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Discover The Best Hemorrhoid Treatment Approaches That Work!

Medication is not your only treatment option if you have hemorrhoids. A natural external hemorrhoid
treatment can be very effective in easing the discomforts caused by this condition. Hemorrhoids, also
commonly referred to as piles, are a subject that many people do not want to address. Some find it to be a
major source of shame and embarrassment. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you do have piles, you
are not alone. A person's chances of developing this condition increase with age. According to Mayo Clinic,
roughly 50 percent of all American men and women will have hemorrhoids by their 50th birthday.
Photocoagulation for hemorrhoids uses high-intensity infrared light to remove hemorrhoids and it is also
called infrared coagulation. The patient lies on his side with knees drawn towards the chest and the doctor
inserts a proctoscope in the anal canal. The hemorrhoid is grasped and an intense beam of infrared light is
directed to its base. The light forms scar tissue that forms a clot. This clot blocks blood flow and suffocates
the hemorrhoid until it dies and falls out. The scar tissues also hold together the affected veins and prevent
them from bulging out of the anus.
Internal hemorrhoids occur deep inside the rectum and cannot be seen or felt. External piles occur along the
anus and can be extremely painful and can cause bleeding in the anus. If you are experiencing this, have it
checked out by your doctor. Anal bleeding can be an indication of a more serious medical condition such as
colorectal cancer.
Home Treatment of Piles You can do a few things at home to relieve the itching and burning that is often
associated with hemorrhoids. A sitz bath can be an effective external hemorrhoid treatment. Run just enough
warm water into your bathtub to cover the anal area. Make sure the water is not too hot so that you won't burn
yourself. Then get into the tub and relax. Stay in there for about 15 minutes. This method works best if you do
it several times a day, especially after you have had a bowel movement.
Lots of people say that taking in more essential fluids, ingesting more fibers, or even just practising better
posture could eliminate hemorrhoids. On the other hand, if hemorrhoids do effect someone, home remedies
can easily be applied. Tiny external hemorrhoids, for instance, may be successfully treated by using a warm
bath or implementing cold compression ice packs all around the affected area. There are also ointments that
can be used to relieve signs and symptoms of piles.
Aspirin intake is also discouraged 5 days before and after infrared coagulation. Bleeding occurs up to 10 days
after the procedure and you will need to take some time off work for this. Your stool should be softened to
avoid further discomfort. To do this, increase your fiber intake or use other stool softeners. To relieve pain,
taking sitz baths can help. Your doctor may also prescribe you with pain relievers if necessary.
Remove the thin outer layer of skin from the garlic and then place it inside of the rectum. You don't have to
worry about removing it because it will be eliminated the next day when you use the bathroom. This method
is only recommended for hemorrhoids that are not bleeding.

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