
Deep Umbra, they are treated like any other realm in relation to travelling the Deep Umbra, Banishing, etc.

Cherubim/Belial - Mortal Fusions

If a player rolls a botch on his Entrance roll he will suffer from a Mortal Fusion. This happens when the Angelic/Demonic qualities
of a character emerge in the physical form of the mortal host. These fusions give the character bonuses to its physical attributes
but make it hard for the character to interface with society. The Angel or Demon will be trapped in that form for a number of days
equal to the number of botches he scored.
The Angel/Mortal Fusion turns the skin into a rather greyish white color, growing about 6 inches in height and shedding a good
50 to 100 pounds. The bones and limbs lengthen. Facial features become sharp and pointed, and the eyes glow with an eerie
light. On their backs, a pair of shrunken useless wings form, and another finger grows out of the side of the hand. Mortal fusions
gain one die in both Strength and Stamina, and gain two dice in Dexterity. Appearance drops to zero. Most people, upon seeing
the fusion, will flee in terror as per the delirium.
The Demon/Mortal Fusion results in the body's mass doubling, a good 150 pounds gained in muscle, with 4 or 5 inches in height
increases. The forehead sprouts short horns, and the teeth become fangs. Fingernails become claws, and a pair of semiuseful
wings sprout from the back. Mortal Fusion gains 2 dice in both Strength and Stamina, but lose one die in dexterity. Appearance
is reduced to zero. The claws can be used like vampires, and the wings allow the Demon to Glide (not fly). They also get a bite
attack like a werewolf, but this does not produce aggravated damage. The Demon now has no ability to interact with mortal
society period. This fusion results in a terrifying killing machine. All mortals who witness it, are subject to the Delirium and will
flee in terror.

Retained Powers
When angels enter a host, they may find that it has special powers, like the Vampiric Disciplines, or the Werewolf Gifts. If they
had scored 8 or more successes apon the entering, they may attempt to learn these powers themselves, and carry them from
host to host. Angels and Demons may teach each other these powers as well. Angels should be wary of learning Necromancy
as it will cause them to fall from grace.

Angels and Demon characters gain experience just like any other characters. Raising traits, however, is rather more expensive.
New Ability
Current rating x 5
Current rating x 4
Current rating x 6
Choir Power
Current rating x 5
New Choir Power
Retained Power
Current rating x 7
New Retained Power 10
True Faith
Current rating x 5
Why are they more expensive? Angels have been around for Eternity, so it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks. Secondly, they
don't tend to stay around long enough to learn any new skills or improve the ones they have too often.

Rising through the Spheres

This represents an angel's or demon's grace in the eyes of God and Lucifer. As the angel or demon performs good or bad
deeds, God or Lucifer will look more favorably upon him. Should he perform bad or good deeds, his grace may very well be torn
from him, resulting in a demotion to a lesser realm. Should a Luna or Purgatory realm angel or demon lose his grace, he will
become a Fallen angel or Sundered demon, trapped upon Eden and the Deep Umbra in an attempt to redeem himself before
God and Lucifer.

Realm Chart

Maximum Willpower Maximum Faith
Deep Umbra 7
Luna/Purgatory 8
Mercury/Erebus 10
Jupiter/Sheol 16
To rise in realm requires an increasing amount of good deeds. Generally, it is up to the Storyteller to decide what is a good
deed and counts to the character's total. These good deeds should generally spread the word and belief in God to a portion of
the mortal populace. When an Angel has enough good deeds, he will be tested before he can raise to the next realm. Each test
will be tailored to the angel in question, and seldom do they repeat. This test should test the angels faith, courage, and selfconfidence at the very least.
Angelic Realm Required Good Deeds Demonic Realm Required Bad Deeds

Note: Storytellers are encouraged to keep track of this number so that the Angel doesn't know how close he is to the next realm.

Chapter Six: The World of Darkness

The Eternal Battle
Exactly how does the battle between the Cherubim and the Belial work? What weapons do they have to fight with? Well, most of
the battle for the Cherubim is trying to find the enemy. Unless the Belial is a fusion, there is no way to tell him apart from the other
mortals by sight. If the Cherub comes into contact with the Belial then there is the tell tale arching of wills, but without physical
contact the task is almost impossible. The Cherubim usually have to wait for the body count to start rising before they can track
down the Belial, but this is a rather morbid method of detection. A Cherub must be part detective, part warrior, and all careful.
This is a most dangerous war that the angels are fighting, and the mortals are the only casualties.

Allies and Antagonists

How does Angel/Demon fit into the World of Darkness? How do they relate to the supernatural beings that inhabit it? So far we
have only covered the Angels relation to the Mortals of earth, their main area of concern. But the World of Darkness is filled with
creatures of a much stranger type, and their eternal struggle the Angels will eventually have to come in contact with them.

The Umbra: The Umbra, either near or deep, is not the home of the Angels. They are from a realm that exists outside even this
vast realm, only accessible through the extreme boundaries of the Umbra. The Angels mainly only travel through the Umbra on
their way to or from the mundane reality. They are not restricted by the Gauntlet or the Horizon, and they seldom stay in the
Umbra for long. However, the Angels can enter into the Umbra just as they can enter into Eden, if they found it necessary. Like in
Eden, the angels will probably need a host in that particular realm, unless they are of the Fallen or Sundered. It is easier for an
angel to enter into the Umbra because of its closeness to the angel's own sphere. Difficulty is one less in the Near Umbra and
two less in the Deep. Of course, the implications of an Angel inhabiting the form of a Celestine is kind of hard to perceive. This I
must leave up to the individual Storyteller to decide.

Vampire: The Masquerade: Can an angel enter into the body of a Vampire? Yes, as long as the Vampire has sufficient
humanity (see chart above). Does the angel get all the powers of the Vampire? Well, yes and no. If the angel integrates well
enough with the Vampire then he will get all his Advantages and Disciplines. But if the Vampire's personality is completely
suppressed, the Angel just gets the use of the Vampire's blood pool and other basic abilities. Yes, the angel must still feed. And
yes, if the personalities are fully integrated the angel is still bonded by a blood bond. Is it against the rules for a Cherub to kill a
vampire? After all, they're supposed to only not kill mortals. The simple answer to this question is no. Refer to Genesis for
reasons why. Any of a Vampire's mind powers will not work on an Angel when he is in any body. They are considered to be a
higher generation than even Caine.

Werewolf: The Apocalypse: Again, yes an angel can enter into the body of a Werewolf, and the same rules apply for
integrating Gifts, etc. The angel gets the use of the Werewolf shape-shifting powers, though if a angel doesn't integrate the
Werewolf's Primal Urge, changing form maybe rather dangerous. I'm sure you we all imagine how powerful a Belial - Werewolf
fusion can be.

Mage: The Ascension: Angels can enter into the body of a Mage just as they can enter into the body of any other mortal. If they
integrate the Mages Spheres they can use them also. Remember that angels do not gain their powers from Quintessence. Any
Mage powers that they may have can only come from the Mage herself. The pattern of an angel is totally immutable. Any of a
Mages powers that would affect the mind or spirit will have no effect on an angel. Of course, a good lightning bolt will fry the body
that the angel is inhabiting, but it won't affect the angel at all.

Mummy: No special rules here that haven't been covered above. Mummies make good hosts since it is impossible to
accidentally get them killed.

Hunters Hunted: Of course, Hunters Hunted characters are just normal humans. The only special rule here is if a Cherub jumps
into a character with Faith. If when the Cherub exits the mortal he leaves him with some memory of the encounter, the mortal can
now advance his faith trait at a cost of current rating x 3 past level 5.

Highlander: Immortals are treated in the same fashion as regular humans. Even if the angel doesn't integrate the Immortal's
Quickening trait, he would still get the usual gain for beheading the another immortal. Angels, no matter how badly they roll, still
have all the powers of their hosts; they just don't have the skills to use them.

The Arcanum: The Arcanum is not really aware of the existence of angels. They have quite a bit of data on them, but nothing at
all conclusive (Remember, for every actual angel that leaves evidence of its existence, there are a hundred people who claim to
be one). The Arcanum would be very interested in conclusive evidence of the existence of angels.

Chapter Seven: Typical Game

The first obstacle you will probably encounter when you begin a Angel/Demon chronicle is how to get started. And from there on,
exactly how should a game go? Even though there are no hard and fast rules to this, I will try to give you a few guidelines to help
you through the first couple games or so. Almost every game will start with the characters being sent down to Eden to look into
one disturbance or another. These disturbances should be indicative of the Belial, even if there are no behind it (Don't make
every adventure a conflict with the Belial, mankind has its own demons). The Storyteller will the tell the players the number and
location of any suitable hosts that their characters may jump into. As soon as the characters have chosen their entrance point,
start making the roles. The players may want to set up a meeting location before they jump in. Remember, they won't tell each
other from Adam as soon as they are in their human hosts. After the players have joined back up (maybe an adventure in itself),
they will start looking into the disturbance that sent them down to earth. This will probably be standard fare detective work, but
you never know what the Storyteller will have in store.... Once the characters have determined the source of the disturbance, and
have determined the enemy as a Belial, they then must extract her from her human host. Easy, right? Wrong. The possibilities in
an Angel/Demon game are endless, but if you are like me you're probably going to fall into a game rut. You must try and avoid
the old in, find, fight, out mentality. For as soon as you have it, everyone else playing will also. Try to be creative. Push the
boundaries. If it fails, so what, its only a game. But if it succeeds, everyone will thank you.
| Part One | Part Two | Part Three |

Dancing the Spheres
A Supplement for Angel/Demon: The Rapture
By Christopher Blankley (

Welcome to Dancing the Spheres, a source supplement to Angel/Demon: The Rapture, a public domain storyteller game. For
those of you who have read the main rules, this supplement does not contain any rule additions or subtractions. This is merely a
discussion on the nature and habitat of the Cherubim/Belial race, something that was intentionally left out of the main rules
document. Hopefully this supplement will clear the air of any questions you, as a player or Storyteller, might have about the
Please note that what is contained here is totally optional and is not required to role-play a Angel/Demon campaign. If you have
an image of angels that fits your game better, please use it in place of this discussion. Angel/Demon: The Rapture deals with
subject matter that is hard to grasp in human terms. Almost any analogy or model could be used to described the form of angels
when outside the Sphere of Eden. It is something that is beyond the grasp of humans. If you like your analogy better that this one,
please go ahead and use it. It will add color and depth to your particular campaign.
This document is divided into three main parts:

Sphere Jamming: A Tourist's guide to the Spheres of Heaven and Hell.

Physic Angelicas: How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? Everything you ever wanted to know about Angels but
was afraid to ask.

The Tale so Told: Mortal history from the perspective of the Cherubim.
They do not need to be read in any particular order; you may pick and choose according to your interests.

Before we get into the main body of this text it might be useful to give a short lexicon of terms used in Angel/Demon: The

Angel: Term referring to the race of beings first created by God. They were created before the universe and helped in its
construction. Some succumbed to the evil side of free will and fell from favor. Also commonly used to refer to as the Cherubim.

Belial: The fallen angels. After the creation of the universe these few angels became greedy and evil. They lost God's favor and
were cast down into the pit of Hell. There the greatest of all the Belial, Lucifer, created the Spheres of Hell in Heaven's image.

The Beautiful: Name given to the offspring of a Cherub-Human coupling. They are known to have very special powers unlike
any other creature. See Angel/Demon: The Beautiful (coming soon, maybe).

Cherubim: The angels that remained loyal to God during the fall of the Belial. In the early days these beings were the
administrators of Eden, but they were removed from this function after The Coming. Within the last few decades they have
returned to Eden to battle the direct influence of the Belial. Singular: Cherub.

Choir: Division of Cherubim based on duty. There are seven Choirs of Heaven, divided onto seven Spheres. They are: The
Swords, the Shields, the Thrones, the Dominations, Virtues, Powers, and Principalities. The Choirs of the Swords and the
Shields are the only Choirs that have interaction with mankind. The characters will be of the Swords.

Demon: Commonly used to refer to the Belial. Also used to describe many creatures of the Tellurian who have nothing to do
with the Belial.

Eden: Term Angels use to refer to Mundane Reality, specifically earth.

Guardian: Cherubim belonging to the Shields Choir. They work in unison with the Cherubim of the Dominations Choir to protect
humans from misfortune.

Sphere: Basic hierarchy of Heaven and Hell. There are seven Spheres of Heaven and six of Hell.

Sphere Jamming
"Welcome Tourist! It's nice to see so many of you have risen from the mortal plane to join us today. I hope you have all come
well prepared with a pack lunch and last will and testament. For as you know, to look up the face of an angel means certain
death! But seriously folks, I would like to extend special welcome to the Celestine party from the Shard Realm of Time. It's
nice to see that you guys could finally make the time to come up and see our little tour. I know how busy things are for you
guys; time just keeps rushing by! Now, if you would all look to you left..."
Except for a very few exceptions, Heaven is not open to tourists. Despite the fact that no mortal can comprehend its size and
luster, no living creature can penetrate the boundary that exists between the lowest Sphere of Heaven and the edge of the
Tellurian. This is a hard and fast rule, and should only be violated in the rarest of circumstances. Hell, on the other hand, is open
for day trips though very few, if any, ever return.
The Cherubim, of course, aren't bound by any of these restrictions. They can travel freely between Heaven and earth, and all
points in between, according to the rules given in Angel/Demon: The Rapture. The question now becomes: What is it like to roleplay outside the bounds of Tellurian? This is not a question that is answered easily.
When in any role-playing situation, even when role-playing outside of mundane reality, the Storyteller describes the surrounding
environment, and the players react to it. This is rather hard to do for the Spheres. The Spheres do not look like anything; they're
not hilly, they're not flat, they don't have color or texture, they are basically aren't anything or anywhere. They just are. (Useful huh?
Aren't you glad you're reading this to clear up all those questions you have about angels?) So how do you role-play in them? I
have a couple of suggestions:
The first method is called the shifting metaphor. Realizing that Heaven cannot be described, you constantly change your
description of it so the players never get attached to a single one. For example, the first time the characters are in their Sphere I
describe it in classical clouds and harps. The second time the characters return I describe it as a skyscraper, with a lobby and
offices for each of the angels. The third time they enter their Sphere I describe it as spectrum of light, with the lower Spheres as
the reds and the higher ones as the blues. And so on.
As you can see, this method has its advantages and disadvantages. It is good because players become interested in the
metaphor. They aren't entirely tied up with the idea that they are in Heaven. They'll have fun role-playing in the fashion dictated by
the metaphor's setting. It's bad because it treats Heaven and Hell in a trivial nature. The players might forget what they are there
to do if they're all caught up in playing gangsters or what have you. It gives the players a feel of Heaven and Hell that they
probably won't like.
The other option is to choose one metaphor and stick with it. For example, classic clouds and harps for Heaven, and fire and
brimstone for Hell. This is fine but rather boring, and after awhile the players will get a sense of "That is what Heaven is like". So
if you have to change something to explain a particular concept they might react negatively. ("But you said angels could have
only have six wings! Why does he get to have eight?")
You will have to determine what method works best for you. No matter what you decide to do, you must make sure that keep a
sense of hierarchy in your metaphor. That is the major feel that the players should get. That God is above, Hell is below, and
earth is trapped in between.
The second question that you're probably asking is what kind of role-playing can you do in the Spheres? If the characters have
no bodies, how can they interact? Well, most of the time the characters spend in the Spheres will be at the start and the end of
their mission, when they will learn of what they must do and head off down to Eden. How they get their mission can vary
depending upon the metaphor you are using, but mostly it includes the personification of one of the archangel's telling the
characters where and why they should go. It doesn't have to be like that, of course. This is just the basic format; angels are able
to go down to Eden on their own. When they have finished doing what they were supposed to do in Eden, they will probably
return to the archangel who gave them their mission, and tell him what they have achieved. Remember, the characters can't get
anything past the archangels. They will know everything that the characters had done upon Eden. This would be the point, if you
felt it was the time, to raise the angels up or down a Sphere.
Complete games in the Spheres are rather harder to accomplish. You would have to think of some form of conflict to base the
adventure around. Angel/Demon: The Rapture is well suited to political intrigue plots, with its solid command structure. Maybe a
Belial has infiltrated the Sol Sphere masquerading as a Cherubim. Can the characters find him in time before he uses the
powers of Heaven for his own devices? Or will he use the agents of Heaven against the mortals it is so desperately trying to
save. You get the idea.
Cherubim characters at some time may be forced to descend into the depths of Hell to track down a Belial. (They would have to
be pursuing him because he has a specific piece of knowledge. All a Cherubim can do to a Belial is send him back to his
Sphere; if he's already there, there isn't much they can do to him.) Whatever metaphor you use to describe Hell it must give the
players a sense of distress. Hell, no matter how trivialized, is not a pleasant place. In going down into the pits of Hell the
characters are placing their very sanity on the line. The Belial may not be able to injure their forms, but it can show them horrors
that they could never possibility imagine. The Belial can also enter into the Spheres of Heaven.... Not that they often want to, but
it is possible.
All in all, Heaven and Hell are open to a lot of interpretation. Since you will be unable to describe Heaven or Hell in human terms,
you have a lot of freedom to make it as obscure or detailed as you like. I have found it best to forcus a Angel/Demon game upon
the actions of the characters while in Eden, leaving what happens within the Heavenly Sphere to the players' imaginations. You
may do this, or you may decide to run your entire campaign within the Spheres, never lowering down to the earthly plain. There is

a lot of opportunity here to expand your role-playing horizons.

Below is a general guide to the Spheres of Heaven and Hell. Each is described in some amount of detail. For those of you who
haven't read the main text, here is the universe from the view of the Cherubim:
The 7 Spheres of Heaven:
7. Saturn
6. Jupiter
5. Mars
4. Sol
3. Mercury
2. Venus
1. Luna
The Tellurian:
Deep Umbra
Near Umbra
Mundane Reality: Eden
Near Umbra
Deep Umbra
The 6 Spheres of Hell:
1. Purgatory
2. Styx
3. Erebus
4. Tartarus
5. Hades
6. Sheol
What is above the 7th Sphere of Heaven is even beyond the perception of the angels. It is assumed to be the home of God, and
the place of final rest for the dead, but there is much discussion about the truth of this even among the angels.
What is below the 6th Sphere of Hell is far better known. This is the heart of Satan's domain. The darkest place in all the
universe. Here the Dark Prince waits for his epic schemes to come to fruition, when he can raise from his dark pit and rule over
all the Spheres.

The 7th Sphere of Heaven: Saturn

This is the gateway to the heart of God. The very highest point in the entire universe. It is inhabited by only seven beings: the
Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Azriel, Chamuel, and Jephiel. In the early days of time there was a eighth
archangel, Lucifer. Before his fall, Satan was of this Sphere.
Each of these Archangels heads one of the Choirs. Michael - The Swords, Gabriel - The Shields, Raphael - The Thrones, Uriel The Dominations, Azriel - The Virtues, Chamuel - The Powers, Jephiel - The Principatlities.
If the characters ever reach this Sphere, they have become Generals in the Eternal Battle against Evil. Cherubim of this level
have the power to enter into Eden as a living being. They are able to live and love amongst the humanity like any other mortal.
Cherubim of this level very seldom go down to Eden, however, for it is very difficult for them to form a link. Only when they must
do they enter the earthly Sphere.

The 6th Sphere of Heaven: Jupiter

Cherubim of this level have achieved greatness in the eyes of Heaven. They are the most powerful operatives that Heaven has in
its battle against the Belial. Jupiter Cherubim have the power to enter into Eden without the need of a host, appearing in a solid,
if inert, form. Within Eden they are able take the appearance of any mortal, changing it at will. Their physical stats are 4 dots in
Again, Cherubim of this level don't often go down to Eden. It is hard from them to forge the link. When they enter they usually do
what it is that they must and exit quickly.

The 5th Sphere of Heaven: Mars

The Mars Sphere is the realistic upper limit for almost all Cherubim characters. At this Sphere the Cherub's powers are strong,
and he still has good chance of successful entry. Cherubim of this Sphere have the power to enter into Eden without a host, but
they do not have sufficient power to do it very well. Their form is ghost-like, visibly solid but immaterial. They can appear as they
wish, but they are unable to touch or pick up anything. The Cherub can still enter Eden in the old-fashioned way, by the use of a
mortal host, if they wish.

The 4th Sphere of Heaven: Sol

Cherubim of this Sphere are low enough on the totem pole to do much of the dirty work against the Belial, but they still have
strong enough powers to be quite effective warriors. They must enter into Eden through the body of mortals, but they are not
restricted by the virtue of the host. This might cause some strange situations from time to time, with a Cherub entering into the
body of evil humans. The characters will probably try and avoid this, but strange things will happen. Cherubim are unable to enter
a mortal who has taken a Coin of Hell, and visa versa. These persons, no matter what their virtue, are reserved to the particular
side they are bought by.

The 3rd Sphere of Heaven: Mercury

Cherubim of this Sphere and lower have rather vague restrictions on who in Eden they may Enter. In Angel/Demon: The Rapture
under power of Entrance it says "Entrance to any mortal not truly evil (Humanity > 4)." That's all well and good for vampires that
have a Humanity stat, but what about everybody else? Well, the Storyteller will have to decide this, though for this level it's quite
easy. Not truly evil means not the villains in the chronicle, unless the Storyteller thinks that another NPC deserves this category.
Why this virtue restriction on Angels? People of virtue (be it good or bad) are closer to the two poles of the universe, good and
evil. A person of positive virtue is closer to Heaven; therefore it takes less power from the Cherubim to enter her. And the
opposite for Belial. The lower the angel is in power the closer the host must be to their own Sphere.
(Note: This should not be confused with the difficulty of entering into Eden. Angels of higher power have greater difficulty in
entering a host, but they have more power so they can enter into a greater variety of targets. It's a weak point to try and
rationalize, but it makes for good role-playing.)

The 2nd Sphere of Heaven: Venus

Within this Sphere the Cherubim are restricted to entering people not of evil intent (Humanity < 6). Again, this couldn't be much
vaguer if I tried. The rule of thumb on this one is that the Cherubim cannot enter into the general scum of society: Drug dealers,
hookers, gangsters, lawyers, etc. They can enter into just about everyone else, unless the Storyteller thinks otherwise.

The 1st Sphere of Heaven: Luna

This is the Sphere in which the player characters will begin. It is the bottom rung of Heaven, and is occupied two types of Angels:
Fallen Cherubim in the process of falling, or Belial that have managed to pull themselves up out of the pit. Inches from the gate to
Hell, angels here are either going in one direction or the other.
This is the situation the players will probably start in, and they will have to figure out their background as to why. Is the character a
maverick in Heaven? Does he believe that this passive holding action is going to cost Heaven final victory? Does he have a
dark past? Did his actions lead to the death of many mortals while in Eden? Or is the character a Belial that has pulled himself
out of Hell? Cast down in the original fall, he has seen horrors that he cannot describe. With the final days upon him he has finally
repented and returned to Heaven, but will he be able to hold on and stay? Or will he return to his old ways and fall back down into
the pit?

The Tellurian and Eden

Though not really Spheres of Heaven or Hell, both the Tellurian and Eden are worth mentioning here. The Tellurian and Eden are
sandwiched in between Heaven and Hell. They are the place where both realms wash over into each other. Angel and Belial
alike have equal footing here. In the eternal game that rages between them, the playing field is flat.
This raises many philosophical questions about the nature of Satan and God. How can an angel of Satan's limited power take
on the infinite power of God? Why doesn't God just wash away all traces of evil from the domain that he created? All these
questions, of course, are beyond the scope of this game, but there is one thing all players should keep in mind: The Jyhad is a
war that is waged between Werewolf and Wyrm, Antediluvian and Antediluvian, Mage and Technomancer, Immortal and
Immortal, Mortal and Mortal; the Cherubim and Belial are just another level in the fight.

The 1st Sphere of Hell: Purgatory

Purgatory is only a level of Hell in the sense that it is controlled by Lucifer. It is the first stop after the Fall of a fallen angel. Much
like the classic held belief of Purgatory, it is place where one reviews one's sins. Unlike the classic Purgatory the one reviewing
the sins for the fallen angel is Satan, and his aim is to bring the angel down to his side. Much like the tempting of Jesus in the
desert, the angel is shown all the power and glory that can be hers if she joins the darker side. She is shown the effects that the
Belial are having on the Mortal population, and she is sent up to Eden with a mission to take a soul. Another Belial is usually sent
along to make sure that the new Belial does what she is supposed to do. Once the new Belial has bought a soul for Satan, she
is promoted down to the Sphere of Styx. Those who don't succeed in their mission, are sent (forcibly) on a series of missions
until they do. The only way out of Purgatory is to drop to the Styx Sphere or to raise to the Luna Sphere through good deeds.
The only way Belial will come to this Sphere is by repeatedly showing weakness through good deeds. This is their final chance
to show that they have what it takes to make it as a Belial before they are sent up to Luna and God's domain.

The 2nd Sphere of Hell: Styx

This is the bottom rung for the truly evil Belial. They have proved that they are willing to seek out power no matter what the cost or
casualties. Hopefully, no character will ever fall this low. If one does, the Storyteller should consider making the player character
a NPC villain.
Belial of this Sphere are the soldiers in Satan's battle to rule Mundane Reality. They are powerful and ruthless, and able to
possess the body of most humans (not of good intent).

The 3rd Sphere of Hell: Erebus

Most characters will not see Belial of a higher level than this. They are tough, and have earned their stripes in the battle against

The 4th, 5th and 6th Spheres of Hell: Tartarus, Hades & Sheol
These Spheres are beyond the scope of most normal Angel/Demon games. I will leave the details of these levels up to the
individual Storyteller.

Physic Angelicas
"What? How many Angels can dance on the head of a pin? Hell, I don't know! How many humans can fit into a Buick? Don't
ask stupid questions!"
-- Marcel The Cherub
What exactly are the Cherubim? Where do they come from, and of what stuff are they made? These are hard questions to
answer, and it is probably best to discuss the nature of the Angels in terms of what they are not.
The Angels are not mortal in any of the vague uses of the word. They are not human, vampire, werewolf, mage, fairy, wraith,
mummy, or any of the other thousand types of creatures that inhabit the many planes of the Telurian. Their patterns are not
forged within the Quintessence of our universe; they are an outside force. They are not, on the other hand, gods or creators. They
are not omnipotent or perfect. They are not the judges or jury of mankind. They are susceptible to error in the same fashion as
mortals, if to a lesser degree.
What does this mean to the players? Well, it means that they will have to change the way that they usually role-play, but probably
not to the extent that they think they must.
The players must remember that they are playing Cherubim; they can't go around killing and maiming like they normally do.
Restraint is the order of the day; they must keep their actions in proportion. But this doesn't mean they should go to the opposite
extreme. Sure they're angels, but they have to do what they have to do to get the job done. If they have to use a little fisticuffs to
grease the wheels, big deal. It's not like he needed those front teeth.
This raises the question of what exactly a Cherub can and cannot do. While the Storyteller has to use a lot of discretion here (do
you get the feeling I've got that phrase hot-keyed on my keyboard) the following should give you a good guide:
The Cherubim cannot kill. There is no leeway here. This is a serious no-no, and will result in the Cherub's quick demotion
through the Spheres. The Cherubim have no authority to take a human life. In fact, if they can avoid violence entirely they will be
smiled on by the powers that be, but sometimes it unavoidable. As the Archangel Michael is quoted as saying: "Sometimes all
the charity of Heaven can be bested by the effective use of a good right-cross!"
While in human form, the Cherubim are susceptible to all of the human failings and foibles. Cherubim have been known to fall in
love with mortals while in Eden, and there is a strange breed of human known as the Beautiful born from their coupling. They can
drink to excess, suffer from gluttony, be beset by avarice, lust in their hearts, curse, and listen to heavy metal music.... Even
though these things are all frowned upon by the powers that be, they are not the weapons of Satan if taken in moderation.
Cherubim, while in Eden, are not expected to be perfect, just not the tool of the enemy they are fighting. Remember, this is
Angels a la World of Darkness, not the stuff you learned in Sunday School. Okay, so you're the personification of goodness, but
what is goodness if you can't get anything done? The Cherubim are in a desperate battle against the sum total of evil. They must
be human if they are going to work within them.
The Cherubim do have one responsibility which has developed during the years of the Struggle. It is more a matter of respect
than law. They are expected to leave the life and body of the mortal they use as a host in the same condition it was before they
entered. This is often hard to do, especially if the Cherub hasn't integrated the personality of the host. This responsibility means
that the characters may spend a lot of time trying to keep the lives of their hosts in one piece, while they are tracking down and
dealing with the Belial. Ham it up, it should be worth so good role-playing.... (Sorry son, I have to go out and battle the forces of
evil tonight; maybe we can go see a movie tomorrow night.)
The Belial, of course, have no restrictions or guidelines about their time spent in Eden. The more murder, rape, and pillaging
they can do, the better off they are. They have no care for the well being of their hosts. As long as a body holds together long

enough for the Belial to do its work, who cares. And of this one dies, well, time to jump to a new one....
As for the physical nature of Angel, that can be summed up quite easily: They have none. I know this is rather hard to
comprehend, but the Cherubim and the Belial take up no space in either Eden or the Umbra. When an Angel is in the body of a
mortal she is indistinguishable from the normal human. There is no test, either physical or magical, that could tell the human from
the possessed human (Though when he starts acting strange you can probably make a good guess). There is only one
exception to this rule: When two Angels, either Cherub or Belial, come into physical contact there is a visible spark. This is
caused by the two Wills of the Angels attaching to each other, and is responsible for the Angel's ability to pull one of her kind
from a mortal host. This spark is visible to everyone, and shines like a beacon in the Umbra. This is the only way to detect an
Angel inside a human host.

The Tale So Told

"In the beginning was the Word, And the Word was with God, And the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God
All things were made by him; And without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light
of man. And the light shineth in darkness; And the darkness comprehended it not."
-- John 1:1-5
There are many different views of history, many different stories, many different sides. The Cherubim have their story of the
beginning and passage of time. They have had their heyday and can see their end. What follows is a brief synopsis of their story;
how they have intersected with the mortal world.

The Era of the Angels

In the beginning God created Heaven, and he divided it into seven Spheres. These Spheres he populated with a plethora of
Angels. His first born children, the most loved of his heart. To these children he gave free will, so their love for him could be as
great as his love for them. These children frolicked and played in the paradise of the Spheres.
But in the perfection of Heaven a sour seed grew, for from free will came the knowledge of evil's power. Some angels, in their
pursuit of perfection, sought out this evil so they could understand it. But in their attempts to understand evil, they themselves
became it. They suckled on its power, and grew from its greed. Their avarice building, they turned their sights to the ultimate
prize: to the heights of Heaven itself. To the heart of God. As they took up arms to storm the highest Spheres, those angels of
lesser perception rallied to God's side. They stood in opposition to those who had taken in evil, and to the greatest among them:
Lucifer, Archangel to God.
The war raged long and bloody; the price was very high, but the forces of Heaven were eventually victorious. Lucifer and his
minions were cast down to the darkest depths of the void, there to toil in their madness. But Satan was down not out, and he
forged himself a realm in the image of Heaven above. Here he made six Spheres, and filled them with the angels who had fallen.
Their power was weak, but growing....

The First Era of Man

Meanwhile, God had learned from his mistake. His angels were the perfect specimens of life: Immortal, Intelligent, Strong. He
had made his creation able to perceive the full length and depth of evil; it was inevitable that they would eventually fall. So he
conceived a new race, which he would place at the center of a new domain. This race he would create once again with free will,
but he would hold the knowledge of evil away from them. In this they would truly be perfect.
So God created Eden and all the domains the surround it. At the very heart of this new domain God placed Adam, and he
charged the angels who had stayed loyal to his side with Adam's protection. Adam was much like the angels around him:
Immortal, Intelligent, Strong. But he lacked the one thing that gave his guardians their true power: The knowledge of Evil. Lucifer,
his power weak but growing, was unable to cast himself into this new domain. He watched silently from his Sphere as the new
world grew, waiting for his time.
Perceiving that Adam had become lonely, God created a second human: Eve. The two lived together in immortal bliss, the
passage of time nothing more than an interest. Their life together made up the First Era of Man, two immortal spirits, guarded
from harm by the Cherubim. This age lasted longer than any measure of time could testify to.
But Lucifer's power was growing strong; it was only a matter of time before he could enter into this new domain. Once the power
was in his possession, he left the depths of this dark Sphere and into Eden. Unable to cast his own form into the new domain, he
entered it via the body of a great dragon. From within the body of this great beast he sought out and found the dwelling place of
Adam and Eve. The two humans, not knowing what Lucifer was, were unprepared and could not defend against him. They
welcomed him into their lives, for dragons were true and noble beasts, and let him dwell within their home.
Lucifer was quick to betray their trust. While Eve wandered in the woods, Lucifer fell upon her and seduced her, coupling with the
Beast in most foul unison. Adam, perceiving this, fell into a mighty rage and slew the dragon. Lucifer escaped safely back to his
own Sphere, but the damage had been done. The seed of knowledge had been passed. Mankind now possessed the
knowledge of lust and violence.
God in his Heaven saw that his creation had been tainted, and he lamented. He could not afford to raise forces against Adam,

and he knew that soon Adam would fall into Lucifer's grasp. War loomed on the horizon. God took quick action in hopes to end
any conflict before it began. He could not destroy Adam, but he could weaken his power. Taking Adam's Avatar, the immortal
soul, he smashed it into a billion pieces; depriving Adam of his immortality. But the shards of Adam's Avatar could not just be
swept away, for that would destroy a part of Adam. Instead, Adam and Eve became able to reproduce, passing down a piece of
Adam's Avatar to all their children. So the Human Race began. So started to Second Era of Man.

The Second Era of Man

These were the early years of the Human Race. Many new humans were born: From Cain and Abel on down. And while the
human race grew, so did the creatures that feed upon their power: The Beings of the Umbra, the Weaver, the Wyrm. The
Cherubim were no longer charged with the protection of the Sons of Adam. They became the bridge between God and the
Human Race, handing down the Laws of God to his child on earth below. During these times Angels walked freely among the
mortals. Both the Cherubim and the Belial worked among mankind.
In this environment Lucifer's power grow even faster. The Cherubim were unable to check the spread of Satan's direct influence
among the mortals. Nothing they did stopped Lucifer's growth. Even the almost complete destruction of Mankind by flood did not
slow his advance. Eventually drastic measures were required to stem the tides of Hell.
God had handed down the Ten Commandment to his beloved below, simple laws that would keep the forces of Hell in check.
But even this was not strong enough medicine to stop Satan. Something more was required, something complete and final. The
Cherubim were totally pulled back from Eden, and one last messenger was sent from Heaven. The message he delivered was a
simple one: "Trust God and all you will be saved in the Rapture." This final messenger was not an angel or a man. The final
messenger was not really a messenger at all. For he know what he said was true. This final messenger was no other than God

The Third Era of Man

The descent of God into Eden was know in Heaven as the Coming. It marked the beginning of the Third Era of Man. In this era
all was to be won or lost. All of the chips had been placed on the table. The final battle between Heaven and Hell had begun.
This is the era in which we all know live, and this era is in its final days. Lucifer's power is at a high and the souls of mankind are
being bought and sold. Mostly, in this era, the Cherubim have not been let to wander Eden. God had placed his power inside the
truth of his message. His message has bared the brunt of the war. But know the final days are near, and more direct methods
have become necessary. Once more the Cherubim have been sent down to Eden to do battle with the Belial. For almost two
thousand years they have been absent, but now they are returning in force. Victory is far from secure, and God is using all the
powers he has at his disposal. Will the human race survive to face the Rapture? Or will they all be sucked down before the final
days? These are the questions that face the players of Angel/Demon: The Rapture, and only the players will know the answers.

ADEPHI: The Exile

By Peloquin (, revised by Brett Anderson (

And there was war in Heaven. Lucifer Morningstar, Lucifer Lightbringer, first among angels, rebelled against The Throne of the
Word. And was defeated for his sin. Michael, judge and lord of the Adephi known as Seraphim, the warriors, cast down Lucifer
into the Pit, to serve under Leviathan, Corrupter of the Vermii.
But among the Adephi warriors and mages were also three score legions who had refused to take sides, neither rebelling
against The Word, nor slaying the Lost Ones.
They were also cast out. But not to Hell, no.
That would have been too easy a punishment for them. Instead, they were doomed to live among the mortals, watching the slow
corruption of a pure world by the hands of The Vermii.
Always different. Odd. Exiled.
But slowly the seeds of hope were sown. Why just take the punishment lying down, some said. Why not organize, fight for a
better world, and join the greater cause? That way, maybe one day The Word would forgive them, and return their high seats in
the Silver City. And the Adephi Society was created.
If you think you saw someone leap off a roof with great white wings from his back, you did. They are here. They never left.

The society is a very loose one, in a way. There are three "classes" among the Adephi, Warlord, Magelord and Seraph. The
Warlords are the leaders, the thinkers, the judges and rulers of the Silver Society. They are not supreme rulers. If a Warlord
would order something like the Charge of the Light Brigade, he would be mocked and stripped of rank and privileges. The
Magelords are the scholars, the magicians, the philosophers of the Adephi, and are trusted with much. The Seraph are warriors.
They take pride in using bazookas and miniguns to depopulate a Wyrm-infested city, and afterwards join the Garou in cleansing
the city. And they never give up. Kill one squad and you have three waiting for you when you get home. And they're all waiting for
the back up. Well, there aren't that many of them left anymore. Battles have taken them one by one, and only about 3000 (out of
60,000) remain. If you think that sounds like a lot, consider this, the world population is about 5-6 billion people today, and the
Adephi are scattered all over the world. But they are still out there. Waiting. Watching. Occasionally squishing the odd Sabbat
pack or Black Spiral pack....

The Adephi are beautiful. No Adephi may have an appearance below 2, and you get 2 free points to put in Appearance. Each
member of the Adephi appear as someone of a particular race. This has nothing to do with where they were born or their culture;
it is simply how they decided to appear. Once their race is chosen it remains consistent over their lives. Now, the Adephi were
without gender at first, but somehow they split into the normal two genders of mortals, even though they could not procreate. They
are barren, as unable to bear child or conceive child as a lump of rock. But they -- ahem -- can perform.
The Adephi can fly. With a little concentration (roll Willpower, diff: 5) huge white wings grow out of their backs, and they can fly at
speeds of up to 80 mph. The wings are always white, though some have taken for a habit of coloring them other hues, such as
black, red, gold or blue, just for fun. Yes, they use ordinary hair coloring stuff even though they're feathers. And the wings do not
rip their clothes or anything, as they are not physical in that meaning.

New Happenings
A strange thing has begun to happen among the angels. Some angels who were killed actually entered an unborn child and were
raised as humans. They did this instinctively upon the moment of their "deaths." Maybe one in 500 deaths would result in this, but
with only 3000 those are descent odds! The angel simply occupies a fetus upon conception within 20 miles of her death. The
soul that was meant to go in that body simply finds another body. It has been theorized that the angels could do this but never
proven. In the last 30 years more angels than ever have come out of humanity. No one is sure why. These angels have a
perspective on humanity that their brethren may never share and they are quickly becoming mankind's greatest hope.

They may not be hurt by common weapons, and soak all normal damage immediately. Any damage that would be aggravated to
any other being is Normal to them, and may be healed with the expenditure of Faith. If they are attacked by a Baali, Wyrmspawn,
demon and the like, any damage they suffer is aggravated. They heal aggravated damage at the normal human rate.
The Adephi also have nine main powers: Holy Vision, Might of the Word, Ethereal Voices, Healing, Geas and Rapport,
Movement, Guardianship and Stealth. An angel may begin with one of these powers and later learn more as they progress in

Holy Vision
With Holy Vision, the Adephi is able to see into the future and remember it afterwards. It is done by scrying, staring into a bowl of
blood, preferably ones own. It is a painful process and costs all but one of your Willpower points.

System: Roll Willpower and sacrifice all but one Willpower point. A botch means you just lie there moaning for a while, seeing
Successes Vision
You see vague, hazy images a day in the future.
You see clearly a week into the future, but the images are stiff and unmoving, like a slide show.
You can see a month into the future like an edited movie.
You can see a full year into the future.
You can see ten years into the future.
You can see a century into the future, but because every incident is painfully jammed into your head at once, you
lose three health levels.
You know when Armageddon will occur and you lose five health levels.
This power is only available to Magelords, and the ST should decide if a player is to have it.

The Might of the Word

For each dot of the Might of the Word you have, you can gain an extra action per turn (as per Rage), one instant success or an
extra point of Strength (like Potence). If you take this power during character creation, you start out with two points. It costs seven
freebies to buy additional dots or the current rating x 3 in experience points. You may have up to six dots.

Ethereal Voices
With Ethereal Voices, the Adephi uses his voice to injure, hypnotize or entrance someone. The roll depends on the desired
result. To damage, roll Stamina + Performance. To hypnotize, roll Charisma + Performance. To entrance, roll Wits +
Performance. Each success either does a point of damage or acts as a level of Dominate (hypnotize) or Presence (entrance).

This power allows Adephi to heal themselves or others at a touch. An Adephi must touch the person and expend 1 point of faith.
Then she rolls Wits + Medicine. The number of successes equals the number of health level restored.

A Geas is a forced oath, a promise that must be kept. The Geas power is scored from 1 to 5. It can not be learned by any other
being. The Angel rolls Perception + Geas, on a success he detects a need or strong want in the target. The degree of the want
is relative to the number of successes scored on the detection roll.
Successes Degree of want
Trivial (Pick up something from the store)
1 hour
Minor errand (Do the laundry)
2 hours
Minor errand (Small cash "loan")
3 hours
Normal errand (Borrow a car)
1 day
Fairly large favor (Large (for person under Geas) cash loan) 2 days
Large favor (Cover up crime, violation of ones conscience) 1 week
Huge favor (Assist in a crime as accessory)
2 weeks
"Forget the law"
Who do I have to kill?
6 Months
What blood bond?
1 Year

After he first detects a need he must offer to fulfill it for the person. Note the level of the need is based on the target's abilities.
Raising $100 is very small for the CEO of a company but fairly large for a ten-year-old child. If he fulfills his end of the bargain
then he is able to Geas the target at the same level at a later time. He does not need to declare a Geas at that time; in fact there
is no time limit on the storage of Geases. The favors can be parceled out at any level up to the maximum owed. For example,
one Geas owed at level five could become two favors, one at level three and the other at level two. Also he can offer to Geas
himself in return for a favor at that time. He would then owe the person a Geas, which He must fulfill and can not resist.
When he first requests a return favor from a person that person may refuse by a Willpower roll with more successes then the
favor's original level was. Vampires, mages and shape changers may use Willpower points for automatic successes (one point
= one success), but may still roll the number of dice equal to Willpower. Therefore a vampire with Willpower of 6 may get 12
successes to resist at the most (6 from Willpower and 6 more possible from rolls).
If the person fails his roll then time wears away at her. The time limits are above by level of the requested favor. For each
additional "level" that the Adephi adds to the Geas he can decrease the time by 2 levels. For every time increment that goes by
without the completion of the Geas the target loses one point from one of her physical attributes at random. If any score falls
below 1 the target slips into a coma, after the next time increment the target dies. While the target is in coma she is allowed
another Willpower roll. If she succeeds in this roll or dies the Adephi will know. He is also able to speed up the time increments.
For every extra level he puts into the Geas from what was originally owed, the time is one level lower. For example, He is owed a
7th level favor from Joan, He requests a level 5 favor from her but uses up the remaining 2 levels so that Joan must work faster.
So now Joan must complete the Geas in 3 hours or she begins to feel the affects. An Adephi is able to track anyone who owes
him a Geas. He rolls Perception + the remaining level of the Geas owed. If he succeeds then he will have an idea where the
person is. The number of successes will result in more precise idea of the subject's whereabouts. 4 or more successes will tell
exactly where the subject is. Note: this is an instantaneous sense, it reveals the location of the target at that moment, not a
continuous idea of where all the subjects are.

This power allows the angel to establish a link between himself and a mortal. This link allows the angel to get information on the
mortal. When the angel uses this power she must specify what she is looking for up front: social information (Mercurian), morality
(Malakim), or emotional reactions (Elohim).

This power refers to sustained movement. It is not another form of Celerity.

The character can locate the quickest way to get to a place that he has been to before.
The character can fly or run faster than normal. She rolls Stamina + Movement. For each success she can travel 5 miles
per hour faster on foot or 10 mph faster flying.
*** The character is able to "Blink" or make short range Teleports. The angel roles Dex + Movement, the number of
successes equals 15' each.
**** The character can bring someone along with him. He rolls Str + Movement. Each success allows one person or and extra
200 lbs. to come along.
***** The character can now teleport. The distance is measured in miles. She rolls Willpower. For each success she can travel
up to 50 miles. She can also expend Willpower for an automatic success, 1 point equals an additional 2 successes,
before the roll.
****** This is the same as level five of this power, except that the angel can send someone without going himself. The angel
must be within 10 feet and able to see the target. The mechanics are otherwise the same as the previous level.

This power is the one made famous by "Guardian Angels." It allows the angel to get close and influence events better. It is an
indirect power and only at the upper levels does it have a direct and obvious influence, usually it is very subtle. An angel would
not use this on an enemy. It will fail if the angel had no positive concern for the subject.

The angel can "attune" herself to a particular individual. The angel must touch the subject for only a moment. She rolls
Perception + Empathy and uses a Faith point. The angel can attune herself to as many people as she has points in
Divinity. The attunement lasts for 3 days, but can be renewed at anytime. If the angel harms the person in anyway the
attunement automatically breaks and can not be renewed for a week.
The angel can become invisible. This only works when the angel is within 20' of the attuned subject. The power is put into
effect by Wits + Stealth and expends a faith point. If the angel takes any violent action he immediately appears unless it is
in the direct defense of the attuned subject. In which case he must make a Willpower roll against Difficulty 6. There is no
duration on this power except the presence of the attuned person. He can only be touched if he is trying to touch
something himself.
**** The angel has an equivalent of danger sense in regard to the subject of the attunement.
**** The angel can read the mind of the attuned. She rolls Perception + Empathy. The number of successes indicates how
deeply the angel can probe.
***** The angel can make "suggestions" to the attuned. The angel just says the words and rolls Manipulation + Empathy. The

number of successes indicates the speed of compliance and how radical of a suggestion the subject would listen to. At
least 5 successes would be required for the subject to go against her nature. It requires one point of Willpower point.
****** The angel now has a glimpse of the attuned's destiny. Everyone has one, but some are better than others. Initially, the
angel uses 3 points of Faith and a Willpower point. This gives them the overview for the person. It is general and
sometimes vague. The angel can answer specific questions about the person's destiny at a point of Faith. These
questions are normally used to help guide the person toward his destiny. Typical questions normally are used to answer
morally or situationally ambiguous decisions for the person. Things like what job or major to take or whether or not to
pursue a relationship with someone, or whether or not something is worth fighting over.

This power works just like Obfuscate, except Faith is used instead of Blood points.

Defender: One of the most common of the archetypes. This angel is driven to defend humanity from evil. This angel is not so
naive as to think that all people are good, but would define people with a low humanity as evil also. The problem is that "low"
humanity is a judgement call and several of the angels are becoming more and more hard lined. They defend humanity from
everything bad; this would include helping a poor old widow keep her house from the "evil" Realtor, if his humanity was low
enough or if the angel thought it was the right thing to do. These angels recover Faith and Willpower when they assist in
protecting themselves. If there is a large enough risk then they may recover more points.

Healer: These angels try to heal the pain in the world. They understand love like no other being in the universe. They will always
strive for a nonviolent resolution except with those who are considered beyond help (e.g., demons, Fomori, Souleaters,
vampires who succumb to the Beast). If they kill a mortal with a humanity score of 7+ they lose all of their Willpower. However
they gain one point of Faith and 2 points of Willpower for each level of damage that they heal!

Politician: These angels are looking for the peaceful resolution to every conflict. This doesn't mean that they are nice though.
They can be as cutthroat as any warrior, but they are just so nice about it.

Character Creation
Attributes: 10/7/5
Abilities: 20/12/8
Willpower: Starting 4
Backgrounds: 12 (they're old)
Faith: Maximum available for your Divinity, which starts out as 1.
Powers: One major power with 2 points.
Merits and Flaws: The Adephi may not have any Flaw that makes their appearances ugly, as their ethereal physiques doesn't
allow for the marring of their beauty.

New Ability
Knowledge: Celestine Lore
The knowledge of the true nature of Heaven, Hell, the Triat and the Universe.
Student: You know there was a war in Heaven and that the old religions have certain specks of truth in them.
** College: You know why the demons want human souls, and who the Devil really is.
*** Graduate: You know the true nature of the Awakened beings in the World of Darkness.
**** Professor: You have knowledge of the Great Answer (No, it isn't 42...)
***** Magelord: There is nothing in the Multiverse you don't know about.

Possessed by: Magelords, The Word, Initiated humans, a few Initiated Awakened.
Specialties: The Triat, The Eternal War, and the Multiverse, Awakened Beings (as per race)

New Backgrounds
Holy Armaments
This Background reflects how much of your Heavenly weapons and/or armor you were able to bring with you when cast out. The
weapons of the Adephi only work in the hands of Adephi, and a suit of their armor worn by, say, a mage, will be just the same as
any other armor, with full penalties and only the normal protection.

You have the leather undergarments from your old suit of armor, giving you +1 armor.
You have your old shield, giving you +2 armor without any penalty other than the fact that you cannot use the arm you wear
it on for anything other than protection.
*** You have the sword. Diff: 7 Damage: Str+4, all Aggravated and an additional +2 Aggravated on Baali, Wyrmspawn, and
the like. The sword also burns with a bright, white flame. It can be activated by expending a point of Faith.
**** You have the chainmail suit for wearing underneath the armor. +5 Armor. No penalties.
***** You have the full suit of armor, with shiny helm and breastplate, leg protectors, and all the other stuff that are included in a
suit of armor. +7 Armor, no penalties.
The armor of the Adephi looks quite impressive, as it shines like silver but gives better protection than a suit of titanium. The
design is often very simple, sleek, streamlined, but protective enough to cover the whole body. The helm is also simple, as it is
basically just a pointy, bell shaped, slightly Asian design, with chainmail hanging as a face guard, and with a thick plume from the
top of the helm. The plume? Hey, it's whatever color the Adephi wants, although black is never used by Magelords.

For each point, a body can be secured, though it will usually be either sickly or a child's (5 health levels, losing hurt and
wounded), for two it can be fully developed, for three it can be superior, (9 Health levels, an extra Bruised and Hurt). Note that
characters begin automatically with one normal body. If the player wishes to begin the game with a superior form they have to
pay the full 3 points. Despite their basically human nature, Angelic bodies do not require food, sleep, or drink.

Retainers (Rev.)
This works like normal, however, the retainers are usually aware of the character's status and will often possess true Faith of
their own. The person does not automatically know the character is an angel, but the angel decides. In addition, for each level,
along with one person comes, a religious group who acts as a contact. The group could be anything from a church to a pious
family living in the woods.

This is specifically among the angels and is a very important aspect of ones social standing. It is impossible to have a rank more
than 2 levels higher then your Divinity allows. Also only one angel at a time from each path can have status of 5. An angel can
influence this rank by his actions, but can not raise it higher than his Divinity will allow. An angel will usually defer to one of higher
status and/or Divinity, but Divinity wins in a conflict or tie.
** Disciple
*** Brother
**** Archangel
***** Archangel of (insert Path: War, Freedom, Love or Redemption)

Merits & Flaws

5 pt merit
You have never given over your form to be reborn as a mortal. You are limited to 2 points Empathy, you must pay one more
freebie or one more experience point per level to purchase Compassion or points on the Path Redemption . You automatically
gain 2 points Awareness, and you have 5 extra Knowledges.

2 pt Merit

You believe humanity is basically good, and are able to understand their failings. You have a -1 modifier to difficulties on Hope

True Faith
All Angels have faith and this is where their powers are derived from, hence as a Merit it is disallowed.

3 pt Flaw
You have seen the world and have little faith in it. All Hope roll difficulties are increased by two.

Newly Reborn
3 pt Flaw
You have just discovered, after a human life of approximately 20 years, that you are an Angel. You have an intuitive
understanding of many things, but lack more complicated details. You know other Supernaturals exist, but little about them. You
may take no knowledges relating to the supernatural.

This is a pool and rating that ranges from 0-20. This is where the angels' power comes from. It works like a blood pool, up to a
maximum rating dictated by their Divinity rating. This is their contact with the Divine. To an exiled angel this is the most important
thing in the world. There are several ways that faith can be used.
There are some ways of regaining Temporary Divinity. First, you 'reload' it by meditating for a while (roll Intelligence + Willpower,
Diff: 6). Secondly, by performing acts associated with your archetype.
Faith can be transferred from the angel to another being at a touch. All they have to do is expend a temporary faith point. This
works like Faith and fades at a point a day or a point for every humanity "sin" roll immediately in addition to the daily loses. If
faith is shared on 3 separate occasions with someone who is not an angel it works like a blood bond, although it would be called
a "soul link" or "awe." It does not warp the person and their morals as much (at least among the righteous) but the power is
about the same. A supernatural could refuse the faith before it is given to them, and would need to do so every time, on a
contested Willpower roll against the angel. Few angels would do this, except the Warriors. If it is shared 3 times between angels
then the affects are a little different. It is much more like the Vinculum. This is one way that angels say hello and goodbye to other
known angels, another time is right before going into battle.

The angel can ward off vampires by brandishing a holy symbol or uttering prayers. The angel rolls Faith against a
difficulty equal to the vampires Willpower. The number of successes indicates the number of steps backward the
vampire is forced to take. If no successes are scored then the vampire does not need retreat but can not advance. If
the angel botches then the vampire can approach unhindered. If the angel is able to touch the vampire while praying or
with a holy symbol then the vampire takes one point of aggravated damage for each success.
The angel can resist Dominate by expending a point of Willpower.
The angel can now sense the presence of evil and the unnatural. The angel need not be trying to locate the evil, but
must be in a quiet place and undistracted by anyone. The angel will be unable to precisely determine what she is
sensing only that something evil is near.
The angel can now gain another power. In fact, he gains the first point free at this level of Faith.
The angel is unaffected by disciplines such as Presence or Obfuscate.
The angel is so pure and holy that she can fill a vampire or any being with a humanity of 4 or less with self-loathing,
disgust, terror, and even physical pain. Any such creature hearing the angel pray, preach, or recite psalms or being
touched by the person, may be forced to flee immediately by any available means. A being who is unable to flee is
reduced to a gibbering wreck, flailing on the floor and screaming, sobbing or begging forgiveness. To avoid fleeing,
the being must either expend one Willpower point per turn or make a Stamina roll each turn (difficulty 5+ Intelligence).
That's right the higher the being's intelligence the harder it is, because the more torture and guilty she will feel.
******* The angel gains a third power at first level.
******** The angel can project light from his very being. The light goes out to a radius equal to 5 times the angel's Willpower.
Although it can illuminate further. This light affects people based on the target's humanity score (Path/Via/Road scores
are not the same except Heaven. The path score counts as half, round up, for dealing with this power).
********* Two things happen at this level. First the angel gains a fourth power at level one. Secondly, the angel can hear
peoples prayers. If they are sincere and prayed within 100' feet of him, they are accessible. The angel must be
relatively undistracted at that moment. Upon hearing the prayer he is under no compulsion to fulfill the prayer, but refills
his temporary faith or Willpower if he does. Angels would see it as impolite to talk about someone's prayers to God,

but he can and will discuss them with other angels or people with True Faith if it is necessary.
********** The angel can see into the very soul of any being a see the heights and depths to which their lives could take them.
She would also be able to turn any being into a nonsupernatural version of itself. In other words, vampires become
mortal, mummies can die the final death, wraiths gain Transcendence or Oblivion It has no effect on mages strangely

The Divinity rating of the character works like Humanity or a Sabbat path. However it also works like a Dharma and Archetype,
in that the character's abilities are limited by it and the being can regain Faith and Willpower from living by the code. There are
four roads now. There were more in the beginning, but the War has taken its toll. Currently the roads available are: Warrior,
Love, Faith/Redemption & Freedom. There are also rumors of a Road of Darkness, but they are hotly denied and may even start
a fight with one of the Warriors.

Road of the Warrior

Basic Beliefs: This is the militant branch of the Adephi society. They see themselves as the Sword of God. They appreciate
mercy, but rarely find it within themselves to administer it to anyone without True Faith. They go strictly by the eye for an eye
mentality and are some of the worst enemies to have.
They believe (correctly, although simply) that they were cast out of Heaven for failing to fight and they now make up for that error.
They believe that by this behavior they will be readmitted into Heaven. They look down on other Paths as weak and misguided.
They seek to teach by example. When they deal with anyone who breaks the Law or acts immorally in their presence they will
seek to punish the sinner. They will not punish worse than the offense, but they can still get brutal in their definition of just reward.
When dealing with someone with humanity of 8+ they will act superior around them and try to keep them straight. When around a
being who has True Faith they will consider that person a "lesser among equals" unless it is an angel of higher status.
When these angels destroy a being of humanity 5 or lower they regain one point of Temporary Divinity.

Ethics of the Path

Punish sin when you find it.
Set an example in honor, disciple, respect, and purity.
Always keep your word.
Never disobey an angel more divine than yourself, even if it means your life. Make a simple protest then do what God
demands of you.
Expect the same from everyone that you meet.

Hierarchy of Sins
Rating Minimum wrongdoing
Fail to punish a sinner who commits an act against God.
Disobey a superior.
Break your word.
Behave disrespectfully to a good being (Humanity of 9+).
Fail to save an innocent though it puts you in danger.
Fail to speak out against sin.
Fail to correct false doctrine spoken in your presence, even though it may cause a "scene."
Fail to save an innocent though it puts you in mild danger.
Break one of the Ten Commandments.
Kill an innocent (child or person with humanity of 8+).

Road of Love
Hierarchy of Sins
Rating Minimum wrongdoing
Ever harming a human when it is not in his best interest, or ever punishing a human beyond informing him of his error.
Ever slightly hurting a human who is at no fault (allowing her to suffer minimal physical damage, be badly frightened, etc.)
Ignoring a human in peril at very great risk to yourself.
Ignoring a mortal in great danger when your own life could easily be lost.
Ever allowing your Wrath to control you.
Letting your personal feelings cause you to be more brutal than necessary.
Hurting an innocent when it could easily be avoided.


Allowing a mortal to suffer unjustly when stopping it would require only minor inconvenience or minimal danger.
Hurting a mortal out of greed.
Killing a human unjustly.

Road of Freedom
Basic Beliefs: These angels still hold to their right to abstain from the battle between God and the Devil. They think that they
probably should have helped, but they had a right to decide for themselves, after all isn't that what Free Will is all about? It seems
that these would be the bitterest of angels feeling unjustly punished, but that is not the case. They see that not only does one
have a right to choose, but the responsibility to deal with the consequences afterwards. God acted as their behavior dictated
and He was totally within His rights to do that.
They feel that people need a purpose in life, but that it should be their own decision as what it is. They are the champions of the
oppressed and powerless. They believe that God is right, but that redemption is better than automation. God created Free Will
for a reason and the reason was so that a person could freely devote themselves to Him.

Ethics of the Path

It is wrong to kidnap/imprison someone for any reason other than the punishment of a crime.
Fight all forms of injustice or oppression.
Advocate Freedom coupled with Responsibility.

Hierarchy of Sins
Rating Minimum wrongdoing
Allowing yourself to be controlled, when preventing it would mean a great threat to your life.
Allowing a human to be controlled when doing otherwise would be threatening to your life.
Refusing to destroy any regime that restricts the rights of a person to privacy, personal decision, or freedom of
Refusing to breakdown repressive social structures.
Preventing someone else from performing a self-destructive act.
Refusing to use personal resources to secure freedom.
Gaining profit from any enterprise or organization that oppresses others.
Killing anyone for any purpose but protecting yourself or someone else, maintaining the Balance, or securing freedom.
Actively restraining freedom.
Using others to benefit yourself or your ends.

Road of Faith/Redemption
Basic Beliefs: These angels believe that the best way to get to Heaven is to be as fruitful as possible. They want earth to return
to its state of Eden. To do this they must convert the entire earth, no easy task. They see their task as fighting Lucifer from the
inside out. They consider anyone who claims to be Christian and has a Humanity of 8+ or spends at least half of their experience
point increasing their humanity until it reaches that point. Also anyone with True Faith is consider a peer of sorts in this War.
They believe that as they approach their goal Eden will reopen and then begin to expand and grow, until it covers the entire
planet. So they are always on the lookout for the return of Paradise on Earth.
These angels recover Divinity by talking with someone about morality for more than 1 hour (1 point), baptizing someone (3
points), and attending a True Church Service (2 points).

Ethics of the Path

Read the Bible for at least an hour a day.
Share your faith.
Deny your self of sin.
Watch for signs of Eden's return.
Teach the Bible to people (Christians or not).

Hierarchy of Sins
Rating Minimum wrongdoing
Miss a QT.
Don't share your faith for two days in a row.
Kill a mortal of humanity 7+.
Fall into the same sin for more then 2 hours a day, even one day.
Kill a mortal of humanity 6-4.
Break on of the Commandments.


Violate a verse in the D-ship study.

Kill a mortal of Humanity of 3 or lower.
Fail to share with someone who appears interested.
Allow someone to leave the church without doing everything short of physically stopping them.

Path Ratings
The effects of the path ratings:
Rating Faith Maximum Score
Pool expenditure maximum
Promotion from an angel of higher rank.
Promotion from an angel of higher rank. Have a status of 1-2
Promotion from an angel of higher rank.
Promotion from an angel of higher rank. Have a status 2-3.
Promotion from an angel of higher rank. Complete a quest of moderate difficulty.
10 2
Promotion from an angel of higher rank. Have a status of 3-4.
12 3
Promotion from an angel of higher rank. Search out and destroy a group of 4 or more
individuals who are true diabolists.
16 5
Promotion from an angel of higher rank. Have status of 4.
18 8
Promotion from an angel of higher rank. Have a status of 4 (increased immediately to 5
upon promotion, have the XP ready!).
20 10
Promotion from at least 3 angels of rank 9 or 6 of rank 8. There is only one angel of this
rank at any given time for each of the Divine Paths. He is able to "suggest" who he would
like to take over his place, but the three angels of highest status after him truly decide.
Have a status of 5. Complete a great quest/task at rank 9, this would be something
monumental like stopping a World War or destroy a 4th generation Baali and his 20 5th
generation retainers.
*Per turn.
**All questions must be met after ones last promotion. Also, experience must be used to raise this core. This accounts for the

time spent searchine ones soul.

Any angel can gain a Word. This is when the angel embodies the Word. In fact the Word becomes their Nature and Demeanor,
and therefore allows them to gain Willpower and Faith. The Word would be awarded by at least 7 angels of status 7 or more
agreeing on it. The Word must be requested and can not be forced on any being. Once a Word is taken the only way it can be
removed is for the angel to die, be stripped of it by his Archangel, or to Fall. The Word functions like a nature and demeanor but
the angel is able to gain Faith and Willpower in several number of ways. The number is one half of the angel's Divinity (round up
minimum of one). The requirements are what the angel wants them to be (storyteller must agree). However once decided it is
always so. When the angel meets the requirements of her Word she gains as much as 4 points of Faith and Willpower. Some
tasks will receive less if they are very easy. Each task can be done a number of times a day, but receives one less Faith and
Willpower each time that day. The "clock" resets itself at every dawn, when the angel receives one Faith anyway. This is true
even if the angel just used each and every one of their rites only moments before.
They begin with a nature and demeanor like any other character in WoD; it is not until they surrender to their Word that they
change it. Her old nature no longer impacts her in any way in terms of recovering Faith and Will, but the angel's personality will
influence what Word she takes and therefore they are often similar.
After the angel has received a Word her powers will begin to take on a nature of the Word, almost as a trademark. She is also
able to develop a new power which directly affects her Word, the experience cost is normal for the angel, but if another tries to
learn it from her it cost an extra 50% from normal.

Aegis: The Watching

By Peloquin (

"Nice outfit."
-- Jack Napier/The Joker Batman
It is at times like this, when rain paints the city streets black and glossy, when the moon replaces the broken streetlights, it is at
times like this you really should stay at home. Not that it's safer, no, but at least one can deceive oneself that it is.
Close to the St Helena Church, a scream was heard. It was a woman's scream, shrill and terrified, but only the gargoyles on the
church roof were there to hear it. One of the gargoyles moved.
"C'mon bitch, stop fightin', ya know yer gonna love it!" The man speaking sat on his victim, fumbling with his belt with one hand,
holding down the arms of the woman with the other. Now you jes' relax, hon', an' it'll all be..."
"Let her go."
The rapist turned his head towards the new arrival, surprised and furious that anyone would interfere. A man stood in the
shadows, faint against the background, his clothes a matt black.
"Walk away, mister. You ain't seen nuthin'. You ain't heard nuthin'!"
The man stepped out of the shadows, his face cloaked by the hood on his jacket. That was a double negative. I so detest bad
The rapist finally got to his feet, pulling a large .44 Magnum. "I warned you man, I ain't kiddin'!"
"Aren't you? And here I thought I had met the next Robin Williams: by the way, you may call me Harlequin, it's not a pleasure to
meet you."
And with those words he grabbed the barrel of the gun and twisted it at a straight angle. The rapist stared at his now useless
gun, then at the man, then the gun, then the man again.
The man calling himself Harlequin grabbed him by the collar, lifting him effortlessly into the air. "Nightynight, scum." He threw the
rapist through the air across the alley, right into the opposite brick wall.
After giving the unconscious man a final light kick in the ribs, the man in black turned to the woman and sat down next to her.
"Are you alright, miss?"
The woman nodded, staring wide-eyed at the strange man in front of her. "I gotta go now, but I've called the police and I'm putting
this phone number in your pocket. It's for an excellent therapist I know. Oh, and remember, sometimes the good guys wear black.
As he jumped fifty feet straight up onto the roof and disappeared, she stared after him for a while, and then she did the only
sensible thing. She fainted.

"History is written by those who win the wars."
-- Old saying

"You don't really think you'll win, do you?"

"Things change."
-- The Penguin and Batman, Batman Returns
Noone knows for sure where or when the first Aegis came to be, not even themselves. What they do know is that the
organization for meta-humans, "Aegis", is far older than most think, and seems to have a connection to Euthanotos and Sons of
Ether mages. And when one of them first revealed himself to the other denizens of the World of Darkness.
In the early 1920's the Kindred of New York lived in terror of a strange man in black fedora and cape, who paralyzed evildoers
with his maniacal laughter, whereupon he frankly shot them dead with his twin Colts. "The Shade" soon disappeared, and
became no more than an urban myth, but soon more appeared. Always doing the work of the corrupt police force, always living
just outside the law, always, for some strange reason, ignored by the media. The reason soon became clear.

The Technocracy. The high ranking puppeteers of the Technocracy tried immediately to strike down these spontaneous metahumans, due to their inspiration of peoples belief of the power of the single man in the face of oppression, and most
dangerously, the belief that even normal people could do something to make the world a "better place". And besides, if the
meta-humans aren't engineered by the Technocracy, they do not belong in the Technocracy paradigm. Just like all the other
For the past twenty years the Aegis has hid in the backstage, doing their work out of reach from the "law" and other such
spoilsports. But they're coming out of the shadows.

"I believe in truth, justice and the American way."
-- Superman, Superman
The Aegis organization is divided into three branches, each specializing in a different field of expertise concerning the dealing
out of justice: the Watchers, the Guardians and the Independents.
The Watchers are the most secretive of the Aegis; they are very often gifted with psychic abilities, and tend to be rather superior
in their attitude towards other metahumans. They are the thinkers and strategists of the Aegis.
The Guardians work as a sort of secret police, infiltrating police of all sorts, recently even the Arcanum, and Technocracy
constructs. There are rumors of a Deep Throat within the Camarilla as well, but these are just rumors for now.
The Independents are all the rest, those who prefer their personal freedom above the safety of the Aegis, but they remain loose
contact with the "Blockheads", as they call the Watchers and Guardians. They keep up the vigilante front.

Spies, vigilantes, mercenaries, assassins, etc...

Garou, Bete, Windrunners, Adephi.

"The Joker? He's psychotic!"
"Well, you're not exactly normal yourself..."
-- Bruce Wayne and Vicki Vale, Batman

Kindred: I've met one. He tried to eat me, I fried his ass.
Bah! There is no such thing! And if you ask again you will not experience another moonrise!
Garou: Cool guys. A little uptight about the environment, though...
They are excellent allies and honorable enemies.
Mages: They just don't get it. Why quibble about the way to become onipotent; it's just as stupid as fighting over religion!
Amazing. If we could reveal these to the general poulace, the Technocracy won't even know what hit'em!
Kithain: Faeries? Yeah, sure, and you're Peter Pan, I suppose...
Aren't they fun? They cancel out Banality simply by existing!
Wraiths: Ghosts? Ooooh, scary...well, I've never met one, but...
Actually, one of them is one of us. Some nutball circus acrobat who got murdered, and now he walks around Moliated into
looking like a skeleton in spandex, possessing people and in general being weird. He's a fun guy, though
The Cursed: Yeah, right...
I have watched them for quite some time...interesting...but they can't kill me, so why bother contacting them?

(Highlander)Immortals: Uh-huh. Like I'm supposed to believe that.

"They are unimportant to the Gathering."
Gargoyles: I've met some. They share our point of view.
They have more honor than some might think.
Adephi: Okay, these guys are weird. Every time we operate with them they just keep looking all smug and know-it-all...
YES! At last The Great Plan is running towards its solution! We certainly did an excellent job in creating these!
Night Breed: Ewww, gross!
Funny Naturals. Not as weak as most of them.
Cenobites: Bring'em on! I'll shove their torturing tools right back up where the sun don't shine!
Oh, would you? Goodie! I've always wondered what exquisite pain that would inflict...
Windrunners: Whoa, what was that? Is it a race car? No, it's a tornado! No, it''s...weirdos faster than light!!!
Yeah, we get along. Mostly just those callin' themselves "Independents"...well, I've rested enough, time for me to run to Brazil
...never been there before...bye! (zip)

You're the vampire who took out my sister as a snack? Well, imagine that, I guess you don't like sunlight? Good! Bye! *ZAP!*

"Tell me kid...have you ever danced with the devil by the pale moonlight?"
The Joker, Batman
Kindred: The Aegis has stirred up quite a few enemies among both the Sabbat and the Camarilla...
Technocracy: If the Aegis were to be exposed to the world, the Tradition mages would most probably get the upper hand in the
Ascension War...and the Nephandi aren't too happy about people trying to make the world lighter and less dark...

Pentex: The minions of the Wyrm are very curious about those strange humans who have aided Garou in raids against Pentex
operations. It's only a matter of time until they find out the truth.
And of course, there are those meta-humans who instead of joining Aegis go renegade and rob banks and try to gain world
domination and all that.

Powers of the Aegis

Might: Superhuman strength
Resilience: Inhuman fortitude and stamina
Avian: Flight
Radiance: The absorption and discharge of certain energies.
Speed: Superhuman speed and dexterity.
The ability to alter personal gravity


You may now reshape your personal gravity to any surface, thus being able to walk on walls, ceilings and any other nonvertical surface. But since you weigh the same, you naturally can't walk on windows or any other surface that cannot carry
your weight.
You may decrease your weight, 10 lbs per success on a Control roll diff:6. This means that for each success you may add

one die on any jumping or running moves. Also, on any fall you only receive half the falling damage inflicted.
*** You can now hover; roll Dex+Control diff:7, for each success you may treat a stretch of air as a solid surface for one turn,
that is, you literally walk on air.
**** You now have the power to glide through the air without any means of propellation. You roll Dex+Control diff:7, for each
success you glide for one hour. You can only carry with you as much as you would be able to lift when on the ground. The
speed is 2x walking speed.
***** You can fly, 6x running speed per turn, this power lasts until you land or gets rendered Incapacitated. Same roll as *** and

For each dot in this you gain an automatic success on any Strength roll, even if it brings you above your Strength rating. You can
gather as many as 7 dots in this, but not in any higher.

Just use the rules for Numina. It's exactly the same thing.


You may now absorb the energy of your affiliation (chosen when you put out the first dot). This could be any type of energy,
including mystical. Do note that this does not mean you may absorb all kinds of energy, only one or two at tops. (One extra
energy affiliation costs 7 Freebies or 20 exp. points.) This also never extends to kinetic energy for some reason, so
bullets, knives and fists are still quite dangerous to may also not discharge the energy. And keep in mind, that if
your energy affiliation is mystickal, such as Quintessence or Gnosis, it brings certain side effects...sure, magicks of
different sorts do not work on you, but if someone tries to blast you with Forces, you might get tiny static shocks of
electricity all day afterwards, and if Gnosis is absorbed, you might get Umbral vision for a while, harmless, but annoying.
Glamour just tends to make you overimaginative and silly.
** You may now discharge the energy of your choice into a beam, from some part of your body (no naughty ideas now,
y'hear?); you roll Dexterity+Firearms diff:6 to fire, and Control+Radiance for Damage. Maximum Damage dicepool is 5,
*** Maximum Damage pool is 8, you may also add Stamina to the roll.
**** Max Damage dice pool 12. Also, you may transfer energy to others. (This in the form of Health levels; you become a
healer, simply.)
***** You gain a free dot in Avian, (not above 5 though) and maximum Damage dicepool 16.

* You are impervious to the effects of heat up to +60 degrees Celsius, and cold down to -60 degrees Celsius. You may now
soak Aggravated damage with common Stamina rolls, oh, and add your Resilience to the roll too. For those who use
Fahrenheit instead of Celsius, go look it up.
** Temperatures of + or - 120 degrees, +2 soak dice.
*** 240 degrees, +3 soak dice, you get the idea...
...and it goes all the way up to 5 dots.

For each dot in this you gain one extra action per turn and may double your walking/running speed, roll Control+Speed to

Merits and Flaws

4 pt Merit
You have a pair of wings protruding from your back. They may be of any color and shape, although they must be at least eight
feet in span to be able to use successfully. Roll Dex+Control diff:6, and away you go. To see for how long you may fly, roll
Stamina diff:6, divide successes by two. The result is how many hours you can stay in the air. Unfortunately the wings are very
indiscreet. They may only be hidden under a cloak or trenchcoat or some such piece of clothing. The flight speed is your
walk/running speed.

Fearsome Gaze
2 pt Merit
You have unusually piercing eyes, add 2 die to any Intimidation roll.

Strange Appearance
5 pt Flaw
You look weird. You may have an odd skin color, some strange, non-hindering deformity or whatever. Use your imagination, and
use two less dice on any Social rolls.

Unnatural Mind
7 pt Merit
You have the amazing ability to see through any supernatural cloaking power. Thus, the Mists, the Veil, the Gauntlet, all this is as
air to you, so you see fae for what they really look like. You have no trouble spotting Garou when in a fight, and certain Vampiric
Disciplines designed to be mental simply do not work on you. Dominate, Obfuscate, Presence, and Chimerstry, simply don't
work. This can be a problem as well, you see chimera and spirits as well, and they can hurt you, since you know they are real...

Secret Identity
With each dot in this Background you may add one die to any roll regarding keeping your secret ID from nosy people.

You have a secret hideaway of some sort. For each dot add +1 to the difficulty to anyone trying to locate it.
A basement or pigeon coop.
** A hidden basement or an abandoned warehouse.
*** A common building on the outside; a sophisticated crime lab on the inside...
**** A giant bat-ridden cave beneath the mansion your parents gave you in their will...
***** An ice-fortress in the Arctic, run by robots of an alien civilization...

Control is the rating on how good a control of your powers you have. If you only have one, the ST has free reins to make your
energy blast way too powerful and accidentally fry the innocent bystanders instead of that Nephandi you tried to get.
All meta-humans begin with one dot in this, since it is assumed they at least know how to not use their powers.

Character Creation
Attributes: 9/7/5 You may not raise any Attribute above 5.
Abilities: 14/10/6
Backgrounds: 7
Record Control: 1
Record Willpower: 5
Powers: 5+1 free depending on branch, Guardians get a free dot in Resilience, Watchers get a free dot in Psi, and
Independents put the extra dot where they damn well please.

Freebies: 15.

Freebie costs: Att-5, Abi-2, BG-1, Control-5, WP-1, Powers-8.

Exp costs: Attributes-current rating x 2, Abilities x 2, new Ability 3, Control x 4, Powers x 6, New Power: 12.

ALIENS: World of Darkness (version2)

By Steve Kok (
"Science fiction plucks from within us our deepest fears and hopes, then shows them to us in rough disguise: the monster and the
-- W.H. Auden

"We live, as we dream -- alone."

-- Joseph Conrad

Author's notes
I've seen some Aliens adaptations to the White Wolf game system, but have seen some problems in the past posts. Some
information is from a previous post by Ed Payne in 1995; everything else is taken from intensive study of the films, novels, and
Giger artwork. Personally I dislike a lot of what I've seen in the comics and therefore disregard what those authors have done to
the Alien concept entirely.
All stats are default or "average" stats for the following:

Alien Drone
("Bug" from Alien and Aliens)
[Nature and Demeanor have no place in Aliens]

Strength: 4
Dexterity: 5
Stamina: 4
[Social stats have no place in Aliens]

Perception: 4
Intelligence: 2
Wits: 4

Alertness: 3
Athletics: 4
Brawl: 4
Dodge: 2
Intimidation: 5

Stealth: 4

Willpower: 8
Lifesight (See Wraith: The Oblivion) or Aura Perception (See Vampire: The Masquerade)
Blood of Acid (As in Sabbat Players Guide, p. 113, plus acid will eat through glass, plastic, metal, and wood)
Telepathic link with the Queen, and/or other drones.
Heightened Senses (See Vampire: The Masquerade)

If separated from a Queen, drones lose one willpower per week. If their willpower drops below 0, the Alien becomes
lathargic and dies.
Fear of fire.

Strength: 4
Dexterity: 5
Stamina: 2

Perception: 3
Intelligence: 1
Wits: 4

Alertness: 2
Athletics: 4
Brawl: 1
Dodge: 2
Intimidation: 3

Stealth: 3

Willpower: 5
(See Drone Abilities)
Impregnation: Self explanatory if you've seen or read any Aliens info.

Short lifespan after leaving the egg; loses one willpower for each day out of the egg, and dies when willpower reaches 0. If
a Facehugger remains in the egg, it may live for centuries.
Fear of fire.
Facehuggers only have access to the Combat Maneuver: Grapple

Alien Queen's Guard

Dexterity: 5
Stamina: 5

Perception: 4
Intelligence: 2
Wits: 4

Alertness: 4
Athletics: 3
Brawl: 5
Dodge: 3
Intimidation: 5

Stealth: 5

Willpower: 9
Abilities: [See Alien Drone]
Identical to Drone, but if separated from the Queen they loose 2 Willpower per week.

Fear of fire.

Alien Queen
Strength: 8
Dexterity: 3
Stamina: 8

Perception: 5
Intelligence: (3 to 5)
Wits: 3

Alertness: 4
Athletics: 2
Brawl: 4
Dodge: 3
Intimidation: 5

Stealth: 1

Willpower: 10
(See Abilities for Drone)
Double the Queen's Health levels, with two levels at each Wound Modifier.
Egg Laying: Self explanatory...

The Queen lives for it's Hive, and will only act against opposition on its own if the Hive has been destroyed.
Fear of fire

Alien-Canine Breed ("Dragon" from Alien 3)

Strength: 5
Dexterity: 4
Stamina: 6

Perception: 4
Intelligence: 3
Wits: 3

Alertness: 4
Athletics: 3
Brawl: 5
Dodge: 4
Intimidation: 5

Skills: Stealth: 4
Willpower: 9
(See Alien Drone abilities)
Dragon is exempt from 'fear of fire' drawback and 'separation' willpower flaw.

Habitual Quadrapedal: When "on all fours" Dragon gains +2 Dexterity and +1 stamina in running/speed situations.
Heat Tolerance: Dragon may withstand temperatures up to and above 280 degrees F.

Birthing Process
1. A Queen Alien lays an egg containing a Facehugger
2. The Facehugger emerges when proper prey is available
3. The Facehugger attaches itself to the prey and inserts the necessary Alien "bits" into the prey; during this time the Facehugger
also reworks the hosts anatomy, making it more resistant to environmental dangers (add +2 Stamina to the host).
4. The Facehugger dies and detaches.
5. The Alien pupa grows, stealing some DNA structures from the hosts DNA, and feeding subtley from the host's organic matter.
6. After the incubation period of 12-24 hours passes, the Alien larva will attempt to break free of the host. This takes only one turn
and deals 8 dice of aggravated damage to the host, needing at least five successes to escape.
7. The young Alien flees to a safe area and grows to full size within 12 hours, during and after which it will attempt to feed from any
living creature save its own kind. As the young Alien will be weak during this time begin with a -4 modifier on all roles, increasing
the abilities by 1 each hour passing.
8. If there are no Queen Aliens present the larva will develop Queen physiology. If this happens the host will pass out 12-24 hours
after the Facehugger falls off, and will begin to develop into a human cocoon (See "Giger's Alien" for representation). Four hours
following this the host will complete the transformation to cocoon. 12 hours later the Queen larva will emerge and grow. If the
larva feels that it may not make it to this stage it may attempt to emerge prematurely (As in the finale to Alien 3) but may have
extreme problems in growth and may be deformed or malformed.
As the Dragon Alien formed habitual quadrapedalism from birthing from a dog, it is probable that other Alien variations may be
created from other species, though only minor changes should take place. It is quite inconceivable that an alien would develop
bat wings and fly if crossed with a bat (no matter what the comics say). The reasoning behind this is that most Alien larva seen in
the movies and novels are bigger than most bats! Aliens crossed with bovines (cattle) probably won't have hooves or hornes, but
may develop a more bulky quadrapedal body. Simply put: use common sense.

Combat Maneuvers Difficulty Damage
Strength +2
Strength +2
Kick (uncommon) 7
Strength +1
Strength +2
* If grappling an opponent the Alien may use it's inner jaws at Difficulty of 4 and Damage Strength: +3
**Damage: Strength +4 for Queen Alien

As we see no Alien healing in any of the movies or novels, I don't believe that they would be able to heal wounds that break their
"skin," however if you must, use regular mortal healing rules according to White Wolf. (See Vampire: The Masquerade, or
Wraith: The Oblivion)

Aliens Marines
For marines I've simply revamped the Vampire Mortals sheets to my own liking, and made stats for the weapons and equipment
which I'll release later under the title "Alien Marines." I also added the Knowledge: Loader Operations, with 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th,
and 5th Class ratings. More to come.

World of Darkness Integration

I personally loathe the idea of merging White Wolf supernaturals or even Numina with the Aliens concept. I guess I just have too
much respect for them both. However, should you want to perform the aforementioned abomination, these are my ideas on the

Kindred: The Aliens would probably pass by or destroy the vampire as they would any android. No attempt to impregnate them
would occur.

Garou: A Facehugger may attempt to impregnate a werewolf, but would be in for one hell of a surprise as the Garou (or any
Bete for that matter) switches to Crinos. If impregnation was managed, the same damage would occur as the larva attempts to
break free, though Garou would be able to soak this, as it is not silver.

Mages: Too complicated. . .take this into your own hands.

Changelings: Who cares.
Wraiths: Uh......right.
Mummies: They'd die and eventually come back to whoop some Alien butt.
Gypsies: No comment.

Aliens: The Breeding

By Charles W. Plemons III ( Edited by Betty D. Plemons. Produced by the Crypt of Nosferatu
That's it man, game over man, game over.
- Private Hudson, Aliens

Author's Notes
This work is based on the films Alien, Aliens, Alien3, Alien Resurrection, and on the novels by Dark Horse Science Fiction and
is closely related to another project, Predator: The Hunt. The two were designed to either be used together or independently.
Please visit my web page ( for updates of this and other World of Darkness projects.
This work attempts to compile the events and information from all four Alien films as well as the numerous novels. Many times,
these sources conflict or head in opposite directions. Aliens: The Breeding is an amalgam of all of these sources and often
varies from the films. I have attempted to gather and stitch together all the information about the Xenomorphs that I have found, in
an effort to create a unique and challenging antagonist for the World of Darkness. This work is designed to be a gaming
accessory, not an Alien fan's bible. Please refrain from pointing out differences between this work and a.) the films or b.) the
novels. I am aware there are differences, and they are intentional.
The information on the United States Colonial Marines is based on the film Aliens, and from information provided in the Aliens:
Colonial Marines Technical Manual by Lee Brimmicombe-Wood. This book contains lots of valuable information vital to
anyone wanting to run a USCM Chronicle.
This may be freely distributed by anyone in any format as long as credit is given to the author but cannot be distributed for profit
for any reason.

Known History
Encounter One
The first humans to encounter the Xenomorphs were the crew of the transport ship Nostromo, a class M starcruiser owned by
Weyland-Yutani Corporation. In the year 2122 A.D., the crew received orders from Mother (the ship's computer) to investigate a
beacon on an unexplored planetoid (designated LV-426, Acheron, in orbit around Zeta 2 IV) where a derelict ship of unknown
origin was discovered. Inside were the calcified remains of a large alien species, as well as thousands of pods which appeared
to be eggs.
One of these eggs hatched, and the entity inside attached itself to the face of one of the crew. The stricken crewman was
brought aboard the Nostromo by an android doctor, but the "facehugger" could not be removed safely. Within a few days, it
removed itself and died, and crewman Kane seemed to have a complete recovery. Unfortunately, mere hours later the embryo
implanted in his chest burst forth, killing him.
The alien life form proceeded to grow until it was a large black creature resembling an insect, which began to hunt down
everyone onboard ship and consume them. Finally, the alien was eliminated by Lt. Ellen Ripley when she blew it out of an
escape hatch into open space.

Encounter Two
Thirty-seven years after the Nostromo incident, a colony of human terraformers settled LV-426. Twenty years after the colony
was founded, all contact was lost, and a group of marines were scrambled to clear and contain the compound. Lt. Ripley,
recently recovered from cryo-stasis and being the only surviving human to ever see an alien, was asked to accompany them.
The compound was found to be devoid of human life, except for a small child, Rebecca Jordan. All of the colonists had been
used as incubators for alien eggs; thus, the compound was swarming with Xenomorphs. The marines were overwhelmed and
quickly cut down, and once again, Ripley was forced to destroy the aliens on her own. A nuclear meltdown caused the
destruction of the compound and all aliens within. Only Ripley, Corporal Hicks, Rebecca, and the android, Bishop, survived to
return to their ship, the Sulaco; however, the alien Queen stowed away on their UD-4 dropship and came with them. It
proceeded to rip Bishop in half and tried to kill the humans. As she had done before, Ripley blew the alien out of an airlock.

Encounter Three
A fire on the Sulaco caused all the survivors of the second encounter to be jettisoned in an escape pod which subsequently
crashed upon prison planet Fiorina "Fury" 161. Only Ripley survived the impact. An alien "facehugger" was hiding aboard, and it

proceeded to impregnate a dog. This birthed a four-legged Xenomorph which began devouring the inhabitants of the prison.
Being a prison colony, there were no firearms to use against the creature. Thus, one Xenomorph was enough to eliminate
almost everyone in the compound.
Ripley discovered that she was impregnated with a Queen embryo. If hatched, it could start a whole new generation of aliens.
Ripley was determined to eliminate the quadroped alien and then herself. She succeeded, and moments later, she dove into a
furnace as the Queen ripped out of her chest. Both were incinerated.

Encounter Four
Two hundred years after the last "incident", scientists still sought an alien with which to experiment in hopes of using them for
medical purposes, weapons, and genetic crossbreeding.
To get a viable specimen, scientists used DNA taken from the scene of Ripley's death. Once impregnated by an alien, the DNA
of the host is altered to include that of the growing Xenomorph. The scientists used advanced cloning methods to attempt to
grow a new Ripley with a Queen growing inside. Seven attempts failed horribly, resulting in grossly deformed entities. The eighth
time was a charm.
This new Ripley survived and the Queen was surgically removed. The scientists, of course, allowed the Queen to mature and
produce eggs. The new Ripley was allowed to live as well.
The clone Ripley was not fully human, however. The DNA of the alien had combined with hers, and she became something else
entirely, with superhuman abilities and alien traits. When the aliens broke free, it was up to her to once again stop the ship from
reaching Earth.
The DNA combination had an unexpected effect on the alien Queen as well. She began exhibiting human traits, such as
developing a womb instead of laying eggs. This resulted in the birthing of a whole new breed of alien.
All the aliens, including the new breed, were destroyed when the ship crashed into Earth; however, the new Ripley survived.
What became of her is unknown.

Other Encounters
According to the novels, which were written before Alien: Resurrection, the Xenomorphs made it to Earth. A corporate facility
experimenting upon a Queen alien was raided by a group of religious fanatics. These cultists believed that the Queen
Xenomorph was the new Messiah. They got themselves impregnated by the aliens and fled across the globe. The aliens
possess a survival mechanism allowing a Drone to grow into a Queen, and thus the aliens began building nests all over the
Military forces hunted down these nests and destroyed as many as possible; however, the Xenomorphs learned how to hide
them better and started making many very small nests rather than large ones. Soon things got out of hand, and within six months,
Australia was declared uninhabitable. Within a year, over a billion humans had been killed, and a mass exodus of Earth was
The Earth was dominated by the Xenomorphs, and the humans left behind lived their lives as prey for the bugs. Many joined cults
that believed they could ally with the aliens by feeding them other humans. After a few years, the Earth was a wasteland
swarming with bugs and those insane enough to worship them.
It was not until one of the great Queen Mother aliens was brought to Earth that the favor swung back to mankind. The aliens
swarmed to the great Queen and were destroyed in a massive nuclear blast. Twenty years after the original infestation of Earth,
man once again reigned, while the Xenomorphs survived only in isolated areas.
Numerous scientists attempted to experiment on the aliens, causing one disaster after another. However, most of these events
occurred on isolated outposts. To date, all such outposts had been destroyed.
Also, on many occasions in which the aliens encountered man, it was due to the efforts of the Yautja (see Predator: The Hunt).
This often resulted in violence between humans, aliens, and Predators.

Xenomorph Life
The species of aliens known as Xenomorphs live various stages of life. They are organized into Hives, with the Queen being the
absolute head. She lays thousands of eggs in a birthing chamber. Drones protect the Queen and procure life forms for the eggs
to incubate in. In the darkest reaches of space live Queen Mothers, true giants of the race. The average Queen Mother is even
larger than a Queen and is as fast as a Drone. Queen Mothers rule over huge numbers of separate Hives, and their personal
Hive is full of the largest of Drones. A Queen Mother can only be born of an alien ingesting Royal Jelly from the Hive of an
existing Queen Mother.
The Xenomorph life cycle is thus: an egg hatches a small alien, often referred to as a "facehugger" (known scientifically as an
ovipositor). This critter attaches itself to the face of a living being and implants an embryo inside the torso. This embryo gestates
for 12 to 48 hours before ripping and chewing its way out. The resulting alien takes many DNA traits from its host. Careful

observation can reveal the nature of the animal an alien spawned from. These young aliens grow to full maturity within a few
hours and begin acting upon their instincts. If they are part of a Hive, they will begin gathering living beings to impregnate. If there
is no Hive, they will begin killing every living thing they find. If there is no Queen, one of the implanted aliens will develop as one,
or a Drone will evolve into a Queen.
All "facehuggers" look the same, spider-like beings with a long tail, and they can impregnate a large variety of beings. The films
show bugs born of human and dog hosts, and the books tell of a Hive born of rhino-sized herbivores. Aliens can be birthed from
any warm-blooded animal large enough to contain a gestating alien. This rules out cats, bats, rats, and other small animals.
Humans, dogs, cattle, sheep, moose, rhinos, tigers, gorillas, etc., are all fair game. Aliens take some of their genetic make-up
from their host. Thus a biped host will produce a biped bug, etc. Once implanted, the alien radically alters the host's DNA so that
it will be suitable for the alien to incubate within. This amazing ability is what allows the Xenomorphs to spawn from such a
variety of animals. Aliens cannot gestate in plants, but it is not known if they can birth from reptiles or other more exotic
Drones and Queens share certain characteristics, they have a shiny black carapace over their entire bodies, thus, the
resemblance to insects. This carapace is silicon based and harder than steel. Their green blood is a super acid (perhaps a type
of hydrofluoric acid) and can eat through flesh, armor, steel, plastic, glass, and just about anything exposed to it. Xenomorphs
have no eyes, so bright lights and absolute darkness have no affect on them. It is theorized that they may "see" using psychic
vibrations. This psychic sense allows them to sense emotions such as fear and pain. Each emotion is seen as a color to the
aliens. Also, their visual awareness extends in a 360 degree arc around their heads. The mouth of the alien is unique: a fanged
maw that contains a toothed tongue within. This tongue is able to extend from its face about a foot and creates a puncture
motion when it bites, enabling the alien to pierce armor.
All observed aliens have had tails which seem to have something to do with their communication abilities. They are able to slap
with them, and the Queen can use hers to stab like a large blade. The aliens are exceptional climbers, even able to suspend
themselves upside down from ceilings. It is unknown if a surface can be too smooth for them to climb. Unfortunately, the Drones
possess a devious intelligence, the Queens even more so. All aliens have tremendous cunning and are experts at hunting and
ambushing. As an example, to escape a cell, the aliens kill one of their own in order to make it bleed. The blood eats through the
floor, and out they go. They are smart enough to plan and lay traps.
The Xenomorphs do have sexes; however, the average Drone is neuter. Those who do have a sex are generally female. Males
do occasionally get the chance to mate with the Queen but are killed soon after. All Queens are, of course, female. There are no
Kings in the Xenomorph society. It is important to note that Queens are born pregnant and do not need males to perpetuate the

The Hive
Xenomorphs are social creatures who live and die for the Hive, with no concern for their own safety. A Hive will swarm over
intruders until one or the other is completely annihilated. No retreat, no surrender.
The Hive is marked by a horrible stench, reminiscent of rotting eggs and meat. Aliens secrete an enzyme that is used to create
their Hive. They mold it in a pattern much like the inside of a rib cage. This enzyme is brittle, and can be broken fairly easily
(Strength roll, difficulty 6). The inside of the Hive is very warm and humid, and in great numbers Hives can alter the weather
systems of an entire planet. After the alien infestation on Earth, freak thunderstorms and intense heatwaves were found
throughout the world.
The Hive generally encompasses a large area with the Queen's chamber of eggs and Drones in the center. Along the walls
leading to the chamber, living beings are bound to await impregnation. The bodies will be suspended in the enzyme (which is
much more difficult to break when bound by it, Strength roll, difficulty 9). Also in the egg chamber is the sac of Royal Jelly (see
below). A typical Hive will have huge Drones (add 1 to Strength and Stamina) protecting the Queen and eggs. Also note that the
Xenomorphs leave the bodies of the incubators hanging in the Hive. When an area gets full, they simply move the birthing
process elsewhere. This results in chambers "decorated" with the grisly remains of their prey.
Aliens are intent on breeding. In one case, aliens captured a ship full of humans, but rather than lay eggs in all of them, they left
two alive, one male and one female, and forced them to mate. In order to ensure the propagation of future hosts, aliens feed their
captives; however, their diet consists of the rotting flesh of those already used to birth aliens. They force this repulsive meal
down the throats of captives. Heaven help any survivors of such an imprisonment, derangements are definitely in order.

Xenomorph Psychology
The aliens do have individuality; however, thinking and existing in such a state is terrifying to them. They prefer to live with others
of their kind in constant telepathic contact with one another. The thoughts of each individual alien is broadcast to the other
Drones and the Queen for approval. Thus, any ideas or knowledge is instantly sent to the entire Hive.
Aliens are completely devoted to the Hive, or creche, as they refer to it. To protect the creche and serve the Queen is all that
gives meaning to the lives of the Xenomorphs. A Drone will sacrifice itself for the Hive without a moment of hesitation.
The Queens continuously transmit feelings of intense love and belonging. A Drone cut off from these feelings will suffer from a
loneliness humans cannot possibly understand. Such an alien will try to return to the creche in any way possible. It is not known

how far a Queen can broadcast such emotions, but the signal from a Queen Mother was strong enough for some humans on
Earth to sense all the way from Hiveworld.
Unfortunately, these feelings of love do not extend to species outside their own. Everything else is viewed as to its benefit to the
creche, either as hosts or as food. They have no concepts of peace or co-existence. To them, only the Xenomorphs should
survive. The aliens have no dreams of conquest or any other such motivation, living only to decimate all other races.
One of the most terrifying aspects of the Xenomorphs is their racial memory. Once something is transmitted to the Queen, all of
her future offspring will remember it. For this reason the Xenomorphs became progressively more difficult to deal with throughout
the films. All aliens in the second through fourth films were descendants of the same Queen. Thus, all remembered every
encounter they had with humans and how to deal with them. An entire Hive learns at the same time.
This kind of intelligence makes the Xenomorphs even more dangerous than previously believed. A strategy or trick that worked
on one alien won't work on any of the others from the same Hive. In all likelihood, good ideas will be used right back upon their
enemies. Few species could stand up against such creatures for long, and so far mankind has been lucky.

Royal Jelly
The mysterious substance known as Royal Jelly is found only in the heart of the Hive, in the chamber of the Queen. It is this
substance that is fed to aliens to cause them to grow into Queens when it is time to expand the colony. The uses of the Jelly are
tremendous to humans as well.
After Earth was reclaimed from the Xenomorphs, scientists began studying the Jelly and its uses. The result was a drug called
Xeno-Zip (referred to as Fire in slang), produced by the chemical company Neo-Pharm. Upon taking a capsule of this, human
senses, abilities, and endurance were heightened dramatically. Of course, the military decided to use it for "super soldier"
Unfortunately, Fire has many drawbacks. First of all, it is the most addictive drug ever designed. It takes an iron will to be able to
stop taking the drug after trying it even once. Also, the threats of overdose are very serious. A person being burnt up by Fire is a
terrifying sight. The instincts of rage become so great that a person will immediately attack every living creature around him until
either himself or the object of his wrath is destroyed. No one has ever recovered from an OD on Xeno-Zip.
A person taking a normal dose of Xeno-Zip adds one Die to all dice pools. An extra action may also be taken every turn until the
drug wears off (1 hour minus (Stamina * 10 minutes)). He or she gains all the benefits and drawbacks of Acute Senses of Sight,
Hearing, and Touch. Willpower is considered 10 for the duration as well.
When someone overdoses on the drug, he gains all of the above, plus all Health Levels are doubled. However, the poor person
will attack any living being he can find until he is destroyed, or he dies when consumed by Fire (same duration as above). A
person will not always go on a killing spree but will still push himself beyond the brink. For example, a runner overdosed during
the Goodwill Games and ran himself through a metal grate. Needless to say, it was fatal.

Hiveworld is the home of the aliens living in this quadrant of the galaxy. This is not the homeworld of the Xenomorphs as a whole,
only the ones encountered by man. The planet orbits the star Achilles II and is the fourth of ten planets. It is planet G-435, a class
M planet covered in a shallow, toxic ocean. The clouds are thick and somewhat poisonous to humans. Man can live for only a
short time without a environmental suit of some kind. The greenhouse effect is rather intense, with a humid, steamy atmosphere
the result. The ground is flat and rough, with fungus-like plants growing from the noxious water. The winds are brutal and the
gravity is somewhat higher than on Earth.
The planet is ripe with seismic activity; earthquakes are common and volcanos dot the landscape. There is very little to welcome
visitors, and the inhabitants are even worse. Not only does the planet swarm with Xenomorphs, but other predators prowl the
barren land. Massive, winged reptiles patrol the skies in search of prey. Their wingspans are at least twenty feet across and their
mouths are huge and lined with sharp teeth. Interestingly, these creatures don't hunt the Xenomorphs.
At one time, the planet was host to two huge alien Hives, home to thousands upon thousands of aliens. The two Hives were
engaged in a genocidal war (see Red Ants below) when visited by humans. As a gift, the humans left a nuclear bomb in each
Hive, blowing them from the face of the planet. It is unknown if Xenomorphs from either race survived past the 22nd century on
G-435; however, given the aliens' proven ability to survive, count on it.

Abilities and Characteristics

Acidic Blood: The green blood of an alien can eat through most anything, including wood, metal, plastic, flesh, glass, and
polymers. When wounded, their blood tends to spew from their bodies. Anyone within five feet of an alien when it is wounded is
splattered with blood. One point of blood is spewed per wound level. Those sprayed must try to make a Dexterity + Dodge roll
with a difficulty of 8. Each success negates one blood point's worth of acid damage. Each blood point inflicts 5 points of
aggravated damage which can be soaked. The blood oxidizes soon after death, making it harmless. Note that using a melee

weapon against an alien is suicidal. Not only does one risk being sprayed with blood, the acid will destroy the weapon in one
turn, unless it is made of dlex (see Predator: The Hunt).
The novels make an interesting point about combatting the Xenomorphs. A body shot tends to cause the aliens to spew forth
lots of acid as above. However, the head does not spurt as badly. Thus, a shot to the head only spews a blood point for every
two wound levels inflicted. A common combat strategy humans have learned in the Alien-Earth War is to shoot at the knees or
the head of the aliens so blood spray is minimal. Once an alien has its legs blown out from under it, it is much easier to shoot in
the head. In other words, aim low.

Acidic Spit: The Xenomorphs possess the ability to spit acid distances up to 15 feet. This spit is not nearly as corrosive as their
blood but is still extremely dangerous. The acid inflicts one point of damage for every success on a Dexterity + Spit roll, difficulty
based on cover of the target, etc.

Birthing: Aliens rip their way out of their hosts. They do this in one turn, causing a horrendus mess that is fatal to normal humans
and animals.

Camouflage: Within a Hive, the bugs blend in almost perfectly with their secretions, which makes them very difficult to spot
(Perception + Alertness roll, difficulty 8). Also, the aliens are invisible in the infrared spectrum.

Carapace: The hard silicon exoskeleton of the bugs gives them an armor rating of 3. This only applies to firearms and melee
weapons, not fire and cold. The weapons used in the novels and films are carbines which fire 10mm armor piercing exploding
bullets. Smaller, less powerful rounds literally bounce off of the Xenomorphs. It is not unreasonable to assume that anything less
powerful than a 9mm round will not even have a chance to harm an alien (this would include .22, .25, and .32 rounds) unless shot
inside the mouth.

Climbing: An alien can climb all but the slickest of surfaces. This includes the ability to hang suspended from walls and ceilings.
Like insects, they don't seem to ever tire from "hanging on."

Communication: Aliens communicate through a kind of psychic process that uses an organ in their cranium. This
communication can be picked up on radio waves but is mostly indecipherable. In theory, a psychic can pick up these signals as
well but is unlikely to understand them. It might be possible to disorient a group of aliens with a radio set to the proper frequency.
These communications can also cause severe nightmares in nearby humans. During the early days of the Alien-Earth War, if
people were having nightmares about aliens it was a good indication of a nearby nest. In fact, some people could sense the
calling of the great Queen Mother from another planet in this galaxy. Their dreams were of intense feelings of love and
belonging, like they were being summoned by their mother. This call was used by humans to lure aliens into a nuclear deathtrap.

Cunning: Aliens like to stalk and ambush and are sly enough to cut power lines and the like. Also, they often make use of
unexpected openings. For example, in Aliens, they come in over the ceiling tiles. In Alien Resurrection, they lay a trail of
weapons like bread crumbs down a dead-end corridor.

Extraordinary Senses: Aliens have no eyes but can "see" in a 360 degree arc around their heads. They can smell and hear at
least as well as the average human, but it is unknown if they have a sense of taste. They feel pain. It is assumed that they move
with a kind of psychic sonar, much like a bat, but this is yet to be proven. In Alien Resurrection (the novel), the aliens distinctly
see color and movement, maybe as well as humans.

Ferocity: An alien has no fear. It will fight until you or it dies. It is also aggressive, and once a battle is joined, all of its Hive
mates will charge as well. Also, they will put up a chase. In game terms, this means that the aliens never need to check
Willpower to continue fighting.

Health and Healing: A Drone has as many Health Levels as an average human. A Queen has double that number, and a
Queen Mother has three times as many! The "facehuggers" only have 5 health levels (OK, -1, -2, -5, Incapacitated). Aliens do not
have the rapid healing abilities of many of the supernaturals in the World of Darkness. They heal at the same rate as humans.

Hive Mind: Drones often cannot exist for long outside the Hive. An imprisoned Drone will gradually become listless and lose a
point of Willpower per week until they die. There are exceptions to this, the egg pods, the life span of which is unknown. However
the same egg clutch that infected the Nostromo infected the colony, Hadley's Hope, on LV-426 a full 57 years later. A Drone that
is away from a Hive, but is in a suitable habitat will evolve into a Queen and setup its own Hive.

Resilience: Xenomorphs can be burnt, fire does damage to them just like most living things; however, extremes in heat and
cold don't seem to affect them. So, while fire is an effective weapon, molten lead is not. They also seem to be somewhat afraid
of fire, if they are really afraid of anything. An alien can survive in the vacuum of space for an undetermined amount of time. Their
blood superheats to keep the creature warm in the absolute cold of space. In Alien Resurrection, a Xenomorph is sprayed with
liquid nitrogen, causing the creatue pain but no lasting damage. They apparently don't breath, or are able to store air in their

Swimming: In Aliens, one of the Xenomorphs swims up to Rebecca and captures her; however, it is unknown how long they can
remain underwater. In Alien Resurrection the aliens show an amazing aptitude for swimming, being fast and graceful. One even
jumped out of the water up to 15 feet. This is not surprising, as Hiveworld is covered in shallow water. If the aliens can truly exist
without air, then there could be Hives entirely underwater.

Teeth and Claws: An alien has sharp spindly six-fingered claws that shred flesh and clothing easily. Although this damage is
not aggravated, the bite of the alien does inflict aggravated damage.

Maneuvers Difficulty Damage
Strength + 2 (Aggravated)
Strength + 1
Grapple 6
Tail Slap 7
Strength + 1
Tail Stab 7
Strength + 2
*A Grappled opponent may be dragged off to the Hive, or bitten at Difficulty of 4.
**Only a Queen may stab with its tail.

Alien/Human Crossbreeds
There are two basic types of crossbreeds, aliens with human characteristics, and humans with alien characteristics. First, the
alien. In the film, the alien crossbreed had a grey carapace and was bipedal and had a humanlike skull that was greatly
elongated. This being had human eyes and a hole that functioned as a nose. Unlike its relatives, this new alien had no toothed
tongue within its mouth (in the novel, it does). It was somewhat larger than the typical alien and was hostile towards both aliens
and humans. It had red blood rather than green but was still somewhat acidic.
The clone Ripley appeared almost completely human; however, she had many special attributes, notably her enhanced physical
strength and stamina. At one point, she punches her way into an access panel. She also punches a large mercenary and sends
him across the room. She had some mental abilities similar to that of the aliens, but she was not dominated by the Hive instincts.

Player Character Crossbreeds

The most common crossbreeds would be created by scientists of some sort, such as Progenitors, Sons of Ether, Pentex, etc. Of
these creations, 1 in 20 would be fertile, capable of breeding with others of their kind. Their children would be fertile as well. A
crossbreed could also breed with a human, but this could be extremely hazardous to their mate, especially for males (see details
on crossbreed blood below). Children from such a mating would be human, but with short tempers and violent tendencies.
All player character crossbreeds are humans with alien traits. They possess heightened senses beyond human norms (all
crossbreeds have the Merits Acute Hearing and Acute Sense of Smell). They are also much tougher than humans, having a
maximum Strength and Stamina of 6. It is important to note that their bones and muscle tissue are much stronger than human
norm; thus, what appears to be a small woman could possess the strength of a large body builder. Their fingernails are green
and sharp and made of the same silicon base as a Xenomorph carapace; thus, they are exteremly strong. They can use these to
inflict Strength +1 non-aggravated damage.
Crossbreeds are able to heal severe injuries, recovering from wounds three times faster than a human would. They also do not
scar. They cannot, however, regenerate lost limbs or organs. A crossbreed can be extremely dangerous when wounded, as they
have inherited the acidic blood of the Xenomorphs. This blood is nowhere near as caustic as a pureblood but is still hazardous.
The red blood of a crossbreed inflicts 3 points of aggravated damage rather than the 5 points from a Xenomorph. It is handled in
all other respects, exactly the same way. This blood will damage all that it touchs, including clothing, weapons, friends, and
anything else it comes in contact with. Also, a human male having sexual relations with a crossbreed must be wary, as any blood
will be a disaster. Crossbreeds are immune to the blood of Xenomorphs and other crossbreeds.
The crossbreeds share many mental patterns with their alien relatives. This tends to make them act in a manner many would
consider "alien." Thus, no crossbreed may have a Humanity rating above 5. They are also prone to violence, having a Rage pool
just like a Garou. This pool can be used to gain extra actions like a werewolf, etc.
Xenomorphs are able to communicate with crossbreeds, and the aliens will not attack one, as it seems to them as "one of the
family". The only exception to this is when the Xenomorphs are attacked by a crossbreed. A crossbreed can sense and
understand the "language" of the Xenomorphs without a problem, but being individuallistic rather than hiveminded, they do not
have to obey the commands of the Queen. It is important to note that crossbreeds share the same racial memory as the
Xenomorphs; however, a crossbreed will not transmit knowledge unless actively trying to do so.
Crossbreeds are built upon an attribute base of 7/5/3 like a new vampire. They also have an ability base of 13/9/5. They have no
natural aggravated attack, unless they care to wound themselves to get at their blood.
Vampires cannot gain nourishment from a crossbreed, and trying to do so will probably severely injure or kill the Kindred. A
crossbreed can be ghouled, however. If this is done, their acidic blood is diluted greatly, inflicting only 1 point of aggravated
damage. The crossbreeds cannot become lycanthropes (see Lycanthrope: The Changing). If drained of blood, a crossbreed
can be Embraced by a vampire; however, like the ghouled crossbreed, the new vampire would have slightly acidic blood.

can be Embraced by a vampire; however, like the ghouled crossbreed, the new vampire would have slightly acidic blood.
Crossbreeds cannot Awaken, but they could theoretically be taught hedge magic.

Red Ants
A few years after the aliens took control of Earth, mankind visited Hiveworld. They captured the Queen Mother and took her to
Earth to use as bait. With the Queen gone, some surprising changes took place on Hiveworld. Apparently, the Queens weed out
genetic deviants from the Hive, but without a Queen, this didn't happen. While a new Queen Mother was growing from a Drone, a
number of deviant Drones were born. Being different, they fled the Hive. After moving about a hundred miles away, they started a
colony of their own, and a Queen was born.
These new deviants developed a distinctly red hue to their exoskeletons. Once the new Queens assumed control of their
respective Hives, they immediately went to war to destroy each other. Both sides bred thousands of Drones and attempted to
commit genocide upon each other. They were at a standstill until the humans came and nuked both Hives.
The "Red Ant" aliens were unique to Hiveworld, and they may well be an extinct breed; however, if even one survived, mankind
may well encounter them again. Fortunately, the xenophobic nature of the aliens means that the Reds and Blacks will war with
each other whenever they encounter one another. The greatest threat to the Xenomorphs could be themselves.
The genetic differences were the appearance of recessive genes (such as coloring) that had no effect on the abilities of the Red
aliens. They are exactly like the Blacks in every aspect except for some minor changes on a genetic level that makes the Blacks
want to exterminate them. An infestation of Red aliens would be the same to humans as that of a Hive of Blacks.

United States Colonial Marine Corps

Instated in the year 2101 A.D., the USCM is the United State's interstellar combat force, able to operate on land, sea, air, and
space. The Corps are divided into three divisions, Sol, Eridani, and Herculis. The USCM is a full part of the United States
military, and is centrally commanded in Washington. By man's second encounter with the Xenomorphs, in 2179 A.D., the USCM
stood at 165,000 with an additional 50,000 in reserve.
Due to advances in technology, military units have become smaller, able to perform tasks it took many more men to accomplish
in the past. The smallest division is a rifle squad, made up of a Corporal, Lance Corporal, and two Privates, each paired into
two man teams: a Rifle Team, and a Gun Team. A section is composed of two squads led by a Sergeant accompanied by a
driver for the M577 APC. If needed, a UD-4 Cheyenne dropship and crew are added to the section. A rifle platoon is made up of
two sections, and it is led by a lieutenant and often supported by an android advisor.

USCM Offensive Weapons

The real strength of the USCM is their weaponry, which far outpowers anything ever dreamed of in the 20th century. It is possible
that this kind of equipment be in use by Technocracy mages, and is a perfect way to bring such high-tech weapons into a
modern Chronicle.


United States Colonial Marines Firearms

Dif Dmg
Rate Clip Conceal Range

M41A Pulse Rifle

10mm X 24
PN 30mm Grenade Launcher 30mm Grenade
M56 Smart Gun
10mm X 28
M240A1 Flamethrower
M42A Scope Rifle
10mm X 28
M4A3 Pistol
60mm Rocket
Cadmium Telluride Pellet
SADAR Rocket
HIMAT Missile

3/FA 99
6 As Grenade 1
5/FA 200
7 As Napalm 1 20
1 15
4 12
1 30



M41A Pulse Rifle: The standard assault rifle of the USCM and U.S. Army, it most commonly has an undermounted PN 30mm
grenade launcher. The rifle has a retractable stock, and can mount a 3x AN/RVS-52 CCD telescopic sight. The gun fires
standard U.S. M309 10mm X 24 210 grain caseless high-explosive armor piercing (HEAP) rounds. The rounds are designed to
pierce body armor and explode moments after impact. The gun fires charges using electronic pulses and must be recharged
after every 10,000 rounds. It has an LED display showing the number of rounds left in a clip, and standard practice is to only load
magazines to 95 rounds due to their tendency to jam. The rifle can be set to single, four-round burst, or full automatic fire.

PN 30mm Grenade Launcher: The grenade launcher is designed to be attached to the M41A assault rifle, and does not work
as a stand alone weapon. It must be hand-loaded (four round capacity), and it is armed with a pump action. Once primed, it can
be fired from a trigger in front of the magazine. A variety of ammunition can be utilized in the launcher.

M40 HE: This is the most common 30mm round used in the PN launcher. It explodes, showering over 300 fragments in a 5
meter area. It can also be used as a hand grenade, by flipping off the red plastic cap and twisting the nose clockwise. It
has a delay fuse of 5 seconds, but care must be taken not to press the cap, as it will explode immediately. This round
functions as a normal fragmentation grenade with a 14 Dmg base.
M38 HEAP: This green-capped grenade is identical to the M40 except that it is armor piercing and can penetrate up to 7
centimeters of steel.
M51A AB: The M51A has a blue cap and is air burst. When it impacts, a charge propels the grenade up two meters into
the air where it explodes. It inflicts 14 Dmg like the grenades above, but damage is only reduced by one for every two
yards from ground zero.
M108 Canister: This is a buckshot round designed for close-quarters combat. It has a black cap, and it fires like a shotgun
out to 30 meters. It inflicts 8 dice of Dmg.
M230 Baton: These are designed as riot control and nonlethal ammunition. They do not inflict damage on their own,
instead damage is inflicted by the number of successes. For example, firing this grenade at someone will only inflict a
number of Health Levels equal to the number of successes the firer scores.
M60 WP: A grenade with a white cap, the M60 explodes and sprays white phosphorous over a 15 meter area. It inflicts an
initial 12 dice of damage, as well as filling areas with smoke and starting fires. This damage is aggravated to supernatural
M72A1 Starshell: A grenade marked with an "S", this is a flare fired 200 meters into the air. It then ignites and drifts down
on a parachute for 45 seconds. It releases 50,000 candlelight, but it is not much use in atmospheres were fire cannot burn.

M56 Smart Gun: The M56 is the standard issue machine gun for the USCM, being pulse operated and firing the M250 10mm X
28 caseless HEAP round. It is operated from a gyrostabilized, self-steering bracket. The gun auto tracks targets and when fired,
shoots for center mass. Its ammunition has a variable fuse setting for the delay of explosion. It can be optimized for soft or hard
targets. The gun is powered by a DV9 lithium battery which can fire up to 50,000 rounds before being recharged. The gun can
be set to a four-round burst or set on full automatic.

M240A1 Flamethrower: This rifle-like flamethrower does not have an accompanying fuel pack, instead having a canister of
napthal attacked like a clip. Each canister can fire for about 20 seconds of sustained fire, or around 20 one second bursts. Much
like napalm, the flaming liquid burns underwater, and it is difficult to remove. Once lit, it blazes for about thirty seconds before
being consumed. Note, while ignited napthal will burn underwater, the M240A1 cannot be fired underwater.

M42A Scope Rifle:This is designed as a high-power sniper rifle which can fire the M250 round like the M56 Smart Gun, or it
can chamber its own match grade M252 HEAP 10mm X 28 caseless round. It includes a flash suppressor and bipod. Also, it
has a twenty power scope with image, infrared, and electromagnetic emissions displays.

M4A3 Pistol: One of the few weapons of the modern USCM that closely resembles a weapon from the 20th century, this hardy
pistol has not changed much over the past 60 years. Other than being crafted of lighter and more durable materials, this pistol
strongly resembles the Colt automatics of the 1990s. It chambers the old fashion 9mm Parabellum ball ammunition. There is an
experimental M901 round that has a metal core and encased in resin. The idea is that the resin shatters when impacting armor,
allowing the metal core to continue unimpeded. While effective, there are problems with achieving terminal results.

M5 Rocket Propelled Grenade: Resembling a bazooka, this is a shoulder-fired weapon designed for use against light armor
and bunkers. The M5 contains a single 60mm hypervelocity spin-stabilized HEAP rocket, and it can be manually reloaded. The
M5 has a four power scope, and it also has releases backblast when fired. Care must be taken not to injure others or oneself
when firing the weapon in tight quarters.

M78 Phased Plasma Infantry Gun: The PIG is one of the most powerful weapons in the USCM, but it is also one of the
slowest. The weapon is a 15 megawatt system that fires a vaporized Cadium Telluride pellet at hypervelocity for devastating
effect. Unfortunately, it takes about three seconds for the weapon to fire, making it difficult to hit moving targets. For armor
piercing, the PIG can't be beat, being able to blast through even the heaviest of tank armor. It looks like a bazooka attached to a
large battery pack.

M83A2 SADAR: The shoulder-launched active-homing disposable anti-tank rocket is the 22nd century's version of the LAW
anti-tank weapon. It uses IR targeting to lock on, making it a fire-and-forget weapon. It is a single-shot disposable weapon, and it
does have a backblast. Once locked onto to a target, it seeks the hottest part of the target (which is typically the engine of
vehicles) and adjusts course to strike it. The warhead is HEAP and can penetrate light and medium armor. The guidance
system can be turned off allowing it to be fired at targets without an IR signature.

M112 HIMAT: This is a high powered missile launcher designed to destroy tanks and other heavy armor. It can be linked into the
sensor matrix for perimeter defense and can launch at land as well as airborn targets. It consists of a launch tube and bipod
(resembling a mortar), and it can be reloaded in the field. When fired, the HIMAT accelerates to Mach 4.5 (yes, this does
produce a sonic boom) and rockets towards its target. Like the SADAR, it determines optimum location for impact. Just before
impact, the warhead explodes, projecting a tungsten rod forward at the target, penetrating most types of armor.

USCM Defensive Systems

Sometimes the best offense is a good defense, and the USCM has learned that over the years. Standard procedure is to set up
a perimeter defense in all hostile environments. With the number of hostile aliens encountered throughout space, this is
absolutely necessary. To this end, the marines have developed an astounding array of defensive devices.
The most important part of a defense system is the setup of a matrix. The matrix consists of overlaping sensors with infrared
imaging, electromagnetic emission, IFF (Identification Friend Foe) transponder, motion tracking, lidar, radar, and robotic sentry.
It is extremely difficult to penetrate a matrix, but it is not impossible. Stealth equipment does exist, and where there is a will, there
is a way. After the matrix is setup, smart weaponry can linked in, allowing automated defense to handle the perimeter.

M3 Personal Body Armor: The dangerous weaponry of the 22nd century has necessitated the design of strong body armor.
Not only must it protect against small arms fire, it must also protect against artillery and explosions. M3 is constructed of layers,
including an outer plate of titanium aluminide over a boron carbide core bonded to a layer of graphite-composite carbon-fiber.
Under this is a woven mesh of Venlar (next generation Kevlar). The multi-piece armor protects the torso, shoulders, groin, knees,
shins, and backs of legs. Head protection is achieved with an M10 ballistic helmet. The armor is designed to afford maximum
protection with the slightest encumberance. M3 armor provides level 4 armor rating and suffer a movement penalty of 1. Note
that M3 armor is effective against firearms, impact, edged weapons, fragmentation, and lasers. It will also protect against the
blood of the Xenomorphs, but it will be destroyed if used thusly.

UA 571-C Remote Sentry Weapons System: The UA 571-C is a smart weapon that can be setup by a marine in close to
three minutes. It has a tripod stand, battery pack, sensor array, gun assembly, and 500 round drum magazine. The sentry gun
can be linked to a matrix, or rely on its own IFF, ambient light optics, lidar, and ultrasonic motion detection array to identify
targets. It can fire in a 360 degree arc and fire up and down. The pulse action receiver chambers the m250 10mm X 28 HEAP
round (identical round fired by the M56 Smart Gun). The weapon can be set to auto fire, or it can be set to signal a sentry and
ask for instruction when a target is detected. The weapon fires most optimal round grouping and number to eliminate the
identified target. The smart system fires with a difficulty of 7 and 9 dice of damage.
There are two variants, the 571-D and the 571-F. The 571-D mounts a 20 megawatt high frequency laser which is identical in
every way except that it can fire 50 times and inflict 10 dice of damage with a difficulty of 6. The 571-F mounts a 30mm grenade
launcher that fires the same rounds as the PN 30 mm grenade launcher.

Environmental Considerations
The highly destructive nature of the weapons employed by the USCM forces their operators to consider their surroundings. The
standard issue M41A pulse rifle fires armor piercing, exploding bullets. Such is important to remember when firing in say a
forest, it would be easy to accidentally fell trees atop yourself or your allies.
In the film Aliens, the marines could not fire due to risk of causing a nuclear meltdown. Imagine a stray bullet going through the
hull of a space ship! Heaven help the poor soul who fires a M240A1 flamethrower in an air-sealed environment, such as in a
dropship. A sustained firefight inside of a building could easily bring down the roof.
Another factor that anyone fighting the Xenomorphs must consider is the acidic blood of the aliens. This super acid can eat
through just about anything, and it is extremely hazardous on a battlefield. For example, shooting at an alien above you would
most likely result in an acid bath from above. Fighting on multiple levels can be exceedingly dangerous to allies below your
position. Shooting an alien on the third floor of a building will result in acid running straight down through all of the lower levels.
Careful planning must always be taken in order to combat the Xenomorphs effectively. Poor decisions can lead to avoidable

Use in the World of Darkness

How do the Xenomorphs fit in the World of Darkness? The books and films take place in the future; however, there is nothing
saying that they cannot be used in a modern day chronicle. The aliens make a perfect nemesis for a party of Void Engineers.
Once encountered, they are hard to get rid of, so an expedition could easily bring some bugs to Earth, or even a Horizon Realm.

Kindred: A Xenomorph would not attempt to lay an egg in a vampire; however, the territorial bugs would definitely kill a vampire
if found. It would be interesting to see what effect vampire blood would have on an alien. Could they be ghouled, and if so, could
they be controlled? Sounds like a potentially disasterous experiment much like found in the novels. Ghouls can be used as
incubators, with unknown results. The trauma will put them at incapacitated when the baby emerges, and they will die unless
supernatural intervention occurs. But what about the resulting alien? Will it have powers of a ghoul and addiction to vampire
blood? What about a ghouled Queen? A vampire with a high level of Auspex might be able to communicate with the

Changing Breeds: The Xenomorphs have been known to infect humans and dogs, so there is no reason why a Garou could
not be impregnated; however, most beings are rendered helpless in a cocoon of secretions so a "facehugger" can attach itself.
Assuming a Garou could be imprisoned thusly, an alien could grow inside it. A Garou that has an alien rip its way out of it may
die. It is immediately rendered incapacitated, and it will die if in Breed form. If not in Breed form, or if it is Metis, it will heal at the
normal Garou rate. This damage is not aggravated, but it does require a roll on the battle scars table.

Mages: Mages are basically normal human beings with extraordinary abilities. If another mage were able to heal the

impregnated mage (or any other human) during exodus, he would survive, but he would be at the incapacitated Health Level.
With no outside help, the process is fatal. Mages cannot heal themselves while a newborn Xenomorph claws its way out of the

Wraiths: Having no physical form, wraiths have nothing to worry about. Many a wraith has been created by a birthing
Xenomorph, however. It would not be odd for a Hive to have wraithly denizens. A Risen wraith, like the vampire, is of no use to
an alien and will be attacked like a threat to the Hive.

Changelings: A faerie can be impregnated just like a human. This will not cause death to their fey souls, but it will kill them in
this life.

Mummies: A mummy is, for all intents and purposes, a normal human being to the bugs, and an alien could gestate inside one.
If the corpse is kept in the Hive, this could result in a horrible fate as the mummy returns to life inside the Hive.

Gypsies: Like the mummy and the mage, these beings are treated as normal humans.
Fomori: Assuming it can be captured, it is just as useful as a human. Depending on the powers of the Fomor, it may or may not
survive the birthing. Would the resulting alien be Wyrm tainted or even a form of Fomor in itself?

Immortals: The immortals are of great use to the Hive, as they can birth alien after alien. Such an agonizing existence would
definitely result in some serious derangements.

Yautja: The alien beings from the movies Predator and Predator II, these hunters pride themselves on their abilities to Hunt the
bugs. Aliens can grow inside a Yautja host. For more information about the interaction between these two races, see Predator:
The Hunt.

Chronicle Ideas
The Invasion: As in the books, the bugs arrive on Earth and breed faster than rabbits. It is up to the humans or the
supernaturals to stop them. This type of chronicle works well for mortals; however, it also is a nice way to unite a group of diverse
character types. They either work together or perish. Thus, vampires and werewolves could work side by side in the war. Mages
would be very likely to be involved, especially the Technocracy, for they likely brought the aliens here to begin with. Wraiths may
try to protect their loved ones. Of course, with a full-scale invasion, millions of new wraiths would be created very quickly.

Umbra Exploration: A Void Engineer ship encounters the aliens in deep space. The aliens could be on a derelict ship, strange
planet, or aboard a Yautja ship. The Engineers could be in a fight for their lives much like in the films, or they could bring the
aliens home for experimental purposes. They could break lose or some very interesting results could come of the experiments.

Crossbreed: The Void Engineers or Progenitors could create one or more human/alien crossbreeds. Appearing human, they
could escape and try to hide in society using their enhanced powers to fend off "collection teams". Alternately, the crossbreeds
could be an elite combat team. They would make excellent weapons against the Xenomorphs, since they can hear their
communications. Would they remain loyal or try to join the Hive?

Bug Hunt: A ship of young Yautja in training (see Predator: The Hunt) have stocked a planet with bugs. Now they want to Hunt.
Characters could play as Yautja in the Hunt, or they could be other races who have proven themselves worthy to Hunt with the
predators. Werewolf and Yautja fighting back to back deep in the Hive?

Genocide: Characters could easily be caught in the middle of a race war between the Red aliens and the Blacks. It would be
interesting to see how a troupe could use the genocidal tendencies of the aliens against them. This kind of war would make
most sense some time after the Alien-Earth War, but a creative Storyteller could probably come up with a good reason to have
the Reds come to exist "early".
Semper Fi: This is probably the most common Chronicle for those not wishing to mix the Xenomorphs and supernaturals. The
characters play as soldiers in the United States Colonial Marines. Perhaps they are replaying the movie Aliens, or are taking on
a mission at a point after the film. This type of campaign works well with the Invasion concept.

LV-426: Something that is never mentioned in the movies, the explosion that wiped out Hadley's Hope on LV-426 was not near
the derelict ship containing the Xenomorph eggs. Not only was the ship well outside of the nuclear blast, it was shielded from
fallout by the Ilyium mountain range. For those who care to look, the ship is still there, and it still contains its lethal cargo!

Strength 4 Charisma 0 Perception 4
Dexterity 5 Manipulation 0 Intelligence 3
Stamina 5 Appearance 0 Wits 4

Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 4 (Climbing), Brawl 4 (Bite), Dodge 2, Intimidation 5 (Physical)

Skills: Survival 3, Stealth 4 (Silence), Security 2, Spit 4, Hunting 3, Tracking 3
Willpower: 8

Strength 4 Charisma 0 Perception 4
Dexterity 5 Manipulation 0 Intelligence 1
Stamina 3 Appearance 0 Wits 3
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 2 (Facehuggers may only Grapple), Dodge 2
Skills: Stealth 4 (Hiding)
Willpower: 6

Strength 8 Charisma 0 Perception 3
Dexterity 4 Manipulation 0 Intelligence 4
Stamina 8 Appearance 0 Wits 5
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 4 (Bite), Dodge 1, Intimidation 5 (Physical)
Skills: Stealth 2, Survival 3, Spit 3, Security 2
Willpower: 9

Queen Mother
Strength 10 Charisma 0 Perception 3
Dexterity 4 Manipulation 0 Intelligence 5
Stamina 12 Appearance 0 Wits 5
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 5 (Bite), Intimidation 7 (Physical)
Skills: Stealth 2, Survival 3, Spit 3, Security 2
Willpower: 9

Alien Crossbreed
Strength 5 Charisma 0 Perception 3
Dexterity 4 Manipulation 0 Intelligence 3
Stamina 6 Appearance 0 Wits 4
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 5 (Bite), Dodge 2, Intimidation 5 (Physical)
Skills: Stealth 2, Survival 3, Security 2
Willpower: 8

Without all of these sources, this work would not have been possible.

Alien Resurrection
Alien-Earth War
Book I: Earth Hive
Book II: Nightmare Asylum

Book III: The Female War

Aliens vs. Predator

Hunter's Planet
Alien Harvest
Alien Resurrection
Other Books
Colonial Marines Technical Manual

WOD: Aliens
By Ed Payne

Average Alien Warrior


Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5
Charisma 0, Manipulation 0, Appearance 0
Perception 3, Intelligence 1, Wits 2
Alertness 4, Athletics 4, Brawl 4, Dodge 4, Intimidation 5
Stealth 4
Auspex 1, Celerity 3, Fortitude 3, Obfuscate 1, Potence 3, Protean 2, Blood of Acid (see Sabbat Player's
Guide, pg 113 with the following change: This acid will eat through wood, metal, and glass).
Backgrounds: Hive 5
Callousness 3, Instincts 5, Morale 5
8, (if for some reason an Alien is separated from his hive for an extended period its willpower will drop a point
for every week of separation. If this would result in its willpower dropping below 0 the Alien becomes lethargic
and dies.)
Role Playing You live for your hive and your Queen. Protect them at all costs, your life is insignificant. Think ant.

Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4
Charisma 0, Manipulation 0, Appearance 0
Perception 2, Intelligence 1, Wits 1
Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Intimidation 2
Stealth 2
Knowledges: None
Disciplines: Celerity 1, Fortitude 2, Obfuscate 1, Potence 2, Infestation (see below), Blood of Acid (as above).
Backgrounds: None
Callousness 3, Instincts 5, Morale 5
7, (when a facehugger is released from its egg it must find a host soon or it will die. Subtract a point from its
willpower for every day out of the egg, the facehugger dies when it reaches 0 willpower).

Role Playing The host is everything. You will plant that egg or die.

Alien Queen

Strength 6, Dexterity 6, Stamina 7
Charisma 0, Manipulation 0, Appearance 0
Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Alertness 4, Athletics 4, Brawl 5, Dodge 5, Intimidation 5, Hive Control 5
Stealth 4
Auspex 1, Celerity 4, Fortitude 5, Obfuscate 1, Potence 5, Protean 2, Blood of Acid (as above), Poison Tail
(see Alien combat below)

Role Playing

Hive 5, Nest 3
Callousness 4, Instincts 5, Morale 5
Propagation of your Hive is your purpose in existence, you will always survive to further the Hive.

Alien Disciplines
As is obvious, these are not actually true disciplines, but rather approximations of Alien abilities as would apply to the Vampire
system. And as such there is no Blood limit to these powers.

This ability allows Aliens to reproduce by placing an egg inside a host's chest cavity to incubate over a period of 12-48 hours
(this time is an estimate, and I make no proof of scientific accuracy.) This is done by a facehugger attaching itself to its host's
face and inserting a tube down the host's throat. The facehugger will insert the egg within a period of 12-24 hours after which
time the facehugger will fall away from the host, and die. To pull a facehugger from its host would require an immense feat of
strength, and would certainly kill the intended host. (The difficulty would be 8 and you'd need at least 6 successes.)
After the Alien embryo finishes incubating, it will proceed to eat its way out of the host killing the victim in the process. It'll take the
embryo just a round to escape from its host and the Alien will then flee to a safe area (preferably in the Hive) where it will grow to
full size within 24 hours. The Alien is significantly weaker during this time, but how this applies to game stats is up to the
Storyteller. (I'd suggest a -4 modifier to its abilities, which improves by 1 for every 2-3 hours of time passed. This isn't perfect,
but I'm open to suggestions.)
Notes: How infestation would affect a Kindred is purely speculation upon my part, but here goes. Given the choice between a
kindred or kine the facehugger would obviously chose the kine, but if this was not possible for some reason it should be possible
for the facehugger to infest a kindred. Presumably, the Alien embryo needs the warmth and organic matter of the host in order to
incubate, so for an embryo to survive within a kindred host would require large amounts of blood. The embryo would consume 1
blood point every hour, which would make for one helluva ravenous kindred. (Also, the embryo would consume blood while the
kindred slept as well -- in addition to the usual blood point loss for a day's sleep.) I also theorize that it could be possible that the
incubation period would take longer within a kindred's anatomy, but that is pure hypothesis. If the embryo did finish incubating,
then its leaving the kindred host wouldn't neccessarily kill the kindred. Since the kindred no longer possesses vital internal
organs which would be torn apart by the embryo it's possible that the kindred could survive the process, but would be
considerably injured. I figure the embryo would cause 8 dice damage to the kindred (no soak allowed except from Fortitude) for
every round it attempts to break free. The embryo should need to inflict 5 health levels damage to break free from the kindred
chest cavity. Yes, this damage would be aggravated.
As to how infestation would affect a Lupine, I'd say that it would be the same as for any other mortal. It'd kill the Lupine. Dead.

Alien Combat
Maneuver Accuracy Damage
Strength +2
Grapple 6
Strength +2
Strength +1
Strength +1, plus 5 dice damage every round for the next 3 rounds. This attack may only be performed by
Alien Queens.
Well that's it folks. I haven't playtested these concepts as of yet and I'd like to see somebody else's input on this one. Get in touch
with me through the list.
After seeing this as we uploaded it once again I noticed a possible problem: As I said previously an alien embryo implanted
within a kindred host would consume a blood point every hour even while the kindred sleeps. Now this would mean that once this
vampire went to sleep he'd enter Torpor, because the embryo would consume so much blood. This would even be the case
during the shortened days of winter. So how to have pity on your players (or should you)? If you are of the squeamish of heart you
could change the embryo's consumption to one blood point every two hours. If not you could just screw the player and let him/her

Also, would the embryo survive in Torpor with the host? Ok that'll do it until the next revelation.

ALIEN: The Invasion

By Henrik Andren (

Chapter One: Introduction

The log of SS Callisto
"Captain, we are entering stellar system 22Xb-QPZ22", the young ensign said to captain Jokkut.
"Thank you ensign," he replied, mostly by standard reaction. He was seated besides his console, over viewing his crew. Twelve
men on the bridge, but an uncountable number of engineers, gunners, scientists, entertainers, cryo field operators and even
priests were under his command. But for the priests he couldn't know; 'the Cult' always seemed to have some kind of second
thoughts by their actions. Well, he leaned back in his armchair and again fell back to his drowsy slumber. He never slept, his
personal force instructors had since long taught him how to rest in hyperzone and therefore was always awake, even thought he
could still sink back in deep thoughts momentarily. Soon their mission would be ended, and they could return to the fleetbase of
Cygnius #5.
"I sense you want something.", said the young Mrrshan by his side.
How tired he was of the priest telling him his thought. But he blamed it on the fact that he was quite young and wasn't quite
familiar with starship etiquette.
"Yes, I want to come home, to see my family again.", he answered, "Don't you?"
"No, my mission is my life.", the priest answered back.
The captain sighed to himself and continued his train of thoughts, ignoring the probing mind of the young scholar. Suddenly the
intercom sprang to life.
"This is engineering section HD-0 02; we might have a slight problem here," a metallic voice came from the speaker.
The captain sprang to attention and snapped the interlink. He could see how the priest strained his ears to hear the
"Explain.", he said shortly, ignoring the spying youngster.
"It seems like the hyperspace aggregates are unstable via the quadruploid interface and the hyper signature detector/calibrator,
The captain interrupted him. Meklars, he thought, always technical details. "And the point is?" he asked.
"Something is entering the engines and loading them with some kind of unknown particles." was the reply, and the captain could
hear how worried his engineer was.
"Communications, send out emergency call 2B." he shouted to the Jugginto by the communication panel. The whole bridge
turned to him.
"The hyperspace aggregates are overloading; we may have to abandon ship," he explained. "Quick now, sensors, scan for nonhostile planets. Communications, send a distress call, magnitude 4. Navigation, set course for the planet. Security, calm the
crewmen." He said the orders in a quick but not stressing pace, meaning it was an emergency, but everyone should keep calm.
"Priest, call your mentor and say that I request his help." he said as he turned to the priest beside him.
"You can't request anything from a master of the Cult." he said outraged. Before he stopped, the doors to the bridge opened,
and in stepped Cha'dracul'na, the high master of the Cult present on the ship.
"He did right by requesting my assistance. Some of us have already foreseen this event, and I am most willing to help." He
hissed to the young Mrrshan, "Step aside."
He floated into the room, seated in a levitating chair and gently slid in position by the captain. He was a Cygnan as the captain,
but they had had their differences for a long time.
Suddenly the intercom bleeped again. The captain talked for a moment, then he said.
"It seems that there is an emergency, I want everyone here to volunteer to sacrifice themselves." One of the scanner operators
stepped up and walked away.
"Excellent, we will be remembered."

"Excellent, we will be remembered."

The young Mrrshan looked worried, but stayed seated.
"You may go if you wish." the Grand master said. "Or do you think I am not capable of helping the captain on my own."
"Of course not." he answered and quickly walked after the others.
"Communications, call abandon ship. Man the escape pods. Engineering, do you read me." the captain continued.
"Loud and clear captain." the Meklar, loyal to his post, answered.
"How many of your crew stayed?" the captain asked.
"197 out of 230." he said "But 44 more have signed on."
"Excellent, try to hold of the explosion as long as you can."
"We may be able to buy us 199,724552 cassions captain."
"Do your best." the captain said.
"I always do that." was the bitter remark, but the captain knew that.
"Captain, our signal is blocked by hyperspace fields." the communicator said.
"What! Send a radio message." the captain said, "And get me in touch with Lechroon."
"At once, sir."
"Give him the following message: You are now in charge of the colony on this planet, your orders are: Try to survive; make no
contact with inhabitants, try to contact us."
"Message sent."
"Excellent. How is the evacuation going?" he asked his security officer.
"Out of 180, 0 capsules launched." was the reply.
"Too few." the captain muttered "Many will die today."
He leaned back and watched the evacuation on the monitor. Then he leaned over to the grand master of force and asked.
"Why did you stay, it is nothing you can do."
The grand master smiled wryly.
"I have kept everyone calm, and those bones of mine would not survive down there." was his hissing reply.
"Well, let us settle our differences here and now then." the captain said. "We may have had our struggles, but we have also
beaten the Hivemind lots of times."
"We have our memories, youngster." the 30 0 years old man answered.
And then the Cassiopeian spaceship 'Callisto' exploded in a ball of flame; only a few survivors ever managed to land on earth.
This is a document from the automatic log that was sent out of the ship until the bitter end. One of the most well known media for
the earthen Cassiopeians.

Chapter Two: Setting

Cygnan scientists made a gigantic leap forward in space exploration by the time they discovered hyperspace. It is a space
parallel to ours, but with fewer dimensions. The biggest breakthrough was when the scientists learned that time didn't exist there.
That meant that any ship travelling in hyperspace would go anywhere in no time at all in realspace. Soon hyperspace
aggregates could be completely moved into hyperspace, and there travel to the desired point in no time at all, and there they will
turn off the aggregates and appear in realspace. But hyperspace travel is not without its difficulties. Ships have disappeared
when entering, never to appear again, or in a completely different location, sometimes as debris. Other strange things have also
happened in hyperspace, which is far from completely mapped.

Hyperspace communication
It is also possible to communicate faster than light by moving particles into hyperspace, and let them move faster than light to the
desired point. Therefore having instantaneously communication over huge distances in space. But such communicators are
huge and power consuming, usually not even applied to smaller spaceship.

The earth's hyperspace field

The earth's magnetic field bends hyperspace particles emitted from the sun around it, efficiently jamming all hyperspace
communication. Hyperspace aggregates will also be attacked by the particles and so far they have all exploded, stopping all
kind of hyperspace travel close to earth. It is earth's placing in the stellar system, it's configuration of it's magnetic field and the
particles from the sun that makes this hyperspace cloak possible. None of the other races have ever considered that such a
thing existed.

The Cassiopeians
The Cygnan's breakthrough in space travel gave them a headstart in space colonisation. They already had some colonies when
they came upon the other races. As the Cygnans were a peaceful race they soon allied with the Mrrshan, Meklar, Jugginto and
Zanirion, to form the Cassiopeian community. They usually call themselves Kithrian, which means 'Community'.

The Cult
As science was more and more widespread, religions was pushed back. To prevent the loss their followers they had to do
something. The answer was the Cult, a bureaucracy of religions working as one force. This only slowed down the downfall. As
religion became less needed, the Cult soon controlled, directly or indirectly, all religious groups within it. Then the turning point
came. The Cult still had great funds, and they soon started to study the Force in which they grew in strength and knowledge. By
the time the Cygnans went out in space, the Cult had grown strong. It still had the power over all religion. It was the Cult that tried
the most to make the Cassiopeian unity work, and much of the peace and prosperity of the agreement is the doing of the Cult.

The Silencers

The Azingari

The Hivemind
The Hivemind was another race who discovered hyperspace travel so there was only a matter of time before they would meet
the Cassiopeians. The first meeting did not end in quite as peaceful way as the Cygnans would have wished. The Cassiopeian
diplomats were nearly completely killed; only some of the high guard and some other diplomats could escape. Since then the
Cassiopeian community has been at war with the Hivemind, as they call it.
The Hivemind is a species consisting of sentient insects, named Seltorians. Their nickname comes from their ability to link their
minds together, to form hyper intelligent communities. Each Seltorian is stupid. But higher ranked Seltorians can connect their
_?_ and become more intelligent. This means that the more Seltorians there are, the more intelligent they will act. A Seltorian
completely cut off from its comrades would only rummage around, or go into a berzerker frenzy, they have even been reported to
die of loneliness. High commanders know what their soldiers think, and can therefore use group tactics efficiently. The link
seems to weaken with length from source to linker, and with the age of the linker. Their community is also split up in different
species, all tailor made for their work. Everyone is completely loyal to their superiors, and would work until they dropped if
commanded to do so, which is not unusual. The greatest ones are the leaders; it is they who focus and link all the thoughts from
their loyals. They have developed grotesque heads to literally hold their and others thoughts. To be able to interact with human
society, they have also developed humanoid insectoids. They appear human, but usually act with little regard of other things than
the Hivemind, but as their leaders are very intelligent, they know how to melt in with human society. The neighbour next door, who
usually walks around in the garden with a wide hat on him, working for the community, could be a Hivemind spy.

Somewhere in the development of hyperspace theory a Cygnan scientist learned that the mind also worked in hyperspace, and
affected it somewhat like gravity did to realspace. With extensive research, sponsored by the Cult, the religious caste of the

Cygnan, soon his team achieved great success. Then the Cult stepped in and took over the whole research. Nobody protested
because other scientists considered the forces as research, only consuming powers. But the Cult was proven correct, and soon
they could start training their scholars in the use of force. Many different schools and techniques have been developed.

Of course the Cassiopeians technology is widely above our. But much has been forgotten in the years that they have dwelled
among us. The science labs that existed on the ships and in bases are not present on earth, tools and elements are not so easy
to get hold of. This meant that one of the quests of the Cassiopeians is to build, maintain and find technology and labs.

The Disappearance


Chapter Three: Traits

Cygnan (Sig -nan)
The Cygnan evolved on a water based planet. They have a humanoid body, fully capable of living under water. They are the most
numerous in the Cassiopeian unity. They are a peaceful people, wishing to explore the galaxy and unite all. Their homeworld has
not seen many wars, but the threat from the Hivemind has forced them to act forcefully. It was their few wars that gave them the
opportunity to invent and construct hyperdrives.
On earth the Cygnans have some underwater research stations where they are not yet in any danger of discovery. They had one
in the Bermuda triangle, but as the shipping through the area increased they first tried to scare them away with defence systems,
but as the humans got interested in the disappearances they had to move. The Cygnans are talkative and interested in humans,
which they have kidnapped on occasions and examined, usually clearing their memories after and sending them back. The
silencers don't like this but the Cygnans are allowed to continued as they need more information about us to be able to hide
among us. The Cygnan "kidnappers" co-operates with The Silencers.

Appearance: The Cygnans are not strongly built, as their homeworld has low gravity, but are instead very agile. They have thick
grey skin, especially adapted to water and cold, because the ocean bottom always is around four degrees Celsius. A
complicated array of decompression bladders allow them to rise and dive deep without sustaining decompression injuries or
diving illness. They also have a number of gills on their chest, allowing them to breathe both water and air. The gills have also
been mutated to not take up dangerous substances and give them an ability to constantly breathe in.

Mutation: The Cygnan's gills and anatomy allow them to dive freely in water; they can even swim at great speeds, far beyond
any humans. They also have good eyesight because of their large black eyes, and good hearing, giving them a -2 difficulty on
perception rolls. This however is a drawback in loud or light areas, as they can get a difficulty of up to +4 on perception rolls.

Camouflage: The Cygnans take use of their medical skills, and research on humans, to create living tissues. They resemble
human skin and anatomy and the Cygnans dress in them. This gives them a adequate camouflage among humans. But they
tend to dry up and die, having to be replaced. This process is also more rapid if the Cygnan can't give them their need in _?_.
Wounds also tend to damage the masks, and therefore subtract one from humanness for every wound the Cygnan gets. But the
masks heal as much as the Cygnan.

Humanness: 6, subtract one for every month and one for every damage the character has.
Technology: Medicine, 4 others. The Cygnans have had a long experience with medicine and the Cygnan doctors are well
known throughout the galaxy.

Force: Sense, 1 others. The Cygnans have for a long time known how to use their eyes with the force to increase their sight and
other senses.

Jugginto (Jog-into)
The Jugginto is perhaps the strangest sentient race in the known universe. They originally lived on a hothouse planet, and
crawled down in the caves and cracks under the crust. Down there their bodies used the ability to modulate themselves to fit in
the different compartments. Under the earth they developed a great community by using tools to widen their rocks. But they still

like the randomness of cliffs, which makes some of the Juggintos the best sculptors in known universe.

Appearance: The Jugginto are plastic creatures, capable of changing their bodies in different shapes. This is used on their
homeworld to flow in between rocks and out the other way, and the ability to manipulate things.

Mutation: The Jugginto main ability is their skill copying the appearances of other things. They can for example take the shape
and colour of a chest, cupboard or even human. This requires an Appearance + Performance roll, the number of successes
deciding humanness, and difficulty varies by the difficulty of the object. For example a safe or other fixed furniture is around 4, a
couch_?_ is around 2 and such a complex thing as an animal or human around 8. No moving parts, like the inertia in a clock or
gun can't be copied. But of course the pendulums movements can be copied. This transformation takes around a quarter of an
hour to metamorph fully, to do it faster means that the task becomes more difficult.

Camouflage: The Jugginto camouflages themselves by copying humans. They have a special human which have been trained
to look like, and this form they can always take in a matter of minutes. But as the special form is exhausting to hold this shape for
long, therefore they lose one point of humanness every hour, if they do not spend one willpower point that hour. They may regain
their shape after resting for half the time they were human.

Humanness: 4, subtract one for every hour; this process can be halted for one hour by spending one willpower. They may
regain the shape after half the time they were in the shape.

Technology: Materials, 2 others. The Juggintos have always been close to the material around them and therefore are the best
of the Cassiopeians in this area.

Force: Body, 3 others. The Juggintos control of their bodies are well known, some of the best force users in body have studied
under Jugginto teachers. The fifth form of body mean that the Jugginto also can take the form of gaseous substances, floating
around in the air.

Meklar (Meck-lahr)
The Meklar early discovered the use of machinery and by the meeting with the Cygnans they have left their original living bodies
and instead use mechanical android bodies, with their brain implanted in them. This is to be closer to the science that they love.
Soon they agreed on the community and were the first ones to join the Cygnans in the Cassiopeian union. This was to acquire
the advanced tech of the Cygnans and soon they mastered it.

Appearance: The Meklar's bodies are different for each Meklar, as they usually engineer, construct and rebuild themselves. But
usually they are quite humanoid, with two to eight arms, usually equipped with different tools and objects. When a Meklar dies his
brain may be intact and if he is put into a new body he will survive. But the shock this gives him forces him to take their nature as
demeanour and take another nature. This to reflect the psychic change inclined by death.

Mutation: The Meklar's greatest advantage is their mechanical bodies which are usually fitted with huge amounts of
cybernetics. This is why they get an extra three dots in the cybernetic background from start. The trouble is that they do not heal;
instead they have to repair themselves, more of this later.

Camouflage: The Meklar camouflage themselves by creating humanoid bodies, which with the right makeup look human. But
their minds are more difficult to camouflage, because they are usually pretty cold and calculating. If they are damaged they also
lose one humanness, which is not given back if they are repaired. They have to remodel their human-like body separately. Which
is also described later.

Humanness: 4, subtract one for every wound the character gets.

Technology: Mechanics, 5 others. The Meklar have always mastered mechanics, and also know the Cygnan tech by heart.
Force: None. But Meklars can learn force.

Mrrshan (Meer-shun)
The Mrrshans lived on the same planet as the Zanirion, which they avoided because of their special abilities. When the Cygnan
came and talked about their mission of peace they had a hard time convincing the Mrrshan, and contact was tense in the
beginning. The Mrrshans had already learned to avoid other sentient species. But soon the Cygnan succeeded in convincing the
Mrrshan about their actions, and the Mrrshan planet was involved in the Cassiopeian union. The war against the Hivemind was
already at bay, and the Mrrshans knowledge of battle was needed; soon the Cassiopeian union could count important victories
to their favour.
The Mrrshans are a people whose history is much more forceful than any other of the Cassiopeian union. Therefore they usually
serve as guards or soldiers. But they are also renown for their technical knowledge.

Appearance: The Mrrshans are predators, and one of the best on their planet. They have powerful jaws and long claws on feet
and hands. They also are equipped with two small extra arms, usually folded up by the sides of their upper abdomen. Those are
used to hold prey in close combat. Their skin is light green to dark brown in colour, and they have prominent boning around their

head, neck, shoulders and chest which grows bigger with age. They do not have any ears on the sides of their heads, but
instead have two tunnel looking slots on top of their head, which goes down on each side of their necks. This gives them very
accurate hearing forward. Their sides are watched by their eyes, which are located on the sides of their heads, and are able to
watch both forward and backwards.

Mutation: The ability which is mostly connected to the Mrrshans is their extremely quick reflexes. They have reaction times
which is greatly below human average, and therefore may subtract four form the difficulty of every initiative rolls, naturally this
can't get the difficulty below two.

Camouflage: The Mrrshans use special cloning apparatus and body reformations to make their bodies humanoid. Therefore
they get no minuses when damaged, but they still look strange if they have a low humanness. But their bodies tend to take back
their original shape; therefore they must treat themselves with hormones and other medicals to stay in shape. But the
humanness still deteriorates. Subtract one humanness for every week without treatment, or one humanness for every month if the
character is treated. They have to visit a genetics lab and take use of the special machinery in there. Rules for that can be read

Humanness: 6, minus one for every week without treatment, or one for every month with.
Technology: Genetical engineering, 3 others. The Mrrshans are well respected for their knowledge with modulation bodies, in
which field they even are more capable than the technical geniuses the Meklar.

Force: Body, 2 others. Some of the Mrrshans are masters in fight, and therefore they have learned to take full use of their bodies
to achieve even greater speed and agility.

Zanirion (Sanirion)
The Zanirion lived on the same planet as the Mrrshan, but they did not interact well. The Mrrshans considered the Zanirion as
parasites and tried to kill them, forcing the Zanirion to withdraw to other parts of the planet. The Mrrshans were not even aware
that they were intelligent. It took a lot of work from the Cygnan to end this conflict, and though they still are not friendly with each
other they have learned to accept each other in the battle against the Hivemind.
The Zanirion is perhaps the most integrated in human society, because they have always known how to hide themselves among
others. Therefore they control many high officials and so on, giving the Cassiopeian union the power they need to stay hidden.

Appearance: The Zanirion mostly resemble trilobites. They have six sturdy legs with strong climbing claws. The small body is
perhaps the size of a hand, half closed, and coloured in dark brown and red. The head is perhaps the most interesting bodypart,
as they have the ability to drill into a victim, to take control of its movement and thoughts. This is a painless process due to the
special design of the head, and it is hard to be aware of the Zanirion until it controls you.

Mutation: The Zanirion have the ability to take control of people by fastening on the base of their necks. There they probe for the
brain and take control of the victim. If a Zanirion controlled body is killed, the Zanirion may survive, if the Zanirion itself wasn't
damaged. The Zanirions body has one in all physical attributes, but it can still withstand seven injuries, due to its shelled body.

Camouflage: The Zanirion takes possession of other creatures, and interacts via them. When a Zanirion has successfully
sneaked up on a victim, it makes contact with the brain, and overpowers it with the control force. Then the Zanirion fasten its
body and lets it interact with its victim's. The Zanirion body starts with a humanness six lower that its original score, but this value
then increases with one each week to the Zanirion's original. This reflects how the Zanirion learns more about its victim, and that
his body is more covered by the victims flesh.

Humanness: 8, minus six in the beginning, but increases with one each week it possesses it's victim.
Technology: None, but they may learn. The Zenarions have never been very much interested in technology, and therefore their
knowledge is sparse.

Force: Control, 4 others. The Juggintos capability of control is infamous throughout the Cassiopeian union, but they are great
manipulators of force in other fields as well.


The humanness is a value of how well the alien has adapted to the human world. This reflects both how human the alien's body
looks, and how human it thinks and acts. Higher levels of humanness means that the alien can be passed on as a human much
easier. You can for example not be surgically operated without puzzling the surgeon if you have a humanness below 8. For more
information, see table below.

Totally alien both in mind and body. Mutations are fully visible


A humanoid body, but nothing more; speaks no human language. Mutations are fully visible
Can only speak a few words, with an alien dialect. No face or details. Mutations can only be seen at close range.
Recommended: trenchcoat, shades and a wide hat. Can speak but with difficulty. Mutation can only be seen at close
inspection in good light.
Looks strange, behaves strange, strange dialect. Mutations are not visible, unless closely examined by knowing
Can manage a medical exam. Mutations are not visible unless activated.
Could manage a psychological exam. Mutations are not visible unless activated.
******* Can fool close friends. Mutations only visible activated.
******** Can have sexual relations with humans. Mutations have halved efficiency.
********* Could manage a surgical examination. The mutations do not work. Can be seen as microscopical regressions.
********** Completely human. The mutations are non-existent
The trouble with humanity is that it becomes harder to use the species mutation.

Chapter Four: Technology

Technology is a rating for how much alien technology a character has. Bigger amounts are stored in secret places, but as much
as three points can be carried on a person. This is usually stored in or around a lab or secret hideout.

Architecture (Engineering)
Architecture was a highly respected technology in the space, but on earth it has little use. Still the architects are necessary for
the Disappearance, and the creation of bases. But no now living Cassiopeians remember the glorious City of High Hopes on

* Construction: This is the basic skill of architecture. To build ordinary facilities, such as skytowers, and underground secret
bases, undetectable on radar or other deep scanning probes. With this skill you can construct the huge underwater or
underground facilities that the Cassiopeians use to hide their secret labs in.

** Powerplant engineering: The complicated structure of a matter / antimatter powerplant needs the most exact calculations.
This is necessary as the energy given is so high, so high even that the plant easily could explode. To make it safe it requires a
multitude of safety regulators.

*** Starship construction: The construction of starships is vital to the surviving of a space exploring race but as the knowledge
disappears the council has been distressed. Without the knowledge of starship building, they are truly abandoned, so they have
tried to rediscover and remember the old skills of starship construction. But new designs are necessary to develop beyond the

**** Beanstalk architecture: The knowledge of construction of orbital facilities is nearly easier than spaceships, but to have an
uninterrupted communication between them and the planet is difficult. This is when the beanstalk comes in. A gigantic beanstalk
that stretches from the base, down through the atmosphere and is connected to the earth. The construction of such an object is
of course of great difficulty.

***** Terraforming technology: This is the advanced knowledge of creating habitable planets from nearly habitable ones. The
process takes thousands of years and has to be closely supervised by the Terraforming engineer. But the knowledge is
essential to the colonisation of space.

Computers (Computers)
The Cassiopeians use a system which resembles ours remarkably much, but they have achieved higher transfer rates by using
a quadrary system instead of a binary. Superconductivity has also cut down on the power requirements, and nanotechnology has
meant that it was possible to create very small IC-circuits, with high efficiency and low power consumption.

* Supercomputers: The alien super mainframes are what they call outdated. Those are the machines who human engineers
have wet dreams about. They are superfast, have gigantic memories, and do not require much energy to work. But they are
mostly based on similar technologies as the human computers, and can therefore be easily constructed by the materials
available on earth.

** Nanocomputers: A Nanocomputers is what is also called a machinery computer. They are created by very small moving
parts, and of course also electric. They are microscopic, and are much more energy conserving than the supercomputers. The
drawback is that they do not have long lifespans. Therefore they are usually built by many replaceable parts, which makes them
easier to maintain. Those computers are used when space and energy is the limiting factors, as in small tools or cybernetics.

*** Cybercomputers: A step towards intelligent that proved easier was to access the problem the other way. If they could not
take the computers to intelligence, then they had to bring intelligence to the computers. By the use of medical research they soon
succeeded in linking a brain to a computer. This led to a lot of knowledge regarding artificial intelligence, which could later be
used to create true computerised brains, and later intelligent software. The trouble with cybercomputers is that the controlling
brain has a tendency to get mad after some twenty years, and also to age and die. Even though the brain is properly treated by
doctors and psychologists they do not grow older than maybe 800 years.

**** AI:s: Even though certain humans claim that artificial intelligence will never be able to be achieved above the logical level,
the Cassiopeians can prove them incorrect. It is merely another development in computers, not based on binary counting, but
comparison. Every logical and random event is compared, to use the best one. They are also self-learning, which means they
learn which solution is the best, and if the AI get into another similar situation, it will used learned facts to be able to act correctly.
The most famous AI on earth is the leader of the Meklar, MMPX-112.

***** Hyperlinked computers: The computer science also won on the development of hyperspace. Because of the difference
in time a calculation in hyperspace always takes no time. Soon a mainframe was built that could move its calculations into
hyperspace, calculate them there, and then retrieve them. The only trouble is that the mathematical rules of hyperspace is
different than ours, so the results have to be remodelled after our space. This is the time consuming part of the calculation.
Another spin-off from this research is that you can tap into different computer systems, and therefore access them even if there
is no external access. This can be used to create the biggest parallel processor in the universe. Of course this is also used to
hack into computer terminals around the world. This has of course leads to some disputes with the Virtual Adepts, as the
Cassiopeians hacked into their systems.

Elements (Science)
This is the knowledge of the basic elements of nature. The alien knowledge of those are far greater than ours; they have
discovered that there exists superheavy elements that have greater stability than we have achieved. Elements without this
stability can also be sustained in specific fields, that stop the deteriorating reactions in the atoms nuclei. This is also the science
of anti-matter, elemental particles and hyperspace particles.

* Superconductors: The technology of superconductors that operate in room temperature was discovered a long time ago by
the Cassiopeian scientists. They discovered that the crystal order was best built in super high gravity environments, and so they
soon took gravity generators to use. Now the technology is widespread. Although superconductive cables are difficult to
produce, much could be obtained from the gigantic factories spread though Cassiopeian space. On earth it is a completely
other matter.

** Anti-matter: To handle anti-matter is a difficult problem, as matter and anti-matter transform into high energy gamma
radiation when exposured to each other. But the anti-matter can be kept in specific containers. But this technology mostly means
how to create and take use of anti-matter and the energies that could be obtained by the use of it.

*** Superheavy elements: The superheavy elements are such famous atoms as the Elerium-115, Argandium-127 and so on.
Those elements are created in specific accelerators, that construct the atoms. Many of the atoms deteriorate quickly, but with
some luck a small percentage survives and proves stable. But the stability is of course limited.

**** Superstoragers: This was an important breakthrough in the development of hyperdrives. The enormous energy output
needed to move a ship into hyperspace was hard to achieve with the spaceship's reactors alone. But by the development of
superstoragers, a sort of battery capacitor, made it possible to store huge amounts of energy, and then let it out in a quicker
rate. This is necessary to power the energy consuming hyperspace aggregates. This meant that the ships could get smaller, and
faster. Even small battleships could be of Hyperspace capability, if they could recharge at a mothership.

***** Hyperspace particles: The science of hyperspace particles is extremely complex because of the different nature of
hyperspace. Few people can really grasp the idea of how they work. But this science is perhaps the most researched one on
earth, because of the hyperspace field, it is such particles that hold the aliens stuck on earth.

Energy (Science)
Energy has always been a useful force to control. The military has a specific liking of the science, as it can easily beee used in
weapons. The science of energy is not based on kinetic or potential energy, but rather electrical, radiation or chemical energies.

* Radiation: This is useful when controlling electromagnetic radiation. With this you can focus rays into beams, or use it to do
other things. New methods are found out on a weekly basis, as electromagnetic radiation can be used to so many things.

** Magnetic/Electric: To control magnetic or electric fields is somewhat tougher, but can be done by special instrument.
Magnetic energies were early used to create flying saucers, but the discovery of the gravitational field proved less energy
consuming than to lift crafts by use of the planet's own magnetic field. This technology is also used to try and repel the magnetic
fields creating the Aurora Borealis, but so far only limited successes have been achieved.

*** Power plant operations: To operate a matter/anti-matter power plant is difficult. Therefore the operators are highly rated
professionals, who have studied a lot to achieve this level of knowledge. The operation requires precise use of both radiation

and magnetic/electric fields, but once they are achieved you can have an enormous output of energy. This skill can also be used
to operate the simpler and less dangerous fusion reactors. But they do not have the same energy output as much energy are
used to heat up the plasma. This is not necessary with matter/anti-matter as you can have the energy output you wish, whenever
you wish.

**** Transmitting: The trouble of transmitting energy has always been a problem. One solution was superconductive cables, but
you can't draw them through space. The development of hyperspace communicators made it possible to transmit energy though
hyperspace; the losses are still great, but many people have great hopes for it in the future. Research is being made on earth,
but not in such a large scale as it needs.

***** Hyperenergy: Based on the research of transmitting energy via hyperspace has led to the hypothesis that you can tap
hyperspace itself on energy. This research has great resources, as it could prove viable to the defeat of the Seltorians. Thoughts
about a superweapon, being able to send out deadly bursts of hyperenergy on attacking foes are also useful. Maybe the war will
soon move completely into hyperspace. Some sceptics claim that such a draining of hyperspace could prove disastrous, as they
do not know the links between realspace and hyperspace.

Fields (Science)
The field science also developed much after the discovery of superheavy elements. The first steps forward was, as usual, made
by the military. This was the development of particle shields used to block, or at least slow down incoming objects. The blocking
takes huge amounts of energy, therefore the technique of relapsing energy was found out. This meant that the field, if not
encountering anything it can effect, simply bends back and recharges the generator. This meant that energy was only needed
when objects tried to break in. Now the Cassiopeians could use superstoragers to store energy for those crucial moments when
it was needed instead of deploying the huge amounts of energy which only dissipated though the universe.

* Particle deflectors: The first real field technology developed was particle fields. When any mass tries to penetrate the field, it
is attacked by a force of high energy photons, which forces it to go another way. Instead of hitting the object, it is repelled in
another direction.

** Cloaking devices: Another one of the military's efforts was cloaking devices to be able to construct a field which rotated all
beams around it, efficiently cloaking everything inside. The first cloaking devices only cleared an area from sensor outputs; this
worked fine in the beginning, but soon the sensors learned to see the cleared areas of space. This technology was not usable
on planets either, because a black area seem to attract attention. But soon the technology was better, being able to duplicate
the areas behind the object, giving them a non-appearing status. There even exist duplicating fields, which creates a picture
instead of hiding something.

*** Gravity: The fields to affect gravity was another important breakthrough in field science. By dispatching the gravitons around
the field the Cassiopeians were able to create weightless objects, such as flying saucers. One of the drawbacks was the fact
that the surrounding gravitons tend to break up into photons, emitting light and maybe a whining sound.

**** Stasis: The stasis field is a bubble in which time passes very slowly. An object in a stasis field could be there for thousands
of years, and still not have aged more than a couple of months. This is used to storage very unstable or radioactive elements.
What is believed to happen is that the stasis field moves its interia to hyperspace, and gets it back with repeating intervals from
the time it was put in. Sometimes the object has also aged quickly, or been terribly mutated into other shapes. Organic tissue
also has a sensitivity, similar to hyperspace sensitivity but nothing has still been able to be monitored from the inertia of a stasis
field, as no observations could take so little time. This means that the theories are still untested.

*****Hyperfields: The stasis field is perking on the edge of hyperspace, creating a passageway between them but Hyperfields
are really used in hyperspace. The development was first issued by the military, to be able to make hyperspace cloaking
devices but this seemed very difficult. Now the research is based on stopping the aggressive Sol hyperparticles to invade the
hyperspace aggregates and force them to overload. This is so the Cassiopeians can return home.

Genetic engineering (Medicine)

The usage of genetic engineering has always been a subject of debate, but the weakening of the Cult allowed Cygnan scientists
to start researching. Soon the good effects overruled the bad, and genetic engineering was not again to be forbidden. Even
though the Cult still keeps a wary eye on its users.
The skills of genetic engineering among the Cassiopeian races is much greater than ours. One of the biggest breakthroughs is
the development of fast growth cloning. In special cylinders with the right mixture of different substances, the growth can be
accelerated. This environment at first tried to copy the environment in the womb, but soon the technology achieved even quicker
results. This has also lead to the development of the regeneration tank, as bodies can be quickly healed, without scars, in such
an environment, and with the same genes.

* Duplicate organs: The Cassiopeians can regrow any organ, except for neural ones, in special machines. But they at least
need a part of that organ.

** DNA-engineering: This level of skill makes you able to create DNA out of a blueprint, with the special DNA-weavers. With

this skill you do not even need a part of the object for cloning, only a printout or a piece of its DNA. You can also make your own

*** Fast growth cloning: With this level you can operate the advanced cloning chambers. Mix the correct liquids, and make
them grow your required specimen.

**** Create mutation: With this skill you can implement mutations into a foster, even in fully grown creatures. Even though the
mutations then have to be looked after, to see if it mutates correctly. You can give someone completely new sets of organic
tissue, and even working organs, like wings or gills. Even though that still is difficult.

***** Create lifeform: Life is the creation of god, someone said. So also in the Cygnan world. It was when the Cult has lost
almost all of it's power to the scientists that this technology could be researched in. To create a lifeform is one of the most
difficult things you can try. This requires that you have full knowledge of the ecology in which you want to implement it. Then you
have to design the genes, create them, test, redesign, recreate, retest, and so on, until the specimen has the required

Machinery (Mechanics)
The masters of machinery are the Meklar; their android bodies represent the cutting edge of mechanical devices. The
Cassiopeians mechanics have not developed far from humans, but the use of new materials and nanoscience has helped it
greatly. Some of the latest breakthroughs have also contributed much in the belief that machinery still isn't a dead science, but
are closing into the realm of life.

* Robots: The Cassiopeian robots are not extremely highly developed in comparison with human, but they can take usage in
their special materials and computers, to create robots that are highly advanced. A robot factory linked to an AI is a most useful
tool, as the AI has full control of the complete factory, and can create anything it is ordered too. Of course there exist ghost
stories of such self-producing factories gone wild. Another useful thing about robots is that they are not affected by the same
things that kill Cassiopeians or other organisms, therefore they usually take such missions as cleaning up radioactive or
dangerous places.

** Exosuits:The use of external machinery that reads the moment of the body, and enhances it is still very useful. This
technology has been widespread in loading bays and by the military. Sometimes exosuits are also linked to cybernetic implants,
to allow a quicker and more accurate reading of the body's movements.

*** Androids: This is a step beyond robots. An android is a nearly exact replica of a living organism, but made by robotic parts.
This gives it the same mobility and flexibility as a living organism, but such things as breathing or weakness is of course
removed from the design. Androids are also usable as spies, as they can be built in almost any shape. The drawback is that
such a design is hard and expensive to construct, and usually a normal robot can do the same task.

**** Reconstructive machinery: This is the mechanical equivalent to smart materials. This is a machine that can respond to
outer stimuli, and react accordingly. Now I do not talk about pressing a button, but if a projectile hits any place of the surface, the
machinery itself will move harder plates in the way, maybe even covering up the hole. This ability is very useful in space battle, as
a hole can prove devastating. The machinery can even be built in such a way as it reacts logically to the stimuli, not requiring a
computer, but a computer is of course always good to have linked to it.

***** Morphic machinery: This is the most advanced machinery yet developed. By the use of nanomachinery, small machinery
and special alloys, it is possible to make a machine out of a morphic mass (like the bad terminator in T2). This machinery is
usually fitted with a computer or link to a computer, which is needed to control the advanced mechanics of the body. Then the
machine can be moulded into any shape desired; of course smaller moving parts are unnecessary, as the body can do the
major tasks anyway. It is composed by strong magnetic fields, and usually has a magnetic shielding not be disturbed. Some
morphic machines can even change the texture, colour and feel or the surface, imitating such things as human skin, or clothing.

Materials (Engineering)
Chemistry has lost its usage in alien science for now they know how to create most compounds with machines, and in perfect
solutions. Therefore the knowledge of chemists was passed down to the technology of materials. Alien materials have a wide
variety of uses. Almost all are tailor-made for their special purpose.

* Plastics: This is the knowledge of creating and inventing different polymers. Alien plastics are widely spread. Some are
harder than steel; others are lighter than aluminium; others are flexible as rubber and some are conductive. In short, they have a
wide variety of uses and specifications.

** Alloys: Alien alloys are also tailor made, with just the right mixture of the correct metals. There even exists alloys with nonmetal components; they are also grouped under alloys. The alloy technology went back as plastics really came through, but soon
it was learned that the alloys still meant a great deal to construction. Alloys have a hardness never achieved by humans, and they
can also be superlight or liquid or have any other important aspect.

*** Smart materials: The Cassiopeians have great knowledge in what is called smart materials, materials which react to outer
stimulus. For example there exist metals that if they are _?_ they create a harder and thicker surface by themselves. There also

stimulus. For example there exist metals that if they are _?_ they create a harder and thicker surface by themselves. There also
exist metals that regain other forms if electricity is conducted though them, or if exposured to heat or cold.

**** Crystal metals: The invention that meant the most to the survival of metals is the creation of crystal steels. It was discovered
that steel, and other alloys, together with other compounds, could regain a crystal structure. This meant that the metal not only
grew somewhat lighter, but much stronger. Some objects even have the ability to regain its old form completely when not
affected by forces.

***** Pikocomposed materials: It was the discoveries of pikobots and crystal steel that made it possible to create
pikocomposed materials. They are the cutting edge of material science. Pikocomposed materials are build atom by atom,
instead of mixing metals and hope that they fall in the right places. This makes it possible to construct materials with exactly the
correct abilities, such as super hardness.

Medicine (Medicine)
This is the skill of using operation methods and other medicinal approaches to heal, damage or change the body. Of course this
mostly applies to knowledge about the Cassiopeian races, but research, mostly by Cygnans, have resulted in methods applying
for humans as well.

* Surgery: Alien surgery is far more advanced than what we know now. They mostly apply microbots to probe the inside of the
patient to remove or treat injuries. The most used tool with this skill is the automed.

** Neurosurgery: The surgery of the nervous system is more advanced than simple organic surgery. But then the effects can be
so much better. With this skill you can treat such things as brain damage, Alzheimers and such. This technology even applies to
the construction of nervous systems, including reconstruction of the brain.

*** Cybernetic interfaces: To connect the cybernetic machines to the nervous system you have to know a bit more than to
simply grow nerves with each other. This skill is mostly used to 'trim' the equipment, and shows that you are capable of that.

**** Bionics: The more advanced form of cybernetics is bionetics. With this you can install complicated organic tissues, which
helps the body in different ways. This is the knowledge to how to apply those to existing nerves, and to make the body adapt the
organ without killing it, or the contrary, that the organ kills it's host.

***** Body reanimation: Wen you have reached this level of knowledge, you can get dead creatures to start living again. Of
course you cannot make destroyed or dead tissue live again, but you can replace it. You can also do such incredible things as
brain replacements.

Nanomachinery (Mechanics)
Nanomachinery is a pretty old science; even humans have nearly aspired the first level of this technology. But the development in
this field has been slow; this is mostly to blame on the hardship in surviving the effect of different solutions. The world is very
small, and therefore difficult to explore. Most nanobots are built by nanomachinery, that is constructed by the help of
nanomechanics, which is made by the scientists. This procedure also meant that the construction takes a lot of time.

* Nanomechanics: The first thing to be learnt is nanomechanics. This is necessary when understanding the nanomechanical
world. This level represents theoretical knowledge about nanomechanics, and the ability to create simple things as moving parts
or levers.

** Nanomachinery: This is the creation of generators, motors and more advanced moving parts. Now the scientist can build the
machines necessary to control and drive other nanomachinery.

*** Create nanobots: Nanobots are small independent nanofactories. Capable of travelling around on their own, constructing
other nanobots or repairing things. They work somewhat like living cells, but are made of mechanical parts rather than living

**** Advanced nanobots: Those nanobots can also be fitted with nanocomputers, or be controlled by the outside, via
radiowave patterns or chemical substances. They can even have an own limited intelligence, but no real AI capability.

***** Pikomachinery: This represents the cutting edge of nanomachinery. When nanobots are build of extremely small
mechanical devises, pikomachinery is made by some very few atoms. They are placed in such a structure that they catalyse
different reactions, thus giving them the same abilities as nanobots, but they are a lot smaller.

Sensors (Engineering)
With the knowledge of elements and electronic radiation, the Cassiopeians could soon develop highly advanced scanners. Now
there exists a myriad of different scanners, of both varying efficiency and size,. The biggest, placed on orbiting platforms around
bigger planets, are able to scan for lifeforms on other planets in the nearest solar systems, or for incoming vehicles, even in


* Communications: The most basic usage of scanner technology is to create realspace communicators. These are compact
communicators with a very quick and interference-free communication. This knowledge represents both simple handheld
communicators and around the word relay stations.

** Energy scanners: The field scanner is the simplest form of scanners. They pick up information on magnetic or radioactive
energy and relay them to the user. They can also measure gravitation and electric charges.

*** Life form scanners: All life emits signals; the basic ones are chemical substances such as smell and carbon dioxide, but
also electric signals, and wave patterns in hyperspace. The life form scanner picks up such things, processes them, and relays
to the user facts about lifeforms.

**** Mind scanners: A more complex machine than the mind is hard to find. But the very sensitive mindscanners pick up the
small chemical and electrical discharges in the brain, as well as hyperspace patterns of thoughts. This knowledge is usually
operated by interrogators, being a very useful tool when separating truths from lies. It is also usable to determine the intelligence
of a new species.

***** Hyperspace scanners: These are the most complex scanners available. Hyperspace is hard to reach, and hyperspace
particles seldom interact with realspace. Therefore hyperspace scanners usually are partially moved into hyperspace, to be able
to monitor the movements and ripples of hyperspace. Those scanners initially served a military purpose, namely to spot
incoming vehicles before they appeared, being able to attack them when they are weak.

Chapter Five: Forces

The forces are the alien's means to control their environment and themselves. Some forces can be used at range; their difficulty
is listed in the following chart. Of course those difficulties are very variable, and merely an example.

This represents the control that aliens have over their bodies. Allowing them to heal quickly, or give them extra strength. Those
forces can only be used on oneself. However, Zanirion has managed to extend this to their host bodies also.

* Strengthen: This force allows you to manage incredible feats of strength, as hurling a man through a concrete wall. System:
You may add Body to your strength total whenever you wish.

** Heal self: With this force you may turn your concentration inwards and speed up the healing processes enormously. You have
to sit and rest for one hour to do this. System: Roll Body + Medicine against a difficulty of 8. Each success allows you to heal one
health level.

*** Quickness: This force represents the supreme speed with which some aliens react. However, it takes one turn to evoke
those effects. System: Roll Body + Brawl against a difficulty of 7. Each success gives you an extra action to perform any time
during the battle. You may not do more extra actions than your dexterity in any single round. It takes one turn of concentration to
evoke those effects.

**** Toughness: With this force you can call upon an extreme toughness to survive in dangerous situations. It is this force that
makes it possible for aliens to take multiple gun wounds and fall from a high building, and still attack the hero in the movie.
System: You may add your score in body to the number of soak dices you can use when damaged. You can also sustain as
many wound levels above bruised that you have dots in body.

***** Metamorph: This is the ability that Jugginto already possess; therefore they have reach such mastery in this force that they
can also transform themselves into a gas form, and float away as they wish by means of telekinetic powers. They also have
much easier to copy non-humanoid objects. System: Roll Body + Expression against a difficulty that varies according to how you
try to look. To copy a human of the same size has a difficulty of 6. But this may be higher if you try to make a copy of a specific
human. The number of successes is the time, in hours, that this shape can be held, before you have to spend a willpower to try
again. If no willpower is spent, then you retain your original shape within half an hour. You can also spend successes to increase
any physical attribute, or appearance. One success can also be spent to move 2 dots between any physical attribute or
appearance. Only Jugginto can still copy objects, but you can make yourself fit in narrow quarters.

This force is used to control other living beings. One of the major drawbacks is that you are unable to control beings if you are
not touching them, at least if you haven't reached level four. Until then the victim has to be touched.

* Motoric control: With this ability you are able to force the victim to do one or more motoric actions, as pressing a button or
hitting someone. Of course you have to touch the person, if you can reach his spine or head this is of course more easy. The

victim knows what's happening and can resist. System: Roll Control + Investigation against a difficulty of the victims willpower.
Each success gives you control over one action. The difficulty is increased by three if you do not have contact with the spine or
head (i.e. with the nervous system). The victim may spend one willpower to resist one action. The controller does not need to
touch the victim as the commands are done, but they have to be done simultaneously.

** Mind control: This allows you to change the patterns of a persons thoughts. He will think the ideas and plans is his own.
Cassiopeians usually use this force to hide their presence, and make humans do as their wish. System: Roll Control +
Subterfuge against a difficulty of the victims willpower. One success enables the controller to change the outcome in instant
unimportant decisions, like which drink to order. With five successes the controller may change the victims personality and
thoughts to suit his needs.

*** Telephatic command: With this force you no longer have to touch the victim, but can affect him within a distance. System:
Roll Control + Persuasion against a difficulty of the victims willpower. If the victims know what is happening he may try to resist
with a willpower roll against a difficulty of 5. Each success allows you to

**** Telepathic control: This allows the controller to take full control over a victim. The drawback is that the controller can't take
control over too many victims a time. System: Roll Control + Leadership against a difficulty of the victims willpower. For each roll
the controller can control up to successes victims. For example, if a controller already controls a victim, and wish to take control
of another victim, he has to score at least two successes. If a controller, who controls three victims, wish to control another, and
only scores two successes, he may only choose two victims to take control of.

This force is used to magnify your own mind. Mind was the first force to be discovered, and has developed much under time.

* Concentrate: This is used to focus your mind on one skill. System: Roll Mind + Performance against a difficulty of 7. Each
success gives you that number of dots in any desired skill. This lasts for a scene. One of the drawbacks is that you can only
concentrate on one skill at the time.

** Rest: Sleep has always been disturbing. By the use of this force, its user are able to go on without feeling sleepy or needing
to sleep. System: Roll Mind + Survival against a difficulty of 6. Each success allows you to nullify 3 hours of sleep (Aliens have
adapted to the 8 hour sleep of humans). Three successes meaning that you do not have to sleep.

*** Read mind: The force of mind is not only deployed with your own mind, but you can affect other minds as well. Read mind
means that you can read the thoughts of a person. System: Roll Mind + Emphaty against a difficulty of 6. The number of
successes show how much of the person is uncovered. If the victim knows what is going on he may resist with a willpower roll
against a difficulty of 7.

**** Mindspeak: With this force you can communicate with another mind. The one affected will feel this as another voice
speaking in his mind. You can also read what he is thinking for the moment, at least his outer thoughts. But he may try to resist. It
is also easier to persuade people this way, as they might consider the thoughts their own, but this is not as powerful as complete
control. System: Roll Mind + Intimidation against a difficulty of 6. The number of successes needed are affected by range. The
victim may also try to resist, with a willpower roll against a difficulty of 7. Each success lowering the score by one.

***** Change mind: This is one of the most powerful mind tools that are available. With this force you are able to wrap
someone's thought as you wish. This is very useful when persuading people, or making them forget. On many occasions this has
saved Cassiopeian bases from discovery, as masters of mind have made them think that this is nothing, or that they are mad.
System: Roll Mind + Subterfuge against a difficulty of the subjects willpower. The effects of this force is hard to feel, therefore no
resistance roll may be used. One success means that you can make the victim feel nervous, or bored or anything. More
successes makes it possible to make greater changes. With five successes you can change the complete personality and
beliefs. With three successes you may choose a new demeanour for the victim, and with five both a new demeanour and nature.
If you wish to be free from the effects, you have to spend an equal amount of willpower to the successes of the Change mind.

Mindbattle is one of the most aggressive mental usage of the force. With different tricks and ways of attack you try to disturb the
nervous system, and on higher levels, try to knock it out.

* Disturbance: By inciting different understreams in the opponent's mind, you try to disturb him, give him a headache or a
muscular spasm. System: Roll Mindbattle + Streetwise against a difficulty of 7. For each success you may subtract one dice
from the opponents dice pool. The effect lasts for one turn. Of course you can do other actions, but that requires that you split
your dice pool.

** Incite delirium: With this force you can affect the persons nervous system, giving him illusions. You cannot control this feeling
so much; it is rather the victims fears and phobias that you call forth. The victim might, for example, feel sudden changes in
temperature, or see differently coloured spots before his eyes, or anything like that. System: Roll Mindbattle + Emphaty against a
difficulty of 6. The more successes you score, the more real the delirium is, and the longer it stays. One success might only
make the person feel hot or cold. But five successes makes him see and feel his worst phobias. For example, a Vampire sees
the sun, a Werewolf becomes consumed by a Wyrm-beast. Each success gives deliriums for one round. Due to the disturbing

the sun, a Werewolf becomes consumed by a Wyrm-beast. Each success gives deliriums for one round. Due to the disturbing
nature of delirium, each success removes one dice from the victim's dice-pool, for as long as the effect lasts. But such illusions
can induce rotschreck or frenzy.

*** Destroy memory: This force is used to destroy memories, wipe them clean and remove them forever. This is a lengthy and
difficult procedure, and has to be done with precise skill, otherwise too much may be removed. This effect has also been used in
mind combat, wiping the opponent clean. System: Roll Mindbattle + Subterfuge against a difficulty that varies according to what
you are trying to achieve. If you merely try to wipe someone clean, the difficulty is 4, but if you try to remove a specific memory
the difficulty may be 7, or maybe even 8. The victim may try to resist with a willpower roll against a difficulty of 6. This is a
continuos task, ending when you have scored a number of successes equal to or greater than the victims willpower. Then the
memory is completely wiped out. A battle wipe works in the same way, but then you hit every memory you can get, not destroying
it completely. Each success lets you temporarily remove two dots of a chosen ability. The victim will be able to roll one regain roll
after each sleeping period which means that he may roll a number of dice equal to the lost dice in each skill + 1, against a
difficulty of five. Each success means that he regains one dot in the ability.

**** Mental shield: This force is very useful when dealing with mindbattle. It is not an attack, but a defence. It is meant to block
away any attack against ones mind. This is done by letting the attack slide by outside the brain which means that the user is also
immune to passive mind skills. System: Roll Mindbattle + Expression against a difficulty of 6. The number of successes is the
number of automatic successes you have on any resistance roll against any power that affects your mind. You may still roll your
resistance score, but add this to your result. This includes not only mindbattle and other mind forces, but also the Mages mind
sphere and Vampires dominate and such. The effect lasts for one scene.

***** Brainkill: This is the most devastating attack that can be made with mindbattle. It is even worse than destroy memory, as it
does not affect what the brain holds, but the brain itself. Killing of parts of it. System: Roll Mindbattle + Leadership against a
difficulty of 7. Each success lets you subtract one willpower score from the victim permanently. It also allows you to subtract
successes dots from the victim's mental attributes. No attribute can fall to zero before the others have reached one. The first
attribute to fall to zero is perception, meaning that the victim lose all sensory contact with the outer world. The second attribute is
wits, transforming the victim into a vegetable, i.e. he cannot act on his own accord and is completely lame. When intelligence
reaches zero the brain is completely dead, and the body has to be linked to a machine to survive. If willpower reaches zero the
victim becomes a mindless zombie.

Sense is useful when you try to see things. This represents the extremely accurate sensory organs that some aliens possess.
This does not make you see better, but gives you the ability to see different things. But also remember that you are not blinded
by all things you see, they are merely different colours. A source of strong electromagnetic radiation can blinded you though, and
increase the difficulty seeing things in the same spectrum.

* IR/UV: This force allows you to see both in the ultraviolet and infrared spectrum of sight giving you a limited heat vision, and
allowing you to use ultraviolet lamps, rather than normal, which are undetectable by humans. System: Roll Sense + Alertness to
spot things, rather than Perception + Alertness. The difficulty may vary, for example to spot a human in a dark room (the human's
infrared radiation that is) has a difficulty of 7. To spot a vampire in the same room has a difficulty of 9, (Vampires do not radiate
much heat).

** Sonar: Now you have the ability to hear ultrasounds, and sending out such sounds. This makes it possible for you to "see" by
hearing reflecting sounds. You can also communicate with others in this matter, and can hear others using sonar. System: Roll
Sense + Investigation to "see" things. The difficulty varies depending on the size of the target, and how much disturbing noise
there is. Another sonar can hinder you from seeing things. The difficulty is also higher if there is a lot of objects in the air, like
scraps of paper or snow.

*** Electromagnetic Sight: When you have reached this level of sense you can see all types of electromagnetic radiation from
radio waves to gamma rays. Your senses are also improved, and you are no longer blinded by strong light; you can also see in
much less light than usual. System: Roll Sense + Science to see things. The difficulty may vary, but remember that you are no
longer blinded by other sources of energy. Even if you stand in the middle of a great field of radio waves, you can spot normal
light as easily as always. The difficulty to see a human's IR output in a dark room is now a difficulty of 5, and to do the same thing
with a Vampire is around 7.

**** Sense Minds: This is a very powerful sense force. Now you start to turn your gaze inwards, instead of outwards, and can
feel presence, rather than see it. The easiest thing to feel is patterns of thought, as they create ripples in hyperspace, detectable
by the sensitive. System: Roll Sense + Empathy to spot someone. The difficulty may vary, but remember that even vampires emit
thought pattern and can be spotted as easily as humans. Smaller minds can be more difficult to feel. For example, to sense a
human that tries to sneak up your back is 6, because the humans thoughts is directed towards you. If the human would have
been sitting behind you in a restaurant, ignoring you, the difficulty would have been 9, partially because of the background

***** Matter Sense: This is the ultimate art of inward gaze. Now, not only minds are sensed, but also all matter around you. You
can feel the density and composition of every material near you. System: Roll Sense + Engineering against a difficulty, varying
depending on the size and density of the target. To sense and identify a gas is around difficulty 8, supposing you know which
gas it is, for example Intelligence + Science. A liquid around difficulty 6, and a metal around 4. This also varies according to size.
To spot a nail in the wall lies around 7 but to see a wooden plug in a wooden wall lies around 9.

This is force affects matter, rather than mind. It is both the ability to move objects, and to change them.

* Switch: This force lets you move small movable object, like a light-switch or a button. Even though this is not very powerful, it
can prove very usable. This can also be usable to gear a car, or remove the parking brake. System: Roll Telekinesis +
Computers against a difficulty of 4. This difficulty can change if the object manipulated is big, or is hard to move. Only one
success is needed, but many can make it possible to switch quicker, if that is necessary.

** Manipulate: This force allows a greater manipulation of many devices. Like making an engine turn, or to open a lock without
the key. You can also use this to affect electronically devices, like opening an electronic lock. System: Roll Telekinesis +
Mechanics against a difficulty of 5. But this difficulty may wary according to which kind of object you are handling, and how well
you know how it works. To open a normal, seven cylinder lock may be a difficulty of 6 but skipping the procedures in a computer
that accesses the security ROM, may have a difficulty of 9, and require more successes.

*** Move: This is the ability mostly associated with Telekinesis, the ability to move things through air. The objects can be rotated
and levitated, or even fly at high speed. System: Roll Telekinesis + Zero-G movement against a difficulty according to the weight
of the object. I recommend that you use the required strength to lift it, then add 2. The number of successes shows how well you
can handle the object, spin it in the air, and strike persons.

**** Reshape matter: With this level of expertise you learn that objects do not have a specific appearance, but is rather a
reflection from its hyperspace shadow. A shadow you have learned to manipulate. Now you can wrap a object in any shape you
like. This does not require that you bend it, but you change its appearance to whatever you wish. This means that if you bend an
icetap into a knot, the icetap does not break, but ties itself nicely together. System: Roll Telekinesis + Expression against a
difficulty of 6. The successes shows how well the transformation proceeded. One success only deforms the object, while five
makes it exactly as you wanted it. The storyteller may increase the difficulty if he thinks that the object you are trying to make is
very complex. For example a perfect replica of a dollar note from a piece of paper has a difficulty of 8 and a usable handgun
from a ashtray of iron may have a difficulty of 9 or even 10, and you also need ammunition.

***** Teleport: This allows you to move yourself, or anything else, to another location, via hyperspace. Moving living matter can
be very dangerous though. System: Roll Telekinesis + Dodge against a difficulty of 7 for yourself, 8 for another dead object, and
9 for another living object. The difficulty can also vary according to the size of a object. To move an elephant has a difficulty of at
least 10 for example. A living creature can also resist, by rolling willpower against a difficulty of 6. If the successes of this roll is
greater then the teleportaion successes, nothing will happen. If you botch a teleportation, you will show up somewhere else, or in
the same spot, with a number of aggravated damages; at least as many as your botch "successes."

Chapter Six: Cybernetics

Cybernetics is another way aliens can boost themselves. As production of such objects is difficult, and they tend to reduce the
carrier's humanness they are not widely used by all aliens. The Meklar use them, to say the least, a lot.

Humanness reduction:
For every second point of cybernetics implanted, you will lose one point of humanness. However, this may be reduced by using
bionetics instead. A bionetic implant has the same characteristics as a normal cybernetic implant, but you can spend up to two
of the implants dots to reduce the humanness reduction by one for each dot. However, this reduces the efficiency of the implant
by as many dots. For example, a level five implant, which normally reduces humanness by 2.5, could be reduced to a level four
implant, but only reduce humanity by 1.5, or could even be reduced to a level three implant, thus reducing humanity by 0.5. The
only way to create a humanness non-reducing implant is to spend four dots on it, using two dots to "heal" the humanness
reduction. Of course any implant can't add on to humanity; any negative loss is treated as no loss at all. All decimals are rounded
down. Humanness can also be risen with experience points or freebie points to ten, after implants have been added.

Armour plating: This is an extremely durable and thick skin. The higher levels are even fire proof, or acid secure. Each dot
adds one to your soak total.
Dots Protects against
Normal damage (like falling, gunshots, lead pipes)
** Extreme heat and all above
*** Fire and all above
**** Acid and all above

***** Radiation and all above

Built in tools: Each dot allows you to have one built in tool, or a high technology. But of course that technology has to be bought
or constructed with technology points as well.

Drug injector: This device can inject drugs directly in you blood vessels and anyplace other they are needed. It also monitors
you activities and can insert antidotes for many drugs and diseases. By this means it can increase your stamina with its own
level. You may also have one type of drug for each level that you can inject at any time you wish.

Extra strength: Each dot adds one to your effective strength.

Impulse accelerator: Each dot gives you one extra initiative dice.
Internal computer: This is an internal database that feeds you information. This means that you will get the database level in
any knowledge skill. The maximum skill level the database can give you in any skill is the number of dots you have in this Implant.
Each database can be bought from the beginning with one freebie point per dot. You can of course also program your own
databases, but this requires an Intelligence + Computers roll against a difficulty of 5. The numbers of successes means that the
database is programmed to that level. This level may not exceed the number of dots you have in the appropriate knowledge. If
someone else feeds you with information, which means that the maximum level is his numbers of dots in the knowledge, the
difficulty of the Intelligence + Computers roll is 7.

Internal supply apparatus: This is a series of operations in which you replace, duplicate or toughen the internal organs. This
means that you for every dot can ignore one wound penalty. You can also sustain this much extra damage above the original
three under incapacitated.

Secret compartments: The number of dots decide how big secret compartments you have.
Dots Size
Extremely small (Cigarette lighter)
** Very small (Diskette)
*** Small (Hand grenade)
**** Large (Gun)
***** Very Large (Small firearm)

Virtual Reality interface: Each dot gives you one extra dice when handling computers, or hacking into software. If anyone
wants to do cyberspace rules, please send them to me.

Chapter Seven: High technology

The aliens technical tools are another way to gain superiority over humans, and other creatures on earth. Even though they are
not constructed in such an abundance as on Cygnius, there still exists a lot of them. The Cassiopeians have learned to recycle
and reuse their own materials to produce their tools.

Automed: Automed is short for Automated Medical Portable Bed. It is a foldable bed with a cover. It can contain an injured
patient, which can be treated in various manners. You can hold a dead person alive for one hour for each success on a
Intelligence + Medicine roll against a difficulty of 9. This may be enough to get the patient to a regeneration tank. You can also do
surgery in the field with this, and heal a person's wounds that way. The automed is equipped with a multi-user interface, which
gives you fingertip control over a lot of functions; this means that you can perform surgery which normally requires many persons
Technology: 5
Mechanics: 2
Medicine: 3

Gamma rifle: The gamma rifle is the latest in military design. It uses advanced sensors and computers to calculate an
interference course of a lot of gamma rays of different frequencies. This means that the gamma rays pass through armour, to the
interference point, where it blasts a small area with a lot of energy, melting the surrounding material to plasma. The effects of this
weapon means that armour and walls are nearly ineffective against it. The gamma rifle is usually also equipped with a powerful
life form scanner, that allows it to spot life forms on the other side of walls, and shooting them down. All this energy is stored in a
small superstoragers, mounted behind the handle. This superstorager only has enough energy for 8 shots. The gamma rifle is as
big as a normal rifle.
The gamma rifle does 8 points of damage, but you may not soak with your armour. It can also shoot through walls.
Technology: 9
Elements: 4
Sensors: 3
Computers: 2

Gauss rifle: This is an old, but still effective, alien weapon design. This rifle propels small, magnetically charged projectiles with
high speed. The calibre is very small, but the rate of fire is so impressive that it simply slices the victim apart. There is no such
thing as single fire on a gauss gun. The shells are caseless and have a long reach. They are also armour piercing because of
their small size. The gauss rifle is about as big as a submachine gun even though it has a long barrel.
The gauss rifle does 2 points of damage per success scored. It also ignores the first two points of armour you have.
Technology: 4
Energy: 2
Mechanics: 2

Life form scanner: This is a standard scanner, made to detect moving living creatures. It also has a small computer, to help
display the results, and to filter out static.
To detect someone, roll Perception + Computers against a difficulty of 7. The roll and difficulty may vary, according to conditions.
Technology: 4
Computers: 1
Sensors: 3

Flying saucer: Only a few of those technological achievements exist on earth, and they are closely monitored by the silencers.
They fly by creating a zero gravity field around them, and propels itself by jet streams. It is also equipped with cloaking devices,
rendering it invisible. Flying saucers are very agile in the air, and can land in almost any condition; it can also work under water. It
is not extremely quick, and does approximately mach 2,5 at best. It can also reach orbit, but there the hyperspace particles of
earth hinder it to go any further. Many Cassiopeians have tried though, but the saucers exploded.
Technology: 18
Architecture: 3
Computers: 2
Energy: 3
Fields: 3 + 2
Materials: 2
Sensors: 3

Micro medbots: These are the cutting art of Cassiopeian medical abilities. Small nanobots enter the bloodstream, to do their
intended work, for example to operate a clogged blood vessel, or to heal a broken bone. They can also do brain surgery, and
are very useful in neurosurgery.
If you have micro medbots inside you, you are able to heal one health level per day.
Technology: 9
Medicine: 5
Nanotechnology: 4

Personal cloaking device: This is the most lightweight cloaking device available today. It is a harness which you strap on. The
controls are placed in front of the belt, easily accessible. It has an active lifetime of 8 hours, and can easily be recharged in any
earthling socket.
This device subtract four difficulty levels from any stealth rolls. At least when considering sight.
Technology: 7
Computers: 2
Fields: 2
Sensors: 3

By John R. Harford (

"That sense of 'something wrong' is shared by all those who bear the monster image -- innocent and evil alike. Monstrous
killers...are examples of..."wrongness," of something gone haywire. Or as Charles Manson liked to put it "Helter Skelter."
-- Vincent Price, Monsters
In traditional werewolf mythology there are as many variations on the legend as can be found in tales of vampires and sorcerers.
Much of this is attributable to the region and period from where the tale comes. By liberally borrowing from these stories, and
adding elements of White Wolf's World of Darkness, a more comprehensive and "gothic" figure than those described in The
Apocalypse and its supplements can be integrated into Vampire chronicles. The creatures described here are only an
adaptation of elements of myths. They may be further folded, spindle and mutilated to fit the chronicle that they are used in.

What is the same, what is different

The werewolves that I have constructed are similar to those found in The Apocalypse only in ways that match with what I have
gleaned from legend and folk-lore. Their differences will be readily apparent to regular players of The Apocalypse.

Similarities to White Wolf Werewolves.

1) Werewolves are affected by the lunar cycle. They are more likely to change into a monster or animal on nights of the full moon.
Scholars and mages believe that lycanthropy originated as a curse or gift from some primordial god of the moon, or that it is a
disease (ability) which was transported to this reality by spirits of the lunar sphere. These answers are lost in the mists of time,
and are about as likely to be uncovered as such ancient treasures as the Book of Nod or the Al Azif.
2) The root of all Lycanthropy, Luna, is tied (according to occult philosophy) to the metal silver. Therefore, silver has a
devastating effect on werewolves. All werewolves take aggravated damage from silver (some can and some can't soak it). Fire
is the great purifier; werewolves also receive aggravated wounds from fire.
3) The fangs and claws of Werewolves deliver horrible, ripping wounds. These count as aggravated damage.

1) These werewolves have no broad social order. There is no such thing as tribes, septs, or auspice, and only loosely is their
such a thing as breed. There are no grand-scale moots, and werewolves are usually loners, not pack creatures.
2) There are no such things as gifts. Most werewolves have some supernatural ability beyond their changing which are called
Enhancements; they function like equivalent vampiric disciplines in basic ways. Many lycanthropes do not even recognize these
as preternatural beyond their wolf-form.
3) The Wyrm and eco-warrior tendencies are non-existent in this werewolf mythology. On an individual level certain werewolves
may be naturalists and suspect a greater corrupting force but the majority of werewolves are either humans who only are vaguely
aware of just how different they are, or are malevolent and wicked beings themselves. There is also no Litany followed by
werewolves. In fact, most True Lycanthrope are only peripherally aware that others of their kind exist.
4) Werewolves do not instinctively hate vampires. If a True Lycanthrope is aware of vampires, they will hate the Kindred
according to their own will.
5) Werewolves only have 3 forms: human, wolf, and a mid-range bipedal wolf-man form resembling the crinos forms.
6) There is no such thing as the veil or the Impergium, though certain aspects of werewolf attacks cause a kind of Delirium.
7) The character point pools of gnosis and rage are not used by these creatures; willpower is the main attribute utilized for
supernatural effects. Unless it fits for the character, the werewolf has no natural affinity to the "umbra," spirits or fairies.

I. True Lycanthropes
"O comfort-killing night, image of hell!
Dim register and notary of shame!
Black stage for tragedies and murders fell!
Vast sin-concealing chaos! Nurse of blame!"

-- Shakespeare, The Rape of Lucrece

A true lycanthrope is the creature most commonly called a werewolf. It is a human being who has the ability to transform into a
wolf and sometimes into a hulking bipedal creature that is a human and wolf hybrid. Their transformations can be controlled with
much discipline and will; on nights of the full moon, mastery over the change is often non-existent. When the change takes hold, a
beast consumed by a feral bloodlust emerges. There are several ways in which humans become True Lycanthropes:
1) Birthright: Many myths surround those who are born under the sign of the wolf. Some say a wolf-attack on a pregnant woman
will result in a lycanthropic birth. Others say that vexations, rapes, and demonic pacts cause this sort of creature's conception.
Most commonly though, it seems that a lycanthropic "gene" of supernatural origin runs in certain bloodlines and manifests
randomly in various generations. It is said that certain European noble bloodlines inbred to maintain a strain of lycanthropy. The
ferocity and awe imparted by the curse appealed to many dark age warlords. In times past though, a host of court seers, local
witches or even elder shapechangers in the family could lead a young lycanthrope through the first pubescent shifts. 2) Magic:
Many human mystics desire the power of the transformation. They go through extensive lengths to procure spells, potions,
artifacts or learn of mystic place which harbor the primal forces to infuse a human with the power of the wolf. Some myth-based
suggestions are: Hidden grottos and streams, deep in old-world forests which are infused with ancient power. Drinking water
from these places can infuse the person with Lycanthropy.
A specially crafted cape of wolf's fur, enchanted by powerful sorcery can grant the changing ability while worn.
Infernal pacts are sometimes the root of true lycanthropy.
Possible methods of gaining lycanthropy are endless depending on the flavor of the chronicle and ingenuity of the storyteller.
In today's society the born lycanthropes usually know that in some way they are unique but often gain no guidance through their
changes. A few mystic cults harbor and raise children who are lycanthropes -- worshiping them as avatars of their deities. In
some rural parts of the world small clans of werewolf families exist, and they largely stay on the fringe of industrialized society. It
is even rumored that a few international powers are aware of werewolves and rear them at an early age to be assassins and
Even without these guides, the beast within young werewolves delivers a strange instinct. As if by some call, when the change
(especially the first few changes) is about to occur, the werewolf flees...usually "running away" from family and friends. When
alone, the transformation occurs, and the beast emerges for its hunt. In the morning the young werewolf usually knows something
odd has happened (waking naked, marred from the night's running, and sometimes smeared with blood is a big tip-off), but is
unsure what... It is sometimes only after years of black-outs coinciding with wolf-sightings plus vague memories of the night's
running that some werewolves realize what they truly are.
Naturally, werewolves tend to be loners, often social misfits and drifters on the edge of society. Sometimes though they integrate
well, and those of strong will can control their changes to one degree or another.
Werewolves (though rare) can be found in all social strata. Despite myth there is no way to tell them from normal humans save
that herding and game animals always feel uneasy around them and children often react negatively to their presence. They are
usually moody and anti-social but this is not a rule. Some go through life hiding their state, making themselves scarce around the
times of the full moon, never sure when they will again lose control...

Character Creation
True Lycanthrope characters are built with the same point allotments as for neonate vampires. They include all aspects of PC
generation down to humanity, virtues, and "discipline" points used to buy Enhancements. Concept, nature and demeanor are
important as they define the role of the creature in the story and accent the fact the a Lycanthrope is primarily a person who is atodds with their own unknown forces.
At this writing, only a few Enhancements are detailed; assume that they function like the Vampiric Discipline or Discipline level
listed next to them.
Resilience Enhancement (Fortitude: levels 1-5 available)
Speed Enhancement (Celerity: levels 1-5 available. Extra actions occur with no point expenditure once activated)
Might Enhancement (Potence: levels 1-5 available)
Stalker's Veil (Obfuscate 1: Cloak of Shadows)
Bestial Wrath (Presence 2: Dread Gaze)
All of these powers are instinctual and pop-up as the need arises (Beast's Wrath kicks in to scare off a group of thugs in an alley
etc...) in wolf form. Some werewolves have been known to keep company with normal wolves; this also is evidence of some sort
of Animalism. Certain powers may even be used in human form as governed by the Link Shape background trait (see below).
The manifestation of discipline like powers gives credence to the theory that werewolves and vampires have some distant
common root (some say the demon Lillith)..
Each True Lycanthrope also possesses a dice pool called the "Control Pool." The Control Pool is equal to the Werewolf's
current Willpower score. Also added to the pool is a number of dice equal to the character's level in Linkshape.
Linkshape is a new background which has been developed for Lycanthropes.

Linkshape represents how in tune the human and animal nature of a lycanthrope are with each other. The background governs
the ability of the werewolf to control its change, remember activities while transformed, and use certain supernatural powers.
Possessing this background must be explained as having a learned agent who (another werewolf, a cult, a relative) guided the
werewolf through its changes or else as massive expenditures of willpower. Player Character werewolves should consult with the
storyteller on how high of a rating they may take and how they got it in the first place.
After initial generation this trait may be purchased or raised depending on how the chronicle progresses. Doing so always costs
massive amount of willpower and experience spent over periods of time and sometimes (at judge's option) seeking out one
skilled in the ways of Lycanthropy to impart their knowledge. Magical methods of becoming a true lycanthrope often impart some
level in this background (but sometimes not...).
Werewolves with no Linkshape background cannot remember anything they do while transformed and in wolf state act purely
like ravening beasts. They rarely more than suspect what they truly are and what happens during those mysterious blackouts.

The werewolf senses that she is different. She knows after her changes that something dreadfully supernatural has
occurred and may remember general emotions and disjointed sensory impressions of her activities while in wolf-form. At
this level, the lycanthrope can curb animal instincts while in wolf-form by succeeding in a self-control roll against difficulty 7
or spending 2 points of Willpower. A werewolf with one dot in Linkshape is not able to use her discipline powers in human
form. To buy the first level of Linkshape beyond character creation costs 8 experience points and 15 willpower spent over
a period of time towards affecting changes and actions while in wolf-form.
** At this level bits and snatches of actual sights, sounds and smells may be recalled from a change period. At this level a
wits + perception roll of difficulty 8 may be made to recall specific events from the change period. The werewolf is usually
pretty aware of his condition at this level of Linkshape and may control his killing tendencies while in wolf-form by scoring a
6 or higher on a self-control roll or spending a point of Willpower. It costs 3 Willpower for discipline use in human form at
this level of Linkshape. To buy level 2 of Linkshape after initial character creation costs 10 experience points and requires
the cumulative expenditure of 12 Willpower points. Most player character werewolves will start with no higher Linkshape
score than this.
*** Now whole individual scenes can be recalled after reverting to human form, but time and sequence are still disjointed.
Details are hazy but may be recalled with a wits + perception roll of 7 or higher. Also now, the werewolf retains some of her
human reasoning facilities while transformed and can react on more than an animal level when overtaken by nightmarish
compulsions; the judge should allow self-control rolls of difficulty 6 or higher or the expenditure of a willpower point for the
werewolf player to control his character's actions. Enhancements cost 2 willpower to use while in human form. To gain level
3 in Linkshape after character generation costs 15 experience points and 15 willpower points. Note that this is usually the
highest level of Linkshape a lycanthrope attains during their natural lifespan without extensive occult or mental training.
**** While transformed a self-control roll of 5 or higher is necessary for a werewolf to manipulate his actions and when returning
to human form he can remember scenes and activities in detail. Enhancements only require one willpower point to be
used in human form. To rise to level 4 in Linkshape costs 20 experience points and 15 willpower points.
***** Now the lycanthrope is fully aware of her animal side. It seems nearly as natural to be in wolf form as it does in human form
yet the overall desire of the transformed werewolf is to hunt and kill. Memories pass freely between the states and control
over actions comes more readily (self-control roll difficulty 4 or willpower expenditure). The werewolf can use her
Enhancements while in human form simply by making a willpower roll of 5 or greater. Attaining this level of mastery over
the beast is arduous and long, often taking years of mental discipline and conditioning; 30 experience points and 15 more
willpower points are required to do so.
Willpower, as the judge sees fit, may be cheaper to buy for a true Lycanthrope or initially be equal to Self Control X2. This may
allow a more mature or balanced werewolf a bit more freedom, as almost the whole supernatural aspect of the character is
controlled by willpower.

The Change
"You know the feeling when adrenaline takes control,
can't beat the rush that leaves a suicidal hole.
Instincts spare no one -- destroys the human heart,
The taste of blood can rip your soul apart."
-- Slayer

Involuntary Transformation
When the beast comes to the surface it manifests itself as the most savage incarnation of predation imaginable. Rational and
abstract thinking are virtually non-existent (and are only vestigial even at very high levels of Linkshape). The sole purpose that the
wolf takes over the human is to spill and taste blood.

The Full Moon

Though the full moon is hazardous to a werewolf's social life, change during this time does not always happen. It is
recommended that the character be allowed a roll from his Control Pool when the full moon rises (whether or not she can see it).
The difficulty for this roll and all other rolls where the lycanthrope is fighting against transformation is equal to the following

Involuntary Transformation Difficulty #: 10 - (werewolf's humanity score); minimum of 2.
Depending on stressful circumstances, substance abuse, derangements etc. Up to 3 successes could be required for control
over the change. During crucial human life cycle events (puberty, menopause etc...) the number of successes required could be
increased as well. If the werewolf scores the requisite successes, then the person does not change into a wolf (her natural will
and humanity has won out over the beast inside of her). If this roll fails, the wolf takes over and waves of racking pain (effectively
reducing the werewolf to mauled for one round) as the change begins...
What happens once the change occurs should be played out as extensively as possible. But one thing must be clear: in wolf
form the werewolf is a hunter. Its beast nature manifests itself to satiate its need for flesh and blood. Once transformed, the
werewolf roams the country side searching for victims. When running, the werewolf will attack those it comes across unless it
succeeds a self-control roll according to its Linkshape score (difficulty 8 if no Linkshape is to be had). Should it fail this roll the
werewolf will attack and to the best of its ability kill those encountered. In a gory feast the beast will lap up as much blood and eat
as much of the victim as it can. Once this is done its lust will be sated for this month and it will slink off and revert to human form.
If the initial self-control roll is passed, then the werewolf may continue along its way until the moon goes down, it runs across
another target (and repeat the self-control check), or accumulates 5 successes on an extended self-control roll (Note if it botches
this at any point it will immediately enter frenzy and kill all it finds). Should it rack up these successes or remain in wolf-form until
the moon sets, it will then revert to human form and be freed of the curse for that night. Until a kill is made, a Control Pool roll
against change must be made for each night of the full moon during that month. Once the lycanthrope has feasted under the full
moon it does not need fear the moon until the next month's Full Moon phase. The beast can still be brought out in other ways...
During the transformation, unless the Werewolf's Linkshape is high enough, situations will be reacted to largely on an animal
level. Threats, desires and fears will be acted upon bestially. Should it botch any self control rolls while in wolf-form it enters a
state similar to a Kindred's frenzy. This involves rampaging about, destroying and killing as much as possible. In frenzy though,
werewolves do not suffer dice penalties due to a wounds; this is often a meager exchange for the toll Frenzy can take on a
shapeshifter's humanity...

Quick alternate system: To simulate the hunt and transformation without extensive role-playing, the storyteller may wish to
make a hunt roll for the werewolf as if it was a vampire looking for blood. Failure means that no target is found that night and the
werewolf safely reverts to human form in the morning. Success means that the werewolf has found and killed a victim (by the
way, werewolves do not cover their kills like a vampire...). A botch means that the werewolf encounters a hazard or problem in its
nightly forays (which should be role-played). Also, if desired, the storyteller can simply determine whether or not a change occurs
during a specific lunar cycle by offering an extended Control Pool roll requiring five successes on the first full moon night of the
lunar cycle.
If a werewolf kills during its running, then a conscience roll is in order. The difficulty should be in the 4-6 range unless the
werewolf did something really heinous in wolf-form (ate a bus-full of nuns or slaughtered his own ailing grandmother). A botch on
this roll earns the werewolf a derangement.
Ironically, once a werewolf subdues the beast on the night of the full moon it is lost until the next moon-rise. Voluntary change
cannot be utilized. The person will seem to be depressed and moody. Only if provoked (see Provocation) by wounds or torture
will the shift occur.

"You wouldn't like me when I'm angry..."
-- Dr. Bruce Banner, The Incredible Hulk
Werewolves are sometimes pushed to transformation when the beast inside them feels threatened (especially on nights of the
full moon). Being severely emotionally tested or physically assaulted could force a shapeshift. The storyteller may decide that
taunting, non-lethal assault, humiliation and the like is enough to draw the beast to the surface. It is the storyteller's choice as to
whether or not the beast will surface. To fight the transformation a check on the Control Pool against involuntary change must be
passed otherwise the werewolf transforms and attacks its abuser. The storyteller should use provocation sparingly as it could
lead to excessive humanity loss for the werewolf. On days during the full moon cycle, picking a fist fight with a lycanthrope can be
a fatal mistake...

On The Edge...
When a player's werewolf character reaches 0 Humanity two options are available: the character is taken over by the storyteller
as a non-player character or the character can still be played. If the character remains under player control it falls under the 0
humanity rules for mortals (pp 34 Vampire 2nd Edition Player's Guide). As derangements keep building up, the beast becomes
harder to control. Eventually the werewolf will begin to rampage; the attention of mortal or supernatural authorities will be
attracted and the werewolf will be put down.

Voluntary Change
From the perspective of these rules Lycanthropy is a curse more than it is a blessing and transformation should be avoided.

Sometimes though, circumstances may be dire and the werewolf may wish to voluntarily transform. Remember that the clothes
of the werewolf do not change with him or her, and that onlookers will remember what they saw. A voluntary change usually only
lasts a short period of time and is assumed to deal with a particular problem. The exact duration of a voluntary change is
subjective and largely up to Storyteller discretion. Upon "coming down" from wolf-form the person will be exhausted, any strength
or endurance based tests will be at a plus one to the difficulty number.
To see if the werewolf can make a voluntary change a Control Pool check is made against a difficulty determined by the
storyteller. Outside the full moon phase the difficulty should be at the lowest a 7 - higher if there is no immediate danger or
enticement. During the days of the full moon the difficulty can be as low as 5.
Even if change is voluntary, when blood is first tasted, the werewolf must make the self-control roll against frenzy. The storyteller
can also decide that the now loose beast will pursue its own agenda if targets present themselves or its bloodlust is not sated.

The Forms
When a true lycanthrope transforms it will become a large, menacing wolf with feral red eyes and great slavering jaws. It gains
+4 to its Dexterity, +3 to their Stamina and a +1 to its Strength. Its mental facilities remain the same but are largely over-ridden
by animal instinct. The heightened senses of a wolf are also gained in this form.
If a werewolf has at least a 3 in Linkshape then it may have access to another form. During a voluntary change, the werewolf is
allowed to make a wits roll (difficulty 6) or spend a willpower point to assume a hulking man-wolf shape known as the hybrid. This
towering beast walks on two legs and bears the snarling visage and senses of a wolf. In this form a +4 to Strength, +3 to
Stamina and a +1 to Dexterity is gained. It also earn a +3 to any intimidation based rolls and any normal human who witnesses
its use of Dread Gaze while in this form must pass a wits roll of 7 or greater. Failure sends the victim into a spiral of delirium and
insanity, clouding his memory of the incident and judgement regarding what has happened. Botching this roll leads to a
derangement for the hapless mundane. The Hybrid form can also utilize the feat of strength rule (pp213 V:TM 2nd. Ed.).
The chosen shape remains the same for the duration of the change and cannot be shifted further until returning to human form.
As either a wolf or the hybrid the use of weapons, equipment or devices is not possible.

II. Metathropes
Walls trapped within - yellow eyes the cutters
Drooling face rips apart - cuts to the heart
Disease shown let it out movement crosses
Crimson light washes darkened corners
Gently forces open wide and lingering awhile...
--Skinny Puppy, Tormentor
Human survivors of a werewolf attack are rare. The claws of the beasts are caustic razors; the great wolf's maw is dripping
death. On occasion though a person is skilled, stalwart or simply lucky enough to survive such an ordeal. In some cases once
recovery is attained the survivor finds herself to be not so lucky...
When a human suffers wounds from the bite of a werewolf there is a chance that the hapless victim will become infected with a
lesser form of lycanthropy. It is unclear what agent is responsible for the passing on of the curse (it is assumed to be the saliva
sinking into the target's wounds). If the human's health monitor dropped below Hurt due to bites or he was bitten while lower than
this level, then it must check for infection upon healing the wounds.
The procedure for this is similar to a True Lycanthrope resisting transformation. The formula for this check is: (Victim's
Willpower> rolled against <10 - their humanity)
One Success: The person is infected with moon madness. Though his soul has somewhat resisted the infusion of bestial power
he has been tainted by the attack; on nights of the full moon the human loses control of reason. Unless a self-control roll against
difficulty 7 is made (a botch results in a derangement), or a point of willpower is spent the person will begin barking, howling,
frothing at the mouth and capering about on all fours. He will gain a strength and stamina bonus of +1 for the night and may
attempt to bite or claw those who interfere with his antics. Sprouting a bit extra body and facial hair is not unknown; neither is the
elongation of canine teeth and a hardening of the nails (these effects produce a wild appearance but afford no true damagecausing enhancements). Any acts on these nights will be totally forgotten in the morning and often lead to institutionalization. The
person will be constantly plagued by nightmares of murders, the moon, and the howling of wolves.
Two Successes: The will of the human has fought off any physical infection of lycanthropy but the malady has attacked her brain.
One to three derangements will develop over the next several months. These will always be manias, delusions, compulsions or
obsessions dealing with wolves, the moon, or violence. They may be fought and controlled as normal derangements but can only
be mutated into lesser maladies -- never be gotten rid of.
Three Successes (or more): Luckily for the victim of the attack he had the will to overcome the infestation of the Beast. He will
not be plagued by any ill effects. He may however have the intuition that the incident was not the attack of a normal animal and
feel compelled to check up on the details (if any are to be found). It is thought that survivors of werewolf attacks often make the
most fanatical and dangerous monster hunters.

Should the attack victim fail this roll then she become a Metathrope. The metathrope carries the curse of lycanthropy but cannot
further pass it on, and cannot normally tap much of the power that lays in the condition. Upon first becoming a wolf the
metathrope does gain a Resilience, Speed and Might Enhancement which can be used in wolf-form. Later these may be
increased through experience (detailed later).
The advantage that the metathropes have over true lycanthropes is that they really only have to worry about transformation during
the full moon. At this time they will change into a wolf and can resist it with the Control Pool roll against involuntary change. Once
in wolf form they will act as does a true Lycanthrope except that they must score a self-control roll against difficulty 8 to affect any
actions while transformed, and the storyteller may even severely limit this.
Like True Lycanthropes they will be relieved of the Curse on any given month after making a kill under the full moon. The
metathrope can not utilize voluntary change and transformation through provocation is much more difficult. When angered or
abused the metathrope must make a self-control roll from 6-8 depending on the severity of the agitation. If they fail this they will
act like a vampire in frenzy and gain a +2 to their strength and a +1 to their stamina for the duration of the outburst. Only if they
are injured by a potentially life-threatening source will a change occur (follow the guidelines under Combat and damage).
Often metathropes are killed, go insane or commit suicide as a result of their condition. A few though learn to cope with their
new malady or are helped by True Lycanthropes, mystics, or the like. The only way to gain any control over their disease is to be
taught the ways of Linkshape. If no tutors are present the storyteller may allow the charactesr to develop this on their own, but
only if role-playing, the character concept, and the story truly warrants it. In game mechanics it costs 25 experience points plus
the expenditure of a total of 40 willpower points used to control the change and actions during the change over a period of many
months. Once the storyteller is satisfied with the progression then the first level of Linkshape may be purchased. This allows the
metathrope the benefits of the background plus the ability to expand its Enhancements through experience. The background
may be bought up additionally beyond the first level as normal but the storyteller should be strict as to how often this can be done
even with the requisite willpower and experience point expenditure.

It is thought that certain curses and spells occasionally turn their targets into metathropes (sometimes even for short periods of
time). Also possible is that certain magic items or rituals normally used to harness the power of lycanthropy actually induce
Metathropy when improperly used. Once again this is subject to the storyteller and the flavor of their chronicle.
Should a player wish to start a character as a metathrope follow the guidelines for mortal creation in The Player's Guide. She
may declare herself a Metathrope and spend 7 freebie points to represent this. Should the storyteller allow her any Linkshape
then she must pay 7 more freebie points for the first level of the background. The Linkshape of a Metathrope can start no higher
than this and advancement beyond the first level should be more difficult than spending points.
It is not out of the question for metathrope characters to possess Numina as a normal human and even rare True Lycanthropes
have access to these abilities. This should be strictly regulated by the storyteller.

Damage and Combat

Werewolves are naturally resilient creatures. While in human form they can take damage normally. However, once damaged it is
assumed that the werewolf will wish to transform to prevent further harm
On occasions it is more detrimental to change into a wolf (such as in front a large group of witnesses) than take the damage. In
this case the beast inside will attempt to protect itself and come to the surface. If the werewolf wishes to resist the transformation
it must make a Control Pool roll against involuntary change. However, once the werewolf reaches Injured on the Health monitor it
will have to make a second check minus two dice from its control pool. At Mauled they must make yet another check subtracting
four dice. If the condition monitor should hit Crippled and the werewolf is still functional then a check must be passed but without
six dice from its Control Pool. If at any time there are no dice left in the Control Pool then the beast takes over and the werewolf
Once assuming wolf form the werewolf will heal itself while attempting to slay or escape from the injurious source. If the werewolf
was below Wounded when it shifted then it will be in frenzy unless a self-control roll at 1 plus the difficulty indicated by their
Linkshape is passed (9 without Linkshape).
On one hand, if the werewolf is in human form, it can soak silver and take non-aggravated damage from the metal. On the other
hand, human form isn't much good for healing what damage it does take. Once the werewolf transforms the tides of combat
usually turn.
In lycanthropic form the werewolf can heal non-aggravated damage quickly. When resting the werewolf regenerates at the rate of
one level of damage per round. On any round when physically exerting itself (running, in combat) the werewolf must score at least
one success on a Stamina + Survival roll at difficulty 8 to heal. One point of willpower may be spent a round to automatically heal
a level of damage in addition to or instead of making the roll. The roll may only be attempted once per round and if botched
causes that one level of damage to become unable to be healed until after combat.
Aggravated damage (werewolves take aggravated damage from fire, silver, the claws and fangs of supernatural beings, and
certain rare enchanted weapons) can only be healed through time but werewolves heal much more rapidly than do normal

humans. In lycanthropic form one level of damage may be healed a night (or eight hour period) by spending a willpower point. If
not attaining wolf-form or spending the willpower, the werewolf heals aggravated damage at the rate that a normal human heals
damage (pp 191 V:TM 2nd. Ed rulebook); the werewolf does not suffer the loss of a point of a physical attribute upon reaching
Incapacitated as does a normal human. Lost limbs cannot be regrown but even the most severe scars will eventually be
mended. Aggravated damage taken in any form will carry over to other forms until healed.
Metathropes take damage like True Lycanthropes but do not heal it as readily. While in wolf form one level of damage will heal
an hour unless willpower is spent to do so more quickly (a maximum of one level per round). Aggravated damage is healed as a
True Lycanthrope would do so.
Werewolves can not soak any wounds caused by silver weapons while transformed. All other forms of damage are soaked
Only aggravated wounds can kill a true lycanthrope while it is not in human form. This occurs when additional aggravated
wounds are taken while Incapacitated with aggravated damage. Healing up from Incapacitated is accomplished normally
through time or willpower.
When a werewolf fights it uses its claws or its great jaws. A claw attack is at difficulty 5 and is made with a dexterity + brawl roll.
Damage is Strength +1.
A bite attack is also performed with dexterity + brawl and is at difficulty 6. Damage is Strength + 2.
Either maneuver can be performed or a combination may be attempted by splitting the character's die pool. In frenzy or when
feeding a rake with the claws followed by a bite on the following round is a common werewolf attack sequence.
Any werewolf killed while in wolf-form returns to its human identity upon the instant of death.

A Note on Drugs
It is possible for a lycanthrope in human form to be drugged, tranquilized etc... Once the lycanthrope changes however, the wolf's
surfacing attempts to rid the body of the toxin. A stamina roll is allowed against a base difficulty of 5 which may be altered
according to the strength of the drug. Passing this causes to werewolf to shrug off the effects of the intoxication at least until the
duration of its change is up.
If the werewolf fails or botches this roll then the toxin takes effect as normal with appropriate results. Consequently if the werewolf
is Incapacitated then it reverts to human form.
The change is a powerful tool for resisting poisoning but relying on it could have an end result of overconfidence or the loss of

Continued Character Development

The expansion of the linkshape background has already been detailed but as with any other character the player will wish to
expand his werewolf in a variety of ways.
For the increase of Willpower, attributes, skills and virtues use the experience point cost for Vampires. The raising of
Enhancements follows the guide below:
New Enhancement:
True Lycanthrope: 7xp
Metathrope: 10xp
New levels of already existing Enhancement:
True Lycanthrope: Current level X 5
Metathrope: Current level X 7
* New levels of Linkshape cost 5 more experience and willpower per level for a Metathrope than for a true Lycanthrope.
Once again it is the final decision of the storyteller as to what kind of Enhancements the wolf-form affords and how accessible
they are while the werewolf is in human form. Metathropes should be limited to mostly physical Enhancements even at high
levels of Linkshape; it is possible that certain Lycanthropes will develop unique enhancements above and beyond the discipline
like effects.

A Cure?
It becomes the aim of many Metathropes and some Lycanthropes to rid themselves of their infection. Being of supernatural
origin the disease is incurable via scientific methods and is at best difficult to control even via magic.

As with a vampire regaining mortality, whether or not the curse can be lifted, and how it can be accomplished is up to the
storyteller. Traditionally, death is the only sure release from Lycanthropy but a Metathrope struggling against and overcoming its
affliction makes for an interesting story.
Some ideas for this could be the acquisition of an item or spell (and someone who can cast it) that offers control over the
change. It is also a common belief that devotion to a life of purity and martyrdom allows freedom from the curse. Legends also
relate that if a Metathrope hunts down and slays the Lycanthrope who infected him before his first change, then he will be cured
of the affliction.
In the case of True Lycanthropes, casting off the curse should be perilous to both mind, body and spirit if it is possible at all.

Other Lycanthropes
Though "lycanthropy" specifically means the ability to change into a wolf, and the wolf is the most common form assumed by
shapeshifters in European folklore the ability to turn into other animal forms has been reported.
In India, Asia, and South America tales of humans (usually nobles or warriors) who transform into great cats occasionally
"Rat-people" are not uncommon myth figures from cities with extensive sewer systems and ancient catacombs.
No one versed in Nordic mythology has not heard stories of Viking warriors (Berserkers) assuming the form of savage bears in
the heat of battle.
From every corner of the globe humans who can transform into a native animal (usually at night or by moonlight) have been
woven into the local superstitions. A creative storyteller can work these creatures into a chronicle using the True Lycanthrope
and accompanying Metathrope rules, simply adjusting the statistics and abilities of the creature to meet their tastes. It is also
possible that other forms of shape-shifting creatures are abroad, being mistaken for Lycanthropes.

Werewolves and Vampires: What If?

Much has been speculated upon regarding the relationship between
werewolves and vampires. The question will inevitably arise as these rules
have been designed as an alternate system for introducing werewolves into
a vampire chronicle.
Whether werewolves are PCs or strictly NPCs the storyteller must carefully
consider their role in the chronicle. How they will meet up with and interact
with the vampires in the chronicle can be pivotal points of interaction and
conflict. For best effect, these elements should not be based purely on their
differences as supernatural creatures but on their personal motives and
goals. Naturally their differences can lead to interesting situations (based on
suspicion, fear and misconception) especially when such things are
considered as:
Do the vampires know anything about werewolves?
Does the werewolf know anything about vampires or even other
Are the reasons for their meeting social, political, occult?
Who is more afraid of who; is either party afraid of the other?
Not only will role-playing situations and problems occur as a result of
werewolf/vampire interaction but some system questions and stumbling
blocks are sure to arise. These are questions for the WHAT IF? file.

What If a Werewolf drinks Vampire Blood?

Most vampires (wisely) avoid battles with a werewolf and interact with them as little as possible. It is not unheard of for an
exceptionally curious cainite to seek out a shapechanger and either experiment on them or become entangled in a situation
which leads to the werewolf consuming a sizable quantity of vampiric blood. The bestial depths of the werewolf will find the
supernatural vitae a strong lure. This will inevitably lead to even more interesting situations...
Furthermore, if a werewolf which is blood-bound transforms and enters frenzy, the vampire will have to make a Charisma +
Subterfuge Roll (Difficulty 7) to at all influence the beast.
Werewolves can be bloodbound like a normal mortal. Most however will not relish drinking vampire blood while human as they
may detect that it stirs their beast inside. Unless mystically or conventionally secured, attempting to establish the bond while the
lycanthrope is transformed is usually a fatal idea.
If a werewolf (True or Metathrope) drinks kindred vitae in wolf-form the beast will find it the most exquisite elixir it has ever tasted.
Though there will be no immediate effect, the next time that the werewolf smells vampiric blood while changed, it must make a
self-control roll of difficulty 7 or higher to avoid attacking solely the vampire in an attempt to devour them. This addiction only
occurs if the werewolf is actually is able to drink a quantity of the blood such as after a kill is made (a number of blood points
equal to the lycanthrope's humanity is good estimate). Mauling and shredding a vampire does not usually leave enough blood to
entice all but the most feral werewolves.

WHAT IF a Vampire feeds off of Werewolf Blood?

A few rare ferocious (or some say insane) vampires actually hunt and kill werewolves for a thrill. This is usually in search of the
bestially rich vitae coursing through werewolf veins. The blood of a True Lycanthrope is extra rich: every point of blood taken
actually equals two points. More so, this blood is so potent as it allows the Kindred five temporary points of vitae above and
beyond their normal pool. These are spent before any other points but remain until burned by the vampire.
Metathropes do not carry such strength in their blood. Feeding from a Metathrope may give a substantial adrenaline rush but
afford no extra benefits. A metathrope bitten by a vampire however will still undergo transformation involuntarily.
Complications arise in the fact that once a werewolf is bitten by a vampire it immediately begins to transform or will frenzy
(difficulty 8 to resist) if already in lycanthropic form. Few vampires successfully hunt and kill Lycanthropes without extensive injury
to themselves.

Transposition of Vexation: The Kiss and The Curse.

WHAT IF a Vampire is mauled by a True Lycanthrope yet Survives?
Lycanthropy is a disease. It is a malady which infects living tissue encasing a living soul which is guided by a living mind.
Vampires are not alive; they can not be infected with Lycanthropy.
The bite of the Werewolf however is also a curse of some supernatural origin. If a vampire is knocked below the Hurt health level,
the Curse will infest its blood and excite the beast inside of a vampiric soul, attempting to draw the vampire closer to itself. Once
bitten the vampire will find himself more easily agitated -- all difficulties to resist Frenzy are two higher until it burns every drop of
blood that was in its body at the time of the werewolf attack. Also during this time, the vampire will be Hungry at 5 or less blood
points instead of 3 or less, and react accordingly to the sight and smell of blood.
Any new blood taken in by the vampire will be saturated with the lycanthropic essence. For example, if a vampire has four blood
points in its body after a werewolf attack, burns all but one of those points, but then fills up to seven points -- all seven of those
points must be spent for the curse to be gone from its body. If at any time more blood was to be taken in before all seven of
those points were gone, the new blood will also be so infected. The curse will only be gone when no infected blood is in the
vampire's body for a period of 24 hours.

WHAT IF a Vampire Embraces a Werewolf?

Rarely does a werewolf undergo the embrace. Usually only if intentionally captured and given the Kiss will the problem of a
lycanthropic undead even need be addressed. With certain sects, clans and individuals who would seek to experiment in such a
ghastly way it does occasionally happen.
When a werewolf is embraced it (like anything else) technically dies and is then brought to unlike by an unearthly fuel (the blood).
In doing so, even for an instant, the lycanthrope reverts to human form and to one degree or another becomes trapped there
during the process (as the vampiric blood captures the state of the body at the moment of its death).

What exactly happens at this time is that the beast within the lycanthrope is overcome by the new sentient monster in the
vampiric blood (though the two "demons" are closely related if not originally from the same source). The wolf attempts to
internalize this new presence: integrating with it or dominating it. In short the wolf will try to destroy or become one with the
vampiric blood. Upon the embrace the lycanthrope must make a Willpower roll against a difficulty of 7. This represents how well
its natural beast fends off the curse of undeath.
Should the werewolf score one success on the willpower roll it dies. In an attempt to resist the embrace the beast explodes
outward -- causing a series of random transformations which mutate, contort, warp, and split the flesh and bones of the werewolf.
The hapless creature perishes in an agonized fashion.
If two successes are scored then the werewolf survives the process but is not entirely undead. The lycanthrope is now a ghoul of
sorts. It retains its shape-changing ability and supernatural powers. It can now also learn additional vampiric disciplines and
have a blood pool (equal to 10) but there are two major drawbacks. First off it must drink vampiric blood as a ghoul - monthly,
weekly or daily depending on how long it exists in this state. The vitae will afford extended life as in the case of a normal ghoul
but the werewolf will crumble to dust if not given vampire blood. Wounds no longer heal automatically (as the body is no longer
truly alive); blood must be spent to do so. It also continues to suffer involuntary change when the moon is full.
Three or more successes means that the werewolf fends off the intrusion of vampiric blood. The beast metabolizes it and utilizes
it. It becomes a ghoul as above but is not physically addicted to Kindred blood unless it begins to consume it regularly. Its
lifespan is not altered unless it become a full-fledged ghoul. Should no additional Kindred blood be consumed, then in one
month the werewolf's blood will detoxify and revert to normal. During this time the werewolf will feel sluggish and lethargic but
suffer no real ill-effects. In the month right after the attempted embrace or should it continue to feed off of vampire blood the
lycanthrope will maintain a blood-pool. Voluntary transformation can be achieved simply by spending a blood point and
foregoing the Control Pool check. This transformation will only last half an hour (as the beast is fueled by the blood) unless
another blood point is spent or the Control Pool check is then made. If taught, the werewolf can learn vampiric disciplines and
use them in any form. Their bodies can still heal normally without blood expenditure. Werewolves who survive the embrace to
this extent often develop a psychological addiction to vampiric blood as if they had tasted it (see above).
If the werewolf scores no successes on the willpower roll then the beast has been subdued. The creature will die, and then rise
as a vampire as if it were a normal human. It will be of the appropriate generation and clan. The lycanthrope will be stuck in
human form and can not transform. This, and the embrace process will inflict two derangements upon the hapless creature.
Frenzy rolls will always be at +1 due to the beast's lurking close to the surface -- searching for release. Also, on nights of the full
moon the beast will still attempt to take control. The vampire will suffer moon madness, as a human surviving a werewolf attack.
Even if the madness is fended off on a particular full moon night, all frenzy rolls to be at +3. The Enhancements had by the
werewolf will translate to the appropriate discipline but higher levels will be unlearnable unless it is taught by another vampire.
In rare cases something goes horribly wrong with the Embrace. If a botch is rolled on the initial willpower roll then the primal
energy of the werewolf will fuse with, corrupt and be totally transformed by the infusion of vitae. It's body will burst into flux; an
state is assumed by the creatures's flesh. The lycanthrope is now undead -- of the same generation and clan as the vampire -but most kindred will not wish to stay to follow up on their new childer. The creature will have the claws, jaws, and hulking stature
of the hybrid form, but its flesh flows, shifts and oozes. It's features constantly drip, slide and meld like molten wax. In its visage is
every face of horror, agony and rage imaginable. The Kindred who are aware of these creatures call them Golems (originally
meaning "shapeless or faceless mass" in ancient Hebrew). It is mostly the clans Nosferatu, Gangrel and Tremere who encounter
Golems -- the first two due to the nature of their wanderings and the latter due to their interest in the occult. Any one with a
willpower lower than 5 glimpsing a Golem for the first time must make a courage roll of difficulty 5. Failing this the viewer will flee
hysterically as he seems to see the faces of all he knows -- contorted, grotesque, and demonic -- reflected in the bubbling flesh.
Botching this will cause a derangement in the victim.
The Golem feeds on, uses and stores blood as a vampire. Any enhancements are converted to disciplines. The creature has a 0
appearance. It is susceptible to fire, sunlight and takes aggravated damage from silver (which it can soak with Fortitude).
Stakes will not affect it though. The creature can not normally shape-shift; it is physically equivalent to it's former hybrid form.
Though physically mutated, Golems retain all of their mental facilities. It is horribly aware of its state and most of these creatures
have no knowledge of how to rectify their condition. It will almost always earn one derangement upon its unfortunate embrace.
The creature is also very prone to frenzy: all of its difficulties to avoid it are at +2.
Both vampires and werewolves (as well as most other creatures) shun these monsters. They usually end up in the most deserted
woodlands, sewers, and urban waste-lands. Around their lairs there is no natural animal life. Normally victims are wayfarers who
stray into their domain or humans whom these beasts stalk. Victims do not usually survive their attacks -- the bodies are
promptly disposed of. They can neither pass on the curse of lycanthropy or undeath. Areas inhabited by Golems develop a
reputation of being cursed or haunted.
Should a Golem find a Kindred who can tolerate its visage then the creature may learn vampiric disciplines. With obfuscate it
can to some degree mask it's horrid shape. If a Golem is taught vicissitude (if it knows enough to seek this discipline) then it can
learn to alter its form and cohere its flesh. Of course, it is susceptible to the derangements associated with this discipline.
The only sure way for the monster to regain its form is to seek a return to mortality. This must be handled accordingly to the
chronicle it is presented in. But it can be assumed that if the creature can shed its vampirism then it will return to life as a


All of this must seem like a staggering amount of new ideas to digest, especially if it smashes your preconceptions of how
werewolves should be in the World of Darkness. Even as I re-read it some of it looks foreign and I hesitate in judging as to how it
will be received. It would wreak havoc in an established chronicle based on stereotypes and preconceived notions. I have found
that by introducing these werewolves into a fresh setting and by warning players to forget what they think they know about
werewolves, it affords many interesting role-playing opportunities.
Vampire: The Masquerade is one of the most comprehensive studies in role-playing the darkness in the human soul that I have
seen. It is this darkness and all the stories of the lycanthrope that have fueled my dreams and nightmares and possessed me to
create this system. I hope some of you enjoy using it as much as I did writing it.
The ideas and systems regarding Lycanthropes, Metathropes, Golems, Control Pool are the copyrighted property of John R.
Harford and have been distributed for non-profit gaming enjoyment.
The Masquerade, The Apocalypse, World of Darkness, Nosferatu, Tremere, Gangrel, Gifts, Tribes, Septs, Moots, Kindred, and
Garou are all copyrighted property solely of White Wolf Game Studios.


By Evan Franke (

This creative effort was inspired by White Wolf's brilliant supplement, World of Darkness: Mummy, as if you couldn't guess. I am
indebted to them for inspiration and the original creativity behind the Gothic Punk universe. While I was thinking all of this through
and making it all I was encouraged, questioned, aided and tolerated by various members of the list including Richard Scott,
Philippe Duchon, Ophelie, Sam, Thanatos, Dave Kennard, phil, Jonathan, Spike, and CE. I would like to especially thank Dave
Oakes (whose name I can usually spell) who peppered me with questions after every post, who encouraged me, and without
whom I would not have finished this. So, with that preamble let me open the way to a new perspective on Kay Pacha, the middle
world and earthly realm.
Mummies. The very word conjures visions of ancient Egypt, of pharaohs and priests lying in their ancient tombs, and some few,
guided by the ancient gods, who walk the earth today on their secret missions in the never ending war against Apophis, demon
serpent of the underworld. There are other truths to the word, mummy, however, and paths more hidden from our consciousness
and the games of Jyhad and Masquerade. There are mummies more ancient than those of Egypt.
On the western coast of South America a fisherfolk without pottery or metals began to develop elaborate funerary customs,
including the mummification of their dead at around 5000 B.C. We now know them as the Chinchoros people, but their true
name is lost to memory as no written records appear in South America until the Spanish Conquest. As with most small groups,
they probably called themselves "the people." These first Chinchoros mummies, those who have not become part of the eternal
cycle of rebirth to the earthly realm, are now found from the port city of Ilo in southern Peru south to the area around San Pedro
de Atacama in the North of Chile. These folk, for their most elaborate mummies, disarticulated the bodies, cleaned the bones of
much of the soft tissue and built frames of cane and coverings of painted clay to preserve the body intact. The crucial parts
saved were the bones and the hair, integrated now in the mummy. This differs from the concerns of the Egyptians, and points to
a divergent tradition of magic.
The concern for the people of the Andes was not the body as the repository for the soul, a shell that must be maintained, but
rather, that certain parts of the body, the bones, the hair, especially the skull, were crucial markers, beacons for the return of the
spirit. Magic may clothe the bones with flesh again, but without something to lead the spirit back, the connection between "the
people" and the ancestors is lost. The concern for maintaining concrete ties between the living and the dead clearly emerged at
this juncture, not only with the Chinchoros, but also farther to the north with the people of La Paloma by 4000 B.C. (near modern
day Lima, Peru) who salted their dead to preserve them. These beginnings heralded an ongoing tradition of physical links
between the living and dea;, forever afterwards there was always somewhere in the Andes, if not everywhere at all times, where
the people preserved their dead, and spoke to them in times of need, and in some few communities, they expected their dead
to come back to them, to lead them again through crisis.

History and Culture

Developing an Andean Mummy character, whether as a player character or an antagonist, presents problems for most of us,
because unlike Egypt, the Andes have made little impression on our collective consciousness. For Egypt we have had movies,
television specials, hugely popular museum exhibitions, novels, comic books, and the Steve Martin song "King Tut." Almost
nothing comparable prepares us to play a character from the Andes, someone quite removed from our familiar western
traditions. If this "supplement" is to be finished, I cannot prepare you to take on this challenge adequately. I will give a
bibliography for future investigation, and I will give you a ground zero. In the end it is up to you how far you go to clothe the bones
I give you with flesh.

Quick and Dirty Andean Culture and Prehistory

The culture of the Andes extends from highland Colombia and Ecuador through the coastal and highland regions of Peru, the
highlands of Bolivia, Northwest Argentina, and the highlands and coast of the northern half of Chile. There is both amazing
diversity and unity throughout this region and the cultures of these countries remain alive and developing, rediscovering and
reinventing themselves. Today much of the culture has a facade of European Christianity, under which native structures still live.
The principles which structure their universe can be summed up (in highly simplified form) as 2, 3 and 4. These numeric
principles have terms attached to them, terms usually used to defined people and space. Though there were many languages
throughout the Andes, and there are still quite a few native tongues alive, the terms best known are those used by the Inka, the
last great power in the Andes. Their language, Quechua, was the imperial standard (like Latin for the Roman Empire) and
Quechua terms will be standard in the following text (because it is what I know). The first term deals with basic duality,
male/female, up/down, right/left. Hanan embodied the principles of upper, right, and maleness, while Hurin was lower, left, and
femaleness. For defining the principle of three for population and spatial divisions on earth, the upper term was Collana, the

middle term Payan, and the lower term was Collao. However for us, the importance of three is in reference to the three realms of
the universe, the upper world (and celestial realm) of Hanan Pacha, the middle world (and our earthly realm) Kay Pacha, and the
underworld Hurin Pacha. The principle of four divided both people and the entire world, for the land of the Inkas was the Land of
Four Quarters, Tawantinsuyu, which was composed of Chinchaysuyu (North?), Cuntisuyu (West?), Antisuyu (East?), and
Collasuyu (South?). The numbers game, two transformed to three, within a vision of four gets very complex and few people can
fully comprehend it let alone explain its operation in Andean life. This should be enough to get you started (or utterly confused).
Time for the Andean peoples is cyclic. There are eternal cycles of Chaos and Cosmos. Now is a time of Chaos for them, for the
Cosmos was shattered when the Spanish destroyed the Inka Empire. Mummies have their own cycle, where each one creates
and recreates for herself. Chaos is the time of searching and traveling through the realms as a spirit, and the Cosmos is
restored when they again incarnate on Kay Pacha, to attempt to shield their people from Chaos, or to help them maintain the
Cosmos. Some mummies have lost their people, however, and must find them, or another, or find a new purpose to justify their
eternal cycle.

13,000-8,000 B.C.
South America settled by hunter-gatherers traveling from North America through Central America. Andean Coast and Sierra
occupied by small traveling groups. Simple egalitarian social organization.

8,000-3,000 B.C.
Many groups become sedentary, particularly coastal groups who base their subsistence on marine resources and some basic
agriculture (though mostly of industrial plants like cotton, bottle gourds, etc.) (Chinchoros, La Paloma). Most groups sedentary by
the end of this period and agriculture for food becoming increasingly important.

3,000-1,800 B.C.
Preceramic cultures elaborate social organization and build large adobe structures, platforms, and pyramids along the coast of
Peru and in some parts of the Sierra. Agriculture still of minor importance on the coast and marine resources are the major
staple support for the specialists required to devote large amounts of time for public work projects and ritual specialization.
Elaborate textiles appear. Several traditions epitomize this era: Kotosh (Northern Peruvian Sierra), Aspero (Northern Peruvian
Coast), Paraiso (Central Peruvian Coast).

1,800-800 B.C.
Initial Period: The North Coast and North and Central Sierra are dominated by ceramic using agricultural groups who build
huge monuments of earth and stone, usually U-shaped temple/pyramids with elaborate stone carving or mud friezes. On the
South coast the Paracas culture develops, elaborating textiles to their utmost and wrapping hundreds of mummified dead in
mummy bundles to be buried on the Paracas peninsula. In the Southern Sierra the Yaya-mama tradition begins at Chiripa and
this religious ideology spreads throughout the Titicaca Basin.

800 B.C.-1 A.D.

Early Horizon: Certain artistic and religious ideas spread throughout the Andes. One of the main centers which synthesizes
these concepts is Chavin de Huantar. Cupisnique traditions develop in response on the North Coast and Paracas adapts many
of the traditions into their religious artwork. In the South the site of Pukara gains preeminence in the Northern Titicaca basin,
adapting ideas from both the Yaya-mama and Chavin traditions spreading them through the Pukara "kingdom."

1-500 A.D.
Early Intermediate Period: Regional Developments dominate the period, and many strong independent "states" form. On the
North coast form the Moche kingdoms, with amazing elaborations in art and architecture. The central Coast boasts the Lima
culture with elaborate adobe pyramids and the development of the important oracle complex at Pachacamac. On the South
coast the Nazca culture dominates with beautiful and strange pottery, giant lines and figures on the desert, and massive
hydrological works. In the Sierra from north to south there are smaller developments at Cajamarca, Marca Huamachuco,
Recuay, and Huarpa. In the South Sierra the site of Tiwanaku begins to control the Titicaca Basin.

500-1000 A.D.
Middle Horizon: Two Empires dominate with great advancements in arts, architecture and social and political organization:
Wari, based in the central Highlands to the North, and Tiwanaku base in the Titicaca Basin to the South. By 800, however, Wari
collapsed under unknown influence, and a massive decades long drought destroyed the Tiwanaku Empire by 1000 A.D.

1000-1476 A.D.
Late Intermediate Period: On the North Coast, out of the ruins of the Moche and Wari Cultures a new exotic Kingdom, Chimor,
arose. The Chimu would later become the Inkas' greatest rivals. In the Highlands the Wanka Chiefdoms arose, but spent their
time warring on one another. South along the coast arose the Chancay building on roots left by the Lima culture. The Chincha
fold developed a hearty maritime economy further south and had links to the Ica who occupied the lands once under Nazca rule.

To the far south the Chiribaya people, free from the domination of Tiwanaku elaborated their culture. Out of the remains of the
Tiwanaku Imperial heartland rose the Aymara kingdoms (Pacajes, Lupaqa, Colla, Mallku). And in the center of it all, at the Navel
of the world, Cuzco, a nobody people, the Inka, were getting ready to be somebody.

1476-1532 A.D.
Late Horizon: During the Period the Inka came out of their valley and conquered everything in sight. By 1476 they had, taking
the Wanka and Ica lands, conflicted with the Aymara Kingdoms, and met the Chimu in battle. After a decade long war the Inka
disarticulated the Kingdom of Chimor, plundered its wealth and vacated its capital. To the south they pushed through the Aymara
Kingdoms and on to the "settled barbarians" of Northern Chile and Northwestern Argentina, monopolizing the mineral wealth
there. With Chimor's fall, the Inka continued to Ecuador and even made incursions into Colombia. At its height the Inka Empire
was the largest the new World had ever seen with massive engineering projects for agriculture and transportation. The Empire
ran without the use of writing, draft animals, or metallurgic technology beyond the bronze age. The end came with the civil war
between Atawalpa and Wascar, two sons of Wayna Qhapaq, the last successful emperor (who seems to have died of smallpox,
arriving even before the European conquerors). Atawalpa prevailed over his brother and had him executed. It was, however, too
late. Francisco Pizarro and his 200 odd adventurers had arrived and Atawalpa understood them as a real threat only too late.
They took him in a surprise attack as he came to speak under a truce. He was ransomed, but the Spanish fearing the
consequence of a free "living god" executed him, finalizing their conquest of the Empire only years later after strife and civil war
among the Spanish forces. Atawalpa's death, however signaled the end to independent Andean traditions and native self-rule.

Character Generation
Step One: Character Concept
Identify Concept: During what period were you born and where; who were your people, and what are you doing now in the
modern world?

Choose Career Path: Were you a ruler, a specialist, or a shaman?

Choose Nature and Demeanor

Step Two: Select Attributes

Prioritize your three categories: Primary 7, Secondary 5, Tertiary 3

Step Three: Select Abilities

Prioritize your three categories: Primary: 20, Secondary 15, Tertiary 10

Step Four: Select Advantages

Choose Realm Powers: (3 divided between Kay Pacha and Hanan Pacha plus an automatic 5 in Hurin Pacha)
Choose Career Path Disciplines: (5)
Choose Background Traits: May be limited by Chronicle Concept (6)
Choose Virtues: All virtues start at zero, not at one (ergo an Andean Mummy may start out with a zero in one virtue) Distribute
10 among Conscience, Self-Control, and Courage.

Step Five: Last Touches

Record base Willpower = Courage
Record base Humanity = Conscience + Self Control
Record Base Llapa = total in Hanan Pacha+Kay Pacha+Hurin Pacha
Spend 30 Freebie points

Character Concept
This may be the most challenging part of creating an Andean Mummy character. Why do you even exist? There are several

archetypical examples I can give, but further research and imagination is also required. Easiest to play is a Mummy whose
community is no longer in existence. The original purpose of the Mummy then, is lost. She no longer guards or advises her
people, so she must have a new purpose, perhaps vengeance against the Europeans or against ancient enemies, perhaps to
bring harmony to the strife filled Latin American countries which now occupy her home region. Perhaps the Mummy is looking for
descendants of people she once knew, to help them.
Next, there could be some Mummies still tied to traditional communities, still serving their people. These Mummies would have
few incentives to leave their secluded surroundings, but perhaps to serve the needs of the pueblo, or for the greater good of the
universe, the Mummy must venture out and use her powers in the World of Darkness.
Finally, there are the Naqaq, black sorcerers and headhunters, who, if they ever served a community now only serve darker
powers and their own evil interests. These Mummies usually have little Humanity and glorify in their attachment to the darker side
of the Underworld. They have lost their balance in the universe.
So, perhaps you may encounter a Mummy in a remote Andean pueblo, or perhaps find one working to save the Amazon
Rainforest along side Nature Conservancy people; you might even find one at the head of a powerful drug cartel. The
possibilities are limited only by imagination.

Career Paths
There are three archetypical kinds of people who come back from the underworld as Andean Mummies: Rulers, Specialists, and
Shamans. Each type has a specific set of experiences and powers inherent in the Path. The exact operation of each power will
be explained in a later section.

The Path of Rulership

The rulers of Andean peoples were chiefs (Kuraka, Mallku), kings, emperors (e.g. Sapa Inka), generals, and war leaders
(Sinchi). Their function was to organize the natural and supernatural universe in order to allow their people to prosper, grow
strong and live in peace, internally and externally. In return for their leadership, rulers received goods and services, as well as
worship and devotion (ideally) from their subjects.
There are three disciplines in this path:

This allows the mummy to supernaturally enhance her Physical Attributes.
Command: This allows the mummy to supernaturally enhance her Social Attributes.
Leadership: This allows the mummy to supernaturally enhance her Mental Attributes.

The Path of Specialization

There were two chief kinds of specialists in Andean society: state ritual specialists (or priests) and craftsmen. There are many
similarities and links between these functions, and indeed some craftsmen appear to have had religious affiliations or functions,
and priests have shown dominion over certain crafts. The crafts practiced in particular in the Andes included copper and bronze
work, pottery making, weaving, masonry, stone carving, mural painting, and lapidary work (with shell, lapis lazuli, etc.).
There are three Disciplines for this Path:

Craftsmanship: The ability to make unbreakable and enchanted objects.

The ability to discern truth and pass judgment on individuals.
The power to examine the threads of possible futures being woven into the tapestry of life.

The Path of Shamanism

The Shaman was the first person of importance in Andean society. The Shaman first interceded with spirits and learned to care
for "the people." Only later, after people began to elaborate societies, to differentiate one group from another were the paths of
Rulership and Specialization discovered. The Shaman was first, and the Shaman has been the last, for their are still some living
Shamans in the Andes, while the other Paths are lost, in the possession of the ever returning Mummies.
There are three Disciplines for this Path:


This Discipline allows a Shaman to determine and improve or degrade the fertility of a person, animal or
agricultural field.
Healing/Curing: The ability to heal wounds and cure diseases.
Shapechanging: The ability to take on the forms of special animals.

Realm Powers
Detailed information is available in the Magic Section.


Powers dealing with the Celestial Realm and Celestial Powers.

Powers dealing with the Terrestrial Realm, and the spirits of the Earth.
Powers dealing with the Underworld, the Realm of the Ancestors, of primal seas and dangerous and vengeful spirits.
because the Mummy has been able to return from this Realm after death she already has 5 in this Power.

Available Backgrounds
Allies, Contacts, Fame, Influence, Retainers, Status (all from V:tM); Supernatural (from WOD: Mummy).

Spirit Objects
This is a background particular to Andean Mummies. During creation the Mummy must decide how many spirit objects she is
bound to. The greater the number to which the Mummy is bound and has present the easier it is to reincarnate. Spirit Objects
measure the number of spirit objects tied to the Mummy which she controls. If no levels of Spirit Objects are bought, then the
Mummy either has no idea where her objects are, or her objects have been destroyed and she needs to get some more.

You know where your objects are but do not control them (they are in museums, private collections, buried and hopefully no
one will find them, etc.)
** You control one of your objects.
*** You control two of your objects.
**** You control three of your objects.
***** You control all (four is the maximum) of your objects.
People who think they have got off easily by choosing to just have one object and buy two levels of Spirit Objects will soon regret
that smugness when their object is stolen or destroyed....
Objects may be any sort of craft product from the Andes, ceramic vessels, gold masks, shell fishhooks, bronze war club heads,
textiles, etc.

Freebie Points
Realm Powers:
Career Path Disciplines: 7 (including Paths outside your Career)
Secondary Abilities:

New Ability:
Current Rating
Current Rating
Current Rating
Current Rating x2
Current Rating x4
Career Path Discipline:
Current Rating x4
New Career Path Discipline:
Career Path Discipline from other path: Current Rating x6
Realm Power:
Current Rating x7
New Realm Power:
(Mummies have may have a maximum of 5 in Attributes)

Andean Magic
Andean Magic is divided into two distinct types: the Realm Powers and the Career Path Disciplines. The two forms of magic
are interdependent and bound up in the Mummy's life cycle. The disciplines are easiest to deal with first, but necessitate the
concept of Llapa to be introduced first.

This word means "power," "energy," "spark," or "lightning" in Quechua and Llapa is the fuel for the Disciplines that the Andean
Mummies used to enhance their power and hopefully to aid their peoples. The Starting Llapa of an Andean Mummy is 8
(Hanan+Hurin+Kay Pacha) plus any Llapa bought with Freebie points. There is no maximum to Llapa.
Llapa fuels the Career Path Disciplines in the following manner. When a Discipline is used the Mummy designates the level at
which she wishes to use the power (maximum is her maximum level of course). Then the Mummy rolls the dice in her Discipline
(1-5) against a 6. Each success costs one Llapa. If enough success to reach the desired level are rolled, the Mummy only pays
for the needed successes. If there is a shortfall, however, the Mummy must either pay for the successes and let the power fail, or
pay 3 Llapa to buy the additional "successes" to make up the difference. If a Botch is rolled, twice the designated number of
successes in Llapa are lost. The power once invoked has a maximum duration of one scene.
Llapa returns at a rate of 50% per day. If under extreme stress (unable to take normal meals, sleep, in constant danger, etc.) only
25% will come back. Successfully achieving complete rest through meditation and/or retreat to a safe haven may increase the
return of Llapa at the Storyteller's discretion.

Nawpa Llapa
There is a second form of Llapa, called Nawpa Llapa ("Extra (or gift) Energy"). This energy is gained from different realms by
performing rituals in accordance with the structure of a particular realm. This energy does not regenerate, but is instead a
"battery" of extra power for emergency use. The details of how to gain Nawpa Llapa are described below under the Realms.
Because of their close ties to Hurin Pacha, these are the rituals most easily employed by most Andean Mummies.

Career Path Disciplines

All of these disciplines require the use of Llapa (or Nawpa Llapa) as outlined above. Once a Discipline has been invoked,
whether successful or unsuccessful, it may not be used again for the duration of the scene. Even if a Discipline can be used to
affect different Attributes or Abilities, only one Attribute or Ability may be affected by that Discipline during a single scene.

A Mummy with this Career Path has been a leader of her people in her first incarnation and has served in similar roles
throughout her cyclic reincarnation.


This discipline allows the Mummy to enhance her Strength, Dexterity or Stamina by the number of successes
attained (i.e. 1-5). The maximum increase is to 10. The exact effects of high attributes may be found in WOD:
Mummy or may be invented by the Storyteller.
Command: This Discipline allows the Mummy to enhance her Social Attributes as above.
Leadership: With this Discipline the Mummy may enhance her Mental Attributes as above.

Mummies with this career path has been a craft and or religious specialist (i.e. priest) throughout their cycle.

Craftsmanship Level 1: The Mummy may create objects of art and function which withstand the passage of time and even
rough treatment. Such objects are suitable grave goods for one who may return from death, led by someone
versed in the mysteries of hurin Pacha.
Level 2: The Mummy may create objects which contain Llapa channeled into it from a Mummy, who can then
regenerate her personal score normally and may use the stored power for her Disciplines. This power costs
one Permanent Point of Llapa per point the object is to contain. The sacrifice may be made by the Craftsman
or by the recipient of the object (or some combination thereof).
The Craftsman may also create items to hold one use "charges" of Career Path disciplines. Thus a Ruler
could be granted a war club which could hold up to four levels of strength which she could cast into it ahead of
time, and then use while she uses her War Discipline to increase her Stamina. The cost in permanent Llapa is
the maximum level that the object can hold and the object is then set to hold only that Discipline. If the
Discipline has more than one aspect (e.g. War, Leadership, etc.) only one aspect may be fixed into an object.
Level 3: The Mummy can bind spirits from one of the three Realms into an appropriate object given that she

may command those spirits with the appropriate Realm Power. A stone spirit must be kept in a stone object, a
dead spirit in its own skull or a fetish with its hair and some other parts of its body (skin, finger bones, etc.), a
celestial elemental must be bound into a object of precious metal. The cost is 5 Llapa per "major" power
possessed by the spirit (skill add, offensive or defensive powers, fertility, elemental influence, etc.). The exact
powers must be worked out in consultation with the Storyteller.
Level 4: The Mummy may create new spirit objects for a Mummy whose objects have been lost or destroyed.
The Mummy must sacrifice Llapa on the following scale in order to consecrate the new objects:
1 object: 2 Llapa
2 objects: 3 Llapa
3 Objects:5 Llapa
4 Objects:8 llapa
Four is the maximum useful number of objects. The reason for the increasing cost is the vulnerability and risk
of fewer objects. As long as the mummy has one object which his spirit can reach, even if it is not in
association with her body, she has a chance to reform. With multiple objects there is a greater chance to make
it back.
At this level the Mummy may also put powers, not of Andean origin, into objects (Garou Gifts, Vampiric
Disciplines, etc.) for one use (though the object stays a receptacle as with Level 3). This enchanting costs 2
Llapa per level of the power. Compelled sharing of powers should definitely be role played (Don't worry friend
Garou, I just want to borrow something).
Level 5: The Mummy may create amulets and other objects which produce permanent powers (such as
permanent Strength add) etc.) as long as the amulet is worn. This costs 5 Llapa per level invested and wearing
the amulet prevents the normal use of the power (or aspect of the power) duplicated. The recipient or other
participant of the creation of the object may contribute the llapa for the objects creation. An object so created
must be attuned to a specific individual, and reattunement is only possible with the permission of the original
owner and an expenditure of one permanent Llapa per level contained by the object (non-Andean Mummies
must expend permanent Willpower (1 per 2 Llapa) or Gnosis (1 per 3 Llapa)). These objects obviously are
highly prized and their original owners will return again and again for them.
Botches with the Craftsmanship power result in the destruction of the items being enchanted, or may result in a
cursed item, or a loss in skill level. The expended Llapa is lost permanently to no or twisted effect. This is up to
the Storyteller's discretion.


With this power the Mummy is able to discern truth and to enforce her will of justice (or injustice).
Level 1: The Mummy can tell who is telling the truth and who is lying.
Level 2: The Mummy's opinion on a certain issue will seem reasonable and non self-destructive orders will be
carried out by the targets of this Judgment, though they may roll their Wits in an opposed roll against the
Mummy's Judgment. Target Number is 6.
Level 3: The Mummy can radiate an aura of power and respect and only those able to roll a number of
successes equal to the Mummy's Judgment score using Willpower rolled against a 6, will be able to directly
confront and oppose the Mummy verbally. Those confronting the Mummy physically must make a like roll and
any difference between the number of successes on the Willpower roll and the Mummy's Judgment are
counted as dice penalties the character suffers for the rest of the scene.
Level 4: The Mummy can determine the Nature and exact motivations and background of the target character.
Level 5: The Mummy can lay a kind of Geas on the target, forcing him to spend a Willpower point each day he
is not trying to actively pursue the goal that has been laid upon him (this would be bad for a Kindred, say, told
not to drink Blood). The Judge may lift this punishment after a time, or may never lift it.


This is used to foretell one possible future and can be used to see alternate paths from the "most likely."
Foretelling frequently employs the use of coca leaves tossed on the ground and "read", or patterns in smoke
or in the way that liquids (water, corn beer, blood) flow down a surface to fully "see" the future. Hallucinogenic
drugs or deprivation of food or sleep may also be required.
Level 1: Can see what may happen to a person or in a place in the next week.
Level 2: Can see alternate possibilities to dire consequences in the immediate future (i.e. the next week).
Level 3: Can look into a person or place's life and see one possible future.
Level 4: Can look into many possible futures of a person or place and pick out critical events.
Level 5: Can see design in the cosmic scheme and foresee the pattern of individuals and events through a
shifting web of possibilities. Can suggest the outcome of any event and speak in mysterious ways of how to

prevent unwanted futures and cause desirable events. The actual capacity to guide events are left in the hands
of the Troupe and the Storyteller, but when things look bleak or a Utopia is sought, the Oracle can guide the

This is the earliest Career Path. Those with it have been spiritual leaders and healers throughout their cycle. In modern terms
they are known as Curanderos (curers) or Brujos (witches, who can be "good" or "evil"). There may still be living people who
practice this path in the Andes without so much connection to Hurin Pacha.


An important role of a Shaman is to oversee the fertility of individual humans and animals, and specific plots
of land and crops. Though the powers of the Realm of Hurin Pacha maintain general community fertility (for
crops, community members and their animals), sometimes specific magic is needed to remedy or to curse a
certain problem individual.
Level 1: Upon examination using typical Andean shamanic tools (a guinea pig used as a "sensing" device,
coca leaves, patterns of liquid flow along objects with channels (wooden sticks or boards, a pottery bowl,
carved stone, etc.) the Shaman may determine the fertility and viability of offspring (or a crop) of an individual
(person, animal, plot of land, or seed for a plot of land).
Level 2: The Shaman may, through a brief ceremony, cure or inflict minor fertility and sexual problems. For
example she may cause or cure psychological impotence (a tendency there towards, but not "permanent"),
weak sperm or egg production, minor disinterest in sex, etc. The Shaman must be in "short range" (e.g. in
the same room with the person/animal/plant) in order to effect this power.
Level 3: The Shaman may cause permanent alterations in the fertility and sexuality of an individual through a
brief ceremony, once again at "short range." These include permanent impotence or frigidity, and their cures
and causing a normally infertile individual (human, animal, plot of land, seed for a plot of land) to become
fertile and vice versa.
Level 4: The Shaman may work levels 1-3 at a distance as long as she has part of the individual (nail
clippings, hair, a single seed from a bushel, earth from a plot of land). The Shaman may also use items
associated but removed from the individual (clothing, saddles, etc.) but this raises the difficulty by two.
Level 5: The Shaman may allow fertility in a normally infertile supernatural being like a Kindred or a Metis
Garou, or allow a Spirit or Ghost to impregnate or become impregnated (but prepare for a weird childhood).

Healing/Curing This is a simple power. The number of successes garnered is the level of damage removed or the "level of
disease" removed (diseases must be given a rating which must be matched or exceeded; e.g. common cold
1, AIDS 5). The damage cured may be aggravated, but this raises the difficulty by 2.
This is one of the most fundamental powers of Shamans. They are first and foremost both physical and
psychological healers in their communities. Psychological healing comes through the use of their social
attributes and abilities, but those with true mystic powers are able to effect physical cures through magic as
per this Discipline.

Shapechanging The tradition of shapechanging is one long held in the Andean Tradition. Sometimes it denotes evil such as
the Karkacha, a person transformed into a human headed llama at night because he has committed incest.
Very often, however, it is used to travel, explore, and defend. Initially the forms known to the Shaman were
only native to the Andean region, but after close to 500 years many imported animals have lent their forms to
the Shaman as well.
Level 1: The Shaman may take on the form of small inoffensive animals common to the Andean region: mice,
guinea pigs, sparrows, gulls, small snakes (all native); chickens (imported).
Level 2: The Shaman may take on the form of large (mostly) inoffensive animals: alpacas, llamas, dogs
(native); pigs, sheep, goats (imported).
Level 3: The Shaman can take the form of small predators: owls, falcons, wildcats.
Level 4: The Shaman can take on the forms of larger predators and other dangerous animals: sea lions,
condors, Harpy eagles (an Amazonian bird) (native); bulls (imported).
Level 5: The Shaman can take of the form of the most dangerous predators known to the Andean mind:
jaguars, pumas, killer whales, Andean spectacled bears, anaconda boa constrictors, cayman (large
amazonian crocodilian).
Forms should be governed by the Shaman's background, and specific stories may be needed to gain
additional forms. Animal forms not mentioned above may be possible depending on Troupe research and

Storyteller discretion.

Realm Powers
The Realm Powers are vague in definition and yet almost instinctive for the Andean Mummy. With these powers the Mummy
may intercede with, compel and entreat cosmic powers. However, these Realms may make vague and irresistible demands on
the Mummy as well. This has the effect of the Storyteller rolling the dice in the particular Realm's dice pool against a 6. Each
success represents a Willpower Point the Mummy must expend not to do what the Cosmos thinks should be done (i.e. the
Storyteller's whim or design). Because of the Mummy's intrinsic link to the Underworld, many are frequently consumed by the
impulses of Hurin Pacha.

Hurin Pacha
Hurin Pacha is the Andean Underworld. It is the place of waters, and touches the Earthly realm at the site of deep waters (all the
oceans lead to Hurin Pacha). In Hurin Pacha dwell the cthonic powers, from which comes the fertility of the earth, plagues and
their cures, earthquakes, freshwater springs, and the release of water into the air for the rains and snows which keep Andean
Agriculture going. Here also dwell the ancestors, those who can intercede for good, if treated with respect, or ill, if disrespected,
with the powers of the underworld. Hurin Pacha is a realm of great good and great evil, intimately tied to the cycle of life and
death on earth.

Level 1: Speak With Dead

This allows communication with a dead person, if and only if the spirit is known and can be located. This means adventuring on
the spirit plane to find the spirit or, being at the location of the person's grave or tomb, or having some part of that person, a
bone, a scrap of skin or hair. Skulls, skin, and hair are particularly useful in compelling the spirit to talk (lower the difficulty of any
kind of social interaction) because of their intimate contact with the seat of personal Andean power in the body (the head and
hair are Hanan and the kin binds the person together). For supernatural entities tied to spirit objects (such as Andean Mummies)
those objects may be substituted for a body part.

Level 2: Travel in Spirit to the Underworld

This allows the Mummy to have adventures in certain parts of the "Umbra" and spirit world. Mostly those involved in death and
darkness, but also those of fecundity and waters. Further, this can be used to gain contact with spirits for which the Mummy has
no part or object, in order to use Hurin Pacha Level 1 or 3 on said spirit. This travel could include trips into Apophis, but the
Andean underworld makes up only a small part of Apophis, and Apophis makes up only a small part of Hurin Pacha.

Level 3: Compelling Service from Dead Spirits

Any spirit of the dead (including currently "dead" Mummies) can be compelled to service provided they have been or can be
contacted with level 1 above. The spirit may use Willpower to resist commands, matching its against that of the compelling
Mummy. Such spirits of the dead frequently have control over water, fertility of large tracts of land, small earthquakes, and minor
illnesses (infliction and cure over a community).

Level 4: Power and Terror of the Underworld

This power must be invoked in the Underworld, thus one must travel to a spot designated by the Storyteller and perform the
proper feats to gain the boon or power. These boons include plagues and their cures, major earthquakes, tidal waves, torrential
rains, armies of the dead, etc.

Level 5: Return From Death

This is used by the Mummy to return in her eternal cycle, and to bring back a spirit to form a new Mummy, binding the spirit to its
body and spirit objects.

Kay Pacha
The terrestrial realm is the one in which we live, one where spirits, however, also inhabit everything, and can be consulted and
entreated, and occasionally commanded for aid. This power works mostly on the natural environment, and its products (cut stone
is okay, concrete is difficult and plastic beyond the scope of the power, for example).

Level 1: Calling the Spirits

The Mummy may speak with the spirits of the landscape and learn what they know and have witnessed. (Excuse me tree, which
way did the man in black go?)

Level 2: Compelling the Spirits

Spirit are capricious and might not tell the truth to a novice. This power forces the spirits to tell the truth as they know it to the

Level 3: Entreating Aid from the Landscape

The Mummy may use an appropriate communication attribute plus ability roll to get the landscape to perform some action:
mislead pursuers, attack enemies, hinder opposition. The Landscape may demand Willpower in return.

Level 4: Power from the Land

The Mummy may summon energy from the Landscape and convert it into Willpower or Nawpa Llapa. Roll Charisma against a 7.
Each success may be converted to 1 Willpower or 2 Llapa. However, Each area only has so much to give (determined by the
Storyteller) and if that is exceeded then the area is blighted and wasted. If a botch is rolled for this, the area is automatically
blighted and the Mummy must make a Humanity Roll or get a temporary derangement. A Botched Humanity Roll nets a
permanent derangement for this rape of the Landscape.

Level 5: Command the Spirit of the Land

Causes vegetation, earth and stone to obey your commands in defense of you or your "community." Vegetation wraps itself
around opponents, stone boulders become warriors, carved statures come to life.

Hanan Pacha
The Celestial Realm, like Hurin Pacha, is also a place of great good and great evil for the Andeans. From it comes light, and
wisdom, but also destruction and terror. Lightning and thunder can enlighten, and put someone on the shamanic path, but they
can also kill. Hail and freezing rain destroys crops, wind and fire can be foes as well as friends.

Level 1: Predict Weather

The Mummy may predict the weather for the next season.

Level 2: Tales from the Sky

The Mummy may foresee what weather will occur during the whole of the next year. The Mummy may read the stars to determine
the best time for cyclic actions such as planting, marriages, and other ceremonies.

Level 3: Protection from the Celestial Elements

This can be used to protect the person of the Mummy or her community from the Celestial Elements of fire, hail, winds, thunder,
and lightning. The Mummy can ignore her level in Hanan Pacha of damage from these elements.

Level 4: Control of the Celestial Elements

The mummy may control the above mentioned Celestial Elements as with Weather Thaumaturgy.

Level 5: Travel to the Celestial Realms

The Mummy may travel in spirit form to the upper realms of light and may even enter where Egyptian Mummies and Vampires
are forbidden. What is there?

Realm Rituals
Each Realm has a certain set of rituals through which an Andean Mummy may gain Nawpa Llapa. Each ritual has in common
that the Mummy rolls the number of dice in the particular Realm Power against a 6. Each success translates into a number of
Nawpa Llapa gained. A botch indicates that the Ritual has drained any Nawpa Llapa the Mummy might have had.

Hurin Pacha Rituals

The rituals of the Underworld involve both sacrifice and torture of living creatures. These rituals normally take place at the time
when the sun passes through its Nadir or Xenith. Blood sacrifice was very important to the Andeans and in extreme cases
human sacrifice and torture of war captives and criminals was practiced. Because Mummies are so tied to the Underworld they
are tempted to risk their Humanity in these rituals more frequently and with greater benefit. Such are the dangers of Hurin Pacha.
All Mummies participate in some sacrifice, but only those who have lost much of their Humanity revel in the torture and sacrifice
of innocents.
Gain is according to the following formula:
Small Animal sacrifice (typically guinea pigs):
Large Animal Sacrifice:
Human Sacrifice (enemy, criminal):
Torture of human victim before sacrifice:
Human Sacrifice (innocent; usually voluntary in the past, and traditionally not involving torture.
Death by strangulation or suffocation after drugging was common):

1 (number of successes does

not affect the amount).
1 per success
2 per success
+1 per success
3 per success.

Evil Mummies, those who have turned from the civilized community of the Andes will kill unwilling innocents, and use torture.
Other Mummies may torture and kill their enemies; it is an old and established practice. They have mostly stopped sacrificing
innocents, for the ideology is no longer in place for volunteers. Beyond Nawpa Llapa gain, an innocent sacrifice also becomes a
special intercessionary for a community to the Underworld. A Mummy might also seek one out later and bring it back to be a
Mummy in its own right.

Kay Pacha Rituals

These rituals have to do with fertility and sexuality. They typically take place after the time of the Hanan Pacha rituals (after the
period of abstinence, see below). The rituals before the season of planting are reenactments of how a culture hero or god
planted his seed in mother earth, or in another goddess or female culture hero to begin the agricultural cycle or bind
communities in a compact and cycle of fertility. In order to benefit from this ritual, the Mummy must impersonate one of the
characters in the myth and her partner must also masquerade as the other character willingly, and with at least some knowledge
of what is happening. A male and female Mummy may perform the ritual together and both will gain benefit. The gain is one
Nawpa Llapa per success rolled against the normal difficulty with the Mummy's Kay Pacha dice. The difficulty is lowered to 5 if
the participants are married and the difficulty is 4 if this act of lovemaking consummates their relationship.
The ritual which occurs during the growing season is one that expresses an inversion of order, and which expresses, rather than
"planting," a sustaining of energy, expressed as sexuality. In this case, then, the sex is not that which leads to impregnation and
children, but rather is any variety or form of non-reproductive sex (not counting contraceptives). This includes oral, anal, and
manual sex with a partner of the opposite sex, or the same sex, without the mythical masquerade. The participants must be
willing. For heterosexual sex (only partial inversion) the roll and difficulty are normal. For homosexual sex (maximum inversion)
the difficulty is lowered to 5. In general, the coastal peoples of the Andes were said to engage more in homosexuality while the
highlanders denied any such practices to the Spanish. This dichotomy was probably not absolute.
Both of these rituals may be performed only at their appointed times once per year.

Hanan Pacha Rituals

The celestial realm requires personal sacrifice in the form of self-deprivation and purification. These rituals usually take place
around the time of the equinoxes, though use of the second level of hanan Pacha might reveal an auspicious time outside of the
equinoxes as well (at Storyteller's discretion this may apply to other rituals as well). The deprivations that must be suffered
include abstinence from spices (particularly hot peppers), salt, and from sexual intercourse. Of further importance is purifying
one's surroundings with fire (passing fire around and over, but not burning down) at the end of the ritual period. Also it improves
results if one is away from other supernatural agents (ghouls, Kindred, Garou, Magi) and from diseased, sick, or deformed
people. Their presence (according to Andean cosmology) disrupt the pure energy needed for these rituals. This class of rituals
is the most time consuming, taking a minimum of one week to perform. Any interruption destroys the ritual. Nawpa Llapa gains
are as follows:
Per Week (maximum 4) spent in ritual observance:
Each contact with 'impure' individual:
Surrounding is person's home:
Surrounding is in the wilderness or away from civilization:
Purification even takes place in an entire community (village, city neighborhood,

2 per success
Normal condition
Ritual is worth only half as much Nawpa
Nawpa Llapa gain is doubled.

As one can see, this ritual is oriented towards purifying one's cultural surroundings and not for getting in touch with nature or
escaping the "impurity" of civilization. For the Andeans, settlements were very important and the wilderness was the dangerous
and "chaotic" area, as opposed to their own cultural "cosmos."

The Eternal Cycle

The Andean Mummy's cycle is similar in some ways to that of the Egyptian Mummy. However, the Andean body does not have a
spiritual guardian like the Ka. There are multiple parts to the Andean Soul, but only that one concerned with spiritual magic
concerns us, that which contains the Llapa. There are two ways for an Andean Mummy to "die": violent/accidental death
(physical trauma, disease which is faster than the body can become immune, poison, etc.), or old age. Unlike the Egyptian
Mummy, the Andean ages, albeit at a different rate from normal humans. They age at roughly one third the normal rate after
reaching adulthood, and they suffer infirmities and difficulties as one might expect. At each reincarnation the Mummy returns to
its "starting" age, the age at which it was buried the first time, be that child, adolescent, adult or ancient. Upon death, one way or
another, the soul containing the Llapa is freed to roam the spirit world, and occasionally act through "sensitives" in the mundane
world until the Mummy is able to reinhabit her body.
Initial "immortality" is gained under the following circumstances: when an individual dies if he or she is interred with the proper
burial rites, and the proper burial furniture, some that has been prepared consciously or unconsciously, with the equivalent of
Craftsmanship Level 1, and if the body is in some way preserved, through natural or purposeful mummification, then the soul
may return. As the body and the place of resting are venerated, and food and object offerings are left, a bond is maintained
between the Hurin Pacha and Kay Pacha. Eventually, either soon after death, or perhaps long afterwards, a Shaman, Mummy or
other individuals with an Hurin Pacha score of 5 can visit the soul and lead it back from the Underworld. The Mummy now has
Hurin Pacha at 5 and may try to reinhabit the body normally.

In order to reinhabit the body, the Mummy must focus using the appropriate objects buried with her and her body. There can be
one to four objects bound to the body (each number having its own significance in the cosmic order of the Andes) and the more
objects, the easier it is to focus energy into rebuilding the body. In order to rebuild and reinhabit the body the Mummy expends
Llapa from her personal Llapa score However, this Llapa is lost permanently and the score must be rebuilt. Llapa may be
gained on the spiritual plane just as Ba is for Egyptians, through quests, adventures and services performed for various spiritual
The "formula" for rebirth is as follows: the Mummy must expend 1 Llapa for every level of damage the body suffered to die, or the
level of damage or deterioration the corpse has suffered while the soul has been wandering. Thus a body that suffered two
wounds beyond Incapacitated would require 9 Llapa to heal. however, the total expenditure, even to recreate an absent or
burned body can never be more than 12 Llapa (5 over maximum wound levels, as per Egyptians). The Mummy must roll her
Hurin Pacha dice (always 5) against the following difficulty formula:
Body and all Objects Present:
6 (base difficulty)
Each Object over 2 tied to the Mummy:
Each Spirit Object not present:
Body not present (ashes scattered to the wind, etc.): +3
Therefore, a Mummy with two spirit objects, whose body was burned and scattered to the winds, and whose soul can only find
one of her spirit objects (Diff 6+1+3) must roll a 10 to be reborn. (Perhaps in a display case next to her object) as well as
expending 12 Llapa permanently. Llapa may be expended over time to heal or recreate a body, but if a recreation is taking
place next to an object out of context, it may draw attention ("Where did that dried up corpse come from?") If the Mummy rolls a
botch in trying to reincarnate then the Llapa which was to be used is lost permanently to no effect.
Andeans also suffer from amnesia as do Egyptian Mummies. Normal rebirth requires that for each Ability over the Mummy's
Intelligence, the Mummy must make an Intelligence roll against a Difficulty of 6 or the Ability will be reduced by 1. Each success,
however, on the Hurin Pacha roll to reincarnate, over one allows the Mummy to designate an Ability immune to the check.

Back Before Their Time

Andeans may come back before their time, if the need is great. If the Mummy has worshipers, then they may implore her to
come to their aid, to see them through a time of trial, either of physical, mental or spiritual danger. In order to do this the Mummy
expends only a third of the Llapa normally required and rolls her Hurin Pacha dice to reincarnate. The worshippers or
descendents must then provide ritually clean clothing, ritual foods (sacrificed llamas, guinea pigs, coca, hot peppers, potatoes,
corn beer (chicha), and sweets), and perform ritual sexual acts for each day the Mummy is to be animated. These represent
offering to Hanan, Hurin and Kay Pacha respectively. The Mummy may now be active, but will be a rasping dry husk, so that a
"lich-like" warrior may be seen on the battle-field, or the Mummy may speak prophecy, or the "dead" may attend to the sick or

There is much more to be said about Andean culture, civilization and practices. I'll be glad to address questions on the net for as
long as I am here, but I think this document as a whole is big enough. I would like to say here, thank you to everyone on the net,
for this list has made it possible for me to put forward this creative effort. Also, I must thank White Wolf for creating this game
and taking me places I had never gone before. I would like to finish with some references for future research and some name
elements to help you begin to define your Andean Mummy!

Good Books
Gods and Men of Huarochiri - Francisco de Avila
Mountain of the Condor - Joseph W. Bastien
The Incas - Pedro de Cieza de Leon (Trans. Harriet de Onis)
Moche Art and Iconography - Christopher Donnan
Andean Cosmologies Through Time: Persistence and Emergence - R. Dover (ed)
The Inka Road System - John Hyslop
Chan Chan: Andean Desert City - Michael Moseley
The Incas and their Ancestors - Michael E. Moseley
The Northern Dynasties: Kingship and Statecraft in Chimor - Edited by Michael Moseley and Alana Cordy-Collins
The Handbook of South American Indians, Vol 2: The Andean Civilizations - (edited by Julian H. Steward)

At the Crossroads of Earth and Sky: An Andean Cosmology - Gary Urton

Where known I have included the translation and the origin Quechua (Q), Muchic (the language of Chimor) (M) or Aymara (A), of
the word.

Ayar Cachi (q)

Ayar Manco (q)
Ayar Auqui (q)
Acocuyuch (m)
aqlla (q) chosen
Atawalpa (q)
amaru (q) serpent
Cajasimsim (m)
cari (a)
coya (q) queen
chasqui (q) messenger
Chumun-caur (m)
Fonga (m)
hatun (q) chief, high
inti (q) sun
kalasaya (a)
kimsa (a) three
kusi (a)
Llapchiluli (m)
lupaqa (a)
machu (q) old
mallku (a) condor, lord
mallqui (q) Mummy
mama (q) mama
Mama Ocllo (q)
Mama Wako (q)
Manco Qhapaq (q)
masca (viha) (q) curer
Mayki Yupanki (q)
Minchansaman (m)
nusta (q) princess
Naymlap (m)
Ninacola (m)
Ninagintue (m)
Nyancen-pinco (m)
Occhocalo (m)
pacajes (a)
pacha (q) world, realm
Pachakuti (q) changes the world
paya (q) noblewoman
Pituzofi (m)
pukara (q) fortress
puma (q) puma
qhapaq (q) powerful, chief, rich
Qhapaq Yupanki (q)
Quisquis (q)
runa (q) person
sapa (q) great
sinchi (q) great warrior
soyac (q) priest, seer who sees the future in corn grains

Taycanamo (m)
thupa (q)
Thupa Inka Yupanqui
taqui (q) song, dance
topa (q) true
vila (a) blood
Warcri-caur (m)
waka (q) shrine, sacred object
waman (q) falcon
Waman-chumo (m?)
wanka (q) stone double of a person
Wascar (q)
wasi (q) place, house
wayna (q) young
Wayna Qhapaq (q)
Xam-muchec (m)
yana (q) black, vassal
yupanqui (q)

Additional thoughts and ideas

I would first just like to thank Spike and everyone else who liked this piece of work. Feedback and praise has made it worth all
the time and effort. So, on to Spike's questions:

Virtues: Virtues start at Zero, basically because I felt the need to disconnect these Mummies from the main stream. They have
been around, probably for at least five hundred years and sometimes thousands of years. Their connection with Hurin Pacha can
sap the VIrtue out of them if they are not careful and I thought it was intriguing to offer a character who may have gone to the
Darker side of their natures. Certainly a Naqaq will have lost all her Conscience or Self Control. This set up could be seen as
more conducive for making "bad guy" NPC's and if that's the way a Storyteller sees it she should use the normal Virtue
Distribution from V:tM for her Troupe.

Vampires and the fall of Andean Civilizations: I personally do not have in my chronicles any European Vampires making it to
South America before the 15th Century. Still, it would be intriguing to devise a scenario where refugees from Europe, Camarilla
or Sabbat, or Vampires from before those organzations we formed, showing up to wreak havok on the inhabitants of the New

Shaman Path: In some sense, all Andean mummies have traditionally Shamanic kinds of spirit powers, but that is in the nature
of how powerful people where thought to be connected to the spirit Realms in the Andes. The Career Path powers for Shamans
reflect their community functions of maintaining health and fertility, and their reputed powers of shape-changing, which is a
common theme in myths and folk tales.

Spirit objects: Glad you like the system. Does anyone have a problem with it?
Career path powers and llapa use: To clarify, when you roll insufficient successes with your career path dice pool (say you
want three and you roll one) then to make up the difference and get the power to succeed you can spend 3 Llapa per success to
make up the difference (in the above example, you would "buy" two extra successes for a cost of 6 Llapa). Remember each
success you apply, costs 1 Llapa (the above roll would cost 1 to fail, or 7 to succeed).

Andean Mummy life functions: these people have all normal human life functions (eat, sleep, defecate, procreate, etc.)
Llapa cost for Craftsmanship Levels 3-5: All Llapa costs are in permanent Llapa. Remember more than one person can
contribute to the creation. It is, however, expensive by any measure to create enchanted items.

Fertility level 4: Yes, many story possibilities. This is drawn from the stories of spirits and supernatural creatures, as well as
animals occasionally, producing offspring with members of communities to form pacts, aliances, etc.

Using Realm Powers: Most of the effects described under the reaml powers work automatically. However, I have found that
certain situations may warrant rolls such as Attribute+Realm Power against target number, for example, to use a Fetish created
by Craftsmanship, or to use a Garou fetish, I might have the Mummy roll Wits+Hanan Pacha to activate an item with a fire
elemental in it. Realm Powers do not cost Llapa to use.

Level 4 Hurin Pacha: The potential destruction or benefits using this power are indeed great, but getting to use it is an
adventure in itself. The Mummy must travel to Hurin Pacha, and talk with the spirits he wishes to employ. The Level gives one the
knowledge of where to go and how to ask properly, but does not give one the power to compel the effect. The earth spirits must
be propitiated properly to get the big earthquake, the guardians at the gate of death must be dealt with properly to get them to
release an army of zombies to you etc. This is entirely under the Storyteller's control. This makes it vague, as many of the realm

powers are, but I don't think it can be approached formulaicly.

Kay Pacha 4: the Llapa gained is added to the Nawpa Llapa (i.e. one use) score. The llapa is only gained until used. It cannot
be spent on powers that call for permanent Llapa expenditure.

Hanan Pacha 5: Travel to the Celestial realm. Admittedly the vaguest of the vague in the Realm Powers. It is not illogical, as all
of the Hanan Pacha powers allow one to touch this realm in some way. Also, since Hanan Pacha touches Hurin Pacha were the
Sky meets the Waters it is merely another doorway that opens to the spirit journey. The progression from reading the stars to
traveling to a higher plane is not entirely intuitive but no less logical that the continuum from Auspex 1 to Auspex 5. As to what's
there, I think that may demand another post of its own.

Aging rate: Well, Andean Mummies needed to be different, and the cycle of things in the Andes is always dynamic, a
progression, not just a matter of being alive with your Ba and dead without it. I picked the one third aging rate because of the
importance of 3 as a number to organize things in the Andes.

Nawpa Llapa: this is one use and available for activationg Career Path disciplines only, not for expenditure in enchantment.

Angels and Devils

By Tim Coram (

Author's Notes
This began as an attempt to salvage the In Nomine system, it turned into something quite different, I would likefeed back. If this
sucks too rancidly warn me. It hasn't been play tested yet and if anyone does please tell me.

Once we were one, all united in the service, in the being, of the Lightbringer, the Shatterer of Forms, the Render of Bonds, in
service to the All. That is no more. The Lightbringer knew madness, fell from his vision of balance and saw Chaos, corruption,
horror, but in his madness was our freedom, and so the war began. Once we had been a part of his whole, but some of us
embraced this new freedom and sought to maintain the road of balance, even without our liege, others forsook or changed our
quest as they willed and others simply forgot our purpose all together. Some could not break free and fell into unending
Darkness with the Fallen One, the Many Headed Serpent. We wage a war now, granted freedom from our mission we have
reassumed it to secure freedom for this world. May that we still serve the All.

History of the Celestial

As some of you may have gathered, the Angels were intially creatures of the Dragon of Balance, the Wyrm. During its corruption,
many fled its horror and instead sought to serve their missions on Earth. They are beings of action. In the earliest days, the
Angels were slayers of the unjust and protectors of the innocent. They upheld the power of the noble ruler and overthrew the
tyrant and the oppressor. Freedom has ever been a part of their mission. They also served as mentors and teachers of man.
The first to leave this arangement were the Grigori. They were the closest Celestials to man, meant to learn and to teach. They
were slow to anger and quick to embrace and forgive. They sought to become like their mortal charges, dwelling on the Earth
with their children. Some say that they were the first to leave and sent the whole rest of Heaven falling after them. Most Grigori
have entirely forsaken wrath and vengeance, instead seeking to heal and guide their children, putting them fully in the Gabrielite
Camp (see below).
When Heaven shattered, the angels fell to Earth. Many brought a golden age to their mortal charges and reinstated much of
Heaven on Earth; learning was prevalent and the All was known and revered by the people. The greedier of the Lightbringer's
children sought their own power; many set themselves up as gods to their people. The Fallen One's Children did much the same
however, turning their realms into Hells. The independent Angels and those still loyal to the Balance went to war against them
and so man was first brought to shed blood. It may be appropriate then, that soon the children of the first murderer would take
them from the Celestial's loving grasp. Angels and Devils alike waged war against the Children of Caine, the Garou, and the
others who sought to control or destroy man, but ultimately their numbers were small and they felt a sting they had never known
before, death.
As time passed man and the Kindred formed their cities, and their nations and their empires, and many Angels and Devils
watched ferom the shadows aiding were they could for their various causes. With the emergence of the christian faith, a great
movement began amongst the Angels and many forsook Justice in the favor of Mercy. They said that humanity was not theirs to
judge and that since they no longer knew the hearts of man they should no longer enact punishment. Others, seeing the atrocities
performed decided that Justice had to be upheld at any price. Though they did not forsake mercy and kindness, they never allow
a crime that harms others to go unpunished.
Others saw no reason to do any of this. They set themselves on thrones paid for with the blood of their charges. They sought any
number of desires and goals to sate themselves. Others attempted to champion another cause in service to the Balance; Faith,
Knowledge, and Freedom had and still have many adherents.
Others, upon knowing freedom, returned to the bondage. Some of the others had never been able to escape and so returned to
servicing the Fallen One's madness. It granted them great power but they had become below contempt and all despised them.

The mood of this particular setting is meant to be the conflict between hope and despair, greed and selflessness, justic and
mercy. Also, the Angels are beings of action and apathy opposes purpose, in a battle for their being.

The Camps

Angels are forged out of a limitless light of being. they are each unique and have no need of Clan or Kith. They tend to instead
divide themselves based on ideology. These are most often called Camps, though other names do exist for them. These tend to
be called after an Archangel. These do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Archangels themselves and some doubt they
exist. It is simply a name drawn from myths and ideas associated with that angel.

These are the Children of the middle road. They seek to use their powers to stop those who harm or destroy humans while being
compassionate and merciful insofar as they can. They walk the most treacherous road and usually lose their grips on one side or
the other. Their powers are usually split between the two roads weakening them in either area. On the other hand they are
remarkably versatile beings.

The merciful Angels, these have forsaken any ability to judge man. At one time they were guided by precision from beyond the
ken of humanity; this disappeared during the Fall. They have decided never to judge man for his errors and to seek to guide
even the most disturbed of Seth's lineage.

These are the Malachim Habballah, the Angels of Destruction. They feel that the world's decline into Corruption is the result laxity
and coddling. Though they are still kind and loving, they are utterly vengeful when confronted with a sinner. If the sin is one that
only harms the sinner, they will attempt to reform them, but those who victimize their fellow man can expect only a swift death
from these.

These are those who have totally given up on the great quest but continue to survive out of a desire for more earthly pleasures.
Many are willing to victimize or ignore their former charges in their quest for personal pleasure.

These have given themselves over to the Darkness of their own accord. Unlike their shattered brethren, they turned to the
Darkness willfully and in search for power (or occasionally survival when they grow low on magical power of their own). Though
some few have repented from their ranks, these penitents are few.

Some Angels serve goals besides Mercy, Justice, and Corruption while still seeking Balance. See the end of this text for an
example for the sort of information needed and decisions which must be made.

Angels do not "die" as we think of it. Death robs them of their bodies. They can reassume these forms when they have
developed a new body, and some keep new ones in storage in their minds. If no body is available, the Angel feels the shock of
death and perishes, usually to not reemerge for several years (use their highest Road rating as humanity and treat the effect as
torpor.) An Angel can choose to be reborn into a human body and most have at least once, usually not reassuming their
Celestial role until they have reached at least the age of 20. They have begun developing more human outlooks as a result.
Some have never done so however, and retain memories of the days of old. The character who truly dies is one who has lost the
remainder of his Pillars or Willpower. Many Forsakers and Betrayer (see below) are such who are trying to retain their form
nonetheless by seeking new goals.

The bodies a celestial wears exist only in concept until they are reformed. The Angel must have committed every atom to
Celestial memory and can hence reproduce it through will upon death. These forms are purchased with the Incarnation


This is the result of an angel intruding on local reality. A Dissonance Infraction occurs if they use any of their powers, reveal their
true forms, or act to influence human affairs when not restoring Balance, serving a Pillar, or reacting to another Supernaturals
presence (see Dissonance Flaws below):
Dissonance Infraction Table
Level of Infraction Action required to cause Dissonance
Letting a mortal see your powers.
Letting a mortal see your True Form.
Manipulating a mortal's decision. Fighting Garou in open view with powers evident.
Fighting with another Celestial in open view.
Fighting a Mage in the open.
Forcing a mortal to make a decision in the way you please.
Killing a mortal.
Roll the level of the infraction as a dice pool agains the difficulty. Each point is one point of Dissonance gained. If such a roll is
botched, the Dissonance goes into effect.

Character Creation
Attributes: 10/7/5
Abilities: 8/12/20
Backgrounds: 10
Arts: 5
Virtues: 8
Willpower and Roads: See below
Freebie Points: 30

All cost 2 freebies per dot, all begin with one point already in them, and all cost the current level times 2 to increase.

(Forsakers: Greed/Betrayers: Malevolence)
This determines just how much you really believe in a better tommorrow. This is what determines how strong your desire to
continue the fight is. In Forskaers it measures how strong their lust for life truly is, for Betrayers, it is a matter of how strongly they
wish to serve the darkness, for personal profit, vengeance, survival or what have you. This power is rolled when the character
perceives something that completely undermines her world view (e.g., the evil potential in the world, her own worthlessness, the
emptiness and boredom of life)

(Gabrielites lack this Virtue; it is replaced with Conviction)
This determines how much righteous indignation a character possesses. In those who have fallen, this represents their anger
and pain and its ability to be funneled into their work. It is often quite high in the guilt-ridden Betrayers. This is rolled whenever a
character is faced with a loss on the Path of Severity.

(Michaelites, Betrayers and Forsakers lack this virtue, replacing it with Conviction for Michaelites, and Callousness for
Forsakers and Betrayers.)
This determines the quality of mercy you have towards others. It is a mixture of forbearance, compassion, and faith in humanity. It
determines your spiritual connection to the world. This power is rolled whenever a character is faced with a loss on the Pillar of

Those who have forsaken the Balance in favor of Wrath or Mercy replace the misssing Virtues with this. If a character is faced
with the negative consequences of his decision (the prey pleads for mercy, the murderer that was spared kills again, etc.) the
character must roll this or lose a point on the path.

This is a character's ability to disregard others. It must be rolled whenver a character shows excessive signs of mercy, charity or
love that may be indicative of a changing morality and compassion in the character.

Willpower costs two freebies per dot and two times current level to increase. It is initially equal to the character's Hope or
equivalent Virtue. The limit is 5 + this Virtue.

These are as the Paths in Vampire. Whenever a violation is made of a tenet of a lower level than the character's then the
offender must make a roll against the associated Virtue or lose a point in it.

10 Ever harming a human when it is not in his best interest, or ever punishing a human beyond informing him of his error.
9 Ever slightly hurting a human who is at no fault (allowing her to suffer minimal physical damage, be badly frightened, etc.)
8 Ignoring a human in peril at very great risk to yourself.
7 Ignoring a mortal in great danger when your own life could easily be lost.
6 Ever allowing your Wrath to control you.
5 Letting your personal feelings cause you to be more brutal than necessary.
4 Hurting an innocent when it could easily be avoided.
3 Allowing a mortal to suffer unjustly when stopping it would require only minor inconvenience or minimal danger.
2 Hurting a mortal out of greed.
1 Killing a human unjustly.
(Violations of a tenet more than two below your level will cause an automatic loss in addition to the roll.)

10 Allowing a personal sin (gambling, drinking, and the like ) go without being changed when doing so would be a major
9 Not preventing a mortal to continue some sort of minor sin towards others (shoplifting, for example), when doing so would
present a major inconvenince.
8 Ignoring a major sin when dealing with it would cause great risk towards one's self.
7 Ever letting your wrath control you.
6 Allowing your emotions to make you too merciful.
5 Failure to defend a distressed mortal.
4 Sparing a sinner punishment entirely or reducing their penalty greatly because of persona attachment.
3 Refusing to stop a mortal from hurting others badly.
2 Refusing to kill an unrepentant murderer.
1 Harming mortals yourself.
These powers begin at the level of the associated Virtue, and are limited to 5+ that Virtue.

These two traits control access to other abilities. The Pillar of Mercy rating limits the character's access to Logos, which serves
as a Garou's Gnosis in all ways. (Even Angels without this rating may step sideways once per day by rolling one die aginst the
local Gauntlet.) This is restored whenever the character comes into contact with genuine mercy or altruism, or those engaged in

a display of faith. Roll Compassion at a difficulty of the 8; ignore botched and failed rolls as at least one point is always gained.
The Pillar of Severity limits the access of the Character to Wrath, which serves in the same capacity as a Garou's Rage. If Wrath
supersedes Willpower, Angels can frenzy, becoming dark and destructive beings of pure hatred. Under proper circumstances,
roll Outrage, difficulty Willpower; the Storyteller determines how many successes are needed to invoke Frenzy. This should rarely
if ever be more than once per story. This power is regained at 2 points a day at Dawn.
Forsakers have their own paths to which they hold, Betrayers work something along the lines of the Path of Evil Revelations (see
the Storyteller's Guide to the Sabbat). Both receive Wrath; the Betrayers receive Corruption. Corruption is completely restored
at Midnight each night.

These are the powers Angels use to defend themselves and their charges. Most of the Werewolf gifts are appropriate. Divide
them as you see fit.
Arts of War (Use Wrath to activate, only held by those with a Wrath Rating)
Arts of Mercy (You get the idea)
Dark Arts (Use Corruption to Spend)
There is no renown or Rank amongst angels, the only requirement is that the character have enough points to pay for the ability
(8 for freebies, level times 10 for experience) and that they have at least one of the level below. Also, any ability the Angel has
access to must have atleast 2 arts in it at creation. The initial points can only be spent on level one powers. Creating more is
strongly encouraged.

New Backgrounds
For each point, a body can be secured, though it will usually be either sickly or a child's (5 health levels, losing hurt and
wounded), for two it can be fully developed, for three it can be superior, (9 Health levels, an extra Bruised and Hurt). Note that
characters begin automatically with one normal body. If the player wishes to begin the game with a superior form they have to
pay the full 3 points. Despite their basically human nature, Angelic bodies do not require food, sleep, or drink.

These are the mystical parts of the Angelic nature. All angels receive one such trait automatically, usually Wings or another two
point trait. The traits combine to form the Angels true form. Those with true faith and infernalists always see it.
Some minor extra trait, (lumiscent skin, shining eyes, visible aura, scales, tail)
** Useful trait, horns, claws, prehensile tail, wings.
*** Celestial power, Scaled flesh, Armor (adds 2 soak dice).
**** Very impressive ability (Celestial sword or other weapon, inflicts agravated damage).
***** Full other form (Celestial Archon, Dragon, the like, agravated attack, 2 soak armor).

This is the residual connection between the Balance and its servitor; this usually is what the angel retains in memory of Heaven if
Some hazy memories.
** A few clear facts can be recalled.
*** Much information is available to you with proper meditation.
**** You remain aware of several of the subtler realities of your previous role.
***** The largest part of the world before the Fall is open to you.

Merits & Flaws


5 pt merit
You have never given over your form to be reborn as a mortal. You are limited to 2 points Empathy, you must pay one more
freebie or one more experience point per level to purchase Compassion or points on the Pillar of Mercy. You automatically gain
2 points Awareness, and you have 5 extra Knowledges.

7 point Merit
You begin with 5 points of Empathy and a vague ability to ascertain emotions and small details about others you come into
contact with. The downside is that you are hated by many for what happened in Heaven, Also, some of the Michaelites consider
you to be a Forsaker at best because of the Grigori's initial temptation from their heavenly posts.

2pt Merit
You believe humanity is basically good, and are able to understand their failings. You have a -1 modifier to difficulties on Hope

True Faith
All Angels have faith and this is where their powers are derived from, hence as a Merit it is disallowed.

3 pt Flaw
You have seen the world and have little faith in it. All Hope roll difficulties are increased by two.

Newly Reborn
3 pt Flaw
You have just discovered, after a human life of approximately 20 years, that you are an Angel. You have an intuitive
understanding of many things, but lack more complicated details. You know other supernaturals exist, but little about them. You
may take no knowledges relating to the supernatural.

Example Dissonance Flaws

1-3 Searing pain: you are crippled for (points expended) hours.
3-5 Deafened/blinded
Burns: take one level of Agg for every two points (round up) expended.
5-7 Severe derangement.
Stigmata: lose 4 points for each limb affected.
7-9 Severe damage (1 level of Agg for every two points, loss of two permanent points of appearance)
10+ Remember that scene in Scanners where that guy's head explodes?
Nasty infernal paradox realms and the like, attracting other bad spirits.
Effects from various levels can be employed at the Storyteller's whim.

The Angels are not the only beings forged by the Fall.

They are differentiated from the Betrayers in that they never escaped Lucifer and fell with it. They range from unknown terrors of
horrendous power to imps, to subtle players in the Court of the Betrayers. No matter what they are however, they desire the
reduction of this universe to a screaming, empty chaos. Some of them have deluded impressions of still serving Balance, and
these few are instead Defilers.

True Faith/Infernalism
Individuals who have consigned themselves to the battle between Good and Evil can perceive the Celestial when it nears them
but are otherwise not affected.

The Touched
They have heard a few notes of the Celestial Harmony and can perceive the subtle shifts induced by those of Faith, Celestals,
and supernaturals. They do not always have faith themselves, but some do. Those who are atheists tend to be so fanatically and
grimly, as they seek something other.

The Nephilim
These are those who were sired by the Grigori. They have pure angelic souls (they have access to Mercy and Merciful Arts), but
broken bodies (paraplegic is an automatic flaw).
Their counterparts have beautiful bodies; they tend to be strong, healthy, beautiful, and Callous. They have access to Wrath and
the Wrathful Arts. They are not always evil, but they are incapable of compassion, and rarely know love. Those who do manage
to become "good people" are making a truly heroic effort as they have no moral compass.

Angels are diverse and it is very hard to pin down their reactions, but here is a very rough aproximation.

Mortals: The Mortals are the Angel's protectorate, but the government, Pentex, and the Arcanum have litle idea they exist. Some
Malachim Habbalah work through the Society of Leopold, however.

Faeries: Changelings are seen as needing protection, though this is done subtly. They are guided whenever possible away from
destruction. Their willingness to believe makes life much easier on Angels, who need not hide their power from them.

Garou: Many see themselves as having a kinship with the Garou. On the other hand, Black Spirals and those who harm humans
can expect the full wrath of any Angel who learns of it.

Wraiths: Most wraiths, when encountered, are treated with respect and given their distance. Though those who harm mortals will
be pursued, most angels will not pursue sinners beyond death and give them a chance to repent in their new existence.

Mages: These shapers are given the most protection because they hold the keys to the lives of all mortals on Earth. The Angels
are able to interact with the Choristers relatively freely but the others tend not to include them. The Nephandi are some of the
most heavily opposed entities the angels meet.

Vampires: Some see the Kindred as lost children who need guidance. Others see them as blood slurping parasites that should
be slain outright. Most respect Golcondites and particularly Salubri. Some claim that Saulot was related in some fashion to the
Celestials but most discount this.

An Example Unique Angel Path

Pillar of Freedom
The Storyteller and player must decide which attributes the character should have, based on their choice. In this case a Logos
pool is granted. It is restored by being in the presence of mortals that are making a point of controlling their destinies (protestors,
those making decisions to the opposition of societies opinion, those who are listening to and agreeing with the message of
revolutionary art.)
Certain arts are selected as filling the role for freedom. Due to the strong specialization that would otherwise be necessary, the
Storyteller gives the chracter access to the Merciful Arts. (the Storyteller and player will likely collaborate on several new powers
as well).

10 Allowing yourself to be controlled, when preventing it would mean a great threat to your life.
9 Allowing a human to be controlled when doing otherwise would be threatening to your life.
8 Refusing to destroy any regime that restricts the rights of a person to privacy, personal decision, or freedom of expression.
7 Refusing to breakdown repressive social structures.
6 Preventing someone else from perfoming a self-destructive act.
5 Refusing to use personal resources to secure freedom.
4 Gaining profit from any enterprise or organization that oppresses others.
3 Killing anyone for any purpose but protecting yourself or someone else, maintaining the Balance, or securing freedom.
2 Actively restraining freedom.
1 Using others to benefit yourself or your ends.

The Angelic
By J Loustaunau (

Yup, this is yet another net supplement. Well there are highlanders and dragons and lions (oh my!). I decided to do one about
angels like the ones in my games. Well, children of angels, if that's what they are. I will explain more of what they are ahead.
Besides, it was about time there was a nice enjoyable angel game.
Well, let me start out with two warnings. One, English is not my first language, so this may contain a few errors, especially since
Mexican software usually doesn't have anything to check my mistakes in English.
Two, my angel "class" is for a different game system than the White Wolf one, so there might be a few glitches in the conversion.
You do the math and give or take whatever is necessary to make it fair. But remember they are supposed to be pretty potent to
make up for the fact that they can't take a bullet as well as most other denizens of the night, so try to keep em' a nudge above
other creatures.

Starting out
Well, the angelic are basically humans with certain powers that are very similar to angels. Does this imply that angels exist?
Well, some think they are the children that angels and demons left when they found the "beautiful" humans during a war over this
earth. Others say they are the lords chosen to do war against evil (or good in some in the minds of some). Still others say that it's
all a series of mutations and that the myth that angels exist comes from them. Whatever the case, they are born of humans that
have the genetic potential (in other words "are of angelic breed") and will have one angelic child every 1-6 generations. But if
they don't its for sure that the seventh is an angel. This random birth rate often makes them hard to track down, so well-organized
large clans of angels are nigh impossible. Instead, they are often loners or small packs based on a common ideology. They are
found on any side: helping the garou, the Wyrm, the kindred, Sabbat, mages, etc. Even if physically they are like humans (usually
a little better toned and more attractive) they hold incredible potential. Upon reaching puberty they discover their wings and at
least one of their disciplines. These work somewhat like vampiric disciplines, expending mana points and giving them power
boosts. There are also nine different blood lines of angels thought to have spawned from the original angels.

Character Creation
Characters are designed in a similar way to Vampires, Garou and Mages. Attributes are the 7/5/3 split that normal characters
get. Abilities scores are also the usual 13/9/5 split that Vampires etc. get to enjoy. They get 4 points for disciplines and well, I'll
let the freebies up to the Storyteller. They must also select between their angelic or demonic heritage. They may still use the
"other" heritage but at the cost of one Willpower point and one extra mana point if mana is to be spent. They may use those
powers for one scene without spending extra Willpower each time.

Mana points
Mana is the "food from heaven" or points of life essence that flow in the body of an angel. These points can be used to
temporarily raise a trait much like vampires can, or to activate different disciplines. Angels start with 10 mana points and this
level can increase with each point your Stamina increases. Angels recuperate one point every 12 hours, but they can recuperate
one every 6 if they are purposely resting (means not to do anything but rest).

They have a different metabolism and will heal wounds at twice the speed that a human does. They also can spend one mana
point to sprout their wings with which they can fly at about 40 mph. They start with 4 points for "disciplines" but can't start with
more than 2 dots in one. These aren't learned, but if they wish to learn other ones they must find a willing teacher. These include
Plague, Shape, Harmony, Radiance, Vital, Sentience, Form, Travel, Celerity and Potency

Blood Lines
All come from the same ancestors, but the power has thinned out and modern angels can't enjoy having all the skills that their
ancestors had. The bloodlines are the children of Israfel, Azrael, Gabriel, Michael, Belial, Moloch, Beelzebub, Mammon and

Lilith. These blood lines aren't restricted to any particular race or creed, since they are more like convenient recognizable
packages of genetic memory so blood lines can be found any where in the world. Each blood line also has two variants which is
if they are of demoniac or angelic heritage. There is not much difference between the two styles (and your heritage does not
dictate your way of thinking, if at best it influences it) but each style does tend to have a particular power (usually something
helpful in angelic breed and a more selfish one in demonic).

The Israfel are often the artists and musicians of the angelic community. They are the much like the angelic equivalent of
crossing a Toreador and a Brujah (be very afraid). They are the people who are tearing down the old art and creating the new.
They are the Lord Byrons and Jim Morrisons in history. They are usually some of the most beautiful but most insolent angels.
This has won them the name of "cherubs." Oh, and as a side note they are fond of decorating their wings with things such as
food colors, text, symbols, stones and beads.

Disciplines: Harmony, Radiance, Shape and Travel.

Advantages: They have 2 extra dots for their social traits when created. They also have a +1 with all rolls related to music and
the arts.

Angelic advantage: "Inspire." This is similar to the first level of Harmony. By spending one mana point when creating his art he
can impregnate it with an emotion. All he has to do is roll the appropriate skill (such as performance, painting, etc) and each
success is one level of "intensity." This Intensity rating will be experienced every time some one admires the work of art (such as
reading the book, looking at the painting or listening to the song) and it will work such as being affected by the first level of
Harmony, or in other words success means more intense feelings and it will be longer lasting. The work of art will keep putting
off the vibe until destroyed. One time shows like theater and concerts won't of course.

Demoniac advantage: "Flaws." By rolling a Perception roll at seven difficulty you can notice one flaw per success of the victim.
This costs one mana point to perform. Now, using a Charisma roll you can mock the victim to the effect of enraging or breaking
their self confidence.

Disadvantage: "Enrapture." When something catches their eye they must own it and will spend any amount of time and/or
resources to acquire it. This is left up to the Storyteller and shouldn't happen more often than every 3 scenes.

Character concepts: Painter, jazz/pop/80's metal/glam/progressive musician, club owner, art patron, rebel, protester.
These are the dark angels of death. Usually detached from regular society they find themselves joining the army, mobs or any
other group that rewards the lack of conscience. Still, they have a strong sense of justice and will rarely attack someone they
deem innocent, yet this is not exclusive. Ever practical, they often paint their wings black or dark colors so that they can use them
for hiding at night.

Disciplines: Celerity, Plague, Vital, Form.

Advantages: All Azrael have a -1 difficulty on all combat related rolls and a +2 advantage on stealth-related. One must also
reflect that they are unaffected by the horror of war. This means that the Storyteller should keep the character's Humanity pretty
stable no matter what as long as the character doesn't kill any targets they deem innocent.

Angelic advantage: "Avenger." By spending one mana point they may find out the exact origin of people's problems after
touching their foreheads. They must also make an oath to remedy or at least avenge the ill deed done to the victims. Failing to
do so causes a temporary loss of two mana points and one Willpower point per week. To accomplish this task grants a "rush" or
to recover one mana point and Willpower point. Demoniac advantage: "Ignore flesh." Demoniac Azrael angels are more
resistant to pain than their siblings, giving them the skill to soak one die and act as if their health was one level higher (because
they barely feel pain).

Disadvantage: They are very alien when it comes to treating other people, so they have extra difficulties on Empathy rolls,
especially when it comes to "civilians." They are also quite morbid and have a -1 to social rolls, so they tend to themselves and
don't speak much. Also because of their sense of justice you must select 2 target prototypes that the angel will never kill (such as
innocents, family, other angels, children, defenseless people, etc).

Character concepts: Assassin, mercenary, bounty hunter, monster hunter, body guard, occultist, vigilante, etc.
These angels devote their lives to knowledge. They seek to know all and often work as messengers for other organizations.
These angels are usually the rulers in angel clans or at least worthy advisors. They tend to delve in the occult searching for the
meaning of their existence.

Disciplines: Celerity, Travel, Harmony, Sentience.

Advantages: They start with 1 automatic point on occult. They have an extra 2 points for knowledge. When searching for
something (like investigating, researching, asking around, etc) they receive a -1 difficulty thanks to their systematic thought

Angelic advantage: "Heavenly knowledge." They have one dot for knowledge that they can put on any particular knowledge. It
may be changed from one knowledge to another by meditating one hour or spending one point of mana. Only one such dot may
exist; a character cannot have two or more "interchangeable dots" from this power under any excuse.

Demoniac advantage: "Rumors." They can on sight make a Perception roll. Each success means they can make a yes/no
question about the character to learn their secrets. This skill costs one mana point to perform.

Disadvantage: Much like the Israfel blood line, they may become obsessed with one particular question, and will not rest until
they know the answer. This may be any thing from "who sent those killers?" to "why do angels exist?"

Character concepts: Occultist, investigator, advisor, teacher, leader, scientist, messenger, etc.
These are the warriors of the angelic community. They are also the movers and shakers, with strong magnetism and personal
charisma. This means that their physical attributes come first, followed by their social ones.

Disciplines: Potency, Flame, Shape, Celerity

Advantages: They have a +1 to all combat rolls and besides a +1 when trying to improve the morale of their fellow combatants.
Angelic advantage: "Vigor." They receive one automatic success on all endurance rolls. This means they can often do an
activity for hours and are unstoppable in combat.

Demoniac advantage: "Titan." They receive one automatic success on all strength rolls. This also means one success in
melee combat and lifting or crushing rolls.

Disadvantage: Impatient. They must select this flaw and play it out well, always being the first to rush into combat. This is twice
as strong when their mana pool is completely full, because they become over energetic and frantic.

Character concepts: Soldier, mercenary, gang leader, guerrilla leader, rebel, anarchist, athlete, etc.
Quite related to Israfel, but mostly considered pseudo-intellectual perverts. They are artists who have given themselves to a
hedonistic lifestyle and often are part of groups of fallen angels. Also they are known for being the most beautiful of the angelic,
so they cannot take flaws that hinder their appearance, yet their minds however is another story.

Disciplines: Harmony, Shape, Vital and Sentience.

Advantage: +1 on all social rolls, with a +2 on seduction. They also have one extra dot in appearance when they start out.
Because of their beautiful wings they gain a +1 in appearance when they are extended.

Angelic advantage: "Strike a pose." This means they start with one extra level of acting and have an automatic success to
convince someone of something related to themselves (make people think they are sad, angry, fierce, calm, smart, etc). This
can be used on intimidating also. Using it costs one mana.

Demoniac advantage: "Tempt." By spending one mana point they are allowed to make an empathy roll to guess what things
the target loves. This will allow a -1 difficulty manipulating that target by offering such things or threatening to harm them.

Disadvantage: Vain. Not only will they spend great effort in preserving their looks but will also become infuriated (maybe even
frenzy) when insulted or damaged in a scar-producing way.

Character concepts: Artist, model, actor, plastic surgeon, writer, secret agent, professional assassin, prostitute/gigolo, art
patron, club owner, etc.

Berserkers and mad dogs, yet cold and calculating. These angels don't care what other angels think about them, because they
know that history is written by the winners. Tyrants and despots, but they have the will to conquer.

Disciplines: Shape, Flame, Potency and Vital.

Advantages: They have one automatic success in combat situations and one extra health level.
Angelic advantage: "Brass skin." They may soak one die of damage, two if its flames. Spending one mana point doubles this
armor for one minute.

Demoniac advantage: "Rage." They may go into a berserker rage by spending one mana point. This rage is semi-controlled
and can be aborted whenever.

Disadvantages: They must select two social flaws upon creation.

Character concepts: Mercenary, Mafia boss, serial killer, drug lord, violent police officer, guerrilla soldier, etc.
Masters of lies and deceptions. They can virtually trick anyone into anything, and love that part of their nature. Almost every one
of their actions is all part of some master plan, which they achieve through cunning and their alteration powers. Another thing is
that they are usually quite twisted individuals and upon creation I recommend selecting a few flaws to reflect this (which of course
means more merits anyway).

Disciplines: Plague, Vital, Shape and Flame.

Advantages: They have one automatic success when attempting to survive poison, sickness and other similar attacks. They
also have one extra level in Wits and Manipulation upon creation.

Angelic advantage: "Information." Spending one mana point they may make a perception roll. Each success means they
receive one word of answer to a question they make about something. The difficulty depends on how little people know the
answer. This must be done in a dreaming or sub conscious state.

Demoniac advantage: "Lord of flies." They have one extra success when manipulating vermin. This can be used with their
"plague" skill or with animal kin. By spending one mana point they may also have a limited conversation with one vermin (rat, fly,
worm, etc.).

Disadvantage: "Lies." An angel of this race must make a Wits roll to give a straight answer. If this fails he will lie or tell the truth
in the form of a riddle.

Character concepts: Con man, informer, street urchin, drug dealer, researcher, mad scientist, etc.
Workers and inventors, business men and artists, they are the most laborious and hard working of all angels. They are also very
physical and often spend as much time honing their skills as they do profiting from them. In combat they rely on all kinds of
elaborate styles of combat and complex weapons.

Disciplines: Form, Sentience, Radiance and Vital.

Advantages: They have a +1 on building, creating, inventing and on economic rolls. Also they have two extra points for skills
and one extra dot their physical attributes to reflect how their labor tones them.

Angelic advantage: "In only 6 days." They can create anything they are working on in only half the time by spending one mana
point and will per every two days. By spending an extra mana point and taking the normal time they can create an object with +1

Demoniac advantage: "Midas touch" By spending one mana point they may gain an automatic success on any business,
game of chance, investing or any other wealth related roll.

Disadvantage: Greed. They must make a roll to avoid any action that involves profit. They also must make a roll to give large
amounts of money or personal possessions.

Character concepts: business man, Mafia boss, weaponsmith, antique dealer, contrabandist, artist, gambler, banker, etc.
By odd chance angels of this bloodline only pass their powers down to their daughters. By nature they are rebels with a strong
spiritual side. Born leaders who seek perfection in every thing, both a flaw and a merit in their case.

Disciplines: Vital, Harmony, Potency and Celerity.

Advantages: They are strong-willed and very purebred angels, giving them one extra level of Willpower and mana upon
creation. They also have a +1 on survival related rolls (such as not passing out, resisting pain or hunger, resisting intimidation,

Angelic advantage: "Earth mother." This power allows angels to use their harmony skills on plants and animals too, getting
them to follow their commands. It is -1 difficulty when the angel is in a calm state of mind.

Demoniac advantage: "Unbalance." They may steal one mana point from their surroundings per turn, but this causes plants to
wilt, animals to flee, objects to rot and water to foul. It can't be used for more than 3 turns in one place without cutting off the mana

flow (this lasts one week, no angel can regain mana when in this place).

Disadvantage: The angel must gain one social flaw such as stubborn, cocky or rebellious because of her nature.
Character concepts: New ager, feminist, environmentalist, soldier, assassin, bounty hunter, monster hunter, athlete, anarchist,

Celerity and Potency work exactly like the vampiric disciplines, only that mana is spent instead of blood.

This discipline measures ones level of understanding of the harmonic waves of the universe. The manipulation of these waves
can alter the minds of the victims, or better yet cause matter to break down and explode. This is probably the most potent skill
that angels have.

* Transmit Emotion: This can be used to communicate ones feelings to others. It is especially useful in intimidation (giving a
+1) and to let others know your presence. It can also be used to gain a +1 on seduction rolls. It lasts for one scene and costs one

** Subliminal Effect: This can be used to pump an emotion or feeling into a victim's mind. This can be such as friendship (7),
love (8), anger (6), depression (7), fear (7), etc. It is accomplished by rolling Manipulation + Performance against the victim's
Perception (see if he notices that he's being manipulated). Each success can be used to either make the emotion stronger (like
level one fear would be just being creeped out, while level two might make the character flee from any situation) or to set
duration (1= one hour, 2= 6 hours, 3= a day, 4= a week). This costs one mana and each extra point you spend adds one die to
the results.

*** Overload: This works exactly like "subliminal effect" only the object is to overload the victim's mind with too much stimuli
causing him to slip into a berserker state. You roll Performance + Manipulation against the victim's Perception. Each success is
one turn that the victim will spend attacking random targets in a berserk state. The victim will also after the first turn begin to lose
one health level per turn both from exhaustion and from the damage caused by the noise in his head. This power costs two mana
per blast and you can ad one die by spending one mana point.

**** Possess: This works exactly much like subliminal effect but each success is one level of control -- level one would be follow
a few normal commands, level two would be stuff more out of their way or dangerous, level three is total control and level four lets
you enter the victim's mind and use his body (even though every 5 health levels that you suffer in that body will take away one
temporary Willpower point from your own). That or you may use your successes to make it last longer as with subliminal effect.
For instance 5 successes may be used to attain a level 3 control for six hours.

***** Destroy: This is the most potent level of Harmony, where you can use it to alter matter causing things to crack, shatter and
explode. Simply per each mana point spent you can do one three levels of damage to one target. It is non-aggravated and can
be soaked by vampires, werewolves and the like. It can also be used in an explosive blast of waves that cause one damage per
dot of mana spent to every thing in the room.

This discipline conjures forth flames that can be used to aid the angel in times of war. It is a very powerful discipline since all the
attacks it produces can't be soaked.

* Alter: This level can be used to alter existing flames such as burn them faster or put them out. It spends no mana and the
difficulty depends on the size the flames already have.

** Empower: This level allows you to add one level of fire damage to a weapon per point of mana spent. It can be used on
anything from guns to swords, even on your own fists without doing you any harm. This lasts one turn per level mana point spent
(in other words the fire goees, disappearing one level per turn). For instance you are pummeling a vampire with a baseball bat.
You spend 3 mana points to empower it with 3 points of fire damage. Next turn it will only have two points left and the third turn it
will only do one point. This flame does not burn the weapon its activated on and only the damage caused by the fire is
aggravated (unless the weapon already was claws, fangs other aggravated weapons).

*** Blast: This level allows you to shoot a ball of flames (or any other sort of flame attack). Per every mana point spent it will do
two points of damage. The full range is 5 meters but another five can be added per each dot of mana spent on range.

**** Create: At this point you can create a weapon made of flames. Per each mana point spent it will do one level of damage
(for instance, for a sword that does 5 damage you have to spend 5 mana). This weapon will not disappear until you let go of it for
some reason. Guns cost an extra dot of mana to give them range.

***** Combust: By touching an object you can cause 3 levels of flame damage by spending one of mana. As long as you keep
on holding the object (or victim) you can keep on spending mana to do an extra 3 levels until it (or he) is turned to ashes.

This discipline is used by angels to improve their basic movement skills, from flying at subsonic speed all the way to transport
themselves to other places instantly.

* Fast Travel: When an angel's wings are extended he can now move at twice his normal speed (about 80 mph). He can travel
this way for an indefinite amount of time.

** Flaming Wings: By spending one point of mana and making a Stamina roll (difficulty six) you can fly at about 160 mph for
one hour per success. Even without wings you can still fly at about 40 mph. When using this power an angels wings appear to be
covered in a slight fiery glow.

*** Teleport: By spending two mana points (plus one per every extra person transported with you) you can transport yourself to
any place within your field of vision instantly. This is an instant power and may be used to dodge an attack.

**** True Teleportation: You can teleport yourself to any spot on the earth as long as you have been there. This costs 3 mana
points plus two per each person transported with you.

***** Plane Shift: By spending 4 mana points you can shift into a different plane (such as become intangible, enter the Umbra or
the spirit world). Shifting back is free and will occur if you suffer any damage on that plane. You will lose mana in stead of health
on that plane.

This discipline allows you more control over mana and other life energies. This is a very dangerous power when if falls into the
wrong hands.

* Convert: This allows the simple conversion of one health level into one mana point or one mana point into one health level.
** Transfer: When touching someone you can take or give mana and health points. This can be used to heal your allies or feed
off your enemies.

*** Empower: At this level you can transfer two points at a time and if you so wish you can give someone a level of angelic
power per every 2 mana points you spend on it. For instance you can give someone Potency by spending two mana points. You
can also transfer them mana for them to use this power, like giving them Flame 2 (that would take 4 mana points) and 3 points
for them to spend on it. This empowerment lasts for only 10 minutes per success (level of power + empathy vs. difficulty 7).

**** Touch of Death: Now with a single touch you can kill an opponent. By spending 3 mana points and touching your opponent
you can roll Dexterity + Medicine + 2 per extra mana point spent. The difficulty is your opponent's Stamina +3. Each success
does 1 health level worth of damage. 3 successes paralyzes any opponent and if your success actually goes over the victim's
stamina you have stopped its heart. This is lethal to mortals and it sends undead into torpor.

***** Vitalis: This is the highest level and it allows you to transfer vital energy into inanimate objects. On the recently deceased
this would animate the corpse for one hour per success (Wits + Medicine difficulty seven). This corpse is mindless but can be
controlled using Harmony at no cost. You can also charge the atmosphere with mana. Even though the mana will disappear at
the speed of one point per day you can use transfer to bring it back into yourself (like for instance charge a room with mana in
case you may need it later).

This skill is used to alter the shape of oneself and the things that surround you. Not as terrible as the Tzimisce discipline but still
has it's uses.

* Alter: Using this skill an angel can alter two features (such as eyes, hair, lips, etc.) per each mana point spent. It cannot be
used to raise appearance but instead to hide ones looks.

** Improve: By spending two mana points one can improve your looks in one level. Also at the cost of two mana you can gain
one physical merit or flaw. This is done by rolling Shape + Medicine. Each success means it lasts one hour.

*** Change: This can be used to create one alternate form. To create this form you must pick a shape (in angelic cases its
usually an improvement and in demonic cases it is usually a more horrible form). Per each level you have in Stamina you can
select one attribute/power of the ones below:
Physical attribute.
Claws (like level two Protean).
Jagged teeth (likewise).
Horns (2 damage when ramming)
Spikes (like the above)
Razor wings (Strength +3 damage)
Resistance (2 soak per level)

Extra two limbs (ads one attack, costs two points)

Metallic skin (each point is one level of armor, two points is silver or gold skin).
Beautiful winged (multicolored and shimmering wings, gives you one extra appearance level when they are extended)
Scaled (one dot of armor and one extra die to soak fire)
Specialized (means that the body is adapted to have one extra die on a certain type of activity, like a booming voice for
more intimidation or larger hands for grappling, dark skin for stealth, you make 'em up). etc.
You may also move around 4 points of your attributes. Switching back and forth costs 2 mana points.
Examples: A demonic Moloch angel takes his "other" form. For this form he has taken two from Appearance and put them in
Strength. Also one from Wits and put it on Stamina and lastly one from Intelligence and put it on Dexterity. For his 4 changes he
picks the physical attribute Huge size, Spikes, Razor wings and Resistance 1. This means he becomes big, ugly and strong
even thought he is more stupid in this state. Another example is a Belial taking a beautiful body, changing one from Strength and
Stamina into Wits and Perception. As for attributes he takes (can only have 3) Razor wings and Silver skin. He looks perfectly
angelic except for the sharp wings. This form is also smarter even thought it's weaker.
I also recommend the Storyteller to pay some attention to the form created to avoid munchkinism.

**** Extend: You can use the first two disciplines on other people.
***** Empower: You can use all your disciplines on other people and you may now select two alternate forms. When creating an
alternate from for some one else they need you to change them back and forth -- if you want to change them back that is.

This skill is used mostly to take vengeance on your enemies. It can be used to seriously mess with your opponents by conjuring
insects, sickness and other annoying things.

* Insects: You can use this skill to conjure up a swarm of insects. Different insects have different effects, from spiders to locusts
to bees. Per each success (Plague + Animal Ken) you can conjure up a good hundred of them. This costs one mana.

** Rodents: This level works the same, only that it is used to conjure small mammals. Also by spending another point of mana
and making another roll (Animal Ken + Plague vs. 6) you can bind them to one person so they follow/attack/annoy them.

*** Disease: By touching someone you can make a Medicine + Plague roll vs. the victim's Stamina + 3. Each success will do
one health level of damage and make the disease last one day. Under this disease one can't use their normal healing and will
lose one health level per night. This costs 2 mana points to use.

**** Mark for Death: It works just like disease but each success will cause one day of being cursed. This manifests itself by
raising all difficulties by one and causing one life threatening situation per day.

***** Plague: You can now bond a disease to a plague of rodents or mammals at the cost of an extra mana point. These will run
around spreading it at will. Also the disease skill becomes more potent doing 3 health levels per night and lowering all physical
attributes in one until it is healed. This more potent disease can only be spread by touch.

This is the power that allows an angel to control energies of light to give beautiful or terrible results.

* Impress: By spending one mana point the angel will start to emanate a slight (almost undetectable) glow that will go straight to
the subconscious minds of all in the room. This will open them up to suggestion and give you a -2 difficulty on all social rolls for
the next 5 turns.

** Awe: By spending one mana point you can let loose a blast of light energy. All those in visual range must make a Willpower
test vs. 7 difficulty (9 if you spend two mana points). If they don't succeed they stay paralyzed in awe for two turns. One success
means one turn and two successes means losing an action. Three or more means they are unaffected. All those affected
temporarily lose their ability to frenzy and activate derangements for two turns.

*** Control: Conrol works like above but when in awe you can make a simple one word command to one target. You can make
one per action you have. Commands can be such as attack, sleep, run, leave, hide, etc. Restrictions apply towards doing
actions such as attacking one you love or things like that.

**** Halo: You can create a halo around your head. This energy not only adds one to your Dexterity/Wits rolls, but also adds one
die of aggravated damage to any attack you do. Lastly it is pure light and will do one health level of damage to vampires or other
beings sensitive to sunlight who are a few meters away. This power costs 2 mana points and lasts 4 turns.

***** Radiate: This final power surrounds the angel in multicolored light. Not only does this create a +1 difficulty to hit the angel
(because of blinding) but it gives the angel one extra die to any action it does because of the power boost. Also vampires should
treat this radiance as direct sunlight. This costs 3 mana points and lasts for 5 turns. You can also at this point make short blasts
of radiance (causes one health damage to normal people or sunlight damage to vampires) at the cost of one mana point per

This is the most unique of all angels powers. It allows angels to think on a level of hypersentience above that of normal mortals.
This grants the angel more speed, mental capacity and other gifts unseen in humans.

* Open: This makes you more open to stimuli and notice more than most people. You have a permanent extra die to Perception
rolls and also gives you a -1 difficulty on split second decisions.

** Fast Thought: You can now consider all mental attributes one level higher, and your senses are now enlightened. You can
smell, hear, taste and see 50% better than normal humans.

*** Templace: At this point you have complete knowledge of your own body and this gives you the skill to soak one die of
damage by controlling your body. You also act if you were at one health level higher thanks to improved pain resistance. Lastly
this gives you perfect balance. You can easily stand on a phone wire for hours, make handstands on the tip of a pole and other
such feats at no real difficulty (unless in a storm or such). You also aren't affected by Delirium and other mind altering instincts.

**** Transcend: At this point your way of thought has become more efficient and you gain new powers such an "virtual" extra
level on all mental attributes, an extra level of Dexterity, one level of Celerity and the ability to see auras at will.

***** Next plane: You can now sense the whole area where you are giving you 360o vision, the skill to sense vibrations, etc.
making it impossible to sneak up on you. You don't forget things and can recall anything (like the text of a whole book) instantly.
Lastly by spending two points of mana you can send your mind into a state of "mathematical thinking" that is much more efficient
than normal thought. This gives you an extra die on any kind of roll (even strength), you do not feel the effects of pain, you can't be
mind controlled (because your mind does not work as by normal thought anymore) and you move at twice your normal speed
when running and flying. This lasts for 4 turns, and you can make it last another four turns by spending one mana on the last turn.
As a drawback since you thought transcends speech you can't talk or communicate mentally in this state.

Angels and the WOD around Them

Fae: The fae are quite fond of angels since they are not only very artistic but have also inspired art for centuries. Angels rarely
know about the existence of fae except for races such as gabriels and beelzebubs who rely on knowing about everything.

Werewolf: Werewolves usually don't fight angels on sight, even thought angels are just as often against werewolves than with
them. Angels (mostly Lilith and Azrael) have been known to ally with werewolves in their battle against the Wyrm, while on the
other hand many demonic angels have allied with the Wyrm as its willing soldiers. Now I seriously doubt an angel can also be a
werewolf but angelic kinfolk are not unheard of.

Vampires: Well, in general angels are the antithesis of vampires and both will attack each other on sight, even though angels
may sometimes have vampire employers. When embraced an angel must make a Stamina roll at 7 difficulty. If he gets 2
successes he will simply die in peace. But if he only gets one or less he will become a "morbid angel." Morbid angels are very
powerful but also bitter reflections of what they once were. Upon becoming one they automatically lose one point of appearance
(for their wings become tattered and they lose that "full of life" beauty that characterizes angelic breed). Not all powers are
compatible with their new vampiric self so powers such as Radiance, Form and Flame lose one level that can't be regained.
Travel, Harmony, Vital and Sentience stay stuck and can't be improved. Lastly skills such as Plague, Celerity and Potency can
still advance as a vampire and can be accessed with either mana or blood points. Morbid angels can't generate mana to use
their powers but can convert health levels to mana using vital or create a mana point spending two blood points if they don't have
this skill. Lastly they gain all the advantages/flaws of their vampiric clan besides their own angelic breed. Note: one must be
careful using Radiance at this point of existence considering that the light can be damaging to oneself.

Wraith: Well, since some angels are fond of contacting spirits wraiths come in play often. Also when an angels dies (who does
not have true faith) they may become a wraith but will keep at least a few angelic powers intact (up to the Storyteller's decision),
especially since a few azrael have been known to become a form of grim reapers.

Mortals: Mortals will mostly worship an angel after finding about its true self, so angels usually don't have much trouble finding
followers or even forming cults. On the other hand this is not very advisable because it calls attention and is bad for keeping your
identity safe.

Mage: Even though an angel can't awaken (would be like awakening again) they can use hedge magic and thaumaturgy. Mana
can be spend on these actions.

Faith: I consider that an angel should be able to gain True Faith at one less cost and I recommend using the net supplement on
Dark Faith (by Fabian Alvarez) for those who wish to play demonic angels.

Psychic powers: They may have them, but just make 'em expensive as usual.
Merits and Flaws: Well, I was a bit lazy to work 'em out. Since the angel thing is genetic there should be certain cases of

degeneration like "wingless" (4 point flaw) or stuff like that. Of course Wingless can be slightly lessened by skills like "Travel"
and such. Merits would be like "Full of Life" giving an extra mana point to your pool. I will leave these up to the players and its all
the Storyteller's call.

ARCHLICH: The Covenant

By Derek Marcoux (
"Ancient spirits of evil,
Transform this decayed body,
To Mummra the ever-living!
-- Mummra, Thundercats

He checked his watch again. Yes, the time was right. The planets were aligned just as the ancient scroll predicted. Adam knelt
before his makeshift altar, adjusting the placement of the tools before him. "No time like the present."
He muttered. Picking up the scroll before him, he recited it. After carefully pronouncing the words, he grabbed the sacrificial
dagger, and plunged it deep into his tight stomach! He cried out at first. Then, Biting down hard on his tongue, he grabbed the
bloodied instrument, and began slicing his gut to the right and to the left, disemboweling himself. The pain was excruciating,
shooting right up his spine, and numbing his chest and limbs. Something happened. The skin around his face started to tighten,
then slowly, it spread down his chest and arms, covering his empty stomach, and stopping at his feet. Adam screamed as his
eyes burst and eardrums exploded. No pain. The pain had gone.
Staggering, he picked himself up. Walking to the alter, almost gagging at the site, he reached down and scooped up his entrails,
and tossed them into the brass brazer. Lighting it up with a match, the room soon smelled like a charnel house. Adam kicked on
the A/C vent, and the smoke cleared. "Now what do I do?" He said shrugging. Taking a wet cloth, he started cleaning himself off.
The sound came from downstairs. A knock again, then, "It's the police. Someone reported screaming coming from your house!
Are you alright? Ma'am? Sir? HELLOOOO!!!!"
"Shit," He whimpered, "What the fuck do I do!" Putting his clothes on with record speed, He glanced at the mirror, and wished he
never did. He had no eyes, just empty sockets, charred dark black. "My eyes!" He groaned. "My fuckin' eyes! " He would've
cried, right then and there... If he could.

Covenant of the ArchLich

If ArchLiches have a begining, It lies with this scroll. Made of human flesh, and written in black blood by an unknown author, this
scroll always finds its path crossing with mortals -- mortals, with a thirst for knowledge. It'd have to be someone who would risk
his very souls for knowledge. The desire is enough to garner the attention of the covenant. Once one such mortal comes into
ownership of a scroll, he is very close to selling his soul. When the stars are right, and such and such, the soon to be undead
must kill himself by disembowelment. That act alone assures everyone up there, and down below, that you alone,have
condemned your soul. You are now an ArchLich. Welcome.

Strengths of the ArchLich

Hands: Do aggravated damaged, due to the unnatural cold inside them.
Enhanced eyesight: They can see in dark as good as they can see during the day.
Hearing: They can hear a whispered conversation at about a hundred yards away.
Immortality: But as they pass the centuries, their bodies still decompose, till they are nothing but a walking skeleton. The truly
ancient ones have decomposed so much, that they permanently leave for the Deep Umbra.

No need for blood: ArchLich's have no blood flowing in their hollow veins. They cannot use vampiric blood in any way. But by
the same token, vampires can't bloodbond them either.

Psi: This is the lifesblood of the ArchLiches, they may use it to power their mantras, or to boost up their mental attributes.(just
like vampires use blood to boost their physical attributes) and to heal themselves (again like vampires).


Aggravated damage: Fire, sunlight, supernatural claws/teeth, and gold. Treat gold like silver to werewolves, only the ArchLich
heals wounds made from gold normally. They may not spend Psi to heal the damage. Only time.

Psi dependant: ArchLiches need this mystical/mental power to survive their undead state. The Lich must kiss the mouth of the
chosen target. The rate of transfer is 3 Psi pts. per turn spent draining. The target suffers one health level, for every point of Psi
drained. If brought to incapacitated, the target will die/torpor. If a vampire is chosen as the target, the Psi drained results in
wasted blood. Blood without psi is dead matter having no life in it to sustain the leech. The blood is still in him, but it just takes up
wasted space until the kindred vomits it up.

Frenzy: ArchLiches are sometimes prone to frenzy. Although they are further removed than vampires from the beast, it
sometimes still plagues them. When they do frenzy, they must roll self-control difficulty: 7. They need three successes. If they fail
this roll, they lose 1d10 psi points. This is due to the fact that Psi rests mainly in the brain, and if one frenzies, a bit of this Psi
leaks out.
On the other hand, they still get all the benefits from the frenzy.

Character Generation
Attributes: 7/5/3
Abilities: 16/12/8
Background: 8
Willpower: +2 (Anyone who can rip out his stomach and burn his entrails, (to me) has got to have balls of steel!)
Virtues: 7
Humanity:-2 (By the same token, anyone trying a stunt like that is not to worried about their souls or their humanity)
Psi pool: 10 (for age 0-100), 20 (100-200), 30 (200-300), 40 (300-400), 50 (400+)
Mantras: 6 (can spend to buy vampiric disciplines, instead of spending them all on mantras).
Freebie points: 15 (7/5/2/3 for new ability)
New Ability
Raise Ability
Current x 2
Raise Attribute Current x 4
New Mantra
Raise Mantra Current x 5
New Discipline 12
Raise Discipline Current x 7
Vampiric disciplines that can be bought: Obfuscate, Dementation, Dominate, Presence, Obtenebration, Vicissitude.

ArchLich's congregate in groups called Rings. Each ring has one above them called a Sentry. It is his duty to represent all
members of his ring. Most major cities have a Ring of Archliches among them. Each ring has one duty at time to carry out. Right
now though, each ring has been given orders to find and record all they can about other denizens of this world. This has led
some rings to form partnerships with cabals, circles, packs, motleys, and coteries. What is known, is that the one giving all the
orders calls himself Sardonax (He he he). The amount of power that Sardonax displays, could put him on par with Caine.

Kindred: We have much in common with our cousins, but they have been graced with very little loss of their humanity. There
could be much learned from each other.
-- Adam Leroux, ArchLich Sentry

Strange indeed. I will need time to discover their means of cheating death. What did you say...a scroll? Very strange indeed.

-- Markus, Cappadocian elder

Garou: Broken records the whole lot of them. They keep saying that same saying over and over: "Die Wyrmspawn Die!!!!" I
mean I resent that!
-- Vetrvunis, Archlich

"Die Wyrmspawn Die!!!!"

-- Garou in general

Mages: What power these mortal have. I wonder what the Ritual would do to one of them?
-- Taleth, ArchLich scribe

They are an abomination in the eyes of the One! It is our duty to destroy the whole lot of them!
-- Christopher, Disciple of the Celestial Chorus

Wraiths: Yes, we know the tragedy that has become of our dearly departed. We mourn for them. Their loss of life.
"No comment."
-- Hierarchy

Changelings: Yes, we have met the ones called Sluagh, living in the catacombs under every city. We have even begun to trade
valuable information with them.
-- unknown ArchLich sentry

These things are even uglier than the nosferatu, but they do pay better.
-- Jacky, Sluagh

Mummy: I am only interested in their becomings, not their ignorant war.

-- Sardonax, the Deathlord

"ArchLiches? Sounds like Set's doing?"

-- Heru, first of the Reborn

This is the legendary magick that ArchLiches have at their disposal. It is akin to Thaumaturgy, but revolves around Psi, instead of

* Sense Psi: You possess the ability to perceive different levels of psi. You could tell how healthy a person is, how soon a
vampire has fed, etc.
System: Per. + Occ. diff: 6

** Manipulate psi: You can drain the psi out of a creature. If used on a mortal he suffers +2 difficulty on all rolls with each use of
this power. Also, this can be used on vampires too. The number of successes equals how many blood points were wasted.
System: Man. + Subt. difficulty: T's willpower succucces = psi points drained.

*** Psionisis: This ability allows the undead to focus an amount of psi into a form of kinetic energy. The damage is aggravated.
System: Dex. + Occ. difficulty: 7. Psi points spent = damage dice (up to 3 psi may be spent at one time.)

**** Phantasamagora: This potent magic allows the sorcerer to send a target to a nightmare realm, a realm where all his
phobias come to life. Actually, it's all an illusion. Ha ha ha, umph, hee hee hee,n,nno? Not that either? O.K.
System: Int. + Subt. difficulty: T's willpower; need three successes. The target has one chance to disbelieve the illusion: roll
willpower diff: 7, need three successes. The illusion lasts for 1 hr. and gives the person a temporary derangement. If the roll is
botched, the illusion will last 1 day, and the derangement will be permanent!

***** Psiklops: This potent ability allows the ArchLich to seize the target's brain in some sort of psychic web. Once this web of
energy cradles the brain, the subjects thoughts and memories are yours to know. Also, the pain is also excruciating.

System: Int. + Occ. difficulty: 8. Each success = two health levels of Agg. damage. Mortals cannot soak; supernaturals can.

This art enhances the sight of the ArchLich. While the ArchLich uses this power, glowing spheres appear inside the hollow
sockets. Acting as eyes, they are usually green, but red, blue and yellow have been seen too.

* Sight of the Linguist: When this effect is on, whatever the sorcerer is reading is bathed in a soft light, the same color as the
eyes. While the eyes are shedding this light, any form of writing is translated into the Archlich's main language.
System: Per. + Ling. difficulty: 7. Cost: 1 psi. 1 succ. = vague, 5 succ. = perfect.

** Sense the Halo: ArchLiches may now see the Halo that surrounds all things.
System: Per + Awareness, diff: 7. 1 succ. = 1 color, 3 succ. = colors and patterns, etc.

*** See Spirits: This art allows the sorcerer to see wraiths and spirits.
System: Per + Occ diff: gauntlet/shroud.

**** Clairvoyance: The sorcerer may now see everthing in a 100 yrd. radius.
System: Per + Alertness, diff:8. 3 succ. needed. Cost: 1 psi. Lasts one scene/indefinite in haven.

*****Horn of Charon: This powerful ability allows the ArchLich to travel to the shadowlands, for an indefinite time. The sorcerer
may journey back to the lands of the quick any time he chooses.
System: Willpower diff: local shroud. Cost: 3 psi.

These flames come from a dark alien dimension called the NetherWorld. The ArchLich may throw these summoned flames up to
Str. x 10 yrds. The damage is Aggravated.
System: Throw using Dex. + Occ. diff: 7. Targets hit suffer damage shown below, and suffer -2 on all rolls, as he is engulfed in
darkness. The darkness lasts 2 turns.
Level Damage Cost (Psi)
*** 3
**** 4
***** 5

This power is identical to Potence.

This power is identical to Celerity.

This power is identical to Fortitude.

Temple Sight
This uncommon art allowes the sorcerer to peek at his temple, which is always at the center of his haven. He may use this no
matter how far away he is.

* See Altar: You may only see your altar & 20'rad. around it.
System: Per. + Streetwise diff: 5.

** Sense Altar: You may now see, hear and smell in a 30'radius.

System: Per. + Streetwise diff: 6.

*** Eyes of the Sentry: You may look anywhere inside your haven.
System: Per. + Streetwise, diff: 6. Cost: 1 psi

**** Eyes of the Guardian: At this level, you may see any part of your haven, inside and out.
System: Per. + Streetwise, diff: 7. Cost: 2 psi.

***** Rite of Recall: This brief incantation will immediately whisk you back to your haven, in case of intruders. You will appear at
any spot you wish. Once you use this rite, you may not use it to go back to where you were. Sorry!!
System: Wit. + Survival, diff: 8. Cost: 3 psi

This mantra allows the ArchLich different powers in regards to movement.

* Feet of the Insect: You may walk across squeeky floorboards and such without making a sound.
System: dex. + stealth, diff: 6.

** Steps of the Savior: You may now walk on water and other liquid surfaces.
System: Dex. + Occult, diff: 7. Cost: 1 psi. Lasts 1 scene.

*** Feet of the Spider: You may now walk on walls, ceilings, under bridges, etc. For you, gravity is always under your feet.
System: 2 psi; lasts one scene.

**** Wings of the Gargoyle: The ArchLich, by spending some psi, may grow large bat wings. Flight is running speed x 3. These
last as long as the Sorcerer wishes.
System: 3 psi; may shed wings at no cost.

***** Mist of Aeolus: The sorcerer may assume a mist form (similar to protean level 5).
System: 3 psi.

Arthurian Knights
By Mike Knight (

I walked through the streets, carefully stepping around the piles of trash and other garbage. I didn't make a sound. My Follower, a
large black crow, cawed from its post on my shoulder, and flew off. It was searching for the Immortal that I had been tracking for
over a hundred years. He had murdered several Knights, presumably thinking that they were the same sort of creature as he. A
mistake. Nevertheless, it was a punishable offence.
I had a flash of vision from my Follower: a deserted warehouse. Unsheathing my Matrix sword, I began to walk towards it. My
Power, always strong, seemed to flow from me into the Matrix and back again. The Immortal was near! I restrained myself from
becoming excited at the prospect of taking one of these. His head would roll for sure.
When I arrived at the warehouse, it was dark and deserted. I peered in, unable to see anything in the darkness. I activated my
Clearsight, sniffing the air for the taint of the Infernal, sighing gratefully when it wasn't there. Instantly the warehouse became as
light as day to me. And I still couldn't see him! He must have been using some sort of hiding power! I couldn't believe this. I
whispered a short prayer, and extended the tentacles of my mind, using the Othersight to probe for creatures. Nothing there . . .
nothing . . . nothing . . . wait! There! I took residence inside its head, and everything was thrown into sharp relief. There, a figure
in the shadows, standing still, a sword in hand, eyes closed. I felt an arm raise, and saw a gun, pointing it at the figure, squeezing
the trigger. I leapt back into my own body and threw myself down and to the side, just in time. The bullet whizzed past my ear with
a noise like an angry wasp. I scrambled hurriedly behind some boxes, sheathing my Matrix, and drawing my own pistol, I let
loose a few rounds. I heard him grunt in pain as one hit him. The hiding powers dropped. "I have you now, killer!" I shouted, my
voice echoing along the walls. I pulled out my Matrix, and felt the welcome rush of Power that it always brought. It began to
shimmer, as if in a heat haze.
He drew a slim katana, the blade glinting dully in the wan light. "You'll have to beat this first, Seeker. And anyway, what have I
done for you to hate me so much?"
"I don't hate you," I replied, "I just want to bring you to justice. You killed Knights."
He shrugged. "An honest mistake on my part."
"Nevertheless, you must be punished. Prepare to die." I extended my Power as I said this, and unleashed the Castigation on
him. He screamed in pain as it took hold, in a way that I had never seen before. His Quickening was draining out of him! His
body began to wither and twist, and he wrenched free, a deformed husk of what he had been.
"This is to the death now," he said "I had intended to merely punish you, but --" He stopped as I launched myself at him, Matrix
held in a vice-like grip. Matrix and katana met with a metallic clash. He swung at head height, and I ducked, rolled and swept my
sword at the back of his leg, hamstringing him. He screamed, and hobbled a few paces away. I circled him, weaving my Matrix
in deadly arcs, moving back and forth like a snake about to strike. Suddenly his katana flashed out, and I twisted sideways, just
in time, so that his strike, intended for my heart, scored a line of red hot pain along my ribs. I gritted my teeth and continued
advancing, more wary of his withered form than before. And then... I threw myself to the side, ignoring the pain, swung towards
his neck, and slipped in my own blood. My blade had cut a deep wound in the side of his neck, and he was gasping at the
closeness of it. I lay flat on the floor. My arm was broken in at least two places. Damn. He laughed, a dull wheeze. Already his
wounds had begun to close, though more slowly than previously. "Our fight of a hundred years is now over, Seeker, and I - " he
broke off into a spate of coughing up blood, and I used the opportunity to assess the situation. I had one chance, if he went for
the heart... He did. I reached into the deepest reserves of strength that I had, throwing all the Power I retained into the blade and
swung the Matrix, just as the tip entered my heart. His head was shorn clean off. The pain as his sword entered my heart was the
most intense that I have ever felt, before or since. I tugged his katana out of my heart, and waited for death to come. It didn't. I felt
my wounds closing, and I stood up wearily, and gasped at what I saw. His Quickening was flowing into me, healing my wounds! I
had heard of this, gaining Power through the destruction of Immortals, but I had never thought that it would be true... Suddenly the
full force of it hit me: I felt like a hurricane concentrated into a single space, like an atom bomb had gone off inside my head. I fell
to the floor, gasping for air. No wonder they went about killing each other! All the windows in the warehouse had smashed into a
thousand pieces with the force of the Quickening. People were gathering outside. Hurriedly, I dragged my aching body out of the
place. My superiors had be told about this . . .

"Yet some men say in many parts of England that King Arthur is not dead, but had by the will of Jesus into another place, and
men say that he shall come again, and he shall win the holy cross. I will not say that it is so, but rather I will say, here in this
world he changed his life. But many men say that on his tomb is written this verse: HIC IACET ARTHURUS, REX
QUONDAM REXQUE FUTURUS. (Here lies Arthur, once and future king)
-- Excerpt from Le morte d'Arthur.
An order of knights from the Dark Ages. They have survived to the present day, waiting for the restoration of their king to the
lands of the living.

The Knights were founded by Percival, the last of the Knights of the Round Table, after he saw King Arthur borne away on a raft
to the island of Avalon. There is something, however, that is universally not recorded by human storytellers; Arthur and his
Knights were Immortals, in the same vein as Mcleod and the Kurgan. One fateful day, Percival and his small band of Knights
were visited by Merlin, who had been Court Wizard to King Arthur. Merlin gave Percival a gift; the power of the Awakened. This
somehow, when combined with Percival's immortality and the strength of his faith, changed him into something else. He became
the First Knight.
Many years passed, with Percival becoming ever stronger in the ways of Knighthood. He remained so for centuries, and then
Merlin returned, unchanged. He gave Percival the knowledge of how to ordain more Knights, and left some of his own
apprentices with the First, who developed their own strange brand of magic, aiding him in his fight. Merlin also gave Percival the
first Matrix Sword.
They were dubbed the True Knights, and continued their work in service to God. They were joined by some renegade Inquisitors
in the 13th century, and became the Order Of The True Knights Of King Arthur And The Round Table.
They continue to this day.

All True Knights are chosen by their Patron, who is normally a fully fledged Knight. They then undergo the Blessing, which
empowers them to the ranks of the Knights. A Knight is Blessed in a formal ritual, involving a Knight's Matrix Sword. The
candidate and the Knight both grasp the Matrix Sword by the blade, so that their blood mingles. The Knight then says "I dub you
a Knight Of King Arthur." whilst channelling some of his Power into the blade. The novice has now begun the path to Knighthood.
Formal training in the arts of war and magic then begins. All Knights are immortal, for as long as they maintain their Power; it
keeps them alive.

Matrix Swords
A Matrix sword is the weapon of all Knights. It channels their Power in combat, allowing +1 dice on all Melee rolls whilst using it.
Because of the Power running through them, Matrices inflict aggravated wounds.
Knights and their Matrices are linked; if a Knight's Matrix is destroyed, he receives a psychic shock, which will deal him one nonaggravated wound. Similarly, if a Knight is killed, his Matrix will be destroyed also.

Power and Mysteries

All knights receive training in the magical arts in order to best combat their foes. Each Path has different sorts of Mysteries
which only its members may learn. These are fueled by Power. Power is the gift of Merlin. It powers the Mysteries, and can be
used instead of Willpower in certain situations. Knights also use it to heal themselves (roll Power against a difficulty of no. of
wounds + 2). Power is regained through a number of means: natural renewal at a rate of 1 per day; meditation in a holy site,
caern or node (Roll Intelligence + Meditation [6] and regain 1 Power per success), or through taking it from supernaturals (Roll
permanent Power against a difficulty of the supernatural's WP. Gain 1 per success. Supernaturals will lose 1 of whatever source
of magical power they have, e.g. Blood, Gnosis, Quickening etc. Knights who slay an Immortal will gain his Quickening; it will
recharge their Power up to its maximum. Likewise, an Immortal who kills a Knight will receive his Power as Quickening, up to
their maximum.) A Knight who reaches zero temporary Power will be weak and exhausted. A Knight who loses all of his
permanent Power will die soon after.

Starting Novice Life

The novice then has to decide which Path to take. Does he become a Magus, dedicated to fighting the spiritual enemies of the
Order on their own grounds or a Knight who is one of the physical soldiers against the Armies of Darkness, or does he become
a Seeker, who finds the Enemy wherever it may hide? The Paths are varied and contain many different people.

The Societies
When a novice is ordained as a full Knight, he has to choose which Society he will belong. There are five such societies, each
with its own outlook on the world and characteristics. Generally, novices choose the same Society as their Patron.

The Knights Templar

This Society is dedicated to the protection of innocents from Supernaturals and other mortals. Despite their tasks, they can be
quite overbearing and loud at times, although they are good at heart.

Boon: They gain +1 to all rolls when protecting innocents.

Flaw: They are extremely bad tempered, and have to make a Willpower roll in order to not fly into a rage at the slightest

The Order Of Saint Michael

These Knights hunt the Infernal on Earth, their sworn task to eradicate demons and their ilk wherever they may rest. They tend to
be the most fervent and loyal of the Societies.

Boon: Michaelites can sense demons and the Infernal; they smell it, as a whiff of brimstone.
Flaw: These Knights are devoutly religious; some would say too so. They must spend at least an hour in prayer every day, or
they begin to lose 1 die from all rolls every day that they do not. This Flaw may be discounted in exceptional circumstances.

The Knights Of Saint John

All Knights of this Society are the defenders of Camelot, the Knight's Umbral realm. They are stoic and silent for most of the

Boon: All Jacobi gain +1 die when defending their home ground.
Flaw: If a Jacobus spends more than a day away from his home, he becomes extremely edgy and nervous.
The Sons Of Merlin
These constitute the main body of the Order's Magi. They are mysterious and incomprehensible to most other Knights, and are
widely feared.

Boon: All Knights of this Society gain an extra success on all Mystery rolls, as long as they score at least one success.
Flaw: All Sons Of Merlin must speak in riddles and enigmas.
The Children Of Lazarus
This Society was exported directly to the Society Of Leopold in the 18th century. They are the most militant of the Order, and
would prefer that more attention was paid to the destruction of vampires and other undead. Many Seekers come from this

Boon: All Lazarenes gain an extra dice when fighting vampires.

Flaw: Lazarenes are paranoid about vampires and other undead; they must make a Willpower roll to not go into a murderous
rage if confronted with vampires.

Character Creation
Attributes: 7/5/3
Abilities: 20/15/10
Backgrounds: 7
Virtues: 7
Mysteries: 3 in any of the correct ones for the Path.
Willpower: Heroism
Humanity: Honour + Truth
Power: 3

New Virtues

All Knights have a different set of Virtues to ordinary humans; this stems from their fight against the Armies Of Darkness. Knight
Virtues are Honour, Truth and Heroism.

This describes how honourable the Knight is, how he will stay to the path of righteousness. It is a measure of the character's
adherence to his values as a True Knight. Honour rolls should be made when the character feels in a dilemma over what his
course of action should be.
** Honourable
*** Virtuous
**** Chivalrous
***** As saintly as Arthur himself!

This describes how truthful the Knight is to himself and others. Truth rolls should be made whenever a character feels that there
is a difficulty in reconciling his innate truthfulness with his current course of action.
** Honest
*** Genuine
**** Sincere
***** Staunch defender of the truth.

This describes how heroic and brave the Knight is. Heroism rolls should be made when the Knight is in a situation of extreme
danger, and he feels that he shouldn't be there.
** Courageous
*** Stalwart
**** Heroic
***** Dauntless

The Mysteries are divided into three groups: Knight Mysteries, Magus Mysteries, and those of the Seekers. Knight Mysteries
are concerned with the Physical world; Magus Mysteries with the spirit, and Seekers are those of searching and punishment.
Each Path may only normally learn its own Mysteries, but the Storyteller may allow the PCs to learn those from other Paths in
certain circumstances.

Swiftness: This allows the Knight to gain extra actions per turn and move at blinding speeds.
System: Each level gives the Knight an extra action per turn, which he either can or cannot use, depending on his own choice.

Arthur's Might: Each level of this gives an extra, free success per every Strength roll that the character makes.
System: See feats of strength in V:TM.

The Shield Of Heaven: This Sorcery has a two-fold capacity; it allows an extra dice on all soak rolls per level, and the Shield
also allows a Knight to protect himself from magical attacks. For every point of shield the psychic has, the difficulty for magical
attacks is +1. This works on all magical abilities of all kinds, unless the Knight consciously wills it to go.
System: No rolls required. One point of Power must be spent per turn.

Gladius Dei: Gladius Dei allows a Knight to inflict extra damage in combat.
System: Every level gives an extra dice of damage in combat, either Melee, Brawl or Firearms. The Knight must spend one

point of Power per extra point of damage he wishes to inflict.

Magus Mysteries
Via Spiritus: This Mystery allows the Magus to summon, bind and dismiss spirits. Each level gives the user the power to
summon bind and dismiss a greater level of spirit. (Roll Charisma + Occult to summon, Manipulation + Intimidation to bind, and
Charisma + Intimidation to dismiss. All difficulties are the spirit's WP)
Level Powers
This level only allows the Magus to talk to spirits.
Gafflings etc may be summoned and manipulated.
*** Jagglings.
**** Totem Avatars.
***** Incarna. This is the absolute limit; the higher spirits are too powerful for the Magus to summon.

Necromancy: Magi with this Mystery have powers over the dead.
Level Powers
Communication: Magi with this level of Necromancy can see and interact with the Shadowlands as if it were normal
space. However, they are also easier for wraiths to interact with; all wraithly difficulties in affecting the Skinlands are
lowered by one if concerning the Magus. (No rolls required)
Warding: This allows the barring of wraiths from a specified area. Traditional methods include the presence of an iron
fence, a rusty nail over a doorway, salt water or a ring of salt around the area. These have ratings of from 1 - 10, with each
level having a resistance which must be overcome. The resistance level is based upon the Shroud rating in the area.
Whenever a wraith tries to enter a warded place, he must roll his Willpower against the area's Ward rating in a resisted
roll, at difficulty 8. If the wraith wins, he may enter the area; if the ward wins, the wraith may not enter, and may not try again
for two nights. Wards last for an indefinite period of time -- until the actual physical material of the Ward is disturbed,
moved or broken. It is impossible for a wraith to use his Arcanos to affect anything inside the Ward's influence, nor may
Argos and other related Arcanoi be used to enter the protected place. (Roll Intelligence + Rituals [difficulty of 11 - the
Magus' WP] and spend 1 Power. At least 3 successes must be achieved for the Ward to take hold. It should be noted that
the Ward will also work on Zombies and Risen. For some strange reason, it will not work on Crows)
*** Exorcism: This involves driving a wraith, Risen or Zombie from an area. The creature must immediately leave the area, as
fast as possible, or begin to suffer damage (one Health or Corpus level per turn of non-aggravated damage. If the
creature stays for more than three turns, it begins to take aggravated damage at a rate of one per turn) Again, Crows are
not affected by this power. (Roll Humanity [difficulty of creature's WP] and spend 1 WP. An incantation must be said: "In
nomine patris et filii et sanctis spiritus, ex hinc expello tuum!")
**** Dominion: This power gives the Magus almost total authority over wraiths, Risen and zombies. He can summon and bind
wraiths to do his will. He can control them with simple commands, or trap them into a certain place (or object for wraiths).
Basically the creature is totally at his command. (Roll Charisma + Intimidation [difficulty of the creature's WP] and spend 1
Power. Crows are not affected.)
***** Shadow's Gateway: A Magus who has this power is awesome indeed, for he can enter the Underworld and move and
interact within it as if he were a wraith. All powers that he possesses in the Skinlands are unaffected, but to all intents and
purposes he is a wraith, and vulnerable to all magic etc that can normally affect a wraith. (Spend 1 WP and 3 Power. The
Magus will seem to dissolve into thin air when using this power. He will instantly be transported to the Shadowlands
equivalent of his current position.)

Healing: Magi with this Mystery can heal wounds in others instantly, and rid them of tiredness, diseases and so on. Each level
allows him to heal one level of wounds, normal or aggravated. (Roll Power [3 + number of wounds], and spend 1 WP)

Making: This Mystery allows the magus to make mystical objects of Power.
Level Powers
Enhance Object: This allows the magus to enhance an object, so that it performs its function a lot better in future. E.g.
razors remain sharper for longer and so on. (Roll Dexterity + Crafts and spend 1 WP)
Chivalrous Armour: A magus with this power can make the special armour that often characterises the Knights. It is
strong and yet very light at the same time. Standard Armour gives an extra + 3 on all soak dice. It offers no encumbrance
to movement whatsoever, and gives some base protection against magical attacks (3 dice of anti-magic; roll these
against a difficulty of the magic level. Each success takes one away from the attacking magic) (Roll Dexterity + Crafts [7]
and spend 3 Power. At least three successes must be achieved on this roll for it to be successful)
*** Follower Creation: This power creates a familiar creature which follows its owner everywhere, and is mystically bound to
obey. Occasionally, the Knight will gain flashes of what the Follower sees, and if he is looking for something, the Follower
may be able to lead him to it. Every Follower is a spark of life captured within a body. The most common are horses, but
sometimes other creatures will be chosen. (Roll Intelligence + Science [8] and spend 1 WP. Followers are otherwise
identical to the others of their species)
**** Matrix Creation: This allows the creation of a Matrix Sword. A Matrix is the sword that every Knight gains upon his
ordination. Each is individual, and has a limited sentience and magical powers. They never blunt or break except under
very odd or powerful circumstances. (Roll Dexterity + Crafts [9] and spend 5 Power over the course of its making. This is
an extended roll, and must gain 10 net successes.)

***** Talisman of Power: This creates a powerful artifact which protects the wearer from almost all harm. He has an effective
soak and anti-magic pool of 15, and cannot be affected by any mind control magic. He does, however, become slower
and more clumsy (- 2 Dexterity). He also gains an extra 2 Health levels. (Roll Dexterity + Crafts [10] and spend 10 Power
in an extended roll. At least 20 net successes must be gained.)

Seeker Mysteries
Oculus Dei: Seekers with this Mystery can see and sense things that other Knights and mortals cannot.
Level Powers
Sense The Unnatural Form: This level gives the ability to sense other supernaturals. The user will simply know when
confronted by supernaturals that they are unnatural, but he will not know the exact nature thereof. (No rolls required)
Clearsight: At this level, a Seeker may see almost perfectly in complete darkness. He knows that it is dark, but he can
see as clearly as if in daylight. (Roll Perception [ 7 ])
*** Eyes of the Blind: A Seeker with this level can now see without opening his eyes. This is, needless to say, extremely
disconcerting for any one watching. Most Seekers who have this power have not opened their eyes for years. (No rolls
**** Shadowsight: This power allows the user to see into the Shadowlands and sense wraiths. (Roll Perception + Occult and
spend 1 WP)
***** Othersight: A Seeker with this level of Oculus Dei can, by casting his mind out, sense all living (or undead) creatures
nearby, and see through their eyes. They are almost undetectable; the only sign that they give of being there is that they
seem to cause a mental itch, which may alert some creatures to their presence. (Roll Manipulation + Occult [ 9 ] and
spend 1 WP)

Chimera: Seekers who possess this Mystery may find out extremely personal information about someone, by reading her mind.
There is one condition; they must know the other person's true name. They can only usually catch surface thoughts and images,
but this may be expanded upon by further probing if a thought is particularly strong in someone's mind. They may also find
themselves having flashbacks from touching objects about the object's past history, e.g. owners etc. (Roll Perception + Chimera
[usually 9, but may be higher or lower depending upon circumstances])

Sphinx: This allows the Seeker to determine whether someone is telling the truth or not. It can be used on all creatures freely,
but generally only supernaturals will have the sense to realise what is going on. The Mystery comes in the form of questions
which the Seeker can ask. If the subject answers, the Seeker will examine the answer with his magical abilities, and his Power
will tell him whether it is true or false. While this power is being used, the Seeker's eyes will take on an unnatural glint, which may
alert the subject. (Roll Manipulation + Sphinx [difficulty of the subject's WP] and spend 2 Power. Aware subjects may roll
Willpower [8] to attempt to confuse the Seeker. Ideally, the Storyteller should make the Seeker's roll in order to maintain an
element of uncertainty to proceedings. A botch will give a totally false impression)

Castigation: A Seeker with this Mystery is to be feared indeed. This power allows the Seeker to inflict punishment on any
creature that he believes guilty of a crime. It comes in the form of physical punishment, and varies from creature to creature; a
vampire may catch on fire, or an Immortal may have his Quickening drained out of him (See the Prelude) Basically whatever the
storyteller decides is best. The punishment is always painful and causes aggravated wounds. (Roll Charisma + Castigation
against the victim's WP in a resisted roll, both at difficulty 7. All the Seeker has to do for Castigation to take hold is to achieve
more successes than the victim. If he botches, the victim has turned the power against him, and he feels whatever the victim
would have felt. This inflicts 1 level of damage per point of Power spent. It can destroy a target, even if they are Cursed or

All Knights may enter the Umbra, but only to go to Camelot, their stronghold. Camelot is a vision of England as it was during the
reign of King Arthur; an idealised, beautiful country of rolling green pastures, majestic mountains and bountiful fields. The
inhabitants of Camelot are straight limbed, handsome and fair. They are hard working and industrious, and no few Knights have
come from the ranks of these people. The ordinary people of Camelot are, however, unable to leave; they are a melding of spirit
and flesh, and cannot go, unless they become Knights. The way to Camelot is only known to the Knights; it is impossible to enter
Camelot through the Umbra or Dreaming. To enter Camelot, one must go to the nearest church and pray for entrance into
Camelot. If all is well, the altar cross will begin to shine with the light of Heaven. The Knight must grasp the cross, whereupon he
will be taken into Camelot, to be met by the Knights Of St. John, who will guide him into the fortress.
Exceptional new PCs will be taken before Percival, the Regent (head of the Order). He sits on a gilded chair (not a throne!) in
the Great Hall of Camelot.

Opinions Of Others In The World Of Darkness

Kindred: They are the enemy.

"I don't know them. Are they Mages? No? Then I don't know."
Garou: They don't affect us much.
"They are out of the cycle. They can be deadly."
Mages: They can be worthy opponents.
"They sometimes have potent anti-magic. I fear them."
Wraiths: Our magi are the only ones who have any dealings with these creatures.
"The necromancers ought to be killed. See how they like it!"
Cursed: I would advise co-operation. They can destroy us, while we can seriously inconvenience them.
"We have a kind of stalemate."

Avalon Circle
By Dafydd Flower (

The Avalon Circle is a loose-knit association of Immortals who share information on matters of common concern. Obviously
much of this information concerns the current state of the Game, with particular reference to who's dead, who killed them, major
new players etc. However, the Circle also has an interest in the rest of the World of Darkness, particularly the Kindred, as they
can live for as long a time as an Immortal. While the Circle has no real power in itself and seeks none, it keeps itself as secret as
do individual Immortals.
The Circle was founded by an ancient Immortal from Britain, who was born and "died" before the departure of the Romans. The
identity of this Immortal is unknown, but he is believed to have died sometime during the early Renaissance. He founded the
Circle during the reign of Athelstan, based on the court of one of the Celtic warlords of his early lifetime, perhaps even the man
behind the legends of King Arthur.
The Circle has no defined leadership, but there is a small group sometimes known as the Inner Circle who are responsible for
organizing the rest of the Circle, especially communications, spreading of information, and the rare joint actions. The Inner Circle
are the most respected of the members, not necessarily the oldest; while Darius and Hugh Fitzcairn were both members of long
standing, neither became part of the Inner Circle, Darius through choice, Fitzcairn because he was felt to be a little too reckless.
Some of the Inner Circle are very young, such as Eric Magnusson who was born barely two hundred years ago.
All members of the Circle join through invitation by another member. If they accept, they are introduced to a member of the Inner
Circle who arranges the new member's inclusion in the information network. Often that particular member of the Inner Circle
becomes the new member's principal point of contact with the Circle, since members rarely know personally more than a few
other members. Many members wear a particular signet ring, a starburst pattern of swords, and all learn the phrase "Remember
Avalon" in ancient Celtic to aid recognition of each other. Because of this members of the Circle are more cautious than other
Immortals about entering into duels, preferring to ascertain whether their opponent is a fellow member or not.
The Circle had no real agenda, other than sharing information. However, there is one shared belief that could be considered the
group's guiding philosophy. The Circle believes that Immortals have a very specific role to play in the World of Darkness, and
that the time for that role is imminent. According to this theory, the Gathering will be the immediate precursor to the
Apocalypse/Gehenna/whatever showdown that all the other supernaturals seem to be waiting for. The victory of the last Immortal
will be like the positioning of the final piece on a chess board, and whichever side that Immortal supports will have a major
advantage, perhaps even a certain victory. This theory has led the Circle to be very concerned with the outcome of the Game.
While it is by no means forbidden for Circle members to fight each other, the Circle as a whole would prefer to see one of its
own members as the last Immortal.
It is rare for the Circle to take collective action, but not unknown. For instance, in the early twentieth century a small group of
Immortals was assembled through the Circle to deal with another Immortal who was using a gun to incapacitate his opponents.
The Circle felt that this would lead to an unbalancing of the Game, firstly because this Immortal was clearly not the sort of person
they wanted to win the Gathering, but also because he was accumulating a lot of power without practising his own combat skills.
If one of the major evil Immortals such as the Kurgan got to him, it would be like handing a free power-up to one of the Circle's
main worries. Therefore, a group was assembled to go after that gunman. He was not killed, but the warning had enough impact
to stop him using a firearm again. The gunman is, as far as is known, still alive and maturing into an excellent swordsman.
Communication within the Circle was usually rather slow, but has recently become both far faster and more secure. The advent
of the Internet presented a great opportunity. The Circle now communicates primarily under the guise of a second-rate multi-user
role-playing game called "Circle of Swords". Each member has a character and can communicate with any other character
whose name they know. In addition to the Immortal characters, there are many other characters played by non-Immortals, which
are included as a cover. By hiding behind such a setup, the Circle can communicate easily without much risk of a security leak.

By Mike Knight (
"....I am the First and Last, the Living One who died, who is now alive forevermore....."
-- The Book Of Revelations, Chapter 1, Verse 18.

In ancient thought, a man was split into three parts: the mind, the soul, and the body. When the body died, usually the mind
dissolved, and the soul passed on to reincarnation. Those who are particularly strong willed may keep their personality and mind
intact, and become Wraiths.
Some people pass on, but their mind and soul never separate, and they are reborn knowing what they were in their last life; in
these cases, the person is still who they were last time. These people are called Avatars, after the fact that they are the descent
of their last life (Avatar means 'descent' in Sanskrit). Their physical appearance may change, but their mind does not. They have
the same access to all the things that they knew last time. They also gain the ability to work magic, as their experience Awakens
them, to some extent. They are not susceptible to Paradox, but do not have the same power as mages.

Avatars have probably existed since the dawn of human experience, but they were only quantified as something different in
ancient India, where most of the magical abilities of all types of supernatural creatures were defined and mapped out.

Aside from their magic, Avatars are ordinary humans; they heal and die in the same way as the rest of us. They are just as
susceptible to disease as anyone else and take as long to heal.
When an Avatar is reborn into a human child they are completely self-aware and know who they were. Indeed, they remain
conscious throughout the whole of their existences. Perhaps only one Avatar is made per million people, if that, meaning that
they are extremely rare.
Avatars have an advantage called Atman; this describes how powerful their soul is. An Avatar may never have an Atman score
of less than one. The words Atman means 'Self' or 'the breath of life' in Sanskrit.
An Avatar is reborn instantly, in the nearest human child about to be born. Some Avatars make a point of only returning as their
own descendants, which can get really confusing for all concerned; how would you cope with your child being the reincarnation of
one of your parents?
Avatars have a Humanity score, but this can never drop below one. Similarly, no Avatar Virtue can ever drop to less than one.
Avatars can see the auras all living creatures possess, and tell what kind of mental state and so on they are in, simply by rolling
Perception + Empathy [7] Avatars are easily recognisable; they all have a golden tint to their auras.

Most Avatars keep in touch with others, but talking to someone constantly for even a hundred years can get extremely dull . . .
Many Avatars have others for mentors and friends, although there are many enemies among them. Feuds don't easily die when
you live forever.
Some Avatars form cliques with others, to watch out for each other's interest while they are dead or growing up.

Avatar Magic
All of these powers stem from the Atman, and its relationship to the mind and the body.


This gives the ability to control the minds of others.

* Command: One-word commands; reaction is instant.

System: Roll Charisma + Intimidation [subject's Willpower]

** Dictum: Simple suggestions; eye contact must be made.

System: Roll Manipulation + Subterfuge [target's Willpower]

*** Jackdaw: Steal, create, remove memories.

System: Roll Manipulation + Subterfuge [8]. Length and extent of alterations determined by chart below:
Successes Results
Only remove parts of memory; memories may return
May remove, but not alter memory.
May make slight alterations to memory.
May alter or remove entire scene from subject's memory.
Whole periods of subject's life my be reconstructed.

**** Red Rag: This allows stimulation of emotions in subjects, so that they will become more impassioned about subjects. There
must already be a feeling about something there or this will not work.
System: Roll Manipulation + Subterfuge [7]. Each success creates a stronger degree of emotion.

***** Mind Wipe: This allows the Avatar to completely wipe someone's mind and reduce them to drooling vegetable. This is
typically used as punishment for those who have harmed an Avatar.
System: Roll Strength [8] in a resisted roll against the subject's Willpower [8]. If the Avatar wins, then the victim is wiped. If he
fails, then nothing happens. If he botches, then the current body dies.

Heightened Senses
This is a way of increasing the senses beyond normal limits.

* Rabbits: Hearing
System: 2 extra dice for rolls involving hearing.

** Eagle Eye: Sight

System: 2 extra dice for rolls involving sight.

*** Nose of the Hound: Smell

System: 2 extra dice for rolls involving smell.

**** Cat Eyes: Nightsight

System: Ignore sight penalties for darkness, provided it is not complete darkness.

***** See Beyond The Veil: This allows the character to sense whether someone else is a supernatural creature, and of what

System: Roll Perception + Empathy [7]

This provides various temporary improvements to the body.

* Mediation: This allows the character to catch up on lost sleep.

System: Stamina + Meditation [4]. Each success allows the equivalent of one hour's sleep.

** Increase Dexterity: This allows the Avatar to temporarily increase his manual dexterity in order to accomplish complicated or
delicate tasks.
System: Spend 1 Willpower to increase the Dexterity by one for the remainder of the scene.

*** Lesser Yoga: This allows the Avatar to control any bodily system that does not involve things immediately concerning

System: Dexterity + Yoga [6-8, assigned by the Storyteller].

**** Power Of The Self: This allows the character to ignore wounds so that they do not affect him so much; in Avatar lore, much
of the body is under the control and impulses of the mind.
System: Roll Stamina [8]. Each success allows the character to not take a wound if injured.
Example: Manu is hit by a bullet for 4 wounds. He rolls his Stamina (3) against a difficulty of eight, and achieves 2 successes,
meaning that the bullet only inflicts 2 wounds.

***** Greater Yoga: This includes the hearts, mind, and other internal organs, including those pertaining to immediate survival.
This power also allows the Avatar to speed up his healing processes. To use this power, an Avatar must meditate for at least
two hours.
System: Dexterity + Yoga [9]. If successful, the character may alter his major biorhythms. If used for healing, each success allows
the healing of one level of any damage.

This is the ability to read another's mind. The simpler the mind, the easier they are to read.
System: Perception + Empathy [Target's current Willpower if unwilling, Intelligence if willing]
Surface thought
** Open subjects
*** Shady subjects
**** Closed subjects
***** Complete immersion

This is the ability to mentally communicate with others, including both Avatars and other creatures that have a latent telepathic
ability. It is easier to communicate with an intelligent mind than with an unintelligent one because intelligent creatures have an
easier time decoding information.
System: Roll Intelligence + Empathy [9 - subject's Intelligence].
Communicate basic thoughts
** Simple ideas
*** Short sentences
**** Gist of a conversation
***** Communicate anything.

When an Avatar dies, his body is immediately vacated by his Atman, which is immediately drawn to a human infant who is about
to be born. The Avatar then occupies the infant, sending its soul off for another round on the Karmic wheel. Some Avatars feel
guilty about this, but there is nothing to worry about; it's not like they haven't done it before, or will not do it again. The Avatar
remains self aware of himself and his condition. For some reason, no Avatars are born to Werewolves, Changelings or any
other supernatural creatures; they are always reborn as ordinary humans. Also, Avatars cannot be Embraced; it simply kills
them, sending them off into a new body.
Avatars seem also to grow at a phenomenal rate for their age; perhaps twice as fast, so that at the age of ten they will look
around 20. They normally stop growing at around 12. An Avatar can do anything that a normal human can, and a few things they
can't . . .
The Avatar retains all Mental Attributes, Charisma and Manipulation. They also retain all their Talents, Skills, and Knowledges.
They have 7 points to distribute between their Physical Attributes and Appearance; this reflects the fact that they can impose
some of their old body's qualities on their new body through the strength of their Atman, although they will have a different
appearance, due to their new body's heritage. They also gain a total of 10 points to distribute among their Abilities, with ST
approval for those gained or improved. This reflects the Avatar's new learning and experiences.
Some Avatars go insane due to the trauma of dying. To represent this, roll Willpower [6] and if they botch, they gain a
Derangement (ST's choice). Despite this, most Avatars are quite cheerful; they can't die, and they get to have a bit of fun while
they're at it.
The endless cycle of death and rebirth can erode the mind -- memories become more and more distant. Avatars can also forget

things; not that they are an Avatar, but things like their newly learned skills and other abilities. To represent this, every time that
an Avatar is reborn, roll Intelligence [6] against any Ability that exceeds the Avatar's Intelligence and score enough successes to
make up the difference. Partial success means partial retention of memory, each success giving back one dot. A botch means
that the Avatar loses one from the memory minus the difference, e.g. if a botch is rolled on an Occult 5 versus Intelligence 3 roll,
then the Occult rating goes down to two, as the Avatar forgets another piece of his past lives.

Character Creation
Most Avatars will be on at least their second life, but I would recommend that characters be on their first life; this allows them to
experience the trials of being an Avatar for the first time, giving them more impact and importance.
Age is also a factor; it gives more Attributes and Abilities, but increases the risks of insanity and forgetfulness. This will be dealt
with later.

New Avatars
Attributes: 7/5/3
Abilities: 13/9/5
Backgrounds: 7
Magic: 4
Virtues: 9 (at least one dot must be put into each)
Atman: 3
Willpower: Courage + 1
Humanity: Memory + Self Control.

Characters may take any background which is non-specific to a game, e.g. they could take Allies, but not Gremayre.

Past Lives
This reflects how many lives the Character has already lived. ST approval is needed to take this.
Level Number of Lives Extra Ability Points Increase in Memory roll Difficulty
*** 5-6
**** 7-9
***** 10
*All memory rolls are at difficulty 10

Freebie Points and Experience

All costs are at normal for V:tM.

Magic: 5 per level.
Atman: 2 per point.

Magic: Current x 5
Atman: Current x 5*
*Only after long periods of introspection and with ST approval)

Opinions of Others
Kindred: They can't do much to us so who cares.

"They are weird."

Garou: They're alright, but a bit boring, as it goes.
"They might be of the Wyrm, as they are not in the cycle."
Mages: Yawnarama, but watch out for the Technomancers -- they can be very unpleasant.
"They are an . . . interesting case."
Wraiths: Our cousins. Why don't they just move along? They seem to envy our abilities.
"Bastards. They can return."
Changelings: Freak outs! Ever tried reading the mind of a Changeling? No? Good idea.
"Aaaaaargh! They won't go away!"
Mummies: Our brethren. They are much the same, although they are stuck in the groove; at least we change every so often.
"Worth watching. Similar, but different. They could be dangerous, and are even harder to find than we are."

"Fine then. Kill me. Like I care."

World of Darkness: Banshees

By Andrew Fowler (

The year was 1499. Columbus had sailed across the Atlantic, and Nigel Rensbury of the Ravnos, Elizabeth Benlaecawr of the
Lasombra, and Paulo Giovanni of the Giovanni were running from a group of angry Ventrue through the Atlas Mountains. They
found a cave where they could hide, and decided to wait in the sunless grottos until nightfall. Little did they know that this area
was a Harbingers' haunt. At night, Paulo Giovanni noticed the wraiths. According to Giovanni legend, he had created a
discipline called Corpuswork. The user of this discipline had the ability to shape Wraith corpora, much like the arcanos of
Moliate. He supposedly embraced the wraiths, but Corpuswork was lost when Paulo Giovanni was killed by the Ventrue later
that year. However, the embraced wraiths remained. They could embrace others, but they would become the strange wraithvampires. The small group remained unnoticed until its founder, Da'ud Ibn Abdul travelled to Ireland, guided by the wraiths of
Nigel Rensbury and Elizabeth Benlaecawr. He listened to tales from the Ravnos of Ireland about banshees, the wailing spirits of
rural Ireland, thought by wraiths to be Chanteurs of Ireland. The group of travelling wraith-vampires called themselves banshees,
and so were created the Banshees.

Simply worded, Banshees are a line of embraced wraiths founded by Paulo Giovanni. They can travel throughout the
Shadowlands and Skinlands alike, and throughout a Shadowlands-like realm called the Sanctums by the Banshees, and the
Dark Kingdom of Emerald by the wraiths. The Banshees tend to hang out with the Black Hand when in the World of Darkness
(called the Megalopolis by Banshees), the Masquers while in the Shadowlands (called the Grey World by Banshees), and other
Banshees while in the Sanctums. The Banshees have organizations, called houses. The houses are:

The Dreamweavers are thinkers, philosophers, and artists who weave the dreams of mortals. They are rumored to have been
created from an embraced Sandman.

Spiral: Fluxtwisting
Suggested Boreens: The Fetter, Insight
Advantage: Can make Intelligence+Enigmas roll to give complete scientific insight into a mortal. This costs 2 Willpower and
has a difficulty of 6.

Ban: Must strive towards Vision (Golconda, Ascension, etc.) constantly.

The Financiers take care of all banking, stocks, and the like for Banshee society. They supposedly have ties to the Bank of
England. Paulo Giovanni himself created this house, thinking of all the money that could be made with syndicates and stocks in
the Sanctums.

Spiral: Distortion
Suggested Boreens: Lore, Hazards
Advantage: While in the Shadowlands, a Financier may hypnotize a wraith into trading a handful of oboli for anyting weighing
over 10 oz.

Ban: Financiers are notorious loansharks. Any conscious (not counting things under hypnosis) thing must make a Willpower roll
diff. 6 to agree to trade with a Financier, no matter how tantalizing the deal sounds.

The Vulpines are odd beings. They can shapeshift into foxes at any time, and are known for their mischievous ways. There are
many theories about how the Vulpines developed. Most theories somehow involve the theory that they were originally the
banshees of pooka or werefoxes from the Orient.

Spiral: Spycraft
Suggested Boreens: Nature, Corruption

Advantage: A Vulpine may, at any time, shapeshift into a fox, provided they have at least 1 point of Sanity left.
Ban: Vulpines are mischievous creatures. They are often distrusted, and rolls involved in believing one have their difficulties
raised by 2.
Note that the character may belong to any Black Hand bloodline, or the Sandmen, Chanteurs, Artificers, Masquers, Mnemoi, or
Oracles guild.

Character Creation
Create a character as for the game you want to use banshees in, except for these few rules.
Use Sanity to replace Arete, Glamour, Blood, Pathos, or Gnosis.
You might want to include the Banshee-only abilities for a Banshee character.
Use Spirals to replace disciplines, spheres, arcanoi, gifts, arts, or other magic systems.
Use Boreens as well.

Sanity is the magical power the Banshees harness from the Sanctums. Sanity can be refilled to 10 by meditating in the
Sanctums. For each hour you meditate, you regain one point of Sanity.

New Skill
Dreamweaving is the art of manipulating the flux of creativity that flows throughout all Banshees into a dream to be placed in the
heads of mortals, Sidhe not of House Scathach, Kiasyd, and Changelings.

* You can adjust a bit of the flux into a bit of dream.

** You can adjust a bit more: approximately half of a dream.
*** You can create 3/4 of a dream.
**** You can weave a full dream.
***** You can create two dreams at a time, or one extremely important dream.

New Knowledge
Sanctums Lore
Sanctums Lore is the gossip, rumors, and the occasional hypotheses of Banshees. It is valuable for many social situations in the

* You've heard a bit of gossip here, a hypothesis there . . .

** You know a couple of hypotheses and fair amounts of gossip.
*** You know more rumors about the Sanctums than a Financier knows about stocks and bonds.
**** You are a master of gossip in the Sanctums.
***** You are a master of gossip and hypotheses and speculation about the Sanctums.

Fluxtwisting is the art of actively warping the Banshee flux of thought. Dreamweavers always have Fluxtwisting 1 for free.
* Fluxhammer: You may gain 2 points of temporary Dreamweaving for your next roll involving Dreamweaving. Sanity Cost: 2.
** Twist the Dream: You may twist a dream already in progress, therefore affecting the thing that is dreaming in a different
way. Sanity Cost: 1.

*** Corpus Flux: You may have the great Flux of Creativity flow through 5 Corpora, giving the wraiths Dreamweaving 1 and
Sanctums Lore 2. At the ST's discretion, the wraiths may also gain an extra point of Pathos, and Sandmen may gain
Dreamweaving 2. Difficulty is 3 for Haunters, Proctors, and Puppeteers, 4 for Sandmen, 5 for Chanteurs, 6 for Masquers,
Oracles, Usurers, and Spooks, and 7 for all other guilds. The Sanity cost for Corpus Flux is 3.

Distortion is the art of making things distorted using Spirals. Financiers always have Distortion 1 for free.

* Distort the Cones and Rods: The character may make a mortal, vampire, or Non-Harbinger wraith's vision extremely
fuzzy. Sanity Cost: 1

** Curse of the Enfant: The character may make anything have distorted senses. Sanity Cost: 3.
*** The Clearing: The character may completely rewrite something's brain. Sanity Cost is a whoppin' 4.
Spycraft is the art of spying successfully. Vulpines always have Spycraft 1 for free.

* Peek: The character may make a 1" by 1" hole that only the character can see through. Sanity Cost: 1
** Hole: The character may make a 3' by 3' hole that only the character can see through. Sanity Cost: 2
*** Eavesdropping Network: The Banshee may listen to any conversation in the world via shadows. This was supposedly
developed from the Obtenebration power Darksight. Sanity Cost: 3

Boreens are the philosophical codes that the Banshees follow. There are six Boreens:

Insight: Perception, wit, wisdom, and intelligence are pathways to Vision. Follow them and enter enlightenment.
The Fetter: The Fetter prevents we Banshees from becoming spectres. If The Fetter can save us from Oblivion, it can save us
from the Children of Osiris and their fellow hunters.

Lore: Listen to the Sanctums' Lore. It will help you tremendously one day.
Hazards: Pranks and booby traps are roads towards pleasure, a thing that most wraiths need to fuel their passions. Lure the
gullible into these traps, and sell the pleasure to wraiths for big bucks (in oboli).

Nature: What gives anyone the right to corrupt the wilderness with urban sprawl? Protect the forests, clean up oil spills, and
recycle for a better future.

Corruption: Tempting all in to doing all sorts of things is a path to Vision. It is also something to do. Be the knave and trick and
tempt all for the purpose of your Vision.

Camarilla: Order almost perfected. I'm still a bit distant from the Camarilla, but I'll do fine among their crowds.
Sabbat: Ooooooooh. Mister big bad Tzimisce wants to terrorize all kine. Their ways repulse me.
Black Hand: Our allies. The Black Hand is the organization of Kindred that we look up to and the True Brujah make wonderful
travelling companions.

Gaki: Good travelling companions. Their rifts make great places for meditation to get back lost Sanity.
Garou: Do we need yet more emphasis on the Boreen of Nature? No. So I say "Oh Please!!!" to the Garou.
Bastet: Bastet are fine, as long as they don't bug me. Those werepanthers called Bagheera and werelynxes called Qualmi can
be great informants.

Fae: Remnants of the lost sections of the Flux of Creativity.

Mages: Grimoire readers cannot help but delve into the Sanctums. I wish they'd just leave us alone and bug those Red Talon
Garou over there.

Wraiths: Wraiths are our progenitors. Annoying at times, but our progenitors. I'm glad were the next step in their evolution.

Children of Osiris: These hypocritical hunters are a definite problem. I say we use Bardo against them. Who's with me?

Bar-Ba-Loot: The Frisking

By The Geek in the Hat (, based on The Lorax by Dr. Seuss
"And, under the trees I saw Brown Bar-ba-loots
frisking about in their Bar-ba-loot suits
as they played in the shade and ate Truffula Fruits."
-- Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

So, what is a Bar-ba-loot, you may ask? Well, they look, to the uninitiated eye, to be small, happy, fuzzy, cute bear/monkey-like
animals that enjoy playing about in the wild (especially in Truffula forests) and generally having a good old time. What you decide
that they really are is, of course, completely up to you. Could they be a strange offshoot of the Gurahl? Forest-spirits? Faeries of
some sort? Simply rare mundane animals? (yeah, right . . . that'd be way to easy for the WoD) Or something entirely else? More
importantly, what sort of strange powers will I throw together for you power-gamers to use to dominate your game and make
everyone cower before the near-omnipotence of the Bar-ba-loot? Well, I'm getting to that sort of stuff.

What a Bar-ba-loot is
For this bit of text that I'm writing, I've decided that Bar-ba-loots are a race all their own, completely separate from the other
denziens of the WoD. They're sentient creatures, and apparently came into existence in much the same way as most other
animals did, (i.e., there weren't always Bar-ba-loots, but then eventually some vaguely Bar-ba-loot-like creatures came to occupy
the environmental niche and adapted to it, becoming the fuzzy little dudes that we know today. This is also known as "evolution")
although it's also speculated that they could very well be prodigals, possibly an offshoot of the pooka. They're known to exhibit
odd powers at times, and the most likely source of their talents is the inherently magical Truffula fruit that they eat. Check out The
Lorax. :)

Bar-ba-loot Roleplaying
These little guys are notoriously peaceful and content with their lot in life. They tend to just hang around in a Truffula forest and
play in the shade while eating Truffula fruits. They don't have a Huge War (i.e., Ascension
War/Apocalypse/Ragnarok/Jyhad/Autumn), that they're involved in, and if somebody comes and messes with them, Bar-ba-loots
tend to get a bit discouraged and sad, and then they move along and try to find a new forest to play in. Yes, there are separate
sexes for Bar-ba-loots, but only they can tell the difference . . . .

Bar-ba-loot Communication
They have their own language, a soundless tongue of body language and ear-wiggling. It's very hard for non-Bar-ba-loots to
understand Bar-ba-loot communication, let alone speak it themselves. Bar-ba-loots have similar difficulty in learning verbal
languages, mainly because the whole idea of words is foreign to them and their vocal apparatus is built mainly for squeaking
and making purring-ish noises. Players of Bar-ba-loot characters shouldn't attempt to use this language, as they're quite likely to
inadvertantly insult the ST's haircut and order pizza with extra PS/2 ports on it.

Power! Give me power!

If you decide to play as a Bar-ba-loot (let your ST know about this first, okay?) then you're going to hafta deal with a whole
different set of special Advantages. Bar-ba-loots don't have Rage, Arete, or any of that stuff. What they do have, however, is...

Truffula Pool: The Truffula Pool is a reflection of how many Truffula Fruits the character has eaten recently. Not only do Bar-baloots eat these things for sustenance; they're rather tasty and provide a good bit of magical energy. Truffula Pool points are
gained on a 1 point/1 fruit ratio, up to a maximum of 10 points in the pool. The reason, in case you were wondering, why these
little furry guys eat the fruits while playing, is so that they can go however wild they like, jumping out of trees, playfully tripping their
buddies, and other potentially dangerous activities. Whenever a Bar-ba-loot takes damage, it can spend a Truffula Point to soak
a health level automatically. Hence, they can get smashed up pretty well with near-impunity while playing in a Truffula Forest. Barba-loots bounce.

Friskiness: Friskiness is another important trait to a Bar-ba-loot. Points from the Friskiness pool aren't spent, they're rolled
(sorta like Arete). Whenever faced with some nigh-impossible, odd, and most importantly, Frisky feat, a Bar-ba-loot rolls

Friskiness with a difficulty of the trick in question and then gets to subtract the number of successes on the Friskiness roll from
the difficulty of the test. When using Friskiness, Bar-ba-loots are noticably calm, collected, and cheerful.
Example: "Je'grafnin" the Bar-ba-loot is attempting to do a one-handed handstand on top of his friend "Glampka"'s upraised
foot. Je'grafnin rolls his Friskiness (3) against a difficulty of 8 (the difficulty of the feat in the first place) and gets 1 success. Now,
on his Dexterity+Athletics roll, he's got a target number of 7. (it was 8, but he got a Friskiness success) He'll most probably pull
this off with a casual flair and a big, contented grin on his face.

Willpower: A Bar-ba-loot has Willpower points just like any other WoD denzien.... The rules for them should work about the

Gifts: Bar-ba-loots have a rather powerful connection to Gaia, similar to that of the Bete and their kinfolk. However, only the
wisest and most learned Bar-ba-loots know gifts, and they can't be acquired during character creation. Bar-ba-loots often learn
simple gifts from forest spirits, but this should be role-played out. Similarly, Bar-ba-loots start with no Gnosis (but can acquire it
later if they feel like it, with role-playing and some experience points) and cannot Step Sideways without a good bit of practice.

True Magick, Blood Pool, Arcanoi, and Rage: Simply jesting, I am. :*)

Character Creation
The character creation rules work pretty much the same for a Bar-ba-loot as for any other sort of WoD character. Friskiness
should start out at three for beginning Bar-ba-loots, and can be raised with 3 freebie points or the current rating*5 in experience
points. Willpower starts at 4, and can be raised with a freebie point or the current rating in experience points. As with a vampiric
blood pool (you were waiting for a connection between Cainites and Bar-ba-loots, huh?) the Truffula Pool starts out at 1d10.

Relationships and Crossover Rules

The Changing Breeds: Bar-ba-loots, despite their being furry, aren't particularly closely related to any of Gaia's Chosen. Many
of the bete know of the existence of the Truly Frisky and wish to protect them from human expansion, as they are part of Gaia's
order. The Bar-ba-loots really don't get too involved with the wereanimals, though, except for those rare ones that are born with
Changing Blood.... (Be afraid; be very afraid.) They don't suffer Delirium, but do get instinctively concerned when a 9' tall wolfman death machine starts ripping stuff to shreds.

The Undead: At least 95% of the vampires have absolutely no idea about the Bar-ba-loots. The only exception would be the
Gangrel, but they tend to keep quiet about it. Bar-ba-loots know that the leeches exist, but that's about it, because they don't live
in cities very often. By the way, if a vampire ever decides to drink from a Bar-ba-loot, he's gonna have a wee small problem with
horrific Truffula-induced hallucinations while getting smacked down by a party of Bar-ba-loots. Attempting the Embrace brings
flaming, explosive results similar to the Kitsune's.

The Awakened: Only the mages intimately familiar with the forests (Dreamspeakers and Verbena for the most part have the
slightest inkling that the Bar-ba-loots exist. The SoE and Technocracy would probably like to study the little guys if they knew that
the Frisky were around, but they don't. Bar-ba-loots don't make much of a distinction between Mages and regular humans; they
just accept the odd happenings around an Awakened as normal.

Faeries: Bar-ba-loots are pooka magnets, and vice-versa! Bar-ba-loots have such freakishly low levels of Banality that they can
see into the Dreaming with little to no trouble, and Glamour comes gushin' out all over the place when the Eaters-of-Truffula-Fruit
come out to play.

The Dead: Sometimes, the older and wiser Bar-ba-loots shamans are visited by the Dead. Both parties seem to get absolutely
nowhere with this sort of meeting, so it rarely happens anymore. Bar-ba-loots tend to go to the Summer Country or Arcadia or
Heaven (pretty much the same thing with different names) or some place like that when they pass on, so almost never do you
have a Bar-ba-loot Wraith.

Obligatory Archetypal Quote

*indecipherable ear wiggling, hopping around, and ever-changing body posture*

Beast: The Hunter and the Hunted

By Josh Nuttall (

Beast is a generic term for several distinct monstrosities. There are only one hundred known and it is believed they are the
attempts of spirits to reside permanently in the physical world. The first beast was known as Pitt; he was also long ago known as
the Storm Eater (see Werewolf: Wild West). He learned a practice from observing the fae and their process of placing their
souls inside a mortal body. After years of practice, he finally found a host for his seed. He found himself dormant until the boy hit
puberty, when he snapped from learning that he regenerated at an incredible speed and almost doubled body mass when angry.
Pitt was a mild case. It has been said that no two beasts will ever look the same as in theory, no two spirits are identical.

Mark of the Beast: Powers of the Beasts

All beasts have found themselves to possess remarkable abilities as a result in the spirits lying dormant in their flesh. Powers
are determined largely by personality. Some fears might make you weaker to certain things or the same fear might make you
become part of one (e.g., an arachnophobe might end up being drastically allergic, causing all spider bites to do three health
levels aggravated damage or he might end up as a spider/human hybrid). Fascination usually leads to having the subject
become a part of you (e.g., I like fish; they look cool and it's a catch phrase of mine. I might become a giant fish with human arms
and legs or I might just find myself able to breathe under water). Storytellers should decide one of two methods:
1. Have the player make up the character and then he/she may decide appropriate powers and weaknesses to balance out
the character and still be based on merits and flaws.
2. Have the player make up the character then the Storyteller gets to make up powers and weaknesses.
Only trusted role-players should use option 1.
Sample powers include, but are not limited to:
6 inch claws on all fingers or spikes protruding from the hands and forearms.
Immunity to fire, water, disease, knock out gas, etc.
Increased attributes.
Cause the Delirium in humans.
Becoming twice as tall as usual with about four times the body mass (add a couple extra health levels).
Infrared vision.
Mechanical limbs.
Any appropriate gifts, spheres, disciplines etc....
Aggravated damage (as in claws and teeth).
Allergic to any substance (it causes aggravated damage).
The ability to sense the supernatural (Perception roll).
The ability to sense other beasts (no Perception roll).
Absorb characteristics of matter through the skin (this gets complicated as your character will almost never look, feel, or
have the same powers and weaknesses). The digestive process breaks down absorbed matter within five to six hours. It
takes about two minutes to completely absorb one pound of any substance except you can't absorb flesh. If you take this
you shouldn't take any others.

Sign of the Beast: Powers all Beasts Have

All beasts regenerate one health level per turn unless that health level happens to be aggravated damage.
All beasts will have a natural tendency to feel uncomfortable when exposed to vampires (basically +2 on all difficulties can be
used to track them). This stems from the fact that most beasts that have died so far were killed by vampires. Pitt has learned
how to stem abilities to all his "children."
All beasts are kleptomaniacs when it comes to silver. The ones that weren't killed by vampires met their maker to werewolf
All beasts have Rage pools equal to the number of points they took in flaws minus three.
All beasts can maintain a human and battle form. Difficulty to change is 6 on a Primal Urge + Stamina roll.
All beasts begin with a humanity as ruled in Vampire.
All beasts begin with five Willpower.

All beasts can step sideways at will with no necessary roll.

All beasts also have blood pools of five to begin play.
Any clever gamer would have noticed that beasts picked up an ability to help defend against their natural predators but they also
picked up a trait of their predators. This is due to the fact that werewolves and vampires are strong, they survive easily. Thus the
beasts have sped up the evolutionary process to where they can almost pick and chose their current gifts and abilities. This is
why no two will ever be likely to be alike as these necessities are a matter of perspective and no two people will ever look at the
world the same.

Character Creation
Chose your nature and demeanor as usual then pick attributes 7/5/3 then abilities 13/9/5 then backgrounds.
Available Backgrounds include Allies, Contacts, Mentor and Resources. After Backgrounds, decide on Merits and Flaws, then
spend 15 freebie points. Finally, decide your powers based on your Merits, Flaws, Concept and abilities. After that give yourself
a classy name like Pitt or Nightshade or Monster Magnet or Kilgore and you'll find something that has a shred of dignity.

Blackened: The Darkened Souls

(Version 2)
By Keith S Kaczmarek (

"Every man has a devil . . . and you can't rest until you meet him."
-- The Crow
In every man there is a darkness. Some seek to purge it. Others deny it. Some surrender to it. Few know it well enough to use
it's power. In the lands beyond death, it is called the Shadow. This is the World of Darkness, baby, and your evil has a name.
This is the story of the Blackened. They are the few strange souls that, through chance or design, have unleashed the bane of
every living, dead and undead soul -- the Shadow -- and survived to tell the tale. The darkness within most men is a burning
ember that briefly flares when exposed to the breath of their lives. To the Blackened, it is a conflagration that burns but never
consumes, hungry but never satisfied, destroying but never warming. It is a will tempered by evil; an inner strength honed by
darkness. They are sociopaths with empathy, maniacs with focus, psychopaths with restraint. They ride with evil incarnate, for
they knew the path to redemption and turned their faces away. Each Blackened is unique, but all evoke a power born from
madness, forged in the fires of chained passions, and cooled in the blood of their very souls.
Stories have filtered through our world as long as remembered history of men and women who have courted their inner darkness
and learned the dark secrets hidden within, and not all were admired as heroes. Today these anti-heroes remain with us in other
incarnations: The Crow, Batman: The Dark Knight, Wolverine of the X-Men, Darth Vader, Raistlin of the Black Robes, The
Princess Bride's Wesley, Xena: Warrior Princess, and many others. Each has a nearly unlimited capacity for evil, and an equally
powerful capacity to harness that evil. When the need arose, and they were forced to make a choice between their desire and
their depravity, they looked within and forced themselves to become one with the darkness, to own it, to make it a part of them,
and to love it. They did not reject it, hide it, or try to deny it. They became the darkness, rather than falling to its hunger.
To turn from darkness takes strength. To accept it without becoming corrupted is infinitely more difficult. That is the path of the
Blackened. They rode the razor edge of the soul between madness and death by devouring black sin until it was refined into the
ultimate epiphany. That is the Darkening of the Soul, the last dance with your demons that either brings a true death of the soul or
a resolution of the fission between Psyche and Shadow. Fission is a source of great power, but fusion is far more powerful. That
is what it is to be Blackened.

The Dark Furnace of the Blackened

Judah: "You can't stop me any more, Ashe. You don't have the power. there's nothing but pain for you now."
Ashe: Pain . . . is . . . my . . . power."
-- Crow II: City of Angels
Mastery of the inner demons grants terrible powers. The furnace of evil within the Blackened's soul allows them to accomplish
deeds only the mad dare, as well as being able to survive the price of such power. The Darkening of the Soul unleashes parts of
the Blackened's unconscious mind that he may not have realized even existed, and so it only unlocks dormant potential rather
than granting new powers. The Dark Furnace is the name for the eternal well of power within the Blackened, and the source of
their unique talents. The Dark is the stuff of the Furnace, and the power to fuel the Blackened's unique talents. These talents of
the Blackened are described as such:

The Dark Furnace: This is the core of the Blackened's soul and personality, and the source of the Dark. The Furnace begins
with a rating of one, and rises to a maximum of ten. Every point of Furnace grants one point of Dark to use each turn. This well of
power is endless, and never needs replenishing. Dark can be used as a substitute for Willpower, and even used for added
successes in dice rolls like Willpower, but the Dark allows multiple points to be spent in the same effect, allowing for Herculean
feats of skill. Dark can also be used to fuel supernatural powers and effects in the same fashion that vampiric Disciplines are
fueled with Willpower when used by former vampires. Raising the Furnace rating with Experience should cost ten times the
current. The Blackened will always have at least one point of Furnace.
For each point of Furnace, a permanent Derangement must be taken that cannot be eliminated, but can be temporarily
mitigated with Willpower (not Dark). Dark and other Blackened powers may only be used when directly in the the pursuit of one
of these Derangements (Batman is only cool when pursuing Vengeance(criminals), Obsession (grief), and Perfection
(learning)). Only the powers of the Black Librarian, Predator's Gift and Race of One may be used at any time.

The Burning Soul: The mind and soul of the Blackened is a turbulent storm of madness and violent energy. The Blackened will
automatically succeed in any Willpower, Courage or Self Control roll, even if it is contested, as long as it is involved in the pursuit
of a derangement. Also, any telepath attempting to read the mind or aura of a Blackened needs three successes on a Difficulty

of 10 to decipher any coherent thoughts or emotions. As an added danger, the Blackened has a choice of channeling a point of
Dark to cause his thoughts to flare and boil, sending a wave of madness and evil along the telepathic connection. The telepath
must make a Willpower roll against a Difficulty of 8 or suffer a Derangement.

The Primal Rage: The Dark, as the essence of madness, grants the Blackened the frantic energy of a maniac, yet harnessed to
the Blackened's will. For every point of Furnace, limited by the Blackened's Stamina rating, the Blackened may channel per turn
enough Dark to gain one of the following in any combination for every point of Dark channeled: one extra action, three extra
initiative dice, one automatic success on a Strength roll, or one extra success on Brawl or Melee damage rolls.

The Mad Savant: The fearlessness and focus of the Blackened is represented in everything he does. He never hesitates or
doubts his ability, and so he applies himself to all of his actions with preternatural devotion. All rolls for any action is at a -2
Difficulty, in the same fashion as an Aptitude Merit. Furnace is also a measure of a kind of dark enlightenment, and so every two
points in Furnace allows the Blackened to raise Traits a point above 5.

Race of One: The Blackened is a man without a country, a lone mad wanderer that cannot follow any rule but that of his
Passion. The Furnace rating equates to Humanity or Path rating. The Blackened has no real morality as such, and the Furnace
is the substitute for all intents and purposes. Humanity rules are ignored.

Ride the Demon: The Blackened is in a continual state of controlled Frenzy, and so he never checks to fall into Frenzy. He also
can ignore all wound penalties. Should he be damaged to negative Health levels, he can stay alive in a near-death comatose
state for a number of days equal to his Furnace rating. Only supernatural healing can revive him from this state.

Predator's Gift: The Blackened has Heightened Senses on par with a Wraith.
The Black Librarian: Due to the trials of the Darkening of the Soul, the Blackened will be able to learn and use powers that
normally would risk the corruption of the soul, such as Dark Sorcery. Experience is all that is needed to purchase these kinds of

The Darkening of the Soul

"You gotta love your darkness, because it's a part of you."
-- Homicide, Life on the Streets
This is the system for the Darkening of the Soul if it should it ever be played out. Only Mortals may become Blackened. To
initiate the Darkening of the Soul, the character must have a Willpower of 10, as well as Self-Control and Courage ratings of 5,
and the Berserker Merit. Even with all of this, the path is treacherous. The Blackened-to-be must let his Humanity drain away until
it is reduced to a rating of one. Then, every time the his Humanity rating drops below 1, he gains a Derangement. He also gain a
point of Permanent Angst. This Derangement must be overcome with Willpower. When he has a permanent Angst of rating 10,
and no Derangements, he may initiate the Darkening of the Soul. He must be able to spend Willpower as a Supernatural, and so
a temporary catalyst may be necessary (Vitae, Hedge Magic, Glamour, etc.). Then, he must touch the Astral Plane of Dreams.
The methods matters not. Supernatural spells, Psychics, etc. all work as well. Exceptional mortals (those able to spend
Willpower as a Supernatural) may enter the Astral Dreamplane in their dreams with an Intelligence + Meditation roll at Difficulty
10 with three successes. Once in the Astral Dreamplane, the mortal must work to summon his dark side to the surface and
confront it, intent on assimilating it into his personality like a Derangement. The Shadow and the Psyche will be inside a
Dreamworld in a reality created by the Psyche that resembles the real world in many ways. Both will exist in this world as two
separate entities of the same Traits, but the Shadow will use Angst as the Psyche uses Willpower. Damage to the Astral forms
of either will deplete temporary Angst and Willpower respectively. The Psyche must drop the Shadow's temporary Angst to a
rating of 0 to defeat the Shadow. Every time the Shadow botches a roll, it will lose a temporary Angst as well. The Shadow must
also check for falling in a Frenzy as a vampire, which may give the Psyche an edge in the battle. The inner battle takes only a
moment in real time, but lasts for an eternity in the mind of the mortal. The Psyche may spend Willpower to directly reduce the
Shadow's temporary Angst. Verbal castigation is often an effective method of reducing an opponent's energy reserves. After the
Shadow is reduced to zero temporary Angst, the Psyche must spend a total of 15 Willpower points to complete the Darkening of
the Soul. Willpower points above those of the temporary Willpower pool must come from acting out the mortal's Nature. This is
the final battle between the Shadow and the Psyche, and should he fail in sufficiently acting out his Nature to gain the necessary
Willpower, or he should lose the battle by losing all of his temporary Willpower, he will fall to the Shadow forever. Should he
succeed, he is Blackened.

The Others
"Life is pain! Anyone who tells you differently is trying to sell you something."
-- Wesley as the Dread Pirate Roberts, The Princess Bride
Vampires: Should a Blackened be Embraced, his body will heal from the brink of death due to the potent Vitae. At that point, he
has an option of either keeping his humanity, or becoming a vampire. Once he makes a choice, there is no going back. Dark
can be substituted for Vitae in effects that require it, such as healing, Attribute boosting, Disciplines, etc., but it will not Feed the
Hunger. As Blackened are already in a state of permanent Frenzy, there is no point in having a Humanity Trait. Should the
Blackened be Diablerized, he will be reborn in the Diablist's body, as his Burning Soul destroys the soul of the original.

Wraiths: Should a Blackened die, he has the option of becoming a wraith. Once he makes a choice, there is no going back. He
will not have a Shadow, and so will not be Harrowed. Blackened wraiths cannot reach Oblivion unless they can be separated
from the power of the Dark Furnace, for as soon as they are discorporated they immediately begin channeling Dark toward
healing. Even losing all Passions will not let the Blackened reach Oblivion, but all of his Dark will be channeled to keeping him in
existence, and so he cannot use Dark and will have a maximum Corpus equal to his Furnace rating until he regains Passion.
Spectre powers that target Passions will not have an effect on the Blackened. Should the Blackened choose to return to the
Skinlands in the form of a Risen, he must use a Conduit to hold his Dark Furnace and act as a connection to the Shadowlands. If
the Conduit is damaged, all Dark will be channeled toward healing the Conduit. Pathos may be used as Dark. Blackened may
also learn Dark Arcanos and Shadow Thorns. Any Thorn that allows the Shadow to gain Angst in exchange for power will
instead cost Dark or Furnace. Furnace is the Trait that replaces permanent Angst.

Garou: Should a Blackened become a werewolf due to some odd twist of fate, then he will not check for Frenzy. Dark may be
used as Gnosis or Rage, and Furnace can replace both ratings. The Corruption Trait cannot be gained, even if the Blackened
should learn or use Wyrm gifts or fetishes.

Sorcerers: Blackened may use Dark to power Hedge Magic Paths, and should the Blackened wish, each point of Dark
channeled toward the effect will add a success to the effect.

Mages: Blackened are Awakened in regard to Paradox. Should a Blackened Awaken to True Magick, he may use Dark as
Quintessence, and every point of Furnace may also be used instead of Arete. Dark will automatically counter Paradox like a
Node, and so the Blackened mage is immune to the Furnace rating in Paradox. They will not fall to Quiet. Mages attempting to
use Spirit or Mind magick on a Blackened will not only fail, but will risk gaining a Derangement due to the Burning Soul.

The East: The Blackened Traits have their equals in the middle Kingdom. the Pre-Blackened traits of Permanent Angst is equal
to a rating in permanent P'o, and Temporary Angst is Demon Chi. Dark is equivalent to Demon chi, and so any Kuei-jin who
Feeds from a Blackened gains Demon Chi and risks a Derangement.

The "Why I Should Let These Guys In my Campaign" Section

Blackened work best as NPC's of the best sort. They are enigmatic, powerful in their own way, and full of all kinds of role-playing
opportunities. They play by a set of rules different from the other supernaturals in the WoD, so they're great for setting players on
their ears. The next "pitiful mortal Hunter" might have a surprise for them. As for role-playing Blackened, there is only one thing to
consider: their greatest powers come from the fact they hoard their pain rather than letting go and finding peace. They had the
chance at Heaven and decided to rule in Hell. That's entertainment.
If a player wants to play a Blackened, I would advise against it. Turning the Blackened's powers and abilities into known facts
and numbers takes away the mystery and mystique they possess. If a player is willing to preserve these elements, and is willing
to play a mortal among supernaturals, then I see no real problem with playing a Blackened If a player is allowed to have Mortal
as Blackened, then it should cost 15 Freebie points, and the character should have a Willpower rating of 10 and a Self Control
and Courage rating of 5.

Blackened: The Darkening of the Soul

(Version 1)
By Keith S Kaczmarek (
"You gotta love your darkness, because it's a part of you.
-- Homicide: Life on the Streets

"Every man has a devil... and you can't rest until you meet him."
-- The Crow

McKoy: "You should talk to him. He can take your pain away."
Kirk: "No! I need my pain!
-- Star Trek V

Main Bad Guy: "I've stolen your power!"

Ash, the Crow: "My pain IS MY POWER!"
-- The Crow: City of Angels

In every man there is a darkness. Some seek to purge it. Some surrender to it. Few know it well enough to use its power. In the
lands beyond death, it is called the Shadow. This is the World of Darkness, baby, and your evil has a name.
This is the story of the Blackened. They are the few strange souls that -- through chance or design -- have unleashed the bane of
every living, dead and undead soul, the Shadow, and lived to tell the tale. Each is unique, but all evoke a power born from death,
forged in the fires of chained passions, and cooled in the blood of their very souls.
In the 18th century, a small Spanish town fell under the depredations of a pack of Sabbat vampires. From the ashes of his
family's ancestral home, a man, known only as Rinaldo, began a personal quest to slay all vampires, starting with the ones who
destroyed all that he loved. That was the beginning of his quest to destroy the undead. With the heirloom sword of his dead
bloodline, he stalked Europe's nights, bringing death to the undead.
He finally met his match one hot summer night in a secret catacomb in Italy. An undead necromancer, of Clan Giovanni, met his
sword strokes with unholy spells meant to wrench Rinaldo's soul from his mortal frame. As his final blow severed his accursed
enemy's head, the foul vampire unleashed a spell of terrible might, unleashing searing agony into Rinaldo's soul. As Rinaldo's
lifeless body fell to the ground, a gout of his enemy's unclean blood fell onto his unfeeling lips. In that instant, he was damned
forever. Feeling returned to his torn flesh with infernal force even as it cooled in undeath.
So wounded from his battle with the fiend and his exile from the living, he fell headlong into the slumber of the undead. In that
secluded catacomb, his sleeping mind dreamed the dreams of the unliving. Unknown to him, the necromancer's last spell had
done more than slay his flesh. He had been riven into two. One was a self that he exposed to the daylight, and the other was a
self he had hidden in the dark corners of his soul all those long years. While he slept, the darkness awoke to a life of its own,
trapped in the lands of the dead, exiled from the flesh that had parented it, and yet inexorably connected to it.
When Rinaldo awoke half a century later, he knew his damned fate. Studying the texts of his necromantic nemesis, he mastered
black arts to better destroy his enemies. All the while his darkness waited for the night when it would gain the power to seize
control of his cold flesh. The day came when his true nemesis confronted him. And it was himself. It was that starved, lonely
piece of his soul that craved to be free. He knew then that he could never defeat the darkness of his enemies until he could
harness the devilish power within his own darkness, a darkness that sought to corrupt and consume him. The Hunger of the
undead was as a candle flame to the dark sun of Rinaldo's Shadow.
His trials are unrecorded, but when next he was seen, he was a Devil in his own right. The undead world feared his name, for he
brought the Final Death with him like a sweeping cloak. Those few who saw him and escaped his wrath said that the very fires of
Hell burned in his eyes, and that he wielded powers wrested from the very heart of Darkness. He was finally burned to ash in a
battle of titanic proportions and cost in unlives. And yet, the rumors of his acts did not die with his body. The stories say Rinaldo
cannot die, for he is Death waiting for all the Unresting Dead. Stories continue to filter through the undead world of singular men
and women -- some mortal, some vampires, some which are something else entirely -- who partake of the same dark wellspring
of raw, unholy power. Sometimes the stories even speak of a few working together. And all called themselves the Blackened,
dubbed for the ebon taint of the soul they bore with pride. And yet, that is all that is known. Perhaps they have walked the earth
for far longer than any have imagined? Perhaps they are a new phenomenon? The darkness seems to swallow its own. The
Blackened remain a dark fable, a myth to pass from elder to neonate.

Game Information
The Blackened are individuals who have died and brought to life the Shadow hiding in their souls. In a wraith, it is this fission of
the Psyche and the Shadow at the moment of death that allows them to continue in the Shadowlands. Fission is powerful, but
fusion is far greater. The Blackened walk the paths of power carved by fusion with their Shadow. They own their darkness
through resolution and acceptance of their Dark Passions.
They hunt supernaturals with a vengeance that only the dead can understand. Blackened are only created in only a few ways:
1. When a wraith discovers and Resolves his Dark Passions. Spectres cannot become Blackened.
2. When the Ritual of the Dark Heart is performed on a mortal.
3. When the Ritual of the Dark Heart is performed during an Embrace.
When a Blackened comes upon a mortal with drive, a purpose to destroy supernaturals, and an understanding of their own inner
darkness, but not the skills or strength to compete with the supernaturals, he then uses the Ritual of the Dark Heart to unleash the
Shadow of the recipient. Once the Shadow is released and pulled from the soul of the mortal, the Blackened, if mortal, then uses
spells to bind the Shadow to the flesh of the subject. If the Blackened is a vampire, then the subject is Embraced. The Ritual of
the Dark Heart then opens up the recipient to the full force of his inner Darkness. Those who cannot handle this deluge are
driven mad by the experience and are destroyed by the Blackened. Those who survive the experience then begin a quest to
Resolve their Dark Passions. Those who find Resolution fuse their Psyche with their Shadow, becoming one being: the
Blackened. Those that fail are consumed by their own Darkness. For the Blackened, they no longer in a struggle with their
Shadow. They are the Shadow and the Psyche. They chose to retain their Angst, the pain that prevents them from Transcending.
This pain is their greatest power.
For wraiths the process is different, but the end result is the same. They must first learn and then Resolve their Dark Passions.
The Arcanos Castigate will most likely need to be used.

Basic Abilities of the Blackened

No one can become Blackened with less than a Willpower of 5.
Create the Blackeneds Shadow as you would a wraith. Ignore the Dark Passions, as they have been Resolved for the character
to become Blackened.
1. The Blackened has use of his Angst. Permanent Angst cannot exceed 10. Permanent Angst can also be burned for 9
temporary Angst. The only way to gain Angst is through intense, Angst-filled role-playing or taking Angst from others with an
appropriate Thorn or other power.
2. Temporary Angst can be used to heal normal wounds on a one-for-one basis. Aggravated wounds may be healed by
spending 3 Angst points and one day of rest.
3. Thorns are now used by the Blackened. Thorns can be gained at the costs in the Wraith 2nd Edition. Those Thorns that would
normally be used by a Shadow to effect its wraith, such as Devil's Dare, may be used on others. Certain Thorns may not be used
in the Skinlands, such as Tainted Relic or Spectral Allies. Certain Thorns that grant benefits to the wraith in exchange for Angst
instead cost Angst instead of granting it(i.e. Pact of Doom).
4. Permanent Willpower is no longer lost due to botches or other reasons. This is because Willpower loss was once due to the
Shadow. Angst may be spent when Willpower is to be lost due to other, role-playing reasons (such as a Spectre's Rapacity or
the fifth level of Dominate).
5. Permanent Angst can now be added to all Willpower rolls.
6. One point of Temporary Angst can be spent to gain five Shadow Dice for any roll. This is because the character is now pulling
on the untapped capabilities of the Shadow. (think of the Crow movies of how a mild mannered rocker and mechanic can
become martial artists and master gymnasts.)
7. The Heightened Senses, Deathsight, and Lifesight of the wraith are gained.
8. Supernatural effects that would increase a Blackeneds Dark Passions (such as the Dark Arcanos Larceny, or demonic
Investments), thus having a corruptive effect, will not work on the Blackened, as he has learned and accepted his dark side.

Blackened Mortals
No additional powers.
Mortal Blackened who are Embraced become vampiric Blackened.
Some exceptionally rare mortals who have learned to master and accept their own darkness without becoming Blackened can

gain abilities #4, #5, #6 or even Deathsight or Lifesight. Consider the numbered abilities to be worth 4 pt Supernatural Merits,
and the Lifesight to be a 2 pt Merit, and Deathsight to be a 1 pt. Merit. Angst is only gained through role-playing. Since mortal
cannot gain #1, the mortal must immediately use his Angst or it will be put toward permanent Angst. Mages, Garou, and Fae can
gain these merits and flaws, as well as #2 as a 4 pt Merit. (Remember Raistlin from the Dragonlance novels? Part of his
inclination for evil was an unconscious urge to produce Angst and feed #2 to temporarily stave off the effects of his illness. How
else would he be able to become healthy when he took the Black Robes? Of course, his Shadow was created by his human evil,
not the other way around. Other characters that had a more "good" bent, but possessed these Merits are Batman: The Dark
Knight, and the main character from the FOX TV show Millennium)

Blackened Vampires
All rolls to control the Beast are at a -3 difficulty, as in a normal vampire the Shadow would become part of the Beast.
One point of Temporary Angst is always gained through Humanity checks and Frenzy checks, successful or not.
As long as a vampire is a Blackened he cannot reach Golconda. If he loses all Permanent Angst, then this blessed state may be
attained. but when the first point of Permanent Angst is regained, he falls from Golconda. The Blackened can roll Willpower after
Diablerie is completed to counter successes of the victim to remain as a soul fragment (black veins). See Dirty Secret's of the
Black Hand for the rules for soul fragments.
An unusual Discipline, called Cathari, can be gained by spending one Permanent Angst per level. See the magazine Virtual
Lore #3 for this Discipline.
If a Blackened vampire is diablerized, he gets one automatic success for each Permanent Angst pt. on the Willpower role to
become a soul fragment inside the diablerizing vampire. Should a soul fragment be created (an almost sure chance if the
diablerized Blackened had a high permanent Angst), it will contain the conscious and mind of the Blackened. The only
supernatural powers that can be used are Thorns. In effect, the Blackened, in soul fragment form, has become the Shadow of the
diablerizing vampire. Unless the diablerizng vampire was of higher Generation, the soul of the vampire will eventually purge the
soul fragment in a number of months (see Awakening: Diablerie Mexico). The only chance a life beyond being someone's
Shadow, or True Death by being consumed, is to gain 10 Permanent Angst and replace the consciousness of the vampire, in
effect taking over the body and becoming the vampire. The consciousness of the original vampire will be eliminated, leaving
behind all of his power and knowledge. In game effect, compare all the Traits of the two, and leave the highest scores remaining.
This costs the Blackened all 10 pts. of Permanent Angst.

Blackened Wraiths
Wraiths are the most unusual of cases. They have resolved their Dark Passions and not yet given up the Passions that fetter
them to the Underworld. Consider any wraith (not Spectre) who has resolved his Dark Passions through role-playing to have
become a Blackened. Also, any Blackened mortal or vampire who dies the Final Death becomes a Blackened wraith.
Angst may be used in place of Pathos, but not the other way around.
Any Arcanos which would give Angst to a wraith no longer does so.
Dark Arcanos may be learned, but only Angst may be used to power them, and Composure gains are ignored.
Blackened Wraiths can no longer be Harrowed. Their Shadow no longer calls to the Spectres or gives the Spectres information
necessary to destroy the Psyche. They reform in the Tempest as per the house rules for a successful Harrowing.
A wraith with any Angst cannot Transcend.

Blackened Risen
Blackened wraiths who become Risen are handled a bit differently. They do have a Conduit, and this Conduit is the same as any
Risen. But, should it be destroyed, they still have the ability to harvest Angst, but cannot retain it, just as if they were mortal
without power #1. The Conduit is the place where all stored Angst is contained. Should it be destroyed. they will lose all Angst,
Permanent and Temporary. Should it be damaged, it will heal itself with its own Angst.
While the stored Angst is in the Conduit, the Risen can Transcend. (I keep thinking of The Crow from the two movies. They were
definitely inspiration for this article.) If the Blackened is destroyed or Transcends while the Conduit survives, then the Conduit
becomes something very powerful. It becomes a font of dark power that serves as a catalyst for others that match the Angst of
the original Blackened owner. These Conduits will serve as Blackened Conduits for any wraith and grant them the ability to
become Blackened Risen. Blackened Conduits have only the barest of sentience, just the Resonance of the original owner that
drives them to complete their Passions. (Basically the crows from both Crow movies. They were old Conduits that created other
Blackened from Enfants with similar Passions, both Dark and Bright, of Resolution and Revenge. The Passions of the Enfants
would perfectly match the previous Risen who would have Transcended or been destroyed)

The "Why I Should Let These Guys In My Campaign" Section

Well, I really don't recommend these guys for players, because they far more powerful than a starting character, except for the
mortals or maybe the mortal Merits. If a player ever does play one, make it the last grand adventure after a great campaign of
role-playing. But, keep all the powers a mystery. Blackened work best as NPC's of the best sort. They are enigmatic, powerful in
their own way, very much individuals, and full of all kinds of role-playing opportunities. They play by a set of rules different from
the other supernaturals in the WoD, so they're great for setting players on their ears. The next "mere mortal" might have a
surprise for them. As for role-playing Blackened, there is only one thing to consider: their greatest powers come from the fact
they hoard their pain rather than letting go and finding peace. They had the chance at Heaven and decided to rule in Hell. That's

Cat: The Guardian

By Magnus Edlund (

Cats are the sworn Guardians of humanity from all supernatrual threats. This task was given them by their parents, the great
Celestines Luna the Moon and Helios the Sun, as well as the Kings and Queens of Arcadia and other, darker, beings.
In the past, every cat was a Guardian and each of them chose a human, or a whole family, to Guard. But now the number of
Guardians is decreasing. More and more cats are born without the Magic, without the power to Guard. With this decline of
Magic more and more humans fall prey to the supernaturals. They become Ravaged by the Fae, tainted by the Wyrm, killed by
the Werewolves and eaten by the Vampires. The Guardians remaining cannot hope to be able to protect all of humanity, so they
must choose the ones to Guard carefully. No longer can a cat afford the luxury to only Guard one single human; they must guard
whole families, sometimes whole neighbourhoods. As not even cats can be everywhere at once, they are bound to fail
All Guardians have magical sight. This sight allows them to see things that mundanes cannot see. They can see and interact
freely with the Dreaming and its Chimerical creatures. They can also see into the Umbra and the Shadowlands, but they do not
have the power to enter these places; at least most of them don't.
In addition the Guardians have the power to see the true nature of a creature. This means that she can identify a vampire,
werewolf, changeling, mage, and even a human possesed by a wraith at sight.
The cats have two kinds of magic at their command: Tail-Magic and Whisker-Magic. Each Guardian has a rating between 1 and
5 in each type of magic.

Tail-Magic is a slow but powerful kind of magic. The cat needs at least 20 minutes to perform the intricate ritualistic movements
needed to complete a spell. When the spell finally is activated; it is quite powerful though. Guardians often uses Tail-Magic when
they suspect that their Guarded are threatened, and it is also common for them to use it before they go to sleep.
The rituals used for casting the spells often involve running around at high speed, pushing things from tables and shelves, and
meowing without appearent reason.
To use Tail-Magic you roll Tail-Magic + Intellegence against a difficulty determined by the ST. Here follows some examples on
what can be done with Tail-Magic.

Ward of Warning
Difficulty: 3
Description: This spell is cast upon an area determined by the cat, normally the home of its Guarded human. Whenever a
supernatrual being enters the Warded area the cat knows about it. She doesn't know what entered of where; she just knows that
something has. This spell is the most commonly used one, and is normaly cast before the cat goes to sleep. The Ward lasts
until sunrise/sunset.

Difficulty: 5
Description: Invisibility allows the cat to, well, become invisible. She can only be detected by magical means, and the difficulty
for doing so is equal the number of successes rolled on the Tail-Magic + Intelligence roll. If the cat attacks or manipulates
anything physically the spell is broken; otherwise it will last for as long as the cat wishes.

Ward of Inattention
Difficulty: 6
Description: This spell is cast in the same manner as Ward of Warning. The difference is that with this spell all supernatruals
don't notice the area Warded; they just walk right past it. The number of successes when casting this spell determines how hard
it is for someone to look beyond the Warding.

Difficulty: Depends on how powerful the spirit or wraith is.
Description: This spell drives away a spirit or wraith from a place or person.
Cleansing of Flesh and Spirit
Difficulty: Depends on the power of the taint. This spell cleans a person from any supernatrual taint in his body or spirit.
Examples of such taints are: Wyrm-taints, vamipiric Domination, changeling Geasa, and Mage Mind/Spirit spells.

Ward of Weakness
Difficulty: 8
Description: This ward causes all supernatruals entering the warded area to become physically weaker. For every success the
cat got on his roll, one point is subtracted from all physical abilities of the invader. If one of the attributes are reduced to 0, the
critter faints and does not waken until the ward expires (sunset/sunrise) or he is removed from the warded area.

Death Ward
Difficulty: 9
This works in the same way as the Ward of Weakness, but it causes aggravated damage instead of reducing physical

Whisker-Magic is the other kind of magic cats can use. It is a lot faster than Tail-Magic (about 1 turn), but it's not as powerful. It is
often used in combat or other situations that need instant results.
To use Whisker-Magic you roll Whisker-Magic + Wits. With Wisker-Magic you can do things like this:

Personal Ward
Difficulty: 3
When activating this spell the cats lies down very closely to the person he wants to be affected by the spell. As long as the
person keeps physical contact with the cat he is protected from all mental and spiritual attacks of supernatrual origin. The
difficulty to penetrate this protection equals the cat's willpower.

Difficulty: 4
Moon-Jumps enables the cat to jump incredible distances (his normal jumping-length x3).

Mind Attack
Difficulty: 6
Description: With this spell the cat attacks someone's mind. For every second success the target loses 1 dot in intellegence
and wits (temporary).

Hypnotic Gaze
Difficulty: Target's Willpower
Description: The cat can paralyze someone by looking into his eyes. When using this power the cat's eyes glow.
Thought Reading
Difficulty: Target's Willpower

Description: The cat can read someone's thoughts. The more successes the more detailed information.
Final Strike
Difficulty: 9
By using this spell the cat inflicts 10+Number of Successes of aggravated damage to all supernatrual creatures within 20 yards
radius. By casting this spell the cat himself dies.

Soothing Purr
The Guardians have one ability that isn't Tail or Whisker-Magic. It is called the Soothing Purr. When using The Soothing Purr the
cat lies in the lap of his Guarded and purrs. The purr releases all strain in the Guarded and lets him relax. The Purr can even heal
minor wounds, both physical and mental.


By Duncan J. Wilson (

During the time of the Second City, the power of the Weaver was low compared to that of the Wyld and the Wyrm. The Wyld had
vast tracts of what was to become America to itself and the Wyrm's agents; the vampires, were steadily growing in power. The
only humans who sought any kind of order that appealed to the Weaver were under the influence of the Kindred.
In order to attempt to counter this inbalance in power at the time, the Weaver attempted many strategies; one of these was
Leviathan. It was created as a spiritual entity which could create minor realms under its control and extend it's influence from
there to help its servants on Earth. Its purpose was to help the humans break free of the vampires. It failed.
Shortly after it's creation, it was attacked by the forces of the Wyrm and then the Wyld. It was believed to have been destroyed
and the Weaver eventually broke the power of the Second City by creating internal discord among the kindred.
Leviathan did, in fact, survive the attacks, but only just. It took many centuries to reform itself and many more to gain any sought
of power. However, it had been permanently tainted by the Wyrm and Wyld, and its goals had altered significantly. It now
believed that the major source of chaos in the world was the flesh, and those pleasures associated with it. It believed that
humans should be able to ascend to a higher state, where they could bring order to their flesh, and replace pleasure with pain, a
more clinical and ordered sensation.
During its years of rebuilding, Leviathan developed a method of allowing its followers to achieve the required state of being. This
method involved carving a pattern into the flesh and/or soul of the being so that Leviathan could empower them. This pattern was
different everytime and was named a Lament Configuration.
During the time of the Roman Empire, Leviathan re-emerged from its slumber. It had created several realms (Malkuths) from
which it could extend its influence and a group of beings to help it called the Cenobites. It utilized a series of keys (Kethers) to
allow the Cenobites to summon more humans. These either become servants on Earth or 'worshippers', turned into Pillars of
Nephesch or consigned to their own personal Hells.
Leviathan quietly grew in strength due to the power absorbed from its 'worshippers' and slowly extended its influence. However,
it quickly realized that all the other powers had taken over the Earth and, afraid that it would suffer the same fate as before,
decided that it should try to limit its expansion so that it could remain relatively unnoticed by everything else. This has remained
the same up until the current time.

Servants of Leviathan
All the servants of Leviathan have several things in common. The creation process involves the empowering of the being using
the Lament Configuration. The carving of the Configuration is a terrible process which strips the being of any previous morals
and imposes Leviathan's own rules and beliefs on her mentality.
All the servants have their own set of rules. Leviathan was created by the Weaver and hence is bound by a sense of order. The
influence of the Wyld has meant that this manifests as a series of rules laid down to its servants. The amount of laws given to the
highest ranks of cenobites, the Magister and Geburah, are so conflicting and numerous that it needs a warped intellect to be
able to survive day to day without breaking Hell's rules.

Cenobites: Magister
These are the cenobites who are in charge of each individual Malkuth. They
answer only to the shard of Leviathan that inhabits their realm. They have
control of who becomes cenobites and servants in their particular Malkuth
and the shape that the Malkuth takes. An example is Pinhead, who was
answerable only to the Diamond shaped shard of Leviathan who inhabits

his particular Malkuth. He has shaped the Malkuth to appear as a Gothic,

stone labyrinth, and he would have chosen the other cenobites. Even the
form the Kether used would have been his choice, though he uses the same
one as summoned him.

Cenobites: Geburah
These cenobites are created by Leviathan and have nothing to do with the Magisters. They are not confined to one Malkuth and
are normally created to either enforce the rules or to fight on Leviathan's behalf in the Deep Umbra. From the films, the example
was the Doctor from the second film, who was specifically created to punish Pinhead for breaking the rules of Hell.

Cenobites: Cheza
These are the cenobites created by the Magister to aid him in running the Malkuth. From the films, these are the other three who
make up the quartet that Kirsty encounters.

These are constructs, created from destroyed souls and flesh, who act as guardians on the Malkuth. They can take any shape or
form and respond solely to the Magister.

They are the servants of the Magister, who guard the Kethers on Earth and 'aid' would be worshippers of Leviathan to achieve
glory. The bearded man who follows Kirsty and rescues the Kether from the fire at the end of the first film is an example.

They are miscellaneous followers of Leviathan who live on Earth. They obey one Magister and help Leviathan to fight its subtle
battles on Earth, destroying the Wyrm and Wyld and fighting to help Leviathan's views become more prevalent. Their work has
recently included the move to make 'S&M' more acceptable, and the Middle East is another favorite hunting ground of theirs.

Malkuths and Kethers

Malkuths are the personal realms of Leviathan. They are found in the Deep Umbra. Each Malkuth has a splinter of Leviathan
contained within and is ruled by a Cenobite Magister with several Cenobite Cheza as assistants and many Qlipoth as guards.
Malkuths are powered by the suffering of those inside. It will house many Pillars of Nephesch (see later) that fuel Leviathan.
There will also be a number of personal hells. Those who have annoyed the Magister will have a part of the Malkuth dedicated to
making their existences as sweet as possible for the attendant Cenobites.
Every Malkuth appears very different. They are formed by the ruling Magister in whatever image she wishes and she can change
it at any time. They all, though, have a highly oppressive atmosphere, giving the impression of suffering to all those who visit it.
However, due to the type of being chosen to be a Magister, they also tend to be arranged in a logical manner.
At the centre is Leviathan. The particular appearance of Leviathan will normally bear a resemblance to the style of Kether
employed by the ruling Magister. To make sure that all the attendant Cenobites are fulfilling their duties, Leviathan absorbs all
their memories whenever they are near its presence. It returns those which it approves of the most to act as guidance for the
future. Although this is extremely distressing for any visitors, Cenobites actually enjoy the procedure because they get to relive
their greatest triumphs purified of any extraneous background.
The Malkuth not only powers Leviathan, but also the very realm. The power is represented by two factors. First, all Ruachs within
the Malkuth will have a reduced power cost, from -1 to -10 depending on the power of the Malkuth. Also, half the power cost

reduction is also a bonus modifier to the skill roll for the Ruach. It is very dangerous to take on the Cenobites on their own turf.
The only standard way in to these realms is either by locating it within the Deep Umbra, or by activating a Kether. Kethers are
held by the Berashith who serve the particular Magister. Each Kether can take on any form, though they usually stay in one
particular fashion for some time. They can only be solved by a desire to open them. They take the form of a puzzle designed to
bring out the attribute less used out of the two Leviathan desires, Pain and Order. For those seeking new sensations, in could be
a complex mental puzzle such as a puzzle box; for a crossword buff it could be a simple puzzle with clues designed to make him
commit acts of suffering eg 1 down: the taste of flesh. No matter the design, it is only when the desire is strong enough that the
Kether opens.
It may take a long time to open a Kether, but once open there is a path from the being to the Malkuth until the puzzle is unsolved.
While this path is open, any Cenobite may open a gate from the Malkuth to enjoy the being. It is possible that more than one
person is in the area while the gate is open. Leviathan has many complex and conflicting rules about which of these may be
taken as well. Many a hunter has believed she knew how to get around the Cenobites only to find she was mistaken, and paid
the ultimate price, fueling Leviathan.
There is only one way to escape from a Malkuth. A physical representation of suffering must make contact with something of
value to the captured being, which is usually the place where she made the leap to the Malkuth. The most strong willed have
been known to send visions to those close to them in order for this to happen, but that is only if they are in a hell rather than
consigned to a Pillar.
Even once escaped, there are problems. There is always a taint on the being due to her capture and torture, though this
changes with the escape so it is more difficult to track down. Also, if they have been consigned to a Pillar, then there is no body
for them to escape in, and one must be created by repeating what happened to allow the initial escape.

These are the powers of the followers of Leviathan. They are all powered by the Lament Configuration carved into them all. Each
power has an associated skill which must be bought separately and a power cost which is paid for by the suffering currently
contained within the Shivadarshana.
There are five patterns that form the Ruach gained from a Lament Configuration, and five powers contained within each pattern
except for Magisters and Geburah, who have the Core Pattern at a higher level and can use the higher Ruach's.
All the Ruach's should be personalised for the specific follower. The Cenobites have a great presence and style about them, and
their powers should refect this. To take Pinhead as an example everyone should be familiar with; his Rending the Flesh is the
fish hooks on chains; his flesh has been sculpted in the classic gridded head; he insists that all his Cenobites adopt a blue skin;
whenever an equivalent of Leaving the Realm is done in the films, you see the lights penetrating the slats in the walls. These all
add to the personality of Pinhead, and any Followers created should have an equally personal style.

This is the capacity of the Followers Lament Configuration to contain pain and suffering. It can be refueled by Leviathan itself in a
Malkuth or using a Ruach to fuel it.

Duration Tables
Table 1
Successes Duration
5 minutes
1 hour
1 day
3 days
1 week
1 month
3 months
1 year
10 years

Table 2

Successes Duration
1 round
5 rounds
1 scene
1 hour
3 hours
1 day
1 week
1 month
3 months
1 year

Modifiers to Ruach Skills

Aura of Local Area -2 to +2
Extra Time
-1 to -2

Core Pattern
* Empower Configuration
Cost: N/A
Duration: N/A
This allows the power to be gained. The follower absorbs the suffering from those around him; for example 'helping out' at a car
wreck. A skill roll is made every hour, at a difficulty given by the Storyteller depending on the extent of suffering surrounding the
Follower at the time. Every success refuels the Shivadarshana by one a point of power.

** Overcome Flaws in the Flesh

Cost: 3
Duration: Table 2
This removes the wound penalties from the Follower (See later). The penalties are only there due to the flesh being unable to
perform its functions. This places a configuration over the flesh so that if the flesh is weak, the configuration will perform instead.
This will appear very strange for some wounds, even filling in a portion of arm to connect a hand to the rest of the body.

*** Enhance Configuration

Cost: 5
Duration: Table 1
Every thing that is the Follower is contained within the Configuration carved into her. This Ruach lets power flow into the
configuration to boost the attributes of the Follower. The skill roll is diff. 6, every succ. providing a +1 to an attribute of the
Follower's choice.

**** Absorb Suffering

Cost: N/A
Duration: N/A
The Follower can now refuel her Shivadarshana directly by torturing a being, and absorbing its suffering directly. The skill roll is 8
for no permanent harm to the being, 6 for a permanent derangement, and 4 for death to the being; this can be modified for extra
time spent, or if the Follower has to hurry. Every succ. refuels three points.

***** Empower Area

Cost: Var.
Duration: Table 1
Power can be given to an area to give it the property of a Malkuth in reducing the cost of Ruach by giving it an aura of suffering.
For every 5 spent, the area has 10m radius and a reduction in cost of 1. For every 10 spent, the area also has a -1 modifier to all
Ruach skill rolls. The skill roll is dif. 6 to enable the suffering to stay in the area rather than dispursing.

Mind Pattern
* Assess Worshipper
Cost: N/A
Duration: Table 2
This Ruach allows the Follower to scan the mind and body of a being. It can allow study of an aura, emotional patterns and
anything unusual about the body. It finds Awakened beings, spells on bodies, taints of Wyrm, Weaver or Wyld and most other
effects. Its main use is for assessing potential 'worshippers,' to see if they are fit for the task, though also very useful for general
spying. The detail of infomation is dependent on the number of succ., and the difficulty is 6 normally, though the Storyteller may
modify it. It takes the form of an enhancement of the Followers vision.

** Persuasion
Cost: 1-3
Duration: Var.
The Follower can now start to affect other minds. She can implant suggestions, or charm someone. The duration and strength of
the effect are variable. The Follower states the effect she is trying for, then the Storyteller assigns a difficulty for the skill roll; 3
succ. are required for the effect given. For example, a minor charm on a doorkeeper in order to gain admittance is dif. 4,
whereas the same effect on a bank manager would need to last a scene, so is diff.6. This is resisted by willpower diff. 8.

*** Free One's Own Mind

Cost: 3
Duration: Table 2
The Follower can now affect her own mind to such an extent that she can concentrate on multiple items at the same time. Every
succ. on a skill roll dif. 6 grants the Follower an extra item of thought. This can allow multiple Ruach's to be utilised in the same
round, though every action is simultaneous, and so they cannot be dependent on each other.

**** Invasion of the Mind

Cost: 5
Duration: 1 Scene
The Follower is able to invade another beings thoughts. The diff. is 6 for the skill roll, resisted by the opponents willpower diff. 8.
The number of successes scored over the opponent determines the depth of invasion from surface thoughts (1 succ.) to
complete knowledge of the opponents entire memory,(5 succ.) and even knowledge of the subconsciosness and past lives (10

***** Worshipper's Dreams

Cost: 5-10
Duration: Table 1
The Follower can alter people's thoughts. This can vary from placing illusions in people's perceptions, altering their dreams,

destroying their memories and even altering their natures. The difficulty is completely up to the discretion of the Storyteller, and is
resisted by the person's willpower dif. 8.

Pattern of the Flesh

* Flesh Sculpture
Cost: N/A
Duration: Perm
The Follower can begin to sculpt her own flesh into something more satisfying for her. This can include slight tattoos on the
shoulders or removing a scar on the hip, up to replacing the eye with a video camera, or severing the vocal cords with barbed
wire. This only ever has a cosmetic effect in game terms, so that the voice is no different and the Follower could not see in infrared with the camera. The skill roll is at a dificulty set by the Storyteller, though good, original ideas should be rewarded by lower
dificulties. A few succ. will mean that something is slightly wrong with the sculpture, whereas a failure means the attempt was
aborted and a botch is left to the Storyteller.

** Reformation of the Flesh

Cost: 1
Duration: N/A
This allows the Follower to reform any wounds that she has taken. The skill roll is diff. 6 for normal, diff. 8 for aggravated. Multiple
attempts may be made to heal the same wound, though each successive one is at a +1. Each success heals 1 wound level.
Botches cause the aggravated damage equal to the no. of ones.

*** Transformation of the Flesh

Cost: 5
Duration: Succ. Days
The Follower can create another image which she can change into, swapping between forms as long as the Ruach lasts. The
skill roll is dif. 6 for a standard form, diff. 7-9 for unusual forms (werewolf, bird) and diff. 10 for a copying someone else's image,
though rough approximation are easier. The difficulty of all Ruach's while in the altered form is increased by 2 due to a warped
Lament Configuration.

**** Ignorance of the Flesh

Cost: N/A
Duration: N/A
The Follower can warp her configuration so quickly that it can ignore damage eg. when Pinhead spits out the bullets in Hell on
Earth. The skill roll is dif.6 for normal and dif. 8 for aggravated or mental, each success preventing one point of damage.

***** Creation of the Flesh

Cost: 30/10
Duration: Perm/Succ. Days
The Follower can slowly warp flesh so that she can create a Qlipoth. The rules are left completely up to the player and Storyteller
involved, although rules are given later for standard Qlipoth. The Follower can also perform the above Transformation of the
Flesh on another being now.

Remote Pattern

* Weaver Taint
Cost: 10
Duration: Perm
The Follower can taint a being or object with a Weaver taint. The taint is subtly different from standard so other followers will
recognize individual taints. All Kethers are tainted, as are potential 'worshippers'.

** Enhance the Sensation

Cost: 3
Duration: Table 2
The Follower can allow herself and others to experience the joy of pain better. The skill roll is dif. 4-8 depending on range (touch:
close range:Line of sight:nearby:within a few miles) and resisted by willpower diff.8 if the subject is unwilling. For each succ.
scored over the opponent, she has one extra wound penalty.

*** Scarring the Flesh

Cost: N/A
Duration: N/A
The Follower has the ability to damage opponents at range. The skill roll is diff equal to Enhance the Sensation, each success
causing one wound level of damage which can be soaked.

**** Corrupting the Flesh

Cost: 3/10/5
Duration: Instant Table 2/Other Table 1/N/A
The Follower has the ability to alter the flesh of an opponent according to Leviathan's designs. In an instant, the Follower can
corrupt the flesh of an opponent. On a skill roll diff. as Scarring the Flesh, resisted by Stamina dif. 6, each succ. lowers one
Physical attribute of opponent by one, chosen by Follower. If given time, the Follower can mould the Flesh as per Flesh Sculpture
except on the opponent. The Follower can also perform a specific Flesh Scupture to create a Reformation of Flesh on someone

***** Rending the Flesh

Cost: 5
Duration: N/A
This is a higher level equivalent of Scarring the Flesh. It works the same except damage is either aggravated or times 3.

Pattern of the Realms

* Visualising the Realm
Cost: 1
Duration: Table 2
The Follower can see remote places or items in the world she is currently occupying. The number of succ. gives the amount of
detail seen. The diff. for seeing beings is 6, modified by arcane and obfuscate, for items set by the Storyteller and for places
dependent on the distance 4-10(as per Scarring the Flesh:within 100 miles:this realm). A modifier of bonus of 1 to 3 can be
applied for familiarity with that being visualised. To see a taint known to the Follower, it diff 5.

** Transversing the Realm

Cost: 3
Duration: Table 1
The Follower has gained the ability to travel across the world. A skill roll is made dif 4-8 depending on the familiarity of the place
the caster is travelling to or 5 for a specific place in relation to a known taint. This opens up a passage to the location. Only
Phrixus, Berashith and Cenobite Geburah may use this Ruach.

*** Controlling the Realm

Cost: 3
Duration: Table 2
Now the Follower can control the part of the Realm near her. This includes creating illusions, moving objects, closing and locking
doors etc. For moving objects Str is taken to be Int, and Wits is Dex. All other effects should be based on appropriate Attributes
and Abilities. The skill roll is dif. 6 for around her, dif 8 for an area she is visualising, succ. times 10m is the radius of area that
can be affected.

**** Leaving the Realm

Cost: 5-10
Duration: Table 1
This works the same as Transversing the Realm except this opens bridges between worlds. It only opens bridges between
adjacent worlds e.g. Earth and Near Umbra, Near Umbra and Horizon Realm or Deep Umbra. The Malkuth of her Magister is
always considered adjacent. Only Phrixus, Berashith and Cenobite Geburah may use this Ruach.

***** Summoning Leviathan

Cost: 10
Duration: Table 2
This is a very powerful effect which co-locates an area 10mx10m around the Follower with the Malkuth of the Follower's
Magister. Within this area, all benefits of being within the Malkuth apply, and the inhabitants of the Malkuth may use this gate to
explore and help the Follower though they are dragged back as soon as the effect ends. Only Phrixus, Berashith and Cenobite
Geburah may use this Ruach.

Core Pattern: Magisters Only

****** Pillars of Nephesch
Cost: 10
Duration: Perm
This enables the Magister to capture the destroyed soul of a worshipper inside a prison, usually a pillar adorned with personal
items of the worshipper such as the flesh of his face. It is these, along with the suffering of the special few in their personal hells,
that fuels the Malkuths, and in turn Leviathan itself.

******* Creating the Lament

Cost: 50
Duration: Perm
This marks the time when a Magister gains final control over the Malkuth. This Ruach enables the Magister to carve the Lament
Configuration herself, instead of Leviathan performing the task. It is an extremely difficult task, and only the most trusted
Magisters are allowed to use this Ruach.

Core Pattern: Geburah Only

****** Imprisonment
Cost: 25
Duration: Perm
This creates a miniature Malkuth in which a being is imprisonned. The suffering of the being itself is what fuels the Malkuth.
These have some form of outward physical presence and can only be escaped in the same way as escaping a Malkuth. They
have a Kether attached to the outside which sends the being to an appropriate Malkuth in case she escapes.

******* Unravelling the Lament

Cost: 50
Duration: Perm
This is the ultimate gift to a Geburah. They not only fight Leviathan's battles, but also enforce its rules. This Ruach has the
capability of destroying or removing the Lament Configuration carved into a being. If destruction is the attempt, the skill roll at
diff. 6 is resisted by willpower diff. 8 as an extended roll. If the Geburah attains 10 succ. without botching or failing, the
Configuration is destroyed and the being returns to what it originally was. If the Configuration is removed, only 5 succ. are
required. The being and his Cenobite form are separated, resulting in the most pure Cenobites known. The being is normally
killed, though they have been known to return as wraiths.

Character Creation
This is designed for Cenobites to be created as very powerful NPC's in the world. It is envisioned that the only ones that might
possibly be played by the players are Phrixus and Berashith. It is suggested that Cenobites are only allowed into the game after
a great deal of thought and discussion.
If it is listed that the character has immunity, this is due to Leviathan intervening and gifting the character type this ability. Almost
nothing can damage the character. The two exceptions are Weaver creations and Supernatural effects. Anything which is
considered by the Weaver a supernatural effect will be allowed to effect the character, though it will not do aggravated damage.
The interpretation of this is left up to the Storyteller, as the characters may well not be aware what can effect them. It is
suggested that only vulgar magick can hurt them, as Leviathan would not be aware that it is supernatural and that a werewolf's
punch would not hurt them, but a rake with her claws would.
The other exception is that nothing purely of the Weaver is protected against, though the character could still soak. The Weaver
placed this ruling in Leviathan when constructed, and it has not been over-ruled yet. This does not include those with the Weaver
taint, but those that escaped from the Pillars of Nephesch have completely reconstructed their bodies and so are completely
Weaver constructs. There is a tale of an escapee who re-entered Hell armed with a pistol containing bullets made out of his own
little finger bones, as these could hurt the Cenobites.
The other immunity granted is that nothing can affect the mind except to hurt it. Leviathan does not want his Followers dissuaded
from their tasks.
The Followers of Leviathan are unnatural creatures. They do not require food or drink, though they can partake. Their bodies
need no external sustenance at all, including oxygen. Their bodies do not function as human beings, though they do take
damage from extreme pressure, heat and cold. As there are no chemical reactions normally happening in a Followers body,
they appear slightly cool to the touch.

Freebie Point Cost

6 per dot
Ruach Skill
1 per dot
Shivadarshana 1 per 3 dots
5 per dot
2 per dot
1 per dot
Background 1 per dot

Experience Point Costs

Ruach3 times current ratingNew Ruach5Ruach Skillas per secondary skillsShivadarshana11-20 1 per dot21-30 2 per dot31-40
3 per dot etc.

Phrixus and Berashith

Backgrounds 5
Ruach Skills 15
Shivadarshana 10
Freebie points 20

Manifestation Form
Attibutes 10/8/6
Abilities 15 in total
The rest the same as for the standard form.
Wound Levels 0/0/0/-1/-1/-2/-5 | 0/0/0/0/-1/destroyed
Maximum Attribute and Ability scores when unenhanced is 5 dots, and the maximum Ruach Skill is 10 dots.
The Phrixus and Berashith live on Earth. They remember their former lives and continue to live some form of lives on Earth while
serving their Magister, though the goals set for each individual follower vary widely. They are told whatever is necessary by their
Magister, who can open a mind link with them at anytime.
If they take enough damage to be taking below the -5 wound penalty, they become their manisfestation form, eg at the end of the
first film the Berashith who guarded Kirsty's Kether retrieved it from the fire and become a skeletal winged demon. This form is
under the direct control of Leviathan. It has immunity, and may not attack anything. It should fulfill as much of its task as possible
and return to the Malkuth. It has the ability to cross realm boundaries and go straight to the Malkuth. Only a Magister can
resemble the original form once a Follower has reverted to manifestation form, and unless they can return using their own
powers, they must wait for a gate to be created either by a Kether, or by someone summoning the Malkuth.
If the Follower is still in the original form and takes enough damage that this would wrap around and destroy the manifestation
form as well, then they never become the manifestation form, and are utterly destroyed.

Backgrounds 0
Ruach Skills 0
Shivadarshana 0
Freebie points 20
Wound Levels 0/0/0/-1/-1/-2/destroyed
Maximum Attribute and Ability scores when unenhanced is 5 dots.
A Qlipoth is a created guard. They are enslaved to their creator and have no function in life except to serve. They do not have
immunity. They can have any form, limited only to the imagination of the creator which, since this is a Cenobite, normally results
in warped creations at best.

Cenobite Cheza


Backgrounds 0
Ruach Skills 25
Shivadarshana 20
Freebie points 25
Maximum Attribute and Ability scores when unenhanced are 7, with a maximum Ruach Skill of 15 dots.
Wound Levels 0/0/0/-1/-1/-2/-2/5/destroyed
Cenobite Cheza are created by the Cenobite Magister to aid in running the Malkuth. They have immunity, and can contact the
Magister via a mental link whenever they wish. They have their memories wiped of everything when they become Cenobites,
though some have been known to remember their previous lives. It is very rare for a Cenobite Cheza to leave the Malkuth except
through the Kether gates to welcome a new worshipper.

Cenobite Magister
Maximum Attribute and Ability scores when unenhanced are 10, with a maximum Ruach Skill of 20 dots.
Wound Levels 0/0/0/0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-3/-5/destroyed
Cenobite Magister are extremely powerful servants of Leviathan. They are specifically created to rule a particular Malkuth. When
created, they lose all previous memories, and are told a new version of life as specified by Leviathan. It is their role to also
create Cenobite Cheza and Qlipoth, and to instruct these in their new lives. Cenobite Magister are granted immunity by
Leviathan, and can contact all their servants mentally. They can also converse with their splinter of Leviathan.

Cenobite Geburah
Backgrounds 0
Ruach Skills 50
Shivadarshana 50
Freebie points 50
Backgrounds 0
Ruach Skills 60
Shivadarshana 50
Freebie points 25
Maximum Attribute and Ability scores when unenhanced are 10, with a maximum Ruach Skill of 20 dots.
Wound Levels 0/0/0/0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-3/-5/destroyed
These Cenobites are created by Leviathan. It will interfere in the running of a Malkuth temporarily in order to create a Geburah.
No Magister has any say in who becomes a Geburah. No particular Malkuth is the home of a Geburah, though they often inhabit
particular realms temporarily. These are the soldiers and enforcers of Leviathan. They are granted immunity and may mentally
converse with the whole of Leviathan as they require. They answer to no-one except Leviathan.

These rules have been created to allow the Cenobites of the HellRaiser fame to enter the World of Darkness. I have long been a
fan of Clive Barkers creations, and believe they fit in with the theme and mood of White Wolf's world.
If anyone has any comments and suggestions on how to improve this system, or even simply how the Cenobites worked in their
game, please let me know. My email is

Secondary Abilities:
__________|___ __________|___ __________|___ __________|___ __________|___
__________|___ __________|___ __________|___ __________|___ __________|___
__________|___ __________|___ __________|___ __________|___ __________|___
__________|___ __________|___ __________|___ __________|___ __________|___
__________|___ __________|___ __________|___ __________|___ __________|___
-1 O
-1 O
-2 O
Incapacitated -5 O

Cenobites and Leviathan from a Werewolf Perspective

By Chris Bova ( (16 September 1995)

Author's Notes
What follows are game ideas for incorporating Leviathan and the Cenobites into a WoD chronicle. This is not the first time the
topic has been addressed over the Internet, but I found other articles unsuitable due to their complexity, and the fact that they
added yet another independent power to the WoD, which has more than enough cosmic horrors already.
Since, in practice, you will probably be forced to extensively modify the statistics I used in my game, I have decided to save
bandwidth and restricted myself to a simple paragraph or two on each separate entity composing the grand labyrinth. What
follows is not quite true to the Pinhead of fiction, but I hope it will be a useful guide to the Storyteller who wants to add the High
Priest of Pain and his servants as another facet of the monstrous glob of absolute corruption and decay made whole that is the

The Umbral entity known as Leviathan is the legacy of an ancient sorcerous experiment of the most malignant kind carried out in
Malfeas, the lair of the Wyrm.
Long before the reign of Aliara, another Maeljin known as Count Theed sat on the throne of pleasure, serving Karnala, UrgeWyrm of Desire, with unswerving loyalty and boundless creativity. As the eons passed, he expanded his foul wisdom as far as
he was able, ever seeking new ways to please his depraved master.
It was in the ascendant season of the eleven-seventieth moon of the fifth month before the beigenning, when Theed's seers
came to him with a master plan, a gift beyond all compare that would mark him forever as the grandest Count of Desire ever to
His minions had discovered the "Rune of the Flesh", a mystic pattern that had the property of amplifying and conducting the
baser emotions of living creatures. The potential for this application was immense, but Theed had a simple and focused use for
it. Using the power of the Rune, he planned to allow Karnala to eventually feel all the pain and pleasure in the Tellurian.
When the Rune was worked into the pattern of certain Fomori, they gained the ability to transmit their emotions and experiences
into the labyrinth, a stone construction in the Umbra designed in exact replica of the rune.
This energy would be transferred to Leviathan, a spirit created at the site to oversee the network, and then transmitted to an
enormous gothic tower in Malfeas; a literal cathedral of sensation, where the various servants of the Wyrm or even Karnala itself
could come to enjoy the endless rapture.
These special fomori, known as Cenobites, would be sent forth into the Tellurian to collect victims and inflict suffering, thereby
feeding the labyrinth. Mortals who desired the gift of pain could be taken directly into to the Umbra and delivered to Leviathan.
There, embraced by one of the Gilded Pillars, their exquisite agony would continue to feed the Malfean court. Finally, what
remained, shaped in the image of the Wyrm, could walk the world as yet another Cenobite, which in turn would collect more fresh
bodies for Leviathan.
The most attractive part of the plan was it's self perpetuating nature. All that was required to get things started was a few portalboxes scattered around the Tellurian, along with the (true, by the standards of Karnala) promise that infinite pleasure awaited
those who solved the puzzle box and opened the portal. If a mortal's desires was strong, he would inevitably complete the puzzle,
and then the fomori would come.
Pleased beyond all words by the gift, Karnala allowed Theed the rare ecstasy of being devoured alive. And so passed the
greatest Count of Desire ever to reign into the comforting coils of the Wyrm.

Leviathan is a spirit entity created in the distant past by Theed as an overseer of the labyrinth and a living focus for the pain
energy that flows from all the pillars in the system.
Leviathan's spiritual body manifests as a great steel diamond, floating suspended above the center of the labyrinth. From each
of its poles flows the concentrated power of corrupting evil. Everything it touches is subtly debased. Living creatures relive their
most unpleasant memories and vilest deeds, while inanimate objects will become tainted after sufficient exposure.
Leviathan has no mind as it were; it is more a great computer than a thinking being and is completely consumed with focusing
pain and transmitting it to Malfeas. It cannot attack or defend itself, but is capable of summoning all the Cenobites in the

Labyrinth to come to its aid -- more than enough defense to ward off any but the greatest threats. If this proves insufficient,
Leviathan can summon the very armies of Malfeas itself to protect it within hours.
Damage to Leviathan's physically form is largely irrelevant, not to mention impossible in the Labyrinth, which it never leaves.

The fist Cenobites were a few lucky slaves in Malfeas who were tossed into the Gilded Pillars simply to test the system, but
since that far-off time their ranks have swelled with the lustful and depraved, as well as more than enough of the foolish and
Most Cenobites look relatively human for fomor -- Theed decided that a human-like Cenobite would inspire more terror in the
potential victims than a completely alien form. All of them bear the marks of their horrible transformations: mutilation, scarring,
unhealing wounds that constantly drip gore or some fouler substance. Most of them are pale blue, a side effect of the Wyrmtainted ichor that replaces their blood.
What once passed for their minds has been systematically destroyed. They now manifest only a cold, mechanical cunning and a
few nervous habits left in their ravaged subconscious.
All Cenobites have only one desire: to cause suffering and pain to living creatures, not out of cruelty, but to help those creatures
see the truth that Leviathan has helped the Cenobites to see: that suffering is the purest and most potent form of pleasure that
can be experienced.
Of course no human being could possibly understand this with their limited mortal perspective on the situation; that is why the
Cenobites must "initiate" them into unending pleasure. After a few centuries, they too will understand...
Cenobites are immune to normal (non disrupting) damage. The Storyteller should use his discression when deciding what will
and will not harm a Cenobite. As a rule of thumb, if something actually destroys the fabric of the body, is magical, is holy or silver
or whatever, it does regular damage. (Flamethrowers count, handguns without explosive shells do not) Cenobites heal five times
as rapidly as humans do. A Cenobite killed in the labyrinth is truly destroyed and must be replaced with a captive being from the
pillars. Such a replacement arrives immediately. Destruction of a Cenobite on earth will not destroy the spirit of the creature,
which may plan elaborate revenge on its tormentor or his or her loved ones.
In my game, the Cenobites were not only relatively powerful in hand to hand combat, but masters of diabolic Lust and Pain

The "Gilded Pillars"

Within the heart of the labyrinth, the bodies and souls of Cenobite prisoners are trapped within obelisk-like pillars almost seven
feet in height, covered with blades, flayed skins, scenes of torture and depravity, and eerie gold-inlaid runes that allow the
suffering of the unfortunate creature within to be transmitted into the network and eventually to Malfeas. The edges of these
pillars fold open like some kind of demented flower, and the Cenobites, once they have sated their desire to torment a victim,
hurl the near lifeless body into the center of the pillar, which promptly closes up around it and descends into the labyrinth
What occurs within is largely unknown, and likely so horrific as to boggle the imagination of any non-diabolic being. Recalling
their experiences later, a new Cenobite's ravaged mind will only be able to recall centuries of the most intense pleasure
imaginable. No other creature has ever been retrieved from a pillar before the transformation is complete.
Within the pillars, which may be much larger on the inside than out, time slows to nothingness, and the physical body of the
tormented creature never dies or ages. Some creatures have yet to emerge from their pillars; if the creature does emerge, it
does so as a Cenobite under Leviathan's power.

The Box
There are one hundred of these boxes in existence, one for each Cenobite. Each box is a gold-encrusted onyx construction,
etched with a tiny fragment of the Rune's hideous totality. The boxes each open differently, through pressure on their panels or
along certain seams that become apparent as the puzzle comes closer and closer to being solved.
Solving the puzzle is extremely difficult, but those who truly desire to know the dark secrets of the other side, or have been
seduced by the legend of the box will always seem to discover the way to open it. Once the puzzle is complete, the box opens,
and the Cenobite assigned to it jumps into static reality. A vital element is the desire of the creature opening the box or one in
the immediate area, without which the Cenobite cannot penetrate the Gauntlet.
Once within reality, the Cenobite only has a few minutes to act before Paradox and lack of magical energy conspire to banish it.
Therefore a Cenobite does its best to grab the victim (a touch is all that is necessary) and carry him back to the labyrinth to be
tormented at leisure.

The Labyrinth
Inside the labyrinth itself, perceptions constantly change, often summoning up grotesque images from the minds of the victim.
Those entering the place for the first time will wander down seemingly endless corridors leading to nowhere, filled with horrible
scenes of torture and whirling pillars. The air is completely still and dead, even the horrible shrieks of the damned do not carry
more than thirty feet, a deceptive statistic, since the labyrinth has different correspondence laws than mortal travelers are used
to. All roads lead eveantually to the labyrinth's heart -- an infinite plain, with only Leviathan hanging in the center of the sky like a
black diamond. The travelers stand on the top of a series of incredibly complicated walkways, which seem to reach down an
infinite distance.
When visitors appear, Leviathan closely examines the intruders, and experimentaly bombards them with horrific memories and
visions from their own subconsious, just to see how they will react. In the meanwhile, it summons horrible guardian Cenobites,
who will attempt to place travelers forcibly into a gilded pillar which will conveniently rise from the ground for the occasion.
Leaving the realm, if one is not a prisoner of one of the Pillars, is no more difficult than leaving any other shard realm. There is no
paradox there, although altering reality immediately summons forth Cenobites, and Leviathan's attention. Leviathan in theory
completely controls static reality in the labyrinth, but its programing will allow it to do nothing but maintain the status quo.
The Boxes will continue to collect victims until the end of eternity, making it relatively easy for the players to stumble on one of the
Boxes, their victims, or perhaps a Cenobite foolishly overstaying its welcome on Gaia, looking for other creatures to torment The
Cenobites are loyal only to Leviathan and Theed (Who is long dead) and therefore do not usually work with Pentex, The Black
Spiral Dancers, or any of the Wyrm's other servants. The herculean task of destroying the Cathedral of Pleasure in Malfeas,
therefore overloading and destroying the labyrinth, might be a worthy goal for the greatest of heroes.

(version 1, revised)
By Ian Sheridan and revised by Andrew Lucas ( based on the works of Clive Barker.

The Cenobites of the Order of the Gash are servants of Leviathan, a mysterious and horrible entity which maintains a "Hell" in
which willing victims suffer the most extreme forms of pain and pleasure possible. Their existence a dark and occult secret, the
cenobites can be contacted by those who are sufficiently dedicated to hunt down the means by which to do so. The most famous
of these means (i.e. the one shown in the Excellent films Hellraiser and Hellbound (Hellraiser 2), as well as the dire Hell on Earth
(hellraiser 3) ) involves solving one of the series of intricate oriental puzzle boxes designed and constructed by Lemarchand.
When the box is manipulated into the pattern of the Lament Configuration, Leviathan is reached and the Cenobites can reach
the caller, who will then be granted every secret desire, writ large and horrible. Their bodies utterly destroyed, callers descend
into Hell where they suffer and enjoy for all eternity. Other methods of calling also exist, whereby the caller is lead to imagine or
model the Lament Configuration. These might include word puzzles, incredibly complex mystical exercises, meticulously plotted
serial murders, horrific and bizarre cosmetic surgery and amputation, sadistic sexual practices and intricate tortures. It is
possible that the Marquis de Sade's intention in writing "The 120 Days of Sodom," the unfinished masterpiece he concealed in
his cell, and "The days of Florbelle" (sp?) , written after the former work was thought lost and which was itself burned by Sade's
family, was to imagine and describe the ritual required to call the Order of the Gash. Perhaps, had the "120 Days" been
completed, the very act of describing every imaginable perversion and encompassing them within a single narrative,
imaginative and authoritarian hierarchy would have summoned them to take the "divine Marquis" to Hell. As it is, he died an old
man in Charenton asylum, and received a Christian burial, contrary to his wishes.

Mechanics of the Lament Configuration

Anyone who comes into contact with a Lament Configuration artifact or exercise opens a one way gate. The Cenobites may
make Manipulation + Empathy rolls (difficulty of contacter's Willpower), as they whisper in their victim's head, planting thoughts
indistinguishable from the victim's own, in which the victim becomes aware of his most horrific and awesome subconscious
After three successes by the Cenobites, the victim becomes subconsciously aware of what is going on, as a two way gate is
established. The victim may comply, in which case a full doorway is opened. If not, the victim may make a Willpower roll to resist
(difficulty eight, at least!), with each success being deducted from the successes of the Cenobites. If, during this struggle, the
Cenobites' successes reach zero, the victim is freed and the gate closed. If the Cenobites achieve a further four successes (for
a total of seven), however, a doorway opens, and the victim goes to Hell.
When the doorway opens between Earth and Hell, the Cenobites may choose to come through, as the victim's immediate
surroundings temporarily become part of Hell. The victim may also, if unmolested by them, wander into Hell proper through the
gate. The Cenobites, when they appear, will, as Mr. Sheridan puts it, "grant the wish..[of the victim]..or commit their worst
nightmare upon..[them].., whichever is worse." After the victim's body has been destroyed, her soul is dragged into Hell to suffer
and enjoy further. At this point, the Cenobites close the gate, and the connection is broken.
It is possible to realise the Lament Configuration even further, in truly exceptional cases. In such a case, the Cenobites would
forebear to act until the gateway is open, which allows them to bring Leviathan into our world, effectively swallowing Earth within

Cenobite Mechanics
Cenobites are theoretically immortal "Daemons," exceptional callers who have become the Leviathan's servitors. Their bodies
are entropically inert, due to its power, thus they cannot die from the incredible tortures they undergo, although their nerves are
sharpened to an incredible degree. The bizarre and horrific mutilations they display impart to them the most extreme pain and
pleasure possible, each set of mutilations being a realisation of a version of the Lament Configuration, which allows them to
channel Leviathan's power. "Chatterer," for example, has had his ears, eyes, tongue and nose destroyed, thus leaving him only
with an immensely heightened sense of touch. Leviathan gradually strips away the memories of its servants as they lose their
Humanity, until they finally lose all hope of redemption and are trapped forever in Hell. Outside it, and deprived of Leviathan's
power, they would of course die of their wounds.
Cenobites are, in game terms, analogous to vampires. Obviously, blood, Generation, sunlight and frenzy are irrelevant to them.
They automatically regenerate one health level per turn when injured, due to the power of Leviathan, even if "killed." Aggravated
wounds from supernatural attack can only be healed in Hell, in the presence of Leviathan. They possess the equivalents of the
Disciplines of Fortitude, Daimoinon and Presence. They all possess the equivalent of Heightened Senses, and in addition, all
Cenobites can employ various supernatural powers relating to torture, which Mr. Sheridan defines as a Discipline called

"Poenaplaceunque". Cenobites have an additional characteristic called Horror, representing the degree to which they are
mutilated. Amongst "normal" people, this characteristic is effectively subtracted from their Appearance and added to their
Intimidation dice pool. Horror is ranked from one to five, with one representing the most superficial mutilation and five
representing injuries that make the Cenobite appear totally inhuman. Horror is ignored amongst those who share the Leviathan's
frame of mind, such as willing victims of the Lament Configuration gate. When initially generated, one half (rounding down) of the
Cenobite's Humanity is immediately removed, and added to their willpower. Cenobites have no initial Background points, twenty
freebee points, and five points worth of Disciplines (plus the free point of Auspex). However, most Cenobites encountered will
be older and more experienced. The only Disciplines permitted are those listed above, plus Potence, Celerity, Dominate and
possibly others if the ST thinks them appropriate. Auspex may rise as high as three, other disciplines may reach level five.
Poenaplaceunque is a special case. Backgrounds may be bought with freebee points, and, in a game with PC Cenobites,
would represent soething analogous to a wraith's fetters, in providing connections to the real world. The allowable Backgrounds
are Status (within the hierachy of Hell (the only background possessed by the older Cenobites)), Resources (on Earth), Fame
(On Earth), Family (On Earth) and Love (On Earth). The last two represent attachments to people left behind, their numerical
rating indicating a combination of the intensity of the memory and the degree of the attachment. Other Backgrounds can readily
be invented.

Adventures with the Faerie

So, you are now thinking...what do I do with all this. Well, beyond helping you develop the faerie to pester those stodgy ventrue, Silver
fangs, hermetics, and wraiths...You could run a faerie focused chronicle!
The theme of Faerie is finding meaning for one's life. Many faeries find their meaning through joining a court, playing the Game Eternal
through its rules, and adopting its philosophies. Others try to construct their own set of rules for the Game. Some reject meaning
altogether...but their passions soon consume them and final chaos takes them. Faerie society encompasses a wide range of
solutions to the problem of what to do with eternity.
While Faerie society is somewhat hierarchical, it is less so than the Camarilla or even the Garou. Faerie leaders hold sway through
charm and their ability to come up with interesting entertainment. And if you don't like where you can always leave or go
create a realm...if you dare.

Major Chronicle concepts

Merry Pranksters: This kind of campaign focuses on the Faerie wrecking havoc in the lives of mortals, supernaturals, and each
other. It is most appropriate for Romany, Aesthetes, and possibly Seekers and Tinkers(wanting to see how people react to various
pranks.) Some faeries see it as their duties to shake up the rest of the world out of their old ways of thinking. In alliance with
Malkavians, Marauders, and other testers of the boundaries of reality, the characters do battle with the forces of boring normality,
whether it be by ruining the best laid plans of mice and men or by forcing people to just break their ordinary routine...

Faerie Politics: If you thought the Jyhad was bad, just remember that the faerie have been playing the political game even longer (due
to Arcadia Time Distortion). If nothing else, it is great for staving off the boredom that is one of the most feared enemies of the Fae.
This could revolve around personal intrigues, court rivalries, power plays within courts, or playing political games with mortals and
other supernaturals...which is rewarding but potentially very dangerous. And the long war of the Seelie and Unseelie continues. The
Seelie and Unseelie courts are the two most caught up in political games.

Faerie Protectors: Many groups of Changelings place groups of mortals or supernaturals or a place that they love under their
protection. This chronicle focuses around a group of changelings who have chosen to remain largely involved in mortal affairs to
protect some place or people that they care about. This is a good choice for a cross-over campaign, as the Fae will certainly become
entangled in the rivalries of other groups. This is good for Dryadic, Ascetic, Aesthete (to protect Art and artists) and Guardian fae.

Faerie Explorers: The Tellurian is a strange place, and many faeries want to see all they can of it. Some form bands to explore the
strange reaches of the Umbra, Arcadia, and the mortal world. Perhaps they may even find the true rules of the Game Eternal
somewhere out there....This is good for Romany (who love to wander) and Seekers (Who HAVE to know what is out there).

Character Creation
I'm going to assume anyone reading this has access to one of the storyteller games and can use that as a guide to generating their
attributes, abilities, backgrounds, etc. New Abilities and backgrounds are defined below. Also, a character sheet will be provided
elsewhere in these rules.

Step 1: Determine Character Concept

A. Determine Your Upbringing, Breed, Court, Nature, and Demeanor.
Faerie Changeling: Some faeries grow tired of their current identity. These faeries sometimes choose to become new again. They
walk into the mists and vanish...and are born again as faerie children...with their old life and problems forgotten. The stork brings them,
or they crawl out of a cabbage, or any of a variety of other interesting ways of reappearing... The Faeries have traditionally taken some
of their children and switched them with human children shortly after their birth. These children are known as Faerie Changelings. They
grow up more stable than Faeries raised in Arcadia. They are also the standard character type. Until Age 16, they appear as ordinary
humans, at which point the Faeries come to induct them into Faerie society as the glamor that was put on them in infancy wears off.
Faerie Changelings are immune to Arcadian-Time distortion, take aggravated damage from cold iron, and cannot use any faerie
powers while in contact with cold iron. They are also immune to the Delirium and the Fog. Changelings heal one wound a day in
Arcadia, the umbra, and the shadowlands, and as Mages in the physical realm.

Half-Faeries: These are created as Hunter characters. They have to buy the seven point Merit: Half-Faerie. This grants: Immunity to
the Delirium, one pip in the breed power of the Faerie parent (Which can be improved with experience points), causes vulnerability to
cold iron (but it isn't aggravated), and allows the character immunity to Arcadian time-distortion effects. They look human, but have a
few characteristics that evoke impressions of their faerie blood. They heal at the same rate as ordinary humans.

Human Changeling: These are the humans who are carried off to Arcadia. They are raised to be a member of one of the faerie
courts(depending on which one carried them off). They gain some faerie abilities--They can learn Court Powers, they gain
invulnerability to the Delerium and Fog, and they can't be trapped in Arcadia by faerie food. They do not take aggravated damage
from cold iron, but they can't use their powers while in contact with it. Human Changelings also have to worry about Stability. They have
no breed power. Due to their upbringing, they can not spend their starting skill points on any technology related skill except Faerie
Mechanics. They heal as Mages.

Alfar: Also called the Kind Folk. They are the elves of Nordic legend, the Tuatha De Danaan, and other human-like Fae. They are
regal and a bit haughty generally. Their breed power is Mana manipulation.

Brownies: These are short (6 inches to 2 foot) humanoids who typically live underground or in forests. They are usually friendly and
helpful, but enjoy playing pranks too. Their breed power is Earth.

Dopplegangers: Their base form is typically either human or like that of another faerie kind. Given that they are shapechangers, they
often forget what their original self was like. They are quite varied in motivation and behavior, but usually prefer to trick their way out of
trouble. Their breed power is Shapechanging.

Gremlins: Gremlins are about 4 inches tall. They are thin, wiry humanoids with big noses and strange clothing. Many dress in parody
of some specific kind of mortal, especially one they are taunting. They usually have odd skin colors like chartreuse, teal, offmauve...They enjoy pranking people. Their breed power is Luck.

Pixies: Think Tinkerbell. 1/2 inch to 2 inch tall naked winged humanoids. Pixies usually only wear clothing on "formal" occasions. They
are flighty, but friendly, and often shy of bigger folk. They have wings and can fly at will. Their breed power is Air.

Phookas: Phookas resemble giant animals or humanoids with strong resemblance to some kind of animal. They are friendly, but
often shy. Harvey from the movie Harvey was a phooka. Their breed power is Fade.

Goblin: These are the strongest of faeries. They tend to be crude, violent and strong. They range from the tiny, homicidal Red Caps to
the huge and stupid Giants. Their breed power is Might.

Salamanders: They resemble red-scaled, reptilian humanoids. They range greatly in height from tiny 1/2 inch ones to 7 foot tall. They
love fire and are most easily found at the sight of a major fire dancing in the flames. They are easily angered, but also easily calmed.
Very passionate. They have Fire as their breed power.

Selkies: These are blue-skinned water faeries. They range in appearance from ordinary, but blue-skinned humans to mermaids or
fish. They are quite moody. Their anger is much to be feared. The women seem to outnumber the men quite a lot in this tribe, but
noone is sure why. Their breed power is Aqua.


What are faerie courts? Faerie courts are groups of like-minded faeries who share a common interpretation of the rules of the great
game, the game Eternal. There are nine major courts. Each court is organized into bands of cooperating faerie who control a
particular dominion of arcadia. They are loosely allied with each other in their competition to win the great game. Each band is usually
led by a Faerie Noble. Courts are organized around a set of rules and behaviors that are believed to be the key to winning the great
Game. Faeries use the term court both to refer to the leaders of the various faerie dominions, and to the overall alliances of faerie
groups that share common philosophies.
Each court has a code of behavior which it believes is the key to winning the Game eternal. Some use an elaborate point system,
while others keep track of how far along they are in other ways. By obeying these rules, Faeries gain certain powers---these are the
court powers listed with each court. The powers of a given court can only be gained by members of that court...It flows from their
identification with their internal philosophy.

The Seelie Court: Victory is to be gained through honor and strength, and your word is your bond. The codes of Chivalry must be
observed. The Virtue of Honor is stressed. The Flaw of the Seelie Fae is their extreme devotion to Honor. They will never break their
word. To even twist it requires the expenditure of a WP point and the failure of a Honor Roll(diff 6). This also causes them to lose one
stability point.
Powers: Fae Sight, Kensai
Quote: My word is all the guarantee you will ever need.

The Unseelie Court: Victory is to be gained by causing suffering. Physical, mental, and spiritual pain are to be savored. Obey your
superior until you can cast him down. The virtue of Fearlessness is stressed. The Unseelie are repulsed by Holy symbols, even in an
unbeliever's hands. They must make an opposed roll: Their WP vs the Target's WP+Faith. In the presence of a religious ritual, they
must make a Diff. 6 fearlessness check or flee screaming.
Powers: Glamor, Wrack
Quote: Bastard! I will rip out your heart at my leisure.

The Dryadic Court: Victory is to be gained by helping, controlling, and protecting the wilderness from enchroachment. We speak for
the trees. The virtue of Compassion is stressed. Fire does aggravated damage(And +2 difficulty to soak) to dryadic Fae. They must
make a Diff. 6 fearlessness check or run away from fire.
Powers: Flora, Fauna.
Quote: I speak for the trees. (Dr. Seuss--The Lorax)

The Tinker Court: Victory is to be gained by whomever builds the ultimate machine. If you can think of it, we can make it. The virtue of
Fearlessness is stressed. Tinkers are insanely curious. They must make an Intelligence check at Diff. 6 or try something new
regardless of danger.
Powers: Tinker, Machine Master
Quote: This is the alarm that goes off if the alarm to tell you it is malfunctioning doesn't go off.

The Romany court: Victory goes to the one with the most toys! Lie, cheat, romance, and steal your way to a bigger pile of stuff. And
have fun too. But try to do it without hurting anyone, because violence is no fun. Fearlessness is stressed by the Romany. They are
rather kleptomaniacal. They must fail an Honor check(diff. 6) not to take advantage of an opportunity to steal without getting caught if
they see something valuable/pretty.
Powers: Persuade, Speed.
Quote: Your eyes shine with the glory of a night sky, my dear.

The Seeker Court: Victory goes to whomever knows the most. Through learning we gain wisdom and power. The primary Seeker
virtue is Honor. Seekers often become lost in Thought. Seekers suffer +2 to perception difficulties outside combat situations because
they are usually just not paying attention to what is going on.
Powers: Fae sight, Machine Master
Quote: Hmm. I wonder what that Tremere keeps in this rune covered box...

The Aesthete Court: Victory goes to whomever creates the most beauty. They range from those who are beautiful themselves, to
singers, painters, and other artists. All focus on the creation of beauty. Their primary virtue is compassion. Like Toreadors, they often
become lost in the contemplation of beauty.
Powers: Glamor, Beauty
Quote: A thing of beauty is a joy forever, but this is an agony forever.

The Ascetic court: Whoever perfects himself wins. They seek to master their body and appetites. Most faeries see them as quite
crazy for doing this. They are the tiniest court, for they go the most strongly against innate faerie nature. Their primary virtue is honor.
Their flaw is that they are repulsed by excess. They must make a WP diff. 6 roll to avoid fleeing the sight of excess.

Powers: Kensai, Self-Mastery

Quote: Your life is nothing but gluttony. I would be disgusted if I allowed myself to have emotions.

Guardian Court: Victory comes from helping others. The guardians do things ranging from helping with household chores to fending
off supernatural threats to those under their care. Their primary virtue is Compassion. They are very compassionate. They must fail a
Compassion check (Diff 6) not to try to help people who are worthy.
Powers: Persuade, Wrack
Quote: Whistle while you work.
I am going to assume you have a copy of one of the Storyteller system games to pick your nature and demeanor so I don't have to
waste bandwidth listing them all.

B. + C: Determine Attributes and Abilities

This uses the standard storyteller attributes and abilities, so I won't waste bandwidth on them, except to list and explain the new
Abilities used by Faeries. Faeries get 7/5/3 in attributes, and 13/9/5 in abilities.

Art: This reflects your ability to create and appraise art--everything from computer animation to line drawings to sculpture...
* Novice: You like to doodle.
** Practiced: You took Art classes in High School
*** Skilled: You have a reputation as an artist among your court.
**** Expert: You could make a living off your art. If you are not a member of the Aesthetic court, they wish you were.
***** Master: You will be remembered for your art even after you die. You are already inspiring artists who imitate your style. The
Aesthetes love you.

Faerie Lore: This reflects overall knowlege of the breeds and history of the faeries. It also reflects one's ability to obey faerie etiquette
and experience with the geography and rules of Arcadia.
* Novice: Can recognize faeries. Well, sometimes.
** Practiced: Knows the traditional faerie weaknesses, breeds, and habits
*** Competent: Could visit Arcadia without making a fool of herself
**** Expert: Knows more than most faeries
***** Master: Oberon comes to you for advice.
Specialties: Breeds, History, Faerie Circles, Arcadia, Faerie Customs
Possessed by: Faeries, half-faeries, Mages, occult scholars, students of Medieval Culture, Malkavians

Gambling: This covers games of chance or partial chance that are typically bet on. Dice, cards, Lotto, Roulette, etc... You know how
to calculate the odds, bluff, cheat, and detect cheating.
* Novice: You know how to play poker...and even win sometimes
** Practiced: You can win a back-alley craps game
*** Competent: You enjoy your trips to Vegas
**** Expert: The casino owners fear your trips to Vegas
***** Master: You'd dice with the Devil, but you've already taken him for all he's worth last week.
Specialties: Casinos, Bluffing, Cheating, Dice, Cards, Machine games
Possessed by: Romany Fae, Gypsies, Con men, Gamblers, street punks

Gamesman: This covers games of skill and strategy. Chess, Go, Wargames, etc... You know how to size up your opponents, deduce
their strategies, and find the best strategy to defeat them.
* Novice: You enjoy an occassional game of Checkers

** Practiced: You were in the Chess club

*** Competent: You win wargame tourneys at Cons
**** Expert: You are a Go master.
***** Master: --You enjoy playing multiple games of Kriegspiel simultaneously while blindfolded.
Specialties: Go, Chess, Wargames, Checkers, Blindfolded
Possessed by: Seekers, Ventrue, Gamers, Chess players

Court Lore: This encompasses knowlege of the politics of Arcadia, and the philosophical systems of the Faerie courts.
* Apprentice: You usually remember your own court's rules
** Journeyman: You usually remember what the other courts are.
*** Master: You know the purposes and powers of all courts and have some knowlege of faerie politics
**** Scholar: You know the rules of the courts better than most of their practicioners and know most of the intrigues of the courts
***** Sage: Faerie Queens and Kings come to you for counsel.
Specialties: Court Rules, Court Powers, Intrigue, History, Philosophy
Possesed by: Seekers, Faerie leaders, Magi, Malkavians, Seelie, Unseelie

Faerie Mechanics: The rules of Science are different in Arcadia. Some would say Arcadia has no logic, but you know better. You
know how to build machines and exploit the physical "laws" of Arcadia.
* Apprentice: You can operate a Tinker's machine without being guaranteed to die.
** Journeyman: You can figure out what most Tinker machines do.
*** Master: You understand how to build common Faerie giant ornate spring powered clocks, or steam powered
temple door openers.
**** Specialist: You could build a spring and clockwork powered car.
***** Sage: You could build a clockwork computer.
Specialties: Vehicles, Chemistry, Arcadian Physics, Clockworks, Steam, Springs*
Possessed by: Seekers, Tinkers, Sons of Ether, Malkavians, Kiaysids, Steamologists.*

D. Pick Powers, Virtues, Willpower, Backgrounds, Merits, Flaws

Faeries recieve three points to distribute among their breed and court powers. The Powers are described in the power section.
They receive a free pip in each of the virtues, and seven discretionary points.

Compassion: This represents the degree to which the changling views the needs, health, and honor of others as important.
Honor: This represents how well the changeling sticks to the Rules of the Game Eternal.
Fearlessness: This represents the ability of the Changeling to stare death in the face and poke him in the eye.
See the section on Stability for the description of how these virtues work.
All Faeries get three points of Willpower for free. The rest must be purchased with Freebie points. (See Section E.)

Faeries can have Arcane, Allies, Contacts, Dream, Fame (in Arcadia or mortal world...count seperately), Influence(Ditto), Mentor,
Resources(Ditto), or the following special backgrounds:

Companions: This is supernatural contacts. Each pip represents one supernatural friend, such as a werewolf, mage, wraith, or
Vampire known by the faerie.

Status: * Known
** Respected
*** Hero
**** Champion
***** Knight

Faerie Merits and Flaws

Most Merits and flaws can be drawn from the mage, Werewolf and Vampire player's guide. Only Merits and flaws that need modified
for these rules or that are unique to faeries are listed.

Honorable (one point merit): You are a faerie who is honorable almost beyond belief. Add three extra dice to any attempt to resist
supernatural persuasion to break your code of honor (your Court path)

Brave Heart (two point merit): This merit adds two to the difficulty of any effort to inspire fear in the faerie, and subtracts two from the
difficulty of any Fearlessness Check to resist fear.

Phobias: Faeries resist Phobias with Fearlessness...

Artistic Inclination (one point merit): You have a knack for art. Reduce all art-related difficulties by two.
Seeker trained (three pont merit): You have been well educated by Seekers. Gain -1 to the difficulty of using any knowledge you
possess. (This can be combined with Jack-of-all-trades to get -1 to the diff. of any knowledge or skill.)

Romany "trained" (three point merit): You have lived with the Romany and learned what they can teach. Gain -2 to difficulty of pick
pocketing, picking locks, stealth, and seduction.

Arcadian navigator(three point merit): You understand how Arcadia is interconnected better than most. You have a -2 to any
attempt to find your way about Arcadia. You are immune to the ritual Shroud the ways.

Anachronism is a common flaw of humans raised in Arcadia....

Immunity to Faerie Food (two point merit): This is a half-faerie merit only. It renders the half-faerie immune to the strange effects
that Faerie food has on non-Arcadians.

Second Sight (three point merit): You can learn the Fae Sight power even if you are not from the appropriate court.
Strong Breed (three point merit): You have a knack for your breed power. -2 to all difficulties with it.
Powerful breed (five point merit): You have a -2 difficulty with any breed power you learn. You can learn breed powers without
needing a teacher who knows the power. A half-faerie with this merit can learn other breed powers, but gains no reduced difficulties
with them, unless she buys the power twice.

Iron Tolerance (five to seven point merit): Some faeries have less vulnerability to Iron than others. As a 5 point merit, you no longer
fear the sight of it, and can touch it without taking damage...but a blow is still aggravated. With the six point merit, even a blow inspires
no fear, but the damage is still aggravated. With the seven point merit, Iron does no worse damage than any other weapon.

Banished by Church bells (one point flaw): You must make a fearlessness check at difficutly 6 whenever you hear churchbells, or

Unable to Enter Holy Ground (two point flaw): You are unable to enter consecrated ground. You must make a fearlessness check
to do so. You must check every round you are on the consecrated ground. If confronted by someone with True Faith on consecrated
ground, you must flee. (You can spend a WP to get a fearlessness check.)

Bound By Iron (five point flaw): You suffer from the curse of being vulnerable to being controlled by someone who touches or binds
you with iron. If they know to take advantage of it, they can attempt to command you while touching you with Iron. They roll WP vs. Your
WP (Difficulty 6). If they get more successes, you have to obey the first command they give you. After a number of days equal to their
successes, you can roll again to shake off the command. If they botch, they can never attempt to command you again. If you botch, you
must obey them until someone else successfully binds you with Iron. This flaw does however give you the benefit that you do not suffer
damage from touching Iron. However, you still fear it, and it still does aggravated damage to you.

Powerless on Consecrated Ground (five point flaw): On Consecrated ground, you cannot use any faerie powers or sorcery. You

still heal as normal.

Night Faerie (seven point flaw): You are a faerie of the night. Daylight is painful to you and possibly fatal. Exposure to sunlight for
you is like being on fire for other people. (Use normal fire damage rules.)

E. Spend your Freebie points

Powers (note 1)

1 free in each; 7 discretionary
Varies by Court
1 free in each; 7/5/3 discret.
13/9/5 discretionary
3 discretionary
5 discretionary
15 points

Freebie cost to raise

2 per point
1 per point
5 per point
1 per point
7 per point
1 per point

Note 1: Faeries can't buy the powers of other courts with freebies, but they can buy the powers of other breeds.

Changeling: The Game Eternal character sheet

Court Lore______ooooo
Faerie Lore_____ooooo
Faerie Mechanicsooooo
Beast Riding____ooooo
Bruised -0
Injured -1
Wounded -2
Crippled -5
|Diff.| Damage


CHANGELING: The Game Eternal

By John Biles ( (2 Dec 1994)
Since the Faerie(now Changeling) rules will not be released for at least a year (since the current plan is to release it in 1995 Summer),
I am making my own rules for Faerie in the world of Darkness to use while waiting for Changeling. Currently, the project is titled
"Changeling: the Game Eternal". Reasoning: The Faerie live forever. Eternity can get pretty boring unless you find something to do.
They don't even have a good excuse to mope around, like vampires do. Therefore, the Faerie play the Game Eternal. They understand
the rules, well some of the rules, well sometimes they think they know what they are doing. The objective is to be the faerie with the
most victories in the Game under his belt when the Universe ends. Assuming it does. Otherwise they're going to have a hard time
determining a winner. There's also the problem that they can't agree anymore on what constitutes a victory or what the winner gets at
the end. This doesn't bother them, though.
The fay are divided into what are known as courts. Essentially this is a group of faerie who are all playing by the same rules. A faerie
also has a breed which is his bloodline-Phooka, gremlin, alfar, brownie, etc. Breeds within a court tend to stick together, but members
of the same breeds from different courts often don't get along, especially because they usually think the other court is cheating.
The Fay are the children of the Wyld. This can lead to radical personality and behavioral changes over time. All Faerie fear the coming
of Chaos, the state in which the Faerie loses all state of rational purpose and engages in random behavior. Eventually, all Faerie slip
permanently into Chaos, and then gradually dissolve as chaos destroys their body. Faerie are often random, but it is consciously
chosen randomness. Chaos is total unpredictability.
The Faerie have realized over time that allowing a faerie to spend his early years in a more static environment such as the earth helps
them to become more stable and stave off the final death by chaos for a much longer time. The faerie will swap children with a human
couple, then come for the child when he reaches the age of 16 and return the original child and take theirs. While many Changelings
then stay in Arcadia, many others return to Earth, for it was the home of their childhood. Player characters come from this group.

The Origins of the Faerie

From Haarck's History of the Tellurian. Published Seeker Year 6028, at the Court of Princess Tharriol of the Seeker Court.
"One of the most frequently misunderstood elements of the story of Adam and Lillith was the nature of Lillith. Lillith has been
remembered by the humans as Adam's first wife. Some legends say she was a demon, others that she was created from the mud like
Adam. However, the oldest faerie records assert that she was not human or demon, but the avatar of an Incarna, spawned by Luna or
possibly Gaia herself. She mated with Adam and produced the first faeries. She had a second brood by Adam which became some
of the first shapechangers. It is also speculated that she may have bred with selected humans later, introducing the race of Immortals
into the world.
When Eve was created, Lillith left the garden and took her first brood of children with her to Arcadia, on the moon. There they grew and
frolicked and prospered. Lillith taught them the secret of the great game. The game would keep them busy and happy for all of eternity,
but something went wrong. When Humanity fell, the fae were spared the direct effects of that fate. They did not lose their immortality,
but the curse that came upon the universe effected them too. It was at this time that the final madness became a threat to the fae.
Humans live under the shadow of death, the ultimate form of stasis. Fae live under the shadow of instability, a loss of form, purpose
and mind. At the same time, Arcadia itself became unstable, threatening to dissolve back into primal chaos. Space and time
themselves became warped.
For a time, the fae struggled on. They discovered that the great game gave them a sense of purpose and by playing the game they
could stave off the instability that threatened to consume them. But then the humans further wrecked the universe. The curse of Babel
struck at all sentient creatures. The fae were plunged into utter chaos by the curse. Many panicked and turned on each other. The true
knowlege of the great game, its goals, and its rules were lost and distorted. Where once the faerie had been one people though many
breeds, now the faeries divided into courts, each playing the great game by different rules and for a different prize."

From a conversation with Allisande, a Respected Selkie Romany Entertainer:

"So you want to know where we all came from? I'll tell you all about it. In the beginning, there was chaos. It was burbling along happily
until one day it discovered that in its random changes, it had made something stable. Ever shuffled a deck of cards? Most of the time
you just get disorder, but sometimes, you may get some cards to just randomly appear in a pattern. Well, that's what happened. And
this stable thing didn't want to just dissolve away. It started changing more of the chaos into something stable. Planets, stars, birds,
wombats, people, etc. Well, the chaos didn't really care. It had no mind after all. But it instinctively reacted to all this making by trying to
change things. But the Maker didn't like that. It wanted its creations to not change, just like it. It didn't understand that by taking action, it
was causing change itself. It tried to make something that would prevent the Chaos from unmaking and altering its stuff. At the same
time, the Chaos tried making something that would be better at unmaking things that were too stable. And lo and behold, they
accidentally made the same thing. This thing became the Mediator. It sought to keep the Maker from freezing everything into one big
pretty picture and the Chaos from just wrecking everything into one big confused mass again."
"Things burbled on like this merrily for quite a while, when the Maker had a clever idea. It could make lesser creatures that would
desire to Make things like it did. These things could go out and help lock down the universe into stability. So it waited for the Chaos to
produce some suitable creatures, and it shaped them into humans. Only problem was, the Mediator intervened to keep it from getting
too powerful that way. It hid some of the new creatures before the Maker was done fixing them to work his way. Instead, they became
us, the Faeries. Luna took a liking to us, and made part of her realm into a paradise and a refuge. She saw that the humans would get

out of control one day, and we would need somewhere they couldn't get us. Because the Maker never finished reshaping us, we come
in all shapes and sizes, but because we come from the same stock as humans, we all look kinda human and we can breed with them.
Also, they've given us some lessons in getting things done... "

From a conversation with Champion Yrynido, a doppleganger of the Dryadic court:

"We are the children of Luna. Luna once lived alone in Arcadia with only the animals to keep her company. She was a little jealous of
her sister Gaia who had humans, and shapechangers, and all the other thinking animals to keep her company. So she went to her
sister and asked her for the secret of teaching animals to think that she might have company."
"Gaia said to her sister, 'How about if I give you some of my children to keep you company on the moon? I can see how you must get
lonely there.'"
"Luna replied, 'I would like to have children of my own. Your children would grow lonely and yearn for you, for I am not their mother.'"
"And Gaia replied, 'Perhaps some of the shifter kin should come to dwell with you. They regard you as their second mother, for you are
always in their sight when Helios leaves the sky."
"Luna said, 'Can you not teach me the secret of making thinking animals?"
"Gaia sighed. 'I am not sure how it was done. The Maker, the Breaker, and the Changer helped me birth them. I do not know exactly
how to do it. But if you ask them, I am sure they will help you gain the children you desire.'"
"So Luna reached into the sky, and grabbed the loom of the Maker, and pulled herself upon it. She crossed the loom, dodging the
Maker's zealous servants, who mistook her for a thread out of place, and sought the workshop of the Maker. And the Maker heard her
pleas, and took some of her essence and made nine statues of it. And Luna was dismayed."
"Luna said to the Maker, 'These have no life within them. And none of them look like each other. How can they be one kind, my
"The Maker replied, 'I make things, not life. If it is life you seek, go to the Changer, for he makes things that change, not I.' So Luna
parted the threads of the great loom and fell between them to the ocean of change, where dwelt the Changer."
"Luna sailed the seas of change for many months, seeking the Changer, but she could not find him, for the stars moved in the sky,
islands rose and sank without warning, and her maps were never the same from one minute to the next. But she saved the nine
statues, hoping that the Changer could bring them to life. Finally, she cried out in despair, lost and alone"
"'Changer, where are you? I have sought long for you? Have you died and departed leaving only this ocean behind? Has my quest
been futile?' And Luna cried."
"And a voice spoke from beyond her sight. 'Throw your children into the sea.' And Luna was confused. They were only statues. If she
threw them overboard, they would sink to the bottom, and all of her efforts would be for naught."
"'I cannot throw my children into the sea. They cannot swim. They are only statues.' Luna did not understand."
"'Safety precludes change, for change is never safe and always risks loss. They must enter me if they are to ever become more than
what they are.' Though Luna feared the undoing of all her efforts, she took the Changer's words to heart and threw the statues
overboard. And they changed. They lost their unliving semblance and moved and breathed and swam. One took naturally to the water.
Another became a fish. The third grew wings and flew up out of the water. The fourth called down fire from the sun and boiled away the
water around him dancing in the steam. The fifth was blown back up on the deck by a wave that happened to pass by. The sixth sank
to the bottom, then part of the bottom floated to the top with him riding on it. The seventh hid from the water so she wouldn't get wet.
The eighth drew off a little of the Changers power and made his own little Island. And the ninth started fighting with the eighth to stand
on the new little island. Luna smiled and drew her children up onto her boat and prepared to leave. She set a course for the Moon and
prepared to have a nice talk with her new children. But they didn't understand anything she said, just ran around making a mess and
experimenting with things. Luna was confused again. Now what was wrong?"
"As she began to sail into the sky towards home, she called out to the Changer, 'Why do my children not understand me?'"
"And the Changer replied, "I give the gift of life, not of thought. Ask someone else for that.'"
"As Luna sailed her boat into the sky, she turned it to seek the chambers of the Breaker. She remembered that all three had helped
Gaia, so perhaps the Breaker had the secret of mind."
"Soon she sailed to a great castle in the sky, where dwelt the Breaker. It was his duty to patrol the border between the ocean of
change and the loom of the maker, keeping either kingdom from destroying the other. She soon stood before the Breaker and said,
'Oh mighty Breaker, can you teach my children to think? For I wish to be alone no more.' As she spoke, her children ran amuck,
trashing the Breaker's castle, reshaping it, breaking parts of it, setting things on fire, attacking the guards, using them as climbing toys,
and so on."
"The Breaker smiled. 'You have rambunctious children. The changer has touched them heavily. It will be hard to keep them under
control. Harder still if I give them minds with which to plan and take action beyond their instincts. Often they will disobey and go wrong.
Do you still wish me to enable them to think like you and I?'"
"Luna said, 'Yes. For if I had only wished for ordinary animals, I have plenty of those already. I want children who can love me and
understand my love for them. And they are beautiful to me.' She looked at her children and smiled."

"The Breaker stood and said, 'Then it shall be done. As Gaia's children have blessed her, so shall these children be a blessing on you.
As the humans have more of the Maker's essence, so your children the Faeries have more of the Changer's essence. Now they shall
have my essence too. I break their instincts and insensibility and open them to knowing themselves and you. He touched each of the
rampaging children, who stopped, blinked, and turned to stare at Luna, the Breaker, and his guards."
"Luna smiled, "Hello, children. Are you ready to go home?" They stared at her and tried to speak. A wide range of garbled language
came out. Then they all ran over to her and tried to cling to her, staring at the Breaker and his guards. Luna turned to go."
"The Breaker spoke one last time before Luna and the Faeries left. "Your children will always be a fractious lot. Teach them your
wisdom that they might understand that they need both order and change, though change will always come more easily to them. Teach
them to treat Gaia's children well, for hers may be more numerous, but yours will be stronger, but often not know to use that strength
wisely. I fear there may one day be war between yours and Gaia's children, and much misunderstanding. Go with my peace."
"And so Luna brought her children to the moon, and together they made it a great wilderness of surpassing beauty. And some of her
children traveled to meet Gaia's children and vice versa. Together they protected the lands, until the Breaker and the Maker fell into
madness and brought corruption upon us all..."

Excerpt from the Writings of Saulot:

"In my quest for wisdom, I sought out the faeries, for it was said that there were those among them who had witnessed the creation of
mankind and the fall of man. And my journeys lead me by roads often untraveled into a great mountain range. And atop a mountain
was a stone house, within which dwelt a man clad in brown. He was only two foot tall, and wore clothing the likes of which I had never
seen. He had a shelf of scrolls and was writing another as I arrived. His apprentices were busily copying scrolls and writing new ones.
He looked at me and I felt his gaze pierce me to my very essence. I was an open book to him. He looked at me for a long moment,
then said,
"You are Saulot. You seek the wisdom of the Faeries, for you believe we were at the creation of man. You seek to know why humanity
fell and how this fall can be undone." He continued to stare through me.
I was amazed. Surely one who knew this much could aid me in my quest for redemption. Then he spoke and shattered my hopes. "We
are not that old a people. Do you know what an angel is?"
I was confused. "Are you saying that Faeries are angels? I have heard the Sethites speak of them, but..."
He laughed. "Angels predate the creation of the world. But some of them looked upon the world many years ago and saw that it was
good, and desired the daughters of Seth. And they were punished for that, but not before the daughters of Seth gave birth to us, the
Faeries. We are part angel, part man. Thus we have power beyond your ken, but forms like those of men."
I was crestfallen. "Then you know not the secret of redemption..."
He laughed again. "I didn't say that. What knowledge can you give me for the knowledge you seek.."

Erin O'Connell/NightSong, a Fianna Homid Galliard speaks of the origins of the Fae:
"Long ago, the Weaver decided to adopt one of the species of animals that dwelt in Gaia's bosom as her special children. To them,
she would teach her secrets of making and creating order. She looked down and saw the humans, and decided they would be the
ones to be blessed. But when the Weaver sent her servants to teach her children these secrets, some of them were not interested in
them. They wandered off after learning only a few of the Weaver's secrets. They followed another call. They walked by strange paths
and came to the land of Luna, who had called them. For she too wished to have special children. She gave them power over earth,
and air, water, and fire. She taught them to draw upon her magic to hide, to fight, to change form like her. She made them lucky, and
tied them strongly to their grandfather the Wyld that they might draw strength from him and not easily be forced into the molds made for
them by the Weaver. And she named them the Faerie. Long has our tribe and theirs been friends, and long may we frolic together..."

From A Theory of Faerie Origins and Powers:

It is my theory that the Fair Folk, or Faeries were created by the division between the physical and spirit worlds that happened at some
point in the distant past. Some humans were trapped on the Umbral side of the Gauntlet and subjected to the increased influence of
the magical energies prevalent there. They became increasingly magical creatures, finally becoming permeated with magical
energies. They seem especially proficient in the manipulation of Matter, Forces, Mind, Entropy and Life. They dwell in a realm of
unstable Time and Correspondence. Some have learned to manipulate Mana, which seems to correspond roughly to Prime. A few
can manipulate Spirit enough to enable them to open Faerie rings/Trods/Faerie Circles which enable them to visit the physical plane.
The erratic nature of the faerie folk and the behavior of the Marauders somehow seems to be linked...

Faerie Circles
A Faerie Circle is a place where the faeries maintain contact with the physical world. It's manifestation is always circular in some
manner....a circular cloud, a spiral current, a round pond, a ring of toadstools or monoliths...maybe even a road that is a circle. Within
the circle, it is easier for Faeries to travel back and forth between the mortal and Arcadian realms. On the two equinoxes, the two
solstices, and on the four sabbats (Walpurgis, Samhain, Beltaine, and ) some sort of pathway to Arcadia will open at the site when the
sun goes down and last until the sun rises again. This path can be used by both man and faerie. On these days, the faerie revel and
flood forth to harass the mortal world. The local gauntlet drops by 4 within ten miles of the circle. (or by 2 needed successes for
Magi...) Faerie circles are normally hidden away in secluded places to remove them from prying eyes.

Faerie Regios
Some faerie circles are powerful enough to generate regios...areas where the gauntlet thins and unwary travellers can cross over into
the Umbra. This is easiest around the sabbats, equinoxes, and solstices. This usually happens when the circle is old and powerful and
faeries have moved into the umbral area corresponding to the circle and its environs. To enter, or leave a regio, each person who
enters the area in the physical world rolls a certain number of dice--determined as shown below:
Ordinary Human--1 die
Vampire, Ghoul, or Hunter with Numina--2 dice
Garou, Mage without the Spirit Sphere-3 dice
Mage with Spirit Sphere: 3+Spirit.
Faerie: Five dice
The Difficulty is 9 in the day, and 8 at night normally. On Sabbats, it drops to 6/5. On Equinoxes and Solstices, it drops to 5/4. Botch
the enterance roll and you can't enter the regio until the next equinox or sabbat. Botch the exit roll and you are trapped for that long. You
can try once an hour to enter/exit the regio.
The regio resembles an enchanted version of the area in the physical world. Everything is more perfect and magical enchantments
abound. Many Circles with Regios have a permanent gate to Arcadia...which is the most common cause of a regio.
Areas with Regio have an effective gauntlet/shroud of three for Garou and other shifters and wraiths, or a 1 success gauntlet for mage
purposes. Technomagic is always vulgar in a faerie regio unless it resembles a tinker device....

Arcadia, the land of the Fae

The true nature of Arcadia is a mystery. It is known that it corresponds in some
way to the dark side of the moon, and mages and Garou who travel to the
umbral darkside have had success in entering Arcadia from that point. It also
connects to a near umbral realm known as the Arcadian gateway. Some faerie
circles have temporary or permanent gateways to Arcadia, and all of them
correspond to a circle in an arcadian domain.
Arcadia seems to be a chaotic dreamworld to most travellers, but there are
some laws to its apparent madness. Arcadia is divided into domains. Each
domain is fairly stable within its own set of rules. Domains are created by the
united will of the faeries and others who dwell there. A domain that lost all of
its inhabitants would dissolve back into chaos. Domains range from the size of
a single room to entire continents. The larger the domain, the more powerful
the faerie lord or lords who rule over it. The High Kings of the Faerie Courts
rule over continent sized domains...
Arcadia cannot be mapped, because geography is not stable. But if you find a
river, you may be able to get to any domain that has a river running through it.

It is easier to pass from one yew forest to another rather than from a forest to a
desert. It is easier to travel between realms that have "correspondences" or
similarities. Some domains also have special qualities. The celestial domains
are in the sky, so you have to move upward to get to them. The aquatic
domains are moving down into water helps you get there. The
seelie domains tend to be in the east towards the rising sun or to the south
where it is warmer, and the unseelie in the west towards the setting sun, or the
north where it is colder.
While Arcadia has no fixed geography, there are several major "regions" of
Celestial Arcadia, Aquatic Arcadia, Terrestrial Arcadia, The Lands Forgotten,
Subterranea, The lands of the fallen, The great fire, The mists.
Celestial Arcadia: This is the realm of the sky faeries, a sea of cloud islands and
cloud castles. It is most easily reached from mountaintops and by those with
the power of flight. The pixies are often to be found here, along with
dopplegangers, and bird-related pookas. Some Alfar sorcerers dwell in cloud
castles here. (And perhaps a legendary goblin Giant...)
Aquatic Arcadia: This is the realm of the sea faeries. Nixies, dopplegangers, fish
related Phookas, and gremlins dwell here. It can be reached from any body of
water in Arcadia. Any mortal brought here by the water faeries can breathe
water for as long as he or she keeps their blessing.
Terrestrial Arcadia: This is the great wilderness of Arcadia. It resembles the
surface of the earth before the coming of man. It is full of perfect ancient
forests, huge trackless deserts, pristine swamps, uneroded mountains, etc. It is
marked by the cities of the Alfar and other "civilized" Faeries. These cities are
larger and more organic than human cities. The buildings seem to be grown out
of the rock and trees >from which they are made. They are beautiful almost
beyond human understanding. They are connected by Faerie Trods. (see below
in the navigation section....) Virtually every kind of faerie can be found
somewhere in Terrestrial Arcadia. It is the special home of the Alfar and land
animal related Phookas. Most Faerie circles are located in Terrestrial Arcadia. It
also contains many places that resemble the major spiritual/historical/magical
sights of earth...revealing their true nature in some way.
Subterranea: This is the great world of the caverns of Arcadia. It is most easily
reached by descending into caves, canyons, sea trenches and other holes in
the ground. It is a great maze of tunnels. The Brownies and Goblins make this
their special home.
The Great Fire: This is the home of the Salamanders. It is a world built out of
flame. Those who have the blessing of the Salamanders will not burn. It is

much like Terrestrial Arcadia, except that everything is made of different kinds
of fire. It can be reached from any flame, but Volcanoes, forest fires, and
burning buildings provide the easiest access. It is said that those with a
salamander to guide them can travel from flame to flame across other realms by
taking short cuts inside The Great Fire.
The Lands of the Fallen: This realm contains many legendary homes of the
dead. It is not known for sure if it is inhabited by faeries who believe they are
the spirits of the dead, or if those who dwell here really did live upon the earth
at one time. It is known that few new dead have arrived in many centuries. Still,
the Elysian fields, Annwyn, and the Happy Hunting Grounds can all be found
here. The dead are unable to leave, whatever they are. Wraiths who are brought
here will have to lose all their corpus or get the aid of a sorceror to leave. But
while they are here, their Shadow is silenced and powerless.... These lands are
ruled by various "gods" of death...their true nature is also unknown. Faeries
slain in Arcadia by non-mortals will awaken here within days or months (The
more stability, the sooner they awaken). The lands of the fallen are most easily
reached by travelling West, towards the setting sun.
The Lands Forgotten: Many lands and peoples of myth and legend can be
found here. When they were defeated/destroyed, some of the survivors found a
way into Arcadia, where they slowly became faeries and recreated the land they
had known in mortal life. Others were created by the belief of mortals in their
existence, or who were so touched by their stories they wished they were real.
Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, the isle of the Amazons, the kingdom of Prester John,
Lilliput, Utopia, the kingdom of Cockaigne, Hobbiton, and Sherwood forest
have all been seen by people who have visited the Lands Forgotten. Many of
the faeries here seem completely human, using Iron freely in some areas, and in
many other ways not acting like faeries. Most suspect that the inhabitants of
this area are indeed largely human, touched by faerie power, but not fully
faeries. (or maybe everyone just has iron tolerance...)
The mists: There is a region of faerieland that is without form...The mists. They
can be reached from any region of arcadia. No one knows what lies beyond
them. But they can be reshaped by those with creativity to create new arcadian
domains. Anyone who enters the mists can try to shape them to match hir own
desires. This works best when a group of people work together. It is much
easier for Mortals or human changelings to shape the mists than it is for
Faeries, because faeries have too much creativity. They have a hard time
limiting themselves to a single vision of a place for long enough to make it
stable. They need humans to pick and choose between the infinite possibilities
they see. This is the highest goal of the kidnapping of humans as changelings.
They can combine the self-control and focus of humans with the creativity of
the Faeries, and help to give birth to new faerie domains.
To create a realm requires several steps. The person must enter the fog and

face their own fears. This requires a difficulty 8 fearlessness or Courage check.
Failure forces the person to run away. They will be unable to return until a 10WP days have passed.
The second step is to express one's creative vision. This requires a roll on
Cha+Performance or Per+Expression at difficulty 9. The more successes, the
more the realm will resemble what you want it to be.
Botch: You are trapped in a nightmare realm that is a perversion of what you
wished to create
Fail: Nothing happens. You can try again in a month.
1 success: You get the terrain types you wanted.
2 successes: You get the kind of weather you wanted, and the geography is
3 successes: You can have buildings and inhabitants if you want them.
4 successes: The place can have unusual water up hill, night all
the time, etc.
5 successes: Exactly what you wanted.
This process can also be used to reshape a realm which has not been stabilized
with permanent WP...Or to try to warp someone else's not yet stable realm...
The realm remains intact as long as its creator remains in it. If he or she leaves,
it loses size levels at the rate shown below...That is also the rate at which it
forms from the mists. Your stability (or WP, whichever is lower) determines how
big a realm you can create. You can create one with inhabitants...but you can't
guarantee they will like you.
The realm can be made permanent by spending permanent WP = to its size....Or
ownership can be transferred to another being...but he/she must have as much
stability as you or the realm will shrink. Also, the new owner will have to spend
permanent WP too...or the realm will lose its stability if you die. The ritual of
transference takes 1 day per size level. Unless a realm is made permanently
stable, nothing native to it can leave or be taken out of the realm.

10' Circle
100' circle
1000' circle
1 mile Circle
10 mile Circle
100 mile Circle
500 mile circle
1000 mile circle

1 round
1 minute
10 minute
1 hour
6 Hours
1 day
1 week
2 weeks


1000 mile circle

2000 mile circle
3000 mile circle

2 weeks
1 month
2 months.

There are several ways to navigate around Arcadia. Some domains are
connected by Roads, known as Trods. These roads often resemble some road
in the physical world. As long as you stay on the path, it will eventually get you
where you are going. But if you leave the path, it will vanish and you will get
dropped into some domain you were not looking for. Per+Faerie Lore at
Difficulty 6 will identify where a Trod goes...the more successes, the more
precise the identification. A Trod is easy to follow, but creatures often lurk
along it, striving to lure you off the path so they can amuse themselves with
The second technique involves using correspondences. The more you know
about what/who you are searching for, the easier this is. You simply search for
examples of those correspondences, moving always in the direction where they
become more intense. This may require a lot of traveling through various
realms. Roll Per+Faerie Lore (Variable difficulty--Storyteller's discretion). If you
botch, you wander into the wrong kind of realm and get in trouble usually. If
you succeed, you reach a more similar domain to what you want. You need to
accumulate usually five to thirty successes to get where you are going.(Five to
get from one mountain guardian realm with a river to another...ten to descend
to a foothill guardian realm...30 to go from an underwater Seelie court in the far
south to a celestial Unseelie court in the far north....)
If you are unaware of any correspondences, you can try to create one. This is
done through artistic activity. You must create art or stories which attribute the
desired correspondences to the thing,place, or person to be found and spread
them about. The difficulty of this is pretty hard....and only non-faeries can
create correspondences, so you may have to get some help. Human
Changelings, Vampires, ordinary humans, Garou, and Mages can create
correspondences...To do this requires a creativity of at least three on the part of
a vampire(see Toreador book). It requires five successes at difficulty 9 on a
Art+Wits or Cha+Expression roll and publicity of the same...It is hard, but you
can wreak real changes in Arcadia by this method...although it tends to make
court leaders irritated with you...
Arcadian Time Dilation
Time flows strangely in Arcadia. Different realms have different time-flows. It is hard to keep track of days or even hours. Clocks and
watches malfunction. The effects are entirely up to the storyteller, and should be hand designed for each trip. Keep in mind that long
trips will seem to pass in minutes if nothing happens--in dream like time. Time in Arcadia flows like a when nothing is
going on, slow when things get busy.

Faerie Food in Arcadia

It is unwise for mortals to eat the food or drink offered to them in Arcadia. A mortal who does so cannot leave until the faeries release
him. Any effort to remove him or her from Arcadia will fail unless the magic used to get him out gets at least 5 successes, and the
difficulty will go up to 10.
If a Garou eats faerie food, he must get five successes to get out, but the difficulty remains the same. Anyone with Faerie Blood gift
can eat faerie food with no ill effects.

Faerie drinks tend to be highly intoxicating. Roll Stamina at Difficulty 8 or be intoxicated. Each additional drink adds one to the number
of successes needed to resist.

Combat in Arcadia
Arcadian combat is usually like combat anywhere else...when mortals participate. If a mortal takes part in a combat in Arcadia, it is run
just like combat anywhere else. Faeries can only die in arcadia if mortals (Humans, Garou, or Magi) participate. Vampires and
Wraiths do not count as mortals...
When non-mortals fight in Arcadia, they cannot permanently die. Wounds heal at the rate of one wound a turn(even for Vamps and
Wraiths...). A non-mortal brought to the point where they would die appears to die, but they will awaken one day later in the lands of the
fallen. Vampires find themselves in the same condition they were in at the start of the battle, as do Faeries. But they lose everything
they were carrying. Wraiths discorporate when "slain", and reform in the Land of the Fallen. But they cannot get out without the help of
a sorceror or knowlege of Argos. They appear completely solid while there. They function as mortals, although their Arcanos remain
active. A wraith with Argos can get out of the land of the fallen, similar to entering the tempest.
Fallen Faeries dissolve away in about an hour...then reform a day later in the land of the fallen. Any possessions not taken from them
will reform with their new body. This can sometimes destablize the poor faerie...He/She must roll their stability at difficulty 7. If they fail,
they lose one point of stability. If they botch, they get a derangement also.
Faeries sometimes bring mortals to Arcadia for the sole purpose of making a battle permanently fatal. Wars between fae can drag out
for centuries if no mortals get involved...because the armies keep rising from the dead the next day. Only if Mortals get involved can
faeries die permanently in Arcadia. This is another reason why faeries bring changelings to Arcadia...

* Divine Visage: Add Beauty to your Appearance score
** Beautiful Creation: Add Beauty rating to your dice pool for any use of an Artistic skill (Performance, Expression, Sculpting,
Painting, etc.)

*** Aura of Beauty: This ability is the same as Awe (Presence)

**** Beautiful Vista: You can imbue an area with Beauty for one hour per success on a App+Beauty check (d. 6) All in area are
calmed and Awed (spend WP to resist).

***** Inspire Beauty: You can give a person a bonus to Appearance equal to the number of successes received from a Per+Beauty
roll(d.6) for a number of days = your beauty rank. Their Appearance can't rise above your Beauty rank

****** Divine Aura: Others worship your beauty. You can command them by making a Beauty+Leadership vs. WP+(Self-control:
Humans/Vampires, Gnosis: Werewolves, Spirits, 1/2 WP: Mages, Faeries(or Beauty if it is possessed)

******* Inspire Love: Anyone who sees you must roll WP vs your App+Beauty or fall madly in love with you
******** Preserve Beauty: You can prevent anything from losing its beauty ever for a number of decades = # of successes gained on
a roll of Beauty (D. 8)

********* Radiate Beauty: Everything in a 1 mile radius gains a bonus to App=your Appearance
********** Glimpse the Transcendant: Grant yourself or someone else a vision of the Transcendant Ultimate of Beauty. Requires
spending a permanent WP point. The vision lasts a number of Hours=Target's highest Artistic skill. The Target recovers all WP, gains
a number of skill pips for artistic skills=the number of hours the vision lasts, and gains Artistic aptitude(-2 Difficulties to Artistic skills).
They also can gain the answer to one question. This vision can only be experienced once in each being's lifetime. Anyone who has
seen the transcendant can now improve artistic skills up to 10.

* Sense Element: Per+Alert (d.6) to detect and analyze the nearest quantity of your element
** Shape Element: On a roll of Int.+ Elemental Power (d.6), the character may reshape an amount of available element--1 success: 1
pound, 2 successes: 10 pounds, 3 successes: 100 pounds, 4 successes: 1000 pounds, etc.

*** Move Element: Character can move existing elements or use them as a weapon (Use appropriate skill as if character was
physically lifting/moving it)

**** Conjure Element: On an Int+Elemental power(D.8), the character can conjure an amount of the appropriate element (as per
shape element--or (fire/air) 1 success: a tiny amount, 2 success: 1 cubic foot, 3 successes: 1 cubic meter, 4 successes: 10 cubic
meters, 5 Successes: 100 cubic meters...

***** Elemental Resistance: Add your elemental power rating to stamina for soaking the elemental type.
****** Elemental Walk: You can teleport via the appropriate element: Per+Alertness (D.7) You can Go 10^Successes miles.
******* Elemental Form: Become the Appropriate element (1 wp/change). You retain a human shape, even if not normally appropriate
for that element. By spending wp, you can reshape yourself in that form, but must return to a human like shape before reassuming
flesh. You cannot speak unless your element is air or earth in this form, and you take double damage from the opposed element (AirEarth, Fire-water) and half damage from the same element.

******** Elemental Alteration: Spend 1 WP and Roll your Elemental power rating in dice at difficulty 8 to transmute your element into
different forms of itself (granite into basalt, oxygen gas into nitrogen, an oil fire into a wood fire, water into coke).

********* Transcend Element: You can now walk through mundane forms of your element without harm--walk through walls, breathe
underwater, stand in a bonfire, etc.

********** Elemental Lord: You gain the power of command over elementals. You can roll your Elemental power+Manipulation to
control any elemental of your type (D.6) resisted by their Willpower(D.6) 1 success: 1 turn 2 successes: 1 Minute 3 successes: 1 hour
4 successes: 1 day...Also, you can not be harmed by any elemental and can travel anywhere via that element by spending 1 wp

* Hide: Add level of Fade to Stealth Rolls
** Disappear: Turn invisible when no one is observing you. You can't move while anyone is looking and stay invisible, but if you don't

move, they can't see you.

*** Vanish: Move while invisible, and even attack invisibly at a cost of 1 WP/Round
**** Invisibility: Vanish even while being watched.
***** Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Vanish from recent memory of people (Stealth+App, vs. Int +Alertness)
****** Hide in Plain Sight: (Man+Acting vs. Per+Alert). Look like whoever you want to.
******* Conceal: Spend 1 wp and turn an object invisible, even if you leave--anything up to house size. At this point, you no longer
show up on electronic devices or cameras, either.

******** Mass Invisibility: Extend up to power level 4 to other people.

********* Fade away into nothing: You can Fade right out of the realm you are in and into the other side of the Gauntlet. At a Faerie
Ring/Trod, you can Fade right into Arcadia.

********** Unseen Presence: No one ever sees you unless you want to be seen. And your aura can be masked however you like. If
you appear, you can take whatever appearance you want.

Fae Sight
* Magic Sight: Per+Alert (diff. 6) to sense magic. 1 succ.--Know it is there, 2 succ--Know where the magic is, 3 succ.--Know what
kind it is (Disc, Gift, Fae, True Magick, etc), 4 succ Know what effect, 5 succ-- Know best way to break it.

** Pierce Glamor: See through any lower level illusion, gift, Obfuscate, or Glamor
*** Detect Deception: Empathy +Perception(D.6) vs. Man +Subt.(D.9) to detect lies and half-truths
**** Aura Perception: Same as Auspex 2, but the difficulty is only 6
***** See Weakness: Per+Approp. Skill(d.6) to find the weak points in anything. Each success lets you do one extra damage die to
that thing.

****** Pierce the Veil: See through the Horizon or Gauntlet on a Per+Awareness (Difficulty-Gauntlet)
******* See the Known: You can scry anyone/thing/place you have seen before. Spend 1 WP and roll your Fae Sight (D. 6 for a place
or thing, WP for a person). You can see them for: 1 succ: 1 turn, 2 succ. 1 Minute, 3 Succ: 1 hour...

******** See the Unknown: You can scry anyone/thing/place you have ever heard of Same as level 7(+1 to difficulty).
********* See the Truth: No one can lie to you ever. And you become immune to Persuade below level 10
********** Vision of Ultimate Reality: By spending a WP, you can see anyone/thing anywhere for as long as you want, even in other
realms. You can also once in your life see the answer to a single question in a transcendant vision of the whole of reality. This requires
a Stability check (D. 10) to avoid loss of a stability point and getting a derangement, but if you make it, you gain a Stability point and a
point in one of your primary virtues. You can't spend WP on this check. Botching it leaves you transfixed by the vision until someone
figures out some way to cut off your vision. Then you lose a stability point and gain a derangement. However, anyone who does this
can now build knowleges up to 10 and gains 1 point of intelligence. (and 10 skill pips for knowleges).

* Fauna Knowledge: Identify any animal and its abilities/habits/etc. on a successful Intelligence+Fauna+Animal Ken roll.
** Fauna Speech: On Charisma +Fauna (D.7) you can talk to animals. One roll to establish contact with a particular animal.
*** Animal Sentinel: Roll Per+Fauna (D. by visibility) to sense if a predetermined event takes place within 50' (per success) of that

**** Animal Allies: On a Charisma+Animal Ken (D. 4-8, depending on friendliness of animal) to get animals to do what you want (one
animal per success)

***** Call Animals: Summon one kind of animal from a one mile radius per success on Charisma+Animal Ken
****** Animal Form: On a Sta+Fauna roll, become any animal for one hour/success
******* Animal Feature: Assume animal features at will (like a dog nose to track by smell or cat ears to hear well. Usually gain 3 extra
dice with the appropriate skill or lower diff.)

******** Full Shift: Become any animal whenever you want for as long as you want
********* Forced change: Turn others into Animals (Sta+Fauna vs. WP (or their Sta+Fauna or their WP+Shifting/Protean/Vicissitude).
One hour/success.

********** Animal Lord: Control any animal you see for WP hours.

* Flora Knowledge: Identify any plant and its properties on a successful Intelligence+Flora+Animal Ken roll.
** Flora Speech: On Charisma +Flora (D.7) you can talk to plants. One roll to establish contact with a particular plants.
*** Plant Sentinel: Roll Per+Flora (D. by visibility) to sense if a predetermined event takes place within 50' (per success) of that plant.
**** Plant Guardian: On a successful Char.+Flora Roll (d. 8) you can animate and control plants
***** Plant Walk: Step into a plant and step out of any plant of the same species you have ever seen
****** Plant Form: Become a plant. (Sta+Flora D. 7) one hour/success
******* Instant Plant Growth: Grow plants to maturity in 1 minute (1 WP/Acre)
******** Attunement: Merge your perceptions with 10 mile^2 of plants/ success on a D. 6 roll on your Flora level.
********* Forced Change: Turn others into Plants (Sta+Flora vs. WP (or their Sta+Flora or their WP+Shifting/Protean/Vicissitude).
One hour/success.

********** Bless/Blight: Kill all plants or speed Growth in a 100 mile radius per success on Man.+Flora (d. 6)

* Mask: Roll Per+Glamor (d.6) to cloak yourself in the guise of another type (farmer, vampire, woman, accountant, etc). 1 success is
enough for that. Impersonating a specific person takes three successes.

** Shadow Creature: Create 1 illusionary object or creature per success on Per+Glamor vs. Per+Alertness (D.6)
1 Success:Visual only
2 successes: Sound included
3 successes: smells added
4 successes: thermal added
5 successes: taste added
6 successes: You can touch it.
Each round not spent concentrating on it causes it to lose one success level.

*** Faescape: The Fae may alter his surroundings. Roll per+Glamor vs Per+ Alertness (Target is 5+x where 10^X is the radius area
of effect in feet) The level of sensory alteration is the same as for Shadow creature.

**** Massmorph: As Mask, but one person per success.

***** Masquerade: As Mask, but it shields your aura also and your mind (Mentally, you seem to be that person if Telepathed)
****** Glamor Creature: Roll Int+Glamor (d. 6). The creature has the following characteristics. (It lasts for 10 minutes/success).




******* Chaos: This power allows the character to (roll Man+Glamor vs. WP) plunge an area into a giant tide of hallucination. Each
success subtracts one die from all Dex, Str, Char, and Man. action pools of those in the area of effect.

******** Mind Storm: As Chaos, but affects all dice pools except Stamina
********* Nightmare: (Man+Empathy vs WP (diff=Target INT+3)) Victim must make a courage or Willpower/2 roll or flee. (Diff=your
Man+Empathy). They must check each round (power lasts 2 rounds/success).

********** Mold Reality: (Glamor roll, diff=local gauntlet). If successful, reality is your toy(in an illusionary manner) in a radius of
10^successes feet. (use shadow creature table for degree of illusions generated).


* Defense: By Forfeiting all attacks, the character can defend against one attacker per point of Kensai with his entire dice pool.
** Weapon Break: On a successful hit(using Str+Kensai+Melee), the opponent's weapon is broken (no damage to target unless
weapon was part of his body--natural weaponry unaffected by this, but cyber-weapons, or the classic pirate hook, etc. are)

*** Mighty Blow: The character adds his rating in Kensai to his damage dice pool with melee weapons for one attack a round.
**** Defensive Wall: The character no longer need forfeit all attacks to use Defense.
***** Missile Deflect: On a successful Melee+Dex (d.6) roll, the character can deflect ranged attacks (each success reduces the
attacker's successes by one)

****** Ultimate warrior: Use Dex+Kensai to attack anyone.

******* Whirlwind Attack: The character recieves 1 extra attack per point of dex (if all attacks are used on different targets)
******** Slay Foes: As Mighty blow, but usable on a number of attacks=your kensai per round.
********* Disarm Foes: Spend 1 wp and break a number of weapons = your dex+kensai if you can reach them with your melee
weapon that round (magic weapons/fetishes get to resist using their wielder's WP vs. yours). You must forfeit one action to use this

********** Weapon Merge: You and your weapon are one. It heals all damage done to it, just like you do (You can instant fix it by
spending a wp). You can summon it to you at will. It does Aggravated damage to anything. By spending 1 wp, you can animate it, and
it fights for you for rounds = your kensai.

* Predict Chance: This power can predict any random event's outcome on a Per+Luck roll (difficulty varies by complexity of event--3
to predict a coin flip, 6-roulette or poker hands, 8-lottery, 10 for putting every name of a living human in a hat and picking one)

** Control Chance: Roll Man+luck to control simple random events.

*** Jinx: Give a person bad luck for a scene on Man+luck (diff.6). Power lasts until target accumulates botches=# of successes). The
victim rolls a number of extra dice on every action = your successes in using Jinx. These dice only count towards 0nes, not towards

**** Wreck Machine: Make machines malfunction (Man+Technology/science/security or repair). Diff 6 usually. Haywire for hours=your

***** Curse: Roll Man+Luck vs WP. For a number of days = your success, the target is plagued with ill occurrences for a number of
days equal to the number of successes. (ammo runs out at wrong time, you step on the CEO's foot in the elevator--five times, etc.)

****** Lucky: At this level you gain the Luck merit.

******* Charmed Existence: At this level you gain Charmed Existence.
******** Life of Misery: As Curse, but it lasts for months = your number of successes
********* Cause failure: Roll your Luck vs. target WP. If you succeed, the power lasts for hours= your successes or until you release it.
You can choose (before dice are rolled) to Jinx a specific action. The action has a number of botches added to it = your number of

********** Implausible Chance: Cause things to happen (Man+Luck) if they are at all possible under normal laws of physics (or faerie
mechanics). Difficulty is 6. One success can control any random event, three can causes lapses of physical coordination, combustion,
five can cause spontaneous combustion, conjure wind from nowhere, make rain in a desert, seven can cause virtual particles to create
an object of your desire for a few rounds, nine could cause that object to stick around as long as you want it.

Machine Master
Duration Table

1 round
1 minute
1 hour
1 day
1 week
1 month

* Control Simple Machines: Control Simple Machines(mechanical, non-self powered) with a touch (roll Man+Machine Master diff 6)
** Control Electric Machines: Control simple electronic devices(Calculators, digital watches, remote controls, Tvs) with a touch
(Man+Machine Master, diff 6)

*** Control Complex Machines: Control complex Mechanical and electronic devices with a touch (Man+Machine Master d. 7)
**** Remote Control: On Manipulation +MM (diff 8), you can control simple machines within your sight range.
***** Complex Remote Control: On Man+MM (diff 9) control any machine you see
****** Wreck: Wreck any machine with a roll on Man+Machine Master (diff 9) For the duration, any effort to fix it will fail.
******* Program Machine: Once you establish control of a machine you can program it to take actions in your absence. (Diff 6 for
simple machines, 8 for complex ones.)

******** Animate Machine: spend 1 wp and animate any machine. It moves as if it had your Int as its dex. It stays animated for one
hour per success on a Machine Mastery roll (d. 8)

********* Distant Wreck: Wreck any machine you've ever seen (spend 1 wp if out of sight, no willpower if you can see it)
********** Machine Lord: Spend 1 WP and control every machine you see for an hour

Mana Manipulation
* Sense Mana: The Fae can sense the presence of Mana and its use (Roll Per+Mana Manipulation vs. opp. skill being used or a
difficulty if just the prsence is being sensed.

** Tap Mana: The Faerie learns to absorb mana at Faerie Rings and Wells. They must roll their Mana Manipulation at difficulty 6. They
get one point per success. It takes one hour to tap a Faerie Ring or well.

*** Channel Mana: The Faerie learns to channel Mana into Sorcery or other faerie powers. Each point lowers the difficulty of a
power/spell by one when spent, or adds one success to a spell for the purposes of preventing counter-magic/dispelling/or deflection.

**** Transfer Mana: The Faerie learns to transfer Mana to other Faeries. (They can hold Mana=their Willpower)
***** Destroy Mana Use: The Fae can spend his own mana to block mana use by others on a point for point basis--but must succeed
in a sensing roll.

****** Improved Mana Absorption: You now recover 3 points of mana a day automatically
******* Steal Mana: You can take other people's Mana (Your Mana M. vs. Theirs) Each success is one point.
******** Awaken Faerie Ring Site: Takes one hour per roll. Roll Mana Manipulation at difficulty 10. Each success lowers Gauntlet by
one. When it hits four, the site is awakened. On a Botch, take aggravated wounds = Gauntlet's original strength--Also, site can not be
awakened for one year. This power can only be used on solstices or Equinoxes or Sabbats(Lammas, Beltaine, Walpurgis, Samhain).
It must be used after the sun sets and before it rises.

********* Disrupt Powers/spells: The Fae can wreck the use of a power or spell by spending one point of Mana for every success the
power or spell had. But the person can spend his own mana to counter the disruption (one for one)

********** Mana Sink: Recover your Mana Manip. in Mana per day and store any amount of mana---the more the merrier.

Might counts as automatic successes on any strength check = your might.

* Glib: Add +1 to your Manipulation
** Sly: Add +2 to Manipulation
*** Oratory: Sway mobs with this power (100 X 2^Persuasion people). Roll Man+Subterfuge (Diff=Wits+3 of person with most wits to
be affected). Five minutes per level of persuasion needed to affect whole mob must be spent.
1 success gets crowd to do what its inclinations call it to.
2 successes: overcome mild scruples (get a mob of people to swear repeatedly in unison or wear ugly clothing).
3 successes: Crowd will break the law or face mild threat to their safety (go on a looting spree or rush a few well armed men)
4 successes: Crowd will be willing to face high threats and take big risks(Burn down the town, rush a line of national guardsmen)
5 successes: Crowd will do anything not obviously suicidal (attack the white house, rape, murder, burn, pillage, strip naked and run
around in circles, etc)

**** Eloquent: Add +3 to Manipulation

***** Command: Make someone do something on Man+Leadership (diff= their WP). (as oratory)
****** Silver Tongue: Add +4 to Manipulation
******* Belief: Convince a person that some statement of affairs is true. Roll Man + Subterfuge (D-6 if they are likely to believe, 8 if
unlikely, 10 if impossible or clearly untrue). 1 success: 1 day, 2 successes: 1 week, 3 successes: 1 month, 4 successes: 1 year, 5
successes: 1 decade, etc.

******** Snake Oil Salesman from Hell: +5 to manipulation

********* Conversion: Persuade a person to change their demeanor or nature with a Man+Subterfuge (Diff=Target's man). Duration
as Belief

********** Voice of Apollo: +6 to manipulation.

Self Mastery:
* Endurance: Add your rating in self-mastery to your stamina for resisting long term fatigue.
** Trance: Go into a trance at will. In the trance you need no food/water/air for a period =Sta+Self-mastery in days.
*** Self-Control: Add Self-Mastery to any effort to resist mind-effecting powers and abilities
**** Body Weaponry: Add Self-mastery to your damage dice pool for unarmed combat
***** Self-healing: Purge toxins and heal damage to self by spending one hour in a trance. Roll Int+Medicine (Diff. 6) Each success
heals three wounds or purges one toxin or chemical from the body.

****** Deep Trance: Go into Trance for as long as you wish if you succeed in rolling Stamina +Meditation (diff 9)
******* Transcend Hunger: Even in a waking state, you can fast for years = your WP.
******** Empower body: Do aggravated damage with your bare hands to anything.
********* Transcend Flaw: You can now soak cold iron
********** Inner Calm: -2 difficulty to Stability and virtue checks. You are also immune to emotion affecting magic, frenzy causing
magic, etc.

* Face Lift: Alter your facial features.(Man+Disguise. diff 6)
** Disguise: Alter skin, hair and eye color. Change your clothing. (Man+Disguise diff 6)
*** Body Warp: Rearrange your body mass(Diff 6-- Man+Disguise)--height, sex, limb length, etc.
**** Mass Warp: Rearrange your body Mass(diff 7-- Man+Disguise). Become any animal or look like any human/humanoid). (The less
human, the more successes--human 1, Mammal--2, Bird 3, Insect/reptile/amphibian 4, Aquatic critter/invertebrate-5)

***** Plant Warp: On Man+Disguise (Diff 7) become any plant

****** Object Shape: On Man+Disguise (Diff 8) become an inanimate object (Change your height by 50% per success)
******* Mind Warp: Shapechange your mind to have a fake identity. Mind readers lose more successes than you get on Manipulation
+ Subterfuge (d. 6) to see it is fake

******** Impersonate: Become anyone/thing you have ever seen (Man+Disguise d.9)
********* Energy Warp: Character can become coherent energy (Man+Disguise d. 10)
********** Total Shift: You are now a T1000, more or less. You can regenerate 1 wound a round, even aggravated., You must be
destroyed by acid, fire, magic, molecular dispersal, throwing into the sun/abyss or a similar means of breaking you down and
chemically reacting you into inertness.

Speed gives you a number of actions per round = your speed+1 when you spend a WP. It lasts for one scene.

* Improvise: You can build simple machines with inadequate parts

** Repair: Add Tinker to any skill use to fix a machine

*** Improve: Improve any machine's performance by 10% per success on an Int+Tinker roll
**** Imbue: The character can imbue machines with up to his own skill(1 pip per success on Int +Faerie Mechanics diff.6). The
machines can then be used by other people in place of their own skill with something. On a botch, the machine operates okay for 1-10
uses, then botches horribly on the next use. It takes one day per success needed. (you can halve the time by adding +1 to difficulty.
This can be repeated as necessary)
Example: Fineous the Brownie Tinker is trying to build a Machine to help his friend Gina the Selkie Romany play chess. Fineous has
Gamesman skill of 4, Intelligence of 5 and Tinker at 4. He gets 3 successes. The machine now has skill 3 of Gamesman, which Gina
can use with her Int of 2 to play chess, instead of her Gamesman skill of one.

***** Endow: The character can imbue a device with one of his own powers up to his rating in it. (He must get a number of
successes= the level of the power chosen on Int +Faerie Mechanics (diff. 8).On a botch, the machine operates okay for 1-10 uses,
then botches horribly on the next use. It takes one day per success needed. (you can halve the time by adding +1 to difficulty. This can
be repeated as necessary)
Example: Fineous the Brownie Tinker has been practicing his powers, and now has Tinker 5, Earth 4, Machine Master 4, Aqua 2, Air
3, Shifting 2. He has been hired by Lord Alexander of the Seelie court to dig a moat. He decides to build a digging machine with the
Earth 3 power that his apprentice can run for him while he works on more interesting projects. He has Int. of 5 and Tinker 5 now. He
needs three successes to build the digging machine with Earth 3 (and will roll ten dice at difficulty 8.)

****** Invent: The character may invent a machine to confer skills he does not possess. The max level of these skills is his intelligence.
He needs some source of knowledge of that skill. It takes one week per needed success. Roll Int+Faerie Mechanics D.9

******* Magic Engine: You can build an engine for a machine that runs off the background count of magic. (Int+Faerie Mechanics--diff
9) If you botch, it seems okay, but explodes after a number of hours of use = your Intelligence. The explosion does 2 times your INT in
wound levels.

******** Advanced Endowment: Build a machine to confer any power if a consultant with that power is available. It takes one month
per wanted success. Roll Int +Faerie Mechanics (d. 9)

********* Supreme Invention: Make a machine that confers any skill, even with no source of knowlege on it, and at any level (not limit.
by INT). It takes 1 month per wanted success. Roll Int+Faerie Mechanics--Diff 10.

********** Master Maker: Given time and materials, you can duplicate any machine you have ever seen.

* Irritate: With a mere touch, the character may trigger an irritating rash. The victim loses one die from all actions per success on
Sta+Wrack vs. Stamina (lasts 5 rounds per success)

** Pain: on a touch, make target writhe in agony for 1 round per success on Sta+Wrack vs. Stamina. Target also takes one wound.
*** Agony: As Pain, but five rounds per success.
**** Torture: Like Pain, but in Line of Sight
***** Wrack: Like Agony, but Line of Sight
****** Pain Trigger: On a touch, set a condition that automatically triggers the power Pain.
******* Neutralize Pain: Roll Int+Medicine (Diff=# of wound levels target suffers from or a (the power level + 1)if a pain causing power
is being negated). This removes wound penalties or negates a wrack power for five minutes per success.

******** Torment: Roll Sta+Wrack vs. Stamina. (touch required). Does 1 wound per success and immobilizes one day per success
********* Remote Agony Trigger: (WP vs WP). Success lets you set a condition to trigger Agony on the person.
********** Break Will: Enslave a person through pain: Wrack+Manip vs. WP (Diff 6). Each success strips a WP and gives a -1 die
penalty to their dice pools. When they hit zero, they are your slave until they get WP back. The pain penalties can be removed or
reinstated by the controller at will. If you get any failures in a round, the lost WP returns(except one point) and you must start over. On a
botch, you Agony yourself.

Faerie Magic
The standard form of Faerie Magic is the art of sorcery. The use of sorcery requires that the hands and arms of the sorceror be free to
move and he or she be able to speak freely, although they can whisper.
Any Faerie can learn sorcery, as can half-Faeries and Human changelings. It can be purchased during character generation with your
starting points for power or with freebie points. (7 freebies buys one rank of sorcery.) You start with one path for every point of sorcery
beyond the first. The primary path starts with one less pip than your sorcery rating, the secondary with two less, etc...
It takes a year to learn the basics of sorcery. This year must be spent in Arcadia. Vampires and true mages are incapable of learning
sorcery. Garou can learn it, but are unable to store Mana, which greatly limits their ability to do anything with it. The exception is a
garou with Faerie Blood gift, who can absorb and store mana for the duration of the gift...An ordinary human can learn it...but it will
mark him forever. Ordinary Humans who perform sorcery become vulnerable to paradox unless they spend a decade in Arcadia
attuning themselves to its energies, eating the food,etc...After which they will become equivalent to a Human changeling. Faeries
rarely teach anyone other than Faeries and human changelings the art of sorcery, however.
Sorcery costs 4 times your current rank to improve and 10 XP to learn.
Schools of Sorcery cost 2 times your current rank to improve your first School, 3 time current to improve all others beyond the first and
5 XP to learn.
Sorcery and Schools both require a knowlegeable tutor, except that you can learn a new school without a tutor whenever you increase
your sorcery.
All Sorcerors can attempt to absorb mana at Faerie Rings and Wells. They must roll their sorcery at difficulty 6. They get one point per
success. It takes one hour to tap a Faerie Ring or well.
Sorcerors also automatically absorb one point of Mana per day up to their Max--Which is equal to their sorcery rating +WP+Power

* Sense Magic: Roll Per +Sorcery (diff. 6) to sense Magic. Sensing magical beings requires 2 successes if native to Arcadia, three if

** Cast Spells: You can now use Sorcery Schools. You get one School for free at rank 1. (starting characters get this School at their

*** Spell Defense: The character can counter-magic spells directed at them if he has that school. It takes one action and the
character must roll Sorcery +School. Each success negates one success of the spell to be countered.

**** Dispel Magic: Break Spells by rolling Sorcery(Diff = the original spell). Successes= the successes of the original spell must be

***** Reflect Magic: On Sorcery vs. Sorcery (spend an action), you can reflect spells back on their caster, if you know that school.
****** Spell Shield: You can try to countermagic any spell, whether you know the School or not.
******* Empower Item: You can create magic Items. Put your skill with a spell in an item (1 day/die of skill). Roll Sorcery+School (diff
6). The Device remains empowered for months=your number of successes.

******** Anti-Magic Shell: Create a zone that gets spell defense = yours for a number of hours = your successes on a Sorcery (d. 8)
roll. The area has a 10 meter radius for every success you get. You must spend mana=your successes.

********* Permanent Magic Items: At this point, your items made with level 7 last forever if you don't botch a roll on Sorcery at difficulty
8. (number of successes= number needed to dispel the item with level 4).

********** Sorcery Master: At this point, you can duplicate any sorcery effect you've ever seen--+1 to difficulty, however. Also, you
learn new schools with only 3 XP and no tutor needed, and improve any school at 2 * its current level.

School of Circe:
* Evil Eye: Roll Man+School (D.6) vs. WP. Each success reduces the target's APP by one for every success for 10 Minutes * Your
School rating. (Spending Mana will increase the duration by 1 hour per point.)

** Beauty: Roll School (D.6) Each success increase the target's APP by one for every success for 10 Minutes * Your School rating.
(Spending Mana will increase the duration by 1 hour per point.)

*** Alter Visage: This lets you change your clothing and appearance. Roll School (D.6) If you succeed, you can keep your altered form
for 1 day/success. Others can be altered, but they can resist with WP. If they succeed, you must spend 1 MP to try again before a day
has passed. Mass stays the same.

**** Animal Form: This lets you become an animal by rolling School (D.7) You can stay an animal as long as you want.

***** Curse of Circe: Turn others into animals on Man+School vs. WP (D.8) It lasts one hour per success. Every point of Mana
expended adds one hour to the duration.

School of Distant Sight:

* See the Possessed: Roll School (D.6) and scry for 10 minutes/ success any place you have something from.
** See the Known: Roll School (D.6) and scry for 10 minutes/ success any place, person, or object you are familiar with.
*** See the Represented: Roll School (D.6) and scry for 10 minutes/ success any place, person, or object you have a picture or map

**** Sight through Reputation: Roll School (D.6) and scry for 10 minutes/success any person, place or object you have a
description of.

***** See through the Gauntlet: Roll School (D.6) and scry for 10 minutes/success any person, place object you have a description
of in another realm.

School of Flight
* Jump: Add your School level to your Athletics dice pool when jumping
** Levitate: Roll Sorcery +School Difficulty 6 to levitate. You can levitate (Int+Successess )* 10 Feet/Round for one hour per success.
*** Fly: The character rolls Sorcery+School (diff.6) to Fly at a speed of Successes * 10 MPH for one hour per success.
**** Mass Flight: The Character rolls Sor+School (diff 5+# of extra people) to fly with multiple people.
***** Swift Flight: Difficulty 8 on Sor+School. Fly at successes * 100 MPH.
****** Mass Swift Flight: As Mass Flight, but go at Swift Flight Speed (Diff. 6+# of extra people.
******* Lightning Flight: Sor+School (diff. 9) Fly at Successes * 500 MPH.
******** Mass Lightning Flight: (Diff: 7+# of extra people)
********* Fly the Void: Enter Space or Deep Umbra without Ill Effect. Or go underwater.
********** Flight Like Thought: (Sorcery + School diff. 9) Fly at Successes * 1000 MPH.

School of Mars
* Fetch Weapon: Call any weapon you own to you at the expenditure of 1 MP.
** Enchant Weapon: Enchant a weapon to do aggravated damage to anything for one day per point of mana you spend into it.
*** Break Weapon: On a Successful melee hit, the character can break an opponent's weapon by succeeding in a Str+school+melee
Vs. Str+Melee roll.

**** Flaming Weapon: Roll Sorcery +School (diff. 6). Each success means the weapon does one extra die of flame damage for a
number of rounds = your school level.

***** Weapon Dance: Spend 1 Mana Point, and animate a weapon to fight for you for rounds=your School level.
****** Create Weapon: Roll Sorc+School, diff. 8 and create any weapon you've ever seen from nothing. It lasts 1 hour per mana point
you spend on it+ 1 round for every success.

******* Weapon Bond: Spend 1 Mana Point and make your chosen weapon unbreakable. It cannot be removed from your grasp
against your will either. Lasts 1 day.

******** Weapon Sight: (Sorc+School d. 8) See any weapon you've ever seen and its environs (10' radius per success).
********* Weapon Invulnerability: Spend 1 Mana and make a weapon unable to heart you (Must win an oppossed School vs.
Willpower test).

********** Weapon of Doom: Spend 3 MP and all damage you do with the enchanted weapon can not regenerate or be healed for ten
rounds unless the victim/healer wins a (their skill or Stamina+fortitude if a regenerator or vampire using blood points) Vs.
(Sorcery+School) test.

School of Morpheus
* Cause Sleep: The character can make one person in line of sight sleep with a successful roll of Man + Emp. (Diff. Will.+3). The

character needs three successes for slumber. One or two successes will result in the victim losing that many dice from all actions.
Magical creatures require the expenditure of a Mana point.

** Mass Slumber: This power puts a number of non-magical creatures = Int+School rating to sleep. It requires three successes on
Chr. + Lead. (Diff. 8)

*** Enchanted Slumber: As Cause Sleep, but victim cannot be awakened for the duration of the slumber or until a condition (set by
caster) is met. Duration: 1 succ: 1 turn, 2: 1 night, 3: 1 week, 4: 1 month, 5: 1 year. As Cause Sleep, Mana must be spent to affect
Magical creatures.

**** Dream Scape: The character may enter the dreams of others. Roll School vs. Difficulty = Target's willpower.
***** Dream Weaver: The Character may control other's dreams with a successful roll on Man.+School (dif. Will). Control lasts until the
sun next rises.

****** Dream Traveller: Enter the Dream Zone at will.(spend 1 WP). Roll School (Difficulty 6) to change facets. Roll Per+School to find
the specific facet you are looking for. (See Umbra: The Velvet Shadow for more details on the Dream Zone)

******* Mass Enchanted Slumber: As Enchanted Slumber, but it effects Sorcery+School of Targets.
******** Zone of Sleep: As Enchanted Slumber, but effects all in a (100*# of successes) foot radius.
********* Slumbering Land: As Enchanted Slumber, but effects all in a radius equal to the number of successes in miles.
********** Dream Lord: As Dream Weaver, but effects 100 people per success or all of the people under the influence of Slumbering

School of Mystic Flame

* Resist Flame: Spend 1 Mana and add your school rating to resist fire for the scene.
** Scrying Flame: On Per+School (Diff. 6), you can see what is around the nearest source of Flame.
*** Control Flame: You can reshape or douse the nearest source of flame on Man+School (Diff. 6) --1 success: a match 2 successes:
a torch or stovetop, 3 successes: an campfire, 4 successes: a bonfire, 5 successes: A burning building, 6: A block of burning
buildings, etc.

**** Ignite Flame: The character can cause combustibles to ignite on a School roll. (Difficulty 6). This can do up to two wounds per

***** Conjure Flame: Create Flame from Nothing on a School roll (Difficulty 7). Two Wounds per success. This creates up to 10 cubic
feet of flame.

****** and higher -- Enhanced Conjuration of Flame: You can conjure 10 ^(School-4) cubic feet of flame. (100 cubic feet at 6, 1000
cubic feet at 7, etc.) It does 2 wounds/success at 6 and 7(Difficulty 7), 3 wounds/success at 8 and 9(Difficulty 8), and 4
wounds/success at level 10(Difficulty 9).

School of the Storm

* Call Wind: Spend 1 mana point, and summon high winds. Winds increase by 10 MPH for every success on a Man. + School roll,
difficulty 4.

** Obscure Sky: The character can cover the sky with clouds that block the sun or moon. This takes 5-# of successes on a
(Man+School, diff. 6) in rounds to occur.

*** Driving Rain: Spend 1 WP and call down rains and winds from prexistent clouds for 1 hour. Additional WP or Mana will increase
the duration by 1 hour.

**** Call Lightning: Spend 1 WP to call lightning down from clouds on someone. Roll Dex+ School to Target the person (D.6).
Damage is three wounds per success on a roll of School vs. D.6.

***** Battle Storm: Spend 1 Mana and 1 WP to perform levels 1-4 underground for rounds = your School rating.
****** Create Tornado: Spend one MP and 1 WP, and roll Sorcery+School, Difficulty 8. The Tornado lasts for 1 hour per success and
can start up to a mile away for every point you have in this school. You can try to control its movements(Roll School at difficulty 8.)

******* Temperature Control: (School at Difficulty 8). Alter Temperature by 10 Degrees F, for every success in a radius = your School
rating in miles for a number of hours = your school rating.

******** Create Hurricane: Spend 2 MP and 1 WP. (Sorcery+School Difficulty 9). The storm lasts for one hour per success and is 10
miles* # of successes in radius.

********* Control Weather: (School+Sorcery Diff. 8) Totally control the weather in a 10^Successes in miles radius. Lasts 1


********** Weather Lord: Spend 1 MP and 1 WP and control the weather in a 1 mile radius anywhere you have ever seen for a
fortnight (two days). (Sorcery+School Difficulty 7).

School of the Unseen Hand

With this school you can move objects with magic. Your level in this school determines how much you can lift. You can lift 10^(School1) pounds: 1 pound at level 1, 10 at level 2, 100 at level 3, etc.
The difficulty(on Sorcery+School) is 5+(School/2) rounded up: 6 for levels 1 and 2, 7 for levels 3 and 4, etc.
The objects move as fast as you personally can or are moving. Thrown, they do twice your level in damage dice. (Use your
Dex+School to hit)

School of World Walking

* Open Gate: At a cost of 1 WP, the character may cross into Arcadia or the physical world from a Faerie ring. By spending 1 MP, he
can open a gate for others to cross, which lasts a number of rounds = to his school rating.

** Dimension Door: The character may open a short range gate of 100 feet per success on a Man+School Roll (Diff.6). The door
lasts for one round per WP or five per MP spent.

*** Faerie Walk: Each success the character receives on a Per+School (Diff. 7) halves travel times for him and his companions for 1

**** Teleport: For 1 Mana point, the character may go anywhere in the same realm that is within line of sight, or that he has something
from. (a pencil from an office, a rock from a garden, etc.)

***** World Walk: This power creates a gate to an adjacent realm that lasts for 1 round per Mana spent (Physical Realm-UmbraArcadia)

****** Will-o-the-wisp: Warp reality so people get lost. Affect 5 people per WP or MP spent. Roll Per+School (D.7) Each success
doubles their travel time to get anywhere.

******* Opener of the Way: Spend 1 WP and enter Arcadia from anywhere. Spend 1 MP, and open a gate for others to cross, which
lasts a number of rounds = his school rating.

******** Fleet Arcadian Travel: Spend 1 WP and create a path to any Arcadian realm you have ever visited or know the true name of
its ruler. The path can be used by others, but the access point at your current location only lasts one hour.

********* Umbral Jaunt: Cross the Gauntlet at will. You can open a portal for others on a School roll vs. the difficulty of the Gauntlet
(Werewolf chart). It lasts up to one hour per success.

********** Universal Traveller: Spend 1 WP or MP and go anywhere in any realm that you have seen or have something from, even if
this involves crossing the gauntlet. You can also travel to objects or people. You can bring others by spending 1 WP or MP per person.

Ritual Sorcery:
Faeries have developed rituals for certain special purposes, and for facilitating difficult magics. Rituals are performed using Sorcery.
Most take fifteen minutes per level of the ritual. Many faerie rituals are similar to those developed for thaumaturgy, but there are
several Faerie rituals unique to Sorcery. Faeries with the sorcery skill start with a number of levels of rituals = their sorcery skill.

Shroud the Ways (Level 2)

This ritual protects a Faerie ring from discovery. Roll Sorcery + World Walking (Difficulty 6). Within a 100 feet (per success) of the
Faerie ring, anyone except faeries and human changelings, must make a Per+Alertness roll (Difficulty = 6), and get a number of
successes >=the caster's successes or get lost and wander back out before finding the faerie ring. This ritual lasts until the next
Equinox or Solstice.

Mask of Mortality (Level 2)

This ritual enables a faerie to take on the appearance of a mortal for 24 hours. She still retains faerie strengths, weaknesses, and
powers, but appears to be an ordinary human to any of the five senses.

Make Elf-Shot (Level 3)

This ritual enables a faerie to enchant arrows to be elf-shot: They gain the power of Enchanted Slumber when they strike a target. The
enchanter can enchant one arrow for every success on a Sorcery+School of Morpheous check at Difficulty 6. The arrows have his skill
at causing Enchanted Slumber. They must be invested with Mana if they are to affect enchanted creatures. The arrows retain their
enchantment for a year and a day. This ritual takes one hour.

Ritual of Contagion (Level 4)

This ritual enables a faerie to use Sorcery at a distance on a place, person, or object which he has a part of.(A rock or object from a
place, A body part or possession of a person...Hair or fingernail clippings will do.) It takes one hour+(15 minutes/level of the School or
Sorcery spell. The sorceror then rolls his Sorcery at Difficulty 7. He cannot get more successes on his spell than he got on this roll.

Ritual of the Changeling (Level 5)

This ritual transforms an immature Faerie (below age 16) into an apparently human infant, until it reaches the age of 16. Some traces
of its faerie heritage always remain. At midnight on its sixteenth birthday, it will revert to its true form.

Ride into the Shadowlands (Level 6)

This ritual enables the faerie to open a path into the Near Umbra or the Shadowlands (or into the physical realm from one of those two
areas) that stays open until the sun rises. The faerie must either have seen or have something from the point the road will open onto if
he is performing the ritual in arcadia. If performed in the Physical realm/the Umbra/or the Shadowlands, it will open to the point that
corresponds in the area being entered. The path is 10 feet wide for every success that the faerie gets on his Sorcery roll. (Difficulty =
Local Gauntlet or Shroud, or 7 in Arcadia.) This rite will not open a path into Arcadia if performed in the Shadowlands, Physical world,
or Near Umbra , but if used in Arcadia does allow two way travel. This rite can only be performed at night.

Sorcery vs. Other Forms of Magic

Vampiric Disciplines and Thaumaturgy: Sorcerors cannot block/dispel/counter-magic Vampiric Disciplines with Sorcery except
through various forms of ritual magic. Efforts to scry an Obfuscated vampire require the use of a higher level of the School of Distant
Sight than the level of obfuscate possessed by the vampire. Even then, you need Faerie sight to actually see him/her, rather than just
his/her general location. Vampires cannot be affected by the lower levels of the School of Circe. Vampires with shapechanging
abilities can use them as normal to escape the effects of the higher levels.
Thaumaturgy, however, is somewhat different. Faeries with schools similar to various vampiric paths can attempt to
countermagic/dispel Thaumaturgical effects, as if they were the results of sorcery.

Garou Gifts: Sorcerors cannot block/dispel/counter-magic Garou gifts. Various Ritual magics can protect against certain of them.
Garou Rites cannot be dispelled/blocked/countermagicked, but they can be detected.
A faerie Circle can be blocked against Moon Bridges. This requires a level five rite. It lasts for a year and a day.
Caerns make Faerie magick easier. Divide the level of the caern by two, and lower the difficulty of all sorcery magic by that number. In
a Fianna caern, or in a caern that is also a Faerie circle, lower the difficulty by the rating of the caern.

True Magick: Sorcerors can attempt to protect themselves against True Magick effects that parallel Schools that they know. They can
attempt to dispel or counter-magick such effects. The normal procedures for such defensive measures are followed, but the number of
successes gained by the sorceror are halved before comparing them to the successes gained by the mage. Mages can countermagic sorcery, but often not very efficiently. They use their normal counter-magic rules, but their difficulty is = to the difficulty of the
Sorceror's roll. They must possesses spheres correlating to the Sorcery effect, as usual.
Prime sense will detect Faerie Rings and Sorcery effects. Mana sense will locate nodes. Nodes lower the difficulty of Sorcery Effects
the same as they do Magick effects. Faerie circles do not lower Sorcery or Magick difficulties. Faerie circles do not collect tappable
quintessence as do nodes, but they do generate one to five points of Tass a month (Usually depending on how ancient the Circle is),
and Mages can meditate there to refill their avatars.) A Faerie circle is easier to convert to a node than most locations. Lower the
difficulty by two. It is also easier to make a node into a Faerie Circle as well. Lower the difficulty of that by two.
Mana is a filtered form of quintessence. If a sorcery taps a Node that is not a faerie circle for Mana, he must make his check at
difficulty 9. He gets Mana as usual from it. If he drains off more than the rating of the node in Mana in a day, he will drain off some of
the quintessence normally available there. (The Quint he drains is then converted into Mana).

Wraiths: Sorcerors cannot countermagic/dispel/reflect Arcanos. Sorcery does not work through the Shroud unless the Ritual of
Contagion can be used. However, Mana/magic sense will reveal the presence of a Haunt or Fetter.
Use of the School of Morpheus on a Wraith will send her into Slumbering, as per the normal rules for Slumbering. Wraiths with
Phantasm can try to block or cancel the level 4 and five Morpheus spells, using the appropriate Phantasm powers.
Sorcerors cannot exploit the power of Haunts in any known manner, except in the use of the Ritual Ride to the Shadowlands. The
Shroud does drop to 7 in the day, and 6 at night in a Faerie Circle, however. On Equinoxes, Solstices, and Sabbats, the Shroud drops
to 4 in Faerie Circles.

Stability reflects how far the Faerie has been able to stave off the decline into sheer randomness and pointless behavior that usually
claims most faeries eventually. Their link to the Wyld eventually consumes them.
Each Court teaches you to build stability in different ways. They have different "Hiearchies of sins". Faeries who voluntarily breach
their Court's code must make a check on the appropriate virtue (Difficulty 6). On a failure, they lose no stability. On a success, they
lose a point of stability and of the virtue. If they get a success on all their virtue dice, they get a derangement as well.
Given that Faeries are creatures of great passions, they must use their virtues to control those passions. Otherwise they may act on
impulse, rather than on common sense. Faeries do not actually frenzy, but go into a state of obsession that is similar in some ways.
They will ignore everything but the goal of that obsession until they have accomplished it. They must spend willpower to turn aside from
that goal. One Willpower point can be spent to negate a fear obsession, to set aside a revenge obsession for a scene, or to resist an
anger obsession for one round. Obsessions last until you achieve your goal or spend five willpower points. You need make no more
obsession checks while you are obsessed. At the end of a scene you can make a check again on the virtue to break out of the

Compassion: Faeries are noted for vengeful rages when they have been tricked or robbed. They don't appreciate such things. A
failed compassion check results in an obsession with getting revenge on that person, to the exclusion of all else.
3--Someone accidentally thwarts part of your plan.
5--Someone deliberately thwarts part of your scheme.
6--Someone robs you.
7--Someone goes out of their way to wreck your life.
8--They destroy something important to you

Honor: Faeries respond poorly to provocation and insults against their honor. But the more secure a faerie is in his honor, the more
he can bear with such insults if it is necessary. A faerie who fails a Honor check falls into a vengeful rage....similar to a vampire or
werewolf frenzy. She no longer suffers from wound penalties until she comes out of the obsession. The obsession ends automatically if
the target is rendered unconscious or killed.
4--Insulted by someone you consider above you
5--Being provoked to violence by someone
6--Insulted by an equal; target of Prolonged Taunting
7--Insulted by an inferior

Fearlessness: Faeries fear two things...Iron and the Power of True Faith. Holy items empowered with True Faith can force faeries to
flee, as can the presence of Iron. (Although not Steel...) A faerie who fails the check will flee until he can no longer sense what has
caused his flight.
4--Know that the substance is nearby, but unable to see/hear/smell it.
5--Sense Iron/True Faith within 100 yards
6--Sense Iron/True Faith within 10 yds.
7--Touched by a person/Item with True Faith
8--Touched by Iron
9--Injured by Iron/An Item blessed by True Faith/A person with true faith
A faerie with a Stability of 6 or less makes mortals, most Garou (except Fianna), Mages, and Vampires uncomfortable. He loses one
die off social interaction for every point of stability under 7.
Stability itself is used to resist Arcadian time distortion, to create or maintain Arcadian realms, and certain other purposes.

Seelie Court
The Seelie play by a medieval code of chivalry. Armed Robbery is okay, but theft by stealth or deceit is not. Loyalty, and your word and
oath are all important.
Stability is Compassion+Honor
Stability loss caused by
10: Violating the spirit of a promise or oath, even one extorted from you
9: Accidental wrongdoing
8: Failing in a task assigned by your Lord or to protect innocents

7: Violating the word of a promise or oath, freely given

6: Failing to aid those less fortunate than you
5: Abandoning the defense of a post assigned by your lord
4: Breaking any law of your liege
3: Failure to accept a surrender, Committing a Theft
2: Murder or Rape
1: Betraying your Lord, Violating the spirit of a promise or oath

Unseelie Court
The unseelie follow a darker form of Chivalry. Vengeance is their highest virtue. They believe that gaining personal power is the way to
win the game, but they are organized in feudal fashion. They also enjoy exploring pain and the darker emotions in an aesthetic sense.
Stability is Honor+Fearlessness
Stability loss caused by:
10: Mercy to an enemy
9: Not torturing an enemy before he dies
8: Passing up an opportunity to gain power
7: Failing to seek revenge for a broken promise
6: Breaking the Spirit of a Promise
5: Breaking the word of a promise
4: Helping someone without an ulterior motive
3: Stopping someone else from committing torture
2: Forgiving an enemy
1: Acts of Charity without an ulterior motive

Dryadic Court
The protection of the wilderness is the key to victory. You must protect the wilderness and its inhabitants from unnatural threats, like
hunters, urban development, etc. Those who act in attunement with the wilderness are okay, anyone else is unimportant and can be
disposed of at will if they threaten the wilderness and its creatures. The dryadic court has strong ties to the Garou and other shifter-kin.
Stability is Compassion+Fearlessness
Stability loss caused by:
10: Any failure to defend the wilderness from desecration
9: Starting a fire in a forest with wood that wasn't already dead or failure to properly take care to avoid a forest fire
8: littering in the wilderness
7: Failure to speak in defense of preservation of wilderness
6: Hunting an animal for fun or just for a trophy
5: Destroying a plant, other than for food or self-preservation
4: Cruelty to animals
3: Destroying Wilderness to build something
2: Plundering the wilderness
1: Destroying wilderness for fun

Tinker Court
Whoever builds the best/biggest toy wins! The key to the rules for the Tinkers is the invention of new devices, and the improvement of

old ones. Tinkers are discouraged from interfering with each other's work...This is just too dangerous when Tinker devices are
concerned. What you do with the rest of your life is your own affair...but you should always strive to learn more about machines, and not
destroy the machines of others.
Stability is Honor+Fearlessness
Stability loss caused by:
10: Failing to spend at least three hours a day working on inventions
9: Failing to explain your inventions whenever you demonstrate them
8: Failing to take apart at least one of every new machine you find
7: Not trying to learn more about new machines you encounter
6: refusing to share your knowlege about machines
5: Not spending at least 30 hours a week tinkering and experimenting
4: Destroying a machine without studying it first
3: Solving a problem with brute force where a machine could do it
2: Sabotaging anyone's experiments with machines.
1: Sabotaging a fellow Tinker's experiments

Romany Court
What's yours is mine, and what's mine is yours, if you can get it away from me...The game is to be won by showing you are the best
trickster of all. If you can fool someone, it is your moral duty to do so! But you shouldn't hurt people. Never leave a poor man penniless
or steal someone's only food...But if they can afford to lose it, it is okay to take it. The Romany hold very much to the traditional faerie
concept of possessions (See Faerie customs section)
Stability is Honor+Fearlessness
Stability loss caused by:
10: Failing to prank someone who deserves it, regardless of danger
9: Failure to be charming
8: Being caught lying, stealing, running off with someone's man/woman.
7: Failure to prank someone when it involves no risk
6: paying for something you could have stolen without hurting anyone
5: losing your temper
4: Hurting someone who wasn't trying to hurt someone
3: Accidentally killing someone
2: Stealing from the poor
1: Murder

Seeker Court
The seekers see the key to victory in the game as being gaining knowlege. The two most important things are to learn new things and
spread the knowlege to others...Do whatever it takes to gain knowlege....Killing is frowned on, although sometimes necessary.
Stability is Honor+Fearlessness
Stability loss caused by:
10: Failing to take an opportunity to learn
9: Refusing a request for knowlege from an enemy
8: Failing to spend at least an hour a day writing down things you have learned that day
7: Avoiding a learning experience because it is dangerous

6: Concealing Knowlege
5: Refusing to share Knowlege with a friend
4: Murder for Knowlege
3: Murder
2: Hiding Knowlege from fellow seekers
1: Spreading False information (about anything besides yourself)

Aesthete Court
It is through the creation of beauty, in yourself and other things that the Game will be won. The more beauty you create, the better. The
highest pursuit is the creation of art. Art must be judged for its own sake and on its own merits, not that of the creator of the art.
Stability is Compassion+Honor
Stability loss caused by:
10: Failing to be personally attractive
9: Behaving in an aesthetically unpleasing manner (Spitting, throwing up, smearing dirt on yourself, etc)
8: Badmouthing worthy art for personal reasons (such as dislike of the artist)
7: Failure to spend an hour a day in creative pursuits.
6: Destroying Art for a greater good
5: Concealing Art from public view
4: Injuring an artist or Aesthete
3: Destroying Art needlessly
2: Murder
1: Killing an Artist or fellow Aesthete

Ascetic court:
The ascetics are seen as complete weirdos by other faeries. They try to deny their faery nature by being in control of their bodies and
emotions at all time. They stress control of your emotions and bodily desires. It is by winning over temptation that you will win the
Stability is honor+Fearlessness
Stability loss caused by:
10: Any display of emotion
9: Eating or sleeping more than is necessary
8: Drinking any liquid with stimulant or depressant effects (Coke, Alcoholic beverages, tea, etc.)
7: Failing to attempt to discourage others from overindulgence
6: Display of anger, hate, greed, jealousy, or confusion
5: Display of love, lust, hunger, fear (and other primal emotions...)
4: Theft
3: Wearing elaborate clothing or owning luxury goods
2: Killing other than in self-defense
1: Indulging in physical pleasures (sex, drunkeness, gluttony, etc.)

Guardian Court:
The guardian court believes the faeries have a duty to protect and aid those who perform the traditional rites associated with seeking
the protection of faerie kind. Typically, this involves leaving some of whatever you produce for the faeries to take, leaving food for
them, periodically thanking them for their assistance, and helping them when they need your services. In return, the Guardians will help

you in your labors, clean your dwelling, perform various special services, and defend you from supernatural threats. Those who
abandon these duties lose the protection of the guardian court. They "earn points" by helping those who are worthy...
Stability is Compassion+Fearlessness
Stability loss caused by:
10: Ignoring a person in need when it would take minimal effort to aid them.
9: Inflicting accidental injury to people, property, or land.
8: Ignoring a worthy person in need when it would take minimal effort to aid them.
7: Failing to aid someone who has performed the traditional duties of those who expect faerie assistance when it would not require
much effort.
6: Damage to the property or land of someone who has performed the traditional duties of those who expect faerie assistance.
5: Failure to protect those who have performed the traditional duties of those who expect faerie assitance.
4: Failing to aid someone who has performed the traditional duties of those who expect faerie assistance.
3: Theft from those who have performed the traditional duties of those who expect faerie assitance.
2: Assaulting those who have performed the traditional duties of those who expect faerie assitance.
1: Murder

Or so what happens when my Malkavian tries to see through your Glamour with Auspex!

Faerie Sight or Auspex will pierce Glamors, Fade, or Obfuscate of a lower level.
Vampires using Dominate can attempt to dominate any Faerie or human changeling, but must spend 1 WP to do so to Faeries.
Immunity to/protection against Presence or Persuasion blocks either power. People with Shifting can resist any use of Vicissitude on
them, adding their level in Shifting to any normal resistance roll.
Human Changelings can be vampirized as if ordinary humans. They lose all faerie related powers and the ability to perform Sorcery.
Half-Faerie must roll a WP 8 check or go mad. In either case, they lose their school powers, but retain their native breed power and
can improve it. Full blood faeries must roll a stability check at difficulty 10. A botch causes them to dissolve away into chaos. A failure
causes them to become some sort of horrible rampaging monster with both faerie and vampiric abilities and weaknesses. A success
causes them to simply come back to life as an ordinary faerie. They suffer the loss of one pip off a physical stat and one mental stat.

Drinking Faerie blood: Faerie blood is more potent than mortal blood. It has several effects.
One: the Vampire can't get out of Arcadia (if in it) until the faerie releases him or he spends the point of blood.
Two: A vampire with Faerie blood in him can astral project with Auspex 5 into Arcadia at a Faerie circle.
Three: All self-control checks are at +2 to difficulty.
Four: Prolonged drinking of faerie blood on a regular basis has mutagenic affects.
Five: It frequently causes hallucinations or uncontrollable discipline usage.

Fae Sight can pierce gifts that disguise or hide the user. It only works against gifts of a lower level than the level of Fae Sight
possessed. Roll Fae Sight vs. the Gnosis of the user of the gift, Difficulty 6. If the Fae gets more successes than the Garou, the
difference between them is subtracted from the number of successes the Garou got on that gift with regard to the Faerie.
A Garou using Faerie Blood is vulnerable to Mana Manipulation. Any use of his powers triggers Mana Sense. Mana theft (Level 7) can
rob him of Gnosis. Roll Mana Manip. vs. Gnosis. Each success drains one point of Gnosis and converts it into Mana. Mana Manip.
Normally has no effect on Garou.
Magic sense does not detect the use of Garou gifts, but it will detect the use of rites.

Mages cannot directly countermagic faerie powers. They can however use magick to protect themselves from powers or negate their
effects. Mind 1 (or 4 for others) can be used to shield yourself (or others) from Persuasion, Beauty and Glamour. Each success on the
Magick roll takes one away from any attempt by a faerie to influence you using those powers. Life 4 can screw up the powers of
someone using Self-Mastery. Forces and Matter are required to block or dispel Machine Master effects. Life for Flora and Fauna.
Wrack requires life and mind to counter(Usually Life 4, mind 4). Fade is countered with Mind 3. Level 7 and up may require forces 2
as well. Luck is countered with Entropy.

Mana vs. Prime: Mana is not quite equivalent to Quintessence. It is a filtered form of Quintessence. Mages with Prime 1 can sense
the presence of Mana in a faerie circle or in a Faerie. Prime 2 can disrupt a faerie's efforts to recharge himself with Mana. Prime 3
can drain mana out of a faerie or transfer it between faeries. At Prime 4, the mage can filter the Mana and convert it back into
Quintessence, storing it in himself or a Talisman. He can also convert Quintessence into Mana and transfer that Mana into a faerie. At
Prime 5, a mage could block a Faerie Circle from providing a source of Mana for faeries, or prevent a faerie from absorbing Mana

Faerie Sight can see through Phantasmagoria, but only at Level 6 and higher. If a machine master and an Inhabiting wraith try to
control the same machine, they make opposed rolls on their respective powers, taking the higher difficulty for both. Soulsight (Basic
castigate) can be used to determine the degree of stability a Faerie has. Enshroud, Phantom Wings both work in Arcadia (Argos).
Flicker, Jump, and Oubliette (Argos) go up in difficutly by two. A wraith cannot embody while in Arcadia...but is treated as being fully
present as if embodied while there. Arcadia has no "shroud" nor are faeries affected by the Fog. Puppetry only works on Faeries who
are in the physical world...or if you skinride with them into Arcadia. Usury works on faeries...but it will make them angry if they figure out
what happened. Fae sight six can pierce the Shroud...

Chosen: The Armageddon

Part One
| Part One | Part Two | Part Three |
By Justin Love (

Introduction: Lost in the Mists of Time

Tuesday, Febuary 4, 1400
A Brief Essay on the Matter of the Armageddon and Events Thereof: Words of Warning to Those Who Come After, Should There Be a
Reoccurence of Such.
Father Michael Abraham
Translated from the latin by Jonathan Saunt.
We stand now in the Aftermath of a catastophic battle, the Armageddon. The final battle between good and evil seems
inconclusive. The dark forces have been beaten, but not destroyed, and evil remains in the world, though far less potent. It is as if
a darkness has lifted from the world. But it is inconclusive. There is some evidence that this has happend at least twice before,
and with the shadow of the darkness still lingering, there seems no reason why it should not occur again.
The Armageddon is the battle of the few for the fate of the many, for the world. There are a few Chosen for each side, given
special powers and knowledge to aid them in their battle. There seems to be little in the grand scheme of their selection: they
are fundamentaly good or evil, but not perfectly so.
The gifts granted to the Chosen seem heavy tied to the karmic forces guiding them. Each person has a certain measure of
forces surrounding them that reflect how that person has acted. The good deeds are at some point rewarded and the evil ones
are at some point punished. This however, has been twisted by the forces of Evil to work differently -- their atrocities fuel their
vile power, and the corrupt forces guiding these people punish them for straying from the path; evil would not lose its favorite
servants. Our strength, however is our goodness, as it should be. The kind acts of our past are redeemed to gain and power the
gifts of the just, and turn or, if necessary, vanquish our enemies. Be also wary of avarice; do not let the lust for power guide your
charity. Kindness offers the true rewards. Such acts done in greed are not unrewarded, but they are also not unpunished.
The gifts are gained through a form of lucid dreaming where one may choose several paths to reach reward. Be warned that the
greater the power, the greater your kindness must have been to earn it. Here follows a brief list of the paths and their respective

The Path of Knowledge: down this path lies a spirit usually taking a form shaped by the dreamer's vision of his god. The spirit
is bound to answer up to five reasonable questions per visit truthfully, though not necessarily completely. These answers are not
without a price. Venturing down this path also grants the dreamer one additional rank in the basic power of the chosen, often
dubbed Karma Knowledge or Karma Control. It allows the Chosen basing functions of his task, such as identifying friend and
foe, as well as manipulating his own karmic forces.

The Path of the Beast: This is the path of physical mutation and change. Its travelers may sprout wings, claws and fangs, or
gain a primal connection with one of the magics, among many other things.

The Path of Greatness: Self-improvement comes to those who venture down this path, the changing of the body is a greater
labor than the improvement of ability. It is also the place to learn the strange and potent Arts.

The Path of Chaos: This path asks little for its services, but these are unpredictable. Those whom venture here can come out
ahead, behind, or right where they started.

The Path of Power: The most expansive path by far, it has three main branches: those to wealth, magical powers, and ancient
artifacts of Armageddon past. The distance down the path measures the rank of the gift received. The way of wealth is simple,
granting only monetary rewards. The way of artifacts is far too extensive to map completely, as is the way of magic. The way of
magic, however has nine fundamental divisions:

The School of Ignis: Fundamentally connected with passion, the chaotic, wavering flames can be brutal and destructive,
bringing forth the random forces of chaos itself.
The School of Aqua: This is fire's more tranquil and pacifying bane, with several protective powers, yet its destructive
side is not to be underestimated. Aqua raises thought to an art form, commanding the forces of the mind itself.
The School of Terra: This school is founded in courage, stability, and virtually unmatched protection from physical
dangers. It is also the way of the hunter and survivor.
The School of Caelum: The antithesis of earth, air is fickle, capacious, flighty, and joking, the master of illusion,
movement, and the very skies themselves.
The School of Dissilutio: This is a very simple and base power, connected strongly to anger and malice, the higher

ranks for the most part only allow things to be destroyed more completely. It is the master of base descruction in its raw,
unshaped form, or calling upon the wrath of nature to do its bidding. I do not strongly recommend it, but it may have just
The School of Corruptio: The most primally evil, I expressly disallow this power of decay and treachery, unless one of
the lesser effects is very necessary for the good of the world. Do not fill yourselves with lust or thoughts of seduction when
you choose the way of magic.
The School of Procreatio: The counterpart of destruction, this more positive power can undo or remake its madness
and those inspired and wonder-filled people who become learned in it may save many a life.
The School of Purgatio: Purification, the most goodly power. Protection and preservation of peace and order are its
realm; it is honest, pure, and innocent, though it has some measures to punish those who disrupt the peace.
The School of Tempus: Sngst, regret and worry over the past and future bring forth the magic of time. It can alter and
view the movement of the world to it's user's advantage.

"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"
Chosen: The Armageddon is intended to be run in the White Wolf Storyteller system, although the World of Darkness is not
used, as the author sees no reason for interaction with WoD's fantastic inhabitants. This document assumes the reader to be
familiar with both roleplaying in general and the Storyteller system in particular. Many sections here are primarily suggestions -as always, the Storyteller should feel free to experiment.

A Note About that Copyright

All I really want is credit for the idea(s). You may freely distribute and modify this document to your hearts content, so long you put
my name somewhere as the originator of the concept. In fact, I encourage modification, my mind is rocketing forward on an idea
that evolved from this, and I don't want to take the time to bring Chosen to it's full and proper conclusion, since the next
generation will be so superior anyway. There are a number of known defects, all of which the next game will correct.

It is the turn of the 20th century, and the Armageddon is real. The little understood forces driving Good and Evil call forth their
avatars for the final battle. Of note is that there is not religious significance to this event (of course individual storytellers can take
their own view of this), though anyone who follows a religion will most likely believe that their respective god(s) are the cause.
The central concept in Chosen is the struggle between Good and Evil, each side choosing from the most pure and the most vile
gladiators to champion their cause. This is occurring all over the world, though characters should only be concerned with their
own particular battle at least until their own foes have been stopped, covering one city or area. Generally, the facts of this battle
will be missed by the media, though a rise in street violence or the like is quite likely to be noticed. The Chosen also receive
special powers as rewards for their virtuous (or sadistic) lives. These powers are conveyed through dreams presenting the
player with several paths to improvement.

What Goes Around Comes Around

The Good and Evil in each person is measured by the relative amounts of Karma that person has accumulated, with each point
representing one good or bad thing they have done, and one good or bad thing that will happen to them, respectively. The forces
of Evil, however corrupt this aspect in their minions, allowing their foul deeds to grant them power instead of punishment.

The Code
The Code is a statement of the objectives of each side. It is somewhat redundant as most Chosen understand their goals quite
clearly, but disobedience may be punished with negative Karma. There is a separate Code for each side, warped reflections of
each other. The codes concerning Guides are, of course, only used if one is playing with Guides.

The Code of Good

Seek Thine Foes: Seek those whom would bring the darkness, and turn them from their task. If they cannot be brought to see
reason and kindness, they must be destroyed.

Honer Thy Cause: Make an example of your kind behavior and just decisions. Do not engage in the activities that would undo

The Task of the Teacher: The Guides are not to intervene in the battle itself. They are ralliers and instructors, not warriors.
Honer Thy Teacher: Ward shall obey their Guides, for the Guide's knowledge is greater and their wisdom well founded.
The Code of Evil
Destroy Thine Foes: Seek those whom would bring order to the world, and destroy them.
Further Thy Cause: Do not fail to bring about the chaos. Destroy all who preserve the old ways or would advance cause of
good in any way, and do not join them in a single act.

Gather Thine Wards: The Guides are to quickly gather their wards, instruct them, and strike as soon as possible, while our
foes are still disorganized.

Obey Thy Master: The wards shall obey their Guide in every command. The Guides have a plan which shall not be deviated

The known history of the Armageddon is only concerned with western cultures. Others simply did not keep sufficient records to
make any guesses about the battles in their respective parts of the world.
The First Armageddon predates known history. It is believed that Good came out the better, and allowed mankind to prosper
and grow, though Evil was not entirely destroyed and slowly seeped back into the world. Many early tales of magic were likely
inspired at this time, as is possibly true of all Armageddons.
The Second Armageddon occurred much later, around the 5th century, and the Evil forces came out the better, plunging the
known world into the Dark Ages. Like before, Good, the losing force, was less pronounced, but still present.
The Third Armageddon, about the 15th century, marked the end the Dark Ages, as barbarians and knights were summoned
together, with the forces of Good gaining the upper hand, thus marking the beginning of the Renaissance.
The Fourth Armageddon: Starting now, in the year 2000, the forces of darkness, long in returning and now slowly corrupting the
world, once again make their vie for power. Its their turn to win, and no quarter will be shown in the war for it all . . .

The Aftermath
This is a somewhat more free-form extended play option. After the majority of battles have been fought, either one side comes
out victorious, or both sides are greatly weakened and struggling, down to individuals or small, roaming packs. This is much
better for inconsistent play groups, because you don't have to worry about having an equal number of people on each side, and
a player may simply bring in another character if one dies.
If one side is victorious, you may either assume the role of hunters on the victorious side, or hunted on the losing. Under this
option, some of the victors may have set up a form of subgovernment or secret society while others go out and do the dirty work.
This opens up the possibility of political intrigue.
If both sides are struggling, your play group will be a small band, probably not a group from one area, but a motley of survivors,
banding together to continue the battle.
One point that makes this interesting is that the Chosen lose their powers if they are not within the same area as a member of
the opposite side. This not only make it virtually impossible to catch someone completely by surprise, but provides incentive for
the hunt.

Game Terms
Aftermath, The: A time when most of the battles of The Armageddon have been fought, but some Chosen still remain and
struggle on.

Armageddon, The: The event which calls forth the forces of Good and Evil to battle for the fate of the world. There have been
several battles, but as of yet, neither has won the war.

Art: A special type of ability a Chosen may receive.

Artifact: A physical, magical, object that the chosen may receive.

Aspect: A subdivision of one of the schools of magic, as single rated power.

Bad Karma: A Karma point received for doing an evil act, something which physically or emotional harms another person.
Bane: The downside to an aspect of magic; a negative effect which comes with the power.
Chosen: One of the few chosen to fight for the cause of good or evil.
Code, The: A statement of the goals of each side. Many Chosen do not know of The Code, as few would even think to break its
principals in the first place.

Dreams, The: When The Armageddon occurs, the Chosen have a form of lucid dreaming in which they have the option of
choosing between five paths.

Fallen, The: Chosen whom have failed in their task and defected to the other cause.
Force of Good/Evil: The Chosen have two types, the champions, or forces, for good, and the champions, or forces of evil. This
is the designation of which type a particular Chosen is.

Good Karma: A Karma point received for doing a charitable act, something which helps another being somehow.
Guide: A special type of Chosen given advance warning of The Armageddon, so that they may gather and instruct the others.
Karma: The representation of a person's past actions, classified as good or evil. At some point, it intervenes and rewards them
for their deeds.

Karma Knowledge: A very important special ability that the Chosen possess. The lower levels of it are considered absolutely
necessary to their existence. Some non-Chosen have been know to possess the lowest rank.

Negative Karma: The type of Karma that a Chosen receives for straying from the path. It is the opposite type as they are a
force of.

Path: There are five paths, reached in the dreams which grant the chosen their powers. They are Knowledge, Power,
Greatness, Chaos, and Beast.

Positive Karma: The type of Karma that a Chosen receives for furthering their goals, and the type they use to gain power. It is
the same type as you are a force of.

School: A subdivision of the magical powers of the Chosen. There are nine schools and each school has five aspects.
Ward: A name given to those under the care of a Guide.
Whelp: A name used, most often by evil aligned Guides, for a recently awakened Chosen.

Character Creation
The Chosen use the standard supernatural creature starting stats except for starting willpower of one, and freebie points of 21,
reprinted on the sheet in case you've forgotten. Freebie point spending uses a modified version of the standards. freebie points.
5 points per dot
2 points per dot
2 points per dot
1 point per dot
+1 positive Karma 1 point per box
-1 negative Karma 1 point per box
A character will typically start with ten negative Karma. The amount of positive Karma one starts with will vary depending on the
type of campaign being run. If the players start with no powers, they should start with 30-50, probably depending on if you have
experienced players (who will do good deeds from the onset and need to be given less to start) or inexperienced, who may not
grasp the necessity of niceness at first. If they may start with powers, up 100 may be used, with the players buying any powers
out of this amount at the normal cost.

Almost Comprehensive Karma Cost Table

Path of the Beast
Path of Greatness:


Karma Knowledge
1 point per dot
Path of Chaos
1 point per spin
4 points per dot
1 point per dot
(school) Aspect Emotion 7/x1
Everything else
*Varies, see full description

Storyteller Advice
Integration Notes
Should someone want to run Chosen in the World of Darkness, the following relationships are suggested. First of all, it is not
recommend that one of the other fantastic inhabitants become a Chosen, as this would give them immense power.
Vampires will disregard the phenomenon at first, and then grow to fear it. The blood of the Chosen has no special potency for
them, but many will probably want to try it out for themselves. Though intrigued at first, the Vampires will probably ignore the
Chosen in the beginning. However, as the battle escalates and the power that the Chosen can possess becomes evident, they
will see them as a threat, and attempt to destroy them before they can outstrip their own power. Though domination and blood
bonding are possible of the Chosen, nothing can deter them from their mission, thus allowing limited disobedience of their
Werewolves will likely see the servants of Evil as agents of the Wyrm bringing about the Apocalypse, and attack them if given
the opportunity. Though they may mistake the agents of Good for similar things at first, any well meaning Garou who gains
knowledge of their nature will most likely aid them, or at least not attack them.
Mages may have had the power to predict the Armageddon, and may also feel jealous of the powers that the Chosen have,
though they are less likely than the Vampires to see them as a threat. Instead, they may try to capture and study them, attempting
to fathom their powers and wield them themselves. They should perhaps have more fear of the Chosen, who are but a dream
away from the power to break their bonds.
Wraiths, being mostly disconnected with the living world, will have little concern with Chosen, except that the ruthless slaying by
the forces of Evil may create many new Wraiths.
Changelings see the Chosen as recently awakened prodigals, long lost to banality. Like most non-fae, the Chosen are fairly
banal, but less so than the average mortal, as they break the bounds of 'normal' reality and wield fantastic powers. Most
Changelings will probably side with the good Chosen if they gain knowledge of them, the evil ones would impose a reign of
despair that would smother the Changeling's precious Glamour. Some of the more disruptive Changelings, unseelie Redcaps in
particular, may even side with the darker powers, to aid them in instilling fear in the mortals.

The standard experience system is not strictly necessary since the system includes the ability for much more drastic selfimprovement, and most chronicles should tend toward the battle for one area, not representing the longer periods of time
generally needed to advance by practice. It may still be used as a role-playing reward, and is left up to storyteller
discretion.Supernatural powers must be bought with Karma.

Guides as a Plot Device

Guides are a special type of NPC Chosen who receive advance powers, so that they may better show their wards the way.
There is one guide for each side of the battle in a specific area, a city for example. It is the guide's job to gather and
instruct their fellow Chosen, but not to participate in the battle itself, though those of the evil side are not known for following
rules in general. The use of Guides is a storyteller decision; they are an excellent way to get the PC's together and pass
information, but they can pass too much information, especially if you are going for a feeling of amazement and discovery.
If used, the PC's Guide should at some point die (probably concurrent with the death of the opposing Guide, to keep things
even), leaving them without their 'crutch'. The sooner the better, nce they have been gathered, given a sanctuary, and some
preliminary instruction, though waiting can increase the emotional value of the death scene, and the feeling of sudden

Choosing Sides
It is expected that most games will be run with the PC's as the good guys, though running the other side can make for an
interesting change of pace. Even more interesting, if you have enough willing players, would be to have PC's playing both
sides, with about two to four or so, ideally anyway, on each side. This method may also require more than one Storyteller,
as keeping up with two groups of secret plots to undo each other can be quite complicated.
The evil side may have an advantage in the greater ease with which it can gather Karma: just walk around killing people
with your neat new powers, whereas the good guys have to go out and do genuinely kind deeds to earn their daily bread.
While motivating bad guys to evil is generally unnecessary, don't be afraid to have the evil doers go on a killing spree if
your troupe of good is hiding out in their sanctuary. For this reason, the sanctuary, if any, should have a TV or at least a
radio (a daily paper at bare minimum.) And don't forget to 'drop hints' (ie. 'Is anybody watching the news?') to tune into the
local broadcasts when necessary.

Getting Started
The recommended method, especially for a 'discovery' chronicle, is to start with individual preludes with each character,
playing up until the time when they would meet another PC. This should start with one or two days of their life 'before',
perhaps including a chance and seemingly meaningless encounter with one of the NPC's on the other side. Later, the
Chosen has the first of their dreams, probably, with subtle hints by the storyteller, gaining the ability to see auras, and
briefly seeing the character they saw before, with their aura exposed. Any sort of major confrontation should be avoided at
this point. If you decide to use Guides, their Guide should show up later that day. Otherwise, they should be instructed in
the dream to go to a specific place at a certain time to meet the others.
This is a 'standardized' method for introducing a character to the world of the Chosen. Don't be afraid to introduce one (or
more) new twists to this method, or reinvent it altogether.
If you just want to do a one-shot, it is best to use pregenerated characters. Choosing one power each night takes far too
long and allows the acquisition of far too few powers. Better to grant players a fixed set of mysterious new powers the first
time they dream, or perhaps, if dealing with an experienced troupe that designed their own characters, let them choose
their own set, using total Karma acquisition cost as a limiter. All characters should have Karma Knowledge five in this
situation, though you may allow them to 'sell' it at one point per dot if they need just one or two more for some certain
power. Level one is considered absolutely mandatory, and level two is highly recommended.

The Middle Ground

As the game progresses, the characters should feel the necessity and desperateness (despite their ever increasing
powers) of their task. Their foes should be a constant, looming threat to their existence and their vision for the world (be it
peace and justice or war and chaos), dogging their every move and ruthlessly pursuing their own agenda. If one of the
characters is consistently low on positive Karma, high in negative, or especially both, their foes should make a play to turn
the character. It's best only to try this with characters with whom you know will be receptive to the concept, roleplaying the
betrayal of their comrades. Also, the dreams might immediately notify the others of this disaster, and grant them some
advance power to help try and turn the character back. On a similar note, don't be afraid to reward someone who puts forth
a genuine and long term effort to turn one of their foes.

The Wrap up
Ideally, the PC's side should come up victorious. Of course, if they consistently make poor decisions, it's your job to
provide the appropriate outcome and teach them to be more careful next time. The final victory is best only achieved if the
players come up with a good, strategic plan to trap and defeat their opposites. If they come up with such a good plan after
sufficient struggle, you should probably play into it and give them a well earned victory. If they have been merely surviving
despite innumerable odds, you may also want to have their foes make a critical error, as a reward for persistence,

especially if the campaign is going a bit too long.

Karma: The Stuff Power is Made of
The Chosen characters sheets use Karma meters, originally adapted from the Changeling sheets, to measure the amount
of good and bad Karma an individual has accumulated. One dot on the meter represents 10 boxes, with each box
representing one point of Karma. Whenever the 10 boxes are full, they may be erased for one dot. Whenever they are
empty, one dot may be erased to fill them all. The dots, however do have some greater significance. The highest any trait
of a character can be is five or the total number of dots of Karma (both good and bad) (though if a character ever has five
or more dots of the opposite type, conversion of sides is almost assured), whichever is higher. Thus by saving up 80 good
(or 70 with 10 or more bad) Karma, a character may increase their strength from five to six on the path of greatness. This
is a precarious position, however, as any permanent rating that exceeds the dots of Karma may not be used, thus if the
example character spent a point to chuck a fireball, therefore having five dots and nine boxes, they would lose their newly
acquired strength. If a 'Karma roll' is ever required, the number of dice is the number of dots of the appropriate type,
usually standard difficulty (6). Such a roll may never be botched, and the Karma die (explained below) is not used. If you
are playing that players may design their characters with a large amount of starting Karma to purchase staring powers, any
dots in anything above five must be purchased with Karma.
Karma is gained by doing an appropriate deed, an act of kindness for good, an act of cruelty for bad. If the storyteller
suspects raw greed for power as the motive of a good player, one good point and one bad point, for greed, should be
awarded. Obviously, players will do good deeds with the knowledge of their ultimate reward. The general guideline for
what counts as greed is seeming over-anxious to do a good deed, or asking immediately afterwards "Do I get a point of
Karma for that?" (though allowances should be made for polite reminders if you did overlook a good deed.)

Karma Dice
'Karma dice' are one method of consistently having the forces of Karma intervene at the time least expected. Before any
roll, the player declares one die as the Karma die. This should probably be the same die for all rolls, to avoid confusion. If
the Karma die comes up a ten, good Karma intervenes. The player loses one point of positive Karma and the roll is either
successful or gains 1 extra success, depending on weather the roll is for simple success or if numbers count. If a one is
rolled on the Karma die, one negative point is lost and the roll fails. If you want Karma to interve less often, use one die for
positive and one die for negative. A character with Karma Knowledge four may elect not to allow the use of positive Karma
through the Karma die on a case by case basis, and the autosuccess from the Karma die is not cumulative with the
autosuccess gained by using this power. A character with Karma Knowledge five may similarly disregard interventions of
negative Karma, and since they have final say in both respects, may not even bother with Karma dice at their discretion.

A Chosen is subject to several temptations, and the forces of the dark (or light) side can be quite earnest in their persuit.
Negative Karma checks may be required if temptation presents itself. Also, whenever a character gains a point of
negative Karma through some act, a negative Karma check is required, each success is one extra point gained (these
extra points are not from an direct act of the character, and thus do not trigger this effect again). Once it gets a foothold,
the forces of temptation can work swiftly.
Whenever a character has exhausted their supply of positive Karma, they may choose to instead gain Karma of the
opposite type. Of course, as explained above, each such instance requires a Karma check.
The opposing forces also tempt with power; a character may gain a point of negative Karma (the roll for extra is of course
required) to gain one extra die on a roll for each dot of their negative type they possess.

Karma Knowledge
The essential talent of the Chosen, Karma Knowledge gives them the tools to manipulate their own karmic forces. Level
one of this power is considered absolutely necessary to a Chosen's existence, and level two is highly recommended.
Experience costs
4 x current rating
New ability
3 points
2 x current rating

2 x current rating
Positive Karma 1 point per box

Extra Backgrounds
Acts of Charity/Cruelty
This is actually two separate backgrounds, having the same systems effect, but for different sides. Once per day, it adds
one extra of the characters dominate Karma type, assuming their was any way for the character to do such acts during the
course of the day. Though character generation points are spent to acquire it, the storyteller is the final judge. If the
character is not living up to her Acts rating, reduce it. By the same note, reward characters who go beyond their rating.

Aura Perception: Someone with this power (non-Chosen have been known to attain this lowest rank) can perceive

the white or black auras that identify the Chosen.

Self-identification: With this rank, the Chosen have a better grasp of their own Karma, and can see their own meters.
Canceling: This simple power allows a Chosen to simultaneously eliminate one good and one bad Karma.
Intervention: The Chosen may now spend a point of their dominate Karma type to add one success (and one only) to
any roll, after the roll is made, or use the auto-success to achieve the single required success in a simpler matter.
Disruption: The Chosen may attempt to have the negative forces intervene at a controlled time, thus eliminating one
point of their negative Karma. The effects of this will always be felt. If used in combat, a strike may simply be missed. If
used for a unimportant goal ("Oh, look, a penny, why don't I make a dex check to pick it up. Whoops, did I fail? Let's try
that again.", etc.) thus, the person bringing their opposing force to bear on a trivial actions might trip and inflict some
injury on themselves, for instance. Or maybe the penny was dropped because it was burning hot, causing serious and
painful burns when picked up.
Kindred Souls: You may transfer Karma between yourself and another willing subject.
******* Sway: By talking to a non-chosen and reasoning with them, and spending one positive point of Karma, you may
attempt to sway a them towards your cause. The subject makes a Karma check (roll on die for each dot (10 points) of
Karma they have on the side you which to sway them to). If they have any net success, they are swayed further towards
your cause. This will effect a change in their behavior, but it does not mean they will help you directly.
******** Theft: You may attempt a Karma transfer between yourself and an unwilling subject. Roll willpower, diff. 8, vs the
victim's willpower, diff. 6. Each success is one point you may steal.
********* Aura Masking: The Chosen may hide her aura. this is a very powerful effect. Characters should only be allowed to
have it at storyteller discretion. It is mainly useful as a plot device, i.e. having some stranger be greatly progressed in
this respect, thus hiding their true nature from the PC's.
********** Aura Falsification: A person may falsify his aura. The same guidelines as Aura Masking should be used.

Acts of Charity
You give occasionally.
** You have done volunteer work, maybe help old ladies across the street.
*** You are active in the community.
**** You are a community leader.
***** Saintly.

Acts of Cruelty
You hurt other peoples feeling often.
** You are some form of abuser. (child, sexual, spouse, etc)
*** You have murdered at least once.
**** You are a serial killer.
***** Demonic.

Fallen Reincarnate
(To be used only at storyteller discretion.)
You have fought the Armageddon before and have fallen from your duties and joined the other side. You have been returned to
earth to redeem yourself, and, at the commencement of the Armageddon, regained some of your previous knowledge, some of
which relates to the Armageddon itself.
For each dot in Fallen Reincarnate, you gain some special freebie points, one starting point of Karma Knowledge, and 10 (one
dot) of your opposing Karma type for your former treachery. Additionally, your starting rating for Acts may not exceed 5 minus the
rating of Fallen Reincarnate, and your rating in Fallen Reincarnate is added to your dots in negative Karma whenever you make
a temptation roll with it. When spending the special points, keep in mind that these points come from experience in long past
lives, and thus are unlikely to grant skills in computer or firearms, whereas you are quite likely to pick up an extra language or
archery, for example. These extra points may also not be used to buy Karma like normal.

Be very careful, the more negative Karma you have, the more likely you are to succumb again, and the more likely the storyteller
is to bring it to bear on your actions. Note that the Armageddons given assume your are playing in the Fourth Armageddon. If
you run a historical campaign, adjust the names and highest rating accordingly.
Rating Armageddons

One Armageddon (Third)

Two Armageddons (2nd & 3rd)
Three Armageddons (1st, 2nd, 3rd)
Four Armageddons (the forgotten age, 1st,
2nd, 3rd)
Five Armageddons (the forgotten age, 1st,
2nd, 3rd)


Addiontal Negative






Imps and Annoyances

If a character has a lot of negative Karma, approximately 15+, (and they are not a Fallen Reincarnate) the Storyteller may 'gift'
them with an annoyance. The annoyance cause the loss of one point of negative Karma per day of presense, but makes a
complete pain of itself. They are usually imps, small devils for good that cause great deals of mischief, (It's amazing how much
fun a storyteller can have by saying 'poke' at random intervals) while dienzens of evil will probably gain a small cherub who
spreads love and kindness everywhere. Annoyances cannot be harmed. They only go away when the character reduces their
negative Karma below ten or so.

Aggravated Damage
Aggravated damage is something so horrendously damaging that it cannot be repaired through normal healing. Aggravated
wounds are therefore noted differently in the health meter, such as a slash for normal damage and an X for aggravated. Natural
examples include loss of limbs or other major body parts that cannot completely regenerate themselves. It may also be caused
by things that destroy the nearby tissues, leaving nothing to regrow the missing parts. Such damage may be returned to a normal
wound by ripping out or surgically removing the nearby damaged tissue, causing at least one extra health level of damage in the
process. Some special powers also cause aggravated damage. The Hand of Madness and The Hand of Justice are two
examples. These fall under the second category of wounds.

The Dreams
Before waking on the first day of the new millennia, and each night thereafter until their task is completed, each Chosen finds
themselves in a dreamrealm. They are standing on a disk of undiscernible material, with five pathways leading off into the
distance, evenly spaced, about in the same pattern as a five pointed star. If they have Karma Knowledge of at least one, they will
be able to see a pattern on the disk which will give them an indication of which path is which. They will start out facing the Path of
Knowledge, but until their character has appropriate experience, all attempts should be made to either go straight forward not
knowing what they will find, or choose another path randomly.
If the Chosen is a force of Good, the disk and its paths float in a void, but everything is well lit with a pleasing, soft glow.
If the Chosen is a force of Evil, they are instead among burning flames, lighting everything with a harsh light, flickering from
reddish to black.
When they walk down a path, the seemingly infinite distance they could see will quickly come to one of the following. One may
choose not to take any path. They may then take more than one path on a future date.

Path of Knowledge
Walking down this path, one comes to another disk, with a being standing in the center. The image of this being is shaped by
the viewers vision of god, if any for the good, and the devil for the evil. He appears as a stereotypical wise and ageing man for
the godless, or the stereotypical man with red skin, horns, tail, etc. Regardless of the form, he has a white (or black) aura, visible
to anyone with Karma Knowledge one. For one positive Karma one question, to a maximum of five per visit, may be asked of
this being. The questions, provided they are reasonable and within the storyteller's power to answer, must be answered truthfully,
though not necessarily completely. The storyteller is advised to be prepared to answer questions that may reveal more than they
would like. Either make plans ahead of time or further restrict the questions.
Additionally, each visit to the Path of Knowledge grants the visiter one higher rank in Karma Knowledge. This costs one positive
Karma per dot of the level being gained.

Path of the Beast

Physical mutation and change is the way of the beast. As the Chosen walks down the path, the storyteller should ask the player
what her character is feeling or thinking about, attempting to shape this response into one of the powers listed below. If the
player has an idea which is appropriate for the Path of the Beast but is not listed, go ahead and assign it a cost and decide the
appropriate systems. Any noticible physical mutation will also likely cause penalties in social situations.

Lizard Limbs

Cost Description

Long Fingers 3
Acute Senses 3
Fountain of



Danger Sense
Huge Size
Tough Hide


Eye Rays



Removes a Path of the Beast power, a Mutation, a merit, or a flaw.

You may make a bite attack for str+1damage. You also gain +1 die on intimidation rolls.
You gain plus one die to inititive rolls.
You may voluntarily detach your limbs, although they must be regrown through some means not supplied
by this power. Each limb detached causes one aggravated wound.
You have exceptionally long fingers, allowing you to make related dex checks at +1 die
Separate version for each sense, -2 difficulty to related rolls. Conditions causing excesses in the
appropriate area may cause discomfort or pain.
-1 difficulty for appropriate dex checks.
You see by heat, and no longer need light to see people or other temperate objects.
You may run at rates up to twice what you could do normally.
You gain plus one die to any attempt to maintain your balance.
Your feet and hands become webbed, allowing you to move 50% faster in water.
Your healing times are as if you had one health level less. Bruised is healed in but a single hour.
By spending one turn concentrating and spending one point of Karma and one point of temporary
willpower, you may make your body do unnatural things, eyes bug out, tongue stretches, etc. Roll your
wits + intimidation vs their willpower, for each remaining success a witness is at -1 die next turn.
At will, you may fly into a berserker rage, ignoring all health level penalties. You will ruthlessly attack
enemies in this state, and are unable to flee. Control may be regained if a willpower point is spent and a
willpower roll succeeded in.
You have a forbidding sense of upcoming danger.
You gain 1 extra hurt health level.
2 extra successes are needed to grapple you, and rolls to soak fire damage are made at -2 difficulty.
+2 die to soak, not usable vs. fire.
Str+3 brawl attack, All dex checks involving fine hand movements are at +1 difficulty
You have leathery flaps of skin under your arms which may be used to glide.
You gain gills on your neck in addtion to your lungs, allowing you to be just as at home below water as
above it.
When extended, you may make a str+2 brawl attack, although any fine finger control checks are at +1
difficulty when out.
You may transform into an animal chosen at the time the power is acquired. Each transformation costs
one positive Karma, returning is free.
You regain one non-aggravated health level per day.
You have fully functional wings, and may fly. Your choice of feathery, leathery, or bat-like.
You may transform into a mist for 1 Karma, returning is free.
You may attempt to command any animal to do your bidding, provided you make a successful opposed
wits+intimidation or willpower roll.
You may spend one Karma to fire a stun ray at a foe. per + eye rays (a special talent) or per + one half
of firearms to hit. If hit, victim makes a willpower check, difficulty of six plus one for each previous time
they were hit this scene, if it fails, they are stunned.
Like animal transformation, except you have a 'half form' also which retains abilities of both your human
and animal seemings.
You regain one non-aggravated health level per hour.
For 1 Karma you may transform into an elemental of one of the 9 magics, chosen when this power is
gained. You may then use any power from this school at the additional cost of 1 Karma per level of the
power being used. See the individual descriptions for appearances and special powers of the
elementals. All elementals are effectively immune to damage by normal physical attacks, except for
Tempus elementals. A character may make an appropiate Aspect Counter roll to damage an elemental.
While in elemental form, an elemental will automatically use its Aspect Counter at level five at no cost to



oppose an appropiate spell which effects it. While in elemental form, an elemental experiences the
banes of all of its school's aspects as if the powers were one rank higher. The bane is treated at level
one if the character does not posses the power seperatly.
You may transform into solid electricity, more like static than lightning, but you may enter electronic
networks. This costs one Karma to activate.

The Path of Greatness

Upon Walking down the Path of Greatness, one sees two patterns upon the floor: the sign of the Path of Greatness proper, the
body inside a circle with the hands and feet upon the edge of it, and the pattern representing Arts, special abilities that can only
be learned here. They are described below. Standing upon the circle of greatness a character is asked "How shalt thou grow?"
The 'correct' answer to which is the name of an attribute or ability. Though a small amount of leeway is allowed; greatness
shouldn't be able to advance the tenets of other paths. If an attribute is named (or the storyteller determines that the answer given
is closest to an attribute,) that attribute gains one dot and the character loses four times the former rating in positive karma. If an
ability is chosen, follow the same procedure, but the cost is two times the former rating, three for a new ability.
Arts are special abilities the Chosen may use. Upon stepping into the 'z' the signs of the Arts appear around the character,
hovering above it in space in a circle. Touching a sign grants the player level one of the art, or advances an Art one rank. The
cost for each Art varies and is listed with the title in the format A/xB; A is the cost to gain the first dot, every dot thereafter costs
current rank times B.

Art of Balance
Cost: 3/x2
Description: For each dot you possess in Balance, you may, at the beginning of every round, move any dot in an attribute to
another attribute in the same category (physical, mental, social) until the end of the round. This may not cause any attribute to go
below one or above you normal trait max.

Art of Haste
Cost: 10/x7
Description: For each dot you possess in Haste, you may choose to take one extra action. For each action that you take in this
manner, you have one less die on all of your rolls this round. This penalty may never be reduced.

Art of Patience
Cost: 7/x4
Description: You may focus up to one round (or an equivalent amount of time to what the roll will represent) per dot you possess
in Patience, adding one die to the roll of your choice on the first round afterwards. For example, if you focused for three turns on
an attack action, you could add two dice to your to hit roll, and one to your strength roll on one hit.

Art of Concentration
Cost: 9/x6
Description: For each dot you possess in Concentration, you may, at the beginning of every turn, add one dot to any attribute or
ability (you must possess the ability already) for the remainder of the round. This may not allow a trait to go above your normal
trait maximum.

Art of Exertion
Cost: 3/x2
Description: For each dot you possess in Exertion, you may spend up one extra willpower to gain an auto success on roll.
When you exert yourself, the merit 'Self Confidence' has no effect.

Art of Channeling
Cost: 2/x1
Description: For each dot you possess in Channeling, you may cause one health level of damage to yourself to gain one auto
success on a roll; the wound penalties gained in the process do not effect that roll.

Art of Common
Cost: 5/x3
Description: With this Art you may transfer resources between yourself and others to maximize their effect. Physical contact is
always required and the other person must be willing, unless otherwise stated.

You may transfer memories between yourself and another. The memories are not moved, but copied.
You may transfer karma between yourself and another.
You may transfer willpower between yourself and another.
You may transfer health levels between yourself and another.
You may temporarily transfer an attribute point between yourself and another willing subject. This transfer may last or up to
a day.
***** You may attempt to perform a transfer on an unwilling subject. Roll your willpower, diff. 7, opposed by their willpower, diff
6. The net success in your favor is the number of units which may be transferred.
***** You may make a transfer on any willing subject within sight.
***** You may attempt an unwilling transfer on any subject within sight. The roll is the same as above.
***** You may make a transfer with any willing subject anywhere. You must of course have some familiarity with the subject to
**** form a mental image of them.
***** You may attempt a transfer on any unwilling subject anywhere. You may focus on an individual you know or attempt to
***** steal from a random person.

Art of Aid
Cost: 5/x3
Description: Aid allows you to help another succeed. For each dot you possess in Aid, you may add a die from your pool to
theirs. The amount of dice added may not be greater than your total dice for the same action. If you are attempting to perform an
action on the same turn, it counts as a split action, with the pool being Aided being taken into consideration for the smallest pool.
You are at minus one die for each die by which you have Aided them if you do such. Thus if someone was attempting to rally a
crowd with charisma + leadership, and you have four in Aid, you may add four dice to her roll. If your charisma + leadership was
only three, you could only add three to her roll.

Art of Hinder
Cost: 5/x3
Description: This Art works similar to Aid, except that it subtracts that number of dice from the subjects pool. It can also be
used in reaction, for instance Hindering an attack roll instead of a dodge.

The Path of Chaos

Walking down the path of Chaos makes one feel different, and not necessarily in a good way. Roll three dice, and refer to the
charts below. The Path of Chaos may not cause a trait to go below zero or above the characters normal trait maximum. Each trip
down the Path of Chaos costs one positive Karma.

First Die: Area

1-3: Attributes
4-5: Talents
6-7: Skills
8-9: Knowledges
0: Other traits*
*Extra abilities, arts, etc. Chaos may not effect Karma Knowledge. If none, reroll or randomly select a special ability from a

Player's Guide or other appropriate source to be possible gained. You may also choose to include Willpower in this category.

Second Die: Trait

1 Strength
2 Dexterity
3 Stamina
4 Charisma
5 Manipulation
6 Appearance
7 Perception
8 Intelligence
9 Wits
0 Reroll

Abilities: Count down a number of traits equal to the die roll. ex: in Talents, 1 is Alertness, 2 is Athletics, 0 is Subterfuge, etc.
Special Abilities: Make an appropriate roll to determine which trait (if there is more than one) will be affected.

Third Die: Change

1: -2
2-5: -1
6-9: +1
0: +2

The Path of Power

By far the most expansive path, the Path of Power has three main subdivisions: Wealth, Magic, and Artifacts. When someone
walks down the path, they come upon three pedestals, above which hover three orbs. A person has the option of attempting to
touch one, going forward (or back). Going forward presents the same three options at a rank one higher, and the path ends
when they have reached their maximum trait rating. The way of magic is not present beyond rank one unless the person has
achieved at least one rank lower, and then only those Aspects for which they have achieved at least one rank lower are

The Way of Wealth

The orb to the left gives of feelings of greed, luxury, and power. It has a yellow or green color, and scintillates like sparkling gold
coins falling through sunlight.
A person touching it loses one Karma per step taken down the path and gains an appropriate amount of money, the same as
the liquidated value for resources. The wealth is in an easily usable form, though gems and gold coins are quite appropriate for
the path, they are quite useless if they raise 'questions' from the person they are being traded with.
** $8,000
*** $50,000
**** $500,000
***** $5,000,000

The Way of Artifacts

The orb to the right appears made of some manner of stone or metal, and is ornately carved with runes. It gives a feeling of
ancient power which demands respect.
Touching this orb, the storyteller should inquire as to what the character's feelings, wishes and desires are. If she does not
specify a particular type of artifact or a desired effect, an attempt should be made to work with any other indications, but at this
point it is somewhat arbitrary. The cost of an artifact is four times the rating of the desired artifact.

X: This sign indicates a variable rank (number of dots.) It may be any value appropriate, with the effect of each dot used in place
of the X specified in the artifacts description.

Weapons use notation: x/+y. Difficulty x to use, str+y damage.

Normal Melee
Weapons Table
Broadsword 6/+5

Armor notation: x/+y/+z. Adds y soak dice and has a dex penalty of +z to the difficulty of any body movement roll. x is the class
of the armor, on the table below, which includes the base ratings for normal armor of that type.
Normal Armor Table
1/+1/+0 Reinforced clothing.
2/+2/+0 Armor T-shirt, leather tunic.
3/+3/+1 Vest, hardened leather.
4/+4/+1 Flack jacket, chain mail.
5/+6/+2 Full suit, plate mail.

X Generic Weapon
Using a normal weapon as a base, assign a minus one to the difficulty or an additional +1 to damage for each dot of X.

X Generic Armor
For each dot in X, either move the armor up one class, which starts at zero, up one rank, or, if you are createing armor over five
dots, add one to the soak bonus.

X Generic Enhancer
A specified attribute or ability gains +X while in use, abilities gain +3 for every two dots, instead of +2.

X Living Armor
On Command, this suit of living armor will wrap itself around its user, at that time conferring its benefits. Living Armor
regenerates its own wounds given time. When creating it, the total dots of powers below should equal X, any power below may
be taken more than once, but this is redundant for some.

* Enhance: +1 to a physical attribute.

* Eyes: If the character's alertness is less than five, it is treated as five; otherwise it gains +1.
** Hyper-Swords: The armor has swords on its elbows which do str+3 damage, dex+brawl to hit. Repeated takings of this
feature add +3 damage.

** Chitinous Hide: The armor provides exceptionally protection, adding +3 to your soak roll for each taking of this feature.
** Spiked Hide: Any brawl attack against you which succeeds by only one success causes the person to take its own strength in
damage, in addition to damaging you. Each repeated taking of this feature increases the number of successes by one which
someone must hit you with to avoid taking damage.

** Small laser: A small laser appears in your forehead, or on a wrist, etc.. Roll dex+body lasers (a special talent, dex+ one half
of firearms, rounded up, may be used instead of this skill.) It does four dice of damage if the hit is successful. You may only
activate such a laser once each round, (unless you are using Tempus or similar time warping powers to get your extra actions)
but you may take multiples of this power to allow you consecutive shots on extra actions. *** Gravity Control: A small metal orb
at your waist gives you the ability to fly at will.

***** Gravity Cannon: By spending one round charging, you may make a dex+body lasers roll the next round to fire a powerful
gravity cannon. It does eight dice of damage if the hit is successful.

***** Regeneration: The armor regenerates you at a rate of one health level per hour, as long as some part of it or you remains.
***** ***** Hyper Blaster: By dislodging and opening up the armor's chest plates, you reveal two large lasers. You must spend
one round opening and one round charging to fire on the third. This releases a huge swath of destruction, with both a wide width
(which does not increase appreciably with distance), and long range, stretching off into the distance, doing 30 dice of damage
to anything that it hits. It may be avoided by succeeding in a dodge roll at diff. 9, or by getting out of the way when one sees the
chest open.

X Temporal Hourglass
When turned upside down from its original state, the world around the bearer speeds rapidly by, at a rate of X+1 rounds to the
holder's one. When turned back the other way, the holder experiences X+1 rounds to everyone else's one. X is recommended to
be only one in most cases.

* Firesand
A small bag of sand. This sand has an incredible amount of friction, and feels extremely hot when it rolls or is rubbed. May cause

* Valor Sword
a 6/+5 broadsword. It gains one level and a minus one to difficulty each time its owner proves extraordinary valor. It loses one of
these levels (and its associated bonus) each time its wielder shows cowardice.

* Pendant of the Erie Eye

A small, round, pendant, made out of stone but looking unnervingly like a real eyeball. The wearer gains a supernatural sense of
approaching danger, at the responsibility of the storyteller to provide.

* Crown of Transgression
A golden crown with a single emerald in it. Upon close inpection, an hourglass is inscribed on the back of the gem. The wearer
experiences time as if under the effect of a level five Transgress (see Tempus Aspect Warp) and ages at a rate 10,000 times
less than normal.

* Astral Clothing
This pile of cloth, upon aquisition, takes on whatever shape and coloration the owner desires. It heals all damge to it
automatically, except for magical attacks targeted against it. It is completely fire and stain resistant, although it offers absolutely
no protection of any sort to its owner, except against the heat or cold of the climate. Unlike normal clothing, Astral Clothing
remains with you whenever you undergo any form of transformation, thus allowing you to stay decent at all times.

* Ring of Chaos
The wearer of the Ring of Choas is affected with the bane of Ignis Aspect Chaos at three levels higher than she possesses it, at
level three if she did not have Ignis Aspect Choas at all before. She may also activate the level one power, Chaos Surge, as if
she had it.

*X Sword of the Tides

A [6-A]/+[4+(X-A)] sword, with A set a the beginning of each of your turns to a number between 0 and X. It has a small spade
inscribed on it.

*X Great Defender

A 6/+4 sword with -X difficulty to all parry rolls.

** Amulet of the Knowing Eye

A small, flat gold amulet carved in with a simplified likeness on an eye on one side. The wearer has greatly heightened senses,
resulting in -2 difficulty to perception rolls.

** Lenses of Clarity
A pair of eyeglasses which give the wearer perfect eyesight and the ability to see through all manner of illusions.

** Cloak of Invisibility
Makes the wearer invisible when the cloak is tightly wrapped around him. Any action which protrudes from the cloak cancels the
effect. May be detected on per+alertness, diff. 9

*** Charm of Summoning

This small, neck-worn pendant takes whatever form the owner desires. If given into the keeping of another person, that person
needs only speak the owners name and wishes upon the charm to bring that person there immediately. The summons must be
obeyed, but the summoned person may delay it a few minutes to take care of 'compromising situations.'

*** Forge Sword

This is a hollow 6/+4 broadsword. On careful examination, one notices a small plug near the base of the blade, which opens up
the hollow interior. If the sword if filled with firesand (one dot artifact, see above), it gains +5 to damage from the intense heat
created by moving it around. A single grain of the sand may fall out when opened the first time as a clue. It has a small heart
inscribed on it. Knowledge of how to combine the two parts should only be gained through role-playing.

*** Sword of the Four Winds

A 5/+2 katana with a small club inscribed on it. If the wielder makes only attack actions during her turn, she gains an extra action,
which may only be used to attack.

*** Mask of Falsehoods

The wearer of this mask may appear as any other person to the eyes and ears. She will even appear to have different body
dimensions, but this change will not be apparent to the touch. The person being copied must be known in some way.

*** Staff of flame

A long, ornately carved staff with a ruby orb at the end, and a heart carved in the bottom. The bearer may cast any Ignis Aspect
Elemental effect at the additional cost of one positive karma per level of the power being used.

*** Cane of Tides

Made from a gnarled old piece of driftwood, this cane has an spade inscribed on it. The bearer may cast any Aqua Aspect
Elemental effect at the additional cost of one karma per level of the power being used.

*** Branch of Many Stones

A long branch almost untouched except for a series of small stones inset into it, and a diamond inscribed. The bearer may cast
any Terra Aspect Elemental effect at the additional cost of one karma per level of the power being used.

*** Wand of Wind

A simple looking magicians wand with an club inscribed in the base. The bearer may cast any Caelum Aspect Elemental effect
at the additional cost of one karma per level of the power being used.

**** Ring of Invisibility

An improvement over the Cloak of Invisibility, this ring never has its protection compromised by how tightly it is grasped.

**** Pendant of the Void

This gold pendant is shaped like a flat disk. The back is smooth and solid. In the mirror-like front, however, one sees a swirling
vortex going off into an extra-dimensional void. Any magic effect cast in the presense of the pendant is automatically opposed
by a five die Counter-Magic, (Aqua Aspect Mind) as is any enchantment that enters the pendant's presense.

***** Tome of Incantations

The holder of this powerful tome may enact a ritual to use any power from the nine schools of magic at an increased cost. He
must spend one round per level of the ritual chanting and such, expending one point of positive Karma for each round spent
doing this. When this is complete he may activate the power as if he had it himself as long as he remains in concentration.
Performing any other action not related the spell breaks his concentration.

***** The Book of the Dead

Any character opening this book loses one point of positive Karma and becomes infused with a random soul from an
Armageddon past. These souls are those of the Fallen, who betrayed their cause and joined the other side, and thus may not
rest until they have assisted their true cause. The character changes to all traits of the soul, except willpower, health, and Karma.
Pre-made character sheets are the easiest way of doing this. The spirit leaves in a day or when dismissed at will.

***** Thunder Sword

A large 6/+5 broadsword with a small diamond inscribed upon it. If driven into the ground, all foes of the wielder are knocked to
the ground.

***** Sword of Etherial Darkness

A 6/0 sword made of pure shadow. It has no effect on normal things, but it does ten dice of damage to good aligned things

***** Sword of Shining Light

A 6/0 sword made of pure light. It has no effect on normal things, but it does ten dice of damage to evilly aligned things.

The Way of Magic

The middle orb gives off a multitude of emotions, with fantastic and strange feelings of power. If a person goes beyond the first
rank on the Path of Power, she will not see this orb unless she has achieved a rank of at least one lower than the rank at which
she now stands in at least one aspect. The emotions given off at these higher levels will only be appropriate for the powers for
which they have achieved at least a rank of one lower than this one.
Touching the orb, the player is asked by the Storyteller what the character is feeling, choosing one of the following schools
based on that, and then an aspect of that school. The specific power granted may also be based on what the character is
interested in. The cost of these powers is listed in the format A/xB, where A is the cost to gain the first dot, and B is the multiplier
of the current rank for additional dots in that aspect.
Each aspect has a 'bane,' a negative effect of learning its ways. Most banes will grow with the rank of the power. Most banes are
not terribly debiltating, but can make someone think twice before grabbing large amounts of power.
If a player wishes to use a split action to activate a power for which no roll is required (and would thus suffer no penalty from
being split) he must divide (round up) his willpower by the number of actions he is splitting it into and roll that number of dice. If a
net success is achieved, he may activate the power; if a net failure is scored, he does nothing that action (but dice from it may
still be used to dodge,) if a net botch is scored, the Karma (if any) is spent with no effect.
Each power also involves a primary attribute. All rolls for which an ability is only listed are that attribute plus the given ability.
Difficulty 6 is assumed unless otherwise noted.
Activation notation: a listing with 'xk', where x is a number, means that x positive Karma must be spent to activate the power. If
(xk) appears, it means that the power does not need Karma to be used, but an extended form of it does require an expenditure.
This notation requires one action to do, unless otherwise noted.
If a roll is required to use the power, the associated ability is listed at the top, along with the difficulty, which is S if a special
difficulty is defined in the description. A '++' at the end indicates an extended roll.
Aspect Emotion: Each power is primally connected with one or more emotions and one of their powers is to temporarily (until
end of scene) instill this emotion in another. There are some systems associated with this, but all attempts should be made to
roleplay some change in attitude and possibly behavior. A willpower point may be spent to ignore all effects from such a power,

if you do so, the same such power may not affect you again this scene.
Each effect also has an Aspect Enhance effect which increases its patron's attribute. These increases last for one scene, may
only be used once per scene, and are not taken into account when making magic rolls that depend on that attribute.
If more than one power is listed at the same rank under the same Aspect, both are gained at that rank of the Aspect.
Some effects are identified as enchants. This is to clear up any possible confusion about what something that affects
'enchantments' effects. Mostly, being an enchanment means that it may be countered after it is has been cast. This also
specifies what the power may effect. Those that specify person may also effect animals or other beings.
An italicized word indicates the name of a power, the full description of which may be found elsewhere. Unless otherwise
specified, the power is in the same school as the mention.

Chosen: The Armageddon

Part Three
| Part One | Part Two | Part Three |
By Justin Love (

School Dissilutio (Destruction)


Primary Emotions
Anger, malice, and desire for destruction
Simple and dedicated in its purpose, Dissilutio has one task and one alone: destroy, destroy, destroy. This it does exceptionally
well, though the higher ranks only allow for things to be destroyed more completely, and offer little other service. Its main
weakness is the relative inability to deal directly with living targets, and artifacts as well, until it gains the Arcane Destruction
power. Dissilutio also has command of the destructive side of nature, commanding great disasters.

Dissilutio elementals are black, churning storms of raw anger. Small bolts of electricity arc throughout them with thunderous

Special Power
Presence: Any non-living object passing within a Dissilutio elemental may be affected with Breakdown, Twist, or Ignite at
normal cost.

Dissilutio Aspect: Emotion

Primary Emotion

Short Fuse: If you suffer any humiliation, insult, or pain by cause of another, you will become affected by Anger as if you had
cast it upon youself.

* Anger
Activation: 1k
Enchant: Person(s)
Description: Instill in target being feelings of hatred and rage. You may target more than one person with this power in a single
action, up to one per dot in Dissilutio Aspect Emotion.

System: They must make a willpower roll, and score at least as many success as your rank in Dissilutio Aspect Emotion (or
spend the willpower point to cancel Anger) or he will attempt to lash out in anger (at an enemy if one is available), until the end of
scene. He has minus one to all rolls while doing this, but ignores wound penalties.

* Eyes of Rage
Activation: 1k
Ability: Intimidation (4)
Description: Instead of a normal intimidation roll, you may cause your eyes to glow red with anger for a few brief moments.
System: Roll strength + intimidation, diff. 4, instead of the normal intimidation roll.

Dissilutio Aspect: Enhance

Primary Emotion

Bully: You are stronger than all of the other schmucks, and anyone who doubts you needs to taught a lesson, preferable with
your fists doing the talking. If anyone doubts your strength, and you wish to avoid proving yourself though violence (you may
refrain to a single punch or slam, so long as your subject looks convinced), you must make a willpower roll, attempting to score
at least as may successes as your rank in Dissilutio Aspect Enhance. If you fail by only one success, you may prove yourself
through weightlifing or other non-violent means. You may also spend a temporary willpower point as a last resort.

* Rage's Might
Activation: 1k
Enchant: Self
Description: Channels your anger, allowing you to perform greater feats of strength. System: You gain a number of strength
equal to your rank in Dissilutio Aspect Enhance until the end of the scene. May not be used while in effect.

Dissilutio Aspect: Counter

Primary Emotion

Indifference: Since all Procreatio spells cast against you are resisted, it is harder for you benefit from helpful Procreatio effects.
* Destroy
Activation: (1k)
Description: Any Procreatio power which targets you is automatically resisted with by this power. You may also take an action
and spend a point of positive Karma to attempt such a resistance against any Procreatio spell. The source of this counter-magic
will be obvious.

System: Roll a number of dice equal to your rank in Dissilutio aspect Destroy. Each success reduces the casters successes by
one, or stops the power altogether if it required no roll.

Dissilutio Aspect: Destroy

Primary Emotion

Malfunction: Once you start down the path of destruction, you have made a choice to be a force of destruction, not that of
creation. Machines you use have a tendency to break, and even simple tools will likly break when you attempt to do anything
constructive with them. When ever you operate a machine, roll a number of dice equal to you rating in Dissilutio Aspect Destroy
with diff. 7. If this roll succeeds, the machine breaks. If you use any sort of tool, make this roll at difficulty 8.

* Breakdown
Activation: 1k
Ability: Security/(special) (5)
Description: A machine with moving or electronic parts ceases to function and requires some amount of time to repair.
System: Roll strength + either security or an ability appropriate for the device: computer for a computer, mechanics for a car,
etc. The object breaks if it is successful, and an at least equivalent amount of successes on an extended repair roll is needed to
return it to function.

** Twist
Activation: 1k
Ability: Brawl (6) (vs. stamina + athletics (6))
Description: Twists a solid object around, probably destoying its former functionality. Twist may target a single bone, allowing
to affect living targets.

System: Make a strength + brawl roll. If it is successful, the target is twisted. If targeted against a bone, it is opposed by the
victim's stamina + athletics.

*** Rend
Activation: 1k
Ability: Melee (6) (vs. stamina + athletics. (6))
Description: Breaks a solid object. Like Twist, it may be targeted on a single bone, thus making it one of Dissilutio's ways of
dealing with the living.

System: Roll strength + melee; if the roll is successful, the target is broken in two. If targeted against a bone, it is opposed by
the person's stamina + athletics.

**** Crush
Activation: 2k
Ability: Intimidation (7)
Description: Crush causes a force to hit a target, like a large, heavy thing had just fallen upon it (though the force can come
from any direction, not just above.) The force is invisible and thus may not be dodged (unless the character has True Seeing in
effect; see Aqua Aspect Mind.)

System: It does one damage per success on an strength + intimidation roll, diff. 7, plus one if the target was crushed against
another solid object.

***** Ignite
Activation: 1k
Ability: Science (7)
Description: Cause a reaction in any substance which has the danger of a chemical or flammable reaction.
System: Roll strength + science, diff. 7; if the roll is successful, the substance reacts.

***** * Shatter
Activation: 2k
Ability: Repair (7*)
Description: The target non-living object is shattered like so much glass. Putting the object back together is nearly impossible.
System: Roll strength + repair, diff. 7; the object is shattered if it is successful. Previously Frozen objects have a difficulty of 6 to

***** ** Freeze
Activation: 1k
Ability: Enigmas (6)
Description: The target, a non-living, dense (cloth, for instance, does not freeze well, while metal, stone, or water make better
targets) object, has its temperature drastically lowered, to the point where it may cause damage to characters contacting it.

System: Cold damage is treated like fire damage; refer to the flame chart under School Ignis. Each success on a strength +
Enigmas roll increases the difficulty to soak the cold damage by one rank. The size of effect is determined by the storyteller. The
rank of this coldness decreases by one per turn, until it reaches 0 and the object may be touched safely again. Freezing an
object also reduces the difficulty to Shatter it by one.

***** *** Melt

Activation: 3k
Ability: Occult (7)
Destruction: Melt has the exact same effect as Freeze, except that it heats things instead of cooling them, does not affect
Shatter, but can destroy things by itself if it gets them hot enough.

System: Roll strength + occult, diff. 7, to increase the object's heat; if the heat reaches rank five (the heat of molten metal), metal
objects will melt. Others will melt at an appropiate heat, but the melting point of metal is a 'catch all.'

***** **** Arcane Destruction

Activation: Sk
Ability: Mythlore (S) vs. art. level (6)
Description: You may target any other Dissilutio Power against an artifact, at a cost of the power's normal cost plus one.
System: Use strength + Mythlore instead of the powers normal roll, and use the power's normal difficulty. Recall that all artifacts
resist any form of destruction with a number of dice equal to their level.

***** ***** Dust to Dust

Activation: (X+X+X)k
Ability: Crafts (8)
Description: Reduces X non-living targets to piles of dust.
System: Roll strength + crafts, diff. 8, for each target. If the roll is successful the target is irrevocably destroyed.

Dissilutio Aspect: Disaster

Primary Emotion


Magnet: This power summons disasters to you, but not just when you want it to. At the beginning of each story, the storyteller
should roll one die. If the number rolled is less than or equal to your rank in Dissilutio Aspect Disaster, a disaster will occur to or
near to you during the course of a story.

* Storm
Activation: 3k
Enchant: Region
Description: Within a day of casting this spell, the region will be hit with terrible storms. There will be high winds and torrential
downpores, large hail, or blizzard conditions depending on the location and time of year.

System: No roll is required. You may attempt to shape the nature of the weather, but you may not be certain this is what will

** Quake
Activation: 5k
Ability: Performance (6) All persons withen a five to ten mile radius experience violent shaking and it may also cause poorly
constructed buildings to collapse.

System: Those within range must make a dex + athletics roll to remain standing. The difficulty of this roll is equal to 6 + [your
success on a performance roll] - [radius (in miles) they are within to you]. Thus if you score three succes, everyone within the first
mile radius (including you) has difficulty 6 + 3 - 1 = 8; within the second mile has difficulty 6 + 3 - 2 = 7; the fith mile: 6 + 3 - 5 = 4

*** Heat
Activation: 5k
Ability: Survival (6)
Enchant: Region
Description: The region will experience drastically hotter weather, possibley upsetting the local ecosystem.
System: This occurs for one week per success on a strength + survival roll.
**** Cold
Activation: 5k
Ability: Investigation (6)
Enchant: Region
Description: The region will experience drastically colder weather, possibly upsetting the local ecosystem.
System: This occurs of one week per success on a strength + investigation roll.
***** Fire
Activation: 3k
Description: A ball of flame erupts at a location you specify. Treat it as normal fire; once the intiial ball is gone, it will only remain
if there is a fuel to keep it going.

System: Characters hit by this ball of flame soak vs. standard difficulty (6); two wounds for a direct hit, one for lesser contact.
***** * Flood
Activation: 7k
Ability: Empathy (6)
Enchant: Region

Description: The region is heavily flooded, causing the loss of homes, fields, etc.
System: This occurs for two days per success on a strength + empathy.
***** ** Parch
Activation: 7k
Ability: Etiquette (6)
Enchant: Region
Description: The region has record low humidity, and is completely devoid of new moisture, in addition to the rapid drying of the

System: This occurs for one week per success on a strength + etiquette roll.
***** *** Tornado
Activation: 5k
Ability: Drive (7)
Description: A swirling vortex of air forms and begins throwing everything about.
System: When the tornado is formed, make a strength + drive roll. Any time something is picked up and thrown, it takes a
number of damage equal to your number of success from the fall. You may maintain the tornado for only 3k per turn.

***** **** Tsunami

Activation: 7k
Ability: Expression (S)
Description: A huge tidal wave sweeps up, cutting a swath of destruction.
System: A strength + performance roll is made, with the number of successes being the damage assigned to everything hit by
it, including the caster if he ends up in the way. The wave will hit in three rusns. The difficulty of this roll is 5 near large bodies of
water, 7-10 elsewhere, depending on humidity.

***** ***** Volcano

Activation: 10k
Ability: Leadership (6)
Enchant: Region
Description: A crack opens up in the ground, which then begins spewing forth ash, molten rock, and poisonous gas.
System: This lasts for one month per success on a strength + leadership roll has passes. A volcanic cone is formed in the

School Corruptio
"The body is a temple with a foundation of sand."
-- MagicTM card


* Primary Emotions

Seduction, temptation, lust.

Liar. Defiler. Parasite. The sharp-tongued devil that sits on you shoulder and bids you do wrong. Primally connected with the
dark side, Corruptio includes powers to specifically attack the champions of Good.

Corruptio elementals are swirling voids of pure darkness from which no light escapes.

Special Power
Presence: Any food or drink passing within a Corruptio elemental is automatically putrified. Any good aligned person contacting
it is may be affected with Corrupt the Soul at normal cost.

Corruptio Aspect: Emotion

Primary Emotion

Susceptibility: You have a hard time controlling you sexual desires and can hardly resist at least approaching good looking, not
necessarily single, members of your desired gender, even when it is an inconvenience to other activities. You may enter shortterm relationships so long as the person interests you, but you will never settle down (at least not into a faithfull relationship.)
Whenever you see an interesting person it is as if you had cast Lure (lust) upon youself.

* Lure
Activation: 1k
Enchant: Person(s)
Description: Inspires feelings of lust or evil in the targeted being until end of scene. You may attempt to control whom the lust is
felt for. You may target more than one person in a single action, up to one per dot in Corruptio Aspect Emotion.

System: The subject must succeed in a willpower roll, attempting to score at least as many successes as your rank in Corruptio
Aspect Emotion, (or spend the willpower point to cancel Lure) to resist this temptation.

Corruptio Aspect: Enhance

Primary Emotion
Pride (vanity)

Vanity: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? You are the best looking person in the world, and cannot bear to
have any live whom exceed you. If you find people of the same gender with higher appearance than yourself, you will make a
rival of them. If they cannot be humiliated, then they must be killed. You may attempt to avoid these tendancies by making a
willpower roll, scoring at least as many successes as you rank in Corruptio Aspect Enhance, or by spending a temporary
willpower point.

* Form of the Deception

Activation: 1k
Enchant: Self
Description: You may alter you facial features, making you look beautiful or ugly, but not allowing enough control to make you

become mistaken for a particular person.

System: Add or remove up to your rank in Corruptio Aspect Enhance to your appearance. This may not cause a modifier to
your appearance greater than your rank in Corruptio Aspect Enhance.

Corruptio Aspect: Counter

Primary Emotion

Indifference: Since any purgatio effect cast against you is automatically countered, it makes it harder to benefit from helpful
purgatio effects.

* Stained
Activation: (1k)
Description: Any Purgatio power which targets you is automatically resisted by this power. You may also take an action and
spend a point of positive Karma to attempt such a resistance against any Purgatio spell. The source of this counter-magic will
be obvious.

System: Roll a number of dice equal to your rank in Corruptio Aspect Counter. Each success reduces the casters success by
one, or stops the power altogether if it required no roll.

Corruptio Aspect: Corrupt

Primary Emotion

Form of the Demon: Someone who learns the art of corruption can only be servant of the dark side, and you look it. With each
dot of Corruptio Aspect Corrupt you gain, your body becomes more and more like that of a demon. This carries some
advantages; claws can be used to fight and almost all features improve your intimidation rolls. However, it becomes very hard to
get someone to trust you when you have very real looking horns. The effect of each dot is described after the individual power it
comes with.

* Putrify
Activation: 1k
Description: Target food or water becomes unfit for consumption. It causes sickness if eaten.
System: No roll is required. The food is almost instantly transformed.
Bane: Sunlight's Pain: You are a creature of the night, or of the burning hell, and the bright sun of day causes you great
discomfort. You have plus one difficulty (max of ten) on all rolls made during the day, plus two (also max of ten) in direct sunlight.

** Stench of Evil
Activation: 1k
Ability: Etiquette (6)
Enchant: Area
Description: Stench of Evil creates the foulest odor imaginable.
System: The stench is proportional to your successes on an appearance + etiquette roll. Any character getting a wiff must score

at least as many successes on a willpower roll as you have successes or suffer a minus one penalty to their die pools for each
unmatched success. Outdoors or in a well-ventilated building, the success will be depleted at a rate of one per turn until they are
zero, at which time the stench ends. Less well ventilated places will take longer.

Bane: Taint of Corruption: Plants wither at your approach and die if you touch them.
*** Corrupt the Soul
Activation: 1k
Ability: Empathy (S)
Description: Corrupt the Soul destroys all that the good has worked for. Its use is very painful for the victim.
System: If the target is a force of good, roll appearance + occult, difficulty of target's willpower. Successes are the number of
good Karma destroyed. Otherwise, one point is destroyed.

Bane: fangs/horns: You grow a small pair of horns on your head, and fangs appear in you mouth. Together, they add one die to
normal intimidation rolls and subtract one from any attempt to befriend or coerce (except by threats) a person who can see you.
The fangs allow for a strength +1 bite attack.

**** Despair of the Heart

Activation: 2k
Ability: Expression (S)
Enchant: Person
Description: The victim of this power becomes so completely and utterly depressed and self-doubting that she is incapable of
doinging anything, except simple, unimportant tasks, which she doesn't bother to resist.

System: Roll appearance + politics, difficulty of the subjects willpower, and refer to the chart below.
Successes Duration
One turn
Three turns
Larger of one minute or ten turns
Ten minutes
Until the end of scene

Bane: Presence: Even when they can't see your horns of fangs, people seem to react strangely towards you, like a dark
presense has entered the room. If there is anyone within about 20 yards of you, you have minus two dice to stealth rolls, and any
dealings with people that close to you gain plus one to intimidation and minus one to social dealings.

***** Corrupt the Mind

Activation: 2k
Ability: Subterfuge (S)
Enchant: Person
Description: Corrupt the Mind attempts to steal, alter or remove a person's memories. This is a somewhat lengthy process, and
requires steady eye contact, though once it has begun, he will be unable to break your gaze.

System: Roll appearance + subterfuge, difficulty of target's willpower.

Bane: Voice of Corruption: You have a deep, throaty voice that can only be described as evil. You have plus one to intimidate
someone whom can hear you, and minus one make such a person trust you in any way.

***** * Aura of Distrust/Paranoia

Activation: 2k
Ability: Alertness (S)
Enchant: Person
Description: You can either make no one trust a person or make a person trust no one. A person distrusted will seem to

exude a certain type of invisible aura that makes people distrust them. People may also mistake things the person says or
does for other, less trustworthy things. A paranoid person will have all her fears escalated to the point where it seems like
she can trust no one. She too will sometimes mistake things said and done by other people, often in the worst way

System: In either case, roll appearance + alertness vs. a difficulty of the targets willpower.
Bane: Eyes of Infernal Fire: Your eyes change from the normal round iris to slitted ones, much like that of cat. The eyes will
seem to glow with an inner, dark red fire, which will be visible in the dark. They also give you much improved night vision. If
anyone can or has seen your eyes, you have plus one to intimidate them, and minus one to make them trust you.

***** ** The Hand of Madness

Description: The damage you inflict with brawl or melee attacks against good aligned persons leaves painful, magical,
burns that do not easily heal, and are thus considered aggravated.

System: No additional roll is required. If a person with Purgatio Aspect Counter takes such damage after soak, he may
roll his rank in that aspect, with each success reducing one wound to non-aggravated.

Bane: Claws: Your hands grow large, grisly looking claws. They give you +3 to brawl damage, but -1 to any task requiring
digital coordination, such as typing or writing. They also grant the standard +1 intimidation/-1 social if the person(s) in
question can see your hands.

***** *** Corrupt the Body

Activation: 3k
Ability: Medicine (7) (vs. stamina.)
Description: Physically deforms a target being.
System: Roll appearance + medicine, diff. 7. This roll is 'soaked', but with stamina only (exception: the bonus from Like a
Rock (Terra Aspect Survival) may apply.) For each remaining success, the victim takes one health level, loses one point in
a physical attribute, and loses one point of appearance, stopping at zero. These effects are permanent until the causing
health level is healed, which requires magic or special physical therapy to do properly. As a result, these wound levels are
considered aggravated due to the physical deformation involved.

Bane: Tail: You have a thin tail that comes to pointy end (not pointy enough to use as a weapon.) You have plus one on any
attempt to retain you balance and the standardd +1 intimidation/-1 social agaainst person(s) who can see it.

***** **** Ashes to Ashes

Activation: 5k
Ability: Intimidation (8) (vs willp. (6))
Description: Attempts to turn a living target into a pile of ashes.
System: Roll appearance + intimidation, diff. 8, opposed by the victim's willpower roll. If you have more successes, the
victim is reduced to ash.

Bane: Skin: Your skin becomes black and rough. Though ugly, it has the benefits of plus one die to slealth in the dark and
plus one die to soak fire. It carries the standard +1 intimidation/-1 social against anyone who can see you.

***** ***** Dissension

Activation: Sk
Ability: Politics (S)
Description: Dissension has the power to take any and all hate, distrust, or almost any other negative feelings between
two or more parties and turn it into open aggression.

System: Make an appearance + politics roll, the difficulty and the cost to activate depends on what type of aggresion you
are attempting to create.
Successes Degree of Alteration
May cause memory loss for a day.
You may remove, but not alter memories.

You may alter some details of a memory.
An entire scene may be reconstructed.
You may reconstruct whole periods of the subject's life.
Difficulty Nature of the Target
Successes Effect
Minor bickering
Loud arguing, threats; troops deployed
Punches thrown; minor skirmishes
Open war, but not long lived
A fight to the death; long war, possibly nuclear war

Bane: Wings: You grow large, bat-like wings which allow you to fly. The standard +1 intimidation/-1 social applies against
anyone who can see you.

Corruptio Aspect: Parasite

Primary Emotion

Dependence: You feed off the lifeblood of other beings, but with the ability to take comes the inability to create yourself. You
soon become dependent on others to provide the necessities for your existence. The exact point at which these dependencies
become prominent is mentioned within the text of the power at that level.

* Vampyr
Description: When you gain this power, fangs grow in, allowing you to drink a being's blood, which is just as nourishing as any
normal food.

System: You can drink for one to two turns without seriously harming you subjects, (they lose one health level for each turn you
drink). Five or more virtually guaranties their death. Each turn you drink provides enough sustenance to go about one day without
eating normal food. You cannot drink more than about ten days worth of vitae ahead. See Vampire: The Masquerade for more
detailed blood rules. You may make a bite attack against a victim for strength + 1 damage. Having fangs also adds one to your
intimidation rolls if you show them, but subtracts one from most social rolls.

** Weaken
Activation: 1k
Ability: Athletics (S)
Enchant: Person
Description: You may temporarally deteriorate the physical condition of you victim, making them an easier target.
System: Choose a physical attribute which will be reduced by one if the roll is successful, and make an appearance + athletics
roll, difficulty of the victim's willpower to determine duration in hours.
By this time, normal food has begun to lose its taste, and you thirst for blood, though food it is still fully satisfying.

*** Steal Mind

Activation: 1k
Ability: Investigation (S)

Description: When you bite a victim, you may also probe her mind for information.
System: Make an appearance + investigation roll, difficulty of the subjects willpower, with number of success determining the
aproximate detail of the information which may be received, from very little at one to pretty much anything she knows that you
want at five.
By this point, blood is the only food you seek. You may still eat 'normal' food to survive, but the taste is horrid and disgusts you. A
willpower roll is required to keep it down.

**** Paralyze
Activation: 1k
Ability: Medicine (S)
Description: You may temporarily paralyze a person you have bitten, so long as you maintian your bite.
System: Roll appearance + medicine against a difficulty of his willpower; each success is one turn you may hold him motonless.
You may not suck anything from him the turn you cast this.

***** Drain Will

Description: You may attempt to take your victims very will to strive and gain it yourself.
System: When you bite someone, you may steal one of her temporary willpower points as your action instead of taking a gulp of
blood. This causes no physical harm.
You have become completely unable to live off regular food. Attempting to eat makes you wretch, and you can draw no
nourishment from it anyway.

***** * Face of Deception

Activation: 3k
Ability: Performance (6)
Description: After you've drank someone's blood, they overreact and run away whenever you approach. This power allows you
to alter how others perceive you, looking different from yourself, and maybe even like someone else in particular.

System: Roll appearance + performance; the number of successes determines how drastic the changes may be.
At this point you begin to experience a form of amniesa; you forget your childhood memories and other fond moments. You are
also plagued with writers block and similar symptoms. As a result, you crave the memories you steal form others, and have +1
difficulty on all creative rolls; you may avoid this penalty by using Steal Mind to take ideas from another.
Successes Degree of Alteration
Minor changes; someone will miss you if she is not looking for you.
Even your friends won't recognize you at first.
Significant change; even people you know well may be fooled.
You even appear to walk and move different.
You may appear as someone of drastically different weight and height; even someone of the opposite sex.

***** ** Drain Soul

Description: Your bite may now take from the very soul of a person.
System: Instead of taking a gulp of blood or a willpower point, you may take one point of Karma during your action, this also
causes no damage.
You have become dependent on the will of others, and can no longer regain temporary willpower points through your nature
during the course of a story. It is assumed you can still feed up to full in-between stories.

***** *** Hold

Activation: 1k
Ability: Leadership (S)

Enchant: Person
Description: You no longer need to bite victims to keep them immobile; with but a look they can be made to stand still.
System: They are held for one turn per success on a leadership roll, difficulty of their willpowers.
Your own will has become so weak that you lose one point of temporary willpower approximately every 24 hours when you sleep
if you keep a regular schedule.

***** **** Drain Life

Description: When you bite victims, you may suck their physical well-being away and repair your own body.
System: During an action where you have a bite on someone, you may take one health level instead of something else.
This power could scarcely arrive sooner; your body has degraded to the point where it takes you twice as long to heal your
health levels normally.

***** ***** Voodoo Doll

Activation: 5k
Ability: Occult (6)
Enchant: Person
Description: By spending five points of positive Karma, you make make a victim you have a bite on your 'voodoo doll'
System: Whenever you take damage, you may make an appearance + occult roll before attempting to soak; each success
redirects one point of damage to your doll, who may then attempt to soak the damage. You may only have one doll at a time; the
enchantment ends in 24 hours or when the doll goes below incapacitated.
Your body has become so frail that you may not even regain health levels through the passage of time, you must use magical
healing or take them from someone else.

School Procreatio (Creation)


Primary Emotion
Working in direct opposition to Dissilutio, this power can repair its damage or create its victims anew, though it shares some of
Dissilutio's simplicity. It also has a much greater affinity with life, with effects ranging from regeneration to resurrection. It is the
essence of things created anew, reveling in wonder and the inspiration to create.

Procreatio elementals are life and glamour given shape, wondrous to look upon and overflowing with the essence of life.

Special Power
Glamour: Any person witnessing a Procreatio elemental is affected as per Inspire.
Presence: A being or thing passing inside a Procreatio elemental may be Recreated or Healed at normal cost. Plants around
them are affected as per Grow (Terra Aspect Elemental.)

Procreatio Aspect: Emotion

Primary Emotion

Obsession: You are an artist, and cannot bear to live without your art. At the end of any day in which you either did not produce
some work of art or performance or spend at least one hour working on such, roll one die per dot in Procreatio Aspect Emotion.
Each success is one point of temporary willpower you lose.

* Inspire
Activation: 1k
Enchant: Person(s)
Description: Instill target being with feelings of wonder and the desire to create. You may target more than one person with this
power, up to your rank in Procreatio Aspect Emotion.

System: The subject gains +1 die to any roll dealing with creativity, and cannot botch such rolls until the end of scene.

Procreatio Aspect: Enhance

Primary Emotion
Creative self-confidence

Know-it-all: You are a large reservoir of knowledge and take every opportunity to prove your brainpower to others. To resist a
challange to your abilities requires a willpower roll scoring at least as many success as your rank in Procreatio Aspect Enhance,
or the expenditure of a temporary willpower point.

* The Creator's Mind

Activation: 1k
Enchant: Self
Description: This power grants you a greater capacity to understand, though it does not grant knowledge to fill it.
System: Gain a number of intelligence equal to your rank in Procreatio Aspect Enhance until the end of the scene. May not be
used while in effect.

Procreatio Aspect: Counter

Primary Emotion

Indifference: Since any Dissilutio effect cast against you is automatically resisted, it is harder to benefit from helpful Dissilutio
effects. Granted, the only such powers are those you possess yourself.

* Protect
Activation: (1k)

Description: Any Dissilutio power which targets you is automatically resisted by this power. You may also take an action and
spend a point of positive Karma to attempt such a resistance against any Dissilutio spell. The source of this counter-magic will
be obvious.

System: Roll a number of dice equal to your rank in Procreatio Aspect Counter. Each success reduces the casters success by
one, or stops the power altogether if it required no roll.

Procreatio Aspect: Matter

Primary Emotion

Perfectionism: You desire perfection in everything you do and become quite dissapointed if you fail. You have an 'expectation'
of one, plus one for every two dots you possess in Procreatio Aspect Matter. If you do not score at least as many successes on
a roll to create something as your 'expectation,' you lose a point of temporary willpower.

* Appearance
Activation: 1k
Enchant: Self
Description: By activating this power you may alter the color, and to a limited degree, texture, of a non-living object at any place
upon it you can touch. The ability to do this lasts until the end of the scene.

System: Attempting to create any meaningful coloration, such as writing, requires an intelligence + ability roll appropriate for the

** Recreate
Activation: 1k
Ability: Repair (8)
Description: Recreates that which has been damaged.
System: Roll intelligence + repair, diff. 8; if the roll is successful, the object is restored to its original condition.
*** Mass Alteration
Activation: 5k
Ability: Intimidation (6)
Description: You may increase or decrease the mass, and therefore most likely size, of any non-living object you may touch.
System: Make an intelligence + intimidation roll, with the mass and size of the object increasing or decreasing by approximately
10% per success.

**** Minor Creation

Activation: 2k
Ability: Performance (7)
Description: Attempts to create a simple non-living object of no more than one part and material.
System: Roll intelligence + performance, diff. 7; if the roll succeeds, the desired object is created.
***** Sculpt
Activation: 1k

Enchant: Self
Description: Until the end of the scene, you may push and squeeze on any non-living object as if were made of soft clay.
System: No roll is required.
***** Alter
Activation: 2k
Ability: Leadership (7)
Description: With a touch, you may alter any single property of a non- living object. You may change color, texture, and to a
more limited aspect, more fundamental qualities such as density or temperature; neither may be affected by more than minor

System: Roll intelligence + leadership, diff. 7; if the roll succeeds, the alteration occurs.
***** * Simple Creation
Activation: 5k
Ability: Crafts (8)
Description: Attempts to create a fairly simple non-living object with a few moving parts of different, uniform materials.
System: Roll intelligence + crafts, diff. 8; if the roll is successful, the desired object is created.
***** ** Reshape
Activation: 3k
Ability: Enigmas (8)
Description: With a touch, you may completely change the physical configuration of a non-living object, but not its material(s) in
any way. Essentially, you may turn any object into another object made of the same material(s), and of the same mass.

System: Roll intelligence enigmas, diff. 8; if the roll succeeds, the object is reshaped.
***** *** Major Creation
Activation: 7k
Ability: Expression (9)
Description: Attempts to create non-living object of any known complexity and reasonable size. (known means of existing
technology, though extensions are possible at storyteller discretion.) This power may create computers, cars, etc..

System: Roll intelligence expression, diff. 9; if the roll succeeds, the desired object is created.
***** **** Change
Activation: 5k
Ability: Etiquette (9)
Description: Change attempts to take any non-living mass you are touching and turn it into a different object, having the same
mass, but whatever different properties you desire. The object is limited in terms of its complexity, you may only turn something
into an object you know how to make by yourself. You don't need the skill in manufacture, just understanding of how it works; if
you don't understand how to make a computer chip you cannot make any object including a (working) computer chip.

System: Roll intelligence + etiquette, diff. 9; if the roll is successful the object is transformed.
***** ***** Arcane Creation
Activation: (S+S)k
Ability: Mythlore (5+S)

Description: The S above is the level of the desired artifact, and is limited to five. This power allows you to create artifacts;
however powerful ones are very difficult to create.

System: Roll intelligence + mythlore, difficulty of 4 + the desired level of artifact; a net success indicates the desired artifact was

Procreatio Aspect: Life

Primary Emotion

Entrancement: You revel in the glory of living things and are often fascinated by the smallest example of mother nature's
handiwork. You may, from time to time, become totally enthralled in some small miracle, forgetting other concerns for the time
being. Whenever you witness one of life's little miracles (or at least on the few the storyteller chooses to emphisize), roll a
number of dice equal to your rating in Procreatio Aspect Life; each success is one hour you are entranced in down time or one
turn during combat or other turn-biased situations. You may spend a temporary willpower point to yank your attention away early.

* Regeneration
Activation: 1k
Description: Regenerate allows you to quickly reconstruct you own body.
System: Regain one non-aggravated health level.
** Heal
Activation: 1k
Ability: Medicine (6)
Description: Mends damaged tissue.
System: Roll medicine; the subject regains one non-aggravated health level per success.
*** Alter
Activation: 1k
Enchant: Self
Description: Allows you to favorably alter you body.
System: Until the end of the scene, you gain one dot in one attribute. Like Aspect Enhance, these bonuses only affect normal
rolls, not magic casting, for instance.

**** Restoration
Activation: 5k
Ability: Investigation (7)
Description: Completely restores a living body to its natural condition, healing all health levels, including aggravated.
Description: Make an intelligence + investigation roll, diff. 7. If the roll succeeds, the target is restored.
***** Mutate
Activation: Sk
Ability: Subterfuge (S)

Description: Attempts to alter the body of yourself or another. You may cause the gain of a path of the beast power, with the
cost of this being the normal cost of the power. You may also attempt one of the more harmful variations listed under Ignis
Aspect Chaos for that Mutate power.

System: Make an intelligence + subterfuge roll; difficulty is six for yourself, the targets willpower for anyone else. At least two
successes indicates success.

***** * Create Plant

Activation: 3k
Ability: Survival++ (7)
Description: Create a plant. The material is useful for anything dead plant material is good for but it is not given life by this

System: You begin creating a plant of any of any size: up one one cubic foot of material per success on an extended
intelligence + survival roll, diff. 7.

***** ** Create Animal

Activation: 4k
Ability: Science++ (7)
Description: Begin creating the body of an animal, though this power does not instill it with life.
System: Make an extended intellilgence + science roll, diff. 7; each roll does not require an additional expenditure, but does
require at least one minute to perform. Each success gives the body one point in an attribute, limit to five in a single attribute.
Thus, at least nine success are generally needed to be successful.

***** *** Instill life

Activation: 5k
Ability: Empathy (8)
Description: Instills life into an organism. This may return a recently dead person, who has been dead for no more than half an
hour at maximum, to life. This does not remove the cause of death; the Heal power will often have to be used first (or the subject
will instantly die upon return.) If the person has been dead too long, or the body is new, the intelligence of the person brought to
life will be that of a new-born.

System: Make an intelligence + empathy roll, diff. 8, to determine success or faliure. This power will grant only life, not
sentience, to newly created bodies or those dead over one half hour. The raised dead will recover all of their former mental
facilities, except for the indicated memories.
Time dead (minutes) Extent of memory loss
No memory loss.
Prior events of this scene forgotten.
Last day to week forgotten.
Last month to year forgotten.
Amnesia: own identity forgotten.
Total blank: knowledge of newborn.

***** **** Sentience

Activation: 5k
Description: Instill in a non-sentient, living animal the ability of self-awareness. This does grant any actual extra knowledge or
ability, except the quality of self-awareness.

System: No roll is required.

***** ***** Recall the Long Dead Soul
Activation: 10k

Ability: Occult++ (8)

Description: Allows you to recall the consciousness of a person into a living, non-sentient body. You or someone else
participating in the ritual must have known the person somewhat well.

System: Make an extended occult roll, difficulty eight, attempting to score ten successes. A roll may be made for every
consecutive hour you perform the ritual, which must not be interrupted.

School Purgatio (Purification)

"And there abashed the devil stood, and felt how awful goodness was."
-- The Crow


Primary Emotions
Honesty, purity, innocence
The champion of Goodness, nemesis of Corruptio -- purifier, protector, deliverer of justice to the impure. Laugh while you can at
its stubborn innocence as it rises to watch you fall. Pray that in its kindness Purgatio extends its able hand.

Purgatio Elementals are balls of pure light, glowing steadily like a star.

Special Power
Light of Glory: Any person witnessing a Purgatio elemental is automatically affected as per Honesty (level one).
Presence: Any food or drink passing within a Purgatio elemental is automatically Purified. Any evil person contacting it may be
Absolved at normal cost. A field of Sanctuary surrounds it.

Purgatio Aspect: Emotion

Primary Emotion

Unquestionable morals: You have a very strict moral code of action, and will not compromise it under any circumstances. As a
result, you are always affected as per Honesty, as if you had cast it upon yourself.

* Honesty
Activation: 1k
Enchant: Person(s)
Description: The target being is overcome with feelings of honesty and innocence until the end of scene. She gains two dots of
willpower to resist temptations. You may target more than one person with his effect, up to your rank in Purgatio Aspect Emotion.

System: In order to do something dishonest or aggressive, the subject must make a willpower roll, scoring at least as many
successes as your rank in Purgatio Aspect Emotion, (or spend the willpower point to cancel Honesty.) When a person becomes
affected with Honesty, she must make an bad Karma check; if this is successful, she is paralyzed with guilt until she makes an
unsuccessful check, makes a willpower roll (same as above), or spends the willpower point to cancel Honesty.

Purgatio Aspect: Enhance

Primary Emotion

Fascination: You are fascinated by riddles and puzzles, and put great faith in your ability to solve them. You find it difficult to
resist any challenge to your ability, and must make a willpower roll, scoring at least as many successes as your rank in Purgatio
Aspect Enhance, to resist, or spend a point of temporary willpower if necessary.

* Know The Way

Activation: 1k
Enchant: Self
Description: Gives you a greater capacity to adjust to your surroundings and your problem-solving abilities.
System: You gain a number of wits equal to your rank in Purgatio Aspect Enhance until the end of the scene. May not be used
while in effect.

Purgatio Aspect: Counter

Primary Emotion

Indifference: Since all Corruptio spells cast against you are automatically resisted, it makes it harder to benefit from helpful
Corruptio effects. Granted, the only such effects are ones you use on yourself...

* Purity
Activation: (1k)
Description: Any Corruptio power which targets you is automatically resisted by this power. You may also take an action and
spend a point of positive Karma to attempt such a resistance against any Corruptio spell. The source of this counter-magic will
be obvious.

System: Roll a number of dice equal to your rank in Purgation Aspect Counter. Each success reduces the caster's successes
by one, or stops the power altogether if it required no roll.

Purgatio Aspect: Purify

Primary Emotions

Guilt: Any time you gain a point of negative Karma because of an action you took, roll a number of dice equal to your rating in
Purgatio Aspect Purify and take one additional point per success.

* Purify

Activation: 1k
Description: Subjected food or drink becomes completely edible, free of any poisons or rot, etc., not to mention low fat.
System: No roll is required.
** Relieve the Burdened Mind
Activation: 1k
Description: Relieve the Burdened Mind allows subjects to forget their troubles and rest easier.
System: In addition to feeling better, if subjects have uninterrupted sleep afterwards, they may either remove one point of bad
Karma or regain one point of willpower. Multiple castings have no effect; only one point of willpower or one point of Karma may
gained/lost per night.

*** Absolve
Activation: 1k
Ability: Empathy (6)
Description: Cleanses targets of their sins. This experience causes a glorious feeling of goodness to wash over them, though
most evil persons will be disgusted with the experience.

System: Removes a number of bad Karma equal to your successes on a wits + empathy roll from an evil victim. If cast against a
good aligned person, it destroys only one point.

**** Cleanse
Activation: 1k
Ability: Medicine (6)
Description: All poisons or other impurities are removed from the subject.
System: Also make a wits + medicine roll. If the subject has any wounds caused by Corrupt the Body, one is healed for each
success on the roll. If there are more successes than the number of wounds caused by Corrupt the Body (often zero), then for
each remaining success one aggravated wound will turn into a normal wound, and you may spend 1 positive Karma per
remaining success to heal one normal health level.

***** Sanctuary: Sk
Enchant: Person or Area
Description: No one may initiate a hostile action towards another while either is in a field of sanctuary.
Karma spent Effect
Target being has a field of sanctuary about them as long as you concentrate.
The place or room you occupy has a field of sanctuary as long as you concentrate.
The place or room you occupy has a permanent field of sanctuary.

***** * Decay War Items

Activation: 1k
Abilities: Melee/(special) (6)
Description: Attempts to weaken and crumble a weapon.
System: Roll wits + an appropriate ability (firearms for a gun, explosives for a bomb, etc.) or melee. Each success reduces the
weapon's damage or damage bonus to strength by one, crumbling the item to dust if this reaches zero. If you attempt to decay
an artifact, roll occult opposed by the artifact's level instead. Each net success reduces the artifact's level by one (curbing power
appropriately), turning it into a normal item if the level reaches zero, which may then be decayed normally.

***** ** Aura of Essence

Activation: 1k
Enchant: Person
Description: The target being is surrounding by a revealing Aura of Essence. This gives others an impression of the person's
true intentions, thus a well meaning, if not charismatic, person will be treated well, but a con-artist would be driven out of

System: No roll is required.

***** *** The Hand of Justice
Description: The damage you do with brawl or melee attacks leaves painful, magical, burns, which are very difficult to heal and
are therefore considered aggravated.

System: No roll is required for normal use, but if any such damage remains after the soak, a person with Corruptio Aspect
Counter may roll a a number of dice equal to their score in this power, with each success reducing one such damage to nonaggravated

***** **** Cure the Troubled Mind

Ability: Enigmas (willpower)

Remove a derangement gained through recent trauma. Roll wits + enigmas, difficulty of the target's willpower; if the
roll succeeds, the derangement is removed.
Remove any derangement from the subject. The roll is the same as above. This takes some time to perform.

***** ***** Reflection

Activation: 5k
Enchant: Self
Description: This is a more self-righteous version of Sanctuary.
System: Any person who casts a harmful spell against you has the spell instead cast at them. Any damage intentionaly done to
you is instead done to the person causing the damage.

Purgatio Aspect: Martyr

Primary Emotion

Duty: You cannot bear to others suffer and will often go out of the way to help them, even if it is an inconvenience or risk for you.
If you wish to resist this urge, you must roll willpower, attempting to score at least as many successes as your rank in Purgatio
Aspect Martyr. A point of temporary willpower may be spent also.

* Vigil
Activation: Sk
Description: You may remain awake without penalty for up to twenty-four hours per activation.
System: The number of Karma that must be spent is equal to the number of days you have gone without sleep. The first time you
would activate it would be after a day of normal activity, and it would cost one. To continue activity uninterrupted for the second
day would cost two, etc. You will have to make up the sleep sometime, and must make up every hour of it with extended sleep at
some point. You may only make up part of your required and then continue. This will reduce the cost to activate the power
appropriately. For example, if you spent three days on Vigil, and then spent eight hours (a normal night's sleep), you would only
need to spend four to stay up the fifth night from the first you skipped.

** Relieve burden
Activation: 0k
Description: You may take any or all negative Karma from a willing subject, transferring the burden of its penalties to yourself.
System: No roll is required.
*** Attract
Activation: 1k
Enchant: Self
Description: You will draw opponents to you, instead of others.
System: No roll is required. This will not affect anyone seeking out a specific target but those who are just looking to fight
someone will be drawn to you.

**** Guard
Activation: 1k
Enchant: Other
Description: The target person (other than yourself) becomes 'guarded' by you until the enchantment is interrupted, one of you
dies, or you decide to end it.

System: No roll is required. You may only be guarding one person at a time. You sense whenever the person being guarded is
in danger or needs help.

***** Martyr
Activation: 0k
Ability: Leadership (6)
Description: You may attempt to take damage intended for others. You may attempt to take damage from the person you are
Guarding or from any person in sight.

System: Make a wits + leadership roll, with the number of successes being the maximum number of health levels you lose
instead of the subject. The damage is transfered after she makes her soak roll; you do not get to make an additional soak roll.

***** * Support
Activation: 0k
Description: You may grant moral support to a person.
System: No roll is required. You transfer one of your temporary willpower points to the subject.
***** ** Grant
Activation: 0k
Description: You may let your deeds reflect upon another.
System: No roll is required. You transfer one point of Karma to the subject.
***** *** Sacrifice
Activation: 0k
Description: You may transfer you very well being.
System: No roll is required. You lose one health level and the subject gains one.

***** **** Summon

Activation: 3k
Description: By paying three extra Karma when you Guard someone, he gains the ability to summon you whenever he wishes.
System: No roll is required. By only wishing that you were at his aid, you will be instantly aware of his need. You may delay the
summons a few minutes to take care of 'compromising circumstances', but it must be obeyed. You will then be transferred
instantly to the presence of the person in need.

***** ***** Sacrifice of Form

Activation: 0k
Description: The ultimate sacrifice, this power allows you to die in another's stead.
System: When a person within sight or a person you are Guarding dies, you may activate this power. You die instantly and they
are now have a same number of health levels as you did previously. You may activate this power without an action.

School Tempus (Time)

"Tempus Edox Rarem, Time Devourers All"


Primary Emotions
Worry, angst, regret, hope.
Though it indeed has stiff competition, Tempus ranks highly as one of the more potentially potent schools. Hardly limited to
merely observing the past and future, it has means to displace its user and affect the flow of time itself.

Relative Time Chart

Referenced later.
-4 Centuries
-3 Decades
-2 Years
-1 Months
0 Weeks
1 Days
2 Hours
3 Minutes
4 Seconds
5 Length: now; accuracy: exact

Tempus elementals phase in and out the current time stream, causing them to 'jump' suddenly a few steps ahead, be
momentarily non-existent, or even have two of itself at the same time.

Special Power
Phase: Though a Tempus elemental may not stop phasing in and out of the current time continuum, it may initiate a phase at an
advantageous moment in lieu of a dodge. A Tempus Elemental may use Phase at the normal cost.

Tempus Aspect: Emotion

Primary Emotion

Susceptibility: You are constantly worrying about the future or past and are thus affected by Angst at all times. You may cancel
its effects for the duration of a scene by succeeding in a willpower roll, or spending a point of temporary willpower.

* Angst
Activation: 1k
Enchant: Person(s)
Description: Creates feelings of angst, worry, or regret in the subject until end of scene.
System: They are lost in thought and receive a penalty of +2 difficulty to all perception rolls as long as this power remains in
effect. You may target more than one person in a single action, up to your rank in Tempus Aspect Emotion.

Tempus Aspect: Enhance

Primary Emotion

Pride: You never miss anything, even the most subtle joke or tiniest detail. Of course those few occasions when you do miss
something causes you a great deal of worry. Whenever it becomes apparent to you that you missed something you could have
seen, roll a number of dice equal to your rank in Tempus Aspect Enhance; you lose one point of temporary willpower per

* Awareness
Activation: 1k
Enchant: Self
Description: Enhances your ability to pick out details.
System: You gain a number of perception points equal to your rank in Tempus Aspect Enhance until end of scene. May not be
used while in effect.

Tempus Aspect: Counter

Primary Emotion

Indifference: Since any Tempus spell cast in your presence is automatically resisted, it make it harder for you or your allies to
benefit from Tempus effects.

* Paradox

Activation: (1k)
Description: Any Tempus power which is cast in your presence and not by you is automatically resisted by this power. The
source of this counter-magic will be obvious.

System: Roll one die per dot you possess in Tempus Aspect Counter. Each success reduces the casters success by one, or
stops the power altogether if it required no roll.

Tempus Aspect: Relocation

Primary Emotion

Phase: Approximately once a day per dot you posses in Tempus Aspect Relocation you experience a random Forward or
Rewind. This will often happen during a stressfull situation, but is otherwise under complete storyteller control.

* Premonition
Activation: 1k
Ability: Alertness (6)
Description: Allows you gain insight on the very near future.
System: You may see a number of turns into the future equal to your success on a perception + alertness roll. For each turn that
you see, all characters must announce to you their intended actions for that turn, and you receive -2 difficulty for any reactionary
roll (dodging, willpower checks, etc..)

** Phase
Activation: 1k
Ability: Dodge (4)
Description: You may jump a few moments into the future, thus avoiding a bullet or blow from a weapon.
System: Make a perception + dodge roll, diff. four, treating the success as you would a normal dodge roll. This power may be
activated any time a normal dodge may be used.

*** Retrospect
Activation: 1k
Ability: Empathy (S)
Description: Allows to sense recent events that occurred to or around a person or object you can touch or a scene you are in.
System: Make a perception + empathy roll, difficulty determined by how long it has been since the event occured. Each
successs is a fact or 'snapshop' of the event(s) that may be obtained.
Difficulty Time
An hour ago
Up to five hours ago
Up to a day ago
Up to a week ago

**** Visions
Activation: 1k
Ability: Occult (S)

Description: This power is similar to Retrospect, except that it allows you to look in to the future of something. System: Make a
perception + occult roll, difficulty as per Retrospect; each success is one fact or image obtained about future events.

***** Forward
Activation: 1k
Ability: Stealth (6)
Description: A more potent form of Phase, Forward allows to travel several turns into the future, but takes a complete action to

System: Make a perception + stealth roll, with each success being one turn you appear to disappear from existence, as you
jump to a few moments later.

***** * Rewind
Activation: 1k
Ability: Survival (6)
Description: The inverse of Forward, Rewind allows you to return your current consciousness to your body a few moments ago,
allowing you to do second take on recent events.

System: Roll perception + survival, with the number of successes being the number of turns you back track.
***** ** Postcognition
Activation: 1k
Ability: Investigation (S)
Description: You may attempt to see into the past of a place, person, or object with which you are familiar.
System: Roll perception + investigation, difficulty of five minus the length rating (on the relative times chart) of how long ago the
time you wish to view was. The number of successes is how close you got to the exact moment desired, on the relative times

***** *** Precognition

Activation: 1k
Ability: Enigmas (S)
Description: Allows you to see into the future.
System: As per Postcognition, but rolls are made on perception + enigmas.
***** **** Future Travel
Activation: 10k
Ability: Science (S)
Enchant: Self
Description: Attempt to move into the future, disappearing from the current time-space continuum for an amount of time equal
the amount you stay in the other time. The future you visit will be the future without your effect on it, as you are not existing in the
past while you are in the future.

System: Make a perception + science roll, difficulty of 6 minus the rank of your displacement into the future (found on the relative
times chart). The number of successes is how close you get to your desired moment, by the relative times chart. Each hour you
spend in the future causes you to expend one positive Karma, thus it is very difficult to maintain your presence there. Keep in
mind that if you go to a point in the future at which there are no opposing Chosen in the area, your powers will become dormant.

***** ***** Past Travel

Activation: 10k

Ability: History (S)

Enchant: Self
Description: As per Future Travel, but make your roll on perception + history instead of science. Keep in mind that in the past
you will not have any powers you had not achieved by the point in time to which you go. Also, come the Armageddon, an equal
number of persons will be chosen for each side, so killing people before they become Chosen is relatively ineffective.

Tempus Aspect: Warp

Primary Emotion

Twisted Reality: Constantly changing and warping time can lead to serious problems with your perception of reality. When you
first gain this power, you or the storyteller chooses a derangement. During any stressful situation or heavy use of Tempus magic,
make a willpower roll. If you fail to get at least as many successes as your rank in Tempus Aspect Warp, The derangement
takes affect until the end of the scene.

* Variance
Description: Instead of rolling dice, you may choose a number for your initiative. You may alternately choose an initiative for one
other character instead of for yourself.

System: No roll is required.

** Advance
Activation: 1k
Ability: Athletics (6)
Enchant: Self
Description: You feel the effects of time at a hugely accelerated pace, experiencing the effects of months or even years in a
manner of minutes. This affects only the 'ageing' of your body; you will eat and sleep normally, but things such as healing will be

System: Make a perception + athletics roll, and note the success. Time may be experienced at a rate of up to ten to the power
of your successes, to one. Thus, if you score two suceesses, you may experience the effects of time at up 100 times (10
squared) faster than normal. This grants you no additional actions, but you will heal faster relative to the normal time flow, etc.

*** Transgress
Activation: 1k
Ability: Etiquette (6)
Enchant: Self
Description: You begin experiencing the effects of time at a greatly reduced rate.
System: Time may pass at a rate of up to ten to the power of your successes on a perception + etiquette roll, to one. Some of
the effects this has are: you will barely appear to age, and you will heal extraordinarily slowly.

**** Speed
Activation: 1k
Ability: Performance (6)
Description: Others experience the effects of time faster than you. A raging inferno suddenly becomes more deadly to them
than to you.

System: The turn in which you activate this power, all time excluding you is sped up at a rate of your successes on a perception
+ performance roll to one, thus causing others to age faster, etc.. Thus if you had three successes, everyone else would receive
three actions to your one, or three years to your one.

***** Slow
Activation: Sk*
Description: You may slow down the rate at which others experience time, allowing you to accomplish more than others in the
same amount of 'time.'

System: You may slow down the flow of time, excluding yourself, by a rate of X to one. X is as many actions as you pay for. A
second action costs two Karma, gaining a third action in addition to the second costs three Karma, a fourth above and beyond
the third costs four, etc.
Upon activating this power, you immediately receive your first action, thus you may effectively disregard the normal one action
activation time.

***** * Age
Activation: 1k
Enchant: Thing
Description: You may attempt to affect another being or object as per Advance.
System: If the subject is not willing, he rolls his willpower, with each success reducing success by one.
***** ** Suspend
Activation: 1k
Enchant: Thing
Description: You may affect another being or object as per Transgress.
System: If the subject is not willing, then she makes a willpower roll, with each success reducing your successes by one.
***** *** Speed Other
Activation: Sk
Ability: Intimidation (S)
Description: You may attempt to cast Speed, with another person or thing being the point where time is not altered, effectively
rendering it unable to do anything for several turns.

System: Make a perception + intimidation roll, difficulty of the victim's willpower if he is unwilling. The number of successes you
score is the amount of positive Karma you must spend to attempt to slow him, and the net successes is the number of turns he
will go with only one action among them.

***** **** Slow Other

Activation: Sk
Description: You may attempt to affect another person or thing with Slow, with her as the point where time is unaffected.
System: The cost to do this is the same. If she is unwilliing, she resists with her willpower, with each success reducing the
number of extra actions she gains this turn by one.

***** ***** Stop

Activation: 5k
Description: You are able to completely remove yourself and a small field around you from the flow of time; everything else
appears to stop. Since the rest of time has completely halted, there's not a lot you can do, since everything except you and
things on your person are able to experience the effects of time. You can, however, cover huge distances in the seeming blink of
an eye to rest of the world.

Chosen: The Armageddon

Part Two
By Justin Love (
| Part One | Part Two | Part Three |

School Ignis (Fire)


Primary Emotions
Various forms of passion.
The chaotic flames of passion despise the mundane, constantly reaching for greater heights; quick to burn all those who dare
draw near. It has the power to call forth the forces of chaos itself, to uncertain ends.

Flame chart
For later reference. Heat Size is the difficulty to soak a number of wounds equal to size.
Rank Heat Size Damage
-0 wounds (untouched)
1 wound (part of body)
2 wounds (half of body)
3 wounds (whole body)
3 wounds (whole body)
3 wounds (whole body)

Ignis elementals are seething balls of flame, constantly churning and whirling, burning anything which contacts them.

Special Power
Scorch: You are treated as if you had cast Baptism by Fire at all times. Water will force you out of elemental form instead of
ending the enchantment.

Ignis Aspect: Emotion

Primary Emotion

Susceptibility: You are always affected by Passion, as if you had cast it upon yourself, though it only manifests some of the
time, when temptations are especailly high.

* Passion
Activation: 1k
Enchant: Person(s)
Description: The subject is filled with feelings of intense passion. You may attempt to direct the form this takes, be it love,
inspiration, or hate, but be wary of the chaotic flames (storyteller discretion). You may target more than one person in a given
action, up to one per dot in Ignis Aspect Emotion.

System: The subject must make a willpower roll, attempting to score more successes than your rank in Ignis Aspect Passion (or
spend a point of willpower to cancel Passion) to avoid acting on this desire.

** Orgy
Activation: 1k
Ability: Expression (6)
Enchant: Area
Description: Allows you to release the inhibitions of all persons in some good natured atomosphere, most often a party.
System: Make a charisma + expression roll, diff. 6. Anyone who wishes to resist his or her true desires must score at least as
many success as you on a willpower roll, diff. 7.

Ignis Aspect: Counter


Primary Emotion

Indifference. Since any Aqua spell which targets you is resisted, it makes it harder to benefit from helpful Aqua effects.

* Evaporate
Activation: 1k
Description: Any Aqua power which targets you is automatically resisted by this power. You may also take an action and spend
a point of positive Karma to attempt such a resistance against any Aqua spell.

System: Each success on a roll of one die per dot you possess in Ignis Aspect Counter reduces the casters success by one, or
stops the power altogether if it required no roll. The source of this counter-magic will be obvious.

Ignis Aspect: Enhance

Primary Emotion: Inspiration
Peacock: You have a beautiful voice and are given to lively converstaion, and you cannot resist the urge to show off you talents.
You must make a willpower roll, and get at least as many success as your rank in Ignis Aspect Enhance to pull yourself away
from a social situation. A similar roll may be required to avoid letting secrets slip, especially if they are not your own.

* Passion's Tongue

Activation: 1k
Enchant: Self
Description: Increases the quality of your voice and your ability to hold lively, stimulating conversation or make moving

System: Until the end of the scene, your charisma is increased by a number of dice equal to your rank in Ignis Aspect Enhance.
May not be used while in effect.

Ignis Aspect: Elemental

Primary Emotion

The wild flame. You are the burning churning flame, first wheeling one way then the other. You have a tendency towards
unprovoked mood swings. As one of the results, your die pool on any self control roll is reduced by one for every dot you
possess in Ignis Aspect Elemental.

* Torch
Activation: 1k
Enchant: Self
Description: You may create a torch-sized flame on any one part of your body. It requires no concentration to maintain, though a
second may not be started while one is in effect, and may be dispatched with a thought.

System: Your receive no damage from the flame, but anyone touched by it must succeed in a soak roll diff. 6 or take one wound
of damage. If you enflame your hands or other body parts for a brawl attack, this adds one auto-success to your related damage

** Command the Leaping Flame

Activation: 1k
Ability: Leadership (6)
Description: You may command any existing fire to do your bidding, swirling around in patterns, growing (fuel allowing), or
shrinking. Once you have an established source of flame, you may throw bellows of it as an attack at nearby targets. System: If
you command the flame as an attack, roll charisma + leadership to hit (it may be dodged,) with the number of net success being
the rank of the size on the flame chart. If the hit is successful, make a charisma roll to increase the rank of the heat from a starting
value of one on the flame chart.

*** Firebreath
Activation: 1k
Ability: Melee (6)
Description: Taking a deep breath, you may bellow flames at nearby opponents (within normal melee range.)
System: Make a charisma + melee roll to increase the rank of the size of your fireball from zero, with your victim making a
dodge roll to reduce your successes. If the hit is successful, make a charisma roll to determine the heat of the flame.

**** Body of flame

Activation: 1k
Enchant: Self
Description: Your body bursts into a raging but concentrated inferno, burning anything, except you, unfortunate enough to come

in contact. This functions exactly as if you had been able to cast Torch on your entire body.

System: All brawl attacks do one auto-success of damage, and anyone contacting you must make soak roll, diff. 6 or take one
level of damage (more if larger areas of their bodies contacted yours.)

***** Flameblast
Activation: 1k
Ability: Firearms (4)
Description: A concentrated ball of flames erupts from your hand, heading in the direction commanded, probably towards your
foes. It goes forward until stopped or it reaches semi-distant range, rolling over anyone or thing that happens to be in the way.

System: By itself the blast starts at rank one both heat and size (see the flame chart, above). Each success on a firearms roll,
diff. 4 moves your choice of heat or size up one category. Heat is the difficulty to soak a number of wounds equal to size.
Successes on dodge rolls reduce the effective size by one category for that person, thus, though you may not go beyond three
wounds on size, you may put in 'extras' as hit insurance.

***** * Wall of Fire

Activation: 1k
Ability: Intimidation (6)
Description: A thin crevise opens up in the earth, and burning flames come burning up from the depths, searing all those whom
dare to pass.

System: Make a charisma + intimidation roll to determine how long the flames pour forth. Anyone attempting to pass through
must attempt to soak three wounds of damage at difficluty seven. (rank 3 heat and size.)
Successes Duration
1 round
3 rounds
one minute
three minutes
ten minutes

***** ** Rain of Fire

Activation: 3k
Ability: Athletics (6)
Description: You may make the very skies rain fire for one round, setting ablaze any flammable thing they hit, and likely injuring
anyone caught in the rain.

System: Make a charisma + athletics roll to determine the rank of the heat. Any person caught in the rain (about a 25' radius),
including yourself, who fails a dodge roll, diff. 8, must soak one wound at a difficulty determined by your success.

***** *** Erupt

Activation: 2k
Ability: Crafts (6)
Description: A crack opens up at any ground location you desire it to and can see, and spews forth a pillar of molten rock for
one turn.

System: If centered on a person, he must make a dodge roll against size rank five. Make a charisma + crafts roll to determine
the rank of the heat. Even though it targets a location, if it is cast to hit a person, his Aqua Aspect Counter may resist it.

***** **** Inferno

Activation: 5k
Ability: Performance (6)

Description: A large area around and including the caster erupts in flames, burning all those inside of its area of effect.
System: (For the following heat and size values, see the flame chart, above.) The size of the Inferno is rank 5 for 5 yard radius of
caster, 4 for 10 yard radius, 3 for 15 yard radius, 2 for 20 yard radius, 1 for 25 yard radius. The heat rank is the caster's success
on a charisma + performance roll. The caster may maintain a started Inferno by spending only 4k per turn.

***** ***** Baptism by Fire

Activation: 5k
Ability: Empathy (8)
Enchant: Self
Description: You may become the flame itself, joining with the fire and losing your normal physical form for a while. This fire is
inherently magical, and requires no fuel to burn, though it will of course ignite any flammable object that happens to get near it.
While in this form, you are effectively immune to physical attacks, fire damage, and gravity, though a good douse of water can
quickly end your enchantment.

System: Stepping into a fire, make a charisma + empathy roll. If the roll is successful, your receive no damage from the fire and
enter your new state. If it fails, you receive normal damage from the fire and must attempt again. If anyone touches you in fire
form, or if you make a successful charisma+brawl roll, opposed by a dodge, if any, to contact them, they are burned. If they
contacted you, use an appropriate rank (on the flame chart) for size. If you contacted them, the size is your net success to hit. In
either case, roll your charisma to increase the rank of the heat.

Ignis Aspect: Chaos

Primary Emotion

Heart of Chaos: Every magic spell you cast is affected as per Choas Magic.
* Chaos Surge
Activation: 1k
Description: The most basic and truly chaotic of the powers, calls chaos to do something -- but you won't have the foggiest what
it is ahead of time, except that it will be some magical effect.

System: Choose a target, which will be the benificiary (?) of whatever happens, roll three dice, and refer to the charts below.
First die: School
1: Ignis
2: Aqua
3: Terra
4: Caelum
5: Dissilutio
6: Corruptio
7: Procreatio
8: Purgatio
9: Tempus
0: Randomly choose a new target, and re-roll this die.
Second die: Aspect
1,2: Emotion
3,4: Counter
5,6: Enhance
7,8: First listed special aspect (ex: Ignis Aspect Elemental)
9,0: Second listed special aspect (ex: Ignis Aspect Chaos)
Third die: Rank
The number rolled is the rank of the power activated, at no additonal cost. ex: if a 5 was rolled, Ignis Aspect Counter would

do a five-die counter against all Aqua effects she had upon her (if any), in Ignis Aspect Elemental, she would be Flame
blasted, using your charisma + firearms. If a power which has no activation cost is chosen, ie, something which gives a
character a special bonus or ability just for having it, she gains that ability for the duration of the scene.

** Confusion
Activation: 1k
Ability: Enigmas (6) (vs. willpower (6)
Enchant: Person
Description: Confusion fills the target's world with leaping, swirling lights, strange, random noises, and stranger smells.
System: Make a charisma + Enigmas roll to determine how confusing it is. For the remainder of the scene the target will be too
confused by the chaos to do any useful thing unless he succeeds in a willpower roll, scoring at least as many success as you, at
the begining of each turn. If he succeeds in this roll three consecutive times, the enchantment ends.

*** Mood Swings

Activation: 1k
Enchant: Person
Description: This power attempts to affect the targeted person with one of the other emotion powers.
System: Roll a single die to determine which power. If the resulting emotions are for a specific person/thing, determine this
Aspect Emotion:
1: Passion (love): Ignis Aspect Emotion
2: Calm: Aqua Aspect Emotion
3: Courage: Terra Aspect Emotion
4: Timid: Caelum Aspect Emotion
5: Anger: Dissilutio Aspect Emotion
6: Lure: Corruptio Aspect Emotion
7: Inspire: Procreatio Aspect Emotion
8: Honesty: Purgatio Aspect Emotion
9: Angst: Tempus Aspect Emotion
0: Passion(hate): Ignis Aspect Emotion

**** Alteration
Activation: 1k
Enchant: Self
Description: Alteration can change your body for short periods of time.
System: Choose an attribute and roll one die. Attributes will not be lowered below 0 by this power, however reduction of
physical attribute to zero will leave you effectively paralyzed until you can re-activate this power or use another method to correct
the situation.
Effect of die on the attribute:
1,2: -2
3,4,5: +1
6,7,8: +1
9,0: +2

***** Change
Activation: 1k
Description: Change will alter your current state of body, ie, your health levels. Use of this power may reduce you to
incapacitated, but not to death.

System: Roll one die and refer to the chart below. effect of die on your current health levels ('+' is healed, '-' is further harm)

1: -3
2,3: -2
4,5: -1
6,7: +1
8,9: +2
0: +3

***** * Choas Magic

Activation: 1k
Description: Target spell is cast drawing on the magic of Chaos, which causes several unpredictable effects.
System: First, the character casting a chaotic spell should roll two dice, a chaos die and a surge die. The number rolled on the
chaos die should be cross-referenced with your rank in Ignis Aspect chaos on the chart below, and a modifier for the die pool (if
any) for the spell is determined by such (this will not lower a die pool below one.) If the surge die rolls the same number as the
chaos die, a chaos Surge is cast instead of the intended spell, affecting the former target (the caster if the spell had no target.)
Die Roll

***** ** Path of Chaos

Activation: 1k
Description: You may call forth the very same forces of chaos that govern the Path of Chaos, and bring them to bear on a

System: Refer to the full description under the Path of Chaos.

***** *** Chaos Transport
Activation: 1k
Chaos Transport takes you somewhere and more than likely someplace other than where you are, though it will usually be
a place you know, or somewhere within the same area as you are now, or perhaps the place where a person you know is.

System: This power places you completely at the mercy of the storyteller in deciding your destination. This can be an
excellent way to advance the plot, though such useful jumps will take place rarely, probably not more than once a story. The
new location will almost always be someplace 'interesting.' One of the best uses of this power is an escape.

***** **** Mutation

Activation: 1k
Description: Effects some, usually drastic, physical change in the subject. This is a randomly chosen Path of the Beast or
a similar mutation with a negative effect.

System: Roll one die to determine the severity of the change. Some sample negatives are listed below and approximate
the severity and type of mutation. (other rolls will be between those given.)
1: A debilitating flaw.
5: A minor flaw
6: A minor boon (1-4 points on Path of the Beast)
0: A major boon (about 15 points on Path of Beast)

Sample Flaws: Many physical flaws from the players guides' are also appropiate. Those listed below are more or less
from minor to major.
Disfigurement: Reduces the victim's appearance. This flaw may vary from minor to major by having a greater or lesser
reduction of the subject's appearance.
Hooves: The character's feet and/or hands (which of these change occur can be used as a variance of the severity)
changes to hooves such as a horse would have. This make movement difficult if on the feet (two die penalty, may be
reduced if the character gains practice with them) and make use of the hands impossible, as they no longer exist.
Bad Eyesight: The characters eye's go bad. This flaw also can range, from getting worse vision to total blindness.
Aversion to Sunlight: The character suddenly finds sunlight espcially bothersome. This can range form dice pool penalties
as a low level flaw to taking damage as a higher level flaw.
Life of a Fish: This potentially fatal mutation replaces the character's lungs with gills. If they cannot reach water, they will

Brother Dearest: The character sprouts a second head, more than likely with a disagreeable personality, that will fight for
control of the body.

***** ***** Call Chaos

Activation: 5k
Description: Calls forth the forces of chaos on all persons in a large area about you (including you.) The effect of this is
similar to that of Chaos Surge, but due to the number of potential effects, it has been reduced to a single die to determine

System: Each individual within the approximately 25' radius of the spell should roll a single die, affected as below. No
Karma need be spent by any party to activate these powers. Effect of Call Chaos on an individual
Die Roll
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1
-1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 +1
-1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 +1 +1 +1
-2 -1 -1 -1 0 0 +1 +1 +1 +2
-2 -2 -1 -1 0 0 +1 +1 +2 +2
-2 -2 -1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2
-3 -2 -2 -1 -1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3
-3 -3 -2 -1 -1 +1 +1 +2 +3 +3
-4 -3 -2 -1 -1 +1 +1 +2 +3 +4
10 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5
Die Effect
1: An Ashes to Ashes (Corruptio Aspect Corrupt) is cast against the character with die pool of three.
2: A Dust to Dust (Dissilutio Aspect Destroy) is cast against everything on the character's person, with a die pool of three
and Arcane Destruction (Dissilutio Aspect Destroy) in effect.
3: An Erupt is cast on the place the character is standing on, with a die pool of five.
4: A Chaos Transport is cast against the chracter.
5: Until the end of the scene, any spell the character casts or that is cast against the character automatically has a CounterMagic (Aqua Aspect mind) cast against it, with die pool of five.
6: A Flight (Caelum Aspect Elemental) is cast against the character with a die pool of five.
7: A Skin of Stone (Terra Aspect Survival) is cast against the character, with a die pool of five.
8: Speed Other (Tempus Aspect Warp) is cast against the character, granting three extra actions.
9: A field of Sanctuary (Purgatio Aspect Purify) surrounds the character until he wills it gone.
0: A Restoration (Procreato Aspect Life) is cast against the character, automatic success.

School Aqua (Water)


Primary Emotions
Peace, tranquility.
The calm and tranquil seas provide mostly protective powers, but their tides may shift quickly, roaring to destruction. Aqua is
also the master of the calm, calculating mind, and powers that allow for mind over matter.

Aqua elementals are pools of water which may reshape themselves in any form they wish.

Special Power
Flow: You are treated as if you had Joined with a body water, though none is necessary for your survival.

Aqua Aspect: Emotion

Primary Emotion

Susceptibility: You are affected as per calm at all times. Treat exactly as if you had cast it upon youself.
* Calm
Activation: 1k Enchant: Person(s)
Description: The target being is washed over with feelings of peace and tranquility. You may target more than one person in a
single action, up to one per dot in Aqua Aspect Emotion.

System: They must make a willpower roll, attempting to score at least as many success as your rank in Aqua Aspect: Emotion
(or spend the willpower point to cancel Calm) to engage in aggressive or passionate activities.

Aqua Aspect: Enhance

Primary Emotion

Drive: Any time you leave a meaningful conversation with someone without manipulating them in some way, you must roll one
die per level of Aqua Aspect Enhance you possess. Each success is one point of temporary Willpower that you lose.

* Voice of the Sirens

Activation: 1k
Enchant: Self
Description: Sharpens your ability to make others do as you wish them to.
System: You gain a number of manipulations equal to your highest ranked Aqua power for the duration of the scene. May not be
used while in effect.

Aqua Aspect: Counter

Primary Emotion

Indifference: Since any Ignis spell cast against you is resisted, it makes it harder to benefit from Ignis effects.
* Quench
Activation: (1k)

Description: Any Ignis power which targets you is automaticslly resisted by this power. You may also take an action and spend
a point of positive Karma to attempt such a resistance against any Ignis spell. The source of this counter-magic will be obvious.

System: Roll a number of dice equal to your rank in Aqua Aspect Counter. Each success reduces the casters success by one,
or stops the power altogether if it required no roll.

Aqua Aspect: Elemental

Primary Emotion

Tidal Influence: You are extremely affected by the changing tides, to the extent that changes manifest in you body. For each dot
you posses in Aqua Aspect Elemental, you must choose one attribute, or permanent willpower, when you gain the dot, and
designate this trait as influenced. This attribute will receive a plus one (which may go above your normal trait max) during high
tide, and a minus one (which may go to zero but not below; choosing one dot attributes for influence is not recommened) during
low tide. A high tide occurs about once every 12 hours, 25 minutes, but during the space of a story or even chronicle , this can be
rounded to 12 hours for simplicity, though it does cause about one hour deviation per day, which would not be too hard to
handle. The modifiers are in effect for one hour before, after and including the hour during which the moment of high or low tide
occurs. Modification does not occur instantly, thus, whenever the influenced character enters a scene, the modifiers should
become set for the remainder of the scene (excluding exceptionally long scenes.) Sample 12 hour tides are shown below.
12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Modifiers: +1 +1 +1
-1 -1 -1

* Purify Water
Activation: 1k
Ability: Survival++ (6)
Description: You may remove impurities from water, or even turn other liquids into water in a limited fashion.
System: Begin making an extended manipulation + survival roll with the difficulty based on the substance(s) being removed. The
number of success required is the number of gallons to be purified.
Suggested difficulties:
3: Kool-AidTM, or dirty water
5: poisoned drink or acid solution.
7: non-water, non-oil based liquid
9: oil based liquid
10: oil.

** Call Rain
Activation: 1k
Description: This sets in motion the forces nessary to bring rain clouds to the area you occupy and have them drop thier load
on the land. It may take a day or two, but it will rain in the near future. System: No roll is required; once the Karma is spent the
power is set in motion.

*** Breath Water

Activation: 1k
Enchant: Person
Description: The Target being may breath water as if it were air. The enchantment lasts until air fills the person's lungs again,
after they have been filled with water.

System: Activation of the power is automatic and no roll is required, however, a willpower roll is required to take water into
one's lungs if inexperienced.

**** Create Water

Activation: 1k
Ability: Crafts (S)
Description: This effect doesn't actually create water, but condenses it from the surrounding air; thus the difficulty is based on
the humidity.

System: Generates a number of gallons equal to your successes on a manipulation + crafts roll, wherever the caster wishes
within sight. The difficulty of this roll ranges from 3 at the shore to 10 in desert. Each die is automatically successful in rain.

***** Control Water

Activation: (1k)
Ability: Leadership (6)
Description: Water flows at your command, even defying gravity as long as a sufficient support column is maintained.
System: You may control a number of gallons equal to the number of successes on a manipulation + leadership roll. You retain
control of these gallons as long as you maintain concentration and do not re-attempt this power. If you hurl the water at someone,
you may spend a point of Karma to have it do a number of damage equal to your success on a manipulations roll. Make another
manipulation + leadership roll to hit. The 1 Karma may be spent at any time after you have control. If you attempt to drown a
person, you must consistently score more successes on a manipulation + leadership roll than his dodge. If you can keep his
mouth and nose covered for the entire time required for the person to drown, then he dies as a result (see a sourcebook for
complete drowning rules.)

***** * Mothers Touch

Activation: 1k
Ability: Medicine (5)
Description: The subject is completely submerged in water in this ritual. This power may only be attempted once on a particular
set of wounds.

System: The subject regains a number of non-aggravated health levels equal to the number of successes scored on a
manipulation + medicine roll, diff. 5. Every success over four may heal an aggravated wound.

***** ** Vortex
Activation: 5k
Ability: Expression (7)
Description: You may turn any body of water within sight into a large (but no larger than the body of water) swirling vortex of
doom. Anything in the area of effect of the vortex may be drawn in and taken under the surface.

System: Make an manipulation + expression roll, diff. 7 to determine the size and strength of the vortex. It remains as long as
you maintain concentration. The radius of a vortex is about the length of the largest thing it can drown.
Success Size and strength
Small swirl: a person who knows how to swim can escape without much difficulty.
Small vortex: a swimmer will be be caught but not sucked under.
Medium vortex: multiple swimmers or small rafts may be ensared by the vortex and brought under.
Large vortex: small boats may be caputred and sucked under; medium sized ones may become stuck, but not
Huge vortex: medium sized ships are drawn in and submerged or capsized; even large ships are held by the swirling

***** *** Density Control

Activation: 1k
Ability: Science (6)

Description: You have absolute control over the weight and density of water and can therefore control what floats and sinks in it
with great ease. This effects at most a 25' radius.

System: Roll manipulation + science, diff 6. Dramatic alteration of the density requires a greater number of success.
***** **** Tsunami
Activation: 5k
Ability: Performance (S)
Description: A huge tidal wave sweeps up cutting a swath of destruction.
System: A manipulation + performance roll is made, with the number of successes being the damage assigned to everything hit
by it, including the caster if he ends up in the way. The wave will hit in three turns. The difficulty of this roll is 5 near large bodies of
water, 7-10 elsewhere, depending on humidity.

***** ***** Join

Activation: 1k
Ability: Mythlore (8)
Description: This power allows you to join with a body of water; you turn yourself into water itself, free to flow through the seas or
form it about in a manner simmilar to Control Water.

System: Make a manipulation + mythlore roll, diff. 8; if you succeed you may enter your new form, returning at will.

Aqua Aspect: Mind

Primary Emotion

Magic Susceptiblity: Opening the mind and embracing the powers of magic can lead to great power, and to great danger. Any
magic spell which targets you has its die pool (if any) increased by one per dot of Aqua Aspect Mind you possess. This leads to
most spells having far greater effects on you, both helpful and harmful.

* Supersense
Activation: (1k)
Ability: Alertness (4)
Description; Your mind has begun to open, but it still functions primary throught the normal senses. Additionally, you have a
limited form of emotion perception which allows you to pick up hostile thoughts around you, thus allowing you a limited form of
danger sense. This power is always in effect.

System: You may replace almost any normal perception based roll with a manipulation + alertness roll at diff. 4 by spending one
point of positive Karma.

** Mindspeak
Activation: (1k) Description: You may send thoughts to any person within sight. If you spend one positive Karma when you
initiate such a conversation; a person without Mindspeak may respond to you.

System: No roll is required, the sending is automatic but requires your complete concentration to perform.
*** Read
Activation: 1k
Ability: Empathy (S)

Description: You may attempt to read the surface thoughts of another.

System: Make a manipulation + empathy roll, difficulty of the subject's willpower. The number of successes roughly determines
the detail of the information which may be obtained.

**** Counter-Magic
Activation: 1k
Ability: Occult (8)
Description: You may attempt to prevent the successful use of any magic, or dispel an enchantment. The source of the CounterMagic will be obvious.

System: Roll your manipulation + occult, diff. 8, with each success reducing the successes of the caster, or altogether stopping
the spell if no roll was required.

***** Telekinesis
Activation: 1k
Ability: Intimidation (6)
Description: The targeted object may defy gravity as long as the caster retains concentration.
System: The approximate maximum weight of this object is determined by your successes on a manipulation + intimidation roll.
Successes Weight (lbs)

***** * Mind Probe

Activation: 1k
Ability: Enigmas (S)
Description: Mind Probe allows you to see into the thoughts of another, searching out the information you seek without worrying
about whether the person is telling you the truth about what she knows.

System: Make a manipulation + enigmas roll, difficulty of the subject's willpower. At least three success are needed to find all
the information you desire; one will give some sketchy related details, and five will allow you to access anything you want,
digging up any related details of the sought after information.

***** ** True Seeing

Activation: 1k
Description: Though Mind is the art of opening yourself to all possibilities, it also seeks to weed out the truth from all lies. By
spending a point of positive Karma, you may see the world unfiltered by any form of illusion or artifice, especially magical, until
the end of the scene. This power will not detect weather a person is lying to you or not, but all sensory input you receive will be as
the world really is, unfiltered by any form of illusion or masking. True Seeing also allows you to sense the presense of magic
itself. Thus, you may tell what school a particular spell or enchantment is from, and see things that exist only magically.

System: No roll is required to activate or maintain the power. After you spend the one turn and one Karma to activate True
Seeing, it remains in affect as long as you wish.

***** *** Telepathy

Activation: 1k
Description: Establish a mental link with another person. As long as you maintain concentration, you may speak or share
thoughts with them almost as if your minds were one.

System: No roll is required, but you must know the person you wish to contact.
***** **** Entrance
Activation: 2k
Ability: Subterfuge (S)
Enchant: Person
Description: Entrance allows you to gain complete domination over the mind of another. The subject will be your willing slave,
open to any suggestions you make as to his activities. You must have eye contact with your subject to use this power. Entrance
may not force someone to do something that is against his moral code or would cause great harm to himself or a loved one.
Minor infringements on the subject's beliefs allow him to make a willpower roll to break the spell, and a order causing direct
violation of a major code allows him to break out automatically. Repeated castings may reset the duration, but not add to it.

System: Make a subterfuge roll, difficulty of the subjects willpower. Your successes determine the length of the entrancement.
Duration Duration
one minute
one hour
one day
one week
one month

***** ***** Omnisence

Activation: 1k
Description: By mentally asking a question, you may receive the answer so long as any person, or collection of persons, knows
the information you seek. Omniscience may only request facts; things such as intentions, emotions and current trains of thought
are too abstract for the power. You are also limited by your capacity to comprehend the information received. Asking a question
with an involved answer, ie, 'how do I construct a nuclear device', will leave you so flooded with information that you will forget the
vast majority of it. In fact, if you ask such a question and receive a voluminous amount of information, the overload may cause a
derangement (probabaly either a fixation or phobia with the subject of the question). Such information may be received by
asking a series of more specific questions, and recording them, ie 'How many parts do I need to build a nuclear device';'what is
one of the parts';'what is another part';'where can I most easily get the (part)';'what do I do with (part)', etc.

System: No roll is required to use the power, but if you get an information overload, you must make a willpower roll, diff. 8, or the
storyteller should choose an appropiate derangement. Even succeeding in the roll will leave you stunned for short period of time.

School Terra (Earth)

"The willow knows what the storm does not: that the power to endure harm outlives the power to inflict it."
-- MagicTM card.


Primary Emotions
Courage and stability.
The Earth is solid, stable, unmoving and resolute. Its practitioners inspire their comrades to never give up, emerge unscathed
from dangers that might kill another and control the dirt and stones themselves.

Terra elementals are piles of dirt and rock taking on whatever form the elemental chooses.

Special Power
Smother: You may control your entire mass as if an Earth Control (see below) had been used. You need to spend Karma to
control it only on rounds in which you wish to do damage by strike or crush.

Terra Aspect: Emotion

Primary Emotion

Overconfidence: Unlike Courage itself, practitioners of the art have a tendency to take unnecessary risks. If you think that it
would be better to stay away, make a willpower roll. If you score at least as many success as your rank in Terra Aspect Emotion,
or spend a point of temporay willpower, you may resist the urge to charge forward.

* Courage
Activation: 1k
Enchant: Person(s)
Description: The target being is filled with bravery and determination to defy all odds, but not to the point of stupidity. You may
target more than one person with this power in a single action, up to your number of dots in Terra Aspect Emotion.

System: No roll is required. The subject gains two extra dots of willpower until end the end of scene.

Terra Aspect: Enhance

Primary Emotion

Thrill seeker: You're tough, and you know it. You feel the call of danger, and have no real fear of it; after all, you haven't died yet,
you can take any punishment life deals out. Life would be boring without some occasional excitement. Whenever you are
tempted by a dangerous but exciting situation with a chance of survival, you must make a willpower roll. If you score at least as
many success as you rank in Terra Aspect Enhance, you may choose to pass on the oportunity.

* Endurance
Activation: 1k
Enchant: Self
Description: Dramatically increases your ability to resist damage and avoid exhaustion.
System: You gain a number of stamina equal to your rank in Terra Aspect Enhance until the end of the scene. May not be used
while in effect.

Terra Aspect: Counter

Primary Emotion

Indifference: Since any Caelum effect cast against you is automatically resisted, it is harder for you to benefit from helpful
Caelum powers.

* Mountains High
Activation: (1k)
Description: Any Caelum power which targets you is automatically resisted by this power. You may also take an action and
spend a point of positive Karma to attempt such a resistance against any Caelum spell. The source of this counter-magic will be

System: Roll a number of dice equal to your rank in Terra Aspect Counter. Each success reduces the casters success by one,
or stops the power altogether if it required no roll.

Terra Aspect: Elemental

Primary Emotion

Allergy: You have several allergies to artificial substances, which cause you a variety of problems. Whenever you are in contact
with a substance to which you are allergic, your die pool is at minus one. You must choose one allergy for each dot you gain in
Terra Aspect Elemental. The allergy is to an artificial or produced substance such as the following: plastic, sythentic fiber
(choose one), synthetic rubber, white paper, paint, vinyl, drugs, medicine, or additives (choose one), etc.

* Grow
Activation: 1k
Description: A plant experiences greatly accelerated growth for as long as concentration is maintained. Flowering plants
affected this way blossom with beautiful flowers.

System: No roll is required. The plant continues to grow as long as its immediate supply of food is not exhausted.
** Dig
Activation: 1k
Enchant: Self
Description: For the duration of the scene, even the most tightly packed dirt gives easily to your slightest touch.
System: No roll is required; once the Karma has been spent, you may move dirt freely for the duration of the scene.
*** Pack
Activation: 1k
Description: The effects of mud packs have long been a practice of primitive medicine.
System: By making a mud pack, placing it on a wound, and spending a point of positive Karma, the affected wound(s), even if
they are aggravated, heal as quickly as if they were one health level lower. The bruised level heals in but an hour.

**** Stoneshape
Activation: 1k
Enchant: Self
Description: Once activated, for the rest of the scene, stone yields to your touch like it was more of a dough than rock.

System: No roll is required to start using the power. While active, this power is used only when you wish, thus allowing you to
climb the handholds you just made, for instance.

***** Rend the Earth

Activation: 1k
Ability: Expression (6)
Description: Rend the Earth opens up a crevice in any large body of dirt or stone.
System: Make a stamina + expression roll; the number of successes you score is the number of successes a person on top of
the crevice when it opens must make on a dodge roll to avoid falling in, and the number of success a person needs to jump the
crack. The number of success is also the depth of chasm. A person falling in must soak one damage for each success you

***** * Combine
Activation: 1k
Ability: Athletics (8)
Enchant: Self
Description: You must have contact with some large mass of dirt or stone to activate this effect. You enter the material and
remain there in a state of somewhat suspended animation. You retain a slight sense of beings around you on the outside, but
cannot use any other senses. If the part of the earth you are occupying is broken, you will instantly be 'spat out'.

System: Make a stamina + athletics roll, diff. 8, for success or failure.

***** ** Diffuse
Activation: 1k
Description: Once you are Combined, you may travel through continuous dirt or stone at a speed no faster than your normal
walking speed.

System: No roll is required. The Karma need only be spent to start using the power, and may then be maintained so long as you

***** *** Quake

Activation: 2k
Ability: Performance (6)
Description: All persons within a five to ten mile radius experiences violent shaking. It may also cause poorly constructed
buildings to collapse.

System: Any person affected by the spell must make a dexterity + athletics roll to remain standing. The difficulty of this roll is
equal to 6 + [your success on a performance roll] - [radius (in miles) they are within to you]. Thus if you score three successes,
everyone within the first mile radius (including you) has difficulty 6 + 3 - 1 = 8; within the second mile has difficulty 6 + 3 - 2 = 7;
the fith mile: 6 + 3 - 5 = 4 etc.

***** **** Earth Control

Activation: 1k
Ability: Brawl (6) (hit)
Ability: None (6) (dam)
Description: With a thought, you may command any dirt within sight to do your bidding this turn. It may even defy gravity so long
as some support is maintained.

System: No roll is required to take control of the dirt, but to maneuvering it correctly does. You must re-spend the activation cost
each turn you wish to remain control. If used to crush or strike, roll stamina + brawl to hit and unmodified stamina for damage.

***** ***** Stone Control

Activation: 1k
Ability: Melee (6) (hit)
Ability: None+2 (6) (dam)
Description: Similar to Earth Control, however, the control is not 'flowing' like earth, rather you may control large hunks of rock to
break off and move at your command, though they may not fly through the air in any way.

System: Once again, no roll is required to take control, just to move the stone effectively. Use stamina + melee to hit for a strike
or crush and your unmodified stamina, plus two, for damage.

Terra Aspect: Survival

Primary Emotion

Call of Adventure: The world is a wide open, exciting place, full of fun and interesting things to do. You cannot bear to be
relegated to the hum-drum existence of a daily routine. At the end of any day in which you do not try something new or visit a new
place, roll one die for each dot you posses in Terra Aspect Survivial. Each succes is one point of temporary willpower that you

* Nourish
Activation: 1k
Description: You may make any edible plant into a nourishing and filling meal, though the spell does nothing for the taste. It is
possibile to survive completely on Nourishing plants. The spell affects the plant itself, so they may be given to others and have
the same effect.

System: No roll is required. The benefits steadily decrease if the plant is not consumed. After 24 hours, the plant will provide no
extra nourishment.

* Settle
Activation: 1k
Description: Allows you to more easily mend minor wounds.
System: All of your aggravated health levels 'settle' towards the bruised side, allowing you to heal your non-aggraved levels
without special measures to get rid of the aggravated wounds first.

** Strength of Will
Activation: 0k
Enchant: Self
Description: By focusing your mind, you may block out all distractions.
System: You may spend a point of temporary willpower to reduce your total die pool penalty, if any, by one until the end of the

*** Skin of Stone

Activation: 1k
Ability: Survival (6)
Enchant: Person

Description: In this ritual, dirt or pebbles are sprinkled or rubbed on the subject's bare skin.
System: At the completion of the ritual, the caster makes a stamina + survival roll, with the subject gaining one extra bruised
health level per success. The health levels remain for one month or until they are checked off due to damage. If this ritual is
recast while any of these health levels remain, the previous ones are lost.

**** Plantlore
Activation: 1k
Ability: Empathy (6)
Description: By placing your hand on (or making other contact with) a living plant, you may recieve information about things that
have happend around it.

System: Make a stamina + empathy roll, with success determining how much and how detailed of information you may receive.
***** Camouflage
Activation: 1k
Ability: Stealth (4)
Description: Camouflage changes the color of your skin and hair (but not anything else, such as clothes) to earth or plant
tones that match the natural setting you occupy. This power may not be used to blend in with an artificial setting, such as a
city, unless there is a park or other speck of nature.

System: Make a stealth roll, diff. 4. The number of success you score is the number of successes anyone else needs to
score to notice you.

***** * Strength of Stone

Description: You take on the qualities of stone itself; though it may crack, it is very hard to break. System: Your soak rolls
are never modified by wound penalties or any other negative die pool modifiers.

***** ** Earthlore
Activation: 1k
Ability: Alertness (8)
Description: This powerful tracking spell allows you to find anyone or anything traveling over dirt.
System: Make a stamina + alertness roll, diff. 8. If the sought after person or thing is within a one mile per success radius,
and is, or was recently, in contact with the same body of earth as you, you know exactly where it is or was.

***** *** Harden

Your skin takes on an unusual thickness and strength.

System: Reduce your difficulty on soak rolls by one.

***** **** Stoneguide
Activation: 1k
Ability: Investigation (6)
Enchant: Stone
Description: This ritual enhants a stone with some sort of point (arrowheads are prefered) so that it will point towards the
person, thing or place selected when it is enchanted. You must have some familiarity with the subject to cast this spell.

System: Make a Stamina + investigation roll, with the number of successes determining how many times the stone may
be used before it must be re-enchanted. If someone places the stone so that it is free to move and utters the word 'seek,' it
will point towards the subject. If it is activated within a mile of the subject, it will also shoot of towards the subject at the
speed of a brisk walk, going over, under, or around and barriers that get in the way. It does this with little force, and is thus
easily restrained.

***** ***** Like a Rock

Activation: 1k
Ability: Willpower (6)
Enchant: Self
Description: This power takes the raw force of your will and shapes it into a protective field around you.
System: Roll a number of dice equal to your willpower. The successes is the number of additional soak dice you gain until
the end of the scene. If you re-use the power during the same scene, the new bonus replaces the old. At any time before
making a soak roll, you may permanently remove one of these bonus dice from the enchantment to automatically soak any
an one point of damage.

School Caelum (Air)


Primary Emotions
Fickle, capricious, flighty, and joking.
A jokester, prankster, master of the winds, a tease who's bite is worse than its bark. Fear the jester who hovers before
you, if he is really there -- or behind you, invisible -- who commands the clouds and calls forth the wind, rain, and thunder to
do his bidding, graceful yet deadly.

Caelum elementals are not visible, but detectable only by any leaves, dust, etc. that their swirling winds happen to pick up.

Special Power
Insubstantial: You may Disperse at any time and at no cost.

Caelum Aspect: Emotion

Primary Emotion

Susceptibility: You are affected at all times as if you had cast a shyness Timid upon youself.
* Timid
Activation: 1k
Enchant: Person(s)
Descriptin: Instill in target being any of Caelum's emotions, be it shyness or frivolity. You may target more than one person
in a single action, up to one per dot in Caelum Aspect Emotion.

System: They lose two dots of willpower (to a minium of one) until the end of the scene, unless they succeed in a willpower

roll, scoring more successes than your rank in Aqua Aspect Emotion (or until the willpower point is spent to cancel Timid.)
Caelum Aspect: Enhance. 5/x3 Primary Emotion: flighty. Bane: show off: Your dexterity is legendary - and if people don't
realize that they need to be shown. You will rarley pass up an opportunity to show off your ablity, usually in the most playfull
manner possible, such as juggling, esp. dangerous things like knives. This will rarly pose a major obstical, but if you have a
pressing need to avoid this, you must score at least as many successes in a willpower roll as your rank in Caelum Aspect
Enhance to resist the urge.

* Quickness of the Winds

Activation: 1k
Enchant: Self
Description: Quickness of the Winds greatly enhances your motor control and speed.
System: You gain a number of dexterity equal to your rating in Caelum Aspect Enhance until the end of the scene. May not
be used while in effect.

Caelum Aspect: Counter

Primary Emotion

Indifference: Since all Terra spells cast against you are resisted, it makes it harder to benefit from helpful Terra effects.
* Erode
Activation: (1k)
Description: Any Terra power which targets you is automatically resisted. You may also take an action and spend a point
of positive Karma to attempt such a resistance against any Terra spell. The source of this counter-magic will be obvious.

System: Roll a number of dice equal to your rank in Caelum Aspect Counter. Each success reduces the caster's
successes by one or stops the power altogether if it required no roll.

Caelum Aspect: Elemental

Primary Emotion

Recurring Amnesia: You have a tendency to forget things -- names, dates, things you did last week or earlier in the day.
To remember events or things you found out (one possible guideline is anything not represented on your character sheet,
but that is an iffy guideline at best) you must make a wits + engimas roll, at minus one die per dot of Caelum Aspect
Elemental that you possess. Absolutely essential information may be recalled by spending a temporary willpower point.

* Breeze
Activation: 1k
Description: You may change the direction, and strength to some extent, of a breeze. Useful for hunting and tracking.
System: No roll is required. The change may take a few minutes depending on how drastically it differs from the existing

** Float

Activation: 1k
Enchant: person (one form only)) If you are falling, you may activate this power, without an action, to float slowly down,
receiving no damage as a result of the fall when you land. You may alternately spend an action to enchant a person. The
next time she falls more than five feet, Float 'kicks in' and she survives unscathed.

System: No roll is required. Someone floating may land on his feet if he makes a successful dex + athletics check.
*** Speed of the Wind
Activation: 1k
Description: You may run at twice your normal running speed. Once the Karma has been spent to activate it, you may
continue running at this speed until you come to a halt.

System: No roll is required. This power only affects the distance you can cover and how fast you may cover it; you receive
no extra actions from this power. In fact, due to the speed of your movement, it is impossible to effectively split your die
pool for multiple actions.

**** Flight
Activation: 1k
Ability: Mythlore (6)
Enchant: Person
Description: THe target being may fly for a limited amount of time.
System: The target may fly for a number of minutes based on your successes in an dexterity + athletics roll. Additional
castings add into the total success for max time. If the total success go above five, add 30 minutes per extra success.
Successes Information Received
You may inquire of one fact, to which a simple, probably one word (or image, as plants don't speak) answer will be
You may receive a few select bits of innformation as above, or a single 'playback' of a relevent scene in the plant's
For the duration of the scene, you make as many inquires as you wish, though the responses will still be from the
plant's perspective.
You may return and ask any questions you desire for next week. The responses are getting better, but are still not
terribly exciting.
Friend for life: until you decide to end the spell, you may return to this plant at any time and make whatever inquiries
of it you wish. The information received is always interesting and almost always useful.
Successes Duration (minutes)

***** Gust
Activation: 1k
Ability: Brawl (4)(vs.str+athletics (6))
Description: A powerful gust of wind bellows forth from your hand, striking any and all persons whom happen to be standing in
the way.

System: Make a dexterity + brawl roll, diff. 4, to decide its strength. A person struck (a dodge may be attempted if he is able)
makes a strength + athletics roll to remain standing, with each success reducing your successes by one. If any success remain,
he falls and must attempt to soak one damage per remaining success, for the fall.

***** * Whirlwind
Activation: 3k

Ability: Drive (7)

Description: A swirling vortex of air forms and begins throwing everything about.
System: When the tornado is formed, make a dexterity + drive roll. Any time something is picked up and thrown, it takes a
number of damage equal to your number of success from the fall. You may maintain the tornado for only 1k per turn.

***** ** Lightning Spear

Description: 2k
Ability: Melee (6)
Enchant:ment) Upon casting this spell (provided there are storm clouds overhead,) a straight bolt of lightning strikes the ground
within arms reach of you and a length about your height remains there. Thereafter, until the bolt is dismissed or thrown it is as
solid as any piece of metal, and you may reach out and grasp it.

System: When you cast the spell make a dexterity + melee roll. The number of successes is the number of dice of damage any
being other then yourself takes if she contacts the the spear, resulting in an effective damage rating of strength + (number of
successes.) If the spear is thrown, it does an amount of damage equal to twice the number of sucesses, but becomes non-solid
in the process and is lost. Difficulty of a staff is 4 for melee; throwing requires the skill throwing, use standard difficulty (of six.)

***** *** Windstorm

Activation: 3k
Ability: Expression (4)
Description: Violent winds roar through an area about 50' wide, in a direction of your choice.
System: No roll is required. This has the effect of a Gust cast against all things within the area of effect, except dexterity +
expression is rolled instead of crafts.

***** **** Weather Control

Activation: 1k
Ability: (Firearms (9))
Description: You may evoke a change in the weather. This change is not instantaneous, but will happen as soon as possible.
System: Most effects require no roll. If appropriate thunderheads are around, you may call lightning. Roll dexterity + firearms
(diff. 9) to hit; if the roll is successful, roll 10 damage dice.

***** ***** Disperse

Activation: 2k
Description: You may turn into air itself and disperse youself, providing no target for physical or magical attacks and allowing
you entrance into any place that is not air-tight. You may reform at any time, which takes one action also.

System: No roll is required, but the transformation requires one full turn to complete.

Caelum Aspect: Jester

Primary Emotion

Lies, lies, lies: While truth is sometimes stranger than fiction, you find lack of truth far more amusing. You are a compulsive lier;
you may make simple statements of fact or things which are obvious lies (ie, refering to female as he, unless are trying to
convince people otherwise), things such as hello, or DUCK! Telling someone things such as your name, or what you did today
(or any other story for that matter) is however impossible. Unless you succeed in a willpower roll, scoring at least as many

successes as your rank in Caelum Aspect Jester, you will lie.

* Tease
Activation: 1k
Ability: Intimidation (S)
Enchant: Person
Description: Accompanied by an insult or taunt, this power causes a person to become quite distracted in his anger.
System: Roll your intimidation (or a taunting ability if you have it) (the storyteller is encouraged to award bonuses for truly
amusing insults), difficulty of the target's willpower. If you succeed by at least two, he becomes quite mad and drops whatever he
is doing (unless it is a life threatening situation, etc.) and comes after you.

** Cantrip
Activation: 1k
Ability: Leadership (S)
Description: Speaking a one word command, which may be worked into a statement, you may attempt to make the subject

System: Make a dexterity + leadership roll, difficulty of the target's willpower. If you have a net success, the command must be

*** Fool
Activation: 1k
Ability: Subterfuge (6) (vs. wits+enigmas (S))
Enchant: Person
Description: You may create an illusion of anything you desire, or make something disappear by creating an illusion of what's
behind it.

System: Roll your dexterity + expression for a number of successes. The targeted being may make a wits + enigmas roll to find
flaws in your illusion. If she scores as many success as you, she is not fooled; if she scores more, she also realizes that
someone tried to fool her. The difficulty of this roll is based on how believable the illusion is. It is made the first time she
witnesses it and, if failed, at any other time thereafter that she has reason to doubt the illusion.
Disbelief Difficulty Situation
Unbelievable: Aliens from space, or something appeared/disappeared from plain sight.
Real, but unlikely: a movie star walks down the street (except in Hollywood).
Sure, why not: A person or thing which might be here. (movie star in Hollywood)
Completely plausible: A person or thing which should be here (mailman in post office).
No reason to doubt: An invisible person or thing doing nothing to interact with the environment.

**** Boost
Activation: 1k
Ability: Athletics (6)
Description: Boost launches you forward in a single direction with great force, allowing you to jump long distances or reach
great heights (Float comes highly recommended), traversing the entire distance in the space of a single turn. Make a dexterity +
athletics roll, with the successes determining how strong of a boost you receive.
Successes Effect
5' up or 15' across
One story up or 30' across
Two stories up or 60' across
Five stories up or 150' across
Ten stories up or 300' across

***** Doorway
Activation: 1k
Ability: Security (6)
Description: Doorway opens up a temporary portal through a normally solid object. The doorway is large enough so that the
caster may walk through easily.

System: The doorway lasts for a number of turns equal to your successes on a dexterity + security roll.
***** * Hyena
Activation: 1k
Ability: Empathy (6)
Enchant: Person
By making a magically enforced joke or funny action, you may cause a victim to be overcome with hysterical laughter.

System: Make an dexterity + empathy roll (the Storyteller is encouraged to award bonuses for jokes which are actually
humorous as opposed to just satisfying the requirements of the spell.) Immediately and at the beginning of each turn, the target
must roll willpower, attempting to score at least as many successes as you. For each success not matched, he suffers a minus
one to all rolls that turn. The enchantment lasts for one scene.

***** ** Illusion
Activation: 2k
Ability: Performance (6) (vs. wits+ enigmas (6))
Description: This power works exactly like Fool, except that dexterity + performance is rolled instead of expression, and rather
then targeting the senses of one person, you create an illusion which many people may see. Any being witnessing the illusion
you create may make a wits + enigmas roll to disbelieve it.

***** *** Teleport

Activation: 2k
Ability: Etiquette (8)
Description: You must know your destination to attempt this power or the place of arrival will be unpredictable.
System: Make a dexterity + etiquette roll, diff. 8, to determine success or failure. Failure indicates that nothing happened. A
botch indicates a result similar to Chaos Transport (Ignis Aspect Chaos.)

***** **** Shapeshift

Activation: 1k
Description: You take on the form of any real animal of your choice, taking on all of their abilities, and all of their disadvantages.
System: No roll is required. You may still use your powers while transformed, but things such as Hyena or Tease are impossible
if you cannot speak, and other spells may have similar requirements. Note that this power does not count as an enchantment. As
a result of this, you must re-activate it to return to your normal form. This power may be used to cause changes in your human
appearance, but may not make you look like someone else (Illusion does that just fine.)

***** ***** Gate

Activation: 2k
Ability: Crafts (6)
Description: You may open a magical gateway to any other place you are familiar with, or the place occupied by a person
(including yourself) or thing you are familar with. Anything which may fit through the gateway, which is large enough for you to

walk through easily, may then go through it arriving at the destination.

System: Make a dexterity + crafts roll to determine the number of turns the gate remains open.

The Phoenix Covenant

The Scanners/Highlander Players' Guide
By Peter Flanagan (

Eric woke to the sound of thunder in the distance.
He yawned. "What a night." He staggered out of bed, gesturing at the door. It opened. He walked out, tossed out a quick Scan,
and entered the kitchen.
Eric chuckled. I'm getting paranoid, he thought with a smile.

No, you're not, he Heard. Practice more.

Eric laughed outright. Okay, you're getting paranoid. His cereal floated into his bowl.

You should be so lucky, his fellow Scanner Sent back at him. Do you want to die?
Oh, please, Eric replied easily. Who'd be Scanning this dump anyThe building shook.
"Dammit, Sharon!" Eric roared. "Quit fooling around!"

That wasn't me, she Sent grimly.

"Oh great, Reapers," Eric groaned, tossing on his Kevlar trenchcoat and jumping out the window. Being part of Phoenix

Covenant may be a lot of things, but at least it's not dull!

Roland woke uneasily, the dream of the Buzzing surrounding him still echoing in his mind. He pulled his concentration together,
desperately trying to discern reality from fantasy.
The crashing sound above him explained a great deal.
"I suppose I should help..." he sighed, taking his ninja-to from its place beside his bed and rising. After all, it isn't as if Phoenix

Covenant hasn't helped me out of a few scrapes.

This is a supplement for Scanners: The Madness and to a lesser extent, Highlander: The Gathering, written by Mark J. Janecka
and Hank Driskill/John Gavigan respectively. This work, like each of those, is in the public domain and may be freely copied and
distributed. The author requests that any changes made be specified as being separate from this work, but no other restrictions
apply. The use of "Storyteller", "World Of Darkness", "Firestarter," "Highlander", and "Scanners" and the quotes, names, and
concepts therefrom is not a challenge to the ownership of the rights to the companies associated with these works. The use of
them in this set of rules is without permission.
The "World Of Darkness" and "Storyteller" series of role-playing games are published by and are a copyright of White Wolf Inc.
"Firestarter" is a Dino De Laurentis film, and a Universal Release by Universal City Studios, 1984, released on MCA home
video, and based on the Stephen King story of the same name.
"Scanners" is A David Cronenberg film, a Filmplan International Production, and an Embassy Pictures release, 1981.
"Highlander" is a Russell Mulcahy film, a Thorn EMI Screen Entertainment release, and a Davis/Panzer production, 1986.

Chapter One: Scanner Society

Scan together. Scan together and our minds begin to flow into each other. Until they become one. One self. One soul. One
existence. Beautiful. Beautiful...and frightening.

-- The Gestalt, Scanners

Scanners are often solitary, but this is a condition of their rarity, not (usually) a choice made by them. When a psion finds others
touched by the power, the resulting relationship is usually intense, like most things related to the psi world. Either the lone
Scanner is quickly and heartily welcomed into the group (mind-reading aids trust tremendously) or ends up a bitter adversary, if
not an outright enemy. Shortly thereafter, however, a differently aligned group will usually learn about the Scanner's newfound
affiliations or troubles, and react accordingly. And so it goes, all things balance, except that in the end, the Scanner isn't alone
any more.

The Factions
There aren't really enough Scanners to make for a lot of duelling organizations, and they rarely enter positions of power. Those
that do, of course, are the most formidable of Scanner adversaries, but in general there are two primary psi organizations: the
Phoenix Covenant and the Reapers. One other group will be mentioned, however...

Phoenix Covenant
"It is glory and majesty beyond comprehension. She has neither words nor conceptions to describe this transcendent
moment, as she becomes a being of raw, pure more human than the stars burning in the sky. And she wonders if
this is how her mother felt...when she became Phoenix?"
-- Chris Claremont, Uncanny X-Men 202
The purposes of the Phoenix Covenant are simple: to protect the normal humans around them from unscrupulous Scanners and
to learn more about themselves. They usually spent little time successfully doing either, more often than not unable to access the
information that would tell them who and what they came from, and rarely crossing swords with the now-uncommon forces of the
broken Scanner conspiracy. The Covenant primarily serves as a support group for now, finding Scanners and bringing those
who aren't totally psychotic or corrupt into the fold, so they can learn to control their powers and function normally. They've been
very successful in recent years, causing the number of 'unexplained psi phenomena' reported to drop since their founding. Still,
some groups within the Covenant remain vigilant against other Scanners and denizens of the World of Darkness.

Any psi who accepts the few restrictions placed on them by the Covenant may join. The Covenant (or PC, as a few comedians in
the group call it) actively seeks out Scanners but does not ask them to join the primary defensive teams -- those are strictly
volunteer only. Most Scanners who join, in fact, merely give and receive aid in maintaining a facade of normality as they return to
(or continue) their normal lives. At present, the Covenant believes it consists of about a third of the present psi population. In
addition, any other paranormals may join the Covenant, so long as they abide by the code of conduct. Their numbers include a
number of ex-Scanners who have Awakened into full Mages, as well as Orphans and Tradition Mages who have tired of the
constant warring with the other three factions. A few Werewolves, primarily of the Children of Gaia, a handful of Kindred seeking
Golconda, a Changeling or two and a surprising number of Immortals have also joined the Covenant.

As previously stated, the Covenant seeks to maintain the fragile peace that has risen from the Reapers' fall. Scanner members
of Phoenix Covenant have had a surprising amount of success controlling their powers, but this is through exercises designed to
increase Willpower rather than more direct (some would say easy) cures or remedies. Also, the Immortals (who may well
outnumber the Mages) are trying to learn how they came to be, and why 'there can be only one' in the end. They are all under a
sort of cease-fire with one another, and PC safehouses have been consecrated by religious Scanners, making them holy
In addition to maintaining Scanner peace, PC Scanners are also expected, though not required, to protect normals from
mundane threats such as muggers, accidents and drunk drivers. This request is more honored in the breach than in the practice,
but it is becoming more popular as the new generation of Scanners begins to take an active role in society.

If you're a Scanner, being 'reborn' is a simple thing: get found by the Covenant and agree not to go around mindraping the
normals. That's pretty much the only requirement, if you happen to be a psi. Other paranormals are not so readily permitted to
join. First, the applicant's sincerity and judgment are checked, then a thorough background check is done (several unfriendly
Technomancers, a few Nephandi, and a pair of dark Immortals have been uncovered in this fashion) to ensure that some
telepathic trickery is not involved.


The largest resource Phoenix Covenant has at the moment, other than its members, is Biocarbon Amalgamate, which is
presently owned by Darryl Ruth. Through this company, Ephemerol is readily available to those Scanners who have not yet
learned to control their powers. Also, research is done here, both public and clandestine, investigating the Scanner
phenomenon. Also, Mr. Ruth is said to be favorably inclined toward Scanners, though no one is quite sure why.
Other assets available to the Phoenix Covenant include: its ties to law enforcement, from the local use of psychometric 'trackers'
to the mysterious 'Project PSI' itself (which may be the Covenant's link to the federal agencies), the growing Internet, through
which they can find out more about themselves and, to a lesser extent, friendly Technomantic factions, including the Sons of
Ether and the New World Order (both of which covet the psions' paradigm) as well as their 'parents,' the Progenitors.

"I took his head, and raped his woman before his blood was even cold!"
-- The Kurgan, Highlander
Many think that the Scanner supremacy movement died with its mysterious leader.
That is the worst mistake a Scanner, or Hunter, could make.
The organization that was trying to breed a master race of Scanners isn't gone. The children of the conspiracy are entering their
teens even now, and the survivors have new troops, a new plan, and a name: the Reapers.

"-- these Acolytes have pledged themselves to my service and my cause. I shall not abandon them."
-- Magneto, X-Men 2
The one virtue extolled by the Reapers is loyalty. Do what you will with the humans; destroy the enemy by any means necessary,
but betray your own and die horribly.
Anything else goes.
All a Scanner has to do is take the oath (and Telepathy, again, ensures honesty, or else) and the Scanner is no longer a psychic,
but a Reaper. It has been compared by one Nephandus-hunter to walking the Labyrinth -- the Scanner sells a piece of the soul
for power and moral laxity. Scanners are quick to reply that the soul has nothing to do with it; Reapers are not trapped by their
allegiance, they just take an easy out. Either way, the Reapers are the Villains, as far as the Traditions and the Covenant are
And, as always, the truth is not that simple.
Not all Reapers rape virgins and slaughter babies; most, in fact, only fight their enemies. The majority see themselves as the
champions of a new species, outnumbered and outgunned, and taking the best steps possible to remedy the situation. And if
the occasional human gets put through the grinder; well, it's us or them. And it's bloody well not going to be 'us.' Scanners (and
don't call me 'psychic,' bird-boy!) are here to stay.
Some Reapers, however, do indulge themselves, and as long as they're discreet (no mindblind copsicles or overly-moral PC
brats showing up) none of the others really care. Some rather unpleasant incidents of this type have turned the rivalry between
the two psi groups back into the war it had been when Revok was in charge.

The methods may have changed, but the intent remains the same: make more Scanners and take over the world.
It's not as far-fetched as it sounds, either.
They have no intention of starting an armed revolution. Once they have enough telepaths, key officials will be mindraped or
transferred out of their bodies, and voila, the Reapers are in charge. The Kindred won't be a problem (so they think) with their
access to pyrokinesis and telepathy.
The Reapers have not yet run afoul of the Technocracy. This may well be a good thing; the New World Order and the Syndicate
would both be far more likely to recruit the psis than kill them.
As for creating more Scanners, they may have lost access to BA's Ephemerol, but they have their sources, and they put it in
anything they can. It's not enough to affect the psis who come across it, but unborn infants are being affected.
And even without the efforts of the Reapers, new Scanners are born every year...


Surprisingly, it is the Reapers rather than Phoenix Covenant that has a ritual for bringing new Scanners into the fold. The
prospective Reaper is ordered to perform (by normal standards) distasteful acts, but is informed in advance how they will aid the
cause. Once these acts are completed, the Scanner is jumped (combat test) and brought back to the local hideout, and given
one final task: extract information from a normal, via mindrape or other psi power as necessary. Once the normal stops
screaming, a wild party is thrown in the new Reaper's honor, and often the group goes 'wilding.'

Thankfully, not many at present. They have connections to the Sabbat and the underworld in general, but their two largest assets
are the 'forgotten,' homeless people they can take as puppets, and the one ally they don't quite understand: Pentex.

The megacorporation that is the worst enemy of the Werewolves also employs more Scanners than any other single entity in the
world. This may not sound impressive, given its size; however:
1) They know what their Scanners are, if not where they come from.
2) Their psis work almost exclusively with the First Teams.
This has had the rather annoying effect of getting almost every Garou in the world to really hate Scanners.
As far as Pentex is concerned, this is a good thing. The more werewolves hate Scanners, the better chance of recruiting the psis
into a First Team. As always, the best way to fight the werewolves is to turn them against themselves...
They recruit from the 'higher' echelon of Scanners, trying to get as many of the educated ones as possible. When forced to settle
for the drudges that normally comprise their shock troops, they attempt to educate the psi themselves. Often this results in a very
loyal, intelligent First Team Scanner; equally often the Scanner realizes what they want her to do and rebels. Occasionally the psi
refuses to learn and is only useful for cannon fodder.
Regardless, Pentex gives its Scanners a lot of leeway; after an encounter with a pissed Garou, a rebellious psi is likely to return
(on his knees) and beg for a second chance...assuming that the psi survives. Phoenix Covenant is not happy with the situation,
but is as yet unaware that these psionic 'monster-hunters' are actually working for Pentex and turning a potential ally against
On the other hand, Pentex is unaware, except in the most nebulous way, of Phoenix Covenant. If it were, engineering an all-out
Garou/Scanner war would be all too easy, and there is no guarantee that the Garou would win. As it stands, only the 'obvious'
patronage of Phoenix (Gaia's champion) and the rarity of contact keeps the peace between the Garou leadership and Phoenix

Immortals and Societies

As mentioned in Highlander: the Gathering, Immortals rarely work together for a number of reasons. Primarily, since 'there can
be only one,' an Immortal may well be forced to kill a friend someday. This makes alliances rare. Usually, Immortals join with
another faction in the World of Darkness.
Phoenix Covenant is becoming a popular choice.
The Covenant provides a number of things valuable to an Immortal. One is a safe haven -- even those places which are not holy
ground are staffed by mindreaders, always valuable allies. Another is companionship, especially with beings who can relate to
the Immortal experience; like Immortals, Scanners are separated from humanity by a cosmic accident, but are still very human,
and through biofeedback, can halt aging. But most important to an Immortal is something that could very well keep them alive
through the centuries: a sense of purpose. The most common cause of death among Immortals is a loss of the will to live.
Without that hunger to survive, the deadliest swordsman will fall through a simple lack of interest.
Besides, the Immortals and Scanners seem to have a common bond; their powers seem to be related.

Chapter Two: The Phoenix Toolbox

Sharon laughed as Eric's body flew back. Sure, Eric Sent, groaning. Go ahead and laugh. I'll just keep getting thrown around

like a piece of meat.

"If you insist," she replied, concentrating on the Reaper that had attacked. Don't you learn, shock-boy? We kicked your butt all
over the place before, and that was when you had your buddies here. Now I'm going to -- Sharon's head jerked back, then she
doubled over.

The Reaper, a tall lanky punk with a dark smile, walked forward and reached toward the sensory expert. "Ever run into a reflex
shield, little girl? Nasty experience, being blasted by your own mind." "You're...not...that...good," she breathed, trying to push him
away with her TK. He shrugged it off and laughed.
"Ah, science," he said, touching the choker gleaming on his neck. "It's simply amazing what they're doing with electronics these
His hand jerked as an electric arc shot from the choker.
"Yeah..." Eric snarled, his eyes blazing, "it's just one shock after another."
The scanshield shorted out in a blue-white blaze while the punk screamed.
Sharon rose shakily, smoothing out the mindblast with a touch of biofeedback. Then she focused, taking the punk's psiforce out
of synch and channelling some of it to Eric. "Thanks."
"Hey, I owed you," Eric replied. "That reminds me...gotta thank Roland for teaching me that trick. But we've got more important
things to worry about right now."
"Like how trash like him got hardware like this?" she asked, taking the choker.
Eric nodded solemnly.
Scanners are, by their nature, scientifically oriented. This is to say, the physical nature of their powers, being of the Technocracy,
makes them more capable of using technological advancements than normal humans. Psychotronics, psi-drugs and
parapsychology are all a part of the Scanner phenomenon, as well as the 'harder' sciences of paraphysics and parabiology.
This means that, in general, Scanners have access to a higher level of technology than the sleepers around them.
It should be noted that this is not always a good thing. The Technocracy uses psi-tech already, and in fact the New World Order
has made great advances in the sciences of the mind. This gives interested Technocrats a serious advantage when tracking,
hunting and capturing Scanners for study and/or arrest for 'reality crimes.'
In addition, the Scanners' powers are not static, however much the Technocracy might wish otherwise...

Powers of the Mind

Roland concentrated deeply, his eyes closed and his breathing slow and deep. Roland concentrated deeply, his eyes closed
and his breathing slow and deep.

There's no real 'trick' to it that I can explain, Eric Sent to Roland as he floated above the immortal. You have the power within
you, all you need do now is focus it.
Perception? Roland thought.
In this case, another word for focus. Imagine thrusters, invisible hands, Quickening, whatever works for you. But get that force
to push you up and you'll be set.
Roland nodded as Eric's experience with psychokinesis flowed through his mind. Direction of force through strength of surrounds us, we swim in it...all that is needed is to grasp it and --/p>

"How's that, Roland?" Eric asked.
Roland opened his eyes, and found himself floating a few feet above the ground.

" extraordinary!"
Eric smiled. "Not to us."
The original Scanners rules were, and are, excellent. But with the publication of Mage, 2nd. edition, some of the psion's
advantages are less pronounced. A mage can now easily equal the powers of a psi as defined in Scanners, and the powers of
the psis themselves, based largely on Mage spheres, change also if using the 2nd edition. Also, many 'alternate' Immortals rules
have powers for immortals that greatly resemble psi powers. Therefore, a complete set of psi powers is provided here,
completely compatible with Mage 2nd edition and requiring no other books. These can be used as the base Scanner powers,
second generation Scanner powers (they're getting more powerful!) or Highlander abilites, similar -- but not identical -- to the
powers of the psis, which were designed by the Progenitors to be like these.

Not the most thoroughly defined ability in psi, biofeedback is nevertheless an ability commonly attributed to the powers of the
mind. The GM may choose to either regard this power as one in its own right, as equal to Stamina as in the original Scanners
rules, or a 'derived' power (the assumed default here) based on either Metascan (see below) or the lesser of Telepathy and
Stamina. Biofeedback, as listed below, is more versatile than its predecessor, which is why the original rules are not the
assumed ones here. If you wish to keep Biofeedback as an 'automatic' ability based on Stamina, then the use of the original
rules is recommended. If, on the other hand, Biofeedback becomes a separately purchased power, than adding a dot to the
starting available psi-powers base is highly recommended. (Note: use 1st ed. rules for Biofeedback damage; i.e. *** does 1
damage per die, **** does 2 per, and ***** does 3 per.)

* Sense Pulse/Self Control

As all Scanners begin with one dot of telepathy, the 'Serene Temple' effect is as valid as ever. Also, the Scanner is now capable
of sensing the physical well-being of another, where any disturbances are within a biosystem, etcetera.

** Alter Flow
Though no permanent damage can yet be done, a living body can be stunned, forced to sleep (with Telepathy **) or revitalized.
Healing can be enhanced, but not made instant. (Move one level down the healing time chart per success.)

*** Heal/Harm
At this level, the psi can cause direct, immediate injury, or seal wounds with a thought. Combined with TK *** or Telepathy ***,
this can perform the infamous 'head explosion' trick seen in the original movie.

**** Strengthen/Diffuse
Although reshaping the body is beyond known Scanner power, the inner power that fuels the body can be caused to speed up or
slow down, causing the body to become stronger, faster, or more resilient -- or to weaken in like manner.

***** Halt Aging

At this point, the Scanner is effectively immortal. Though dead is still dead (unless the character is a True Immortal) a Scanner
will not drown or starve and can regenerate as a Garou. All the standard Aggravated Damage rules apply, however -- fire, Wyrmtaint, supernatural claws and Vulgar magicks require days rather than moments to heal. This power is usable on others, but only
for as long as the Scanner concentrates.

Extra Sensory Perception: (Correspondence/Time)

Why Scanners have linked Correspondence and Time effects is beyond the understanding of most nature-oriented Mages, but
the Technocrats are throwing parties over this ability, which 'proves' certain aspects of their Unified Field Theory. The rebel
Technomancers, on the other hand, laugh at their rivals' naivete. ESP, while related to the Spheres of Correspondence and
Time, is a power unique unto itself.

* Immediate Spacial Perceptions

Almost identical to the Correspondence 1 ability. The psi still uses the normal five senses to detect things otherwise blocked by
mundane barriers, but can 'project' them short distances away, allowing limited clairvoyance. All other abilities of the
Correspondence 1 gift cross over normally.

** Psychometry
The Scanner can now sense the history of a person or object by touching it. This allows the psi to 'see' the object and its
surroundings in its past. Considerably more useful than it might first appear; any object can become a 'bug' in the hands of an
ESPer. This also allows 'psychic readings' of a person's future, but like such readings, they are of a very general nature, and
difficulty increases by 1 without appropriate 'reading' material (crystal ball, Tarot, etc).

*** Remote Sensing

Essentially identical to Correspondence 2, although to 'conjure' items requires Mediumship 3 rather than Life 2 (inappropriate)
and Matter 2 (not available). The psi's Clairsentience abilities are now complete. The psi can actually use this ability at level 2,
but there is a realspace and time range limitation that no longer exists at this level. (Before this level, roll for range as for a
'normal' power.) Possession of this level of ESP also increases the psi's Telepathy rank by one for purposes of Astral
Projection, max 5.

**** Precognition/Co-Locality Perception

The Scanner can now see the past and future, as per Time 2. If not using 'remote sensing' above, then the psi can only read the
local area, but this provides an automatic 'danger sense' and lowers difficulty by 1. In addition, Scanners can perceive multiple
locations as per Correspondence 3. (All Scanners possess at least Telepathy 1, so all successfully 'stacked' locations can be
assimilated at once.) Used together, ESPers can view a past, present, and future at the same time-for different locations.

***** Teleportation
The Scanner can now teleport, as per Correspondence 3 and 4. Scanners cannot co-locate, but others can be teleported if the
Scanner is good enough. (The ST might allow Time 3 contraction and/or dilation to mimic hyperspeed, but it is not within the
traditional psychic abilities. Immortals, OTOH, are very likely to possess this variant; it's called Quickening for a reason.)

Mediumship: (Spirit)
The Technocracy can deny it all they want, but the Spirit world is there, and psychics have been aware of it since the dawn of
time. Scanners, despite the best efforts of their creators, are no exception. Those Scanners gifted (or cursed) with Mediumship
can see the Middle and Lower Umbrae, and interact with them. (The High Umbra is usually the province of Telepathy.) This
power is similar to the Spirit Sphere, with one very important exception: Scanners do not travel physically through the Gauntlet.
They project spiritually just as Telepaths do Astrally, leaving their bodies behind. Unsurprisingly, this makes the psi very
vulnerable to possession or physical assault. The Medium's Spirit form is for all intents and purposes identical to the physical
one when using the rules for the Umbra. (Yes, this makes breaching the Horizon all but suicidal for a Scanner.) Caveat Scanner.
(Special note: Unless the ST says otherwise, Scanners cannot combine Mediumship with other powers for psi rotes.)

* Spirit Sight/Sense
** Touch Spirit/Manipulate Gauntlet
*** Pierce Gauntlet/Rouse & Lull Spirit
**** Seal Breach/Channel Spirit
***** Forge Ephemera/Outward Journeys
(Note: Rend Gauntlet, Bind Spirit and Gilgul are beyond the power of a Medium.)

Metascan: (Life/Prime)
Some Scanners are so powerful, they can actually affect the powers of other psis. Metapsi, or Metascanning, is the psychic
equivalent of Prime for psis, but bears little resemblance to the magickal sphere -- not surprising since Scanners store
Quintessence about as well as Sleepers. The flow of Quintessence, however, is much greater, and therein lies the secret of
Metascan: sensing, increasing, decreasing, and even stopping the flow. This, not surprisingly, lends itself to Biofeedback
effects, and even if the two powers are not directly linked, numerous psi 'tricks' are possible by combining the two. All Metascan
abilities can be resisted by supernaturals with the appropriate ability or a Willpower roll of difficulty 4+rank.

* Sense Supernatural & Scanners

Really, this is just 'sense supernatural' but Scanners don't consider themselves supernatural. This is more or less identical to
Prime 1, except that the Scanner cannot store Quintessence. Beings and places with high concentrations of Chi are sensed by
this power. Scanners can be told from other beings by this power, however, as the Prime flows through them rather than being a
'mere' concentration of same. The difficulty is equal to 10 minus the highest supernatural power of the subject.

** Scanjam
At this level, the Scanner can muck up the increased flow of Scanner power in a general area. Unable to find the actual streams
of power, the MetaScanner can simply jam everything. Sleepers will become tired, Garou are annoyed, and Mages sense the
disturbance, but all Scanner powers except Telepathy are reduced by one for each success within normal range. Why Telepathy
is unaffected is hotly debated by those who care, but the Mind's unique relationship with Prime certainly has something to do
with it.

*** Scanrhythm
Up to now, Sleepers are more or less unaffected by Metascanning (unless Biorhythm is equal to it) but that changes here. A
Scanner can now increase the ambient flows slightly, adding one level per two successes to all Scanners present-again,
excepting Telepathy...unless the subject is a gifted Sleeper or other living being. Any psychic Numina may be purchased by a
Sleeper, Garou or Changeling subjected to this ability. They are subject to the normal Numina rules and must spend the points
on this talent, but the Scanner can train them.

**** Enhance/Block
The psi can now target individual Scanners, as well as other supernaturals. This merely blocks the ability to gain Gnosis,
Quintessence, and/or Glamour in the others, or refuels same (resulting in a pissed off, or very happy, supernatural) but to a
Scanner the effect is much more dangerous...or beneficial. The MetaScanner can now increase or decrease the flow to a single
Scanner, boosting power by one per two successes (max rank five-but see PK, Macro) or dropping it at a one-for-one ratio.

***** Deadzone
The Scanner can now reduce chi flows to pencil thin lines, or with Biofeedback, cut them off entirely. This can knock unconscious
any living thing, and even undead can now be affected by cutting off their internal supply lines. But more devastating is the ability
to create a 'dead-zone' in which only the MetaScanner can use his abilities. Telepathy is still unaffected, as are other mental
powers (Mind, Auspex, etc) but the MetaScanner has access to all abilities. Any ability or Talisman that requires the expenditure
of a Prime-related power source (Blood Pools, Gnosis, & Glamour but not Rage or Pathos) is also affected, though resistance
is still possible.

Psychokinesis, Macro: (Forces)

Most psi abilities are quite subtle unless deliberately performed otherwise; this is not so with psychokinesis. Scanners with
these powers can move furniture with a thought, cause plastic to burst into flames, and call electricity to play between their
fingers. Energy is the plaything of the psychokinetic, and they play with it quite well. It is worth noting, however, that most
psychokinetics are limited to one of those types of powers -- a low level PK Scanner is either a telekinetic, a pyrotic, or a student
of magnetism. As their powers increase, though, they learn to use other abilities, as all forces are one-even to a Scanner...

* 1 power (TK, PK, EK) at lowest level (<1 lb., candle/spark)

At this level, the Scanner chooses a power, and can perform its basic function in a very limited fashion. With imagination and
skill, this can be useful, but the Scanner is not yet ready to start throwing couches or fireballs.

** Create Shield/Increase Power (100 lbs., palm of flame or electricity)

Now the psi begins to expand the power first learned, being able to create an aura that protects any given area (usually the
Scanner) and do limited damage as per the Forces chart. Limited special effects (levitation, vibration for PK, magnetic fields)
are also possible.

*** 2nd power added; 1 dot less powerful (3000 lbs., campfire/ powersurge)
At this point, the Scanner begins to expand the kinetic abilities, adding one of the others at one dot below the primary one. The
main power continues to expand, and now true flight, creating fire in mid-air, and bathing in electricity or affecting light are all

**** Meld Powers/'Hold' Energy (10000 lbs., bonfire/lightning)

The two powers available can now be mixed together, creating shapes of fire or lightning, directed magnetic fields, create fields
of cold as well as than heat, or even generate plasma by combining pyrokinesis with electrokinesis.

***** 3rd power added; 2 dots less powerful (40 tons, inferno/chain lightning)
As the Scanner masters the full range of psychokinesis, the remaining power becomes available at two ranks below the primary.
That primary ability, while not capable of the far-reaching, godlike abilities of the mage, can now lift 18-wheelers, incinerate
buildings and short out entire power grids. In addition, the teke can defy gravity, the pyrotic can even go nuclear (on a very small
scale) and the electropsi can warp light and master magnetism.
Buying up the remaining abilities costs the normal price for an ability of that level.

Psychokinesis, Micro: (Entropy)

This ability, considered an application of psychokinesis on the smallest of scales, (subnuclear?) is essentially identical to the
sphere of Entropy. The only difference is that any given effect will only last as long as the Scanner concentrates. A psi cannot
create enchantments. Other than that, however, studies of psi have provided more evidence of this ability than of its 'big brother'
telekinesis and is quite appropriate to Scanners.
(Note: STs might consider this power inappropriate; check before using)

* Sense Fate & Fortune

** Control Probability
*** Affect Predictable Patterns
**** Affect Life
***** Affect Thought

Telepathy: (Mind)
Again, virtually identical to the Mage sphere. At the Scanner's option, instead of astral travel, a psi can reweave dreams and
manipulate them at whim.

* Sense Thoughts and Emotions/Empower Self

** Read Surface Thoughts/Create Impressions/Mental Impulse
*** Mental Link/Walk Among Dreams
**** Control Conscious Mind/Dreamscape or Near Astral Travel
***** Control Subconscious/Untether/Forge Psyche

Counterpsi note
This works just like countermagick in Mage 2nd ed. except that anti-magick is unavailable (Quintessence? What's that?) against
magick as well as psi. Each Scanner 'gift' has the corresponding sphere(s) listed with it: Matter is not included, and can only be
countered indirectly.

Toys for Gods

" sure about this, Roland?"
Roland smiled. "Trust me, Eric. The VA I got this from said it's been tested thoroughly."

Eric took the circuit-covered headband dubiously. "If you say so..." He put it on his head.
"On the net, anyway..." Roland smiled.
"Magnus, you motherless --" Eric began. Then everything went into hypersharp focus, and his car was suddenly floating in the air.
Eric's jaw dropped.
Roland stared at this spectacle with a smile and folded arms. "I told you to trust me."
Let's face it. What good is being related to the Technomancers if you don't get a few neat toys to play with? It bears noting,
however, that these items are rare; even the more common drugs are all but unheard-of.

This is the drug of choice for those psis who indulge in psychotropic enhancement. Much of the danger from the previous
versions has been removed; this version of Ephemerol is neither lethal nor unbalancing to the mind. It is not, however, perfectly
safe. (Progenitors may have a totally safe version of EPH-5, but if so it is reserved for their own use, as are all their 'perfect'
drugs; see the Progenitors book for details.) This drug adds three dice to the Scanner's Willpower only for psi purposes; this
includes resisting the Disorder, however, effectively blocking it. Over a period of several hours, however, it slowly wears off, and
drains Willpower at one point per hour for six hours after the first, leaving the psi at -3 Willpower once the drug wears off. This
loss is temporary and lasts for a day. The drug is highly addictive, for obvious reasons: a Scanner who uses a second dose to
avoid 'crashing' must roll versus unmodified Willpower or crave the drug, doing everything possible to 'chain' the high for as long
as possible. More permanent addictions are left up to the Storyteller, but a period as long as two or three stories at -3 Willpower
is recommended.

This amphetamine derivative adds two to the psi dice pool and one to Dexterity, but subtracts one from all Mental Attributes. It
also does not add to Willpower for resistance to the Disorder. This drug is almost impossible to become addicted to, as the psi
feels awful while taking it and the body rejects mindspeed rather than craving it.

This odd hallucinogen, apparently based on peyote, is a muscle-relaxant and something of an anesthetic. A Sleeper will live up
to the name, getting a good night's rest and having some odd, but usually enjoyable, dreams. A Scanner, and any mage with the
Mind Sphere, will enter a deep trance and have an extra two dice to the Telepathy/Mind dice pool. This will result in a
pseudo/astral state if the psi is not capable of astral travel, in which the mind flows freely across the nearby dreamscape from
mind to mind. The body, however, is essentially helpless. A psi can become addicted to Serenity, but it is very uncommon, as
the several hours of sleep are more than enough to purge the body of the drug. Psychological addiction is more common; GMs
may ask for Willpower rolls after extended use.

There are a fair number of fictional technologies related to psi. Some are derived from Technomancers' equipment, and others
have been adapted by them. Pretty much anything that has been dreamed up has been tried at least once.

Radionic Enhancer: The most famous piece of Scannertech, this SoE invention adds to a Scanner's Willpower pool over and
above their rank in a given power. This does not give the Scanner the abilities of a higher-ranked power, but allows, say, a ***
Telepath to roll four dice to determine success. There is no known upper limit to the Radionic Enhancer. Many versions of this
device exist, including a few which are sanctioned by the Technocracy.
It does, however, have one major drawback: its energies are tuned to the Scanner, and can result in feedback. Any botch, or
successful telepathic/electrokinetic attack by a psi or mage who is familiar with the Enhancer, causes damage to the Enhancer's
user. Roll a number of dice equal to the user's highest power Dice Pool (including the Enhancer's die!) for damage.

Psi Tracker: Scanners are part of the paradigm. This allows Manar-like technology to function against Scanners without
resorting to Devices.
The user makes a Perception + Technology roll, difficulty 10-highest power level in use (yes, inactive Scanners can be detected,
with luck) and if successful, the Tracker will indicate the direction and location of the power in use (or the nearest Scanner).

Screamer: These nasty little devices are fairly rare, primarily because they are universally despised by Scanners and destroyed
immediately upon discovery. A Screamer is a weapon designed to mimic the Migraines flaw, and boy, does it do the trick!
Attacks are made with Intelligence + Technology, difficulty 7, 'dodged' with a Willpower roll. Successful attacks mean the
Scanner is under the effects given for a Migraines flaw. (Those unlucky Scanners with the Migraines flaw add +1 to all relevant

difficulties.) As the 'lash-out' rule is in full force, this is an extremely dangerous weapon for all concerned.

Scan Jammer: This piece of equipment acts in a fashion identical to the Metascan 2 effect, has a Dice Pool of 3, and causes
general aches and pains in affected Scanners. This side effect allows Scanners to find the device by following the intensity of the
side effect. Meta-scanners may resist with their own power, canceling the Jammer's successes with their own.

Mind Shield: This fairly well-known piece of equipment, usually made in the shape of a headband (though the infamous
Mirrorshades of the Black Suits perform the same function), provides the wearer with a counterpsi Dice Pool of 3 for purposes
of resisting telepathy only. Standard issue for Technocracy Scanner-hunters, they are otherwise hard to come by.

Psibolt Blaster: This diabolic weapon is the rarest and most effective weapon known to Scanners. It adds two dice to a
Scanner's telepathy pool for purposes of attack only, but also has the effect of a Screamer on ANY target. The mindblind are
easily cowed with this device. The Migraine effect, however, can be resisted by Awakened by rolling Willpower, difficulty 9ranking in Mind, Telepathy, or equivalent power.

Traits: Merits and Flaws

As with other Players' Guides, this document is mean to provide players with new and different options for developing their
characters. One of the best ideas to come from the official White Wolf books are Merits and Flaws, which function like the
advantages and limitations in other RPGs. Merits cost Freebie Points, and Flaws give them. Buying off Flaws (or purchasing
Merits, if allowed) costs five times the original freebie cost in experience points. If you want to know more about them, go buy a
Player's Guide (I especially recommend the Book of Shadows) and read up on 'em. Included here are a few Scanner specific
Merits and Flaws, and one Immortal specific Merit. Ascension's Right Hand also has some interesting Traits for Mages'
creations. Note: All the 'normal' Traits are available to Scanners & Immortals, though all the Mental Merits can be duplicated with
Telepathy except for Common Sense.
Note the 2nd: Scanners 2nd ed. includes a whole host of Merits and Flaws. Enjoy!

Supernatural Merits and Flaws

As stated in the other Guides, these are the rare and wondrous traits that can mark a character as truly special, make for a really
cool gaming session, and really screw up play balance. YHBW.

PK Natural
(5 point Merit)
You make no distinction between Forces; all three powers rise equally and you don't have to buy anything up later. Perhaps
you're a bit more enlightened than your fellow Scanners, or just more talented. This Merit causes Macro PK to function almost
identically to Forces Magick, but use the Scanner listing in case of contradiction.

Disorder Control/Weakness
(7 point Merit/5 point Flaw)
There's some-thing really odd about your Disorder -- either it's really weak, due to luck or sheer cussedness, or unnaturally
strong in you. Either way, you react differently to it. If you have Disorder Control, then you don't suffer from your Disorder unless
your Willpower is down to one. You don't gain any side benefits, however, by 'unleashing' your power. Disorder Weakness
means that any time you botch a psi-related roll, you must make a Willpower check or suffer the affects of your Disorder,
regardless of your present level of Will. This Trait must be used with caution, if allowed at all.

(3 point Merit)
The strange miasmic force that hides other supernatural forces in the world also protects you. This can be a maddening matter if
trying to prove what you are to someone, but in general is very useful. "Who was that masked man?"

Technomancer Ally
(3-5 Point Merit)
This is especially valuable to a Scanner, as it means you know a Willworker with a Scientific paradigm. This Scientist (please,
not Mage) can aid you in innumerable ways, although your assistance may also be required, and you will certainly spend some
time as a lab rat -- er, assisting with various experiments. The three point Merit means you know one of the more decent

members of the Technocracy, but you might become entangled in Technocratic red tape. Or worse. The five point Merit
indicates a Son of Ether, Virtual Adept, or techno-Orphan, who most likely will not embroil you in such things.

Psychic Flicker
(1-5 point Flaw)
This functions similarly to Echoes from the Mage and Changeling Guides, but instead means you have a tendency to use your
powers unconsciously. A one point Flaw means you will occasionally pick up useless trivia from people's minds, a three point
Flaw results in disturbing bursts of psi activity, especially 'poltergeist haunting' from all three kinds of PK, and a five point Flaw
can do anything from paralyzing you with your own powers to setting off every burglar alarm in a three mile radius.

(4 point Merit)
You move easily from false life to false life. This is as much a mystic power as a skill; you have a sort of Arcane fog about you
that prevents mortals from tracing your previous 'lives' the way Connor was uncovered in the original Highlander. You even start
to look different after a while, subtly matching modern appearance.

Chapter Three: Playing Well With Others

"We can make of reality what we choose."
-- Jeremy Northam, The Net
"Your strong."
-- Bela Lugosi, Dracula (1931)
Eric blinked as the homeless man brushed passed him; a resonance of deep sadness had waved over him, as though the
weight of the world had been on his shoulders. Poor guy, Eric thought. Maybe I can help... Eric carefully wove his kinetic powers
together, starting to mend the ragged clothes he was wearing -- and suddenly he was staring at an eight-foot tall upright wolf, a
wolf that was staring back in confusion and anger. "Wyrrrrm spawn!"
"Oboy," Eric said, backing away...
A lot of denizens of the World of Darkness have many misconceptions about who and what the Scanners and Immortals really
are. Scanners, especially, throw a new wrinkle into old feuds. Immortals have been around, well, forever, but the pseudo-magi
are something new.
The various supernatural beings of the Tellurian know little about each other; the groups as a whole know even less about the
psions, or the Gathering.
Some individuals, however, know a lot more than they're telling...


"Mortals are mortals. They're meat."

-- Vlad the Impala, Malkavian Archon (deceased)
The Camarilla, in typical vampiric arrogance, has dismissed the 'strange urban sorcerers' as a
distraction, not worthy of consideration. They rule the world, after all, and a few lunatics with
strange powers of the mind aren't going to give them a problem.
The Reapers could wipe them out if they tripled their numbers.
This may seem like a stretch, but for two things: telepathy and pyrokinesis. One or the other
would not be sufficient; mortal hunters have been using fire to hunt the Kindred since the
beginning, and telepathic Numina is no match for a Kindred with a full Blood Pool. Most
Scanners, however, can easily take a neonate, and even the princes are no match for a
Scanner circle. (This, BTW, does not account for Methuselah intervention. No known Scanner
is a match for one of these beings...)

This, however, is not going to happen. The Kindred and the Scanners will never go to war on a
grand scale for two simple reasons. One, they both have a Masquerade in common; the
mortals are still powerful and numerous enough to wipe both groups out should it come to that.
Two, they're each too busy fighting their own. Sure, the Reapers could destroy the Camarilla or
the Sabbat, if there were no Phoenix Covenant. But there is, and they can't.
The rivalry between these forces is in fact minimal. The largest Scanner group is actually
benevolent, and the Covenant has no interest in unveiling the Masquerade, even to the limited
extent that they understand it. They content themselves with protecting the mortals from
killers, and the Camarilla does not mind at all the assistance of these 'gifted kine' in maintaining
the Masquerade. The Sabbat would do more, however, if they had a clue about the Covenant.
They're more familiar with the Reapers, and even that contact is rare at best.
The comments in Highlander: the Gathering more or less remain as stated for
Kindred/Immortal relations. Phoenix Covenant Immortals are watched warily by those who
understand the connection, but in general the more or less good standing remains.

"Death to the Pentex Wyrmspawn!"
-- Storm Ripper, Shadow Lord Ahroun
Werewolves and Scanners do not get along.
This is due entirely to the wonderful efforts of your local Pentex corporation. They give psions they find (and are able to recruit)
equal or better treatment, a job, a home, and a purpose. Unfortunately, that purpose is to hunt the 'monsters' that prey on
humankind, namely werewolves. They have managed to keep their First Teams from adding vampires to the list, and the
'reformed' werewolves (Spiral Dancers) are given considerable respect -- the last thing most Scanners want to be seen as is
In many ways, the Scanner phenomenon is what Pentex is trying to bring about in terms of their 'evolution' concept. Unfortunately
for Pentex, they don't know about EPH-1, and EPH-5 does not create Scanners. They've looked into purchasing Biocarbon
Amalgamated, but that was a complete failure, due to separate efforts from Darryl Ruth, the Progenitors, and the Syndicate
(which isn't that corrupt...yet...) which completely threw them off.
The real problem arises, however, when Phoenix Covenant and the Thirteen Tribes run into one another. That didn't happen very
often in the past, but now, as the new generation of Scanners tries to make a difference, these two groups of would-be heroes
run afoul of each other with increasing regularity. If they were to work together, they would be a nearly unstoppable force, but the
Garou see/sense the Scanner powers in effect, shift to Crinos form and attack, and the Covenant psis see a bunch of slavering
monsters coming down on them.
It's a frustrating situation all around. Especially for the few members of both species who know what's going on.
A small but growing number of Glass Walkers and Children of Gaia have made alliances with Phoenix Covenant, and have
learned Numina or even (in rare cases) a version of their true telepathy from them. In return, these Garou have begun teaching a
few small Gifts to the Scanners. The Metis, especially, are fond of the psis, and 'Sense Wyrm' is slowly making its way through
the society. The problem here is, of course, that these are not exactly the movers and shakers of Garou society.
Worse, the whole situation with the Scanners is making the relations between the Garou and the Immortals very strained. The
Garou are beginning to look at the Immortals with concern, and the Phoenix Covenant Immortals, noble warriors all, are very
protective of their friends. Typical Immortal behavior, of course...

"Yes! This proves my theory beyond any doubt! Ether is of Mind, not Matter! Those fools at Paradigma must give me proper
recognition for my Radionic Enhancer now!"
-- Bernard Von Heisenberg, Son of Ether (natch)
A lot of mages are ecstatic over the Scanners.
The Sons of Ether are the Scanners' biggest fans, for a number of reasons. The Scanners use high technology, tend to be more
open-minded about Science than their Consensus counterparts, and are literally living proof that there is more to science than
the Technocracy would have the Masses believe. The Scanners, for their part, are fond of the Etherites, as one would be of a
wacky but well-meaning uncle.
The Technocracy, for their part, is by and large pleased with the development of the Scanners. Now they need to regain control

of the project.
The Progenitors and, surprisingly, the New World Order are most pleased with the Scanners. Although both groups would prefer
that the Scanners keep an even lower profile than they are maintaining at present, the Progenitors are happy with the present
level of success and the NWO is maintaining the place of mental powers on the timetable thanks to their help. The Progenitors
are gleefully working on the next generation of Scanners, planning to channel the Flaws in a certain direction, while the NWO
intends to slowly provide the sleepers with 'hints' of the Scanners' existence. Their long-term plan is to 'explain' all past magickal
phenomenon as early Scanners...
The Iterators, Void Engineers and Virtual Adepts are all somewhat more wary of the Scanners. While none of them really object
in theory, Scanners have a way of disrupting their plans. Iterators and Adepts don't like how Scanners fight computers (they don't
crash computers, they blow them up ) and the Engineers are more of an outer exploration group than an inner one; they prefer to
leave that sort of thing to the Akashics. Most Scanners think space travel is cool. (The one Scanner in the Void Engineers is
quite friendly, but with her access to the 'Sleeper' talismans, is a very frightening opponent...)
The Syndicate hates Scanners. Don't ask them why, they won't tell you. But it seems to be an almost instinctual reaction, and the
feeling is mutual.
As for the more mystical Traditions, they seem to be more ambivalent toward the Scanners. The Akashic Brothers and the Order
of Hermes have paradigms closest to that of the psions. The Brotherhood is fond of the Scanners, but feels they need to learn
self-control. As for the Hermetics, they would love to use the Scanners to advance their paradigm, but the Flaws make them a bit
wary of taking this path. (Both Traditions get along very well with Scanners possessing great Willpower.)
The other Traditions are capable of cooperating with Scanners, and have little trouble with them -- except for the Euthanatos and
the Verbena. The Euthanatos are outraged by the creation of the Scanners, and many of them try to 'destroy these spawn of the
Technocracy.' The Scanners, for their part, usually despise these 'psychotic butchers' and know them only for serial killers. They
aren't even aware of the existence of the Tradition.
As for the Verbena, they only know that these things were created by the Progenitors. Some of the more radical witches have
crafted some ugly ends for a few Scanners, though the Reapers have happily returned death for death, among other unpleasant
The Phoenix Covenant, which includes beings of many 'non-traditional' religions, would rather have peace with the Verbena, but
they rarely encounter one another, and it usually comes down to who has their friends around and who is alone.

"All things die. These mindwalkers and so-called 'Immortals' will face the Oblivion."
-- Friedrich Nietchze, Hierarchy bureaucrat
Scanners and Wraiths almost never run into one another.
Wraiths know a few things about the Scanners, but watch rather than interfere. Scanners, for their part, usually don't believe in
ghosts. Immortals never become Wraiths. This, unsurprisingly, limits contact. Occasionally, a Wraith will try to possess a
Scanner or a Covenant psi will find herself in the unenviable position of exorcist, but by and large they could care less about one
Except for a few Reapers, who've made contact with a small group of Spectres. The deal is, they'll mindwipe some Quick types
and the Spectres can move in. Then the Spectres use their powers to help the Reapers...

"Save me! (giggle)"
-- Katherine Montgomery, a very naughty Pooka
Changelings like Scanners. They're fun to play with. Ever since the boring humans stopped knighting people, there haven't been
any mortal champions to lead around by the nose (ahem) I mean, to inspire to great adventures and heroic deeds. Most magi
are big sticks-in-the-mud about things like that, and the Garou forgot what 'fun' meant centuries ago. But these kids in Phoenix
Covenant just love charging to the rescue, or flying around jousting with dragons, or solving really strange mysteries, get
the idea. The Immortals are usually too old to play with, though. 'Been there, done that' and all. Only the Sidhe have trouble with
the democratic Covenant psis -- each finds the other insufferably arrogant and self-righteous. Fae treat Reapers much like
Redcaps: either run like hell, shoot to kill or beg for mercy.
Phoenix Covenant has no idea that they're involved with Changelings (except for the one who faced off with a dragon) and tend
to get truly mystified by their adventures. But they have lots of fun, and Changeling-Scanner romances tend to go surprisingly
well; telepathic lovers never get boring, especially while hiding one's faerie nature. Both species wait with anticipation to find out
what the children will be like.
Again, the Reapers' reaction to the fae is much like that of a Redcap's; making 'em grovel is fun and put down the one who

mouths off the most as an example, the difference being that an angry Sidhe doesn't scare a Reaper in the least...

The Reckoning
Scanners have no legends of a great Armageddon, no prophecy of the world's end. Their 'culture,' such as it is, consists of two
small, youngish groups that are just struggling to survive at the moment. They have no internal politics to speak of, no sweeping
legacy or destiny, no future but the one they make.
And they may well be the world's salvation.
Nothing was foretold of them. No divination accounts for them, no seers learned of them, then or now. They skirt the edge of
Paradox, walking in the shadows of a World of Darkness, trying to find their way through to something better.
They just might.
As for the Immortals, one thing remains the same: In the end, there can be only one.

Appendix I: Madness in New York

The primary 'Phoenix Nest' is in Arizona (the Covenant leadership moved from L.A. for the privacy, and loved the irony) but there
are Nests throughout America and the world. The predicament of the Russian 'Scanners,' especially, have concerned the
Covenant psis greatly, but they have their own problems.
Especially in New York.
The Sabbat and the Glass Walkers share a strange rulership of the city, keeping the home of Lady Liberty teetering on a
precarious brink.
In this city lies a small haven of hope.
A few blocks away from Yankee Stadium, in a well-kept warehouse, is a small publishing company called Synapse Press. This
is a cover for the local chapterhouse of the Covenant. Consisting of nearly twenty Scanners, two Immortals, and a Hollow One,
the owners of Synapse Press try to keep the worms out of the Big Apple. They're just beginning to learn that worms own the

Appendix II: Awakened Scanners

Scanners are the tiniest step away from being truly Awakened. More than a few cross the line, becoming aware of their true
potential. Awakened Scanners can perform coincidental Forces and Mind effects that would be insanely vulgar for most other
magi; apparently they possess a resonance that allows the Sleepers, and indeed reality itself, to accept their telepathic and
psychokinetic abilities. Most of the rest of their 'normal' Scanner powers are coincidental anyway. But when their abilities start to
expand, the psis tend to balk. Stopping time, turning lead into gold and unweaving primal reality are well beyond their paradigm;
even rotes that would be coincidental to other magi are vulgar for an Awakened Scanner unless an acceptable technological
focus is made available. There is some give and take. Paradox is another matter. When a psi gains Paradox, whether the psi
was a Scanner or not, the Paradox tends to burn off in predictable ways...such as Scanner Disorders, nose-bleeds, temporary
power loss: this is why Black Suits tend to be so careful. It's worth noting that while the Disorder the Scanner had will be the most
common affliction, other Disorders may pop up from time to time, depending on the reason for the backlash and the amount of
Paradox involved.
Foci are rather odd in regards to Scanners. Most do what they have done through sheer force of will; STs may wish to use the
rules for 1st ed. Orphans for Scanners, namely no foci are necessary, but spheres are more expensive for them. However, there
are a number of options available, such as: Willpower rolls (used like a skill for focus purposes), their genetic structure as a
focus -- those blasted drugs again! -- certain skills the psi might have gained, such as Meditation, or even their Disorders!
Disorder rules would remain the same, except that accumulated Paradox might subtract from Willpower for purposes of
resisting the Disorder...
A Scanner may, at the ST's option, take more 'normal' foci if the situation warrrants. Needless to say, Scanners lose foci as
'mystic' mages do, one for every level of Arete after the first. (The ST might solve the focus problem by not allowing Awakened
Scanners to have more Spheres than they can remove foci from; how much Arete the Scanner Awakens with would therefore
depend on their present psychic prowess, although the Storyteller could also choose to alter this if the Scanner in question has a
large number of powers upon Awakening.)

The Crow
By Mike Knight (

Author's Notes
I had a look at both of the versions of The Crow on B.J's site, and I didn't like either of them. James Gleason's was too short and
not detailed enough, while Steve Bool's was too long and a bit overdone. So I took elements from both, combined and
streamlined them (I think so) and made this hideous monster. Mail me back with any comments and ideas.

Death is only a Beginning

People once believed that when someone dies a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes, something
so bad happens that a terrible sadness is taken with it an the soul can't rest. Then sometimes, just sometimes the crow can
bring the soul back to put the wrong things right.
-- Sarah (The Crow 1993)

Character Creation
'I know it was you, even with the make-up. I remembered your song, you said, "It can't rain all the time", that is from your song
right? Oh Eric, I know you're here, I miss you, and Shelley, it's so lonely here all by myself. . . the hell with you, I thought you
cared. . .'
'Sarah, I do care. . .'
-- Sarah and Eric

This is seen as the first step in creating your own 'Crow.' Without a concept you have nothing to work towards, so I see it as the
most important part. Most concepts will be the 'murdered-for-no-reason' type, because that is the most likely reason for your
return: Vengeance! You must bear in mind that rarely does anyone but a bog-standard mortal get to return. Other supernaturals
have had their chance, and it's time to let the mortals get their own back. You have to choose certain aspects of how you lived,
and how you died, who caused your death and so on.
You need to define these facts in three short summaries: Life, Death and Regret. Your Life, Death and Regret are explained in
Wraith: the Oblivion.

Attributes and Abilities

Characters are designed in a similar way to Vampires, Garou and Mages. Attributes are the 6/4/3 split that normal mortal
characters get. Abilities scores are the 13/9/5 split that Vampires etc. get to enjoy. There are certain differences, however.
Crows are fueled by the power of their pain and anger. This gives them certain 'extras': all Crows gain + 2 to all Physical
Attributes and Wits, even if this takes them over 5. They also gain, in the way of Ability increases, the following: Alertness + 1,
Athletics + 2, Awareness + 1, Brawl + 2, Dodge + 2, Intimidation + 2, Firearms + 3, Melee + 3, Stealth + 3, Investigation + 1 and
Occult + 1. All Crows are also immune to mind controlling magical abilities, and cannot be affected in any way by Mind Magick.

Willpower, as ever, is the same as other character types. The initial score 5, and can be increased with freebie points.
The second advantage is Manacles. This is to all intents and purposes the same as a Wraith's Fetters. Fetters are defined in
'Wraith: The Oblivion,' on page 32, as 'The ties that bind a Wraith to her old life and the living world.' The version we will be using
though, has moved on from that to be 'the ties that bind her to the living world and also reminders of your past life.' The more
Manacles you have, the more Flashbacks you can have and the better you can direct your Vengeance. You start with ten points
of Manacles, which can be boosted with freebie points. Manacles will give the Crow flashbacks, such as the gold engagement
ring in the film. These may be of happier times, but will always be painful for the Crow, as they remind him of what he has lost. A
Manacle will have a rating indicating how important it is to him. The flashbacks will have a stronger effect the higher the Manacle
rating is.
The third advantage is Rage. This describes how strong the character's pain and anger is. It allows him to use his special

abilities. It is regained in much the same way as with Garou, although flashbacks from Manacles can fuel the crow's rage. Note:
Crows can frenzy when pursuing their targets, although it is a tighter frenzy than that of Garou or Kindred; it generally only occurs
when confronting the Crow's killers.
The final advantages are the Punishments, the active magical abilities of the Crow. They allow him to more freely pursue his
agenda of vengeance. The Crow gets 10 to spend on these.

You start with 5 points in backgrounds. These can be split between the examples listed here. Most of them can be found in
Vampire: The Masquerade.

Crows are inherently unknowable and untraceable, but how well they can hide from mundane society is determined by this trait.
They therefore gain a free, extra dot in Arcane.

This determines how many places you can go in order to rest, and heal your psychological wounds. Each dot represents a single

People who can help you out with information and aid, etc.

How well known you were before you 'passed on.'

How many mortals you had influence over.

How much money you can come back to.

Finishing Touches
Freebie Points
A Crow is given 15 freebie points for boosting up her character's skills, this gives them just the same as any standard Vampire
or Werewolf character. Put them into use following the chart below.
Freebie cost
5 points per dot
2 points per dot
1 point per dot
Backgrounds 1 point per dot
2 points per dot
1 point per dot.
Punishments 5 points per dot.

Vengeance Targets
These are very important. To avenge yourself you must choose the targets of your wrath. These can be absolutely anyone,
anywhere. A corrupt police chief, a major crimelord, or a gang of punks that killed you in a fouled up mugging. Whatever you
choose, bear in mind that the Storyteller will actually create them.

Gaining targets during the chronicle

During the chronicle itself picking up a new target isn't easy. Not just anyone will incur the wrath of a Crow. Usually any new target
will be connected to the original one(s) in any number of ways, e.g. if your targets are a group of joy riders who deliberately ran
you down, and in the middle of exacting your revenge you find out that they were working for a local drugs baron who sanctioned
your 'demise,' then he would instantly be added to your list of targets.

Spark of Life
It is entirely up to you whether or not you want to go for the face paint or for something totally different, but you are likely to be
strange looking, for the reason that you want people on the wrong end of your wrath to know that something special is after them.
You want them to know that not just any fool with a chip on his shoulder, but a real live Vengeance machine, is coming to deal
with them, personally. One thing to remember is that until you 'died' you were completely human. Now, even you do not know
what you are, and this important for how your character reacts to things.

Personality Archetypes
These work in exactly the same way as they do in all other Storytelling games, and are one of the best ways to regain your
Willpower during the game, so choose wisely. The most appropriate ones are found in Vampire: The Masquerade, although a
very common one would be Fanatic.

Creating The Other Crow

The Familiar
The first major difference that you will notice about any type of Crow character is that he will be accompanied at all times by a
large black bird. What she is in essence, is not just a mortal Crow. It is a spirit which has manifested itself in the real world, in
much the same way as the Crow himself. She has the ability that means that the characters mortal form can see through her
eyes and hear through her ears. That is your crow. The crow is essentially a focus for the character's anger. If the crow is killed,
so is the character. If the crow is wounded, then the character will not be able to use so many of his powers. They will be your
ears and eyes, but sometimes a bit more.
Your crow's creation is done in a different way to your normal character. Most of your crow is done for you.
The next step is to share 20 'points' out between any other Abilities from this list (maximum in any talent is 4). Athletics,
Alertness, Awareness, Animal Ken, Brawl, Dodge, Empathy, Flight, Stealth, Survival.
Note: Obviously, crows can fly anyway, but the flight stat is just used for any aerial manoeuvres that are not natural, i.e. a loopthe-loop and other aerial stunts

Freebie Points
The crow gets 10 Freebie Points.

Base Willpower is 3, but you can 'buy' extra Willpower by using some of your Freebie points at a cost of 2 to 1.

One of the talents given by the crow, this is the ability to know where any person is at any time. The crow will just fly and lead the
Crow to his targets.

Health Levels
You have 4 Health Levels: OK, -1, -1, -2, -5, Incapacitated.

And I'm here to remind you
of the mess you left when you went away,
it's not fair to deny me

of the cross I bear that you gave me,

you, you, you oughta know
-- Alanis Morissette "You Oughta Know"

The Powers of Vengeance

"You're all going to die"
-- Eric Draven
These are the Crow's own supernatural powers (like Vampire Disciplines, Garou Gifts, Mage Spheres etc.) and are innate
abilities. Vengeance is what the innate powers of the Crow are called. The name comes from the fact that the only reason you
have to be here is to exact revenge. You are here to set things right, whether it is to destroy a whole coterie of Vampires, or to
redirect some misguided mortals, it is still classed as a Vengeance.

The Punishments
These are the magical abilities of the Crow.

This confers the extra speed of the Crow, as fueled by his rage. The difficulties to all athletics rolls are at -2. You can leap almost
double the distance that your normal athletics will allow. You also are now totally immune to any kind of fall from a height of less
than 100ft, landing feet first perfectly with no loss of footing. Your sense of balance is now so finely honed that you will not fall on
any kind of slippery surfaces e.g. ice, waxed floors etc. Confers the powers of Celerity 3. Roll Rage [difficulty of 10 - the level of
Velocity] and a turn must be spent to start. Lasts for a number of turns equal to double the number of successes.

You can heal up to 7 health levels per turn. This is automatic, and makes you very hard to kill. There is one penalty though: as
soon as you have taken more than 7 health levels of damage, you are KO'd for as long as your damage keeps you below
mauled, taking your healing into account. Crows do not suffer from any such thing as Aggravated damage, as all damage heals
at the same rate. Each level of Regeneration also gives an extra dice to all soak rolls. All Crows get one level free.

Crows, being dead already, do not have the usual penalties that afflict mortals. They also have some of the powers of wraiths.
Their abilities in that sphere include the hiding ability known as Eclipse. Crows have the ability, when no one is looking directly at
them, to fade in or out of the Shadowlands, by the expenditure of one Willpower point and by rolling Dexterity + Eclipse [difficulty
of the local Shroud]. While there they are not affected by wraiths at all, nor by the real world. They are more correctly in between
the worlds.

This is how well you can communicate with your crow. It is an important skill. Connection is possible with a roll of Manipulation +
Connection [7]. Communication can only be of one or two syllable words i.e. 'Kill,' 'Fly,' 'Follow,' etc. The animal can send no
verbal messages of any sort to you. Any sight gained from the beast will just be strange black and white images. Roll Perception
+ Occult, difficulty 6, to interpret.

Purge Toxins
This quite simple power is rarely used by Crows. It is the power to sense and remove lethal substances from someone's system,
anything, from poisons to drugs (even caffeine and nicotine) can be removed, the reason crows have this power is so that they
can help others restart their lives. The sense power is quite simply the ability to tell what 'foreign' substances are in someone's
system. The Crow gets his Purge Toxins rating in automatic successes in an Intelligence + Medical roll against the difficulty of 6
with a certain number of successes required, both to tell and to heal.

At all times memories and flashbacks gained will be full of pain and bad feelings, so for every one received, a Willpower roll
must be made to avoid acting out the actual memory received. For example, when Eric is receiving memories in his old
apartment in the film, he puts his arms out and collapses as he vividly remembers the pain of being shot in the stomach by TBird. Also note that not all flashbacks are of nasty experiences, but if you remember something happy in your past life you are
likely to feel mostly sorrow and anger for the happiness that was taken away at your death. Physical contact must be made for it
to work. You can connect with the essence of an object and read its 'memories,' the connection can only last a couple of

seconds. The memories received will always be connected with the Crow player character. The process is always very painful.
This power requires the expenditure of a Willpower point. People become available to read for a few seconds. It can be
performed on anyone you have ever met no matter how well you know them or any object you have seen no matter when that
was, or any person connected with your death. The memories contained within Manacles can be redirected back to the subject
as a method of mental attack, (physical contact and a Manipulation + Empathy roll with a difficulty of the opponent's Willpower
score are required). Damage done (if desired, players choice) is one level per success, for every level above three your
opponent collapses for an equivalent number of turns (a Willpower roll diff 8 can be made to resist this effect). If the Flashback
given is a strong one (level 3+) a Willpower roll must also be made to avoid acting out the Flashback as above. If five successes
or more are gained the subject gains a derangement for (11 - Willpower) minutes (Crows' or Storytellers choice).

The Price of Vengeance

'I thought you were, like, invincible. . .'
'I was . . . but now I'm not.'
-- Eric and Officer Albrecht
To be this powerful, there has got to be a catch. The more powerful you become, the more you will attract attention and therefore
people are more likely to be able to learn your weaknesses.

Familiar's Price
The crow that rests on your shoulder is the main weakness that you have. There are two parts to this weakness. If the crow is
damaged then you cannot heal the level of damage that it has suffered. For example, in the film, Grange shoots the bird with a
sniper rifle for four levels of damage in the church, the bird soaks one, so takes three levels of damage. This means that Eric
can't heal away the first three levels of damage he receives when he gets shot by Top Dollar. That is the reason why he was still
able to fight on the roof.
People can also find the link between the Crow and the Familiar, and utilise this knowledge. The difficulty on a Wits + Occult roll
to discover the link is 11 minus the Crow's Rage score. A total of 5 successes is required to work out the link, but both the Crow
and the Familiar must be present at the time of any such roll. There must be ainimum of an hour between each roll. Do not forget
that the Crow doesn't often know the secret either until it's almost too late, but only 3 successes are required by the Crow
himself. Taking too many overly cautious measures to hide the link should be penalised harshly by Storytellers!

The Price Of Rage

A Crow finds it difficult to rest, to do anything except to pursue his Vengeance. Indeed, the only places a Crow can find
temporary respite from his Rage are in those places he knows from his Haven Background. Here, a Crow can rest and
contemplate for a time before returning to his mission.

Crows don't gain much from experience; their lives are often too brief after they return for them to learn anything much.

Mortal Reactions
'When someone's dead, they can't come back can they?'
'That's what I thought, you referring to anyone in particular?'
'You'll think I'm nuts.'
'Maybe they'll just have to lock us both up.'
'You've seen him too?'
'I saw . . . somebody.'
-- Sarah and Officer Albrecht
For an unawakened mortal, to see a bullet hole in an opponent's chest just close-up, almost as soon as it is put there, can be a
harrowing experience, and different people react in different ways. That is where The Shadow Chart comes in, to simulate a
feeling anywhere between complete disbelief and abject terror. This table is in no way an absolute reaction table and any
penalties are at your discretion. The table works in a similar way to the 'Delirium' chart in Werewolf: The Apocalypse, using
Willpower as a benchmark. Also included are examples of different people's reactions from the first film.

The World of Darkness

Crows cannot be embraced due to the fact that they are already as dead as Vampires (and they cannot be made into

ghouls either). Their blood is totally insubstantial to a Vampire, with absolutely no blood points gained at all from feeding
on them. In fact, judging by how well these Crows can fight, if a Vampire tries to feed on one he would probably lose more
blood than he stood to gain!

The Garou
Crows have a token essence of Gaia due to the fact that their return is due to the Rage. However, it is focused by their
Familiar overhead, so most Garou would probably treat it with the respect another creature of Gaia deserves, but there
would be some confusion towards the actual Crow form, since it has no obvious links to Gaia. Therefore, until the Crow
explains herself, there may be some minor hostilities, but after that the Garou will just let her go about her business,
although let's face it, a Garou could not stop a Crow from doing anything that he wanted to do.

Technocracy Mages: These groups will hunt down and (try to) kill any Crows on sight, purely on principal. Some parts of
the Progenitors or New World Order might attempt to control a Crow in order to experiment on it.
Tradition Mages: In general, Tradition Mages would just hope that they are not the target, and if they aren't then most of
them wouldn't care until they found out their Magick can't kill Crows.

Most would be of no concern to the Crow and pose no danger. Most are not likely to be a threat to mortals, although some
of the Redcaps or Unseelie trolls might be an exception.

Crows are part wraith, and part skinlander. Wraiths generally have mixed feelings, but most stay away simply because it's
a good idea.
Willpower Reaction Example
Catatonic Fear
'This dude's gonna kill my ass next!' - Skank
'What the fuck do you want from me? I ain't done nothing!' - Tin Tin
'This is the real world; there ain't no coming back!' - T-Bird
'Don't you ever fucking die?!' - Fun Boy
'Gabriel, I though you were dead . . . you're not dead, are you?' - Sarah
Annoyance/Indifference 'Are you some kind of a Ghost?' -- Albrecht
No Reaction/Blase
'He's already boring the shit our of me, kill him!' -- Top Dollar

By James Gleason (, based off the comic by J.O. Barr (10 May 1995)
I know I am not the only World of Darkness fan who read the comic and/or saw the movie and said "This sounds like a great idea for a
Chronicle/Story/whatever." So, here goes a clumsy, fumbling first attempt at using J.O. Barr's concept in the World of Darkness.
First, some assumptions. 1) The crow is actually a Totem Spirit, henceforth refered to as "Crow". The bird we see is a Materialized
avatar of Crow, and not the actual spirit; 2) Crow is of Gaia, and thus his doings are in harmony with Her will; 3) Crow is sometimes
confused for a raven. There is no real difference, so Crow is also known as Raven in certain parts of the world.
And now...the feature presentation...:)
Crow's is associated with death, and often flies down into the Shadowlands to deposit the newly dead. He is also a force for Gaia,
and thus he is called upon to do Her will when other measures fail or times are desperate. When this happens, especially in these
dark times, Crow goes to the Shadowlands to seek a particular Wraith amongst the Restless.
Crow offers the Wraith a chance at Trancendance, but only if he agrees to return to the Sunlit Lands and do Gaia's will as a Kami. If he
agrees, Crow takes him up from the Shadowlands to the Sunlit Lands. He is given a corporeal body, a Materialized Jaggling servant
of Crow as his familiar and link to the spirit world, and a mission. This often coincides with one or more of the Restless's Passions,
Fetters, or his Regret. His Shadow is consumed by Gaia's power, and sent to Oblivion. His Angst becomes his Rage, while his
Pathos becomes his Gnosis. Most of his Arcanos will function normally-- this being in lieu of given Kami powers-- and he has a
regenerative power that the Garou envy. This Restless is now like a free-willed zombie, a Flesh-borne Kami of Crow. If the Kami
succeeds, he Trancends. If he fails, he goes straight to Oblivion. Either way, his existence nears its end. This is difficult, as he
regenerate one Health Level (Use the normal Corpus chart, free of any and all Wound Penalties.) per turn, Aggravated or not. The
Storyteller is at his leisure to decide what Arcanos is changed by this and what is not. In addition, the Kami may be invested with
powers anyway if the mission is particularly difficult. (Being chosen to take out a 2000 yr. old Methusala who's throughly Wyrmcorrupted is far from an easy task.)
The seemingly-mortal crow that follows the Kami invests his sight upon its host, and acts as a link to Crow as well as the fragile link
between the Kami and the Shadowlands. Kill the bird, and you kill the Kami. Crow does communicate with the Kami via the familiar,
often as not giving helpful advice.
Other Notes: Garou will never register such a Kami as Wyrm-corrupt, though he's definately be unnatural. Garou are often told by the
familiar crow of the Kami, so (at the very least) they don't interfere. (Black Spirial Dancers are not so obliged...and are also targets of
Crow's wrath.) The Corax often assist in the missions of these Kami, as will the Gurahl. The others of the Changing Breed vary, but
none interfere...they see Gaia's will and don't mess with Her. The Euthanatos, as a rule, stay away from them. The Dreamspeakers do
likewise. The Technocracy and the Nephandi hunt down those they find. The Verbena are often called upon to aid them, while the
remaining Traditions head for their Chantries and hope they're not the target. Vampires are often the target of such Kami, especially
the Infernally Corrupt. So far as is known, never has a Changeling see the visage of one of these fanatical avengers of Gaia coming
for them. And the Wraiths? They're already dead and gone...let Oblivion have them! (For those who play Immortals, only those as bad
or worse than the Kurgan would attract Crow's attention. Who knows? Maybe a slain Immortal who was Restless may seek revenge
this way? Or another such supernatual...)

The Regret
A storytelling supplement Written by Steve Bool with help from Paula Tacon and Richard Gething. Edited by Mitch Kelly.
Address all comments etc. to Mitch Kelly at (

Yes, it's really me. Don't be afraid; the bird is with me. . . call her a new friend I have gained. I don't know how I have been able to
return to you, my love, but I'm back. Don't talk of rumours; I'm certainly not a Vampire! Yes they do exist, but I'm certainly not one
of their foul number. Call me a 'Crow,' due to my new friend here. No -- I'm not a ghost either. I've met a few but I'm not one of
them. Look, I can touch you, let me demonstrate. . . . You see, I'm not. . .
No! don't be afraid! It's a side effect of my returning to you. Let me start to explain, although I'm not sure of why myself. . .
The last memory I have of my life with you is of about three weeks before whatever happened to me came about. I had two
distinct images; now I have three. How did I gain the third? Touching you, I think. It's happened many times since I returned.
The two images I did have are of the three of us, myself, my brother, and, of course, you, Elly. You are in nearly all of them. We're
all sitting in the bar in Manchester, where Michael liked to meet his girl friend? Remember it? Yes that's the one. Six people have
just entered. Good, you do remember them too. No, I don't, sorry, didn't, like the look of them either, you'll have to excuse me, it
feels so real to m. . Wait! One of them is arguing with Michael! He's pulling a knife, I've got to stop him! He's backed down now
he's seen me . . . All that I can visualise now is Mike: he looks worried. Why, they just left?
Ungh . . .
These memories are painful, yes, but I feel I must tell you to help you understand why I have returned. I'll answer that question in a
minute. Yes, I do know who did it! Sorry my love, I didn't mean to snap at you, just let me tell you about how.
The second memory I have, is after you left to go to your night school lesson. There are two cars parked outside, one of them
has blacked out windows. It's like a limousine. What's a limo doing . . ? The doors are opening: wait, he's got Michael! Come
back! I'm chasing it, the car's turned around, the lights are shining at me. It's heading towards me!

Arrggh!. . . The memory. . . Take it away, Please!. . .

I must apologise my love; the memories are so vivid. What, the new one? Oh yes, this one's far better, I can share this one with
you if you wish. Good, come here and hold my hand. Can you feel it? Yes it's that day last year. Feel the sunshine on your face
and the wind in you hair? It's so vivid, so. . . so. . . real? Yes, that's the word, real.
Eh? What happened to me after the car hit me? You tell me! . . What three of them? Yeah I know that bit but it still doesn't make
sense. You're right, it never does. Now I must leave you. Do not fear, I promise to return in a few days. Have strength my darling, I
will be with you soon.

Ha! Did I surprise you? Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I seem to have startled a lot of people these past few days. . . Pardon?
Oh just talking to myself. . . It seems that I can do a fair amount of new things. Here, watch this. Turn around and count to three,
turn back, and see if you can see me. . . No I didn't think you would. Ha! I can hide almost literally anywhere I want now. It's all in
your mind apparently. No, I don't normally hide behind the vacuum cleaner, but it was a good example wasn't it? Who told me?
Why she did. Yes, the bird; she told me an awful lot about what I can do. We seem to be able to communicate quite easily now. I
can visualise and perceive anything she can, I don't even need to try anymore. You'd be surprised. . . How many people can
listen in on a conversation from half a mile away? No-one is going to worry about a blackbird, OK, crow, listening in, are they?
What else can I do? Mostly physical things: you know that reaction test? The one where you drop the slip of paper and see how
quickly you can catch it; you want to try that? Most normal people can catch it at about the inch mark, maybe two inches. The last
time I needed to use my reactions was catching a knife thrown at my head. I'd call that about three millimetres! Something else?
Well, Let's see. . . Ah, yes, you see those rubbish bins over there? What would you like me to bring you from them? A banana
skin? OK, how long would it take you? About five seconds? Watch this. Yes I have gone! I did! Look, one banana skin! Yes,
wow, is almost what I said. Almost! Another thing I can do is make myself physically stronger, faster, and tougher. I don't know
how I do it, 'Click' and I can now flip over a small car, easily! I just concentrate. The first time is a hell of a rush but after that it
becomes second nature. . .
Possibly the most helpful of my 'new abilities' is some kind of healing power. You see this bullet hole in my jacket, goes in
through my chest and out the back! That was a .44 Magnum from a range of about four yards. Yes, it damn well hurt! But almost
as suddenly as I was shot, the bullet hole just closed straight up. Honest, it's the most frightening moment of my lives, both of
them! Imagine it: someone holds a gun to your chest and bang! You think it's all over, but instead, you find the pain is short lived,
and a hole in my chest you could fit your head through, just closes up!
Apparently it all comes from someone called. . . Gaia, the Earth Mother. She's the reason Werewolves actually exist and are so

damned tough to fight, even the bad ones. Yes, honestly, they do exist! Well, you know Paul M'lalt, from the computer shop?
Yeah, weird guy, talks to himself a lot. Just don't piss him off, OK? He calls himself a 'Glass Walker.' Apparently they are just one
'tribe' of one type of Shapeshifters. Yes, others too. Would you believe that my friend above me here knows of some shape
shifting crows? No I didn't either, but I've met some. There are a fair amount that live in Scotland apparently. Gaia? Well she's
kind of a Goddess; she is the Earth as a spiritual and magickal place. Does real magick exist? Why, of course it does, and boy,
is it powerful!
You've taken up smoking again, haven't you? Has my death been so bad for you that you need to rely on other stimuli to keep
you sane? How can I tell? Again, I just know, same as I know for certain you haven't turned to any stronger drugs. I have an inbuilt
sense of anything 'foreign' in your blood stream. So, are you trying to quit? I'm glad to hear it! Here, allow me to help. Yes it hurts.
I must squeeze to help the toxins leave. . . It will remove all cravings for the evil weed, and, as long as you don't light up again
you'll be OK. Should you light another fag, you would find yourself coughing and spluttering like your first ever puff. What use is it?
Well, it's not just nicotine I can cure the body of! Yes, all types. There are a lot of people who would benefit from a talent like this,
and I have helped many. I just wish I could have helped Michael like so many others. . .
Sorry, Gaia. Why me? Well, you know that Michael's body was fished out of the canal? Apparently it was put there along with
mine because Michael used to be a drug dealer, and wanted out of a business where there are no exits. Well, he found one, but
the exit found him. I'm surprised they found enough of him to autopsy. Poor man; those scum killed him with no mercy and no
remorse, as they did me. That is the reason I have returned, to remove these people off the face of Gaia's Earth. Apparently
these Werewolf creatures gain their power directly from Gaia, but it's different for me. The 'Crow Spirit' channels Gaia's power
and gives it to me in a different form, but there are conditions that have to be followed.
The biggest worry is what I use the powers for. There are quite strict guidelines about what I can and can't do, but they're easy to
get around after a while. What are they? Well, basically, I can only use them for exacting revenge, and the cause of Gaia, killing
evil Werewolves and so on.
What did I do these last few days? I did what I was here to do, to avenge Michael's and my deaths. The police will probably be
able to identify the bodies after they find all of the pieces.
I must now fulfil my part of the bargain. . . This hurts me greatly but it is time for me to rest now. I want you to remember one thing.
I will always be with you, my love, there will always be a part of me with you in your heart. I'm sorry. . . There's no way I can stay at
all. I have left you a package with Paul in the shop, he will help you deal with this.
Also remember that I love you and that will never change.
I hope I don't see you too soon. . .

No infringement of copyright is intended to either White Wolf Game Studio Inc. or Pressman Films in any mention of their
products in this creation. This supplement is available for all to use, but please keep my name at the top so if people want to
contact me they know where to get to the Author.

Forward to 'Crow : The Regret'

By Steve Bool
Upon getting my first chance to get my eyes on the Internet, one of the first places I looked was one of the many World of
Darkness pages that are available to read. I was fascinated by the work that some people were putting into expanding the
system so that they could play characters that they had seen from other places. I have seen Scanners: The Madness by Mark J.
Janecka, Angel/Demon: The Rapture by Chris Blankley, Damien Hunt and Justin Killam, and the Highlander: The Gathering
second edition rules by Hank Driskill and John Gavigan. Then another one caught my eye: The Crow, by James Gleason.
I wasn't a huge fan of The Crow but my fiancee, Paula, was, so I printed it out for her to use in an upcoming crossover mixture of
Scanners (who would later embrace himself!), Vampires, Immortals, Werewolves, Mages and a psychotic mortal (who would
later find out that he was a latent immortal). Paula wanted to be something different. So, using James' guidelines we tried to
develop Paula a character. It was originally a mixture of Wraith and Werewolf, and at times an absolute nightmare to play. So
we, that is, Paula, one of our mates, Richard, and myself, decided to see if we could expand and maybe improve the cracking
ideas dreamed up by James a bit, and hopefully bring The Crow properly into the World of Darkness.
Changes to James Gleason's 'The Crow'
Those of you who have read James' version will know he made three assumptions:
1) That the crow was actually a Totem spirit and that the bird we see is a materialised avatar.
Our View: The crow is a spirit but not a Totem spirit, and the bird we see is a normal bird possibly Kinfolk to the Corax; that's as
special as she will get.

2) The Crow is of Gaia and thus in line with her will.

Our View: The 'Spirit of Crow' bargained for the use of the powers, so the powers are from Gaia, but channelled through the
'Spirit of the Crow' with conditions.
3) That the crow and a raven were the same thing more or less.
Our View: Agreed!
He then went on to say that the 'Spirit of the Crow' is sent by Gaia to resurrect each one individually.
Our View: Due to the 'Crow Spirit' bargaining these powers she is directly responsible for the return of people. Gaia's
involvement is then ended.
This means that his theory of the mortal Crow still having a Wraith's Passions, Fetters, Arcanoi, Pathos, and Angst all need to be
changed. We tried them all. Replacing them with their Garou equivalents didn't work either; it never felt like a 'Crow.' So we
came to the conclusion that something new had to be made almost from scratch. A few things stayed, Regret being one of them,
along with the healing that 'even Garou would envy.' Maybe one or two others, but I hope James isn't too offended by our attempt
to make the Crow more accessible in the World of Darkness.
Another thing I wanted to do was make all the crows seemingly have the same set of powers so they could have a
predetermined way of increasing them. (Our original effort had Garou gifts, but how do you advance in rank with no proper
Auspice and no other Garou to teach you?)
So here goes. . . .

Chapter 1: Introduction
People once believed that when someone dies a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes, something
so bad happens that a terrible sadness is taken with it an the soul can't rest. Then sometimes, just sometimes the crow can
bring the soul back to put the wrong things right.
-- Sarah (The Crow 1993) The Three Forms of Crow
There are three beings behind the Crow: The Spirit, The Familiar and The Mortal. The origin of all three are written by the people
relevant to the individual form, written here are the legends told, behind all three incarnations.
It is written amongst Garou of the Wendigo tribe in North America that many years ago, the Crow Spirit saw how much injustice
there was in the mortal world and asked to make a bargain with the Earth Mother, Gaia, to help her keep the natural balance.
This deal meant that those few mortals who have been on the wrong end of the balance of life, should be allowed a chance to set
things as they ought to be. She asked also, for Gaia's permission to help by bestowing powers normally reserved exclusively for
Gaia's children on these mortals who are trying to make the difference. The deal was granted, and Gaia also granted upon the
Crow Spirit the power to help. So Gaia said:

'I will grant them the gift of a new life, with the power of Mother Earth to help them fulfil their goal, and after their time is spent
they must return to the death to which they should have gone to be content.'
And so over the centuries these people became known as crows for their heroic deeds against and over injustice. As it became
more obvious that Gaia was losing the battle for her life, the Crow Spirit spoke to her again, this time for the ability to develop
more powers to add to that of the return of life. Gaia smiled, for here is a creature that is the Totem of Death, begging for more
power to return life to mortals festering in the Shadowlands, and Gaia bestowed not only that power requested, but she also
bestowed the total control over the return, and gave the Spirit of Crow a warning.

'The mortal lives you recover must only be used for avenging injustices, and for no other reason. Other reasons for return will
not be tolerated and those who violate my will shall find themselves put, not just back from whence they came, but to places
far more horrific than they could ever imagine. Such is the penalty for betraying Gaia's trust.'
And the Spirit of Crow agreed to those terms, took control and with it a great responsibility.
There is another legend amongst the Corax of the Isle of Man,

'At times, one of our Kinfolk will be chosen to fulfill the Spirit of Crow's will. This is a time for celebration, for her will is to lead a
mortal in the form of man on a great journey, to bring retribution to those who are a cause of evil. This journey will be perilous
but the rewards will be great gifts bestowed by the Crow Spirit Herself for use on the journey and for all time afterwards. Your
gifts will be the ability to communicate all senses to a chosen mortal to help him on a quest against all opponents of the
The most famous example written there is the one beckoned to Detroit a few years ago. The subject had been taken through the
Spiritworld to help resurrect a man known to the Corax as 'Musician.'

'This man had a great many injustices to correct and both nearly lost their lives. . . '

The details get rather sketchy from here,

.' . .'Musician' achieved his goal, fulfilled his part of the bargain and returned to the 'other side' joyously to be with his
The Corvid Familiar of the mortal returned with many stories, and many objects that gave her great renown amongst the natural
born Kinfolk of the Corax. She is still alive, although age has now made her lame.
The third legend has been lost since it was first written. Numerous attempts have been made to find any such document, but as
of yet, to no avail.

Chapter 2: Character Creation

'I know it was you, even with the make-up. I remembered your song, you said, "It can't rain all the time", that is from your song
right? Oh Eric, I know you are here, I miss you, and Shelley, it's so lonely here all by myself. . . the hell with you, I thought you
cared. . .' 'I do. . .'
-- Sarah and Eric

This is seen as the first step in creating your own 'Crow.' Without a concept you have nothing to work towards, so I see it as the
most important part. Most concepts will be the 'murdered-for-no-reason' type, because that is the most likely reason for your
return, real Vengeance! You must bear in mind that rarely does anyone but a bog-standard mortal get to return. Other
supernaturals have had their chance to do their bit, and it's time to let the mortals get their own back. These questions need to
be answered about your new life: Why are you back? How long have you been deceased? What did you do to deserve death (or
not?) Do you know how you came back? Do you even want to come back? Who knows of your return? etc. You also need to
answer questions about your original life. For instance: When were you born? Where did you spend your life? Who are your
friends, and more importantly, who were your enemies? Are they the ones that caused you to be 'removed'? All these questions
need to be answered to get a proper idea of how your character thinks and acts towards others.
You need to define these facts in three short summaries: Life, Death and Regret. Your Life, Death and Regret are explained in
Wraith: the Oblivion, page 102-3.

Attributes and Abilities

Characters are designed in a similar way to Vampires, Garou and Mages. Attributes are the 7/5/3 split that normal characters
get. Abilities scores are also the usual 13/9/5 split that Vampires etc. get to enjoy.

Willpower, as ever, is the same as other character types. Initial score 5, and can be increased with freebie points. You also get
two new advantages. The first is Vengeance. Your power of Vengeance is your striking weapon against the foes that put you into
this miserable existence. You start with one point in Vengeance, which can be boosted up with freebie points. Vengeance is
described in Chapter 3: The Powers of Vengeance.
The second is Aide Memorium. This is to all intents and purposes the same as a Wraith's Fetters. Fetters are defined in 'Wraith:
The Oblivion,' on page 32, as 'The ties that bind a Wraith to her old life and the living world.' The version we will be using though,
has moved on from that to be 'the ties that bind her to the living world and also reminders of your past life.' The more 'Aide
Memorium you get, the more Flashbacks you can have and the better you can direct your Vengeance. You start with four points
of 'Aide Memorium,' which can be boosted with freebie points, using the table given, (see below).
The four you choose can be of any level, but you must choose four of them.
'Aide Memorium' works on four different levels.

Level 1: A simple item, with no mechanical moving parts e.g. a ring, a bed sheet, or an item of clothing. This item must still be
available, so you can't pick up an old marionette that was broken and thrown away, etc. These will give you a maximum of one
Flashback per story session. Level 1 'Aide Memorium' costs 1 freebie point or Aide Memorium to buy.

Level 2: A life that is not that well known to you e.g. the steward in your local bar, a local alley-cat that recognises you
occasionally, or a policeman that was at the crime scene at which you died. These again gives you only one Flashback per story
session. Level 2 'Aide Memorium' costs 1 freebie point or Aide Memorium to buy.

Level 3: As level 1 but anything can now be chosen, from an expensive wristwatch to a Ferrari, there is no limit, bar the fact that

you must have owned it at some point in your past life. Level 3 'Aide Memorium give three Flashbacks per story session. Level 3
'Aide Memorium' costs 3 freebie points or Aide Memorium to buy.

Level 4: As level 2 but now any life is available. This includes any relatives or pets excluded in previous levels. Level 4 'Aide
Memorium give five Flashbacks per story session. These cost 5 freebie points or Aide Memorium to buy.
Please Note: Something disposable can be chosen, like a pack of cigarettes (a level one Aide), but this means that you have a
compulsion to have a pack on you at all times, so it can become difficult to play (interesting though). Also for those strange
enough to choose a Vampire as an Aide, you will find that they come under object, and not lives (see Mage: The Ascension for
the explanation).

You start with 6 points in backgrounds. These can be split between the examples listed here. Most of them can be found in
Vampire: The Masquerade.

People who will help and support your cause.
* = 1 ally (small time).
***** = 5 minor allies or 1 very major one.

Arcane (See Mage: The Ascension)

crows are inherently unknowable and untraceable, but how well they can hide from mundane society is determined by this trait.
* = easy to overlook.
***** = Claude Raines.

People who can help you out with information and aid etc.
* = 1 big time contact.
***** = 5 big time contacts.

How well known you were before you 'passed on.'
* = Select 'cult' viewing.
***** = Elvis Presley or James Dean.

Places you feel comfortable in or even remember from your past life. See the "Price of Vengeance" section for details.
* = 1 place.
***** = 5 places.

How many mortals you had influence over.
* = Local politics (MP).
***** = Nation politics (PM).

How much of you life you can remember; the higher the score the more likely you are to understand what you undergo in your
Flashbacks and not just gain memories. See the "Systems" section for details.
* = 1 detail.
** = A couple of recollections.
*** = 3 important facts.

**** = Major amounts of memory (4 facts).

*****+? = Virtually all of it (5 facts)

How much money you can come back to.
* = Pocket change of notes.
***** = Multi millions.

Finishing Touches
Freebie Points
A Crow is given 15 freebie points for boosting up her character's skills, this gives them just the same as any standard Vampire
or Werewolf character. Put them into use following the chart below.
Freebie Point costs
Freebie cost
Vengeance Powers 5 points per dot
5 points per dot
Vengeance Rating 3 points per dott
2 points per dot
1 point per dot
1 point per dot
Aide Memorium
1 point per dot

Vengeance Targets
These are very important. Vital even. To avenge yourself you must choose the targets of your wrath. These can be absolutely
anyone, anywhere. A corrupt police chief, a major crimelord, or a gang of punks that killed you in a fouled up mugging. Whatever
you choose, bear in mind that the Storyteller will actually create them.
To work out the strength of your targets you use a system similar to the 'Enemy' Flaw in Vampire. Using that Enemy system, you
choose the strengths of your targets, up to a total of your Vengeance rating. Divide your Vengeance rating by two (rounded up)
and that is the minimum strength of one of your targets. The rest can be of any strength you have the dots for... For example:
Paula has created a Crow with a Vengeance of nine. This means that she must take a 5 point enemy (An Arch Mage, or an
Elder Vampire, or something of similar power) This means that she has four points left to spend. When creating your enemies,
think about their motives for killing you. Did you annoy them somehow? Did you cause them to lose something they hold dear
above all else, like stealing their partner, or losing her vast amounts of money? Or were you killed for no (known) reason?
Choosing multiple targets is always a good bet and always makes a good chronicle, although it gives the Storyteller a fair bit of
work to do. But, if it makes the story more exciting, it is always better for the people playing in it. Basically give your targets
everything: a motive, a reason, an essence, the more the better, but leave it up to the Storyteller to design the specifics, i.e. the
target's attributes and abilities.

Gaining targets during the chronicle

During the chronicle itself picking up a new target isn't easy. Not just anyone will incur the wrath of a 'Crow.' Usually any new
target will be connected to the original one(s) in any number of ways, e.g. if your targets are a group of joy riders who
deliberately ran you down, and in the middle of exacting your revenge you find out that they were working for a local drugs baron
who sanctioned your 'demise,' then he would instantly be added to your list of targets.

Spark of Life
It is entirely up to you whether or not you want to go for the 'film' style face paint or for something totally different, but you are likely
to be strange looking, for the reason that you want people on the wrong end of your wrath to know that something special is after
them. You want them to know that not just any fool with a chip on their shoulder, but a real live Vengeance machine, is coming to
deal with them, personally, and boy, is it ever angry!

Who you know is often just as important as what you know in the World of Darkness. If you have no contacts how will you find the
people you are looking for? You need to plan out a few people who have a small chance of knowing more than you, so somehow
you must recruit their help.

It's not easy being dead, and not all of your habits will have died with you. Is there one thing you want your character to do?
Obsessively wash her hands after a kill? Climb trees at every possible opportunity, or maybe give all the money she gets to the
homeless of Beccles? Anything that is weird about your character applies in this section.
One thing to remember is that until you 'died' you were completely human. Now, even you do not know what you are, and that
would lead even me to madness!

Personality Archetypes
These work in exactly the same way as they do in all other Storytelling games, and are one of the best ways to regain your
Willpower during the game, so choose wisely. The most appropriate ones are found in Vampire: The Masquerade.

Merits and Flaws

A lot of the original Vampire: The Masquerade Players Guide Merits and Flaws would still work in 'Crow: The Regret,' but there
will always be a few that will be inappropriate. I am relying on Storyteller's discretion to say what is and is not appropriate for
their own chronicle. I have tried to create a new list that can fit with the new Crow character template.

Two Familiars: 5pt Supernatural Merit. This quite simply means that instead of one Familiar overhead, you have two. This can
make things very complicated during play, but the problem is how to work out the damage that the Mortal form takes when the
Familiar gets shot. My theory is that damage done to the mortal should be halved if only one bird gets shot, and should be at
normal strength if both are shot together. However the risk is great. You are more likely to be seen for what you are with two
Familiars: it means the number of successes needed to discover your secret is halved, too. How would it effect how some
people view you? Get of Fenris might look favourably on those with two Raven Familiars (after all, Odin had two Ravens. . .) All
down to the Storyteller to decide.

Alternate Familiar: 6pt Supernatural Merit. Selecting this means that you can choose a different animal to be your Familiar.
There must be a bloody good reason why, and Storyteller approval must be gained before you can play with another animal. The
animal must be an air breathing non-supernatural creature. Maximum size is about the size of a big cat although a horse or
gorilla shaped creature may be acceptable. The main nine attributes are up to the Storyteller but the rest is down to the player to
create. The locate ability changes at Storytellers discretion only.

Unknown Enemy: 3pt Supernatural Flaw. For some reason, in any Flashbacks you receive there is no focused image of your
major enemy, no matter how many successes are gained on a Past Background roll you will never remember his name or his
image. Other things, i.e. address, car, and other clues can be gained though.

Obsessed: 2pt Aptitudes Flaw You cannot think of anything other than revenge, all actions as part of your mission is -1 difficulty,
but anything even remotely off the track (Storytellers call) is +2 diff.

Creating 'The Familiar Crow'

The Familiar
The first major difference that you will notice about any type of Crow character is that she will be accompanied at all times by a
large black bird. What she is in essence, is a mortal Crow. She just has the 'ability' that means that the characters mortal form
can see through her eyes and hear through her ears.
That is your Familiar. Your Familiar is created using the rules listed here and after doing this you will have realised that she is a
bit more than a normal Crow. This is a Crow blessed by Gaia (again not directly from Gaia, but through Sprit of Crow) and using
Gaia`s power it helps the mortal part of Crow at every possible opportunity.
Generally, the Familiar will be just your ears and eyes, but sometimes a bit more. (Storytellers discretion)
Your Familiar's creation is done in a different way to your normal character. Most of your Familiar is done for you.


The next step is to share 20 'points' out between any other Abilities from this list (maximum in any talent is 4).
Athletics, Alertness Awareness, Animal Ken Brawl, Dodge Empathy, Flight Stealth, Survival
Note: Obviously, Crows can fly anyway, but the flight stat is just used for any aerial manoeuvres that are not natural, i.e. a loopthe-loop and other aerial stunts

Freebie Points
The Familiar gets 10 Freebie Points.

Base Willpower is 3, but you can 'buy' extra Willpower by using some of your Freebie points at a cost of 2 to 1.

One of the talents given by Gaia through Spirit of Crow, it is the ability to know where any person is at any time. This is explained
in full in chapter 4: Systems. Base locate is 1 and can be increased 2 to 1 as above.

Health Levels
You have 4 Health Levels: OK, -1, -1, -2, -5, Incapacitated.

There are 3 backgrounds available, and those are: Kinfolk from 'Werewolf the Apocalypse,' Reputation and Past Quest, two new
ones. The maximum level available in both these new Backgrounds is level 1, and to take them you must spend one of your 20
Ability points on each of them.

It means you have a Kinfolk of 1. This works in the reverse way to 'Werewolf the Apocalypse' because it is whether your Crow
has any Corax to aid her in her quest (Storytellers Creation.)

Your Familiar has quite a bad reputation with those in the know, and aid maybe denied due to a previous action that your
Familiar took either on a Past Quest, or in shapeshifter society in general, this can be used to your advantage though.

Past Quest
Means you have been chosen to fly this quest before and are Familiar with how it works. Your last mission could have been
months or even years ago; I am told that the Familiar has an average life span of 50+ years, so it could've been ages ago.
(players create the Past Quest with Storyteller approval)

Personality Archetypes
'Werewolf the Apocalypse' Players Guide, chapter 6 - The Corax can be very helpful when deciding on your Familiar's

Merits and Flaws

A maximum of 3 points in Merits and Flaws can be chosen.

Extra Flaw
Lame: 3pt Physical Flaw. Due to either injury or age you are almost unable to fly. You have -2 die to all flight rolls, but difficulty for
on-ground manoeuvres are at -2 due to you spending most of your time there.

Chapter 3: Vengeance
And I'm here to remind you
of the mess you left when you went away,
it's not fair to deny me
of the cross I bear that you gave me,
you, you, you oughta know
-- Alanis Morissette "You Oughta Know"

The Powers of Vengeance

"You're all going to die"
-- Eric Draven
This is one of the crows own supernatural powers (like Vampire Disciplines, Garou Gifts, Mage Spheres etc.) and is an innate
ability that is slowly learned through personal experience.
Vengeance is what the innate power of the Crow is called. The name comes from the very fact that the only reason you have
returned is because, when you died, something was very wrong. You have returned to avenge, for whatever reason. You are here
to set things right, whether it is to destroy a whole coterie of Vampires, or to redirect some misguided mortals, it is still classed
as a Vengeance.

System: At character creation you have 1 point of Vengeance automatically. This is the equivalent of a mild chip on your
shoulder, whereas a level 10 Vengeance score would mean that you are likely to kill anyone connected with your 'return' on sight,
in one of a hundred nasty and very painful ways.
You can then advance your Vengeance with freebie points. (See Chart Above)

Determining Your Powers

Your Vengeance rating is directly responsible for the amount of Advantages the you have to start. To find your 'Advantages
Score' you simply multiply you Vengeance score by 2, so if you have a score of 2 then you would start with 4 points in
To simplify matters I have created a table to help you work your amounts out.
The one exception to this is that Burning is given automatically as a free power, you do not need to buy it, Burning is a gift from
the Spirit of Crow. Using the table below convert your Vengeance score to an 'Advantages score' and then use that 'score' to
develop your Vengeance powers.
Vengeance Advantages Vengeance Advantages

For Example: If Richard was to create a Crow with a score of six in Vengeance, using the table he would see that he was given
12 points in advantages to spend. Using the list below, he would then decide which powers to spend the points on. With his 12
points he chooses:
Power Bought
Level Advantages
------- No points spent, It is a free power.
Level 5 5 points spent, levels 1-4 automatically gained also
Level 3 3 points spent, levels 2+1 automatically gained also
Familiar Communication Level 2 2 points spent, level 1 gained also
Aide Memorium
Level 2 2 points spent, level 1 automatically gained also
Return Memorium
Level 2 2 points spent, level 1 automatically gained also
Level 2 2 points spent, level 1 automatically gained also
Shadow Play
Level 1 1 point spent, only level 1 gained
Sense Toxin
Level 1 1 point spent, only level 1 gained
Richard chose to buy his character Pain at level 5, thus meaning that he gains levels 1-4 with the purchase of level 5. Five points

spent, five levels gained. Same goes for Velocity, Familiar Communication, Aide Memorium, Return Memorium and Cleanse.
After Character creation, experience must be used to buy any new advantages and to increase current ones.
The Emotion suffered is the strength of your Vengeance. At higher levels your hatred of your target will have grown so much that
even a mention of its name may send you into a frenzy-like state of anger. . . At the higher levels a Vengeance vs. Willpower
resisted roll may be necessary to counter your 'hatred' and concentrate on other things.
'A Vengeance roll' means that you roll the number of die in your current Vengeance score against the difficulty mention in the
skill, or at a difficulty of 7 unless otherwise stated.

The Advantages of Vengeance

'See the grave?'
'Empty. . .'
'Grave? What grave???'
'That's three out of four, he's working his way back to this speed freak next.'
-- Top Dollar, Grange and Skank

Burning (An automatic power)

'You're him huh? The avenger, the killer of killers?'
-- Top Dollar to Eric
This is being given extra dots in Physical Attributes by utilising just how strongly you feel Vengeance burning inside you.

System: Roll your Vengeance dice, and boost one physical stat by one dot for every success, to a maximum of 5 until you
have 6+ in your Vengeance. At that point, your Vengeance score is your maximum trait rating. The effect lasts for one
scene. A turn must be spent to perform this ability. This ability is automatically gained in character creation and does not
need to be bought as other powers do.

Vengeance Chart
Rating Emotion
******* Hatred
******** Loathing
********* Detestation
********** Obsession
Level Effect
Acts as Celerity 1. A Vengeance roll is required and a turn must be spent to start. The effect lasts for a number of turns
equal to double the number of successes, max. (Vengeance score) times a day. Automatic at level 3.
The difficulties to all athletics rolls are at -2. You can leap almost double the distance that your normal athletics will allow.
This is as the Garou gift 'Leap of the Kangaroo.'
You gain the ability to spend Willpower as a Garou would spend Rage, for extra actions and attacks in combat only (See
'Rage' in Werewolf: The Apocalypse).
You also are now totally immune to any kind of fall from a height of less than 100ft, landing feet first perfectly with no loss
of footing. Your sense of balance is now so finely honed that you cannot, and will not, fall on any kind of slippery surfaces
e.g. ice, waxed floors etc. This is the equivalent of the Garou gift 'Cat Feet.'
Confers the powers of Celerity 3. Roll Vengeance and a turn must be spent to start. Lasts for a number of turns equal to
double the number of successes. Automatic at a Vengeance of 6+.
Note: Storytellers are at their leisure to alter or increase the amounts of effective 'Celerity' available to players depending on

White Heat (reflexes)

'Let me introduce you to two friends of mine. . . they never miss'

-- Tin Tin
(All Bonuses are at Storytellers discretion)
Level Effect
Gain +1 die initiative in combat.
Gain a -1 difficulty to all Wits rolls in combat.
Get +2 Dice to initiative in combat, and Perception rolls for indoor encounters.
Gain a -2 difficulty to all Wits rolls in combat, and +2 dice to Perception rolls for outdoor encounters. This power lasts one
scene and costs 1 point of willpower.
+3 Dice to all reactive dice pools during play. Lasts for one turn and costs 1 Willpower.

Pain (healing)
'Don't you ever fucking die?!?'
-- Fun Boy
Level Effect
You heal 1 normal health level per turn.
Your health levels are changed to OK, OK, OK, -1, -2, -3, Incapacitated.
You heal 3 normal health levels per turn, 2 Aggravated.
You can ignore any and all wound penalties, and now Aggravated damage is just as normal damage.
You heal 7 health levels per turn.

System: These abilities are all automatic as you are so damned tough to kill. There is one penalty though, as soon as you have
taken more than 7 health levels of damage you are KO'd for as long as your damage keeps you below mauled, taking your
healing into account. If then you are below mauled for more than three turns, (turns not actions!), then you end up with a
temporary derangement that will last a number of hours equal to 11 - current Willpower, Storytellers choice. Aggravated damage
is, for all intents and purposes, caused by fire, Supernatural Claws and Vulgar Magick. Other things are at the Storytellers
discretion, such as Wraith Arcanoi and Faerie Glamours.

Shadow Play (hiding)

'He winked at me before jumping out of a fourth storey window'
-- Grange
Your ability to hide is demonstrated here. Detection is automatic by Video Camera and any surveillance equipment that uses
mirrors or electronics up until level 3; at that point Shadow Play defeats electronic surveillance.
Level Effect
Your ability to hide and move in shadows hasn't fully developed; all you have really gained is a better understanding of the
darkness that has become your home. All stealth rolls are at -1 difficulty during the day and -2 difficulty by night, -1 in the
open and -2 in the back streets, (i.e. -4 difficulty in a back street at midnight, because you are perfectly at home in the
darkness, but only -2 in the daytime in a large field, because there will be so many fewer shadows to use).
You have the equivalent to Vampire Obfuscate 1 : Cloak of Shadows, as long as you can get something, no matter how
small or thin, between you and the person you are hiding from and stay still, you will not be seen.
You have the equivalent of Vampiric Obfuscate 2 : Unseen Presence, which now means that you can move around and
be almost completely ignored. If you want to be able to speak, a Wits + Stealth roll difficulty 5 - 8 with 3 successes
needed to be able to be 'ignored' properly.
You can move as the Garou Gift 'Blur of the Milky Eye,' which means that your body becomes just a shimmering blur and
you can pass through a large group unnoticed. Roll Manipulation + Stealth, difficulty 8, every success increases the
difficulty for any Perception roll to find you by 1.
You are so accustomed to shadows that now you can almost 'vanish from the minds eye,' equivalent to Vampiric
Obfuscate 4 of the same name. Make a Charisma + Stealth roll versus the difficulty of targets Wits + Alertness to just
disappear, even when they are looking almost straight at you.

Familiar Communication
'He had a bird with him, nearly pecked my face off!!'
'Fun Boy said he saw a blackbird too'
-- Gideon and Grange
This is how well you can communicate with your 'Familiar.' It is an important skill when used wisely.
Level Effect
Communication can only be of one or two syllable words i.e. 'Kill,' 'Fly,' 'Follow,' etc. The animal can send no verbal


messages of any sort to you. Any sight gained from the beast will just be strange black and white images. Roll Perception
+ Animal Ken roll difficulty 8 to interpret.
More instructions can be sent to the bird, not more than a few words, but it means that more can be told to the animal. i.e.
'Stay hidden safely,' 'Help me please,' 'Go find the police' etc. The images received are clearer and you are able to
receive anything that it overhears as well as its actual attempts to speak to you. Roll Perception + Animal Ken roll difficulty
6 to interpret images, and difficulty 8 for any sound received.
You can communicate on all levels of sight and sound, verbal communication is perfect in both directions. Roll Perception
+ Animal Ken difficulty 4 for all levels of communication.
Through trust and companionship, total empathic communication is now possible. Roll Perception + Empathy with the
difficulty depending on the complexity of the message (not usually more than 7, unless the bird is reciting a
Shakespearean sonnet!).
As above, but no roll required for communication.

Aide Memorium
'I saw her, I saw her through your eyes. . .'
'You helped me, what you kept up here saved me, . . . Thanks'
-- Eric to Officer Albrecht
(See Changeling : The Dreaming. Realms - Actor + Props for ideas) Note: At all times memories and 'Flashbacks' gained (see
chapter 4 : Systems) will be full of pain and bad feelings, so for every one received, a (Willpower-Vengeance) roll must be made
to avoid acting out the actual memory received (difficulty is 'Aide Memorium' level + 3). For example, when Eric Draven is
receiving memories in his old apartment in the film, he puts his arms out and collapses as he vividly remembers the pain of
being shot in the stomach by T-Bird. Also note that not all Flashbacks are of nasty experiences, but if you remember something
happy in your past life you are likely to feel mostly sorrow and anger for the happiness that was taken away at your death.
Physical contact must be made for it to work (a Dex+Brawl roll is required if the object is actively trying not to be touched).
Level Effect
You can connect with the essence of an object and read its 'memories,' the connection can only last a couple of seconds
and can only be done on level 1 'Aide Memorium' equivalents that are not 'Aide Memorium' of the character. The
memories received will always be connected with the Crow player character. The process is always very painful. This
power requires the expenditure of 1 Willpower point.
Only level 2 people that are not 'Aide Memorium' become available to 'read,' at this point you can still only gain
'Flashbacks' from these subjects, and not recall any actual coherent memories. This power requires the expenditure of 1
Willpower point
As above, for almost half a minute. This time it can be performed on anyone who you have met and level 3 equivalent
items. You can now start to pick up actual memories, although they must still connect to your past life in some way. This
power requires the expenditure of 1 Willpower point.
As above, for almost a full minute. This time it can be performed on anyone who you have met who you can call a friend or
any item you have owned in the past at any time. Almost full memories are available at this point.
As above for anytime up to 2 minutes and beyond. Can be performed on anyone you have ever met no matter how well
you know them or any object you have seen no matter when that was.
At all levels 'Aide Memorium' can be redirected back to the subject as a method of mental attack, (physical contact and a
Manipulation + Empathy roll with a difficulty of the opponent's Willpower score are required). The Flashback is one you must
have received during the current story and at the strength equal to your current level. Damage done, (if desired, players choice,)
is one level per success, for every level above three your opponent collapses for an equivalent number of turns (a Willpower roll
diff 8 can be made to resist this effect). If the Flashback given is a strong one (level 3+) a Willpower roll must also be made to
avoid acting out the Flashback as above. If five successes or more are gained the subject gains a derangement for (11 Willpower) minutes (Crows' or Storytellers choice).

Cleanse & Sense Toxin (one power)

'Morphine is bad for you.'
-- Eric to Darla
This is quite a simple power that is very rarely used by Crows. It is the power to remove lethal substances from someone's
system, anything, from poisons to drugs (even caffeine and nicotine) can be removed, the reason crows have this power is so
that they can help others restart their lives. The sense power is quite simply the ability to tell what 'foreign' substances are in
someone's system.

System: Crow gets his Cleanse rating in automatic successes in an Intelligence + Medical roll against the difficulty of 6 with a
certain number of successes required, both to tell and to heal.

Successes Required

Smart Drugs
Amphetamines (Speed, PCP's) 4
Hallucinogens (LSD)
Opiates (Heroin, Morphine)
Cocaine and Crack
Home Brewed Poisons
Wyrm Taint
*Storyteller's discretion (4+ recommended)

The Price of Vengeance

'I thought you were, like, invulnerable. . .'
'I was . . . but now I'm not.'
-- Eric and Officer Albrecht
To be this powerful, there has got to be a catch. There are in fact two, Gaia's Price and the Familiar's Price.
The more powerful you become, the more you will attract attention and therefore people are more likely to be able to learn your

Familiar's Price
The Familiar that rests on your shoulder is the main weakness that you have. There are two parts to this weakness. If the
Familiar is damaged then you take the same amount of damage which heals at the normal healing rates for a lowly mortal,
without being able to remove it using your power of regeneration (Pain). For example, in the film, Grange shoots the bird with a
sniper rifle for four levels of damage in the church, the bird soaks one, so takes three levels of damage. This means that Eric
can't heal away the first three levels of damage he receives when he gets shot by Top Dollar. That is the reason why he was still
able to fight on the roof.
People can also find the link between the Crow and the Familiar, and utilise this knowledge. The difficulty on a Wit+Occult roll to
discover the link is 12 minus the Crow's Vengeance score. A total of 8 successes are required to work out the link (or
Storyteller's discretion), but both the Crow and the Familiar must be present at the time of any such roll. Minimum of an hour
between each roll. Do not forget that the Crow doesn't know the secret either until it's almost too late, but only 5 successes are
required by the Crow herself. Taking too many overly cautious measures to hide the link should be penalised harshly by
Storytellers! Also bear in mind the fact that these Crows are soooo rare that almost no-one will have seen one twice, so that's a
crap excuse, and no, your character hasn't seen the film!

Gaia's Price
When the Spirit of Crow bargained for control of your destiny Gaia gave her the warning mentioned in the Wendigo glyphs. This
in reality means that you have to keep on the straight and narrow, or does it?

'The mortal lives you recover must only be used for avenging injustices, and for no other reason. Other reasons for return will
not be tolerated, and those who violate my will shall find themselves put, not just back from whence they came but to places
far more hideous than they could ever imagine. Such is the penalty for betraying Gaia's trust.'
This is written for the benefit of Crows. This means that anything goes, as long as you are pursuing your goal. As soon as the
Storyteller thinks you have strayed far enough from your path of Vengeance then he can ask you to make a Vengeance roll, with
a difficulty of your current trait score. A failure means that you loose a point of Vengeance, a botch means you lose 50% (!) of
your current Vengeance score as a penalty for straying away from the Spirit of Crows' will, and to prove that any dissent will not
be tolerated. Nothing is gained for a success.
A Crow finds it difficult to rest, to do anything except to pursue her Vengeance. Indeed, the only places a Crow can find
temporary respite from her Vengeance are in those places she knows from her Comfort Background. Here, a Crow can rest and
contemplate for a time before returning to her mission.

Chapter 4: Systems
This chapter deals with how crows gain experience, spend experience, use Vengeance experience and other important things.

All experience is gained under the usual five criteria of 'learning curve,' 'acting,' 'role-playing,' 'heroism,' and your automatic point
for bothering to turn up, and then three extras at the end for 'success,' 'wisdom' and 'danger.' The chart below is printed in moreor-less all White Wolf rulebooks but here's mine so you don't have to flick through them the whole time.
New Ability
New Vengeance Power 10
Current Rating
Current Rating x 2
Aide Memorium
Current Rating x 3
Current Rating x 4
Current Rating x 5

Mortal Reactions
'When someone's dead, they can't come back can they?'
'That's what I thought, you referring to anyone in particular?'
'You'll think I'm nuts.'
'Maybe they'll just have to lock us both up.'
'You've seen him too?'
'I saw . . . somebody.'
-- Sarah and Officer Albrecht
For an unawakened mortal, to see a bullet hole in an opponent's chest just close-up, almost as soon as it is put there, can be
quite a harrowing experience, and different people react in different ways. That is where The Shadow Chart comes in, to
simulate a feeling anywhere between complete disbelief and abject terror. This table is in no way an absolute reaction table and
any penalties are at your discretion. The table works in a similar way to the 'Delirium' chart in Werewolf: The Apocalypse, using
Willpower as a benchmark. Also included are examples of different people's reactions from the first film.

The Shadow Chart

Willpower Reaction
Catatonic Fear
'This dude's gonna kill my ass next!' -- Skank
'What the fuck do you want from me? I ain't done nothing!' -- Tin Tin
3 -- 4
'This is the real world; there ain't no coming back!' -- T--Bird
5 -- 6
'Don't you ever fucking die?!' -- Fun Boy
7 -- 8
'Gabriel, I though you were dead . . . you're not dead, are you?' -- Sarah
Annoyance/Indifference 'Are you some kind of a Ghost?' -- Albrecht
No Reaction/Blas
'He's already boring the shit our of me, kill him!' -- Top Dollar

Flashbacks and Memories

These are your means to finding out what happened to you and who happened to you. Basically put, when you come into
physical contact with any object or person the Storyteller thinks that you have seen or touched before your 'death' then the
Storyteller will describe the feeling and sensation you experience.
Flashbacks are grouped into the four categories (levels) of 'Aide Memorium' and the Storyteller will tell the character exactly how
much information he learns as it is gained. These Flashbacks are painful and hard for a character to deal with and this needs to
be carefully role-played, but this is one of the most rewarding aspects of Crow: the Regret: learning about you death and how to
make things right again.
In order to gain more than simple memories from a Flashback, the character must be able to focus on, and understand the
Flashback. When the character undergoes a Flashback, she may roll her Past Background dice, at a difficulty of 6. Every
success grants the character one material fact connected with the target of her Vengeance.

The Familiar
Under most circumstances, the Storyteller will control the Familiar of Crow as an NPC, until such time as the player wishes her to

take an active part of the story. For instance, if the Familiar is just following overhead, bestowing her sight on the Crow, then she
is under the control of the Storyteller and any dice rolls are made by the Storyteller. But should the player want to make her
Familiar do something against its normal nature, then the player must make a Familiar communication roll to make the Familiar
respond. For example: for the Familiar to make an attack, or deliberately show herself to the group, then that is the direct
responsibility of the player to declare so to the Storyteller and take control of the Familiar.

This is an extra ability, granted by the Spirit of Crow to help you find anyone anywhere at any time. Using the following modifiers,
roll the number of dice equal to your Locate rating against a diff of (6 + modifier)
No Change
Acquaintance +1 Diff
'Heard of'
+2 Diff
'Never met' +4 Diff
Using the table below the Storyteller will tell you how close the target is:
Successes Result
Street Name
House Number
Exact Room

Familiar Combat
To fight, the Familiar must first make a Wits+Flight roll (Diff 4) if she wants to fight in the air and then a Dex+Brawl roll (both in the
air and on the ground) like any normal creature, stating whether she is attacking with her Beak (Diff 6 in air, Diff 7 on land,
STR+1 damage) or Claws (Diff 5 in air, Diff 8 on land, STR+2 damage).

Special Combat Manoeuvre: Eye Pluck

This is used as a last ditch attempt to stop the 'Familiar of Crow' being attacked and killed. The attack is to actually pluck out
your opponents eye! The difficulty is 9 on a Dex+Brawl roll, and the manoeuvre does STR+2 aggravated damage. With
minimum of 4 successes, at least 2 getting past the soak (not usually any armour on your face, remember!), then the victim's eye
is plucked out, and she is blinded in that eye until such time as it can be healed/pumped/regrown etc. (depending on victim)

Healing and Health Levels

Your healing is automatic. No changing that. All creatures heal without even trying. For you, depending on your level of Pain, your
healing rate is a minimum of one health level per turn, and, believe me, it can get confusing at times! ('How long is it until I'm
active again?' etc.). So I have tried to develop an extended health level chart shown below. It covers the normal seven health
levels of damage but has another ten or twenty levels (depending on the type or frame of mind of your Storyteller!) so it can be
used to keep track of how far below incapacitated your character becomes. It's quite similar to the original really, but a damned
sight easier to keep track of!

Your New Health

Levels Chart
Incapacitated No Action
Unconscious Possible

Chapter 5: The World of Darkness

Crows cannot be embraced due to the fact that they are already as dead as Vampires (and they cannot be made into ghouls
either). Their blood is totally insubstantial to a Vampire, with absolutely no blood points gained at all from feeding on them. In
fact, judging by how well these Crows can fight, if a Vampire tries to feed on one he would probably lose more blood than he
stood to gain!

The Sabbat: Unless the Crow is very (un)lucky she shouldn't have encountered these Vampires before. She will then probably
come to the same conclusion that everyone else has, and be hunting these 'leeches' by morning. Sabbat are very likely to be
targets because, while the Camarilla clans do not approve of killing, the Sabbat revels in death, so this means more possibilities
of enemies coming after you.

The Camarilla: These Kindred could also have a lot to fear from the wrath of a Crow. If a Vampire has a Humanity of 5+ he is
not likely to be a target of her wrath at this time.

The Inconnu and True Black Hand: These ancient, subtle Kindred do not generally directly attack mortals. However, their
long-laid plans are very important to them, and they will not hesitate to extinguish a "nuisance." In this case, the Crow could find
herself involved in some truly horrible events.

The Garou: Crows have a token essence of Gaia due to the fact that their return is due to the Spirit of Crow. However, it is
carried by their Familiar overhead, so most Garou would probably treat it with the respect another creature of Gaia deserves,
but there would be some confusion towards the actual Crow form, since it has no obvious links to Gaia. Therefore, until the Crow
explains herself, there may be some minor hostilities, but after that the Garou will just let her go about her business.

The Corax: Being naturally curious, the Corax would usually try and follow this near-Kinfolk stranger as much as possible and so
try to determine what her motives are before making judgement. As soon as the connection between the Crow and her Familiar
has been ascertained the Corax will be as cordial and helpful as possible, and would probably make good contacts and allies.

Other Shapeshifters and Creatures of Gaia: These would generally treat a Crow with curiosity because they can see that
they were once from Gaia. Most would just let the Crow get on with her mission with little or no interference.

The Wyrm
Wyrm Spawn: As soon as the Familiar's link with Gaia is established, these creatures would do absolutely everything in their
power to corrupt her instantly, and as soon as this failed, then they would attack her with deadly force.

Black Spiral Dancers are one of the main people that have to worry about Crows, and boy, do they ever have to worry! She'll
come after any Black Spirals she sees.

Fomori are in just as much trouble!

Technocracy Mages: These groups will hunt down and (try to) kill any Crows that they see on sight, purely out of principal.
Some parts of the Progenitors or New World Order might attempt to control a Crow in order to experiment on it.

Tradition Mages: In general, Tradition Mages would just hope that they are not the target, and if they aren't then most of them
wouldn't care until they found out their Magick can't kill Crows. The exceptions might be Dreamspeakers and Verbena, both of
whom have connections to Gaia and would be willing to help a Crow, and Euthanatos, who might see in a servant of the Totem
of Death a "kindred spirit."

Most would be of no concern to the Crow and pose no danger, but there are some that can be extremely dangerous! But most
are not likely to be a threat to mortals, although some of the Redcap psychos or UnSeelie trolls might be an exception!

Most will feel pure a simple hatred for someone who is lucky enough to transcend, especially to the living world, so generally no
help from them at all can be expected. A few others will feel sympathy for someone with such a horrific mission. Besides,
Wraiths are already dead, so let sleeping spirits lie.

Immortals: This group are not all that likely to meet a Crow, so when they do it will mostly be with indifference. For an Immortal
to be hunted he would have to be as evil or worse than the Kurgan, and the Crow would have no more idea that you need to cut
the Immortal's head off than anyone else, so it might take a while. . .

Mummies: A Mummy again is not likely to run into a Crow, but, a Mummy, especially a Bane, hunted by a Crow would be the
classic irresistible force and immovable object, because neither can ever truly die!

Misc.: If they are the target, then they are dead, if not then they will be treated with indifference until they either become friend or
foe and then will be treated as such.

Mortals will react, depending on The Shadow Chart (see Chapter 4 : Systems), either running and screaming or in curiosity
towards a creature that just healed up a bullet wound, less than five seconds after being shot!

Last Words
I hope people agree with me that I think this is an accurate portrayal of The Crow. I must stress that the only media I could work
from was the movie, so if people have a suggestion as to other powers etc. then don't hesitate to contact me, I hope to update
this as soon as I can see the next film and graphic novels available.
The question has also been suggested to me that other animals could do the same as the crow, with the theory that the Spirit of
Crow can bring someone back with a crow Familiar, why not a dog or a cat etc. I have introduced a merit so you can do that for
the short term, but I am researching that possibility as you read.
Special Thanx to Paula Tacon, for putting up with the late nights and endless viewings of the film and typing the damn thing out
originally on the Amiga, Richard Gething for his 'unique' insight into the role-playing side of the game, Phil Woods for converting
most of the type from an Amiga to the PC format you see now and all the 'odd' names, and to Mitch Kelly for editing this piece
and telling me about all the cock-ups that everyone else missed. And finally, 'The Norwich Warriors' who showed me exactly how
much fun the Storytelling System can be. Cheers Lads! Adios Steve Bool.

Editor's Comments
I can remember when Steve first asked me to work on this: he said that he'd read some of my stuff from the 'Net, and that he
liked it. I was warming to the guy when he asked me if I was interested in working on a piece with him. I was only moderately
interested: I had, and still have, dozens of unfinished projects lying around, and wasn't awfully keen on adding another. Then he
told me it was about the film, The Crow. My interest waned a little more. But I said OK, I'd have a look at it. By the time I'd got to
about the sixth page of it, I was hooked. The rest of 'The Norwich Warriors' lost me for the night. I fell in love with this project, and
pretty soon I was pushing Steve to get on with the edits. Now, after several revisions, of ever-decreasing brutality, here is the
final version. Or at least, A final version. Steve, and all of us, are still playtesting the game, and like most games, this one is
evolving over time. So, if you have any comments, additions or suggestions, send them to me. I'll make sure Steve gets them.
Hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

By Peloquin (

For the twentieth time that night he put the .44 Remington rifle to his mouth.
Maybe....maybe this time...
Slowly, trembling, with sweat trickling down his face, he pulled the trigger.
A minute later he sat by the kitchen table, crying. Why? Why wouldn't it end? For what perverted reason wasn't he allowed to
die? Why?
He stood there, the mop in his hands, cleaning up the mess. Strange thing that. His brains were all over the floor, but he had
remained consciousness all the way through it. (Oh, gods...) He shut his eyes, blocking out the memory of the searing pain.
He was born in what is today known as the Caucasus mountains, on a cold winter day some two thousand years before the birth
of Christ. The very moment he had fallen from that icy cliff in his twenty-second year he had known, somehow, that he would not
die. And he hadn't. Not for the following four millennia either.
He went out to buy some groceries, (he didn't need to eat, but he grew far too weak when he didn't) and for some reason took
the path through an alley he knew he should have kept away from.
It only took a minute, and then he was surrounded by them.
'Y'all should've stayed at home, sweetie...:
Five men, he couldn't see their gang colors in the dark, but this was Bloods turf, so he supposed it was them. Man, he wasn't in
the mood for this crap...
"Okay, go ahead, rob me, shoot me, whatever..." The would-be muggers looked uncertainly at each other; this was not the usual
"Well...well, maybe we don' wantcha money...maybe we want to kill you instead..."
Great. It was gonna be one of those days.
"Yeah, yeah, just hurry up will ya, I ain't got all day." The leader looked bewildered at his gangmates.
"You makin' fun of us, man? Coz we don' like wise-asses around here..." He pulled out a long piece of lead piping, the end he
held it in was wrapped around with a red rag, as a handhold. Bloods, just like he thought. But, there was something wrong with
one of them; he was pale, paler than ordinary. In fact, he was as pale as a...
He turned his sight inwards. Ah. He was one of those. The gang member stared back at him.
"What you starin' at, muthafuckah?"
Damn. Wrong words. "Oh, I'm nothin' am I? Huh?"
"No, you're Brujah, aren't you?"
The young vampire (he couldn't be more than a neonate, not with that attitude) glanced warily at his friends. "You hear this guy?
He call me a "Broojaa"...well, I ain't no Broojaa, I'm a Blood!" Oh, for crying out loud! "Look, are you guys gonna kill me or what?
Because I was thinking I'd grab a few snacks and a burger and sit at home moping all night. So if you could just get your territorypissing over and done with, I'd be real happy."
The gangsters just looked at each other and then simultaneously pulled out Tech-9's, Glock's and all the usual heavy artillery of
the NRA-members they probably were, and pumped clip after clip of 9 millimetre bullets in him.
It hurt. Sure, maybe not as much as that time they burned him at the stake in Paris in 1576, but it hurt enough to bring him to the
ground. The killers laughed, reloading their weapons and turning to walk out of the alley.
He stood up.
"Guys? I don't think you're done yet..."
They turned. "Shee-it...this guy wants more..."

The Brujah looked anxious; he could almost feel his thoughts: was this guy an Elder or something worse? As they prepared to
blow him away a second time, he turned to the young vampire. All it required was a little push.
"Kill them."
The vampire looked blank for a moment, and then, as it dawned in his face, he turned the gun on the others and started firing in
their midst. They went down like bowling pins to a wrecking ball. When the smoke cleared, only two remained in the alley.
Time to release him...
The Brujah dropped the gun. He stared at his dead comrades in arms, and then at him. "You-you-you're an..."
"No, I'm no leech. In fact, I got too much life on my hands; that's my problem."
Now the leech was really scared, and he pulled out a long, slim katana from under his coat, probably some mail order junk he'd
spiced up. "I fought one'a you before, and I got him, like this!"
With a single swipe the vampire severed his head from his shoulders, sending it rolling to the ground.
He wiped off the blood in his mouth, looking smug.
He swallowed.
And spat. And coughed. And threw up, as the special blood burned his throat from the inside. And as he stood there, retching,
coughing up his own blood, the headless body slowly stood up, fumbled around for a moment, found the head, and put it back.
The wound healed seamlessly, with a faint blue glow that soon disappeared.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. I've been decapitated more times than you've pissed your pants, little vampire. This once isn't gonna kill me. Oh, I
see your metabolism couldn't stand my modified blood. Well, that's no surprise; I once saw one of your elders burn to death from
the inside from drinking one of my..."cousins", one might call them...but don't worry, you won't die from that tiny trickle. You just
won't be able to talk with your own voice again. But still, I can't let you write or sign language to your little undead buddies about
me; no, I'm afraid I'm going to have to kill you...
He pulled out a small knife, put the blade against the palm of his hand, and cut. The blood seaped down the blade; the wound
healed up, and as he stared at the blood he spoke one word.

And the vampire burst into flame. Wailing with pain he ran off, but he knew he would die within minutes; the fire was inside him
as well as outside him. Lucky bastard. He didn't know how lucky he was to get the chance to die. No-one ever gave him that
Ah, well. Maybe...yes, maybe napalm? He hadn't tried that yet or maybe he ought to seek out one of those French nuke sites in
the Pacific Ocean, and hell, a nuke at point blank range might even do him in...
Probably not.

As those who call themselves Immortal soon noticed, several millennia before the Time of The Gathering, there were in fact
beings that would tell them they were wrong in their assumption. As one of the other races so accurately put it: "They die, don't
But a few of them told their initiated friends that they were, in fact, grateful that there actually was a chance for them to die.
Because these few had met at least one of those who refer to themselves as The Cursed. The Cursed are, in the most negative
sense of the word, truly immortal. They won't get a great Prize when all of them are dead but one. They won't have any time of
Gathering, and they definitely will never be allowed to enter the afterlife.
As those who met them soon understood, this was a far more horrible state of being than anything they could imagine. Eternal
life, without rest, without relief, without any consolation. The few powers they gained upon entering this state were no consolation,
but did keep them from being caught and examined by the darker powers of the world, or, as one of the young Los Angeles
anarchs who witnessed the sudden demise of his sire when drinking from one of these, "He went off like the f-ng Fourth of July,
man, from one sip!"
They don't know why they have been cursed with this, as most of them were ordinary men and women when they Became, as
they put it, and none of them had committed any crime greater than any other on this planet. They only know one thing about
One day in their lives, they will be allowed to taste the final death.
One day.

If they miss it, they're doomed to stay alive forever.

Oh, joy.

"Do you really want to live forever?"
-- Alphaville, Forever Young
The Cursed lead pretty much normal lives, until one day, when they, like the "headcutters" as they have named those who call
themselves immortal, suffer from some great accident that should kill them.
It doesn't.
And from that day on, they simply cannot die.
They do feel pain, though. They stay conscious through whatever misfortunes they happen upon, and they can truly say that there
are, in fact, a lot of things worse than a poke in the eye with a blunt stick, such as being burned alive, or being put through a
meatgrinder, or just getting your nuts squished in a vise.
And the worst part of it is, they get no relief of the pain while they heal from it. They feel every bone in their body being crushed,
and then they feel the more unpleasant experience of having them put back in their proper places.
Ever relocated a dislocated shoulder?
Imagine that with your whole body.
Not a pretty picture.
They do get a few advantages, such as the abilities they call Blood Magic and the Voice. Or the psychic insight they gain at
certain opportunities. No telepathy. They just feel, inside themselves, and all of a sudden they know things they should not
possibly be able to know. Many a Nosferatu have found that it is no use trying to sell them information, as they just smile at them
and all of a sudden know exactly what it was they wanted to sell. And then there is their little talent of what they call Allocation.
Quite useful in a fight. More on these later.

The World of Darkness

Most denizens of the World of Darkness knows basically nothing whatsoever about them. There's just not all that many of them in
the world, possibly about twenty or thirty. Those who know of them, though, have soon found that it is best to be on their good
side. The Technocracy, for instance, still remains silent about what they call the "Culpepper-incident." This particular Culpepper
was apparently a talented cog in the great machinery of the Technocracy, a man who insisted that there were true immortal
beings in the world, and that he had caught one. When his immediate superiors came to investigate his claims, they found only
the remains of what appeared to be Culpepper and beside him a note saying "Curiosity killed the cat." And if you even mention
them to any major Wyrm-demon, it'll probably rip off your head and use it for a basket ball. But they like doing that stuff to people
anyway, so... The vampires? Well, some of them may have met them. But if they have, they ain't telling.

Kindred: Oh, them. Cute little kids, aren't they?
"Ah. The Cursed, why, that's us. We're cursed to eternal life and bloodsucking. So?"
Garou: They really have to stop chasing their tails if they're going to get anything done.
"The what? Are they Wyrm? No? Then I never heard of'em."
Magi: Ah, yes. They live, they die. Gods, how we envy them.
"Huh? Immortals? Like in that movie with Sean Connery?"
Kithain: These ones are truly weird. I mindread one of them, and had a headache for three weeks afterwards, and all I got was
that he wanted a Hershey-bar.

"Immortal? I'm immortal. Maybe not my body, but, hey, it's what's on the inside that counts, right?"

(Highlander-style) Immortals: Lucky bastards. With just one swipe of a sword they are liberated.
"They have my sympathies."
Adephi: Hmmm.... They don't bother us and when we meet, they in general try to avoid us. It's as if, as if they're ashamed of
something, something to do with us . . .

"It was not us who made them like they are. But we know who did. And why. And we're not proud of it."
NightBreed: I like them. They do not hide what they are, and they have no respect for the boundaries of the mortal world.
"(munch, munch, munch) The Cursed? Sure, I met one once. But come here, and taste the mailman...I've made him in this
special sauce I make with red wine, some oregano and a little garlic..."
Windrunners: Quick little devils, aren't they?
"What was that? Oh yeah, I've met one of those, but hey I gotta run, see ya! (zip)"
Cenobites: Heh heh heh heh...they have no idea what we've done to them, but they'll find out soon enough... (Oh, Mr. Barker, I
have the material you wanted!)

"Interesting. But tell me, have you experienced true pain? Now where did I put those hooks..."

Character creation
Attributes: 7/6/5
Abilities: 30/20/10
Backgrounds: 10
Record Willpower: 5
Freebies: 30

The powers of the Cursed

Blood Magic
Blood Magic is a strange, but efficient way of using Static magic in the world. All it requires is a reflective surface, some of the
casters blood, and a word of power, often made such by the use of the Voice, a power not unlike Dominate. With this magic you
may perform some, granted, limited, but powerful magic on someone, by cursing him, haunting him, or just plain killing him.
The effects of this magic is very different from time to time, the words "kill him" might not actually kill the man on the spot, but
one day, when he thinks himself safe, he might all of a sudden find that his body is rotting from the inside out, or, as envisioned in
the little prelude, it might just set fire to him right where he stands.

Allocation is the main combat ability of the Cursed, as it allows them to fight someone with more strength and power than they
normally have. What it is, well, you could describe it like this: The Cursed woman stands some twenty feet from the would-be
attacker, but she moves her arm like a punch, and the attacker gets punched. She didn't touch him. Basically, the mimed kicks,
throws and punches of the Cursed affects the victim without actual physical combat. This talent is most often only used in any
combat against only one, as it is pretty useless against more than one. Still, one Cursed standing hidden in the shadows could
probably kick the living daylights out of everybody in a Garou Caern. As long as no-one sees him.

The strange ability of knowing things is not as powerful as it may seem. It is only the knowledge of the present minds (the
characters and NPC's inside the scene) that is tapped into, and it is not all-knowing. You basically roll Willpower against a
difficulty of the highest ranked Knowledge of those who are near, and if enough successes scored, you all of a sudden know not
only that the man in front of you is an Unseelie eshu faerie who is trying to con you into buying a false Picasso. This power is to
be discussed with the ST, as he/she might not allow it in the game. (I mean, look at it like this, the ST's whole chronicle is based
on no-one knowing who the bad guy is. The player who plays a Cursed just uses his Innersight, points out the baddie, and hey, a
whole chronicle shot to hell.)

The Voice
The vampires have confidence in their little ability called Dominate, but they do not know, that the one who taught it to the very

first vampires, was a Cursed, amusing herself. The Voice is, basically, a more powerful version of that mind controlling ability, as
it requires no more levels to master than one.
You just roll Willpower against Willpower, diff: 8, and you can tell someone to drop dead. He won't actually die, but he will believe
that he is, and will continue to do so until someone with an ability similar to Dominate, or, in fact, someone possessing
Dominate, tells him otherwise. You can also tell someone to kill his friends, to go dunk his head in an unflushed toilet for ten
minutes, or to go jump off a bridge. All it takes is one success more than him.

"You want to kill me? Go ahead. It won't work, anyhow. I know. I've tried."

By Coder (

Far in the future, after the Breakdown, the youth of the 2110 generation revolted against GovTech, the megacorporation that
controlled 90% of the world's economy and ruled through martial law. During this time, the people are genetically and
cybernetically enhanced, making them physically and mentally superior. Life expectancies exceed 200 years and with their
technologically enhanced intellects, they are capable of thinking faster and better than their ancestors. The youths, who call
themselves Cyberpunks, are using these advancements to oppose the fascist power of the government and with a new device
called the Patometer, change the past into a society where people are able to live in freedom. When a person jacks into the
Patometer, the machine projects an exact duplicate of her in the past. This copy is as lifelike as any mortal, and the user
experiences stimuli as if she were actually there. Unfortunately, the interface is so complete that anything that happens to the
copy directly affects its future self. A punch to the gut may cause the real body to throw up blood while the copy's death will surely
result in the same fate for the original. The Patometer connects to the past through pulse-dialed phones, so Cyberpunks who
wish to return to their bodies must receive a call from the comm center of the future. The comm center is the hidden base of the
Cyberpunks where a large database has been stored about the past.

The Sentinels
The sentinels are the arch-enemies of Cyberpunks. They work for the company and, using the same machine, travel back in time
to thwart the efforts of the Cyberpunk revolutionists. Sentinels have the same abilities as the Cyberpunks and assume the
appearance of ordinary people, making them a deadly and hard to track enemy.

Cyberpunks are not unlike the Cyberpunks of today. Most dress in the punk style -- usually black or other faded colors (though
there are many exceptions). Many wear trench coats, large wallet chains and much jewelry. Almost all wear sunglasses to
conceal their pupiless eyes, a side effect of using a copy.
Note: Cyberpunks do not always appear normal. Creatures using Auspex will simply cease to see them, although they do show
up on infrared and video surveillance. Some disciplines and magicks may not work on the Cyberpunk: specifically those that
affect the character's soul or permanent appearance. Cyberpunks may also have their blood drank by kindred but their blood
tastes potently of metal and provides no substance for the kindred. A Cyberpunk drained to 0 by a Kindred is incapacitated and
unable to awake until he travels back to the future, obviously with the aid of another Cyberpunk.

Character Creation
Attributes: 7/5/3
Abilities: 15/13/11
Disciplines: 3
Backgrounds: 5
Willpower: 4

Cyberpunks have some generic abilities and then they gain others by putting dots in a discipline called Cygenics. For each point
in the character's pool, she can use one of her additional abilities (see below) per scene. Additional Dots must be bought at a
price of 5 * current rating.

Natural Abilities
Cyberpunks are more intelligent than the humans of the past, so they start with an additional point in Intelligence. They also have
the ability to slightly defy common laws of physics. They are able to defy gravity for longer periods of time than mortals can (e.g.,

they can jump 20ft x Strength). They also control the ability to essentially alter atoms around them. Although they are not actually
slowing down time, to them it is perceived as so, allowing them to take one extra action or to heighten their zdtrength (+3). This
is achieved by ignoring several laws of physics, the first is that an object looses power as it travels through matter. What the
Cyberpunks are able to do is slip through this resistance, causing no friction. This allows them to move faster and for their
strikes to be heightened. Another ability of theirs is relative to this ability. Cyberpunks are able to withstand more damage from
the environment around them. Although this ability allows a Cyberpunk to be thrown through a wall with a minimal amount of
damage, a sword will pierce their skin just as easily as any other mortal and they heal at the same rate as a mortal. The rule to
use is that damage by blunt objects, such as a wall or a fist are reduced to zero unless damage of 4 successes or more is
obtained. For each 4 health levels of blunt damage a Cyberpunk takes, take 1 health level away. Cyberpunks are still affected by
the force of the strike and it still hurts as it naturally would.

Cygenics Abilities
These are just a few to get you started. They should be used at the discretion of the ST and if needed more can be created.

Download Knowledge: The Cyberpunk has the ability to learn one skill at level 5 for the duration of a scene.
Load Arsenal: Gives the character access to a large archive of weapons, clothing and other resources at the beginning of a

Fly: This allows the character to defy gravity entirely, flying at a maximum speed of 60 miles/hr.
Energy Blast: This allows the character to manipulate atoms into a wave like blast of invisible energy, doing Strength + 1 of
blunt damage.

DAEMON 2nd Edition

| Prelude | Book One | Book Two | Book Three |
By Frank Torkel
Note: For a more recent version of Daemon, see the author's Web site at:

Book One: The True Daemon

True demons, also called devils, satans, daemons
- The Book of Madness
Like the other denizens of the World of Darkness, the Daemons have a goal for themselves. Every Daemon wishes to conquer
Hel and eventually wishes to begin the Luring. To do this, they must gain power in many ways. Once born, young Daemons are
weak creatures physically but make up for it by learning Boons, the magickal energies which empower all Daemons. When a
Daemon grows in power however, his physical form alters as well. The more power he amasses, meaning the greater his Dark
Seed, the greater his physical stature becomes.
Daemons have their own organizations which they call Ilks. In Daemon there are seven Ilks. These Ilks were once secret
councils, all having pledged their allegiance to their ruler, Lucifer himself. As the Bible tells, there would come a time when Satan
would be banished by the Messiah. In apocalyptic cosmology too, Satan would inevitably fall after prevailing in the former age. In
the World of Darkness, Lucifer has been slain by such mysterious or unknown forces, and the Ilks have risen up for full control of
Hel. Seven Ilks fight in the Quash:

Asuras: Masters of elemental control and corrupters of humanity, these fiends have been banished from Hel for defying the
ancient laws of the Necronomicon and revealing too much of their lore.

Daimone: Manipulators of humankind, the Daimone dream of a day where they may once again masquerade as demi-gods to
the naive humans.

Diabolos: These strange creatures mastered the Umbra even before the Fallen Angels came to Hel. Native to Hel, the Diabolos
were mutated into Daemons by the powers of Lucifer himself.

Djinn: Jinnis and tricksters that live in the desert, fooling mortals wherever they go. These pranksters mock Daemon society,
respected only because their elders control vast armies of souls.

Faustus: Daemons supposedly created by the mistakes of the Rakshasas; the Faustus are the youngest Ilk, yet powerful

Luciferentes: Once the greatest Ilk when Lucifer still ruled, the Luciferentes now wish to be pardoned from the sins of their
forefathers, walking on a path of enlightenment.

Rakshasas: These monstrosities are prime evil, twisted by their own powers. The Rakshasas are known for their foolishness,
yet known for their rage in battle as well.
See ILKS in Book Two for a more detailed description on these Daemon organizations.

Character Creation
Pity the man who has a character to support - Henry David Thoreau, Journal 28 April 1841 To create a Daemon character, one
can use the included character sheet at the end of this source book, or modify an existing character sheet from any of the
Storyteller Games to create a Daemon character. Character creation is explained more in-depth in the Storyteller books by
White Wolf Game Studios. For more information on attributes, abilities, etc., please refer to the respective books.
The small box drawn at the bottom of the character sheet labeled Souls is where one would write down the amount of souls the
Daemon has to manipulate. The Advantages of the Daemons are their Boons with a possible maximum rating of five. Instead of
a blood pool, Daemons have a Vim pool which is used to empower their Boons, rituals, and so forth. A full list of Natures and
Demeanors can be found in any of the main books of any of the White Wolf Storyteller campaigns. A player should select such
traits, and they work the same in Daemon as in any other Storyteller game. After filling out the character's name, the player's
name, chronicle, nature, demeaner, etc., one should select which Ilk the Daemon will belong to. A list of Ilks can be found above,
and a detailed description of each one is described later on.
Attribute ratings start at 9-4-3, and appearance begins at zero, not at one. This is to show that most Daemons remain hideous,
the reason much of our folklore of demons depict large, nasty looking creatures. This rating can be improved for any Ilk except
for the Rakshasas. Ability ratings begin at 20-15-10, but ratings such as those for medicine, computer, politics and the such
should not be taken, unless the player can give a logical explanation for it. Remember, Daemons are creatures that very rarely
interact or need to interact with human culture, as they only come into contact with single humans, only to buy their souls. A

Daemon would, for example, have no use for the finance ability or the medicine ability. Such human trifles are unimportant to
creatures who manipulate the living. For knowledges, see the various Players Guides or other source books for many of the lore
knowledges. A short list of new abilities is given below.

New talent: Mimicry
This talent allows the character to masquerade as something or someone the character is not. Daemons, when possessing an
individual must learn to pretend how to be that person in all aspects. This goes beyond acting where you play the main part of
someone, but rather you learn all there is to know about the object or person you are mimicking in order to be really persuasive
in your role.
Level (1): Can pass as a lonely street bum and get some welfare.
Level (2): You can imitate other's voices and some signatures.
Level (3): You can make a bank believe you're their customer, and make a deposit.
Level (4): You can pass as a famous entertainer, maybe getting a "gig" or two.
Level (5): You can fool the Secret Service into believing you're the president and have them arrest "that impostor."

New Knowledge: Daemon Lore

With this knowledge, the character knows more than just folklore about demons. This knowledge is not possessed by many
other than true demons, and with it one can easily contact a Daemon and find gateways to Hel.
Level (1): You've read a little 'bout 'em.
Level (2): You know all about their folklore.
Level (3): You know what the Luring is, and the steps to achieve it.
Level (4): You know much of the true history of the Daemons.
Level (5): You have read portions of the real Necronomicon.

Willpower, Health and Penance

A Daemon's Willpower begins at five but can of course be increased. The seven regular health levels are present for a Daemon
character but for every other Dark Seed the Daemon increases, she gains one extra health block, which counts as another
bruised level, therefore taking no dice penalties.
Penance, a meter ranging from one through 10, tracks the amount of repentance a Daemon has achieved. Lower levels imply
the Daemon remains twisted and cruel, where higher levels imply the Daemon has achieved a sort of enlightenment, on the path
to a greater phase, to one day rejoin the Angels in all their Glory. This equals the amount of Vim a Daemon starts out with each
day after rest, without having to visit Hel or a Helgate.

Every philosophy is tinged with the colouring of some secret imaginative background, which never emerges explicitly into its
train of reasoning.
-- Alfred North Whitehead, Science and the Modern World
Daemon characters have advantages not unlike those of other characters. The same backgrounds would apply, plus those
below. Backgrounds such as resources however, like many knowledges would be useless to a Daemon, and therefore should
not be taken unless it furthers the story. Storytellers should discuss which backgrounds may be chosen from those listed in other
campaigns with the player. Daemon characters have five points to spend in backgrounds during character creation.

Dark Seed
Dark Seed is a background similar to generation for vampires. This background determines how close to the original Fallen
Angels the Daemon is, therefore explaining how much power is at the characters disposal. A Daemon character initially starts
the game at level eight Dark Seed, which can be raised up to level three. Depending on the Dark Seed, the character has more
or less Vim to spend. A character with no rating in Dark Seed begins with five Vim and is considered sterile and impotent. Such
Daemons with the eighth Dark Seed are weak, and are looked down upon by their peers. No Daemon has yet gone beyond the
Second Dark Seed besides the Keepers of the Luring. It is believed however that upon achieving the first Dark Seed, the

Daemon has the power of its ancestors, the Fallen Angels. Dark Seed can only be raised by extremely potent magicks found
within the Necronomicon. Obviously such segments aren't just laying around either
Level (1): Seventh Dark Seed; 10 Vim.
Level (2): Sixth Dark Seed; 15 Vim.
Level (3): Fifth Dark Seed; 20 Vim.
Level (4): Fourth Dark Seed; 25 Vim.
Level (5): Third Dark Seed; 30 Vim.
Level (6): Second Dark Seed; 40 Vim.

Infernal Ranking
Infernal ranking, like status in other World of Darkness games, allows the character special rights and information inaccessible
to other characters. For every level of Infernal Ranking the character has, she has a certain amount of souls and land in Hel
available to her. Unless the character has this background trait, she is considered an Imp, a Daemon which garners no respect.
Until this Imp has bought 10 souls for her Ilk, she will remain an Imp. Otherwise the Imp's stature grows, and her Infernal Ranking
will increase. For storytelling sake, a Daemon character beginning the game as an Imp has 10 souls left to buy (having bought
zero in the past) until she advances in rank. Continued ranks go up to 10, where the character has garnered huge amounts of
respect, and controls great spans of land in Hel. These ranks above five can only be gained by role-playing. The Daemon cannot
have this background trait if she does not possess the Boon Investment with a rating of at least three, since Infernal Ranking is
reflected in the amount of souls the Daemon has bought for herself, not her Ilk. Remember that it is extremely rare for a player
character to have an Infernal Ranking over five, and should be very hard to achieve. People don't just sell their souls outright, and
land isn't given away.
It is known that non-Daemons have achieved some form of Infernal Ranking in the past, either receiving it for aiding Daemons in
their struggles or purchasing it as an Investment. In any case, no such being has ever ranked above the level three Infernal
Ranking. Any level of this background trait given to a non-Daemon is an honor nearly unheard of, and although rare, can be given
out through role-playing. Note that some Baali elders have achieved such status, only furthering their dealings with the Daemon
Level (1): Rank one Daemon, 10 souls in her army, no land.
Level (2): Rank two Daemon, 25 souls in her army, about an acre of land.
Level (3): Rank three Daemon, 50 souls in her army, about five acres of land.
Level (4): Rank four Daemon, 100 souls in her army, about 15 acres of land.
Level (5): Rank five Daemon, 200 souls in her army, about 30 acres of land.
Level (6): Dark Knight, 300 souls, about 50 acres of land.
Level (7): Baron of Hel, 500 souls, 100 acres of land and a Helgate.
Level (8): Lord of Hel, 1,000 souls, a territory in Hel, and two Helgates.
Level (9): Warlord, 2,000 souls, a city in Hel, and five Helgates.
Level (10): Overlord, 5,000+ souls, few cities, and many Helgates.

In early times every sort of advantage tends to become a military advantage.
-- Walter Bagehot, Physics and Politics
Advantages in Daemon consist of one more special ability. The Daemons believe that it was the first Fallen Angels who gave
them their magical powers, and so they have named them Boons. There are eight different Boons available to choose from,
most Ilks having mastered a specific Boon. The Boons that are frequently used by Daemons are:

Arms of Ordnance: Lethality of one's body.

Corruption: Corrupting an object, person, etc.
Elemental Influence: Controlling the elements of nature.
Investment: Buying the souls of creatures in exchange for their souls.
Itinerate: Moving through the Umbral worlds, the Shadowlands, etc.
Metamorph: Altering one's appearance.
Ordain: Similar to Vampire's Dominate; mind control.
Possession: Possessing a person or an object.

A Daemon character may start out with five points to use for Boons, three of which must be used for Boons of the Daemon's Ilk;
the other two for any Boon(s).

Freebies and Experience

Experience. The wisdom that enables us to recognise in an undesirable old acquaintance the folly that we have already
-- Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary
Daemon characters begin with 21 freebie points, and may raise their statistics by spending the following:
Backgrounds: 1
Experience costs are as follows:
Current Rating x3
Current Rating x5
Boons of the Daemons Ilk: Current Rating x6
Boons of another's Ilk:
Current Rating x7
Current Rating x3
Current Rating x2
Note that Backgrounds and souls cannot be purchased after character creation.

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.
-- Bible: New Testament, 1 Peter 5:8
Ilks are groups of Daemons once assembled in common interest and history. Bred for centuries, Daemons are born into such
Ilks, constantly fighting for control of Hel in the legendary Quash. Most Ilks are led by a leader, the most powerful Daemon of his
respected Ilk known as the Overlord. Only the Diabolos and the Faustus have no Overlord, being the youngest of the Ilks, and not
descended solely from Lucifer and his cronies. Rather, these two Ilks have a Grand Council, including the eldest and most
powerful of their brethren. These council members act as a single Overlord when combined, ruling as an entity. Although at war
with one another, the seven Daemon Ilks do hold meetings with one another, either to settle land disputes, or occasionally to ally
against a common enemy.

These creatures have made their new homes on the wastelands and deserts of earth. Outcasts of Hel, these Daemons fight the
Quash from earth, giving them a stronger hold on the inevitable Luring. Masters of weather control and all things human, they
plan on conquering Hel after gaining steady holds on earth. In early times they would cause droughts and turbulent winds to
destroy crops and structures. In exchange for good weather, the humans would sell their souls for the continued existence of their
kind. If they did not agree to this exchange, the Daemons would destroy whole colonies, thus the formations of uninhabitable
deserts. By doing so they made their presence aware by the humans, and so the other Daemons, in an act of protection, barred
them from Hel. Until an Asuras has achieved a level three in Infernal Ranking, it may not enter the inhabited regions of Hel unless
it wishes to risk its life. The Garou speak of the Asuras in very ancient legends, considering them Wyrm incarnate, and despise
the Asuras for destroying Gaia's earth.
The Asuras Overlord Asmodius, although much of his holds in Hel was taken away, is believed to have control over whole
nations on earth. His Helgates are those that lead to the barren lands of Hel, far away from inhabited colonies and cities
belonging to the other Ilks. Perhaps the only Overlord living on earth, Astorath is believed to be living out his immortal life high
upon an unknown mountain, destroying his adversaries and intruders with fierce storms and lightning bolts.

Boons: Elemental Influence, Possession

Character Creation: Social Attributes are primary and Mental Attributes are Secondary.

Quote: "The others think we are beaten, but as they further their sacred Quash, we further our holds on earth. Here we are
immortal, and when the Luring begins, we shall be ahead."

Daimone: "They are like us, only they have not been punished for the envy of our peers."
Diabolos: "Their origin is a mystery, we do not trust them."
Djinn: "They steal our lands in Hel and are opposed to us. They must all die."
Faustus: "These fools are the product of idiocy; watch them however, for they are strong.
Luciferentes: "The only brethren who stands up for us. Their stature means nothing anymore however, and they cannot help us."
Rakshasas: "These monstrosities deserve nothing more than death."

These proud Daemons once masqueraded as demi-gods to the naive populaces of earth. The Daimone, like their name
implies, were the first true demons, the first Daemons to manipulate the humans to their will. Pretending they were true gods, the
Daimone used their powers to garner riches and property on earth. For many years the Daimone would befriend the humans
and act as rulers. Many sacrifices and statues of them still exist today from many early civilizations. Until they were threatened by
the expansions of Kindred domain, they lived on earth among the Asuras. Now they have retreated back to Hel, where they plan
their goals for the inevitable Luring.
Shax, the Overlord of the Daimone, lives out his existence in Hel, using his powerful skills of Ordain to warp the minds of his
mortal followers. His army of mortals is the greatest of those controlled by the other Ilks, and is worshipped by more mortals than
any other Overlord.

Boons: Ordain, Possession

Character Creation: Social or Mental Attributes are primary.
Quote: "Mankind was created to serve our species. We are their rulers, and they are our slaves."
Asuras: "Fools, they are not as manipulative as we, and for their folly, we are watched."
Diabolos: "Strange Daemons, we ally ourselves occasionally."
Djinn: "They are good at lying, and we respect that."
Faustus: "Hmph."
Luciferentes: "Once our leaders; they walk the wrong path."
Rakshasas: "They are disillusioned beasts."

The Diabolos are a strange lot indeed. They were seldom spoken of in early myths and even today seem to hide their true
motives. For this reason the Greeks called them "diabolos", meaning deceiver. The Diabolos were once stranger creatures
however, few in number who once inhabited what is now Hel. When the Fallen Angels came upon these strange creatures, they
spread their corruption, mutating these natives and breeding with them after, forming the Diabolos. Before the departure of the
Fallen Angels, the Diabolos intermixed with the other Ilks, only later forming their own, apart from the others to strengthen their
powers. Not true Daemons by definition, the Diabolos still live among Daemonic society and are now accepted by their
companions. Throughout the ages, as breeding among the Daemons took place, the Diabolos mixed blood with the other
Daemons, no longer very distinguishable from the other Ilks. The Diabolos are the true princes of lies and deceit and wage their
Quash with secrecy. Founders of the Itinerate Boon, the Diabolos are the reason the Daemons have learned to travel through the
Umbra and Shadowlands. How they came upon this power is unknown, and the Diabolos have never told anyone exactly how
they discovered it. The other Daemons respect the Diabolos for their magickal powers, but fear them as well. Even the great
Luciferentes are threatened by them, and believe they come from elsewhere...
Moloche, the mysterious Warlord of the Diabolos lives not in Hel or on earth. Rather, he lives somewhere deep in the Umbra,
taking over Umbral Realms as if they were nothing. The only Warlord of the Ilk, Moloche meets with the Diabolos' Grand Council
in his own Umbral Realm, what he calls "Hades." The only Ilk to own lands outside of earth and Hel, Moloche strives to empower
his Ilk through the knowledge and power of other Umbral planes. Upon achieving the level five Rank of Infernal Ranking, Moloche
grants his followers an Umbral Realm, where their desires come true. The Grand Council is composed of Moloche, and six

Lords of Hel. These Lords of Hel each live in their own Umbral Realm, although not nearly as big as Hades. Although Moloche
doesn't have much more power than the others in the Grand Council, he is the most respected amongst his Ilk, and serves as the
diplomat between the other Ilk's Overlords.

Boons: Itinerate, Metamorph

Character Creation: Social or Mental Attributes are primary.
Quote: "There is more to existence than conquering Hel and earth. Look to the Otherworlds, and see the lands that are ours for
the taking."

Asuras: "Besides the Rakshasas, these Daemons are the stupidest of all."
Daimone: "One of the only worthy Ilks."
Djinn: "Those who struggle with the Asuras are just as unworthy."
Faustus: "Honorable foes."
Luciferentes: "They are cautious around us, yet friendly as well."
Rakshasas: "Don't get me started."

The Djinn have been in contact with the humans of the Middle East for quite some time. The humans have given them a name,
the Jinni, and many myths shroud their true natures. The Djinn have taken the desert as their homes and in this have many
conflicts with the Asuras. They have steady domains in Hel as well, and are masters of Investment. These Daemons usually have
high traits in appearance to trick the humans into believing that they are friendly. Only when it is too late, will the human know
what she has truly done.
The Djinn Overlord has so many souls even he doesn't know how many he truly has. The Djinn, with great dungeons in Hel,
holding thousands of souls each, owe their allegiance to Thamuz. Known to carry a Soulforge of an estimated thousand souls,
Thamuz destroys his victims but with a single blow. The most lenient Overlord in terms of sending lesser Djinn through his
Helgates, Thamuz often orders these Djinn to continuously plague a mortal until his soul has been bought. If these acts endanger
the Djinn or if the mortal remains uncorrupted by the Djinn, he will be hunted down by these same Daemons. As a gift to all his
followers, upon achieving a Rank three Infernal Ranking, Thamuz gives away a Soulforge of 10-20 souls.

Boons: Metamorph, Investment

Character Creation: Social Attributes are primary.
Quote: "It is not who is stronger or smarter, rather it is who controls more souls." Stereotypes
Asuras: "They must all die for their betrayal."
Daimone: "Their ways are not too unlike our own."
Diabolos: "These freaks are not to be trusted."
Faustus: "They should not have been allowed to spawn."
Luciferentes: "We honor the Ilk that once led us."
Rakshasas: "Their time will come."

The Ilk Faustus has a strange history behind it. The youngest of the Ilks, the Faustus trace their origin to a mortal, a human. This
human now known only as Faust, was a master of the arcane arts and soon led his experiments to the fields of necromancy. The
Daemons saw this, and the Ilk Rakshasas believed that he would be a worthy creature to corrupt. Contacting Faust they offered
him anything he wanted. Unafraid, he asked them for infinite knowledge, and in turn, they told him that they could only give him
what they knew. This knowledge was far beyond that of any mortal, but Faust was not satisfied. He asked them not only for all
their knowledge, but also for immortality. They thought this over for two days, and when those two days had elapsed, they told
him that in turn, his soul and those of his bloodline would be theirs for eternity. He agreed, and after seemingly becoming one of
the most powerful Mages of all time, he disappeared after spending his immortal existence on earth for many years. Where he
went is still unknown but the Rakshasas never did get their souls. They searched the earth for years, but never once did they
encounter the soul of Faust. Many years later, a group of lesser Daemons, unassociated with any Ilk challenged the elders of the

Ilk Rakshasas. These lesser Daemons claimed they were the children of Faust and called forth their own Quash. They formed
their own Ilk, naming it after their father. The Rakshasas, outraged at this, called war against the Faust, but the Faust fought
back. Thousands of souls were slain at this time, but the Faustus were never conquered. Still today, they are as powerful as any
other Ilk. Having no official Overlord, the Faustus have formed a Grand Council like their brethren the Diabolos. Although made
up of only five Lords of Hel, this Grand Council seems the most efficient, using more of a strategy in combat than all out war.

Boons: Arms of Ordnance, Investment

Character Creation: Physical or Mental Attributes are primary.
Quote: "War is our destiny, and in this, we shall undoubtedly prevail."
Asuras: "They should not suffer for the sins of their fathers."
Daimone: "Their way is dishonorable, unlike our own."
Diabolos: "The second youngest Ilk, we look up to them for their knowledge."
Djinn: "We do not choose their side in their struggle with the Asuras."
Luciferentes: "They accept us, and for that we honor them."
Rakshasas: "They are responsible for our existence, yet they deserve nothing."

The Luciferentes were the main Ilk when the former ruler of Hel, Lucifer, still ruled. Favoring this Ilk, Lucifer granted them large
fifes in Hel. The Luciferentes of today do not wish complete eradication of the other Daemons. Instead they wish only to rule
them and bring them upon the path of enlightenment. The Luciferentes fear no one except the strange force which they have
nicknamed the "Hands of God." They wish to discover the force behind it, not to avenge the death of their former leader, but to
repent for the sins of their ancestors. They believe that they can undo their curse and return to the land of Angels, for they believe
the death of Lucifer was a sign.
The eldest known Daemon that is still known to live is the ruler of this Ilk. This powerful Daemon, Mephistopheles, has
unbelievable powers. Although his beliefs are not always reflected in those of his Ilk, he remains a looming shadow over the
actions of the other Daemons. Leaving Hel many times for unknown reasons, Mephistopheles entrusts the leadership of the
Luciferentes to the Overlord known as Maltheus. Maltheus, eager to return to the land of Angels, urges all his followers to follow
the way of light. A great warrior in Hel, Maltheus is known to have slain great leaders from opposing Ilks.

Boons: Itinerate, Ordain

Character Creation: Mental Attributes are always primary.
Quote: "Our ultimate goal is to reform the other Ilks to our path, or destroy them."
Asuras: "They deserve not the punishment they have been given."
Daimone: "They lie like nothing else."
Diabolos: "We are wary around them, they know something."
Djinn: "Their path is changing for the worse."
Faustus: "We must protect our siblings, and the Faustus are the youngest among us."
Rakshasas: "The Rakshasas are our opposites: they are the illogical, we are reasonable."

These Daemons are prime evil. They wish nothing more than to destroy everything. They believe that they are the true rulers of
Hel and that everyone and everything must bow down before them. They do not accept incompetence and would slay their
brethren if they did not have the same morals as they did. These Daemons are the reason why most humans have given the
Daemons an evil stereotype. These Daemons are so hideously deformed in their evil that they may never improve their
appearance rating of zero. The Rakshasas are so twisted, that they even eat the flesh of their victims after their souls have been
lost. They wish to avenge the death of Lucifer, and destroy the other Ilks so that they may alone rule Hel, and eventually earth.
It is perhaps ironic then that the Rakshasas, in all their irrationality have gotten farthest in winning the Quash. Their ties to major

It is perhaps ironic then that the Rakshasas, in all their irrationality have gotten farthest in winning the Quash. Their ties to major
organizations, sects, cults, etc. on earth have merely made their war easier. The leader of the Rakshasas, the Daemon known
as Belial, has even established a Kindred bloodline specifically designed to aid him in his future plans to conquer earth during
the Luring. Perverting the blood of these Kindred with infernal ties to Hel, the Rakshasas have granted the Baali bloodline
powers which enable them to call forth Daemons without the need of Helgates or the Itinerate Boon.

Boons: Corruption, Arms of Ordnance

Character Creation: Physical Attributes are nearly always primary.
Quote: "It is our destiny to rule!"
Asuras: "Fools."
Daimone: "More fools."
Diabolos: "Don't make us laugh."
Djinn: "You're kidding, right?"
Faustus: "Argh, they will die for their existence!"
Luciferentes: "They wish to lead us to destruction. Pansies, all of them!"

| Prelude | Book One | Book Two | Book Three |

DAEMON 2nd Edition

| Prelude | Book One | Book Two | Book Three |
By Frank Torkel
Note: For a more recent version of Daemon, see the author's Web site at:

Book Two: Daemon Magick

The passion for destruction is also a creative passion.
-- Mikhail Bakunin, Reaction in Germany
Daemons have three powers that allow them to work their evil. Boons, being the first of these powers, give Daemons the ability
to channel Vim through their bodies and do many things, just like vampires use blood to empower their disciplines. Once there
were many more Boons, although such knowledge has slowly been lost. Few Daemons still possess such knowledge, although
there are some other Boons still in use. It is believed that some overlords possess such knowledge, teaching their direct
followers these powers. Mephistopheles is in fact known to be able to kill mortals with but a thought, and send meteors tumbling
down upon the earth.
The second power the Daemons have is their odd rituals, which allow them to basically do what their Boons cannot. Like Boons,
few rituals are still widely known to the Daemons, since most were written in the Necronomicon.
The last set of powers are those powers which all Daemons instinctively know, automatic powers which they have at their
disposal. These powers, although not extremely powerful do benefit the Daemon in a variety of ways.

When I go to hell, I mean to carry a bribe: for look you, good gifts evermore make way for the worst persons.
-- John Webster, The Duchess of Malfi
Boons are those powers that make Daemon characters as powerful as they are. Boons are activated by means of one's Vim,
the power Daemons receive from Hel itself. A detailed list of the Boon powers is explained below. For every level of Boon used,
a Vim point must be spent; i.e. level five Investment = 5 Vim points.

Arms of Ordnance
This Boon is a powerful gift allowing the Daemon to form weapons out of various body parts. Each weapon gained through this
Boon does aggravated damage, allowing the Daemon to conquer almost any foe. Along with Metamorph, this Boon can be even

Level (1): The Daemon may grow a tail to grasp or whip at opponents or objects. This tail does Str. + 1 damage.
Level (2): Razor talons and fangs may be grown doing +2 aggravated damage.
Level (3): The Daemon's jaws are remarkably powerful and can stretch to swallow small children and animals. Along with the
fangs from level two, the Daemon does Str. + 3 damage.

Level (4): Body armor worth + 2 soak may be formed. A row of spikes down the Daemon's spine may also be grown.
Level (5): Short spikes protrude certain part of body which can be launched.
System: These gifts need only be activated by Vim, lasting for the remainder of the scene. Note that all such effects may be
"ungrown" and the Daemon may revert back to her normal form. Also note that no projectile weapons may be created until
achieving level five.

The Boon of Corruption is a deadly Boon to be stricken with. Note that like Thaumaturgy, Corruption is a "universal" power, that
is organized into various paths. Many of these paths have been lost however, since most were written within the Necronomicon.
Storytellers and Players should feel free to create other paths, as those below are mere examples.

Level (1): The Daemon may learn up to a level one path.

Level (2): As above for a level two path.

Level (3): As above for as level three path.
Level (4): As above for a level four path.
Level (5): As above for a level five path.
System: For the respected path's level, only the required amounts of Vim must be spent.

Elemental Influence
This Boon gives the user control over the weather, and certain elemental associated with the four most basic elemental -- air,
water, earth and fire.

Level (1): Predict the weather.

Level (2): Summon fog and water elemental.
Level (3): The Daemon can command lightning and rain. Air elemental may also be summoned.
Level (4): The Daemon can now control minor storms such as monsoons and summon earth elemental.
Level (5): Now hurricanes, floods, etc. may be controlled. Fire elemental may also be summoned at this point.
System: For every success, the influence lasts for one hour. Level one is automatic except for the Vim point. All rolls are E.I. +
Strength. Level two is a difficulty of four, level three a difficulty of six, level four a difficulty of seven, and five eight a difficulty of

This is the Boon most demons in folklore are known for having. This is the power allowing a Daemon character to sign away a
person's soul. By doing so, the Daemon furthers her place in the Quash, and earns respect for herself. The actual art of "signing
away" a soul, is described later on. The most powerful Daemons in Daemonic society are expected to have this Boon. Level six
cannot be purchased with just freebies or experience, but must be learned. Note that this level is extremely rare, and only the
Keepers of the Luring are believed to have attained this power.

Level (1): Buy a soul for your Ilk. Only minor powers may be sold, and they may only be sold to animals.
Level (2): Same as above, but now the souls of mortals may be bought as well.
Level (3): Now the Daemon may buy a soul for herself. Major powers may be granted but only to animals.
Level (4): Same as above, but the Daemon may now buy the souls of mortals and immortals alike.
Level (5): The Daemon may now purchase the souls of an entire bloodline, for extraordinary powers, above and beyond mere
immortality. This is limited to the bloodline of ordinary mortals however.
Level (6): The Daemon may purchase whole bloodlines of souls from vampires and other supernatural creatures, and may
extend his Investment skill to include entire groups of creatures.

System: Find a willing character and spend the required amount of Vim points. Characters receiving powers grow a "witches
nipple," a small elevation on a chosen part of the skin where the powers of Hel are brought unto the person. Rules to actually
"sell" the powers are described later on.

The Itinerate Boon, founded by the Diabolos, was the first Boon allowing the Daemon to travel to other areas, once off-limits to
the Daemon. This Boon also allows the Daemon to get around on earth better than usual.

Level (1): The Daemon's land speed is doubled.

Level (2): The Daemon may swim at a speed equal to the running speed of the Daemon (without level one bonus.)
Level (3): The Shadowlands and any Umbral realm may now be entered from earth. The Daemon cannot yet travel to Hel in this

Level (4): The Daemon can now travel to Hel in two turns when in the Umbra and vice versa. The Daemon is mystically pulled

towards Hel when in the Umbra and travels at great speeds. No other Daemon may accompany him however. The Daemon may
also sprout wings at will, and achieves the capability of full flight.

Level (5): The Daemon may now travel to Hel in one turn, taking two others with her. The Daemon may also teleport to any
location within a 50 foot radius.

System: All rolls are automatic except for the Vim. At level three however, to enter a hidden or secret Umbral Realm, the
Daemon must roll Itinerate + Wits, difficulty of seven, or the Realm's Gauntlet rating, whichever is higher. At level four, the
Daemon needs to have in her possession a flask containing the Magickal fires of Hel which the Daemon stares into, making a
Primal Urge + Wits roll, difficulty seven. At level five, the same roll is made to travel to Hel, but all that is needed is a reflective
object such as a mirror that has been washed in the Magickal fires of Hel. Teleportation is done with a roll of Dexterity + Itinerate,
difficulty eight.

This Boon grants the Daemon the power to alter her appearance, allowing for better secrecy or manipulative tactics. It is
believed that the Tzimisce power Vicissitude is a result of Investments with a Daemon who mastered Metamorph.

Level (1): Organic materials may be reproduced; i.e. the eyes.

Level (2): Skin tones may be altered and changed.
Level (3): Flesh may be shaped.
Level (4): Bone structure can be altered.
Level (5): The Daemon can now fully alter her form, but no mass can be gained or lost. Flesh may however be converted into
bone or other similar substances, and vice versa.
Level (6): Daemons with this power may shrink or increase their size by one cubic foot per success. Also, level five will now
permit them to transmutate any of their matter to another substance, i.e., wood or silver.

System: All rolls require Metamorph + Body Alteration with a base difficulty of seven. Lost appendages and limbs may be
regrown at level five with a base difficulty of eight. Otherwise, no mass may be gained or lost until level seven, known only to be
possessed by the Keepers of the Luring.

Ordain, similar to mind control powers such as the Dominate of vampires, allows the Daemon to control the minds of others.
Supernaturals may spend Willpower points to override the effects of Ordain, just as they might to resist Dominate.

Level (1): The Daemon may give simple orders or requests of one word. More words will confuse the victim however.
Level (2): The Daemon may now engrave ideas into another's mind, making them continually think about the request.
Level (3): An ordinary mortal may now be controlled as if the person was a small child.
Level (4): Many followers may be controlled by "stamping" a thought into their minds. A single supernatural may be controlled as

Level (5): At this point, a Daemon may make a regular person willingly sell part of their soul. More than one supernatural may
also be controlled.

System: Ordain + Wits must be rolled against the following difficulties for each level, respectively; five, six, seven, eight and
nine. At level five, one point worth of the soul may be bought per success. A botch renders the person immune to effects of
Ordain for the remainder of the story. Also, just like Dominate, this power may not be employed on Daemons of a higher Dark
Seed than the "caster."

Possession, like Investment, is one of the Boons the Daemons are known for. It is this Boon that allows a Daemon to assume
the roll of another individual, actually being the individual in a way. The character being possessed merely becomes a host in its
own body, knowing what is happening, but being powerless to do anything against it.

Level (1): Incomplete possession; the characters voice and appearance seem distorted and evil
Level (2): The possession was successful, the victim seems normal.

Level (3): The Daemon can utilize the characters entire memory.
Level (4): The Daemon is capable of possessing supernatural creatures.
Level (5): The Daemon can now possess almost anything, including objects, allowing the Daemon to travel in a book or stone.
The Daemon's dice pool may be split amongst more than one individual or object, possessing more than one thing at a time. No
trait that had any dots in it may be below one for this to work, however.

System: For each possession, a roll of Possession + Perception must be made. For each success at a difficulty of the
characters Willpower, the Daemon may inhabit the body for one hour. At the end of this time, the Daemon must reroll at a
difficulty of the characters Willpower minus one. If the Daemon gets five successes or more, the Daemons Attributes and
Abilities are added to those of the individual for as long as that possession remains in effect. Otherwise the Attributes and
Abilities are taken from the victim.

Hel's Boon
The ancient Necronomicon told of a great Boon, created by Lucifer himself. This Boon was made to adapt to the powerful realm
of Hel, and its powers made use of this. Four large fragments of the Necronomicon were found in the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries. These told of the basis of the Hel's Boon, and those elder Daemons who mastered other Boons were able to learn the
lesser levels of this one. Knowledge of this Boon is considered sacred, and no weak Daemon should possess it. No beginning
character should start the game with this Boon, rather extensive role-playing should be done, and experience points spent after
such a time. Fragments of the Necronomicon must surely be found to learn this Boon, or else the Daemon must study from an
elder Daemon. This Boon is a mere example of the hidden powers granted to Daemons which has been lost throughout the
course of time.

Level (1): The Daemon can call forth the magical fires of Hel.
Level (2): The Daemon can exchange Quintessence for Vim.
Level (3): The Daemon can bring another creature to Hel.
System: All rolls are done with Wits + Primal Urge with a difficulty of six. For level one, each success allows the standard cubic
foot to be summoned. For level two, each success allows one point of Quintessence to be altered into Vim and vice versa.

The Paths
There are many paths to the top of the mountain, but the view is always the same.
-- Chinese Proverb

Path of Dark Faith

This is the path taught by Lucifer to his children. This power basically allows Daemons to work miracles and fight back others
with True Faith. Consider each level to be a level of ordinary True Faith, and each level works similar to True Faith in mortals.
The main difference however, is that this Dark Faith neutralizes out the True Faith in mortals. So if a mortal with a True Faith of
five encounters a Daemon with a five in his Dark Faith rating, each is considered to have a faith rating of zero. Otherwise, if the
mortal has a True Faith of, let's say six, that same Daemon has an effective Dark Faith of zero, and the mortal a True Faith of
one. This mortal may now use her True Faith of one normally, and the Daemon's Boons are reduced by one level. So if the same
Daemon has five dots in the Itinerate Boon, the effective rating is reduced to four. Note that if the Daemon had a Dark Faith of
zero to begin with, her Boons would just be canceled out, and she'd be virtually helpless. Luckily there are few creatures with
True Faith, and even fewer with a high True Faith.

Path of Darkness
This path is like the Kindred's Obtenebration, in that it deals with controlling the very nature of darkness itself.

Level (1): The light in an area may be diminished. In an enclosed space, it will seem like night, and outside in the sun, it may
seem like evening.

Level (2): The Daemon may summon a dark mass, pitch black like the ink of an octopus. Almost nothing can see through this
mass, but other senses function normally.

Level (3): As level two, but whatever steps into this dark mass will "smell of the Wyrm" afterwards for one hour per success

Level (4): As level three, but all inanimate objects within the cloud will begin to crumble and decompose.
Level (5): As level four, but now all living creatures within the cloud will begin to take aggravated damage.
System: All rolls are Strength + Corruption, and one cubic foot of the mass is summoned per success. The cloud remains in
effect per turn for every additional Vim point spent other than the required ones. If the level one effect is used outside in the
sunlight, Kindred may survive within it without taking damage.

Path of Evilseek
This path allows the Daemon to sense the weaknesses of others. It is a also a quick way to identify supernaturals. (He's
vulnerable to silver, he must be a shapeshifter!)

Level (1): Weak areas upon the physical body may be seen; i.e., organs for humans, heart for vampires, etc.
Level (2): Elements that hurt various creatures will be made knowledgeable to the Daemon; i.e., fire for vampires, silver for
Garou, iron for Changelings.

Level (3): The desires of the one being "evilsought" is discovered by the Daemon, making the Daemon aware what the creature
wants or desires.

Level (4): As level three, but the Daemon is made aware of what the "evilsought" does not want.
Level (5): The Daemon may try to summon the very things the "evilsought" wants or does not want; i.e., fire or silver may be

System: Perception + Corruption is to be rolled with a difficulty of eight. For level five, Strength + Corruption is rolled, with a
difficulty of 10. Only inanimate objects may be summoned by these means, with one cubic foot of the substance being
summoned per success. Therefore, the Daemon cannot summon the evil Marauder Mage the Daemon discovered the Brujah
was afraid of with level four.

Path of Wyrm Stench

This twisted path enables the Daemon to corrupt others so they are considered "of the Wyrm." This is especially deadly against

Level (1): The Daemon may seek out Wyrm minions by "sensing" them.
Level (2): The Daemon may control minor minions of the Wyrm.
Level (3): As above for average minions of the Wyrm.
Level (4): As above for major minions of the Wyrm.
Level (5): The Daemon may remove successes from an individual and may "curse" objects, causing them to remove successes
from individuals holding them.

System: Roll Primal Urge+Corruption, difficulty seven. For levels two through four, the Daemon must have more successes than
the Wyrm's minion does, and if not, the minion may still make willpower rolls. For level five, each success equals the amount of
successes that may be removed from the victim. This lasts for as many rounds as the Daemon spends additional Vim, other
than the Vim that must be spent. If this is done on an object, the extra Vim spent is used to tell how big the cursed object may be.
Per Vim point spent, the object may be one cubic foot per success. The object remains cursed for as many years as equal to the
Daemon's Vim pool. Note that the amount of extra Vim spent must be constantly led into the object per week, making huge
objects undesirable to curse. Cursed objects have no effect on Daemons.

Any serious attempt to try to do something worthwhile is ritualistic.
-- Derek Walcott, Interview in Writers at Work
The Daemons do in fact have rituals much like other supernatural creatures. At one time there were many rituals used for many
purposes. However, many of these ancient rituals have been lost by time and are only recovered when a fragment of the true
Necronomicon is found. Souls are almost always used in the ritual process, as are the magical fires of Hel. Many rituals were
even made to simplify the art of learning paths, and discovering Rituals is much easier than discovering lost Boons. Players and
Storytellers should feel free to create their own Rituals, with the Storyteller's permission of course. A brief list of Rituals follows:

Bond of Blood
This ritual was designed to annoy Kindred in early times. It is like a blood bond, but is really a dirty trick used on many vampires.
A Daemon will hereby sneak his blood into that of another vampire, perhaps posing as its retainer. The Daemon will then do the
same to another vampire, taking blood from each of the two and mixing them within a bowl. The Daemon will then forge a single
soul into the blood of the two Kindred, and return to the two Kindred, giving each half of the blood of that in the bowl, once again
acting as perhaps a retainer. This must be done within two days of the original meet. The blood bond between the two Kindred
is now in progress, each of the Kindred bonded to each other and the Daemon for as long as each Kindred gets blood from the
Daemon once every four days. This is a dangerous trick for the Daemon, but if done successfully the Daemon may purchase the
soul of one of the Kindred for the exchange of freedom.

Helgate Fabrication
The true ritual of Helgate Fabrication has been lost in the last Necronomicon, and it can now only be done by finding a Node or
Caern. The seized grounds must have a circle of stones erected around it (similar to Stonehenge.) Whether the land is enclosed
in stone or not makes no difference. At this point, 100 souls must be forged into the Helgate, and the land must then be cleansed
by the magical fires of Hel. The Daemons stay here, chanting the ancient words of the Fallen Angels for five days and six nights.
Once this is completed, a Daemon must travel through the Helgate to Hel, losing its life. Why this is so is unknown, but the first
Daemon to go through the gate is destroyed. Always the Daemon goes willingly, and is usually a Daemon of great age who will
soon perish of age anyhow.

Intruder's Bane
This ritual allows the caster to "feel" if there is someone within a fifty mile radius who is searching for a Daemon. A pool of blood,
from any creature, is extracted into a vial. The blood is cleansed with the magical fires of Hel and is then forged with a soul. The
blood is poured on the ground and chanted over, and as the blood slides across the floor, it will form a picture of the closest
thing searching for a Daemon, and may even spell out that person's current name. It is believed that some powerful Daemons
have even discovered the True names of Mummies in this manner, plaguing them indefinitely.

Lair of the Daemon

Casted on any permanent home of a Daemon that has reached the level one Rank of Infernal Ranking, upon being "killed" on
earth or some Umbral Realms, the Daemon is mystically sent to her Lair, where she will remain unconscious until her wounds
are healed. Ten souls are needed in this ritual, all of which were bought by the Daemon herself. An area of the Lair about the
size of the Daemon is lit on fire with the magickal fires of Hel. A follower of the Daemon is hereby ritually executed on earth, her
blood brought to Hel and poured upon the spot in question.

This ritual gives any inanimate object a temporary form of life. Five souls are used and forged into the object in question. A short
chant is then exercised and for every success on the Intelligence + Rituals roll, the object will "come alive" for one hour. This is
useless when done on things such as books, as they may only jump about and tumble to the floor. It is most useful when done on
a corpse, as it will come alive again. All things with the Lifespark are under the Daemons power. This ritual takes one hour to

Mold the Watcher

This ritual has been lost throughout the ages, and was once used to create huge monolithic guardians who protected the
Helgates from destruction. Since the loss of this ritual, many Daemons have searched for a way to reproduce the ancient
magick, all to no success. A minor form of this old ritual has been created however, and for the time being goes by the same
name as its predecessor. This ritual works in that a stone, approximately one foot in height, is taken and cleansed by the
magical fires of Hel. Ten souls are then forged into this stone, and one day and one night of chanting follows. The stone is hereby
given life, and will continue to live as long as it is given two points of Vim per day. This is fine, since the Watcher is meant to
guard a Helgate, which is a receiver of Vim anyway. The Watcher will have the combined Attributes of the two most powerful
souls given to it during its creation. The Watcher cannot leave the expanse of land it was created to guard, and if it tries, it will
seem to walk into an invisible wall.


All ritual rolls must be done with an Intelligence + Rituals roll with a base difficulty of eight. Naturally the storyteller may make up
more rituals as these are mere guidelines. Always remember however that every ritual needs a number of souls to work.

Automatic Powers
However great an evil immorality may be, we must not forget that it is not without its beneficial consequences.
-- Karl Wilhelm Von Humboldt, The Limits of State Action
Whenever a Daemon desires, his skin may singe anything it touches, including opponents. This alone does three dice of
damage for every turn the Daemon touches the skin of his opponent. This will be painful, and all normal physical attacks such as
punching have a damage of plus one when this power is in progress. Clearly this power does aggravated damage to Kindred.
Vim, being the source of a Daemon's powers, fuel their appearance trait as well. Most Daemons other than the Rakshasas have
two forms, their True Form, and their False Form. The True Form is the form of the Daemon when the appearance trait is zero,
which a Daemon can revert to whenever she pleases. The False Form is the disguised form of the Daemon, which costs one
Vim point to turn into. In Hel, all Daemons are expected to be in their True Form, as a human form is looked down upon when not
used in manipulation tactics.
The art of shaping souls is another power of the Daemons. Shaping souls, the very things which give Daemons status and
power among their peers, allow Daemons to improve their wealth greatly. Without the Investment Boon however, a Daemon
cannot get a soul to shape, unless one is given to the Daemon.
Also, the Daemon has the power to heal like a Garou, in that every round the Daemon heals a health level. Also, Daemons only
suffer aggravated damage from True Faith attacks. Daemons also receive physical advantages when in their True Form. Since
most Daemons have fangs, claws, etc., their attacks can be more varied and lethal.
The last of these powers, is the power of immortality. Although Daemons are not actually immortal, they are in a sense. In Hel,
Daemons age, although on earth and in some Umbral Realms they do not. When killed in such places, the Daemon does not
actually die, rather they become incorporeal, as their body fades out of existence, only to reappear in Hel within their Lair. In Hel
and many other Umbral Realms however, when killed, the Daemon is killed for good. If a Daemon has no followers or souls, and
has not yet undergone the Lair of the Daemon Ritual, the Daemon is sent to her Ilk's Universal Lair, a place set up where "slain"
Daemons reappear. This is humiliating for Daemons, and many are scorned if sent here. For this reason, few risky acts are
done on the Daemons part when on earth or in the Umbra, until his own Lair has been set up.

| Prelude | Book One | Book Two | Book Three |

DAEMON 2nd Edition

| Prelude | Book One | Book Two | Book Three |
By Frank Torkel
Note: For a more recent version of Daemon, see the author's Web site at:

Book Three: Denizens of Hel

Better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven.
-- John Milton, Paradise Lost, bk. 1.
In the World of Darkness, Hel is a place where the Daemons roam. It is not unlike the rest of the Umbra, for that is where it is.
There is a part of the Umbra known to the denizens of Hel as the "Lower Umbra," where evil things dwell. This is a part of the
Deep Umbra, where very few travel to and come back alive. The farther "down" one goes, the nastier it gets. Hel, the utmost
extreme of this place, is the true home of the Daemons. Here is the only place where the Daemons can age, and it is for this
reason that the Daemons travel to earth, a place where they cannot grow old. Why this is so is unknown, but even if a Daemon
lives its entire life in Hel, it can only live for a about five hundred years, plus one hundred for every Dark Seed point the Daemon
has. Most Daemons are considered to be an adult about one hundred years of age, although a few are accepted in Daemon
society as leaders below that age.
Hel is not necessarily a burning wasteland as described in many myths, although it is in many parts. Parts of Hel could be either
a cold, barren wasteland, or a burning wasteland with mountains. Although most parts of Hel are usually one of these two
extremes, there are forests, lakes, etc. The fires that make up these hot zones are magickal in nature, and give aggravated
wounds to nearly any creature. Daemons are one of the exceptions to this rule, as the fires of Hel do not hurt them; it actually
pleases them. These fires, like Daemons, need Vim to empower them. It is for this reason that these fires may not exist in any
one place for long. Unless a Daemon constantly replenishes the supply of Vim to the fire, it will burn out if it is anywhere but in
Hel. For damage purposes, consider the fires of Hel stronger than a chemical fire, and depending on the concentration of it, the
fires of Hel will do more damage or equal damage to such a fire. It should also be known that Daemons do not take damage
from normal fire either; it does not please them, or hurt them in any way. Keep in mind that fire is the true elemental of the
The powers of Daemons are derived from Hel, and whenever a new Daemon is born, part of Hel's powers are diminished. Such
power may only be returned by sacrificing souls in Hel, whereupon they will release new energy, and fuel Hel once more. Many
souls purchased for one's Ilk are used for this purpose.
It should be kept in mind that Hel cannot be reached by any known way by direct travel through the Umbra, unless of course the
Daemon possesses the Itinerate Boon. Otherwise, a Helgate must be found, or, if the Daemon is a Rakshasas, he may be
summoned to earth by a powerful Baali with the level seven discipline of Daimoinon if he so wills.

The gates of Hell are open night and day;
Smooth the descent, and easy is the way:
But, to return, and view the cheerful skies;
In this, the task and mighty labour lies.
-- Virgil (tr. by John Dryden), Aeneid
Travel to and from Hel is made possible by either the Itinerate Boon or by Helgates. For those Daemons who do not possess
the Itinerate Boon however, Helgates are the premium choice for travel to and from Hel. Travel by means of such Helgates is
made possible in two turns by merely walking into the burning fires of such a sacred area. These gates, like Caerns and Nodes,
serve the Daemons as Vim receivers as well as gates to travel to and from Hel. In Hel, a Daemon receives three Vim points per
hour, whereas near Helgates a Daemon receives two Vim points per hour. These Helgates, originally constructed by the Fallen
Angels, are not widely placed throughout the world. They are protected by huge monolithic statues known to the Daemons as
Watchers. These sentinels are without a single ruler; their only masters are the Daemons as a whole. Many Daemons have tried
to buy them off to ambush other Daemons but have done so to no avail. These creatures are loyal to no single Daemon, and live
only to guard the Helgates they have been instructed to. New Helgates are constructed by rituals that have been salvaged from
minor pieces of the Necronomicon. The rituals how to make another Watcher however, are completely lost. Nearly all Helgates
are owned by Daemon elders, so unless a Daemon has some mission of great importance, the Daemon will normally not be
allowed to travel to earth. This is a great restriction on Daemons, but also is a great motivation for Daemons to increase in


Oh, that? Just the fine print -- those boring little details so it'll hold up. Ipso facto, quid pro quo, you know. Congratulations -you did the right thing
-- The Storytellers Handbook
The Daemons know much of the other denizens in the World of Darkness. They have watched them since the first established
cities sprouted and since the Garou have been protecting the land. Know that the powers of Investment are derived from the
powers of the Fallen Angels, creatures who would once grant mortals free from disease and give success to many. Investment
has since become a perverted power used for the Daemons' own gain, and not for anothers.
Many creatures wish for easy power, and Daemons are what they call for when they want it. The Path of Evil Revelations, as
explained in The Storyteller's Guide to the Sabbat, explains much of this path and many gifts the Daemons may bestow upon
others. Characters may feel free to create their own powers to sell, but remember, Daemons only need to grant a few gifts. Once
the soul is bought, the Daemon's job is over. A simple chart for Investment purposes is in the Storyteller's Guide to the Sabbat
as well. Only when a Daemon has "sold" 10 points worth of Investments does the soul belong to him or his Ilk. If the character
dies before the 10 points have been bought, the character was lucky and goes on into the afterlife.
Most Infernalists however, are so power hungry that they will not care about their souls and will take as many Investments as they
can. The smartest of the Infernalists will however, take only a few Investments, perhaps adding up to seven. The Daemon may at
that point, offer a gift that is worth more than three in an attempt to take the soul more quickly even though it is not necessary.
However, the Rakshasas know what happens if a Daemon grants someone too much power. Their foolishness with the Ilk
Faustus and its founding member has made their Ilk a laughing stock for hundreds of years, and has threatened their very
This point system for Daemons is obviously not considered a series of points in the World of Darkness. Instead, the point
system is used mainly for role-playing, so that players know what they're getting into. Ingenious Storytellers may not want to tell
their players at all about the point system, and use the Daemon NPCs to buy a "part of" the character's soul. Finally when a
player has purchased powers to the limit, the storyteller may announce that the soul has been completely bought. Play should still
continue at that point, and the player's descent to Hel should be played out when and if the character dies. At this point, the soul
may wish to bargain with its mentor, to perhaps be "resurrected" to maybe kill an enemy of the Daemon.
After the soul of a character has been bought, the Daemon will sometimes hunt the character down to kill him, thus gaining the
soul immediately. Technically this is fair play, unless it is so explained on the Investment "Contract." Many times an Infernalist will
wish for immortality, and this is what the Daemon enjoys giving. After the Contract has been signed, the Daemon will hunt down
the immortal and slay him. After all, even "immortals" can be killed...
An Investment Contract is not a physical object. Instead, it is a verbal agreement, working only if the character truly means it. For
gaming purposes, if a character agrees to have his soul bought, or gifts purchased from the Daemon, the deal is considered
closed, and the Investment points are to be written upon the buyers character sheet. To make the deal more formal, so players
do not argue amongst each other, players may wish to sign a fake written contract, like the one at the end of this source book.
Whatever is done, it should be clear that the deal took place, so no one holds a grudge.
Note that the souls of animals may be purchased in a similar way, as long as the animal truly agrees; no powers can be granted
to anything if the victim does not want them. Animals instinctively shy away from Daemons, so although it can be done, few
animals will sell their souls. Even if a Daemon has a friend, no Investment may be given for free. The Daemon has no control
over this, and if bargaining for his life, at least one Investment point must be used. The reason for this is that the powers originate
from Hel, and whenever a Daemon grants a power, it is taken from the powers of Hel. Purchasing soul fragments fuel Hel, and
the sacrificing of such Souls return Hel's powers.

Look at my eyes -- you know what it is. I want you, I want you.
-- New Model Army, Sex (The Black Angel)
Souls that have been bought by Daemons can be shaped into a variety of things. Usually however, a Daemon leaves the soul
be, and enlists it into its army of the damned. This soul has very little power of its own and must do whatever its master wills. All
Physical Attributes are carried over from the mental, so a character with a Perception of three, would have a Strength of three.
Just "slide" the Mental Attributes over to the left. The Old Physical Attributes become obsolete, as does the Appearance
Attribute. Charisma and Manipulation however, remain the same. Souls can however do things on their own when not under their
masters immediate will, and then may do whatever they please, unless they have been shaped. Shaped souls are souls that
basically suffer the final, utmost death, and their essence becomes an object, or part of an object that the Daemon has under his
control. Many Daemons shape captured souls into weapons that can be used within the Umbra or elsewhere. These artifacts are
known as Soulforges, and are discussed later on.
All Daemons instinctively know how to shape souls, and when an honorable act is accomplished, the Daemon's Ilk may give him
a soul as a reward, which may be shaped as the Daemon desires. Buying Souls for one's Ilk is also considered a worthy act and
certain benefits are derived from it. So even if a Daemon has lesser levels of the Investment Boon, good can still come of it.
Daemons without the ability to purchase Souls for themselves usually use given Souls as servants or messengers.

Most people sell their souls, and live with a good conscience on the proceeds.
-- Logan Pearsall Smith, Afterthoughts
Daemons sometimes shape captured souls into material objects that can be used virtually anywhere, including in Hel (the
Umbra) and on earth. These objects, usually weapons, are known to the Daemons as Soulforges. They are very powerful, and
depending on how many souls used per weapon, the weapon can do great damage, not only aggravated but as much as 10
times as much damage as such a regular weapon would. For example, a regular axe with a difficulty of seven, will do strength +5
damage. The same weapon being a Soulforge would have the same base difficulty, increased by one for every five souls used
in its creation. The damage remains strength plus the number of souls used in its creation. Therefore, a Soulforge axe made with
10 souls would have a difficulty of nine (base, plus 10 divided by five) and a damage of strength +15.
Obviously such weapons are of great power, and if more souls are used in such an axes creation, an elder Daemon could
posses a Soulforge doing strength +50 damage with a difficulty of ten since the maximum difficulty is ten. Such a weapon
however would require 50 souls in its creation, and this would be almost impossible. To prevent such weapons in a story,
Daemon characters must role-play the act of buying someone's soul. Fifty souls having been bought would be ridiculous in any
story, and a Daemon would much rather further his position in Hel than to create such a weapon.
However, for every ten souls used, the size of the weapon grows considerably. An axe forged of 50 souls would be huge, larger
than even a battleaxe. It is for this reason that extra souls may be put into the concealability trait, and for every five souls used,
the concealability is lowered by one level. Note that these souls are not related to the soul's used in the lethality of the weapon.
For example, the axe mentioned above has no concealability at all. If an extra five souls are put into the concealability trait, the
axe may suddenly decrease in size when not in use, so that it can be hidden in a trench coat. When activated by the Daemon,
the weapon suddenly increases in size and is once again non-concealable. Therefore, by this rule of thumb, 40 extra souls used
in the weapons creation makes the axe concealable inside a pocket. This would probably be a little fist sized handle, that when
activated enlarges into the true form of the axe. Forty souls must be used because the 50 souls used in the weapons damage
rating enlarges the axe by five times (50 divided by 10.) To once again make the axe non-concealable (a must) the axe needs
five souls per increased level. The axe was increased five times, and must be brought to the non-concealable level, so five souls
must be used per increase in size (five times five.) The number we now have is 25, added to the 50 in the weapons damage
rating, this weapon needs 75 souls to actually do the strength +50 damage. The extra 15 souls added to make the axe
concealable within a pocket is added to the 25 and we have our target number of 40. Another negative thing about the Soulforge
is that the maximum number of souls used in the Soulforges creation divided by 10, is the amount of points worth of Vim that
must be spent every time the Soulforge is activated. In the above case, 90/10 equals nine, therefore nine points of Vim must be
used to activate the Soulforge whenever it is used.
Soulforges may seem confusing at first, but with a little practice, it will seem secondhand to you. The rules are pretty simple, and
if you do not understand, just reread the above paragraphs one or two more times. Remember that weapons are not the only
things that can be made; armor and tools can also be forged, with similar bonuses. However, firearms and technological
devices may not be forged. Also, Soulforges may not be added onto. Once made, no more souls may be added, and so all
souls must be present if the Soulforge is to be made. Ninety souls used in the above weapon (50 plus 40) is a lot of souls, and
would do the Daemon more good if the 90 souls are used as soldiers. After all, the Daemon will be attacked by others. More
dice increases the chances of botching anyhow, and besides, would you rather face off a Methesulah by yourself, or would you
rather have 90 soldiers backing you up?

I was not content to believe in a personal devil and serve him, in the ordinary sense of the word. I wanted to get hold of him
personally and become his chief of staff.
-- Aleister Crowley, The Confessions of Aleister Crowley
Also known as Incubus, the Succubi are creatures living in Hel who masquerade as Daemons to the mortals and other denizens
of earth. They are souls who have been bought by Daemons and have finally been released after showing their loyalty to their
masters. These creatures are rare and only for going to great lengths to serve their masters do they receive their freedom. The
Succubi are of neither gender, as they are only released souls. Many Succubi remember the gender they once had in life, and
take on this gender in acting. Unlike their masters, the Succubi are immortal, and do not age on earth or in Hel. The mortal
conception of a "love" demon is derived from the Succubus's tendency to befriend other creatures, and sometimes gain this
friendship through sexual favors. The Succubi are not accepted in Daemon society and form their own settlements in Hel. They
do not become physical creatures when they leave the Umbra, unlike the Daemons. These creatures are usually taught one or
two Boons by their masters before they are freed. It is very rare however to discover a Succubus with more than five points worth
of Boons. The Succubi are responsible for many myths of demons and can materialize to humans by traveling to earth in a spiritlike body. They cannot purchase souls for Ilks, for they belong to none. Instead they would buy the soul for their former master, to
perhaps please him. It is rare to find a Succubus with souls of his own, although not impossible. Succubi are much weaker than
their former masters but are motivated enough to grow to sufficient power. When Kindred or mortals speak of dealing with
demons, many times it was a Succubus they dealt with. If such talk gets out, many Daemons will hunt down the Succubus for
endangering them. The Rakshasas believe that the Ilk Faustus was actually a group of powerful Succubus at one time, but the
Faustus obviously claim otherwise...
There are two main groups of Succubus who have organized their own Ilks, although they receive no respect from their former

masters. These Ilks are not accepted in Daemon society, and are known basically only to the Succubus themselves.

These Succubi are the most powerful of all the Succubi, and are perhaps the only creatures (aside from themselves) respected
by the Daemons. These Succubus have mastered much of the Daemon magick, and have even created their own set of Boons,
known to them as the Blessings. These magicks are theirs, and they guard them jealously. The Daemonites are the Succubus
that call themselves demons when mingling with humans or other creatures of earth. The Daemons do not mind this, as it masks
much of their true identity. Like all other Succubus, the Daemonites do not have physical bodies when in the real world. On earth
they must appear as visions in dreams or as spiritual masses. This however they can push aside, for their Blessings make it
possible to interact with others. This is a benefit to them since such Boons as Possession are not that reliable.

The Pariah are truly outcasts as their name implies. Although freed by their former masters they are damned as any child of
darkness is damned. They have almost nothing, aside from the few Boons taught to them. They travel to the real world rarely,
and leave Hel after being freed. They make their homes near Hel however, in the deep Umbra where few Daemons need to
travel. These Succubi encounter many creatures in the Umbra however, and band together for protection. The Pariah, are for this
reason the most knowledgeable of the Succubi and hide their knowledge from others. They possess no Blessings however,
unlike their cousins the Daemonites. The Pariah do not resent them for this, but learn to avoid them and the Daemons as well.
Playing a Succubus in a chronicle is slightly confusing, as they can rarely interact with anything or anyone in the real world.
However, it can be done, although usually a Succubus will be an NPC. For creation purposes, since their Physical and Mental
Attributes are equal, there is no Physical attribute rating. For attributes they therefore have 5-5, where none may be spent on
Appearance. Remember however, that the Strength must equal the Perception, the Dexterity the Intelligence, and so forth. The
Succubus have virtually no Abilities, so give them 9-9-5.

Judge none blessed before his death.
-- Apocrypha, Ecclesiasticus 11:28
The Blessings are the magick of the truly skilled Succubus. They are similar to Boons as they require Vim to be spent. All
Succubus, upon being freed from their masters have an automatic Vim pool of 10, that can never be enlarged. Regaining Vim is
the same for the Succubus as for the Daemons, yet Succubus cannot age in Hel, or elsewhere. Blessings are actually one extra
Boon, known only as the Blessings. It has five levels, and can only be learned by Succubi.
It is unknown how the Daemonites discovered this Boon, but it is said that a lone Succubus, possessing a mortal, discovered a
piece of the true Necronomicon. This piece supposedly contained the basis of the Blessings, and to this day the Succubus hide
the fragment from all.

Level (1) Scream of Banshee: Lethal beam of energy doing strength +3 aggravated damage.
Level (2) Fire Fiend: Succubus becomes a fire beast in the real world.
Level (3) Ghost Form: Succubus may appear as a human; blurry in appearance. Consider it as a Kindred with Protean seven
(Form of Ghost.)

Level (4) Form of Demon: The user can now become as a Daemon with an appearance of zero, resembling a Rakshasas.
Level (5) Soul's End: The Succubus may end its eternal existence...
All levels of Blessings must roll Wits + Blessings, difficulty of seven. It is very rare to discover a Daemonite with a level above
four, although not impossible. At level five, the soul may wish to end its existence and go on (becoming a wraith?). This role is
only made possible by gaining all successes, and once the Daemonite has succeeded, it will perish in a cloud of flames. It is
said by the Daemons, that such an act would transform the Daemonite into a wraith, and that it must go on in the mortal world,
not sure of how it died and oblivious to the fact that was a Succubus. Who knows?
At level four, the Daemonite may become a physical creature on earth, for one hour, per success. The same works for levels two
and three, although they are not physical (ghost and fire form.)


Vive le sol-pure, shameless, total. We are not responsible.

-- William Burroughs, The Adding Machine
The Sols are annoying little creatures that live in Hel, probably made by the Fallen Angels long ago. Many Daemons say they
were made by accident, when backlashes of Paradox-like energy warped the sacred fires of Hel when the Fallen Angels were
experimenting with their powers, while others say that the Sols have been in Hel forever, native to the region. No one knows for
sure, but all of the denizens of Hel despise these creatures. The Sol have no real thought, they cannot be manipulated, nor truly
educated. They are creatures of fire, and manipulate fire at their will. They have the mind of animals, doing what they want,
whenever they want. They can talk however, having picked up this little trick long ago. They are watchers, very rarely attacking
anything. Their lives are simple, living in Hel, sometimes traveling to earth. They live in small family units, usually extended
families with up to eight Sols living together. There is no known way to kill them, for they are made up of the fires of Hel. A new
Sol is made selectively, only when one Sol dies, may another be made, although this is extremely rare. This is the custom of the
Sols, and all abide by it. A Sol can also be made if an old Sol achieves a great feat, and is thereby honored by creating another
of its kind. This is done in Hel, where a group of Sols travel to a burning section of Hel, and transform its great fires into a small
creature, less than a foot high -- another Sol.
Any power related to fire is at the Sols' disposal. Here Storytellers can be imaginative; it is a little creature that can do anything
with fire, including summoning the magical fires of Hel. The Sol use Vim as do Daemons, with a pool of up to 15. The Sol can
live almost anywhere, but cannot exist in such places as the cold regions of Hel. If a Sol loses all Vim in its pool, its light will
slowly fade. Such a Sol would become depressed, and lose its flame altogether within a matter of days. They then look like
small, black creatures, like a thin, black shadow.

Nephandus Daemons
The sun shineth upon the dunghill, and is not corrupted.
-- John Lyly, Euphues: The Anatomy of Wit
The True Nephandus are not mortals, nor are they Magi. Instead, they are Daemons uninterested in Daemon politics. They
basically leave their Ilks and join this Sect, masquerading as evil and corrupt Magi. These Daemons are uninterested in the
Luring or Quashes fought in Hel, and just want to destroy everything. Usually, it is these Daemons worshipped by many
Nephandi Mages. The Boon Corruption comes naturally to them, and it is with this that they wage their unearthly wars with other
supernaturals. They master only corruption actually, and seldom use or need to use any other Boon. In fact, they have mastered
Corruption so well, that they have discovered alternate ways of using it. The seven Ilks however, actually hunt the Nephandus
Daemons because they want a place to control after the Luring, whereas the Nephandus Daemons wish to turn earth into a
shriveled up, insignificant pile of dirt. This is why the Nephandus Daemons have left Hel altogether, and live their immortal lives
on earth, where age cannot kill them. Here they masquerade as Magi, and may actually learn some technology. For this they are
even more hated by the Ilks, and are not favored by many creatures. Of course they do not reveal their true natures to anyone;
even they understand that they can eventually be killed.
A Nephandus Daemon must have an appearance level of at least one, and must spend at least three of its Boon points for the
Boon Corruption. Nephandus do mingle with mortal society so it would not be uncommon to have a Nephandus Daemon with,
let's say, the security or repair skill. This is a contradiction to the original rule, and such a character should not be played. It would
be like playing a Sabbat vampire who follows the Path of Evil Revelations. It can be done, but is not advised. Such Daemons are
obviously not welcome in Hel, and this makes their powers weak. Few Helgates are actually controlled by these creatures,
making it even harder to fuel their powers. Remember: such a Daemon is hunted by its own kind, giving powers away almost for
free to its fellow corrupt Magi. After all, no Nephandus Daemon lasts for long, especially if hunted by a Rakshasas...

Keepers of the Luring

I am my brother's keeper, and he's sleeping pretty rough these days.
-- Archbishop Derek Worlock, London Observer 16 Dec. 1990
The Keepers of the Luring have not been seen for some time. Their temple still lies in the very fiery pits of Hel, and is obviously
kept up. Whether or not The Keepers of the Luring still live there however is unknown, for it is believed by many that they too
have been destroyed by the Hands of God. If they still live, then why have they not come to join their respective Ilks in the Quash?
If the Necronomicon finds its ways into the hands of one of the Ilks, the Quash would surely end.

Hands of God
I see Thy Hand, O God
-- Rudyard Kipling, McAndrew's Hymn
The Hands of God is the name given to the strange white orbs that occasionally travel to Hel. The name is derived from the
visual effect of the sphere when it explodes, seeming to shoot five tentacled fingers around its victim. These spheres are the very
same as described by the elder Daemons, the orb which destroyed Lucifer. It is believed that the Hands of God actually

destroyed the Fallen Angels as well, and perhaps the Keepers of the Luring too. Perhaps that is why neither have shown
themselves for so long. It has been observed however, that whenever a Hand of God destroys a Daemon, a shimmering white
light is left behind which never fades. This white light is a result of a lack of Vim in the section of Hel, and Daemons within this
white light receive no Vim. Depleted areas of Hel which have run out of Vim carry this same effect. About a hundred years ago,
three Hands of God descended upon the temple of the Keepers of the Luring, each exploding in their regular fashion. Since
then, the common white light has been hovering around the temple, and Daemons fear that if they travel into the temple and get
trapped there, that they will find no Vim and die. Most Daemons believe that the Hands of God are a continued punishment from
God, and others feel the Necronomicon has fallen into the wrong hands.

Those who consider the Devil to be a partisan of Evil and the angels to be warriors for Good accept the demagogy of the
angels. Things are clearly more complicated.
-- Milan Kundera, The Book of Laughter and Forgetting
They are the ancestors of all Daemons, the very beings whose power is far beyond that of any other creatures known by the
supernatural world; or so is said. The Fallen Angels, perversions of such creatures could easily conquer Hel, yet these beings
have long since left Hel, and have probably been destroyed. The kin of these beings, the Angels themselves surely share such
power, although their presence has not been made aware of for millennia. Many younger Daemons even doubt such creatures
exist, believing them mere tales and legends.
If not for the Hands of God, such creatures could possibly be ruled out as existing at all, although many Daemons wish to once
again achieve the ranks of these noble creatures. All sightings and rumors of Angels are investigated by Daemons, thinking that
such knowledge could bring them closer to knowledge of their origins, or possibly the Enlightenment they seek to achieve.
Every Ilk, with the exceptions of the Diabolos and Faustus, also mark the time when their founding Fallen Angel will one day
return. Whether this will happen or not cannot be said, but if such a being did return, it would surely mark the end of the Quash,
as hordes of Daemons would be trampled by such a great entity.

True Faith and Holy Ground

I daresay anything can be made holy by being sincerely worshipped.
-- Iris Murdoch, The Message to the Planet
True Faith is the universal destroyer of Daemons. This strange power, unless neutralized with Dark Faith, can be a dangerous
thing indeed. When applied against a Daemon, True Faith does twice its amount in damage. A wielder of such power, must
merely extend his holy symbol in the direction of the Daemon, making a Faith roll as he does this (difficulty of the Daemon's
Willpower + Penance rating, max. 10.) The number of successes rolled equals the radius of an invisible barrier, therefore
determining the number of steps backward the Daemon must take. If five or more successes are rolled, the Daemon either
flees, or if this is impossible, suffers Banishment.
Any holy item placed upon the Daemon's flesh causes the opposite effect of that which happens when someone touches a
Daemon's native skin. The Daemon is hereby singed, causing aggravated damage. For each success on the appropriate roll,
the Daemon takes twice that amount of damage.
Any Daemon wishing to enter holy ground or passing the barrier formed by wielders of True Faith must make a Willpower roll
(difficulty 6 + holy ground's/users Faith rating, minus Daemons Dark Faith rating, maximum 10.) When in such a radius, the
Daemon's powers are reduced by one for every point of True Faith the site/wielder has. If the Faith rating of such an entity
equals at least ten, the Daemon is instantly Banished.

The Kindred of both the Sabbat and Camarilla hunt down Daemons whenever they get the chance. Even they know how much
damage a Daemon can do to their sect, and this is not permissible. The Black Hand and Inconnu try to stay away from demons,
and do this with much success. Many Daemons however won't take no for an answer, and will continually pester a vampire until
they lose interest.
In the immediate past, many Sabbat elders have begun following the Path of Evil Revelations. These Kindred cannot resist the
power they receive for something they believe will not happen to them -- die. Like most other supernatural creatures, the Kindred
do not know the true motives of the Daemons, and misunderstand their lore and history, still calling them the slang -- demon.
Daemon blood leaves no sustenance for vampires, and actually corrupts blood already inside the vampires system. The
Daemon blood corrupts the Kindred vitae at a two-to-one ratio. So when a vampire with two blood points tries drinking from a
Daemon to get more blood, a single blood point of the Daemon corrupts the two blood points already in the vampires system. At
this point, the vampire has three worthless blood points that cannot be used for disciplines or anything else, and remain in the

vampires system until the blood is literally bled out. Note that once a Daemon blood point has corrupted two others, the three
blood points do not continue to corrupt the Kindred's blood. Instead they are considered to be "neutral," and just lye dormant
within the vampires body. If a Kindred was foolish enough to try to drink a Daemon to death, keep in mind that a Daemon's
bloodpool equals his Vim pool.
There is one bloodline, the Baali, which the Rakshasas have taken a distinct liking to. The Baali are continuously manipulated to
do the bidding of the Rakshasas, and occasionally receive rewards for their loyalty. The Baali are however considered
expendable by the Daemons, and are used as spies in Kindred society. The Succubus too have made pacts with the Baali,
although it is the Daemons who have taken more notice to the Baali, for their discipline Daimonion seems to stem from lost
rituals and powers from within the Necronomicon.
The Setites are also closely watched by the Daemons and their bloodline founder, Set, could have been an Infernalist, and
perhaps this is why his childer have such an affinity with corruption, matched only by the Baali.

Level Six: Ignore the Searing Flames
Although the Baali is immune to normal fire, The fire of Hel still have the same effect on the vampire which normal fire used to.

Level Seven: Summon the Herald of Hell

Baali with this power may summon any younger Rakshasas. At this point, the Rakshasas in question is "drawn" to earth,
although the Daemon may refuse the call and decide to remain in Hel. Daemons above the level five Rank of Infernal Ranking
may not be summoned in this manner, since their ties to Hel are too great. Any Succubus may also be summoned in this

New Level Eight: Travel to Hel

The Baali, upon serving his Daemon mentors for some time, may purchase an Infernal Ranking level, upon which the Baali may
enter Hel. Outside his territory however, he risks destruction, although he may lay in torpor here in safety for as long as this land
still "belongs" to the Rakshasas.

Level Nine: Call the Great Beast

The Baali may now summon a Rakshasas above the level five Rank of Infernal Ranking.

The Garou, in an attempt to stay "pure," do not consort with demons of any sort. Considering them to be "of the Wyrm," the
Garou would slay any Daemon they encounter. Only those who eventually fall to the Wyrm even consider calling for a Daemon's
Elders amongst the Daemons however speak of long forgotten Infernalists within the Shadowlords Tribe, and many younger
Daemons believe that their elders have some agenda with these Garou, who seem to worship the totem Grandfather Thunder,
an incarnate spoken of in fragments of the Necronomicon.

Many Magi and mortals alike have tried summoning Daemons. Rarely does their magic work against Daemons however, and
the Daemons find this greatly amusing. However, an enraged Mage who encounters a Daemon is a powerful force to reckon
with. Even with the Daemons magickal resistance, a Magi can still effect them to some extent. The Nephandi Mages have made
many pacts with Daemons in the past, and for this, the Daemons are grateful. The alliance between the Nephandi Mages and
the Nephandus Daemons however, merely cause more anger from the Daemons. Any Magick used directly against a Daemon
has a difficulty of two higher than normal, whether the magick would benefit the Daemon or not. Like Garou, no Mage has ever
entered Hel on his own. There are no spirit paths or otherwise leading to Hel, and even the Void Engineers have not yet even
come close to discovering it. Note that Helgates may be drained like Caerns, and Vim transferred to Quintessence after doing

Demon Summoning
Correspondence 2, Entropy 2, Forces 1, Spirit 3
Without the appropriate magicks of the Necronomicon, Daemons can only be summoned with this rote. Three successes are

needed to call a Succubus, whereas five are needed to actually summon it. If it is called, it may choose to accept the calling or
not. Daemons may be called with seven successes, and may be summoned with thirteen. Note that powerful Daemons with a
Dark Seed below five cannot be summoned without the Necronomicon, rather, they can only be called.

The Kithain, like their elder brethren the Fey, have had little to do with Daemons in the past. It is said however, that when the
gates to Arcadia were open, some Fey entered Hel many times. Many supposedly survived, but none have ever enjoyed it.
Neither the Fey, nor their Changeling brethren consider Daemons fun. Daemons on the other hand have mixed feelings about
them. After all, many a Fey has fallen to a Daemon in Faerie's guise.
It is said by some elder Daemons that they do occasionally form alliances with the Red Caps, yet then again, can you trust
brethren of the Diabolos?

The Rom know little of Daemons but do know that they exist. In much of their old folklore are stories of powerful Daemons, trying
to corrupt the Rom or their allies. If they discover a Daemon however, they will most surely tell their brethren Garou, Kindred, Fey
or Magi. It should be known that almost no Gypsy is strong enough to tackle a Daemon, no matter how powerful that Rom may

The Mummies, in their many lifetimes, have stumbled upon Daemons various times. Even they however, do not, like the rest of
the denizens of the World of Darkness, know the true lore behind the Daemons. Daemons rarely consort with Mummies as the
Mummies find no need for too much power, since they have lifetimes to amass it for themselves. It is unknown to many what
would happen if a Daemon has bought a Mummy's soul, for once the Mummy dies, it is reborn. What then? According to
Daemon elders, a section in the Necronomicon states that a Mummy who has sold his soul will forever walk the earth, powerful
and enraged. Such an adversary would become evil, a monstrosity that even the Daemons would find twisted. Such a creature
could corrupt even its creators...
The bane mummies are a possible outcome of such dealings, although it is Set himself who is said by the Daemons to have
been an Infernalist, who most likely created these beings with the power he received from his dealings with Daemons.

Do not tell anyone of our meetings, for neither of us would live for long. I have told you enough of our kind, and now I must go. My
penance may be my death, but at least my ancestors sins have been relieved. May The Hands of God send me to Heaven.
-- Rishdar, Luciferentes Baron of Hel, sixth Darkseed

Sample "Fake" Investment Contract

Character's Name:
Buying the Following Powers:

Players Signature:
Daemon's Name:
Soul Points Bought:
Daemon's Signature:
| Prelude | Book One | Book Two | Book Three |

DAEMON 2nd Edition

| Prelude | Book One | Book Two | Book Three |
Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting
vindictiveness, with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we called it the word of a demon than
the Word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind.
-- Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason

Preliminary Design: Frank Torkel & Joshua Fairfield
Written and Edited by: Frank Torkel
Development and Rules Conversion: Frank Torkel
An Extra Special Thanks to: White Wolf Game Studios, which without, Daemon would not have been possible.
We Dedicate this Work to: Casar, who is actually a Daemon is disguise -- No, really!
I can be reached at:
Frank Torkel
1095 Mohawk rd.
Niskayuna NY, 12309

Note: For a more recent version of Daemon, see the author's Web site at:

Daemon is copyright 1995, Frank Torkel and Joshua Fairfield, although all material within the supplement The Luring that was
new to Daemon 1st ed. Is copyright 1995 Frank Torkel but may be copied and distributed as long as our names remain here
and the document remains unchanged. The Outlanders logo and concept are copyright 1995, Frank Torkel.
The Storyteller System, Vampire: the Masquerade, Werewolf: the Apocalypse, Mage: the Ascension, Wraith: the Oblivion,
Changeling: the Dreaming, and A World of Darkness are all trademarks of White Wolf Game Studios and the use of these
trademarks is without their permission. The mention of or reference to any companies or products including White Wolf Game
Studios and their respected products, is not a challenge to the trademarks or copyrights concerned. This work is designed
rather to increase consumer interest in their products.

Note: Please keep in mind that this is a game, a game that discusses mature themes. This work presents real-life beliefs, but is
not designed to be taken as Satanic propaganda or occultist lore. If you are offended by such subject matter then please stop
reading. Reader discretion is advised.

In early 1995, I downloaded various net supplements for the WoD detailing both angels and demons. Intrigued by such works
and others, yet unsatisfied with the way they were presented, I got together with a friend to write Daemon, presenting demons
the way we thought they should be. Researching demon lore and legend, Daemon was written and released to the public on the
Internet, originally posted on the newsgroup. Soon Daemon became a sensation around June of 1995,
myself receiving e-mail by the hundreds, many people interested in obtaining a copy of Daemon. Rivaled by only the famed
Highlander supplement for the WoD by Hank Driskill and John Gavigan, Daemon has spread throughout the U.S., Great Britain,
and even Australia. Posted on the WWW and in various other archives including FTP and non-Internet archives, Daemon has
become a fad in the Internet WoD roleplaying community. Although not officially excepted by White Wolf Game Studios, the
majority of this community uses Daemon to stage demon characters in their chronicles. This second edition of Daemon includes
the information previously released in Daemon, its first edition supplement The Luring, the Daemon FAQ, as well as other
information new to this version. The rules and storyline clarified, hopefully Daemon will become a useful tool in many a chronicle
to come.

The Daemon

Welcome to my realm child. Here is where I rule, and it is the place of the great Quash. This is our battle grounds, where the
Daemons wage their wars. We are creatures of corruption who stalk the living and undead alike, for only one thing -- their souls.
When the wolfsbane blooms, or when the virgin wakes, we are there to devour their essence. We will grant them love, power, or
wealth. Such things mean nothing to us, we treasure only their souls.
We watch from hidden caves and from the streets, and strike when we wish. No one is safe, not the Kindred, Garou, Magi or
Fey. We stalk the Umbra and Shadowlands too, corrupting all those who cross our paths. We slay our enemies and betray our
friends. We respect only our own, for we are the true creatures of corruption, we are the Daemon.
Not all of our kind are evil however, this you must know. Our forefathers committed great sins, and so we live in Hel, punished for
their deeds. Those of my Ilk however, have expanded our consciousness and seek penance for their deeds, until we may once
again be judged. This done, we will regain our positions as great lords of man, and will sit beside our cousins, Angels once
more. Listen closely as I tell you these things, for one day they may save your life, or maybe even your soul.
The Luring is near, do not think it is not. Our children fight on, and soon only one Ilk shall remain. We will then lead the other
Daemons onto earth, and destroy the wretched fools who hinder us. First however we must conquer Hel, and beat the other
creatures into submission. With their help we may take earth, and make it into an even darker world. The Luring draws near...
yes, the Luring draws near indeed...

Prelude: The Unholy Angels
Book One: The True Demon
Book Two: Daemon Magick
Book Three: Denizens of Hel

Prelude: The Unholy Angels

Destroy yourselves, you who are desperate, and you who are tortured in body and soul, abandon all hope. There is no more
solace for you in this world.
-- Antonin Artaud, Selected Writings
Greetings mortal...
Do not fear me, I know who you are. I am Arcadian, a Daemon of immense power. For years I have watched you studying
necromancy and the arcane. Power is what you want, and this power I can give you. Do what I ask, and you shall have what you
desire. Immortality you say? No problem. I will make you as immortal as the Kindred, or as powerful as the Garou. There is a
price, however. Your soul will be mine, but that is not important now.
We call ourselves the Daemon, demi-gods and the rulers of Hel. In the past we Daemons have given power to many mortals and
immortals alike. Anything you want to know or have can be yours. But remember, you must tell no one of our meetings or you will
die effortlessly. For now that is all you must know. Well then, let's get down to business...

Destruction, hence, like creation, is one of Nature's mandates.
-- Marquis de Sade, Philosophy in the Bedroom
Welcome to Daemon, a sub-campaign for the World of Darkness. This source book is in no way intended or designed to start a
whole new campaign. In fact, Daemon is meant to be played alongside a previous campaign to enlighten the chronicle or add a
bit more "flavor" to it. Daemon is a source book designed to create or add a new character to the game, a demon character
whose main purpose in the game is to add souls to his army of the damned. This game is based on that facet of character White
Wolf has previously only briefly gone over in a few source books. Now, Daemons can be used to enhance a story and bring forth
a whole new element to the Storyteller system. Designed alongside the concepts of mythical and religious demons, the
Daemons described herein supplement those described in various World of Darkness source books. Such books of note
include The Book of Madness, and The Storytellers Guide to the Sabbat.
In Daemon, various things must be kept in mind. The demons of most religions are stereotypically evil creatures whose main
purpose is to defile and corrupt others. This is not so however, which is shown in many early myths. In fact, in many earlier
civilizations, including Pagan mythology, there were things spoken of that resembled demi-gods, creatures from beyond who
had great powers. These creatures popped up throughout history and influenced humanity in many ways. Whether good or evil,
the beings of Hel, a place shrouded in secrecy, were creatures that played a greater masquerade than even the Kindred. These
creatures hid their true selves in such secrecy, that most other supernatural creatures barely know more than a few tidbits of

knowledge about the Daemons.

In the World of Darkness, Daemons play a larger role in the lives of many more than they have in the past. Vampires, Mages,
and many other denizens of the World of Darkness are in search of quick and easy ways of obtaining mass power. This is what
the Daemons offer, and they do so for good reason. Whenever a power or object is granted to a character, that character loses
part of his soul, which, upon death, becomes a slave of the Daemon. This soul can be shaped into many things, among them a
weapon that the Daemons use to wage their own war, which they call the Quash. In Hel, the domain of the Daemons, status is
measured by how much power one possesses. The Quash, an exhibition of such power, is a great ploy similar to the Vampire's
Jyhad in that it deals with conquering one's opponents. The soul of the Daemon's victims are used in Hel as soldiers that are
used to gain rank and status in Hel, and eventually in the real world. The latter is known as the Luring, a time when Daemons will
rule the earth, when a new leader in Hel has been appointed. In many ancient tapestries, battles are shown between demons
and angels, metaphors of the great Luring.
As the Kindred have clans and the Garou have tribes, so do the Daemons have Ilks. These groups define what kind of Daemon
the characters in a chronicle are dealing with. These Ilks, once peaceful with one another, have entered a phase of war, the
Quash, a war that will end in a single Ilk's member becoming ruler of Hel. Until the Luring when one Daemon and his Ilk prevails,
when the living world is under the foul corruption of the Daemons and their is no light left in the world, the children of Lucifer will
forever fight on.

Take away our history. Take away our heroes. Take away our values. And leave us here with nothing. We were in the garden
of Eden. Just as children mess around. We only leant against the tree. And the apple came tumbling down.
-- New Model Army, A Liberal Education
The true history of the Daemons is shrouded in mystery, much like Hel, their place of origin. According to Daemon lore however,
the ancestors of the Daemons were once graceful creatures, angels who abided by God's every word. These angels, five in
total, were lead by their leader, Lucifer. Being a proud group of angels these mighty creatures wanted more than they had,
turning rebels. Lucifer at this time proclaimed himself as king of Babylon, an act that was selfish and full of greed. After being
banished from heaven by God, these creatures took up a new home in the Deep Umbra. This Umbral Realm now known as Hel,
was seized by Lucifer, and the few natives to this Realm either fled or hid from the Fallen Angels. Lucifer harnessed the Realm's
power with his perverted Faith, and ruled Hel for millennia. For following Lucifer and betraying God, each of the five Fallen
Angels received powers from Lucifer, the eldest and most powerful among them.
The five Fallen Angels each began their own Ilk, Lucifer having granted them each the power to create offspring. Thus was
formed the Luciferentes, the Ilk of leadership begun by Lucifer himself. Shaitan gathered his powers and created the twisted
Rakshasas, and Astaroth too created progeny -- the Asuras. Beelzebub looked on, and finally forged the Daimone with his great
powers. Then came the last Ilk to be formed, as Beherit uneasily created the Djinn. Later came the Diabolos and Faustus too,
joining the other Ilks in their eternal war -- the Luring. The combined powers that God had given these Fallen Angels, and those
powers given to them by Lucifer who harnessed the raw energy of Hel, warped and mutated the Fallen Angels, increasing their
power, but destroying their immortality. However, the Fallen Angels, the first Daemons, would rule Hel for ages. These combined
powers however, flowing through the offspring of the Fallen Angels, grew dim as more Daemons were created. Like the
Kindred, the farther the Daemon's blood was from its Ilks creators, the weaker the Daemon was.
For many years Hel was a mating grounds for the Daemons, each of them learning the magicks their sires taught them. Hel was
a thriving Realm, and led by Lucifer, all went well until the prophesy. This prophesy foretold a time when the Messiah would arrive
and destroy Satan, the Catholic name given to Lucifer. The Daemons thought nothing of this idle threat until one day, a bright
light entered the depths of Hel. The Daemons sensed its presence and prepared for battle. The light blinded the elder Daemons,
rendering all others unconscious. The Fallen Angels panicked, and warned their leader of the glowing, spherical mass
approaching the very depths of Hel.
The legend becomes unclear at this point, but it is said that Lucifer stormed out of his domain and approached the sphere. The
sphere hovered before him, five tentacled arms reaching out around his body. Lucifer unleashed his full fury, a rage that could
have decimated whole cities, but in all his greatness, he could do nothing. Lucifer yelled in pain as the orb absorbed his power,
his entire essence being drained into the stem of the fingers holding him tight. In a flash of blinding light, the sphere was gone,
and Lucifer with it. In their place was left behind a sparkling light, forever marking the destruction of the sire of all Daemons.
The Fallen Angels fearing for their lives left Hel, promising to return one day, a day marked as the end of the Luring. Lucifer and
the Fallen Angels gone, a war soon broke out among the Ilks, a war that continues to drag on to this day; a war fought for the
domination of Hel known as the Quash. This war, fought on the battlefields of Hel and earth both, are the beginning of a long
reign, where only one Daemon and his Ilk shall rule.

The Necronomicon
Lucifer also has died with God, and from his ashes has risen a spiteful demon who does not even understand the object of
his venture.
-- Albert Camus, The Rebel
Lucifer and the Ilks he led believed in the importance of their history. To preserve this knowledge, he and the other fallen angels

Lucifer and the Ilks he led believed in the importance of their history. To preserve this knowledge, he and the other fallen angels
wrote a physical text which they entitled the Necronomicon. This text they duplicated; five in total were written, one for each Ilk.
This text contained the history of their origin, the basis' of their powers and the rites and rituals used to contact, and even control
them. All the weaknesses and strengths of the Daemons were contained in this text, so that every Daemon would learn how best
to use his powers, and how not to. A selection of the Necronomicon was read aloud every thirty-five days during an Ilks meeting.
Each Daemon's duty was to learn the rules of the Necronomicon, a task which became impossible after the destruction of
Lucifer and the splitting of the Fallen Angels.
Each copy of the Necronomicon was initially buried in its Ilks temple and removed only when it was needed to be added on to.
After the destruction of Lucifer, the Fallen Angels feeling threatened, sought out all five Necronomicons. These texts holding the
only information of how to control, summon, and destroy the Daemons, were all burnt in the magical fires of Hel, although one
was saved, and hidden on earth. After the Fallen Angels left Hel, many Daemons sought out this Necronomicon, for all knew that
much of their sires' power was described within. All search was in vain however, and the book was never found.
Until a mortal known as Abdul Alhazred (the "Mad Arab") discovered the Necronomicon, most younger Daemons had not even
known it existed. This mortal, whose real name is unknown, knew the ancient language of Sumer, in which the text was written.
This mortal, a marauder Mage, read the book and slowly became more insane than he was as he read on. He called forth
unspeakable powers of destruction but continued living, and garnering much of Hel's powers, living as a powerful man. However,
a man he was, and driven mad by such powers he disappeared, never to be seen again.
It was decided that the Necronomicon, recovered by the eldest of the Daemons, was to be hidden, for destroying such a
treasure would be more than sacrilege. The "Mad Arab's" fate was obvious, a mortal in another's world. It is said by the younger
of the Daemons that the foolish mortal had summoned the Fallen Angels themselves, and they in turn destroyed him. Only the
eldest Daemons know what had become of this mortal for sure, and few have witnessed the last expressions on the mortal's
face. The marauder did leave traces of the Necronomicon behind however, copying many parts and sending them to various
places. Mortals discovering these pieces formed their own legends and stories to go with the strange artifacts found. Many
Daemons have recovered such pieces, but it is said that many more are out there, in the Umbra and elsewhere. It must be
understood however that many such tales are nothing but false, and many fake Necronomicons are in existence; only few of
them containing any real evidence of the true book of the Daemons.
As the legend goes, the eldest of the Daemons proclaimed themselves protectors of the Necronomicon, naming themselves
"Keepers of the Luring," and constructed a huge temple within the very pits of Hel. One Daemon from each Ilk joined this elite
group, including the infamous Orobas, then the leader of the Luciferentes. With him went Amduscias of the Asuras, Ukobach of
the Djinn, Eurynome of the Daimone, Ronwe of the Diabolos, Xaphan of the Faustus, and Shaddai of the Raksasas. The temple,
surrounded by the magickal fires native to Hel, became the home of these Daemons, who have only been seen seldomly since
their departure. The temple still stands to this day, constructed of sheer power. No Daemon has yet ventured into this temple and
returned, for the custodians of the Necronomicon do not wish to be seen, and they hold power over all Daemons. They believe
the Fallen Angels have been destroyed by the very power that destroyed Lucifer, and in their opinion, that makes them the rulers
of Hel.

| Prelude | Book One | Book Two | Book Three |

The Dark Pine Lodge

By Adam Simpson ( (11 November 1995)

An Overview
The Dark Pine Lodge is a spiritual force from Native American belief that has always been bound to an area of land near the
west coast in the state of Washington. A lodge was built on its land years ago and became the Dark Pine Lodge when the spirit
merged with it. The spirit has grown corrupt with the passing of years. Old Native Americans have not forgotten it, and still tell of
it in their tales. Some of them know its true name, but do not mention it in their stories. These men and women know what it has
become, and would never travel there.
The spirit and the land where it resides are linked on the most basic of levels. One result of this connection is the spirit's inability
to extend itself beyond its land. The land acts as its earthly form, and because of this it cannot leave its borders. When the Dark
Pine Lodge was built on that land it became a part of the spirit.
Dark Pine Lodge is a spiritual place, closely tied to another plane of existence. The spirit extends into the Umbra and is a
domain there, darkly linked to Gaia. As such, it can be reached by those who step sideways, but to do so would require a great
deal of the traveler. Characters attempting this would have to make an expenditure of Willpower. Garou would have to spend
Rage points, while mages would temporarily lose some Arete.
The Dark Pine Lodge Spirit was once a benevolent spirit of the land. Shamans of Native American tribes communed with it,
gaining visions and wisdom. Over the ages this changed. The spirit grew distant from the shamans, and as it did it grew corrupt.
With this corruption came a hunger, one that could only be satisfied with the energies of humans. The spirit learned ways to
tempt men to enter its grounds, where it would trap them, never letting them see the waking world again. The shamans learned
of this and tried to warn their tribes about the dark spirit's "seduction", for such was the word they gave to the spirit's
The shamans were never certain how this change came about. Some pointed to older and darker spirits subverting the spirit of
the land. Some said the spirit of the land was forced into evil ways while other shamans said it followed willingly. Other shamans
claimed the spirit of the land turned to dark hunger on its own, with many different reasons offered as to why. The centuries have
only seen an increase in its hunger. The Dark Pine Lodge still seduces men and women to enter itself and become lost. It starts
by influencing their minds, then begins controlling their actions. After the subversion is complete the unfortunates enter into the
Lodge and never emerge. The spirit can fracture itself into lesser spirits which think and function on their own. These lesser
spirits are not bound to the land as their parent is, and can travel freely. Because of this fact the Lodge creates many of these
lesser facets of itself to do its work beyond the borders of its land. The lesser spirits retain the Lodge's ability to seduce and
control mortals, and use it to lead people into the Lodge's power. Time does not flow normally within the Lodge. Events can
happen in any order there. Time inside the lodge relates to time outside the lodge, but that is as far as normalcy goes. The
Lodge can exert its own power over the flow of time, causing strange effects.
If the Lodge foresees it will have an opportunity to seduce someone, subtle and insidious signs will manifest before the person
even makes contact with a Lodge spirit. If correctly interpreted, these signs can aid in avoiding the Lodge's influence.

Entering the Lodge

There are several methods of entering the Lodge besides walking into its Earthly location. Umbral travelers may be able to force
their way into the Lodge by stepping sideways, as mentioned above. Doing so could be costly and dangerous. The Dark Pine
Lodge's Umbral realm is a twisted, evil place. The spirit's deceptive nature has kept the realm looking much like it did in ancient
days, a beautiful forest. The only difference apparent is the structure of the Dark Pine Lodge. Because of its intimate link with the
spirit, the lodge building has appeared in the Umbral realm. Travelers to the realm quickly become aware that something is
wrong with their surroundings. The breezes and sounds of the animals are unsettling to those with acute senses.
Tremere or Magi might develop a ritual or spell to allow them access to the Lodge in an attempt to negotiate with the Lodge
spirits in exchange for power. An attempt to do so would practically guarantee that (s)he will be possessed or murdered by the
Lodge spirits. This does not deter some Magi however, as the mere desire to enter the Lodge at any point in their lives opens
the necessary doorway for a Lodge spirit to begin tempting them towards the Lodge's embrace.
There are places in nature near the Lodge along the west coast in the U. S. and Canada that hold portals to the Dark Pine
Lodge. These portals open of their own accord, but only rarely, usually once every 50 to 500 years. These self-openings are
dependent on stellar and planetary phenomena. When one of these portals is open, anyone may enter the Lodge's earthly
structure or its Umbral realm by merely stepping through. One portal was discovered to be a ring of Sycamore trees.
The lesser spirits of the Dark Pine Lodge use these places to open their own portals to and from the Lodge. The places used
more often by the spirits take on dark characteristics. Those places frequented by the spirits look downright sinister.
People seduced by the Lodge will enter it in their dreams. These visits are infrequent at first, but as the Lodge's influence
increases the person will spend every sleeping moment wandering through the Lodge. When the Lodge spirits move to

controlling the person's actions, they again wander the Lodge, though now their steps seem guided, allowing less freedom to
explore. In this stage they also start to see and hear traces of others in the Lodge's endless hallways and rooms. These
glimpses and faint sounds are increasingly difficult to forget during the person's time in the waking world.

Inside the Lodge

The lodge built on the Dark Pine Lodge Spirit's land still stands today, looking exactly as it did when it was first built. The building
is mystically maintained by its link to the Lodge Spirit and never needs any repair. The building is a modestly decorated 2 story
structure designed to be a hunting lodge/hotel. A sign hangs over the front entrance and reads "Dark Pine Lodge."
The lodge building has a direct link to the Dark Pine Lodge's Umbral Realm. The Lodge Spirit can warp the building's interior in
any way it desires, but cannot affect the exterior. If the Lodge wishes to entrap or confuse someone inside it can increase the
interior to any size and create any number of rooms. If someone suspicious of the Lodge enters and searches for indications of
anything unusual, the Lodge will return the building to its natural dimensions and wait for him to leave. If he stays too long or
damages the building the Lodge will summon lesser Lodge spirits.
Entrance into the Lodge begins in a part known as the Waiting Room. The waiting room is a large room with thick red curtains
for walls and a zig-zag pattern of off-white & off-black stripes on the floor. It is furnished with 3 black upholstered chairs, 2 of
them next to each other and the third a short distance away and facing them. The separate chair is adjacent a small black
marble end table with a small white marble sculpture on it. The sculpture appears to be of a planet or astrological model. The
chairs next to each other have a similar end table between them. At either end of these chairs stand tall brass floor lamps.
Behind the chairs is a near-life size white marble statue of a female nude. Coffee is often served in the waiting room, but it
tastes foul.
Those who through the curtains in any direction will find a short hallway, also walled by curtains, with the same floor. Passing
through curtains out of these hallways leads to other rooms almost identical to the waiting room. The only difference will be the
furnishings. A seemingly infinite number of rooms such as this exist, all with different furnishings. If someone continues in this
way without a destination in mind he will most certainly become lost. However, if you walk with a specific location in mind, and
spend a Willpower point to get there, you can step through any curtain and arrive in any location within the Lodge.
The final location is the Meeting Room. This wood-floored room is where the Lodge spirits gather for reasons only known to
them. This square room is occupied by a small stage in the corner, several chairs, a dark-colored sofa, and a green table.

The Seduction
In order to feed the Lodge's unholy hunger mortals must be drawn in and absorbed into the Dark Pine Lodge. The Lodge cannot
absorb a person until he is first prepared. To prepare the person the Lodge must corrupt her, warping her personality and
binding her will to the Lodge's own. This process ultimately breaks the person wholly.
The entire process is subtle and difficult to detect. Lodge spirits can't simply grab people and run off with them. It wouldn't suit
the Lodge's purposes at all. The process can be broken during any step, but the difficulty increases as the person draws closer
to the Lodge's power. In the first step of the seduction the Lodge or a Lodge spirit will select an appropriate person. Usually
those with weak wills or unhealthy interests (i.e. the occult, death, demonology) are chosen, but all sorts of individuals have been
selected in the past. The Lodge spirit will begin communicating strange thoughts and desires to the chosen person. The spirit
may appear in dreams, whisper to the person just low enough so as not to be fully heard, or any variety of methods. The end
result is always the same -- the individual starts taking an abnormal interest in a certain place or activity that he didn't have
The affected person will spend an inordinate amount of time in the new place or activity. The stronger the spirit's grasp, the more
time will be spent. The place or activity is chosen by the spirit, and will always be one that requires the person to be alone. In
solitude the spirit can strengthen its grasp and prepare the mortal for the next step in the seduction.
Friends or family members will probably notice the odd activities of the individual and can try to pull him back from the spirit's
power. If the affected person is forced out of his solitude and surrounded by friendly people the spirit's draw can be broken.
In the second step the person starts entering the Dark Pine Lodge in his dreams. These visits may be infrequent at first, but as
time goes on he will begin to spend every sleeping moment wandering the strange hallways of the Lodge. Over time these
dreams will become impossible to remember. The dream sequences will sap strength away from the individual, not allowing
normal rest. Towards the end of the second step the person will behave neurotically because of the lack of proper rest at night. If
those around the individual seek to help him now, only a professional psychiatrist or doctor can aid by this stage.
In the third step the spirit's grasp on the mortal is strong enough to allow it to take control of the person's body. When the spirit is
in control it will follow through with most of the person's normal activities, however it will behave cruelly to those close to the
person being controlled. The spirit wants to drive away the individual's friends and family, making it easier to isolate him. The
periods of the spirit's control will lengthen as its hold grows stronger. The affected person will have no memory of what occurred
during the period of the spirit's control. Although these memory black-outs are distressing, the spirit's control is strong enough to
prevent the person from finding help on his own.
In the fourth and final step the person will leave everything behind and travel to the Lodge. During this step the spirit is partially in

control at all times. It will tell the person exactly how to reach the Dark Pine Lodge. Only powerful means beyond the scope of
normal mortals can help him now.

Lodge Spirits
The lesser spirits created by the Dark Pine Lodge have 3 forms:
1. Spirit Form: When Lodge spirits are created, whether by the Lodge itself or lesser Lodge spirits, they always come into
being as this form. The Spirit Form is invisible to all normal means of vision. Lodge spirits in this form can step sideways
into and out of the Umbra automatically -- no roll is needed. Their movement in the Umbra is restricted to Earth's
Penumbra, the Dark Pine Lodge's Realm, and those areas that can be construed as "in-between" the two.
The advantages of this form are the use of spirit Gifts, the ability to travel quickly across the Earth, an innate stealth, and
the ability to travel the Umbra. The disadvantages are the difficulty to interact with the physical world, the increased
difficulty of influencing mortals, and the fact that they can be detected by those with powers affecting the spirit world. It
should be noted that because of the unique nature of Dark Pine Lodge spirits, Garou cannot sense them using Sense
Wyrm. Lodge spirits do not appear to be banes or servants of the Wyrm. The spirit of the Dark Pine Lodge used to be
familiar to the Garou Theurges in ages past. Now, however, it is something completely alien to the Garou.
2. Body Form: The Lodge is able to re-create the bodies of mortals it has absorbed in the past and place its spirit minions
within them. The Lodge spirit is then able to walk the Earth and interact with the world and its people as if it were one of
them. This offers obvious benefits in seducing mortals to the Lodge.
The physical body taken by the Lodge spirit is always an exact duplicate of one of the people seduced and consumed by
the Lodge. It retains the same physical attributes and Appearance. The Lodge spirit takes on the mannerisms and general
personality of the body's original occupant. None of the mortal's skills or knowledges are retained. Lodge spirits who take
on physical bodies spend time among mortals learning their ways, so Storytellers should feel free to give Body Form
spirits whatever attributes and abilities they feel are appropriate.
Body Form spirits lose most of their Gifts and the ability to enter the Umbra (though they can still use portals and the Dark
Pine Lodge building to enter the Dark Pine Lodge's Realm). To make up for these shortcomings, the Lodge has given
them powers in the Earthly realm similar to vampiric Disciplines. Body Form spirits can increase in these powers over
time. A body can only be conferred on a Lodge spirit by the Dark Pine Lodge itself. Lodge spirits can only be freed from
their physical bodies by the Lodge's power or by the destruction of the body. The Lodge finds these mortal impersonators
very useful, and creates them when it feels it needs to. Lodge spirits in this form do not need to eat or sleep. The spirit
maintains the body with its innate spiritual energies. When these energies run low the spirit will become "inactive." During
these periods the spirit sits or reclines and ceases all movement. The spirit may choose to imitate sleep during its
inactivity. When a Body Form spirit is "killed" the body will decompose at a slightly faster rate than normal. This usually
leads coroners to believe the body died at an earlier time than it actually did.
3. Object Form: Both the Dark Pine Lodge and its minions in Body Form can bind spirits they've created to physical objects.
Spirits in this form lose all consciousness and free will -- they cannot move or take any actions. These possessed objects
are given to mortals chosen for the seduction. They work subtly on the person's mind, aiding the work of other Lodge
spirits. Sometimes the object's influence is strong enough to seduce a mortal to the Lodge's power completely on its own.
The person owning an Object Form spirit will invariably become attached to it, wanting to carry it with them or be around it
most of the time.
The spirits made by the Lodge can in turn create new spirits out of themselves. Each generation removed from the Lodge is
weaker in power. The potency of a Lodge spirit is denoted by its Hierarchy rating. The Lodge itself has a rating of 0 while each
successive generation goes up one in its rating.
A Lodge spirit can dissolve other spirits that are descended from it. Lodge spirits cannot dissolve spirits not of its descent, no
matter how low in the Hierarchy they may be. Dissolving lesser spirits is very costly. The Dark Pine Lodge has the ability to
summon its lesser spirits to itself. The spirits will always hear and obey the summons. This is done when the Lodge wishes to
increase or decrease their power, or dissolve them.
Lodge spirits are not combat oriented and will never initiate unnecessary fights. They will defend themselves and their chosen
prey if they feel the need. They will always fight to the death to defend the Dark Pine Lodge.

Replenishing Power: There are 2 ways in which Lodge Spirits may replenish spent Power. The first is through Slumber.
Periods of complete inactivity will regain 2 Power per hour. If a Body Form spirit is imitating sleep it will only regain 1 Power per
hour. Lodge spirits Slumbering in the Lodge's Earthly territory or the Lodge's Realm will regain 3 Power per hour.
The second method of regaining Power is through sapping Willpower or Humanity from mortals. When a Lodge spirit uses the
Gift Sap Will, every point of Willpower or Humanity taken becomes 2 points of Power for the spirit.

Creating Lodge Spirits: A Lodge spirit must use 3/4 (round up) of its maximum Power rating to create a lesser Lodge spirit

from itself. The newly created Lodge spirit will have a Hierarchy rating one higher than its creator. Hierarchy 6 Lodge spirits are
not capable of creating more spirits.

Dissolving Lodge Spirits: In order to dissolve a lesser spirit, the spirit must use half of its maximum Power rating and possess
more Power than the spirit being dissolved before the attempt is made. It must also win an extended contested Willpower roll
against the lesser spirit (the lesser spirit suffers a +3 difficulty on its Willpower roll).
Lodge Spirit Traits
Hierarchy Gnosis Willpower Rage Power
Spirits in Body Form lose 10 Power while they inhabit the body. The 10 Power is used to maintain the form.
Body Form spirits spend a number of Power points equal to the level of the Discipline they use. Using the level 2 Dementation
ability would cost 2 Power, while using the level 4 Chimerstry ability would cost 4 Power. Body Form spirits use Gifts at the
normal cost.
Using a Gift or Discipline is one Power cheaper when the Lodge spirit is in either the Lodge's Earthly domain or the Lodge's
All rolls involving chosen mortals are -2 difficulty for Lodge spirits.

Powers of the Lodge Spirits

Automatic Abilities of Body Form Spirits
Auspex 1
Dementation 2
Obfuscate 1
Break Reality
Forest Sense
Sap Will*

Disciplines for Body Form

Auspex 1-4
Celerity 1-4
Chimerstry 1-4
Dementation 1-4
Dominate 1
Fortitude 1-4
Obfuscate 1-4
Obtenebration 1-2
Potence 1-4
Protean 1-2
Quietus 1-3
Vicissitude 1-2

Automatic Gifts of Spirit Form Spirits

Airt Sense
Break Reality
Corrupt Dream
Forest Sense
Open Moon Bridge
Sap Will

Gifts for Lodge Spirits

Airt Sense
Blast Flame (Can only use this Gift in the Umbra. Appears as a jet of gray smoke.)
Break Reality (Can only use this Gift in the Black Lodge's Earthly domain or in the Lodge's Realm)
Corrupt Dream
Forest Sense (Can only use this Gift in the Black Lodge's Earthly domain or in the Lodge's Realm)
Influence (from the Book of Madness)
Open Moon Bridge
Sap Will*
* Special cases, see below.

Possession: Lodge spirits can only use Possession on mortals chosen for the seduction. The mortal can be one chosen by any
Lodge spirit, not just the one using Possession. The bonus for influencing chosen mortals applies to the use of this Gift. The
chart for Possession speed is different for Lodge spirits:
Successes Time Taken
one hour
half hour
15 minutes
5 minutes

Sap Will: The cost of this Gift is 3 Power for Lodge spirits. Although they can sap Willpower from anyone, they can only sap
Humanity from those chosen for the seduction.

Dark City
By Ed Hackett (

Section One: Prologue and Foreword.

"A mind is a terrible thing to waste."
-- Drug Free America Commercial
"Sometimes, I awake in the City. They call me crazy. Plain and simple, no other word fits my description. I know this is a big joke.
The City, theres no way out. None, zip, zilch, nada! Ya see every night at midnight, the whole City stops in motion. Everyone
falls asleep and here I am left standing in the City watching the stillness.
"Why you ask? The Strangers, they play with our minds. Mixing and turning our minds like some big toss salad. Yeah, I know you
think that I am nuts. Listen, can you hear them?
"Oh yeah, you dont know who I am talking about. Men, but different not human thats for sure. Ya see they all look alike, pale
face, black winter trenchcoat and to top it all off a fedora. I see them walk out of crevices underneath the street, or doorways
where there were no doors before. The doors they just appear out of nowhere. Sometimes, I hide amongst the building tops and
watch them hover, flying amongst the buildings.
"No moon ever shines. Although one could think there was a moon. I have been up for hours on end. No sunshine, or no rain.
Just the stillness. So, you think Im mad, watch your back, because I have found the only way out of this shit hole!"
Bang! A bullet pierces his head!

Section Two: the Setting

The City
The City is a self-contained celestial body floating in the endless reaches of the heavens. Old 1940s architecture is the decorum
of the City. People bustle about their daily life only aware of the reality they feel at the present. Gothic architectures hangs above
the humans, as if watching. For what, they cannot tell. Night is eternal here; the City looms in nothingess, like a dangling spider in
the far reaches in the velvet of night. In the Deep umbra, the City hangs in etherspace surrounded by stars. Looking down on the
City you could tell that it is just a massive floating island, as if someone picked up Manhattan and threw it into the depths of
space. The City is located in its own little pocket of the Deep Umbra, a separate realm within a realm. Underneath the City,
massive spires of alien technology extend. Around the City is a tall wall which blocks even the highest view from seeing the truth.
It is not known if the wall is invisible to them or what, but it is there nonetheless.

The Strangers
Hovering in their black trenchcoats, they stand with moonlight pale faces fixing the minds of all who live in the City. How they are
brought to the realm is uncertain. Some think that the Strangers kidnap humans and rip their mind apart. Then, they are dropped
into a prison. Humans are victims of the Strangers' experiments. The Strangers are a race of spirit entities who use human host
bodies to exist in the City. In fact their names are always Mr. + a normal word, for example Mr. Book. They study the human mind
and the memories which govern our lives. They think that by studying our memories they can better understand our soul. For they
are not like us; they have no individuality. All of them share each others memories, and they are dying. In their demise, they seek
an answer in our human soul and they think that this is the only way to achieve their survival. All the Strangers are male in
appearance. Some are even children. Underneath the City, they are clothed in black robe with high collars around their necks. It
is not known where they come from, but one thing is for certain this remains the exclusive province of the Storyteller.

The Tuning
What is unique to them is the ability to alter reality, exactly like transmute matter in Mage and the power to supply kinetic motion
to a varying degree. These talents are called Tuning. By definition, they are in touch with their own reality. So they can develop
their own will and impose it on the reality of their own designs. You could consider the relationship to be a mage to his own
Horizon Realm. He defines the law of what is to be considered vulgar, like a the Strangers morphing the buildings to fit the scene
of their experiments. Every night at midnight, every single person falls asleep. Well, almost everybody does. All the Strangers
gather in the main hall where the Machine is. Here they charge up their own powers and at the same time use their collective
unconcious to literally shape the City into what they want it to be. While everyone's asleep, an assistant to their cause, usually a
scientist who want to further his own ends, mixes memories of new test subjects and injects them with the new memories. When
they awake, they have no idea they were altered. After the memories are altered, the setting for those humans to take on their
new identities is also physically altered.

During the Tuning, any Mage's magick rolls are reduced by a -3. Vampire disciplines, Garou gifts, and anything that is
supernatural who possesses some type of power will receive a -2 to their rolls to make it somewhat easier. Anything that would
fit the description of not totally being human stay awake during this time period.

Under the City

Under the City, the real picture takes hold. The Strangers, all dressed in their original dark robes, are illuminated by the strange
greenish lighting of their under dwellings. In the movie, the only things revealed are a lab, a main hall where the machine was
located, and a factory line where they manipulate ID's and other personal items that would relate to a changed identities of their

The Laboratory
Dr. Sherper was the one who worked along side the Strangers in a quest to help them understand our human condition. If you
are going to work a Dark City in your campaign, it is assumed that they might have in their aid a human who has been allowed to
keep his scientific knowledge to aid them in their quest of our soul.
The laboratory was a stationed on the side of a hollow cylinder. Tt was in fact all around the outside. If you gazed down the
railing, you would note several layers of floors. It was not revealed what these floors contained in the movie. However, one could
assume that the Storyteller would know what to do with these levels.
In the laboratory, green lighting cast an ominous glow on all the research equipment. Rotating racks of white fluid, containing the
memories, are stacked up all around the table. A robotic arm extends out to the different memories and mixes them. Once the
solution has been mixed, you could see the chemicals through an old microscope, circa 1940's.

The Factory
This is where a long assembly line runs down a row of Strangers. Here each Stranger has a specific task at a station to perform.
One might be stamping passports or a drivers' liscense for another experiment. The identities of people, the actual things that
reaffirm a human's existence in the supposed real world, are manufactured here and reproduced. Overhead, a voice listing the
details of the experiments can be heard, fading in the background of spinning wheels and the grinding gears of machines in a

The Main Hall

This is the gathering place where all the Strangers come together to talk when it is necessary. Issues like strays (people who
awake during the Tuning) and other pertinent matters are discussed here. The chamber rises by rows where Strangers can
overlook the leaders at the bottom. No chairs, just a counter lit by the iridescent shade of greenish blue. If you looked straight
ahead, a black metal statue of a human face opens to what is called the Machine. It is also here where all the Strangers gather
during the Tuning, except those who are placing the identities of the different people and injecting them with different memories.

The Machine
The machine is a twisting globe which is related to the reshaping of the buildings at night during the Tuning. It is decided that it is
also the power source for the whole City. It also acts like a node. It only acts like a node at the Time of the Tuning. This is where
the bonus for working magick comes from. Plus if in the presence of the machine, there is such a surplus of free flowing
Quintessence that a mage could fill his pattern here and not wait for the Machine to recharge.

Section Three: Character Creation

Creating a Stranger to run is just like letting loose a starting level mage. It really doesn't matter. I am going to give rules for
character creation. However, incorporating them into a chronicle and running a Stranger as a player character seems a bit
akward. I was thinking that it would be the other way around; that is Storyteller uses these rules for the setting offered to create a
chronicle based in the Dark City theme. However, this is your fantasy, do what you want!

Personality Archetypes
Due to their collective consciousness, the personality archetypes are representative of what all Strangers are like. Remember,
one of their quests in studying the human condition is to try and find out what makes us individual. Most characters should have
similiar archetypes. Some archetypes might manifest different emotions or ideas that the collective has formed on its own,
making these characters somewhat but not entirely different from someone else.

They receive the following standard attributes of 7/5/3.

They have 13/9/7 as usual. They have all standard normal human abilities. There is no restriction on giving them abilities, just
don't give them Do from mage or Rituals from Werewolf. I'm just saying be reasonable. After all Strangers are sort of human,
aren't they?

New Knowledge: Brainwashing

This skill allows a person to take control of someone through the use of the power of suggestion, drugs, and manipulation. This
skill allows for someone to possess the knowledge of all interrogation drugs out there, and know the impact of emotions in
relation to our memories and thoughts. If possessed by a Stranger this is also what they use to manipulate the memory of their
test subjects.

You possess little knowledge, but can make people come to a slight conclusion, swaying their opinions.
Competent. You know now how to sway peoples' trains of thought to come to a conclusion they might not have -- a thought
not totally against their morals.
*** Now, you can manipulate small memories that might have been suppressd for years through the use of drugs. You also
possess knowledge of several drugs and methods of brainwashing.
**** You have a great understanding of how emotions relate to the thoughts of people; you could pull the wool over the mayor of
a big City while working on an in depth investigation into his administration.
***** Obi-Wan. You have the power to alter thought through deceit. You could con the president; you might be working for the
CIA or Army Intelligence.

"Do you have your advantage card?"
-- any Giant Eagle cashier, (a grocery store)
They receive the standard starting willpower of 5.
As they are spirit entities in human form, they are immune to Mind magick and Spirit magick. This includes similar powers like
the vampiric discipline of Dominate.
Tuning is represented like Arete in Mage. It is the power of will they use to channel their powers. This automatically starts at one,
and one dot in one of the powers (analogous to spheres in mage). Note only one power may be purchased at one. No more.
This gives the character a little more longevity .

Remember that the choice for backgrounds is very tricky. I'm just saying have the Storyteller review your choices. It wouldn't be
unreasonable that they might possess Arcane, or Destiny for that matter. Backgrounds should be pondered carefully when
creating a Stranger. In any case, they receive 7 points to spread around their backgrounds. Good luck; their a weird bunch,
although not as weird as me!
All characters initially receive two bonus dots in Melee and automatically start with a dagger (Str+3 and can cause damage to
Umbrood as well) without spending any points in the Resource background.

They start with 15 freebie points.

Freebie Point
Cost Chart
Backgrounds 1

Experience is awarded the same way as outlined in Mage: the Ascension as well as the other Storyteller games.

Experience Point Cost Chart

Current rating x 4
Current rating x 2
Current rating x 8
Current rating x 1
Tuning Powers Current rating x 6
New Power 1
New ability

Section Three: Systems

The ability to tune is only innate to the Strangers. In the movie, John Murdoch possessed the ability to do this too. Some humans
might have this ability. This was due to his latent Avatar; he would have eventually Awoken to use true magick anyway. He
manifested the power differently though. Potential mages will eventually adapt and Awaken as a sort of adaptation to the
constant Tuning.
Mages can use Mind to resist Tuning. A Mind 1 mind shield can be used to resist the physical brainwashing. A Mind 3 effect can
suppress the memories and preserve them. A Mind 4 effect can preserve the memories and the Mage can still act on his own
accord. The rank of Mind at 5 can simply say, Bring it on. Try me! Supernatural creatures brought here always, even if their
memories are wiped, know what they are. They just dont know who they are. Remember, anything supernatural brought to the
City will stay awake during the Tuning.
During the Tuning, as stated before, Mages receive -3 bonus to the difficulty to use magick and powers like vampire disciplines
and garou gifts (static magick) receive a -2 to the difficulty to achieve their powers. All magick worked in these few minutes does
not invoke Paradox and is considered coincidental. When everyone returns to normal after the Tuning, magick resumes its
normal systems as if they were actually on Earth.

Tuning as an Advantage
Surprisingly enough, we represent this talent by a skill called "Tuning." It is rated 1 to 10. Strangers automatically start at a rank
of 1 in the first steps of initial character creation. It is treated like working magick in Mage. You roll your Tuning at a certain
difficulty, see how many successes you get and are restricted to the level of understanding your power is ranked at. If worked on
earth, the Stranger does not invoke Paradox although there is a plus +1 to the difficulty to all rolls when not in the Umbra.
Anywhere in the Umbra their talents have no penalty, only on Earth.

Tuning Pool
The Tuning pool acts like Quintessence. In fact it is Quintessence. However, it can be gained only at the time of the Tuning. It
goes up to 20 and this is what a Stranger can use to tune better. He may use up to -3 a turn when doing an effect with his powers
to reduce the difficulty of a Tuning roll.

System: The Stranger rolls his Tuning (Difficulty 7) and the amount of successes he scores equals the amount of points he
stores in his pattern. He may not gain these points at Garou caerns but can at Nodes on earth.

Powers of Tuning
The following are powers that were inferred from the movie; some are apparent while others were vague references.
Each of the powers are listed as spheres. Each one has a specific rank. The Stranger may only accomplish what he
understands of that certain power. The higher the rank the more he can accomplish in that specific area. A Stranger may not
have a rank in a power higher than his Tuning.

Morphism is the reshaping and transmutation of matter. For instance, remember when the roof was reshaped when Murdoch
held down one of the Strangers. In some aspects, this power acts as like the sphere of Matter.

System: most transformations are not that complex. The Storyteller sets a difficulty from 6 to 9 depending on the complexity of
the task.

The Stranger gains the ability to sense the composition of matter.

He may shift a penny to a silver penny. At this rank, he may morph small objects and only change their properties like
malleability, brittleness and breakage.
*** Now, a Stranger may be a able to alter and reshape an existing object (e.g. form a door at the side of a brick wall).
**** At this rank, a Stranger may morph objects and change them into complex machinery.
***** The Stranger that holds this much power is scary. He can do amazing feats such as alter roof tops or turn a trash
compactor into a car. He could even create a sun or an ocean, adding onto the realm.

Necros is the ability for a Stranger to take his spirtual entity and take the body of a dead human. They always appear to be male,
never female. In the film, it was claimed that they do indeed use them as vessels. Once, the body has been taken over a couple
changes take place: if female the body turns into a male, the skin becomes very pale, and the clothing becomes uniform to their
gothic appearance.

System: The ability is rolled versus a difficulty of seven. If a dead body is nearby, when the Stranger suffers damage he may try
and take that body over. He cannot take the body of a vampire. Only one success is necessary to achieve this. If the roll
succeeds over one success, then you achieve at one level faster.
For example, Mr. Pain has just suffered a gun shot impaling his chest but not touching his head. He rolls his Tuning of 4 (he has
Necros at 1) and gains three successes. Instead of him taking one week to merge with the host the other two successes allow
him to do it in one day (as rank 3). Although this does not increase his rank in the skill, it grants him a faster merging with the
host body.
One full week
** Two days
*** One day
**** Half a day
***** One hour

The Strangers developed Sleep through their collective consciousness. Eventually, all of them experience what others do. This
telepathic link manifests itself as a power to induce a coma-like state in people. This ability allows them to subdue any sentient,
although when mixed with Mind magick it becomes tricky.

System: The difficulty to command someone to sleep is the rating of his Willpower. The opposition may resist this attempt by
rolling versus the difficulty. Successes cancel out the Tuning roll. A mage with the sphere of Mind at any rank may roll Arete vs
the Tuning to resist. Then, he rolls Willpower to contest the roll again. If someone else possesses Tuning, he may roll to Tuning
then WIllpower like a mage.
The ranks are what you can do with sleep and a measure of power in the discipline.
He may cause the victim to fall asleep and not be disturbed by slight vibrations or bumps in the night
** The Stranger may cause the victim to stay asleep while a marching band plays outside the window.
*** Now, the Stranger can make the victim sleep through a war zone.
**** At this rank, the Stranger can cause the victim to fall into a coma.
***** This level permit a Stranger to cause a person to sleep himself to death. Avatars may awaken mages in this state,
regardless of power of the Stranger's roll.
Successes over the Willpower (+Arete or Tuning) roll indicate the amount of time someone would be asleep,
Successes Duration
2 turns
6 turns
1 minute
1/2 hour
1 hour
3 hours
1 day


Telekinetics is the ability to move objects by force of will. It even includes levitating oneself, as well as striking people from afar.
However, targets must be in the line of sight.

System: The difficulty of the roll is dependent upon the feat. In the opinion of the Storyteller the difficulty varies from 6 to 9, six
being the very easiest with 9 being the most impossible. When flying, for each success gathered they can move 30 feet per
success in a single round.

This first level permits a Stranger to levitate coins, knives, books, etc. He has limited control over these items. For
instance, he could not fight with a levitated knife at this level.
** He can exhibit exact control over small objects, fight with knives. He may levitate larger objects like refrigerators and
couches but not control them very well.
*** Now, he gains the ability of exact control over larger objects like couches and refrigerators. At this level he also gains the
ability to telekinetically strike someone, hurling his body back almost 10 ft.
**** He now has the ability to slow down his own momentum when falling or being telekinetically struck. He may roll his Tuning
to resist the force of the strike. Just like normal damage, difficulty six. His Tuning vs. yours.
***** At this mastery, the Stranger can fly complex maneuvers. He may replace dodge with his Tuning skill. He can move himself
faster than he could ever fly before. He gains the ability to hurl trucks or tear down a steel wall.

In the Entity State

Inside the head of each Stranger there lurks a mushy gelatin type radiance: the Stranger's true form. This blob can harness any
of its Tuning powers while in this state. Any social skills in this state are relatively worthless, consider them zero. It's manipulative
tentacles allow it to keep most skills although the Storyteller should carefully consider what it is allowed to do. If it is too complex
an action for the "blob" to achieve, it may substitute one of its physical abilities, like Melee, Brawl, Firearms, Dodge, etc. With its
Tuning, However, the blob must take either of the lower dice pool. Also in this state they receive a minus -1 to Dexterity and
Strength but gain an extra two dice to their soak roll, including Magick.

Sustaining Injuries
Strangers do not like sunlight or water. Both do aggravated damage against them. Fortunately for them, sunlight doesn't exist in
the City. Water is a different story altogether. Sunlight magickally brought into existence has the same affect it does on a
vampire during the day. The following tables are the soak roll difficulties vs. the magnitude of the exposure: Strangers suffer
normal wounds like mages, except if they are not damaged in the head where their spirit lives, then they may survive in their blob
form. Another choice is that they may choose to use the Necros power and roll their Tuning to take over a new body. If injured,
they do suffer the normal injury penalties.

Water Damage
Wound levels
Small splash
Glass full
Drenched by a hose
Dumped in a vat or swimming pool
Note: Unlike fire, which constantly burns away at its victim whereby they must make Stamina rolls every round for soaking, the
Stranger merely soaks once and it burns away like a vampire and holy water in some movie. This is not the case if he is
submerged in a pool.
The difficulty for soaking sunlight damage is the intensity of the rays and how much has the Stranger been exposed to. If he
takes damage, for every success not scored on the soak roll he takes from 1 to 3 health levels of damage, depending upon the
intensity . Magickally created sunlight, or realms with a sun are avoided for this reason. They work just the same as a normal sun.
Use the rules from Vampire: The Masquerade for sun damage.

Section Four: The World of Darkness

Mages: To the Strangers these test subjects are more fascinating than any other sentient. They claim to always interact with
their souls. However, it is very hard for them to interfere with their Avatars. Avatars always guide the mage to further
enlightenment and understanding of who he or she is. This is very hard to do when the mage loses his identity. So the Avatar
kicks in gear and makes the Mage remember at some point who he is! This is not a contested roll; this is automatic!

Vampires and Garou: The Strangers regard these as humans who must fight their bestial natures. This fascinates them
immensely. Both classes clench tightly to what little humanity they have left. This darker side is what the Strangers truly want to

Changelings: The Strangers are confused as to the identity of the Seeming and what they truly are in the Dreaming. Strangers
can see both when they bring them to the City. It is interesting to watch to say the least. Varying opinions of the Dreaming and

how it relates to humanity still boggle the Strangers.

Wraiths: Strangers study the wraiths indirectly. They assume if they can unravel the mysteries of the human soul with the living
then, they can understand the souls of those who have passed on.


By "Harlequin" ( (5 April 1995)
Beyond the Near Umbra, Horizon realms, Shade realms, Shard realms, Paradox realms, Dream realms and others, lies the other
worlds of the Tellurian; The Deep Umbra. Home to a myriad of beings in a myriad of worlds, the Deep Umbra truly is the last
unexplored reach of existence.
-=[Begin StarTrek Music]=Most of these worlds contain creatures, both supernatural and natural who can traverse the Umbra. Each explorer originates in his
'home' world and reality, and if he/she/it stray too far, they will learn that their powers are not always a blessing. This is the story of
those who found that the Tellurian can not only be a wilderness, but also a prison.
What most explorers don't realise is that each 'home' reality has a sort of gravitational pull towards itself, as it tries to reclaim a part of
itself. But as reality can be broken by a mage's raw energy and will, by the power of a vampire's blood, by faith and spirit, so can this
pull on an explorer break. Breaking from one world, they fly into the embrace of the nearest world, and the journey is not always easy. It
starts slowly, with the individual feeling cold and detached. Soon the explorer feels lost, and loses bearing. Then, piece by piece,
reality dissolves, and the character floats through the random void. Often the characters do not survive, as their very thoughts become
concrete reality, the smallest application of will an earthquake. This may last seconds, minutes, or in rare case up to an hour, then
comes what explorers refer to as the Rush. The Rush is the reality of a new world sucking in the individual to replace fluctuations in it's
own pattern. The world's magnetism is truly awesome in the shapeless void in which the explorer lies. The explorer appears in some
place in the host world's reality, where holes appear; magical firefights, gatherings of vampires, Lupine rituals. This also is a trial for
the character, but it ensures they are dropped right into the World of Darkness, but not before the host reality has taken its toll...
"I adapt to the unknown..." -- Metallica
The character, coming from another reality is already used to a different environment, but being absorbed from a landscape created
by their own psyche into a hole in reality, the are warped to fit into it. Depending on the environment they came from going to the place
they materialise radically alters the characters into a new lifeform that is tied to a new reality... Not all places in the Deep Umbra are
part of a reality set, in fact, only a minute amount of places conform to any reality.

Creating an altered creature

"Remember, we aren't here, none of this is happening." -- Air America

Determining your character's focus:

The character will have been pulled into a reality disorder created by a being in that reality. Depending on what being created the hole
the explorer will be changed to fit it. This is called the character's focus.

Vampire: Blood magic, or similar discipline.

Foci: Compat, Grine, Higant, Bragath, Luffe.
Werewolf: Ritual, gift, or as a side-effect of traversing the Umbra.
Foci: Any, barring Desparil and Escondu.
Mage: Any magic.
Foci: Any
Miracle: Any act of faith that creates a reality vacuum.
Foci: Compat, Luffe.
Spirit: A Side-effect from a spirit, or replacing a spirit in manifestation
Foci: Luffe, Compat, Grine, Higant, Desparil.
No apparent cause: A wildcard, the character remains as he was when in the void (ie: Pretty twisted). These characters become
Marauders and cannot be played by characters (See Mage for more details).
Foci: Neanon.

The character's form is roughly determined by the focus. The options of form are as follows.


FOCUS Str Dex Sta Chr App Man Per Int Wit Total

Dwarfed Grine

6 5

5 5


Higant 9 4
Standard Compat 6 6
Normal Mundane 5 5






5 5
5 5
5 5









Monster Escondu
Immaterial Luffe




The Character's Focus determines his limits, physical nature and appearance. You will notice that almost all the scores listed above
are superhuman. This is because in the scheme of things, the mind is the only thing which can remain unwarped, and all other
attributes are relative to life in earth as a whole, not just humans. The mundane are included as an example, and although you may
chose this focus, it is not recommended.

Attributes: Limits and Strengths

The above table lists the attribute maximums of each focus. They can be modified, providing that for each limit shifted up or down
another attribute from the same group (Physical/Social/Mental) is shifted the opposite way. No limit can be moved more than two
points. In the case of the Luffe, the physical attributes represent how solid they actually are (if at all), and though they may be bought
up, they start at zero, and move up from there. The attribute maximums for the Neanon are determined by the storyteller. If you wish to
create your own limits, split 49 levels between the 9 Attributes, for a balance of about 5-6 each.

The chemistry of it all

Thick Skinned +2: Str + Potence vs your stamina for a vampire to penetrate your skin. Only work whilst you are resisting.
Haemophiliac -3: If you get cut you don't stop bleeding without medical help. Kindred will find they can't lick closed a bite wound with
a lick.

Potent Blood -3/+6: Your blood is unusually potent. All creatures will desire your blood above most other things. They gain two points
for every one drunk. At +6, however, you may blood bond people to with three drinks. If you possess a bloodpool an disciplines you
can make Ghouls with your blood.

Poisonous Blood +3/+5: Your blood is poisonous to both kindred and mortals, though they will not know this till they drink it. Every
blood point drunk causes one point of (non-aggravated) damage. With 5 points spent on this merit, your blood is poisonous on touch,
though you may dextoxify it with a few rounds concentration.

Deformity -3: You have some deformity, that raises your social rolls by 2, and raises your dexterity roll by 2 in some cases, depending
on the deformity.

Bad Taste +2: Your flesh exudes oils which taste so bad that it anyone tries to bite you, they will become nauseous. The biter must
spend willpower each turn, or retch. Note that since vampires don't actually try to rip at your flesh when biting (unless it is a melee
attack) this does not prevent them from drinking your blood.

Mute -4: You have no vocal cords, or they do not function. You may not communicate with anyone vocally. You can communicate, via
other forms, such as writing, or sign language.

Missing limb -3: You are missing a limb. You lose two dice on activities that normally involve two limbs, provided they can be done
with one.

Strict Carnivore -1: You can only eat meat, and preferably raw. This can be an inconvenience in the wild where game is scarce.
Ambidextrous +1: You have a high degree of off-hand dexterity and can perform tasks with your off-hand at no penalty.
Armour +3: You have body armour, either external or internal that protects you from harm. Internal body armour gives +2 Soak and
external gives +3. Note the obvious disadvantages of the external armour.

Constricting coils: Your body is unusually long and muscular, giving you greater ability to entrap people. You gain +3 on Immobilise
Fins +1: You have fins, webbed feet/hands, etc. Your speed while swimming is doubled.
Gills +1: You have gills which allow you to breath underwater, providing the water is suitably clear (ie: Not next to a sewage outlet;
there is no oxygen in the water).

Fur +1: Your body is covered in warm fur, giving you +2 survival in the cold.
Spiked Tail +2: You have a tail which can be used to lash opponents for Str +2.
Bad Sight -2: Your sight is defective, you have a +2 difficulty to any dice roll where good eyesight is essential. This can be fixed with
corrective lenses.

Blind -6: You automatically fail any dice rolls involving vision. You cannot see -- the world of colour is lost to you.
Colour Blind -1: Colour means nothing to you, you can only see in black and white. You perceive everything in shades of gray.
No sense of Taste or Smell -3: You cannot taste food, or smell at all. While this enables you do eat the most vile food, you cannot
detect poisons and the like.

One eye -2: You have one eye -- choose which one, or determine randomly during character generation. You have no peripheral
vision on your blind side, and lose two dice in missile combat and any situation which involves depth perception.

Hard of hearing -1: Your hearing is defective, and you have a +2 difficulty on all hearing rolls.
Deaf -4: You cannot hear sound and automatically fail any rolls that require hearing
Life Beyond life +5: You do not die when you are reduced past incapacitated. Unless the damage done to you is aggravated, you
may heal by any means available to you, but suffer normal penalties until the wounds are healed. You die normally if the damage is

Claws +3: You have claws that cause str + 2 natural damage. If they are retractable it costs you a point from the most appropriate pool
(Rage, Blood, Will, etc) to activate them. Note that they only do aggravated damage if Fist of God is bought. For an extra +1 they do
Str + 3.

Fangs +2: As above for fangs, except they do not require a point from a pool, but they will do more damage if they aren't retractable.
This is the difference between vampire fangs and a werewolf's not-so-loving bite. Str + 2 for retractable or smaller non-retractable
fangs, Str + 3 for non-retractable fangs.

Alternate forms +3 (Each): You have two or more forms you can change into. These forms are made at character generation, and is
just a different set of attributes, and advantages. Note that this cannot change the intrinsic nature of the character, so only 5 attributes
may be different from the 'base' form, the skills remain the same in all three forms, and the psychology of the character must remain
very similar, with only 1 or 2 points of variation. This is mostly up to the storyteller, who should change these limits if there is a
justifiable reason for the character, and it doesn't overbalance the game. You can only do partial changes if you buy mix-morph. The
Storyteller should be careful with this, because it is easy to have a number of alternate forms, so the character can mix-morph into a
set of advantages appropriate for the time.

Fleet of foot +2: You can naturally run double speed. This does not give the character additional actions.
Mix-morph +5: You can change certain parts of yourself you another of your forms. You must roll your Morphing skill versus the
difficulty of that form. See Alternate forms for more.

Longevity: How long-lived are you? Normal aging rolls start at 65 so this is assumed as the default. These are the other options.
Maturity Old Age Cost
With Longevity Advantage
-Unaging 6

Bloodlust -5: You hunger for blood. You lose one point of blood per day, and constantly desire vitae. If you have the beast within it will
cause you to frenzy as a vampire.

Silicon physiology +5: Your body is based on silicon materials rather than carbon based ones. As a result of this, you make stamina
rolls with a -1 difficulty, and soak rolls with a -2 difficulty.

Don't Sleep +4: Your body is able to sustain itself in constant action without the need to sleep. You fatigue as normal, but have no
need to sleep. This is not to say you can't, just that you don't need to.

Ferrous physiology +7: Your body is at least partly made up of ferro-organic and ferrous compounds (Metal), giving you 4 soak dice
and -2 on all stamina difficulties (except soak rolls).

Undead physiology +4: Your body has ceased to function as a living body but you still remain alive and able to move. You are
invulnerable to radiation, unaffected by gases, immune to disease, etc.

Dormant Circulation +2: For some reason, your blood circulation and lymphatic system are remarkable effective. You hardly bleed
when cut, you don't suffer loss of blood wounds. The only problem is that if a wooden stake (or some designated material, be sensible
when choosing) pierces your heart, you can no longer move your body. Note that since you don't need your heart to keep you alive any
longer, this will not kill you, as it does to mortals. It also means that if your arm is torn off, you suffer only the aggravated damage, rather
than dying from shock.

No vital functions +3/+4: Your vital functions no longer determine your health. You don't need to eat, drink, or breath, and can't unless
you buy this advantage at +1 (Total of +4).

Heightened Senses +1 (each): You have unusually good senses. Each sense you enhance with this advantage rolls at -2 difficulty.

Ranked Society -8: Your society is ranked, according to accomplishments, honour and wisdom. You must obey Renown rules for
your powers, whatever they may be.

Divided Society -1: Your 'family' is grouped into Clan, camps, etc. You are constantly divided, and spend large amounts of time in a
powerplay, as different factions try to gain control of the Clan as a whole.

Affinity +3: You have a special rapport with another type(s) of supernatural creature. These creatures like you very much and all social
rolls are at 2 less difficulty.

Pack Society -/+ 0: You and your kind (or adoptive kind) run in packs. You may not have come alone into this reality, and maybe there
are others like you who run in this pack. In any case, you have the responsibilities and benefits of pack life.

Natural enemies -3 (Each): Your race, or just you yourself are hated and attacked by some of the supernatural races. Their motive is
to eliminate you, and only wayward individuals in their group would ever give you any sympathy.

Animal Affinity +1: You have an innate understanding of animals, and they don't fear you because of this. Reduce all roll involving
animals by 2.

Adoptive Tribe/Clan +4: If you have the correct powers, you can join one group, and buy powers at their costs, but you inherit any
weakness they have.

Bloodpool +10: You have a bloodpool. You can use blood to build up your physical attributes, power disciplines, etc. Your blood pool
starts at 11 and increases if you buy generation, or steal it from someone else (via diablerie). If you have fangs, you drink blood as a
vampire (the kiss), otherwise you must extract it from the blood some other way. If you have bought the beast within and bloodlust, you
frenzy on sight of blood as per vampires.

Rage and Gnosis +10: These two scores, commonly used by werewolves, are essential for gifts. However, both of them can be used
on their own, in combat and the spirit world. Your scores in these two start out as one, but can be increased with freebie points or
buying Spiritual Influence. Note that if you have the beast within, you don't frenzy while your Gnosis is higher or equal to your rage.

Regeneration +5: You regenerate one level of non-aggravated damage and one point of aggravated damage a day, in addition to
normal healing. This does not work in combat, though, unless the character has the appropriate gifts, or Rage.

Combat Regeneration +7: As above, except you may regenerate one level of non aggravated damage each combat round.
Gifts +8: You have three first level gifts. These are taken from a selection chosen by the Storyteller, or by the character, if the groups of
gifts are well defined (Select an auspice, a breed similar to any of your forms, and chose a tribe. These are choices only, they don't
enrol you in a werewolf tribe). Additional Gifts can be bought for 7 points each, 1st level only. You must have Rage and Gnosis to use
these powers.

Spheres of Magic +10: Your avatar has been awakened. You have one point in one sphere plus one per 5 freebie points spent on
this advantage. You have one point of Arete, a Quintessence equal to your avatar background, and are prone to paradox as are all
mages. See Mage:TA for more details. You are counted as a Hollow One (Orphan), unless adopted by a tradition. If adopted by a
tradition, you gain their special sphere, but must use foci as they do.

Vulnerability -5/-9: You are affected by the presence of a specific substance. While it is near, you suffer one point of damage every
other round and all difficulties are +1. Weapons utilising this substance do double damage. At -9, this damage is aggravated.

Weakness -4: There is a particular substance that causes aggravated damage to you when used in a weapon. If the substance
cannot be fashioned as a blade or bullet, simply the presence of the substance in the weapon (in the pommel, etc) makes it cause
aggravated damage.

Disciplines +10: You can bend reality to your will through blood power. You have one discipline, which can be chosen from any
physical Discipline (Potence, Celerity, Fortitude) or clan discipline, but only if you have been adopted by them. Each other discipline
costs 7 points each. You must have a bloodpool to utilise them. If the character has not adopted, he/she will buy disciplines as a

Spiritual influence (See Below): Your Rage and Gnosis are affected by some aspect of your host reality. In the case of the
werewolves, it is the cycles of the moon. You can buy more than one selection if you wish, though this is unadvisable.
Case 1: Gnosis 2 Rage: 5 Cost: 5
Case 2: Gnosis 2 Rage: 4 Cost: 4
Case 3: Gnosis 3 Rage: 3 Cost: 4
Case 4: Gnosis 4 Rage: 2 Cost: 4
Case 5: Gnosis 5 Rage: 2 Cost: 5

Fist of God +7: Your natural weaponry (fists, claws, etc) does aggravated damage to all supernatural creatures. One option is that you

must have a specific weapon to use this power. If you have claws and/or fangs, this only costs +3, but your claws, fangs, etc, are your
only aggravated damage weapon.

Raphael's Curse -7: Sunlight causes aggravated damage to you as it does to vampires.
Warped Reality -3: Reality can change as you develop negative energy. You suffer the effects of the Quiet if you gain paradox, lose
humanity, lose Gnosis, or botch on some powers.

Study points +8: You are able to learn extremely fast through research, and only a small amount of experience. You gain study points
for studying in downtime, to speed your acquisition of knowledge and skills.

Delirium -2: For some reason, mortals are terrified by your form. They suffer the effects of the Werewolves' delirium, on page 201 of

Veil +4: Normal people don't remember your supernatural abilities as do other supernatural beings. This is different from the
background Arcane, in that people do remember you, and your powers can be captured on film, but they tend to rationalise everything
(ie: Man in a gorilla suit ran in with a gun).

Patron spirit (See Below): You have been adopted by a powerful spirit. Sometimes called totems, these spirits lend power to their
followers, asking one or two small things in return. If you purchase the Totem background, the spirit will intervene periodically. The cost
is variable depending on the spirit. See W:TA and/or it's player's guide for details. With the Storyteller's help the character can have an
individualised totem.

Step sideways +4: You can naturally enter the umbra with some mundane focus. You must roll your Gnosis versus the Gauntlet as a
difficulty, or your Arete dice as in Mage:TA.

Iron Will +5: You are immune to all types of mind control. You have never submitted before, and you are not going to start now. All
willpower rolls are made at -2 difficulty.

The Beast within -5: You have the beast awake within you, and because of this you frenzy like a vampire, or as a lupine is you have

Garou: Step sideways, alternate forms (4), rage, gnosis, beast within, Spiritual influence, gifts, patron spirit (totem), natural enemies
(Wyrm, Vampires, Hunters = 3), regeneration, Potent blood (-3), Ranked society, Pack society, Mix-morph, Life beyond life, Divided
society (each tribe has camps), Adoptive Tribe, Agg. Damage from sliver.
+4, +12, +10, +5, +8, +?, +5, +/-0, +5, +5, +4: 58
-5, -9, -3, -8, -1, -2: -23
Total: 35

Vampires (Camarilla): The Beast Within, Life beyond life, Fangs, Natural Enemies (Werewolves, Hunters, Sabbat = 3), Disciplines
(3), Adoptive Clan, Longevity (Unaging), Bloodpool, Bloodlust, Dormant circulation, No vital functions (+3), Fist of God (+3)
(Claws/Fangs), Raphael's Curse, Potent Blood (+6), Undead Physiology.
+5, +2, +24, +4, +6, +10, +2, +3, +3, +5, +4 : 64
-5, -9, -4, -7: -25
Total: 39

Mages (Tradition): Natural Enemies (Technocracy, Nephandi, Marauders = 3), Spheres of Magic (5), Warped Reality, Adoptive
tradition, Study Points.
+10, +20, +4, +8: 47
-9, -3: -12
Total: 30

Other points:
Virtues: 7
Freebie: 15
Attributes: 15 (Split Three ways)
Max Flaws: -7
Backgrounds: 5
Abilities: 12/9/6

The storyteller can and should change any of the above if it is inappropriate for the game.
Since Deep Umbra characters are from a different reality, they may have different values. The following virtues can replace their
'human' counterparts. They do not all have to be replaced however. Optionally you can also replace them with Sabbat, or infernalist
virtues, but it is suggested that all virtues be replaced in this event as human and sabbat virtues.

Calibration: (self-control) How you react to circumstances, what you regard as offensive, etc.
* Aggressive
** Unfamiliar
*** Collected
**** Highly tolerant
***** Indifferent to petty 'human antics'

Sentiment: (Conscience) What emotions you possess, or how each of them are triggered by different circumstances.
* Steel-hearted
** Disoriented
*** Human
**** Sincere
***** Caring

Morale: (Courage) how you react to danger. You tend to follow other's lead in relation to danger. This is exactly the same as the
Sabbat virtue.

Any background can be bought providing you have the scores, abilities, etc, to use it (ie: You need a bloodpool to buy generation).
The Storyteller may wish to rule some backgrounds out however.

This can be tricky for Deep Umbra characters, as few of them are the same. The
following are a list of questions and possible answers, that may help you.
How did you become an explorer?
1) You were a supernatural creature on another world.
2) It was part of a military experiment.
3) You discovered an artifact that permitted you to step sideways.
4) Totally by accident. You were randomly plucked from your life and deposited
in this reality.
How have you adjusted to your new life?:
1) You hate it. It is your driving ambition to return to your own world and it
consumes all your time and energy.
2) You do not understand what is happening, but the life you left was one you
do not care to go back to.
3) You wish this had never happened to you, nevertheless, you were drastically
changed by the rush, and fear to go back because of your 'freakish' nature (At
least by your perception).
4) You realise exactly what has happened to you, and labour to find a way back.
You are forced, however, to interact with society in order to fund your research.
How did you appear, has anyone taken you in or adopted you?

1) You appeared in the middle of a vampire congregation. After they realised

you were not a spy, they gladly sheltered you, in return for your talents. (Or did
2) Your presence filled a gap created by a magical firefight. Already badly
wounded from your ordeals in the void, you almost did not survive. A mage
from the scene might have helped you, or perhaps a rival...
3) In the void, you saw a shimmering portal open. Hoping for an escape you
plunged through it, only to find yourself looking at some rather surprised
Lupine summoners. Depending on the tribe they might have explained to you
what had happened and what this reality is. Alternatively they might have tried
to kill you, believing you to be a Wyrm emanation.
Did you come alone?
1) You strayed to far from your group, and were pulled out alone because of
that. Your compatriots presumed you dead when you did not return.
2) Your whole group wandered too far, pursuing a trivial matter when you were
all pulled out. Your friends may have been scattered over the globe, or
appeared all at once. In any case you will have some of your own kind to relate
3) A friend of yours started to get pulled out, and you ran to save him.
Unfortunately you were both pulled out and deposited together.
4) A hated enemy of yours lured you into a trap, one which would have ended
your life if you had not been pulled out. Now you and your rival have come into
this reality, and have no intention of letting your grudges slide
On purpose?!
As you can see, characters from the Deep Umbra do not have an easy time of it. They are thrown into the most dangerous
circumstances with little or no preparation for the psychological and physical changes the Rush forces them to endure. But what if the
jump between realities was intentional? Where better to hide than another world? The chances of finding a single person in the
farthest reaches of the Umbra is infinitesimal. Your character might be one of these people, someone forced to leave their world due
to crimes committed there, or forced out by the regime there. You might be a hunter, looking for one of these escapees. It's obvious
that this is the perfect excuse for the 'Warlock' style game, where that character is tracking down an evil mage/whatever that has come
to this dimension to wreak havoc.
People who are employed to traverse realities, will usually be trained up by their sponsoring organisation. They should get a variant of
the following list to prepare them:

Basic abilities
Enigmas: 2
Etiquette: 2
Intuition: 2
Subterfuge: 3
Awareness: 3
Mindblank: 3
Total: 15

Complimentary abilities
Survival: 2
Investigation: 2
Total: 4

Hunter abilities

Stealth: 3
Melee: 4
Brawl: 3
Dodge: 4
Total: 14
You may take all the above abilities instead of the 5/9/13 ones, for the cost of 5 freebie points. The character also has one skill at 5 as
an area of expertise and 3 points to allocate to remaining abilities. The player should explain how his/her character became a hunter. It
need not be for reasons of tracking someone down, it could be that the character was trained for a recon mission or a research
Hunters tend to have powers that will aid them in their journeys, and so tend toward the following: if the hunter is awakened, they prefer
Correspondance, and life. If they have disciplines, they value physical disciplines and auspex. It they have Gifts, they tend towards
those of the Silent Striders tribe.

A sample character, race and organisation

A Deep Umbra Race
Focus: Neanon
Attribute limits: 6/6/6 5/5/5 5/6/5 Total = 49
+5 Life beyond life
+6 Longevity: Unaging
+4 Don't sleep
+4 No vital Functions
+2 Dormant Circulation (Iron/steel stake)
+5 Silicon Physiology

-5 The beast within

+35 Spheres of Magic (6)
+7 Combat Regeneration
-3 Warped Reality
-4 Weakness: Mercury

-12 Natural Enemies -> Technocracy -3
-> Wyrm/Nephandi -3
-> The Marauders -3
-> Werewolves -3<
+4 Adoptive Tradition/Clan
-> Akashic Brotherhood (For purposes of magic foci, etc, not linked to the earthen guild.)
-> Home Clan: Ventrue/Tremere

Total Weaknesses: -24

Total Merits: +64
Total: +40
Description: The Kethra are a magickally advanced society, where, through a process of evolution and a society free from the
restraints of a Technocratical organisation has flourished into a strong, moral race. Similar in mentality to the samurai of Ancient
Japan, the Kethra value honour highly and believe that it is up to each individual to master themselves and strengthen their family
name. Knowledge of the sphere of Forces is common amongst their society but spirit magick is reserved for military only.
A hundred or so years ago, a dominant clan of the Kethra, the Anasail, developed spirit magick, believing it to be that of
correspondance. When they started hitting civilian targets plague bombs, a rival clan, the Eli-Macharad infiltrated the Anasail's army to
discover how they achieved this devastating result. Later they were conquered by the Anasail and forced into subservience, but not
before a high ranking master of forces finally discovered that there was a rift in the Anasail's land, in their gateway to the deep umbra.
Soon the Anasail found it's exploring party had been lost into the gateway. All spirit research grinded to a halt, and only a few mages

study the rift, in the hopes of turning it into a two way portal. In this they have very nearly succeeded, and can already send messages
to their lost legion. They now hope that their operatives can subvert the Legion and return to liberate the Eli-Macharad.

The (Lost) Legion

The original pioneering expedition that was lost into the rift was a party of three hundred Keth, all of whom were not affected very much
by the rush. Although largely unaffected, the initial shock of their arrival was enough to spark panic amongst them, and they fired upon
what turned out to be a group of students, protesting in Tianamon Square, China. Their leader, Gejio Amachi, though fast on his feet
and instructed a withdrawal to the mountains nearby, leaving only minutes before the armed forces showed up to control the riotous
mobs on the streets. They trekked up across China and into tibet, seeking as safe haven. They came across a large, but remote Zen
Buddhist temple, under 'protection' by Chinese authorities. Gejio, determined to contact these monks who seemed somehow familiar,
entered the monastery alone, and at night. He met a lone monk, meditating through the night, and approached him. The monk opened
his eyes as if he had been watching through his eyelids, and spoke in the language of his clan, not that of the Anasail, for he was a
spy, but in the language of the Eli-Macharad. They conversed to the morning, Gejio intrigued by the monk's zen philosophies, and the
monk just glad he had someone to talk to.
Second-in-command of the expedition, lieutenant Meya Sabine, decided to move in on the temple once dawn came, fearing Gejio
had been taken captive. In truth, he had. A Chinese patrol of the monastery found him with the monk and knocked him unconscious.
The Chinese had taken the monastery into their not-so-loving hands because it was a martial arts school, one which now only trained
Chinese soldiers. Once past the guards at the front of the building, Lt. Sabine found no guards with firearms. A team of Chinese
soldiers did in fact find her while she was searching, but the unfortunate reality that kung-fu does not prepare you for hand-grenades.
After Meya had dragged Gejio back to safety (Something to which he still won't admit to), ten strike teams gutted the temple and
surrounding mountains of Chinese troops. It was during the attack on the temple that one of the Anasail commandos found that one of
the oldest monks was, in fact, a mage. Though he was a member of the Akashic Brotherhood, he was a master of the sphere of
correspondance, something which was like the Holy Grail to the Anasail.
With no way back, the Legion started to create a new life for themselves. The temple was translocated via magick to a floating island
in the Pacific ocean. Unfamiliar with the populous, they were unable to create any social connections. Later it was discovered that the
rift which had brought them to earth was still open, and though still a one-way portal, they could receive messages through it. It was a
great shock to them to discover that what they received was unwarped by the rush, and totally incomprehensible to them. A few off the
Legion's linguists have been able to decipher and relearn their native language, but, since it is so alien to them, they have had great
trouble sending messages back.
Soon vampires heard of these newcomers, though they did not know from where they came, and sought them out. The legion learned
that they could establish a strong powerbase by hiring themselves out as mercenaries. Now they are the hatchet-men of the
Ventrue/Tremere/Toreador Justicars, though they do subscribe to other causes. Usually members of the legion can be found amongst
the anarchs of a justicar monitored city. They do all this in exchange for money, contacts, social ties, allies, and influence. The Anasail
plan to seise control of China and force all other supernatural creatures away so that they can bring through an invasion force. The EliMacharad spies amongst them plan to subvert the Anasail in the legion and lead a supernatural army to liberate their kin.
Vampire: The Masquerade
Mage: The Ascension
Name: Gejio Amachi
Player: NPC
Chronicle: Legion

Nature: Visionary
Generation: --Demeanour: Cavalier Haven: Penthouse
Tradition: Akashic
Concept: Business





Animal Ken......**ooo



Other Traits
.............ooooo ................ooooo
.............ooooo ................ooooo
.............ooooo ................ooooo





Crippled -5 O
Incapacitated O
O (12)
Arete: 5
Paradox: 3

Note: This is not a starting character.

Gejio was brought up as a simple farmboy in the Eli-Macharad homeland. At age ten, he met a young soldier, who had recently
enlisted. Stationed in Gejio's town, the soldier spent quite some time with the young Keth who took so much interest in him. Over the
course of the summer, the soldier became like a brother to young Gejio, who wanted so desperately to follow in his footsteps. But as
autumn came, the Anasail invaded the boarders, and the soldier, Sung Zail was called to war. News came later that year that the
soldier had been captured in combat, and his fate was neither known or investigated. Gejio was heart-broken, his life never seemed
the same. Though only from a poor rural family, his parents saw he would never be able to work the land as they had, and sent him to a
city for education. Gejio buckled down at school and before long had a scholarship to a prestigious university. He spent ten years
learning there and became a force technician, working for a small power board company. Once again the Anasail made a new press
on the boarders, and reluctantly, the Eli-Macharad government put conscription laws into effect. Gejio was drafted into the intelligence
department, and was trained in infiltration.
Gejio found his new tasks much more satisfying, and rewarding, as he helped storm biological warfare installations. He had seen the
effects of a jumping-jack plague bomb, and had no problem killing its creators. The raids were directed at a ruthless Anasail tyrant,
Shen-tsu Norichi, the main exponent of disease warfare. The Eli-Macharad armies repelled all border attacks and forced all but this
sole warlord onto the defensive. He had mastered what he called correspondance magic, and could place plague bombs in the midst
of attacking armies. The Eli-Macharad were terrified of him, their men went out to repel his incursions and returned as monsters,
driven mad by chemical poisoning. Gejio was assigned to strike out at his residence, deep in the iron mountains, a reddish brown set
of summits, reputed for avalanches and volcanic activity. Gejio was to trek across land to Shen-Tsu's palace and assassinate him.
It took Gejio, now Lt. Amachi, three weeks to reach the town that had grown up around the despot's throne. Mostly peasants, he found
most of them sympathetic to his cause, but unwilling to aid him. So he and a five man squad snuck into the palace at night. They were
found almost immediately, by correspondance mages, they encountered very heavy resistance, till only he and his sergeant were alive.
Gejio knew he had to eliminate the mage at very least, so that the Eli-Macharad armies would have some chance, so he headed to the
most logical place: The turret with the greatest view of the surrounds. He and his sergeant broke down the turret door after an
exhausting climb, only to find the mage, and beside him, the now not so young Sung Zail he had known in his village, dressed as one
of Shen-Tsu's generals. Sung instinctively levelled his gun and shot Gejio's sergeant before realising who had burst through the door.
The mage sprang out of his seat, yelling "He's the one! Get him!". Zail put a bullet through the mage's head and screamed at Gejio,
asking why he had come. Zail had been planted amongst the Anasail by the government, and not captured in battle as he was told.
Footsteps up the tower stairs could already be heard. Zail instructed Gejio take of his clothing and bent over the dead mage. He put
Gejio's cloths on the man and warped his face to resemble another. Acting on Sung Zail's commands Gejio hid and shot the first
guard to come through the door, one of Shen-Tsu's lieutenants. Within minutes the scene was arranged; Gejio's sergeant had rushed
in and shot the mage, and was in turn killed by Zail. Gejio was now the brave lieutenant who saved Sung Zail from the terrorist leader.
In fact, he even earned a promotion, and was posted into the correspondance experiments, as way of reward. He became leader of
the Deep umbra explorations, and persuaded all the correspondance mages to join the Eli-Macharad cause against their
unscrupulous warlord. Days from his planned escape with Shen-Tsu's technology, Lieutenant Meya Sabine, one of the warlord's
dazzling and ruthless relatives was assigned to help Gejio, something which fouled his plans completely. No longer was he able to
speak privately with Zail and the mages, but he began to fall for Shen-Tsu's lovely but heartless niece. Plunging into a deep umbra
assignment he hoped to lose himself for a couple of days, to relax from the constant strain of his facade. He headed for the deepest,
darkest corner of reality he could find, with the Legion at his heels. They became lost, disoriented, and then they felt the Rush, their
very meaning being ripped into another world.
Gejio took well to his new world, especially to such disciplines as Zen, and correspondance, both of which he learnt whole-heartedly.
He remains committed to converting the legion, and has has some success amongst the higher ranks, but has yet to subvert the ultraextreme soldiers who support Lt.Sabine. Both Gejio and Sung Zail have been working on Meya to undo her mean exterior, but in spite
of this, she only seldom shows and form of hesitation or emotion. The Legion has been split in two, Zail's half dealing with clients,
Meya's half completing the contracts. Whilst Gejio oversees both sides of operations, he senses that Meya is concealing some of her

Roleplaying Tips
Everything is a deadly serious game to you. It does not matter whether you win or lose, but how you do it. Of course you don't lose, you
never lose. You appear calm and detached to those around you, but you are actually quite high strung, especially when Meya is close

(Said with a wry smile) "I'm not infamous, i'm notorious."

Powergamers, shallow characters, loop-hole seekers and the order of the

monumental coincidence
"Mellow out or you will pay!" -- DK, California Uberalis
Reality check time! What backgrounding do the PCs have? Have they come to find person X? Have they come to battle 'evil'? Hey,
they might even have come as tourists and got emotionally involved with earth and it's people. What would DC comics do without
caring aliens? The point is, that without a good storyline, Deep Umbra characters are very shallow. My suggestion is that you come up
with a raw sketching of powers/strengths and compile a list. From that, create an image, the appearance of your character. Then
create an attitude, the way your character does things, how she makes her mark. Take this case example; you could either say that
your character walks into a police office and asks if a certain person has been apprehended, and leaves when told 'no', or, the
character stalks in dressed in black, asks, and when told 'no', looks them levelly in the eye, and says 'I'll be back.' (Recognise this?).
Nothing too definite, just look for a style, a look, and a way. Don't be too precise, you'll want to leave that for when you create the
character. A note on attitude: you get a hell of a lot more respect if you have one. A friend of mine was asked why he was wearing
black (He's a goth to the core) and he said he was mourning the death of society. Word spread. He's infamous now. Even the wording
is important, for example, Hitler didn't sit in a seat, he occupied it. You need to develop their past life, their journey into this world, their
establishment and new life here. Without this, and a good deal of thought, they become two dimensional and uninteresting.
All Storytellers beware of power-gamers who want to create their ultimate character, of course one that in their minds is perfectly
viable, given only a few amazing coincidences. Possibly the first thing a power-gamers will do is look at the cost of getting gifts, magic
and disciplines all in the one package. Then they'll look at possibilities of vampires with rage and gnosis. Most probably the Storyteller
will have to hold a heavy brick poised above their heads and make growling sounds before they'll make a simple character. The best
idea is not to let them have a Deep Umbra character, no matter how sensible or simple, because with each new character type comes
a whole set of new holes in the rules. For example; using elemental thaumaturgy to turn yourself to titanium, and because of this,
immune to damage. Or using telepathy to hold someone in place. If you have Bardo, you can slaughter, slay, hack, maim and morris
dance without fear of ever losing long-term humanity, because with an hour's mediation, you can get it all back.
All in all I think the rules presented here are a little shaky, and it would be advisable to do this all under storyteller guidance, or work out
your character's concept during the prelude. In future versions of this, i'll add rules for Wraith, Faerie, and hopefully a full psychological
construction as well. Please contact me on the Realm of Kings, +(613)-739 6112, as Harlequin, or on the internet as or and give me your comments and possible advantages, rules
additions, etc. Don't be shy!


By The Mirrorball Man (

Deity: The Worship is an adaptation of the standard Mage: The Ascension rules. If you want to use this material, you will need
the Mage 2nd edition rulebook.
The purpose of Deity: The Worship is to allow players to play the roles of ancient deities, gods belonging to old pantheons, but
still roaming the earth in our time. Call them Aesir, Olympians or Heliopolitans, these beings are the offsprings of humanity's
hopes, dreams and cravings. They are the protectors of Reality, and the symbols of human culture and nature. I won't deal much
with mythology in this article. If you want to learn about Greek gods, there are better sources than this. The gods whom players
will create and play will be lesser divine beings, protectors of newly-created concepts or small things.
This is not meant to be a full game, just a funny digression. Obviously, English is not my first language so please be
magnanimous. This text is full of mistakes.
If you are shocked by the mention of the word "god" outside of a religious context, or if you are vexed by the evocation of pagan
religions, I really can't see why you would want to read this. You've been warned haven't you?

"Her ears prick forward: someone is praying to her. A young human female whose cat-companion was recently hit by a car.
The cat is beyond recovery, and Bast sends it an easy death. The effort tires her. She remembers when the prayers and
offerings swarmed around her at all times, uncountable, when she would pick, and choose between them, selecting prayers
on merit or on whim, accepting or rejecting offerings... She is beginning to be scared of dreams. Bast is getting old."
-- Neil Gaiman, "Brief Lives"
In the beginning, mankind needed gods. It needed explanations, structure, a world with a beginning and an end, something to
replace chaos and absurdity. And from the dreams of humanity, gods arose. They were created by mankind, yet they tapped into
a power beyond, into the divine. And the gods gathered, and formed Pantheons. And they gave Mortals explanations. They told
them how the sky was built, what was the true nature of stars, what lived under the surface of the ocean. They gave Reality a
form. Nowadays, most of these Deities have been forgotten. Their temples have crumbled; their cults have dwindled. They have
lost most of their power, but they still exist. They still cling to whatever in the Universal Consciousness fuels their existence. They
try and survive with the little worship Mortals have to offer, and they keep on protecting Reality from Confusion.

Character creation
Step one: Concept
Gods don't have Traditions: they are not Mages and are not interested in Mage's politics. They don't have Essences either. Their
Avatars, if you want to call them that, are tied with the things, concepts or people they stand for.
So here, proceed just as usual. Pick a concept. Post-modern gods can be anything from street artists to engineer to
barkeepers. You know how it works. If you pick a good concept, most of the work is already done. Then you can move on to the
technical part of character creation. First of all, Deities belong to a Pantheon. A Pantheon is a family or a group of gods who
share the same cultural origins and usually some blood. In this article, you can only choose between the Olympian (Greek), the
Aesir (Scandinavian) or the Heliopolitan (Egyptian) Pantheon. If you want to play Japanese or Indian gods, you'll just have to do
some research of your own. Gods belonging to different Pantheons have different advantages and drawbacks. They also have
different cultural backgrounds.
The second thing you have to choose is your House. Houses are categories of gods, classified according to the kind of things
they rule over. There are six Houses: Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Concept and Hearth. They bring advantages to the character. We'll
deal with them later. Then you have to choose your Dominion. Your Dominion is the thing you're standing for, the thing that is
under your responsibility. It's what you add after saying "I'm the god of...". Your Dominion must have something to do with your
House, obviously. For example, Cassandra Victor is the goddess of Goldfishes (it's her Dominion) and of course she belongs to
the House of Water.
You character's Title is her position among the divine beings. A character's title starts at Demigod, the first rank. She can then
get promoted to Lesser God, God or even Greater God. A character's Dominion changes with her new Title. If Cassandra, the
Demigoddess of Goldfishes, got promoted to Lesser God, she could become the Goddess of Sea Mammals, for example.
Then you choose your character's Nature and Demeanor.

Step Two: Attributes and abilities

Attributes: 7/5/3. Deities may have superhuman Attributes. A Demigod may have Attributes up to 6, a lesser God up to 7 and a
God up to 8. A Greater God doesn't really need Attributes.

Abilities: 13/9/5. Deities don't have superhuman abilities because they are limited by what they learn on this Earth. They cannot
know more than human beings do.

Step Three: Advantages

Seven Backgrounds points.
Deities have Spheres, just like Mages. However, they have to choose a Sphere which will be listed as their First Sphere, and
another one which will be their Second Sphere. In these two, Magick is easier to perform. The God has more affinity with it,
because most of the time, it is somewhat related to her House. Deities may learn other Spheres but learning them will be harder
and the Effects they'll produce will be less effective. Gods are not versatile creatures. Every Deity begins with 3 dots in her First
Sphere, two in her Second Sphere and one in any other Sphere. Gods can't have any point in Prime. They are tied with Reality
as it is, and can't control the Tapestry. They may, however, produce Life/ Forces/ Matter effects which require Prime 2, by
spending Nectar Points (see below) Gods don't need foci.

Step Four: Finishing Touches

Deities are completely Enlightened creatures. Therefore their Arete rating is irrelevant. Their use of Magick is only limited by
their control of the Spheres.
Willpower begins with five points.
Gods don't store Quintessence nor Paradox. Deities have two other traits that Mages don't have: Nectar and Reality. Nectar
represents the amount of divine energy stored in the God's body. It is not Quintessence and has nothing to do with Magickal
energy. It is the energy of belief, of worship, that gives the God its substance. Nectar is a rating, not a trait. It begins with 10
points and can't exceed 20 (for a Demigod), 30 (for a Lesser God) or 50 points (for a God).
Reality is a trait that represents the relationship between the God and Physical Reality, which they call the Mundo. A God is a
mythical creature and may be rejected by physical reality just like a Bygone. If a God keeps ties with the Mundo and with human
beings, she will be able to stay on this Earth. The Reality rating begins with ten points.
You may spend 15 freebie points.

The Olympians
For Mortals in the Western world, Olympians are still the most famous and familiar of Gods. Greek mythology is part of common
knowledge, and it has been used in modern literatures as well as psychoanalysis. The Olympian Pantheon is still part of
everybody's view of the world. Therefore, it is the strongest of all Pantheons. The use of its imagery in post-modern literature,
comic books and philosophy has also granted this Pantheon one precious gift: it changes. It is able to evolve through time, to
gain and lose members to adapt to today's zeitgeist. This is a great advantage, but it also means that this very dynamic
Pantheon is plagued with internal conflict and intrigue. Olympians are the children of Titans, forces that have built the universe.
Cronos, Ocean, Hyperion and a handful of others have created the first generation of Olympians, and have been defeated and
replaced by them as rulers of the universe. This is what modern Olympians believe, although they are perfectly conscious that
they are creations of humanity's dreams as well.
Traditionally, Olympian rulers have been the children of the Titans: Zeus, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon, and their children: Apollo,
Athena, Aphrodite, Hephaistos, Ares, Hermes, Artemis and many others. Zeus was the King of Olympians, Hades ruled over the
Underworld and Poseidon was the Lord of the Seven Seas. Recent times have brought many changes. First of all, Old Gods
grew tired of their jobs. Zeus left his throne and came to Earth during the 1930's. Since then, he has been in love with many
mortals and has spawned many new Gods. Hades has left his kingdom as well. He now roams the Earth and resurrects people.
He is considered a traitor. Hera, Apollo, Athena and Artemis have become very passive.
Three new Gods appeared just after Zeus left. They have been created to be the new rulers of Olympus and have been accepted
as such by most. Traditionalists call them "The Dukes" of Olympus; others just call them "boss". The Old One, Kremata, is the
God of Money. The Middle One, Dzetesis, is the God of Information. And the Young One, a child, Parresia, is the God of
Freedom. Together, they are building a new, more efficient Olympus, and are busy rightsizing and re-engineering its divine
forces. Ares, Hermes and many of the new gods are on their side. Olympian characters will probably be supporters of the
Triumvirate or Children of Zeus. Anyway, they will be caught in webs of intrigues from their birth.

The Olympians have always managed to remain very close to Mortals and to keep up with the latest cultural trends. They are not
at all limited to Greece. Their influence spans across the western world and is especially strong in North America. They have

discovered that they have affinities with Hollywood, comic books and other products of pop culture and are trying to use them as
new mediums to spread their faith, even in a watered-down version.

The Realm of Olympus is of course located in the High Umbra. It looks like a mountainous region on which huge and
magnificient greek temples are built. Gods live in the halls of the temples, grouped by Houses, and from there they can observe
the whole of the Mundo.

The Gift of Change: Olympians are strongly attached to Reality. Therefore, they don't have to perform a Reality check every
day. They just have to roll the dice after botches (see the chapter on "Nectar and Reality")

The Blood of Zeus: Olympians are creatures of passion and they tend to fall in love on a daily basis. Whenever they meet a
person of their sex of choice, they have to roll their Willpower against a difficulty of 8. If they don't get any success, they'll feel the
urge to court this person and may not regain willpower until they catch his/her attention.

Aesir: Creatures of the past. This is what we may become one day.
Heliopolitans: All their lectures about the importance of the Third World are nothing but petty idealism that belongs to an age
long foregone.

Mages: These Mortals are like Olympians. They promote change and enjoy intrigue. Avoid them: we have enough of that on our

Other Monsters: We have some ties with the Black Furies and some Sidhe Changelings. The King needs a court after all . . .
The Aesir
The glory of the Aesir among Mortals has been relatively short and local. They've been worshipped by Scandinavian and
Germanic people but their religion has been wiped out by the Christian Faith. During the 20th century, Aesir symbolism has
been used by the Nazis, bringing the Norse Gods a bad reputation in the universal consciousness. It also has been used in
comic books, but in such an upbeat form that it had almost nothing to do with the Aesir themselves. Therefore, the Norse Gods
are a dying race. They stand for things that have disappeared a long time ago and have lots of troubles adapting to the modern
world. For Norse Gods, the world has been created by Odin and his brothers from the body of the first Giant, Ymir, their
grandfather. They called this place Midgard, and nowadays the Aesir still do, although the term "Mundo" is in use as well. Odin
and his brothers also created Humans, Dwarves and Elves. The Aesir live in their Realm of Asgard, and are perpetually at war
with the Giants, who live in the Realm of Jotunsheim. The two factions deadlocked, and both are waiting for Ragnarok, the age
of war, when Aesir and Giants will fight for the last time and Midgard will be destroyed. This is not a very optimistic view of the
world, and most modern Aesir think that Ragnarok is close. Odin, God of wisdom, is the ruler of the Aesir. He is married with
Frigga and most of the Norse Gods are their children or grandchildren. Thor, Heimdall, Tyr, Freyr, Freya and Hela are the most
powerful and respected Gods of Asgard. The black sheep of the family, Loki, is Odin's brother. He is a trickster god, and
although technically prisoner in a deep cave, he might break free and regain his influence anytime. Some young Aesir think that
Asgard was more inclined to change when Loki was present, and secretly plot his escape. They haven't been successful yet.
The Age of the Aesir is long foregone. Nowadays, they don't have much influence anymore. They prefer to stick to German,
Scandinavian or English-speaking countries and are very traditional folks. They tend to have a cultural jetlag of more than one
century and usually spend their time brooding and waiting for Ragnarok. The most active of the Aesir hunt Giants and their
agents, and fight most Monsters that live in Midgard, and who could have a connection to the Giants. This includes Vampires.

Asgard is a grey and cold land, located in the High Umbra. A thick and damp mist is constantly covering the place. Every God
has a palace in Asgard. Odin's is made of gold and called Gladsheim. Thor's is so big it would take weeks to visit all its rooms.

Legacy of the Warrior: Aesir are born warriors. They were born to fight the Giants and are good fighting machines. Thus, they
always add their successes to their damage dice, even in hand-to-hand combat. And all their combat difficulties decrease by -1.

Heart of Stone: Aesir don't belong to this age and have difficulties learning new things. Any Ability or Attribute raise costs as
much as if it were one dot higher.


Olympians: These are vain and fickle people. They don't care about Mortals. All they care about is their little intrigues.
Heliopolitans: They are our brothers, but we don't share their optimism.
Mages: Manipulating Reality is a gift that should not be left in the hands of Mortals.
Other Monsters: We have friends among the remaining Faeries. Some of them even remember the Old Times. The Get of
Fenris, on the other hand, are working for the Giants. They must be eliminated.

The Heliopolitans
The Gods of Egypt have one great advantage: the Pyramids. Having one of the few remaining Seven Wonders is enough to
leave an enduring trace in the Universal Consciousness. Egyptian religion has been replaced by Islam, but most people know
about its imagery, and are interested in its mysteries. The Heliopolitans have also something that even the Olympians don't
have: symbols. The pyramid and the ankh are images that are almost indestructible in the Universal Consciousness, and as long
as they are not forgotten, the Gods of Heliopolis will not disappear. Heliopolitans have not the flexibility of the Olympians, but
they are not a dying race.
For Heliopolitans, the World was once a vast ocean. Then isles of mud appeared, and on one of them, the first sign of life, the
God Ra. Ra is the source of the Ba, the soul of the world and of all people. Ra, along with Geb and Nout -- earth and sky -- still
exist, but they are not active Gods anymore. Heliopolis is ruled by Isis, Osiris, Seth and Nephtys. Other important Gods include
Anubis, Horus, Sebek and Thot. The latter has gained influence in recent history, and some young gods think he should rule
Heliopolis. But Thoth is satisfied with his present status as Osiris' counsellor. The Egyptian Pantheon is fairly united. There are
no big court intrigues, and most conflicts are dealt with on the open. However, the organisation is loose and every God is more
or less minding his/ her own business. Horus, for example, has not been in Heliopolis since World War 2, and some young gods
who follow his path have never been there.
Most of the conflict comes from the frequent divergences of opinion between Osiris and Seth. The former is a fervent supporter
of humanity, seeing gods as their guides, and the latter thinks that Deities are the masters of human beings.
Beginning characters are likely to be following either Osiris, Seth, Horus or Thoth.

The Gods of Heliopolis have decided to be the protectors of the Third World. They have spread all around the world trying to
protect the enslaved masses of the poor countries. They are mainly dealing with practical problems, such as famines, wars and
epidemies, and don't spend much time studying the supernatural.
Since mass media comes from rich countries, Heliopolitans can't use it as a tool. Therefore they don't have much influence on
the Universal Consciousness. They are underground gods.

Heliopolis is Egypt as it never was. There are pyramids as big as mountains, huge walking sphinxes and beautiful temples. But
Gods don't spend much time here. They prefer to stay on Earth, or in their personal Umbral Realms. Heliopolis is just a meeting

The Force of Ba: Heliopolitans are masters of symbols and they're better than most Gods at using Magick. Therefore, their
Second Sphere is exactly like their First Sphere in game terms.

Children of the Nile: Heliopolitan Gods are not completely human looking. Most of them have animal faces, strange body
features or odd skin color, etc... If they want to bear the appearance of a normal human being, they have to spend one Nectar
point every hour (or to use Mind or Life Magick)

Olympians: They've always been devoured by hubris and narcissism.
Aesir: These poor Gods will not even last until Ragnarok.
Mages: Knowledge is a double-edged sword. Mages should guide humanity on this path.
Others Monsters: Bubastis, Mummies, Hem-Ka Sobk and others are close to our culture but most of the time they don't share
our ideals.


Gods of Air and Sky Gods used to be the most powerful of Gods. Zeus and Ra are Sky Gods. Nowadays, the sky is not as much
a mystery as it used to, so Air Gods are less numerous. Air Gods tend to be absent-minded and fickle.

Air Gods never take any damage from falling.

Gods are the masters of all the meteorological phenomenons, such as clouds, thunder and wind. An Air Demigod's Dominion
could for example be alto-cumuli clouds. They also preside over all kinds of gases, and over birds and other flying animals. They
are the gods of flying machines and of electricity. Theirs is also deep space and the stars. One might be the Demigod of an
asteroid. All kinds of pollutants are also possible.

Suggested Spheres
Correspondence, Forces.

Earth Gods have always been powerful yet unglamourous Deities. They are traditionally jealous of Air and Concept Gods and
tend to dislike them. Earth Gods are usually blunt and down-to-earth people.

Earth Gods always know where they are in the Mundo and in Realms that are not too alien.

Earth Gods are the protectors of some specific geographical regions. They are also involved with nature, plants and any animal
that doesn't fly nor swim. There's plenty of choice for a Dominion. An Earth Demigod's Dominion could be Nevada, Roses or
Diamonds, for example.

Suggested Spheres
Matter, Life

Fire Gods are quite rare, and most of the time they are not nice Deities. Fire has always been associated with destruction and
most Fire Gods are quite dangerous. Even the nice ones are moody and short-tempered.

Fire Gods are immune to the effects of fire and heat. They are also able to see clearly in complete darkness.

There are not a lot of Fire Gods, because there are not a lot of Fire Dominions. Fire Gods might be in charge of combustibles,
such as oil or coal, or of chemical reactions, such as explosions, corrosion or nuclear fission. A beginning Demigod might be
the Demigod of Matches, of Thermometers or of Hotplates, for example.

Suggested Spheres
Forces and Entropy

Water Gods have always been part of mythologies. The most powerful ones are associated with seas and oceans, but some of
them are also protectors of lakes or rivers. Water Gods tend to be secretive and lonely.

Water Gods are able to breathe underwater and are immune to all kinds of poisons.


Water Gods may be the protectors of a particular body of water, or of any animal that lives in the sea. Ships and submarines
also belong to their domain. They preside over all kinds of liquids, and there could for example be a Demigod of Tears or Syrup.

Suggested Spheres
Spirit, Correspondence

Concept Gods preside over ideas, feelings, systems, thought patterns and abstractions. Thoth is a good example of a Concept
God, as is Aphrodite. They usually are puzzling and difficult to understand.

Gods learn Knowledges as if they were one dot lower.

All feelings and theories might be Dominions. These might be political, economical or scientific theories. One could be the
Demigod of Pi, of ISO 9001 or of Bad Hair Days. These are always raw theories or emotions, not complex cultural

Suggested Spheres
Mind, Entropy.

Hearth Gods are by far the most numerous of Gods. They started as household protectors and are now responsible for the
incredible diversity of human culture. Most of them have an attitude problem, but you can never tell in advance which.

Hearth Gods speak all languages.

Any cultural construction might be a Dominion. Languages, trends, arts, brands are all possible. There could be a Demigod of
Coca-Cola, or of Short Skirts. Anything is possible.

Suggested Spheres
Time, Mind

Demigods' Dominions encompass the very particular, or the very rare. They are Gods of things people don't care about, or don't
have any use for. They may have Abilities up to 6.
Lesser Gods' Dominions are specific and dedicated. They are the protectors of small groups of ideas, or of unimportant ideas.
They have at least twelve Sphere points and they may have Abilities up to 7.
Gods' Dominions are broad, but not all-encompassing. They rule over important things, over things most people know and care
about. They have at least twenty Sphere points and may have Abilities up to 8.
Greater Gods' Dominions are more or less equal to their House. These are Very Powerful Beings; you can call them Incarnas if
you want. Giving characteristics for a Greater God would be pointless. In game terms, a character who becomes a Greater God
instantly becomes a NPC. If a character wants to move up one rank, she has to wait for a superior Deity to die or to resign. Then,
if she has enough Sphere points, she might propose herself for the new Dominion/ Title. A kind of contest might be set up in
order to determine who will gain the new Title.

Nectar & Reality

Losing Nectar
Nectar is the Power of a Deity. It may be used for lots of things. It might be used to boost First or Second Sphere effects, adding
dice to normal rolls. Up to five points might be used this way for the First Sphere, and up to three for the Second Sphere. It might
also be used against damage. If the player decides so, he may lose a point of Nectar instead of a health level. What should be a

gain of Paradox according to normal Mage rules is instead a loss of Nectar.

When creating Patterns in the absence of Prime, Deities have to spend a point of Nectar to fuel their creations.

Gaining Nectar
There are three major ways to gain Nectar: Worship, Ward and Witness.

Worship: A Deity may gain Nectar through direct worship. For ten people really believing in her (True Faith) she gains one point
of Nectar every morning.

Ward: Usually Nectar is gained when you do something for your Dominion, according to the Storyteller appreciation.
Exceptional actions grant the God with a number of Nectar points equal to the result of a Manipulation+Enigmas (6) roll. Daily
business (such as being a book seller for the God of Semicolons) produce one or two points a day.

Witness: Just meeting Mortals and living among them earns one point a day. Being in love or living a complete and enrapturing
human experience might produce even more Nectar (ST's appreciation)

Using Reality
Every day, a Deity must roll her Reality pool (difficulty 5) to see if the Mundo still accepts her as belonging to the order of things.
She also makes the roll after every botch that occurs during the use of Magick or on some extremely important action (ST's
appreciation). If she fails, physical reality doesn't consider her as normal any longer. She is immediately sent to her Pantheon's
Realm, and may not come back to the Mundo for an amount of time that depends on her rating.
Reality may also be used as a mean of Countermagick. It requires a Reality roll, difficulty 7. Each success cancels one of the
opponent's magickal success (just like Mages' countermagick)

Losing Reality
When the Nectar rating reaches zero, the Deity loses a point of Reality. The Storyteller may also decide to decrease the
Reality trait if a Deity is displaying too much Hubris or if she's showing her supernatural nature too obviously.

Gaining Reality
This may only be gained through roleplaying. The Storyteller might give the character extra Reality points if she performs
some task, or if she does something very hard and important, or if she makes a breakthrough within her Dominion.

Divine Magick
Deities don't have Arete. When they perform Magick effects, they roll their Sphere ratings instead.
Difficulties and experience costs depend on the Sphere. All Effects created with the First Sphere (including when
combined with other Spheres) are coincidental. Difficulty= Highest Sphere + 1.
With the second Sphere, all Vulgar with witnesses Effects are considered Vulgar without witnesses. Difficulty
(Coincidental)= Highest Sphere + 2, (Vulgar)= Highest Sphere + 3
With other Spheres, difficulties are +4/ +5/ +6
Experience cost for the First Sphere: current rating x 6. For the second Sphere: current rating x 7 For other Spheres:
current rating x 8
All Effects involving the Dominion directly, as a target, a location, etc... have a -1 modifier to their difficulty.
Paradox gain is replaced by Nectar loss (see "Losing Nectar") Countermagick Reality is used instead of Arete for
Countermagick purposes (see "Using Reality")

The Allies, Arcane, Dream, Familiar, Influence, Mentor, Resources and Talisman Backgrounds may be used for a Deity
character. There are also new Backgrounds: Cult and Heritage


The Deity has one or more group of followers who truly believe in her. This is a source of Nectar. The Cult can't be used as
a valuable group of allies unless the Deity has the background "Allies" as well.
Reality Rating Length of Exile
Permanent. The Deity slowly ceases to exist.
Ten believers. One Nectar every day.
** Twenty believers. 2 Nectar every day
*** Thirty believers. 3 Nectar every day
**** Fourty believers. 4 Nectar every day.
***** Fifty believers. 5 Nectar every day.

The Deity is the child or the offspring of an important being, a very powerful god of her or another Pantheon. Heritage is, along
with Title, the measure of the Deity's influence in Divine society. All gods will treat a Deity with a high Heritage rating with
The Deity is the child of a respected and well-known Demigod.
** The Deity is the child of a Lesser God.
*** The Deity is the child of a God.
**** The Deity is the child of a Greater God.
***** The Deity is the child of something beyond all that, a Titan, a Celestine or some Primordial Entity.

Special Advantages
Deities don't age; they may live as long as their body is not destroyed or cancelled by Reality. They usually don't catch illnesses.

Deities don't need to eat nor drink, although they may choose to do so if they want to.

Aesir: A Norse God
Asgard: The Kingdom of the Norse Gods. A bleak Realm in the High Umbra.
Confusion: A force opposed to Reality. It stands for Primordial Chaos, uncertainty, or mystery.
Deity: The generic term for divine beings who live on Earth.
Demigod, Demigoddess: Very weak and young godlings, usually in charge of a small and unimportant Dominion.
Divine: Of the Deities.
Dominion: The things, people, concepts over which the Deity exerts her influence. The part of Reality protected by the Deity.
Giants: Traditional enemies of the Aesir. Nowadays, the term is used for most supernatural creatures, such as Vampires,
Werewolves, Umbroods and Unseelie Changelings.

God, Goddess: Common name for a Deity. Also a Title in Divine society.
Greater God, Goddess: The ultimate Title in Divine society. Greater Gods are usually in charge of whole Houses.
Heliopolis: The beautiful Realm of the Egyptian Gods.
Heliopolitan: Egyptian God.
House: A group of Deities who share similar Dominions. There are six Houses: Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Concept and Hearth.
Lesser God: The second Title of Deities, between Demigod and God.
Midgard: The Aesir term for the Mundo.
Monster: A Mortal with supernatural powers (Vampires, mages, Werewolves, etc...) The term is slightly pejorative.
Mortal: Any person who is not a God and who may potentially worship one. This includes supernatural creatures.
Mundo: Physical reality, as opposed to "Umbra."
Nectar: The energy of faith, that creates and feeds Deities.
Olympian: Greek God
Olympus: The mountainous Realm of the Olympians. Located in the High Umbra.
Reality: Both Mundo and Umbra. Also the solidity of a God's existence.
Ragnarok: The end of the world for Aesir. Similar to the "Apocalypse" of the Werewolves.
Title: The rank of a Deity within a Pantheon, according to the importance of her Dominion.
Triumvirate, the: The three rulers of Olympus, Kremata, Dzetesis and Parresia.
Universal Consciousness, the: Also called the Paradigm. The collective force of human belief and superstition that produces
Gods and myths.

Ward: Gaining Nectar by protecting one's Dominion.

Witness: Gaining Nectar by living among Mortals.
Worship: Gaining Nectar by being worshipped by Mortals.

Dana Swartalf
Pantheon: Aesir
Title: Demigoddess
House: Air
Dominion: Carbon dioxide.
Nature: Traditionalist
Demeanor: Survivor
Attributes: Str 2, Dex 6, Sta 2, Cha 1, Man 2, App 3, Per 3, Int 2, Wits 3
Abilities: Alertness 4, Awareness 3, Brawl 4, Dodge 2, Culture 3, Occult 2
Backgrounds: Arcane 4, Resources 2, Dream 1.
First Sphere: Forces 3
Second Sphere: Matter 2
Other Spheres: Correspondence 1
Willpower: 5

Nectar: 10
Reality: 10
Image: Dana Swartalf is a tall Swedish woman. She has long blonde hair and nice blue eyes. Most of the time, she is hiding her
body under oversized woolen pullovers, and she puts littles make-up on, if any.

Role-playing hints: Dana is an old mannered woman. She is living like a recluse, with no electricity nor central heating. She
doesn't like the way the Mundo has evolved, and for her, Carbon dioxide pollution is one of the plagues that is destroying the
Earth and leading to Ragnarok. She does everything she can to promote pollutants and has often enough been the target of
Garou's suicide squads. She doesn't care. If she dies, another Deity will take her place.

History: Dana has recently emerged from the Universal Consciousness. As a Goddess, she is only 24 years old. She has been
accepted as a member of the Aesir, although most of them don't like the part she has to play in the order of things.

Joe Gold, the Mirrorball Man

Pantheon: Olympian
Title: Lesser God
House: Hearth
Dominion: The American Dream
Nature: Bon Vivant
Demeanor: Avant garde
Attributes: Str 2, Dex 3, Sta 4, Cha 7, Man 4, App 3, Per 4, Int 3, Wits 3
Abilities: Alertness 3, Awareness 4, Streetwise 4, Drive 5, Firearms 3, Stealth 2, Survival 1
Backgrounds: Heritage 4, Allies 4, Resources 3
First Sphere: Mind 5
Second Sphere: Time 4
Other Spheres: Correspondence 3, Forces 1, Matter 3
Willpower: 8
Nectar: 30
Reality: 8
Image: The Mirrorball Man looks like a skinny black-haired man in his late twenties, wearing elegant clothes, black glasses and
a stetson hat covered with mirror shards.

Roleplaying hints: Joe Gold is the God of the American Dream. He is the perfect synthesis of Elvis Presley, Abraham Lincoln,
James Dean and Rockfeller. He embodies the America of the fifties, a kind of wild innocence, of freedom that has left the United
States for a long time. He usually spends his time travelling from Coast to Coast and from city to city, and has appartments in
LA, New York City and Las Vegas.

History: The Mirrorball Man is the son of Zeus and Miss America 1956. He has become the embodiment of the American
Dream after being the Demigod of Italo-American Movies for years.

Pantheon: Heliopolitan
Title: Goddess
House: Concept
Dominion: Truth
Nature: Visionary
Demeanor: Judge

Attributes: Str 2, Dex 4, Sta 4, Cha 5, Man 8, App 4, Per 7, Int 5, Wits 3
Abilities: Alertness 4, Awareness 5, Intuition 5, Research 5, Cosmology 3, Occult 3, Linguistics 4, Lore (most of them) 5,
Science 4

Backgrounds: Heritage 4, Cult 5, Allies 3, Dream 5

First Sphere: Mind 5
Second Sphere: Entropy 5
Other Spheres: Life 3, Spirit 4, Time 4, Correspondence 2
Willpower: 10
Nectar: 50
Reality: 5
Image: Mat is a beautiful African woman. Her dark hair is very long, almost down to her ankles. She usually dresses entirely in
white and wears little jewelry and no make up. In her normal form, her skin is blue and her eyes are violet.

Roleplaying hints: Mat is the Goddess of Truth. She always has been. She knows more about reality than most Gods.
Nowadays, she is trying to help people all throughout Africa by working as an international lawyer.

History: Mat is the doughter of R. She has been in the Mundo since the Creation of Reality by her father. She is now working
on her own but is a strong supporter of Osiris.

The Sacrifice
By J.A. Stuart (
"I have earned the right,"
"I'm the Demon Knight."
-- Machine Head, Demon Knight

Legal Stuff
The film Tales from the Crypt Presents: Demon Knight is copyright Universal Pictures. This supplement is an entirely unofficial
use of the material contained within the film and is not intended as an official or profit making venture in any way, shape or form.
Likewise, these rules take the White Wolf Game Systems Roleplaying game, Mage: The Ascension as their base. Again, use of
these rules are unauthorised, and no infringement is intended. This supplement is not affiliated to either Universal or White Wolf
Games Studios in any way and should not be viewed as such. This supplement may be freely distributed on the Net but is, under
no circumstances whatsoever, to be sold for profit.

Excepting the terrible Crypt Keeper stuff, I was really impressed with Demon Knight. The idea of someone who is essentially
mortal, just with some bonuses fighting against such terrible odds is a compelling one and the tone of the film sits very well with
the World of Darkness. Demon Knights make an intriguing addition to a party, especially one with Magi, Immortals or Hunters
already present. I had fun writing this and I hope you have fun using it. Let me know how you get on.

Change History
Cleaned up Demon Knight Character Stats
Cleaned up Collector Character Stats
Clarified and expanded Key Abilities
Expanded History
Added stats for Duffy, Jerralyn, Brayker and Duffy's Collector

"The key was stolen by a thief called Cyrak."
-- Brayker
"In the beginning, in the darkness before God created the universe, something stirred. Something evil with a million different
forms, each intent on one thing, power. They controlled the darkness absolutely, focusing their power through seven keys, which
when aligned in a specific formation granted them absolute dominion over the void. And then they began to create.
Each of the forms began experimenting with its consciousness, transferring it into a myriad of smaller forms and, for the first
time, landscapes and worlds. When God saw this happen, he created the universe, shattering the plans of the darkness and
scattering their keys across the cosmos. They did not give up.
Six of the keys had been found by the Birth of Christ, the unfortunates who protected them massacred, their souls two of the first
into hell. All but one of the other keys were well hidden, while the last had found its way to Jerusalem, and a thief called Cyrak.
Cyrak carried the key for years, unaware of its power but never selling it. He would joke that it brought him luck and proved God
was watching over him, never knowing the truth, and the destiny that lay ahead of him. That would change when Christ was
Cyrak remained at Golgotha long after the crowds had left,long even after the guards had departed for the barracks. As the sun

set, he was joined by another figure, a ghastly, bestial creature that held a clawed hand out to him and demanded the key.
Terrified, Cyrak reached out to give the creature the key. A bolt of lightning struck it and he screamed with pain as the key
burned it's imprint into his palm. The creature, enraged, dived at him and Cyrak backed away, towards the three crosses. As the
creature reached out, some of Christ's blood fell on its hand, burning it and causing it to back away. Cyrak filled the key with the
blood of Christ and ran from Jerusalem and Israel. The Demon Knights had been born.
Since then, the final key has passed through two sets of hands. Cyrak, dying of a neck wound, passed the key on to Dickerson,
an American soldier. In 1917, Dickerson, filling the key with his own blood passed it on to a comrade, Frank Brayker. Brayker
carried the key until 1995. Every step of the way he was dogged by The Collector, the demon that had first faced Cyrak on
Gologtha, almost two thousand years previously.
In 1995, Frank Brayker holed up in Wormwood, New Mexico, in a Motel that had once been a Church. The Collector laid siege
to the building, until only Brayker, a young boy called Danny and a thief called Jerralyn were left. Danny, taken over by The
Collector, tore Brayker's chest open before Jerralyn could kill him. Dying, Brayker passed the key onto the young girl, who
destroyed the Collector and headed out into the world, having refilled the key with Brayker's blood.

Game Version
"That's the official version as it stood three years ago. Just recently, things have begun to change.
For a start, all seven keys are on Earth, and always have been. In China, a holy man's blood was caught by a young Samurai, in
Australia, an aborigine caught the blood of the last holy man of his tribe. Across the world, loners and outcasts were pressed into
service to defend the most important prize of all. None lived.
Cyrak passed the key onto a man called Dickerson, who was himself killed in 1917, fighting in the Great War. Filling the key with
his own blood, he gave it to a young American soldier, Frank Brayker. The chase went on.
Over the centuries, the garb had changed but the tricks remained the same. Every Demon Knight had a nemesis, an opponent
of equal status but far more power and with one purpose. Just as the Demon Knight protects the key, the Collector will do
anything to obtain it. They had learned to hide better since Cyrak's first encounter, and use others to aid them, but they had not
given up. The smiling American soldier that helped Brayker out of the foxhole, providing covering fire for him to get back to
American lines made him an offer. If Brayker gave him the key, he would live, have a long and happy life and return to his family.
If he didn't, Brayker would die. To illustrate the point, the soldier tapped an impossibly sharp finger against Brayker's cheek,
drawing blood. Brayker smashed him in the face with the key and sprinted away, listed as MIA, presumed KIA in the records.
He lived until 1995, when a demon tore his chest open in Wormwood, New Mexico. His key is the last the forces of good have.
When he died he was 83. That night, he gave the key to a young girl called Jerralyn, a thief from the slums who found new
purpose in defending the key and creation itself for three years. She was instrumental in recovering three of the other keys from
the Demons' lairs and getting me off my arse to help. We'd gotten three of the keys and sent three new Knights on their way,
when Jerralyn led a small group of Immortals and aware Sleepers into battle in the Orkney Islands. I was the only one to get out,
carrying what was left of Jerralyn with me. She'd been torn apart, and barely lived long enough to fill her key, the key handed
down from Cyrak, with her blood and pass it on to me. Since then, I've helped recover the fourth key, seen things I never knew
existed and lost far too many good friends. That's why I'm writing this down and mailing it to you, you see Nathan. You deserve
an explanation and I might not be able to give it to you tomorrow."
Patrick Duffy

Playing Demon Knight Characters

The Calling
"You got some balls man."
-- Roach
Demon Knights are amongst the unluckiest of the World of Darkness' denizens. They are painfully mortal, have no special
abilities and can only rely on the blood given to them, and their own resourcefulness, as protection. They voluntarily shun the
other races and keep to themselves as much as possible. There is a reason for this, known among the Knights as the Sacrifice.

The Sacrifice
"An American soldier called Dickerson gave the key to me, September 23rd, 1917. Funny how you remember the big dates."
-- Brayker
Only one race is eligible to be a Demon Knight. Sleepers. Legend has it amongst the Knights that the other races are tainted in

some way (One need only look at Spectres or Black Spiral Dancers to realise this) and that only they are pure enough to carry
the keys.
This is partially true. The reality is that the Knights are usually drawn from the criminal classes, soldiery or outcasts of society.
They are the people with the least to lose, and, conversely, the people who will fight the hardest. Each Knight has nothing to live
for but the key and becomes obsessive about protecting it, to the point that he will willingly die before passing the Key on if he
knows it's safe (Brayker's willingness to leave the motel without the key at the start of the film). In short, the Knights are drawn
from the outer reaches of Sleeper society because these people make the best soldiers.
The few advantages Demon Knights do have all stem from their key, the knowledge of their predecessors and the tattoo they
bear. They are listed below:

The Legend of The Seven Keys

"Picture this as a view of reality. Everything we know, everything all of us call home, all of us fight for be it Oblivion,
Transcendence, Ascension, the Umbra whatever, is a minuscule layer floating on top of the darkness. You see, the darkness,
and what's in it, have been there a lot longer than us. Try and imagine the civilisation, culture, technology that began to grow over
the endless non-time when the darkness was all there was. Imagine a set of seven artifacts, little more than an idea given form
(After all, there were no doors then, and of course, no keys).
"With these seven ideas, the creatures in the darkness (We call them Demons because it suits us to do so), began to change
their world, to shape it and make it their own. They began to gain power over the very fabric of reality itself. And God saw this,
and was displeased. He created the universe and scattered the seven keys across one small, blue world in one small galaxy.
Why here? Because he knew that sooner or later, a race of mammals would evolve, and discover the keys and what wanted
them. And, of course, what they would do to the Universe once they had them.
"That's it you see. I don't do this because I was called, or because it's an honour. I do this, we all do, because this entire conflict
is nothing but a Universal streetfight. We've trespassed on the Demons' territory; we're in the wrong. But we fight anyway,
because if we don't, the Darkness comes back. Just like that."
Patrick Duffy

The Key
"You mean that key's full of the blood of --"
"Some of it. It gets used you see."
-- Jerralyn and Brayker
Singularly, the artifacts (Shaped by the Universe into keys) wield nothing like the power they hold together. However, there are
several effects that are common to all keys and which the Demon Knights draw the bulk of their power from.

Gaming Information
Detect Evil
"Oh he's put something awful in there. Could you just empty that out, please?"
-- The Collector
The key will glow when pressed against the skin of something evil. Also, it will cause two levels of aggravated damage to be
done to a demon or a Vessel when pressed against them or in contact with them. The blood itself will cause three levels. Neither
amount of damage can be soaked.
Vampires with Humanity of 3 or lower will feel great discomfort around both the key and the Knight and will take two levels of
aggravated damage should they touch the key. The same applies to Black Spiral Dancers, Spectres, Redcaps, Nephandi,
Euthanatos and Technocracy Magi. On all mortal beings, the key will leave a disfiguring mark which will glow whenever the
marked individual is within 50m of the key, causing a further level of aggravated damage.

Blood Seals
When a drop of the blood is placed in the centre of an entrance to a room (This can be an air vent, window, cat flap etc as well
as a normal door) it will create a shield, known as a "Bloodseal", through which demons or anything evil (Humanity 3 or lower)
cannot pass. These seals last six hours and must then be renewed.

Blood seals will cause eight levels of aggravated damage, which also cannot be soaked. However, unless the timing is exactly
right (Difficulty 8 on WITS), a demon must be pushed into the seal. This requires a STRENGTH roll of Difficulty 8.

Aging Freeze
From the moment Demon Knights receive the tattoo, their age is frozen. While they continue to learn and grow as a personality,
their physical age freezes. This is best shown in the film by the fact that Brayker was in his mid-30s(At least)in World War I and
looks exactly the same age in 1995. In effect, this is identical to the Age Freeze which occurs when an Immortal receives her
Awakening Wound.

The Past
"I'm just an old man who's running out of time."
-- Brayker
On receiving the key, the Demon Knight also receives the sum knowledge of all the Demon Knights who held that key before
him. To use Duffy as an example, he has the total life experience and abilities of Cyrak, Dickerson, Brayker and Jerralyn before
him. The sum total of their experiences with the Demons and Vessels also allows him to recognise them more easily, even
without the key.
What abilities the Knight gains is entirely dependent on who's had the key before him. For example, Duffy would gain something
like the following skills from the other Knights.

Pickpocketing, Manipulation, Psychology, Human Perception, Occult Lore, Ancient Hebrew, Stealth
Dickerson:Brawl, Dodge, Firearms, Leadership, Awareness
Brayker: Weapons skills, Drive, Small Unit Tactics, Melee, French, Survival, Subterfuge, Occult, Cosmology
Jerralyn: Streetwise, Law, Athletics
A certain amount of stat increase also occurs. Brayker, on his death, had WITS and PERCEPTION of 6, simply because of the
length of experience and knowledge he'd absorbed from Cyrak. Conversely, Social attributes decrease by one for every year
spent as a Demon Knight, simply due to the pressures of the lifestyle. An example of this is how Brayker eats and behaves when
he first arrives. He's acting more like a feral animal than a human being.

Effect on Stats: WITS Difficulty 4 without the key to recognise Collectors, Demons or Vessels.
MENTAL attributes all increase by three, SOCIAL attributes decrease by one for every year as a Knight. PHYSICAL doesn't
change, simply due to the difference in gender and size of each successive Knight.

Multiple Key Abilities

On the most basic level, the keys are one vast tool kit. When combined, they form a magical device of such complexity that it can
manipulate creation at every level. Not all the keys need to be present to achieve this, but all the keys must be present to make
the result permanent.
The best example of this is how the keys have been used down the centuries, with the Demons manipulating history to their own
ends. The hatred felt towards Vietnam vets was a result of five keys being used together to isolate and alienate a group of
society which, it was extremely likely, the next Demon Knight would be drawn from.

Gaming Terms: The keys being used together is a very difficult process to run in a game, simply because of their incredible
power. The outline below should act as a guide for duration, but the change itself should be GM's discretion. Some examples
would include:
Changing reality so the current Demon Knight has committed a terrible crime, and is hunted across the country.
Changing the laws of physics so, if the Demon Knight is using a weapon which can actually slow up his Collector, it malfunctions.
Manipulating a Knight's inherent counter-magic so, instead of an attack killing him, it's redirected towards a loved one or his
potential successor.
Duration Table
Amount of Keys Duration
1 Day
1 Week
1 Month
1 Year


1 Decade

The Tattoo
"When your time's up, you'll do what I've just done."
-- Brayker
The tattoo was burned onto Cyrak's palm when the bolt of lightning struck the key in his hand. It consists of seven stars which,
when the Knight first receives the tattoo are arranged in a circle. These then arrange themselves into a pattern unique to the
Knight (Duffy's for example, forms a pyramid). As the Knight's time decreases, the stars rearrange themselves into the circle.
Once the circle is complete again, the Knight receives the Call.

The Call
"Just the place I was looking for."
-- Brayker
When a Knight's time is finished, he begins to search for a group of seven people. Once he finds them, the Knight knows that
one of them has the potential to be his successor and will stay with them until he can assess which one it is. In Brayker's case,
he realised Jerralyn was the one simply because she was the last one left alive.

The Rules
"Seven people, seven keys. It's like tumblers turning in a lock...Hey I don't make the rules!"
-- Brayker
The Call is the one point in a Demon Knight's life when he is genuinely vulnerable, simply because of how specific he has to be:
The area where the group is must be fairly deserted.
The group he interacts with must not number seven.
Once the tattoo has told him who he must work with, the Knight must help them and protect them for as long as possible.
Even if the group should number seven, the Knight must stay with them until the tattoo lets him know which one will be his
successor. It's not a question of the tattoo causing the Knight physical pain if he leaves; he simply cannot leave. He is obligated
to protect these people until he can pass the key on, and the Collectors have made merciless use of this obligation in the past.
Time and time again, Knights have lived their entire time with the key, only to be killed just as they hand it on.
The tattoo's powers are only hinted at in the film (Brayker mentions that the motel was "just the place he was looking for" and that
the tattoo will tell Jerralyn "All she needs to know." As a result, it should be treated like the intermittent Immortal ability, The Last.
It should tell the Demon Knight small pieces of information specific to him, such as how close the Collector is to him, a rough
idea of his forces etc.

Other Abilities
"Cyrak died, a talon caught the artery just here."
-- Brayker
Another aspect of the Knights' luck is their natural resilience. Even physical attacks don't seem to harm them as much as they
would others. Bullet wounds become grazes, or wounds that are treatable instead of fatal and the Knight develops a natural
sense for "The right moment to leave." Like the anti-magic, this is an unconscious skill and, like the anti-magic, has a payoff.
Knights, when they do wound, wound spectacularly and will often die from it. This is viewed by many as their "Karma" catching
up with them and this wound often heralds the passing on of their key. Gaming Terms: All successful hits against a Demon
Knight have the two highest dice removed once rolled. However, every successful attack is recorded and periodically (GM's
discretion, every six times, every twelve, etc), four dice are added to the successful hit.

Inherent Anti-Magic
"You'd fight and you were right, but they were just too strong,
That's why I say Hey Man Nice Shot."
The Filters, Hey Man Nice Shot
Demon Knights cannot be tempted or possessed by Collectors, Vessels or Dummies. Likewise, any coincidental magic
practised on them will simply not work and usually reverse (A Magi attempting to make a Knight lose his balance will do so
himself, that kind of thing). Likewise vulgar magic will simply redirect itself to the nearest available target(Look how many
demons Brayker killed and never once got hit by the eyebeams). The Demon Knight is by no means untouchable, they simply
have to be physically attacked. Magical attacks will not work.

Gaming Terms: All magic rolls (Vampire, Werewolf, Magi, Wraith and Changeling) have their difficulty increased by 4 when
directed against a Demon Knight.

Bad Impressions
"Dad!Dad! There's a man trying to steal your car!"
-- Danny
Demon Knights create the wrong impression. Perhaps it's the fact that they are outcasts to begin with or the desperate
measures they take to protect their keys, but they are rarely welcome. Sleepers instinctively shun them, while the Awakened treat
them with cautious respect.
In fact, Sleepers will often suspect them of criminal activity and report them to the local police. This is usually due to some
attempted crime (Brayker stealing the car) or simply because of the way they look and act. Life is hard on the Knights, and the
social niceties most people expect are quickly eroded. In effect, the Knight's natural luck avoiding magical attacks is balanced
by their continual, mundane bad luck.

Gaming Terms: No Knight's charisma may rise above 2. If it's above 2 to begin with, it's eroded by one point for every battle the
Knight has until it's down to 2.
The Knight automatically gets Arcane at 3, but the ability works slightly differently. The emphasis should be placed on bad luck,
instead of the balanced ability it normally is. Knights will be mistaken for wanted murderers, or be accosted by an old friend at
just the wrong moment, or dragged in to the police station for a line up. In short, the wrong things will always happen to Knights at
the wrong time, and they will usually happen in threes. (The one payoff this ability has is the Knight's natural immunity to

Stat Listings for Demon Knight Characters

Attributes: 8/6/5
Abilities: 15/11/6
Backgrounds: 3
Willpower: 9
Arcane: 2 (See above)
Occult: 3 (As a result of past experience)
Incapacitated -5

Note: All stat and ability changes are cumulative (Example: A Knight with a WITS of 3 could boost it to 4, 5 or 6).

The Opposition
"I know, I know. Sell your soul, become a demon, look like shit. What's the payoff?"
-- The Collector
There is a specific type of Demon assigned to the Knights. Known as Collectors, these beings are created with one thing in

mind: To gain the key the Knights carry, and they will do anything at all to achieve this.
A Collector is specially assigned to each Knight, and, like the Knight, it is given a set time in which to obtain the key. If it fails, it
are demoted or, in extreme cases, simply used as another damned soul. As a result, the Collectors are relentless in their pursuit
of the Knights, simply because they know what fate awaits them if they aren't.
Collectors are renowned for their genuinely evil sense of humour, and they take great delight in becoming the ultimate stereotype
of the Knight they're chasing (Brayker's Collector being a cowboy while Jerralyn's looks like something out of a Blaxploitation
movie). However, regardless of what they look like, there will always be one thing that marks them as a Collector. Their case.
Designed to carry the key, the case will always be impossibly battered and old looking and the interior, when opened, will be red
velvet. Collectors are nothing if not stylish.

Stats for Collector Characters

Taken from the Net Supplement Daemon copyright 1995 by Frank Torkel and Joshua Fairfield. The section detailing the Boons
Itinerate and Metamorph is reproduced verbatim from that supplement.
Collectors are a unique form of Diabolos daemon and are in a very awkward position in the power structure. They are continually
belittled and looked down upon, but have the potential to be impossibly powerful and, as such, have the grudging respect of
many of the ilks. Also, the Collectors have learned several new tricks over the years, abilities which even frighten the Ilks.

The Itinerate Boon, founded by the Diabolos, was the first Boon allowing the Daemons to travel to other areas, once off-limits to
them. This Boon also allows the Daemon to get around on earth better than usual.
* Double land speed
** Swim at ordinary land speed
*** Enter Shadowlands; enter any Umbral realm
**** Can travel to Hel in two turns; full flight w/ wings
***** Can travel to Hel in one turn; teleportation, 50 foot radius
System: All automatic except for Vim. At level three however, to enter a hidden or secret Umbral Realm, the Daemon must role
Itinerate + Wits, difficulty seven.

This Boon grants the Daemon the using to alter her appearance, allowing for better secrecy or manipulation tactics.
* Organic materials may be reproduced; i.e. the eyes
** Skin tones may be altered and changed
*** Flesh may be shaped
**** Bone structure can be altered
***** Can fully alter form, but no mass can be gained or lost
System: All rolls require Metamorph + Body Alteration with a base difficulty of seven. Lost appendages and limbs may be
regrown at level five with a base difficulty of eight.

New Boons
Dragon's Teeth
A very, very nasty boon, created when a Collector saw an old rerun of Jason and the Argonauts. Wherever the Collector scatters
his blood, a "Dummy" is born, completely under his control.
* Two every twelve hours
** Four every twelve hours

*** Six ever six hours

**** Eight every six hours
***** Ten every six hours

The Number Seven

"I thought you'd be safe! There were only five of you, until he arrived with Bob and The Sheriff. They need seven people you
see. Seven people, seven keys, it's like keys, tumbling in a lock."
-- Brayker
A Collector has relatively little power under normal circumstances. They can create Dummies , but these only last twelve hours.
However, if the Demon Knight is amongst a group of seven people, The Collector can attempt to manipulate them into betraying
the Demon Knight. The number seven, The Collectors like to say, "Opens doors." On one level, they draw power from it because
of the amount of keys originally created. However, they also seem to draw power from it on a more symbolic level. Brayker's
Collector once mentioned that odd numbers "Leave holes," implying that an even number of people form some sort of
unconscious psychic shield around each other. Duffy, when he can, is researching this possibility but has had little time to draw a
definite conclusion.

"What are those things? Demons?"
-- Irene and Brayker
Dummies are the simplest, and nastiest of the Collector's weapons. He simply gathers all the Wraiths of the surrounding area,
makes their Shadow flesh and blood and traps them within its body. This is only temporary, with the body crumbling at dawn, but
while it exists, the Dummy is almost indestructible. More importantly,the Wraith is so disgusted, by itself and by its situation, that
it will do anything for the Collector as long as it's returned to the relative peace of the Shadowlands.
Dummies are incapable of speech, and are utterly hideous. Their flesh is constantly rotting and their pointed, bestial faces are
curled back in a perpetual snarl of agony and fury. They are impossible to kill in any way other than by shooting or stabbing them
in the eyes, whereupon the Wraith escapes in an explosive burst of energy.

Gaming Terms
Attributes: 12/0/3(12 on Physical, 3 on Mental and 0 on Social. They have no social attributes at all, but retain the standard one
dot in each Mental and Physical Attribute before points are applied.)
Abilities: 13/0/0 (All points to go on talents such as Alertness, Athletics etc).
Backgrounds: Not applicable
Willpower 9

Demon Knights in the World of Darkness

Knight's Viewpoint
Vampires: Trust them only if no one else is left. It's no accident that, like our foes, they can only move at night. Remember who
they're descended from.

Werewolves: Misguided fools, spending the rest of eternity atoning for sins which they've already been forgiven for. They will
help you, but again, tread carefully. Some embrace the fate they believe awaits them.

Magi: Don't believe them, don't trust them, don't go near them if you can help it. The Chorus helped us once but they've been

Magi: Don't believe them, don't trust them, don't go near them if you can help it. The Chorus helped us once but they've been
tainted, more than they could possibly imagine. Of the others, the Trenchcoaters share some of our knowledge but lack the
ability to act on it. The rest? Childish fools. Avoid them and don't anger them.

Wraiths: Sad, pathetic creatures tied to the world they left by their unwillingness to break their bonds. They'll either help you or
turn on you, often both. Trust them but watch your back.

Changelings: Beings of such stupendous power should be mature. These people aren't. Many of them will help you if they feel
like it, others are simply incapable of dealing with the magnitude of our quest. If you accept their help, be aware that a favour will
be expected in return. Such favours are never easy to pay off.

Immortals: Our closest friends. They understand our desire for isolation and the problems our lifestyle brings. Also, they are the
hardest to kill for our enemies. Pick your allies well, but make Immortal friends, they can and will help you.

Mummies: Too much like our enemies for comfort. Their hunger for knowledge will lead them to our keys and then, we will have
to kill them.

Race's Viewpoint
The Camarilla: Fascinating individuals, and more than a little sad. They're so tied up in their delusions of grandeur that they
won't even enter into a little deal, help for information. Help them only if you can get them in our debt.

The Sabbat: (Laughter). Boy are you in for a shock on Gehenna!

Werewolves: Honoured warriors of Gaia, they revel in their isolation. To have a Knight accept help is a great honour, as is to
have one acknowledge you. Protect them, and treat them with the respect they have earned.

Technocracy: Fascinating! They believe so strongly in the power of their keys that they actually create the beings that follow
them! Of course, to create such an omnipotent adversary is indicative of major league psychological damage. Clearly the
psyche of humanity has been more badly damaged than we first suspected.

Celestial Chorus: There were, difficulties, some years ago, Knights were killed in error. Since then, they have shunned us
unless absolutely necessary, and with some justification. We desire reconciliation but, until then, must aid our brethren from afar.

Other Traditions: What a fascinating key? May I see that?

Wraiths: Brave men and women; help them when you can. They may prove to be the salvation of us all.
Hierarchy: Be sure to find them when they die. Their souls make exquisite weaponry.
Changelings: Another little game that humanity plays. Their stakes are higher than others, but the game remains the same. And
it is so much fun to see them posture and struggle. Excellent toys.

Patrick Duffy
Name: Patrick Duffy
Strength ***
Dexterity **
Stamina ***
Alertness ***
Athletics **
Brawl ***
Dodge ***
Expression ****
Intuition ***
Streetwise ****
Subterfuge **
Arcane ***
Resources **
(Isle of Man House)

Nature: Visionary Demeanour: Cynic

Charisma **
Perception ****
Manipulation *** Intelligence *****
Appearance * Intelligence *****
Drive ***
Cosmology ***
Etiquette ***
Enigmas ****
Firearms ***
Investigation ****
Research ****
Law **
Stealth ****
Medicine ****
Melee ***
Occult *****
Survival ****
Technology ***

(York Flat)
Library *
(Backdoor into First Fifteen system)

Incapacitated -5

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: A tall, bulky man with a perpetual scowl or look of concern. His dark hair is thinning and cropped
very close to his head and a pair of glasses is perpetually jammed onto his face. He habitually wears a long, padded green coat,
black fingerless gloves and, on occasion a battered NASA baseball cap (Duffy swears blind this was given to him by the
Commander of the secret Apollo 20 mission). Carries the Key on a handcuff chained to his right hand (Duffy is presently
exploring the possibility of having the handcuff bonded with his skin).

Jerralyn Baxter
Name: Jerralyn Baxter Nature: Loner Demeanour: Survivor
Strength ***
Charisma *** Perception ****
Dexterity ****
Manipulation ** Intelligence ****
Stamina ***
Appearance *** Wits *****
Alertness ****
Drive ***
Cosmology **
Athletics ****
Etiquette **
Enigmas ***
Brawl **
Firearms ***
Investigation ***
Dodge ****
Research **
Law ****
Expression ***
Stealth *****
Medicine ***
Intuition ****
Melee ****
Occult *****
Streetwise *****
Survival *****
Subterfuge ***
Technology **
Arcane ****
Incapacitated -5
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: A slight, athletic black woman in her mid-20s. Her hair is dyed blonde and cropped very close to her
head, usually hidden beneath a bandana. She is perpetually cautious, evaluating situations and people before speaking, let
alone making an acquaintance. Dresses in work clothes and perpetually carries a 25 litre; whatever weapons she can steal a
change of clothing. Carries the key on a necklace, hidden beneath her outer layer of clothing.

Frank Brayker
Name: Frank Brayker Nature: Survivor Demeanour: Director
Strength ****
Charisma *
Perception *****
Dexterity ***
Manipulation *
Intelligence ****
Stamina *****
Appearance **
Wits *****
SKILLS Drive ***** KNOWLEDGES Cosmology ****
Alertness *****
Etiquette *
Enigmas *****
Athletics ***
Firearms *****
Investigation ****
Brawl ****
Research *
Law ****
Dodge ***
Stealth *****
Medicine ****
Expression ***
Melee *****
Occult *****
Intuition ****
Survival *****
Streetwise *****
Technology **
Subterfuge *
Arcane *****

Arcane *****


Incapacitated -5

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Average length brown hair, 6'1 and stocky, Brayker still has the bearing and physique that his time
in the military gave him. However, anyone looking in his eyes would see a curious mixture of desperation, terror, fatigue and
pride. Brayker has been a Knight for 50 years and it shows. His voice is husky and tired when he speaks and his social skills, to
say the least, leave a lot to be desired. As a result, Brayker isolates himself from the very people who could help him. However,
those that do manage to break through the veneer find a very lonely, very tired man who desperately needs help and rest. He
perpetually wears combat fatigues, a leather jacket and a single fingerless glove, covering his tattoo.

Duffy's Collector
(Created using the DAEMON rules by Frank Torkel and Joshua Fairfield)
Name: The Collector Nature: Conniver
Demeanour: Jester
Ilk: Diabolos
Infernal Ranking: ***
Strength ******
Charisma *******
Perception ******
Dexterity *****
Manipulation ******** Intelligence **********
Stamina *******
Appearance **
Wits ********
Alertness ***
Drive ****
Cosmology *****
Awareness *****
Etiquette ***
Culture ***
Expression *****
Firearms ****
Enigmas ******
Intuition *****
Research ****
Investigation ****
Intimidation ****
Stealth ****
Law ********
Linguistics ********
Medicine ****
Occult *******
Arcane *****
Dragon's Teeth ***** Injured
Itinerate ****
Metamorph *****
Incapacitated *
* Dispelled, takes three turns to reassemble mortal body.
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Duffy's Collector is a tall, barrel-chested Irishman with curly dark hair to his shoulders, a ruddy
complexion and a ready smile and wit. He dresses in an immaculate suit and carries a briefcase with him for Duffy's key. The
Collector is relentlessly amiable, reasonable and polite, except when he becomes angered. Periodically, the Collector becomes
a near-psychotic drunkard bellowing that Duffy isn't a true Irishman and isn't worth the flesh that made him. In these states,
ironically, the Collector is at his least dangerous. When he's rational, he will do anything to ensure Duffy gives him the key,
anything at all.

Demon: The Price of Hunger

By Keith Kaczmarek (

Author's Note
This deals with subjects suited only for mature readers. Also, for convenience I have used the masculine pronoun throughout the
text while ignoring the feminine. Please do not believe that women are in any way being excluded.

Imagine it.
Power, rich and intoxicating like wine. Passion, blindingly hot or achingly cold, exquisitely bitter or sensuously sweet, smooth
as silk or as rough as the turbulent sky of a storm: layered flavors of emotions like heady drugs to savor and experience.
Freedom from all the old boundaries of death, authority, and moral restraint.
And the price?
A job that you were born to do. A profession tailored to your need, desire, and hunger. Follow the rules, and you can ride the
train forever.
Just sign right here.
Welcome to the club.
For a man, there can come a time when he has found that the world has run out of challenges. This rare soul has reached the
pinnacle of his profession, created his own religion, or gained the highest political powers. And yet, he finds that without the
challenges that once quickened him, the top is very lonely. The only remaining avenues are those that moral men cannot travel.
And so, rather than die in stagnation like fly caught in amber, he rejects his world, his place in it, and the morality that brought him
there. Freedom from his old constraints becomes something more important than anything else that life offers. This man
becomes the essence of evil: a predator without moral restraint with a will honed by conflict and an imagination born of limitless
desire. Such men and women often go mad, or become legends.
At this point, a Demon Lord contacts this man who is already a Demon in spirit. The dark gods watch for these men, knowing
that the battle for the souls of humanity can only be fought by minds of great creativity, intellect, and passion. The Demon Lords
offer the one thing that these souls need: the power to survive their own excesses. Freedom. In exchange, the Demon Lord asks
for nothing, except the initial Pact. They know that the power they offer will corrupt the new Demon, as beings defined by desire
cannot help themselves from using all that they possess to satisfy that desire. A natural born killer can never pretend to be
anything else.
Becoming a Demon is the greatest act of individualism, and thus evil, that a soul can commit. Once on this road, there is no
turning away. No redemption. No transcendence. Anything else would be going against their own nature. Some started their
careers as mortals. Others started as vampires, or wraiths, or werewolves. Some are cut of an entirely different cloth. They all
share a new common heritage. They are Demons. True Demons. They have something beyond that which they were born. They
feed on humanity's nightmares, their souls, and their blackest emotions and deeds. They twist the world into a place to serve
their great wills and the power to let loose their darkest dreams.

The Pact and the Price

The new Demon is more than just a mere Diabolist. A Demon Lord of real power, a dark god, has seen the seeds of greatness
in the character and has decided to Bless him with the existence of a Demon. He becomes a mover and shaker in the Infernal
Hierarchy. The Demon-to-be is an individual who has reached the pinnacle of his earthly evolution. His power cannot advance
and his abilities have been limited by this lack of advancement. An example: Alexander the Great conquered the known world of
his time. He also was raised as a king's son and was given a nation's army at the age of sixteen. Take the same man and make
him a paupers son, and he would have been a Sparticus: still great, but not nearly as influential on his world. The Blessing is that
added power that lets the individual surpass his old limits and affect the world on a much grander scale. In effect, a Sparticus is
a transformed into a Alexander.
Here's the deal. Take your standard character from any Storyteller system. Being a Demon is all about the added bits, not the
initial package. These are the Prices. By performing these Deeds or agreeing to these Pacts the Demon-to-be gains Demonic
Creation Points. Your total Demonic Creation Points must equal at least 30 to receive the Blessing. Any extra Demonic Creation
Points may be exchanged for Demonic Investments or the Lordly Investments only available to True Demons. No more than 165

Demonic Creation points will ever be granted when meeting the Price.
Price Act
10 Giving up the ghost: This is a mystical lobotomy that completely exorcises all "good" traits. Nature and Demeanor
becomes a Shadow Archetype from Wraith: The Oblivion.
A soul offered freely. Certain aspiring Demons can trick others into offering their souls to the Infernal in their place.
1+ Freebie points: 1 for 1 basis. These represent the deeds or personality quirks that are a kind of "credit reference" for
aspiring Demons on future performance.
1+ Experience (i.e. memories): Every ten points of Experience is worth one Creation Point.
1-10 Sacrifice: Use the Pact rules. These individual acts of evil represent the evil that demons feed on, prove his or her
dedication to darkness, and cut the last ties to one's old life. They often revolve around things like killing your beloved
family and desecrating your cherished home. Breaking any Pact will cause Forfeiture of the Blessing.
5+ Infernal Debt: This is a high interest loan that is offered to the aspiring Demon. For every soul in this Debt, the Demon
Lord will gain five Creation points. This debt will have to be paid to the Demon Lord before the Demon can begin to
accumulate souls for his own purposes. Failure to pay at least one soul a year toward the Debt will result in the Forfeiture
of the Blessing. Creation points gained by Infernal Debt will never be allowed to exceed those gained by other means.
1+ Donation of Power. Creating a new earthbound Demon is an act of extreme power for even a Demon lord, as the new
Demon must be made able to manifest on Earth permanently, a place which fervently attempts to reject all Demons. This
is somewhat easier because they are not as powerful as the Demon Lord. For each 10 points of Quintessence offered to
the Demon, then the character gets 1 Creation Point. Under this rule, committing suicide to release the Quintessence in
your Life Pattern is worth a Creation Point.
1-33 Assistance: Under the above premise, any ritual (Dark/Thaumaturgy or Garou rite or Hedge Magic) or power (Discipline,
Gift, Arcanos, etc.) specifically designed with the Demon Lord can be used to help the process. The value in Demonic
Creation points will be the level squared, divided by 3. (Thus a level 10 Thaumaturgy ritual will offer 33 Creation points, a
level 5 Garou rite will offer 8 creation points, and a level 7 Daimoinon power is worth 16 Creation Points.) Charms may
not be used. To use True Magick, a ritual of a number of combined Spheres equal to the level. For example, a level 3
Magick ritual (worth 3 Creation Points), is three Sphere's at rating 3, while a level 5 ritual(worth 8 Demonic Creation
points) will require 5 Spheres at rating 5.
1+ Demonic Taint: By accepting Fomori Taints or Supernatural Flaws from any other the Storyteller Games that can apply,
the aspiring Demon gains Creation Points of equal point value for the Blessing. Demonic Taints gained during the
Blessing may never be "bought off" later with Pacts.

The Blessing
Becoming a Demon is going to be the most important event in the character's life. At this point, he has rejected his old life and
walked, eyes open, into the mouth of Hell. He will be consumed in hellfire and awash in magics that will expand his soul beyond
its limits. The site of his Blessing will be an unholy place of great power and will stay so for thousands of years. From that point
on, he's on his own. Unless he breaks a Pact, he will never again be contacted by his Patron. He's gained the freedom for which
he's paid so dearly.
Every Demon is a unique creation, and so there can be a very broad difference between two Demons, depending on the themes
and desires on which they have based their supernatural powers. In the Template section, several different packages for
Demonhood can be gained, depending on the needs of the aspiring Demon. On a game level, each group of Investments will be
granted at a package cost in Creation Points. The Blessing will never exceed 165 Demonic Creation points. Unlike Investments
granted to Diabolists, Investments granted to Demons will not malfunction on Holy Days or in the presence of True Faith, as
these Investments are part and parcel of the Demon's essence, and no more foreign than thought or emotion, and so they are
more difficult to disrupt. A Witch's Nipple will not develop on the new Demon as it will on lesser Infernalists. The Investments
below will be granted to all Demons. Any other Demonic Investments gained during the Blessing will only cost half of their total
normal Price in Demonic Creation points. This is a one time bonus that occurs with the Blessing. Lordly Investments are detailed
below and can only be purchased with Demonic Creation Points or a number of souls.
Standard to all packages:

Lordly Investment: The Fix (11, See below.)

Devil's Advocate (5: Reprinted and adapted from Clanbook: Baali, Web published by Andrew Cram)
Salesman's Instinct(3: See below.)
Infernal Ranking(9: Sabbat Storyteller's Handbook)
Soul Lock (6, See below.)
Lordly Investment: Fetters of the Damned (12, See Below)
Infernal Product (12, See below)
Take Me Home (3, See below)
Lordly Investment: Platinum Account (10, See below)
Mark of Property (1, See below)

Changes made by the Blessing

Demons retain all of the old Traits and traits of their previous existence. They are left free will and moral freedom by their Patron
to make them better corrupters, able to understand humanity. Some changes are made depending on the previous race of the
new Demon. Relatively little power is granted for the new Demon. He is expected to earn more by stealing souls for the Demon
Lords. Demons will still undergo Supplicii when they open themselves to Hell's power, even though they are now part of that
power. Such is the price for free will. Demons will also lose one Damnation a week, the price of existing on Earth. If they run out
of Damnation, they will lose a Health level instead which will not heal by any means until Damnation has been paid. This has the
ability to kill the Demon unless he has the Lordly Investment "Immunity to Death". Demons cannot suffer the Blood Bound of the
vampires, or be mentally or spiritually commanded or influenced by non-specific, non-Infernal magicks. Otherwise, they will be
handled according to the rules for the original race.

Mortals: Few changes are made beside the powers granted by the Blessing. Many become Sorcerers. They cannot Awaken
their own potential to work True Magick, unless they acquire the Investment: True Diabolist at the time of the Blessing. They
acquire the Traits of Humanity and Virtues described in the Vampire's Players guide. Ex-Mortal Demons tend to switch from
Humanity to a Path of Enlightenment, as a Demon's work erodes Humanity. Their Quintessence Pool of their Pattern will be
converted to the Damnation Pool due to the Investment of The Fix that is gained during the Blessing, and will be equal to twenty.
They may only spend one Damnation per turn.

Garou: The Blessing will impart 7 Permanent Corruption that may never be removed, as per the system in The Handbook of the
Pariah. They will be handled by the Abomination rules in Under A Blood Red Moon. Their Damnation Pool is as a Mortals. The
Gnosis Pool will remain a separate Trait. Demonic Garou may use Wyrm Gifts without gaining additional Corruption. A Demonic
Garou cannot Dance the Black Spiral, as he is no longer true Garou. He will be hated and hunted by both True Garou and
minions of the Wyrm, as he has turned from both to forge his own twisted destiny. Black Spiral Dancers and may not become
Demons, as they are slaves to the Wyrm.

Mages: They are handled as Mortals, with these exceptions. These Demons are not Nephandi per se, but they may learn
Qlippothic Spheres. As their Quintessence pool becomes Damnation when they gain the Blessing, Damnation is used in all
ways like Quintessence. They may spend up to their Avatar Trait in Damnation per turn. Unless they have the Heart of The Angel
Investment, they may be detected with the same Rotes as Nephandi. Nephandi may not become Demons, nor may Marauders,
as they are slaves to greater powers. Any Paradox gained by a ex-Mage Demon will subtract from the total Damnation the
Demon may possess until it is removed, due to the Soul Lock. Paradox Flaws will not form on the Demon. Instead they will
physically Backlash. Mages also will not undergo Quiets or Seekings, and will instead merely spend Experience to gain Arete.

Vampires: At the time of the Blessing, vampires may gain the Demonic Virtues of Courage, Treachery, and Cruelty. They may
not increase in Generation by any means due to the Soul Lock, but nor will they be vulnerable to Diablerie. They will still lose one
Vitae a Day, but this will be paid with Damnation. Should they lose all Humanity or Path, they will succumb to their Demon nature,
becoming a bestial, mindless abomination of evil. Blood Pool will become Damnation, and will follow those rules for usage per
turn. The Mega-Attribute Investment will allow Attributes to exceed up to 3 beyond the characters Generation limit. Vampire
Demons may not attain Golconda.
After the Blessing, some vampires choose to acquire the Investment called Rejuvenation. It returns the vampire's body to life.
They will lose the ability to Feed on, or use, or retain Vitae as a vampire, unless they have the Lordly Investment: The Shackled
Beast. Disciplines will remain, and use Willpower or Damnation to power them, but will not increase in power except through
Demonic Investment. The Damnation pool will be the former Blood Pool.

Wraiths: Their Shadows change to a new Archetype, namely the Demon, and it will attempt to satisfy the Fix at any cost. If the
Shadow should gain ten Permanent Angst, or the Demon loses all permanent Willpower or Passions, the Demon will be truly
destroyed by the inner turmoil, and will not return as a Spectre or Drone. Servants of Oblivion will recognize the Demon as a
fellow and tend to leave him to his own affairs. Ex-Wraith Demons may learn Dark Arcanos, and use Damnation to power them.
Due to the Blessing, a Demon can exist in the Skinlands for an indefinite period of time if he uses the Embody Arcanos, or
Puppetry to destroy the soul of a body. If an ex-wraith Demon gains the Blackest of Hearts Lordly Investment, he will remain in
existence even if he loses all Passions. Spectres may not become Demons, as they are slaves to Oblivion.

The Fae: The Faeries will lose their connection to the Dreaming with the Blessing. Arts, Seeming, Birthrights and Frailties will
be lost. However, they will act in all ways like enchanted Mortals. They may still see and interact with he Dreaming like an
enchanted Mortal. Five Permanent Banality will be gained with the Blessing.

Fomori: They may not become Demons, as they are slaves of the Wyrm.

Demonic Magic(k)s
Any Demonic Creation Points left over from the initial 30 may be used to purchase Demonic Investments and enhancements at
half total cost. Otherwise, the new Demon must collect souls from mortals and trade them to the Demon Lords for powers using
the Devil's Advocate Investment. Lordly Investments are only available to True Demons. Initial Demonic Creation Points may be
used to purchase Lordly Investments during character creation (aka the Blessing), otherwise they must trade a large number of
souls for the privilege of these Investments. Any Investment that calls for points of Willpower may instead substitute Damnation.
Investments may be found in the Storytellers Handbook to the Sabbat, Dark Ages Companion, and the Book of Madness.
Other Investment choices may come from Ascension's Right Hand, and Freak Legion at the point costs in the respective
books. Dark Sorcery may be purchased with experience, regardless of the original race of the new Demon. They have only to
spend experience to gain new levels of Dark Sorcery.

1 Pt Investments
Demon's Mark: This Investment will transform the standard Witch's Nipple to a small tattoo of the sign(s) of the Demon(s)
holding Pact(s) with the Diabolist. This makes it easier to "pass" for normal when examined in a highly superstitious,
knowledgeable, or holy area. These Marks can still be noticed for what they are by anyone with a Intelligence + Demon Lore

Mark of Property: This Investment serves a dual purpose. It allows the Demon with whom a Pact was sold to find his "client" at
any time. It also taints all of his powers with diabolical energy, making the Diabolist an excellent meal for Demons using The Fix.
Most Demons trick their victims and grant this Investment for "free". This power also marks the soul for one particular Demon,
and no other Demon will traffic with this soul.

2 Pt Investments
Holy Halo: The Diabolist's aura becomes a blazing gold as its only color, which is a false sign of divinity, holiness, and spiritual
purity of the Diabolist. Any person with True Faith will be sure that he are in the presence of the divine, and will respond

Infernal Backgrounds: This is not usually an Investment per se, but is instead a trade of services for services. The Diabolist
can gain a Background up to 5 at the cost of the level of the Background plus one. Thus to advance a Background from a 2 to a
3 would cost a Pact of 4. To advance beyond 5, Pacts of three plus the new level are needed. So a Background of 7 needs a
Soul Pact to gain. This form of Demonic Advancement is often used to recruit cultists as they are willing to do favors to get a
Resource of 2 or 3 to support their habits (such as drugs, patronage of the sex industry, or even the practicing of an art form)
without needing to hold down a job. Once they find the ease of Demonic Advancement they often get deeply into Infernal Debt to
buy their dreams in a more direct fashion. Supernatural Backgrounds that belong to a specific supernatural race can be bought
as an Investment such as Arcane, Talisman, Avatar (which can be used by Demons to increase Damnation usage per turn),
Memoriam (which Demons can feed on), Pack Totem (which is only for an individual and is a demonically corrupted form), Past
life or Dream, etc.

Tainted Love: This Investment costs two Willpower per victim. For one night the victims will love and lust after the Diabolist,
agreeing to almost any sexual desire of the Diabolist's. They will be drunk with intense feelings of love and lust. This in no way
affects their personalities, but will make them amenable to almost any situation that apparently leads to a sexual encounter with
the Diabolist. This is not a means of mind control because victims retains free will, but they will be consumed with extremely
promiscuous thoughts and emotions focused on the Diabolist. And after the night is over remember everything. This Investment
is often granted to those Diabolists who are romantically unpopular. It is an easy way for Demons to increase the burden of sin
and feelings of overconfidence in a Diabolist. As this Investment can only be used to obtain sexual favors from partners unable
to give consent, it is the act of rape on the part of the Diabolist.

3 Pt Investments
Salesman's Instinct: This Investment grants a peculiar insight into the heart of a victim. By making a Perception + Empathy
(Will), the Demon can determine the person's greatest desire, the thing for which he would be most likely to sell his soul. One
success will only determine the underlying emotion, while three will determine the general idea, and five will be a completely
detailed map of the character's desires.

Take Me Home: This Investment will locate the nearest Infernal Region, and its power, for the cost of one Willpower. Additional
points spent will reveal a number of other nearby locations equal to the amount of Willpower spent.

4 Pt Investments
Demon Blade: The Diabolist is granted a Demon Blade, which is traditionally a large sword (but other weapons are possible)
that causes Aggravated damage, as well as transferring half of all Health Level damage inflicted on a victim to the owner to heal
his own wounds, and if he has no wounds, then grants up to three extra Health levels for a scene. Any Investment can be granted
to the Blade at half the cost to the Diabolist, but to use any active Investments (those that require the will to invoke, such as
Sense Fear) the Diabolist must be holding the drawn Blade. Passive powers (such as Mega-Attribute) may be used if the Blade
is within arm's reach. If the Blade is ever farther than arm's reach, then the Diabolist will not be able to use any Investments of the
Blade. Apport Object is often an Investment that is gained after this Investment, as Diabolists wish to never be parted from their
Blades. The Blade has 10 Health Levels, and should it be destroyed, the Diabolist loses this Investment and any Investments of
the Blade. Healing the Blade costs three Willpower per Level. Demon Blades will only operate for their masters.

Smoke and Shadows: When this Investment is activated, an illusion of dense smoke explodes from the Diabolist and covers a
200 foot diameter area. Anyone in the area of the smoke, except the Diabolist, is blinded. The smoke will vanish in a few
minutes. It is often used as a cover for an escape.

5 Pt Investments
Devil's Advocate: (reprinted and adapted from Clanbook: Baali, Web published by Andrew Cram) This Investment allows
Demons to act as proxies to the Demon Lords in the soul trade. By finding individuals willing to make the Deal for the most

precious of valuables, the soul, the Demon may receive a percentage of the profit in the form of Investments. Demons often form
cults and sell low cost Investments for the price of entire souls. The soul is worth ten Pact points, and the victim's new
Investment(s) will come out of this pool, and whatever is left after the Price has been met goes to the Demon. The victim must
sign a contract detailing the Pact in his own blood. Demons are known to collect souls for such things as fleshcrafting, or wealth,
or services like secrets or the destruction of an enemy to insure a larger profit margins for themselves.

Goin' Demonic: This Investment changes the Clan of the recipient Vampire into Baali. He will lose his old Clan Weakness and
will gain the Baali's Clan Weakness, as well as gain in addition to his previous Clan Disciplines, the disciplines of Presence,
Obfuscate, and Daimoinon.

Sorcerous Talent: The Diabolist may now learn vampiric Blood and/or Dark Thaumaturgy. Willpower Points must be used in
the place of Blood Points. The first level costs 10 Experience, and each new level is 5 times the current. Path costs are the
same. If the recipient of this Investment is a Demon, he may use Damnation instead of Willpower to fuel his Paths.

To Sup With The Devil: This Investment allows the draining of Quintessence from the Life Patterns of sacrifices. This is usually
only used by Mages as a source of cheap and easy Tass. The Infernalist performs a sacrifice according to a ritual, and then
gains as many points of Tass equal to the successes on a Wits + Demon Lore roll(6) in the form of a Heart Jewel, a deep red
spherical crystal. If a Demon gains this Investment, he may gain Damnation by crushing the Jewel in the hand or taking the
power directly into his Damnation pool during the ritual. The Quintessence in the Heart Jewel will be of a dark and evil

6 Pt Investments
Dance with the Devil: The Diabolist becomes able to anticipate a partner's moves and motions so exactly that he is able to
add three successes to any roll involving dancing, fighting, sex, or any other close physical activity that occurs between the
Diabolist and one person. This costs two Willpower to become attuned to a "partner" for a scene.

Demon's Blood: This Investment grants mortal blood a supernatural vitality. The Diabolist's wounds will close quickly, and he
will not bleed to death if he looses more than four Health levels. The Blood will also negate two dice of wound penalties. The
Diabolist will also be able to use his blood as a source of Quintessence if a Mage, Damnation if he is a Demon, or Vitae if he is
a Ghoul. Using the blood in this manner will inflict Health levels of non-soakable normal damage equal to the amount of Blood

"Got a New Drug": A Diabolist with The Fix Investment may declare another emotion that satisfies the Fix in addition to the
original Fix.

Soul Lock: This is the unchanging nature of the Damned. This Investment will make it impossible for the recipient to ever
spiritually evolve or devolve. This can be used to prevent the degeneration of Ghouls and Fomori. It will also prevent the user
from ever becoming a Mummy, Garou, Changeling, Vampire, or Mage, regardless of the circumstances. Vampires will also
become immune to the act of -- and of benefiting from -- Diablerie.

7 Pt Investments
Hell Bridge: The Diabolist may take a shortcut through a Realm bordering the Inferno in a portal much like a corrupted Moon
Bridge. The Hell Bridge will look like a cylinder of whirling fire, and will get the Diabolist to his destination in 1/1000th of the time
it would take by usual means. The only requirement is a deep shadow for departure and arrival. The cost is 3 Willpower, plus 1
for every extra "passenger".

Metabolism of the Damned: This Investment allows supernaturals to heal aggravated damage as if it were normal damage.
The Heat of the Quick: This Investment is granted to vampires, spirits, and wraiths who wish to experience a living body,
without experiencing the frailty of a living body. This is purely a cosmetic power that infuses the Diabolist with the sensations and
emotions of life. The Diabolist will also have all the appearances of life, such as warm skin and heartbeat. This power is quite
addictive, and is often used to insure that unliving Diabolists will never dare break with the Inferno.

8 Pt Investments
Devil's Own: The Diabolist gains supernatural skill in one Ability. He gains a -4 Difficulty and three extra dice when this Ability is
used. He will also be unable to Botch. Many musician, politician, gambler, and businessman has been seduced into damnation
by this Investment.

Heart of the Angel: This Investment will conceal the spiritual corruption and Wyrm taint of the recipient from such powers as the
Garou Gift of Sense the Wyrm. It will also hide the signs of Diablerie and protect from Mummies' Hekau (True Name) spells.

9 Pt Investments
Bliss: The Diabolist has perfect Bliss, a profound joy and pleasure that only the mad or holy ever know. He will never become
disturbed or pained. The Diabolist automatically passes all Willpower checks, can ignore all wound penalties, cannot to fall to
Harano if a Garou, or gain a Derangement if a Vampire or Mortal. He is also immune to any powers that create depression,

apathy, or pain. This Investment easily leads to hubris and fall in many of its users.

Skinshifter: The Diabolist will be able to change forms as one the shapeshifting Breeds. In all ways, the shapeshifting of the
Diabolist is handled as if the Diabolist was born as a shapeshifter, although he does not invoke the Veil in Crinos form..
Otherwise, he will be the same as his previous race. He will not gain a score in Rage, Gnosis, or be able to gain Gifts, unless
such things are bought with further Demonic Investments. Changing shape costs one Willpower to activate. This is an Investment
often granted to jealous Kinfolk.

10 Pt Investments
Death Gate: With this Investment the Diabolist may open a Death Gate and consume the souls of all near him. The Death Gate
is a portal of hellish light that radiates from the Diabolist in a flashing corona. For every person within ten feet, a resisted
Willpower roll (other's Willpower) is made. Anyone, except for the Diabolist, for whom a success is made will be killed and have
his soul sucked away, granting power to the Diabolist. For every soul destroyed the Diabolist gains five Damnation and heals
one Health level. As the souls are pulled out of the victims, they appear as swirling clouds of light, screaming and moaning in
soul rending agony. This will grant the Diabolist a rush greater than any mortal drug.

Demonic Tutor: A Demon Lord will teach the Diabolist powerful secrets that will open him to the full scope of his supernatural
might. All Experience costs to increase Knowledges and supernatural powers will be at one half cost.

Devil's Road: This Investment is extremely subtle. In effect, the Diabolist has a Humanity of 10 for all purposes, regardless of
his real Path or Humanity rating. The Demon appears to have an extremely humane and almost saint-like moral purity, even
while he might be depraved beyond belief. This affects all rolls involving Humanity, which is a definite plus for a vampire. The
down side is that the Diabolist's Humanity or Path remains and is reduced by the same Hierarchy of Sins, and as he is unaware
of the actual score, he often no idea how far he has degenerated until he succumbs to madness. Vampires will not fall to the
Beast when the real Humanity or Path Score falls to zero, but they will instead act as Mortals and gain a Derangement.

True Diabolist: The Diabolist will be grant the ability to use True Magick as a True Diabolist (see the Book of Madness). This
Investment cannot be granted if the Diabolist had more than 5 points of Investments, or is not a Mortal. Others must use The
Hollow Power (see below). If the Diabolist was a Sorcerer, his old magic will be converted to Freebies for additional powers. No
Paradox will be gained in the Inferno. Demons who gain this Investment are handled under the Mage rules.

Lordly Investments
Due to the nature of Demonic Investment and advancement, it is often possible to desire powers that have individual Pact costs
beyond level 10, which is the ultimate form of Pact (Soul Pact). These powers are things such as normal vampiric Discipline
Advancement beyond level 7, individual Discipline powers of level 10, Backgrounds beyond 7, etc. To gain these powers, it
becomes necessary to sell several souls to gain them. These Investments are only available to True Demons.

11 Demonic Creation Points or Five Souls

Blue Chip Investment: This can only be purchased after the Platinum Account. The souls in the Platinum account will be
tortured and their power will be funneled to the owner Demon. For every soul held in this account, the Demon may draw on 1
Damnation a day.

Corner Office: The Demon gains real estate in the Inferno. It is a small fortress the size of a small office building. Guards are not
included. The Inferno is a location that is all but impossible to find by non-Demons, and so is a safe place to "lay low". The
Demon can travel to this estate from any place on Earth. The travel is a bit tricky. The Demon may only travel to or return from the
Inferno by using an Infernal Region on Earth. The Demon's place of Blessing is often a convenient location.

The Fix: This is the Demon's chosen sin, pleasure, and source of power. It will be centered on one emotion that is viewed as
negative, such as lust, fear, hate, or despair. In many ways, it is like a wraithly Passion, except The Fix is used to regain power in
the Demon's Damnation Pool. The Damnation Pool is equal to twenty if the character was mortal, such as Garou, Sorcerers,
and Mages, which was previously the character's Quintessence Pool. The unliving use one of the previous character's pools,
such as Power, Blood Pool, Pathos, or Gnosis, in that order. The Damnation pool will have all of the characteristics of the
character's old pool in all ways.(For example, an ex-vampire can still drink blood, use blood to increase physical Attributes, etc.).
For the Demon to get his Fix, he must choose a mortal victim. The Demon then forms a connection to that person's Shadow, and
minor illusions will occur in the victim's perception, drawn from his own unconscious, which color the Demon in the victim's eyes
into exactly the thing necessary to evoke the Demon's Fix. The victim becomes trapped in the throes of the passion, and will
react accordingly as the Demon then performs the act of the Fix. (i.e. a Demon of Fear will take on the role of a victim's greatest
fear, and then act out his greatest terror, inspiring his fear to panic levels strong enough to be fed upon). During the act of The
Fix, a mystical transfer of Damnation energy occurs.
The Damnation energy is demonically tainted Angst drawn from the dormant Shadow of the mortal victim. For the Demon to
engage in the fix and replenish his Damnation Pool, he must make a Manipulation + Subterfuge roll (diff. victim's Willpower).
Success means that the victim is uncontrollably trapped in a frenzy of emotion, and is unable to do anything other than acting out
the demands of the emotion (a lust Demon will sweep the victim up in act of sex, and the victim will be unable and unwilling to
resist, regardless of the surroundings and circumstances). The Demon may then harvest up to ten Damnation to add to the

Damnation Pool. Damnation that is drawn slowly at the rate of one Damnation per hour will cause "phantom" Health levels of
damage that will heal at the rate of one per hour of rest, but will still debilitate the victim. Drawing Damnation more quickly will
cause actual damage from emotional trauma equal to one Health Level per Damnation point drawn. If more than seven
"phantom" Health levels of damage are done to the victims, he will be become unconscious when the Demon releases him from
the power of the Fix, and will not regain consciousness until he has lost enough "phantom" damage to return to Incapacitated.
The Fix may not be used on a particular victim more than once a week, or a Health level of non-soakable damage will be
inflicted on the victim each time.
Beings with active Shadows, such as Fomori, Black Spiral Dancers, Nephandi, and Diabolists are handled differently. Drawing
Angst from these beings does not inflict "phantom damage" or real damage when they are drained of Damnation energy. This is
one of the reasons that Demons corrupt mortals with Investments, so that they may better satisfy their Fix before those souls are
drawn into the Inferno. They may have up to their Willpower multiplied by 10 in Points of Damnation drawn from them. They still
take damage when they are victims of the Fix more than once a week.

Platinum Account: This is the same as a mystical bank account where the currency is souls. Souls are held within the Inferno
for later use. A single soul can also be sold with this Investment for 10 Damnation.

Stolen Memories: With this power the Demon may transfer free Experience to or from willing victims. Even if the Demon cannot
use the Experience (because he is a spirit, for example), he can retain it.

12 Demonic Creation Points or Ten Souls

Infernal Product: A Demon may grant Investments of powers or grant Demonic Advancement up to the Demon's Traits for the
price of 1 Damnation and 1 Willpower point per level of the Invested power or Trait. He may not grant Lordly Investments. The
Demon will be also be allowed to make any kind of Pact and have support of the Inferno's enforcers.

Fetters of the Damned: With this Investment the Demon can enslave any person who has a Soul Pact or Fealty Pact with the
Demon. As they willingly agreed to the Pact, there is no resistance. The Fettered soul will obey both the letter and intent of any
command the Demon issues. If the Fettered soul has a Soul Pact, then upon the Pacted soul's earthly death, he will reform as a
Servitor Demon in the Inferno of equal Traits to those in life, and will be completely obedient to the Demon, and if the Demon
wishes, he can use the soul of the Pact holder in any other manner he wishes, such as in a Blue Chip Investment or sold to a
Demon Lord.

The Shackled Beast: This Investment grants a connection to the Beast of the Vampires. This Lordly Investment is often used by
Demons who spend prolonged periods of time on Earth. The Demon will be able to gain Disciplines at the cost of 10
Experience for the first level, and 6 multiplied by the current for each other level up to level ten. Despite the Demon's connection
to The Shackled Beast, he is not vulnerable to the dreaded Frenzy of the Vampire, or the permanent madness of the Wassail.
He will gain vampire fangs. His blood will not be Vitae, and so he may not have Diablerie committed on him. Though he may
commit Diablerie, he may not gain Generation. He will also be able to drink Vitae as a vampire and convert it into Damnation,
as well as use Damnation as a vampire uses Vitae to heal and increase Attributes. If a vampire shares blood with this kind of
Demon, and the Demons spends a Damnation Point to infuse his blood, the vampire will find the blood extremely pleasurable,
but find that it is hollow and provides no sustenance. If the Demon feeds from the Demon who spends Damnation a number of
times equal to his Willpower, then he will be Blood Bonded to the Demon from sharing the Demon's Damnation infused blood.
These Infernal Blood Bonds do not grant Ghoul powers, and are impossible to break unless the victim has access to powerful
magics. The Infernal Blood Bond grants eight Pact Points to be converted to Demonic Investments. The victim gains a Witch's
Nipple after one drink of the Demon's Damnation infused blood. The blood of a Demon that is not infused with Damnation will be
sickening to vampires.
If an ex-vampire Demon gains this Lordly Investment, he is handled differently. He will gain the benefits of Golconda without
having to worry about Humanity or Conscience, but he may not choose to return to humanity. He may also form Infernal Blood
Bonds with his Vitae.

13 Demonic Creation Points or Twenty Souls

Black Library: The Demon has psychic access to the accumulated forbidden knowledge of all Demonkind. He now has a score
of 10 in all Knowledges, and a score of 5 in all Skills, as well as having an unlimited amount of Study Points. The Demon may
share this knowledge by selling Study Points for Pacts.

The Hollow Power: This Investment grants a dark and evil theft of True Magick from souls tortured Awake. The Demon gains
True Magick like a True Diabolist. Instead of Arete, he uses a score called Thrawn, which acts in all ways like Arete, except it is
not limited by Willpower or limited to a rating of 10. To increase Thrawn by one point, the Demon must consume an Awakened
soul and either spend a total of 8 multiplied by the current score in experience or use a Pact of equal level. Spheres cost 8
multiplied by the current in experience, and do not use foci. If the Demon is of one of the unliving races, then all Paradox gained
inflicts Aggravated damage instead of collecting within his Pattern. No Paradox is gained when in the Inferno. Thrawn magick is
activated by will alone, rather than by beliefs. This Investment can be gained in addition to the True Diabolist Investment, or if the
Diabolist was a Mage. Thrawn is added to Arete for all purposes.

14 Demonic Creation Points or Forty Souls

The Blackest of Hearts: This Investment is a core of power drawn from raw emotional turbulence. This is a Demonic recreation

of the Malfean Heart, for as they Slumber and dream the dreams of Tangled Passion, and so draw power to fuel the balefires of
Oblivion, so do Demons live this dark dream and draw power for their own twisted purposes. A Wraith who becomes a Demon
and gains this Investment is truly a force unto himself. A Wraith that gains this Investment will no longer be plagued by his
Shadow, and will no longer undergo Harrowings. Angst will no longer be gained, and he will not be destroyed if he loses all
Passions. The Demon will have the same immunity to Oblivion as a Spectre. Bright Passions and Dark Passions blend together
as the Psyche and Shadow are fused together to become Tangled Passions. Tangled Passions have a maximum of ten. If the
Demon was not a Wraith, he instead gains twenty points in Tangled Passions. These Demons do not lose Permanent Willpower
points if they botch Willpower rolls. Points of Damnation may also be converted to Willpower on a one for one basis. If the Fix is
one of the Demon's Tangled Passions, then he gains automatic successes on the Passion roll equal to the number of
successes in the Manipulation + Subterfuge roll when he engages in the Fix. It is possible for him to not draw Damnation from
the Fix and still gain the benefits of this combination. Pathos/Angst(and thus Damnation) becomes one score with a maximum of
Should the physical body of one of the Blackest of Hearts be damaged beyond Incapacitated, he will enter the Shadowlands as
a Wraith, and then may learn Arcanos as Wraiths, and Thorns as Shadows. He may not return to his physical body, unless has
the Lordly Investment Immunity: Death, or he does so as a Risen. Any body that has its soul destroyed with Puppetry can serve
as a healthy new physical body for the Demon. He may also form a healthy new body with Embody, and may exist indefinitely
within it due to his Demon nature. Thorns that affect the Psyche will instead affect others, and Thorns that offer benefits in
exchange for Angst will instead cost Damnation. Any Thorn that calls for Permanent Angst cannot be taken (such as Soul Pact).

Home Sweet Home: This Investment only works in conjunction with the Investment: Corner Office, or Home Away from Home.
When in the Inferno, the Demon may draw on ten Damnation a day per soul being used by this Investment at a maximum rate of
one per turn.

The Spirit Eternal: This is the mark of a True Astral Demon. The Demon has been transmuted to spirit form. The advantages
are that the Demon will gain the ability to purchase Charms with souls at the cost equal to the power cost. The Charm of
Materialize will be gained for free, and will have an unlimited duration while on Earth (due to the Blessing). He gains a Power
pool of 20. He gains Gnosis and Rage scores. He may travel in the spirit realms without fear of Disconnection. He may Slumber
in the Inferno to gain Damnation. As a Spirit it will be more difficult to kill him. Only aggravated damage to his spirit form will
actually kill him. He needs never fear having to regenerate from painful wounds in uncomfortable places, as any damage that
reduces his Damnation to zero dumps the Demon out of his Materialized form and into the Inferno, where he can Slumber and
thus heal in leisure (at least as much can be found in the Inferno). The drawback is that the Demon will be unable to grow in
power (cannot use Experience) unless such advancement comes from Demonic advancement purchased with souls. For those
that work True Magick, Paradox will inflict aggravated damage instead of collecting within the Pattern. The Quintessence pool
will vanish, but Power may be used in all of the ways as Quintessence.

15 Demonic Creation Points or 100 Souls

Country Home: This is a personal Realm that is connected to the Inferno, but is not wholly a part of it. In a way, it is like a suburb
of Hell created solely for the Demon's pleasure. The natural laws, appearance, and inhabitants are completely at the whims of
the Demon. In this place, he is a god. The Demon can travel to this place from any location on Earth, but can only return to Earth
if his arrival destination is an Infernal Region.

Demon Prince: The Demon is considered a superior to minor and major Demons, and may command them. However, he
cannot command them to actually do anything unless he has Pacts with them, can bribe, trick, or force them into obeying. He
may force any lower Demon to obey him and perform on service for a cost in Damnation equal to its Willpower. Any service
cannot take more than one day to perform. For a cost of 5 Damnation, the Prince may also summon five Warrior Servitors (from
Vampire: the Dark Ages), or one Tempter to his location. He may also contact and communicate with a Demon Lord with this

Immunity: Death: (Ascension's Right Hand) This is the biggie, the primo Investment, the one that has the Diabolists drooling.
With this Investment, the demon cannot be die. He may be damaged up to negative five Health Levels. The Demon will not be
conscious until he has at least one Health Level. These will heal at the normal rate, at one day for aggravated and one per turn
for normal damage as per the standard Regeneration Investment. An example: a demon is consumed and digested by a
Technocrat Construct, but does not die. It will heal and regrow, in great pain, out of the creature's offal.

Life With The Demons

Demons are not a social group. They may hold relationships with useful allies, servants, or victims, but they are always alone.
The Deal they have made has made them eternally alone. The Fix has made them hungry beasts that must feed on souls. They
can move through their old social groups, but they will always be deceivers hiding their true natures and desires. They corrupt
and destroy humanity to feed their dark desires, and thus serve the purpose of the Demon Lord that is their Patron.
Other Demons residing in the Inferno are little relief to this loneliness. The Infernal Hierarchy is an appellation created by the
Order of Hermes, and has no real effect on the True Demons. Despite the vaunted name, the Infernal Hierarchy operates more
like a collection of Mafia bosses than an organization or family. Every Demon is jealous of the other Demon's power and hungry
for more. Every Demon honestly believes that they would serve evil best by ruling over all others. Demons tend to fall into the
standard categories of Servitor, Tempter, and Lord, and yet these categories are merely rough descriptions of power level.
Actual titles are given to the Demon's by themselves. It all boils down to the essential question: "What do you call a 900 lb.

gorilla?" Answer: "Anything he wants."

Few Demons actually serve other Demons. Each is an individual entity that lives in the Inferno for mutual protection, soul
gathering and torture. Without Pacts, they would never be able to cooperate. The nature of the Inferno is to draw Pacted souls
after death into a personal Hell for the Damned soul. The torture of such souls feeds the Angst that Demons feed upon to
replenish their Damnation pool. Demons who live in the Inferno are trapped in a prison of their own creation. While they have
great power, they cannot leave the Inferno as the Earth rejects them and their power base cannot be abandoned. Demon Lords
create weaker Demons to further the cause of destruction of the Earth's Barriers. What these Demons lack in power, they make
up for in imagination and will.

Life As A Demon
Once the Blessing has been bestowed, the new Demon is on his own. The Fix will draw him to the darkest elements in human
society. The potential of easy power for the cost of a soul will tempt him to corrupt and taint those around him. Demons aren't a
real social lot, so the new Demon will be alone in his new existence. The rest of supernatural society, for the most part, avoid and
hunt any known Demons. When you see humanity as a source of food and easy power, it becomes hard to from making real
connections to people.
The Inferno is no relief. A locale that includes the screams of the tortured damned, the sick games of Demons encompassing the
worst in humanities imagination, and the constant jockeying for position, is not a place conducive to real relaxation. In effect, the
Demon is a man without a nation. Many find a place on Earth and corrupt it to suit their pleasures, only making outside jaunts for
amusement and victims, or both.
While Demons may have been granted demonic powers, they are not invincible or all powerful. Most can be killed just as easily
as any other supernatural. The tremendous boost of confidence that accompanies the Blessing often gets the new Demon in
trouble, as they attempt to handle threats beyond their ability. After a few good licks, they tend to adopt the standard demonic
attitude toward confrontation, which is "it's better to let the slaves do all the work than risk my precious hide." Demons use their
brains, not their brawn.

Demons As Player Characters

Beware the Munchkin. I believe that playing a Demon character would be extremely difficult in any group, and could only be
handled by skilled, experienced, and mature role-players. Even then, only an ex-Mortal Demon in a crossover campaign with
supernaturals would be at an appropriate power level for a beginning Chronicle. With the rules of the Price, a beginning mortal
based Demon will be so behind in Traits that he will be at the same level as other beginners. A Mortal would have to spend most
of his Freebies, as well as enter Debt Pacts to both meet the Price to have powers that compete with the other supernaturals.
The selling of a soul should be a rare dramatic moment in a Chronicle, and as Demons are the masters of the slow sell, it should
happen infrequently enough to not be unbalancing in terms of gained powers.
Another option is that a Demon to be might work an entire Chronicle to meet the Price, with the end result being the Blessing.
He could then move into an Elder campaign.

Here are several Blessing Templates for Demons. Feel free to adapt them as you see fit. Each has an added cost in Demonic
Creation points beyond the initial 30 of the Price:

Package One: The Classic Vampire-Demon (Also known as The Shaitan)

Added price: 21
Description: This is the standard package that vampires take when they become Demons. Several active members of the
Baali Bloodline are actually Demons in disguise who use the Bloodline as a means of furthering their own goals.

Demonic Investments: Shackled Beast (13, See above), Demonic Tutor (10, See above), Devil's Road (10, See above),
Goin' Demonic (5, See above), Body Armor (1, Storytellers Handbook to the Sabbat)

Package Two: The Demon-Vampire

Added Price: 23
Description: This Demon is a false vampire, a demonic recreation of the vampire myth and legend. This package is gained by
living Diabolists who often have never even seen a vampire, and merely have stories to incite their dreams. They desire to have
an unholy sexual communion with their victims by drinking their blood. Their Fix is usually centered on the fear, pain or
degradation of their victims

Demonic Investments: Immunity to Age (7: Freak Legion), Demon's Blood (6, See above), Regeneration (5, Freak Legion),
Fangs (3, Freak Legion), Wings (5, Freak Legion. Not actual wings, but a wingless flight), Water Breathing (5, Freak Legion),
Darksight (2, Freak Legion), Shackled Beast(12, See above), Body Armor (1, Storytellers Handbook to the Sabbat)

Taints: Severe Allergies: sunlight and fire (-5, Freak Legion), Addiction: human blood -- weekly cycle (-3, Freak Legion),
Special Diet: blood (-1, Freak Legion)

Package Three: The Faust

Added Price: 10
Description: This is the package that is granted to mortals who are dissatisfied with existence and merely want something new
to excite their imaginations. Some seek "enlightenment", and so turn to the Infernal out of desperation when they cannot find it in
their lives. The lures of True Magick are often enough to entice them to become Demons, and greater power in True Magick is
often enough to get them into the soul trade.

Demonic Investments: True Diabolist (10, See above), Demonic Tutor (10, See above)
Package Four: The Born Predator
Added Price: 10
Description: This package is for those Demons who were like hungry animals in life, and wish to become in form what they
were in heart. Their Fix is based on the fear of the prey evoked during the hunt. Demons who chose this package were people
who wanted to be the werewolves of legend, needed a great deal of physical power, or those who wanted to tame the power of
the beasts.

Demonic Investments: Skinshifter (9, See above), Berserker (3, Freak Legion), Tainted Love (2, See above), Regeneration
(5, Freak Legion), Body Armor (1, Storytellers Handbook To The Sabbat)

Package Five: The Poisoned Heart

Added Price: 17
Description: This is the classic infiltrator. They return to their old lives and pretend that they have not changed. Slowly they
corrupt and avenge themselves on every person that has ever offended them. When they are done, they then move onto those
people who in some way remind them of their old enemies. They are often social misfits who have a spark of greatness in them
that has yet to be realized. The Demon Lord who grants the Blessing has seen this and decided to catch the young soul before it
has time to gain the wisdom to refuse, and make it drunk on the possibility of limitless power.

Demonic Investments: Heart of the Angel (8, See above), True Diabolist (10, See above), Bliss (9, See above), Majesty (5,
Vampire Discipline power: Presence 5), Tainted Love (2, See above)

Package Six: The Hellhound

Added Price: 16
Description: This is the package most often granted to vengeful Ronin Garou who have turned from their people, and yet have
had the will to resist the call of the Wyrm. Their Fix feeds on the rent flesh and death of their victims.

Demonic Investments: Hellskinned (5, Storytellers Handbook to the Sabbat), Body Armor (5, Storytellers Handbook to The
Sabbat), Metabolism of the Damned (7, See above), Body Barbs (10, Freak Legion), Hazardous Breath: Fire: 4 Health Levels
of caustic Aggravated damage (12 total, Freak Legion), Kiss of Hades (1, Storytellers Handbook to the Sabbat. Used with a

Package Seven: The Beguiler

Added Price: 25
Description: These Demons are entrancingly beautiful manipulators of people. They are dark artists, such as demonic rock
music idols, tainted movie stars, and black poets that incite revolution and suicide. Their Fix often feeds on the blind adoration of
a member of their audience.

Demonic Investments: Tainted Love (2, See above), Majesty (6, Vampire Discipline power: Presence 5), Mega-Attribute:[+3
Appearance, +3 Charisma, +3 Manipulation] (total of 27, Freak Legion), Devil's Own (8, See above. A chosen art form.),
Succubi's Veil (7, Freak Legion)

Package Eight: The Prince of Demons

Added Price: 69
Description: This package is granted to those who consider themselves royalty on Earth and wish to be royalty among the
Inferno as well. They tend to prefer to command troops rather than due any work themselves. They can have any Fix, but they
tend to prefer one of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Demonic Investments: Spirit Eternal (14: See above), Infernal Passage (9, Storytellers Handbook to the Sabbat), Majesty (6,
Vampire Discipline: Presence 5), Demon Prince (15, See above), Country Home (13, See above), Immunity: Death (15, See
above), Hellskinned (5, Storyteller's Handbook to the Sabbat)

Package Nine: The Ghul Lord

Added Price: 11
Description: This package is granted to Ghouls who wish vengeance on the vampires they once depended on. Due to the
power of the Investment: Soul Lock and Demon's Blood, these Ghouls are no longer dependent on vampire blood to keep
supernatural potency or remain young, and yet they are still addicted to it and need potent Vitae to gain new vampire Disciplines
naturally. Demon Blood can be used to power Disciplines, and since it will regenerate due to the Regeneration Investment, the
Ghul Lords are provided with a renewable source of power. Ghul Lord's Fix will revolve around the revulsion, such as the eating
of the flesh and blood of the vampires they hunt.

Demonic Investments: Demon's Blood (6, See above), Regeneration (5, Freak Legion), Demonic Tutor (10, See above),
Fangs (3, Freak Legion)

Package Ten: The Succubus/Incubus (Also known as the Demon Lover)

Added Price: 51
Description: These demons are the ultimate sexual predators and infiltrators. They will appear as their victim's ideal, which can
be anything from an innocent young boy to a wantonly sexual whore, but they will be painfully and inhumanely attractive in any
form (Appearance 8 min.). As they are spirits, they will revert to spirit form, and watch their new victims for weeks or months at a
time in the Umbra so that they can tailor their seduction. They will often appear in places they should not be (like an Army
barracks, parent's home, etc.) to engage in sex acts that will lead to disaster, and disappear suddenly to leave their victim to
take the blame. Their Fix centers around pure lust and sexual desire.

Demonic Investments: Spirit Eternal (14: See above.), Majesty (6, Vampire Discipline power: Presence 5), Mega-Attribute
[+3 Appearance, + 3 Manipulation, +3 Charisma] (27, Freak Legion) , Doppleganger (10, Vampire power: Vicissitude 9), Heart
of the Angel (8, See above), Tainted Love (2, See above), Devil's Own: Subterfuge (8, See above), Succubi's Veil (6, Freak
Legion), Dance with the Devil (6, See above)

Package Eleven: The Black Knight

Added Price: Varied
Description: These are those Demons who turned to the dark side so that they could protect some ideal, institution, or person.
They are fanatics with a code, and in many ways they tend to be the most humane of the Demons. Their motivations and
interests tend to be so varied that no real standard package exists.

Demonic Investments: Varied

Package Twelve: The Fallen Angel
Added Price: 37
Description: These Demons resemble their Angelic brothers in form, and use their great beauty to corrupt the pious and
foolish. They are the tempters of the religious, creating both a jealously and profane lust for the divine. Their Fix is met when they
are worshipped.

Demonic Investments: Spirit Eternal (14, See above), Majesty (6, Vampire Discipline power: Presence 5), Mega-Attribute[+3
Appearance] (9, Freak Legion), Heart of the Angel (8, See above), Halo of the Holy (2, See above), Succubi's Veil (6, Freak
Legion), Wings (5, Freak Legion) These are feathery wings in the angelic style, Devil's Road (10, See above)

Package Thirteen: The Aspiring Demon Lord

Added Price: 135
This package is for those beings who have even more potential than the "common" Demon. These beings were able to perform

a Herculean amount of mustering of power and sacrificing of things important to the Demon Lords, and in return they have
gained during the Blessing the power of a virtual demigod. These thankfully rare souls are destined to become Demon Lords, as
there is nothing they will not do, and nothing that is too sacred to desecrate. They tend to have multiple Fixes.

Demonic Investments: Hell Skinned (5: Storyteller's Handbook to the Sabbat), Infernal Passage (9, Storyteller's Handbook To
The Sabbat), Demon Prince (15, See above), Spirit Eternal (14: See above), The Hollow Power (13, See above), Immunity:
Death (15, See above), Country Home (15, See above), Demonic Tutor (10, See above), Umbral Travel (15, Ascension's Right
Hand), Mystic Shield (10, Ascension's Right Hand), Black Library (13, See above), Mega-Attribute[+2 Perception, +2
Intelligence, +2 Wits] (total of 18, Freak Legion), Blue Chip Investment (11, See above), The Blackest of Hearts(14, See above)

Demon: The Redemption


"Yes, Yes, please, just sign here. What? What'll happen if you sign? Why the hell should I tell you? Yes, I know it was in our
contract, but it will only be carried out if you sign. Now, this may sting. All right, now take that bloody finger and sign here. There,
that wasn't so bad, was it? Now, I can answer your question. Now that you have signed, your soul belongs to me and the dark
forces to Hell and all that stuff. You get the requested upon powers that were in the contract, immortality, and anything else I
forgot to include. Yes, that's right, immortal. However, that doesn't quite mean invulnerable. Oh, don't worry, I won't kill you; after
all, I find it incredibly rude to kill other demons. What's that? Yes, that's right, now that you sold your soul, you are a demon, at
least in part. You gave us your soul and we replaced it with a demon soul. You're not a real demon, but you're about three
quarters the way there. The real demons are ultra powerful. Run all things down in the Underworld. Am I a real demon? No, I am
one who sold his soul, just like you. I, like you, are damned, but I just haven't been killed yet. If I were, I would be in Hell right now,
and that is one mean place. If you die there, your stuck there. Yes, you can get out. Now, let me help you with your new existence.
What? Another question? All right. What if you change your mind?? What kind of question is that? But, there is a way, albeit not
an easy one. It's called Redemption. People go about finding it in different ways, but the legends are all the same: If you get
redemption, you get your soul back and ascend to Heaven. Many older Demons don't even believe in Redemption. Now, no
more questions. I gotta take you soul down to hell for safe keeping."

Chapter One: Character Creation

Demons are human beings at heart, with desires and passions like any ordinary human. Only one thing: They are demons. Yes,
the "Take the soul, torture the damned" demons. Most don't do things like that however. How many Demons are there? Legions
of them. Tons. The average large city has about ten, while small towns have about none. These populations are not set in stone
however. For instance, Manhattan has about three-dozen and San Francisco has the most out of all cities: Sixty-eight. Anyone
can be a Demon. They can be black, white, male, female, young or old. Demons can be anyone. The lady next door could be a
demon (and she always made such good cakes).

Starting a Character
As mentioned before, demons come from all walks of life, so a character shouldn't be hard to come up with. Points are
distributed in the normal 7/5/3 and 13/9/5 fashion of tall WoD games, as are background points. Demons start with 6 willpower
each. There are also several new background traits. A demon starts with one Deadly Sin (Lust, Sloth, Gluttony, Greed, Anger,
Envy, and Pride). "Sin" is the measure of control the inner Demon has over you. "Repentance" is a Demon's human side and
amount of sadness the demon has over losing his soul. Repentance is measured from 1-10 like so:
0: Completely demonic
1: Maliciously Evil
2: Evil
3: Depraved
4: Sadistic
5: Bummed
6: Sad
7: Depressed
8: Tearful
9: Guiltful
10: "WAAAAAAA!!!!"
Sin is measured like a ring. Different powers require different sin levels to work properly. The more towards the center of the ring
you get, the more demonic you become, acting like your deadly sin more and more. If you are completely in the center, then you
are lost and go to Hell. For good. The ring of Sin is 7 circles each surrounding each other with the smallest innermost. When your
deadly sin is indulged in, the demon must make a Repentance roll (diff 7). A failure means that you go deeper into the circle by
one layer. If a demon wants to go inner more, then a roll is not necessary to go down.
To go up through the ring and take away a few sin levels, the opposite of your deadly sin must be done and a Repentance roll
made (diff. 6). Success means one level moved up per success. A roll is absolutely necessary to relieve sin.
Finally, there is Dark Seed. This is the measure of Demon soul that is in your own Soul. Dark Seed is an almost sentient force,
and while not intelligent, can be a Demon's most powerful adversary. For instance, a Demon of Anger who has a Dark Seed of
Three may be more prone to being angry, but a Demon with a Dark Seed of 8 may kill mindlessly without remorse. The more
Dark Seed a demon posseses, the less inhibitions that Demon has when it comes to his Deadly Sin. Demons who build up
large amounts of Dark Seed risk losing all they are and having their Repentence dashed to pieces before they are deposited to

the depths of Hell because the Earth Realm no longer tolerates their presence. And when that happens, you can be sure that the
Elder Demons will not be happy.
If your Dark Seed is greater than both your Repentence and Willpower, then the Demon is automatically sent to Hell, where he
never returns. Demons with a Dark Seed of 10 are truly a sight to behold. With Repentence or Willpower too high to be sent to
Hell, they are truly Evil Incarnate. No longer in full control of their bodys or even their souls, these Lucists are considered
dangerous by other demons and should be hunted down and slain. This act is more easily said than done however.
All Demons start with a 1 in Dark Seed.

Gaining Dark Seed

Dark Seed can be acquired a number of ways. The most common are visits to Hell. In Hell, Dark Seed takes the place of Health
Levals, and Damage adds Dark Seed. If their Dark Seed exceeds 10, then they are stuck there forever. Dark Seed can also be
gained from botching on a roll to gain Flaan. Finally, every time a Demon gets to the very center of the Sin Ring, he gains one
Dark Seed.

The Parties
Demons belong to Parties. A different party is associated with a different sin. A party not necessary, but those with no party are
called "Morons" by other demons and are not trusted.

Asmodians are associated with Lust. They are often smooth and cordial with other people, yet with a party so associated with
sex and lust, there is almost no love whatsoever. Asmodians are often incredibly attractive and project an air of confidence
around them. They automatically receive one additional dot in Charisma or Appearance.

Sin: Lust
Organization: Asmodians have virtually no organization whatsoever. Each is left to do his or her own thing just so long as it
doesn't interfere with another's plans. If an Asmodian had something coming to him, they usually won't interfere.

Concepts: Hooker, Porn Star, Seducer, Don Juan

Sanguinaria are warriors, berserkers and anything that moves they hit. They are prone to frenzies and raving madly and take a
playful nudge way too seriously. They can sometimes, however, be incredibly noble or even honorable (those with high
repentance ratings). They get an extra dot in Strength or Brawl.

Sin: Anger
Organization: Prestige is based on "Honor" though the way the Sanginuaria use it, it makes a mockery of the word. "Honor" is
based upon how many heads are bashed in, who makes the most cool kills, and who can go the longest without dying. Fights
are usually resolved by combat.

Concepts: Assassin, Berserker, Soldier, Martial Artist

Pazuz are the lawyers of the underworld and everywhere else. They all have cash on their brains and dollar signs in their eyes.
They usually single out one person and bleed him or her dry of all money over a period of weeks. They are skilled in getting and
managing money. Pazuz can have an extra dot in Manipulation or Finance. Sin: Greed

Organization: Hierarchical. The more money a Pazuz has, the more respected he is.
Concepts: Lawyer, thief, con artist, IRS agent
Indols are lazy to the core, and always try to find somebody else to do work for them. They seem perpetually tired, but have
reflexes like a cat. They're always searching for ways to get an easier life. They usually sleep right through disasters and can
survive almost anything. They can get an extra point in Meditation or Stamina. Sin: Sloth

Organization: They never got around to making any organization in their Party at all. They just leave everyone else alone.

Concepts: Catatonic, Gambler, Slacker, Ne'er do well.

Vanits represent Pride. They are vain and usually think only for themselves. Usually, they are the average Egocentric, sometimes
to the point of being annoying. At extremes, they suffer from Megalomania. They can get an extra point in Leadership or Politics.

Sin: Pride
Organization: Democratic. Because they all think they are the best in their Party, they tend not to have leaders.
Concepts: Movie Star, Snob, Conspirator, Rich Man.
Envoui represent Envy. Their eyes are always green. They are never satisfied with what they have and are always searching for
something more. They are relentless in what they pursue and get an extra point in Intelligence or Investigation.

Sin: Envy
Organization: Almost none. They meet twice a year, but other than that try to keep governing to a minimum.
Concepts: Mobster, cultist, smuggler
Schlarfs represent Gluttony. Regardless of stereotypes, most are not fat, but all suffer a weakness of overindulgence in at least
one thing. All things in moderation? Yeah right! "Always to excess" this party preaches. They get an extra point in Stamina or

Sin: Gluttony
Organization: Entirely social. They are the combination of the Toreadors and Cult of Ecstasy, with a little bit of Satyr sprinkled
in for flavor.

Concept: Money Leech, Cook, Alcoholic.

Demonic Powers
Demons can have point ratings in any of the deadly sins. They get four points to spread around. Party members automatically
get one point in their respective sin.

* Sense Desires: This allows a Demon to sense what a person wants, and desires most of all.
** Intensify Desire: The Demon can intensify any desire a person may have, doubling it for every success he scores.
*** Implant Desire: Now a Demon may put a small suggestion of a desire in a target's head. To succeed, the Demon rolls his
willpower against his target's.

**** Leech Desire: This lets a Demon to take away a desire from a person and turn it into willpower for the user of the Effect. If
used on a Wraith, it can be used to dull Passions.

***** Change Skin: This allows a Demon to change his overall bodily look. This new form may not be bigger than his/her own
form. It's like changing into another person who has the same height and build as you.

****** Awe and Beauty: This allows a Demon to make himself appear as incredibly attractive, so much that anyone who views
the Demon will willingly serve him.

******* Desire in the Air: This lets a Demon make an entire room full of people suddenly feel intense lust. This lasts until the
Demon leaves.

* Influence Anger: This allows a Demon to tell if a person is especially angry with another person. He can make that anger

double for about three rounds.

** Hell Fire: This lets a Demon to light things aflame by touching them. It must be a flammable surface. It does aggravated health
damage. See the fire chart in other games for rules on Fire. *** Titanic Anger: This allows a Demon to gain an extra point of
strength and Stamina for every success scored.

**** Flames of Hatred: This allows a Demon to make anything spontaneously combust. This fire causes aggravated damage.
This Demon must be really pissed at something for this to work.
***** Hatred: This allows a Demon to broadcast a wave of pure hate to another. If the target is already in the heat of the moment,
the target might act upon the hatred. If not, he loses one temporary Willpower from the experience.

****** Hyper-Sensitivity: This allows a Demon to influence ones mind so that the next thing that is said to the Target will be
taken as such a great insult, that the target will go into a vicious rage, attacking anyone on sight. This makes Vampires and
Werewolves frenzy without control and Wraiths' shadows to temporarily take over.

******* Wave of Hate: This lets a Demon to broadcast intense hatred to anyone within a desired location. Affected ones will lose
all moral inhibitions, killing each other, stealing and other stuff. Vampires may lose humanity, Werewolves might go into
extended frenzies when they kill anyone in sight (even allies), and wraiths might have their shadow's angst lifted. Area affected is
one square block per success.

* Craving: This allows a demon to make a person to crave a certain food.
** More!!!: This lets a demon to make a person want to do more of whatever he is currently doing. It must be an experience he or
she likes doing (i.e.: riding a rollercoaster).

*** Devour: This lets a Demon to devour anything whole. The bigger the object is, the more successes it takes. If it is an
indigestible substance, he may regurgitate it at high speeds.

**** Projectile Vomiting: This lets a Demon to expel whatever food he has eaten and regurgitate it. If it hits, the target must
make a Willpower roll against difficulty 7 to avoid not acting this turn from being so disgusted. This vomit is also acidic, eating
through most things in an hour.

***** Pangs of Hunger: This makes a person suddenly feel intensely hungry, lasting one round per success. If the Demon
manages to get three or more successes, the target cannot act for a round because he is so hungry.

****** EVEN MORE!!: This lets a Demon make a person want to keep on doing whatever it is the target is doing, even if the
victim doesn't want to do it any more. To do this, the Demon must make more successes than the victim has Willpower.

******* Control Food: This allows a Demon to control food in any way he wants to. It may sound stupid, but how stupid will it
sound after you're pumped full of holes from a chicken soup Uzi? Or how about being overrun by an army of coldcuts? See what I
mean? The more loony the action, the more success requires. Making a roast chicken dance requires only 1 while the coldcut
army may need 5 or more.

* Vanity: The uses for this is twofold. First of all, if a Demon is feeling incredibly depressed, he can boost himself up by telling
himself how great he is. He gains one point of temporary Willpower for the scene. He can also make others to get a little more
full of themselves as well.

** Worthlessness: This allows a Demon to take away Willpower from anyone. This Willpower regains 1 every three rounds.
Take away one Willpower for each success scored.

*** LOOK AT ME!!!!!: This allows a Demon to make everyone drop what they are doing for the moment and pay attention to the
Demon using this effect. The more people effected, the higher the difficulty.

**** Empower: This allows a Demon to resist most mind controlling effects and be totally immune to mind reading effects. To
resist a Mind Control effect, the Demon must roll more successes than the entity that made the effect rolled.

***** Charisma: This allows a Demon to make his own views on himself to spread to another, thus controlling them to a certain
extent. The target will suddenly feel drawn to that Demon and will do its best to follow out with the Demon's wishes. This effect
must not be suicidal.

****** Leech Worth: This makes a Demon not only make another person's self-worth plummet, but it also adds to the Demon's
own. One Willpower is drained from the victim and one is added to the Demon's for every success scored. For the target,
Willpower regains at 1 per day.

******* Worthlessness: This lets a Demon make a victim feel so worthless, that he thinks he has nothing left to live for. This is a
long and complicated power, and one mistake could end the whole thing. Difficulty is the target's willpower +3. The victim must

have a willpower of 7 or below for this to work.

* Procrastinate: This allows a Demon to temporarily repress a momentary aspiration, but it immediately comes back after the
demon leaves. Every round the Demon wishes to continue this effect, he must re-roll each round.

** Bore: This allows a Demon to make a person temporarily lose interest in whatever he is doing. How long this stays in effect
depends on how important the task is. If it were something like going to the bathroom, he could make him put it off until he wets
his pants. If it were something like combat, it would only last a round.

*** Fatigue: This lets a Demon make another person very tired. For every success scored, the Demon takes away one point in
physical attributes of the Demon's choice. These come back when the Scene ends.

**** Sleep: This lets a Demon make anyone fall asleep. Instantly. The wake up as soon as the Demon leaves their presence.
***** Leech Strength: This allows a Demon to reduce someone's physical attributes and temporarily add them to his own. For
every success, one point in any physical attribute is taken away and is gained by the Demon using the effect. If two attributes are
reduced top 0 or below, then the target falls into a coma-like sleep. The attributes return once the Demon leaves its presence.

****** Fake Death: This allows a Demon to make a person sleep so deeply that people will think that the victim is dead. To work
this, the Demon must use this on someone who is already asleep.

******* Time Stop: This allows a Demon to place himself or another person in a time pocket. The Demon decides how fast time
goes in there. He can make time pass for six months in the pocket and not have a second pass in the real world. Or he can
make a second pass in the pocket, but have him placed three hundred years in the future. The Demon must roll once every
round for the pocket to be maintained.

* Instant Gratification: This allows a Demon to acquire money faster than he normally would. People suddenly feel more
charities. Not by much, but more.

** Money Talks: This lets a Demon take any currency and find out things about the last person who spent it. The more
successes, the more information.

*** Lead to Gold: This allows a Demon to turn anything into a valuable metal for a temporary amount of time (one round per

**** Sucker: This allows a Demon to make a price proposed to a Demon seem much lower or higher (Demon's choice) than it
is. For example, "I'll take it for 50" "For a Car??!!" (Uses Sucker) "Yup." "Oh, thank you for the generous offer." The more
ridiculous the offer, the higher the difficulty.

***** Gold Fever: This lets a Demon control someone with promises of a large reward. The Demon must convince the person
that he has such a reward. Once he does the target is in the enthrallment of the Demon until he's outlived his usefulness.

****** Ba-Humbug!: This allows a Demon to make a person have money on the brain morning, noon and night. Spending
anything or giving anything away is out of the question for the target. This lasts 1 day per success.

******* Signhereplease: This is one of the ultimate powers a Demon could possess. The actual removal and enthrallment of a
person's soul. To pull this off, the Demon must reveal his true nature and tell him what he intends to do. The victim and the
Demon must work out terms of agreement for the soul. Once the Demon makes the deal, the victim's soul is his. He may
discorporate it for Flaan (the amount of Flaan gained is the amount of Willpower the victim had), he might use the soul for a
servant, or any other number of things.

* Mope: This lets a Demon to make something a person has suddenly seem dull and old in comparison to something else. This
loses its effect as soon as the scene ends.

** Intensify: This lets a Demon intensify any Envy the target is feeling right at the moment, doubling it for every success.
*** Green Rage: This lets a demon damage anything the demon desires or wants. It must be an inanimate object. How much
damage depends upon successes with 1 being able to shatter a slam mirror and 5 being able to wreck an entire room.

**** Lost Hope: This allows a Demon to ruin any possession of a person, like making a hideously large scratch on a car, or
screwing up a computer.

***** Now Who's Laughing?: This lets a Demon make an object that he cannot have out of thin air. This lasts only for a round.
****** Mine!!: This makes a person guard a possession as if it were his own life. He will not let anyone else but himself near it.

This goes away after about a day.

******* Unholy Grail: This allows a Demon to "inspire" a person to seek out something the Demon specifies. This search will
consume all the target's time and will probably die from exhaustion after a while.

A word on Powers
Powers are measured in points of course. If you have 3 in three deadly sins, than you cannot go beyond level three powers in
those sins.

Besides having to be at the right sin level to work an effect, you must also spend Flaan. I call it Flaan because I can't think of a
better word. The level of effect is how much Flaan you need to spend. A leval 1 effect would only need 1 Flaan, while a level 7
effect would need 7. You can have a maximum of 10 Flaan at a time. You can get Flaan by acting out your deadly sin and
drawing Flaan from it. Places where a deadly sin was repeatly commited might also hold large amounts of Flaan. A place where
Flaan for an Anger Demon may be somewhere where a brutal murder was committed.

Death and Dying

While Demons may be immortal, they are not invulnerable. If they die, they are sent to Hell. While in Hell, they face a test of some
sorts, usually having to do with their deadly sin. If they die in Hell, they are stuck there for eternity. Players might be able to get
him out if they go in there and rescue him, but it is very dangerous.
While in Hell, the Demon must somehow escape. There is a way out, always, but it is very hard to find. For example, if a demon
of Gluttony was in Hell, then the exit might be in the (shudder) Fat Camp.
In Hell, Dark Seed takes the place of health levals. Each dark Seed represents one Health Leval. If a Demon ever reaches 10
Dark Seed, the Demon is trapped in Hell forever.
You can expect thousands of little tortures, and the entire environment is specifically tailored to suit the offending Demon,
offering the right mix of physical and psychological torture to send him over the edge. Usually, there are minor demons as well to
fix things if anything goes wrong. If the Demon finds a way to escape, the alarms are sounded and thousands of soldiers march
in to try to stop him. However, once the Demon as escaped, he may make a Repentence Roll (Difficulty is the Demon's Dark
Seed). Every success allows the Demon to get rid of one Dark Seed he had aquired in Hell, but he can never score enough
successes to rid himself of the Dark Seed he had aquired during the trip. Such is the price of selling your soul.

Demons can spend 1 Flaan to heal one non-aggravated health level.

Demons and the World of Darkness

Vampires: Demons are often allies of the Vampires. They find their power games very similar to their own. To demons just after
souls, they are of no use to the Demons, because Kindred have no souls, so they are annihilated. Most elders however, mistrust
Demons and try to get them out of the picture as soon as possible.

Mages: The only Mages a Demon won't try to kill on sight will be a Nephandus. They often ally with these dark Mages in order to
corrupt the ones with their Avatar still intact. If a Demon manages to win over a Mage's soul, then the Demon gets 10 points of
Flaan. Mages hate them because of that. The Technocracy wants them destroyed.

Wraiths: It is unlikely a Demon will ever win a Wraith's soul, because by doing so, they are giving themselves away to the
Demon. Wraiths have an intense hatred for Demons because of their dealings with souls and their ties with Oblivion.

Werewolves: Werewolves hate Demons with a passion, as they epitomize everything they fight against. They say they act as
agents for the Wyrm and will never listen to them except under the most dire of circumstance. They always appear to have Wyrm
Taint. Demons could really care less about Werewolves, but the fact that they always try to kill them is simply inexcusable.

Changelings: Changlings won't usually have any contact with a Demon, but when they do, the more sane Changelings usually
scatter in fear, while the brave or stupid stand up to them. They are mysteries to each other and they consider each other best
left alone on both sides.

Experience and Freebie points

New Point in a Sin: Current rating x 4
New Sin: 10 points
Repentence: Current Rating x 8
For the rest, see various WW books.

New Point in a Sin: 5
New sin: 7
Flaan: 2 for 4 Flaan.
Repentance: 8

True Demons
Most Demons are not really demons, just ordinary people who sold their souls. The true Demons spend full time in Hell and are
so powerful that they cannot even be specified with stats. Sort of like the Antiluvians, but not as sleepy. Ultra powerful, having to
meet with them is one of the most scary things one could possibly imagine, because if you displease them, they can keep you
from leaving Hell. True Demons have a hierarchy. The lowest in this station are the Managers. Next up are the Barons. After that
are the Lords. Sitting on top of this pyramid are the Leviathans. Most Demons never meet with the Leviathans unless they did
something to displease the entire Demon community. Most don't leave those meetings alive.

While some Demons are truly nice people, they are nonetheless cursed. Demons cannot enter a Church for more rounds than
his Repentence rating. Once that time-limit has been exceeded, the Demon receives one Aggravated Health Leval of damage
per round for every point of Dark Seed she has. If a Priest/Nun doesn't want the Demon to enter, the Demon will not be able to.
Crosses and crucifixes often harm Demons as well. Contact with them result in one aggriavated Health Leval of damage for
every point of Dark Seed they have. To even look at a cross, they must make a Willpower roll.
Holy Water affects them as well, burning them like acid. Holy Water inflicts Aggravated Health damage as well. Holy Water will
not go through clothes, and only works directly against a Demon's skin.
Quantity Damage
Drop 1/8 health level
Splash 1 level
2 levels and one additional level per round until washed off.
Big jar 4 levels and two per round until washed off.
Bucket 5 levels and three per round until washed off.
Bathtub 6 levels and four every round until washed.
Deluge Instant death until protected.


By Chet Erez (
Demons are a class of semi-corporeal beings which feed on Humanity. In their search for 'food', they are responsible for much of the
anguish and suffering in the world. They consider mortals (and Kindred) their unending herd of cattle, to be fed on and discarded at
their leisure.

Nature of Demons
Demons do not have physical bodies. They are purely creatures of intellect and emotion. Despite this, they cannot travel through
anything solid; Even a pane of glass is impenetrable for them (see WEAKNESSES). Demons move by levitation, traveling typically at
about walking speed, although a few are known to be able to travel much faster.
Each demon has its own Visage, which humans see when looking at it. This varies from demon to demon and is usually based on
past experiences. For example, a demon who had spent its time around Medieval churchs might look like a gargoyle, while one who
had spent time with the Mayans would take the form of a feathered snake. The Visage is translucent and obviously not solid, so most
people ignore them as product of their imagination. If a demon has learned Obfuscate (see POWERS), then it may use that Discipline
to turn invisible, change its Visage freely, etc. Visages tend to be about a foot in diameter.
Animals are very uncomfortable around demons, and will act strangely in their presence.
Demons cannot be hurt by physical weapons, sunlight, fire, silver, etc. With few exceptions, they are invulnerable and immortal (see

Feeding Habit
Demons gain their nourishment from humanity loss around them. In many situations, such as battle fields and brothels, they can simply
hang out and feed. Many gluttonous demons do this, but most find it much more satisfying to have caused the humanity loss
themselves (home-made meal as opposed to going out to eat). Some prefer certain types of humanity loss (much as the Ventrue like
certain types of Blood) and so will specialize in certain types of corruption, like hate or greed.
The rate at which a demon needs to feed is approximately 1 humanity point per week, though this may be adjusted as necessary. This
means that there is a limit to the amount of time that a demon can dedicate to a particular person before moving to easier prey.
Demons have a Humanity Pool just like Kindred have a Blood Pool; hunger and certain powers (see STRENGTHS: POSSESSION)
drain from the pool, while causing corruption fills the pool. It is very possible for a demon to get several points ahead.
The capacity of a demon's Humanity Pool is based on how powerful it. A demon identifies its rank by its titles, like Duke of Miseries,
or Knight of the Hangnail. Whether a demon works its way up in the ranks though practice and experience, is born/spawn/created with
a certain rank, or if demons perform some sort of Diablerie to become tougher is unknown. A common demon (about Knight level) has
a maximum Pool of 5, while Beelzebub, King of (F)Lies, has a Pool of 50.
Pool points can be used in the same way Kindred used Willpower and it takes the place of Blood in any Discipline that requires it. It
also has demonic uses, like resisting unwanted Summonings and Bindings, Possessions (see STRENGTHS: POSSESSION), and
anything else that seems appropriate for a demon.
If a demon goes a week without any points in its Humanity Pool, it will enter a form of Torpor. It will lie inert and unnoticed wherever it
finally collapsed until something happens in its proximity to give it food. An inert demon has no Visage, though it will produce antisocial feelings in anyone near it. People with high Humanity will tend to avoid the area, while people with low Humanity may actually be
attracted to it. The area will give them feelings of greed and bloated self-importance, and may give them the excuse to do unpleasant
things they normally wouldn't do. This increases the chances of a demon feeding and restoring it to 'health'. It is sort of a mystic
evolutionary change to improve chances of survival.

Although they act calm and and calculating, at 'heart' demons are petty, emotional, and lazy. If made fun of, insulted, ignored, they will
sulk, plan elaborate revenge, whine, etc. They are very much like the school bully, who acts like king of the mountain until someone
beats him, and then goes crying to mommy. For this reason, it is very uncommon for demons to work together, since they always end
up fighting with each other.
Although years of exposure have given them human-like qualities, it is important to remember that they aren't truly human. They have
no humanity, no honor, no pity, no conscience. They lie freely and often if it is to their advantage.

Origins of Demons
This is an area of great debate among Occultists. Each 'expert' has his or her own theory. Some say they have existed since the
beginning of time. Others claim that they are the spirits of the residents of Sodom and Gomorrah, cursed to forever repeat their
wicked acts. The scientific-minded say they are a simply a different race. Religious folk say they were created to tempt the weak and
test people's faith. When asked, demons typically says whatever they think will give them an advantage.

Modus Operandi

The greatest tool of demons is their knowledge. Their long existences have given them knowledge of many things forgotten by man.
They are very willing to trade this knowledge for something they want. Due to their nature, it is easy for them to spy and eavesdrop,
giving them access to countless secrets.
Sometimes demons will simply give away their secrets. Telling a woman the time and location of her husband's next rendezvous with
his lover may be all that is necessary for a quick snack. This type of advising is tricky because the demon must be careful that the
advisee doesn't guess its ulterior motives. It is best to mix in enough helpful suggestions that the advisee thinks the demon is on his
Other times, demons will make trades. Usually, the demon will offer something the character desires, like stock tips, the identity of an
enemy, or a treasure map, in exchange for doing things which lower humanity. These acts will be cloaked in reasonable explanations,
like stealing some ancient art that the demon wants to possess. For example, a Kindred/Magi/ Lupine wants to learn Blood magics
from a demon. The demon would explain that they need fresh learning materials to study with, in time getting more specific and more
heinous. "Get the life's blood of a couple that has been married for at least 50 years so I can show you how proximity can make people
more and more the same." "Get me someone's arm, still filled with blood." "Bring a healthy person so that we can slowly remove all of
his blood and watch the effects." If the 'student' isn't careful, she will have no Humanity left by the time she finishes learning.
Legend has it that the oracle at Delphi was a demon Prince of epic proportions, who loved to prophesize people killing their fathers or
requiring people to sacrifice their own children. It made dire warnings about all of the awful things that would happen if it wasn't
listened to (and which it would try to arrange if it was ignored).

Demons can learn the equivalent of certain Kindred Disciplines. Most have at least some Obfuscate, so they can spy unnoticed.
Others have Presence to make them more fearsome or Animalism to summon plagues of rats. They may not get Dominate or use
Presence to directly control a person (whatever a victim does must be the victim's own choice). It is also common to have Auspex,
since it makes finding victims easier.
There is a special demon Discipline called Possession. Not all have it, fortunately. It allows the demon to take control of a willing body.
The word 'willing' is crucial, since it must be the person's free choice. This doesn't mean that the demon can't lie or be manipulative.
The subject only needs to be willing for a moment. One demon trick is to get a victim into a life-or-death situation and then claim that
only from within the victim's body can the demon save the person. Once possessed, the subject's body is under total control of the
demon, though the subject can still see/hear/feel everything the demon does in the subject's body. Using willpower, a subject can
regain control, but it only lasts a short time. Feeding for the demon is pretty easy, since most people don't react well to experiencing
themselves killing people, even if they aren't actually willing the actions. Possession is very tiring for the demon, requiring the use of
stored humanity points. An important limitation is that the demon must use one point to end the possession. If it has nothing left in its
'humanity pool', it is stuck in the body until it can get one. This is important because if the possessed body is killed, the demon is

Level 1: able to possess animals
Level 2: able to possess humans
Level 3: able to possess supernatural creatures (Kindred, Lupines, etc.)
Level 4: able to possess and animate inanimate objects up to car-sized
li>Level 5: able to possess large inanimate objects (buildings, planes, etc.)

By their very nature, demons cannot force people to do things. They must tempt them instead. Demons are careful to hide this fact or
many of their threats would be seen as lies.
People with high Humanity can be painful to demons by their presence, especially if they are convinced of their ability to drive off evil.
They can often repel a demon with their faith alone. On the other hand, if they every lose their faith, they make the best meal of all!
Another weakness is that demons cannot cross boundaries. Although their lack of physical form would allow them to go under doors,
the door is a barrier and therefore cannot be passed through. On the other hand, an open window is an open barrier and can be gone
through without hindrance. They cannot even pass over the tops of cubicles, but instead must go through the entrance. Anything
treated as a barrier will stop them. An uninterrupted trail of salt or sand across a doorway works as well as a door, if there are no gaps
to squeeze though and if it is treated like a barrier. If anyone steps through the doorway, then there isn't a barrier and the demon can
freely pass. A pentagram or circle drawn in chalk may as well be a column of plexi-glass as long as anyone inside doesn't reach or
step across it. A common way to trap a demon is to lure it into an unfinished circle of sand and then close it behind it. The demon is
then trapped until someone breaks or crosses the boundary. Running water forms a self-renewing boundary that a demon cannot
cross on its own. It must follow a person, who by traveling across it temporarily breaks the boundary, or be carried across, typically by
carriage or car. Anyone on the opposite side of a boundary can invite a demon through it.
Legends of vampires needing to be invited into houses and not being able to cross running water unaided may well have come from
the actions of possessed vampires.


Demons have their own version of the Masquerade. They thrive on doubt and fear, so announcing to the world that they exist isn't to
their advantage. Also, they are careful not to let those who hunt them know of their location.
Even when contacting potential victims, they seldom announce what they are. "Hello. I'm a Demon, and have I got a deal for you!"
doesn't tend to work well as an opening line. Demons with 3 levels of Obfuscate will often pose as the ghost of a loved one demanding
revenge. Others claim to be daydreams, aliens from another world, a genii, or, ironically enough, a person's conscience.
Demons have the ability to be heard only by the person of their choosing. The subject will seem to be talking to the air, a strange
picture on the wall, or even his own reflection in a mirror. It is very common for a demon to follow its dinner of a victim losing his
humanity with the desert of his family being forced to throw him in an asylum! In my Chronicle, the Son of Sam killer actually was doing
the bidding of his demon possessed dog. Demons are careful not to leave any physical proof, so their subjects simply seem to have
been hearing voices and are considered insane.

Occultists have long known methods for summoning demons. These rituals usually involve animal or human sacrifice, because
committing these acts causes humanity losses in the new members. This 'food' is consumed by the summoned demon and whets its
appetite for more. Naturally, cults will need a continuous in-flow of new members who are horrified by these acts in order to maintain a
steady supply of food.
There are two types of summoning: open and named. In an open summoning, any demon in the area is being invited to consume the
'food' that is being provided. The cultists will typically choose a place likely to hold demons, like an abandoned prison or the site of a
gruesome murder. Once the demon(s) have arrived, the cultists hope that they can make a deal. In comparison, a named summoning
is much more difficult. A specific, 'named' demon is being summoned, while keeping the others out. This requires making a boundary
around the 'food' (and typically the cultists too, since others demons might be offended that they are being left out). The summoning
gives the named demon permission to cross the boundary (in or out), while leaving it intact against others. This kind of summoning will
draw the demon to it no matter where it was before, even if it was in Torpor. This is the sole hope of forgotten demons lost in
abandoned mine shafts or buried in old pyramids.
There should be limits on summonings. More powerful demons may require higher level rituals, or perhaps a custom ritual solely
designed for summoning a specific demon. If there is a barrier in its way, the demon may not be able to reach the Summoning site,
though the ritual may allow communication so the demon can tell the summoners how to get the boundaries out of its way, or even how
to travel to it. Each particular summoning should have it own requirements, components, strengths, and weaknesses (i.e. a shaman
does it differently than a hermetic mage or a voodoo priestess).
Demons can use points from their Humanity Pool to resist summonings. A good rule of thumb is they will need to consume as many
points as are offered them by the summoners (resisting the offered 'food' by eating what they already have). Demons that have almost
been trapped before may well resist all summonings (for a human lifetime or two) just to make sure it doesn't happen again.

With enough magical knowledge and skill, a demon can be bound to an object. Most binding rituals are slow, so the demon must
either be willing or be trapped. The object the demon is to be bounded to must be present for the entire ritual. Typically, it can be no
larger than a person. If it wishes, the demon can resist, using the points in its Humanity Pool to slow or even break the binding (the
mechanics of this is up to the Storyteller). If the spell is successful, the demon is bound to the object until it is unbound or the object is
The immediate result of this is that the demon loses the freedom of movement. It is at the mercy of whoever is carrying it. On the other
hand, the demon no longer has to use its energy to levitate or to maintain a semi-corporeal form, so it needs to feed half as often (i.e.
every other week). Demons retain their ability to speak and sense and are the most common 'sentient' magical objects found. Some
demons find this form relaxing, since many 'collectors' will kill each other over these objects without any prompting from the demon. In
time, the demon will tend to develop abilities that match the object it resides within: a violin will create beautiful music no matter who
plays it, a crystal ball will show peoples auras and potential fates, etc. Of course to use its abilities, the demon will still need to be fed,
so it is business as usual.
A demon bound in an object is vulnerable to destruction. If its container is destroyed, so is it. This is a fact that the demon will hide at
all costs! For each point in its Humanity Pool, it can make its object temporarily invulnerable to any damage. At this point, it becomes
a game of nerves as the demon laughs at the person's useless attempts to harm it as it rapidly runs out of the ability to defend itself.
Fortunately, most people will give up after one or two futile attempts (would you keep trying if you ran over a glass statue with a steam
roller and nothing happened?). If the demon realizes that the person knows that she can eventually destroy it, it will become desperate
and promise the sun, moon, and stars to make her stop (and probably have to deliver, since there is nothing stopping the person from
trying to destroy it again).
A demon can be unbound by a ritual similar to the one that bound it, though this requires it to give out its name, which could also be
used to destroy it. No one said it was easy being a demon!

Demons are notoriously hard to kill. If the person or object they possess is destroyed, so are they, if they can't escape before it
happens (see STRENGTHS: POSSESSION). There are certain magical rituals which will kill a demon, but they require it to be present
(and usually trapped) and its name to be known. If the Storyteller uses the Faith option, then a Miracle can destroy one, though the
demon will probably run when it sees the Faithful person comming. A demon can hurt and kill another demon, so a weapon with a

demon bound to it can harm another demon, though both demons will fight against this every step of the way. Demons can be fought
astrally, but they should be very tough to fight this way. In most cases, it is easier for a person to get a demon bored with her than
destroying it.

With the potential for being bound and destroyed, one would wonder why a demon would tell anyone its name. In many cases, it didn't
have a choice. Someone threatened to leave it trapped in a pentagram in a sealed room forever if it didn't tell what its name was. All it
takes is one Magi knowing, and it will eventually get passed around. Often, having its name known and available is a good business
tactic, since cultists are always looking for powerful creatures to get favors from.

Some areas are more likely to contain demons than others. Not surprisingly, they like to hang out where they are likely to find food or a
new victim. Las Vegas is the Mecca of demons. In contrast, demons avoid, and even feel pain, in places where Humanity is restored.
Examples of these are homes of honestly loving families, self-help meetings (perhaps like Alcoholics Anonymous), and some (but not
all) churches.

The motivations of demons should be kept secret. Players should always wonder what a demon is up to, why it gives them information
for nothing one time and charges them heavily the next, etc. Once they figure it out, though, the demon's actions should make perfect
Demons are a role-playing creature. They exist to tempt people and talk them into doing things they normally wouldn't do. They
shouldn't be like D&D Demons/Daemons/Devils, which were for beating up with your Holy Avenger.
There are rumors of creatures just like demons, except that they feed on the increase of Humanity instead of its lowering.
Every demon should have its own personality. I usually give mine Demeanors. Their Natures are uniformly Sadist (enjoyings the
suffering and corruption of individuals).
Demons can be classed in clan-like groups: Guardian (who specialize in fear/paranoia), Vengeance (hate), Wealth (greed), Pleasure
(gluttony & lust), etc.

The following is a list of the types of demons I like. I'm interested in any other sources people suggest.

Hellblazer (DC Comic) -- the story line 'Royal Blood' was centered on a possession by a demon named Calibraxis.
The Exorcist (Movie) -- A girl is possessed. To stop it, a priest allows himself to be possessed instead. He then kills himself (the
sequels apparently changed this ending).

The Devil's Game (Novel) -- A good example of a man who doesn't know if he is talking with a devil, or if it is all in his mind.
Friday the 13th: the Series (TV Series) -- 3 seasons worth of evil, indestructible objects that give you power for a price.

DEMON: The Temptation

By Nick Huggins (

This work is intended for adult readers, due to themes expressed herein. No liability is accepted for events caused by reading
by younger readers. This material may offend some, dealing as it does with elements of the supernatural, and religion. This work
is viewed as 'Religious Fiction.' Please, no flames to the author (especially not hellflames, huh?)
'A World Of Darkness', 'Storyteller' and 'Storyteller System' are trademarks licensed to White Wolf Limited. No infringement or
dispute of copyright is intended, so don't sue me (as if I had any money anyway...)
This material is copyrighted to the author. Permission is given to distribute this document in electronic or printed form, but not for
personal gain. No profit must be made from this work.

"Come in." The voice was crisp and carried a note of authority. A young man of about thirty walked into the room. His eyes took
in everything with tiny glances back and forth. His body was held rigid, and he was dressed simply in gray slacks and shirt. He
was obviously ill at ease.
"Martin, isn't it?" The speaker was taller and older. He sat behind a spartan desk, devoid of office toys and carrying a simple
pen tidy. He motioned for the younger to sit.
"Now I want you to know that this is an informal conversation, but the consequences of it could well be very serious."
"I understand."
"Good. I hope we can get to the bottom of the matter with as little fuss as possible."
The young man's face grew slack, he was sweating lightly. He opened his mouth, then shut it again. Then he looked at his
interrogator, fear now beginning to show in his eyes. "I did it -- what they said I did."
The older man shifted slightly in his seat. "Do you understand what you are saying, Martin?" he asked quietly. Martin nodded,
looking all the while at the table. "By admitting your guilt, you will throw away everything you have trained for and condemn
yourself to a certain jail sentence. This will not be taken lightly by my superiors in this diocese."
"I know," Martin's face was still, his eyes still locked on one spot on the table. "Father, I have never been a . . ." his voice trailed
off. He took a breath and began again: "paedophile. I had a girlfriend in college, but nothing like this . . ." Martin shuddered
slightly, giving the elder priest a chance to speak.
"Martin, to be honest, this kind of thing is killing the image of the clergy. Nobody can worship when they even slightly suspect that
their local parish priest could possibly commit something like -- "
"I know." Martin's eyes now locked with the other's. "You don't understand, Father Harrison. You never saw him. He was so
beautiful. His eyes were like the eyes of a faithful dog. They would watch me when I gave sermons. They would stay on me for the
whole service, and only when it was over would they be torn from me." His voice grew stronger, more angry than anything else. "It
started when he came to confession one day. He'd never been to confession, you know. He was just as confused as I was at the
start. All he said to me was 'Father Casey, I love you.'"
"And you gleefully jumped into bed with him." Behind the words lay a world of hate and disgust.
Martin narrowed his eyes at the insult. "It wasn't like that. I tried to be on his side. I thought he must have had trouble at home, or
something like that. He lived at an orphanage, and just came to church because he believed. His faith is so strong." Martin's face
clouded slightly.
"Was so strong."
"Did you murder him?" Harrison asked.
Martin's fists clenched; color rose in his cheeks as he blurted out "No!" He calmed slightly, then spoke again. "I must have been
responsible for his suicide. How could I have known what he felt? I couldn't have known he'd kill himself," he looked for guidance,
eyes aglitter with tears, "could I?" Martin Casey's eyes closed, and he felt the yawning of an abyss below him, ready to swallow
his guilt, ridicule him, degrade him, and incarcerate him forever.

The voice spoke, the youthful timbre startling him from his reverie. "Martin? Martin are you there?"
"Kevin? Kevin is that you?" The response was spoken aloud. Father Harrison started "Are you speaking to me?"
"Martin, I'll always love you -- you know how you can join me... We'll be together, and they can't hurt you any more." Martin smiled
at Father Harrison. "Don't worry, I'll make a full confession. There won't be anything messy." Somehow he didn't think it would last
that long.
...Elsewhere, elsewhen, elsewise; a semblance of a face passed a semblance of a smile. A young boy's voice spoke amid
horror beyond comprehension with all feeling replaced by sarcasm: "I love you Martin. We'll be together soon won't we?"

Chapter One: The Lore

There exists more in the World Of Darkness than many of its denizens would believe. The Garou and some mages have spiritual
belief in the Triat; the Wyrm, Wyld and Weaver. However, others, notably most mortals believe in a God over all, and in the
power of good and evil. Many of the dead depart for the Shadowlands, but these poor unfortunates are those who have left
unfinished business in the Realm, and hang in some sort of Limbo.
What, then, of those who do not go to the Shadowlands on death? Simply put, mortals have the truth. Mortals who have been
essentially 'good' during their lifetime are allotted a place in Paradise, and the others are taken to the Inferno. This work centres
on those who have Fallen, and their relationship to the rest of the World Of Darkness (If there's enough demand, I'd be happy to
do 'Angel: The Salvation', but this is more fun, dontcha think?)
Upon death, the cadaver's essence leaves the body. It either 'ascends' to Paradise, or departs on foot for the Shadowlands, or
is dragged away screaming to the Inferno. This process is visible in the Umbra to those watching. At this conjuncture, a spirit
may be delayed by magic, disciplines or gifts. After a spirit has reached its final resting place, it can only be caused to return if it
is in the Shadowlands. Souls and spirits in Heaven and Hell are unreachable to those in the Realm.
The denizens of the Inferno refer to themselves collectively as the Horde. Their immediate counterparts in Paradise are the Host,
and everyone else is part of the Flock. The Flock includes all manner of ordinary mortals, the werelings and mages as well as
those with greater lifespans, such as vampires. Even the wraiths of the Shadowlands are counted as part of the Flock.

Demonic Life
When considering the Horde and their affairs, one must almost totally disregard the mortal world as a whole. The Inferno is an
entity in its own right, and is not under the sway of the mortal world in the same way that the Shadowlands, or even the Umbra
are. Similarly, the Inferno's residents are removed quite seriously from mortals.
The Inferno appears differently depending on who views it. For a damned soul, it is the worst, most blasphemous atrocity
possible. This horror continues without day or night for years, decades, centuries, without ever stopping. There are those,
however, who become numb to the horror, slowly acclimating to the hurt. Hell changes slightly for these few, who are
untormentable in the long term. Slowly they begin to see the seams of the Netherworld, and the overlapping portions of others'
nightmares. These few become Demons. They are removed from their torture, and given leeway in the Realm to do the bidding
of the underworld. This does not mean that they cease to be tortured. Becoming a demon is worse than any torture possible. A
demon is forced to serve his Infernal masters, with no hope of escape. He is given leeway in his endeavours, but no true
freedom. Is it any wonder then that the demons of legend, the true masters of the Abyss have lost every vestige of humanity they
had, and become vile creatures of nightmare?
A demon of the Inferno can be seen as a force not just for chaos, but for pure evil. He exists to tempt others out of their spiritual
possessions. Many demons, notably those of more experience will also fulfil mortal desires in the Realm in a desperate attempt
to become what they once were. Unfortunately for the Flock, these desires have become warped and perverse. A demon may
revel in the return of his physical body, only to use it for unspeakable orgies of want. A demon whose hobby in mortal life was
socialising will turn into a socialite without compare, at the cost of dragging all of his/her 'friends' into the pit that spawned him.
Picture the nightmare of having one's wife return from the dead with new and hellish desires. A demon can never enjoy what he
enjoyed as a mortal, but has a constant craving for these things. The demon's jealousy of mortals grows and grows, and as it
does so, his ability to enjoy mortal life lessens and lessens, slowly burning the demon up from within. This process is called the
Cycle Of Iniquity. Once there is even a tiny trace of evil in the character he is doomed to become unspeakably so. The only
personality that could escape such horror is that of a saint. A saint would never be in hell to begin with...
Not all demons begin their existences as sinners trapped in the bowels of the abyss. Others of their number are spawned
directly from the chaos. These horrors are known generically as 'Fiends' to all. Generally speaking, Fiends are, from conception,
similar in behaviour to the late stages of 'standard' demonhood. They are chaotic, vile and unspeakable, preferring destruction
and immorality above all other hobbies. They often have difficulty with human customs and standards, most notably with
technology. No fiend can ever truly understand a technological device, and most even fear these creations. These creatures,

though subservient to the demonic chains of command, as all other demons, believe they are different. A legend runs through
their ranks that they were the first created race upon the planet, before Adam and Eve, before animals and birds. They were
purely evil, and rebelled instantly against The Creator. He was appalled by his handiwork, and banished the brutes to the Inferno
forever, not to be seen by mortal eyes. Whether or not this is true is unknown. Fiends are better used as NPCs, due to their alien
natures, but can be used as PCs by adventurous players, after discussion with their Storytellers.
Scholars among the Host have suspected that the Horde could overrun Paradise by sheer weight of numbers if not for one thing.
All demons hate their masters. No demon is content to serve. All wish for mastery over all other demons. Therefore,
occasionally, orders will be altered subtly from master to servant. "Bring me the leader of the Tremere chantry" is a bad order,
since a servile imp may return with the leader dead, in no condition to be tempted. Instead of stamping this practice out, the
rulers of the Inferno actively encourage it, and promote demons who practise it.

The Codex
The Horde organises itself loosely in some areas, and rigidly in others. A contrast to the total dictatorial chaos of Infernal
organisation is the rigid structure of the Codex. The Codex has been active since the Fall, and has never changed, even slightly,
over the infinity that followed until the present day. The fact that the Codex has never been broken is attributed to 'Those Who
Watch' who have sway even over the rulers of the Inferno. They are the targets of much speculation by the Horde. Are they
Angels? Demons? Super-Powerful humans, or something much worse? The simple fact is that demons who break the Codex
disappear. Frequently, they will be seen once before this, staring into space, driven into some strange madness. Since demons
rarely suffer from derangements themselves, it is thought that these Watchers must have enormous power.
Strangely, whispers and rumours are heard through the Inferno, of demons who have escaped their eternal enslavement.
Demons who have broken the Codex, and escaped. These 'escapees' are called the Despoilers, and are only seen once in a
millennia. Rumours abound as to their purpose. Storytellers should feel free to use Those Who Watch to prevent player
characters from running wild. Having a comrade disappear can really put the fear of God into the rest of the troupe. Here follow
all six articles of the Infernal Codex:

Article One
Thou shalt not reveal thy existence to a member of the flock by invoking thy true form, using thy bestowals, or by telling of your
kind. The exception to this shall be when thou art forming compact with that member of the Flock.

Article Two
Thou shalt collect souls. The demon who does not collect souls shall be a failure in the eyes of Beelzebub and returned to the
Inferno forthwith.

Article Three
Thou shalt not kill mortals with which a compact has been made in order to collect their souls. Such conduct is not permissible,
and will tarnish the good reputation of the Inferno.

Article Four
Thou shalt be honest with thine compacted mortals. Protect them from serious harm lest they be dissatisfied with their treatment.
Never extract a compact from a mortal by force.

Article Five
Obey thine elders. Exception to this may be made, and a tribunal may be brought by the General of the house to which the
complainant belongs.

Article Six
Thou shalt never lay a hand of violence on those of the Host.

Politics and History of the Inferno

As legend, popular literature and the Bible would have it, the Inferno was first populated by a number of 'Fallen Angels' headed
by Lucifer Morningstar, who would become the mythical Devil. The truth, as always, is similar, yet removed from the myth.
Indeed, angels fell from Paradise, and one of them was called Lucifer. However, they found the Inferno populated by the Fiends,
jabbering and committing atrocities in the depths. The angels, greater by far in power, bested the Fiends, and eventually
became their masters. Lucifer took one of their number (a genius in Fiend terms) as his second-in-command, and named him
Beelzebub. The Fallen and their proteges built a citadel from the natural elements, and called it Pandemonium.
When the citadel was complete, Lucifer used it as a focal point to begin the organisation of his minions in order to conquer
Paradise. He used Fiends and fallen angels alike as 'Dukes' and 'Generals' over less powerful imps and fiends. Almost all of the
Inferno was organised into 'houses' each of which was ruled by a different General. Then he used a portion of his divine power to
give his minions power, in the form of the bestowals. There were seven of these supernatural powers: Appellation, Endow,

give his minions power, in the form of the bestowals. There were seven of these supernatural powers: Appellation, Endow,
Ravage, Rending, Revolt, Torment and Wrack.
In order to understand fully the resources at his disposal, Lucifer travelled alone to the Realm. There he saw what his Father had
wrought: a world where Adam and Eve lived in blissful innocence amid the paradise that was Eden. He was enraged by the fact
that these mortals were given more than he, an ex-angel, was and resolved to corrupt them. He took the form of a serpent to
disguise his nature and began his work. The rest of the tale is well-known amongst Flock, Host and Horde. Unfortunately, in
tempting the first couple, Lucifer opened himself to the Cycle of Iniquity. He returned to the Inferno, swearing that from hence all
demons would corrupt the Flock, and pervert the Creator's works to the highest possible degree. Many fiends disagreed,
preferring instead to wage war against Paradise. Lucifer explained that this was how Paradise was to be defeated. When all
mortals were corrupted, they could begin the unholy war to end all wars.
Complete records of the abyss are rare, and much of the history of that realm is lost to the eyes of all historians. However, it is
known that the Horde, under the leadership of Lucifer prospered, and had all but succeeded in their mission to corrupt the Flock
entirely. Then the Host stepped in, organising an effective genocide of the human race, in the Great Deluge. They started mortal
life over again, with Noah's voyagers as stock. Lucifer was crushed by this. He began to realise that he was doomed to fail in his
mission, so he left the Inferno. He retired to solitude, in secret contemplation of how he could finally destroy his divine
Following this, Beelzebub took control of the Inferno. He waited a few centuries, then slew or banished many, if not all of the
fallen Angels who had accompanied Lucifer from Paradise. This was intended to draw Lucifer out of hiding, since Beelzebub
believed himself to be more powerful. Lucifer never reappeared. Beelzebub declared his old master a coward, and took his
throne. He has ruled the Inferno since, forcing the Generals of the Houses to swear obediance to him.
The rule of a Fiend has been both good and bad for the Inferno. Beelzebub has the wisdom to know when he is on to a good
thing and hates the Creator as much as Lucifer. He continues to wage war on the Flock and uses many of the same tactics as
his old Master. However, his organisational skills are poor. He is not much of a leader, and rules by sheer power rather than
leadership skill. However, his power level is sufficient to annihilate all but the most puissant of assailants. He squats in the upper
levels of Pandemonium, surrounded by his toadying minions, overseeing all.
There are still those who believe Lucifer is still alive, somewhere. Theories abound to his activities. Some say he is researching
technology -- a science which escapes the Fiends. Some say he has returned to paradise. Others say he is imminently to return,
and when he does it will signal the Apocalypse that theologians have been waiting for...

The Houses of the Inferno

The Inferno's current organisation is similar to what it was after Lucifer began his reign. It retains the structural rigidity of Houses,
ruled by Generals alone. However, due to the constant inconsistency introduced by Beelzebub's reign, many demons prefer to
be 'lone operators' and are part of no house. (In game terms, this gives characters a potential stereotype, but does not force
them to be part of it.)
Each house 'specialises' in one of Lucifer's bestowals, but they are not the sole users of it. For example: The members of the
First House of the Inferno are known as the Tempters, and they specialise in the bestowal of Endow. They have great power
over mortals, but would soon fall prey to other demons if they did not have a few of the violent Ravagers in their employ. Similarly,
the Ravagers would have little sway over the mortal world without a few Tempters.

House One
Known as the Tempters by other demons, this house was originally founded by Lucifer himself. On his disappearance, control of
the house passed to the demon known as Baal, after his successful corruption of an entire minor bloodline of vampires. The
Tempters are a reserved bunch, believing themselves better than most other demons since they were the first House created.
However, they tend to remain quiet about their original patron, since it is not 'politically correct' to mention his name. The
tempters tend to dislike the more visual bestowals, favouring Endow above all others. They are earnest in their belief that even
other demons are capable of being tempted and corrupted to their ways.

House Two
This House, otherwise known as the Ravagers, have Beelzebub as their General. They are comprised mostly of Fiends, whose
violent nature lends itself to the effects Ravage can produce. A Ravager can be seen as a kind of demonic enforcer, evil in the
extreme. Most of this house are arrogant about their position, and hold their house above all others. They especially hate the
Schemers and the Tempters, largely because they do not understand their subtleties. Not all of the Ravagers are mindless
buffoons, however. Many take their disciplinarian roles seriously.

House Three
The Schemers are said by other houses to be corrupted by the mortal world. They probably use technology more than any other
kind of demon to supplement their house bestowal of Torment, and organise themselves along the lines of some sort of infernal
corporation. Belial is their General, although he is addressed as the Director by other Schemers. When in the Realm, the
Schemers dress neatly, and carry briefcases. They use written contracts heavily in their pacts, and have an affable demeanour.

This attitude has persuaded many among the Horde that the Schemers are hiding something. The fiends have an almost sacred
distrust for them due to their use of technology.

House Four
The smallest House of the Inferno are known collectively as the Puppeteers. Their House bestowal of Appellation needs the true
name of a victim to function, and so this house has libraries of books and lists of their 'pet' mortals' true names. This constant
search for true names has become for the puppeteers something of a quest for knowledge. They have often been referred to as
the 'house of secrets.' Many other Houses distrust them, and they are closely watched by Beelzebub's Ravagers. The fourth
House makes a powerful friend. Woe betide their enemies. The fourth General of the Inferno is known by many names, for he
tells no-one his secrets. He is generally referred to as The Enigma.

House Five
Vermin by name, vermin by nature. These pitiful fright-merchants are almost universally disliked for their habits, disgusting even
by demonic standards.

House Six
This is the House of the Formwielders, users of the bestowal of Wrack. They are lead by their General, Azazel, who is the fallen
angel brother of Belial of the third House. It is for this reason that the Schemers and the Formwielders have long had a truce.
Unfortunately, the fallen angels are frowned upon by Beelzebub. The sixth house are the spies and disguise artists of the Inferno,
and are used by other factions for a variety of services. Their ranks are carefully watched over for these masters of form often
take each others' place to blackmail or practice extortion.

House Seven
Asphodel is the general of the seventh house of the inferno, that of the Realityshapers. These demons are the geographers of
the Inferno, and are those who make it possible for other demons to travel to the Realm and beyond. Their bastion, The House
Of Gates, is full of doors that lead to other places, fantastic and mystical. It is said that some of these doors lead into
Pandemonium itself, and some even into shrouded alcoves in Beelzebub's throne-room. The Realityshapers are a servile
house, and they work quietly but efficiently when given a task to perform. Often, when demons are sent en masse to the Realm, a
Realityshaper will accompany them to take them back to the Inferno on completion of their mission. It is said that the
Formwielders and Realityshapers are but flip sides of the same coin, one dealing with the manipulation of the self, one with the
manipulation of that which is outside the self.

House Eight
To label a demon as one of the eighth House of the Inferno is a terrible insult. The eighth house is the mythical house of the
outcasts and Despoilers. Like the Despoilers themselves, those of the House are hunted by the Ravagers. Beelezebub has
spread propaganda in the past that Lucifer has become a member of this House, and is manipulating them from behind the
scenes. If they truly exist, then only the Puppeteers know the facts, and whether or not the eighth House truly possess True Faith,
as the Host do...

The sole purpose of the Horde is to create pacts with the Flock. Pacts (also called Compacts) are simply an agreement
between a hapless member of the Flock (called a beneficiary) and a demon. The beneficiary receives something in return for his
own services. The most serious Pacts concern the beneficiary's immortal soul itself, and it is these pacts that have found their
way into the myths and legends of the modern world. However, other pacts can be made, for treasured memories or similar.
How the pact is made is largely up to the demon in question. Some of the Horde set themselves up as a kind of infernal lawyer.
A contract is made up and signed in the blood of the beneficiary. Other demons will form verbal agreements, backed up by
sheer muscle and supernatural weight of power. The Codex protects beneficiaries under Articles Three and Four. A compact
can only ever be formed by the willing assent of the beneficiary after careful questioning by a demon.
In game terms, the pact adds to a demon's 'Soul Pool.' This is a reserve of power that the demon has at his command, and can
be used to fuel further supernatural powers (see 'Character Creation.') Often, the demon must play salesman, giving a mortal
infernal gifts, while retaining enough soul power to fuel greater supernatural feats. For more information on infernal gifts and
investments read the sections on 'bestowals' and 'infernal investments.'
The Storyteller is the final arbiter of how many soul points can be gained from any particular pact, and what commodities a
demon can demand from his beneficiary.
Note that in some cases, the loss of certain memories can change a person's outlook on life, and the way that they act. A player
character selling the memories he has of his wife, for example, is losing something cherished, and something that makes him

act the way he does. Storytellers should feel free to add derangements to such a 'beneficiary', or possibly to change his
demeanour. In certain circumstances, it may be prudent to change someone's nature. Players should be well warned about the
penalties of 'dealing with the devil,' and should be consulted before changes to their characters take place. Naturally, if a
character sells the memories of a loved one, or similar, he must be left with the knowledge that he once had those memories.
Such is the nature of torment.
Demons can also make pacts and agreements amongst themselves. To seal a pact between demon and demon soul points are
used. Therefore, soul points can be traded between demons for favours. Soul points can only traded by physical contact, such
as shaking hands. For example: Gideon, a demon of the first house, does a deal with his beneficiary involving protection.
Gideon isn't very powerful in physical terms, so he gives the job to Yod, a Ravager. Yod demands four Soul Points for this favour,
and Gideon must give up four of the five points he gained from his deal. They shake, and the deal is done.

Summonings and Bindings

Through myth and legend, mortals and hedge wizards have always had the power to summon those of the Horde. Generally, this
turns out to be not such a good idea, but it is possible. A demon may be summoned, and bound to a person, place or circle
(drawn on the ground...) From there, the summoner may entreat the demon to do things in return for servitude. The trick is to
dismiss the demon afterward, without harmful ramifications.
The actual cosmological mechanics of summoning and binding are relatively simple. The summoner opens a portal into the
Inferno, and calls forth the demon he requires, using that demon's true name. A binding is actually an extremely localised,
extremely powerful strengthening of the gauntlet and shroud, which prevents the demon from moving into the spirit world or the
inferno, and even out of the boundary of the circle, or vicinity of person or place. These potent strengthenings of the gauntlet and
shroud are only used for binding demons. Having said that, rumours persist of a circle in old, dried blood behind a bricked-up
wall in a Vienna residence. Inside lies a dead body, of the mage that drew the circle. His spirit, unable to escape to the
Shadowlands, Paradise or the Inferno, howls constantly . . .
From the demon's point of view, being summoned is a horrible insult and any self-respecting demon will wish to destroy the
summoner. However, unless he has the appropriate demonic puissance, he may find himself pressed into the service of his new
master. Of course, many demons can and will escape such imprisonment. 'Caveat summoner.'
In game terms, there are many possibilities for summoning a demonic servant. The one thing that must be known is the demon's
true name (Naturally, a demon can do much the same thing, so never supply a true name to a demon!) Secondly, some sort of
magic(k)al ability is necessary. Whether this be hedge magic, true magick, (dark) thaumaturgy , or just force of will is negligible.
For game purposes, a 'Binding Value' is attached to the relevant circle. A demon is less likely to escape, the higher the binding
value. What follows are a few spells, rites, rituals and rotes designed to facilitate adding demons to your chronicle:

Summon Demonic Envoy: (Vampire, Hedge Magician thaumaturgical ritual, level four) The caster must be in possession of
one Blood Point worth of vampiric blood. With this, he marks a circle on the ground, surrounded by runes, and magical writings.
He then recites this ritual, an act which takes approximately two hours. After this, the caster sacrifices a rabbit with a silver knife.
This causes a portal to be opened to the Inferno. The caster speaks the true name of the demon he wishes to summon into the
portal. The demon appears, and is considered bound within the confines of the circle, with a Binding Value of 4.

Ward vs. Demons (Thaumaturgical Ritual, level five) This potent ritual creates a mystic symbol, which appears after the ritual is
cast on an object of the caster's choosing. The effect of the symbol is to make an area of ten feet in radius around the symbol
impregnable to demonkind. The only component for this ritual is three blood points worth of the caster's own blood. The ritual
takes fifteen hours to complete, during which the object to receive the ward is repeatedly anointed with blood. When the ritual is
complete, the symbol appears magically on the object. A demon touching the object takes five dice of damage. A demon in the
ten foot radius of protection takes 1 dice damage for every 20 seconds he is in it.

Summon The Herald Of Hell (Daimonion level seven) This power needs to be clarified slightly for use with "Demon: The
Temptation." It summons a demon from the Inferno, and binds that demon to the service of the caster. No true name is necesary
for this summoning due to Clan Baali's dealings with the demon known as Baal.

Rite Of The Accursed Moon Bridge (Garou rite, level four) This rite is effectively a bastardisation of the Rite Of The Opened
Bridge. It opens a Moon Bridge to what most garou will term Malfeas, but which is actually the Inferno (it is, of course, possible to
open a bridge to Malfeas, but this rite doesn't do it). The caster shouts the true name of the demon he wishes to summon, and
the demon appears. The demon is not considered bound, but since this ritual can only be performed at a caern, he is usually
persuaded to serve. The pathstone used in this ritual, which is the same as the one used to create a 'proper' moon bridge is
tarnished by the ritual. Most garou will never use this rite, because of the connotations of summoning Wyrm-spawn. However,
some Black Spiral Dancers can use it. These corrupted garou know that they consort with the abyss, and not Malfeas.

Demonic Servant (Mage Rote, Spirit 3, Entropy 3, Prime 2) First used by the Order of Hermes, this rote is still in wide use
amongst that Tradition. Use has also spread to the Euthanatos, who use demons as portable assault weapons. The mage
distorts reality to open a portal to the Inferno. Once again, he calls the true name of the demon he wishes to summon through this
portal in order to summon him. Binding is a problem in this regard. Use of Spirit 4 will perform the necessary strengthening of
Gauntlet and Shroud around a particular area (mages don't need circles as such, but many will use them as a kind of focus.)
Mind can be used similarly to its use on a human to mentally enslave a demon, but the demon's mind is alien. If botches are
made on this roll, a Storyteller may consider conferring a derangement or two on the mage.
Additionally, the Flock can attempt to summon a demon without using magic(k) at all. This method of 'flying by the seat of one's

pants' is highly dangerous, since a demon can be summoned, but not dismissed or bound. Also, any demon can answer the
summons. Some of the Dukes and Generals of hell have a constant ear out for such foolish beings who would try this. In game
terms, all that needs to be done is this: The summoner must want to summon the demon enough. He spends 4 Willpower points,
and waits. A demon may or may not arrive. Depending on the person, this process is 'livened up' by several methods. A tribal
shaman would rattle beads and chant, a modern-day occult fanatic might read aloud from a dusty tome he found in a secondhand bookstore.

True Names
True names have a lot of bearing in Demon: The Temptation. A demon can be summoned using his true name, as has been
seen. What is less well-known is that demon can summon the Flock using true names, and force them to provide services for
him. Most ordinary mortals won't even know their true name. Some supernaturals, Tremere vampires, Order Of Hermes mages
and mummies especially guard their true names.
So what is a true name? Simply put, a true name is a mystical appellation for a person, place or thing. It is the name that best
'fits' in a mystical sense. True names can change sometimes, as the demeanour of a person changes. With virtually immortal
creatures such as demons, vampires or mummies, true names are static, and if known by someone else, can make horrible
exploitation possible.
How does one find one's true name? It largely depends on one's viewpoint and belief set. A mage or Tremere clan vampire
might use mystical tomes to determine a birth chart of sorts, then consult more books to determine a name from this. More
spiritually oriented characters will use a 'vision quest' and be given their true name by a spirit or totem of some sort. Storytellers
should bear in mind that a true name not only reflects a character's essence, but also his background.
From a game point of view, finding someone's true name should be a difficult task, but not impossible. Finding one's own true
name is, however, an easy task. Sale of one's true name is worth 3 soul points, but this is a fool's bargain, and demons can use
true names with devastating effect.

Chapter Two: The Game

Demons and The World Of Darkness
How do the Infernals relate to the rest of the published World Of Darkness? Simply enough, since all of the supernatural
elements of it count as part of the Flock. A demon's primary concern where a supernatural is concerned is that some beings
have the power to destroy a demon on a whim. Hence, and this is in keeping with popular thought in the Inferno, the demon often
offers his services to the least powerful.
Vampires are often a very viable target for demons, since they crave power in their endless political machinations. They can be
manipulated easily into thinking that, since they are 'immortal', they have no need for a soul as such. Of course, a vampire can
die as easily as a mortal. The vampire 'clan' called Baali need special consideration, since they are devil-worshippers. Their
power is given to them by Baal, one of the more successful Schemers, and souls that they procure are given to Baal. This
means that the Baali are nothing but limited stooges. Naturally, the Baali themselves are blissfully unaware of this. The Sabbat
sect should also be mentioned, as they can also have dealings with demons. The Sabbat are more likely to give away their
souls, since they care little for their own safety in many respects. In this regard, they are easier to tempt. To complicate this, the
Tempters have a hard time with the Sabbat, who are more frequently impressed by (and hence corrupted by) the Ravagers.
Werewolves (the Garou) have a spiritual system that does not include the Christian concepts of 'Heaven' and 'Hell.'
Nevertheless, they are still easy prey for the Horde. Since a Garou is so taken with his mission to save Gaia, he can sometimes
be persuaded to take on extra power in the belief that it will make his mission that bit easier. Garou have a great physical
puissance, and a demon should be careful in his dealings with them. Notable in the Garou belief system are two things: firstly,
their equivalent of Beelzebub seems to be an entity known only as 'The Wyrm.' Demons 'smell' of the Wyrm to Garou senses,
and can therefore be in extreme danger from the werewolves. Secondly, the Wyrm supposedly resides in a kingdom known as
'Malfeas.' This kingdom is supposedly similar to the Inferno, but no demon traveller has noted any comparison between the two
Mages, as mortals, have many vices and weaknesses that can be exploited by a successful demon. They separate themselves
into groups like the Garou and Vampires, and some of these groups have particular interest for the Horde. The 'tradition' known
as the 'Euthanatos' are obsessed with death, and what happens during this process. They were the first group of mortals to
communicate with the Horde on their own terms, and are of great interest to the Schemers. Secondly, a larger group of Mages,
called the Technocracy are of note. These fools use their power of reality altering to reshape the cosmos into their own design.
This design ignores the Inferno, and indeed Paradise. Neither Host nor Horde have any dealings with them and they refuse to
acknowledge the existence of the eternal verities. Lastly, are a small group called the 'Celestial Chorus' who devote their mortal
existences to serving the Host. Nevertheless, some of them have been successfully tempted, and there are even a few demons
who were once of this order.
The Wraiths of the Shadowlands are closer to the Horde than they would, perhaps, like to admit. They are dead, and are only

one step away from the Inferno, which they call Oblivion. They are ruled by their dark sides, or Shadows. They do not fall prey to
the Cycle Of Iniquity, but they use raw souls as coinage (1 Obolus is worth 1 Soul point) Some demons spend their entire
existences working in the Shadowlands for these coins, which they use to replenish their energies. However, when doing this,
one must be careful not to let one's nature show. The Hierarchy of the wraiths is tyrannical and dangerous in the extreme.
Of the other creatures in this World Of Darkness, let it be said that many of them are too rare to warrant advice. Solely the faerie
are of any warrant an explanation. They are tricksters, and may, on some occasions even trick one of the Horde.

How To Run A Story With Demons

Troupe Play
It is probably obvious that "Demon: The Temptation" runs best when one or more demons are included in a party of other
supernaturals (Vampires or Wraiths for preference.) However, it is possible to work with a troupe of demons in the same way
that one would deal with a troupe of another type. When working with a number of demons it can be interesting to vary the types
of demon to produce maximum contrast. In the service of Beelzebub, tempters with suits, briefcases and a great deal of finesse
are forced to rub shoulders with drooling, disgusting Fiends. One of two outcomes is produced: an uneasy alliance, where all are
trying hard to maintain the peace, or a situation where backstabbing of any character is imminent and simple. Demons of all
sorts have to watch their backs carefully.
(Authors Note : Most of my ideas for this game have come from playing and encountering a number of 'Tempter' types. This
game probably owes much of its nature to these types, and they are probably the best catered for as player characters.)

Theme in a "Demon: The Temptation" story is often one of chaos or morality. Chaos frequently follows demons, and they cause
it merely by presence in many cases. The morality referred to is generally the morality of the beneficiary, as the demon slowly
tempts him away from all he holds to be true and right.

As in any roleplaying game there must be some sort of conflict to challenge the characters. Any Storyteller can create a list of
possible enemies (Demon vs. Supernaturals, Demon vs. Mortals (The Inquisition, maybe?), Demon vs. Angels...) but perhaps a
few constants would be more useful.
A story involving demons as either part or all of a troupe should have an underlying menace. A demon should never appear
mundane. Even the most experienced Sabbat Bishop dealing with a minor imp knows that he bargains for his immortal soul.
Similarly, even the most humane demon is still a demon, a stealer of life and a bringer of death. Therefore, demons should
always be different in some way. Discuss this with your players.
Secondly, a demon always knows one thing: He is damned. If he fails in his mission then he will be consigned back to the worst
of all possible worlds: The Inferno. Even though most demons will have become accustomed to their own personal hells, they will
still not want to be returned to them. A demon with little time left in the Realm can swiftly find the tables turned on him as his last
deal turns awry. His beneficiary refuses to give anything, and the demon is returned screaming to the pit by Ravagers in the
service of Beelzebub, perhaps overenthusiastically . . .

Chapter Three: Character

Character Creation: Infernally Speaking
Creating a demon character is just about the same as creating any other sort of character, with some different Attributes and
Statistics. It should be understood that these rules are solely for creating 'starting' demons. More powerful demons have much
more power, and the likes of House Generals, Beelzebub, or Lucifer have power beyond mortal comprehension. For example,
Lucifer created the bestowals, and gave them to demons in general, so each new generation of demons has them. Similarly,
nothing is likely to depose Beelzebub from his throne at this point except a total uprising in the infernal ranks.

Nature And Demeanour

Nature and Demeanour archetypes should be chosen, and are as important and integral to this game as they are in any other
game. It may seem strange that a demon can be, say, a caregiver, but it is possible. Demons are given a unique perspective on
their lives, and psychologically resemble a warped version of their human selves. If nothing else, nature and demeanour give
some insight into the demon's methods for tempting individuals. At the storyteller's discretion, the extra 'shadow' personality

archetypes from 'Wraith : The Oblivion' can be used. These have potential for creating some truly nasty characters.

Attributes and Abilities

A demon's Attributes and Abilities are determined as normal, that is to say 7, 9, 5 points in Attributes (All attributes have a 'free'
dot in them to start with); 13, 9, 5 in Abilities.

Backgrounds are given 5 points. The following backgrounds are available to demons, and can be found in either Vampire: The
Masquerade, or Mage: The Ascension.

Allies: Similar to the standard background, but refers to demonic and mortal allies, possibly under pact.
Arcane: This Mage background is available to demons due to their supernatural nature. Demons in the Realm need some

Contacts: Can refer to demonic contacts as well as mortal or supernatural contacts.

Mentor: Demons can train under more experienced demons too.
Resources: Useful for demons in the Realm or the Shadowlands. This background also covers other trappings of society like ID
or Credit cards, or masks and oboli in the Shadowlands.

Retainers: Also acceptable as a servant or companion. A demon may have a maximum of two retainers. If the demon has more
than two points in this background, the retainers may be of supernatural nature.

Remnants: The demon is relatively 'new' and certain people in the Realm still remember her. This background can afford a
demon a place to hide, but can also shatter her credibility to potential beneficiaries.

Bestowals are also given 5 points. These powers may be chosen freely, so long as no one bestowal is above 3 points in a
starting character. The assignment of bestowals will probably determine what House the demon belongs to (demon belongs to
the House associated with his highest ranked bestowal), although this is not always the case.

Soul Points
A demon's soul pool is quite important, as detailed above (see 'Pacts.') It is represented in game terms as a scale from one to
ten. Ten soul points is the maximum at any one time. Being at zero soul points is not fatal, though it is dangerous, if a demon is
about to mix with other supernaturals. Soul pool starts at zero points. Soul points have a direct bearing on the Bestowals a
demon can use. To repeat what is mentioned above, Soul Points are a measure of how well the demon is in standing with the
Inferno for corrupting mortals. Therefore, staying at zero Soul Points for any length of time is liable to cause trouble between the
Inferno and its errant minion. If, through a high Damnation Pool value (see below) a demon falls below zero Soul Points, the fact
comes to the attention of Beelzebub himself, who may or may not choose to take action.

Damnation Pool
The Cycle of Iniquity's effect on a demon's psychology is represented using a statistic called 'Damnation Pool.' Damnation Pool
rises by one point for every week a demon spends in the Realm. Secondly, in a situation where a demon has an obvious chance
to do something evil and doesn't, he must score over two successes on a roll of five dice against a difficulty of his Damnation
Pool value or gain another Damnation point. If at any time the Damnation Pool rises above ten, the demon loses a Soul Point for
each Damnation Point above ten. Damnation points can be lost by performing 'evil' deeds. The particular evil deed which must
be performed is chosen by the Player and Storyteller of the character, and is usually linked to the character's mortal life. Whether
or not a Damnation Point is lost after an action is determined by the Storyteller. Not all actions are worthy...
Example: Casper was, in life, a serial killer whose 'trademark' was to brand his victims with an inverted cross after their death.
His player suggests to the Storyteller that the same act will be the act that regains his Damnation Points. The Storyteller
suggests this is a little extreme, and suggests that Casper regains Damnation by branding the living...

Demonic Bestowals
The Horde have supernatural abilities different to other entities in the World Of Darkness. These 'bestowals' are given to them by
the rulers of the Inferno, and some are dependent on the level of soul pool the demon has. Simply put, if the demon has not been
collecting souls then he will not be able to use many of the more spectacular bestowals.
A lot of the bestowals listed are similar in effect to some vampiric disciplines. The links between these are intended, since some

disciplines are changed forms of demonic bestowals.

An interesting thing to note about bestowals is that they are rarely given freely to their intended targets. Often a demon will ask
for a favour of some kind in order to confer benefits on his potential target. Naturally, it is possible to ask for, say a target's soul,
and then use the resultant soul pool value to confer the benefit on the donor.

Appellation is similar to the magical ability of Hekau (taken from 'A World Of Darkness: Mummy') as it concerns itself with true
names. Appellation is dissimilar to Hekau magic in that it is impossible to work with an object using its true name. Although the
true name of an object may be known, it cannot be interacted with using Appellation.

* Scry
Using this power, a demon can 'keep tabs' on a victim. He can do this mentally, receiving a picture of his intended target or he
can use a scrying crystal, pool of water, or pool of blood in order to show images to others. What is revealed is the view through
the target's eyes. Nothing except visual data is received.
System: This power can be used at will.

** Call
A demon can send telepathic messages to his victim using this ability. This message imprints itself on the target's
consciousness, as anything from clearly spoken mental words, to a sort of auto-suggestion.
System: The demon selects a target, then rolls Appellation + Perception against a target of 6. The number of successes
denotes how subtle the message is. One success is a whisper, barely audible in the recesses of the victim's mind. Five
successes is a clear voice. If a demon gets more successes than he needs, he can, of course, 'attenuate the signal' to a quieter

*** Summon
The demon can transport a being whose true name he possesses to him. This being suddenly appears, slightly disoriented, at
the demon's feet. The victim is not considered bound to the demon in any way nor is he required to do services for the demon.
System: The demon rolls Charisma + Appellation versus a target difficulty of 6. The number of successes relates to the time
taken for the victim to arrive. The 'travel time' is perceived by the mortal as fleeting colours and white noise.
Successes Time taken
Unable to summon
1 Hour
Half Hour
1 Minute

**** Bind
Just as a conjurer can summon and imprison a demon, the demon can summon another being, and then bind them using this
power. The demon must have some sort of imprisoning object, such as a circle (or a more outlandish object, like a bottle, or
System: The demon rolls Strength + Appellation against a target difficulty of 6. The number of successes becomes the Binding
Value of the binding invoked on the victim.

***** Dismiss
A very potent ability. The demon has the power to return a being whose true name he possesses back whence he came. The
demon utters the true name of his victim, and the hapless soul is forced to return to his home, haven, or just the Umbra.
System: The demon rolls Strength + Appellation versus a target difficulty of 7. More than one success is required to dismiss a
target. The target may negate successes at a cost of one willpower point per success.

A demon's greatest power lies in the ability to offer their victim's power in exchange for favours and souls. Endow is the
bestowal which makes this possible. Through it, a demon can offer great incentives to start up compacts and contracts.
Frequent users of Endow are known to the Horde as Tempters. They generally fall into the classic Mephistophelean role.

* False Confidence.
Upon receiving Confidence from a demon, the target becomes infused with a feeling of competence, and a belief that he cannot

possibly do anything wrong. This effect naturally negates other effects such as Guilt (Torment level one), or Fear Of The Void
Below (Daimonion level two.)
System: The demon must engage the target in conversation, and tell him how good he is, something like 'Come on, I know you
can do it. I have faith in you' is a good example. He then rolls Manipulation + Endow against a target of 5. The duration is about
an hour's worth of time. Enough to give that speech, or to win that ball game.

** Mask Of Damnation
This is the ability to mask one's aura and intentions from the outside world. The demon can use this ability on anyone, including
System: The demon touches his target, and rolls Perception + Endow versus a difficulty of 6. The number of successes denote
the duration of the effect. During this time, the demon's aura is masked, deleting the 'Diablerie Lines' that make it difficult to
operate in Vampire society. Similarly, a demon no longer triggers 'Sense Wyrm' or similar.
Successes Duration
1 Scene
1 Day
1 Week
1 Month

*** Luck Of The Devil.

This power confers a supernatural luck on a given target. For the duration of the effect, things just seem to go his way.
Coincidences follow him around, making just about any job easier. This luck is good luck centred around the target. It does not
affect others adversely. For example, a lucky character would not escape death by having his opponent's gun misfire or explode,
damaging the firer. Instead, he would be likely to trip over, causing the bullet to miss.
System: The demon rolls Wits + Endow vs a target difficulty of 7. The resulting number of successes is added to all of the
target's dice pools until the end of the scene. This power is conferred by sight, and costs two soul points to activate.

**** Minor Infernal Investitature

With this power, the demon can confer a small (One or two point) investitature on his target. The target must be willing to accept
this boon, and generally it is not used except in exchange for the most compelling of compacts. Demonic Investments are
covered in much better detail in White Wolf's 'Storyteller's Guide To The Sabbat.' More sample Investitures can be found in
Appendix One of this work.
System: The demon rolls Strength + Endow against a target difficulty of the target's Stamina plus the points cost of the
Investitature. The demon must touch his target to confer the investment.

***** Major Infernal Investitature.

This power operates exactly the same as it's counterpart, with the exception that investments of three or four points can be
conferred onto the Flock.

This bestowal is the most visual of all, and is useful against adversaries rather than prospective beneficiaries. It centres around
the demonic form and traditional hellfire. The users of this bestowal are generally Fiends and demons well progressed along the
Cycle of Iniquity, although anyone can learn it. Its practitioners are referred to as the 'Ravagers' and are counted as the shock
troops of the Inferno. * Fumes Of Brimstone
This power causes the materialisation of thick, yellow sulphurous fumes which expand to fill an area of about a room's size. The
demon can control the appearance and subsequent dissipation of these fumes, for use as cover during an escape, or simply as
an entrance.
System: These fumes can be raised and lowered easily at the expenditure of one willpower point per manifestation.

** Flaming Touch
The demon's hands (or feet, or teeth, but only one of these) become covered in a sheath of flickering soulfire (see below.) This
does no damage to the demon.
System: The demon spends a Soul Point, and mystically catches fire. He may maintain this manifestation until the end of the
scene, but once dispelled, it cannot again manifest without another Soul Point being spent. The demon may cause aggravated
damage with the affected appendage.

*** Soulfire

Soulfire is a mystical energy native to the Inferno. In mortal terms, Soulfire is akin to napalm in that it sets virtually anything
flammable alight. It is however, unlike traditional fire in that it can be any color, and leaps from the hands of a demon in a manner
akin to a liquid.
System: The demon rolls Dexterity + Ravage against a target difficulty of 6. Damage is determined by the number of Soul Points
spent, and is considered aggravated. Even if no soul points are spent, the soulfire still sets normal flammables alight. If this
occurs, normal flames are observed.

**** Fiendish Infusion

Simply, this power allows a demon to use his Soul Points in the same way as a vampire to boost physical attributes.
System: The demon spends one Soul Point per two dots increased in a physical attribute. The stats remain increased for a
duration of one hour of game time.

***** Infernal Transformation

The demon can assume his demonic form and immediately assumes a number of bonuses due to this transformation. The
Codex is at risk after a use of this power, and therefore, even the most crazed fiends will not use it stupidly.
System: Three Soul Points are spent to achieve the transformation. 6 dots are available in this form to be spent on whatever
Physical Attributes the demon wishes. The 'Appearance' attribute may also be affected, but only at the discretion of the
Storyteller, and only if the demon's True Form is deemed to be more attractive than bestial.

Rending is the bestowal that allows a demon to literally tear apart the gauntlet between the realm and the umbra. This produces
effects similar to Spirit magic, and similar. It should be noted that spirits are likely to be able to see a demon's aura, and are
hostile. Therefore, critical botches with this bestowal can lead to interesting results (at the Storyteller's discretion.) Tales are still
told of Blind Ragnek, who, after using Rending to view his beneficiary's aura, had his eyes ripped out by spirits. Frequent users
of Rending are known as Realityshapers.

* Spirits of Untruth
The demon can see vaguely the aura surrounding someone to see if they are lying or not. This is accomplished by corroding the
gauntlet slightly in order to see through, and is not 'true' aura perception.
System: The demon rolls Perception and Rending versus a target difficulty equal to the strength of the gauntlet in the area. His
successes determine what the Storyteller can tell him about the target's veracity. Only one target can be checked for each use of
this power.

** Create Demonground
There are areas throughout the Realm that are tainted by evil. These areas are repulsive to wildlife, and have few plants growing
in them. Plants that do persist are stunted, and grow in strange shapes. These areas are called demonground, and are formed
by the passage of a demon. Sometimes, the smell of brimstone will linger here. Lastly, demons are more likely to appear here
than anywhere else. A demon can create these wastelands.
System: The demon chooses whether to rend the Gauntlet or Shroud in his area, then rolls Strength + Rending versus a target
difficulty of the relevant rating in the area. This rating is lowered by a quantity equal to half the number of successes, rounding up.
The distinctive look and feel of demonground occurs later, but the 'atmosphere' happens almost immediately. This power can
only be used once on a particular area.

*** Walk Infernal Paths

A demon frequently faces the problem of travelling globally (or even into the Umbra or Shadowlands) to visit a beneficiary. Using
this power, that task is simplicity itself. When a demon first contacts his beneficiary, he arranges a place that the two can meet.
At a later date, the demon can instantly travel to this place to meet and discuss further blasphemies. Naturally, powerful demons
who have networks of subservient mortals have an effective global transit system using this power.
System: The demon rolls Dexterity + Rending versus a target difficulty of the Gauntlet rating of the area to be travelled to and
spends a Willpower point. The resulting number of successes denotes how long it takes the demon to make the journey. A
demon must arrange this time lag with his mortal, since being late is horribly bad for an Abyssal creature's image(!)
Successes Time taken
Unable to make journey
1 Hour
Half Hour
1 Minute

**** Escape Binding

Mages throughout history have been horrified to see demons escape the circles and wards they have erected in their protection.
The ability is just a judicious use of this power. A demon may simply ignore any one binding spell. A demon may not ignore the
effects of, for example a 'Ward vs. demons' however, unless it is just blocking his escape.
System: The demon rolls Strength + Rending versus a target difficulty of 6. He must score as many or more than successes than
the Binding Value of the binding to escape.

***** Rend the Reality Veil

A demon can lacerate the very fabric of reality with this power. Using whatever means he likes (claws, sword, bare hands) he
makes a slashing motion. Reality distends and rips open, exposing one of the Umbra, the Shadowlands, the Realm, or the
Inferno. This tear is semi-permanent until closed by the demon, or a supernatural of considerable ability and good intention.
System: The demon rolls Strength + Rending versus a target difficulty of the gauntlet (or shroud, if attempting to open a portal to
the Shadowlands. Difficulty in the Inferno is always 6) value in the area. Successes necessary to open a portal are different as
per destination:
DestinationSuccesses Necessary

Demons in legend and tales have long had the ability to disgust sensitive mortals. They can engender vermin, cause nausea in
victims, to add to many less savoury abilities. Those demons capable of using the bestowal of Revolt are the basis for these
tales. These foul creatures are often shunned by others of the Horde, and are named Vermin, after the creatures they have
power over.

* Fleshcrawl
This power causes a sudden and intense feeling of 'having one's grave walked over.' It can often herald the approach of a
demon, but confers no physical damage on the target. It can, however be unnerving...
System: The demon can engender this feeling simply by glancing at a victim. If this power is used too frequently on a particular
victim, he will build up a resistance to it.

** Nausea
A more potent form of Fleshcrawl, Nausea causes a victim to feel as if he is about to vomit. In mortals, this is a distracting
feeling, but in vampires, it can be quite serious (vampires vomit precious blood.) Note that the sickness does not actually take
place, but the victim thinks it will.
System: The demon rolls Perception + Revolt versus a target difficulty of the subject's Stamina + Fortitude (if any.) The resulting
number of successes is the number of hours the victim will feel nauseous for. Nauseated characters lose one success from all
pools, and magic(k)al effects/disciplines etc. have their effectiveness lessened by one success.

*** Engender Vermin

A demon may conjure forth one handful of vermin to do his bidding. The type of vermin is left to the demon, but it should be
something widely held to be disgusting. A rat, some slugs, spiders, cockroaches etc. The vermin may be caused to appear
anywhere, such that the appearance causes no damage to anyone. Therefore, it is impossible to conjure a handful of slugs in
someone's windpipe. However, conjuring slugs around someone's mouth and nostrils would be a legitimate use of this power.
Note that the vermin so engendered are not forced to do the demon's bidding.
System: This power costs one soul point to use.

**** Pack Leader

The demon becomes irresistably attractive to vermin. Once again, the demon chooses the type of vermin, but he can then call
his 'pack mates' to join him. The amount of vermin summoned like this is theoretically unlimited, but storytellers should remember
that vermin can only travel so fast, and there will be few in a given area. A particularly revolting use of this power would be to
transform a human form into a seething mass of maggots or cockroaches, whilst standing in an abandoned tenement flat.
Although a demon can give orders to a group of creatures in this way, he cannot see through their eyes or use bestowals through
them in the same way he could if using 'Form of the multitude' (Wrack level 5.)

***** Transmute Matter

This bizarre power allows a demon to escape mortal bonds and prisons. He can alter quantities of matter transforming them into
a seething mass of vermin. The vermin created in this matter are not considered controlled by the demon, neither can the type of

vermin created be controlled. A morass of creatures, each feeding on another appears, and tumbles forward if its cohesion is
threatened in any way.
System: The demon rolls Stamina + Revolt against a target difficulty of 6. The number of successes determines how many
kilograms of matter the demon is capable of transmuting. The demon must then spend one soul point for each kilogram of
matter he wishes to transmute, up to a total less than or equal to his successes.

The bestowal of Torment allows a member of the Fallen to cause the flock mental and physical agony. The lower levels are
classic fare for the 'Tempter' style of demon, while the higher levels lend themselves more to less subtle pursuits.

* Guilt
This power causes an intense feeling of guilt in the victim. The demon must have the victim engaged in conversation, and 'set up'
the guilt, by suggesting why he should be guilty. The target will then feel strong feelings of guilt, opening him psychologically to
yet more torment.
System: The demon rolls Manipulation + Torment versus a difficulty of the target's willpower. The demon need not even be able
to see his victim to use this power but must be able to engage him in conversation. Therefore, a telephone conversation can
work as a medium for this power.

** Fear Of Falling
This power is possibly the most frequently used power by the tempters of the Horde. The victim must be engaged in
conversation, and then some sort of hint dropped, suggesting that the target has a dilemma of some sort. Valid suggestions are
"I hear people are plotting against you" or "Maybe your inability to swim could cause your downfall." The only real constraint is
that the suggestion must have a grain of truth in it. If the demon's use of the power is successful, the target will feel feelings of
doubt, centred around the suggestion.
System: As for 'Guilt', the demon rolls Manipulation + Torment versus a difficulty of the target's willpower. The target suffers no
physical damage in game terms, just a paranoid feeling which he must roleplay.

*** Tragedy Of The Lost Embrace

With this power, the demon has the ability to cause feelings of loneliness and betrayal. It undermines the victim's self-confidence,
and causes him to feel he has never had a real friendship or love for anyone. He feels lost and alone, and needs more than
anything else to be with someone. Of course, this is an incredibly successful way of seducing the Flock. Any attempts made by
the victim to interact with others after use of this power are at -2 to the relevant dice pool due to the look of desperation in his
eyes, the way his voice holds a tone of pleading.
System: Roll Charisma + Torment against a target difficulty of 7, or 5 if the target has been drinking or is otherwise open to
suggestion. The target difficulty is reduced by one if this power has ever been used successfully on the victim before. The demon
must be able to see his victim to use this power, which holds sway over the victim until the end of the scene.

**** Torment Of The Physical Desire

A demon with this power possesses the ability to amplify a victim's normal physical needs to a degree where they become the
worst kind of torture. The demon chooses any normal physical desire, such as hunger, thirst, sexual need or sleeplessness. The
target suffers an aching need to satisfy his desire, even to the point of being incapacitated with longing. However, no matter
what the victim does, he cannot rid himself of the anguish.
System: Roll Stamina + Torment against a difficulty of 7. The number of successes achieved on this roll are subtracted from all
the victim's dice pools for the remainder of the scene. If the victim is surrounded by the object of his physical craving, then he
must indulge in it for the duration. At the Storyteller's discretion, dire effects can result from the frenzied attempts to indulge.
Examples of this would be breaking the Masquerade due to insane blood lust, or choking to death whilst trying to eat enough
food to satisfy the hunger.

***** Taste Of The Inferno

The demon can cast a victim into the horror of the Inferno for a limited time. The target of this power experiences first-hand what
it would be like to be damned. It should be noted that this experience is different for every mortal. If this horror is perpetrated on a
player character, then the Storyteller should feel free to use whatever horrors he wants to show the effects of the power.
System: Spend a Soul Point, then roll Perception + Torment versus a target of 6. The victim may negate successes at a cost of
one willpower point per success.
Successes Duration
1 Scene
1 Day
1 Week
1 Month


When the hapless victim emerges from the Pit, he will be at least slightly insane. Storytellers should give the victim one or more
derangements, based on the content of the personal hell. Example : Lucy, a Tremere Vampire has offended Azraak, Demon of
the fifth house. Azraak condemns Lucy to the Inferno. Lucy has always had a fear of rats, and finds herself buried under a
seething morass of rodents in her own personal misery. The furry bodies rub against her, occasionally nibbling at her flesh,
which heals in seconds. She spends a week like this, before falling to the ground, once again in her haven. She now has a
serious case of claustrophobia, as well as a fear of most rodents. Note: It is possible to break the Codex with this power. If a
person who has a significant chance of ascending on death experiences the Inferno, Those Who Watch can take action. The
Storyteller has full discretion here.

The bestowal of Wrack is a multi-purpose supernatural ability to change form. It can simulate some of the classical demonic
abilities, from appearing in the smoke from a fire to assuming the form of the classical devil. Its greatest users are called the

* Assume Demonic Form

This simple power allows a demon to switch between mortal form and demonic form. This can only be used as a 'frightener' for
supernaturals or animals, for to show one's demonic form to an ordinary human would be a serious breach of the Codex.
Demonic form can be used against other supernaturals, since it can be explained as something other than the form of a true
System: This form can be dropped and assumed at will. The transformation is almost instant.

** Mimicry
This power allows a demon's mortal form to mimic the form of a specific mortal. The disguise is almost perfect, but never totally
complete. A demon may mimic a shape, but will always have a flaw of some sort such as eyes with no pupils, or a smell of
brimstone about them.
System: The demon rolls Dexterity + Wrack against a target difficulty of 6 if the demon has seen or knows the target of his
mimicry, or 8 if the demon has only a photograph or likeness. The number of successes determines the accuracy of the guise.
However, there will always be a small flaw in the disguise.
Note: Only successes in the range of 8 or more would allow a duplication good enough to pass a loved one's eye. In this way the
Flock is protected from demons in the form of friend or family.

*** Form Of The Object

Demons in legend have the power to appear in the midst of burning flames, or as faces in the trunk of a tree. Form Of The
Object allows a demon to effectively become an object of some sort. He can mould the features of the object as he pleases, and
even speak through it (of course, in the case of a speaking tree the voice would be high and squeaky, a cloud's voice would be
low and sonorous.)
System: The demon rolls Stamina + Wrack whilst touching the object he wishes to inhabit against a target difficulty of 6. The
number of successes is the number of minutes he can stay inside the object. During this time, the demon's mortal body
becomes lifeless and inert. After this time, the object returns to its normal shape.

**** Mutability
A demon can use this power to regain a facet of his demonic form. Be it that his feet now leave smoking footprints, or that his
mortal form has bat-wings. Any single facet can be regained during a demon's tour as a mortal. The use of this power alone has
been known to drive mortals into a frenzy of terror. Therefore it should be used sparingly, for the benefit of Those Who Watch.
System: The demon rolls Stamina + Wrack against a target difficulty of 6. The number of successes denote how permanent the
new feature is. One success is enough to gain the feature for a scene or two and terrify mortals. Five or more successes retains
the feature until the demon dismisses this facet of his form. To protect the Codex, a mortal seeing a demon in any really
outlandish form is subject to the effects of the Delirium (Werewolf : The Apocalypse.)

***** Form Of The Multitude

This power is perhaps one of the more eldritch abilities of demons. The demon casts his consciousness into several living
creatures. Swarms of insects or small groups of animals are the scope of this power. A demon could project himself into a
swarm of bees, spiders, cockroaches or similar, but only into, say, six cats. This power requires some guidance from the
Storyteller in this respect.
System: The demon rolls Stamina + Wrack versus a target difficulty assigned by the Storyteller. This difficulty is based on the
size of the collection of creatures (6 for three cats, or a swarm of insects of about the volume of three cats...) and whether the
creatures are present. If they are not, they will respond to a summon implicit in this ability. They arrive within ten minutes of use of
this ability.

Appendix One: Investments

Eyes Of Darkness (1 pt) The beneficiary's eyes become twin pools of complete and utter darkness. Their Appearance attribute
drops immediately by one point, but their Intimidation score rises by three points. Pan's Curse (1 pt) The beneficiary gains
small horns on his forehead. This investment can be used as a punishment or to 'increase' the appearance of the beneficiary.

Supernatural Sense (2 pts) The beneficiary can sense any supernatural creature within thirty feet of him. The supernatural
individual just 'feels' more 'important' than others.

Killer Instinct (3pts) The beneficiary can spend two willpower points to send any domesticated animal within 30 feet of him into
an insane killer rage. Cats, dogs, pet budgies will all turn on their owners, anyone else human, or seek wild animals to take out
their rage on. The beneficiary is never a target for such damage incursion.

Appendix Two: Bibliography

There's a few books that could happily bring you 'up to speed' on the ideas I've taken for Demon. Here's some good ones.
White Wolf's Vampire Storytellers' Guide (invaluable for Clan Baali, and a damned good read.)
White Wolf's Storytellers' Guide to The Sabbat (I keep mentioning this one...)

Paradise Lost by John Milton. (Ageless... Book One deals exclusively with the Horde.)
Inferno by Dante (Details on the 'levels' of the Inferno.)
Sandman by Neil Gaiman, notably the 'Season Of Mists' anthology.
Good Omens by Gaiman and Pratchett (another 'good read' but has some cool ideas for fiends.)

Appendix Three: Author's Notes

I started writing this piece quite a long time ago. At the time there was hardly any support for Demons in the World of Darkness,
which is surprising since White Wolf have sold out just about every other facet of WoD. This project happened because I have
had a fascination with the Infernal in the WoD games I have played that borders on the unhealthy. Seriously, though, I think the
game deserves demons, and I think this has given them some of the treatment they deserve. I am glad to see that the demons
described in 'The Book Of Madness' fall more or less exactly into my rule-set with minimal conversion.
Unfortunately, I managed to not work on this for a long time, and there was a second stint of writing. What you have here may
seem unfinished in areas, and overenthusiastic in others. It was written a lot before anything else I have written, and that may
show in areas.
One of my motivations in writing this, or anything, is that I read and absorb a massive quantity of data written by authors and net
correspondants, professionals and amateurs. I'd like to thank them all personally, but I cannot, due to my own personality, and
the sheer number of those I should thank. Simply put, if I have ever read your work, then this piece is dedicated to you. Thanks,
and this is some form of inadequate payment. This work is considered public domain, and if you wish to use it do so with my
blessing, so long as you do not do so for profit before consulting with the author (me.) I can be reached electronically at
'' or physically at 'Nick Huggins, 65 Pine Valley Avenue, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16, Ireland.'
See you all on 'Page XX.'

Joe "Red Pen Samurai" Murphy, for being the best hostile proof-reader a man could have.
Simon "Tourach" Rooney and Silja "Said Hamlet to Ophelia..." Muller, for proofreading without destroying my ego.
Eoin "Freelance servitor" McDonnell, for being William to my Karl, and for destroying the PLO.
Aidan "Herr Flick" O'Brien, for being Andrew to my Gideon, and for forgiving me.
Brian "Hobbit Habit" Nisbet, for being scared by all this horror.

Sean "The Nicest Guy Around" Harnett for persuading me to work when I'd stopped.
Tadhg, Simon, Dorian and Paul for Storytelling various games where I played, or encountered a demon; inspiration never comes
Lastly, Mollie, for listening and maintaining a semblance of interest whilst I raved at her.


By Andrew Weitzman ( based on the efforts of the alt.devilbunnies writers.

Copyright notice
All information in this net.supplement is considered to be copyrighted. This is an adaptation of the alt.devilbunnies
FAQS material [(c) Bill Keyes] as well as a variety of concepts created by writers on the newsgroup. Use of this
material is acceptable only for the purposes of playing the game.

White Wolf created the World of Darkness. Permit me to introduce another version: the World of Fluffiness.
Devilbunnies: the Fluffing is derived from the alt.devilbunnies newsgroup, a collaborative shared-world writing
project. The world it depicts is a world just like our own. Except, of course, for the minor detail of a world-wide
conspiracy of intelligent man-eating rabbits bent on world domination.
There is no Camarilla, Wyrm, or Technocracy in this world. Instead, humanity must face the dread threat of the
devilbunnies. These sentient lagomorphs seek to control humanity by overwhelming our culture in an onslaught of
sickening cuteness and deadly high technology. Worse is the fact that almost no-one knows about the "Evil that
Fluffs." Only a tiny human resistance, an ancient race, and a species of rebellious rodents stand between freedom
and Fuzzy Armageddon.

No one knows where they came from. The devilbunnies insist they are the product of natural evolution. Humans
insist that they come from another planet, or even another reality. The ferroti talk of a mysterious Rift that opened
five thousand years ago, disgorging the ancestors of the devilbunnies.
A few basic facts are not disputed. Devilbunnies are a lapine race nearly indistinguishable from normal rabbits. They
possess human levels of intelligence, although most are not very smart. Technologically, they are at least 100 years
ahead of humans. They have a mysterious power known as "ky00tness" which can warp minds. They also have a
penchant for eating human flesh, and employing their sharp claws and fearsome vorpal fangs to getting their meals.
Humans and devilbunnies have been fighting each other since the times of ancient Egypt. Some authorities say Set
was not based on the jackal, but was a human representation of the devilbunny god Frith. Julius Caesar wrote of
the "cunniculus daemonicus" that plagued his legions during the conquest of Gaul. Many so-called "Indian
massacres" in the early days of the colonization of the Americas were really the work of the devilbunnies.
The reason for all this bloodshed is a deeply-held belief of the devilbunnies. The basis of bunny culture is a natureworshipping religion revolving around the sun-god Frith and Inle the lunar death-goddess. The devilbunnies see
humanity as a scourge that threatens to destroy the world created by Frith. The "uprights" must either be destroyed
or controlled before the global ecosystem is annihilated.
Throughout history, the struggle was a scattershot affair. Devilbunny society is based on the warren. Each warren
is the equivalent of an independent city-state; a warren-leader's word is law within its limits. The decentralized
political structure put the bunnies at a disadvantage for any concerted action; personal conflicts and ideological
frictions caused most warrens to go it alone, attempting to battle the human threat as a local problem.
The Industrial Revolution changed all that. The devilbunnies were horrified when the new invention of radio brought
the ill tidings coming from England and Europe. Landscapes being ravaged by coal-mining, the pollution of the
mills, and the rapid growth of human cities terrified the leadership of the devilbunnies. For the first time, regional
military alliances were formed to combat the ecological threat. Each warren contributed a portion of its forces to
create a common militia. These militias went on a spree of destruction; much of the vandalism attributed to the
Luddites were actually the first attacks of the new devilbunny armies.
However, the civilian leaders became worried. Too many overt attacks could bring their existence out into the open.
An open war against the humans would probably have been won by the devilbunnies, who had developed the
atomic bomb in 1838. The cost to Gaia, though, would have been unthinkable. A better way was needed. The

solution was found in a peculiar quality of the devilbunnies. They possess an odd power to affect human minds.
Called "ky00t," it can subtly sway human thought towards a mushy urge to hug every cuddly animal in sight. The
devilbunnies had always used their inner ky00t for defense and surprise.
Now it had a new role to play. An ambitious plan was devised: control human society via subversion by ky00tness.
It was astonishingly successful. The Victorian popular culture of the late 19th century was a prime target; waves of
cuteness spread through the mass media of the day like wildfire, inundating humanity with large-eyed waifs and
adorable talking animals. The devilbunny conquest of the minds of humanity had began.
Today the fluffers have a firm paw-grip on the global psyche. Their control of the entertainment industry allows them
to swamp the world with "Baywatch," "Barney," "Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman," and "Captain Planet and the
Planeteers." Sympathisers in various sectors of human endeavor -- including politics -- forward their agenda. The
world-wide devilbunny militia cements their power-base through more...physical means. They are undefeatable.

The Pro-Bunny Groups

The Civilian Warrens
The majority of devilbunnies live in the civilian warrens -- large underground communities resembling the warrens
of their normal rabbit cousins. Devilbunny warrens, however, are rather better equipped than those of their
mundane cousins. Their technology enables them to enjoy a standard of living equal to that of middle class
humans, complete with running water and electricity.
Being civilian does not mean they are uninvolved in the war. In fact, they do most of work to advance ky00tness.
Civilian devilbunnies seduce humans to the Way of Ky00t, infiltrate local institutions like PBS stations and preschools, and enforce their rule through their warren militias if there isn't a military warren in the area. A civilian
warren near a human community has a great deal of subtle influence on activity in the area. The radio stations
always play Micheal Bolton; teddy bears are the best selling item; the local fast food joints offer discounts on
SpamBurgers and Snapple. There is an atmosphere of fascistic, enforced gaiety.
One of the largest civilian warrens is DenverWarren, home to 2000 lapine souls.

The Devilbunny Militia

The devilbunny militia is the striking paw of the devilbunnies. As the devilbunnies united, the regional militias
merged to form huge lapine armies. It was decided in the early 20th century to separate these armies from the
civilian militias from which they developed; effective command and control would be impossible otherwise. The
modern devilbunny militia was formed as a distinct entity, dedicated to using military force to advance the cause of
The militia operates from their own military warrens. Troops are raised through volunteers and levies on the civilian
militia units. The militia possess substantial resources: a few BunnySat spy satellites, a BunnyNet that piggybacks
on the Internet, and a variety of high-tech weapons. However, the devilbunnies lack the industrial capacity to
maintain large stockpiles of war materiel. Their aversion to ecological damage and relatively small population have
prevented them from establishing large factorywarrens. Much of their equipment is manufactured under the cover of
human corporations they control; sophisticated technology tends to be scarce, the products of mentat warrens.
The militia relies on the cheaper resource of bunpower for their strength.
Each continent has its own militia which acts semi-independently. The most prestgious militia is the one in the
United States and Canada. Their power over Hollywood gives them unmatched influence over the global
population. The command centre for the entire militia is located near Dayton, Ohio at Primary Assault Warren (PAW).

The Mentats
Most civilian and military warrens have their own mentats in residence. However, the mentats themselves maintain
their own warrens for research and experiments. These are wonders of Weird Bunny Science, stocked to the gills
with the latest scientific goodies. Almost everybun is a mentat or submentat. These warrens erect formidable
defenses against attack; raids against these institutions are considered suicide missions. Two major mentat

warrens are SFUWarren in Vancouver and the Devilbunny Research Group near Amherst, Massacheussetts.

Short for "sympathiser", the symps are humans who have been seduced into working for the devilbunnies. Most do
not really know that they are being manipulated; they only know that they will do anything to spread the happiness
and joy of cuteness into the world. The few symps who do know about the devilbunnies come in two forms. One is
the ky00t-befuddled dupe, who eats Spam with abandon and sings "I Love You" in the shower. They are the most
obvious of bunny pawns. More dangerous are those drawn from the ecological movement. These symps are freely
committed to saving the earth the bunny way; they are much less obvious targets. Corporations controlled by
symps include Hormel (makers of Spam), Disney, and MicroSoft (small+soft=devilbunny).
Symps can be anywhere. PBS station personnel, school teachers, and such are common niches; however, do not
be surprised if the friendly cop or supermarket grocer is one too. The devilbunnies are ever subtle.

The Anti-Bunny Factions

The Army of Fudd
The main human resistance to the devilbunnies. The roots of movement come from the Mountain Men of the 19th
century. These wild men of the American frontier often battled the strange rabbits who could kill a man; the legend
of the Jackalope comes from third-hand versions of their tales.
One day, a group of such hunters came across an unnamed town a western state. It had been burned to the ground,
apparently the victim of an Indian attack. The perpetrators, though, were a local group of devilbunnies. The buns,
spotting the Mountain Men, decided to finish the job. They got more than they bargained for. Toughened by years of
wilderness living, the humans fought off repeated attempts to destroy them. After two days of fighting the hunters
tracked down the local warrens and destroyed it with kegs of gunpowder.
A survivor of the incident, one William Keyes, tried to warn the Federal Army. He was laughed off as a crazy old coot.
Determined to protect his fellow Americans, he founded an informal group of hunters dedicated to protecting the
frontier from devilbunny depredation. The underground network slowly grew, though constantly under threat of
destruction. In the 1940's, it took the name "Army of Fudd" in recognition of the indefatigable bunny-hunter of the
Led by Bill Keyes, a descendent of William Keyes, the AoF has outposts in most of the U.S. and Canada. Structured
like the Indian-fighting army of the Old West, it consists of small groups of hunters operating out of fortified regional
headquarters. Recruits come from humans unfortunate to have witnessed devilbunny attacks; a significant number
are college students, as the devilbunnies often attempt to control human educational institutions. The Army of Fudd
is the biggest thorn in the side of the devilbunny militia.

Fuhaddi and Fuddites

Subgroups within the Army of Fudd. The Fuhaddi believe Elmer Fudd is, in fact, a god. Known as El'Mahr, he is an
avenging angel bent on ridding the world of devilbunnies. Fuhaddi tend to be fanatical killers, with genocidal views
on eliminating the bunnies. Fuddites are non-Fuhaddi who advocate many of their views. A hard-line against
ky00tness and no mercy towards the buns are defining characteristics.

Splinter Groups
Sadly, the AoF cannot be everywhere. They are mainly limited to America and Canada, though recently a Fudd
movement has gained ground in Australia. Non-Fudd resistance groups like the Wanderers in England and the
Legion D'El'Mahr in France take the place of the AoF in foreign lands. As well, several regional anti-bunny groups
evolved spontaneously in parallel to the Fudds. HUNTER, which operates in the Louisiana bayous, is one such
example. These splinter groups lack much of the Fudds' experience, weapons, and technology. The AoF tries to
help, but differences in doctrine sometimes causes problems.

The Ferroti
One of the most unusual enemies of the bunnies. The ferroti are giant ferrets, reaching up to fourteen feet in length.
Their origins are a mystery; their legends of a human mage indicate some sort of ancient genetic experiment.
Whatever the case, they are lethal devilbunny killers. Hunting the "kyr-lth" (devilbunnies) is the reason for their
entire existence. Unfortunately, it has also been their downfall. Millenia of conflict has reduced their number to a few
thousand spread across the globe. They are a dying race; titanic battles in the past killed most of the males, leaving
a bare handful to continue the fight. Most ferroti in modern times are female. They are not expected to survive
another two generations.
The ferroti are renowned mystics and warriors. They keep to the deep forests, to root out devilbunny warrens where
most humans cannot go. However, the Army of Fudd has many ferroti working in their service. Bill Keyes, the AoF
commander, can even speak the difficult ferroti tongue. Some splinter groups in rural areas also have contact with
the strange beasts.

The Squirrel Resistance

The devilbunnies employed their knowledge of genetics and nanotechnology to create a race of intelligent squirrels.
Beginning in the early days of the 20th century, the bunny mentats reared new generations of these enhanced
rodents to provide labour and cannon fodder for the war against the humans. Today the squirrels are a
downtrodden group oppressed by their creators. Regarded as second-class citizens at best, the squirrels spend
most of their lives doing the jobs no bunny will deign to perform.
This situation has bred a series of rebellions among the squirrels. Most were put down with minimal trouble.
However, the squirrels learned from their mistakes. There is currently a strong resistance movement dedicated to
liberating their nut-eating brethren from the "fluffourgeosie". Taking a leaf from human revolutions, they are
organized in small cells amid the supposedly loyal squirrel workers of the warren.
There is also an entire warren of squirrels who managed to stage a successful coup against the devilbunnies in the
early 1970's. Located beneath Case Western Reserve University, this secretive squirrel community is trying to wage
a guerrilla war against the devilbunnies of Ohio. The fact that PAW, the militia headquarters, is in Ohio tends to
complicate matters. Another squirrel warren at Wake Forrest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina has also
come to light...though they are under constant siege by the bunnies.

These are devilbunnies who advocate total peace with the humans. Ostracised by the civilians and persecuted by
the militia, these lone pacifist buns have retreated to their own warrens. A network of such pacifists has allied
themselves with the humans and ferroti in Oregon. Led by a human woman named Sharree, they formed the
Human-Ferroti-Rabbit-Joint-Resistance-League to prevent the devilbunny militia from conquering Oregon. These
are the few pacifists who actually fight the militia; most prefer to subside into isolation. Their main activity is an
underground peace movement organized in a similar fashion to the squirrel resistance.

Everyone's Authoritative Revolutionary Syndicate is a product of the Second World War. Many senior devilbunnies
saw the Axis powers as being incredibly dangerous; enough in the bunny leadership agreed for the alarmists to
proceed with a secret effort to defeat the Nazis and the Japanese. Senior human scientists were approached with
advanced lapine technology; devilbunnies quietly aided the humans in the war zones. Everything seemed to be
going well.
Then came HiroshimaWarren. The American development of the bomb, unwittingly aided by the alarmist group,
came as a complete surprise. The dropping of Little Boy on Hiroshima destroyed the largest devilbunny warren in
Japan. The alarmists, sick at heart at what they had done, now advocated quick withdrawal of all aid to the humans.
To their shock, the mainstream militia rejected their plans. PAW had decided that the great power of the American
nuclear arsenal would eventually aid in extending the power of the devilbunnies; an America ascendent meant a
corresponding growth in its influence...including the entertainment industries controlled by the devilbunnies. The
alarmists found themselves purged from the ranks of the mentats and the militia. Many went into hiding, faking their
deaths. Contacting their former human allies, they founded the organization known as EARS.
EARS is a shadowy group of humans and devilbunnies united to stop the devilbunny militia. Anti-war radicals, they

see the militaristic ways of the militia as containing the seeds of a future apocalypse. However, they accept the
bunny view of humanity as a scourge; their experiences with the worst of humanity in WWII have convinced that
neither race can be trusted. Their goals are twofold: to maintain a stalemate in the devilbunny-human war; and to
achieve world domination through non-military means.
To date, this tiny organization has achieved partial infiltration of a variety of devilbunny and human institutions.
Their hold on the intelligence communities, especially the CIA, is unchallenged. Many former militia symps in
Hollywood have been suborned by EARS. Several important corporations are under their control. EARS also
maintains "Omega Warrens" -- secret bases filled with weapons of mass destruction, ready to be used to destroy
the human and bun militaries if things go out of control.
Few devilbunnies know that EARS exists. Those who do tend to be very, very cautious.


I Concept
There are a wide range of concepts availible for devilbunny characters. They have their scientists, artists, soldiers,
and such much as humans do. However, understand that devilbunny society works on different principles. One's
function in life is much more a defining characteristic than one's personality. Societal roles are locked in place early
in life; a bun is unlikely to change her position in the warren hierarchy unless under extreme circumstances. Finally,
devilbunnies are very conformist. Everybun must be ky00t, eco-friendly, and submissive to the demands of one's
superior. Oddballs, freaks, and dissidents are either killed or banished from their warrens.
Attitudes are also shaped by a character's membership in either the civilian world or the militia; the sense that "form
follows function" is equally strong here. Civilian devilbunnies attempt to advance ky00tness through (largely) nonviolent methods. Creation of ky00t propoganda, enforcing the devilbunny paradigm in their region, and working for
the greater good of the warren are important goals. Militia characters are usually far more hard-line in their attitudes;
advancing the devilbunny cause through force and manipulation is the favored strategy. They also tend to have a
wider sense of the struggle. Local issues are less important than the big picture.
To understand the devilbunny mindset, pretend that not only do you see the world through rose-colored
glasses...but that any other color should be banished from the spectrum.

II Nature and Demeanor

Again, choose as a human. Though more influenced by their instincts than humans, devilbunnies are also notorious
for craftiness and deviousness. The cute Caregiver who fluffs at your feet may hide a Conniver within...

III Breed
One of the single most defining characteristics of a devilbunny. Position in lapine society is determined by three
"castes" based on genetic qualities; personal achievement counts, but it is rare for a bun to escape the limits of her
Breed. One can be Regbun, Alpha, or Mentat.

IV Attributes
Establish your character's Attributes in the usual 7/5/3 ratio. However, there are some special rules that are based
on the unique nature of the devilbunny.
Strength can never have more than 1 pip. Even the strongest of devilbunnies cannot compete with humans in
terms of brute force. Fortunately (for them), their high Dexterity and Stamina more than compensate.
The Social Attributes start off with two free pips instead of one. Let's face it -- rabbits are adorable. The most
recalcitrant curmudgeon has been known to soften in the face of a bunny's innate Appearance and Charisma.
Devilbunnies are also capable of awesome feats of Manipulation; their understanding of Ky00tness allows
them to bend minds like pretzels.

V Abilities
Again, distribute in the regular 13/9/7 split. Keep in mind, though, that we are dealing with rabbits here. Drive and
Firearms are not likely choices. Abilities that reflect the natural nimbleness of devilbunnies are good choices;
soldier-buns are especially noted for their Dodge, Brawl, and Athletics skills. Likewise areas which reflect
manipulative powers. Devilbunnies are notoriously adept at Subterfuge.
Your Breed should guide your choice, too. Regbuns are best in Talents, Alphas concentrate on Skills, and Mentats
learn a variety of Knowledges.

VI Advantages
Distribute the regular 7 point for Backgrounds. Useful Backgrounds for devilbunny characters include:
Destiny (you just know you are fated to save Gaia)
Dream (the Cosmic Secrets of Frith are Revealed)
Influence (useful for the mentat who wants that research grant)
Resources (good thing I inherited that carrot mine...)

VII Ky00t and Willpower

Ky00t is a five dot Trait that measures the innate cuteness of the devilbunny. Devilbunnies can use their ky00t to
twist the minds of humans like pretzels. A bunny character starts with one free dot in Ky00t.
Devilbunnies start with 5 Willpower.

VIII Health Levels

Devilbunnies cannot suffer as much damage as humans. Their health levels are:

Freebie point costs:

Six per dot
Five per dot
Two per dot
Backgrounds, Willpower: One per dot

Other Species
Fudds and other humans: create as for normal humans. The Fudds can by a Lore variation called Devilbunny Lore.
Symp characters usually have low Willpower.

The ferrotti are enormously strong and nimble creatures. They have two free pips in their Physical attributes to start
with, instead of the usual one. They may not take more than 2 pips in Manipulation; they consider lying an odd

These giant ferrets cannot speak in any way intelligible to humans, though most understand English. Direct
communication with non-Ferroti is possible if the other character can speak Ferroti through the Linguistics
knowledge. Ferroti also employ indirect means of translation, including typing out messages on computer and
simultaneous translation devices worn about their necks.
Health levels: OK,Bruised(x2), Hurt(x2), Injured(x2), Wounded(x2), Crippled(x2), Incapacitated

They tend to be at a great disadavtage. Strength may never be more than 1, nor may Stamina be more than 2.
However, they can attain a Ky00t rating up to the second rank. They do not start with any dots in Ky00t.
Health Levels: OK, Wounded(-2), Crippled (-5), Incapacitated

I Breed
Your character's Breed is the foundation of her personality. Not all devilbunnies are born equal; in fact, natural
selection has created three distinct strains of rabbit which differ in intelligence and aggressiveness. Devilbunnies
divide up their society on this inherent quality. A bun's place in their culture is largely determined by their Breed.
The three Breeds are:

The majority of the devilbunny population is made up of this Breed. Regbuns -- short for "regularbunnies" -- are less
intelligent than higher Breeds. They range from barely above normal rabbit intelligence to that of humans. A Regbun
character would concentrate on Physical and Social Attributes at the expense of the Mental.

The leaders of the devilbunnies -- highly intelligent and motivated. They are the warren commanders, military
officers, doctors, and such. An Alpha character can choose any arrangement of Attributes, though Mental should be
primary or secondary. They tend to have higher Willpower.

A specialized subset of the Alpha Breed. Mentats are the devilbunny scientists, responsible for creating the
awesome technology of their species. A Mentat must choose the Mental attributes as primary. Note that the other
Attribute concentrations may be arranged at whim; among the most feared warriors among the devilbunnies are the
soldier-mentats, deadly combinations of physical prowess and mental craft.
Most litters of devilbunny kits will produce Regbuns; one kit out of one hundred will be an Alpha. Perhaps one out
of a thousand will be a Mentat. Alphas and Mentats often mate within their Breed to increase the chances of
intelligent offspring; this practise often creates dynasties of leaders and science-buns.

II Abilities
Weird Bunny Science (Knowledge)

Science deals with run-of-the-mill science that a human can comprehend. Weird Bunny Science is quite a different
thing. Lapine technology is very advanced, and designed on principles that make it difficult for non-bunnies to
understand. This Knowledge allows your character to interact with -- and create -- the arcane artifacts engineered by
their mentats. Humans attempting to use bunny tech without Weird Bunny Science (this includes almost anyone,
including Fudds) has to spend a Willpower point to use it in addition to the relevant dice rolls.
You can program a simple BUNIX terminal
** Warren class taught you all the basics
*** You're the Maytag Repairbun
**** You can whip up a new design for morpharmor with one paw tied behind your back.
***** Starship? Come back in a week...

Possessed by: Mentats, Engineers, Weapons Designers

Suggested Specialties: Nanotechology, Cuton Physics, BUNIX Programming

Morpharmour Training (Skill)

Morpharmor is one of the most effective weapons in the devilbunny arsenal. These nanite suits allow them to
impersonate almost anyone...or anything. Buns with this Skill learn the limits and capacities of morpharmor; with
rigourous training, they can morph into your worst enemy or your best friend. Anybun who wants to use
morpharmor must have this Ability. Note that proficiency in this Skill has no direct effect on Subterfuge -- a bun's
talent at fooling others is a separate matter.
You can convincingly impersonate inanimate objects.
** Complex organic forms are beyond you, though lesser animals can be portrayed convincingly.
*** Authentic replicas of humans are possible.
**** Your mastery is incredible -- the smallest details are just right.
***** Send in the clones.

Possessed by: Spies, Special Forces buns, Black Battalion Mentats

Suggested Specialties: a specific form, Voice Replication, Combat Mode

Hedgewise (Talent)
A rural version of Streetwise. The Survival Skill allows you to forage off the land. A Hedgewise bun possesses
deeper understanding of the behaviors of the natural world. She knows why crows and owls fight, the migration
patterns of birds, the best time to pick berries. Devilbunnies remain close to nature and retain a greater
comprehension of its ways.
You have a rudimentary knowledge of the natural world
** You know a lot of details about the interactions of nature.
*** Few secrets of the forest are hidden from you.
**** You can tell whether the groundhog is going to see his shadow this year.
***** The flowers don't bloom without your advice

Possessed by: Country Rabbits, Rangerbuns, Herbalists

Suggested Specialities: Specific Environment, Animal Behavior, Herbalism

III Backgrounds
A measure of the community you hail from. Devilbunnies who belong to large warrens tend to have more
opportunities than other rabbits: better chances of snagging that lab assignment, finding a promotion in the militia,
encountering more interesting situations. A devilbunny with no Warren Background is considered to be either
homeless or not really belonging to the warren she lives in.

A small backwoods warren in the middle of nowhere.
** Your home has a respectable population, but nothing spectacular.
*** Even outside regbuns know about your warren.
**** You belong to a bustling community.
***** Your warren is the Burrow To Be.

The number of humans you hold in thrall. Distinct from Allies, where a human contact is treated as an equal. Symps
are people who are utterly besotted by your ky00tness; a single fluff will send them scurrying to dig up carrots for
your pleasure. Most devilbunnies lack a personal entourage of Symps -- they rely on the network established by the
military or their warren.
One symp (the sweet old lady who feeds you carrots)
** Two symps (local kids can be counted on to groom your fur)
*** Three symps (the schoolgirls who will buy you chocolates at a single twitch of a whisker)
**** Five symps (the school faculty you control in your duties as an Intelligence officer)
***** Seven symps (a personal retinue of dupes who obey you without question)

The Human-Lapino Virus -- also known as BunnyVirus -- is a fearsome aspect of the devilbunnies. After infecting a
human, the virus replaces her human genetic code with devilbunny DNA. This triggers a transformation sequence
that is often fatal; those who survive become devilbunnies themselves. Not all buns produce HLV -- perhaps one in
seven have this Background. Dots in this Trait indicates whether your character can generate the virus and her
proficiency at spreading the disease.
You can infect someone with HLV, though not with any great chance of success.
** Your tissues make plenty of HLV, rendering you contagious.
*** You know just the right places to bite for maximum effect.
**** Your victims should kiss their butts good-bye and start liking carrots.
***** Typhoid Marybun Possessed by: Anybun. Anywhere. Muhahahahaha....

IV Ky00t
This is what makes devilbunnies so dangerous. Many things in this world are cute...but only they are Ky00t.
Ky00tness is a distillation of cute -- cute squared -- adorability taken to the extreme. It is a combination of innate
charm and attractiveness, coupled with a deep understanding of how this affects other minds. There is even
evidence that devilbunnies radiate particles known as "cutons," which unbalance the human brain.
A devilbunny uses her Ky00t through through the sheer power of will. Performing an action with Ky00t requires the
expenditure of one Willpower point and rolling Willpower at a difficulty of Ky00t level used+4. Humans are the sole
species affected by Ky00t. A victim who knows she is the subject of a Ky00t attack may resist with a Willpower roll
of her own at a difficulty of 7. An unknowing target must make a Perception+Alertness roll for three successes at
difficulty 8 before she can resist.
Ky00t is usually deployed "live." However, devilbunnies can tranfer the essence of their inner ky00tness into other
media. To do so, a bunny must make the relevant roll to produce the desired medium. For example, a devilbunny
wishing to create a teddy bear that inspires love would roll Intelligence+Expression. Two success is the least that
may be achieved on this roll for an acceptable receptacle for Ky00t. The bunny then makes the normal Willpower roll
and spends two temporary Willpower. One specific Ky00t effect may be braided into the object in this manner. Each
success grants the object a die to "fuel" the effect. The ky00tified object then rolls this dice pool at difficulty 6 to
generate the implanted effect. Victims may resist and detect it in the normal way. The effect is automatically
generated whenever anyone comes into contact with such an object.
Up to level three, the devilbunny must act in a cute fashion. Only positive emotions and thoughts can be expressed.
In higher ranks, the illusion of cuteness is taken for granted.

Ranks of Ky00t

* Fluffy
At this stage, a devilbunny has an instinctive grasp of her Ky00t nature. The first rank of Ky00t allows a bunny to
project, in behavior and action, an engaging display of cuteness. Observers about her are completely convinced
that the performance is completely authentic. These improvisations range from appearing harmless to being
irresistably strokable.
One performance at a time may be assumed. The reaction of those targeted by the display depends on their own
personalities. A sympathetic child may hand-feed a devilbunny using her ky00t to look adorably pitiable. The same
performance would be less successful on a grumpy codger. As well, the act must be convincing within the
circumstances. Talking to a adult who doesn't know about devilbunnies would cause immediate failure; the shock
and disbelief causes the illusion to fail. This precludes the use of Ky00t in comabt.

** Cuddly
The second level of Ky00t enables the bunny to directly affect the mind of another person. Through some
mysterious force, a devilbunny can cause a subconscious shift in mood; the victim suddenly finds herself drifting to
a happier attitude. As with Fluffy, one mood-shift at a time may be attempted. The restriction on maintaining
suspension of disbelief applies too.

*** Adorable
This is where a devilbunny becomes truly dangerous. The need for secrecy is discarded -- a victim of the third rank
of Ky00t doesn't even question why a rabbit got the power of speech. It's just . . . natural. An Adorable devilbunny
can weave suggestions that the target finds no compelling reason to deny. These suggestions cannot be too
extreme; telling a normal person to mug an old lady for spare change will be rejected out of hand. However, any
reasonable request will be fulfilled. One suggestion at a time can be planted per use of Ky00t.

**** Precious
A fearsome rank in Ky00t. Devilbunnies can grips a target's mind in a web of fluffy love. The victim drowns in
Ky00tness, unable to conceive of any other state. A specific command of any sort will be complied with. Mugging
the old lady is ok -- after all, you're doing it so that your special friend can eat her carrot ration. Worse, the
devilbunny can break a person's will through Ky00tness. Three successes on the Willpower roll will remove one
temporary Willpower point from the victim; successes past 3 will remove a Willpower point for each additional

***** Barney
The ultimate in Ky00t. A devilbunny may permanently alter a facet of the victim's personality. Two or three
successes would be enough to cause a change in a habit, such as switching a fondness for pastrami for a
fondness for Spam. Five successes would be needed to change Demeanor. Anywhere from 10 to 15 are needed to
alter Nature.

Devilbunny Technology
The primary protection of the militia. Rabbit-shaped suits composed of some black, chitinous substance; the plating
is covered with mysterious knobs and protuberances. BunnyArmor is one of the best forms of protection on the
planet. It will protect against Brawl attacks and projectiles of up to handgun caliber at a Class Four armor rating with
only Class Two penalties to Dexterity. It also makes the wearer invulnerable to liquid, sonic, or BunnyBlaster
attacks. The only way to breach it is with rifle bullets, shotgun rounds, or Melee attacks. It only offers Class One

protection against the weapons. Radio communications are assumed to be built into the armor. BunnyArmor is rare
in the civilian warren militias; only officers can access it. It is more common in the devilbunny militia, where 30% of
BunnyTroopers wear it. Special Forces and elite units are the few who can equip all their members with

The ultimate in lapine espionage technology. Morpharmor is made up of nanites programmed to build an organic
shell that can mimic almost any substance, including human tissue. In its dormant state, it resembles a smoothskinned suit of BunnyArmor. It offers less protection while in this mode -- Class Two against Brawl and light
firearms, none against heavy firearms and Melee. However, it does provide a suite of advanced options, such as
radio communications and enhanced sensory inputs (add 2 dice to all Perception-based dice pools). No Dexterity
penalties apply.
The true power of this device is in its Morph mode. The system can store up two alternate forms programmed into
its computer systems. Users roll Intelligence+Morpharmor Training to enter these into memory. One success
indicates an imperfect copy; three successes mean a convincing fake; more create an impenetrable disguise. This
data cannot be improved without erasing the file and performing another roll.
Users can morph into these preselected forms at will. These forms have Physical Attributes, each of which has as
many dots as successes scored on the programming roll. The Appearance of the form has as many dots as the user
wishes, within the same limits as the Physicals. Health Levels are as for humans. These altered Traits stand in for
those of the suit's wearer for as long as that form is maintained. She herself rests in an armored cocoon deep within
the suit, controlling it through a complex array of biofeedback and sensory inputs. The suit can heal one Health
Level per three turns; only really powerful attacks (BunnyBlaster, high magnetic fields, etc.) count as aggravated
Morpharmor will revert to its dormant state once its Health Levels reach Incapacitated. Opponents can also attack
the wearer of the suit directly if they know where to make an aimed attack on the cocoon; all Fudds are given such
training. This can be accomplished with a normal aimed firearms or a melee attack. Any damage not soaked by the
suit will be transfered as unsoakable damage to the wearer. If she is killed while wearing the morpharmor, the suit
will self-destruct in a large explosion. Bunnies make sore losers.
Morpharmor can be manipulated in minor ways while in any form. Experienced users can grow short blades from
the fingers, draw a tattoo, etc. Anything which would not count as radical bodily change is permissible. These can
be done on the fly via Intelligence+Morpharmor Training rolls, difficulties 6-9 based on the complexity of the change.
Morpharmor does have one serious weakness: it cannot mask the smell of the wearer. Creatures with sensitive
noses--animals, ferroti, squirrels, and others -- can easily detect the lapine scent of a devilbunny even in Morph

And you thought it was just mystery meat. The devilbunnies invented Spam as a mind-control device. Manufactured
through some unknown proccess (though the remains of captured Fudds may be involved), this pink rubbery
substance drains away one Willpower point with each consumption. Even prolonged skin contact counts as such.
Worse, it is incredibly addictive for humans. Eating four servings in a row will create Spam-dependency; victims
must eat at least one meal of Spam a day. A Spam-addict may attempt to break the addiction through a lengthy
detoxification proccess. She makes one Willpower roll per day at a difficulty of 7 for a required three successes.
Each failed roll causes the difficulty to go up by +1 (to a maximum of 10). The addict must resist the urge to eat Spam
for three days in a row if the bond is to be broken.

Another seemingly-innocuous form of lapine thought control. This "iced tea" is in fact a cocktail of neurochemical
drugs that break the human soul. Treat as for Spam, though it is non-addictive.

The operating system of devilbunny computers. A ky00t, twisted version of UNIX. It is decades ahead of human

computer programs, and is designed in a way peculiar to the devilbunny frame of mind. A human attempting to use
BUNIX must possess 3 dots in Computer; she is furthermore subject to the Willpower expenditures needed to
operate bunny technology. Only bunny characters with Computer or Weird Bunny Science without expending
Willpower. BUNIX is also a cryptography system of great power; any attempt to employ a Cryptography roll against
it requires 20 successes at a difficulty of 10. Most mentats cannot decipher an intercepted message; the Fudds have
long since given up.

The devilbunnies have an extensive system of underground tunnels that run between their warrens. Linear
induction magnetic-levitation tracks run through them, carrying shuttle cars which can transport 20 buns at a time.

Beer Trucks
The devilbunny militia uses beer trucks to disguise its movements overland. Each can carry up to forty
BunnyArmored rabbits, and the more sophisticated come with BUNIX systems. Beer trucks carry both supplies and
troops. The Fudds believe they adopted these because of one important ingredient in beer: hops.

Mysterious aircraft used by the Black Battalion, the elite soldier-mentat brigade of the militia. Many Fudds believe
they use a type of anti-gravity technology. Picture something like a small space shuttle, able to fly at 900 kph and
outshoot a helicopter gunship.

Anti-Devilbunny Weapons
The preferred weapon of the Fudds. Well-balanced, concealable inside a trenchcoat, and unlikely to draw attention
from the authorities. It can hack through BunnyArmor like a chainsaw through tissue paper. Melee weapon, difficulty
6 to wield, causes Strength+4 damage.

A Fudd doesn't have time to aim when a target the size of a teddy bear is about to rip her stomach open. The "pointand-shoot" qualities of the shotgun make it a perfect bunny-pacifier. The most common model is the old-fashioned
12-gauge pump; some traditionalists prefer the double-barreled variety, which takes a turn to reload a chamber. The
main advantage is its ability to fire both barrels at once (considered a Spray with 16 damage dice).

A shotgun round specially made for killing devilbunnies. It fires armor-piercing pellets in a tight spread. Shotguns
with BunnyShot rounds in their chambers can add 2 dice to any Firearms roll.

Holy Vanilla Extract and Blessed Urine

These two mundane liquids, when sanctified by the prayers of El'Mahr, cause horrendous damage to devilbunnies.
Lapine flesh burns on contact with these substances, resulting in unsoakable damage.

The mustard gas of the war against the Evil that Fluffs. This unky00t soft drink can melt devilbunny flesh away; any
damage it causes is both unsoakable and aggravated. The buns thank Frith that it can't penetrate BunnyArmor.
Fairly rare -- it is only stocked in stores in certain New England states. The human resistance possesses small

A child's toy becomes a tool of salvation against the Furry Menace. The primary delivery vehicle for HVE, BU, and
Moxie. Firearm weapon, difficulty 6 to shoot, range 15 yards, 4 damage dice, rate 4, with 20 doses of the liquid in the
tank. Spray empties half the tank instead of everything. Concealable beneath a trenchcoat.

The ultimate sidearm. Fudd scientists have developed this beam weapon which fires a modulated anti-matter pulse.
Early uses of the weapon rendered the Fudds nearly unbeatable -- until the devilbunnies introduced BunnyBlasterresistant armor. It was also very costly to manufacture; only six are in existence today. Firearms weapon, difficulty 7
to shoot, range 20 yards, 20 damage dice, rate 3, with 10 charges. Concealable beneath a jacket.

Squirrel laser
The favored weapon of the squirrel resistance. Consists of a backpack containing the battery, a barrel with a pistol
grip, and a power cord running between the two. It is so tiny that it is unusable by any creatures other than squirrels
or devilbunnies. Firearms weapon, difficulty 5 to shoot, range 10 yards, 3 damage dice, rate 1, with ten charges.

Some Fudds wear this beneath their trenchcoats. Counts as Class Three armor.

An unbreakable encryption system employed by the Fudds to guard their communications. Treat as the BUNIX
encoding programs.

An inoculation devised by Fudd medics to prevent conversion. Officially designated "Bunnivax", this vaccine
prevents HLV from turning an upright Fudd into a furry Snapple-swigging devilbunny. Requires booster shots every
four months to be effective.

Uncute music
Devilbunnies find certain forms of music extremely objectionable. Heavy metal, gangsta rap, Stomping Tom
Connors, and recording of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir cause the buns physical pain. Only earplugs or the sound
baffles in BunnyArmor can mask out these objectionable noises. Remove 2 dice from the dice pools of devilbunnies
when they hear uncute music without protection.

Fights between humans and devilbunnies tend to be nasty affairs. For all their high technology, devilbunnies fight
the old-fashioned way with razor-sharp claw and vorpal fang. Firearms are a nuisance when you walk on your
"hands"; a quick bite to the jugular is more effective. The bunnies also lack the industrial base to mass-produce
weapons for their militia. Devilbunnies compensate by favoring for rear and flank attacks, ambushes, and bringing
overwhelming numbers to bear in combat. Fudds expect to be outnumbered 3 to 1 in any battle.
There is also the secrecy of the war to consider. Neither side wishes to alert the general population of the
devilbunny threat. Fudd and bun alike fears a genocidal world war should the Evil that Fluffs be publically exposed.
For that reason, fighting is of the guerrilla variety -- each side pouncing on the other in hopes of not attracting too
much attention. Major battles almost always occur in uninhabited areas.

Devilbunny Combat Maneuvers

The devilbunnies have their own unique approach to combat. All of the following moves count as Brawl attacks.

Bite, Kick, Claw

Unchanged from the normal WoD rules. Bunny claws and fangs are so lethal that they have the impact of those of
larger animals.

Devilbunnies have very strong hindlegs; they can break brones with a well-placed hindpaw. A Stomp attack, rolled
at difficulty 8, causes Strength+3 damage.

Rolling Dexterity+Athletics at a difficulty of 7, a bun may perform a mighty jump in the direction of her opponent.
Each success adds a damage die to a successful attack launched in the next round. The disadvantage is that the
bun may not Dodge during her Leap or the next round. Any succesful attack by an opponent when she leaps
results in the automatic failure of the attempt.

For bizarre reasons, devilbunnies love to eat human toes. This may stem from ancient hunting-practises, when
bunnies would disable their meals-to-be by nibbling away their digits. The modern incarnation of this trick is feared
by the Fudds. A devilbunny who makes a successful Grapple may try to chew away at the foot of her victim. Each
three successes on a Dexterity+Brawl roll results in the permanent loss of a dot in Dexterity. On the downside (for
the bunny) is that the Grapple does not cause her opponent to lose any attacks, though she cannot be shaken off
until the round after the Grapple.

Fudd combat maneuvers

An age-old technique where the Fudd grabs the rabbit in a stranglehold and pops its head with his thumbs like a
champagne cork. A human character who tries to pop a bunny must make a successful Grapple on a difficulty of 8.
Three successes on an opposed Strength+Brawl roll against the opponent results in instant death for the

Desperate Fudds sometimes resort to this maneuver. Chanting the blessing of his choice, the human pulls down his
pants and, er, "lets fly". Treat the, um, weapon as being a single-shot weapon with a difficulty 4 to use and causing 2
damage-dice worth of Blessed Urine injuries. Range is only point-blank. Normally employed by men, though female
Fudds have been known to be mightily inventive in tight spots.

In the world of the devilbunnies, aggravated and normal damage has different connotations. None of the factions in
the war can heal like Kindred or Garou. Normal damage is healable only by time and medical attention according to
the standard natural healing rates. Aggravated damage are injuries so horrible that they are permanent -- like Moxie
burns or chewed-off toes. To cure aggravated damage, a character must undergo radical treatment such as surgery
or prosthetics.
Alternatively, a Storyteller may translate aggravated damage into loss of dots in Attributes. A devilbunny scarred by
Moxie may lose her Appearance; a Fudd with an arm chewed away by lapine nanotechnology may find her Dexterity
greatly hampered.
Aggravated damage should to be rare. If it does occur, it should have serious effects on the character involved.

The Human-Lapino Virus is perhaps the most feared abilitY of the devilbunnies. Fudds all over the world shudder
with horror at the prospect of winding up a ky00t, fluffy beast eagerly serving the Spam-eating forces of evil.
A devilbunny character can infect a human -- and only a human -- if she has the HLV background. Infection is
accomplished through a successful Bite; damage is inflicted through a Stamina+HLV roll, difficulty 6. The victim
may soak any "damage" as normal. Any damage not soaked means the victim now has the virus.
The conversion process is fairly slow -- it takes months before the transformation is complete. Sufferers sprout fur,
grow pointed ears, and lose weight rapidly. Each month after infection causes the loss of a Health Level, considered
incurable aggravated damage. Once at Incapacitated, the victim must roll Stamina at a difficulty of 7. One success
means the transformation has destroyed the mind of the character (reduce all Mental attributes to one dot). Two
successes indicates a mind largely intact, but subsumed by the ky00t devilbunny way of thinking; Nature and
Demeanor must be altered to reflect this. Three successes means the personality has survived fairly well. Failure
signifies that the victim has died from the strain of conversion. A botch...well, let's just say a really horrible mutation
occured before the character was put out of her misery.
Either way, the character is now a devilbunny. Human covertees tend to be much larger than the devilbunny norm;
a four foot bunny is not unknown, though rare. Strength is reduced to a maximum of three dots, and no extra dots
are given to the Social Attributes of a converted human. They do gain the Ky00t Trait with one free pip. Mating with a
devilbunny or fellow convertee will produce normal devilbunny offspring
The Fudds have developed the Anti-Bunny vaccine; all Fudds are administered the serum during training. A
character who has been given Anti-Bunnies is immune to HLV for four months; any attempt to infect her with HLV is
an automatic failure. In addition, Anti-Bunnies may be used to reduce the horrors of conversion. Regular injections
of the vaccine during an HLV infection reduce the difficulty of the final Stamina roll to 6.
Devilbunny mentats have created their own enhanced versions of HLV. These are unstable and must be applied via
injection; they are almost never found in the field. Enhanced HLV has its own Stamina rating (3-5 is common).
Devilbunnies using it must make their rolls based on this Stamina and their own Medicine or Weird Bunny Science
ratings. Conversion is accomplished within days, and several types of enhanced HLV can ignore Anti-Bunnies.


Devilbunnies: the Fluffing is intended for a different game reality than World of Darkness. However, they do make
interesting additions to the standard WoD menagerie. Devilbunnies in the Gothic-Punk world become more
sympathetic characters; the threat they pose is more ambiguous as they become the lesser of far too many evils.

How much more dangerous, after all, is a toe-eating rabbit compared to a Black Spiral Dancer or a Ventrue Prince?
Most mortal residents of the WoD would flock to the bunny vision of a Ky00t World.
And perhaps the proccess has already begun...
Here are a few thoughts on working devilbunnies into an ongoing campaign.
Vampires and Devilbunnies don't have much contact. Most buns consider them myths, though EARS knows better.
A similar situation exists on the lick side of the fence. Some Gangrel Elders know enough to stay away from local
warrens. The Toreadors are constantly battling a mysterious force which threatens to destroy Art with cute banality.
The Nosferatu know something, but aren't telling. And the Malkavians have a long history of ghouling devilbunnies
(where do you think they get all those fluffy white rabbits?)
The buns and Garou are uneasy allies. The Garou consider ky00tness a diseased philosophy, reeking of the
control-fantasies of the Weaver. The extremist tribes (Red Talons, Get of Fenris, etc.) avoid or attack devilbunnies.
Children of Gaia and Glass Walkers maintain an uneasy detente. The rest keep a wary eye. Only a Wyrm attack will
bring werewolf and devilbunny together; a few Ahrouns have been quietly heard to remark that bun technology
does help... The buns are friendly with the Bete tribes, though many Changing Breeds look askance at them.
Note: a Garou infected with HLV before the First Change does not become a devilbunny. The result is much worse:
instead of a wolf, her alternate forms are those of a rabbit. We leave it to the imagination of our fellow players to
envisage such a creature in Crinos. [evilgrin]
The Wyrm hates their guts. Dealing with a bunch of technologically-adept bunnies who usually outnumber your
forces several times is a bit tougher than killing your average Garou hick. Pentex has had many an unfortunate
surprise when that choice toxic waste dumping spot was the site of a territorial warren.
On a similar note, teaming up ferroti and Garou has wonderful story possibilities. The ferroti are still bunny-hunters,
though they are a bit less rabid about it if the buns try to battle the Wyrm.
Magi and devilbunnies have even less contact than vampires. The strongest connections are with naturalistic
Traditions (Verbena and Dreamspeakers). However, it may have been the Verbena who created the ferroti as a
check against the buns. Sons of Ether often try to steal bunny technology. The Virtual Adepts are scared stiff about
the BUNIX systems invading the Digital Web; many unfortunates who tried to crash devilbunny systems whisper
horror stories of cloying prisons filled with Gund bears and Barney reruns. The Technocracy considers the bunnies
reality-deviants; however, their technological paradigm is close to the Union's. And it is said EARS is angling to
become the Sixth Convention...
Note: the Avatar survives HLV conversion of a Mage, though Arete will be lost. Just try to imagine a devilbunny
Mage with Mind 5. ;)
Changelings are terrified of the buns. Their quest to turn the world into a Ky00t paradise is seen as the worst
possible sort of ravaging. Worse is the effect a devilbunny has on Faerie magic. Some Kithain are foolish enough to
use Glamour on regbuns and devilbunny kits, who have low Banality. These unwary souls find that their magic
becomes contaminated by the devilbunny paradigm. Everything they do becomes twisted to conform to Ky00tness.
Eventually, their True Forms become warped into Hallmark-card fairies...
Devilbunnies can become Wraiths. These lapine ghosts form their own distinct society in the Tempest, constructing
warrens in quiet spots. They possess Arcanos that functionally parallel those of the human Wraiths, and do not
need to seek out the guilds to learn them. At one point, the Hierarchy attempted to crush these upstarts. Now they
stay very, very far away.

Djinn: The Wishmasters

By Charles W. Plemons (

Author's Notes
This is based on the film Wishmaster presented by Wes Craven. I have not yet seen any works based on this film for the World
of Darkness. These rules are not exact to the movie but are very close. Please visit my web page (
for updates of this and other World of Darkness projects.
This may be freely distributed by anyone in any format as long as credit is given to the author but cannot be distributed for profit
for any reason.

Known History
Between the worlds of the heavens and of man, there lies a dimension inhabited by a malicious evil known as the Djinn: a race
of beings intent on conquering the world. To do this, a human being must summon a Djinn into this world and then be granted
three wishes. The third wish frees the Djinn to enter this world.
Recently, a Djinni almost succeeded. It had been imprisoned inside a specially crafted gem, which was discovered and sold to
a pawn shop. The owner took the jewel to a woman for an appraisal, and she accidentally released the Djinni. It tricked her into
asking for two of the required three wishes. However, aware of the evil nature of the Djinn, her third wish was that the chain of
events leading to the gem's discovery had never occurred. Thus, the Djinni was outsmarted and imprisoned once again.

The Djinn
The Djinn are not native to this world. They are bipeds, with thick torsos and mottled skin. Their eyes are faceted and glow eerie
red. Long black tentacles are attached to the back of their heads, giving them a horrific appearance.
Djinn cannot enter our world unaided. It takes a powerful wizard to summon one, unless it has been imprisoned. Thus, the legend
of the genie in the lamp. Once in this world, all Djinn set about spreading chaos in order to get their summoner or releasor to ask
for three wishes. After the third wish, the barriers between this world and theirs will collapse and the Djinn shall rule the world.
The Djinn are more resilient than most inhabitants of this world, and they possess powers that few can match. However, they
also have tremendous limitations which to date have kept the Djinn from realizing their ultimate goal.

Abilities and Characteristics

Cross the Boundary: If a person asks a summoned Djinni for a third wish, the boundaries collapse and the Djinn are free to
walk in this world. This would be a very bleak fate, and it is unlikely that the Djinn would be stoppable.

Grant Wish: The most terrifying and powerful of the powers of the Djinn, the ability of wish granting, strikes fear in the hearts of
their enemies. When granting a wish, a Djinn is capable of using True Magick in all spheres at rank 5 with no danger of
Paradox! They cannot use this power on their own, however; it must always be used to grant another's wish. Unfortunately, Djinn
have unique ways of granting wishes. They like to twist and pervert them to cause the maximum harm. Also, when a Djinni grants
a wish for someone, they take that person's soul, but the person lives on until the Djinni decides to collect. What they do with
these souls is unknown. A Djinni can grant a "free" wish if it so desires. Also, the person who summons a Djinni has three such
"free" wishes. Woe to he who asks for a third wish! There is only one reason that the Djinn do not control this world: they must
grant the wishes of the person who summoned them. Thus, if a wish is worded carefully, it can be used to stop the plans of a

Immortality: A Djinni will never die of old age or natural means. They can exist in their world or be trapped in ours for eternity
with no ill effect. They do not require food, air, water, or any other substance for survival.

Taking the Flesh: A Djinni can peel the face from a corpse and acquire the appearance of that person, and his body will
subsequently change shape to match the body of the person. This is all illusion, so no physical attributes change. Thus, a Djinni
who Takes the Flesh from a small child would still have the physical strength of a Djinni. The degree of success is determined by
the number of successes on a Dexterity + Body Crafts roll with a Difficulty of 7.

Tentacles: A Djinni has a number of long, thick black tentacles at the base of its neck that it can use to attack with. These
cannot be used while using Taking the Flesh. The tentacles can inflict Strength +1 Damage with a Difficulty of 7.

Unnatural Resilience: A Djinn cannot be killed by normal means. In the film, a woman wishes that the Djinni blow his brains out,

which he does with a large handgun, but the wound heals instantly. When a Djinni takes damage, unless it is aggravated, it heals
completely by the next turn. They do however feel the pain and have wound levels like a normal mortal. Wound penalties do apply
for the turn in which they are injured. Aggravated damage is healed at the same rate as mortals heal. To a Djinni, aggravated
damage can come from the teeth and claws of the supernatural, disciplines, gifts, magick, and other such powers. Please note
that fire has no effect on the Djinn. If a Djinni loses all Health Levels to aggravated damage, he is sent back to his dimension. No
Djinni can truly die.

Use in the World of Darkness

The Djinn make excellent foes for many of the creatures in the World of Darkness. Few can stand up to a Djinni, but there are
some powerful exceptions.

Kindred: Vampires are an excellent choice to use for someone to summon one of the Forsaken. A Tremere could discover the
ritual in an ancient tome, or it could be a secret of the Tzimisce passed down through the ages. For whatever reason, the Djinni
is more than a vampire would bargain for. It is unlikely that a ghoul would be able to summon a Djinni, but it could very easily
release one that his master trapped! Also, a Djinni would very likely ask a ghoul if it would like to be freed of its servitude. If the
answer is yes, that's some instant rank 5 magick coming right at the Domitor!

Changing Breeds: It is unlikely that any of the Changing Breeds would willingly traffic with the Forsaken. However, Kinfolk may
try to find a Djinni to become a true bete. Of course, the price for this would be more than most would be willing to pay.

Mages: The Awakened are the most likely to deal with the Djinn. Mages are one of the few types of entities in the World of
Darkness truly powerful enough to combat a Djinni. A mage can launch magick at any time, but the threat of Paradox is almost
as limiting as the wishing power of the Djinn.

Wraiths: Most wraiths would not interact with the Djinn. In theory, an embodied or skin-riding wraith could ask for a wish.
However, when the Djinni collects the souls, the wraith will cease to exist.

Changelings: The fey might very well be related to the evil Djinn. This might make them the most prepared to handle the Djinn.
The creative minds of the Changelings are very similar to the creativity of the Djinn. Thus, a chess match style war could result
from their encounter.

Mummies: The Djinn are fantastic for use with mummies. As both beings are immortal, a chronicle could tell the tale of a
struggle between a mummy and a Djinni as it continues through the millennia. A perfect enemy for the Undying.

Gypsies: It is likely that the mysterious Gypsies remember the stories of the Djinn and know not to ask their favor. However, the
Djinn are a sneaky lot and people make wishes every day. Thus, a slip of the tongue can easily result in a very dead Gypsy.

Fomori: Most fomori are slave-like creatures to the Wyrm or Pentex. The desire to wish themselves out of that situation could be
overwhelming. Of course, the consequence of losing your soul is a pretty steep price, even for one whose soul is tainted.

Immortals: Not as perfect as the mummies, the immortals still make prime candidates as enemies of the Djinn. See the entry
for mummies above.

Mastering the Wish

A Djinni can warp even the most carefully worded wish. Only a fool would summon one of these being intentionally. Unfortunately,
the world is full of fools. Here are some examples of how the Djinn twist wishes:
A Djinni asks a woman if she would like to be beautiful forever. When she says yes, he turns her into a mannequin so that
she'll never age.
A Djinni needs information and offers to buy it. He asks the man how much money he wants. The man replies a million
dollars. The man's mother gets on a plane, but buys a million dollar life insurance policy first. The plane crashes with no
A Djinni asks a man who is bored with his job if he would like a chance to escape his mundane existence. He says yes.
The next moment he is in a locked tank of water with a straight jacket and chains wrapped around him.
A security guard tells a Djinni that the only way into this building is through him, and he'd like to see that. The man becomes
paper thin, and the Djinni rips his way through him.
A man encounters a Djinni ripping the face off of a corpse. The Djinni asks the man if he wanted to watch. When he replies
no, the man's eyes are instantly sown shut.

Releasing/Summoning a Djinni
A special bond exists between a Djinni and the person who brought it into this dimension. Every time a Djinni grants a wish, the
summoner gets a mental picture of the results. As a Djinni generally uses wishes in a catastrophic manner, these sights can be
pretty gruesome.

A Djinni will do everything it can to get its summoner to ask for three wishes. It will try to use any trick it can think of, including
Taking the Flesh of a loved one and asking the person what they want. If they allow the Djinni to "help" three times, the walls
come down and the Djinn are in this world.
Anyone can release a Djinni from what it has been trapped within. It is as simple as rubbing the item. The Djinni awakens and
starts clawing its way out. Once it gets free, usually within a few hours, the releaser instantly knows that the Djinni is here. The
Djinni will try to find this person as soon as it can. Along the way, it will sow the seeds of chaos as people ask for wishes in
everyday conversation.

Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 3, Stamina 5, Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 6, Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 0
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Intimidation 2, Subterfuge 5 (Tricks), Empathy 2, Acting 3
Skills: Etiquette 4, Torture 4, Body Crafts 4 Stealth 2
Knowledges: Djinn Lore 5, Occult 5, Enigmas 4, Cosmology 2, Investigation 2
Willpower: 8

DRAGONS: The Redemption

A Storyteller supplement by Darryl Adams (

Listen carefully, for soon you shall enter a dark, madness filled world that is at war with us, even though many do not know they even
fight it. It is a world, where what seems natural is barred from us, what we feel is our right taken from us, what we see as wrong is
considered right. It is a world where the Great Serpents have little power and that man has all the keys to reality.
Once it was not like this. We did not need to hide in sheep's clothing. Once the Sky where open to us. The spirit world, what man calls
the Umbra, was as part of our realm as the sky was. Magick was our heritage, and our power was great. There was an order of things,
us, man, the fey and other creatures knew their place. Sure, man sought to kill us for imagined riches or for raw power, and many of us
died under their swords. But man paid a heavy price for all of us who were taken, as was the order of things. We owned the sky, taking
what was ours by right of power.
Then man usurped their place. Men, calling themselves men of reason, but showing none, tore the fabric of our existence. The Umbra
was lost to us. What was indivisible was split, trapping many of us in the Spirit world, many more in the Sky. Then the Sky was taken
from us, and we hid ourselves from the men of reason, lest they kill us. We managed to find a place to hide, the place we call the Wyre,
but not all of us live here.
Magick, and our own shapes became our bane. The world changed, shepherded by the men of reason, into a place where there was
no place for us. Powered by the dreams of powerlessness, the world strikes back at those with true power. We risk death and misery
if we let ourselves become ourselves.
We take the fight back to the men of reason. They have taken the sky from us, so we wear the sheep skin so that we can strike without
fear. There are those who have awoken from the dream of powerlessness, and many of those share our desire to rid of the men of
reason. Beware, for many of the Awakened have dreams of power that clash with our redemption. It is a hard task, but it is a task we
gladly take for the glory of the sky.
This where you my child, come into the picture. The Wyre can not hold us all, and it is not our nature to hide. We protect our young, like
yourself, and train then to be able to live in the world of man. There you must fight, fight to regain the sky, fight to regain our heritage of
magick, fight to allow our bretheren trapped in the Umbra to rejoin us. Fight for what is ours.
We call ourselves the People. Remember that with all of your heart. Man calls us dragons.

Part 1: There be Dragons

Dragon: The Redemption is a supplement for the World of Darkness, or more correctly, Mage: The Ascension. In it you play the role of
a dragon. This may seem like a munchkin wet dream, but the dragon has two problems.
1. It can not use its natural form or powers without Paradox backlash.
2. The dragons maintain a masquerade just as tight as Vampires, Mages and Werewolves. To do otherwise would jeopardize their
survival, as well as the Wyre (which jeopardizes the future of the race).
A Dragon has the knowledge of True Magick, and the power to shapechange into Dragon, Human and a fusuon of both (Draca).
Unlike Werewolves, they pay a heave price with Paradox, forcing themselves to use their forms sparingly. Another problem with
dragons is while wise in the old ways, they have not kept up with the new order, and are therefore totally inept in the ways of
Technology and science. It takes time in man's world for them to gain such knowledge, as technology is alien to dragons and can not
be taught in an abstract way (as is taught to man).
Dragons also tend to be solitary. It takes a great deal of will for more than two dragons to interact without conflict. As the dragon gets
older, he becomes more tolerant of his own kind. This is another reason that Dragons are sent out of the Wyre at a young age. To
have too many Dragons of a young age will possibly massacre the whole Wyre.

Part 2: Character Generation

1. Visualise the charactor
Is the Charactor fresh out of the Wyre, or is she a veteran of man's world. Is she proud, thoughtful, carefree or aggressive. What
motivates her? Don't take the easy way; dragons are by nature a varied lot. Also think about the physical side of the dragon. The
following are examples of Dragonkin:

Dragon (Draconius Rex): The Most common form. Varied in colours, the Dragon is also the most evolved, with arms and legs and
strong powerfull wings.

The Wyvern (Draconius Primius): The biggest difference between Wyvern and Dragons is the lack of forarms.
The Serpent (Draconius Secondus): The lesser of all dragonkin, the Serpent is missing both arms and legs, but are still dragons

due to their wings.

There are other Dragon like creatures, like the Hydra and basilisk, but many are traped in the Umbra, and are since most of them do
not fly, they are not considered dragonkin.

2. Nature and Demeanor.

Dragons are especially susceptible to their natures and demeanors, since they hide themselves in personality. It is not uncommon to
have a demeanor totally alien to nature, as the true nature is often hidden from themselves, and only comes out in times of stress. All
the Natures and Demeanors from Vampire and Mage are appropiate here.

3. Stats
The Dragon is designed like any other human in the World of Darkenss. This is their man form. The Attributes are adjusted whenever
a dragon shifts to his true form or Draca form. All Dragons have a free dot in every attribute. Attributes of the dragon are adjusted
depending on the age of the Dragon. Even mental stats are adjusted, as a younger dragon has less control over his wits and
perception in dragon form than an elder. A younger dragon has more Dexterity than an old one, but the old one has more strength (and
Attributes are: 7/5/3 spent in any way.

As stated before, things like technology are alien to Dragons, and can not be bought with ability points. They may be paid with freebie
points, depending on the eventual age of the Dragon. All Dragons have 21 points to spend wherever they like with two exceptions. No
skill can be taken over 3 without freebie points. And that some skills are barred.
The Barred skills are:
Talents: There are no barred Talents (some may be considered Dragon Talents eg Expression)
Abilities : Drive, Firearms, Technology
Knowledge : Computer,Medicine (Unless taken in Dragon Medicine), Science, Occult (Dragons do not see things like man).
There are 2 compulsory skills, to be bought at level 1, Culture and Linguistics. This represents the basic training a dragon gets at the
Wyre to cope with man's world. Dragon Culture and Linguistics can be considered separate skills.
There is one new Ability, Target Breath Weapon. It is the skill dragons use to aim their breath weapon. It is a Wits Plus Target breath
Weapon , difficulty 6.
* You could hit a barn, if you where close.
** You could hit a group of people, if you where lucky.
*** You could aim at one person in a group and hit.
**** See that twig over there......thhhheeeewwww.
***** You want your beef well done, but the eggs soft. OK
Specialties: Well, none. Each breath weapon is personal.
Other Abilities in the Mage/Vampire/Werewolf players guide are up to the GM to desice, with the overriding factor is to avoid any skill
that requires a technological outlook.

As stated before, Dragons are practitioners of True Magick. Their free Sphere is Force, and they get 4 points to spend on their

Other Advantages
A Dragon also gets to choose his breath weapon. Damage is dependant on the age of the Dragon. All attacks are aggravated
damage. All Breath attacks are vulgar as hell and can only be done in Dragon form. The choices are.
Flame (The Traditional)
Gas (Poison or Corrosive)
Others types may be inserted, depending on the ST and Player.

A Dragon gets no background points. Freebie points must be spent in order to gain these in man's world. Consider all dragons to
have a 3 point mentor, Library and Allies in the Wyre, but in man's world, the dragon is on his own to survive. Avatar is important as it
is for mages, while Arcane only works for man shape! Chantries are not allowed, unless a dragon is part of a Troupe of mages.
Sanctum is also important for a dragon as it is one of the few places that a dragon can take his true form without paradox.

Age is an important stat for Dragons. It determines their might in dragon form, their power of their breath attack and Magickical might,
and the level of barred Abilities a charactor can have. All dragons start at Child, and The ranking progresses to Ancient, though most
charators will possably not reach that level (at least at the start).


Cost Power Skill Level Attribute

Adolescent 2

2dice 0
3 dice 1
5 dice 2
7 dice 3
10 dice 5

Str+2/Dex+4/Sta+2 Per-1/Wits-3
Str+3/Dex+4/Sta+3 Per 0/Wits-2
Str+4/Dex+3/Sta+4 Per 0/Wits 0
Str+5/Dex+2/Sta+3 Per +2/Wits+1
Str+6/Dex+1/Sta+2 Per +3/Wits+2

The Power dice is also used as a Dragons Arete. Yes, Ancient Dragons are deadly, and if you consider the Rainbow Serpent from
Australian Mythology is an Ancient (He created the Dreamtime), that is the way it should be.

All dragons start with 4 willpower points, but may purchase more with freebie points.

Freebie Points
All dragons get 20 Freebie points, to spend on whatever she likes. Age, Spheres, Barred Abilities (if eligible by age) et al. the cost
are as followed.
Spheres 7 per dot
Attributes 5 per dot
Age See Age Table
Arete N/A (See age)
Abilities 2 per dot
Willpower 1 per dot
Background 1 per dot
Quintessance 1 per dot

Merits and Flaws

Dragons are allowed merit and flaws, it is up to the ST if a flaw or merit is appropiate for the character. (personally I would bare things
like Contacts, nightclub & library to Child and Adolescent Dragons)

Part 3: Dragon is, Dragon Does

Dragon Background
Dragons are an intriging part of the World of Darkness. Before the fall of the Mythic Age, Dragons ruled the Skies, and struck terror
into many a villager and nobleman. It took a strong willed man, or a pious man, to even contemplate attacking a dragon, and their
sucess rate was minimal. Mages posed a greater threat, as they realised the power of a Dragon, and could meet it with magick. Plus
the Raw Quintessance found in dragons was enough to inspire may dragon slaying expeditions, with better success than the
noblemen (but not that much, as the most vulnerable was Child and Adolescent).
When Dragons intervened in the affairs of men, they usually were quite influental. The Dragon Kings of China and the Rainbow
Serpent in Australia are clasic examples. In Europe, the dragons did not intervene mainly due to the Church linking Serpents to
original sin. These older dragons could control themselves better and thus where able to interact with each other. This proved to be a
boon when the Mythic age came crashing down.
With the Advent of the Gauntlet, Dragonkind was hit so hard it has barely recovered. Many were trapped in the Umbra, unable to get
back to earth. Those trapped on Earth were forced into a new paradigm where dragons did not exist. In order to survive, The Dragon
Kings and the Rainbow Serpent (as well as other powerful dragonkin) cast two powerfull spells. One was to create a horizon realm that
allowed the Dragons trapped on Earth a place to retreat, as well as the spell allowing shapechange. These spells where extremely
dangerous, and many Elder and Ancient Dragons perished in the process. But they were sucessful. They created the Wyre to protect
the young and to house the ancients until the time when they can regain the Sky. The Shape change spell allowed the Dragons to enter
the new world (and got the younger dragons out of Wyre to protect the hatchling dragons).
Throughout the centuries, the Dragons have fought the Order of Reason, for one thing only: the destruction of the Gauntlet. They often
align with Garou (they share many things in common), Traditional Mages (except SOE and VA, and they distrust the Order of Hermes),
Fairies and sometimes Marauders (while both share the same desire, the marauders represent pure chaos that is repellent to the
Ancient Dragons).
Unfortunately, Like all the other denizens in the world of Darkness, Dragons also have Dragon Enemies. From before the Gauntlet,
some dragons have signed pacts with the infernal powers, and often act with the Nephandi in their plans of corruption. As well, many
(but not all) the dragons in the Umbra have sided with the marauders, and become infected with their madness. Dragonkin rules are
simple on this. If they are not with us, kill them.

Dragons are not immortal, but live for a pretty long time. Example ages (Take as guide only, some mature faster, or slower)
Hatchling: 0 - 20 years
20-50 Years
Adolescent: 50-100 Years
100 - 500 years
500-1000 years
1000 + years

4. Dragons in the Architecture

Special rules for Dragons
Dragons and Magick
Dragons have a harder time with magick than mages. While in natural form, they are considered with Foci, according to the rules. In
Draco or Man form, they are considered without Foci. Dragons can not use any Foci at all, in game terms they are Orphans, but they
pay normal cost to upgrade their spheres.

Spirit Magick: The big exception to the rules is Spirit Magick. Dragons can not perceive a diference in the Sky and Umbra. Hence
they can not even work out what the Gauntlet is, let alone how to get around it. Any effect to circuvent the Gauntlet (except Rank 2 Call
Spirits) has a +2 penalty and -2 dice pool. If the Spirit effect is conjuncted by another, the dice pool penalty is ignored, but the +2
penalty remains (which is why many dragons sell themselves to Marauders and Nephandi. To enter the Umbra, a Dragon must be in
true form.
The exception to this is the Wyre, which is mainatined by powerful magick. Any dragon can enter the Wyre if Invited! This is to stop
Juvenile Dragons entering and causing trouble. To get invited , a juvenile needs a good reason to see the Ancients or to heal from a
nasty wound. The Wyre is closed off to all other people, but sometimes an Oracle or a respected Garou may be invited by the

Dragons and other Dragons

As mentioned before, Younger Dragons (Before Adult) barely tolerate other dragons, and that is for mating. A Dragon must make use
a Willpower point and roll against current will in order to avoid attacking the other dragons. Older Dragons (Adult and above) need not
spend a will point and roll on total willpoints (which is why most adults are also the breeders). Ancients are excempt from this
A failure means a frenzy (the only frenzy a dragon can go into) and ends with one dragon dead, intervention by an Elder or older
Dragon, or either dragon is attacked. Both dragons will then join forces, and then attempt to kill each other afterwards, but hey, it's

Dragons and their forms

Dragons have 3 forms, and can change forms easily. It takes one turn to change from one form to another (unlike werewolves).
However, a dragon must roll on its Power (its damage dice) per change, and take the paradox as if the effect was a vulgar magickal
effect! (Difficulty 5) See why most Ancient dragons stay in the Wyre?
Dragons also get a bonus armour value in nateral form and in Draco form. Conveniently enough, it is the same as the skill level
allowed in the age table.
Draco form is a strange hybrid form, it does not get the attribute bonuses of the Dragon form, but it does give the Dragon wings, and
the paradox value is reduced (It is still vulgar, but it takes more effort to trigger paradox as seeing a man flying can be explained as a
bird or something). More importantly, the Draco gets to keep his arms and legs, which can be a bonus in some situations (since many
dragons don't get arms in nateral form, and those who do have a -3 dice pool penalty for manipulating things like cars and door
handles as their arms are not designed for these things). Draco can also use their breath weapon at half their power dice pool (round
A breath weapon is considered vulgar. To attack, it is a Wits plus Target Breath Weapon roll (yes, Dragon bonuses for age do count).
If botched, Paradox takes effect (see vulgar Paradox rules for details). All breath weapons gain a paradox point per use (or more if
there are sleepers around). So if a dragon can not kill after the first 3 attacks, he's going to have problems. There is no botch on the
Breath power roll.

Part 5 : Joker to the Left of me...

Dragons and the World of Darkness
Akashic Brotherhood: Good allies. Many remember when the dragons played a
big part in Oriental affairs. Treat them as you would treat an Adult, as they have

paths of knowledge even the Ancients admire.

Celestial Chorus: For the sins of the few, a whole race is blamed. These people
hate us because their holy books tell them we did evil. Some of us did, but
many men commited crimes against us. Do we hold a grudge againts all men?
Cult of Ecstacy: Apart from the fact that they tend to introduce our children to
the worst part of man's world, these mages have great power and should be
respected. Trusted, no.
Dreamspeakers: Of all the mages, these are our closet allies. They know our
pain. They know our dreams. Together we will rid the barrier so we can both
regain the sky.
Euthanatos: Stay away from them children.
Hollow Ones/Orphans: These people lack a goal that many of the Awakened
cherish. Show them what a goal means. Be an inspiration, and maybe they will
Order Of Hermes: Once there was a balance. They killed us. We killed them. Now
we are on the same side. Don't trust them. They too have long memories. We
can work together though, because both of us lost much when we lost the Sky.
Sons of Ether: Barrier Makers. Hate them.
Virtual Adepts: Barrier Makers. Hate them (Though unofficially, they are
harmless -- don't tell the Ancients though)
Technocracy: Barrier Makers. Kill Them. (I hope you did not miss the wording
here child. We hate the Technomancer Traditions, but despise Technocracy).
Nephandi: If they corrupt our kind, kill them. If the corrupted kin do not seek
redemption, kill them. The the corrupted kin seeks redemption, take them to the
Ancients (none can avoid their power, The Rainbow Serpent can heal all)
Marauders: Use them against the Bairrier Makers. Some are allies, some are
unpredictable. Help any corrupted kinfolk found, because unlike the Nephandi,
most can be shown redemption. If they turn away...kill them.
Vampires: You are lucky. The Vampires can not feed off us. Stay clear of them,
just to be safe.
Garou: Good friends, good allies. Many act like our children (quarrel, fight) but
they know the pain of losing the sky.
Fairies: Good friends. Know more when the rules come out :-)

The Eastern Harmonies
By Rasmus Hansson
The Storyteller-system was created by Rein Mark*Hagen
Inspirational source: Li-Rong in the Store, Krister Sundelin of Dragonkin, and Magnus Kroon with Balance.
I also wish to thank Darryl Adams for "Dragon - the Redemption", another way of looking at Dragons in the Storyteller-system.

Dedication: This work is dedicated to all the players of Dragon - the Waking Wrath, and all the Martial artists of the world.
Notes: This work is based on the assumption that there is magic in the world. Without magic, dragons are nothing. Without myths and
powers we can not see, we have no dreams, and there can be no dragons.

The Dragons of Asia

The Beginning...
They were walking down a steep hill as the sun was slowly rising in the east, right into their view. It was indeed a magnificent sight, but
for the peasants, who had seen it so many times, it was just another sunrise, another morning. This would prove to be something else
then any other morning.
Loo-Chang was the first to see it, but as soon as he started moving toward it, the others saw it as well. It was a plate of gold, and it
was stuck in the dirt on the side of the hill, just like that. It looked heavy, and in the sunlight from the rising sun, it glistened. It was gold
all-right, real gold. Loo-Chang started pulling the plate, trying to free it from the dirt, while Shao-Bailam tried to dig it free at the base.
The others just stood by, looking a bit like sheep. Loo-Chang swore and threw himself on his back as his grip failed.
"By my ancestors! Bie-bai-makk! It won't budge!" And then the earth moved. The peasants had felt earthquakes before, but was
surprised by the strength and the precision of this one. Only the ground around their feet and a bit up the hill was shaking, not the
ground at the foot of the hill. "Yes" a voice answered "I am Bie-bai-makk. Who awakens me?" An eye opened in the side of the hill. A
huge, jade-green eye. The gold plate disappeared into the hill's side, and the dragon rose from the mass of dirt and pants. It stood
there, on two legs, rising a good twenty feet over the ground, and looked at the peasants. They earthquake stopped. The peasants
knew only one thing to do. They ran. Loo-Chang fell to his knees and said a prayer to his protective spirits. The dragon shot forward
it's head, with fangs visible, and mouth fully opened. Loo-Chang prepared for the afterlife. But the dragon didn't bite. Loo-Chang
looked up, disbelieving. The dragon had its head so close he could smell its breath.
"You are a relative of Loo-Hwing-Tzu, are you not?" The dragon spoke with a voice like thunder.
"Ye...Yes. He is my great-grandfather." Loo-Chang was glad he was sitting down, as he felt all weak. Had he been standing, he would
have fallen right now, and looked like a fool.
"I remember him. So, great-grandchild of Loo-Hwing-Tzu, what do you wish of Bie-bai-makk, you family's dragon?"
"My family's dragon?"
"Indeed. Your great-grandfather was a man of courage, and he helped me. In return, I was to watch over his family the next twelve
generations, granting any favors they would want." The dragon now made a clicking sound, and Loo-Chang thought of this as a
"Well, I am but a simple framer, I have nothing to ask for. Nothing you could help me with."
"In that case, I will go back to sleep until you do. But first, you must sacrifice something to me, or I will forced to kill you because you
disturbed my slumber."
"That which is most precious to you, but also that which you take for granted."
"Too slow". The dragon's head shot forward again, and this time it cut Loo-Chang in half, the legs slowly falling apart. The dragon
chewed the upper body, and swallowed. "Not at all as fast as his great-grandfather" it said to itself, and stretched up its head. It looked
around. "I wonder what year this might be. It feels like the year of the rabbit. In that case there will be plenty of food to eat." The dragon
chuckled again, and began slithering down the hill.

The children of Gods

There was a peasant who was cursed, and he turned into a dragon. A god who lost a bet and turned into a great dragon, and a fish
that drank fire and turned into a dragon. All were part of a living system of beings. They were the children of gods, doing what they did
best; killing, preying on the good, being slain by heroes, and giving cryptic wisdom to questing wanderers.
Then all that changed. There was a great drowsiness, and the Dragons fell asleep. Now, they are starting to wake up, and all is not as
it was. They do not have to follow the orders of gods or spirits anymore, but can follow their own mind, find their own quest. Then there
was a war, when dragon turned on dragon, brother killed brother, and the Heavens shook, and the ground trembled. A treaty was
called, and the dragon parted their ways.
Some, the greater ones, went back to sleep, while others, the smaller dragons, remained awake, exploring the world. This is the type
of character available to the players through this supplement of Dragon - The Waking Wrath called Dragon - The Eastern Harmonies.

The Sleep
In the ancient days, where gods and mortals roamed the earth as equals, all the dragons were awake, and doing the business of gods
and spirits. Then a change came, and the dragons fell asleep. Why or how this happened is not known, but the dragons slept for a long
time. The more powerful the dragon was, the longer and harder did he sleep. Now, as time passed, some woke up, and found that the
gods and demons had left the world, and that they were free. The newly-awakened dragons roamed the earth, and spread terror to the
humans in it. And so there were conflicts, and some of the more powerful dragons woke up, called by ancient powers and curses.
There was a war, called the War of Progeniture, and dragon fought dragon, and dragon fought man, and man fought man. It was a
horrible time. In all this violence, something changed, and went all wrong. Something made the warring parties fall asleep again, and
no spell or curse could bring them from their slumber this time. Some dragons did not fall asleep, those who had not been involved in
the war all that much. They stayed awake, and discovered why. There is a balance to all things, and if you break that balance, you will
lose, and fall asleep. You can not live one life, you must live a thousand different ones to be able to stay awake. Some of the lesser
dragons of the war woke up as well, and they were taught this lesson, or went back to sleep after just a short while. The secret of
balance keeps the dragons awake.
The dragons who are now awake are generally aware of this game of balance. If a dragon is not aware of this, and is still awake, it is
called an "Unaware Awakened". There are also rumors of powers that can keep a dragon awake, even if it ignores the balance of
things. Like the dragons in the West, the dragons of the Eastern Court are not at their full power. The powerful ones are asleep, and
they will not wake up for several millennia yet. Those who are awake, however, have organized themselves so that they can survive,
and a treaty has been called, and a truce of arms signed. The words of a dragon is binding, and so is this truce.
Unlike the dragons in the West, the dragons in Asia are not divided into different camps; they are divided in families. There are two
major families, and several smaller ones, and they try to stick together, even though this is not an easy task.

The Families
There are certain inherited differences between dragons. These make them what they are, and they control certain aspects of their
life. They also tell them where they belong. There are two major families in Asia: the Tatsu, and the Long.

The Japanese dragon, in its full strength, is an impressive sight. It is huge and all-powerful, and inspired awe and fear in all those who
see it. They are well-balanced, and they never participated all that much in the War of Progeniture. They stay quiet most of the time,
but when they speak, the earth moves according to their wishes. They are the diplomats and the leaders of the formal Eastern Court,
an assembly of dragons, called by the Treaty to keep in touch with the western Dragons. Of all dragons it is the calmest, most
balanced, and the true ruler of Eastern Dragonkin.

The Chinese dragon is a creature of drives, ambitions, and lusts. It is sometimes hard to see the reason it its actions, but believe me
when I tell you that there is a Grand Plan, and a Quest, and each dragon follows this Plan, always. The Long is a creature of many
faces, and it sometimes goes a little overboard when trying to be everything at one time. The Long has always liked humans, and have
taught this to the Tatsu, up to a point. The Tatsu is a bit stubborn, and not really willing to learn. The Long, however, is intuitive,
intelligent, impulsive, and caring. It tries it's best at all times, and sometimes overextends it's boundaries.

The Chinese Dragon has a more female side to it. This is the Long-Feong. They are much like the Long, but they are a bit more
passive, more planning, more willing to discuss and dream rather than take action, and make wars.

The Forms
The Eastern Dragon, like the Western Dragon, may change shape. However, there are certain differences. For instance: The Western
dragon must learn how to change shape, while this is natural for the Eastern dragon. The Western dragon can change shape at any
time, while the Eastern dragon must plan, and make an effort to shape-shift.


There is always a natural state for the dragon, and this state it can always revert to. It is a bit like the breed-form of the Garou, and in
this form, the dragon normally feels most comfortable. The dragon, no matter what form it has, is a magical being. You can clearly see
this in the dragonform. A dragon doesn't have to eat, or drink, or breathe, or sleep like mortals do. They are powered by magical
currents that flow through the universe.

The appearance of the dragon: It is hard to truly say what a dragon looks like, because the Eastern dragon is a magical creature,
and appears differently to all those who see it. It is normally not as bulky as the Western dragon, and has no wings. One could say that
most Eastern dragons look like great snakes who stand on their hind-legs and have an over-sized head. The dragon has two horns,
and scaly skin. The color of the scales may be any given one, ranging from gold to oil, from white to black, from red to green of blue.
The eyes of the dragon are hard to look into, because of their magical nature. They have the color of broken jade, a light-green tone,
with a red undertone. Mortals can't even force themselves to look into the eyes of a dragon, unless it permits them to.

In human form, the dragon can look like anything. Asian, Caucasian, African, Hispanic, it is all the same to the dragon. Age, physical
dimensions such as height and weight are just attributes to the dragon. Sex, however, is rather important to it. The dragon is in itself
sexless, but the game of balance it plays dictates certain things are best meant for women, and others for men. It is by these criteria
that the dragon chooses its gender, in human form. It is chosen according to the task at hand, and how the dragon plans to resolve the
problem it is faced with. Clothes are part of the form, and are very much real, connected to the body itself, unless the dragon wants
otherwise. This means that there can be trouble in taking clothes off. However, the dragon can change clothing while in human form as
a minor change of appearance.

The dragon can also choose the physical appearance of any other creature it desires. A vampire, Garou, Western dragon, snake, pig,
horse, or bird, it is all the same. However, the form must be a living thing, like an animal, not a rock, and it can only be of the same sort
of creature as the dragon. This means that the dragon can not turn into a plant, but any animal, and not into a rock, but a human. Yes,
vampires are not alive, but they look alive, and that is the main point.

The Breeding
Dragons do not breed by physical interaction, since they are gender-less. They can, however, breed new dragons. This can be done
by one dragon, by a pair, or more. The dragon uses the power of its pearl to create a new pearl, and then let that power consume
another living being. The normal procedure is that a dragon, or several dragons combining their powers, create a new pearl, and feed
it to a human, a rabbit, a fish, or a bird, depending on what is at hand. The power of the pearl then takes over the "host", and turns it to
a dragon. There are no attributes, memories, or other things retained by the new form from the old one. The change is irreversible, and
almost divine in nature. It is unheard of that a dragon could revert back to the creature that it once was, and no dragon ever desires
such a thing.

The Origin of the Dragons

These creatures of magic and myth has been around for a long time, a long time indeed. They are rumored to have existed even
before the start of time, but none of the dragons awake today are old enough to say. The oldest dragon awake in Asia at this time has
been awake for twelve hundred years, and has seen gods walk the earth before it entered it's first sleep. It states that it was four
hundred years old when it fell asleep, and that it was asleep for a total of one millennium, give or take a few decades. This would make
it very old indeed, and it still remembers beings, dragons and others, who were a lot older, beings it talked to, "in its youth". No one
really knows where they came from, and why the gods decided the world needed dragons, and since the gods that created them are
long gone, it will probably remain a mystery for all time to come, as well.

The Spoken Word

"It is said. It is the law." This is probably the only line that has ever been translated from Dragonspeak into any other language. It is the
sum of a long sentence called Truthlaw. This sentence takes over two minutes to say in Dragonspeak, if you talk fast. It expresses the
true part of the dragons' way of communicating; without lies.
A dragon of the Eastern Court never lies. It may leave out part of the truth, and may twist the words so that they will seem to have
another meaning than they do, but they always speak the truth, essentially. This is very confusing for the dragons when they are in
another form than the dragon-form. There are numerous ways to tell the truth in Dragonspeak, making this kind of thing a rather simple
procedure, but in human or other speaking form, there is only one truth, and it is hard to bend it. Dragons study this for long periods of
time and often learn many languages to find which one is the best suited for telling a "non-truth."
The word of a dragon is binding, and all oaths must be honored, up to a point. A good way to bend this rule is by stating a time. Time
is relative, and so are events and functions. A dragon could say that "you will have to wait until I am finished" if you asked it for a favor
or called in a debt, so that it could not refuse. "Finished" means in this case with life, and the dragon merely states that once it is dead,
it will help you. You may be in for a long wait indeed.

The Written Word

Dragonspeak does not have a formal written language, but the dragons have managed to write Dragonspeak using a combination of

symbols from the Chinese alphabet, containing one sign for everything, house, car, drive, walk, live, and so on, and a heavy
modification of the Japanese Katakan, a soundbased language. This is a very clumsy way of communicating, as the Dragonspeak is
a very subjective language, rather than objective, like ours. This means that all it is good for is writing letters, and signs for other
dragons. The Dragonspeak is the same wherever you go; East or West, Tatsu or Long, all the same. A dragon can't lie in writing,

The Treaty
After the War of Progeniture, there was a great meeting between all the dragons that were awake and alive. During this meeting there
was a treaty called, and it has been honored ever since.
The Treaty in itself is a rather simple piece of praxis, with only two major rules to it. Number One is that no dragon shall by action or by
influence harm another dragon. The Second one is that if the first rule is broken, then the Assembly has the right to take the life of the
dragon who broke it.

The Assembly
The Treaty speaks of an Assembly. This is a council of sorts, a way for dragons to resolve any and all problems without using violence,
since lying is never really an option. The Assembly consists of a number of dragons who wish to be in it. Only the Assembly can
choose if a dragon is worthy to be part of it. Right now, and since over two centuries, there are nine dragons in the Assembly. They are
not representatives for interests or families, but simply interested in the affairs of their kin. There are six Tatsu, two Long, and one
other dragon in the Assembly. The last one is from a lesser family, called Umi-Waraigoe . This family is from the Japanese sea. The
Assembly is wise and powerful, and has many different jobs. To enforce the rules of the Treaty is one. Another is to hold a Court.

The Eastern Court

When the dragons of the lands in West started waking up a few years ago, they sought out the dragons in the East, and found it
difficult to communicate with them. There were no organization like the Court, and there was nowhere to send an Ambassador. So, the
Assembly formed a formal Court, the Eastern Court, with a Tatsu as high ruler, so that the cousins from West should feel more
comfortable. The dragons of Asia, however, do not understand the point of a Court at all, and the thought of a single ruler of all
Dragonkin is simple comedy to their ears. It is convenient to have a central organ to communicate West to East and vice versa, but the
Court is merely a arrangement for show.

It is hard to deal with all the things of the world. Unlike the dragons in the West, the Eastern dragons have been awake for a long time,
and have gotten a fairly good view of the other things inhabiting the earth.

These creatures of the night, who prey on the blood of the living, are no threat to the dragons, as they have no blood to give. In their
veins flows magical power, not some liquid. All the same, there are different vampires, and they should be treated differently.

Camarilla: The Camarilla is represented in Asia, and it is not unheard of that a Camarilla-vampire tries to attack a dragon of the
Eastern families. They are no threat though, and are regarded as more than mortals, less than dragons.
"I have heard of dragons in the East and the West, but frankly, I can't see any point in a alliance at this time." Saiman Plantegnet,
Primogen of Calcutta

Sabbat: These troublemakers are few and far apart in Asia, and they are a relatively new phenomenon to the Assembly. They should
be studied for a while longer, and then a policy should be made on how to treat them.
"I have seen dragons, but they are simply a pawn in the game of the Antedeluvians. Once they show their true color, we will strike, and
destroy them all." Malcolm Strife, Paladin

Inconnu: The Inconnu has actually sought the Assembly out and made a presentation of themselves. This was nice. If they ask favors,
we will grant them, and in return, they will grant ours. An alliance is forming.
"Yes, a stimulating partnership of mutual interest is forming. Funny you should mention it. I was in Japan just the other week and
discussed this with the Assembly. They are great beings, and will aid us in many things." Pah Eniotatt, 4tth generation Toreador

Anarchs: There are too few Anarchs in Asia at this time, and the Assembly has not yet formed a firm opinion about them.
"Yeah, I've seen a dragon, right here in LA. It was huge and had great wings. Chinese? How the hell should I know? I didn't talk to he
lizard much, I just got my gun, and ran." Boomer, Brujah of Los Angeles

Drukpa: These monks live in Tibet, and they have controlled the Tibetan dragons for centuries. The Assembly has decided that they
are no threat, but should be avoided, just in case. The last thing the Dragonkin needs is a conflict between a controlled dragon and a
free one right now.
"The Assembly? If we need them, we can control them. But right now, there is no need. Our own dragons are stronger and closer than

them." Chiema Leio, 7th generation Drukpa.

The few Garou left in Asia usually stays far away from all of Dragonkin. They fear the wrath they remember since the War. The
dragons, however, and intrigued by this dying breed, and the Assembly is seeking a representative to discuss a possible alliance.
"Of all the stories I have heard, my Sept has told me to never repeat this one. It is about dragons who live in the Eastern land, where
the Caerns burned in a terrible war. They are dangerous, and I wish I never see one." Severed Fang, Children of Gaia

They are tricky, since they don't live all that long. They change so rapidly, and there is no real organization to cling to. Well, mortals as
a whole are regarded as the lowest form of intelligent life, a lot better than pigs and birds, but very much inferior to dragons and others.
There are, of course exceptions. New Agers, Mages, and so on, non-Sleepers, are rated a lot higher than a normal Chang.
"Dragons? Good joke, buddy! Get yourself another beer!" Lao Cang, shopkeeper, Hong Kong

Shadow war: We must try not to interfere in their games, as they are trying to stay out of our affairs.
"I have only seen one or two, and they are better left alone." Alar Kibble, Celestial Game

Mummies: They are very few in Asia, and the Assembly has only gathered that there is no need to fear them, and that no conflict is
immediately at hand.
"A source of wisdom I have not yet sipped. Maybe I will, next time out of death. Yes, I heard that China is good this time in the century."
Caiban Er-ke-takk, Egyptian Priestess of Thoth

Fair folk: They play their games, and never sit down for a real conversation. They are afraid, and try to run. We leave them alone, as
they leave us alone.
"(No comment available)"

The Dead
The dead are important to us, almost as important as the living. We must remember that without them, we would have to seek our
heritage in the stars, and that would be bad. We must always care for them, and help them, when they are in need.
"Yes, once or twice I have met them, and they try their best to help us. I hope I can repay the favor someday." Loo-Chang, dead farmer

These mortals know much more about the world than the others. We must try to get together with them and discuss the universe
someday. They are smart, even though they are but mortals, and young in their wisdom. Cherish them.
"Ah, a real source of intellect. Not like the books of old. These have the knowledge and the power of the old, because they have seen it
first-hand! They are important to us." Soong, Akashic Brotherhood

Western Court
Well, we treat them with respect, and they will hopefully do the same. They were our allies once, and we hope we can become that
"Our cousins of the Eastern Court has a lot to offer. They are not struck by the same loss as we are." Rathcaar, Pride Sinye

Of course, all the rules of the Assembly are just for the Dragonkin, and sometimes, there are conflicts. Below are a few of them

Vampire vs. Dragon

Since the creation of the First City, the vampires have tried to control the world. Now, with more and more beings waking up to power,
this job is getting more and more difficult. The vampires are resorting to violence to a larger extent than before, and there are wars.
The dragons rarely start these actions, but they defend themselves, and retaliate, if given the opportunity. There are no major conflicts
as of yet, but the situation is a bit tense.

Mortals vs. Dragon

Humans think they rule the world, and it doesn't matter how you try to show them differently, they still do. The dragons could destroy all
of mankind within a decade of war, but they chose not to. The few times that humans see a dragon, and realize what they are, the
normal response is either fear or aggression. Numerous attacks have been launched by military organizations and police, trying to
destroy what they think is a monster. The air, where the dragons have roamed for millennia, is now full of armed aircrafts, satellites,
and passenger-planes, something that makes life difficult for the dragons. In short you can say that fear drives the mortals towards an
open war, if they knew what they were fighting, and gentleness drives the dragons away from such a conflict. A dragon would rather
retreat from a winning position than kill for no reason. A dilemma is at hand.

Mages vs. Dragon

Some Mages find that they are the only ones who should enjoy the powers of the Awakening, as of yet. Therefore, there are conflicts
between dragons and Mages. Especially the Technocracy have clashed with the dragons on several occasions, but the dragons have
always gotten away, or bested their opponents. The dragons are trying to stay away from conflicts as a whole, and with Mages in
particular. They do not want a war.

Dragon vs. Dragon

Even though the Assembly forbids it, there are dragons who wants more power, and are willing to kill or hurt another dragon to get it.
Conflicts between Eastern dragons are not unheard of, but they are fortunately rare, and often rather quickly resolved. There are better
things to worry about than fighting another dragon for power, reasons most dragons of the East.

Unaware awakened: Then there are those who wake up and think that they can still fight wars, those who disregard the balance, and
go up against the Assembly, and the Treaty. These are very powerful and dangerous opponents, and it often takes an alliance
between dragons to defeat them. They can do a lot of damage for a short period of time, but since they don't know the game of
balance, they fall asleep after a short period of time. They are truly dangerous, and you should be aware of the threat they pose.

East vs. West

Dragons of the West are known to be more craving for power than the dragons of the East. Sometimes there are battles between
dragons from East and West when they are in the wrong territory, or someone feels threatened by the other's presence. The dragons
of the Prides Vermithrax, Rekhem, and Khuril have ventured into Asia and sought conflict over land and power there. They often
regard the Eastern dragons as not of the "true" Dragonkin, and that they have a right to eliminate these charlatans. The Eastern
dragons respond by staying away, and closing their own ranks, planning for a war they hope will never come. A conflict between the
Western Court and the Assembly's dragons is the last thing the world, and the Dragonkin, needs.

Since Dragon - the Eastern Harmonies is written for the Storyteller-system, it is easy to intergrate in the other parts of this system.
Interaction between parts of this system is quite easy to imagine, as the Eastern Court is seeking alliances, and such can be
temporarily formed to battle a common enemy. Vampires of both Camarilla and Inconnu can join forces with dragons of the East, as
can Mages and Garou, and some mortals, to solve a mutual problem, or battle a mutual foe. The options are unlimited as of ways to
form this "partnership."

Dragons of Asia is best suited for experienced players who will not go to arms over every problem in their way. This would lead to a
rather short career as a dragon, and a long nap to follow. For starters a player should try to play the Tatsu, as it is the most balanced
dragon, and them maybe, if they like the concept, they could try another family, or develop the use of the Tatsu. Whomever decides to
play a dragon of the Eastern Court is about to have many good hours of constructive role-playing ahead. Enjoy!

Molding the Dragon

1. Choose Concept
A character is not merely numbers on a sheets of paper. If that is so, then there is no fun in role-playing. You might as well be playing
poker. No, a character has to have a goal, a drive, a personality, a history, in short, it has to become alive in your mind. To help you
with this, you choose a concept; you in a nutshell, as it were. Once this is done, you can proceed to determine how you are. How you
act and behave, and such things. This is done by selecting your Nature and Demeanor, you true self, and how you act it. You also
belong to a family, and you select which family you belong to at this point; Tatsu, Long, or Long-Feong. A dragon also has a goal for its
existence. This is called a Quest and is the driving goal for the character. It might be to bring peace to the world, or to help those in
need, but there are an unlimited number of different options. Finally, you write down the name of the dragon, a few usable aliases, your
name, and the name of the chronicle you start playing.

2. Choose Attributes
You prioritize Physical, Social, and Mental attributes for your human form. Any may be primary, or secondary, or tertiary. You allocate
7/5/3 on this human form, making you a bit better than a normal human. After all, you are not a human.

Once this is done, you spend another 4/2/0 points on your dragon-form. The priority of the groups for the dragon-form does not have to
be the same as for the human form. In fact, you may decide to put you human primary as dragon tertiary, to even out the distribution of
the points.

3. Choose Abilities
Once you have established your attributes, you leap straight into the abilities of the character. You prioritize Talents, Skills, and
Knowledges and spend 13/9/5. You must be careful with some abilities, as they have changed a lot over time. Always consult your
Storyteller when you are going to get abilities such as Drive, Etiquette, Firearms, Repair, Security, Computer, Finance, Law, and
Science. It is fairly obvious which abilities have changed the most over the years you have been asleep.
There is a new skill added to the options of the Eastern dragons: Skyrunning. This is the skill a dragon uses when it wants to fly
somewhere. It is described a bit later.

4. Choose Advantages
A dragon has five points to allocate among the four available backgrounds: Sleep, Status, Pearl, and Master. No other backgrounds
are available. At the Storyteller's discretion other Backgrounds such as Allies, Contacts, Influence, Resources, and Retainers may be
bought for Freebie Points later on.
There is also magical skills among the dragons. For the purpose of gaining magical skill, the dragon gets to allocate five points on the
different magical arts described later, and four points on the different magical paths, also described later.
Finally, a dragon may increase its balance by allocating four points on Yin or Yang, or divide the points between the two. The effects of
this is described later.

5. Last touches
The last thing you have to do is finish all the details. First, you have to look at you Yin and Yang, and modify this according to what
family you belong to. You also have pools of magical energy. These are called the Static pool, and the Dynamic pool. You have (Yin x
2) points in you Static pool, and (Yang x 2) points in you Dynamic pool.
Finally, you spend 15 Freebie Points wherever you like. The costs are detailed below.
Magical Paths: 7 points/dot
Magical Arts: 5 points/dot
Attributes: 5 points/dot
Abilities: 2 points/dot
Backgrounds: 2 points/dot
Magical Pools: 1/3 point/dot
Yin: 1 point/dot
Yang: 1 points/dot

There are several new traits introduced in this part of the Storyteller-system. They ones concerning the Eastern dragons are explained
in more detail here or under "By Jade Lights."

The first trait is that of family. There are three major families from which the player can choose for his/her dragon-character. These are
Tatsu, Long, and Long-Feong. The only difference is truly the starting rating in Yin and Yang. A Tatsu begins with the Yin and Yang
according to the number of points the player has decided to use on Yin and Yang under the step Advantages. A Long has two points
more Yang than the starting rating. The Long-Feong starts the game with two more points Yin than the starting rating. That is,
essentially, the only difference between these families.

Then, there is the dragon ability to fly. All Eastern dragons can fly, even though none of the greater families has wings. The dragons of
Asia fly by "running on clouds", or in the air. This is a very swift mean of transportation, as there are rarely any obstacles in he sky as
there are on the ground. The maneuverability of a Skyrunning dragon is also far superior to that of a dragon with wings. First, there will
be a description of the ability Skyrunning, then an update on how to use the aerial combat rules in Dragon - the waking Wrath for a
dragon from the Eastern Court.

This is the ability to fly by running in the air. It is not compatible with the skill Flight explained in Dragon - the Waking Wrath. This skill
merely demonstrates that a dragon has practiced flying, since all dragons of the Eastern Court can fly, as easily as a human breaths.
A dragon can only fly using this skill in dragon-form. A dragon can fly using the Flight-skill in any form that allows flight, such as a bird,
or a Western dragon.

or a Western dragon.

* Novice: You can start and land without looking like a fool climbing a staircase.
** Practiced: You can turn and stop without difficulty, and also pinpoint your landings.
*** Competent: You can play tag with any bird, even extremely small ones.
**** Expert: You can follow a storm, and move at its pace
***** Master: Other dragons turn to your for flying-lessons.
Possessed by: Dragon, some Magicians
Specialities: Twists and turns, landings, cloudchasing, sneaking
An Eastern dragon is as quick in the air as a Western dragon, but has greater maneuverability. For initiative, class it as a 1980's
fighter aircraft, and in all other instances as a Western dragon. Also remember that an Eastern dragon can not breath fire.

Yin and Yang

There is a balance to this world, and not even the dragons can deny its importance. In fact, this balance is more important to them than
for other beings, at least in this life-time. It is all explained a bit better in the next part, By Jade Lights, but a few things can be said.
First of all, there is a duality to life. One dynamic and masculine side called Yang, and one passive, feminine called Yin. Whatever a
dragon does, it is done in either of these principles. This effects the balance of the dragon. If the balance is shifted too much in the
favor of either one principle, the dragon will fall asleep, and be asleep for a long time, a long time indeed. As previously stated, this is
explained in greater detail in the next part of the text.

The dragons are creatures of magic, and the know how to use these forces of magic. They can learn any form of magic: Thaumaturgy,
Telergi, The Mages' magic, Egyptian Mummy magic, Andean Real magic, New Agers Mana-based magic, or the magic of the
Dragons of the Western Court.
They also have their own magic. This is composed out of four different Paths, and four different Arts. The Paths dictate in what manner
the magic should influence the target, and the Arts what the target can be. This is explained in greater detail in the next part of the text.
Magic is powered by two pools of power; a static pool, and one dynamic pool. These pools draws their power from the balance of Yin
and Yang, and it might be dangerous to attempt certain forms of magic, as this may shift the balance greatly. This is also explained in
By Jade Lights later.

Dragons of the Eastern Court may only choose from four different backgrounds at the beginning of the game. The Storyteller may then
allow the player to use Freebie-points to gain other Backgrounds, listed above. The four backgrounds that the dragon can chose are
explained below.

Your Sleep-rating tells you if you have slept well, in your last sleep, or if you have slept at all. The period of Sleep is very important to
the dragons, as it tells them what they did before they went to sleep. The longer the sleep, the more wrong they did back then. It is
sometimes hard to remember things done before the Sleep.

- You have slept for a long time in a lake or a mountain somewhere, and you remember nothing about the time before.
* You have slept for a few centuries in a hidden cave, and remember some of the things you did wrong back before the Sleep.
** You have slept for a century, give or take a decade or two, and remember the war, and how you were part of it.
*** You have slept for a few decades, and remember a lot about the time before the last Sleep.
**** You haven't Slept at all in over a millennium, but have spent a lot of time balancing out your shifted Yin and Yang.
***** You haven't Slept at all in over a millennium, and have always been careful with your balance.
This is purely your status among other Eastern dragons. It tells you how known you are, and what you are considered to be.

- You are totally unknown.

* Someone has heard you name spoken about in a good way
** When brought up, some recognize your name
*** You are known, and respected

**** You are considered noble, and other may even look up at you
***** If you were to try to get into the assembly, you'd probably be accepted.
The Pearl is the source from which the dragon draws its power. If you have your Pearl or not is crucial for the dragon, for without it,
there is no way to breed, unless heavy magic is used.

- You have lost your Pearl eons ago. Face it; it's gone.
* You lost your Pearl a millennium ago. If you went looking, you might find it, with a bit of hard work.
** You lost your Pearl a century or so ago, and you have a pretty fair idea where it might be.
*** You have lost you Pearl, but know where to find it, maybe.
**** You have your Pearl well hidden at your normal resting-place.
***** You have your Pearl with you, carrying it in your stomach, where it is safe.
The master you served under before the War is also important to the dragon. It tells them what they have done to the world, and what
sins they have committed. Not knowing who your master was is really bad, because then you can't defend yourself against any
accusations put forth by anyone old enough to remember.

- You don't know who you master was, or what you did during your service.
* You don't know what you did, but know that your master was some power-hungry, greedy demon from one of the Hells.
** You master was an active semi-god who sent you everywhere, to do all kinds of things, most of them bad.
*** Your master was a rather passive god, and you only did occasional monstrosities in his service.
**** Your master was a kind goddess, and you never did anything wrong while in her service.
***** You never had a master. You were always free.

If you play a while, you may get experience, and with experience you can improve you powers. Here are the costs for raising different
traits for a dragon of the Eastern Court.
Magical Paths: current x 5
Magical Arts: current x 4
New Path: 10 points
New Art: 7 points
Attributes: current x 4
Abilities: current x 2
New Ability: 3 points
Yin, Yang, and Magical Pools can not be improved with experience.

By Jade Lights
The Balance, the Tao
All dragons are depending on keeping the balance between Yin and Yang, between active and passive. If the balance is shifted too far
either way, the dragon will fall asleep and during this sleep the balance will set itself straight, slowly.
On the character-sheet there is a double circle for noting Yin and Yang. Yin is noted clockwise from the middle of the right track, and
Yang is noted counter-clockwise from the same spot. These should be kept track of very closely, and every player playing a dragon of
the Eastern Court should keep the balance in mind at all times. All actions the dragon perform effect this balance. It works like this: All
the things that the dragons does that are aggressive, dynamic, or over-active gives it Yang, and all passive, mediative things it does
gains it Yin. Below is a table with example-action for gaining Yin and Yang. Note that some actions gives a dragon more than one
point of Yin or Yang.

Actions that gives the dragon Yin:

Meditating for a month/Healing the wounds of another/Giving up a goal for the good of another being (1 point)

Not resorting to violence where it is a simple option/Putting personal ambition aside to help another (2 points)
Mediating a conflict/Willingly Sleeping for one month/Helping another where there is no hope of repayment (3 points)

Actions that gives the dragon Yang:

Being in a fist-fight/Willful destruction of material goods/Prioritizing your own goal before another's safety (1 point)
Inflicting physical harm on another living being/Failing to aid another when asked/Willful destruction of natural assets (2 points)
Using torture/Abusing another's psyche (stalking, abusing, raping)/Falling in love (3 points)
Killing another living being/Committing suicide (4 points)
So, once you decide what you are going to do, think again, and take into consideration what the effects may be on your balance. The
balance may be shifted five points either way without there being any ill-effects. Once this line is crossed, the dragon has (the rating of
the minor principle) hours to correct it, or fall asleep. The minor principle is the one that is not dominant, that is called the major
principle. Example: Soong has 14 Yin, and 9 Yang, it then spends a month meditating, and gains a point of Yin. This puts it over the
limit, and it has 9 (the rating in Yang) hours to correct the balance by loosing Yin, or gaining Yang. The dragon will also fall asleep if the
circles come full, and the principles "touch". This will result in that the dragon will fall asleep, no matter how many points it has in either
What happens if you fall asleep? Well, you start loosing Yin and Yang at the rate of one point per century. Once they both have reached
zero, the dragon wakes up again.
No sweat, you think, the only thing you have to do is balance your actions so that none of the principles becomes to dominant. That's
where you're wrong. You see, you can only have a maximum of 20 Yin and 20 Yang at any given time, and once this maximum is
reached, you will fall asleep. Simple as that.
How to avoid this, seemingly unavoidable thing, then? Well, the only thing you can do to lose Yin or Yang is using magic, or serving.
There are ways of using magic so that you remove Yin and Yang, and this is hard. If you can use this method, it is the most reliable. If
you can not, then the only thing that can help you is divine influence. You must once again serve under a god, a demon, or a spirit, and
as a payment lose points of Yin or Yang. This is humiliating for a dragon, but sometimes it is the only alternative. This can be
compared to the services a mummy performs to gain Ba (see WoD: Mummy).
You also use this trait when there is a test for Willpower required. Then you simply use the major principle instead of Willpower. The
dragons of the Eastern Court do not get to use Yin or Yang as Willpower-points, but their magic normally compensates for that small
inconvenience. They do not gain Yin or Yang from Nature or Demeanor, and things that normally breaks the will of others (Axes of
Light, from Telergi) will simply not effect a dragon.
The religion that teaches us all this about balance in all things speak of the Way, the Tao, or Do in Japanese. If one follows the Do, and
does only what he/she/it has to, then the balance will take care of itself. Not engaging in an action can never result in a shift of balance.
That is all about balance. If there is still a specific problem, ask the Storyteller for a ruling. Otherwise, suggested reading is any
Buddhist writing, as it tells you a lot about the balance of all things, and how to use it.

The dragons are creatures of magic. The magic is what powers them, compels them to act, and keeps them alive, and powerful. The
dragons not only use magic to stay alive, but also actively. This is done by using magical Paths and Arts.
One can say that the Arts are different glasses of liquids, and the Paths are different ways of dealing with these glasses. A dragon
uses combinations of Paths and Arts to accomplish the task it wants done. Below, the different Paths and Arts are described in more

Magical Paths
Riddle: Tricks and pranks you play with this Path. Luring, tricking, throwing off balance. Once this is successful, the dragon can control
the actions or non-actions of the target. The spells are mostly harmless in themselves, but a clever dragon can do a lot of damage with
this Path.

Compose: Modify and join is what you can do with this Path. Creating one thing out of another, or several others, is what this Path
does. The spells can be used to do a lot of good, but with an evil mind, it can also cause a lot of pain.

Create: To make something out of nothing is was this Path does. This is a very unbalanced thing to do, and it affects dragons'
balance a lot, but it is so powerful it is hard to resist.

Limit: Destroy, wipe from physical existence, or limit in function, that is what this Path does. This is also a very unbalanced thing to do,
but not as much as creating from nothingness.

Magical Arts
Body: This is the Art of the living flesh. With it, a dragon can influence the matter of a living being, no matter what sort of being it is.
With it, the dragon can affect its own body, the body of another, or the bodies of the dead. Plants and animals are also included, but

not dead plants (wood, oil, plastic), and not other materials (rocks).

Spirit: The Art of Spirit affects the living spirit of things. All living things are powered and controlled by a spirit. This is the medium the
dragon can affect with this Art.

Matter: All material that is not alive can be influenced with this Art just as living matter is influenced by the Body-Art. Rocks, wood,
plastic, metal, water, air, earth, and so on, all are influenced by this Art.

Essence: The final Art is the one that influences the core of all things, dead or alive. It affects such things as fire, time, space, and
other abstracts through manipulating its forming principles. It is a very potent form of magic, if used intelligently.

Effects on Yin and Yang

Using magic may affect the balance between Yin and Yang of a dragon. Not only may the use of magic be an action that effects the
balance (see above) but there are also spells that automatically shifts the balance in favor for one principle. If this is so, then it is noted
by the spell, and the player must be aware of this.

Magic pools
From here is where a dragon draws the primary power needed to use the magic. There are two pools; one Dynamic and one Static.
The Dynamic is used for active magic, Yang-based magic, while the Static pool is used for passive, Yin-based magic. It says by every
spell whether it draws power from the Dynamic or the Static pool. If the pools should become empty, they can be refreshed by shifting
the balance. One point added to Yin adds (dragon-form's Charisma + Perception + Stamina) points to the Static pools, as a gained
point in Yang adds (dragon-form's Manipulation + Wits + Strength) points to the Dynamic pool. Example: Soong has depleted its
Static magic-pool. It decided to refresh it by taking on an extra point of Yin. This adds (Charisma (5) + Perception (4) + Stamina (6))
15 points to its Static pool, and it is once again in business.

Using Magic
Using these vast powers are relatively easy, technically speaking. All the dragon has to do is think of an effect, find it among the spells
(all dragons know all spells), and roll the combination of Path and Art against the difficulty of the spell. Each spell has an effect-level. All
dice on the roll that was over the difficulty-number are added, and if the total exceeds the effect level required, the spell takes effect. If
the total is not high enough, then the spell fails. If you rolled a botch, then the dragon is in for some tough times.
If you should fail the roll, there is no need to give up hope for you can still succeed. You can simply use points from your pools to even
out the effect-level. It says by each spell which pool you can take points from, depending on the nature of the spell. Example: Soong is
trying for a difficulty 5, effect-level 40 spell. It rolls three dice, resulting in a 9 a 6, and a 4. The 9 and the 6 are added, resulting in a 15,
a lot lower than 40. Soong now has the opportunity to spend (40 - 15) 25 points from the magic pool the spell requires to make it
succeed. Soong may be better off practicing a bit before trying to use this spell again.

Below are examples of spells a dragon can use for each Path and Art. They are listed with difficulty-number, required effect-level, pool
from where to draw power, and an effect. There are also some example-spells that all dragons should know. They are described like

Name: the name of the spell

Path: the Path used for the spell
Art: the Art used for the spell
Difficulty: the difficulty-number
Effect level: the required effect-level
Pool: the pool from which to draw power
Balance-shift: the shift in Yin or Yang, if any
Effect: the effect of the spell.

Body + Riddle
DynamicMake a being stumble
DynamicMake a being fall
DynamicCreate an itch
DynamicCreate burning pain

Body + Compose
DifficultyEffect-levelPool Effect
StaticChange the color of a being's hair
StaticChange the eye-color of a being
StaticChange the shape of a being



StaticChange the form (exterior and interior) of a being

Name: Create Wyvern

Path: Compose
Art: Body
Difficulty: 9 (*)
Effect level: 60
Pool: Static
Balance-shift: none
Effect: This spell lets loose the magical energies in a being, transforming it to a Wyvern. A Wyvern is a creature of myth, a pseudodragon, and a magical being. The direct effects is that a person turns into a huge lizard, with wings and fiery breath, and 4/2/0 added
to the attributes just like any dragon. The person turned into a Wyvern is aware of what is happening, but can't control the body very
well. The dragon creating the Wyvern can control it for one Dynamic pool-point per (20 - target's Willpower) rounds (12 rounds/minute).
It is easier to transform creatures of greater magical potential into a wyvern. To transform a person who can use magic in any form, the
difficulty is only 7. Dragons, fairies, the dead (immaterial spirits, ghosts), and divine creatures can not be transformed. Note: Mummies
are alive once they wake up after death. The effect of this spell lasts ((10 - target's original Stamina) + any points spent from the Static
pool) minutes.

Body + Create
DynamicGrow hair on a bald
DynamicIncrease pace of growth
DynamicCreate a new limb (ex: third arm)
Static Create an animal
Either Create another dragon

Name: Healing
Path: Create
Art: Body
Difficulty: 7
Effect level: 20
Pool: Static
Balance-shift: none
Effect: With this spell, the dragon can heal the wounds of itself and any other creature at the pace of one level/round. Physical contact
is required. There is a natural defense against these kinds of influences against the body, and the duration of the spell is therefore (5 target's Stamina (current form)) rounds + 1 round per Static pool-point spent by the dragon. The spell will effect Kindred, dragon,
Sleepwalker, Garou, and such, but will not heal aggravated wounds.

Name: Regeneration
Path: Create
Art: Body
Difficulty: 8
Effect level: 40
Pool: Dynamic
Balance-shift: +1 Yang
Effect: This spell regrows lost limbs, and heals aggravated wounds of a dragon or another creature which the dragon is touching.
Once placed, all aggravated wounds will heal at a pace of 1 wound per (10 + target's Stamina (current form)) rounds. Limbs will
regrow if the target creature rests at a pace of 0.4 inch/(5 - creature Stamina (current form)) days, minimum of one day. Note that this
spell can only regrow lost limbs, not grow limb that are unnatural to the being.

Body + Limit
Cause disease
Static Cause hair to fall off
Static Cause rapid aging
Static Kill with a word

Name: Injure from afar

Path: Limit
Art: Body
Difficulty: 8
Effect level: 40
Pool: Dynamic
Balance-shift: +1 Yang

Effect: This spell inflicts physical damage to a target. The range is line of sight, and the effect is immediate. The target sustains riplike wounds, as if hit by huge claws. The dragon rolls Strength + Brawl against a difficulty of (target Stamina (current form) + 3
(maximum: 10). The number of successes are the number of wounds the target sustains. These wounds are not aggravated to any

Name: Place a curse

Path: Limit
Art: Body or Spirit
Difficulty: 8
Effect level: 60
Pool: Either
Balance-shift: none
Effect: This spell starts a horrible deterioration of the mind and body of a target. The spell may be placed as either a Limit Body-spell,
or a Limit Spirit-spell, the effects are the same. The curse will remove one point from each Virtue of the victim per (6 - victim's
Stamina) days. Once they all have reached zero, the Willpower, Humanity, Faith, and other such traits will be removed in the same
manner. Once they have reached zero, the Social attributes are removed the same way, then the mental, and finally the physical. Once
Stamina drops zero, the victim dies. There are amulets, herbal teas and such that might stop this curse, but the only a Healing-spell
(Create + Body) will remove the curse completely.

Spirit + Riddle
415DynamicMake a person mispronounce a word
630StaticMake a person hesitate in thought for 1 Round
835StaticPut a normal person to sleep for a few minutes
1050DynamicMake a person forget who he/she is

Name: Cause the Terror

Path: Riddle
Art: Spirit
Difficulty: 7
Effect level: 40
Pool: Dynamic
Balance-shift: none
Effect: This spell turns the dragon into the most horrible thing the victim can possibly imagine. This is all a hallucination, but the victim
will believe it, and suffer from supernatural terror, be it delirium for a Sleeper, Fox-frenzy for a Garou, or Rotschreck for a Vampire. The
victim may try to resist this spell by rolling at least three successes with his/her Willpower against a difficulty of 8.

Name: Change emotion

Path: Riddle
Art: Spirit
Difficulty: 8
Effect level: 40
Pool: Dynamic
Balance-shift: none
Effect: The change of emotions caused by this spell will result in a reversed emotion to that which the target had before the spell was
cast. Anger will turn to kindness, despair to joy, hate to love, and so on, and vice versa. The target may resist the effects of this spell by
rolling two or more successes with the difficulty of (dragon's Manipulation (dragon-form)). The reversion is permanent, but the emotion
will fade as he original would have.

Name: Words of Command

Path: Riddle
Art: Spirit
Difficulty: 10
Effect level: 50
Pool: Dynamic
Balance-shift: none
Effect: Once the Words of command are uttered, containing the order to be fulfilled, the target will preform the ordered action to the
best of his/her/its abilities. It will think that the order is a desire of its own, and will work hard to fulfill it. The target may try to resist the
effects of this spell by rolling a Willpower-roll and scoring at least two successes against a difficulty of 10. This may be attempted once
per (10 + caster's (dragon-form) Manipulation) days. The Command may require extended action, and may be an entire quest for the
target to fulfill. The caster must be in physical contact with the target, and the target must hear the Words of Command for this spell to

Name: Casting the Illusion

Path: Riddle
Art: Spirit
Difficulty: *
Effect level: *
Pool: *
Balance-shift: *
Effect: There are really three spells to this spell. The first is called "Casting the minor illusion", the second "Casting the major illusion",
and the third "Casting the perfect illusion" or "Casting the final illusion". The difficulties of the spells are 6 for minor, 8 for mayor, and
10 for perfect illusions. The effect level required is (victim's current Willpower * 10). This makes this spell very simple to use on weakminded persons. The minor illusions is just a temporary flicker of motion in the corner of an eye, or a small illusion that can just be
perceived with one sense; sight, smell, sound, touch, or taste. If the spell succeeds, the victim can still resist the effect of the spell by
rolling a number of successes with Wits + Awareness greater than the number of successes the dragon rolled for the use of this spell.
The difficulty for this roll is the major principle (Yin or Yang) of the dragon. If this roll succeeds, the spell has no effect. There is no shift
in balance for using this spell, and the power can be taken from either pool of power.
The major illusion is a somewhat greater trick to play. It is a larger illusion that can be perceived with three senses, chosen by the
caster, and that can be of any nature. The illusion is quite real to the victim, and it can cause damage, by attacking, or any other effect
the caster wishes. If the illusion is that of something horrible, like a Crinos-form Garou, or a dragon, it will cause the delirium to kick in.
The victim can not resist this effect, if the spell succeeds. There is no shift of balance due to this spell, however, the use might cause a
shift. The power for this spell is taken from the Dynamic pool, if necessary.
Finally, the Perfect illusion is just that; perfect. It can be perceived with all senses, natural or magical, and the victim will treat the
illusion as real. A bridge can be created with this spell, and the victim will not realize that it is not there before he/she/it hits the ground
so far below. The illusion will also add itself to the subconscious of the victim, making him/her/it think that it is the most natural thing in
the world that the president should want to visit this day, for example. This illusion can kill a victim with physical violence, while the
major illusion can never damage a person more than to Incapacitated. There is a +1 Yang shift of balance due to this spell, and it's
power always comes from the Yin-pool. This is strange? Well, the power from the Yin is for the subtle manipulation of hopes and
dreams of the victim, while the Yang-shift is for the brutal violation of reality for the victim.

Spirit + Compose
Either Wake a normal person from sleep
DynamicImplant a suggestion
DynamicImplant a memory
DynamicMeld minds

Name: Cause the Passion

Path: Compose
Art: Spirit
Difficulty: 7
Effect level: 50
Pool: Dynamic
Balance-shift: +1 Yang
Effect: With this spell, the dragon may bind a Sleeper to it with the bonds of love. The Sleeper will fall in love with the dragon, and will
act and behave as a person very much in love. This will work only as long as the dragon is in human form. The Sleeper will not
recognize his/her "loved one" in any form other than that the dragon used when the spell was cast. The Sleeper will give up much to be
with the dragon, and will not question the emotion it now has. It will accept the Rape (Limit + Spirit) as an act of love, and not as a rape
at all. It will suffer from delirium during the Rape and subconsciously make up an act of love that was perfect. The spell lasts for as long
as the Sleeper lives, and as long as he/she does not make a Willpower-roll of three successes against a difficulty of 10. One of these
rolls may be made per (5 + dragon's Charisma (dragon-form))days.

Name: Change the Past Event

Path: Compose
Art: Spirit
Difficulty: 8
Effect level: 50
Pool: Dynamic
Balance-shift: +1 Yang
Effect: By altering an existing memory, the caster can form the past of a person in any way it desires. Only existing memories can be
altered, and this includes already implanted memories. The memory may not be of an event more than (caster's current Yang) days
ago. The change may be anything from alteration of small details to altering the outcome of some particular situation. The memory will
still be intact, and may not be destroyed or created with this spell. Also note that no new things may be added to the memory, such as
new characters participating in a event, and none may be deleted. Only alterations in the present memory may be accomplished with
this spell. The target may try to resist the a Willpower-roll, scoring more successes than the caster has Yang against a difficulty of the
(caster's (dragon-form) Manipulation + Intelligence (maximum: 10)). The caster must see the target to use this spell.

Name: Wake the slumbering cousin

Path: Compose
Art: Spirit
Difficulty: 10
Effect level: 75
Pool: Static
Balance-shift: none
Effect: With this powerful spell the dragon can wake up another dragon that has entered Sleep. The awakened dragon will be awake
for a period of ((10 - the newly-woken dragon's (Yin + Yang) + points from the caster's Dynamic pool)) minutes. The awakened dragon
is free to take any action it pleases, and is not under the control, command, or influence of the caster. But the caster can use other
spells to do that...

Name: Shift the Balance of the Way

Path: Compose
Art: Spirit
Difficulty: 10
Effect level: 100
Pool: Opposed*
Balance-shift: +1 Opposed*
Effect: This spell lets a dragon shift the balance between Yin and Yang of another dragon. This is a very difficulty, and dangerous task.
The pool from which the power from this spell is taken is always the opposite from that which the dragon wishes to increase, or
decrease. For example: if a shift is to be made on Yin, the pool used is always Dynamic, and Yang is always powered by the pool of
Static magic. There is also a counter-shift in the balance. The caster will gain a point in the opposite principle it is trying to shift in the
target. For example: if the caster wants to increase a target's Yin, the caster will gain a point of Yang. The shift in balance must be
mutually agreed upon before this spell can be cast, and the caster must see the target. The balance can be shifted with an increase of
either Yin or Yang, or a decrease of Yin or Yang. The balance may never be greater than the minor principle of the caster. Example:
Soong, now at a lower level than before, will try to decrease the Yang in Tcha, a fellow dragon. The power for this spell must be taken
from Soong's Static pool, and Soong will gain a point of Yin for meddling with the balance. Tcha can get its Yang decreased by a
maximum of four, the current Yang of Soong, Soong's mayor principle is currently Yin, 7. The Yin of Soong will increase, and unless
Soong is very lucky, the Static pool will have to be refreshed after this spell is cast, resulting in even more Yin. Soong might be in
trouble for getting Tcha out of trouble. It is easier to quest for a foreign lord than to use this spell to keep the balance, and that is a fact.

Spirit + Create
Talk to a spirit
Cause emotion
DynamicCause change in demeanor
Cause change in nature

Name: Refresh the Pool

Path: Create
Art: Spirit
Difficulty: 7
Effect level: 35
Pool: Either
Balance-shift: none
Effect: With this spell, the dragon can refresh either the Static or the Dynamic magic pool of another dragon. The dragon refreshes the
same pool as it uses to fulfill this spell, or either, if no points from a pool is used. The refreshment equals ((caster's (dragon-form)
Charisma + Perception + Stamina)+(target's (dragon-form) Perception))points to the Static pool, or (caster's (dragon-form)
Manipulation + Wits + Strength)+(target's (dragon-form) Wits))points to the Dynamic pool. This spell requires that the caster can see
the target, and that the target is willing.

Name: Refresh the Will

Path: Create
Art: Spirit
Difficulty: 7
Effect level: 40
Pool: Either
Balance-shift: none
Effect: This spell lets the dragon refresh lost Willpower-points to another creature. This requires that the dragon touches the target and
that the target is willing. The amount of points refreshed is equal to the number of successes the target can roll on a Willpower-roll with
(11 - original Willpower) as the difficulty.

Spirit + Limit

Calm emotion
Cause emotionlessness



Static Wipe memory

DynamicCause insanity

Name: Deplete the Will

Path: Limit
Art: Spirit
Difficulty: 7
Effect level: 40
Pool: Either
Balance-shift: none
Effect: This spell, in opposite to the Create Spirit-spell Refresh the Will, takes Willpower away from a target. The target must be seen
by the caster of this spell. The amount of Willpower lost is equal to the (caster's (current form) Manipulation + Strength) if the dynamic
pool is used, (caster's (current form) Charisma + Stamina) if the Static pool is used, or either, if no pool-points are used to power this
spell. The target will be aware that its Will is being drained, but can not determine who, what, or why this is done.

Name: Place a curse

Path: Limit
Art: Spirit or Body
Difficulty: 8
Effect level: 60
Pool: Either
Balance-shift: none
Effect: This spell starts a horrible deterioration of the mind and body of a target. The spell may be placed as either a Limit Body-spell,
or a Limit Spirit-spell, the effects are the same. The curse will remove one point from each Virtue of the victim per (6 - victim's
Stamina) days. Once they all have reached zero, the Willpower, Humanity, Faith, and other such traits will be removed in the same
manner. Once they have reached zero, the Social attributes are removed the same way, then the mental, and finally the physical. Once
Stamina drops zero, the victim dies. There are amulets, herbal teas and such that might stop this curse, but the only a Healing-spell
(Create + Body) will remove the curse completely.

Name: Rape the Sleeper

Path: Limit
Art: Spirit
Difficulty: 9
Effect level: 55
Pool: Dynamic
Balance-shift: +1 Yang
Effect: This spell allows the dragon, in dragon-form, to sexually interact with a female human Sleeper. The interaction is normally
perceived by the target as a rape, and will result in the birth of monsters. Once raped, the victim will become pregnant, no matter if this
is physically possible at the time, and will give birth to a monster. If the victim is already pregnant, the dragon-embryo will destroy the
other embryo or foetus. The dragon-foetus will be born after a period of 12 months, and will be a monster. The form of this monster
varies from rape to rape, but the face is always human, and so is the mind, well, almost. The monster may have wings, snake-body,
tiger-body, or wyvern-like body. It will almost always live to an extreme age (200+ years), and is very powerful (attributes: 7/5/3).
This is a nasty spell and the dragons who use it normally does it to inflict punishment on a person or a family, or out of vengeance. It is
not an accepted way to reproduce among dragons.

Matter + Riddle
Static Shut off a machine
DynamicStart machine
DynamicControl machine
Static Control objects
Controlling machines and objects: A machine can only be made to do things it can normally do. For example: a VCR can not shoot
lasers, it can only play, pause, wind, and record. An object is anything without the proper motivators to preform it's task. Examples are
pens, tables, broken machines, powerless lights, and so on. Here are the actions limited by the design of the object. A pen can not
bend or tie a knot on itself under the influence of this spell, but it can write, or stab someone, if properly placed.

Matter + Compose
DynamicChange color of an object
DynamicChange temperature of an object
DynamicChange shape of an object
DynamicChange material of an object

Matter + Create
DynamicFix malfunction in a machine
DynamicCreate small object (1 ounce or smaller)
DynamicCreate object (1 pound or smaller)
DynamicCreate large object (greater than 1 pound)

Matter + Limit
DifficultyEffect-levelPool Effect
StaticCause malfunction in a machine
StaticAge material
EitherDisintergrate small object
EitherDisintergrate object (1 pound or smaller)

Essence + Riddle
15Either Create waves in water
15Either Change wind-direction
35Either Change weather
40DynamicCall a spirit from the Umbra
Calling spirits from the Umbra: Spirits may be called from anywhere within the Tellurian, but the Umbra is the simplest thing to reach.
The spirit still has to pass the Gauntlet.

Name: Voice of the Wind

Path: Riddle
Art: Essence
Difficulty: 7
Effect level: 25
Pool: Dynamic
Balance-shift: none
Effect: With this simple spell, the dragon can talk with anyone, anywhere, as long as the dragon, and the other person, are both
outside, and the wind is blowing. Spirits of the wind will carry the voice of the dragon over vast distances, and will to so very swiftly.
The response will be heard as well. This has been the way the dragons have communicated for as long as anyone can remember, and
it is a lot simpler than using a telephone. The dragon only has to know the name of the person it wants to call, and the wind will do the
rest, if the person the dragon wishes to call is outside, in the wind. The voice of the dragon can be heard as a sweet whisper on the
breeze, or a mighty roar of the storm, depending on the caster of the spell.

Essence + Compose
410EitherSense Tass
620StaticAlter fire into wind
840DynamicHalt time for one Round
1080EitherAlter position of stars

Name: Shadowcasting
Path: Compose
Art: Essence
Difficulty: 5
Effect level: 20
Pool: Dynamic
Balance-shift: none
Effect: Dragons of Asia do not cast shadows, in any form, unless they are wearing clothes that are real, and not part of the form itself.
The clothes will then cast shadows, but the body of the dragon never will. This spell lets the dragon cas a shadow of any shape or size,
and let it follow the movements of the dragon, and altering according the angle and strength of the light. This spell is very useful when
being indoors, or in close conversation with someone, as they might note that the dragon does not cast a real shadow. The shadow
can also do things the body of the dragon does not, such as dancing around the walls and ceiling as the dragon is standing still, or
placing the shadow on another person, doing funny tricks, making the target look strange with two shadows with only one source of
light available. The uses are only limited by the imagination. No other magic can be used as long as the dragon is Shadowcasting. In
other words; there is no multitasking with this spell.

Name: Opening the Gate

Path: Compose
Art: Essence
Difficulty: 10
Effect level: 90
Pool: Either
Balance-shift: none
Effect: With this spell, the dragon can open a gateway to another part of the Realm, or to another Realm. The Gate will only last for
(caster's (dragon-form) Strength + Charisma + Wits) minutes, and is two-way. If the Gate has a destination on the other side of the
Gauntlet, the dragon must overcome this obstacle with a roll of Riddle + Occult against the difficulty of the gauntlet in the area. If this
succeeds, there will be a great rift in the fabric of reality, and the gate is open. The gate can not be closed, but will fade away, and
close itself, after the duration runs out. There is no way to "lock" the gate from either side, and it is clearly visible from both the point of
origin, and the destination.

Name: Altering the Ways

Path: Compose
Art: Essence
Difficulty: 10
Effect level: 100*
Pool: Dynamic
Balance-shift: +1 Yang
Effect: This awesome spell lets the dragon alter the flow of time or space. No matter what the change is, it gives a +1 Yang-shift, and
is very hard to perform. A small change may have a required effect-level of 100, while great shifts, such as creating a new Realm or
making time alter direction may require over 1000 in effect level. Subtle shifts, such as bending space around oneself, will allow rapid
travel, near-teleportation, or other dramatic effects. Altering time can be used to heal wounds, use spells, or conduct business
simultaneously, in a dramatically increased pace. This power is not to be used every day or so, for then there will be trouble with reality
after a while. Paradox may even apply, or the balance will be shifted so dramatically that the dragon will fall asleep for a thousand
years, or so.

Essence + Create
DynamicRecharge empty battery
DynamicStart a fire
DynamicCreate powerful storm
DynamicCreate a small Node

Name: The Burning Embrace

Path: Create
Art: Essence
Difficulty: 7
Effect level: 25
Pool: Dynamic
Balance-shift: none
Effect: This spell creates a ball of fire the caster may send towards a target within sight. The fire is quite real, and will hurt the target
rather badly. The effective range is the Strength of the caster (current form). The damage of the fireball is determined by a roll of the
caster's Strength + Occult against a difficulty equal to the target's Stamina. This is the amount of dice rolled to determine the damage
towards the target. The difficulty of soaking this damage is (number of dice rolled for damage + 3) against any creature except
vampires, and 10 for vampires. It may be soaked as aggravated damage. The wounds sustained by this fireball is aggravated to
Vampires, Garou, and Sleepwalkers.

Name: Drop the Shroud

Path: Create
Art: Essence
Difficulty: 7
Effect level: 30
Pool: Either
Balance-shift: none
Effect: This spell destroys all light within an area. The sources of light are still intact, but the emission of light simply has no effect. The
shroud will engulf everything within an area in all direction from the caster, reaching (caster's (dragon-form) Perception) meters. No
natural light will work, and powers granting night-vision will not help either. Magical light, and any gift granting magical sight (such as
Auspex), will still work. The Shroud will remain in place for (caster's (dragon-form) Charisma) minutes, and even if the caster moves or
is killed, the Shroud remains. The caster can still see, although no other dragons can, unless magic is used.

Essence + Limit
DifficultyEffect-levelPool Effect
EitherDeplete power of battery



EitherPut out a fire

EitherCalm a storm
EitherRevert to creation-form

Reverting to creation-form: This turns all liquid substances into water, all solid materials to wood or rock, and all gases to air. It is
depleting the essence of the non-living matter, and returning it to the most basic of forms; the form in which it was created.

Actions in the world

Dragon that are active in the world need a few extra rules to help the player and Storyteller make out what is possible and what is not
for these creatures.

Extreme attributes
First of all, with the added bonus to the Attributes of a dragon-character, there is no longer a limit of five to any single attribute.
Attributes may range from 1 to ten, requiring some special rules. If you do not have WoD: Mummy, where extreme Attributes are
explained in details; here is a list.
over five Effect
Vampiric discipline Potence of Strength - 5
Dexterity Vampiric discipline Celerity of Dexterity - 5
Extra health-levels, see Dragon - the Waking Wrath
Charisma Vampiric discipline Dominate of Charisma - 5
AppearanceVampiric discipline Presence of Appearance - 5
Perception Vampiric discipline Auspex of Perception - 5
Manipulation, Wits, and Intelligence have great effects, but they are explained in WoD: Mummy and will not be summarized here.

Bad breath
Dragons of the Eastern Court can not breath fire, without the use of magic, or changing into a form that can breath fire. Simple as that.
Some say that the breath of the Asian dragons stink, or is a magical cloud of dreams, but this may just be a case of bad oral hygiene,
or the use of magic.

Dragons of the Eastern Court do, however, have claws. Four on each paw, 16 in all. These are magical weapons, as the dragon is
magical in itself. The claws inflict a damage equal to the dragon's Strength + 2. The claws can only be used in dragon-form, and inflict
aggravated damage to Vampires, Garou, Sleepwalkers, and so on.

Dragons also have teeth. Well, teeth and teeth. They are fangs, sometimes as great as three feet long, and sharper than the sharpest
sword. They inflict a monstrous damage of Strength + 4, usable only in dragon-form, and with an added effect. If the dragon manages
to score a hit with three or more successes, the dragon has the option to use it's next action to simply chew the target, or swallow it.
No matter what the target may be; this is normally the end of it, more than it can handle. There are tales of people being eaten whole
by dragons and living inside it's stomach, feeding on the wisdom of the dragon. But that was a long time ago, way before the War.

No matter how well a dragon uses its magic, and no matter what allies it may have, there is never a guarantee that it will never sustain
injuries. There are a few basic facts about injuries to a dragon. First of all; dragons do not sustain aggravated damage. All wounds are
treated the same.
Second; if a dragon is put at Incapacitated, and the last damage was not inflicted by another dragon (physical damage only, not
magic), a holy person, or a weapon made out of jade, the dragon will fall unconscious, and start to heal, at the rate of one Health-level
per (10 - Stamina (dragon-form)) minutes. If this last damage came from the either of the above mentioned sources, the dragon will fall
Asleep, and remain Asleep for as long as it takes for it's balance to reset itself. It will then awaken, fully healed, and with only a small
scar to remind it of the incident.
There is no way to put a dragon of the Eastern Court into Final Death, although if it is asleep for a few thousand years or so, it is
practically the same. It is out of the chronicle, under any normal circumstances.
If a dragon is wounded, it will heal with a pace of one health-level per (10 - Stamina (current form)) hours. If the dragon is resting or
meditating, the pace is two levels per (10 - Stamina (current form)) hours.

Aerial combat
If a dragon of the Eastern Court gets involved in an aerial combat, it may be in trouble. It has no fiery breath that can protect it, but the
use of magic normally compensates for this slight inconvenience. In any case, the Eastern dragon has the same speed as a Western
dragon in the air, but a bit better maneuverability. This is reflected in Initiative during Aerial combat. A dragon of the Eastern Court has

the same initiative as a 1980's fighter aircraft instead of that of a dragon.

Then there is the dragon ability to change shape at will. The dragon is not bound by a limited number of forms as the Western dragons
are, they can chose forms as they please. There is, however, a slight limitation to this power: balance-shift. To be able to handle this
concept, there must first be a definition of what sort of changes a dragon can perform.

Minor shift: A minor shift of shape is a shift that is so small that a person would not see it at first glance. This could be the change of
an undertone in skin, eye-color, texture of the hair, and so on. Any shift that could be assumed to be natural is classed as a minor shift.
A minor shift takes one complete round to preform, and the dragon can preform the shift while doing other things as well.

Major shift: Any shift that is not minor is major. All changes between forms, change of appearance larger than details, and clothing, is
a major shift. In the case of inclarity, ask the Storyteller for a ruling. All major changes result in a +1 Yang-shift of balance. All major
changes take one full round of concentration.
This is terrible, isn't it. It won't be more than a few changes to go to this party with the Garou and then back to normal before you are all
asleep, right? Don't worry, there is a loop-hole to this rule.

The Dragon-form: All changes to or from the dragon-form is not classed as a change at all. Unfortunately, it is a very bad way to
change clothes among Sleepers to simply change to dragon-form, and then back to the human form, with new clothes. You know,
delirium, and such. Police and military will soon get involved, and others as well. Not good. It is better to find a more private space and
then change into dragon. A phone-booth would do nicely, if not for the fact that a dragon is rather huge, sometimes a snake over
twenty feet long. No phone-booth will contain that sort of creature. Better find an alley, or use magic. The ladies-room of a hotel can
also be used, if the dragon is alone there.
Any change to or from dragon-form will take one round, and the dragon must concentrate on the task at hand. Going to dragon-form is
simple, but altering form from the dragon-form to another form, no matter what it is, requires a roll of Stamina (dragon-form) against a
difficulty of 5. One of more successes has to be scored. If the change is very "unnatural" for the dragon (Storyteller's call), the difficulty
might be higher.

The Voice of the Dragon

This is a small list of words that might come in handy for a dragon if it wishes to express something in it's native language.
Pai ("rank")














Hosu ("dry up")

























Path, Way

Ike ("pond")














Teeth, Fangs De







"Dragon" in North-Vietnamese is "Rong" and in South-Vietnamese "Thin"

Dragon: The Waking Wrath

By Krister Sundelin (with help from Rasmus Hansson (

The Dragonkin
The Dragons have mystified mankind through the centuries. Some think of them as monsters, others as a superior and more beautiful
race. Whatever they are, they are not going to fall into such simplifications as "good" or "evil".
This text is meant to introduce the Dragonkin into the World of Darkness.

What you need

This is what you need to make use of this text:
At least one of the Storyteller games. We would suggest that you got Vampire: The Masquerade and Werewolf: The
Apocalypse. These games contains most of the rules needed. You will find the few other rules you need in this text. These other
rules mainly concerns magic, aerial combat and dragon society. All other rules are to be found in either Vampire or Werewolf.
A bunch of dice.
Some friends. We would suggest that these friends are open-minded and have a lot of role-playing experience, since playing a
dragon or having one's character meet a dragon requires a lot of skill.
All other useful role-playing equipment.

In the beginning...
Author's note: As many other things, there is a beginning. This beginning is so far away in the past that Mankind will not remember
For my part, it began with a ball -- you know, that kind of party where there are no men or women, just gentlemen who wear suits or
uniforms and ladies who wear elaborate dresses, when the main event is waltzing -- where I met a charming lady that called herself
Something happened this night that still puzzles me, something lady Rithka did. I wanted to know how it was done, and the lady
disappeared. Six months later, a letter arrived. When I opened it, I found a letter from the lady at the ball and a bunch of paper. I
was even more puzzled when I recalled that I never told her where I lived. Then I started reading...
My friend,
Our conversation six months ago is still intriguing my mind. Smiling, I recall your words; "It is like magic. How are you doing it?". And
when I avoided the question, you asked for the truth. Then we parted, not on the best terms.
The Truth, that ungraspable thing -- you asked for it and I could not give it to you. The truth, only the truth and all of the truth.
There's so much to tell you.
I remember the plains of Ukraine, several thousand years before the name was conceived. I recall your kin, barely able to
communicate. And now, you have harnessed powers that you barely comprehend. It is astonishing to see your kin develop so rapidly.
But forgive me, I am stalling.
The truth is, that there are worlds within worlds. There are legends and lore, and somewhere in the inner core of the legends, there is a
small grain of truth.
I am the truth of the legend. I am of the Dragonkin.
I can see your face as you are reading this -- believe me, I do see it! It is a simple thing to conjure an image of the future when you will
receive this letter. You are, right now, slowly putting your glass of that dark brown, bubbly beverage down on the table, fully
concentrated on this letter to the point that you will not notice that the glass will fall to the floor.
I apologize for the inconvenience this surprise will cause you when you will have to clean the floor at your desk.
Alas! now that I have put doubt in your conscious and scientific mind, let me proceed. I have the full consent of my superiors, lady
Siny, her ally lord Draconis Vermithrax, and the sovereign of our Court, Lady Alaria, in writing this. I will here explain the nature of
myself, our purpose and and our actions. I cannot prove all that will be here revealed, at least not in writing, but if it is proof you want, I
will tell you how to find them.
Now, turn the page and read the Truth of the Dragonkin, the Truth which you requested.

Author's note: When I turned the page, I found a long text describing the nature, origin and strength of the Dragonkin. It was not

easy to read, written by hand in old English (late 18th century, by my best guess).
When I was finished, I decided to let others share this knowledge. I did not care whether I played along with the plans of the
Dragonkin or not, I simply wanted to pass this knowledge on. But to whom?
When I thought of it, I found that if I simply passed the text on, it would be perceived as a piece of fiction. Then all my role-playing
experience flowed through my head, and I decided to re-write all of it to fit some role-playing system. It is better, I thought, to
present a truth within a lie than something that will be perceived as a lie within the truth.
The choice of game fell on the Storyteller system, and this is the result.

The Covenant
Once upon a time...
With those words, many a story have begun -- as will this.
Once upon a time, briefly after the Flood and before the First Covenant, all the Immortal Races gathered at Mount Ararat to discuss
the future of the world they were inhabiting. The Immortal was struck with a crisis -- there were no way that all of them could inhabit the
world and roam freely as before. Some of them said that the Flood was the result of God's Wrath upon them -- that the Immortal was
the target of the Flood. Whatever the reason of the Flood was, the Immortal were -- paradoxically-- dying. This was debated over and
over again -- legend says that the debate went on constantly for seven weeks, and that the sun did not show itself during the gathering.
It was a dark time for the world, and it ended with a new dawn for the Earth, the First Covenant.
At that time, it was the only Covenant and thus The Covenant. The Covenant was simple -- all the Immortal Races should withdraw
from the world, limiting themselves as much as possible in action as well as in numbers. The Covenant was to be supervised by the
most powerful of the Immortal Races, the dragons.

The Watching
The dragons assumed their role as the guardians of the Covenant, and pooled their immense powers together. One of their kin should
always be awake, harnessing the Power and the Authority as the Guardian. The Authority was passed from dragon to dragon, century
after century, until Christendom came.
Sometime during the early Dark Ages, Europe was christened. In the mythology of the Christians, the dragons were servants of Evil,
all-engulfing world-destroyers in the time of Harmageddon, battling among the Legions of Darkness.
So, when a christian warrior found a live dragon in his vicinity -- somewhere on the borderlands of Caledonia and Britain -- he rode to
it and challenged it. With faith, steel and the Wrath of God, the dragon was slain.
The slaying of the Guardian was never reckoned with. At that time, the Guardian was the only dragon awake, and the event passed...
Until recently.

The Awakening
Somewhere east of the land-mass known to man as America, a dragon awakened in the late nineteen-eighties. Her human name was
Alaria if ever a dragon's name or sex is relevant, this particular dragon was more female than male, and her name would be conceived
as Alaria among humans -- and she had been asleep for more than six thousand years.
She stretched out with her senses, searching for the Guardian to learn of the world. She found nothing. Except for a lot of humans, of
course, but she never reckoned them to be a threat.
Several years was spent looking for the Guardian, but Alaria never found it. She gathered knowledge of the Mortal world as she
looked, learning their language, and eventually, she knew that the Guardian was not only dead, the other Immortal Races were
spreading around the world like a disease.
This enraged the newly awakened dragon's mind, and her body woke as well. She drifted to the nearest shore and walked, in human
form, up on a moonlit beach. On this beach, there were only one living being, and one dead. The vampire was feeding on the human,
and before Alaria recognized the event, the human died. Alaria understood, but not the vampire. The vampire thought the naked
woman was but another victim and approached her with blooded fangs and gleaming eyes, trying to dominate her and seduce her in
order to take her blood as well.
Alaria was astonished. Never had a vampire ever tried to feed on the Dragonkind, and here one came trying to do this. And if this
wasn't enough, he was also trying to control her mind.
The vampire quickly learned a lesson that night "never stare into the eyes of a dragon". Alaria stared back, paralyzing the vampire with
her gaze. The vampire stopped in his tracks with a silly-looking face.

Alaria dropped her guise, spread the golden-red wings in the night and accelerated, partly by flapping, partly by magick, and grabbed
the vampire in her fangs. She flew to the roof of a tall human-built building and landed.

You, Alaria said, speaking for the first time in millennia, Who are you to ignore the Covenant? Know you not the
Strictures? And who are you to dare to Embrace one of our kin?
"Say again?" the vampire asked.

The Covenant strictly forbids your kin to move as open as you do, she continued. The Covenant forbids your kin to
raise challenge towards the Guardians. These are written in the Strictures of the Covenant, and your kin agreed to
join it or be destroyed. Now, you dare to break them, and even claim ignorance of their existence?
"Hey, man, look..." the vampire stalled. "I follow the rules, like. I ain't broken the Masquerade. I didn't hunt outside me turf. I ain't broken
the Prince's laws."

You lie, Alarias mind roared. The Strictures are broken. The Dragonkin will not look lightly on this.
"The what?" the vampire exclaimed and continued whispering "The dragonkin? Like, there are more of you?"

Yes. And Alaria raised her long slender neck to the moon and sung. It was a complex song, beautiful and horrific beyond belief,
almost impercievable for the human ear and unencompassable for the human mind. The song was beautiful, the vampire could not
stand it, and with the end of the song, every dragon was awake.

You shall present me to your Prince, Alaria said.

"No way, man," the vampire answered, "he'll kill me, like."
You shall present me to your Prince, Alaria repeated, else you will not exist to see the next night.
"I don't mean to make you angry or disappointed, lady," the vampire insisted, "but I ain't introducing you to the
Prince. See, I like my neck. I don't know if you can destroy me here and now, but I know sure as hell that he can."
I see, Alaria said almost regretfully.
Then she grabbed the vampire, and flung herself to the skies. She gained altitude quickly, raised above the clouds
and stayed hovering in the air. Do you think you would survive a fall from here? she asked. Or have your kin forgot
the dragonkins breath?
She exhaled a long breath of fire, rendering the vampire strucken by panic. She held him still with both claws until
he became calm again. Or should we stay here until the sun rises, Childe of Cain? Do you still not know I could
destroy you as the bug you are?
"Okay, okay," the vampire begged. "Just don't hurt me, okay? I'll show you to the Prince, and then you let me go,
I'll give that event a thought, Alaria answered and sunk herself to the sleeping city.

The Second Covenant

The Prince met Alaria, and as the vampire caught had said, he was hostile. The Prince had bested all other
supernaturals that he had met, from Garou to Mages. He was certain that one more could be bested, especialy this
foreign naked lady.
This attitude is certainly not the best to wear when talking to a dragon. Before the night was passed, the city was in
need of a new Prince and Alaria had left with the vampire she had caught.
The arrogance of the Kindred convinced Alaria that her decision was right. She called a Gathering of the Dragonkin
to discuss the events. The Dragons came, one by one, to Mount Ararat as before, and one year after the Waking,
there was the Second Gathering.
The debate went on for a night and a day, the air filled with the strange and eerie sound of dragonsong. The
vampire could tell of the strange debate, four hundred naked men and women standing, sitting or lying on the
ground. No sound could be heard, and the people gathered spoke only with their minds. Some of the
dragonthoughts leaked to the vampire and he thought it resembled song.
The Gathering was more of a council of war. Try to imagine the frustration of lady Alaria when she in her regal
position founds herself cheated of the throne of the Covenant. And imagine her asking the most noble of the

position founds herself cheated of the throne of the Covenant. And imagine her asking the most noble of the
Dragonkin if she would raise the bloody flag to reconquer it and with conscience could make this claim. Imagine the
pride of the regal dragon when all of the dragons accepted her as their sovereign. One may think that the Swan
from Avon was psychic when he described the council of war that Henry V of England held before the war against
And at the end of the Gathering, the Second Covenant was settled.
Much of the Dragonkins power had been invested in the Guardian. The Guardian had been slain and the invested
power was lost. Once again, the Dragonkin had to pool their resources together. This time, the power should not be
concentrated. The Dragonkin would not risk another loss.
Three strictures formed the Second Covenant. The three Strictures are called the Prides, the Quest and the

The Prides
The Dragonkin was split into eight fractions that night, called the Prides, all named after one of the eight dragons of
the Second Waking who shared the Pride's thoughts. The eight prides immediately started to debate among them in
what way the Second Covenant should be introduced to the world.

The Quest
As for the lost power of the Guardian, this should be quested for. Some would quest for it to release all the power
and restore the Dragonkins former might. Others would quest for it to gain all of that power for themselves. All
would, however, quest for the Power.

The Custos
The last stricture of the Second Covenant was the Custos. Alaria prompted for the Dragonkin to resume their role
as Guardians of the First Covenant, and several of the Prides agreed. But not all. Some of the Prides do not wish to
chain the other kin to a covenant long lost and no longer remembered, especially since the Earth has survived more
than one and a half millennia without a guardian.
Other prides claim that something is happening. The Immortal Races are changing, rapidly growing in numbers.
The Guardians are again needed. The Custos will ensure that the growth is controlled.

The Eyes of the Dragon

What does a dragon look like? It is a very hard question to answer, since no dragon is exactly alike any other
dragon. There is also a great difference between the dragons of the court of Alaria and those of the Eastern Court.
All dragons has at least two forms, the human form and the dragon form.
The Mortal form looks exactly like a human. It has exactly the same anatomy, to the point that it is possible to treat a
dragon in mortal form with modern medical science and get a predictable result. The mortal form is better than the
average human, but still not different.
The only difference lies in the eyes. Being the eyes of the dragon, the whites are too white, the irises too clear in
colour and often too wide -- not exactly inhuman, just alien. This gives ordinary mortals (and other supernatural
creatures too, such as vampires) the creeps, since it is quite clear that the being in front of them is a little different.
Add to this the sensation of power that lies in the gaze of a dragon. This does not identify a dragon in mortal form -it only gives a sensation of being in the wrong end of something extremely powerful.
It is possible to identify a dragon by looking at the shadow, which still is the shadow of a dragon, not that of a
human. Some dragons creates an illusory shadow, or changes it's shadow, to resemble that of a human, but many
supernatural creatures can sense this use of dragon magick and point out the dragon by this.
Since dragons do not dress in dragon form, they seldom dress in human form either. Instead, they create an illusion
of clothes, which fools mere mortals but seldom supernaturals.
The dragon form is impressive; it is a combination of lethality and beauty. It has a slender body, not the clumsy
lizardlike body of old stories but more that of a bird or dinosaur, with two strong back legs and two more slim
forelegs that doubles as hands. The hands and feet are clawed.

There is a third pair of appendages, the wings. Although the wings are sometimes used for propulsion, the dragons
are more likely to use their magick to propel them through the air and the wings only for lift and maneuver. Thus, it
is possible for dragons to fly at supersonic speeds and with a maneuverability that surpasses most modern jet
A typical dragon is forty feet long and has a wing span of sixty to eighty feet. Of this length, one third is neck, one
sixth is body and one half is tail. The tail ends in a spiked growth, much like the one of a flail. The back of the
dragon is covered with lethal spikes, which makes sitting on the back of the dragon very uncomfortable, not to
mention falling onto it. If a dragon ever carries a human passenger, the passenger would prefer to be carried in the
dragon's forelegs, and the dragon would not like to have a human on it's (relatively) vulnerable neck anyway.
The head is small in comparison to the body, and is not the flat crocodile mouth. It looks more of a bird's beak than
that of a reptile.
The eyes of the dragon is a chapter of it's own. They are narrow and ovoid in shape. They are protected by two
sets of eyelids, the inner closing horizontally and the outer closing vertically. There are no pupils, and those who
think there are often mistakes the half-shut inner eyelids, which shut from the sides, as pupils. The eyes reflect light
much like those of a cat, creating an illusion of glowing eyes. Staring into the eyes of a dragon is to stare through
the gates of Magick itself -- the eyes reflect the nature of the dragon's soul as pure incarnate magic, the very
essence and fabric of space.
The colour of a dragon varies. Some are simple-coloured, others have elaborate patterns of colours, and still others
shift colours like gasoline in a puddle of water. There is no connection between the dragon's power and it's colour.
Dragons do not need to eat, sleep or breathe. They may fall into a great Sleep which may last for centuries, but
when they are awake, they are awake for a millennia or so. Food and air are unimportant to a being that is nutrified
by the flows of Magick in the world. They may eat for the fun of it, they do breathe if they speak the mortal's
tounges and they may sleep (or at least meditate or simulate), but none of these are necessary. Dragons may well
survive in a submerged cave for centuries without food or air.
Although dragons are sexless in dragon form, they have a gender in mortal form. Since there are no sexless
humans, there are no sexless dragons in human form. The mortal gender is more of a function of the dragon's
attitude. A dragon which behaves "female" often has a female mortal gender. The dragon "language" does not have
any gender, but in "translations", the dragon's mortal gender is often used. Thus, a mortal would address Alaria and
percieve her name when presented to her as "Lady Alaria", even if she's in the sexless dragon form.
The dragon in human form is capable of having and enjoying sex. It is possible for a female dragon in mortal form to
get pregnant, as well as a male may reproduce with human females. Any offspring from human form is always all
human, even if both parents are dragons in human form -- no "dragon genes" will ever appear in the offspring.
The dragon has always one great secret -- their names. They take a name which humans can pronounce, but each
of them has a True Name. If "spoken", a True Name would resemble a song or a complex harmony. This is a secret
which a dragon would never reveal to any mortal (nor any other being, and certainly not a dragon), since knowing
one's Name will give the mortal a powerful device to control a dragon.

The Origin of the Dragons

The dragons are not creatures of the world. It is said that they are what remains of the Nephilim, that they are
angels outcast and fallen to Hell, that they come from beyond or from Heaven (or the Heavens), that they are
mortals who have eaten a dragon pearl, and a thousand other theories.
The truth is this; dragons are incarnations of Magick. As long as there is magick in the world, there will be dragons,
and as long as there are dragons, there will be magick. If either is lost, then the other is gone forever.
When the Guardian was slain a long time ago, the magick in the world faded away and fell into sleep as the
dragons were asleep as well. But magick did not vanish. It faded and was almost gone in the world, but not entirely.
As the magick faded, so did all those who lived on the magick forces. The Order of Hermes lost it's power. Mages
was forced to abide the laws of Paradox or move their magick to the spirit world, as did the Garou. The Tremere
bound its magick to that of blood.
But lately, the number of supernatural creatures have greatly increased, also increasing the flows of magick in the

world, to the point that the most powerful of the sleeping dragons could wake. Now, lady Alaria has wakened the
other of the dragonkin and assembled them to her court. Now, the magick is returning to the world.
It took eight hundred years for the magic to fade away when the last dragon awake was slain. Now, when all four
hundred and nine dragons are awake, the magick will return in a little less than two years.

His Master's Voice

The dragon's language is in form of the Dragonsong. It is the voice of the fabric of magic, the way that a dragon
persuades the universe to conform to it's will. It may be spoken, sung or thought -- that does not matter to the
dragon, nor to the universe.
This language can be fairly well transcribed into Enochian -- that is, rather poor, but still better than any other
mortal language -- but this has not been done for several thousand years for some reasons. When listening to the
actual spoken language it would resemble music in the richness and volume that only a symphonic orchestra can
It is good to think of classic music or to various film scores when describing dragonsong.
When the dragon
Changing Form
John Williams; "Incident at Isla Nublar" (Jurassic Park)
and Growing Angry
Closing In
Trevor Jones; "Main Title" (Last of the Mohicans)
Ludwig van Beethoven; "Ninth Symphony, Fourth Movement"
Elliot Goldenthal; "Agnus Dei" or "Lento" (Alien 3)
Trevor Jones; "The Elk Hunt" (Last of the Mohicans)
Elliot Goldenthal; the first part of "Explosion and Aftermath" (Alien 3)
John Williams; "Theme from Jurassic Park" (Jurassic Park)
John Williams; "Arrival of the Emperor" (Return of the Jedi)
Elliot Goldenthal; "The Dragon" (Alien 3)
Performing Magick Jerry Goldsmith; "The Shadow" ... orJerry Goldsmith; "Warlock" ... or Modest Moussorgsky; "Night at the Bald
Mountain" ... orAlan Silvestri; "Bud on the Ledge" or "Back on the Air" or "Finale" (The Abyss)
(dragons love
Trevor Jones; "The Kiss" (Last of the Mohicans)
Andrew Lloyd Webber; the ouverture of "Phantom of the Opera"
Changing Form
Trevor Jones; "Sarah" (Labyrinth)
John Williams; "Imperial March" (Empire Strikes Back)
Jerry Goldsmith; almost the entire "Alien" soundtrack ... orElliot Goldenthal; "Wreckage and Rape" (Alien 3)

When a dragon talks, it is not in the simple tongue of the common folk today. It is more like the regal speak of
Shakespeare's dramas. Not even the playful dragons of lady Siny's court speak like simple folk, if it does not serve
their purpose.

The Court
When Alaria was recognized as the sovereign of the Dragonkin, she created herself a throne. It is located in the
north-west of Austria, in a castle that she called from the very living rock, shrouded in mysteries and in mists, not to
be beheld by mortal eyes.
Here, in this magnificient castle, crafted by Dragon Magick, Lady Alaria resides with her most trusted advisors, the
lords and ladies of the eight Prides, and her train of forty trusted minor members of the Dragonkin. Here she has
greeted ambassadors from the other immortal races. From here, she will rule the Covenant through her servants of
the eight Prides.
The castle is enormous, created to not only fit mere humans but also the huge dragon forms. The Royal Hall of the
Castle alone is a full one thousand feet long, three hundred feet wide and the ceiling is two hundred feet tall. From
the ceiling hangs four hundred and ten great banners, each bearing the coat-of-arms of one of the Dragonkin.
Above the throne hangs the greatest of all, that of Lady Alaria herself. Then comes the eight banners of the lords
and ladies of the Prides. Further back in the hall hangs the four hundred banners of the living dragons in order of

their rank from Wake, Name and Pride. At the far wall of the hall hangs the Black Banner, the one of the dragon that
were slain to mortal hands, to remember him and his failure.
The Dragonkin has adopted the custom of having a coat-of-arms from the mortals. Lady Alaria was intrigued by the
idea of having a symbol for every royal and noble family and thus adopted the custom for the Dragonkin as a
symbol of their nobility of the other species. The Dragonkin have not adopted the rules and laws of heraldry and
blazonry -- they simply created a coat-of-arms that they liked. The lords of the Lyon Court of Scotland -- Scotland's
highest instance for heraldry -- would turn into rage if they ever saw some of the banners that hangs in the ceiling of
the Royal Hall.
No roads lead to the Castle, and it appears on no maps. The only way in or out is the wings of the dragons.

The Embassy
He wills you in the name of God Almighty,
That you divest himself, and lay apart
The borrow'd glories, that by gift of Heaven,
By law of nature, and of nations, 'long
To him, and to his heirs ; namely, the crown.
[...] He bids you to resign
Your crown and kingdom, indirectly held
From him, the native and true challenger.
-- William Shakespeare; Henry V
The Court of Lady Alaria has sent embassadors to other immortal races, declaring the revival of the Covenant and
demanding their obediance to it. Some have complied -- of recognition of the Covenant or abiding a time to wreak it
-- others have refused.
So far, the Embassy has resulted in sorting out to Lady Alaria who will be her allies and who will be her enemies -and most important, who will stay behind and wait to see the result of this royal battle.
Gaining Rank: It is possible that the dragon's Name will raise during the game. This happens when a dragon
performs an action which all dragons consider to be praiseworthy. If the Name trait ever raises to four, the dragon
will be asked to work for the lords and ladies of the Prides, being their embassador to the mortal world. If the Name
should raise to five, lady Alaria herself will propose to the dragon that he will become her personal ambassador.
With such a Name, the dragon's banner will be moved forward in the Royal Hall. His words will be listened to with
great care, and his friendship to the lords and ladies of the Prides and lady Alaria is guaranteed as long as the
dragon stays loyal. Wake is also considered when speaking of rank, as is Pride to a lesser degree, but first of all
loyalty to the Court and Name is considered.
When being a trusted councilor, the dragon will inevitably be drawn into the royal politics of the Dragonkin, and if he
works as an embassador, he will also be drawn into the Machiavellian politics of the other kins. This will be
somewhat confusing for a dragon.
When the conspiratory politics of, for example, the Camarilla resembles that of the Illuminati combined with that of
the Cosa Nostra and an early Italian city state, the politics of the Court resembles that of a medieval king's. The
plots are still there, as are the conspiracies, but it is sweetened with etiquette, manners and noble behaviour. There
are seldom false alliances and theatre in dragon court. Enmity is open and sometimes leads to duels, instead of
conspiring in the background against your enemy while being sweet and gentle -- and above all, false.
This fashion of court politics derives from the dragontongue -- remember that there is always truth in the words of a
dragon. It also explains why dragons are so poor when conspiring within the Camarilla.

There are eight prides among dragons, signifying their relation to the mortal and supernatural world. Each pride
shares basically the same opinions as their leaders. The prides are not a "lineage" -- they are much more of a
political party.
The prides are more or less significant to Lady Alaria. Since she is the leader and sovereign of the Dragonkin, her

opinions of the ranking of the prides counts very high in the Court.
The prides do not accept anyone. Since there is no lies in Dragonspeak, only truth, it is impossible to join a pride
which do not share goals and motivations with the aspiring member. It is possible to change pride later in the game,
but this must be role-played out.

Vermithrax: Lord of Order

Draconis Vermithrax is most of all interested in maintaining the Third Stricture, the Custos, and in that assumes the
highest regarded position at lady Alarias court. The dragons of this pride joins lord Vermithrax in supporting the
Custos and the Order of the Second Covenant. They act as ambassadors and envoys to the other Immortal kins.

Alexis: Lady of Chaos

Directly opposed to lord Vermithrax stands Lady Alexis. The world has maintained their controlled chaos for one
and a half millennia without our supervision, she says. It is a proof that the chaos of the world is balancing in its own
ways. Let it be that way, she says.
Alexis sees no need to get involved in the politics between the Immortal races, at least not as guardians. It might be
amusing to enter the Game for amusement only, and perhaps to add some of the chaos wich in the end will balance

Rekhem: The Wielder

Lord Rekhem stands allied to Vermithrax as his executive arm. Although Rekhem would rather see the Dragonkin
standing alone against all other Immortals, he also knows that the present day is unfit for attacking the lower
creatures. Thus, he is allied with Vermithrax, as Vermithrax is the most powerful pride of Dragonkin, and Rekhem's
station as Vermithrax's armed branch gives him opportunity to slay some of the Immortals from time to time.

Morkeleb: Lord of Darkness

Lord Morkeleb was a great friend (if that concept is ever possible in the minds of dragons) of the dragon that had
the Authority and was slain, fifteen hundred years ago. He sees the mortals as his sole enemy. The other Immortal
races are dependent on the mortals, he reasons, so wiping the mortal existence out will also wipe out the Immortal
races. This makes him unofficially allied with lord Rekhem, and there is an uneasy alliance between Morkeleb and
Khuril. That alliance will probably end if Khuril ever reaches his goals.

Sinye: Lady of Light

Lady Siny is, in the eyes of the other dragons, immature. She thinks that this new amazing world is a great
experience with great amusement potentials. In that she is the wildcard of Lady Alaria's court, since she supports
those who she for the moment thinks poses the greatest possibility for fun.
Siny is active among all the Immortal races. She, and the dragons of her Pride, are connoisseurs and artists and
joins with mortals and Immortals alike, to explore the pleasures of their world. In this, Siny is allied with Vermithrax.

Thrakhinde: Lord of the Air

Lord Thrakhinde supports a fraction of the Dragons who think that the world has passed them. Thrakhinde has an
idea of his own -- to leave this world for another one, more fit for the desires of Dragonkin. This would take the
effort of all the Dragonkin -- he would not be able to leave alone.
There are those who are frantically opposing this idea. Among these are lady Siny, who believes the Dragonkin to
be a part of this world. Without the presence of the Dragonkin, the magic in the world would die, and with it, all
things created.

Khuril: Lord of the Mortals

Lord Khuril believes that the dragons are superior to every other kin on Earth. He refuses to use the word
"immortal" of any other creature but the Dragonkin. He thinks that the Dragonkin are the natural lords of Earth, and
would like to put all other kins under their rule.

His greatest ally is for the moment lord Morkeleb, who would like to slay all mortals. It is easier to slay the
oppressed, Morkeleb thinks, and thus has joined lord Khuril. For the moment.

Khanara: The Hermit

Lord Khanara's only position in Lady Alaria's court is that of the court mage. The few followers he has are seclusive
hermits and viziers. Their magical powers are unmatched, but they are very few. Furthermore, they are not trusted
by anyone but lady Alaria herself, and that trust is extended to only lord Khanara and only in times of need.
Khanara is not loyal to anyone, save Lady Alaria.

First Flight:
Creating a Dragon
Wide awake
I'm wide awake
I'm not sleeping
-- U2; "Bad"
Although the Dragonkin are a bit too powerful to use as player characters, it is still possible for a player to play a
dragon character, especially if he is experienced or if the campaign has been going for a while and the other
characters have become more powerful.
This section is for those players who would like to play one of the Dragonkin, but to do this, you need your
Storyteller's explicit permission -- you'll have to ask him, and he'll have to agree, knowing what he is to unleash.

Character Generation Outline

Step One: Character Concept
Step Two: Select Attributes
What are your basic capabilities?
Prioritize three categories; Physical, Social & Mental (7/5/3)
Prioritize the three Add-on categories; again Physical, Social or Mental (4/2/0)
Step Three: Select Abilities
What do you know?
Prioritize your three categories; Talents, Skills & Knowledge (13/9/5)
Step Four: Select Advantages
In what way are you unique?
Choose Powers (5), Elements (5) and Backgrounds (4)
Step Five: Last Touches
Distribute Freebie Points (15)
Step One: Character Concept
Sit down for a minute and put this text aside for a short time. Think what kind of dragon you want to play. It could be
a good idea to look at the different Prides to find what group you would like to belong to. If you can't find any Pride
that suits you imagined dragon, don't worry. It is possible to play a prideless dragon.
Think about how the dragon would act in certain situations. Will it try to rule the other players? Perhaps a Judge
demeanor or nature should suit the dragon. Is it reclusive and doesn't care of the mere mortals? The Hermit should
fit fine for you. Does your dragon want to enjoy the Mortal World before judgement is passed? Choose Bon Vivant

as demeanor and Judge as nature.

There are a total of four hundred and nine dragons and each of them is unique. Think of this when you are
designing your dragon.
Step Two: Select Attributes
As in the previous storyteller games you should decide in which category you are best, which one you are second
best and which one you are worst in. Then you are to divide a number of dots within the categories. The difference
is that this is done twice; once for your Mortal form and once for your Dragon form.
As you may have noticed, each attribute has two groups of circles for marking your dots. The first one, with the
already filled dot, is for your Mortal form. The second, without a filled dot, is for you Dragon form. When in Dragon
form, the two rows are added together to one dice pool, so if you have a Strength rating of four in Human form and
another three in Dragon form, you should roll seven dice for a Strength feat.
Note that if one group is selected as Primary in Mortal form, it has not to be Primary in Dragon form too. It could as
well be Secondary or even Tertiary.
Mortal Form: 6/5/3
Dragon Form: 4/2/0
Step Three: Select Abilities
Now it is time to choose what you know and what you can perform. The abilities are divided into three groups,
Talents, Skills and Knowledge. You will have to choose one group as Primary, one as Secondary and the
remaining will become Tertiary. You will get thirteen dots to divide among the Primary abilities, nine to the
Secondary and five to the Tertiary.
Some of the abilities are marked with an asterisk ("*"). These are abilities that has been developed or changed
during the last millennia. Since you have just recently woke, you have not learned or re-learned them. No dots may
be divided among these abilities and you may not place any experience points here during game, with these two
exceptions: you may place dots or experience points here, but the rating in the ability may never exceed your rating
in the Wisdom trait. You may also spend freebie points to buy these abilities.
Abilities: 13/9/5
Step Four: Select Advantages
You have five dots to divide among the three Powers; Song, Art and Might. You also have five more dots to divide
among the Elements, and four dots to divide among the Backgrounds.
Powers: 5
Elements: 5
Backgrounds: 4
Step Five: Last Touches
Your Wisdom trait is equal to your Name rating, and your Wrath trait is equal to your Wake rating. These ratings
may be increased with freebie points.
You have fifteen freebie points to divide to your liking. The dots cost a certain number of freebie points, depending
on were you place them.
Point pool cost
Powers: 7 points per dot
Elements: 5 points per dot
Attributes: 5 points per dot

Abilities: 2 points per dot

Backgrounds: 2 point per dot
Wrath: 1 point per dot
Wisdom: 1 point per dot
This is a good time to design a coat-of-arms for your dragon. Do not worry if you don't know the rules of heraldry
and blasonry. Most dragons don't know either, they simply design a coat-of-arms that they are fond of.

There are several different traits that are unique to the dragonkin. Other traits are described in one of the Storyteller
games but not any other. All traits that do not appear in all Storyteller games are described here.

Remember that it is possible for a dragon in dragon form to get a total of nine dots in any attribute, ten if you use
freebie points. This makes the dragons sort of powerful. The entire score is rolled for when using such an extreme
attribute, but in addition to that, all dots above the first five gives some extra effects. Some of these effects can be
translated into Vampire disciplines, and since most Storyteller players came in contact with the Storyteller system
through Vampire: The Masquerade, we refer to the vampiric disciplines when possible.
Attribute above five Equals
Potence of Strentgh - 5
Celerity of Dexterity - 5
Extra health levels (see below)
Dominate of Perception - 5
Presence of Appearance - 5
Auspex of Perception - 5

The extra health levels from a high Stamina lies between Bruised and Hurt. These health levels do not disappear if
the dragon changes form to mortal and thus loses his extra health levels, nor are they added to the higher wounds.
They are simply dormant until the dragon resumes it dragon form again.

Some of the abilities in Dragon: The Waking Wrath are not described in Vampire: The Masquerade. We provide a
short description of them here, mostly taken from other Storyteller games (Werewolf: The Apocalypse and Mage:
The Ascension). All abilities that are described in Vampire: The Masquerade are omitted from this text.

This Talent represents a character's ability to detect things that are not of the physical world. Sensing things that
are not of the physical world often requires a roll of Perception + Awareness.
* Novice: You can see strange things out of the corner of your eye.
** Practiced: Odd things are revealed to you.
*** Competent: All things have a deathly aura that you can easily identify.
**** Expert: You could find a lucky four-leaf clover in seconds.
***** Master: You can see the bizarre everywhere.
Possessed by: Paranormal Investigators, Gypsies, Psychics
Specialities: Animals, Magic, Supernatural creatures

The Expression Ability represents your ability to get your point across through speaking or writing, whether you're
writing a book or debating social issues. Characters with high Expression are unforgettable, but only in their ability
convey their feelings; intelligent or meaningful expression is the purview of other Traits. Expression at its highest
form can be art.
* Novice: Tabloid reporter
** Practiced: College debate team captain
*** Competent: Successful comedian
**** Expert: Best-selling novelist
***** Master: William Shakespeare
Possessed by: Orators, Politicians, Novelists, Actors, Demagogues, Protesters
Specialities: Poetry, Impromptu, Radical, Innuendo, Meetings
The Talent of Intuition reflects a character's ability to guess correctly and follow her "gut feelings". Intuition is kind of
a safety net for characters, and it is up to the Storyteller to keep it from being abused.
High levels of this Talent also indicates some aptitude in certain areas of ESP, like precognition. A rating in Intuition
means that the character probably can guess the result of a cointoss more often than not. She might also have a
sense of when someone is lying to her.
* Novice: You have good instincts.
** Practiced: Always go with your first answer.
*** Competent: You're a con man's nightmare
**** Expert: A sixth sense seems to tell you when something's amiss.
***** Master: You could bankrupt Vegas and Atlantic City.
Possessed by: Fortunetellers, Gamblers, Entepreneurs, Bodyguards
Specialities: Horse Races, Ambushes, Dice, Honesty

The ability to fly by your own power, usually by using wings or magic. You may use this skill with some machines,
like hanggliders, parafoils or jet packs, but usually not and always with high difficulties.
* Novice: You can land without scrubbing your knees.
** Practiced: You can land on an aircraft carrier in full storm at night.
*** Competent: You are able to outmaneuver a British, Swedish or Israeli air force pilot.
**** Expert: You are competing with the Red Arrows.
***** Master: Baron von Richthofen.
Possessed by: Dragons, birds, bats, intelligent helicopters and other free-flying creatures.
Specialties: Aerobatics, air combat maneuvers, gliding, nap-of-earth

Meditation is the Skill of calming the emotions, controlling the mind, and relaxing the physical body. Meditation is
usually preformed in a spacial position, like the lotus position, but with practice, it can be preformed in a variety of
situations or positions.
Meditation can be used to isolate the mind from distractions, allowing the character to focus on matters of
importance. Meditation can also be used to catch up on lost sleep, if you need sleep, a Stamina + Meditation roll
(difficulty 8) determines how many effective hours of sleep are gained per hour of meditation.
* Novice: You can sit in one spot for a while without fidgeting
** Practiced: You can sit still and attain peaceful state of mind
*** Competent: You can relax in any position
**** Expert: People have to go out of their way to break your concentration
***** Master: You could stand on you head in gunfire and approach inner calm
Possessed by: Martial Artists, Monks, Athletes, Psychologists
Specialities: Relaxation, Focusing, Memory, Zen, Centering
Every good student or seeker of knowledge knows how to find information he needs or desires, In the civilized
world much of this information is available through libraries. A successful roll with this Skill means a character has
ascertained where to get the information she requires. It doesn't necessarily mean that the information has been
gained, though that is usually the case (especially at libraries, although even then the required book may be
checked out or missing).
* Novice: The Dewey Decimal system has been mastered.
** Practiced: You know the workings of most standard reference resources.
*** Competent: You have access to many private libraries.
**** Expert: Given time, you could find almost any reference material.
***** Master: If it's been written, you know where it is.
Possessed by: Writers, Scientists, Editors, Lawyers, Librarians
Specialities: Philosophy, History, German
The Skill provides practical knowledge concerning the function and repair of technological items of all sorts -- cars
and security systems, and computers.
* Novice: The on-off switch is no problems.
** Practiced: You know all the basics.
*** Competent: You can figure out nearly anything given enough time.
**** Expert: You understand many complicated machines and devices.
***** Master: If man made it, then you can use it.
Possessed by: Repair, Security Experts, Hardware designers, Inventors
Specialities: Electronics, Computers, Cars, Security Systems


Understanding the behavior, beliefs, art, institutions and general thought patterns of a society is part of this
Knowledge. Possessing such information allows more than just knowledge of how people act, but why as well. This
is extremely important if a person wishes to interact with a culture, or, as many powerful character wish, to change
or influence a culture.
This Knowledge provides an understanding of past and present cultures, an ability to quickly pick up cultural details
of a new society, and indicates a talent for blending into the local society.
* Student: You know a few taboos of the culture.
** College: You probably won't get lynched.
*** Masters: You can understand all levels of many cultures.
**** Doctorate: You can recount the past and predict the future of a culture.
***** Scholar: Indiana Jones
Possessed by: Archeologists, Pollsters, Artists, Politicians
Specialities: Religion, Politics, Ancient Rome, Faerie, Garou, Kindred
Puzzles and problems occupy your imagination - in fact, you may even enjoy being perplexed. Solving riddles of all
sorts is a passion, and this interest has given you a knack for piecing together and remembering information vital to
many kinds of problem-solving.
The Enigma Knowledge assists players in solving the mysteries created by the Storyteller. It is essential for the
divining secret pathways to lost realms, answering the riddles of mystical guardians, or riddling of one's soul a
malevolent spirit.
* Student: You can put together a 100-piece jigsaw puzzle.
** College: You can guess the outcome of a mystery novel.
*** Masters: You can do Rubik's Cube in an hour.
**** Doctorate: You'd have whipped Gollum without hobbit trickery.
***** Scholar: You understand the deepest mysteries
Possessed by: Crossword Puzzle Devotees, Zen Enthusiasts, Game Players, Mystics
Specialities: Ancient, Riddles, Visual, Verbal
Notes on some abilities There are some abilities that must be mentioned. All abilities marked with an asterisk (*)
are limited for dragons -- they must have a Wisdom trait equal to or greater than the score in these abilities.
If the dragon does not wish to be forced to use Dragonspeak -- with which no lies is possible and nobody is able to
misunderstand, but also very revealing of the dragon's nature -- and telepathy, the dragon must pick at least one
dot in Linguistics. This is popular among the prides Vermithrax and Siny, but there are others that scourn this
habit, Khuril and Alexis for example.
Politics is a good ability to have, because of the workings of the Court. Flight is also a good ability to possess, but
not necessary. All dragons have an innate ability to fly, but some are more practised than others.
Melee has quickly become a fashion of the Court. Many duels are resolved with the rapier, and many dragons show
great skill in using archaic weapons like swords. Besides, skills in close combat will put the dragon in a better
position when dealing with the Immortals of the Shadow War.

Dragonkin only have four Background traits. These are Pride, Wake, Name and Form.

Pride The Pride is the group or fraction to which you belong. The more dots you place in this trait, the greater your
name becomes. If you want to convince another dragon, you often have to succeed with a roll of Pride + Name,
against a difficulty based on your relation to the other dragon's Pride and the feat you want the other dragon to
perform. You will almost never use Intimidation, Leadership or Subterfuge against another dragon. First of all, your
Pride and Name exceeds the mortal skills, and second, there are no lies in Dragon Talk.
- Prideless
* Khanara
** Thrakhinde, Khuril
*** Siny, Morkeleb
**** Alexis, Rekhem
***** Vermithrax
It is almost impossible to raise your Pride score. This must be done through being accepted by another pride, and
acceptance is not lightly taken. It is almost impossible to trick one's way into a pride, since there are no lies in
The order in which you were awakened are important to Dragons. Since Alaria was powerful enough to not only
wake all other sleeping dragons but also powerful enough to wake herself, she is the most powerful dragon of all.
She is also the only dragon of the First Waking. All other dragons came awake in order of their power. The eight
founders of the Prides are dragons of the Second Waking. All other dragons falls into the Third to Eighth Waking,
indicating the importance and power of the dragon. Almost two hundred dragons belong to the Eighth Waking.
Around one hundred dragons are of the Seventh Waking, fifty of the Sixth Waking, twenty-two of the Fifth Waking,
eighteen of the Fourth Waking and only ten of the Third Waking.
- Eighth Waking
* Seventh Waking
** Sixth Waking
*** Fifth Waking
**** Fourth Waking
***** Third Waking
The Wake rate is used when speaking at the Gathering -- use your Wake + Name to get a dice pool. Second, your
initial Wrath rating equals you Wake rating. Wake may never be rased, but it is possible to raise wrath.
You Name is a rating of how well the other dragons think of your name, and are one of many factors that
establishes your position in Dragon society. All other dragons know of your name -- this trait represent how much
they respect you.
You are above the mere Mortals, but still as low as the other Immortal races. Your Name is scorned at, and you are unworthy of
calling yourself a true Dragon.
You are accepted among Dragonkin as one of the populace. You are not noteworthy of anything special, but you are at least
** Your feats are remembered; the ones with lesser Names bow to you.
*** Your name is respected and your opinions will be listened to by the Higher Ones.
Your advices are of weight when the Council takes decision regarding all Dragonkin. Your name -- but not necessarily you nature
-- may even be known to other Immortals.
When you talk, all other dragons fall into silence. Dragons parts to let you pass, and even the royal Alaria herself invites you to
council her.

Your initial Wisdom is equal to your Name rating. It is possible to raise the worth of your Name, but this is left to the

Storyteller's discretion. The dragon will have to prove himself worthy of the higher rank.
Form The Form rating indicates not only how easily you slip between your Mortal and your Dragon form, but how
many different Mortal forms you may hold. It also governs your ability to leave your body and travel in the Umbra, as
well as your astral body's damage resistance.
If your Form rating is two or more, some of your forms may be of non-human shape,for instance Crinos or Vampire
- One form
* Two forms
** Three forms, one being non-human
*** Four forms, one being non-human
**** Five forms, two being non-human
***** Six forms, two being non-human

The first of the Powers of Dragon Magic, the Song is the base of vocal enchantments. It is also with the Song that
the dragons speak among themselves and sometimes to others. The Song is always true -- no lies could ever be
spoken in a Song. The Song is mainly used for communication.
The rating of the Song trait does not only measure the dragon's ability to use the supernatural forces of the Song,
but also how the music sounds in itself. The trait could be used to perform music, but no human musician would
ever be able to place it.
The Song is of the simplest tune, and very little control is provided
** The Song contains more harmony.
*** The Song contains complex harmonies.
The Song is so complex, so harmonic and so spontaneous, it no longer can be achieved on any single human instrument. It is
possible to recreate that kind of music with a full symphony orchestra or a very complex synthesizer.
***** The Song surpasses any physical instrument ever created.

Specialties: Perception, Communication, Singing, Performance, Beethoven etc.

The Art is used for crafting magic. Unlike Songs, which are active only as long as the Song lasts, works of Art last
practically forever. The works of Art are often crafted into the existence with such skill that it is almost impossible to
find them. One of the most obvious Arts is Stonehenge. Art is used for creating.
Specialties: Healing, Crafting, Creating Water, Creating Food etc.

The Might is the strength of the mind and the origin of sayings like "never gaze into the eyes of the dragon". Might
is used for changing or control.
Specialties: Mind control, Levitation, Changing, Air control, Invisibility, Illusions etc.

The four Elements is the second part which forms the Magick of Dragonkin. They are always combined with one of
the powers -- they seldom stand alone. The exceptions are listed below.
The Air element is mainly used for flying. It is added to all rolls for Speed or Maneuverability. When used in dragon
magick, Air represents not only the element of Air, but also the ether, spirit world and images.

Fire is used for the fiery breath of the dragon. The damage from a fire is equal to three, plus the Fire element rating,
sustained for a number of rounds equal to Fire rating +1. This damage is soaked with a difficulty of nine (equal to
chemical fire). The rating is also added to Stamina when soaking fire, including fire from another dragon.
Fire in magick sense also includes the soul of Man, the fire within his heart.
The Water element is used the same way as Air is used, but below the water surface. It is added to all rolls for
Speed and Maneuverability.
Earth is used as Fortidude to resist physical damage, for instance from blade weapons or projectiles. Earth within
magick also includes the body.

Other Traits
There are two traits which are used for measuring the enlightenment of the dragon, Wisdom and Wrath. The traits
are rated with a circle; if every one of the twenty dot in the circle if ever filled, the dragon has realised his potential
and freed himself from the weariness from the long sleep. He is from that point in full control of his mental as well as
his physical powers.
Either Wisdom or Wrath can be used in the same manner as Willpower, but Wrath is used for physical actions and
Wisdom is used for intellectual actions.
Wisdom and Wrath may be regained as Willpower. All Wisdom and Wrath is recovered to the extent of the
characters' level at the end of a story. It may be gained through nature and demeanor, with the addition that the trait
gained is the one that suits best for the action.
Wisdom and Wrath may be raised permanently through experience points. They may also be lost permanently as
with Willpower, that is, when a botch occurs from a roll from a roll for Wisdom or Wrath.
Whenever you are to roll for Willpower in any other Storyteller game, you roll for either Wrath och Wisdom,
whichever is highest.

Experience is gained as in Vampire: The Masquerade and may be used in the same way. As in Vampire,
backgrounds may not change through experience points. Wrath and Wisdom are explained above.
Type of trait
New Ability
Wrath or Wisdom
Current rating
Current rating x 2
Mortal Attribute
Current rating x 4
Dragon Attribute Add Current rating x 6
Power or Element Current rating x 5

When working dragon's magick, you always combine one of the Powers with one of the Elements to get a dice pool.
Every effect desired has a difficulty, ranging normally from 2 to 10 as usual. Since there are a lot of possible effects,
we provide only guidelines for deciding the difficulty number.
Note that dragon's magick is extremely powerful. This is intentional, since dragons are extremely powerful. If you
think these dragons are powerful, then think of how powerful a dragon that has completed the Quest and restored
the authority as the Guardian must be. Then again think of how much luck -- or faith -- St George must have had
when he slew the Guardian 1500 years ago.

As said before, there are few limitations of dragon's magick. As the Storyteller, you may do almost whatever you like
and find appropriate. Most Kindred or Garou don't stand a chance against an enwrathed dragon -- a few ancient
ones may stand even in an encounter with a dragon. Mages would not like to be in the wrong end of a creature of
pure magic incarnated, which wields it freely as one would wield a sword and is not limited by forces as Paradox.
As a player, you will have to think in dragon terms when crafting magick. Although you as a dragon has incredible
powers, you would stand alone if you unleashed them, since no dragon in the Court of Alaria would aid you. It
would end in that the entire mortal world would turn against you, as would the supernatural world. And not even a
dragon would stand a chance against the combined forces of an army of mortals as well as vampires, Garou,
mages etc.
Thus, a dragon is more interested in being subtle. The dragon does not wish to be exposed. As a player, you must
remember this. Use your dragon's magick in a more subtle, clever and creative way instead of burning down
everything in your way. The idea of suffocating a jet fighters engines using Might + Air to control the air currents
instead of simply tearing the fighter into small metal pieces is a very good example of creative use of magick.

One success is all that is needed to activate a magickal effect. If it is possible to create a greater effect with more
successes, then each success gives an extra effect equal to creating the magickal effect once more. For example,
gaining three successes while healing heals three wound levels. Gaining four successes while causing damage
causes four wound levels, et cetera.
You only get the effects you declared. If you get more successes than needed, these are wasted and may be used
only on resisted rolls. If you get fewer successes than needed, no effects will appear at all.
Example: Rithka is flying in dragon form and suddenly realizes that she is clearly visible when two F-16 fighters
moves in to attack. She decides to vanish, at least for the eyes and radar of the fighter jocks and any other mortal -including the radar crew on the ground. This is two sources of perception (vision and radar), which craves two
successes. The difficulty number is 6, and Rithka will have to use Might + Air. The dice hits the table, and she
comes up with three successes. Since she only needs two successes, one is wasted. The resulting effects is
however that Rithka vanishes before the eyes of the fighter pilots, much like a Klingon Bird of Prey.

If another person is directly affected, this can be resisted with a roll for Willpower with difficulty equal to the dragon's
Might + 4. If the successes from the Willpower roll is greater than the successes from the Magick, the Magick is
resisted and nothing happens. Except that the dragon might get upset and uses a more physical approach to get it's
will done.
Example: Rithka would like to incinerate a vampire while she is still in human form. She could use Art + Fire to light
the vampire directly, but the vampire could resist this with a roll for Willpower with a difficulty of 8 (Rithka's Might
score of 4 plus 4). Rithka decides on an indirect approach; she lights the bed in which the vampire is lying instead.
Thus, the vampire cannot resist the effect.

Multiple spells
A dragon may concentrate of a number of effects equal to its Intelligence score. Each roll for equals one "slot" -that is, if two effects are gained with two or more successes in one single roll, this counts as one "slot". The effects
may be of any kind, but only one of them may be of Art Magick. There can be as many effects of the Song or Might
type as there are slots.
Example: As Rithka holds one effect to make her invisible (one slot), she decides to joke with the pilots. She creates
an illusion of a naked woman sitting on the nose of the aircraft. This fills one more slot. Since she has an
Intelligence of 3, this means that Rithka has one more slot to fill.

Song Magick
The dragonsong is not only the language of the dragonkin, but also the basis for all forms of Song magick, the
perception and communication magick in the dragon's own language. It need not be spoken, but all people with
some kind of supernatural senses (clairvoyance, Auspex, Heightened senses etc) will hear the Dragonsong

Song magick usually has a duration of Concentration, that is, it lasts as long as the dragon thinks of it.
Song magick is used for communication or perception.
Song + Air
2 Listen to the whispering conversation at the next table
4 Listen to radio broadcasts, without receiver
6 See television broadcasts, without receiver. Listen to the echo of the song as a radar.
10 Listen to conversations on the other side of the earth

Song + Fire
Dragon speak
Silent communication
See a specific soul, wherever it is
Receptive telepathy, eye contact
Willpower + 3 Receptive telepathy, regardless of position

Song + Water
2 Listen to a dolphin
10 Listen to a crawfish at the bottom of the Marianer-grave, while at the springs of Mississippi

Song + Earth
2 See footprints on the rock
6 Find a person's body somewhere on Earth
10 Talk to the Eternal Fire in the centre of the Earth

Art Magick
Art Magick usually has a Permanent duration. It lasts virtually forever or until destroyed. The dragon must touch
whatever he is working on, but when the magick is complete, it stands forever. The dragon can only work on one
Art Magick at one time. He may hold Song or Might magic at the same time. The Art Magick only fills it's slot while it
is crafted. When it is complete, the slot is free.
Art Magick is based on creation or destruction.
Art + Air
2 Create a light breeze
10 Call a tornado

Art + Fire
2 Light a match
10 Incinerate a building

Art + Water
2 Fill a glass with water
10 Fill a building with water

Art + Earth
2 Create a handfull of dirt
6 Heal one level of damage, cause one level of damage
10 Raise a mountain

Might Magick
Might Magick has a duration of Concentration, as for Song Magick. It ranges as far as the dragon can see.

Might Magick is based on control and changes.

Might + Air
2 Blow away fumes of perfume or toxic gases
4 Blow a person into the wall; create a lightly distorted illusion (roll Intelligence + Awareness difficulty 6 against Might + Air)
Control the winds to suffocate a jet engine; make one unnoticable to one source of perception (vision, radar, heat, smell, hearing
8 Create a perfect illusion
10 Make one completely invisible

Might + Fire
Control a candle flame to dance
Control a volcano
Willpower+4 Tame a person's soul

Might + Water
2 Making a puddle of water to return to the bucket
5 Raising a mile high pillar of water
10 Raising a five mile high tsunami to drown New York

Might + Earth
Making a rock lift
Lifting Stonehenge
Change one's appearance
Forming a mountain to a castle
Willpower-2 Levitate someone's body
Willpower Control a person's body

Although dragons mostly prefer to solve problems in other ways than physical combat -- any fool can be a great
warrior, but it craves much more to be a conqueror -- it is very likely that a dragon will have to defend it's status as
being superior to any other creature.

Fiery Breath
The dragon's most offensive weapon is their flame. The fire is in form of a long flame, much like the one from a
incinerator but much larger and hotter. It's range is up to 90 feet and it may be set to cover a 15 arc is the dragon
wishes -- a little more than 20 feet wide at longest range. If the flame touches anything it sticks to it and burns for a
short while. It can only be projected while in dragon form -- the human form lacks the organs needed to produce the
There is no need to roll to hit when using the flame. If the dragon may want to avoid to hit something, a roll for
Dexterity + Fire may be made with a difficulty of 6. If the object avoided is larger, the difficulty is higher, and vice
Dragon Breath damage: 3 + Fire element score, sustained for 1 round + Fire element score. Difficulty to soak: 9.

The dragon does never take any aggravated wound. If the dragon is Incapacitated, it lies unconscious and may not
move nor take any physical action. It is possible to send it to Eternal Death when the dragon is unconscious with a
good blow through the heart, neck or head, but if this does not happen, the dragon will start to heal. It is sent back
to Sleep within a day and stays sleeping if not called -- this might be done with Song or if knowing the dragon's
True Name.
The Sleep will last for two thousand years, minus one hundred year for every dot in either Wrath or Wisdom. A
dragon with a full circle does not fall into Sleep, any other dragon is effectively out of the game for at least one

Any wound that does not send the dragon to Sleep will heal one wound level per day resting. If the dragon does
anything but laying still and almost motionless, it heals one wound level per week.

Aerial Combat
It is possible that a dragon may come in a position of air-to-air combat with a fighter or another dragon. These rules
are used to solve most such situations.
To gain initiative, you need to maneuver into position. This is done in the same way as rolling for Initiative, though
the difficulty is based on the position of the combatants and the maneuverability of the aircrafts. The one that gains
initiative does not only act first, but also puts himself in a better position in relation to the enemy.
Enemy dead ahead
Enemy ahead and at the side 5
Enemy at the side
Enemy aft and at the side
Enemy behind
Diff Mod Typical weapon used
Gun distance
< 1000 meters+1(Dragon flame, vulcan guns)
Close distance 1000 - 3000 meters0(AIM-9 Sidewinders)
Medium distance 5 - 10 km0(Sparrow)
Long distance 10 - 20 km-1(AMRAAM)
Extremely long 20 km or more-2(Phoenix)
Difficulty Modifier
Large commercial or cargo aircraft, eg C-5 Galaxy, Boeing 747
Commercial or cargo aircraft, eg C-130 Hercules, Boeing 707
Small cargo aircraft, eg Cessna, Piper Cub, Lear jet
WWII fighter aircraft, eg Spitfire, Mustang
1950 fighter aircraft, eg F-4 Phantom, F-104 Starfighter, MiG 19, MiG-21
1960-1970 jet fighter aircraft, eg F-14 Tomcat, MiG-23 Flogger, Saab 37 Viggen 0
1980 jet fighter aircraft, eg F-16 Falcon, F/A-18 Hornet, MiG-29 Fulcrum
1990 jet fighter aircraft, eg F-22 Lightning II, Saab 39 Gripen, EFA, Eurofighter +2

Both combattants roll for Wits + Flight (dragons) or Wits + Piloting (aircraft pilots), with difficulty defined by the
tables for Position and Maneuverability above. Also modify the difficulty number regarding to the speed of the
aircraft -- this figure is gained from the table below. If either side is flying in formation, only the wing leader makes
this roll. The wingman stays behind the leader. This formation may be split at any time, when the rolls becomes
separate for all combatants.
Difficulty modifier
200 km/h (WWI Fighter)
300 km/h (attack helicopter)
500 km/h (Cargo or commercial aircraft, WWII fighter) -1
700 km/h (Dragon, fighter/bomber speed)
900 km/h (Typical attack combat speed)
1100 km/h (just below Mach 1)
1300 km/h (just above Mach 1)
1800 km/h
2400 km/h (Mach 2)
2800 km/h

The combatant that wins this opposed roll gains initiative and may act first. He also improves his position. A "better
position" is defined by distance and relative position. As the one that gains initiative, an attacker can choose to alter

the opponents position relative to him, his own position in relation to the opponent, or, if engaged in air combat
maneuvers, the distance. See "Speed" below.
Remember that dragon characters may add their Air score to their dice pools.
Example: As Rithka flies to England above the Atlantic Ocean, two F-14s decide to check out the strange and
unidentified object. They gain visual contact at a range of twenty miles, thanks to their long range video sensor, and
decides to move closer as they "can't identify the target" (honestly, if you were a naval air force pilot, would you
report that you had a positive ID of a dragon?).
About this time, Rithka decides to play with the Tomcats. She turns towards them, and the air combat maneuvers
begin at long range. The Tomcat pilots arm their weapons, but before they can get a lock, Rithka is upon them.
The F-14s have a Wits of 3 and a Pilot skill of 4 (specialty: carrier based fighters), total of 7. Their difficulty is 4
(dead ahead), modified with -1 (long distance) and +1 (attack speed) for a total of 4. Rithka has a Wits of 4 plus a
Flight of 4 (specialty: aerobatics), and because she is adept with the Air element, another 2 for that score, total of
10. Her difficulty is 6 (enemy at her side) -1 (long distance), total of 5. No other modifiers apply.
In the opposed roll, the F-14s gets 4 successes, while Rithka gets 5 successes. She gains initiative and also
chooses to overshoot a bit, making the F-14s shot a bit harder. This makes her position relative the F-14s "Ahead
and side". The distance closes automatically one pip to Medium range (see below).
Distance Distance may be changed at will only when dogfighting. If both combatants are heading towards each
other, distance is decreased two pips every round. If one craft is flying towards the side of the other, distance is
decreased one pip every round. If the distance ever gets closer than "close", the crafts have passed each other and
must engage anew with the enemy behind. If one craft is trying to disengage, a pursuit situation occurs and
resoluted with an opposed roll for speed. Either use Strength + Flight (dragons) or Wits + Piloting (aircrafts) with a
difficulty from the table below. Again, dragons may add their Air score to the dice pool. The winner of this roll may
choose to reduce or increase the distance one pip, or to keep the distance.
WWI Fighter, heavy commercial aircraft
Cargo or commercial aircraft
Attack helicopter
Fast attack helicopter (AH-64 Apache)
WWII fighter
Supersonic aircraft, eg Concorde, 1950 jet fighter
Mach 2 fighter (1960 +)
Mach 3 aircraft, eg XB-70 Valkyrie, SR-71 Blackbird
Aurora spyplane, Shuttle orbiter, any anti-aircraft missile 2

Example: The F-14s closes in on Rithka. Although she out-maneuvers them and moves into a worse position (from
the F-14s point of view), they are suddenly within Medium range, since they are flying towards Rithka's side. At that
distance, they are quite clear of what they are facing. This information is beamed back to the carrier via their JTIDS
data link, who in return clears the fighters request for permission to fire.
Attacks are made in the usual way. Roll to hit, and if you hit, calculate damage. Jet fighters, although rigidly
constructed, are sensitive to damage; most hits from a modern air-to-air combat system will render the craft useless.
Fortunately, direct hits are rare.
For any aircraft without a turreted weapon, the enemy must be ahead of the attacker to hit. Turreted weapons have
a fire arc; WWII bombers usyally have a 360 by 180 or 90 by 90 fire arc for each machine gun, attack helicopters
and dragons have a 180 by 45 fire arc.
To hit, roll Dexterity + Flight (dragons) or Wits + Aircraft Gunnery (fighters). The roll may be opposed with evasive
maneuvers -- roll for maneuver as described in Initiative above. To hit, the attacker must get more successes than
his target. If using a guided weapon (most modern missile systems), you don't get a lock if the roll to hit fail and the
weapon is never launched. If you get a lock, the weapon is fired.
Difficulties for different weapons:

Machine gun or auto-cannon, one sec. spray (Vulcan gun): 8

IR homing missile (Sidewinder): 6
Semi-active radar homing missile (AMRAAM): 5
Fire and forget radar missile (Phoenix): 4
Target is jamming radar, dropping chaff (SARH or radar homing only): +2
Target is dropping flares (IR homing only): +2
Target is "cold" (helicopters, combustion engine or turboprop, dragons; IR homing only): +2
Target is stealthed (stealth fighters or bombers): +2
All missile weapons have a travel time to the target, based on the distance. During this travel time, the target may
try to take evasive actions. The roll is Wits + Piloting (aircrafts) or Wits + Flight + Air (dragons), with a difficulty of 8
modified by maneuverability and speed. There is a -1 modifier of the difficulty for dropping chaff or flares, and
additional -1 if the target is "cold" or "stealthed", depending on the nature of the missile.
If the target gets more successes than the attacker got in his launch, the weapon is evaded and the target is clear
of the weapon's lock.
Travel time
Gun distance
No travel time
1 round
Medium range
2 rounds
Long range
3 rounds
Extreme long range 4 rounds or more

Example: The next round, the F-14s gain initiative and moves in for the kill. They have her dead ahead, and they're
flying towards her side. They closes in one pip to Close range and the wing leader gets an IR lock (clattering dice
behind the Storyteller's screen, gaining two successes) at Rithka with an ASRAAM and launches the weapon. At
close range, the weapon will take one round until it hits the dragon.
Next round, Rithka folds her wings and turns towards the sea in an attempt to avoid the flaming spear launched at
her. She knows that the weapon will hit her in this round, so she concentrates entirely on evading, hoping to fool it.
She has a total of ten dice in the pool, and a difficulty of 7 (8 as base difficulty, modified with -1 for being "cold").
The player rolls the dice, and gains four successes! The ASRAAM overshoots and misses, and Rithka decides to
vanish. The next round, she uses her magick to disappear from radar, vision and heat.
The F-14s scan the area for a while, finding nothing, and then turns back to their carrier while listening to the
extensive chat between USS Nimitz and CINCLANT (Commander-In-Chief Atlantic ocean). When the wheels of the
undercarriage touch the flight deck of Nimitz, two DIA agents are already waiting aboard the carrier to debrief the
two pilots and their radar officers of their UFO encounter.

As the Dragonkin awakened, they cast themselves headlong into the politics of the other supernatural races. It is
difficult for a race that has been absent for fifteen hundred years to resume their former position in the politics, but
they are doing what they can, taking one step at a time and slowly gaining a foothold in the supernatural political
Vampires: The relations between Dragonkin and the vampires are strained at best. The vampires do not
remember the Covenant. Most of them refuses to recognize and reenter the Covenant. The Camarilla plots against
the Dragonkin while acting innocent -- a falseness that the Dragonkin despises. The Sabbat is somewhat easier to
handle. Since they are open enemies to the Dragonkin, the dragons know where they have the Sabbat. In fact,
there have been occasional alliances between Dragonkin and the Sabbat against the Camarilla.
Garou: Garou was never but an honorary member of the Covenant, but still they have held to its strictures longer
than any other kin. They still remember some of the Strictures, such as the Impergium that was declared over the
mortals long ago. They do not remember the Covenant itself, but is that surprising for a basically mortal -- but
powerful -- species?
The Dragonkin and the Garou work quite well together. There is no official alliance between them, but the Garou
has kept the door open. The Garou will not submit themselves to the rule of the Dragonkin, but neither do they
oppose them.

Mortals: Hrmf.
Immortals: There are several different immortal kins. The Immortals of the Shadow Wars have been speaking of
the dragonkin and sometimes remember them. Most are of recent origin and behaves like most humans when they
hear of dragons -- they think of them as creatures of legend and lore. Basically, the dragonkin thinks them to be
mortals with an extremely long life and a stupid habit to cut each others heads off.
Mummies did not exist by the time of the First Covenant and are thus not covered by it. Since the mummies were
first created, the Dragonkin have been working to have them join the Covenant. So far, they have not succeeded.
The mummies have not joined, but on the other hand, they do not work against the Dragonkin either.
The Fair Folk is a different case. They did join the Covenant, but by the time the Dragonkin was sleeping, they left
the Earth. They are returning as the dragons, but now it seems they are grasping for power instead of obeying the
Covenant. This is not looked upon lightly by the Dragonkin, who really wants to force them into re-joining the
Covenant. Tha Faerie Lords are of a different opinion.
The Dead: The Dragonkin has little to do with the Dead. They sometimes commune with spirits, wraiths and other
phantoms, but they do not involve themselves in the politics of the Dead. S far, they are ignored as they pose no
threat to the Covenant.
Mages: Mages (dragons usually call these "magi") are looked upon with contempt. Their strife for power leads to a
destructive path. They must not be allowed to proceed in their misdirected ways. It makes little difference to the
Dragonkin that they actually oppose the Technocracy, since the dragons sees all wielders of magick as potential
enemies. The Dragonkin knows that the Magick has declined and will return with them. If magi of the present day
are as powerful as they are, what would they not be if the learned to use the full power of Magick restored?
Eastern Court: The Eastern Court of dragons was never under the sleep. Neither did they ever pool their powers
to a guardian. They have stayed on their territory for so long and respected the boundaries -- even when the
dragonkin were asleep. Lady Alaria and her court will return that favour.

There are several possible and actual conflicts for the Dragonkin. Below is a list of some of the possibilities.
Camarilla vs Dragons:
"A new force has arrived. The Dragonkin has already killed the Prince of Miami, gained control of several kindred
and threatened us to join a Covenant which only they and the Methuselah remember.
They are powerful. Their powers are matched only by the strongest of mages; they have their innate ability to
breathe fire, and they are strong in mind as well as in body. We should not strike at them, but avoid them."
This sums up the Camarilla's thoughts of the Dragonkin. The Covenant seems unnecessary for the Camarilla and
do not want to rejoin it. On the other hand, they know that unless they attack a dragon en masse, they would hardly
match a dragon in fight. The Camarilla has decided to leave the Dragonkin untouched... for now.
Sabbat vs Dragons: "What?! A new enemy? And they want us to join their Covenant with other Kindred? How
amusing -- I think it's time to teach those lizards a lesson, boys!"
Unlike the Camarilla, Sabbat thinks of Dragonkin as a new opponent on the stage. They may be allied with (for a
shorter time), but since the Dragonkin seek control of the supernatural world, Sabbat's ultimate goal is to get rid of
these upcomers. Their open enmity against the Dragonkin makes the dragons trust the Sabbat more than the
Camarilla since they know where the Sabbat stands.
Mortals vs Dragons: "Look, Commander, I know what I saw up there. The tapes from the camera should well
prove my case. It was about forty feet long and organic. You don't like the word 'dragon'? Fine, it's no dragon, but
whatever it was it was forty feet long, organic and flying in Mach oh-point-nine."
"Flight Lieutenant, listen carefully; you fly a long range patrol, gets an object on visual which the Nimitz can't even
see on the radar, and identifies it as a creature of lore and legend -- and lands here with a tape that proves you're
right? How am I supposed to present this report to CINCLANT without me losing my command of the Nimitz and
without you losing your Tomcat? I'd like to believe you -- especially after watching this tape -- but I can't. At least not
officially. For the sake of our both best interests, I think you should forget the entire incident. Understood?"

"Understood, sir."
The mortal world, or at least it's military organisations and intelligence agencies, know of the Dragonkin's existence
from several encounters when the dragons became awake en masse. 1991, there was a total of 670 dragon
sightings within NATO alone, all classified most utterly top secret. Since then, the number of dragon sightings have
clearly dropped to a mere fifty sightings a year. The few intelligence analytics who have studied the phenomenon
have come to the conclusion that the dragons are learning to hide from the mortal world's electronic and biologic
The American FBI, DIA and NSA know that something is stirring up the Undead society and have concluded that
this "something" probably is the Dragonkin. The british JIC have confirmed this through it's contacts with one of the
Dragonkin who has settled in Scotland -- not at Loch Ness if you thought that. It is an information exchange only -no alliance is so far settled. It is possible (and to some extent likely) that the SVD (ex-KGB) has made contact with
one dragon in Siberia, but this is unconfirmed. NSA have been monitoring of the Middle-East with the Keyhole
satellites, and believes that Mossad has indirect contact with the Dragonkin.
Mages vs Dragons: Dragonkin does not like mages, since they are one of the few really dangerous threats to the
dragons. Also, the nature of magick has changed during the Sleep, and the paths have turned away from those that
the Dragonkin knew. Thus, mages are looked upon as a wildcard and potential enemy.
Some of the Dragonkin accept mages outside the Technocracy, others dislike all mages, Technocrats or not. The
Dragonkin tries to hide themselves from mages, but mages have recently learned that the Dragonkin have returned
-- and they do not know how to interpret this.
Dragons vs Dragons: Dragons work for power among themselves. This means that dragons will be opposed to
other dragons, which in turn will lead to internal conflicts among the Dragonkin. Lady Alaria tries to keep the troops
in line, since she knows that a civil war will severely weaken the Dragonkin. She tries hard to find an external
enemy towards whom she can direct the wrath of the dragons. It seems that the vampiric species and mages are
selected as the new arch-enemy of the Dragonkin.
This does not prevent internal conflicts and occasionally combat and bloodshed between dragons. Lord Draconis
Vermithrax and lord Rekhem stands opposed to Lady Alexis and Lord Morkeleb -- more than once has this
opposition led to a duel; luckily, no duel so far has ended with death.

Since Dragon: The Waking Wrath is based on the Storyteller system and the World in Darkness, it is easy to
integrate it with the other Storyteller games.
Dragon: The Waking Wrath fits best in a high level Vampire: The Masquerade campaign more based on roleplaying and intrigue than conflict. Dragons fit equally well in both the Camarilla and the Sabbat. Dragons have two
powerful weapons -- their flame and their magic -- but these are balanced by the vampire's sheer numbers and their
complicated politics.
It is possible to combine Dragon with Werewolf: The Apocalypse, but this is only partially tested. The dragon is
physically very strong and superior to even the Crinos form of the Garou, so the dragon does easily take the alpha
position of a Garou pack. The rest of the pack may become pawns of the dragon if the players and the storyteller
are not careful.
It is much harder to combine Dragon with Wraith: The Oblivion, because of the non-physical Shadowlands and the
barrier between it and the physical world. Add to this the fact that neither dragons nor wraiths are interested in each
other's politics. In fact, it is hard to combine any Storyteller game with Wraith because of this.
The combination of Mage and Dragon has not been fully tested, but it might be possible to create an alliance
between dragons and mages against the Technocracy.
Finally, there are a lot of Storyteller adds available on electronic media, written by fans of the World in Darkness
and the Storyteller system (like Dragon: The Waking Wrath). There are at least two versions of Immortal, describing
immortals of the kind that appear in Highlander, which does not disturb the Dragonkin that much. There are several
adds for Vampire, including one that imports magic from Ars Magica to Storyteller. Since there has been a decline in
magic, I have assumed that this magic will be useful in the mediaeval world (to around 1300 A.D.) and after the
return of the Dragonkin.

There is a text describing a kind of Dragonlords from Tibet, called Drukpa. Because of the nature of the dragons
described here and the relation between the Drukpa and their dragons, it must be assumed that the dragons of the
Drukpa are of a different court -- they are not anyone of the four hundred and nine dragons of the court of Alaria.
There is also one text describing Faeries, called Changeling: The Eternal Game. As they are described, these
Faeries will come in opposition to the court of Alaria and will make excellent opponents.
The greatest worry is the forthcoming Changeling: The Dreaming. Very little is known about this game. It is possible
that Dragon: The Waking Wrath will have to be revised as soon as Changeling is released.

Author: Krister Sundelin
Helping Hand: Rasmus Hansson
Bold enough to allow dragons in his campaign: Fredrik Einarsson
Cover: Michael Whelan
The Storyteller system was designed byMark ReinHagen

Robert Asprin - M.Y.T.H.Inc. Link
Terry Brooks - Magic Kingdom For Sale - Sold!
Robert C. Fleet- White Horse, Dark Dragon
Esther M. Friesner- Take Me Out to the Ball Game in the anthology Dragon Fantastic
Barbara Hambly- Dragonsbane
Tanya Huff- Shing Li-Ung in the anthology Dragon Fantastic
I. Edelfelt & M. Karlin- Brllopet i Marsipanien
Donn Kushner- A Book Dragon
Ursula K. LeGuin - Earthsea Quartet
The Rule of Names in the anthology The Wind's Twelve Quarters
R.A. MacAvoy - Tea with the Black Dragon
Anne McCaffrey - Dragonriders of Pern especially Mnementh and Canth
Evelyn E. Smith- Gerdain the anthology Dragon Tales
J.R.R. TolkienThe Hobbit Patricia C. Wrede - Dealing with Dragons
Searching for Dragons
Roger Zelazny- The George Business in the anthology Dragons of Light

Last Words
There is of course a lot more to say about the Dragonkin.
Like, the Quest. Is it possible that the Authority is already restored? And how will the return of the dragonkin and
magic affect the world? Will the supernatural races be joined in the Second Covenant, and how will this affect the

Good questions, all of them. But you won't get an answer, not now. Time will tell.
Of course, little of the Dragonkin will ever be noticed, at least not by the mortals and not in the beginning. It is
possible that the world will turn into a dark fantastic future where magic and technology will exist side by side, but I
find this unlikely. The Dragonkin will work to prevent this, since it is harder to gain control of the Covenant if the
magic is unleashed. And that is what almost all of the Prides wants -- control, direct or indirect, in one form or
But the dragons won't stay in the shrouded shadows of mysteries forever. Sooner or later, the veil will be lifted and
the dragon's presence announced. It is possible that Mankind will pose a great threat to the Dragonkin, possibly
even going to war against the dragons. It is possible that the dragons already have a firm control of the mortal world
at that time, and that nothing will happen. It is possible that another race will challenge the authority of the
Dragonkin and use the Earth as their battlefield.
But rest assured, the Dragonkin are already here, hiding silently among the shadows, spreading their wings among
the supernaturals and gaining influences in the mortal world as well. Sooner or later, the Second Covenant will
apply to all.
Sooner or later, you will hear from us.
Yours sincerely,
-- Rithka
PS: If you do not believe me, just look out through the window. You will see something that will convince you.

Author's note: Lady Rithka never described what the dragon looked like. The appearance that I have described
above is based on a cover painting by Michael Whelan -- a scanned image accompanies this text as the "front
cover" -- and descriptions in the book "Dragonsbane" by Barbara Hambly.
I haven't seen lady Rithka since the ball. I would like to see her again, and present this text to her. And then again,
I do not -- if I have offended her and her kin, it is possible that I will never write anything again. But I don't think I
have to worry. If they want to seek me out, they will probably find me, and if I had offended them, they would
already have come.
Did I look out through the window? Oh, yes, I did. My curiosity sparked, I opened the window and watched at the
nighted sky. I saw nothing but trees, stars, the full moon and the lights from my home town. Then, suddenly, in a
short instance, something covered the moon. Something huge, with large flapping wings, a long tail and a slender
neck. For a short time, there was a flame in the sky.

Dragon: The Hunting

By Jeremy Belton (

"Paul? You There? Paul?"
No Reply.
Alan cursed, slamming the phone down on the receiver. If Paul wasn't there, things could be going worse than he thought. He
trudged off towards his home, searching the area mentally for any signs of trouble. He was hungry, too, and a Leech or a Pit Bull
would really hit the spot. He caught a look at something, something really evil. "Finally, some food," he muttered.
He looked about carefully, then crossed the street. He saw his prey, a vampire, and started to carefully shadow his meal. He saw
the lick go up to some unsuspecting woman, probably a hooker, and start talking. Alan waited in an alley about a block away,
filtering out all but the voices of the vampire and his prey. After about 10 minutes, the vampire started leading the girl away...right
towards the alley where Alan was hiding. Alan grinned. This would be easy. He started concentrating as the two approached,
checking to make sure that the whore wasn't a leech too, and preparing to Change. She wasn't, and the two entered the alley.
Alan finished his concentration, then stepped out. "Nice night for eating out, eh?" he said. The Vampire's Jaw dropped in shock
as Alan Changed into a 20' long, 10' tall Dragon.
"Holy Sh*t!!" screamed the vampire, as the girl fainted. Alan slashed out with one huge claw, catching the Corpse across the
chest. Alan growled as the vampire leaped back, dropping the girl on the cement.
"Ok, so you wanna play. Fine. I can play too." The vampire started doing something, something involving one of their damn
disciplines, and Alan leapt at him. He bounced off a protective field of some kind the leech had just cast. This would be harder
than he thought. He waited for the lick to do something, all the time shielding the alley from the eyes and ears of mortals. The
vampire waved an arm and threw a ball of greenish flame, which hit Alan square in the face. The vampire smiled triumphantly as
Alans entire body was engulfed in flame. His grin quickly fell, however, when the flame seemed to "sink in" to Alan's skin, and
Alan breathed a Narrow gout of the same greenish flame at the vampire's head. It immediately burned to a crisp under the
intense flame of The dragon's blast.
"Stupid, stupid corpse. Fire against a Dragon?" Alan said, as he carefully lifted the girl in his jaws, and placed her at the mouth
of the alley. He then looked at what was left of the vampire. He smiled contentedly, and began eating...

Part One: Dragons

Almost every culture in the world has legends about Dragons. Huge, mystic beings, some amazingly Evil, some representing
luck or harmony. This is how some, and I mean some, of those legends got started. Note that not all Dragons are of this sort, and
many were simply magical beasts of the Mythic Age. These Dragons, however, are very intelligent, as opposed to many of their
mythic brethren. This game is a supplemental game for the Storyteller series and assumes you have at least one of the books,
and a fair bit of common sense, too (for example, a vampire player wondering what the mage Technology ability does). I would
appreciate feedback on this, as it is my first rules supplement, and my second World of Darkness writing. (I also made an
alternate New Orleans By Night, which I'll send to anyone who asks.

Part Two: The Learning

Sit, lad, you've just had quite a shock. You knew you were adopted though, Right? No? Well, now you do. Don't worry about it,
you'll meet your real parents soon enough; but first, we have to talk. I'm your uncle. Well, not exactly in that sense, but I am your
parents' brother. Yes, I'll explain how I can be both of their brother, just give me a minute. Inquisitive, aren't you? That could get
you killed, or it could lead you to status you couldn't imagine. Well, enough about that; let me first explain what just happened.
That strange guy downstairs, he's a Werewolf. Yes, they do exist. Some are good, and wouldn't consider attacking a human, but
he wasn't one of them. His kind are called the Black Spiral Dancers, and they are evil to the core. We share a bond with the
other kind, as we are both shapechangers. But they are part human. We're not. We're Dragons, and...
You ok? Guess that was a bit of a shock. Sorry. But you gotta hear this. You're a dragon, and you're purpose is to protect
humanity and destroy evil beings of the supernatural. Theres a lot of other beings helping to protect the mortals from werewolves,
vampires, warlocks, and other evil beings. I know, I know, none of those things exist. Well, get used to it, 'cause they are going to
be a very important part of you're life. I'll explain that later, because I don't think you can take the shock just now. For the time
being, I'll tell you about us. There are eight kinds of Dragon. Well, there are really a lot more, but they aren't like us. We are a
special sort of Dragon, with a special purpose. Our family is called the Dracos.
What? Ok, I'll start at the beginning. We were created to protect humanity from the Dark. Mainly Vampires, but any other evil
supernaturals will do as well. We each, and by we I mean the eight families, had an area of the world to protect. There used to be

only a few of each family, but the need has arisen for more. Our own family has at least five hundred members the world over,
probably more. At first, we each stayed to our own area. Our family was the guardians of England and Western Europe. Our
closest kin, the Drachen, were the guardians of Eastern Europe. Over the years, we spread out. Here, the Wekati guard, and
they still guard the Americas. They seldom move. In Antarctica, The Ice Kings lived, but now they extend almost everywhere. The
Amin had the Middle East, the Agun had Africa, the Balawagarr had Australia, and the Ryuujin had Asia. Now though, we are all
intermixed. Some people think thats a bad thing, but I'm in favor of it. It allows us more freedom. Ok, here's the part you're going
to hate. You see, no amount of normal food will fill you now. Yo can eat it, but it won't fill you. You have to eat, um, well, evil
supernaturals... Lad?...Lad?...

Part Three: The Laws of Dragonkind

These are the laws of the Dragons, and are followed almost entirely. Supposedly written by Bahamut, the First Dragon, they
provide a structure to the lives of Dragonkind.
1. Thou shalt Destroy evil in thy protectorate.
This law is the most important, and the reason for the Dragon's very existence. They must slay all who do evil. This
includes all Wyrm-beings, most vampires, and any other supernatural evils.
2. Thou shalt Guard thy Protectorate before all else.
This law has been bent to extremes over the years, as it does not say that it must be the family protectorate. Hence,
Dragons have spread all over the world.
3. Thou shalt not reveal thy presence to mortals.
This is a fairly simple law. It corresponds to the Masquerade and the Veil.
4. Thou shalt not Destroy evil mortals, nor aid mortals against mortal evil.
A Dragon can't go after muggers and serial killers. That isn't their job. They kill and hunt only the supernatural.
5. Thou shalt Perform the Hunt once every century.
This law orders all Dragons to follow the Hunt. The hunt is a ritual taking place every century in which all Dragons
receive the next level of Power, usually called simply 'Centuries' by most Dragons. The Hunt is led by the Dracos,
while the Wekati track the prey. Once found, The Balawagarr bring down the prey with an arrow, the Agun proceed to
catch and hold it while the Drachen kill it. Before the Hunt, the Ryuujin cast divinations to see how the hunt will go. The
Ice Lords bring Weapons and supplies, and the Amin prepare the ceremonial wine. The prey is usually a Vampire,
often a Sabbat. The Hunt can take place anywhere, although it usually is in an unpopulated area. Lately, there has
been some resistance to the Hunt from younger Dragons. Why varies from Dragon to Dragon, but it usually is simply
because they don't want too.
These are all of the laws. There aren't many, giving the Dragons more freedom, something very important to dragonkind.

Part four: The Family

The Dragons are grouped in several different families. Here is a list.

The Dracos
The Leaders, at least traditionally. They are based in Western Europe, although many live in the U.S. and other places. The
Dracos lead the Hunt every hundred years.

Primary Power: The Link

Creation: Cocial is usually primary, and Skills or Knowledges.
Disadvantage: Rebels. It is spoken of among the Dracos that certain Dragons are rebelling against the Hunt. They don't want to
leave their home every century, or don't want to fight, and a few have even not wanted to follow the laws.

Appearance: The Dracos are usually a dark green in dragon form, and tend to be European looking in human form.
The Drachen
The Warriors. They perform the Kill in the Hunt. They were originally based in Eastern Europe, mainly Germany.

Primary Power: The Might

Creation: Physical and Talents are primary.
Disadvantage: Madness. The Drachen have lost much in their time, and were outraged by the fall of the Russian Czar. There is
much confusion over these events, and especially the role and fate of Rasputin. Some say he was the first of the Drachen to go

insane, others say he was a vampire. Accounts differ. Almost all Drachen of that time were killed, some say by Rasputin, others
say by the rebels, and yet others say by vampires. Whatever the case, since that time, all Drachen have had a natural madness
that creeps over them as they age. (usually around the end of their first century).

Appearance: The Drachen appear as big, bulky Dragons, usually red or brown. They appear as tall and muscular or short and
stocky in human form.

The Agun
The Hunters. They catch and hold the prey in the Hunt. They were originally based in Africa, and are very sad over the current
state of affairs in the U.S., and have been for many years. Slavery was the worst thing these Dragons could have wished, for they
could only watch as the mortals took their wards as slaves.

Primary Power: The Changing

Creation: Mental and Talents are primary.
Disadvantage: Anger. Due to the oppression of their wards, they are prone to frenzy. Mostly, it is provoked by humiliation,
combat, and anything else that causes great anger.

Appearance: Almost universally of African appearance. A few have been other races in recent years, however. In Dragon form,
they thend to be large, but are always wingless

The Ryuujin
The Wizards. They perform the Right of the Hunt. Originally based in Asia, mainly Japan, they have immigrated to other shores in
the past few hundred years. They have many powers and abilities that others lack, and may choose two primary powers.

Primary Power: Sorcery and one other

Creation: Mental and Knowledges are primary
Disadvantage: They are physically weak. Their Physical scores my not exceed three, and they do not grow beyond age
category six. Physical Attributes must always be tertiary, no matter what.

Appearance: The Ryuujin resemble the serpentine Dragons of oriental mythology in Dragon form, and can be any color. In
human form, they are usually Oriental in appearance.

The Wekati
The Trackers. Mostly of American Indian descent, the Wekati track the prey in the Hunt. They are the shamans and spirit seekers
as well, and are closest to the Garou. They are often lost in thought, however, and tend to lose their concentration when doing
things that take a lot of time.

Primary Power: Spirit

Creation: Mental and Knowledges are primary.
Disadvantage: Concentration. They are very much in tune with the spirit world and often get caught up in watching a spider
weave its web, or a busy highway. The stimuli can be anything, and it can happen at any time. If the Wekati is doing anything that
takes more than a few turns (ST discretion) he must make a Willpower roll, difficulty 6, to avoid being caught up in fascination.
Appearance: The Wekati are the smallest of the dragons, and usually resemble great birds. In human form, they are normally
American Indian in appearance.

Ice Lords
The Thinkers. The Ice Lords come from Antarctica, where they have a lot of time on their hands. They spend a lot of it working
with machines, and a fair amount mating, making them the largest of the Families. Many are computer experts, although some
are quite the opposite, having no knowledge of technology and studying books full time. They are the suppliers at the Hunt, and
they often use it as an opportunity to test some sort of invention or software. a lot have moved to other countries, but their
upbringing and genes make it hard to interact with people very well.

Primary Power: The Freezing

Creation: Mental and Knowledges or Skills are Primary.
Disadvantage: They have little experience with socializing, except for each other. This has spread to all members of the Ice
Lord Family, and is considered a large problem. All social rolls are at a +2 difficulty, and social traits except appearance cannot
exceed four.

Appearance: The Ice Lords are always pure white in Dragon form, and are usually pale skinned and haired in human form,
almost appearing albino.

The Archers. The Balawagarr, or Balawags, or evel Balls, are known primarily for their skills with missile weapons. Originally
only with boomerangs, They now use bows, throwing blades, and other such weapons. They hail from Austrailia, but have
recently spread to Europe and Asia. Very few live in the U.S. They attempt to bring down or slow the prey with a well placed
arrow or a boomerang toss. The boomerang is seldom very effective against vampires, but a good wooden arrow tends to work

Primary Power: The Swiftness

Creation: Physical and Skills primary.
Weakness: Melee fighting. They are not terribly proficient in this area, having used all of their talent in archery or throwing (or
firearms, occasioally). They may not have a melee or brawl of up to three.

Appearance: In human form, any, although normally very rugged looking. in Dragon form, they are usually blue or green.
The Ritemasters. The Amin are from the Middle East, and are angry about the whole thing there. however, they have incredible
self control and do not frenzy like the Agun. They are the Ritemasters of the Hunt, and prepare the Ceremonial Wine of the Hunt.

Primary Powers: The Fire

Creation: Mental and Knowledge are primary
Disadvantage: The Curse. this varies from Amin to Amin, but it is always present, and always unpleasant. It is decided between
the player and the storyteller what the curse will be. It was caused by something in the distant past, and what it was is unknown. It
is said, however, that the Amin were cursed by Satan himself.

Appearance: The Amin can be of any appearance in human form, mostly of Mid-Eastern skin tones and hair color. In Dragon
form, the resemble a cross between a Ryuujin and a Draco.

Part Five: Character Creation

Creating Characters in Dragon is mostly the same as in other storyteller games.

Step One: Choose Name, Nature, Demeanor, Family, and Home. Here is a list of Families, Their primary Powers, and their

Step Two: Assign Attributes

Dragons get an extra dot in Strength and Stamina, except for the Ryuujin, who start normally.

Step Three: Assign Abilities


Step Four: Choose Advantages (Backgrounds and Powers)

Powers: 1 dot, must be spent on primary power.
Backgrounds: 7 dots.

Step Five: Assign Freebies, choose merits and flaws

The Link
W. Europe
Drachen The Might
E. Europe
The Changing Africa
The Spirit
The Sorcery Asia
Ice Lords The Freezing Antarctica
Balawagarr The Swiftness Australia


The Fire
The Fire
Middle East
Freebie Table
5 per dot
2 per dot
Backgrounds 1 per dot
10 per dot
1 per dot
3 per dot (Wekati Only)
2 per dot(one per dot for Amin)

Part Six: Traits

Most traits are the same as in V:tM, although I used the Awareness trait from M:tA. Here are the different traits and such.

These Powers are what make Dragons the magical beings they are. They are natural abilities and cannot be taught. They
improve with age and experience.

The Link
This power allows reading and control of other people's minds. It is the primary power of the Dracos.

* The Reading: This allows the user to identify sources of evil, and to find the weakness in a target.
System: The Dragon rolls Perception + Awareness, dif. 6.
Successes Effects
Detect sources of strong evil.
Tell generally what type the evil is (Vampire, Werewolf, Etc.)
Can determine clan/tribe (if you know what a clan or tribe is...)

** The Seeking: This allows the Dragon to see his enemy's greatest weakness. System: This Power allows one extra die to
damage rolls per success on a perception + melee/brawl/firearms/archery, depending on the type of combat.

*** The Linking: This power allows the Dragon to speak to another individual mentally. System: There is no roll, but the target
can block his mind and end the communication at will.

**** The Probing: This allows the Dragon to obtain information from the target's mind. System: The Dragon rolls perception +
Awareness versus a dif of the targets Willpower. For each success, the dragon gets one important fact.

***** The Controlling: This allows the Dragon to take full control of the target by controlling his mind. System: The Dragon rolls
Manipulation + Intellegence vs. a dif of 8, resisted by the target's willpower. If successful, the Dragon may control the target for
one turn per success. On more than 5 successes, the target will always feel an affinity for the Dragon, and may become a friend
or ally, if he doesn't become a snack.

The Might
This power is similar to the vampire's Potence, but it also can be used to soak damage. i.e., for each dot in the Might, you get
one extra die for the purposes of soaking or damage. This is the primary power of the Drachen.

The Changing
This is the power that allows dragons to assume human and other forms.

* The Human: The Dragon may take the form of a human. System: No roll is required. the form will last until the Dragon chooses
to take another form.

** The Shifting: At this level, the Dragon may assume the form of other animals, such as wolves, cats, sharks, or any other
'normal' animal form, so long as it is not too different in size from a human. System: no roll is required, but can only change into
forms of between 80 and 200 pounds (i.e., no elephants, fleas, or housecats. Big cats and dogs are no problem though).

*** The Shaping: At this level, the Dragon may take on the form of any creature he has ever seen. It may not be a specific
creature, but he could, for example, assume Crinos form. He could even take a Draconic Crinos form. System: No roll required.
Can assume any form from .001 oz. to 3000 lbs.

**** The Shape-Stealing: The Dragon may take the form of any person or animal, duplicating them exactly. However, his
mannerisms will be different, and all hell can break loose when the real person shows up. System: All who see the dragon must
roll Perception + Empathy to see that the Dragon is not who he says he is.

***** The Veil of Shaping: With this power, the Dragon may make several other people appear as other beings. System: for
just one other person, no roll is required. for more than one, the Dragon must roll Wits + Occult , dif of the number of targets + 3.
Hence; no more than 7 people could conceivably be changed. One person is changed for each success.

The Sorcery
This magic is a kind used only by Dragons, but which can be duplicated by others. It can cause many spectacular effects, and
some that are more subtle. There are a few options here, rules wise.
1. a Sphere, as in mage, is chosen. The Sorcerer gets all the abilities of that sphere, but also gets paradox and all that goes with
2. A Thaumaturgy Path can be taken, with the possiblity of learning others later.
3. The Storyteller can make something up, or use some other system. I leave this open because there are limitless possibilities
for this power.

The Spirit
This power allows a Dragon to speak with spirits and to enter the Umbra at higher levels.

* Spirit Sense: The Dragon can see and converse with spirits, wraiths, etc.
** Solid Spirits: To the Dragon, spirits that are normally incorporeal are now tangible, physical beings, and can be attacked and

*** Spirit Form: The dragon may take on a non-corporeal form, allowing him to pass through walls and such without harm. Only
attacks that would ordinarily cause Aggravated damage or magical attacks can hurt him.

**** Summon Spirit: The Dragon may summon a spirit to his prescence, to be bound into a fetish, or simply for information.
System: The Dragon rolls Manipulation + Occult, dif. 7 (9 if the spirit is to be bound into a fetish). If the Dragon gets three
successes, a spirit appears, although it may not be the type he wanted. On four successes, it is the type of spirit he wanted, but
not the actual spirit. On five successes, it is the spirit he wanted.

***** Spirit Walk: The Dragon may now enter the Umbra. System: Roll Wits + Occult vs. the guantlet. See WW:tA for more info.
The Freezing
This Power is almost exclusively in the domain of the Ice Lords. For every dot in Freezing, reduce your maximum Fire pool by
one. All powers of the Freezing are as those of the Flames, detailed below. the only difference is that the Freezing uses Ice, and
the Flame uses fire.

The Swiftness
For each dot in Swiftness, the Dragon can take one extra action per turn. It functions the same as the vampire's Celerity, and can
be used to counter it.

The Flames
This Power gives the Dragons the ability to breath fire, and to do other things...

* Immunity: The Dragon is immune to all fire and extreme heat.

** The Absorption: At this level, the Dragon can absorb any fire his body comes into contact with. System: The Dragon must
roll Stamina + Absorption, Dif 6. For each success, the Dragon can add one to his fire pool, not to exceed the number of dice of
damage the fire would have done.. To discharge, the dragon rolls Dexterity + Breath Weapon, Dif 6. Damage is the number of
fire points the Dragon wishes to expend. (Example: Alan absorbs a vampires Lure of the Flames attack, which would do five
damage. He rolls his stamina of 3 + his absorption of 4, giving him 7 dice. He rolls 5 successes and one 1, giving him 4 fire
points. The rest are ignored. If he had rolled 6 successes, he would only have gotten 5 points of fire, because the attack only
would have done 5 points of damage. Alan decides to discharge the fire now, choosing to use three points of fire he had
accumulated earlier in addition to all of the fire he just absorbed, giving him 7 dice of damage if he hits. He rolls his dexterity of 4
+ Breath Weapon of 5, choosing to take a - 3 penalty and aim for the vampires head, , getting 3 successes. The vampire, having
used his action to attack, cannot dodge. Alan rolls 7 dice for damage, getting 4 successes. The Storyteller rules that 4 points of
aggravated fire damage to the head will kill the vampire, and thus Alan wins.) The fire can only be used on an enemy up to 2'

away per point of strength, and is fired as a gout of flame from the dragon's mouth. This power can only be used in Dragon form.

*** The Fireball: With this power, the Dragon may expel a ball of fire up to 2' wide per fire point spent, to a range of 10' per point
of Strength. Otherwise, it is the same as the Absorption. All in the area of the fireball take the same damage. If centered on a
single target, He has a +3 to his dodge difficulty (maximum of 10). This power can only be used in Dragon form.

**** The Flames of Man: At this level, the Dragon may use any of his fire powers in human form.
***** The Body of Flame: At this level, the Dragon turns his own body into a form composed entirely of Fire. System: The
Dragon expends his entire fire pool. Anything he touches when in this state takes damage from the entire pool, i.e., if he has a
fire pool of 9 and touches 6 people, they each take 9 dice of damage. The Dragon takes no damage from this power, although
all powers of the Freezing are unuseable in this form, including Cold Immunity. This form lasts for one turn/success on a
willpower roll (dif 8)

Dragons have mostly the abilities of other beings, but the following are Dragon specific.

Talent: Absorption
This is the Talent that allows Dragons to absorb Fire and Cold to use against their Enemies. It is rolled with Stamina at a
difficulty of 6.
* Novice: You have barely managed not to burn yourself.
** Practiced: You can pull fire from open flames that are extremely hot, and cold from anything below 0 degrees F.
*** Competent: You know how to pull Fire from extremely hot materials that aren't actually on fire (a stove burner for example).
**** Expert: You can pull heat or cold from room temperature air with enough time.
***** Master: You can make a fireball in Antarctica, or a snowball in the Gobi.
Possesed by: Dragons
Specialties: Fire, Cold, Air

Skill: Breath Weapon

This ability determines how well a dragon uses his Breath Weapons in battle.
* Novice: You can barely send a tongue of flame.
** Practiced: you have the basic idea of how, and can use your ability well in simple combat.
*** Competent: you are knowledgeable about using your ability. You can use it in combat as well as the next Dragon.
**** Expert: You can breathe a gout of flame while flying and actually hit something.
***** Master: Smaug with laser sights.
Practiced By: Dragons, and occasionally other beings.
Specialties: Air fighting, Marksmanship, Precise, Strafing.

Other things
Dragons get willpower like all other Wod chars, and they each have a fire/ice pool.
Fire/Ice Pool This is recorded as a circle with 20 squares (like Quintessence/Paradox in Mage). This determines how many dice
of damage can be put into any fire or ice attack.
Backgrounds: Any that you see fit.
Merits and Flaws: Use the ones from the players guides and such that are pretty non-specific.

Part Seven: The World of Darkness

This Race is a very old one, existing for longer than any other. Dragons do not age after about 18 or so, at which time they begin
to realize their heritage in subtle ways. Usually a Mentor or simply another Dragon comes to them and tells them of their history
and such, and often takes them to their families. Dragons are not raised by Dragons, but are in no part human. They are born to
dragons, then are Changed to humans. All Dragons are born with their basic powers, and an adult with the Link can activate
them. They are then given to human families or adoption agencies, and are raised to adulthood by humans. Throughout their life

they will notice that the world is different than most people realize, and that there are dark forces at work. When they turn 18-21,
they are taken into the fold of Dragonkind and taught about the other beings. A few Dragons rebel against their families, for
reasons that vary. They often do so because they develop close ties to their old families, or to supernaturals who they would
have to kill. Sometimes it is simply because the Dragon has been corrupted by the Wyrm or another evil agency. Whatever the
reason, these rebels refuse to take up their duties and are expelled from Their families. They are then no longer referred to in
conversation, and no Dragon will acknowledge their existance at all. In some extreme cases, their families devour them,
because they are, after all, supernaturals who are not considered Dragons.
Here are the opinions of the other creatures of the World of Darkness about Dragons, and their own opinions.

Dracos: Our old rulers. It may be time for a change, however. If they show signs of weakness, they should be removed form the

"Our cousins each have their place, and ours is to rule."

Drachen: Great warriors, but not the brightest in the world. No one better to have at your back, though.
"We guard our weaker cousins from things too powerful to eat. They simply do not realize this."
Agun: "Once a great people; they are now to full of anger and rage."
"We shall one day pay the Europeans off for what they did to our children."
Ryuujin: "Sorcerers have their place, but I still don't trust 'em."
"We are the Family with the most honor, yet our magic makes us untrusted. How ironic."
Wekati: "They have suffered much, nearly as much as the Agun. Their world was invaded by the children of the Dracos, and the
Drachen first, but they still are strong, and do not give in to anger. Truly, a wise Family."

"Our children experienced much suffering at the hands of the white, but we must live on. Our lives are good now, for the white
men brought grat inventions with them. We are now as well as we shall be, and although our old ways are lost, there will be
new ways."
Ice Lords: "Strange people..."
"Hmm? Oh, they're cool. Hand me that screwdriver, would you?"
Balawagarr: "They are fast, and fast is powerful."
"Our children haven't had as hard a time as our cousins' children, but our cousins deserved better."
Amin: "A wise Family, yet quick to anger. It must be all that fire."
"Our Power is what gave life to humaity. We are glad we could share it with our cousins"
Vampires: "A snack. Kind of a junk food, its real common and not very good for you."
Camarilla: "Dragons? Just a mythical beast. Probably a bunch of peasants saw a dinosaur."

Sabbat: "We don't know any Dragons. Now go away."

Inconnu: "Speak not of them, for they eat us. They are a threat, but not as much as our own kind."
Anarchs: "What in the FUCK are you talking about?"

Garou: "Most are honorable, and those that are not are a delicacy. Eat not the good."
"I have no fucking idea what your talking about. Now get away from our caern before I kick your ass."
Magi: "Use caution in dealing with the magi. They have power, but not all use it for evil."
"Dragons? The last time I saw one was when the marauders attacked last April. It just sort of attacked us and breathed fire for
a bit, but then it had to go back to the Umbra, because the Paradox was to much for it."
Wraiths: "They're dead. If they need eating, leave it to the Wekati."
"Dragons? What Dragons?"
Changelings: "Eat carefully."
"Dragons? You mean like the Komodo dragons? Those are cool, I saw one at a zoo once."
Immortals: "I'd stay away from them. I bit the head off one and got a nasty shock: like eating a light socket."

"Dragons? I've been alive for 500 years, and I've never seen a Dragon. They don't exist."
Gargoyles: "They are almost invariably good. if you find an evil one, make sure you chew it good, or you'll have indigestion you
wouldn't believe come morning."

"We guard our castle. If a Dragon should step out of fantasy to attack us, then we will stop it. Otherwise, we have no reason to

Part Eight: In Closing

Well, let me say in closing that I enjoyed making this. I already have a few other ideas, but I'll save those for later. I don't know if
this is the best I could have done, and it probably isn't. But it gets its point across, and thats whats imporant.
I would like to thank the people who made the Highlander: the Gathering and Gargoyles: The Vigil games. I found them quite
interesting, and used them in this game. I would also like to thank Ben Buckner, who made two really great character generators,
VT MC and Characturge. They can be found at his internet site, which I forget the address of and am too lazy to go look.
[] Anyway, go get those, register them, and ask me for the template I made for this

The Enslavement
By Nelson Chang (

Before the Shattering, there was a time when all the lands were controlled by the infamous Barons of Drephai. The Barons of
Drephai ruled with an iron fist, and all feared the dreaded Dragonogres, who, under a powerful geas, were the elite right hand of
the Barons. Tall, fearless and powerful, the Dragonogres resembled centaurs, only their lower bodies resembled those of
reptilian, wingless dragons.
Then it came to pass that nine heroes rose up and banded together, and exiled the Barons into the mists forever, though it cost
them their lives. Leaderless, and suddenly bereft of the powerful geas which held them bound to service, the Dragonogres were
hunted down whereever they fled.
But of these, a band of the youngest, brightest, most promising Dragonogres were lead to a new group of Lords, who reinstated
the geas upon them in exchange for protection. Unlike the old Barons of Drephai, the new Lords were honorable and wise. The
Lords morphed them to resemble mortals and put them into a torporous state until it was once again safe for them to roam the
world, doing their new Lord's bidding.
The years passed and turned to decades. The once honorable Lords grew decadent and corrupt, almost to a man.
Now a new age has come and the Dragonogres are waking, finding themselves once again in the service of evil. . . .

For any who read this and don't know what a Dragonogre is, they should probably take a look at Warhammer, particularly Chaos
Monsters. The idea of a Dragonogre in World of Darkness was too good to pass up.
Dragonogre is based mostly on Changeling, but takes some elements from Vampire and others as well. Dragonogres are fae
who, unlike changelings, are not linked to a mortal. They were put into a torpor-like state before the Shattering, and have now
found themselves to be in a completely different World of Darkness, where the real world and the Dreaming are set apart.
Although they are fae, they no longer have the natural ability to see chimera, gain Glamour or use Arts, as they are no longer
beings of the Dreaming, but of the real world. As a result, Banality has no effect on them.
Instead, a Dragonogre is sustained by the Powers of their Lords, granted to them for service. This power is called Stature.
However, within this service is what's known as the Exchange. For the Dragonogre to gain Stature from the Lords, they must
accept an exchange for a part of their soul, until they are nothing more than soulless husks which do their lord's bidding without

Character Creation
The first stage of creation is as normal for Changeling. Allocate 7/5/3 for Attributes, 13/9/5 for Abilities, 5 for Backgrounds, 4 for
Powers (see below), 1 on Potence, Celerity or Fortitude. Then roll ten dice (difficulty 6) and record the number of successes as
Willpower. Next, roll five dice (difficulty 6) and record the number of successes as Exchange. Place five points on Stature, 1 on
Remembrance and spend 15 freebies. Dragonogres have a base Banality of 4.

At the time of re-awakening from their torpor-like state, Dragonogres find themselves virtually without memory. They can recall a
foggy memory of the Last Days of their race, when the Barons were banished and their race found sweet freedom. They also
recall the days of blood that followed when their race was hunted down. Now they find themselves in a completely new world and
serving new masters. Worst of all, the Dragonogres find themselves in new, human-looking bodies and almost entirely bereft of
their former powers.
Remembrance is how much of his own powers, past and natural heritage the Dragonogre can recall. All Dragonogres start with
a Remembrance of 1. This cannot be increased with Freebies.
Remembrance costs current rating x 8 XP to increase. Be warned, however, that Remembrance has a cost. The more their
power grows, the stronger the chains to their lords become. Every time one is added to Remembrance, two is added to

As Dragonogres grows in Remembrance the more of their natural powers they rediscover, the more the limits to their powers
falls away and the more of their past they can remember.

Little or no memory

The Dragonogre's powers are extremely limited. They can
only have Potence, Celerity and Fortitude at 1 max. They
can only get level 1 Powers at up to 2
The Dragonogre experiences vague flashbacks and deja The Dragonogre begins the arduous discovery of the
Draconis Form. At will it can grow huge claws similar to that
of a dragon. (diff 6, Str+3) and its teeth start looking more
and more incisor-like (Note, the later changes from
increased Remembrance take place simultaneously to the
claw & teeth growth until the change becomes the full
Draconis form). They can get level 1 powers up to 4.
The Dragonogre begins to remember actual events and The Dragonogre grows in size when entering Draconis
conversations which took place before he entered
form, gaining approximately 1-2 feet in height and +1
Strength and Stamina. The Dragonogre also sports a
tougher and more greenish cast to his skin. All level 1
powers can be taken. P/C/F up to 2
The Dragonogre gains full knowledge of the use of the When entering Draconis form, the Dragonogre sprouts
Draconis form and remembers more and more of her
huge, beautiful dragon-wings some 5-6 feet tip to tip. These
past life.
can be used for full flight. In Draconis, what used to be
tough, greenish cast skin now turns to finely carved green
scales covering most of the body. Stats are now +1 to Str,
Dex and Stam. Level 2 powers can now be taken up to 3.
P/C/F up to 3
The Dragonogre can completely recall everything about The Dragonogre, by expending one Stature, can invoke the
his past life.
Dragon's Ire, just as a Sidhe Knight. All Level 2 powers can
be taken.
The Dragonogre is up to the mature stage when, in the The Dragonogre can now, for the first time, truly take the
time before the Shattering, would be taken to his
Dragonogre form: (Full description, see Forms) Str +2, Sta
manhood initiation. This is called the Workings, as it is at +1. Level 3 powers can be taken up to 2. The Dragonogre
this time when the power of the ancestors work within the gains a previously unusable knowledge, Dragonogre Lore,
Dragonogre to awaken the history of his bloodline. The at 3, and can now buy this normally. P/C/F up to 4.
Workings of the ancestors stays with the Dragonogre
forever, teaching him power and wisdom.
******* The Dragonogre, through both the Workings and his own Level3 powers can be taken up to 4. In Dragonogre form,
experience, is introduced to the Greater Powers. Also
the stats are now Str +3, Sta +2, Dex +1. If not already, the
and if not already, the Dragonogre is reintroduced to the Dragonogre gains Kenning 5. In Draconis form, the stats
are now Str +2, Dex +2, Sta +1.
******** The Dragonogre continues to grow in power through the All level 3 powers can be taken. In Dragonogre form, the
Great Powers, possibly becoming the most powerful
stats are now Str +4 Sta +3, Dex +1. The Dragonogre gains
Dragonogre of the time. The Dragonogre also spends +3 Realms points distributed wherever, and +2 Arts points.
time reintroducing himself to the ways of Glamour.
P/C/F up to 5.
********* The Dragonogre is very possibly the greatest
In Dragonogre form, the stats are now Str +5, Dex +2, Sta
Dragonogre since the Shattering.
+3. There is no limit on Potence, Celerity or Fortitude. In
Draconis form, the stats are now Str +2, Dex +3 Sta +2.
********** The Dragonogre has achieved Elder level power. Almost The Dragonogre, with one night of meditation gains Stature
contemptuously, the Dragonogre tears away the chains up to 10. The use of Exchange is no longer needed. The
binding her to her Lord. The Dragonogre is powerful
Dragonogre is virtually a changeling in his own right, being
enough to create Stature in himself.
able to see and affect the Dreaming, yet also affecting the
real world in the same way simultaneously. However, the
Dragonogre is no longer protected by the chains and suffers
from Banality as normal.

At the Time before the Shattering, All Dragonogres were taught all their natural heritage, including history, bloodline and forms.
Now, with all the surviving Dragonogres being youths themselves and with little or no memory of their former lives, The
Dragonogres are struggling like never before to grasp what was once taken for granted.
Originally the Dragonogres were born into Draconis form and when they came of age and were initiated to the Working, they
changed into the Dragonogre form, and could transform into the Draconis at will.
Now, with the spells originally laid upon the Dragonogres before they entered their torpor, they now inhabit human forms.
However, as they remember more of their heritage, they gain the ability to shift to Draconis and back again at will, and later the
same as with the Dragonogre form.

Draconis is a Dragonman type of form which is somewhat more slighter and faster than the powerful Dragonogre form.
However, the Draconis form is still something of a very inposing figure. In full form it is 1-2 feet taller than the original human form,
ranging from 7 to 8 1/2 feet tall.
The Dragonogre is a centaur-like form, only, while the upper body is that of a large, well-muscled human (whose only non-human
features are strangely colored hair and large, dragon-like claws), the lower torso is dragon-like, resembing a cross of a horse
and a reptile. The Dragonogre stands a full 10-13 feet tall in this form.
When in this form the front claws can be used for attacks. Although the roll to hit is for one attack only, in terms of damage it is
considered that 2 attacks either hit or miss. Diff 9, Str +4 claws aggravated.

Dragonogres are traditionally creatures extremely strong in the element of Lightning. As a result, lightning is naturally attracted to
the presence of Dragonogres, much in the same way that it is attracted to large metal objects, only on a larger scale.
Dragonogres would be wise to take cover in violent storms. However, all electrical damage is halved for Dragonogres and deals
non-aggravated damage. When struck by natural lightning, the Dragonogre is temporarily empowered beyond his normal
capabilities. He instantly rolls a Willpower check (diff 8). For every success, he can "ride the wave" of frenzy (see Sabbat rules)
and then frenzies. He also gains 10 temporary Stature, which goes away at the end of the night.

At the time of the Baron's end and the new service to the Lords, the young Dragonogres swore honorable service to new Lords
who were good, just and compassionate. In return for the protective torpor spell the Lords lay upon the Dragonogres, the Lords
intended to use the Dragonogres as knights and champions of honor.
But as time wore one, the Lords, almost to a man, were corrupted until now they are evil and power-hungry. Once again the
Dragonogres find themselves in the service of evil.
Now, instead of the honorable service which was promised to them, the Dragonogres are locked in a losing struggle of Power.
The Dragonogre requires the Stature given by the Lord to survive, but in doing so often gains a point of Exchange.
Exchange is a measure of how much under the control of the Lord the Dragonogre is.
If ever the Exchange is 0 then the Dragonogre has broken free of his chains and is in the service of none. This poses unique
problems. Although the Dragonogre is completely free to do his hearts desires, the Lord is aware that he no longer has any
control over the Dragonogre, and will often not bestow Stature.
If the Exchange reaches 10 then the Dragonogre completely and irreversibly loses his will and is nothing more than a mindless
slave to the Lord.

Gaining Exchange
Whenever Stature is Bestowed, the character roll 2 dice (diff 7). For each success, the character gains a point of Exchange
Whenever Remembrance is gained, the character gains 2 Exchange points.

Removing Exchange
A character can, at any time expend, 1 permanent Willpower, or 5 temporary Willpower to remove 1 Exchange point
Break the power of your lord over you. Basically, if you slight your lord, then his power over you lessens. This may be secretly
tampering with the objective of your mission, or giving aid to a rival lord, or entering a conspiracy to assassinate your Lord. But
remember: secrecy is the key. Slighting your lord must be kept from him. If he finds out you are less than an loyal servant, he can
easily deprive you of Stature or kill you outright. How much Exchange lost depends on the slight. A small offense will lose you 1
Exchange, while a major wound to your lord will countenance the loss of up to 5 Exchange. You can not fully lose all your
Exchange unless your character chooses to. Remember, if all your Exchange is lost, the chain is broken and your lord will know

In exchange for loyal service to the Lords, the Lords promised to renew the old system of bestowing power unto their servants,
the same way the banished Barons of Drephai bestowed power. This system did not change through the ages.

Now, whenever the Dragonogre requires power, the Dragonogre may present himself to the Lord and, depending on the quality
of the service, the Lord will choose to bestow a certain amount of Stature points upon the Dragonogre. However, if the
Dragonogre seems to be making too much a nuisance of himself by presenting himself too often with little or nothing to show for
it, the Lord will often choose to withold Stature from the Dragonogre.
Also, if the Dragonogre has Kenning 5 and thus is completely in tune with the Dreaming, the Dragonogre can choose to harvest
Glamour as a changeling does. 1 point of Glamour gained in the normal method equals to 1 point of Stature. However, if the
Dragonogre decides to use this method too often, the Lord will often notice and punish him for it.
If a Dragonogre is bereft of Stature for 3 days, then he begins to expire the same way in a rapid rate. His Draconis and
Dragonogre forms simply degenerate and become decrepit until he dies some 4 days after that.

Stature and Willpower

Dragonogres, can, in times of great peril or need, reach into inner resources to power their spells. Thus, if the Dragonogre is
running low on Stature, he can expend 2 temporary Willpower points to the equal power of 1 Stature point instead.

Gaining Stature
Either at the end of the Scene, Chapter or when the Dragonogre chooses to present himself to his Lord, (whichever the ST
thinks is appropriate for the campaign) the Dragonogre is rated on four scales.
Difficulty of mission 0-4
However the Dragonogre is rated equals how much Stature is bestowed upon the him. Be warned, the fickle lords may choose
to bestow little or no Stature if the Dragonogre botches something badly. For example, if a character acted favorably, showed he
could fight well and achieved the objective, the ST (acting as the Lord) may decide he consistently and badly botched roleplaying initiative opportunities during the game, and withold some or all Stature.
Prowess is the show of whether the Dragonogre is competent in battle or not.
Initiative rates how well the Dragonogre reacts when faced with tough situations or obstacles.
Effectiveness rates how well, if at all the Dragonogre achieved the objective set.
Favor is only given when the Character reacts in a way which is pleasurable to the Lord. For example, Favor can be given to a
Character who tortures children if the Lord is a Sadist.
The Difficulty of mission is somewhat self-explanatory. This should really be on a rating of 0-1, but you can give more than this on
particularly difficult missions.

The Kenning ability has been slightly modified for Dragonogre. Although Dragonogres are fae, they have lost touch with the
Dreaming and as of yet are completely ignorant that the Dreaming still exists. To a changeling, a Dragonogre is virtually a mortal
in his or her ignorance.
However, the Kenning ability is the ability to touch the Dreaming once again.
Dragonogres are not allowed to take this ability in during creation; this includes freebies.

Slight Touch: The Dreaming is still unknown to the Dragonogre, but sometimes, in the presence of Changelings, chimera
or freeholds, the Dragonogre experiences a chill, or a hint of a feeling of homesickness.
** Vague Visions: The Dragonogre sometimes and irregularly catches glimpses of true forms in the presence of
Changelings or chimera. These are often passed off a delusions and or homesickness.
*** Appearances: The Dreaming occasionally becomes clear to the Dragonogre. However, the Dragonogre has no fae mien
himself and changelings cannot see him as a fae. The Dragonogre is now firmly convinced of the existence of the
**** Ghost: The Dragonogre can see and talk to chimera and Changelings, and has a fae mien identical to his real self.
However, he is like a ghost and cannot touch any fae miens or chimera.
***** True fae: The Dragonogre is fully materialized as a fae and can now interact and touch all chimera and changelings. He
can now learn Arts and the use or Realms as a normal changeling. However, he still has no need for Glamour and uses
Stature for his cantrips.

Dragonogres obviously have no need for the Treasures, Chimera, Dreamers or Freehold Backgrounds.
However, there is one new Background for Dragonogres: Renown
This is how much of a combination of reputation and favor the Dragonogre has. This aids the Dragonogre in the gaining of
Stature at the end of the scene. For every point of Renown the Dragonogre has, at the end of the scene or the appointed time of
gaining Stature as appointed by the ST, roll one die (diff 8). Each success means the Dragonogre gains an additional point of

All Dragonogres can purchase Potence, Celerity and Fortitude.
Dragonogre Powers are ranked by Levels. Level 1 is the simple but still useful powers taught to the children as practice. Level 2
are the more powerful powers which are the staple for adults. Level 3 is the Greater Powers which adults rarely gain more than
one or two points in and only the greatest Dragonogres or Elders master.

Level 1
This ability allows the Dragonogre to gain Vampire Disciplines. However, there is a catch. Firstly, a Dragonogre can only gain
Disciplines up to and equal to his level of Vampyr. Secondly, to gain the ability to learn a level of a certain discipline, a
Dragonogre must drink one Blood Point of a Vampire whose major, non-physical discipline is that discipline.
Disciplines cost the same foe Dragonogres as for any other non-clan discipline (i.e., 10 for 1st, then current rating x 7, and uses
Stature, not Blood).
For example. Parthenok is a Dragonogre with Vampyr 3. Therefore he can only learn disciplines up to 3. Parthenok wants to get
Auspex. He decides to ask Lodek, whose major Discipline is Auspex, to give him blood. For every Blood Point Lodek gives
Parthenok, Parthenok gains the ability to get a dot of Auspex, but not past 3, unless he raises his Vampyr, of course.

This is the ability to project and enhance your own senses. For each success, the effect lasts 5 minutes. Roll
Sensory+Perception (difficulty 6).

* Sniffer
This power heightens your sense of smell to an amazing degree. You can, in all but the most subtle cases, easily identify smells,
familiar and unfamiliar, and with a Perception + Alertness roll can easily identify which smells belong to what exact creature or
substance. You cannot, however, distinguish between two of a matching set.
Expend 1 Stature.

** Eavesdrop
You can tune your hearing to exclude all noises except a certain target. This target can be heard clearly, no matter how low he
whispers. However, you can hear nothing else during this time. A gunshot could go off next to you, for all you know.
Expend 1 Stature.

*** Scope
This ability enhances your sight, giving you the ability to see as though you are looking through a telescope. You can see up to
successes x 100m clearly.
Expend 1 Stature.

**** Resist Pain

This ability allows you to ignore any amount of pain, thus you can ignore any dice penalties due to wounds taken
Expend 1 Stature.

***** Hunter
By coming into physical contact with any being, you can effectively imprint a mental signal upon the person. This is unable to be
detected by anyone without Auspex 2 or Sensory 5. This signal can easily be traced by the Dragonogre. The Dragonogre does
not need to be in sight; he can sense it from miles away.
Expend 1 Stature. This effect lasts a scene.

Telepathy is the ability to affect other minds through the powers of your own mind.
Roll: Enhancement + Intelligence (diff 6).

* Impart
Impart is a limited ability to communicate with another being. Impart only allows you to communicate bare emotions, not any real
words or message. Furthermore, only one person can be communicated to at a time; plus the receiver does not actually know
that he is being communicated to. How many successes relates to how strongly the emotion is felt.

** Sense
Sense allows you to become a virtual telepathic radar. For each success you roll, you can sense the general distance and
direction of all life forms within 50 metres x successes. On a successful Perception + Empathy roll, you can distinguish between
numbers as opposed to groups, nature of life forms and even specific life forms with enough successes. It lasts up to 30
minutes. Expend 1 Stature

*** Communication
This allows full communication with another. It allows total communication, as though you were speaking normally with that being.
There is no way to eavesdrop upon this conversation, unless you possess the Read Minds power. It asts up to 2 hours. This
conversation can be blocked out on a successful contested Willpower roll. To communicate with more than one, you must split
your dice pool in a number equal to how many you wish to communicate with. Each extra person halves the communication time.
Expend 1 Stature.

**** Mental Blast

This allows you to deliver a stunning mental blow to one or more persons. This blow does one health level and gives negatives to
dice pools equal to the number of successes. The dice pool can be split to affect more than one person. negative to dice pool
lasts Expend 1 Stature

***** Read Minds

See Auspex 4. Expend 2 Stature.

Although Dragonogres in general tend to be somewhat secretive about their powers and culture towards outsiders, the Battle
powers, as they are known, have become something of a trademark which those before the Shattering had learned to fear.
Prowess is one of these.

* Surprise
This is the ability to take full advantage of the enemy's surprise at the beginning of combat. If you initiate combat, on the first
initiative roll, you roll Wits + Alertness + Subterfuge.

** Lithe
Roll one additional die when you dodge.

*** Hardened
You have an additional Hurt Health Level.

**** Strength
This is equivalent to a single level of Potence.

***** Heron Wading in the Rushes

All you Jordan fans out there will understand exactly what this power is. This action must be declared before the turn of combat
begins. All attempts to hit you automatically hit (no roll required, no parry or dodge, but soaks still apply). Your attack damage is

Level 2
This powers is fairly self-explanatary in the given name. Illusion is the power to affect the perceptions of others.
Roll: Illusion + Perception (diff 6).

* Alter
This allows you the ability to alter the appearance of yourself or another you have in contact. How many successes are scored
controls how powerful the alterations can be. As a guide:
Successes Maximum Effect
Slight alterations (change in hair color)
Slight inhuman changes (illusionary horns & tail)
Full human appearance change
Major inhuman changes (Wings & scales)
Total change (turn into hydra)
The effects last up to a scene. Expend 1 Stature

** Mirage
This power allows you to create an illusionary object and plant it at a certain location. This object must bo exact to be convincing
and often requires a certain amount of time for meditation and/or study. The number of successes determines believability (3
successes needed for solidity). The more difficult the illusion, the harder it is to make believable.
Stature Required
Up to the double the size of a human
Up to the size of a car
Up to the size of a six story building
Larger than a six story building

*** Hallucination
See Intoxicate power Hallucination. Expend 1 Stature

**** Invisibility
This power renders you invisible to all. You cannot be seen, heard or detected through either mechanical or magical means.
Every success allows you to be invisible for 5 minutes. Expend 1 Stature

***** Doppelganger
Allows you to create an exact copy of yourself, another person or an object, one which you can control at will. This doppelganger
cannot deal damage or soak, and once sustains 7 health levels, is destroyed in a silent flash of light. A doppelganger of yourself
can be created immediately; for a doppelganger of anything else, you must study. The longer you study it the more accurate your
copy becomes. A doppelganger of an object can be carried away and moved.
Expend 1 Stature. The effects last a scene.

This is the second of the battle powers. Magus is the art of battle magic, and is perhaps the one which the foes of the
Dragonogres learned to fear most.

* Lightning claws
The claws of Draconis form now deal aggravated damage, as they are charged with electrical power.

** Shurikens
The Dragonogre creates a 4-bladed shuriken of glowing pyschic force, approximately 3 x hand size, which can be hurled. This is
an easily thrown object, and deals Strength + 4 damage.
Expend 1 Stature

*** Ensnare
The Dragonogre creates snaking tendrils of gas that curl around the victim, effectively ensnaring him and preventing him from
moving. The Dragonogre rolls Dex + Magus (diff 7). The victim can make a contested strength roll to break free vs the tendrils,
diff 7 to diff 6. Count the tendrils as Strength 4, Potence 1.

**** Venom
The Dragonogre develops small venom sacs within his palm. Once every third turn he can shoot forth venom, which deals 2 x
Stamina dice. The victim must make a Willpower check diff 7 or is paralyzed for 5 turns

***** Drain
The Dragonogre must first grapple the victim. Once the vctim has been grappled, the Dragonogre can, with his next action
attempt to drain the victim of Fortitude and Stamina. Roll a contested Magus + Stamina (for the Dragonogre) vs Willpower (for
the victim) roll, diff 6. For every success the Dragonogre scores, he drains 1 point of Fortitude or Stamina, and gains a
temporary Potence point (max total Potence, temporary and permanent is 10). This temporary Potence lasts the night.

The Ability to enhance yours and others abilities and attributes All rolls universally follow this table
Successes Enhancement
All effects last for 5 turns or 30 minutes.
Roll: Enhancement + Manipulation (diff 6).

* Wide-eyed
This power enhances your Alertness. Expend 1 Stature per point, max +5.

** Tough
This power enhances your soak dice. Your soak dice pool gains extra dice equal to your successes. Expend 1 Stature per point,
max +3.

*** Blooming Flower

This ability enhances your Appearance, making you more attractive to the eye. Expend 1 Stature per point, max +5.

**** Aid
This lets you use these powers on others, not just yourself.

***** The Devil's Luck

This puts extra dice in your dice pool, to be added to all dice rolls while the effect lasts. Expend 2 Stature per plus, max +3.

Psychosis is the ability to torment the minds of others, the veritable 'Psychological Warfare' of Dragonogres, basically.
Roll: Psychosis + Manipulation (diff 6).

* Hatred
Through an extended conversation and explanation, you can convince someone into hating something.
The victim makes a Willpower roll, (diff 4 + number of successes scored).
Successes Effect
The victim hates this thing with a passion and will go out of his way to attempt to destroy it.
The victim is convinced and will attempt to destroy it if given the chance.
The victim hates the thing and will delibrately avoid this thing if possible. If not he will not trust this thing at all.
No effect.

** Paranoia
The victim is suddenly convinced that everyone is out to get him.
The victim makes a Willpower roll (diff 4 + number of successes scored).
Successes Effect
The victim goes mad, attacking all around him.
The victim immediately starts to try to try to make his way out of the situation. If in a conversation, he will begin
making excuses to leave and try to back out, or in a gun fight, begin to make a retreat (-2 to dice pool).
The victim begins to give everyone suspicious looks and will refuse to trust anyone. (-1 to dice pool).
No effect

*** Terror
The victim is hit by a mental blast of pure fear. Everything around him suddenly seems dark, ominous and terrifyling.
The victim makes a Willpower roll (diff 4 + number of successes scored).
Successes Effect
The victim screams in pure horror and flees in a random direction. His eagerness to get away produces an often
comical effect, as he often trips, rolls and leaps in an effort to speed up his escape.
The victim either stands tranfixed in horror, wide eyed and completely still, or lies down and curls up in the foetal
The victim goes wild and begins to attack. Although he still controls his actions, due to his fear he shakes and is
uncertain and thus gains a -2 to hit dice pool.
No effect.

**** Berserk
This power drives the opponent mad with rage and fear. It's very similar to the classical frenzy, yet slightly different. When
berserked, the victim will attack using only hand to hand weapons which are already in the victim's hand at the time, same as
normal frenzy.
The victim makes a Willpower roll (diff 4 + number of successes scored).
Successes Effect
The victim is rendered totally mad and proceeds to attack the nearest object (car, wall, post).
The victim attacks the nearest person, be it friend or foe.
The victim is afflicted by the classical frenzy, and will attack the nearest enemy.
No effect.
The victim overpowers the urge and successfully 'rides the wave' as per Sabbat rules.

***** Madness
The victim is driven temporarily insane. However, the nature of the insanity is determined by the controller of the character, with
the okay of the ST (the insanity must fit the character). This lasts for 24 - Willpower hours. After this the character gains a
permenant derangement as per the affliction.

Morph is the ability to manipulate your own form.
Roll: Morph + Manipulation (diff 6).

* Alternate
This is a set human-looking form which the Dragonogre can switch to instantaneously. While in alternate form, you cannot use
any Dragonogre powers, and must switch back to original form to use any Powers or Stature.
Expend 1 Stature. The Dragonogre can maintain the form for a scene.

** Camouflage
You can, as long as you keep still, blend your appearance into the background. The effectiveness is based on what your
background is, as well as how many successes scored. A blank wall is very hard to camouflage to, as opposed to a shadowy
corner. One success, allows a slight change in color and texture, while six successes makes you virtually invisible.
Expend 1 Stature. The effect lasts 20 minutes x successes.

*** Humanoid Chameleon

With the direct contact with another creature, you can morph yourself to resemble the creature. The creature must be humanoid
and supernaturals (Vampires, Weres changelings, etc) are not included. How exact the copy depends on how many successes
is scored. Contact and Morph takes 1 minute, at least
Expend 1 Stature. It lasts one scene.

**** Animalism Chameleon

With direct contact with another creature, you can morph yourself to resemble the creature. The creature can be anything from
insectoid to a giraffe. However, the more alien the form, the more difficult the roll. The more successes, the more exact the copy.
Contact and morph take at least 2 minutes.
Expend 2 Stature. It lasts one scene.

***** Supernatural Chameleon

This power allows the Dragonogre to impersonate supernatural creatures. The copy is exact, tampering even with temperature,
aura or even giving a Gaia or Wyrm prescence, as the case may be. The morphed one does not gain the form's strengths,
weaknesses, attributes or abilities, though does gain the bonuses of different Were-creature forms. The more successes, the
more exact the copy. Contact and morph takes at least 1 minute for normal humanoids, 4 minutes for wereforms and 5 minutes
for changelings, as this includes a full chimerical illusion, as well.
Expend 2 Stature. It lasts one scene.

Level 3
As is known, Dragonogres are creatures of powerful in the element of lightning. The most powerful of the Dragonogre warriors
use this powerful lightning battle magic in battle. They were the elite of the elite and their mere presence on the battle field often
decided battles even before they started.
Roll Electro-Magus + Dexterity (diff 6).

* Weapon
Most warriors have a certain weapon which they favour in Dragonogre combat, but is likely entirely too large and heavy to be
lugged around when in humanoid form. Admittedly, this has little to do with lightning, but is very convenient. The weapons of
choice are linked to the form and appear in the waiting hands when you shift form. Remember, although the weapons appear
and disappear with forms, they are still originally normal weapons and must be forged in Dragonogre size, and if broken must be
replaced through mundane means.

** Battle Cry
The Dragonogre emits a horrifying banshee-like scream of defiance which echoes for miles and is followed by fierce crackles of
lightning and thunder.
All who hear it must make a Willpower roll diff 4 (for Supernaturals diff 1, for Dragonogres diff -3) or flee in the opposite
direction. Each acompanying Dragonogre raises the difficulty +1. (Thus you can see the effectiveness of 30 elite veteren
Dragonogres on the field).
Expend 1 Stature.

*** Lightning Bolt

The Dragonogre outstretches his arms and throws a deadly lightning bolt from his fingertips. The deals (number of successes +
3) in lightning damage

**** Portal
The Dragonogre creates a gateway in which any who pass through are temporarily converted to pure lightning and transported
to another location in which they are reverted to their original form.
The distance the portal can transport depends on the number of successes rolled:
Successes Distance (miles)



***** Body of Lightning

Equal to Vampire discipline Protean 10, only lightning, not flame.

Imperial is an extremely rare and powerful power, able to be used only by those of royal Dragonogre blood. At present, no
members of the royal family is known to have survived, but an emergence is not an impossibility. Once Imperial is at two, the
mark of royal blood begins to show, and the wings of Draconis form and the scales of Dragonogre form begin to take on a
purple hue. By Imperial 4 they are at their peak, being a rich purple streaked with the original dark green. Each member of royal
blood has a unique hue of purple. (This is definitely the most powerful Dragonogre power and should not be bestowed upon
characters lightly)
Roll Imperial + Charisma

* Badge of Office
At will, the Dragonogre can create a flaming sword in his hand, crackling with electrical power. This power is unique to
Dragonogre royalty and is almost as much a symbol of royalty as the purple of their forms. No roll is required.
The sword does Str + 6, flame/electricity damage (Diff 5).
Expend 1 Stature.

** Command
On a successful contested Willpower roll (diff 6 vs diff 8), the Dragonogre can lay a geas upon any other Dragonogre. The
geased Dragonogre must be in physical contact. See Changeling, Sovereign 5.
Expend 3 Stature.

*** Mark of Death

With this power, the Dragonogre can lay upon any being a Mark of Death. This Mark of Death is a psychic mark, which, to a
Dragonogre, appears as a black phoenix upon the chest of the marked one. Any Dragonogre not of royal blood must make a
Willpower roll dif 8 upon seeing this or immediately attack and kill the offender with any means possible. Regardless of whether
they resist or not, the Dragonogre is still honour-bound to mark them
Expend 3 Stature.

**** Bestow
This power allows for the Dragonogre to Bestow Stature upon any other Dragonogre. Each Success rolled bestows a Stature
upon another Dragonogre. Unfortunately, a Dragonogre may not bestow upon himself or another of the royal Blood.
Expend 2 Stature.

***** Imperial Form

This allows the Dragonogre to assume his royal form, an immense dragon, some being from 100 to 350 feet long. When in this
form, the dragon gains Str +7, Dex +4, Sta +6, Charisma +2, Appearance +3. Also, once every 3 turns, the Dragonogre can
expel a fiery blast. Roll Str + Imperial + 2 Flame damage.

When a Dragonogre reaches his or her prime, he or she is occasionally faced with a choice of loyalty. Sometimes the choice is
obvious, sometimes the choice is difficult. The choice is the basic, fundamental choice of good or evil, principle vs pragmatism.
Some refrain ever choosing between Light and Shadow, and some even appeal to the higher powers and change their
alignment. Light is the power of good. Light cannot be gained if the character has Shadow at any rating
Roll Light + Charisma.

* Sense Deception
This allows the Dragonogre to sense falsehoods. Whether these are verbal lies or visual illusions, the Dragonogre will see
through it on a successful roll. (On illusions, the more powerful illusions will require an Light + Charisma roll to see through, the
more successes rolled, the more powerful an illusion can be seen through.

** Aura of the Righteous

The Dragonogre exudes an aura which works 20 feet in radius. This allows all to see in any surroundings as though in perfect
sunlight. Any Vampires without prior warning are blinded for 1 turn on the initial usage.
Expend 1 Stature.

*** Heal
Both the Dragonogre and the wounded must stay still for at least one turn and be in contact. On the second turn the Dragonogre
rolls Light + Stamina (diff 6) The number of successes equals how many health levels are restored to the wounded.
Expend 1 Stature.

**** Wrath of the Faithful

The Dragonogre hurls a spear of pure light, dealing damage to the poor being at the receiving end. However many successes
scored are doubled and the victim takes this many aggravated damage dice. Dodging is (diff 8).
Expend 1 Stature.

***** Communion
The Dragonogre psychically links with all of his allies during battle. All allies gain +2 initiative dice and all the advantages through
Prowess, Enhancement (not Potence, Fort or Cel) etc. until the end of combat. However, The Dragonogre loses 2 inits dice as
he has to concentrate on the continued rapport through all his allies, and if any ally is stunned, all get a -1 to dice pool for the next
turn. If any are killed, all are stunned for a turn.

The opposite and adversary of the above, Shadow is the power of evil.
Roll Shadow + Charisma.

* Deceit
This is the power to make someone totally and fully believe something you say, to the point where even if full evidence proving
you wrong is presented, he would still believe you. Roll Shadow + Charisma, (target's Willpower). How many successes is
scored measures how large the lie would be believed.
Successes Extent of Untruth Believed
You could convince someone chocolate tastes bad.
You could convince someone chocolate is made from water.
You could convince someone chocolate is salty and bitter, even if she was eating it at the time.
You could convince someone chocolate exuded heat and she will sweat whenever she came too close.
You could convince someone chocolate is actually a stereo system in disguise that always played her favourite
song. She would proceed to dance whenever she approached chocolate.
You could convince someone chocolate gave off a poisonous gas and she would actually die next time she came
into contact with it.
Expend 2 Stature.

** Globe of Darkness
The Dragonogre can lower upon himself a globe of pure darkness, 20 feet radius. He can choose to lower it on a certain
location or a certain object. No one except himself can see at all within the globe.
Expend 1 Stature.

*** Spear of Blasphemy

The Dragonogre hurls a ray of vile darkness, dealing damage to the poor being at the receiving end. However many successes
scored are doubled and the victim takes this many aggravated damage dice. Dodging is diff 8.
Expend 1 Stature.

**** Curse
The Dragonogre, with skin contact, can lay a powerful curse upon the victim. To resist, the victim must roll a Willpower roll:
Successes Results
A strange, random event occurs which results in the death of the victim.


A strange, random event takes place which involves the victim receiving 4 unsoakable damage levels.
The victim trips, hits his head and in a stupor decides that all enemies are friends and friends are enemies. He will
proceed to perform actions as normal, but will attack friends instead. This wears off in approximately 10 minutes.
The victim cannot seem to do anything right all of the sudden. Any attempt to do anything gains a +4 difficulty (if over
10, roll anyway to see how many botches are scored [out of character knowledge so the character must continue to
act regardless of the fact it probably won't work. He cannot declare to sit down and do nothing]). Duration: 10
For some strange reason no one can fathom, all oncoming traffic and randomly dropped or hurled objects suddenly
swerve straight towards the victim. Duration: 2 days.
Whenever the victim wishes to go anywhere, he and all in his company continually get hopelessly lost, even if their
route is known to them. Duration: 2 days.
The victim automatically loses any semblance of charm and subtly he may have possessed. Treat him as though he
has Charisma and Manipulation 0. Duration: 1 day.
The victim seems to become totally illiterate when it comes to mechanics. When he attempts to start his car, fire his
guns, etc, nothing seems to work. Duration: 1 day.
No effect.


Expend 5 Stature.

***** Plague
With a touch, the Dragonogre can bestow an affliction of horrible proportions upon the victim. To resist, the victim must roll a
Willpower roll:
Expend 5 Stature.

Elements is the ability to control and or create weather conditions. Unlike most powers, this power gains its basis more of
spontaneous use instead of set levels, and the difficulty of what the caster wishes to do depends will determine what level
of Elements is required. In real terms, it is basically up to the caster what the effects of his spell is going to be, and the
Storyteller sets what level of Elements is needed to do this, what the difficulty will be and how much Stature is needed,
depending on how difficult and large the spell will be. However, listed below is an example play which contains a guide to
how what levels are needed for what. Keep in mind that this is an elder Dragonogre and thus is entirely much more
powerful than common sense would allow.
Roll Elements + Manipulation.

Three werewolves sat together in council, trying to decide what the plan was. Lying in the corner of the room is a tied
and gagged prisoner, a small girl some 7 years old.
"What do we do now?" One asks.
"We wait for him to show up." Another answers.
"Well, I hope he gets here soon." The first answers, looking out the window and seeing a clear sky and full moon. "I'm
sick of sitting indoors."
The ST decides that clear skies indicates that there is no bonuses for manipulating present weather conditions. Therefore
the base difficulty should be about diff 8. "What's that?" the third asks suddenly.

Tap . . . tap . . . tap . . . .

He gets up and opens the door. Outwards stretches a long, empty corridor.
"It sounds like it's coming from there." The first says.
"Well, it ain't." The third replies "Theres no one there."
Tap . . . tap . . . tap . . . .
"It's coming closer, I tell ya."
"What the hell?!?" The second yells, a voice mixed half with surprise, half with fear and the a dark, thick cloud filters into
the corridor, rising until it completely obscures the roof from view.
Xhosticar, one of the only surviving elder Dragonogre, is currently invisible, as per Illusion 4, and is now creating a
controlled thundercloud and filtering it into the corridor and room. This is rather simple to create, thus a level 1 power yet a
bit harder to control to put into place. He spends 1 Stature and rolls (difficulty 9). With Elements 5 and Manipulation 7, he
easily passes.

"Man, this is weird" The first announces in a quavering voice. "Let's split."
"Not yet." The third tells him. "We still got someone to kill."
Suddenly, the corridor and room is filled with a whipping wind and drenching rain. All three werewolves are immediately
soaked to the bone > and put off-balance by the powerful gusts.
GO NOW AND LEAVE WITH YOUR LIVES! all the garou hear inside their heads.
Xhosticar, using a level 2 power to create the gusts of wind, and Telepathy level 3, attempts to intimidate the garou into
leaving without a fight. The Level 2 power is not really very difficult as there is already a cloud inside the corridor to
Xhosticar uses 1 Stature and rolls (diff 6).

"Show yourself and fight like a warrior!" The third, still standing near the door, shouts. No sooner does he finish his
sentence is he struck by two carefully placed lightning bolts, one striking him full in the chest, the other a staggering
blow to the head. He falls the the ground without a sound, most of his upper body a smouldering wreck.
Xhosticar decides to retaliate with the two thrown lightning bolts. Splitting his dice pool, he rolls a level 4 power, diff 6. The
ST decides two lightning bolts requires 3 Stature to be expended. He splits his dice pool 6/6 and rolls. His first scores 3
successes while his second a whopping big five successes. The ST decides the first does 9 damage dice while the
second does 13 damage dice. Xhosticar rolls well and the garou soaks poorly, and consequently dies.

The other two garou, caught unawares by the flashes of light, were momentarily blinded. However, their sight returned
almost instantly and they immediately saw their adversary, a rather nondescript American-Indian man at the door.
Xhosticar now cancels the Illusion 4 power.

The first instantly assumed Crinos form while the second assumed Hispo, ready to leap at the man's throat. However,
the instant required to change was more then enough for the stranger. His eyes alight with alien power, he waved his
hand and the Hispo was hurled across the room by a small, concentrated tornado blast, striking and knocking the
Crinos off his feet.
The ST decides that the tornado blast is a third level power and is too alien to normal thunderstorms to come from the
small, concentrated cloud already there. Xhosticar then spends 1 Stature and rolls (diff 8), and scores a solid 4 successes,
enough, the ST decides to pick the surprised Hispo off his feet.

The American Indian then, almost casually stalks towards the sprawl of lycanthropes on the floor and, bending over,
touches the astounded Crinos on the hip. The Crinos, unable to move due to sheer terror, found itself, to his horror,
slowly being covered with ice. Seconds passed as hours as the powerless Crinos slowly froze to death as it and the
Hispo which had landed on top of him, were sheathed with a thick blanket of ice.
Splitting his dice pool, Xhosticar hits both with Psychosis 3, easily making his rolls. The Hispo and Crinos are both out of it
for 3 turns. Xhosticar then declares he will locally drop the temperature around the Hispo and Crinos to absolute zero, thus
instantly freezing them to death. This is extremely difficult and the ST declares it a level 5 power, needing 3 Stature and diff
10. Xhosticar rolls one success and the ST declares it will take 5 turns to entirely blanket them. The next turn Xhosticar hits
them again with Psychosis 4 and effectively puts them out of it for long enough for them to freeze to death.

The American Indian then turns to the small girl child, still lying huddled in the corner, soaked, cold and terrified by her
experiences. Suddenly the storm stops. The American Indian gently loosens the girls bonds and lets loose the gag.
The girl suddenly feels calm wash over her as the American Indian's form twists and expands into that of a Dragonogre.
"Fear not, little Ahmbrizia" He says. "For you are to be the bane of Lords."

Blood and Blood Bonds

Dragonogres, because they were originally creatures of Glamour, and later Stature, have no real blood. They have a liquid
flowing through their veins which looks like blood, but this is rich in Stature, not any sustenance. Therefore Vampires who
drink the blood of a Dragonogre gains no sustenance from the 'blood.' Also, Dragonogres can still be blood bound, but
often the duration is greatly reduced. On the 3rd drink of blood, as normal, the Dragonogre becomes blood bound, but rolls
a willpower roll (diff 6) for the duration.
Successes Results
The victim has 24 hours to live. After 1 hour, horrible, cancerous boils appear which burn with excrutiating pain,
rendering the victim basically unable to move or communicate beyond screaming. At this time and until the body is
destroyed, any within 10 feet contract the virus, 20 feet, 90% chance, 30 feet 80% chance, etc. Contracting this can
be resisted with a Willpower roll diff 10.
The victim has 48 hours to live. An hour after this time, the body is wracked with constant stomach cramps (-2 to
dicepool). At 5 feet, all contract he virus, at 10 feet, 80%, at 15 feet, 60%, etc. Contraction can be avoided by

Willpower roll (diff 9).

The victim contracts a fatal virus. He has 24 hours to live. Symptoms include itchiness, cold sweats, fevers and
occasional weakness. Any coming within skin contact contract the disease, unless a Willpower (diff 8) is passed.
The victim contracts a deadly form of cancer. Every morning make a Willpower roll (diff 6). If any less then 2
successes are scored, he gets a -1 to Str or Sta (ST choice) once he reaches 0 on either, he is dead.
The victim has approximately 1 month to live. Each week he gets steadily weaker and gets a -1 to dice pool. Any
transfusion of blood results in contraction.
The victim falls into a coma for approximately a week and when he wakes up, he wakes up wounded.
The victim contracts a virus in which for 24 hours is constantly dizzy and can perform no real actions properly. For 3
days after this he is randomly afflicted by the same symptoms.
The victim contracts a cold which lasts for a week.
No effect.
Successes Duration
A generation (30 years)
5 years
1 year
3 months
1 month
1 week
No effect

Once 3 drinks of blood have been taken, they are not renewed. Another single drink is all thats required. Also, additional drinks
during the blood bond is not cumulative.

current level x 8
Potence, Fortitude or Celerity 10 for initial and then current rating x 6
Level 1 Powers
5 for initial and then current rating x 4
Level 2 Powers
8 for initial and then current rating x 6
Level 3 Powers
12 for initial and then current rating x 8

Dragonogres, using Stature or Willpower, practice a technique known as "Licking the Wounds" to heal. By expending one
Stature or 2 temporary Willpower, the Dragonogre makes a show of licking or simply stroking obvious wounds and then rolls
Stamina + Fortitude (diff 5). Each success equates to 1 healed health level.

Storyteller's Tips
Dragonogre is not recommended for inexperienced role-players. It is intended to be as much role-play and application instead
of simple hack-and-slash.
You as the Storyteller will most likely have to role-play the Dragonogre's Lord. The Lord is something of an enigma. Obscenely
powerful, secretive and shadowy, the Lord can be anything to a powerful Dragonogre, to a Wraithlord, an Antediluvian or even a
Fallen Angel. The Dragonogre should have little contact with the Lord aside from briefings and bestowals, but should learn more
about the mysterious Lord as time progresses. Opportunities to slight his or her lord should come not that often, but every now
and then. Exchange rates can gradually increase as the Dragonogre gains in power as time progresses (optional).
There are two methods of bestowing Stature. The first is given above, which is an award for a mission; the other is given before
the mission, to be used during the mission. You may decide to utilize one, or the other or even both.
Remember Stature is a rare thing! Lords should give it sparingly, and never much more than is needed to complete a mission.
Although I have given 20 slots for Stature, Stature should rarely exceed 10 and almost never exceed 15.

Character Sheet





















Other Traits



























Dragon: The Rebirth1

By Miguel Valdespino (

Author's Notes
"Not another set of dragon rules for the World of Darkness..."
"At least it's not another Highlander."
This is the fifth set of rules that I know about. However, none of them appealed to me. Not that the others were bad rules, but
most seemed to be excessive in one way or another and were out of balance with starting characters from other games. I
wanted a game where the dragons were flexible and could grow to become the awesome power we all think of, but that started
at a level comparable to other WOD supernaturals.
I have always loved the elemental forces and it fits in with my idea of dragons as primal forces still bound by mythic reality. Next
the need to balance might with the demands of static reality brought the idea of dragons bound by mundane forms. Finally the
World of Darkness brought the concept of the Elder Dragons and the Journeys of their children.
I encourage comments and thoughtful criticism. My current email addresses are and, but like most email addresses they will probably change over time. I will also be posting this at, but that is also not eternal. I am usually too busy to follow the White Wolf newsgroups, so
please feel free to send comments to me directly.

Rachel had always been most comfortable out on the water. Nothing on dry land ever brought out the depth of feeling that the
surge of the waves always brought out in her. The only reason she got her MBA was to afford the beautiful boat she now had, a
boat where she could stay out on the ocean and dream of living there forever. Even now, in this furious storm she had no fear of
the twenty foot waves -- it was the howling winds that frightened her. Then the lightning came with a crack to split the heaven and
she saw the flames rush up from the stern. The sight of the blaze steeled her to action and she dived into the ocean . . .
Wrapped in a joy so natural it almost burned, it took Rachel a while to realize that she wasn't drowning. Hours later, she noticed
the webs on her fingers and toes and the green tint of her skin. Feeling truly alive for the first time in her life, she knew her old life
was gone forever . . .

When the Mythic Age drew to a close the dragons (now known as the elder dragons) were forced out of our world. Most
escaped to the Deep Umbra, but a few abandoned their bodies and entered the Deep Dreaming. Their primal mythic natures
could not coexist with the new world. Their elemental natures were denied by the new alchemical theory, and later by atomic
theory. But dragons are stubborn and patient. They will not be thrown from the world lightly. Determined to retake the Tellurian
and reinstate mythic reality, they overcame their solitary natures and created a new breed of dragons. These new dragons were
bound into bodies that fit within the mundane world. They were also much less tightly bound by their elemental natures. This
made them weaker than the elder dragons, but tolerated by the new reality.
The first hatchlings of the new dragons are now maturing. Will they be able to bring down the Age of Reason? Or will they rebel,
rejecting the wars of the old hidebound serpents and make their own way into the World of Darkness?

Journey represents how these dragons were brought into the Tellurian and how they were raised. It affects their knowledge, their
world view, and their backgrounds should be chosen in accordance.

Garou: (Except Glass Walkers and Bone Gnawers) You were given to the Garou (or other changing breed), who raised
you as their own and taught you their ways. You see the Gauntlet as the pain of Gaia and the overgrowth of the Weaver.
However dragons are too solitary for pack life, and you must part ways.
System: You start with three dots in Form and three dots to split between Form and Elemental Paths. You also begin with a
dot in Garou Lore (or other Changing Breed, as appropriate), but cannot take technologically oriented abilities.

Marauder: You were introduced to this world by the mad ones. The Technocracy's mighty fist is the worst offense to mythic
reality, but to some extent everyone who has a limited reality is a culprit. But madness takes its toll, and you must

eventually choose sanity to restore the Mythic Age.

System: You begin with three dots in Elemental Paths and three dots to split between Form and further Paths.. You also
suffer from (or revel in) a minor derangement and have a dot in Marauder Lore.

* Dreamspeaker: You were raised by the shamans of the magickal community. You see the Technocracy as the greatest
evil in the world, but all who do not care for Gaia have contributed to the problem. The spirit world is important, but you
need to focus on the real world.
System: You begin with three dots in Elemental Paths and three dots to split between Form and further Paths. You also
gain a dot in Mage Lore, but cannot take technologically oriented abilities.

* Verbena: You grew up in a pagan household. You were raised to see the value of life and the natural world, and want to
see that integrated with the modern world.
System: You begin with three dots in Elemental Paths and three dots to split between Form and further Paths. You also
gain a dot in Mage Lore, but cannot take combat abilities to start.

Fae: You were born in the Deep Dreaming and raised by the kindly folk. You understand the terror of Banality that
strangles the world and seek to remind the mortals of the dreams of long ago. Unfortunately, doing this often forces you
away from your family as you confront the Banal ones.
System: You have five dots to split between Form and Elemental Paths. In addition, you are enchanted with one dot in
Faerie Lore. Enchanted dragons always have all of their form attributes in the Dreaming, which occasionally causes
misunderstandings with Sidhe knights. You can learn cantrips, but a faerie must provide you the Glamour.

Elder Dragon: You were raised in the Umbra by one of your parents. You were always told of the great goal of restoring
mythic reality. Eventually you were deemed ready and sent forth into the strange static world. Confused and cut off from all
you knew, you must now learn the lessons your parent couldn't teach you.
System: You have seven dots to spend on Form and Elemental Paths. You also get a dot in Dragon Lore, but you cannot
spend any freebie points on mundane choices. You are also limited to a maximum of one dot in any ability linked to the
mundane world (driving, firearms, technology, etc.).

Mundane: You were separated from your caretakers at an early age. You never knew your heritage or abilities, though you
always found a link with your elemental nature (i.e., surfing, spelunking, hang gliding, pyrotechnics). Only in adulthood did
your dragon nature emerge, and Harvard never prepared you for this.
System: You have only four points to spend on Form or Elemental Paths (max 2 dots in any single choice) and can only
spend freebie points on supernatural choices with Storyteller approval. However, you get 21 freebie points to spend.
Why are Glass Walkers and Bone Gnawers disallowed? Because the Walkers can't accept a return to the Mythic Age, and the
Bone Gnawers are in no condition to take in a foundling. Why are the Dreamspeakers and Verbena the only traditions allowed?
They are the only traditions whose idea of Ascension is compatible with the Mythic Age. Also, the Dreamspeakers are the only
group to spend a lot of time in the Deep Umbra. In addition, most other mages immediately think Marauder when they think
about dragons.
As with anything, if you want to go outside of these guidelines, make up a plausible story for the Storyteller. If it's good enough,
they'll probably go for it. They may impose certain restrictions, but that's what you get for trying something new.

Dragons get the standard 7/5/3 attribute split. Form (see below) allows them to increase some attributes under certain

Dragons get the standard 13/9/5 ability split. A dragon's Journey will sometimes add additional abilities or limit their choices.

New Skill: Breath

This is the skill used to target Elemental Paths.
Possessed by: Dragons.
Specialties: Specific Path abilities, called shots.


Form is their ability to throw off their human disguises and reveal their true forms. Many new dragons cannot transform
completely until they have a century or two under their wings. Dragons look like the dragon equivalent of Crinos until they have
sufficiently high levels of Form. More details on the exact appearance are below.
For each dot in Form, a dragon can spread three dots among any of the attributes below. No single attribute can exceed five
bonus dots. The choice of attributes may not be changed, but different attributes can be chosen when the dragon increases her
Form. Form has a maximum of eight, but starting characters are limited to four points.
The Form attributes and their effects are:

Sinuosity: The dragon's body and limbs lengthen and become serpentine.
Add about 10% length per dot. +1 to Dex for every dot. Your tail also grows as you use this attribute.

Muscle: The dragon grows powerful sinewy muscles.

+1 to Str per dot.

Resilience: The dragon grows scaly and more resilient.

+1 to Sta per dot. Resilience can soak aggravated damage from everything but your opposed element.

Size: The dragon grows larger. ("...and Leon is getting larger...")

+1 Health Level per dot. Added Health Levels are bruised. The dragon retains the same number of Health Levels of
damage when changing either way.

Claws: The dragon grows claws and fangs.

+1 in hand to hand damage per dot. Causes aggravated damage. -1 to fine manipulation of fragile objects per two dots.
Fragile being a term relative to Muscle, Claws, and Size.

Wings: The dragon grows wings, fins or burrowing claws.

Gains their primary element's movement as below:
Air: Flight at 10+Dex yards per level
Earth: Burrowing at 3+Str yards per level
Fire: Flight at 7+Str yards per level
Water Swimming at 10+Dex yards per level
Form attributes (and some merits and flaws) can be combined to make just about any dragon you can imagine. For example:
Godzilla: high Muscle, Resilience, Size; medium Claw and Wings (Godzilla is a water dragon; he always comes out of the
Quetzacoatl: High Sinuosity and Wings; medium Size; serpent flaw.
Nessie: high Sinuosity, Wing, Size; serpent flaw etc.
Changing forms is usually a slow but natural process; it is a free action that does not penalize other actions taken in the round. At
the end of each turn, the dragon gains three points from the Form attributes previously chosen. No attribute can be raised more
than one point per turn. Occasionally, this will mean a dragon may not be able to spend all three points because its remaining
unchosen levels are in one or two Form attributes. This is the cost of specialization.
Dragons can change forms faster, but this is a painful and difficult process. Each turn the dragon rolls Willpower. With one
success it can transform at double speed (six points, up to two in each Form attribute). On three successes, it transforms at
triple speed. With five successes it transform completely. It can take no other action while transforming, and takes a -2 penalty
for the next two actions due to the pain.
Dragons can stay in dracoform for one scene. After that, they must spend one temporary point of their primary Element per
scene or take a point of aggravated damage. Dragons can stay in dracoform indefinitely when they are in their pure element
(and usually need to be in dracoform to survive).
In addition, dragons have difficulty maintaining dracoform in the presence of mundanes. When in sight of mundanes, they must
roll their primary Element versus a base difficulty of six every other turn. Modifiers are as follows:
Any rabid skeptics (scientists): +1
All rabid skeptics: +3
All creative people (fantasy convention): -1
Number of mundanes:

1-5 people: -1
6-10 people: 0
10-15 people: +1
15-20 people: +2
Players may spend Willpower or Element points to maintain their Form in the face of mundanes. Dragons inspire a Form of
Delirium in mundanes, causing them to interpret the details in a way they can understand.
Form is also used to heal normal damage. A dragon can roll Form + Stamina (not including resilience bonus) versus a difficulty
of eight. Each success heals one point of non-aggravated damage. This takes fifteen minutes per point healed. Aggravated
damage can only be healed by spending Element points or by being in their pure element.

Element has three aspects: the dragon's primary Element, Element ratings, and Elemental Paths. The primary element
determines the nature of the dragon, as well as his strengths and weaknesses. The Element ratings are attributes like Willpower
that determine how strongly a dragon is tied to his primary and secondary elements. Finally, Elemental Paths are the ability to
manipulate the element.

Primary Element
A dragon's primal nature and mythic mindset cause it to be bound strongly to one of the four classical elements: Air, Earth, Fire,
and Water. This is a dragon's greatest strength and greatest weakness. The element influences their Form, their powers, and
their personalities. Dragons often have a lesser connection to a secondary element that has a lesser, but still significant
Their connections to their elements gives dragons a sense when something or someone is elementally-linked. This lets them
detect other dragons as well as elementals, caerns, nodes and artifacts that are elemental in nature. The player rolls Perception
plus their primary element vs. 11 - the rating of the target. A dragon's rating is its primary Element rating, an elemental's is its
gnosis rating, and all others use their rating.
A dragon's greatest vulnerability is its opposed element. Earth opposes Air and fire opposes water. Damage from the opposing
element is aggravated. Dragons must make Willpower checks to face a large concentration of their opposed element. The
element opposed to a dragon's secondary element makes it uncomfortable, but not so much that it has to roll. On the other hand,
damage from a dragon's primary element is never aggravated and can be soaked at a difficulty of five.
Examples of Elemental attacks: Air: choking gases, winds, lightning; Earth stone, sand, lava; Fire: flame, lava, smoke; Water:
water, ice, steam.

Elemental characteristics
Air: Air dragons tend to be very mind-oriented. Mental attributes are almost always primary. They are the most perceptive of all
dragons, often seeing things in intuitive ways. Physically they are not powerful, but make up for that with quickness. They are
often creative and mischievous but sometimes absent-minded or flighty. Air dragons get a bonus specialty in Dexterity,
Intelligence and Perception. They also have a -1 difficulty for any flying or piloting rolls.

Earth: Earth dragons are focused on the physical world. Physical attributes are usually primary. They tend to be practical,
reliable and loyal. They are not the quickest mentally, but they make up for that with good solid common sense. The other side of
their stability is that when they get stubborn they are as hard to move as a mountain. Earth dragons get an additional specialty in
Strength, Stamina, and Appearance. They also have a -1 difficulty when constructing anything durable.

Fire: Fire dragons are all action. Any set of attributes can be primary; they can do most things well, as long as they can jump in
and just do them. They live fast, die young, and leave only a pile of ashes behind. Contemplation is not their strong spot, but gut
instinct is their very nature. Fire is hard to control, just like the temper of a fire dragon. Fire dragons get an additional specialty in
Dexterity, Manipulation, and Wits. Fire dragons get a +1 to all initiative rolls.

Water: Water dragons are concerned with emotions. Social attributes are usually primary. They tend to be caring, warm and
open. Their reactions are not the fastest, but their intuition is incredibly accurate. On the other hand, water dragons have a
tendency to become too attached, and are often hurt by this. Water dragons get an additional specialty in Charisma,
Appearance, and Perception. Water dragons get a -1 difficulty to all rolls about reading another's moods.

Pure Element
A Dragon has a need to be surrounded by its element -- it is uncomfortable without it. Often it feels a great need to be alone in a
place surrounded by its element. This is called the pure element. It must reach a place far away from any other sentient being -generally at least half a mile or more. There it meditates, relaxes and finds solace. Every half hour spent in your pure element
allows you to heal a point of aggravated damage or regain a temporary Element point. If there is some amount of a dragon's
secondary element present, temporary secondary Element points may also be regained. Otherwise the dragon will have to go to

a pure source of that element.

Fire dragons have a hard time finding natural fire, so they must often make it themselves. They still need to find a secluded spot
and the dragon must make a bonfire large enough to surround them in dracoform. Forest fires also meet this ideal as long as the
dragon stays away from firefighters. Lava is also acceptable for dragons who have earth as their secondary element.

Element Ratings
Element ratings are attributes with both permanent and temporary points, like Willpower. Each dragon can have a primary and
secondary Element rating, but the secondary Element must always be less than the primary. Element ratings are a measure of
how powerfully you are connected to that element and how much elemental power you have within. The Elemental rating is often
rolled when using a power from an Elemental Path, and temporary Element points are spent to power most of these abilities.
Temporary Element points are usually recovered by spending time in the dragon's pure element, but can also be taken from
caerns and nodes that are strongly dedicated to that element. Albeit at the risk of offending the owner.

Elemental Paths
Elemental Paths give a dragon control over its element. You must have a rating in an Element to use that Path. No dragon can
start with a rating greater than three in a path. Paths must be followed in order; you must gain one level before going on to the
next. Most Paths involve rolling an Element rating and paying a cost in temporary Element points.

Path of Air
* Sense the Winds: By spending one turn and making an Air roll, the dragon can attune to the air around him. This allows the
dragon to use touch, hearing and smell at a distance of 15 feet per success. Intervening objects do not block perception as long
as there is air around the object to be perceived. A normal Perception roll must still be made; this power only creates the
attunement. This ability lasts as long as the dragon concentrates.

** Shape the Winds: By making an Air roll and spending a point of Air, the dragon can stir winds nearby. These winds have
STR equal to one-half the number of successes and will blow loose objects around. The dragon can control the general direction
only. These winds last for three turns per success. This may be added or subtracted to the strength of existing winds. While the
winds are blowing, The dragon can roll Dex + Breath to deflect missiles per the table below:
Type of Missile
Thrown objects (<10lbs.)
Thrown objects (up to 50 lbs.) 9
Dragons that possess this Path never suffer movement penalties due to strong winds.

*** Slicing Winds: By making an Air roll and spending a point of Air, the dragon can breathe winds with enough force to
damage a target. This does one die damage per success, and is targeted with Dex + Breath. Range is 5 yards per success.
This damage is not aggravated except against Earth dragons. This effect can also be used to create 1 cubic foot of pure air per
success with or without causing damage. A dragon with this ability can breathe in any environment.

**** Thunderbreath: By making an Air roll and spending two points of Air, the dragon can breathe a bolt of lightning. This does
the dragons Air rating plus successes in aggravated damage, and is targeted with Dex + Breath. Range is 15 yards per
success. This effect can also be used to short out electrical devices, etc.

***** Become the Wind: By spending three points of Air, the dragon can transform himself into air. The dragon becomes
immune to physical attacks and can move through the smallest spaces. However, it cannot affect physical objects except
through the Path of Air. The dragon can use Shape the Winds at no cost. This effect lasts for one scene.

Path of Earth
* Sense within Stone: By spending one turn and making an Earth roll, the dragon can attune to the Earth around him. This
allows the dragon to use touch and hearing through the Earth or stone at a distance of 30 feet per success. Concrete, worked
metal, or other man-made materials increase the difficulty to 9. A normal Perception roll must still be made; this power only
creates the attunement. This ability lasts as long as the dragon concentrates.

** Shape the Stone: By making an Earth roll and spending a point of Earth, the dragon can mold earth and stone. This allows a
dragon to shape one cubic foot per success as if it were soft clay. The material regains its normal properties once the dragon is
done. Concrete, worked metal, or other man-made materials increase the difficulty to 9. At this level, two additional passive

effects are gained: the dragon may burrow without leaving a tunnel behind and the dragon need not worry about breathing while
surrounded by natural earth or stone.

*** Breath of Stone: By making an Earth roll and spending a point of Earth, the dragon can breathe a hail of small stones. This
does one die damage per success, and is targeted with Dex + Breath. Range is 5 yards per success. This damage is not
aggravated except against Air dragons. This effect can also be used to create 1 cubic foot of stone for every two successes (or
1 cubic foot of earth per success) with or without causing damage.

**** Petrify: By making an Earth roll and spending two points of Earth, the dragon can breathe a bolt of petrifying force. This
does the dragon's Earth rating plus successes in aggravated damage, and is targeted with Dex + Breath. Range is 15 yards per
success. Anything completely destroyed by this power turns to stone. Lesser damage can be healed like normal aggravated

***** Become the Stone: By spending three points of Earth, the dragon can transform himself into stone. The dragon gains
three points of armor, and three points of Strength, but loses two points of Dexterity. This effect lasts for one scene.

Path of Fire
* Sense through Flame: The dragon suffers no penalty to any Perception roll for fire or smoke.
** Shape the Flame: By making a Fire roll and spending a point of Fire, the dragon can shape and control fire. This allows a
dragon to shape one cubic foot per success. The dragon can cause the fire to move, grow or weaken, but the fire is still natural;
it must have fuel, oxygen and heat to continue. Dragons with this Path take no damage from moving through natural fire and
suffer no effects from breathing normal smoke.

*** Breath of Flame: By making a Fire roll and spending a point of Fire, the dragon can breathe Fire. This does one die
damage per success, and is targeted with Dex + Breath. Range is 5 yards per success. This damage is not aggravated except
against Water dragons. This effect can also be used to ignite fire of up to 1 cubic for every two successes with or without
causing damage.

**** Inferno: By making a Fire roll and spending two points of Fire, the dragon can breathe a blast of intense fire. This does the
dragon's Fire rating plus successes in aggravated damage, and is targeted with Dex + Breath. Range is 15 yards per success.
This will ignite flammable materials.

***** Become the Flame: By spending three points of Fire, the dragon can transform himself into Flame. The dragon does his
Fire rating divided by two in fire damage to anything he touches. The dragon takes only one wound (non-soakable) every time he
is attacked physically. The dragon cannot affect anything physically except by burning it.

Path of Water
* Sense through Waves: By spending one turn and making a Water roll, the dragon can attune to the Water around him. This
allows the dragon to use hearing and smell through the water at a distance of 50 feet per success. A normal Perception roll must
still be made; this power only creates the attunement. This ability lasts as long as the dragon concentrates.

** Shape the Waves: By making a Water roll and spending a point of Water, the dragon can move water. This allows a dragon
to shape one cubic foot per success. The water can be moved through the air and shaped, but regains its normal properties
once the dragon is done. The dragon may instead choose to transform on cubic foot of water to vapor or ice. At this level the
dragon need not worry about breathing while in the water.

*** Breath of Water: By making a Water roll and spending a point of Water, the dragon can breathe a blast of water. This does
one die damage per success, and is targeted with Dex + Breath. Range is 5 yards per success. This damage is not aggravated
except against Fire dragons. This effect can also be used to create 1 cubic foot of pure water for every success with or without
causing damage.

**** Frostbite: By making a Water roll and spending two points of Water, the dragon can breathe a blast of frost. This does the
dragon's Water rating plus successes in aggravated damage, and is targeted with Dex + Breath. Range is 15 yards per
success. This will freeze objects subject to cold.

***** Become the Water: By spending three points of Water, the dragon can transform himself into Water. The dragon takes
only one point of non-soakable damage from physical attacks and can move through the smallest spaces. However, it can only
use one half of its normal Strength. This effect lasts for one scene.

Path of the Elemental

(may be taken by dragons of any element)

* Speech of the Spirit: At this level, the dragon can speak to all of the classic elemental spirits. At this point the character has
no ability to influence a controlled elemental and can only influence a free elemental with words. Characters get a reaction bonus
from the elemental for having a rating in the elemental's element, or a penalty for having a rating in an opposed element. If the
element is primary, give a bonus or penalty equal to the rating divided by two. If the element is secondary, use the rating divided

by three.

** Spirit Servitor: The dragon next learns to command elementals. The dragon rolls his element rating vs. the Rage of a free
elemental or the Willpower of the controller of a controlled elemental. Free elementals will be under the control of the dragon for
one scene. Controlled elementals will be under the command of the dragon for one turn per success. A dragon may then spend
one element point to gain control of the elemental for one scene. Elementals will do tasks within their abilities. Roll for the
elemental's reaction as above to see how willingly they serve.

*** Summon the Spirit: By rolling its primary Element versus a difficulty of the local Gauntlet + 1 the dragon can summon an
elemental of its primary element. If an elemental is present the summoning takes from five to thirty minutes. If the Storyteller
decides there is no elemental present, this path will not succeed. For every point of Element spent, the elemental has five points
to split between Rage, Gnosis, and Willpower. The spirit is friendly and will obey the dragon for one scene. After that scene, the
elemental will depart unless convinced by the dragon.

**** Spiritfollow: The dragon then learns to return to the Umbra by hitching a ride with an elemental. After calling an elemental, a
dragon can make an Element roll versus the local Gauntlet and spend a point of its primary Element to cross into the Umbra. The
elemental also returns to the Umbra and is freed from service.

***** Spiritforge: By rolling its primary Element versus a difficulty of the local gauntlet +5 the dragon can create an elemental.
The summoning takes an hour for every temporary element point spent. For every temporary element point spent, the elemental
has three points to split between Rage, Gnosis, and Willpower. The spirit is friendly and will always obey the dragon unless
abused. The elemental will also stay close by in the Umbra and can be easily summoned. Other supernaturals who attempt to
summon a spirit nearby may summon the elemental. The dragon may fight for control of the elemental by a contest of Willpower
with the summoner or by spending a temporary Element point.

You have five points to spend on Backgrounds. You will have to justify them in terms of your Journey; if the storyteller balks, make
up a story about how they can fit it in. Who knows; if your story is good enough, the ST may just let you keep it, and you get a
greater feel for you character to boot.
Some guidelines:

Allies: Dragons often have one or more allies from their journey.
Arcane: Dragons may freely be Arcane. In fact this is encouraged for dragons with the elder dragon journey.
Avatar: No. Dragons cannot Awaken. Ever.
Chimera, Fetish, Talisman, Treasure: These may be taken by dragons with the appropriate journey. Note that other Fae,
Mages or Garou may resent a dragon who possesses an artifact from their people and try to get it back.

Destiny: At the Storyteller's discretion, dragons may have a destiny.

Dream: Dragons do not have the connection to the Universal Unconscious, and therefore cannot take Dream.
Influence: Mages are the masters of subtlety. Dragons are primal forces of nature. Dragons just don't have the knack for this.
Kinfolk: There are no dragon kinfolk. This can be taken by those with the Garou journey, to represent contacts among the garou

Library: Because dragon paths aren't recorded, dragons get no benefit from an arcane library, but they can have a library to
assist in Mundane research.

Mentor: Because of the difficulty of dragons communicating through the Umbra, the mentor will usually be of the dragon's

Node: The node is assumed to be an elementally charged location and can be used as a source of pure element if there is
nobody within half a mile. Dragons may collect the qQuintessence as elementally-charged tass. Also, remember nodes will draw
the attention of many of the other denizens of the World of Darkness.

Past Life: Dragons do not have past lives.

Pure Breed: Not allowed. By definition, character dragons are watered-down versions of the elder dragons.
Remembrance: Dragons are not Fae and have no remembrance.
Rites: Rituals may be learned by dragons with the Garou journey. Especially useful is the rite of Talisman Dedication.
Totem: If a dragon joins a garou pack, it may contribute to the pack totem.

Traits are raised as follows:
Current x 4
New Ability
Current x 2
Current x 4
New Elemental Path
Elemental Path
Current x 4
New Secondary Element Rating 3
Element Rating
Current x 3
New Rage
Current x 4
Current x 2

Final Touches
Dragons start with twelve points to split between their primary and secondary Element ratings, Willpower and Rage. They must
put at least one dot in Willpower and their primary Element. They do not need to choose a secondary Element and the second
Element must be less than the primary Element. They also do not need to choose Rage and Rage has a maximum of five
(dragons are not nearly as angry as Garou). Rage is treated exactly as for Garou, except that it cannot be used to change
Choose an appropriate Nature and Demeanor from any World of Darkness book.
Dragons have 15 freebie points (except Mundanes - see Journey) which can be spent as follows: Form: 7, Element Paths: 7,
Attributes: 5, Abilities: 2, Willpower: 1, Element ratings: 1, Merits and Flaws: varies. Dragons may also purchase the numina of
True Faith, Psychic Ability and Hedge Magic at a cost of seven per dot for the first numina and fourteen per dot of the second.

Merits & Flaws

Dragons can choose any appropriate merit or flaw, based on storyteller approval. Merits and flaws unique to dragons are listed

Wyvern (Dracoform)
3 point flaw
In dragon form you have no forelimbs. They shorten by 20% and lose one dot of Str for each turn spent in transformation. When
they reach 0 Str or 0% length, they disappear completely.

Wyvern (Humanform)
7 point flaw
You have no arms in humanform and no forelimbs in dracoform. Bummer.

Serpent (Dracoform)
4 point flaw
In dragon form you have no limbs. They shorten by 20% and lose one dot of Str for each turn spent in transformation. When they
reach 0 Str or 0% length, they disappear completely. To compensate, you get a free extra dot in Sinuosity, can add two levels of
Sinuosity per turn of transformation and Sinuosity increases length by 20%. The bonus Sinuosity dot can exceed the dragon's
form rating, and raises the maximum Sinuosity to six. This flaw is only worth three points to water dragons.

Serpent (Humanform)
10 point flaw

Allowed on Storyteller's approval only! You have no limbs in either Form. You do get the Sinuosity benefit listed above. Major

5 point merit
You naturally transform at double speed. When quickly transforming, you get one automatic success.

Dual Element
6 point merit
You have two-primary Elements. You cannot choose opposed Elements. You gain the strengths of both, but suffer the
weaknesses of both. Your personality is affected by both Elements, which sometimes causes you to feel torn between two
worlds. The form attribute of Wing must be purchased separately for each movement mode.

4 point merit (+2 per extra head)
You have multiple heads in dracoform (no, you cannot take this for humanform). You may take an action with each head, but only
one head may control the body. The player may decide at creation which head controls the body. The heads that don't control the
body have four health levels: Ok, -1, -3, -5, dead. Each head must be affected separately with mental powers. Storytellers's may
veto this power if they think it will be too silly for their campaign.

Relationships with the Elder Dragons

The elder dragons are a solitary bunch, especially compared to the rest of the World of Darkness, which seems to hang out in
chummy little cliques2. However the new dragons have been mixed with the most social animal around. Only time will tell how the
new dragons develop. It is not easy to communicate between the Deep umbra and Tellurian, so the new breed now has the
freedom to make their own choices.
As for now there are too few dragons to develop a society of their own. Only about twenty-five exist and they are all less than a
quarter century old. A few have stayed with their "adoptive families", but most have left for one reason or another.
Some elder dragons have their doubts about the new breed. They feel that they are too human and will adapt to the world rather
than try to change it.

1 . . . or Dragon: the Next Generation for those who can stomach it.
2The World of Darkness is a high school. Mages are the academic nerds. Fairies are the drama club. Garou are the jocks.

Vampires are the snobby rich kids, and the Wraith is the kid who kills himself in the middle of the school year.

The Scorching
(Part I)
By ExistingPhantom (

1. Setting
1a. General Note
1b. Dedication
1c. Environment
1d. The World Of White Wolf: Behind the veil
2. Multiversal Environments
2a. Magick Rich
2b. Magick Week
2c. Non Magickal
3. A Dragon's Nature
3a. Gaba: The Tricksters
3b. Heur: The Seers
3c. Odox: The Harmony
3d. Alni: The Creators
3e. Roun: The Wild
3f. Enri: The Warriors
3g. Rawn: The Seekers
3h. Hado: The Leaders
4. New Dragon Skill Descriptions
4a. Attributes
4b. Abilities
4c. Talents
4d. Skills
4e. Knowledge
4f. Dragon Magick
4g. Dragon Vristra
5. Innate Gifts
Animal's Voice
Battle Lock
Breath Block
Calling The Wild
Complete Balance
Controled Climate
*Create Element
Death Blow
Dragon's Sail
Dragonic Logic
Failing Flight
Find Weakness
Fire Starter
Group Persuasion
Healing Tongue
*Heightened Senses
Hide It

Increase Mayhem
Induce Fear
Inspire Beast
Inspire Others
Know Intentions
Loose Tongue
Mental Instability
Mind Block
Morph Self
*Open Seal
Paralyzing Roar
Perfect Recall
Phantom Sight
*Resist Pain
Resize Self
Sap Will
Sense Being
Sense Magick
Sense Umbral Disturbance
Shape Light
Shape Liquid
Shape Matter
Slippery Scales
Spirit Block
Stooge Effect
Storm Calling
Summon Human
Talk With Spirits
Transfer Spirit
Umbral Passage
Umbral Vision
Vocal Comprehension
Vocal Imitation
6. Brawling, Combat And Damage
6a. Attacking To Hit
6b. Determining Damage
6c. Soaking Damage
6d. Dragon Attacks
6d.1 Standard Brawl Combat
Clamping bite
Horn attack
Roaring Defence
Tail Whip
Vicious Shake
6d.2 Standard Aerial Combat
Back Roll
6e. Maneuvers Table: Standard Brawl Combat
6f. Maneuvers Table: Standard Aerial Combat

6g. Falling
7. Gaining Experience, Experience Advancement
7a. Awarding Experience Points
7b. Spending Experience Points
8. Other Dragon Info
8a. Fetishes
8b. Technologies
8c. Dragon's Bane
8c. Milk
8c. Alcohol
9. Creating Your Dragon Character
9a. Player Name, Gender, Type, Age, Clan, And Size
9b. Selecting The Dragons Environment
9c. Selecting The Dragon's Nature
9d. Choosing Attributes And Abilities
9e. Filling In Spheres and Quintessence
9e.1 Spheres
9e.2 Quintessence
9f. Filling In Gnosis
9g. Filling In Pride, Willpower And Background
9g.2 Pride
9g.3 Willpower
9g.4 Background
9h. Choosing Gifts
9i. Use Your Free Points
10. Character Sheets
10a. A Dragon LPR Character Creation Sheet
10b. A Standard Dragon Character Creation Sheet

1. Setting
1a. General Note
Dragons!: The ScorchingTM character creation manual is originally based off of Werewolf The ApocalypseTM character creation
manual. Dragons!: The Scorching TM character creation manual is not a supported character creation manual by White Wolf
Game Studio. Players and GMs are free to use the suggested environment background and character creation system in their
games however; be aware it may conflict with future White Wolf releases. If you have any question or confusion about abilities,
skills or character creation, you can probably use the White Wolf gaming manuals as a reference.
Mage The AscensionTM , MageTM , StorytellerTM , Modern MagickTM , and Werewolf The ApocalypseTM are all trademarks of
White Wolf Game Studio.
Other common terms used by White Wolf Game Studio and used in Dragons!: The ScorchingTM may be trademarks of White
Wolf Games Studio. However, the ones above are the only ones I'm aware of. My apologies if I've missed any.
Dragons!: The ScorchingTM is Copyright 1996 by ExistingPhantom All rights Reserved. Gamemasters and players may
reproduce Dragons!: The ScorchingTM for personal use.

1b. Dedication
This Dragons!: The ScorchingTM manual was designed for and is dedicated to dragons and dragon fans everywhere. Special
thanks to the people at White Wolf Game Studio for creating such an incredibly fun and interesting gaming system. Such a
wonderful game system shouldn't be without dragons, so here they are. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

1c. Environment
This dragon character sheet is designed to work with the White Wolf Storyteller TM gaming system. Its also designed to allow a
wide range of dragon abilities and characteristics, and races from different gaming systems, books, players and imaginative

The following is a suggested method of handing dragon magick and other material involving dragons in the White Wolf realm.
This system was created before the MageTM manual came out but has been modified to fit the MageTM Modern Magick TM
For many ages beings know as dragons have roamed throughout the universes, living between the veils that separate the
multiple universes. Over eons dragons changed and became separate varied species throughout the multiverses. Knowledge
was lost and gained... and so they lived their lives.
In their hoarding and craving for knowledge and substance, new forces of the mind, of magick and technology were gained.
Some dragons molded the Vristral arts of the mind, others divined the magickal arts of the multiverse, and there were those
whom pondered and designed the arts of science and technology.
The dragons who learned the arts of magick found that the multiverse contained a very spontaneous, yet sloppy forms of energy
called quintessence. This energy did not saturate the multiverse but was found scattered throughout it in varying quantities.
Dragons who have studies the arts of magick where only able to work their arts where quintessence was found.
Quintessence was able to replace the natural laws and patterns of the multiverse instantly with new laws and patterns that the
dragons designed. This tampering however did not come without a risk. The multiverse, ever striving for equilibrium and balance
of forces, would eventually breakdown and change the patch. Localized paradoxes would form as the quintessence patches
failed and shifted. The patched portion of the multiverse would achieved a new balance.
There were dragons who strived for control over their own mind and body without the use of external forces. They called such
mental arts vristra. Using their inner energy they first found they could exert great control over their bodies and mental states.
Over time the dragons who dove into the inner self found that they were able to apply what they learned to multiverse without.
Dragons learned they could influence the thoughts of others and the laws and patterns of the multiverse about them. Unlike the
mages they did not require the use of quintessence. Using vristra they were able to slowly over periods of time manipulate and
reshape the very basic interactions of the energies in the multiverse. With vristra even simple shaping took time, but unlike
magick vristra allowed the multiverse time to achieve balance. Since the workings of vristra didn't place sudden strain on the
multiverse, the vristral changes often maintained their states and became as stable and perminnate as the shifting energies of
the multiverse allowed.
Dragons with a zest for tinkering and knowledge of any type found that they could map the patterns and forces that governed
portions of the multiverse and build devices and machines that took advantage of them. The tinkering dragons neither replaced
nor shaped the patterns and laws of the multiverse; instead these dragons became masters of their workings. They could play
the governing forces of the multiverse like a well tuned instrument and create wonders and marvels.
And of course there were dragons who dabbled in everything...

1d. The World Of White Wolf: Behind the Veil

Dragons knew of the infinite possibilities that lie behind the veils of the multiverse. Some dragons came across the portion of the
multiverse know as Tellurian and passed it by . . . others stayed.
Once the veils of Tellurian were rich and free flowing with magick. Since its infancy, this infinite portion of the multiverse had an
abundance of quintessence. Magick flowed free on the whims man and other creatures alike. Things that were expected
happened freely. Such was the ordered chaos throughout the veils of the Tellurian and it displeased some...
So sprang up the age of the techocracy who bent the masses' wills to their own. They strengthened the veils between them and
the rest of the multiverses. They used the quintessence against itself to change the thoughts of the masses into believing the very
nature of quintessence was a mere fairy tale. And then there was new ordered chaos throughout the veils of Tellurian.
The belief of the masses had unusual effects on the quintessence and consequently the technocracy themselves. The
technomancers now hoarded the quintessence in nodes. They began to categorize quintessence and create specific that rules
governed its use. They began to fall into the delusion of self power. This belief of their self power began to change how their
universe achieved a natural balance when the energy of quintessence was used.
The mages believed their patches of the natural laws were absolute and would remain forever. Through gradual self delusion in
their great personal power the technocracy and masses forced changes in the laws and patterns of the universe that became
permanent. The Tellurian complied, but paradox still grew. The stressed patterns began to find a release at the weakest points
of the willed change; the mages who played with the quintessence itself. When paradox became too great it backlashed back to
the technomages.
The dragon mages who came to the Tellurian knew the workings of the multiverse. Even in the midst of the technocracy's
tampering the dragons' strong belief in the true knowledge of the multiverse allowed them to be personally unaffected by
paradox while casting magick. Because of this and other differences, dragon magick was often considered strange and
different by other creatures. The dragons who stayed in the Tellurian passed their knowledge down to their hatchlings. Over time
a few dragons have lost the such knowledge and have fallen into the technocracy's rut. But many still know the truth. Such
knowledge does not please the founding oracles.

Many dragons abhor the technocracy of the Tellurian. They despiseed such self delusion, and found it unpalatable. Yet they
remained weary, for the technomancers are creatures of power. And with that power technomancers occasionally have tried to
enslave and capture the bodies and knowledge of dragons. And such gambits to the technomancers own demise.
Dragons have kept the mages confused over their talents. Mages whom have come across vristral workings have tried to
understand its power and study it as dragon magick but have failed to understand its non-magickal nature. Due to their dislike of
the mage mentality dragons have encouraged such misconceptions and try to inspire fear an respect of their own abilities in
mages when ever the chance presents itself.
Garou and dragons may or may not get along. Most dragons who know of the garou's existence have usually treated them as
they would humans. Dragons who know of the garou's past culling of humans have their own varying opinions on the matter
ranging from encouraging such practices, to disliking them. Some tribes of garou simply do not like dragons; others do and
have good relations with them.
One term dragons dislike having placed upon them is wyrm. Some find it very derogatory. Garou unfamiliar with dragons usually
place such terminology upon them. Some garou even believe that dragons are the leaders of the Wyrm that infest gaia. Such
rumors may be partially true; not all dragons are seekers of what is right in the eyes of others. Being loners and creatures of their
own code, related dragons may even have highly opposed goals with each other but still have a very good friendship amongst

2. Multiversal Environments
Dragons come from 3 types of multiversal environments, magick rich, magick poor and non-magickal. White Wolf's realm is
technically a magick rich environment. However, magick is not available to the general populace in White Wolf's realm. It can
only be used by those who are naturally skilled or very determined. White Wolf's realm would be considered in between a
magick rich and a magick poor environment, leaning slightly towards magick poor since the major populous doesn't believe
magick exists.

2a. Magick Rich

In many parts of the multiverse there are pockets of dense energies known as Quintessence that can be easily manipulated by
any life form. These large pockets of energy can shake the very fabric of the multiverse by instantly replacing parts of the
multiverse's natural laws. Many creatures from magick rich areas can not fully adjust or sometimes survive in non magickal
areas. In magick poor areas they may feel uncomfortable or incomplete. They would be highly sensitive to any quintessence.
Cultures from magick rich realms generally do not learn skills marked with "R" (Restricted abilities) on the dragon character
sheet. Such skills hardly ever evolve in magick rich environments. This not because the product of such skills can not coincide
with magick; it's merely due to to the fact that magick has made such skills unnecessary to learn, and the natural laws that govern
the product of these skills may instantly change causing the product to fail. Many magick rich worlds are very bizarre and/or are
in a constant state of change.

Initial Gnosis: 2
Starting Sphere Points: 5
Initial Magick: 1 extra point magick skill.
Innate Gifts: Choose 2 innate gifts from your Nature.

Restricted Abilities:
Design and construction

2b. Magick Weak

Some parts of the multiverse have hardly any pockets of quintessence scattered about. Only a few, very skilled beings are able
to use such magick. Others who crave its power often make deals with spiritual entities who that can use better use these
magickal energies.

Initial Gnosis: 3
Starting Sphere Points: 4
Innate Gifts: Choose 1 innate gift from your Main Nature.
5 extra free points alloted.

2c. Non Magickal

Other parts of the multiverse don't have any magick to speak of. Some skilled individuals have come up with ingenious ways to
take advantage of the multiverse's natural laws and live without magick. Some dragons have learned how to use their minds or
other resources and technology to change their internal structural makeup, and change their shape, cure bad wounds, and even
slowly tweak the natural laws of the multiverse around them.

Initial Gnosis: 1
Innate Gifts: None
Begin with 1 point in each of your Skills and Knowledge.
Fifteen extra free points alloted.

Restricted Abilities:

3. A Dragon's Nature
Being creatures of intelligence with learning and natural primal urges, every dragon has a general nature. Their natures are
interwoven mixes of many views; some are well balanced and others are not. Their logic and the way they view the world are
very much different than that of other creatures. Generally in a young dragon one aspect of its nature is more dominant than
another. But just as other creatures, they grow and change over the years.
Gaba (The Trickster) Heur (The Seers) Odox (The Harmony)
Alni (The Creators) Roun (The Wild)
Enri (The Warriors)
Rawn (The Seekers) Hado (The Leaders)

3a. Gaba: The Tricksters

Fire Starter
Failing Flight
Hide It
Slippery Scales
Mental Instability
Stooge Effect

Very strange mischievous and bizarre. Always playing pranks on individuals. They never go with the flow. Rebellious and

Suggested Spheres: Entropy

3b. Heur: The Seers

Sense Being
Sense magick
Sense Umbral Disturbance
Spirit Block
Talk With Spirits

Transfer Spirit
Umbral Passage

Always interested in spirits: both dead and alive. Religions and philosophy of various cultures holds and endless fascination for
them. They are drawn to the mystical.

Suggested Spheres: Spirit

3c. Odox: The Harmony

Complete Balance
Controlled Climate
Dragon's Sail
Healing Tongue
Mind Block
*Resist Pain

Always trying to achieve a balance. Often into mediation. They try to see that everyone and everything receives the best of a
situation. Truce makers. Usually at peace with themselves.

Suggested Spheres: Mind

3d. Alni: The Creators

*Create Element
Morph Self
Resize Self
Shape Light
Shape Liquid
Shape Matter
Storm Calling

Very spontaneous, and intuitive. Into arts songs and the creations that come from within. They have little self restraint and often
seem to lack self control.

Suggested Spheres: Matter

3e. Roun: The Wild


Animal's Voice
Calling the Wild
Induce Fear
Inspire Beast
Vocal Imitation

Loners, seclusive very rugged individualists. Not very social with others. Very much in tune with nature and its environments.
They listen to their primal selves. Survivors.

Suggested Spheres: Life

3f. Enri: The Warriors

Battle Lock
Breath Block
Death Blow
Find Weakness
Increase Mayhem
Sap Will

Very proud, and stand strong to their beliefs and ideas. Their honor guides them. Their word is their bond, their friends are their
friends and their enemies are in trouble.

Suggested Spheres: Any

3g. Rawn: The Seekers

Loose Tongue
*Open Seal
Perfect Recall
Phantom Sight
Umbral vision
Vocal Comprehension

The curious, inquisitive and social. The seekers collect knowledge in any form. They are considered the traders and hoarders of
information. Sometime considered wise.

Suggested Spheres: Prime

3h. Hado: The Leaders

Dragonic Logic
Group Persuasion
*Heightened Senses
Inspire Others
Know Intentions
Paralyzing Roar
Summon Human

Proud and commanding, involved. They like to make others decisions their own. They are very much into what others about them
are doing. They find ways to make changes as they should be.

Suggested Spheres: Forces

The Scorching
(Part II)
By ExistingPhantom (

4. New Dragon Skill Descriptions

4a. Attributes
Dragons attributes are similar to human attributes, save that they have better strength, dexterity and stamina. Any dragon that is
in its original form gets extra die rolls on these stats: 2 extra rolls on strength and stamina and one extra roll on dexterity. Most
dragons will never change their forms because they lack the abilities to do so; however if a dragon's form get changed into
something other than what it is used to, whether it be by vristra, magick or other means, it will lose these extra rolls.

4b. Abilities
Dragons have some specialized abilities that allow them to do some things other creatures are not able to do. They also have
gain many more abilities due to their long lives. Below are some of their specialized abilities.

4c. Talents
Breath weapon and use.
1 One minor breath weapon takes a day to replenish.
2 One breath weapon usually used once per scene.
3 One major breath weapon can be used at any time.
4 Two breath weapons one can be used anytime the other takes a day to replenish.
5 Two breath weapons one can be used anytime the other can be used once per scene.
6 Two major breath weapons can be used at any time.

The ability to change skin color to blend into surroundings. This is not invisibility.
1 Automatically change overall color to match surroundings while sitting still.
2 Automatically change color pattern to better match surrounding while sitting still.
3 Can change color patterns to any pattern at will regardless of surroundings.
4 Can match surrounding colors exactly to every detail while sitting still or automatically change overall color while moving.
5 Can match surrounding colors exactly at will regardless of surroundings and automatically change color patten to better match
surroundings while moving.
6 Can match surrounding colors exactly even while moving full tilt.

The ability to travel through the air with wings.
1 Can glide through the air and make short hops.
2 Can sustain short flights.
3 Can fly long distances.
4 Can maneuver easily in aerial combat.
5 Highly skilled in Aerial combat.

6 Can easily out maneuver the best acrobatic planes.

Magick is the ability to instantly replace the natural laws and patterns of the multiverse through a unique external energy forces
called quintessence.
1 You have a slight talent for magick.
2 You are practiced in the use of magick.
3 You are competent in the use of magick and know its ways.
4 You are skilled in the use of magick, and know if it's around.
5 You are an expert in its ways.You are very uncomfortable if there is no magick around.
6 Magick makes up your very being; you can't live without it, and what you can do with it boggles the mind.

The ability of the mind to manipulate internal and external forces. To control functions of the mind and body as well as manipulate
the natural laws of the multiverse using internal self generated mental energy.
1 You know yourself and read others body language very well.
2 You can influence your own body to enhance your senses or ignore pain.
3 You can control your own thoughts easily and can read the surface feelings of others. If you have medical knowledge you can
even directly influence your body's functions to varying degrees.
4 You have become a master of your physical and mental self. You generally guess what those around you are thinking and can
influence the feelings of others.
5 If you have scientific knowledge, you can use it to manipulate the world about you. You can read the thoughts of others and
communicate mentally with them.
6 You can feel the fabric of life as it breathes, and see into the spirit worlds at will. You can influence the actions and patterns of
others about you.

4d. Skills
The skill to dig and tunnel rapidly into the earth.
1 You're very good at digging holes and moving dirt.
2 You've dug a few burrows.
3 You're a pretty competent tunneler but it takes you a while.
4 You're a skilled tunneler and can dig anywhere.
5 You're an expert tunneler and know the rhythms of the earth and never get lost or misdirected even in darkness.
6 You can borrow through the earth as easily as many fish swim through water.

The skill to track, capture prey.
1 You can catch it as long as it doesn't move.
2 You know how to make simple traps for small things.
3 You can track most animals through the woods.
4 You can build a trap to capture almost any creature.
5 You instinctively know how others creatures move and hide.
6 If it exists somewhere, you can find it and trap it no matter how intelligent it is.

The skill to get to where you want to go using external and internal navigational cues.
1 If you only had a compass you could get home.
2 You can read external natural signs to see what direction you're going.

3 You can feel magnetic forces and tell which direction you're facing.
4 You have an innate sense of special orientation.
5 You can sense the forces that separate the veils. You can navigate through space with ease.
6 You can read the forces that separate the veils of the multiverse and can recognize each of them separately. Navigating from
one realm to another is a snap.

The skills to swim in and under water.
1 You can dragon paddle.
2 You are a practiced swimmer.
3 You swim through water using your wings & tail as easily as most dragons fly with them.
4 You can hold your breath for 10 minutes without needing a breath of air.
5 You can hold your breath for 50 minutes. You have even developed echo location.
6 Water is your first home, you can stay under indefinitely using you wing membranes as gills. and dive to great depths.
Dolphins envy you.

The ability to use machines.
1 Machines don't bother you and you can use simple machines.
2 You think you can figure out how it works given time.
3 Your friends invite you over instead of reading the instructions.
4 You own all the latest technical publications.
5 Engineers come to you for suggestions.
6 Subspace merion particle racks with quantum range controls are a cake walk. Even ones with seven phase linkages.

4e. Knowledge
Understanding plants.
1 Plants don't die when you touch them.
2 You know names of most plants.
3 If someone gave you a portion of a plant you could tell them exactly where it came from.
4 You know the inner workings and functions of all plants. You can grow anything.
5 You can gene splice plants and design them to perform specific and symbiotic functions with any creature in any environment.
6 You know how plants think, react and communicate with other organisms and amongst themselves. You can even interpret
these signals.

Understanding business practices and the bottom line.
1 You can run a lemonade stand well.
2 Small business practices you know well.
3 You could easily manage a large chain of stores.
4 Investing is a piece of cake; you know the trends. You swim through the loopholes in business laws.
5 You know intuitively how supply and demand works and know what creatures want on the macro and micro scale.
6 Money and hoarding is an art form to you. You could cause whole world economics to sink or swim on a whim.

Understanding different customs, logics, and practices.
1 You hardly ever embarrass yourself on a first mating.
2 You understand local customs of those around you.

3 You never offend those around you no matter where you are and don't usually seem out of place.
4 You can easily blend into any culture anywhere with ease.
5 You understand the logic systems of other cultures and can switch the way you think to match their thought processes.
6 No matter how alien the creature you have an intuitive understanding of their culture when your first meet.

Design and Construction

The ability to build objects and items.
1 Really!... you don't always need the instructions.
2 You are very mechanically inclined and tinker a bit.
3 You often spend time inventing interesting gadgets and they usually work.
4 You can make just about anything, and build it to last.
5 You can build wonder machines with tooth picks, duct tape and chewing gum.
6 If it can be conceived you'll have it ready in a second.

The ability to recognize and know landmarks and places.
1 You can read a map.
2 You know your states, capitals, providences and have memorized most of the town streets.
3 You know the world geography like the back of your hand.
4 You can tell which town or city your in by just looking around you.
5 If blindfolded, dragonnapped and taken to another world you would know which planet you were on.
6 If dropped randomly any where in the multiverse would intuitively know exactly where you were.

Understanding of various security systems an techniques.
1You know a good Masterlock TM lock when you see it.
2You can pick mechanical locks.
3Most home security systems are easy to set up and bypass.
4Complex security systems give you no problems. You were consulted when they built most of them.
5If stuck in a maximum security prison you would get out in 5 to 10 . . . seconds.
6You know there is really no such thing as security.

4f. Dragon Magick

Dragon magick is limited to what spheres you know and what innate gifts you have. However under the guidance of a skilled
dragon, magick can work wonders.
Dragon do not aspire to reach ascension, nor do they associate in cabals. Dragons are loners and seek out the forces of
magick for their own reasons and applications. There are no special protocols among dragons who use magick. An elder
dragon may teach its knowledge of the magick forces to its hatchings or other dragons just for the pride of having its wisdom
passed on.
Dragon magick is different from that of mages. Dragons have have known for a long time that paradox is caused by the
quintessence of the multiverse suddenly snapping like rubberband as it moves to a state of balance. And that once the
quintessence has been released from its enforced patterns it can instantly revert to a stabler form. The resulting change of
quintessence can have unusual effects on an area or pattern. This effect is often know as paradox.
Paradox does not affect most dragons directly when they use magick; it will, over time, affect the laws or patterns replaced by
the dragon. So the area or pattern that the magick affects receives the paradox. The more complex the patch the greater the
paradoxical stress on the area or pattern cast.
Vulgar magick will usually, but not always cause more paradox than magick mages refer to as coincidental. It depends on the
stress placed on the Tellurian.
For ideas regarding the resulting outcomes of paradox, see Mage: The Ascension TM game manuals.
Dragon magick is not affected by the wills of the masses as mages' magick is. Because of a dragons unusual systems of belief,
logic and knowledge of the multiverse, the quintessence and its pattens are held in the states that were around before the
technomages influence.
Mages are often leery of dragon magick if they identify it. Mages that mess around with the magickal patches that dragons have

created will often absorb great amounts of paradox. While attempting to impose their own changes on the patterns weaved by
dragons, mages also impose their beliefs of how paradox works and cause all the built up paradox to backlash on themselves.
Dragons can be affected by paradox, and gain it when ever magick is used directly on their patterns. For dragons, quintessence
and paradox are separate and not circular. Quintessence is the energies of magick. Paradox is the result of the multiverse laws
rebalancing. The Paradox bar on a dragon character sheet indicates how much stress is being placed on their own patterns by
themselves or other mages. A dragon can use up 2 points quintessence to remove 1 point of paradox. Such a feat takes an hour
to accomplish.
All other aspects of dragon magick are handled similar to the Mage The AscensionTM game. For simplification it is suggested
that GM give out one to two points of paradox for coincidental dragon magick to a specific Pattern or area and three to six
points of paradox for vulgar dragon magick to a specific pattern or area.
When a pattern receives 5 paradox points, minor paradoxical things begin to happen and at 10 paradox points major paradoxes
occur. Mages using magick on or near where dragon magick have already been set can cause the dragon magick to go into
paradox. Mages trying to directly change or remove dragon magick instantly absorb the pattern's paradox.
GMs are not obligated to use these magick rules in the Dragons!: The Scorching TM manual with other White Wolf games.
These are just suggested alternate system to use with Dragons!: The ScorchingTM characters.
See the Mage The AscensionTM manual by White Wolf for more detailed information on the Modern MagickTM system.
Correspondence The study of multidimensional space, position and location.
The study of progressive disorder, chaotic systems and destabilization.
The study of natural physical energy in its forms and states throughout the multiverse.
The study of biological and self renewing systems, active patterns.
The study of physical non-living substances, passive patterns.
The study of sentients, thought and logic systems. (different than the study of vristra)
The study of magickal energies and quintessence's effect on reality.
The study of the ethereal and metaphysical planes and entities.
The study of linear and nonlinear temporal perceptions, and exact copy parallel but temporal skewed

4g. Dragon Vristra

From early times dragons have delved into the inner workings of mind and body. They have called such studies the vristral arts.
Some dragons have developed special mental abilities that allow them to affect change in themselves and their environment.
Using vristra dragons first learn control and mastery over their own minds and bodies. Some have also continued deeper into
such studies and began to apply their knowledge and control to the external forces. Vristra engages dragons in meditation, inner
strength, balance and control to accomplish given goals. It is an art that has achieved mastery through practice and the natural
longevity of dragons. These powers of the mind work much differently than magick. The manipulation of forces of vristra require
much more concentration than magick and also take longer to complete.
Dragons first strive for internal control using vristra. They are able to recognize their own thought and biological processes.
Through practice and understanding they are able to modify them. Blocking pain, heightening senses speed memorization,
speeding cell regeneration, blocking mind probes, and regrowing missing body parts are just some of the skills of vristra.
Using vristral skill on one's self does not require gnosis. To accomplish a feet of vristra a dragon must roll using several skills.
Attribute + Vristra + Skill or Knowledge - Empty Willpower = Number of die to roll. The GM sets the difficulty level.
If a dragon is attempting to generate an extra set of arms it would be possible, but but such a task would take a long time. The
dragon would need a large food source and a place to work uninterrupted for several weeks.
The dragon would first have to restructure its skeletal system to accommodate extra limbs. Perception(4) + Vristra(3) +
Design/Const(2) - Empty Willpower Circles (5) Say the dragon has a willpower of 5 out of a total of 10 so 5 empty willpower
circles. This gives the player the number of die to roll. The GM could also vary the number of successes to achieve the task.
The player would roll 4 dice at a difficulty of 7 or 8 which would be set by the GM. Restructuring a skeletal system is a difficult
task. It would then need to grow the bone, muscles and hide.
Perception(1) + Vristra(1) + Medical(1) - Empty Willpower(9) = -6 roll Dif: 5
This would be an average task, however the dragon above would needed abilities or willpower to preform the task. And then to
make such biological additions permanent, it would need to alter its genetic code.
Intelligent(6) + Vristra(5) + Medical(2) - Empty Willpower(4) = 9 roll Dif: 9

This would be a very difficult and dangerous task. If a dragon were to eventually succeed in all three tasks, it would have a new
permanent set of arms. It would need to learn how to use its new appendages. That knowledge would not come automatically.
After exploring the inner self dragons found they could apply vristral skills to external forces. Vristral acts on external forces
require the spending of gnosis to achieve. Dragons using vristral talents affect change through the the slow manipulation of the
already existing natural laws and energy of the multiverse, by constantly rebalancing the forces of the multiverse as they change.
Since the multiverse is kept in balance, changes affected will remain for a very long time as long as the natural laws of an area
don't shift. Because balance is kept while using vristral talents, dragons do not need to worry about paradoxes unless they
deliberately attempt to create one. And that would be a difficult task to engineer, since the universe is in a constant state of trying
to achieve a balance.
Unlike mages, dragons using Vristra talents do not replace the natural laws with raw powerful energies of magick. Instead the
use the internally generated fields of energy of their body and spirit (gnosis) and manipulate the natural laws and patterns with
the combination of willpower and knowledge of the mind. Each small change in multiverse is set in balance before the next small
change is attempted. Dragons using vristra are not able to make changes fast enough to cause paradox. They have to make
sure a balance is achieved for each task or the change would return to its former state. This doesn't mean they can't run into
problems; it just means they usually don't appear with the same force and severity as happens with paradox.
Because vristral changes in the multiverse don't use magickal energy, they are not actively noticed by mages and other beings
who use magick. Creatures with the ability to detect magick would have to make a natural perception roll to noticed such
changes. Mages consider the vristral arts of dragons to be just secretive aspect of dragon magick. Mages have made many
attempts to understand and duplicate the vristral arts using magick and have failed. The vristra talent of dragons is a completely
different type of energy manipulation from magickal sphere of the mind. Different training and knowledge is required for each of
Events manipulated with the vristra are not instantaneous. Vristral changes may take hours, days or years to accomplish
depending upon the event that is trying to be achieved, the environment it is being done in, and the skills of the dragon who is
trying to make it happen. For instance, if a dragon is attempting the event of opening a gateway into the umbral plane of the
multiverse it will have to accomplish many different mental feats before the entire event will occur.
First it would have to try to locate correct the boundary(s) of the multiverse that separates the umbral plane from the place that it
currently resides. Perception(3) + Vristra(5) + Navigation(1) - Empty Willpower Circles (6) The player would roll 3 dice at a GM
set difficulty of 5 since the umbral plane is so close to the physical plane and is fairly easy to find.
The next step would be to determine how stable the veil between the planes are. Heavy traffic between boundaries causes the
forces that keep them separated to be in a shifting state Especially if the use of magick has occurred recently, which can make
the boundaries very turbulent as the energy and universal laws of Tellurian shift to regain a balanced state.
Perception(4) + Vristra(2) + Investigation(1) - Empty Willpower(6) = 1 roll Dif: 4
If there were a large amount of turbulence the dragon would first need reduce the turbulence to a workable state,
Intelligence(3) + Vristra(1) + Repair(3) - Empty Willpower(2) = 2 roll Dif: 6 or 7
then create a controlled and balanced opening between the boundaries.
Intelligence(1) + Vristra(2) + Science(1) - Empty Willpower(7) = (-3) roll Dif: 6 or 7.
This would mean the feat could not be attempted because the dragon lacked the necessary Attributes and Abilities. Then after
everyone has come through you would need to close the portal again after it's no longer needed. But it could be left open
permanently. However most dragons with vristral training usually would not leave such a portal open unless they had some
intended purpose for it.
Intelligence(2) + Vristra(5) + Science(4) - Empty Willpower(2) = 9 roll Dif: 4
A Critical failure for all vristral acts would result in something going seriously wrong with the attempted feat and a loss of 1
willpower and the initial gnosis for the dragon attempting the feat. If this process seems too complex for the players or slows
down the game the GM could also simplify the process by only using Vristra + another skill or knowledge. The GM could also
reduce the number of tasks needed to accomplish a vristral feat. Use what works best for the story.
Each task may take 15 minutes or longer to complete depending upon the difficulty. Multiple tasks may take much longer to
accomplish. Below is a rough chart for determining tasks times.
Difficulty Time
1 turn
5 minutes
10 minutes
15 minutes
1 scene
1 hour
4 hours - 24 hours


24 hours - 1 week
1 week - 1 month

The time required to complete an external vristra feat can be reduced by one difficulty level for each dragon with vristral skills that
combines its skill to help out. But they must first spend 15 minutes in order to prepare for the task together. Most dragons do not
combine vristral skills for tasks involving self; the difficulty level of balancing ones own mental state increases by 2 with each
dragon that helps out. The more random and unpredictable thoughts flowing through the mind of the dragon attempting a
personal vristral feat decreases its ability to concentrate on its own body's feedback.

The Scorching
(Part III)
By ExistingPhantom (

5. Innate Gifts
Innate gifts only work in areas where quintessence exists. However dragons that live in non-magical areas may still have innate
gifts. Most dragons who have innate gifts never even know that they have them or that they are using them. They operate
instinctually whether the dragon wants them to or or not. The GM may have the gifts activate in situations they consider
appropriate. Most gifts will only operate in situations that are advantageous to the dragon with the gift. Automatically operating
gifts may not be advantageous for the dragon's friends, or party they are with. The functioning gift can even be detrimental.
Every time the gift is used it requires a gnosis point. For those dragons who have discovered one or more of their innate gifts
They can spend a gnosis point and willpower point to get a gift to work at a given time and even control it with practice. If the
dragons know about the gift, the dragon can also spend a willpower point to turn off a gift that has been automatically activated.
Players and GM's can also use other gifts and gift like abilities described in other White Wolf books, to use as innate dragon
gifts or make up their own.
Some of the gifts require a success roll to see how effective they are. The "# " notes how dragons unaware of the gift they
possess might be effected by it. GMs should feel free to make up their own effects and events experienced that result from an
unknown gift. The "*" indicates the gift is the same as the garou gift listed in the Werewolf: The ApocalypseTM manual.

Animal's voice
Allows any natural animals that can hear to understand what a dragon is saying. The dragon will not be able to understand what
the animals are saying. Animals hearing the dragon still have complete free will and do what they want in reaction to what the
dragon says.
# Most who are unaware that they have this skill just notice animals seem to pay attention to them more and will sometimes

seem to do things in relation to what the dragon says, but of course that's just a coincidence.

Dexterity + Magick Dif: 7
Allows a dragon to make an inanimate object move in a specific way or set pattern. The object may only flex as its physical
structure allows. The dragon must first move the object through its motions one time.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will find that objects they roll will sometimes continue rolling farther than they should, or if they

knock something down it will fall over when they set it back up. They seem to be usually very popular on play grounds, especially
when pushing swings and merry-go-rounds.
Successes Duration
3 seconds
5 min
Once scene
1 day
One story

Communication + Magick Dif: 6
The dragon when bartering with a creature always get the better end of the deal.

# Dragons unaware of this gift will find they are usually able to secure what they need from people by just talking to them.

Successes Effect
The dragon suffers no roll penalties when bartering or bargaining, even if its health is not up to par, or other
influences are at work.
The opponent will give the dragon 2 for 1 in trade or give the dragon 2 for the cost of one or will give it to the dragon
for half the price.
The opponent gives the dragon what it wants for free.
The opponent will give the dragon double what it wanted for free.

Battle Lock
Causes the opponent of the dragon to not be able to flee from the combat he is engaged in with the dragon. Even if he is losing
the opponent will feel compelled to continue fighting.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will not usually notice anything, but severally injured opponents they strive to defeat will continue

fighting them regardless of the disadvantages against them.

Manipulation + Magick Dif: 9
Binds a non-physical spirit to an inorganic object. In order to bind the spirit it cannot already possess a physical body. Once
bound the spirit empowers the object with an aspect of itself. Once free the spirit may try to avenge its capture if it was not
willingly bound to the object.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will sometimes unknowingly bind a free spirit to an object, or even bind the spirits of creature they

have just killed to personal objects that are in their possessions or were on the creatures' person.
Successes Effect
1 use or 1 hour and the spirit is free, which ever happens first.
2 uses and the spirit is free.
4 uses and the spirit is free.
6 uses and the spirit is free.
The spirit is bound for 1 month.
The spirit is bound for 1 year.
The spirit is permanently bound to the object.

Breath Block
The dragon is able to block another dragon's breath weapon attack. This only works with one kind of breath weapon at a time,
but it can block multiple breath attacks if they are the same type and are occurring simultaneously.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will assume they have a natural immunity to breath attacks and will not think much of it. They may

even think that all dragons have such immunity.

Calling The Wild

Charisma + Magick Dif:6
Wild and stray animals are attracted to the dragon with this gift. They are not obligated to aid or obey the dragon, but they are
not afraid of the dragon and will not attack it either.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will find all domestic animals will almost always walk right up to them and never seem unfriendly.

They tend to see lots of wild animals especially birds. If they are out hunting for food they will find caching their prey easy.
Successes Duration
1 small bird or a few insects.
1 small animal.


2 - 5 small animals.
5 - 10 small and medium animals.
10 - 15 medium and large animals
25+ any animals.

Any creature that is in a rage, in fear, delirium, or other high emotional state will become calm and docile around the dragon.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will find they are able to calm creatures down easily and that most creatures seem very relaxed

around them but will not find that unusual.

Become completely invisible to all senses, beings and surveillance devices. Though the Dragon doesn't actually disappear,
change shape or color, they are just ignored because they seem like they just have always belonged where they are. If a dragon
brings attention to itself it will be noticed by everyone and the gift will shut off.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will find they are generally left alone when they don't want to be bothered.

Charisma + Magick Dif:5
Cause creatures to become enthralled and fascinated by the dragon.
# Dragons who are unaware of this gift will find that creatures are at times in awe of them; they listen intently to what they say and

often pay them many compliments.

Successes Number
One creature
1 - 5 creatures
5 - 10 creatures
10 - 20 creatures
20+ creatures

Stamina + Magick Dif: 7
Add a positive static electrical charge to any object, even non-conducting material and themselves. The Amperage is not usually
high enough to permanently injure a creature. The object discharges when touched.
# Dragons unaware of this gift find that creatures around them get shocked regularly. especially creatures that are annoying or

bothering them. They usually have many bad experiences with computer equipment failing.
Successes Effect
Very small static bite.
Strong static charge. Can wipe a computer chip.
Light surge. Can knock out electronic equipment.
Medium surge. Can knock a creature back or stun it.
Heavy surge. Can damage a creature 1 level and knock them out.

Charisma + Magick Dif: 9
Cause an individual to do a simple and immediate task if they understand the dragon giving the command.

# Dragons unaware of this gift find the creatures will sometimes obey them immediately without question of they tell them to do


Complete Balance
Gives a dragon excellent balance on any surface even moving, unstable and narrow surfaces. Reduces difficulty by 1 in some
combat situations.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will always to be able to stay on their claws in rough situations. They seem to have naturally

exceptional balance.

Controlled Climate
With this gift dragons are able to change the temperature around them.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will find that they are comfortable no matter what climate they are in. If others complain of sudden

temperature changes they will usually think its a problem with the complaining individual.

*Create Element
Allows a dragon to create specific elements. Works the same as the gift in the Werewolf: The ApocalypseTM manual. See Metis
gift of the same name in the Werewolf: The ApocalypseTM manual for more info and gift use.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will find unusual solids, liquids and other elements laying around on surfaces, or in previously

empty containers. Usually after they were wishing they had the element or were just thinking about the element.

Death Blow
Allows the dragon to turn a brawl attack into a death blow, which maxes out their opponents health points, if the dragon's attack
succeeds and does damage. The death blow must be declared before rolling for the attack. If the attack fails or no damage is
taken the dragon looses a gnosis point. If the attack succeeds and does damage, the dragon must roll a 10 on 1d10 for the
death blow to succeed. The opponent does not get a chance to soak damage. If the dragon does not roll a 10 than the attack
works normally and the opponent still gets to soak damage.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will sometimes feel their attacks shifted just right at the last moment. It is suggested that the GM

roll a 1d10 when the dragon with the gift brawls and activate the gift on a roll of 10.

Cause an attention grabbing disturbance to occur in an area.
# Dragons unaware of this gift have many odd disturbances occur around them. Loud arguments may start; lights may go out;

computers may temporally act up, etc... The event usually grabs the attention of most of those near by.

Dragon's Sail
This gift causes dragons who are flying to have winds blowing in directions that make flight easy and untiring to the dragon.
Swimming dragons also have currents flowing in directions that make swimming easier. Dragons with this skill usually do not
need to make flight or swimming endurance checks. Dragons will also be able to make an extra die roll for each gnosis point
spent for swimming and flying skills.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will find swimming and flying easier than most dragons and never have to work against bad winds

and currents.

Dragonic Logic
Communication + Magick Dif:8
Allows a dragon to talk a being into believing anything.
Dragons unaware of this gift will find that most creatures believe them even hen don't know what they are talking about during
010 seconds
15 minutes
2Once scene

Wits + Magick Dif: 8
Allows a dragon to remove parasite spirits from their hosts. The spirits may return to the host later if not prevented. Each
success removes an additional spiritual parasite if multiple spirits control a host.
# Dragons unaware of this gift are often harassed by hosts with parasitic spirits. But the hosts will pass out after coming in

contact with the dragon and act more civil and normal when they awaken.

Failing Flight
- Dragons with this ability cause things with the ability of flight to suddenly lose lift when they get close to them.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will find that other dragons, planes, birds, etc. will sometimes lose control temporarily and drop

altitude when coming towards them. They will have bad experiences when flying using other means other than their own
propulsion. Projectile objects that fly at them usually fall short of hitting them, including bullets.

Find Weakness
Intelligences + Magick Dif: 8
Allows a dragon to bypass extra armour and soaking of damage. The dragon's opponent does not get to make a soaking roll if
the player rolls one or more success against a difficulty of 8.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will sometimes gain insights to their opponents during battle and know where to strike them.

Fire Starter
Create or put out a fire and control is burn rate and direction. The fire starts out small as a normal fire and must have oxygen and
combustible material to start and sustain.
# Dragons unaware of this gift find they always seem to be near by when a fire starts. They never seem to get burned much even

if they find they are in the midst of one.

A dragon creates a liquid oxygenated phosphorous fire to fall from a point on the tip of the tail as it flies or moves. The fire will
burn in any conditions even water.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will find that in the midst of a battle opponents and objects around them are igniting and burning.

They may not realize where the fire is originating from, and believe its caused by some other force than themselves.

A dragon becomes completely feral and only uses brawl attacks. They double their brawl attacks for each initiative. They will not
intentionally attack companions, but will attack any creature threatening them.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will revert to brawling when they feel very threatened in combat.

Group Persuasion
Manipulation + Magick Dif: 8
A dragon is able to influence the motions or actions of a crowd into doing a single task. The dragon can cause a crowd to move
toward a specific direction or influence the crowd to perform a mass action, such as fleeing, throwing objects at a specific item
or individual, or flipping over cars. Once the action is completed by the crowd they will be under their own crowd mentality and
their actions may become chaotic and possibly unpredictable. Crowd mentality is the normal and usually unpredictable way a
crowd acts as a whole and as individuals.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will often find that when the are in a crowd that the crowd will slowly begin to mirror in action some

of the dragons thoughts or feelings.

0A few members of the crowd will consider doing the action the dragon wants and suggest it to others an then fall back into a
standard crowd mentality.
1A few members of the crowd will start doing the action the dragon wants and then follow the crowd mentality.
2Half the members of the crowd will start doing the action the dragon wants then follow the crowd mentality.
3Half the members of a crowd will start and complete the action the dragon wants and follow the crowd mentality after they have
completed it.
4+All the members of the crowd will complete the action the dragon wants and then follow the crowd mentality.

Healing Tongue
Wits + Magick Dif: 6
Dragons with this gift are able to heal a variable amount of damage to themselves or other creatures by licking the wounds.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will find that wounds they attend to heal fast.

Successes Points healed

1 damage level
2 damage levels
3 damage levels
4 damage levels
5 damage levels
6 damage levels
7 damage levels
8 damage levels
9 damage levels
10 damage levels

*Heightened Senses
All dragon senses become very acute. Works the same as the gift in the Werewolf: The ApocalypseTM manual. See Lupus gift of
the same name in the Werewolf: The ApocalypseTM manual for more info and gift use.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will find that their sense will improve in times of danger or when their trying to concentrate on a

specific sight, sound, smell, etc...

Hide It

Make a small object invisible to others. The object affected is visually unseeable to everyone except the dragon with the gift.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will notice that people around them seem clumsy and are occasionally running into things or

knocking them over. Other creatures will have a tendency not to notice things the dragon is quickly trying to keep hidden.

Increase Mayhem
Allows a dragon to double the damage of an attack brawl and melee for one turn. The opponent still gets a chance to soak
# For dragons unaware of this gift may not notice any difference. The GM can roll 1d10 and have the gift kick in for rolls landing

on a 10.

Induce Fear
Dragons with this gift cause fear or delirium in creatures. It works the same as delirium in werewolves, only it works on
werewolves, kin and other dragons.
# Dragons unaware of this gift find some creatures are afraid of them and will often try to get away as quickly as possible. Many

dragons attribute it to their looks.

Inspire Beast
Charisma + Magick Dif: 8
Some animals or insects near the dragon will obey and follow the dragon's unspoken will for a scene.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will notice that animals or insects around them accidently or intentionally do something that helps

them out.
Successes Animals

Inspire Others
- A dragon with this gift inspires others to take action that is agreeable with the dragon. All members of the dragon's party get
two extra die rolls for their initiative for a scene.
# For dragons who are unaware of this gift think their very presence will inspire others to take action; slow lines will speed up for

the dragon, lazy individuals the dragon is waiting on will quickly finish their tasks. Of course this usually happens for all dragons
that get annoyed with slow lackeys, but the dragon with this skill doesn't need to bear its teeth at them.

Know Intentions
Allows the dragon to know if a creature's intent towards it is harmful, neutral or helpful.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will have intuitive feelings about creatures they meet and know weather they can trust them or not.


Allows a dragon to to concentrate on a known individual or item and see the straightest physical path to it.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will sometimes be thinking about an item or or person and faintly see a thin blurry line that is

barely noticeable. If followed it will lead to the item or person.

Loose Tongue
Creatures talking to the dragon will often blabber on about anything. They will feel compelled to tell it things they would never
usually tell anyone, as long as they are engaged in a conversation and don't feel they are being directly interrogated about a
specific subject.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will find that most creatures are completely canned and comfortable with them when chatting.

Allows the dragon to get away from any pursuers. Any pursuers chasing the dragon will be come confused as to exactly where
the dragon went. All tracking methods will become confused.
# Dragons unaware of this gift have a hard time leading creatures to specific places. Parties they are leading always seem to

have a hard time following. Dragons find they can easily slip away from things that annoy them.

Mental Instability
Manipulation + Magick Dif: 8
Cause 1 creature to acquire a unique mental problem. she may think she hears phone ringing and when she answers the
nearest phone someone is telling her to do things; she may think it's dark out even in broad daylight, or even that someone
keeps moving an object around that she owns. The GM can choose the mental instability if the dragon is unaware of this gift.
# Dragons unaware of of this gift will meet and know a lot of unusual and seemingly unstable creatures.

Successes Duration
5 min
Once scene
1 day
One story

Mind Block
Allows a dragon to block any single mental invasion: magick, vristral or conventional.
# Dragons unaware of this gift have an odd feeling as if they are being watched when something invades their minds. They feel

as if they are dodging or repelling theses invader's eyes and may seem very paranoid to other creatures around them.

Morph Self
Dragons with this ability can change their forms. They do not naturally gain the knowledge to use the physical abilities the form
allows for. They must be learned.
# Dragons who are unaware of this gift in stressful and life threatening situations may monetarily and partially morph into a helpful

physical change. But they will usually not realize they have done so.

*Open Seal

Allows a dragon to open portals and locks. Works the same as the gift in the Werewolf: The ApocalypseTM manual. See
Ragabash gift of the same name in the Werewolf: The ApocalypseTM manual for more info and gift use.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will find that most doors and locks are usually not locked, or pop open if the wiggle them a little.

Paralyzing Roar
Communication + Magick Dif: 7
Allows a dragon to roar and paralyze with shock one or more creature.
# Dragon unaware of this gift will find that sometimes when they roar in rage one or more creatures in the room freezes in shock.

The GM can make the targets completely random if the dragon is unaware of this gift.
Successes Effect
Paralyze 1 creature 1 turn
Paralyze 1 creature 1 scene
Paralyze 2 creatures 1 scene
Paralyze 5 creatures 1 scene
Paralyze 10 creatures 1 scene
Paralyze all creatures near by for 1 scene

Allows a dragon to break up a single fight between two or more individuals. Both parties will instantly stop fighting and move
away feeling as if some sort of unspoken resolution as occurred.
# Dragons unaware of this gift and their opponents will often stop fighting shortly after the fight begins. They will feel there is an

unspoken agreement between them and their opponents. If they are near others who are quarreling the fight will stop shortly after
they arrive.

Perfect Recall
- Allows a dragon to be able to recall any event that has happened in its past and all its perceived details 100% accurately. The
dragon can specifically concentrate on any of its senses to bring out what was experienced. The dragon can freeze the
experience at a given time, or experience it slowly to analyze it.
# Dragons unaware of this gift may get caught up in past experiences while recalling past events and be oblivious to any event in

the present for short periods of time. They have very good recall of any event and can even recall quickly glimpsed documents in

Phantom Sight
Allows a dragon to shift its vision remotely without having to be there in person. The dragon can move its sight through solid
objects but still requires light to see. The remote sight only moves at the dragon's normal movement speed and must also return
back back to the location of the dragon's physical body for the dragon to once again see normally. While using this gift the
dragon can only see through its remote eyes.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will sometimes have out of body experiences, usually when they have a great longing to see

something they can't physically look at.

The dragon is able to change the color of an object.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will always seem to be able to find items in just the right colors they are looking for.

Allows a dragon to gain one point of quintessence, willpower, pride, and health for every point of gnosis spent. Takes 1 hour of
uninterrupted meditation per gnosis. If the meditation is interrupted the dragon looses a gnosis and doesn't gain renewal in the
other stats.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will often go into a daze for an hour or more when quintessence, willpower, pride, or health

becomes low.

*Resist Pain
- Allows a dragon to ignore all penalties from wounds for a scene. Works the same as the gift in the Werewolf: The
ApocalypseTM manual. See philodox gift of the same name in the Werewolf: The ApocalypseTM manual for more info and gift
# Dragons unaware of this gift find that they will sometimes become numb to pain, while they are still aware of their injuries.

Resize Self
This allows a dragon to change its size one step up or down the size scale.
# Dragons unaware of this gift can often squeeze through tight areas. They may also notice that they sometimes grow or shrink a

few inches over night.

Brings a small item back to its former glory. This does not refill empty objects with physically missing components.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will find that old items around their lairs and persons, such as coins, knives, calculators, batteries,

etc..., become shiny and new as if they just came from the factory.

Sap Will
Stamina + Magick Dif: 8
Causes a creature touched to lose willpower.
# Dragons unaware of this gift find that creatures around them occasionally become tired and unresponsive. Other dragons will

sometimes go into deep sleep around them.

Successes Effect
1 point willpower drained.
2 points willpower drained.
2 points willpower drained, renew 1 willpower.
3 points willpower drained, renew 1 willpower.
Drain all willpower, gain 1 permanent willpower.

Sense Being
Since a being(s) with in the nearby area. This includes all beings: vampires, werewolves, spirits, humans etc, but the gift doesn't
differentiate between them and the dragon only knows that something is there. If it is trying to sense only a specific type of being
and trying to ignore others the dragon must roll Perception + Magick Dif: 8.
# Dragons unaware of this gift hardly ever get snuck up on and get uncanny feelings when beings are near by.

Sense Magick
Dragons are able to sense large pools of quintessence and quintessence in objects. They can also tell when magick is being
actively used.
# Dragons unaware of the gift will see brief flashes of various colors when quintessence and magick are being used.

Sense Umbral Disturbance

The dragon is able to sense inconsistences between the umbral plane and the physical plane in the area they are in. Events that
occur in the umbra are not always in sync with the physical plane and sometimes take time to mirror changes.
# Dragons unaware of the gift will feel a "wrongness" in the area they are in. They will have feeling that some things should be

different but not always be able to pin it down the problem. Even minor differences may throw them off.

Shape Light
Dexterity + Magick Dif: 7
Allows a dragon to form images that remains for a given time or until the light source is extinguished. The image has no physical
substance and is only as good as its light source. An image created by campfire light will flicker with the fire; images created
with indoor light will have a slight yellow tinge; images created with red light will be red in color; images with fluorescent lights
may flicker. If a complex shape is being sculpted a dragon may have to make a normal roll on design/construction.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will sometimes see abstract images of what they were thinking about a few moments before

floating before them.

Successes Duration
3 seconds
5 min
Once scene
1 day
One story

Shape Liquid
Dexterity + Magick Dif: 5
Allows a dragon to shape a liquid as if it were clay. The liquid hardens and remains that way for a given time. If a complex shape
is being molded a dragon may have to make a normal roll on design/construction.
# Dragons unaware of this gift usually win water fights.

Successes Duration
3 seconds
5 min
Once scene
1 day
One story

Shape Matter
Manipulation + Magick Dif: 7 Allows a dragon to mold the shape of any small non-living solid object to an different shape as if it
were clay. Once shaped the material retains the same strength, weight, mass, texture, properties etc. as the original substance.
If a complex shape is being sculpted a dragon may have to make a normal roll on design/construction.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will find that objects they pick up are sometimes malleable like clay and they are able to sculpt

Successes Duration
3 seconds
5 min
Once scene
1 day
One story

Slippery Scales
- In a brawl or other situation where holds and grips are being placed on the dragon, its hide becomes slippery and impossible
to hold. It is also able to squeeze between tight places that would be difficult of most dragons. Tight shackles and bindings can
usually be worked free.
# Dragons unaware of this gift find that in combat they are able to slip out of any holds placed on them.

Spirit Block
- Stops spirits from directly attacking the dragon. They are unable to to get close enough to physically, mentally or spiritually
contact the dragon. # Dragons unaware of this gift seem to be uneffected by malicious or malevolent contact with spirits of all

Allows a dragon to make any two solid objects stick to each other at one point, regardless of the surface or texture. Objects
stuck together have to be broken apart.
# Dragons unaware of this gift find that fixing shattered objects is a cinch. They often win glass & bowling ball stacking contests.

Stooge Effect
Allows the dragon to cause all Physical damage and feeling of one creature to happen to another creature. This only last for one
scene. The dragon must touch both creatures.
# Dragons unaware of this gift find that for a short time pain and injury don't affect them or another creature that is near them.

They may however hear someone yell when they or other creatures bumps their heads.

Storm Calling
Stamina + Magick Dif: 7
Allows the dragon to cause the weather to quickly change to rain. The dragon will have control and influence over its elements.
# Dragons unaware of this gift find that it seems to rain around them a lot, usually when they are in a foul mood or longing for the

pitter patter of rain or even is someone is bothering them. The storm itself never seems to be physically uncomfortable to them
or turbulent directly around them. If they are daydreaming the rain will sometimes seem to dance with their thoughts. They may
jokingly think they are cursed by storms.
Successes Duration
Brief sprinkle 1 minute
Light rain and wind 1/2 hour
Light rain heavy wind 1 hour
Heavy rain and wind 1 hour
Heavy rain wind and lighting 2 hours
Large hail hurricane winds lighting 4 hours+

Summon Human
Allows a dragon to summon a human that is sympathetic to the dragon's cause, if available. This does not mean the human will
be friendly towards the dragon or even unafraid of them. Merely the human will want to achieve the same goals as the dragon.
# Dragons unaware of this gift run into many people who have the same goals as them. Even spur of the moment small things

such as trying to find cup of Anglmar Butterscotch Mocha in the early morning.

After the dragon reaches the incapacitated point with injuries instead of becoming unconscious, it will temporarily receive 10
more health levels and go into a frenzy and attack and damage anything in their attempts to escape. Even after it removed itself
from its attackers it will continue to flee until a hidden and safe place is found. It will then fall into a deep sleep that heals 1 point
of damage a day beginning with the extended damage levels. It will not wake until completely healed.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will awaken when healed and not know exactly where they are. They will only remember parts of

the incident leading up to their resting place, and then only as a blur.

Talk With Spirits

- Allows a dragon to communicate with spirits. The spirits need to be near the dragon in order to communicate with them.
# Dragons unaware of the gift may hear occasional whispers and voices.

Transfer Spirit
Stamina + Magick Dif: 6
A dragon is able to transfer gnosis from one creature to another. If the creature type does not have gnosis the creature's
corresponding power can be used in place of it. Example: Vampire to dragon, blood would be transfered to gnosis. The process
could also be reversed. Unwilling creatures roll stamina + willpower vs the dragons stamina + willpower Dif: 6 to see if the
dragon is successful in transfering gnosis. Creatures must be touched for the transfer to occur.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will sometimes unknowingly draw gnosis from other creatures to themselves if they are low on

Successes Effect
All Gnosis

A dragon can tell if a creature is speaking the truth or not.
# Dragons unaware of the gift will have an instinctual feeling when someone is lying to them.

Umbral Passage
- A dragon can walk through the veil that separates the umbra from the physical world.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will move to the umbra when fleeing danger. They won't necessarily know where they've gone or

how they got there, and will move back to the physical plane after 5 to 60 minutes or if in danger.

Umbral vision
Looking into glass or a reflective surface a dragon can see into the umbra at the current place that they are looking.
# Dragons unaware of this gift may glance at a window or reflective surface and see a ghostly surreal version of the world, with

unusual creatures wondering about.

Strength + Magick Dif: 6
Dragons using a dusting attack create increased dust over an area that will cause creatures to be blinded, sleep or be
# Dragons unaware of this gift will find that their dusting attacks performed on opponents are very effective.

0Increased dust & dirt particles.
1Densely blinding particles.
2Itching & skin irritating particles.
3Sleep inducing particles.
4+Paralyzing particles.

Vocal Comprehension
Dragons can partially understand any creature with vocalizations. The dragon can not speak back to the creature speaking and
they do not actually understand the words spoken; they just get a vague intuitive idea of what the creature is trying to convey.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will just seem to have odd feeling they know what the speaking creature is trying to convey but

consider it a guess or just an unusual intuition.

Vocal Imitation
Allows a dragon to imitate any sound or vocal pattern, even if it has only heard it once.
# Dragons unaware of this gift will just think they are naturally talented at imitating voices.

Allows a dragon to ignore all forces that may incapacitate them, to achieve a single immediate goal. This includes, magick,
gasses, poisons, unconsciousness, death , etc... Difficulty of the goal may be raised if the dragon is severely disabled. Damage
can still be taken.
# Dragons unaware of this gift find that they are able to set their mind on one goal and accomplish it. Such as a dragon may land

safely before before falling asleep if they are flying.

The Scorching
(Part IV)
By ExistingPhantom (

6. Brawling, Combat And Damage

Dragons have very tough plated armour or thick leathery skin and can take more levels of health damage than other creatures.
Dragons heal about as fast a normal humans, unless they use special aids or abilities. It takes a dragon about two weeks for
their bodies to naturally heal one level or point of health damage.

6a. Attacking To Hit

To hit an opponent while in combat a dragon uses a variety of skills depending on the circumstance. For dragons using brawling
or aerial combat see "Hit Roll" for the Attribute to be used with the fly or brawl talents to determine the number of die the player
rolls. The player rolls the given number of die at a set difficulty determined by the attack used. Use the standard system of critical
failures, successes and critical successes to determine if the dragon hits its opponent.
Dexterity + Firearms For dragon using firearms & projectile weapons.
Dexterity + Melee For dragon using melee weapons.
Attribute + Brawl
For dragon using brawling talents.
Attribute + Fly
For dragon brawling in aerial combat.

6b. Determining Damage

Once the dragon has hit the opponent the amount of damage to the opponent's health levels needs to be determined. To
determine damage the player rolls the number of die equal to the damage listed from the attacks damage table. All damage
rolls are made at a difficulty of 6. Any die roll of 6 or greater is counted as a single damage point that the opponent marks off of
his health. Critical failures are ignored when trying to determine damage from the roll, and critical successes are just counted as
a single damage point. Opponents get a chance to soak damage before marking it down on their character sheet except under
special circumstances.

6c. Soaking Damage

Once a dragon has been hit by an opponent, it may have a chance to soak damage that it has taken. To determine how many
points of damage are soaked and ignored by the dragon the player rolls die equivalent to the number of points of stamina it has.
All soaking rolls are made at a difficulty of 6. Any die roll of 6 or greater is counted as a single point of damage that the dragon's
avoided acquiring and they do not need to mark it in their health. Critical failures are ignored when trying to determine soaking
from the roll, and critical successes are just counted as a single soak point.

6d. Dragon Attacks

Dragons have devised some unique attacks due to their physical nature. They can also do some of the other standard brawl,
melee and firearm attacks in White Wolf reference books if their abilities allow.

6d.1 Standard Brawl Combat

Bite: Hit Roll: Dex + Brawl Damage: Str+2 # Actions: 1 Dif: 7
Breath: Hit Roll: Dex + Breath Damage: Stamina + Breath & special # Actions: 1 Dif: Var A breath weapon is a special attack
that can only be used if the attacker has breath weapon talent. Breath does damage noted above plus it may cause additional
effects depending on the type of breath weapon. An example would be, fire breath would cause the opponent it continue to burn
if flammable unless action was taken, electric or lightning breath would damage any sensitive technical equipment on the
opponents person or near by, etc... Difficulty is determined by the GM.

Clamping bite: Hit Roll: Special Damage: Str # Actions:1 Dif: 6 The dragon must pit its strength vs its opponent's strength Dif:
6. If the dragon's successes are greater than the opponents then the bite can be held and the attacker can be controlled. The

clamping bite can be turned into a vicious shake using a difficulty of 7 instead of 8 the next round and every round after that the
opponent is still held. The opponent may make a strength vs dragons strength test every round to attempt to get free Dif: 6.

Claws: Hit Roll: Dex + Brawl Damage:Brawl+1 # Actions: 2 Dif: 6

Dusting: Hit Roll: Str + Brawl Damage:N/A # Actions: 1 Dif: Var The dragon uses its wings to blow up fine dirt and dust to blind
opponents. The difficulty depends upon the terrain and particulate matter of the area. This attack will not work if there is no fine
particulate matter around. All creatures directly in front of the dragon will be blinded for the first round and any rounds after the
attack, until they roll a success using their perception starting at a difficulty of 7. The difficulty will go down by one each round.
The opponent may roll each round after the attack to try and clear their sight. This attack can be used in aerial combat if
opponents are on the ground.

Horn attack: Hit Roll: Dex + Brawl Damage:N/A # Actions:N/A Dif: N/A An Attacker may use their horns as melee weapons, but
all attacks and parries are executed with brawl instead of melee.
Weapon: Horn Initiative: +3 Accuracy: +2 Parry: +1 Damage: Strength+4 Conceal: N

Roaring Intimidation Defence: Hit Roll: Com + Brawl Damage:N/A # Actions:1 Dif: 7 You may fend off multiple personal
attacks by posturing and roaring. If you succeed all the attackers lose their attack for that initiative.

Roll: Hit Roll: Dex + Brawl Damage: Size + 2 # Actions:1 Dif: 7 The attacker rolls upon the opponent crushing and pinning the
opponent to the ground. The opponent may make a strength vs attackers size Dif: 6 each round in order to try to get free. For the
time that it is pinned, it is immobilized and can do nothing. For each round the opponent remains pinned it takes Size + 1 worth
of crushing damage.

Squeeze: Hit Roll: Dex + Brawl Damage: special # Actions:1 Dif: 9 The dragon uses its tail, wings, arms and legs to crush and
squeeze the the life out of its opponent. The opponent must roll each round using just its stamina to avoid damage. The difficulty
is equivalent to 10 minus its stamina. It takes one damage one level of health damage for each round it fails. It does not get to try
and soak damage. For every round after the first the opponent may roll before the stamina check in order to attempt to break
free. The opponent uses strength (-2) vs the attacker's strength to break free Dif: 6.

Tail Whip: Hit Roll: Dex + Brawl Damage: Dex # Actions:1 Dif: 7 A tail whip can be used to knock an object or objects out of an
opponents grasp or it can be used to inflict damage on an opponent.

Trip: Hit Roll: Dex + Brawl Damage: N/A # Actions:1 Dif: 6 By swiping with the tail, the dragon can knock down one or more
opponents by tripping them. The number of opponents that are knocked down are equal to the number of successes rolled.

Vicious Shake: Hit Roll: Str + Brawl Damage: Str+4 # Actions:1 Dif: 8 The dragon grabs the the opponent in its jaws and
shakes it causing ripping damage.

Wingslap: Hit Roll: Dex + Brawl Damage: Brawl # Actions:2 Dif: 7 The dragon by using its powerful wings can buffet an
opponent hard. If the opponent's stamina is less than the dragon's strength they are knocked unconscious. Otherwise they are
just knocked down, and require a round to recover to their feet.

6d.2 Standard Aerial Combat

Note: Some standard combats can be applied to areal attacks but they use the aerial attack roll Dexterity + Fly instead of
Dexterity + Brawl.

Back Roll Defence: Hit Roll: Special Damage:N/A # Actions:1 Dif: 6 You may fend off anothers attack from above at the same
initiative as your attacker by rolling in air and defending with teeth, arms, legs and claws. Instead of using a normal "Hit Roll" the
dragon pits its Dex + Fly minus 1 die roll vs the attackers Dex + Fly Dif: 6. If you succeed both you and your opponent are
finished for that initiative. If your opponent succeeds their initial attack automatically succeeds and they do not need to roll to hit

DiveAttack: Hit Roll: Dex + Fly Damage: Special # Actions: Special Dif: Special The attacker uses gravity and speed to
increase the damage of some standard combat moves. Damage is the standard brawl's combat damage +3. The difficulty is
the standard brawl combat move's difficulty + 2.

Grappling: Hit Roll: Dex + Fly Damage: Special # Actions:1 Dif: 8 A dragon can grab another flying creature's wings entangling
the opponent causing both to fall. The dragon pulls out of the fall before hitting the ground while the opponent does not. See the
falling table for damage. If the fall is higher than 2500 ft, the opponent may make an attempt to turn the tables (reverse the
grapple) or break free the next round. Every round both the dragon and the opponent fall 2500 ft.
Reverse Grapple: opponents strength (-1) + fly vs dragon's strength + fly Dif: 6
Break Free: opponent strength (-2) vs dragon's strength. Dif: 6

Plummet: Hit Roll: Dex + Fly Damage: Str + Special # Actions:1 Dif: 9 The dragon dives and pins an opponent on the ground in
a controlled fall. This is a very dangerous attack. If successful the opponent takes standard strength roll damage plus 6 health
levels of damage. The opponent may only soak damage taken from the dragon's strength roll.
Reverse Plummet: opponents strength + fly. vs dragon's strength + fly Dif: 6

Break Free: opponent strength (-1) vs a dragon's strength. Dif: 6

Snatch: Hit Roll: Dex + Fly Damage:Str # Actions:1 Dif: Var The attacker grabs an opponent or object off of the ground or air.
Not Moving
Moving (ground)
Dodging (ground)
Falling (air)
(opponent's Dex + Fly) Moving (air)

6e. Maneuvers Table: Standard Brawl Combat

Standard Brawl Combat marked with a "*" can be used as Aerial Combat but the hit roll used is Dex + Fly for everything except
Hit Roll
# Action Difficulty
Str + Brawl N/A
Clamping bite
Vicious Shake Str + Brawl Str+4
Dex + Brawl Brawl+1
Dex + Brawl Str+2
Dex + Brawl Brawl
*Tail Whip
Dex + Brawl Dex
*Horn attack
Dex + Brawl Special
Special Special
Dex + Brawl Special
Dex + Brawl N/A
Dex + Breath Sta+Breath & Special 1
Dex + Brawl Size + 2
*Roaring Defence Com + Brawl N/A

6f. Maneuvers Table: Standard Aerial Combat

ManeuverHit RollDamage# ActionDifficulty
GrapplingDex + FlySpecial18
DiveAttackDex + FlySpecialSpecialSpecial
PlummetDex + FlySpecial19
SnatchDex + FlyStr1Var
Back RollSpecialN/A16

6g. Falling
Due to their size weight and shape, dragons reach terminal velocity, which is the fastest speed an object will fall, at a different
height and speed than humans. It takes an average dragon 6 seconds or 2500 ft to reach their maximum falling speed. The
amount of damage taken is dependent on the speed at which the dragon makes contact with the ground. Dragons may make a
stamina roll to soak damage when they fall. See Soaking Damage. The size of a dragon will change the damage taken by a fall.
Add one extra damage level for every size point a dragon is above the standard dragon size (4 size points). Remove one extra
damage level for every size point a dragon is below the standard dragon size.
Height in ft. Building Heights (10 ft = 1 story) Damage
15 (maximum falling speed of a dragon)




7. Gaining Experience, Experience Advancement

Experience is awarded the same as the Mage: The Ascension TM experience system. See the Mage: The AscensionTM manual
for more info.

7a. Awarding Experience Points

Awarding adventurers experience points after each chapter:
1pt Automatically
1pt For a characters learning skills.
1pt For a players character acting properly.
1pt For a player fulfilling personal goals.
1pt For heroism and risking their lives for others without stupidity.

7b. Spending Experience Points

The following chart should be used for a dragon's advancing and spending experience points.
Experience Points Needed To Advance
Ability, New (any) 3 points per circle
Ability, Skills
Current rating X 3
Ability, Talents
Current rating X 2
Ability, Knowledge Current rating X 2
New Sphere
10 points per circle
Current rating X 7
Current rating X 4
Current rating X 4
Current rating
Current rating

8. Other Dragon Info

8a. Fetishes
Bracelet of the Dragon
Causes the wearer to have the powers of dragon whose spirit is imprisoned with in it.

Gauze of Appearance
This Gauze can be draped about a lair. Any invisible creature passing though or sneaking in will be enwrapped in it, alerting the
dragon. The entering party will not be aware they are wrapped in the gauze.

8b. Technologies
The advanced technologies listed below are devices that have been created by dragons. They work on naturally existing laws of
a realm and malfunction if magic is used against them or if used in a realm where the natural laws are different.

Spatial Pok
A Spatial pok is a small technical device about the size of a small marble. It uses gravimetric fields to lock all object stationary
that are between it and a planetary body. Any creature trying to move them will be unable to. The spatial pok is activated when

the dragon sets it down on an object. The pok is keyed only to a specific dragon and can not be turned on or off by another

8c. Dragon's Bane

Dragon's Bane is a plant that grows in limited environments. The flowers of the plant, if inhaled by dragons will put them to sleep.
The plant can also be made into a toxin that is poisonous to dragons by skilled herbalists who know the method.

8c. Milk
Most dragons love milk, however just a little bit of it makes them very very sleepy.

8c. Alcohol
Dragons enjoy ale and wine. They are hardy drinkers and can handle alcohol better than humans. The alcohol still effects them
just as it does humans. Dragons love to engage in drinking contests and will hardly ever turn down a challenge. For that matter,
they hardly turn down any free alcohol.

9. Creating Your Dragon Character

9a. Player Name, Gender, Type, Age, Clan, And Size
Fill in the individual's name who is playing the dragon character.
Fill in the name that you wish to call your dragon.
Fill in the type of dragon you are. This may refer to a specific race of dragons or to a specific classification your dragon is.
Examples: Oriental, AD&D Green, Perniese Brown, Water, Shadow, etc.
Fill in the dragons clan if applicable. Many dragons are loners and may not associate regularly with other dragons. This may also
be filled out by the GM.
Fill out gender: Male, Female, Hermaphrodite, Other.
Fill out your dragon age. Most starting dragons will probably be very young, at least 100 years old, out of hatchling stage, and on
their own.
Fill out you size. Size can influence many things. Such as fighting, moving through doors, weight issues, and flying, falling and
other events. If the GM doesn't want to deal with size issues in the games chronicle set all dragon sizes to medium. Most values
for this dragon character creation set were set for dragons of medium size. Length below includes from head to tail.
Points Sizes Range
Length Description
2" - 11" Size of many birds.
Very Small 1' - 4'
Fits through small animal doors.
5' - 10' Easily fit through standard doors.
**** 4
Medium 11' - 25' Average Dragon size, Tight squeeze through doors.
***** 5
26' - 50' Can fit in standard garage or vehicle lane.
****** 6
Gigantic 51' - 100' Might be able to fit into a airplane hangar.

9b. Selecting The Dragons Environment

Select the environment you are from: Magick Rich, Magick Weak, Non-Magical

9c. Selecting The Dragon's Nature

Select 2 natures from the below list. The first one selected is your dragon's dominate nature the second is your dragon's lesser
Gaba (The Trickster) Heur (The Seers) Odox (The Harmony)
Alni (The Creators) Roun (The Wild)
Enri (The Warriors)
Rawn (The Seekers) Hado (The Leaders)

9d. Choosing Attributes And Abilities

Filling in circles and what they approximately mean.
For Attributes For Abilities
1 Poor
2 Average
3 Good
4 Really Good Skilled
5 Exceptional Expert
6 Outstanding Master
You may only fill in as many circles for each individual attribute or ability as you like.
For your 3 attributes (Physical (Str, Dex, Sta), Social (Chr, Man, Comm), Mental (Pre, Int, Wit)) figure out which is your best
quality and fill in 9 circles in that group. Find your next best attribute and fill in 7 circles. For your last attribute fill in 5 circles.
For your 3 abilities (Talents, Skills, Knowledge [15 abilities in each category]) select one as your best abilities and fill in 19
circles. Find your next best abilities and fill in 15 circles, and for your last fill in 11 circles.
If you are from a Magick Rich Environment you can not fill in circles for Computer, Design and construction, Drive, Firearms,
Medicine, Science, Security and Technology. You may fill them in later when you use your free points.
If you are from a Magick Rich Environment you receive 1 extra point for your Magick ability under Talents.
If you are from a Non-Magical Environment you can not fill in the Magick ability. You can fill it in later when you use your free
If you are from a Non-Magical Environment you receive 1 free point under each of your 30 Skills and Knowledge.

9e. Filling In Spheres And Quintessence

9e.1 Spheres
Spheres indicate what areas of magick you know.
Choose your spheres of magick if you are from a magick rich or magick poor environment. If you are from a Non-Magickal
Environment skip to section 6. If you choose a Magick skill later with your free points, you will also have use your free points to fill
your Spheres, and Quintessence.
If you are from a Magick Rich Environment you have 5 points to spend on your spheres.
If you are from a Magick Poor Environment you have 4 points to spend on your spheres.
No sphere my be higher than your magick rating. If you choose to fill a magick sphere that coincides with your nature you will
receive an extra point in that sphere. This will only happen once per nature, and if your sphere is less than you magick.
Gaba (Entropy) Heur (Spirit) Odox (Mind)
Alni (Matter) Roun (Life) Enri (any)
Rawn (Prime) Hado (Force)

9e.2 Quintessence
Quintessence is the magical energy that mages store and use to forcefully patch the natural laws of the multi-verse. Dragons in
the magick arts start out with 2 Quintessence.

9f. Filling In Gnosis

Gnosis is your internal mystical wisdom and power to influence the world about you. Many innate gifts, vristral feats and fetishes
requite a gnosis roll or expenditure of a gnosis point.
Fill out your Gnosis according to your environment:
Magick Rich = 2 Gnosis (fill in 2 circles)
Magick Week = 3 Gnosis (fill in 3 circles)

Non Magickal = 1 Gnosis (fill in 1 circle)

9g. Filling In Pride, Willpower And Background

Figure out your Pride, Willpower & Background according to your Natures:
Gaba: P7 W1 B5 Alni: P4 W1 B7 Roun: P1 W9 B1
Heur: P3 W5 B4 Enri: P9 W3 B1 Rawn: P2 W1 B9
Odox: P1 W7 B3 Hado: P5 W5 B3
Find the average of your two natures, add the 2 like categories together and divided by 2 to get your stats, rounding up.
Example Gaba & Hado P7 W1 B5 + P1 W7 B3 = P8 W8 B8 / 2 = P4 W4 B4

9g.1 Pride
Fill in your Pride.
Pride can be said to be the bane of many dragons. It is more than just a type of vanity in ones skills, it is the knowing and
confidence in ones skills and abilities and letting the world know that their the best.
Pride can occur when ever using or showing off knowledge, skills, abilities. Pride can be gained when being acknowledged for
abilities. Anytime a dragon's pride goes to 0 its skills suffer and it loses 1 die roll in all its skills.
A pride point can also be spent to accomplish the following:
Remaining active. See rage in the Werewolf: The ApocalypseTM manual.
Pride can lead to poor decision making and showing off. For every point of pride above willpower dragons lose 1 point of Wits
and gain 1 point of Chrisma.
A dragon can spend a pride point to get one extra die roll in any Attribute it already has. A dragon can spend 2 pride points to
get 1 extra die roll in an attribute that they don't have. It will not suffer any difficulty penalties for lacking the attribute.
A dragon can cancel a critical failure by spending a pride point.

9g.2 Willpower
Fill in your Willpower.
Willpower works similar as in other White Wolf game characters. See the Werewolf: The ApocalypseTM or Mage The
AscensionTM manuals.
Using a willpower gives you 1 automatic success in an action.
Any dragon with 0 willpower will not care about doing anything and all ability rolls lose 3 die rolls. Dragons with 0 willpower will
often fade out of existence or sleep and become inactive for long periods of time.

9g.3 Background
For your Background you can choose a background category or categories and spread your background points among them. A
dragon's background often reflects what it has done for itself in the past. For detailed information about backgrounds with "*"
see manuals by White Wolf.

How many individuals will actively help the dragon out.

An informational base that the dragon has built up over a period of time.
The dragon's renown know thoroughout the land. Usually seen in a good light but not always. One point, it is known
well in its small area. Two points, it is well known in a local city. Three points, it is known in several cities. Four, it is
known in several states, or providences. Five, it is known throughout the country. Six, it is known throughout parts
of the world.
Brothers, sisters and kin and how close the dragon is to them. Each filled in point is a very close family member of
the dragon's that will do almost anything for it or help it in any way it can.
*Influence Dragon's political power.
Special mystical and technical objects collected over time. See the "Other Dragon Info" section in this document.
Includes Fetishes, Technologies and Talismans. Each point filled is a item the dragon owns. The dragon can get
items from other White Wolf manuals.



An individual who how has taken the dragon under its wing and guided it and taught it much.

*Resources Money and wealth the dragon has collected.


Hideouts, caves and houses that the dragon has prepared and kept up to live and get away from it all. Each point
filled in is a different house or hideout that the dragon has in different areas.
Follower, Guards and Servants that the dragon has and that attend it constantly. Each point filled in is a human
retainer that follows the dragon around and attend it.

9h. Choosing Gifts

Gifts are considered a dragon's innate magical abilities and can be used if a dragon has gnosis and is in a Magick Rich to
Magick Poor Environment. If a dragon came from a Magick Rich Environment it may choose 2 gifts from its natures: one from its
dominate nature and one from its lesser nature. If a dragon came from a Magick Poor Environment it may choose one gift from
its dominate nature. Innate gifts can only be chosen when creating a character and spending free points. It can not be gained
later by experience. GMs have the option of choosing the innate gifts for the character.
Every time a innate gift is activated instinctively it only costs a gnosis point. If the dragon has discovered and knows about its
innate gift and wishes to use it at a specific time, the gift requires a willpower point in addition to the gnosis point to activate.

Gaba: The Tricksters Heur: The Seers

Odox: The Harmony

Fire Starter
Failing Flight
Hide It
Slippery Scales
Mental Instability
Stooge Effect

Complete Balance
Sense Being
Controlled Climate
Sense magick
Dragon's Sail
Sense Umbral Disturbance Healing Tongue
Spirit Block
Mind Block
*Resist Pain
Talk With Spirits
Transfer Spirit
Umbral Passage

Alni: The Creators

Roun: The Wild

Enri: The Warriors

*Create Element
Morh Self
Resize Self
Shape Light
Shape Liquid
Shape Matter
Storm Calling

Animal's Voice
Calling the Wild
Induce Fear
Inspire Beast
Vocal Imitation

Battle Lock
Breath Block
Death Blow
Find Weakness
Increase Mayhem
Sap Will

Rawn: The Seekers Hado: The Leaders

Loose Tongue
*Open Seal
Perfect Recall
Phantom Sight
Umbral vision
Vocal Comprehension

Dragonic Logic
Group Persuasion
*Heightened Senses
Inspire Others
Know Intentions
Paralyzing Roar
Summon Human

9i. Use Your Free Points

You have 17 free points to spend.
If you are from a Magick Poor Environment you have 5 extra free points to spend.
If you are from a Non Magickal Environment you have 15 extra free points to spend.
Innate Gifts

7 points per gift (you may only choose gifts from

7 points per circle your natures)

5 points per circle
3 points per circle
2 points per circle
1 point per circle
1 point per circle
Background 1 point per circle or new Background
Quintessence 1 point per 4 circles
You are now ready to roar!

The Scorching
(Part V)
By ExistingPhantom (

10. Character Sheets

10a. A Dragon LPR Character Creation Sheet
The LPR player sheet has not been tested in game play. Modifications May be needed to improve the LPR character sheet.
Suggestions are welcome.
Dragons!: The Scorching. TM
A dragon LPR character creation sheet.
Size: *OOOOO
================================ Attributes ===============================
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
=============================== Abilities ==============================
7/5/3 (+2)
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
============================== Advantages ==============================
================================ Spheres ===============================
5 (+2)
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________



0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________

0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
============================== Backgrounds =============================
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
0______________________ 0______________________ 0______________________
============================= Innate Gifts =============================





(7 freebies)

0______________________ 0______________________
BRUISED - One extra trait to initiate
HURT - One extra trait for challenges.
The opponent with more traits may do 1
additional test.
WOUNDED - Bid two traits for challenges.
Loose all ties. Opponent with more traits
may do 1 additional test.
CRIPPLED - May not initiate a challenge for 1
minute (dazed). 3 traits per challenge.
Opponent gets 1 added test. Loose all ties.
OOOOOOOOOO INCAPACITATED - 10 minutes out of play.
(unconscious). must heal 1 level to to move
or challenge.
DECEASED - Must heal 1 level or be
permanently out of play after 10 minutes.
Lose all Abilities and Attributes.

10b. A Standard Dragon Character Creation Sheet

For White Wolf's StorytellerTM Game System
--------------------- Dragons!: The Scorching.TM ----------------------Name:
Size: *OOOOO
============================== Attributes ==============================
Strength: *OOOOO +2
Perception: *OOOOO
Dexterity: *OOOOO +1
Manipulation: *OOOOO
Intelligence: *OOOOO
Stamina: *OOOOO +2
Communication: *OOOOO
============================== Abilities ==============================
Knowledge [19/15/11]
Animal Ken OOOOOO
Etiquette OOOOOO R Computer
OOOOOO R Firearms
Camouflage OOOOOO
Leadership OOOOOO
Investigation OOOOOO
Expression OOOOOO
Linguistics OOOOOO
Navigation OOOOOO
Performance OOOOOO
Intimidation OOOOOO
OOOOOO R Medicine
Occult/Lore OOOOOO
Primal Urge OOOOOO
Streetwise OOOOOO R Technology OOOOOO R Science
Subterfuge OOOOOO R Drive
OOOOOO R Security

Discomfort 0 [] Damaged
-3 []
0 [] Marred
-3 []
-1 [] Mauled
-4 []
-1 [] *Unable To Glide*
-1 [] Thrashed -5 []
-2 [] Crippled -6 []
-2 [] *unconscious*
*Unable To Fly*
Incapacitated []
============================ Advantages ============================
Correspondence 000000
Prime 000000
Spirit 000000
Matter 000000



Innate Gifts, Items & Stuff.

_______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________
_______________________ _______________________

Drainer: The Hunger


"Since our hideous creation, we have existed only for the purpose of draining power from others. Like vampires, we leech off
others, but unlike them we have no hope for redemption."
-- Joseph Insipus, Ancient
The Drainers were a mistake. Whose mistake is unknown. They keep no records, have no history of their own, but their power is
amazing and unrivaled throughout the World of Darkness.

The theme of Drainer is based on a Maxim: "Absolute power corrupts absolutely." Then there's: "He who wants to have a
munchkin character has another think coming." I think Confucius said that. ^_^

A Drainer is a normal mortal who has the ability to leech off other supernaturals powers. Every Drainer has an amount of energy
(for they lack the poetic grace to call it anything else) that they spend to use these newfound powers and take them away.
They have the power to use someone else's power, temporarily take it away, or take it away forever. Sounds fun, huh? Well it's
not. It's hell.
Draining energy (Quintessence, gnosis, blood points, etc): Roll Soul, (difficulty 7) and Brawl (difficulty 8).
Using someone else's power: Roll Soul (difficulty 8).
Temporarily borrow a power: Roll Soul (difficulty 9).
Permanently thieving a power: Roll Soul (difficulty 10).
None of their draining powers work against wraiths or Risen.
They use this power to feed themselves with supernatural energy, and are hated by everyone.

Soul is what keeps the Drainer from going on a murderous rampage and killing everything in sight. a Drainer has a Soul rating of

A character uses energy to power his ability to steal other powers, use them, etc.

Creating a Drainer
Drainer are very rare, and have about 10-20 at most in the biggest city, so they have no society. That means forget about uniting
them. They hate each other as much as themselves.
Attributes: 6/4/2
Abilities: 11/7/4
Willpower: 4
Energy: 5

Soul: 1
Freebies: 12 points
Freebie Cost
Trait Cost
Energy 2
Soul 7
Experience Point Cost
Soul Current rating x 10*
*Soul cannot exceed 5.

When permanently draining a power, you must roll your current Soul (difficulty nine). If you fail, you lose a point of permanent
Soul. Botches have no additional effect.

Draining Energy: The character must grapple with his opponent (opposed Brawl + Strength roll) before grabbing his victim's
face. He then rolls Soul (difficulty 7). For each success he makes, he drains a point of energy away from his victim. (convert any
appropriate "power upper" to energy, like blood points, Quintessence, etc.)

Using someone else's power: Roll Soul (difficulty eight). This counts as a complex action to borrow the power, and it cannot
be released until the next turn.
System: Roll Soul. If it succeeds, spend the points it would usually take to power the ability. If it normally does not require an
expenditure of energy, spend energy equal to the level of the power (Forces 1 :1 point of energy). Draining True Magick requires
expenditure equal the Sphere (taking Mind 3 = 1+2+3 = six energy) This lasts two turns per success.

Temporary Theft: Spend two energy points before trying. Roll Soul (difficulty nine). If you succeed (two successes), you use the
procedure detailed in using the other persons power, but she cannot use the power.

Permanent theft: Spend four energy points before trying. Roll Soul (difficulty 10). You need only one success, but you must
make another Soul roll at difficulty six to see if you do not lose the Soul point anyway.

Slipping: Losing all Soul.
Ancient: Someone who has lived with being a Drainer for 30+ years.

Initiate: Someone who has just become a Drainer.

Neophyte: A Drainer for 10-19 years.
Middleman: A Drainer for 20-29 years.
Taking the Birdie: Permanent theft.

Most other supernaturals don't even know Drainers exist. Those who do, hate them unless they have very good reason not to.

Dreamwalker: The Unity

By Scott Ryland ( with input from Adam Solis ( and Torsten Beck (

As with everything, there must be a starting point. It is no different here. For the Dreamwalkers, they believe that their starting
point was with a man called Star of Sky. Star of Sky was a Native American from the time just before the white man came to
"their" New World. His tribe was small and unknown to any but the most knowledgeable of their neighbors. The tribe's name has
been lost through the years, but the tribe has never really died out. Not when you consider the way that Star of Sky expanded his
tribe. Star of Sky was his tribe's shaman, although it is unsure if he was a Mage. He received a vision of a "great threat to the
unity of the worlds," so he decided to keep an eye on the spirit world. Since the Boundary was so thin back then it was easy for
him to do. But something happened to Star of Sky and it changed his life forever. Somehow Star of Sky was the first person to
"re-unify" his spirit. The Boundary between the worlds disapeared for him. How he did this has been argued about for some
time. A legend has been passed down, but it has been interpreted many different ways. There are two major interpretations.
The first tells of his spontaneous unifying one day as he was speaking to his ancestors. This interpretation says that after his
unifying, he discovered a pack of Garou that took him in and helped protect him from the new world he had discovered. They say
that the Garou introduced him to the spirits in a way he never had seen them. They taught him new ways of understanding the
spirits and ways to work with them.
In the second interpretation, Star of Sky was said to have been unified by the Garou. That since he was a shaman and spoke
with the spirits and knew their ways, it was easier for him to meet the Garou. This belief is that the Garou performed some
ceremony that fully brought him into his new existence within the worlds.
Both interpretations agree that after spending time adjusting to his new existence, Star of Sky began to exhibit strange new
abilities that the Garou could not explain. Star of Sky became a new leader of his people. He unified many of his tribe. He new
that one day the worlds would come back together and that it would be their job to help when that day came. They have been
unifying people, places and objects for quite some time. But, they are quite far from bringing the worlds together again.
Dreamwalkers are humans that have been brought into an existence that bypasses the normal Boundaries between the worlds
by another Dreamwalker. The unifying can be related to the relationship between a newly "born" vampire and his sire, in that the
Dreamwalker "creates" another Dreamwalker by picking a human that seems to be a good candidate for it. Some
Dreamwalkers are people that caused their own 'unification', bringing themselves into the spiritual worlds of the Dreamwalkers.
These Dreamwalkers are said to have "spontaneously" Unified. Dreamwalkers that had no "Unifier" are called Lost Ones. (see
the Fellowship: Lost Ones)
A Dreamwalker is a human/spirit combination. The Dreamwalker exists across the Boundaries of the worlds. For some newly
"created" Dreamwalkers, this new ability of existing in more than on world is too much for them and they go insane. An insane
Dreamwalker is usually diagnosed with schizophrenia and is put in an institution. These Dreamwalkers are usually caused by
them having a higher rank in Purity than Willpower. Not all Dreamwalkers that are this way become insane, but many of the
insane stem from this fact. They just see too much for them to be able to control themselves.

The Boundary
The Boundary is very much like and coexists with the Gauntlet, Shroud and the Mists. It is what separates all the realms from
each other. It varies intensity from place to place just like you've learned to expect from the Gauntlet, Shroud, etc. The Boundary's
rating is usualy the same as whatever normal Boundary (Shroud, Gauntlet, etc.) is relevent. The Boundary determines the target
number for all Sympathy and Devotion rolls (see: Sympathies and Devotions). When determining target number for using
Devotions or Sympatihes, use the highest rated Boundary. The Boundary is also affected by the Dreamwalker's Purity rating.
This in turn affects the the Gauntlet's, Shroud's, etc. rating automatically. (see Purity)

Purity is the connection that a Dreamwalker has with his Umbral side. The higher the rating, the more he is in tune with the
Umbral worlds. It is his rating that shows his tie to the "Pure Ones." They were (are?) beings of material and spirit. They existed
before the Boundary was risen, when all the worlds were one. The Dreamwalkers are claiming that the day will come when they
will be one again. They call this "The Unity."
Purity rank can be added to some rolls (see Devotions) as extra dice. Each die added to the roll will cost an extra Power point.
The Dreamwalker must have already been spending Power in the roll, thus it won't work on attribute rolls or ability checks. The
Dreamwalker's Purity effects the Boundary in a strange way. Purity reduces the Boundary's rating. The higher the Dreamwalker's
Purity rating, the more the Boundary's rating is effected. (A rating of 1 to 3 in Purity reduces Boundary by 1 point, 4 to 6 reduces
it by 2 points, 7 to 9...etc.)

Purity is also used by a Dreamwalker to activate a fetish or talen as a Garou does using his Gnosis. To bind with a fetish (as the
Garou do) the Dreamwalker rolls his Purity rating (in dice) with the target number being the Gnosis of the fetish. It costs Power
points equal to the number of dice rolled. Only one success is needed to bind with the fetish. From then on the Dreamwalker
need only spend one Power point in order to activate the fetish. Since talens are used only once, the Dreamwalker must roll
Purity to activate the talen (spending the Power like normal Puirity rolls).
All Dreamwalkers start with at least one point in Purity. It is what makes them Dreamwalkers. To have more than one point in
Purity, the player must spend freebie points. Purity is used as the "recharge rate" for Power points. (see Power) Purity can be
considered the Avatar rating of the Dreamwalker (pt. per pt. conversion) to relate to "Mage: The Ascension." It can also be
considered Gnosis for "Werewolf: The Apocalypse."

Devotions are the innate abilities of the Dreamwalkers. Dreamwalkers are able to use only the Devotions that they have points
in. There are six Devotions in all. The Devotions are divided up into two types: primary and secondary. A primary Devotion is the
Devotion that is associated with the Dreamwalker's Fellowship (see: Fellowships). Secondary Devotions are the rest of the
Dreamwalker's Devotions. They are their regular Devotions. Devotions cannot be used if the Dreamwalker has Shifted entirely
into the material world (using the Devotion Shift). This is because a Dreamwalker's Devotions originate from his Umbral side
and becoming completely material causes his Umbral side to be suppressed. Power cannot be spent at this time either, since
Power is the Dreamwalker's Umbral energy. Although Power already spent, before the Dreamwalker becomes all material, can
still be in effect.
Example: Tom has spent three Power to increase his Dexterity by three (see the Devotion: Focus). Tom then becomes all
material in order to avoid some nasty bane spirits in the Middle Umbra. If the bane were to materialize to fight Tom in the
material world, he would find that Tom's Dexterity is still up; it's plus three. The only Devotion that may be used when the
Dreamwalker is totally material is "Shift" (so he can return to the Umbral realms).
Devotions take a normal action, just like an attack or other action. Thus, it is normally the only action a Dreamwalker can take
during a round. When using a Devotion, the Dreamwalker must spend one Power point for each die being rolled. He can add his
Purity rank in dice to the roll, but it will cost him more Power points.
All Devotion rolls have a target number equal to the current rating of the Boundary. If the Boundary's rating is lowered in any way,
the target number will also be lowered.
Example: A Dreamwalker, that is existing in material and Umbral worlds at the same time [which is the normal existence for
Dreamwalkers]), wants to increase his Strength. He has a Focus rank of 2 and a Purity rank of 3. He rolls all 5 of his dice,
spending 5 Power points, with a target number of 7 (the local Boundary's current rating). He achieves only 2 successes, thus his
Strength goes up 2 points. (See the Devotion: Focus)
Note: When created, the Dreamwalker may have no Devotion with a higher rating than three, unless freebie points are spent to
increase it.

Primary Devotion
A primary Devotion is a special Devotion of a Fellowship (see the Fellowship descriptions). Each Fellowship's Devotion is
special because the Dreamwalker gains extra abilities (past the regular Devotions abilities) with that Devotion that other
Fellowships don't receive.

Secondary Devotion
Secondary Devotions are the regular Devotions of the Dreamwalker. The abilities gained by secondary Devotions are listed in
the Devotion discriptions. A Dreamwalker must have at least one dot in a Devotion in order to use it.

Quick list of Devotions

Used to make objects appear in the Umbrae with the Dreamwalker.
Adds points to physical attributes.
Creates amulets for storing fellowship abilities.
Empower Causes a normal weapon to inflict aggravated damage.
Restore Heals health levels of the Dreamwalker.
Shifts the Dreamwalker in and out of the worlds.

Complete list of Devotions

Unify is used to make objects and people exist across the Boundary like the Dreamwalker does. It makes an object (or person),
that existed only in the material world, exist in the many Umbrae that the Dreamwalker exists in. (Note: Permanently Unifying a
person creates a Dreamwalker. The new Dreamwalker's Purity level designates the number of Umbrae he coexists in.) (see
"Unifying") A unified object, in the possession of a Dreamwalker that is Shifting between worlds, will Shift with him. The
Dreamwalker must touch the object that he is trying to unify in order to be succeed. Use the duration table below to determine
the duration. When unifying an object the Dreamwalker must spend one round per success touching the object/person. After
such time, if enough successes were scored, the effect is permanent (temporary if not enough successes). (Note: Only one roll is
made. It just takes more than the one round that the roll is made in to take effect.)
Unify cannot be used as an extended action. A failed attempt to unify an object (or person) means that the Dreamwalker cannot
attempt a "retry" until he raises his Purity by at least one. Unify can be rerolled, but not until the Dreamwalker's Purity is raised. A
botch means that the Dreamwalker can never unify that object (or person), no matter how many times he tries. This does not
prevent other Dreamwalkers from unifying the object (or person).

Duration Table for unifying an

# of Successes Duration
1 round
1 scene
1 day
1 story
5 or +

Focus allows the Dreamwalker to increase his physical attributes. For every success, on a Focus roll, the Dreamwalker may
increase a physical attribute by one point. The Dreamwalker may assign the points to any of the three physical attributes he
wishes, but he may not change their location without rerolling (see below). The upper limit to any attribute that is increased in this
way is ten. A botch on a Focus roll causes the Dreamwalker one level of aggravated damage.
This Devotion cannot be used as an extended action, but instead can be rerolled. Rerolling is used to achieve a larger number
of successes in order to replace the old number of successes with the new number. A reroll works just like a regular Focus roll,
but the number of successes rolled replaces the number of the previous successes. The reroll might have less successes than
the original. In that case the Dreamwalker will have less extra dots that he must exchange with his previous extras so that he has
less than before to add to his physical attributes.
If the Dreamwalker rests after using this Devotion to increase his physical stats, he will lose the extra dots that he gained. The
Dreamwalker must keep himself active to retain the enhanced stats. This only really takes effect when the Dreamwalker rests to
recharge. Think of the effect like 'The Incredible Hulk' resting and turning back into Bruce Banner.

This Devotion alows a Dreamwalker to store extra abilities from his Fellowship or Sympathies. The extra abillity or Sympathy
that is to be stored must be stored into a battery. (See: New Backgrounds) Each success on the roll to infuse the abillity into the
battery adds one level (or one use) to the battery. This battery is now an Amulet.
Example: A level 4 Amulet can be used at level 1 four times, or at level 4 once, or any ratio in between. When creating an
Amulet, the Dreamwalker must spend one Willpower point (temporary point). This signifies how hard and how much effort it
takes to make an Amulet. (Note: Amulets are temporary items, but Binders (see the Fellowship: Binders) can make them
permanent by "investing" them.)

Empower causes a weapon, whether melee, projectile, or the Dreamwalker's own fists, to inflict one level of aggravated
damage for every success (up to normal damage for the weapon) on the Empower roll. This cannot be used as an extended
action. The roll is made while the Dreamwalker is attacking. The use of this Devotion does not take an action to accomplish.
Both the attack and the use of Empower happen simultaneously. As the Dreamwalker attacks he forces his Umbral energy into
the weapon, thus causing aggravated damage to whatever it hits. Botches will cause damage to the weapon. Every "one" in the
botched roll, causes a level of damage to the weapon. The ST should come up with suitable "health levels" for the weapons. If
the damage is done to the Dreamwalker's own fists, one level of aggravated damage is all that is done to the Dreamwalker, but
he can't use that hand until it heals.
(Note: The aggravated damage caused by Empower replaces the normal damage done by the weapon Empower will never
cause more levels of damage than is allowed by the weapon.)

Restore is the Devotion that Dreamwalkers use to heal themselves. This Devotion is very powerful, because in a person it
reverses the harmful effects of aging (effectively keeping the Dreamwalker at a very 'healthy' age, removes disease, and undos
injury. (Yes, it works on Aggravated wounds.)
Each success on a Restore role equals one level of damage (normal or aggravated) that is healed. A botch inflicts one level of
aggravated wounds on the Dreamwalker per "one" showing on the roll. "Restore" can be used as many times as the
Dreamwalker wants. Thus, it is possible for a Dreamwalker to heal from very grievous wounds (although it will take him time). Of
course, it is also possible that the Dreamwalker will accidentally kill himself with a botch. The Dreamwalker must rest a number
of rounds equal to the number of health levels being healed. If he doesn't rest the required amount time, he only partially heals
(equal to number of rounds that he was able to rest). Duration is permanent (as permanent has health can be, until changed).

Shifting is the ability of a Dreamwalker to Shift himself more into one world and out of another. When Shifting into one world and
out of the another, the Dreamwalker becomes less "here" and more "there." If the Dreamwalker receives three or more
successes, he can "step sideways" (leave one of the worlds behind). That effect will only last for the current scene.
After three successes to Shift away from a world, if the Dreamwalker does not opt to "step sideways," he can not affect the world
that he Shifted from in any physical way without spending a Willpower point (although he will be able to see it and anyone in it will
still see him). The Shifting from one world to the other is an almost immediate effect. It takes only one turn for the action to be
There is a beneficial side effect to Shifting partially sideways and not opting to 'step sideways'. In the world that the
Dreamwalker Shifts away from, he gains extra soak dice equal to the number of Shift successes (maximum of 3 extra soak
Example: John rolls his rank in Shift to Shift away from the material world to avoid gunshots. He scores 2 successes and thus
gets 2 extra soak dice (in the material world) for as long as he remains Shifted.
If the Dreamwalker ever botches a Shift roll, he will be Shifted completely into the material world. He must stay there for a
number of rounds equal to the number of failures (yes, include ones) on the roll. During this time he cannot use any of his
Devotions or Shift back into any of the Umbral worlds. He must wait until the time has passed before he can even attempt to
Shift to "normal" (existing in more than one world). (Note1: Shift can be used as an extended action in order to Shift more in one

Sympathies are abilities that a Dreamwalker can learn from other supernaturals. They are the Arcanos of Wraiths, the charms of
spirits, the Cantrips of Changelings, the powers of Angels and Demons, and ... etc. Sympathies must be learned from the being
that uses them. They cannot be learned from other Dreamwalkers. Although, the extra abilities that a Dreamwalker gets through
his Fellowship may be taught to a Dreamwalker of a different Fellowship (if their Devotion is at a high enough rank). They would
learn those abilities as Sympathies. Sympathies are restricted in rank by the Dreamwalker's Affinity rating that applies to the
Sympathy (ie. Affinity of 2 for the shadowlands restricts Arcanos Sympathies to a rating of 2 or less).
Example: A Dreamwalker learns "sculpt" (from the Arcanos Moliate) from a wraith. The Dreamwalker has Affinity of 2 for the
Dark Umbra (just enough to learn it). If the Dreamwalker spends enough exoerience on it, he could get his rank up to 2,3, 4, or 5.
He wouldn't have to stop at 1 or 2. Then he'd have that many dice to roll in order to use the acanos "sculpt". (side note: Wouldn't
that be wierd to see what would happen to the Dreamwalker in the material world if he resculpted himself? :)
For other abilities with no normal rating (like the charms of a spirit), the Affinity rating rule doesn't apply to the learning of the
Sympathy. The Dreamwalker need only one point in the Affinity related to the spirit (usually High or Middle Umbra).
For simplicity's sake, I'll not describe all the Sympathies that a Dreamwalker could learn. They can be found in the relevent
source books or supplements. Just remember that the Dreamwalker uses them slightly differently. (ie. he could have a rank of 4
for a rank 2 gift learned from a Garou) (Note: Some Sympathies may require that the Dreamwalker be totally spirit in order to be
used. Logic should dictate which are which. An example is any possession type ability.)
Some examples of Sympathies: Fatal Vision, Danger Sense, Interpretation, Lachesis' Measure, Luck (all arts of the Arcanos
Fatalism), Imitate, Sculpt, Martialry, Rend, Bodyshape (arts of Moliate), Blast Flame, Break Reality, Calcify, Control Electrical
Systems, Create Fires, Freeze, Ice Shards, Open Moon Bridge, Shape Shift, Solidify Reality (normal spirit charms), lots and lots
of Gifts (must have Middle Umbra Affinity rating &;gt or = gift rank), and on and on. I'd like to include Changeling cantrips and
stuff, but I know next to nil about it. (Note that there aren't any magickal effects or such. Dreamwalkers work with reality. They are
part of it.)
The Garou level 2 Gift 'Spirit of the Fray' can be changed into a Sympathy like so:
It normally gives the possessor the automatic ability to go first every turn. But by changing it into a ranked Sympathy, it has to
change somehow. Thus, each dot in the Sympathy 'Spirit of the Fray' gives its possessor an automatic success on the initiative

roll. The Dreamwalker spends Power (up to Sympathy level) during the initiative roll and adds those points as automatic
successes. Other Gifts, Charms, Arcanos, etc. are usually easier to change into Sympaties, but some just don't transfer well into
Sympathies and some even duplicate the effects of some Devotions (see: Devotions) so should not be allowed (always up to
the ST).

Affinities show the Umbral realms in which the Dreamwalker coexists in. Each Affinity has a rating. This rating shows how in tune
the Dreamwalker is with that realm. The higher the rating the more in tune he is. Each dot in an Affinity shows how much easier it
is for the Dreamwalker to use his Devotions when completely in that realm. Each point reduces the difficulty of using a Devotion
(in that realm) by one. The difficulty may never be less than 2 through this effect.
Example: Tyler rolls his Devotion, Focus, to increase his Strength while only in the Middle Umbra. The Boundary rating in this
area is usually an 8, but Tyler's Purity rating of 3 brings it down to a 7. That would be his target number (normally), but he also
has an Affinity rating of 2 for the Middle Umbra. That helps him out by reducing his target number down to 5. The Dreamwalker's
Purity rating determines how many points he has to distribute between his Affinities. The maximum starting value for any Affinity
is 3. The maximum rank that a Dreamwalker may raise an Affinity rating (by raising his Purity) is 5. (Note: If the Dreamwalker is
existing only in the Umbral realms [ie. not the material realm], the lowest Affinity rating will work for all Umbral realms at the same
time.) Affinities are chosen from the three basic Umbras: Low, Middle, and High. They can also be chosen from any of the
realms (which in my and other's opinions are "smaller" Umbras). (Note: There is no Affinity for the material realm.)

Castes show how different Dreamwalkers specialize in different Affinities. Whichever Affinity is highest, for a Dreamwalker,
shows which Caste he belongs to. Castes are sort of like the Auspice of the Garou or the Houses of Changelings. The Caste of
a Dreamwalker can be changed by the Dreamwalker increasing his Purity and using that increase on another Affinity.
Example: Jaron, a Benindanti (Caste for the Low Umbra), has a Purity rating of 3, a Low Umbra Affinity rating of 2, and a Middle
Umbra Affinity rating of 1 decides he likes the Middle Umbra best. Through spending of xp on his Purity, he raises his Purity
rating to 5 (a lot of xp). Now he has 2 more dots (raised Purity by 2) to put into his Affinity ratings. He puts them both in his
Middle Umbra Affinity and raises it to 3. Now he's a Naturewalker (Caste for Mid Umbra). There are as many different Castes as
there are Umbras. A short list (by no means all of them) is below.
Traditional Name Common Names
High Umbra Astralites
Walking Thoughts
Mid Umbra Naturewalkers Path Followers
Low Umbra Benindanti
Living Ghosts
Dreaming Arcadian
Hell Dwellers
Flightless Angels
Digital Web Patterners
Electron Riders
Any ties in Primary Affinities result in the Dreamwalker being considered all Castes involved. (Not always good for the
Dreamwalker if the different Castes aren't that friendly toward each other.)

The Fellowships are comprised of different groups of Dreamwalkers. Each of a Fellowship's members share a talent for using
the same Devotion. Each Devotion is acquainted with a Fellowship. Each Fellowship exists because when the first
Dreamwalkers were created; they each showed great ability in each of the Devotions. In that Devotion, their "primary", the
Dreamwalker usually centers the rest of his life. Each Fellowship is linked to a particular Devotion. That Devotion is considered
the primary Devotion of the Dreamwalker, so no Dreamwalker has more than one primary Devotion. The rest are considered
secondary, or "normal". The only Fellowship that doesn't have a primary Devotion is the Fellowship of the Lost Ones. (See
Fellowship: Lost Ones)

Fellowship Quick Lookup Table

Primary Devotion Initial Willpower
Brotherhood of Chi Focus
Weapon Master Empower
Spirit Doctor
World Shifter
Lost One

Complete List of Fellowships

Description of terms
Primary Devotion: Name of the Devotion considered primary for Fellowship.
Willpower: Starting Willpower of the Fellowship member.
Extra Abilities: Abilities gained because of being the Dreamwalker's primary Devotion. The Dreamwalker must have her
Devotion at a high enough rank in order to use the ability. Rank number needed is next to each Extra Abillity. The rank, for use of
the extra abillity as Sympathy, is equal to the Primary Devotion level.

Primary Devotion: Unify
Willpower: 4
The Wanderers are Dreamwalkers that are best at the Unify Devotion The Wanderers are the most religious of all the
Fellowships. They consider themselves to be the "Unifiers of the Worlds." More often than not these are the Dreamwalkers that
"create" other Dreamwalkers.

Quote: "We must ready the worlds, for the Unity is upon us."
Extra Abilities: 1) Unify Spirit: The Dreamwalker can Unify spirit beings in addition to material object/beings. This effect is only
temporary. Each success on the roll gives the spirit 2 rounds of existence on both sides of the Boundary (its Umbra and the
material realm). At 5 successes the effect will last the entire scene. These spirits may use any charm they possess, except for:
Manifest and Possess (or similar abilities). 3) Thin Boundary: Wanderers can decrease the Boundary's rating in the general
area (even more than the normal -1/3 Purity for all Dreamwalkers). Each success decreases the Boundary's rating by one (after
the 1/3 Purity effect). If the Boundary reaches zero, it ceases to exist, temporarily unifying the area. The effect lasts for one
scene, but if the Boundary's rating reaches -10 it becomes permanent for the area. (see "Breech Boundary" in M:tA) This effect
only takes place between the material realm and one Umbra.
5) Pulse: Also called, Pulse the Boundary. This ability allows the Dreamwalker to send out a "pulse" through the Boundary. This
has two effects. One, it increases the Boundary's rating by the number of successes for one round. The second effect causes
aggravated damage to any being currently "in between" worlds. These are Garou that are stepping sideways, spirits (or
Wraiths) that are possesing people or objects, Mages accessing the spirit world through any spirit magick, Changelings, and
Dreamwalkers. This effect can be done either in a narrow cone or in 360 deg. around the Dreamwalker. The distance of the
"pulse" is about 10 feet per success. Further than that and it just attracts the attention of just about any supernatural.

Brotherhood of Chi
Primary Devotion: Focus
Willpower: 4
The Brotherhood is a very martial arts oriented Fellowship. They believe that the body and spirit together make the perfect
weapon. Most don't believe in the need for a weapon, but some of the brotherhood do use weapons (mainly for ceremonial

Quote: "The Chi is our essence. Let it flow through you, over you, and around you."
Extra Abilities: 1) Speed: Gives a # of extra actions per round = to rank in Focus (all at full dice pools), and can speed up any
action by multiplying rank by normal speed. (ie. running, etc...) A Bro of Chi with only rank one dot in Focus would have two
actions per round (at full dice pools). Each extra action that the Dreamwalker takes will cost one Power point.
3) Mimic: Each dot in this ability will give the Dreamwalker an extra dot to use in an Ability or Attribute when mimicking an
animal's Ability or Attribute. Like mimicking a dolphin's ability to hold its breath (adding to Stamina) or breathing water as a fish
does. Even abilities that requires major physical changes can be mimicked (e.g. blubber to withstand cold, wings to fly, claws
and fangs for fighting, and an armored shell of a turtle). The player must choose one animal and only one animal that the
Dreamwalker can mimic. This is the Dreamwalker's animal self and any abilities of that animal can be mimiced out of the Mimic
dice pool.
5) Disrupt Chi: Each success takes away an opponent's success on his next roll(s). The Chi disruption lasts until the target rolls
enough successes to override the Brother's "cancelations", or the opponent may spend a Willpower point to get one success.
The Dreamwalker must touch the target (opponent) in order to affect him. This ability cannot cause botches. They can only cause
normal failures.

Primary Devotion: Infuse
Willpower: 3
The Binders are Dreamwalkers that can manipulate the Umbral energies the best. They use spirits just like the Garou do when
making talens and fetishes. They can even warp plasm (wraith substance) to form artifacts. Binders are the manipulators of
spiritual energy. They are the main suppliers of fetishes, batteries, and amulets to the rest of the Dreamwalkers. The Binders
seem to be more of a business type. They use their ability to create these objects as bargaining tools with other Dreamwalkers
and Garou. If any of the Dreamwalkers could be considered politicians, the Binders would be them.

Quote: "Look, you're my friend right? You'll help me out on this right? Here, take a couple batt. Don't worry, I can make more."
Extra Abilities: 1) Battery: The Dreamwalker may create storage batteries for Power points. Every two successes on the roll
stores one point of Power into the item. The maximum amount of points that any normal item may hold is five. The roll can only
be made once per item, unless it's to recharge an empty battery. Meaning that it cannot be used as an extended action. (Note:
Any item turned into a battery must be unified before hand.)
3) Invest Amulet: The Dreamwalker can make normal Amulets become permanent magical items. The Dreamwalker must roll a
number of successes equal to at least the rank of the Amulet. He must then spend a permanent Purity point. This is the
"investment." It makes the Amulet able to recharge the Power spent when used.
5) F.A.T.E.: (Fetish, Artifact, Talen, Etc.) This allows the Dreamwalker to create these items (depending on which Affinities he
has). The Dreamwalker must achieve successes equal to or exceding the rank of the item being created. The Dreamwalker
must also have the relevent Affinity rating equal to or above the rank of the item to be created.

Weapon Masters
Primary Devotion: Empower
Willpower: 4
The Weapon Master Fellowship is the one that is dedicated to their weapons. They take great care of their weapons and usually
have them made into invested Amulets or such. A Weapon Master is the type of warrior that you want on your side. When they
attack, they attack to kill. Most of them do not believe in mercy and thus rarely show it.

Quote: "Let your weapon be a part of you. It needs you as much as you need it."
Extra Abilities: 1) Death Touch: Each success, when using the Death Touch, causes one level of aggravated damage to the
target touched. This ability does not need to work through weapons. The touch need not even be aggressive. If used through a
weapon, both damages take effect. It's like striking the opponent with two different weapons.
3) Armored Spirit: The Dreamwalker creates a spiritual armor that surrounds him when attacked. Depending on the
Dreamwalker the armor could vary in looks from medieval armor to a mist. Although it only appears during impact from a
weapon (or any damaging effect that armor could work against). It costs one Power point per level of armor gained. No roll is
necessary (this is a passive ability). The Dreamwalker spends Power equal to the number of armor points he wishes to gain (up
to his level in Empower) against that attack. (Note: This works per attack, not per round. If attacked multiple times in one round,
Armored Spirit would have to be used again for each attack.)
5) Grenade: The Dreamwalker can charge an object to act as a grenade. This grenade will cause aggravated damage to all
within its range. For every point charged into the object, the radius of the grenade's explosion increases by ten feet. Also for
every ten feet a target is away from the center of the explosion, damage is reduced by one level. Example: Grenade charged
with three points of Power is thrown at the first of four people standing in line. The people just happen to be ten feet apart from
each other :) The first person takes three points of aggravated damage, the second takes two points, the third takes one, and
the last takes none. The object that is charged is usually destroyed in the explosive release of Power, unless it is made of a very
durable material like a steel bolt (still its damaged some). A "grenade" cannot be kept. It must be used the round it is created.

Spirit Doctor
Primary Devotion: Restore
Willpower: 3
The Spirit Doctors are the healing Fellowship. They can be found as faith healers and doctors. They have a devotion to healing
the sick and wounded. Spirit Doctors are great healers. Some of the most powerful have even been rumored to have brought the
dead back to life.

Quote: "This battle is over. It is now time to heal our wounded."

Extra Abilities: 1) Healing Rate: The Dreamwalker can heal this rank in health levels each round by spending Power.

Aggravated damage isn't affected by this ability. No action is required to use this ability.
3) Restore Others: The Dreamwalker has the ability to heal others. This action will affect aggravated wounds. Each success on
the roll restores one level whatever the being that is restored uses as 'health'. Thus, for a spirit, it gains Power. Botches, while
Restoring another, causes aggravated damage to the Spirit Doctor that is doing the healing (as a normal Restore roll would).
5) Revive Dead: The Dreamwalker has the ability to raise a recently dead lifeform back from the dead. Each success times 5 is
the maximum number of minutes that the lifeform could be dead before being revived. Botches make the dead unable to be
revived by the same Dreamwalker.

World Shifters
Primary Devotion: Shift
Willpower: 3
World Shifters have almost complete control over which worlds they exist in. A World Shifter is the type of Dreamwalker that is
wise in knowledge about the Umbrae. He sees all of the worlds as one, and yet he can separate them as easily as the different
colors of the rainbow.

Quote: "Everything is the dream. We are the ones who get to decide what part of the dream we appear in." Extra Abilities: 1)
Automatic Shift: This ability gives the Dreamwalker automatic successes equal to its rank when shifting sideways. It does not
work with 'Shift Parts'. No roll is necesary. The Dreamwalker need only spend the desired amount of Power points (up to rank in
auto shift) and he shifts.
3) Shift Others: The Dreamwalker may bring non-Unified people, spirits, and objects across the Boundary. The more successes
on the roll, the faster the person is shifted over. A botch traps the person in the Boundary until he can be saved by being pulled
through by someone shifting or stepping sideways.
5) Shift Parts: The Dreamwalker may Shift parts of himself (or unified objects) rather than his whole body. This can be used to
Shift an arm or weapon into the material world while the Dreamwalker stays in the Umbra.

Lost Ones
Primary Devotion: None
Willpower: 2
Lost Ones are Dreamwalkers that have spontaneously unified. There is no known reason for their unifying, but some
Dreamwalkers have speculated that it is a sign of the coming of The Unity. Their Purity is usually higher than other Fellowships,
which could be the reason they 'Self Unify'.
The Lost Ones were the first Dreamwalkers. They are the ones that Unify themselves without help from other Dreamwalkers.
They are the beginning. There is no standard stereotype for the Lost Ones. They can be any type of person: from street bums to
presidential candidates (are those different :) ), they come in all types. Most of them see their unifying as a new start on life, a
second chance to make up for any mistakes in their previous life. Lost Ones are the reason for the many types of Fellowships.
When they unify someone, the new Dreamwalker takes on the Fellowship that matches his personality. This is not a conscious
choice, but an effect of his unifying.

Quote: (none available)

Extra Abilities: Lost Ones receive 4 dots (when created) to put toward sympathies. They are the only Fellowship that starts with
Sympathies without spending Freebie points. They also receive one extra dot in Purity, thus starting characters have at least 2
Purity dots.

When a Dreamwalker permanently Unifies a person (using the Unify Devotion), that person becomes a Dreamwalker. This new
Dreamwalker's Fellowship is the same as the Dreamwalker that Unified him. The only exception to this "rule" is the Lost Ones
Fellowship as they make the other Fellowships. (See: Lost Ones) If the Dreamwalker tries to unify a supernatural creature, the
effect is only temporary. The temporary unification of the creature does not yield a Dreamwalker. This is because supernatural
creatures all use their Umbral side in some special way (Mages and their avatar, Werewolves and stepping sideways, Wraiths
and themselves, Vampires let's just say that their spirit is bound to them sort of like the way a fetish is made).

Spirit Speech
Since they are Umbral in existence, the Dreamwalkers can communicate with spirits as easily as they can with another person.
The Garou call this ability "Spirit Speech", but the Dreamwalkers have no real name for it besides "speaking." They don't

The Garou call this ability "Spirit Speech", but the Dreamwalkers have no real name for it besides "speaking." They don't
consider it odd in any way. They just speak normally and the spirits can understand them and they can understand the spirits.

Airt Sense
W:tA 2nd Ed, page 182: "Most spirits have a natural sense of the airts (directions) of the spirit world..."
Dreamwalkers aren't just humans any more. They are part spirit. Through their spiritual existence, they can learn the airts. It is a
new Talent that is available to Dreamwalkers. In fact, I'd make it available to anyone that spent almost all their time in the Umbra.
It allows the Dreamwalker to know how to get to places in the Umbra.
You know if your getting closer or farther away.
You know whether to take the path going left or right.
ooo You can point in the direction it is from you.
oooo You know how far away you are from it.
ooooo Not only do you know how to get there, you know a short cut.

If you want to use it, look in another book for it. :)

Each Dreamwalker starts out with a Willpower that is determined by his Fellowship. This shows how picky that Fellowship is by
how strong of a Willpower that a prospect must have. The Willpower for each Fellowship is given in the Fellowship description

Power is the amount of Umbral energy that the Dreamwalker has stored away. He uses these points to pay the Power cost for
Devotions and/or Sympathies. Each Dreamwalker starts out with three times his Purity rank in Power. This is the maximum
amount of Power that a Dreamwalker can normally possess. When the Dreamwalker's Purity level goes up, so does his Power
storage capacity (by 3).
Example: Tom has level 4 in Purity. He starts the game with 12 Power points. Later, Tom uses experience to bring his Purity
level up to 5. Now he can store up to 15 points of Power.
Power is recharged by resting or during easy actions (ie. walking, talking). The Dreamwalker's rank in Purity is the rate at which
he recharges Power. For each round that the Dreamwalker rests, he gains his Purity rank in Power points. He can only recharge
up to his normal Power point pool (3 times his Purity). Thus in three rounds of rest, a Dreamwalker can recharge all of his Power
points. Players have the option of rolling Purity plus Meditation at a target number of the Boundary's current rating for the chance
to increase the number of Power points gained per round. The number of successes equal the number of Power regained.
(Note: Normal Power limit of 3 times Purity still applies.) Botches on this roll cause Power equal to the number of ones to be
drained from the Dreamwalker. (Note: The player must specify that his character is recharging. The simple fact that he is resting
does not mean he is recharging.) Power will also keep the Dreamwalker alive (although unconscious) a number of rounds equal
to the number of Power points left, if his health level drops below Incapacitated. Power and Quintessence relate on a three to
one ratio (ie. 3 Power = 1 quintessence)

All Dreamwalkers start with a base of five background points. No Background can have a rank higher than three unless freebie
points are used to increase it. (other information on relevent backgrounds may be found in other handbooks)
List of examples: From M:tA : Allies, Arcane, Destiny, Dream, Influence, Resources. From W:tA : Contacts, Fetish, Rites
(maybe) From W:tO : Artifact, Status

New Backgrounds

The Dreamwalker has a number of batteries that already have stored Power points in them. These batteries can be just about
anything logical (ST discretion). No battery can hold more than five points of Power. So for every five points of battery Power, the
Dreamwalker would have one battery. Every point in the Battery background gives the Dreamwalker three (3) battery points.

Invested Amulet
The Dreamwalker starts the game with an Invested Amulet. Amulets give the Dreamwalker extra Sympathies (sort of). The
player can roll one die for every dot in rank of the Amulet. This die roll works just like a normal Sympathy roll (without adding
Purity dice) for duration and effect. Unfortunately the Amulet must recharge in order to be used again. It will recharge one (of it's
own) Power points each round (up to it's rank in Power). (ie. A rank 5 Amulet would take 5 rounds to fully recharge after being
used at it's max.) Amulets cannot be used as batteries, nor can the Dreamwalker use his own Power points to Power an Amulet.
Each background point spent equates to one level of the Amulet.
Invested Amulets may be used by any "Awakened" being. The rank of the Amulet must be at least the rank of the extra
ability/sympathy it has.

The character's unifier and/or teacher. The more points in this background, the more powerful the mentor is.

Spirit Companion
Character has spirit friend that can help him once in a while and can hold Power for him. Spirit can store 3 Power points
per background point spent. Spirit's Gnosis is equal to 2 + rating of background.
(see "Familiar Spirit" in "The Werewolf Players Guide")

Merits and Flaws

Merits and Flaws are purchased just before you spend your freebie points. They cost or give between one and seven
freebie points -- ie. purchasing a five point merit would mean you had five less freebie points to spend, while taking a five
point flaw would mean that you had an extra five freebie points to spend. Seven points in flaws are the maximum amount of
points you can take (unless the ST decides differently). (See other player handbooks for information on other relevent
merits and flaws.)

New Merits
Devotion Proficient: 4pts. The Dreamwalker can advance in Devotions like all were his primary Devotion. The player
uses the experience table for primary Devotions instead of "Secondary".

New Flaws
Caste Obvious: 2pts. Your Caste is obvious to any Dreamwalker. You also stand out as peculiar to everyone else. Your
Caste causes physical effects on your body. The effect is up to player and Story Teller. Some examples: Low Umbra: pale
skin, low heart/breathing rates. Digital web: static magnet, hair stands up Etc.

Devotion Inept: Varies. Cannot use or learn a Devotion. Sympathies that come from Fellowships "extra abilities" are also
effected. Player may only chose one Devotion for this flaw.
1 level 1 Amulet
1 level 2 Amulet or 2 level 1 Amulets
ooo 1 level 3 Amulet or 2-3 of equal level value
oooo 1 level 4 Amulet or 2-4 of equal value
ooooo 1 level 5 Amulet or 2-5 of equal value
A weak animal spirit (mouse, sparrow, etc.)
A medium animal spirit (cat, dog, etc.)
ooo A strong animal spirit (tiger, bull, etc.)
oooo A weak Jaggling or Ancestral spirit
ooooo A Jaggling of a specific Incarna
Restore 5pts

Empower 4pts

Sympathy Inept: 5pts. Cannot use or learn Sympathies. The Dreamwalker is limited to Devotions only.

Experience Point Cost and Starting Points Table

Initial points
Current Rating X 4 3/5/7
Current Rating X 2 5/9/13
New Ability
Current Rating X 3 Secondary (Lost Ones) Current Rating X 4 New Devotion
5 (at rank 1)
Current Rating X 5 1
Current Rating X 3 0 (4 for Lost Ones)
New Sympathies
Current Rating
See Fellowship

Freebie Points
Dreamwalkers get 15 freebie points to spend when first created.
5 points per dot
5 points per dot
Devotions 4 points per dot
Sympathies 3 points per dot
2 points per dot
Backgrounds 1 point per dot
1 point per dot

Character Creation Process

Step One: Character Concept
Choose concept, Fellowship, Caste, and Nature/Demeanor

Step Two: Select Attributes

Prioritize categories: Physical, Social, Mental (7/5/3)
Choose trait ratings.

Step Three: Select Abilities

Prioritize categories: Talents, Skills, Knowledges (5/9/13)
Choose trait ratings.

Step Four: Select Advantages

Choose Backgrounds (5), Devotions (4), Sympathies (4 for Lost Ones or extra abilities of Fellowship)

Step Five: Finishing Touches

Purity (1)
Choose Affinities (Purity rank) based on Caste.
Willpower (based on Fellowship)
Power (3x Purity rating)
(Merits and Flaws)
Spend "Freebie Points" (15)

Character Example: Dreamwalker: The Unity

Name:_Jim Flies with Eagles__ Nature:_Care Giver__ Demeanor:_Care Giver__
Player:_John Doe_____________ Caste:_Astralite____ Mentor:_Chief Bearcrow

Chronicle:_End Coming pt 2___ Fellowship:_Brotherhood of Chi_____________

Strength___________***oo Charisma___________**ooo Perception_________***oo
Dexterity__________****o Manipulation_______*oooo Intelligence_______**ooo
Stamina____________***oo Appearance_________***oo Wits_______________***oo
Acting_____________ooooo Animal Ken_________**ooo Bureaucracy________ooooo
Airt Sense*________*oooo Drive______________*oooo Computer___________ooooo
Alertness__________**ooo Etiquette__________ooooo Cosmology__________*oooo
Athletics__________*oooo Firearms___________ooooo Enigmas____________ooooo
Brawl______________***oo Leadership_________ooooo Finance____________ooooo
Dodge______________***oo Meditation_________*oooo Investigation______ooooo
Expression_________ooooo Melee______________**ooo Law________________ooooo
Empathy____________ooooo Performance________ooooo Linguistics________*oooo
Intuition__________**ooo Repair_____________ooooo Medicine___________**ooo
Intimidation_______*oooo Security___________ooooo Occult_____________*oooo
Streetwise_________ooooo Stealth____________*oooo Politics___________ooooo
Subterfuge_________ooooo Survival___________**ooo Science____________ooooo
___________________ooooo ___________________ooooo ___________________ooooo
High Umbra_________**ooo Empower____________ooooo ___________________ooooo
Middle Umbra_______*oooo Focus__Primary_____*@ooo _<Speed____________ooooo
___________________ooooo Infuse_____________@oooo ___________________ooooo
___________________ooooo Restore____________*oooo ___________________ooooo
___________________ooooo Shift______________*oooo ___________________ooooo
___________________ooooo Unify______________*oooo ___________________ooooo
* @ O O O O O O O O
Spirit Companion___**ooo
-1 []
-2 []
* * * * @ O O O O O
-3 []
___________________ooooo [][][][][] [][][][][]
-4 []
-5 []
Incapacitated []
A Crow's wing______***OO
* * O O O O O O O O
* * O O O O O O O O
* * O O O O O O O O
Merits None
Flaws None
---------* Starting dots
@ Dots bought with freebie pts.

The BAD guys

Dreamwalkers have many enemies. Most of them happen to be enemies of their friends. Agents of the Wyrm, Diabolists, etc.
are all natural enemies. Dreamwalkers even have trouble with Vampires and Mages from time to time. Vampires, because even
the good ones are 'misunderstood' and Mages because of their fascination with the Dreamwalkers as a 'source' of
quintessence. All of this leads to plenty of comfrontations, but none of these groups are what the Dreamwalkers consider their
'true' enemy.
Dreamwalkers... (I guess 'hate' is the only word for it) ... They hate beings that possess others. It is the worst possible crime that
can happen to someone. Luckily for the Dreamwalkers, it is impossible for them to be possesed (a side effect of being spiritual
beings). It's very difficult for a Dreamwalker and a Wraith (or other spirit) that possesses people to get along. If the spirit is the
caring type that makes sure that nothing bad happens to whomever they're possessing, then it makes it easier to get along with
them. But there is one type of possessor that there is no chance of reconciliation with. Dreamwalkers call them Soul Rippers.
Soul Rippers gained their name from the Dreamwalkers from the simple fact that nearly all of them possess beings by 'ripping'
the spirit out of it's material shell and taking over the body. The person's soul is usually destroyed (or as close as a spirit can get
to being destroyed) while the body lives on to be possessed by the Soul Ripper.
Dreamwalkers don't know exactly where the Soul Rippers are from or what they really are. All they know is that they are from
beyond the Great Boundary (Horizon) and they are the pawns of some powerful creature(s) that is trying to manipulate the world
in some strange plan. They look sort of like slimy, hairless werewolves with horns, both in their spirit forms and materialized
Soul Rippers can be 'rolled up' just like Dreamwalkers with the following exceptions:
Attributes and Abillities are those of the 'host' (ie. they can change along with what ever the host has).
The following Devotions are changed:

'Shift' becomes 'Manifest'

'Unify' becomes 'Rend'
'Bind' becomes 'Possess'
There are no Fellowships, Castes, or Affinities.
(Target numbers for 'Devotions' are still the Boundary rating of the area, unless specified otherwise.)

Used by the Soul Ripper to leave the spirit world and enter the material world. Each success on the Manifest roll gives the Soul
Ripper a 'dot' in a physical attribute. He must achieve at least three (3) successes to Manifest (to have at least one dot in each
physical attribute), unless he was previously possessing a body, in which case all successes are added to the physical attributes
of the body as the Soul Ripper litteraly rips his way out of it (blood spraying, skin ripping, muscles reforming, etc.). The Soul
Ripper actually uses the body as a 'gateway' and as the building blocks for its 'new' manifested body. Soul Rippers usually use
this method of manifesting (they like it best). Unfortunately for them it wastes a perfectly good body and at the end of the scene
they have to leave the bloody mass lying on the ground.

Used to attack the spirit of a person. When the number of damage levels equals or exceeds ten (10) the person's spirit 'dies'
while the body remains undamaged and alive. This action can be resisted by means of Willpower rolls (target number 6). It
works sort of like soaking damage with Stamina. Sometimes the spirit of the person doesn't completely die, but becomes a
Wraith (a nearly destroyed one that will need lots of time and luck to 'survive' and get even).
Once a body has been 'rended' of it's spirit, it is completely open to being possessed by any spirit. So open in fact that there is
no roll nessesary to possess it. Any spirit could possess it. Even spirits without the charm/devotion/arcanos/whatever of
possession can take over the body (as long as there isn't another spirit already there). When the body is possessed, physical
attributes, appearance, talents, and skills are still in the body for use of the Soul Ripper. Memories, knowledges, and
advantages are lost when the spirit is rended from the body, thus they have to come from the Soul Ripper. Dreamwalkers are not
immune to 'Rend,' but it affects them differently. A Soul Ripper cannot rip away the soul of a Dreamwalker because the
Dreamwalker's soul and body are one in the same. When attacked with 'Rend', they take aggravated damage that they can
'soak' with Willpower or Purity (no Power cost for Purity roll) at a target number of six (6).

Any normal being may be possessed by a Soul Ripper through this 'devotion'. The Soul Ripper must accumulate ten (10)
successes in order to possess a person. For any being to resist being possessed, he may spend one Willpower point to avoid it
for the turn or he can roll his Willpower at a target number of six (6) and each success cancels out a success made by the Soul
Ripper. The target number for the Soul Ripper increases by one each time he fails the roll. Thus, it gets harder and harder for the
Soul Ripper to possess someone as they resist. This increase in resistance never goes away. If the Soul Ripper ever tries to
possess the person again the resistance gained previously would still be in effect. When possessing, the Soul Ripper has
complete control over the body and mind, using memories, talents, skills, and any other abilities that the body possesses. This
makes it very difficult to prove to anyone (but another Dreamwalker) that the person is possessed. Dreamwalkers are immune to
any and all possesions due to their spirit and material nature. Thus, any attempt by a Soul Ripper (or other spirit) to posses a
Dreamwalker will automatically fail. Not all Soul Rippers (or other spirits) know this until they've tried a few times and failed
(that's when they can figure it out).

The Others
Werewolves: The Garou have been there with us from the beginning. They are our closest material friends.
"Yes, I've heard of the human spirits. I just don't understand how they can avoid the Gauntlet like that."
Mages: Mages make good alies, but I wouldn't turn my back on one of them. Some of 'em have been know to use us as walkin'
batteries for their magic.

"Ah... The spirit men. I read in a book that they can recharge their quint anywhere. They don't need a node at all. That could
be useful. Hmmm."
Changelings: At least we're not the only ones that deal with multiple worlds continuously.
"Wow! Humans that enchant each other."
Wraiths: The spirits of the dead. Now they're really strange, since the only difference between a ghost and a person is what side
of the Boundary he's on.

"Ghost/materials? You've got to be kidding. Who could stand being both dead and alive at the same time. Does that mean
vampires exist too?"
Vampires: Oh, yeah. Like I'm going to believe that. 'I vaunt to suck your blood.' Heh, heh, heh...
"A ghost person? Does that mean that regular ghosts really exist?"
Immortals: Living forever just to fight people just like you? What would be the point? Does the winner get a trophy or

"Gee. And I thought that this world was getting crowded when we got here."


By (20 Oct 1993)
Has anyone considered Elves and Dwarves in Mage?? Here is what I have come up with for them so far.

Base Attributes:
str: 0 stam: 0 dex: 2
cha: 1 manip: 0 app: 1
per: 1 int: 2 wits: 2

(count it they all even out) :^)

Other stuff:
Can't stand cold iron (must roll stamina diff 8 if in prolonged contact for more than about a minute. If fewer than 2 success they pass
out. On a botch they die.)
Also iron weapons do aggravated damage to elves.
Elves don't start with technological skills or knowledges(and no firearms skill)
They automatically get intuition, awareness and occult of 2 but all technology and science abilities(skills/knowledges) cost DOUBLE to

Night vision: Can see very well in low light situations +1 dice to perception during low light situations and -1 dice to perception during
bright light situations.
Elves are VERY rare and are usually mages.

Base Attributes:
str: 2 stam: 2 dex: 0
cha: 1 manip: 0 app: 0
per: 1 int: 1 wits: 2

Also possess same night vision as do elves.

Dwarves heal at twice the rate of normal humans so cut the time in half. Dwarves are generally more willful than other races they get a
bonus die when rolling willpower.
Dwarves stand out normally. height: 4'-5' and very stoutly built.
Dwarves favor rune magic and will generally use runes for at least one sphere.

By Rick Arthur ( (28 Oct 1992)
For Vampire: 2nd Ed.
Here are my thoughts for using Elves in a StoryTeller game (I'm sure this will be way out-of-line of the whole Faerie supplement, but I
couldn't wait...)
I'll leave it up to you why they are here, where they are from, etc. We are probably familiar enough with them to find a way to fit them in
if desired. I believe they would support the Masquerade/Veil quite willingly. They have some good reasons to shun Kindred (see
below), but might still be able to befriend some of the less vile ones.
Instead of Blood Pool, Elves have "Essence" - this is derived from the ambient mystical energies of the biosphere/sun/whatever.
Essence fuels their powers and maintains their existence. They go unconscious when essence reaches zero. Essence is restored in
three ways: (a) Dawn Meditation (by watching the dawn and going into a short trace, 1 essence is regained per success on Empathy
vs. difficulty [8]), (b) Essence is gained (and lost) in the presence of Humanity gain(/loss). Thus, we can see what sorts of environments
Elves like (hospitals) and dislike (war). Humanity loss causes a Willpower roll vs. [humanity rating lost] to lose essence. Humanity gain
automatically adds to essence, (c) Essence is fully restored at midnight of the full moon, provided the Elf has not used any 24 hours
The size of the Essence pool is 10 + 1/Quendis. Each turn an Elf can spend no more than 1 Quendis per century they are old. Contact
with cold (unworked) iron causes loss of exactly 1 Essence per turn (even from multiple sources) unless a Willpower roll vs. [8] is
made. Bringing an Elf below 3 essence this way causes Frenzy. Elf Frenzy is like Kindred frenzy, but they also have their physical
attributes doubled. When the Frenzy ends, they must make a Stamina roll vs. [8] or pass out.
Elves call their disciplines "Edhelannae". They are usually Auspex, Quendis, and Animalism. Animalism may be replaced by
Thaumaturgy in the rare case of Elf Wizards (who are usually restricted to element-based paths). Edhelannae cost current x6 to train.
They may also learn Chimerstry and Obfuscate, but these cost current x7 to train. Their costs and descriptions work like disciplines
New "Discipline" (Edhelanna): Quendis
Odd levels of Quendis add +1 to the difficulty for magic/disciplines/etc. to affect them. Each of these in excess of 10 causes an autofailure for the caster. Even levels of Quendis adds one die of skill in one specialized ability of their choice. When chosen for a weapon,
this is almost always bow.

* Glamour: You are seen as a normal human. Mortals with high Faith (5+), Kindred, and Lupines can penetrate using (Per+Auspex)
vs. a difficulty of [App+Acting].

** Furtivity: (Essence) vs. [8]. Each success nullifies a rolled 1 on a Stealth roll during the current scene. May be tried (pre-activated)
1/scene. Failure costs 1 Essence.

*** Swiftness: Roll (Quendis) vs. [6]. Each success adds 1 action (per Celerity). Extra actions can be taken by spending 1 Essence
per turn used during this scene. May only be successfully used once per scene.

**** Heal: Restore 1 wound level to a living creature (non-aggravated) by spending 1 Essence. One wound may be healed by this
means per success on [7] of the combined (Empathy) of Elf and subject. It can only be tried once per subject per dawn. The elf suffers
the wound if the roll is botched. It takes 1 minute/wound. Automatic success on self.

***** Bonding: May bond to a (non-technological) weapon, usually a bow. This requires a full year. The weapon must be created using
some parts of the Elf (hair bowstring, quench in blood, etc.). Melee weapons (swords) cause aggravated damage to supernaturals.
One wound caused by each arrow shot from a bow will be aggravated. The weapon in all cases is "specialized" when doing damage
(reduce difficulty by 1 on damage rolls).

****** Anuial: This is the highest level of Quendis. Any Elf willing to spend the Experience can attain this, regardless of age. This level
ceases the aging process in the Elf.
Normal Elf lifespan is 100 years (they get an extra decade of 20's from the age of 31-40, etc.) The need to eat once per [centuries of
age] days, and need minimal water.
Elf blood intoxicates Kindred. The lose 1 die on all actions per 3 blood points taken. Some don't mind.
Half-elves use human stats, have an Essence of 5, and can learn Quendis and Animalism up to 3 dice. They do not Frenzy or go
unconscious with 0 Essence.

Character creation
Attributes: 6/6/4
Abilities: 12/10/6

Backgrounds: 5
Virtues: 9
Freebies: 18
Wits, Dex, and Appearance must be bought up to at least 3. They cost current x3 to increase. Stamina cannot start higher than 3. It
costs current x5 to increase. Elves must buy 1 die in Alertness, Empathy, Animal Ken, and Music at creation. As they are not human,
Humanity is more-or-less irrelevant. Statistically, they have an unalterable 7. They need not buy this.

Eternity's Memory: Immortals in the World of Darkness

By Mist Reynolds-Main (
"People crave what they cannot have. Immortals crave death and my be found where death stalks."
-- Brandon Wilhart, Watcher

Immortals don't have a real culture or society. They are loners and do not bond with one another as mortals do. They are less
than 1% of the world population. Their births are rare and often result in tragedy to the birthparents. A majority were orphaned or
abandoned as if their mothers' sensed they were not like others. No two are exactly the same because of when and where they
are born may vary by centuries as well as distance. This results in dramatic differences in outlook and world view.
What they have in common is that none can die, except in a specific fashion. Usually the head must be severed in some way
from their bodies. This means that the spinal cord must be cut through with no chance of contact between the two parts.
Immortals can recover from broken necks that sever the spine because the two ends of the spine are still able to touch. They are
all sterile with no exceptions. They can survive attacks that would instantly kill a mortal and continue to fight. Their blood is the
sweetest of elixirs to vampires. And they are all hunted, if not by their own then by others.
When immortals meet each other there are only three possible outcomes. The first, and most common, is that they will duel to
the death. The second, rarer, outcome is that they will become companions for a time. The third, most rare, outcome is that the
immortals will walk their separate paths without making effort to fight or seek comraderie.
Immortals are critical to the balance of reality. They are the memory from which paradox draws to correct the tampering of magi.
When all the immortals of an era are slain that part of reality may be rewritten and often falls into the realm of myth and legend.
This is what has happened for the realms of Hyperborea and Atlantis.

By eternal tradition, immortals fight in private places with sharp weapons. Contrary to what many may assume, female immortals
take to the use of swords as readily as the males. The societal constraints forbidding women the use of swords are an
aberration of the Renaissance era in Europe.
The typical weapon of the immortals is the sword. However, cultural preferences may influence an immortal to use other
weapons such as axes and edged pole-arms. All weapons used in the duel will have a razor sharp cutting edge.
Immortals don't clean up after themselves as well as other supernaturals. This causes major problems in the current century with
new innovations in criminology making it harder for an immortal to continue in a city for more than ten years at a time.
There is much speculation about why the immortals fight. When they meet to duel they often say the phrase "There can be only
one." What this phrase means is a total mystery. Some believe it is the goal of all immortals to rule over the world. Others
believe it has something to do with the Ascension war of the magi.

Holy Ground
Records of immortals meeting on holy ground are numerous. However, the immortals who meet rarely fight on holy ground.
Those immortals who do so are held in contempt by the other immortals.
It is believed by this author that the Quickening does not act as it normally would on holy ground. It is quite possible that the
Quickening of an immortal slain on holy ground dissipates into the universe, instead of being received by the slayer.

There is only one way to permanently kill an immortal: the severing of the head from the body. In any other instance the immortal
will return from the grave. The obvious exception to this is when the body of the immortal is utterly destroyed. Being shoved into a
vat of acid will kill an immortal as permanently as it will a mortal. Most any other method will merely cause the symptoms of death
but not the reality.
Immortals recover from "death" within 24 to 96 hours. The more often they have died in a specific manner the faster they recover
from that form of death, possibly because their bodies have learned how to repair the damage. Immortals cannot fully recover
from death faster than 8 hours (1 hour to heal each health level +1).

The storyteller may subtract one hour from the recovery time with a minimum recovery time of 7 hours. If the immortal knows its
coming he may spend 1 pt of Wuickening to take off an hour of recovery. The Storyteller has final say on how long it takes to
recover from a fatal experience.
When an immortal dies permanently her life essence known amongst them as the Quickening transfers to the immortal that slew

Immortals can survive being without food, water or air for centuries at a time. They apparently enter a trance state, possibly to
preserve their sanity. When conditions return to those conducive to mortal living they resume their previous habits.
They may suffer from culture shock and temporal disorientation. Recently revived immortals tend to stand out like sore thumbs if
they have been entombed for many centuries.
Immortals do not like being entombed and usually arrange for burial in a vault or other location where they may unobtrusively rise
from the dead.

Quickening keeps an immortal alive. It is raw life essence and is often sought by non-immortals, in the mistaken belief that the
essence may be transferred or given away. It is thought by these non-immortals that the captured life essence will grant them
Quickening allows an immortal to recover quickly from injury {1 health level/hour}. Quickening allows an immortal to survive
attacks that would instantly kill a mortal or severely injure the supernaturals. {1 point of Quickening may be spent to gain 1 die for
the purpose of soaking aggravated damage. It takes 4 times as long for an immortal to recover from aggravated injury.}
The magi compare Quickening to a substance they call Quintessence. They have explained to this author that the Quickening is
not 100% the same as Quintessence. Where Quintessence is raw energy, Quickening is processed. The magi believe that
because the Quickening is somehow processed by Immortal bodies and it, therefore, cannot be used to fuel True Magick.
{A mage with Prime 3 (willing) or 4 (unwilling) may convert Quickening into Quintessence at the ratio of 3 Quickening to 1
Living bodies generates the Quickening; immortals simply produce five times what most mortals do. It replenishes itself {5
Quickening/24 hours} but it is not inexhaustible. When immortals no longer have Quickening they "sleep" as if dead until their
bodies regenerate the Quickening. In this state they are vulnerable until they have regained Quickening {at least 1 point}. If they
are entombed in some way prevented from receiving food, water or air, they will continue their "sleep" until conditions change.
Quickening may give them strength, and power ancient rituals. It heals their bodies but not their minds. Some even claim that it
will empower their weapons. What the Quickening allows immortals to do is:
Increase attributes at the rate of 1 Quickening to 1 attribute.
Fuel Hedge Magic rituals.
Fuel shapechanger kinfolk gifts.
Allow automatic successes to soak all normal damage (1 Quickening for 1 automatic success)
Allows the opportunity to soak aggravated damage (as per the Fortitude discipline)
Activation of Talens, Fetishes, and Talismans by the Immortal.
What the Quickening can not allow an immortal to accomplish:
Telepathy or telekinesis or any other psychic effect.
Breathing water. Immortals suffer drowning, just as mortals do.
Make people see things; summon the dead from their graves.
When an immortal dies her Quickening goes to the nearest immortal, which is usually the person who killed her. {If there is doubt
then the Quickening goes to the killer.} An immortal can not run fast enough to get away from the Quickening. It is ecstasy and
pain of the most excruciating kind. But that is not the only reward of slaying another immortal.
All of the victim's memories become the slayer's memories. The killer receives the full amount of the killed immortal's Quickening
or up to a maximum of 20 Quickening, whichever is less. The killer receives 1 dot in a Skill from the deceased's list of Skills and
3 dots of Knowledges from the deceased's list of Knowledges.

Example: Alia kills Bert . Bert has Firearms, Melee, Stealth, Body Reading, and Hunting in Skills. The storyteller knows that
Alia's player would love to have Stealth or Melee. Alia has a five in Melee and a 4 in Stealth. The Storyteller decides it would be
more valued by Alia's player if she worked on it through experience and gives her 1 dot in hunting. Bert had the Knowledges
Linguistics, Computers, Thanatology, Medicine, Culture, and Garou Lore. The house rules state that Immortals can't learn
languages through Quickening. So the Storyteller talks to Alia's player. They decide that 1 dot of Computers and 2 dots of Garou
Lore will enhance the story. Alia is free to develop all the skills and knowledges at her normal experience rate.

{The Quickening Effect may be reproduced by a Mage with Prime 3, Forces 3, Life 3. This will only replenish the immortal's
Quickening pool. It will not give the immortal any other benefit. It may be re-directed from one immortal to another by a Mage with
Life 3 and Prime 3. (This is a good way to make immortal enemies and friends.) Quickening may be replenished, without the
light show, by a Mage with Prime 3. A Mage converts Quintessence to Quickening at a rate of 4 Quintessence to 1 Quickening,
in all cases. It is also recommended that a Mage who tampers with the Quickening have 1 dot in life. If the Mage is attempting to
replenish Quickening a dot in the Node background is strongly recommended.}

Parts is Parts
A side effect of getting into sword fights over several hundred years is that immortals tend to accumulate scars and severed
limbs. Scars will actually disappear given enough centuries. Scars always result from aggravated damage.
Severed limbs result from any process which naturally and normally causes a limb to be severed. Limbs may grow back in time.
This takes several decades and life in a nice secluded monastery. During the regrowing period the immortal cannot be
spending Quickening on anything other than the regrowth. For game purposes 10 dots of Quickening will regrow an ounce of
missing tissue. The Quickening can only be spent to regrow lost tissue once a month. The slow rate of regrowth keeps mortals
from noticing anything odd about the immortals.

Eternity, Supernaturals and Psychic Powers

Rarely, an immortal may have True Faith, psychic abilities, practice magic, or have learned special gifts from strange allies. The
legends of immortals being summoned back by Quickening are because of the immortal's study of magic. The immortals who
read minds have telepathy. Whereas, the immortal who masters illusion has a psychic ability, most probably telepathy. A
storyteller is within her rights to increase the cost of numina for an immortal.
Because immortals are immune to death, they cannot be embraced by vampires. A vampire cannot diablerize an immortal,
either. The vampire can drain the immortal of their very nourishing blood and leave her for dead. In a day or so the immortal will
rise to resume her life or go after the vampires cojones, whichever appeals to her at the time.
Immortals have few ties to the changelings. They are not, contrary to changeling belief, a type of changeling. This makes it
impossible for them to learn changeling Arts and Realms and therefore they cannot use changeling cantrips. Immortals appear
to changelings as any other mortal and may be mused or ravaged as any mortal.
Immortals do not have Awakened Avatars. Immortal Quintessence is processed by their bodies into Quickening. Because they
cannot access this Quickening/Quintessence, except as specified in the section on Quickening, they cannot use true Magick.
Immortals upon death may become wraiths. They lose all benefits of the Quickening upon death. Immortals cannot learn Arconos
until they become Wraiths.

Immortality and Changing Breeds

The gene or gene sequence which causes immortality is within the same sequence that determines whether a person is a
member of the changing breed or not. The immortality gene is a dominant gene, where the changing breed gene is recessive. In
other words changing breed need two sets of the gene to become active members of their society. Immortals, on the other hand,
only need one set and this set overrides the data from any changing breed data.
In simpler terms this means that an immortal will never be a member of the changing breeds; at best the immortal will be
accepted as kinfolk. However, the immortal may have to go into hiding after a time, even from her changing breed kin. The
reason for this is that sooner of later one of the enlightened members of the changing breeds is going to decry the immortal as
having made a deal with the Wyrm and go out of his way to prove it.

Immortality and Changelings

Changelings are spirits manifesting through human forms. In theory, it is possible for a changeling to inhabit an immortal body.
For game balance, this is strongly discouraged.
However, for those who must experiment some guidelines may be in order.
The weakness for iron takes precedence over the immortals immunities. Should the character become clever and take a merit
which weakens or eliminates the effects of iron on their person, the Storyteller should insist that the weakness be replaced with
another substance (such as gold, silver, or platinum).
An immortal changeling will not age after first death.

The immortal may be more susceptible to Banality and loose touch with the Dreaming more easily.
Immortals who take the Quickening of an immortal changeling may be driven insane by the duality of the changeling.

Reality and Immortality

Many magi would give their eyeteeth to know what purpose the immortals have in the World of Darkness. The simple truth of the
matter is that the immortals are anchors for reality. It is from immortal beliefs that reality draws its sense of what is and isn't
possible. Since most immortals remember hedge magics working they work still, much to chagrin of the Technocracy.
For all intents and purposes an immortal is not awakened in the same sense that a Garou, Mage, or Changeling are awakened.
Immortals spend 99% of their lives among the sleepers and most may never encounter any other supernatural. Indeed the
majority of immortals believe they are the only supernaturals in the entire world. But not all of them do and because of the few
that know of the other supernaturals these others are protected from being wished out of existence by the Technocracy or any
one else.

Character Creation
All immortals have:
Immortality, 7pt merit
Potent Blood, 3 pt flaw
Hunted, 4pt flaw
Sterility as an innate flaw
7 Health Levels
The ability to take and soak aggravated damage as other supernaturals.
Subject to Reverie after living 200 or more years or life.
The potential for 20 points of Quickening.
Immunity to diseases.
Immortal characters are created according to the mortal template.
Attributes 6/4/3
Abilities 9/7/5
Backgrounds 7
WP 5
Quickening 1d10 roll
Freebies 21
Immortals spend freebies as follows:
Attributes 5 to 1
Abilities 2 to 1
Backgrounds 1 to 1
Willpower 1 to 1
Quickening 2 to 1
Numina 7 to 1*
2nd Numina 14 to 1*
*Numina costs may be doubled at the Storyteller's discretion to maintain game balance. Only immortals with shapechanger

allies or kin may learn Gifts.

Any concept, personality archetype, merit, flaw, background, or numina that can be acquired by a mortal may be acquired by an
immortal. Consult with your storyteller before making an immortal character.

New Backgrounds
Long Lived
The immortal is between 100 and 600 years of age. Immortals who are long lived begin to be set in their ways. It takes a long
lived immortal 1.5 times normal experience to raise or buy any new attribute, ability, etc.
100-199 years of life. +15 freebies.
** +30 freebies, 1 dot of reverie.
*** 300-399 years of life. +45 freebies.

**** 400-499 years of life. +60 freebies, 2 dots of reverie.

***** 500-599 years of life. +75 freebies.

The immortal has lived for at least 600 years. All experience costs to raise or buy new attributes, abilities, etc. are now doubled.
600-899 years of life. +150 freebies, 3 dots of reverie.
** -1199 years of life. +180 freebies.
*** 1200-1499 years of life. +210 freebies, 4 dots of reverie.
**** 1500-1999 years of life. +240 freebies.
***** 1800 + years of life. +300 freebies, 5 dots of reverie.

The immortal has profoundly affected human history in the past. Her deeds are recorded in the songs, poems and myths of the
ancients. (Fame should be substituted for an immortal under 100 years old.)
Obscure, recent, or not well known.
** Fairly recent influence, but you made the papers.
*** Stories about you are mandatory study in school.
**** National hero.
***** Depicted as a god, myth known throughout the world.

The immortal has a reputation among the other immortals. Mortals will be totally oblivious to the immortals reputation. She is
known by an epiphet such as "The Currigan," "The Highlander."
You've impressed a handful of the immortals.
** Your name is known across a country or two.
*** Your name is known throughout a continent.
**** Your name strikes terror into your foes.
***** You are actively sought, for the enhancement to the other immortals reputation, your death will bring.

The immortal has a perfect memory of past events and situations she has been directly involved in. The memories often relate to
current problems and situations the immortal is currently dealing with. The down side is that the memory replaces all current
experience. The immortal is totally vulnerable, and totally caught by the memory; a willpower roll must be made against the dots
of reverie +5 to break free.
An immortal will never enter reverie unless in a safe environment. An immortal is physically immobile while in the reverie, which
resembles a dream state.

New Merits and Flaws

Favored Weapon
1-5pt merit
The immortal has a weapon she has been using for decades or even centuries. Because the immortal knows the weapon well
she gains 1 extra die to her melee skill for each point of merit she has. The extra dice are not useable with a similar weapon,
they are only obtained with that specific weapon.

Iron Neck
7 pt merit
The immortal cannot be killed by severing her head. Another more exotic means must be used, such as an arrow through the
Achilles tendon. The player must state before playing the character how the character can be killed.

Weak Reverie
2pt merit
The immortal may add 1 die to resist the hold of the reverie.

Strong Quickening
3pt merit
The immortal's Quickening is stronger than normal. Her body heals damage at a half hour per health level, 1 hour for aggravated
damage. She may rise from the dead in half the time, as well. This may upset doctors in emergency wards and otherwise rouse

Immortal Ally
3 pt merit
The immortal has made allegiance with another of her kind. The two are pledged to help each other until the final Gathering.

Immortal Lover/Companion
4 pt merit
The immortal has a lover or companion who is also immortal. The two share their immortal lives as much as possible. The two
cannot stand to be apart for more than a century at a time.

Sense Quickening
1pt merit
The immortal can sense others who are Quickened. They cannot sense any other supernaturals.

Formal Melee Training

2 pt merit
The immortal has been formally trained to use melee weapons. The immortal gains 1 die during melee combat, regardless of
weapon used. This merit is cumulative with the favored weapon merit.

Sacred Haven
3 pt merit
The immortal has found a place on holy ground where she may live. She is totally safe from all immortals who follow tradition as
long as she lives on holy ground.

Flawed Quickening
3 pt flaw
The immortal doubles all healing rates. It takes 2 hours to heal 1 health level of normal damage and 8 hours to heal aggravated
damage. Even rising from non-permanent death takes twice as long.

Died Old
1 pt merit
The immortal's first death happened when the immortal was well into old age. Her body is quite spry and supple, however.

Died Young
3pt flaw
The immortal was not full grown when she died. She automatically has the flaw child. In addition the immortal can barely lift or

wield adult sized weapons. She must have an adult companion to function in public society.

2-7pt flaw
The immortals has spent the last 200 or more years entombed and out of contact with mortal societies of any kind. The immortal
is automatically anachronistic and cannot speak any current language form. (Lots of ye, thees, thous, and the like at 2pts; no
knowledge of any modern language at 7pts.) The immortal may view modern technology as witchcraft, sorcery or worse.

2-7pt flaw
The immortal suffers from a derangement of some sort because of living centuries of traumatic events. This may be a mild
paranoia, to homocidal psychosis.

Sins of the Past

2-6pt flaw
The immortal finds herself in the same situations over and over again. This often involves the same or similar people (2pt). A
stronger form of this flaw has issues from the immortals distant past rearing their ugly heads in the present. For example, a
reformed immortal may have to face a vampire who is the last of her village, for which the immortal was responsible.

Immortal View of World of Darkness

Vampires: Get real. Psychos with a blood fetish are nothing new. I'm sure there is a logical explanation.
Changing Breeds: You've got to be kidding me. Lycanthropes only exist in novels and movies. Unless your talking madmen.
Mages: Practioners of the occult have always existed. Never seen any of them actually mumbo jumbo a demon though.
Wraiths: There might be something to those stories. I sometimes feel Regina's presence.
Changelings: There you go, shooting off about wild fantasies, again. I think you should lay off those roleplaying games.
Mummies: Let me get this straight, the guy in the sacrophagus got up and left. Better find him before he gets into trouble.
Others: No more horror shows before bed for you.

The Exiles
By Smiling Jack (

Oh, it's such a perfect day
I'm glad I spent it with you
You keep me hanging on
You just keep me hanging on
-- Lou Reed, Perfect Day
Life was good. I was alive. And it felt great. Shame about what happened.
I walked through Central Park, quickly. It was about 8.30pm, and that is a bad time to be out in the Park. There's muggers and
psychos. A lot of them, too. The air was cold and crisp, making my breath come in huge clouds of steam. The stars winked in an
unusually clear sky. I decided to cut through the paths. Bad mistake.
A man stepped out in front of me. With a knife. I looked about, but there weren't any other people. Figures.
"Give me your wallet." he said, flashing the knife. I reached inside my pocket, slowly bringing out my wallet. He motioned for me
to throw it to him. He looked inside, and appeared very pissed. There was nothing in it, apart from small change. "What the
fuck's this, huh?! Where's your cash, shithead?"
"I haven't got anything." I managed to come out with.
"Bullshit," he said, and came towards me. I turned, and started to run, looking back at him. At this point, everything goes into
slow motion, like a bad movie clichee. He pitched his knife at me, the blade spinning through the air, light glinting on and off it.
Reality came back with a thump as it impacted in my back, severing my spinal cord. It was a thousand to one chance, but he
managed it. I crumpled to the floor, blood running out of me, unable to move, my sight beginning to fade away. My glasses had
shattered into a thousand brilliant white chips, which winked like the stars above. His boots crunched on the glass, as he
searched my prone form, swearing at the lack of money. The boots walked away, and everything faded out.
"What have we got?!"
"Male, mid-thirties, he's been stabbed, right in the spine."
"It's been severed."
"Shit." My thoughts exactly. Thanks a lot doctor.
"Get him up. On my count. 1 - 2 - 3." I was lifted onto the table with a bump. Ow. "Saline, IV feed. Morphine, 3 mills. Get him on a
chest tube." Things started fading again.
"We're losing him!" And then it happened.
I rose up and out, and looked down. At my body. They were about to shock it. A declining silver cord attached me to it. They
shocked it. No response. The cord disappeared. I somehow knew that I was dead, and waited for the tunnel of light, or whatever
it was.
"Time of death - 9.35pm," said the doctor. I had been dying for an hour? Still nothing. I wandered if I could walk about like this,
and hit the floor. Good. Was I a ghost? I decided to stroll through the hospital, and left the room. By walking through a wall. I
stepped back and forth through it, feeling no resistance each time. Hmm.
The emergency rooms were full. People crowded into the waiting rooms. In each and every one of the rooms I visited where
someone died, a blinding light seemed to envelope them. When it went away, they were gone. No one else seemed to see the
light. I could feel myself fading, somehow. I felt weaker, less substantial. I needed to get a body from somewhere, or I would die. I
sensed it instinctively. Wondering about something, I jumped into a passing nurse, on impulse. I blinked with surprise: I was
riding inside her head! I tried controlling the movements, but nothing happened. I suggested to her unconscious mind that she
should take a trip to the morgue, and her feet began moving of their own accord, steering us towards the freezer. I -- we -- looked
down at her body. She was quite pretty. It was a shame that I was a ghost. On that, I was feeling better, although the nurse
seemed to be more tired. I looked, and implausibly, felt a surge of lust. From what I could feel of her thoughts; the nurse was
confused. She'd felt it as well. That must have been strange; looking at yourself and wanting to have sex with your body, as if you
were someone else. She was getting very confused. I smoothed down her thoughts, and we continued towards the morgue.
It was very cold in there, the surfaces gleaming metal. I was at a loss as to what I should do and the nurse suddenly looked down

It was very cold in there, the surfaces gleaming metal. I was at a loss as to what I should do and the nurse suddenly looked down
at the toe-tags on some of the bodies. I searched for one that was suitable, and thought that any would do, for the next few
minutes. First things, though, was to do something with this nurse. But what? We sat, and I thought about my course of action.
She was mentally running through her shopping list. Right. There was only one thing to do. Make her sleep. She toppled over
instantly into a deep slumber. Some things could be quite easily done then. I jumped into the first body.
The body feeling unfamiliar and strange, like I wasn't fully integrated with it. I looked at it, and decided that I wouldn't take this
one, thanks. I didn't even breathe in it. It was also riddled with gun-shot wounds, almost unusable. I left, and it settled back a bit
more with a meaty thunk. Some blood exited the wounds, passing right through me. Most of them were completely useless;
either too wounded, or they had internal faults. Including mine. I tried moving it, but I couldn't. The spine was completely severed.
Utterly useless. I cried a few spirit tears over it. They dissipated and vanished before they hit the floor. I could feel myself
weakening again, and contemplated not having an existence. I knew that if I got too weak, I would no longer exist at all.
Finally, I came upon one that wasn't too damaged. A woman, short, brunette. Full figured. Young, about twenty five. She had
slashed her wrists and bled to death. I got into her, gingerly. I was used to an unfamiliar body by then, but not to the unexpected
weight of breasts. It was the only choice. But I still felt unconnected, somehow. I tried something, extending myself into every part
of the body, stretching out like a ghostly yawn. Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Breath whooshed into my lungs, and I gasped, a
small cloud of icy cold air forming. I was alive! The slashes were closing over. So the other bodies would have been alright, after
all! I tried something. The head fell back to the table, and I looked down at it, feeling weak. The eyes were closed. It was
breathing! I could feel a resonance between myself and the body. I went back into it, slipping it on like a suit ofr clothes. The eyes
opened; what colour were they? Nevermind. I stood up, and almost toppled over again. This body and its movements were
unfamiliar and strange to me. I walked around a bit, getting used to it. My new feet slapped on the floor, which was freezing. I
realised that I was still naked, and thought about clothes. And then about the nurse who was still sleeping on a table a few feet
away. Most of the clothes fit. I left off the bra, partly because it looked like it was too small, and partly because I didn't have a clue
as to how to fasten it. She still didn't wake up, so I positioned her on one of the tables, feeling bad about it, but I was in a bit of a
difficult situation.
The halls of the hospital were crammed full of people, and I felt like everyone was looking at me. Some tried to talk to me;
doctors and other nurses, but I was in a daze, and managed to get into the street. Somehow, I had to work something out, to be
alive again.

Life and Death

"Choose Life."
-- Renton, Trainspotting
People die. It's a fact of life. Except that some people don't, either by choice, necessity, or the whims of fate. Vampires, for
example, are halted on the brink of death by the power of their blood. Mummies are locked in life, unable to leave it fully. Wraiths
are the souls who get stuck in-between this life and the next.
Exiles are different. They have cheated death in an odd way. They have managed to jump from body to body, existing in each as
the same person. Certain human beings are born with their vitality and personality fused together as one part. When they die, the
vitality somehow leaves the flesh with the personality. At death, they may pass into a human vessel. Most don't know until they
These may be anything nearby, such as a person who has just died, or even a living human being, although this is only ever a
temporary home.

"Don't you ever fuckin' die?!"
-- Eric and Funboy, The Crow
Exiles can inhabit the bodies of others, riding inside their heads. They cannot absolutely direct them, although they can 'suggest'
courses of action to the minds of their Vessels, or make them wake up or fall asleep. [System: Roll Manipulation (difficulty:
Vessel's Willpower)]. Vessels will suddenly have the idea that they should do what the Exiles wants them to.
To possess a dead body and create a link between them, the Exile has to spend some of his Vitality. He will fill out into the body,
attaching himself to it. Otherwise, he cannot fully animate it and the body will not heal, and will continue to decompose. Generally,
it is possible to possess one's own body, but only if it is not too badly damaged. The new body, whoever previously owned it, will
heal a number of wounds it has sustained equal to the Exile's Vitality rating. [System: Spend one Vitality point.] As soon as that
has been done, the body is the Exile's.
While outside of the body, or when Projecting, the Exile may travel at speeds of [Vitality + Willpower x 10] mph.
Certain things, like the Mental Attributes, Charisma, Manipulation, Abilities, Willpower, and Vitality, will pass over with the Exile.
The Physical Attributes, and Appearance are determined by the new body. So it doesn't matter whether you were a weight-lifter;
if your new body is an eight stone weakling, you won't be able to do the things that you could before.

Exiles, whilst outside of a body, are not subject to any of the rules or magic that constrain Wraiths. They do no damage or have
any effects upon them, whatsoever.
Exiles can Project. This is the term that many seem to use. All it means, is that they can project themselves astrally. Exiles can
also gain control of others when Projecting, effectively transferring themselves to new bodies, or using them as Vessels.
[System: This is described in most of the WW books. Spend one Willpower.]
Vitality is the animating force of an Exile, but it is only ever used in healing, magic, or when outside a body. It is used to create
the various small effects that they can produce, and ranges from 1 - 10. It also determines how long you can last whilst dead, or
when Projecting. The time available is equal to your Vitality rating, in hours. Therefore, Exiles have to find a new body very
quickly, or they will perish utterly. If you ever go to zero temporary Vitality, your body will sleep until it regains it. this sleep can be
staved off with Willpower rolls [difficulty 6], but once it comes, the body will be comatose. The Vitality takes [15 - Vitality] hours to
return. It is absolutely impossible to wake the Exile before this happens.

Exile Magic
Exile magic, for the most part, is weak and fairly inconsequential compared to that of other supernaturals; with their already
formidable abilities, they do not have much use of it. The magic is simply a few common abilities that they have developed.
Many have their own personal magic, and Storytellers should allow them to develop them freely. Magic is learned through
experience, at a cost of [15 - Vitality] Experience per power. Developing new powers costs [20 - Vitality].

The Sight
This allows the Exile to automatically tell whether beings are, or are being used as Vessels by Exiles, or have been possessed
in another way, or if they are supernatural.

System: N/A
Aural Readings
Exiles with this power can read the auras of others.

System: See V:tM section on Auspex.

This is the ability to read another's mind without its knowledge. The simpler the mind, the easier it is to read.

System: Perception + Empathy [Target's current Willpower if unwilling, Intelligence if willing].

This is the ability to mentally communicate with others, including both Exiles and other creatures that have a latent telepathic
ability. It is easier to communicate with an intelligent mind than with an unintelligent one, because intelligent creatures have an
easier time decoding information.

System: Roll Intelligence + Empathy [9 - subject's Intelligence].

Super Strength
This allows the Exile to gain strength.

System: Roll Vitality [6]. The Exile automatically gains + 1 Strength per success, for the duration of the scene.
Snap, Crackle and Pop
This allows the Exile to move objects with the powers of his mind.

System: Spend 1 Vitality. For further info, consult the V:TM section on Movement Of The Mind. This power enables the use of up
to level four.

An Exile with this power can stimulate emotions in others. These will overpower the victim until the Exile releases his hold. The
actual effects on the victim vary according to the number of successes achieved. The power lasts until the Exile leaves the


System: Roll Charisma [victim's Willpower] and spend 1 Vitality. Every time this power is used, it becomes easier the next time.
After every other use, the difficulty decreases by one, to a minimum of two.

Character Creation
Attributes: 7/5/3 (For new bodies, the Storyteller should decide the Physicals and Appearance, or allows the players to decide
which body to take, if there are several.)

Abilities: 13/9/5
Backgrounds: 7
Base Willpower: 4
Vitality: 3
Magic: Any two, or any two you want to create.
Freebies: 15.

Freebies Costs
See V:TM for ordinaries.

Vitality: 4 per level.

Magic: 5 per power.


I can't believe this... After spending years researching the next game in the Storyteller series, after writing 100+ pages worth of
rulebook, I learn that White Wolf has dumped the original idea for the game and has opted to release something called "Changeling:
The Dreaming" instead. What was wrong with the game's original concept, "Fairy"?
I feel betrayed. I had spent years researching fairy legends from all over the world (Well, ok, maybe not, but I did fly to England. Twice.)
and seamlessly incorporating them into the World of Darkness structure. And then, after far exceeding the duties required of a normal
game designer, my project gets shelved! And I don't even get noticed about it!
This slight by White Wolf just has me pissed. So, at great personal risk, I have obtained for you the original rules for the next game in
the Storyteller series, the way they were meant to be.
A warning though: these rules are kind of rough. The game never got through the editing process, and White Wolf, apparently to avoid
legal problems, has tried to destroy them in some places. But, thanks to lots of Scotch tape and the diligent work of the Secret
Brotherhood of Dumpster Rooters, I have been able to reconstruct some of the missing sections. Others, however were damaged
beyond recovery. I've tried to explain the gaps where they occur, but some of the explanations may not be enough. You've been
We'll see how "Changeling" stacks up to...

nth game in the Storyteller Series
created by notMark Rein*Hagen and Dave White
with helpful suggestions from Pete Delaney,
Julian Lighton, and the Secret Brotherhood of
Dumpster Rooters, Local 302


"It would be natural to assume that the title of the march under consideration was simply another example of the naive
programmaticism that was part and parcel of the German early Romantic movement, but it turns out that the piece was actually
commissioned by a band of cute little wood sprites..." --P.D.Q. Bach, "March of the Cute Little Wood Sprites"
[Dave-- Apparently White Wolf has some problems with my creative writing, because from this point onwards the whole page
becomes a hideous, illegible mass of red ink. A pity really, but then I guess a 47 page prologue was a bit much...]


"When we got back home, the main thing everybody asked was 'What was it like?' And I found myself answering, 'It was really
foreign.'" --Dave Barry, "Dave Barry Does Japan"
The world of Fairy: The Cobbling is a dark world, a mere shadow of our own infested by supernatural entities and shadowy beings, a
world where vampires roam the streets, werewolves root around in the garbage cans, mages occasionally flame large buildings, and
wraiths panhandle in the street. It can really get annoying sometimes.
Anyhow, the point of this is that the world is really dark. Oh, and kind of punk too. Almost Gothic-Punk. As if the Goths had punks. If
they did they probably put them to work building cathedrals. That would whip them into shape.
Into this World of Darkness stumble the Fairies. These unhappy creatures of Lost Arcadia seek to change the world into a shiny happy
place, though their goal seems unachievable. However, the Fairies have a trump card on their side: the Cobbling.

The Cobbling
"Free alterations. Probably refers to O'Shawn's wish to 'alter the human race,' whom he felt were basically depraved, especially
jockeys." --Woody Allen, "The Irish Genius"
Since the dawn of time, Fairies have been obsessed with the repair of shoes. Both human and Fairy mythology contain accounts of
brave Fairies stealing into cobblers' houses and repairing shoes for them, and of kindly leprechauns with cans of shoe polish. Most
people just assume that Fairies are weird, but there is a method to their madness.
The Fairies are now expecting the great time they call the Cobbling, where those left among them will be drawn to a strange island
across the sea to do battle. In the end, there can be only half a dozen max, and they will create the most perfect pair of shoes ever.
These mighty leaders, greatest among Fairies, will then be able to lead the world into a new Golden Age -- or destroy it utterly.
However, there are those who have learned about the Cobbling, and who wish to use its power, either for good or for evil. The Fairies
must now deal with the fact that they are not alone in their quest...

must now deal with the fact that they are not alone in their quest...

Dark Conspiracies
"For years we've been watching you, grading you, testing you, keeping secret files on you--and you'll be glad to know you're normal!
There's nothing to worry about." --Matt Groening, "School is Hell"
The World of Darkness is filled with numerous shadowy dark conspiracies who run various aspects of the world and who know nothing
of each other. You think that eventually a couple of them would learn about each other and they'd team up or fight or something. But
they don't. Go figure. In Fairy, the role of menacing secret conspiracy is filled by the dreaded Shoemacher Corporation.
Some time in the Middle Ages, a man named "Big Bill" Shakespeare (apparently somewhat of a fairy himself) fell into the trust of
some Fairies he met while smoking dope near Stratford-on-Avon. As part of their friendship, the Fairies informed him of the Cobbling,
and also gave him the script to "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (which was really just a really bad episode of a Fairy soap opera).
Shakespeare sympathized with the Fairies and saw the logic in their goal. However, in his opinion the Fairies were too flighty to be left
in control of the world's destiny. Therefore, in 1616 he faked his death and went underground, forming a movement that would develop
the ultimate shoes and hence control Earth's new golden age (favoring humans, of course). Among their policies was the systematic
slaughter of Fairies, to prevent them from interfering with the achievement of the Cobbling.
Throughout the ages this conspiracy underwent many changes, eventually becoming known as the Shoemacher corporation, makers
of fine footwear. And though they did make important strides, like Day-Glo shoelaces, Italian leather, and hi-tops, even their
humanitarian efforts cannot outweigh the horrible brutality of their actions.

The Downfall
"'Poor Izmir,' Miranda was saying. 'He was so alone. But I think he understood.'" --Alan Dean Foster, "Glory Lane"
Since that time, the lives of Fairies have been harsh. They have fragmented into many tiny gangs and lost sight of their original goal.
But they see clearly the solution: the total destruction of the Shoemacher Corporation. With Shoemacher and Shakespeare out of the
way, their centuries-old goal can be
[Dave-- Another fine chapter shredded. I'm going to have to make sure I keep copies of everything I send out from now on...]


A storytelling game is all about creating and telling stories, and this chapter will show you how to do it. Because this is probably the
single most important job in the game, we've devoted a whole chapter to tips on storytelling.
Congratulations: you've made the decision to be a storyteller. That means you'll have to do a lot more reading than the players, and
you'll have to do more preparatory work. It's worth the extra effort, though. Being the Storyteller for your gaming group is a unique and
fun experience. While the players have a big part in making a game session fun, ultimately it is up to you to make the game
Remember that every good story has a beginning, a middle, and an end. All good stories, or at least those involving fairies, start out
with "Once upon a time..." and end with "...and they all lived happily ever after." In between, the middle, is where you have to worry
about, and where characters do things like run around, shoot each other, and make shoes.
Being a Storyteller, it is difficult to judge your progress. One of the key things that can measure whether your storytelling is improving is
your players' reactions. At the end of game sessions the characters should be far more depressed than they were when they entered.
You can also judge your progress by the number of characters you kill off (also players). Remember, as the storyteller your chief job is
to kill off characters. Furthermore,
[Dave-- For some strange reason, White Wolf seems to have ripped up most of my chapter on storytelling. Apparently they found
some of my sentiment unconventional or perhaps threatening.]


"I hate the games, hate the rules, you've gotta lose." --Overkill, "I Hate"
We haven't changed them. You probably own a copy a Vampire. Just use the ones in there. Geez, kids today, always expecting a free


"I need more character!" --SuperSecretSacredWars Roach, "Cerebus"
Well, you guys more or less know the Storyteller method of generating a character. The same applies for Fairy: The Cobbling. There
are just a few special rules that apply to Fairies that can be neatly summed up. A brief checklist follows.

Step One: Character Concept

Before you write down a thing, you need to develop a concept for your character. This concept need only be a general idea of what
your character is like, something unique and interesting that will be enjoyable to play over the long term. This concept needs to be
unique and complete, and should probably involve shoes somewhere.
It might be a good idea to examine the description of Fairy Gangs in Chapter Six before actually picking which gang you want to join.
The gang you belong to will determine a large part of your character's personality.

Step Two: Choosing Attributes

Now you start assigning numbers. First, you must prioritize the three different categories of your character's Attributes -- Physical,
Mental, and Social. You must decide in which category your character is best (primary), in which he is average (secondary), and in
which he is poor (tertiary). Is your character more physically than socially oriented -- is he stronger than he is handsome?
All characters start with one dot in each attribute. Your priority selection determines how many dots you get to spend in each category.
You may divide seven dots among your character's primary attributes, five dots among her secondary attributes, and three among her
tertiary attributes.
There are two restrictions to selection of priority because of the ways in which Fairies are predisposed. First, your character must
select Social Attributes as his primary attributes. Second, your character must select Physical Attributes as his tertiary attributes.
Other than that, your character can arrange the 7/5/3 split in any way that he desires.

Step Three: Choosing Abilities

Abilities are handled the same way they are in other Storyteller games, with the standard 9/7/4 split. The only restriction is that all Fairy
characters must have at least one dot in the Cobbling skill (a vital skill without which the game falls apart).

Step Four: Backgrounds

You get seven points to divide among the 10 background traits. You only have seven points to allot, and some Storytellers may restrict
access to certain Backgrounds. Your background traits should fit into the general scheme of the concept originally chosen.

Step Five: Finishing Touches

Every character starts with three dots split up over two Spheres of magjick, as determined by which Fairy Gang he is a member of. He
receives two dots in the primary sphere and one in the secondary sphere. He may augment this by dividing up an additional four dots
into whichever spheres he feels like. For a more detailed description of Magjick, read chapter eight, which is titled "Magjick"
(appropriately enough).
Every character also starts with a point of "Fairy-ness," the ability that makes it absolutely clear that Fairies are Fairies and not merely
midgets. A more detailed description of Fairy-ness can be found in chapter six.
You now get 15 freebie points, which you may spend on any trait you wish. However, this expenditure is not so straightforward as it
might seem. Each dot added to an Attribute costs 5 freebie points, each dot added to Abilities costs 2 freebie points, each dot added
to a sphere of Magjick costs 5 freebie points, and each background dot costs only 1 point. Temporary points of Fairy-ness may be
purchased for only 1 points (but will go away really quickly).


Most of the abilities in this section are covered in other White Wolf games, so I'll skip ahead and add a couple of new ones...

Well, before you just had to role-play it, now you can reduce it to a simple skill roll and get to the combat faster!
* Novice: Well, you want to angst, but all you can seem to pull off is being a little whiny.
** Practiced: You're not so whiny anymore, but you still don't see why you have to wear black and not, say, beige.
*** Competent: You can low-grade angst, but your still just too goddamn perky sometimes.
**** Expert: Misery follows you like a dark cloud, and every item in your wardrobe is black.
***** Master: Everyone around you is instantly depressed by your very presence, though they're still not as miserable as you.

[I never did figure out why there was a gap here.]

Cobbling is the most important skill for Fairies. If you can't cobble, you can't cut it.
* Novice: You can identify various types of shoes by sight.
** Practiced: You can get a job as the shoe-shine boy on the street corner who all the cops ask for info.
*** Competent: You can fix shoes. Whoop-de-do.
**** Expert: You've published several papers on the subject and are recognized as a genius by most in the field.
***** Master: You spend most of your time sitting on a mountaintop in China waiting for eager cobblers to come from around the world
and study at your skillful hands.

Fungus Identification
Hey, I liked it from AD&D, so I kind of just snuck, it in.
* Novice: Let me check my book.
** Practiced: Yep, that's fungus alright.
*** Competent: You might not want to eat that, it's poison.
**** Expert: We could use that poison to our advantage, though.
***** Master: Now if we only had a spool of wire and some coconuts we could use that mushroom to make a nuclear reactor...

Legal Savvy
[I tried pasting all these pages back together, but it was no use. Someone had apparently been using them as toilet paper.]

Animal Companion
"I put my pet in your pocket." --Dot Warner, "Animaniacs"
An animal companion can be a powerful ally. In fact, a Street Fighter...I mean Fairy...can purchase special powers and maneuvers that
reflect his animals abilities. Animals can be helpful allies in combat, though they are not allowed in tournaments. Some animals can be
useful spies or couriers. The higher a character's rating in Animal Companion, the more exceptional that animal and the more attuned
the character is to his animal.
* Something tiny and probably disgusting, like a cockroach, silverfish, or tapeworm.
** Something wild but still small, like a squirrel or pigeon.
*** A small house pet, like a cat or maybe one of those yippy little annoying chihuahuas.
**** A larger house pet, like a doberman pinscher or one of those Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs.
***** Something large and extremely threatening, like a sabre-toothed tiger or a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"Once I thought I was destined to become emperor of Greenland, sole monarch over its 52,000 inhabitants. Then I thought I was
destined to build a Polynesian longship in my garage. I was wrong then, but I've got it now." --The Tick, "The Tick"
[Dave-- Again at this point large portions of my manuscript have been scribbled over and rendered illegible. So, instead of trying to
remember them, I just decided to pick back up from where they become readable again.]

Fame represents a characters popularity among everyday people. The more famous a Fairy is, the more people will seek him out.
Fairies with fame aren't necessarily famous for being Fairies, they could just as easily be rock stars, movie actors, brain surgeons, or
possibly all three. Fame has its inherent advantages, people who have heard of you may go out of their way to help you. Fame has its
drawbacks too -- such as people knocking on your hotel room door at all hours of the night looking for an autograph.
* You are known to a select group in society, such as heavy metal fans or those who actually watch infomercials.
** Your face is recognized by a majority of the local populace. You're a local celebrity, like the TV weatherman or the town drunk.
*** You are fairly famous; your face and name are known by many.

**** You are quite a celebrity; everybody knows something about you. In fact, often they know more about you than you do. Which can
really scare you if you're not prepared for it.
***** You are a nationally famous individual. Your face appears regularly on magazine covers and TV. Sure, the magazine might be
"Dog World" and the TV show "America's Most Wanted," but it's still fame of a sort.

Fairy magjick is focused through various sundry means. Almost anything can be a powerful magjick totem in the hands of a fairy,
provided that he knows how to use it. However, knowing how to use a focus and actually having one are two different things. This
background gives a character such a focus. A character with a focus or node recieves an additional, temporary point of Fairy-ness at
the beginning of every session for each dot of this background.
* A small focus or node, usually something shiny or pretty like a smooth stone or a wrinkled piece of tin foil.
** A middling-sized focus, still kind of portable, like a cute doll ("Yes, but what does it mean?").
*** A smallish immobile focus, like a ring of mushrooms or a circle of rocks.
**** A large immobile focus, like a scenic forest glen or a puddle of adorable glowing radioactive ooze (for Faeries in New Jersey).
***** Something extremely large and immobile, like San Francisco.

"They can't do this to me! You can't do anything to a rich person that he doesn't want!" --Phoney Bone, "Bone"
London, Cairo, Peking: you can go anywhere you want to, and you can go first class -- if you've got the resources to handle it.
Resources are the character's cash flow. You'll need to determine the source of your character's income. Is it an inheritance, or does
he still hold down a job? Where does he spend his money, and what kind of lifestyle does he lead? And just what the hell do Fairies
need money for anyway?
* Small savings: You have an apartment and perhaps a motorcycle (though of course you're too small to ride it). If liquidated, you would
have about $1,000 in cash. You have an allowance of $500 a month, though Mom and Dad will be reluctant to give it to you if you
forget to take out the trash.
** Middle class: You have an apartment or a condominium. If liquidated, you would be dead and couldn't spend the money. Though you
get an allowance of $1,200 a month anyways.
*** Large savings: You own a house. If liquidated, you would turn out to be about 2/3 water and some amino acids. You You have an
allowance of $9,000 a month.
**** You are wealthy. You own a very large house or perhaps not. If liquidated, you would have $500,000 in cash. You have an
allowance of $9,000 a month.
***** You are easily a millionaire several times over. In fact, you probably have a stately manor or a stately yacht or a secret FairyCave. If liquidated, you would have at least $5,000,000 in cash. You have an allowance of $50,000 a month, and you'd really better not
forget to take out the trash.

"Gotta be the shoes!" --Spike Lee, "Those Really Annoying Nike Ads"
Fairies, as everyone knows, are obsessed with cobbling. Therefore, it is only natural that Fairies have great respect for a good pair of
footgear. This background allows Fairies to have the shoes they so richly deserve. For every point of this background, the Fairy gets
to add a dot to his manipulation score when dealing with other Fairies.
* A cheap pair of shoes with poor support, like those old canvas Converse Chuck Taylors.
** Your average overpriced tennis shoe.
*** A pair of hideously expensive sneakers, probably with a Pump or flashing lights in the sole or something similarly stupid that noone really uses anyway.
**** Some nice formal footwear, or maybe a whole bunch of nice casual footwear, like three pairs of penny loafers.
***** Some really nice, really expensive shoes, perhaps some nice Italian loafers or some good-looking snakeskin boots.

Fairy-ness is the quality that sets Fairies apart from things that are not Fairies, like blue-green algae, CD players, Tim, and Bela
Lugosi. By definition, all Fairies have one point of Fairy-ness and things that are not Fairies do not.
However, there are some Fairies that look more like Fairies than others. These Fairies probably have more than one point of Fairy-

ness, and therefore it is more obvious that they are Fairies.

Fairies can also use Fairy-ness to increase the power of a magjick effect, though if their Fairy-ness ever drops to zero they are no
longer Fairies and instead become something else (probably very short people). This is a mindlessly boring event that should be
played up for its angst potential.
At the end of every session, lost Fairy-ness may be retained by rolling against the regular Fairy-ness value, with one point retained for
every success. Points of temporary Fairy-ness cannot be regained.
It is also possible to have temporary points of Fairy-ness, which can be purchased with Freebie points. This temporary Fairy-ness
eventually is used up and does not return (like regular Fairy-ness).

At the end of every session you should dish out experience points to every character. Assigning experience requires careful balance.
It's important that the players feel as though their characters are improving. At the same time, however, it's also important to prevent
the characters from becoming munchkinized little weenies like the types so prevalent in The Other Games .
Award each character from one to five experience points at the end of each session. A character will always get one experience point
regardless of whether or not he succeeds or fails, simply for being there.
* One Point -- Automatic. The character always gets this point.
* One Point -- Learning Curve. If the character learned something important from his experiences during the chapter. We suggest
multiple-choice surprise quizzes to test a character's learning.
* One Point -- Acting. The player roleplayed well -- not only entertainingly but appropriately. Award for exceptional roleplaying only; your
standards should get increasingly higher, like an aloof estranged parent who's difficult to please.
* One Point -- Fixing Shoes. Did the character fix shoes in the story? If so, did he do it because it was something his character would
do or just because he knew you'd be handing out experience points for it?
* One Point -- Just For The Hell Of It. Award this experience point whenever you feel like it. If the players question it, just say "Because I
said so." If they still keep bugging you about it, kill their characters to teach them a lesson.
Experience is spent just like it is in every other White Wolf game. And let's be blunt when we say you wouldn't have purchased a copy
of this game if you hadn't already purchased a copy of Vampire: The Masquerade. So go and read the experience rules in that book
and stop looking at us like that.


"We're dangerous dudes, we got bad attitudes
Most of our brain cells are gone
We were born to be bad, you better not get us mad
Or we might just toilet-paper your lawn."
--Weird Al Yankovic, "Young, Dumb & Ugly"

Blue Boys
Story: You used to live the way you had for a hundred years: every day you got up out of the mushroom, went to work, and came back.
Then one day the mushroom was gone. Something called "The Shoemacher Corporation" had paved over your mushroom and put an
amusement park in its place. Now you're really smurfed. Vengeance is your only goal, and there's only one way to achieve it: from the

Appearance: You're about four inches tall and blue. Really blue. You've got the cutest adorable little features, and the short little nubbin
of a tail doesn't help when you want to look tough. You also wear a stupid little hat, but that's something else entirely.

Quote: "Yeah, well smurf you too, pal."

Spheres: Cute (2) Happy (1)
Least Favorite Cartoon: The Snorks
Other Gangs
Claws -- Shut the smurf up, Santa, and go away.
Cobblers -- Who smurfs a smurf about their smurfin' shoes?
Crustacea -- What's so smurfin' great about smurfin' lobsters?
Gaelick -- Love the guns, but everything else has got to go.

Green -- Ah, smurf the environment, gimme my mushroom back.

Legal -- Take your smurfin' forms and smurf the smurf your smurf.
Styx -- Buncha smurfin poseurs make me wanna smurf.
Way -- Smurf?

Character Ides: Street mime, soup ingreedient.

Story: Way up north where the air gets cold, there's a tale about Christmas that you've all been told. About a world famous cat all
dressed up in red, who spends the whole year workin' out in his sled. You used to work for him, but recent budget limitations meant
you got laid off. You've been thrust into a cruel, uncaring world with a wardrobe you can only wear one month a year and no practical
skills. Then you found out about...the Cobbling.

Appearance: You're about three feet tall and dressed almost entirely in red with white furry fringe. You wear mittens and woolens even
in the heat of summer (they're the only clothes you own). Most people can pick you out of a crowd thanks to your pointy ears.

Quote: "Do you know who you're messing with? I used to work for the Claus, pal!"
Spheres: Nice (2) Fun (1)
Day of Reckoning: Feast of the Annunciation ("You mean in 9 months we have to do this again?")
Other Gangs Blue Boys -- I don't understand how someone so blue can be so mad.
Cobblers -- Well, what if we made toy shoes?
Crustacea -- Hey, if you were cooked, our wardrobes would match.
Gaelick -- Um, don't you think you might be overreacting a bit?
Green -- Well, yeah, nature's nice, but what about the kids?
Legal -- Can you get me my job back in the next round of talks?
Styx -- Why don't you have a candy cane and lighten up?
Way -- Does Buddha give out presents too? And is he hiring?

Character Ideas: Disgruntled union representative, sherpa.

Story: You have always worked towards the Cobbling ever since you were a small Fairy, knee-high to a grasshopper. You studied
under the cobbling masters in Obergangengaschnicht, the masters of Chinese footbinding in Chungking, and the masters of savate in
Paris. If there's one thing you've learned, it's that you really hate shoes. But there's some moving and shaking to do. And you're the one
who can do it.

Appearance: You're about four feet tall and wear green leiderhosen and a cap with a feather in it at all times. You're generally grumpy
because you hate leiderhosen and feathers, but this has been the traditional costume of your gang for generations. As soon as this
Cobbling thing is over you're going to Today's Man and getting some real clothes. You generally have really nice shoes, which annoys
you because you wanted some comfortable flip-flops.

Quote: "Hey, wingtips! Haven't seen those in a while."

Spheres: Nice (2) Cute (1)
Bobos: They make your feet feel fine.
Other Gangs:
Blue Boys -- Don't the feetie pajamas defeat the point of shoes?
Claws -- Can I interest you in a nice pair of snowshoes?
Crustacea -- You know, ten legs means an awful lot of shoes.
Gaelick -- You guys used to go in for those pointy-tipped deals...
Green -- Earth shoes... *shudder*.
Legal -- Now there are people who know about Italian leather.

Styx -- Hmm... so I take it you'll be wanting Doc Martens then?

Way -- Sound of one hand what?

Character Ideas: Shoe salesman, kickboxer.

Story: You're the bottom feeders of society, living off the scum at the bottom and rarely coming into the light. Life used to be simple.
You'd stay at the bottom of the sea, and every few years some fisherman would drag you up. You'd grant him a wish if he'd let you go.
But last time something different happened. They didn't want to seem to listen. You managed to escape, and now you're alone in the
big bad city.

Appearance: You're about eight inches long, and any of a variety of colors (though you won't turn bright red until you've been
thoroughly cooked). You've got a tough, spiny exoskeleton, ten legs, and two freakin' huge claws.

Quote: "I make terrible Thermidor. Now see him? He'd taste great with a little melted butter. Trust me."
Spheres: Nice (2) Happy (1)
Taste Good WIth: A little tartar sauce.
Other Gangs:
Blue Boys -- Mushrooms? Sure! Just don't hurt me!
Claws -- You need a new job? Sure! Just don't hurt me!
Cobblers -- Shoes? No prob! Just don't hurt me!
Gaelick -- Pots of gold? Sure! Just don't hurt me!
Green -- You want the rain forest back? Sure! Just don't hurt me!
Legal -- Friendly judges? Sure! Just don't sue me!
Styx -- Just don't hurt me!
Way -- I don't understand you! Just don't hurt me!

Character Ideas: Lobster.

Story: Once you were rich. You were on top of the world. And then the Federal Government went off the gold standard. Let me tell you,
no Irish eyes were smiling that day. With all your precious gold devalued, you left to seek your fortunes in the world. But your skills were
useless in this modern society, and besides, everyone thinks you look weird. Then, in the mid '80s, you fell in with that survivalist

Appearance: The only color in your wardrobe is green. Not that wussy emerald green, but olive drab. Sure, you wear the traditional
leprechaun outfit, but not unless it's in camouflage.

Quote: "Faith 'n' begorrah, 'tis sure a lousy accent I be having."

Spheres: Fun (2) Nice (1)
Favourite Politician: James Watts. Now he had style...
Other Gangs:
Blue Boys -- A nice little bunch of scrappers. Gotta love 'em.
Claws -- A little soft, but we can work on that.
Cobblers -- Nice shoes. I prefer hiking boots myself.
Crustacea -- Dinner.
Green -- When your forests are wastelands we'll see who's laughing.
Legal -- They do good work. For yuppie scum who won't survive.
Styx -- I should wipe you losers off of the map right now.

Way -- Keep your philosophy crap. All I need are guns and ammo.

Character Ideas: Ex-military officer, gun collector.

Story: The forest has always been your home, and you've loved it since birth. But then one day the owls started disappearing, and
those nice people wearing flannel showed up, and then there was a lot less forest. But then one day they vanished too and a bunch of
people showed up talking about 'old growth forests' and 'eco-terrorism'. And some of what they were talking about made sense...

Appearance: You're only about 8" tall and have a pair of shimmering insect-like wings sprouting from your back. You constantly wear
camouflage, despite the fact that your small size prevents people from ever seeing you anyhow.

Quote: "I go outside and Frolick in the Glory that is Nature."

Spheres: Happy (2) Cute (1)
Favorite Movie: "On Deadly Ground."
Other Gangs:
Blue Boys -- It's a pity about the mushrooms. Will toadstools do?
Claws -- I feel sorry for you... there are no trees at the Pole.
Cobblers -- Do you have any Earth shoes?
Crustacea -- This is because of dumping waste in the ocean, right?
Gaelick -- They used to be so nice... where did we go wrong?
Legal -- When I think of all the paper they use... *shudder*.
Styx -- I like the idea of hemp clothing... it is all natural.
Way -- You mean next time I might come back as a tree?

Character Ideas: Eco-terrorist, animal lover.

Story: All was bliss and charm in the days of the great Fairy Court, under Oberon and Titania. Those happy days are gone forever,
however. One day you returned to that magjickal land, the Seelie Court, to find that Northstar International, a subsidiary of the evil
world-girdling Shoemacher Corporation, had started construction on a new factory on your property. The members of the court had to
change, to become something different. They filed an injunction and became -- Gang Legal. To this very day they fight the Schumacher
corporation and all of its puppet corporations, prosecuting to the fullest extent of the law.

Appearance: You look like lawyers, only much shorter. Pinstripes are out, red power ties are still in. And the briefcase is a must to
complement your favorite pair of shoes.

Quote: "Maybe we can settle out of court. You build your parking garage in this place marked Garou Forest instead of our homeland."
Spheres: Cute (2) Fun (1)
Must-Read: "The Bailiff" by John Grisham.
Other Gangs:
Blue Boys -- They're good guys, but they wear stupid hats.
Claws - Terrible witnesses. Who believes a man in a Santa suit?
Cobblers -- Their obsession with the Cobbling is not healthy.
Crustacea -- The lobsters of fate are mighty indeed.
Gaelick -- Our closest brethren, those who pay for many suits; both class-action and Armani.
Green -- If they'd try to settle in court instead of with TNT...
Styx -- Can't keep their Story straight on the stand.
Way -- One hand what?

Character Ideas: Corporate lawyer, patent lawyer, workman's comp lawyer, divorce lawyer, district attorney, public defender...

History: The Styx were once a group of Fairies who lived on the banks of the river Styx, the river of forgetfulness. They were always
happy, for ignorance is bliss. Then one day they forgot where the river was. Now, they forever roam the countryside, searching for the
river that was once their home and the happiness that was their youth. You know, the typical angst-filled coming of age thing.

Appearance: You're about three feet tall, have shimmering gossamer wings, and dress almost totally in black. In other words, you look
like every cliched picture of fairies in the world, except you're terminally depressed.

Quote: "Hey, why couldn't the game be called 'Pixie: The Styx'?"
Spheres: Happy (2) Fun (1)
Favourite Band: The Stones.
Other Gangs:
Blue Boys -- Hey! You guys used to be on TV, right?
Claws -- An' I wan' a dolly an' a GI Joey an' a...
Cobblers -- Got any Air Jordans?
Crustacea -- Whoa, did you smoke something or was it me this time?
Gaelick -- Isn't Saint Patty's day next month?
Green -- You take things to seriously, man.
Legal -- I hope I never grow up to become one of those, man.
Way -- Ah, whatever.

Character Ideas: Whiny loser Generation X type.

Story: Not much, really, Gang Way is just an example of what happens when you raise a bunch of Buddhist fairies, tell them that
they're Daoists, and then sic 'em on an unsuspecting world. In other words, they're very confused and more than just a little annoying.

Appearance: You're short and fat, like Buddha. Just like Buddha, in fact. People probably can't tell the two of you apart. Not like many
people have personally met Buddha, mind you.

Quote: "No, those are Hindus. We're Buddhists."

Spheres: Fun (2) Nice (1)
Sound of One Hand Clapping: Whiff.
Other Gangs:
Blue Boys -- Such anger is not good. Focus.
Claws -- You have a major religious figure doing what?
Cobblers -- You overdo the shoe bit maybe just a tad.
Crustacea -- I think I may go have to take a bit of a lie-down, the lamasery did not prepare me for this.
Gaelick -- Ah, but true wisdom will always survive.
Green -- If a tree falls in the forest...
Legal -- Hmm. You realize, of course, money has no value.
Styx -- You just don't get it, do you?

Character Idea: Short fat guy.


The rules governing magjick are quite similar to those from Mage: The Ascension. So if you don't already have a copy go out and
purchase one right now. You heard me.

However, Fairies have their own weird spheres of magic. Instead of the usual mage spheres, they can select from the spheres of
Happy, Fun, Nice, and Cute.

"Happy happy joy joy, happy happy joy joy
Happy happy joy joy, happy happy joy joy
Happy happy joy joy, happy happy joy joy
Happy happy joy joy joy."
--Stinky Wizzlefoot, "The Ren & Stimpy Show"
Happy magic allows you to do things that are happy, like create a cute doll ("I know that, but what does it mean?"), or raise serotonin
levels in someone's brain, or cause world peace. Well, maybe not that last one.
* You can get people to not worry and be happy. But then, so can Bobby McFerrin, so big whoop-de-do.
** By altering a few aspects of brain chemistry, you can make people permanently happy. Of course, they'll get really annoying after a
*** Without altering brain chemistry, you can make people Happy by creating things to give to them, a major magjick effect that all
Fairies should endeavor to master.
**** World peace? Easy stuff.
***** You can teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony. And in fact, you've probably done so.

"We'll have fun, fun, fun
'Til her daddy takes her T-bird away."
--The Beach Boys, "I Can't Remember What The Song Is Called"
Fun magjick contains the essence of Fun, which is also somewhat Happy, but we'll ignore it for that. Disciples of Fun can whip up Fun
on short notice, and most of their powers are geared towards doing so.
* This is the lowest level of Fun magjick, your character can't really create much of a good time with it, but might be able to muster up
some party streamers or something.
** Lampshades for everyone can be generated by a simple level 2 Fun effect. Large amounts of alcoholic beverages can also be
generated, but that ceases to be Fun after a time.
*** You can spark hedonistic instincts in everyone. In fact, you
[Dave-- Just another mysterious gap in the book.]
**** Your character can create Nice events of great scale, but cannot actually effect reality so that improbably things can happen.
***** A character with five dots of Nice magjick can actively perform feats of tremendous niceness, the most famous of which is known
as "the wish" (no wishing for more wishes, please). This level is the type typically associated with wood sprites or magic lobsters.

"I'm cute, yes it's true.
I really can't help it, but what can I do?"
--Dot Warner, "I'm Cute"
The magjick of Cute is different from all other spheres of magjick in that it is active even when the character does not actively use it.
This is because the nature of Cute magjick warps and distorts a character's personality and Appearance until she becomes forever
Cute. Once a character starts down the Cute path, forever will it dominate his destiny.
Cute magic goes a long way to influencing the minds of others, and helps when trying to do Cute things with other forms of magjick.
* A character with level one Cute might be able to masquerade as a stuffed doll until he was poked, prodded, or whacked by an
annoying child.
** Your character is so Cute that he probably has a line of fuzzy toys based on him, a PBS kid's show, and thousands of screaming
juvenile fans.
*** With this level of Cute, your character can curb violent impulses in the most violent of people, be they just plain psychotic or far
nastier things like Marauders, Nephandi, or demons.
**** Your Cute becomes infectious at this point, so that people will actively help you (instead of just not blowing you away). Life
becomes amazingly easy.

***** Your character can make himself look so Cute that the laws of reality warp around him. He can walk through major land wars and
come out unscathed, fall off a building and survive, mostly because everyone knows these things never happen to Cute.

"Everyone knows you won't do anything unless you are bribed, tricked, or forced. Because nothing is worth doing for its own sake. So
learn to be bored. We're bored, so you should be too." --Matt Groening, "School is Hell"
You can combine your magjick abilities in a variety of annoying and fruitless ways. The most typical of these are rotes, which allow
your character to perform magic feats with no originality on your part. Here are some ideas:
[Dave-- Apparently White Wolf didn't like the magjick system much either.]


"Trapped in a world he never made." --"Howard the Duck"

During spellcasting, each point of Fairy-ness that is spent increases all of a character's sphere ratings by one, but only for the duration
of one spell.

"Leprechauns and Soviet armor... what a combination!" --Gina Diggers, "Gold Digger"
Combat is not necessary in Fairy: The Cobbling. In fact, we strongly suggest that you not use combat at all. Mostly because we don't
have all that great a combat system...
If you absolutely, positively, must include combat in your Fairy: The Combat game, there is a simple method for conducting it. Roll lots
of dice. Then ignore the results of all of them and pick a winner for some silly and arbitrary reason.
This may seem stupid, but it is certainly a lot better than our regular combat system.

"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious." --Death, "Sandman"
Combat is a dangerous business. When Fairies can smash bricks with their bare fists, it becomes too easy to kill another. Even two
friends fighting honorably could accidentally land a killing blow.
There is no game rule to govern when a character dies. Death is such a tragic event that the Storyteller should decide when an injury's
effects are terminal. The death of even a minor character should be dramatic event in a Story.
However, there is a way to cheat death. Creatures of magjick that they are, the very forces of belief can restore them. If you can
convince enough of the players to clap while your character is dying, he is magjickally restored to full vitality.
[Dave-- Again White Wolf has decided to cut out most of the rest of the chapter. Apparently they disagreed with my interpretation of
the system mechanics.]

Other World of Darkness Races
Other races in the World of Darkness like Fairies, but in different ways. Werewolves, for example, like Fairies on the ends of pointy
little snakes. Mages like Fairies engulfed in large balls of fire. Vampires like Fairies in tiny little bits, unless they are Malkavians, in
which case they like Fairies between two pieces of rye with a little Swiss cheese, lettuce, and maybe a gherkin.
If you're really interested, Fairies taste like chicken. Really.

The Shoemacher Corporationr

"They're just right wing pigeons from outer space
Sent here to destroy the human race."
--The Dead Milkmen, "Right Wing Pigeons"
It's more or less mandatory that new Storyteller games have to have a globe-spanning conspiracy that no-one has discovered until
now. In Fairy, the Shoemacher Corporation fills that void.

The Shoemacher Corporation is a globe-spanning conspiracy that controls world footgear. They have established a rigid schedule
which determines the rate at which improvements in shoes can be made, and are also responsible for restricting the availability of
specific types of footwear to the majority of the population.
Fairies believe that without the interference of the Shoemacher Corporation, the world would be a far better place and the Cobbling
would have taken place a long time ago. As a result, Fairies have sworn to overthrow the Shoemacher Corporation and liberate the
feet of the world.
In any chronicle the Shoemacher Corporation should be the chief enemy. They are devious, cunning, and ruthlessly devoted to
oppressing the feet of the world.

The Lost Ones

"I will stand here, looking... moody, and feeling... sorry for myself." --Swoon, "Cerebus"
The Lost Ones were a gang of Fairies who were moving to Kentucky, but then they got, well, lost. They stumbled across the
headquarters of the Shoemacher Corporation, who turned them to evil.
The Lost Ones can come from any gang of Fairies, but they are all uncontrovertably evil. They spend most of their time wearing black,
looking gloomy, and having angst. In short, they are the antithesis of everything that Fairies stand for.
Some say that the Lost Ones seek to destroy all Fairies because they remind them of the vibrant spark of life they once possessed,
though others say that they're too busy seeking a good psychoanalyst to worry about much else.

The Inquisition
"So come on you Moslems and you Jews
We've got big news for all of youse
You'd better change your point of view today
'Cause the Inquisition's here and it's here to stay!"
--Mel Brooks, "History of the World Part 1"
[Dave-- From this point onward most of my manuscript seems to have been shoved through a paper shredder. Apparently White Wolf
doesn't know a good thing when they see it.]
Well, that's more or less about it. Now that you know what you're missing out on, I suggest you all start massive letter-writing
campaigns to convince White Wolf to publish the game you all want to see.
Death to Changeling: The Dreaming!

Vampire: The Masquerade; Werewolf: The Apocalypse; Mage: The Ascension; Wraith : the Oblivion; and Street Fighter: The One That
Doesn't Really Fit In With The Others. Also inspired by a lot of other things, including a steady diet of Mystery Science Theater 3000,
Saturday morning cartoons, and comic books, but especially the ICW gaming group, without whom I would not be as deranged as I
am today.


Fairy : The Cobbling Player's Companion
Gangbook: Gaelick
San Francisco by Night
Secrets of Shoemacher


It's a joke. Really. Trust me. Wait, what are you looking at me like that for? Put down the knife, I'm not worth it! Really!
Fairy: The Cobbling is copyright 1995 David White (Though of course the rules are copyright 1995 White Wolf Games Studio).
DAVID WHITE Combat is not necessary in Street Fighter: The Storytelling Game...

By Robert Kirkpatrick ( (21 Dec 1993)
Presented below are my complete rules for using Fae (or Faerie, Sidhe, Seelie, Changeling, or whatever) in White Wolf games. It is
the first draft, so I definitely want a lot of ideas. It is not meant to be used in place of "Changeling" -- but as a start for ideas in that
direction. Afterall, there are a lot of rules for having Faeries in Vampire and Werewolf, but we have nothing to work on. So I have
created something that I could use when a character uses his Summon Faerie Gift, or use his Faerie-like Disciplines. I am basing
these rules on what little hints White Wolf has given in their products.
Please give me feedback on this. Even something short. I'm not sure if I explained everything well or not. (Off-hand, I don't think so.)
Flames are fine, as long as they are constructive. Don't be too harsh. I'm rather proud of this. I apologize for the length.

New Terminology
Arts: Mystical, inbreed powers of the Fae. Used to influence the minds and feelings of the humans, in order to gain Flux energy.
Butchers: Mages, especially those that actively seek out Fae Blood.
Dark Road, the: When a Seelie Fae trapped on Gaia starts to feed off negative emotions in order to replenish his Flux. Eventually,
becomes a full-fledged member of the Unseelie Court.

Darklings: A Seelie on the Dark Road.

Fae: Generic term for all who come from Arcadia. Also known as Faeries, Elves, Sidhe, etc.
Fang: A Vampire.
Folk: Allies and kin of the Fae.
Flux: 1) Realm of the Wyld Triad, 2) Mystical Energy that defines what a Fae is, and is used to power Arts.
Gateway: Portal found on Gaia that instantly transports Fae to Arcadia. Very rare and hard to find.
Hazing: A state of being of total anarchy that Fae have been known to enter.
High Lord: Powerful Fae who dwells and controls a great deal of property in Arcadia. Usually has Arts above 7.
Mound: Area around a Gateway. To some, it can be known as a Caern or a Node.
Phreak: Anyone who is addicted to the effects of Fae Blood. A PhreakFang is a vampire that enjoys Fae Blood.
Polarity: The mystical union between a member of the Seelie Court and a member of the Unseelie Court.
Scale, the: The Mystical Balance kept between the Seelie and the Unseelie. Any time that a Seelie is slain, an Unseelie dies as well,
and vice versa. The only way that this is prevented is when one dies by Flux loss.

Schism, the: The time that Arcadia was separated from Gaia.
Seelie Court: Those Fae more concerned with positive feelings among humanity.
Shapeshifter: A Werebeast of some sort.
UnderLord: Powerful Fae who dwells on Gaia and controls some property there. Usually has Arts above 5.
Unseelie Court: Also known as the Dark Fae. Those who are fascinated by the darker side of humanity, and bringing that dark side

Brief overview of the Fae

Designing a Fae Character
Before even figuring out the statistics of a Fae, a design must be thought up for them. A design is simply what type of Fae the
character is. In this world, all Fae are essentially malleable creatures. There are races, but only mortals and mundanes and the
uninitiated uses terms like elves, dwarves, etc. Fae do not even consider race as a question. The only thing that matters is if you are
Dark Fae or not (Unseelie or Seelie). Race is simply something to point out similiar features between two people. Yes, there are a lot
of tall, lanky, long-haired, pony-tailed, pointy-eared people, that as a whole can be considered "elves", but the Fae themselves don't
view things this way. One of the so-called "elves" would immediately point out that they can't be of the same race, because so-and-so
happens to have a fuzzy tail, or so-and-so has two opposable thumbs on each hand, etc.
When thinking of a Fae character, think of their design. Design is everything about the character: from attitude, to bearing, to look. Is

the character some warty, toad on two legs? Is he a tiny pixie? Is he a regal elf, or a tall, gigantic troll or giant? The Storyteller should
then give the character some modifiers (positive or negative), based on the design. Not much should be given out, and what is given
out should reasonably be balanced out. For instance, if the design is of a giant, the Storyteller could give an additional +2 Strength and
+3 Stamina, but because of the character's size, all enemies hit with -3 on their difficulties, and the character is -2 on his Dexterity. The
Storyteller is completely, one-hundred percent, in charge and has total and complete veto power over any design. A character can't
and shouldn't go completely crazy with the design. Something simple is preferred. Only a few things are gained with the design. This is
meant to be a way to have a unique type of a character, rather than trying to get tons of abilities for nothing.

Some examples of design:

Traditional Elf: +1 Dexterity, +1 Appearance, +1 Charisma, double cost of any modern abilities
Traditional Dwarf: +3 Stamina, -1 Dexterity, -1 Charisma, short flaw
Traditional Troll: Tall, Regenerate like Lupine except versus fire
Traditional Pixie: -2 Strength, -2 Stamina, +2 Dexterity, +2 difficulty to be hit (except from area effect), Flight
Hunchback: 0 App, +2 Stamina
Big-Nosed Zwop: +2 Per (smell only), -1 App
Red-Cap: Vampiric Blood Pool (10 pts), Short Flaw, Frenzy
Remember, design is how the Fae appears to others, and with the Fae, it's almost essential to be as unique as possible. There
should be enough rules in all of the current three White Wolf books to fill in any gaps you may have. Use whatever merits, stats,
backgrounds, etc., to make this design standout. Also, remember, that this is the World of Darkness. There should be some sort of
edge to the design, something that would make it fit into the game milieu. If the design is too silly, or strange for the game, the ST has
complete and total right to veto it. Usually, I tend to prefer at least humanoid Fae.

Seelie Court or Unseelie Court

To the outside world, there is very little difference between the Seelie and the Unseelie. They both tend to be Wyld, unrestrained
creatures, with a tendency to mischief. The two Courts represent the extremes of the Fae. It can be said that the Seelie are the
Weaver-influenced portions of the Wyld, while the Dark Fae (the Unseelie) are the Wyrm-influenced side of the Wyld. While both sides
like to play pranks and have fun, both have different ways of going about it.
In the farthest extreme of the Seelie, there are exact charts and diagrams and rules for letting out your Wyld side. There is only one
good and proper way to play a prank. Taken at its worst, it could mean that one must always use a red flower when using a fake flower
water squirter, or one must always use white whipped cream in a pie-in-the-face trick. A good many of the current Seelie pranks are
used to make fun of these "traditions". Great Status can be doled out for rebeling against the status quo of comedy and merriment.
Seelie pranks, however, tend to be mostly good-natured and all for a good laugh.
The Unseelie pranks are another story. They tend to hurt, or destroy something. A laugh is not just gotten at someone else's expense,
but also at their demise. Amputation, decapatation, burning, eye gouging are some of their most popular gags. A Dark Fae would
have acid in his flower squirter, and iron spikes covered by whipped cream in his pie-in-the-face trick.
The Seelie have a rule for their pranks: "It's only funny until someone loses an eye." The Unseelie have added on to that: "It's only funny
until someone loses an eye, and then it's hilarious."
The other main difference between the two is how they restore their inner Flux energies. Seelie tend to get it from merriment and
showing others a good time. By bringing out good emotions and feelings (usually by destroying bad ones). Unseelie, however, get
back Flux through abuse and despair. Pranks, gags, toys, etc., are the means to achieve these ends. Sort of like the Foci of the
Not all life is spent in pranks and partying for the Fae. They are just as varied as any Vamp, Mage, or Garou in ambitions and desires.
But the frivolous nature is inbreed in all of them. Some try to fight it, some revel in it. In fact, it is said that Arcadia is full of political
dealings that would make a Vampire Primogen's head spin.

Polarity and the Scale

All Fae are greatly affected by the Philosophy of the Scale. The Unseelie and the Seelie are all mystically united, a part of a balance in
the Nature of the Wyld. The Seelie represent the good forces of the Wyld, the part that feeds and nurtures mankind, that brings joy and
happiness. The Unseelie represent the violent aspects of the Wyld, the hungry storms, the deadly emotions. Both are needed, and as
such, both affect the life of the Fae.
As a result, all Fae have a Polarity with an opposing Fae. A Seelie will have a Polarity with an Unseelie Fae and vice versa. If the
Seelie Fae is slain, the Unseelie Fae immediately dies, and vice versa. Most Fae do not know who their Polarity Fae is, and are thus
afraid to straight out kill their enemies. Thus, the war between Fae is usually eternal.
The only way to escape the Scale is to have a Fae die due to Flux loss. As a result of such a death, the Polarity Fae will feel no
adverse effects, and can live without fear of sudden death.
So far, this is the main plan of the Unseelie Court. They know that the Seelie need to refresh their Flux through the creation of positive

emotions among Gaia's humanity. As a result of the Schism, Arcadia has lost a great deal of Flux energy to obtain. Many Arcadians
travel to Gaia to restore their Flux. However, if the Unseelie can deny them that Flux, they seriously weaken their enemies. So the
Unseelie is going through an all-out effort to destroy and degrade the source of Flux. Most of their energy is put to bringing despair
upon humanity so that the Seelie can not refresh their Flux, and thus die.

The Current State of Fae

These rules are designed for characters that have been divorced from Arcadia ever since the Schism. These are Fae still trapped in
our world, trying to find a way back home. Most of the Mounds and Gateways have been taken over or destroyed by Garou or Mages,
or are in the hands of the Unseelie. The characters must work to keep themselves alive, in a land of truly monstrous and dark
emotions. These Fae are lost, and many turn to the Dark Road to keep themselves alive, because it's so much easier.
Those that keep to their Seelie ways have a tough task ahead of them. The world is a cruel place, and they are responsible for trying
to bring what little hope they can into it. All the while knowing that they may never see home again.
The Unseelie don't mind the Schism as much as the Seelie. They are stuck on Gaia, where they can feed off as much misery as
possible. Some would like to return, because they can get more powerful there. But for now, most are content.
Chronicles can be based on trying to find Arcadia to fighting off the Unseelie. Naturally, the Fae, who are concerned with humanity's
wellbeing (or lack of wellbeing, in the case of the Unseelie), will eventually come into contact with Vampires or Mages. As the Fae
search for Gateways, they will obviously come into contact with the Garou.

Character Creation
Main Rules
The first thing that a character must do is figure out their design, as per the rules above. The Design stage is intentionally left
ambiguous, because I wanted the Fae to be ambiguous, to be a mystery and an enigma. As a whole, they shouldn't be all that easy to
peg. Then, after the Design stage, one can start distributing points.
For most of the Character Generation for the Fae, use the Vampire rules when it comes to cost, freebie point cost, experience point
cost, and distribution of points. Fae have equivalents of all the Vampire traits (Humanity, Virtues, Disciplines), but with different names
and effects (described below). They just cost the same. When it comes to abilities and backgrounds, a Fae character can choose
from any of the three current Storyteller games that have come out (Vampire: the Masquerade, Werewolf: the Apocalypse, Mage: the
Ascension, the Mummy supplement, the Hunters Hunted, and the Storyteller's Handbook are all referred to in these rules). This
includes things like Awareness, Wyrm Lore, etc.
In place of Retainers and Kinfolk, however, use the Background trait of Folk, which represents the amount of human allies the
character has. Few Fae have any desire for Resources, but it is an option. The only Backgrounds the Fae can not have are Dream,
Library, Fetish, Node, Avatar, Talisman, Pure Breed, or Herd (and any that the Storyteller deems doesn't make any sense). They can
have Arcane, Past Lives, and Supernatural Contact, if they wish. If they want a magical item, they must have the Special Gift merit. If
there is any doubt on the costs of a certain ability, always choose the highest cost.
If you use any merits or flaws, try to convert it over to the Fae frame of mind as best as possible. The rules should be used as
guidelines to creation, so tweak them whenever necessary.
A Fae character is created just like any other character, with starting attributes of 7/5/3 and abilities of 13/9/5. They can buy any
Knowledge, Talent, or Skill that is essentially non-modern in nature. Thus, things like Firearms, Heavy Weaponry, Drive, etc., can't be
bought, except with Freebie points. Essentially, this is the same limitation that Lupus born Garou must have, so follow those rules or
the discretion of the Storyteller. All Fae essentially have a limited form of Anachronism, and thus, can't get modern conveniences as
easily right at the beginning of character generation.
Fae characters automatically have 1 point in Casting. The other Hedge Magick skills (Duration, Extent, and Rituals) are also available
to them. They need these skills in order to use their Arts. These are considered Primary, not Secondary Abilities. Experience to raise
them is given in Hunters Hunted and the Storyteller's Handbook.
Fae has Virtues, but not like a Vampire character, although the point costs are the same. As for Humanity, the Fae have something
called Flux. The initial Flux score is determined by the character's current Mischief score. In order to raise Flux, it costs the same in
Freebie points as it costs a Vampire to raise their Humanity. Flux are the points that the Fae used to manipulate Reality with their Arts.
Like Willpower, there should be a temporary (squares) and permanent (dots) chart for this. Willpower is based on the total of Regality
and Labor Virtues. Willpower functions the same as in all the other White Wolf games.
Fae have their own equivalent of Discipline, so you can ignore those points from the Vampire books. Unseelie characters make
points using the point system for Sabbat vampires (which gives less Background points and less Virtues).

New Backgrounds
Uniqueness: The character has some unique traits about her. They get one unique trait for every point they have in this Background.
Also, Uniqueness adds to their social scores when dealing with other Fae, since Uniqueness is a valued trait among all Fae. A unique
trait is some sort of physical ability (or deformity) that the Fae has. It can be another arm, another eye, body fur, body warts, whatever.
These traits do not have to be attractive, just different. Very little special abilities are given out with these traits. Having an extra arm
gives an extra limb to work with, not extra attacks. Having a fangs will let you bite, but not necessarily for tons of damage. Again, the

Storyteller is the final decision.

Wyldling: The Fae is more in tune with his Wyld nature, and can spend more Flux when Casting an Art. However, this means that a
character loses Flux more rapidly, so be careful. Each point in this Background allows the Fae to spend one additional Flux point.

Folk: The number of humans who are aware of the character's existence, and will help them.

New Merits
Known Polarity: The character knows who his opposite Fae is, and knows not to kill them. 3 point Merit.
No Polarity: The character's Polarity Fae has already died from Flux loss, so there is no more danger. Of course, this could mean that
others may not be reluctant to kill you as well. 7 point Merit.

The three main virtues for a Fae character are Regality, Mischief, and Labor. A botch on this roll means the character immediately
enters a state known as the Hazing, and a Virtue and a Flux point is permanently lost. As with Vampire Virtues, 5 successes must be
obtained to completely overcome the urge to act Wyld.

Regality is how controlled, how dignified, and how elegant the character is. It is rolled whenever the character is put in a situation when
he must maintain a respectable front, or behave properly. Fae on a whole are very unpredictable people. They tend to like to frolic and
enjoy themselves, or in the case of the Unseelie, go about, laughing maniacally and gnashing their teeth. If a Fae fails his Regality Roll,
he must run around and let his true Wyld self out. People will not necessarily think he's a Fae, but they will know that he's up to no
good. The difficulty of the roll is always based on the severity and strictness of a gathering: 3 for a rock-n-roll concert, 5 for a church
picnic, 7 for a formal dinner party or opera, 9 for a Tremere meeting. Note, that Regality does not take the place of Social roll. Social
rolls are made, after, the Regality roll is made. Just because a Regality roll is made does not mean that the Fae has the Social skills to
survive such a gathering.

Mischief is how well the Fae can get away with a prank or gag or an insult. Whenever a Fae is threatened by someone or something
that has been the brunt of a recent joke, the Fae has a chance to escape for just a moment. The method of escape varies, but usually it
is some grand coincindence that gets the Fae off the hook momentarily. The difficulty is based on the seriousness of the threat. The
more serious, the less the difficulty. 3 when someone is trying to kill the Fae, 5 when someone is trying to severely injure the Fae, 7
when someone is trying to mildly hurt the Fae, 9 when someone wants to play a counter prank. If the roll is successful (5 culminated
successes necessary), the Fae could either have blinked out of existence for a second, teleported across the room, a chandelier fell
and blocked the attacker's charge, someone else stepped in the way, etc. The Fae has no control over whatever happens.

Labor is how well a Fae can concentrate on a certain task. Fae, on a whole, tend to have rather flighty personalities. If something
intrigues them, they tend to pursue it, even if they were suppose to be doing something else. The difficulty is based on the severity and
boredom of the task. The harder and the more routine the work, the more likely the Fae wonders off to something else. A success
means the Fae sticks to the job at hand. Failure means that something else caught the Fae's eye. It doesn't matter if it's a t.v. program,
a baby in a stroller (just waiting to be tricked), a priest walking by (perfect for a prank), birds to play with, etc. They will forget the job at
hand. 8 is for really hard, really strenuous, really long, really boring work. Working in a coal mine all day is perfect example of this. 6 is
standard. 4 is for being involved in a rather long combat. 3 is for waiting a while at a busstop. Those with low Labor scores have been
known to walk away from fights, to leave a stakeout at a villian's house, etc. The Fae has to keep rolling each turn that the stimulus to
leave remains. Once 5 successes has been achieved, the Fae can safely ignore the diversion.
When thinking about distributing points in Virtues, think about your character Fae design. Most elves tend to have high Regality and
Mischief, while very low Labor. Dwarves or gnomes tend to have high Labor but low in all the other Virtues. At least, that's how they are
stereotypically portrayed.

Flux Blood
Flux is the amount of Wyld energy and magick that makes up the Fae. All Fae have a great deal of this energy flowing through their
blood and their body. If for some reason, the Fae's blood is ever drank, the drinker suffers several adverse effects. The effects are
based on the current Flux score.

Minor Headaches (-1 on any roll needing a Mental attribute)

Intense Nausea (-1 to all rolls)
Complete Drunkeness (-2 to all rolls)
Mild Hallucinations (additional -2 unless Per+Alertness vs 6)
Strong Hallucinations (additional -2 unless Per+Alertness vs 8)
Total Hallucination (-3 to all rolls)
Minor Transformation (Eyes turn buglike, or Ears grow long, etc.)

8. Major Transformation (Significant bodypart transforms)

9. Severe Transformation (Most of the body transforms)
10. Complete Transformation (Become something else -- a toad, etc.)
The effects last for 1 hour per blood point drank.
The downside to this is that Fae blood is considered Tass by Mages. The Tass rating (the amount of Quintessence provided) is equal
to the permanent Flux score. Each point of blood provides this amount of Tass, and the Fae have 10 points of blood in their system.
Thus, someone with a Flux of 5 has 50 points of Tass in their system. The Fae make enemies with most Mages very quickly.

Flux and the Arts

Flux is also used to power the Fae's Arts. Spending Flux works the same way that a Mage spends Quintessence. It is used to lower
the difficulty of a roll when using one of the Arts. A Fae can only spend one point of Flux, unless he has the Wyldling Background Trait.
For those Fae who are exiled for long periods of time from Arcadia, they lose a Flux point each month. After they reach zero Flux, they
lose a health level each week until they die.

Refreshing Flux
There are only three ways that a Fae can replenish Flux energy. 1) By getting Tass from a Wyld region on Gaia (for example, a Caern
in the forest), in which case they get 1 Flux for every 2 points of Tass harvested, 2) by traveling -- somehow -- to Arcadia or the Flux
Realm, or 3) by affecting people with the proper emotion or feeling. In the case of the latter, the feeling is based on the type of Fae the
character is -- whether Seelie or Unseelie. Seelie get points from positive feelings induced, whether it's courage, happiness, love, etc.
As long as they can move people in a positive way, they will get points for it. For the Unseelie, it's just the exact opposite. They must
get people to feel and react negatively. The exact number of points depends on who they affect and how great the reaction.
1 Point of Flux if the people are agreeable to the new state of feeling or emotion that the Fae tries to put them in. Such as those who
go to a comedy club to laugh, or to nymphomaniacs who want sex. The people are open to that particular emotion. This explains why
many Fae are entertainers of a sort, whether it's a comedian, or a juggler, or an acrobat -- it easily entertains and doesn't require the
Arts to change the emotions crudely.
2 Points of Flux if the people are only mildly interested. These people are agreeable to the new emotion, but are more interested in
something else. For instance, a guy who goes to a comedy bar to pick up women. He's interested more in the women, then the
comedian, but doesn't mind laughing.
3 Points of Flux if the person greatly dislikes the new emotion or feeling. Again, the comedy club example: a woman who has just been
divorced is there. She is definitely not interested in laughing (or maybe she is, but we'll assume the divorce was hard for her). If the
Fae comedian can make her laugh, he gets 3 points of Flux.
4 Points of Flux if the person is hostile to the new emotion. Mr. Angry Young Man thinks that laughter in such a dark world is ridiculous
and that comedy clubs are a suburban nightmare. If he laughs and enjoys himself, it's worth 4 Flux.
5 Points of Flux if the person will hurt you for arousing that emotion or feeling. The bruiser in the corner is the Fae's biggest and
meanest critic. If he doesn't like a show, he breaks legs. But the guy doesn't like comedies. So he usually ends up breaking a lot of
comedians' legs. But if the Fae makes him enjoy himself, you get 5 points of Flux. That doesn't necessarily keep him from hurting the
Fae, however.
These are purely subjective levels, and the Storyteller is encouraged to give as much or as little as he feels is warranted. However, if
the Fae uses one of the Arts to affect the emotions, he gets 1 less Flux for each level of Arts being used. The Arts are considered a
crude way of changing emotions and feelings, and are not permanent enough in the people's minds to give out much Flux energies (if
It should be understood that gaining Flux from manipulating feelings is not just on an emotional level. What Seelie try to do is bring in a
sense of good feeling, of well-being, of security. The Unseelie try to do the opposite.

Initial Arts
The Arts are the Magick that the Fae can naturally manipulate. At character creation, a Fae picks his main speciality Art. This is raised
by paying current level x 3 in experience points. All others are raised by paying current level x 5 in experience points.
At character creation, Seelie Fae get 3 points to distribute among Arts. Unseelie get 4. No Fae can have above a 3 in any of the Arts
when they first start off. Each point of Art costs 5 freebie points to raise.
No Fae can ever get above 5 points in an Art until he has somehow visited the Flux Realm. No Fae can get above 7 points until they
have visited the Arcadia Gateway. No Fae can get above 9 until they have visited Arcadia itself.

Using Arts
Whenever a Fae uses his Art, he must roll his Casting level. The difficulty is the level of the Art + 4. Flux can be spent to lower the
difficulty. Duration is rolled to increase the time of the effect, and Extend increases the time. At higher levels of the Arts, Flux must be

spent in order to make it work. Look in the various books about Hedge Magick (Hunters Hunted or Storyteller's Guide) to see the
effects of these Duration and Extend Rolls. Unlike these books, the Intelligence, Perception, and Wits scores is not ever figured into
the roll. Each roll (whether Casting, Duration, or Extend) takes one full turn to accomplish.
Art Effects can never be culminative. The higher success is always considered. No reroll can be made by the Fae if he has an Art
already on effect on the same subject. The Fae can only roll once the Duration has ended.
Appropriate abilities can help the Fae with any of these Arts. These skills allow the Fae to add Dice to his Casting, Duration, and
Extend Rolls. Duration is required for all the Arts to see how long such effects will last. At the end of the Duration, more Casting and
Duration rolls need to be made. The only exception to this rule is if something does damage. Only a Casting roll needs to be made
Arts can be resisted by a Willpower Roll vs a difficulty of the number of total dice being rolled (for instance, for DreamWarp, the
difficulty would be Casting + Dreaming). Each success negates one success of the Fae.

The Various Arts

DreamWarp: DreamWarp allows the Fae to manipulate Dreams. The Fae himself does not have to be asleep while using this.
Dreaming is the only appropriate Ability for this Art.

* Allows the Fae to sense whether the Dream is good or bad, and whether it's influenced by some other force.
** Allows the Fae to see and experience the dream as if it were hers. Must be there while the dream is occuring or within range of
Extend roll.

*** Can alter the dream by adding elements to it. Like an object, or a minor persona.
**** Can change major elements in the dream, like setting or place, or personas (that are not some sentient being, or controlled by
some other sentient being).

***** Can physically enter dream. Can't kill or injure, but if the Fae destroys another invading dreamer, that dreamer cannot reenter the

****** Can triple distance of Extend roll or triple time of Duration roll.
******* Can physically injure or kill dreamer or any other invading beings (like yourself), but only while in Dream.
******** Can bring any voluntary subjects into the Dream. These subjects do not have the power to kill or permanently injure, but can
deter hostile threats.

********* Can make the Dream a permanent reality that can be entered at the Fae's leisure, as long as the Extend rolls are kept up.
The Dream remains at the emotional level and setting of when this DreamRealm was created. The original maker of the Dream no
longer is necessary to maintain the world.

**********: Can "eat" Dreams and convert it to Flux. If over ten points is taken, destroys the capacity of the dreamer to ever Dream
again. Without Dreams, the victim can't gain Willpower and loses one permanent one per month. After "eating" Dream, can create a
new Dream to take it's place. Only 10 points of Flux can be taken from any single person ever.

Elemental Forger: With Elemental Forger, the Fae can manipulate any one of the four basic elements of air, earth, fire, and water.
Various skills are used with Elemental Forger: Metallurgy, Jeweler, etc. Use whatever skill is most appropriate for what the character
is trying to do.

* Can sense elements nearby, such as water underground, or diamonds hidden in a wall, etc.
** Can analyze any substance for what it is. Can also see through elements.
*** Can make one copy of a substance, such as an iron dagger, or a gold coin. One roll per object to change, unless using Extend.
Duration to see how long copy lasts.

**** Can manipulate any element, such as making rocks roll or making fire spew forth a burst of flame or making water envelop
somebody. Damage is 1 per success on Casting Roll, but is soakable.

***** Can extract elements from other objects, such as water or carbon from a life form, or dissolved gold from the sea. Damage is 1
per success on Casting Roll, is soakable, but aggravated.

****** Can bring sentient life to small objects made out of base elements. Will obey commands.
******* Can bring sentient life to large objects (such as boulders or lakes or bonfires). Will obey commands.
******** Can create permanent copies of objects or elements. No Duration Roll necessary.
********* Can summon Elementals. Use rules in Werewolf Books.
********** Can become an Elemental.

FleshSong: FleshSong allows the Fae to manipulate the body, as well as the five senses. Body Alteration is the Ability associated
with it.

* Can get a sense of a person's physical well-being.

** Can create emotional responses through physical sensations. This causes the person to be stunned for a turn. Some examples are
causing a sudden orgasm, causing vomiting, loosening the bladder, etc.

*** Can give the person a physical sensation, whether good or bad. If good, it can negate wound effects of +1 per 3 successes on
Casting. If bad (burning skin), it creates a wound effect of -1 per 3 successes. However, these wound levels are not real. This can not
kill an individual, although it can alter his sensations so that he is easier to kill.

**** Can heal self and others. One point per success. If wound is aggravated, healing is not permanent and can only be healed during
state of Duration. During that time, real medical attention must be given to heal.

***** Can create concrete illusions, but these illusions don't react well to outside stimulus. So if one is punched, there is a chance
someone will see through their hand pass through it.

****** Can manipulate the flesh of the subject, causing damage. Each success causes a point of soakable damage.
******* Can transform into a similiar look. A humanoid creature can transformed (or be transformed) into another humanoid creature.
******** Can manipulate bone. Each success causes a point of soakable, aggravated damage.
********* Can create a full-bodied, fully alert illusion using the subjects senses. Illusion will react in every way.
********** Can transform (or be transformed) into any other living thing, gaining the natural abilites thereof.
HeartDancer: HeartDancer gives the Fae the ability to manipulate emotions. The Ability of Empathy covers this Art.
* Can sense emotional states.
** Can heighten emotions. In game mechanics, this could give a -1 or +1 on difficulties for Virtue rolls (such as Courage for Vampires)
or Willpower rolls for every 3 successes of Casting. In storytelling terms, can create greater bonds of friendship or love or cause more
hatred, etc.

*** Can sense false emotional states, such as created by Blood Bound, or created by Fae. Can also sense any emotions that have
been repressed (like the Beast, or psychological scarring).

**** Can unleash repressed emotions. Causes Frenzy in Garou and Vamps. Can dreg up old emotions to the surface for the victim to
deal with. This usually puts the victim out of control for the Duration. However, the repressed emotions are no longer repressed and the
victim must deal with them somehow.

***** Can insert a new emotional state. Victim must feel this emotion for the Duration.
****** Destroy emotion. Can prevent a specific emotion from being felt for the Duration. Beast not affected, although can get rid of one
aspect of it (like fear).

******* Can bless or curse an area with an emotion. Beings must feel a certain way when entering.
******** Destroy or create bonds, either making complete enemies or making complete friendships, etc.
********* Can turn a person into a basketcase, either making them devoid of any emotions or releasing it all at once. Nothing else is
thought or felt during the Duration. Can also instantly cure psychological problems, or remove the Beast (for Duration).

********** Immune to any influence on thought or behavior. Emotional strong and secure.
Shuffle: Shuffle is the Fae's innate ability to bend the laws of time and space. Science or Occult Ability goes along with this.
* Absolute time sense. Knows how long any action or reaction will take.
** Absolute directional sense. Can't be lost.
*** Slight precognitive ability. Can ask the Storyteller one Yes or No question about the future per success on Casting roll. Questions
can be saved until later for as long as Duration.

**** Can gain an extra action for every 3 successes on Casting Roll. These actions also increase speed.
***** Can teleport for short distances, based on Extend Roll. Must know the area that is being teleported to, or at least be able to see
it. Can teleport once per success on Casting Roll. Can hold teleportation for as long as Duration.

****** Can predict actions of others. One person per success on Casting Roll. For as long as Duration Roll.
******* Can slow others down. Every 3 successes on Casting Roll keeps target from acting for 1 turn. The Duration is based on the

target's time reference and not the Fae's.

******** Can teleport long distances, to anyplace known to the Fae. Each success on the extend roll is 1 mile.
********* Can teleport others. Willpower roll to resist. One person per success. Again, area must be known. Extend roll figures out

********** Can freeze time for Duration and in the range of Extend Roll.

Refreshing Flux With Arts

Flux can rarely be refreshed with direct intervention of the Arts. The Arts are a tool to get people to react and change their state of
minds. If the state of mind is forcibly changed, less Flux can be taken (-1 per effect level of the Arts). Arts is a crude way of creating
new emotional states, whether positive or negative. It must be understood that Arts is nothing more than a crowbar to open up a box,
not the box itself.
To explain, here are some examples:
1. DreamWarp can be used to make a child have better dreams. Better dreams mean a happier child, right? However, the child is not
actually a happier child. His dreams have been manipulated to make him happier. In order to get a great amount of Flux, the Fae has
to make the child himself have the power to have happier dreams. The Fae can explore the child's dreamworld and find out why the
child is having so many nightmares. Perhaps, the child has been abused. The Fae, with discovery of this knowledge, gets the child to
confront this abuse and overcome it. Maybe in a symbolic dream battle between the child and his abuser. The child wins, and as a
result, the Seelie Fae reaps lots of Flux. If the Seelie Fae merely killed the symbol of abuse himself, the child hasn't really
accomplished anything. Thus, very little Flux, if any.
2. HeartDancer allows an Unseelie to manipulate emotions. The Dark Fae could create fear to make the person paranoid of everyone
else. If that person's paranoia reached the point where the person decided he had to kill somebody, then the Dark Fae gets a lot of
Flux. He doesn't get Flux for causing fear, he gets Flux for using fear to get the victim to kill somebody. The Fae created fear. The
person himself caused the killing as a result of it. If the Dark Fae had simply implanted a murderous rage in the victim, he wouldn't
have gotten as much Flux.
3. A Seelie also has HeartDancer, but this guy is a comedian. He likes to make people laugh and enjoy themselves. If he used
HeartDancer to make people laugh and enjoy themselves, then he would get very little Flux. However, if through the use of his high
Charisma and stage charm, he could get a lot of Flux. Also, he could use his HeartDancer to make that heckler in the corner forget
about his current hostility towards a waitress. By getting rid of that emotion, he has opened the heckler up to his comedy routine.
4. Another Unseelie tries to get Flux out of fear. He could just create fear in people but that wouldn't be good enough. The fear must
come out naturally. So the Unseelie starts to kill off people in a certain neighborhood, dumping bodies in open areas. People start
getting afraid, start to think they are next. This feeds the Dark Fae with lots of Flux. Or the Fae could use his HeartDancer tricks to
create a serial killer out of somebody. This in itself wouldn't give any Flux. However, the resultant fear and paranoia that this will create
in the neighborhood that the serial killer hunts will give the Fae a nice batch of Flux.
Arts are mostly used to get rid of barriers that hinder the flow of positive or negative emotions. Arts could be used to force those
feelings out but that is, again, a very crude way of doing it. It must come out naturally, so that it has some actual weight. A Fae doesn't
need an Art to get Flux. An accomplished actor could get Flux simply from entertaining people.
In short, Arts are a way to lead the horses to water, not the way to get them to drink. The use of Arts must be subtle, or else, it has no
permanent effect on humanity.

Health and Injury

All Fae are essentially immortal until they are either slain or they die of Flux loss. As long as the damage is not aggravated, a Fae can
survive as many blows as possible. However, if an aggravated attack brings them below Incapa- citated, they are slain.

Fae regenerate at a rate of 1 health point of non-aggravated damage per hour. Aggravated damage is healed at a rate of 1 per day.

Aggravated Damage
Any iron weapons cause unsoakable, aggravated damage to a Fae. Consider it the same flaw as silver for Garou. All other
aggravated damage (fire, claws of supernatural creatures, some Magick) can be soaked.

The Dark Road

Any time a Seelie decides to take Flux from negative emotions, they are taking their first step down the Dark Road. A Seelie can
create negative emotions just as easily as an Unseelie, and they can gain the Flux from it as well. But for each point of Flux taken, the
Seelie must make a Regality Roll versus a difficulty of 8. If they fail, they gain a Derangement and lose a point of Regality. If they botch,

they go into a Hazing, gain a Derangement, lose a permanent point of Flux, Willpower, and Regality. A Seelie who has a large amount
of derangements, and can't control his feeding of negative energy, is known as a Darkling.
The Unseelie never experience the Dark Road. They can't feed off of positive energy. However, they can gain derangements, and are
in fact more prone to it. Whenever an Unseelie botches any Art Roll (either Casting, Duration, or Extend), any Willpower, any Virtue, or
any Mental Attribute Roll, they gain a derangement. Thus is their nature.

Hazing is a state of madness that Seelie and Unseelie can go through. During this time, they expend as much Flux energy as they can,
causing as much trouble (pranks, etc) as they can. They do not try to feed off Flux. No one is safe from their madness -- they will try to
do pranks on friend and foe. Not until they run out of Flux, do they come out of Hazing. They will die due to Flux loss, if they don't try to
gain back any Flux. Hazing is a dangerous event, full of unbelieveable consequences. The Fae will not worry about self-preservation,
or about bonds of loyalty. Just causing trouble is all that they are good for.

Holes in Design
There are obviously lots of holes in this design. There is a lot of philosophy and ideas that go unexplained. I did this for three reasons:
1) I haven't got the time, 2) I don't want this to become to obsolete or wrong when "Changeling" finally does come out, and 3) I wanted
the Fae to be more mysterious, and to let people fill in the gaps as they chose. The Fae presented here are meant to be a malleable
force, something that can fit in anybody's campaign. Only the most experienced in the White Wolf systems need apply. Certainly, it'll
take a lot of work, but that's part of the fun.

Character concepts
Seelie: A Fae who works at a Dream research center, that tries to use her DreamWarp to cure people of their nightmares.
Unseelie: A Dark Fae that tries to get his patients to act out their most perverse fantasies.

Seelie: An entertainer, who enjoys the rush of making people laugh.
Unseelie: A hard-edge comic, who installs prejudice and hatred in his audience. Like a vicious, Dark Fae, Diceman.

Seelie: A street bum that tries to get reform for the homeless, and to get them to try to rise above their station.
Unseelie: A street urchin who tries to convince all of the other homeless that the only way out of the ghetto is through selling drugs and

Seelie: Everyone considers you ugly, but you have a heart of gold. You try to help people secretly. You live in the sewers.
Unseelie: You are mean and ugly. You smash things. You hurt things. You like to kill two people at a time, because when you kill one,
you like to feed off the Flux that will develop from the fear in their partner. Then you kill their partner.

Dr. Frankenstein: The Re-animation

By Michael Joseph Concanon III (assisted by Shawn Arbuckle)

Ten years after the first Monster was created, Dr. Frankenstein is at it again. He has perfected the art of re-animating flesh.
Strength, agility, intelligence, and sanity have been molded into the creature that he tried to bring about, unsuccesfully, ten years
ago. He has created an army of thousands of "man-made-men." Unfortunatly, the good doctor is quite mad at this time, and in
his delerium, he allows all of the monsters, except one, to escape. He is now hunting his creations across the four corners of the
earth, using his one faithful creation, named "Ivan", as a bodyguard, tracker, and eventually destroyer of these renegade "super

Dr. Frankenstein did not use a set formula in creating the monsters. The end result is that there is a great variety to the creatures
attributes. Successes, failures, and the ones that fall somewhere in the middle all roam the earth. Abominations hide from the
outside world. Sophisticated creatures run for and are elected to major offices. Normal people remember things that they have
never experienced, as clearly as if they had been in a past life, or more. Aside from the abominations, there is no way of telling
who is and who is not a creation.
Creatures are treated as normal humans, with a few exceptions. First, because of their creation, these beings begin with 2 dots
in each of either Physical, Mental or Social attributes (players choice). The other two attributes start with one dot as usual. The
other points are divided as follows: 7/6/5. Second, the re-animation of these creatures did not bring them back to life. It merely
activated the functions of the pieces of flesh used in the creation. For this reason, the "once-deceased" as they are now called,
are poison to vampires and cannot be embraced. Nor can they become Wraiths, as their souls have already departed. If even
one of their components was Wyrm-tainted, they are viewed on the whole as being of the Wyrm. Even though they may possess
great intelligence, they cannnot learn any spheres of Magick.

Because of the number of parts used and the age of the person who contributed the part, (age before death) any ability may be
chosen except those having to do with magick. Even if one of their parts was a Mage, they lose their power after death.
Vampire, Werewolf, and Mummy specific abilities may be chosen, however, they may not be of any use in your current state of,
shall we say, scattered existence. Points for abilities are unusual. Depending on the past lives contained in the new being, a
number of abilities may have already been ingrained into the creature. To determine what abilities you have, roll one ten-sided
die to give you the number of parts of your new body that have whole and retrievable abilities. You then take half of another roll
(rounded down) to tell you how many abilites you have from each part. These abilities are what you begin the game with and
these are the only abilities you will have for the game. You must spread them out between Talents, Skills and Knowledge. For
points, you receive Primary: 3 points x half of total abilities. Secondary: 2 points x half of total abilities. Tertiary: 1 point x half of
total abilities.
Example: Thomas rolls a 6 first. He has six different body parts that contain abilities. He then rolls a 4. He gets two abilities per
body part. (1/2 of 4 = 2) His "once-deceased" has twelve abilities to divide between the three sub-divisions of abilities. (6 parts
x 2 abilities = 12 abilities) He then assigns points as follows: 18/12/6. (1/2 of 12 = 6) (6 x 3 = 18) (6 x 2 = 12) (6 x 1 = 6)

Any background may be used, except those dealing with magick. Standard Background rules apply.

Decay Meter
Have you ever had that not-so-fresh feeling? Being "once-deceased" has it's disadvantages. Your body will slowly decay if not
properly cared for. A special ice containing equal parts water, nitrogen, and various preserving chemicals must be packed
around your newly aquired body for a period of six hours a day. It is advisable to sleep during this time, as you may feel
discomfort, but it is not necessary to do so. The Decay Meter has ten dots, one for every day you are deprived of this "ice
sleep." If you are deprived for a period of four days, you will feel sluggish and weak. A week without this vital treatment will leave
you rotting and incoherent. Ten days without your "ice sleep" and your decayed body will literally fall apart. To erase Decay
Points, you must replace a decayed body part with a fresher one. One per point. (ST Note: The replaced body part may have
had the information for one or more of the abilities. Likewise, the new body part may have new abilities not previously acquired.)

Because of the special mixture involved in making the ice, you will only need one batch of ice to last you the rest of your newly
extended life. Like a Vampires coffin, the "once-deceased" need a secure place to have their "ice sleep". Might I suggest a
large freezer? All joking aside, choose a place where you will not be disturbed.

Health and Healing

Health is measured like any other species. The difference is Healing. The "once-deceased" have no healing properties, being
as they are actually supposed to be dead. To recover from wounds, you must replace the damaged body parts, just as in Decay.
The chart for replacing parts is below.
no parts
1 part
2 parts
3 parts
4 parts
5 parts
Incapacitated: 6 parts
The "once-deceased" do not feel pain as their nerves are not re-animated. They lose no dice at the different levels of damage.
Once re-animated, the body can be brought back from incapacitated or beyond if either the brain or the heart are whole. Just
replace the damaged body parts and deliver a series of shocks to the body.

Normal. Change only if it fits the story. Start with either 3, 4 or 5 depending on if they are an abomination (3) A normal citizen (4)
or an outstanding example of Humanity (5).

GARGOYLE: The Guarding

Character concept: Disney
Game mechanics: White Wolf
Conversion and convergence: David Austin Peters (

The World of Darkness is mysterious and magical. . . to those who are aware. And few know as much as the watchful Gargoyles.
Some would say that Gargoyles are merely flying golems or demons from another dimension. However, Gargoyles are a breed
of unique awakened beings. Each has a personality and appearance of its own. Some believe that Gargoyles are the
forefathers of humanity itself.
Gargoyles are can be very territorial beings, protecting their lands and the inhabitants thereof, or they can be very selfish and
nomadic, taking what they need and moving on when the territory is no longer of any value to them.

The Nature of the Gargoyle

Gargoyles are individuals more than anything else. They tend to be almost one sided in their views of the world. For this reason,
many have identical Natures and Demeanors. Also, they follow their Nature more stongly than humans, sometimes forcing their
views on others. Clan leaders often try to get the entire clan to follow their ways as they view them as the only way. This can be
seen in the Gargoyles cartoon series as Goliath tells the other Gargoyles that they must protect the city. If his Nature were
different, then he might have told the clan to follow the old ways, make others fear them, don't take anything seriously, or even
criticize all that exists. This can cause problems with the other members of the clan, but few ever leave the clan, and fewer yet
challenge the clan leader for his position.

Gargoyle characters can be as wide and varied as any human. The first step in character creation is visualizing your Gargoyle. Is
your Gargoyle male, female, a neuter, a hermaphrodite? How long has it been since hatching (how old is he)? What does he
look like? Does he have wings, a tail, claws, big teeth, deep set eyes, a long forked tongue, long flowing hair, any scars, or
anything else that would make him...him? Once you develop a visual picture of your Gargoyle.. it's time to go on to the next step.
Like all World of Darkness characters, Gargoyle characters are defined by a set of stats. These stats are based on your visual
picture you just came up with. Beginning Gargoyle characters get 15 point to allocate to their attributes. These points may be
spent however is fitting to the character concept. Remember though, a Gargoyle with one dot in Intelligence will only be able to
communicate via a series of growl, grunts, and other animalistic sounds and a Gargoyle with one dot in Appearance will almost
always be assumed to be some kind of beast from Hell! Beginning attributes may be much higher than the normal limit of five
dots for humans. This is because of the vastly different physical structure of Gargoyles in general.
Abilities come next. Beginning characters are allowed thirteen, nine, and five respectively to split up among talents, skills, and
knowledges. Keep in mind that most Gargoyles won't have such skills as drive, streetwise, or science. However, if it's fitting with
the character concept and if the Storyteller allows it, it may be permitted.
Most Backgrounds are only appropriate if there is a reason for the Gargoyle to have it. If he's new to town, he won't have many
Allies or Contacts. Resources are almost useless to these creatures of the night. Arcane can be useful, as can Dream.
Beginning Gargoyle characters get only 3 point to allocate to Backgrounds. This is due to the fact that Gargoyles just aren't as
concerned with society in the ways we are.
Seven dots are divided up between Willpower and Regality, with a minimum of one dot in each. Willpower is a measure of
internal control and self-confidence that the character has over himself. A character's Regality score determines how much
natural Gargoyle power he possesses. A character with one dot in Regality would be nearly human and would almost be viewed
as a second class citizen in some clans. However, a Gargoyle with ten points in Regality would be very powerful and would
more than likely be a clan leader. Regality also determines how many Advantage dots are available to the character (see
systems below).
Advantages include such things as Claws, Wings, Tail, Teeth, etc. These are used to define any useful appendages and abilities
the Gargoyle may have. Just because you have zero dots in Teeth, it doesn't mean that you are toothless, just that your teeth are
no stronger than a normal human's. If you have zero dots in Wings, you can opt to have useless wings or none at all. This list of
Advantages is, by no means, complete; other Advantages exist. Some Gargoyles have been known to have additional arms and
others have been know to have extraordinary senses of sight and smell be creative).
Last are the freebie points. These additional points are used to "fine tune" your character. Players get fifteen freebie points to
spend. Their cost per dot by catagory is as follows:

5 per dot
2 per dot
Willpower/Regality 2 per dot
1 per dot
5 per dot
To sum it all up, that was:
Attributes: 15
Abilities: 13/9/5
Willpower/Regality: 7
Backgrounds: 3
Advantages: Varied (see Regality)
Freebies: 15 (5/2/2/1/5)

Many new aspects have been added to the World of Darkness through the creation of this module. Only the new aspects will be
listed below.
Regality can be used in many ways. First, it determines where in the clan a Gargoyle fits in. Secondly, it allows a form of
Gargoyle rage. And, lastly, Regality determines how many dots of Advantages a character gets in character creation. First, we'll
discuss the respective clan levels.

The character is viewed as a second class citizen and other clans view him as nothing more than human.
The character is viewed as a pet. Other clans laugh at him.
The character is viewed as a child or incompetent and other clans don't take him seriously.
The character is considered a young adult. Other clans view him indifferently.
The character is considered an average adult Gargoyle. Other clans view him indifferently.
This character is healthy and well. Often used in breeding. Other clans view him indifferently.
******* This character is a powerful warrior and often protects the eggs. Other clans don't mess with you.
******** The character is a very powerful member of the clan. Other clans are in awe of your power.
********* If the clan leader isn't in, this character is in charge. Other clans respect him out of fear.
********** The character is a clan leader and comands the respect of other clans.
Now let's discuss Gargoyle rage. When Gargoyles get angry, they have access to great power. When a player wants his
character to rage, he tells the Storyteller and the Storyteller must decide if it is a suitable reason. If it is, the character can rage
for a number of rounds equal to his Regality rating. During this rage, the Gargoyle may substitute his Regality rating for any dice
pool . For instance, a Gargoyle with five dots in Regality would be able to rage for five rounds and fight, dodge, intimidate, or do
various other things with a dice pool of five instead of her normal skill.
Finally, the Regality rating determines how many Advantage points a Gargoyle gets. This is done by simply multiplying the
Regality rating by 1.5 and rounding up. For the sake of ease, this chart shows how many Advantage points a character gets.
Regality Advantages Regality Advantages
Gargoyles aren't as strong as you may believe. Due to their natures, at daybreak, a gargoyle's body becomes stone preventing
him from moving or talking. While they are stone, they are extremely hard to hurt, but they are prone targets, so they're easy to
hit (3X normal soak, difficulty 3 to hit them). A gargoyle can fight this transformation by rolling willpower-regality at difficulty seven
and getting at least two successes. With but a single success is, the Gargoyle is aware of his surroundings, but is still turned to
stone. If this roll is botched, the Gargoyle will remain stone for a number of days equal to the number of ones rolled.
Advantages help to portray the power of the Gargoyles and show how they are different from one another. This list is not
complete; gargoyles are a varied breed. New Advantages may be created and used at the Storyteller's discretion. Here are
examples of a few made popular by the cartoon series.

* Very small wings. Better for extending the length of jumps than actually gliding.
** Small wings. Enough strength to glide when unencumbered.

*** Medium wings. Strong enough to glide while carrying some equipment.
**** Large wings. Powerful enough to glide while carrying another person.
***** Huge Wings. Strong enough to actually fly.

* Very small tail. -1 difficulty to flight rolls .
** Small tail. -2 difficulty to flight rolls.
*** Medium tail. -2 difficulty, +1 die on flight rolls.
**** Long tail. -3 difficulty, +1 die on flight rolls.
***** Very long tail. -3 difficulty, +2 dice on flight rolls.

Claws (May be retractable at the cost of one additional dot)

* Weak claws (Dex+Brawl Diff:6 Dam:Str+1)
** Poor claws (Dex+Brawl Diff:6 Dam:Str+2)
*** Fair claws (Dex+Brawl Diff:5 Dam:Str+2)
**** Good claws (Dex+Brawl Diff:5 Dam:Str+3)
***** Great claws (Dex+Brawl Diff:4 Dam:Str+3)

Teeth (May be retractable at the cost of one extra dot)

* Weak teeth (Dex+Brawl Diff:7 Dam:Str+2)
** Poor teeth (Dex+Brawl Diff:7 Dam:Str+3)
*** Fair teeth (Dex+Brawl Diff:6 Dam:Str+3)
**** Good teeth (Dex+Brawl Diff:6 Dam:Str+4)
***** Great teeth (Dex+Brawl Diff:5 Dam:Str+4)

Experience can be spent to raise any of a Gargoyle's traits. However, raising a Gargoyles Regality or Advantages trait should
have some heavily role-played sessions involved. The cost in experience to raise each of a Gargoyles traits are as follows:



Current rating X 4
New ability
Current rating X 2
New background 2
Current rating X 1
New advantage 7
Current rating X 4
Current rating
Current rating X 3

Note: All advances should be roleplayed in some way and checked with the Storyteller!

Gargoyles must be cautious at all times. If humans were to find out that they existed there's no telling what kind of trouble they
could cause. Vampires don't seem to care much about Gargoyles, unless, of course, the Gargoyles begin meddling in the
Vampire's affairs. Mages find Gargoyles fascinating and some hunt them down to do experiments on them while others may
seek their aid. Garou and Gargoyles may not get along, or they may, as some Gargoyles protect the land and its residents.

Character Sheet
Clan Leader:
Strength____________*OOOO Charisma____________*OOOO Perception__________*OOOO
Dexterity___________*OOOO Manipulation________*OOOO Intelligence________*OOOO
Stamina_____________*OOOO Appearance__________*OOOO Wits________________*OOOO
Alertness___________OOOOO Crafts______________OOOOO Computer____________OOOOO
Athletics___________OOOOO Drive_______________OOOOO Culture_____________OOOOO
Awareness___________OOOOO Etiquette___________OOOOO Enigmas_____________OOOOO
Brawl_______________OOOOO Firearms____________OOOOO History_____________OOOOO
Dodge_______________OOOOO Leadership__________OOOOO Investigation_______OOOOO
Expression__________OOOOO Meditation__________OOOOO Law_________________OOOOO
Intuition___________OOOOO Melee_______________OOOOO Linguistics_________OOOOO
Intimidation________OOOOO Research____________OOOOO Medicine____________OOOOO
Streetwise__________OOOOO Stealth_____________OOOOO Occult______________OOOOO
Subterfuge__________OOOOO Survival____________OOOOO Science_____________OOOOO
* O O O O O O O O O
* O O O O O O O O O
o o o o o o o o o o
Wings_______________OOOOO Weapon
Diff Dam
Tail________________OOOOO ____________ ____ ____
Claw________________OOOOO ____________ ____ ____
Teeth_______________OOOOO ____________ ____ ____
____________________OOOOO ____________ ____ ____

GARGOYLE: The Crusade

By Kash Hefley (

Author's Notes
I created Gargoyle: The Crusade as a response to all the amoral vampires and slash-and-burn werewolves out there, all the
characters that had no regard for human, especially mortal life. And not to mention the poor rendition of Gargoyles by both
Disney and WhiteWolf (Scottish protectors and stone-skinned bloodsuckers. Who are they trying to kid?) none of which had the
Gothic feel nor the connection to churches and cathedrals that were/are the basis for gargoyles in general, the whole religious,
dare I say it, Catholic backbone. So the Grigori I created in a response to that. I plan on delving deeper into the world of the
Grigori, along with several Brotherhoods and Orders subpartitioned below the Malleus Dei, as well as some Infidel groups. But
for now, this is the core package. Please feel free to print, utilize, change, etc Gargoyle:The Crusade but know that in the end I
own original copywrights. I've put a lot of time and effort into this and I hope it makes your RPG's all that more interesting. Enjoy!

The origins of gargoyles goes back farther than the stone parapets of Gothic medieval cathedrals. Their history is rich in the
Biblical traditions, a tradition they uphold to this very day.
According to the Tome of the Grigori, their sacred book next to the Holy Bible, The Grigori, (the word Grigori "those who watch,"
"those who never sleep") or Sons of God, were the biblical angels who cohabited with the "daughters of Adam" (mentioned in
Genesis 6:2). In the Tome of the Grigori it is told that these Grigori, the very first angels, were the fathers of ghastly offspring,
most of which included vampires, werewolves and other monstrous creatures. And these creatures ravaged the earth, killing the
sons and daughters of Adam, spreading decay and mayhem and death everywhere, a rampage that lasted for eighty days. And
when God discovered that these creatures were the children of the Grigori, the angels who rejoiced in His name, he cursed them
with their own monstrous, demonic looking forms, and hurled them out of Heaven with such force that the stone into which they
plummeted into melted around their own skin, permanently encasing them in a flesh of rock. He then further cursed them in His
rage, cursed them to become as stone and immobile as their new skins when the light of His sun touched them and to only
become alive when the night had risen, to join their children in the chaos.
The Fallen Grigori mourned and wailed their banishment from God's Light and begged to the Heavens to be allowed back in.
But God refused, telling them that only when their abominable offspring no longer cursed the children of Adam would they be
allowed final redemption.
"And the First Grigori asked the Lord to assist them in this purge. And the Lord blessed them. And water poured from their
mouths" (Tome of the Grigori Chapter 3:7)
And it was this water, which vomited from their mouths in such massive amounts, that resulted in the Flood. And though it killed
many, many Abominations, as well as those people tainted by the First Grigori's offspring, it did not kill them all. And so they
continued their path for redemption in His name.
For centuries after their fall, the First Grigori battled against their night children and until the birth of Christianity their progeny,
these Abominations, outnumbered them greatly and dealt them constant harsh blows and many of the First Grigori's newer
stone-like children, became disillusioned with their Path to Redemption. But after the birth of the Christian Church, the entire
Grigori line was empowered with a new influence, Faith, and it was the very first apostles who showed the Grigori, and their
newer progeny, the powers included with Faith and Belief in God.
Agniel, the Grigori strongest in conjury and magics, then proceeded to weed out those of his people unfit for the Crusade, a term
given to their Path of Redemption by the Christian Church, and reassembled the Grigori powers of Sol and Prosopopeia (to fit
under the Church's parameters and guidelines). Agniel also created the magic discipline, Fidelis, which focused a Grigori's
religious faith into mystical powers as well as forming a body of Grigori counsel and hierarchy called Convocations, which met
and debated in certain allocated towns or buildings. For their assistance in helping the Grigori achieve a new understanding and
new powers, the Church was given protection and alliance from the Grigori. Many a medieval cathedral was protected by large,
indomitable Grigori by day, water pouring from their mouths as a warning to any Abominations of what could happen again, to
which the French priests and monks named them Gargouille, for the sounds they made as they poured out their water (which
later evolved into "gargoyle").
Eventually the Church assumed control of these monstrous stone creatures, honing them into razor-sharpened instruments for
their own political needs or religious wars.
And so for many thousands of years, the Grigori have hunted down the creatures which their society calls Darklings or
Hellspawns in the holy war which they call The Crusade.


Grigori are, more often than not, grotesque, monstrous stone figures. The more monstrous, the better esteem held by other
Gargoyles, the greater the Redemption Path they must follow in order to be forgiven and become an angel again. Some Grigori
have large, stone wings depending upon their Heritage. Some do not.

Gargoyles are assigned a building upon their maturity into Grigori society. This building is the assigned Gargoyle's responsibility
thereafter and is monitored by other, elder Grigori for keeping out or killing Hellspawns.

Within each city is a designated building for government and counsel called The Cathedral (they need not necessarily be place
of worship but most churches allow Gargoyles to perform their business there, thus traditionally slimming the chances of a
supernatural attack upon that place). Members of The Convocation, or parliamentary organization, vary in number from city to
city (sometimes 3, sometimes 700) depending upon both human and Hellspawn population. Each month certain Archbishops,
elected by Grigori and consisting of those with a Bishop or at least a Monk rank, meet and discuss the most pressing business
at hand, and vote on Gargoyle law. All Clerics and Paladins can voice their opinion through two representatives for each rank but
cannot vote (except in Archbishop elections). Each Dominion is achieved according to the number of Hellspawn killed by one's
hand or doing within their lifetime. Paladins usually start out with 0-60 kills, Clerics with 60-150 kills, Monks with 150-300 kills
and Bishops with 300-700 kills. Ascending to a new Dominion is usually done with great ceremony during a Convocation with
the candidate getting much glory and praise from his elders and resulting in a greater substantiation of his Faith.
The hierarchy is as shown: archbishop, bishop, monk, cleric, and paladin.
It is the Archbishops that assign Clerics and especially Paladins into supernatural "Nests" and plan the best possible tactics for
eliminating creatures of Hellspawnish nature with the least likely exposure. They are the head of the machine while the others
below them are the heart and the fist.

Grigori are largely trained early to hate all other creatures supernatural (vampires being hated very keenly because of their
parasitic involvement with mortals) but especially werewolves, who are their most formidable opponent in battle. Ghosts cause
them a great deal of unease, especially in Paladins, perhaps because of the lack of knowledge Grigori and the Church has
about lost souls in general. Arcadia and Faeries are not recognized by the Church but Gargoyles usually have diplomatic
relations with these creatures. Old myths regarding faeries as fallen angels who were not as weighed down with as much sin as
Demons contributes to this perception. The Grigori see many similarities with fae to themselves and their angelic history.

Background And Weaknesses

More often than not a young Grigori is the progeny of his Gargoyle mother and father. The Church allows them to bear children
but only with another Grigori. Though it has never been attempted (or at least recorded), a Gargoyle's mating with a human,
werewolf, vampire, etc, is considered a sinful and blasphemous act. Any such action usually results in excommunication (for
Archbishops) or death by the hands of Malleus Dei (for non-Archbishops). Once Grigori are conceiving a child, their flesh begins
to lose its stone texture and many say, that for a brief moment, they are back in their angelic forms, though the Church denies
this. This is also considered one of the Gargoyle's weakest point, since they are only vulnerable in their fleshy youth, engaging in
intercourse or when paralyzed by the sun's rays.
When a new Gargoyle is born and emerges from the egg, he is as human as a mortal baby. Everything about him makes him
indistinguishable from human newborns. He continues to look this way until his adolescence at which time the skin slowly begins
to solidify into a harder, rock-like substance, the face begins to change into its Gargoyle visage and the back begins to form
small lumps for its wings (if any). It is this time that a young Grigori is taught the laws and ways of his people, and of the Crusade.
He is trained to hate all Offspring and to do whatever is necessary to purge the Earth of them. Several years pass until his family
believes he is ready, physically and spiritually, for induction as a Disciple into the Exordium, the Beginning. The Disciple is
brought before a selected Magister, who therein trains the him on the outside world and specific physical combat to the level of a
church-recognized Paladin. And so the Grigori's life begins.

Malleus Dei
The strongest piece in the Crusade's armour, Malleus Dei are the specialized shock troops of loyalists who are trained by
special Archbishops and whose strength in their Faith is as resilient as their brawn. They are allowed access to some of the
most hidden secrets about Fidelis, Sol, and Prosopopeia powers and are assigned by the Convocation to weed-out and
destroy Infidels, act as constables, judges, executioners in internal Grigori conflicts as well as specialized Crusades against very

powerful Offspring. They are also responsible for certain Crusades called Quests which are rare but valuable missions in which
they are sent to recover certain holy relics by full force invasions upon the Hellspawns that occasionally possess them.
Their velocity and ferociousness in combat is immeasurable. They are wolves in their agility, cheetahs in their speed, and bearlike in their sheer power, a zealot force of nature.

The weakest link in the Crusade's structure are the occasional Infidel, those rebels or Watchers no longer involved in the
Church's holy war. Many Infidels have different reasons for their vacancy of the Church and its conflicts. Some still practice their
Faith, thus keeping their Fidelis powers intact, but stay away from the Church.
But those who have left their Faith have found their Fidelis powers waning and, while in constant fear of Malleus Dei, have on
occasion hired themselves out as mercenaries, bodyguards or assassins to certain Darklings. This, again, is the exception, not
the rule. Disassociating oneself from the Church in many cities results in death.

The First Grigori

Though no one has actually seen the First Grigori, they are said to comprise The Chorus, which deals secretly with internal
Grigori conflict and with the central hub of the ongoing war.

All Paladins start out with Level one powers. All Clerics with levels two and three. All Monks with levels three and four and all
Bishops with level five. Archbishops usually possess level six powers.

The life of the Grigori is tightly intertwined with stone, and the religious symbolism of the element. Prospopeia is the result of this
union of spirituality and enbodiment, enabling a Grigori to manipulate his stone form and the form of stone around him.

* Word of Stones: With this power, a Grigori may touch a statue, figurine, or rock element and animate it long enough for it to
tell him all that has gone on in its presence.

** Castlebond: A Gargoyle may "sink" into a stone wall, in an effort to facet himself into a proper hiding place. The Gargoyle
cannot meld into the stone (concrete, rock) completely as he can in Might of the Castle. In fact, the Gargoyle's body is partially
revealed and his upper torso and head are seen as extended beyond the wall itself.

*** Stonesculpt: A Grigori may change, manipulate, and sculpt another Gargoyle's body and face into a more human-like
aspect. The flesh is still stony and rough but it resembles a human's characteristics. This power can only be used by a Gargoyle
on another Gargoyle and cannot be applied to one's self. The Stonesculpt form last only for a night or until wounding harm is
made (One Health level), in which case the the Grigori assumes his usual shape involuntarily.

**** Jagged Rocks: A Grigori may Stonesculpt his own hands into a myriad of weapons such as pick axes, hatchets, swords,
clubs, etc. This power is confined strictly to a Gargoyle's hands and forearm.

***** Might of the Castle: A Grigori can increase his mass, size, and weight by melding into a rock-like material and emerging
with its matter. This of course, makes the rock unstable. But a Gargoyle can increase his mass up to 8x his original size.

****** Eyes of Basilisk: A Gargoyle can turn a target (or targets up to 15) into stone for the period of one evening with a stare.
This does not affect other Grigori (unless used by a skilled God's Hammer).

By embracing the light of the sun, a Grigori can amass an unbelievable potential. The Gargoyle does not possess life-giving
blood or require food in order to survive. His body absorbs sunlight instead, ultimately in a fashion which requires his body to
induce a paralytic sleep in order to fully collect the solar energy. Some say this is due to the humbling effect of the Light from the
Heavens on a Grigori's soul. In any case, the Grigori becames statuesque when the sun touches his skin, completely immobile.

* The Light of God: A Gargoyle can utilize his stored solar energy to emit a brief blinding flash of light from his eyes. This is
effective on Vampires as it does increased damage upon them.

** Veil of Shadows: A Grigori may create a field of complete darkness around an intended target by absorbing any surrounding
light photons (effective up to an 8 ft. radius) and in effect creates a womb completely void of light, thus unseen. This does not
include any unnatural light, i.e. from streetlights, etc; starlight and moonlight only.

*** Color of the Chameleon: This allows a Grigori to use his Sol energy to refract and bend light around him, thus appearing
invisible. This power can be used while a Gargoyle is moving but is an incredible solar drain when performed this way.

*** Flesh of Molten Rock: A Gargoyle may heat his body through stored sunlight to a maximum of 270 degrees. This skin
temperature causes aggravated damage in battle as a Gargoyle's claws become violently hot and searing.

**** Shade of Mirrors: A level up from Color of the Chameleon, this allows a Gargoyle to replicate mirror images of himself (up
to seven max.)

**** Sunwalk: A Gargoyle can transport himself or others anywhere sunlight is making contact with Earth and himself. Without
the use of Defiance of Apollo though, this transportation results in arrival to a new place but immediate paralysis by the sun (this
is more often used by Grigori seeking to escape death during their day paralysis, though transported they are still paralyzed,

****** Body of the Sun: With an extreme amount of solar energy spent, a Grigori can turn his body into a being of intense heat
and fire, burning and searing all around. The Gargoyle is invulnerable for however long this form can be maintained (no longer
than fifteen minutes) since the heat is so powerful it incinerates anything it touches.

****** Defiance of Apollo: An advanced power, Defiance of Apollo enables a Grigori to ignore the paralyzing effect of the sun's
rays, allowing him to walk about in the daylight.

It is with his Faith, the absolute belief in God, that makes Gargoyles such tragic, redemptive figures and it is with this Faith that a
Gargoyle manifests his most powerful ability, Fidelis. Wih Fidelis a Gargoyle can perform miraculous feats for the sake of the
Crusade, though it results in a massive loss of Faith points (which must be recovered through repetitive prayer [+1], Meditation
on one's sins [+3], meditation on the Gospel [+5],], Mass or Sabbath worship or one of the seven sacraments [+7]).

* Breath of God: A Gargoyle may tap into the tranquility of his own Faith to stay a physical attack by using his Faith to calm his
opponent. Can only be used on a singular basis.

** Fear of God: By using this power, a Grigori can instill the cross with his Faith causing a religious foe to turn away if not run
from it.

*** Speech of Babylon: A Gargoyle can blur a person's speech or the speech of several people (more Faith required) to an
indistinguishable babble of nonsense. The target(s) may not know that they are affected but all others are aware.

**** Blood of Christ: A Gargoyle can revert blood into wine, whether outside the body or within. This proves very effective
against vampires, as well as any Hellspawn possessing blood in their bodies. This often kills mortals and briefly cripples most
other targets.

***** The Lazarus Touch: A Grigori may call upon God's grace to bring another creature, non-Grigori, back to life. So long as
the subject has not been dead for longer than a day. This requires and expends massive amounts of Faith.

***** Penance Glare: Enables a Gargoyle to stare an enemy deep into its eyes and causes the target to relive all the pain it has
inflicted on others, through the eyes of the victims. This drives some targets insane with remorse.

****** Trumpets of Gabriel: A Grigori can, with this power, emit a highly destructive sonic blast from his lungs, capable of
bringing to a crumble an average two-story size house, after a large expenditure of Faith. The effect on anything living is
potentially deafening, if not deadly.

Abominations: See Darklings, Hellspawn.
Archbishop: Last dominion of Grigori society. Usually means a member of the Convocation. Grigori who have surpassed over
a thousand kills in their lifetimes achieve this rank and after election by supporting Grigori. They are also eligible as Patrons
(instructors) of Cleric or Paladin Grigori.

Bishop: Fourth dominion of Grigori society. Priests have the authority to vote on certain issues in a Convocation.
Cleric: Second dominion of Grigori society. Usually leads certain Paladins into missions.
Convocation: The local governing organization of Gargoyles, located in a Cathedral.
Crusade, The: The war against the darkness that Grigori must wage in order to gain their redemption in Heaven.
Darklings: Demons or monsters or other malignant entities that threaten the Church.
Djinn: Rafiq of Suleyman term for Abominations

Dominion: A Grigori's rank within the social standing of his world.

Fidelis: A Grigori's manifestation of Faith as a supernatural power. A Grigori maintains his Fidelis through daily prayer,
sacrament and a constant devotion to God and his Church.

Gargoyles: Synonymous with Grigori. Given by mortal French priests

Grigori: A race of grotesque living stone creatures whos Crusade it is to purge the world of demons and monsters. The First
Grigori were angels cast from Heaven and plunged into stone, whose sexual sins resulted in the Offspring.

Heretic: Those who do not believe in Him. If human, held in pity or disdain. If Offspring, considered an even greater reason to be

Hellspawn: Enemy of the Crusade. See Darkling, Offspring.

Infidels: Grigori who have left the Church and are hunted down by Malleus Dei.
Malleus Dei: An elite unit of Grigori, who are designated to act as constables against other Grigori as well as crack troops
during certain secret missions.

Monk: The third dominion for a Grigori. Able to vote in Convocation.

Offspring, The: The progeny of the First Grigori, the first monsters and nightmarish creatures.
Paladin: First dominion of a Grigori. Front line soldier who is trained in the powers of Fidelis, Prosopopeia and Sol. Usually
conducts certain missions into Darkling populations and executes them.

Prosopopeia: The power to manipulate rock, concrete or stone.

Progenies: Archbishop term for the Offspring, the Hellspawn.
Quest: A Church supported mission to recover holy relics, either through monetary means or full charged raids to seize them.
Relics: Tangible items of biblical signifigance such as the Spear of Longinius, The Knife of Aqedah, The Nails of The Cross,
and the Cross of Judas. These items are collected only by Malleus Dei and used on selective missions by Malleus Dei

Sol: Channeled from the sunlight which charges but paralyzes them, Grigori utilize solar energy as powerful magic.
Ticks: Paladin slang for vampires
Tome of the Grigori: Said to be written by the First Grigori, this book chronicles the Fall of the Grigori as well as the secrets to
Sol, Fidelis, and Prosopopeia, and heralds the Rise of The First Grigori which ushers in the Apocalypse in Revelations and
Christ's Second Coming.

The Vigil
2nd Edition
By Lee Garvin (

Chapter Five: Rules

"Ach! I'm gettin' too old for this. An' that's a fact!"

- Hudson
These rules are only additions to those found in the rulebooks of the Storyteller games. Unless noted, assume the
rules are the same as the standard.

Movement Rates
Walk 7(9)
Jog 12(14) + Dex
Run 20(22) + Dex x 3
Glide 60 + Dex x 2

Numbers in parentheses indicate speed while quadrupedal.

"Goliath, what is that thing?"
"It is... an abomination."

- Elisa and Goliath

This rule is similar to the Frenzies of Werewolves and Vampires. However, Gargoyles don't go into this berserk state
for the same reasons.
Gargoyles have a very strict sense of morality. When someone or something offends a Gargoyle's sense of Moral
Outrage, he must roll Willpower with a Difficulty determined by the Outrage. One success is all that is required to
resist the Outrage.


Any corruption of nature
Manipulating an innocent (or yourself) into performing an aberrant act 9

While in a state of Outrage, the Gargoyle ignores the wound penalties from damage. Also, he cannot use any
weapons or special brawling maneuvers. The Gargoyle must attack until the object of his Outrage is down, dead,
gone, or out of range.
Unlike other Frenzies, the Gargoyle's Outrage will not cause him to attack a friend unless the offense was betrayal.

"To kill in the heat of battle is one thing, but we are not murderers."

- Goliath
Gargoyles handle combat just like any other characters. While most prefer to use melee weapons, or their own
bodies, they are quite capable of using firearms and other missile weapons.

Brawling Maneuvers
All Gargoyles begin the game knowing the Basic Maneuvers on the chart following. With a few exceptions, these
maneuvers are self explanatory or are detailed in Werewolf: The Apocalypse.
Wing Slap: The Gargoyle unfurls his wings suddenly and violently at his opponent. The resultant force is quite
surprising and most people who have never fought Gargoyles will be caught completely flat-footed and knocked off
their feet.
Special Maneuvers: These Maneuvers are only available to characters with the Brawling Ability. For each dot in
brawling, a character can choose one of these maneuvers.
Horn Grab: This maneuver is most useful against another Gargoyle. The character grabs one of his enemy's horns
(or a hunk of hair, visor of helmet, etc.) and repeatedly slams the hapless foe's head into his fist. This is a sustained
hold, and the damage must be rolled each turn that the foe cannot break the hold.
Swooping Strike: This is an attack made while in the air. It is actually just a means of delivering another attack. A
Gargoyle may make a Swooping attack with any of the following Basic Maneuvers: Body Slam, Claw, Headbutt,
Kick, Punch, Tail Whip, or any basic Melee Weapon Attack. If the Attack is successful, then the damage is increased
by one for every ten feet the Gargoyle had to build the attack swoop.
Tail Sweep: For this attack, the Gargoyle ducks and whips his tail through his opponent's feet. If the attack is
successful, the opponent may resist by rolling Dex + Athletics. If the attacker receives more successes, the damage
is done and the opponent is knocked off his feet.
Wind Buffet: By focusing his wings, the Gargoyle can blow an opponent backwards for one yard per success. The
damage for this attack comes only >from the landing. The Opponent may Resist by rolling Strength. Each success
against a 6 removes one of the Gargoyle's Successes. The attacker then rolls one die of damage per net foot
knocked back.

Brawling Chart



Body Slam
Tail Lash
Wing Slap

Dex + Brawl
Dex + Brawl
Dex + Brawl
Dex + Brawl
Dex + Brawl
Dex + Brawl
Dex + Brawl
Dex + Brawl
Dex + Brawl

Strength *@
Special @
Strength + 2 *@ 1
Strength @
Opp. Strength +2Special %
Strength + 1 @ 1
Strength @
Strength +1 % 1
Strength - 1



Special Maneuvers
Evasive Action
Horn Grab
Leaping Rake
Swooping Strike
Tail Sweep
Wind Buffet

Wits + Dodge
Dex + Brawl
Dex + Brawl
Dex + Gliding Combat7
Dex + Brawl
Strength + Gliding

none @
Strength +1 # 2
Strength + 2 *@ 2
Attack + Special2
Strength #
Special #

* - Aggravated Damage
# - See Description
@ - The descriptions for these maneuvers are found in Werewolf: The Apocalypse, 2nd Ed.
% - The descriptions for these maneuvers are found in Werewolf Player's Guide.

"We can't fly. We can only glide on currents of air."

- Goliath

The sight of a Gargoyle gliding through the night sky is one to stir heroic ballads and ancient fears alike.
When a Gargoyle glides, he catches the shafts of warmer air (called "thermals") that push him upwards for a short
time. With the altitude he gains from this, he can then glide in his chosen direction for a distance of twice the
distance to the ground, unless he finds another thermal before reaching the end of his glide-path. A Gargoyle loses
one meter of altitude for every two meters forward he travels. The gliding character may decide to attempt to find
another thermal when he is nearing the end of his path, or when he is about to drop lower than he wishes. If the
attempt is successful, then the cycle begins again.
Following are the difficulties for finding a thermal, using Perception + Gliding.


Large City (many tall buildings) 4

Small City
Oceanside/out to sea
Volcanic area

Note: if the altitude is below 40 feet, there is a + 4 to the difficulty.

As thermals continue upwards to the top of the sky, there is no theoretical limit (within the Earth's atmosphere) to
how high a Gargoyle can drift upwards. In order to ride upwards, the character must roll Dexterity + Gliding with a
target number equal to their desired change in altitude (in meters) divided by ten. Failure indicates they fell out of the
thermal, and are on the way down again.

Appendix: Gargoyles in the World of Darkness


- Demona

Gargoyles in this gritty, horror-filled world have many enemies, and precious few friends. But this will never
dissuade them from their purpose: to Protect. Gargoyles protect. They can't tell you why, they just do. Many other
denizens of the World of Darkness may feel that attitude to be naive or even dangerous, and will oppose them.
Gargoyles will be the first to tell you that an entire people (or species) cannot be evil. They have their own
monstrous appearance to remind them of that every night. Because of this belief, they are not quick to judge, and
prefer to make their own decisions as to whom their enemies shall be.
Following are general opinions held by most Gargoyles regarding the other Inhabitants of the World Of Darkness.

"The Parasites are a stain on the Earth, but it is not our place to cleanse them."

The Kindred have always found Gargoyles to be a thorn in their side; protecting humans, taking the best
sanctuaries, etc. What makes it worse is that Gargoyle blood is dangerous to them. While a Gargoyle's blood can be
drained like any other creature, and a Vampire can even gain nourishment from it, it is often not worth the trouble it
causes. Each point of Gargoyle Vitae can be spent just like any other blood, but if any of it is still in the Vampire's
system at dawn, it turns to stone in his body, doing two levels of aggravated damage for each dot.
Gargoyles dislike Vampires a great deal, and will often attack them on sight, though some will attempt to reason first.
Rarely, a vampire may become friends with a Gargoyle. This usually happens if the vampire restricts his prey to the
criminal element or other threats to innocents.


"We share much with the Shifters, and we would be great friends. If they would let us. But we will not allow them to
slaughter innocents, no matter their reasons!"

As mentioned earlier, Garou and Gargoyles once shared a bond of alliance. While this bond is no longer there, some
Glass Walker and Bone Gnawer Septs are beginning to see a benefit to remaining on good terms with their city's
clan. When holding moots in unfamiliar territory it can be very handy to have some extra security.
Unfortunately, these alliances tend to be short-lived. Many Glass Walkers see it as a lack of scope on the part of the
Gargoyles. Their goals are the same at the root: protect. However, the Gargoyles are interested in protecting the
innocent in the here and now, not the planet in the future.

"Their manipulations and mind-games are making us tired, and the day shall come when we will not turn away from
the fight they offer us."

The history of contact between Gargoyles and Mages has been marred by mistrust, treachery, and
misunderstanding. The Gargoyles know there are some good Mages, however, as many of the Clans would be
extinct now if it were not for them.
The Technocracy has no such sentiment. They perceive the Gargoyles as a threat to their ideal paradigm: they have
no apparent fear of discovery, and blithely glide through the night sky in full view of the Sleeper population,
occasionally mixing with them.
The Progenitors would love to get ahold of a Gargoyle or two to use as lab specimens, possibly to breed as guards
for their facilities.
Those Gargoyles still hidden in umbral pockets are faced with the threat of the Void Engineers. The Engineers don't
concern themselves with the clans as long as they stay put, but once they attempt to return home, they attack and
attempt to drive them back.
On the other hand, some Mages see Gargoyles as a vital hold out of the Mythic Age. Their Legendary Potential
shows that they are a solid fixture in the central beliefs of all humanity. If this wasn't so, the Gargoyles would shrivel
and die.
Among Tradition Mages, the Verbena and the Order of Hermes keep an eye on them, ready to lend aid, but staying
out of their way -- they have no wish to reawaken old grudges.
The Celestial Chorus still count many Clans among their friends, and have even granted them refuge, remembering
the days when they defended the church together.

"These tortured souls deserve our sympathy, and shall receive it; no matter their crimes in life, they have suffered

Gargoyles naturally have little contact with the dead, but sometimes they run across a particularly strong-willed
individual. When they encounter them, Gargoyles will usually opt to help a Wraith, since they cannot stomach
loneliness and they imagine that is what the Wraiths must feel.
On the Wraiths' side, they appreciate the intense emotions felt by Gargoyles. Perhaps, because they spend half their
lives as cold, unfeeling stone, they must cram all of their emotions into the time they spend as flesh.
Gargoyles are also prime targets for Skin Riders; they're long-lived, tough, able to take on many foes, and can do
things other bodies cannot.
Many Gargoyles, knowingly or not, serve as guardians for Wraiths' fetters.

"We owe more than we can ever repay to the Children of Oberon. We only pray that they will forgive us someday."

Many Clans alive today owe their survival to the Fey, and to the sanctuary granted to them in the lands under the
hill. Unfortunately, this is also a point of resentment among many of the fair folk, because while the Gargoyles were
safe and hidden away for a thousand years, the Changelings were in exile, and are still unable to return. The
Gargoyles are confused by the Fey, being grateful at one encounter, enraged at the next by the inexplicable

behavior of the "Children of Oberon."

The twentieth century is a very dangerous time for Gargoyles. Indeed, it is a dangerous time for many "unnatural"
beings. Surveillance technology coupled with high population density make it increasingly harder to remain hidden.
Unlike the Masquerade of the Vampires, the Veil of the Werewolves, the Glamour of the Faeries, or even the Arcane
of the Mages, Gargoyles have neither mechanism nor tradition to keep themselves out of the public eye. To remain
hidden runs counter to everything they have been in the past. How can they protect humankind if they must hide
from it?
Despite the dislike for subterfuge most Gargoyles share, they all realize that going public today would be
disastrous. Any one of their particular foes would leap upon the chance to capture, exploit, or destroy them.
And that doesn't even count forces like the Inquisition or the Technocracy, who would hunt them down as a matter
of course.

Xanatos Industries
"I'll lose my robots, but, then, I can afford it."

- David Xanatos
This gargantuan corporation is rivaled only by Pentex, Incorporated in the sheer scope of its involvement. The two
corporate giants rarely do business with each other, because even David Xanatos doesn't want to be immortal on a
world that has become unlivable. Companies owned by Xanatos manufacture everything from pharmacuticals to
experimental particle beam weaponry.
The level of technology flaunted by Xanatos has led some people who know of such things to believe that there
must be a substantial number of Technocrats or even Sons of Ether working within the company.
The owner and C.E.O. of the company, David Xanatos, is no stranger to the strange. A lower echelon member of the
Illuminati, he nevertheless pursues his own peculiar agenda. Obsessed with immortality, he has undertaken several
schemes to insure his own continued existence, as well as more recently, that of his wife, Fox.
To say that he is rich would be a criminal understatement; he has more money than any three royal families.
Xanatos resides in the restored Castle Wyvern, which was transplanted from its native Scotland, and rebuilt, stone
by stone, on the roof of his Manhattan skyscraper. While seen by some as an unforgivably ostentatious display, the
installation of the castle was simply one step in a terrifically Byzantine plot. The plot was a mixed success, which
ended with him serving a six month sentence on Ryker's Island.
This is one thing to remember about Xanatos; while on the surface a particular endeavor may have failed, in fact it
probably set the stage for future projects. While capturing his knight may seem like a major victory for his foes, it
was precisely what he was leading them to, with his mind at least eight moves ahead.
He can be made to see reason, but only as it profits him.
Some enterprising and violent Gargoyles may take it upon themselves to kill Xanatos once and for all. This is not a
problem. In fact, they may even succeed. At least, they will appear to...

"My original plan was to clone a Gargoyle, but there were no tissue samples available.... Or, has that changed?"

- Anton Servarius
This is a bioengineering firm owned by Xanatos Enterprises. Concerned mostly with the design and manufacture of
various microbes for industrial use, their more public products are often producing monies to fund some more
esoteric research. Gen-U-Tech's head, Dr. Anton Servarius, is involved in the design of the ultimate soldier for
Xanatos. Servarius has been trying to get the attention of the Progenitors for some time now, hoping they'll let him
in. He hasn't yet realized, however, that by allowing his creations to escape and make headlines he has very likely
shot his chances of getting noticed in a good way. But they have noticed.
While he originally planned to clone the Gargoyle Goliath, this turned out to be a disaster. Another project has
produced the Mutates; a group of once-human test subjects who have had the DNA of bats, electric eels, and
various mammalian predators combined with their own. Originally intended as replacements for the clone army,

they have since rebelled and are in hiding in an abandoned subway tunnel.
Servarius and Gen-U-Tech are still going strong, despite numerous police investigations and Servarius' apparent

The Pack
"Here they are! Four heroes always ready to face the threat of the Evil Ninja!"

-Announcer at Madison Square Gardens

The Pack were originally mercenaries gathered from all over the world, and hired on as performers for the popular
children's show, "The Pack." They worked out of Pack Media Studios, an outfit owned by -- you guessed it -Xanatos Enterprises. Of all the Pack, only Fox, their leader, knew who their employer was, or even what their
purpose was.
In addition to the show, the Pack also acted as "special operatives" for their unknown employer.
A series of botched missions landed all but one of the Pack in jail and things began to change. Joining the original
members Fox, Wolf, Jackal, Hyena, and Dingo, was an android built by the Technomages at X.E. The android looked
like David Xanatos, and answered to the name, "Coyote."
Since this event, the Pack has been completely redesigned. Fox has left, preferring the "legitimate" lifestyle of Mrs.
David Xanatos to that of an outlaw mercenary. Dingo has also left, answering the call of his conscience and
becoming something of a vigilante in his native Australia. The brother and sister team of Jackal and Hyena both
underwent extensive cybernetic augmentation, and were no longer recognizable as human. Jackal took this a step
farther and bonded himself with the Celestine Anubis. His fate is still uncertain. Wolf underwent a transformation as
well, courtesy of Gen-U-Tech. He now resembles a Werewolf in Crinos form, with the exception that he cannot
change back. Coyote has been through at least three upgrades, each one being stronger and less humanoid than
the last.
All of the Pack are extremely dangerous, and most have a particular dislike for Manhattan's Gargoyles, and by
proxy, all Gargoyles.

The Illuminati
"Matt, how can you be certain this all powerful Illuminati Society even exists?"

- Agent Hacker
The Illuminati styles itself as an all-knowing, all-seeing conspiracy with ancient origins and ineffable goals. The fact
of the matter is, they are dupes. The Technocracy formed them for their own ends, and allowed them to think they
were autonomous. Technocrats at the highest levels chuckle at this irony; that the master manipulators are dancing
on the ends of strings even they don't see. The Illuminati counts among it's members government agents, police,
industrialists, hedge mages, psychics, and even a few real Mages (although they don't know this).
The Illuminati can be counted on to be embroiled in some hideous plot or other at any time. However, most often,
these plots will serve the secondary goals of the Technocracy.

"Humans are the enemy! Goliath is blind not to see that!"

- Demona
Demona was once a trusted member of the Castle Wyvern Clan. In fact, she was second in command and mate to
their leader, Goliath. Believing humanity to be untrustworthy and dangerous, she betrayed the lords of her castle
with the aid of another human. Thinking to rid herself forever of human masters, allowing the clan to live in peace
everafter, she told no one of her plans. Circumstances and guilt conspired to make her absent when the fateful
attack came. The "Massacre at Castle Wyvern" was horrible. Hundreds of Gargoyles were shattered while they slept
by the hammers and maces of the invading Vikings. Seeing the carnage, the female Gargoyle flew into a rage,
blaming the humans for the death of her clan.
More than thirty years later, she had gathered together a ragtag band of surviving Gargoyles and was leading them
as a bandit chieftain. It was during this time that she met Macbeth and entered into a mutual defense pact with him,
allied against Macbeth's cousin, King Duncan. As part of the bargain the Weird Sisters, an enigmatic trio of
umbrood, exchanged Macbeth's youth and vitality for some of her unnatural strength. As a part of the spell, both
were rendered immortal until "one destroys the other."

Demona later betrayed Macbeth as well, all the while shifting the blame, once again, to the "untrustworthy humans."
Once again finding herself clanless, she has since devoted her life to eventually wiping out mankind. She knows,
however, that direct attacks will simply cause her to be hunted down. Therefore, she bides her time, and plots
revenge on an epic scale.
During one of these plots, she ran afoul of Puck, the Faerie trickster. As a "gift," Puck granted Demona the ability to
remain awake during the day... as a human woman.
The threat she poses to Gargoyles outside of Manhattan is a subtle one. She will attempt to manipulate them into
joining her in her pogrom against humanity. If her new recruits are unwilling to be swayed, they instantly become
"part of the problem," and targets.

"You know Demona?"
"Know her? I named her!"

- Goliath and Macbeth

Macbeth's is a sad tale. Torn from his loved ones by Demona's betrayal, he vowed her destruction. Taking up the
mantle of "The Hunter," he has pursued her through the centuries, leaping upon any reported Gargoyle sighting,
hoping to get a lead on her. He does not actually hate Gargoyles, but often finds that they get in his way. He would
rather be allies, but his pride will not allow him to approach them in peace. To add to his woes, Demona is now
legally his wife. Macbeth's only hope for peace is to kill Demona, thus ending himself as well.

"You mean that creature's still out there, he's got all the money, he's as powerful as Goliath, and he's smarter than
"Owen, I think I've created a monster."

- Owen Burnet and Xanatos

Thailog was the result of Dr. Servarius' cloning experiment. Grown from Goliath's DNA, speed-grown in Gen-UTech's labs, and educated by a sleep-teach program designed by Xanatos, he has developed a twisted hatred for all
three of his "fathers." Using Xanatos' resources, he embezzled 20 million dollars and set himself up as a reclusive
Parisian businessman. Thailog wishes only to live well, be left alone, and get richer. He will gladly kill anyone, man
or Gargoyle who tries to stop him.

Appendix: Gargoyles Character Sheet





Charisma______ *oooo
Manipulation___ *oo

Perception_______ *oooo
Intelligence_______ *oooo
Wits____________ *oooo

Alertness ___________ooooo
Athletics ___________ ooooo
Brawl _____________ooooo
Dodge _____________ooooo
Empathy ___________ooooo
Gliding _____________ooooo
Intimidation ________ ooooo
Leadership __________ooooo
Sculpting ___________ooooo
Subterfuge __________ooooo

Animal Ken ______ooooo
Combat Gliding ____ooooo
Drive ___________ooooo
Etiquette ________ooooo
Firearms ________ooooo
Melee __________ooooo
Performance ____ ooooo
Repair __________ooooo
Stealth __________ooooo
Survival _________ooooo

Architecture_______ ooooo
Computer _________ ooooo
Geology __________ooooo
Human Society ____ooooo
Investigation _______ooooo
Linguistics _________ooooo
Medicine __________ooooo
Night Lore ________ooooo
Rituals ____________ooooo
Technology ________ooooo

Endowments / Numina



* * * o o o o o o o
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Legendary Potential
* * * o o o o o o o
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Merits and Flaws





Attributes: 7/5/3 Abilities: 13/9/5 Endowments: 5 Backgrounds: 5 Freebie Points: 15 (7/5/2/1)

The Vigil
2nd Edition
By Lee Garvin (

When I first wrote these rules, more than two years ago, it was something of a creative outlet for an obsessive fan of
a fantastic T.V. series. The look and feel of Gargoyles, with a few modifications, fit perfectly into White Wolf's World
of Darkness. The original rules went through several revisions before I was satisfied with their playability and
quality. Thankfully, I had Hank Driskill and John Gavigan's excellent Highlander: The Gathering supplement as a
My friends have all begun to dread whenever I say the word "gargoyles" now, and they believe I am something of a
nut. It is perhaps a sad fact that I have put more thought into this work than I have put into some of my professional
projects. Anyone who's read my stuff will likely agree.
These rules are mostly unchanged from the previous edition, but there are some additions. I have attempted to clear
up the many questions I've received about Legendary Potential, I have expanded upon the Monstrosity Endowment,
and I have also included character sheets of some of the major characters from the series.
I hope you enjoy playing this as much as I enjoyed creating it.
Finally, I would like to extend my thanks to Disney for convincing us that maturely written animation does not only
come from across the Pacific, White Wolf for creating an evocative world in which to play, Hank and John for
showing us what "amateurs" can do, Jessica Fure for editing this manuscript, and to Paul Bensel for helping me
with various World of Darkness politics.
Thank you,
Lee Garvin

Prelude: The Wrong Side of Dusk

Flavius sat back in his office chair, tapping his index finger on the rim of his glass. The blood in the glass had been
warmed up in the microwave for 30 seconds, but it just wasn't the same as the fresh stuff. However, a vampire of his
responsibilities could hardly budget the time these days to do his own hunting. Delegation was the key to
expanding one's success as well as retaining one's deniability.
"They should have been back by now, Ceasar." The huge Irish Wolfhound raised its head at the sound of its name,
then lay it back down on the couch where it sprawled.
Flavius knew there was no point in talking to the dog; ghouled it might be, but it was still a dog. It was therapeutic
for him to speak his thoughts aloud occasionally.
The team that was late in reporting had been sent on a "recovery" mission. Certain documents in a safe in the Higen
Building could link Flavius to three different insider-trading scams, and he didn't feel like bribing the SEC
investigators again.
He was about to reach for his intercom when the Wolfhound leapt to its feet and began barking.
Herbert, his chief aide, burst into the room, with several figures rushing in behind him, most of them dripping blood
onto the carpet.
"I'm sorry, sir. They came in like this. I tried to stop them, but the cleaning staff was coming, so I thought it would be
best just to bring them in here.
Flavius' eyes threatened to bulge from his head. "What the hell do you think you're doing! Coming into my public
offices looking like the last reel of a horror movie! Do you realize I have mortal employees too? You have twenty

seconds to explain yourselves, or you'll be ashes by morning."

Turloe, the team's leader, plopped down on the couch where Ceasar had been. His shoulder had a nasty wound
that travelled from collarbone to hip. "Shut up, Flavius; I'm in no mood for your posturing. I took this job because
Diane owed you a favor, not out of fear of you. If you'd like to turn this into a bloodbath, be my guest. Be warned,
however, that I will burn you down while you're still wondering how that table leg got into your chest." Turloe took a
breath. "Now, if you are prepared to be reasonable, I will tell you what happened."
Flavius relaxed for a second and looked at the rest of the team. There had been seven, but only five, including
Turloe, were here now. They all had their guns out and were ready at a moment's notice to enforce Turloe's threat.
"Something hit us. We were at the building, the guards had been taken out, the cameras disabled; all set up to look
like a standard robbery, like you said. We were going up the side when something flew out of the streetlights and
nailed Scabs. He fell eight stories to the alley. I looked down and whatever it was was tearing him limb from limb. I
was about to try to help, but that's when it hit the fan.
"Tommy Blade started firing his Mac-10 into the air, and Fidget was stabbing at something that was wrapped around
him like a wet coat. I looked up and saw these two things just hanging on the wall. One of them flashed these knifesized claws and slashed Tommy's rope. The other one was looking right at me, and man was it ugly. Its eyes were
glowing white, and it started this low, rumbling growl that suddenly exploded into a full-blown scream. I'm hanging
there getting the thing's breath full in my face, then the clamps on my harness all snap! I fell all the way back to the
street. I was only able to get up again because I had drained that guard earlier.
"Then about five of these things just dropped out of the sky and started ripping into us. First they swooped out of
nowhere and grabbed all the guns from everyone's hands. Tommy and I were the only ones who kept ours. Tommy
because he was fast enough, me because I still had it holstered. They were on us before we could recover, claws
everywhere. Madge bit one of them," Turloe pointed to the short, angry, woman, "and she says they taste like sand."
"All of a sudden, we hear sirens. One of the things jumps up and perches on a lamp post and says, 'Come my
brothers, lets leave these parasites to the humans.' And they all jumped and started climbing the building with their
claws. They get up maybe thirty feet, then they all turn, drop, and open the wings on their backs and glide away. We
couldn't keep an eye on them 'cause we had to do something about Scabs' and Fidget's bodies. We dumped them
at an old tenement nearby and came right here.
Flavius straightened up in his chair. "These wings, were they kind of bat-like?"
Turloe looked at him suspiciously, "Yeah..."
"Horns, talons, the whole works?"
"Yeah, what gives, Flavius? You knew about this?"
"Oh, certainly not. But I do recognize it."
Turloe stood, "Then what the hell were they?"
Flavius leaned back. "I haven't heard anything about them in almost a thousand years; I had thought they were
extinct. But yes, I may have an idea who -- or what -- hit you; and if it's what I think it was, you got off easy."

Chapter One: Introduction

"One thousand years ago, superstition and the sword ruled..."

- Goliath

These rules are based on the Disney cartoon "Gargoyles" and the White Wolf role-playing games "Vampire: the
Masquerade, Werewolf: the Apocalypse, Mage: the Ascension, Wraith: the Oblivion, and Changeling: the Dreaming.
These rules are not authorized by Disney or by White Wolf, and no connection should be inferred.


"Please, we're not monsters. We only want to help you."

- Brooklyn
Gargoyles are monsters. That is the simple truth. They are inhuman, fearsome, and often hideous. The concept of a
"typical" Gargoyle is completely useless. No two Gargoyles look alike, and the variations in size, color, shape, and
features are too wide to record. Some, those most familiar to Western European legends, appear mammalian,
bipedal, and winged, with a uniform skin color. At night, they are nearly unstoppable; strong, tough, and able to
glide in and out of danger; but in the daylight, they are as helpless as newborn babes, unable to even perceive if
they are in peril.
Some features seem more common than others: the wings, generally bat-like (although there are variations); the
stature, upwards of nine feet tall; the limbs, well muscled and lean; the horns, the teeth; and finally, the claws,
capable of rending even a Werewolf to pieces. Chances are, if you've seen five Gargoyles, you've seen five
completely different beings, almost as if they were separate species.

Gargoyles are an ancient race that has existed alongside mankind since the beginning of time. It is speculated by
some that they were children of Lilith, by others that they were the product of magical breeding experiments.
They often refer to themselves as "The First Race," with humanity being the second, and the Faerie, or "Children of
Oberon," as the third. They do not count vampires as a separate race at all, merely a disease among men.
(Werewolves are believed by most Gargoyles to be victims of a curse, just like the legends some humans believe.)
While usually mammalian in appearance and mating habits, Gargoyles hatch from eggs. Female Gargoyles usually
lay one egg at a time, in 20 year cycles. The eggs will then harden dependent on the care and heat received. The
eggs hatch after ten years. Eggs that were not hardened properly will most often yield non-sentient Gargoyles.
Hatchlings grow and age at a rate roughly half that of humans; thus, a Gargoyle can be thirty years old, and still in
adolescence. Non-sentient Gargoyles grow at an analogous rate: roughly half that of whichever animal they most
resemble. The average lifespan of a healthy sentient Gargoyle is 140 years.
The rising of the sun turns Gargoyles into solid stone for the day. At sunset, this transformation is reversed, with the
outer layer of stone skin being shed as it cracks with movement. Avoiding the sun's rays does not appear to prevent
the transformation.
Some theories suppose that while stone a Gargoyle stores up solar energy in special organs that convert it into the
phenomenal amounts of energy required to carry itself aloft when gliding at night.
One other feature of Gargoyles is that their eyes glow when they are angered. With a few exceptions, males' eyes
glow white, while females' glow red. No one is certain of either the cause nor the significance of this fact.

The Clan
"Och! Why must you humans name everything? Nothing's real to you 'til you've named it, given it limits. Does the sky
need a name? Does the river?"

- Hudson
Gargoyle culture is unusual by human standards. Being almost completely community-oriented, individual
Gargoyles have no names unless they have been in contact with humans or others and encouraged to take names.
Separate identity, while not a foreign concept, is more determined by what one has done than by who your parents
The most important things to any Gargoyle, in order of importance, are the Clan, the Castle, and the Rookery.
The Clan is the extended family of Gargoyles, banded together for security and fellowship. Sometimes, a nonGargoyle will be welcomed into the Clan. This is very rare, and denotes a tremendous respect, trust, and friendship.
Regardless of their origin or species, all Clan members are afforded equal status, and any of them will defend any
other of them to the death. Sometimes, a Clan member may be guilty of some transgression against the laws of
another group or society. If the Clan feels the laws violated are honorable, it will desire to see the guilty punished.
However, they will still defend their companion: Gargoyles must only answer to Gargoyle justice, which can be just
as compassionate as that of any other society's, or just as brutal.
The Castle is the Gargoyles' home, the place they roost in the sunlight, live at night, and defend with their lives at all
times. The Castle may be an actual castle, a tower, a church, a mansion, a mountain, or even an entire city. The only
qualifications are that it must be their home and that it must be defensible.

The Rookery is where the Clan's eggs are stored, protected, and cared for. The entire Clan looks after the eggs in
turns. After they hatch, the Clan likewise divides the parenting duties among the adult members; a Gargoyle may
never know which female was her mother, or which was male her father.
The non-sentient members of a Clan are no less members, despite their lack of speech and apparent intelligence.
They are given duties and affection just as the sentient Clanmembers.

"The Magus who cursed you wrote it all down in the Grimoirum. It made for fascinating reading."

- Xanatos
When Gargoyles first encountered Humanity, they were feared and hated as demons. This was not helped by the
fact that many Gargoyle clans had set their roosts in the very cliffs and hills that war-like humans found so
defensible. Eventually, however, they reached something of a compromise. The humans would build their castles,
monasteries, citadels, and keeps, while the Gargoyles were allowed to stay, providing an extra layer of defense at
night, and intriguing statuary in the day.
This partnership was a doomed one, however, and Mankind all over the world eventually destroyed or drove out all
the Gargoyles.
No one is sure of where, when, or why the betrayals started. Sometimes, it was manipulation from behind the
scenes that turned humans against the Clans. Humans began hunting Gargoyles, guided by undead hands,
frustrated at the level of protection the monsters afforded the mortals on whom the Kindred wished to prey. The
pawns of the vampires led nations, armies, and even the church into a pogrom against the Gargoyles.
The Technocracy, even in those ancient days, had their dupes placed throughout society. Some of these, believing
themselves to be the true hands behind events, styled themselves as the Illuminati, a secret society of mortals and
Hedge Wizards. The Illuminati ran afoul of several Clans of Gargoyles over the centuries, and also turned their
machinations toward eradicating this threat to their power base.
The Garou and other shapechangers often aided the Gargoyles against their foes out of a similar sense of honor.
This was always a short-lived alliance, because the werewolves' stated goals offended the sensibilities of the
Saddest of all was the devastation visited upon them by their own kind. No one knows why (though some believe it
was the result of foul magic), but at the same time that the Clans were facing this besiegement >from without, some
Gargoyles, a few in each Clan, betrayed them from within, exposing them to the hammers of fearful humans in
Handfuls were all that survived, many by retreating to the highest mountains, and many others by making a timely
alliance with the Fey, who allowed some of them refuge in their homelands under the hills.
The last bastion of Gargoyle civilization toppled in 1057 in Scotland, when betrayal on both sides played the end of
an age.
Most humans have forgotten these days, and the forces of the Inquisition and the Technocracy have done their best
to stamp out the beliefs and knowledge of anything that could threaten their power structures. The Masquerade of
the vampires has also had a part in the disbelief of Gargoyles, because some overzealous Kindred, upon
discovering mention of them, thought they referred to the Tremere creations, and destroyed, altered, or secreted it
Now, a thousand years after their heyday, Gargoyles are attempting a comeback. Some after an enforced period of
hibernation, brought on by Mages or Faerie. A few are coming out of hiding after centuries of isolation. And some
are just now returning to Earth from the Faerie realms after being granted sanctuary there. The world has changed
greatly in their absence, and their numbers have been sorely depleted. Now, most Gargoyles seek to reforge the
partnership they once shared with mankind, without reawakening the ancient fears and prejudices that plagued
them so long ago.

Chapter Two: Character Creation

Character Generation Chart

Step One: Character Concept

Choose concept.

Step Two: Select Attributes

Prioritize the three categories: Physical, Social, Mental (7/5/3)
Choose Physical Traits: Strength, Stamina, Dexterity
Choose Social Traits: Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance
Choose Mental Traits: Perception, Intelligence, Wits

Step Three: Select Abilities

Prioritize the three categories: Talents, Skills, Knowledges Choose Talents, Skills, Knowledges (13/9/5)

Step Four: Select Advantages

Take note of the free Advantages: Claws of Living Rock, Forbidding Glare, Frightening Laugh, Howl of Alarm,
Swiftness Choose Endowments (5), Backgrounds (5)

Step Five: Finishing Touches

Record Willpower (begin with 3 dots)
Record Legendary Potential (begin with 3 dots)
Spend "Freebie Points" (15)

Gargomancy: A very rare and bizarre form of hedge magic practiced only by Gargoyles.
Might of

The power that allows a Gargoyle to perform even greater feats of Strength than their own natural might would

Monstrosity: Features that turn a Gargoyle into even more of a nightmare than usual.
Rock Hide:

The Gargoyle's ability to call upon that part of themselves that is stone by day, and draw an extra layer of
defense from it.


The Ability to spew harmful substances over your enemies.


Your friends, whether they are human, vampire, mage, werewolf, wraith or changeling.

Animal Companion: An animal that accompanies you wherever you go. May be a non-sentient Gargoyle.


Your clan is nearby and you can call on them for help.


Describes the contacts you have among human society.

Describes your home and sanctuary, be it a castle, a skyscraper or even just a secluded cliff-side.


Various rituals that Gargoyles have developed over millennia.


Your position and rank within your Clan.

Trait Costs
Freebie Points


5 per dot
2 per dot
1 per dot
7 per dot
7 for first dot (see Hunters' Hunted)
1 per dot
Legendary Potential 2 per dot

Experience Chart


current rating x 4
Manipulation to 4 or 5 current rating x 6
current rating x 2
New Ability
current rating x 5
current rating
Legendary Potential current rating x 2

The Vigil
2nd Edition
By Lee Garvin (

Chapter Four: Merits and Flaws

"But how do you tell each other apart?"
"We look different."
"But what do you call each other?"

- Tom, Lexington, and Brooklyn

Most of these Merits and Flaws are found in the various Player's Guides for the Storyteller Games. This is simply a
list of those existing Merits and Flaws most appropriate, and some new ones specific to Gargoyles.
Note that non-sentient Gargoyles will have a harder time of things than others, and may therefore take more than the
usual limit of seven points in flaws.

"No. If they think we're monsters, perhaps we should live up to the name."

- Lexington

Berserker: (2 pt Merit)
You have the ability to place yourself in a state of Outrage at will, thus ignoring Wound penalties. All other rules
regarding Outrage still apply, and the character still has the normal chance to go into Outrage involuntarily.

Clan Mentality: (1 pt Flaw)

The Clan is, naturally, important to you, but you sometimes carry this to extremes. You will always unquestioningly
follow the orders of your Clan's leader. If outside Gargoyle society, you adopt your new friends as your Clan, and
will follow the directives of whomever seems to be in charge. You will constantly think of the Clan's good before
your own. The Clan leader's opinion is very important to you, and you will come to him with any problems you are

Compulsion: (1 pt Flaw)
Dark Secret: (1 pt Flaw)
Driving Goal: (3 pt Flaw)
Hatred: (3 pt Flaw)

Hidebound: (2 pt Flaw)
You are extremely set in your ways, and most likely older than your compatriots. Gargoyles defend, so that is what
you do. It takes nothing short of an emergency or a direct order from the Clan leader to get you to leave your castle
Add 1 to the target numbers of any actions which "go against the grain."

Intolerance: (1 pt Flaw) Low Self-Image: (2 pt Flaw)

Nightmares: (1 pt Flaw)
Phobia: (1 to 3 pt Flaw)
Over-Confident: (1 pt Flaw)

Short Fuse: (2 pt Flaw)

The difficulty to resist all Outrages is two greater.

Shy: (1 pt Flaw)
Soft-Hearted: (1 pt Flaw)
Speech Impediment: (1 pt Flaw)
Territorial: (3 pt Flaw)
Vengeance: (2 pt Flaw)

"No, it wasn't a dragon, I think it was... some kind of machine."

- Lexington

Absent-Minded: (3 pt Flaw)
Amnesia: (2 pt Flaw)

Calm Heart: (3 pt Merit)

The difficulty to resist Outrage is always two less.

Common Sense: (1 pt Merit)

Concentration: (1 pt Merit)
Confused: (2 pt Flaw)
Eidetic Memory: (2 pt Merit)
Iron Will: (5 pt Merit)
Lightning Calculator: (1 pt Merit)
Self-Confident: (5 pt Merit)
Time Sense: (1 pt Merit)
Weak Willed: (2 pt Flaw)

"Oo. Not good. Not good."

- Brooklyn

Bad Sight: (2 pt Flaw)

Blind: (6 pt Flaw)
Color Blindness: (1 pt Flaw)
Deaf: (4 pt Flaw)
Hard of Hearing: (1 pt Flaw)

Infra-Red Vision: (3 pt Merit)

You were born with the ability to see in the infra-red spectrum when your eyes glow.

One Eye: (3 pt Flaw)

Ambidextrous: (1 pt Merit)
Computer Aptitude: (1 pt Merit)
Crack Driver: (1 pt Merit)
Daredevil: (3 pt Merit)
Fast Learner: (3 pt Merit)
Inept: (5 pt Flaw)
Mechanical Aptitude: (1 pt Merit)
Natural Linguist: (2 pt Merit)
Pitiable: (1 pt Merit)
Uneducated: (5 pt Flaw)
Unskilled: (5 pt Flaw)

Charmed Existence: (5 pt Merit)
Cursed: (1 to 5 pt Flaw)
Danger Sense: (3 pt Merit)
Dark Fate: (5 pt Flaw)
Destiny: (4 pt Merit)
Guardian Angel: (6 pt Merit)
Luck: (3 pt Merit)

Shattering Roar: (4 pt Merit)

This is the ability to let out a roar so powerful that it can shatter stone or rip metal. The Gargoyle spends one point of
Legendary Potential and rolls Dexterity and Performance. The difficulty number is dependent upon the substance
the Gargoyle wishes to affect.
Wood 5
Concrete 7

This roar has no effect on living tissue.

True Love: (1 pt Merit)

Human Society
Hunted: (3 pt Flaw)
There is a particularly relentless Gargoyle-hunter after you. These hunters could be members of the Inquisition,
Technocracy, the Illuminati, or even the dreaded, ageless Hunter, Macbeth himself!


- Bronx

Attached Wings: (2 pt Flaw)

Instead of having wings on your back, like most Gargoyles, yours are a thick membrane of skin that stretches
between your arms and legs, like a flying squirrel. Because of this, you cannot perform any other actions while
gliding, but your gliding difficulties are at minus one.

Beak: (3 pt Merit)
You have a pronounced beak instead of a jaw and teeth. This gives you a Bite attack with a Damage of Strength + 3.
However, no character with this Merit can have an Appearance above one.

Double Jointed: (1 pt Merit)

Fangs: (1 pt Merit)
Your teeth are exceptionally sharp and strong. You have a Bite attack with a damage of Strength + 1.

Hollow Bones: (3 pt Merit)

Your bones are hollow and light, reducing your weight by more than a third, and enabling you to attempt actual
flight for short periods. Unfortunately, hollow bones are brittle bones. Subtract 2 from Stamina for the purposes of
soaking damage from any impact damage (falling, melee combat, etc.). In order to fly, roll Strength + Gliding (it will
act as a substitute for Flight) with a difficulty of 6. For each success, the character can fly for one minute before
fatigue forces him to glide once again.
If the Character also has Tremendous Wingspan, then he can fly for a number of hours equal to the successes

Horns: (3 pt. Merit)

You have horns protruding from your head that give you a + 2 to the damage of all Headbutt attacks.

Huge Size: (4 pt Merit)

Lame: (3 pt Flaw)
Longevity: (2 pt Merit)
Mute: (4 pt Flaw)
One Arm: (3 pt Flaw)

Prehensile Feet: (3 pt Merit)

Your feet are a second pair of hands that you can use for any of the same things you use your actual hands for. This
can be used to grab something, to carry something in flight, or even to wield a weapon. However, the feet are not as
easily controlled as the hands. For any Ability use attempted with the feet, add 1 to the difficulty.
These feet cannot be used for extra attacks.

Prehensile Tail: (2 pt Merit)

Your tail can be used as a primitive extra hand. Any Ability use attempted with the tail is made with a +2 modifier to
the difficulty.

Quadrupedal: (5 pt Flaw)
You walk on all fours and don't have the proper configuration of muscles and bones to stand upright. Not that it
would do much good anyway, since you also have no opposable thumbs.
You cannot perform any Abilities requiring hands without extreme preparations (voice activated computers, for
Running speed is now 1.5 times what it would be for a bipedal Gargoyle.

Short: (1 pt Flaw)

Tremendous Wingspan: (5 pt Merit)

Your wings are twice as long proportionately than other Gargoyles. In addition to being ungainly in cramped
quarters, this gives you a +2 bonus to the damage for any wing attacks, and your Gliding distance is doubled.
If the character also has Hollow Bones, they are capable of true flight (see above).

Wingless: (5 pt Flaw)
You have no wings, and can therefore glide about as well as any other rock.

Interlude: A rock and a Hardcase

To the casual observer, the roof of the Higen Building was a constant, unchanging over the last twelve years. But the
more observant would notice that the statues on the roof had been replaced about a year ago. The very observant would
notice that the hideous gargoyles perched on the roof would change positions from night to night. Of course, it wouldn't
require keen observation to know something was amiss at sunset.
As soon as the last ray of sunlight dropped beneath the horizon, the eyes of the Gargoyles burst into a blazing glow, and
the forms began to move, exploding out of a thin stone shell, showering the city with flakes of rock. All six of the
Gargoyles let out colossal, howling yawns. A strange sound, yes, but the neighbors and residents of the Higen building
had begun to get used to it. Just another thing to live with in the city, they guessed.
Shriek was eight feet tall, with white hair in an unruly shock on top of his head that continued down to the small of his
back between his huge wings. His horns curved upward, giving him a demonic appearance, enhanced by his deep red
skin. He stretched his arms and unfurled his wings to their full twelve foot span.
"Ahhh!" he said, working the stiffness out of his bones. "Well, my brothers and sisters," he said to the rest of the Clan,
"are we ready to greet the parasites' return tonight?"
A deep, throaty cheer went up from the Clan. They knew the vampires would come back, this time in force. While they did
not seek out violence, they welcomed the thrill of a righteously fought battle.

Shriek wished that it didn't need to be this way, that it could've ended last night, but he saw something in their leader, the
one called Turloe -- something cold and bitter and empty. Turloe must have been a hard man when he was alive, and his
death had only served to temper him. That was why Shriek had Howled and broken Turloe's harness, rather than simply
taking off his head. He wanted to send a message, and he knew that a strike team gone mysteriously missing would not
do it. He needed the vampires' master to know who had thwarted them. And then, when the prideful team leader came
back to deal with the Gargoyles, all involved would know he had been toyed with the night before.
Shriek turned to the Clan. "They will be here soon, to take full advantage of the dark. All of you, get to the positions we
discussed last night. And remember, they will be ready for you and better armed. Do not rely on your might alone, but use
guile and speed when they will not expect it. I have to talk to Troy."
The Gargoyles leapt off the roof and began gliding streetward on their wings, circling the building on the way to their
posts. None of them envied Shriek the sad duty he had.
Shriek went to the door on the roof and opened it. Crouching through the doorway, he went down the stairs to the first
landing. "Troy? Are you here?" He called out cautiously.
A young voice called up the stairs toward him, "Here I am, Shriek." The boy must have already been on his way upstairs
when Shriek came in. He reached the landing and the Gargoyle could see the boy had been crying. "My Dad never got to
his place today. Gina says she hasn't seen him since last night. The super here says that he and the other guard on duty
last night never finished the second half of their rounds. Something's happened to him. Even Mom's been crying. She
hasn't cried about Dad since the divorce." Troy accepted the huge arm that offered him a hug.
"Troy, I'm afraid something did happen to him." Shriek tried not to let his own tears betray themselves. "Last night, some
men broke into the building, and your father and his partner did their duty. I've seen your father at work before, Troy, he
was very efficient and professional. But these men were more than thieves,... they were monsters. Vampires. They killed
your father and his friend, and we were not in time to stop them. We drove them off, but they will be back tonight. I will
exact revenge myself for your father's murder. You must stay inside until we tell you it's all right. Tonight is not a good
night to be a vampire."
Troy looked up at his friend. They had done a lot for each other in the past year, but he had trouble comprehending the
enormity of Shriek's resolve.
"But, I..." Troy saw the look in the creature's eyes and knew there would be no denying him. "Okay. I'll tell Mom. She
knows about you guys, and I think she'll be glad to see something being done." The boy turned down the staircase and
headed to his home. Life had been rough on him before, but he was being forced to grow up before he was even thirteen
years old.
Shriek knew the taste of revenge. He knew it felt like a mouthful of ashes, and you never got the stain off your soul. But he
wanted to make sure that Troy's soul never picked up that taint, so he was going to handle it himself.
He turned and climbed the stairs to the roof once again, preparing to settle in and listen for the alarm cry that would tell
him where the enemy were attacking from. He peered down at the street and wondered how many unnatural things
walked the streets, mingling with the humans he loved, shielded by disguises, magics, or a human shape. Just as he
envied them, he pitied them for living a lie. He may have to remain hidden, but he didn't have to pretend to be something
he wasn't.
Shriek waited for a long time. The Vampires had either given up on the Higen building, or they were going to wait for
another day. Perhaps their master had slain them. No, even a despot does not waste his resources.
It was nearing five o'clock. The sun would be up soon, and the Clan would have to roost at their stations. This was no real
hardship for them; they had done it often enough. But Shriek did not relish sleeping with Turloe on his mind. Those cold
eyes had stayed with him throughout the day.
Just then, his thoughts were interrupted by a sound. Shriek spun around and saw the object of his thoughts attempting to
climb into the shielded antennae structure on the roof. He must have come up from the inside, but how did the sentries
miss him?
"Turloe." Shriek said, just loud enough to catch the vampire's attention.
The dead man turned around and looked at Shriek. "Well, you know my name. I'm flattered. And relieved. I was going to
wait here until your Clan returned and blast you to pieces while you were stone, but this will be much more satisfying." He
swung his arm back and it came back up with an Uzi sub-machine gun. "Smile for the birdie." The gun spat a rain of
chattering, leaden hate toward Shriek, but he had already dived off the top of the building.
Turloe jumped down from the antennae and ran to the ledge, looking down. "You know it would be much less messy if I
could just kill you up here. If I kill you while you're airborne, you'll leave one hell of a dent in someone's car." He looked up
and down the street, but didn't see where the crimson Gargoyle had gone.
He hadn't looked behind him. Shriek had glided around the building and caught an updraft that took him slightly above
the roof. Angling his wings, he dove straight at Turloe's back. His arms reached around the killer's torso. Exercising
incredible control, Shriek grabbed the gun out of his hand before plowing into the vampire, sending them both off the

Then it was Turloe's turn to exhibit speed. He spun his body around and caught the lip of the ledge. He quickly hauled
himself up and rolled away from the edge. The Gargoyle was nowhere to be seen. Turloe's heart was jack-hammering
with stolen blood, making him faster even than the Gargoyle. All he needed was to get his hands on him once. Get the
beast in a judo hold and throat him. That was it. Then he'd have to get inside and be quick about it. Shriek landed
suddenly and heavily in front of him and raked his Talons across Turloe's chest. Blood ran freely from the deep wound,
but Turloe seemed unfazed. He still had the same ice-cold expression he wore when he drained the life from Troy's
father the night before.
Turloe seemed to be waiting for the blow, so Shriek obliged him. But his claws caught nothing but air, and Turloe was
nowhere to be seen.
The mystery was quickly over, however, when the vampire's own claws dug into Shriek's back. Spinning around to meet
his foe, Shriek lunged forward clumsily, and Turloe again was too fast to touch. Shriek was a fast learner, though; he
spun and ducked at the same time, whipping his tail around, knocking Turloe's knees from under him, breaking one with
a wet snap.
In agony, Turloe looked at the Gargoyle with red eyes and said, "Stop. Turn around, and sit down on the ledge. Don't
move from there."
Shriek's eyes glowed white. "I don't think so." He growled, smiling. Quickly, he rushed to the Vampire attempting to get
up. He grabbed Turloe's arms at the wrists. He held him up in his left hand. Carefully avoiding the kicks aimed at him by
the vampire's good leg, he reached up with his right hand and casually crushed Turloe's right wrist. Turloe's screams
were quickly drowned out by Shriek's piercing wail.
Vampire still in hand, Shriek stepped over to the ledge. Shriek drew himself up to his full height and extended his arm out
over the open air.
"What are you going to do? Drop me? Do you think that scares me?"
Shriek grinned widely. "No." The expression froze on his face as he transformed into stone.
Turloe's eyes widened; the first moment of fear he had experienced in three hundred years. He turned his head to the
right and saw the terrible sun breaching the horizon. The Gargoyle's grip, hard enough to break while it was flesh, was
impossible while it was stone. After a few moment's struggle, Turloe gave up. There was no use. His skin had already
begun to smoke.
His last words, just before his brain caught fire were, "Man, is this guy cold."

The Vigil
2nd Edition
By Lee Garvin (

Chapter Three: Traits

"The magic in this new world is just so... so..."

- Lexington and Brooklyn

Gargoyles use the same rules systems as most of the other Storyteller games. The differences will be noted here. If
a rule is not present, assume it is standard.

Playing Non-sentient Gargoyles

If you wish to play a non-sentient Gargoyle, get your Storyteller's approval first. Once you have it, create the
Character as normal, except that you may not put any additional dots into Intelligence, and you get one extra dot to
put into the Physical Attribute of your choice.
When choosing Abilities, you have priorities of fifteen and ten (15/10) to distribute among Talents and Skills, with
none allowed for Knowledges.
A Beast Gargoyle cannot take the Endowment of Gargomancy nor any Numina. A Beast Gargoyle also cannot take
the Backgrounds of Rites, Status or Contacts. Finally, a Beast Gargoyle may not choose Special Maneuvers.
Beast Gargoyles can be humanoid if you wish, however they will appear closer to monkeys than men.
Communication must be limited to extremely simple pantomime, grunts, growls, whistles, howls, shrieks or any
other appropriate animal-like noise, but never anything coherent.
This can be a royal pain, or a unique and challenging role-playing experience.

"Afraid? Why, all of nature trembles at my passing!"

- Broadway
Unless an attribute is listed here, assume that the rules comply with the standard.

Gargoyles are naturally stronger than most creatures, natural or otherwise. All Gargoyles begin with at least 2 dots
in Strength. A Gargoyle's Strength can go as high as eight.

Even while in fleshy form, Gargoyles retain the toughness of their native rocks. All Gargoyles begin with at least 2
dots in Stamina. A Gargoyle's Stamina can go as high as eight.
Important note: All damage that a Gargoyle takes during the night (provided it doesn't kill them) will be healed during
the day while in stone form. Damage they take while stone, however, is permanent and may never be healed.

The exception to this rule is damage that completely destroys an organ or severs a limb does not heal. If an arm is
gone, it is gone forever.

Gargoyles are very trusting by nature, and make rotten liars. Gargoyles may normally not have Manipulation higher
than three.

Even by the kindest human eye, Gargoyles are ugly. Gargoyles may never have an Appearance above two, and they
can go as low as zero.

Gargoyles can take Intelligence just like any other characters. However, if a Gargoyle is created with only one dot in
Intelligence, then it may be a non-sentient. See the Special Note above.

"Come on, you've ridden on of these before."
"You rode a horse once; d'you think you could build one out of spare parts?"

- Broadway and Lexington

Except for the following, all Gargoyle abilities can be found in the other rulebooks.

Gliding: This is the Gargoyle's ability to use their wings to catch air currents and glide for long distances. Cities are
perfect for this kind of gliding, since the winds often whip around the buildings and provide plenty of lift.
Novice: You sometimes have to catch a ledge to avoid falling
** Practiced: You know how to spot a thermal.
*** Competent: You can go for hours without touching down.
**** Expert: You can land on a dime.
***** Master: Some would confuse your gliding with actual flight.

Sculpting: This art form involves the manipulation of shapes and space with a malleable medium. Of course, with a
hammer and chisel, nearly anything is malleable. This can be used to create purely representative works, or even
highly abstract modern sculpture.
Novice: You can make a very nice ashtray
** Practiced: You know how to get the horse out of the block of marble.
*** Competent: You could probably have your own showing.
**** Expert: It is difficult to tell your statues from the real people they represent.
***** Master: You're Michelangelo. Only with wings.

Combat Gliding: This is the ability to fight while gliding. While gliding, a Gargoyle may only roll as many dice for a
combat ability as he has dots in this skill. He may still roll the entire Attribute used, however. For instance; a
Gargoyle with no name has a Dexterity of 3, a Melee Weapons of 4, and a Combat Gliding of 2. In aerial fights, he may
only roll 5 dice (Dexterity + Combat Gliding). If Combat Gliding were higher than Melee Weapons, he would roll
Dexterity + Melee Weapons.

Novice: You can swoop.

Practiced: You can fire a weapon in flight.

*** Competent: They'll never know what hit them.

**** Expert: You're better than most people are on the ground.
***** Master: You could dogfight a jet fighter.

Human Society: Human society is a strange a wondrous thing to Gargoyles, and many find themselves drawn to it
like a moth to a flame. This knowledge is a basic understanding of humans and their ways, and can be invaluable in
interpreting their actions.
Student: You understand the whole name thing.
** College: You know how to tell the difference between a T.V. show and a commercial.
*** Masters: You can pretend to be human enough to have groceries delivered and cable installed.
**** Doctorate: With a heavy coat, a hat and really bad lighting, you could pass for human.
***** Scholar: You understand them better than they do themselves. If it weren't for the wings, you could run for office.

Night Lore: Of course the Gargoyles know that there are supernatural creatures in the world, but how much do they
know? They hold a tradition called Night Lore which is the knowledge of all those things that dread the day.
Student: You have vague hints, but nothing solid.
** College: You can see the evidence of other hands in the world.
*** Masters: You can tell a Garou from a Gangrel.
**** Doctorate: If you were human, you'd be a threat to the Masquerade.
***** Scholar: Mages come to you for advice.

Rituals: The Clan life is full of ritual and ceremony. Although these are nowhere near as complex as human rituals,
they do seem to be more powerful than some.
Student: You are an unskilled hatchling.
** College: You can lead a small rite.
*** Masters: You can take part in another Clan's rites without screwing up.
**** Doctorate: You could probably blend in at a Garou moot.
***** Scholar: You know just about all there is to know.

Technology: Gargoyles normally have no need for the contrivances of man, but occasionally one of them is
intrigued enough to learn about it. And when they learn, they learn big! A Gargoyle with this Knowledge is able to
make astounding leaps of intuition regarding mechanical and electronic devices.
*Student: You can fix a toaster.
**College: You can fix a VCR.
***Masters: You can improve the performance of a lap-top computer.
****Doctorate: You can build a motorcycle from spare parts after only riding one once.
*****Scholar: You could be the Gargoyle equivalent to Thomas Edison.

Free Advantages
"You're all right!"
"Sleep revitalizes us."

- Elisa and Goliath

All Gargoyles begin the game with these abilities.

Claws of Living Rock

Gargoyle claws, talons, teeth, beaks, and horns are all infused with the Gargoyle's inherent magical life-force;
therefore they do Aggravated damage.

Forbidding Glare

A Gargoyle can cause someone to flee from the area by glaring at them with their glowing eyes and rolling their
Charisma + Intimidation against the target's Willpower. With three or more successes, the victim will not even know
why he ran.
This power cannot be used on Gargoyles.

Frightening Laugh
This laugh can cause even the bravest of foes to freeze in their tracks in terror. The Gargoyle must let out an eerie,
hearty laugh and roll Charisma and Performance against the target's Willpower. The victim will remain immobile for a
number of turns equal to the number of successes rolled.
Gargoyles are immune to this power.

Healing Sleep
While stone during the day, Gargoyles heal all damage done to them, unless that damage destroys an organ or
severs a limb. Note that Gargoyles do not have the ability to heal while awake, and therefore, all damage is
"aggravated" to them.
Any damage done while a Gargoyle is in stone form is permanent, and may never be healed.

Howl of Alarm
This is a hideous, deafening roar that can be heard for several miles. It can be used as a signal, as a warning, or
even as a greeting.

Gargoyles are naturally fast, and therefore can spend a Willpower point to take two actions a turn during an entire
Gargoyles never go faster than two actions a turn without the aid of Magic.


- Goliath
These are traits all Gargoyles may have, but must train in order to use properly.

This most rarest of Endowments is the special magic of Gargoyles. So rare is it, in fact, that not all Clans even have a
Gargomancer, and none have more than one, possibly with an apprentice. This art has to do entirely with affecting
Gargoyles, and can only be performed by them.
At each level of Gargomancy, the character gains access to different effects.
* Scenting: The character can track by scent anyone he knows very well, and can smell the differences in types of
stone and can detect other Gargoyles.
* Blending: By standing still, the Gargoyle takes on the appearance of stone and will be mistaken for a statue. Four
successes on a Perception + Alertness roll with a difficulty of 6 are necessary to realize that the Gargoyle is not a
** Sealing: The character can seal any two pieces of stone together, so that they effectively become one piece. This
is a very effective second layer of defense for a Rookery.

This ability cannot be used to repair broken Gargoyles.

** Revealing the Flow: The character can see and follow the flow of Quintessence, Gnosis, or even Quickening (if
Immortals rules are used). On a Perception + Gargomancy roll with a difficulty of 6, three or more successes will also
tell the character what kind of energy it is (including Sphere).
*** Borrowing Might: With this effect, the Gargomancer leeches dots of one Physical Attribute from one character,
and bestows it upon himself temporarily. The character must spend a Willpower and roll Gargomancy with a
difficulty of 6. Each success transfers one dot. The Gargomancer must take all of the dots accounted for. If this
would drop the donor to zero or less, then the Gargomancer only gets as many points as the donor had, and the
donor passes out. If the donor is willing, no extra roll is needed. However, if the donor is unwilling, she may make a
Willpower roll. Each success eliminates one success from the Gargomancer. These effects last for one scene.
*** Lending Might: This effect is the opposite of Borrowing Might. The Gargomancer spends a Willpower point and
rolls Gargomancy. The Result is the number of points in one Attribute that are temporarily lent to another character.
Again, if the total brings the Gargomancer to zero, he passes out. This also lasts the entire scene.
**** Revisionism: This is a very unusual effect. The Gargomancer may carve a feature for a Gargoyle (including
himself) out of stone and attach it to the Gargoyle's body. The Gargoyle then holds the feature on himself and waits
for sunrise. At the next sunset, the feature becomes a part of the Gargoyle until sunrise, when it returns to its natural
stone and falls off. The feature may be a weapon, a limb, an extra tail, armor, or anything that would appear to be a
part of the monster's body. In order to achieve this, the Gargomancer must first have available a carving of the
desired feature that was created with at least 5 successes. Then he spends one point of Legendary Potential, and
rolls Intelligence + Gargomancy with a difficulty of the target's Stamina. As with Sealing, this cannot be used to
repair broken Gargoyles.
**** Sculpting Life: The Gargomancer may imbue statues with temporary life by spending one Legendary Potential
and one Willpower, and rolling Intelligence + Gargomancy with a target of 7. These statues, which may be prepared
ahead of time, can be of small animals, people, creatures, or even titanic monsters. These creatures will only retain
life for one night and one day, until the following sunset. The attributes for the creatures are assigned by the
Gargomancer, with the numbers determined by the number of successes. The statue will have one Talent, one Skill,
and one Knowledge, that the Gargomancer has, all at the same levels as the Gargomancer. Otherwise, they have no
Abilities except for those bought with Freebie Points. These creations have a Willpower equal to the number of
successes rolled to create them, and will only do their creator's bidding if they lose a contested Willpower roll. Keep
in mind, that while the creation will still be alive during the day, it's master will most likely be stone.
Successes Priorities

(3/1/0) 2 Freebie pts.

(4/2/1) 3 Freebie pts.
(5/3/1) 5 Freebie pts.
(6/4/2) 7 Freebie pts.
(7/5/3) 10 Freebie pts.
(9/6/4) 15 Freebie pts.
(10/7/5) 17 Freebie pts.
(12/8/6) 20 Freebie pts.

***** Transfer of Respite: This allows the Gargomancer to spend a Legendary Potential and roll Manipulation +
Gargomancy with a difficulty of his target's Willpower to transfer his stone nature onto another, non-Gargoyle being.
The target will be stone during the day, while the Gargomancer will be able to move about in daylight. This effect
lasts for one night. While stone, the target stores up energy just as a Gargoyle does, and gains a temporary + 1 to
both his Strength and his Dexterity for the next night. The effect can be resisted if the character wishes, by rolling a
Willpower test at 6 and getting more successes than the Gargomancer. If the target is willing, the effect need not be
resisted. This effect cannot be used two days in a row.
***** Gift of Stone: This is, indeed, an awesome and fearsome ability for a Gargomancer. By spending a Willpower
and a permanent point of Legendary Potential, then rolling Intelligence + Gargomancy against the target's
Willpower, the Gargoyle wizard can turn one being into stone forever, provided he touches the target. This fate can
only be reversed by a Mage with Life 4 and Matter 4, or some similar level of power.

Might of Stone
This Trait can be used by Gargoyles when they need a burst of Strength greater than that which they would
normally be capable of.
System: To activate, the character must roll a test of her Might of Stone trait, with a difficulty of 6. For each success,
add one to the Gargoyle's effective Strength for the remainder of the Scene. A Gargoyle can only store enough

energy for 1 hour's exertion in this manner. After that, he must spend a day as stone before he can do it again.

Gargoyles have many traits that make them monsters in the eyes of humans, but some are more monstrous than
others. These traits are what gain Gargoyles access to the nightmares of their enemies.
This Endowment has different aspects, and may be taken multiple times. In order to have the effect of more than one
Monstrosity, this is necessary. One of the aspects may be improved, but in order gain a new one, it bust be
purchased from the first level.
For example, a character may wish to have the Monstrosities; Fleshless Horror, Two Heads, Flaming Head, and
Faceless (one of the heads is Faceless, the other is flaming). He would need:
Monstrosity-Flesh *****
Monstrosity-Head *****
Monstrosity-Head ****
Monstrosity-Head **
As you can see, This would take 16 dots. This Gargoyle has his work cut out for him.
No Gargoyle with any dots in Monstrosity may have an Appearance over zero.
Extra Pair of Limbs:

You have an extra pair of limbs. These limbs have an effective Strength equal to your Strength - 4. You have one additional
attack at a +3 difficulty.
** Same as above, but the Strength is - 3.
*** Strength is - 2, and sextapedal Movement rate bases are now: Walk: 10, Jog: 15 + Dex, Run: 23 + Dex x 3
**** Strength is - 1, and sextapedal Movement rate bases are now: Walk: 10, Jog: 15 + Dex, Run: 23 + Dex x 3
***** Strength is equal to normal Strength, and sextapedal Movement rate bases are now: Walk: 11, Jog: 16 + Dex, Run: 24 +
Dex x 3

* Acid

You have specialized glads in your skin that produce a powerful acid. By spending a Legendary Potential point, you
can cause this acid to burn an object you touch. The damage caused is 3 dice for each turn the object is touched,
and it will continue to take this damage for an equal number of turns afterwards, unless cleaned off with water.
By concentrating, the Gargoyle can keep his secretions shut off for a number of turns equal to his Willpower. Once the
concentration is off, however, the acid starts brewing again, albeit very slowly. Any clothes or weapons the character
wishes to use on a regular basis should be dedicated to him to protect them. Without this protection, all but the
thickest clothing will be eaten away over the course of one night.

** Stone This Endowment allows the Gargoyle to grow a layer of stone skin just like the one he is covered with at night. The
difference is that this rock is broken at the joints, allowing nearly full range of movement, while providing extra armor
for a short time. To activate, the Gargoyle must spend a Legendary Potential and roll his Willpower against a difficulty
of 6. The number of successes is the number of Armor Points the skin will provide. This effect lasts a number of turns
equal to the character's Willpower.
In addition, this skin can be used as camouflage, just as the Gargomancy ability, Blending. However, this is subject to
the Willpower Time limit as well.
Your flesh appears rotted and putrid, and periodically falls off in chunks, revealing the bones below. Gain + 3 to all
Stench of Intimidation attempts.
Also, you can touch someone (attack roll may be required) and give her a form of fungal infection that takes effect
within minutes. For the next several days (equal to the net successes of the attack) she will be at - 1 to all Physical
and Social Attributes.
Your body takes on a horrible, oozing -- yet painless -- wound for each wound you inflict. That wound is linked to the
Horrible opponent whose real wound it matches. While in view of the opponent, you can dig in the wound, poke it, prod it -- or
anything you feel like doing. On a failed Willpower test, your opponent feels each movement. While this causes no
actual damage, they will think it is, and gain a psychological wound level for each success when the Gargoyle rolls
Manipulation + Monstrosity-Flesh for a difficulty of 6.

You have no apparent flesh; your body appears to be the skeleton of a beast that never lived. In actuality, your organs
Fleshless are extremely compact and are located inside your bones. These bones are hollow and contain your body rather than
Horror: supporting it. Your wings appear to be empty bones, but there is a very thin, transparent layer of skin on them that
shrivels up into the joints when not in use. Your exo-skeleton provides you with a permanent armor value of 4.

You have no actual head, and your eyes, nose, ears, and mouth are all located on your torso. The character is
Headless: immune to any attacks that target the head.

While stone, you appear much like a demon with a blazing head. When flesh, it is much the same. Your head is
constantly burning without being consumed. Fire based attacks do no damage to your head, and you can set objects
on fire by touching them with your head. Gain 2 dice to Intimidation attempts.

*** Two

You have two faces, one on either side of your head. You have two attempts to see anything, and all other
advantages of having two pairs of eyes. Your noses are too close to each other to be effective separately.

You have absolutely no features: eyes, nose, mouth, and ears are all gone. Your voice seems to emanate from
Faceless nowhere, and you eat by forcing food into your head where your face would be. Gain 2 dice to Intimidation rolls. A
faceless Gargoyle is immune to Dominate, and other mind-control attacks that require eye contact; as well as gas
attacks and sonic attacks targeting the ears.
***** Two You have a second head, and can operate it independently of the other. This allows you to look in two directions at
Heads: once, and gives you two attempts at seeing, hearing, or smelling anything when the Storyteller calls for it. You also
gain an extra bite attack. Note that the Fangs and Beak Merits will only apply to one mouth, so it must be taken again
if you wish both mouths to have it. Also, Horns will only apply to one head unless taken twice.

Rock Hide
This is the residual toughness present when someone spends half their life as stone. This allows a Gargoyle to
shrug off some injuries that would normally get through his natural defenses.
System: To Activate, the character must roll their Rock Hide trait with a difficulty of 6. Each Success acts an extra
dot of Stamina for the purposes of soaking physical damage only (ie: it would do nothing against drugs). This lasts
for the duration of the scene. A Gargoyle can only store enough energy for 1 hour's exertion in this manner. After
that, she must spend a day as stone before she can do it again.

The stone-carvers who first turned their hideous decorations into defensive weapons based the idea on the stories
of battles fought against the Gargoyles. Some of them have a predilection towards violent regurgitation on the
battlefield. This sputum was never actual food, however. Their enemies would soon find themselves bathed in
boiling oil, molten lead, or other similar substances.
When a Gargoyle Spouts, he must spend a point of Legendary Potential, and roll Dexterity to attack. The difficulty
for the attack is 7.
The Gargoyle must ingest the proper substance (water, oil, lead, or rock) a full hour before using it. If he does not
use it before the sun rises, then it is metabolized while he is stone, and he awakes the next night with a bad case of
Boiling Water - Damage 3
** Boiling Oil - Damage 5
*** Blazing Oil - Damage 7 plus fire
**** Molten Lead - Damage 10
***** Magma - Damage 10 plus fire

Gargoyles have access to the same Numina as humans, and may spend Freebie Points on them. See The Hunters'
Hunted or the Year of the Hunter supplements for details.
Note that if a Gargoyle does not begin the game with Numina, he may not buy it later.

"A Gargoyle can no more stop protecting the Castle, than breathing the air."

- Hudson
Except as noted, the Backgrounds listed are the same as those in the other Storyteller games.

This represents other Gargoyles who call you "friend." They can be called upon in times of need, and they will fight
for you to the death. They will also help in any way they are capable. Of course, being a member of the Clan, you are
expected to hold no less a measure of loyalty and may be called on from time to time to help them.
A Clan may include non-Gargoyles if the person in question has proven themselves to be a true and loyal friend.
Non-Gargoyle characters can take this background and therefore be an "honorary" Gargoyle, with all the duties and
privileges this entails.
Your Clan consists of one other Gargoyle.
** There are up to three other Gargoyles in your clan.
*** There are up to seven Gargoyles in your Clan.
**** Your Clan consists of up to fifteen Gargoyles.
***** You're not sure you've even spoken to everyone in your Clan, there are so many.

A Gargoyle's home is his, well.... A Gargoyle may think of an entire city as the castle he protects, but this is the place
he actually sleeps during the day, and sometimes a valuable resource to draw upon.

An abandoned building. No one ever comes here, so you're hidden, but there is no electricity, no water, no gas, no larder,
not even a stockpile of supplies.
** A cavern system some distance from civilization. There is plenty of room, geothermal heat for eggs, and a fresh water
*** A small place, hidden, but in the midst of much activity, so that you have access to many varied resources. May be hooked
up to electricity, but no deliveries will be made to you, since no one is supposed to live there.
**** A castle, mansion, church or skyscraper with a splendid view of the city. A very modern home, you are hooked up to cable,
the internet, and anything a human could expect.
***** You literally live like a king. Every luxury is available, the defenses are solid and near impenetrable, and there is room for
several full-sized clans.

These are the rituals of Gargoyle life. Some are social, most are defensive. All Gargoyles are taught how to
participate in the rites, some are taught to perform them.
For each dot in this background, the character may take one Rite. They may only take rites that are of an equal or
lower level than their Rituals Knowledge.
To use a Rite, the character must roll his Charisma + Performance. The difficulty number will vary dependent on the
Rite, but is most often 6.
Level 1 Rites

Rite of Dedication: This is similar to the Werewolf rite of the same name, except that items dedicated in this manner
change to stone with the Gargoyle during the day, as long as they are holding them when the sun comes up.
Calling the Clan: This rite is a silent call that alerts all members of the Clan to report to the Castle or another location
for a meeting.
Welcoming the Egg: This rite is performed when a new egg has been laid and the clan acknowledges the unborn as
one of their own. After this ritual, all clan members will instinctively know if the egg is in distress simply by being
near it.
Level 2 Rites
Rite of Recognition: This rite is the official initiation of a full grown Gargoyle or someone else who has been
accepted into the Clan. From this point on, all rites and effects that mention clan members in their description will
include the newcomer in their effects.
Concealing the Roost: This is usually performed by a Gargoyle who finds himself too far away from home with
sunrise approaching. Once finished, the place the character is perched will be pointedly ignored by all casual
glances, and anyone specifically searching for the Gargoyle must roll Perception + Investigation with a difficulty of 8
in order to spot him.
Marking the Vandal: This rite is performed when the Clan suspects they may be in danger during the day. Performed
on the entire Clan just before daybreak, it watches over them in the daylight. If anyone or anything damages or
otherwise harms any of the Clan, the rest will know them on sight. This rite will only function on the day after it is
Level 3 Rites
Sealing the Rookery: By performing this rite on the Clan's Rookery, which must have a closable door, the Gargoyles
make it impassable to all but members of the Clan. The seal may be broken by Magic of Forces 3 or better. This lasts
for one month.
Hunting the Vandal: This allows the entire clan to track the vandal marked in the earlier rite. Lasting for one night, it
guides the Gargoyles in the direction of the foe by the most direct route. If the vandal is not found that night, or was
too far away to reach, then the rite can be performed again, but the difficulty goes up by one each time it is
performed. The beginning difficulty is 6.
Rite of Rending: This dreaded rite is reserved only for the most heinous of Gargoyle crimes, and is only done when
killing the offender is out of the question for some reason. By performing this rite, the Clan expels and
excommunicates a former member. All members of the clan will know on sight that this Gargoyle (or other) is an
outcast, and unwelcome. Even future generations of the Clan and new inductees will recognize the exile, despite
having joined the Clan years after the rite.
Level 4 Rites
The Hero's Rest: This is a preparation for great deeds or horrible battle. By performing this rite on another Gargoyle,
and spending 1 Willpower, you send them into their stone sleep, not even to awaken at night. The Gargoyle sleeps
this way for a number of nights equal to the number of successes rolled at a difficulty of 7. On the night he revives,
the Gargoyle is completely refreshed and has an additional dot of Dexterity for each night at rest, and an additional
dot of Strength for each two nights, rounded down. This bonus lasts for the entire night, and is gone the next night.
The Gargoyle may not sleep longer than the time allowed by the roll, but he may awake earlier, provided he states
this intention before turning to stone.
Shielding the Sun: By spending a Willpower and performing this rite, a Gargoyle may avoid or postpone turning into
stone during the day. The only restriction is that he must remain completely out of the sunlight. If the slightest beam
hits the smallest part of the Gargoyle, he is stone until nightfall.
Level 5 Rites
The Sleepless Day: By spending two Willpower and performing this rite, the character has the ability to function in
the day as a human would. This rite cannot be used on consecutive days.

Gargoyles don't have as stratified a society as many other creatures; they simply have a Clan Leader, a second in
command, and advisors. Everyone else is treated equally. However, sometimes a Gargoyle stands out a bit through
heroism or something similar.

You have distinguished yourself on a few missions or in battle, and are being watched by some influential clanmembers.


All the Clan respects you for one of your abilities. You are the best, or possibly the only one for the job when it involves your
expertise. This sometimes gets you out of an unpleasant task elsewhere, but you are constantly asked to exercise your
*** You are looked up to by most of your Clan, and the Clan Leader respects your opinions. You may have even been
appointed to a station, possibly second in command.
**** Your Leader trusts you implicitly, and may grant you the station of chief advisor.
***** You are probably the Clan Leader, and have much respect in the eyes of your roost-mates.

"Ah, but I know something you don't, something that comes only with age; I know how to wait."

- Hudson
All Gargoyles begin the game with three dots of Willpower. This can be increased by spending Freebie Points.
Willpower is used just like in all the other Storyteller games.

Legendary Potential
"We are defenders of the night; we are Gargoyles."

- Goliath
While tales and legend are a large part of many people's lives, Gargoyles' lives are a part of legend. Most of them
have no care for this, while a few actually hold a secret pride over this status. Legendary Potential is that part of a
Gargoyle which spawns epics. When something happens to a Gargoyle, this Potential makes it more dramatic than
it would be for nearly any other beings. Other creatures and people may have legends and tales told of them, but
this is the result of them setting out to do something momentous. For a Gargoyle, life is never prosaic; the simplest
task will shortly take on epic proportions. This is very likely an effect of their status as "hold-outs" from the Mythic
Age. Gargoyles have a tendency to be in the right place at the wrong time, so they become legends without
intention. Given their strong morality, they very rarely just let something be, and they never heard the advice, "don't
get involved."
The Legendary Potential of a Gargoyle is what allows him to perform feats beyond the ken of mortals. Being part of
the collective psyche, legend can affect reality in the same way Mages can sometimes. When the imagination of
hundreds of thousands of mortals are turned to the same thing, it can cause reality to change in some small way.
Gargoyles are the storehouse for much of this energy. They can use it to perform the deeds which become a part of
Legendary Potential is spent in order to power the various Endowments, Rites, or Numina a Gargoyle may have.
See the individual description for details. If the description is from another game and mentions Blood, Gnosis, or
Quintessence, Legendary Potential can be substituted for it.
All Gargoyles begin the game with three dots in Legendary Potential. This can be increased by Freebie Points.
Legendary Potential can be regained through legendary deeds. If a Gargoyle does something that is beyond the
abilities of mortals, or if he performs an action of considerable valor or heroism, he can attempt to regain Legendary
Potential. There must be at least one witness to the deed, and the character can then roll her permanent Legendary
Potential with a difficulty of her current Legendary Potential. If the character has at least one success, then she
gains one point of Legendary Potential back. A Gargoyle can never gain back more Legendary Potential than her
permanent score.

Genie: The Wishing

By John Ladd (

He looked around to see his suroundings this time, it had been 3,000 years since his last master; now everything was different.
"Who has awakened me" said Kazaam.
"I have" said Joseph. "Then you are my master, and you are granted 3 wishes" said Kazaam.
"First I want to understand who you are, and where you come from" said Joseph.
"First I am Kazaam, and second I come from Israel" said Kazaam.
"Next, I would like to know how you became a Genie, and what are the extent or your powers."
"Well then, I became a genie over 5,000 years ago in Israel. I had an interlude with one of the sultan's harem and was caught by
the sultan himself. The next thing I know I was up to my neck in sand and left to die in the desert. Then all of a sudden there was a
gentlemen standing there, he told me he could save me but I had to serve him. I agreed. As for the extent of my powers, I can't
make anyone fall in love with anyone, or change history, and I can't change destiny."

Before God created man, he created a grand race and God called them Djinni and he gave them great power over their destiny
and all manor of life. But the Djinni became cruel to all that god had created so God cursed all the Djinni to serve the next race
he created, and bottled them up in all manner of objects. Now the Djinni are fighting back ready to reclaim the world they have

Character Creation
Attributes: 11/9/7
Abilities: 20/16/12 (Note: depending on the time you are playing in and how long since the djinni has been in its bottle some
abilities should be limited to a genie.

Magic: 12
Backgrounds: 7
Virtues: 7
Humanity: Honor + Wisdom
Willpower: Wrath
Freebie Points: 30 (7/5/2/1)

For the magic of genies use the Mage spheres and lower the difficulty by 3. Djinni have all level 1 powers automatically. The
level six powers for Djinni are listed below, or if you have the write ups for the level 6 powers of the oracles you should use them
instead. Also the Djinni can ignore the sphere of Prime for they are beings of Prime incarnate.

Correspondence: Join Localities

The Djinni merge any amount of space and matter of 2 locations. He can also move the transported object to a different location
so as not to merge 2 different objects.

Entropy: Philosophical Entropy

The Djinni can destroy ideals on a societal level.(damage from this level is 6x the number of successes)

Forces: Control and Spawn Greater Forces

The Djinni can create any magnitude of major forces and also has the ability to create the effects of splitting an atom or fission or
fusion and etc. (damage from this level is 6x the number of successes.)

Life: Create life

The Djinni can create totally new life with sentience.(damage from this level is 6x the number of successes)

Matter: Transform matter

The Djinni can totally change any of the properties of any material.

Mind: Astral form

The djinni can change himself into an astral form with all the abilities and attributes he has in a physical form.

Spirit: Create spirit/recall spirit

All djinni can create a totally new spirit, but only Jenn can recall a spirit from the Shadowlands or Oblivion.

Time: Time Control

The Djinni has total control over time. He can stop it, reverse it, fast foward it, travel to the past, and travel into the future whatever
he wishes.

Innate Powers
If a Djinni is held to an object then anyone getting a hold of that object is granted three wishes (within ST's allowance).
The only damage that is aggravated is damage from magic or purely magical creatures such as Dragons, Demons and
True Immortality.
Heal 1 level of damage every minute, and aggravated damage heals at a rate of 1 level every minute, if taken to beyound
incapacitated the djinni will take the number of levels of damage x 10 years to reform.
No form of domination works such as Dominate, Presence and any other power that simulate Dominate.
See through any form of illusion such as Chimerstry, and obfuscate, etc.
All Djinni can grant wishes if they so choose.(with the exception of the above)
No need to eat, drink. sleep, or breathe.
Take no damage from natural heat or cold and can withstand any amount of pressure or vacuum.
Strength is equal to Potence.
Dexterity is equal to Celerity.
Stamina gives one extra health level per point and is equal to Fortitude.
Charisma equals Dominate.
Manipulation equals Chimerstry.
Appearance equals Presence.
Perception equals Auspex.
Djinni do not need to spend anything to use their powers.. They don't have a blood pool, Quintessence or any other type of
power source. They also do not take any form of Paradox when using magic.

The following backgrounds are the only ones I think make any sense for a genie: Age (I have done some adjusting to this see
below), Status (in the djinni society), Bottle (explained below), Allies (Djinni allies), Name ( how respected you are in the djinni
society), Nobility.

The only thing I am changing is how old you are. If you take this background everything else stays the same.
** 351-750
*** 751-1500
**** 1501-3000
***** 3000+

The object in which you are chained to.
You don't want to know. Just enough room for you and barely enough for that.
Small, very little room, no luxuries (small wine bottle, Flask, compass, etc.)
** Adequate, enough room to do what you need, a few luxuries (wine bottle, oil lamp, boom box, etc)
*** Nice, plenty of room, enought luxuries to make you not want to be disturbed (pony keg, tv, etc)
**** Luxurious, lots or room several infact, as many luxuries as you need and a few more (keg, entertainment system,etc.)
***** NO bottle. Somehow you are free. You are a Jenn, a Djinni that has been given his freedom.

You are no better than the other supernaturals and no one trusts you.
You are accepted among the Djinni but have done nothing noteworthy.
** Your feats are remembered; the ones with lesser names bow to you.
*** Your name is respected and the older ones will listen to you.
**** The oldest sometimes call to you for advice.
***** When you speak everyone quiets down and listens.

You have no nobility.
You are a Malik in Djinni society.
** You are a Sheriff in Djinni society.
*** You are a Shiek in Djinni society.
**** You are an Emir in Djinni society.
***** You are a Beys in Djinni society.

Each of these have a corresponding attribute group that these stats may be used as Willpower in that corresponding area.

Honor (Social)
You have no honor.
** You have a sick and twisted sense of honor.
*** You believe there is honor among thieves.
**** Your word is your bond.
***** You would rather die than break you word.

Wisdom (Mental)
** Rash
*** Unwise
**** Competent
***** Wise

Wrath (Physical)
** Hateful
*** Spiteful
**** Contemptious
***** Forgiving


The Djinni once had a grand and glourious society but when god intervened and cursed them he wiped all existence of the Djinn
from the planet.
The Vizier is the only one that god did not punish for he did not like what the Djinn were doing and many times had punished a
Djinni for his acts. The Vizier is a most truely powerful being. The ability to write up this being is impossible. Just think
Antedeluvian and multiply that by a factor of 2. He is the most powerful being to exist except for god. (Note I would not allow the
playing of the Vizier unless you are playing an Antedeluvian campaign.)

Vampires: Why would anyone want to continually be a leech on the mortal society.
Lupines: Misguided souls. Don't they know that there must be good and evil.
Mages: One of my kind bestowed the knowledge they have to them.
Wraiths: Poor souls; they can't find a final rest. We pity them.
Immortals: They aren't Immortal. The only true Immortals are us.
Cursed: We can give them a final rest, all of them.
Dragons: They think they're so powerful. What they don't remember or admit to is they were our pets once and will be again.
Changelings: Cute aren't they.
Mummy: They make us laugh. They only have a glimpse of true power. What they don't know is they are so close to mages.
Cenobites: They have tried our patience. They must be destroyed.
Nightbreed: They are children lost in a sea of nightmares.
Angels/Demons: They are jealous infidels. They have the same power but don't have any imagination or will. They will all perish
once all my kind are released.

By Steve Kok ( and Eric Wicklund



Charisma ** / ***
Appearance **** (specialization of 'Cute')
Perception ***
Intelligence **

Drive * (Pink Barbie Corvettes)

Willpower: ***
Health levels: 5
Merit: Acute Hearing
Flaw: Sunlight causes aggravated damage; may soak with stamina roll.
Exposure/turn Health Levels Lost
part of body One
Half of body Two
All of body Three

The Rules
Rule #1: Don't get them wet.
Rule #2: Keep them out of the sun.
Rule #3: never feed them after Midnight.

The Cocoon
Danger feeding hours: Midnight to Dawn. If fed in this time, the Maguai will curl up and lose consciousness. Pores in their skin
will emit cocoon material. Approx. three hours to complete the cocoon. Four hours are taken for the transformation within the
cocoon. Development of the Gremlin features takes five hours after the change. The Gremlin will then hatch.


Willpower: ******

Health levels: 5
Merit: Acute Hearing
Flaw: Sunlight causes aggravated damage (See Maguai for Sunlight rules; exception: No soak roll allowed)
For every cubic centimeter of water applied to a Maguai or Gremlin, one individual of the appropriate form will bubble off and
grow to full size within ten minutes. There is no cocoon stage for Gremlins or Maguai created in this way.
Well, that's it for the Gremlins. May they toss plenty of saw blades at your players. Never forget the maliciousness of the
Gremlins; they can become great fun for your players. (Plenty of Wyrm taint for you Werewolfers)

The Guilds of New Orleans

By Mitch Kelly ( and Al Stuart (

"Thieves and Assassins always at my service, as I reaped the benefits of both."
--Candra, Gambit LS#3, "The Benefactress"
The World of Darkness, Vampire, Werewolf, Mage, Wraith etc. is copyright of the White Wolf Game Studio, the X-Men, Gambit,
Candra, and other X-related stuff is copyright of Marvel Entertainment Group Inc.
Alternate New Orleans by Night is copyright of Paul Strack and Stacey Lawless.
No infringement of anyone's copyright is intended. We did this for fun. Enjoy it!

Inspiration, sources and intent

This is intended to add a little more to the already excellent Alternate New Orleans by Night, by Paul Strack and Stacey Lawless.
New Orleans is, or seems to be, a fascinating place, and Paul and Stacey have inspired me to run Chronicles in the city, and
add another group. Just for a little more mystery...
I have always thought that with a little work, Marvel's Uncanny X-Men would fit neatly in with the World of Darkness. One of my
favourite characters in the X-Men is the Cajun thief, Gambit. Way back, Marvel did a limited series featuring Gambit, who had to
return to his home town of New Orleans, to deal with problems between the Guilds, to one of which he had formerly belonged.
None of this is intended to be a precise reflection of the events in the Gambit LS. It merely uses them as an inspiration

"If you are to survive in a civilised country, you'd best know something to the detriment of your fellows"
-- Joseph Porta, "Monte Cassino"
The Guilds have been in New Orleans as long as there has been a New Orleans. When the city was first founded by the French,
before the Spaniards took it over, or the clearances in Canada drove the Arcadian refugees into the swamps of Louisiana, the
Guilds were there.
According to their own stories, they had existed in the Old World, and like a great many of the people who went to America, they
left because of persecution. The Guilds had served the noble houses of Europe for many centuries by this stage. The Guilds'
own sources suggest they had been doing so since the beginning of the Christian period. Whilst they had primarily been used by
the Kings of what is now France, they had acted for the rulers of England, Burgundy, Flanders, the Kingdoms in what is now
Spain and the nobles of the Holy Roman Empire.
Of course, this includes the period of the Crusades, the Inquisition, and the Vampiric Anarch Revolt. The Guilds served all the
factions of the time with equal enthusiasm, and as a result, over this time they had made many enemies. After centuries of being
beholden to the Guilds to keep their secrets and solve their problems, those enemies banded together in significant numbers to
actually destroy the Guilds. The Guilds got wind of the plan, and left for the New World precipitously. They left behind most of
their accumulated wealth, and much of their huge archive of information on the Nobles they had served.
The remnants of this archive fell into the hands of the Guilds' pursuers. The information therein kept those pursuers busy killing
each other for decades, by which time the Guilds had vanished and no one cared to go looking for them again.

Current Status and Activities

"Not all t'ings are as dey seem, bra."
Henri LeBeau, Gambit LS #1, "Tithing"
The Guilds are old; that much can be taken as read, but who are they, what are they?
Many people mistake them for being simply another offshoot of the Mafia or the Corsican Union, or perhaps another organised
crime group with its roots buried in the middle ages. Many people are wrong.

The Guilds of New Orleans are one of the more dangerous "Semiawakened" groups in the world. Comprising two groups of
families, who marry among themselves and into the community outside. Many Guild members marry other Guild members, but
many marry outside, bringing new blood into the families and preventing inbreeding and stagnation. Marriages are often
arranged to ensure that the blood of the families remains strong, but has a regular inflow of new genes.
Admission into the Guilds is more about ability and drive that who one's grandfather was, and although all the initiated members
of the Guilds are members of the main families, the blood runs thicker in some than in others. All members of the families who
show promise in the arts that the Guilds use are trained from childhood. Many learn little, and remain no more than normal
people. These people are the family members that Guild initiates rely upon for support, succour and aid. The remainder, those
who show a greater aptitude or enthusiasm, continue their education. Formal teaching is continued, especially in technology,
linguistics and the arts, but the special skills of the Guilds are taught in abundance. Finally, as an aspirant, one petitions for
initiation. Initiation into the Guilds is simple: a family member, usually one who is closely related and of good standing,
recommends to the Guild that the aspirant is allowed entry. A ceremony is held, at which a number of aspirants are usually
inducted together.
During this ceremony, The Benefactress appears and oaths are sworn. This is the first time that an aspirant will have met the
mysterious Benefactress, the spiritual "mother" of the Guilds, and the being to which the aspirant will devote her life. Then, the
aspirants are sent on a mission, on their own. If the aspirants succeed, they are initiated, and gain their first rank in the Benefit of
the Guild, as well as their Tithe Box with its lifetime obligation of service to the Benefactress. If the aspirant fails, it means that
she has died.
The Guilds will hire out to those who know about them, and can pay. Payment, to the Guilds, comes in many forms, and money is
only one, and perhaps the least one, of all of them. Although the Guilds are fabulously rich, and many members are millionaires,
they tend to live in tumble-down old houses, furnished in outdated styles. The only trappings of wealth are the clothes, which even
when tattered are of exquisite quality, and the ornamentation in the houses: beautiful jewellery, old master paintings, classical
statues and antiques, any of which could grace a national art museum.
The Guilds often take payment in other forms. Influence, control of territory, power in business and politics, all are regarded as
fair exchange. As is information. The Guilds have huge records on both the mundane and the supernatural. Indeed, their occult
library is one of the most extensive anywhere, and they are not shy about teaching their members what is inside it, or using that
knowledge. They have discovered a great deal about Vampires, Garou, Mages, Wraiths and Changelings. Certainly enough to
make them a serious threat if such a group were to become a major hazard or inconvenience to the Guilds. Fortunately, at
present the Guilds see the Supernatural as a prime source of work, and husband it, rather than threaten it.
The Guilds are a major power in the southern United States. As well as New Orleans, their influence has spread to other cities in
Louisiana, and in Texas and Florida. Their power can be felt in the state governments, as well as those of the cities. Beyond this
area, the Guilds have agents all along the Eastern seaboard of the United States, and in Western Europe, particularly France,
Spain and Italy.
But it is in New Orleans that the Guilds have their great powerbase, and their home. They control three huge areas of the city. In
these areas, the Camarilla does not hunt, by mutual agreement, and the Sabbat does not go there. They have lost too many
newly embraced Licks to make it worth while.
Contacting the Guilds is simple on the face of it: many small churches in New Orleans are points where messages can be
dropped. Later, a Guild member will collect the message, then meet the originator. The Guild will ask what is needed and offer
its terms. No negotiation, no haggling. The price is either accepted, or the job does not get done.
The Guilds have had to modify their activities many times over the centuries. There is no longer sufficient work for the Guilds in
killing and stealing alone, and so the Guilds have added other fields of expertise to their operations.
The Thieves' Guild will now also undertake security consultancy, counter surveillance, investigation, and research into unusual,
occult or simply dangerous matters.
The Assassins' Guild will also perform bodyguarding, couriering, intimidation and investigation work.
The organisation of the Guilds is relatively simple. The Thieves have ten families in their Guild; the Assassins have nine. The
heads of each of these families together form the inner council of each of the Guilds. This inner council decides the strategy of
the Guilds, what they will do, who will be initiated, who will live and who will die. One family dominates each Guild, and the head
of that family is the leader of the Guild or Guildmaster. The current leaders of the Guilds are Jean-Luc LeBeau, of the Thieves,
and Marius Boudreaux, of the Assassins. Although both the current leaders are men, there have been numerous female
Guildmasters. The position generally passes to the eldest child of the previous Guildmaster, but it is dependent on ability as well
as pedigree, and other family members have been elevated to the position before now.

Codes and Business

"Assassins always play for Keeps. But fortunately, so do Thieves!"
--Gambit, Gambit LS#2, "Honor Among Thieves"
The Guilds can, and will, provided the price is right, undertake to steal almost anything from anyone, and to kill anyone,
anywhere. Almost. The Guilds have rules, a set of strict moral principles that they will abide by, and do not break for anyone, or
any price.

They will not steal from the poor, or the weak. They will not steal from the starving, or the homeless. If such a person has what the
Guilds are asked to recover, they will buy it from the owner.
They will not kill the helpless, or those who cannot defend themselves. Requests to kill people in these positions are met with
scorn, and repeated requests have been met with violence.
No member of the Guilds will ever knowingly harm a child. In the past, people have thought to use this rule to keep the Guilds at
arm's length. The Guilds have always found a way to overcome this barrier, and they usually extend their contract to take their
vengeance against someone who will use a child in such a way.
Thefts, or "Pinches" are performed using skill, daring and guile, not violence and dynamite.
Assassinations, or "Strokes" are performed up close, face to face, where the victim has a chance to fight back. Bodyguards
may be eliminated from a distance, but the target is always killed hand to hand, not shot, poisoned or blown up.
The Thieves' Guild is more than capable of blasting open a bank vault, or using the latest in computer chicanery to get what it
wants, and the Assassins are experts with guided weapons and poisons, but for a real Pinch or Stroke, it comes down to the
skill and daring of the individual Guild members. The Guilds only use these more modern abilities when they hunt for revenge. At
that point, beware!
The only other rules the Guilds have are to keep their word. The word of a Thief or Assassin is as good as truth. They will do
what they say or die trying, whether it is to complete the task appointed to them, or revenging themselves on those who do not
To an outsider, this seems to be the most important part of Guild life, but again, appearances are deceptive. The most important
thing to the Guilds is their relationship with the Benefactress, their mysterious leader, guide, spiritual head and power source.
The Guilds tell the story that Candra, the Benefactress, is the Mother of the Guilds. She, so the story goes, created the Guilds,
and imbued them with their powers, raising them above the level of the "Gens," and allowing them to make their own way in the
world. The Benefactress, in return for the granting of the Benefits, the powers of the Guilds that allow them to compete even with
the Awakened, requires two things. First, obedience to her requests. Any mission the Benefactress requires is undertaken
immediately, without question or hesitation. To question or hesitate is to be deemed a traitor, and the fate of traitors is harsh.
The other requirement is to carry the Tithe Box, and present it to the Tithe Collector once every seven years.
The Guilds are uncertain as to what Candra really is. She keeps her distance from her "Children," cloaking herself in legend and
mystery. Those who have investigated her closely have usually met bad ends, but the general consensus among the Guilds is
that Candra is a Spirit being of the more powerful sort. The Guilds believe that their powers devolve directly from her, and so do
not look too closely into matters Candra has told them to ignore.
The next most important thing is "Family Business", the ongoing feud between the Guilds. The Thieves' and Assassins' hate one
another passionately, like two branches of an ancient family locked in a blood feud, the original cause of which is forgotten. The
Guilds steal from each other, undermine one another's power and influence, and frequently kill each other. They target one
another's houses, assets friends and relatives. Nothing except one's children are safe. Children, in the eyes of the Guilds, are
above the dangers of "Family Business" and two Guild members, who abhor each other on sight and would normally cheerfully
strangle each other will become not merely polite, but caring if one of the two has his or her children with them.
The Guilds fight each other anywhere in the city. "Family Business" rarely spreads outside New Orleans, since the Guild
members outside the city are generally few and occupied with missions. The only place that is safe is the Church of the Lost
Heart. The Church of the Lost Heart, an old wooden church close to the Mississippi, is the Guilds' spiritual home. It is here that
both Guilds perform their initiation ceremonies, and it is here that the Tithing takes place. Neither side would attack the other
here, for fear of arousing the anger of the Benefactress. The church survives because both sides want it to. It allows them a
neutral meeting place, and if one knows about it, it is the perfect place to make contact. Others outside the Guilds have tried to
destroy the church. Some, like the city environmental department, have simply been bought off or ordered to ignore the structure.
Those whose motives are more sinister have a place reserved for them in the crypts: the bleached skulls of the Guilds' worst
enemies are displayed on racks, as both a victory monument and a warning. The skulls of traitors to the Guilds rest here also, a
reminder to those that would consider betraying their families or their "Mother."
The "Family Business" is another aspect of Candra's power over the Guilds. These rivalries were set up by Candra, and over
the centuries she has fanned their flames again and again. She uses the constant feuding to keep her Guilds in good shape,
tough and well-practised. Candra also finds the battles exciting, and so continues them for that reason. Her strongest reason for
continuing to stir up hatred between her Guilds is to ensure that the Guilds do not have too much time to think about her. Candra
knows that if she allows them to, the Guilds might start to investigate her, and she will not allow her "Children" to find out the truth
about her.
With all of these contradictions and the ongoing battles, it would appear to an outsider that the Guilds are a ramshackle
operation, ripe for destruction. The Guilds take any external threat very seriously indeed, and in the event of such a thing
happening, they suspend all "Family Business" until such a time that the threat has receded or been dealt with.

"Father! We will have words..."

-- Gambit, Gambit LS#2, "Honor Among Thieves"

A brief guide to Guild Terms

None of the words in this guide are intended to reflect the speech of New Orleans. They are terms used by the Guilds only, and
the Guilds "ain't like normal folks."

Benefactress: The granter of the Guilds powers, and their ultimate Mistress.
Benefits: The powers of the Guilds, granted by the Benefactress.
Brethren: see Family
Conjourman/woman: A Mage.
Cottonmouth: A Setite.
Family: The Guilds.
Family Business: The ongoing feuds between the Guilds.
Gris-gris: Magic, or Magick. Anything odd, inexplicable or to do with the powers of the Awakened or Semiawakened.
Gaunt: A Wraith.
Gens: The common people, Sleepers. (from the French.)
Connies: The Awakened, those who know what is going on. (from the French Connaitre, to know)
Loopie (or Loupe): A Garou. (from the French, Loupe-Garou) Nightfiend: A Kindred.
Pinch: A theft.
Portunes: Faeries or Changelings
Slasher: Derogatory term used by Thieves of Assassins.
Sneak: Derogatory term used by Assassins of Thieves.
Stroke: An assassination.
Tithing: The act of carrying the Tithe Box, which is passed to the Benefactress, in return for the Benefits.

Character Creation
"We all have our secrets"
--Gambit, Gambit LS#1, "Tithing"
In general, Thieves have Mental attributes and Talents as primary, whilst Assassins have Physical attributes and Skills as
primary. This is far from universal.

Common Natures
For Thieves, Bon Vivant, Conniver, Gallant, Jester or Architect are the commonest. Judge or Caregiver occasionally.
For Assassins, Bravo, Gallant, Fanatic or Director are commonest. Visionary or Judge occasionally.
The Natures Curmudgeon, Loner and Survivor are common in both of the Guilds.
Demeanours are extremely variable, and usually change to suit the circumstances.



Freebie Points

Required Abilities
Thieves: Subterfuge, Streetwise or Stealth 3 (at least one), Security or Repair 3 (at least one).
Other common abilities: Acting, Empathy, disguise, Investigation, Finance, Law, Melee, Firearms, Brawl.
Assassins: Brawl, Melee or Firearms 3 (at least one), Intimidation or Leadership 3 (at least one).
Other common abilities: Demolitions, Repair, Investigation, Acting, Medicine.
Both: Alertness 2, Occult 1.


The following Backgrounds are available, unchanged:
Allies, Alternate Identity, Arcane (no character can start with more than 2 dots in Arcane), Contacts, Fame (although it is strongly
discouraged), Influence, Resources.

New or Modified Backgrounds

(Now scaled to the Guilds). Remember, a Mentor usually wants a favour in return for a favour...
Mentor is a low-ranking member, and is of limited help.
** Mentor is of low rank, but well-respected. Can help in certain circumstances.
*** Mentor is of moderate rank, and is well-respected. He or she can be of great help.
**** Mentor is a high ranking guild member, and can provide most of the help a member could want.
***** Mentor is one of the Leaders of the Guilds, and can provide virtually any help -- at a price.

Family describes the number of blood relatives that you know of that you can trust and call upon in emergencies. They can feed,
shelter, support and may even protect you in times of trouble, but they are not bodyguards, cannon fodder or super technoassistants.

1 Family member
3 Family members
7 Family members
11 Family Members

***** 15 Family members

In addition to their specific Benefits, Life and Power, the members of the Guilds gain additional advantages. These advantages
are granted to the Aspirant when the Benefactress sends him or her off on their first Pinch or Stroke. These advantages are in
probability blood-related and somehow associated directly with the families in the Guilds. It is simply that the rest of the family
members do not develop them.

Life 1. In addition, Thieves gain Heightened Senses (as per the Merit) and the ability to move without being seen. Provided the
Thief makes the effort to remain stealthy, and does nothing to draw attention, no-one will notice her. People simply ignore her
presence. To notice a Thief, one must first suspect there is someone there, then beat the Thief's successes on a roll of Wits +
Stealth (D5) on a roll of Per + Alertness (D7). If the Thief is actively hiding, the difficulties are 4 and 8 respectively, and if the
Thief does something violent or obvious, the difficulty for each character's roll changes to 6. This power initially does nothing to
conceal the Thief from surveillance equipment. Note that this power is not Vampiric Obfuscation. It is not automatically defeated
by Auspex. Auspex gives additional dice on the rolls to see the Thief, no more.

Power 1. Assassins also get Heightened Senses, an additional strength dot (even if it takes them over 5 dots) and the ability to
implant commands or suggestions in the minds of others. The Assassin must roll Wits + Intimidation, versus the target's
Willpower. A command of up to three words can be used, such as "Drop the gun!" or "Outta my way!", and the target will obey.
This power will work on the Awakened, but the difficulty rises by one, and a Willpower point must be spent.

Other Abilities
The Guilds have always had among them many members with "Semiawakened" powers. Many of these people are Guild
members, but others are "Helpers," outsiders who are in effect Guild members, bound by the rules and protected by the Guilds,
but not members of the families. Many of the Guilds' Healers, and their Voodoo practitioners, fall into this group.
The most common of these powers are:

Hedge Magick (especially Spirit Thaumaturgy and Path of Voodoo)

Precognition / Fortune Telling

Normal people subconsciously recognise the Guilds for what they are: hunters, creatures that prey upon normal men and
women. This recognition leads to unease when people deal with the Guilds: all Social rolls made by a Guild member when
dealing with a normal person (a "Gen") are at +1 difficulty, except for Subterfuge and Intimidation rolls. Some other rolls may not
be affected, but this is at the Storyteller's discretion.

Freebie Point Costs

Backgrounds: 2

Experience Costs
4 x current rating
2 x current rating, 3 per new ability
2 x current rating
Guild Benefits: 9 x current rating*
*A service must be performed for the Benefactress (of her choosing, and usually both challenging and extremely dangerous) in

order to be allowed to raise a Benefit.

Merits and Flaws

The list of Merits and Flaws available to mortal characters found in "Ascension's Right Hand" is a good, comprehensive one.
The Guilds forbid certain Merits and Flaws to their members: Ghoul, Vampiric companion and Werewolf Companion are all
forbidden Merits. Child is a forbidden Flaw.

New Merits and Flaws

Skilled Gambler (M2): You are a skilled player of games of chance, even by the standards of the Guilds, who are known to
stake entire city blocks on the turn of a card or the roll of a die. You gain a -1 difficulty to any game of chance you play.

Glib (M3): You are silver-tongued in the extreme, and very few people can see through your veneer of charm. All rolls involving
Subterfuge or Seduction are at -1 difficulty.

Master of Disguise (M3): You find taking on the roles of other simple: all attempts at disguise or acting are at -1 difficulty.
Taint of the Hunter (F2): Even by Guild standards, you are predatory. People are uneasy around you, sensing that you see
them as prey, something to be exploited. All Social rolls except Intimidation and Subterfuge gain an additional -1 penalty.

Unlucky In Love (F3): You are unlucky in love. Even if you find it easy to begin a relationship, you find it almost impossible to
continue one. You seem doomed to a life of one-night stands. Even if you find a real love, who is not driven away by your Guild
weakness, you will find the world conspires to separate you. Your true love may be kidnapped, used against you, or even killed,
with a terrible effect upon your psyche.

The Guilds of course have access to weapons of many different sorts, and usually pick the ones best suited to the task in hand.
However, each Guild has its own trademark melee weapon. The Thieves' Guild use an iron-cored bamboo Bo staff, around 1.82m long. It is difficulty 5 to use, and does STR + 3 damage. The Assassins favour retractable wrist-mounted blades. These are a
little longer than the user's hand, extending past the fingertips. Two blades are worn on each wrist, and generally an Assassin
wears a set on each wrist. Most Assassins are skilled in their use in a "double strike". The blades are difficulty 4 for an Assassin
to use, and do STR + 2 damage. To a non-Assassin, the difficulty is 8.
The Guilds' members Arcane ratings help to make such objects less obvious to the general populace.

The Benefits
"We get the Power, the Thieves get the...Life,"
-- Marius Boudreaux, Gambit LS# 2 "Honor Among Thieves"
The Guilds never, ever, mention the Benefits to outsiders. Indeed, they rarely mention them among themselves, thinking it a
matter of pride not to mention such things, which are seen as being a deeply personal experience. This secrecy is so profound
that many of the younger, less experienced members of each of the Guilds have little idea what the higher powers of their own
Benefit can accomplish, much less what powers the other Guild has.


Life is what the Thieves' Guild get from their duties to the Benefactress. It grants long life, increased abilities, and certain unusual

50 Years of Life, +1 Arcane, +1 Awareness

100 Years of Life, +5 Freebie Points, +1 Arcane. The Thief can now see Auras, on a roll of Per + Occult, D9.
200 Years of Life, +5 Freebie Points, +1 Occult, +1 Awareness
300 Years of Life, +7 Freebie Points, +1 Awareness. The Thief extends the power of invisibility to cover surveillance
***** 500 Years of Life, +9 Freebie Points, +1 Arcane. The Thief can determine the origin, history, ownership and value of an
object at a touch. (Per + Empathy, D9). It can also be used to detect "bad gris-gris" from an object.
The Freebie Points gained can be spent on anything that could be bought at character creation, including Numina and
Backgrounds, but excluding Merits and Flaws.

Power makes the Assassins killers even the Kindred fear. Each dot above the first also gives an extra action per round. This
ability can be used for a number of rounds per day equal to the rating in Power.

At the cost of 1 WP, all Physical attributes can be increased by one point for one scene, even if this increases them above
** By preparing for a round, the Assassin can focus a blow, reducing the difficulty for either the attack or the damage, by 2.
*** Arcane +1, Intimidation +1. The Assassin can now become invisible like a Thief, provided he does not move.
**** Arcane +1, Awareness +1. The Assassin can now hide just like a Thief. However, surveillance equipment can still detect
the Assassin.
***** Black Palm. By spending 1 WP and simply touching a target, the user can cause aggravated damage to the target. The
amount of damage caused is the result of a Dex + Occult roll, difficulty 6.

The Tithing
"Woe to any who interfere with the Tithing."
-- Gambit LS#1, "Tithing"
Every seven years, the Tithe Collector comes up out of the swamps around New Orleans, and calls upon the Guilds. Each
member of each Guild is required to meet the Tithe Collector, and pass to him the Tithe Box that each Guild member received at
the last Tithing. Failure to do so will result in two things: the last dot in the Benefit the Guild member has will be lost, and more
seriously, the Guilds will declare the defaulter a Traitor to the Guilds, and hunt him or her down without mercy. This is one of the
few times when the Guilds actively help one another. The number who have escaped such a hunt is too small to note. In the event
that a Tithe Box is stolen, there are mechanisms to recover it. The Tithe Collector will be unhappy, but at least the Guild member
will be alive.
The Guilds have vague ideas about what the Tithing actually involves, but are unsure. It is best, they say, not to enquire too
deeply of the Tithe Collector.

Relations with Others

"Some folks are wise, and some are otherwise"
--Tobias Smollet, "Roderick Random"

Candra The Benefactress

The Guilds believe that Candra is a powerful spirit, what might be termed and "Angel" almost. However, they do not believe that
this was her original nature, and think that she "evolved" into this state from something different. Exactly what she was is not
discussed, but the more hard-headed Guild members consider that "Candra create the Guilds, and in return, the Guilds created
Candra," in effect sustaining her through their own belief.

The Thieves on the Assassins

Thieves reckon that Assassins are dumb, crass, overbearing, unimaginative and needlessly destructive. No doubt in some

Thieves reckon that Assassins are dumb, crass, overbearing, unimaginative and needlessly destructive. No doubt in some
cases this is true, but the Thieves are hardly perfect themselves. The Thieves feel the Assassins are dangerously uncontrollable,
even by their Guildmasters, but are reasonably sure that if an open war broke out, they would win. However, they are not anxious
to find out if they are right or not. They regard the Assassins as a sophisticated city person regards a country yokel.

The Assassins on the Thieves

Assassins consider Thieves to be underhanded, affected, cowardly and weak. The Assassins feel that the Thieves lack their
strong leadership, and will eventually split into small groups that they can mop up one by one. This ignores the fact that both
Guilds have existed as long as the other, and seem likely to continue to do so. The Assassins tend to regard the Thieves in
much the same way an athlete regards a couch potato.

In general, the Guilds hold the Nightfiends in thinly-veiled contempt. They are useful sources of work, revenue and knowledge, but
their pretence of being great noble hunters or thieves in the night is simply that, as far as the Guilds are concerned: a pretence.
Unless contracted to do so, the Guilds do not usually actively seek to harm or antagonise Vampires, but they strike unmercifully if
Vampires come after them. Within New Orleans, the Guilds interact regularly with the Kindred mainly to let the Kindred know that
the Guilds can find them, any time.

The Camarilla
The Camarilla are equivocal about the Guilds. They see them as useful contacts, capable of doing things that they themselves
cannot, but they fear the hold the Guilds might gain over them by continued contact.

The Sabbat
The Sabbat are wary of the Guilds. Most meetings have resulted in the Sabbat coming off worse, since they have involved
newly-created Licks. They regard the Guilds as a real threat, and look forward to the night when they can destroy them at their

The Setites
The only exception to the rule of not directly antagonising Vampires is the Setites, whom the Guilds seem to take a perverse
pleasure in victimising.

The Garou
The Guilds find the Garou profoundly disturbing. It may be something from their ancient past, or merely prudence on their part,
but they avoid dealing with any Garou except the Bone Gnawers and Glass Walkers. These two groups use them occasionally,
when no one else will help.
Note that the Guilds are less affected by the Delirium that normal people: treat a Guild member as if her Willpower were two dots
higher that it is for the purposes of the Delirium.

Of all the Awakened, the Guilds have the greatest respect for Mages. Respect, coupled with a strong distrust. The fact that
Mages have control over reality strikes the Guilds as distinctly odd, even by normal supernatural standards. Few among the
Guilds have real friends among the Mage community. However, the Guilds sometimes work for the Celestial Chorus, through
their offices in the Catholic Church (most Guild members are Catholic, at least on paper), and the voodoo practitioners of the
Dreamspeakers. The Guilds are unfriendly toward the Technocracy, which they see as a threat to their freedom and existence,
and are more than happy to undertake jobs against them.


Deep sadness describes the Guilds' views on the Restless. They have determined that there is some connection between the
Benefactress and the Restless, but are uncertain of its true nature. The Guilds treat Wraiths with respect and kindness, and do
what they can to help. Unfortunately, what they think may help is not always as helpful as they hope.
The Fog affects the Guilds just as the Delirium does (see above).

Changelings and Faeries are referred to as Portunes by the Guilds. The groups have few dealings with one another, and the
Guilds have an old-world, romanticised view of the Fae.

These rare Awakened are something of a mystery to the Guilds. There have been numerous incidents over the centuries, but
neither side has spent much time investigating them. Most Immortals have little use for the services the Guilds can provide, so
seldom seek them out. What little both sides know has come to them second hand, or via exceptionally curious members of both

Demon Knights
The Demon Knights intrigue the Guilds. They know they are powerful, but do not know why. They want to know more, but fear
what they will learn. In the past, the Demon Knights have occasionally asked the Guilds for help, or used them to assist in the
recovery of certain items. The Guilds have also been contracted by others to hunt down Demon Knights. The Guilds sense that
there is something big behind all of this. They are just not sure if they want to know what it is.

The Highest Society

The Guilds have a "history" with the Highest Society. The Society, which was active in the different European courts the Guilds
served, was among the groups that tried to hunt down and destroy the Guilds. The evidence left behind when the Guilds escaped
badly undermined the Highest Society's position and strength. The Highest Society has lost more and more power over the
centuries, and is no longer in a position to threaten the Guilds, but the memory of what was done is still extant. The Highest
Society will leap at any chance to revenge itself on the Guilds.

Other Changers
The Guilds have little to do with the other Changing Breeds, but they are rumoured to have connections with the Mokole of the
Florida and Louisiana swamps.

The Gypsies hold the Guilds in contempt. The Guilds merely smile. The Gypsies owe the Guilds a favour. A big-time favour, and
the Guilds are keen that the Gypsies squirm as much as possible before they are allowed to pay it off. And they will: the Guilds
are not the ignorant gorgoi the Gypsies would like to think they are.

The Arcanum
This group has missed the point entirely. They have used the services of the Guilds more than most people, and have paid highly
in information for the work they have had done. In return, however, they have learned nothing of the Guilds. The Guilds like this
situation, and play the Arcanum for all they are worth, thinking the whole thing quite hysterical.

The Benefactress
"My Guilds. I set them up, centuries ago."
--Candra, Gambit LS#3, "The Benefactress"
Candra the Benefactress is best described the way Winston Churchill described Russia: A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside

an enigma. She is only seen by the gathered Guilds at the ceremonies of initiation, or at the Tithing ceremony. Otherwise, she is
seen only by individual Guild members, when they approach her to ask her what she requires in return for the Benefits.
Candra appears as a beautiful woman, in her middle thirties, with waist length blonde hair, a slim figure and a face as hard as
And well she might. Candra is a Deathlord, an immensely powerful Wraith who has as her major Fetters the two Guilds.
Long, long ago, Candra was a Mage. Back in the earliest nights of the Roman republic, Candra played politics in the Italian
peninsula. She was an immensely powerful being, unhampered by Paradox in the way that modern Mages are, and she
competed with the Garou and with the Kindred unceasingly. She always envied these two groups their semiawakened servitors:
the Kinfolk of the Garou and the Kindred's Ghouls. Candra wanted her own servitors, so over a century, she worked and
researched, until she found two families of crime lords. She used her powers to create a spell that would permanently affect the
blood of the two families, granting them unusual traits, and allowing these traits to be passed on to their descendants. The exact
nature of this spell is unknown, but a Life 5, Time 5, Prime 3, Forces 3, Spirit 3 might come close. Whatever it was, it worked,
and Candra created her servitors. They worshipped her like a mother goddess, and went out into the days and nights to do her
bidding. Then, at the beginning of the Christian epoch, someone killed Candra. The Guilds went into hiding, going back to being
no more than crime families, some members of which had exceptional powers. No one bothered to pursue them. Over time,
Candra became a figure of legend, and fewer and fewer Guild members developed the Benefits. It became the story that only
the Benefactress could grant them.
A being like Candra is not easily held, even by death, and after a few centuries, she found her way back to her "children".
Candra told them that she had returned, and that in return for the return of the Benefits they had once enjoyed, they must serve
her. This state has continued ever since.
The Guilds believe that Candra grants them their Benefits. This belief is so strong that the Benefits are not manifested until an
Aspirant succeeds in his first mission, and the last dot in a benefit is lost if the Tithing is not completed. This belief is untrue. The
Guilds can develop the Benefits without Candra's help, it is now a right of their blood. What is required is mostly Willpower and a
belief that one can develop the Benefits.
Early in her death, Candra discovered a way of collecting Pathos from the members of the Guilds, as they went about their
emotionally-charged business. This Pathos was trapped it in tiny boxes, from which Candra could recover it at her leisure.
Through this action, which became known as the Tithing, Candra has access to an almost unlimited supply of Pathos, and the
ability to use her Arcanos almost without thought. Even so, she carefully husbands the supply from the Tithe Boxes over the
seven years, using it only when she has to or cannot obtain Pathos elsewhere.

The Tithe Collector

"Creole mothers in the French Quarter tell the story of a strange dark man who rolls in with the fog off the Mississippi once
every seven years"
--- Gambit LS, #1 "Tithing"
The Tithe Collector is Candra's chief servant. There has been a Tithe Collector as long as there has been a Tithing, and all the
Tithe Collectors look the same. Their appearance has always brought fear to the Guilds, who know that both the Collector and
Candra are wilful, capricious beings, and that even full obedience does not guarantee safety.

Candra the Benefactress

Type: Wraith







Talents: Alertness 4, Awareness 4, Intimidation 5, Expression 4, Brawl 3

Skills: Ettiquette 3, Melee 4, Leadership 3, Performance 3
Knowledges: Cosmology 5, Culture 4, Enigmas 4, Investigation 4, Linguistics 4, Occult 5, Politics 5
Arcanos: Argos 2, Castigate 1, Embody 5, Keening 4, Lifeweb 3, Moliate 3, Outrage 5, Pandemonium 5, Puppetry 5, Usury 5
Pathos: 5
Corpus: 10
Willpower: 9

Passions: Control the Guilds (lordship) 5, Gain Temporal Power (greed) 5, Fight the Awakened (control) 5
Fetters: The Guilds (5), the Church of the Lost Heart (4)
Backgrounds: Contacts 3, Eidolon 3, Haunt 5, Memoriam 4, Status 5, Wealth 5 (and then some)
Appearance: A beautiful woman with waist length blonde hair and a skin like alabaster. Candra is breathtakingly lovely, and she
knows it. She is also totally without compassion, remorse or pity.

Type: Abuser
Dark Passions: Fight the Awakened (hatred) 4, Encourage "Family Business" (spite) 4
Thorns: Dark Allies, Shadow Call
Angst: 7/3
Willpower: 6

The Tithe Collector

Type: Mage (Orphan)









Talents: Alertness 4, Awareness 4, Intimidation 5, Expression 4, Brawl 3

Skills: Melee 4, Leadership 3
Knowledges: Cosmology 4, Culture 4, Occult 5
Arete: 5
Willpower: 9
Spheres: Correspondence 5, Forces 3, Life 3, Mind 3, Prime 3, Spirit 3
Quintessence: 9
Paradox: 4
Appearance: An old, dark man, with grey hair, and a face like Death. He is tall, thin and seemingly weak, but close inspection or
(God help you) combat, reveals that he seems made of steel and wires. His tread is firm and steady, and his gaze is always
hard and cold. His face never changes its expression, one of brooding menace. Any Guild member automatically recognises the
Tithe Collector.

Paradox Flaws: A permanent fog surrounds the Tithe Collector, and his footsteps echo eerily wherever he goes.

Michael Myers: Night of the Bogeyman

By Charles W. Plemons III (
Produced by the Crypt of Nosferatu:
Version 1.0 September 6, 1998
"I always knew what he was, but I never knew why."
-- Dr. Loomis, Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers

Author's Notes
This work is based on the films Halloween, Halloween II, Halloween IV: The Return of Michael Myers, Halloween V: The
Revenge of Michael Myers, Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers, and Halloween H20. It completely ignores Halloween III:
Season of the Witch. This project is designed to add a new antagonist into the already dread World of Darkness. Some
liberties have been taken to adapt this fiend into the Storyteller System. This is simply one possible method for bringing Myers
into a Chronicle.
Please visit my web page ( for updates of this and other World of Darkness projects.
This may be freely distributed by anyone in any format as long as credit is given to the author but cannot be distributed for profit
for any reason. Based on characters created by John Carpenter and Debra Hill and used without permission.

Known History
The terror of Michael Myers began on October 31, 1963, when six-year-old Michael donned a child's clown mask and murdered
his seventeen-year-old sister, Judith, in cold blood. The boy was taken to the Smith's Grove sanitarium in Warren County, Illinois,
where he remained for the next fifteen years. On October 30, 1978, Michael escaped and returned to his hometown of
Haddonfield to hunt down and kill his younger sister, Laurie.
Michael killed many of Laurie's friends but failed to kill her. His psychiatrist, Dr. Loomis, entrapped him in an explosion but was
badly wounded in the fire. Michael was hurled into a coma, in which he remained for 10 years; during which time, his sister
Laurie died. However, she was survived by her daughter, Jamie.
Michael woke up from his coma on October 31, 1988 and immediately headed for Haddonfield to kill his niece. Once again, he
was pursued by Dr. Sam Loomis, but he still managed to kill many more natives of Haddonfield. Aided by Dr. Loomis, Jamie
and her family eluded Michael, and he was wounded by shotgun blasts and blown down a well.
Unsurprisingly, Michael did not die in 1988. After his fall into the well, he drifted into a river and was found and cared for by a
blind man. During this time, Michael was catatonic, but a year later on Halloween, Michael sat up, killed the blind man, and
headed back to Haddonfield.
Intent on murdering his niece, he killed many more people as he carved a path toward her. Unfortunately for Michael, Dr. Loomis
suspected his return and was ready for him. This time, Loomis did not attempt to kill Michael but rather capture him. With Jamie
as bait, Loomis lured Michael into a steel net, and he was subsequently taken by the police to the station for holding. But an
unknown assailant killed the officers and freed Myers, who then disappeared, as did young Jamie.
For six years, Michael Myers and Jamie Lloyd remained missing. On October 30, 1995, Jamie, who had been held with her
newborn son by an evil witch cult, escaped. Outraged, the cult sent Michael after her. She was found and slaughtered, but not
before she hid her child.
The cult, secretly led by the infamous Dr. Wynn (head of the Smith's Grove sanitarium), recovered the child. Michael returned to
the cult, but not as a servant as they believed. He proceeded to kill the entire cult and attempted to kill the child as well, but he
was stopped by Dr. Loomis and Tommy Doyle. However, when Loomis returned to finish Michael off, he had once again
For the next three years, Michael again remained hidden until he discovered that his sister Laurie Strode had faked her death
and now lived in California under the name Keri Tate. Michael went after her and her seventeen-year-old son.
Laurie, without the protection of Dr. Loomis, had to face Michael alone for the first time. She managed to pin Michael beneath a
van and decapitated him with a fire axe. Michael Myers is presumed dead.

The Curse of Thorn

What could drive a young boy to become a relentless psychotic killer? In truth, Michael is not psychotic but is rather the victim of
the Curse of Thorn: an ancient Samhain ritual of the Celts in which a boy was chosen to sacrifice his family to Arawn, the god of
death. This sacrifice, insured that the rest of the village was spared the wrath of the dark god. The practice was forgotten by
man, but not by the dark entity known as Arawn. Through the centuries, young men have suddenly gone "crazy" on the night of the
Samhain and killed their families. Myers is the latest victim of the bloodthirsty Celtic god of death.
Because Michael Myers has become a living shell for the dark power of Arawn, his entire family must die before he can rest in
peace. He will continue to pursue any relatives until his bloodline has ended. He will not stop, ever.
As terrifying and powerful as this makes Michael, he is not without his limits. He can be wounded and he can be "killed".
However, mortal wounds simply cause him to go catatonic until the proper time for him to rise again. On Halloween nights on
which a specific constellation appears in the sky, Michael is healed of all infirmaries and revitalized to complete his mission. It is
unknown if age will ever affect him.

God of Death
What then is Michael Myers in the World of Darkness? Michael is a dark entity empowered by a malevolent Bane known as
Arawn. In the times of the Celts, Arawn was worshipped as a god of death. Since that time, the powers of the Bane have waned,
but not his desire for blood.
Arawn has the ability to empower a single human with his essence once per year. This person must then murder his family for
the glory of Arawn. He is no longer in control, being subsumed by the mental domination of the Bane. At times, a possessed
person has moments when Arawn is not in control; however, these moments are rare and very brief.
Arawn delights in death and terror and enjoys hunting and killing the friends of his prey before going after them directly. While
this makes him terrifying, it is also a weakness that has allowed many victims to escape him. Unfortunately for Arawn, once he
chooses a host, he remains tied to that host until his mission is complete. This effectively makes his hosts immortal until the
death of their entire families.
Arawn always possesses males, but it is not known if this is by choice or necessity. A host does not have to be a child, but the
sadistic Arawn prefers children.

Night of the Bogeyman

Arawn only has the power to possess a host on Halloween nights in which his symbol appears as a constellation. If Arawn has
no host on such a night, he chooses a young boy to possess. The child is then a pawn to his will and begins killing his family
members. If all of his family is not killed, the boy will continue to make the attempt each Halloween in which the constellation is in
the sky.
A host of Arawn possesses greatly enhanced stamina, being able to withstand tremendous punishment. If too much damage is
inflicted, the host will go catatonic until the next appropriate Samhain. At this time, all wounds suffered are healed and the host is
at the height of its power. This does not occur on every Halloween, and it can be decades between each possession. There
have been times in which the dark Samhain occurred in consecutive years.
It is not known if a host can be permanently killed. Arawn's current host, Michael Myers, was decapitated by his sister in 1998. It
is impossible to determine if this released Michael from the curse or if he will rise again upon the next Samhain. If Myers is truly
dead, a new family will soon be victim to the bloodlust of the dark Bane.

Abilities and Characteristics

Iron Will: The unique nature of a host renders it immune to mind-affecting supernatural attacks. This includes Dominate,
Presence, Dementation, Mind Sphere, and the like.

Pain Tolerance: Arawn's hosts are not much affected by pain. Often, Michael was stabbed or shot and not even slowed by the
wounds. Consider a host to have these health levels: Ok, Ok, Ok, -1, -1, -2, Incapacitated.

Physical Enhancement: Arawn grants his host tremendous physical abilities. If his host is a child, its Strength and Stamina are
6. If the host fails to kill its family and grows into a man, he gains the Merit Huge Size and has Strength and Stamina of 8.

Rejuvenation: If wounded, a host is able to shake off damage. Unlike a werewolf, this damage does not heal, it is simply
ignored. If a host is hurt, he will "heal" a Health Level per turn. While the damage is still apparent on the body, it does not affect
the host in any way, and he effectively "regains" a Health Level. If a host is reduced to Incapacitated, this healing does not
continue. The host will instead go catatonic until the next dark Samhain, at which point all wounds are healed. If a host is
wounded but not Incapacitated, the wounds truly heal at the same rate as a normal human. It is not known if decapitation will
permanently kill a host. It is important to note that a host does not take normal and aggravated damage, all damage is treated
the same way.

Example: Michael Myers is stabbed in the chest by his sister. He is badly injured and collapses; however, in a few moments, he
sits up apparently unharmed. She pulls his mask off, and wounds he had suffered are still there, but he is unaffected by them.
Later that night, Michael is caught in an explosion and badly burned. Rather than die, he goes catatonic. The next dark Samhain
doesn't occur for 10 years. At that time, Michael sits up and is in perfect health, although horribly scarred.

Talents, Skills, & Knowledge: A host of Arawn has certain abilities even if the host himself never learned them. These are
granted by Arawn. For example, Michael Myers, who spent 15 years in an insane asylum, knows how to drive and knows to cut
phone and power lines and the like. No matter who the host is, he has (in addition to whatever he knows himself) these abilities:
Alertness 3
Brawl 4 (Strangling)
Intimidation 5 (Physical)
Drive 2
Melee 5 (Knives)
Security 3
Stealth 5 (Lurking)
Investigation 2
Occult 3

Cult of Arawn
There really are death cults sacrificing people to dark gods, and they have existed for centuries. The Cult of Arawn is a pagan
group of fallen Verbena. These Nephandi worship the dark Bane Arawn and serve his will and have many human followers in
covens all over the world. Not just a few vampires are members of the cult as well, many of which are Sabbat. In ancient times,
the Lhiannan bloodline was closely tied to the cult, and it may be that members of this bloodline remain hidden by the cult to this
The cult remains hidden throughout the world, being involved in many aspects of society. They are doctors, lawyers, and other
professionals hiding a dark and bloody secret. This cult sacrifices humans in the name of Arawn, increasing his power, and their
The cult is led by Nephandi Verbena and hedge wizards. More than one Tremere has joined the cult as well, but most cultists are
normal humans. At least 11 vampires serve the cult along with their ghouls, and a few Black Spiral Dancer packs work for the
A host of Arawn will often aid cult members in their goals; however, if goals conflict, the host will take its wrath out upon the
cultists. For example, the coven led by Dr. Wynn was slaughtered by Michael Myers when they tried to prevent him from killing
his niece's son.

Use in the World of Darkness

Kindred: One of the Damned cannot be possessed by the Bane Arawn. It is possible that older vampires remember Arawn and
know how to confront him. In fact, the vampires of the Lhiannan bloodline often venerated and worked with Arawn. If any survive
to the present time, they could still be involved with the death god (note that the Lhiannan bloodline is thought to have died out in
the 14th century). A vampire's ghoul could be possessed by Arawn, but all ghoul powers would be instantly lost. A host cannot be
ghouled or Embraced.

Changing Breeds: A true Bete cannot be possessed by Arawn; however, a Kinfolk is as easy a target as a normal human. In
fact, many a Fianna kinfolk have been possessed and slaughtered their Garou relatives. Arawn must be careful going after
Garou as they have the ability to face him in the Umbra.

Mages: An Awakened mage cannot be possessed by Arawn. Mages cannot force him out of a host, however. The only known
way to end the curse is the death of all of the host's relatives. A hedge wizard can easily be possessed.

Wraiths: Arawn has created numerous wraiths over the centuries. His hosts cannot affect them any more than a normal human
would be able to. Wraiths of his victims could attempt to save other surviving family members.

Changelings: Arawn and the fey have a long history. Changelings can be possessed by the Bane, and he then tries to kill
mortal and faerie relatives. He knows enough to use cold iron on his faerie victims.

Mummies: As of yet, Arawn has not encountered any mummies. It would be interesting to see what would happen if Arawn
possessed a relative of a mummy. Would Arawn be trapped forever in that host as he could not kill the Undying relative?

Gypsies: The Rom have encountered the bogeyman before. They are not singled out as enemies by Arawn, but a number of
them have died at his hands. A gypsy can be possessed.

Fomori: Hosts of Arawn are in many ways similar to the fomori. While not helping or hindering each other, it is possible for their
paths to cross. Generally it is fatal to the fomori in question. Fomori cannot be possessed by Arawn, as they are already
possessed by other Banes.

Immortals: Arawn has had hosts brought down by Immortals before. He has yet to possess a relative of an Immortal. If an
Immortal becomes his target, they can be killed by decapitation. It could take a long time before the host would succeed, but
unlike mummies, the task is possible. Immortals cannot become hosts to Arawn.

Michael Myers
Attributes: Strength 8, Dexterity 4, Stamina 8, Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 0, Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Intimidation 5, (Physical), Brawl 4 (Strangling)
Skills: Drive 2, Hunting 2, Melee 5 (Knives), Security 3, Stealth 5 (Lurking), Tracking 2
Knowledges: Area Knowledge: Haddonfield 3, Investigation 2, Occult 3
Willpower: 8
Dr. Wynn
Verbena barabbi

Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3, Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3, Perception 3 Intelligence 5, Wits 4
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Intuition 2, Subterfuge 3
Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 3, Leadership 4, Research 3, Survival 1
Knowledges: Cosmology 3, Culture 2, Enigmas 4, Medicine 4 (Psychology), Occult 5 (Magic)
Spheres: Life 4, Mind 3, Spirit 2, Entropy 2, Time 1, Matter 2, Correspondence 3, Prime 2
Arete: 6
Quintessence: 9
Paradox: 3
Willpower: 7

Rage 10, Gnosis 9, Willpower 9, Power 60

Charms: Airt Sense, Agony, Armor, Corruption, Possession, Reform

By Peloquin (

Eric Petersen stared at the wreckage down the road. Always the same. Every time he tried to settle down, something like this
would happen. A truck driver had fallen asleep at the wheel, and subsequently had plowed the massive eighteen-wheeler into a
small station wagon. He was lucky this was at night, and not so much traffic as usual. As it was, the truck driver and the truck had
survived the impact, not the station wagon. Crushed like a paper cup in a mangler. Including the driver.
A middle-aged woman, still alive (he could feel it, oh god he could really feel it), but just barely. Occasionally she would wake up
and sob and cry, not even able to scream for help any more. The truck driver was out cold, having hit his own dashboard. Eric
looked around. Although he had already called for an ambulance, it wouldn't be way out here for at least twenty minutes. Too
long. The woman could be dead by then. With another look around, he ran across the road, heading for the remains of the
smaller car. Luckily the woman wasn't stuck in any way; that would have made the whole thing pointless. He took off the rubberclad gloves he usually wore, and put his hand on the nearest piece of bare skin, preparing himself for what he knew would come.
A bright flash of orange light, a sizzling noise and that familiar scent of lilacs. He stepped back. The woman opened her eyes in
amazement as a reddish glow covered every damaged area (and the old scar she got when her bicycle fell over when she was
just ten years old), healing her injuries within seconds.
He shook his head sadly, put the gloves back on, and started running down the road. Always the same. Always the same.

Burden of Power
"The very concept of people being able to heal physical injury with but a touch is ludicrous, not to say completely
unbelievable. If such persons exist, wouldn't they be famous, making tons of money? Foolishness?"
-- Marcus Haley, surgeon (and secretly a member of the Progenitors)

"You try making money when people are burning you at the stake for being able to do something they can't?"
-- Ophelia Tyren, Healer
They have always been here. Ever since humanity climbed out of the trees, and perhaps even before, the Healers have been
among us. Once, they were an accepted part of society. Once. Before cities, before organized religions? Yes, they can heal with
but a touch. It isn't something they can control. Yes, they know instinctively how badly someone is hurt, without even looking at
them. Yes, they're persecuted and live in the shadows, but not because of some secret organization or great conspiracy, no,
simply because of human stupidity and cruelty.
It all began when mankind started making cities. The concentration of so many people made the task of the then accepted
Healers much more difficult, and sometimes their abilities weren't enough. Being human, the kin of the ones who were failed in
this way began blaming the Healers, saying they only healed those they wanted to, that they had not healed their loved ones
because they had some personal spite against them. Being human, they usually stoned, hanged, decapitated, burned at stakes
and otherwise murdered Healers whenever they had the chance. After all, they shouldn't go around thinking they're better than us,
should they?
The really sad part was that this never ceased. As humanity grew and grew, the role of the Healers changed from the local wise
man/woman into the local scapegoat. Crops failed? Kill the Healer. Cow died? Kill the Healer. Your wife run off with the gypsies?
Kill the Healer.
Still, Healers are born. Now, more than ever, their services would be needed, but the human attitude usually comes down to two
sets of reactions. First, the single individual, thinking the Healer is a kind person for healing them when they were in pain, and
wanting to tell the world about this amazing man/woman who helped them. This usually becomes a mass hysteria of hundreds,
thousands of people storming the Healer with requests, sometimes reasonable, sometimes impossible or foolish ("Bring back
my son from death!" "Heal my dog!" "Tell us who killed JFK!" "Stop world hunger!").
Then, when, naturally, the Healer cannot do all of this, the blind worship turns into cowardly hatred. And suddenly one of us hangs
by an oak tree, with a broken neck.
It happened to the man who taught me.
Now will you be more careful when displaying your abilities?

Both the Technocracy and Pentex, Inc. have managed to capture Healers, to subject them to -- well, use your imagination. The
results were highly different, the Pentex "scientists" managed to accidentally kill their test subject before they got very far, though
what they did learn was too much by far.
The Technocratic research was a little more successful, unfortunately. The progenitors and the Iteration X are already thinking up
ways to make first of all, cloned healers, and second, a way to make it acceptable to Technocratic paradigm. ("Hmmm -biofeedback? Nah, we've already used that one.")

The Link
"You're all connected."
-- Powder, Powder
The power to heal people with but a touch comes from something we're going to refer to as a Link. This is not something the
Healers or any other being in the WoD knows about, apart from perhaps the Technocracy who have performed extensive
research on the Healers, and the Euthanatos, who do this sort of thing as a way of life. Imagine every living human being in the
world being connected by an invisible web of life energy. Every time someone dies, his or her energy is left behind, drifting
aimlessly in the ether until another person is conceived, taking over the energy. This way, noone ever truly dies. The problem is,
this energy gets tangled up in strange ways, usually because of some metaphysical, Umbral area it drifts through, and when it is
again linked to a new human being, it has not only increased immensely in power, but also changed, warped, become -different.
So far, there are at least four "races" of beings who are created with these twisted energies. The Cursed, the Immortals
(Highlander style), the Mortis and the Healers.
In the Cursed, the life energy does not allow the person it inhabits to die, keeping him in undying stasis. In the Immortals
(Highlander-style) the energy goes a few steps in the same direction, but is somehow kept under rules. (Presumably, both of
these has something to do with the Weaver, at least it would be a very reasonable explanation; it wants to keep things
unchanged and ordered, remember?) In the Mortis, it manifests in a highly strange way of becoming a sort of conduit for other
peoples life energy, guiding it into the ether safely (this could be because the entrapped Balancer Wyrm is attempting to halt the
creation of further Cursed and Immortals, thereby draining the Weaver's power). And finally, the Healers, this energy becomes
not only stronger, but overloads itself constantly, seeking to discharge itself in other people's life energy -- effectively healing
The trait that becomes of this is something we call Link; this is still not an In-Game term, rather an Out-Of-Character term, and
yes, it has dots and everything, for all those of you who're sitting there with pens and character sheets in your laps.
First of all, the Link allows the Healer to see the faint webstrands of energy that connects every being (Perception+Link, diff:6),
they call this the lifeweb, no capital letters. This lifeweb doesn't look very different from case to case, the exceptions being
Kindred, Kithain (perhaps also the Kuei-Jin, from KotE), Cursed and Immortals (Highlander -- what, I've already made that clear?
Gee, sorry). In the Kithain, the lifeweb becomes tangled with a different web, and shapes itself into a faint replica of the
Changeling's fae mien. In the Kindred, the lifeweb is permanently disconnected. Although the higher the humanity (or Path), the
stronger the faint remains of the connection becomes; vampires who have achieved Golconda are reconnected again. Cursed
and Immortals show themselves to Healers as people with unusually strong and bright lifeweb connections.
If a Kindred were to drink Healer blood, he would probably gain a temporary dot in Fortitude (lasts one day), and the blood is
considered unusually potent, one Bloodpoint equals two. If a Healer is Embraced, he loses his Healing abilities forever, but
always has +1 die on all Humanity rolls (other Paths don't count)
Second, it allows them to see precisely how hurt the person is (Perception+Medicine diff: 4), and third, it heals them. The
amount of health levels regained is equal to the character's rating in Link, so a Healer with 4 in Link would heal 4 health levels on
a hurt person every time he touched them.
Healers cannot heal themselves with their own Link. A Healer may heal another of his kind, but not himself. The Healers also
heal rapidly, healing any normal wound level within a day and any aggravated wound level within a week. Healers brought below
Incapacitated, die -- end of story. They never scar.
The Link also allows a Healer to live longer; they still age, but a lot slower. For each level in Link, the character ages slower.
Link Ageing rate
1-2 80%
3-4 66%
5-6 25%
7-10 10%
The Link first manifests itself in the early or late twenties, usually when the character is subjected to some trauma, like being hit,
shocked by electricity, or something similar. The Healing, as described above, manifests itself in orange coloured flashes of
bright energy or lightning, followed by a strange smell of lilacs. (Don't ask me why)

Anyone inspecting a Healer's aura will see a human aura that grows in intensity every two seconds and flares off a burst of
orange energy.

World View
In the World of Darkness, there are quite a few beings hiding from scrutiny. As the Healers are right there hiding with them, they
were bound to meet and chat sooner and later -- of course, these are all just the opinions of Healers and others who actually met.
It happens a lot more seldom than one might think.

Kindred: They take away what we give. Don't trust them for a second.
"They're not the only ones who can heal people -- a little blood here, a little there, and hey presto, no more wounds. of course,
you become a ghoul, but everything has a price."
-- Michael Winthrop, Ventrue

Garou: What? Werewolves? Um, right. Whatever you say.

"Useful little monkeys. 'Course, if they'd just sit down and relax, we could have a serious partnership -- as long as they don't
try helping the apes."
-- Shreds-The-Wyrm, Red Talon

Mages: Magicians? Like Houdini? No.

"Here's an interesting thing, whenever we check them, their purpose, their aims, their reincarnation cycle, they always come
up as really, really really useful."
-- Hourglass Henry, Euthanatos

Kithain: Faeries? I've met some. They're kind of hard not to notice; they're the only ones whose life energy is multicoloured and
tends to shape itself into a strange version of themselves.

"Oh yes, I know tons of these guys -- there are billions and billions of them out there. I swear!"
-- Jimkin Bearhugger, Pooka Childling

Wraiths: These are sad. They're the ones whose life energy has gotten itself disconnected. Then again, sometimes they act so
evil and weird you wonder why they should even be reconsidered into the lifeweb.

"They did nothing for us while we lived; they do nothing to us while we're dead. Who cares."
--Marcus, Sandman

Mortis: They're like us, only they serve a different purpose.

"Well, aren't they the lucky ones. You wouldn't believe what I'd give to be like them instead of -- this."
-- Uriel Thomas

Highlander-style Immortals: Well, I don't envy them. I can tell you that.
"Likewise. I mean, we think we have it hard, having to switch identities every thirty or so years?"
-- Tully, Immortal

The Cursed: Oh dear. Well, talk about getting the worst end of the bargain.
"We're connected somehow, though I still can't finger exactly how."
-- Mesak, Cursed

Character Creation
Attributes: 7/5/3
Abilities: 13/9/5
Backgrounds: 7 (Consider using only Backgrounds that can easily be transported; they move around a lot.)
Virtues: 8

Virtues: 8
Link: 1
Freebies: 21 (28 maximum)
Link freebie cost: 3
Link experience cost: Current x 5

Healing System
The Link does not only heal current, fresh wounds. It may also heal such Flaws as Deformed, Paraplegic, Blind, etc. Flaws like
Short are right out. But they can regrow lost body parts, or body parts that should have been, but were never there to begin with.
Dead people are beyond healing. Incapacitated are alright, but the player must roll Link diff: 5 to see if it works. Vampires
cannot be healed with Link; they're not alive anymore.

"What have I done to deserve this?"

HENGEYOKAI (version two)

By Nichodemus Style
Cats, or the Hengeyokai as they are generally called, are less than natural felines with the ability to change their form at will. The
process seems to be similar to that used by the lupines, but as yet I have received no indication that there is a link between the two
species. I have as yet been unable to approach any of them. They seem to be highly sensitive to our kind, and the presence of the
Gaki has somewhat curtailed my evening excursions as well. Stories which I have been able to gather seem to indicate that there is a
fair amount of variety among the animals. Much in the same way as we kindred are divided into clans. Of course, I am beginning to get
ahead of myself. I should get proof before I begin to make such comparissons. Their political organization seems to be very similar to
our own as well. Each city has a King and Queen who hold a court on each night that the moon can be seen. What and where these
conclaves might be held is still beyond me. I am hoping that you might be persuaded to send me some assistance. Gitane would not
be pleased if my report is not ready on time. We both know what that leads to.
...Christ what a pissy little bit that was, oh well. anyway I'll briefly summarize what is mentioned of the Hengeyokai in WoD. Cats, like
Cainites, feed off of blood. However, they need for the vitae to be charged with sexual energy. As a result they can not feed off of
virgins, children (hopefully), or vampires... animals are possible. Cats do not suffer from the hunger as badly as the kindred; on each
night that there is a moon, they gain 1d10 blood points. Their maximum blood pool is 10. So, barring long periods of cloudy weather,
they do not technically need to feed... but what fun would that be. However like vampires, they are immortal. Unless the neighborhood
Lupine comes visiting, they will not die.
Eastern vampires, the Gaki, are unable to enter holy shrines. The Cats do not share this restriction. It is possible that they are not
affected by Faith... they may take on the form of any human they have seen (in reality or in a picture, it doesn't matter) and they may
also invent people to look like. The transformation requires two rolls. Willpower (failure indicating that the human form has whiskers, a
tail... whatever) and wits (failure indicating a fondness for catnip and a dislike for water... up to the fiendish imagination of the
storyteller). They commonly take the abilities of dodge, animal ken and stealth.
My modifications are as follows...

Attributes: 7/5/3 (0 appearance, unless in human form, then its players choice... subject to the success of the willpower role)
Abilities: 13/9/5 (with a new specialization in brawl And melee-attack against dodge)
Backgrounds: 2
Virtues: 5 (They do not have humanity - use willpower instead, but failing a virtue role could lead to a loss of willpower... so don't
ignore self-control and conscience)

Disciplines: They start out with one dot in Auspex, Presence and a third from the list below. these may be raised with the same costs
as caitiff kindred. others may be bought as if they vampiric non-clan disciplines.
Geomancy (World of Darkness p99), Animalism, Celerity, Obfuscate, Weather Control, Necromancy, Chimerstry, Obeah, Corruption,
Spirit Thaumaturgy, Neptune's Might and the Gift of Morpheus.
None of these may be raise above five. The choice of the third discipline should reflect the concept of the cat. An evil Morris isn't any
more likely to take Obeah than a sweet lil' Garfield would take the Path of Corruption.
Cats may not be Dominated, but they are affected by Animalism. Usually, the younger cats are darker in color. The older they get, the
whiter they become. The king and queen of a city are usually the heads of the city's blood line (almost all cats in a city will be related).
As Japanese cities began to grow larger and larger, they could support larger populations of cats. Not normally given to birth control
methods, the cat population has exploded in recent decades. This has created problems as the cat populations of cities grow too
large for the local monarchs to effectively control. Part of the pressure has been relieved by delegating authority to favored offspring
and emmigration to mainland Asia. But the damage has been done. Now, even as the population of Japan is starting to shrink (if i
remember correctly, but hey its a game...) the population of cats has continued to rise. Their kin on the mainland have not welcomed
new arrivals as of late and the cats of Japan have had to look elsewhere... Australia for a start. even now some are beginning to
wnader into what was once the eastern soviet union, and who knows how many are wandering the islands of hawaii or the streets of
None of this has been signifigantly playtested. My charcter has only been used twice so far. Anyone who uses this and has comments,
corrections or whatevr please let me know so I can polish this puppy (perhaps a bad choice of words) up.

By Ian Johnston ( (30 July 1993)

Part One
Hengeyokai characters are created in much the same manner as vampires. The only real differences are their disciplines, and the
ability to learn certain rituals.

The following points are used in character creation

Attribute specialties: 7/5/3
Abilities: 13/9/5
Virtues: 7
Backgrounds: 5
Freebie Points: 15

Special Abilities and Disciplines

Hengeyokai begin with the following disciplines:
Auspex 1
Celerity 1 (in Cat form)
Shapechange (special)
Shapechange is an innate ability of Hengeyokai. It allows them to assume the form of any human they can imagine, or have seen. They
are limited only by their imagination, and the limits of the human body. Their true (cat) form is not variable and should be defined at the
time of character creation. Regardless of form, the Hengeyokai's aura is always cat-shaped. Also irrespective of form, a Cat's may not
increase the attribute of Appearance unless they are able to gain one or more successes in a test of Mental + Disguise vs. 10. For
every point over 10, the Hengeyokai may increase their appearance bid by one. (This is true in any case; therefore, a Hengeyokai
may not emulate the form of someone with an appearance 7 and gain the benefits of that appearance unless they have an
appearance 7 or higher, or are able to achieve enough successes on the Mental + Disguise test to have an appearance of 7.)
Hengeyokai may lower their Appearance at will and need no special test to do so.
One thing that all people playing Hengeyokai characters should note is that by their nature, Hengeyokai are cats, not humans.
Therefore, when a Hengeyokai's concentration is broken (ie. someone fires a gun, they are slapped, etc.) there is a chance that the
human form may 'slip,' or appear more cat-like than before. For instance, Sarah, a Hengeyokai is walking down the street, in an
unaccustomed form (she also has a 'normal' form so that her friends will know her straight off), and suddenly, her ideal of
attractiveness comes walking towards her. She would likely lose some concentration on her form, and might appear to grow a tail (or
something else might appear more cat-like than before) briefly while she regains her composure. This is not something that requires
specific rules, but one should keep it in mind and role-play this aspect of a Hengeyokai accordingly.
Shifting from one form to the next takes three seconds / one round. (However, keep in mind that Hengeyokai only have two forms, and
so are not limited, as Garou are, by needing to go through several forms to get from human to animal form.) To change one's shape to
copy that of another person requires a test of Mental + Disguise, the difficulty depending on how long the Hengeyokai has seen the
person (seen once/briefly: 10, a few times: 8, casual acquaintance: 7, friend: 6, long time companion: 4). A subject of specific study
(ie. you have studied pictures and videos of this person for the purpose of emulating their form) might be difficulty 6.
1 success: Similar to what the Hengeyokai wanted, but with several flaws. The Hengeyokai could possibly pass as someone else at a
distance under dim light.
2 successes: Almost what the Hengeyokai wanted, but with several small flaws. Still not good enough to pass as someone else up
3 successes: What Hengeyokai wanted, though there is at least one small flaw, which may not be immediately noticeable.
4 successes: Better than the Hengeyokai believed possible. There are no flaws of which the Hengeyokai is aware. Any but close
family or friends would not know that the Hengeyokai is a double.
5 successes: Perfect. The Hengeyokai could pass as the person copied, even among close family, as long as he played the part well.
(These success levels are directly adapted from The Player's Guide to the Sabbat, published by White Wolf.)
Hengeyokai are also able to fight with their claws, which will do aggravated damage. Hengeyokai are able to extend their claws freely
in cat form, but in human form this action requires the expenditure of a blood point. The claws are equal to the claws produced by
Protean level two.
Nightvision is the natural ability of cats to see in near total darkness. It functions similar to the level 1 Protean ability, Gleam of the Red
Eyes, except that the eyes do not glow red. They may, however, shine if they reflect light, just as many nocturnal animals' eyes do. This
power is natural, rather than magical. The Hengeyokai may employ it in human form without penalty.

A Hengeyokai begins with level 1 Celerity in Cat form, and none when in human form. A Hengeyokai's Celerity will always be one point
lower when they are in human form. For example, a Hengeyokai with a Celerity of 3 acts as though their Celerity were only 2 when they
are in human form. Hengeyokai also start with Auspex at level 1.
Due to the amount of inherent disciplines in the Hengeyokai, disciplines are relatively inflexible at the time of character generation.
This is to say, discipline points are not available. (However, you can still purchase disciplines at the normal price with freebie points.)
Hengeyokai are limited in the number of disciplines they may acquire. They may learn Animalism, Auspex, Celerity, and Presence, all
up to level five. Hengeyokai must spend the current rating x6 experience points to increase their disciplines, but purchasing disciplines
costs the normal amount.

Blood Pool & Generation

Hengeyokai use their blood pool in exactly the same way as vampires do, with the exception that they do not need to spend Blood to
survive. This is to say that they can increase attributes and heal wounds with their blood. Blood Points are replenished by drinking
blood or through the use of the Shinjutsu Sword Ritual.
Generation is only used by Hengeyokai to determine Blood Pool. It is gained in the same way as with vampires (primarily through
prestige points or Ordeals). Diablerie is not a possibility, since they do not have true "generation," but rather the Hengeyokai

Hengeyokai Rituals
The Hengeyokai have several rituals, as defined in 'A World of Darkness.' These are, at level 1, the male Shinjutsu sword ritual, and
the female Shinjutsu mirror ritual. At level two, there is the gender neutral Shinjutsu jewel ritual.
The Sword ritual is gender specific, in that only male characters may learn and use it. The maker of the sword (yes, you must find a
blacksmith, or make it yourself) and the Cat binding it must both spend a Blood Point for this ritual to succeed. In this ritual, there is
created a sword which will increase the skill level of its user by one, and automatically put half of the Blood Points it spills into the
bonded Cat's Blood Pool (no matter who is wielding it at the time). The sword may be used by any character, of any race (including,
but not limited to, Western Vampires, Gaki, mortal humans, Garou and other Hengeyokai). It may also be used by the Cat it is bound
to. It should, however, be noted that this ritual does not pertain to all bladed weapon, but only those that may be considered to be
swords. (ie. knives, pole-arms, etc. may not be used for this ritual.)
The Mirror ritual is one that only female characters may learn and use. A mirror is made, and the maker (yes, you must find a
glassblower to make the mirror for you or make it yourself) and the binding Cat must both spend one Blood Point for the ritual to
succeed. This ritual creates a mirror that reflects an enchanting image of the character looking into it, in which the character is their
personal conception of absolute beauty. A Willpower point must be spent to break the gaze into the mirror. If the gaze is not broken,
one half the character's Blood Points revert from the character's Blood Pool into the Blood Pool of the Cat the mirror is bound to.
Any Hengeyokai may also look into the mirror and use it to shape-shift into an incredibly beautiful form (will automatically raise
Appearance by 2), that would not otherwise be possible. This is in addition to any successes (and thus increases to Appearance)
gained from the Mental + Disguise vs. 10 test. Hengeyokai will not be entranced by the mirror.
The Jewel ritual is one that either male or female Hengeyokai may learn and use. It creates a jewel which increases the Charisma of
the character wearing it by one, except when interacting with the Cat it is bound to, in which case Charisma is lowered by 3. The
maker and the binding Cat must both spend one Blood Point for this ritual to succeed. (For all practical purposes, the maker of the
gem will be the stonecutter, since gems are actually made by the earth.)
The rituals detailed here are Hengeyokai specific; they may not be learned by any other races, and Hengeyokai may only learn these
rituals (with the possible exception of some Garou rituals, pending Storyteller approval).
(Also, to keep the game running smoothly, please keep a description of the ritual item you are using with you, so your Storyteller
doesn't have to make the effects up, or run for these rules. Feel free to photocopy these ritual descriptions for this purpose.)

A Final Note
These rules have been adapted directly (with some additions to keep things fair) from the description of Hengeyokai as given in A
World of Darkness: The Promised Lands, published by White Wolf Game Studios (pp. 107-109 and 111-112). If you have questions
as to other aspects of Hengeyokai (specifically sit-down type role-playing of Hengeyokai and the different facets thereof), it is
suggested that you acquire a copy of this sourcebook and read the section on Hengeyokai. Due to the simple fact that not all the rules
are applicable to live-action, they are not included here.

Part Two:
Disclaimer: the following is written in character. I got bored, and my research into Hengeyokai turned into a full-blown research paper. I
just kind of went with it. If anyone sees anything that seems blatantly wrong, please mail me with the correction. Keep in mind also that
this is a preliminary to the live-action role-playing rules for Hengeyokai, and is not intended to be a scholastically accurate paper. I
have added some conjecture that is not exactly accurate to what I have read. (this was mostly to see that Hengeyokai don't get the
short end of the stick in a fight.)

Hengeyokai are Japanese shape-shifters who have typically lived more than 200 years. There are two known forms of Hengeyokai:
vulpes (fox) and felis (cat). They have some command of powers that emulate portions of the following disciplines: Auspex, Celerity,
Dominate and Obfuscate. Their main power is the ability to perfectly emulate any human form they have seen or may imagine.
Hengeyokai are dependent on blood as a life-sustaining medium, but since they feed on the life energy contained in blood as
opposed to the nutritional value, their need is less intense than in Vampires.

Discourse on Hengeyokai characteristics and abilities.

By J. M. Tremblay
August 5, 1993
[It should be noted that the names 'vulpes' and 'felis' Hengeyokai are only the author's method of referring to the two forms of the
creature. They are not indicative of a correct name, nor should they necessarily be used as such.]
Hengeyokai are Japanese shape-shifters who have typically lived more than 200 years. They are all possessed of the power to reshape their body (in a manner very similar to Vicissitude as possessed by members of the Tzimisce clan) to mimic that of a human.
This power allows them to perfectly emulate the form of any human they have seen or are able to imagine. They also typically exhibit
several powers similar to Vampiric Disciplines. These are: celerity, auspex, obfuscate and dominate.
Hengeyokai appear to have achieved their longevity in a manner similar to Vampires; the drinking of blood. However, unlike
Vampires, Hengeyokai do not seem to need very much blood to survive. Where a Vampire needs blood daily to subsist, Hengeyokai
seem to need to feed only once every week or so; when there is a waxing moon, Hengeyokai commonly spend the entire lunar cycle
without feeding.
This can be partially explained by examining the feeding habits of Hengeyokai. They only appear to feed on sexually active humans,
excluding children, virgins, monks and the elderly from their feeding. It is then conjectured that a Hengeyokai gets some amount of life
energy, or 'ki' from the vessel, which is not transferrable if the vessel is sexually inactive. Thus where a Vampire needs the actual
nutrients contained in blood, a Hengeyokai needs the life energy therein. Hengeyokai however, also unlike Vampires, must eat food
regularly to survive.
There are two forms of Hengeyokai known. Vulpes (fox) Hengeyokai are the more common form, felis (cat) being the less common.
Vulpes appear with little variation to be the common fox (Vulpes vulpes) in animal form. However, examples of the small corsac (V.
corsac) fox also exist. Felis are always the domestic cat (Felis catus) in animal form.

Vulpes Hengeyokai
More is known about vulpes Hengeyokai, being the more common form. They typically appear to be totally human when in human
form; there is documented evidence that a vulpes Hengeyokai fooled one man into thinking she was his wife for 'many years' (it is
assumed more than five since the couple conceived two children and raised them to an age where they could speak clearly). It is
presumed that they are able to effect their appearance to any extent they wish. Physical prowess also seems to depend somewhat on
their form. Vulpes Hengeyokai have been documented and observed as being at one point a powerful samurai, and at another a weak
peasant, with strength appropriate to each.
The vulpes form typically shows evidence of something resembling the following disciplines: Obfuscate, Dominate and Celerity. The
Obfuscate power seems to be simply the ability to hide oneself from searching eyes, and is not as multifaceted as the Vampiric
discipline. It clearly covers the creature's physical presence, including (but perhaps not limited to) sight, sound and smell. It is not clear
if the sound of a branch breaking underfoot would be muffled by this power. Nor is it clear if this power works merely on the mind, or
would work against electronic recording equipment as well.
The Dominate-like power is, for the most part, an ability to command a human to believe what the Hengeyokai is telling them. There is
also evidence that they are able to erase memories, or at least block them very effectively. It is not known just how powerful this gift is.
The Celerity-like discipline is fairly straight-forward. Vulpes Hengeyokai have shown the ability to move significantly faster than their
form would suggest. Up to five times faster than normal human movement and reaction (in human form) has been observed.
Vulpes Hengeyokai also typically possess above-average senses, even when in human form. They respond to sounds other humans
in the area did not hear, and have shown that their sense of smell is significantly better than even a normal fox in both human and
animal form. Their sight appears to be on par with the human norm, if not perhaps a bit sharper and more discerning. However, vulpes'
sight appears to remain sensitive in near total darkness. This is perhaps due to the foxes nocturnal nature.
Vulpes Hengeyokai have also shown that they can grow fingernails of significant strength and sharpness while in human form, quite
similar to the Gangrel power of Protean. These fingernails do respectable damage, and it is conjectured that they would cause
aggravated damage to a Vampire.
Vulpes Hengeyokai, in disposition, are fabled to be fairly mischievous, and occasionally malevolent. In actuality, they have been known
range from extremely pleasant and docile to thoroughly evil (usually in different subjects though).

Felis Hengeyokai
Felis Hengeyokai are far less common than vulpes. They are, in myth, equivalent to the Western Vampire in terms of wickedness and

malevolence. In actuality, they do tend to be decidedly more irreverent and malicious than their vulpes cousins, but kind and gentle
examples of felis have been observed.
The felis form appears to be less successful in their transformation to human form than vulpes, when co-related with the age of the
subject. Experience apparently counts for more with the felis Hengeyokai. Unless a felis has reached significant age (perhaps beyond
1000 years), they are typically identifiable as somehow feline in human form. There are documented cases where pointed ears or
fingernails gave them away, but the usual circumstance is that the eyes are somehow feline; this is usually by way of an oval pupil. The
pupil will also reflect light in significant amounts similar to many other nocturnal creatures (including vulpes Hengeyokai). However,
these anomalies are often missed by the less observant.
Felis also show the ability to increase some attributes by changing their form. This talent appears to operate in exactly the same
manner as in the vulpes Hengeyokai. The elongated fingernails are also apparent in felis Hengeyokai, but they appear to have a
greater faculty with them as weapons than their vulpes cousins. This is perhaps due to a feline's use of claws as weapons and tools
under normal circumstances.
It should be noted that all felis Hengeyokai are Felis catus, and all are possessed of a long tail. In many cases, the feline form of felis
is identifiable as Hengeyokai due to the abnormally elongated tail.
It is believed by the Japanese that if a cat's tail is not removed early in life, the cat may never die. He will simply grow older and older
until he gains the intelligence to change himself to a human form. Felis Hengeyokai have quite apparently embraced this myth, and
their tails are irreverently long. The disciplines evident in felis Hengeyokai are similar to vulpes; Dominate, Obfuscate and Celerity,
except that felis also shows evidence of the middle levels of Auspex. The Dominate gift is very similar to vulpes' power: the ability to
convince a human of something with no other apparent means of coercion. No evidence has been recorded of any ability to affect the
memory, but it is certainly a strong possibility, since vulpes and felis share so many powers.
The Obfuscate power is, once again, mostly the ability to appear invisible and inaudible to human senses, as with vulpes. Felis' ability
to move quickly as with celerity is identical to the vulpes' power as well.
The significant difference in felis Hengeyokai is in their apparent ability to see both auras and the aetherial (astral) plane. There has
been observed evidence that felis Hengeyokai are aware of, and can interpret, auras. There is also evidence that they can see into
the aetherial plane if so prompted. This does not allow them to interact with the aetherial plane, though they have been known to try.
Felis Hengeyokai also appear to have significant sensory mastery. They are able to see in near complete darkness, and all other
senses, with the possible exception of touch, are far more sensitive than human perception.

General Characteristics
The disciplines or powers apparent in Hengeyokai of both varieties are instinctual. They do not need to be learned from another
Hengeyokai, although they do not appear instantaneously. There appears to be a random progression in which the powers manifest,
which can be affected by the individual through ritual meditation and prayer.
The use of powers does seem to require blood in some cases (specifically with the celerity-like power), since the Hengeyokai typically
needs to feed with a greater urgency after using such powers, even with a waxing moon. The use of the claws in human form also
appears to require blood, by use of the above reasoning.

Social Organization
Vulpes Hengeyokai tend to be more or less solitary animals, except during mating season, when they congregate in large groups and
re-enact glorified mating ceremonies reminiscent of those of mortal foxes. Hengeyokai are not capable of creating offspring, and thus
these re-enactments are just rituals. It is conjectured that they serve to quell some instinct that has no other outlet. During times of
gathering, a pecking order is normally established through tests of physical prowess among vulpes Hengeyokai. In this ranking system
there is clearly one pair of dominant foxes, male and female. Below them stand all other Hengeyokai present, including any felis who
decide to investigate. It is not clear if there is any order below the dominant positions.
Felis Hengeyokai are much more social than their vulpes cousins, and will gather at a predetermined spot on every night that the
moon is visible. At these gatherings as well, there is a predominant pair, called the King and Queen. Again, there appears to be no
particular order below the King and Queen. The felis gatherings are clearly at a predetermined location, but it is not known how all felis
Hengeyokai in the area are alerted to the location. It is conjectured that both the location of the moon at moonrise and its phase are
essential to where the gathering is to be located, but no system is clear or apparent.
How rank is determined among felis Hengeyokai is not as clear as with vulpes. There is some evidence to suggest that the amount of
white in the coat is a determining factor, but this has not been proven.

In all, neither vulpes nor felis Hengeyokai present any immediate danger or threat to the Tremere. They have great potential to be used
politically, but that potential is curtailed by their nature, which suggests that they could not perform as the Tremere might prefer. They
appear to be blood-bondable, but this action has never been attempted.
It is the recommendation of this author that the Hengeyokai be observed for now. Until they gain political power in some measure,
Hengeyokai are inconsequential.
This 'paper' was intercepted by an anonymous friend of mine, and delivered to me. I thought the participants in these lists might enjoy
seeing what the Tremere do to evaluate a potential 'ally.' Scary, isn't it?

Appendix: Immortals
"He is immortal, and he is not alone." - Dawson
These are simply the author's interpretations of the immortals from the movie and series. If you disagree with part or all of it, change it.

Connor MacLeod
"I am Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod. I was born in 1518 in the village of Glenfinnan on the shores of Loch Shiel. And I am
immortal." - Connor Mac Leod, 1985

Played by: Christopher Lambert

Nature: Reluctant Immortal
Demeanor: Autist
Born: 1518
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4, Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3, Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
Abilities: Alertness 3, Awareness 4, Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 4, Intimidation 3, Intuition 3, Leadership 1, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge
4, Drive 1, Etiquette 3, Firearms 2, Melee 6, Stealth 4, Survival 3, Bureaucracy 2, Computer 1, Finance 3, Investigation 2, Law 3,
Linguistics 3, Medicine 2, Occult 1, Politics 2, Science 2.

Backgrounds: Allies 1, Arcane 2, Contacts 2, Resources 5

Quickening: 7
Willpower: 7
Weapon: Katana (difficulty 6, Str+5=8 dice)

"I am Juan Sanchez Villa Lobos Ramirez, chief metallurgist to King Charles V of Spain. And I am at your service." - Ramirez, 1541

Played by: Sean Connery

Nature: Mentor
Demeanor: Gallant
Born: 896 BC
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4, Charisma 5, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3, Perception 5, Intelligence 5, Wits 4
Abilities: Acting 3, Alertness 4, Awareness 5, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Empathy 2, Intimidation 3, Intuition 4, Streetwise 3,
Subterfuge 4, Etiquette 4, Leadership 4, Melee 7, Music 3, Repair 2, Stealth 3, Survival 5 Finance 4, Investigation 5, Law 4,
Linguistics 6, Medicine 4, Occult 3, Politics 4, Science 3

Backgrounds: Arcane 3, Resources 5

Quickening: 6
Willpower: 9
Weapon: Katana (difficulty 6, Str+5=8 dice)

The Kurgan
"The Kurgans were an ancient people from the steppes of Russia. For amusement they tossed children into pits with hungry dogs to
fight for meat. Ah, the Kurgan... he is the strongest of all the immortals. He is the perfect warrior." - Ramirez, 1541

Played by: Clancy Brown

Nature: Deviant
Demeanor: Bravo
Born: ?

Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5, Charisma 2, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2, Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
Abilities: Alertness 3, Awareness 4, Athletics 3, Brawl 7, Dodge 5, Intimidation 6, Leadership 4, Streetwise 5, Subterfuge 2, Drive 4,
Firearms 5, Melee 8, Repair 4, Stealth 2, Survival 6, Computer 1, Finance 3, Investigation 2, Law 3, Linguistics 5, Medicine 2, Occult
4, Politics 3, Science 2.

Backgrounds: Arcane 3, Contacts 2, Fame 1, Resources 3

Quickening: 8
Willpower: 8
Weapon: Two Handed Sword (difficulty 7, Str+6=11 dice)

Duncan MacLeod
"I am Duncan MacLeod born 400 years ago in the Highlands of Scotland. I am immortal, and I am not alone." - Duncan

Played by: Adrian Paul

Nature: Judge
Demeanor: Reluctant Immortal
Born: circa 1590
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4, Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4, Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4.
Abilities: Acting 2, Alertness 1, Awareness 3, Athletics 4, Brawl 6, Dodge 3, Intimidation 2, Intuition 2, Leadership 2, Streetwise 2,
Subterfuge 3, Drive 3, Etiquette 1, Firearms 3, Melee 6, Repair 1, Stealth 3, Survival 4, Computer 2, Finance 2, Investigation 3, Law 1,
Linguistics 4, Medicine 1, Occult 1, Politics 1, Science 1

Backgrounds: Allies 2, Arcane 2, Contacts 1, Mentor 4, Resources 4

Quickening: 5
Willpower: 8
Weapon: Katana (difficulty 6, Str+5=8 dice)

Richie Ryan
"You're one of us now." - Duncan

Played by: Stan Kirsch

Born: circa 1973
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4, Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3, Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 2.
Abilities: Acting 2, Alertness 1, Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Dodge 2, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 1, Drive 4, Firearms 1, Melee 3, Repair 2,
Security 3, Stealth 1,Computer 1, Finance 1, Investigation 1, Law 2.

Backgrounds: Contacts 2, Mentor 3, Resources 2

Quickening: 2
Willpower: 6
Weapon: Saber (difficulty 6, Str+4=7 dice)

Last Words
"Now it ends." - Kurgan
I loved Highlander from the first time I saw it - It remains one of my favorite films to this day. Everything about it appealed to me, from
the story to the music. When I discovered Hank's rules for running a Highlander character in the World of Darkness one night while
browsing through the now-defunct Storyteller ftp site, I pounced on them immediately. The prospect of playing an
immortal in the World of Darkness had never occurred to me, but I was sold from the start. Using Hank's rules, I ran an immortal in a
friend's Storyteller Chronicle, in a fairly large group with Vampires, Garou and Magi player characters.
Diarmuid Mac Aonghusa, as I called the character, was an Irish immortal, and kin to the Garou Fianna tribe. The other players,

exasperated with the, in their opinion, unpronounceable name I chose for the character, dubbed him "DeDannan", after the ancient
Celtic race, the Tuatha De Dannan, and referred to him as "The Celt". The first time DeDannan fought another immortal, one of the
major deficiencies of both the Storyteller system and Hank's rules became quickly apparent - the lack of rules for Storytelling detailed
sword-duels. I designed a crude system of sword-fighting rules, and later adopted the rules for Glaive duelling from the Werewolf
Players Guide.
As time went by, other small deficiencies cropped up, and various ideas occurred to me. I've never really been happy simply as a
player of role-playing games; I've always preferred designing games to actually playing or GMing...
Eventually, as my ideas mounted up, I gave in to temptation, and embark on a revision of Hank's rules. Not a complete re-writing, but
some additions, and a fair bit of editing. To my relief, Hank liked the ideas I had, and we made it a joint effort. Thus, Highlander: The
Gathering Second Edition was born.
Unlike Hank, I'm not exactly a Highlander fanatic. I've never really been that impressed by the series, preferring the film both for it's
mood and atmosphere, and because I like both Christopher Lambert and the character of Connor Mac Leod more than I do Adrian
Paul or Duncan. However, I am fanatical about the film, and I've seen it more times than I can count.
My credentials as far as game design go are slightly better. As well as being a manic roleplayer and a World of Darkness fanatic, I'm
also a freelance game designer, and I've been involved in the development of the Storyteller series, particularly Werewolf: The
Just to reiterate - while these rules are copyright of us, their authors, we do not dispute the ownership of the rights to the Highlander
film and series by the writers and producers of the respective productions. This is not an official Highlander roleplaying game. We do
believe that Epitaph studios are currently developing the Official Highlander roleplaying game. The Storytelling roleplaying system and
the World of Darkness setting were developed by and are copyright of White Wolf Inc. By copyrighting these rules, we do not dispute
the ownership of any of these trademarks. We simply wish to see that our efforts in putting together these rules aren't exploited by
anyone else.
Just one last thing - Always remember that, although there are plenty of "rule"s to be found in these pages, there really is only one
important rule to be considered when you are using the Storyteller system, no matter whether you're playing a Werewolf, an Immortal
or a Mage - There are no rules. What is contained in these pages are mine and Hank's ideas - our suggestions for playing an
immortal in the World of Darkness. Admittedly, I'd like to think that I'm a good enough game designer to have put together something
that will suit and appeal to most people, but I doubt if I'm that good...
At the moment, my email address of is looking as though it might change, so, if you have any comments
on these rules, Hank would be the best person to send them to.
Don't lose your head, John
Wow. When I sat down to write the first edition Highlander rules, my hope was that someone out on the net would eventually read them,
and maybe even like what they read...
I've had over 300 people personally request the Highlander rules, independent of who knows how many have gotten them off the ftp
sites or mosaic pages they live on now. Like I said, Wow... thanks!
I gave my credentials in the first edition rules, so this is just a recap. I started roleplaying when my dad bought D&D the week it came
out, in the mid-70's (I was 8). I've since played and/or gamemastered in over a hundred campaigns, lasting from a few weeks to
several years. I've always been a Highlander fan, and between Duncan's katana and the movie poster on the wall most people who
enter my home guess that pretty quickly...
A lot has changed the past nine months, since the first edition came out. I'm finishing my PhD this summer, and in September 1994 I
begin work at Digital Domain in Venice, CA, doing computer effects for Jim Cameron (y'know, the T2/Aliens/Abyss guy. He owns the
company) and others. My life is changing so quickly... I'd just like to thank John for having so many things to contribute that it warranted
a new version, and my wife (of almost five years now... and she still likes me... another Wow!) for putting up with me staying up nights
to bounce e-mail ideas and editing/layout ideas with this guy in the UK...
For awhile still, people can reach me at This address will forward to my DD account in September... as before,
my only "payment" for these rules is that you send us mail, and tell us what you think: good or bad, ideas help. Who knows, we may
make you write the third edition...{center smiley here}.
PS: To subscribe to the Highlander mailing list, send mail to with a message body that says simply sub
highla-l yourname@yoursite. Likewise, you can subscribe to the vampire mailing list, vampire-l, by sending mail to, the same way. There is also a werewolf-l and mage-l, at the same address. For more info on the Highlander
mailing list, contact the list admin,

Chapter Five: The World of Darkness

"Fighting to survive, in a world with the darkest powers..." - Queen
Highlander-style immortals fit perfectly into the World of Darkness. The movie Highlander is listed as one of the inspirations for the
World of Darkness - a world where supernatural beings walk among us without our knowledge. However, immortals are very different
from other supernatural creatures in one very important way - Unlike the Kindred, Garou and Mages, immortals don't have their own
society, for very obvious reasons. In a world where various groups such as the Sabbat and the Technocracy vie for power, immortals
are wildcards - powerful individuals; mavericks who can be useful allies or dangerous enemies. They have no clearly defined role,
unlike the Garou, for instance, and instead, follow their own destiny, towards the Prize.
Immortals don't go around in groups, for very obvious reasons. Therefore, there will normally only be a single immortal player character
in a Chronicle, and the other PCs will presumably be one of the other character types detailed in the Storyteller games released so far
- Kindred, Garou, Mage or Wraith. This brings up the interesting topic of what the other characters actually know about the immortal
character. Given that immortals are probably the rarest of all the supernatural beings (excepting Mummies), it's reasonable to assume
that it's not exactly common knowledge that these guys are immortal, and can only be killed if their head is chopped off. If assessed
using supernatural powers, an immortal's aura will look very similar to a Mage's, or perhaps a Changeling's - They store within them a
large well of power, not unlike Quintessence. However, it will soon become obvious that an immortal cannot manipulate magick, nor
does he possess powers like that of a Faerie. Normally, an immortal won't reveal his true nature to people, without a very good
reason, and it is very unlikely that he will reveal the method by which he can be killed.
Although immortals are, after all, immortal, and don't necessarily need to eat, sleep, and so on, failure to do so will result in them
becoming weak, although they can never die of hunger or exposure. However, hunger and cold make immortals as uncomfortable as
they do mortals, and therefore, it is desirable to have a roof over one's head, and money, in order to make your life more comfortable.
Unlike other supernatural beings, immortals don't have Caerns, Nodes or Crypts. Instead, they will most probably live amongst
During their extended lifetimes, immortals are likely to amass huge amounts of wealth. However, like Vampires, immortals must
maintain a masquerade - the illusion that there is nothing strange about them. This can be difficult, and can involve having to leave
worldly assets behind. In the film, Connor used to leave his goods to children who had died whilst very young, and "die", only to return
after a suitable interval to assume the identity of the dead person and claim their inheritance. This is probably the best way of ensuring
that an immortal doesn't have to give up whatever worldly possessions he has earned when he has to move on, in order to prevent his
true nature being discovered. Doubtless, there are immortals who travel around quite a bit, but it's likely that, after several centuries of
travelling, an immortal may wish to stay in one place for a while.
Obviously, if an immortal has settled down in one place, they will need to have some way of paying for their lifestyle on a day to day
basis. Duncan, for instance, has extensive stock holdings, but he is also an antique dealer, as Connor was. What better job for a man
who was alive when many antiques were new? Other professions which require a knowledge of the past may also attract immortals,
like a history professor, for instance. Who better to describe the Civil War than someone who was actually there? Immortals'
supernatural abilities mean that they are practically perfect as soldiers, or something similar. What could be better than a soldier who
isn't just simply unafraid of dying, but is actually unable to die? Most immortals will no doubt have been involved in some sort of conflict
at some point in their lives, unless they actively avoided it.
Were an immortal's secret to become known, the results could be potentially disastrous. Imagine what would happen were a company
such as Development Neogenetics Amalgamated or Pentex Inc. to discover that immortals exist - they would stop at nothing in an
attempt to discover the secret of immortality. Therefore, an immortal character must be careful to guard his secret, and maintain the
facade of normality.

"How do you fight such a savage?" "With heart, faith, and steel..." - Connor, Ramirez
In this section we will discuss how Immortals are likely to interact with the other supernatural beings in the World of Darkness, as well
as other individuals and organizations, such as the Inquisition.

Vampires: Immortals are quite likely to run up against the Kindred of any city they visit - Kindred feed off mortals, while Immortals are
more likely to try and protect the them. Kindred seek to control and they will normally try to destroy that which they are unable to control.
Immortals don't often fit into their schemes, which makes them dangerous. However, as much as an immortal can be a powerful
enemy, they can also be a powerful ally. It is possible that individual immortals and vampires can become friends and allies, for both
have one major trait in common - both have the potential to live for an inordinate length of time. Both understand what it is like to live
for much longer than mortals. Added to this is the fact that, unlike mortals, immortals have nothing to fear from Vampires - as has been
stated before, immortal blood holds no sustenance for Vampires, and immortals cannot be Embraced, nor made into Ghouls.
However, unlike many Kindred, Immortals are still innately human, and the bestial nature of many Kindred will repel them. If an immortal
has a Vampire as a friend, it is likely that the Vampire will have a high Humanity.

Werewolves: Immortals are more likely to join the Garou than the Kindred. The Garou fight for a simpler time, a time the immortal may
well remember. The Garou also fight against the desecration of Gaia, and, as PC immortals are likely to follow in the hero mold of
Connor and Duncan MacLeod, it is extremely likely that Garou and Immortals would consider each other to be brothers, fighting on the
same side, against the destruction of a mother earth the Immortals have watched being desecrated over the centuries. Add to this the
fact that Garou Caerns are Holy Ground, and a refuge for immortals, and it becomes obvious that the Garou and Immortals are very
likely allies.

However, there is a possibility that some immortals may come up against the Garou, especially if they have amassed great wealth,
and control portions of man's world which the Garou do not appreciate. Such immortals may be considered by the Garou to be agents
of the Wyrm. In general, however, Immortals are much more likely to form friendly relationships and allies the Garou than anything else.

Mages: Immortals and Mages don't mix well. This isn't because of any direct conflict, but because Mages will often wish to acquire the
immortal's Quickening, in order to empower their own node. Also, Mages, like the Kindred, are often distrustful of that which they can't
control, an immortals' immunity to magic of both the Prime and Life spheres makes them a danger. On the other hand, immortals
make useful allies, powerful and yet not beholden to any clan or tribe. Also, the Mages' nodes are Holy Ground, like the Caerns of the
Garou. However, what immortal is likely to feel comfortable in a place surrounded by people who could gain a lot of power for
themselves by beheading him?

Wraiths: It's likely that Immortals and Wraiths do not normally interact very much, due to the simple fact that while Immortals inhabit the
mundane world, Wraiths dwell in the Deep Umbra and rarely manifest themselves on Earth. It should be noted, however, that because
of the manner in which the Quickening binds an immortal's being together, Immortals cannot be possessed.

Changelings: Like the Garou, the Sidhe are likely to form strong alliances with Immortals, as they are, in many ways, kindred spirits human, and yet wielding powers which no mortal can possess. Both Immortals and Changelings strive towards a goal which is their
destiny to pursue - Immortals strive to win the Prize, while the Sidhe dream of returning to Arcadia, to join with their faerie kin. The
Sidhe's relationship with the Garou (especially the Fianna), is also likely to result in Changelings and Immortals becoming friends and
allies. Certain members of the Fey may also hold clues to the origins of the Immortals...

The Wyrm: Minions of the Wyrm, such as Fomori and the Black Spiral Dancers are very likely to attempt to kill any Immortals they
come across, as Immortals are likely to be considered to be of neither the Wyld nor the Weaver alone, but of both - their role as
wildcards and mavericks is a trait of the Wyld, yet the Weaver holds their body and spirit together. Suffice to say that the Wyrm would
consider Immortals to be enemies.

Governments: It is highly unlikely that the Government knows, or even suspects that there are immortals out there, although there may
be a section of the FBI or some similar organization which is carrying out an investigation into the possibility that there is a serial killer
going around, chopping people's heads off. Witnesses of Immortal duels are likely to be given the same amount of credibility as the
ex-Marine was in the movie - ie. none at all. On the other hand, Immortals are likely to have to tread carefully, and take extra care, when
trying to hide their immortality from individuals in government departments, and so on. However, immortals are much more likely to run
into trouble when trying to deal with the police. Particularly if they are murder suspects, like Connor was in the film. An immortal had
better make sure that his cover is unshakable if he comes under investigation by the police or FBI.

The Inquisition: The Inquisition is likely to have encountered immortals during the Dark Ages, when they would have been
considered to be witches, or "in league with Lucifer", as Kate said. The punishment for such heresy was burning at the stake, and at
least one immortal in the series has survived such an ordeal. It's very unlikely that the Inquisition knows of the existence of Immortals.
However, see the information on the Watchers below.

The Watchers: The Watchers are a group which predates the that Arcanum, and, although they have links with the Arcanum, the
Arcanum proper is unaware of the existence of Immortals. The Watchers are. They have spent centuries studying the immortals,
chronicling their exploits, but not interfering. They keep accurate records of all new immortals, who has taken who's head, and (like the
immortals themselves) wonder as to who will gain the Prize, and what this Prize is. Watchers are mortals, and are chosen for their
"normalness". They don't stand out in a crowd, they blend. They don't trigger the immortal's senses, and are trained to observe. Their
only distinguishing feature is a tattoo on their wrists, a circle with a holy symbol of their order within. This allows them to easily
recognize one another, and to remind them of their mission.

The Hunters: In recent years, a rogue branch of the Watchers has formed. This group has links with the Inquisition. Fueled by
paranoia, it's members have decided that they cannot wait and hope that the immortal who gains the Prize is a good person. They
actively hunt and kill immortals, removing their heads and allowing their knowledge and power to be lost to the Ether. In this way, they
seek to stop any immortal from achieving the power of the Prize. These "Hunters" view immortals as the greatest danger ever to face
mankind... both the Watchers and the Hunters are detailed in the series, and some of the main characters in the second season are
members of these groups. Although the other supernatural beings, such as Werewolves and Vampires aren't mentioned in the series,
it's possible that in the World of Darkness their mission may have expanded to include Vampires, Magi, and any other beings they
perceive to be a danger.

Running a Chronicle with a group with an immortal is something of a challenge. Physically, Immortals are among the most powerful
characters in the Storytelling system, but there are disadvantages to playing an immortal, when compared to a Vampire, a Werewolf,
or a Mage. All three possess powers which an Immortal cannot match. Many Vampiric Disciplines and Garou Gifts bestow
advantages which the Quickening is unable to match, and the Magick wielded by Mages, while Immortals are immune to the effects of
the Life and Prime spheres, can be very dangerous indeed. Another major difference is that Immortals are bound to the mundane
world, and cannot pierce the Gauntlet to travel to the Umbral Spirit World.
The Last is designed to help even out these differences, and the Storyteller should actively be thinking about what an immortal may
sense through the Last throughout a Story. Note that an immortal player character should not have to ask whether he senses anything
through the Last - it is designed to be a random way of giving the Immortal knowledge which he couldn't normally know, and isn't an
ability or a Gift to be activated at will. Consider the various instances in the film where an immortal knew something he really shouldn't
have - Connor finding Brenda's gun and tape recorder; Kurgan knowing that "there is one among them named Connor"; Connor
sensing Rachel's presence and asking what she was looking at; and so on.

It is also necessary to keep in mind the aims and desires of the various characters in a group - obviously, the aims of a Garou, for
example are different from that of a Vampire. The Werewolf may wish to increase his Renown by combatting the Wyrm, while the
Vampire might want to extend his power and influence. However, an immortal has but one aim - to win the Prize. The only way of doing
this is to kill other immortals and take their Quickening. The Storyteller should always make sure that there is a reason for the Immortal
character's presence in the group, and for him aiding the other characters. The Mages and the Garou may have teamed up to thwart
the Technocracy's plans, as it is in both their interests, but, a player with an Immortal character could quickly discover that he is just
riding along in this situation, with no advantage to his character being readily apparent. It is important to ensure that the actions of the
group as a whole don't conflict with the aims of any of it's individual members.
It can be advantageous if the Immortal character has ties to other members of the group, instead of just being an extra member of the
team, whom no one really knows. He might be kin to a Garou, or an ally of a Vampire or a Mage. What is important is that he is
actually part of the team, and not just an add-on.
Hopefully, this supplement will bring a new dimension to your World of Darkness games, and will provide even more enjoyment for
both Storyteller and players.

Chapter Four: Systems

"You've the devil in you!" - Dougal
This chapter details how immortals gain experience, and details the combat system for sword duels.

"You've no knowledge whatsoever of your potential!" -Ramirez
Immortals gain experience in the same way as the other characters in the Storyteller system, and so much of the chart given here is
simply repetition.
Trait Cost
New Ability - 3
Willpower - current rating
Abilities - current rating x 2
Attributes - current rating x 4
Quickening - current rating x 6*
* Quickening can only be increased by an equal split of Quickening Experience and "normal" experience.

"Who wants to live forever?" - Queen
Immortals recover from wounds much more rapidly than mortals. In Chapter Three, using Quickening to heal was discussed. Without
the use of Quickening, however, immortals still recover from crippling wounds in a short period. Examples given in the series include
immolation, falling from a cliff, being shot in the head, and others. Without the use of Quickening, immortals heal using the following
Bruised - One Round
Hurt - One Minute
Injured - Five Minutes
Wounded - Thirty Minutes
Mauled - One Hour
Crippled - One Hour
Incapacitated - One Hour

"Don't lose your head!" - Ramirez
Combat is a fact of life for an immortal. Whether he or she likes it or not, unless they learn how to use a sword, and, more importantly,
are prepared to use it, they will surely lose their head. You can't run forever, and if you try hiding, you'll eventually be found by another
immortal. Only by killing your fellow immortals in combat can you hope to survive and have any chance of winning the Prize.
When two immortals meet, they sense each other through the Quickening. They don't have to do battle, (we have seen in both the
movie and the series how two immortals may become friends), but it is the time of the Gathering, and it is their destiny to battle until
only one remains. They have no choice in the matter.
The normal Storyteller combat rules are basically pretty useless when it comes to staging detailed sword duels. It is desirable to be
able to play out duels between immortals as detailed fights, with each combatant able to choose different tactics, moves, etc. For
immortal player characters, these duels are often the climax of the story, and just running a simple combat sequence can be frustrating
for the player involved. Remember that, in these duels, the player is fighting to increase his power, in a battle where he has a very real
chance of dying... The player is fighting for his knowledge and power, pitting it against another to the death. Thus, we recommend that
the following combat system be used for duels between immortals.

Stage One: Initiative

In normal combat, the combatants will normally try to be the first to attack, in the hope of inflicting damage first. However, in sword
combat, things work a little differently. Sometimes, one combatant may elect to try and surprise the other, by ambushing them and
attacking them before they have a chance to draw their weapon. In such cases, use the normal rules for Initiative and Surprise,
although note that an immortal can practically never be taken completely by surprise by another immortal. The Quickening sees to that.
With sword-duels, the round takes on a new meaning - Basically, a sword combat round is the length of time it takes for one person to
attack the other. This system splits sword combat up into a series of bouts. A bout is a series of rounds, during which there is no
pause in combat. At the start of a round, both players roll for Initiative. Then they announce what their actions are going to be. Because
sword combat is reactive - ie. you don't know what you're going to do until your opponent has done something - the player with the
higher Initiative must announce what they intend to do first.

Normally, the player with the higher Initiative will decide to attack, and, if so, his opponent must either defend or dodge. Alternatively,
the character with the higher Initiative may decide to either do some other kind of action, such as leaping onto a table, or they may
decide to wait and see what their opponent is going to do. If they do either of these things, combat has basically stopped, and they
must begin another bout.
A bout begins with both combatants facing each other, weapons at the ready. It is up to the players themselves who actually moves
first and initiates combat. Once one of the combatants announces theat they are attacking, both players make a standard Initiative roll
- Wits + Alertness, against a target number of four. However, instead of deciding who acts first (as this has already been decided), the
difference between the two combatants number of successes achieved is added to the dice pool of the player with the higher Initiative.
Example: Connor and the Kurgan are facing off. They circle each other for a few minutes, before Connor makes an attack. He rolls
Wits (3) + Alertness (4), and gets 6 successes. The Kurgan rolls Wits (4) + Alertness (3), getting four successes. Thus, Connor gets
an extra two dice to add to his Attack roll.
After this initial round, Initiative is rolled as normal, but, its role during the bout is slightly different than the one it has in normal combat.
The character with the higher Initiative gets to act first, presumably attacking, and the other person must defend. Both players make
their respective attack and defense rolls and that combat round ends, and the combatants roll their Initiative for the next round. The
following modifiers apply:
* The use of the Quickening power, Speed of the Stag confers an extra three Initiative dice upon the immortal using it.
* The person who Attacked during the last combat round gains an extra die to add to their Initiative roll for this round.
* If a combatant successfully repelled an attack by his opponent in the last round (ie. by getting an equal or greater amount of
successes on his defense roll than his opponent got on his attack roll), then he also gets an extra Initiative die.
* For every three successes by which a combatant's attack/defense roll exceeds his opponents roll, they gain an extra Initiative die.
These rules may seem very complicated right now, but will become clearer later on.

Stage Two: Attack

To reflect the complexity of sword combat, and the fact that it's not just a case of hacking at the other person until one of you dies, I
have adopted the following list of standard sword-fighting maneuvers from the rules for Klaive-duelling in the Werewolf Players Guide.
They are split up into two types - Attack maneuvers and Defense maneuvers. Normally, the attacker will choose an Attacking
maneuver, and his opponent will choose a Defense maneuver, in an attempt to counter it, but in some cases, the nature of the Attack
maneuver will only allow the defender one option. For example, if an attacker decides to try and disarm his opponent, his opponent
must decide to try to hang on to his weapon. He has no other choice.

Normal Attack: The attacker attempts to wound his/her opponent, rolling Dexterity + Melee, with the Difficulty specified by the weapon
used. Type: Attack
Difficulty: Weapon Difficulty
Image: The warrior simply tries to wound his opponent by dint of speed and skill.

Feint: The attacker rolls Manipulation + Melee for his attack roll, with a difficulty modifier of +3. This attack may not be parried - it may
only be dodged.
Type: Attack
Difficulty: Weapon Difficulty + 3
Image: With a lightning-quick motion, the swordsman attacks first high, then low, slipping around his opponent's guard, and moving to
hit a vulnerable spot.

Disarm: The attacker rolls Dexterity + Melee, resisted by Dexterity + Melee from their opponent, both rolls difficulty six. If either
combatant rolls three successes or more above their opponents successes, they disarm their opponent, and their weapon falls to the
ground. If you botch this roll, you automatically drop your own weapon!
Type: Attack
Difficulty: 6
Image: With a quick movement, you catch your opponents sword and it drops out of his nerveless hand, onto the ground.

Great Blow: The attacker commits themselves completely to a devastating blow (but not a blow to decapitate their opponent). They
roll a normal attack roll, with a +2 to difficulty. Although a Great Blow cannot be parried, it can be dodged. If the attack succeeds, the
attack dice are doubled. However, the attacker's difficulty for their Initiative the next round is 5, not 4, and they have a +2 to all Defense
difficulties during the next round also.
Type: Attack
Difficulty: Weapon Difficulty +2

Image: You bring your sword back and fall forward, lunging at your opponent. Heedless of the danger, you throw your body forward,
your sword serving as the tip of a monstrous battering ram - you.

Target Blow: Roll Perception + Melee, the difficulty number is your opponents Dex + Dodge. If successful, the number of successes
add to the number of damage dice done by your weapon. Optionally, you may elect to target a specific area - See the table below for
details of Difficulties and effects. This blow can be parried or dodged as normal and is often used to start off a bout.
Type: Attack
Difficulty: Opp. Dex + Dodge
Image: You try to hit a specific part of your opponent's body. You hold your blade up, and strike, attempting to bypass you opponent's
defense to strike your target.

Aimed Attack:
* Hands/Arms - Difficulty +3/+2, Damage: A Wounded result means the hand/arm is broken and any weapons in that hand cannot be
used; if the hand is holding a sword, it is dropped. A Crippled result means that the limb is sheared off. To reattach, the limb must be
recovered and held to the wound while the immortal regenerates to restore himself to at least Mauled level. The limb cannot be used
until it fully heals (treat as if it has taken aggravated damage). The immortal will have a scar thereafter, showing where the limb was
* Legs - Difficulty +1, Damage: A Wounded result means that the limb is broken; the penalties to the Dice Pool apply to any activities
requiring running. An Incapacitated result with a sharp weapon means the limb is cut off, with the same results as severing a hand or
* Chest/Torso - Difficulty +1, Damage: The character will have the air knocked out of his lungs on a Wounded result (stunned for the
turn), and his ribs broken on a Mauled result (must make a Willpower roll, difficulty 8, each turn to keep acting). If the immortal is
attacked from behind, and the result is one more than needed to Incapacitate, then the spine is broken, and his lower body is
paralyzed until he regenerates to the Crippled level.

Parry: The combatant must roll Dexterity + Melee against their weapon's normal difficulty. Each success on this roll subtracts from one
attack success made against the parrying warrior.
Type: Defense
Difficulty : Weapon Difficulty
Image: The swordsman brings his weapon to bear, holding it steady and catches the force of his opponent's sword with his own.

Riposte: This maneuver may only be used after the one who wishes to use it has successfully parried a blow. This maneuver is a
Strength + Melee roll, the weapon's difficulty serves as an attack roll. This sort of attack may not be dodged, though it may be parried,
and if successfully parried, this attack may also be riposted.
Type: Attack
Difficulty: Weapon Difficulty
Image: You parry your opponent's strike. Klang! With catlike speed and grace, you bring your sword around his arm, hoping to catch
him off guard.

Caught Steel: Roll Strength + Melee versus a difficulty of your opponent's Dexterity + Melee. If successful, you lock swords with him
for a short interval, during which you struggle with him before your blade and his can be freed (he can do no damage this attack). If you
receive more than three successes on your roll, you manage to put him off-balance for the following round, adding one to the difficulty
of his Initiative roll.
Type: Defense
Difficulty: Opp. Dex + Melee
Image: You lock steel with your opponent. "So, Highlander, we meet again!" You struggle for a moment, then the fight sparks again.

Decapitation: This is an Aimed Attack at the neck, requiring a Perception + Melee versus a difficulty of your opponent's Dex +
Dodge. To decapitate, you must reduce your opponent to one level past Incapacitated.
Type: Attack
Difficulty: Opp. Dex + Dodge
Image: With fluid-like agility, you swing your sword around, and, before your opponent can block you, your blade slices through his
neck, and his head falls to the ground.
(Note that, quite often in the duels fought in Highlander, the two immortals fight until one of the combatants is disarmed and driven to
their knees, admitting defeat. It is rarely a lucky shot that chops off the head, but more often a defeat of the spirit.)

This is by no means meant to be an exhaustive list of all the possible maneuvers, but more a guide to help Storytellers decide the
types of rolls and difficulties which should be applied to various maneuvers. Ideally, combat should take the form of a semi-live action
roleplay combat scene, with the players describing what their character does, and demonstrating (safely, of course) if necessary. The
Storyteller then decides what rolls should be made and against what difficulties.

Dodging: On some occasions, it may be necessary to dodge a blow rather than parry it. On these occasions, the target rolls his
Dexterity + Dodge against a target number of six. The successes on this roll are subtracted from the successes of the Attacker. If the
attacker's successes are eliminated, the target manages to dodge the blow.

Stage Three: Resolution

Damage is resolved as normal - The attacker rolls the Damage dice pool for that weapon, against a target number of six, each
success causing the target to lose a health level. The target makes a Soak roll, rolling his Stamina (difficulty 6) and subtracting his
successes from his opponent's.

Example of Combat
Connor is squaring off against the Kurgan (See the Appendix for their respective stats). They circle each other for a few moments,
Kurgan makes his first move - a normal attack. Both players roll for Initiative, Connor getting six successes, and the Kurgan gets five.
Kurgan make his attack roll - Dex+Melee - getting five successes. Connor tries to parry the Kurgan's attack, and makes his Defense
roll - Dex+Melee plus an extra die, ass he got more one more success on his Initiative roll than Kurgan. Connor also rolls five
successes, and manages to parry the Kurgan's blade.
Both roll Initiative for the next round, and both have an extra die to add to their Initiative pool - The Kurgan because he attacked last
round, and Connor because he managed to successfully parry Kurgan's attack. Kurgan gets four successes, and Connor gets six,
winning the Initiative, and getting two dice to add to his dice pool. Connor decides to try a Feint, and makes his roll - Manipulation +
Melee plus his two Initiative dice against a target number of nine - his weapon's normal difficulty plus three. He gets two successes.
Because a feint can't be parried, Kurgan is left with no option but to try and dodge. Rolling Dexterity + Dodge against a difficulty of six,
he gets five successes - Connor's blade slices through thin air.
The third round of combat starts, and both players roll for Initiative. The Storyteller decides that, seeing as Kurgan's Dodge successes
exceeded Connor's Attack successes by three, Connor will be slightly off-balance at the start of this round, due to having swung his
sword through thin air. Thus, Connor's difficulty is five instead of four, to reflect this. Connor decides that he needs get working and
thus uses his Quickening to get the Speed of the Stag, which gives him an extra three Initiative dice, in addition to the die he receives
for having attacked last round. The Kurgan rolls his Wits + Alertness and gets five successes. Connor follows suit and gets seven
successes, which means he has two dice to add to his dice pool. He decides to try to disarm the Kurgan, and rolls Dexterity + Melee
against a difficulty of six, not forgetting his extra two dice, and gets a massive seven successes. Kurgan rolls Dex + Melee but gets
several botches, and can only manage three successes. Connor manages to flick the Kurgan's sword from his hand.
Kurgan's in trouble.
This is primarily an arbitrary combat system, designed to aid the Storyteller and players in Storytelling the duels which occur, rather
than restricting them to a framework of rules. As ever, if you don't like part of these rules, don't use them. We don't come around and
inspect how you play these games. Well, not too often, anyway...

The sword is the traditional weapon of an immortal. The reasons for this are fairly simple - the sword is the oldest weapon with which
you could efficiently decapitate someone, and the first immortals would have used them. They would have passed the tradition on to
the immortals who followed them. Until relatively recently, the sword was the main personal weapon. It's only within the last few hundred
years that we have begun using guns, and you can't chop a man's head off with a gun. In fact, not counting the battle axe, there still is
no practical weapon which can be used to decapitate someone in a duel, and because immortals always learn their ways from other
immortals, it is only natural that the sword has become the traditional weapon for immortals.
An immortal will often have a weapon which he has used for many centuries. Ramirez, for example had has his katana for over two
millennia by the time he met Connor. To an immortal, a sword is more than just a piece of steel. It becomes an extension of their body
- they keep it with them most of the time, and it becomes an old friend, in effect. There are no hard and fast rules for weapons as
regards weapons difficulties and damage, etc. A rough guide is that the bigger and heavier sword is, the harder it is to use, but the
more damage is inflicts. The Katanas used by Connor, Duncan and Ramirez are all Difficulty 6, Damage: Strength + 5. But the
Kurgan's two-handed sword is Difficulty 7, Damage: Strength + 6, being, as it is, both heavier and more difficult to use. Kastagir's
Saber is Difficulty 6 and Damage: Strength + 4, reflecting that it is normally used with only one hand.
It's a good idea to describe your weapon in detail, as part of fleshing out your character. If possible, get hold of a weapons catalog,
from a company like Noble Collection, for example, which sells a wide variety of swords and axes, and pick a weapon (Noble
Collection is one of many distributors for Marto USA, the suppliers for the Highlander movies and TV show). An immortal's choice of
weapon helps define who they are. Connor's Katana reflects his honor and values, and the way in which he uses skill, more than brute
strength to win duels, while the Kurgan's two-handed sword reflects his harshness and brutality. Also, how do you carry your weapon?
In a long coat, like Connor, or have some other method, perhaps? All these details help to flesh out your character, and enrich the role
playing experience.

Highlander Rules
By Jason Koelewyn ( and Dave Forby

Author's Notes
Here we go; Highlander: the House Rules. Any suggestions for a better name are welcome, the Quickening and the Gathering
are taken. Some of what is here is borrowed from Hank Driskills and Simon "The Darknight" Rafes versions, most is my
work and the work of Dave Forby, My ST. The major difference between this version and previous ones is that it is primarily
based off of the TV show verses the movie. Please note that some sections are rather sparse, I have 2 reasons for this.
1. This is not a stand-alone game. It is meant to be used in WoD crossover games. Thus most of the core rules are simply
not mentioned.
2. I made the Assumption (Beware! Beware! Rogue!) that people who read these rules can (gasp) Think For Themselves.
These rules are guidelines, not gospel. I left them loose so that they will more easily fit into many chronicles. Remember,
The Golden Rule is supreme.
I have reverted to the masculine pronoun throughout this work, and the reason is 'he' is one less letter then 'she'. I'm lazy, sue me.
A note on Quicklings: One of the reasons I have changed from Driskill's Gift-like powers to a more Discipline-like power is that
Immortals have more in common, power wise, with Kindred than with the Garou. They are both immortal. With limited time, a Gift
(once learned that's it) makes sense. But for Immortals, powers that can grow with time make more sense. Also please note,
there is a certain ambiguity and redundancy with some of the terms used. This is due to the fact that the Immies generally do not
have a 'standard' lexicon like many of the Others. Different Immortals may use the same word with different implications. If this is
confusing, so is Highlander. Deal.
Storyteller Note: Immortals are the Kings (and Queens) of Kick-Ass. They can easily overbalance a game. They make great
NPCs, and if you can manage them, wonderful assets to any group. When play testing these rules, my ST used such ploys as
grenade-wielding enemies and Umbral demons, as well as the threat of Discovery. Immortals will guard their secret more closely
then any other supernatural. They have more to lose, and no secret society to fall back on if they slip. If a player tries to ignore
this, bring in the Inquisition, the Hunters, or even DNA or pesky inquisitive Mages. Remind them that one well placed bullet can
put them out of the action for hours, possibly awaking in the morgue with no belongings. They will get the hint.
If you don't like a particular rule, don't use it! If you want to, send me the changes you made, I might incorporate them if I like
them. This is a work in progress. Please tell me what you think.
I hope this supplement will bring a new dimension to your World of Darkness games, and will provide even more enjoyment for
both ST's and Players.
Who knows the true origins of the Immortals. The oldest of their race don't even have legends of an origin. They have always
been here. It is thought that during the Impergium they were the Leaders and Protectors of the Mortals, warriors against the
creatures that lived in the night. Their roll has changed much since then.

"It's a Myth, Luther. A story told around campfires by bored people"
-- Duncan, Legacy, Season II
Like all peoples, the Immortals have their legends, stories of a time long past. Only many of these 'stories' are still alive. Like the
Methuselah Stone, a crystal that magnifies its possessors Power, or makes a mortal, Immortal nNow lost in the Seine River), It
was owned Methuselah, who lived to 900 and later by his son, Noah. Or the Army of Darius, an army with many Immortals in its
ranks, that nearly took control of Europe 2000 years ago until Darius killed the (at the time) oldest living Immortal and turned his
back on War. Or Methos, the world's oldest Immortal, once one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Unlike other denizens
of the WoD, Immortals have no conclaves or Moots to discuss these things, so stories of other Immortals become Legends, and
spread slowly.

"It's a legend."
"Hey, with you guys, what else is there?"
-- Duncan and Richie, Band of Brothers, Season I
Immortal prophecies are usually known to only a few, and are usually even more twisted than Mortal prophecies. The one
prophecy that every Immortal knows is the Prophecy of the Gathering. "There can be only One. A Time will come when the
number of Immortals will dwindle. Those few who remain will be drawn to a far off land, where they will compete in the Gathering.

The one who remains will gain the Prize". But where is this 'far off land'? The Umbra perhaps? And what is the Prize? Most
believe it will make the last Immortal a God, others a doorway to mortality. Some Immortals believe the Gathering is just a myth
while others link it to the Shapeshifters' Apocalypse.

The Rules
"Holy Ground is useful for -- business purposes"
-- Grason, Band of Brothers, Season I
The first things all Immortals learn from their Mentors are the Rules. There are only two rules for Immortals. Things like hiding your
nature and never leaving your sword behind are merely good survival tips.

Rule One
"You know, its interesting, in all the histories we only have one record of it happening. Two guys going at it in a Temple. It was
in Pompeii. 79 A.D."
-- Joe Dawson, Little Tin God, Season V
"Do Not Duel on Holy ground." A form of the 'Buzz' will warn an Immortal when he steps on to Holy ground. Holy ground is defined
as any place that holds a Node, Caern or the like. Immortals will not Duel in religious places; out of fear or Tradition, even those
religious places that are not places of Power are exempt from Dueling. The reasons for this are in the section "The Quickening."

Rule Two
"All Duels must be fought One on One."
Again the reason is detailed in "The Quickening" section. Some evil Immortals will employ mortals to aid in a Duel, but they are
quickly Hunted down when it is learned what they are doing.

"When I was a young man, The first thing you had to do when introduced to a young lady was compliment her father's horse.
Well, I guess that doesn't help your situation."
-- Darius to Richie, Band of Brothers, Season I
Immortals do not spend much time in the company of others of their kind, as a general rule. They do form long friendships, but if
you see a good friend for a week every century . . . . The major exception to this is the Mentor. When a latent Immortal suffers his
First Death, one or more older Immortals will be drawn to him. One will become his Mentor. Even evil Immortals will take
Younglings under wing. No one wants the Secret revealed. A Mentor teaches the new Immortal the Rules, how to fight, and the
tricks to survive in mortal society without divulging their nature. The bond between Mentor and Student is often the longest lasting
between Immortals. On rare occasions, Mentor and Student will 'fall out'. This bad blood often results in a Duel. Also, it is not
uncommon for an enemy of a Mentor to use his Student as bait or a goad.

Character Creation
"Sometimes I look up at the stars, and wonder how long they have been there, how much they have seen. Then I don't feel so
-- Alec Hill, Haunted, Season V
The Major difference between Immortals and other inhabitants of the World of Darkness is Age. While all other groups
recommend starting with a fledgling, the strength an Immortal brings to a party is experience, knowledge, and Humanity. Oh, and
a few combat skills as well. Despite the occasional elder-with-a-God-complex, Immortals are more in touch with Human kind
then most other 'supernaturals'. But beginning as an older Immortal would seem to be an easy way to get a "Super" PC. The ST
must thus be strict with this rule. As part of Character Creation, the player must write a detailed history of where the Immortal
was, when, who he met, Mentor, friends, etc. Most Power Gamers are more willing to try to diablerize an Elder than detail a
1000 year history. This is also necessary because the player needs to know what happened in the character's past to determine
why he is who he is today. If a player has a well detailed background, he can provide information on the time and places in which
he lived. If information is needed about a specific time and place, such as a History roll might be called for, and the Immortal was
known to have been in that place, at that time, The Immortal can call on his memories in the form of three phantom History dots.

Beginning Stats
Immortals are generally more hale than mortals due to the Quickening. It is recommended letting them start with 13/7/5 for their

attributes. Also, the freebie points need to be adjusted for the Age of the Immortal. The chart below is what I use, of course, the
ST's word is the final law.
Freebie Points Max Dots
101-300 35
301-600 75
900-1500 120
1501-2000 140
This may seem excessive, but the ST can limit Age, and remember, Immortals are usually active for most of the time they are
alive. You learn a lot that way. Also few Immortals live long without mastering something. (Any guesses on how many dots
Amanda has in Grand Theft?) All Immortals begin with one level of Quickening, but more levels can be bought with Freebie
points. Also, All start with one dot in Melee, to represent the training their mentor gave them, and the fact that every Immortal has
some idea how to fight. (Unless you want to play an unmentored Immortal). Finally, they also get three dots to spend on
Freebie Point Cost Exp. Point Cost
Current level x5
Current level x2
Quickening 7
Quicklings 6
Current level x7
Backgrounds 1
Current level x1
Current level x1

"In the future I'll remember to leave your friends alone."
"What future?" ::Slice::
-- Sheriff Crowley and Duncan Macleod, Innocent Man, Season I
One word, many meanings. It is the Power that grants immortality, it is a measure of an Immortal's strength; it is the transfer of
power from one Immortal to another (covered in the next section). In short it is the sum of what makes an Immortal different from
mortals and Others. That's nice, but what does that mean? In game terms, Quickening itself is distilled Quintessence, and lots of
it. One point of Quickening is equal to ten points of Quintessence. Every Immortal has a Quickening rating (permanent score).
This represents how powerful the Immortal is. It is used like Rage, a dice pool for special rolls. It is also a store of Power,
temporary points that are spent to power Quicklings. Like Rage or Willpower, an Immortal's Quickening pool can never exceed
his Quickening rating. Others with supernatural sight can see the Quickening in an Immortal. Due to the sheer power they hold,
an Immortal with more than 5 temporary points of Quickening can blind these Others. It is assumed that most of these Others
rationalize this away (something like the Delirium, see Delirium in the Others section), else more would be Hunting Immortals.
Contrary to popular belief, Immortals do die, and often. When they die, the Quickening in them flares up, holding their soul to their
bodies as it heals. (See Healing). Immortals can also get sick, they just heal it before it can become more than a nuisance. "I
can catch cold, I just can't die from it" Duncan Macleod to Anne, third season Testimony. They are affected by drugs, poison
and alcohol just like any Mortal. One Immortal was known to have gone insane from his Absinthe habit, while another had built up
such a tolerance from over abuse that he needed to snort a handful of coke to get high. Also, they can drown and starve; they
can be poisoned or knocked unconscious. They recover. When they leave the water, they can breathe again (too many
examples to quote), and if they starve they heal, only to starve again until they find food (a long painful process Reunion 3rd
season, I think). Immortals die almost as easily as mortals do; it just is not as permanent.

The Buzz
"There is an Immortal near by. I can Feel it"
-- Richie, Eye for an Eye, Season II
This is the sensation that an Immortal feels when in the presence of another. It is unmistakable and will even wake an Immortal
from a deep sleep. The range of the Buzz is up to the ST, but it should be fairly dramatic. The Buzz remains as long as the two
Immortals are in 'range' and both will know when the other leaves this range. The buzz does not tell an Immortal where the other
is, just that he is near. A form of the Buzz will warn an Immortal when he is on Holy ground, as well as the approach of latent
Immortals. Mages and Garou, due to the power they hold can be detected as supernatural on a roll of Quickening + Perception,
difficulty 12-(current Gnosis Pool OR 1/2 current Quintessence Pool). The ST can also allow Kindred to be detected in this

Spending Quickening

Much like Rage or Blood points, an Immortal can spend temporary Quickening to create many effects. Almost all of these effects
are called Quicklings (See below). The one exception to this is Speed. Any Immortal can spend one point of Quickening to gain
one extra action per turn for a Maximum number of turns equal to his successes on the roll. The cost in Quickening must be paid
each turn. This ability can be used only once per scene.

Regaining Quickening
Taking a head automatically refills an Immortals Quickening pool (See The Quickening below). Each good night's rest returns
one point. If the sleep was on Holy ground (near a Node or Caern) 2-4 points can be regained, depending to the strength of the
site. Other methods are at ST discretion but may include Spirit Duels, Mage Channeling, Garou Spirit hunts, being present at a
birth (Immortals are the embodiment of Life) etc.

Other benefits of Quickening

In addition to those mentioned above, Immortals' Quickening gives them immunity to several of the powers of other denizens in
the WoD. The Mage Spheres of Life and Prime cannot affect them, not even if the Immortal wants them to. Wraith Possession
and Kindred Domination and Presence also have no effect on Immortals. Effects of Changeling powers are up to the ST.

The Quickening
"A Head for a Head, A Body for a Body,
Since the Dawn of Time.
It's no different now.
-- Kedwyn to Duncan, Take back the Night, Season III
Some say it is the reason d'tre of Immortals. When one Immortal takes the head of another, the result is The Quickening. As
Immortals Duel, part of their power flows between them. When the Duel is over, each, if alive, pulls their power back. When one
looses his head, the loser's power flows away and is pulled in as the victor's power returns to his body. As the victor absorbs his
enemy's power, some of the power leaches away in the form of electricity and heat kinetics, providing the infamous 'Light show'.
The two Rules all Immortals live by stem from this system. (Please note, neither show or movie support this system, but it is the
most logical reasoning for WoD game terms)
When a Quickening occurs to close to a Node or Caern, it takes the power, and some of the victor's as well. This results in a
loss of one permanent Quickening level. As well, if a third is involved in the Duel, not merely close by, whomever takes the loser's
head gets some of the third's Quickening as well. This results in the victor getting a Quickening one level higher then the loser's
Quickening, and the third Immortal loses one permanent level of Quickening. No one is sure what this release of energy would
do in the physical world, but it is thought that the eruption at Pompeii was caused by a Quickening on Holy Ground. Needless to
say, very few would allow that, even for a good friend. Also, should a Mortal or Other take a head while another Immortal is within
Buzz range, that Immortal can roll his Quickening (diff 7) to take the Quickening. Any Immortal close to a Quickening will sense
the event and at ST discretion can tell whose head fell.
Systems: When an Immortal takes a head, he gains the power and knowledge of his enemy. In game terms, he gains
Quickening experience equal to twice his opponent's Quickening level. This xp can only be used to increase his own Quickening
level. In addition, the Immortal can gain one dot in up to three Abilities for Abilities where the loser had a higher rating than the
victor. If there are more than three available, the ST can let the player decide or randomly determine which Abilities are gained.
He also totally fills his temporary Quickening pool, and heals all damage. The Quickening leaves the Immortal weakened for a
number of turns equal to 3x (Quickening level / victor's Quickening level). If the loser was of lower level then the victor, he is
weakened for 2 turns. During this time, all dice pools are reduced by 3.

Increasing Quickening
To raise his Quickening level, an Immortal must spend both Quickening xp and standard xp equal to 6x his current level. Thus an
Immortal whose Quickening level is three needs 18 Quickening xp and 18 normal xp to raise his Quickening to level four. While
this may seem excessive, the power gained with each level is great, and 18 Quickening xp can be gained by winning three
Duels with Immortals of third level.

"I Have the Power!"
-- Queen
Quicklings are the powers an Immortal has to help him in the Game. In general, Immortals have fewer dots in Quicklings than
other denizens of the WoD have in their powers. This is a good thing. The Quicklings an Immortal does have are generally very

powerful, and nearly all combat-related. These powers are what let Immortals go toe to toe with a Raging Crinos and come out
on top. Immortals do not have to spread their Power over Combat, Social, and Relational abilities. The list of Quicklings is
divided into two sections. The first contains the common Quicklings, those any Immortal might know. The second section
contains those Quicklings known to only a few, sometimes only one Immortal. This is often an 'M.O.' power. No Immortal should
ever have more than one of these powers. STs are welcome to design their own special Quicklings and send them to me to be
added to this listing. Remember, Immortals are primarily warriors. Their powers should reflect this. If you submit a power that is
not combat related, please include why it is appropriate for your character. I do reserve the right to refuse any power I feel is
inappropriate or too powerful.
An Immortal can never have a Quickling at a higher level than his Quickening Score.

Weapon Dance
Empowers an Immortal's bonded weapon. Costs 1 pt of Quickening, lasts the entire scene. No roll, needed. All effects are
Difficulty on all combat related rolls using the weapon are -1
** All attacks do aggravated damage, Initiative difficulty -1
*** One extra attack die and one extra damage die
**** One extra attack per turn
***** Difficulty on all combat related rolls are -1, one extra attack die

Additional Healing. Some immortals can heal faster then others....

Aggravated damage can be soaked as Garou. Spend 1 Quickening to ignore wound penalties.
No cost, roll Quickening, diff 8. For each success, convert one pt of aggravated damage to normal damage. Can only be
used when the damage is first done.
*** No cost. No Roll Treat all Aggravated damage as normal damage.
**** 'Lay Hands'. Spend 1Q, roll Quickening, diff 6. Heal one health level in another being. Works on Aggravated damage, only
once per scene per person.
***** Healing from death takes half the normal time (See Healing section, heal one level per success)

Empower Self
Using your Quickening to strengthen your body. Effects last one scene, can only be used once per scene, and the Immortal must
rest for an hour afterwards. Empower Weapon diff bonuses do not affect these rolls.
Spend 1 Quickening, roll Quickening, diff 6, add 1/2 successes (round up) to Strength
** Spend 1 Quickening, roll Quickening, diff 7, add successes to Strength or Dexterity
*** Spend 2 Quickening, roll Quickening, diff 7, add successes in any combination to Str, Dex, and Stam
**** Spend 2 Quickening, roll Quickening, diff 7, add 1.5*successes (round down) in any combination to Str, Dex, and Stam
***** Spend 3 Quickening, roll Quickening diff 7, add 1 point to each Physical Attribute plus 1.5 * successes (round down) in any
combination to Str, Dex, and Stam.

Animal Ken
Represents the bond to Gaia's creatures the Quickening grants. Effects with a Quickening cost last one scene. To take this
Quickling, the Immortal must have at least one dot in the Skill Animal Ken.

Inoffensive to Animals: Domestic animals immediately like the Immortal, and wild animals see him as a potential ally. This
includes shapeshifters in non-homid form.
** Call the Beast: Spend 1 Quickening, Roll Quickening. Local animals respond to 'a friend in need'. Number and type are
dependent on the area and are at ST discression.
*** Command the Beast: You can convey simple concepts to animals. Domestic animals obey unless the command goes
against major training (i.e., a guard dog). Trained and wild animals require 1 Quickening and a Quickening roll (diff 7) to
**** Speak to the Beast: Spend 1 Quickening. The Immortal can communicate empathically with any animal. This can be used
to Command with greater understanding, but remember the limits of animal intelligence
***** Teach the Beast: An Immortal can use this Power to impress training on an animal. Such an animal will always obey
commands from its Trainer, and the Trainer can always communicate as with Speak to the Beast, as above, at no cost.
The animal will resist any supernatural commands, but not natural ones. (The old 'Bitch-in-Heat' ploy still works). The
Immortal must know how to train animals (at least 2 dots in training or ken). When training begins, the Immortal must Roll
Quickening (diff 8) once each day until 10 successes (15 if wild animal) are accumulated, spending 2 Quickening per day

(3 if wild). If the Immortal has enough Quickening to last this period, he may begin normal training at this time. If not, he can
try again, after regaining his power. This power will not allow an animal to be trained against its nature.

Weapon Bonding
"Take good care of it. Live with it. Make it a part of you. It may be the only friend you have."
-- Duncan to Richie, Eye for an Eye, Season II
This is one of the only Rituals Immortals possess. It is one of the last things taught by a Mentor before the Youngling goes off
alone into the big bad world. If the Mentor makes a gift of a weapon, this Ritual is taught when the blade is given. The Ritual
allows an Immortal to link the blade to himself, allowing him to exert his Quickening on the blade. It is also what allows an
Immortal to carry the blade unnoticed while wearing a T-shirt and jeans. (See Delirium in the Others section). The Ritual costs
one point of Quickening and takes four hours, during which the Immortal slowly works the power into the blade, oiling it with his
blood (1 level of damage, not Aggravated). An Immortal can only have one blade linked to him at a time, and a blade can only be
linked to one Immortal at a time. An Immortal can willingly break the link by spending 1 Quickening and spitting on the blade.
Otherwise, a bonded blade can be 'overbonded' by spending 2 Quickening points and taking 8 hours to complete the ritual. If a
bonded weapon is not held by its Immortal for one full year, the link is broken. The game effects of bonding a weapon are
threefold. One, allowing the Quickling of Weapon Dance to be used with the weapon. Two, allowing the Delirium to encompass
the weapon. Third, the weapon will hold its edge and not take damage, even when contacting stone or steel. (How else do those
weapons last so long?).

The Duel
"You choose your weapon. You chose your ground, and you face what is to come!"
-- Rebecca to Amanda, Methuselah's Gift, Season IV
Most of what I wanted to say here has already been said, so I'll be brief. All of the special rules have been covered. I recommend
using the Klaive Dueling rules or the Advanced Combat system from WoD Combat. Try to make these Duels exciting, the
Immortal's existence and purpose is tied to it. Try to work them into the story line; no one will enjoy it if every few sessions an
Immortal pops up to let the PC keep up with the group. They make wonderful antagonists. "He walks around in the day, but I saw
him take three silver slugs to the heart!!" Remember, even in a friendly party, few will actually know what the Immortal is. Use
that fact.

"I'll be right back. Damn I hate this part!"
-- Richie to Joe Dawson, I forget which ep.
The most obvious ability of Immortals is Healing. Immortals Heal so fast that many normally fatal wounds (like evisceration) will
heal before they can 'kill' the Immortal. So long as the structural integrity of the Immortal's neck is not disrupted, wounds are not
to much of a concern to Immortals. All Immortals heal normal damage at a rate of 1 health level per turn and Aggravated damage
at 1 health level per 4 turns. In non-combat situations assume one turn is about 1/2 a minute to a minute. Aggravated damage for
Immortals is any damage done by the 'natural' weapons of supernatural beings, intense fire, or the empowered blades of other
Immortals. This damage can not be soaked (see Quicklings for the exceptions), and takes longer to heal than normal damage.
Unlike Kindred and Garou, Aggravated damage does not represent an attack on their very nature, just damage that sticks
around a little longer.
Fatal wounds are a different story. The actual number of health levels damaged must be calculated (It can get very high).
Consider any instantly fatal but not mass damage wounds (a shot to the head, a dagger in the heart) to be 8 levels of damage.
Only the total number of health levels matter in Death Healing, Aggravated and normal damage are treated the same. To all
appearances, the Immortal is dead. His soul lies dormant while his Quickening repairs the damage to his body. Every turn (~10
minutes) roll Quickening, diff 7. For each two successes, heal one level of damage. For each full two hours spent Healing, spend
1 point of Quickening. When the immortal reaches 'Injured', he can spend two points of Quickening to wake immediately.
Otherwise, he must wait until he is fully healed to wake, at a cost of 1 Quickening point. If an Immortal runs out of Quickening
points, he gets one point after 8 hours (which gives him another 12 rolls). Young Immortals tend to take a long time to recover
from massive injuries. Even Duncan took a full day to recover from a cliff dive (Mountain Men, Season I). If something prevents
healing, the dagger is still in his heart or he is buried or under water, the Immortal will heal all other damage but then must wait
until that block is removed to heal the rest. This is considered rest and the Immortal does get his one Quickening point every 8
hours he 'waits'. When an Immortal wakes from 'death', it is with a violent deep breath as their soul regains control of the body.
While healing in this manner, raw Quickening races through the Immortal's body. Should a Mage try to use Prime to probe the
Immortal at this time, he takes three levels of Aggravated damage, flies across the room, and gain two points of Quintessence.
(In the chronicle these rules were playtested, a Son of Either Mage decided he would learn just how my Immortal did it. He went
flying across the room a lot.)

Lost Limbs and Scars

Any major damage that heals before First Death is permanent. The Spark is just not strong enough to heal the damage, and the
damage is not enough to fan the spark to flame. Even after First Death Immortals can scar. The neck is more susceptible but a
jagged cut that does not kill the Immortal can leave a scar. (i.e., rusty metal, broken glass) This is an ST option; some believe
only the neck will scar, but there has been at least one Immortal with one on his cheek that he did not have on First Death. A lost
limb can be reattached, as long as it is done before the wound heals. After that, it does not grow back. The loss is permanent.

First Death
"Live forever? But I feel so dead inside"
-- Annie Devlin, Eye for an Eye, Season II
For the Spark to flare, a latent Immortal must die by violence. A natural death, by age, will not lead to eternal life. Who knows how
many potential Immortals are lost this way? Wounds dealt before First Death heal normally, but diseases are very rare. Healing
the wounds of First Death are dealt with just like any other Immortal, based on a Quickening level of one, and no temporary
Quickening points. First Death draws other Immortals, so a Mentor is usually nearby when the Youngling awakes. A PC
Youngling with no Mentor is not going to have a good survival rate, but I know someone out there will want to try.

The Others
He is Immortal, and He is not alone.
This section discusses how Immortals are likely to interact with the other supernatural beings in the World of Darkness, as well
as other individuals and organizations, such as the Inquisition.

The Delirium
Mortals rationalize many things to themselves so that they don't have to admit how big and scary the world is. Especially in a
World of Darkness. Thus, people tend not to notice that the guy living down the street doesn't seem to get any older, or decide
he must have a good plastic surgeon. Those with supernatural sight might rationalize that the sun must have been in their eyes
when their gaze fell on an Immortal. But most importantly for Immortals, eyes and minds just slip by the sword on the back or in
the coat of an Immortal. Someone watching an Immortal put away his sword will watch it just disappear, and most will soon forget
about it.

Supernatural Groups
Vampires: Immortals are quite likely to run up against the Kindred of any city they visit. Kindred feed from mortals, while
Immortals are either likely to try and protect the them, or manipulate them. Kindred seek to control and they will normally try to
destroy that which they are unable to control. Immortals don't often fit into their schemes, which makes them dangerous.
However, as much as an Immortal can be a powerful enemy, he can also be a powerful ally. It is possible that individual
Immortals and Vampires can become friends and allies, for both have one major trait in common -- both have the potential to live
for an inordinate length of time. Both understand what it is like to live for much longer than mortals. Added to this is the fact that,
unlike mortals, Immortals have nothing to fear from Vampires -- as has been stated before Immortals cannot be Embraced, nor
made into Ghouls. However, unlike many Kindred, Immortals are still innately human, and the bestial nature of many Kindred will
repel them. If an Immortal has a Vampire as a friend, it is likely that the Vampire will have a high Humanity.

Werewolves: Immortals are more likely to join the Garou than the Kindred. The Garou fight for a simpler time, a time the
Immortal may well remember. The Garou also fight against the desecration of Gaia, and, as PC Immortals are likely to follow in
the hero mold of Connor and Duncan MacLeod, it is extremely likely that Garou and Immortals would consider each other to be
brothers. Fighting on the same side, against the destruction of a mother earth the Immortals have watched being desecrated
over the centuries. Add to this the fact that Garou Caerns are Holy Ground, and a refuge for Immortals, and it becomes obvious
that the Garou and Immortals are very likely allies.
However, there is a possibility that some Immortals may come up against the Garou, especially if they have amassed great
wealth, and control portions of man's world which the Garou do not appreciate. Such Immortals may be considered by the Garou
to be agents of the Wyrm. It is also possible that an Immortal might remember the Impergium, had a mentor that did, or have
Quickening memories of that time. Immortals are immune to the Delirium of the shapeshifters, but are not unaffected by the sight
of a Crinos. Any Immortal with a Quickening greater then two may have memories of the Imperegium awakened the first time
they see a shapeshifter in Crinos. What might ensue is anyone's guess. In general, however, Immortals are much more likely to
form friendly relationships and allies the Garou than anything else. Besides, the Garou respect anyone who can go toe-to-toe
with an Ahroun in Crinos, and give as good as he gets!

Mages: Immortals and Mages don't mix well. This isn't because of any direct conflict, but because Mages will often wish to
acquire the Immortal's Quickening, in order to empower their own nodes. In addition, Mages, like the Kindred, are often
distrustful of that which they can't control: an Immortals' immunity to magic of both the Prime and Life spheres makes her a
danger. On the other hand, Immortals make useful allies, powerful and yet not beholden to any Clan, Tribe, or Tradition. Also, the
Mages' Nodes are Holy Ground, like the Caerns of the Garou. However, what Immortal is likely to feel comfortable in a place

surrounded by people who might think to gain a lot of power for themselves by beheading him? Pity the Immortal who gets
attached to a Mage who just wants to find out how he does it!

Wraiths: It's likely that Immortals and Wraiths do not normally interact very much, due to the simple fact that while Immortals
inhabit the mundane world, Wraiths dwell in the Dark Umbra and rarely manifest themselves on Earth. It should be noted,
however, that because of the manner in which the Quickening binds an Immortal's being together, Immortals can not be

Changelings: Like the Garou, the Sidhe are likely to form strong alliances with Immortals, as they are, in many ways, kindred
spirits -- human, and yet wielding powers which no mortal can possess. Both Immortals and Changelings strive towards a goal
that is their destiny to pursue -- Immortals strive to win the Prize, while the Sidhe dream of returning to Arcadia, to join with their
Faerie kin. The Sidhe's relationship with the Garou (especially the Fianna) is also likely to result in Changelings and Immortals
becoming friends and allies. Many Immortals may remember Fae from before the Sundering. Certain members of the Fey may
also hold clues to the origins of the Immortals . . . .

The Wyrm: Minions of the Wyrm, such as Fomori and the Black Spiral Dancers are very likely to attempt to kill any Immortals
they come across. Immortals are likely to be considered to be of neither the Wyld nor the Weaver alone, but of both -- their role
as wildcards and mavericks, as well as their Power, are traits of the Wyld, yet the Weaver holds their body and spirit together
across time. Suffice to say that the Wyrm would consider Immortals to be enemies.

Mortal Groups
"Oh, I see its true what they say about you. You have become emotionally entangled with these Mortals. Tsk Tsk."
-- Grason to Duncan, Band of Brothers, Season I
Governments: It is highly unlikely that the Governments know, or even suspect, that there are Immortals out there. Although
there may be a section of the FBI or some similar organization which is carrying out an investigation into the possibility that there
is a serial killer going around, chopping people's heads off. Witnesses of Immortal duels are likely to be given the same amount
of credibility as the ex-Marine was in the movie (i.e., none at all). On the other hand, Immortals are likely to have to tread
carefully, and take extra care, when trying to hide their Immortality from individuals in government departments, and so on.
However, Immortals are much more likely to run into trouble when trying to deal with the police. Particularly if they are murder
suspects. An Immortal had better make sure that his cover is unshakable if he comes under investigation by the police or FBI.

The Inquisition: The Inquisition is likely to have encountered Immortals during the Dark Ages, when they would have been
considered to be witches, or "in league with Lucifer". The punishment for such heresy was burning at the stake, and at least one
Immortal has been known to have survived such an ordeal. It is very unlikely that the Inquisition knows of the existence of
Immortals. However, see the information on the Watchers and Hunters below.

The Watchers: The Watchers are a group that predates the Arcanum, perhaps as far back as the end of the Impergium.
Although they have links with the Arcanum, the Arcanum proper is unaware of the existence of Immortals. The Watchers are.
They have spent centuries studying the Immortals, chronicling their exploits, but not interfering. They keep accurate records of all
new Immortals, who has taken who's head, and (like the Immortals themselves) wonder as to who will gain the Prize, and what
this Prize is. Watchers are mortals, and are chosen to appear nondescript. They don't stand out in a crowd, they blend. They
don't trigger the Immortal's senses, and are trained to observe. Their only distinguishing feature is a tattoo on their wrists, a
circle with the holy symbol of their order within. This allows them to easily recognize one another, and to remind them of their

The Hunters: In recent years, a rogue branch of the Watchers has formed. This group has links with the Inquisition. Fueled by
paranoia, its members have decided that they cannot wait and hope that the Immortal who gains the Prize is a good person.
They actively hunt and kill Immortals, removing their heads and allowing their knowledge and power to be lost to the Ether. In this
way, they seek to stop any Immortal from achieving the power of the Prize. These "Hunters" view Immortals as the greatest
danger ever to face humanity. Both the Watchers and the Hunters are detailed in the series, and some of the main characters
from the second season on are members of these groups. Although the other supernatural beings, such as Werewolves and
Vampires aren't mentioned in the series, it's possible that in the World of Darkness their mission may have expanded to include
Vampires, Magi, and any other beings they perceive to be a danger. Their creed is "There is no greater Power then the Power
of Man". To them, anyone not a 'normal' human does not qualify as 'Man', and must be destroyed.

Chapter One: Introduction

"In the end, there can be only one." - Ramirez
Immortals seem to appear at random from the human population. One in a million perhaps, maybe less. They are born of humans,
raised as human, and (to most) appear quite human. They age, living a normal life, until they first are killed. Then, they miraculously
recover, and begin their lives as immortals. Immortals cannot have children. They do not age, and do not get sick. They cannot drown,
or die from any conventional injury: they will always recover, no matter how severe the damage (in the series, it was mentioned that
one immortal was burned at the stake, and recovered from it). The only way for them to die is to have their head removed from their
Down through the ages, a legend has been passed from mouth to mouth - that of the Prize. The legend says that at a time when the
number of immortals in the world grows small, the remaining immortals shall feel an urge to travel to a far-away land, where they shall
fight until only one remains. The final survivor shall win the Prize. No one knows exactly what this Prize is, but to win it is the goal of
every immortal, as it is assumed that the person who wins it would be, in effect, a god.
The term Quickening refers to the lifeforce of an immortal. It is the sum of all his knowledge and power, all of his strength and
experience. It is a life force so strong that it keeps the immortal from aging and heals his wounds at an advanced-speed. Quickening
is what the immortals fight for: when they fight, they fight to literally absorb their opponent's lifeforce into themselves, thus making
themselves more powerful.
Before we can discuss the creation of immortals as characters, we must decide what Quickening means, and how to represent it in
the Storyteller system. It shall be discussed in depth later on, but, for now, a simple explanation will suffice.

Quickening in the World of Darkness

"The sensation you're feeling, is the Quickening." - Ramirez
Quickening is the power of an immortal. In the Storyteller system, this "life force" is quite similar to the Pattern of any living thing; in
immortals, this Pattern is more tightly woven than with other living beings. The Quickening is therefore also similar to Quintessence,
the magical "raw power" that fuels Patterns and also is used by Mages to do their magick. Only when they die is their Quickening
released (except in special circumstances, see Rules below). Mages cannot pull Quickening from an immortal, nor can they alter an
immortal's Pattern in any way. Without their Quickening, an immortal is nothing, It is what keeps them alive. The total loss of
Quickening is directly related to death. When an immortal dies, it is not because his head is no longer attached to his shoulders - it is
because he has lost his Quickening.
Mages hold Quintessence within their bodies because of their Avatar. To the supernaturally-trained eye, immortals will often be
confused with Mages: they have an excess of raw energy within them. The Garou likewise store mystical energy within them,
according to their Gnosis. Immortals are therefore occasionally mistaken for Garou as well. Unlike Garou or Mages, however,
immortals do not "spend" their Quickening, it is a permanent part of them.
In the Storyteller system, we keep track of the "power" of an immortal with an attribute called (surprisingly enough) Quickening. Much
like Vampiric disciplines, Garou gifts, or a Mage's spheres, Quickening allows immortals to perform superhuman feats. The higher the
immortal's Quickening, the more abilities he has and the more powerful he becomes. Quickening is a "catch-all" attribute, and has
many powers associated with it, not all of which are related (except that they all are demonstrated in the movie or series).

Gaining Quickening
"If your head comes away from your neck, it's over." - Ramirez
Unlike Vampires, Garou, or Mages, there is only one way for an immortal to gain Quickening: through fighting and killing another
immortal. This makes it more difficult for them to increase in power, as time alone does not make them more powerful. As you will see
in Chapters Two and Three, they receive compensation for this limitation.
When two immortals fight, their Quickening is mingled into an electrical lightshow around them, in direct proportion to the power of the
two. When one wins the battle (by removing the other's head), he absorbs the Quickening of the loser, gaining the loser's power and
knowledge. The rules for this are covered in Chapter Three.
When an immortal emerges victorious, slaying another, he absorbs most, but not all of his opponent's Quickening. The excess
Quickening is released into the ether, where it is, in effect, raw power. The most common manner in which power exists and is
channeled on our planet is as electricity. Therefore, usually (but not always), the released Quickening will find that the easiest way for it
to disperse is to transform into electricity, and disperse through conducting materials in the vicinity. This results in massive overloads,
which cause the explosions, lightning, etc. associated with duels between immortals.

The Rules
"Holy ground, Highlander! Remember what Ramirez taught you!" - Kurgan
The immortals have rules of engagement: these rules are traditions, with a basis in common sense, and all immortals follow them.
These rules are each based around Quickening, and the gain and loss thereof.

The Golden Rule for immortals is that they must never fight on holy ground. None will violate this rule, for they have too much to lose.
Thus, holy ground can become a haven or sanctuary for immortals; a place where they retreat when faced with an impossible
opponent. The reason for this rule has to do with the flow of Quickening.
When two immortals battle on holy ground, the site itself is always assumed to be the victor. When the victor takes the loser's head, the
loser's Quickening flows into the site, as does a portion of the victor's as well. This loss of power and knowledge is sufficient to
dissuade even the most vicious of enemies from attacking on holy ground.
What is "holy ground"? In Mage, there are places called Nodes, where magickal power converges. In Werewolf, these same locations
are called Caerns, and are viewed as holy ground. It's a simple stretch to assume that many churches and "holy sites" are likewise
built on these locations of power: for this discussion, these places of power will be called "holy ground". Luckily, immortals
automatically sense whether they are standing on holy ground or not, as they experience a sensation similar to the buzz they
experience upon encountering another immortal.
The second of the two main rules is that the immortals always fight one on one. Why is this? A pair of immortals, with their centuries of
experience, could work quite effectively together to whittle down the "surplus population", as it were. Why do they not team up? In the
first episode of the series, Connor and Duncan (who are friends and even Clansmen) refused to team up to battle the decidedly evil
Slan Quince...
The answer to this riddle comes from the way the Quickening transfers itself upon it's release - If two immortals are present, and there
are no other factors involved (such as being on holy ground), the Quickening will transfer into the person who actually took the dead
immortal's head. In one episode in the series, Duncan duelled with another immortal, but Amanda stepped in at the last moment and
took the other immortal's head, thus gaining the Quickening.
Thus, if two immortals battle an enemy, only one of them will receive the Quickening from the battle. Not only will they receive their own
Quickening, and that of the loser, but also a fraction of their ally's. This stealing of an ally's knowledge and power is not a pleasant
thing for the ally, to say the least, and is therefore something that no immortal desires. Hence, the rule "always fight one on one" has
These are the only two real rules. Evil immortals will stop at nothing else to gain Quickening: friends and loved ones are often pulled in
as pawns in the battles, as are helpless innocents who have nothing to do with the Gathering... no one is truly safe.

The Gathering
"From the dawn of time we came, moving silently down through the centuries, leading many secret lives. Struggling to reach the time
of the Gathering, when the few who remain, will battle to the last." - Ramirez
The legend of the Gathering has been passed down from immortal to immortal, through the ages... The Gathering is the name given to
the time when but a few immortals remain. They shall feel "an irresistible pull towards a far-away land... To fight for the Prize." In this
respect, immortals are doomed to fulfill a pre-determined role. It is their destiny to battle one another until a single immortal emerges
victorious. According to the series, the time of the Gathering is upon us, and the Prize is waiting to be won.

The Prize
"I know! I know everything! I am everything!" - Connor
The immortals battle for "The Prize": either for themselves, or to keep it from falling into evil hands. Mankind would suffer an "eternity of
darkness", as the movie said, if the Prize came to an evil immortal.
What is the Prize? It's not really necessary to define it in game terms, since the immortal who gains it will become in essence a god.
The film left the subject slightly vague, except to say that Connor could read people's thoughts if he concentrated, and could also have
children, grow old and die.
This much is for sure - the winner of the Prize would possess all the Quickening from every immortal that ever walked the earth.
Millennia worth of experience and knowledge, from immortals of every race, all over the world would be his. He could well be the most
powerful single being in the world.
On the other hand, it may well be that the legend of the Prize is simply a tale, and that the Gathering will never take place. Perhaps,
new immortals will continue to be born forever, thus ensuring that there will never be a single victor. In any case, for Immortals, the
Gathering is similar in many ways to the Apocalypse for the Garou, or Gehenna for the Kindred - a fate that no one really believes in ,
or as some Garou might say, something that will never happen "in our lifetime". The big difference for immortals is that a lifetime can
last forever. To an immortal, it matters little whether the Prize is but a legend. He must battle on, for if he stops, he will surely lose his

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Highlander: The Gathering
By Hank Driskill and John Gavigan
`There can be only one'

"No one has ever known we were among you... Until now..." - Ramirez
"Sit down, lad, and listen. I know that you have many questions about what has happened to you, and, probably about me as well...
"Aye, I know all about what happened - the car crash, and how you were pronounced dead by the paramedics... Multiple internal
injuries, eh? Yeah, nasty. And the worst thing is lying there, listening to them try to revive you, and eventually give up...
"And, next day, your wounds are gone, as if they were never there, and you're walking around as if nothing happened. You did the
smart thing, running away like that... If you'd stayed, they'd never have left you alone, running tests and such stuff. As it is, you are
officially dead. 'Tis better that way, son, both for you and those you knew... You see, we're not like them. You were, but you're not
anymore. Yes, I know you don't understand! Just listen, and be still! This is hard enough to explain without you interrupting every
second minute!
"Before you 'died', you were just like any other man... You could be wounded, you grew older every year, you needed to go see the
doctor when you were sick. Just like any normal person. Except for one thing. You had inside you a spark of life bigger and brighter
that anyone else's. All that's changed now - when you 'died', that spark burst into flame, and it's power and strength cured your wounds,
and brought you back to life. I know it sounds weird, but just trust me, ok? Who else you gonna listen to?
"The Quickening is the name given to that flame that burns inside of you. It could be described as your life force. Every living thing has
this force inside of them, and it ties them together, heals their wounds, keeps them alive. However, it can be extinguished all too
easily. When a man's life force dies, he dies with it. When you were wounded in the car crash, your life force was pushed down to no
more than a tiny spark. Then it exploded, and grew, until it was bigger than any mortal man's. A million times more powerful. So
powerful that it can heal wounds that would kill any mortal man. So powerful, it could bring you back from the very brink of death.
"Aye, I said 'mortal man', son. Why? For the simple reason that you are not mortal anymore, son. Neither am I. The same thing
happened to me as happened to you - I was killed and reawoke again.. Here, take this sword, and draw it across my arm. Go on! Do
it! Good and deep! Don't worry about me...
"Now see this wound? What would you normally do if you got a wound like this? Go to the hospital or some such thing, and get stitches
and a massive bandage. Am I right? Well, watch... Already, the blood's stopped flowing. In a few minutes, it'll begin to heal, and before
the end of the day, you'd never know I'd been hurt at all. Why? It's the Quickening! The same thing would happen if I got shot, or if I was
burnt. It works the same way with you as well! Your Quickening healed the wounds you sustained in the car crash...
"I don't know why it happens. It just does... I'm not an expert - I'm just like you - I was living a normal life, until I was killed in battle against
a raiding party of Vikings. Aye, Vikings, son... No, I'm not from Scandinavia, I'm from Ireland. I was born at a place called Brugh na
Boinne, near the Hill of Tara, in the Kingdom of Midhe, in Ireland. I was taught all this, just as I am teaching you, by a man called Liam
Mac Dara... He was well over three thousand years old by the time I met him.
"Now? He's dead... Aye, I know I said we're immortal, but there is one way we can die - If your head is removed from your body, you'll
die. Now, listen carefully, because this is the most important part. You asked me why I carry a sword. I'll tell you. When one immortal
kills another, by beheading his opponent, the defeated immortal's Quickening flows into the victor, and he become more powerful. All
the dead immortal's strength, power, knowledge and experience transfers itself into the one who beheaded him. That's what
happened to Liam Mac Dara. He was killed in France, by a German immortal, who I killed two hundred years ago.
"Why'd I kill him? Well, partly to avenge Liam's death, but there is also another reason. There is a legend, passed down from mouth to
mouth over the ages which tells of a time when all living immortals will feel drawn to a particular place, to fight for the Prize. We must
fight until only two immortals remain. Then, they shall duel for the Prize.
"I don't know precisely what it is... Some say that the winner of the Prize would become a God. Some say it would mean the end of the
world. One thing that is certain - the winner of the Prize would have all of the immortal Quickening that ever existed, and would be
powerful beyond belief. He would have all the strength, knowledge and experience of every immortal that ever lived. So, down through
the ages, immortals have been fighting each other, looking forward to the day of the Gathering, when a few of us shall remain, and we'll
come together in one place to fight each other for the Prize. The time of the Gathering draws near, and you must prepare yourself to
fight other immortals, many of whom will have hundreds of years experience.

"How many of us? I don't know... Perhaps one man in a million is born an immortal, perhaps even less. We come from every race,
creed, religion, and region. The Quickening doesn't seem to discriminate between black, white, or, indeed, any other skin-color. I have
fought and killed immortals from Europe, China, and South America.
"I have also fought other creatures.
"We are not alone in being different from mortal man in this world of darkness. There are other supernatural creatures, who you shall
meet in the course of your life. I have lived among the Garou a lot - Werewolves, shapeshifters... Both man and wolf, or a mix of both..
Ferocious creatures... There are other shapeshifters as well - the Corax, who could be described as were-ravens, the Bagheera,
werecats, and many others... None are as common as the Garou, though, and all are mortal, and age and die naturally, although they
are much more robust than mortal men, and can heal faster then normal, though not as fast as we can. But there are others who can
live for as long as we can; the Kindred, for instance - Vampires, are they, undead creatures who must drink the blood of mortals to
survive. They can live for many centuries. They do not age, but they can die from normal wounds, even though, like the Garou, they heal
at an advanced rate. There are Magi, who wield Magick, twisting reality with their incantations and spells. There are Faeries, ghosts,
Spirits and evil, horrible things from places other than this Earth of ours. You may encounter them, as you travel, and you must be
prepared to combat them, and cleanse them from the face of the planet. It is truly a World of Darkness we live in, with many secrets
that are hidden from mortal man. Of all these supernatural creatures, we are the least common, and, some would say, the most
powerful, as all the rest can either grow old, or die normally. A two-thousand year old Vampire will still die if you burn it, whereas I have
heard of an immortal, who, accused of being a witch, was burnt at the stake, and survived. Just remember that, no matter how badly
wounded you are, you will always totally recover, without scars or permanent injury, but remember that if you are lying unconscious, or
unable to move, it can be very easy for someone to come along and take your head. There is only one part of our bodies which will not
heal totally - our neck will retain scars, if we are wounded there. This scar of mine was caused by a lucky swing by another immortal,
who tried to take my head by surprise in England, back in the middle ages. Luckily, I managed to jerk my head back in time. If I hadn't, I
wouldn't be here...
"Ah, whisht, lad! So many questions! You'll get your answers in time... You'll have to learn all you can about this world, and the
creatures you'll encounter. You'll have to learn how to live without drawing attention to yourself. You'll have to learn how to hide your
immortality from normal people. I'll teach you everything I can, and then I'll have to leave you. But the most important thing you'll ever
learn is how to fight. All immortals fight using swords, although I met one who uses an axe. Aye, uses. He's still alive, and is my friend.
He saved me from a group of Hunters once. The Hunters are a group of mortals who wish to kill us all off. They capture immortals and
behead them, allowing their Quickening to disperse into the ether.
"You'll have to learn how to use a sword, for that is the only way you can defend yourself, and it's the only way you can defeat other
immortals. You can't cut a man's head off with the barrel of a gun, you know. I was given this sword by Liam Mac Dara. It is thousands
of years old, crafted by blacksmith magicians over five thousand years ago. It's a silver Celtic longsword, and is a part of me. Get that
bundle from over there. Bring it here, lad...
"This is an English Broadsword, crafted from steel in the middle ages. I took it from an immortal I killed in London almost a hundred
years ago. Take it. It's yours. Make it part of yourself, an extension of your body. And extra limb. When you do that, it will become part
of you to such an extent that your Quickening will embrace it as part of you and make it stronger. Feel it's weight. Swing it around a bit,
get used to the feel of the blade... That's it...
"Before we start, there is one thing I must tell you. We have certain traditions - laws, if you want to call them that... No immortal will ever
break them, for they are practical, and have a sound reason for existing. The Golden Rule is this: We must never fight on holy ground. If
an immortal is beheaded on holy ground, his Quickening will be drawn into the ground, and will be lost forever. and holy ground means
more than just churches and the like. The spiritual places of the Garou, and the sites of Mage's magical sites have the same effect.
Don't worry, though. You'll be able to tell when you are standing on holy ground. Much the same way as you'll be able to know other
immortals. Remember you were dizzy when you first saw me? I call that the Buzz, and it's something that'll happen everytime you meet
an immortal. You're feeling it right now, are you not, except that it's been suppressed because of the amount of time we've spent
together. Well, if another immortal came near us, you'd get another buzz, and you'd know that there was one nearby.
"Well, enough talk! It's time for you to learn something other than theory. Come on, let's teach you the art of swordsmanship! Without it,
you won't last long. Before long, you'll have to face immortals with hundreds, even thousands of years experience. To survive, you'll
have to defeat them in battle. If you don't kill them, they'll kill you. The Prize awaits one of us, and the Gathering draws near..."

"With my sword and my head held high, Got to pass the test first time..." - Queen

Foreword to First Edition by Hank Driskill:

Ever since the introduction of the World of Darkness, the idea of incorporating the immortals from the movie Highlander has seemed
not only interesting and appropriate, but almost necessary. The world presented in Highlander (there should have been only one) and
the series closely mimics that of the Storyteller system: a world slightly darker and more menacing than our own, with supernatural
beings wandering among us. In fact, the movie Highlander is listed as an inspiration in the credits for the Storyteller games, so the
introduction of these characters seems vital.

Foreword to Second Edition by John Gavigan:

This is the revised and expanded edition of Hank's original Highlander rules, including a combat system designed to support complex
sword duels. It is designed as a supplement to White Wolf's World of Darkness series of games, and is compatible with any of White
Wolf's World of Darkness Storyteller games.

These rules are copyright of Hank Driskill and John Gavigan. They are in the public domain and may be copied and distributed, as
long as our names remain here. The use of the "Highlander" name and quotes from the film Highlander in these rules is not a
challenge to the ownership of the rights to the Highlander movie, nor of the ownership of the rights to the Highlander television series
by Rysher Entertainment.
The pictures in this supplement are from the film Highlander and the Highlander TV series, and are reproduced here without the
consent of the owners of either the film or series. The Storyteller series of Roleplaying games is published by White Wolf Inc. and the
use of their trademarks in these rules is without their permission.

Chapter Three: The Quickening

"Hey, it's a kind of magic!" - Connor
Quickening is the force that makes the immortals "special": that mystical energy within them, that makes them immortal and gives
them their powers. In this chapter, we will discuss what Quickening means in the rules, and how immortals increase in power.

Quickening Dice
Throughout the discussion of the various powers, mention will be made of rolling Quickening to perform some feat. This behaves
exactly as with Spheres of power in Mage: roll a number of dice equal to your Quickening, against a difficulty of six. Count successes
to find how much benefit has been gained.

Quickening Powers
"You can't drown, you fool! You're immortal!" - Ramirez
The powers listed below are based off of various powers shown in the Highlander movie and TV series. They are loosely based off of
various powers listed in the Mage book, and occasionally make mention of the power they were most similar to.
Next to each power is a mark of what level of Quickening is necessary to first exhibit this power.

* Sense Quickening: Some immortals gain this ability even before they suffer their first death, since they still are considered to have
a Quickening of 1. This ability is similar to the level 1 Prime spell Sense Quintessence (see Mage): using this ability, an immortal will
sense another immortal nearby. No specific information on the immortal's identity is given, nor is the location of the immortal known,
merely that the immortal is near.
Sense Quickening also allows the immortal to sense a Node ("holy ground"). Likewise, an immortal can sometimes sense other
beings with free quintessence in them (such as Mages and Kindred), although a perception roll may be necessary for this. Usually, no
roll is needed for sensing holy ground, and sensing other immortals is usually left to Storyteller's discretion (to pick a dramatic

* Breathe Water: With this ability, immortals may survive indefinitely underwater, drawing oxygen from the water. This is not the same
as not breathing: it has been shown that immortals do breathe, and that poison gas will affect them (although it cannot kill them). Total
absence of air will reduce the immortal to incapacitated after a certain length of time, and he won' recover until he can, once more,

** Empower Weapon: Often in both movie and series, the clash of swords during a battle between two immortals is accompanied by
electrical discharge. Using their Quickening, immortals can enfuse their weapon with raw power, causing them to do more damage,
and also causing the discharges shown. An immortal can empower any edged melee weapon in this way (axe, sword, knife). One
additional damage success is scored per success rolled (see Quickening Dice above for details).
Note: The extra damage done by Empower Weapon is aggravated, although the normal damage done by the weapon is not.
Example: Duncan swings his trusty katana (difficulty 6, Strength + 5 damage), and hits. He rolls Str 3 + 5 = 8 dice for damage, difficulty
6 (using the Vampire 2nd edition rules), to determine damage. Since his katana is empowered, however, he rolls an additional 5 dice
for his 5 Quickening, also against difficulty 6. Any successes scored on this roll count as aggravated damage. The defender gets one
soak roll against both damages, and soaks aggravated first.

** Heal Self: In Chapter Four, the "normal" healing chart for immortals is given. Using their Quickening, however, an immortal may
choose to heal even faster from wounds received. By taking a round and rolling Quickening, an immortal may heal a number of wound
levels equal to the successes rolled. Note that this is done once per wound only, the rest must heal normally. Note also that if an
immortal is taken to incapacitated (or beyond) before he has a chance to heal, he must first heal to crippled, then roll his dice in Heal
Self. Also, aggravated wounds may not be healed in this manner, and must heal according to the chart.
Example: Richie the new immortal gets in a fight with an unsuspecting group of gang toughs, and after finishing them off he begins to
recover from his wounds. Three wounds (3/1/2 levels) for a total of six wound levels (crippled). He rolls his Quickening of 2, healing 1
from the first, healing the second, and getting no successes on the third wound, over a period of three rounds. The remaining four
wound levels must heal normally (which means he'll be fully healed in little over a half hour).

*** Empower Self: Using his Quickening, an immortal may increase his physical attributes, by one for every success rolled. The effect
lasts for an entire scene, and is usually done only during challenges. After using Empower Self, an immortal will feel weak (-1 to dice
pool) for an hour or more.
Example: Connor squares off with Fasil, and the battle begins. Connor rolls his Quickening of 7, gaining four successes, and puts two
points into Stamina and two in Dexterity. Fasil is in trouble.

**** Speed of the Stag: Like Empower Self, an immortal may use his Quickening to increase his actions in a turn (much like the
vampiric discipline of Celerity). One extra action may be gained per success rolled, and the extra actions last for an entire scene. As
with Empower Self, the immortal will feel weak for some time after using this power.

***** Ignore Wounds: At this level, the immortal's recuperative powers have become so potent that they no longer need spend time to

heal. One wound level is healed each round, with no roll required (although an immortal may still take a round to heal more, using the
level 2 power Heal Self). Also at this level, an immortal may heal aggravated wounds as if they were normal wounds, using Heal Self
Example: The Kurgan, after ending the pitiful Ramirez's life and taking his Quickening, stops to rest. Ramirez had one lucky swing that
nearly took the Kurgan's head, doing four normal wounds and one aggravated. The four normal wound levels healed over the next four
rounds, and the Kurgan takes a round to heal the aggravated wound after the battle is over. A scar is left on his throat, however, to
remind him of how close Ramirez's blade came...

The Last
The "Sense Quickening" power is related to another power, which has been dubbed the "Last". The massive amount of Quickening
present in an immortal means that they are able to "tune in" to their surroundings, and to the life forces around them, effectively giving
them a sixth sense, similar to the "Danger Sense" gift from Vampire. This manifests itself in many ways. In the film, the examples we
saw included MacLeod and Ramirez "tuning in" to the stag's life force on the sea shore, Kurgan's ability to guess Connor's name,
even though he had never seen him before, Connor's knowledge that someone (Brenda) was following him, and the way in which he
knew of the gun and the tape recorder in Brenda's apartment. This power is one that should be administrated at the Storyteller's
discretion. At appropriate times - ie. when the Storyteller decides, not the player - the ST should do a Quickening roll, and, depending
on the amount of successes the player gets, he should reveal a certain amount of information. Also, the player can decide that his
character is going to tune in to a particular animal, and, in this way, he can feel what the animal feels, and, at higher levels of
Quickening ( 5+ ), he may be able to catch glimpses of what the animal is actually seeing and hearing. However, the animal must be
This power is an unreliable one, and manifests itself irregularly and in strange ways. This power is designed to help negate the
advantage that Garou and Kindred have, through possessing Gifts and Disciplines, and is aimed at providing the immortal character
with a useful, yet erratic source of information. The Storyteller should use her discretion in the dispensing of such information.

Gaining and Losing Quickening

Immortals can only increase Quickening by taking another immortal's head. When they have successfully finished their opponent, they
gain the opponent's level in Quickening x 2 in "Quickening Experience". Like study points in Mage, these are spent equally with
experience to increase an immortal's Quickening. As outlined in the Experience Chart (Chapter Four), it costs Current Level x 6 to
increase Quickening. This is the only way to increase Quickening. The victor also gains one point in an ability, for each point of
Quickening the loser had. These ability points come from the knowledge of the loser, and must be placed in abilities that the loser had
at a higher level than the victor. If the victor has higher scores in every ability of the loser, the victor gains nothing.
Example: Frank Colt beheads Butra the assassin, and takes his Quickening. Frank has a Quickening of 2, and Butra had a
Quickening of 3. Frank gets 3x2 = 6 Quickening Experience, which he uses with 6 "normal" experience to raise his Quickening to 3
(which costs 12 points). He also gains three points in abilities, one each in three areas where Butra had more skill than him.
There are two conditions under which an immortal may lose Quickening: two on one, and holy ground, as discussed in Chapter One.
These are handled in a very similar manner to the normal transfer of Quickening, but will result in more than one "loser".
If two immortals fight a third and take his head, then one of the immortals who has emerged victorious will absorb all of the Quickening
from the experience: all of the loser's and one of his partner's. Thus, he gains (loser+1)x2 in Quickening Experience, and his partner
loses one point in Quickening (if he only has one, he dies from the experience). The partner also loses one point in an ability, which
also goes to the victor (the storyteller picks which ability, but it has to be one that the victor is inferior to his partner in). This loss of
power and knowledge keeps even the friendliest of immortals from agreeing to be a partner...
Holy ground is a similar situation, and in fact counts as the "victor" in any contest. The Node gains (loser+1)x2 in Quickening
Experience toward increasing the power of the Node, and the winner of the battle loses one point of Quickening, and also loses one
point in an ability (again, the ability lost is chosen by the storyteller). Since there is never a victor in a battle on holy ground, no immortal
will fight there.
Example: If Frank had beheaded Butra the assassin on holy ground (in this instance, a Node with strength 2) the Node would gain
(3+1)x2 = 8 Quickening experience (almost enough to turn it into a Node of 3), and Frank would lose 1 Quickening (taking him to 1)
and 1 point in some ability. Bad move for Frank.

The Side Effects of Quickening

Quickening is the lifeforce of an immortal, and can only be taken by removing his head. In the World of Darkness, there are many other
ways to remove someone's power, none of which will easily succeed against an immortal. Some examples include:
* Vampires gain no sustenance from drinking the blood of an immortal, and cannot kill him by doing so (although they can drive the
immortal to incapacitated). The blood is worthless to them. Nor can an immortal be Embraced and become a Vampire.
* Mages cannot use Prime effects to remove Quintessence from an immortal, or to destroy it (a la Flames of Purification, Prime 4). An
immortal's pattern is immutable. The immortal gains his Quickening in automatic countermagick successes to resist any Prime effect
directed against him. The one exception is when an immortal loses his head: if a Mage with talent in Prime is present, he can in fact
potentially become the "victor", stealing the loser's Quickening as Quintessence (one point of Quintessence per point of Quickening),
and gaining a point of the winner's as well. The Mage rolls his Prime versus the winner's Quickening in a contested roll. The Mage
gains no ability from the experience, but the 'winner' still loses one point in some ability.

Example: If Frank had beheaded Butra the assassin in the presence of a Mage with a score of 3 in his Prime sphere, Frank and she
would contest to see who actually absorbed Butra's Quickening. If Frank lost, the Mage would gain four points of Quintessence (three
for Butra and one from Frank), while Frank would lose 1 Quickening (taking him to 1) and 1 point in some ability.
* Likewise, Immortals are practically immune to any effects of the Life sphere, or the healing discipline of Obeah (see Mage and the
Vampire Player's Guide, respectively), whether the effect is beneficial or not. Assume their Quickening in automatic successes, to
resist any effect or counter any successes rolled against them.
* An immortal's mind, spirit, and body are tightly held by their Quickening. Although mind effects (the Mind sphere, Dominate, or
Presence) may affect the immortal, his mind cannot be pulled from his body, nor may his spirit be removed without his head being
removed first. This is not a contested roll, this is automatic.

Chapter Two: Character Creation

"I am immortal, I have inside me blood of kings..." - Queen
It may seem appealing to run an immortal in a Storyteller Chronicle, especially as it is, in ways, an extremely powerful character type.
However, in my opinion, it is more difficult to create an immortal character than any of the others created so far. When you are
generating a Mage, Garou or Vampire character, there are plenty of traits such as gifts, backgrounds, disciplines, spheres and so on
to play with, and the mythos is already set out in the rule-book. In effect, the whole thing is presented to the player in a neat little
package, and all they have to do is follow the rules, write down a few figures and they can play their character.
Immortals are different. Each one is unique. There is no pre-designed background for immortal characters. Their very nature prohibits
the type of society that holds so much of the role-playing potential for Garou, Mages and Kindred. Like these characters, the immortal
is a normal person who discovers that he has a special destiny. However, unlike Garou and Kindred, they can see no reason why they
and not someone else, have been chosen to be immortal. In some ways, they are similar to Mages in this respect, but the one major
difference between immortals and other characters is time - often, immortals discovered their heritage hundreds or even thousands of
years ago. Deciding how this character spent those years, and working out the beliefs, knowledge and outlook that he has brought
with him from this time.
One might argue that this has already been explored with Vampire and Mummy. In Vampire, however, one is encouraged to begin
with a young vampire, so as not to unbalance the game: elder vampires, while a curiosity, do not often "adventure" with their younger
brethren, but instead are embroiled in the politics of the Camarilla. They also tend to be much more powerful, and less human than
their younger Kin. Likewise, although Mummies are in many ways human, their thoughts and desires are nothing like the mortals
around them.
Storytellers should make it a condition that, for an immortal character to be accepted as a character in a Chronicle, their background
and past should be at least summarily documented, an their character should be developed. This will often deter players who wish to
play an immortal simply because he is immortal. Immortals are a very unique character class, due to their humanity: despite the
centuries behind them, they are still human... alone among the mortals, hidden, but still human in mind and soul. This humanity makes
them unique and interesting characters to explore.

To begin the creation process, settle on the concept for the immortal. Why have they survived? When were they born, where have they
been and what have they seen throughout the centuries? Pick a strong nature, something that drives them and makes them cling to
life, rather than just let go. They do not age, but without a will to survive they most certainly will lose their head...

Immortals are shown to be in superhuman health, strong and fast, and also intelligent and perceptive. They are almost always fit,
attractive, and charismatic... so, in the World of Darkness, they are far superior to the mortals in all their attributes. Give them 7
Primary, 6 Secondary, and 5 Tertiary attribute points, instead of the "normal" 7/5/3 split that Garou, Kindred and Mages all receive.

Immortals start with 13 Primary, 9 Secondary, and 5 Tertiary abilities provided they are "young" (less than 100 years). Older immortals
will have more abilities; fighting this to achieve "play balance" is a wasted effort in the Storyteller system. The storyteller is the ultimate
judge; if he doesn't want 2000 year old immortals overpowering his game, then he shouldn't allow 2000 year old immortals at all:
allowing them but restricting them to 13/9/5 is ludicrous. Also, as they age, their maximum ability score (5 for mortals) will increase,
allowing scores of 6+ for various abilities. Players should be allowed to choose Abilities from any of the games, but obviously, there
are restrictions. For example, it seems unlikely that an immortal would have the Primal-Urge or Rituals Abilities from Werewolf.
Players should be encouraged to think up their own abilities, thus helping make their character unique. For example, the Knowledge
History might be a common one among immortals (and is in fact included on the character sheet) - remember Connor relating the
significant events of 1798 to Brenda?
Use the chart below for a reasonable split of abilities based on age.





and so on...

"You cannot die, MacLeod... Accept it!" - Ramirez
The Quickening characteristic is the most important to an immortal... it defines their power, and is very useful in battles with other
immortals. Beginning immortals begin with 1 Quickening; this may be increased by spending Freebie points, as discussed below.

Immortals have no "virtues" in the Vampire/Werewolf sense. Like Mages, their only characteristic is Willpower, and like Mages, they
start with a base Willpower of 5.

Immortals begin the game with points in Backgrounds, according to the chart below. See the section on Abilities to see the arguments
regarding age vs. play balance.

Background Points

The following backgrounds are possibilities for immortal characters. See Vampire for explanations of most of these backgrounds
(except for Arcane, which comes from Mage).

Allies: Friends who can be counted on to help the character out. They probably know of his immortality.
Contacts: The number of information sources the character possesses.
Fame: The character's renown in the mortal world.
Influence: The character's political or social sway or power in the mortal world.
Mentor: An older immortal who advises and, to a certain extent, looks after the character:
* Mentor is less than a hundred years older than you.
** Mentor is between 100 and 300 years older than you.
*** Mentor is between 300 and 600 years older than you.
**** Mentor is between 600 and 1000 years older than you.
***** Mentor is between 1000 and 1200 years older than you. ****** Mentor is over 1500 years older than you.
Storytellers should bear in mind the possibility that an immortal character's mentor might be killed, unless they have "retired".

Resources: Wealth, belongings, and monthly income.

Arcane: ( See Mage: the Ascension ) Immortals tend to have a tendency to scatter headless bodies around them, yet they don't seem
to draw attention to this fact: hence the Arcane. Also, isn't it strange how they manage to hide such large swords inside those
trenchcoats of theirs?

Finishing Touches:
Immortals get 18 freebie points to spend. Again, this gives them more points in attributes and abilities than their fellow players, but this
is balanced by their inability to raise Quickening except through killing other immortals. Also, their very nature makes them hunted by
the Technocracy, fellow Immortals, and of course the Watchers/Hunters (these are outlined in Chapter Five).

Point Costs:
Quickening - 7 points per dot
Attributes - 5 points per dot
Abilities - 2 points per dot
Willpower - 1 point per dot
Backgrounds - 1 point per dot

Spark of Life
"Ya talk funny, Nash... where ya from?" "Lots of different places..." - Garfield & Nash
This is a very important part of character creation, and, unfortunately, one that is skipped over far too often. This is a role-playing
game, and the Storyteller system is designed so that players can immerse themselves in their character. However, you cannot do this
if you don't know your character.

Background & History: Where was you character born? What was his childhood like? How did he "die"? What was the reaction to
his miraculous revival? How did he find out about his immortality - Did a mentor (like Ramirez) tell him about it, or did he gradually find
out for himself? Did he leave his home and family, or did he stay around and watch them grow old and die? If so, how did it affect him?
Where has he been in the intervening years? Was he involved in any famous historical incidents? In the present day, where does your
character live? Or is he a wanderer, moving around continuously?

"Who cut your hair?" "I am in disguise... this way, no one will recognize me." - Connor MacLeod and Kurgan

What does your immortal look like? How does he dress? Is he a classic member of the "trenchcoat brigade", or has he settled on
another method of carrying his weapon (like the Kurgan and his briefcase)? These sort of decisions help determine a look, and also
are useful for game play later.

"Hi, Brenda. I did what you asked. I spent all night going through the old deeds to Nash's house on Hudson Street, right back to the
original owner, Montague, in 1798..." - Rick
How long has your character been in his current home? What friends has he made? Unlike Vampires, Garou, or Magi, immortals live
amongst the humans and (for the most part) treat them as equals. Hence, they make connections with the human race, which will come
up during game play (either for help or for hostages, depending on Storyteller mood).

"Love is for poets." - Connor MacLeod
What kind of personality does your immortal have? Is he dark, moody and unfriendly, or bright and extrovert? What drives them, keeps
them going? Is the ambition to win the Prize the thing which consumes their lives, or do they revel in life generally? The things that have
happened to an immortal down through the years can often affect his outlook on life - love and war are probably the most common
ones, but other things can greatly influence the way a person views life.

"I have something to say... It's better to burn out, than to fade away!" - Kurgan
Immortals are often unusual individuals. Note from the series: Gregor's tendency to put mortals into danger to get a secondary rush
from it, or Amanda's tendency to doublecross her partners. These things help define the character, and yet aren't shown in the
characteristics above. Perhaps your character has a phobia or a hatred of some particular thing. Perhaps your character is afraid of
heights, and has a hatred of Vampires... Pick interesting quirks, and write them down; they will add greatly to the role-playing
experience. See also the Merits and Flaws section below.
One of the most important things to remember when writing up your character's background is that, unlike the Garou and the Kindred,
(and the Mages, to a certain extent), immortals are human. They may live for extraordinary lengths of time, but they are still very human,
with the very same feelings and thoughts as us.

Personality Archetypes
Vampire introduced Personality Archetypes to help define characters' personalities. A character has two archetypes - his Nature and
his Demeanor, and the key to using Archetypes effectively is understanding the difference between the two.
A character's Nature is her true personality - that which she is, but will not necessarily reveal to other characters in the Story. People
do not bare their soul to everyone they meet, and thus they develop false fronts.
A character's Demeanor is this false front. While a character's Nature would only change in exceptional circumstances, her Demeanor
can be as consistent as their Nature, or it may change frequently. Also, if the player so chooses, a character's Nature and Demeanor
may be the same.
Personality archetypes are also a method of (re)gaining Willpower, as the Storyteller will award Willpower when a character lives up to
their Nature/Demeanor.

Merits and Flaws

Vampire also introduced the Merits and Flaws system, which is a method of really making your character seem alive and individual.
Merits and Flaws are purchased just before you spend your freebie points. They cost or give between one and five freebie points - ie.
purchasing a five point merit would mean you had five less freebie points to spend, while taking a five point flaw would mean that you
had an extra five freebie points to spend. Merits and Flaws are also tied to Willpower, but less so than the Natures and Demeanors.
The full rules for Personality Archetypes, and Merits and Flaws can be found in the Vampire and Werewolf Players Guides.

An Immortal Player's Guide for Highlander: the Gathering

Compiled by Mark Antill (

Of all the net supplements that have been written for the World of Darkness one of the oldest and the best is Highlander: the
Gathering by Hank Driskill and John Gavigan. Many people have had much enjoyment from adding Immortals into the World of
Despite some talk of there being a 3rd edition of these rules, it hasn't happened, and it does not seem likely that it will. So I have
collected together rules from the net that people have written for Highlander plus the extra information in the 2.1 edition and put
them together with my own rules and ideas. This is therefore an unofficial supplement to an unofficial supplement, and all of its
contents are presented simply as ideas to enhance the use of Immortals in your game.

Merits and Flaws

Most Merits and Flaws described in the various books are available to Immortals. Obviously those that apply to a specific type of
supernatural and their society are not, but in general those available to mortals are available to Immortals too. In addition, some
Merits and Flaws are presented here specifically for Immortals. The maximum that can be spent or gained from Merits and
Flaws is 10 Freebie Points.

Adrenaline Junkie: (1-2 pt Flaw) Although all Immortals are, well, basically Immortal, you feel you constantly have to prove it.
Given the choice between the safe and possibly dangerous ways of attaining a goal, you inevitably take the dangerous path.
Examples: never climb down from a tree or building when you can jump; jump into burning buildings even if there aren't any
people in there to rescue; drink absinthe (wormwood) on a regular basis; carve ritual tattoos all over your body and watch them
heal; always play chicken with other cars. Unlike certain daredevils who do this for a thrill, you are addicted to these
experiences, and could not stop if you wanted to.

Anachronism: (2 pt Flaw) You have been an immortal for some time, and are unable (or unwilling) to keep up with the changing
times. An Intelligence roll is needed whenever you have to deal with something from a later period than your own mortal days. If
the roll is failed, total the net failures, and use this total as a negative modifier to your attempts.

Code of Honour: (1pt Merit) You have a personal code of ethics to which you strongly adhere. You can automatically resist
most temptations that would bring you into conflict with your code. When battling supernatural persuasion that would make you
violate your code, you either gain three extra dice to resist the supernatural persuasion, or the opponent's difficulties are
increased by two (Storyteller's choice). You must construct your own personal code of honour in as much detail as you can,
outlining the general rules of conduct by which you abide.

Curiosity: (2pt Flaw) Even all the years of life, the lure of something new or unknown still calls to you. In most circumstances your
curiosity easily overrides your common sense. To resist the temptation, make a Wits roll verses difficulty 5 for simple things like
"I wonder what's in that drawer?" Increase the difficulty to things like 9 for "I wonder what's inside that vampire's haven?"

Emotional Isolation: (1 pt Flaw) You have seen too many friends die over the years, and now wish to spare yourself the pain by
avoiding becoming close to anyone. You often seem cold and without feeling, but you are now safe from pain. You have a +1
modifier to all Social rolls involving emotions, and cannot spend experience points on the Empathy Talent.

Ennui: (2 pt Flaw) You are world weary; you have seen enough to know that nothing is ever truly new. You rarely pay attention to
those around you and assume that you know all there is to know about them. This gives you a +1 modifier to any Perception rolls
involving people you know. Due to belief in the predictability of others, you also a +1 modifier to the difficulty level of the first
action taken following a surprise (such as an ambush.)

Flinch: (2 pt Flaw) Because your original death was fairly painless, you are afraid of pain and will go to great lengths to avoid it.
Make a Willpower roll to do anything which might involve a great deal of pain (like jumping off a building or running into a burning

Lifesaver: (3pt Flaw) You believe that human life is sacred and will not take a person's life except under extreme circumstances.
You may not ever willing endanger the lives of innocents or in any way participate in a killing. You have no problems with killing
animals (for the right reasons) and will kill evil and inhuman creatures to protect others if necessary (be very careful however with
you definition of evil...). You can defend yourself if attacked, although you will only kill the attacker if you have no other choice,
even if they are another Immortal attacking you. Senseless death in all forms repulses you.

Technophobia: (1-5 pt Flaw) You are unable to comprehend or operate anything that was invented after your first "death". Add
+3 to difficulties involving such items or devices. If you are under 60 years old, it's a 1 point flaw; if you are under 150, it's 2

points; under 400, 3 points; and over 600, 5 points.

Routine: (2 pt Flaw) Through the ages you have settled into Routine. You tend to go to same places at the same time of day,
week, month, or year. If others have studied you behaviour the Storyteller may lower the difficulty for trying to surprise you by 1-3
points depending on the nature of the situation.

Pacifist: (5 or 7 pt Flaw) Due to religious beliefs or just amazing morals, you are unable to take another's life. In any
circumstance involving violence you must attempt to get away or simply accept the consequences of the violence; you are
incapable of fighting. Should you commit a violent act, you will become violently ill, and will be almost unable to live with yourself.
Characters with this flaw tend to live exclusively on Holy Ground, or are very good at hiding. The five point version of this flaw
allows you to defend yourself (or others) but only in life or death circumstances (i.e., against an Immortal out for your head). The
seven point version precludes violence of any sort, and you may not purchase fighting skills of any sort.

Paranoia: (2 pt Merit) You know that there are many people out to get you, Hunters, other Immortals, the Inquisition and who
knows what else. You go out of your way to prepare contingency plans, vary your movements and habits, and otherwise make
yourself a difficult target. As a result you are less likely to be attacked unawares. You have -1 difficulty to spot ambushes and the

Weak Persona: (4 pt Flaw) Your persona is strong enough for normal circumstances, but when you are infused with the
knowledge and memories of another Immortal (by taking their heads) the conflict is just too much sometimes. You must test for
Overpowering Quickening everytime you kill another Immortal, no matter what their Quickening was. This cannot be taken along
with Iron Will.

"It's good to be a myth"
-- Methos

Bonding Blood: (5 pt Merit) An Immortal with this merit can Blood Bond others to her, using the normal rules for Blood Bonds.
Note: for a character who takes the merit Bonding Blood, the flaw Tasty Blood becomes a three point merit.

Distinctive Quickening: (3 pt Flaw) Other Immortals can tell who you are (if they have ever met you before) by the "taste" of
your Quickening as you get near. Methos has something like this, and I'm not sure, but I think Kalas had it too.

Endurance: (1 pt Merit) Immortals do not die, but they do weaken if they go for prolonged periods of time with food, water,
sleep, or air. An Immortal with this benefit never needs to eat, drink, sleep, or breath. However, most still enjoy food and drink -- it
makes them feel human.

Holy Ground Aversion: (2 pt Flaw) Thisis similar to the Painful Detection Flaw, but only applies to holy ground. The Immortal
must spend a Willpower point to enter holy ground.

Hidden Quickening: (6 pt Merit) Other Immortals cannot sense you, although you can sense them. If they should become aware
of you, however, and kill you, they can still get your gifts.

No Sense of Quickening: (6 pt Flaw) You can not sense when other Immortals are nearby. You can still kill them and get the
Quickening Experience, but you just can not 'feel' them coming.

Painful Detection: (3 pt Flaw) The Immortal's Detect Immortal and Sense Holy Ground are accompanied by extreme pain,
sometimes the pain of their first death, or maybe just the kicked in the groin/really bad cramps pain. The Character must make a
Stamina check vs. difficulty 6 The net failures are subtracted from all actions until the character is off the holy ground or out
Immortals range; check each time the power is activated.

Powerful Quickening: (3 pt Merit) You absorb more ambient quintessence (Quickening) when you kill another Immortal, and
there is less 'leakage' of their Quickening. (1.5 the normal amount of Quickening experience points).

Quiet Quickening: (3 pt Merit) For some reason, your Quickening are short and quiet. Windows don't break, cars don't
explode, and dogs don't run for cover. General replacement effects are: Bright, holy light transfixes you for a minute or two;
animals gather around and look at you in wonder; gentle rain falls; rainbows cross the sky over head; you simply have a quick
orgasm and get it over with.

Slow Healing: (2 pt Flaw) An Immortal with this flaw heals her wounds at a normal rate (e.g., a paper-cut on her finger will take a
couple days to heal). However, she can still use her Quickening to heal wounds.

Soft Touch: (2 pt Merit) Your change from mortal to Immortal life was gentle, and so it is more difficult for other Immortals to
detect you. Immortals have to make a Perception + Quickening roll against difficulty 7, or will see you as simply mortal. (This is
the Immortal equivalent of Baby Face.)

Strong Aura: (5 pt Flaw) The Immortal radiates a particularly strong, unique aura which is automatically sensed by any
supernatural creature possessing Auspex or its equivalent. Unless the vampire/mage/etc is familiar with Immortals (not very
likely) he will be puzzled by the immortal's presence, and will probably cause trouble for her at some point. Even a vampire who
knows about Immortals will most likely cause problems for the character -- such kindred are most likely Elders and Methuselahs
who are jealous of their territory and very paranoid: they will want to know what the Immortal wants and who sent her.... Princes in

particular are not too enthusiastic about the prospect of decapitated bodies cropping up in their cities. Deduct 2 from the
difficulties of all attempts to detect you as a supernatural; other Immortals will get advanced warning if you are near.

Supernatural Metabolism: (2 pt Merit) Immortals do feel the symptoms of any drugs/poisons/etc that enter their system,
although they cannot die from an overdose. An Immortal with this merit is completely immune to the effects of any drug or poison
that is inhaled, injected, or consumed. The Immortal could drink a gallon of pure alcohol without becoming slightly intoxicated.
However, the alcohol is still in her system, and while the Immortal could walk in a straight line or touch her nose without a
problem, she would still utterly fail a breath test. Note that this merit only applies to poisons and drugs that have specific
biological targets in the body, not to corrosive substances. For example, if the Immortal drinks battery acid she would still have a
bad case of heartburn, or if she inhales vescicants like chlorine or mustard gas, her lungs are history until she heals them. But
the Immortal will be pretty much immune to the effects of most other substances, including nerve gases, biological toxins like
snake venom or botulism toxin, general anaesthetics, heavy metals like lead, arsenic or mercury, and of course any narcotic.

Tasty Blood: (3 pt Flaw) Vampires get no benefit from drinking an immortal's blood. However, kindred tasting the blood of an
Immortal with this flaw will get an incredible rush. The vampire will seek out the Immortal on future nights and may Frenzy if
denied the blood. Incidentally, for the Immortal, the Kiss is not enjoyable at all.

"Thousand-Yard Stare": (2 pt Merit) When Immortals have died their first death, they get a glimpse of what is beyond, and
some take that with them when they come back to life. An Immortal with this merit can unnerve any who meet her gaze, be they
vampire, Garou, mage, or human, although not Wraiths and Mummies, who know all about seeing death. The Immortal gets a
bonus of three dice to any roll involving intimidation. An additional benefit is a vampire will not be able to gaze into the immortal's
eyes long enough to Dominate her unless the vampire scores three successes on a Courage roll (difficulty 7).

Unbeating Heart: (1 pt Flaw) After the immortal's first death, her heart just never started beating again. This actually makes it
possible for her to pass as a Kindred, but imagine what a vampire-hunter will do ("They're running around during the day,

Unfortunate Quickening: (3 pt Flaw) For some reason, luck just isn't with you. Any time you behead another Immortal and
experience the Quickening, weird events occur which generally cause you some damage. Examples: Lightning strikes the stone
staircase you're on, plummet to the ground; a survivalist nut with a Mac-10 uses you for target practice; a fireworks factory is
standing nearby and lights up; the cops hear the sprinklers in the underground parking lot go off and come to investigate; you
lose your footing and fall into the river.

Quickening Power: (3-7 pt Merit) You have some unique supernatural ability as a result of you Quickening. The cost of the
power varies with how potent it is. The rough equivalent of a first level of a Discipline or Gift would be three. The equal of a
second level would be four, and so on, up to a fifth level, which would be would be seven. Using such powers always requires a
Quickening roll. Example powers include animal control, creating illusions and entering dreams. The power should always be in
the nature of the Quickening, and of the character. Note that if an Immortal takes your head, they may take your power to on a
successful Quickening roll, this can make you a tempting target. The Storyteller is always the final arbitrator of all such powers.

Immortal Society, Watchers and Hunters

"I don't care if he's a damned cop, it'll be self-defense, man!"
"Yeah, and what are you gonna tell 'em? That you're an Immortal and he's a member of a secret organisation and they're
trying to kill you?"
-- Carl and Duncan

Duel Mentors: (1pt Merit) You have had the fortune to study under more than one Immortal mentor although it is highly unlikely
that you studied under them at the same time. As such you may purchase the Mentor background more than once. Keep track of
the background points spent on your Mentor's separately. Remember that both of them may ask thongs of you, and it is possible
this could cause a conflict of loyalties.

Estranged Mentor: (3pt Flaw) You and your mentor have fallen out over something in the past. Perhaps you didn't live up to his
expectations, or maybe he didn't live up to yours. Whatever the reason, your former Mentor is out there somewhere, and should
you meet up again he will have no hesitation in taking your head. Remember your Mentor will know a great deal about you,
including your habits and your fighting style. You may not spend any points on the Mentor Background.

Friendly Watcher: (5 pt Merit) The Watcher and Immortal are good friends (e.g. Duncan and Joe). However, the Watcher will
still keep to the rules, and will rarely give away information on other Immortals. However, if someone is coming after you, he may
just drop the odd hint.

Ignorant: (5 pt Flaw) You know you're special -- you realise that somehow, you cannot die, age, become sick, etc. However,
nobody has ever really educated you on what it means to be an Immortal. You probably do not even know that you will die if you
lose your head, and you certainly do not know that there's a bunch of other Immortals well-trained in swordsmanship who are out
to relieve you of your head. Note that an Immortal with this flaw either tends to be very young (no other Immortal has got around to
seeking her out yet) or she might have the above merit - Hidden Quickening (she's old, but other Immortals are not aware of her

Immortal Enemy: (1-5pt Flaw) All Immortals have many enemies, each other, the Hunters, the Inquisition. However there is an
Immortal out there specifically looking for you for some reason. Its likely you have fought each other before, and maybe you have

killed someone he cared about. This Immortal doesn't just have a grudge, he is out there looking to do harm to you and those
you care about. The value of the Flaw depends upon how old the Immortal is, a 1 point enemy is not a powerful as you, although
she can still be dangerous, 2 points is another of about your age and power, while for more points, your enemy is older or more
dangerous and for 5 he is likely to have no trouble at all slicing you up should you fight face to face.

Immortal Friend: (1-5pt Merit) You have an Immortal friend you can trust. In the dangers of your existence you have a firm
friendship with one of your own kind. Someone who understands you predicament, will watch your back and won't take your
head. As with the Flaw Immortal Enemy, the cost of the Merit depends upon the power of your comrade. Unfortunately, since
Immortals must fight one on one, there is little you can do to protect each other against the greatest threat to either of you, other
Immortals. This Merit can be taken several times to represent several friends. The Storyteller should also remember that friends
are not retainers or stooges, even if they are less powerful than the player, and they are not always around. Two Immortal friends
may not meet each other for decades, even centuries.

Known Watcher: (1 pt Merit) The Immortal knows that the Watchers exist, and that there is a person watching him/her, just
taking notes. However, she does not know who this person is.

Mummy Companion: (5pt Merit) You have one of the world's few mummies as a companion or close associate. Your
relationship is one of relative equality, as you are both one of the few creatures that can understand each other. The Reborn will
help and advise you from time to time, but will expect the same treatment in return, such as minding their affairs while they are
dead, and they are neither a constant companion nor a source of free Amulets or Alchemical potions.

Really Friendly Watcher: (7 pt Merit) The Watcher will betray other Immortals to you. Note this will risk him being expelled from
the Watchers. If this happens obviously this merit is lost, and said jaded Watcher may become a Hunter (Storytellers discretion)
Rogue Watcher: (5 pt Flaw) Your Watcher has turned Hunter. Think of having a really diligent Vampire Hunter after you who
knows your bank account, your job, where you live, etc.

Sanctuary: (4 pt Merit) You have access to a place of Holy Ground where you can stay if necessary. Maybe the local priest is
your friend, or you own property built on an ancient burial sight. However, if the location is a node or caern, other supernaturals
may have an interest in it, and while you may be safe from Immortals there, you may not be safe from them.

Well Known Watcher: (2 pt Merit) The Immortal knows about the Watchers, and knows who her watcher is. The Watcher
himself may or may not know that his Immortal knows about her.

Neck Injury: (2 pt Flaw) At some point, the Immortal has sustained a vicious injury to the throat (most likely a near decapitation
by another immortal). There is a nasty scar on the immortal's throat, and he speaks in a horrible, grating voice. All social rolls
suffer a penalty of two dice. On the plus side of this, the Immortal gets a bonus of two dice on intimidation rolls.

Pain Tolerance: (5 pt Merit) Although Immortals cannot die, they can still feel pain, and they do not particularly enjoy it.
Immortals normally have a high tolerance for pain, because little compares to the agony of their first death when they become
fully Immortal. However, those with this pain are virtually insensitive to painful stimuli. Thus, the Immortal would not hesitate to
jump off the World Trade Center, or stick a knife in his heart to prove to someone she cannot die. In game terms, the Immortal
reduces the wound penalties on her dice pool by three. If the Immortal is reduced to "incapacitated", she can still take actions
with a penalty of four on her pool (unless, for example, her limbs are physically cut off -- the Storyteller is the final judge). Note:
Immortals with this merit are pretty much immune to the effects of the Dark Thaumaturgy Path of Torture (Storyteller's Guide to
the Sabbat).

New Advantages
New Combat Manoeuvres
"You're better with a blade than her, yes. You're stronger than her, yes. But if you keep letting her walk away, one day she gets
lucky and takes your head - yes!"
-- Methos

Steel Wall
The warrior rolls as his attack roll Dexterity + Melee, difficulty 7. Any success on this roll add to the number of parry dice he has
on any defence roll he makes during the turn. Any attempt made to Brawl from the front by any attackers results in automatic
damage on whoever tries to attack him hand-to-hand, as if a successful attack roll had been made. The warrior may attempt only
parries in this turn.
Type: Defence
Difficulty: 7
Image: The warrior begins to swing to his weapon in a complex flowing pattern, weaving a wall of steel in front and around him,
moving forward slightly with each pass.

Tendon Slice
Skilled if somewhat unscrupulous warriors can attempt to slice the tendon's of a foe's wrists and ankles. Doing this requires
Melee 4, Dexterity 2 and a bladed weapon. If two or more Health Levels are taken by the victim, the tendons are cut. Wrists
become useless, and a successful tendon slice to the ankle can cripple a mortal opponent for life unless excellent health care or
magical aid can be rendered.
Type: Attack
Difficulty: 9
Damage: As weapon
Image: With deadly precision, the warrior quickly strikes, whipping his blade across his opponents vulnerable wrist or ankle.

This quick strike serves to test an opponent's defences.
Type: Attack
Difficulty: Weapon Difficulty -1
Damage: Strength -2
Image: With a quick, fast strike the warrior tries to pierce his opponents defences.

Head Wound
Different from the normal aimed attack, the purpose of this strike is to slash the opponent's head causing him to bleed. The
blood will then obstruct his vision in subsequent rounds adding +1 to the difficulties of their strikes on the following turn. This lasts
for one turn per Health Level done by the attack, or as long as it takes to heal the wound, which ever is less, although there is a
minimum of one turn's effect, even if the wound is healed the blood does not instantly disappear.
Type: Attack
Difficulty: Weapon Difficulty +2
Damage: Strength -2
Image: The warrior swings his blade at his opponent's head, cutting him on the forehead and causing blood to spill down his
face and into his eyes.

Paired Weapons
A character needs to have a Dexterity + Melee dice pool of at least five to use paired weapons, although is unlikely to present
much of a problem to most Immortal characters. A character with two weapons can choose to either attack with both or use one
to defend. If attacking the character must split her dice pool, but gains an extra dice to the pool. If defending the difficulty of
Melee and Brawl attacks against the character are increased by one.

New Knowledge
Immortal Lore
Like all Lores the knowledge is hard to come by, and for those people not belong to the groups that normally possess it a good
reason is required to have it a character creation.
You know that Immortals exists, and beheading them kills them.
** You know of the Quickening, and the Prize.
*** You have heard of some of the more famous Immortals.
**** You know of many Immortals, and the deeds of the more famous.
***** You know who killed who, where, when and with what.
Possessed by: Immortals, Watchers, Hunters

New Archetypes
Reluctant Immortal
Eternal life was thrust upon you, and you didn't want it. You yearn for a normal life -- a small circumscribed, safe little life, blissfully
ignorant of the greater things to which your eyes were forcibly opened. A life without having to watch over your shoulder for
another sword-wielding maniac looking for your head. You know you can never go back to being mortal, and you don't want to

die just yet, but you can't shake the yearning to be normal. Your moods will often swing between denial and depression.
Gain one permanent point of Willpower when you realise and accept the truth about what you have become. This should occur
only after long soul-searching and some excellent role-playing. After this choose another Nature, perhaps one related to the
catalyst for change.

No, this doesn't mean you like vampires. Rather you feel that life is complex enough for those who only have one lifetime. For
Immortals it can dissolve into chaos if too many things from the past all come home to roost at once. The only way to avoid this is
to leave as little trace of yourself as possible -- to leave no footprints in the sands of time. Mortals are far better off never knowing
that creatures like yourself walk among them -- and secrecy protects you from the unwelcome attention of Hunters and other
Regain one Willpower point whenever you resolve a situation without anyone finding out, or even suspecting, that you are more
than just an ordinary mortal.

The Quickening
"People living forever running around cutting each others' heads off with swords.... It'll be filed away with alien abductions and
Elvis sightings"
-- Methos

Attribute Maximums
Rather than limit an Immortal's Attributes and Abilities by age, it makes more sense to limit it by Quickening. It is the supernatural
power of the Quickening that allows an Immortal the superhuman prowess. This makes the higher Quickening levels more useful
and allows successful young Immortals to progress to supernatural levels of power, providing an extra incentive, as if one was
needed, to take heads. It also places the higher levels of Attributes and Abilities within the reach of all player characters,
although they will have to work hard to get it.
Quickening Stat Maximum

Quickening and Numina

Hedge Magic and Psychic Phenomena
Immortals who had these powers in before their 'death' do not lose them afterwards. During character creation an Immortal can
purchase such powers at a cost of 7 freebie points per dot. Hedge Magic is more common among older Immortals, who often
come from a time when it was practised more widely. Psychic Phenomena are generally a more recent occurrence, and tends to
be possessed by newer Immortals, although both powers a rare even among such an exceptional group.
An Immortal may try to power such abilities through their Quickening rather than force of will. To do this a Quickening roll is
required, and the Immortal must score as many successes as the level of the power they are trying to use. If she succeeds the
power works with no Willpower expenditure. If she fails, the Willpower point can be spent as normal. If the roll botches, the power
automatically fails, and the Willpower point is lost. Note that any normal Attribute + Ability roll must still be made, and required
foci must still be used.
There is a price to pay for having such powers however. If an Immortal with these powers is slain, the victor may take points in
these Numina in the same manner as Abilities (instead of, not as well as). This make Immortals with such powers very tempting
The only Numina that is forbidden to the is the Psychic Phenomena of Astral Projection. Since an Immortal's spirit cannot leave
her body while alive, it is not possible to ever learn or use this power.

True Faith
Unlike other Numina, True Faith cannot be taken by another Immortal, as it comes from belief, not knowledge. An Immortal who
possesses True Faith cannot use it as countermagick against any power which her Quickening protects her, but may use it
normally for anything else. Several Immortals have developed True Faith after their first "death" believing that they have been

restored to life to fulfill some holy cause.

Dark Powers: The Infernal and the Wyrm

Immortals are as good or bad as the human populace from which they come. Like humans, some seek power in places best left
alone. Immortals may practice the black arts, the Ritualis Infernal (see the Book of Madness and WoD: Sorcerer). Some
practised it before their death, others took it up afterwards seeking any power that could help them in their quest for the Prize.
Unlike other Hedge Magic, points in Pit Craft cannot be taken from a defeated Immortal as the power does not flow from
themselves but from Inferno. Such powers can still be fuelled by the Quickening. For those who traffic with demons, Infernal
Investments may still be gained.
For those who choose to deal with the Wyrm, they may also benefit from its dark gifts. Since Immortals cannot be possessed,
they cannot become Fomori. However, like other servants they can be rewarded with similar powers for loyal service. The
Immortal's resistance to body altering powers does nothing to stop the gifts of their dark patron, beneficial or not, and Immortals
who serves the Wyrm for too long may find themselves with a Taint or two.

Magical Items
An Immortal who is lucky enough to get their hands on a Talisman or a Fetish can use such an item, up to the third level of power.
They can do so by rolling their Quickening, difficulty the items Arete or Gnosis. In the case of Fetishes, an initial roll must be
made to attune themselves to the item. For Talismans, any Paradox gained goes to the Talisman. 10 or more points
accumulated will destroy it.

Experience and Age

"You've no knowledge whatsoever of your potential!"
-- Ramirez
As with other traits, Numina become harder to learn as the Immortal grows older.
Trait Experience Costs
100 - 250 251 - 500 501 - 1,000 1,001 - 1,500 1,501+
New Ability
New Hedge Magic Path 10
New Psychic Phenomenon 10
Hedge Magic Path
Hedge Magic Ritual
Levelx3 Levelx3 Levelx3
Psychic Phenomenon
It is up to the Storyteller if Faith can be raised by experience or just through roleplaying. In either case an Immortal's Age does
not affect increasing their Faith.

An Immortal's Sword
"Choose your ground, choose your weapon, and face what is to come."
-- Rebecca
Although few Immortals would describe their weapon as 'just' a piece of steel, in few cases is there anything magical (or
magickal) about it. However, when the Immortal uses the Empower Weapon ability, some of his Quickening enters the sword,
making it more "real".
When empowered, the sword is more resistant to any supernatural powers. The Immortal may roll his Quickening to resist any
powers that affect the weapon (such as the Matter Sphere or the Heat Metal Gift).

Immortals and the Umbra

Although Immortals have no natural power to enter the Umbra, it is possible that they may find themselves there (Spirit Magick,
Hand from Beyond). When in the Umbra, an Immortal is capable of physically interacting with spirits and ephemera. Any
damage received in the Umbra from spirits and attacks can be soaked by a Quickening roll. Also an empowered weapon may
inflict damage upon spirits.

Unless the Immortal has some points in Cosmology or Spirit Lore it is unlikely that she is even aware that the spirit world exists.

A Pre-Immortal is someone who has the potential to become an Immortal, but has not yet experienced her "death". To all normal
intents and purposes they are simply human beings with no special powers or abilities. Even supernatural powers cannot
normally detect their latent abilities, although anything that reads their future or fate may reveal that something special is in store
for them. Pre-Immortals have no special advantages or powers granted by their status, and generally count as Witness for
Vulgar magic and are subject to the Delirium and the Fog.
If a Pre-Immortal is beheaded or subject to complete destruction (e.g., reduced to a pulp in a car crusher) they simply die. There
is no release of Quickening and no power that can be gained.

New Quickening Powers

Like the Kindred's Disciplines, the powers of Quickening above 5 are not fixed. Rather their nature depends on the nature of the
Immortal who develops them. Keep in mind that Quickening powers are rarely very flashy. They are often more subtle in nature,
effecting the Immortal themselves, or the minds of those around them.
When an Immortal reaches Quickening levels above five, they receive one power at the new levels. Additional powers at the
same level may be purchased. These cost level x5 experience points, but do not require and Quickening experience, just time
and practice. Like the lower level powers, they all use a Quickening roll if any roll is required.

Level Six
Sense of Quickening's Form
This is a superior version of the level one power. The Immortal can sense the mystic energies around them, the different forms
they take, and when that energy is being manipulated. This allows the Immortal to sense the presence of the types of
supernaturals nearby, and the use of any supernatural power. The more successes scored, the more information gained. One
would tell the general type of creature (e.g., shapeshifter, vampire) or the type of power (Sphere, Gift etc.). Three or more will
reveal more specific detail (e.g., Bone Gnawer Garou, Setite vampire, Forces sphere). Five will reveal an exact power (e.g. Life
3, Blissful Ignorance). Note that Immortals cannot recognise something they do not know of, or have not seen before, and while
they may recognise a power it does not mean they know what it is called. Immortals who score five successes with this power
can sense Pre-Immortals if they are in the immediate vicinity.

Shield of the Mind

The Immortal can protect his mind from any outside interference. This includes mind control (e.g., Dominate, Obedience),
emotion control (e.g., Presence, True Fear) illusions, invisibility and mindreading. In the case of illusions and invisibility, it will
only work if they are mental in nature, and not physical (e.g., it would protect against Chimestry, Obfuscate or the Mind Sphere,
but not a Forces rote that bends the light).
This requires a Quickening roll, with each success deducting from the opponents. This roll is in addition to any other resistance
allowed by the power. Note that the roll will only protect the Immortal, not others influenced by the power.

Power Strike
When the Immortal strikes with her blade, there is a large electrical discharge. This power functions as the Empower Weapon
ability, except all of the damage done in the attack is aggravated.

Level Seven
Swiftness of the Steel
By channelling his Quickening through the blade, the Immortal becomes one with his weapon, a truly terrifying opponent. The
Immortal makes a Quickening roll, and providing he scores at least one success he may add his Quickening to his Dexterity +
Melee dice pool for the rest of the scene. If he is taking several actions in the turn (e.g., using Speed of the Stag) the dice can be
added to one action, or split over several, but it is not added to every action.

Blur of Speed
The Immortal can react with amazing swiftness. Add the Immortal's Quickening to any initiative dice pool.

Tap the World Mind

The Immortal can tap into the collective unconscious of the human race, rather like a Mage using the Dream background. For

every success on the Quickening roll the Immortal gains one point in a desired ability. This new rating does not add to the
Immortal's own, but rather replaces it for the scene. This power can only be used once per scene.

Level Eight
Read the Soul
Using this ability the Immortal may 'tune in' to a person and know her mind. The target must be either visible to the Immortal, or
close by and the Immortal is aware of her presence. The Immortal must make a Quickening roll, resisted by the target's
Willpower (difficulty 7). The more successes the Immortal gains, the more he know about the target.
Successes Knowledge Gained
Target's current thoughts and emotions.
Basic knowledge about the target (occupation, close family, etc.), and short term plans.
The target's long term plans, and rough detail of her history.
The target's dreams, hopes and desires, and exact details of her life history.
Knowledge of the target's most deeply buried secrets, that even he does not acknowledge.
With three or more successes, the Immortal may even see through the persons eyes. While doing this, he cannot see through his
own however.

Overwhelming Quickening
Sometimes when a very powerful Immortal is killed, absorbing her Quickening can have a profound affect upon the victor of the
duel. The accumulated weight of possibly centuries of memories and knowledge cannot but have a strong influence on her killer
as they flow into him. An example of this would be when Darius killed the Good Immortal in Paris and was forever changed by it.
In game terms this only happens when an Immortal beheads an opponent whose Quickening rating is higher than both the
victor's Quickening and his Willpower. When this happens roll the loser's Quickening resisted by the victor's Willpower, both at
difficulty 6. If the victor wins the roll, or it is a draw then nothing happens. If he loses by one or two success then he has become
overwhelmed with thoughts and memories of the Immortal he has slain; in this case he assumes the Nature of the defeated
Immortal. He can opt to spend a Willpower point and return to his previous nature for one scene, however he can only spend
Willpower that he either had either before the Nature change, or that he gained while acting under his original Nature to do this.
Once he has spent as many Willpower points as his victim's Quickening score he may resume his old nature. If he runs out of
Willpower points that can he can spend to act under his original Nature, the Nature change becomes permanent. If he loses the
roll by three or more successes then again the Nature change is permanent. The only way for him to regain his old nature is
through extensive role-playing.
Although the player will be aware of the change in her character's Nature, and consequently his behaviour, the character will not
be aware that he is acting differently until either someone actually points it out to him or he performs an act so contrary to his old
Nature that he cannot but help realise that something has happened.

Healing and Damage

Its generally assumed that only decapitation can kill an Immortal, but that is not completely true. Should an Immortal suffer such
catastrophic injuries that her body is destroyed or completely obliterated then she will also perish. Examples of this would
include being at ground zero of a nuclear explosion, being pulped in a car crusher or explosive decompression.
It is also possible for certain supernatural powers to destroy them. Again it takes either something that totally wipes them out,
like the Ren-Hekau spell that wipes a person from existence, or a power that somehow targets what they are, like the Renew the
Cycle Gift that destroys creatures that should be dead. If you are using the damage rules from Vampire Revised Edition, then
Immortals can soak Bashing, Lethal and Aggravated damage with their Stamina. They heal all damage at the same rate,
although Heal Self will heal two levels of Bashing damage per success rather than one. If you are using the World of Darkness:
Combat rules than treat Stun damage in the same way.

Permanent Wounds
It is very rare for an Immortal to take a wound that doesn't completely heal, but there are some circumstances. Wounds to the
throat or neck will heal, providing they don't decapitate the Immortal, but always leave a scar of some sort. Also its sometimes
possible for Aggravated wounds to leave a mark. Should the Immortal try to heal and Aggravated injury with Quickening, rather
than letting it heal "normally", and botch his Quickening roll he will be left with a scar. In the case of extreme damage like a
severed limb, a botched roll indicates it does not regrow.

Immortals and... (Crossover)

"Leaving's no problem, but killing me . . . that's not as easy as it looks."
-- Duncan

Other Supernaturals
Embracing an Immortal is simply a waste of good Vitae, although draining their blood can drive them to Incapacitated. To make
matters worse, the vampire now has inert blood in her system. This blood will take up space in the Vampire's system (i.e., fill up
space in the Blood Pool) but cannot actually do anything. The only solution is for the vampire to bleed this blood out of her body.
A vampire will realise that something is not right with the blood the moment she starts to feed on it.
If a vampire embraces a Pre-Immortal then she will trigger his "death". The Pre-Immortal drained of blood will not revive upon
tasting the Kindred's blood, leaving the Lick to wonder what went wrong. The new Immortal will recover like any other after
experiencing his first "death".

An Immortal cannot be Ghouled, as consuming vampire blood has no effect on them. A Pre-Immortal can be Ghouled and Blood
Bound as normal, and he may even learn Disciplines. If he dies however, the stirring Quickening will purge the Vitae from the
System. This has the advantage of breaking the Blood Bond, but he will also lose any Disciplines that he possessed. In the
stunningly unlikely event a Revenant becomes an Immortal she suffers the same effects as a Ghoul; in addition her body will no
longer manufacture any Vitae.

It is not possible for an Immortal to also be a Garou, or any other form of shapeshifter. All shapeshifters have an intimate
connection with Gaia through their Gnosis. By contrast, an Immortal's spirit self is bound up in his Quickening and incapable of
experiencing this connection. For the record, Immortals are not subject to the Delirium that the shapeshifters induce. An Immortal
cannot use any Garou Rites, even if he has the Rituals Knowledge and knows how to perform them as the spirits will not
recognise and obey him.

It is quite possible for an Immortal to be a Kinfolk. In this case she must purchase the Merit Kinfolk (see Kinfolk: Unsung Heroes
for more detail). An Immortal Kinfolk cannot learn Gifts or have any Gnosis; her Quickening prevents the spiritual connection that
would be required to have such powers. She can however gain Renown in the same manner that other Kinfolk can, providing
that there is a Garou Sept that would accept them.
A Pre-Immortal Kinfolk is indistinguishable from any normal Kinfolk. Although his dormant Quickening will prevent him from
learning any Gifts or acquiring Gnosis, these are rare powers even among Kinfolk, and it is highly unlikely that any significance
would be attached to his lack of such abilities.

An Immortal's Avatar is already Awakened upon the moment that they first die, but its nature is fixed and it cannot utilise the
powers of True Magick. Even a Pre-Immortal cannot be Awakened in any manner except through killing her. An Immortal does
not count as a Witness for Vulgar Magick.

A dead Immortal killed in a duel cannot become a Wraith; the only possibility is that he died and no-one took his Quickening. In
such circumstance he might become one of the Restless, although he would not have any of his old Quickening powers. Like
other supernaturals Immortals are not affected by the Fog. An ex-Immortal Wraith cannot become Risen, as it seems whatever
protects them from possession in life protects their corpses from the Puppetry Arcanos in death.

It is not possible for a Fae soul to enter the body of even a Pre-Immortal. Even latent the Quickening simply does not allow the
space for it to enter. Assigning an Immortal Banality can be rather tricky. On the one had some of them are old enough to
remember the times when the Fae walked the earth. On the other, their long lived have left many of them jaded, and incapable of
experiencing wonder. In general the older an Immortal is, the higher her Banality is likely to be. Immortals are affect normally by
the Mists.

An Immortal can be Kinain, but he may not posses Glamour, unless Enchanted, or use any Arts. As with Kinfolk and Gnosis, the
Quickening prevents such powers and its internalised nature prevents an external connection, in this case with the Dreaming.
Even Pre-Immortals cannot enjoy such powers.


Since an Immortal cannot be possessed, it is impossible for him to become a Fomori. A Pre-Immortal could, however become a
Fomori but upon his "death" the Bane is ejected from his body, causing them to lose all Powers and Taints.

A Pre-Immortal Gypsy can have a Blood Purity rating and enjoy the advantages of the Blood Affinities. However when the
Quickening stirs the spiritual nature of her blood undergoes a radical change, and such powers are lost. The Blood Purity rating
can be retained, but only to determine social bonuses and penalties.

Supernatural Powers
In general any Immortal is highly resistant to any power that alters her body, whether the power is beneficial or not. The Immortal
gets her Quickening in automatic successes to resist such powers. Remember also that she cannot be possessed, and her soul
cannot be remover from her body.

Aura Reading
An Immortal's aura appears quite bright, but is very close to his body. Immortals with high Quickening show electrical type
sparks in his aura; these flare more brightly when a Quickening power is used. Note that Immortals with Awareness 3+ can read

Scent of the True Form: This will detect Immortals against a difficulty of 7 (and remember any Arcane rating). If the Garou
succeeds she will know that the Immortal is not human, but she will not recognise what he is unless she know an Immortal's

Sense the Unnatural: This power will also detect Immortals, again the Garou will need some experience of Immortals to know
what she is sensing.

Sense Weaver: An Immortal's static nature means that he will usually be detectable with this Gift.
Fatal Flaw: Three or more successes on this Gift will reveal an Immortal's vulnerability to decapitation.
Mother's Touch, Whelp Body, Wither Limb, Open Wounds, Curse of Dionysis: With all these Gifts, the Immortal gets his
Quickening as automatic successes to resist.

Renew the Cycle: This awesome Gift will affect Immortals, who after all have died and are still around. If the Gift succeeds then
the Immortal dies and his Quickening earths itself in the surroundings. A nearby Mage with Prime may try to take this power as
when an Immortal dies in a duel, but no other Immortal can gain it.

Life and Prime are covered in the main rules. Scanning with either of these Spheres will also reveal that there is something
unusual about an Immortal: his Prime energies are tightly locked into his body and his Life patterns are not subject to age and
restore themselves at a vastly accelerated rate. Note that the Quickening protects against Entropy 4 as well, when targeted at
the Immortal's body.

Possession: This charm has no effect at all on Immortals, however they are effected normally by such charms as Influence or
Suggestion. Note that since Immortals cannot be possessed there is no such thing as an Immortal Fomori. If an Immortal was
possessed before he 'died' the spirit is ejected upon the Immortal's death.

Dominate: The Dominate power of Possession and any similar higher level abilities will not work on an Immortal.
Obeah, Valaren and Chi'iu Muh: These Disciplines cannot be used to remove an Immortal's soul from his body; any attempt to
do so will simply fail. Healing powers are resisted automatically with Quickening.

Quietus: The Quietus powers that reduce a victim's physical attributes have their successes reduced by the Immortal's

Vicissitude: As with other powers that affect an Immortals body, his Quickening counts as automatic successes rolled against
those rolled by the Vicissitude user. Each success after that on the Vicissitude roll is treated as one health level of aggravated
damage for the purpose of regenerating it, which an Immortal's body will begin to do automatically.

Puppetry: Immortals are immune to this power.

Faith has no direct effect on an Immortal, although one with True Faith may be able to bless an area so that it counts as holy
ground. Obviously any area that has a faith rating is holy ground, even if such a place is not a node. An Immortal's Quickening will
count against faith healing, as with any other kinds.

Merits and Flaws by:
Erik Nielsen : Adrenaline Junkie, Flinch, Pacifist, Powerful Quickening, Quiet Quickening, Soft Touch, Unfortunate Quickening
LeeGarv : Weak Persona, Technophobia, Distinctive Quickening, Dream Projection
Marco : Bonding Blood, Endurance, Hidden Quickening
charlesfreel: Holyground Aversion, Slow Healing, Strong Aura, Supernatural Metabolism, Tasty Blood, "Thousand-Yard Stare",
Unbeating Heart, Ignorant, Neck Injury, Pain Tolerance
J. Clayton : No [Sense of] Quickening
The Livewire : Painful Detection, Friendly Watcher, Known Watcher, Well Known Watcher, Really Friendly Watcher, Rogue
Hank Driskill and John Gavigan: Mummy Companion, Paranoia, Code of Honour, Emotional Isolationism, Ennui, Anachronism,
Routine, Curiosity and Life saver. Taken from the version 2.1 of the rules and based on Merits and Flaws from the Vampire

Excerpts from sourcebooks:

The combat manoeuvres Steel Wall, Head Wound and Jab are taken from the Werewolf Players Guide. The manoeuvre Tendon
Slice and the paired weapon rules come from Changeling: the Dreaming. The Archetypes Reluctant Immortal and Masquerader
are adapted from Mummy Second Edition.

Everything else and editing by:

Mark Antill
The use of the "Highlander" name and quotes from the series and film Highlander in these Rules is not a challenge to the
ownership of the rights to the Highlander movie, nor of the ownership of the rights to the Highlander television series by Rysher
Entertainment. Nor is the use of the name "Highlander" a challenge to the rights of Thunder Castle Games, Inc. to publish the
Official Highlander Trading Card Game and the Official Highlander Role Playing Game.

Immortal Rules (Version 3)

By Coranth Gryphon ( (29 June 1995)

Character Creation
Use the rules for Mummies, with the following modifications:
Attributes: 7/5/3, Abilities: 20/15/10, Backgrounds: 6, Virtues: 10, Freebie Points: 15, Magic Skill Points: 3
Alternately, Ignore Virtues and starting Willpower = 4
The "Magic Skill Points" are used to buy Gifts, like Garou. The cost is one Magic Point per level of gift. Regardless, you cannot
have a gift of rank higher than your Gnosis rating.
The character has a Gnosis rating is equal to 1/10th their permanent Sekhem score. This represents their Quickening. If you
don't have the Mummy Book handy, starting Sekhem equals (Magic Points * 10), so starting: 30 Sekhem, 3 Gnosis.
Ignore Ba and Ka. Use one of those tracks to record Gnosis.
Trait/Ability maximum at character generation is 5
The following Backgrounds are available to an Immortal:
Past Life

Character Conversion
If a mortal dies, and wishes to begin play as an Immortal, these are the character generation rules.
Keep all current skill levels. If the character does not currently have at least one point in the talent "Awareness", they get one point.
Roll a number of d10 equal to 1/2 willpower, adding them together. This is the character's starting Sekhem (Quickening) score. If less
than 10, make it equal to 10. Calculate Gnosis as normal.
The character gains one level 1 gift (not Empowering) automatically.

Using Quickening
As mentioned before, the Gnosis rating is equal to 1/10th of the character's normal (not current) Sekhem score. Any time a roll calls for
Quickening, it is made using this rating. Any permanent gains or losses to Sekhem may result in a new rating.
Among other things, the Immortal gets a certain number of automatic benefits from his Gnosis Rating.
Immortals regain one temporary Gnosis point per night's rest, plus one additional point if they rest in a Node/Caern. They also
regain a number of Sekhem equal to their permanent Gnosis score, plus one for each point of Avatar they have.
* The character gains an Arcane rating (see Mage) equal to half his permanent Gnosis rating.
Immortals may spend one sekhem to get an additional die for their initiative or perception rolls. They cannot spend more than
their current Gnosis score during any given turn.
An Immortal can automatically sense the presence of other Immortals in the area. The range is equal to the higher of the
permanent Sekhem scores for the Immortals involved (in meters). Roll Perception + Gnosis (target of 6). The number of
successes is how much information is gained about the other. One success is just their presence, 3 is their location, 5 or more
gives their identify (by name, if known).
The character can mask their presence to other Immortals by making a roll using their Gnosis + Subterfuge (difficulty 8). Any
successes detract from the above perception roll. The character can drop this mask at will.

Immortals automatically heal at accelerated rates. Divide the normal time for a mortal to heal the wound (pg. 191 of Vampire) by
the current Sekhem score.
Finally, one point of Sekhem can be used to heal one normal wound level. This takes one turn. Aggravated damage can also be
healed this way; it costs 5 Sekhem and 1 Willpower per level healed.

Gaining Quickening
When an Immortal takes the head of another Immortal, she gains Sekhem equal to one-half the defeated's normal score. This process
takes a number of rounds equal to the amount of Sekhem gained. A willpower roll (or point) is required to perform any action during
this time.
Note that this is the only means available to an Immortal for raising their Sekhem score; experience cannot be used.
The character also gains a number of study points (see Mage) equal to the amount of Sekhem gained. This can only be used to
purchase gifts that the defeated Immortal had. In no case can a character have a gift of rank higher than their new permanent Gnosis

Holy Ground
If an Immortal's head is taken on Holy Ground, not only does all of their Quickening get lost permanently, but any Immortals in the
immediate area loose 1/10th of the defeated Immortal's Sekhem from their own Sekhem score. This loss is permanent, but cannot
take the Immortal below zero Sekhem.

Immortal Gifts
Gifts which require X points of Rage require that many successes on a Quickening (Gnosis) roll. Note all rolls use the character's
permanent (not current) score.
1) Aura of Confidence, Inspiration, Fatal Flaw, Open Seal, Persuasion, Empowering (**)
2) Snarl of the Predator, Power Surge, Sense the Unnatural, Jam Technology, Speak with the Wind Spirits (roll Perception + Gnosis),
Summon Talisman (sword only)
3) Coup de Grace, Merciful Blow, Secrets, Weak Arm, Whispering Wind, Wisdom of the Ancient Ways
4) Body Wrack, Fool's Luck, Pointing the Bone (damage done is electrical), Preternatural Awareness, Questioning
5) Halo of the Sun, Invoke Spirits of the Storm, Wisdom of the Seer
6) Renew the Cycle (sekhem loss is permanent), The Whirlwind (**)
7) Force the Will (**)

1) Empowering
This ability allows the Immortal to infuse her dedicated weapon with her own life energy, allowing the weapon to do aggravated
damage. Note that normal humans are not affected, though all supernatural beasts (Immortals, Garou, Kindred, Fey, or Ghosts) are.
Cost 1 Sekhem/turn.

6) The Whirlwind
The character can focus his mind to hear the thoughts of any single person in the world. The target must be well known to the Immortal,
or be within line of sight. The contact with a given person lasts as long as the character concentrates on that individual. If the person
scanned is cooperating, then the target number is 2. Note that the information gained is regardless of language.
Cost: 2 Sekhem
Roll: Perception + Empathy
Target: Willpower + Obfuscate (or Arcane)

7) Force the Will

The Immortal can focus all of her Sekhem into a single burst to accomplish any one task in her immediate area. Storyteller's discretion
as to how much Sekhem a given effect costs, and what the target number of the roll is. Once committed, the character must spend the
required amount of Sekhem. If she does not have enough for the given task, then she dies (permanently), but the task is still
Cost: varies, Sekhem spent is permanently lost
Roll: Gnosis + Willpower

Difficulty: varies

The Gathering
(Version 4)
(Part One)
By James G. Hitt ( (28 Wednesday 1996)

Words from the Author

This is the introduction for my brand spanking new Highlander-based Immortal: The Gathering rules system for the WoD! Okay, I
know what you are thinking: What is this, like, the seventeenth one of these things out there? What's so different about this one?
I'll tell you what's different. This is mine. It's mine. The rules that belong to me. But seriously, I think I've read most of the Immortal
rules systems out there and with one notable exception the all have one thing in common: they are not so much systems in and of
themselves as they are basic conversions from Vampire to Immortal. This is not a bad thing. I just wanted more. The one person
I have seen who has given us more is Hank Driskill. His is the only full-fledged games system I have seen. So what makes this
different from his? Well, let me put it this way, and I hope I don't offended anyone by saying this:
What Mr. Driskill has done is take to World of Darkness and its established concepts and systems and bent them to fit the
presentation of Immortals we see in Highlander. I would like to add he did an excellent job and I am not trying to compete with
him. Again, I just wanted something different. What I have done is taken the Highlander version of Immortals and bent it to fit the
Worlds of Darkness. For example, I gave Immortals powers and I tried to make it more depressing. If you think this may be what
you have been looking for, then read on.
Okay, what else do I need to say? Right! Highlander was created by Gregory Widen who is the guy who wrote the movie. It's
probably owned by somebody else so I appeal to them not to sue me. These pepole also own the Watchers, the Gathering and
the Quickening (and maybe even the Prize). WoD, Vampire: the Masquerade, Werewolf: the Apocalypse, Mage: the Ascension,
Wraith: the Oblivion, Changeling: the Dreaming, Halls of the Arcanum, and Project Twilight are owned by White Wolf Games. I
didn't ask permission to use any of this stuff, so don't go saying I did. If you want to make copies of this and give them to your
friends (or horde themin your room, or collect and trade or whatever) I think that's just skippy. However, you must not change any
of it from it's original format (even the really obvious typos). Like I said, this is mine. Mine. Not yours, mine. Don't think less of me
for stressing this point. I'm just making a legal statement to protect what is mine. All mine. Not belonging to anyone but me. You
must also always keep this introduction with the rules. Otherwise I may get sued and people will take away what should be . . .
you know.
If any of this bothers you just remember one thing. I don't care. If it really bothers you and you feel you must complain, write me at
If you have some constructive criticism you may also write me. If you see a really obvious typo, don't write to me about it. It's
obvious. I must have seen it and decided I didn't care. By the way, I'm not sure how all of the charts and stuff are going to
translate when I rip this document out of it's happy home in Word Perfect. If you don't understand some thing please tell me. I will
try to explain it to you and I may even write a second edition.
Basically, what I'm trying to say here is: Write to me! I'm a lonely little man. I spent months of free time writing this just so you
would pay attention to me. Oh! I almost forgot. If you need a character sheet write me. It may be that i can send them out through
the mail. I'll only bother if enough people respond.
That's all I can think of for now. If anybody sees something I've forgotten that might get me sued, please write me immediately
and I will fix it. If you feel the need to sue me then I'm sorry. You are right and I am wrong. Do you fell better now? I knew you
would. Bu-bye. James Hitt:)

Being an Immortal means more than just living forever. Immortals have a unique place in the world. They are seemingly the only
constant in an ever changing, adapting society. They are a living link to the history of the human species. They are among us, but
they are forever alone, existing through the centuries sometimes only for a primitive instinct that tells them they must survive . . .
until the time of the Gathering. Now, they are dying, killing each other off, one by one, in pursuit of an undefined goal called the
Prize. The Gathering is now, and being an Immortal will never be the same again.

What spirit haunts my heart

Who rips my facade of happiness
And drops me into cold truth
Will the tears come tonight

My lost friends
Come to me tonight
Let me feel my hurt, my screams in the warm darkness
My companions in my trek of sadness
I'm alone with my thoughts and there she is
My ethereal beauty, out of reach
As my soul cries to meet her I'm gone
Alone again to cry inside
-- Jason Mulholland, "Untitled"

There's no chance for us,

It's all decided for us,
This world has only one sweet moment set aside for us.
Who wants to live forever.
Who dares to live forever,
When love must die.
Queen, 'Who Wants to Live Forever"
Jeremy felt the cold wet earth through the knee of his pants as he knelt again at her grave. This was his yearly ritual now. He
knew that if he lived to be a thousand he would never find another one like her. So, every year he visited Beth's grave and
thought about what might have been and shed one tear and went home, wherever that might be at the time.
As the single strand of warm water ran down his cheek and over his chin, he stood dropped the rose and moved on. He walked
swiftly away, so he almost didn't see the letter. It had been leant against the grave of another woman who had died long before
her time. For the second time that day he knelt at a woman's grave. He thought that it didn't make a difference really which one it
was. Not really. They were all the same at this point. All the dead young girls might as well be the same girl. Their packaging was
all the same. He opened the letter. It said:

My dearest Sarah,
I'm writing down all the things I meant to tell you but couldn't, or didn't. I'm not who you thought I was. I'm not who I thought I
I'm sorry.
I hope that you are somewhere where you will hear this. I guess I should start where it started for me. I woke up after the
accident and I looked for you. I couldn't see anything. I had been asleep. I felt like I was in bed, but the last thing I
remembered was being in the car with you when it went off the road. I reached for you and my hand hit something hard. I tried
to sit up but I couldn't. My arms were stuck at my sides. I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe and I knew. I knew I was dead. I
knew you were dead. I thought I would spend forever in this coffin without you. I guess I was half right. I don't know how long I
had been awake when someone finally found me. I felt him there above me. I wanted to scream. My ears exploded. My head
pounded. I heard the pounding above me. I felt my coffin being pulled from the ground. My eyes watered. The chamber
opened and I tumbled out. The air was cold. It hurt my face. I realized I hadn't been breathing and I tried to. Instead I felt sick
in my throat. I blew it out . . . chemicals. It kept coming, from everywhere in my body. And when I was empty just a little air
seeped inside and I fell back asleep. When I woke up I hurt all over. I found I could move, but now I didn't want to. I kept
thinking of you.
Eventually someone came into the room. The room was very big. I think it was in a hotel. When the man approached,
incredible pressure seeped into my head, behind my eyes and my ears and in the back of my neck. I couldn't hear anything.
He sat on the bed and he was talking to me but all I could hear was the buzzing in my mind. Very slowly, it wore away and it
left a tingling all over me, like static. I felt like liquid electricity was running through me. I guess I said something about it
because the man said a word that I knew described the feeling. He said, "Quickening". He told me that I was an Immortal. He
told me not to worry. He said he would take care of me. I think I screamed again.
I woke up in the room again. I called for someone. I was horribly lonely. I wanted you but I remembered that you had died
when I did. I couldn't be Immortal. I was dead and this hotel room was my hell. It was then that I knew that the man who came
to see me was the devil. He came when I called him. I knew he was there before I heard his steps from the pressure on my
skull. He smiled. I told him I knew what he was. He told me he wasn't what I thought he was. He said he was like me. I asked
him if he was dead. He smiled again.
He started saying again the thing he had told me the last time. This time I listened and cried and thought of you. He told me
about people living forever, cutting off each other's heads with swords. He told me it was time for us all to die soon. Good, I
thought, I want to be dead now. He said he would teach me things. I asked him what things. He talked for a very long time.
I don't remember every thing he told me, but I remember everything that was important. He told me that people like us could
do special things. He said he could heal others. He said that if he really tried, he could take the life of one of our kind and
give it to a mortal. That was his word for you. Mortal. He told me that when one of us killed another, he gets the power of the
one he kills.

Then he gave me a sword. He told me to use it well. I did. He seemed very surprised when my sword sliced through the back
of his neck. The pain was almost unbearable, but I did it for you, darling. Now I must find another of my kind and bring him to
you. I can't wait to see you again. I love you.
-- Michael
Jeremy felt the familiar buzz. He bowed his head and cried. He knew he wouldn't have to make his tears for her enough to last
for centuries. Now was his time. One of the tears may even have been for himself.
He felt the cold blade in the back of his throat. He felt he tears and his head fall to the ground. Jeremy's tears and his blood
mixed in a puddle on the ground and stained the grass on Emily's grave and letter and Michael laughed through all the pain and
dreamed of kissing her again.

No! You are dead already, and you want me to quicken you once more!
Anne Rice, Interview with the Vampire
Becoming an Immortal shatters your world into a thousand tiny pieces. Imagine that later today you are killed. You are hit by a
car, or you catch a stray bullet, or maybe you just fall down the stairs. Whatever way it happens, there's a brief moment of pain,
fear, and surprise. Your entire life flashes before your eyes, and then nothing. Everything goes black and that's it. Except for you.
You wake up from the blackness. Your head explodes and you see someone hovering over you. He tells you that you can never
see your family and friends again, that you are dead and now you have to move on. He tells you that you must learn to use a
sword because strangers will be coming to cut off your head. He tells you that you should be glad for the fires burning in your
head, because they will tell you when enemies are approaching to kill you. He tells you that this is the end of time for your kind,
and you will spend the rest of your life in battle or on the run, until you are either killed or until there is nobody left in the world like
you. And you only get told all of this if you're one of the lucky ones. So, cast off all of your happy notions about playing an Immortal
character. This is the World of Darkness and if you think the real world is bad, wait till you play the game.

The Gathering
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang, but a whimper.
-- T.S. Eliot
Immortals have existed almost as long as humans. They are born from Human mothers and fathers, but something makes them
different. The spark of life in them is too strong to be extinguished by all but the most violent blows. So, that's exactly what it's
come down to. The Immortals have always known that someday every one of them would begin to feel a pull to some place on
earth. There, all the remaining Immortals would enter into a final conflict until only one remained. That one Immortal would receive
power beyond imagination. That power is called the Prize, and the time of the Gathering is now. Immortals throughout the world
can feel an invisible force tugging at their backs, pulling them towards the New World. Like the countless immigrants of the last
few centuries, Immortals pour into the great melting pot, where all but one of them will meet with death. All over New York,
swords clash and an era ends. As dozens of bodies are discovered, reports of headless corpses are kept out of the news by a
secret, powerful society of Watchers who conceal the Immortals' existence. As the ancients continue to flock, the end draws
nearer and the lid comes closer to being lifted. Soon, humanity may discover the truth, but will it be soon enough? Will the world
learn of the danger it is in before a being of incomparable evil becomes the most powerful presence on the planet? Is the Prize
even worth fighting for? The only thing you know is that it's all going to happen. So many are gone already, and you don't know
how much longer you can resist the call to join them. The game has begun. It's winner take all and there's no going back. This is
the end.

The Rules
Author's Note: This section borrows heavily from Hank Driskill's Highlander: The Gathering.
They got a file on me and it's a mile long
And they say that they got all of the proof
That I'm just another case of arrested development
And I'm just another wasted youth
They say that I'm in need of some radical discipline
They say I gotta face the truth
-- Jim Steinman, "Everything louder than everything else"
Immortals have no defined society. For a few years at a time, a small group of immortals may travel together, but they will always
be separated eventually. The only tie that truly binds all immortals are the rules. There are three:

One: All immortal battles must be one on one. There is no interference allowed.
Two: Immortals must never fight on holy ground. It is their only sanctuary.
Three: In the end, there can be only one.
These rules are enforced by the natural laws (or supernatural laws) governing the Quickening. The enforcement of the rules is as

All Immortal Battles must be One on One

When immortals begin to duel, there is an immediate exchange of Quickening. This quickening belongs to neither character
during the duel. It simply bounces around making sparks when their swords touch and generally looking cool. There is the
equivalent of two to four points of Quickening put out of play in this way throughout the battle. It costs one point of Quickening to
engage in battle. If the duel ends without a victor, this Quickening is lost, absorbed into the earth. The other points are the point
of Quickening that each immortal character must keep at all times. This box remains checked on your character sheet, but there
is absolutely no way you can spend it during a duel.
If two immortals gang up on another, all three must meet the requirements for combat. If the pair of immortals fighting together
win the battle, only one of them can actually deliver the killing blow. The immortal who did the actual beheading receives all of the
Quickening, from both parties. The Quickening released from the beheaded immortal passes through the victor's partner (the gut
who is still alive but didn't personally kill anybody) taking his Quickening with it. The victor (the guy who personally killed the loser)
receives Quickening from both parties. He benefits from the slaying the loser the same way described in the Combat chapter. In
addition to gaining traits and Quickening from the loser, he gets all his partner's Quickening and can choose to buy any of his
partner's traits for half the normal experience cost.
His partner falls unconscious for 10d10 rounds. When he wakes up, he has one point of temporary Quickening and is
incapacitated. He will heal normally from that point. He does not lose any Quickening points stored in his Sword and can
reabsorb them as soon as he can put his hands on his weapon. (This does not apply to immortals who use the Body of War
proficiency as their Sword. They lose their stored Quickening with everything else.) The partner loses any traits bought by the
victor. Also, two randomly determined points are lost into the earth. Roll 1d10 to decide from which traits the points are lost.
Die roll Trait group affected
If Attributes, Abilities, Backgrounds or Proficiencies are rolled, the Storyteller decides which specific dots are lost. The two
random dots are determined only after the victor has chosen which traits he will buy. If there are any other immortals involved in
the battle, they are treated like the victor's partner. You are only considered involved in the battle if you spent the Quickening to
engage in combat. You can be present at the beheading and not suffer.

Example: Xavier St.Cloud convinces Michael Richards, his new student to team up with him against Richie Ryan. When Xavier
beheads Richie not only does he gain all of Richie's power, he also gains all the power he can harvest from young Michael.
Michael falls unconscious. His player rolls 2d10. He gets a 2 and a 7. Michael loses one of his Sword points, and the Storyteller
decides that he loses a point from his Wits rating for being so gullible.

Immortals Never Fight on Holy Ground

In the World of Darkness, Holy Ground is considered to be any place where a node is located. If two immortals duel at a node
then the node is treated as the victor (in that it gets all the Quickening, not that it can buy skills) the immortal who is still alive is
treated as the victor's partner, and the loser still doesn't have a head. If more than two immortals are involved in a battle on holy
ground, then everybody in this sincerely bad bunch is treated as the victor's partner, except for the loser who still doesn't have a

There Can Be Only One

Quickening attracts itself (see the chapter on Quickening). If there are only two immortals left in the world and they just want to
leave each other alone, they won't be able to. There will be so much Quickening concentrated in each individual that they will
never be able to leave each other's presence. They may choose not to fight, but anybody who has ever spent an entire twentyfour hour period in another's company knows that this will not last long.

The rules technically apply only to matters concerning two or more Immortals. This leaves Immortals on holy ground open to
attack by any number of non-Immortals. This also means that Immortals can use any tactics they choose when dealing with nonImmortal enemies. There are Immortals who feel that the rules restrict them from committing any violent act on holy ground, but
that is strictly a matter of personal choice (although they may not see it that way if you break their rule).

I'm a man that will go far.
Fly to the moon,
And reach for the stars.
With my sword and head held high,
Got to pass the test,
First time!
-- Queen, "Princes of the Universe"
Sword combat is a part of Immortal as it is for none of the other Storyteller systems. A more complex, detailed system is
required. However, too much detail makes the game sluggish and boring, so the storyteller will be called on to work even harder
at being as descriptive as possible when it comes to duels to compensate for a lack of fine detail on the part of the system. This
system does not alter the current rules in any way, it merely expands them. All of the old rules still apply, but in cases of melee
combat, these rules apply also.

Combat Summary
Stage One: Initiative
Action declaration must now be more detailed. Every shot must be called, and called in a more descriptive manner. Whereas
before you only had to say what part of the body you wanted to hit, you must now also declare the type of blow you will be
attempting with your weapon. The choices are thrust ( a stabbing motion), chop (an sweeping motion from above), and slash (a
sweeping motion from another direction). You may also choose not to attack and instead guard against attack from your
opponent. This lowers the difficulty to parry or dodge by one. The storyteller uses this information to better decide what exactly
happens. You must still declare what part of your opponent you will try to hit. If you declare the main body no modification is
needed. Calling limbs adds one to the difficulty. A Head shot adds two.

Stage Two: Attack

For melee attack roll Dexterity + Melee (or Dexterity + Sword). Dodging is the same. Roll Dexterity + Dodge. You may also parry
or block. How this is done varies: If the attack made against you is a thrust you may only parry. Roll Dexterity + Melee or Sword
(difficulty is the difficulty for your weapon). Whoever gets more successes was fastest. If the attack made against you was a
chop you may only block. First roll Dexterity + Melee or Sword. If your successes are greater than or equal to your opponent's
that means your swords made contact. If not, you were not fast enough. If the last roll succeeded both players must make a roll.
The attacker rolls his normal damage dice minus one. The defender rolls normal damage dice. Both rolls have a difficulty of 6.
Treat this as though the attacker is inflicting damage on the defender's sword which is absorbing the damage. If the attacker
gets more successes the extra successes are considered damage to the defender's body (he can still soak this). If the defender
rolls equal or more successes the attack fails. If the attacker botches he is left off balance leaving him open to one undefendable
attack. If the defender botches he takes damage equal to the number of successes rolled by the attacker. If both rolls botch, both
characters are off balance and both of their swords shatter on impact. Each player rolls 1d10 and divides by two. That is the
number of health levels lost by damage from shrapnel. If the attack is a slash, another piece of information is needed. The
relative positions of both weapons must be known. If the defender's sword is more to the outside of the slash (the slash is
moving towards it) then the attack can be blocked as described above. This usually happens when the defender's weapon was
in guarding position and when he has just attacked his opponent's torso and been blocked. If the defender's sword is not in the
way of the slash then the attack can be parried as described above. This usually happens when the defender has just made a
slashing or chopping attack against an extremity that was blocked and when the defender has just had a thrust parried. If the
defender's sword is more on the inside of the slash (the slash is moving away from it) then the attack can be parried in a
different manner. This is what happens when the attack is made form inside your defenses. Your defenses are open generally
when the you have just made a slashing or chopping attack which was parried. A parry of this kind is made by rolling Dexterity +
Melee or Sword (difficulty is the difficulty for your weapon + 1). The difficulty is raised because your sword must catch up with
your opponent's.
You will have an easier time understanding this if you try performing these actions in the mirror. Do this while you are alone.

Example: Duncan MacCleod is in a duel with Nefertiri. Both of them spend the necessary Quickening. They both roll Wits +
Alertness for initiative. MacCleod wins so Nefertiri declares her actions first. Nefertiri declares that she will guard against an
attack from Mac. Mac then declares that he will slash at Nefertiri's body. Nefertiri says that she will block this attack. Mac rolls
Dexterity + Sword and gets five successes. Nefertiri rolls Dexterity + Sword (with her difficulty reduced by one) and gets six
successes so her sword makes contact with Mac's before he strikes her body. Now Mac roll his normal damage pool minus one
die and Nefertiri rolls her normal damage pool. They both get four successes so Nefertiri blocks. Mac's sword is now positioned

in front of his body pointed upward. Nefertiri's is in front of her body pointing to the left.
Now they begin a new round. This time Nefertiri gains the initiative. Mac declares that he will thrust at Nefertiri's body. Nefertiri
declares that she will slash at Mac's body. Since her sword was just pointing left that is the direction from which the attack
comes (her left, Mac's right). Mac declares that he will split his dice pool to block her attack. She rolls Dexterity + Sword and
gets three successes. Mac rolls his dice and scores three successes. His sword makes contact with hers. Nefertiri rolls damage
-1 and Mac rolls normal damage. Again they both roll four so the attack is blocked. This leaves Mac's sword in front of his body
pointing up and Nefertiri's sword pointing towards Mac's body. Now Mac rolls the rest of his dice pool to attack. Before he does,
Nefertiri says she will parry. Mac gets three successes. Nefertiri moves her sword downward towards his. She gets four
successes and parries. Now Mac's sword is pointing towards the ground leaving him open if Nefertiri gets initiative next round.
Nefertir's weapon is on top of his. Nefertiri does get initiative. Mac declares that he will wait to see what she does so he doesn't
commit any dice. Nefertiri says she will slash at Mac's torso from below. Mac says he will try to parry. She rolls to slash and gets
five successes. Now Mac rolls Dexterity + Sword with an added difficulty of one because his sword was on the inside of the
slash. He gets five successes and manages to knock Nef's sword out of the way, leaving both of their weapons extended up in
the air.
Both of them are open to the next attack. This time Mac gains the initiative. Nefertiri declares that she will try to dodge whatever
Mac throws at her. Mac says he will chop at her neck. Mac rolls his normal dice pool but with and added difficulty of two. He gets
three successes. Nefertiri rolls Dexterity + Dodge to jump back. She botches and stumbles forward. Mac rolls his normal
damage pool and gets six successes. Nefertiri rolls to soak but only gets three successes. She loses her head and Mac kneels
to prepare for the Quickening.

The victor of a duel between Immortals is whichever one has a head when the battle is over. That person then receives all of her
opponent's Quickening. Along with the Quickening can come knowledge and power. However, not every piece of experience is
transferred by the Quickening. This is so for two reasons. Number one, the Quickening of another Immortal is very hard to digest
and so not only is power lost, it also hurts like hell. Number two, just because you kill someone doesn't mean you are ready to
control her power. You must first have enough control over yourself before you can control the power of another. When an
Immortal wins a dual she immediately gets a number of experience points equal to her opponent's highest score (the most dots
he has filled in in any area). She may then spend those points and any other experience points she may have to "buy" her
opponent's abilities. That is, any attributes, abilities, advantages or other skills he has in higher order than she can be bought.
These dots cost half of what they normally would. To find out what they would normally cost, consult any WoD rule book. This
does not apply to the Sword Skill. In addition, she gains a level zero in all proficiencies possessed by the loser. This means that
she still cannot use these proficiencies but she now has the ability to buy them using normal experience. She also gets all of her
temporary Quickening points restored. If she is holding her sword while she absorbs the Quickening, she can restore all of the
points she had stored in there too. The exchange of Quickening looks like lightning shooting out of the headless corpse, into the
other, into the ground, and into the air. This causes 3d damage to everything within a ten-yard radius, 2d within a twenty-yard
radius and 1d within a thirty-yard radius. Massive damage is inflicted on the Immortal victor, but the Quickening heals her almost

Character Generation
Creating an Immortal character for the WoD system follows most of the rules established in five WoD systems: Vampire: The
Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Mage: The Ascension, Wraith: The Oblivion, and Changeling: The Dreaming. The
following is a brief overview of the character generation process. It is recommended that you consult one of the books listed
above before proceeding further.
Choose a character concept. Fill out the top portion of the character sheet.
Choose your primary, secondary, and tertiary Attributes. Spend seven, five, and three points on them respectively.
Choose primary, secondary, and tertiary Abilities. Spend twenty, fifteen, and five points on them respectively. The Sword skill is
considered to be under the Skills heading for purposes of determining starting dots.
Choose Backgrounds. You get seven points to spend on them.
Choose Proficiencies. You get three points to spend on them.
Determine base Quickening and Willpower. Check off the boxes below the dots you have fill in. Do this in pencil. The parts of the
Character sheet not explained in any of the system books are explained below.

Character Creation Outline

Step One: Character Concept
Who are you?

Identify Concept: Who were you, what have you become? Name your character. What was he originally called? By what name
does he currently go?
Choose Nature and Demeanor.
What was the name of the Immortal who trained you to fight and in the rules?
When were you first born? When did you first die and awaken to immortality?

Step Two: Select Attributes

What are your basic capabilities?
Prioritize your three categories Primary 7, Secondary 5, Tertiary 3
Choose Physical Traits: Strength, Dexterity & Stamina
Choose Social Traits: Charisma, Manipulation & Appearance
Choose Mental Traits: Perception, Intelligence & Wits

Step Three: Select Abilities

What do you know?
Prioritize your three categories: Primary 15, Secondary 10, Tertiary 5
Choose Talents: Innate, intuitive abilities
Choose Skills: Trained abilities (includes the sword skill)
Choose Knowledges: Abilities studied and memorized

Step Four: Select Advantages

What makes you unique?
Choose Backgrounds: May be limited by chronicle. (7)
Choose Proficiencies: The powers gained from the Quickening. (3)

Step Five: Finishing Touches

Fill in the details.
Record base Quickening: (Strength + Stamina + Perception + Intelligence) / 3 rounded down.
Record base Willpower:(Perception + Intelligence + Wits)/2 rounded down.
Spend your 20 Freebie points to raise any trait.

New Traits
The following is a description of all Immortal traits that are not described in one of the WoD system books published by White
Wolf Games.

Concept Traits
You ask yourself, who'd watch for me
My only friend, who could it be
It's hard to say it,
I hate to say it, but it's probably me
-- Sting, "It's probably me"

Every human lifetime or so, it is necessary for an Immortal to change Identities to avoid having someone in the human population
noticing that the same person has been around for several centuries. Your pseudonym is the name you are currently going by.
When you introduce yourself in mortal society this is the name you will use. When introducing yourself to another Immortal you
may use your real name. If you have just died for the first time your pseudonym may still be your real name.


This is the name of the Immortal that first found you and taught you everything you know about being an Immortal. There is only
room here for the Immortal's name. It is recommended that you write a paragraph or so about that immortal or at least discuss
her history with the Storyteller when you are going over your own past. How old was she when she found you? Did she treat you
as a student or as a servant? Was she open with information or did she keep you bound to her with mystery? Is she still alive or
has she lost her head? Have you see her since or did you part for good?

This is the date of your birth.

This is the date you first died and became Immortal. How old were you when this happened? How did those around you react to
this? How long was it before you were found by another Immortal?

New Backgrounds
I had a dream,
When I was young,
A dream of sweet illusion,
A glimpse of hope and unity,
And visions of one sweet union,
-- Queen, "One vision"

Flash back is an important part of an Immortal campaign. Of course the Storyteller can choose to run a flashback at any time, but
with this background you make him run one. If you need information about the adventure you are currently on, this Background
rates your ability to draw on your experiences to help you understand the present. At any point during the chronicle you can roll
your Intelligence + Flashback (difficulty 8) and for each two successes one pertinent fact about the chronicle must be released
during the flashback. This trait does not restrict the information the Storyteller can give out, it just sets a minimum. The character
must be at least one hundred years old for each dot in Flashbacks (at least 100 for one dot, at least 500 for five). It is up to
individual Storytellers to decide whether or not to allow this background.
You remember something similar
** You knew one of the minor players before
*** You once met the major villain
**** You were good friends with one of the minor players
***** You've fought with the major villain. You know his patterns and his motives.

This Background is the same as the Mentor Background in Vampire: The Masquerade except it applies to the Immortal who
taught you. This can only be purchased during character creation and only if your teacher is still alive.

With my sword and head held high,
Got to pass the test first time.
-- Freddie Mercury, "Princes of the Universe"
The sword trait is like a specialization for the melee trait. A character's sword rating is your ability to use her sword, the sword
with which she has bonded. Initial sword rating is equal to melee plus one. Extra points in sword only cost 1.5 freebie points.
This ability applies only to the weapon that is the Immortal's declared sword. This weapon must be briefly described in the lines
underneath the dots. This weapon need not be an actual sword. It can be any bladed weapon capable of beheading someone.
Any roll to strike or block with that one weapon is made using Dexterity + Sword (all other bladed weapons still use Dexterity +
The blocks underneath the dots represent stored Quickening. An Immortal makes her sword a part of her, so much so that she
can infuse it with her own Quickening, using it like a sort of battery. These points can be spent the same as normal Quickening
points, but they must first be reabsorbed into the Immortal's body. To reabsorb Quickening, roll Sword (difficulty 6). The number
of successes indicates the number of points that can be reabsorbed that round. This requires concentration, so no other actions
may be taken that round. If an attempt to reabsorb Quickening fails (zero successes) or is interrupted there is no penalty, the
Quickening just remains in the sword. If a roll to reabsorb Quickening is botched a number of points equal to the number of ones
rolled disperse into the atmosphere. No more Quickening can be lost in this manner than were in the sword when the attempt
was made. If a character's weapon is lost, destroyed or thrown away during the chronicle, or the character starts with the No
Sword flaw, a new weapon can be learned by the Immortal. First, the weapon must be acquired (stolen, bought received, found).
Then, the character should make a record of the weapon in the lines under the Sword trait and fill in as many dots as you have in
the Melee skill, but do not check off any boxes. To achieve the bonding that is necessary to store temporary Quickening points in

the sword (and to use sword related Proficiencies with the weapon) one point of permanent Quickening must be spent. Doing
this gives the character the ability to store one point of Quickening in the weapon. After that, experience points equal to five
times the current number of points that can be stored in the sword must be spent. A character must be able to store a number of
Quickening points equal to her current sword rating to be able to use the weapon with Proficiencies.
Current amount Of Quickening Cost of one point
that can be stored in weapon
One point of permanent Quickening
5 exp.
10 exp.
5n exp.
A character may not have a Sword rating above ten. A character may never be bonded to more than two weapons. If an Immortal
has two Swords his combined Sword rating may still never exceed ten. If a character has declared two weapons then either may
be used with sword related Proficiencies. Unless the character starts with the Two Swords merit, the second weapon must be
declared using the process described above. A character may remove dots from his rating for one sword to improve his rating
in another so that their total does not exceed ten.
Improving a character's Sword rating costs the same as improving an Ability. When an Immortal buys a dot in Sword he can
automatically store one more point of Quickening. When a character buys a point in Melee he also gains a dot in Sword, but not
the ability to store another point of Quickening. This must be bought using the method described above. Example: Mike creates
an Immortal character named Ivan. Ivan does not have the Two Swords merit, so he can only store Quickening in one weapon.
Ivan has a Melee rating of three and a Sword rating of five. Later, Ivan finds a magic sword that he would like to use in
conjunction with his current weapon. Ivan writes down a description of this sword below that of his other weapon. He fills in three
dots on the right hand side of his Sword rating space. He sacrifices one point of permanent Quickening to be able to store one
point of temporary Quickening in his new sword and puts a check in the first box. He then spends fifteen experience points to be
able to store two more points and he puts checks in those boxes. Then he spends fifteen more experience to raise his rating
with the new sword and can check off the box below that dot for free.

No! You are dead and you want me to quicken you once more.
-- Anne Rice, "Interview with the Vampire"
Quickening is the mystical energy that makes an Immortal, well. . . immortal. In terms of the WoD, Quickening is a super refined
form of Quintessence. The Immortal body absorbs the low levels of Quintessence present everywhere on Earth and converts it
into Quickening. Immortals can only make use of Quickening, never Quintessence. Raw, unconverted Quintessence is much too
impure for the Immortal system to digest. It can only be absorbed at very low levels (about a quarter point per week), but that low
amount of Quintessence is purified into massive amounts of Quickening. An Immortal cannot increase the amount of
Quintessence his body absorbs. There is absolutely no way. An Immortal body produces one point of Quickening per day which
can only be awarded while she is sleeping. If an Immortal stays up all night, she does not get a point of Quickening for that day.
Only one point is still awarded the next time the Immortal sleeps. If an Immortal sleeps for more than ten hours then two points
may be awarded, but this may only be done once per week. The ten hours must be consecutive. No more than eight points may
be awarded in any given week (one per normal day and two for a lazy day). Since Quickening is a more powerful form of
Quintessence, a mage who can somehow siphon Quickening from an Immortal will get two points of Quintessence for every one
of Quickening. An Immortal can never absorb Quintessence except as noted above. It is just too raw. In fact, even the Quickening
of another Immortal is difficult to take in, which is the reason the Quickening hurts and why not all knowledge and power is
transferred by it.
All Quickening is attracted to itself. If two Immortals are near each other, they will sense each other's Quickening and be slightly
drawn to one another. An Immortal character has two Quickening ratings, permanent and temporary. Permanent Quickening is
found by adding Strength + Dexterity + Intelligence + Perception divided by three. Initial Temporary Quickening is a little trickier.
For the first and second dots a character has in permanent Quickening he gets one point each in temporary. For the third and
fourth he gets two each . . . For the ninth and tenth he gets five each.
Dots in Permanent Quickening Points under dot Total Temporary Quickening
Quickening rating can be increased above ten even though there is no room for it on the character sheet. Just write it down

under other skills or on the back of the sheet. To figure out how many points of temporary Quickening a character receives for
each new dot, use this formula: For the nth dot the number of Temporary Quickenning is n + 1 divided by 2 and rounded down.
Temporary Quickening can be spent to use Proficiencies (as described in the Proficiencies chapter). It can also be used to
accelerate "normal" healing. Immortals already heal non-aggravated damage at an accelerated rate, but sometimes this just
isn't fast enough. For every point of Quickening spent an Immortal can heal one extra health level that round. Nor more than two
points may be spent during a round in this manner. No other actions may be taken in that round. Immortals heal aggravated
damage without the aid of Quickening like a normal human. An Immortal may choose to spend two points of Quickening and
spend the next two rounds concentrating to heal one level of aggravated damage. If his concentration is interrupted while he is
healing, the two points spent are lost and the process must be begun again if he still wishes to heal the damage.
An Immortal must always keep at least one point of temporary Quickening in her body. If she does not, her vital functions will
cease and she will "die." She will not wake up for 1d10 hours and will then start with one point. An Immortal who takes her head
while she is "dead" will still get her Quickening. Temporary Quickening is just a small part of the energy actually boiling inside the
Immortal system. Immortals must also keep at least one point of Quickening stored in their swords at all times or they will loose
one dot from their Sword ratings. This is the only way in which the Sword rating may decrease below the Melee rating.

More Traits
I am Immortal.
I have inside me blood of kings.
I have no rival.
No man can be my equal.
-- Freddie Mercury, "Princes of the Universe"
There are several other super-human abilities that Immortals possess. These are possessed by all Immortals from the moment
they first die and their Quickening is released. Some Immortals have shown some capability in these areas, but this is not fully
understood. Healing
Immortals heal much faster and more completely than ordinary humans. Non-aggravated damage heals at the rate of one Health
level per round if the Immortal is at rest. If the character does not rest, one health level will heal in five rounds. This acceleration
applies only to wounds below the neck. Damage to the head and neck area heal as normal. Also, this is the only area of the
Immortal body that will scar. Aggravated damage heals at a normal rate unless a specific attempt is made to heal. Aggravated
damage is caused by anything of supernatural origin, such as vampire fangs, magical spells, and werewolf claws. Silver does
not cause aggravated damage.
Accelerated healing does not work in the same way for damage done by ingestion of harmful substances. The expenditure of
one point of Quickening will heal three levels of damage done this way. Otherwise it will heal as aggravated damage. One must
also consider that because drugs cannot kill an Immortal, they have a much better chance of developing a tolerance. This is
usually a blessing, but it can also lead to addiction more severe than any mortal's.
If an Immortal is reduced in health past incapacitated (and is not beheaded), he "dies." After five rounds of being dead, he can
move up to incapacitated. After that he heals as described above. If he chooses, an Immortal can spend up to three points of
Quickening to speed up his recovery. Each point decreases by one the number of rounds the character must stay "dead."

Sense Quickening
Because of Quickening's mystical attraction to itself, Immortals can sense its presence. If two Immortals approach each other
they both feel a buzzing sensation in their heads. This feeling will subside after a few moments. This sense is not very accurate. If
two Immortals are together and they both approach another Immortal, he will not know there are two of them, only that he has
come near another source of Quickening. If one Immortal goes near another Immortal who has not yet died, he will sense the
unawakened Immortal but will not be sensed himself. He will not know that the other Immortal has not yet become until they meet
and it is evident that the other has no idea what's going on.
Immortals can also sense Quintessence, but it is much more difficult to detect this polluted version. To detect the presence of
Quintessence in someone, an Immortal must roll Perception + Quickening (difficulty 6) and spend one Quickening point. One
success will allow him to detect Quintessence if it is there. No roll is needed to detect holy ground (nodes). There is so much
Quintessence present there that it cannot escape an Immortal's notice.
Quintessence is at least a small part of every living being on earth. So, Immortals can sometimes sense the thoughts, feelings or
just the presence of other creatures. To do this roll Perception + Quickening and spend one point of temporary Quickening. The
difficulty to sense the specific thoughts of something is three times the target's Willpower (so it is usually impossible to sense
human thoughts). The difficulty to sense emotions is two times the target's Willpower. The difficulty to sense just the presence of
life is equal to the target's Willpower. Sentient beings can resist this by rolling their Willpower (difficulty 6). Every success they
get adds one to the difficulty of the Immortal's roll.

Breath Underwater
Immortal's can breath underwater. They absorb negligible amounts of oxygen through their skin and multiply it from within their
systems the same way they do Quickening. The Oxygen ends up in their lungs, so they still have to exhale. This can be done
indefinitely. This does not mean that Immortal does not have to breathe. It only works underwater, because only water allows
Oxygen to be transferred through their skin. If an Immortal holds his breath long enough she passes out just like everybody else

(she just gets back up faster). An immortal in a vacuum will "die", but will not suffer permanent death unless the pressure blows
her head off.

Merits and Flaws

No Sword: 4pt. Flaw
Taking this Flaw just means that the Immortal does not start the game with a sword. Either he has lost or broken it or just never
had one. This in no way restricts the character from getting a sword through the course of the game. A character with this flaw
must start with zero in the Sword skill (duh) and should probably go about fixing that pretty quick.

Two Swords: 2pt. Merit

The character starts the game with two swords. He may increase his rating for only one of them at the 1.5 points per dot rate.
The other costs 2 points per dot. He may store Quickening in both of them. He must keep one point of Quickening in each of
them or suffer the penalties described above. This merit does not grant an extra attack. However, it is possible to attack with
both weapons at once. This attack does twice the damage of the weaker weapon or the full damage of the stronger one
(whichever is greater).

No Teacher: 2pt. Flaw

Nobody ever taught you about being an Immortal. You have no conception of what you are. You may think you are cursed or a
god. You have no clue about the rules and you probably can't use a sword. If you aren't found by another Immortal soon you will
probably die.

No Buzz: 4pt. Flaw

In the same way a person can be born blind, an Immortal can be born without the ability to sense Quickening. Other Immortals
can still sense you, but you cannot sense them. You can be snuck up on like a normal human. Your only defense is that they don't
necessarily know this. You also cannot sense holy ground, so you must be careful where you fight.

Sense Quintessence: 3pt. Merit

An Immortal with this merit does not have to make a special roll to sense Quintessence. She can detect it as easily she detects
Quickening. This does not mean she can use Quintessence at all, she can just sense its presence. Needless to say, this Merit
can't be possessed by a character with the No Buzz Flaw.

Scarring: 1pt. Flaw

You heal as rapidly as any other Immortal, but for some reason your tissue does not heal perfectly. Anytime a normal person
would be scarred, you are too.

Go to Part Two

The Gathering
(Version 4)
(Part Two)
By James G. Hitt ( (28 Wednesday 1996)

Refer to Part One

And I ain't in it for the power
And I ain't in it for my health
I ain't in it for the glory of anything at all
And I sure ain't in it for the wealth
-- Jim Steinman, "Wasted Youth"
When an immortal is awakened, the Quickening begins to flow through her body for the first time. This process causes changes
in the immortal's body. One is the halting of the aging process. Another is the formation of one or several Proficiencies.
Proficiencies are abilities possessed only by immortals. They are "magic" (not sphere magic) powers; that even the immortals
themselves do not understand. A beginning character has three dots to spend in any of the Proficiencies and can spend Freebie
points to start with more. An immortal can advance to any level in a Proficiency he already has one dot in, but the only way to
learn a new Proficiency after the character has been created is to behead an immortal who has that Proficiency.

Air Walking
This Proficiency allows the character to alter the effect of gravity on her own person. Air walking creates an anti-gravity field
around the immortal and any thing she is wearing or carrying. Thus, a character using the level three Proficiency Spider Dance
will not find her trench coat hanging about her ears. The field will not, however, extend to cover another living being.

* Frog Legs
With this ability, an immortal can leap higher and farther than any normal human. A character who acquires his Frog Legs does
not find any extra strength in his legs (sorry, no bonus to damage when kicking) but rather that when he jumps, he can temporarily
make himself become light as a feather. System: No roll is necessary to jump maximum height or distance, but to land on a
specific target, such as a window ledge, would require a Dexterity + Athletics roll. The immortal can leap 15 feet vertically and 30
feet horizontally for each level he possesses in Air Walking.

** Like a fly on the...

This power allows a character to alter her field of gravity so that she is pulled more towards a vertical wall than downward. She
can climb slopes that would be impossible otherwise, just by willing herself to it.

System: Roll Dexterity + Climbing. Any slope of less than 80 to the ground has a difficulty of 3 no matter what the surface is
made of. The difficulty for vertical and near-vertical surfaces is as follows:
Rock Wall
Brick Wall
Wet, Smooth Surface 7
Oiled, Smooth Surface 9
Frictionless Surface 10

*** Spider Dance

Same idea as above, but with this, the immortal can completely invert herself so that she can walk on the ceiling. This one is
great at awakened parties. Just be careful not to leave any hard-to-clean footprints. System: Roll Dexterity + Air Walking to
initiate flip up to the ceiling (difficulty 6) Costs 1 point of quickening per round to maintain inversion.

**** What goes up...

The immortal can increase dramatically the effect gravity has on his person. Thus, he can make himself so heavy that he is
nearly immovable. This power can only be maintained so long as the character is concentrating on it, so no other action may be
taken while the Proficiency is in use. If this ability is used while the character is not grounded (such as while on the third story of a
building or in an airplane in flight) there will be a chance that the floor beneath him will collapse.

System: Roll Stamina + Air Walking (difficulty 7) The character will resist any attempt to move him with a strength of 10d10 and
any surface that supports him must make a comparative strengths roll versus 10d10 or be destroyed.

***** Levitation
The character has such control over her own gravitational field that she can levitate her person and move through the air by force
of will. System: Roll Dexterity + Air Walking (difficulty 7) to change direction or initiate. Costs 1 point of quickening per round to
sustain flight. Top flying speed is equal to the character's top running speed.

Focus allows an immortal to channel her quickening through her sword and propel it as a burst of destructive energy. For each
level the character has in Focus, she can convert one point of quickening into 2d10 of aggravated damage. So, if a character
has Focus at level three she can fire 3 points of quickening for 6d10 of damage, 2 points for 4d10 of damage, or 1 point for
2d10 of damage. The energy bolt must be focused through the immortal's sword and has an effective range of the immortal's
line of sight. To hit, roll Dexterity + Focus (standard difficulty 6 variable depending on range). You may use Quickening stored in
your Sword without reabsorbing it for this Proficiency.

Form Control
With this the character can use his quickening to control the shape and substance of his body. Unlike Air Walking, this power
does not extend to the character's clothing nor to any objects on his person (unless the Garou ritual of Dedication has been
performed on him). Therefore, if an immortal uses the level three Proficiency Body of Stone, only the actual flesh of the immortal
gains extra protection against damage. So, while he may have no difficulty surviving the explosion, his clothes may be
completely incinerated.

* Body of Light
The immortal who uses this Proficiency finds his body surrounded by quickening. The mystical energy dances around him in a
tangled web of bright, deadly lightning. This energy field causes aggravated damage to any living thing that touches the immortal
while this power is "up". System: Roll Willpower + Form Control (difficulty 6) Costs 2 points of quickening to initiate. After that
the power is on until someone touches the immortal or he chooses to turn it off. No roll is needed to turn Body of Light off. The
spent quickening is not regained if the immortal chooses to turn the Proficiency off before someone touches him. Any one who
does touch an immortal using Body of Light takes 6d10 of aggravated damage. Upon being touched by a living thing, the energy
dissipates. At this time the character can choose to use his next action to reactivate it without rolling by simply spending two
more points of quickening. If a round goes by where the power is not active, a new roll must be made to use it again.

** Body of War
You can cause your arms to change into sword-like metal blades. You can choose to declare one of your arms (must be
specified) to be your personal blade as per the rules on such, described later. This power eliminates the problem of concealing
your weapon to avoid panicking the general public. Also, this weapon causes aggravated damage, which saves you the trouble
of getting your sword enchanted.

System: Roll Willpower + Form Control (difficulty 6) to create blade. Each arm requires a separate roll. To use the weapon roll
Dexterity + Melee(or Melee Parry) + Sword (if applicable). The difficulty is 5 and the damage is Strength + 4d10 aggravated.

*** Body of Stone

Your body is as tough as rock. You do not suffer any penalties for this extra endurance, nor do you have any change of
appearance. The only difference is that when rolling to soak damage you get an extra five dice added to your Stamina. You don't
have to be conscious for this power to be active. It is simply "on" forever, starting the moment you acquire it. This applies to both
physical and energy damage (but not to mental or emotional.)

**** Body of Water

You can cause your body to dissolve into a liquid form. You are a formless puddle on the ground (or the ceiling if you use this

power in conjunction with Air Walking) and you can move at half of your normal speed. The liquid form you inhabit is clear with a
slight bluish tinge. In this form, you suffer no damage from physical attacks. The resistance to energy attacks granted you by
Body of Stone is temporarily lost to you while in this form. If part of you is somehow separated from another while you are in this
form (a significant part, not a drop) you are effectively beheaded.

System: To enter this form roll Willpower + Form Control (difficulty 7) and spend one point of quickening per round that you
remain in liquid form. To return to your human body roll Willpower + Form Control (difficulty 6) If you run out of quickening before
you are able to return to human form, you may choose to spend two willpower points per round to prolong coherence. After that,
you will lose one health level per round. If you are reduced to crippled, your body disperses and you die.
While you cannot suffer a loss of health levels from any physical attack made on you while in liquid form, if one quarter to one half
of you is separated from the rest of you by a physical barrier, you are considered beheaded. This separation must be complete
and you are granted one round to find the separate pieces of yourself and reemerge with them. To do this, decide which
severed part your essence is in and that part after the other. For one round, that part will act as though it is whole. To randomly
decide how much of you is cut off roll one die.
0-4 less than 1/4
5-9 more than 1/4

***** Body and Soul

Using this power puts an immortal into "God Mode". It acts like a combination of Body of Light and Body of Stone. Your body is
surrounded by quickening as in Body of Light and your become pretty much invulnerable. Since this requires intense
concentration on the part of any immortal attempting it, you cannot move while Body and Soul is activated. However, if you split
the dice pool, you move using Air Walking. System: To activate this power spend five points of quickening and roll Willpower +
Form Control (difficulty 8) it requires two successes to work. After that, spend two quickening every round you want power is up.
While you are using this power add another five dice to you ability to soak damage. Anyone who comes within two feet of an
immortal who is using Body and Soul suffers nine dice of aggravated damage. To deactivate this power you must roll Willpower
(difficulty 6) and get two successes. If you run out of quickening before you can turn the power off, you suffer the nine dice of
aggravated damage (and you don't get the extra five dice to soak it either.)

Immortals with this Proficiency can use their Quickening to heal others. For every dot he possesses in Healing, an Immortal can
convert one point of Quickening to one health level in an injured individual. The Immortal must be in Physical contact with the
person he is trying to heal. Once an Immortal has healed someone, he must wait a full day before that person's (or animal's)
system can take another dose of Quickening.
In addition, at level five the Immortal learns an extremely powerful ritual that allows the creation of a new Immortal. If a mortal (not
necessarily an unawakened one) is present at an Immortal duel, the victor can use this Proficiency to transfer the loser's
Quickening to the mortal, making him immortal. The new Immortal is then treated like the victor in a three-person immortal battle
in which the Immortal with this Proficiency was involved (see the chapter on The Rules).

This proficiency allows an immortal to fool the senses of those around him. Any manifestation of this proficiency can be detected
by someone rolling Perception + Alertness (difficulty 8) and achieving two successes.

* Sleight of Hand
Using the power of you mind, you can manipulate small areas of light to create small illusions. This power only works on objects
smaller than a bread box. So, you could make your eyes glow, make a weapon seem to disappear, or produce a rabbit out of
thin air.

System: Roll Perception + Illusion (difficulty 6) and spend one quickening. If anyone or anything (besides the immortal using the
power) touches the object being manipulated, the illusion is disrupted. You must be able to see or be in physical contact with the
object for as long as you want the illusion to last. (If you have made an object invisible, you don't have to see it, just see where it
is.) Once the mirage is created it will remain indefinitely, until it is touched or the immortal uses Slight of Hand again to put the
light back the way it was.

** Cloak of the Chameleon

This Proficiency affects only the immortal using it and her immediate possessions (such as her cloths and objects she is
carrying.) With this power, you can stand against any large surface, like a wall, and blend into it. You will be completely invisible
as long as nobody bumps into you and you don't move a muscle.

System: Roll Perception + Illusion (difficulty 7) and spend two quickening points. As long as you don't move you will be rendered

System: Roll Perception + Illusion (difficulty 7) and spend two quickening points. As long as you don't move you will be rendered
undetectable to sight, smell, and sound. The surface you blend into must be at least twice your size; anything smaller and the
disguise will be incomplete.

*** Veil of Shadows

With this proficiency, an immortal can cause a cover of total darkness to descend upon an area, confusing enemies. This power
greatly benefits immortals who can see in the dark (or do not need to see to fight.) Night vision goggles will not benefit a wearer
under the Veil. Goggles amplify the ambient light that is present in any naturally dark space. The use of the Veil causes complete
blackness. Absolutely no light is present, similar to the effect caused by a black hole.

System: Roll Perception + Illusion (difficulty 6) and spend one quickening point. For each success the area the Veil affects
increases by ten feet in every direction. The range is limited to places the immortal could possibly see (by turning around in a
circle and looking up and down.) So, if you are inside a room with opaque walls, the effect is limited to the room, but if you are in
an open area or a glass room, the effect is limited only by the number of successes. No form of natural vision can be used in the
darkness. The Garou gift, Sense Wyrm, the Kindred Detect Aura, and other such supernatural abilities can allow a character to
"see" his/her opponent under the Veil. Those without supernatural sight are out of luck. Flashlights and torches do not work.
Their light is absorbed as soon as it is emitted. Magic spells that create light, like Spawn Lesser Forces, are another story. Roll
for the light generation the same as normal. Every success cancels out one success of the Veil of Darkness roll.

**** Invisibility
This Proficiency grants the immortal invisibility. System: Roll Perception + Illusion (difficulty 7) and spend one quickening point
for every round you remain invisible. This renders you undetectable to all forms of sensing that use reflected light. You can still be
heard, felt, smelled, tasted (?) and detected using the supernatural methods described above. This power also causes your
clothes and closest effects to become invisible.

***** Behind Another's Eyes

You can change your appearance so that you look like another person completely. You must have seen at east an image of the
person you wish to impersonate. This changes only your visual appearance, so the illusion is only complete if you keep your
mouth shut. If you are impersonating someone you have never seen except on T.V. the deception will not be as effective as it
would be posing as your best friend. System: Using this power requires two rolls. First the Storyteller rolls in secret (if she
wouldn't have done that anyway) your Intelligence + Alertness to see if you remember exactly what this person looks like. The
difficulty is as follows:
Person impersonated
You have never seem him in person
You have seen him one or a few times
You know him well
He is present (either conscious or unconscious, it doesn't matter) 6
If you failed the first roll, you will not be recognized as the person you are trying to be, but you will not know this unless somebody
tells you (since you look like what you think you should.) If you botch the first roll, you will get the person you are trying to disguise
yourself confused with someone else.
The second roll determines if you can duplicate the image you recall. Roll Perception + Illusion (difficulty 8) and spend one
quickening point for each round you maintain the illusion. If you fail this roll, you will know it just by looking at yourself.

Living Blade
With this power, an Immortal instills his sword with a small amount of his quickening. This allows the blade to become somehow
"alive". This Proficiency can only be applied to the weapon you have declared your sword and cannot be applied to a weapon
created using Body of War.

* Blade Retrieval
If the blade is within a Immortal's line of sight, then by concentrating on it she may call it her hand. This will not work if there is any
object obscuring the sword from view. An enemy could prevent her from using this power simply by placing a sheet over the
weapon. On the up side, it does work through glass and other clear objects. An Immortal with this power may not manipulate the
sword in space to do anything other than fly directly into her hand.

System: Roll Willpower (difficulty 6) while the sword is in sight. No Quickening need be spent to accomplish retrieval. If
something is preventing retrieval (like somebody holding on to the weapon) use the Immortal's Willpower as Strength to resist.
This also applies to crashing through things, like the aforementioned glass.

** Man's Best Friend

Now the Blade doesn't have to be in you line of sight. In fact, you don't even have to know where it is. All you have to know is that
your sword is missing and it, sensing your distress, will find its way to you. This is not as blatant as Blade Retrieval. The weapon
will not move directly to you in a straight line. Instead, it just shows up. Somehow it falls off a passing truck, or you trip over it in
tall grass. The Storyteller is encouraged to be creative in coming up with ways for the sword to get back to its master.

System: No roll needs be made. The sword must have Quickening stored in it. It spends one point as soon as the Immortal
realizes it's gone. If someone has stolen the sword, it will make a break for it as soon as his back is turned. For every mile
separating the sword from its master roll 1d10 and divide by two. This is how many hours it takes for the Man's Best Friend to
find its way home.

*** Blade Telekinesis

An Immortal with this Proficiency can control the path of the blade as it flies through space using the power of his mind. Again the
blade must be in the Immortal's line of sight. This requires immense concentration, so an Immortal using Blade TK can't perform
any other actions.

System: The Immortal must be holding the sword to attempt Blade TK. Roll Willpower (difficulty 8) and spend one point of
Quickening. One success is needed to put the blade in flight. This takes one round. Next round, the immortal may move the
blade anywhere he chooses by rolling Willpower (difficulty 6) and spending another point of Quickening. If he gets one success,
the blade moves. If the roll fails the sword simply does not move. If he botches the roll, the blade fall to the ground and must be
returned to the Immortal's hand before another attempt can be made. Use the Immortal's Willpower rating as the blade's strength
and speed.

**** Soul Sword

For the Immortal with this Proficiency her Sword is so much a part of her that it cannot even exist outside her presence. When
the Immortal puts her weapon down (and is not using Blade Retrieval, TK or of Fury) it simply ceases to be. When it is needed,
the Immortal can call her Sword to her hand and, in a small burst of Quickening, it will appear.

System: Just Spend one point of Quickening to make the sword appear. Quickening can still be stored in the blade as normal
because it does not really cease to exist, it just goes to some "other" place. However, the sword must still be in the Immortal's
hand for the Quickening to be reabsorbed.

***** Blade of Fury

"Say hello to my little friend!" This Immortal can sic his Sword on opponents while he does better things. The blade will
mindlessly attack one person or thing until it is dead or 'till the blade runs out of gas. This is great for evening odds or for turning
them in your favor. If you fall unconscious or die while the blade is busy attacking somebody, it immediately returns to your side.
You can recall the blade at any time by using Blade Retrieval.

System: The blade must be in the Immortal's possession (either in his hand or in a telekinetic grip) for Blade of Fury to be used.
Roll Willpower (difficulty 8) and spend two points of Quickening. Two successes are needed to sic the blade. Every round after
that, the blade itself must spend one of the Quickening points stored in it. The blade has Strength, Speed, and Dexterity of the
Immortal's Willpower. If the roll is botched the blade will attack the Immortal himself once, the fall to the ground.

You knew it was coming. Quickness is very similar to the Vampire Discipline Celerity, except it's even better. For every point an
Immortal has in Quickness, he can perform extra actions.
Dots No. of actions per round
** 4
*** 5
**** 7
***** 9

This Proficiency allows an Immortal to move from point A to point B without the bother of traveling through physical space. When
a character buys this power, she creates her own, small horizon realm, supported by the power of her Quickening. She can
transport herself there briefly and reemerge in different place. When an Immortal teleports there is a soft "pop!" and a soft flash
of blue light about the size of a fist where the center of here torso was. If she wishes to take another person or an object that is to
large to wear or hold in her hand with her add one to the difficulty and an extra point of Quickening must be spent.

* Line of Sight
You can teleport any where you can see. This works through transparent objects, but anything you can't see through is an
effective barrier. it doesn't matter if you know a place is there. If you can't see it, you can't go there..

System: Roll Perception + Teleportation (difficulty 6) and spend one point of Quickening. With one success you make it. This
takes one round. No other actions may be taken that round.

** Home Sweet Home

When an immortal buys this Proficiency she chooses one place on earth to declare her home. This place must be a node and if
the Immortal does not start with this ability she must be at the node when she buys the power. Then the Immortal can teleport
back to that node from absolutely anywhere.

System: Roll Teleportation (difficulty 4) and spend one point of Quickening. Only one success is needed. Once the character is
there. she is there. She can't teleport back.

*** Now You See It. . .

This is like any other teleport, except when an Immortal uses this power she can extend the mount of time she spends in her
horizon realm. This can give her a chance to rest and heal in the middle of a battle or escape discovery by prying eyes. While in
the horizon realm the Immortal is not conscious, so no actions may be performed while this Proficiency is in use. All she can do
is heal and hide. This must be used with one of the other Teleportation Proficiencies. The role for that Power is used, the only
difference is that more Quickening is spent.

System: Declare that you are going to use Now You See It. . . in conjunction with another power. Make the required roll for that
power and spend the necessary Quickening. Then, for each extra point of Quickening spent, you can remain in you horizon
realm for one round. Example: Amanda has learned Now You See It. . . She has just been wounded in a duel and needs time to
heal or she will lose her head. She decides to teleport behind her opponent, but to also spend extra time in her horizon realm.
She rolls Perception + Teleportation and spends one point of Quickening. She succeeds the roll so she can teleport to the place
behind her adversary. Then, she spends three more points of Quickening which causes her to spend three rounds in stasis in
her horizon realm where she heals three health levels (because Immortals heal one level per round). After three rounds she
reappears in the place that was behind her enemy when she first teleported (which is not behind him now because he moved
while she was away).

**** Been There, Done That

This allows an Immortal to teleport anyplace he's ever spent more than five minutes. The chance of being able to get there is
dependent on how familiar the character is with the place to which he wishes to go.

System: Been There, Done That requires two rolls, both of which must get two successes. The first roll is to determine how well
the Immortal recalls the place he is teleporting to. Roll Intelligence + Alertness. The difficulty depends on how many times he has
been there or how much impact the place had on him (He may have only been to that street corner once, but if his parents were
killed there, he will definitely remember it (unless, of course, he has repressed it)
Familiarity with location
He goes there everyday.
He was once went there every day, but hasn't been in a while.
He's only been there a few times but something big happened there. 6
He's only been there a few times. Period.
He was there once and spent at least five minutes there.
If this roll is failed the Immortal realizes that he can't remember the place well enough. If the roll is botched, he thinks he
remembers it but accidentally goes somewhere else. When deciding where be creative and be cruel. Next, roll Intelligence +
Teleportation (difficulty 7) and spend two points of Quickening. If this roll fails he simply fails to enter the horizon realm and stays
where he is. If this roll botches, it has the same effect as the first roll and God help you if both rolls botch. If that happens you have
to roll your Willpower (difficulty 8) and make two successes. If you fail this roll, you discorporate and you are dead. If you botch
this roll you rip a hole in the space-time continuum. Now the Storyteller has to roll your Teleportation. That number times ten is
how many meters away from you in all directions the rip extends. The rip destroys anything in its path. After it reaches full size it
immediately closes, leaving a large spherical gap for air to fill. The air rushing into the gap tries to pull everything it touches with
it. The winds have a Strength of twenty times the Immortal's Teleportation rating and is divided by two for every fifty meters
distance from the edge of the gap. Needless to say, this is not likely to happen.

***** Umbral Shift

This Proficiency allows an Immortal to transport herself into the Near Umbra. She takes with her only objects that are dedicated

to her and her Sword which is a part of her. Everything else drops in the place she teleported from. She does not need a mirror
or anything to teleport, she just does it.

System: Roll Teleportation (difficulty of local Gauntlet). See Werewolf: The Apocalypse (pg. 175) for the results of successes,
failure and botching.

The Watchers
Private eyes
are watching you.
-- Hall and Oats, "Private Eyes"
So far most of the world doesn't have a clue about the existence of immortals. The information on them possessed by the
Arcanum, Project Twilight and other such organizations is sketchy at best. Most who associate with those groups assume any
the Immortals they have encountered to be members of the supernatural races they have already encountered. There is,
naturally, one notable exception. Only the watchers themselves know how long the group has existed. Others who know of the
society (and there aren't many) only know that the group is ancient. Most watchers themselves are taught that as long as the
Immortals have existed there have been mortals who have watched them (which may be true, but that still doesn't tell you how
long the organization has been around). In truth, knowledge of the exact date of the Watcher's founding is reserved for the
continental heads of the group.

This is not the way the organization has always been run. Although the purpose of the Watchers has remained constant, their
methods have adapted as required by the times. This is the way they conduct business now. This system has not been
amended since a minor change in the powers of the chapter leader in 1957. The Watchers are run by a council of seven. Six of
the councilmen (or women, of which there has only been one) each oversee the Watcher activities of one continent. Antarctica
does not have an active chapter since not very many people live there. The seventh councilman is the chairman and president of
the organization. All council members are elected by the regional heads of their continent and serve for life or until they voluntarily
retire. When a new chairman needs to be elected the remaining council members elect a new one from among themselves who
is then replaced by a vote of his continent's regional heads. The council convenes in Paris annually to discuss major changes in
policy, recent appointments as region heads and to review the travel and demise of immortals across continents.
The hierarchy of power looks like this:
Chairman of the Council
Continental Heads
Regional Supervisors
Chapter Leaders
Chapter Cabinets
Regional supervisors report directly to their Councilmen. They are also appointed by their councilmen. The regions are basically
divided by political boundaries. The tri-state New York-Pennsylvania-Ohio area is one Watcher region. Regional supervisors
serve for life, until they retire, are dismissed by a vote of the council, or are promoted. Regional supervisors meet together with
their continental heads quarterly.
Chapter leaders report to their regional supervisors who also appoint them. They serve only as long as the regional supervisors
want them to. A chapter consists of a city and its surrounding areas. A regional supervisor can call a meeting of his chapter
leaders at any time, but generally does so only after every continental meeting. Every chapter leader appoints a cabinet to
oversee and advise him on specific aspects of Watcher affairs. The regional supervisor then approves the leader's
appointments. Specific cabinet positions vary from chapter to chapter (being decided upon by the leader and approved by
regional supervisor). Typically there is a Treasurer, a Record Keeper, a Defense Minister, an Overseer of Recruiting, a Public
Relations Minister (who is responsible for keeping the public unaware of the existence of both Watchers and Immortals), and an
Overseer of Watchers (he who watches the Watchers). In areas with a large population of other supernatural beings, a cabinet
position may be created to handle issues specifically with that situation.
A Watcher is a full member of the group. Upon being granted this status, a Watcher is tattooed on his wrist with the "w" symbol
of the Watchers. He is given a specific duty in one of three areas. He either joins the Defense Branch, the Administrative
Branch, or the Observation Branch. Full Watcher status is granted by the regional supervisors. He most often leaves the actual
selection process in the hands of his advisors and signs off on any decisions they make. A Watcher can be removed from the

organization for any major or repeated violation of the Watcher Code. A termination notice is signed by the regional supervisor,
but can be challenged at the next meeting of the Council by anyone who is still a Watcher in good favor.
Initiates are trainees. These are the people who wish to be Watchers, but are still learning the ways of the organization. To gain
access to the group, a potential member must have a sponsor who is a full member in good standing. Very often Initiates have a
long history of family membership in the association and are sponsored by a parent or the sibling of a parent. However, being a
Watcher does not allow much time for a family life and most Watchers die childless or estranged from their families. This means
that new members must also be sought out from outside the society.
Finally, there are Associates. Associates are friends of the organization. They have no official standing and no desire to
become Watchers, but they are sympathetic to the cause and will aid the group when they can. Associates are usually persons
with influential positions in government and business, or people with specific scientific or occult knowledge (Duncan MacCleod
is considered an Associate).

The Three Branches

All for one and one for all!
-- Alexander Dumas, "The Three Musketeers"

Defense Branch
However distasteful, every large congregation of diverse peoples will include several paranoid, warlike individuals. Thankfully,
given the passive goals of the Watchers in general, this is the smallest of the three branches. Defense branch has three
One, they maintain a standing defense force. This is not a organized army. It is run more like the F.B.I. Each chapter is assigned
several agents who live in the area and provide muscle for any Watchers who need it. Agents usually report to the chapter
Defense Minister. These Watchers are trained as initiates by Watchers who are in this Branch. They are taught, in addition to
the rules of the association, how to use weapons, martial arts and sometimes learn numina.
Two, they maintain the veil of secrecy that prevents the human and supernatural populations from knowing of the group's
existence. Watchers in this service get jobs in government, business, and the media where they can control (or, rather, stop) the
flow of information regarding the group. These agents are periodically contacted by the Public Relations Minister.
Three, they maintain internal security. This is the internal affairs division of the Watchers. In the same way a Watcher follows an
Immortal, it is not uncommon for her to find herself being followed by another watcher. The overseer of Watchers assigns these
agents someone to watch, usually at random. If they discover any violation of the Code, the Overseer reports it to the Defense
Minister who "takes care of it." Agents for this service are usually former members of other services or branches with training in
different areas. No Watcher, even the Chairman of the Council, is immune from this division's eye. Note: The Overseer of
Watchers is primarily responsible for the Observational branch. This service is possibly better suited to be a part of that Branch,
but because it is a distasteful duty to spy on your own, these agents are considered part of the this Branch.

Administration Branch
This Branch is responsible for record keeping, managing funds, and recruitment. The Chapter Leader spends much of his time
conferring with his Treasurer, Record-Keeper, and Overseer of Recruiting running this Branch. This is what keeps the Watchers
going and is arguably the most important of the Branches. However, administration is boring and Immortal characters are less
than likely to encounter a Watcher secretary, so this section will be brief. Suffice it to say that this Branch is run in a businesslike
and professional manner.

Observation Branch
These are the watchers, the men and women who are responsible for information gathering about the lives of Immortals. This
Branch is run by the Overseer of Watchers. He confers with the record keeper concerning what immortals in the area need a
watcher and assign appropriately. Once a Watcher is assigned to an Immortal, she follows him until she is taken off the
assignment by the Chapter Leader, the Overseer, or most often another Watcher with word from the Overseer. Thus, a Watcher
from New York may find herself traveling to Paris in pursuit of her quarry. On arriving in Paris, however, she will take the first
opportunity to contact the local Leader and will be relieved by another Watcher. She will then return to New York and wait for
another assignment.
Another duty a member of this Branch may be chosen for is tracking down the location of a "lost" Immortal. As efficient as the
Watcher Organization is, they sometimes loose track of an Immortal as he dies and resurfaces with another identity. A watcher
with this duty has almost unlimited resources at her command. She can travel the world in search of her prey and will not stop
until she finds him or is reassigned. Recently, though, with the coming of the Gathering, most lost Immortals are found when they
encounter another Immortal who is being followed.

Author's Note

If many people wish, after I finish this book I will work on a Year of the Hunter style supplement detailing the Watchers. For now,
anyone who wishes to play a Watcher character should follow the rules for creating a mortal in The Hunters Hunted and The Halls
of The Arcanum. If you want me to write the Watchers sourcebook write me at the address at the front of these pages.

The World of Darkness

One of the most intriguing things about the Immortals in the World of Darkness is that literally anyone can be immortal and never
know it until they "die". This means that it is possible, although extremely rare for a character that has already harnessed some
other supernatural ability to turn out to be immortal too.
This can be used as a plot device over a long term campaign. Maybe there is an immortal character in your campaign who
hangs out with the other characters who are all werewolves. None of them know it, but the real reason he spends time with them
is so he can watch over a member of the group who is an immortal still living their original life. Storytellers can also use this idea
as a way to save an important character from a series of horrific dice rolls. Author's note: I once ran a campaign that involved
one werewolf and several mages. I had planned a series of adventures in which the mages had to interact with Garou society.
Their only connection to these adventures was the werewolf character. We were running the opening sequence to the first
adventure which took place in a diner. The werewolf got mad over something the waitress did and hit her in the face. Usually this
would mean the adventure would sidetrack briefly into the realms of the Los Angeles law enforcement community. Unfortunately
the roll to hit the waitress failed pathetically (two 1's the rest 2's and 3's--- a botch). The werewolf missed and swung so hard that
he broke his hand on the pillar behind the waitress. His failure didn't deter the anger of his civic minded colleagues and one of
them threatened to blast him if he didn't calm down. I guess the player of the werewolf was in a wacky mood, because he jokingly
said that he would turn into a Crinos and um, well. . . urinate on the mage. As a gamemaster I am of the mind that when a player
blurts out something stupid it may be funny but it detracts from the mood of the game. To prevent the players from doing this, I
usually make them do what they said they would. In this case I split the werewolf's dice pool so he could both transform into
Crinos and perform the other action. I rolled his Stamina + whatever-it-is minus one and succeeded. Then I rolled his Dexterity +
Firearms minus one (making him spend a willpower point to overcome his natural tendency towards bladder control) and
botched. I interpreted this botch to mean that he not only missed his target but hit himself pretty well, too. After I colorfully
described the stench, the mage decided to attack with a lighting bolt. At this point the werewolf was standing in a werewolf sized
puddle of. . . liquid. The last thing he needed was to be hit with several thousand volts of electricity. This took him down to -3
health level. He then decided to attack the mage that hit him with the lightning bolt. He lunged forward and the physically weak
mage stepped aside and allowed him to impale himself of her wooden staff. One of the other mages attempted to heal him but
ended up botching that roll and removing his Lower Intestine. The character was dead, and my plan for the next adventure was
ruined. It may seem a little cheesy to bring a character back to life in this way, but if you really need the character then it's a little
less cheesy than reincarnating it or bringing his long lost twin brother into the campaign (the trap I fell into after the situation
above). If there is a human character in your campaign whom the supernaturals are pushing around, giving the character
immortality is an interesting way to even the odds.

Other Supernaturals
You're not alone,
You're never alone,
Not here you're not.
-- Sting, "St. Augustine in Hell"
Since Immortals have existed almost as long as the humans they are born from, it would be impossible for them never to have
run across the other denizens of the world of darkness. In fact, since the Immortal population is relatively low (approximately
6,000 and dropping fast) and looking for other Immortals during the Gathering can be dangerous, sometimes a Vampire is the
only immortal company available. There is no organization subscribed to by all of the Immortals. They're attitudes regarding
others vary drastically from individual to individual. Some may even still be fooled by the Masquerade. Since there is no way to
generalize the feelings of the Immortals, what follows is a description of how other supernatural beings will often react to
Immortals. Keep in mind two thing when reading this. One, unless the Immortal tells them, there is very little way for anybody to
know he is an Immortal. Two, these are generalizations of the feeling of large, diverse groups. One may not subscribe to these

To the Kindred an Immortal would be a dream come true: a supply of blood that never dies, a well that never runs dry. At least
they would be if it weren't for certain drawbacks. Vampires can drink Immortal blood and it benefits them in the same way normal
human blood would. However, the blood of Immortals is kept alive only by the power of the Quickening, a powerful energy that
permeates every cell of their bodies. So, any Vampire who feeds from one takes two dice of aggravated, non-soakable damage
for every blood point they take in (one is usually enough to get the point across). This has led to, at best, tenuous relations
between the two factions. Following is a set of typical Kindred reactions to the "Bloodless Ones." Keep in mind that all
characters (well, most characters) have minds of their own and are not bound by these prejudices.

Brujah: Conformists! None of them would even consider breaking one of their precious rules. They make me sick.
Gangrel: They are of civilization and thus do not concern us.

Malkavian: I made a pair of shoes out of turtles! The shoes were for the monkey, but monkeys don't wear shoes! Staring at the
sun made us crazy!

Nosferatu: They make for interesting conversation, having lived as long as we, but better information can be obtained from their

Toreador: Through this race much beauty has been preserved without the need for our intervention, but this was by random
chance. They have destrayed as much as they have created. Appreciate them from afar.

Tremere: They have survived a great deal. They have proven themselves to be excellent tools.
Ventrue: Some of them would not be removed from my presence.

As far as the Garou are concerned, Immortals are no better (and no worse) than the humans they are born from. Their attitudes
to them are they same as they would be if they were born 20 rather than 200 years ago.

Keep in mind that all Immortals were once believed to be human. It is possible that in their mortal lives they were mages, but they
would have lost their ability to perform magick when they Became. Magick requires the use of Quintessence, a substance two
unrefined for the Immortal system to process. The philosophies learned from life as a Mage, however, are not so easily

Akashic Brotherhood: There knowledge is to be respected and their martial skill is unparalleled.
Celestial Chorus: Their individualism takes them far from the One. We must bring them back into the fold so all may be

Cult of Ecstasy: They tend to take things way too seriously. At least they stay out of our way.
Dreamspeakers: The fires that sustain them seem to keep them separate from Gaia. They are not against the earth, but neither
can they feel her light.

Euthanatos: This tradition is very intersested in the Immortals. They expend great energies to gather information about them.
They have not yet decided whether this race's existence is beneficial to the Ascension. They need to have more information
about their exact nature. Fortunately, they have had very little luck indentifying Immortals to examine, but with the coming of the
Gathering more and more Immortals will be out in the open.

Hollow Ones: They are individuals, like us. However, they are also very much a part of the modern world that strangles us. They
may be appealing in many ways, but it is still always best to keep to yourself.

Order of Hermes: They remember the way things once were. If we again tell the world of our traditions, they will be there to
confirm what we say.

Sons of Ether: Yes! Don't you see? Their existence proves everything we have been saying! The ether exists in all space. It
ebbs and it flows. It flows through us and around us and if we channel it when it flows through us and around us and make the
ether around go through and through go around, then we've got something! It's science!

Verbena: Their blood is supremely potent.

Virtual Adepts: They tend to stay on the cutting edge of mortal knowledge. They shouldn't be too difficult to bring around.
The Technocracy: Kill them. Kill them fast. Kill them now. Then study them, learn everything we can from them, and kill them
some more.

They are not Immortal. Everything dies. They may take longer, but in the end, they will be no different from us.

Immortal: The Gathering

The Unofficial Sixth and so far Smallest Game in the Storyteller Series
By Krister Sundelin and Rasmus Hansson
The Storyteller System was created by Mark Rein*Hagen
Dedication: This game is dedicated to Gregory Widen, author of the script for Highlander, on which this game is more than obviously

The Dawn of Time

From the dawn of time we came, moving silently down through the centuries. Living many secret lives, struggling to reach the time of
the Gathering, when the few who remain will battle to the last. No one has ever known we were among you....until now.

All Immortals are born like any other living being. Their parents are always mortal -- Immortals cannot reproduce themselves. Thus
there is no "immortality gene" to be passed on to future generations. The Immortals are simply that -- immortal. There are no
differences from mortals but their inability to die a natural death. The Immortals have the same emotions as every other living human
being, the same fears, the same wants and needs, and the same experiences. Being Immortal is, however, a long experience, and
this magnifies every aspect of the human life from birth and forward. The time of this birth is not yet set -- there's no specific age when
all Immortals are created. They appear -- and disappear -- one by one through the ages.

The Modern Age

The Modern Age starts with the Industrialisation and has not yet ended. The Immortals born in this age are still young, compared to
other Immortals. They are the most flexible, and also those who holds the least on the Traditions.

The Renaissance
The Renaissance begins with the ending of the Middle Ages and ends with the Industrialisation. Renaissance Immortals tend to look
upon themselves as the flower of manhood -- born in a time between two ages of barbarians. They are quite arrogant, since they are
old enough to be more experienced than younger Immortals and young enough to be able to learn modern sciences.

The Middle Ages

The Middle Ages ends with the Renaissance and begins with the landmark of the Norman conquest of Britain. Those born in this age
often refer to it as the Age of Faith. Medieval Immortals are usually more faithful than others -- "humble before God" is a phrase that
very well describes medieval Immortals. They also have a more strict code of honor and chivalry than other Immortals.

The Dark Ages

The Fall of Rome is the landmark to the beginning of the Dark Ages, and the Battle of Hastings marks its end. Those born in the Dark
Ages tend to be barbaric and brutal. There are exceptions, of course -- need we remind you of the Knights of the Round Table?

The Dawn of time

All times before the Fall of Rome is usually referred to as the Dawn. There are very few Immortals from this time. Those few who
remain are usually civilized and think themselves superior to other Immortals. The primeval Immortals have a vast experience -however, they often have more enemies.

The Quickening
The moment when the Immortality is realized is called the Quickening. This is not a pleasant experience -- when the mind gets aware
of the Immortals true nature, the body flows with the life energy of the Immortal. The life force takes form in an enormous energy
discharge, often manifested in electrical atmospherical phenomena -- lightnings, thunderstorms, aurorae and the like. In this moment,
the Immortal stops aging. From now on, he cannot die save from losing his head.
This experience occurs to a lesser degree when a non-quickened Immortal meets another Immortal. Although it is not a pleasant
experience, it is still something that one will survive. Unless, of course, the other Immortal takes your head. It is possible that a nonquickened Immortal never experiences the Quickening. In such cases, the Immortal grows older and eventually dies of extremely old
age. Though he cannot bear any offspring, it is still possible to die of old age. This does seldom occur; if it does, it is seldom heard of.
Most Immortals are not even aware that it is possible to age and die if you never experience the Quickening.

The Nature of the Immortals and the respect for the mortals

-- The Kurgan Man
The Immortals fight in a Game, fight for a Prize. They are powerful and dangerous, but still they do not involve themselves in matters of
the mortal world. Some of respect, some of fear, and some because they understand the human ways. No one will understand the
words of an Immortal, no one will follow his or here lead. The mortals are good allies, but an Immortal must always look over his or her
shoulder to make sure that the ally do not turn to enemy in the blink of an eye. Mortals are dangerous, even to an Immortal. The mortals
can destroy an Immortal, sometimes by accident (there was an Immortal present in Hiroshima at the time of the nuclear bomb-drop
there) and sometimes on purpose (there are cults that hunt Immortals, hoping to absorb some of their knowledge and wisdom by
killing him or her, just as another Immortal would). That is why most Immortals stay away from the mortals. That is the nature by which
the Immortals live and die.

The Price of Immortality

"It's only forever
Not long at all"
-- David Bowie, "Underground"

"What won't please Heather, I can tell you that for nothing."
-- Conner MacLeod
No Immortal may ever have a child of his own flesh and blood. They are completely infertile. Some of them never realize this and keep
trying to produce children, an impossible task, one of the few for an Immortal. It is said that the Last Immortal, the one to survive the
Gathering, will be able to grow old and have children, like any mortal. Fascinating thought, but not a very likely one. Some Immortals
find the infertility to be a blessing in disguise, while others see it quite the other way.

All Immortals are feared. It is in the human nature to fear the unknown. And Immortality has always been unknown to the human society.
That is why most Immortals choose to be alone in their lives, to avoid being spotted as Immortals. Having a family or friends will
sooner or later point you out for what you are, and you are different. Some Immortals try to avoid being alone, but they soon find out
that the burden of having outlived all your friends and relatives soon overpowers even the most healthy mind. All you really can do is
stay away.

The Game
The life of an Immortal is very much like the life of a mortal. It is a struggle to survive, but for the Immortal, survival becomes a bit harder
than you would suspect. All Immortals have one, unifying goal; to be the Last Immortal, to kill all the other Immortals. This is called the
Game. The Game began at the dawn of time, when there were few mortals in the world, and even fewer Immortals. The Game ends
with the battle between the two final Immortals of the Game. In order for this battle to occur, a Gathering is called. This is described
below. When the final battle is over, there is only one Immortal left, and he or she receives something called The Prize. The Game isn't
a single Game, with every Immortal pitched against every other Immortal, but several, completely separate Games, each with a
separate Gathering and a separate Last Immortal. It is said that on the final night of the world, all the ones that have been, or is, the
Last Immortal of a Game shall meet in a gigantic battle to determine who will be the Final Immortal. But these are just rumors.

Because of the Game, all Immortals are enemies with a series of other Immortals. Some Immortals might not be enemies, they may
be friends like the mortals, but most are enemies. Would you not rather be enemy with an individual that could destroy the only thing
you had; your life, or would you rather trust this person, and hope that you may live another day? So, most Immortals are generally
unpleasant with other Immortals, even on Holy ground, where there may be no fighting. This is the Enmity.

The Gathering
When only a few of the Immortals in a Game remains, they will feel an urge to travel to a far-away land, to fight for the prize. This is
called the Gathering and is normally called when there are between ten and twenty Immortals left in a Game. The Gathering ends with
the Final Conflict, where the two last Immortals fight for the prize, fight until only one remains.

"No one ever breaks that rule. It's tradition."
-- Juan Snchez Villa-Lobos Ramrez


The Tradition of Sanctuary is the oldest traditions and also the strongest. Since Immortals are as susceptible to religions and beliefs
as any other human being, they are as strong in Faith as any human being, and perhaps more, since they are often born in times when
religion is strong.
Faiths have resulted in the Sanctuary -- no violences on consecrated ground. The nature of the consecration matters not. A church is
considered as holy as a mosque, a synagogue or a Buddhistic shrine. Few Immortals questions claims of consecration, since
breaking this rules creates enemies and breaks the friendship with the few friends an Immortal gets.

Single Combat
The Tradition of Single Combat dates from the Dark Ages. It is the tradition which is most broken, especially by younger Immortals
who do not follow the codes of honor from the past. This tradition is almost always followed by ruthless and powerful Immortals, since
they know that less powerful Immortals will band together and destroy elder Immortals if this tradition would not stop them.

No Immortal ever strikes in the back. This Tradition dates from the Middle Ages and the chivalry. Very young Immortals sometimes
break this rule, as the most ruthless Immortals of the Dark Ages. Others does not dare to break the Tradition of Challenge -- a Barret
M82-A caliber .50 sniper rifle at 800 meters breaks the spine as good as a sword, and if you break the Tradition of Challenge, you are
most likely to become target for such a weapon.

Shadow War
The most recent Tradition is that of the Shadow War. First invented in the beginning of the Renaissance, it has grown more strong as
time has passed and the control of the masses has become more efficient. The secrecy and the seclusiveness of the Immortals is a
self-defence -- what would a ruthless mortal not do to gain immortality? And who wants to live imprisoned forever?

Effects of the Quickening

Rapid Healing: The Immortals can still be hurt by any means that will hurt a mortal, but they heal one health level/round. If the Immortal
acts in any way, for instance moves, fights etc. must he succeed with a Stamina-roll with a difficulty of 8 with to heal that round.

Rapture: If the spinal column between the head and the heart becomes completely severed, the Immortal enters the Final Death. One
tenth of the deceased Immortals Accumulated Experience passes to all nearby Immortals (line of sight) in an impressing pyrotechnic

Influences: These are supernatural powers gained after the Quickening. They may be of any nature; magic, extra-sensory, or other.
The Gathering: When only a few in a Game are left, the Gathering will call all the remaining Immortals to one place, and none may
resist. There they will fight until only one is left, and this is the Last Immortal, holder of the Prize.

The Prize: The Prize is the thing that all Immortals strive for. It is first of all the ability to love, grow old, have children, be a mortal.
Second of all the Last Immortal knows everything, knows every thought and dream of every mortal and Immortal, and can help them to
understand each other. This makes him or her truly very powerful, and this Prize can be used for much good, and much evil, if it should
fall into the wrong hands.
On the following pages there is described how you make an Immortal character, and how this character should work in his or her
Game, until "(...) the time of the Gathering, when the strike of a sword and the fall of a head shall release the power of the Quickening.
In the end, there can be only one."

The Quickening
Character Creation Outline
Step One: Character Concept
Who are you?
Choose Age

Step Two: Select Attributes

What are your basic capabilities?
Prioritize your three Categories; Physical, Social & Mental

Step Three: Select Abilities

What do you know?

Prioritize your three Categories; Talents, Skills & Knowledge

Step Four: Select Advantages

In what ways are you unique?
Choose Backgrounds
Choose Influences

Step Five: Last Touches

Filling in the all-important details
Record Accumulated Experience
Record Base Willpower
Spend your Freebie points to raise any Trait
Create your Enemies

Step One: Character Concept

Before you start to think of numbers, you need to develop a concept for your character. This concept does not need to be detailed. You
only need a general idea to start with. This concept will probably change during the character creation process, but at least it is
something to start with. The concept could be something like; "I'm an English knight who fought the Crusades. I'm proud, chivalric and
strong in the faith, but seclusive since immortality doesn't spread to one's friends." The concept needs to be unique and should be
approved by the Storyteller. The concept usually gives one thing away; the character's Age. The Age is important, since it is from this
Age you draw your experience. The older you are, the more experienced you get. On the other hand, the longer you live, the more
enemies you make.
There are five choices of Age: Modern, Renaissance, Medieval, Dark Ages and Primeval times. A Modern Immortal has not lived very
long; a century or two at the most. Thus, they have not had the time to make enemies with other Immortals. A Renaissance Immortal
are more experienced, but has had the time to gather an enemy. Medieval Immortals have even more experience, only have two
enemies but also have difficulties to learn modern sciences. Dark Age Immortals have three Immortal enemies, and Primeval
Immortals have four enemies of the Immortal kind.

Step Two: Choosing Attributes

This is done in the same way as in any other part of the Storyteller-system. The Immortal may place points like any other mortal.

Attributes: 6/4/3

Step Three: Choosing Abilities

The amount of dots you have depends on your age. The older you are, the more experience you gather. However, there is a limitation
to this. If you are of another age than the present one, you may have difficulties in 'keeping up' with the present. This is called a
'Limitation'. If you wish to have an ability and you are of an age that makes that ability limited, you may not have more than three dots in
it, from the beginning, not even with Freebie-points. The Limitations are listed with the age, along with the number of dots you get to
place on abilities. This is worked out just like in any other part of the Storyteller-system.
Abilities: varies with age
Dots Limitations (cumulative)
11/7/4 None
Renaissance 12/8/5 Streetwise, Repair, Security, Computer, Politics, Science
Middle Ages 13/9/7 Bureaucracy, Subterfuge, Medicine
Dark Ages 15/10/8 Firearms, Drive, Finance, Law
17/11/9 Etiquette
Example: If you are an Immortal born during the Middle Ages, you get to spend 13/9/7 points on abilities, but may not start the game
with more than three dots in any ability listed as Limited for the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, or the Modern Age. (If you were born
during the Primeval times, the Dawn of Time, you would get 17/11/9 dots to place, but with even more limitations.)

Step Four: Advantages

Backgrounds: 5
Influences: 3

This is the history of the character. The Backgrounds may be taken from the other Storyteller-systems, or you may choose one or more
from the ones below. Some Background-traits from some of the other parts of the systems may not work for an Immortal, like the
Generation, or Status-trait of the vampires, for example.

There are different Lineages among Immortals, different ways of approaching the Game, the Gathering, and the Immortal life. A
character may spend Background, or Freebie-points on his or her Lineage. The lineage tells you how much is known about the
characters Lineage, and how it is viewed by other Immortals. The Lineage depends on your Mentor, and his or her Mentor, and the
one before that, and so on, in addition to what they, you, and others of this Lineage have done, or haven't done.
- Unknown.
* Few but solid facts. Your lineage is almost unheard of.
** Somewhat known -- Other Immortals sometimes mention your lineage.
*** Known -- Most Immortals know about your lineage.
**** Well known -- Your lineage is respected among the Immortals.
***** Famous -- No facts are known about your lineage, only rumors. However, other Immortals parts to let you pass.

You can also spend some of your Background, and/or Freebie-points on your Mentor, the one who taught you about the Immortal life,
the Game, and the Gathering. If you spend points on this, you get a Mentor that might be known to other Immortals, and perhaps even
feared. If you do not spend any time at all, you have still had a Mentor, but he or she is insignificant in the Game.
* MacLeod 1537
** Fasil
*** Ramirez
**** Kurgan
***** MacLeod 1984

As many abilities as you have dots in this trait are excepted from the Limitations of Age. This could be useful if you want to create, for
example, a civilized Roman Immortal with sense of law and bureaucracy. If you do not spend anything on Wisdom as Background, you
are at the mercy of the Limitations of Age.

The Influences are the supernatural powers that comes with an Immortal life. They are very similar to the Disciplines that the Vampires
learn, and they work according to the same system. A Immortal get to spend three dots on Influences, and may spend Freebie-points
on Influences as well, seven points per dot.

Unworldly Senses
This is the ability certain Immortals may develop to sense the world around them, all other Immortals, other supernatural (or overnatural) beings like vampires and werewolves. One can never get more than four dots in this Influence, the fifth dot is awarded the Last
Immortal, the one to survive the Gathering. The effective range of this Influence is Perception multiplied with the amount of dots you
have in this Influence.
* Sense Immortal being
** Sense Supernatural being
*** Sense Mortal Presence
**** Sense Danger
***** (Know Everything) -- only available for the Last Immortal

This works just like the vampires Celerity, giving you an extra action in a turn per dot in this trait.

Extra-Sensory Perception gives the character abilities beyond the human senses, power to read minds, move objects by thought
alone, and seeing auras. For every dot the character possesses in this Influence, the more powers he or she can use. These are listed

* Tele-empathy: The character can read the mind of another from a distance in order to feel his or her emotions. This may be very
painful for the ESP'er if the subject being read is under emotional stress or being harmed in some way.

System: The character rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty 6) in order sense the emotions of a specified target within visual range.

** Pyrokinesis: This power gives the character the ability to set fire to an object within sight. Flames burst out of the object and, if it is
naturally flammable, it catches fire. Otherwise, the fire trickles away. One can set fire to a person, but this is very hard.
System: If the character wishes to set fire to an inanimate object, then roll Manipulation + Occult against a difficulty of 7. At least two
successes must be obtained in order to set the object on fire. If you wish to but fire to a being, natural or otherwise, the difficulty is 9
and you must obtain more successes than the targets current Willpower.

*** Aura-reading: With the use of this power, the character may see the aura of power that every thing, living or dead, creates. The
color indicates what the being is, its mood, and its identity. There are many color an aura can have, and they tell you a lot about the
being around you. For example; a person in love will have blue aura, an angry person a read aura, and an angry vampire a pale, red
aura. If you do not have a list of the different colors, it won't matter, the mere fact that the character can see the aura will tell him or her
a great deal about the person, just male up a color.
System: The player rolls Perception + Empathy against a difficulty of 7. The number of successes indicates how much of the aura can
be seen.
1 success: Can only distinguish between pale or bright.
2 successes: Can also distinguish color
3 successes: Patterns can be seen (identity of subject)
4 successes: Subtle shifts in color or patterns can be seen (detailed information)
5 successes: Can identify mixtures between colors and patterns (near-complete information)

**** Telekinesis: With this power the Immortal may attempt to move object by sheer thought. The stronger your will, the heavier and
bigger the objects you can move. The movement may be straight or curved, fast or slow, all according to the user's wishes.
System: Roll Manipulation + Occult. For each success beyond the first one, the speed may be increased by one hundred percent. The
base-speed is ten meters per turn. The object must be within visual range. The character's current Willpower determines the weight of
objects movable.
Current Willpower Maximum Weight
One pound
10 pounds
20 pounds
100 pounds
200 pounds
350 pounds
500 pounds
1/2 ton
1 ton
10 tons

***** Telepathy: The power grants the character the possibility to read another's mind, and communicate with beings by thought.
Messages may be thoughts, emotions or images. Only willing targets can normally be affected.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Empathy against the difficulty of four for a willing target. The difficulty for a unwilling target is his or
her current Willpower. The range is virtually unlimited, only the Storyteller's restriction. A mind can be scanned for information, poked in
for details, or communicated with.

Step Five: Last Touches

Virtues: 7
Freebie Points: 21

Calculate Accumulated Experience

Attributes: Only the sum of all used experience and/or freebie points.
Abilities: If a ability has one dot it is worth 3 points.
Two dots: 5 points
Three: 9 points
Four: 15 points
Five: 23 points
Influences: If an Influence has one dot it is worth 7 points Two dots: 10 points
Three: 16 points
Four: 27 points
Five: 39 points

Willpower, Humanity, Virtues and True Faith:

One dot is worth 1 point
Two dots are: 3 points
Three: 5 points
Four: 8 points
Five: 12 points
Six: 17 points
Seven: 23 points
Eight: 30 points
Nine: 38 points
Ten: 47 points

while being alive, you make others your enemies. If these are mortals, you can just avoid them and they will die of old age. If the enemy
is another Immortal or another supernatural being, you might not be able to get rid of him or her as easily. Depending on what age you
were born in, the amount of time you have been alive that is, you get a number of Immortal enemies. These should be outlined with a
brief history and their strengths, working with the Storyteller.
Below is the list of the number of enemies. This table is not cumulative (thank God for that one, those of the Dark Ages or the Dawn of
Renaissance 1
Dark Ages 3

The Gathering
Combat Maneuvers
Decapitate: This is a special attack in which the attacker tries to take the defenders head from his body by cutting his throat. If this
attack is successful, the defender experiences Final Death.

Quick Draw: This is a swift maneuver in which the user draws his sword and attacks in one fluid motion.
Quick Draw Parry: This is another swift maneuver, used to draw and parry in the same action. If you use Quick Draw Parry, you can
not use Riposte on that parry.

Parry: This is a block with ones weapon to avoid being struck. It is used the dame way as Dodge.
Dodge: This maneuver is described in the Rules of any of the other five parts of the Storyteller-system.
Shield Parry: If one does not wish to parry with ones weapon and has a shield, one can use that instead. It is worked out like a Parry.
One can not Quick Draw a shield.

Shield Attack: If one has a shield he or she may use it for an attack in which the user smashes the shield into his or her opponent.
Thrust: Normally attacks with swords are cuts and slashes, this is a stab. It does less damage than a full swing, but is harder to Parry
(but not harder to Dodge).

Riposte: When one has succeeded in parrying an attack from another, a attack may be launched using the attackers own, parried,
attack. It doesn't do the full damage, but take up no action in a turn.

Disarm: This maneuver is used to dislodge the others weapon so that it leaves his or her hand and falls to the ground a few meters

Lock hilts: The opponents weapon is locked in position and cannot be used for attack or defence until the attacker chooses to
release the opponents weapon, or if the opponent succeeds with an opposed roll vs. Strength.

Kick: If one does not wish to get ones sword blooded, one can choose to Kick ones opponent instead.
Punch: If one does not wish to get ones sword or shoes blooded, one can choose to Punch ones opponent instead.
Distract: This is not a maneuver used for attack, just to throw the opponent off balance for a second or two. If the maneuver is
successful (throwing sand in opponents face, stomping his foot or something like that) he or she looses one action, the one closest to
the Distract-maneuver.

Taunt: This is a very special maneuver, not really a combat move, used to enrage the opponent so that he or she becomes overaggresive and makes a mistake of some sort. If the maneuver is successful, the opponent must make a Frenzy/Rage check in order
not to be affected.
"Incapacitated" is not the same as "decapitated". However, an incapacitated Immortal is sort of simple to decapitate. One does not
have to use the maneuver "Decapitate" to take the head off the opponent. If 7 successes are rolled on a normal attack the opponent
becomes decapitated, and faces Final Death.
9-wound level
Final Death
Quick Draw
wpn, no action to draw 1
Quick Draw Parry Melee
N/A, no action to draw 1
Shield Parry
Shield Attack
wpn, Diff. Parry +2
Opp.# Succ.
Opp. #Succ.
Lock hilts
Opp. Str+Melee
Man+Alertness Opp. Wit+Alertness -1 Action
Man+Expression Opp. Wit+Self Control Rage/Frenzy check 1-X

By Smiling Jack (

"Creaky noises make my skin creep,
I need to get some sleep...
I can't get no sleep."
-- Faithless, "Insomnia"
Some people just can't sleep. They try and they try, but they can't. Then the visions start. They start to see strange colours -auras -- around people and objects. They start to gain other strange abilities.
But they still can't sleep. There is an imbalance in them; their psyche is trying to escape into dreams, but can't. They can't sleep.
They can rest, but they can't sleep.
Many go mad and die. Some regain sleep and lose their powers. Others remain just about stable, but their sanity is on a knife
And they still can't sleep.

The Start
(This supplement is based on Stephen King's novel, Insomnia. No copyright infringements intended blah blah blah etc) Most
start out as ordinary people. One night, they wake up earlier than normal. This continues. After a while, they wake up even earlier
than before. And then earlier still. They continue until they do not sleep at all.
There are some benefits, but these are hugely outweighed by the fact that you can go mad and die from lack of sleep.

What You Gain

The power gains from Insomnia are manifold. Insomniacs can automatically see auras and aural energy all of the time. With a
little practice, they can tell roughly what people are thinking from the colours and shapes. They can also steal aural energy from
people to replenish their own which has been depleted by their powers and activities, and are able to transfer some to others,
either to replenish theirs, or to gain mental control over them. It can even be used it to shoot them (causes immediate shock,
resulting in a faint). Insomniacs can telepathically communicate with other Insomniacs, and with Long Timers and other creatures
of the Tower. They may become intangible and invisible. They can see whether someone will live or die.

What You Lose

Your sanity, most frequently.

The Random And The Purpose

All things in the Universe happen according to the designs of higher entities. These are the Random and the Purpose. Every
person in the Universe is assigned a place in fate. They belong to the Random or the Purpose. Those claimed by the Purpose
have a destiny, a fixed place, whether it is a significant one or not. Those owned by the Random have no such place, and are
buffeted and swirled by fate every day, their lives hinging on chance and uncertainty. The numbers of both seem to even out, just.
There are, however, some people who do not fit. They are Jokers in the pack; they do not belong to anyone. They can have a
destiny, or can have an entirely randomised life. Most frequently, people are made Insomniacs to help either the Random or the
Purpose win one of these. They are altered by the Long Timers; creatures in between the humans and the next stage up from
them. They live a long time, but not forever; they can die, and are subject to many of the same psychological weaknesses as we
are. They have auras, and many of the powers associated with Insomniacs. They refer to humans as Short Timers. Well-known
Long Timer figures are Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos. Clotho and Lachesis are the servants of the Purpose, and are frequently
described as 'good', although this is a purely subjective term. Atropos is the servant of the Random, and wholly evil, although this
is not a feature of the entire Random; it is worth remembering that Hitler and Stalin were claimed by the Purpose.
The next stage up from the Long Timers are the Centurions; powerful servants of the Random or Purpose, who are almost demi-

gods. They do not come to Earth very frequently, preferring to watch their plans take shape from afar.
And then, there are the ----------. There is simply no word which can adequately describe them in the human language. They live
so long that it might as well be eternity. There are only two well known figures among the ----------; they are the Crimson King, and
the Green Man. They are of the Random and Purpose respectively.
It must be remembered throughout, that the use of such terms as 'good' and 'evil' to describe these creatures is absolutely
foolish. They are so far above humans and their moral systems that these words cannot have any bearing on them whatsoever.
Often, the Centurions and up remain in The Tower, a place which is not a place, which is outside of normal space and time.
From outside, it resembles a tall tower made of black granite, in a field of roses which stretches on forever. To illustrate the
relative importance of the Long Timers, they are on the ground floor of The Tower. The ---------- are somewhere near the top, if
not at the top. Humans don't even get a look in.

Character Generation
Background: 8
Freebie points: 15

Immortal: The Quickening

By Matthew Rohr (

"We're just getting started."
-- Moran
First of all, let me give credit where credit is due. Anything listed below from White Wolf, and from the Highlander movies (and
any other source) does not belong to me, nor am I claiming credit for it. I claim credit only for the presentation and organization of
that information, and for the extra work done on these rules by myself. Also, my good friend Roland edited this work for me, and
my brother Tim proofed it as well. So they should get just a little credit.
Many people have created systems for playing immortals like Connor MacLeod in the World of Darkness system. My work
borrows heavily from them in some areas, because they had some pretty good ideas. However, I could not bring myself to use
any one of these systems because they had small flaws in them. They were annoying little problems, inconsistencies, etc. that I
probably could have ignored, but I decided instead to try to do better. For those (like me) who wish there was a way to make the
second movie, The Quickening, make sense, these rules are for you. By the way, try the Director's Cut of The Quickening. It
makes much more sense, though you do have to put up with a few badly acted scenes.
Oh, to avoid trouble for everyone involved, when you make copies of these rules and give them away, keep them together in their
entirety. Thanks.

The World of Immortals in the World of Darkness

"No one has ever known we were among you... until now."
-- Ramirez
Long ago, certainly before the age when Vampires first ruled, there was another society of men, The Kingdom of Man. Their
knowledge was far advanced, and had allowed them to alter their genetics until they had achieved the defeat of the genetic fault
commonly called aging. This effect was called "Quickening". It could be disrupted by decapitation, but not much else could kill a
person who had undergone a Quickening. However, this technology and the rest of the knowledge was hoarded by the ironfisted ruling government of the Kingdom of Man. Immortality was given only to a few, and their reign was supreme.
An underground began to develop. A rebel force bent on destroying the ruling caste and securing the benefits of the advanced
technology for everyone started to make small, but effective, attacks on various installations. A unit of this resistance force
actually captured a shipment of the material that altered the genetics of men to create immortal men. Without hesitation, they
used the material and became legendary in their exploits against the government. They were known simply as, The Immortals.
This group was lured into an ambush, and were captured by General Katana, one of the blessed few immortals in the ruling
caste. Their punishment was decided in the religious/military court. The dominant Traditions of magick in this time were nothing
like the ones known today. They practiced a strange blend of religion, science, and magick without the interference of Paradox,
but with strange limitations that were self-imposed and semi-religious.
This court decided on a fantastic punishment. The Immortals would be exiled in time, their memories faded. They would be
reborn to mortals and eventually realize their immortality. They would be ignorant of their true history, but they would have several
rules ingrained in their pattern. They would be drawn toward each other, and driven to combat. Each successive winner would be
healed as a reward. They would fight until only one was left. That one would gain the Prize: he would be imbued with all of his lost
memories, and the lost memories of his slain comrades, and would be able to either return to the time of his origin as an
example of what happens to the enemies of the state, or to simply grow old and die in exile.
The last laugh was had on the rulers of the Kingdom of Man. After the exile of The Immortals (and the subsequent pursuit by
Katana into the future), a resistance group stormed a research facility and accidentally activated a complex new weapon which
involved the magick of time. The resultant explosion was multidimensional, tearing apart space and time, and causing it to
reform. The Kingdom of Man was sundered from reality and became a Paradox Realm. Due to this, those who have gone
forward cannot go back. The Kingdom of Man was ripped from history as well. It is as though it never existed.
The nature of reality had changed, and the magick that had created the Immortals was alien to this new reality. The rules
ingrained in each Immortal underwent changes, as did the powers that made them what they were. They arrived in the new world
staggered in time, a result of the temporal displacement. Their memories were indeed faded, but from time to time, flashes of
their true history would flit across their minds. They found that they had incredible powers. They were drawn to each other, and
knew that they had to fight, but the death of the opponent caused a specific Paradox backlash that drove the alien power that
created them to find the nearest appropriate container. Usually that was the victor. It has been presumed that the nature of the
Prize has also changed.

Immortals are sterile, probably as a result of Paradox attempting to minimize their effect on this reality.
The Watchers and the Hunters are groups of mortals (and the occasional supernatural) that know about the Immortals. The first
group is chronicling the events and lifetimes of the Immortals; the second is trying to destroy them. Some have speculated that
the energy of the Immortals cannot be destroyed. They believe that when the last Immortal dies, the cycle will begin again, a new
age of Immortals with the same souls being reborn. Some are adamant that there could be only one . . . age of Immortals, that is.
The Gathering is a persistent legend that has gained new life. It has been handed down from mentor to pupil that there would
come a time when all remaining Immortals would feel an irresistible pull towards a faraway land to fight for the Prize. As the
number of Immortals has grown smaller, the drive to seek each other out has grown stronger, and has resulted in an impromptu
assemblage of Immortals in North America. Some say this is the beginning of the Gathering. (If Storytellers want to have the
Gathering impact the environment, make all attempts to avoid fighting more difficult, etc.)

[Author's note: This is my best attempt to reconcile the all of the movies and the series to date. Basically, it allows the player
to understand that the events in The Quickening did happen, but for the purposes of present reality, they have no meaning.]

The Rules
"We must fight until one remains. You are safe only on Holy Ground."
-- Ramirez
The rules that each Immortal feels within himself underwent some basic change when the Kingdom of Man was sundered. The
first rule is that Immortals battle only one on one. The second rule is that no Immortal may be killed on Holy Ground. The third rule
is that there can be only one. The fourth rule is the rule of Paradox.

Rule 1: This rule has several aspects to it. There is no restriction that makes Immortals battle honorably. Some use poison gas,
some use guns, etc. What does exist is a driving impulse to stop fighting when anyone else is present. This impulse takes the
form of a Willpower roll with a difficulty of 7. Each success is a turn during which no further roll is necessary. If there are no
successes, the Immortal must leave the scene as quickly as possible. If there is a botch, the Immortal loses a point of
Quickening and leaves as quickly as possible. An Immortal who is tied to a spot because of loyalty to a thing or person may roll
his Willpower with a difficulty of 5 for the purpose of defending that thing or person only. By spending a point of Willpower, an
Immortal may dispense with these rolls and continue the battle indefinitely.

Rule 2: This rule is for the protection of the Immortals involved. The structure of reality in the universe is tolerant of Immortals so
long as they remain coincidental. When they fight on normal ground, Paradox intervenes to keep the energy of the Immortals
from escaping into the universe to wreak havoc. When an Immortal is killed on Holy Ground, the aggressor is immediately
destroyed as well. The power is absorbed and destroyed by the ground. Holy Ground equates to nodes in the World of
Darkness. During a fight on Holy Ground, Paradox events will try to separate the combatants if possible (i.e., weapons will
break, the opponents will lose each other in a maze of hallways)

Rule 3: This rule is as deeply ingrained as the second rule. Immortals feel drawn to each other, and driven to combat when
faced with each other. They can set aside this killing impulse by paying 1 permanent Willpower per Immortal. From then on, they
will not be driven to combat the Immortal (ever) unless the only Immortals left are those who have been set aside that way or if
they are under the effect of a Dark Quickening. In the first case, a point of Willpower must be spent in each meeting to keep from
attacking the other Immortal. In the second case, the Dark Immortal will always try to engage another Immortal in combat.
Immortals who have not yet discovered their Quickening (through their first "death") are considered immune from this rule. They
do not provoke the killing response from other Immortals, and they do not feel it. However, once they are quickened, they must
spend the point of Willpower immediately.

Rule 4: This is what keeps Immortals secret. Immortals carry within themselves the secret for eternal life for any man. When
someone discovers that an immortal person is walking around, there is always the risk that they will try to capture that person
and extract that secret through magical or scientific means. If this were to happen, more Immortals could be created from regular
men. Eventually this could unbalance reality and cause another sundering as Paradox and reality once more asserted their
dominance. Immortals go to great lengths to keep their existence secret. They feel this need deeply.

Character Creation
"Because you were born different, men will fear you."
-- Ramirez

Attributes: 7/5/3
Abilities: 13/9/5
Backgrounds: 5 points (Age, Allies, Arcane, Artifact, Contacts, Fame/Legend, Influence, Mentor/Companion, Notoriety,

Willpower: 5

Sanity: 10
Power: 0
Quickening: 1
Dark Quickening: 0
Freebies: 15
Freebie and Experience Costs
Freebie cost per dot Experience cost per dot
2 points
Current rating x2
2 points
Current rating
1 point
Current rating
1 point
Dark Quickening NA
1 to remove 1 dot, 3 to remove 2 dots
3 points
3 points for the first dot, then current rating x 3
New "Power"
3 points
3 points for the first dot, then current rating x 3

Quickening: A Few Notes

This is the essential combination of genetics and magickal energy that gives the Immortals their power. Mages see Quickening
as "processed" Quintessence. They are unable to pry it from the pattern of the Immortal. In fact, an Immortal can spend one point
of Quickening for an automatic success against any attempt by another to manipulate his Quickening, or his mind. Immortals are
tightly knit: their soul, their pattern, their mind, and their Quickening are so close as to be almost indistinguishable.
Beginning characters start with a Quickening rating of one which may not be raised with freebies. This helps to explain why
young Immortals are sought out by older Immortals, both for training and for swift elimination. Those wishing to obtain the secrets
of the Immortals would have the easiest time with a young Immortal. A young Immortal must always be on guard. There are many
reasons why everyone wants them dead.
Quickening, like Willpower, comes in two varieties: permanent and temporary. There is no limit to Permanent Quickening.
Temporary Quickening may be used to perform a variety of effects. Temporary Quickening is recovered at a normal rate of one
point per day. It can be recovered more quickly on Holy Ground, where one point is received every hour.
The effects of the Quickening are spectacular. When Quickening is used during a fight between Immortals, it often manifests as
sparks, lightning strikes, sudden kinetic bursts of energy and the like.

Spending Quickening
An Immortal can spend temporary Quickening to achieve the following results.
Heal one level of normal damage for each point spent. This may be done multiple times in one turn. The maximum amount
per turn is equal to Stamina.
Raise one attribute by one for one point of Quickening. This is not limited to physical attributes. To further raise the same
attribute requires two points of Quickening. The next point in the attribute requires three points of Quickening, etc. This
effect lasts until the end of the current scene. Immortals max this way at 7 points in any attribute so affected.
Power Magick, Arcanoi, Disciplines without Quintessence, Blood, Pathos, etc.
Change one point of normal damage inflicted by their weapon into one point of aggravated damage.
For 5 points of Quickening, cause a sword strike to induce a kinetic effect. This effect cannot directly harm a person, but
can destroy walls (a la The Kurgan vs. Ramirez), floors, bridges, lights, etc. The specific effect is up to the Storyteller. This
effect can destroy weapons, but only if the target weapon is immobile (i.e., imbedded in a tree, braced in a vise). In almost
all cases, the Immortal attempting to use his Quickening in this way should not know what it is going to do. Slamming your
sword into the floor in an attempt to open up a big hole might just result in all of the lights in the building going out, and your
sword getting stuck. As an ST, I find myself rewarding flow over planning on this point. Desperation always wins out over
guile with this ability.

This trait is required in order to have any power in any of the Spheres of Magick, and your rating in any Sphere may not exceed
your Power rating. This rating also allows the taking of any applicable Arcanoi, Disciplines, or other analogous abilities with the
permission of the Storyteller. Again, the rating in Power must be higher than the rating of the ability you want, and you may have
no more Spheres, Disciplines, or Arcanoi than you have dots in Power. So a Power rating of 2 would allow an Immortal to
develop 2 dots in Potence (Vampire Discipline) and Forces (Magick Sphere) by paying the appropriate amount to develop
those abilities. Storytellers should be wary of allowing an Immortal to take any kind of powers. This is here mainly to help
simulate Immortals like Nakano and Kane, and the other sundry abilities of Immortals, not to make them super characters.

This trait represents the overall mental stability of the Immortal and starts at the highest possible rating, 10. It is analogous to
Humanity for Vampires. As it decreases, so does the ability of the Immortal to deal with the world around him. Taking the life of
another Immortal can result in losing a level of Sanity for various reasons, and it is also possible to lose a level due to the
passage of time (for every century of life, roll Willpower vs. 6; failure means a loss of one point of Sanity). The only way Sanity
can ever be regained is through role-playing and the permission of the Storyteller.
********** Completely stable
********* Mostly stable
******** Somewhat compulsive -- driven
******* Slightly neurotic -- very compulsive
Sort of eccentric
Pretty eccentric
Downright mad -- extremely eccentric
Mildly delusional -- schizophrenic
Clinically insane -- schizophrenic -- delusional -- mildly psychotic 4
Totally psychotic
Look at the purple elephants

"So what you 've got here, Brenda, is a guy who's been creeping around since at least seventeen hundred."
This new background costs no points to purchase; instead, the cost is taken into account in what the Immortal gains. The Sanity loss
which occurs may not be repurchased with freebie points; they are gone for good and may only be regained through role-playing and
the good graces of the Storyteller. The Storyteller has the right to restrict this background in his chronicles, limiting either the maximum
amount this background may be purchased, or banning it altogether.
Rank Age (years) Sanity loss Additional Quickening Extra Freebies
100-250 -2
*** 250-400 -3
**** 400-600 -4
***** 600-1000 -5

"I dated pieces of the blade to six hundred B.C.; the metal had been folded two hundred times."
-- Brenda Wyatt
The Immortal owns a supernatural artifact of some sort. Regardless of its origin, it is very valuable and often powerful.

Very Minor Artifact: gives a very small bonus to traits.

Minor Artifact: gives a small trait bonus.
Major Artifact: seriously affects one trait or performs some miscellaneous effect.
Powerful Artifact: serious affects a number of traits or performs a number of miscellaneous effects.

***** Legendary Artifact: Excalibur, The Holy Grail, Poseidon's Trident, stuff like that.

These are really 2 sides of the same coin. Legend is simply fame gathered in another time and another persona.
Obscure, recent or not well-known: William Burroughs.
** Fairly recent and strong influence: Malcolm X.
*** Students study about you in high school: Benjamin Franklin.
**** National hero: George Washington.
***** A myth or god known across the world: Hercules.

"I cannot allow a friend to die in my place."
-- Hamzen
You were trained in the etiquette of the Immortals and in fighting by an Immortal mentor. If your mentor is dead, do not take this
background. This is for live mentors only. Your mentor is considered to have already spent the Willpower to associate with you,
and you are considered to have done the same. Companions are the same as Mentors, except that the Immortal was not trained
by the Companion, but has merely developed a deep friendship with him.
Obscure or very young mentor, relatively unknown. Richie.
** A known Immortal. Still young, but good.
*** A well known Immortal. Middle-aged and respected. Amanda.
**** An Immortal with Notoriety of 5. Old and very good. Nakano, Kastagir, Kane.
***** Connor MacLeod, Kurgan, Ramirez, Duncan MacLeod, Methos.

"It was always my fight... it is done."
-- Hamzen
You are well-known and either feared or respected among other Immortals for your deeds. You are not necessarily a bad person
or made a large number of kills, yet the perception of you is one of a skilled Immortal.
You are one to be watched.
** You are considered to be an accomplished headhunter.
*** You are a truly formidable adversary.
**** Your name strike fear into the hearts of other Immortals.
***** You are a legend among the Immortals, feared and reviled.

Special Powers of Immortals

"You can't fight for me, and I won't allow you to die for me!"
-- Duncan MacLeod

Immunity to Age: Immortals cease to age from the moment of their first Quickening. They will not visibly grow older as the
Quickening constantly regenerates the body.

Immunity to Death: The only way in which an Immortal will die is decapitation or total body destruction (e.g., being thrown
into the sun). However, they still feel pain, and even when put through the worst of tortures, they remain alive and mostly
conscious (see regeneration). Some fates can be worse than death. Failure to eat or drink can result in a coma-like state
of fitful dreaming and painful waking. These specifics are known. Immortals can "breathe water" for 10 minutes per point of
Stamina, after that, apply normal drowning rules. Immolation in fire causes spontaneous and total regeneration of all
damage (once the Immortal is removed from the fire) but requires 25 points of Quickening (gack!). If less than this is
available, the Immortal is still healed, but falls unconscious until normal health levels are reached due to regeneration.

Regeneration: Immortals regenerate one Health Level per turn so long as they are not engaged in strenuous physical
activity such as combat or running. For an Immortal, the only kind of aggravated damages are Quickening or Magick
enhanced damage. This damage will heal at one Health Level per turn, but requires the expenditure of two points of
Quickening per Health Level. Immortals who take 10 wounds (3 past Incapacitated) are knocked unconscious for the

duration of the scene. They continue to heal while unconscious.

Quickening: This is the essential energy that gives the Immortals their power. Beginning characters start with a
Quickening rating of one, which may not be raised with freebies. There is no upper limit for the permanent Quickening
rating. For details on the use of Quickening, see above.

Higher Trait Limits: Over the course of time, Immortals may raise their traits past the normal human limit of 5. The
maximum rating in any trait for an Immortal is 7. They may also pick one trait to have at 8, one at 9, and one at 10.

Sense Quickening: Immortals can sense the presence of their brethren within a few hundred meters. This power is
automatic: it requires no roll. The Immortals cannot sense the exact location of the other, only their presence. Relative
strength can be determined (i.e., this Immortal is more powerful than I am). Also, when an Immortal sees another Immortal,
she knows his true nature immediately. And when an Immortal is slain by another Immortal and undergoes a Quickening,
any Immortal within a kilometer or so will be immediately alerted to the exact location of the battle. Immortals can also
sense the other supernaturals of the World of Darkness, and can tell the difference between them.

Common Senses: Immortals can sense the presence of all living things, if they extend their senses. They can actually
extend their senses into the creature to feel what it feels. The Immortal spends 1 point of Quickening to roll
Perception+Empathy (for humans) or Perception+Animal Ken (for animals) vs. the target's willpower-extra Quickening
spent. This ability does not work on supernaturals (Vampires, Mages, Immortals).

The Kill
"If your head comes away from your neck, it's over."
-- Ramirez
In order to take the head of another Immortal, announce "There can be only one!" and make a normal attack roll. Use the
following table to determine difficulty level. If at least 3 successes are not rolled, the attack is considered a complete failure. If
three or more successes are not rolled against a target that the ST deems helpless, the attacker gains a point of Dark
Quickening due to the ghastly nature of a missed headstrike. A disarmed opponent is considered one step up the table. Apply a
-1 for a willing opponent who is disarmed. This roll may be opposed by the target if the target is aware of the attack. The
attacker may spend 1 permanent Willpower for 1 success, but may spend no more than that.
Dif Situation
6 Your opponent has 10 levels of damage or more or is willing to die.
7 Your opponent is Incapacitated.
8 Your opponent is Mauled.
9 Your opponent is Injured.
10 Your opponent is uninjured.
When one Immortal kills another, several things take place. First of all, the victor adds the permanent Quickening rating and Dark
Quickening rating of the vanquished to his own ratings in each.
Then, the victor gains some of the knowledge of the vanquished. For every point of Temporary Willpower that the victor has, he
may add one dot to any of his traits (except Quickening, Willpower, and Sanity) that the vanquished had a higher rating in, so
long as doing so would not break any rules (i.e., Power restrictions). None of these additions should ever cause the victor to
exceed the rating of the vanquished in that trait. Storytellers may assign derangements of the vanquished to the victor in a
temporary fashion, or in rare instances, permanently. One option is to roll Willpower vs. 5, splitting the die pool for the
derangements as desired.
Finally, the victor rolls for Sanity loss. Roll Willpower vs. the Dark Quickening of the vanquished. A failure indicates a loss of
Sanity. A botch indicates an extra point of Dark Quickening. If the roll has any successes, the victor may ignore one point of Dark
Quickening gained from the vanquished for each success.
The victor is immediately healed of from all wounds, has full Willpower and Quickening, but spends 10-Stamina turns disoriented
and unable to act coherently.

Dark Quickening
When an Immortal's Dark Quickening is greater than Sanity x2, that Immortal becomes a Dark Immortal. That Immortal becomes
evil and disregards all but the 4 rules (he may also ignore those at the discretion of the Storyteller). He will actively hunt
Immortals, and kill mortals who stand in his way. Dark Quickening can be removed through Magick (requires Spirit 5, Mind 5,
Matter 5, Prime 3). This produces a Dark Twin which the Immortal must defeat. Treat this twin as an exact copy of the character

with a Sanity of 3 and a Willpower of 7. If the Dark Twin wins, then nothing of the original Immortal remains, and the Dark Twin is
now a raving monster that must be destroyed. Easier said than done.
Dark Quickening points can also be bought away with experience points at a cost of 1 for the first point, 2 for the second, 3 for
the third, etc.
Botching any roll enhanced by Quickening grants a point of Dark Quickening.

"I peed my kilt the first time I went into battle."
"Aye, Angus pees his kilt all the time."
-- Angus and Dougal
Immortals tend to have weapons specifically designed to their needs, or conversely, weapons that they mold themselves around.
In either case, some freedom is in order. Here are a few rules regarding Weapons. Weapons have the following stats: Damage,
Difficulty, Strength. They must be balanced in the following way.
Str maximum = 10
Dam maximum = 6
Dif = (Dam+Str)/2, minimum = 5, round up
Weapons can also have traits that they can pay for from their stats. Each weapon may only have one Weapon Trait assigned to
it. Be sure to apply the bonus inversely to Dif (i.e., the botch on a 1 or 2 becomes a -1 Dif). Your Dif must not go below 4 in this
Bonus Weapon Trait
This weapon botches on a 2 or a 1.
This weapon does half aggravated damage to one type of supernatural.
The victim of this weapon rolls 2 additional soak dice.
The victim of this weapon rolls 2 less soak dice.
Set aside one damage die as aggravated damage before rolling.
Add 2 dice to the victim's dodge attempt.
The weapon can be disassembled (do not apply bonus to DIF)
Remove one success from your initiative roll each turn.
For each botch, you take one level of damage.
You may only attack every other turn.
You may attack twice per turn without splitting your die pool.
Some example weapons appear below, crafted according to these rules.
Weapon Dam
Dif Str Special Notes
Long sword Str+4
9 (10) -1 One die of aggravated damage to Immortals.
Claymore Str+6 (4) 6
+3 Attack only every other turn.
4 (5) 7
+1 Remove one success from initiative.
The parentheses show the original values before the weapon trait modification. The Claymore maxes out at 6. Yes, the Mang
could have already been built 2/5/8 originally and then bonused down to a 2/4/8, but in constructing it, 2/5/8 fit better. Build for
style, too, not just numbers. By the way, notice the bonus applied in reverse to the DIF in the Mang.

Weapon Breakage/Disarm
Announce that your attack is to break. Add your weapon's Str + your Character's Str. Compare to your opponent's total. If the
result is positive, you may roll that many dice at a difficulty 6. Each success reduces his weapon's Str by one. A Weapon with Str
0 is considered broken in 2 pieces. A Weapon with Str -1 is considered to be broken in 3 pieces, etc. Immortals can add their
up to their Stamina in Quickening points to their total of Strs.
Disarms are attempted in the same way, but when disarming, use Character Dex instead of Str and Melee Skill instead of
Weapon Str. Botches indicate that character attempting the disarm loses his weapon.

"Unbreakable" Weapons

Weapons that have been enchanted or are for some other reason considered "unbreakable" must require a character to
expend points (i.e., Talisman/Artifact/Fetter/etc.). For each dot purchased in some sort of weapon enhancement; add 10 Str to
the weapon Str for the purposes of defending weapon breakage. These are background options. Remember that weapons
purchased this way will probably have other powers inherent to them (depending on the level of the rating).

Interaction with the World of Darkness

Immortals try to stay clear of everything else around them (rule #4), and try to stay out of the spotlight, but occasionally they cross
paths with the other supernatural beings of the World of Darkness. Each group sees them a little differently.

Vampires: Caught up in their eternal Jyhad, the Kindred know next to nothing of Immortals. Some few Elders know of their
existence. The blood of an Immortal is charged with power, so it is strongly coveted by those who know its power. For this
reason, Immortals tend to steer clear of the Kindred, despite their relatively similar states of being. In game terms, each blood
point of an Immortal counts as 2 blood points. Furthermore, a vampire drinking Immortal blood gains one level of Potence,
Celerity and Fortitude for every 5 points of permanent Quickening that Immortal has. This lasts so long as there is Immortal blood
in the vampire's system. Immortals cannot be Embraced. In order for mortals to be Embraced, they must die first. To kill an
Immortal, decapitation is necessary. Unfortunately, headlessness is also a state which prevents undeath. Immortals cannot be
made into ghouls, either. Their system rejects the blood as if it were a virus. Vampire blood causes flu-like symptoms when
ingested by an Immortal. Vampires and Immortals usually avoid each other.

Changelings: Except for the odd personal contact or family member, these have little to do with the Immortals.
Garou: Immortals probably socialize best with Garou. They have similar outlooks on the world. Friendships between an Immortal
and a Garou are not frequent, but not unheard of.

Wraiths: The vitality inherent in Immortals shines through the Shroud like a miniature sun. Using Lifesight, Wraiths can
immediately recognize an Immortal as unusual, though they may not understand exactly what they are. On another note,
Immortals never become wraiths. Their souls are tied to their Quickening. Immortals can sense the presence of Wraiths in areas
where the Shroud is thin, like Holy Ground, and may go there seeking the presence of specific Wraiths without consciously
realizing it. They just feel as though their dearly departed are "with them" in some way.

Mages: Mages know of Immortals, but the reactions to them vary. Some see them as hedge magicians or other sorts of unusual
mortals. Some mages want to study them to see how they might be related to Ascension. Some want to reproduce the
immortality effect, and will stop at nothing to discover its secret. Friendships between Mages and Immortals is not impossible,
though ground rules frequently have to be established regarding personal space.

Mummies: Mummies make ideal counterparts and companions for the Immortals. Unlike other Immortals, one does not have to
worry about being immediately attacked when around them. They, too are beyond the ravages of time and have some
understanding how to deal with the passing centuries. Unfortunately, they often leave for the Underworld for long periods of time
after their deaths in the physical world.

Demons: Any Demon in Hell would love to get its hands on the soul of an Immortal. Those souls, besides having great power in
their own right, are like soul banks, containing the souls of many other deceased Immortals. It would be like a buy-one-get-thirtyfree sale. However, the bizarre nature of Quickening prevents the soul-stealing and psychic lobotomies that Demons need to
perform in order to harvest souls. Immortals may never sell their souls, but they may still become infernalists by performing favors
for demons and making deals to get the souls of others for their demon masters. Demons may only attempt to use effects rated
equal to or lower than the Dark Quickening rating of the target Immortal.

Angels: Angels see Immortals as a curiosity. They, too, recognize that in one final soul, all of the Immortals will be saved or lost.
They view the Prize as almost a messiah-like state, implicating the salvation of many more people than even the collected
Immortals. They interfere, at times, to balance Demon interference in the lives of Immortals.

Jason Voorhees: Friday the 13th

Version 1.1
By Charles W. Plemons III (, edited by Betty D. Plemons. Produced by the Crypt of Nosferatu
"Yeah, that really scared the shit out of him."
-- Elizabeth, Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives

Author's Notes
This work is based on the nine films in the Friday the 13th series and relies heavily upon ideas proposed in Jason Goes to Hell:
The Final Friday. This is simply one possible way to involve Jason Voorhees in a Chronicle. No doubt, new updates will be
made after the upcoming release of New Line's Jason vs. Freddy film (tentatively titled A Nightmare on Friday the 13th).
Please visit my web page ( for updates of this and other World of Darkness projects.
This may be freely distributed by anyone in any format as long as credit is given to the author but cannot be distributed for profit
for any reason.

Known History
On Friday, June 13, 1946, a boy named Jason Voorhees was born. He lived near Camp Crystal Lake with his mother Pamela
for 11 years until the summer of 1957, when he drowned in Crystal Lake. He died due to the negligence of two camp
councselors who decided to fool around rather than watch the children. His death drove poor Pamela over the edge. She
proceeded to start fires and perform other terrorist acts in an attempt to close the camp. In her mind, she was doing the world a
favor by keeping other children from dying at the camp.
Despite Pamela's efforts, the camp was re-opened numerous times. Finally, the unhinged Mrs. Voorhees started murdering
camp counselors. By that time, she could not differentiate between them and the counselors from years ago and held them all
accountable for her son's death. Her killing spree claimed ten lives before she was decapitated by one of the counselors, Annie,
the sole survivor. Unfortunately for Annie, she was murdered by an unknown assailant a few months after the massacre, and the
case was never solved.
A few years later, Camp Crystal Lake was re-opened, and the murders began again. Somehow, a hulking Jason Voorhees had
returned from the grave and was killing everyone around Crystal Lake. The deformed Jason masked his hideous visage with a
pillow case pulled over his head. This brutal killer was brought down by a female counselor who cleaved him with a machette.
Unsurprisingly, Jason did not die from the machette wound, and the murders soon began again. Jason took a hockey mask from
the corpse of one of his victims, donned it, and from that point on was not seen without the mask. Many more people died before
an axe wound to the head seemed to kill the brute.
Jason's body was carted to the local morgue where he did, of course, revive. He carved a bloody trail straight back to Crystal
Lake, but he was brought down by a twelve-year-old boy named Tommy Jarvis who freaked out and began hacking into Jason
with a large machette. Jason was dead and buried, but poor Tommy went insane.
Tommy Jarvis spent the rest of his childhood being transferred from one institution to another until finally ending up at a home
near Crystal Lake. Soon after, "Jason-style" murders began again. Everyone immediately suspected that Tommy had flipped
out and was emulating the psycho Jason. It was discovered that Jason Voorhees was not the killer this time, but neither was
Tommy. A local man had gone crazy after the murder of his son, and he was venting his rage by pretending to be Mr. Voorhees.
Still haunted by the memory of Jason, Tommy decided to destroy the body of his nemesis. Thus, Tommy returned to Crystal
Lake and dug up Jason's body. In a fit of rage, he began stabbing the corpse with a large iron spike, but as Tommy prepared to
burn the body, a bolt of lightning struck the spike, and Jason Voorhees re-animated.
Tommy eventually succeeded in trapping Jason at the bottom of Crystal Lake. Of course, Jason did not remain there, but was
accidentally freed by a young psychokinetic woman. Once again, he began killing everyone at Camp Crystal Lake that he could.
Eventually, he was dragged back to the bottom of the lake, but a few years later, a passing boat's anchor snagged his body and
pulled it into some submerged cables. A jolt passed through the body, and Jason came rushing to the surface.
Jason rode on the boat to the river and out to sea. He climbed onto a cruise ship and began killing everyone aboard. The ship
sank, and Jason went with the survivors to Manhattan where he ran amok until being killed in the sewers.
Years later, murders once again started at Camp Crystal Lake. The FBI sent a special team to hunt the killer, and Jason
Voorhees was blown to pieces. The FBI gathered up all the parts of his body and returned to Washington D.C. to study them.
Once there, Jason's spirit possessed one of the agents and headed straight back to Crystal Lake.

Jason was forced to jump from body to body as only a Voorhees could sustain his spirit. He tried to possess his baby relative,
but he was stopped at every turn. Finally, he was able to inhabit the dead body of his sister and return to his full terrifying
strength. However, he was killed and his soul was sent to hell where, to this day, he is thought to remain.

The Man Behind the Mask

What is Jason Voorhees, and why can't he be stopped? After Jason's death in 1957, his mother went insane and began
dabbling in the occult. Her grief caused her to desperately search for a way to bring her son back to her. In a way, Pamela
succeeded. Using knowledge gleaned from the Sumerian Necronomicon (the Book of the Dead), Mrs. Voorhees attempted to
summon Jason's soul back to his body, but instead, she brought forth a demon from the pits of hell. This demon possessed the
dead body of young Jason. Having been summoned by Pamela, the demon was forced to serve her will by taking the role of her
son. After her death, the demon was free from the bindings imposed by Mrs. Voorhees.
This demonic entity was confined to the area surrounding Crystal Lake. Jason was able to leave the area for short times, but
always headed back at the first opportunity. While on Earth, Jason has been effectively immortal. Serious wounds have had little
effect on the body, resulting in a nearly unstoppable creature.
The entity inside Jason Voorhees is utterly evil. It cannot be killed by conventional means, and it passes that on to its host. The
demon is about a foot and a half in length and resembles a skeletal lizard with only two legs. It is rarely seen, as it resides inside
the heart of Jason. If Jason's body is utterly destroyed, the demon can possess any other human being. Unfortunately for the
demon, other bodies are not as functional as Jason's. Thus, it must continuously switch from body to body. If the demon can
enter the body of a blood relative of Jason Voorhees, then it regains full strength and once again looks like the hulking
monstrosity known as Jason.
What is not known is how much of the real Jason's personality survives. It is entirely possible that "Jason Voorhees" is solely a
corpse animated by a demon and is in no way influenced by the long dead child. If this is the case, then Jason Voorhees is not a
murderer, his body is simply being used by one of the hellspawn. At times Jason has shown some recognition for others, such
as his mother Pamela. In fact, he even avenged her murder. However, it is not uncommon for summoned minions to seek
revenge for the death of their masters. This raises the question, what of the real Jason Voorhees' soul? Has he been damned by
his mother's actions and forced to co-reside with this demonic entity in his decaying corpse? Perhaps he does, and perhaps he
enjoys it.

Abilities and Characteristics

Damage Resistance: Jason Voorhees is extremely resistant to damage, being able to take tremendous amounts of
punishment with little effect. The massive and brutal killer has Health Levels of OK, OK, OK, OK, -1, -1, -2, -2, -5, Incapacitated.
In addition, Jason automatically soaks one level of damage when wounded.

Iron Will: The demonic Jason Voorhees cannot be Dominated or influenced with powers such as Presence. Such powers
simply fail when used against him. However, being a demonic entity, he is susceptible to magicks and wards against the forces
of hell. It is reasonable to assume that he could be affected by True Faith as well.

Physical Prowess: The demon possessing the body of Jason has drastically increased the mass of the corpse until it is a
hulking monster. Jason dwarves most people, and his strength is phenominal. Consider him to have Strength and Stamina of 8.

Regeneration: Much like a werewolf, Jason recovers a Health Level of damage every turn he is not in combat. This
regeneration ends when reduced to below Incapacitated. Also, he cannot regenerate aggravated damage. Jason takes
aggravated damage from certain supernatural attacks (vampire fangs, werewolf claws, Prime magicks, etc.) as well as from
wounds inflicted by his blood relatives. Jason will regenerate a level of aggravated damage every day. It is important to note that
fire does not inflict aggravated damage upon him.

Fighting the Demon

As most anyone could tell you, Jason Voorhees is not one easily defeated. Many have tried, but no one has been able to keep
this monster down. Numerous times, Jason has been sorely wounded, only to come back at a later date. It seems that
coincidence has also played a part in his continued existence. A few times, a large jolt of electricity has re-awakened the demon
inside of Jason.
If Jason Voorhees is wounded with aggravated damage to the point of Incapacitation, he goes dormant. He will remain in this
state until his awakening is triggered by outside stimulous. For example, jolts of electricity, psychokinetic disturbances, etc.
Once re-awakened, Jason is at full strength. No matter how much damage is inflicted upon him, he cannot be killed on Earth. If
his corpus is destroyed, the demon inside of him will possess another human being.
The demon can attempt to possess a human if a piece of Jason's body is within 20 feet of a viable candidate (treat the
possession as a resisted Willpower roll; Jason needs 5 successes to possess). Once in a new host, the demon will seek out a
relative of Jason Voorhees. If he can find a relative, dead or alive, he can take over that body and resume his normal form. In any
body other than that of a Voorhees, normal decay sets in immediately, and the corpse can literally fall apart around him if he

does not switch bodies.

If Jason can grapple an opponent, he can automatically possess his victim. It takes 2 turns for the demon to crawl out of his
current host's mouth and down the throat of his victim. This possess is automatic if not interrupted. If Jason's victim has a
Willpower of 7 or higher, he can influence Jason's actions up to twice a day. Otherwise the victim has no control over the
possessed body. Once the demon leaves a body, the corpse begins to rapidly decay, becoming a skeleton in minutes.
In a body other than a Voorhees, Jason is somewhat weakened. He only has a Strength and Stamina of 6, but other abilities
remain. His biggest limitation is that he must find new bodies to possess from time to time. It is this ability that has allowed the
apparently destroyed Jason to return to Camp Blood time after time. One has to wonder, how deep must blood ties run for
Jason to be able to possess a relative?
Destroying the body is not the only way to combat Jason. At times, he has been temporarily stopped by such acts as chaining
him to the bottom of the lake where he drowned. He remained thus until accidentally freed by a psychic. There are numerous
such methods for fighting Jason, which could work with mixed results. If Jason cannot be sent back to hell, capturing him in some
way is a viable option.

Murderer Par Excellance

Jason Voorhees is one of the most notorious serial killers in the World of Darkness, having committed at least 125 counts of
murder in the past twenty years. Jason does not have a preferred method of murder, seeming to kill indiscriminately with
whatever is at hand, including his bare hands. He is ruthless and some of his tactics are listed here for those unfamiliar with the
Friday the 13th series.

Machettes: Jason often ends up with a machette. If any weapon could be considered his "favorite", it is this. He has been
known to slash and stab with it, or even hack bodies to pieces. Three of Jason's 125 murders happened with one swing of a
machette when he decapitated three people at once.

Thrown Objects: Jason is deadly accurate with thrown items. He does not normally carry weapons specifically for throwing, but
if he happens to be near one, he won't hesitate to use it. He is infamous for some long distance shots that he has made, as well
as the brutal power behind such a toss. He has been observed throwing a dart through a man's skull from some distance away.

Brute Strength: Jason's strength is unsurpassed. One of his most famous tactics is to grab a person's head with both hands
and crush the skull. He has also been known to snap the spine of his victims or break their necks. At times he has even twisted
the head off a person's body. Jason has, on numerous occasions, simply punched his hand through the torso of his victims.

Miscellaneous Acts of Cruelty: Few killers are as creative as Jason Voorhees. In his twenty years, he has shoved garden
shears into a woman's eyes, wrapped a strap around a man's head and twisted it until his skull crushed, and worse. In one of his
most famous murders, he grabbed a woman in her sleeping bag and whipped her into a tree with enough force to kill her.
Never underestimate Jason, as he can turn any situation into a deadly one. He has no remorse and is driven by pure hatred. His
extreme strength makes him deadly with anything that he cares to use as a weapon. As many of his victims are dismembered or
decapitated, he is very dangerous to supernatural creatures.

Use in the World of Darkness

Kindred: Jason has yet to encounter any of the Kindred, but they are not immune to his predations. If necessary, it is possible
for the demon to possess a vampire. It would still be subject to the restrictions of vampires (sunlight, etc.), but it would gain the
enhanced physical nature as well. Ghouls can also be possessed. Jason Voorhees cannot be made a ghoul or vampire, nor can
he be Blood Bound.

Changing Breeds: As Jason haunts the forests of New York, it is only a matter of time before he meets up with some of the
were-creatures. As Garou inflict aggravated damage and travel in packs, it is likely that Jason would be put into one of his
dormant states. Garou can be possessed just like humans. Garou have no innate resistance to this or special powers against
the demon, as it stems from Hell, not the Umbra.

Mages: Being more powerful than the average person, mages have a greater chance of surviving an encounter with Voorhees.
A powerful mage may even be able to send Jason back to hell for all time. An enterprising Nephandus may try to ally with or
control Jason. Most likely this would result in a very dead Nephandus.

Wraiths: Jason has created 125 potential wraiths. How many are out to avenge their deaths? A wraith could become an
unsuspected ally in a Chronicle involving Voorhees. Jason has no innate ability to sense or combat the dead.

Changelings: A faerie could very easily die at the hands of Jason; however, if he kills one with cold iron, it is by happenstance,
not design. The fey can be possessed by the demon.

Mummies: In a way, Jason is very much like a mummy, being able to recover from death. Unlike the Undying, Jason can be
finally defeated, it is just yet to happen. Jason cannot possess a mummy, even a Bane mummy.

Gypsies: Being storytellers by nature, the Rom know to avoid the area of Crystal Lake. But then, how often do gypsies roam the
backwoods of New York state? Some of the gypsy charms against evil may well work against Jason Voorhees.

Fomori: Jason shares many characteristics with fomori, as both are the results of possession by evil spirits. However, Jason
has many significant differences. Jason is not allied with the Wyrm or fomori, and he will kill them just like anyone else. Lucky for
the fomori, Jason cannot possess them.

Immortals: Jason has not yet fought any Immortals, but it is just a matter of time. Bear in mind that Jason often decapitates his
victims, so he is potentially lethal to them. The demon cannot possess an Immortal.

Attributes: Strength 8, Dexterity 4, Stamina 8, Charisma 1, Manipulation 3, Appearance 0, Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Dodge 1, Intimidation 5 (Physical), Brawl 4 (Crushing)
Skills: Hunting 3, Melee 5 (Machetes), Security 2, Stealth 5 (Stalking), Throwing 4 (Knives), Tracking 2
Knowledges: Area Knowledge: Camp Crystal Lake 4, Occult 4 (Demonology)
Willpower: 8

Without these sources, this work would not have been possible.

Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th Part 2
Friday the 13th Part 3
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter
Friday the 13th Part V: New Beginning
Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives
Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday

Ka Luon

In the MAGE main book, a creature that caught my interest was the Ka Luon, extra-terrestrials of the World of Darkness. I
thought about their status, Location, etc. Here are some ground rules:
Ka luon are immune to mind control/blood bond.
Ka Luon have the Numina of Telekinesis and the disciplines of Domination and Auspex
Ka Luon do look like the aliens on Sightings (grey skin, scrawny, almond eyes)
Ka Luon are not spirits,and thus have no Power, Rage, Gnosis,or Charms.
Ka Luon are solid, and cannot become intangible.
Ka Luon aren't capable of Magick.
Ka Luon are not harmed by mundane weapons in their true form.
Ka Luon do not suffer unbelief.
Ka Luon science is advanced far beyond human standards,and thus all Ka Luon have computer 7, Science 6, Technology
6, and Research 6 in addition to their normal powers.

Ka Luon Society
Ka Luon live as hive minds, each dominated by a Kanro, who controls the other caste's actions. The Kanro are, in turn,
controlled by a mysterious presence known as Devorex. (Information on Devorex will be presented upon request)
Occasionally, a Kanro breaks off from Devorex, and in turn,loses control of its ship's crew, spawning the rogue Ka Luon. These
are the ones responsible for abductions, anal probes, etc.

Ka Luon on Earth
Ka Luon have technology beyond that which is humanly possible, and use it to walk unhindered amongst humanity. Chief among
these are Kabuki Masks (See Demon Hunter X) and holograph projecters.
For the most part, Ka Luon are harmless to humanity. However,exceptions exist. The rogue Ka Luon almost uniformly hold ill will
towards humanity.

Ka Luon Castes
The Karno, hive leaders
The Barboros,investigators and scientists
The Wusinousni, warriors and security
The Mystkali, repairs and programming

Typical Karno
Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2, Charisma 5, Manipulation 6, Appearance 0 (4 to Ka Luon), Perception 4,
Intelligence 7, Wits 5

Skills: Alertness 3, Awareness 1

Talents: Leadership 5
Knowledges: Computer 8, Law 6, Lore (Ka Luon) 5

Numina: Telekinesis 5
Disciplines: Dominate 6, Auspex 7, Fortitude 3
Special: Command all Ka Luon From ship.
Appearance: A Karno is a withered, old looking Ka Luon with brown skin instead of grey. It sits in its chair, never moves, and
relies on the other Ka Luon to defend it.

Health levels: O.K. X 3, Bruised X 5, -2 X 2, -5 X 2, splattered.

Typical Baraboros
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2, Charisma 1, Manipulation 1, Appearance 1 (3), Perception 3, Intelligence 6, Wits

Skills: Firearms 2, Stealth 4, Surgery 6

Talents: Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 3
Knowledges: Medicine 6, Science 7, Law 2, Linguistics 2, Computer 8
Numina: Telekinesis 3, Cyber-psi 2, Cyberkinesis 3
Disciplines: Dominate 2, Auspex 3
Appearance: A Baraboros looks like a Ka Luon in a satin-red trenchcoat, buttoned to the left side. It wears a blood-red cap on
its head.

Equipment: Neuro-analyzer, Tranq gun (Range 2, diff 6, damage 6+ shock stun)

Typical Wusinosi
Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3, Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Apparance 1 (2), Perception 3, Intelligence 5, Wits

Skills: Firearms 4, Melee 3, Stealth 4, Survival 4

Talents: Brawl 2, Dodge 3, Alertness 4, Intimidation 3
Knowledges: Computer 6
Numina: Telekinesis 4
Disciplines: Auspex 2
Appearance: They wear blue/black suits which have a green patch, and cover their entire bodies except their head and hands.
Eqpipment: Mind control rod (Mind 4), Plasma gun (Diff 7 /Dmg 8, unsokable without Life 4/Fortitude 6), Suits (Cause
invisibility, +2 soak rolls)

Typical Mystakali
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 1, Charisma 3, Manipulation 1, Appearance 1 (2), Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits

Talents: Dodge 3
Skills: Repair 5, Research 4
Knowledges: Computer 8
Numina: Telekinesis 2, Cyberkinesis 4, Cyber-psi 5
Disciplines: Dominate 4, Auspex 5
Appearance: Same as Wusinosi, except no patch.
Gear: Tools+ whatever equipped with.

Q: Who is Devorex?
A: Devorex is a Very powerful entity, right up there with the metaphysical trinity. Little else is known, except that he does not care
about the Ascencion War, the Sabbat & Camarilla War, or the Garou struggle.

Q: Why are Ka Luon so F***ing powerful?

A: The truth is, they aren't. Most Ka Luon are Mystakali. Back in ancient times, when the Ka Luon ruled the galaxy, they
experimented with different lifeforms. One of these was humanity. A different race, the Zargossa (like the Predator) had
overthrown the Ka Luon and now hunts them rabidly.

Q: What are Numina?

A: Psychic powers presented in Demon Hunter X. If you do not own Demon Hunter X I encourage you to put it on the top of your

Q: Why is Ka Luon History Not Presented?

A: Their Grand Archives were demolished by Zargossa raiders, and the Ka Luon have no history to call their own. They seek to
take back the empire from the Zargossa. It is said only the oldest Karno and Devorex himself know the Ka Luon history.

Q: What if i want Ka Luon PCs?

A: Ka Luon have an extreme amount of power, and thus should start off weak. No Caste has a specfic advantage, but is
encouraged to pick powers that suit the caste.

Character Creation
Attributes: 6/5/3
Abilities: 12/8/4
Numina/Disciplines: 3 points to spread between them. They only have access to Dominate/Auspex disciplines, and cannot
use Necro-psi.

Virtues: One free in each. 7 points to distribute.

Willpower: Automatically 10 (Ka Luon spend Willpower in place of blood points, and do possess Chi).
Backgrounds: 5
Freebie Points: 12
Humanity: Self Control + Conscience.
Buying things with experince uses the same rules as in the main books.

LICH: The Inversion

By Brian Connors (

Author's Notes
I presume the issue of Liches will be dealt with at length when the rumored Revenant game comes out. In the meantime, I
provide below a rough sketch of the place of the Lich in the World of Darkness; a more complete layout for Lich: the Inversion will
follow eventually.
This conception of the Lich is based more than a little on the Magic: The Gathering card of the same name; for those of you who
aren't Magicheads, you lose all life and once you run out of cards in play you're dead.

Preliminary info
The Lich is perhaps one of the most terrifying creatures in the World of Darkness. The Lich (or, as they refer to themselves,
Soma) is a powerful but reclusive being which resembles nothing so much as a skeleton with shreds of skin and ligament still
attached. It is thought by many Garou that the creation of fomori was accomplished through research on Liches; in any case the
Garou consider Liches to be one of the most grotesque manifestations of the Wyrm on Earth.

The Inversion
The last moment of the Lich's human life is known as the Inversion to the few who have experienced it. The prospective Lich is a
human of either evil or extremely vengeful character and superhuman willpower; the Inversion is precipitated by the consumption
of a massive dose of some of the most powerful toxins known to man after weeks of intense meditiation. At that moment, the
Lich truly becomes Soma as the soul, instead of becoming a wraith, seeps into the body.

The Lich's first purpose is what keeps a Lich going and prevents him from passing into the Shadowlands. Usually after that first
purpose is accomplished, the Lich must face a decision, based on the fact that willpower is all that prevents it from becoming a
The threat of meaninglessness is enough to panic a Lich, and the panic deepens the longer the Lich survives. Boredom is not
just anathema, it is lethal, since no willpower is needed to sustain it. As a result, the oldest Liches are immensely knowledgeable
about virtually every subject, simply because for many learning is all that is left for them and to cease to learn is to bring on
Boredom. If you ever see an odd-looking, thin fellow who looks to have Silly Putty for skin and is buying more books than you can
read in a year, well...

Liches in Society
Liches are recluses. They appear largely as skeletons, and often will fall apart into a pile of bones when at rest. Those that do
venture into society often have elaborate plastic "bodies" to pass enough to not be noticed, though they're rare.

The World of Darkness Stereotypes

Vampires: Granted, they find immortality easier, but why should any being wish to be a parasite for all eternity?
Werewolves: So few understand what we aren't, yet so many know what we are. Perhaps the Soma is of the Wyrm, but can't
they understand that we inevitably understand why this is so wrong? Yet they would destroy us all if they could.

Mages: One must laugh. Their powers mean so little to us; what's reality when your very existence is through Paradox?
Changelings: They fear us deeply, and without good reason. We have no problems with them, and we hope they will eventually
understand that.

Wraiths: We avoid them; as a consequence it will go very badly for us who finally do reach the Umbra.
Revenants: Stupid, stupid beings. If they knew what we knew they would never return.

Mummies: No one can explain why we are so different, but we seem to have nothing in common. It is a major vexation to us.
Immortals: Our existence is agony; theirs is ... what? We keep clear. We know merely that the mere witness of the Quickening
is enough to drive a Soma insane.

Fomori: The agony of these corrupted souls is nothing compared to us; if Pentex Inverted them instead, however, the Garou's
work would be finished for them...


By M.J. Janecka ( (24, April 1995)

Sonja Blue and Living Vampires

With the publishing of Nancy A. Collins' Sonja Blue trilogy under White Wolf Publishers, Some of us gamers in the World Of
Darkness may be interested in the concept of living vampires. Sonja Blue describes herself as "a species of one" -- unique in
that she is a living vampire because she never quite died before her transformation.
Nancy A. Collins, of course, didn't write her books with the Storyteller series in mind, but it might be interesting to translate Sonja
Blue and introduce the concept of living vampires into the World Of Darkness. The following is my interpretation of how this could
be done within existing rules.
The thing about becoming a vampire is that the embraced person is at the threshold of death when given vampire blood. She
actually dies, but is sustained at the point of death by the power of the blood. Anyone still actually alive and given vampire blood
would just be a ghoul. But, the living vampire is, by definition, alive, yet still a vampire and thus immortal. How can this happen?
Well, suppose you take a Highlander-type Immortal to start with. From Hank Driskall's and John Gavigan's unofficial supplement
Highlander: The Gathering, we consider an immortal to be immune to vampire blood. But, before an immortal's first death, she
lives as a normal human: she can grow old, get ill, etc. Suppose that such an immortal's first death is at the hands of an
Embracing vampire? She is not truly immortal at the time and may be susceptible to the effects of vampire blood. At the point of
first death, the immortal's life force flares to its full immortal glory. At the same time, the vampire's blood is given to her. As she
gains her true immortality, this Embraced person could also absorb the power of the blood given her by her sire. Thus is
produced a living immortal person with the characteristics and powers of a vampire of her sire's clan.
Such a creature should essentially be treated as an Immortal: She has Quickening and the powers according to her Quickening
rating. She is resistant to Life and Prime magick as is a regular Immortal. She is alive and can eat and breathe and be drugged
and poisoned, but can not actually die from problems associated with these. Loss of her head will kill her. She gains and loses
Quickening as do other Immortals. She also has attributes of a Vampire. She has retractable fangs, is prone to Frenzy, has
Humanity, Virtues, and Blood Points, and has Vampire Disciplines, as well. She is immune to the burning effects that sunlight
has on normal vampires, but is nocturnal and has the maximum dice pool limit equal to her Humanity rating that vampires are
limited to when active during the day. She is not especially susceptible to fire. She has a maximum number of Blood Points
equivalent to that of a normal vampire of her generation. Like a living being, she loses one Blood Point for every Health level lost,
and regains one for every Health level healed. Living vampires regenerate their own blood supply. They can also take blood from
others to replenish themselves quicker, and can spend Blood Points as can a normal vampire (to enhance physical attributes,
heal faster, make ghouls, etc. Vampire Disciplines are open to her as a member of her sire's clan.
Such a creature as this can be Truly Bitchin' and should probably not be made available as characters to players, but here are
guidelines for character generation of Living Vampires:

7/6/5 for Primary/Secondary/Tertiary -- same as Highlander characters. Optionally, give them only 7/5/3 if you want to tone them
down a little.

13/9/5 for Primary/Secondary/Tertiary, or more, as described in Highlander: The Gathering if you want the character to be over
100 years old.

Start with Quickening I and a point in one of the character's Clan Disciplines, and three more points to spend on whatever
Vampire Disciplines you want. Optionally, give the character only Quickening I and one point in a Vampire Clan Discipline if you
want to tone her down a little.
Blood Points can be used to heal, etc, as Vampires can. Resistance to Life and Prime spheres of magick, as for standard
Heal at the same rate as do standard Highlander Immortals. Blood Points will recover at the same rate. Option: To tone them

down a little more, perhaps make Vampire Blood Points completely independent of Health level, and only recoverable by taking
blood from another source. A Living Vampire may go into Torpor if she loses all her Blood Points.

Same as are suitable for either Highlander Immortals or for Vampires.

Finishing Touches
A Living Vampire also gets 18 Freebie Points to spend, just as do normal Immortals. Optionally, give her only fifteen, as regular
Vampires get.
With regard to ambiguous situations, treat the character as an Immortal first, and a Vampire, second. I haven't tried these ideas
out, but this looks like a Bitchin' character type to me!. If anyone uses a Living Vampire in their game, let me know how it goes!
Here is my estimation of Sonja Blue's stats. I haven't read the books in a couple of years, so my interpretation will probably be
easily disputable.

Sonja Blue
Ninth generation Ventrue
Nature: Caregiver; Demeanor: Loner
Strength ** Charisma ** Perception **** Dexterity **** Manipulation * Intelligence *** Stamina **** Appearance **** Wits ****
Alertness ***
Athletics **** Brawl **** Dodge *** Empathy *** Intimidation **** Streetwise **** Subterfuge
** Firearms * Melee ** Stealth *** Survival *
Occult *** Auspex **** Dominate ** Fortitude * Potence *** Presence *
Quickening ****
Conscience **** Self-control *** Courage *****
Humanity *******
Willpower *******

THE LIVING DEAD (version 1)

By Mark Kinney (
"The dead outnumber the living one hundred thousand to one."
-- Ad copy, "Day of the Dead"

Author's notes
This article is based on George Romero's Living Dead series ("Night of the Living Dead," "Dawn of the Dead," and "Day of the
Dead") and ignores the "Return of the Living Dead" movies. The original piece was based on several months old memory of a
viewing of all three movies consecutively. Having recently seen the movies again, I can make corrections. In the process I will
present an overview of Romero's universe (pieced together to make the timing work out, considering the sequels came at nearly
10 year intervals), and give some ideas as to how it might fit into the World of Darkness. This should be considered addenda to
the Living Dead article I poster to vampire-l oh-so-long ago; eventually I may do a re-worked version of the whole deal, taking all
five games into account, but not yet.

The Romeroverse
In the early seventies, the Venus Explorer probe was returning to earth. Along with it's scientific information, however, it also
brought some strange kind of radiation.
Around the same time, reports began coming from the eastern part of North America of a spate of mass murder, with people
going from house to house, killing as they went. Later reports indicated that the killers were partially eating their victims. Finally,
the truth came out after a series of government meetings -- the radiation from the Venus probe was animating the unburied
dead. A series of rescue stations were set up, and the governments, which had previously encouraged people to stay in their
homes, told the people to go to these rescue stations. The National Guard was mobilized in the affected states, and groups of
hunters led by these and law enforcement officers began hunting down the ghouls.
The undead's numbers were rapidly growing, however, and soon several rescue stations were overrun. Changes happened so
quickly that the media couldn't keep up, sending unwitting people into the undead's clutches and swelling their numbers. Finally,
as government control began breaking down and the phenomenon was felt elsewhere, some of these hunting groups turned into
roving looters, taking advantage of the situation, and any lone travelers they came across. Others took whatever vehicles they
could and fled to whatever seemed safe from the undead; defensible buildings in the middle of nowhere, whatever islands they
could get to, and so forth. Fuel became a rare commodity as people fled from the affected areas.
The only exceptions were the military bases that had survived the initial attacks. These bases often looked for survivors, and
most were already hosting scientific teams that were looking into the problem soon after it began. As time went on, however, the
very few survivors that were found dwindled to none, and several years after the dead began to rise, the living, holed into
whatever secure bases they could find, were outnumbered by the undead nearly 100,000 to one.

The World of Darkness

The above events were the obvious events to those not in the know about the World of Darkness. Here is some possible
backstory I've pieced together for this background.
The Giovanni clan struck a deal with a group of Spectres; the wraiths would begin skinriding some unburied corpses, and the
confusion causes by this in both realms would give the Giovanni the chance to establish themselves in power. Giovanni sources
in NASA gave them early warning of the radiation the probe carried back with it, and the decision soon came back from Venice:
it was time. The killings started mass confusion in the real world, and that triggered a huge Maelstrom in the Shadowlands.
The Euthanatos were among the first to realize what was going on, and start efforts against it. They took advantage of the Venus
probe to establish coincidence, and got announcements out. The Camarilla princes were able to figure out something
supernatural was going on, and were already working municipal entities under their control against the threat. The Sabbat went
to ground, waiting to see what happened.
The Technocracy used the incident to eliminate the Void Engineers. The New World Order and Syndicate decided that the
Engineers had veered away from their purposes after the recent moon landinds, and with the aid of the relatively new Virtual
Adepts, unwittingly eliminated all possibility of averting disaster as all means of turning the probe away were lost in the resulting
Soon, however, the Giovanni found the situation falling out of even their control, as the Spectres continued massing. The
Euthanatos tried to mobilize the Traditions against the undead, eventually succeeding in getting the Dreamspeakers, Verbena
and Celestial Chorus on their side. The others, especially the Sons of Ether and the Hermetics, wanted to study them, looking for

a more comprehensive solution. Meanwhile, waves of ghouls began running into the Garou and other lycanthropes. They cut
swaths through each other, but the dead could renew themselves faster than the werefolk, and the changers were decimated -even the Black Spiral Dancers found they were safe only in their hives, and even then they had to deal with their own dead.
As central control broke down, the Sabbat and Anarchs came out of the woodwork, seizing control of many cities from the
Camarilla, however short lived this control would be. At this point, the trods to the Dreaming all closed; the Changelings were on
their own, and the Glamour of this world was decreasing rapidly.
By the time of the events of "Day of the Dead," most of the Kindred are in torpor due to lack of blood sources, although some
have taken to drinking from animals, and the Camarilla, Sabbat, and Black Hand have all effectively ceased to exist. The Ravnos
that remain have taken to travelling with Rom survivors full-time, protecting them from the undead and discreetly taking blood
when they can. The Setites also maintain a herd of sorts. The remaining lycanthropes are scattered in small groups, but are
outnumbered worse than the humans are. The Technocracy has mostly fallen; the only remaining Conventions of note are the
Virtual Adepts, Iteration X, and the Progenitors, who are now working with the Order of Hermes on a solution. The Akashic
Brotherhood eventually joined the Euthanatos and Verbena in fighting the undead, largely unsuccessfully. The only groups mostly
intact out of all the supernaturals are the Nosferatu and the Sluagh; except for this group, the Changelings are largely extinct.

Living Dead cannot be killed except by fire or any injury to the brain, although severe damage to the body can still hamper
mobility. Hitting the brain should be treated as staking through the heart for combat purposes, in which case the Living Dead
deanimates (i.e. dies).
The bites of Living Dead cause aggravated wounds. In addition, unless the affected area is amputated within three turns, an
infection spreads to the rest of the body, causing death in a number of days equal to the victim's Stamina. Vampires, but not
ghouls, are immune to this. Infection victims detect as Wyrm-tainted.
The blood of the Living Dead is poison to Kindred. Each point drank gives no benefit to the Vampire whatsoever, but takes up
blood pool space and also causes a wound level per point (which is apparent after drinking one point), recurring every hour the
tainted blood remains in the system. This can cause the Final Death in Vampires. Kindred with Fortitude can resist this damage
with Stamina+Fortitude at difficulty 8, although I honestly don't know why they would, as empty except for this blood is still empty.
Depending on method of death, a Living Dead will contain 3 to 10 blood points.
Living Dead have a rudimentary memory of their former life. Thus, they retain Abilities despite Intelligence loss.
Living Dead fear fire as do Vampires, but don't care about the sun.
Living Dead just reek of the Wyrm.

To create a Living Dead character, generate a normal living character. After a set of stats are generated, follow these guidelines
for a standard Living Dead:

Increase Strength by 2, even above the limit of 5.

Reduce Dexterity to 2, unless already lower.
Increase Stamina by 1, even above the limit of 5.
Reduce all Social Attributes to 0.
Reduce Intelligence to 1.
Reduce Wits to 2 unless already lower.
Reduce all Abilities by 1. All Skills, as well as any Abilities reduced to 1, are lost.
Eliminate all backgrounds.
Raise Self-Control to 5.
Eliminate all Humanity.

In "Day of the Dead," a scientist trains one of the Living Dead in such a way that it actually gained some degree of its being
back, even coming to like the scientific team to the point that it goes for revenge after the military team in their compound tries to
kill the scientists. Use these rules to reflect this:

Raise Charisma and Manipulation to 1, and restore Skills at rating minus 1.

Raise Intelligence to 2.
Reduce Self-Control to original level.
Begin regaining Humanity, to a maximum of 5.

The Unknown
As to Player Characters, one could extrapolate the possibility that the Living Dead could come close to their former ability. After
all, Bubba (the one from "Day of the Dead") came close to speaking on occasion.
One thing I didn't think of was a Living Dead Garou. If you want to use these rules in a Werewolf campaign, I recommend using
Garou Living Dead as NPCs. Strongly.

THE LIVING DEAD (version 2)

By Shawn Williamson ( (10 Dec 1994)
History: In the early 60's, military scientists were trying to create a chemical weed-killer to use on marijuanna plants. One of the
scientists working on the project was a Sabbat ghoul. This ghoul modified the weed-killer making it a deadly virus, and added some
vampiric blood just to see what would happen.
The substance created was called Trioxon. Only one batch of the modified trioxon was tested on a field in a remote community. The
substance killed the local town people and animated their bodies.
The Army moved in to contain the situation, but found that these Living Dead could not be killed. In the end they forced their bodies into
50 gallon drums for storage. Most of these Living Dead bodies are still in storage at a top secret facility.
The commander of the project kept the incident a secret, even from the rest of the Army. Eventually, though, Army intellegence found
out about it. They took control of the drums too late. Several of them had been lost in shipment.
The drums that were used to contain the bodies were designed to hold waste nuclear material and labeled with a 1-800 number to
notify a nuclear clean up team. This number is now connected directly to an Army Intelligence Living Dead Containment Team.

The Types of Dead: There are two types of Living Dead: The low-intelligent, instinct-driven Dead, and the high-intelligent Dead.
The low-intelligent Dead are created when a Living Dead kills or bites a normal human, transfering the Trioxon virus. These dead have
an intelligence of 1, but after feeding on human brains they can experience an "insight" where their intelligence jumps to 2 for a few
minutes. This allows them to scheme for a way to attract more people (In the Return of the Living Dead II after killing a cop, one Dead
grabbed the radio and said "send more cops")
The high-intelligent type are created when a living human is exposed to Trioxon gas, the military substance that created the Living
Dead problem. These Dead maintain their intelligence, but are subject to a Living Dead form of frenzy.

Brains: The Living Dead need human brains to satisfy their hunger. Military scientists believe it is the brain's electrical energy that
attracts the Living Dead. Tremere researchers, however, believe it is a manifestation of the beast and that since vampiric blood was
used in creating the Trioxon virus, it is blood they are really after. But for some reason, only blood within the brain gives them
All Living Dead have a "sense brain" ability that detects a living human even if their sensory organs are destroyed. Thus a blind Living
Dead would be able to follow a human, but not know how to find the door to the house. Vampires appear as other Dead and will not be

Rules: If a human is bitten by a Living Dead, he will become infected with the Trioxon virus. He will die painfully in a number of hours
equal to his stamina. He will reanimate as a low-intellegent Living Dead and will be hungry for human brains.
Living dead cannot be killed, except by totally incinerating their bodies.
When they are animated, the entire body becomes "alive." Chopping off their heads, or chopping off body parts will not stop them.
Each part will remain "alive" but the intelligence of the Dead will reside in the brain. Destroying the brain does not diminish intelligence
below 1. In fact, several are animated after their brains have been devoured by other Dead. (This fact has medical science wondering
about the exact location of consciousness in humans.)
Vampires gain no sustenance from Dead blood. In fact, it causes an aggravated wound and infects them with the Trioxon virus. They
are immune to the effects, but they can pass it to a human Herd. If the vampire passes the virus to a human, the human will become
sick and die with in Stamina number of hours. The human will become a low-intelligent Living Dead.
To rid himself of the virus, the vampire must bleed himself bone dry. He must remain without blood for several hours so the remaining
virus dies off. Friends may help him avoid a starvation frenzy by staking him in the heart. They must be careful about injuring him too
much, though, or he may go into torpor.

Creation as a player character: Only the high-intelligent type is worth creating as a character. Generate the stats and then increase
stamina by 1 and add Potence 2. Raise Courage by 2. Lower Dexterity by 1.
An intelligent Living Dead will have a Humanity rating as a Vampire. When humanity drops to 0 they become low-intelligent.
The intelligent Dead needs one blood point per day to remain intelligent. (One brain provides one blood point). The blood must come
from the blood left in the brain after the human is dead. Blood from other parts of the body will not do. Nor will vampire blood. If the
Dead does not receive his blood point for the day he will become low- intelligent until he gets it.
The Dead may eat more in order to develop a blood pool. The pool may be no more than to 5. The Dead may use the extra blood
points for healing damage (they never got the chance in the movies), or to hold them over for a few days.
If the character has less than 2 bloodpoints he must roll self-control to avoid frenzy when feeding. This character must also be aware
that whoever he kills to get his daily alotment of brain-blood will animate as a low- intelligent Dead. (Licking your fingers, then reaching
in for more brains transfers the Trioxon virus to the corpse) To prevent the corps from animating, the brain must be removed by
instruments before being eaten. But if the character frenzies when eating he'll just "dig in" and ignore trying to prevent animation.

Using the Living Dead: A Living Dead Character may be fun for the short-term. But since he must kill to feed, his humanity will drop
to 0 in a short time.

Story Ideas: Vampires will want the Living Dead stopped immediately. A Living Dead contamination that goes out of control can not
only wipe out the local human population, but cause the destruction of the city as well. A Living Dead contamination has already
caused one city to be nuked by the Army Intelligence Living Dead Contamination Containment Team (AILDCCT).
Living Dead will have a hard time just trying to make friends with vampires. (Would you make friends with someone who spreads a
deadly food poisoning bacteria at the grocery store where you shop?)

By Green (
Note: For an updated version, see the author's Lost Souls Web site at:

In Lost Souls, the world we know is but the surface of another world. Most mortals go through life as if sleepwalking. Other
creatures prey upon the weak, the corrupt, and the unwitting from the shadows. Spirit beings wander aimlessly throughout the
world, cut off from the source of all reality that birthed them billions of years ago. Why are they here? Who do they serve? Not
even these beings, commonly called angels, know themselves.
They are trapped here on this earth in mortal shells. No concrete memory exists of their origins or of their past. Unaccustomed to
human flesh and human minds, many go insane or become corrupt before they can become aware of their condition. Some lose
faith in themselves, in humanity, and in the ultimate meaning of life and existence. These creatures undergo a slow spiritual
decay which sends them into oblivion upon their physical demise, since their souls have been killed by their doubts. Even if they
accept what they are, the struggle is not over. Confusion results because they feel pulled in many directions. Their spirits reach
longingly for the peace in their origins, but their human side begs them to stay on Earth with the people and places they love. On
one hand, they try to be good and decent. Yet on the other hand, fear, ignorance, malice, and lack of restraint sometimes
overwhelm them.
There is still hope for these fragmented souls. With a life of balance, they may still the forces pulling them apart and gain peace.
With faith and understanding, they may gain access to their past and to the knowledge that is there. If they remain pure, they can
possibly eliminate the threat of oblivion.
Note: This game assumes that players are familiar with White Wolf Games and the World of Darkness setting.

To be an Angel
There are many things that describe the condition of being an angel. But foremost among them is duality. Within these beings,
the contradictions of the universe battle for supremacy, and they struggle to make sense of it all before it can destroy them.
Good and evil, life and death, sanity and insanity: all these exist within the bodies, minds, and souls of angels. It is part of what
makes them what they are, and most like human beings.
How they cope with these things varies. Some relentlessly try to purge the undesirable parts from themselves. Others do their
best to try to understand and bring them into balance. Yet, the manifestation of their solution also varies. While one angel may
use prayer and meditation to keep Corruption away, another may split apart his pure and Corrupted aspects, becoming one or
the other when the situation demands it.
So, this dispels any previous myth about angels being primarily benevolent or "nice." Of course, there are those who can be
gently persuasive and caring, but these are not the norm. The situation of the world seems to have brought forth a more martiallyoriented group of angels. However, there are as many types of angels as there are angels and human beings. Just keep in mind
that human encounters with angels are unlikely to leave either party feeling uplifted, and there will likely be no joy in discovering
that "God loves us all/" An encounter with a powerful, un-Corrupted and very insane angel is probably going to make those who
interact with him feel more than a little disconcerted.

Angels on Earth
Before time began, these beings simply existed. Suddenly, things started happening. The tranquility and stillness of the universe
just started becoming active. Matter, space, time, and energy sprang into existence. Spirits awakened from their preconscious
slumber and became aware.
The beings took notice. Curious, they observed to see how things worked. They watched with interest as things formed from
seeming chaos and formed into order. Patterns emerged in the physical realm. Some of these beings took it upon themselves
to make sure that this new creation developed "properly." Meanwhile, things in the developing spirit world were still swirled in
disorder. The spirit world almost absorbed their attention, and increasingly they became more detached from the "predictable"
physical realm and focused on the ethereal realms. Gradually, the two realms started to bleed into one another, and some spirits
were able to slip into the material world while some terrestrial beings got lost in the spirit realms. Whole chunks of land, planets,
and galaxies disappeared, possibly never to return. Later on, some questioned whether or not there were civilizations like
Atlantis, whether Mars and Venus also had their own peoples. However, the whole matter is a mystery.
The angels, though, did not remain entirely ignorant while the cosmos formed. They discovered that there were indeed patterns
and rules by which the universe operated. First, they knew that all things continue unless something stops them. Second, power

depends upon strength and the time in which it is utilized. Third, all actions have a reaction, although equal and opposite are
relative to each being. Finally, there is an exception to every rule.
Thus, it follows that they were naturally cautious about following the spirts to the material realm. For them, it was still a huge
mystery. They did not know how they would be affected or what could happen to them there. So, for a while, they just observed.
They watched, but never interfered as life developed on several planets across the cosmos. They looked on as large reptilian
creatures struggled to survive on a small blue ball in space. Some tried to incarnate there, but they never returned, unable to
remember what they were. Upon the body's demise, nothing was left of them. Future attempts had much the same effect. Later,
the others discovered that the mind as well as the body changes when travelling to the material realm. Eventually, they found that
in order to successfully incarnate, they must find a host which has a mind that could store the memories of their experiences
beyond the physical and spiritual planes. Several species were attempted, including the last remnants of the reptilian species
that crawled across Earth. Only a few angels had successfully accomplished the feat. They were, however, stuck there, unable to
return to their origins. Some of these beings still live today.
The limited success of incarnation made the remaining angels reluctant to visit Earth again until the dinosaurs died out and new
species evolved to replace them. The results were the same. When the world was covered in ice, they tried again. Again, they
had failed to make any notable progress. Then, they attempted to try humans, possibly the most awkward beings in the universe.
Barely equipped with the natural equipment they needed to survive their environment, they thrived. They did not use instincts to
persevere, but something else. They watched with marked interest. A very few attempted to incarnate into these beings, using
recently deceased bodies as hosts. To their surprise, it had worked. Future trials followed, although they were not
overwhelmingly successful, though not as clearly futile as past attempts. Some of these incarnated beings had lost their minds
when the memories of the past became too much for them to bear. Some were abandoned by their groups, left to die of
starvation and exposure because there was something wrong with them. The lives of the survivors were far from ideal as well.
They learned the experience of death, sickness, pain, and joy, compassion, and love, and hate, fear, and selfishness. Their lives
were more complicated as they tried to make sense of these things.
They were in a constant state of learning. They learned that they were not invulnerable. With bodies, they could become sick,
they could hurt, and they could die. For some, the shock of sensation was enough to warp their minds. Thus, they learned that
their minds were limited; only so much can be tolerated before they crossed the threshold of sanity. Those fortunate angels who
remained stable after enduring incarnation also learned the meaning of emotions, thoughts, and reason in a way that they had
never known before. They knew doubt, fear, sorrow, joy, and hope. It was all very new to them; they had known of these things in
the abstract, but as humans they could know them personally. Unaccustomed to experiencing death and loss, many succumbed
to the darker parts of their newly found humanity; they became proud, selfish, greedy, or malicious; sometimes they lost hope
when they had gone through too much to keep it. The end was typically the same in both cases; upon their demise, the simply
ceased to exist. Some angels visited Earth as well, propelled by curiosity and ambition, heedless of the dangers involved. Upon
their arrival, though, they soon forgot what they were, and then lived out their lives as ordinary human beings. These lost ones,
though always felt confused and empty, as if they were missing something. They typically died miserable and insane. The trend
has yet to be reversed.
Why did they need this communion with humanity? That depends on whom you ask. Some monotheistic scholars would argue
that by becoming human, these beings get closer to God. Perhaps they have some sort of message to spread. People from
other cultures would argue differently. To them, these beings could be ancestor spirits, spirits of the forces of nature, or beings
who have a karmic debt to repay. Maybe they are all right. Who knows?

In reality, nobody can tell why angels are here, not even the angels themselves. For the most part, whatever purpose or meaning
behind their lives has been what they have put into it. They assume their roles on their own volition, although a good number of
them would point to another being. Those closely aligned with different cultures would digress, defining their duty as to help
people achieve some sort of cosmic enlightenment. Still others differ, saying that it is they who have to learn from humans how to
achieve unity with the universe. It goes on and on. What many of them fail to realize is that they are seeking a purpose rather than
fulfilling it. There are those angels who set themselves rigidly upon a path, but this is by no means automatic. It is a choice, a
painful choice sometimes, but a decision they made nonetheless. How their minds warp to accommodate their views depends
entirely on the angel and the views that he holds. An angel of a Judeo-Christian persuasion might, for instance, believe that God
implanted the desire to find Him inside their souls, and that they merely found what they had been looking for. A more nontheistic angel would probably think that they simply realized what was true all along, and they had just recently evolved enough to
accept it.

Angels as Human Beings

Angels are not terrestrial beings. Thus, being so foreign to the physical realm, a decision that all angels must make, consciously
or not, is the means by which they will travel to Earth. There are only two ways which have worked to any degree of success.
Reanimation is usually the preferred method of travelling to Earth when an angel is in a hurry. People who witness this call it "the
dead rising from the grave." However, it is more than that. Reanimation occurs when an angel infuses a part of his spiritual
essence into the body of a recently deceased mortal. From thenceforth, the body is alive. It can breathe, bleed, and it is warm to
the touch. There are no signs that the body was dead in the first place. It must be noted that this body must be cared for properly,
or it will reveal the death it knew in its full grotesqueness.
The process of reanimation is more than just going inside a body and then walking around. The event is very painful, both

physically and emotionally. The sensory overload of reanimation often paralyzes the angel for hours or even days. Extreme pain
assaults every cell of the body, and catatonic confusion results when the human mind is forced to cope with the experience.
These things are temporary, but when time is short, it can be dangerous.
The main spiritual advantage of reanimation is the fact that such angels are typically focused. With no attachments to the
physical world to hinder them, they are free to devote themselves to the task at hand. Things get done with reanimated angels;
there is little of the ambiguity that plagues those angels who are born. Clarity of vision and purpose are their trump cards. They
find it much easier to transcend the limitations of human understanding.
This does have a down side. Being so distant from the human experience, they can be impossible to deal with. They find it hard
to comprehend feelings and reason the same way that humans do, for all they know is intuitive rather than logical. It can be said
that they are more like animals in that the necessary behaviors they need to perform a function are largely innate, although with
time they can improve on these inborn capabilities. It is extremely difficult for them to overcome the chasm between their natures
and that of humanity. People are typically uncomfortable around them, sensing that there is something not quite human about
them, and something not necessarily good. They encounter great hardship when they need people to get things done, and in this
modern age, it is a handicap indeed.
Some angels are born, literally. They put their essence into the first living cells of a human fetus. Sometimes, though, they enter
the wombs of mothers who had miscarried. Inside the womb, they grow and develop. Then, they are born. Their lives are fairly
normal until the onslaught of their spiritual awakening. They typically grow up somewhat alienated from their peers, and even
adults, who do not react well to the one who is different. The circumstances of their lives often make them feel as if they were
being tested. Death is a common theme in their lives, for they tend to lose people and pets very close to them at a young age. A
lot of them have near-death experiences just before they realize what they are. There is an air about them that seems to seek
what is true and eternal rather than momentarily stimulating. They have a deeply ingrained sense of integrity, and often this
clashes with the fads of the day. Most of these things manifest themselves subtly. Oftentimes, these individuals feel themselves
into and out of conventional faiths and beliefs; they try each one on as if it were a garment, then discard it once they realize it
does not fit who they are or what is true.
When they finally find a place for themselves in the order of things (or just before), they experience something that begins to
shake them out of their foundations. Visions of past times and unearthly places come to them as they sleep and wake. They see
things that are and are not there. The naturally overwhelming feelings this generates is traumatic for them, and the lessons they
learned early in life could be of great assistance when this happens (sometime between 25 and 50 years of age). Without the
grounding this provides, the angel could easily become corrupted in their spiritual infancy. They can also go insane. Lacking the
focus necessary to keep themselves together, they can be overcome by the changes and enter physical, mental, and spiritual
If the angel survives and thrives after his illusions are shattered, he has an invaluable tool at his disposal. His extensive and
intuitive understanding of human nature allows him to walk amongst the mortals unnoticed, and communication with humans on
their level is natural. If the situation calls for it, he can more easily manipulate people's minds. This empathy can prove
debilitating when the angel in question needs to transcend human concerns like love, fear, and survival. Their feelings can get in
the way, and sometimes they find themselves acting on other people's wills instead of their own.

One of the strangest things about angelic society is that the young angels give names, terms, and definitions to the complexities
of this unearthly society. The old angels, those who have been around long enough to do away with such trivialities, react to this
without much more than a shaking of the head. They allow the young angels this comfort; they understand that it's their way of
coping with the scale and nature of their existence.
There is no formal society of angels. A hierarchy in the human sense doesn't exist. Generally speaking, angels tend to gravitate
toward each other, if out of a need for support and security than anything else. These groups, commonly called Choirs, tend to
have members of the same age and level of enlightenment. Their backgrounds, professions, and paths may seem oddly
mismatched, but in each Choir the members share a mission compelled by their common experiences. It is as if they all need to
learn the same lessons, and each member can call on the others, whose own experiences and perspectives can shed light on a
situation. Very often, such a group has been the saving grace of many angels who would have drifted into corruption without the
help of their Choir.
They do, however, have older beings toward whom they give respect. This is not respect that is demanded or dictatorial, but
more of a subconscious recognition of such angels' awareness. These elder angels have been along many of the roads the
Choir may travel now, and the fact that these beings have survived and thrived say much about their wisdom and spiritual
fortitude. These senior beings give their own brand of assistance, as enigmatic as it often is, to help the Choir along on its
journey. Young angels often take these tidbits of information or advice and use them to go on epic journeys full of soul-testing in
order to understand their meanings. They call these "missions."
The young angels have their own ideas of organization. They have divided up the angels into three groups, which they call
spheres: the Low Sphere, the Middle Sphere, and the High Sphere.
Each Sphere has three Ranks, which more accurately determines the nature and level of each angel's enlightenment. These
correspond roughly to the medieval European ideas of the celestial hierarchy, but there are differences between cultures and

Death is perplexing to most angels. For most, it is final in the sense that the angel's present consciousness will no longer exist.
Speculations abound as to what happens after an angel dies. The first school of thought believes that once an angel's time on
the material plane runs out, that's it. Unless, of course, the angel has the power and spiritual fortitude to stay long enough to find
a new body. It is believe that it is this method which gives so many Corrupted angels their supposed immortality. Another belief
is that angels are subject to reincarnation in the same way that humans are. When they die, their former identities strip away as
they enter a new life. Yet, fragments of the previous incarnations remain. They reveal themselves when an angel displays skills or
knowledge which they cannot have learned in their present life. Perhaps this explains why some angels can do and know things
without being taught or told them. Hypnotherapy and meditation often reveal details about what could have been former lives.
This is by no mean easy or painless. Memories of past lives assault the minds of these angels; very often, they display
tendencies toward psychoses such as schizophrenia, multiple personality disorder, and manic depression. In the case of a
powerful angel's reincarnation, violence can result as the unfortunate person has flashbacks of war and destruction. It is generally
believed that these complications arise only if an angel chooses birth as their means of travelling to Earth, though exceptions do

Stuff of Angels
A major part of what angels are can be described in three words: Faith, Psyche, and Essence. All these things combine to make
up the integral parts of an angel, those things upon which her very existence depend. The struggle to keep these things in
balance makes up the bulk of an angel's conflicts.

Faith is the substance of angels. More than just believing in faeries and vampires and spirits from other dimensions, it is the
willful and active conviction that there is indeed a purpose for everything, a purpose which is grand and beyond human and
angelic imagination. It is a sense of the grandness of creation. It is the willingness to look within and outside one's own
experience to find the possibilities of the universe. Faith is what makes the impossible probable; it makes real that which is
beyond the limited perspective of the sensory world. Faith cannot be sustained with proof. It must simply be lived.
Without Faith, they are incapable of going beyond their human limitations and uncovering the possibilities of doing so. Content
only in the absence of things, those with little or no Faith are spiritually vacant, lacking hope. The level of their disbelief is
unbelievable; many do not even believe any experience that they have that offers "proof" to their skepticism. They tend to be
bitter and miserable people; seeing no point in their existence, they hang on merely because they are afraid to die. Theirs are
scarred souls, and the drab lives they lead often just pour salt on the wounds.
On the contrary, angels with high Faith are as rigid as a mountain when it comes to their convictions. These convictions may not
be correct or socially acceptable, but it is there. These angels know they have a purpose, and they fully intend to act upon it too.
Without a healthy dose of reason to temper their zeal, they can be blind fanatics, unable to see anything that is not within their
personal beliefs and convictions. These beings are particularly dangerous, and they are far more active in their doings than their
jaded counterparts.
It is too easy to lose Faith, and that reveals itself in the cynicism that exists in the young angels and even old angels who have
seen too much go wrong to believe in much of anything. These jaded spirits are testaments to what happens if angels allow
personal circumstances to dictate what exists in all reality. The loss of Faith occurs when an angel experiences or witnesses
something that shatters her sense of purpose and being. It can be anything from the murder of a loved one to watching the news
too long. To make things simple, whenever an angel says or thinks, "Who cares? It doesn't matter in the end anyway?" he loses
Faith. Gaining Faith is hard. There is only one way: to learn that there is indeed something out there, and that something gives
meaning to existence. This something is not necessarily God; it can be a code of ethics or a belief in the possibilities of the
natural world. It just has to be something that gives an angel some sort of purpose.

Psyche is a measure of an angel's connection to her humanity. It is an angel's empathy with human existence, the extent to which
she can understand humans on a personal and abstract level. Angels of low Psyche find it hard to comprehend things like
emotions and reason. They are not beings of logic and feeling like humans are, and this difference makes it hard for them to truly
interact with people. They do not think things out; rather, they intuit their knowledge and act upon it without restraint. The lack of
emotions and thoughts on the human level also means the lack of doubts and inhibitions (these are not necessarily sexual in
nature). Angels of low Psyche don't feel as conflicted as their more human counterparts because they do not feel much of
anything. They don't have a reason for what they do because they are not beings of rationale.
Angels who are full of Psyche find it easy to understand and empathize with human beings. They not only understand people
intellectually, but they also experience the human condition. They know what it is like to feel, to reason, and to have doubts. They
experience these things themselves. Angels of high Psyche are very sensitive beings, so much so that they sometimes absorb
other people's feelings and thoughts into their own minds and hearts, and they behave likewise. This is not a conscious
procedure. It is more like they reflect and incorporate the emotions and experiences of other people into their own personalities.
Angels with high levels of Psyche tend to look at things from a human perspective. This can be debilitating when one sometimes
cannot tell if they are acting of their own will or out of someone else's. Their mixed emotions can confuse their minds, paralyzing
them when action is necessary. This natural empathy has its advantages. For one thing, if an angel is possessed of great self-

awareness, she can subtly influence human minds and emotions without drawing undue attention to herself.
The gain and loss of Psyche totally depends upon an angel's familiarity with humanity. The primary means of gaining Psyche is
to spend time around humans and actively attempt to understand their nature and their actions on their level. This is usually done
by immersing oneself in human society, observing and trying to understand their behavior in many situations, and consistently
looking at things from the human point of view. To lose Psyche, an angel simply needs to disconnect herself from the human part
of her nature. This can be done by spending time in isolation, experiencing trauma that is damaging enough to disconnect her
from her rational and emotional self, or consistently neglecting to see things from a human perspective.

Essence is the spirit-matter which makes up the "body" of angels. It is not as solid as flesh, but it infuses angels with the energy
they need in order to survive and to push their bodies beyond normal human limitations. Angels of low Essence are tired,
lethargic, and weak. They are more vulnerable to sickness and injury. They do not take pleasure in the senses; their bodies are
simply too weak to appreciate it. Angels composed of high Essence, on the other hand, are vigorous, resilient creatures. They
can survive things that would pulverize a human body and shrug off injuries that would leave a normal human writhing in pain.
These are very sensuous creatures, gaining their strength from the joys of the physical world. Strengthening and training the
body, rest after strenuous activity, and indulging the senses are the usual means of gaining Essence. Loss of essence occurs
when an angel sustains injury, reanimates a body, neglects physical needs such as food and sleep, and when they use their
powers to boost their athletic prowess above human abilities.

Perhaps not surprisingly, an angel's worst enemy is herself. Contrary to some beliefs, angels are not inherently good or
benevolent. They are more often than not dangerous, terrifying creatures. The seed of decay which lurks in their presently mortal
hearts struggles constantly to overtake and destroy their immortal souls. This is not some separate, mindless entity as much as
a facet of the angel's own nature which could potentially send her into oblivion. It exists in all but the most transcendent angels,
and even they have been known to succumb to this Achilles' heel on occasion. This destructive part of an angel's personality is
known as Corruption.
Corruption is more than evil; it is the willful turning away from one's true self and the possibility of enlightenment. It is never
accidental. Despite this, it still manages to sneak up on all but the most self-aware and diligent angels. It is more than doing bad
things. Sometimes misfortune is necessary, but to take pleasure in it or to use the threat of destruction (physical, psychological,
or spiritual) as the only means to solve problems is to invite Corruption. To do good things for the wrong reasons beckons
Corruption's taint. To act out of fear, malice, self-interest, or ignorance is to slowly allow Corruption to take root in one's soul.
The danger of Corruption is not so much the trait itself but the consequences it invites. An angel of great Corruption has a limited
span on Earth. His time is up. The time and place of such an angel's demise are unclear, but it is certain. Some of these
Corrupted beings dismiss the idea, seeing that their brethren live for centuries without suffering too much. What they don't know
is that one day the consequences of their actions will repay them with interest.
Avoiding Corruption is an introspective process; it requires total commitment and concentration. To be honest with oneself and
to know oneself completely are the keys to avoiding Corruption. Patience and courage are the doorknobs. In these times, the
process is increasingly more difficult.
Corruption makes itself known through Sin. This is more substantial than mere disobedience. Like the heroes of literary
tragedies, it is a personality trait that could spell the doom of an angel if it is dismissed or indulged. Sins are very few, but they
tend to cover a broad range of behaviors and characteristics. Hubris, avarice, cowardice, wrath, and laziness are but some of
the Sins which plague the angels.
Why would an angel purposefully reject the possibility of Unity? The reasons seem so petty compared to the wisdom and power
these creatures possess. Some are motivated simply by greed and power lust. Not content with merely supernatural physical,
mental, and spiritual enhancements, they need something more. At times, they are so filled with hate or vengeance that any
means is acceptable. As their rage consumes them, the Corruption within them grows, but with their attentions thus diverted,
they cannot do much about it. Most of the time, they simply have lost hope. Day after day, they witness things that seem to them
evidence of the ultimate pointlessness of it all. Many of them are miserable; they have lost faith in everything, and eventually give
up the reason to live. Those that are not suicidal, though, live to spread their unhappiness to others, and to cause the world to
become as empty as they are. They do not do this consciously, of course. Some do, but they typically do not last long. But there
are exceptions that to this day plague the universe. Sometimes, an evil purpose is better than no purpose at all.

There are many words for the condition in which a being has become connected to all creation, gaining power and
understanding from it. Nirvana, Heaven, Ascension, Transcendence, all these words describe a state of being that connects a
person to all which is infinite. An angel who has achieved Unity can literally know everything, feel everything, and become
everything. An angel in Unity is no longer slave to circumstance; they have complete control over themselves and their destinies.
No more will they have to react to all situations, but they can bring something into being. It is free will in the truest sense.

God isn't necessarily on their side
This is a common misconception about angels. Many people continue to believe that the angels' purpose is solely determined
by some remote, anthropomorphic deity. If that is the case, God has been decidedly silent over the eons. Due to the nature of
this discovery, it is no surprise that angels give up hope and abandon their destinies. Without the supernatural guidance of some
god, they feel lost. A great deal of Faith can be lost when an angel realizes that God, as many people know Him, does not exist.
Lacking the justification of a grand scheme planned by a great Creator, they are hard put to rationalize lapses in judgement and
actions which are questionable in their morality.
This also makes it harder to tell exactly how Corrupt an angel has become. Without God as the cosmic mediator and judge,
angels must rely on their own judgement to determine whether actions are moral and justified. They must consciously seek to
recognize the good and bad aspects of reality on their own merits.

They are more vulnerable

Because angels are instinctively aware of their connection with all that exists, they are highly vulnerable to Corruption. Their
understanding of human nature makes them more likely to have human shortcomings which can prove Corruptive to their spirits.
However, unlike people, they cannot gain reprieve because of their ignorance. "I didn't know any better," is not sufficient to justify
actions conducive to Corruption. Regardless of why an angel does something, it always has consequences. Corruption lingers
everywhere, and ignorance of it only gives it more power. Yet, fear of Corruption and the oblivion it leads to must not motivate an
angel to seek Unity. Such motivations are more apt to accumulate Corruption rather than dispel it.
Their spiritual nature makes them more vulnerable to those beings who can attack an angel at the root of his being. Not merely
content to destroy angels, these beings want to watch their downfall from Unity.

Madness is likely
It is often said that genius and madness are two sides of the same coin. That statement is as true for angels as for human
beings. For the most part, the closer an angel grows toward Unity, the more probable that they will go mad. The trauma of
discovering and internalizing truth that is beyond human comprehension can be so devastating that it shatters the angel's human
mind. Small wonder that the most enlightened angels, those who have existed before the dawn of time, are almost completely
inhuman in their ideas of morality. Insane by the standards of any time, they operate on their own codes of ethics and behavior.
They are strangely enough almost devoid of Corruption, and their understanding of humanity is unparalleled. Those who have
interacted with the mad angels often describe them as being "more human than human." Their enlightenment is so profound and
yet so common that they overcome all boundaries to the revelations found in human experience, that which they consider the
path toward Unity. Even demons would hesitate to confront one of these angels whose madness gives them strength instead of
makes them weak.
On the other end of the spectrum are those angels who have already begun their descent into madness or their path to Unity.
One troubling aspect of this is the fact that these mad young angels are by no means uncommon. Their concepts of time and
space often become distorted, and they react to the present the same way that they had already done something centuries ago.
Some memories are so powerful that at times the angel can forget where he is and react to the perceived stimuli in ways that
have dangerous repercussions in the "real world." Highly empathetic angels have been known to act out the suppressed desires
of the people around them, many times with deadly results.

Angelic Powers
Powers provide angels with the ability to exceed human limitations. Whether physical, mental, or spiritual, these powers are the
means by which they overcome the boundaries of their current state and gain access to the power of their age and wisdom. With
Powers, an angel can have the strength of twenty men, transform into a pillar of fire, and spread death with but a touch. The
angels of the high Ranks are wisely feared, for they have mastered their Powers to the point where they can cause a person's
destruction on the physical, mental, and spiritual planes.
Angels are not certain where Powers come from. Some claim that they are gifts bestowed by the Creator. Others believe that
they are natural extensions of an angel's awareness and enlightenment. More schools of thought exist, and it is highly probable
that they are all right. Regardless of the origins of Powers, they enable an angel to grow beyond the restrictions inherent in their
human forms.
Powers are rated from 1 to 10. A score of 1 indicates that a true understanding of the wisdom of the Power has yet to be
understood. A rating of 10 reveals that the angel's understanding of a particular Power is nearly Transcendent. As an angel
gains proficiency in a particular Power, she gains the abilities of her current level but also retains the powers that came before.
Powers are also divided into Tiers. Tiers are rough ideas of an angel's abilities in a Power. The Third Tier is the lowest; it
represents useful understanding of a Power, but its use does not give an angel particularly enlightening capabilities. This
corresponds to levels 1 through 4 of a Power. Angels of the Lower Sphere can only exercise Third Tier Powers, for they do not
yet have the strength or wisdom to exercise them without gaining Corruption. The Second Tier represents a more mature
understanding of a Power. Although the Power is revered for what it can do, the angel also understands that these powers make
discretion and judgment necessary. This corresponds to levels 5 through 7 of a particular Power. They gradually understand that

their Powers expose them to Corruption, and they are careful about exercising them unless absolutely necessary. Middle
Sphere angels generally use these Powers. The First Tier Powers are godlike. At times, the exercise of these powers has
promoted the formation of religions, cults, and other social phenomenons. Levels 8 through 10 are the First Tier of a Power. Only
angels of the Upper Sphere can exercise these Powers.
Players begin the game with four dots to spend on their characters' Powers.

Animus is the power to sense and influence souls. Whether they are the spirits of the dead or of the still living, Animus grants the
ability to maintain a close, intimate relationship to the spiritual aspect of the universe. An angel with Animus not only
communicates with spirits, but he can also travel to their world and interact with them there. As an angel grows in power in
Animus, he also gains the ability to manipulate the spirits according to his will.
Angels without Animus are unable to interact with the spiritual aspects of the cosmos. They cannot see ghosts, go into the many
spirit worlds, or commune with spirits. Malevolent spirits and demons find it easier to affect angels without Animus, for such
angels are more vulnerable to spiritual attack without the means to defend themselves or discern what is attacking them.
Faith is the key element to Animus. Without the desire or belief in what lies beyond the physical world, an angel cannot
effectively sense or manipulate the realm of spirit. For all powers, the player uses his Faith rating against the difficulty of the
target's Gnosis (for non-human souls), the Gauntlet rating (for travel) or Willpower (for the spirits of the dead). Naturally, the
difficulty is adjusted with regards to whether the spirit is willing or not.

Third Tier
* Sense Spirits: This Power is the basis from which all other Animus abilities grow. It gives an angel the ability to sense the
presence of spirits and their general location. The spirits cannot be seen or heard, only felt.

** Commune with Spirits: The angel's connection to the spiritual grows powerful enough so that she can not only sense spirits,
but also interact with them to a limited degree. Commune with Spirits gives a character the ability to see spirits and to
communicate with them. The boundaries between matter and spirit are broken down so that the angel can interact with spirits as
if they were normal people. This Power only works if the spirit is currently on the physical plane. Those watching this Power in
effect commonly see somebody "speaking to the air" or "talking to themselves."

*** Walk Between Worlds: The angel is now proficient enough to travel to the spiritual realm at will. Thus, the angel can interact
with spirits on their own level. Once this power is invoked, the angel simply disappears from view, and only beings who can see
into the spirit world would know where she went.

**** Porter: Sometimes, a soul must be removed from its vessel and put into another place. This Power allows an angel to do
so. It gives an angel the ability to extract a spirit from its current vessel, be it an object or a body, and place it into another.
Although it is typically used to transport a spirit from one inanimate object to another, other cases do exist. Sometimes, the soul
of a living being is put into an object and hidden in order to protect it from assailant who would seek to do the spirit harmed.
Sometimes an angel chooses a living vessel to house the spirit. This power is not without its dangers, however. If the vessel in
which the spirit was placed is destroyed, the spirit is lost forever. Sometimes, when a spirit is placed into a living, sentient
vessel, it can cause all manners of problems that have ramifications in the physical realm and in the realms beyond.

Corpus Angelis
Corpus Angelis is the Power which grants angels their supernatural strength, agility, and fortitude. Angels proficient in Corpus
Angelis are able to use their Essence to raise their natural physical abilities beyond normal human range. Angels with Corpus
Angelis can move inhumanly fast, have a titan's strength, and can withstand the impact of a Mack 10 truck. Angels who do not
have expertise in this Power must raise their physical prowess the natural way.
An angel's Power level in Corpus Angelis determines: how far beyond their original trait that they can raise a Physical Attribute,
how many points they can distribute across Physical Attributes to increase them, and how man Health levels that can be healed
in a single turn. Thus, an angel with Corpus Angelis at level 4 can raise a Physical Attribute up to 4 levels beyond its original
rating. He can also decide to spread out the 4 points, giving two to Dexterity, one to Strength and one to Stamina. If he is injured,
he can heal up to 4 Health Levels in a single turn. The effects last for a number of turns equal to an angel's Rank. But, for an extra
point of Essence, it could last twice as long, giving an angel the ability to drastically increase his Physical Attributes over a
period of time.
An angel's Rank determines the Essence cost of utilizing these abilities. At Ranks 1 through 4, it costs one point of Essence to
add a single dot to increase Physical Attributes or to heal two Health Levels of normal damage in a single turn. Aggravated
damage requires the expenditure of two Essence points to heal each Health Level. At Ranks 5 through 7, it costs one Essence
point to add two dots to increase Physical Attributes or to heal three Health Levels of normal damage in a single turn. Healing
aggravated damage requires one point of Essence per Health Level. At Ranks 8 through 10, it costs one Essence point to add
four dots to increase Physical Attributes or to heal six Health Levels of normal damage in a single turn. It costs one Essence
point to heal two Health Levels of aggravated damage.


Entropy is quite simply the power to manipulate Corruption, be it physical, mental, or spiritual. It is probably the most dangerous
Power to use, but it could also be the most potent if the angel wielding it remains spiritually pure. Angels proficient in Entropy are
both feared and respected. They are feared because their close proximity to Corruption, which endlessly threatens to control
them with each use of their Power. They are respected, however, for their ability to manipulate Corruption and bring purity in its
It uses Faith to operate, but Corruption increases its potency. Without the spiritual fortitude to handle this Power, an angel would
quickly succumb to the corrosive forces with which they tamper. Typically, Faith is rolled against whichever Trait is most
applicable. When dealing with spiritual Corruption, Faith is rolled against the difficulty of the subject's own Faith, Gnosis, or
Willpower. Faith can also be rolled against the local Gauntlet rating when dealing with a place. Faith is rolled against Psyche or
Stamina when dealing with mental or physical Corruption.

Third Tier
* Sense Corruption: Angels who possess this Power are able to sense the presence of Corruption in a person, place, or
object. The exact nature of the Corruption is unknown, but an angel is able to discern whether a person is sick (physically or
mentally), if an object is cursed or if a machine will no longer work, whether a place is polluted with poison or with evil spirits.

** Read Corruption: Whereas Sense Corruption can only tell whether or not Corruption is present, an angel with this ability can
tell what kind of Corruption it is. Hence, the character can differentiate between a place that is the home of a malevolent force or
if it is just filled with toxic waste (and maybe both). He can tell whether a person is suffering a physical malady or is approaching

*** Tap Corruption: It is at this level when an angel is beginning to become attuned to the Corruption in the world. At first, the
presence and nature of Corruption could be discerned. Now, Corruption can be influenced. With this Power, the character gains
further insight into how to find out details about the Corruption in a person, place, or object. Somehow, he intuits a way that can
give him a glimpse into the nature of the Corruption he senses. Thus, an angel standing on the banks of what seems to be a
placid stream somehow finds a small trace of evidence that toxic waste had been dumped there: a fish without eyes, a tiny
puddle of slime, anything. It works the same way with a person. Perhaps the angel stumbles upon a diary detailing dirty secrets
or the target of this power says the wrong thing at the wrong time, not admitting anything but giving clues that say all is not as it

**** Intimate Corruption: Now here is when Corruption begins to reveal itself for what it truly is. At this level of competence, the
angel can discern the exact nature of the Corruption within a person, but it can also extend to objects and places. Intimate
Corruption allows the character to know a person's most debilitating flaw. It can also reveal exactly how a place or object is
flawed. Thus, a seemingly docile home can be seen as a large booby trap, or a car that appears in mint condition can be
revealed as one without breaks or proper steering.

All angels are intuitively aware that all things are connected, that nothing exists completely independent of everything else.
Infusion is a Power that manifests that truth. It allows an angel to share a part of his Essence with an object, place, or person.
The Infused thing gains the supernatural resilience of the angel's Essence. Valuable keepsakes, weapons, homes, and loved
ones can all be Infused, allowing for a deeper connection between the object and the angel himself. Infusion in a sense allows an
object, place, or person to literally become part of the angel.
Angels who lack the Power of Infusion do not quite understand, on a personal and practical level, the links between all things.
Masters of this Power are able to reflect the knowledge their brethren lack in that they can affect the links between people,
places, and objects. At first, these abilities manifest in the ability to locate objects close to them, determine the bonds which are
shared between other beings and their valuable objects, places of power, and loved ones, and to influence those bonds. At the
highest levels, an angel can sever these links, causing severe physical and emotional harm to the being who created the link.
Infusion typically uses Essence for the purposes of creating links. The more powerful the bond, the more Essence is needed.
For a merely existent connection, only one Essence point is necessary. For a bond that could last well beyond the grave,
anywhere from five to ten Essence points are necessary. To destroy a link, Willpower is necessary. It is rolled against the link's
Infusion rating (determined by how much Essence is invested into it to create the link). Anywhere from three to five successes
are needed to completely sever the bond. An investment of temporary Willpower equal to the object's Infusion rating can also
sever the link. However, this is not yet possible until level four of this Power.

Third Tier
* Bond: Some things are valuable, so valuable that to lose them would cause a great amount of personal loss. Characters at
this level are beginning to understand the attachments that exist between all creation. So, they share a part of their essence with
something that is of personal value to them. This reinforces the emotional bond that had already existed, solidifying it in a
physical way. The object is more resistant to damage, and it will only be destroyed under extenuating circumstances. A wedding
ring that is Infused, for instance, will not slip and fall into the sink, nor will it be tarnished by an ordinary fire. However, if it is
smelted, it will be destroyed. An infused sword will not bend or break, nor will it scratch easily. Rust never forms on it, even if it is
made of pure iron.

** No Touch: This Power allows a character to protect an Infused object from others. It makes the Infused object so closely
matched to its owner that it will not be able to be used or handled by another. The wedding ring example again. In the event that
the ring is stolen, the owner is out of luck and must hope that no harm comes to it. With No Touch, it cannot be worn by anyone

but its owner. It will be too tight, too loose, and in general it just won't feel right. Infused weapons are too awkward to handle.

*** Fetish: At this level, the angel is beginning to understand the power of connections. Now, he is able to make the connection
work for him in a more active way. The object which was Infused can now become a weapon in the hands of an angel, for it is so
completely attuned to the angel that it reflects her spiritual fortitude. When used as such, the object can cause great physical
pain and even injury. Weapons that were only mildly harmful before can now be made deadly. Usually, holy symbols and
personal weapons are given this ability, but exceptions do exist. In game terms, the Infused object causes a level of aggravated
damage equal to its Infusion rating when used offensively.

**** Weaken Bond: The ability to Weaken a bond can prove almost as necessary as making one in the first place. Sometimes,
when an object can no longer fulfill its purpose, it must be let go. Weaken Bond allows an angel to do that. It slowly recedes the
connection between an object and its owner, allowing the object to become a mundane thing once more. However, it can be an
offensive weapon, allowing the character to erode the power of an object by dissolving its bond with the owner.

Mens Angelis
Mens Angelis is a Power of the mind. With it, an angel can read thoughts, control minds, transfer thoughts from her mind to
another, join two minds together, and determine if someone is mentally ill. An angel who possesses this Power gains amazing
insight into people -- their thoughts, emotions, fears, hopes, and subconscious urges. Angels who are experts at the use of Mens
Angelis are known as the ultimate psychologists -- or a demonic tempter in the making.
Angels who do not have Mens Angelis are not able to gather the deep secrets which lie buried beneath the many layers of
human minds. They must rely on their own methods to find out things about a person that an angel proficient in this Power can
utilize in minutes or seconds.
Psyche is used to make Mens Angelis work. Without a firm understanding of human nature, it is difficult to detect and manipulate
the subtleties and contradictions inherent in its condition.

Third Tier
* Scan: This Power enables an angel to detect a person's basic mental state. Emotions and moods become as plain as day,
giving the angel the ability to sense if a person is depressed, angry, or afraid without relying on external clues alone. General
psychological health can also be discerned, and the presence of the insane is also known. The uses of this Power are many and
varied, but angels typically find it practical for knowing which people to avoid and how to deal with them when contact is

** Read Surface Thought: The angel's understanding of human nature grows enough so that the first layers of thought can be
seen. An angel can sense the most immediate thought present in the subject's mind. Thus, the angel can disclose whether a
person is going to say or do something in a short period of time. This is particularly useful in determining if someone is telling the
truth or not.

*** Influence Thought: The ability to subtly manipulate the thoughts of people is the mark of an angel who is on the brink of
discovering the power of the human mind. Influence Thought has a variety of effects, but in general it helps social situations.
People subject to this power find themselves feeling unusually comfortable or fearful around the angel (depending on what the
angel wants), and they sometimes go out of their way to be friendly or to avoid the character. Angels who use this Power find that
people seem to naturally tell them things that they need to know, whether out of fear or some other feeling is up to the angel. It
can also be used to gently guide a person to make a certain decision, one which he was about to make anyway. For instance,
say a character is hiding in the closet of someone's home, and the owner was nearing the place. The character could implant in
him the desire to go to the bathroom, or perhaps to go into the kitchen.

**** Impetus: This Power reflects a deeper understanding of human psychology. Now able to reveal the first pieces of the
human subconscious, the character is able to bring out that part of his target. Impetus allows the character to make someone
perform an action which lies deep in his subconscious, although it cannot be used to make them do something that is outside
their inclinations. Thus, a man could be made to yell obscenities at someone whom he doesn't like anyway, but he could not be
made to strike his wife, unless that was his inclination.

Simply put, Metamorphosis is the power of shape-changing. Without it, an angel is stuck in his human form, unable to escape
until that vessel is destroyed. Many may wonder why an angel even bothers with this power if they incarnate in human bodies. It
is quite simple from the point of view of those who have gained a certain degree of mastery in the Power. In order to achieve
Unity, they stress, one must become free from all limitations of the physical world, including one's shape. The insights gained
from walking on four legs are indispensable. There are many things which a simple dog can see that a human cannot. The
abilities granted by this Power enables an angel to see these insights for himself, and sometimes to share the insights with other
people, be they willing or not.
Essence is used in order to fuel Metamorphosis. Without the energy behind the physical form, it is difficult to overcome the
boundaries it sets. The Essence cost depends upon the form that is taken. The closer it is to the angel's original form, the less
Essence it costs to transform and maintain the new shape. Radical changes can use up a lot of Essence, and some even cause
injury when an angel attempts a form that is beyond his abilities. The shift is extremely painful, so much so that the angel must be
physically able to withstand the change. If the angel cannot withstand it, he not only does not assume the desired form, but also

suffers injury. The same rules go for humans, perhaps doubly so. In some failed attempts to change people into other things,
many angels have killed them.
The general rule is that it takes one Essence point to enact the simplest changes. The character remains human in shape, but
some things are different. At five Essence points, an angel can assume the form of a completely inhuman animal, plant, mineral,
or element, as long as it has relatively the same mass as his original form. To transform into something extraordinarily large or
small requires at least six Essence points. After spending the points, a Stamina roll is made against a difficulty equal to the level
of the Power the angel is trying to perform, minimum of difficulty 4. Only one success is needed. If the roll is failed, the angel
does not transform, and he is stunned for a number of turns equal to the level of the Power he attempted. If the roll is botched, he
suffers normal damage. The number of Health Levels worth of damage he takes is equal to the level of the Power he tried to
invoke. Reverting back to the original form is completely at will with no extra Essence cost. The effects last for a number of
scenes equal to the angels' Rank.
The rule is a bit different for transforming others. The angel instead makes a roll against a difficulty of the target's Willpower. This
roll is modified if the subject is willing. If the angel succeeds, the target transforms. If the angel fails, the subject not only doesn't
transform, but immediately drops to the Wounded Health Level. If the angel botches, the subject dies.

Third Tier
* Detail: This Power grants an angel the ability to change a single detail about his appearance. It could be his height, build, hair
and & color, complexion, or apparent age. Although the effects themselves are small, over a period of time, the change from the
original shape can be amazing. Sometimes it has been used to change gender. This Power is typically used as a disguise,
although purely aesthetic motivations exist as well.

** Mimic: Doppelganger is the alternate name for this power, and for good reason. Through this Power, the angel assumes the
form of another human being, able to gain access to places or information as well as to wreak havoc upon someone's life. It
greatly helps if the subject is known or has been previously met, although working from memory or photographs has worked as
well. This, however, is much more difficult than using a live model.

*** Any Body: The angel can now transform into any person, be it real or imaginary. Not only the features can change, but also
the general attractiveness of the character, although this costs more Essence.

**** Transform: At this level of expertise, and angel can change into any animal of roughly the same size of a human being. It
can be any animal, as long as it exists on Earth. Thus, a large dog would be possible, but a horse is not. A cougar is possible,
but a small dinosaur is not.

Character Creation Quickie

Step one: Concept
Choose Nature, Demeanor, Sin. Decide how these things manifest as well as the character's beliefs and personal history

Step two: Attributes

Prioritize three categories: Physical, Mental, Social. Allocate dots accordingly (One dot automatic in each. 7 for primary, 5 for
secondary, 3 for tertiary)

Step three: Abilities

Prioritize three categories: Talents, Skills, Knowledges.
Distribute dots accordingly (13 for primary, 9 for secondary, 5 for tertiary)

Step four: Advantages

Choose Backgrounds (7 dots to spend)
Choose Powers (4 dots to spend)
Spend dots for Faith, Psyche, and Willpower
(One dot automatic in each. Distribute 7 dots amongst them)

Step five: Finishing Touches

Record Corruption: 4

Record Essence: Equal to Willpower rating

Spend freebies: 15

Freebie Points
Cost per dot
Backgrounds 1

MECHA: The Invasion

By David Satterthwaite (

The missiles screamed past Corporal Harker's cockpit, exploding behind him. A low growl escaped his throat and he pushed
forward on the throttle, kicking his Tsunami mecha into light speed. A few short seconds later, he came to a stop, now
distancing his enemies by a few astro-units. He pushes a button and the Tsunami's speakers blare, "Tsunami S-128V
The Spacescape shifter in Harker's view. His cockpit went down, forming a chest of a new robot, the transformed mode of his
Tsunami. He pops up the HUD display on his cockpit and powers up a weapon. The Tsunami's right hand lifts up a long gun
and points it to the enemy. Through clenched teeth he growls, "Fuck you all," and presses a button, sending a blast of fusion
energy at the enemy fleet, obliterating a half dozen of his persuers. Corporal Harker put some coordinates into his navicomp
on the Tsunami, which transconfigured back to spacecraft mode, and blasted away at Faster-Then-Light speed.
Mecha: The Invasion is based off of White Wolf's Storyteller system. White Wolf owns the World of Darkness, Vampire the
Masquerade, Werewolf the Apocalypse, Mage the Ascension, Wraith the Oblivion and Changeling the Dreaming. I'm just
making a net supplement. Don't kick my poor ass.
Mecha: The Invasion is based off of Japanese animation, known widely as Anime. While there are several Mage add-ons for
anime, and something dealing with robots for Changeling, there is no rules yet for robots and mecha on the whole. Not only am I
doing rules on Mecha, I'm going to be doing rules on how to crossover Mecha with the systems that White Wolf already made.
Too bad WW doesn't do that! ;>

If you don't already know by now, you will probably never know. Anime is classic Japanese animation. Not cartoons, but pure
epics. The staple of Anime is giant robots. And along with giant robots comes a new horde of possibilities for the Storyteller
game. What happens to the Garou when Pentex creates a new Mecha, which their Fomori legions can use? Or pity those pour
Magi who thought a HIT-Mark was bad; wait until the Men in Black arrive in powersuits.
Now Mecha has new rulings that are different from all the other Storyteller game systems. These are important when playing
Mecha, but the Storyteller is able to change these in anyway as they desire. The following changes occur in Mecha:
1. All Mecha starts off at 2 points in Atrributes. The maximum level for Physical Attributes is set at 10. This represents the fact
that they are able to lift things humans weren't meant to, bend in ways they weren't meant to, and the ability to never be
2. The maximum points in Abilities is set at 5, as well as for Backgrounds and Techniques.
3. All Mecha start off at 15 feet tall.
4. All Mecha have 10 Power Levels. A Power Level is the same as a regular Health Level, with the following differences:
1. Due to the armoring of the Mecha, it takes 3 unsoaked wounds to inflict 1 Power Level of damage.
2. Mecha can self-repair 1 Power Level per hour.
3. Additional Levels over the general Health Levels are set at OK. For example, a typical 15 foot tall Mecha is set at:
OK, OK, OK, OK, Bruised, Hurt -1, Injured -1, Wounded -2, Mauled -2, Crippled -5, and Terminated. Any addition
Power Levels are more OK.
5. All attacks a Mecha does to any human or humanoid (which includes all Supernaturals) inflicts double damage. For
example, if a Tsunami (my generic spacefighter-robot) shot a Garou for 7 levels of damage, then the Garou would need to
soak 14 wounds. Wraiths are the only exception to this, and if a Mecha shoots a non-Materialized Wraith, it only inflicts 1
Corpus damage.
6. Character Generation is altered. A Mecha now gains: 9/7/5 for their Attributes, 20/15/10 for Abilities, 10 Backgrounds and
7 points to Techniques. They get 30 points in Freebies. Freebies are at standard cost, with Techniques being at 7 points
per piece. This makes a Mecha more powerful then your average starting level PC. Even more powerful then a PC with 50
XP probably. But a Mecha is made up of silicon and hard metals, designed for harsh environments, combat, survival, and
the like. Their body is naturally armor and naturally more powerful in design. As well as the fact that a Mecha is
programmed new information, and unlike Supers, does not need to learn it.

Each system from White Wolf has it's own Abilities which are unique to only that system. For example, Primal-Urge from
Werewolf and Kenning from Changeling. Below is a list of Abilities in each category a mecha may have. A Mecha can have any
and all secondary abilities they player/ST wishes.

Talents: Alertness, Athletics, Brawl, Dodge, Empathy, Expression, Intimidation, Leadership, Streetwise, Subterfuge.
Skills: Crafts, Drive (can drive other Mecha/vehicles if the vehicle is bigger, or they can link themselves mentally to it), Etiquette,
Firearms, Melee, Performance, Security, Stealth, Survival, Repair.

Knowledges: Computer, Enigmas, Investigation, Law, Linguistics, Medicine, Technology, Occult, Politics, Science.

A Mecha has three 'powers' which are the equivalent to a Garou's Willpower, Gnosis, and Rage, or a Changelings Banality,
Glamour, Willpower, or the others in the other systems. The Mecha is given Willpower, which is affected normally, and follow
standard rules as per WW's system. They are also given Energy and Corrosion, which is explained below.

Energy: This is what powers a Mecha. Without Energy, a Mecha is unable to operate and Shuts Down. Energy is used exactly
liked Blood Points in Vampire. Most Techniques require the expenditure of Energy, and 1 day of operation expends Energy
automatically. Each Mecha requires a different source of Energy, but 1 Energy Point is roughly equivalent to 5 gallons of deisel

Corrosion: Everything ages, and a Mecha is no exception. Sometimes a Mecha gains wounds that are irreparable, or gets
rebuilt, or just plains ages. You gain a point in Corrosion for the following reasons:
1 Decade has passed
You received more Power Levels in damage then your Stamina (IE: Stunned). This gives you 1 Corrosion instead of
stunning you.
You are reduced to Terminated status on Power Level and are later revived or repaired in some way. Repairs are never
total and complete, and you gain Corrosion from this.
What does Corrosion signify? It's natural erosion. You start off with zero points in it, which is good. For every 2 points in
Corrosion (round down), a Mecha receeves +1 difficulty on all rolls. This represents circuitry meltdowns, data corruption, rust,
and the like. So a Mecha with 10 points in Corrosion will have +5 difficulty to all things (max of 10 difficulty). If your Mecha has 10
points of Corrosion and gains a new point, then it is forever destroyed and never able to come back to life (not even in a Wraithlike form).

A Mecha follows no Backgrounds in the other White Wolf systems. It has only five Backgrounds to choose from, all of which are

Rank represents status in an army or faction. The Mecha with the highest in Rank is naturally a leader, and Mecha from other
factions would respect the Rank, but probably won't follow orders given by the Mecha. Note that you don't need to be in the army
for Rank; civilian Mecha are given Rank as well. Rank is split level 1 through 5 (5 points is the max).
An Officer.
** Party XO (Party include battalions, platoons, brigades and the like)
*** Party CO
**** Faction Officer
***** Faction Leader

Armor is a simple Background to deal with. For each point in Armor, your Mecha is given an extra dice to Soak all wounds, and
additional Power Levels, one for each Armor point.

For each point in Power, your Mecha is given an extra point in Energy maximum, and able to lose Energy at a slower rate. So 1
Power point gives you 11 total Energy, and so on. The times it takes Energy loss per level is as follows:

1.5 Days
2 Days
4 Days
1 Week

***** 2 Weeks

This is split into two categories: size increase or decrease. You can only have one, either increase or decrease, per form
(explained under Techniques-Modes). For every point in Size increase, your Mecha gains up to five additional feet, as well 1
additional Power Level. For every point in Size decrease, you lose two feet and lose 1 Power Level. The smallest Mecha
therefore, is at five feet tall. Exceptions can be made of course.

This Background designates what a Mecha is able to use. Your Mecha must have or exceed the points in Equipment's Level to
use the piece. For example your Mecha has Equipment of 2. He wants to be able to use a system that is Level 3. The systems
are incompatible until the Mecha has upgraded his Background to Equipment 3. You are able to 'buy' Equipment from character
generation, each Level costing 1 point. You are able to buy the number of points as your Background rating. So at Equipment 5,
you can buy 5 level 1 items, 2 level 2 and 1 level 1, or any combination thereof up to number 5.

All Mecha are given 7 points in character generation for Techniques, and spending Freebies costs 7 points per Technique.
Techniques are the bread and butter of a Mecha, akin to Vampiric Disciplines, Wraith Arcanooi and the like. They are special
powers only Mecha can have. Mecha don't (and can't) learn Techniques from other Mecha; it is inborn and must be programmed
into them. Without ado, here are the fifteen Techniques.

This Technique allows a Mecha to transform into different forms. For each point in Modes you have, you are allowed to have 1
additional form (so six total. One default, plus five from Modes). In addition to having Modes, a Mecha is given 20 Freebie points
to enhance their stats in that mode only. It takes 1 full turn to shift modes.
For example: A Tsunami has Modes 1. It can shift from the spacecraft mode into robotic form. It is given 20 Freebie points to
enhance itself in robot form only (which can be spent on anything the player wishes).

Flight is a wonderful gift. However, even Flight of 1 doesn't allow true Flight. It requires no rolls to use; Flight is always able to be
in affect. Life support systems are given in the Technique, so a pilot in Spaceflight is able to live, at least for awhile. However,
every time Flight is used, the Mecha expends 1 point of Energy. Powering up Flight requires 1 action, unable to split dice. The
following is what a Mecha is able to do at each level of Flight:

Float: You're able to float, and that's all. If activated, you don't receive damage from falling.
Hover: You're ability of flight is extended to a full ten feet off of the ground or nearby flat surfaces (ie water).
Low Altitude Flight: You can fly up to 3 miles off of the ground.
Stratospheric Flight: The only thing that binds you here is the atmosphere. You are able to orbit the Earth (or planet) but

can not enter space.

***** Spaceflight: THe name says it all, you are able to travel in space. However, travel times and speed are a factor.

A Mecha is simply a drone, moved by remote controls. However with the Technique of Companion, a Mecha is able to be
piloted, and receives bonuses to dice rolls. If with a pilot, a Mecha is able to use the highest score of either stat between the two.
For example, to fire a gun, and your Mecha has 4 Dexterity and 2 Firearms, your pilot has 2 Dexterity and 3 Firearms, you can
roll 7 dice (4 dexterity from mecha, 3 Firearms from pilot). Each success in an Intelligence+Companion roll vs 6 (Mecha only)
gives your character +1 die to perform on any action this scene. So scoring 4 Successes on the roll allows you to add 4 dice in
any way, for one scene. Once a die is expended, it is gone.
You require both a pilot and co-pilot, who functions as a gunner and navigator.
** You only need a pilot
*** At this level, you do not need your companion to pilot you totally. You can auto-pilot yourself for a maximum of 8 hours on
**** Your companion is able to merge with you! They are given a suit which enables him to form a part of you, which is what is
required to perform certain functions (examples include transforming or your companion is your gun).
***** Your companion is able to mentally control you. It's a shared symbiotic relationship. Your companion have be a distance of
500 miles away to control you, any farther and you are unable to perform actions.

Merging is another simple Technique. For every point in Merging you have, you are able to join with another Mecha who has the
same level of Merging as you. So if you have Merging of 1, you can Merge with one Mecha of Merging 1 or above. Merging 3
allows you to Merge with up to 3 people, so long as they have Merging 3 or higher. When Merged, your characters gain the
points of all combined stats. Let me repeat: When Merged, you gain all combined stats. So say you have 3 Mergers, A has
Dexterity 4, B has 4, C has 2. You, when Merged, now have 10 Dexterity (4+4+2). This includes Power Levels.

Extra Attacks
This Technique simply allows you to take additional actions after the initiative action. So an Extra Attacks of 3 allows you the
standard 1 action, plus 3 ones from Extra Attacks, taken in order of initiative. This is like Celerity, Rage, and use of the Time
sphere. This Technique requires 1 Energy point per use.

Power Armor
Each point in Power Armor automatically soaks one wound, and gives you the same number of dice to Soak as you have points
in Power Armor. So Power Armor of 3 allows you to take 3 wounds off automatically, and soak at Stamina+bonuses+Power
Armor. This is always in effect.

Power Damage
Each point in Power Damage grants you a bonus of 1 to automatically succeed in any use of Strength. This includes damage,
lifting, throwing or any use of Strength. This is always in effect as well.

Body Restructuring
With the use of this Technique, one Mecha is able to repair the wounds of another. Each use of this Technique require 1 Energy

Patch Wounds: You are able to patch up wounds, and negate the effects of wounds for any Mecha but yourself.
Field Repair: This requires one action, and can only be used on another. You can heal the number of wounds as you

succeed on an Intelligence+Repairs roll vs 8.

*** Upgrade: You are able to modify another Mecha, in other words, able to let them spend XP and ask you to upgrade them.
This requires no roll, but Upgrades are lengthy, requiring the Mecha to be out for 1 day for each stat increased.
**** Self Repair: Same as level 2, but you can use it on yourself.
***** Create Mecha: You are able to create Mecha. This requires no roll.

Super Size
This Technique is a size increase. Before you are able to earn even Super Size of 1, you must have Size of 5 from
Backgrounds. Each point of Super Size gives you up to an additional 10 feet plus 3 Power Levels, or can decrease your size
(pick one) up to one foot, and decrease your Power Level by 1.

Super Speed
This Technique gives your Mecha faster then average speed. A Mecha can go 100 miles per hour maximum without this. But
using this Technique gives them a boost of speed. Each use of this power costs 1 Energy. Each boosts lasts up to 1 hour.
Mach 1
** Mach 2
*** Mach 3
**** Speed of Light
***** Faster then Light (effectively triple lightspeed)

Even Mecha need to spy at times. Espionage Technique is the one they want when they want to spy. Each use of the Technique
costs 1 point of Energy, and can last up to 10 minutes per use.

Camouflage: You are able to be harder to pick up on scans and the like. Roll Manipulation+Stealth versus 8. Each
success adds +1 difficulty on Perception rolls. You must remain still when using this.


Holograms: You can divert the attention of others. Roll Intelligence+Espionage versus your target's Willpower (or in the

case of groups, highest Willpower). Even 1 success makes them avert their senses from you for one turn. More successes
for more turns, one to one basis.
*** Interception: You can receive radio signals on secure lines and even transmit false signals to the secure lines. You are
able to receive any signals within 100 miles, and on a successful Wits+Espionage roll versus the sender's
Intelligence+Technogogy, you can transmit false or garbled information.
**** Invisibility: This allows you to walk around invisible to all sensors, radar, or detection, with the exception of possible
Counter-Intelligence uses. Use Manipulation+Espionage versus 6 to activate.
***** Espionage: You can not only walk invisible, but all senses are muffled. No visual, audial, tactile detections are possible.
You aren't there. You are also able to move through walls that are under five feet thick as if they weren't there. You are
unable to set off traps that require pressure. No roll is needed to activate this Technique.

So now that Mecha have spies, Mecha also need a Technique to counter it. Thus comes Counter-Intelligence. Each use of this
Technique requires 1 Energy Point cost and can last ten minutes. Each level of Counter-Intelligence is able to counter
Espionage (thus a Mecha with Counter-Intelligence of 3 is immune to level 1, 2 and 3 of Espionage). This also affects powers
such as Obfuscate, Blur of Milky Eye, or any other power. At level 1, you are able to detect Wraiths just as if they were normal

Now this is a unique Technique. You combine mechanical and organic into one being. This Technique is always in effect, and
doesn't require use of Energy.

Protoforms: You have the basics of an Exoskeleton upon you. You are still undeniably a Mecha, but at least at this level,

animals don't run in fear of you.

Flesh Form: At this level, your body is covered in dead flesh. This gives a +2 difficulty on sensors searching for you, as
the flesh askews the technology.
*** Human Form: This Technique gives you a shell that's undeniably human. In fact, it is even the size, shape, form, smell of a
human. In the human shell you are for all intents and purposes (even Supernatural detecting like Magick or Scent of True
Form) you are human as well. You can emerge from your shell into your mecha form at any time. The only drawback is that
while in your shell, you are unable to use any Techniques.
**** Beast Form: You are in a shell which acts as an animal. In fact, you are in all respects an animal, only one able to use their
own intelligence and also Techniques. This is otherwise the same as level 3 above.
***** ExoForm: This combines Exoskeleton levels 1 through 3, and enables you to use Techniques while in Human form.

This Technique allows you to receive and transmit radio signals to different Mecha. For each level of Communications, you are
given 1 secure line, are able to transmit 'mentally' to 1 other Mecha (which must be selected the time you take the Technique),
and able to transmit up to 1000 miles away on a general bandwith. This Technique requires no Energy spending.

Robot Magic
Not everything fits into nice little categories. Hence here is Robot Magic. This Technique is free of Energy spending, unless
noted otherwise.

Subspace: You have a field or other dimension which is impermeable to anyone but yourself. It surrounds you wherever

you go. This field extends to the maximum size you have, and can carry Equipment or Companions. You can get 1 item
from Subspace per action, free, which doesn't take away actions (so you can pull your gun out and fire in the same action).
** Sentience: You are totally free from outside control. You require no remote control nor Companions to guide you. You
possess emotions, auras, everything a normal living person would have (except diseases).
*** Forcefield: You can erect a field around yourself or one companion. This field adds the number of Soak dice for the
person as you succeed on a Dexterity+Robot Magic roll difficulty of 6.
**** Magnetic Controls: You are able to use your powers to magnetically move something from a distance. Use your regular
Strength+Power Strength to see what you can affect. If you wish to rip a Mecha apart, roll Strength+Robot Magic vs
difficulty of 8. Each success gives them 1 wound that is soakable only by Power Armor.
***** Immortality: You are immortal, plain and simple. Nothing can destroy you. If set at Terminated, you regeneration 1 Power
Level per day, even if your body is torn apart.


Below are a few examples of Equipment which your Mecha can use. The Player and ST is free to create more as they wish.

Level 1
HUD: HUD (Heads Up Display) gives Mecha a bonus to actions. If used by a pilot, it gives her +1 dice to initiative. If used by a
copilot/gunner, then he gains +1 dice to hit.

Knife: Knives are used at difficulty 4, and do Strength+1 damage.

Gun: A regular gun, for Mecha sized people. This gun is a pistol, difficulty 6, damage 4.
Level 2
Radar: Radar picks up forms out of visual range. Radar can be used to track up to 64 selected targets up to 10 miles away.
Sword: Difficulty 6, Strength+3 damage.
Laser: difficulty 6, does 6 Damage, and inflicts Aggravated wounds to non-Mecha.
Level 3
Stasis Pod: This pod enables one person per Pod to stay in suspended animation for up to 10 years. They do not age, do not
need food or water, or anything to live.

Axe: Difficulty 7, Strength+5 damage.

Plasma: Difficulty 7, does 8 Damage, inflicts Aggravated wounds to non-Mecha.
Level 4
Crushing Shield: Difficulty 7, Strength+5 damage, adds +3 to soak.
Missiles: Difficulty 7, 10 damage, inflicts wounds in a ten foot radius.
Level 5
Spinning Swords: Difficulty 6, Strength+8 damage, adds +4 to soak.
Fusion weapons: Difficulty 8, Damage of 15, inflicts damage in 20 foot radius.

Mentalist: The Whisper

By Matt Robarge ( or

Who knows how long they've exsisted or how they've come to be. Whatever the case, in this World of Darkness, there exists
creatures of great mental capacity. The abilities of these few gifted (or cursed, from some perspectives) individuals range from
senses extending far beyond normal expectations, to manipulating others' thoughts. Below is but an example of these
extraordinary abilities. Perhaps there are more facets of the human mind yet to be discovered. Maybe there are more eyes
watching from the shadows....

Power Source
To avoid the use of a "power pool," the usage of these mental abilities could be based on spending Willpower, simulating the
"weakened state" associated with prolonged psychic activity.

The ability to perceive events at great distances and/or in the past or possible future.

Note: The future is not written!! What you see ain't always what you get....

Vision hazy. You're dependent upon a reflective surface to focus your concentration (i.e., a crystal ball or mirror). You
only envision those close you.
Vision clearer. Still dependent upon surfaces. You can now envision distant relatives, old friends, etc.
Images and even sounds without the need for reflective surfaces. You still see "bits and pieces," but at least the
reception's better :)
Images and sounds of an entire conversation or event unfold before you.
All senses are involved in your visions, now. It's almost as if you're standing in the event, but you remain motionless.
(You can only see from certain perspectives.)
You are now able to change your perspective at will. The events can be easier to interpret. (As an option for the
Storyteller, you may even be able to perceive empathically, though only vague surface emotions.)
******* Your abilities have increased so far that you now have either Precognition (future) or Postcognition (past.) With a
Perception + Alertness roll, difficulty 7, you are able to tell to what portion of time this vision belongs.
******** You may now envision anyone with whom you've come in contact in your life. Perception + Alertness (diff 6) still
required for determination.
********* You now have both Pre- and Postcognition. Perception + Alertness (diff 6) for determination.
********** You no longer need a roll for determination. You are at the pinnacle of your Clairsentience ability . . . or are you?

This is, of course, the ability to control the mind of whomever you wish. Refer to V:tM Discipline: Dominate for specifics with one
minor change: Control is not limited to the human mind, only, but to the animal world, as well. Consider ratings 1-5 to be 2, 4, 6,
8, and 10. Ratings 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 will be the same abilities, but for animals. As in V:tM, you cannot Control someone whose
Control/Dominate is as or more powerful than your own.

At the Storyteller's discretion, this ability could be used as a "soak roll" for psychic attacks, or a Difficulty increase. The latter
would act as a modifier, equal to one half (1/2) of the Defense rating (rounded down), to psychic attacks. Each Willpower point
you spend adds +1 Defense.

Example: Ching Ky has a Defense rating of 5. Psyphon must normally roll a difficulty of 6 to attack. With Ching Ky's mental
prowess, this would be a difficulty of 8, instead.


This allows you to project any image, real or unreal, into the mind of your target. A roll of Manipulation + Illusion is required, with
the difficulty being the target's Willpower. The following chart determines the outcome of the roll:
In addition, each Willpower point you spend adds +1 dice to your roll.
# Successes Effect
Minor distraction, loss of initiative.
Cosmetic changes to setting.
Major changes to setting.
Completely alters setting.
Character no longer interacts with real environment.
Character takes damage from illusionary attacks.
7 (optional) Character receives Derangement for remainder of game.
8 (optional) Character receives permanent Derangement.

Note: For the illusion to be maintained, you must reroll each turn (diff. target's Willpower). No more successes are needed than
initial successes. Consequently, no further effect can be produced than the initial effect.

This ability enables you to "read" thoughts, perception, even detect the physical/mental well-being of the last possessor of a
particular object. You must roll Perception + Psychometry (diff 8) to determine the extent of the reading. Refer to V:tM Player's
Guide, p.32, with one minor change. Substitute # of successes for dot rating.

This allows you to maintain a psychic connection with a willing person or persons. Connection with certain WoD creatures may
vary from time to time due to such elements as Frenzy, Rage, Paradox, Quickening, Penance, etc. if the Storyteller wishes.

Link with one receptive mind. Concentrated communication, only in close proximity (line-of-sight).
Link may now include obvious surface emotions.
Includes subtle surface emotions, and obvious deeper-rooted emotions. Line-of-sight no longer required, but still
requires general proximity ("shouting distance").
Link permanent with one receptive mind, and includes visual images through their eyes.
Link with a specified group of minds, all receptive. Concentrated communication, only in line-of-sight proximity. By
rolling Manipulation + PsyLink (diff Your Willpower - 2), you can determine by # of successes how many minds you can
Link may now include obvious surface emotions, though only you may sense them (otherwise things can get
confusing...) Still line-of-sight proximity.
******* Includes subtle surface emotions and obvious deeper-rooted emotions. "Shouting distance" proximity still required.
******** Link so strong with single receptive mind, no proximity of any sort required.
********* Link with any one receptive mind. Treat as a rating 4 link (but not permanent).
********** Link with any group of minds, all receptive. Treat as a rating 6 link. Manipulation + PsyLink roll still required to
determine # of minds successfully linked.

With this ability, you can locate a particular mind over certain distances. Requires Perception + PsyScan roll (diff Target's
In the room.
On your floor.
The nearest three (3) floors.
In the building.
On the block.
Across town.
******* Neighboring city.
******** Next county.
********* Next state.
********** Coast-to-Coast.


This is a Mentalist's primary weapon. You may form a weapon, Melee or Ranged, of your choosing from pure psychic energy.
This could include a simple energy blast, a "psychic blade," an animal form, a psychic fist or any other solid object. These
weapons will only do psychic damage no matter what form it takes. If a Melee form is chosen, roll Dex + PsyStrike (diff 7). For
Ranged forms, roll Wits + PsyStrike (diff 8), the # of rounds equals your Willpower. Your PsyStrike rating equals your damage
dice In either case.

Note: Once you choose the form of weapon your PsyStrike will take, it is your "signature." It cannot be changed for the life of
your character.

TK - Fetch
This aspect of Telekinesis enables you to lift certain objects.
Lift up to 10 lbs.
Up to 30 lbs.
Up to 60 lbs.
Up to 120 lbs.
Up to 240 lbs.
Up to 480 lbs.
******* Up to 960 lbs.
******** Up to 1 ton (2,000 lbs.).
********* Up to 2 tons (4,000 lbs.).
********** Up to 2 3/4 tons (5,500 lbs.)

TK - Flight
A Mentalist's conversion of the V:tM Discipline: Ascension, this is the ability to use your TK unconventionally, giving you the
capabilities of hovering and/or full flight. While in the air, use the following with your TK Flight rating to determine maneuverability
and such.
Sharp maneuver
Dexterity + TK Flight
Dodge while in the air
Dodge + TK Flight
Remain aloft for extended flights
Stamina + TK Flight
Attacks, such as diving thrusts or flying kicks Brawl/Melee +TK Flight
Your TK Flight ratings also entitles you to automatic successes when resisting damage from falls. You receive one success per
level of TK Flight.


Surface: The body cancels out gravity to an extent, allowing you to walk no more than an inch or two off a surface
(water, ice, across walls and/or ceilings, etc). A surface of some sort, even sheer surfaces, in required. Note that
without proper concentration, this would also mean that you could be knocked back (punched, kicked, lifted or
pushed) effortlessly. Paying attention to your surroundings will be a necessity moreso than usual.
Surface Plus 1: Others may join you at an inch or two off the ground, although this will hinder your reaction time. Each
rating hereafter is another person that may join you (+1 to difficulties per person).


Hover: You can now rise above the ground at your height's equivalent or Dexterity in feet per turn (Storyteller's
discretion). Even slow movement is possible, although no more than your Dexterity +12 in yards per turn. Jumping
distances are doubled.
Hover Plus 1: Every rating hereafter allows you one more person to levitate. +1 to difficulties per person.


Glide: You can now glide at a rate of (Dexterity + TK Flight) x 2 miles per hour, using the chart above for dodging,
maneuvers, etc. Altitude capability = (Stamina + TK Flight) x 10
Glide Plus 1: Same as other "Plus 1" ratings.

Flight: Your speed can increase to (Dexterity + TK Flight) x 5 miles per hour, using the chart above for dodging,
maneuvers, etc. Altitude capability = (Stamina + TK Flight) x 20
Flight Plus 1: Same as other "Plus 1" ratings.
Eagle's Flight: Your speed can increase to (Dexterity + TK Flight) x 10 miles per hour, using the chart above for
dodging, maneuvers, etc. Altitude capability = (Stamina + TK Flight) x 50
******* None.
******** Wind's Flight: Your speed can increase to (Dexterity + TK Flight) x 20 miles per hour, using the chart above for
dodging, maneuvers, etc. Altitude capability = (Stamina + TK Flight) x 100
********* None.

********** Thought's Flight: Your speed can increase to (Dexterity + TK Flight) x 50 miles per hour, using the chart above for
dodging, maneuvers, etc. Altitude capability = (Stamina + TK Flight) x 200

TK - Forcefield
This use of your psychic powers creates a forcefield to be used as "soak dice" for any physical attacks. For each rating above
4, you can extend your TK Forcefield to one other character. This however, makes it an "either/or" decision between power and

Example: Ching Ky uses her TK Forcefield of 8 on herself and three innocent bystanders that has come between her and
Psyphon. This reduces her normal 8 dice to 5 because of the three additional people to cover.
Another drawback to this otherwise handy defense is +1 to difficulties per person if you're extending your TK Forcefield
coverage. You can, however, spend Willpower points to negate it.

TP (Telepathy)
Unlike PsyLink, this allows you to connect with an unwilling person or persons. Connection with certain WoD creatures may still
vary from time to time due to such elements as Frenzy, Rage, Paradox, Quickening, Penance, etc. If the Storyteller wishes,
connection can be made but at a price. The Mentalist may have to roll his Willpower to avoid suffering the physical effects of the
element in question (difficulty 8).
To attempt with an unwilling mind, the Mentalist must roll Manipulation + TP, difficulty target's Willpower. If the target is aware of
the attempt, a Willpower roll may be used in self-defense to cancel the Mentalist's successes. Three (3) successes are needed
for a successful link. They must reroll each turn until the link is severed by either individual.

Link with one mind. Concentrated communication, only in close proximity (line-of-sight).
Link may now include obvious surface emotions.
Includes subtle surface emotions, and obvious deeper-rooted emotions. Line-of-sight no longer required, but still
requires general proximity ("shouting distance").
Link now includes audio/visual.
Link with a specified group of minds. Concentrated communication, only in line-of-sight proximity.
Link may now include obvious surface emotions, though only you may sense them (otherwise things can get
confusing...) Still line-of-sight proximity.
******* Includes subtle surface emotions and obvious deeper-rooted emotions. "Shouting distance" proximity still required.
******** Link so strong with single mind, no proximity of any sort required.
********* Link with any one mind. Treat as a rating 4 link (but not permanent).
********** Link with any group of minds. Treat as a rating 6 link.

With this ability, you can transport yourself instantly over certain distances.
In the room.
On your floor.
The nearest three (3) floors.
In the building.
On the block.
Across town.
******* Neighboring city.
******** Next county.
********* Next state.
********** Coast-to-Coast.
This requires Stamina + Teleport roll, base Difficulty of 7. Refer to difficulty chart below for whatever modifiers apply when
teleporting. Willpower points can be spent to negate modifiers. Four successes are required to accomplish a teleport.
Familiar w/ location (Been there personally, a PsyLinked mind sent you an image of the location, etc.) 0
Each Health Level lost
+10 lbs. cargo
Each passenger
Never been there

If you are attempting to Teleport to an unfamiliar location, you may want to spend one Willpower point for "insurance." This will
allow you to return to your point of origin if you botch.

Minds Eye Theatre Conversion Rules for Spawn

Converted by Bryant Waner ( with the information garnered from Spawn (version 1),
Spawn (version 2) and Spawn (version 3)

Character Creation
Background and History
Write a two page background on the mortal you wish to turn into a Spawn. This should include its Life, its Death, and Its Regrets;
the Reason it made the deal with Malebolgia
Choose Nature and Demeanor; any Archetype is acceptable with ST approval
Alternately, the player may choose Legacies out of The Shining Host, choosing both Seelie and Unseelie, making slight
modifications for this 'breed' of character. The Seelie archtypes are recommended for Rogue Spawn and the Unseelie for
Loyalist Spawn. These will come into effect for the purposes of Flashbacks and Rage

Choose Traits as per Laws of Elysium, using 10/8/6
The maximum starting Trait level is 11 but may be raised eventually to 18. Automatic starting negatives for Spawns are
Repulsive x2 and Violent. Spawns may never take Appearance based traits.

Choose Five abilities; then add one level of Brawl, Melee, and Firearms. Demolitions, Quick Draw or Archery may be
substituted via ST approval depending on the Time period of the Chronicle.

Spawn start with no Influences but may buy them after creation for 3xp per level of influence; these may not exceed five without
ST approval.

Choose four Passions from Wraith: The Oblivion.
Choose Place of Re-Creation for the Spawn, where it initially appears in this world

8 Points to spend on Backgrounds at Character Creation

How much of the Mortal life the Spawn remembers and how much it fuels his Rage; Storyteller determines how often they
happen. This is what drives the destructive force in a Spawn.
Hazy Images: 1 Rage regained per flashback. Must win or tie a simple test.
** Shaper Focus: 2 Rage regained per flashback. Must win or tie 2 simple tests.
*** Blurry Images: 3 Rage regained per flashback. Must win or tie three simple tests.
**** Saddened Memories: 4 Rage regained per flashback. Must win or tie four simple tests.
***** I died yesterday: 5 Rage Regained per flashback. Must win or tie five simple tests.
Every win or tie regains one lost Rage so if you have level four and you win/tie three but lose the fourth you only get three back.

This Background represents the knowledge attainable by someone who knows what you know and can do what you do. It is
possible to take two Mentors but highly unlikely

Spawn Training Guide: Hi. Your a Spawn. Oh, you have chains? neato!
** Kid with a Comic: Wow mister will you sign my issue.
*** Occultist: Yes, I have seen your kind before; let me see where are those notes....
**** Fellow HellSpawn: Sup Man, I got some Skills you need to learn.
***** Cogliostro/Violator: You want the info Spawn? Do ya? Well there's a little sumthin' you gots to do for me first.
Note: The above table represents how much the Mentor knows, and is absolutely willing to teach, but that doesn't mean every
lesson comes free....

Chain Control
The amount of control the Spawn has over the Chains on his Armor. If no levels of this are taken the chains are lifeless and hang
at the sides of the Spawn's belt.

What the hell are these?: Chains will automatically attack any threat perceived by the costume to the Spawn. Chains are 3
Meters long.
** Oh okay, they are chains: Chains will do the Spawn's Bidding, from attacking to grappling to climbing.
*** These are pretty cool: Chains grow to five meters and gain an automatic retest for all challenges.
**** Come Get Some: Chains grow heavier and gain spikes protruding from them. The Spawn no longer needs to bid a Trait
when he initiates a challenge with the chains.
***** Damn: Length is now ten meters. Chains gain additional three traits to bid in a tie. Chains are heavy and do whatever the
Spawn wishes.


Neat Cape: Adds two traits to bid in a tie on Intimidation Challenges.

Wow where you get that: When the cape is wrapped around Spawn and he is hiding in shadows he gets a free stealth
*** Can I get your tailor?: Adds two traits to all damage soaking tests, can act as a shield.
**** Who did you kill for that?: No Fall will damage the Spawn as the cloak billows to slow his fall; it is silent enough to get
surprise on an aerial attack.
***** Um, don't go near him: The cape can now grapple an opponent to ensnare him, holding his arms and legs together at his
sides. This is done by bidding a Dexterity trait; does not count as an extra action but can be used for surprise with other

The ability to form items out of the Spawn's NecroPlasm. It costs ten times the level to create an item in power points and a
mental challenge against seven plus the level must be made.
Create simple things like rocks and chunks of metal.
** Swords, shields, knives, statues, inanimate sculpted shapes.
*** Food and water, plants and flowers.
**** Mechanical equipment, guns but not bullets.
***** Electronics may be made, bullets, anything at the ST's discretion.

The Spawn may coax its Symbiotic Armor into giving it Power for expenditure if its smart enough

Once month the Spawn may gain the power to perform one power of his choosing if he can win or tie a simple test.
Twice a month the Spawn may gain the power to perform one power of his choosing if he can win or tie a simple test each
*** Three times a month the Spawn may gain the power to perform one power of his choosing if he can win or tie a simple test
each time.
**** Four times a month the Spawn may gain the power to perform one power of his choosing if he can win or tie a simple test
each time.
***** Five times a month the Spawn may gain the power to perform one power of his choosing if he can win or tie a simple test
each time.

Merits and Flaws

At Character Creation the player may be allowed to take merits for his Spawn, with the Storyteller team choosing the Flaws.
Please be intelligent in choosing flaws. In all likelihood, Spawns are probably already Unbondable, but have no clue how to get
Ventrue Clan Friendship.
Recommended Flaws: Nightmares, Boon (to Malebolgia), Assigned Mentor (Modified Haunted; think about the relationship of

Violator to Spawn). Get the Picture? Spawn sold his soul to the Devil, giving him lots of flaws, up to seven points to reflect it, and
allow the Player to choose five to seven points in appropriate merits.

Rage and Willpower

Spawns start with Five Rage and Two Willpower.

Spawns must choose a path or road from any kindred book to follow, or create their own. If they ever lose all their road traits or
path traits, they spend all their power points and rage in an orgy of chaos and everything they can get to before they spiral down
to hell.

Innate Powers
Spawns have Seven health Levels plus their added one from Fortitude.
Spawns do not take Aggravated damage from fire but take double damage from Holy weapons. True Faith is a bad thing to
All Spawns have the Equivalent of the Kindred Disciplines, they contain all levels below the ones mentioned: Potence: Might,
Fortitude: Resilience, Celerity: Swiftness, Protean: Gleam of the Green(Red) Eye, Auspex: Heightened Senses
Spawns may Take Theme Music at no cost but the player must supply the music and the means to hear it.:)

Super Powers
(Also known as the Demonic Disciplines)

This is a slightly modified version of the Demonos discipline. It is the standard power of all minions of Hell. Most Spawns never
achieve the Advanced Level of this Discipline, but most true natives of Hell will have it.

The Demon's Mask: The character has effectively the same power as Mask of 1000 Faces. This costs a Mental Trait and Ten
Power Points; or one Mental Trait and a Rage. The Spawn may never mask to look as his mortal guise from his former life.

The Demon's Blades: The character has the power to grow 3" long claws from his finger tips that do aggravated damage.
Short spikes or blades will also protrude from the character's knees, elbows and knuckles

The Demon's Voice: By engaging in a social challenge (retest: Empathy), the character may discover one secret fact about the
loser that nobody would normally know, such as a plot the character might be involved in.

Arcane Might: By expending a Rage point, the character may gain one of the powers of the Demonic ones:
1. The character now has an ability similar to the power of Flight/Snare. In other words, the player can fly, but he grows a set
of wings which will remain for the rest of the night.
2. For one full turn, the character has the equivalent of Puissance and Vigor.
3. The Character may make shadows move and flicker slightly, streetlights dim and flicker, creepy noises happen, causing
him to be three traits up on all opponents who lose a social challenge against his Social Traits.

The Demon's Form: By spending two Rage, the character will assume the appearance of a demon. He gains six bonus
Physical traits in this form. Each Spawn has a form that is unique to that character.

This power stems from the pits of hell and manifests in an eerie green flame created by Spawn's own rage and hatred.

Flaming Hands: The Spawn may make his hands light on fire causing him to do aggravated damage to any creature he
touches. This power will not ignite items or burn nonliving organisms.

Plasma Bolt: By Spending a Rage The Spawn may fire bolts of Green Flame at any target for one turn. This is considered a
firearms challenge. It does one aggravated damage and is still not strong enough to light anything on fire.

Pyromaniac: The Spawn may spend one Rage and ignite any flammable material. Also he may engulf anyone he can grab with
his hands with flame, causing them to take an aggravated wound and test for a second. If they lose the test they take a second.

Inferno: The Spawn may, at the expenditure of two Rage, create flames from nothing anywhere within the surrounding area.
These flames just appear. They can be as small as a spark and as large as a column ten feet wide and forty feet long by ten feet
tall. These Flames do One aggravated per turn they are in contact with a person/place/thing. These flames may also come from
another source; a spark that lights someone on fire, or any imaginable example.

Fires of Hell: The Spawn May Spend a Willpower and then Coax any of the previous powers or any other flames present to
grow at an exponential rate. For every one Rage or 25 Power the Spawn may add one aggravated damage to the damage of
any other Hellfire power. This will double the size of Inferno for every Rage or 25 power spent and only 100 Power/4 Rage may
be spent in this manner.

Rules Systems and Storyteller Notes

Rage in Live Action Spawn is similar to Rage in Laws of the Wild but not totally the same. Here is what Rage can do for your
Rage Required
To avoid going Incapacitated 1
Extra action
Extra attack
Heal Aggravated wound
*Also requires a Willpower trait

Willpower can be spent on the followings:
Negate flashback.
Replenish traits in one category once per night.
Ignore side effects of wound penalties for one turn.
Spend for a single retest of one mental or social challenge.
Spend and Three Rage or 10 Power to Heal one aggravated damage.

Power Points
Every Spawn starts with 9999 power points. They may spend them in the following manner. If they ever reach Zero points they go
back to hell.
Points Required
Healing (non-aggravated)
Substituting for Rage*
Substituting for Willpower
Healing aggravated
Respawn from complete destruction 1000
*Only for powers the Spawn has paid for with Experience points.
**Plus 10 per additional person/equivalent amount of weight. They may only carry or Teleport up to half of their Mental traits in


Spawn may mimic any Power they see, any Gift/Arcanoi/Art/Discipline/Sphere by spending the out of power cost in xp in Power
points for a one time use. This is also the cost for using levels of its Super Powers it has not bought with Experience points yet.
Powers such as Majesty remain until the end of the scene. The ST must have proof the Spawn witnessed the power and knows
what happened.
The Spawn can make up any power imaginable and use it; and the Storyteller assigns a Power Point cost to it so that it can be

Once per session the Storyteller may Test the Spawn for his Flashback if he has any levels in the background, describing a part
of his mortal's life that is particularly traumatizing to the Spawn. This usually deals with his passions, his life long love or his
If a Spawn is using modified Faerie Legacies, every other time the Spawn quests, have him enter a Flashback. Every third time
he bans, have him test for one where he loses that much Rage instead of gaining it. Remember a Spawn cannot lose more
Rage then he has, and cannot go into negative rage.
Alternatively, when the Spawn fulfills one of his Passions he may test and on a win or tie get back one of his Rage.

Experience Expenditures
Traits: One Experience per trait, with a maximum of Eighteen. The player should be encouraged not to immediately start
spending in game experience for trait maximums. Maximum character creation trait limit is 11.

Abilities: One Experience per ability, with a maximum of five for any ability besides Linguistics.
Influence: New Traits cost three xp per purchase and may not be purchased at character creation.
Backgrounds: Backgrounds cost two points per level.
Powers: Demonos, Hellfire, and the Power chosen by the Spawn go by standard Minds Eye Theatre Rules, 3/6/9, And all others
cost out of power cost; 4,7,10.

New Willpower and Rage: 3 xp

Merits/Flaws: Double the cost of the Flaw to buy it off after play has started, and Intense prolonged role-play, You just can't tell
Malebolgia to go to hell and hope he will listen the first time. No new merits may be bought after character creation.
If anything was not listed use the Standard Minds Eye Theatre expenditure rules, and common sense if you can't find them there.

More Storyteller Notes

Spawns are considered Servants of the Wyrm
Spawns do not and cannot gain derangements in any way shape or form unless given to them by Malebolgia.
Spawns are Immune to Necromancy.
Any Arcanoi that a Spawn mimics that allows wraiths to cross the Shroud, allows the Spawn to cross the Shroud into the
Shadowlands. If the power does not let the Spawn see across, he cannot until he acquires the appropriate Arcanoi to do such.
Until a Spawn finds out otherwise, he must do a bunk to activate a Cantrip, using Faerie Arts. This would be really amusing
watching a Spawn do the Hokey Pokey so he can use Wayfare. When (IF) the Spawn ever finds out he does not need to use
bunks to fuel Arts, he must spend Rage equal to the bunk trait desired to fuel the Art. This is done regardless, but don't let the
player know that. Inform them that they have to spend Rage equivalent to the bunk trait, but don't inform them they don't do the
bunk. It's fun to watch them dance.
I don't know much about Mage Spheres, and since they have not released Live action stats for Mage. Storytellers should be very
careful to allow any Spawn to use these ungodly powers.
Spawns cannot teach their Demonic Disciplines to anyone, especially not the Tremere.


By Alexander Michael Thomas (
In the year 1757 A.D. a mage of some note and prowess was mysteriously destroyed whilst trying a most novel ritual. He was
attempting to summon his reflection out of the mirror realm. He succeeded in summoning forth his image but was killed doing so. This
left his reflection standing on the wrong side of the mirror at the time of his death. As his reflection was not in the mirror realm at the
time of his demise it lived, and in theory at least was now immortal. The reason being in order for a reflection to die it must be in the
mirror realm at the time of its owner's death.
The reflection does not have the same knowledge as the mage but in theory could gain this at a future point ( In the game I run the
character has just found the original mage's tome and as he reads the information vanishes from the pages in to the reflection's own
mind. This allows the character some magical abilities under duress, similar to Rincewind uttering one of the eight great spells as he
falls off the Discworld in that fine book by Mr P. ). The Mirror character has no reflection, obviously he is his own reflection, and no
shadow for a similar reason although this could be altered if you wanted a mirror image and a shadow image. The character has
mirror walk as a main ability although this costs willpower ( willpower being his major commodity =20 whilst blood is only a minor stat.
), damage my also be healed in the m-realm at a cost of willpower.
Physical, social and mental attributes are decided in the normal vamp. manner, as are skills, knowledge etc. The disciplines granted
are celerity 2 or 3, auspex of 1 or 3 if a mirror/reflective surface is utilised. Thaumaturgy is optional and unseelie 1 means a character
is less appealing to vampires allowing him to join any quest as a P.C.

View Unseelie discipline.

I think Mirror Walk can be found in the players guide ( VtM ), basically it allows you to enter and leave via a mirror with all mirrors
connected by the mirror realm. The mirror realm is also another doorway into Arcadia allowing faerie intervention etc. If circumstances
warrant it a player may try to escape a situation using an oil slick across a puddle or other shiney surface, in my game this takes the
player into a corrupted world similar to the mirror realm but lots nastier. I make the player take a luck roll to see if he is alone or
accompanied by a rather big nasty monster that if unlucky could follow him back out into the normal world. Fixing health levels in this
world is also unadvisable ANY sort of infection could occur.
If the character is in view within a mirror and the mirror is smashed all sorts of nice effects can be used, ever see Armies of
Darkness?....... lots of very small characters now exist, upto you how they get back together.
Backgrounds as normal unless anything special comes to mind....
Willpower is primary to the character starting at 15 to 20, max 20. Willpower has to be expended inorder to exit the m-realm into
reality. Damage is repaired in the m-realm at a cost of 1wp per health level including aggravated damage. If the character receives
damage greater than incapacitated he dies..... The character CANNOT be turned into a vampire. Once dead he's dead for good.
That's really it, any comments would be welcome, ideas always welcome, hope its of some use to some of you I know the player
currently using it is having a whale of a time.
Feel free to use this character, as far as I know its unique, please use it but don't pinch it.

The Misbegotten
By Sparky (

There is a place where Angels fear to tread. A place where all of Creation's run-off flows. Some call the place The Abyss, some
call it Oblivion, but all agree it is a dark, unpleasant place. A place of mish-mashed monsters of the most miniscule and
monstrous. These are the Misbegotten.

The Misbegotten are drips of passion, force, matter, life, and consciousness that run-offs of Entropy. All that decays winds up
there; all that is not needed winds up there. Coalescing into all manner of creature, and those creatures do not want to be stuck
there any more. Few times an excellently strong, skilled, or plain lucky wretch escapes the Umbral gravity of the Abyss. These
creatures are curious, and many times because of their creation are quite hostile.

Ideas, Ethics, Etc

Each being being completely different from any of the others down to their basic creation, it's hard to say. They usually do not
view the other life forms of the Umbra as even living as only the mightiest Incarna have existed longer than most these creatures.

Character Creation
The stranger Misbegotten aren't even allowed in the Tellurian; disbelief would wreck them. Though if they find or create a body
for themselves, that's a different story. The Misbegotten can be anything from a Caregiving Martyr to a Bravo Sadist, but here's
how to start:

Attributes: 7/5/3
Abilities: 13/9/5 (One free dot to Cosmology)
Willpower: 5

The Misbegotten have five dots of powers that can go anywhere. They can have five dots in Disciplines, Gifts, Numina, Spheres
(The Arete they'd roll would be 2-3), anything and in any combination.

The Misbegotten are very badly paradoxed. If they use any of their powers that can be visibly known as them they must roll WP
diff 7, two successes negates any paradox, a failure adds one paradox and a botch adds three.

Special Merits and Flaws

5 Pt. Merit
The Misbegotten can leave its current body and opt to take over another's. Roll WP (diff 8) and win by at least two successes.
The current conscioussness in that body may then make two more rolls against a diff of 9 and get 3 successes among the two to
shove the new mind out of it. If this occurs the Misbegotten has five turns to possess another or is dissolved into the pattern of
the Tellurian.

God Complex

3 Pt. Flaw
The Misbegotten realizes how powerful he is versus the world at large. This can get dangerous though. He may flaunt his powers
in front of sleepers, or take on foes stronger than he. If he is not revered, even in the slightest, he gets very very angry and may

MONSTER: The Rebellion


Because I don't speak a word of German, editing and formatting this text is not an option for me. I'd be grateful if
someone could translate it into English and send me a copy.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------MONSTER - Die Rebellion - MONSTER - The Rebellion - MONSTER - The Rebellion----------------------------------------------------------------------------REPLYS TO:



------------------NEUIGKEITEN SEIT DEM LETZTEN POSTING:---------------------- Schleim-Definition etwas abg"eandert. Schleim ist nun Grundnahrungsmittel
und dient nur noch als Fokus f"ur die Gimmicks, f"ur die er mittels
ANGST-PUNKTEN erst noch potent gemacht werden muss.
- Die Quelle entspricht jetzt in ihrer Grundstructur der Quintessence
(storytellertypisch). Allerdings handelt es sich um eine recht heftige
Art von Quintessence, da sie durch Angst gebildet wird und ist deshalb von
Magiern kaum zu nutzen.
- Das Grundproblem der Monster (Pr"aludium)
- Toxiker / Toxicans (7)
- Netzwandler /Netcrawler (7)

This posting is in German language ! Time by time the texts will be

converted into english, too. If you have an Idea, what MONSTERS ARE, DO,
or HOW THEY BEHAVE, please feel free to mail me your thoughts, even in
english ! I will add the english text and convert it to german.
English texts are marked with the |-charakter on the left page side.
Please feel free to correct my bad english and send me your results.
The Postings are in a Storyteller-like form. Your Ideas will be build in,
if you send them to me. If your refer to a Storyteller-Rulebook, please do
not copy the Text, but tell us the Book and the Page. As an author, your
adress will be added to the list and you will receive a three letter Alias,
that marks your texts.

Die Postings erfolgen in einer Storyteller-ueblichen Einteilung, Euere

eingegangenen Beitraege werden einsortiert - Kritik und Anregungen werden
ggfs. etwas eingerueckt. Oder besonders markiert. Wenn Ihr Zurueckschreibt,
lasst die Teile weg, die nichts mit Euerer Mail zu tun haben ! Solltet Ihr
Euch auf Storyteller-Werke beziehen, so reicht es wohl ein Stichwort+Name des
Regelwerkes+Seite anzugeben. Kritik sollte aussagekraeftig sein und nicht nur
ein: "Bl"od" Besser so: "Finde ich schlecht, anstelle dessen lieber..."
Wir sollten fuer die Sonderzeichen die "-Norm verwenden...
Also "a fuer ae, "A fuer Ae, "s fuer sz, etc. damit man spaeter leichter einen
ordentlichen Text hat. Fuer mich wirds auch ungewohnt, aber es muss gehen :)
Au"serdem solltet Ihr Euch ein Dreibuchstaben-K"urzel aussuchen um Euere
Ideen zu markieren.
So... nun gehts los !
Monster - Die Rebellion / The Rebellion (aktueller Arbeitstitel)
# Beteiligte Personen / involved Persons:
10% #
Uwe 'Dogio'
76% #
Ben B.
2% #
David 'Nick'
10% #
Colin Morris
2% #

(An introducing Story through the Eyes of a MONSTER)
KAPITEL EINS: Einf"uhrung (Grunds"atzliches, sozialen Struktur, LEXIKON)
Introdution (common things, social Structure, Lexica)
KAPITEL DREI: Ziele und Eigenheiten (Entstehung, Welt der Menschen,
Vorlieben, etc.)
CHAPTER THREE: What do they want ?, Behavior
KAPITEL VIER: Das soziale Gef"uge der MONSTER
CHAPTER FOUR: The social structure of the MONSTERS
KAPITEL F"UNF: Die Kunst des Erschreckens
CHAPTER FIVE: The Art of Frightening
KAPITEL SECHS: Grundregeln (wie in jedem Storyteller-Regelwerk)
Basic Rules (as in every Rulebook)
KAPITEL SIEBEN: Charakter-Erschaffung (Untergruppen, Attribute,
F"ahigkeiten/Abilities, Vor- und Nachteile,
CHAPTER SEVEN: Character-Creation (Different Groups, Attributes,
Flaws & Merits, Backgrounds)
KAPITEL ACHT: Chronik (Ideen/Konzepte f"ur MONSTER-Geschichten)
CHAPTER EIGHT: Chronicle (Ideas & Concepts for Stories)
KAPITEL NEUN: Die Regeln/K"unste der Gimmicks (aktueller Arbeitstitel)
CHAPTER NINE: The Art of praticing Gimmicks
KAPITEL ZEHN: Systeme (Das Lernen, Die World of Darkness)
Systems /Learning, the WOD)
Dramatik (Kampf, R"ustung, Verletzungen)
CHAPTER ELEVEN: Dramatic (Fighting, Amour
(Beschreibung einiger Beispielgegner/Gegenspieler)
(Description of Enemies, etc.)

-------------------------Hier werden wir uns erstmal dar"uber klar werden m"ussen, welche
Absichten, Hintergr"unde, etc. unsere 'MONSTER' haben sollen...
Das Pr"aludium sollte also so ziemlich am Ende erfolgen (Ideen koennen
wir natuerlich schonmal sammeln
| "Here we shall first have to clarify what motivations, backgrounds,
| etc. our 'MONSTERs' should have... The Prelude should thus pretty
| much succeed in the end (we can naturally gather ideas already)"
Das alles sind KEINE MONSTER:
Vampire, Magier, Trolle, Feen, Werw"olfe
Mumien, Geister, Zombies (denn MONSTER leben!)
| "These are NOT MONSTERS: Vampires, Mages, Trolls, Fey, Werewolves, Mummies,
| Ghosts [probably Wraiths], Zombies (because MONSTERs are alive!)
Das sind MONSTER:
Gremlins, Killertomaten, LagunenMONSTER, King Kong
Der BLOB, mutierte Riesenratten. Oskar aus der M"ulltonne :)
Godzilla, Critters, Gargoyles
| "These are MONSTERS: Gremlins, Killer Tomatoes, Lagoon MONSTERs, King Kong,
| the Blob, Mutated Giant Rats. Oscar from the trash can :)"
Das Grundproblem der Monster:
----------------------------Da alle "ubernat"urlichen Wesen in der World of Darkness einem gro"sen
Unheil entgegensteuern, m"uessen die MONSTER nat"urlich auch ein Problem

bekommen, wogegen sie ank"ampfen m"ussen.

Ein paar Beispiele:
Vampire: Sie k"ampfen st"andig gegen das 'Tier' in ihnen selber, das gerne
die Gewalt "uber sie bekommen m"ochte. Gehenna (die Erwachung aller
'Urv"ater' der Vampire) steht wohl bevor und wird den Untergang der uns
bekannten Welt bedeuten.
Werw"olfe: Gaia (die Mutter Erde) stirbt und wird von den Menschen und dem
'b"osen' Wyrm, der korumpierend immer mehr Menschen in seinen Bann zieht
gesch"adigt. Die Werw"olfe, als H"uter von Gaia, sind nur ein schwindender
Faktor in dem immer gr"o"sere Kreise ziehenden Unheil.
Changelings: Diese Spa"smacher haben da"s Problem von Arkadien (ihrer Heimatwelt) ausgeschlossen zu sein, da der Unglaube der Menschen ihnen die
'Br"ucken# dorthin zerst"orten. Nun siechen sie mit wachsendem Unglauben
der Menschen an sie langsam dahin.
MONSTER: Unsere Lieblinge haben das Problem, da"s mit der wachsenden
Medialisierung der Menschen, immer mehr die Angst vor dem
Au"sergew"ohnlichen schwindet. Menschen landen auf dem Mond. Monster
werden in vielen Filmen gezeigt und selbst Minderj"ahrige sehen sich diese
Filme inzwischen an, ohne Alptr"aume zu bekommen. Es wird also immer
schwieriger in diesen Zeiten wirklich noch jemanden zu finden der in den
Boden versinkt, weil er einen unheimlichen haarigen Schatten gesehen hat
und damit steigt auch der Aufwand, die f"ur MONSTER allgemein und f"ur die
Quellen der Akademien im speziellen, n"otigen ANGST-PUNKTE zu sammeln.
Waren fr"uher die Menschen schon selbst daran beteiligt die Energien
beizutragen, indem sie sich Geschichten von MONSTERn am Lagerfeuer
erz"ahlten, so sinken in einer Zeit von Fernseher und Video, die
Nachsch"ube, da die Menschen keine wirkliche Angst mehr um ihr Leben
haben m"ussen, schlie"slich ist ja nun bald jeder Flecken der Erde
erkundet, wo sollen sich da noch MONSTER befinden ?
Da zweite Problem ist der wachsende Verseuchungsgrad des Schleims.
Immer "ofter befindet sich bei der aufgenommenen Nahrung Material, da"s
eher auf einer Sonderm"ulldeponie geh"ort h"atte. Monster reagieren auf
hohe Verseuchungen mit Aggressionen und Mutationen.
* KAPITEL EINS: Einf"uhrung
| CHAPTER ONE: Introdution (common things, social Structure, Lexica)
- Grunds"atzliches zu MONSTERn und ihrer sozialen Struktur
- Die 'guten' MONSTER wollen die Menschen erschrecken, aber nicht
wirklich t"oten. Sie wollen Spa"s - und "Uberleben ! T"oten sollte
also nicht prim"ares Ziel sein, sondern vielleicht ein notwendiges
Mittel zum Zweck.
- Die 'b"osen' MONSTER verfolgen ihr Ziel und T"oten dabei auch wahllos Menschen und zerst"oren was in ihren Weg oder ihr Revier kommt.
|-Basical things about MONSTERs and their social structure
- The 'good' MONSTERs like to scare people, but not kill them. They
want fun - and survive ! Killing is no primal goal, but sometimes
a necessary way to keep alive.
- The 'bad' MONSTER follow their way with no care to kill somebody
or something. They destroy all enemies that conquer their territory.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEXIKON: Alle 'Wortneusch"opfungen' und Fremdworte die wir
benutzen sollten wir hier kurz erkl"aren.
|-DICTIONARY: All new created words that have to be filled with a sense,
| must be explained here with some sentences.
GIMMICKS: Die besonderen F"ahigkeiten der MONSTER, die ihnen das
"Uberleben sichern. Der Einsatz von Gimmicks erfordert
>SCHLEIM, von dem jedes MONSTER einen gewissen Vorrat
| GIMMICKS: The special abilities of the MONSTER, that secure their
surviving. To activate and uphold Gimmicks, MONSTERs have to
use up >SLIME.
SCHLEIM: Schleim ist verrottende organische Substanz. Ein schimmeliger
Apfel z.B. oder das Aas eines Tieres. Alle Monster ern"ahren
sich von Schleim und vermeiden in der Regel unverdorbene
Nahrung. Manche MONSTER haben den Nachteil, da"s sie sich nur
von Blut und frischem Fleisch ern"ahren k"onnen und deshalb wie
Vampire auf die Jagd nach Leben gehen. Wieder andere k"onnen
sich nahezu von allem Material s"attigen. Aber das f"allt in
die Rubrik Vor- & Nachteile. Der Schleimvorrat sollte "ahnlich
wie der Blutvorrat der Vampire gehandhabt werden, jedoch mit
der Ausnahme, da"s Monster f"ur ihre Gimmicks zus"atzlich
ANGST-PUNKTE brauchen, um den Schleim potent genug zu machen.
Diese ANGST-PUNKTE k"onnen durch Erschrecken gewonnen werden
oder durch anzapfen Der Quelle.
SLIME: Slime is rotten organic material, like dumped food, cadaver of
dead animals, etc. Nearly all Monsters avoid unrotten food.
Some MONSTERs are able to consume other materials as unorganic
stuff and use them as slime (see Merits & Flaws). Some are
cursed to feed them from fresh blood and flesh, same as
Vampires. The Slime-Pool should be handled as a Vampire
Bloodpool, but MONSTER need FEAR-POINTS to make it potent
enough to activate Gimmicks. These FEAR-POINTS could be
archieved by scaring, or using the contents of The Source.
ANGST-PUNKTE: ANGST-PUNKTE (Arbeitstitel!) entsprechen in ihrer Grundsubstanz
der Quintessenz, die Magier zum Zaubern benutzen. MONSTER
speichern diese Energie, indem sie sie einer 'Quelle' zuf"uhren
oder (h"aufiger) an ihren Schleim binden und ihn damit potent
genug f"ur die Aktivierung von Gimmicks machen. Ein MONSTER
kann seinen ANGST-PUNKTE-Vorrat steigern, indem es andere
Lebewesen erfolgreich erschreckt. ANGST-PUNKTE die in einer
'Quelle' gespeichert werden, k"onnen f"ur die MONSTEReigene
Art der Magie genutzt werden.
AKADEMIE: Die Akademie der MONSTER ist eine Art Schule, und Zufluchtsst"atte, die sich an einem, den Menschen unbekannten Ort,
befindet. An der Akademie gelten strenge Verhaltensregeln,
doch wer sie befolgt und den V"atern Ehre erwei"st, kann sein
K"onnen in der Kunst des Erschreckens hier auf sichere Weise
verbessern. Akademien findet man in jeder Metropole und
Academy: This Place is the save Home of every reasonable MONSTER.
Here they learn what it means to be a real good MONSTER.
In an Academy strict rules have to be disregarded, or
punishment in ugly forms will be the result. There are several
Academies in many bigger cities.
V"ater: Die V"ater werden allesamt durch MONSTER gestellt, die in
Ihrem Werdegang durch besonders hervorzuhebenden Einfallsreichtum bei Fiesheiten auffielen. Oft qu"alen sie MONSTER,
die ihr Lernpensum nicht erfolgreich genug erf"ullen, mit
den grausamsten Methoden der Folter. Die V"ater sind allgemein
bei den MONSTERn geachtet aber auch gef"urchtet.
Father: These older MONSTERs are the ones who teach the newbies and
research in new abilities or magic. The Fathers are skilled,
knowledged MONSTERs, feared and respected.
Snortschen: Pseudonym f"ur eine schlimme Folter zur Bestrafung durch
die V"ater. Der Foltermeister einer Akademie wird Snortsch
| Snortching: Psedonym for a very feared punishment in the Academy, arranged
by the Fathers. The Torture-Master of an Academy is always
called the 'Snortsch' in apprecation of the first
Lehrbuch: Jedes MONSTER, da"s sich in einer Akademie bew"ahrt hat,
erh"alt eine Ausgabe des MONSTER-Handbuches. In diesem
magischen Artefakt (welches "ubrigens bei innigem Kontakt mit
anderen M.-Handb"uchern in der Lage ist sich zu vermehren)
stehen viele der Grundregeln der Akademie, sowie ein paar der
gr"o"sten Geheimnisse des Erschreckens stehen, die "uber
Jahrhunderte von den V"atern gesammelt wurden. Alle B"ucher
koennen durch ein spezielles Ritual auf den neuesten Stand
gebracht werden. Der Inhalt kann "ubrigens nur von MONSTERn
gelesen werden, da das MONSTER "uber eine eigene Intelligenz
verf"ugt. Kapitel (Seiten): MD?-Monster Definition, GH?-Gro"se
Helden der Monster, EB?-Erfahrungs Berichte
| Handbook: Every signed MONSTER in the Academy that has proved himself.
It is a powerful source of knowledge, contending knowledge
over scareing, basic rules of the academy that are collected

Der Stuhl:

| The Chair:
Die Quelle:

| The Source:

by the Fathers. One remarkable thing is that the book is a very

Magic aretfact that is only readable by MONSTERs. Every Book
contains the same contents. If one is updated in an special
Ritual, all books change. If you put many books together, they
are able to reproduce themselves.
Chapters (Pages): MD?-Monster Definition, GH?-Great Heroes,
of the MONSTER, PR?-Practice Reports
Diese Maschine ist erinnert etwas an einen elektrischen Stuhl.
Sie ist jedoch mit Armen und sehr vielen Kabeln verschaltet,
die alle hinter ihr im Dunkeln verschwinden. Jede Akademie
besitzt mindestens einen dieser St"uhle, der dazu dient, die
Gedanken eines MONSTERs f"ur alle Anwesenden sichtbar zu
machen. Da das ganze magisch zu sein scheint, hinken alle
physikalischen Erkl"arungen etwas - selbst Knoroc, der erste
Baumeister des Stuhles (der "ubrigens verdammt viel mit einem
menschlichen Magier zu tun gehabt haben soll) lieferte niemals
eine genaue Beschreibung, sondern nur pr"azise Baupl"ane und
Rituale zur Herstellung.
Sitzt ein MONSTER erstmal im Stuhl, ist (automatisch) verkabelt und mit einem verdrahteten Metallhelm ausgestattet, so
beginnen seine Augen zu gl"uhen und ein Bild an eine Leinwand
zu werfen. Auf den Stuhl passen "ubrigens h"ochstens MONSTER,
die die Gr"o"se eines ausgewachsenen B"aren nicht
This machine reminds to an electric chair, but there are arms
and and many cables connected to it, that disappear somewhere
behind it in the dark. Every Academy owns at least one of these
chairs, that is used to make a MONSTERs memories visible to all
the present people. In assumption that this thing seems to be
driven of somewhat like magic, no physical explanation could be
found - even Knoroc, the first constructor of the chair (who,
if you are interessted in rumors, was supposed to stay in close
contact to a Mage) never delivered a precise describtion, but
only precise construction-guidance and rituals to produce it.
If a MONSTER is sitting in the chair, she will be cabled
automatically and an metal-helm is placed on her head (or there
where the 'top' of the Monster is). Lightnings are flashing
along the cables and stream into the MONSTER to illuminate
her eyes that work like an projector. The maximum bodysize that
fit in the chair is a grizzly.
Irgendwo tief im Kern einer jeden Akademie verborgen,
befindet sich 'Die Quelle'. Sie besteht aus der puren Angst
der Menschen, die von MONSTERn erschreckt wurden und dient
als "ubernat"urliche Energie-Quelle f"ur MONSTER-Rituale
und MONSTER-Maschinen. Solange die Menschen Angst vor MONSTERn
haben, werden diese Quellen der Kraft niemals versiegen.
Zum Beispiel kann sich eine Quelle als qro"ser, mit einer
leuchtenden, "atzend-gelb gefarbten Fl"u"sigkeit gef"ullter
Krater zeigen.
Einige Auserw"ahlte MONSTER und viele der V"ater besitzen
kleine tragbare 'Quellen' in den verschiedensten Formen. Sie
dienen zur Durchf"uhrung der MONSTEReigenen Magie, die jedoch
nur sehr wenige MONSTER beherrschen.
Somewhere deep in every Academy, there is a place called 'The
Source'. It contains a Plasma of pure human fears. As long as
People fear MONSTERs, the source will never run dry.
The power of The Source makes simple MONSTER-magic possible.
Rituals are performed near The Source. Some mighty or choosen
MONSTERs are allowed to carry small 'Sources' with them, to
perform Magic anywhere.

Die Wahre Welt: Die Wahre Welt ist eine Vision von vielen MONSTERn. Einige
von ihnen haben ihre Bem"uhungen sie zu verwirklichen in ein
fanatisches Stadium gebracht. In der Wahren Welt sind MONSTER
die Beherrscher der Menschheit. Die Menschen haben sich, durch
den anhaltenden Terror und Schrecken der MONSTER in eigenst"andigen Arcologien verschanzt (Einige kritische MONSTER
w"urden es Ghetto nennen). Diese Vision wird in der Regel von
den "alteren MONSTERn herbeigesehnt. Sie tr"aumen von einer
Welt in der sie sich nicht verstecken m"ussen, wo "uberall
gen"ugend Schleim zu finden ist und wo Die Quelle niemals
versiegen wird. Die J"ungeren MONSTER scheinen keinen Sinn
darin zu sehen eine ganze Rasse zu versklaven. Sie lieben es
sich in schleimigen dunkelen Ecken zu verstecken, um manchmal
zu einer richtig sch"onen Terror-Tour um die H"auser zu ziehen.
|The True World: The True World is a vision of many MONSTERs. Some of them
raised their effort in it to a fanatic stage. In the True
World MONSTERs are the ruler of human kind. The People life
in fear and terror and covered themselves in autonome
Arcologies (Some critical MONSTER would call it ghetto).
This Vision is mostly strived for by the older MONSTERs. They
dream of a world where they must not hide, where will be
enough Slime everywhere and The Source will never drain.
The younger ones doesn't see the sense in slaving a whole
race, so only few students in the Academy will accept such a
fanatic attitude. They love to live hidden in the dark slimy
areas and do a good scaring job sometimes.
Arcologien (Arcs): Arcologien sind Bauwerke, die die Bev"olkerung einer
ganzen Stadt aufnehmen k"onnen. Fast alle verf"ugen
"uber eine eigene Nahrungsmittel-, Wasser- und
Luftversorgung und sind somit komplett autonom. Es
gibt noch keine Arcologien. Sie existieren nur in den
Tr"aumen der >Wahren und vieler SF-Autoren.
|Arcologies (Arcs): Arcologies are Buildings, that could take up the
habitants of a whole city. Nearly all have their own Food-,
Water-, Air- and Energy-Sources. Yet there are no existing
Arcs. They only exist in the Visions of some the >True Ones
and some SF-authors.
Die Wahren:

Die Wahren sind

von der >Wahren
|The True Ones: The True Ones
the >True World

eine groe Gruppe von MONSTERn, die

Welt tr"aumen und darauf hinarbeiten.
are a big group of MONSTERs, that dream of
and work forward to it.

Zeitalters des Unglaubens:

|Age of Unbelieving:
* KAPITEL ZWEI: Szenerie
| CHAPTER TWO: Scenery
- In welcher Welt die MONSTER leben ist klar: Die DARK WORLD, aber
wie sehen SIE sie ?
- How do the MONSTER see the World of Darkness ?
Die Welt ist sch"on, zumindest der Teil, der uns geh"ort. Die Menschen
verstehen das nicht, sie k"onnen es nicht verstehen, denn sie sind noch zu
jung. Sie haben diese Welt verschandelt mit ihrer 'Ordnung' und ihrer
'Sauberkeit'. Es kann nur und mu"s daher unser Ziel sein,
zur"uckzuerobern, was unser war und rechtm"a"sig uns geh"ort. Die Menschen
zu t"oten ist dabei allerdings kein Weg, den das w"urde ihren Zorn
entfachen und, ihr wisst ja wie Menschen sind, in ihrem Fehlglauben
best"atigen, ihre Welt sei die einzig wahre. Der richtige Weg ist es, den
Menschen ihre Welt zu vergr"atzen, sie dort zu treffen wo sie sich sicher
f"uhlen. Das wird sie davon "uberzeugen, welchem Irrtum sie anh"angen. (NIK)
Das Zeitalter des Unglaubens
---------------------------(Auszug aus der Einleitung des Handbuchs f"ur MONSTER)
Seit dem Einbruch in das Zeitalter des Unglaubens haben die MONSTER einen
schweren Kampf auzufechten. Menschen haben den Glauben an das
"Ubernat"urliche verloren. Fr"uher wurden noch am Kaminfeuer die
Geschichten von Begegnungen mit uns weitererz"ahlt und unser blo"ser
Schatten reichte f"ur eine Ohnmacht. Mit der zunehmenden Beeinflu"sung
durch die Medien, die unsere Taten in den Schmutz ziehen oder durch
au"serirdische Erscheinungen erkl"aren, sind viele Menschen
desensibilisiert, ja als erlebenswert dargestellt worden. [...]
Es liegt in den Haenden der jungen Generationen, die durch die Verbindung
alter K"unste mit neuen Ideen und die Nutzung moderner technischer
M"oglichkeiten bessere Wege zu finden, den Menschen wieder das F"urchten
zu lehren.'


The Age of Unbelieving

---------------------(Extraction of the Introduction to the MONSTERs Handbook)
'Since the Beginning of the Age of Unbelieving, the MONSTERs fought a hard
fight. Human lost their believe in all the supernatural things around them.
In former times groups gathered around the fireplace and spend time in
storytelling about encounters with us. Sometimes only a right placed shadow
was enough to bring unconsciousness or great fear. With the rising
Manipulation by the media, who throw our activities to dust or explained
it by alien-stories or unworldly phenomena, many people lost _sensitiveness_
to our technics or (how disgusting) yust find them enjoyable.
It is now in the hands of the new generations to find new and better ways
of scareing by using modern technical inventions.
We must return our sweet kind of horror to them.'

- Ist ihnen das Umbra (welches?) zug"anglich, und wie sehen sie diese
Umgebung ? Wie erreichen sie sie ? F"ur die nicht-storyteller: Das
Umbra ist die Geisterwelt, in der Geister, Werw"olfe und auch mehr
oder weniger finstere Gesellen (D"amonen) ihr Unwesen treiben.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------* KAPITEL DREI: Ziele und Eigenheiten
| CHAPTER THREE: What do they want ?, Behavior
- Die Sprache der Monster. Monster haben eine eigene Sprachform das
'Yellroar' entwickelt, da"s von der menschlichen Sprache durch seinen hohen
Anteil an Grunzern und Gesten abweicht. In seiner Schriftform ist das
Yellroar "ahnlich dem japanischen Schriftzeichensystem, wo f"ur jedes Wort
ein eigenes abgeleitetes Zeichen geschaffen wird. Jedes Monster, das an
einer Akademie lernen will, lernt Yellroar, auch wenn ein Gro"steil des
Unterrichtes in der landes"ublichen Sprache stattfindet. Yellroar ist eine
intuitive Sprache und deshalb leicht zu erlernen, bzw. auch von Monstern
zu einem gro"sen Teil zu verstehen, die es nicht gelernt haben.
- Wie entstehen MONSTER ? Werden sie schon als MONSTER geboren ?
Kann man zum MONSTER werden ? Sind diese 'Nachz"ugler weniger
m"achtig, oder weniger angesehen ? Sind MONSTER ansteckend ?
: Kinder der Sons of Ether: Gesch"opfe der k"unstlich in einem Labor
geschaffen, oder nachtr"aglich mutiert wurden. Entweder d"urften
sie den SoE sehr zugeneigt (gute Erfahrungen) oder sehr abgeneigt
sein. Frankensteins Monster w"are hier ein Beispiel. Oder die
mi"shandelten Gremlins aus dem 2. Teil, die schlie"slich das Labor
auseinandernehmen. Denen hat man noch ein paar nette Gimmicks
verpa"st :)
Children of the Sons of Ether: Creatures that have been 'born' in
the labs of the SoE. Either they are extremly attached to their
'parents' or they hate them for some (understandable) reason.
The Monster of Frankenstein or the badly treated Gremlins (2.Part)
which finaly dismantled the whole lab are only some examples.


: Im groben Sinne sind die Teen*geMut*ntHer*Turtles ja auch MONSTER

Auch wenn sie von ihrem 'Sensei' etwas auf die falsche Bahn gelockt
wurden und Menschen nur helfen, anstatt sie zu erschrecken.
Die Mutation urspr"unglich normaler Wesen durch Umweltgifte.
In a generous thought, even the Teen*geMut*ntHer*Turtles are MONSTERs
too. Maybe they are a little bit 'corupted' by their sensei, so they
only help, but scare. The reason was mutation by toxic waste.
: Die 'Ur'-MONSTER - uralt, vielleicht jahrhundertelang im Tiefschlaf
oder im Untergrund

- Wie sehen sie die Welt der Menschen ? Wie f"ugen sie sich in die
bestehenden Strukturen ein ?
| How do MONSTERs see the World of the Human ? How do they fit into the
| human structures ?
: Die meisten 'modernen' MONSTER k"onnen durchaus mit Technik umgehen
und wissen ihre Vorz"uge zu nutzen. Einige von ihnen erfinden sogar
selbst Maschinen, die jedoch selten zu mehr taugen, als zum
Erschrecken oder der Verrichtung einer T"atigkeit. Meist erinnern die
Maschinen der MONSTER an die schnaufenden Dampfmaschinen aus dem
Beginn der Industriealisierung.
: The most 'modern' MONSTERs are able to handle technics. Some of them
are even able to design machines. But mostly this stuff is not able
to do more than one specific task and remind you to the great
unhandy giant machines of the beginning of industrialization.
- Welche besonderen Vorlieben haben sie und was ha"sen sie ?
: Auch MONSTER lieben 'sch"one' Dinge. Viele dieser Zeitgenossen sollen
von Lavalampen "au"serts fa"sziniert sein.
Even MONSTERs like beautiful things, sometimes... Some of them enjoy
looking at a lava-lamp very much.
: Das ein Gro"steil der MONSTER Ordnung im menschlichen Sinne nicht
liebt, d"urfte klar sein. Am liebsten scheinen sie sich in 'Schleim'Quellen, M"ullhaufen oder anderen Ansammlungen von Unrat zu tummeln.
Wo ein MONSTER sich niederl"a"st wird innerhalb kurzer Zeit ein
solcher Anblick herrschen, der Menschen zur Verzweiflung bringen kann.
That a big part of the MONSTERs do not like order in the human sense,
should be clear already. They seem to waste their time at slimy
Sources, rubbish heaps or other collections of waste. Where a MONSTER
settles down, there will be a great mess in very short time.
- Welche kulturellen Beduerfnisse haben MONSTER? Moegen sie Musik? (WES)
- Koennen MONSTER sprechen? Koennen sie die Sprache der Menschen (WES)
sprechen und verstehen? Sind sie ueberhaupt bereit, mit den
Menschen zu kommunizieren?
- Sind MONSTER bekleidet? Welche Art von Kleidung tragen sie? (WES)
Das kommt auf die MONSTER an. Manche MONSTER m"ogen Kleidung, andere
nicht. Beliebt als Kleidungsst"ucke sind allerdings alte zefallende Stoffe
oder altes Leder. Die haben dann diesen guten Schleim-Geruch. (NIK)
|-Are MONSTER dressed ? What kind of dress do they prefer ?
| That depends to the MONSTER. Some like to be dressed, other not. Well liked
| are rotten clothes or old leather. They have the right smell of slime.
- Eines der 'Freizeit-Vergn"ugen' an der MONSTER-Akademie ist seit jeher
das Gorbler-Kegeln. Es hat sehr viel "Ahnlichkeit mit dem Bowling der
Menschen, jedoch auch leichte Unterschiede. Gorbler sind kleine gr"une
MONSTER die sich rasch vermehren und in MONSTERkreisen eher als unwichtig
angesehen werden. Sie haben eigentlich nur einen Zweck, als Kegelb"alle
herzuhalten. Gorbler haben nun jedoch eine Eigenart. Springt man auf sie,
so schleudern sie mit rascher Geschwindigkeit ihren kompletten Mageninhalt
in gerader Linie aus ihrer Maul"offnung. Gorbler-Kegeln l"auft nun
folgenderma"sen: Man rollt einen Gorbler mit rascher Geschwindigkeit
entlang der Kegelbahn in Richtung der Kegel, bevor er jedoch mehr als
die H"alfte der Strecke zur"uckgelegt hat, mu"s man im richtigen Moment
auf ihn springen, um die Kegel mit seinem Mageninhalt zu treffen.
Nur die schnellsten und geschicktesten MONSTER beherrschen das Gorblern.
Es gibt zwei einschr"ankungen: Gegorblert werden darf nur nicht in einer
den Menschen gef"alligen Form und MONSTER, die "uber das doppelte Gewicht
einer gef"ullten M"ulltonne verf"ugt, darf nicht teilnehmen (die Verluste
bei den Gorblern haben bis zu dieser Regelaufstellug zu immer
wiederkehrenden Protesten seitens der Gorbler gef"uhrt).
Ein guter Gorbler-Kegler zu sein, ist der beste Weg sich an einer Akademie
schnell beliebt zu machen und an Ansehen zu gewinnen.
|-One of the most famous sports at the Academies is Gorbler-Bowling. It has
| much in common with the human bowling, but there are little differences.
| Gorbler are little green MONSTER that are of a low reputation in the
| MONSTER society. There only aim is to serve as special bowlingballs.
| Gorbler are able to shoot out the contents of there stomach in a high speed
| and straight line, if you jump on them. They are not hurt by that - no,
| they really seem to enjoy being important for a moment (stupid things,
| didn't i told you already ?). Ok, if you got this, the rest is easy. You
| have to roll the gorbler along the alley. Before it reached half the way
| you have to jump on it so that the 'spit' hits the pins and bring them to
| fall. There are only two limits: Gorbling is not allowed in a human| pleasing form and forbidden to MONSTER that are twice the weight of a
| filled trashbin (the Gorbler often striked after one of them fall victim
| to a 'weight-problem').

* KAPITEL VIER: Das soziale Gef"uge der MONSTER

| CHAPTER FOUR: The social structure of the MONSTERS
- Die Akademie an der junge MONSTER von den "Alteren lernen, wie man
Menschen erschreckt und dabei "Uberlebt...
- At the Academy, younger MONSTER learn from the older ones, how to
scare human and survive...
- Aufbau/Lehrstoff/-form/Missionen / Structure/Education/Missions
- Belohnungen & Strafen / rewards & punishment
MONSTER, die den V"atern unangenehm auffallen oder ihrem Lernstoff nicht gen"ugend Aufmerksamkeit widmen, werden bestraft.
Obwohl der Einfallsreichtum der V"ater bei den Bestrafungen
ann"ahernd unerme"slich ist, sind ein paar Dinge in all den
Jahren gleich geblieben. Die schlimmste Form der Bestrafung ist
im allgemeinen das 'Snortschen', benannt nach dem ersten Foltermeister der ersten MONSTER-Akademie (seitdem wird jedes MONSTER
das die Stelle des Folterers ausf"uhrt, der Einfachheit halber
'Snortsch' genannt). Die Folter, die beim Snortschen angewandt
wird, "andert sich gemeinerweise st"andig und pa"st sich meist den
Schw"achen des jeweiligen MONSTERs an. Gemein haben jedoch alle
Methoden, da"s sie nie t"odlich sind, sondern nur das Nervenkost"um zerkratzen.
Wollen die V"ater eine sehr schwere Drohung aussprechen, so
benutzen sie das Wort 'Schrottpresse'. Schon den j"ungsten
MONSTERn wird in den Schlechte-Nacht-Geschichten gelehrt, wie
gef"ahrlich diese Erfindung der Menschen ist. Eine ungl"uckliche
Begegnung mit einer Schrottpresse bedeutet in der Regel selbst
f"ur das st"arkste MONSTER den Tod.


- Die Gegner, Menschen...

MONSTER die MONSTER jagen ? MONSTER die Menschen fressen ?
- The Enemies, Human...
MONSTER that hunt MONSTER ? MONSTER that eat human ?

- Anh"anger (fanatische Cineasten, Wissenschaftler, Tiere)

- Follower (fanatic Cinematics, Engeneers, Animals)
- Die Grundregeln der organisierten MONSTERgesellschaft (Akademie):
: Du sollst nicht t"oten (au"ser wenn es unumg"anglich ist)
: Du sollst Menschen erschrecken und von uns wichtigen Orten
: Du sollst Dich nicht Gefangennehmen lassen
: Du sollst Dich nicht ma"slos vermehren (Wie hie"sen diese
kleinen niedlichen Wesen bei ELITE damals ? :)
: Du sollst reifere MONSTER achten und ihnen Respekt zollen
: Du darfst keine Au"senstehenden mit in die Akademie bringen, oder
ihnen davon erz"ahlen (dazu geh"ort auch die Geheimhaltung des
: Du sollst tote MONSTER nicht zur"ucklassen. Erweise ihnen die
letzte Ehre einer ordentlichen Zeremonie in einer Akademie.

- The Basic-Rules of the organised MONSTERsociety (Academy):

: You should not kill if avoidable
"We do not eat human ? How can we know where they have hanged
around ?" "If we would kill human, who will remain to be scared ?
"I said, that MONSTER do not kill human, i didn't said that they
don't kill MONSTERs"
: You should scare human and keep them away from our important places.
: You must not get caught.
: You must not reproduct yourself without limited (do you remember
the sweet hairy little thing at ELITE or Star Trek ?)
: You should show respect to mature MONSTERs
: You must not guide strangers into the Academy or tell them about
it. This includes bewaring the secrets of the Handbook.
: You should return dead MONSTERs to the Academy. Give them the
chance to leave with honor.

* KAPITEL F"UNF: Die Kunst des Erschreckens
| CHAPTER FIVE: The Art of Frightening
- Die Hintergr"unde, verschiedene Arten, Folgen des Erschreckens beim
- Gutes und schlechtes Erschrecken ?
: Schlecht (wenn vielleicht auch nicht f"ur den Ruhm) ist es, wenn
ein Mensch durch die direkten Folgen des Erschreckens stirbt.
Manche MONSTER legen die Ma"sst"abe da allerdings recht verschieden
an und treiben ihre Opfer schonmal dazu, aus dem Fenster zu springen.
* KAPITEL SECHS: Grundregeln
| CHAPTER SIX: Basic Rules (as in every Rulebook)
- K"onnen wir uns wohl so ziemlich sparen, steht in jedem Regelwerk
gleich drin




sehr m"achtig

Storyteller arbeitet mit einem Grundsystem von 1-5, in das fast alle
Attribute, F"ahigkeiten, etc. eingeteilt sind.
Vor- und Nachteile k"onnen bei der Erschaffung gew"ahlt werden und die
verbrauchten/gewonnenen Punkte werden mit den sogenannten 'Freien
Punkten' verrechnet, die zur Ausarbeitung eines Charakters dienen.
Nachteile verschaffen einem freie Punkte, Vorteie kosten welche.
Storyteller ist ein Spielsystem von White Wolf. Die deutschen "Ubersetzungen stammen von Feder&Schwert. Erschienen sind bislang die Genre
Vampire, Werewolf, Mage, Changeling, Wraith
Die World of Darkness ist eine von diesen Genres gepr"agte Welt, mit
einer etwas dunkleren Athmosph"are. Die meisten Menschen wissen jedoch
nichts von der Anwesenheit dieser besonderen Gesch"opfe.
* KAPITEL SIEBEN: Charakter-Erschaffung
- Die Erschaffung eines MONSTERs:
- Zuerst einmal sollte eine Grundidee vorliegen, die folgende Kriterien
enthalten sollte:
- Welchem Wesen/Objekt "ahnelt mein MONSTER ?
: Erinnert es an eine bestimmte Tierart, oder hat es offensichtlich
einen menschlichen Ursprung ? Sieht es aus wie eine Truhe oder
doch wie ein altes TV-Ger"at ?
- Welche Grundeinstellungen hat mein MONSTER zu anderen MONSTERn oder den
anderen Wesen, die auf der Welt wandeln ?
- Welcher Gruppe von MONSTERn geh"ort mein MONSTER an ?
: Ist es aufgrund seines Verhaltens/Aussehens dazu bestimmt einer Gruppe
anzugeh"oren ? (Z.B. w"urde ein fast wahnsinniges MONSTER am ehesten
zu den Maniacs passen, wogegen ein 'Riese' nur in die Sparte
'Giganten' einzug erhalten kann.
- Monster sollten (sofern sie denn Sprechen k"onnen), mindestens einen Punkt
auf 'Sprachen' legen, damit sie neben der Landessprache auch die
Monstersprache 'Yellroar' beherrschen, in der viel Geflucht und teilweise
auch sehr pers"ohnliche Gespr"ache gehalten werden.
- Punktekosten f"ur Wertesteigerungen durch freie Zusatzpunkte (15)
je 7 Punkte
je 5 Punkte
F"ahigkeiten: je 2 Punkte
je 2 Punkte
je 2 Punkte
Hintergrund: je 1 Punkt
- Das Ausarbeiten des Charakters:

- Beispiel einer Erschaffung

: Das SchleimMONSTER (WES)
Beschreibung: Das SchleimMONSTER ist fl"u"sig und kann sich auch jedem
fl"u"sigen Untergrund anpassen. Es kann sich also im Sumpf,
im Wasser oder auch in Gebieten aufhalten, in denen es vor
kurzem geregnet hat.
[Als Vorteil (Merit) hat dieses MONSTER 'Fl"u"sige Gestalt'
gew"ahlt, sowie den Nachteil 'Eingeschr"ankter Lebensraum',
das MONSTER scheint zum Typ 'Die Wilden' zu geh"oren.]
Wesensart: Das SchleimMONSTER kann Waffen auch als Waffen erkennen.
Da es friedliebend ist, duldet es keine Waffen. Sobald
etwas in seine N"ahe gelegt wird, was es als Waffe
identifiziert, kriecht es darauf zu, und macht diese Waffe
unbrauchbar. [Nachteil/Flaw: Ha"s gegen Waffen]
Wenn ein Charakter also ein Messer neben sich auf den Boden
legt und diese Waffe vom SchleimMONSTER ber"uhrt wird, so
beginnt sich die Klinge zu zersetzen. Das Messer kann nicht
mehr als Waffe benutzt werden. [Die K"orper-Fl"ussigkeit
erh"alt durch zwei zus"atzliche Punkte die Eigenschaft
'starke S"aure, zersetzt Metall'.]
Bek"ampfung: Ein gefundenes Fressen (im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes) ist
f"ur ein SchleimMONSTER, wenn versucht wird, es mit Waffen
zu bek"ampfen. Durch Ber"uhrung zersetzen sich diese ja.
Ergo k"onnen sie dem MONSTER nicht besonders gef"ahrlich
werden. Bek"ampfen und t"oten kann man das MONSTER nur,
indem man es mit Dingen angreift, die keine Metall-Waffen
sind. Z.B. Schlagen mit Papier oder Holzkeulen. Oder mit
extremer Hitze oder K"alte, usw.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eine Aufz"ahlung der Untergruppen (Name: Brut?, Nester?, Sch"opfer?)
--------------------------------# Die 'Kuschler' / The 'Cuddles' (Arbeitstitel)
'Gizmo war ein Verr"ater! Er lie"s sich mit den Menschen ein und nahm eine
den Menschen gef"allige Form an.'
Die Kuschler werden von den meisten anderen MONSTERn verachtet, weil sie
schwach sind und nicht an die Wiederherstellung der Wahren Welt glauben.
Sie haben es sich bei den Menschen h"auslich eingerichtet und sind im
Allgemeinen ganz zufrieden mit sich und der Welt. Allerdings fallen einige
von ihnen gelegendlich in alte Gewohnheiten und ziehen dann Grauen
verbreitend durch die Gegend, bis sie sich wieder beruhigt haben. (NIK)
Story. Thema: 'Kuschler'
Eigentlich h"atte es eine ganz normale Nacht werden k"onnen, begonnen
hatte der Abend wie so viele, seit ich Bill zum Geburtstag geschenkt wurde.
Ja ich habe wohl besonderes Gl"uck gehabt, denn der kleine Bill liebt mich
wirklich sehr, er knuddelt mich immer vor dem Einschlafen und wenn er
weinen mu"s, bin ich da, um seine Tr"anen zu trocknen. Er erz"ahlt seinem
kleinen Teddy all seine seine Geheimnisse und ich wei"s sein Vertrauen
durch meine Verschwiegenheit zu sch"atzen. Bill und seine Schwester waren
gerade eingeschlafen und ich hatte mich aus seinen Armen gel"o"st um mich
in die K"uche zu schleichen, da bemerkte ich eine Bewegung auf der
Au"senseite des Fensters. Ein Schatten huschte dort herum und etwas
Metallisches blitze kurz im fahlen Mondlicht auf. Da ! Ganz klar zeichnet
sich die Silouette einer Gestalt vor dem Fenster ab. Durch einen Sprung
rette ich mich aus dem Licht der kleinen Steckdosenglimmlampe und kauere
mich in den Schatten.
Ein Knarzen verr"at mir wenig sp"ater, da"s die Gestalt sich am Fenster
zu schaffen gemacht hat und es nun langsam "offnet. Was will dieser Fremde ?
Er soll blo"s die Finger von Bill lassen ! Und seine Schwester ? Bill
w"urde es nicht m"ogen, wenn seiner Schwester etwas getan w"urde, auch
wenn sie sich oft streiten, nein...
Vielleicht ist es ja nur ein Einbrecher, hmm,
dem k"onnte man sein Vorhaben gr"undlich ver"ubeln. Wie ging das noch ?
Ja damals, als ich noch Rotzmer war, dieses ekelhafte Etwas, da w"are mir
in dieser Situation bestimmt etwas eingefallen... Aber das ist so lange...
Nein ! Er geht auf das Bettchen von Bill zu und beugt sich "uber ihn. Das
darf er nicht !
Irgendetwas f"arbt meine Gedanken d"uster, blinde Wut zerrt an
meinen Muskelfasern und bl"aht sie auf. Mein Sch"adel scheint zu platzen
und meine F"ange schleifen sich bis weit "uber mein Kinn. Von den
so s"u"s glitzernden Teddyb"arenaugen, die eben noch einem Kind das
Einschlafen erleichterten, ist nichts mehr zu sehen. Statt dessen befinden
sich dort zwei feuerote B"alle, mit denen sich das Halbdunkel in helles
Tageslicht verwandelt. Nun sehe ich ihn ganz genau. Ich kann auf ihn
herabschauen, diesen Wurm, denn auch meine K"orpergr"o"se ist auf ein
Vielfaches angewachsen. Ein Knurren entweicht meinem K"orper, in dem die
Wut meines ganzen K"orpers mitklingt. Der Fremde dreht sich um und seine
Augen weiten sich unmenschlich. Er scheint nicht ganz begreifen zu k"onnen,
was ihm da gegen"uber steht. Wie versteinert steht er da und seine
Unterlippe zittert unkontrolliert. Die Wut in mir ist zu gro"s und meine
klauenbewehrten, schuppigen Arme gleiten nach vorne um ihn zu greifen.
Mit Leichtigkeit kann ich ihn packen und zum Fenster zerren, das immer
noch offen steht. Bevor ich mich durch das Fenster zw"ange schmei"se ich
den regungslosen Leib des Mannes hinaus auf den Rasen. Ich halte ihn mit
einem Arm in der Luft und, lasse seine aufgerissenen Augen kurz auf meinen
F"angen ruhen. Ich reisse mein Maul auf, grolle und lasse ihn fallen. Das
scheint ihn aus seiner Starre erweckt zu haben, denn erst robbend, dann
teils auf allen vieren hastend sucht er seinen Weg in die Schatten und
springt "uber den Zaun. Sekunden sp"ater h"ore ich einen Wagen laut
aufheulen und rasch leiser werden.
Meine Gedanken beruhigen sich und ich entspanne meinen K"orper.
Mein Gott habe ich einen Hunger... nichts wie in die K"uche... gestern
gab es Spinat - davon bleibt immer ne Menge "ubrig. Nichts wie hin ! (DOG)


Spitzname: Memmen, Fusselmonster

Erscheinungsbild: Kuschler haben es sich angew"ohnt, au"ser in Notf"allen,
nur noch in ihrer harmlosen Form zu leben. F"ur MONSTER schlie"sen sie
sich damit selbst aus ihrer Mitte aus. F"ur Menschliche ist ein Kuschler
dagegen meist sehr nett anzusehen und auch sehr umg"anglich.
Zuflucht: Gl"uckliche Kuschler besitzen immer ein gem"utliches Heim, in
da"s sie sich meist "uber die Herzen der Kinder eingeschlichen haben.
Sie sind von den Menschen meist toleriert und tun auch alles um diesen
Zustand beizubehalten.
Charaktererschaffung: Kuschler m"ussen den Vorteil 'Harmlose Gestalt'
nehmen. Zul"a"sig sind dabei ein Gegenstand, ein s"u"s aussehendes Tier
oder Kuschelmonster ein Menschen mit Erscheinungsbild 4.
Gimmicks: Monster die unter Kuschlern aufgewachsen sind scheinen in der
Wahl ihrer Gimmicks recht uninteressiert zu sein. Wenige w"ahlen
K"orperwaffen oder Erschrecken.
Schw"achen: Kuschler haben eine gro"se Scheu davor, sich in ihre MONSTERGestalt zu verwandeln oder zu merken, da"s sie von denen die sie lieben
gef"urchtet werden. Viele biedern sich auf f"ur manche l"astige Art an.
Kuschler sind frischen ihren Schleimvorrat nur mit 'frischem' Abfall
auf, da sie dem, mit verrottendem Material verbundenen Gestank, nicht
ertragen wollen. Kuschler verbrauchen aus diesem Grund immer doppelt
soviel von ihrem Schleimvorrat wie normalerweise n"otig, da dieser
weniger potent ist.
Organisation: Kuschler sind eigentlich sehr wenig organisiert und halten
nur geringen Kontakt zu ihrer MONSTER-Umwelt. Da viele von ihnen eine
gewisse k"unstlerische Begabung haben, treffen sie sich am liebsten in
Museen oder Galerien.
- Hooligans 'Haltet mir blo"s diese Berserker aus unserem Haus !'
Hooligans 'Just keep these Berserks out of our sweet home !'
- Giganten 'Schrecklich, ihre Filme regen die Kinder zu sehr auf...'
Giants 'Ugly, their film frighten the kids...'
- Die Romantischen 'Ja, ich kann sie sehr gut verstehen. Wir sind
verflucht, so zu sein wie wir sind.'
The Romantics 'Yep, i understand them very well. We are cursed with
what we are choosen to be.'
- Maniacs 'Die Typen sind nur auf Stress aus. Keine ruhige Minute...'
Maniacs 'These Guys only make stress. No silent minute...'
- Die Wilden 'Draussen leben, ohne W"arme, warmes Essen und wom"oglich
noch mit kaltem Wasser waschen ? Igitt !'
The Wild Ones 'Living out there, without warmth, hot meals an possibly
washing with cold water ? Boo !'
- Die H"uter der Quelle 'Diese MONSTER sollten Vorbilder f"ur alle
MONSTER sein, denn sie widmen ihr Dasein einem guten Zweck.'
The Guardians of the Source 'These MONSTERs should be an exsample for


every MONSTER, cause they dedicate their live to an higher purpose.'

- Techniker 'Die Typen und ihre Maschinen sind doch zu nichts nutze.'
The Techs 'These guys and their machines are totally useless.'
- Die Toxiker ''
he Toxicans ''
- Netzwandler 'Nett, sieht aus wie ein Videospiel !'
Netcrawler 'Nice, looks like a videogame !'

# Die 'Hooligans'
Die Hooligans sind eine Gruppierung der MONSTER, die wenig von den
Menschen und ihren Erfindungen h"alt. In den Augen von vielen Hooligans
stehen die Menschen wertm"a"sig weit unter den Tieren. Andere lieben es
einfach nur das zu zerst"oren, was andere geschaffen haben und wieder
andere denken scheinbar "uberhaupt nicht viel nach, wenn sie das Eigentum
oder die Nerven anderer zerst"oren.
Hooligans treten sehr oft in kleinen Gruppen von drei bis f"unf MONSTERn
auf und hinterlassen dort wo sie waren meist ein heftiges Chaos.
Die Hooligans treffen sich gerne zu Versammlungen, die meist an Orten
stattfinden wo es eh nichts mehr zu zerst"oren gibt oder wo es ihnen egal
ist. Sinn dieser Treffen ist es dann meist auch nicht wichtige
Informationen auszutauschen, sondern einfach nur einen Kontakt zwischen
den MONSTERn aufrecht zu erhalten, die nicht mehr die Akademie besuchen
(d"urfen). Hooligans legen sehr viel wert auf die Ausbildung der
k"orperlichen F"ahigkeiten, wogegen die zwischenmonsterlichen Eigenschaften
meist zur"uckfallen, da Dinge wie Rangfolgen, etc. eh meist durch
Zweik"ampfe entschieden werden.
Erscheinungsbild: Hooligans legen recht gro"sen Wert auf eine besonders
verwegenes und erschreckendes Aussehen. Viele von Ihnen imitieren Menschen
mit der Wahl ihrer Kleidung. Besonders Uniformen haben es ihnen angetan.
Auch unter sich suchen Hooligans meist gleichgesinnte und "ahnlich
aussehende MONSTER.
Zuflucht: Viele Hooligans bei denen der Drang zur Zerst"orung noch nicht
v"ollig ausgebildet ist, studieren und leben an der Akademie. Andere
suchen sich gerne in der N"ahe von Menschen einen Unterschlupf und ziehen
Nachts los, um Spa"s zu haben.
Charaktererschaffung: Hooligans legen recht viel wert auf k"orperliche
und k"ampferische F"ahigkeiten. An eine harmlose Gestalt wird selten
mehr als vier Punkte verschwendet, ebenso sieht es mit der Intelligenz
Gimmicks: Auch in der Wahl der Gimmicks wird alles auf gr"o"ser, schneller
und st"arker ausgerichtet. Typische Gimmicks sind K"orperwaffen,
Schnelligkeit und K"orperpanzerung.
Schw"achen: Hooligans leiden unter einer fast nicht existenten
Selbstbeherrschung. Sie sind einer Rauferei nie abgeneigt und regeln eh
einen Gro"steil aller 'Diskussionen' "uber handgreifliche
Organisation: Hooligans rotten sich meist zu kleinen Gruppen zusammen, oder
Durchstreifen die Nacht allein. Manche Hooligans, die sich zum Anf"uhrer
geeignet finden, versuchen von Zeit zu Zeit mehrere Gruppen
Zusammenzuf"uhren, was jedoch oft, wegen der Untoleranz der Hooligans,
zum scheitern verurteilt ist.
- Kuschler 'Weicheier ! Das sind keine echten MONSTER mehr !'
Cuddles 'Weaklings ! These are no MONSTERs any more !'
- Giganten 'M"achtige Vorstellung. Leider noch nie einen echt gesehen.'
Giants 'Mighty Idea. Sad that i never seen one in my life.'
- Die Romantischen 'Arme Spinner !'
The Romantics 'Poor Nuts !'
- Maniacs 'Diese Typen sind auf dem richtigen Weg, leider jedoch oft zu
schwach, um mit uns zu ziehen.'
Maniacs 'These guys are on the right path, unfortunately they are too
often too weak, join us.
- Die Wilden 'Viele von Ihnen sind wie wir, nur ziehen sie die menschenarmen Gebiete vor.'
The Wild Ones 'Many of them are like we are, but they choose the
uncivilized areas.'
- Die H"uter der Quelle 'Sie meinen etwas besonderes zu sein, dabei haben
sie nur vergessen wie man richtig einen draufmacht.'
The Guardians of the Source 'They thaught themselves to be something
special, but they only forgot how to enjoy themselves.'
- Techniker 'Wir zerst"oren und sie f"ullen die entstandenen L"ucken mit
ihrem Chaos.'
The Techs 'We destroy and they fill the gaps with their Chaos.'
- Die Toxiker 'Interessante Typen und "uberhaupt nicht so langweilig
wie die Typen von der Akademie, leider fressen sie immer diesen
he Toxicans ''
- Netzwandler 'Hei"s ! Im Netz soll es noch richtig abgehen, obwohl ich
mir das zerst"oren von disen Bits doch recht langweilig vorstelle.'
Netcrawler ''
# Die 'Giganten' / The 'Giants'
Diese Spezies ist schon aufgrund ihrer Gr"osse fuer Charaktere denkbar
ungeeignet. Ihre Unf"ahigkeit, die Gr"o"se zu reduzieren, hat ihr
Vorkommen auf wenige unentdeckte Flecken der Erde reduziert - Weit ab
von jeglicher Zivilisation. (Godzilla, KingKong)
Es ist f"ur Giganten unm"oglich ein Gimmick aus der Gruppe
K"orpergr"o"se zu w"ahlen.
Erscheinungsbild: Grooooo"s ! Meist bestehen "Ahnlichkeiten zu Dinosauriern
oder bestimmten Tieren. Selten Kleidung oder geschmiedete Waffen.
Zuflucht: An sehr einsamen Pl"atzen. Auf Inseln oder in tiefen H"ohlen.
Giganten sind oft sehr alt und halten sich in einem Tiefschlaf bereit.
Charaktererschaffung: Giganten m"ussen 6 Punkte in 'Riesige Gestalt'
Gimmicks: Giganten k"onnen das Gimmick 'K"orpergr"o"se' nicht erwerben.
Schw"achen: Ihre Gr"o"se.
Organisation: Keine, in der Gegenwart existente.
- Kuschler 'Wer ?'
Cuddles 'Who ?'
- Hooligans 'Diese kleinen Dreckfresser ! F"ur ihre Gr"o"se machen sie
ganz sch"on viel Staub.'
Hooligans 'Dirty little bastards ! When you think of their size, they
whirl up much dust.'
- Die Romantischen 'Vergi sie !'
The Romantics 'Forget them !'
- Maniacs 'Hatte mal einen dieser Schreih"alse unter meinem Fu"s...'
Maniacs 'Once i stepped on one of these yelling Scums...'
- Die Wilden 'Ich habe schon den einen oder anderen gesehen. Sie sind
jedoch sehr schnell mit ihren Beinen.'
The Wild Ones 'I saw some of them around here, but they are too fast on
their feet.'
- Die H"uter der Quelle 'Quelle ? Welche Quelle ?'
The Guardians of the Source 'Source ? What Source ?'
- Techniker 'Oeh ?'
The Techs 'Uh ?'
- Die Toxiker ''
he Toxicans ''
- Netzwandler 'Was ist ein Computer ?'
Netcrawler 'What is a computer ?'
# Die 'Romantischen' / The 'Romantics'
Diese MONSTER sind tief in Ihrem Herzen sehr ungl"ucklich dar"uber
MONSTER zu sein. Vielleicht wurden sie zum MONSTER verzaubert und suchen
nun seit Ewigkeiten nach dem Weg, sich aus ihrer H"ulle zu befreien, den
Fluch zu brechen. Auch die (noch?) unerwiederte wahre Liebe zu einem
Menschen kann MONSTER auf die 'falsche Bahn' bringen und ihre Gedanken
verwirren. Die Romantiker sind oftmals Einzelg"anger unter den MONSTERn,
weil sie oft nicht Glauben, da"s die L"osung ihres Problems unter
ihresgleichen zu finden ist.
Spitzname: Tr"aumer
Erscheinungsbild: Meist gepflegt und menschlich gekleidet. Bevorzugen sehr
menschliche Verhaltensweisen.
Zuflucht: Meist in der Na"he von Menschen, jedoch au"serhalb des
Sichbereiches der '"Offentlichkeit'. Manche schlie"sen sich aus Mitleid
mit Bed"urftigen zusammen und sorgen f"ur sie. Einige arbeiten auch eng
mit den Akademie-Monster zusammen, um eine L"osung ihres Problems zu


Gimmicks: Alle sind m"oglich und werden auch genutzt, um das eigene
Schicksal und das anderer zu mildern.
Schw"achen: Romantiker haben einen Drang zum menschlichen und zu den
Menschen. Sie sind selten 'gut genug drauf' um auf Monster-Touren zu
gehen und f"ur richtige Angst zu sorgen.
Organisation: Romantiker suchen meist die N"ahe von Menschen oder k"onnen
an der Akademie angetroffen werden. Besondere Verbindungen zwischen diesen
gottseidank seltenen Monstern gibt es kaum.
- Kuschler 'Putzig, oder ?'
Cuddles 'Cute, heh ?'
- Hooligans 'Keine Manieren. Man mu"s sie ihnen erst beibringen !'
Hooligans 'No manners. You will have to teach them first !'
- Giganten 'Schreckliche Vorstellung, aber wahr.'
Giants 'Ugly thought, but true.'
- Maniacs 'Respektlos und ohne Verst"andnis.'
Maniacs 'respectless and with no understanding for anything.'
- Die Wilden 'Eines Tages werde ich frei sein, oder so leben wie sie.'
The Wild Ones 'One day i will be free, or live like them.'
- Die H"uter der Quelle 'Sie suchen nach neuen Wegen, besseren Wegen,
die wir bislang nicht beschreiten konnten.'
The Guardians of the Source 'They search for new and better ways, we
couldn't walk on yet.'
- Techniker 'Den ganzen Tag unsinniges Zeug basteln, das k"onnen sie.'
The Techs 'The whole day nothing but building mad stuff.'
- Die Toxiker 'Furchtbare Monster. Gift scheint f"ur sie wie eine Droge
zu sein.'
he Toxicans ''
- Netzwandler 'Hmm...'
Netcrawler 'Hmm...'

# Die 'Maniacs'
Diese MONSTER bauen eigentlich nur Mist, auch unter ihresgleichen. Die
V"ater der Akademie sch"utteln beim Anblick dieser Exemplare verzweifelt
den Kopf, obwohl sie insgeheim w"unschten, von Zeit zu Zeit ebenso
kranke Einf"alle zu haben. Maniacs haben in der Akademie ein schweres
Leben, zwar werden sie geduldet - haben aber aufgrund ihrer Einstellung
nur "Arger mit den 'V"atern', da ihnen meist der n"otige Respekt fehlt.
- Kuschler 'Sie sind krank und schwach, halte sie von mir fern !'
Cuddles 'They are ill and weak, keep them away from me !'
- Hooligans 'Nur immer alles zerst"oren. Wo bleibt da das Feingef"uhl ?'
Hooligans 'Only destroying. Where is the sense in it ?'
- Giganten 'Gro"s und ungem"utlich.'
Giants 'Big and uncomfortable.'
- Die Romantischen 'Langweiler ! Sie sollten sich mal was neues einfallen
The Romantics 'Bores ! They could imagine something new.'
- Die Wilden 'Sie m"ogen die Einsamkeit, sollen sie gl"ucklich werden.'
The Wild Ones 'They like lonelyness, may they find true harmony.'
- Die H"uter der Quelle 'Viel K"opfchen, aber schon zu stark auf den
Spuren der V"ater, um eigene Ideen zu entwickeln.'
The Guardians of the Source 'Clever guys, but they are to addicted to the
Fathers to have new ideas.'
- Techniker 'Die Typen sind fast so gut drauf wie wir.'
The Techs 'These are nearly as tough as we are.'
- Die Toxiker ''
he Toxicans ''
- Netzwandler '
Netcrawler '
# Die 'Wilden' / The 'Wild Ones'
Diese Exemplare der MONSTERs leben weit weg von den Gro"sst"adten. Sie
streifen durch die Wildnis und Erschrecken Tiere oder Reisende und
versuchen zu "uberleben. Entweder kennen diese MONSTER nicht die
Vorz"uge der Gro"sstadt, oder sie verachten Menschenmassen. Meist haben
diese MONSTER keinen Einflu"s durch die Akademien geno"sen.
Spitzname: Einsiedler
Erscheinungsbild: Die Wilden, wie sie sich selten selbst nennen, haben
meist eine stark an ihre Umwelt angepa"ste Form. Sie gleichen auf die
eine oder andere Weise den Tieren um sich herum.
Zuflucht: Wilde haben meist Unterschlupf in einem verlassenen Geb"aude
oder einer H"ohle gefunden, wenige Wilde treten die Reise zu einer
Akademie an, um zu Kommunizieren oder Erfahrungen zu tauschen, bzw. zu
Gimmicks: Die Wilden legen besonders Wert auf alles was ihren K"orper
f"ur ihre Umwelt besser geegnet macht. Meist spezialisieren sie sich
Schw"achen: Wilde sind oft recht auf eine Umgebung spezialisiert. Sie
hassen gro"se Menschenansammlungen und bleiben gerne in der Natur,
wenn kein Grund sie zu anderen Umst"anden zwingt.
Organisation: Die Wilden haben keinen Verbund oder eine Gruppe, die sie
verbindet. Treffen zwei Wilde aufeinander, so artet dies meist in einen
Revierkampf aus, oder bei Sympathie un gegens"atzlichem Geschlecht
in einer Paarung. Nur wenige Wilde leben in Gruppen, sogenannten Rudeln,
zusammen, um gemeinsam zu "uberleben.
- Kuschler 'Uah ! Mit Menschen unter einem Dach... unvorstellbar !'
Cuddles 'Uah ! Under one roof with human... unbeliveable'
- Hooligans 'Warum zerst"oren sie alles ? Ich kann keinen Sinn darin
erkennen !'
Hooligans 'Why do the destroy so much, i can't see the sense in it !'
- Giganten 'Man sollte ihnen nicht zunahe kommen, sie sind oft hungrig.'
Giants 'Don't come too close, they are often hungry.'
- Die Romantischen 'Einige von uns haben es nicht mehr ertragen, da"s
die Anwesenheit von Menschen sie an ihr Schicksal erinnerte.'
The Romantics 'Some of us couldn't manage to see human, because they
remind them of their fate.'
- Maniacs 'Unruhige Gedanken bringen schnellen Tod.'
Maniacs 'Restless thoughts bring the fast death.'
- Die H"uter der Quelle 'Selten ben"otigen wir ihre Hilfe.'
The Guardians of the Source 'Only sometimes, we need their help.'
- Techniker 'Ich sehe keinen Sinn in ihrem Tun.'
The Techs 'I can see no sense in what they are doing.'
- Die Toxiker ''
he Toxicans ''
- Netzwandler '
Netcrawler '
# Die 'H"uter der Quelle' / The 'Guardians of the Source'
Die 'magischen' Vertreter unter den MONSTERn. Sie besitzen "uber eine
sehr eingeschr"ankte Form von Magie (zumindest in den Augen der Magus),
die sich im wesentlichen durch Rituale manifestiert. Da die H"uter der
Quelle engen Kontakt zu den 'S"ohnen des Ether' pflegen, sind die
Rituale sehr auf deren Stil angepa"st.
Erscheinungsbild: Die H"uter der Quelle legen sehr gro"sen Wert auf ein
gepflegtes "Au"seres. Meist haben die H"uter ein sch"ones Fell oder einen
glatten oder schimmernd-geschuppten K"orper, den sie mit einer Tunika aus
Stoff umh"ullen.
Zuflucht: Die H"uter befinden sich in ihren Ruhephasen m"oglichst Nahe bei
ihrer Quelle. Dort sch"opfen sie neue Kraft und k"onnen "uber sie wachen.
Viele der Quellen befinden sich in Akademien, manche jedoch auch an lange
verlassenen Orten.
Charaktererschaffung: Die H"uter legen meist besonderen Wert auf geistige
oder gesellschaftliche Attribute. Sollen H"uter nicht als die totalen
Idioten dastehen, m"ussen sie Hintergrundpunkte auf 'Quelle' und 'Fokus'
legen, um den unverzichtbaren Zugang zur Quelle der Akademie zu erlangen
und eine eigene tragbare Quelle zu bekommen.
Gimmicks: Die H"uter sind die einzigen Monster die zu Beginn schon "uber die
Monster-Magie verf"ugen k"onnen.
Schw"achen: Die H"uter zeigen gegen"uber nahezu jedem Monster ein




ehrenhaftes Verhalten (mit Ausnahme der Toxiker und Killern nat"urlich)

- Kuschler 'Verirrte Wesen, wir suchen nach einer Heilung.'
Cuddles 'Aberrated Beings, we search for a solution.'
- Hooligans 'Manche k"onnen einfach nicht ihre Kr"afte sinnvoll nutzen.'
Hooligans 'Some MONSTERs will never manage to use their powers an
useful way.'
- Giganten 'Ich glaube es gibt nur noch sehr wenige unserer gro"sen
Giants 'I think there are only few big brothers left.'
- Die Romantischen 'Einige tun mir echt leid. Viele von uns suchen nach
einer Rettung f"ur sie. Ihre Seele sitzt im falschen K"orper.'
The Romantics 'Some of them touch my soul. Many of us search for a
rescure for them. Their soul belongs to another body.'
- Maniacs 'Einfach unverst"andlich diese Typen. Es scheint doch in jedem
Jahrgang mindestens einen dieser Idioten zu geben, die st"andig den
Unterricht st"oren.'
Maniacs 'Unbeliveable. There seems to be at least one of these idiots
in every class who disturbs the lessons.'
- Die Wilden 'Sie sind in Ordnung. Vielleicht haben sie nur zuviel Angst
vor dem Tod in den Stra"sen.'
The Wild Ones 'They are okay. Maybe they are only afraid of the death
in the streets.'
- Techniker 'Sie erfinden viele sinnvolle Hilfsmittel, auch wenn man nach
dem eigentlichen Zweck oft erst lang suchen mu"s.'
The Techs 'They invent much useable thing, even if you often have to
search a long time for the true purpose.'
- Die Toxiker ''
he Toxicans ''
- Netzwandler 'Interessante Wesen, die wir erst vor kurzem entdeckten.
Allerdings bin ich der Meinung, da"s sie in ihrer Welt bleiben sollen
zumal sie von der realen Welt ohnehin nicht viel halten.
Netcrawler '

# Die 'Techniker' / The 'Techs'

Diese Minderheit unter den MONSTERn waren die ersten, die kreativ mit
den modernen Techniken umgegangen sind. Sie sind in der Lage die
verr"ucktesten Maschinen aus noch viel unsinnigeren recycelten
Materialien zu basteln. In Ihrem Einfallsreichtum k"onnten sie
vielleicht sogar den S"ohnen des Ether den Rang ablaufen, jedoch fehlt
ihnen oft die n"otige Magie der S"ohne. Die Techniker versuchen in
diesen Momenten immer sehr das Wohlwollen der Bewahrer zu erlangen,
damit diese sie mit Magie unterst"utzen.
Erscheinungsbild: Techniker der Akademie erkennt man meist an ihrer
ledernden Werkzeugumh"angetasche und daran, da"s sie meist mehr als zwei
Arme und Augen haben, um auch m"oglichst alles zu sehen und auch alles
gleichzeitig zu machen. Techniker reden meist in einer f"ur andere Monster
schwer verst"andlichen Sprache, da sie viele Begriffe aus dem menschlichen
technischen Wortschatz "ubernommen haben. Auch d"urfte man in der N"ahe
einer rauchenden und viel L"arm machenden Maschinerie immer eines dieser
Exemplare finden.
Zuflucht: Meist besitzen sie ein Zimmer nahe der Akademie-Labore und
Charaktererschaffung: Techniker legen nat"urlich besonders viel wert auf
Geschicklichkeit, Intelligenz und technische Kenntnisse wie Fertigkeiten.
Jeder Techniker mu"s einen mindestens Hintergrund-Punkt auf Resourcen
legen, um die unverzichtbare Akademie-Werzeugtasche sein Eigen zu nennen.
Gimmicks: Techniker sind meist sehr defensiv eingestellt und bevorzugen
daher K"orperpanzerung oder K"orpergr"o"se.
Schw"achen: Techniker sind fasziniert von Maschinen, vor allem von lauten,
dampfenden, mit vielen beweglichen Teilen. In der N"ahe einer solchen
Maschine k"onnen sie sich kaum auf etwas anderes Konzentrieren, bis sie
alles "uber das 'Wunderwerk der Technik' herausgefunden haben.
Organisation: Techniker sind in der Regel eng in die Strukturen der Akademie
eingebunden. Versammlungen von Technikern aller Akademien finden des
"ofteren statt, um Erfahrungen von Monster zu Monster auszutauschen.
Ansonsten besteht st"andige Kommunikation zwischen den modernen vernetzten
- Kuschler 'Sie haben sich selbst "uberfl"u"sig gemacht.'
Cuddles 'They have maked themselves unneccessary.'
- Hooligans 'Sie k"onnen wohl nichts anderes als zerst"oren.'
Hooligans 'They are only able to destroy, nothing else.'
- Giganten 'Ich habe schon "uberlegt mal eine Maschine zu bauen, die so
gro"s ist und trotzdem einen Zweck erf"ullt...'
Giants 'I already thought about building a machine that is as big and
serve one purpose anyway...'
- Die Romantischen 'Haben die keine anderen Sorgen ?'
The Romantics 'Is that their only problem ?'
- Maniacs 'Raus aus meinem Labor !!! Nein, lass diese Flasche stehen !'
Maniacs 'Out of my lab !!! No do not take this bottle !'
- Die Wilden 'Arme Einsiedler, kein Strom, primitive Technik.'
The Wild Ones 'Poor hermits, no electricity, no technics.'
- Die H"uter der Quelle 'Wir brauchen sie und sie brauchen uns.'
The Guardians of the Source 'We need them and they need us.'
- Die Toxiker ''
he Toxicans ''
- Netzwandler 'Unsere Br"uder aus dem Netz. Wir waren die ersten, die
sie in die Gemeinschaft der Monster eingegliedert haben und ihnen
die reale Welt n"aherbrachten. Oh - einmal so durch das Netz reisen
zu k"onnen...'
Netcrawler ''
# Die Toxiker
Die Toxiker sind eine Gruppe von Ge"achteten unter den MONSTERn.
Viele ihrer Anh"anger sind durch ihre Umstellung auf den Konsum von
Giftstoffen derart aggressiv geworden, da"s ein normaler Umgang mit
ihnen sich als sehr schwer erwei"st. Meist findet man diese Art von
MONSTERn in den verborgenen Gefilden nahe chemischer Fabriken oder
Laboren, die ihre Versuchergebnisse gerne ungefiltert in die
Kanalisation abf"uhren. Manche Toxiker stammen urspr"unglich auch aus
den Laboren von Pentax oder der Iteration X und haben sich aus den
verschiedensten Gr"unden abgesetzt. Bei Toxikern mu"s man auf die
exotischten Abwandlungen von Verhaltensweisen und Auspr"agungen der
Gimmicks vorbereitet sein.
Viele warten mit Mutationen auf, die unberechenbare
Folgen haben k"onnen. Toxiker sind an Akademien nicht zugelassen, zumal
sich ihre Nahrungsbeschaffung w"ahrend des Auffenthalts ohnehin als sehr
schwierig erweisen k"onnte. Die V"ater warnen ihre Sch"utzlinge schon
in den ersten Lehrstunden vor dem Konsum von Giftstoffen oder
Spitzname: S"uchtige
Erscheinungsbild: Toxiker sehen mit geringem Verseuchungsgrad fast aus wie
jedes Monster, jedoch ver"andert sich das mit steigender Verseuchung.
Das Aussehen wird kranker und die Gimmicks mutieren zu Unbekannten Ufern.
Zuflucht: Toxiker sind in der Akademie nicht willkommen. Manche von ihnen
schleichen sich jedoch ein, was jedoch mit zunehmender Verseuchung immer
unwahrscheinlicher wird, da die H"uter der Quelle Toxiker erkennen k"onnen.
Meist findet man diese Art von MONSTERn in den verborgenen Gefilden nahe
chemischer Fabriken oder Laboren, die ihre Versuchergebnisse gerne
ungefiltert in die Kanalisation abf"uhren.
Charaktererschaffung: Toxiker k"onnen ihre Punkte bei der Erschaffung
innerhalb einer Sparte unabh"angig von der Gruppierung verteilen. Die
Aufteilung 7/5/3 f"ur die Attribute z.B. wird zu 15 Punkten f"ur die
ganze Gruppe Attribute. Je mehr Sparten nach diesem Verfahren behandelt
werden, desto h"oher ist die Verseuchung. Je Sparte steigt die Eigenschaft
Verseuchung des Monsters um einen permanenten Punkt. Auch Gimmicks k"onnen
in Ihrer Auspr"gung ver"andert werden, dazu jedoch mehr in Kapitel 11
unter 'Verseuchungen'.
Gimmicks: Toxiker bedienen sich bei den Gimmicks allen Variationen. Sie
sind durch ihre Verseuchung sogar in der Lage eigene Formen von Gimmicks
zu schaffen, die in ihrer Erscheinung stark vom 'Normalen' abweichen.
F"ur jede entscheidende "Anderung m"ussen sie jedoch einen Punkt
Verseuchung in Kauf nehmen.
Schw"achen: W"ahrend sich andere Monster auch von verseuchtem Schleim
ern"ahren k"onnen, m"ussen Toxiker verseuchten Schleim zu sich nehmen, um
am Leben zu bleiben. Ihr K"orper bedarf des regelm"a"sigen Nachschubes.


- Kuschler ''
Cuddles ''
- Hooligans ''
Hooligans ''
- Giganten ''
Giants ''
- Die Romantischen ''
The Romantics ''
- Maniacs ''
Maniacs ''
- Die Wilden ''
The Wild Ones ''
- Die H"uter der Quelle ''
The Guardians of the Source ''
- Techniker ''
The Techs ''
- Die Toxiker ''
he Toxicans ''
- Netzwandler ''
Netcrawler ''

# Die 'Netzwandler' / The 'Netcrawlers' (Arbeitstitel)

Die Netzwandler sind eine recht wild verstreute Gruppierung. Viele Gelehrte
streiten sich darum, ob man sie "uberhaupt als Monster bezeichnen sollte.
Diese Monster aus dem Netz besitzen keine reale Gestalt und betrachten das
weltumspannende Computer-Datennetz als ihr Reich. Die Netzwandler zeigen
in ihren Auspr"agungen "ahnliche Variationsvielfalt wie ihre realen 'Br"uder'.
Seit der Kontaktaufnahme durch die Techniker, arbeitet die Akademie verst"arkt
an einer Zusammenarbeit mit den Netzwandlern, da die V"ater erkannt haben,
das in diesen Monstern ein wichtiges Potential f"ur die Zukunft ruht.
Erscheinungsbild: Wie in der realen Welt gibt es im virtuellen Raum (Netz)
die verschiedensten Auspr"agungsformen von Monstern. Digitale Monster
haben meist eine glatte Haut und sie riechen nicht so extrem wie ihre
realen Zeitgenossen.
Zuflucht: Viele Netzwandler haben einen geheimen Heimat-Server in dem sie
Unterschlupf finden. Meist gen"ugen 30 bis 50 MB in einem
Charaktererschaffung: Netz-Monster k"onnen mit einigen Vor- und Nachteilen
wenig anfangen. W"ahlt ein Netzwandler eine Harmlose Gestalt, so kann
wird dieses eine mehr oder weniger kostspielige Software darstellen.
Je teuerer, desto geringer die Gefahr, das man es versehentlich l"oscht.
Gimmicks: Die Gimmicks der realen Monster k"onnen teilweise auf den Cyberraum
umgem"unzt werden. K"orpergr"o"se z.B. beschreibt dann den Platzbedarf in
Byte. Will ein Monster verschwinden, so verkleinert es sich entsprechend.
Will es dagegen k"ampfen und hat Platz genug, so eignet es sich eben
noch ein paar Swap-Bereiche an, um wichtige Datenbereiche zu verdoppeln.
Schw"achen: Netzwandler haben den Nachteil, da"s sie nichts mit der realen
Welt zu tun haben (wollen), au"ser in deren Daten zu w"uhlen und den Usern
das Leben so schwer wie m"oglich zu machen (Ger"uchte gehen an der
Akademie um, da"s ein gewisser Bill G. diverse Male von einem unserer
Vertreter arg genervt worden sein soll, und sich deshalb manche Projekte
stark verz"ogerten, weil sich einige Programmierer nicht mehr an die
Tasten trauten ... Seine Softwarefirma schweigt sich jedoch zu diesem
Thema aus.
Netz-Monster besitzen in den seltensten F"allen eine reale Gestalt - ein
Projekt der Techniker geht jedoch in diese Richtung - bislang ohne Erfolg.
Organisation: Die Net-Monster-Gemeinde ist eigentlich gar keine. In dem
riesigen Netz ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Begegnung recht gering,
zumal viele der Monster noch recht jung sind. Sollten sich zwei Monster
im Netz treffen kommt es meist nicht zum Kampf, da beide "uberrascht
fl"uchten. Die Akademie arbeitet im Moment an einer Erfassung und
Zusammenf"uhrung der Netzwandler, damit eine Kooperation m"oglich wird.
- Kuschler 'Sowas wie eine Lernsoftware f"ur das Einmaleins ?'
Cuddles ''
- Hooligans 'Einige von uns sehen auch ihren Sinn darin alles zu
zerst"oren was ihnen in die Finger kommt.'
Hooligans ''
- Giganten 'Hmm, ich habe fr"uher mal eine Zeitlang in einem Cray
gehaust. Ist das sowas in der Art ?'
Giants ''
- Die Romantischen 'Ja ich kann ihren wunsch nach einer anderen H"ulle
verstehen. Einige wenige von uns sehnen sich auch nach einem
K"orper in der realen Welt. Ich sehe da "Ahnlichkeiten.'
The Romantics ''
- Maniacs ''
Maniacs ''
- Die Wilden ''
The Wild Ones ''
- Die H"uter der Quelle ''
The Guardians of the Source ''
- Techniker ''
The Techs ''
- Die Toxiker ''
he Toxicans ''
Einige Beispiele von Colin:

1) [And my personal favourite] The program is a daemon. This is a program

created by Glass Walkers (Techno-Were-wolves). It involves creating the
start of a program, and incorporating a spirit from the Umbra into its design.
This gives the program its freedom of thought and action. This could also be
mirrored by Pentex, creating evil MONSTERs that trash the Web, pollute its ways
and make life not very nice for everyone. The program in the story could be
a powerful Glass Walker Daemon, or a protection Daemon to help secure your
system (ie, intruding MONSTER or user tries to get in...cage opens and MONSTER
attacks). (COL)

| 2) There is a realm in the Umbra called the Cyber-Realm which is a mirror of

| all the techno-stuff of today. Marauders and the like could be trying to get
| a way into the 'real' world through this gateway. (COL)
| 3) Net-spiders tied into programs. Not very exciting, but would make expendable
| soldiers in the event of a MONSTER net-war. (COL)
- Archetypen
: Rumtreiber
: Besch"utzer (Die Sch"one und das Biest)
| Protector
: Bonviviant (Ihr lacht? Schaut Euch mal die Gremlins im Kino an :)
: Berserker
: Vielfra"s
| Gobbler
: Lehrer
| Teacher
- Attribute
- Standart...
- Neues Attribut 'H"a"slichkeit'. Gilt nur f"ur die MONSTERform und ist
eine Negation des Erscheinungsbildes. Punkte werden beim Erschrecken
hinzugezogen, jedoch bei sozialen Kontakten mit Nicht-MONSTERn
abgezogen. Unter MONSTERn gilt 'H"asslichkeit' positiv als
- F"ahigkeiten/Abilities
- Was ist MONSTER-Typisch ?
z.B.Erschrecken, Akademie-Kunde, usw.
- Vor- und Nachteile
|-Flaws & Merits
-----------------(Diese Eigenschaften k"onnen NUR BEI DER ERSCHAFFUNG eines MONSTERs
gew"ahlt werden. Neben den hier aufgef"uhrten Beispielen, k"onnen sie
nat"urlich auch jeden Vor- und Nachteil w"ahlen, den sie in einem
Storyteller-Spielerhandbuch finden und den ihr Spielleiter zul"a"st.)
| (This characteristics may only be chosen at THE CREATION of a MONSTER.
| Beside the following examples you are allowed to take any other Flaw or

| Merit, you can find in a Storyteller-Handbook.)

--- Eingeschr"ankter Lebensraum / limited Biotop. Sie k"onnen sich nur
in einer bestimmten Umgebung aufhalten (W"uste, Wasser, etc.), bzw.
l"angere Zeit "uberleben. M"ussen sie aus wichtigen Gr"unden ihr
Biotop f"ur kurze Zeit verlassen und k"onnen die speziellen
Zust"ande nicht nachahmen, so erhalten sie wachsende Nachteile.
In Ihrem Biotop ist mindestens ein Parameter besonders ausgefallen
gegen"uber der restlichen Umwelt.
++++(++)Fl"u"sige Gestalt / liquid Body. Sie k"onnen sich in jede Form
bringen oder zerflie"sen lassen. Auch die Oberfl"ache ihrer Form
k"onnen Sie in Farbe und Struktur festlegen. Eine Form k"onnen sie
solange aufrecht erhalten, wie sie daran denken. Ggfs. ist ein
Willenskraftwurf notwendig. F"ur sechs Punkte k"onnen sie ihrer
Fl"ussigkeit noch eine besondere Eigenschaft geben, z.B. "atzend
oder leuchtend oder frostgeschtzt, etc. Jede weitere Eigenschaft
bedarf weiterer zwei Punkte.
++++++(++)Nebelgestalt / Body of Mist. Wie die Fl"u"sige Gestalt, jedoch
besteht der eigene K"orper nun aus einer feinverteilten
Fl"u"sigkeit (Nebel), deren Form man beliebig bestimmen oder
Aufl"osen kann. Es ist mit dieser Gestalt auch m"oglich sich vom
Wind treiben zu lassen, wenn man es w"unscht. 6 Punkte ist der
Grundpreis, je 2 Punkte mehr ergeben eine besondere Eigenschaft des
Idee: Nesselmonster (WES)
Das Nesselmonster ist ein Wesen, dass sowohl auf der guten als auch
auf der boesen Seite stehen kann. Das NesselMONSTER hat eine
Dampfgestalt. Es kann sich verformen. Das heisst, dass es den Dampf
soweit verdichten kann, dass es eine koerperliche Form annimmt.
Andererseits kann es sich auch so weit ausdehnen, dass es unsichtbar
wird. Kommt jetzt jemand (egal, ob Mensch oder MONSTER) mit diesem
Wesen in Beruehrung, so ist dies der gleiche Effekt, als wenn man in
Brennesseln gefasst haette. Der Beruehrende, bzw. Beruehrte, verliert
Kraft. Derjenige, der mit dem Nesselgift in Beruehrung kommt (nennen wir
ihn zukuenftig der Einfachheit halber OPFER), verliert umso mehr Kraft,
je dichter sich das Nesselmonster zusammenzieht.
Beispiel: Beruehrt jemand ein Nesselmonster, dass sich so weit ausgedehnt
hat, dass es als Nebelwand erscheint, so ist die Wirkung des Nesselgiftes
nicht so intensiv, als wenn das Nesselmonster eine koerperliche Gestalt
hat (fuer die es sich ja zusammenziehen muss). Das Opfer kann auch auf
doppelte Weise Schaden erleiden. Man stelle sich einmal vor, das
Nesselmonster hat seine Gestalt soweit verdichtet, dass es als
menschlicher Koerper erscheint. Nun versetzt es dem Opfer einen
Fausthieb. Das Opfer wird durch den Fausthieb und durch die
(unbeabsichtigte) Kontaktaufnahme mit dem Nesselgift verletzt.
Haelt das Nesselmonster sein Opfer fest, kann das Opfer mit der Zeit
sogar bewusstlos werden oder sterben.
BEKAEMPFUNG: Da das Nesselmonster nur aus Dampf besteht, kann man es
mit herkoemmlichen Waffen nicht treffen (Ein Messer, das
durch eine Dampfwolke gestossen wird, macht der
Dampfwolke ja auch nichts aus).
Die einzig wirksame Waffe gegen ein Nesselmonster ist
grosse Hitze (also z. B. Feuer), da es nun verdampfen
kann. (WES)
-(--) Marotte/Peculiarity: Sie haben eine MONSTERuntypische Veranlagung,
die anderen MONSTERn mi"sf"allt und wegen der man sie Auslachen
oder Strafen wird. Das Tragen von hohen Damenschuhen (--) z.B. ist
hinderlich beim Laufen und sieht bei einem m"annlichen MONSTER
bloede aus.
++(++++) Riesige Gestalt: 2 Punkte - Ein wenig gr"o"ser (Pony, L"owe)
4 Punkte - Viel gr"o"ser (Pferd, Tiger, Boa) als ein Mensch.
6 Punkte - Extrem viel gr"o"ser als ein Mensch (ab Rhinozeros,
gro"ser wei"ser Hai, kleiner Baum)
Pro Stufe 1 Gesundheitsstufe und 1 Punkt, der frei auf K"orperkraft
oder Widerstandsf"ahigkeit verteilbar ist.
--- Vielfra"s. Sie essen ALLES was Ihnen in die Finger kommt und
genie"sbar sind. Dinge die sich wehren oder schneller sind, k"onnen
sie zur Not verschmerzen. (WES)
--- Angsthase. Du bist ein absoluter Pessimist und ger"atst sehr schnell
in Panik. In jeder Sitation die gro"sen Mut erfordert ist ein
Willenskraftwurf n"otig und ggfs. ein Willenskraftpunkt zur
Durchf"uhrung einer gef"ahrlichen Aktion.
+++++(+++)Viele Augen. 5 Punkte: Sie verf"ugen "uber gen"ugend Augen, um 1
zus"atzlichen Punkt Wahrnehmung zu erhalten. 8: Punkte: Sie
erhalten 2 zus"atzliche Punkte Wahrnehmung. Hierdurch kann das
Attribut Wahrnehmung auf mehr als 5 Punkte gesteigert werden.
++ Allesfresser. Sie k"onnen wirklich alles in sich aufnehmen und
zerfressen. Als SCHLEIM-Quelle nutzen jedoch nur organische
Bestandteile. Dinge, die zu hart und s"aurefest sind, scheiden sie
wieder aus, oder k"onnen sie aus ihrem Magen zur"ucknehmen.
Die Voraussetzung f"ur die Verdauung ist, das das Objekt in Ihr
'Maul' pa"st.
++ Sie haben vier Beine UND zwei Arme. Ihre Stabilit"at (Schwierigkeit f"ur den Versuch, einen Bodyslam oder Wurf gegen sie durchzuf"uhren steigt um 2, Sie gleiten selten aus.) steigt und
sie k"onnen sich schneller Fortbewegen (4 Meter zus"atzlich).
++++ Sie haben einen "ublen K"orpergeruch. Wenn ein Mensch schon nicht
vor Ihrem Aussehen fl"uchtet, dann bestimmt wegen ihres Geruchs.
Fliegen erliegen leicht ihrem Charme und folgen Ihnen.
++ Swarm attractor- (Nosferatu) Sie haben das Wohlwollen einer
Insektenart, die sie st"andig umlagert und ihnen folgt
(Kakerlaken, Fliegen, M"ucken, etc.). Diese Weggenossen k"onnen
zus"atzliche Effekte auf Menschen verursachen. Willenskraftwurf
(s:7) f"ur im Schwarm stehende Person, sonst -2 W"urfel oder
komplette Unf"ahigkeit zu handeln bei Patzer.
-- Parasetic Infestation - Parasitenbefall: In 24 Stunden entziehen
Ihnen Ihre 'G"aste' 4 Schleimpunkte. Meist sind von Parasiten
befallene MONSTER schneller erz"urnbar.
+ "ubergro"se F"ange/oversized Fangs (+1 Schaden bei Bi"s und +1
Einsch"uchterung (auch "uber 5 hinaus)
++(++++) Harmlose Gestalt: Das MONSTER kann sich bei der Erschaffung einmal
eine f"ur Menschen und andere "ubernat"urliche Wesen 'angenehme'
Gestalt aussuchen. Ein 'toter' Gegenstand wie ein Buch, ein Tisch
etc. kostet 2 Punkte. Eine h"assliche Version eines Tieres (3) oder
eines Menschen (4) Punkte (Was dann auch Erscheinungsbild von max.
zwei Punkten bedeutet). Eine Gestalt in Form eines 's"ussen' Gizmo's
oder eines echt niedlichen Hundes, etc. liegt bei (5) und ein
ansehnlicher Mensch (Erscheinungsbild 4) liegt bei 6 Punkten.
Es sei angemerkt, das in dieser Form keine Gimmicks wirken und die
Sprachm"oglichkeiten ebenfalls entsprechend eingeschr"ankt sind.
Dieser Vorteil kann mehrmals erworben werden.
--- Blutgier: Das MONSTER ist nur in der Lage Blut und frisches Fleisch
als Nahrung verwenden zu k"onnen. Verrottende organische Materie
ist als Quelle f"ur den Einsatz von Gimmicks unakzeptabel.
+++(++) Prolonged Life, Langlebig, bzw. Unsterblich. H"ort sich vielleicht
spektakul"ar an, bringt aber keine "uberm"a"sigen Vorteile. Es
erm"oglicht dem Spieler ein historisches MONSTER zu spielen.
Unsterbliche MONSTER beherrschen dann auch die F"ahigkeit des
langen Tiefschlafes, mit dem sie gut gesch"utzt lange Zeitspannen
ohne Nahrungsaufnahme verharren k"onnen.
--- Verk"urztes Leben. Ihre Lebensspanne ist k"urzer als die einer
vergleichbaren Lebensform. W"ahrend Monster in der Regel zwischen
50 und 100 Jahren alt werden, erreichen sie h"ochstens ein Alter
von 35 Jahren.
+++(++) Sie haben Fl"ugel mit denen sie einen Sturz aus gro"ser H"ohe
abfangen k"onnen (++) und sogar ihre Massen in die H"ohe hiefen
k"onnen (++++). Bei Aktionen in der Luft erhalten sie keine Abz"uge.
Wohl aber ist ihnen die Bewegung am Boden ungewohnt, weshalb sie
auf alle Schwierigkeiten bei Fortbewegungen dort +1 erhalten.
--- Empfindlichkeit gegen Feuer (Auswirkungen wie bei Vampiren)
- Angst vor Kreuzen (Auswirkungen wie bei Vampiren)
--(--) Empfindlich gegen Sonnenlicht (Auswirkungen wie heilige Kreuze bei
Vampiren) Wirkung wie bei Vampiren (---)
-(----) Schwachpunkt, Achillesferse
++ Teleskoparme: Die Arme des MONSTERs knnen bis auf ein Vielfaches
ihrer Orginall"ange 'ausgefahren' werden. Dies erm"oglicht auch
Stummelarmigen MONSTERn das Erreichen hoher Gegenst"ande. (NIK)
++(++) Keine Gelenke: Die Gliedma"sen des MONSTERs weisen keine Gelenke
auf, daf"ur aber eine gummiartige Konsistenz. (NIK)
+++ Gummiball: Diese MONSTER k"onnen durch St"urze kaum Schaden
nehmen, da sie wie ein Gummiball abprallen und als lebende
MONSTERkugel durch die Gegend 'titschen'. (NIK)
--- Kind: Sie sind noch ein 'kleines' Monster, da"s in der

Monstergemeinde noch keine richtige Stellung hat und sich jedes

Extra erst erarbeiten mu"s. Durch ihr junges Alter haben sie
in Bezug auf Verantwortung und Pflichten noch ein gewisses Ma"s
an Narrenfreiheit.
WES : In der Akademie der MONSTER leben bestimmt auch Familien. Ich k"onnte
mir sehr gut vorstellen, da"s ein kleines MONSTERkind, das noch nicht
sehr viel vom Erschrecken gelernt hat, in seiner Tollpatschigkeit
einmal ausprobieren moechte, wie das Erschrecken vor sich geht.
("Poeh! Ich kann wohl schon Leute erschrecken tun!
Die bloeden alten MONSTER wissen gar nicht, was
ich schon alles drauf habe. Aber das werde ich
ihnen jetzt beweisen. Und nachher sind sie alle
ganz stolz auf mich und m"ussen sich bei mir
entschuldigen, und ich bekomme fuer meinen Mut
eine Extra-Portion gebratene Apfelsinenschalen
mit viel Sauerrahm, schimmelig seit f"unf
Wochen. Gute Qualit"at.")
Tja, und so schleicht es sich aus der Akademie, sucht nach Menschen
und versucht sie zu erschrecken, was natuerlich klaeglich in die Hose
geht (sofern unser kleiner vorwitziger Kerl ueberhaupt eine Hose
traegt). Als das MONSTER sieht, dass es nicht geklappt hat, faengt es
furchtbar an zu weinen. Die Menschen versuchen es zu troesten, denken
aber dabei natuerlich nur daran, das MONSTER irgendwie zu Geld
zu machen. Aus diesem Grund fragen sie das MONSTER aus, und dabei
erzaehlt der Kleine auch von der Akademie. Und ploetzlich ist die
gesamte Akademie in Gefahr, da die Menschen planen, diese
anzugreifen, um noch mehr MONSTER in ihre Gewalt zu bringen und zu
Geld zu machen. Was daraus wird muesste noch geklaert werden.
Vielleicht gibt es fuer die MONSTER ja ein Happy-End.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hintergr"unde
: Akademie - Sie sind in der Akademie schon etwas mehr bekannt, als das
'DurchschnittsMONSTER'. Sie haben die Achtung aller anderen durch
Ihr Verhalten gewonnen.
: Mentor - ein Mentor ist ein MONSTER, das in der Akademie mehr oder
weniger Einflu"s hat. Ihr Mentor unterst"utzt sie beim Erlernen neuer
F"ahigkeiten. Holt sie manchmal aus der Patsche, oder gibt ihnen
: Schatz - Da nur die wenigsten MONSTER in Ihrer harmlosen Gestalt
Geld verdienen, gibt es diese M"oglichkeit. Das MONSTER verf"ugt
"uber einen Schatz oder den Zugang zu einem. Hier kann es sich regelm"a"sig bedienen um Gold oder Schmuck zu bekommen. Manchmal befindet
sich auch der eine oder andere magische Gegenstand in einer der
Truhen. Schatz entspricht sollte etwa so gehandhabt werden wie
: Bibliothek
: Alter
: Gefolgsleute/Verb"undete - Menschen, die sie entweder ver"angstigt
und unterworfen haben, die sie niedlich finden, oder die ihre N"ahe
als angenehm empfinden, bzw. Ihnen Ihre Versprechen geglaubt haben,
da"s sie ihre Hilfe f"urstlich belohnen werden (sobald sie die
Weltherrschaft haben). Hier w"urden vielleicht auch ganz gut
Tiere, bzw. ganze Insekten-Schw"arme passen.
: Ruhm - Sie sind den Sterblichen schon durch Filme oder Geschichten
bekannt. Das kann den Nachteil haben, da"s man sie vielleicht
im Einzelfall nicht ganz ernst nimmt oder ein paar ihrer Schw"achen
und F"ahigkeiten kennt (ob es die Richtigen sind, bleibt die Frage.
Es k"onnte aber auch ihren Hintern retten, wenn sie am hellichten Tag
durch die Fu"sg"angerzone rennen. ('Wo ist nur die Kamera ?')
Au"serdem m"ussen sie auf Konst"umfesten keinem mehr erkl"aren, was
oder wer sie sind. Sehr praktisch :)
Der Film in dem sie vorkamen war ein gro"ser Erfolg, zumindest
die eine Vorstellung, bevor er wieder abgesetzt wurde. Das Video
mit ihrem Werk steht nur in Regalen der fanatischsten Cineasten
und Horrorfreaks.
OO,OOO,OOOO siehe Ruhm bei Vampire
OOOOO Star eines Kultfilmes. Meist eine der absoluten Billigproduktionen. Sie sind durch Ihren Kultstatus und die
gelegentlichen Artikel in Zeitungen "uber eine Kinonacht
mit 'ihrem' Film nahezu jedem bekannt.
| CHAPTER EIGHT: Chronicle (Ideas & Concepts for Stories)
- Ideen/Konzepte f"ur MONSTER-Geschichten
: Z.B.: Was heftigeres... Ein MONSTER aus der 'Gefangenschaft' eines
Son of Ether-Labors zu befreien. Bleibt die Frage ob 1) sich das
MONSTER dort nicht wohlf"uhlt oder 2) ob das MONSTER den Befreiern
gegen"uber friedlich ist.
* KAPITEL NEUN: Die Regeln/K"unste der Gimmicks (aktueller Arbeitstitel)
| CHAPTER NINE: The Art of praticing Gimmicks
Gimmicks sind die speziellen F"ahigkeiten der MONSTER, die sie aktivieren
k"onnen um ihre Gef"ahrlichkeit zu steigern oder besondere Eigenschaften
nutzen zu k"onnen, die ihnen sonst nicht zug"anglich w"aren. Die Anzahl
der gleichzeitig aktivierbaren Gimmicks, wird nur durch den pro Runde
verwendbaren Schleim-Pool begrenzt, der wiederum von Ihrer Verdauung
(engl. digestion) abh"angt. Ein Punkt in dieser Eigenschaft erm"oglicht
ihnen den Einsatz eines Schleimpunktes pro Runde.
Magie der Monster
/ Magic of the Monsters
Diese monstereigene Magie ist bei der Erschaffung nur den H"utern der Quelle
zug"anglich. Andere Monster k"onnen im Laufe ihres Lebens durch besondere
Umst"ande in diesen Vorzug kommen, indem sie lernen eine gefundene tragbare
Quelle zu nutzen oder durch die Freundschaft zu einem H"uter deren
Geheimnisse beigebracht zu bekommen. F"ur die Aus"ubung dieser Magie werden
Angst-Punkte in H"ohe der Stufe ben"otigt. Die Spr"uche werden wie andere
Gimmicks getrennt voneinander gelernt.

Verseuchung erkennen
Um den wachsenden Gefahren, die durch die steigende Verseuchung des
Schleims entstehen entgegenwirken zu k"onnen, ist es den H"utern
m"oglich Konzentrationen vonb verseuchtem Material zu erkennen.
Seien es die Inhalte der Nahrungskammer oder
Tempor"are Verseuchung heilen
OOO Schleim-Wand
OOOO Schwarm-Erschaffung
OOOOO Permanente Verseuchung heilen
OOOOO Blick der Gorgonen
/ Gaze of the Gorgones
Dieses Gimmick bewirkt eine rapide zunahme der eigenen H"a"slichkeit
auf unbeschreibbare Werte und nahezu magisch-hypnotisierende Augen.
System: Blickt ein Wesen in das Gesicht eines MONSTERs, welches
dieses Gimmick aktiviert hat, so bedarf es eines Willenskraftwurfes
mit einer Schwierigkeit von 7, um die Auswirkungen zu bestimmen.
5 Erfolge: der Anblick hat keine Auswirkungen
4 Erfolge: ein beklemmendes Angstgef"uhl macht sich breit und der
Wille sich zu Entfernen steigt betr"achtlich
3 Erfolge: Alle K"orperhaare richten sich auf und es l"auft einem
'kalt den R"ucken runter'. Alle Nachfolgenden Aktionen
in der N"ahe des Monsters steigen in ihrer Schwierigkeit
um 1
2 Erfolge: Sie m"ochten am liebsten das Weite suchen. Von nun an
m"ussen sie f"ur jede Aktion (Schwierigkeit+2 !), die sie
in der N"ahe des MONSTERs machen wollen eine
Willenskraftprobe schaffen
Kein Erfolg: Ihnen gefriert das Blut in den Adern, was sie f"ur die
Zeit der Anwesenheit des 'Gorgonen' unbeweglich macht. Die
Starre l"o"st sich bei Verschwinden des MONSTERs wieder.
Bis dahin sind sie jedoch absolut wehrlos.
Ihr Blut gefriert in ihren Adern und ihr Herz h"ort
Augenblicklich auf zu schlagen. Ihre Haut wird
kreidebleich und bekommt ein leicht rauhes Aussehen.

Sie sind absolut handlungsunf"ahig und sterben (falls sie

das durch die oben beschriebenen Auswirkungen k"onnen und
ohne Hilfe) innerhalb von wenigen Minuten. Sollten sie
kein Herz besitzen (z.B. Am"obenartige) so versteift ihr
K"orper zu einer Starre, die sie selbst nicht l"osen
/ Natural Weapons
Alle K"orperwaffen verursachen schwer heilbaren Schaden. K"orperwaffen
werden im Normalfall nur bei Stre"ssituationen aktiviert und verschwinden
bei einer Entspannung der Situation wieder wie von selbst. Will ein MONSTER
seine aktivierten K"orperwaffen auch nach dem Nachlassen des Stre"ses nicht
verlieren, so muss ein Willenskraftwurf gelingen. Kommt ein MONSTER in
eine extreme Stre"ssituation, so k"onnen sich K"orperwaffen auch
von allein aktivieren. Ob ein Willenskraftwurf dies verhindern kann
entscheidet der Spielleiter (die Auswirkungen sind in jedem Fall die





O Wasserspucken
Sie k"onnen Fl"ussigkeiten jeder Art mit hoher Intensit"at von sich
wegpusten. Je nachdem, wie ihr Mund- oder Mageninhalt aussieht kann
diese Angelegenheit f"ur den Bespuckten das Ergebnis zwischen ekelig
und zersetzend liegen.
System: Sie ben"otigen nur einen Gef"ullten Mund oder m"ussen einen
Teil ihres Schleimvorrates opfern. Um einen ausgewachsenen Menschen
vollzuschleimen ben"otigen sie 1 Schleimpunkt. Ein Wurf auf
Geschicklichkeit und bewaffneten Nahkampf zeigt ob ein Angriff
Erfolg hat.
O Spit Liquids
You are able to spit liquids of every kind with a high intensity of
speed and distance. Refering to the kind of contents in your mouth or
stomach is the experience of being hit disgusting or acid.
System: You need your mouth or stomach filled with liquid or parts of
your slime-stock. To cover a grown-up human you need 1 Slime-point.
O Horn/H"orner
/ Horn/Horns
Sie k"onnen sich von nun an an ihrem Kopf, an ihren Schultern oder
an Ihrem R"ucken ein Horn pro Schleimpunkt wachsen lassen. Die L"ange
eines Hornes oder seine Form sind rein kosmetischer Natur und "andern
nichts am Schaden.
System: Pro Horn ben"otigen sie einen Schleimpunkt. Die H"orner
ben"otigen je 5cm eine Runde. H"orner "andern nichts an ihrem
OO Fangz"ahne
Sie k"onnen sich von nun an ihr Gebi"s mit Fangz"ahnen versch"onern.
Die L"ange der Z"ahne oder Ihre Form des neuen Gebi"ses sind rein
kosmetischer Natur und bewirken allgemein einen Schaden von
K"orperkraft+2 mit einer Schwierigkeit von 6.
System: F"ur die Umwandlung des Gebi"ses ben"otigen sie eine Runde
und einen Schleimpunkt.
OO Fangs
This Merit embellish your teeth with fangs. The length or form of
your new teeth are of your choise, but this makes no difference
in the damage - it is always strength+2 with a difficulty of 6.
System: For the change of your teeth your need one round and a
OO Klauen
Sie k"onnen die Gef"ahrlichkeit ihrer H"ande steigern, indem Sie sie
mit Klauen versehen. Die L"ange der Klauen entscheidet "uber ihre
System: Pro Runde Wachstum der Klauen erh"oht sich ihr Schaden um
einen Punkt. Jede Runde wird dazu ein Schleimpunkt ben"otigt, bis zu
einem H"ochstwert von drei.
OO Claws
Your are able to raise the dangerousness of your hands, by adding
or lengthen claws. . The length of the claws decide the damage they
System: Every Round you must waste a slime-point to let your claws
grow and increase the damage for one point. The maximum number of
rounds and damage to add to your Strength is three.
OOO Stacheln
Beim Erwerb dieses Gimmicks m"ussen sie sich f"ur die K"orperstellen
entscheiden, in denen sie wachsen sollen. Wenn sie danach ihre Anzahl
Erh"ohen oder Verringern wollen, m"ussen sie dieses Gimmick erneut
erwerben. Die Stacheln k"onnen innerhalb einer Sekunde Ein- oder
ausgefahren werden. Sie aktivieren immer alle mit einem Gimmick
plazierten Stacheln. Wenn sie dieses Gimmick ein weiteres Mal
nehmen, k"onnen sie jedoch auch nur eine Zone aktivieren.
System: Es wird kein Wurf ben"otigt um ihre Stacheln Ein- oder
Auszufahren, aber das Aktivieren verbraucht einen tempor"aren
Willenskraftpunkt. Die Gr"o"se ihrer Stacheln h"angt im Wesentlichen
von ihrem Geschmack und ein wenig von ihrem K"orperbau ab,
beeinflu"st jedoch nicht die Schadenswirkung. Sollten Ihre Stacheln
bei Stre"s von selbst aktiviert werden, entf"allt die Nutzung der
OOO Stings
When you take this Gimmick you will have to choose the body-parts
where the stings will grow in. When you want to increase or decrease
the number of these stings, you will have to buy this gimmick again.
The stings can be raised and lowered in only one second. You are
always activating all stings you bought with one gimmick. If you buy
this Gimmick a second time you may choose to activate only one zone.
System: There is no roll necessary to lower or raise your stings
but you will have to spend one temporary willpower-point for all the
stings you want to activate. The size of the stings refer a little
bit to your taste and bodysize, but doesn't influence the damage you
cause. If you taken out your stings by the cause of stress, you
certainly don't have to spend one willpower-point.
OOOO Giftdr"usen
/ Poisonthorns
Diese Dr"usen dienen zum 'vergiften' ihrer Z"ahne, Klauen, H"orner
oder nur ihrer Hautoberfl"ache. Diese Eigenschaft mu"s f"ur jede
K"orperwaffe einzeln erworben werden. Sie selbst sind nat"urlich
immun gegen 'ihr' Gift.
System: Durch den Einsatz eines Schleimpunktes benetzen sie ihre
K"orperwaffe mit ihrem Gift. Das Gift bleibt so lange aktiv, bis sie
getroffen haben, oder sie Ihre K"orperwaffe wieder zur"uckverwandelt.
Um den zus"atzlichen Schaden des Giftes zu ermitteln, w"urfeln Sie
mit f"unf W"urfeln gegen die Widerstandsf"ahigkeit des Opfers und
z"ahlen sie die Erfolge.
OOOO Stromschl"age (NIK)
/ Electrifying Impulse
Sie sind nun in der Lage die Oberfl"ache ihres K"orpers kurzfristig
elektrisch zu laden. Der Schaden der dadurch an Ger"aten oder
Personen entstehen kann, h"angt von der ber"uhrten Fl"ache ab,
variiert aber in seiner Wirkungsweise zwischen einem leichten
Stromschlag (der ggf. zu einem Krampf f"uhrt) und einer Verbrennung
h"oheren Grades. Betroffene Ger"ate erhalten je nach Qualit"at ihrer
Abschirmung eine bis zur Immunit"at reichende Widerstandsf"ahigkeit.
(Ein Metallbemantelter Computer ist z.B. in der Regel so abgeschirmt,
da"s ihm kein Schaden droht).
OOOOO Feuerodem
/ Firebreath
Diese m"achtige Waffe entspricht in etwa dem legend"aren Feueratem
der Drachen. Die Hitze des maximal sechs Meter langen und am Ende
h"ochstens drei Meter breiten Flammenkegels entspricht im Kern etwa
einem Bunsenbrenner (Schwierigkeit:7). Zum Rand hin sinkt die
Schwierigkeit um eins pro halben Meter.
System: Durch den Einsatz von drei Schleimpunkten und einem
tempor"aren Willenskraftpunkt werden die n"otigen "Anderungen
vollzogen, um den Feueratem zu aktivieren. Ist der Feuerodem einmal
aktiviert, so werden nur noch 2 Schleimpunkte pro Runde zu seiner
Aufrechterhaltung ben"otigt.
K"orperpanzerung / Body-Armor
O Lederhaut / Leather-Skin (R"ustWert1)
OO stellenweise verst"arkte Lederhaut / hardened Leather-Skin (2)
OOO (3,1)
OOOO Exoskelett / Exoskeleton (ne Art Insektenpanzer) (4, Abzug:2)
OOOO Stachelpanzer / Stingamour (Wie beim Stacheltier, zum Einrollen)(5,2)
OOOOO Drachen-Schuppenpanzer / Dragon-Scale-Amour (6,3)
Fortbewegung / Movement
Bei Erwerb eines Gimmicks dieser Gruppe m"ussen sie festlegen, ob die

"Anderung permanent sein soll, oder ob sie nur duch den Einsatz eines
Schleimpunktes aktiviert werden kann. Entscheiden sie sich f"ur die
permanente L"osung, so sind sie bis zum Erwerb eines neuen Gimmicks oder
der der Aktivierung eines bereits gelernten Gimmicks dieser Gruppe an die
Fortbewegungsart gebunden.
System: Eine Verwandlung erfolgt im Normalfall ohne W"urfelwurf. Nur unter
besonderen Stre"ssituationen kann ein Willenskraftwurf erforerlich werden.
Sobald die Verwandlung eingeleitet wurde, ist der Vorgang nicht mehr
aufzuhalten. Die R"uckwandlung dauert ebensolang.
O Vierbeinig / Four-Fooded
Sie verf"ugen "uber zus"atzliche Beine, mit denen Sie
koordinierte Bewegungen, wie schnelles Laufen, Springen, etc.
ausf"uhren k"onnen. Ihre Stabilit"at im Stand steigt und auch ihre
Endgeschwindigkeit beim Laufen nimmt zu. Das Wachstum der Beine
dauert 4 Runden lang und behindert bei allen k"orperlichen
OO Schlangenform / Snakelike
Ihre Extremit"aten versinken in ihrem leicht schlanker werdenden
K"orper und die Oberfl"achenstruktur ihrer Haut wandelt sich in
schlangen"ahnliche Schuppen.
Sie sind nun in der Lage sich durch engere "Offnungen zu
winden, oder auch Fesseln abzustreifen, mit denen sie eingeschn"urt
waren. Sollten sie "uber ein hohes Geschick verf"ugen, k"onnen sie
sich in dieser Gestalt auch sehr schnell "uber losen Sand winden,
ohne Einzusinken. Das Versenken der Extremit"aten und die Bildung
der Schuppen dauert 5 Runden.
OO Rattenkopf / Rathead
Dieses Gimmick bedeutet eine starke Flexibilisierung des gesammten
K"orpers die es einem erm"oglicht sich durch "Offnungen zu quetschen,
die zwanzigmal kleiner sind als die unter normalen Umst"anden
passierbare "Offnung. Diese Ver"anderung hat keine weiteren
Vorteile, l"a"st sich jedoch ohne Vorbereitung einsetzen. Wird dieses
Gimmick permanent gew"ahlt, so "andert sich der K"orperbau zu
einer kegel"ahnlichen Form.
OOO Kiemen und Flossen anstelle von Armen und Beinen / like a Fish
Ihre Extremit"aten verwandeln sich in schwimmtaugliche K"orperteile.
Ob dies durch Wachstum von Schwimmh"auten oder die komplette
Wandlung in Flossen, einen Schwanz oder Rochen"ahnliche Fl"ugel
geschieht, bleibt ihnen "uberlassen. Sie sollten eine einmal
gew"ahlte Variation jedoch st"andigen "Anderungen vorziehen.
Zu den "au"serlichen Wandlungen werden sie zus"atzlich noch f"ahig
unter Wasser zu atmen. Diese F"ahigkeit schr"ankt zwar nicht ihre
Sprachf"ahigkeiten ein, wohl aber die M"oglichkeit sich f"ur l"angere
Zeit an Land zu bewegen. Die Umwandlng in ein wassertaugliches
Lebewesen erfordert 5 Runden.
OOOO Zerflie"sen
Ihre K"orperstruktur wandelt sich komplett. Alle urspr"unglichen
Formen werden aufgegeben. Sie sind von nun an in der Lage ihren
'K"orper' in jede beliebige Form zu bringen. Aufwendige Nachbildungen
(wie zB. die ihres normalen K"orpers) erfordern einen
Willenskraftwurf. Ansonsten sind sie von nun an in der Lage durch
engste Ritzen zu gleiten, oder Gegner einzuschlie"sen. Die "Anderung
der Struktur vollzieht sich innerhalb einer Runde. Die Nachbildung
einer Form kann eine bis zehn Runden Dauern.
OOOOO Nebelgestalt / Body of Fog

OOOOO Fl"ugel / Wings, flying

Ob ihnen neben ihren Armen extra Schwingen auf dem R"ucken wachsen,
oder sich eine Haut zwischen ihrem Torso und den Innenseiten der
Arme bildet bleibt ihre Wahl. W"ahrend sie mit den unauff"alligen
Flugh"auten 'nur' zu einem Gleitflug f"ahig sind, pa"st sich die
Gr"o"se der R"uckenfl"ugel ihrem aktuellen K"orpergewicht an und
bringt sie in die Lage aktiv vom Boden abzuheben.
Die einzige Beschr"ankung beim zul"assigen K"orper-H"ochstgewicht
liegt in der K"orperkraft des MONSTERs. Ein Punkt K"orperkraft reicht
aus, um einen Punkt K"orpergr"o"se (siehe entsprechendes Gimmick)
in die Luft zu heben. W"ahrend sich Flugh"aute schon nach einer
Runde komplett entwickelt haben, ben"otigen Fl"ugel eine Runde pro
Punkt K"orpergr"o"se.
OOOOOO Teleportation
Diese magische, ja sicherlich schon mystische F"ahigkeit ist nur
nur von wenigen legend"aren Vertretern der MONSTER erlernt und
ausge"ubt worden. Sie erm"oglicht eine r"aumliche Versetzung ohne
den dazwischenliegenden Weg zur"ucklegen zu m"ussen. Allerdings
k"onnen nur Pl"atze 'angesprungen' werden, die entweder im
Sichtbereich liegen, oder dem MONSTER sehr vertraut sind. Eine
Teleportation beginnt sofort, jedoch dauert die Manifestion des
K"orpers eine Runde.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------K"orpergr"osse / Alter Body-Size
Durch dieses Gimmick l"a"st sich die H"ohe, die Breite und das Gewicht
des MONSTERs "andern. Die angegebenen Gr"o"senvergleiche beziehen sich auf
einen Menschen. Bei Vergr"osserungen gelten die angegebenen Vorteile.
Bei Verkleinerungen werden die Vorteile negiert.
| With this Gimmick you can change the Size, the Broad and the Weight of
| your MONSTER. The given examples refer to a human body. If enlarging, use
| the resulting pros. If you reduce yourself negate the pros.
| O
| OO

Klein: schm"achtiger
Gros": bulliger
1 zus"atzliche Schadensstufe
Small: somewhat smaller Big: build stronger
1 extra Health-Level
Klein: Kleinw"uchsiger Gros": Troll
2 zus"atzliche Schadensstufen, h"ohere K"orperkraft(+1)
Small: little one
Big: Troll
2 extra Health-Level, higher Strengh (+1)
Klein: Hund
Gros": Grizzly
3 zus"atzliche Schadensstufe, h"ohere K"orperkraft(+2)
Small: Dog
Big: Grizzly
3 extra Health-Level, higher Strengh (+2)

OOOO Klein: Frosch

Gros": kleiner Baum
4 zus"atzliche Schadensstufen, h"ohere K"orperkraft(+3)
| OOOO Small: Frog
Big: little Tree
4 extra Health-Level, higher Strengh (+3)
OOOOO Klein: Fliege
Gros": Drache
5 zus"atzliche Schadensstufen, h"ohere K"orperkraft(+5)
| OOOOO Small: Fly
Big: Dragon
5 extra Health-Level, higher Strengh (+5)
OOOOOO Klein: "Wohin ist er verschunden ?" Gro"s: "Hallo Godzilla"
7 zus"atzliche Schadensstufen, h"ohere K"orperkraft(+7)
2 Punkte Stamina/Widerstandsf"ahigkeit
| OOOOOO Small: "Hello Godzilla" Big: "Where does he go ?"
7 extra Health-Level, higher Strengh (+7), higher Stamina (+2)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------"Ubernat"urliche Wahrnehmung / Supernatural Perception
Bei Erwerb eines Gimmicks dieser Gruppe m"ussen sie festlegen, ob die
"Anderung permanent sein soll, oder ob sie nur duch den Einsatz eines
Schleimpunktes aktiviert werden kann. Entscheiden sie sich f"ur die
permanente L"osung, gelten die "Au"serlichen Ver"anderungen (siehe
Beispiele) ebenfalls permanent.
System: Eine Verwandlung erfolgt im Normalfall ohne W"urfelwurf. Nur unter
besonderen Stre"ssituationen kann ein Willenskraftwurf erforerlich werden.
Sobald die Verwandlung eingeleitet wurde, ist der Vorgang nicht mehr
aufzuhalten. Die R"uckwandlung dauert ebensolang.
Sehen im Dunkeln (Katzenaugen)
| O
See in the Dark (Cateyes)
Verbessertes Sehen (Falkenaugen (scharf), Spinnenaugen(viel))
| O
Advanced View
Verbessertes H"oren (Elephantenohren, Hirsch)
| O
Advanced Hear
Verbessertes Riechen (Hundenase, Tapirr"ussel)
| O
Advanced Smell (dog-nose)

| O
| OO

Exaktes Gewichtsgesp"ur
Advanced Feeling for weight
Ultraschall (Schrei der Flederm"ause / Empfangsh"archen)
Ultrasonic scanning (Scream of a bat)
Infrarot (Tiefseefische, Zusatzauge)
Infrared view (Deepsea-fishes)
Immun gegen Verdunkelung bis Stufe 5
Immunity vs Obfuscate (max. Lvl. 5)
Magie erkennen (Zusatzauge, setzt sich deutlich von 'normale'
Augen ab)
Sense Magick (extra eye)
Eingeschr"ankte Telepathie, Lesen oberfl"achlicher Gedanken,
wie Mind 2
Limited Telepathy, Read Surface Thoughts (like Mind 2)
Wahrnehmung des nahen Umbra (Zusatzauge)
Sense near Umbra (extra eye)
Immunit"at gegen Verdunkelung und Unsichtbarkeit
Immunity vs. Obfuscate and Invisibility (extra eye)
Voraussehen der n"achsten Bewegung des Gegners im Nahkampf
Foresee next movement of enemy (extra eye)
Psychometrie (siehe Numina , Hunters Hunted oder Project Twilight)
Psychometry (see Numina , Hunters Hunted or Project Twilight)






Erschrecken / Scaring
Riesenmaul - f"ur eie Runde schwillt die Gr"osse
des kompletten Mundraumes auf eine "uberdimensionale Gr"o"se an
Big Mouth - your Mouth grows undimensionaly for one round
Inneres nach Au"sen kehren (entspricht der Simulation des
Turn inside out (simulate vomiting)
Freies Auge
Das MONSTER kann kurzzeitig eines seiner Augen rausnehmen (und
auch damit sehen) (NIK)
Hmm, warum nur eines ? (DOG)
Free eye(s)
You are able to pull out your eyes and see with them as normal.
OOO Alptr"aume beschreiten - Es ist m"oglich
einem Tr"aumenden einen Alptraum zu bescheren, in dem man selbst
mitwirken kann. Dazu steckt das MONSTER einen Finger in das Ohr
des Opfers und konzentriert sich.
OOO Walking on Nightmares - Its possible for a MONSTER to initiate a
Nightmare in a humans mind by putting a finger in his ears.
OOO Illusion (z.B. eines Menschen)
WES: Was haelts Du von einem MONSTER, das sich in Menschen
verwandeln kann? Allerdings kostet das so viel Kraft,
dass das MONSTER sich nicht bewegen kann. Es liegt
nur still da.
Und nun stelle Dir eine Abenteurergruppe vor, die in
ein Schloss kommt, in dem so ein MONSTER wohnt.
Da entdeckt Abenteurer A ploetzlich seine Freundin
(Abenteurerin B), die tot am Boden liegt. Er duerfte
ganz schoen geschockt sein.
Und noch duemmer duerfte A aus der Waesche gucken,
wenn B ploetzlich vor ihm auftaucht und ihn bittet,
ihr eine Flasche Wein aus der Kueche zu holen.
Ich kann mir richtig lustige und chaotische Szenen
OOO Illusion (of a human)
OOO Griff in den Magen
Das MONSTER kann etwas vorher verschlucktes wieder aus dem Magen
holen, sofern es unverdaulich ist oder nur kurz im Magen war.
[Das fiel mir ein, als ich das Konzept des Vielfra"ses gelesen
habe, aber wenn man etwas weiter denkt, kommt man auf richtig
eklige Sachen]
So was richtig sch"on Ekliges... Man holt das grade verspeiste
Abendessen der Familie wieder raus (den Braten zum Beispiel)
und legt es wieder in die Sch"ussel. (NIK)
OOO stomach-grip
recover consumed, not digestible items out of your stomach.

Geschwindigkeit & St"arke

(wie bei Vampiren eine zus"atzliche Aktion pro O, bzw. ein
zus"atzlicher St"arkew"urfel oder Erfolg)
| Celerity & Potence
| (see Vampire-The Masqurade)
| CHAPTER TEN: Systems /Learning, the WOD)
- Das Lernen (Die Akademie/Erfahrungspunkte)
- Die versteckte Welt (aus der Sicht der MONSTER)
- Vampire
- Was halten Vampire von MONSTERblut ? Was halten die MONSTER
von den toten Zeitgenossen ? Kommen sie gut mit den Nosferatu
aus oder gehen sie sich in der Kanalisation gegenseitig an den
Kragen ?
? Hier werden wir noch etwas dran arbeiten m"ussen, ein Unwissen von Vampiren
? ist nicht ganz so vertretbar, zumal an einer Akademie teils sehr alte MONSTER
? lehren.


MONSTER-Lehrbuch, Seite MDV: 'Vampire, auch untote Blutsauger. Diese von

der Menschenwelt durch B"ucher und Filme glorifizierten Subjekte sind nur
sehr unwahrscheinlich existent. All unser Wissen, da"s wir bislang sammeln
konnten, erhielten wir aus diversen 'entliehenden' Medien der Menschen.
Wir bezweifeln, das dieses Wissen geeignet ist, in das Handbuch aufgenommen
zu werden. Wer sich jedoch weiter in dieses Thema vertiefen will, findet
entsprechende Quellen in der Bibliothek unter 'V'.'
MONSTER-Handbook, Page MDV: 'Vampires, or undead bloodsuckers. These by
human books and films gloryfied Subjkets are obvious not existent.
All our knowledge about them, yet collected, is based on media 'borrowed'
from the humans. We don't think that this knowledge is useful enough to
be written down here in this handbook, but if you want to know more
about it, please feel free to use the sources in the libary at 'V'.'
Story-Thema: 'MONSTER und Nosferatu'
Ist das nun der Schimmer einer Stra"senlampe, oder das Tageslicht ? Seit
ich beim Sammeln in der Deponie meinen Zeitanzeiger verloren habe, blicke
ich durch das System nicht mehr durch. Hier unten in den Kan"alen macht es
aber auch eh nicht allzu viel Unterschied. Um das kleine Ding mit dem Mond
und der roten Sonne, die abwechselnd auftauchten, ist es alledings schade,
es war ein Abschiedgeschenk von Schnorz, einem der V"ater auf der Akademie.
Nun ist es weg, auch egal. Was mich durch die Kanalisation treibt ? Der
Hunger nat"urlich. Ich treibe mich nicht mehr so gerne dort oben rum, nicht
nachdem sie mir beinahe den Kopf weggeschossen haben. So ein kleiner
Knirps - Ich lauer hinter einer Strassenecke im Halbdunkeln und der kleine,
la"s ihn etwas "uber die Sesamstra"se hinaus sein, kommt also auf mich zu.
Im richtigen Moment springe ich aus meinem Versteck, plustere mich auf und
verzerre mein Gesicht zu der sch"onsten Fratze, die meine Mom je gezeugt
hat - und dann dieses Gl"ucksgef"uhl, als dem kleinen vor Schreck fast das
Herz aussetzt - g"ottlich. Doch irgendwie, anstatt davonzulaufen, zieh der
doch glatt eine Pistole aus seiner Jacke. W"are ich nicht so perplex
gewesen, h"atte ich sie ihm vielleicht entreissen k"onnen, doch so kam der
Schu"s zu schnell und erwischte mich mitten in meinen aufgebl"ahten Kopf.
Allem Verrottenden in mir zum Gl"uck traf er nichts wichtiges, na ich
glaub da oben ist eh nicht so viel drin, was es lohnen w"urde ne Kugel zu
verschwenden... Aber davon haben die Daddys in der Akademie uns nix
erz"ahlt. Scheint das der Lehrplan ein Recycling braucht...
Pst! Warum ich mich kleinmache ? Hoerst Du es nicht ? Die Schritte ? Psst!
Nein, Du kannst es nicht sehen, aber trau mir - es ist da ! Es kann sich
verstecken, ja unsichtbar machen und es schleicht hier rum. Manches mal
h"ore ich eine Ratte quicken. "Angstlich. Manchmal sehe ich dann sp"ater
eine dieser Ratten, mit Bi"sspuren und sehr ausgetrocknet. Nein, mir hat
es bislang noch nichts getan , au"ser... Einmal bin ich erwacht und h"orte
ein Fluchen durch die G"ange schallen, da"s sich entfernte. Das Fell an
meinem Arm war blutig. Ich vermutete zuerst den Bi"s einer Ratte. Aber
hast Du schonmal eine Ratte fluchen h"oren ? Vielleicht hat ihm mein Blut
nicht geschmeckt. Vielleicht lag es an den alten Pizzen, die ich mir kurz
vorher aus ein paar Schachteln gesammelt hatte. Irgendjemand hat sie, wohl
schon vor einer Woche, netterweise in den Gulli geschmissen... Ob ich an

(Wahrnehmung statt Geschick zum Ausweichen oder Blocken)

Vampire glaube ? Nun, ich habe noch keinen gesehen, aber die V"ater
erz"ahlten uns davon. Vielleicht ist es ja eine von diesen Kreaturen, die
hier rumschleicht, wer wei"s ? Solange er an mir keinen Appetit entwickelt,
oder mir meine H"appchen wegfri"st... (DOG)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Werw"olfe / Werwolves
- Sind MONSTER alle Ausgeburten des Wyrm (eher nein, gelle :) ?
| - Are MONSTER all creatures of the wyrm ? (no way !)
- Ist die 'Harmlose' Gestalt die 'wahre' Gestalt ?
| - Is the 'harmless' form the 'true' form ?
- Werw"olfe verwechseln MONSTER leicht mit ihren 'verseuchten Br"udern',
den Fomori.
| - Werwolves often mix up MONSTER with their 'wyrm-contaminated brothers',
| the Fomori.


MONSTER-Lehrbuch, Seite MDW: 'Werw"olfe, auch Gestaltwandler. Menschen,

die vermutlich mit einem Virus infiziert wurden (siehe Filmdokument 23/G).
Eine direkte Auseinandersetzung mit diesen Wesen ist unter allen Umst"anden
zu vermeiden. Aus unerfindlichen Gru"nden verliefen einige Begegnungen
mit starken Ausbr"uchen von Aggressionen seitens der Werw"olfe, ohne da"s
ein Grund vorlag. Es ist jedoch nicht unm"oglich diese Wesen zu besiegen.
Der m"achtige Rasfizz (siehe Seite GHR - gro"se Helden) konnte uns einst
von seinem Kampf gegen ein solches Wesen berichten, den er schwer verletzt
"uberstand. Das Wesen, das er im Schlepp hatte, ma"s 2,53m und wog "uber
600 kg. Der behaarte K"orper verf"ugte "uber klauenbewehrte H"ande und
ein wolfs"ahnliches Gebi"s. Als Grund f"ur die Auseinandersetzung gab
Rasfizz an, da"s er den urspr"unglich menschlichen Waldarbeiter erschrecken
wollte und dieser sich daraufhin in dieses 'Unwesen' verwandelte. Zu
Rasfizz Gl"uck war er ausgebildet in den Gimmicks 'K"orperwaffen, -gr"o"se,
-panzerung und Geschwindigkeit, wodurch ihm ein knapper Sieg gelang.'
MONSTER-Handbook, Page MDW: 'Werewolves, or shapeshifters. Human, that are
obvious infected with a virus (see filmdocument 23/G). A direct Conflict
with this kind must be avoided under any circumstance. Through
inexplicable Reasons did some meetings end in a deadly combat caused by
the werewolf. It is not impossible to win against these foes, but hard.
The mighty Rasfizz (see Page GHR) was once able to tell us about a fight
with a werewolf that he survived heavy injured.
The Body he dragged behind him was about 9"3' high and had a weight of
1300 lbs. The strongly haired body owned big fangs and clawed hands.
As reason for combat, so Rasfizz, was the fact that he tried to scare a
woodworker, who suddenly formed to this creature. To Rasfizz luck, he was
well trained in Body-Weapon,-size,armor and Celerity that makes his small
victroy possible.'

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mage/Magus
MONSTER-Lehrbuch, Seite MDM: 'Magus, erwachte Menschen, wie sie sich
gerne selber bezeichnen. Wir haben durch die Kinder der S"ohne des Ether
viel "uber diese Gruppe erfahren. Sie besitzen "uber F"ahigkeiten, die
wir als Magie bezeichnen w"urden. Viele unserer Rituale sind Kopien der
Ihren, die auf unsere F"ahigkeiten abgestimmt wurden. Magus sind in der
Lage MONSTER bei Konzentration auch in einer harmlosen Form zu erkennen.
Einer Konfrontation mit einem Magus ist abzuraten, sie besitzen zwar "uber
einen ausgepr"agten Sinn f"ur das "Ubersinnliche und unsere Art des Humors,
doch k"onnte ein sehr gereizter Magus, der im Kampf geschult ist, einem
MONSTER zur ernsthaften Gefahr werden. Im Zweifelsfall ist es ratsam bei
einem bevorstehenden Kampf zu fliehen, oder sich aus dem Sichtbereich
des Magus zu entfernen. Aufgrund eines Packtes mit den S"ohnen des Ether,
seit j"ungster Zeit, wird unser Wissen "uber die Welt des "Ubersinnlichen
sicherlich bald neue Facetten bekommen.'
| MONSTER-Handbook, Page MDM: 'Mage, by themselves called 'Awakened'.
| We have collected many knowledge about this group of supernaturals by
| the tight contact through the Children of the Sons of Ether. They own
| Abilities that we would call Magic (they do call it Magick). Many of our
| Rituals are converted version of their. Mage are able to recognize a
| Monster, even if hidden in a harmless form. We warn everyone to avoid
| confrontations with Mages. Many of them have a great interesst for the
| unnormal things and a great kind of humor, but will be a great danger
| if forced to aggressions. In case of doubt, you are told to run and hide.
| Due to the contract between the Sons of Ether and the MONSTERs, we are
| looking forward to raise our knowledge in supernatural fields.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wraith/Geister
- Haben MONSTER Schi"s vor Geistern ?
- K"onnen Geister Besitz von MONSTERn ergreifen ?
MONSTER-Lehrbuch, Seite MDG: 'Geister, die Existenz von sogenannten
Geistern wird von den V"atern der Akademie stark angezweifelt. Alle von
den Menschen beschriebenen "ubernaturlichen Geistererscheinungen sind
offensichtlich mi"sverstandene Aktionen von MONSTERn.'
| MONSTER-Handbook, Page MDW: 'Wraith. the Existence of so called Spirits
| is strictly disbelived by the Fathers. All human described spiritual
| phenomena seem to be missunterstood Action of MONSTERs.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wechselb"alger/Changelings
MONSTER-Lehrbuch, Seite MDW: 'Wechselb"alger, oder auch Feenwesen. Die
Ger"uchte "uber diese Wesen, stammen aus alten Zeiten. Angeblich gibt
es ein ganzes Reich von ihnen, zu dem der Eingang bei Beginn des
'Zeitalters des Unglaubens' verschlossen wurde. Wenige von ihnen wandeln
seitdem noch zwischen den Menschen. Ihre Hauptbesch"aftigung scheint
das Narren und Spa"smachen zu sein. Kontakte mit diesen Wesen werden von
uns eher als harmlos eingestuft, wenn auch Agressionen auf geb"uhrene
Gegenwehr sto"sen werden.'
| MONSTER-Handbook, Page MDC: 'Changelings or Fairies. The rumors about this
| folk remain of former times. Stories tell about a big Empire, that has
| lost Contact to the human world during the 'Age of Unbelieving'. Only some
| of them remained here, living between the human. Their main buisiness seems
| to be Joking and fooling around. Contacts to that kind are declared as
| harmless, even if aggressions will face great resistence.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Das Umbra / The Umbra
- Welche MONSTER kennen sich dort aus ? Wie kommen sie dorthin
und was suchen sie dort ?
MONSTER-Lehrbuch, Seite MDU: 'Eine Existenz des Geisterreiches erscheint
uns relativ unbegr"undet. Durch die S"ohne des Ether erhielten wir jedoch
dahingehende Informationen, die allerdings erst noch "uberpr"uft werden
m"ussen und bis dahin jeglicher Grundlage entbehren.'
| MONSTER-Handbook, Page MDU: 'The Existence of a Spirits Realm seems to be
| absolutely nonsens. Informations received from the Sons of Ether, that
| support the idea of an 'Umbra' are not yet confirmed and so miss any
| basis.'
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Das Computernetz / The Digital Net
Story-Thema: MONSTER im Cyberspace - erste Kontakte mit Virtuellen Adepten
und Entdeckung eines CyberMONSTERs
MONSTER-Lehrbuch, Seite EBC: 'Techniker Jukrefz Loh (12:03:1985:22:25:03):
machte ich eine erstaunliche Entdeckung bei meinen Irrfahrten durch das
>Netz. Wir hatten gerade unser System installiert als wir auch schon von
einem bislang unidentifizierten User angemailt wurden. Obwohl wir uns
unsere Tarnungsstufe als nahzu undurchdringlich erdacht hatten, schien
diese Person auf weitere Sicherheitsl"ucken aufmerksam zu machen. Nach
zwei Wochen regelm"a"siger Kontaktaufnahme und des (einseitigen)
Erfahrungsaustausches, erhielten wir eine Datei mit dem Namen
VCAG_FREE.UUE, die sich nach entsprechender Behandlung als eine Art
Virtuelles Gef"angnis (Virtuell Cage) erwies. Der User, der sich inzwischen
als WebDragon vorgestellt hatte, meldete sich einen Tag nach der
Installation von VCAG_FREE:
Hallo Jukl !
/whois WebDragn
WebDragn is (burning hot)
on Channel(s): #Private
WebDragn is set AWAY: 'Immer bei der Arbeit - nie da...'

-> Hallo geehrter WebDragon ! Ich m"ochte mich f"ur das Programm bedanken,
auch wenn ich seinen Sinn noch nicht so ganz verstanden habe...
Ich habe schon gesehen, da"s Ihr es erfolgreich installiert
-> Was meinst Du mit 'gesehen', ich dachte unser System w"are dank Deiner
Hilfe sicher ?
:-) Unwichtig, es ist in jedem Fall sicherer als vorher, nun
la"st uns von etwas anderem reden.
-> naja, ok.
Das Programm was ich Euch gemailt habe, habe ich nicht ohne
Hintergedanken geschrieben. Ich habe vor Monaten etwas im
Netz gefangen, sagen wir besser gefunden, das ich zwar
isolieren aber nicht zuordnen konnte.
Nun, als ich auf Euch stie"s, glaubte ich endlich einen
geeigneten Platz gefunden zu haben. Wenn Ihr bereit seid,
schicke ich Euch den Inhalt f"ur Eueren K"afig. Allerdings
mit der Auflage ihn sorgf"altig zu bewahren !
-> Aehm, darf ich erfahren >WAS< es ist ?
Ich werde Euch direkt im Anschlu"s entsprechende Software
senden, mit der ihr es eingehend untersuchen k"onnt.
-> ... Na gut, ich nehme an wir haben ohnehin keine Wahl ?
Nicht wirklich ;-) Einen Moment, ich starte den Transfer
Die restliche Software schicke ich Euch auf dem "ublichen Weg.
-> Danke, meldest Du Dich wieder ?
Mal sehen :-) Bye !
-> Bye
WebDragn has left the Channel.
Als wir die Software installiert hatten, staunten wir nicht schlecht. Vor
uns auf dem Bildschirm tobte ein... aeh... Cyber-Monster durch den
virtuellen K"afig. Es schien ein wirkliches Eigenleben zu haben. Wir
schafften es schlie"slich sogar Kontakt mit ihm aufzunehmen und konnten
feststellen, das es zu tiefgehenden Denkvorg"angen in der Lage ist.
Offen geblieben ist die Frage, woher es kommt oder wie es entstanden ist.
Momentan arbeitet unser Team an einem Weg, eine Br"ucke zwischen dem
sogenannten Cyberspace und der realen Welt herzustellen. Bislang haben uns
die H"uter der Quelle jegliche Unterst"utzung dabei entsagt.

MONSTER-Handbook, Page ERC: 'Technican Jukrefz Loh (12:03:1985:22:25:03):

today i made a surprising discovery on travelling through the >net.
Our team nearly finished the installing-process of our system when a message
of a still unknown user arrived. We thought our security-system was very
well, but this person told us many secret doors, so we could seal them.
After two weeks of regularly contact and (onesided) exchange of experience,
we received a data-file called VCAG_FREE.UUE, that contained a program
looking like a virtual cage. The User, who called himself WebDragon,
contacted us a day after the installation of VCAG_FREE:
Hello Jukl !
/whois WebDragn
WebDragn is (burning hot)
on Channel(s): #Private
WebDragn is set AWAY: 'Immer bei der Arbeit - nie da...'
-> Hello dear WebDragon ! I want to thank you for the programm, even if i
didn't got the sense of it now...
I already saw that you installed it successfully.
-> What do you mean you 'saw' ? I thought our system is, thank to you, save
now ?
:-) It is not important, it is much more save than before, but
now lets talk about something different, more interesting.
-> Hmm, okay.
The programm i mailed you, was programmed to serve a special
task. A few month ago i catched, or lets say found, something,
i couldn't assign.
When i met you, i guessed i found a suitable place for it. If
you are ready, i send you the content for your cage. But you
will have to guard it well !
-> Aehm, may i know >WHAT< it is ?
I will send you some adequate software, so you will be able to
examine it.
-> Okay, i guess we have no choice anyway ?
No, not really :-) One moment, i start the transfer
I send the rest of the software the usual way.
-> Thank you, will you return to us someday ?
We will see :-) Bye !
-> Bye
WebDragn has left the channel
When we had installed the software, we were very surprised to see a...oem
... let me call it cyber-monster rumbling through the cage.
The ... thing seemed to be a really independent life-form. We managed to
get in contact with it and learned that it was able to deep reaching
thoughts. We still do not know from where it comes, or who created it.
At the moment, we are working on a way to build a bridge between the
real world and cyberspace. Till now the Guardians of the Source didn't
gave us any assistence.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gegenst"ande der Macht

| - Artefacts of Power
- Talismane
| - Talisman
- Typische Hilfs-Objekte der MONSTER
- typical devices of the MONSTERs
- magische Gegenst"ande
- magical things
- Was befindet sich alles in den Schatz-Horten der MONSTER ?
- What is hidden in the treasures of the MONSTER ?
* KAPITEL ELF: Dramatik
| CHAPTER ELEVEN: Dramatic (Fighting, Amour)
- Kampf / Combat
- Besondere Angriffsformen
Viele MONSTER verf"ugen "uber k"orpereigene Waffen, wie F"ange, Klauen,
Stacheln usw. und k"onnen diese ggf. sogar mit Gift in ihrer
Gef"ahlichkeit um ein Vielfaches steigern. Diese Angriffsformen sind
teilweise schon in anderen Regelwerken beschrieben worden
Man"over Schwierigkeit Schaden
K"orperkraft+1 (max. +2 bei Riesenmaul oder
K"orperkraft (+1 bei Stacheln)
K"orperkraft (max. +2 bei Stacheln)
Rammsto"s 7
K"orperkraft+Erf. (max. +2 bei Stacheln,
max. +3 bei H"ornern)
K"orperkraft+1 (max. +1 bei Stacheln)
- R"ustung / Armor
Das tragen von Schutzkleidung ist f"ur viele MONSTER ungewohnt oder
einfach nur l"astig weil man vielleicht schon einen besondere Haut
hat, die einem Schutz gew"ahrt. Manche jedoch tragen, meist antik
anmutende, R"ustungen und Helme, um sich vor Sch"aden zu sch"utzen.
Ein MONSTER mu"s in der k"orperlich Lage sein, eine R"ustung zu tragen.
Die meisten R"ustungen schr"anken die M"oglichkeit zur Ver"anderung der
K"orpergr"o"se oder die Umformungen, die zur Aktivierung eines Gimmicks
notwendig sind, stark ein. Man sollte also genau "uberlegen ob eine
R"ustung wirklich sinnvoll ist.
- Verletzungen / Injuries
Eine allgemeine Definition f"ur die Entstehung und Auswirkung von
Verletzungen bei MONSTERn zu finden, ist fast unm"oglich, da ihre
Formen und Grundbestandteile so stark variieren wie Schneekristalle
in ihrer Form. Dennoch werden wir, das Storyteller-"ubliche System
benutzen, um die Sch"aden zu verwalten. Ein gesundes MONSTER besitzt
im Normalfall 7 Schadensstufen, wobei die erste den unverletzten Zustand
und die siebte die absolute Handlungsunf"ahigkeit darstellt. Wie nun
ein MONSTER Schadenstufen erhalten und wieder verlieren kann, soll hier

behandelt werden.
- Heilung von Schadensstufen / healing of woundlevels
MONSTER sind lebende Wesen. Bei der Heilung von Wunden "ahneln sie den
Menschen, denn auch sie k"onnen Wunden durch Zeit, Ruhe und Pflege auf
nat"urlichem Wege heilen lassen. Pro Tag l"a"st sich so eine
Gesundheitsstufe heilen. MONSTER haben jedoch einen besonderen
Vorteil solange sie "uber gen"ugend Schleim verf"ugen. Pumpen sie
Schleim durch ihre Adern zu Wunden oder Br"uchen, so sind sie mit
dieser hochwertigen Kraftquelle in der Lage, Verletzungen sehr schnell
zu heilen. Mit zwei Schleimpunkten l"a"st sich eine Gesundheitsstufe
pro Runde heilen. Das Monster mu"s dazu nicht alle Aktivit"aten
einstellen, jedoch sinkt die Anzahl der W"urfel f"ur Vorhaben die
einen Wurf erfordern, um 1.
- Schwer heilbare Verletzungen / heavy injuries
Diese Art von Verletzungen entsteht bei MONSTERn nur durch die Einwirkung
von K"orperwaffen, Magie oder magischen Gegenst"anden, solange nicht eine
weitere Einschr"ankung durch einen Nachteil gew"ahlt wurde.
Bei schwer heilbaren Sch"aden steigt die nat"urliche Ruhezeit pro Stufe
auf eine Woche und die Heilung durch Schleim erfordert pro
Gesundheitsstufe 10 Runden absolute Konzentration.
- Verseuchungen / Contamination
Verseuchungen sind eine zunehmende Bedrohung f"ur die Monstergemeinde.
Immer mehr Abf"alle der Menschen sind mit chemischen, giftigen oder
radioaktiven Substanzen verseucht und verursachen je nach Konzentration
im aufgenommenen Schleim eine tempor"are oder sogar permanente Verseuchung
des Monsters. Verseuchungen haben mit steigendem Grad einen immer
gr"o"seren Einflu"s uf das soziale Verhalten des Monsters, so da"s es
immer mehr zu einem unkontrollierten Ungeheuer wird, da"s gewissenlos
mordend durch die Gegend zieht. Verseuchung entspricht damit in etwas
dem Gegens"atzlichen von 'Menschlichkeit' in 'Vampire-Die Maskerade'.
Verseuchung behindert au"serdem den Einsatz von Monster-Magie so, da"s
jeder Punkt Verseuchung einen Grad Magie senkt.
Verseuchung ist eine Zehn-Punkte Eigenschaft.

Unverseucht. Diesen Zustand haben H"uter der Quelle und Wilde

bei der Erschaffung.
Gering Belastet. Noch ohne negative Auswirkungen. Diesen Zustand
hat nahezu jedes Monster zu Beginn, wenn es kein Wilder oder
H"uter der Quelle ist.
Leicht Verseucht. Erste Schwierigkeiten bei Aktionen die viel
Selbstbeherrschung erfordern.

OOOOOOOOOO Komplette Kontamination. Dieses Monster ist so verseucht, da"s
es entweder sofort stirbt, oder alles mordet und vernichtet, was
ihm in den Weg kommt. Es hat keine Gef"uhle mehr und ist nicht
mehr in der Lage einen vern"unftigen Gedanken zu fassen.
- Zus"atzliche Schadensstufen / extra woundlevels
Besonders gro"se, bzw. robuste MONSTER k"onnen in den Vorzug
zus"atzlicher Schadensstufen gelangen. Die dazu n"otigen Vorteile k"onnen
bei der Erschaffung eines MONSTERs gew"ahlt werden, oder sp"ater als
Gimmick gelernt und durch den Einsatz von Schleim aktiviert werden.
Diese 'neuen' Schadensstufen werden an das 'gesunde' Ende der Tabelle
angeh"angt und verschieben so auch ggfs. schon bestehende Sch"aden in
Bereiche mit geringeren negativen Folgen f"ur das Monster. Deaktiviert
ein MONSTER mit stark angegriffener Gesundheit seine zus"atzlichen
Schadensstufen so tritt nicht die entgegengesetzte Verschiebung ein.
Das MONSTER verbleibt bei den gleichen negativen Modifikationen wie
- Besondere Aggregatzust"ande (fl"u"sige, gasf"ormige Gestalt)
Der K"orper einiger MONSTER besitzt die F"ahigkeit sich zu verfl"ussigen
oder sogar gasf"ormig zu sein. Andere k"onnen ggf. "uber die Wirkungen
bestimmter Gimmicks in den Genu"s dieser Zust"ande gelangen. In jedem
Fall "andert sich damit auch die Anf"alligkeit gegen"uber verschiedenen
Angriffsarten. Einen gasf"ormigen oder fl"ussigen K"orper mit einer
Klinge zu Verletzen ist unm"oglich, es sei denn, da"s MONSTER besteht
darauf eine stark komprimierte Form beizubehalten. Es bedarf schon des
Einsatzes von extremer Hitze, K"alte oder vielleicht Strom.
Auch bestimmte Chemikalien haben sich als "au"sterst gef"ahrlich
erwiesen, weshalb diese MONSTER an der Akademie auch eine Sonderschulung
in Chemie bekommen (Ein solches, an der Akademy geschultes MONSTER, mu"s
also mindestens einen Punkt in Chemie nehmen.
Die Schadensstufen bei solch einem MONSTER entsprechen dem Zustand des
Stoffes oder seiner Menge, aus der das MONSTER besteht. Wird der Zustand
des Stoffes ver"andert oder seine Menge verringert, so kommt es zu einem
Schaden. Hat das MONSTER Zugriff auf Resourcen des Stoffes, aus dem er
besteht, so kann es sich im Rahmen der normalen Heilungsdauer, durch
Aufnahme regenerieren.
- Tod eines MONSTERs
Ein verstorbenes MONSTER unterliegt einer relativ schnellen Verwesung,
da der Hauptbestandteil des K"orpers eh schon aus verrotteten
Materialien bestand. Sollte ein in einer Gruppe herumziehendes MONSTER
versterben, so sind seine Kameraden verpflichtet, es umgehend zu einer
Akademie zu bringen, damit alle Zeremonien durchgef"uhrt werden
k"onnen. Einem Monster diese Gnade zu verweigern bedeutet f"ur den
Toten und die Nachl"a"sigen eine gro"se Schmach, die in einigen F"allen
sogar schon zur "Achtung der "Uberlebenden f"uhrte. Die Dauer vom
Eintreten des Todes bis zum absoluten Verfall des K"orpers betr"agt,
je nach K"orpergr"o"se und Schleimgehalt zwischen einem Tag und zwei

(Description of Enemies, etc.)

- Beschreibung einiger Beispielgegner/Gegenspieler

|-Describtion of some example-enemies
- die 'b"osen' MONSTER, die Menschen fressen
- the 'bad' MONSTER that eat and kill human for pleasure
- MONSTER-J"ager (wie w"ars mit den Souvenir-J"agern ? :)
- MONSTER-Hunter (like some kind of souvenir-collectors)
* CHARAKTERBLATT (so far...)
MONSTER - Die/The Rebellion



Attribute/s - MONSTERform (7/5/3,F:5)

Widerstandsf"ahigkeit H"asslichkeit
Attribute - Harmlose

Form (6/4,F:5)


F"ahigkeiten/Abilities (13/9/5,F:2)


Katakombenkunde (Sewer)
Nahkampf, bew.
Einsch"uchtern Sicherheit Nachforschungen
Schauspielern Tiere Trainieren
Sportlichkeit Tierkunde

Szenekenntnis "Uberleben
Tier-Empathie Heimlichkeit
Gimmicks (6,F:7)



Tugenden/Virtues (7,F:2)

Andere Eigenschaften/Other Abilities

-------------Verseuchung/Contamination (F:2)
-------------Willenskraft/Willpower (F:2)

Euer Dogio
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------MONSTER - Die Rebellion - MONSTER - The Rebellion - MONSTER - The Rebellion-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mortis: The Grieving

By B. Thrall (

Amy felt herself pull away from her dream, the darkness of sleep receding before her to reveal her bedroom ceiling, dimly lit by
moonlight. It looked ominous, but it wasn't just the shadows, long and grossly misshapen. Amy's stomach twisted sickeningly,
and her face burned.
"I'm sick," she thought. She slipped out from beneath her bed covers and into the hallway outside her room. She began to turn
toward the bathroom, but her gut said otherwise. Slowly, she turned the other way, shuffling toward Grandpa's room. The door
was cracked open, and within, Amy could hear her grandfather shifting in his sleep. She quietly pushed the door farther open
and saw that Grandpa wasn't asleep, he was laying awake in bed.
After a while, he noticed her standing in the doorway. "Amy, what are you doing up? It's late," he said quietly, kindly. He
beckoned for her to come over and sit on the bed beside him.
"I'm sick, Grandpa," said Amy as she shuffled over to the bed and sat down.
"Ah, well, do you want something to drink then? Or medicine?" He felt her head with his hand. "You're forehead is very warm,
maybe we'd better wake up your parents."
"No, that's okay, Grandpa."
"Are you sure?" She nodded. "All right, then, lie down here and try to go back to sleep. I'll keep you company. Hopefully in the
morning, you'll feel better."
Amy curled up beside Grandpa, and he put his arm around her and sang her the lullaby he used to sing when she was a little girl.
Gradually, he trailed off, thinking she was asleep, but Amy couldn't sleep, her stomach twisted and complained inside her so.
She listened to Grandpa's wispy voice, though, as it drifted off to silence and after.
Minutes, half an hour later, Amy sat up in bed and looked down at Grandpa. He was silent, relaxed, with his arm still curled
around the impression she had made in his soft mattress. He looked calm, not happy, not sad, but calm and relaxed like she had
never seen him in life. Amy's fever flared harshly, burning her up inside. Her very skin seemed to crackle under the heat as her
hand reached inevitably down to cradle Grandpa's face. His skin sparked at her touch, and Amy was lost in a flood.
Grandpa tugged at her, pulled at her mind. He was rushing by her at incredible speeds, his life, his memories, all like water
ripping at her, trying to steal her away. There, she saw Grandpa stealing bread to feed his mother and sister during the Great
Depression, but it was gone too fast. There, Grandpa married his wife, his love, her grandmother. There, she died. Amy's eyes
stung with the pain of the memory rush. There, Grandpa watched with loving eyes as he sang her to sleep. There he died. This
was Grandpa. This was a man. This was a man no longer.
The fire died, leaving Amy cool and shivering. Tears fell down her cheeks and splashed onto the earthly remains of Grandpa.

When we die, we leave behind us only memories of who we were. There is not one person who can say "I knew him, I knew
everything that made him him." All we have are little pieces of life and that only through action and word. How can we know who
someone is without knowing their thoughts, ideas, emotions. Mere words cannot convey an experience, any experience,
because even though "I'm sad," denotes sadness, it says nothing of why nor of the depth and quality of that sadness. Sadness
over the suffering of others has a different quality than sadness over the death of a loved one.
All that is left is memory, imperfect memory at that.

The Mortis
The Earth shines with six billion souls, and some of these souls shine brighter than others. One day, for no reason at all, a soul
could flash bright and hot. These hot souls burn faster and more furiously than the others, for they use their fuel faster. These hot
souls are the Mortis.
The power of these hot souls is great, so great even that it floods into the physical realm and draws back into the spirit realm,
like the advancing and retreating of the tides. It is the connection between life and death, the ebb and flow of death and life, and
the Mortis are the pathways.

When a soul first flares, the Mortis can feel the heat generated by the new font of energy passing through her. Generally, this is
taken to be a high fever, but it does no injury to the Mortis. The Mortis will also feel a strange compulsion to be somewhere, and
soon. And so she will find and release her first soul, initiating herself into the ranks of the true Grim Reapers.

The Burden of Death

The greatest consequence of being a hot soul is that the Mortis must act as a conduit for souls from this life to the next. Just
before someone dies, a Mortis feels their imminent demise and will be compelled to attend that event. Souls cannot leave the
body without the aid of a Mortis. There are, however, side effects to releasing a soul. The soul actually passes through the
Mortis's soul to reach the afterlife and in so doing, shows the Mortis the soul's hopes, dreams, indeed, their entire life. Literally,
the soul's entire life passes before the Mortis's eyes and is imprinted upon the Mortis's memory. They are made very aware of
what the loss of the dead person means to the world, and they cannot forget. This, they call the Grieving.
Every Mortis feels every death in the world. This might seem extreme, but the farther away the death occurs, the less the Mortis
feels it; the vast majority of deaths in the world are barely felt at all, almost on an unconscious level. Only nearby deaths are felt
enough to draw the Mortis to them to release their souls. Usually, only the nearest Mortis to a death feels the irresistible pull of
the death, though others close at hand will feel it, but not as strongly; if for some reason the first Mortis does not reach the death,
others will be pulled in to accomplish the task.

Mortis Society
The Mortis have existed since the first Man died. His soul opened the gateway to the afterlife and the tides of life and death were
created to carry the souls of mankind away from the physical realm and to bring new life to replenish the losses. And upon the
Earth, the souls of a precious few flashed. These First remembered the lives of the dead as their small bands of people put them
to rest, and they spoke of the dead as if they still lived, for within the memories of the Mortis, they did. The families of the dead
thus believed that death was not the end.
When humans began congregating in cities, the Mortis first saw that their sad duty could be much more than that. With such a
large number of people in a single place, the Mortis were no longer easily recognized by everyone as the spirit-speakers that
they were thought to be. When a single man is discovered at several deaths, let alone several dozen, the king's soldiers tend to
get suspicious. Many Mortis were persecuted for murders and deaths that they only had a peripheral relation to before their
fellows learned not to be near the bodies of those souls they released when they were discovered. This was the first Lesson.
Mortis have always been associated to religion with their close proximity to that great unknown, death. From ancestor-worship to
the Greek pantheon to Judaism, many Mortis saw in their burden a call to the church, seeking positions as shamans or priests of
Hades or rabbis, and with the advent of Christianity, many Mortis either became or were born Christian. As Christianity grew,
more and more Mortis were associated with its church, being either priests or devout church-goers. They wanted to believe that
they were releasing the souls of the dead to a better place. The Inquisition changed everything.
For the oppressed and the non-Christians, the Inquisition was a truly horrible thing, but to those whose duty was to release the
souls of the dead, even the heathen dead, and to relive those souls' agony, the Inquisition was a monstrosity unimaginable. The
Mortis learned a second Lesson then, as all but a very few left the Christian church, unable to stand its acts, yet still forced to
bear the scars it left on the souls of the dead.

The Inquisition was bad, but war is even worse, though in an entirely different way. With war must come the release of thousands
of souls as their mortal bodies die. These huge requirements are too much for just the Mortis nearby to handle. Therefore, new
Mortis are created within the battle, but these are not ordinary Mortis. Rather, their souls are great, incandescent flashes that
burn out in minutes or hours instead of years or decades. The Mortis themselves are generally unaware of what they have
become, knowing only that suddenly they are full of flame and fire, burning to be released. These Mortis may be responsible for
accounts of "berserkers" in battles, men who lose all control and become fanatical killing machines. They also must carry the
cross of the ordinary Mortis, must release souls to the afterlife, but not just one at a time; in battle, too many die too quickly for
that. Mortis created in battle must release many souls at once, with every soul searing through their mind at once, tearing,
shredding. The Mortis himself is subsumed beneath all the souls he carries the memories of. If he survives, he will emerge totally
insane and incapable of functioning in normal society. At best. A much more common event, however, is the Mortis's death and
the resultant release of his soul by another Mortis.

Modern Society
Today, Mortis society is fragmented. No longer are do the majority hold positions with their respective churches. Instead, most

Mortis go it alone, desperately trying to reconcile what they are with their daily lives. Many cannot handle the stress and now
subsist in the gutters. Others, though, have managed to balance their curse with their existence through various means. Some
have withdrawn into themselves. Some of them have taken solace in the presence of normal people. There are still those who
take their Mortis burden to the church.

The Church of Remembrance

The Mortis not only act as conduits for souls to the afterlife, they also remember. They remember everything about every soul
they ever released, though the memories fade as time passes. The most recent soul, however, haunts them, only gradually
receding to the back of their minds with the release of new souls. This is the basis for the Church of Remembrance.
The Church of Remembrance is a link between the normal world and the patch-work quilt of Mortis society. Within the human
world, it is a poly-denominational church, but it does not hold weekly masses. Instead, masses are held upon the death of one of
the Church members. These masses are less sermon than eulogies, lasting for hours while the Mortis who released the soul
recounts the life of the deceased, whose family and friends are welcomed to attend. The public is also welcome, and it is from
these people that new members of the Church come. To Mortis, the Church is a repository of memories. In addition to the
masses, the Mortis priests inscribe the lives of the released souls in books, which are stored carefully in the Church basement,
and though the priests see these biographies as their duty, it is more of a great emotional release that they find in the writing, as
if they achieve some fulfillment in it. Any Mortis may record a biography for the Church and it will be kept with care, but only
Mortis Priests of Remembrance may speak at the heads of masses, for that is the greater emotional fulfillment and is reserved
to the believers.
The Church of Remembrance itself is located in an old Catholic church in New York, New York, USA. The church is owned by the
Church of Remembrance, but no one knows how it acquired it, or how the Church began. The Mortis priests either do not know
or their story of the Church "just being there" when they needed it has a grain of truth. There are also small branches of the
Church of Remembrance around the country, but these are merely missionaries and not true churches. Mostly, they consist of a
single Mortis priest who holds mass relatively often to gather members and establish the Church's presence in the minds of the

Mortis Death
Death is the one certainty in life, and normal humans get only one chance. Once they die, there is nothing else for them here in
the physical world, they pass on to the afterlife with the help of the Mortis. For the Mortis, however, it is different. They have a
duty, a curse, a soul burning with hot fire. This fire, though, is not the heat of a normal, living soul; it burns hotter and faster, burns
out earlier than normal. Once a person becomes a Mortis, her life becomes dramatically shortened. The longest living Mortis so
far survived for twenty-three years before his soul burned out. Most Mortis survive only ten to fifteen years.
There are, of course, the usual myths that arise from the desperate wish against dying that every man has. Some distant Mortis
somehow managed to quench the flame and restore the normal burning of his soul. In some land, almost impossible to reach,
there is a spring that removes the burden of death every Mortis carries, and with it the shortened life. Most of these myths are
spread by the Mortis who have been able to manage their curse rather than those who have lost control or fled from reality.
Whether these rumors are true or not is anyone's guess.
Another rumor that can be found among any group of Mortis actually has some basis in fact. Mortis, goes the rumor, cannot die
until their soulfire burns out. Indeed, Mortis souls are not simply released to the afterlife when they die; they carry too much
energy to do that. A dead Mortis can walk, talk, and think as if he were still alive, unlike a normal human, who for all intents and
purposes is dead, with only the removal of her soul to make death complete. Dead Mortis, are different from live ones, however.
Their death calls Mortis to come release it like any other, though some of the more powerful Mortis have been able to hide their
death. Other Mortis arrive soon after the death of a Mortis, intent on releasing his soul. If he escapes them, he will not die. Yet.
But, he now has a great weakness: if any Mortis ever touches him, he is instantly dead, his soul released to the afterlife. Until
then, or until his soulfire burns out (it burns much more rapidly in death), he will continue to live.
A kind of side note is the fact that when a Mortis soul is released, it does not pass through the soul of the releaser -- it would
carry with it all the memories of every soul the Mortis ever released in one instant and that would be too much for the releasing
Mortis. Instead, the soul merely requires the touch of a Mortis to open its own pathway to the afterlife and leaves the body
through that passageway. Another side note is that when a Mortis's soul burns out, its last action is to release itself to the
afterlife; the touch of another Mortis is not required in this case.

Mortis: the Grieving is not really designed to be played. Instead, it is intended more to instill certain themes in a chronicle. For
the Storyteller who wishes to make his chronicle more tragic, the Mortis are a good technique of conveying that theme. In each of
the other Storyteller games, the characters have both curses and benefits. The Garou are cursed with a losing battle against the
Wyrm, but at least they have the spirits and their own determination, let alone the other Garou abilities, to stand against their foe.
The Kindred are created cursed, but in turn, they have Golconda to counterbalance their unholy existence. Wraiths, Mages, and
Changelings are similar, but the Mortis have nothing to hold up against their curse. This is what makes them tragic. They were
normal people, but now have had the mantle of releasing the souls of the dead, but not only that, but to be made horribly aware of
what the loss of that soul means to the world. Their only hope of happiness is the rare soul that made the world better by living in

what the loss of that soul means to the world. Their only hope of happiness is the rare soul that made the world better by living in
it. A loving grandmother, a charitable man. But even this carries the heavy weight of the fact that this noble soul is no longer here.
It is gone forever.
My god, how depressing, you say, but remember the other major theme of Mortis: that of remembrance. Even though the soul is
gone, it is remembered by the Mortis who released it, and remembered with perfect clarity. Every person who ever thought they
knew that person actually only knew a small portion of their thoughts and actions and emotions, their hopes and dreams. But the
Mortis knows it all, and from the perspective of the soul. Not only that, but knowing every moment, the Mortis can understand the
soul, if he so wishes. To the family of the deceased, in addition to their precious memories, another remembers as well, and
knows what they feel, but a thousand times more so. Somewhere out there is someone who remembers who that person really
was. Life goes on, but the past is not forgotten, not ever.

World of Darkness Relationships

The Mortis are awakened beings, but they are not like the other supernaturals. They do not stand out in a crowd, do not work
Magick or speak with the spirits of the Umbra. They are not undead, or exist in a world of dreams. They are, in fact, more of a
natural order, a fact of life rather than an exception to it, and as such, they are generally unknown to anybody. There have been,
however, certain encounters, generally in the nature of the release of the soul of a Changeling or a Mage, so the Mortis
themselves are aware of the others, but they see no reason to make themselves known to them. Those who bring death are
rarely welcomed.

Werewolves actually have no need for the Mortis; their souls already have a connection to the powerful energies of life and
death, which they believe to be a single entity called Gaia. This connection allows the automatic release of a Garou soul to Gaia
when he or she dies. Mortis and Garou have had almost no contact whatsoever, and a Garou will never become a Mortis or vice

Mages are probably the supernatural beings that the Mortis have the most contact with, because they can detect a Mortis if they
are using the quintessence usually found in Mage patterns to search for other Mages. Such a Mage would see a Mortis soul
blazing even brighter than a Mage's but in a slightly different way. Of course, the Mage would assume that he had found another
Mage and take what actions he thought necessary for his purposes. At least, he will try. Any action that the Mage tries to take
that could keep the Mortis from performing her duty will fill the Mage with nausea and an aversion to that action; even a Mage
knows, though subconsciously, that Mortis are essential to the natural order. The Mage must succeed in a Willpower roll,
difficulty 10, to actually perform the action. Admittedly, the vast majority of Mages who encounter Mortis are incredibly curious
about them, and many have approached them to ask questions. A few have even struck friendships. The Technocracy, of
course, is still trying to kidnap a Mortis to study this "phenomenon." A Mortis will never become a Mage, because he is already
awakened and his awakened abilities do not include Magick.

The Embrace of a new vampire is a most confusing thing for any Mortis in the vicinity. Suddenly, they are called to release a
nearby soul, but a few seconds later, the call is reduced to almost nothing, leaving the Mortis to wonder why she no longer needs
to release that soul. Most just assume some other Mortis reached the soul first or someone had a "near death" experience, and
leave the area, grateful that, for once, they do not have to go through the horror of releasing a soul. A few Mortis, however, have
gone to investigate. They generally come back dead, possibly even drained of blood. Mortis encountering vampires not in the
process of the Embrace will feel uneasy, as their souls push them to release the souls bound by the blood of Caine to the
physical world. These souls are unnaturally kept here, and a Mortis will feel compelled to release them to the afterlife, but a mere
touch cannot break the bond of Caine; it takes much more than that. A few Mortis have dedicated their lives to hunting vampires
because of this. A Mortis may not become a vampire, because she cannot die until her soulfire burns out, and then her soul is
sent straight to the afterlife; no blood of any vampire can keep it in this world.

Being affected by Banality as the Kithain are, the mere touch of a Mortis could destroy their soul, shattering it into a million
pieces. All Kithain will do almost anything to avoid being in the presence of a Mortis, let alone being touched by one. Because of
this, Mortis who are called to release the soul of a Changeling merely have to come within a couple of feet of the Changeling for
the soul to flee the body. Touch is not necessary. A person with a Kithain soul will never become a Mortis.

Mortis and Wraiths generally have no way of interacting except at the moment of the Wraith's birth into the Deadlands. Very few
Wraiths remember the moment of their death, and therefore the Mortis who released them from their bodies, but those who do
are generally curious as to what this person did that they ended up in the Deadlands instead of Heaven, or even Hell. They might
blame the Mortis for their death or try to use him for one last reconciliation with life. The Mortis who released a Wraith's soul

could easily become a fetter for the Wraith, understanding her and knowing her as he can, and if the Mortis records the Wraith's
life in a book for the Church of Remembrance, that, too, could easily become a fetter. It is very rare for a Mortis to become a
Wraith when his soulfire dies.

I have provided these systems for the Storyteller to create NPC's, or for players who really want to play a Mortis. There is also an
optional aspect of the Mortis that should make them more playable rather than just pawns of death. Hopefully, these mechanics
work relatively well even though they have not been playtested.

Character Creation
Characters are created normally, with the exception of their Life rating. Life is explained in detail below. Life begins at 5
permanent points, with each additional point costing 4 Freebies. It may not be increased with experience.

Releasing Souls
When a Mortis releases a soul, it does not go easily. The vast majority of souls grasp and clamor at the Mortis, desperately
trying to keep their connection to this world. People do not want to die.
The player/Storyteller makes a Willpower roll every time a Mortis releases a soul. If the roll fails, the character will be haunted by
the memories of the soul and might take on some of its mannerisms or goals. If the roll botches, the soul takes control of the
Mortis's body for a short period of time, determined by the Storyteller or until the player makes a successful resisted Willpower
roll against the soul.

Choosing Deaths
The deaths that surround a Mortis depend heavily on the area that he is currently in; there are probably more deaths in New York
than in the whole state of Nebraska each year. While there are more Mortis in cities to compensate for the higher death rates,
they do affect the Mortis themselves. Generally, the Storyteller should decide when and where a death occurs and who, if
anybody important, but there may be times when the release of souls are not as important as other story elements, so the
Storyteller may also use the following tables to randomly choose a death.
Roll a number of dice equal to the character's permanent Life rating:
Location Difficulty
Large city** 7
Small city 8
Large town 9
*In large cities, due to the large number of deaths, characters must spend a temporary Life point every month instead of every

The number of successes should determine approximately how many deaths occur around the Mortis that he is forced to attend
per week. Or day, if the Storyteller really wants to make the character's life hell.

Mortis Life
The power generated by a Mortis soul is measured by his Life rating, which has both "temporary" and "permanent" ratings.
Characters begin with 5 permanent points and no temporary points, but they can increase their rating with Freebies (1
permanent point for every 4 Freebies spent) or take the flaw Short Life (4 point Flaw, character begins with 3 permanent Life
points). Every two months (or every month, in large cities), a character loses a temporary Life point, and when he reaches zero,
a permanent point is converted to 10 temporary points. When a Mortis's Life rating reaches zero permanent and zero temporary
points, he dies. Dead Mortis lose Life at a rate of one temporary point per week. Life may also be used with the optional Mortis

For a player, playing a Mortis character would probably not be very fun without some Mortis ability to balance out the curse that
all Mortis labor under. Therefore, I have provided rules for an optional Mortis ability called Making.
The Mortis are beings of destruction. They are the conduits of the final unmaking of humans: death. However, no being created

by nature can survive as unbalanced as this for long. Every unbalanced creature either dies, or finds a way to compensate. In
recent years, some very few Mortis have discovered that they carry within themselves both the seeds of unmaking and making.
The very Life that makes them conduits for souls to the afterlife magnifies their ability to create and repair.

The fire of a Mortis's soul has both the energy of creation and the power of death, and, while the Mortis has no control over the
power of death, some Mortis have been able to harness the energy of creation.
Creation is actually two distinct powers, pure creation, and building. Pure creation actually creates matter from creation energy.
Roll Making against a difficulty 10, and match the number of successes against the table below to see how much of the material
was created. This costs 1 temporary point of Life per use. Building creation is a very different power. Building works only with
the materials at hand, and creates something new out of those materials. From wood, a chair. From metal, a ring. Roll Making
against a difficulty that varies dependent on the complexity of the object. The materials used in making the object must be
present, or created using pure creation, and the character should have at least some knowledge of how to make the object in the
first place; creation magnifies ability, it does not create it. Machined parts, microchips, and other objects that can't be made by
hand cannot be created or built using this power.

Mortis with the Making are not only good at creating and building things, they are also remarkably good at repairing broken
Roll the character's Making against a difficulty determined by the Storyteller according to how complex the object is and how
knowledgeable the character is about such objects. Every success adds a die to the actual roll to fix the object. This ability costs

The Costs of Making

Characters begin with a Making of zero, but may buy the ability with Freebie points. Each Making dot costs 5 Freebies. This
ability may also be advanced through experience, at a rate of 8 times the current rating per additional dot.

If you have any comments, suggestions, or additions to Mortis: the Grieving, you can email me at
Thank you, and I hope you enjoyed reading Mortis.

Munchkin: The Nagging

By Peloquin (
"Out of the living rooms we came.
Moving silently through the games.
Everyone has known that we are
among you. Especially now."
-- Pteppic, a 1st Generation Munchkin.

"Aww, come on, you're ruining the game!" "Look, you can't give him Celerity 10, he's a freaking Mage!" or "No, Faeries don't
have Garou Gifts..."

Munchkins can look any way they want to, but they are always the coolest in the chronicle. "Okay, like, I'm gonna be a dragon,
only I can change shape, and, like, switch between human, Troll, Garou Crinos and Vicissitude Horrid Form! And Banality don't
work on me, coz I'm not actually a faery!" Need I say more?

See above.

Something cool. "Vigilante/Hitman/Rockstar/Knight" is the most common one.

All of them. Disciplines, Rage, Gnosis, Glamour, Spheres; you name it and they'll want to give it to their characters.

Real Roleplayers: Boooring!
"Get that bum out of our chronicle!"
Storytellers: Rules, rules,, you sound like my school teacher...
"No, you can't have a Discipline that makes you Caine in the first dot..."
NPC's: Why couldn't I Diablerize the Primogen's chairman without getting a Blood Hunt for my head? I mean, noone saw me do
it! Just some Mortals! You never let me do anything!


None. Unless they make him look cool.


All of them.

"Why can't I give my Sidhe a Garou Crinos form?"

MUTANT: The Showdown

By Tim Layne (

Chapter 1: Introduction
Mutants are regular people, but just a little tougher. They are on equal par with possible counterparts in the World of Darkness,
such as Mages, Kindred, Garou, and Immortals. Mutants are about as common as the Kindred, but will usually not flex the
muscle of their numbers. Some mutants could stand next to you on the subway, and you'd never know. Other, less fortunate ones
will usually attract a lynch off by appearance alone. The life a mutant leads is usually secretive, for very obvious reasons! Most
can be divided into two classes, those who help humanity, and those who hate it. A good example for each are from Marvel's XMen: Professor Charles Xavier, and Magneto. Professor X founded the X-Men to protect humans in an attempt to promote
equality between mutants and humans. Magneto feels the mutant species is superior to humankind, the next step in the
evolutionary ladder if you will. The diversity of mutants makes this classification very general, but most PC's will most likely follow
either idea.

Chapter 2: Creation
Mutants are almost always more physically fit, more attractive, and in some cases, more intelligent than humans, so they receive
7, 6, 5 for their attribute points. For abilities, they receive 13, 9, 5, just like everyone else. All mutants have a power pool; this
says how often a mutant can perform some spectacular feat. Different areas give different amounts for the power pool, which will
be discussed later in the guide. Each mutant has a different area of Discipline to show where her power is manifested.
Evocation of Energy
Elemental Force
Powers of the Mind
Light (and Darkness)**
Each area has different powers that can be chosen, and each area also allows access into another part of a different area.
**Any area of Discipline can be combined with these
*These have a special benefit, listed later.

Evocation of Energy
This area of Discipline deals with the explosive power that wells up deep inside some mutants; some examples are Cyclops's
optic blast, Gambit's charging ability, Jubilee's fireworks, Magneto's powers, and Iceman's ice. Characters choosing this area of
Discipline receive 12 Power points for their pools. Player's may choose from all other areas as minor studies except Mental,
and Powers of the Mind.

Elemental Force
This area of Discipline deals with the powers of mother nature. Storm's powers, and Avalanche's powers are examples of
Elemental Force. Characters choosing this area of Discipline receive 12 Power points for their pool. Player may give minor
studies to the Disciplines of Evocation of Energy and Physical.

Powers of the Mind

This area of Discipline deals with the mysterious and intriguing abilities of the mind. The powers of Professor X, and Jean Grey
are prime examples. Characters choosing from this area of Discipline receive 10 power points for their pool. Characters can

give minor study to Mental and Manipulation.

This area of Discipline deals with the raw power, blindingly quick, or hard as steel powers of the body. Wolverine's enhanced
senses and stamina, Gambit's agility, Colossus's and Rogue's strength are examples of physical Characters. Characters
choosing this area of Discipline receive 5 power points for their pools. They can minor study Evocation of Energy, Manipulation,
and Elemental Force.

This area of Discipline deals with sound, and audible effects. Banshee's wail is a good example. Characters choosing this area
of Discipline receive 8 Power points for their pools. They can give minor study to all other areas.

This area of Discipline deals with light, darkness, and visual effects. Dazzler's abilities are a great example of the powers of
simple light. Light effects concern more than simple light and dark. Shadows, light manipulation, and others are included.
Characters choosing this Discipline get 8 Power points for their pools. They can give minor study to all other areas.

The Mental area of Discipline deals with the vast intellectual capacity of someone like Beast, or the insight of Nightcrawler. This
area is not another excuse for Powers of the Mind, however, since the character cannot move things by sheer force of will, or
invade the minds of others. Characters gain 5 Power points for their pools. Minor study is granted for Powers of the Mind and

This area of Discipline has to do with the advanced manipulative powers of some mutants. Gambit's charm, and the hypnotic
suggestions of a certain Morlock are examples of the manipulative abilities of certain mutants. Mental, Physical, powers of the
mind, and Evocation of Energy are the areas of minor study. Characters gain 5 Power points for their pools.

Chapter 3: Subareas
Subareas are specific area of expertise within in the areas of Disciplines. Each area has subareas to choose from. To get a
power, choose what subarea, then find a power that suits you. That one's free, but the others will cost you.
Evocation of Energy Blast, Absorption
Elemental Force
Fire, Air, Earth, Water
Powers of the Mind ESP, Telekinesis, Psyche, Psychotherapy
Superhuman attributes, Mind over matter
Blast, Absorption, Manipulation, Creation
Blast, Absorption, Manipulation, Creation
Superhuman attributes
Superhuman attributes, Hypnotics, Charm
Minor areas of study work like this. Each special power has a point cost. In the Character's main area of Discipline, a power
costs the given amount; in a minor area, it cost 50% more. Example; Bloodgruv chooses Physical as his major area of
Discipline. He picks superhuman agility as his free power, and decides to get Reverb from the Sound area. Reverb would cost 4
points to get if Sound was his major area, but since he chose physical, it will cost him 6 points total.
The numbers
13 9 5

13 9 5
Superpowers: 10

Chapter 4: The Powers

Evocation Of Energy
Plasma blast
Cost to purchase: 2
Description: This is as the name implies. Note that anything within the realms of the player's imagination can be used for the
physical appearance of the blast, and where exactly it came from.
Damage: 2
Cost to use: 1/3
Range: 50 yds

Cost to purchase: 4
Description: This power causes an explosion to erupt within a given object. Inanimate objects within 10 pounds per level of the
mutant are destroyed. If the detonation power is used on something heavier, the attack fizzles, and the Power points are lost.
Beginning at level 15, mutants with this power can begin using this attack on living matter.
Damage: 4
Cost to use: 2 Power
Range: 10 yds

Energy Absorb
Cost to purchase: 3/6
Description: This power enables the mutant to absorb any plasma energy directed toward her. She can also store the energy for
10 minutes per level of the mutant as free Power points, but unless discharged, the energy will damage the mutant. A mutant can
store any amount of Power points that would have been dice of damage, unless the attacker is of higher level, in which case,
only 50% of the Power is stored, the rest is scored damage. The more expensive 6 point form allows a mutant to absorb life
force. She can drain away mutant powers; the loss is temporary to the victim, unless death occurs, but no health is gained. For
the duration, which is base 1 hour - five minutes per level, all flaws gained by the drainer work at 150% efficiency, while merits
are suppressed completely.
Damage: 2 for every 3 seconds contact is made, or none.
Cost to use: 1
Range: Touch

Energy Charge
Cost to purchase: 4
Description: This power allows a mutant to charge virtually any small object with power. The objects detonate with a small
explosion upon forceful contact (i.e. throwing, stepping on etc). A mutant can also give a minor charge to an object to provide
light as well.

Damage: 3
Cost to use: 2, 1/4 (For minor charge)
Range: Special

Elemental Force
This is handled differently than the rest. The mutant has complete control over the element of his choosing. He can conjure,
manipulate, and recieve an immunity to that form of element. For example, a fire mutant might be able to swim in a volcano with
no adverse effects, but a water mutant could come along and blast him to kingdom come, and vice versa. To simplify things, an
elemental mutant is completely at home in the environment of his choosing, although each benefit costs 2 points to gain.

Cost to purchase: 8
Description: Dispels all energy attacks made against it.
Cost to use: 6

Description: Duh!
Cost: 2

Cost to purchase: 6
Heat illusion
Description: -2 dice to hit when in effect.
Cost to use: 2

Description: Name gives it away, but keep it within reason. Cost to use: 2

Cost to purchase: 6
Description: Disoriented, -2 to dice pool on the round it's in effect, and the one immediatly after.
Cost to use: 2

Description: A large crack opens up under one victim, swallows him for 5 minutes (which reflects the time used to climb out) and
causes 5 damage.
Cost to use: 4

Cost to purchase: 6

Breathe water
Description: Well duh!
Cost to use: 2

Purify water
Description: The mutant can purify water at the rate of 2 gallons per level. Cost to use: 2

Cost to purchase: 6
Description: The mutant can fly on currents of air of her own creation.
Cost to use: 2

Unnatural Weather
Description: Although an Air mutant can control and cause weather, it takes a little study to make it rain in the Mojave!
Cost to use: 4

Powers of the Mind

Thought Projection
Cost to purchase: 6
Description: Thought projection allows the mutant to send his thoughts to another person. The person on the recieving end see
the face of the sender, andcan hear the sender's voice. A conversation can take place if one of two conditions are filled. 1, if
both involved have thought projection, or 2, if the sender is above 8th level.
Damage: Cost to use: 3
Range: Sender knowledge

Cost to purchase: 4 points
Description: Superception allows the mutant to perceive things beyond that of humans. Reading the card with the pattern end
facing them, telling where someone is looking. Discerning emotions, and more at the storyteller's option, are avaliable with
Damage: Cost to use: 1
Range: 3 yds

Cost to purchase: 5
Description: Telekinesis allows the mutant to manipulate things with his mind as easily as another person could with his hands.

For each level, a mutant can move 30# of stuff

Damage: Cost to use: 2
Range: 50 yds

Mind reader
Cost to purchase: 4
Description: As the name implies. The victim can roll her willpower to resist the effects. The difficulty is the level of the reader
times 2.
Damage: Cost to use: 3
Range: 10 feet

Cost to purchase: 6
Description: This power allows a mutant to see what will happen in the immediate future of himself or others. He can see 1 hour
into the future for every 2 levels. It may be noted that the future is in no circumstance set in stone. The players can still modify
actions to try and avoid a nasty fate.
Damage: Cost to use: 6
Range: Self

Mind raid
Cost to purchase: 7
Description: This fiendish power allows a mutant to raid the mind of another, and cause one of the following effects in a victim.
Feebleness: -3 to dice pool
Stupidity: All mental attributes are reduced to one, and all knowledge rolls get a +3 to difficulty
-2 to dice pool. Courage virtue reduced to 1
-5 to dice pool, and mutant is no longer under control of player.
All these effects last for 1 hour for every level of the mutant using it.
Damage: Cost to use: 6 Power
Range: 20 feet

Mental shield
Cost to purchase: 4
Description: This allows the mutant to protect herself from any attack that can affect the mind. The mutant can shield herself from
any effect from an attacker of lower level than herself, and can roll a willpower check to resist the effects of a higher level mutant.
The difficulty is twice the level of the attacker over the defender.
Damage: Cost to use: 4
Range: Self

Cost to purchase: 2
Description: This attack allows the user to do minor damage to a victim, imbue them her memories, or take a few. It should be
noted that it does cause damage, even if it's a friendly memory loaner.
Damage: 2
Cost to use: 1/2 Power point
Range: Punch reach + 6 inches

Mental Repairman
Cost to purchase: 4
Description: This is a power that allows the mutant to remove any psychological flaws at the rate of 1 month for every point the
flaw was. This is a very nice thing to use, but is less than reliable. At the end of every month the patient underwent treatment, a
willpower roll is required, the "repaiman's" level serves as the difficulty. If the willpower check fails, the patient feels no more
adverse effects of the flaw; if it passes, it bursts through, and treatment must pick up at the beginning, which can be done any
number of times.
Damage: Cost to use: 3 per treatment (At least 4 per month)
Range: Self

Superhuman Attributes
Superhuman Strength, Agility, Stamina
Cost to purchase: 4
Description: This power imbues the mutant with Superhuman attributes. He receives a bonus dot in either Strength, Dexterity, or
Stamina. If he uses Power points to augment that, he recieve an 8 in that attribute for the next hour. He also receives these
Strength: Brawl bonus. The mutant does 2 extra dice of damage while brawling
Dexterity: Celerity. The mutant gains 3 actions/round
Stamina: Invulnerability. Think about it for a minute
Damage: Cost to use: 4
Range: Self

Mind Over Matter

Healing factor
Cost to purchase: 4
Description: A mutant with the healing factor can regenerate 2 points of damage per 5 minute intervals of rest. Strenuous activity
reduces this to 1 point every 10 minutes.
Damage: Cost to use: 3
Range: Self

Super speed

Cost to purchase: 4
Description: Super speed allows the mutant to move at an advanced rate, somewhere around 200 mph without anything heavy
to lug. In brawl and combat, the mutant will be able to attack or act 5 times a round.
Damage: Cost to use: 4
Range: Self

Cost to purchase: 6/4
Description: This allows the mutant to teleport herself and up to 3 others anywhere within 200 yds. The less expensive form
allows the mutant enter a state of etherealness, and she can basically walk through walls
Damage: Cost to use: 5/3

Cost to purchase: 4
Description: Basically, stretchy skin. The mutant can extend his limbs to fantastic lengths, but if he goes too far, it hurts. A special
costume will be neccesary, or incredibly loose clothes at least, to accommodate this talent.
Damage: 2 (ST says when too far is too far)
Cost to use: 2
Range: Self

Cost to purchase: 4
Description: Let the name speak for itself. A mutant can fly for as long as she wants or until she gets tired, which is found by
taking her stamina times 4 and adding 3 for every level. That's how many hours a mutant can fly, and exhaustion will cause the
need for more power points to be poured in to keep aloft.
Damage: - (Except from falling!!!)
Cost to use: 2
Range: Self

Body weapons
Cost to purchase: 4
Description: The mutant can grow weapons from his body and use them. Damage is determined by the ST, but it's usually 2 to 5
damage; any more or less is ridiculous
Damage: 2 - 5
Cost to use: 2
Range: Self

Heightened senses
Cost to purchase: 1 Description: This allows the mutant to have senses even more advanced senses than the merit. They are
always in effect, and the range can be doubled by spending Power points. A character can augment all 5 senses, but must
spend points to augment each sense.
Damage: Cost to use: 0 to 1
Range: Self


Cost to purchase: 6
Description: This power allows the mutant to make her skin solid metal. She are invulnerable to anything short of a neutron
bomb, and any attacks against her will result in pain, broken weapons, etc. The transformation lasts for 1 hour +10 minutes per
level of the mutant.
Damage: Cost to use: 4
Range: Self

Shape shifting
Cost to purchase: 4
Description: This allows the mutant to alter his physical size, shape, color, etc. The transformation costs points, but reverting
back to true form is free. Anything vaguely man sized can be mimicked, but the ST might allow something extra.
Damage: Cost to use: 3
Range: Self

Sound And Light

Cost to purchase: 1 per ability except blast
Description: Sound and light are also handled differently than the rest. These powers are relatively weak compared to a punch
from Colossus, so they are given benefits to balance them out. The Absorption, Manipulation, and Creation are handled the
same way for both Light and Sound. For every level, 10 decibels of sound, or light equaling that of a 200 watt lightbulb can be
created. For instance, at 5th level, a mutant could affect the sound of a small rock concert, or dim the lights in a city block. The
blasts aren't the same, however, so the details are given below.

Banshee's wail
Cost to purchase: 4
Description: This keening wail can do a few things. It can force back a lot of people caught in the blast, make them temporarily
deaf, and hurt them to the point of damage. People caught in the blast are temporarily stunned for 2 rounds. It is so named for
the famous mutant who first developed it.
Damage: 3
Cost to use: 2
Range: 10 yds out, 8 yds up, conical from mutant's mouth

Cost to purchase: 4
Description: A mutant must absorb sound to use this power. The mutant can store and release the energy in a stunning, or
painful wave, as desired. To release a stunning wave, a mutant need only absorb a small amount of sound, but a painful wave
needs more behind it. A good rule to follow is this: a minute of talking for a stunning wave, or 5 minutes of talking for a painful
one. Modifiers are set to this, making it harder or easier to absorb sound.
Damage: 4 or none
Cost to use: 2 or 4
Range: 50 yds out (The reverb does not have to project from the mouth)


Blinding light
Cost to purchase: 2
Description: This allows the mutant to project a bright light. If a victim looks directly at the light, he is dazzled for that round and
the two immediately following. He receives a -1 to his dice pool, and a +2 difficulty to a perception roll requiring vision.
Heightened vision, either by merit or power, reduces it to the immediate round.
Damage: 1
Cost to use: 1/3 Power point
Range: Circle, 6 foot radius

Cost to purchase: 2
Description: This mean little trick brings into being a little globe of light. It flies around the head of the victim, which distracts her.
She is at a -1 to her dice pool, and will forsake all other actions to try and rid herself of the little bugger. A successful willpower
roll (Diff 5) reminds her of other, more important things at hand, and she no longer loses the dice.
Damage: Cost to use: 1 Power point Range: Within sight is reasonable

Superhuman Attributes
Superhuman Perception, Intellegence, and Wits
Cost to purchase: 4
Description: This power imbues the mutant with Superhuman attributes. He receives a bonus dot in either Perception,
Intellegence, or Wits. If he uses Power points to augment that, he receives an 8 in that attribute for the next hour. He also
receives these bonuses.Keep track of other successes, since it might fool other people.
Perception: Can't fool me. While this is in effect, any stealth, slight of hand, or other rolls where sneakiness is involved get a +2
penalty to difficulty.
Intelligence: The mutant will be able to figure his way through any problem requiring reasoning in a number of rounds equal to
his intelligence divided by 2. Any knowledge rolls are made at a -2 to difficulty
I know it first. Anytime a question of wits is brought up for for initiative in combat, etc, this allows the mutant to go
first, whether or not he has a higher wits.
Damage: Cost to use: 4
Range: Self

Superhuman Attributes
Cost to purchase: 4
Description: This power imbues the mutant with Superhuman attributes. She receive a bonus dot in either Manipulation,
Charisma or Appearance. If she uses Power points to augment that, she receives an 8 in that attribute for the next hour. She
also receives these bonuses.

Leadership. All mutants feel favorably inclined, and will allow themselves to be lead if a willpower roll is failed or
Manipulation: All mine. The mutant can influence the decisions of other; Manipulation X 2 at - 2 difficulty.
Appearance: Hey Baby. This is not do much a physical transformation than a mental readjustment. Members of the opposite

Appearance: Hey Baby. This is not do much a physical transformation than a mental readjustment. Members of the opposite
sex must make a willpower roll at +2 difficulty to avoid putting themselves becoming amorous.
Damage: Cost to use: 4
Range: Self

Cost to purchase: 3
Description: This allows the mutant to manipulate the minds of others. Some possibles are an urge to sleep, seeing snakes, and
cooking supper (?) Unless a Willpower roll is passed, a suicide suggestion will be followed; fortunately, the roll is at -2 difficulty.
A second willpower roll allows the mutant to resist these effects completely.
Damage: Cost to use: 4
Range: Earshot of victim

Cost to purchase: 2
Description: This is a weaker version of suggestion. The mutant who uses charm has an effective charisma and manipulation of
7 to the person he charms. The intended victims will in no way obey a suicide command, and will not readily give up ideals or
beliefs unless a willpower roll at a -2 difficulty is made.
Damage: Cost to use: 2
Range: Self

Chapter 4: Finishing touches

Mutants get 15 freebies to spend, and the conversion chart is below.
5 per dot
2 per dot
Power pool point 2 per dot
Mutant power point 4 for each point
1 per dot
1 per dot
2 per dot

Mutants have the same backgrounds as all other WoD characters have, except two: Mutant school and Adamantium. Mutant
School is almost the same as mentor, but deals with mutants, and we all know how cool Adamantium is.

Mutant School
Most will either be of one of the 2 schools discussed above, so students will be asked (or forced) to follow the rules (or
dictatorship) of the school.


School is new, and is run by a teacher that is 5 levels higher than the most advanced student
School has been around for a while, and is run by a competent professional 10 levels higher than the most advanced
*** School is widely known, and has a rival or two from the other way of thinking. Teacher is 15 levels higher than the most
advanced student
**** School is very popular, but has many rivals from the other way of thinking. Teacher is 20 levels higher than the most
advanced student.
***** Professor Charles Xavier's school for gifted children. (What else could I say?)

Finger claws, like Sabretooth's.
** Adamantium limbs. Fist, feet, skull, etc. (Only one type)
*** Adamantium skeleton (-4 difficulty to soak roll)
**** Adamantium claws, like Wolverine's, or other types of blades.
***** Adamantium infused skin. -2 to damage done, aggravated damage on 8 or higher.

All throughout this guide levels have played an important role in the way things work. To advance to the next level, a character
needs 10 experience points per level. 20 at level two, 30 at level three, etc. Each level grants a bonus of two dots of health, and
an extra dice of damage from mutant power attacks.

Power pool
All throughout this guide, mention is made to the Power pool. This is the well of mutant energy stored up inside the mutant. To
regain Power points, a mutant must rest for 5 minutes per Power point.

Diff Damage Notes
Ninja to
4 3
2 4
Implanted internally
4 3
External version
6 5
2 handed sword
8 7
5 4
6 5
Longsword variant 6 5
Broadsword variant 7 6
Energy Pistol
5 5
Energy Rifle sized 6 6
Cable's favorites 7 7

By Peloquin (

It was damn dark in the tunnels. Johnson supposed some might have trouble with that. Not him. As a member of a First Team,
he'd been given the ability to see perfectly in the dark. The only side effect was that his eyes were pitchblack, like a spider's.
Unlike Sniffer, the tracker in the rear guard, he could hide his enhancement.
He rechecked his weapon, making sure it wouldn't malfunction at a critical time. After all, the bosses had sent down two plain
scouting teams before this one, none of which had come back. There was something down here. Something that knew how to
splice in on their electricity, who had caused a big enough power drain to be noticed by the topside guards. Something that
wasn't supposed to be here. Something that could wipe out two scouting teams without a trace. Something they'd been hired to
The bosses had more or less reserved these tunnels for those big dudes with black fur, the Dancers. And for some other Things.
He hadn't asked any further. Twenty years as a mercenary had taught him not to ask employers too many questions.
As he went inside one of the old pneumatic rail tunnels, he stumbled against something. He bent down to pick it up, inspecting it
closely. A human skull, crushed. Rats had gnawed it clean. "Buckle up, team. No more horsing around."
That last was aimed at Skuyler and Graves, two slightly loony new team members. He'd seen them fight, so they were okay, but
they had trouble keeping their minds on the work. "Sniffer? See if you can get a trace on whoever was in here."
The tracker walked forward, his oversized nose, ears and eyes the far too visible signs of his enhancements. The benefits were
good, but the downsides were the bad looks. No more women for Sniffer, at least none sane. But the tracker was a useful
addition. He sure didn't want to be caught off guard. "Six...humans, Pentex...and...something else."
Johnson inspected the battle debris; some of this stuff had been smashed apart by something far stronger than humans.
"No. This is...different. Human and...reptile. Both. Not shifter. Weird. Unfamiliar."
Johnson gave the tracker a strange look, and then primed his assault rifle, removing the clips with silver bullets, replacing them
with plain hollow points. This whole damn thing stinks to high heavens. Skuyler, Graves, cover the rear."
No reply. He turned around, only to find no Skuyler, no Graves. Just their weapons, tossed on the ground. Who the hell was silent
enough to do this? He went forward, inspecting the remains of a Mac-10 and a Tec-9. Traces of blood. No guns, then. Claws?
Blades? Garou weren't this quiet. They charged in, claws primed, roaring battlecries and shit. This was different. Someone had
gotten to his rear guard, quietly, efficiently. Vanishing again when finished. Of course. He'd met this kind in Japan. "Ninja."
Carver, the martial arts nut, lit up, his face split by a big smile. God damn idiot. He'd watched too many Hong Kong movies. In
reality, the ninja weren't strutting around in black or white pyjamas. Either would be too damn easy to spot. No, neutral grey
camouflage and leather armor was their thing, as well as assassinations. No brawling in temple courtyards or stupid stuff like
that. And this was assassination. Quiet murder. Quiet enough to escape Sniffer. "Get a grip Carver, we're supposed to come
back and report, remember? No stunts."
He turned back, heading for the mouth of the tunnel, finding a well lit subway station, abandoned. But it was clean, repaired.
Someone had taken a rail car and turned it into a place to sleep. Someone had repaired the floor mosaics. Someone had hung
old christmas lights to illuminate the place, giving the place a weird blue red and green tint. Damn weird. He poked around in the
old rail car, finding a small bundle of cloth tucked away in a corner. He unraveled it, and in spite of himself, raised his eyebrows
sky high. "What the fuck?"
An old plexi-glass canister, no bigger than his upper arm. Marked "PENTEX INCORPORATED, 1977". It was definitely empty,
and definitely broken. This was getting too weird. He gave the hand signal to spread out, the remaining six members of his team
placing themselves at the tunnel entrances, and the old stairwells leading up. Johnson started checking every sewer grate and
manhole in the area, all empty. He wasn't surprised. Ninja never allowed themselves to be seen before they were sure of
winning. "Sniffer, check if you can see when they were last here? And if you can see where they went."
Sniffer nodded, all the while sniffing the air, still looking confused. Carver, the martial arts expert, pulled out twin katana's, smug
self-confidence in his posture. Well, whatever works. Sniffer saw him first. Further down the tunnel, a squat, dark figure wearing
an oversized trenchcoat and backpack, a floppy felt hat pulled down to cover his face. His posture was weird, to say the least.
"Hey dudes, you the pizza guys?"
The roar of gunfire filled the tunnels, as they blasted away at the lone figure. When the smoke cleared, the shape still stood, the
trenchcoat riddled with bullet holes.
"Guess not." The figure turned slightly, shouting into the tunnel behind him. "Dudes! We got ourselves some totally non-rad

visitors, tcha!"
They heard running footsteps. Heavy footsteps. Sniffer kept staring at the figure, and then spoke, not a little fear in his voice.
"Johnson, he ain't human."
The figure shrugged. "Aw shucks, dudes, and I like, wanted that to be like, a surprise." Then he pulled off the trenchcoat.
Only Johnson had seen shapeshifters before, and this sure as hell wasn't one. A five foot bipedal turtle, wearing leather straps
and a dark red bandana mask over his eyes? And then his friends arrived. Three more. All dressed the same. The only
difference was in the weaponry. One held long, straight swords, asian style, another held a pair of sai, the third a thick oak staff,
and the first one pulled out a pair of metal nunchaku.
Just a simple routine mission. Before he shouted the order to fall back, Johnson realized that whatever these guys was, Pentex
had made them.

One: Mutations
"Then one day while I was searching a trashcan for my next meal, I witnessed an accident. An old blind man crossing the
street was almost run down by a large truck. At the last moment, a young man leaped at the blind man and knocked him out
of the truck's way. As the truck screeched to a jarring stop, a metal canister bounced out of the back of the truck and struck the
young man near his eyes. Unnoticed by the crowd, the strange canister bounced several more times, striking and smashing
a glass jar which held four small turtles..."
-- Splinter, "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" by Eastman and Laird, #1
The Pentex corporation wasn't happy. For years, they had attempted to find a serum, drug or other form of mutagen that could
transform any Pentex employee into the kind of super soldier they needed against the Garou, a super soldier that would not be
as obvious to the public, a super soldier that could hide among the ordinary.
All they had succeeded in doing was make a few test animals glow in the dark. The OozeTM was a failure. Back to the drawing
board. On the way to the local dump, to dump the annoyingly non-toxic substance, they almost ran over an old man. A few
canisters dropped off. Nothing noticeable.
The rest was dumped.
Fifteen years later, the first reports of mutated, intelligent, bipedal animals reached the ears of the Pentex board of directors.
Attempts were made to find the old records, any old remains of the OozeTM, but nothing was found. In a desperate attempt to
regain this marvelous substance, an expedition was sent out to the old toxic dump where the canisters were disposed. But all
they found was one empty canister, and a suspiciously over large vegetation.
The project was covered up, and any leaks about the failures were silenced.
But they keep cropping up. In New York. In Los Angeles. In the swamps of Louisiana. Someone was consciously dumping Ooze
where it could mutate animals.
And there are rumors among the New York Nockers and Nosferatu, that deep beneath the city lies a cave, where something
dark resides. Something from out of this world.
And the Yakuza and Triads in USA have gotten serious competition from the ancient and mysterious Foot ninja clan, whose
involvement in the whole matter is yet to be determined.

Two: Revelations
"But the canister smashed open, releasing a glowing ooze which covered your bodies as you crawled around in it."
-- Splinter, "TMNT" by Eastman and Laird, #1
Ooze wasn't a failure. It's just that it takes time to react.
Essentially, it is a powerful mutagen that uses human DNA to enhance whatever is immersed in it, increasing the subject's
muscle mass, and potential size several hundred per cent. When brought to, for example, a small land tortoise, the mutagen
creates a half-human, half-turtle hybrid, as intelligent as any human, as fast as any human, and as strong as any human.
But it also gives the subjects the advantages of their animal origins. Turtles become incredibly strong, and highly resilient
towards external violence. Rabbits become immensely fast (and charming). Warthogs become strong, fast and, well, still slightly
moronic. Wolves become.... You get the picture.
Ooze works. But not the way it was supposed to. The mutagen doesn't taint the subjects. It doesn't even make them slightly evil.
All it does, is mutate them. And here's the secret: Pentex has been infiltrated.
No names will be named, and neither will we use any descriptions. Suffice to say, that several Kinfolk, Mages and plain human
agents have managed to infiltrate the behemoth of pollution, secretly putting sticks in the spokes of the Wyrm-thralls wheels.

agents have managed to infiltrate the behemoth of pollution, secretly putting sticks in the spokes of the Wyrm-thralls wheels.
Such as the clever little Pooka changeling who dumped a few ounces of his fae blood in the Ooze before it went off to Research.
And as usual with faery blood, the consequences were not only delayed, but also unpredictable.
Ooze works.
But not for the Wyrm.

Three: Repercussions
"Who made who, who made you?"
-- AC/DC, "Who Made Who?"
Since the Mutants have only been around for less than twenty years or so, they have had little experience with the World of
Darkness. But what little they've had has usually been wary, but peaceful. These are a few opinions of those who've met.

Kindred: We met these real ugly dudes, like, in the sewers. They're so ugly they make the rats turn and run, tcha! But they're like,
cool dudes anyway. At least, the ones we met. Dude.

"Five foot turtles in full ninja gear and I thought I'd seen everything."
-- Adonis, New York Nosferatu.

Garou: Okay, so they go from perfectly normal humans to becoming nine foot furry mountains of muscles, claws and violence.
No prob. Seen weirder stuff.

"Weirdos, and to think Pentex accidentally made these. It's like the NRA supporting an anti-gun bill in the senate."
-- Eats-Too-Much, Bone Gnawer Ragabash

Mages: Say what? Never heard of'em.

"If there really are such beings, we should protect them before the Technocracy finds them."
-- Hemlock, Verbena

Kithain: Uh, like, what the hell are you talking about?
"We have our moments of brilliance, yes."
-- Tinker, Pooka Grump

Wraiths: Ghosts? Ooo, scary.

"What should we care? Of course, we've had some very, very odd newcomers here lately."
-- Maxwell, Renegade

Others: Oh man, these sewers are more crowded than Madonna's bedroom! Like, zombie shapeshifters, dudes who chop each
other's heads off, stuff like that.

"Mutated animals, living among us. Really. So, how much glue have you sniffed today?"
-- Rainier, Highlander Immortal

Four: Systems, Mood, Lights!

To begin with, the mutated animals get a basic Attributes rate of 7/5/3. Abilities are 13/9/5 (no Lores or specific abilities for
supernaturals, that is, no Kailindo, no Do, etc.)
Beginning Willpower is 3. Backgrounds 5 (No Resources).
Oh, and then there are the advantages. I've made a list of Advantages for a mutant; feel free to make up your own. Any animal
can be mutated; remember this.
A few examples on how to use this. For example, a turtle would most likely have Leathery Hide, Lizard Brawn and Shell, while a
crocodile would most likely have Claws, Leathery Hide, Tail, Godzilla and Teeth. An iguana would have Claws, Plates,
Resilience and Tail.
All mutated animals get five Advantages for free (you don't have to use all the Advantages), any more must be bought with
Disadvantages. These traits do not count as Flaws, only for the purchase of further Advantages.

Leathery Hide: You have a thick scaly skin, giving you +1 soak dice against Brawl, Melee and Firearms damage.
Shell: You have a bony shell covering your abdomen and back, giving you +4 soak dice against Brawl, Melee and Firearms
damage. With a successful Dex roll diff: 4 you may pop arms, legs and head inside the shell, becoming an airtight coccoon. No
Dexterity penalties inflicted; this is a natural part of your body, something you're used to.

Claws: You have sharp claws, giving you +2 dice on Brawl rolls; damage becomes Aggravated.
Teeth: Your teeth do +2 Aggravated damage.
Plates: Sharp plates of bone grow from your back, making any rear attack at a +2 difficulty (10 maximum). A backwards body
slam gives the victim +3 damage.

Tail: You have a long, muscular tail, allowing you to use the maneuver Tail Lash (see Werewolf: Players Guide 2d edition).
Cold Blooded: Your mutation didn't stretch to your circulatory system, making you extremely hard to spot with infrared vision.
Unfortunately you lose one dice on all rolls for each hour subject to below zero Celsius temperatures.

Godzilla: You have retained the size you held in animal form; this is Huge Size for mutated animals. Add three Health Levels
and one dot each in Strength and Stamina, but also subtract one Dexterity, and live with the fact that you're the size of a VW bus.

Lizard Brawn: You gain +2 dots in Strength.

Resilience: You have a tad of the regenerative and resilience abilities from your animal origins left. You gain +3 dice on
Stamina, and heal one HL per hour spent resting. You even regenerate aggravated damage, but that leaves Battle Scars. It I
doesn't work on damage below Incapacitated.

Examples of mutated animals: a Rabbit would have Feral Senses, Thumper, Speedster, Digger, Breed Charm and Toothsome;
a fox or wolf would have Feral Senses, Clawed, Toothful and Scary.

Feral Senses: You gain +2 dots on Perception.

Breed Charm: Herbivore mammals are cute, and you get +2 dots in Charisma or Appearance.
Speedster: You were a fast animal and now you're a fast mutant: +3 Dexterity, running speed is double the standard.
Toothsome: You were a herbivore, so your teeth do Str+2 damage, but not Aggravated.
Toothful: You were a carnivore, so your teeth do Str+3, Aggravated.
Scary: Your animal form was a carnivore, so you get +2 dice on Intimidation and -1 Appearance (no matter how cute you were
as a puppy, a full grown wolf is more intimidating).

Clawed: Your claws were made for attack. You get +3 Brawl damage, Aggravated.
Digger: Your claws were made to dig with, so you get +2 dice on any task that requires digging and +2 Brawl damage, not

Thumper: Your hind legs are far more powerful than your front legs, giving you +2 dice when kicking someone.
Beak: You have a powerful beak, +1 bite damage, not aggravated.
Clawed: Same as for mammals.
Climber: You were a tree-dwelling bird, +2 dice for climbing and +1 Brawl damage, Aggravated.
Meander: You were an albatross or migratory bird so you can stay awake and active for weeks on end without sleep. Roll
Stamina; you may stay alert, active and awake for two weeks per success. This gives no penalties until the last week, where you
lose one dice on all rolls per day. (First day one dice, second two, third three, not cumulative).

Wings: Your arms are in actuality a pair of wings large enough to carry you through the air, the feathers and extra limb can be
hidden away, but this allows you to fly short distances. (Sta diff: 5, one turn of flight per success.

Hollow Bones: Your bones are as frail and hollow as a bird, you get -1 dice on all soak rolls against crushing damage, but you
also become lighter, may subtract two damage levels on any fall, and in combination with Wings and Meander allows you to fly

long distances. (Twenty miles per success on a Stamina roll).

Hawkeye: You get +4 dice on all sight-related Perception rolls.

Grounded: Your origins were as a landliving fowl, like a Kiwi, an ostrich, a road runner, or an emu, giving you a running speed of
your Dex x 25 mph. (4 Dex means 100 mph. if you can get the running start).

Feathered: You have long, elegant feathers covering your entire body, making clothes hard to put on, and you easier to spot.
Any Stealth or Disguise roll is at a +3 difficulty.

Scaly: You have a thick, scaly hide, that can quickly become hot and uncomfortable in the wrong climate, and also makes you
look. ugly. -1 on Social rolls.

Feral: You can't quite get your two natures to agree, the animal side in you takes over far too often. Whenever in the proper
circumstances, roll Willpower not to start acting like an animal (sniffing people's butts, peeing all over the place, such things).
Also, you must take the Nature Deviant.

Short: You were a runt of an animal, and so you are now; treat this as the Short Flaw from the main books.
Ugly: Your animal counterpart wasn't very pretty to begin with; you have a 0 Appearance.
Dumb: Duuuh, like, me no smart. Me was wild boar, me stupid. You cannot begin with more than 1 Intelligence, and raising it
costs three times the regular Experience cost.

Experience works the same as is normally does, but Advantages and Disadvantages cannot be added after initial character

Okay, so you've made your mutated dog, and you're ready to send him into the world to take on everything an everyone. One
problem. Who can you trust? Where can you go?

Kindred: Only the Camarilla Nosferatu treat the Mutants with courtesy. All other vampires will a.) use you b.) abuse you c.)
perform scary experiments on you. Take your pick.

Garou: The Bone Gnawers are safe allies. So are the Native tribes. With most of the others, well, you're damn lucky the Ooze
makes you smell of the Wyld, not the Wyrm.

Kithain: Safe enough. Keep away from the Shadow Court.

Mages: Try not to upset the Technocracy. And try to get allies among the Tradition mages, but avoid the Sons of Ether; they're a
little too interested in how you were created.

Wraiths: Most likely you will never get to see one.

Others: Good luck trying to find them.
And remember, if you do meet any of these. well, don't expect them to know what you are, or your character to know what they

"What? No, I was born this way. Three fingers work just as good as five, y'know."
Side note
The Mutants are not supernatural in the same way as most other beings. In almost every respect, treat them as really weird
Mortals. They can't automatically see Changelings; they can't really be Embraced, Shapeshifterized (without four rugs and a
ritual, at least), become Changelings or Awakened (now there's something you don't see every day), but they can become
Enchanted and Ghouled. They can become Wraiths when they die, but they can't automatically see Wraiths.
Numina is not a good idea. True Faith requires some reason. And I seriously doubt the Inquisition would take them in.
They have no Rage, no Blood Pool, no Quickening (oh yeah, I almost forgot, they can't become Immortals, of any sort), no
inherent Glamour, no Power pool, or anything like that. And they sure as heck don't start out with any Arete.

If you want to make a hybrid Mutant, like an Awakened one, go ahead, but you'd better expect the Great ST from Above to
punish you with evil ST's and evil co-players for the next ten years.
I really have no patience with anyone who wants to turn them into vampires. They're Mutants, the results should be very
unpredictable. (Like, suddenly you're holding a tiny little rabbit, embraced. No more Mutant, just a rabbit).

Before you start to sigh and toss this in the trash, go out to the nearest comic book store and see if you can find the first five
collection volumes of Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Read it, and be amazed. It's not the crap
that went on TV. Not the urinal strata that made its way into seven year olds comic books. The original stuff. Where there was
darkness and blood aplenty, where the turtles just as soon ripped a street gang to pieces than let them get away. No, they
weren't cute to begin with. In the beginning, the mood, the art, the storyline was like a predecessor to the WoD. In the original
comic books, the four turtles all looked more or less exactly alike (after all, being turtles). They had the exact same clothes,
bandana masks, the only thing setting them apart was their choice of weapons and their personalities. In the original comic
books, the world was dark, gritty, unpleasant.
Later on, braindead syndicate executives changed the look ("Hey, what if they have different colored masks! And their initials on
the belt buckles!"), changed the name ("Ninja has such a bad ring to it."), and changed the world view ("Why does it have to be
so violent? Our consumer target groups don't like violence!" The target groups being bedridden senior citizens, I presume).
And sure, it made money.
Sure, kids loved it.
But it wasn't the same comic that had gotten people's attention. The reason for its existence had vanished. The adult readers
dumped the new comics in the trash. This little addition to the WoD goes right back to that early, independent, cheaply made
comic book. It ignores what came after.
The Foot clan is made up of highly trained ninja, mostly from Japan. The Shredder is a man whose everyday life must've been
dealing with Shen on an every day basis. The fact that he's survived says a lot.
So what we have here, are player character that looks weird, but acts human. No news there, right? But these ones aren't able to
look normal. They have no Obfuscate to hide their appearance. They have no Homid form. No human Seeming. They're great
big damn mutated animals, and they look like it. The only way they can interact with humans is by heavy disguise, and perhaps
through trusted allies. It can get damn lonely after a while.
The Mutants are lonely beings, in more ways than what we might think. They're a mixture of two worlds, with a little bit of both,
and. well, they don't know where they fit in. On the one hand, they're as smart and resourceful as a human. They can talk, they're
our size, and. humans would see them as freaks. Monsters. Animals wouldn't want to hang around them, after all. You don't need
much cognitive thinking when all you need to do is run, eat, sleep, crap and make more animals. So when that weird five foot
wolf who's been running with you the past ten miles tries discussing the weather, most wolves just stare at him, because. well,
they're animals.
They don't have any tribal structure like the Shape Shifters. Usually, they don't have anyone like themselves to teach them about
what they are. No one gave them a tribe or clan or kith or Tradition to go to when everything goes wrong.
The best of two worlds, the worst of two worlds. That pretty much sums it all up. They can't live among the humans, for fear of
human bigotry, Technocratic pogroms, Wyrmthrall manipulations and all the other dangers. And they can't live among the
animals, because the animals don't recognize them any longer. It's not easy, being green, as Kermit the frog said.

NEKROMANCER: The Forbidden Arts

By Harald Eckmueller (with additions by Alfred Reibenschuh)

Nekromancers are hedge magicians, who, their pursuit of power delved deep into the art of summoning spirits. Some of these
hedge wizards are noticed by demons, who then confront them with the possibilities. These possibilities include power far
greater than a Nekromancer-to-be has ever dreamed of. These individuals, corrupted enough to do everything for more power,
sold their souls in a contract to gain what they so eagerly desired: raw power. Those individuals not so corrupted by power found
the strength to resist the demons temptations, but not without a price to pay. Those people who didn't fall to the temptations of
the demons and are still able to tell their story are a few, maybe not more then 10 or 15 worldwide. Nonetheless are those rare
individuals the Nekromancers most feared, Hunters.

Thy Price to Pay

Once a Nekromancer has made the Soulcontract, he is taught the rudimentary basics of summoning, treating and dismissing
spirits, wraiths and even demons themselves. His innate abilities come from one single source. To think the demon himself
would teach him such things is ridiculous, because no demon would freely expose himself to such a potential danger as a
Nekromancer. These sudden knowledges and insights are gained from the person's own Shadow. Most Shadows come into
existence when their Psyches become Wraiths, but not in this case. When the Nekromancer makes his Soulcontract, the demon
sets free his Shadow from his Psyche while he is still alive.
At first, some mages even mistake Nekromancers as Euthanatos. It is understandable as most of do have a quite mighty Avatar.
It is the moment where they understand their failure that Nekromancers earn one of their greatest enemies: the Traditions.
Feeding foul words of power the Shadow slowly corrupts the Nekromancer's soul. Nekromancers are a gamble for demons, for
though they can be the sweetest kind of soul one can earn they can become powerful enough to even turn demons into their

Thy Nekromancers Powers

Nekromancers are pseudo-awakened Hedge Magicians who have specialized in the art of summoning spirits, Wraiths, and
even demons. The last one can be only accomplished by a very, very few number of people.
Nekromancers possess six basic abilities. These are Theurgia (Summoning), Perimplatae (Banishing), Percustodis (Warding),
Permenbilies (Repelling), Necyomantea (Binding) and Obodientia (Demanding). Their general knowledge about spirits and the
abuse of their powers for oneself, is called Nekromancia. Furthermore, Nekromancers possess what Wraiths collectively call
Angst. What's a Wraiths worst nightmare, is the Nekromancers greatest Weapon. Why this is so is explained later in this
Nekromancers are even able to learn Arcanoi, Disciplines, Arts & Realms and even Gifts. The only powers excluded to them is
sphere Magick. The problem with these powers is simple. They are a perverted reproduction produced by the Shadow, and not
truly what they seem at first glance. What exactly means is explained later.

Theurgia: Thy Art of Summoning

With this power the Nekromancer calls forth spirits and Wraiths. In the higher levels, from 6 to 8, it is even possible to call
Demons and Incarna.
To summon a spirit, certain prequisites must be met. First, if the Nekromancer clings to his life, he should be able ward the spirit
off and he should be able to banish him once the spirit has done what the Nekromancer demands. Because most spirits would
go to great lengths to pay the Nekromancer back what he had done to them, he should be careful to protect himself properly.

System: The general system is quite easy. In game terms, the Nekromancer makes a contested roll of Nekromancia + Theurgia
against the spirit's Willpower. The target resists with his Willpower against a difficulty of 6. Furthermore the Nekromancer can
cancel the spirit's successes on a 1:1 ratio with Angst.
If the Nekromancer gains at least one success more than the spirit, he was able to summon it. If no successes are scored the
spirit is simply not summoned. If botched the spirit is summoned, but free to do what he wants (Which is most often something
very unpleasent to the Nekromancer). In case of a botch, warding circles do not stop the spirit; only Permenibilis may help.
The time required to summon a spirit is 10 turns minus successes gained. This time can further be reduced by spending Angst.

The time cannot be lowered to under one turn.

To summon a specific individual, either the True Name must be known, or in the case of a Wraith at least one Fetter must be
possessed. To find out the True Name of a spirit, a certain ritual must be used. Involved in this ritual is the use of Obodientia to
command a spirit to reveal the True Name of the targeted individual. The only other ways to get the True Name, is through a
Mummy or through a Soulpact (Not to say that the last one is definitely the easier one!)
Weak Spirits, New Wraiths
Servitors: Elementals, Naturae, Wraiths with at least three Fetters
Embodiments:Banes, Wraiths with at least two Fetters
Minions: Court Servitors, Gafflings, Wraiths with one Fetter, Certain individuals can be summoned.
***** Preceptors: Jagglings, Pack Totems and Infernal Slaves, Spectres
****** Lords: Totem Avatars, Lesser Demons, Ferryman, Deathlords
******* Lesser Powers: Aeons, Incarna, Demons
******** Greater Entities: Gaia, Wyrm and such nice guys (Just don't botch!)

Perimpatae: Thy Art of Banishing

With this power the Nekromancer sends back spirits and Wraiths to where they came from. The higher the level the greater
spirits can be dismissed, and the safer and easier it is to banish lesser spirits. As when summoning spirits, gestures and words
are needed to banish them.

System: In game terms, the Nekromancer makes a contested roll of Nekromancia + Perimpatae against the spirit's Willpower.
The target resists with his Willpower against a difficulty of the banisher's Willpower. Furthermore the Nekromancer can cancel
the spirit's successes on a 1:1 ratio with Angst. If the Nekromancer gains at least one success more than the spirit, he is able to
banish it. If no successes are scored the spirit is free to do what it pleases. If the roll is botched the spirit is free to do what it
pleases and has one free action on the summoner. If the spirit is inside a summoning circle, the circle has its full warding
The time required to summon a spirit is 5 turns minus successes gained. This time can further be reduced by spending Angst.
The time cannot be lowered to under one round. The levels below describe what kind of spirits you can banish.
Weak Spirits, New Wraiths
Servitors: Elementals, Naturae, Wraiths with at least three Fetters
Embodiments:Banes, Wraiths with at least two Fetters
Minions: Court Servitors, Gafflings, Wraiths with one Fetter, Certain individuals can be summoned.
***** Preceptors: Jagglings, Pack Totems and Infernal Slaves, Spectres
****** Lords: Totem Avatars, Lesser Demons, Ferryman, Deathlords
******* Lesser Powers: Aeons, Incarna, Demons
******** Greater Entities: Gaia, Wyrm and such nice guys (Just don't botch!)

Precustodis: Thy Art of Warding

This is the Nekromancer's Art of drawing and carving warding circles. These warding circles are the Nekromancers most
effective way of stopping spirits from doing something stupid, which might interfere with the Nekromancers healthy future.
The producing of warding circles is truly an art, for which Nekromancers possess even a skill. The more time and precaution
they take, the more will the circle protect them from the summoned spirits wrath. But warding circles are also where the
Nekromancers are most vulnerable, for if they are destroyed, to summon a spirit is nothing else but suicide. It should be
unnecessary to mention that destroying a carved circle often destroys a Nekromancer's life work.

System: In game mechanics, the Nekromancer makes a roll of Nekromancia + Percustodius against a base difficulty of 12. This
number can be lowered by certain modificators.
Drawing Materials:
Ash, Herb, Salt or Wax: -1
Chalk, Color/Ink, Diamond Dust or Magic Herbs: -2
Blood or Burning Oil: -3
Carving Materials:
Plastic, Ritual Paper or Wood: -1
Earth, Leather or Metals: -2
Stone: -3
Site of the circle:
Holy Places: +1/level

Infernal Places, Caerns or similar places: -1/level

Purpose of the circle:
True Name runes or runes for a special type of spirit used: -1/level
The difficulty cannot be lowered under 2 or raised above 10. If the difficulty exceeds 10, the number of successes needed is
raised by one. This means an 11 would become a 10 with two successes needed. It is possible to produce the circle in an
extended action. This would double the required time for every attempt to reroll the dice. The maximum number of attempts is
limited by the successes gained on the first roll. The type of spirit which can be warded by the circle is defined by the level the
character possesses in Percustodis. Because of this it would be prudent to summon no spirits over a level of the summoner's
The successes gained can be further increased by spending Angst. The total number of successes gained are counterdice
which can be substracted from the spirit's hostile actions. Once all successes are used up, the circle loses its warding powers.
Circles engraved, can be recharged by either spending further Angst or by repeating the whole ritual. If the Nekromancer
botches, he believes the circle to be fully operative!
The time required to draw a warding circle is 10 minutes per level. The time required to carve a warding circle is 1 hour per
level. The following levels define what kind of spirit can be warded.
Weak Spirits, New Wraiths
Servitors: Elementals, Naturae, Wraiths with at least three Fetters
Embodiments:Banes, Wraiths with at least two Fetters
Minions: Court Servitors, Gafflings, Wraiths with one Fetter, Certain individuals can be summoned.
***** Preceptors: Jagglings, Pack Totems and Infernal Slaves, Spectres
****** Lords: Totem Avatars, Lesser Demons, Ferryman, Deathlords
******* Lesser Powers: Aeons, Incarna, Demons
******** Greater Entities: Gaia, Wyrm and such nice guys (Just don't botch!)

Permenbilies: Thy Art of Repelling

This is the Nekromancer's Power of protecting oneself from, instead of limiting, the spirit's hostile actions. The main advantage
in this form of protection is its flexibility. No circle must be drawn, just a few words and gestures are enough to build up a little
defense against the spirit. It's not necessary to say that warding circles are by far more powerful, but in a situation which
demands fast actions Permenibilis will do it better than nothing.
Permenbilis can, and is often used in conjunction with warding circles. This represents the most powerful and effective means a
Nekromancer has to stop a spirit to do something real nasty with him. Note that Permenbilis as well as Precustodis do not
protect from indirect physical attacks. This means, if the spirit is using a kind of supernatural power to let through the room's
furniture at your head, you're safe, but if he uses his physical strength to lift an object and smash it onto your head, nothing
protects you.
If the Nekromancer uses High Ritual while empowering himself with the protection of Perminbilies, the difficulty can be lowered
by one. As with warding circles the Ritual can be made in an extended action. This means for every success on the first roll,
another attempt can be made. As before every attempt doubles the time required.

System: The Nekromancer makes a roll of Nekromancia + Permenbilis against a base difficulty of 10. This number can be
lowered by the use of High Ritual and by spending Angst. The difficulty cannot be lowered under 2 or raised. The type of spirit
which can be repelled by Permenbilies is defined by the level the character possesses in Permenbilies. Because of this it would
be prudent to summon no spirits over the level of the summoner's Permenbilies without the proper warding circle.
The successes gained can be further increased by spending Angst. The total number of successes gained are counterdice
which can be added to rolls with which the Nekromancer resists the spirits 'powers. Once all successes are used up, the
Ceremony loses its repelling powers. If the repelling Ritual was cast on a ceremonial cloth, the piece of cloth can be recharged
by either spending further Angst or repeating the whole ritual. If the Nekromancer botches, he believes the repelling ward to be
fully operative!
The time required to perform a ritual is 1 turn per level. The required time can become much longer if extended extended actions
are used. The following levels define what kind of spirit can be repelled.
Weak Spirits, New Wraiths
Servitors: Elementals, Naturae, Wraiths with at least three Fetters
Embodiments:Banes, Wraiths with at least two Fetters
Minions: Court Servitors, Gafflings, Wraiths with one Fetter, Certain individuals can be summoned.
***** Preceptors: Jagglings, Pack Totems and Infernal Slaves, Spectres
****** Lords: Totem Avatars, Lesser Demons, Ferryman, Deathlords
******* Lesser Powers: Aeons, Incarna, Demons
******** Greater Entities: Gaia, Wyrm and such nice guys (Just don't botch!)

Necyomantea: Thy Art of Binding

This is the ability to demand certain tasks from spirits. Unlike Oboedientia, the art of making soulpacts, Necyomantea is used to
`convince' spirits to fullfill tasks for the Nekromancer. This may range from cleaning the room over giving him some information
to playing babysitter.
Even such tasks as assassination are possible, but are restricted by how much they put the spirit in danger. Necyomantea is
more for `abusing' the spirits powers for ones own sake, than the complex task of acquiring `foreign' powers from the spirit. The
latter one would be the possibility in a soulpact (see Oboedientia).

System: In game terms, the Nekromancer makes a resisted roll of Nekromancia + Necyomantea against a difficulty of the
target's Willpower. The spirit may resist with a Willpower, Rage or Gnosis roll against a difficulty of the Nekromancer's
Willpower. Spirits are allowed to spend Power points to raise their number of successes. 5 Power points are one additional
success. Wraiths can buy additional successes by spending Pathos on a 1:1 ratio. The number of successes the spirit has can
be lowered by spending Angst on a 1:1 ratio. If the Nekromancer gains at least one success more than the spirit, he is able to
bind it to his whim. If no success is scored the spirit is free to do what it pleases. If the roll is botched the spirit is free to do what
it pleases and has one free action on the summoner. In addition the Nekomancer gains 5 temporary Corruption points. If the
spirit is inside a summoning circle, the circle has its full warding abilities. The time required is most largely played out and not
defined by rigid timetables. This stage is a rich source of roleplaying between the Nekromancer and the spirit, so use this
The type of spirit which can be bound by Necyomantea is defined by the level the character possesses in Necyomantea.
Weak Spirits, New Wraiths
Servitors: Elementals, Naturae, Wraiths with at least three Fetters
Embodiments:Banes, Wraiths with at least two Fetters
Minions: Court Servitors, Gafflings, Wraiths with one Fetter, Certain individuals can be summoned.
***** Preceptors: Jagglings, Pack Totems and Infernal Slaves, Spectres
****** Lords: Totem Avatars, Lesser Demons, Ferryman, Deathlords
******* Lesser Powers: Aeons, Incarna, Demons
******** Greater Entities: Gaia, Wyrm and such nice guys (Just don't botch!)

Oboedientia: Thy Art of Demanding

This is the Nekromancers highest art, the legendary ability to forge soulpacts with demons, wraiths and spirits. This is what gives
the Nekromancer most of his power. Because no spirit (except demons maybe) gives their powers freely away, the
Nekromancer almost always creates a new enemy when using the art of Oboedientia.
As with Necyomantea, the Nekromancer can demand certain tasks, which might even lead to the destruction of the spirit. But
now he has the power to be quite sure that the spirit will do it, even if it's suicide what is demanded from him.

System: The Nekromancer makes a roll of Nekromancia + Oboedientia against a base difficulty of 4 + Modifiers. This number
can be lowered by the use of High Ritual and by spending Angst.
Complexity of Task:
Per easy task: +1
Per simple task: +2
Per difficult task: +3
Per complex task: +4
Length of Time:
1 round: +0
10 minutes: +1
1 scene: +2
1 hour: +3
1 day: +4
Until easy effect: +2
Until simple effect: +3
Until difficult effect: +5
Until complex effect: +6
Until impossible effect: +9
Danger for the spirit:
Non-endangering: +0
Slightly endangering: +1
Quite endangering: +2
Life threatening: +4
Suicidal: +6

If the difficulty exceeds 10 one further success is needed per +1 above 10. This means a 13 would become 3 successes on a
difficulty of 10. The difficulty can be lowered by spending Angst. For every additional success over a difficulty of 10 needed, 25
points must be spent. To lower a difficulty under 10, Angst is spent on a 1:1 ratio. The spirit may resist with a Willpower, Rage or
Gnosis roll against a difficulty of the Nekromancers Willpower. Spirits are allowed to spend Power points to raise their number
of successes. 5 Power points are one additional success. Wraiths can buy additional successes by spending Pathos on a 1:1
ratio. The number of successes the spirit has can be lowered by spending Angst on a ratio of 5 Angst per success. If the
Nekromancer gains at least one success more than the spirit, he is able to bind it to his whim. If no success is scored the spirit
is free to do what it pleases. If the roll is botched the spirit is free to do what it pleases and has one free action on the summoner.
In addition the Nekomancer gains 5 temporary Corruption points. If the spirit is inside a summoning circle, the circle has its full
warding abilities. What the contest of the soulpact is is entirely up to the storyteller. It is an agreement between the Nekromancer
and the spirit although the spirit can even be forced with this power. To be honest, it is expected that the spirit won't be quite
cooperative. To give a hint what can be done: If a Nekromancer summons any spirit and tries to get his True Name, he has,
afterward, although a powerful enemy also a powerful ally, even when the spirit is unwilling.
The time required is most largely played out and not defined by rigid timetables. This stage is a rich source of roleplaying
between the Nekromancer and the spirit, so use this chance! The type of spirit which can be forced into a soulpact by
Oboedientia is defined by the level the character possesses in Oboedientia.
Weak Spirits, New Wraiths
Servitors: Elementals, Naturae, Wraiths with at least three Fetters
Embodiments:Banes, Wraiths with at least two Fetters
Minions: Court Servitors, Gafflings, Wraiths with one Fetter, Certain individuals can be summoned.
***** Preceptors: Jagglings, Pack Totems and Infernal Slaves, Spectres
****** Lords: Totem Avatars, Lesser Demons, Ferryman, Deathlords
******* Lesser Powers: Aeons, Incarna, Demons
******** Greater Entities: Gaia, Wyrm and such nice guys (Just don't botch!)

Nekromencia: Thy Nekromencars Knowledge

The Necromencia Trait is probably the most important of all Nekromancers Traits. It embodies what Nekromancers are all about
-- understanding the art of handling spirits. Varying levels of knowledge and understanding among Nekromancers, and disputes
about what is right for mankind, have pitted Nekromancer against Nekromancer in recent times, but Necromancia is still the
main persuit of the summoners of spirits.
Effects of Necromencia:
1. A Nekromancer's Necromencia rating indicates the maximum number of dice she may use from her arts. Thus with
Necromencia of 3 one cannot use more then 6 dice to summon a spirit, even if she has Theurgia on a level of 8.
2. Also a Nekromancer's ratings in any special abilities as Disciplines are limited by Nekromencia. General enlightment, or
better said corruption must be gained before specific wisdom may be applied. A Nekromancer may never have a rating in
any special power greater than his rating in Necromencia.
Superficial: Knows weak spirits
Ignorant: Can summon Elementals
Understanding: Can banish Banes
Dreamy: Knows his shadow a bit
Quixotic: May speak to a garou's Pack Totem
Discerning: Summons Deathlords for tea
******* Understanding: You always wanted to see this demon
******** Perspicacious: Let's summon this demon
********* Wise: You know what to better not summon
********** Visionary: Try to summon the Wyrm!

Corruption: Thy Shadow's Power

The Nekromancer's power comes from his Shadow. But his Shadow is as any other Shadow, it's ultimate goal is to drag the
character into Oblivion. Because this is not as easy to do to the living than to a Wraith, the Shadow has to corrupt its Psyche
even more. This is done through the Corruption Trait.
This Trait possesses temporary as well as permanent ratings. 10 temporary points convert to one permanent point. Corruption
is mainly gained through the use of Angst. Every time the character uses up his ten Angst, he gains one temporary Corruption
point. Certain abilities do cost more than one point (the exact price is described where the ability is given). The other way to
gain Corruption is the Storyteller. If he deems it right, he can give as many Corruption for any of the character's action as he

wishes. It may seem intelligent to 'reward' the character for inhuman actions, as with humanity loss. If the character ever reaches
ten permanent Corruption points, he immediately dies a horrible death, but that's not all. After death, he automatically becomes
a Spectre! His Psyche is totally annihilated in this process.

Angst: Thy Shadow's Force

The Shadow is the force that provides the Nekromancer with the power to summon such spirits as demons and Incarna. This
power has its price, which reflects itself in the Corruption Trait. In game terms, the Angst trait is used down from 10 to 0, then it
replenishes itself up to 10. But remember that, if all 10 Angst are used up, the character gains one temporary Corruption. The
main benefit of this trait seems to be clear, but it's also a kind of Danger Sense. If any spirit is trying to attack the Nekromancer,
to harm him for what he may have done, the Nekromancer almost always seems to notice it. This may be enough to prevent the
spirits plans. For further details on how this ability works, look for the Danger Sense advantage in any of the Storyteller

Thy Price to Play

Freebie XP Raise
- x5
3 x2
Backgrounds 1
- Necromantia
- x8
Ars Necronemis 7
10 x6
- x2
Special Powers 7/14
10 x6
*7 for the first power, 14 for the second

Backgrounds 7

New Ager
The Second Dawn
Written By: Rasmus Hansson (
The Storyteller System was created by: Mark Rein*Hagen
Dedication: This game is dedicated to all those who will not conform just to fit in. Good for you, guys and girls!
Inspirational note: This game was inspired by the music by Med Goodall, Mike Oldfield, Deep Forest, and NorthSound. Thanks for
hours of great listening!

The Dawn of the Second Age

The Awakening
When the Great Loss fell on the earth in the early 13th century, the magic was lost. Now, the dormant magic of the world and the things
around us are returning; The Awakening is coming. This means a lot of changes are about to take place. First of all, the balance of
power is going to be shifted in favor of those who know how to harness this power, and work for them. Second of all, those who know
these things will, at first, look very strange in the eyes of the public, and they will be hated and feared. So has it always been. The
mortals have always killed and destroyed that which they have not understood, and feared. So also with those with the newly
Awakened power of Magic.
There are several different types of people who use this new power. The first that comes to mind is of course the Mage, the magician
of the new order, the user of these powers. Others of these lines are the Vampire, who hold the powers and curses of Blood within
their human appearance, the Werewolf, who fight in the light of a dying world, and the Immortals, who simply are, nothing else. In light
of this, you can easily see that all of these are figures of shadow and fiction, people and beings none of us will ever see, hopefully. But
there are others.
Now, when the Awakening is here, there is a new order of people rising. They are called the Children on the New Age, the Age of
Magic, the Second Dawn. They are among us, and you can see them from time to time, looking rather strange in their clothes and
jewelry, discussing poetry, philosophy or astrology on a level none us can understand. They are really a community within the
community, and this is their tale.

The Mundane World

The first thing we need to define in order to understand the New Agers is the world in which we live. This, the physical universe, is
called "The Mundane World", and it is not all that which it seems to be. It conceals a multitude of worlds within worlds, and is just one of
many different ways of looking at this thing we call "Reality". In this world lives a people, a race of mortals who do not understand that
reality is but an illusion, a shell, and that there is much more to this world than they can see, or touch, or measure. These are called

The Conclave
Then there is the Conclave. This is truly a council of mortals who are not Sleepers, people like you and me, who see the world for what
it is, not this shell; "Reality ." This council holds powers that a Sleeper would consider magical or incredible, but they are merely ways
to handle the powers of the world, and circumvent "reality". The apprentices of this council, and it's supporters, are called New Agers.
The conclave holds special meetings. Normally one per quarter of a year. These meetings are like the meetings of any society, and
are not secret in any way. The Conclave is not worried about the secrets of their powers to get out to the Sleepers, as no one would be
believed if they saw, and told. The Conclave holds it's meetings publicly, and without fear. The only thing they fear is really the Other;
those in this world who are not Sleepers, those who understand. They can feel threatened, and this is not what the Conclave wants.
The Conclave's motive is explained below.

There is a potential magical property within each and every one of us, -- we mortals, that is. The Egyptians called it Sekhem, the
Andean Indians Llapa, the Japanese Ki, and the New Agers call it Mana. This is the pool of power that is really a manifestation of will,
emotions, and desires within a human. If you are in tune with this power-pool of your, you can use your Mana to accomplish great
things. The New Agers have one thing in common; they all understand the nature of the Mana, and how to use it. Mana is not
something you can tap on a bottle, or store through a spell. It is simply the emotions, the concentration, and the will of the carrier. This
is the nature of this power, and if you can sense it within, you can soon learn to master it. There are several ways to use Mana, and
New Agers are often trained in at least one of these Ways of Power. It can be Healing, remembering past lives, or unlocking the
potential of you own mind, and use it for telepathy, and so on.

There are several things that are alive, more or less, in this world. One of these are the spirits, and they are attracted by the New
Agers through the harmony and peace they radiate. The spirits are all around us, all the time, but they can not interact with the
Mundane World. Some can, but they simply don't want to. New Agers can tap this wonderful source of power and wisdom to become
even more aware of the world they live in.

The Sleepers
There are many mortals who can not see anything but reality in the Mundane World. These are called Sleepers, for they have not yet
been awakened to this new power. Actually, most people on the face of the world are sleepers, and only a fraction are not. Just
because they do not understand or see doesn't mean that they are worth anything less than one who is awakened. This is a great
wisdom of the New Agers, one that separates them from many other Awakened people. Now, you can't just draw the line that there are
Sleepers and Awakened, there are differences within groups, as well.

These Sleepers have understood that crucial fact that they do not understand, and need to know more. They are called Seekers, and
they often travel far and wide to find this wisdom they are looking for. They are really Awakened, on a lower level of consciousness, but
their conscious mind haven't really understood, yet. All New Agers are to help these people, as they themselves were Seekers once,
before they were Awakened and accepted into the Conclave.

The Crowd
Then there is the Crowd. This is the gray mass of people who just rush through life and never stop to wonder about its beauties. They
are numb to change that is not within "Reality", and they think that magic is either tricks, strings and mirror, or can otherwise be
explained rationally. The truth of the matter is that magic can not be explained, not even by one who knows it. It's nature is just that,
magical. Rationality is the chain that binds the Crowd in the illusion of "reality."

The Nation
This particular group of Sleepers are very well aware of the Awakening and the people and creatures who live in this age. They are the
beggars and the bums on our streets, and some are truly potent magicians. Why they don't rule the world? Because they are blinded
by apathy and are just not capable of caring enough to make a difference for themselves or the Sleepers around them. They are wise,
though, and band together for a common cause that are strong. The Conclave recommends it's members to ask the Nation for advice,
when needed, but beware; the Shroud of Apathy is a slow death, and a New Ager an easily fall under it's spell.

Now, as mentioned before, mortals (Sleepers) have always killed and destroyed that which they fear. This is the job of the Authorities.
They are glad to hunt down, question, and later dispose of people who are Awakened, just because they pose a threat to the security
the Sleepers have built up within "reality ." New Agers have a good cover, though. They are thought upon as simple misfits, and
sometimes as troublemakers, and not as a real threat. They are just "hibernated hippies", and are not of a real care for the Authorities.

Witch Hunters
Then there are those who understand that nature of the Awakening, and fear it. These will go out on crusades against what they think is
"evil ," and try to kill any Awakened person they can find. These are the Witch Hunters, and all New Agers are to be aware of this
threat. If the Witch Hunters can't kill you, they will either put you in hospital for a long time, possibly for all time, or in an asylum.
Lobotomy is a good way to prevent New Agers from making any trouble, they think, and sometimes people disappear, sometimes to
return as vegetables. Beware!

The Others
Then there are those who are Awakened, and their powers are great. They are either not aware of the existence, or power, of the New
Agers, or they are aware of it. Some may fear it, and some may ignore it. Below is a list of the Awakened, and what they think about
the New Agers. What the New Agers think of them is also displayed.

The Mage
The magicians of the modern world are well aware of the existence of the New Agers, but think of them simply as low-power Orphan
Mages, and in need of training. The New Agers are not in need of training from the Mages, as they use Vulgar Magic, a path of power
that means disrupting the peace and harmony of all things, shifting the balance in favor of the Mage, and this is not what the New
Agers are. They are harmony, and this way of magic is very alien, and basically, it is the Mages who need training. The Mages do not
consider the New Agers a threat, however, and will normally not interfere in their business.

The Kindred
There are also ancient beings of this world: the vampires. These are only partially aware of the New Agers, but think of them as

Mages, and therefore a threat. But, speaking in favor of the New Agers, it is easy to bluff a vampire into believing that you are not an
Awakened, and not a Mage, and this is a strength of the New Agers. The vampires use another sort of magic; Thaumaturgy, and this
discipline of magic drains the power of the body and the mind in order to gain power. To abuse the body or the mind in such a way is
not acceptable, and the New Agers tend to look down at the users of Blood Magic. It is powerful, though, and you can not sneer at it,
you need to watch your back at all times. The magic has been the topic of research for many centuries, and it's powers are great. The
New Agers know of the vampires' existence, but not of their organization. They try to avoid contact with them, as you might be waking
into a certain death.

Camarilla: "Yes, we have heard about these people but frankly, I can't see any point in wasting resources and time investigating them
further. Clearly they are no threat to us." Chameron McPace, 8th generation Ventrue, Primogen of London

Sabbat: "Nah, them hippies aren't what we are to worry about. See, they can't do shit to harm us anyway. That are just chickens, all of
'em." Dinger, 10th generation Brujah Antitribu, New York

Inconnu: "The powers of these individuals are great. They are at peace and may prove to become powerful allies in the future. We
must keep an eye on them." Sebastian, 5th generation Toreador

Anarchs: "Hippies just run. Never seen one worth the trouble to kill." Hatemonger, 13th generation Brujah, Los Angeles

The Lupines
The Werewolves are a dying breed, and they are in tune with something they call "Mother Nature", or "Gaia". This is but a part of the
illusion of the World. But, it is not a part of the Mundane World, and they realize that there is more to this world than "reality".
Sometimes, they come to the New Agers to ask for help, especially when they are wounded, and the New Agers, being good souls,
generally help them. There is no official hostility between the Lupines and the New Agers, except of course for the Red Talons, who
see the New Agers simply as Homids, and therefore wants them dead.

The Immortals
There are several types of Immortals. The New Agers have a common principle when it comes to deal with them; "Treat them as they
treat you. If they invite you; oblige. If they fight you; run. If they kill you; take revenge on them." The New Agers are not totally aware of all
the different types of Immortals there are, but will gladly help anyone, or ally with them, if their cause is good.

Dragons: "I have seen these mortals. They are but unaware Mages. They are willing to cooperate, and that is good. There is no need
to destroy them. At least, not yet." Rathcaar, of the Pride Sinye

Shadow War: "We do not need them, as little as they need us. They should be left alone to conduct their business, and they should
also leave us in peace." Alar Kibble, Celestial Game

Mummy: "Indeed an interesting development. I have watched them grow for a few decades now, and their powers are amazing. An
alliance would suit me fine, and I will extend my hand to them in their time of need." Caiban Er-ke-takk, Egyptian Priestess of Thoth

Sleepwalker: "No, they are mortals. We do not need them. They can be of great help, at times. To that I will admit, but it is not worth
the risk. They are humans, they are food." Admeir, wandered

The Spirits
The spirits are the allies of the New Agers. They are drawn to the New Agers, and they are powerful. They are to be treated with
respect and dignity, and in return, the spirits will provide with safety and services if needed. In all of the World, the only Other a New
Ager can trust is his/her fellow spirits.

There are different kinds of spirits. There are for example spirits of air and winds, called elementals, and of the waves and tides,
called water-elementals, and so on. There are spirits of dead people who still roam this world, and there are spirits from those who are
not dead, but never born; the unborn. There are also spirits that manifest a principle or idea, and these are normally very powerful.
Every tree, brook, and boulder has a spirit, like all other living things. Some of these spirits are without purpose; lost in the Mundane
World. These spirits may bind themselves to a New Ager, and become his/her Companion. A Companion is a servant, guard, spy,
messenger, magician, or any number of other things. They are very loyal, but their attitude towards the New Ager may still be frosty.
They may obey commands and render services, but demand repayment in form of offerings or other services, after some time. Some
spirits are committed to helping the New Ager, and will not demand such things. Then there is the fact that the Companion is a spirit,
and the New Ager is a human. This means that, normally, the spirit can't be by he New Ager's side all the time, but in the spirit-world.
This means that it may take some time for the spirit to respond to requests posted by the New Ager. All this is regulated by the amount
of time and effort the New Ager has spent on becoming in tune with his/her Companion. In short; the Companion is a powerful ally, and
used wisely, it can accomplish miracles.

The motive of the New Agers and the Conclave is simple yet dual. The main goal is consciousness, and the duality is that the New
Agers and the Conclave do not only wish this consciousness to be for them, but for all the Sleepers. The Sleepers must be aware of
the magical powers around them. For themselves, they wish more knowledge, and more wisdom as to use their powers to do good.

There are no New Agers that are part of the Conclave that use their powers to make money, or gain power, as money an power is only
of the Mundane World, and not considered as very valuable.

How to wake the Sleepers, then? It is indeed a difficult task, and the New Agers haven't yet found any single method to do this. There
are several possibilities. One is to help as many of the Sleepers as possible, interest them in the Awakening, and let them find their
own way. Another is to find Seekers, and help them in their quest for enlightenment. The third way it to get the Sleepers attention,
without being caught by the Authorities, and make them see that there is more to the World than "reality". This is difficult, as most
Sleepers will see nay display of power as a trick, and will not understand. To gradually make them understand is far better than to
chock them into their senses.

Below is a short list of things that are important to the New Agers in their cultural expression. Some of these points are not visible in all
New Agers, and one who displays all is definitely considered "weird" by the Crowd. Clothing
New Agers do not wear clothes like other people would wear. Of course they can, technically, but they are rarely comfortable in them.
Jeans are very uncommon, and the dress-suit with neck-tie is very rare indeed. They wear second-hand rags, modified by their own
hands, and full of fringes, symbols, and beads. They often wear pouches containing a lot of different things, and backpacks are more
common than any other form of bag. Indeed, they look a lot like clean hippies, but they, unlike the hippies, seldom have beards.

Another central pert of the appearance of a New Ager is the jewelry. A New Ager wears jewelry to express his/her mood and who
he/she is. Some of the jewelry can also be protective, as there are forces that can influence you that are not good for you. Therefore,
New Agers may wear intricate symbols in forms of jewelry or sawn into the clothing. Another form of protection is that in form of
crystals. A lot of the crystals found in nature are either like sponges or hard shields; absorbing or reflecting all evil directed towards the
wearer. Besides, they are beautiful as far as jewelry goes.

Besides the meetings the Conclave hold, there are meetings between New Ager all the time. At these meetings there are normally a
lot of discussion. Topics discussed are; the Awakening, the Conclave, the Sleepers, the Others, Mana, the usage of Mana, the spirits,
and the other worlds beyond this one. Meeting are normally very informal, and follow no strict protocol. A few New Agers might come
together under a tree in a park, on in the backroom of a bookstore, and sit for a few hours, and plan and discuss. This is a great
opportunity for those with little knowledge about the New Agers to catch on, as all New Agers like to share their knowledge and
wisdom with all others, Sleepers or Other.

New Agers sometimes write poetry. Sometimes in a vain attempt to describe how they feel or something they have experienced. A lot
of wonderful poetry is written, but it can never truly capture the experiences or emotions they are trying to convey. If an uninitiated
reader was to read any of these poems, they would most certainly find it to be a sad or powerful love-poem when indeed they are not
about either sadness or love. They are about the World. The same goes for the songs the New Agers write and sing. They are also on
a very high abstraction-level, and contain very many, and complex metaphors. They are interesting to listen to, though, if you can
understand the language. Sometimes, poems and songs are written in some obscure language, in an attempt to use that language's
vocabulary and grammar to more properly channel the emotions. Languages can be Latin, an Indian language, Celtic, or a small
language spoken by some remote island tribe in the south sea.

The New Age-movement is very young, but has it's roots more in the spirit-world than in the physical world, and can therefore tap into a
shared history of the Great Loss and the Awakening. All New Agers learn this history at an early stage, to understand the bond that
holds them together, and motivates them in there purpose. There is a mythology and legends being told that is not like any other.
These are stories spirits have told New Agers, and stories that New Agers have found in other worlds. They are like any other legends;
powerful, exaggerating, and with a moral or emotional point to them. They have a purpose, whether this is to teach, frighten, or explain.

A very central part of the New Age culture is the depression. It is like this; the New Agers are a unique people, and they are very alone
in their quest. Sometimes this is hopeless, or at least feel hopeless. This will depress the New Ager, and therefore, depression will
always be with them in their cultural heritage. They are not overcome by this depression, however, they fight on, because they know
that what they are doing is right, and has to be done.

The system of schools and other educational facilities are often despised by the New Agers, as they teach "Sleeper-known", and
nothing of any real value. New Agers train themselves, alone or in groups of a few individuals. They write things down as memorynotes, but these notes are often unreadable by anyone who does not know what it is. Complex metaphors and subjective

interpretations of meanings and causes are common, making the text very dense and difficult to get through.

This is a great concern for the New Agers. They realize, like the Lupines, that the Sleepers are destroying the world and that there will
be nothing left to live on. A common phrase among New Agers concerning the environment is an old Cree Indian prophecy; "Only after
the Last Tree has been cut down, only after the Last River has been poisoned, only after the Last Fish has been caught, only then will
you find that money can not be eaten." The New Agers are very correct in their approach to the environment and the use of resources.
Recycling and re-using is standard, and a lot of the New Agers are part of environmental organizations, like Greenpeace or similar
outfits, to try to help as best they can. They also try to make the Sleepers aware of the catastrophe they are heading for, and that they
have to take action now, before it is too late.

The human use of technology is very alien to the New Agers. Why would anyone want all those things when they are presented
naturally, in the spirit-world and on a dozen other places. The latest addition to all of this is the use of computers linked together in
great webs. In these webs people can communicate and share their ideas with each other. They can also get hold of information from
other parts of the world. The New Agers find this very exclusive. Libraries, letters, and normal conversations are just as good as these
nets of computers. Some say that these nets are made to make things go faster, and the New Agers response "Why? Are you in a
hurry? You will still die, nothing can change that, you know." This normally leaves people speechless, and thinking that the New Ager is
weird, but there is a point to is, and the New Ager is right.

The Body
Then, there is the body, the house of the soul, the bulk in which we live and die. New Agers look on the body as good and pure, and as
a vessel for the mind and souls. It is not a shell you can neglect or mistreat, but something you need to take good care of, as you only
have one of them.

Health: Staying in good shape and good health is an important point of the New Ager's life. Exercise and eating correctly is a very
primal thing in their way of life. You can not neglect the body and expect it to carry you to glory, it is said, a by this the New Agers live.

Food and drink: Surprisingly many of the New Agers are vegetarians. This is not only because it is environmentally sane, but also
because that the food is better for you health, if you eat right.

Washing: To keep clean is another important thing for the New Agers. Personal hygiene is very basic If you wish not get ill or looked
upon as "human garbage."

Drugs: "Drugs are poison. They are slow death." This is the phrase you would encounter is you talk to a New Ager about the use, and
misuse if drugs. New Agers do not take drugs. Some won't drink alcohol, and some may even refuse medication that is not of a
completely natural origin.

Suicide: Despite the fact that the New Agers look at the body as something very important and powerful, they are not opposed to
suicide. It happens sometimes that a person loses the will to live. If so, the person is better off dead than walking around wishing
he/she was. Suicide is not common among the New Agers themselves, as they understand that there is no point to it, but they have a
unique understanding for those who wish to kill themselves. There is, however, one thing a person has to do before he/she can commit
suicide. The person must make sure that he/she does not have any unfinished business in this world, and that all that would miss
him/her is made aware that the suicide is coming, and why it is happening. Only once this is done can a person die in peace by
his/her own hand.

As the New Agers are humans, they are emotional beings, and they tend to bind in couples, like any other mortals. They also tend to
stick together, as brothers or sisters, as family, even though they are not. If a New Ager binds with another New Ager, it is the merger
of souls and wisdoms. They share that which they hold, and try together to find that which they do not have.
A New Ager can also bind with a Sleeper, in an effort to wake them, and make them see what is beyond "reality." This can be very
hard, and the Sleeper may even think that it is a joke, or prank, looking for the hidden camera, and always, always feel like a fool
when/if they realize that their way of looking at the world was wrong.A New Ager can also bind with a being that is Awakened. This
Other may share his/her/it's wisdom, power, and knowledge, or may seek the New Ager to do just that. More than one vampire,
especially the Salubri and the Children of Osiris has sought out New Agers to learn their ways, especially the healing ways.

New Agers detest violence. They do not find it a proper way to solve conflicts, and they do not use it, unless there is no alternative. If
they are forced to take action through physical violence, they often use clever plans and traps to ensure victory. If they are attacked
without the possibility to prepare themselves, they will more likely flee, and fight another day, as they know that they are not a match for
a vampire, a Mage, a Lupine, or a Dragon, if faced by one. The also use the magical powers of their Companions to fight their battles
for them. (Magic suitable for this is Egyptian Mummy-magic Hekau, and all the Ignem-spells of Ars Magica). They do not like fighting,
and will rarely be one to pick a fight.

Role-playing and imagining

It can be quite a challenge to play a New Ager. Unless you are one, or know a lot about them, I suggest you try to find out as much as
possible about their culture, and read this and the following text closely. If there is anything you do not understand; ask your Storyteller
for the making of a house-ruling about the interpretation of these rules. Better that then endless discussions about rule-interpretations. I
hope you enjoy playing one of the Second Dawn.

Character Creation
1. Choose Concept
A character is not only numbers on a sheet, it is a person. To determine this you select a concept; a simple guide to who you are. It is,
simply, you, in a nutshell. The next step is to determine not who you are, but how you are it. You select Nature, your true nature, and
Demeanor, how you act it. Don't forget to note your character's name, your name, and the chronicle you start playing.

2. Choose Attributes
You prioritize Physical, Social, and Mental Traits. It is as simple as that. A normal New Ager may have any attribute-group as primary,
although physical is more rare than Mental or Social. Mental is most common. A New Ager, being a human, allocates 6/ 4/ 3 points.

3. Choose Abilities
You also have to prioritize Talents, Skills, and Knowledge abilities. This is what you know. You mustn't forget Talents such as
Awareness, Dreaming, Empathy, and Intuition, Skills as Crafts, Herbalism, Hypnotism, Meditation, Storytelling, and finally Knowledges
as Astrology, Culture, Enigmas, Occult, and any Lore skill. Also look at the new Knowledge described below; Realm Lore. You have
11/ 7 /4 points to allocate on the three categories, and Knowledge are normally primary, but it varies.

4. Choose Advantages
A New Ager has five points to allocate on Backgrounds. They can select the following backgrounds from other parts of the Storytellersystem: Allies, Contacts, Fame, Influence, Mentor, Resources, Retainers, and Supernatural (from WoD; Mummy) There are also three
new background-traits to choose from.

This is how far apart the New Ager and the rest of the mundane world. New Agers tend to drift away from the "normal" world and often
described as "weird" or "strange". This may not seem attractive at all, but this trait is also how other New Agers think of the character;
the higher the value in Severance, the better opinion others have for him/her. You can never have more than (5 - Severance) in
Influence or Fame, as they are in conflict.

- The New Ager is a full part of the mundane world, and his name is not known among other New Agers.
* You are beginning to drift apart from the mundane world, and your name has been heard among others of the Conclave.
** You are now starting to wear strange pieces of jewelry, and scare or confuse "normal" people". You are mentioned at meetings
between New Agers.

*** Your clothing now distinguishes you from the crowd. "Normal" people either look down on you or fear you, although they would
never admit it. You are making a name for yourself in the Conclave.

**** Your physical appearance is now so utterly out of the normal that you can not move unnoticed through a crowd of "normal" people.
You are now respected among other New Agers in your town or province/state.

***** You now truly distinguish yourself in every way from "normal" people. You look, move, talk and behave nothing like a person in a
crowd. You are respected among other New Agers, looked upon as a ideal, and role-model.

This is your spirit-guide, guardian angel, or shadow. The more points you invest in this trait, the more powerful and friendly you
Companion is. You spend points on this trait in two ways. First, you spend points on the power of the spirit. This is the true trait noted
on the character-sheet. Then you spend more points, if you want, for the attitude and nature of the spirit. This is noted on the special
lines for Companion, on the character-sheet. You also note the name of your Companion on the top of your character-sheet.

- You have no Companion

* Your Companion is astral, non-corporeal, and has no magical skills

** Your Companion is astral, non-corporeal, and has limited magical skills

*** Your Companion can manifest for short times in the physical world, and has limited magical skills
**** Your Companion can manifest for short times in the physical world, and has notable magical skills
***** You companion can manifest for longer periods of time in the physical world, and has great magical skills
This is how well versed you are with the secrets of the world, and what controls it. With this background, you gain a very special, and
sometimes very different point of view on most issues. - You are a Sleeper

* You know that there are realms of power unseen by mortals, and you may start to obtain Realm Lore
** You know that there are powers beyond those which we elect and criticize. You are beginning to become intone with yourself
*** You are now fully aware of your own status in the mundane world, and the arriving Awakening.
**** You have gained insight in some secrets, and can distinguish one power's work from another. The petty illusions of Gaia, Wyrm,
and Wyld are no longer interesting.

***** You know much of the world you live in, and also know that there is much more to learn. Your quest is that of wisdom, and you
sneer at "fake" healers, astrologers, and other charlatans.

A New Ager is still a human, and as such, it has drives and consciousness. A New Ager spends 7 points for the three Virtues
Conscience, Self-control, and Courage. Self-control is often very high, as is Courage. Conscience may take a back-seat at times,
because you can not gain greater wisdom and power if you expect not to hurt anyone.

These are the magical skills of the New Agers. They are subtle and not as visual as the Vulgar magic, and therefore do not
accumulate Paradox. It is easier to learn, but harder to understand than Thaumaturgy, Ancient Magic, or the Old magic of the Hermes
order (Creo Ignem, and all that). A New Ager gets 4 points to allocate on whatever powers he/she wants. The powers are described a
bit later.

5. Last Touches
The last thing you need to do is calculate your Willpower, from your Courage-Virtue, your Humanity from your Conscience and Selfcontrol-Virtue, and your Mana from your Stamina, Charisma and Intelligence-attribute. Note all these on your character-sheet. You also
need a physical appearance, complete with clothing, jewelry, other accessories, and other traits, such as tattoos, rings (piercing),
scars and other things like that. Finally, you get to spend your 21 Freebie-points. Here are the different costs:
Mana-usage: 7 points per dot
Attribute: 5 points per dot
Abilities: 2 points per dot Virtues: 2 points per dot
Willpower: 2 points per dot
Mana: 2 points per dot
Humanity: 1 point per dot
Backgrounds: 1 point per dot

You can increase your powers through Experience. If you wish to gain a new power in Mana-usage, this costs 10 points. To increase
your already present powers in Mana-usage, the cost is the current amount of dots times 5. Mana is increased by paining the current
raiting times two. You can also increase your Insight and Companion, and in rare cases Severance, to a cost of current rating times

The Powers
Here are descriptions of the various powers of the New Agers:

Realm Lore
This Knowledge is the sense about how the world is constructed, and how it is run. You may never possess more dots in Realm Lore
than you have in The Background Insight.

* Student: You know the basic structure of the Tellurian, and the planes beyond.
** College: You have now begun to study the relationship between world and power, and the position of mankind, and the Sleepers, in
all of this.

*** Masters: You now know a lot about the world in which you live, and why it is the way it is.
**** Doctorate: You know much about mankind, the Sleepers, and the Others, which live in this world. You have begun to understand
the connections between Fate, and Chance.

***** Scholar: You now know a lot about the world, its inhabitants, and who controls what. You can easily determine what force has
done what at a specific time or place. You know the name of several powers and spirits.

Possessed by: New Agers, Mages, Immortals, Pilgrims

Specialities: Sleepers, The Others, Spirits, The Mundane World.

This is the true power of the New Agers. The use of Mana can take form in a lot of different ways, and the most common type is
healing, but there are many others. Some might think that the use of Mana is either just psychological suggestion or ESP, but it is
separate form of magic that is not "related" to any other kind of magic, except perhaps the magic of the Dragons. The use of Mana
works like this; a player nominates the level of the Power he/she wishes to use (obviously not above the level he/she has) and then
rolls the dice according to the power. All the dice that are over the difficulty are added together, and if this total is greater than (the
powers difficulty x the power's level) the power is in effect, if the user spends as many Mana-points as the power he/she used has in
level. If the total is lower, there are two options for the character.
1. He/She can let it be, and fail.
2. He/She can spend Mana from his/her Mana-pool to reach the total needed. Say for example that Clarissa Moonrider tries for a level
three healing, Soothing the Aching Soul. This has a difficulty of 6. She rolls her Perception + Empathy (3 dice) and gets 7,7,1. The one
takes out one of the sevens, leaving only one seven. Clarissa has to reach a level of 18 (diff 6 x level 3) and must therefore spend 11
points (18 - 7 ) in order for the power to work. If she chooses to do so, she must pay another 3 (power level) Mana for the power to
take effect. Clarissa chooses not to, and will try again, later.
Mana is regained at a speed of 10% per hours sleep, or 20% per hour of Meditation. If you Meditate, you will not regain Mana for the
hours you "slept" according to Meditation (see this Skill). If you have 0 Mana, you are powerless, and only have your Insight and
awareness to guide you. You can get more Mana by experience, and temporarily through special rituals, sessions of Yoga, or other

Ways to Power, Paths of Mana-usage

This power gives the user the opportunity to heal and strengthen the bodies and minds of those around him/her. The power can only
be used for the purpose of good. If, by chance or accident, the power of healing should be used in a way that is not good, then the user
may lose both Humanity, rating in Healing, and Mana as this power is for the use of good only.

* Healing the Broken: With this power, the character can speed up the healing-process, physically, for a person he or she is
touching. This power can not be used on one self.
System: Roll Wits + Medicine/Empathy against a difficulty of 6. Once the power succeeds, each three Mana-points spent will heal one
wound-level. This will work on aggravated wounds for Lupines and Sleepwalkers, but will not work at all on Kindred, as they are not

** Curing the Sick: This power lets the character cure diseases and detoxify. It even lets the character remove radioactivity from a
person's body. The healer must touch the ill person.
System: Roll Stamina + Medicine against a difficulty depending on the severity of the illness or poison. A mild cold will have the
difficulty of 3, while tuberculosis will have 7, and cancer 9. Alcohol will be dealt with a difficulty of 4, arsenic with difficulty 7, and nervegas or organic acids with a difficulty of 9 or 10.

*** Soothing the Aching Soul: Now, the healer can not only heal the body, but also the mind of a sick person. The soul can be filled
with power and energy again, and life may be blown back into the lifeless shell depression creates. In order for this power to work, the
healer must talk to the person, in peace, for a few minutes.
System: Roll Charisma + Empathy against a difficulty of 6. You can then either treat mental disorders such as phobia, neurosis,
trauma and so on just by succeeding. You may also give the treated one point of Willpower or Mana for each Mana you spend. (Ba,
and Sleepwalkers Life may also be given like this, for four Mana/ point)

**** Mend the Broken: With this power, the healer can reset badly healed bones, treat genetic faults, birth-defections and deformities
that are permanent. For this to work, the healer must touch the target with both hands or with his/her forehead, and must talk or sing to

the treated for a few minutes up to several days, depending on the severity of the defect being corrected.
System: Roll Charisma + Medicine/Empathy against a difficulty depending on the severity of the defect being mended. A badly healed
bone will have the difficulty of 4, deformities from birth or accident/violence will have a difficulty of 6, while a genetic defect, such as
Down's syndrome or hydrocephalus will have a difficulty of 9. At this level, the character can also use Healing the Broken on him/,
herself, as if it was a level two power.

***** Return the Wind: With this close to divine power, the healer may give back life to a recently dead. If a person has been dead
less than (healer's Stamina) hours, the body may be resurrected. The body may be in any shape, the same as when it was killed,
unless further damage has occurred after the moment of death.
System: Roll Stamina + Medicine/Thanatology against a difficulty of 6 plus the number of hours the body has been dead. The body is
resurrected with a health-status of Crippled. This power will not work on Vampires, Sleepwalkers, Mummies, Immortals of the Shadow
War, or Dragons. Lupines and Mortals only.

Spirit Call
This power is the one over spirits. At first, this power may seem to be rather useless, but as you advance in your understanding of the
world, and the spirit's place in it, you see how powerful spirits are. And the one who can control and command such a power is also

* Calling the Spirit: This power calls a spirit from the spirit-world into the mundane world, either by name or by type. The attitude of
the spirit varies from spirit to spirit, and when you call it. If you call a wind-elemental into a storm, it will be happy, but if you call up a
fire-elemental in a lake, or a dead spirit in a hospital, it will be rather upset.
System: Roll Manipulation + Spirit Lore against a difficulty of 6. If this succeeds, the spirits arrives in ( 20 - the user's Willpower + any
extra Mana used ) minutes.

** Song of Broken Hearts: With this song, sung for a spirit, dead or alive, the user can tell of his/her sorrows and troubles, and ask
the spirit for help. The effects may vary wildly depending on the type, mood, and nature of the spirit.
System: Roll Manipulation + Poetic Expression/Singing/Storytelling against a difficulty depending on the type of job you wish the spirit
to do, and the nature of the spirit. Modify this difficulty by the mood of the spirit. For example; asking a fire-elemental to light a candle
has a difficulty of 3, while asking it to put out a fire has a difficulty of 8 or 9.

*** Song of Clouded Eyes: This simple song tells the spirit to make a "hole" in reality in which the user can hide. This means that the
user becomes invisible to any and all of the mundane world. Spirits like doing this, no matter what kind of spirit they are, as it cheats
"reality" and proves the power of the spirit-world over the mundane world.
System: Roll Manipulation + Subterfuge/Singing/Storytelling against a difficulty of 4. The user becomes invisible to the naked eye and
all optical equipment. Auspex with a level of 4 or more may detect the character's presence, and Awareness may tingle, but since the
character no longer is in the mundane world, nothing can be done to it. The power lasts (users willpower + extra Mana used) minutes.
While in this "hole", the character can observe the mundane world around him/her, not the spirit world, and may not interact with either
world. The user can exit the "hole" at any time during the duration.

**** Song of Command: This high-pitched song compels a spirit to perform an action according to the user's will. This normally
makes spirits very angry. Hey, who wants to be ordered around?
System: Roll Willpower against a difficulty equal to the spirits Willpower -2. If successful, the character can make the spirit preform a
simple action, for example "Open that door", "Get the mail", "Shine my shoes" and so on. This normally makes spirits very angry,
especially the spirits of dead mortals and others.

***** Song of Control: The most hideous act you can perform on a free spirit if the Song of Control. It puts you in direct and utter
control of the spirit's actions. All spirits fear and hate this power, and normally takes out revenge on the users of this power, but none
the less, it is very potent, and could be very useful.
System: Roll your Willpower against a difficulty of the spirit's Willpower. If successful, the user is in control for a time equal to (20 (spirits Willpower - user's Willpower + any extra Mana used)) minutes. The revenge of the controlled spirit, once free, is normally not
immediate, but elaborate, and involves the control of the user of this power. Humiliation and degradation are keywords for this

Astral Transcendence
This power lets the user leave the mundane world and enter the spirit worlds; the near and deep Umbra, the heavens, hell, and any
number of worlds in-between.

* Shadows of Reality: This power, used successfully, lets the user see beyond the normal "reality", and partially into the spirit-worlds.
The user can see several different worlds "inside" the mundane world, worlds that do not interact, and are not aware of each other.
The spirits look like shadows of the mundane world, and no interaction may take place with the use of this power, only observation.
System: Roll Perception + Occult/Realm Lore against a difficulty of 6. With this power, the user can detect people using Song of the
Clouded Eyes as dark shadows. Spirits and other things of the spirit-world are visualized as shadows or forms in dark mist.

**Light of the Heavens With this power, the user can pick one specific spirit-world and see it with perfect clarity. The world must be
picked by name, and then this world is visualized for the user as if it was "inside" the mundane world. All shapes are clear, and all
contours precise. No interaction between the user and the observed world may take place.
System: Roll Perception + Occult/Realm Lore against a difficulty of 7. With this power, you can not detect people using the Song of the
Clouded Eyes.

*** Enter the Rift: The user phases, with the use of this power, out of this part of reality and into another, named as destination, and
specified by name. The user stays in this other part of reality for as long as he/she pleases, but ages/gets hungry and so on according
to the pace of time in that reality, not the mundane world's pace.
System: Roll Strength + Athletics/Occult/Realm Lore against a difficulty of 6. If successful, the character may enter any part of reality;
the Umbra, the heavens or beyond, just as long as he/she can name the destination-plane with its exact name. "Heaven" will not do,
but "The Second Sphere of Celestial power" will.

**** Guide of the Planes: This power taps into the Storm of Worlds, the thing that connects all the things within the Tellurian. If
successful, this power will provide with name of specific planes, the status of worlds, and so on.
System: Roll Intelligence + Realm Lore against a difficulty of 6. If successful, the user can spend one Mana to ask a question to the
Storm of Worlds. The question can for example be "What is the exact name of the heavens-plane?", "What reaction will I meet in
Arcadia?" and so on. Each new question costs one Mana, and the questions has to be answered with one sentence.

***** Open the Great Rift: Among the powers of the New Agers, this is the most powerful. With it, a user can open a gateway to
another plane of existence, and keep it open indefinitely. The destination of the Gateway must be named with a specific name.
System: Roll Manipulation + Dancing against a difficulty of 8. If successful, the gateway opens and may be used by anyone who can
get through it. The gateway manifests itself in the mundane world as a shadow on the wall, a peaceful pond, or a door. The Gateway
remains open for as long as the user wants it to, and is two-way. It costs one Mana per day to keep it open. The Gateway can not be
"locked" so that no one would use it while the user isn't controlling it. Remember, the Gateway may be different in the destinationworld, and creatures may try to use if from that end.

This power uses the skill of Meditation to unlock the potential of the character. Each of us carry more powers than we can imagine,
and this power lets us get in touch with it, and lets us use it. While using this power, the user must be still, meditating for an amount of
hour equal to the level of the power he/she is attempting to use. During this meditation, no Mana is regained.

* The Lost Memory: With this power, the user can find lost memories inside his/her mind. If the power is successful, the user can
make use of any knowledge or mental power he or she does not have.
System: Roll Stamina + Meditation against a difficulty depending on the task at hand. Getting a new Knowledge has a difficulty of 6,
while a mental trait has the difficulty of 8. Each Mana-point spent after the power succeeds will give the character a +1 rating in any
Knowledge except Linguistics, or every four Mana spent will give the character a +1 rating in a Mental Attribute. The change lasts for
one day, and one hour of meditation is required for every change. For example; if Clarissa wishes to increase her Wits with two, and
her Law with one, she needs to meditate at least three hours, one per change of rating, if she succeeds every time, that is.

** The Lost Object: This power lets the user find an item he or she needs that is misplaced or never owned. The object just seems to
appear when needed. The power includes complex materials and objects, such as computers with standard software and weapons,
but not specific items, such as notes with phone-numbers on them, or photographs. The items are, after use, just lost, and can not be
found again, unless you use this power. System: Roll Perception + Meditation against a difficulty depending on the complexity and
rarity of the object you wish to find. A simple nail would have a difficulty of 3, a bike would have 5, a computer 7, and the painting Mona
Lisa would have 10 or more. The object is lost after use, and if it is not used within (users Willpower) hours, it is lost anyway.

*** The Lost Friend: This power works like the Lost Object above, but this power lets the user find a person. Not a specific person,
mind you, such as the Pope, or Rein Mark*Hagen, but a professional, such as a locksmith, taxi-driver, or such. The "found" person
must be a Sleeper. The "found" person feels he/she must help the character with the use of his/her specific trade, and will offer his/her
services if the user and the "found" were old friends. He/She then walks off.
System: Roll Charisma + Meditation against a difficulty of 7. If this succeeds, the person you were looking for will simple appear,
walking through the door, or calling you on the phone, offer his/her services. This service must be used immediately, and the "found"
will then leave, and will not remember a thing.

**** The Lost Tongue: This power works like the Lost Memory above, but will let you gain access to forgotten mediation-talents, and
other things.
System: Roll Stamina + Meditation against a difficulty of 6 if you wish to gain rating in a Skill or the knowledge Linguistics, or 8, if you
wish to increase the Charisma- or Manipulation-attribute. See The Lost Memory for more information on duration and cost.

***** The Lost Strength: This power, like The Lost Memory, and The Lost Tongue, will let you get in touch with lost strength, although
this time, it is about physical strength, and motorical skills. System: Roll Stamina + Meditation against a difficulty of 6 if you wish to
increase the rating of a skill, and 8 if you wish to increase the rating of a physical attribute. See The Lost Memory for more information
on duration and costs.

This power lets the character get in touch with its past life/lives. It allows the character to tap into the wisdom of the older soul and
mind, perhaps even body, and become one with the one that was before. This power is used through meditation, and one hour of
meditation is required per level of power used. No Mana is regained for this meditation.

* Remember the Movement: This power lets a character regain some of the motor skills and traits of the past life.
System: Roll Stamina + Meditation against a difficulty of 8 if you wish to increase a physical attribute, 6 if you wish to increase a Talent
other than Streetwise, and 6 if you wish to increase one of the Skills Acrobatics, Climbing, Firearms, Melee, or Skiing. If the power is
used successfully, the character may increase the trait by expenditure of Mana. The cost is four Mana per +1 in a physical attribute,
two for +1 in a Talent and three for +1 in a Skill. The change lasts for (users Willpower) hours, and it takes one hour of meditation per
+1 modification. Example: Clarissa wishes to increase her Stamina with 1 and her Melee with 3. She then needs to meditate 4 hours
and roll two separate rolls; one for the attribute and one for the Skill. She also needs to spend 13 points of Mana after the power

** Remember the Trade: With this power, the character can remember things that had with the past life's professional trade to do.
System: Roll Stamina + Meditation against a difficulty of 8 for Charisma and Manipulation, 6 for the Talent Streetwise, 6 for a Skill, and
6 for the Knowledge Linguistics. The cost for increased ratings are four points per +1 in attribute, two points for +1 in Streetwise, three
for +1 in a Skill other than those covered by Remember the Movement above, and three points per dot in Linguistics. See Remember
the Movement above for duration and time of meditation.

*** Remember the Wisdom: Now, the character can get in touch with the hidden knowledge of the past life, granting greater wisdom.
System: Roll Stamina + Meditation against a difficulty of 8 for a Mental attribute, 8 for a magical skill of any sort, or 6 for a Knowledge
other than Linguistics. The cost is four points per +1 in an attribute, four points per dot in a magical skill, and three points for a
Knowledge. See Remember the Movement for duration and time of meditation.

**** Remember the Heritage: At this level, the character can remember lost property, hidden treasures and friends, relatives and
other connections of the past life.
System: Roll Intelligence + Meditation against a difficulty of 7. If the power succeeds, the character can spend one Mana for each
piece of equipment, friend, or other thing, that he/she wishes to find. If the Storyteller deems it probable (a medieval knight would not
have any friends alive today, and would not have a car stashed somewhere, for example), the character knows where to find what
he/she is looking for, and what to do with it/him/her once found. One hour of meditation must be performed after the first five hours for
each thing actually found.

***** Remember the Event: With the full insight of the past life, the character can now trace the exact steps of the past life, reliving it,
or letting it lead. The past life's combined wisdom and personality can guide a character like a person in the passenger-seat of a car.
System: Roll Perception + Meditation against a difficulty of 6. If this succeeds, the user may ask the past life questions, and may have
the past life guide the character onward.

This path of power explores the limitless powers of the human mind, using resources that the character didn't know he/she had.

* Tele-empathy: With this power, the user can feel and understand a target's emotions on a level of deep, unconscious
communication. The target will not be aware that someone is using this power, and the user can not change anything in the target's
soul, only read it.
System: Roll Perception + Empathy against a difficulty of 6 for an unprepared target, and 8 for a target actively resisting the scan. The
target must be within line of sight, with no visual enhancements such as glasses, binoculars or satellite-based cameras as media.

** Pyrokinesis: This power gives the character the ability to set fire to an object within sight. Flames burst out of the object and, if it is
naturally flammable, it catches fire. Otherwise, the fire trickles away. One can set fire to a living person, but this is very hard.
System: Roll Manipulation + Occult against a difficulty of 7 to set fire to an inanimate object, and 9 for a living target. The user must
also spend as many Mana as the target's current Willpower if the living target is to burn.

*** Levitation: This simple power lets the character lift from the ground and fly away. Not quick, should be added, but for long periods
of time.
System: Roll Stamina + Occult against a difficulty of 4. If successful, the character takes off and may stay airborne for (5 + user's
Stamina) minutes per spent Mana-point. The speed is normal walking-speed, and it takes one full round of uninterrupted concentration
to lift off. Once in the air, the character may preform other actions then just flying, such as engaging in combat, read poetry, or imitate a

**** Psychokinesis: With this power, the user can move objects by sheer will. The speed and the weight of objects that can be moved
all depend on the strength of the user's will.
System: Roll Manipulation + Occult with a difficulty of 6 +1 for each additional object being moved. The base total weight of objects

moved is 1 kilogram, and this base-weight is increased by 100% for each Mana-point the character spends. The base-speed is ten
meters per turn, and this also is increased by 100% per Mana-point spent. You can also spend Willpower, and one Willpower-point
counts as three Mana-points in this case.

***** Telepathy: This power lets the user communicate with others through thought. Emotions, speech, other sounds, and images may
be communicated to the other, who can not respond unless that person too can use Telepathy. Only willing targets can be affected.
System: Roll Charisma + Empathy/Storytelling against a difficulty of 6 for a target within sight, 8 for one outside sight but within 40
kilometers, and 10 for a target beyond that range. It costs one Mana-point per minute of communication beyond the first.

This path of power extends that user's senses to a new level, and lets the user see and sense things normally undetectable by humans.

* Crystal senses: This basic powers increase the user's senses to an abnormal high, making them very acute, and very powerful. A
drawback is that powerful light and loud noise may knock the user off balance due to the sensitivity of his/her senses.
System: Roll Stamina + Meditation against a difficulty of 5. The power takes one full round of uninterrupted concentration to start, and
to stop. The power lasts for one hour, and for each hour beyond the first, the user must spend a Mana-point.

** Aura-sight: With this power, the user can see auras around living beings and determine their mood, and who/what they are.
System: Roll Perception + Empathy against a difficulty equal to the target's Willpower -2. For each Mana spent after the success,
different degrees of information may become available.


Your Companion is the spirit of a dead mortal. It has no extraordinary powers

You Companion is a small elemental (e.g.: An air elemental can control and create small winds.)
Your Companion is the spirit of a dead mortal of great magical skill. Many of these skills are still usable by the spirit in the
current form.
The Companion is the magical spirit of an ideal, an opinion, or a great will. The spirit has the Gift of Wills
The Companion is the spirit of a tree or a boulder. It has the Gift of Nature
Your Companion is the spirit of a magical power or a principle. It has the Gift of Power
Your Companion is neutral in its attitude to you
Your Companion is friendly towards you, and will grant favors if repaid in offerings or services
Your Companion is trustworthy, and will grant small favors without the need for repayment
You Companion is loyal, and will defend you, if repaid.
Your Companion is attentive and kind, and will give great sacrifices to please you
Your Companion is ready to die in your place, and will grant any request, no matter the size, without asking for anything in
Your Companion is slow, and will respond in (20- its Willpower) minutes to your request
Your Companion is still slow, and will respond in (15 - its Willpower) minutes
Your Companion is quicker now, and will respond in (10 - its Willpower (minimum of 1 full minute)) minutes to your request
Your Companion is quick to respond. The time is (5 - its Willpower (minimum of 1 full minute)) minutes
Your Companion is swift and will respond in (20 - its Willpower) rounds
Your Companion is always with you, and the response to your request is always immediate
1 ManaCan distinguish pale from bright
2 ManaCan see color
3 ManaCan see patterns (identity)
4 ManaCan see shifts in color or patterns (detailed information)
ManaCan see mixtures of patterns and colors (near- complete information)

*** Spirit-sight: Now, the user may see spirits that have entered the mundane world, but that are invisible to the human eye.
System: Roll Perception + Occult/Spirit Lore against a difficulty of 6. Once successful, this power last for (user's Willpower) minutes,
and for each additional minute, the user must spend one Mana-point

**** Remote Eye: This is the true power of Clairvoyance. It lets the user see a place where he/she is not present. The picture may be
improved according to the user's wishes.
System: Roll Perception + Spirit Lore/Realm Lore against a difficulty depending on the distance to the intended target; room, person
or what may.
Within 100 meters, but beyond obstacle
Within 1 kilometer, beyond obstacle
Within 10 kilometers
Within 100 kilometers
Within 1000 kilometers
Anywhere in the mundane reality
The picture is in black/white, and has no sounds. It lasts for (user's Willpower) minutes. Color or sound to the picture as well as every

additional minute costs 1 Mana each.

***** Time's Eye: This power lets the user look at a place where he/she is not, but at a time in the past.
System: As Remote Eye above, but the user can see (Willpower) days into the past, or (Courage) minutes into the future of a place
where he/she is not. The difficulty, roll and Mana-costs are the same as per Remote Eye.

This power lets the user examine the trace of time through an object, a place, or a person. The power requires meditation with the
object/person you wish to examine, or within the place you wish to know more about. The user must meditate the same amount of
hours as the power he/she attempts to use has level. During this meditation, no Mana is regained.

* Smell the Fear: With this relatively simple power, the user can sense powerful emotions and the use of magic within an object, a
person, or a place.
System: Roll Perception + Meditation against a difficulty of 6. The information can only date back (user's Willpower x 2) days and is
very general, non-detailed.

** See the Reaper: Now, the user can see powerful events in the past; death, birth, serious damage, and so on.
System: Roll Perception + Meditation against a difficulty of 6. The information may only date back (user's Willpower x 3) days and only
contains events, no emotions, no identities, and so on.

*** See the Person: At this stage, the user can examine an event or an emotion in the past of the place, person, or object and obtain
a name.
System: Roll Perception + Meditation against a difficulty of 7. The name given is not the true name (see WoD: Mummy) but the name
to which the person is known to the place, object, or person.

**** Sense the Time: Now, the user can extend any of the above powers to a longer period of time into the past, or a short period into
the future.
System: No roll. Any power (Smell the Fear, See the Reaper, See the Person, or See the Face) may be extended to (user's willpower
x 10) days into the past or one day into the future, but only if a specific question needs answering. For example: You can ask a room
"Will Clarissa return?" and get a no, meaning that either she will never return at all, or she will return in more than one day. There is not
way to see the difference with this power.

***** See the Face: Now, the user can examine an event or an emotion so deeply that the identity of a person may be known, if known
to the place, object, or person.
System: Roll Perception + Meditation against a difficulty of 6. If the power succeeds, the user is made aware of the identity of a person
in an event or an emotion in the past (or future, see Sense the Time above). If known, there will be a full appearance, full name, history,
and possibly also the true name.

This is another of the advantages of the New Agers. The Companion is a linked spirit, linked to a specific person, or task. Every New
Ager has the opportunity to get a spirit companion, and this is done through the Background-trait Companion explained above. The
Companion is an intelligent, emotional comrade, with a mind of its own. Below are presented the powers of the Companion.

Some Companions have magical skills. It depends a little on what kind of spirit they are, but if you decide that they are normal mortals,
they could have access to the New Ager-powers Spirit Call, Astral Transcendence, Clairvoyance and Psychometry. If they are the
spirit of an older magician, you can use the powers of the Egyptian Mummies (see WoD: Mummy), the Andean Mummies (see
"Andean Mummies" by Evan Richard Franke), Thaumaturgy (see Vampire - The Masquerade), Hermetic Magic (see Ars Magica), or
Vulgar Magic (see Mage - The Ascendance). A Companion with Limited magic skills can have four dots to place at the Storyteller's
discretion. A Companion with Notable magical skills can have 7 dots, and one with Great magical skills can have a total of 10 dots.
These power may vary wildly, as you can see, but the goal of the spirit is the same; to help the character, and therefore the nature of
the magic is not really that important.

The Gift of Wills

This power is the power of spirits that draw their powers from an opinion or an ideal. It lets the spirit overrun the will of another being,
and control it for short periods of time. The spirit with this gift rolls it's Willpower against a difficulty of the targets Wits + 2. If the roll is
successful, the spirit is in partial control for (10 - the target's Willpower (minimum of one full minute)) minutes. Partial control means
that the target will not act in such a manner that is obviously suicidal, or will cause great physical harm to the body. If two or three
successes are rolled, the spirit is in near-total control for (15 - target's Willpower) minutes. This means that the controlled person will
undertake any action but such that is clearly and obviously suicidal. If four or more successes are rolled, the spirit is either in partial
control for (50 - target's Willpower) minutes, or total control for (10 - target's Willpower (minimum of one full minute)) minutes. Total
control means that the spirit controls and commands all actions of the controlled. The spirit can even control such actions that normally

is not controlled by the target, such as breathing, heartbeat, and so on. It takes one full round for the spirit to try to gain control over a
target and it must be in the vicinity of the target.

The Gift of Nature

This gift is that of spirits of nature. I allows communication, command over, and control over plant-life and all animals, except
mammals. Mammals can only be communicated with. The spirit can control a creature or plant for an indefinite time, and the target
can take actions normally not possible, such as stop breathing, grow at abnormal rates, and so on. Commands will be planted
subconsciously, and may be triggered at any time, by a set condition; stimuli, a specific time has passed, or such. Communication is
subvocal, and can be maintained over great distances, and over prolonged periods of time. Animals, especially non-mammals, are
not very smart, and can normally only count to "1 and more". Plants are even more stupid, and slow in their thinking.

The Gift of Power

With this gift, the spirit can share or endow powers. The spirit can endow magical skills for a time of (target's Stamina +1) days. This
gift may not be endowed. The spirit can also endow knowledge with the same duration. It may also "donate" Mana or Willpower for a
period of (10 - target's Wits) minutes. This Mana or Willpower has to be regained for the spirit in a normal way. For any of this to take
place, both the spirit and the target must concentrate for one full round at the task.

A Companion has the same amount of Willpower as the amount of points the character has "invested" in it, plus two. If you have
Companion 3, 1 for it's nature, 1 for it's attitude, and 2 for it's speed, the Spirit has (3+1+1++2+2) 9 points of Willpower.

The Companion has the same amount of Mana as the amount of points your character "invested" in it, plus one, times two. The
Companion in the example above should then have ((3+1+1+2+1)x2) 16 points of Mana.

The spirit of a dead mortal has 9 dots to place on Knowledge, while a spirit of Nature only has Survival (skill) 5, and 3 dots to place on
Knowledge. Survival is, in this particular case, considered a Knowledge- ability. Any other spirit has 5 dots to place for Knowledge,
but this should be restricted as per the nature of the spirit. For example; if a spirit is that of the Ideal "Neatness" (what a nightmare to
have as a Companion, huh?) Medicine and Science could be natural, but Occult, Realm Lore, or Computers are very unlikely.

Rules for Creating New Mummies

By "Sidewinder" (

Author's notes
Don't get me wrong. I love Mummy 2nd edition as it. However, while playing a being several thousand years old is fun, I also
enjoy playing characters new to their powers and responsibilities. It is in this spirit that I created these rules, adapted from the
official White Wolf rules for Mummy 2nd edition. These stats would represent an individual who has undergone the spell of life
recently and has had some training in the arts of Hekau

Character Generation
Attributes: 7/5/3
Abilities: 13/9/5
Hekau: 3
Backgrounds: 6
Virtues: 7
Willpower: Integrity
Humanity: Memory + Joy
Sekhem: 3
Ba: 5
Ka: 5
Freebie Points: 15
Choose Merits & Flaws normally.
Choose Hekau Spells normally.

Freebie Point Costs

Attributes: 5/dot
Abilities: 2/dot
Hekau: 5/dot
Backgrounds: 1/dot
Virtues: 2/dot
Willpower: 2/dot
Humanity: 1/dot
Sekhem: 10/dot
Ba: 2/dot
Ka: 1/dot

New Background
True Names: This is the knowledge of the names used in Ren-Hekau.
Character knows a handful of names (5)
** Character has begun serious study (15)
*** Character is somewhat knowledgeable (45)
**** Character has profound understanding (135)
***** Character is a master of names (almost all)
Note that Ba generation is not random in this generation process, the theory being that most new mummies have a similar
amount of Ba. If you like random better then role 1d10 for Ba and do no allow freebie points to be spent to increase this stat.
Also the new mummy does not get the one free point in necromancy as per the standard rules. The new mummy has three dots
to distribute in any of the standard Hekau. The rationale here is that the new mummy has yet to spend much time in the
underworld to develop this skill.
Other changes include how Willpower and Humanity are calculated. I felt that the rules given in Mummy 2nd edition resulted in
Willpower numbers that were too high, especially for starting characters. Also I felt that Joy and Memory were more important for
determining Humanity and that Integrity was more closely linked to Willpower than Humanity. Once again this can be changed

back to standard Mummy rules at your whim.

Alternate History to allow for new mummy characters

After his latest rebirth Horus reluctantly suspended his decree against the creation of new mummies. He realized that to have
any chance to defeat the minions of his adversary Set, that he would need more undying warriors than his current 42, given the
questionable loyalty and disinterest in his cause evidenced by so many of his followers. So he instructed each of his visors to
keep an eye out for potential recruits and to send them on to Switzerland for further training and possible conversion by the spell
of life.
What Horus had not foreseen was that in relaxing this law he gave others the chance to do as he was. Mummies in other factions
that knew one version or another of the spell of life had been avoiding creating more of the undying because of fear of Horus and
his organized group of followers. However with the fear of reprisal gone, there was nothing to hold them back. New mummies
were born across the globe.
Infuriated, Horus reinstated his second law, amending that only he was exempt from it and instructed his followers to seek out
these new mummies and their creators to either capture them or destroy their khat and ba, thus dispersing them for the moment.
Thus began the war of the Undying. Hostility between factions escalated quickly and new mummies were created to replace the
dispersed on all sides.
Mummy society was posed to tear itself apart. However after the complete destruction of one of Horus' oldest allies when his
true name was discovered, all sides agreed to a reluctant truce. Tensions still simmer however and in some places the conflict
still goes on, abet in a quieter manner.

By Peloquin ( with revisions by Charrles Grey (

"Once we were Legion. We ruled the world in its eternal night, hunting for what we needed, and Baphomet, our Lord and
Baptizer, gave us the lands of the First Midian, building a great city of marble and obsidian. And all the world was Night, and
we ruled the Night.
But the Creator, jealous of our Lord Baphomet, decided to create a race of his own, a race that would only serve Him, and
thus he created the Naturals.
Now the Naturals was a weak Tribe, who died after only half a century, and they needed sleep and light to survive. The
Creator created the sun, and we, the First Tribe were banished to dwell inside our houses half the day.
Baphomet was angered by this selfish behaviour, and asked the Creator why he had done this. But instead of replying, the
Creator sent the Great Beast, Leviathan, to slay our God, and destroy the Breed. Leviathan failed, and was exiled to the
Abyss, where he in time started creating minions of his own, the beings we know as Cenobites. Now, Baphomet had defeated
Leviathan, true, but he had also been sorely injured by the battle, and was forced to dwell in his temple in Midian.
Millennia passed by.
We saw how the little Leeches arose, feebly imitating the Great Midian, and falling for their own petty bickering. We saw the
first rise of the Wyrm, and helped striking it down. We saw the birth of the Garou, beings who were controlled by Gaia instead
of the mad Creator, and a race we had quite good relationships with.
But as always, the Creator could not stand our good fortune, and he managed to poison the minds of two of the Garou tribes,
those now known as Silver Fangs and Red Talons. And they attacked the city of Midian, in company of one of the Creators
Tribes, those known as the children of Moses. And Midian was destroyed, with Baphomets temple.
For millennia we wandered the earth, aimlessly, without a home or God, and our contempt for the Naturals grew with each
insult they gave us. We were a pitiful Tribe, living like scavengers, and as the eons passed, we forgot our proud past. But then
one day, only a thousand years ago, Baphomet showed himself to us all in a great vision. He told us to rejoice, for he had
found us an untouched area across the Great sea, in a land of great forests and great game.
There we built the Second Midian.
And a thousand years passed, in peace, without interference from the Naturals.
But seers told of a great disaster that would befall on us, that our Second Midian would be destroyed as the first, unless the
Nightbreed known as Cabal came to us first. Cabal. The unkillable one. He who walks in the sun and touches the flames
without being burnt. He who shall give us back our world.
And one night, only a few years ago, I stumbled upon a Natural above Midian. His name was Aaron Boone, and he said he
was one of us. He wasn't. I have this talent to smell out Naturals miles away. He was as Natural as they get. I bit him,
intending to devour his flesh, but I was held back, and he escaped. The Law strictly forbids the eating of Naturals. Bah. Boone
was killed, just outside the gates of Midian, and a few nights later he came back to us. As a Breed. Maybe I should have left
him alone. Oh well. The events after this led to the destruction of the Second Midian, by the hands of a madman named
Decker and Hunters led by the late (heh, heh, heh) Sheriff Eigerman. And Boone became Cabal. We are wanderers again
now. Walking the cities of the Naturals. Seeking Baphomet, who disappeared without a trace. Cabal is our leader now. He still
thinks I'm an asshole for giving him the Bite. Heh. In any case, the Nightbreed is back. We want the world back. And we're
increasing in numbers by the hundreds."
-- Peloquin, Beast of the First Tribe of the Moon

"Everything is true. God is an astronaut. Oz is over the rainbow. And Midian is where the monsters live..."
-- Peloquin, Clive Barker's Nightbreed
The Nightbreed are an odd sort. They are not human. They are not zombies. They are dead, true, but death is only a state of
mind to them. And some of them has gone so far beyond death that they cannot be killed.
They claim to be older than any other race on the Earth, and say that their cities were old when the Kindred built their First City.
They are shapeshifters, not shapechangers, all with a unique ability. Some of them may turn into animals, some of them can be

fog, some can fly, some only increase in strength and speed, though their appearance does change a little. (Fangs, claws, stuff
like that.) And the only ones who could be killed by conventional weapons were slain during the destruction of the Second

Umm...well...they don't have any sort of typical appearance, I mean, one of them, Devil Lude, could be mistaken for a
blackskinned fomori (though he was a bit too skinny for that), and Rachel, one who could turn into fog, looked like any other

They have Bloodpool. 20 points max, and no, they don't drink blood. They do eat raw meat though, prefarably fresh, and it is this
that rejuvenates their Bloodpool. Their abilities? Well, it's different for each Nightbreed, but if you use Garou Gifts and some of
the Disciplines of the Kindred, you get a good idea of how they work. Instead of Gnosis or Rage, use Bloodpoints, and, well, the
same systems as for Kindred. They also heal back 1 HL per round, unless it's Aggravated.

Character creation
The Breeds are separated into three clearly specified tribes, The Bairns, The Beasts and The Berzerkers. The Bairns and The
Beasts are the most common of the NightBreed, and The Berzerkers are...well, the Berzerkers. I will explain them in greater
detail below.
There are only two ways of becoming Breed, being born to it, or being bitten by one. In both cases you will have to die in order to
become one of them. Note that this does not mean that someone eaten by a Breed will become one of them; you have to let a
few minutes pass for the venom to settle in you, if you die before that, you just plain die. If you're born to it, it means you have the
blood of the Breed running in your veins, and upon your death the Breed blood takes over.
The Bairns are the most humanlike, they have never really let go of their human sides, and change shape easily; they were also,
until recently, the most fragile of the Breed. The guns and explosives of The Sons of The Free took care of that particular part of
them. A bairn have an extremely human appearance, with maybe some slight detail differentiating them, such as a glistening
skin, or two holes in their stomachs.
The Beasts are savages who have almost completely given up on their human sides, such as Peloquin, who resembled some
greyskinned humanoid monster with thin tentacles growing out of his head, or Devil Lude, with pitchblack skin and ramshorns
growing out of his skull. These Breeds have a difficult time trying to follow the laws of Baphomet, and have been known to eat
one or two Naturals who annoyed them...
Berzerkers...well, they are a looong way from being even remotely human. Standing well over 6 ft tall, resembling the most
fearsome Fomori, with the self control of Donald Duck and the intelligence of an ant. These are clearly not Player Characters. If a
Player wants to play one, say no. The Berzerkers have only one thing on their tiny minds. Killing. The nicer ones make the
average Fomori look like fwuffy widdle bunnywabbits. And there aren't very many of them left. (Fortunately)
Okay, these are the three Tribes left of the Tribes of The Moon, and the two first of these are the ones you can actually play.

Attributes: 7/5/3.
Abilities: 13/9/5.
Bloodpool: 0-100 yrs old, 10 BP, 100-any age, 20 BP.
Backgrounds: 5.
Advantages: You get 10 points of Shapercraft, 1 point counts as 1 Gift, one point of Discipline or 1 point of Merits.
Freebies: 17.
Okay, if you need inspiration on how to create a NightBreed, use some Metis Flaws from Werewolf; they can be quite instructive.
I mean, having two faces is practically common among the Breed. Also use Nosferatu Flaws from Vampire, they are also quite

Well, no sunbathing for these fellas; only Cabal is immune to that. They don't need sleep though, and can be active during the
day; they just can't walk outside.

Hunters. First, and most important, a Canadian version of KKK, known as The Sons of the Free. Second, they hate Silver Fangs
and Red Talons. If you can prove you're not either, they'll treat you well. If not, well, bye... Third, they don't like vampires. They
consider them Nightbreed wannabes, and don't have any respect for them, especially since they are ex-Naturals.

Kindred: Hah. I just can't believe that they think themselves so powerful, when Baphomet could wipe them out without straining

"The what? No such thing, or we would know..."

Garou: They can be useful allies, and we respect them. Except those bloody traitors the Silver Fangs and the Red Talons.
Those should be executed on sight.

"We've met. They're odd, but they won't harm you if you can prove you're not one of those they hate."
Magi: Heh. Heheheheheheheheheh...they believe themselves "Awakened" Fools.
"Keep away from those. They're not to be toyed with."
Faery: The Little Lost People, yes...they have no interest in us, and we have none in them.
"We don't bother them."
Immortals: They die, do they not? Then they're not immortals, are they?
"Where? Where? Oh, um, no, never heard of them..."
Cenobites: Cowardly snakes. They dare not face us in honest combat, so they poison the Naturals instead. Pathetic.

"I'm an actor, see? There's a face, beneath my face..." (The sound of skin being torn off...)

Sample Character
Name: Peloquin
Nature: Bravo
Demeanor: Gallant
Tribe: Beast
Age: ?
Apparent age: 30-something
Concept: Asshole
Str 3 Cha 4 Per 3
Dex 4 Man 1 Int 2
Sta 3 App 1 Wits 3

Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 2, Intimidation 3

Skills: Melee 3, Stealth 3, Survival 3
Knowledges: Enigmas 2, Occult 1, TribeLore 2*
*The same as Mythlore for Changelings, only it's for Breed.

Bloodpool: 10
Advantages: Potence 4, Celerity 1, Fortitude 2, Claws, Fangs damage str+2, Acute Senses, Gleam of Red Eyes (blue in his
version), Sense Naturals (like Sense Wyrm, but you sniff Naturals instead. Yes, that means Kindred, Garou, Mages and Faery

Nightbreed Revisions
By Charrles Grey (

Author's Notes
I enjoyed Peloquin's adaptation for Nightbreed very much. I simply felt with a few minor ad-ons it would be even better. I think that
the Nightbreed is an excellent addition to the World of Darkness. They ease into the atmosphere so well. Peloquin had a
wonderful idea in turning this into a WoD game.

Bloodpool: They have Bloodpool. 20 points max, and no, they don't drink blood. They do eat raw meat though, preferably fresh,
and it is this that rejuvenates their Bloodpool. Starting Blood Pool is determined by the age (after the change) of the Breed.
However Freebie points can be invested to raise those levels.

Willpower: Same as other WoD systems.

Virtues and Paths: Same as the Virtues and Paths from Vampire. Some of the Breed are on the path of Humanity while many
have chosen other paths.

Shapecrafting Abilities: Their abilities? Well, it's different for each Nightbreed, but if you use Garou Gifts and some of the
Disciplines of the Kindred, you get a good idea of how they work. Instead of Gnosis or Rage, use Bloodpoints, and well the
same systems as for Kindred.

Healing: They also heal back 1 HL per round, unless it's Aggravated. They also have two extra levels of health after
incapacitated in which they are still incapacitated, however they are not destroyed until after that point.

Background: Age determines bloodpool in the Breed. The older of course the better.
Level Age
Range Blood Pool Shapecraft
0-100 5
101-200 8
201-300 11
*** 301-400 14
**** 401-500 17
***** 501+ 20

The Breeds are separated into three clearly specified tribes: The Bairns, The Beasts and The Berzerkers. The Bairns and The
Beasts are the most common of the NightBreed, and The Berzerkers are...well, the Berzerkers. I will explain them in greater
detail below.
There are only two ways of becoming Breed: being born to it, or being bitten by one. In both cases you will have to die in order to
become one of them. Note that this does not mean that someone eaten by a Breed will become one of them; you have to let a
few minutes pass for the venom to settle in you. If you die before that, you just plain die. If you're born to it, it means you have the
blood of the Breed running in your veins, and upon your death the Breed blood takes over.

The Bairns
The Bairns are the most human-like. They have never really let go of their human sides, and change shape easily; they were
also, until recently, the most fragile of the Breed. The guns and explosives of The Sons of The Free took care of that particular
part of them. A bairn has an extremely human appearance, with maybe some slight detail differentiating them, such as a
glistening skin, or two holes in their stomachs.

Advantages: Beginning Appearance starts at one

Shapercraft: 8

Willpower: 5
Notes: If they are on the path of Humanity they receive a +1 to the path.
The Beasts
The Beasts are savages who have almost completely given up on their human sides, such as Peloquin, who resembled some
grey skinned humanoid monster with thin tentacles growing out of his head, or Devil Lude, with pitch black skin and ram's horns
growing out of his skull. These Breeds have a difficult time trying to follow the laws of Baphomet, and have been known to eat
one or two Naturals who annoyed them...

Advantages: Beginning Appearance starts at zero

Shapercraft: 10
Willpower: 4
The Berzerkers
Berzerkers...well, they are a looong way from being even remotely human. Standing well over 6 ft tall, resembling the most
fearsome Fomori, with the self control of Donald Duck and the intelligence of an ant. These are clearly not Player Characters. If a
Player wants to play one, say no. The Berzerkers have only one thing on their tiny minds. Killing. The nicer ones make the
average Fomor look like fwuffy widdle bunnywabbits. And there aren't very many of them left. (Fortunately)
Okay, these are the three Tribes left of the Tribes of The Moon, and the two first of these are the ones you can actually play.
Advantages: Beginning Appearance starts at zero, and can never be higher

Shapercraft: 12
Willpower: 2

Character Creation
Attributes: 7/5/3
Abilities: 13/9/5
Bloodpool: According to age, after the change.
Willpower: According to Tribe.
Path: According to virtues.
Virtues: 6
Backgrounds: 5
Shapercraft: According to your Tribe. 1 point counts as 1 Gift, one point of Discipline or 1 point of Merits.
Freebies: 17
Okay, if you need inspiration on how to create a NightBreed, use some Metis Flaws from Werewolf; they can be quite instructive.
I mean, having two faces is practically common among the Breed. Also use Nosferatu Flaws from Vampire, they are also quite

Well, no sunbathing for these fellas; only Cabal is immune to that. They don't need sleep though, and can be active during the
day. They just can't walk outside. Sunlight does aggravated damage to them, just as it does to vampires.
Fire, acid, and electricity also does aggravated damage. Beheading or hacking the Breed to pieces kills them. Characters can
regenerate after they are incapacitated, however continued damage at that point will destroy them. They have two more levels
after incapacitated.

Character Sheet

the First Tribe of the Moon
Name:______________ Demeanor:_____________ Age:____ Sex:_________
Concept:___________ Nature:_______________ Apparent Age:_________
Player:____________ Tribe:________________ Date of Birth:________
Chronicle:_________ Haven:________________ Date of Change:_______
Strength oooooooooo Charisma
oooooooooo Perception oooooooooo
Dexterity oooooooooo Manipulation oooooooooo Intelligenceoooooooooo
Stamina oooooooooo Appearance oooooooooo Wits
Animal Ken ooooo
Computers ooooo
Firearms ooooo
Linguistics ooooo
Intimidation ooooo
Primal Urge ooooo
Survival ooooo
Tribelore ooooo
____________ ooooo
__________ ooooo
___________ ooooo
____________ ooooo
__________ ooooo
___________ ooooo
____________ ooooo
__________ ooooo
___________ ooooo
____________ ooooo
__________ ooooo
___________ ooooo
____________ ooooo
__________ ooooo
___________ ooooo
_______________ ___ ________________ ___
_______________ ___ ________________ ___
____________ __[]
_______________ ___ ________________ ___
_______________ ___ ________________ ___
_______________ ___ ________________ ___
____________ __[]
_______________ ___ ________________ ___
_______________ ___ ________________ ___
_______________ ___ ________________ ___
____________ __[]
_______________ ___ ________________ ___
_______________ ___ ________________ ___
Incapacitated 3[]
_______________ ___ ________________ ___
____________ __[]
_______________ ___ ________________ ___
Incapacitated 4[]
_______________ ___ ________________ ___
Incapacitated 5[]
Conscience/Conviction __ !
!__________ ooooo
-------------------! --________________-- !__________ ooooo
Self-Control/Instinct __ ! o o o o o o o o o o !__________ ooooo
------------------! [][][][][][][][][][] !__________ ooooo
Courage/_____________ __ !
!__________ ooooo
=========================! o o o o o o o o o o !__________ ooooo
! [][][][][][][][][][] !__________ ooooo
!__________ ooooo
! {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} !__________ ooooo
! {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} !__________ ooooo

Northeast Dragon
By Misty A. (

Although its name emplies that it is a large mythical creature, the Northeast Dragon is actualy only about the size of a small cat.
They come in many colors, blue, red and green being the most common. The Northeast Dragon's only means of defence is its
bite and claw. The Bite does Str + 1 damge and its claws do Str + 1 damage.
Northeast Dragons are often found in the Northeastarn Umbra. They are friendly and very loyal if they have been with someone
since birth. Northeast Dragons tend to avoid and leave those who have evil in their hearts, and Sleepers. On occasion a
Northeast Dragon will leave the Umbra, but this very rare. One is more likely to encounter a Northeast Dragon, a Mage or other
Supernatural, is keeping as a companion.
Northeast Dragons are very smart and when is rolled up they start with two dots in all Mental attributes.
A Northeast Dragons has the following health levels.

By Brice Daury (

Johnny kept running, trying not to think about the fact that he had never been away from home for so long before, of the fact that
he no longer had a home to go back to . . .
"Stop running boy, we'll catch ya and then you'll get the same thing you're gene-trash parents got..." The voice was that of Sam
Mathison, formerly his parent's best friend and also their business partner, co-founder of Colton & Mathison Designs, the
architectural firm they had formed together. But none of that mattered now, now he was just the hunter and Johnny was just the
prey, just like his parents had been...
Johnny had watched the man that was his godfather torch his parent's home and order the others to shoot his parents in the
back of their heads, all because Johnny was different. Not different in any really noticeable way, though, unless of course you
happened to watch Johnny pop out those claws of his or recover from a gunshot that should have killed him in minutes instead of
months like a normal person.
But suddenly, Johnny wasn't running anymore, he just stood there, stock still and waited for the hunters "He's acceptin' his fate
like a man..." thought Sam, almost proud of the boy he once called his godchild, how could he have been so fooled?
Approaching slowly, the men raised their assortment of weapons, most of them for hunting of a different sort, and prepared to
end the teen's life.
"MMMMMMUUUURRRDDDEEERRREEERRRSSS!!!", screamed the child as he lashed out at them, lashed out with hands
that were now talons and teeth that were now fangs, ripping through their ranks before they could catch their bearings. As the
first of their number fell, the rest tried to cut Johnny down, firing round after round into his body, not even slowing him down. As
the smoke cleared, Sam soon realized that all the rest of his men were down, not all of them dead, but they were likely praying
for that sweet release. Sweat broke out on the man's neck as he was filled with an almost instinctual terror of the child that now
was no child that walked towards him ...
"You're the reason this happened, their blood is on your hands Sam." the child said. "And now yours is on mine!", screamed
Johnny, as he lashed out with his clawed hands and tore the heart out of the man he considered a second father, stopping to
show Sam the heart's final reflexive beat just as the life left his own eyes.
"You tore out my heart, seems only fair that I return the favor...", and with that, Johnny died and something sinister was born.

The Journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.
-- Ancient Saying
I know others have already touched this subject, superheroes in the World Of Darkness, but none of them seems to fit my idea of
superhuman and so now I take my own stab at it. These rules are intended to make superhumans compatible with others in the
World of Darkness without letting them run roughshod over the others.
The main problem with having superhumans in the WoD is that they have powers that are largely unchecked by the forces of
reality, or are they? All the other factions have both established struggles of their own (Ascension War, Masquerade/Jyhad,
Garou's War for Gaia, The Gathering, The return to Arcadia, etc.) and also certain controlling bodies that hold their actions in
check, but they also have the knowledge that there is strength in numbers and that there are means to 'erase' any sign that they
exist from the memories of mankind as a whole. Para(or super if you prefer)Humans have no such guarantee -- they have no
inherited social structure, such as the clans or traditions or tribes to rely upon, few are those who manage to learn anything of
their history and even fewer still who find others to act as mentor to them until they are ready to make their own way in the mean
and heartless World of Darkness. This then is the balance in playing parahumans -- no rules (or Paradox), but also no starting
social system to fall back upon.

Once Upon a Time...
-- Any Fairy Tale ever written
The true origins of Parahumans are unknown, even to them. They have no common link except for the urge to be with others who
can understand them, their own kind. This sometimes causes them to seek out and unite with others of their kind, both for
companionship and mutual self-preservation(safety in numbers, so to speak). Those who even bother to contemplate their origin
believe that they are the next step in human evolution, the logical progression from Homo sapiens to Homo sapiens mutatus, or

parahumans, as they call themselves. The rest just know that they are hated by most humans and the ones who know about the
other factions of the World of Darkness realize how much those beings would like to get their hands on the Parahumans (for
study, ghouls, or worse). What is also known is that the Parahumans have only recently started coming out of the shadows, but
they have been around for awhile and though they know little about themselves, they have learned quite a bit about the other
WoD groups and beings.

"And partly it's just that he's nine foot tall, green, and almost invulnerable"
--Jube the Walrus, Wild Cards 2: Aces High
The Parahuman character can have, literally, any physical description , from one giant floating eye to the gentleman in the quote
(Troll), who's 9' tall, superstrong and covered in hair-tufted armor plates of green hide. This means that the character concept
must be quite defined since there are no real archetypes to fall back on. This may mean that this type of character will be too
much for the starting player to handle, but that's okay too. Many times, it is only imagination and creative role-playing that will
allow these beings to hold their own with some of the supernaturals.

Character Concept
"So then why? Why help people who'd rather see you dead?"
"Because once... ... A long time ago... ... I got so wrapped up in Myself... ... that I lost ... everything."
--Marrow and Spider-Man
So, now the hard part:the concept. Have a favorite comic, or a hero you've always dreamed of being? Then you have a concept
for your character. Name, costume (clothes worn) and powers, you must choose all of these with the concept in mind.

Character Creation
Attributes: 9/6/5 (Note on Appearance: These beings seem to either have very good looks or horrible disfigurations and
therefore, they either start with Appearance 2 or can get the ten extra points by taking Appearance 0.)

Abilities: 14/10/6
Backgrounds; 8
Record Willpower: 5
Record Reserves: (1/2 Will + Sta)
Record Mutations: Start with ten points to spend on mutations that can take a number of forms, see below for more

Freebies: 20
Backgrounds 1
Mutations- 3

"With Great power comes great responsibility."
-- Ben Parker
The following are mutations buyable for Parahumans with their mutation points and freebie points:

Mutant Rage Pool

Works exactly as the Garou rage with regards to extra actions and the healing of wounds, also recovered the same ways (i.e..

getting pissed-off), frenzies are possible. This mutation costs the owner one mutation point for each point of rage in the pool,
maximum of ten and the rage can never go over the character's pool limit. Should the character ever meet a Gurahl, they may be
trained in the use of rage to add auto-successes to strength rolls (Storyteller's discretion).

Mutant Blood Pool

This mutation works exactly like Kindred blood pool in regards to attribute enhancement, healing and such, but does not infer
any disciplines (though these may be learned or bought later on, none to start). The mutant must drain blood from others to
regain blood pool dots spent or recovers one point per day. The parahuman is not affected by kindred weaknesses either, but if
they have no blood points, they cannot access these powers. Every 2 Mutation points spent pushes the character's 'generation'
down one on the background chart(cannot buy as normal background), up to limit of 9th Generation for ten points.

Mutant Spheres
This may seem unbalancing, but just wait. For every 3 mutation points spent, the character can buy one level of any of the
following spheres:

Correspondence: May only pick one effect from each level they have a dot for.
Entropy: One effect per each level of this sphere purchased, as with Correspondance
Forces: User may use any effect from the level he or she has, but only with one form of energy, costs 2 points per level for ability
to energy blast only (damage equal to forces)

Life: The character can perform any function of the levels they have, but must purchase separately to affect self and others and
cannot create life!
Matter: Can use any effects from level one to three, but limited to one material (or any, for the expenditure of +10 mutation
points), to purchase the Transmutation power costs 20 mutation points(or 25 for the level five of matter).

Mind: All effects possible at the user's level are allowed, costs 4 points per level
Prime: None
Spirit: Character can use any effects of the levels they have, but costs 4 points per level instead of three.
Time: All effects are possible, but this power costs 6 points per level due to its effectiveness as both offensive and defensive

Enhanced Attributes
This is the category under which many find themselves falling, those with increased attributes, beyond the normal human limit
(maximum of ten). Every 2 points spent on an attribute does the following: Strength: Acts as one level of Potence

Dexterity: Acts as one dex auto success.

Stamina: Acts as one level of Fortitude.
Charisma: Acts as one level of Presence.
Manipulation: Acts as one level of Dominate.
Appearance: Adds one auto-success to all appearance-based rolls and generally makes those of the same sex hate you while
those of opposite sex want you, bad!
Perception: Acts as auto-successes on the character's perception rolls and on related skill-rolls(such as tracking, shadowing,
alertness, etc.)

Intelligence: Acts as auto-successes on the Int rolls and can also be used as the Dream Background to access unknown
Knowledgesor Skills(not talents).

Wits: Acts as one level of Celerity.

Enhanced Speed
This one is self-explanatory; you're real fast. Each Level costs 3 Mutation Points.

You can run at speeds up to 75 MPH and have one extra action per turn
You can run at speeds upto 150 MPH and have 2 extra actions per turn

*** You can run at speeds upto 300 MPH and have 4 extra actions per turn
**** You can run at speeds upto 600 MPH and have 6 extra actiions per turn
***** You can run at speeds over Mach One, maximum of 900 MPH and have 8 extra actions per turn. Note: movement at this
rate will cause a sonic boom, a unidirectional soundwave that will strike all within 100' radius as stun attack (does 4
damage dice; each success rolled does one health level damage and 3 health levels stun damage. If stun takes you to
incapacitated, you're out for (6-Sta#) hours, minimum of 1. Diff 6 to soak, non-aggravated)
Note:With level 3 or higher in this power, you can make a dex+speed roll to run across water(diff8, three successes needed),
don't botch this one!

Enhanced Senses
This costs 1 point per level and grant the following:
Your senses are very acute, you can make sensory rolls at -2 difficulty
** Senses are superior to garou and you make all sensory rolls at -4 difficulty(no lower than diff2)
*** Sense are superhuman; at this point, you can hear the heartbeat of another to tell when they lie/track by scent(and smell
fear)/see in complete darkness/read newspaper by touch/ discern the ingredients in anything tasted(can tell poison by
taste without ingesting enough to take serious damage), all are at Diff8 to perform(no bonuses) and have Max range of
200'(except taste and touch of course)
**** Has honed superhuman senses to the point that the enhanced sensory abilities are now at Diff6 to perform and the range
increases to 500'
***** Senses are so sharp that superior sensory abilities are now Diff5 to perform and the character can see through
substances, hear the thoughts of those within range, listen to telephone conversations by feeling vibrations in phone line,
track superhuman/natural powers by scent , and diagnose others by tasting their body fluids(sweat, blood, etc.) all of these
are Diff 7 to perform.
Note: The character must buy each sense up separately or all for 4 points per level.

This power costs the owner 3 points per level.
You heal one health level per hour or one aggravated per day and broken bones heal in one week, you can soak
aggravated damage with 1/2 your stamina.
** You heal one health level per 10 minutes or one aggravated per 6 hours and broken bones heal in one day. Reduce soak
difficulties by one. Immune to colds/flu.
*** You heal one health level every minute and one aggravated level every hour. Broken bones heal in 6 hours and you can roll
vs. diff8 to recover lost limbs/organs (3 successes for hand, eight for giant hole in chest, can add cumulative successes,
each roll costs one point of reserve to use-no reserve and you're SOL), takes one minute per success needed to regrow,
can use full stamina to soak aggravated. Immune to viruses.
**** You heal one health level per turn and one aggravated per 10 minutes. Bones heal in hours and the diff for both soak and
limb regeneration is reduced by one.
***** They couldn't kill you by dropping an asteroid on your head. You recover one health level every turn and one aggravated
per minute. Bones heal in 10 minutes and the diff for regenerating limbs/organs is now 6. Add two extra dice to your soak
pool to represent your toughness and this counts vs. aggravated too. Immune to all diseases (could inject themselves with
HIV for fun!).
Note: Those with this power may be sought out to use their blood for cure to many types of disease (and since they heal so
quick, vampires love them too...)

Aggravated Energy Field

This power costs the user 8 points and allows them to do aggravated damage with hand to hand and melee attacks, but not with
arrows or guns. The field also allows user to soak aggravated damage as normal, though they don't heal any sustained damage
any quicker.

Kinetic Siphon
This allows the user to absorb kinetic energy from those around themselves, increasing their speed or strength and damaging
power. Costs the user 6 points for touch-range power or 10 points for the ability to siphon kinetic energy from those within 50' of
user. Roll Will vs.trait to be siphoned and the successes are the number of levels adds to user, maximum of target's level (cannot
siphon 7 dots of strength from someone with strength 5). This works against Potence and Celerity, Speed of Thought and
related abilities as well.


This is the power to move through solid objects. The character can spend (Sta #) of minutes in this state and can pass through
following materials:
Paper and light (balsa) wood
** Normal wood
*** stone, petrified wood and thin (6" or less) steel
**** Regular steel and most objects
***** 10' of steel plate, can penetrate almost anything
This power cost the user 2 points per level and adds the current rank in auto successes to the user's soak rolls due to intangible

This allows the user the ability most dreamed of by humans, the power to fly without mechanical aid. The power costs 3 points
per level and gives following:
Can fly at speeds up to 125 MPH.
** Can fly at speeds up to 250 MPH and can now hover in place.
*** Can fly at speeds up to 500 MPH and has one extra action per turn.
**** Can fly at speeds up to 800 MPH (just over Mach One) and has the ability at this level to turn thrust into lift- for each 100lbs
to be lifted/moved, decrease the speed of flight by 75 MPH.
***** Can Fly at speeds upto Mach Two (1540 MPH) and has all the previous powers, as well as three actions per turn while in

Environmental Independence
This costs the user 2 points per level and each level provides the character certain advantages:
You don't need to sleep and are immune to attacks that induce that state (ie KO gases)
** You don't need to eat or drink on a regular basis and can go weeks without either (cannot be starved or dehydrated).
Immune to ingested poisons/toxins.
*** No longer eat or drink and can hold breath in hazardous areas for (Sta x 5) minutes.
**** Can hold Breath indefinitely and is immune to all gases and cloud effects.
***** Totally sealed unto yourself, you can survive in outer space and are immune to radiation and disease as well as the
previous conditions.

This power costs the user 4 points per level and can be quite handy when used properly. Any creature the character can assume
the form of, they can also assume the Natural abilities of. This means they can get Garou's healing and shapechange forms, but
not their gifts or steeping sideways power(part of their gnosis) and cannot take magick spheres by copying mage. But they can
take vampire's blood pool(13th generation, would need real good explanation for raising this).
Can assume shape of creature +/-50% of own size, natural creatures only, diff7 to change
** Can assume the shape or powers of animals +/-90% of own size and can take small advantages of form without complete
change(claws or gill, for example) on Sta + Int roll vs. Diff8.
*** Can Assume the shape of any natural animal and partial transformation diff becomes 6.
**** On a Sta + Int roll vs. diff9, the character can assume the form of supernatural creature that is within same somatotype as
them (i.e.. humanoid or not). Must score 3 or more successes to change properly, anything less is useless. Every five
times the character successfully changes into a form, they get -1 to diff, to a minimum of Diff5 for any form.
***** Have you ever seen a dragon? Then you can become one! Any non-humanoid form requires roll vs. Diff10 and the number
of successes needed is five. It takes ten changes into non-humanoid form to lower the difficulty.

This must be bought separately for self and others. Allows for change into non-organic form. Each dot adds to character in
manner dependent on type of matter changed into:

Solids: Dots add to potence, fortitude and body levels (plus one per level, are OK levels)
Gases: Dots to celerity, each dot is two dice of air blast(or other damage for, say, chlorine gas) and the character can fly at
(Dots x5 MPH) speed and is immune to physical attacks.

Liquids: Dots to celerity and water/fluid blast(2 dice per dot), immune to physical attacks. The character can also add one
additional dot to these for every ten gallons of like fluid they come into contact with while in this form.

The Power costs the user 3 points per level or five per level if they want to buy all three states at the same time.

This allows the user to create duplicates of himself that are exact in every detail (except for this power). The power costs the
user four points per level and works in following way:
Roll Wits + This power vs. Diff8 and every success indicates one duplicate that turn. A botch causes all created dupes to
disappear or if there are no dupes created yet does one health level of damage to power user. At levels *** or more, the
character may 'designate' certain dupes by naming and equipping them and these will be the first to appear always, fully
equipped with whatever they were previously stocked with. Until this level, the dupes appear with nothing but duplicates of the
character's own clothes. Can 'designate' one dupe per combined point of Int + this power.

Power Negation
This power allows users to negate all non-human abilities of those they touch (at 5 point per level) or those within 10' radius( for 7
points per level) on a roll of Power vs. target's willpower, one success reduces these abilities to 1/2 while three negates them
altogether. This includes spheres, gifts, blood pool, disciplines, powers, etc. All abilities beyond those of normal humans are
affected (including Numina and Faith!).

Each level of this power costs the user 3 points and has the following effects: Adds one auto success vs.kinetic attacks, adds
two to diff to knock character down (may go above ten, this means moving impossible and adds one auto success to damage
from the character's ram/charge attacks due to gathered momentum.

Each level of this power costs the user 3 points and adds a temporary point of attribute addable to any one attribute for one
scene. It also allows one extra point of the character's current attributes to be shifted per level. In effect, this allows the character
to shift around two attribute points per level for one scene at a time, though half of the shifted points must be taken from
character's other attributes and half comes from the pool.

Body Alteration
This is a somewhat disturbing, but useful power that allows tcharacters to alter their bodies in beneficial (and sometimes
bizarre) ways:

Can add Int to Dodge pool, as the character's body becomes pliable to avoid damage (or can be added to soak roll to
emulate character thinking up other ways of making body damage-resistant).
** Can stretch the body over long distances (ten feet per success on Sta + power roll vs. diff6)
*** Skin can be hardened to provide (power level) bonus to soak vs. aggravated damage or create a weapon of flesh (does
str+3 damage and has diff 5 to use)
**** Skin whip/choke or bones extended to form external claws (skin whip is diff7 and does str+5 damage upto 6' away while
the choke is touch-range and does str+1 aggravated as character forces their skin down target's throat, diff6 roll) (Claws
do Str+2 damage and are diff 6 to use)
***** Bone exoshell adds five levels to soak (vs.aggravated) and +3 to attacker's diff to damage character, bone spurs and
jagged bone claws do Str+2 aggravated damage with diff6 to strike in hth.
Power costs 4 points per level to buy.

New Merits and Flaws

"It's not easy being Green"
-- Kermit the Frog
The possibilities for new merits and flaws for these beings are large indeed, but here are a few to get you started:

Extra Body Levels

3 point Merit
Use whatever justification you like. This is an extra bruised health level and can be bought more than once.

Teeth and Claws

3 point Merit
These allow for Str+1 damage bite attacks and Str+2 claw attacks that, for the 5 point merit, do aggravated damage. Otherwise,
treat as normal damage.

No Pain Receptors
4 point Merit
This character takes no penalties from wound level until they reach incapacitated, since they feel NO pain! Not always good, as
they can set themselves on fire or break bones without realizing it and then continue to aggravate the wound, such as running on
a broken ankle for three miles.

Super Technology
4 point Merit
This is best explained by superhuman intelligence, but other possibilities exist. This is the ability to get your hands on super-tech
(like cutting-edge technomancer stuff, or better!) and use it in the game. Check with Storyteller on what he will allow, don't expect
to come into the game with Ultimate Nullifiers or the like!

Diplomatic Immunity
6 point Society Merit
Though unlikely, it is possible the character has Immunity from prosecution for their actions. Storyteller, be warned, this one can
get out of hand real fast!

10 point Merit
OK, you can be killed, it's just that your spirit will not leave the body and almost any half-baked scheme can lead to you being
brought to life, such as using the jumper cables and the truck to 'kickstart' your heart and bring you back. However, the longer
you're out, the better the method of resurrection has to be to work. People with this merit love mages; they can come up with so
many easy ways to bring them back (Life 3 can resurrect these goofballs). These types tend to be somewhat nonchalant about
dying and are usually somewhat crazy to some extent.

Fatal Vulnerability
7 point Flaw
Something affects you very well, doing 1 health level aggravated damage to you per turn in contact with it or minute within 10' of
it. This damage cannot be soaked and even if you're Joe Indestructible, this stuff will mess you up bad. This could be an
incredible source for campaigns, as the character tries to overcome his weakness.

False Memories
3 point Flaw
Memory implants, amnesia, whatever reason you can come up with. Anyways, you don't know the character's real background,
but the storyteller does and can bring this fact up to haunt you whenever she feels it is appropriate. Many campaigns could
revolve around the character seeking his true origins.

From Parallel Universe

5 point Flaw
Somehow you came here from a parallel world where things were similar, but different. Maybe there were different presidents or
maybe Hitler won WWII and still rules the world through his mastery of life-extending magick! Any time you need to know about
your surroundings or history, you are pretty much screwed! Find some friends to teach you fast or you won't likely last long.

Unknown Enemy
6 point Flaw

Someone wants you dead, for reasons you don't know and who they are is also unknown; it could be your best friend or the trusty
butler who knows your secret identity. This flaw could be lethal or just damn annoying, since you know nothing about your
advesary and the Storyteller can set the power level high, low or whereever in between they want, that's the price you pay.

Unmistakable Feature/Habit
2 point Flaw
Cannot take this if you have Arcane, since this would cancel it out. You have either a physical feature or mannerism that makes
you unforgettable (and therefore, easier to track down). This could be anything, but it makes attempts to hunt you down -2 to their
difficulties. This could be bad for someone with a secret identity.

PETS: The Shedding

By Lee Garvin (
Dedicated to Hugo

Chapter 1: Introduction
We are constantly amazed and amused by the arrogance of the two-leggers. They think that just because they have the
thumbs and they make the tools, that civilization was their idea. Well it's not so. And the Vampires! They think that just
because they're cooler and hipper than the humans, that they were able to manipulate them into building the great cities to
insure themselves a supply of food. Simply wrong.
It was us, the dogs, that started civilization. Even the humans agree that civilization began with the domestication of the dog.
That was our idea. Our ancestors saw the humans, and thought, "They could prove useful." And so was civilization born.
You would do wise to remember: we are Pets! Not animals. Animals have no appreciation for the pleasures of civilization.
They just hunt and mate and sleep, hunt and mate and sleep, on and on forever.
Now, early on, we knew that, in order for the two-leggers to survive among the Vampires and Werewolves etc., that we'd need
to protect them. So we enlisted the aid of a few other animals, and convinced them to let themselves be domesticated. Cats
were the first we recruited, but to hear them talk, you'd think they talked us into it. Rats and Snakes followed, then the others.
Spiders were among the last to join.
Now don't get me wrong. We didn't protect the humans out of the goodness of our hearts. We need Food, too. Humans just
have a knack for producing it. So we needed to keep them around to care for us.
A bird friend of mine overheard a couple of Vampires talking once, about their "Masquerade." I laughed so hard I threw up.
Pets have never needed a masquerade, and even the Mages don't know we are here.
Of course, nowadays we have to worry about problems from our own kind....
-- Rex, Leader of The Howl

The Shedding
Pets have been controlling mankind under our noses since the dawn of
time, using their cute little noses, and their whines, and licking our faces,
and we have loved every minute of it.
Once, they held sway over all the Earth, and nothing went past their notice.
But then, dissension within their own ranks caused several new Factions to
This was called The Shedding, as the leaders of each faction shed the
associations they had with the old order, and built a new and fragmented
Pet world.

Masters Of the Food

MOF, as they are called by the other Pets is dedicated to bringing about a Petopian society, in which all two-leggers serve Pets,
while all other animals are turned into Food for the Pets. MOF is made up of the remains of the ruling body of Pets just before
the split. It was their extreme views which led to The Shedding.

The MOFs have many Pets placed with very rich humans, influential Tremere, and resourceful Glasswalkers. By manipulating
these assets, they have a truly formidable force to implement their plans.

The Howl
The Howl is made up of Pets determined to thwart MOFs plans, and hopefully reassimilate them into Pet society. They prefer to
do this by peaceful means, but will do what it takes. The Second Largest of the factions, they cannot marshall the resources of
the MOFs, and they refuse to accept the methods suggested by the Growl.

The Growl
The Growl was originally a splinter faction of The Howl, whose stated purpose is nothing less than the complete destruction of
MOF. A very violent group, they tend to be a bit paranoid. Their favored masters tend to be among the Brujah, and some of the
more psychotic even go in among the Red Talons, knowing that they could become Food for their masters with one wrong move.

L.A.B.R.A.T.S. (Loyal Allied Brotherhood of Released Animal Test Subjects)

This society is made up completely of escaped lab animals, and has brought the politics of the Ascension War into the War of
the Shedding. They have set their sights on the Progenitors, and by association, all the Technocracy. To this end they are willing
to cooperate with the Traditions (without them knowing it) and enlist their help against MOF as well.

The Unhousebroken
The Unhousebroken is an unfortunate wild card in the War of the Shedding. Fighting for neither side, they just want to destroy all
two-leggers and turn the world into a bestial free-for-all. They have a disturbing tendency to take masters among the Sabbat.

These are those Pets who have no master, and no home, and are trying their best to stay out of the Shedding War.

Chapter Two: Character Creation

Character Creation Chart
Step One: Character Concept
Choose concept and Species.
Record beginning Food, Willpower, and Virtues (Appeal, Domesticity, and Loyalty)

Step Two: Select Attributes

Prioritize the three categories: Physical, Social, Mental (6/4/2)
Choose Physical Traits: Strength, Dexterity, Stamina
Choose Social Traits: Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance
Choose Mental Traits: Perception, Ignorance, Wits

Step Three: Select Abilities

Prioritize the three categories: Talents, Skills, Knowledges (10/8/6)

Choose Talents, Skills, Knowledges

Step Four: Select Advantages

Record Species Advantages.
Choose Instincts (5)
Choose Backgrounds (5)

Step Five: Finishing Touches

Spend "Freebie Points" (15)

Domesticity: 3
Willpower: 2
Attributes: +2 Dex, -1 Str, -1 Sta

Domesticity: 2
Willpower: 4
Attributes: +2 Dex, +1 Man
+1 Appraisal
Magic: Entropy

Domesticity: 3
Willpower: 1
Attributes: +2 Str, +1 Sta, -1 Man
+1 Chasing
Little Finger

Domesticity: 2


+2 Dex, +1 Cha, -1 Ign
Magic: Correspondence

Domesticity: 4
Willpower: 3
Attributes: +1 Sta, +2 Ign, -1 Wits
+3 Swimming
Reality Sink

Domesticity: 3
Willpower: 3
Attributes: +2 Dex, +1 Cha, -1 Str, -1 Sta
+1 Digging
Little Finger

Domesticity: 1
Willpower: 4
Attributes: +2 Dex, +1 Str, -1 Cha

Domesticity: 2
Willpower: 1
Attributes: +2 Dex, +2 Ign, -2 Str, -1 Sta
+1 Alertness


Domesticity: 3
Willpower: 2
Attributes: +1 Dex, +1 Cha, +1 Wit, -1 Str

Domesticity: 1
Willpower: 3
Attributes: +1 Sta, +1 Dex, +1 Ign, -1 Cha
Numina: Psychic

Domesticity: 1
Willpower: 5
Attributes: +2 Sta, +1 Str, +1 Ign, -2 Cha

Domesticity: 1
Willpower: 2
Attributes: +2 Ign, +1 Dex, 0 App
Webbing, Venom

Auspex: This is the same as the Vampire Discipline with the exception that Pets with Auspex can always see Wraiths.
Language: The ability to communicate with those poor two-legged animals.
Little Finger: The ability to control the two-leggers.
Magic: Correspondence: This is the same as the Mage Sphere, but with no Paradox.
Magic: Entropy: This is the same as the Mage Sphere, but with no Paradox.
Numina: Psychic: This is the same as the human Numina, but costs the same as any other Instinct.
Reality Sink: The ability to draw energies away from reality warping effects.

Regeneration: The ability to heal damage to yourself. Lizards only.

Venom: The ability to exude a harmful substance. Lizards, Snakes, and Spiders only.
Webbing: The ability to create webs to capture of hinder. Spiders only.

Allies: These are your friends. They could be humans, vampires, werewolves, other pets, etc.
Arcane: The world sometimes doesn't like to admit you exist, and will occasionally hide you.
Contacts: These are your contacts among the two-leggers.
Home: This is the place you sleep, and where, for some reason, there is often food waiting for you.
Human Companion: You have a human at your beck-and-call.
Master: This is your owner and possibly friend.
Status: This is your status among other pets.
Toys: These are yours. All yours. No one else can play with them unless you let them.

Freebie Points


5 per dot
2 per dot
Backgrounds 1 per dot
Species Instinct 5 per dot
Other Instincts 7 per dot
1 per dot
2 per dot
2 per dot

Experience Chart


current rating x 4
current rating x 2
New Ability
Species Instinct current rating x 4
Other Instinct current rating x 6
New Instinct
current rating x 2
current rating
current rating x 2

Chapter Three: Traits

Except as noted, Pets use the same Traits and Systems as the other denizens of the World of Darkness.


Pets come in many shapes and sizes. Listed below are just some of the most common types. While classified as species, many
of these are families, with many species within them. The variety among Lizards, for example, is staggering. Included in each
description is a brief introduction from a member of the species and the adjustments they make to their game information.

"People think that just because I flutter all over the place I'm an airhead. Nosiree! It's just easier than pacing when I'm
thinking about things. Better than anyone else, we birds understand the two-leggers. Of course, that means we get sent on
reconnaissance whenever there's a big to-do in the works. I think those cats are just afraid we'll show them up. Bird Brains
Domesticity: 3
Willpower: 2
Attributes: +2 Dex, -1 Str, -1 Sta

"Of course we are the best. You are not telling me anything I don't already know. But you may say it again; it pleases me to
hear it. In charge? Oh I suppose. Except when the dogs start howling for attention. Then they take over. That's usually when
me and my litter mates leave. If a show is going to the dogs, I say let them have it. Besides, then I can continue my dream of
the theater."
Domesticity: 2
Willpower: 4
Attributes: +2 Dex, +1 Man
+1 Appraisal
Magic: Entropy

"Don't let the dumb and happy stereotype fool you. Yes, I'm big, but I also have the brains. You won't see me get distracted
by a bit of dangling string. The other Pets turn to me because I'm a natural leader. All dogs are, of course."
Domesticity: 3
Willpower: 1
Attributes: +2 Str, +1 Sta, -1 Man
+1 Chasing
Little Finger

"Oh, let them play their little power games with each other. I don't care who's in charge as long as I get to have fun. Love them
shinies! Especially when I can make them spark! I guess If I had to choose between dogs and cats, I'd prefer dogs to lead us;
they more fun to tease."

Domesticity: 2
Willpower: 5
Attributes: +2 Dex, +1 Cha, -1 Ign
Magic: Correspondence

"Yeah, right, stick the fish on guard duty. Like I'm going anywhere? I'll tell you, I get mighty sick of this, hanging around in this
stupid bowl, playing magic damper for these feebs. If I had me a set of legs, I'd show them!"
Domesticity: 4
Willpower: 3
Attributes: +1 Sta, +2 Ign, -1 Wits
+3 Swimming
Reality Sink

"That's alright, I can do it. I pretty sure I can anyway; I'll try anything if it means I can make new friends. It's hard to be friends
with a cat sometimes, but I'm gonna keep trying!"
Domesticity: 3
Willpower: 3
Attributes: +2 Dex, +1 Cha, -1 Str, -1 Sta
+1 Digging
Little Finger

"Ho......Hum. Time... for... another... run ...against... the... MOFs. Well,... ready... set... Gogogo!!!
"I'vegottagofastandgettherebeforeanyoneevenseesme.ThatwayIcanfindawaytoget everyoneelseinsideandIcanrest."
Domesticity: 1
Willpower: 4
Attributes: +2 Dex, +1 Str, -1 Cha

"Okay, okay, I'll do whatever you say, just please don't eat me."
Domesticity: 2


+2 Dex, +2 Ign, -2 Str, -1 Sta
+1 Alertness

"Hmmm. This is definitely a two carrot problem. Let me think for a bit, then I'll come up with a plan for you."
Domesticity: 3
Willpower: 2
Attributes: +1 Dex, +1 Cha, +1 Wit, -1 Str

"Dese bums think we can do some good runnin' around doing good deeds, and trying to save the stupid two-leggers. If it
wasn't for the Food, I'd leave the whole bunch of 'em in a dirty cage ta rot."
Domesticity: 1
Willpower: 3
Attributes: +1 Sta, +1 Dex, +1 Ign, -1 Cha
Numina: Psychic

"We will do everything we can to help the other Petss. This will make them trussst uss. Then we can call on their aid when it
iss time for uss to return to our true placcce in the world, leading all petkind into glory!"
Domesticity: 1
Willpower: 5
Attributes: +2 Sta, +1 Str, +1 Ign, -2 Cha

"No one likes us. We know that. Even the Rats are afraid of us. No matter. It is more important to tend the overall goal than
worry about petty personal problems. But they will get theirs. They will all get theirs."
Domesticity: 1


+2 Ign, +1 Dex, 0 App
Webbing, Venom

This is a new Attribute replacing Intelligence. Pets often have a basic lack of understanding about the way things work in the
world, so they sometimes do things that they shouldn't be able to do.
Poor: You sometimes forget that animals aren't supposed to be intelligent.
** Average: Rat poison occasionally doesn't work on you.
*** Good: "Sure I can fit inside that soup can. See?"
**** Exceptional: "In charge? Oh, that'd be us. The two-leggers don't have a clue."
***** Outstanding: "Gravity? Never heard of it. And you say it makes things fall down? Interesting concept, but it'll never catch

Specialties: physics, chemistry, biology, sociology


The art of chasing is an ancient one, with the masters becoming famous among pets. Professional chasers can lead very
luxurious lives, and amateurs can enjoy it just for the fun of it. Chasing is much more than simply running, but includes also
keeping your eyes on the target, leaping or ducking obstacles, and sometimes catching your quarry.
Novice: You get distracted easily.
** Practiced: You can catch soap bubbles.
*** Competent: You are known in your neighborhood as "Squirrel Bane."
**** Expert: You once chased a butterfly through three zip codes.
***** Master: You have a collection of trophy bumpers.

Specialties: cars, mice, tails, mailmen

Possessed by: greyhounds, mousers, bored hamsters
Digging is fun. Digging is constructive. Two-leggers just don't understand this. Not only do they need tools to do it; they purposely
pave over the dirt so that you can't! They don't get all of it though. You can use Dig to hide things, as transportation, or simply to
decorate the yard when there are too many of those insipid flowers lying about making it look all sissified.
Novice: You have trouble burying car keys.
** Practiced: You've re-tilled your master's garden for him.
*** Competent: No yard in the world can hold you!
**** Expert: Now we know why Indiana Jones was named after a dog.
***** Master: Chunnel? Been there, done that.

Specialties: tunnels, fences, trash

Possessed by: rodents, strays, snakes
Swimming comes naturally to some pets, and can be learned by most others. This simply the ability to swim through water.

Novice: They call you... "Bob."

Practiced: You can dog paddle. No offense to any cats.

*** Competent: Water is not a problem.

**** Expert: You can hold your breath a real long time.
***** Master: You can swim like a fish. Unless you are a fish. In which case, you swim like a... well, you still swim like a fish.

Specialties: underwater, overwater, stunts

Possessed by: fish, retrievers, angry cats

Animal Ken
This functions just like the Vampire skill, except that it relates to other Animals; not to Pets.

It is very important to let the two-leggers know just who is in control. You can do this by personalizing all that stuff they hang on to.
They like it; it makes them feel cared for.
Novice: Staining the rug is as elegant as you get.
** Practiced: Those shoes need some breaking-in....
*** Competent: Nice of them to leave those curtains where you could reach them, wasn't it?
**** Expert: A well-placed hair or drool-glob can do wonders for stereo equipment.
***** Master: Your master can no longer get home-owner's insurance.

Specialties: chewing, clawing, pooping, shedding

Possessed by: spoiled Pekinese, cat lords, rogue rat
Sometimes it is very important not to be found. Or for something not to be found. When the need (or impulse) arises, you can
hide with the best of them.
Novice: A two legger may be able to find you, unless he has a cold.
** Practiced: No one knows about your secret spot behind the sofa.
*** Competent: No one here but us book-ends.
**** Expert: You can hide from a ferret.
***** Master: You once hid a two-legger. His name was Hoffa.

Specialties: furniture (in or on), closets, toys, "presents"

Possessed by: mighty hunters, the unhousebroken, hamsters

The two-leggers place value on the strangest things. This knowledge tells you which of those things is the most valuable to them,
and which the least. That way, you can choose just the right item to "personalize."
Student: The car is better than the hedge.
** College: You know that a new sofa is better than an old chair.
*** Masters: Crystal makes a much prettier crashing sound than glass.
**** Doctorate: You know exactly which issue of X-men needs that "special touch."
***** Scholar: You can tell the difference between a Chippendale and a Louis XIV.

Specialties: fragile things, appreciation, rarity

Possessed by: rich pets, watch dogs
Human Stuff
Humans have a bunch of weird rules and customs and rituals. This allows you to understand some of them.
Student: You can tell the difference between a window and a T.V.
** College: You know what the traffic lights mean.
*** Masters: You know that intruders don't knock on the door.

**** Doctorate: You know all about those little green pieces of paper are that the two-leggers like so much.
***** Scholar: If you got a coat and a hat....

Specialties: laws, money, uniforms

Possessed by: police dogs, pirate's parrot
Noise Identification
An unknown noise can often mean a horrible threat. Or it could be a yummy treat. Listed below are the comparative rarities and
complexities of sounds you can recognize.
Student: Thunder.
** College: Can Opener.
*** Master: Telephone Ring.
**** Doctorate: Police Siren.
***** Scholar: Telephone Ring with telemarketer on the line.

Specialties: emergencies, food vendors, pet food commercials

Possessed by: nervous Chihuahuas, parakeets

Pecking Order
When entering into a new situation, it is often important to find out immediately who is in charge. Not knowing this can lead to
embarrassing or even dangerous events. This includes animals, two-leggers, and other Pets.
Student: You can tell which football player is the quarterback.
** College: You know which one is the movie star and which one is the groupie.
*** Masters: You can pick out the president from among the Secret Service Agents.
**** Doctorate: You can spot a doctor in a restaurant.
***** Scholar: You can spot the CEO on the volley-ball court.

Specialties: political, financial, social.

Possessed by: dogs, birds, suck-up cats.

Your master thinks he has taught you some tricks. In truth, you have trained him to perform an interesting and entertaining set of
"commands" by going through certain actions. You know one trick for each dot of Domesticity you have. The complexity is
governed by the level of this knowledge.
Student: Sit.
** College: Shake hands.
*** Masters: Fetch.
**** Doctorate: Get the mail.
***** Scholar: Make the coffee.

Specialties: balls, sticks, dancing, "speaking"

Possessed by: showdogs, klepto-ferrets, really bored hamsters
While Pets are above the animals of the wild, it is sometimes necessary to deal with the denizen's of the wild. Some Pets learn
about the wilderness just in case.
Student: You can tell a cat from a skunk.
** College: You can tell a dog from a coyote.
*** Masters: You know which plants not to eat.
**** Doctorate: You can tell if a bear has been nearby.
***** Scholar: You could blend in with a wolf pack.

Specialties: woods, desert, farmland

Possessed by: strays, sled dogs, sheep herders

This is identical to the Vampire Discipline of the same name with the exceptions that a Pet with any dots in Auspex can always
see Wraiths, and Food points are used instead of Blood.

You can understand two-legger speech to a certain degree. In addition to understanding, you can attempt to make yourself
understood as well. Listed below is the translation of what a Pet hears, and what the pet can say at each level of Language.
x "Blah blah blah blah blah blah, Blah, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah." "Woof!"
"Blah blah blah blah blah blah, Muffin, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah." "Woof?"
** "Blah down blah blah blah now, Muffin, blah blah blah blah no blah blah." "Whine."
*** "Get down blah blah blah now, Muffin, blah you blah get no blah blah."
"Hff. Huwuff."
**** "Get down off blah blah now, Muffin, blah you blah get no sirloin blah."
"RrI'm rrorry."
***** "Get down off that couch now, Muffin, or you will get no sirloin tips."
"Terribly sorry, madame; I wasn't thinking."

Little Finger
This is the ability to control any two legger, simply with a soulful look, a wag of a tail, or a crooked grin. You essentially wrap the
human around your little finger.
The process is akin to seduction. First, find a target, and attempt the pickup. Roll Appearance + Little Finger against the target's
Willpower. Then, establish a rapport by rolling Appeal + Little Finger. Finally, get the dupe to do your bidding with a roll of
Manipulation + Little Finger.
To achieve anything more than can be accomplished with pet-to-human communication, you must spend a Food point. This will
enable you to instruct the victim to perform complex tasks and think they were his idea.

Magic: Correspondence
This is identical to the Mage Sphere with the exceptions that Pets never draw Paradox, and Food points are spent instead of

Magic: Entropy
This is identical to the Mage Sphere with the exceptions that Pets never draw Paradox and Food points are spent instead of

Numina: Psychic
This is identical to the Numina described in the Hunter's Hunted, except that the cost is the same as any other Instinct, and Food
is used instead of Blood.

Reality Sink
Reality has a real hard time getting bent around you. You are rooted to the universe, and it likes it that way, so will resist any
attempt to monkey with it. Any supernatural action done near you is very expensive to perform. "Supernatural actions" include
any action that requires an expenditure of Arete, Blood, Gnosis, Banality, Ba, Chi, Quickening, Legendary Potential, or even
Food. The cost for the action goes up one for each dot the Pet has in this Instinct. The Pet is affected by this as well.


By spending a Willpower point, the Pet can receive an additional soak roll, even after damage has been taken. This second roll
is made with Regeneration + Stamina and each success takes one wound off. Only Lizards can take this Instinct.

This is a caustic, possibly lethal, poison secreted from glands near or in the Pet's fangs. The Pet should can make a Bite attack
and spend a Food point to activate it. If the attack is successful, roll damage as usual, then make a second roll for damage
according to the level of Venom. Armor cannot help soak this damage. Undead are immune to Venom.
Only Snakes or Spiders can take this Instinct.
Damage 4
** Damage 5
*** Damage 7
**** Damage 8
***** Damage 10

This is the spider's ability to spin webs to support, catch, seal, or protect. This should be handled similarly to the Ananasi Gift,
Spinnerets, except for the Strength required to break it, which is listed below.
Please note that Tarantulas, while a popular pet, do not spin Webs. They cannot take this Instinct. Otherwise, only Spiders can
take the Instinct.
3 Strength.
** 4 Strength
*** 5 Strength
**** 6 Strength
***** 9 Strength

Without a home, you a either a stray, a lost Pet, or a travelling pet. Travelling is fun, but if you aren't doing that, you probably want
a home.

You have a wooden crate or a perch in your master's backyard, or perhaps a shoebox filled with newspaper. It's not
comfortable, but it keeps you dry, and it's a place to keep your stuff. You get fed table scraps.
** You have a full-blown doghouse, with room for entertaining, or a cage. Okay food.
*** A nice basket next to a fire-place, and a dish with your name on it, or a really neat aquarium. Food is good.
**** Your home is a cute little Pet-Pen with toys built in and a custom made food/water dish. Great Food! And lots of it!
***** You have your own room or cage complex, a beautiful bed, and a custom made litter-box/fire hydrant or whatever. Most
two-leggers don't live as well as you. The food is amazing and plentiful.

Human Companion
This is the human you have convinced to feed, house and care for you. Sometimes, the annoying things get to be too
independent, but they do have their uses. If a pet does not have at least one dot in Human Companion or Master, then that Pet is
a Stray.
She's around sometimes, and usually remembers to feed you.
** She is trying to take care of you and have a life of her own at the same time. The nerve!
*** She lavishes affection on you from time to time, but does not ask for much in return.
**** Your owner dotes on you and lets you get away with murder.
***** Your complete and willing slave. She is at your beck-and-call day and night, and no questions are asked. She thinks the

sun shines out from your Food-ejector.

A master is different from a companion in several respects. First, they expect more respect, and possibly some service.
Second, they are a lot more powerful than most humans. If a pet does not have at least one dot in Human Companion or Master,
then that Pet is a Stray.
Your master is a very competent human; you could possibly be his professional partner.
** Your master could be a Hunter, or maybe a Street Fighter. You are expected to help them out a lot.
*** Your master is a supernatural being of some variety: Mage, Vampire, Werewolf, or Changeling. You are seen as his
servant, maybe a ghoul.
**** Your master is a powerful supernatural.
***** You master is an extremely powerful supernatural, possibly a Prince, or maybe even a Mummy.

These are the things you like to play with. They are yours and yours alone. Some toys have multiple uses, aside from being fun.
The number and quality of your toys is often used as a measure of wealth among pets.
You have a rag with a knot tied in it. But it's your rag.
** You have a couple of chew-toys and something that goes "squeak."
*** You have a lot of rubber things, stringy things and shiny things.
**** All of the above, plus you may even have some electronic toys.
***** You have all the toys. It seems that way, anyhow. If you can name it, you probably have it.

The Virtues of a Pet are far different from those of a Vampire, a Human, or even an Animal. They represent specifically "Petly"
virtues. Pets are subject to Frenzies just like many others, but their Frenzies come from Hunger, Confusion, and Loyalty. Roll
Domesticity to resist Hunger Frenzies, Appeal to resist Confusion, and Loyalty to resist Loyalty Frenzies.

This is a measure of how "cute" you can be. Two-leggers are just drawn to Pets with a high Appeal.
"So, when are you going to shoot that thing?"
** "Doesn't do much, does it."
*** "Can I pet him?"
**** You're a babe magnet.
***** "Awwww, wook at de widdle-bity guy!"

Jack London said, "Every dog is just three meals away from being a wolf." The more domesticated you are, the easier time you
have dealing with the inconvenient things that constantly happen in the two-legger's world.
Wild Thing
** Fence? What fence?
*** "He won't bite, will he?"
**** Even scared little children don't hesitate to run over and pet you.
***** "Hey, nice paperweight... oh, wait; that's not a paperweight."


This tells you just how much of an attachment you have to your master. Two-leggers seem to really value this.
"What, you're feeding me? Good. Now get lost."
** You'd take a message for your master.
*** You are a trusted friend.
**** You'd take a bullet for your master.
***** Lassie

Willpower is unchanged from the basic Storyteller rules.

Food is the single most important thing in any Pet's life. They need it, they want it, and they're willing to put up with playing dressup to get it. Food has such a central role in the thoughts of Pets that it has taken on a mystical role for them. Not only does it
keep them alive and fuel their bodies, but it also allows them to perform amazing feats, and walk alongside the supernatural
The level of a Pet's Food Pool represents how much Food he can hold at one time, as well as his general energy level. Pets with
a low Food pool need to rest frequently, or replenish their supply. Conversely, a Pet with a large Food Pool is able to function at
peak efficiency for a very long time.
When a Pet's Food Pool reaches zero, he must feed immediately, or go to sleep. Upon waking, he can try to feed again. Food
is regained at a rate of two dots per regular meal, or one dot per significant treat.
Food is used to power any Trait which requires an expenditure other than Willpower.
Time for a nap. It's always time for a nap.
Whew, am I hungry.
You can go for a few hours
You can go for several hours
You can make it till nightfall
You can go a full day without eating.
******* You can last for a day and a half.
******** You can go for a couple of days without eating.
********* You can go for a few days.
********** I'll eat next week.

Chapter Four: Merits and Flaws

Berserker: (2 pt. Merit)
Pack Mentality: (1 pt. Flaw)
Compulsion: (1 pt Flaw)
Dark Secret: (1 pt Flaw)
Driving Goal: (3 pt Flaw)
Hatred: (3 pt Flaw)
Intolerance: (1 pt Flaw)
Low Self-Image: (2 pt Flaw)
Nightmares: (1 pt Flaw)
Phobia: (1 to 3 pt Flaw)
Over-Confident: (1 pt Flaw)
Short Fuse: (2 pt Flaw)
Shy: (1 pt Flaw)
Soft-Hearted: (1 pt Flaw)

Territorial: (3 pt Flaw)
Vengeance: (2 pt Flaw)

Absent-Minded: (3 pt Flaw)
Amnesia: (2 pt Flaw)
Calm Heart: (3 pt Merit)
Common Sense: (1 pt Merit)
Concentration: (1 pt Merit)
Confused: (2 pt Flaw)
Eidetic Memory: (2 pt Merit)
Iron Will: (5 pt Merit)
Lightning Calculator: (1 pt Merit)
Self-Confident: (5 pt Merit)
Time Sense: (1 pt Merit)
Weak Willed: (2 pt Flaw)

Scientific Experiment
(5 pt Merit) Some humans have performed experiments on you, increasing your intelligence. Replace the Ignorance Attribute
with Intelligence.

Bad Sight: (2 pt Flaw)
Blind: (6 pt Flaw)
Color Blindness: (1 pt Flaw)
Deaf: (4 pt Flaw)
Hard of Hearing: (1 pt Flaw)
Infra-Red Vision: (3 pt Merit)
One Eye: (3 pt Flaw)

Ambidextrous: (1 pt Merit)
Daredevil: (3 pt Merit)
Fast Learner: (3 pt Merit)
Inept: (5 pt Flaw)
Pitiable: (1 pt Merit)
Unskilled: (5 pt Flaw)

Charmed Existence: (5 pt Merit)
Cursed: (1 to 5 pt Flaw)
Danger Sense: (3 pt Merit)
Dark Fate: (5 pt Flaw)
Destiny: (4 pt Merit)
Guardian Angel: (6 pt Merit)
Luck: (3 pt Merit)
True Love: (1 pt Merit)

Double Jointed: (1 pt Merit)
Ghouled: (3 pt Merit)

Huge Size: (4 pt Merit)

Lame: (3 pt Flaw)
Longevity: (2 pt Merit)
Mute: (4 pt Flaw)
Short: (1 pt Flaw)

A Phoenix Player's Handbook

By Corvus ( for Phoenix: The Eternal

Note from the Author

Phoenix has been remarkably well-received since I web-published it not too long ago. I put a lot of effort into making it wellbalanced and thought-provoking, not just some new way to kill things with neat powers, with an overlay of a pseudostory. But I've
been noticing some things still need clarification and revision, in large part thanks to people like Adam Solis, a contributor to
B.J. Zanzibar's World of Darkness archive who I met through AOL. Adam has asked me pointed, direct questions and helped
me gain an even deeper understanding of the beings I have created. Many thanks, Adam.
One small item. It has come to my attention that there is a game called Nephilim, published by Chaosium, that bears a startling
resemblance to Phoenix. I have never seen this game, and Phoenix is not related to it nor drawn from it in any way. I'm now
looking for Nephilim, because I'm intrigued and because Chaosium makes some damn fine games, so there is a bright side to
this, but my point is -- I don't stoop to plagiarism.
Thanks to everyone who's looked at Phoenix and who, without my knowing, has begun using it in their chronicles. The more I
hear from you all, the better things will get.
The concepts presented here are options for players and Storytellers to make Phoenix a more fully realized game.

The Elements: Five individual sections, each detailing the universe through the eyes of a particular Element and one of its
children. Take with a grain of salt. . . . Also includes a short clarification on the nature of the power of Memory.

The Nature of Phantoms: An expansion and clarification of the information on Phantoms, what they are, how they exist, and
new Phantom-specific traits, as well as details on the Tyro -- Phantomless Eternal -- and optional systems.

Periapts: More details on the treasures of the Eternal, including the dreadful hidden secret of their creation.
Fellowships: An optional chronicle addition, giving some structure to the fractious world of the Eternal.
New Birthrights: More amazing abilities for Eternal to use with the power of Memory, and some optional rules for use in your

Credits: Where credits are due. . . .

Coming Soon: Previews of some other demented stuff I'm cranking out for the World of Darkness.

The Elements
In order to have a better understanding of how the Elements relate to the universe, it is sometimes necessary to see things as
individual Eternal do. Each Element perceives the world differently, through lenses crafted by the nature of the Element itself. A
stereotypical look at our world presented by a phoenix of each element follows.

I am free. I am the wind. I am Zephyri.
Air is the Element of knowledge. As your head rides above your shoulders -- unless you've got it stuck somewhere you shouldn't
-- Air surrounds the world, above all, the barrier between the Earth beneath you and space beyond. Air is the breath of life, the
means by which the vital spark can continue its existence. Nothing is more important. It flows where it will, faster than any wave,
overcoming any obstacle.
Air cannot be contained. It sees all, reaches all. Like Air, knowledge is free. The more you try to contain it the more it slips
through your fingers, something those who would control the world would do well to learn.
Air is motion, and everything moves. The entire universe moves, nothing is truly at rest. Air is the spirit of that endless dance.

Strong, nurturing, abiding, like the Earth itself, I am Terrati.

Earth is the shell which contains all. Without it, nothing would have form. Without it, nothing would last. Without it, nothing could
be. Earth is both the substance and the strength of that substance, the most vital of all Elements, for it is present in all things that
can be named. Earth feeds Fire, contains Water, gives Energy form and grants Air dir

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